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CR 0 AT IC A CHEMIC A ACT A 32 (1960) 57


CCA-173 541.63 :547.43~

Absolute Configuration of 3-Amino- 2-methylpropanor=-

K. Balenovic and N . Bregant
Chemicai Laboratory, , Facuity of Science, University of Zagreb
Strossmayero v trg 14, Zagreb, Croatia, Yugosiavia
Received December 19, 1959

It is known that natural (-)-2-methy lbutanol, a convenient r eference stan-

dard for branched-ch ain structures, has the configuratio n F .
3-Amino-2- methylpropa nol can also b e useful for correlations of branched-
chain compounds. This compound can be obtained by reduction of a-methyl-~­
-a>lanine. The correlation of the configuratio n of (-)-a-methyl-~-alanine II and
(-)-2-methy lbutanol was effected by the conversion of both compounds into.
2 3
the same, optically active, 2-methyl-1- phthalimido butane • .**
CHr - 1 --- H H __ I_-
- ·CH;i H - 1 --- - CH 3

CH 2 CHa CH 2 NH 2 CH 2 NH 2


We prepared (+)-3-amin o-2-methyl propanol by the reduction of

(-)-a-methyl- ~ -alanine methyl ester with lithium aluminium hydride in a
quantitative yield. ( + )-3-Amino-2 -methylprop anol has, therefore, the configu-
ration III, and in the earlier proposed termst would be (R)-3-amino -2-methyl-
propanol. We have characterize d this compound as the hydrochlori de and the·

(+ )-3-Amino-2 -methyLprop anol

A suspenston of a-methyl-B -alanine (0.9 g., [a]D - 5.40, in water) in anhydrous·
methanol (10 ml.) was saturated with dry gaseous hydrogen chloride. After standing
for 24 hours H.t voom temperature the a-methyl-B-a lanine methyl ester was isolated
in the usual way. A solution of the freshly distilled ester (0.8 g.) in anhydrous ether
(20 ml.) was added over a period of one hour to a vigourously s·t irred solution of
lithium .aluminium hydride (1 g.) in ether (:20 ml.) . After stirring for 6 hours
* Communicat ion No. 76 from this Laborntory
** In our paper3 we determined the optical rn.ta.tions of 2-methyl-1-p hthalimido-
butane in benzene. At present we oove determined the optical rotation of this
compound without solvent 2, and the sign of optical rotation was the same as was

the reaction mixture was decomposed with wet ether, water was added (20 ml.),
a nd extracted with ether in a continuous extractor for 24 hours. The ethereal
ex~a ct was dried (Na2S0 4 ) and evaporated to dryness. The oUy residue of
2-methylprop anol (0.6 g., 980/o) was distilled over powdered sodium hydroxide, b. p.
100-1050/14 mm. (bath temperature) , [a] g1 + 2.80 ± 0.60 (c, 3.12 in water).

Anal. 8.008 mg. subst.: 15.941 mg. C02, 8.672 mg. H 20

C 4H110N (89.136) calc'd.: C 53.90; H 12.440/o
found: C 54.32; H 12.12°/o
The crystalline 3-amino-2-m ethylpropano l hydrochlodd e was prepared by dis-
.s olving the base in diluted hydrochloric acid and evaporating to dryness. It showed
[a] g1 + 6.60 ± 0.40 (c, 2.11 in water). .
3-Amino-2-m ethy[propano l picrate, thin yellow needles from ethyl acetate -
petroleum ether, m . p . 108-109°.
Anal. 6.201 mg . .subst.: 8.498 mg. C02, 2.474 mg. H20
C 10H 14 0 8 N 4 (318.124) calc'd.: C 37.74; H 4.430/o
found: C 37.40; H 4.470/o
AcknowLedgm ent. The authors are indebted to Dr. W. Klyne of the Post-
graduate Medical School of London for valuable discussions and to Dr. Z. Stefanac
for the micro-analys es.

1. cf. L . Crom b i e and S . H . H a r p er, J. Chem. Soc. 1950, 2685.
2. W. M a r ck w a 1 d, Ber. 37 (1904) 1038.
3. K. B a 1 en o vi c and N. B reg a n t, Tetrahedron 5, (1959) 44.
4. R. S. C ahn, C. K. Ing o 1 d, and V. Pr e 1 o g, Experientia 12 (1956) 81.

Apsolutna konfiguracija 3-amino-2-m etilpropanola
K. BaLenovic i N. Bregant
(+)-3-Amino -2-metilprop anol prireden je redukcijom (-)-a-metil-~-alanina, koji
ima konfiguraciju II. Prema tome (+ )-3-amino-2- metilpropano l ima konfiguraciju III.
PRIRODOSLO VNO-MA TEMATICKI F AKULTET Pr!mljeno 19, prosinca 1959.

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