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(12) Ruckenstein, E., IXD. ENG. CHEM.

3, 260 (18) Toomey, R. D., Johnstone, H. F., Chem. Eng. Progr. 48, 220
(1964). (1952).
( 1 3 ) Ruckenstein, E., Rets. Chim. (Bucharest) 11, 721 (1960). E. RUCKENSTEIIS
(14) Ruckenstein, E., Zh. Prikl. Khim. 35, 70 (1962). Polytechnical Institute
(15) Simpson, H. C., Rodger, B. \V., Chem. Eng. Sci.16, 153 (1962). Bucharest, Rumania
(16) Sutherland, K. S., Trans. Znst. Chem. Engrs. (London) 39, RECEIVED
for review June 8, 1964
188 (1961). RESVBMITTED March 25, 1965
(17) Teoreanu, I., Rei'. Chirn. (Bucharest) 11, 691 (1960). ACCEPTED November 5, 1965


Alternating axial displacement of a fluid mixture in a column of adsorptive particles upon which an axial
temperature difference is imposed leads, through coupling of oscillatory thermal and mass fields with
alternating flow displacements, to a difference in limiting-condition, time-average compositions a t the column
ends. The separation takes place at the expense of thermal energy; continuous operation with a fixed-bed
adsorber also becomes feasible. The separation has been substantiated by experiment and b y analysis of
the mathematical formulation.

NTEREST in separation principles and techniques is common

I to many areas of application and research-for example, in
the saline water problem, in the intercellular transport of ions
in living cells, and in the separation of all manner of chemical
mixtures of industry.
This communication is restricted to the elements of separa-
tion by means of parametric pumping.

Parametric Pumping
T h e application of dynamic adsorption principles for sepa-
rating the components of a homogeneous binary fluid mixture
is illustrated through the experimental elements depicted in
Figure 1. A column containing a bed of porous, particulate
adsorptive material and a charge of a fluid mixture is equipped
a t its ends by driving and driven pistons acting in tandem.
The pistons cause relative position displacements to take place
bet\\een the column of particles and the column of ambient Figure 1 . Elementary arrangement for closed-system
fluid. As portrayed, the system is closed and its total volume is separation b y parametric pumping
constant. Initially let each phase be uniform in solute con-
centration, let the temperature be uniform throughout the HOT FEED HOT PRODUCT
column, and permit a solute concentration equilibrium to
become established betneen fluid and solid phases. There- I f
upon a t a starting time, to, displacement alternations are initi-
ated and a thermodynamic gradient is imposed on the column,
in this case, by bringing fluid temperatures a t the column
ends to different constant values through the use of heat sources
and sinks. I t has been shown experimentally and theoret-
ically that after the above nonsymmetrical process arrange-
ment has been initiated and continued to limiting conditions-
i.e., until time-averaged values of all properties have become
constant-an axial fluid-phase time-average solute composition
gradient will have developed. T h e resulting difference in I
interparticle solute concentration a t the column ends, which C O L D PRODUCT COLD FEED
arises from coupled heat and mass transfer processes within the
bed, is the separation in question. FLOW TRANSFER FLOW TRANSFER

I n common \z ith other separation processes, individual A B C 0

columns may be used as batch separators with total reflux, Figure 2. Elementary arrangement for open-system
as shown in Figure 1, as continuous-flow, open-system single separation by parametric pumping
columns with various arrangements for feed introduction and
product withdrawal, and finally as elements in multicolumn By way of further amplification consider the following cycle :
arrays; different system arrangemmts lead to a range A fluid volume is displaced downward, raising the temperature
of separation potentials and thermal efficiencies. Figure 2 of the adjacent adsorbent. As a result of the temperature
presents a n open-system arrangement. change, the adsorbent transfers solute to the fluid. The

VOL. 5 NO. 1 F E B R U A R Y 1966 141

enriched (and cooled) fluid next is displaced axially upward dilute concentration. In general, there would be n mass
to come in contact with warmer adsorbent. The fluid cools balances for n components.
the adsorbent now adjacent and loses solute to it. The trans- The first term of Equation 1 is the axial fluid phase convec-
port of fluid back to the point of origin completes the cycle. tive heat transfer rate, the second iq the fluid phase transient,
The difference between the fluxes of solute in the two flow and the third is the solid phase transient. The two tempera-
directions is the net flux due to parametric pumping. In ture variables are linked through Equation 2, which is a simpli-
closed systems the net flux approaches zero as limiting condi- fied rate equation for transfer of heat to and from particles.
tions are reached. The terms in Equations 3 and 4 have meanings analogous to
A central concept of parametric pumping thus comprises those in Equations 1 and 2.
the coupling of oscillatory temperature and composition fields Both thermal and compositional field equations are "driven"
with alternating flow displacements. For a given system the by the periodic velocity, af(t). I t is essential that this driving
time-phase relations among the fields and displacements deter- coefficient of the derivatives a(
)/atchange in sign periodically.
mine the magnitude of the separation. Anf(t) is chosen which is optimal for a given system.
The coupling between the set of thermal fields (Equations 1
Experimental and 2) and the set of compositional fields (Equations 3 and 4)
In the elementary open-system experimental arrangement is accomplished through the equilibrium relationship, Equa-
(illustrated in Figure 2) hot and cold feed of 0.2% NaCl tion 5 . The equilibrium fluid-phase composition, $*, is a
concentration was introduced alternately into the opposite function of both Os and Os. the composition and temperature,
ends of a column of Rohm and Haas Amberlite resins (equal respectively, of the local solid phase. The "pump" is identi-
volumes of IRC-50 and IR-45). The pulse length was equal fied as the oscillatory thermal field. The larger the change in
to the column length-i.e., enough feed was pumped into a
column end each half cycle to replace the interstitial liquid. equilibrium composition produced by a change in tempera-
Temperatures at the column ends were 90' and 40" C . ; the ture, the larger will be the separation achieved by the pumping
total cycle time was 40 minutes. The cycle was nonsymmetric, effect. The fact of separation does not depend upon non-
with a waiting period of 6 minutes a t the higher temperature, linearity in the equilibrium relationship.
30 minutes at the lo\\er, and tivo 2-minute periods for fluid
displacement. At long-time, limiting conditions the concen- Separation as well as thermal efficiencies depend upon
tration ratio bet\veen product streams \\Vas 1.2. these variables:
S o attempt was made to optimize operating conditions-
for example, to achieve maximum separation or to diminish a f ( t ) . Velocity of fluid. For a given f ( t ) , a determines
cycle time. the displacement amplitude, which may be larger or smaller
than the column length.
Theoretical study of open and closed systems has supported 6. Ratio of the average volumetric heat capacity of the
experimental findings in that finite, limiting-condition separa- adsorbent phase to that of the fluid phase. This constant
has a value close to 1.O for a liquid in a densely packed column
tions may be achieved and that the same separation is reached but is larger \$hen a gaseous mixture is the fluid phase.
whether the limit is approached from above or below. Gaseous separators are more difficult to design because of this
greater imbalance betxveen fluid and solid volumetric heat
Mathematical Model capacities.
K. Ratio of volume of the adsorbent phase to that of the
For column operation a minimum-essential formulation for fluid phase.
parametric pumping separation is stated in these dimensionless l/y. Time constant for thermal response to adsorptive
equations: particles relative to the characteristic time of displacement.
1 / X . Time constant for mass transfer response of adsorptive
HEATBALANCES particles compared to the characteristic time of displacement.
B, D, Q, R, S, U. Empirical constants in equilibrium
ae, + be,
- + p be2 = 0 Equation 5.
az dt at
T o complete the mathematical formulation, initial and
- $L y(0, - e,) = 0 boundary conditions are required. These conditions for vari-
at ous column and cascade arrangements differ in detail. Gener-
MASSBALAXES ally, fluxes of mass entering a column during one-half cycle will
depend upon the output during the previous half cycle from
(3) the same or adjacent column. The boundary and initial
conditions in the open system depicted in Figure 2 are:
2 + A(+*
- 4,) = 0 (4) BOUNDARY

EQUILIBRIUM Whenf(t) < 0: 8, = 1.0, z = 1.0

4, = 1.0, 2 = 1.0
Q* = B + Des + Q+s + R+ses + $42 + uBs2 f .. . (5)
Whenf(t) 2 0: O f = 0,z = 0
Equations 1 and 2 are dimensionless heat balances in time $f = 1.0, z = 0
and position for interparticle and intraparticle space, the
corresponding dimensionless temperatures being 0, and 8, INITIAL
(for example)
(see Figure 1). Dimensionless temperatures are defined to F o r t = 0 , 0 < z < 1.0
vary between 0 and 1 within the temperature limits of the 0, = 8, = 0
system. Variables t and z are dimensionless time and axial
+, = 1.0
$s is chosen to be in equilibrium with $I = 1.0 at
Equations 3 and 4 are dimensionless mass balances, inter- temperature Os = 0.
particle and intraparticle concentrations being $ and +,,
respectively. The fact that the mass balances are here written Two refinements of the above model deserve mention.
for only one component assumes that the solute is present in T h e first is the use of more detailed rate equations than Equa-


tions 2 and 4 . For ease of initial analysis these are now written discussions with Murray McAndrew and Roger Rolke are
as simplified rate equations. When necessary, the complete acknowledged.
intraparticle diffusion a:nd interphase transport equations for Current work is supported through Grant GP-2286 of the
heat and mass should be used. The second refinement is the National Science Foundation, Engineering Division. An
inclusion of diffusional and dispersional transport of heat and initiation grant from the Research Board of Princeton Uni-
mass in the axial direction, governed by terms of the form versity is acknowledged, as is also the use of a digital computer
6 [a2(),‘bt2]to be placed in Equations 1 and 3. in the Princeton University Computer Center which is sup-
ported in part by K’ational Science Foundation Grant NSF-
Discussion GP579. Alan Rice held a National Science Foundation
Postgraduate Fellowship during part of the study.
Separation of mixture:s by parametric pumping in principle
has \Tide applicability. Thus the class of appropriate fluids
might include a variety of adsorbable homogeneous liquid and
gaseous mixtures. T h e list of known useful adsorbents is long;
all of them presumably have a finite temperature coefficient of Nomenclature
adsorption. Examples of adsorbents are silica gel, adsorbent
A = characteristic constant of interparticle fluid
carbons, ion exchange resins, molecular sieves, and chroma- velocity-for example, if u = urnaxsin ut’, A =
tographic solids, such a’s partitioning liquids carried in a fixed Z’mx, LllT
matrix of kieselguhr. 0
B = a constant in Equation 5, dimensionless
Parametric processes in general involve two or more alter- c* = concentration in fluid that would be in equilib-
nating fields that arc time-coupled in some defined fashion. rium with adsorbent, M / L f 3
Most previously described c,oupled parametric processes-such c, = concentration in fluid, M / L j 3
as the parametric voltage amplifier ( 7 , p. 92), for ex- CS = concentration in adsorbent, M / L,3
CO = reference concentration, fluid (initial concentra-
ample-are formulated through equations of motion and
tion in closed system, feed concentration in open
energy and commonly involve one independent variable, time system), M / L I 3
or position. I n the present instance the equations are mass G f = specific heat of interparticle fluid, H / M T
and enthalpy balances and the corresponding fields are CP, = specific heat of adsorbent, H / M T
“driven” simultaneously in time by means of the alternating D = a constant in Equation 5, dimensionless
fluid displacements. T h e independent variables, however, f 0) = see a f ( t )
hh = volumetric heat transfer coefficient, H/L,3 T T
are both time and position, leading to the sets of partial differen- h, = volumetric mass transfer coefficient, L,3/L,37
tial equations given above. Q = a constant in Equation 5, dimensionless
A general definition of parametric pumping will not be R = a constant in Equation 5, dimensionless
S = a constant in Equation 5, dimensionless
attempted, but certain characteristics are suggested.
T/ = temperature of fluid, T
The system is defined \vith respect to a fixed set of coordi- Ts = temperature of adsorbent, T
nates. T h e driving coefficient changes sign periodically and as i. = temperature of heat source, T
a net result the dependent variables vary periodically. T h e
system as a whole proceeds from a n initial condition to a final, T = temperature of heat sink, T
limiting condition a t \vhich the dependent variables continue t’ = time, T
to vary- periodically thereafter. t = ut’, time, dimensionless
Most commonly in electrical and mechanical application u = a constant in Equation 5, dimensionless
(7), as \\-ell as in the present \vork, there are a t least two coupled
fields defined by two sets of differential equations for the de-
V = V, + V,. total volume of bed, L t
pendent variables.
v, =
interparticle volume in bed, L,3
particle volume in bed, L,3
U = velocity of interparticle fluid, L J T
T h e thermal parametric pumping principle here presented 2 = z‘/Z, distance from bottom of bed, dimensionless
suggests that, by way of generalization, analogous separation 2‘ = distance from bottom of bed, L 1
arrangements using other thermodynamic gradients than Z = bed length, L 1
temperature are possible. T h e driving coefficient need not be
velocity as in the present case but might, for example, be a n UNITS
alternating voltage; and coefficients now indicated as con-
L = length
stants may be caused to be periodic. M = mass
I t is instructive to compare thermal parametric pumping H = quantity of heat
with the classical thermal diffusion of Clusius and Dickel, since T = temperature
both processes require a n over-all temperature gradient. T = time
Separation in thermal diffusion is rooted in couplings a t the
molecular level in single-phase fluids. The mechanisms seem SUBSCRIPTS
not to be clearly identified. By contrast, separation in thermal
parametric pumping depends upon multiphase, macroscopic f = fluid phase (interparticle space)
S = adsorbent phase (intraparticle space)
heat and mass transfer processes which are relatively well t = both phases together, fluid and adsorbent
01 = 2A/uZ, displacement amplitude, dimensionless
\$’e thank Donald Jost and Alan Bridge for assistance in af(t) = sign-changing fluid velocity function, dimension-
experimental work. Peter Halbert and Leslie Mitchell, less
Electronic Associates, Inc., Princeton, N. J., helped a t a n P = psCpse,/pjCp,ef, dimensionless
Y = hh/upsCps,dimensionless
early stage to elucidate properties of the mathematical formu- 6 = coefficient of axial diffusion or dispersion, dimen-
lation through the use of a n analog computer. Valuable sionless

VOL. 5 NO. 1 FEBRUARY 1 9 6 6 143

= V f / V ,L13/L13 Literature Cited
= V J V , L,3/L,3
= € $ / E / , L,3/Lf3
(1) Louisell, W. H., “Coupled Mode and Parametric Electronics,”
Wiley, New York, 1960.
= h,/w, L/3/L,3
0 1 0
= ( T , - T ) / ( T - T ) , dimensionless R . H. W I L H E L M
0 1 0 A. W. R I C E
= ( T , - , T ) / ( T - T ) , adsorbent temperature, di- A. R. BENDELIUS‘
= C,/C,, concentration in fluid, dimensionless Princeton Unioersity
= C,/COj concentration in adsorbent, LJ3/L,3 Princeton, N . J .
= C*/Co, concentration in fluid that would be in
equilibrium with &, dimensionless RECEIVED
for review August 16, 1965
ACCEPTED December 6, 1965
P/ = density of interparticle fluid, M:/Lj3
P. = density of adsorbent particles, M I L S 3 1 Present address, Pfister Chemical LVorks, Inc., Ridgefield,
w = time scale, 1/7 N. .r.


SIR: The paper by Holsen and Strunk (2) presents new deviations shown that effective correlation has been achieved.
diffusion data for some binary systems near room temperature Holsen and Strunk‘s data appear to be somewhat more precise
as well as an interpretation of the difficulties encountered in than most results for diffusion, which commonly exhibit cor-
attempting to predict diffusivities from Lennard-Jones corre- relative deviations of 1 to 374.
lations of viscosity measurements. We find the paper mis- We have also shown in Table I our correlation of the results
leading in several respects, and we would like to try to clarify of Saxena and Mason (4)for the helium-argon system. T h e
these points. two sets of data are in good agreement. There is apparently
In one step of their procedure Holsen and Strunk attempt, no reason for discarding any of their own He-Ar data, as
without success, to find “unique” Lennard- Jones parameters Holsen and Strunk suggest may be necessary.
for their data. Because the Lennard-Jones potential is itself The parameters e l k = 35.6’ K. and u = 2.987 A. provide
not physically unique and because experimental values are not a n excellent fit of available viscosity measurements with
unique numbers, one cannot expect to find a unique set of helium-argon. Table I illustrates that if uncertainties in the
parameters. There is, instead, a region of values of u and measurement of diffusivities are of the order of 1.7 to 3.0%,
e / k which will reproduce data within the experimental error. a realistic range, viscosity, and diffusivity can be successfully
The regions peculiar to diffusivity data and to viscosity data correlated by the same set of L-J parameters for the tempera-
may or may not intersect. When they do not intersect, there tures a t which Holsen and Strunk worked.
is indeed difficulty in reconciling correlations of the two proper- M’hen there is a t least one polyatomic species in the mixture,
ties. predictions of diffusivities from viscosities will be considerably
The regions of correlation are not ordinarily revealed in error. This is illustrated for the COrargon system in
accurately by graphical procedures such as the Buckingham Table I. For the self-diffusion coefficient of C O P even larger
plot illustrated in Holsen and Strunk’s Figure 1. Rather one discrepancies, of the order of 3074, are observed (7). Con-
needs to use a careful numerical search procedure, based on a trary to the assumptions of Holsen and Strunk, however, these
least-error criterion. M’e have carried out such a procedure discrepancies increase monotonically with temperature above
(3) using Holsen and Strunk’s data as well as some others, about 300’ K. Walker and b’estenberg ( 5 ) observe that this
with the results listed in Table I. I t is evident from the mean is also true for the helium-argon system. They conclude their

Table 1. Force Constants for Lennard-Jones ( 1 2-6) Potential

N o . of Points Mean
System and Reference Temp. Range, ’ K. elk, ’ K. u, A . Deviation, %
He-Ar 3 (2) 276-346 25 3.100 0.7
14 ( 4 ) 251-418 69 2.774 1.9
276-346 69 2.774 2.6
276-346 35.65 2,987a 1.7
251-418 35. ba 2.987a
~ 3.0
He-air 276-346 40 3.060 1.1
He-COZ 276-346 45 3.240 0.6
Air-COz 276-317 25 4. . 4411
. ._ 0.4
COz-Ar 276-317 21 4. . 448
. ._ 0.5
276-317 277 3.208 2.5
276-1798 277 3.208 2.8
276-1 798 158a 3. 665a 13.6
a Parameters f r o m aiscosity data.


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