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Central Concern: Activator protocol vs Manual adjustment

What is the real problem? Do I have the skills/Knowledge to address the

central concern?
I am interested in including the Activator as part of my practice in later years of study
and into the future. I have had this protocol used on myself throughout the years in
acute situations or when I was not feeling well enough for a full manual adjustment,
especially around the Cervico-Thoracic junction.
What I am a little confused about though is… Do I need to invest into an external
course to learn this or can it be picked up and run with from what I learn during the
course of my studies with CQU?
Where do I find the information I need? Can I trust the new information
I have sought opinion on this topic from multiple sources in the field already, some
people have said do a course, others have just said they picked it up and they use a
bastardised version of the protocol.
I believe I need to research the protocol directly as well ask some lecturers about
whatever they would do in my position.
The Activator protocol site (Activator Methods, 2019) has research articles about
how the Activator protocol has helped certain conditions but it does not have any
information on ‘How’ it is performed so that I can make an informed decision if it is
for me or not.
I understand that it is a low grade thrust technique perfect for working with the
young, old or people who are sensitive in their pain scale upon presentation to the
clinic for treatment. This alone excites me as I already have some clients who could
benefit from this method of Chiropractic, But I will not base my decision from these
statements alone.
Do I need a team approach to this? Who do I recruit into my management
I will ask my main Foundations 4 lecturer Dr Ben Holtsbaum for advice, if he uses it
or not and if he can point me in the right direction for further research or
conversations with other professionals.

How can I be sure this new approach has addressed the central concern or
resulted in a positive change - outcomes..
At this point I am still unsure to invest time and money into something that I may or
may not use.
Apply my renewed approach next time around.
The approach stays the same until I find a reasonable source of information on the
subject of Activator protocol and whether I do a course which is recognised for
insurance and health care rebate purposes or to just pick up the tool and start using
it with a bastardised methodology like so many others have.
Activator Methods. (2019). Research | Clinical Trials | Activator Methods
International. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16
Sep. 2019].

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