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Why Most Women Are a One-Man-Woman

- by Richard Jones

Adultery is greatly reduced if a woman looks for a mate within the religious com
munity as these couples generally adopt a monogamous and high-fertility mating s
trategy. The personality of having a number of offspring or young at one time A
ND having a mate that stays with you 100%, or 'the spirit of,' is the personalit
y of, The Dove.
To experience God's highest Salvation (YHWH, the sacred name), that is, truely b
e 'born again' all the way, there are four levels of Salvation for one to go fro
m 'scarcely be saved' to become fullest in God's power. To be fully saved, one
must become 'Born Again' four times, that is, the order of Salvation is 1) Lamb,
2) Dove, 3) Lion and finally 4) Eagle.
First, one must become the personality of 'The Lamb'. Lambs are the first of fo
ur personalities of Jesus one becomes when they become FULLY born again and thus
completely 'become one with the Father.' The Lamb is a creature that teaches u
s the childlike qualities. Jesus said, 'If you can not become like this little
child, ye will not enter into the Kingdom of God.' Lambs appear stupified, are
faithful until death, listen to only what their Master (parents) say, and if kic
ked around they aren't easily offended. 'Blessed are those whom are not easily
offend,' Christ said.
The next animal to be 'born again' into is, 'The Dove.' The Dove, like Jesus, i
s the personality of peace--Jesus is 'The Prince of Peace.' The parents of a do
ve family are faithful to each other until death and both help in raising their
The next level of salvation to be born into is, 'The Lion.' The Lion, like Jesu
s is the personality of Judgement and Authority--Jesus is 'The Lion of Judah.'
Lions are couragous, polyamorous (many lovers), prosperous, territorial, eats th
e meat of the Word, great longevity lovers, great fathers, and mate multiple tim
es as in the concubines of Soloman and David.
The last level of salvation to be born into is, 'The Eagle.' The Eagle, like Je
sus is the personality of The Father--high and exhaulted, untouchable, keen sigh
t, swift movement, majestic, lives in the cleft of the rock, and has many contac
ts of government and respect (USA).
This article will focus on 'The Dove.' The animal most represented by 'The Chur
ch' is the DOVE, that is, an organization (personality) of peace and fertility o
rdained by God to organize within the politics of the neighboring nation (govern
The Church, in fact, publically and purposely surpresses mankind and it's follow
ers sexuallity!! The personality of the church generally does NOT further teach
it's followers 'to cast out devils' and take authority of demon spirits as a 'f
earless lion,' let alone, care to teach its followers how to govern themselves t
o make differences in their local government. Bottom line, this 'New Doctrine'
of the PERSONALITY of the Bible, if it were preached (as in the book of Acts) WO

--- BTW ---

Jason Weeden at Arizona State University, Tempe, and his colleagues found that f
actors related to sex showed the strongest links to churchgoing after a 22,000 r
esponse to a questionnaire presented to mainly American christian students. He
says, "People go to church 'to go forth and multiply'". Mr. Weeden also found t
hat churchgoers feel they would find both faithful and loyal partners within the
vicinity of the place of worship.
Reasons to go to church found by Mr. Weeden include marital status, number of ch
ildren, preferred family size, and moral views on topics like cheating and contr
aception. Other variables that have often been linked to religiosity such as age
, gender or conscientiousness failed to explain church attendance, after control
ling for differences in sexual and family values.
Weeden suggests that looking for partners within a religious community reduces t
he risk of adultery in couples adopting a monogamous, high-fertility mating stra
tegy as there is a large fitness cost if the marriage fails: men risk losing sub
stantial investment if the woman cheats; women risk being abandoned with a large
brood and fewer resources to care for them.
"Religious groups make this deal more plausible to both partners. You surround y
ourself with people who strongly believe that one of the worst things you can do
is to abandon your spouse or sleep around," New Scientist quoted Weeden, as say
For Weeden, mating preferences are at the very core of religious choices - and c
an even drive them.
"Hardly any of the students in our study were regular churchgoers, but those who
saw themselves as having many kids in stable marriages were the ones who were a
nticipating regular church attendance in the future," he said.
The study Jason Weeden performed is published in the journal Evolution and Human

Issue 2661 of New Scientist magazine, 20 June 2008, page 22
A study published in the journal Evolution and Human Behavior.

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