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THL 380 - Introduction to Fundamental Doctrines

Overview Study Guide

Unit 1
Lesson 1- A History of God
1. What are three similarities between the Babylonian creation myths and the
Biblical account?
2. Why has mankind had the desire to create false gods throughout history?
3. What are three differences between the Babylonian creation myths and the
Biblical account?
4. What are the false gods that "rule" in Western culture today?
5. What difference does it make whether God exists or not?

Lesson 2 - God, gods and goddesses

1. What ancient peoples provide us with the mythological traditions that inform us
about the gods and goddesses of ancient times? (Garnier, page 12-13)
2. The Catholic church worships saints - men and women who have died and are now
considered to be immortal, who have the ability to help physical people. How is
this connected to our topic?
3. What are some of the patterns that are repeated and replicated in many ancient
pagan worship systems. In Garnier's book and in class, we highlighted three. List
at least two.
4. According to Garnier, Nimrod was worshipped as which Babylonian, Assyrian,
Canaanite, Greek and Egyptian gods?
5. List three ancient authors who are cited by Garnier in his book, "The Worship of
the Dead".
6. Which ancient "gods" did Garnier identify as an ancient reference to Noah?
Lesson 3 - Does God Exist?
1. What two characteristics of God do you find most striking and why?
2. Why is it important to believe God really does have the characteristics we
discussed in class (i.e., that He really is good, omnipotent, etc.)?
3. What evidence or argument for God’s existence is most critical, important and
convincing to you?
4. Why is science an inadequate basis for the justifying existence of objective moral
duties and obligations?
5. What are seven proofs that God exists?
Lesson 4 – Who is Jesus Christ?
1. What scripture reveals that Jesus Christ was NOT a “created” being?
2. Where did Christ come from, according to the scriptures? (cite one scripture)
3. What scripture reveals that Christ was (and is) God?


THL 380 - Introduction to Fundamental Doctrines
4. Why is the fact that Christ was truly a human being so important to us and our
existence and destiny?
Lesson 5 – The Trinity Teaching?
1. Who were the three characters in the Egyptian triad of deities?
2. Who was the first writer to use the term “trinity”
3. Origen contributed to the false concept of the “trinity” by introducing a word that
came to be used to define God in both Catholic and Protestant thought. What
word is this?
4. What is the New Testament passage that has been purposely corrupted to
accommodate the “trinity” concept?
5. What critically important element of the plan of God is denied by the “trinity
Unit 2
Lesson 1 – God, the Family and Man
1. How did Christ create a special, family bond with us as humans?
2. What are the implications of having God as our father in terms of our destiny
and potential?
3. Cite and summarize three scriptures that reveal God’s ultimate destiny for
mankind. (write the scripture reference, then the gist of what the verse says)
4. What are the two stages of God “bringing sons to glory?”
Lesson 2 – Man and the History of Immortality
1. How did the ancient Egyptians prepare for the afterlife?
2. What is the Hebrew word translated “soul” in the KJV, and how else can it be
translated into English?
3. How is the word “immortality” used in the Bible? To whom does it apply? What
are three scriptures to support what you are writing?
4. How did the immortal soul concept enter into Christianity?
5. What is the Greek word often translated “spirit” in the KJV? Describe the
different ways it is translated into English.
Lesson 3 – Born Again
1. What character in the Bible was confused as Christ taught him about the
meaning of being “born again?”
2. Explain the meaning of the word “gennao”
3. What scriptural passage is at the heart of the “born again” issue?
4. When we are fully born of God, what kind of body will we have?
5. What scriptural passage best explains the correct understanding of Christ’s
conversation with Nicodemus in John 3?
Lesson 4 – The Doctrine of the Resurrections
1. What passage includes the doctrine of the resurrection of the dead as one of the
major fundamental doctrines?


THL 380 - Introduction to Fundamental Doctrines
2. What fundamental point does the doctrine of the resurrections reinforce
concerning human life and the “immortality of the soul” issue?
3. To which resurrection does Revelation 20:5 refer?
4. To which resurrection does Ezekiel 37 refer?
5. Where is the 3rd Resurrection described in the scriptures, and who is included in
this resurrection?
6. In the parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus ( Luke 16:19-31), which resurrection
period is being described?
Unit 3
Lesson 1 – The Amazing Book
1. How did Christ reveal Himself in John 1?
2. Describe how the Bible is unique in its continuity.
3. How is the Bible unique in its survival?
4. How is the Bible unique in its teaching?
Lesson 2 – The Canonization of the Bible

1. How are the clay tablets found in Ebla, Syria, connected to Abraham and the
canonization of the Bible?
2. Liberal Bible scholars attribute the Pentateuch to five authors: The “Elohist”, the
“Yahweh-ist”, the “Priest-Author”, and the “Deuteronomist”. The Deuteronomist
portions were said to be written when, by whom, and for what purpose?
3. How were Ezra and Nehemiah instrumental in preserving the Old Testament?
4. Who were the Masoretes and what role did they play in the preservation of the
Old Testament?
5. What scripture instructs us to defer to the Jews as the custodians of the Old
Testament books?
Lesson 3 – The History of the Modern Bible
1. Which Council do Catholics assert fixed or established the New Testament
2. List three of the spurious gospels that have been promoted as being part of the
3. What is the Septuagint and what was its purpose?
4. To what does the “Textus Receptus” refer?
5. Describe what is meant by the “Sinaiticus manuscripts”.
6. What did the Jewish historian Josephus write supporting the validity of the Old
Testament canon?
Lesson 4 – Archaeology and the Bible

1. Describe the “Temptation Seal” and its importance.

2. How does Bible archaeology help us to understand the “teraphim” of Laban and
Rachel’s account in the Bible in Genesis 31?


THL 380 - Introduction to Fundamental Doctrines
3. Describe the “Shishak Inscription” and its importance to proving the veracity of
the Bible.
4. Which archaeological artifact describes the victory of a Moabite king over the
house of Omri?
5. The earliest known picture of a biblical figure is a carved relief of Jehu or his
ambassador kneeling at the feet of the Assyrian king Shalmaneser III. What is
the name of the stele on which this figure is carved?

Things you should know:

1. When did Israel go into captivity?
2. When did Judah go into captivity?
3. When did Ezra bring a group of Jews back to Jerusalem?
4. Which chapter in Hebrews gives us a list of some of the basic doctrines of
5. What is the “resurrection chapter”?
6. What is the “faith chapter?”
7. What chapter of the Bible lists the Holy Days?


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