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Arduino projects, make arduino rpm counter with arduino.

1) Connect all jumper wire as shown in diagram.

2) Connect IR LED to digital pin 13.

3) Connect IR Phototransistor (dark) to digital pin 2. Make sure shorter lead connected to digital pin
2 and longer lead to Ground.

Arduino projects, make arduino rpm counter with arduino.

Parts List;
1) 1x 16×2 parallel LCD display (compatible with Hitachi HD44780 driver)
2) 1x Arduino
3) 1x 10kΩ potentiometer
4) 1x 10kΩ resistor
5) 1x IR LED
6) 1x IR Phototransistor
7) Jumper wire

* Optical Tachometer
* Uses an IR LED and IR phototransistor to implement an optical tachometer.
* The IR LED is connected to pin 13 and ran continually.
* Pin 2 (interrupt 0) is connected across the IR detector.
* Code based on:
* Coded by:

int ledPin = 13; // IR LED connected to digital pin 13

volatile byte rpmcount;
unsigned int rpm;
unsigned long timeold;

// include the library code:

#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
// initialize the library with the numbers of the interface pins
LiquidCrystal lcd(7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12);

void rpm_fun()
//Each rotation, this interrupt function is run twice, so take that into
consideration for
//calculating RPM
//Update count

void setup()
lcd.begin(16, 2); // intialise the LCD

//Interrupt 0 is digital pin 2, so that is where the IR detector is connected

//Triggers on FALLING (change from HIGH to LOW)
attachInterrupt(0, rpm_fun, FALLING);

//Turn on IR LED
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);

rpmcount = 0;
rpm = 0;
timeold = 0;
void loop()
//Update RPM every second
//Don't process interrupts during calculations
//Note that this would be 60*1000/(millis() - timeold)*rpmcount if the
//happened once per revolution instead of twice. Other multiples could be used
//for multi-bladed propellers or fans
rpm = 30*1000/(millis() - timeold)*rpmcount;
timeold = millis();
rpmcount = 0;

//Print out result to lcd


//Restart the interrupt processing

attachInterrupt(0, rpm_fun, FALLING);

This code reading rpm with 2 propeller at the motor. This mean 2 cut of the infrared
beam will count as 1 revolution. You can modify this line to suit your use;
rpm = 30*1000/(millis() – timeold)*rpmcount;

Tachometer using Arduino

Tachometer is a RPM counter which counts the no. of rotation per minute. There are two
types of tachometer one mechanical and other one is digital. Here we are going to design
an Arduino based digital tachometer using IR sensor module to detect object for count
rotation of any rotating body. As IR transmits IR rays which reflect back to IR receiver and
then IR Module generates an output or pulse which is detected by the arduino controller
when we press start button. It counts continuously for 5 seconds.
After 5 seconds arduino calculate RPM for a minute using given formula.
RPM= Count x 12 for single object rotating body.
But here we demonstrate this project using ceiling fan. So we have done some changes
that is given below:
RPM=count x 12 / objects
object = number of blade in fan.
Components Used
1. Arduino
2. IR sensor Module
3. 16x2 LCD
4. Push button
5. Bread board
6. 9 volt battery
7. Connecting wires

As shown in the above tachometer circuit, it contains Arduino Pro Mini, IR sensor module,
buzzer and LCD. Arduino controls the whole the process like reading pulse that IR sensor
module generate according to object detection, calculating RPM and sending RPM value
to LCD. IR sensor is used for sensing object. We can set sensitivity of this sensor module
by inbuilt potentiometer situated on IR module. IR sensor module consist an IR transmitter
and a photo diode which detects or receives infrared rays. IR transmitter transmits infrared
rays, when these rays fall on any surface, they reflect back and sensed by photo diode (You
can understand more about it in this Line Folloewr Robot). The output of photo diode is
connected to a comparator, which compare photo diode output with reference voltage and
result is given as output to arduino.
IR sensor module output pin is directly connected to pin 18 (A4). Vcc and GND are
connected to Vcc and GND of arduino. A 16x2 LCD is connected with arduino in 4-bit mode.
Control pin RS, RW and En are directly connected to arduino pin 2, GND and 3. And data
pin D4-D7 is connected to pins 4, 5, 6 and 7 of arduino. A push button is also added in this
project. When we need to count RPM we press this button to start this Arduino Tachometer
to count RPM for five seconds. This push button is connected to pin 10 of arduino with
respect to ground.
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
LiquidCrystal lcd(3, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7);
#define sensor 18
#define start 10
int delay1()
//unsigned int long k;
int i,j;
unsigned int count=0;
return count;
void setup()
pinMode(sensor, INPUT);
pinMode(start, INPUT);
pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
lcd.begin(16, 2);
lcd.print("Circuit Digest");
digitalWrite(start, HIGH);
void loop()
unsigned int time=0,RPM=0;
lcd.print(" Please Press ");
lcd.print("Button to Start ");
lcd.print("Reading RPM.....");
lcd.print("Please Wait.....");

Tachometer using arduino

Digital tachometer using arduino plus speed control.
Tachometer is a device used for measuring the number of revolutions of an object in a given interval of time.
Usually it is expressed in revolutions per minute or RPM. Earlier tachometers purely mechanical where the
revolution is transferred to the tachometer through mechanical coupling (cable or shaft) , the rpm is determined
using a gear mechanism and it is displayed on a dial. With the advent of modern electronics, the tachometers
have changed a lot. This article is about a contactless digital tachometer using arduino. The speed of the motor
can be also controlled using the same circuit. The RPM and all the other informations are displayed on a 16×2
LCD screen. The circuit diagram of the digital tachometer using arduino is shown below.
RPM Sensor.
An IR photo transistor and IR LED forms the sensor. IR photo transistor is a type of photo transistor which
responds to infra-red waves only. The use of IR phototransistor avoids other light interferences from the
environment. The photo transistor and IR diode are aligned side by side. Resistor R2 limits the current through
the IR diode. A reflective strip is glued on the rotating object (shaft, disc or fan) in line with the sensor. I used a
9V/100mA cooling fan. The clearence between the sensor and reflective strip has to be less than 1cm. When the
reflective strip passes in front of the sensor, IR waves are reflected back to the photo transistor. The photo
transistor conducts more at this moment and as a result the voltage across R3(68K resistor) shoots up at this
moment. The result will be a waveform like what shown below at the emitter of the photo transistor. RPM can
be determined by counting the number of upward shoots in a given interval of time.

Counting the RPM.

Arduino is used for counting the RPM and displaying it on the LCD screen. Emitter of the photo transistor is
connected to the Interrupt 0 (digital pin 2) of the arduino. The arduino interrupt is configured to be rising edge
triggered. As a result the will be an interrupt for every upward shoot in the emitter waveform. The number of
interrupts occurred in a given time is counted by incrementing a varible using the interrupt service routine. The
time elapsed during te counting cycle is determined using the millis() function. The millis() function returns the
number of milli seconds passed since the arduino board is switched ON. Calling the millis() function before and
after the counting cycle and the taking their difference gives the times passed during the counting cycle. The
(number of interrupts/time in milliseconds)*60000 will give the revolutions per minute (RPM).

Controlling the speed of motor.

A provision for controlling the motor speed using a potentiometer is also included in the circuit. Transistor Q1
is used for driving the motor. Its base is connected to pwm pin 9 of the arduino through the current limiting
resistor R1. Wiper of the speed control POT R4 is connected to anlog pin A0 of the arduino. The voltage at this
pin is converted into a value between 0 and 1023 using the anlogRead function. Then this value is divided by
four to fit it into the 0 to 255 range. Then this value is written to the PWM pin 9 using the anlogWrite function.
The result will be a square wave at pin 9 whose duty cycle is proportional to the value written using the
analogWrite function. For example if the value is 255, the duty cycle will be 100% and if the value is 127, the
duty cycle will be around 50%. D1 is a free wheeling diode and C1 is a noise by-pass capacitor(de coupler). The
rpm and duty cycle are displayed on the LCD screen using the standard LiquidCrystal library. Read this
article: Interfacing LCD to Arduino. Full program for the digital tachometer using arduino is shown below.


LiquidCrystal lcd(12,11,6,5,4,3);

int pwm=9;

int pot=A0;

float value=0;
int percent;

float rev=0;

int rpm;

int oldtime=0;

int time;

void isr() //interrupt service routine


void setup()

lcd.begin(16,2); //initialize LCD

attachInterrupt(0,isr,RISING); //attaching the interrupt

void loop()


detachInterrupt(0); //detaches the interrupt

time=millis()-oldtime; //finds the time

rpm=(rev/time)*60000; //calculates rpm

oldtime=millis(); //saves the current time


value=analogRead(pot); //reads the speed control POT


analogWrite(pwm,value); //sets the desired speed

percent=(value/255)*100; //finds the duty cycle %






lcd.print(" RPM");

lcd.print(" ");




 The arduino board can be powered using a 9V supply through the external power jack.
 The 5V needed at some parts of the circuit can be tapped from the 5V source on the arduino board.
 The fan I used was rated 9V/100mA. The transistor 2N2222 can handle only upto 800mA. Keep this in
mind while selecting the load.
 The LCD module used was JHD162A.
 POT R5 can be used to adjust the contrast of the LCD display. When connected first, the LCD may not
show up anything. Adjust the R5 until you get the display. The optimum voltage at the wiper of R5 is
between 0.4 to 1V.
 The IR photo transistor and the IR diode both were taken from an LTH-1550 photo interrupter module.
 The lateral surface of the photo transistor must be masked using a tape.
 The sensor arrangement is shown in the figure below.
How to Build a Simple Arduino
A Calculator is a device that is used to perform simple arithmetic operations to complex
mathematical calculations. The rise of calculators can be seen from devices like Abacus to
credit card sized complex electronic solid state devices in the modern day usage.

Apart from small calculators, which can be used to perform simple arithmetic calculations,
calculators also come in complex scientific outlook that can perform various mathematical and
statistical operations like trigonometry, algebra, calculus, etc. But such complex scientific
calculators can be very costly.

 Arduino UNO
 16 x 2 LCD Display
 4 x 4 Matrix Keypad Module or 16 Push buttons
 10 KΩ Potentiometer
 Bread board ( Prototyping board )
 Connecting wires

Component Description
Arduino UNO:

The Microcontroller part of the project is the Arduino UNO. It controls the LCD and matrix
keypad and also performs the necessary calculations as per the user input.

16 x 2 LCD Display:

It is a simple alpha – numeric display module that is used to display the welcome messages,
user inputs and finally the output of the calculations.

4 x 4 Matrix Keypad:

Keypads are a part of Human Machine Interface and play really important role in embedded
systems where human input is needed. Matrix Keypads are commonly used in calculators,
telephones etc. where a number of input switches are required.
Construction of a 4X4 keypad is really simple. It consists of 16 buttons or switches arranged in
the form of an array containing four rows and four columns. One end of the pushbutton is
connected to one row, and the other end is connected to one column.

Circuit Design
The design of the circuit is simple to understand but a little bit messy to implement as it involves
a lot of connections and wires. The design of the circuit is explained here.

First, the connection of LCD display to Arduino UNO. LCD is used in 4 – bit mode and hence,
only 4 data connections are needed. The data pins D4 through D7 (Pins 11 – 14) are connected
to digital I/O pins 2 through 5 of the Arduino.

Then, we need to connect the three control pins of LCD i.e. RS, RW and E. RS (Pin 4) is
connected to Pin 0 of the Arduino. E (Pin 6) is connected to Pin 1 of the Arduino. RW (Pin 5) is
connected to ground.

RS and E are connected to Pins 0 and 1 of Arduino which are usually associated with serial
communication. We must be careful while programming the device and hence we must
disconnect these two connections while we are programming Arduino UNO.

The next connections are with respect to power supply of LCD. Pin 1 (VSS) is connected to
ground and Pin 2 (VDD) is connected to 5V supply. Pin 3 (VEE) is connected to a POT for
adjusting the contrast of display.

Pin 15 and Pin 16 are supply pins for backlight LED. They must be connected to 5V and ground

The next connection is with respect to matrix keypad. The 4 row pins of the keypad (row 1 to
row 4) are connected to pins 13 through 10 of Arduino UNO and the 4 column pins (col 1 to col
4) are connected to pins 9 through 6 of Arduino UNO.

Working Process
A simple calculator is designed in this project using Arduino UNO board and a keypad matrix.
The working of the project is explained here.

The keypad in the project consists of 4 rows and 4 columns and the structure is similar to the
image shown below.
A special library called “Keypad.h” is used in order to find out which key is pressed. This library must
be downloaded separately and must be added to Arduino IDE.

When the key is determined, relevant operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
can be performed. A clear screen (of LCD display) button is also included.

Even though the library does the most of the work, we can understand the processing of determining
the key.

As mentioned in the circuit design, the rows of the keypad are connected to pins 13 – 10 of Arduino
and columns of keypad are connected to pins 9 – 6 of Arduino.

All the row pins are pulled high and all the column pins are pulled low. From now onwards, the
Arduino waits for the column pin to become HIGH, which happens if a key is pressed.

Consider, if a key is pressed, the switch closes the connection between the corresponding row and
column. Due to the flow of current from high to low potential, the column will become high.

This change in potential at the column, makes the Arduino to understand that the key corresponding
to the particular column is pressed.

Now it’s time to find the row. Instead of giving HIGH signal to all the rows at once, Arduino will enable
HIGH to one row at a time and check whether there is a HIGH signal detected on the column. If there
is no HIGH signal detected on the corresponding column, Arduino will scan for the next row.

This process will repeat until there is a HIGH signal detected on the corresponding column. Once if
the HIGH signal is detected on the corresponding column, thus the row is identified.

From the outside, this key detection process seems to be taking long time but really the time taken to
complete all the above mentioned process will be in micro seconds. But the average time a human
takes for pushing a button is in milli seconds. That’s why, the key detection process will start when
the key is pressed and completes before the key is released.

 A simple arithmetic calculator is implemented in this project using Arduino UNO, matrix keypad and LCD.
 Can be extended to perform complex calculations, but the logic must be carefully designed in order to
solve those calculations. This may even result in increased number of switches.

#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
#include <Keypad.h>
LiquidCrystal lcd(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
const byte ROWS = 4;
const byte COLS = 4;

char keys [ROWS] [COLS] = {

{'7', '8', '9', '/'},
{'4', '5', '6', '*'},
{'1', '2', '3', '-'},
{'C', '0', '=', '+'}
byte rowPins[ROWS] = {13 ,12 ,11 ,10};
byte colPins[COLS] = {9, 8, 7, 6};

Keypad myKeypad = Keypad( makeKeymap(keys), rowPins, colPins, ROWS, COLS );

boolean presentValue = false;

boolean next = false;
boolean final = false;
String num1, num2;
int answer;
char op;

void setup()
lcd.print("Electronics Hub ");
lcd.print(" Presents ");
lcd.print(" Arduino based ");
lcd.print(" Calculator" );
void loop(){
char key = myKeypad.getKey();

if (key != NO_KEY &&

if (presentValue != true)
num1 = num1 + key;
int numLength = num1.length();
lcd.setCursor(15 - numLength, 0); //to adjust one whitespace for operator
num2 = num2 + key;
int numLength = num2.length();
lcd.setCursor(15 - numLength, 1);
final = true;

else if (presentValue == false && key != NO_KEY && (key == '/' || key == '*' || key == '-' || key ==
if (presentValue == false)
presentValue = true;
op = key;

else if (final == true && key != NO_KEY && key == '='){

if (op == '+'){
answer = num1.toInt() + num2.toInt();
else if (op == '-'){
answer = num1.toInt() - num2.toInt();
else if (op == '*'){
answer = num1.toInt() * num2.toInt();
else if (op == '/'){
answer = num1.toInt() / num2.toInt();
else if (key != NO_KEY && key == 'C'){
presentValue = false;
final = false;
num1 = "";
num2 = "";
answer = 0;
op = ' ';

Frequency Counter Using Arduino

Frequency Counter, as the name indicates, is an electronic device or component, which
is used to measure the frequency of a signal. In case of a repetitive electronic signal, a
frequency counter measures the number of pulses in that signal.

We generally use an oscilloscope to depict the signal, calculate the time period of the
signal and finally convert it to calculate the frequency of the signal. But, oscilloscopes
are very expensive and everyone cannot afford it.

Hence, a simple Digital Frequency Counter can be built which might come in handy to
measure the frequency of a clock signal, for example.

In this project, an Arduino based Digital Frequency Counter is designed to measure the
frequency of an incoming signal.
Arduino Part

 Arduino UNO
 16 X 2 LCD Display
 Prototyping Board
 Connecting wire
 Power Supply (adapter or battery)

Signal Generator Part

 NE555 Timer IC
 10 KΩ Potentiometer X 2
 100 nF Capacitor (Code: 104)
 1 µF / 16V Electrolytic Capacitor
 5V Power Supply (12V is not suitable as it might damage Arduino board).
 Connecting wires
 Prototyping Board

Component Description
Arduino UNO: The ATmega 328P microcontroller based Arduino UNO is the main part
of the project. It captures the time period of the incoming signal and calculates the
frequency of the signal.

555 Timer IC: In this project, the 555 Timer IC is used as a pulse generator i.e. it works
in astable mode.
16 X 2 LCD: The 16×2 LCD module is used to display the key information like welcome
(or any custom) messages and the calculated frequency of the signal.

Circuit Design
The design of the Frequency Counter using Arduino UNO can be divided in to two parts:
The Arduino part, where the processing of the signal’s information takes place and the
Signal Generator part, where the signal whose frequency to be measured is generated.

Arduino Circuit
Arduino part of the project consists of Arduino UNO board and a 16 X 2 LCD Display.
Pins 1 and 2 of the LCD (Vss and Vdd) are connected to ground and 5V supply
respectively. Pin 3 (Vee), which is used to adjust the contrast of the display, is
connected a Potentiometer.

Pins 4 and 6 (RS and E) of the LCD are connected to digital I/O Pins 2 and 3 of the
Arduino. Pin 5 (RW) of the LCD is connected to ground.

Pins 11 to 14 (D4 to D7) i.e. the data pins of the LCD are connected to the digital I/O
pins 4 to 7 of Arduino. Pins 15 and 16 of the LCD are supply pins of the backlight LEDs
and are connected to ground and 5V (Pin 16 to 5V through a 1KΩ resistor) respectively.

Signal Generator Part

A 555 Timer is used to generate a pulse in this project. Hence, it is operated in Astable
mode of operation. The connections for this mode are as follows.
Pins 4 and 8 (Reset and Vcc) are connected to 5V Supply. Pin 1 (GND) is connected to
ground. Pins 2 and 6 (Trigger and Threshold) are shorted.

A 10KΩ Potentiometer is connected between the power supply and Pin 7 (Discharge).
The wiper terminal of the potentiometer is connected to Pin 7.

Similarly, another 10KΩ Potentiometer is connected between pins 7 and 6. This time,
the wiper of the potentiometer is connected to Pin 6.

A 100nF capacitor is connected between pin 6 and ground. By selecting this resistor,
the frequency of the output signal, which can be taken from Pin 3 (Output), will be in the
range of 480 Hz to 48 KHz.

Optionally, a 1 µF capacitor can be connected, using which the frequency of the

generated signal will be in the range of 50 Hz to 4.8 KHz.

Note: The power supply to the signal generator circuit should be only 5V. This is
because, the voltage of the generated pulse will be same as that of the input voltage
and the Arduino UNO board (or ATmega 328p microcontroller to be precise) can
tolerate a maximum of 5.5V at its input pins.
Working Principle of the Project
The aim of the project is to design a simple digital frequency counter circuit using
Arduino UNO and 555 Timer IC. The working of the project is very simple and is
explained here.

As mentioned earlier, the 555 Timer IC is configured to operate in Astable mode.

Hence, the output of the 555 Timer IC (or rather the signal generator circuit) is a pulse
with variable frequency (varied using potentiometer). This pulse is given as input signal
to the Arduino UNO at one of its digital I/O pins.

In the Arduino, we make use of a function called “pulseIn ();” The function pulseIn can
be used to read either LOW or HIGH pulse on a digital I/O pin and returns the length of
the pulse in microseconds.

For example, if the pulseIn function is used to read a HIGH pulse on a pin, it waits for
the pin to go HIGH. Once the pin goes HIGH, it starts the timer and runs until the pin
goes LOW. The duration (in microseconds) of this HIGH pulse is then returned.

In our project, we are calculating the duration of the HIGH pulse and LOW pulse and by
adding them together, we get the period of the input signal. Inverse of this value gives
the frequency of the signal which is displayed on the LCD.


 As mentioned earlier, the range of frequency of the signal generated by the 555 Tier can
be changed by changing the value of the capacitor.
 Arduino can only detect incoming pulses i.e. the incoming signal can be either square or
rectangular. Not all test signals can be in the form of pulses. Hence, we can use a Schmitt
Trigger to convert the any incoming to a pulse.
 Also note that the output of the Schmitt Trigger IC (74LS14) is an inverted signal of the
input signal.

 A simple frequency counter, using simple components is designed that can be used to
measure the frequency of a pulse without the need of an oscilloscope.
 Multiple ranges of frequencies can be measured by selecting suitable components.
 Frequencies of all types of test signals can be calculated by adding a Schmitt Trigger
between the generated signal and Arduino.

#include <LiquidCrystal.h>

LiquidCrystal lcd(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7);

const int pulsePin = 8; // Input signal connected to Pin 8 of Arduino

int pulseHigh; // Integer variable to capture High time of the incoming pulse

int pulseLow; // Integer variable to capture Low time of the incoming pulse

float pulseTotal; // Float variable to capture Total time of the incoming pulse

float frequency; // Calculated Frequency

void setup()


lcd.begin(16, 2);


lcd.print("Electronics Hub");


lcd.print(" Freq Counter ");


void loop()


lcd.print("Frequency is ");


lcd.print(" ");

pulseHigh = pulseIn(pulsePin,HIGH);

pulseLow = pulseIn(pulsePin,LOW);

pulseTotal = pulseHigh + pulseLow; // Time period of the pulse in microseconds

frequency=1000000/pulseTotal; // Frequency in Hertz (Hz)


lcd.print(" Hz");


Arduino Solar Tracker

In modern solar tracking systems, the solar panels are fixed on a structure that moves
according to the position of the sun.
Let us design a solar tracker using two servo motors, a light sensor consisting of four
LDRs and Arduino UNO board.

Circuit Diagram

The circuit design of solar tracker is simple but setting up the system must be done

Four LDRs and Four 100KΩ resistors are connected in a voltage divider fashion and the
output is given to 4 Analog input pins of Arduino.

The PWM inputs of two servos are given from digital pins 9 and 10 of Arduino.

LDRs are used as the main light sensors. Two servo motors are fixed to the structure
that holds the solar panel. The program for Arduino is uploaded to the microcontroller.
The working of the project is as follows.

LDRs sense the amount of sunlight falling on them. Four LDRs are divided into top,
bottom, left and right.
For east – west tracking, the analog values from two top LDRs and two bottom LDRs
are compared and if the top set of LDRs receive more light, the vertical servo will move
in that direction.

If the bottom LDRs receive more light, the servo moves in that direction.

For angular deflection of the solar panel, the analog values from two left LDRs and two
right LDRs are compared. If the left set of LDRs receive more light than the right set, the
horizontal servo will move in that direction.

If the right set of LDRs receive more light, the servo moves in that direction.

 Take cardboard. Make a hole in the middle and four holes on four sides so that LDR fit
into that.
 Stick the solar panel to the cardboard and bring two wires of the panel out as shown.

Step 2
 Now cut one of the two leads of the LDR so that one lead is shorter and other is longer.
 Insert these four LDRs into four holes as shown.
 Bend the straight Perforated metal strip as shown below.
 Place the bent metal strip on the back side of the cardboard
 Apply glue to the LDR to fix them firmly.
Step 3
 Solder the two leads of LDR as shown
 To the other ends of LDR Solder resistors of 10k ohm
 Join the four leads of the 4 LDRs by connecting with a wire.
 Now take a bus wire.This is used to connect the Outputs of four LDRs to Arduino board.
 Insert it into metal strip as shown in the image.
 Now Solder the four wires to four LDRs at any point between LDR and resistor.

Step 5
 Insert another two wire bus into the perforated metal strip as shown.This is used for
supplying Vcc and GND to LDR circuit.
 Solder one wire to the leads of LDRs which are connected to resistors and other wire to
the other leads.
 Short the leads of LDRs connected to resistors using a wire as shown.
Step 6
 Now connect a servo motor to the Perforated metal strip using Screw.
 Apply glue to the servo to fix it firmly.

Step 7
 Take another straight Perforated metal strip and bend it as shown in the figure.
Step 8
 Now place the set up of solar panel and first servo motor to the metal strip of second
servo motor as shown.


#include <Servo.h>

//defining Servos

Servo servohori;
int servoh = 0;

int servohLimitHigh = 160;

int servohLimitLow = 20;

Servo servoverti;

int servov = 0;

int servovLimitHigh = 160;

int servovLimitLow = 20;

//Assigning LDRs

int ldrtopl = 2; //top left LDR green

int ldrtopr = 1; //top right LDR yellow

int ldrbotl = 3; // bottom left LDR blue

int ldrbotr = 0; // bottom right LDR orange

void setup ()






void loop()

servoh =;

servov =;

//capturing analog values of each LDR

int topl = analogRead(ldrtopl);

int topr = analogRead(ldrtopr);

int botl = analogRead(ldrbotl);

int botr = analogRead(ldrbotr);

// calculating average

int avgtop = (topl + topr) / 2; //average of top LDRs

int avgbot = (botl + botr) / 2; //average of bottom LDRs

int avgleft = (topl + botl) / 2; //average of left LDRs

int avgright = (topr + botr) / 2; //average of right LDRs

if (avgtop < avgbot)

servoverti.write(servov +1);

if (servov > servovLimitHigh)

servov = servovLimitHigh;


else if (avgbot < avgtop)

servoverti.write(servov -1);

if (servov < servovLimitLow)

servov = servovLimitLow;




if (avgleft > avgright)

servohori.write(servoh +1);

if (servoh > servohLimitHigh)

servoh = servohLimitHigh;


else if (avgright > avgleft)

servohori.write(servoh -1);

if (servoh < servohLimitLow)

servoh = servohLimitLow;





Arduino Servo Motor

As mentioned in our Arduino based DC Motor control project, a DC Motor is one of the
most commonly used electric motor in electronics, robotics, toys etc. It generally
consists of only two wires for electrical connection. When these wires are properly
connected and given electrical supply (like a battery), the motor starts rotating. A
technique called Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) allows us to control the speed of
rotation of the motor.

The story of Servo Motor is entirely different from that of a DC Motor. A Servo Motor is a
type of actuator that provides high precision control of linear or angular position. A
typical servo motors consists of four things (or parts): a DC Motor (or AC Motor), a gear
unit, a position and speed sensing device and a control unit.

Servo Motors are used in applications where very high precision motion is required like
assembly robots, computer numeric controls etc.

Circuit Diagram

 Arduino UNO Board
 Tower Pro SG90 Servo Motor
 10KΩ Potentiometer
 5V Power Supply
 Breadboard
 Connecting wires

Component Description
Arduino UNO

The main processing module of the project is Arduino UNO board. Its features like
Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) and Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) are used in this

Servo Motor

As mentioned in the introduction, a servo motor is a type of DC motor which is used for
precision control. Servo motors are available as both AC Servo motors and DC
Servomotor with each type having its own areas of applications.

A simple servo motor (as the one used in this project) consists of a small DC motor, a
potentiometer for providing position feedback, a gear system for increased torque and a
control system.

Typically, simple servo motors consists of three wires. These are usually color coded as
Red, Brown and Orange (may vary with different models). The Red wire is used for
supply, the Brown wire is used for ground and the Orange wire is used for control

Here, the control signal will determine the position of the servo motor’s shaft. The
control signal is usually a PWM signal but this PWM signal is not used to control the
speed of the motor as in case of a DC Motor. But rather, it is used to determine the
position of the servo meter.

The DC Motor in the servo motor is powered as per the control signal it receiver. As per
the feedback from the position sensing system (like a potentiometer), when the servo
achieves the desired position, the power to the motor is terminated.

Even though the power supply to the motor inside the servo motor is not constant, the
overall power should be constant as the servo motor has a dedicated system that
controls the power.

The servo motor used in this project is Tower Pro SG90. It is a small but powerful servo
motor that can produce a torque of 1.8
Circuit Design
The main components of this project are Arduino UNO board and servo motor. The
design of the circuit is pretty straight forward. As mentioned earlier, a servo motor has
three wires: two for electrical connection and one for control signal.

So, connect the red wire to +5V supply and brown wire to ground. As the control signal
is a PWM (in case or servo motors, it is technically Pulse Position Modulation or PPM),
the control wire or orange wire must be connected to any of the PWM output pins of the
Arduino UNO board. In this project, we are connecting the control wire of the servo
meter to Pin 11 of the Arduino.

In order to manually control the position of the servo motor, we need to use a
potentiometer. The wiper terminal of the 10KΩ POT is connected to the analog input pin
A0 of the Arduino UNO. The other terminals of the potentiometer are connected to +5V
supply and ground respectively.

The aim of this project is to demonstrate the working of a servo meter with the help of
Arduino UNO board. The working of the project is explained here.

Here, we implemented two different modes of operating the servo motor. In the first
mode, the Arduino board (or the microcontroller) will continuously sweep the servo
motor at +180 degrees and -180 degrees i.e. 180 degrees in clock wise direction and
180 degrees in anti-clock wise direction.

In the second mode, the position of the servo motor is controlled manually using a
potentiometer. Even in this mode the servo motor can be rotated at +180 and -180 but
the position can be precisely controlled using the potentiometer.

In the first case, we need to use the following circuit.

The program is uploaded to Arduino and when the system powered ON, the PWM
control signal is given to the control wire of the servo motor. As a result, the servo motor
rotates for 180 degrees in clock wise direction, one degree at a time. Once the servo
motor reaches 180 degrees, it starts rotating in anti-clock wise direction to come back to
the initial position. This process goes on until the system is powered OFF.

But for more precise control, we need to use the second mode and the following circuit
must be used.
The potentiometer is connected to the analog input pin of the Arduino. The position of the
potentiometer will determine the duty cycle of the PWM signal and this value, which will
be in the range of 0 to 1023 (since Arduino UNO has a 10-bit ADC), is mapped to an
angular position of 0 to 180 degrees. As a result, each degree of rotation of the servo
motor can be precisely controlled by adjusting the position of the potentiometer.

 Servo Motors are one of the main components in precision control systems.
 Arduino based servo motors can be used small robotic applications, angular control of
security cameras, etc.
 They can also be used in solar tracking system for increasing the efficiency of solar

#include <Servo.h>

Servo servosweep;

float pos = 0.0;

void setup()


void loop()

for (pos = 0; pos <= 180; pos += 1.0)


for (pos = 180; pos >= 0; pos -= 1.0)


#include <Servo.h>

Servo servoknob;

int potpin = 0;
int val;

void setup()

void loop()
val = analogRead(potpin);
val = map(val, 0, 1023, 0, 180);

GSM Based Home Automation using Arduino

Mobile phone is a revolutionary invention of the century. It was primarily designed for
making and receiving calls & text messages, but it has become the whole world after
the Smart phone comes into the picture. In this project we are building a home
automation system, where one can control the home appliances, using the
simple GSM based phone, just by sending SMS through his phone. In this project,
no Smart phone is needed, just the old GSM phone will work to switch ON and OFF
any home electronic appliances, from anywhere. You can also check some
more Wireless Home

Working Explanation
In this project, Arduino is used for controlling whole the process. Here we have used GSM
wireless communication for controlling home appliances. We send some commands like
“#A.light on*”, “#A.light off*” and so on for controlling AC home appliances. After receiving
given commands by Arduino through GSM, Arduino send signal to relays, to switch ON or
OFF the home appliances using a relay driver.
Circuit Components:

 Arduino UNO
 GSM Module
 ULN2003
 Relay 5 volt
 Bulb with holder
 Connecting wires
 Bread board
 16x2 LCD
 Power supply
 Cell phone

Here we have used a prefix in command string that is “#A.”. This prefix is used to identify
that the main command is coming next to it and * at the end of string indicates that message
has been ended.
When we send SMS to GSM module by Mobile, then GSM receives that SMS and sends it
to Arduino. Now Arduino reads this SMS and extract main command from the received
string and stores in a variable. After this, Arduino compare this string with predefined string.
If match occurred then Arduino sends signal to relay via relay driver for turning ON and
OFF the home appliances. And relative result also prints on 16x2 LCD by using appropriate
Here in this project we have used 3 zero watt bulb for demonstration which indicates Fan,
Light and TV.
Below is the list of messages which we send via SMS, to turn On and Off the Fan, Light
and TV: Message Operation

1 on* Fan ON

2 off* Fan OFF

3 #A.light on* Light ON

4 #A.light off* Light OFF

5 on* TV ON

6 off* TV Off

7 #A.all on* All ON

8 #A.all off* All OFF

GSM Module:
GSM module is used in many communication devices which are based on GSM (Global
System for Mobile Communications) technology. It is used to interact with GSM network
using a computer. GSM module only understands AT commands, and can respond
accordingly. The most basic command is “AT”, if GSM respond OK then it is working good
otherwise it respond with “ERROR”. There are various AT commands like ATA for answer
a call, ATD to dial a call, AT+CMGR to read the message, AT+CMGS to send the sms etc.
AT commands should be followed by Carriage return i.e. \r (0D in hex), like “AT+CMGS\r”.
We can use GSM module using these commands:
ATE0 - For echo off
AT+CNMI=2,2,0,0,0 <ENTER> - Auto opened message Receiving. (No need to open
ATD<Mobile Number>; <ENTER> - making a call (ATD+919610126059;\r\n)
AT+CMGF=1 <ENTER> - Selecting Text mode
AT+CMGS=”Mobile Number” <ENTER> - Assigning recipient’s mobile number
>>Now we can write our message
>>After writing message
Ctrl+Z send message command (26 in decimal).
ENTER=0x0d in HEX
The SIM900 is a complete Quad-band GSM/GPRS Module which delivers GSM/GPRS
850/900/1800/1900MHz performance for voice, SMS and Data with low power

Circuit Description
Connections of this GSM based home automation circuit are quite simple, here a liquid
crystal display is used for displaying status of home appliances which is directly connected
to arduino in 4-bit mode. Data pins of LCD namely RS, EN, D4, D5, D6, D7 are connected
to arduino digital pin number 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. And Rx and Tx pin of GSM module is directly
connected at Tx and Rx pin of Arduino respectively. And GSM module is powered by using
a 12 volt adaptor. 5 volt SPDT 3 relays are used for controlling LIGHT, FAN and TV. And
relays are connected to arduino pin number 3, 4 and 5 through relay driver ULN2003 for
controlling LIGHT, FAN and TV respectively.
Code Description
In programming part of this project, first of all in programming we includes library for liquid
crystal display and then we defines data and control pins for LCD and home appliances.


LiquidCrystal lcd(6,7,8,9,10,11);

#define Fan 3

#define Light 4

#define TV 5
int temp=0,i=0;

int led=13;

After this serial communication is initialized at 9600 bps and gives direction to used pin.

void setup()



pinMode(led, OUTPUT);

pinMode(Fan, OUTPUT);

pinMode(Light, OUTPUT);

pinMode(TV, OUTPUT);

For receiving data serially we have used two functions one is Serial.available which
checks whether any serial data is coming and other one is which reads the data
that comes serially.

while (Serial.available())


After receiving data serially we have stored it in a string and then waiting for Enter.

void serialEvent()



digitalWrite(led, HIGH);


digitalWrite(led, LOW);

while (Serial.available())





When Enter comes program start to compare received string with already defined string
and if string matched then a relative operation is performed by using appropriate command
that are given in code.

void check()

if(!(strncmp(str,"tv on",5)))

digitalWrite(TV, HIGH);


lcd.print("ON ");


else if(!(strncmp(str,"tv off",6)))

digitalWrite(TV, LOW);


lcd.print("OFF ");


LiquidCrystal lcd(6,7,8,9,10,11);
#define Fan 3
#define Light 4
#define TV 5
int temp=0,i=0;
int led=13;
char str[15];
void setup()
pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
pinMode(Fan, OUTPUT);
pinMode(Light, OUTPUT);
pinMode(TV, OUTPUT);

lcd.print("GSM Control Home");
lcd.print(" Automaton ");
lcd.print("Circuit Digest");
lcd.print("System Ready");
lcd.print("Fan Light TV ");
lcd.print("OFF OFF OFF ");
void loop()
lcd.print("Fan Light TV");
void serialEvent()
digitalWrite(led, HIGH);
digitalWrite(led, LOW);
while (Serial.available())
void check()
if(!(strncmp(str,"tv on",5)))
digitalWrite(TV, HIGH);
lcd.print("ON ");
else if(!(strncmp(str,"tv off",6)))
digitalWrite(TV, LOW);
lcd.print("OFF ");

else if(!(strncmp(str,"fan on",5)))

digitalWrite(Fan, HIGH);
lcd.print("ON ");

else if(!(strncmp(str,"fan off",7)))

digitalWrite(Fan, LOW);
lcd.print("OFF ");

else if(!(strncmp(str,"light on",8)))

digitalWrite(Light, HIGH);
lcd.print("ON ");

else if(!(strncmp(str,"light off",9)))

digitalWrite(Light, LOW);
lcd.print("OFF ");

else if(!(strncmp(str,"all on",6)))

digitalWrite(Light, HIGH);
digitalWrite(Fan, HIGH);
digitalWrite(TV, HIGH);
lcd.print("ON ON ON ");

else if(!(strncmp(str,"all off",7)))

digitalWrite(Light, LOW);
digitalWrite(Fan, LOW);
digitalWrite(TV, LOW);
lcd.print("OFF OFF OFF ");
Battery Level Indicator Circuit using Arduino
In this post, we are going to construct a battery level indicator using Arduino, where a series of 6
LEDs show the level of the battery. If you are interested in monitoring and maintenance of your
12V battery, this circuit might become handy.

All batteries have certain voltage limit to discharge, if it goes beyond the prescribed limit, the life
span of the battery will reduce drastically.

Being electronics enthusiasts, we all might have a battery for testing our prototype circuits. Since
we concentrate on the prototype during experiment, we care less on the battery.

The proposed circuit will show you how much energy left in the battery, this circuit may be
connected to battery, while you prototyping your circuits. When this circuit indicates low battery,
you may put the battery to charge. The circuit has 6 LEDs, one LED glow at a time to indicate the
voltage level of the battery.

If your battery is full, the left most LED glows and you battery is dead or about to die, the right
most LED glows.
The circuit consists of Arduino which is the brain of the system, a potential divider which helps
the Arduino to sample the input voltage. A pre-set resistor is used to calibrate the above setup.
The series of 6 LEDs will indicate the battery level.

The relation between LED and battery level is given below:

LED1 – 100% to 80%

LED2 – 80% to 60%

LED3 – 60% to 40%

LED4 – 40% to 20%

LED5 – 20% to 5%

LED6 - <5% (charge your battery)

The Arduino measures a narrow range of voltage from 12.70V to 11.90V. A fully charged battery
should have voltage above 12.70V after disconnecting from charger. A low battery voltage must
not go below 11.90V for a 12V sealed lead-acid battery.

Author’s prototype:

//--------Program developed by R.Girish---------//

int analogInput = 0;
int f=2;
int e=3;
int d=4;
int c=5;
int b=6;
int a=7;
int s=13;
float vout = 0.0;
float vin = 0.0;
float R1 = 100000;
float R2 = 10000;
int value = 0;
void setup()
void loop()
value = analogRead(analogInput);
vout = (value * 5.0) / 1024;
vin = vout / (R2/(R1+R2));
Serial.println("Input Voltage = ");
if(vin>12.46) {digitalWrite(a,HIGH);}
else { digitalWrite(a,LOW);}
if(vin<=12.46 && vin>12.28) {digitalWrite(b,HIGH);}
else { digitalWrite(b,LOW);}
if(vin<=12.28 && vin>12.12) {digitalWrite(c,HIGH);}
else { digitalWrite(c,LOW);}
if(vin<=12.12 && vin>11.98) {digitalWrite(d,HIGH);}
else { digitalWrite(d,LOW);}
if(vin<=11.98 && vin>11.90){digitalWrite(e,HIGH);}
else {digitalWrite(e,LOW);}
if(vin<=11.90) {digitalWrite(f,HIGH);}
else {digitalWrite(f,LOW);}
//--------Program developed by R.Girish---------//

How to calibrate the circuit:

The calibration for this Arduino 6 LED battery level indicator circuit must be done carefully, if you
did not calibrate correctly, the circuit will show incorrect voltage level of the battery.

When you turn on the circuit, it starts with LED test, where the LEDs glow up sequentially with
some delay. This might help you to debug errors while arranging the LEDs.

1) Set the voltage of your variable power supply to precisely to 12.50V.

2) Open the serial monitor.

3) Rotate the preset resistor clock wise or counter clock wise and bring the readings to 12.50V.

4) Now, reduce the variable power supply to 12.00V, the readings on the serial monitor should
show the same or very close to 12.00V

5) Now, increase the voltage to 13.00V, the readings on serial monitor should also show the
same or very close.

6) At the same time when you increase or decrease the voltage, the each LED should turn
on/off with different voltage levels.

Once the above steps are done successfully, your battery level indicator circuit will be ready to
serve the intended purpose.
Arduino SPWM Generator Circuit
In this post we learn how to generate sine wave pulse-width-modulation or SPWM through Arduino,
which can be used for making a pure sine wave inverter circuit or similar gadgets.

The Arduino code is developed by me, and it is my first Arduino code, ...and it looks pretty good :)

What is SPWM

I have already explained how to generate SPWM using opamps in one of my earlier articles, you could
go through it for understanding how it can be created using discrete components and regarding its

Basically, SPWM which stands for sine wave pulse width modulation, is a type of pulse modulation
where the pulses are modulated to simulate a sinusoidal waveform, so that the modulation is able to
attain properties of a pure sine wave.

To implement a SPWM the pulses are modulated with an initial narrower widths which gradually get
broader at the center of the cycle, and finally end being narrower at the end to finish the cycle.

To be more precise, the pulses begin with narrowest widths which gradually get broader with each
subsequent pulses, and gets broadest at the center pulse, after this, the sequence continues on but with
an opposite modulation, that is the pulses now gradually begin getting narrower until the cycle finishes.

This constitutes one SPWM cycle, and this repeats throughout at a particular rate as determined by the
application frequency (usually 50Hz or 60Hz). Typically, SPWM is used for driving power devices such as
mosfets or BJTs in inverters or converters.

This special modulation pattern ensures that the frequency cycles are executed with a gradually
changing average voltage value (also called the RMS value) , instead of throwing sudden Hi/low voltage
spikes as normally witnessed in flat square wave cycles.
This gradually modifying PWMs in a SPWM is purposely enforced so that it closely replicates the
exponentially rising/falling pattern of a standard sinewaves or sinusoidal waveform, hence the name
sinewave PWM or SPWM.

Generating SPWM with Arduino

The above explained SPWM can be easily implemented using a few discrete parts, and also using
Arduino which will probably enable you to get more accuracy with the waveform periods.

The following Arduino code can be used for implementing the intended SPWM for a given application.

Gosh!! that looks awfully big, if you know how to shorten it, you may certainly feel free to do it at your

// By Swagatam (my first Arduino Code)

void setup(){

pinMode(8, OUTPUT);

pinMode(9, OUTPUT);

void loop(){

digitalWrite(8, HIGH);


digitalWrite(8, LOW);


digitalWrite(8, HIGH);


digitalWrite(8, LOW);


digitalWrite(8, HIGH);


digitalWrite(8, LOW);


digitalWrite(8, HIGH);

digitalWrite(8, LOW);


digitalWrite(8, HIGH);


digitalWrite(8, LOW);


digitalWrite(8, HIGH);


digitalWrite(8, LOW);


digitalWrite(8, HIGH);


digitalWrite(8, LOW);


digitalWrite(9, HIGH);


digitalWrite(9, LOW);


digitalWrite(9, HIGH);


digitalWrite(9, LOW);


digitalWrite(9, HIGH);


digitalWrite(9, LOW);


digitalWrite(9, HIGH);


digitalWrite(9, LOW);

digitalWrite(9, HIGH);


digitalWrite(9, LOW);


digitalWrite(9, HIGH);


digitalWrite(9, LOW);


digitalWrite(9, HIGH);


digitalWrite(9, LOW);


In the next post I'll explain how to use the above Arduino based SPWM generator to make a pure
sinewave inverter circuit....keep reading!

Arduino Pure Sine Wave Inverter Circuit

This article explains a simple pure sine wave inverter circuit using Arduino, which could be upgraded to
achieve any desired power output as per the user's preference

In the last article we learned how to generate sine wave pulse width modulation or SPWM though
Arduino, we are going to use the same Arduino board to make the proposed simple pure sine wave
inverter circuit.

The design is actually extremely straightforward, as shown in the following figure.

You just have to program the arduino board with the SPWM code as explained in the previous article,
and hook it up with some of the external devices.
Pin#8 and pin#9 generate the SPWMs alternately and switch the relevant mosfets with the same
SPWM pattern.

The mosfst in turn induce the transformer with high current SPWM waveform using the battery
power, causing the secondary of the trafo to generate an identical waveform but at the mains AC

The proposed Arduino SPWM inverter circuit could be upgraded to any preferred higher wattage
level, simply by upgrading the mosfets and the trafo rating accordingly.

In the diagram the Arduino board could be seen supplied from a 7812 IC circuit, this could be
built by wiring a standard 7812 IC in the following manner. The IC will ensure that the input to
the Arduino never exceeds the 12V mark, although this might not be absolutely critical, unless
the battery is rated over 18V.
If you have any questions regarding the above SPWM inverter circuit using a programmed
Arduino, please feel free to ask them through your valuable comments.

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