Sie sind auf Seite 1von 10


1. What is PHP Home?


A complete package of webserver, database and PHP. It uses Apache, a very

popular webserver, PHP, a server-side scripting language, and MySQL, a database
and manager.

The PHP Home Edition 2 binaries are primarily distributed as a Vise Installer
and may be available as a .zip file as well. These packages are named
phphome2.exe and Please choose VISE package if at all possible.

2. What OS does it support?


PHP Home Edition can be run under Windows XP,Windows NT and NT2000. It is
compatible also with Windows with upgraded Winsock to level 2.1

NOTE! PHP Home 2.2.8 is now not compatible with Windows 9x due internal problem
Apache crashing with library libhttpd.lib. If this problem will be fixed, we will
also release service patch.

Version 2.2.9 and higher was not tested on WIn98, because i have no installed.
Please report all
working versions on my email!

WARNING!!! Before installing PHP HOME on Windows 98/95, please install also this

WINSOCK 2 (or Winsock 2.1)


both are available from, because I dont want to cover them in
this program :)

You can download this upgrade from

3. I have service trouble in Windows 95,98,Me


Due above mentioned problems now Windows 95,98,Me are NOT SUPPORTED. This can be
changed anytime :)

The Windows 9x clones do not use "real" NT service support.

Apache is running only in "compatible mode" but there is lot of work to do.
Sometimes after installing or removing service you MUST RESTART your Windows
for changes take effect.

If MYSQL is not started automatically first time, click onto winmysqladmin.exe.

Start will be indicated with a green icon in system tray.
If MYSQL is started for the first time, it will promt for user/password. Give
the same password or you will be not able to access database.

To remove access info (passwords) just remove file my.ini in your windows
Installator will remove this file automatically, if it exists!

If you have problem with Apache shutdown under Win 9x/Me, always stop this server
before shutdown of your OS! Brutal force mode is not recommended!!!
If you know how to disable Apache service under Win 9x let me know! I cannot
these systems, because primarily I am operating on Windows 2000/XP, Debian Linux
Solaris 8/9.

WARNING! Upgrade to Windows 2000/XP as soon as possible.

4. I want to change my Web document folder


When you are installing PHP Home, just enter proper value in Web Folder box.

When you have PHP Home already installed, then reinstall or change manually:

You must edit httpd.conf file and change DocRoot directive and Docroot Directory
directive. Then you MUST RESTART your WWW server (or Windows) so changes
can take effect.

Save httpd.conf as httpd.conf, not as httpd.conf.txt, this is common using M$

Notepad editor which can automagically add filename extensions. Inspect changes
after saving!

For infomation about changes check forum.

5. I have problems with the download, where can I find the whole package?

Try to examine

6. I have some problems with authentification in my php scripts


This work only if PHP is running in MODULAR mode. You can check it by
using phpinfo(); function in your script.

7. I have stability problems with my PHP scripts


CGI mode is pretty stable, modular not at all, but we are working on
Under WIndows XP I have no crash in the last 12 months in modular mode :).
I only use self-compiled PHP, which is "common" stable.

8. Will be there also SSL enabled Apache?


Yes, we have SSL enabled Apache. But for "real guru-s" only ;)

9. I need more extensions for PHP and APACHE


Try to enable extensions in php.ini file. If a dll library of an extension is not

package, it probably does not exist! If you have some new extension libraries
send them to us! (or drop a link). You can download special dll's from the
section at (php dev package).

10. I cannot start phpMyAdmin


It's probably because MYSQL DBS server is not started. Running mode is indicated
a green indicator in system tray. If not, run a MYSQL server daemon. If an error
with access denied has occured, check your config file (
directory and set correct login/password to access your database, because you
a mistake during install (maybe not same login/password), but I don't care,
it's now your problem.

Some versions of PHPMyAdmin talk about $cfgPmaAbsoluteUri settings, please enter

directory where yout phpMyAdmin is located.


$cfgPmaAbsoluteUri = 'http://'.$_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"].'/phpMyAdmin';

and run PhpMyAdmin by browser:



11. Setup freeze


If the system is not responding during "Searching for installed components" just
relax and
wait. This phase can be really time consuming, while contacting all www servers
checking the system installation package. Maximal response time is about 10
minutes. Maybe
you haven't installed your network devices properly.

If you have problems with this, attach setuplog.txt file and send to support
Also add your operating system identification.

This time is because InVise control all files' dependencies, I cannot cut this
time down.

In near future we will migrate on another install package system (probably from
version 3.x)

12. Problem with firewall or PROXY


Some users are behind proxy or firewall because of security. Our installer
HTTP based proxy.
If you are behind a firewall or proxy, just enable proxy dialog in installation
phase and enter your firewall or proxy settings.
Enter name without leading protocol name (http://)


For ports you should use numbers like 80,1080,3128,8080 and other. If unsure,
information from your browser settings or ask your Administrator.
Do not mail us, we will ignore ANY PROXY settings mail ;)

13. Problems upgrading from PHP Home 1 to 2


Vertical update isn't and will not be supported! You should uninstall previous
of PHP Home and delete all files (php.ini,my.ini) and all library files.
Then install PHP Home 2.

14. Manual install of SERVICE


In new verions of PHP you must install service support manually to avoid
automatic server installation :)

Please run install_serv.bat in apache\bin directory

Use the command line and navigate into the Apache directory (using NC,WC,or cd
From here enter the command

apache.exe -k install

This command install service manually, OK message should appear.

or run file install_serv.bat in Apache\bin direcory.

15. My Apache service appear in ApacheMonitor, but I cannot start using this


This is common in Win95/98, because of lack real service support.

Just double click onto Start Apache icon, it will go green and will start Apache.

Try to run apache manually from apache bin directory (bin) and fix problem. If
you have installed
Microsoft IIS, please shut it down before installation!

16. I want to switch between CGI/MODULAR mode


Check the file httpd.conf and select one option (MODE 1,MODE2) and disable other.
restart Apache. Control with phpinfo() function.

If you have some other problems, try to look into apache log file in log

17. I have problems with caching under PHP Home 2


This is common with Internet Explorer. I have removed this software, because each
uses different caching settings and does not apply to W3C caching
recommendations. Use Opera or
Mozilla instead ( &

A good point is to install thirty party software that manage MS IE cache. Try
CacheSentry at

To check the caching, try at the first line of your script following code.

Header("Expires: ".GMDate("D, d M Y H:i:s")." GMT");
header ("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");
header ("Pragma: no-cache");
//....your code

Remember, according to Header (if output Buffering is not enabled in php.ini),


18. I have problems with charset settings under PHP Home 2


check php.ini and httpd.conf and set correct charset! Remember to restart

19. I want to create a multiple virtual server site system.

Enter all info into files hosts located in c:\windows or
c:windows\system32\drivers\etc (XP)
and restart Windows.

In httpd.conf enter informations about servers:

NameVirtualHost *

<VirtualHost *>
DocumentRoot /www/server1
ServerName server1
ErrorLog logs/www.s1-error_log
CustomLog logs/www.s1-access_log common

<VirtualHost *>
DocumentRoot /www/server2
ServerName server2
ErrorLog logs/www.s2-error_log
CustomLog logs/www.s2-access_log common

20. I need also another language installation


Currently, only few installations are available, because I can fluently speak
write only Slovak, Czech and English. If somebody wants to help with translation
(takes about 2hours)
feel free to email me.

Seeking translation as a priority in these languages:

+ Polish
+ Danish
+ Swedish

and all others.

Your name will be acknowledged!

21. I have a problem generating GIF images using GD library


The Unisys company holds patent used in GIF images. Because using GIFs without
fees to Unisys is prohibited, GD discontinued support GIF in version 1.6.
We also use PNG images instead of GIF images. If you need an "old" GD library,
try to find it yourself and include it into phphome.

22. How to learn basics of PHP ?


Try to download manual of PHP from or or learn basics

tutorial for beginners. I recommend Slovak tutorial available free on [Slovak language]
or tutorials from or [in English].

23. After installation I enter http://localhost/~scott and get a page not

found error. Why?

In httpd.conf change:

UserDir "My Documents/My Website" to: UserDir "My Documents/My Webs"

(Maybe "My Website" for Win98 and "My Webs" for Win2K ???)

24. Using path info


I've written a PHP script to use the path info. Why doesn't PHP path
info get passed to my php script? I want to use urls like this:

using the following statements in a file called news.php:

$path = $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'];
$dirs = split("/", $path);

A: in httpd.conf add:

AcceptPathInfo on

25. Apache does not recognize URL


I name a php script news.php but Apache doesn't recognize the url: Why?

A: Create .htaccess file in the document root directory with the following

<Files news>
ForceType application/x-httpd-php

26. Multiple domain web-development


I want to manage/create multiple websites and upload to a host/server.

How can I use PHP Home Edition 2 to develop a site before uploading the pages?

A: One way is to use virtual domains.

- Create a directory somewhere called www or use the current one. For
example install another hard disk or partition E:\www
- Create subdirectories such as domain1, domain2, domain3 in the www directory.
E:\www\domain1 E:\www\domain2 E:\www\domain3
- Follow the PHP Home Edition FAQ for setting up virtual domains.
- In httpd.conf set the docroot to point to the domain1, domain2, domain3
- Edit C:\WINNT\system32\drivers\etc\hosts and add: domain1.home domain2.home domain3.home
- Restart the Apache service
- enter url:

Q: I wrote a php script that uses mail(), but nothing happens. Where does
the mail go? How can I get it to send mail from my W2K box to the world?

A: Edit C:\WINNT\php.ini
Change the following lines:

SMTP= localhost
; for Win32 only sendmail_from=
; for Win32 only
;for unix only, may supply arguments as well (default is 'sendmail -t -i') to:
;; (This is an example, use your own ISP SMTP mail
;server not necessarily attbi)

When you use the php mail() function it takes the "from" email address as a
parameter so setting sendmail_from probably doesn't matter except as a
default. Use the same SMTP server that you use for your ISP broadband or
dailup account.

Q: Why don't sessions work? I've installed phpWebSite
( but I can't enter the admin page to set
up my website. I notice that the session ID's aren't being sent in the
URL's. Why?

A: You need to create a directory for the sessions id's. PHP Home Edtion 2
sets up php.ini to point to the directory:
session.save_path = "C:\Program Files\PHP Home Edition
but the sessiondata directory is missing and Apache can't create it.

cd C:\Program Files\PHP Home Edition 2\Apache2\php directory and create a

folder/directory called sessiondata.

Q: When configuring MySql, the app winMySQLAdmin has a "green" light when
I'm administrator, but if I start it when logged in as a user I get a red
light. Does that matter?

A: It doesn't seem to matter. If you start the task manager you should see
the mysql process running. Or looking at control panels/administration
tools/services you should see mysql as started. If you can run phpMyAdmin
and interact with the database then the mysql server is ok.
Q: What about using phpMyAdmin? Any other ways to configure it or use it?

A: There are lots of ways. One way is to use virtual hosts. If using them,
one could be configured for phpMyAdmin.
- In the hosts file add: phpmyadmin.home

- In httpd.conf add a virtual host such as:

<VirtualHost *>
DocumentRoot "C:\Program Files\PHP Home Edition 2/www/phpMyAdmin"
ServerName phpmyadmin.home
ErrorLog logs/sql-error_log
CustomLog logs/sql-access_log common

After restarting Apache, entering http://phpmyadmin.home starts up the

login window for phpMyAdmin.

Q: When I run phpMyAdmin I get a red message on the page complaining about
cfgPmaAbsoluteUri needing to be configured. What's up with that?

A: In the PHP Home Edition 2/www/phpMyAdmin folder, edit If

using a virtual host as mentioned above the change needed is:
$cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'] = ''; to $cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'] = 'http://phpmyadmin.home';

Or something like "http://localhost/myPhpAdmin" may work if using the

default setup (But it didn't try this!)

Q: I want to install phpWebSite but I first need to first create a

database. How do I do that?
A: On W2K, login as administrator. From winMySQLAdmin click on the database
tab and right click in the databases pane and select the create new
database menu item.

- as any user you can run phpMyAdmin. If you have messed with virtual
domains or set the docroot to be somewhere other than the default in PHP
Home Edition 2, then you may have to put the phpMyAdmin folder somewhere
else to run it. Otherwise, when you enter it's url it (Apache) will present
you with a login window. Use "administrator" and the password for your
win2k administrator login. Add a user to mysql and password if one wasn't
already set up. Follow the install instructions for phpWebSite and edit
it's config.php file. Set the database variables to your new database. Then
click the install link to install phpWebSite.


Some extra DLLs are required for some PHP extensions. Please copy the
bundled dlls from the 'dlls/' directory in distribution package to your
windows/system (Win9.x) or winnt/system32 (WinNT, Win2000, XP) directory.
If you already have these DLLs installed on your system,
overwrite them only if something is not working correctly.
Before overwriting them, it is a good idea to backup them or move them to
another folder - just in case something goes wrong.

Download the latest version of the Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC)
for your platform, especially Microsoft Windows 9x/NT4 users.
MDAC is available at .

Also note that some extensions need 3rd party libraries,

e.g. php_oci8.dll needs the Oracle 8 client libraries to be installed
on your system. These are not bundled with PHP distribution.

(C) Milan Gacik, mgx at, 2002

Scott Tillman, st181 at, 2002

Review: Duncan Campbell, doncuan at 2002

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