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1. Narrative text
Purpose of the text : To entertain or to amuse the reader.
Generic Structure : Orientation – Complication – Resolution – Reorientation
Language Feature : - Using simple past tense
- Adverbial of time (ex: long time ago, once upon a time, etc)
- Using nouns or nouns phrases
- Conjunction of time relation (ex: when, while, before, after, etc)

2. Recount text
Purpose of the text : To retell events for purpose of entertaining or informing.
Generic structure : Orientation – Series of Events – Reorientation
Language Feature : - Using simple past tense
- Adverb of time (ex: last week, last year, yesterday, etc)
- Using nouns or nouns phrases
- Conjunction of time relation (ex: when, while, before, after, etc)

3. News item
Purpose of the text : To inform readers event of the day which are considered important.
Generic Structure : Headline – Newsworthy Event – Background Event – Source
Language Feature : - Using simple past tense
- Using action verbs (ex: admitted, abused, etc)
- Using saying verbs (ex: told, informed, said, etc)
- Using passive voice

4. Biography
Purpose of the text : To give information about someone’s life or achievement.
Generic Structure : Orientation – Events - Reorientation
Language Feature : - Using simple past tense
- Conjunction of time relation (ex: when, while, before, after, etc)
- Using action verbs (ex: studied, moved, etc)

5. Descriptive
Purpose of the text : To describe a particular subject matter and its specification
Generic Structure : Identification – Description
Language Feature : - Using Simple present tense
- Using noun phrases (ex: three main shrines, the most popular
- Using adjective (ex: small, popular, famous )
- Using linking verb (ex: is, seem, smell)
- Using relative clause (ex: which is divided., who always)
6. Report
Purpose of the text : To describe something in general
Generic Structure : General Classification– Description
Language Feature : - Using Simple present tense
- Using general nouns (ex: elephants, mammals)

7. Explanation
Purpose of the text : To explain the formation process of such natural phenomenon
Generic Structure : General statement – process – closing
Language Feature : - Using Simple present tense
- Using time relation
- Using passive voice
- Using noun phrases

8. Hortatory Exposition Text

Purpose of the text : To recommend the readers that something should or should not be
the case
Generic Structure : Thesis-Arguments-Recommendation
Language Feature : - Using Simple present tense
- Using verb showing mental process
- Using passive voice
- Using connector
9. Analytical Exposition Text
Purpose of the text : To persuade the readers that something is the case
Generic Structure : Thesis-Arguments-Reiteration
Language Feature : - Using Simple present tense & present continuous tense
- Using temporal, causal circumstances and connector
- Using general nouns as the participants

1. Announcement
Purpose of the text : To announce / to give information
2. Advertisement
Purpose of the text : To promote/ to advertise/ to persuade

1. Connector
a. Cause and effect

As Subject + Verb
Subject + Verb Since
Because of
Due to Noun Phrase
Owing to (NP)

I didn’t go to school because it was raining.
S V con S V

I didn’t go to school because of the rain.

S V con NP

b. Contrast

Even though
Although Subject + Verb
Subject + Verb Though
Despite Noun Phrase
In spite of (NP)


I went to school although it was raining.

S V con S V

I went to school in spite of the rain.

S V con NP

2. Conditional Sentence
Subject + will/can V1 IF Subject + V1 / Vs
Subject + would/could V1 Subject + V2
Subject + would/could have Subject + Had V3

1. I will be happy if she calls me every day.
2. If I studied harder, I would pass the exam.
3. He would have studied harder if his parents had told him to.
4. If she were* you, she would give me more advice.
5. They wouldn’t have gone through all those troubles if they had had the key to the
*apabila ada if, apapun subjectnya akan menggunakan were (walaupun subjectnya

3. Derivative (kata jadian)

-ion : information
-ment : government
-ness : sadness
-hood : childhood
-ship : friendship
-ance : elegance
-dom : kingdom
-er : singer
-or : actor
-ian : magician
-ist : scientist

-ful : helpful
-able : comfortable
-ible : responsible
-ous : furious
-al : critical
-ic : strategic
-ant : distance

Adverb- forming
-ly : slowly
-ward : forward

 Adjective is used to describe noun

She is a smart student
Adj noun
 Adverb is used to describe adjective or a verb
She is an extremely smart student
Adv adj noun
She runs slowly
Verb adv

4. Tenses


subject + WILL/SHALL + V1 Tomorrow,
SIMPLE FUTURE next, tonight,
subject + be + going to + V1 later
subject + WILL + be+ Ving Tomorrow,
next, tonight,
subject + be going to + be + Ving
+ at (specific
subject + WILL + have+ V3 By +
next, tonight,
subject + be going to + have + V3
subject + WILL + have + been + Ving Duration +
CONTINUOUS subject + be going to + have + been +

1. We will eat dinner together tomorrow.
2. She will be singing in front of the school tomorrow at 8 A.M.
3. They will have finished their homework by next Monday.
4. I will have been staying in Bali for 3 days next week.



Every, always,
SIMPLE PRESENT subject + V1 / VS usually, often,
sometimes, seldom,
rarely, never
Now, at this time, at
PRESENT CONTINUOUS subject + is/am/are + Ving the moment, look!,
Already, just now,
PRESENT PERFECT subject + have/ has + V3 for, since, lately,
recently, ever, yet (-)

PRESENT PERFECT subject + have/ has + been + Duration + present


1. My father always watches TV in the evening
2. Look! The tiger is eating in the cage over there.
3. I haven’t finished my mathematic assignment yet.
4. She has been playing piano for 3 years and still playing it now.



SIMPLE PAST subject + V2 Yesterday, ago, last, In (year)

Subject + V2 + while + subject

+ was/were Ving
PAST CONTINUOUS subject + was/ were +
Subject + was/ were Ving +
when + subject + V2

Subject + V2 + after + subject

+ had V3
PAST PERFECT subject + had + V3
Subject + had V3 + before +
subject + V2

PAST PERFECT subject + had + been + Duration + past


1. We ate dinner together last night.
2. We were watching movie together when her parents came.
3. After I had eaten my breakfast, I went to school with my boyfriend.
4. He had been playing basketball for 2 hours last night.

5. Possesive Pronoun
Adalah kata ganti yang merujuk pada kepemilikan. Possessive pronoun sendiri dibagi
menjadi dua, yaitu Dependent Possesive Pronoun /Possesive Adjective adalah suatu
modifier yang membutuhkan noun untuk dimodifikasi/keberadaannya bergantung pada
kata noun, sehingga selalu muncul sebelum noun, sedangkan Independent Possesive
Pronoun dapat berdiri sendiri karena tidak bergantung pada noun.
No. Dependent Independent Example Keterangan
Possesive Possesive
1. a.My b. Mine a.This is my pen. Pada contoh 1, my
merupakan dependent
b.The pen is mine. possessive pronoun
dimana my memerlukan
noun untuk melengkapi
isi dari kalimatnya,
karena kita tidak dapat
hanya mengatakan“this
is my”, tetapi kita bisa
mengatakan “this is
mine”; karena mine
tidak bergantung
dengan adanya noun

2. a.Your b.Yours a.It is your hat. Pada contoh 2, your

selalu membutuhkan
b. The hat is yours. noun setelahnya, karena
bentuknya yang
dependent atau
bergantung pada
adanya noun, sedangkan
jika kita menggunakan
yours kita tidak
bergantung pada
adanya noun.

3. a.His b.His Take his car to the Pada contoh 3, bentuk

party; take his to the dependent dan
party. independent-nya tetap
atau sama-sama
menggunakan pronoun
‘his’. Umumnya, kita
dapat hanya
mengatakan take his to
the party tanpa
noun‘car’ ketika
pembicara dan
pendengar sama-sama
mengerti maksud dan
tujuan dari‘his’ merujuk
pada kepemilikan noun
milik seseorang.

4. a.Her b.Hers Bobo could not find her Pada contoh 4

watch but Roro found menunjukkan bahwa
hers. bentuk dependent her
berubah menjadi hers
diakhir kalimat dan tidak
lagi memerlukan noun
dibelakangnya karena
bentuknya yang

5. a.its b.its The cat is hungry so put Pada contoh 5

some foods in its bowl. menunjukkan‘its bowl’
memiliki arti mangkuk
milik kucing. Sedangkan
pada bentuk
Independent-nya, its
biasa dihindari
penggunaannya kecuali
kita menggunakan its
dengan menambahkan

6. Our Ours Our bicycles are there. Contoh 6 menunjukkan

The bicycles are ours. bahwa bentuk
dependent ‘our’
berubah menjadi ‘ours’
diakhir kalimat dan tidak
lagi memerlukan noun
dibelakangnya karena
bentuknya yang

7. Their Theirs Their children are Bentuk dependet their

missing. The missing berubah menjadi theris
children are theirs. di akhir kalimat dan tdk
membutuhkan noun.

6. . Article ( a/an/the)

Kata ‘a’, ‘an’, dan ‘the’ adalah jenis kata artikel yang terbagi menjadi dua kategori, yaitu
definite dan indefinite. Kata ‘the’ termasuk definite, yang berarti sudah pasti. Sedangkan kata
‘a’ dan ‘an’ termasuk indefinite, yang berarti tidak pasti atau secara general. Kita
menggunakan kata ‘the’ saat kita ingin menyatakan suatu hal yang pasti. Kata ‘a’ dan ‘an’
digunakan saat kita ingin menyatakan suatu hal yang sifatnya umum atau general.

Contohnya saat hari sedang siang, kita melihat ada satu matahari dan banyak awan. Jadi kita
akan mengatakan:

 The sun is shining bright today.

 I saw a cloud shaped like a tree.
Penggunaan ‘a’, ‘an’, dan ‘the’ dalam bahasa Inggris dapat digunakan untuk benda yang sama,
hanya situasinya saja yang dapat membedakan kapan menggunakan kata artikel tersebut. Kita
menggunakan ‘the sun’ karena kita menyatakan suatu benda yang pasti kita tahu dan maksud
seperti matahari. Kita menggunakan kata ‘a’ atau ‘an’

Sebetulnya, membedakan penggunaan “A” dan “An” sangatlah mudah. Jika kata benda atau huruf
yang ditulis berbunyi konsonan, maka Anda harus menggunakan “A,” sedangkan jika kata benda
atau huruf yang ditulis berbunyi huruf vocal, maka Anda dapat menggunakan “An.” Untuk
memperjelas, mari kita lihat contoh dibawah ini:

Penggunaan A:

 A car
 A pen
 A book

Penggunaan An:

 An omelette
 An apple
 An idea

7. Subject Verb Agreement / Concord

Agreement berarti kesesuaian. Kata lain dari agreement adalah concord. Sedangkan Subject
Verb Agreement adalah kesesuaian antara subjek dengan kata kerja dalam sebuah kalimat.
Kenapa namanya subject verb agreement, karena ada hubungan antara subject dan verb yang
saling berkaitan. Dalam mengerjakan materi ini peserta didik harus terlebih dahulu mampu
menentukan apakah subject dari sebuah kalimat tunggal atau jamak.

Example :

1.The cat eats fish

2.The cats eat fish

Kedua kalimat ini sama-sama benarnya. Namun harus peserta didik harus dapat membedakan
jika subjetnya tunggal, maka verb diberi s/es, namun jika subjectnya jamakvebr tidak perlu
diber s/es.

Berikut catatan untuk menentukan subject tunggal atau jamak .

No. Subject Tunggal Jamak

1. Pronoun He,She,It They , we, you
2. Countable a/an (noun) (noun)s/es
3. Indefinite pronoun (-one), √
4. Weight, time, distance, √
percent, money
5. Preposition Each, every, none, either, All, some, few, many, a
neither , the number ...... number , a lot ....... (of)

8. Preposition; In,On,At

Ketiga preposisi tersebut terbagi menjadi 2 hal penting, yakni perbedaan waktu dan lokasi.
Namun, secara keseluruhan pemakaiannya sama saja, at digunakan ketika menunukan yang
paling spesifik.

Perhatikan tiga contoh kalimat dibawah ini :

– Habibi was born in 1945.

– Habibi was born on September 17th.
– Habibi was born at 10:17 PM.

In, Nah, pada contoh pertama, kita menjelaskan tentang tahun. Maka penggunaan In lebih
tepat dibandingkan on atau at. Kata depan in juga biasa digunakan ketika kita berbicara
terkait abad, bulan (bulan saja, bukan tanggal), pagi, siang, sore, dan malam. Kenapa
demikian? Penggunaan in lebih menjelaskan waktu secara general atau umum.

On, pada preposisi on ini, penggunaanya lebih spesifik dibandingkan In dalam konteks waktu.
Selain itu, On juga digunakan pada penggunaan heri-hari, seperti On Sunday, On Monday.

At, penggunaan At lebih spesifik lagi dibandingkan In dan On. Penggunaannya lebih spesifik
dari bulan, dan lebih lebih spesifik dari tanggal.

9. Passive Voice (tobe + V3)

a. S + V1 + O → O + is/am/are + V3

b. S+ V2 + O → O + was/were + V3

c. S + modal +V1 + O → O + modal + be + V3

d. S + is/am/are/was/were + Ving + O → O + tobe + being + V3

e. S + has/have/had + V3 + O → O + has/have/had + been + V3

f. S + modal + have + V3 + O → O + modal + have + been + V3

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