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Teamwork and Organizational

Innovation: The Moderating Role of
the HRM Context
Doris Fay, Helen Shipton, Michael A. West and
Malcolm Patterson

Evidence is accumulating on the role of teams in shaping a variety of business outcomes, but
our knowledge on the effect of teamwork on organizational innovation is still evolving. This
study examines whether the extent to which two staff groups are organized in teams (produc-
tion staff and management/administrative staff) affects organizational innovation and
whether human resource management (HRM) systems, which can be of facilitating or con-
straining nature, enhance the teamwork/innovation relationships. Hypotheses were tested
with lagged and longitudinal data derived from 18 to 45 organizations from the UK manufac-
turing sector. Results suggest that the more widespread the use of teamwork in organizations,
the higher the level of organizational innovation. Furthermore, this effect depends, particu-
larly for production teams, on the overall quality of the HRM systems that exist in their
organizations. Teamwork/innovation relationships are further moderated (for management
and administrative teams) by an HRM practice that provides teams with time for thoughtful
reflection. Thus, HRM systems can be of more or less facilitating or constraining nature for
teams in organizations.

Introduction The optimistic rhetoric of teamwork argues

that the more widespread teamwork is in

I ncreasing worldwide competition, highly

volatile markets and ever higher customer
expectations make it necessary for organiza-
an organization, the higher the level of
organizational innovation; however, few
studies have explicitly tested this assumption
tions to be open to the prospect of innovation. (Mohrman, Cohen & Mohrman, 1995; West &
Not only the development of new products, Markiewicz, 2004). While there is a large body
but also the ability to quickly adopt new tech- of research on teams in relation to innovation,
nologies and to continuously improve produc- which explores characteristics of teams, their
tion methods and procedures appear to be processes, members, environment and work
vital for organizations to prosper against this organizations and how this affects teams (see
backdrop (Chaney & Devinney, 1992; Banbury meta-analysis by Hülsheger, Anderson &
& Mitchell, 1995). To deal with these chal- Salgado, 2009), comparatively fewer studies
lenges, many organizations have adopted have looked at the use of teamwork in organi-
organizational structures that involve the use zations and how it affects the organization’s
of teams. For example, in UK manufacturing, innovativeness (Naveh & Erez, 2004).
65 per cent of workforces are reported to work Furthermore, the research literature on the
in teams, while a US survey revealed that this benefit of teamwork is less conclusive than
figure is as high as 48 per cent across all sectors desirable. Teamwork can be accompanied by
(Cully et al., 1999; Benders, Huijgen & unwanted phenomena that result in perfor-
Pekruhl, 2002). The purpose of this study mance loss or poor decision making (Aldag &
is to explore the role of teamwork for Fuller, 1993; Karau & Williams, 1993). Demo-
organizational innovation. graphic differences in teams can result in the

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development of ‘faultlines’ (Lau & Murnighan, contribution to innovation) where they are part
2005), resulting in competition and conflict of a ‘high quality’ HRM system, or does the
within a team. It is a truism that there are large wider context have little bearing on this
variations in team performance to the point of outcome? Thirdly, we examine the role of a
complete failure (Hackman, 1990). Thus, while team-oriented HRM practice – namely provid-
teamwork in itself appears to bear some risks, ing teams with reviewing time – on the pro-
scholars of teamwork have furthermore pensity of teams to enhance innovation.
argued that the organizational context within
which teams operate bears some additional
risks. The context influences their effectiveness Innovation
as it can be of a constraining or facilitating
nature for the teams (Hackman, 1990; Innovation is defined as the development (or
Sundstrom, De Meuse & Futrell, 1990; Guzzo the adaptation) and implementation of an idea,
et al., 1992). Context can be of constraining which is useful and new to the organization
nature if there is a lack of alignment with at the time of adoption (van de Ven, 1986;
organizational systems. Then, teams cannot Amabile, 1996; Damanpour & Schneider,
fulfil their full potential to make contributions 2006). Innovation relates to new products and
to organizational goals. The human resource services, production methods and procedures,
management (HRM) perspective argues production technologies, and to administra-
more specifically, that in order to enhance tive changes. In this study, we focus on
organizational effectiveness, teamwork has to organizational innovations which pertain to
be applied in conjunction with other, so-called products and technical systems (i.e., produc-
‘high performance’ practices (such as sophis- tion processes and procedures). The two key
ticated selection, effective learning and factors for a successful innovation are an
development, performance-related pay and organization’s ability to be creative and the
opportunities for employee involvement) ability to successfully manage the complex
which would remove many constraints for process of turning creative ideas into reality
teams to work effectively (Pfeffer, 1998). (Zaltman, Duncan & Holbek, 1973; van de Ven,
Research shows that teamwork effectiveness 1986; West et al., 2002; Damanpour &
depends on accompanying human resource Schneider, 2006).
practices (Richter, Dawson & West, 2011); Creativity is at the very heart of any innova-
however, we know little with regard to tion. It is a new idea – generated within the
organizational innovation. organization or imported from outside – that
Recent research supports the role of team- stands at the beginning of the innovation
work for organizational innovation (Jiang, process and, furthermore, creativity is impor-
Wang & Zhao, 2012). One study explored tant while turning the idea into a new product,
specifically the role of teamwork for service, procedure or working method
organizational innovation in products and (Amabile, 1996). When turning a new idea into
technical systems (Shipton et al., 2006). This reality, numerous barriers and problems need
study drew on a set of organizations where the to be overcome and creativity is required to
use of teamwork ranged from not using team- solve all the problems and successfully deal
work at all (i.e., zero per cent of staff organized with errors and failures (Klein & Sorra, 1996).
in teams) to having 100 per cent of staff organ- It seems that all organizational functions, not
ized in teams. The study found that the more just research and development specialists, can
widespread the use of teams, the higher the be a source of inspiration (Trott, 2005). Organi-
level of organizational innovation. The zations support the development of new ideas
purpose of this paper is to build upon this when they have mechanisms in place, such as
study and to expand it in three ways. First, we teamwork, that bring different perspectives
reanalyse Shipton et al.’s (2006) results to together, that can fertilize each other for crea-
explore the significance of the type of team – tive ideas to emerge, and time and resources
whether, for example, teams drawn from those that allow new ideas to be explored (Ancona
directly involved in manufacturing influence & Caldwell, 1992; Amabile, 1996; Un &
innovation to a greater or lesser extent Cuervo-Cazurra, 2004).
than management/administrative teams. The The second challenge relates to the complex
second area that we examine here is the HRM process of turning a creative idea into an
context in which the teams operate. This outcome. Beyond the creative idea at its begin-
context can be of a constraining nature for ning, the innovation process encompasses a
teamwork or facilitate its effectiveness. Thus matching of the idea to a problem or opportu-
we test the extent to which HRM systems nity, a decision to adopt it, the implementation
moderate teamwork/innovation relationships. of the idea and finally the routine use
Are teams more effective (in terms of their (Zaltman, Duncan & Holbek, 1973). The

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unfolding of the innovation process is best innovation processes has frequently been high-
described as a long series of loops, as non- lighted (Basadur & Gelade, 2006; MacCurtain
sequential and as a process that continues et al., 2010), and teamwork contributes to this.
through several iterations (King, 1992). This It makes it easier for team members to lever-
discontinuous nature implies that involve- age each other’s knowledge and appears to
ment, knowledge and expertise of several enhance the creation of new knowledge
organizational functions are required simulta- (Reagans, Argote & Brooks, 2005).
neously at any given time in an innovation One core aspect of self-directed teams is the
process. Teamwork presents an opportunity to autonomy they have over work operations
bring together the diverse knowledge and (Morgeson et al., 2006). Autonomy leads to a
skills required to see an innovation through to sense of responsibility and increases intrinsic
completion (Un & Cuervo-Cazurra, 2004). motivation, which in turn is associated with
conception and implementation of new ideas
(Amabile, 1996; Urbach, Fay & Goral, 2010).
The Use of Teamwork and Furthermore, teamwork may also benefit crea-
Organizational Innovation tivity because individuals tend to experience
positive feelings through working in teams
A team is defined as a working arrangement in (relative to more traditional working arrange-
which individuals work interdependently to ments; Wall et al., 1986; see also the meta-
achieve their goals; where they are collectively analysis by Richter, Dawson & West, 2011).
accountable for their work outcomes, and This is an attitudinal state that is itself associ-
where they and others see them as an intact ated with successful creative endeavour (Isen,
social identity (Mohrman, Cohen & Mohrman, Daubman & Nowicki, 1987; Davis, 2009).
1995; Cohen & Bailey, 1997). In the manufac- The second mechanism by which teamwork
turing sector, the area upon which our contributes to innovation relates to the way
research is built, work teams typically exist on work is organized and the way the organiza-
a continuous basis to deal with day-to-day tion is structured when teamwork is in place.
tasks and to make and implement suggestions Matrix structures or team-based organizations
to enhance performance. We are concerned have been considered as structures that
here with work teams that are relatively encourage lateral communications and that in
autonomous and self-directed. Self-directed turn facilitate overcoming segmented struc-
teams choose their course of action within pre- tures (Anderson & King, 1993). Teamwork
scribed constraints and have responsibility for breaks down relatively impermeable bounda-
task allocation and achievement of specified ries between subunits through lateral linkages.
outcomes (Sundstrom, De Meuse & Futrell, Lateral linkages across teams can be imple-
1990; Mohrman, Cohen & Mohrman, 1995; mented through use of integrating teams,
Cohen & Bailey, 1997). We propose that team- cross teams, liaison roles and overlapping
work can enhance innovation in two ways: team memberships (Mohrman & Mohrman,
first, teamwork changes the affective experi- 1994; Mohrman & Quam, 2000). This allows
ences, cognitions and attitudes of individuals, multiple viewpoints to converge upon a
which in turn enhance their creativity and problem. In the process of turning initial ideas
their ability to solve problems creatively; and into innovations, those lateral linkages help
second, teamwork is associated with structural ideas to be shared and discussed, so that the
changes to the organization such that the flow multiple perspectives and expertise may help
of ideas and knowledge is enhanced and good ideas to mature and poor ideas to be
organizations become more flexible. abandoned faster. Lateral linkages result in
On the first point, self-directed teamwork stronger internal communication, which in
promotes a cross-fertilization of ideas and turn has been shown to be associated with
shapes ‘positive mood’ (Naveh & Erez, 2004). organizational innovation (Damanpour, 1991).
According to this argument, bringing people Furthermore, more widespread use of
together to work on shared objectives pro- teamwork tends to be associated with flatter
duces a divergence of orientation, experiences organizational structures, because teamwork
and knowledge that will promote more com- is related to a change in reporting relation-
prehensive processing of information, and a ships (Harris & Beyerlein, 2005). If good ideas
search for a wider variety of options (Jackson, emerge, they have to be brought to the atten-
1996; Milliken & Martins, 1996). Task-related tion of key decision makers in order to gain
diversity benefits team performance, and this approval and resources for further experimen-
exposure to diversity and variety is also ben- tation, or so that a decision to adopt can be
eficial for creativity (Mannix & Neale, 2005; made at the appropriate organizational level
Horwitz & Horwitz, 2007). Furthermore, the (Zaltman, Duncan & Holbek, 1973). Flatter
role of knowledge sharing and learning for organizational structures facilitate escalating

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ideas to key decision makers. This allows deci- and in being better able to identify and
sions to be made more quickly, so that ideas resource the best ideas (Jackson, 1996; Milliken
can be turned into innovations before they & Martins, 1996; Un & Cuervo-Cazurra, 2004;
become outdated. Mannix & Neale, 2005; Fay et al., 2006). Mana-
Finally, the structural changes, in particular gerial staff are typically charged with explora-
the heightened lateral linkages and internal tion activities (March, 1991); if teamwork
communication, not only ‘facilitate dispersion supports the development of new ideas, those
of ideas within an organization’, they also ideas emerge in an environment where they
create ‘an internal environment favorable to are most likely to become used. Management
the survival of new ideas’ (Damanpour, 1991, and administrative teams might primarily
p. 559). The receptivity for new ideas may be affect innovation through providing ideas,
changed, which is not only relevant in the resourcing the best ideas and initiating their
decision-making phase but also in the implementation.
implementation phase (Klein & Sorra, 1996). Production teams, on the other hand, are
To summarize, teamwork may support more homogeneous in terms of their
organizational innovation through higher crea- members’ knowledge, skills and abilities. Use
tivity which is relevant for both ideation and of production teams represents an opportu-
overcoming problems in the course of innova- nity to bring individuals together who may
tion implementation (cf. Klein & Sorra, 1996), previously have worked largely in isolation.
through organizational structures that support Production teams may therefore more effec-
the fast refinement and maturing of ideas, and tively overcome the segmented structures
through an elevated receptivity to innovative associated with traditional ways of working,
ideas (Damanpour, 1991). breaking down impermeable boundaries
between sub-units and promoting a more
fertile and flexible environment. Because of
Teamwork for Different strengthened lateral linkages among and
Staff Groups between teams, initial new ideas are more
easily enriched and refined through the differ-
Shipton et al.’s (2006) analysis of manufactur- ent perspectives they can be exposed to; thus,
ing organizations demonstrated that the extent production teams can also contribute to
of teamwork – ranging from organizations not organizational innovation by providing ideas.
using teamwork at all to having 100 per cent of More important, however, is probably the role
staff organized in teams – was related to of production teams for effective implementa-
organizational innovation. However, their tion. Stronger lateral linkages make produc-
analysis did not take into consideration that tion teams more effective in overcoming
the effect of teamwork could differ depending problems during implementation; the pre-
on the organizational level at which the teams sumed heightened creativity contributes to
were operating. Teamwork was assessed in this. Thus, we propose that both production
terms of the extent to which staff was organ- and management teams play a positive role in
ized in teams, regardless of organizational the innovation process. In the present study we
level. We distinguish here between two test on an exploratory basis whether they
staff categories that function at different differ in the strength of effect.
organizational levels: (1) staff working in pro-
Hypothesis 1: The extent to which both
duction and (2) management/administrative
management/administrative staff and pro-
staff. Our review of the literature on the inno-
duction staff are organized in teams is posi-
vation process has pointed out that both cat-
tively related to innovation.
egories are involved in and relevant for a
successful innovation process. How they con- Research Question 1: Does the effect of
tribute, however, may differ. This is related to management/administrative staff being
the fact that management and administrative organized in teams differ from the effect of
teams differ from production teams not only in production staff being organized in teams?
where they are located in the organizational
hierarchy, but also in their level of knowledge
diversity and in the activities required of Constraining or Facilitating Context:
them. The Role of HRM for the Effect
Management and administrative teams are of Teamwork
more likely to exhibit higher diversity in task-
related knowledge and expertise than produc- Numerous scholars have argued that the
tion teams. Having people working together organizational context within which teams
with high levels of knowledge diversity may operate will influence their performance and
result in more and better idea development, effectiveness as it can be of a constraining or

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Volume •• Number •• 2014

facilitating nature for the teams (Hackman, MacCurtain et al., 2010), and it also helps
1990; Sundstrom, De Meuse & Futrell, 1990; teams to make effective use of their potential.
Guzzo et al., 1992). For example, it is a truism For example, having diverse or dissenting
that teamwork is prone to failure if the reward opinions in a team contributes to team innova-
system does not include rewards for collabo- tion provided the team shows a high level of
ration and achievement of team goals (West & reflexivity (De Dreu, 2002), and a similar effect
Markiewicz, 2004). We propose that the quality has been found for team knowledge diversity
of the HRM systems is a key contextual vari- (Fay et al., 2006). Furthermore, higher team
able that influences whether teams can reflexivity helps to make more effective use of
develop their full potential. Here we define the job control in the course of making innovative
quality of HRM systems as the extent to which contributions (Urbach, Fay & Goral, 2010).
HRM systems are systematically guided by a One specific HRM practice that could be
strategy and the extent to which they are conducive to the development of team reflex-
endorsed and resourced. ivity is the availability of reviewing time (see
More specifically, high-quality HRM Gersick’s findings on teams’ spontaneous use
systems are characterized by a clear strategy and benefit of reviewing time; Gersick, 1988,
that guides the intake of employees and that 1989). One of the reasons why teamwork
oversees the development of their knowledge, should benefit innovation is that it brings
skills and abilities, and by practices that act together individuals with different skills and
upon the strategy (i.e., recruitment strategies, information, functional and educational back-
induction, training, performance manage- grounds. This high level of knowledge diver-
ment). They have been shown to contribute to sity and the associated diverse perspectives
organizational effectiveness and performance have the potential to result in more innovative
(Huselid, 1995; Applebaum et al., 2000; approaches. We argue that the benefit of the
Guthrie, 2001; Den Hartog & Verburg, 2004) diverse perspectives is enhanced when people
and there is increasing evidence that HRM take time to deliberate and reflect on them (De
systems have an effect on innovation (Laursen Dreu, 2002). Diverse knowledge needs cogni-
& Foss, 2003; Lau & Ngo, 2004; Shipton et al., tive effort for integration before it can result in
2005). ideas or solutions of high quality. In particular,
We conceptualize HRM as the ‘context’ in a high level of dissimilarity, which can involve
which teams operate and which can facilitate a lack of shared mental models, can stand in
or impair the effect of teamwork for innova- the team’s way (Mathieu et al., 2000). Dissimi-
tion. High-quality HRM systems clearly com- lar perspectives need to be reconciled before
municate the direction of the company to one can make use of them. Reflexivity helps to
employees. They effectively signal to uncover unshared mental models and to
employees (whether it be through training, achieve cognitive consensus (van Ginkel,
appraisal or performance-based pay) what Tindale & van Knippenberg, 2009). Research
behaviours are recognized and valued and on knowledge diversity showed that teams
they provide the support to individuals as they only benefited from their diversity in terms of
respond to the signals they receive. If team- innovation quality when team processes
work helps to generate more innovative ideas, included high levels of reflexivity (Fay et al.,
helps to circulate them through the organiza- 2006).
tion more efficiently to refine and mature HRM practices can provide teams with
them, high-quality HRM systems will enhance opportunities to enhance their reflexivity.
this effect by giving clear guidance and feed- Teams that are given time to review their pro-
back as to what kind of ideas the organization cesses, for example in days away from the pres-
needs. Such systems enable staff to understand sures of day-to-day work, are more likely to
organizational needs, to focus on ideas that fit develop reflexivity (Gevers, van Eerde &
the organization’s strategy. In contrast, low- Rutte, 2001). We suggest that there is an inter-
quality HRM systems constrain teams from action between the extent of teamwork and the
fulfilling their full potential. use of HRM practices that allow the develop-
ment of reflexivity. We propose that the extent
Hypothesis 2: The overall quality of HRM
to which teamwork enhances organizational
systems moderates the effect of the extent of
innovation is enhanced through teams using
teamwork on innovation such that the effect
time to review their work because reviewing
of teamwork is stronger the higher the
time and the presumed development of reflex-
quality of HRM systems.
ivity allows teams to make better use of their
Research on team innovation finds increas- potential.
ing evidence for the relevance of team reflex-
ivity for innovation. Team reflexivity directly Hypothesis 3: Teams taking time out
affects team innovation (Somech, 2006; for reviewing moderates the effect of

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Volume •• Number •• 2014

teamwork on innovation such that the effect interview schedule which assessed the rel-
of teamwork is higher when teams take evant information (as described below) and
time out. the rating scales. The researchers cross-
checked information received from inter-
viewees with additional information taken
Method from company documents. The researchers’
visit also included a tour of the manufactur-
Sample ing facility; this tour was used to verify the
data obtained in the interviews.
This paper re-analyses a subset of companies
that participated in a longitudinal study con-
ducted in the UK (Shipton et al., 2006). A total Extent of Teamwork
of 111 manufacturing companies, from elec- Extent of teamwork was assessed by asking
tronics and communications, food and drink the interview partner for the percentage of pro-
and mechanical engineering, participated in duction staff and percentage of management/
the full study (West et al., 1999). Here we administrative staff working in teams. The
report findings of data gathered in managerial respondent was asked to ‘refer only to stable
interviews and surveys in 45 companies. The teams’.
size of the sub-sample reduces further when
including longitudinal data (i.e., prior innova- Overall Quality of HRM
tion and prior productivity). We could not
include all companies in the analysis because The quality of HRM systems is a scale based on
of missing data (e.g., not all companies that four rating items, filled in by the researchers
took part in the interview returned the on the basis of information collected in an
survey); second, some of the measures could in-depth interview on HRM. The interview
not be assessed in all organizations (e.g., com- explored the nature of HRM activities in the
panies that did not use teamwork could not be areas of recruitment and selection; induction;
used for the analyses that looks at the effect of training; performance management (appraisal
‘team reviewing time’). A comparison of com- and reward); and promotion. Furthermore, it
panies included in the analyses presented here included an assessment of the HRM strategy,
with all other companies with regard to all taking into account whether a formal HR strat-
study variables did not yield any significant egy is endorsed by the top management and
differences (p > 0.05). whether there is a commitment to a strategic
planning process for the implementation of
Measures HR strategy and policy. The aspects of the
HRM systems explored are similar but not
Data were collected at different points in time. identical to a high performance work system
At Time 1, organizational size, innovation and (HPWS) (see, e.g., Den Hartog & Verburg,
profitability were assessed. Two years later 2004).
(Time 2), levels of teamwork and the HRM Using this information, researchers rated on
practices were assessed. The outcome vari- five-point scales the following aspects: ‘How
ables, product innovation and innovation in much effort is put into HRM?’ (1 = ‘none at all’
technical systems were assessed another year to 5 = ‘a very great deal’); ‘How well planned
later (Time 3 = Time 1 + three years). is the HRM policy?’ (1 = ‘not at all planned’ to
The independent variables – extent of team- 5 = ‘excellently planned’); ‘How sophisticated
work, quality of HRM systems and use of is the HRM policy?’ (1 = ‘not at all sophisti-
team reviewing – were collected with struc- cated’ to 5 = ‘very highly sophisticated’); ‘How
tured interviews. Companies were briefed effective overall is the HRM policy?’ (1 = ‘not
before the researchers’ visit on what areas the at all effective’ to 5 = ‘very effective’). Reliabil-
interview schedule covered and were asked ity of the measure was very good (Cronbach’s
to determine which senior managers were alpha = 0.93).
best placed to answer questions in each of the
interview schedule areas. Data presented here
Reviewing Time for Teams
are based on two of several sections of the
interview. The interview section covering Information on ‘reviewing of team function-
work design was mostly conducted with the ing’ was also obtained in the interview.
production manager; this interview section Researchers assessed separately for production
provided information on teamwork. The teams and management/administrative teams
interview section on human resources was the length of time teams take out for team
conducted with the person primarily respon- reviewing each year, using an ordinal rating
sible for HRM (e.g., personnel director). format (1 = ‘no time take out’, 2 = ‘one day’,
Researchers were provided with an extensive 3 = ‘two days’, 4 = ‘one week’, 5 = ‘more than

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Volume •• Number •• 2014

one week’). Since one cannot use items based changes. This measure incorporates all aspects
on ordinal answer formatting in regression of change (products and technology), and is
analyses, and the responses were highly thus a very comprehensive measure.
skewed, they were transformed into binary
items. One item assessed whether or not
Control Variable
management/administrative teams would
take time out to review their team functioning Size and profitability could be confounding
and the second item assessed the same for pro- variables affecting both independent and
duction teams. dependent variables; they are therefore con-
trolled for in the analyses. For example, meta-
Outcome Variables: Product Innovation and analyses showed that size facilitates
organizational innovation (Damanpour, 1996,
Innovation in Technical Systems 2010; Damanpour & Schneider, 2006); at the
Level of innovation was gathered via a postal same time, higher organizational size may
questionnaire sent to senior managers. Inno- increase the necessity to move towards more
vation was assessed twice; at Time 1 and Time flexible structures. A firm’s financial capability
3. Respondents were asked to provide infor- facilitates making investments required for
mation on organizational change, relating to both innovation as well as for the implementa-
changes in products made by the organiza- tion of teamwork (Harris & Beyerlein, 2005).
tion, and changes in production technology Size was assessed by the number of full-time
and procedures. Information was collected equivalent employees; profitability was meas-
with open questions and rating scales. Based ured with real profits per employee over the
on this information, three trained researchers three years leading up to Time 1.
working independently provided ratings of
product innovation and innovation in techni- Analytical Strategy for Main Hypotheses
cal systems using a 7-point Likert scale from
1 = ‘not at all innovative’ to 7 = ‘extremely In the analyses presented here, the predictors
innovative’ (Shipton et al., 2006). Inter-rater – HR practices and teamwork – were assessed
agreement was tested by calculating ICC2. at Time 2, the measure of innovation was
For innovation in products, ICC2 was 0.88; F obtained at Time 3. Even though the predic-
(36, 72) = 24.04, p < 0.00; and for innovation in tors were assessed prior to the dependent vari-
technical systems ICC2 was 0.70; F (36, able, drawing causal conclusions is not
72) = 9.67, p < 0.00. Agreements were suffi- sufficiently justified. For example, a positive
ciently high to justify aggregation of the inno- association between teamwork and innova-
vation ratings across raters (Klein et al., 2000), tion could be the result of teamwork enhanc-
producing one score for innovation in prod- ing innovation (as put forward in Hypothesis
ucts and one for innovation in technical 1), or reverse causality could account for this.
systems. Organizations that had been successful inno-
The item product innovation is based on the vators in the past could have been more ready
following information: estimates of the to experiment with other forms of work
number of entirely new and adapted products organization, for example, with teamwork. A
developed in the last two years; percentage of rigorous longitudinal analysis that includes
production workers involved in making the assessments of innovation and organizational
new products; current sales turnover performance prior to Time 2 would reduce
accounted for by the new products; and the this problem. In this study, the data collected
extent to which production processes had at Time 1 also included measures of innova-
been changed to accommodate the new tion and profitability. This allows controlling
products. for past organizational performance and past
The item innovation in technical systems is levels of innovation when predicting innova-
based on information collected with regard to tion at Time 3. However, the Time 1 data on
changes in production technology, production profitability and innovation is only available
methods and products. Specifically, it took for a small number of organizations. We
account of the number of newly introduced therefore test each hypothesis twice: first, by
technologies (i.e., CNC, robots, self-feeding predicting innovation at Time 3 from HR prac-
machines, etc.); how different the change was tices at Time 2 (which we call ‘lagged analy-
for the organization, the magnitude of change; sis’); second, by including productivity and
and it took account of the number of changes innovation at Time 1 as control variables
in production procedures (e.g., just-in-time (called ‘longitudinal analysis’). The downside
management, total quality management, or to the longitudinal analysis is that there was
information scheduling and planning sys- more missing data, reducing the sample size
tems); and the novelty and magnitude of those to 18–26 organizations.

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Volume •• Number •• 2014

Results the unfavourable ratio of cases to predictor

variables; testing two interaction effects in
Hypotheses were tested with multiple and one analysis would have overstretched the
moderated hierarchical regression analysis. data.
Due to the comparatively small number of Hypotheses 2 and 3 look at the context in
cases, especially for moderated regression which the teams work. Hence, organizations
analysis, we adopt a probability level of 0.10. without teamwork were not included in the
Table 1 displays correlations of all study analysis which reduces the number of cases in
variables. comparison to the previous analyses. Hypoth-
esis 2 assumed that the quality of HRM
systems enhances the effect of the extent of
Test of Hypotheses teamwork on innovation. We found consistent
Results of all hierarchical regression analyses support for production staff: a significant
are displayed in Table 2 (for innovations in interaction term emerged for both types of
products as dependent variable) and Table 3 innovation and in both the lagged (Table 2,
(for innovations in technical systems as column I; product innovation: β = 1.625,
dependent variable). The regression analyses ΔR2 = 0.121, p < 0.05; Table 3, column I; innova-
show that the extent of teamwork in tion technical systems: β = 1.511, ΔR2 = 0.104,
management/administrative staff on the one p < 0.05) and the longitudinal analyses
hand and of production staff on the other hand (Table 2, column II; product innovation:
explain together significant proportions of vari- β = 1.566, ΔR2 = 0.099, p < 0.10; Table 3, column
ance in both measures of innovation. The pat- II; innovation technical systems: β = 1.731,
terns of beta coefficients consistently indicate ΔR2 = 0.123, p < 0.10). For management/
that only teamwork for management/ administrative teams, the picture was less con-
administrative staff plays a significant role. sistent. While there were significant inter-
Extent of teamwork for management/ actions in the longitudinal analyses, the effect
administrative staff was positively related to failed to reach significance in the lagged analy-
innovation, while the beta coefficient of team- sis (probability value of interaction term for
work for production staff was never significant product innovation p = 0.112; for innovation in
and of very small size. This result does not technical systems p = 0.139).
fully support Hypothesis 1. In terms of our Following Aiken and West (1991), we pro-
Research Question 1 the results imply that duced the plotted interactions (see Figures 1
there is only an impact of the extent of and 2. They showed that increasing levels of
management/administrative staff being teamwork is associated with increasing levels
organized in teams. of innovation, provided there is a high-quality
In the following analyses, we tested each HRM system in place.
hypothesis separately for extent of teamwork Hypothesis 3 tested the effect of reviewing
in management/administrative staff and for team functioning on the relationship of team-
extent of teamwork of production staff. We work and innovation. There was consistent
decided to proceed that way because of support for the hypothesis for management/

Table 1. Means, Standard Deviations and Correlations of All Study Variables

M SD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 Extent teamworka man./admin staff 37.56 38.78

2 Extent teamwork production staffb 58.42 41.09 0.57**
3 Quality HRM 2.93 0.87 0.48** 0.59**
4 Taking time out man/admin. teamsc 0.20 0.41 0.27† 0.16 0.38*
5 Taking time out production teamsc 0.15 0.37 0.25 0.25 0.51** 0.54**
6 Innovation products 2.73 1.37 0.31* 0.19 0.30* 0.20 0.38*
7 Innovation technical systems 3.13 0.83 0.53** 0.34* 0.42** 0.09 0.39* 0.69**
8 Organizational size (lgn) 5.10 0.65 −0.07 0.03 0.44** 0.30† 0.51** 0.22 0.09
9 Prior profitability 3.17 5.46 0.16 0.11 0.21 0.21 0.33† −0.03 −0.13 0.29
10 Prior product innovation 2.74 1.29 0.39* 0.25 0.43* 0.28 0.28 0.52** 0.34† 0.08 −0.12
11 Prior innov. technical systems 3.25 1.11 0.24 0.17 0.18 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.26 0.11 −0.28 0.28

Percentage of management/administrative staff organized in teams.
Percentage of production staff organized in teams.
When teams do not take time out = 0; otherwise = 1.
* p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01; † p < 0.10; Row 1 to 10 n = 39–45; row 11 to 13 n = 25–31.

© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd

Volume •• Number •• 2014

Table 2. Multiple and Moderated Regression of Product Innovation for Lagged (Column I) and
Longitudinal (Column II) Effects

Variables entered I II

n R2 F p adj R2 ΔR2 β n R2 F p adj R2 ΔR2 β

Hypothesis 1
Step 1 45 0.050 2.253 0.141 0.028 26 0.341* 3.792 0.025 0.251
Organizational size 0.223 0.261
Prior profitability −0.089
Prior product 0.498*
Step 2 0.158† 2.561 0.068 0.096 0.108† 0.515** 4.251 0.009 0.394 0.174*
Extent teamwork 0.333† 0.377a
Extent teamwork −0.007 0.154
prod. staffd
Hypothesis 2: Man./admin. staff
Step 1 31 0.092 0.917 0.446 −0.008 21 0.472† 2.681 0.063 0.296
Organizational size 0.200 0.337
Prior profitability −0.294
Prior product 0.166
Extent teamwork 0.246 0.369
Quality HRM −0.013 0.152
Step 2 Teamwork man./ 0.178 1.406 0.260 0.051 0.085 1.389b 0.630* 3.980 0.016 0.472 0.159* 2.583*
admin. × HRM
Hypothesis 2: Production staff
Step 1 40 0.058 0.745 0.532 −0.020 24 0.394† 2.341 0.084 0.226
Organizational size 0.189 0.258
Prior profitability −0.145
Prior product 0.327
Extent teamwork −0.092 0.086
prod. staffd
Quality HRM 0.083 0.261
Step 2 Teamwork prod. 0.179 1.910 0.131 0.085 0.121* 1.626* 0.493* 2.754 0.047 0.314 0.099† 1.566†
staff × HRM
Hypothesis 3: Man./admin. staff
Step 1 28 0.090 0.792 0.510 −0.024 18 0.521† 2.613 0.080 0.322
Organizational size 0.162 0.405
Prior profitability −0.384
Prior product 0.183
Extent teamwork 0.110 0.343
Taking time oute 0.152 0.225
Step 2 Teamwork man./ 0.297† 2.430 0.077 0.175 0.207* 1.113* 0.738** 5.153 0.009 0.594 0.216* 1.335*
admin. × Time
Hypothesis 3: Production staff
Step 1 37 0.145 1.870 0.154 0.068 22 0.527* 3.562 0.024 0.379
Organizational size 0.113 0.240
Prior profitability −0.321
Prior product 0.290
Extent teamwork −0.153 0.132
prod. staffd
Taking time oute 0.304 0.500*
Step 2 0.153 1.440 0.243 0.047 0.007 0.527* 2.791 0.050 0.338 0.001
Teamwork prod. × 0.268 0.084
Time out

p = 0.108.
p = 0.112.
Percentage of management/administrative staff organized in teams.
Percentage of production staff organized in teams.
When teams do not take time out = 0; otherwise = 1.
* p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01; † p < 0.10.

© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd

Volume •• Number •• 2014

Table 3. Multiple and Moderated Regression of Innovation in Technical Systems for Lagged (Column I)
and Longitudinal (Column II) Effects

Variables entered I II

n R2 F p adj R2 ΔR2 β n R2 F p adj R2 ΔR2 β

Hypothesis 1
Step 1 45 0.008 0.364 0.550 −0.015 27 0.079 0.657 0.587 −0.041
Organizational 0.092 0.034
Prior profitability −0.125
Prior innovation 0.219
tech. systems
Step 2 0.294** 5.704 0.002 0.243 0.286** 0.473* 3.763 0.014 0.347 0.394**
Extent teamwork 0.505** 0.602**
Extent teamwork 0.052 0.156
prod. staffc
Hypothesis 2: Man./admin. staff
Step 1 31 0.269* 3.309 0.035 0.188 21 0.590* 4.324 0.012 0.454
Organizational 0.185 0.620*
Prior profitability −0.633*
Prior innovation −0.520*
tech. systems
Extent teamwork 0.405* 0.660*
Quality HRM 0.115 0.090
Step 2 Teamwork man./ 0.329* 3.185 0.030 0.226 0.060a 1.164 0.755** 7.192 0.001 0.650 0.165** 2.486**
admin. × HRM
Hypothesis 2: Production staff
Step 1 40 0.130 1.786 0.167 0.057 25 0.349 2.038 0.119 0.178
Organizational −0.107 −0.121
Prior profitability −0.243
Prior innovation 0.006
tech. systems
Extent teamwork 0.006 −0.055
prod. staffc
Quality HRM 0.391† 0.632*
Step 2 Teamwork prod. 0.234* 2.670 0.48 0.146 0.104* 1.511* 0.472* 2.682 0.049 0.296 0.123† 1.731†
staff × HRM
Hypothesis 3: Man./admin. staff
Step 1 28 0.267† 2.907 0.055 0.175 18 0.589* 3.434 0.037 0.417
Organizational 0.357† 0.833*
Prior profitability −0.642*
Prior innovation −0.490†
tech. systems
Extent teamwork 0.452* 0.743*
Taking time outd −0.159 −0.271
Step 2 Teamwork man./ 0.397* 3.778 0.017 0.292 0.130* 0.882* 0.806 7.604** 0.002 0.700 0.217* 1.361*
admin. × Time
Hypothesis 3: Production staff
Step 1 37 0.174† 2.314 0.094 0.099 23 0.375 2.041 0.124 0.191
Organizational −0.118 −0.114
Prior profitability −0.384†
Prior innovation 0.085
tech. systems
Extent teamwork 0.114 0.125
prod. staffc
Taking time outd 0.420* 0.624*
Step 2 Teamwork prod. × 0.180 1.757 0.162 0.078 0.006 −0.250 0.375 1.603 0.210 0.141 0.000 −0.054
Time out

p = 0.13.
Percentage of management/administrative staff organized in teams.
Percentage of production staff organized in teams.
When teams do not take time out = 0; otherwise = 1.
* p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01; † p < 0.10.

© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd

Volume •• Number •• 2014


Product Innovation

3 Low Quality
High Quality


Low extent teamwork for High extent teamwork for
production staff production staff

Figure 1. HRM Quality Moderates the Impact of Extent of Teamwork for Production Staff on Product

Innovation in Technical Systems



3 Low Quality
High Quality


Low extent teamwork for High extent teamwork for
production staff production staff

Figure 2. HRM Quality Moderates the Impact of Extent of Teamwork for Production Staff on
Innovation in Technical Systems

administrative staff in the lagged analyses the potentially beneficial effect of teamwork,
(Table 2, column I; product innovation: the purpose of this paper was to study the
β = 1.113, ΔR2 = 0.207, p < 0.05; Table 3, column teamwork/innovation link by specifically
I; innovation technical systems: β = 0.882, exploring the moderating role of the HRM
ΔR2 = 0.139, p < 0.05) and the longitudinal context in which the teams operate. Building
analyses (Table 2, column II; product innova- on the work of Shipton et al. (2006), our
tion: β = 1.335, ΔR2 = 0.216, p < 0.05; Table 3, re-analysis showed a significant and positive
column II; innovation technical systems: effect of teamwork for management/
β = 1.361, ΔR2 = 0.217, p < 0.05). No significant administrative staff on innovation, whereas the
interaction effect for production staff emerged. effect of teamwork for production staff was
Plots of the interaction support the hypoth- negligible. Teamwork for production staff,
esized direction of relationship: increasing however, is not without effect for innovation,
levels of teamwork benefit innovation, but as the results of the second hypothesis suggest.
only when teams take time out to review their Increasing teamwork in production workers
processes (see Figures 3 and 4). benefits innovation in organizations that have
high-quality HRM systems. Production staff
appear to need stronger support to reap the
Discussion benefits of teamwork. We had put forward that
production teams may enhance organizational
Conceptualizing the HRM systems as a con- innovation through their creative contribu-
textual variable that can facilitate or constrain tions in the ideation stage, and particularly

© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd

Volume •• Number •• 2014


Product Innovation

3 No time
taken out
2 time out


Low extent teamwork for High extent teamwork for
man./admin. staff man./admin. staff

Figure 3. Taking Time Out Moderates the Impact of Extent of Teamwork for Management and
Administrative Staff on Product Innovation

Innovation in Technical System


3 No time
taken out
2 time out


Low extent teamwork for High extent teamwork for
man./admin. staff man./admin. staff

Figure 4. Taking Time Out Moderates the Impact of Extent of Teamwork for Management and
Administrative Staff on Innovation in Technical Systems

through their creative problem solving and management/administrative staff is en-

resilience in the implementation phase of an hanced. The almost flat slopes for teams not
innovation. In order to benefit from teamwork, reviewing themselves, as shown in Figures 3
the use of production teams needs to be sup- and 4, even indicate that there is no benefit of
ported through high-quality HRM systems. increasing the extent of teamwork in this case.
Future research will have to unravel the under- We argued that when teams take time out to
lying processes, for example whether the effect review, they have time to reflect on things, to
of high-quality HRM systems is based on the question current processes and procedures,
systems providing the effective guidance and and seek feedback on their activities
feedback so that teams can tailor their ideas (Schippers, Den Hartog & Koopman, 2007).
and contributions towards what the organiza- Then they have time to actually benefit from
tion exactly needs. their diverse perspectives and expertise. Why
We proposed that one specific HRM prac- do we find this interaction for management/
tice, use of team reviewing time, could be administrative teams only? Two factors can
crucial for teamwork to unfold its positive account for this. First, as pointed out earlier,
effects. Results for the last hypothesis sug- management teams differ from production
gest that when teams take time out to review teams (among other factors) in their extent of
their team functioning, then the positive knowledge diversity. Management teams are
effect of increasing levels of teamwork in typically drawn from different functions so

© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd

Volume •• Number •• 2014

that individuals are rather diverse in their task- higher organizational flexibility, adaptability
relevant characteristics such as knowledge, and integration, which are in turn associated
expertise and educational background. with higher innovation (Damanpour, 1991;
Administrative teams also tend to be more Mohrman, Cohen & Mohrman, 1995). We have
diverse than production teams, because of the not been able to test whether the teamwork–
different types of educational backgrounds innovation link is mediated by these affective
they bring to the job. A more varied set of and structural changes. We could, however,
knowledge and expertise is assumed to trans- perform supplementary analyses to provide an
late into a greater variety of perspectives initial test of the assumption that increasing
which in turn increases creativity and innova- levels of teamwork are associated with the
tion (Bantel & Jackson, 1989; Wiersema & proposed mediators.
Bantel, 1992). But before this can happen, the Of the 45 organizations studied here, 25 had
diverse perspectives need to be reconciled, also participated in a survey study. This data
and processes of social categorization need to was used to look at the relationship between
be overcome (Kozlowski & Ilgen, 2006). the extent to which all staff is organized in
Furthermore, people need to develop shared teams (ranging from zero to 100 per cent) with
mental models before they can actually capi- job satisfaction, autonomy, departmental inte-
talize on their diversity (Fay et al., 2006) and gration and flexibility. The measure general job
reflexivity helps achieve this (van Ginkel, satisfaction covers satisfaction with regard to
Tindale & van Knippenberg, 2009). Finally, principal aspects of the job (e.g., pay, col-
management/administrative teams are likely leagues, physical working conditions) (Warr,
to be under constant time pressure to achieve Cook & Wall, 1979). Autonomy assesses the
day-to-day targets and are therefore likely to extent to which people can make decisions on
benefit significantly from having time out to their own (e.g., ‘Management trusts people to
reflect and plan for future activity. take work-related decisions without permis-
The second factor accounting for the differ- sion’); departmental integration measures level
ential results may be a methodological weak- of departmental co-operation (e.g., ‘People in
ness of the measure of reviewing time for different departments are prepared to share
teams. The present measure only assessed the information’); flexibility captures an organiz-
amount of reviewing time; it did not carry any ation’s ability to respond quickly to demands
information on how it is used. It is therefore and opportunities (e.g., ‘Quick decisions/
possible that production teams used the actions are characteristic of this place’)
reviewing time differently than management/ (Patterson, Warr & West, 2004).
administrative teams. Future research will The relationships between the overall per-
have to look into this. centage of staff that is organized in teams and
This study provides some suggestions for the satisfaction/climate variables were r = 0.51
future research and contributes to the litera- (p < 0.005) for satisfaction, r = 0.36 (p < 0.040)
ture in several ways. First, previous research for autonomy, r = 0.31 (p = 0.067) for depart-
showed that the use of self-directed teams can mental integration, and r = 0.48 (p < 0.008) for
benefit organizational goals in terms of flexibility (n = 25; one-tailed tests). In other
organizational performance, patient mortality words, the more staff is organized in teams,
and staff attitudes (Wall & Clegg, 1981; Wall the higher the job satisfaction in the organiza-
et al., 1986; West et al., 2002) (see also meta- tion, the higher the experienced autonomy,
analysis by Richter, Dawson & West, 2011). departmental integration and flexibility. These
Our research contributes to a slowly growing data provide preliminary support for the pro-
stream of research that shows that also posed affective and structural changes associ-
organizational innovation can benefit from ated with higher levels of teamwork.
teamwork (Jiang, Wang & Zhao, 2012). The However, future research needs to look at the
next steps in this domain of research should full process that mediates the effect of team-
try to uncover systematically the process that work on innovation.
underlies this effect. We assume – but have not Our second contribution relates to uncover-
been able to test – that the teamwork/ ing the effect of the HRM context in which
innovation link is mediated by two processes. teams operate (Hackman, 1990; Sundstrom, De
Firstly, people organized in teams have higher Meuse & Futrell, 1990; Guzzo et al., 1992;
levels of autonomy and experience more posi- Hollenbeck, DeRue & Guzzo, 2004). While
tive affect in comparison with people in tradi- other research has looked at the direct contri-
tional structures, both of which amplify bution of HRM systems for innovation (e.g.,
creativity, which in turn affects organizational Laursen & Foss, 2003; Lau & Ngo, 2004), this
innovation (Jiang, Wang & Zhao, 2012). Sec- research conceptualized HRM as a moderator.
ondly, the implementation of teamwork is At first glance, our results seem to contradict
associated with structural changes that involve previous findings on HRM making a positive

© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd

Volume •• Number •• 2014

contribution to innovation (see the main effect longitudinal, not in the lagged analyses. This
of HRM displayed in Tables 2 and 3, Hypoth- pattern is unusual because the statistical power
esis 2, step 1), because there was no significant is much smaller in the longitudinal than in the
main effect of quality on HRM. This is due to lagged analysis. We performed further analyses
first, the smaller sample size (note that to test whether this pattern was the result of a
Hypothesis 2 is tested with organizations only selective bias in the organizations that went
where teamwork is in place) and second, to the into the longitudinal analyses. This was not the
strong relationship between levels of team- case. The emergence of the moderation effect
work and quality of HRM (see Table 1). In fact, was dependent on controlling for prior produc-
the zero-order correlations of innovation and tivity and innovation. The benefit of combi-
quality of HRM indicate a substantial relation- ning teamwork for managerial/administrative
ship (r = 0.32 and 0.40, p < 0.05). Our result that staff with HRM unfolds over time only relative
HRM is important for teamwork to fulfil its to the performance of an organization. This
full potential may also explain why other is, however, only a tentative explanation
research failed to detect a positive effect of that needs to be substantiated with a larger
teamwork. For example, Laursen and Foss sample.
(2003) did not find a significant effect of the
use of interdisciplinary and quality work
circles on innovation; exploring the HRM Conclusion
context in which the teams were embedded
may help to understand this. Organizations are increasingly required to ini-
tiate and sustain innovation to survive in a tur-
bulent external environment. Our analyses
shed a positive light on the use of teamwork as
While the present study provides some evi- a job design practice for achieving this goal.
dence for the differential effects of teamwork One needs, however, to bear in mind that
for management/administrative teams and teams who underperform and/or even derail
production teams, analyses could not be taken are not rare exceptions (Hackman, 1990);
further to analyse differences between man- instead, extensive research found teamwork
agement teams and administrative teams, or failure related to issues like co-ordination and
mixed teams. A differentiation would help to motivation loss or poor decision making
gain insights into the exact leverage points and (Aldag & Fuller, 1993; Karau & Williams,
processes. For example, are teams that com- 1993). These are potential threats that can out-
prise both management and administrative weigh the benefits of teamwork. Therefore, we
staff more important than homogeneous man- would not want our results to be seen as a
agement teams because the former com- general encouragement to implement team-
position is more conducive to a high level work in all circumstances. Instead, careful con-
of organizational integration (Damanpour, sideration has to be given to the nature of the
1991)? Future research will have to explore this work tasks, the teams’ context and to the man-
in more depth. agement of the change process. Organizations
Furthermore, we highlighted above that the need to design the tasks such that they are
measure of reviewing time for teams had its appropriate for teams (Mohrman, Cohen &
weaknesses, since it did not assess the nature Mohrman, 1995; West & Markiewicz, 2004;
of usage. Teams will differ in the way they use Harris & Beyerlein, 2005). Furthermore,
away days, and they will differ in the extent to researchers have provided strategies for capi-
which they develop reflexivity through time talizing on the creative potential of teams
away. This is important from a practical point (Paulus, 2006) and have highlighted the role of
of view: if teams do use reviewing time, this is task complexity (Pollard & Kramer, 2004) as a
not a guarantee that they will automatically moderator of performance loss (or gains), task
make effective use of it and benefit in the importance and team significance to overcome
expected way. motivation losses (Karau & Williams, 1993).
Furthermore, the sample size of the present The present study presents some suggestions
study is, with 28–45 and 18–27 organizations in on the role of the HRM context, because of its
the lagged and longitudinal analyses, respec- facilitating or constraining nature, for teams to
tively, limited. Results should be replicated become effective. This is particularly impor-
with larger samples. This might also help to get tant from a practical point of view given the
a better understanding of the unusual pattern tendency of organizations to cut first on
of findings for Hypothesis 2, extent of team- budgets for HRM if the economic situation
work for management/administrative staff. gets tight (UPS, 2003): the present results sug-
The hypothesized moderation emerged for gests that one puts the potential benefits of
managerial/administrative staff only in the teamwork at risk.

© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd

Volume •• Number •• 2014

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© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd

Volume •• Number •• 2014

Shipton, H., West, M.A., Dawson, J.F., Birdi, K. and Strategic Chance. Academy of Management Journal,
Patterson, M. (2006) HRM as a Predictor of Inno- 35, 91–121.
vation. Human Resource Management Journal, 16, Zaltman, G., Duncan, R. and Holbek, J. (1973) Inno-
3–27. vations and Organizations. Wiley, New York.
Somech, A. (2006) The Effects of Leadership Style
and Team Process on Performance and Innova-
tion in Functionally Heterogeneous Teams.
Journal of Management, 32, 132–57.
Doris Fay ( is
Sundstrom, E., De Meuse, K.P. and Futrell, D.
Full Professor of Work and Organizational
(1990) Work Teams. American Psychologist, 45,
Psychology at the University of Potsdam,
Germany. She received her PhD from the
Trott, P. (2005) Innovation Management and New
University of Amsterdam, The Nether-
Product Development, 3rd edn. Pearson, Harlow.
lands, and was employed as Lecturer and
Un, C.A. and Cuervo-Cazurra, A. (2004) Strategies
Senior Lecturer at Aston Business School,
for Knowledge Creation in Firms. British Journal
UK. Her research interests include creativ-
of Management, 15, 27–41.
ity and innovation, proactivity and personal
UPS (2003) UPS Europe Business Monitor Executive
initiative, and well-being at work. Her
Summary XIII [WWW document]. URL: http://
work has been published in international
journals such as Journal of Applied Psy-
EBMXIII_UK.pdf [accessed 27 November 2014].
chology, Journal of Occupational and
Urbach, T., Fay, D. and Goral, A. (2010) Extending
Organizational Psychology, Human Perfor-
the Job Design Perspective on Individual Innova-
mance and Applied Psychology: An Interna-
tion: Exploring the Effect of Group Reflexivity.
tional Review.
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychol-
Helen Shipton (
ogy, 83, 1053–64.
is Professor of International HRM at Not-
van de Ven, A.H. (1986) Central Problems in the
tingham Business School, Nottingham Trent
Management of Innovation. Management Science,
University, UK. Before that she was
32, 590–607.
employed as Senior Lecturer (2007–13) and
van Ginkel, W., Tindale, R.S. and van Knippenberg,
Lecturer (2003–07) at Aston Business School,
D. (2009) Team Reflexivity, Development of
UK. Her research interests are focused on
Shared Task Representations, and the Use of Dis-
HRM, creativity and innovation; in particu-
tributed Information in Group Decision Making.
lar, how HRM is signalled by senior manag-
Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, 13,
ers and perceived by employees. Helen led
an ESRC seminar series focused on HRM,
Wall, T.D. and Clegg, C.W. (1981) A Longitudinal
innovation and performance and has pub-
Field Study of Group Work Redesign. Journal of
lished in journals such as Human Resource
Occupational Behavior, 2, 31–49.
Management, Human Resource Management
Wall, T.D., Kemp, N.J., Jackson, P.R. and Clegg, C.W.
Journal, Journal of Organizational Behaviour
(1986) Outcomes of Autonomous Workgroups: A
and Journal of International Business Studies.
Long-Term Field Experiment. Academy of Manage-
Michael A. West (m.a.west@lancaster
ment Journal, 29, 280–304. is Professor of Organizational Psy-
Warr, P.B., Cook, J. and Wall, T.D. (1979) Scales for
chology at Lancaster University Manage-
the Measurement of Some Work Attitudes and
ment School, Emeritus Professor at Aston
Aspects of Psychological Well-Being. Journal of
University and Senior Fellow at The King’s
Occupational Psychology, 52, 129–48.
Fund, London. His research focuses on
West, M.A., Borrill, C., Dawson, J., Scully, J., Carter,
culture, teams, innovation and performance,
M., Anelay, S., et al. (2002) The Link Between the
and on the organization and delivery of
Management of Employees and Patient Mortality
health services.
in Acute Hospitals. International Journal of Human
Malcolm Patterson (m.patterson@
Resource Management, 13, 1299–310. is a Senior Research Fellow
West, M.A. and Markiewicz, L. (2004) Building
at the Institute of Work Psychology, Man-
Team-Based Working: A Practical Guide to
agement School, University of Sheffield. He
Organizational Transformation. Blackwell Publish-
has research interests in the areas of organi-
ing, Malden, MA.
zational culture, employee affect and well-
West, M.A., Patterson, M., Lawthorn, R. and Maitlis,
being. He has published in leading journals
S. (1999) The Sheffield Effectiveness Programme: A
such as Academy of Management Journal,
Description of Methods. Working Paper, Aston
Journal of Management, Journal of Organi-
Business School.
zational Behavior and Personnel Psychology.
Wiersema, M.F. and Bantel, K.A. (1992) Top Man-
agement Team Demography and Corporate

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Volume •• Number •• 2014

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