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available in chewable tabs

tx for: pertussis (whooping cough), impetigo, bacterial pharyngitis (strep---PCN for 10

days), retropharyngeal abscess, tonsilitis,

Use in low doses for tx of rheumatic fever. For prophylaxis tx: it will be longer than 10
days & up to 1 year

2nd drug of choice for sinusitis --> Bactrim is drug of choice!

side-effects: GI symptoms

Remember this: Think about the "P's": pertussis, imPetigo, bac Pharyngitis,
retroPharyngeal abscess --> tonsilitis and rheumatic fever too
available in chewable tabs

drug of choice for bacterial pharyngitis and otitis media

side-effects: diarrhea, amoxicillin rash

amoxicillin and clavulanate combined --> increases effectiveness of penicillin based
antibx like amoxicillin

can be used for pharyngitis (sore throat), pneumonia and bronchitis

can cause diarrhea and it is very expensive

for patients allergic to penicillin, cephlasporin, tetracyclines;
think about erythromycin

dont take with fruit juice or carbonated beverages

watch for GI upset

tx for: pertussis, impetigo, strep, rheumatic fever

gonna make you poop!

will cause abdominal pain

often used for TB Tx

can cause hearing loss
Zithromax (Azithromycin)
tx for pneumonia

child may not feel better in a few days---this drug takes longer to work
for impetigo---ointment penetrates tissue better than creams

Remember, Impetigo is just a 2ndary skin infection (blisters and itchy)

Remeber this: Do you think he is (ke)flexable enuff to put bactroban on his impetigo??
cephalosporin --> may not use if allergic to penicillins

for impetigo, periorbital cellulitis

side-effects: GI symptoms, nephro toxic, increase in blood sugar

(Cipro, Levaquin, Floxin)
do NOT use in children---affects growth plate and can cause tendon rupture
Cipro optic and otic drops
OK to use in children (is local acting NOT systemic)
some may contain steroids --> to calm irritation in the eye

tx for: bacterial conjuctivitis, periorbital cellulitis

(will likely need PO antibiotics for periorbital cellulitis, severe cases may require IV
Bactrim (sulfa drug)
combo of sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim

1st choice in bacterial sinusitis, treat for 2 weeks

will clog feeding tubes --> dont use in feeding tubes

used to treat TB

used prophylactically in Epiglotitis (croup), meningitis

family treated with this as prevention in bacterial meningitis cases --> until bacterial is

given as prophylaxis to immunocompromised children exposed to epiglottitis

will turn secretions orange/red --> teach family/patients --> dont wear contacts
tx for: infective endocarditis
IV for 8 weeks, usually sent home with infusion
adverse effects: renal failure, ototoxicity, superinfections

Van is a Red Man! Vanc can lead to Red Man Syndrome

tx for: infective endocarditis
IV for 8 weeks, usually sent home with infusion
black box warning: risk of ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity
tx for: epiglottitis
Do not give to neonates -->Gray syndrome

Chlora is a GRAY baby!

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