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December 10, 2018

Lesson Title Time Frame Prepared by:

Infinitives and Infinitive 1 hour Herlyn M. Escuyos
Phrases (as a Noun, Adjective
and Adverb)

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, 75% of the class should be able to:
A. Content Standard
B. Performance Standard
C. Learning competency
1. Define and differentiate the different functions of infinitive and infinitive phrase
2. Identify the infinitive/infinitive phrases use in the sentences and its function
3. Construct their own sentences using infinitive/infinitive phrases
4. Show teamwork and cooperation in group activity
II. Subject Matter
Topic References Materials
Infinitives and Infinitives Workbook in English III Cartolina, paper strips, chalk,
Phrases (as nouns, adjectives pg.149-151 marker
and adverb)

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
1. Preparatory Activities
a. Prayer
Everybody stand up. Let’s pray first. (the students will stand up and somebody
from the class will lead the prayer)
b. Greetings
Good morning/afternoon, class! Good morning, Ma’am!

Before taking your seats, kindly pick up

the pieces of papers under you armchairs.
Arrange you chairs properly by lifting
them so it would not create any noise.
c. Attendance
Who is the class secretary? (the secretary will raise her hand)

Is there any absent for today? (the secretary will respond)

2. Review of the past lesson
How are feeling today class? We feel good, Ma’am!
Good! Then it seems that you are all ready
for a new topic. But before that, let’s have
a review first about your previous lesson.

Class, what was our topic last time? Last meeting, we tackled about gerund and
gerund phrases, Ma’am.

Very good! Last meeting, we discussed Ma’am, a gerund is a verb that ends in –ing
about gerunds and gerund phrases. Who that functions as a noun in the sentence while
can still remember the difference of a a gerund phrase is a group of words that
gerund from a gerund phrase? begins with a gerund with modifiers and
Exactly! (Repetition of the student’s

Now, enumerate the different functions of The functions of the noun are subject, direct
the noun. (calls a student) object, subjective complement, object of the
preposition and appositive.
Very good! You got them all correct!
Now I can see that you are all ready for
the new topic.

To start our lesson, I want this class to be (the class will count and group themselves)
divided into 4 groups. Count 1 to 4
starting from you (referring to the student
in front)

We are going to play a classic memory

3. Motivation
One representative from each group will pick up a paper strip. Inside the strips are the
following phrases:
 I went to the market to buy …
 The examiner reminded me to bring . . .
 I called the waiter to order . . .
 I go to school every day to study. . .
The students will form a line. The first student will read the phrase assigned to
them and complete it by adding one item. The next student will repeat the sentence
and add another item and will continue up to the next student. The representative
will write every answer on the board. Same instruction with the other groups. The
group with the most number of remembered items will win.
4. Presentation
Let’s take a look at the sentences. What They all have the word ‘to’, Ma’am.
have you observed?
Very good! These sentences all have the It is followed by verbs, Ma’am.
word ‘to’ and it is followed by what?

Absolutely! The word ‘to’ is followed by Infinitives, Ma’am.

the verbs, specifically, base form of the
verb. These are called Infinitives and
these are the third kind of verbals. What
do we call it again?

Yes! And infinitives function in the Yes, Ma’am.

sentences as nouns, adjectives or adverbs.
Is that clear?

Again, what are infinitives? Infinitives are verbals that is formed by the
word ‘to’ plus the base form of the verb. They
usually function as nouns, adjectives or

Excellent! Now everybody, let’s take a

look at the board. I have posted different
set of sentences.

Let us first discuss the function of the

infinitive as a noun.

Kindly enumerate the five functions of Ma’am, the function of noun are as a subject,
nouns. direct object, object of preposition, subjective
complement and appositive.

Precisely! Now, who wants to read the To read is fun.

first sentence? (calls a student)

Thank you. What is our infinitive in the Our infinitive in the sentence is to read,
sentence? Ma’am.

Correct! To read is our infinitive.

And what do you think is its function? The function of our infinitive is as a subject,

How do you say so? It functions as a subject in the sentence

because it is the topic of the sentence and it is
placed at the beginning.

Great! That is the first function of an

infinitive as a noun.
Now, let’s proceed to the second sentence. Cory wants to sing.
Please read.

What is our infinitive? Our infinitive is to sing.

Correct. And what is its function in the The function of our infinitive in the sentence
sentence? is as direct object.

Why do you think it functions as a direct The infinitive function in the sentence as a
object? direct object because it answers the question

Exactly! When an infinitive answers the Yes, Ma’am.

question what after the verb, then it
functions as a direct object. Is that clear?

Great! Now let’s move on to our third My ambition is to win.

example. Will you please read?

What is the infinitive in this sentence? The infinitive in this sentence is to win,

Very good. How about its function? The function of the infinitive is subjective

Correct. Kindly explain why the infinitive The infinitive to win functions as a subjective
to win functions as a subjective complement because it is found after the verb.
complement in the sentence.

Exactly! If the infinitive is placed after the Yes, Ma’am.

linking verb and also because it explains
the subject. Do you understand?

Now who wants to read our fourth The pilot was about to jump.
sentence? (calls a student)

The pilot was about to jump, what is our Ma’am, our infinitive is to jump.

Yes. And what is the word before our The word before our infinitive is about.

The word ‘about’ is a preposition.

What part of speech is the word about?
And if there is a preposition before an The function of our infinitive in the sentence
infinitive, what do you think is the is as an object of the preposition.
function of our infinitive in the sentence?

Very good. Its function in the sentence is The function of the infinitive is as an object of
object of the preposition, why? the preposition because the infinitive is found
after the preposition.

Brilliant! If the infinitive appears after a

preposition, then its function in the
sentence is an object of the preposition.

Let’s proceed to the next sentence. Please Her passion, to teach, requires full attention.

What is our infinitive? Our infinitive is to teach.

As you can see in our given example, our The function of our infinitive in the sentence
infinitive renames our subject. And if the is as appositive, Ma’am.
infinitive renames the subject, what do
you think is the function of our infinitive?

Very good. If the infinitive renames the Yes, Ma’am.

subject it is called appositive and there
should also be a coma. Is that clear?

Now that we’re through with the functions Ma’am, the five functions of infinitive as a
of infinitives, kindly enumerate again the noun are as a subject, direct object, subjective
five functions of infinitive as a noun. complement, object of the preposition and

Precisely! Let’s now move on to the The children showed willingness to

second general function of infinitive. cooperate.
Kindly read our given example.

Based on our example, what is our The infinitive is to cooperate, Ma’am.


Nice! And what is the word appears The word ‘willingness’ appears before our
before our infinitive? infinitive.

And the word ‘willingness’ is what part of The word ‘willingness’ is a noun, Ma’am.
speech? Is it noun? Verb?

Very good! What part of speech describes Adjective describes nouns, Ma’am.
Exactly! So what do you think is the The function of our infinitive in the sentence
function of our infinitive in the sentence? is as an adjective, Ma’am.

Excellent! If the infinitive modifies a

noun or pronoun, it functions as an
adjective. It also answers the questions
‘what kind’ and ‘which one’.

One more thing, in order to identify the Yes, Ma’am.

word that our infinitive describes or
modifies, just look for the word nearest to
the infinitive. Like in our example, the
word willingness is the nearest word to
our infinitive. Do you understand?

Let’s proceed to the next example. Who They fought to win.

wants to read our sentence? (calls a

What is our infinitive? Ma’am, our infinitive is ‘to win’.

And what is the word being modified by The word fought is being modified by our
our infinitive? infinitive, Ma’am.

Very good! And the word fought is what The word fought is a verb, Ma’am.
part of speech?

Great! It is a verb. And what part of Ma’am, adverb modifies a verb.

speech modifies a verb?

Correct. So it means that the third general Ma’am, the third general function of infinitive
function of infinitive is what? is as an adverb.

Precisely! If the word before an infinitive Yes, Ma’am.

is a verb, an adjective or adverb itself, it
functions as an adverb. Also, it answers
the questions why, when, where, how and
to what extent. Clear?

Before we move on, enumerate the three The three functions of infinitives are as a
general functions of infinitives. noun, adjective and adverb, Ma’am.

Excellent, class!
If there are infinitives, it means that there Infinitive phrase is a group of words that
are also infinitive phrases. And what do begins with an infinitive with modifiers and
we mean by infinitive phrases, from the complements.
word itself infinitive and phrase.

Exactly! (Repetition of student’s answer)

Take a look at the board for some


Who wants to read the sentence? (calls a The lawyer wants to continue the case.

What is the infinitive in the sentence? Ma’am, the infinitive in the sentence is to

Good. Do you think our infinitive is The infinitive of the sentence is incomplete,
complete? Does it make sense? Ma’am.

You’re right! The thought of our infinitive

is incomplete. That’s why there are
infinitive phrases.

What is now our infinitive phrase? Ma’am, our infinitive phrase is to continue
the case.

And what is its function? The function of our infinitive is as a noun.

Very good. I have here more examples of (The students will do what is asked for.)
sentences. (The students will be asked to
underline the infinitive phrases of each
sentence and identify its function.)

Can you now see the difference between Yes, Ma’am.

infinitive and infinitive phrase?

What is an infinitive phrase again? Ma’am, infinitive phrase is a group of word

that begins with an infinitive plus any
modifiers and complement.

Excellent! Now let’s have an activity.

IV. Application
Individual Activity:
Students will be given different set of sentences. The set will be depending on their group
number from the group activity (Classic Memory Game). They should be able to identify the
infinitive or infinitive phrase in each sentence and give its function.

V. Generalization
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
Now class, will you please differentiate Infinitive is a verbal that is formed by to plus
infinitive from infinitive phrase. the base form of the verb while infinitive
phrase is a group of words that starts with
infinitive plus its complements and modifier,

Precisely! Again, what are the three general The three general function of infinitives are as
functions of infinitives? a noun, adjective and adverb, Ma’am.

Very good! And what are the functions of Ma’am, the functions of infinitives as nouns
infinitives as a noun? are as subject, direct object, subjective
complement, object of the preposition and

Great! (summarize their answers)

Did you understand our lesson for today? Yes, Ma’am.

If that so, get one-half crosswise and answer

the following. Copy and answer.

VI. Evaluation
Underline the infinitive/infinitive phrase in the sentence and identify its function.
1. To love thy neighbor is an everyday rule of life.
2. A daily reminder is to respect everyone.
3. To eat at Arby’s is my plan for tonight.
4. She doesn’t dream of anything besides to write a novel.
5. I love to read.

VII. Assignment:

Use each infinitive in a sentence.

1. To see (as a subject)
2. To leave (as a direct object)
3. To finish (as a direct object)
4. To sing (appositive)
5. To serve (subjective complement)

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