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Framingham Public Schools

Robert A. Tremblay, Ed.D., Superintendent of Schools

Adam Freudberg, Chair • Gloria Pascual, Vice Chair • Tracey Bryant, Clerk
Noval Alexander • Geoffrey Epstein • Richard A. Finlay
Beverly Hugo • Tiffanie Maskell • Scott Wadland
Yvonne M. Spicer, Mayor
73 Mount Wayte Avenue, Second Floor, Framingham, MA 01702
Telephone: 508-626-9121 Fax: 508-877-4240


DATE AND TIME: August 7, 2019 at 6:00 p.m.

LOCATION: Memorial Building, Executive Conference Room

150 Concord Street, Framingham

MEETING CALLED BY: Chair Adam Freudberg

PRESENT: Tracey Bryant*

Geoffrey Epstein
Richard Finlay
Adam Freudberg
Beverly Hugo
Tiffanie Maskell*
Gloria Pascual*
Scott Wadland
Mayor Yvonne Spicer

ABSENT: Noval Alexander

ALSO PRESENT: Dr. Tremblay, Superintendent

Inna London, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources
Attorney Dave Connelly
Call to Order
The Chair called the meeting to order in Open Session at 6:00 p.m., and noted at the end of this
session the Committee will adjourn and reconvene in Open Session in the Blumer Room at 7:00

Move into Executive Session

Motion: To move into Executive Session to conduct strategy sessions in preparation for
negotiations with nonunion personnel or to conduct collective bargaining sessions or contract
negotiations with nonunion personnel pursuant to G.L. c. 30A, s. 21(a)(2), specifically regarding
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the Superintendent Dr. Tremblay; to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining and
litigation if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining or litigating
position of the public body and the chair so declares; Specifically on the Unit N MOA; and for
approval of Executive Session minutes pursuant to G.L. c. 30A, §21(a)(7) and G.L. c. 30A, s.
22(g)(1), specifically July 17, 2019.
Moved: ​Ms. Hugo Seconded: ​Ms. Maskell
Roll Call Vote:​ 6-0-0 (Yes: Hugo, Finlay, Wadland, Freudberg, Epstein, Maskell)

Due to not having a quorum for the first agenda item because of recusals and not all members
not yet present, the agenda was taken out of order.

For approval of Executive Session minutes pursuant to G.L. c. 30A, §21(a)(7) and G.L. c. 30A, s.
22(g)(1), specifically July 17, 2019
Motion: ​To approve the ​July 17, 2019 Executive Session minutes with recommended
redactions as approved by the City Solicitor and Director of Safety and Security Scott Penrod.
Moved: ​Ms. Hugo Seconded: ​Mr.Finlay
Roll Call Vote: ​ 6-0-0 (Yes: Hugo, Finlay, Wadland, Freudberg, Epstein, Maskell)

To move into Executive Session to conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations
with nonunion personnel or to conduct collective bargaining sessions or contract negotiations
with nonunion personnel pursuant to G.L. c. 30A, s. 21(a)(2), specifically regarding the
Superintendent Dr. Tremblay;
Dr. Tremblay opened this agenda item by offering remarks on why he wishes to remain in
Framingham as the Superintendent of Schools and thanked the School Committee for his recent
evaluation and for entering into contract negotiations. He said that there is often not a lot of
longevity with Superintendents for them to see things through, this can often be due to a
competitive market as raises do not move the same way as other positions. He added that
School Committee relationships also can play a part. He said that he did not put a salary
number so members can have that conversation, and he wants to focus on the longevity piece.
He said he values being a champion for kids, particularly ones that cannot be champions from
themselves, and this was not the same as when he worked in Weston, as there was not as
much support for kids in need. He said he has spent a lot of time in the community, and feels
like it is home even though he doesn’t live here. He said he knows the committee is gonna
change, and has enjoyed the relationship with the committee, even if they do not agree on all
things. He added that his family has made comments about how happy he seems here, and
how valued he seems which makes him want to work here longer and love what he is doing. He
said he has 10-11 years left until he plans to retire, and wants to move with the now second
graders through graduation, as he started when they were in kindergarten. He would like to
have that reciprocal commitment from the School Committee. He said that some metrics that
are proposed link to performance in the proposed contract. He added that Framingham has
been looked at as a stepping stone to urban schools by superintendents, but he is not looking
to do that. He said that he would love a unanimous decision, as this would be good showing to
the community; it shows a lot of strength and not a divided committee, which could be seen as
a weak spot. He said that he didn’t feel the need to bring in an attorney with him to represent
his interests, but noted he did work with the Massachusetts Association of School
Superintendents (MASS). Mr. Freudberg thanked Dr. Tremblay for his comments, noted that
the committee voted unanimously to enter into negotiations, and that we would be back in
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*Dr. Tremblay stepped out of the meeting at 6:11 p.m.

Mr. Freudberg suggested that the committee begin by going over our interests, and go over the
red lined documents to discuss each proposed change by the Superintendent​.

*Ms. Bryant arrived at 6:18 p.m.

Section 1: Employment. ​

Motion​: To change within section 1 the wording of “5 out of 9” to “majority”.

Discussion: ​Ms. Bryant asked why wouldn’t this be kept at needing nine members. Attorney
Connelly said that this way it would be the majority of a quorum.
Moved​: Mr. Wadland Seconded: ​Ms. Hugo Roll Call​ ​Vote: ​6-0-1
(Yes: Hugo, Finlay, Wadland, Freudberg, Epstein, Maskell. Abstained: Bryant)
*Ms. Pascual arrived at 6:25 p.m.

Redacted due to Negotiation Strategy
Redacted due to Negotiation Strategy
Redacted due to Attorney Client Privilege
Redacted due to Negotiation Strategy
Redacted due to Attorney Client Privilege
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Motion: ​To change Section 1 Paragraph 3 to “without the express consent of the School
Committee by vote” and Section 6 from approval of the “School Committee Chair” to “School
Moved: ​Ms. Bryant Seconded: ​Ms. Maskell
Discussion: ​

Revised Motion: ​To change Section 1 Paragraph 3 to “without the express consent of the
School Committee by vote”.6
Roll Call Vote: ​ Unanimous (8-0-0)
(Yes: Hugo, Finlay, Wadland, Freudberg, Epstein, Maskell, Pascual, Bryant)

Section 2: Compensation. ​

Motion: ​To change paragraph 3 to reflect 0% additional increase if the Superintendent is rated
“Needs Improvement”, 1.5% if the Superintendent is rated “Proficient”, or 3% if the
Superintendents is rated “Exemplary”
Moved: ​Mr. Wadland Seconded: ​Ms. Maskell
Discussion: ​

Motion​: To make the wording “majority” and not “50%”
Moved: ​Ms. Pascual Seconded: ​Ms. Bryant Roll Call Vote: ​Unanimous (8-0-0)
(Yes: Hugo, Finlay, Wadland, Freudberg, Epstein, Maskell, Pascual, Bryant)
Redacted due to Negotiation Strategy
Redacted due to Negotiation Strategy
Redacted due to Negotiation Strategy
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Roll Call Vote on First Motion: ​Unanimous (8-0-0)
(Yes: Hugo, Finlay, Wadland, Freudberg, Epstein, Maskell, Pascual, Bryant)

Motion: ​To adopt the second paragraph within Section 2 starting at “on July 1st”9
Moved: ​Ms. Maskell Seconded: ​Mr. Wadland
Motion: ​To table this vote.
Moved: ​Ms. Pascual Seconded: ​Ms. Bryant Roll Call Vote: ​1-6-1
(Yes: Pascual. No: Hugo, Finlay, Wadland, Freudberg, Epstein, Maskell. Abstained: Bryant)
Roll Call Vote on Original Motion to adopt the second paragraph within Section 2 starting at
“on July 1st”: ​6-1-1
(Yes: Hugo, Finlay, Wadland, Freudberg, Epstein, Maskell. No: Pascual. Abstained: Bryant)

Motion: To accept paragraph four of Section 2, with the change to add the word “two” before
pay period rather than one10.
Moved: ​Ms. Hugo Seconded: ​Ms. Maskell
Roll Call Vote: ​ 7-1-0
(Yes: Hugo, Finlay, Wadland, Freudberg, Epstein, Maskell, Bryant. No: Pascual)

Redacted due to Negotiation Strategy
Redacted due to Negotiation Strategy
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Mr. Freudberg said that, as discussed, the Superintendent has requested an update on what
was to be discussed tonight and suggested that he tell him where things stand as of now. Ms.
Pascual asked why an update has to be given, as things may change and it is a private
conversation that should remain here, and a future vote could go back on what is already voted
on today. Mr. Freudberg suggested someone make a motion with language on exactly what the
committee is comfortable reporting back to the Superintendent at this point with our review.
Motion: ​To let the Superintendent know that the Committee reviewed up to section 3 and are
making progress.
Moved: ​Mr. Epstein Seconded: ​Ms. Hugo Roll Call Vote: ​8-0-0
(Yes: Hugo, Finlay, Wadland, Freudberg, Epstein, Maskell, Bryant, Pascual)
Ms. Hugo requested that an additional Executive Session be scheduled to just discuss this, as it
could take a longer amount of time. No objections, and Mr. Freudberg said another Executive
Session meeting would be scheduled before the September 4th Executive Session.

*Ms. Maskell and Mr. Finlay recused themselves at 6:57 p.m.

To discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining and litigation if an

open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining or litigating position of the
public body and the chair so declares; Specifically on the Unit N MOA;
There was discussion about if there was enough time to vote on this tonight. Ms. London said
can be moved to a later date. Mr. Freudberg asked that we hold this vote now as scheduled
unless anyone has major objections or needs more time to discuss it because of the summer
schedule the School Committee is not meeting again for about a month and he wouldn’t want
to delay the payment of retroactive COLAs
Motion: ​To approve the Unit N MOA, with the understanding that if passed a vote in Open
Session tonight would also occur for final official approval.
Moved: ​Mr. Epstein Seconded: ​Ms. Hugo Roll Call Vote: ​6-0-0
(Yes: Hugo, Wadland, Freudberg, Epstein, Bryant, Pascual)

Motion: ​ To adjourn and reconvene in Open Session at 7:00 p.m.
Moved: ​Mr. Epstein Seconded: ​Ms. Hugo
Roll Call Vote: ​ 6-0-0 (Yes: Hugo, Wadland, Freudberg, Epstein, Bryant, Pascual)

Meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m.

Meeting Materials
Unit N MOA Changes Summary
Unit N MOA
MASC 2018 Superintendent Benefits by District
MASC 2018 Superintendent Salary by District
Salary and Benefits by District Summary Spreadsheet
Dr. Tremblay’s Current Contract
Dr. Tremblay’s Proposed Contract
MASC Summary, Explanation, and Analysis of Superintendent Contract Provisions
July 17, 2019 Draft Executive Session Minutes

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These minutes were approved by the Framingham School Committee in Executive and Open
Session on September 4, 2019.

These minutes were sent to the City of Framingham for posting on September 5, 2019.

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