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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
NEAP Office No. VIII
Division of Northern Samar
San Antonio National High School
San Antonio, Biri, Northern Samar


DIRECTIONS: Read the following questions carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer and blacken the circle that correspond to
the letter of your choice on your Answer Sheet.

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the letter of the best answer.

1. The space that contain everything that exist is called

a. Planet b. Star System c. Galaxy d. Universe
2. Which cosmologist proposed the BBT for the origin of the universe and regarded as the “father” of the BBT?
a. Albert Einstein b. George Lemaitre c. Fred Hoyle d. Isaac Newton
3. Which theory posits that the universe arouse from the explosion of a primeval matter?
a. Big Bang Theory b. Steady State Theory c. Cyclic Universe Theory d. Nebular Hypothesis
4. According to this theory, the universe undergoes an endless cycle of evolution.
a. Big Bang Theory b. Steady State Theory c. Cyclic Universe Theory d. Nebular Hypothesis
5. Which of the following observational findings tend to support the BBT?
a. Discovery of the cosmic microwave radiation c. Red-shift of light from very distant galaxies
b. Expansion of the fabric of space-time d. All of the above.
6. Which is the predicted scenario if the expansion of the universe will not stop?
a. Big Bang 2 b. Big Crunch c. Big Rip d. Reverse Big Bang
7. This theory believes the solar system was formed by the collision of the sun with a giant comet.
a. Descartes’ Vortex Theory c. Jeans-Jeffreys’ Tidal Theory
b. Buffon’s Collision Theory d. Solar Nebular Theory
8. This theory claim that Solar System formed as a result of the condensation of hydrogen gas and dust called “interstellar gas” and dust
cloud. Triggered by supernova, it collapse and form the sun and planets.
a. Solar Nebular Theory c. Descartes’ Vortex Theory
b. Kant-Laplace Nebular Theory d. Buffon’s Collision Theory
9. According to this theory, planets are formed from a substance that was torn from the sun.
a. Descartes’ Vortex Theory c. Buffon’s Collision Theory
b. Kant-Laplace Nebular Theory d. Jeans-Jeffrey’s Tidal Theory
10. The following statements describe Earth. Which is FALSE?
a. The shape of the Earth is not a perfect sphere but an oblate spheroid.
b. It’s about 4.5 billion years old.
c. During its primitive period, it is said to be bombarded by meteorites.
d. The earth never evolves; what is was before is what it is today
11. What makes planet Earth as the only known planet that life exist?
a. Water is present in three states; solid, liquid and gas.
b. It has atmosphere that protect it from too much UV rays and allow the exchange of gasses from biotic components
c. a and b
d. None of the above.
12. Which of the following chemical in the earth’s atmosphere is needed by human for survival?
a. Nitrogen b. Oxygen c. Carbon Dioxide d. Water Vapor
13. It is the solid part of the earth.
a. Geosphere b. Hydrosphere c. Atmosphere d. Biosphere
14. Which of the following is TRUE about hydrosphere?
a. It includes the water in three states; solid, liquid, and gas.
b. 97% of the Earth’s water is salt water.
c. It helps in absorbing and redistributing heat through ocean circulation.
d. All of the above.
15. In this layer of the atmosphere weather, clouds and rain formation occur.
a. Troposphere b. Stratosphere c. Mesosphere d. Thermosphere
16. In what layer of the atmosphere we can found the ozone layer which absorb the UV radiation?
a. Troposphere b. Stratosphere c. Mesosphere d. Thermosphere
17. Layer of the atmosphere that protects Earth from the meteoroids is
a. Troposphere b. Stratosphere c. Mesosphere d. Thermosphere
18. The center of the four system is
a. Geosphere b. Hydrosphere c. Atmosphere d. Biosphere
19. Which is TRUE about Kuiper Belt?
a. It is often called the Solar System’s final frontier because it is at the outermost region of the Solar System.
b. Long period comets like Halley’s Comet come from Kuiper Belt.
c. It is further than the Oort cloud, therefore, remained unexplored.
d. All of the above.
20. In August 24, 2006 Pluto was reclassified to a dwarf planet by the International Astronomers Union (IAU). What are the characteristics
of a dwarf planet?
a. It has not cleared the debris along the orbits.
b. It is small compared to planets but has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it assumed
nearly-round shape.
c. It is a spherical shape celestial body that orbits the sun.
d. All of the above.
21. Discontinuities are boundaries of the interior layer of earth named after the person responsible for its discovery. The boundary
between inner core and outer core is named after
a. Inge Lehmann b. Beno Gutenberg c. Andrija Mohorovičić d. Joseph Barrell
22. This branch of science study rock layers and layering
a. Stratigraphy b. Geology c. Petrology d. Paleontology
23. Based on picture below, which layer is the youngest?




24. According to this principle, sedimentary rocks are deposited as horizontal or nearly horizontal layers. Any changes indicates
deformation occurs after the deposition.
a. Principle of Original Horizontality c. Principle of Cross-cutting Relationship
b. Principle of Superposition d. Principle of Inclusion
25. How to scientist determine the age of rock strata?
a. Relative Dating b. Absolute Dating c. a and b d. none of these
For item number 26-28, choose from the following possible answers.
a. Relative Dating b. Absolute Dating c. Radioactive Dating d. Carbon Dating
26. This type of dating is useful only in identifying which layer of rocks was formed first with respect to other layers which means it cannot
tell exactly how many years have passed since its formation.
27. This type of dating is based on the rate of radioactive decay of isotopes within fossils, rocks, and artefacts that can provide actual
ages of rocks and events.
28. Index fossils are fossils that are used to recognize particular span of geological time. What technique of measuring geologic time is
29. Classify what type of fossil is shown in the picture.
a. True form fossil c. Cast fossil
b. Mold fossil d. Trace fossils
30. What is the significance of studying fossil in studying earth’s history?
a. Fossils are time indicators.
b. It provide information about the characteristics of a particular period of earth’s history.
c. fossils are evidence of past life.
d. Fossils are heavily used in defining, identifying, and characterizing the subdivision of geologic time scale.
31. According to this principle, fossil organisms succeed one another in a definite and determinable order and, therefore, any time period
can be recognized by its fossil content.
a. Principle of Succession c. Principle of Inclusion
b. Principle of Superposition d. Principle of Original Horizontality
32. The following is TRUE about Geologic Time Scale EXCEPT
a. The geologic time scale divides Earth’s geologic history into intervals of time defined by major events or changes on Earth.
b. The Hadean, Archean, and Proterozoic eons together are called Precambrian time.
c. The Cenozoic Era is the largest fraction of Earth’s geologic history.
d. The Phanerozoic Eon, the present eon, is divided into three eras: the Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic.
33. It is regarded as “Chaotic Eon” characterized by severe volcanism and in which the ocean, crust, core and atmosphere were stabilized.
a. Paleozoic b. Proterozoic c. Archean d. Hadean
34. Which of the following statement best describe the history of life in the planet earth?
a. Life forms first appeared to be multicellular organism (eukaryotes) which then become single-celled (prokaryotes) to succeed
environmental condition.
b. Life explosion happen during Cambrian Period.
c. Oceans are the first home of life-forms.
d. During the Silurian Period, first land plants appeared.
35. Which of the following describes the interior of the Earth?
a. Is hot b. Is solid c. Is layered d. All of the above
36. The presence of this element in the core of the earth is the reason why it has a magnetic field.
a. Silicon b. Chlorine c. Iron d. Nickel
37. It is the thickest layer of the earth.
a. Crust b. Mantle c. Outer core ` d. Inner core
38. Inorganic substance with stable crystalline structure, internal structure and characteristics, definite chemical compositions and
physical properties are called
a. Rocks b. Minerals c. Stone d. Powder
39. Mohs scale is invented by Frederick Mohs used in measuring the hardness of a mineral. If the mineral has an index of 1 and it will be
scratched to a mineral with an index of 2, what can we expect to happen?
a. It will leave a streak on it. c. a and b
b. It will leave a scratch. d. None of these
40. Which of the following DOES NOT belong to the group?
a. Nitratine [CuCl(OH)3] b. Halite (NaCl) c. Carnalite [KMgCl3.6H2O]d. Calcite (CaCO3)
41. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about Metamorphic rock?
a. These are rocks that changes their physical and chemical components because of heat, pressure and volatiles.
b. These rocks are product of either contact or regional metamorphism.
c. Metamorphic rocks formed from contact metamorphism are foliated.
d. Example of metamorphic rock is slate.
42. Which of the following is TRUE about the rock cycle?
a. Shows the interrelationships among the three rock types (igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic)
b. It destroy and create rocks.
c. It is a continuous succession of rocks form, break down, and reform.
d. All of the above.
43. Igneous rocks that has 45-55% silica content with dark color is called
a. Granitic b. Andesitic c. Basaltic d. Ultramafic
44. Which of the following DOES NOT belong to the group?
a. Frost Wedging b. Exfoliation c. Sheeting d. Oxidation
45. These processes are influenced or driven by gravity, water, wild or organisms that leaves significant changes on the landscape and
ecosystem of an area.
a. Endogenous b. Homogenous c. Exogenous d. Heterogenous
46. Mass wasting happen when large masses of materials move downward on a slope due to the pull of gravity. What form of mass
wasting happen when combined soil and water flow down a slope?
a. Debris flow b. Mudflow c. Slump d. Erosion
47. An exogenous process which rely mainly on the erosion; this happen when a material such as water, rock fragments, and soil particles
settled on the ground which usually occur in sea/coastal erosion.
a. Weathering b. Sedimentation c. Deposition d. Transportation
48. This phenomenon occur when pile of soil, rock, and regolith move downward due to the action of gravity.
a. Mass Wasting b. Mudflow c. Landslide d. Flows
49. As rock and debris fall in a cliff, these will be accumulated at its base. This fallen materials are called __________.
a. Regolith b. Talus c. Pluck d. Abrasion
50. These are deposits of coarse materials in the shape of hills or ridges found in desert or above low lying coasts.
a. Esker b. Loess c. Levees d. Sand Dunes

--------- END ----------

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Subject Teacher

Noted by: Approved by:


SHS Coordinator OIC-School Head

is like an examination that we have to pass.
It’s a multiple choice to realize that we have always options.
A matching type, deciding what is best for us that match with our skills and passion.
An identification to understand that we are unique and have our own identities.
Problem solving, reminds us life’s complexity and solutions behind uncertainties.
Most of all, life is an essay and we are its author, it’s in our hands on how we write our own story.”

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