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Senior High School Department

Dear Respondents:

This survey is intended to find out your views about the political leadership style preferences. This is part of
our performance task in Practical Research 2, a subject of grade 12 students. Bearing this in mind, we
respectfully request your participation by filling out this survey. The first part aims to elicit information on
your background. While the second part requires your insights on different aspects of the political
leadership and the style preferences. By signing your name on the conforme below, this would mean that
you consent to responding to this survey. We assure you that the information disclosed here shall not be
used for any other purposes except for the ones mentioned above.


Bea Bianca Rom

Fern Hazel Rosela
Roseann Rosero
Jamaicah Rosil
Radzmhel Kaiser Salen

Part I. Personal Information/ Conforme


Strand, Year and Section: __________

My signature would mean that I have understood the aims of this survey and I allow the researchers to use
my responses as part of the investigation. Likewise, I consent to the use of my responses solely for research
purposes and shall be assured that my identity shall not be disclosed.


Signature of Respondent

Part II. This section attempts to determine your views on the different aspects of the political
leadership style preferences. Put a check before the answer of your choice

1. What kind of leader do you prefer?

A leader who builds relationship towards his people and puts them first.
A leader who does collaboration with his members and people.
A leader who develops people for future and improves them in doing their part.
A leader whose style is to set high standards for performance and works effectively with competitive
A leader who demands his member or people to do works and even forces their people to do so.
A leader who runs the organization toward common goals and manage to engage and energize team
members along the way.
Senior High School Department

2. What political leadership style do you prefer as a HUMSS student?

Coercive Style- (Demands immediate result. Uses force to get an employee to follow an instruction
or order.)
Authoritative Style- (Works independently.)
Affiliative Style- (Concentrates on harmony and builds emotional bonds, works good, when people
face difficult circumstances.)
Democratic Style- (Emphasize collaboration and the free-flow of ideas.)
Coaching Style- (Develop people for future and improves them in doing their part.)
Pacesetting- (Sets extremely high performance standards. Obsessive about doing things better/faster.)

5. Which of the following style do you think is the most applied in our country?

Coercive Style
Authoritative Style
Affiliate Style
Democratic Style
Coaching Style
Pacesetting Style

6. What do you think is/are the possible impact of Coercive Political leadership style to the HUMSS
students as they will be the future leader of the country?

It strengthens their group and disciplines them.

They will learn how to be a demanding leader who sometimes forces their followers to do tasks.
They’ll learn how to finish a work in a short period of time but it may affect the quality of the work.

7. What do you think is/are the possible impact of Authoritative Political leadership style to the HUMSS
students as they will be the future leader of the country?

They might become the decision maker in a group and enhances their skills in leading a them.
Their role as a leader would be unquestionable since they are the most knowledgeable among the
They might not be open to the other ideas of their followers since they are considered as the decision
makers of the group.

8. What do you think is/are the possible impact of Coaching Political leadership style to the HUMSS
students as they will be the future leader of the country?

Helps to motivate and empower individuals to excel.

Helps identify both organizational and individual strengths and development opportunities.
Coaching focuses primarily on personal development, not on immediate work-related tasks.

9. What do you think is/are the possible impact of Democratic Political leadership style to the HUMSS
students as they will be the future leader of the country?

They will learn how promote a friendly working environment where there is a great connection
between the leader and the members.
They will become a leader who gives equal opportunity to the members.
They allow the majority to make the final decision which is a big risk because it is not guaranteed
that the members’ decision would produce a positive outcome.
Senior High School Department

10. What do you think is/are the possible impact of Pacesetting Political leadership style to the HUMSS
students as they will be the future leader of the country?

They will have high standard performance.

They can make things faster and better.
Their followers might be pressured because of high standard expectations.

11. What do you think is/are the possible impact of Affiliative Political leadership style to the HUMSS
students as they will be the future leader of the country?

They will know how to appreciate one’s effort.

They will promote an organized workplace where every follower feels valued.
They will be shy dealing with under- performing followers since they create emotional bond within
the team.

B. Rate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements. ( SA for Strongly Agree, A for
Agree. N for Neutral, DA for Disagree, SDA for Strongly Disagree)

Statements SA A N DA SDA

1.I find a leader effective when he/she demands an immediate result from
his/her followers.

2. I find a leader effective when he/she forces his/her followers to follow an


3. I find a leader effective when he/she makes decision by himself.

4. I find a leader effective if he/she is the most intelligent among the group.

5. I find a leader effective if he/she helps promote a friendly working


6. I find a leader effective who give equal opportunity to the followers.

7. I find a leader effective if he/she sets a high standards performance from

his/her followers.

8. I find a leader effective if he/she’s obsessive in doing things better and

faster and asks the same at everyone.

9. I find a leader effective if he/she builds emotional bonds with his/her


10. I find a leader effective if he/she puts his/her followers first.

11. I find a leader effective when he/she improves different strengths and
weaknesses of his/her followers.

12. I find a leader effective when he/she focuses on personal development

of his/her follower.

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