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how do android apps work?

-(too much stuff that might as well be an essay, so oversimplified: an app has many
components it needs to work, the code
is the main thing that supports the app [well thasts basic info but moving on] and
has different proceses that help the app
integrate with the phone [per say] which are activities, servises, brodcast
recivers, and content providers. activities
basically are like a part of the app that, although independant, is used to help
the app have a flow to it [like in an
e-mail app, there is the activity of sending an email, checking recived e-mails, so
on]. Services is more like an out of
app activity [play background music]. Brodcast recivers, well, recive stuff. so if
you need something done at 8 am [like an
alarm] then the reciever recives the signal that its 8 am and so sets off the alarm
[well something like that]. Content
providers are like "storage" [confusing one, couldnt tell what it was]

how do multiplayer games work (ties in whith apps in general)

(now im going to concentrate more on the multiplayer aspect but not the game
aspect, although it ties in for both)
in a very simplistic way, the player (user) connects to a server (weather peer to
peer or dedicated, the differance is that
peer to peer has no 1 central weakness where you can destroy the servers [your own
computer] but are usually less reliable
. Dedicated servers run better, but if something happens to it, goodbye acsess.)
and whatever one person does, it has to
update for everyone. now, this "app" (the concept that we have)

how do apps work (like actually because all of this info is too complex/just a
bunch of rambling)
here is a nice quote that explains most of my problem(s):
"To understand the fundamentals, all you need to do is think of your mobile device
as a computer. Instead of running
Windows 7/10 or MacOS, it runs a different operating system. On that operating
system, you have different applications you
install, each running in it's own environment (sandbox). The limits what the app
can do, based on what you allow it to do."
what its saying is that the phone "houses" the app, and the app is its own little
world, inside the phone. or something
like that. the quote explains it.

quick little note 4 me: API:stands for Application Programming Interface. here is a
nice little block of text to explain:
When you type into your browser, a request goes out to Facebook�s
remote server. Once your browser
receives the response, it interprets the code and displays the page. To the
browser, also known as the client, Facebook�s
server is an API. This means that every time you visit a page on the Web, you
interact with some remote server�s API.An
API isn�t the same as the remote server?�?rather it is the part of the server that
receives requests and sends responses.
so basically it handles remote users (somethin like that its a mouthfull to

how would this banking app (well tha app, just for simpler referance) work?
its been mostly rambling, so let me get to the point. An app works on its many
components, and by having those componnents
work with each other, some handle online aspects (depending on the app, in which
case, ours probably would) some handle the
actuall prosesing and whatnot. our app (essensially) would allow us (or a client)
to connect with an accountant to
basically give them the tickets via a picture so they can do their job. the
accountatnt might say that the client might
want to keep the

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