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pork barrel claims

By Ryan Ponce tive critic of Spealer A lan accused in a blanket

Peter Cayeta'no, pointed
Pacpaco out.
marner. People are urt-
necessarily alarmed
AN independent anti- with-
Atienzarecalled thathe out reason. It is not fair
pork barrel congreseman was among those who
has admonislied Sen. for those who are trvinq
stood against the pork their best to Derform [he;
Panfi lo'?int'' Lacson for
making Eweeping state-
barrel scam allegedlv inas- patriotic iask," said
terminded bv-busines* Atienza.
ments about the alleeed woman Jandt Lim Na-
insertions of pork ba"rrel Anakalususan Dartv-
poles. iist Rep. Mike"DefensJr,
by the House of Repre- "We Ioughr Napoles' who chairs dre House
sentatives in the pro- pork in my first mohth in committee public ac-
posed 2020 P4.r tri ion Congress,"denouncing
national budget. iL counts, said the House
even mon[hs before the leadership has been urg-
Buhay Hayaaag Yum- Supteme
abong (BulDy) partvlist
Court ing S€nate President Vic;-
decision. Likevou.weare nte "Tito"Sotto III to en-
nep. Lito ati-enza, a'n in- - also comrnitted
to ieform- sure that all senato$ will
dependentlawrnakerwho ing our
isagainst pork barrel,said
legislative observe the time-honored
processes. You insistthat inter-parliamentary cour-
Lacson should be fair to there is pork
barrel, when tesy during the con-tinuecl
the members of the House you havenoteven read it,
of Represmtatives, espe- I have noteven budget disiussions, esoe-
resd if lq-. cially against the spr6ad
cially with his failurd to ther," said Atienza,
substantiate his allega- refer- of gossip and fake riews.
ng to drc national budeet Defensor pointed out
tlons. that was passed last Sjo-
"We are appealing to that gossip and fake news
tember 20 by the House bf are not palt of their legis_
Senator Lacspn, huwag Represett tatives a.nd trars-
mongipiJitna merongporl lativework-
mitted .to the Senate on "We hope that the Sen-
barelngayorl If youhave October 2.
any proof of this, ! as a ate leadershjp being an
To avoid fakenews arld i-nstitution thatwelooik up
commihed arti-pork bar- rumors, Atienza asked .
to wiil deba te alld ensur'e
wili help you
rel legislator, Lacson to help each other
prevent it. You're clalm- thatits collective member-
in their fight ;gainst pork ship will keep the time-
ingP1.5 billion per deDutv ba-rrel.
speaker and pi00 mijlo; honored in terlparliamen -
"Let's provide each tary corutesy," Defensor
per legislator. I feel other inforiration so that
slighted. I am a leqisla- stressed following the un-
we can.coordinate. I do substantiated 4alleeadons
tor," Atignza, a cons-tnrc- mind when Congress is by Lacson. pqie,f

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