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Preface vi
Abbreviations vii

PART I: Introduction ix
An artistic-scientific endeavour ix
The scope of this dictionary xii
Entry structure xiii
The nature of the evidence xx
Using original pronunciation xxvi
The history of OP studies xxxii
The modern OP movement xxxix
Transcription xl
References xlix
Notes l

PART II: The Dictionary 


This dictionary has been over ten years in the making. I downloaded an electronic edition of the
First Folio in December , once it became apparent that the initiative of Shakespeare’s Globe
to present plays in original pronunciation (OP) was going to result in many more such projects,
and began work on a resource that I hoped would one day help anyone interested in mounting
a production. It took much longer than I thought, mainly because I wanted the work to include
all the data on rhymes and spelling variations that provide a great deal of the evidence
for phonological reconstruction, so that those interested could evaluate my decisions for
Incorporating frequency information about the use of spellings in the First Folio was one of
the reasons the project took so long, as I had to go through each count, initiated using the Find
function in Word, to check on such things as word-class, compound words, and lexical status
(e.g. proper vs common nouns), and also to eliminate irrelevant strings (such as speech
character-identifiers). One day a fully tagged grammatical and semantic corpus of the lexical
items in the canon will allow such searches to be done in seconds, and provide a level of
checking that no manual approach could achieve, but that day is not yet.
I must admit that there were many days—especially (as all lexicographers know) in the
middle of ‘long’ letters, such as C, P, and S—when I thought to abandon the project and await
the time when more sophisticated software would do this aspect of the job for me. But the
demand for OP materials remained pressing, and I persuaded myself that the usefulness of the
dictionary would far outweigh any inaccuracies I may have inadvertently introduced. I hope that
is so. Certainly, these weaknesses are far fewer than they might have been, thanks to Professor
Paul Meier, who provided helpful suggestions on a draft of my Introduction, Audrey Norman
for help in file-collating, and above all to Hilary Crystal, who spent I don’t know how many
hours inputting, collating, and checking entries during the final stages of the project.
My thanks must also go to John Davey, formerly of OUP, who commissioned the project, to
Kim Allen for her copy-editing (no mean feat, with a book like this) and Michael Janes for his
proofreading, to Gary Leicester, who looked after the audio-recording, and to Julia Steer who
took over from John Davey, advised on the final organization of the dictionary, and saw the
work through press. Nor must I forget the indirect but hugely important contribution of the
many actors and directors with whom I have collaborated over the past decade, and in particular
those in Ben Crystal’s Passion in Practice Shakespeare Ensemble, for demonstrating the effect of
OP in theatrical practice, and providing me with the confirmation I needed that my account of
OP was not just an academic exercise but something that actually worked on stage.
Holyhead, January 


abbr abbreviated n noun

adj adjective prep preposition
adv adverb pro pronoun
aux auxiliary verb Prol Prologue
det determiner pron pronunciation
emend emendation Q Quarto
Eng English rh rhyming with
Epil Epilogue s.d. stage direction
f(f) following line(s) sp spelling
F First Folio Sp Spanish
Fr French str stressed
interj interjection unstr unstressed
Ital Italian usu usually
Lat Latin v verb
m metrical choice = OP pron same as today
malap malapropism .. Act , Scene , Line 

The Shakespearean Canon

* Texts not in the First Folio

AC Antony and Cleopatra LC* A Lover’s Complaint

AW All’s Well That Ends Well LLL Love’s Labour’s Lost
AY As You Like It Luc* The Rape of Lucrece
CE The Comedy of Errors MA Much Ado About Nothing
Cor Coriolanus Mac Macbeth
Cym Cymbeline MM Measure for Measure
Ham Hamlet MND A Midsummer Night’s Dream
H Henry IV Part  MV The Merchant of Venice
H Henry IV Part  MW The Merry Wives of Windsor
H Henry V Oth Othello
H Henry VI Part  Per* Pericles
H Henry VI Part  PP* The Passionate Pilgrim
H Henry VI Part  PT* The Phoenix and the Turtle
H Henry VIII R Richard II
JC Julius Caesar R Richard III
KJ King John RJ Romeo and Juliet
KL King Lear S* Sonnets


Tem The Tempest TN Twelfth Night

Tim Timon of Athens TNK* The Two Noble Kinsmen
Tit Titus Andronicus TS The Taming of the Shrew
TC Troilus and Cressida VA* Venus and Adonis
TG The Two Gentlemen of Verona WT The Winter’s Tale


An artistic-scientific endeavour

This dictionary has a single aim: to help those who wish to present Shakespeare using Early
Modern English pronunciation—or OP (‘original pronunciation’). Although this term has a
much broader application, describing any period of phonological reconstruction in the history
of a language, it has come to be popularly used when approaching Shakespeare in this way. It
echoes another ‘OP’—‘original practices’ (as used, for example, by Shakespeare’s Globe in
London), referring to the efforts that have been made to discover as much as possible about
the ways in which plays of the period were originally performed.
OP is an exercise in applied linguistics—to be precise, in applied historical phonology.
Phonology is the study of the sound system of a language—or, as here, of the state of a language
in a particular period of time. Pronunciation always changes, as shown by the archive of
recorded sound over the past century. The phonology of Early Modern English was thus
different in several important respects from that of Modern English, and this dictionary gives
an account of what those differences were. They are not so great as to make OP unintelligible to
a modern ear: most of the consonants and almost half of the vowels haven’t changed noticeably
over the past  years, and the stress pattern on most words has stayed the same. So people
listening to an OP production for the first time quickly ‘tune in’ to the system. But the
consonants, vowels, and stresses that have changed are enough to produce a way of speaking
that is distinctive, fresh, and intriguing, opening up new directions for linguistic, literary, and
theatrical enquiry.
OP aims to meet a need that comes from outside linguistics, and in a theatre context is thus as
much an artistic as a scientific endeavour. Although a great deal can be firmly established about
the nature of the Early Modern English sound system, thanks to a century of research by
philologists and historical phonologists, there are still several words where the evidence for a
particular pronunciation is lacking or can be interpreted in more than one way—usually
because alternative pronunciations were current, just as they are today. In such cases, all one
can do is (as lawyers say) ‘take a view’. Because of the limitations of the evidence, historical
phonologists would never claim that their reconstructions were authentic, therefore; but they
would say that they are plausible, and (in a situation such as a theatrical setting) usable and
effective. They would also point out that several versions of OP are possible, based on different
interpretations of the evidence, and my recommendations in this dictionary should be seen in
that light. In this respect, a practitioner’s choices as to which version of OP to use in a
production involves a similar kind of decision-making to what takes place when deciding
about other domains of theatrical practice, such as setting, lighting, music, movement, and

A N A R T I S T I C - SC I E N T I F I C E N D E A V O U R

In any applied linguistic venture, effectiveness is judged by the criteria laid down by practi-
tioners. Just as the efficacy of a linguistically inspired speech therapy intervention is judged by the
way a patient’s language ability improves, so in the theatrical world the value of any linguistically
motivated perspective is judged by the usual pragmatic criteria of artistic success. ‘The play’s the
thing’, after all, and everyone involved—director, actors, audience, and reviewers—needs to feel,
after an OP production, that their theatrical experience has been enhanced by the approach. The
way the OP ‘movement’ has grown, and the demand for support materials, suggests that this has
often been the case—sufficiently often, at least, to motivate the present dictionary.
In one respect, OP isn’t new at all to Shakespeare practitioners, and is already part of
mainstream production. Everyone takes pains to take into account the cues provided by the
metrical line, even though there are differences of opinion about just how much attention to pay
to scansion in relation to other factors. And the metre shows clearly that many polysyllabic
words had a different stress pattern from what they have today. So, for example, the following
lines would be said with the stress brought forward:
Instruct my daughter how she shall persever (AW ..)
The dust on antique time would be unswept (Cor ..)
Anyone doing so, of course, is immediately doing (a bit of ) OP.
Judging by the reactions to productions since Shakespeare’s Globe’s pioneering Romeo and
Juliet in  (described later in this introduction), it is possible to judge the theatrical potential
of OP in three main ways.

- For actors, it must feel like a natural sound system—as Hamlet says, speech should come
‘trippingly on the tongue’. They should find it learnable with no greater difficulty than they
would experience in acquiring any other accent. And, once learned, they should feel that OP
is a valuable part of their accent repertoire, offering new choices in their exploration of a
character, so that they want to use it as much as they can. Directors, likewise, should find
the experience fresh and illuminating, in the same way that all original practices offer an
opportunity of getting ‘closer to Shakespeare’.
- For dramaturges, and also for literary critics, OP should provide solutions to some of the
difficulties encountered when speaking a text, and suggest fresh possibilities of character
interpretation and interaction. Among the benefits here are the way it enables couplets to
rhyme that fail to do so in Modern English, and the bringing to light of wordplay that is
obscured by present-day pronunciation (see further below in the section ‘The nature of the
- For audiences, OP offers a new auditory aesthetic, a contrast with British received pronunci-
ation (RP) or the local modern regional accent in which they will have experienced Shake-
speare hitherto. Those who speak with an accent other than RP (which in the UK comprises
most of the population) say that OP reaches out to them in a way that RP does not, primarily
because they recognize in it echoes of the way they themselves speak. ‘We speak like that
where we come from’ has been the predictable audience response, regardless of where the
listeners originate.1 To a historical phonologist, this reaction—though naive—is understand-
able, for many of the distinctive features of present-day accents around the world can be traced
back to the Early Modern sound system. OP thus offers a new kind of ‘ownership’ of
Shakespeare—a point that has been made even more strongly by those from parts of the
English-speaking world outside the UK where RP has never been the prestige accent.

A N A R T I S T I C - S C I E N T I F I C E N D E A V OU R

This last point raises an important issue. The notion of ‘Modern English pronunciation’ is
actually an abstraction, realized by hundreds of different accents around the world, and the same
kind of variation existed in earlier states of the language. People often loosely refer to OP as ‘an
accent’, but this is as misleading as it would be to refer to Modern English pronunciation as ‘an
accent’. It would be even more misleading to describe OP as ‘Shakespeare’s accent’, as is
sometimes done. We know nothing about how Shakespeare himself spoke, though we can
conjecture that his accent would have been a mixture of Warwickshire and London. It cannot be
stated too often that OP is a phonology—a sound system—which would have been realized in a
variety of accents, all of which were different in certain respects from the variety we find in
present-day English.
Shakespeare himself tells us that there was variation at the time. In Romeo and Juliet Mercutio
contemptuously describes Tybalt as one of the ‘new tuners of accent’, Orlando is surprised when
he hears the refined accent of disguised Rosalind in As You Like It; disguised Edgar adopts a West
Country accent in King Lear. The actors on the Globe stage in  would have displayed their
regional origins in their speech, doubtless modified by their London living. Robert Armin was
born in Norfolk, John Heminges in Worcestershire, Henry Condell probably in East Anglia,
Lawrence Fletcher seems to have come down from Scotland. They would have sounded
different, but they would all have reflected the phonology of the period. For example, such
words as invention, musician, and suspicion would all have been said without the ‑shun ending that
we use today, but with an ending more like ‘see-on’ (see further, p. xxxi). A pronunciation of
invention by someone from Scotland and someone from Norfolk would have sounded different,
but both speakers would have said the word in the second line in Henry V with four syllables.
And similarly, two such speakers reading a sonnet aloud would each have respected the identity
of the vowels in such rhyming word-pairs as love and prove, though one reading would have
sounded recognizably Scottish and the other recognizably East Anglian.
The same sort of variation is to be expected when we encounter OP today. We hear it with
some features of the accent of the present-day speaker superimposed. In the Globe production
of Romeo and Juliet in , for example, there was a Scots-tinged Juliet, a Cockney-tinged Nurse,
an RP-tinged Romeo, and a Northern Irish-tinged Peter. In the Kansas University production of
A Midsummer Night’s Dream in  and the University of Nevada production of Hamlet in 
the OP was heard filtered through a range of American accents. Regional differences in
intonation accounted for some of the effects, but vowels were affected too, and this is possible
because a vowel occupies a space in the mouth, not a point, and this is shown by a circle on the
cardinal vowel diagrams (p. xli). Slight variations of vowel quality can thus be accommodated
within that space, and these can signal regional or personal differences (the basis of individual
voice recognition). Putting this in traditional linguistic terms: there can be several phonetic
realizations of a vowel phoneme while preserving the status of that vowel within the sound
system as a whole.
This dictionary codifies only the sound system of Early Modern English, and any articulation
of it will be idiosyncratic to a degree. If you listen to the associated audio files you will hear my
own rendition of OP, which will differ in tiny phonetic respects from anyone else’s rendition,
though not enough to cause the different phonemes to become confused. In performance, these
tiny differences are an important element in preserving individual actor identities. And a critical
element of OP training is to reign in an actor’s accent so that the underlying phonological
system is respected, and phonemic confusions are avoided, while at the same time not reducing
all voices to an identical blandness.


The general effect of OP needs to be compared with any Modern English accent, not just RP,
of course. We sometimes find present-day productions entirely in a regional accent, such as
those mounted by the Northern Broadsides theatre company in a Yorkshire accent or a
production of Macbeth entirely in Scottish, or which adopt a particular accent for a group of
characters (such as playing the mechanicals with a Birmingham accent, as in Greg Doran’s 
production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream). The problem here is that these accents bring modern
‘baggage’ with them. Because we have grown up with these accents as part of our social milieu,
we have developed associations and attitudes relating to them. They may be positive or negative,
occupational or aesthetic, personal or public. A Yorkshire accent will remind us of someone we
know, or some character on television, or some situation we have experienced, and it will prove
very difficult to eliminate these associations from the characters we see on stage. But OP has no
such baggage. Nobody today has heard it before, and the mixture of echoes which accompany it
do not cohere into something recognizable. On the contrary, it is the unfamiliarity of the
phonology which attracts the attention.

The scope of this dictionary

OP presentations have now been made of period texts other than by Shakespeare—such as John
Donne, composers John Dowland and William Byrd, and the writers who contributed to the
front matter of the First Folio—and one day the entire corpus of Elizabethan English will be
available for us to test hypotheses about the Early Modern English sound system. For this
dictionary I have restricted the subject-matter to Shakespeare, and focused it on a single
electronic edition of a First Folio. The reasons are partly pragmatic—this book contains the
plays which are currently attracting greatest public interest—and partly practical, for providing
a comprehensive description of all the relevant evidence in the Folio alone evidently produces a
dictionary of significant size. It was also a corpus of sufficient extent to demonstrate the
character of OP in fine detail. The conclusions are of course applicable to other texts of the
time, including the remainder of the Shakespearean canon, even though in due course they may
need to be modified in the light of wider-ranging studies.
What is this evidence? Historical phonologists use several types of data to reconstruct the
sound system from a period before the advent of audio-recording, and these are discussed later
in this introduction. For the Elizabethan period, chief among them are spellings and rhymes,
which—judiciously interpreted, and supplemented by the observations of contemporary
writers on language—provide most of the information we need in order to reconstruct
OP. However, as OP studies are still in their infancy, and as any analyst frequently has to ‘take
a view’, it is important to provide interested readers with enough of the data to allow them to
evaluate the interpretations that have been made. I have thus included within the dictionary,
along with the phonetic transcription of individual words, the following data.

- The entries list all the spelling variations of the words in speeches and stage directions of the
First Folio, along with frequency data, but excluding any organizational content (words
appearing in the front matter, play titles, lists of dramatis personae, and speaker-names,
whether in full or abbreviated). Although quite extensive in its own right, this corpus can
only be illustrative, and has to be seen in a wider orthographic context. For the present
work, all entries were checked against the historically organized lists of spelling variations at


the beginning of each entry in the online Oxford English Dictionary (, and the
associated etymologies, which often contain notes on pronunciation. For example, pollution
appears with two spellings in the Folio: pollution and polusion. While this suggests a
pronunciation of the final syllable as ‘see-on’, the deduction is strongly reinforced by the
OED listing of other spellings from Middle English into the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries:
ME pollicioun, ME pollucioun, ME pollucoun, ME pollusyone, ME polucion,
ME polucioun, ME– pollucion, ME– polucyon, – pollusion, – pol-
lution,  polusion,  polution
No OP judgement was made without taking into account the information provided by the
OED entries.
- Entries also list all the rhymes in the Shakespeare canon, using as source texts the edition of
the Collected Works by Bate and Rasmussen and the Shakespeare’s Words database (see
bibliography p. xlix). This includes the poems, which provide the majority of the rhyming
evidence. Judgements about whether a pair of lines rhyme are of course partly subjective.
Rhyming is a conscious, creative, phonaesthetic process. Just because two lines happen to
end with the same sounds doesn’t necessarily mean they count as a rhyme. Because I am
using rhymes as evidence for OP, I have therefore adopted a fairly strict policy of excluding
any line-pairs where there is an element of doubt, such as at Julius Caesar ..– where, in the
middle of a scene that is entirely in prose and blank verse, we encounter adjacent lines
ending in home and Rome.2

Cercignani () repeatedly takes Kökeritz () to task in these respects. Kökeritz threw his
net very wide in his search for rhyming evidence, and even though he marked uncertain cases
with an asterisk as ‘possible or dubious’ (: ), there are many examples taken from blank
verse where there is no real justification for including a pair of words in his index of rhymes,
such as this sequence in AC ..: ‘Do draw the inward quality after them / To suffer all alike.
That he should dream’. Cercignani makes the point about such cases that ‘an obvious prerequis-
ite to the discussion of any rhyme from a phonological point of view is that two or more words
are so manifestly intended to rhyme together as to justify their claim to the name of rhyme’, and
he concludes: ‘the use of unreliable instances in support of alleged phonological developments is
gravely misleading’ (: –).
For the same reason, I do not include many examples of wordplay as evidence for OP. There
are a number of clear-cut cases, well-recognized by editors, and these will be found in the
entries; but deciding whether a word is a pun is often a highly subjective matter. Some people
have tried to read puns (especially risque ones) into virtually every word Shakespeare wrote!
Although OP can be illuminating in suggesting puns that are missed in modern English
pronunciation, as illustrated below, it is wise to adopt a more cautious approach than some
authors (such as Kökeritz) have done in using them as evidence of phonetic identity between

Entry structure

An entry in this dictionary thus consists of up to six elements, the first three of which are


The headword

The headword, along with any inflections, is shown in boldface, with an indication of word-class
(part of speech). While this is conventional dictionary practice, in the case of OP the grammat-
ical status of a word sometimes shows interesting correlations with spelling and pronunciation.
For example, the adjective from curse is always spelled cursed, and pronounced as two syllables,
whereas the past tense of the verb is always spelled curs’t (or similar), and pronounced as a
Inflected forms are abbreviated, unless wholly irregular, with an abbreviation linked to a
preceding full form by a tilde:
bear / ~est / ~s / ~eth / ~ing / bare / bore / ~st / borne v
in full
bear / bearest / bears / beareth / bearing / bare / bore / borest / borne
If a word has an inflection that involves a spelling alternation, the point of departure in the
preceding item is marked by a raised dot:
beastl·y / ~iest adj
in full beastly / beastliest
Any points of headword clarification are shown in square brackets:
bark [animal]
bark [tree]
If a word, or an inflected form, is only known from a non-Folio text, that text is specified next to
the item (for abbreviations, see p. vii):
impannelled S
betake / PP ~s / betook v
These should be read as follows: ‘impannelled occurs only in the Sonnets’; ‘the form betakes occurs
only in Passionate Pilgrim’. The exact locations are given in the rhyme line (see subsection on
rhyme below).
Foreign words, chiefly from Latin or French, are also shown by an abbreviation after the
ainsi Fr adv
It is important to appreciate that the list of variants reflects only the forms that occur in the First
Folio. If a noun, for example, is shown without a plural form, this is simply because it is not used
in this way in the Folio, and its omission says nothing about its use elsewhere in Elizabethan
English. The dictionary is not an account of Early Modern English vocabulary, but only of the
vocabulary of the First Folio (supplemented, as mentioned above, by words from the rest of the
canon that illustrate rhymes).
A certain amount of standardization is required in the case of headwords, where variant
spellings in the First Folio need to be brought together. A typical case is words beginning with
over‑, where we find ouer, o’er, ore, and o’re, with sometimes all variants appearing and sometimes
only an abbreviated form. In such cases, the headword is given first in full, with the spelling line
showing the forms that actually appear in the text:


overhasty, abbr o’er adj

sp o’re-hasty1
A by-product of grouping word-forms in this way is that it allows us to arrive at an informed
conclusion about the ‘number of words’ in Shakespeare. The totals mentioned in the literature
have varied greatly, mainly because people have not been systematic in distinguishing semantic
units (lexemes, or lexical items) and words (strings of letters separated by spaces). In the bear
example above there are clearly nine words, but they are all grammatical variants of a single
semantic entity—the lexeme bear. We do not think of bears and bearest, for example, as ‘different
words’, but as ‘different forms of the same word’. It is this notion of ‘different words’ that gives us
a true insight into the range of Shakespeare’s vocabulary, and that is what is captured through
the headwords (strictly, head lexemes) in this dictionary.
Vocabulary counting is full of difficulties, as I have pointed out elsewhere (Crystal, ). The
dictionary contains , headwords, excluding cross-references, but these include ,
proper names,  foreign words, and  nonsense words (mainly the pseudo-linguistic
interrogation of Parolles in AW), as well as  items from non-Folio works that are included
solely because of their rhymes. If we exclude these, we are left with , English lexemes.
The total is informative, but of course not definitive. It ignores a few typesetting errors where it
is impossible to assign an item to any headword. And there are several instances where it is
ambiguous whether a sequence of two words (such as self + mettle) should be seen as a
compound word (i.e. a single lexeme) or not. I have taken a view, and not everyone may
agree. Nor have I made any attempt to extract multi-word verbs (go to, set on, lay by, pay back, etc.)
from the Folio—a difficult linguistic task in itself—as they have no bearing on OP. If these are
taken as separate lexemes, the above total will be an understatement (I suspect by about a
hundred) of the number of lexemes the Folio contains. Notwithstanding these riders, the figure
of , is suggestive, in that—once the remaining texts in the canon are analysed in the same
way—the figure of ‘around ,’ commonly cited in the literature for the size of Shake-
speare’s English vocabulary will not be far from the truth.

The pronunciations

Pronunciation is shown using an International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) transcription (described

in detail on p. xl), but only where this is different from RP. As the main aim of this dictionary is
to alert users to the points of contrast between Early Modern and Modern pronunciations,
words where there is no difference are simply marked with an identity symbol (=). Most short
vowels, for example, are the same, so in entries such as bat, bashfulness, and baron, the only
transcription we need is shown as here:
baron / ~s n
The single = here applies to all the listed forms. In cases where there is a string of inflections,
I repeat the = as required to show the way the pronunciations relate to the headwords, as here:
bend / ~s / ~ing / ~ed / bent v
= / = / ˈbendɪn, -ɪŋ / =
This reads: ‘bend and bent are the same today, as are bended and bent’. A total of , items in the
entries use this symbol—around a fifth of all word-forms.


There are a few exceptions to the identity principle. The pronunciation is shown of all archaic
words (such as alarum) and Classical names (such as Aeson), even if there has been no change
since , to help readers who may be unfamiliar with those areas of the lexicon. Also
transcribed are cases where there is a risk of uncertainty because of pronunciation variation
in Modern English, as in words like fast, which can be heard today with either a short (as in cat) or
a long (‘ah’) vowel. OP uses the short vowel, so this word is transcribed as /fast/ in the dictionary,
notwithstanding the fact that this pronunciation would be used by many RP speakers today.
Similarly, where an RP pronunciation differs from General American, I give the OP transcription
as an aid to US actors (as with due, traduce—/dju:/, not /du:/).
The identity convention would need to be extended if readers chose a basis of comparison
other than RP, as several words where the OP is different from RP would show identity when
compared with other accents. A case in point is the treatment of r after a vowel in such words as
bar and hair. RP does not pronounce the r in this position; but because it is sounded in OP (see
below) this dictionary transcribes such words using an appropriate symbol, [ɹ]. For English-
speakers who do routinely pronounce r after a vowel, such as most speakers of American
English, the presence of this symbol in the transcription thus has to be seen as a point of identity,
not contrast, with OP.
Alternative pronunciations of the headword are separated by a comma, with the abbreviated
forms linked to the preceding full form by a hyphen, and the place of substitution identified by a
shared letter:
abating əˈbetɪn, -ɪŋ, in full əˈbetɪn, əˈbetɪŋ [shared letter ɪ ]
respect rɪˈspeks, -kts, in full rɪˈspeks, rɪˈspekts [shared letters k . . . s]
In cases like the following, the shared letters show reduced forms:
perjury ˈpɐ:ɹdʒəˌrəɪ, -dʒər-, -dʒr-, in full ˈpɐ:ɹdʒəˌrəɪ, ˈpɐ:ɹdʒərəɪ, ˈpɐ:ɹdʒrəɪ

As with headwords, the pronunciation of inflected forms is abbreviated:

bath / ~s
baθ / -s
In a sequence of abbreviated inflections, the point of departure is shown by a raised dot:
ris·e / ~es / ~eth / ~ing
rəɪz / ˈrəɪz·ɪz / -əθ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ
in full, ˈrəɪz·ɪz / ˈrəɪzəθ / ˈrəɪzɪn, -ɪŋ
Idiosyncratic pronunciations, such as by Welsh characters, are shown with a line reference:
bashful adj
=, Fluellen H .. ˈpaʃfʊl
This example reads: ‘the usual pronunciation of bashful is the same as today, but in this instance
from Fluellen we find the following pronunciation’. The line references are to the editions used
for the Shakespeare’s Words website (
In many instances, a word has an unusual pronunciation (compared to Modern English), or
alternative pronunciations, depending on its location within a metrical line. In such cases I draw
attention to the metrical factor by preceding the transcription with m. I do not choose between
alternatives: m simply indicates that the reader must take metre into account before arriving at


an OP decision. And in examples such as beautiful below, the transcription leaves open the
question of how strongly the secondary stress should be articulated.
thereon adv
m ðɛ:ɹˈɒn, ˈðɛ:ɹɒn
spiced adj
m ˈspəɪsɪd
beautiful adj
m ˈbju:tɪˌfʊl
It is important to appreciate that transcriptions reflect the pronunciation of words only as they
are used in the First Folio, and should not be taken to exclude the possibility of other
pronunciations in other contexts.

The spellings

Each entry has a section, introduced by sp, that shows the spelling(s) of the headword and its
inflections as they appear in the First Folio, retaining the use of i for j and u for v, but ignoring the
erratic use of an initial capital letter in common nouns. Capitalization is shown only for proper
nouns. In addition, the electronic text makes use of two transcription conventions that are
retained in this dictionary.

- If a word is broken at a line ending, this is shown with a hyphen.

- If a word has a diacritic indicating an omitted letter, this is shown in square brackets:

Both of these conventions are illustrated here:

sp assistance10, assista[n]ce1, assi-stance1
Although these features are of little linguistic significance, I include them to enable any reader
who wishes to do so to replicate my online searches in the edition of the text I used. Someone
searching for all instances of assistance needs to know that in one instance this is found as
assista[n]ce and in another as assist-ance. Similarly, the spelling line shows any isolated textual
idiosyncrasies, such as an oddly spaced apostrophe or hyphen.
The superscript numerals show the number of occurrences of each form in the First Folio.
The frequency with which a particular spelling is used can alert the phonologist to the relative
importance of variant pronunciations; and a sense of relative frequency is important for actors
who are learning OP, as it alerts them to those words which demand extra attention, simply
because they are going to be often encountered. Apart from this, the frequency totals have,
I believe, an intrinsic interest that goes well beyond the OP initiative, and suggest possible
applications in other domains of Shakespearean language study where information about
frequency of occurrence can be illuminating. The word-counts should however be seen only
as a first approximation. We know from Elizabethan typesetting practice that no two Folios are
identical in every respect, so a statistical count of a different copy from the one I used is going to
show many small differences. In addition, word-counting is more difficult than might at first
appear, as for two forms to count as the ‘same’ word they need to share grammatical identity,
and quite often it is an analytical decision whether, for example, a word is being used as an
adjective or an adverb, or whether a participle (ending in ‑ing or ‑ed) is being used adjectivally or


as a verb. Semantic reasoning might lead analysts to make different decisions, and this will affect
any word-count.4
Two other kinds of information are included in the spelling section:

- Readers using a modern edition of the plays will encounter emendations of words in the
First Folio that editors have considered to be errors. As OP guidance is needed here too,
emended forms are included in the dictionary, with the relevant line reference from the
Shakespeare’s Words website, as here:
Sackerson n
sp MW .. emend of Saskerson1
- Occasionally, a useful piece of information regarding the pronunciation of a word comes
from the way it is spelled in a different textual source, as in this example from the Second
Quarto of Hamlet, where a pronunciation of beetles with a short vowel is clearly suggested
by the following double consonant:

beetle / ~s v
ˈbi:tlz, ˈbe-
sp beetles1, Q Ham .. bettles
One further convention will be seen in the spellings section. The Folio typesetters often joined
independent words by a hyphen: for example, dried pear is set as dride-peare. As these are not
genuine compound words, it is important to locate each element in its appropriate alphabetical
place, so that it can be seen alongside other instances, without losing its typographical distinct-
iveness. In this dictionary the secondary element is placed in square brackets. So, with this
example, at dried you will see dride-[peare] and at pear the complementary [dride]-peare.

The rhymes

Many entries have a section, introduced by rh, which lists any rhymes for the headword or its
inflections found in the Shakespeare canon. Each rhyme is shown with its play or poem line
reference, as given in the Shakespeare’s Words database, as in this listing of rhymes for abide (for
text abbreviations, see p. vii):
rh chide Luc ; deified LC ; hide TC ..; pride R ..; putrified Luc ;
slide S .; tide H .., Luc ; wide S .
In a number of cases, editorial decisions have introduced differences between the Folio text and
Shakespeare’s Words, so that the rhymes differ. These are marked by [F] or a related comment, as here:
rh field LLL .. [F end line]
In this example, shield is at the end of a line in the Folio, but has been placed midline in the
edition used in Shakespeare’s Words.
Where a word has alternative rhymes in Modern English, these are distinguished numerically.
The noun regard, for example, in OP rhymes with three types of word that would not be rhymes
of each other in RP:


rh  hard LC ; rh  heard Luc , R ..; rh  ward Luc 

A great deal of the reasoning used in reconstructing OP involves resolving such differences, in
the light of the corpus of rhymes as a whole.
If a headword contains inflections that have rhymes, these are separated by forward slashes
corresponding to the divisions in the headword line, as here:
accident / ~s n
ˈaksɪˌdent / -s
sp accident21 / accedents1, accidents11
rh lament Ham ..; discontent S . / intents S .

Other elements

A few entries have a section, introduced by pun, in which is listed any clear instance of wordplay
that has relevance for OP. It is not a major feature of the dictionary, for the reason given above
(p. xiii), but there are occasions when a pun can play a role in the reasoning which leads us to a
decision about pronunciation. For example, part of the evidence that ace was pronounced /as/ is
in the way it is punned with ass, as shown in this entry:
ace n
sp ace3
pun Cym .., MND .. ass
> ames-ace, deus-ace

This example also illustrates one other feature of the entries in this book: the use of a cross-
reference to other headwords that illustrate the same pronunciation. The aim here is to enable
people to build up a more general sense of how a particular pronunciation is used. An actor who
has looked up ace, to find out how it is pronounced in OP, is now aware of the other words in
which this form is used. In an example like bear (meaning ‘carry’), the cross-references can be
> over-, under-bear; bull-, under-bearing; high-, just-, self-, shard-, stiff-borne

For reasons of space economy, cross-references using a shared final element are clustered and
abbreviated using hyphens, as in this example.

The whole entry

When an entry contains inflections, each form is separated by a forward slash, with abbreviated
forms linked to the headword by typography, as described above. The pronunciation and
spelling lines then reflect the structure of the headword line, using parallel slashes.
bar / ~rest / ~s / ~red v
bɑ:ɹ / -st / -z / -d
sp barre17 / barr’st1, bar’st1 / barres3, bars1 / bar’d2, bard2, barr’d4
rh war S . / stars S . / reward AW ..
> em-, un-bar; barred, strong-barred


The nature of the evidence

The reconstruction of OP is based on four kinds of evidence, collated by Dobson (),

Kökeritz (), Barber (), Cercignani (), and others: spellings, rhymes, puns, and
observations by contemporary writers. A similar approach is described in the reconstruction
of Latin by Allen (: Foreword). Here is a brief example of each.

- In RJ .., when Mercutio describes Queen Mab as having a whip with ‘a lash of film’, the
Folio and Quarto spellings of philome indicate a bisyllabic pronunciation, ‘fillum’ (as in
modern Irish English).
- In MND .., Puck’s couplet indicates a pronunciation of one that no longer exists in
English: ‘Then will two at once woo one / That must needs be sport alone’.
- In LLL .., there is a pun in the line ‘Your lion, that holds his pole-axe sitting on a close-
stool, will be given to Ajax’ which can only work if we recognize (see further below) that
Ajax could also be pronounced ‘a jakes’ ( jakes = ‘privy’).
- In Ben Jonson’s English Grammar (), the letter o is described as follows: ‘In the short time
more flat, and akin to u; as . . . brother, love, prove’, indicating that, for him at least, prove was
pronounced like love, not the other way round.5

A reconstruction exercise is by no means straightforward because the textual evidence is

often difficult to interpret. A distinctive spelling may genuinely indicate how a word was
pronounced, or it may be a typesetter’s error. Words at the ends of lines may point to a
genuine rhyme (as in a sonnet) or may have a fortuitous connection (as in the examples
above, p. xiii, from adjacent lines of blank verse). The possibility of eye-rhymes also needs to
be considered (see further below). And what counts as a pun may be a modern interpretation
rather than something Shakespeare intended.
Similarly, the evidence of the orthoepists is also often difficult to interpret because they
privilege different pronunciations. This isn’t surprising when we consider that they were writing
throughout the whole of Shakespeare’s lifetime and beyond—a period of great pronunciation
change in the history of English. The changes were being brought about largely by the increased
mobility of people in England (the great movement south to London from East Anglia and the
Midlands had been a feature of the social scene for some decades) and the huge increase in the
number of immigrants, making London a highly multilingual (and thus multidialectal) city.
In population it had grown from around , in the mid-s to around , in
, and would increase further to around , by . Dialect and accent diversity was
an inevitable consequence, and norms were shifting as time passed. As a consequence, the
orthoepists who wrote in the s and s often describe words differently from those who
wrote in the s and s. In addition, there are differences which are probably due to their
regional backgrounds, or to the likelihood that they were thinking of different sections of the
population when they made their descriptions. The same sort of thing still happens today when
we consider such pronunciation pairs as schedule beginning with ‘sh‑’ or ‘sk‑’, garage ending with
‘‑ahzh’ or ‘‑idge’, or research with the stress on the first or the second syllable. But my impression
is that there was a great deal more variation in and around  compared with today, and this
is reflected in the many alternatives listed in this dictionary (about half the entries show some
sort of variation). Moreover, attitudes towards pronunciation have to be taken into account.


Someone who feels that the Queen’s English is the only acceptable style of speech today would
paint a very different phonological picture from someone who thinks otherwise. Similar
attitudes were present in Shakespeare’s day, as Holofernes clearly illustrates.
Despite the difficulties, there are a sufficient number of clear cases of spellings, rhymes, puns,
and comments to warrant a reconstruction of the English sound system of Shakespeare’s day.
The evidence of spellings and rhymes is particularly compelling, as they are so frequent.
A systematic review of the comments made by contemporary writers is beyond the scope of
this introduction (for which see Dobson), but a selection of their observations is included below.


Because spelling was not standardized in Shakespeare’s day—an accepted notion of ‘correct’
spelling did not emerge until the eighteenth century—the choices made by the various writers
and typesetters often provide pointers as to how a word was pronounced. With no agreed
spelling for a word, the way it was said was likely to influence the way it was spelled. It is thus
possible to work backwards from the spelling towards the pronunciation.
It is well known that a great deal of typographical randomness and error appears in the First
Folio. Different spellings of a word may occur even in a single line, as in AW ..: ‘Ile loue her
dearely, euer, euer dearly’. But a typographical error is unlikely when we find the same
distinctive spelling appearing in a variety of texts, a number of different spellings of a word
pointing in the same direction, or a number of different words all using the same spelling. For
example, in the First Folio we find murder and its derivative forms spelled as murder  times and
as murther  times, clearly suggesting that a fricative pronunciation was routinely available.
Spellings of apparition as aparision and petitioner as peticioner—as well as the pollution examples on
p. xiii—indicate that the ‑ti- ending was pronounced /sɪ/. The spelling of Hortentio  times but
Hortensio  times shows the same pronunciation in proper names. The point is confirmed by
contemporary writers. Richard Mulcaster, for example, writes (p.  of his Elementarie):
T, kepeth one force still sauing where a vowell followeth after, i, as in action, discretion, consumption,
where as, t, soundeth like the full s, or strong c . . .
In such cases, a deduction about OP can be made with confidence. Other examples of spelling
evidence are given in the description of individual sounds (p. xlii).


A deduction based on rhyme becomes convincing when we see a word being paired with
different words in a range of clear cases. War, for example, rhymes with jar in VA , with scar
and afar in Luc , and with bar in S ; wars rhymes with stars in MND ... There are no
instances of war rhyming with words like more and shore, as they would today. This clearly
warrants a pronunciation as /wɑ:ɹ/—though exactly what phonetic value to give to the /ɑ:/
vowel remains an open question (see further below in the section ‘Long vowels’).
A reconstruction becomes even more plausible when evidence from two sources coincides.
Again, for example, is almost always pronounced with a long vowel /əˈɡɛ:n/ to rhyme with twain,
mane, plain, slain, and so on (these examples from Luc , , , , ). However, in S . we
find again rhyming with pen, indicating that two pronunciations of this word existed, as they do
today. The rhyming evidence for a short-vowel pronunciation is here further supported by the
spelling, agen.


Where alternative pronunciations exist, it is important to take all the evidence into account
when deciding on which variant to propose in cases where either would be possible. In the case
of again, the evidence is clear. The usual spelling in the First Folio is againe ( instances) or again
( instances), which suggests that /əˈɡɛ:n/ should be the primary recommendation in a
pronouncing dictionary. But the First Folio also gives us  instances of agen. Thanks to S ,
these cannot be viewed as merely a typographical aberration. They motivate us to use that
pronunciation in those cases where the agen spelling occurs, and allow us to think of the short-
vowel version as an option in other cases. The situation facing the actor or director is then
exactly the same as it would be in a production of any modern play in which the word appears.
They have to choose, and for this they will look to other criteria than the linguistic. The role of
the historical linguist is to demonstrate the options, not to make dramaturgical or literary
critical decisions.
A reconstruction becomes compelling when it resolves a phonological anomaly resulting
from the changes between Early Modern and Modern English. For example, rhymes are an
important index of play structure, being a frequent marker of scene closure:  per cent of all
verse scenes in the canon ( out of , using the Oxford Shakespeare scene divisions) end in a
rhyming couplet or have one close by. And when a rhyme fails—something that happens in 
per cent of cases ( times)—the effect is really noticeable, as in this example from RJ .:
ROMEO: O, let us hence! I stand on sudden haste.
FRIAR: Wisely and slow. They stumble that run fast.
The jarring effect is even more noticeable when it is the final two lines in a play, as at the end of
Macbeth, where generations of actors have tried and failed to make something of one rhyming
with Scone—a rhyme that only works in OP—or in this example from King Lear:
We that are young
Shall never see so much, nor live so long.
In the Sonnets, which have a transparent rhyme scheme, no less than  of the  have line-pairs
which fail to rhyme in Modern English — instances in all ( per cent of all lines). In two cases
(S  and S ), four of the seven line-pairs fail to rhyme. Here are the last ten lines of S :
The fairest votary took up that fire,
Which many legions of true hearts had warmed,
And so the general of hot desire
Was sleeping by a virgin hand disarmed.
This brand she quenched in a cool well by,
Which from love’s fire took heat perpetual,
Growing a bath and healthful remedy
For men diseased; but I, my mistress’ thrall,
Came there for cure, and this by that I prove:
Love’s fire heats water, water cools not love.
In sum: only a third of the sonnets rhyme perfectly in modern English; and in eighteen
instances, it is the final couplet which fails to work, leaving a particularly unsatisfactory
impression in the ear. In cases of this kind, the need to apply an OP perspective is strong indeed.
It should be plain that this perspective often demands the recognition of alternative forms.
For example, in MND we find that gone rhymes with alone, anon, moan, none, on, Oberon, and upon.
We can divide these into three types. The rhymes with on and upon, which have always had short


vowels in the history of English, along with Oberon, indicate the pronunciation that we still have
today. The rhymes with alone and moan clearly indicate a long vowel. The rhymes with anon and
none provide ambiguous evidence, as those words also had variant forms. This means that in any
dictionary of Shakespearean pronunciation, both /ɡɒn/ and /ɡo:n/ need to be represented. It also
means that a choice is available when we encounter this word in a non-rhyming context. When
Lucrece says () ‘O that is gone for which I sought to live’, there is no way of knowing
whether Elizabethans would have read this as /ɡɒn/ or /ɡo:n/, or whether they would even have
noticed the difference. We have a similar situation today with the vowel in says, which can be
pronounced either short as /sez/ or long as /seɪz/. People switch from one to the other without a
second thought, depending on such factors as euphony, emphasis, and speed of speaking. If a
historical linguist  years hence had to reconstruct early twenty-first century English phon-
ology, either version of says would be plausible. And it is the same today when we look back 
years. To read Lucrece’s line with a long vowel in gone may not be authentic (i.e. what
Shakespeare intended), but it is at least plausible. And the same point applies if we read it
with a short vowel.

Might some of the failed line-pairs be explained by alternative views of rhyme in which other
factors than the auditory become influential? Two such notions could be relevant. In an ‘eye-
rhyme’ (or ‘printer’s rhyme’, as it is sometimes called), the endings are homographic but there is
nothing phonologically in common: cough and though. In a ‘half-rhyme’ (also sometimes called
‘slant rhyme’), the two syllables do share some phonological properties (distinctive features):
consonants, in such cases as dish and cash; vowels, in such cases as saver and later.6
Once OP is taken into account, there are very few half-rhymes in the Shakespeare canon. My
rhymes database contains  rhyme pairings in the poems and  rhyme pairings in the
plays, giving  rhyme pairings in all. Comparing the rhyming syllables of these pairings, only
 of these are inexact according to the transcriptions in this dictionary (.%), so they are the
candidates for ‘half-rhymes’. Of these,  (%) differ by only one distinctive feature, including
many instances where the phonetic distinction is so slight that the rhymes might well have been
perceived to be identical (e.g. /s/ vs /z/ in cases like amiss/is and precise/flies, where the final /z/
would have had some degree of devoicing). The remaining pairs include  instances separated
by two distinctive features (eg favour/labour—labio-dental vs bilabial, fricative vs plosive),  by
three (e.g. opportunity/infamy—voiceless, alveolar, plosive vs voiced, bilabial, nasal), and one by
four (readiness/forwardness—mid-high, front, unrounded, short vs mid-low, back, rounded, long).
It will be an interesting further investigation to explore how far these approximations suggest a
more flexible view of rhyme by writers in Early Modern English—or, whether they would have
been judged as simply ‘bad rhymes’.7
Eye-rhymes, similarly, are few, once OP is taken into account, and I do not find this
surprising. Certainly, as poetry became less an oral performance and more a private reading
experience—a development which accompanied the availability of printed books and the rise of
literacy in the sixteenth century—we might expect visual rhymes to be increasingly used as a
poetic device. But from a linguistic point of view, this was unlikely to happen until a standard-
ized spelling system had developed. When spelling is inconsistent, regionally diverse, and
idiosyncratic, as it was in Middle English (with as many as  spellings recorded for might, for
example, in the OED), a predictable graphaesthetic effect is impossible. And although the
process of spelling standardization was well underway in the sixteenth century, it was still a
long way from achieving the stability that would be seen a century later. As John Hart put it in


his influential Orthographie (, folio ), English spelling shows ‘such confusion and disorder, as
it may be accounted rather a kind of ciphring’. And Richard Mulcaster, in his Elementarie (),
affirms that it is ‘a very necessarie labor to set the writing certaine, that the reading may be sure’.
Word-endings, in particular, were variably spelled, notably the presence or absence of a final e
(again vs againe), the alternation between apostrophe and e (arm’d vs armed), the use of ie or y (busie
vs busy), and variation between double and single consonants (royall vs royal). This is not a climate
in which we would expect eye-rhymes to thrive.
‘That the reading may be sure.’ Poets, far more alert to the impact of their linguistic choices
than the average language user, would hardly be likely to introduce a graphic effect when there
was no guarantee that their readers would recognize it. And certainly not to the extent found in
the sonnets. Given the importance attached to rhyme in this new genre, would anyone write a
sonnet in which four of the seven line-pairs are eye-rhymes, as happens in sonnets  and ?
Or where there are three line-pairs anomalous (, , , , )? A further  have two line-
pairs affected. Even allowing for the occasional eye-rhyme or half-rhyme, I agree with Kökeritz
(: ), who says: ‘No magic formula exists by means of which we can single out the eye
rhymes in Shakespeare.’
If eye-rhymes were a regular device at the time, we would expect to see contemporary writers
discussing them. But there is no mention of them in Samuel Daniel’s A Defence of Ryme (), for
example. On the contrary, there is a wholly auditory perspective in his definition of rhyme:
‘number and harmonie of words, consisting of an agreeing sound in the last silables of seuerall
verses, giuing both to the Eare an Eccho of a delightfull report & to the Memorie a deepe
impression of what is deliuered therein.’ It is the ear, not the eye, that is the theme of sixteenth-
century writers. George Puttenham in The Arte of English Poesie () heads his Chapter . as
follows: ‘How the good maker will not wrench his word to helpe his rime, either by falsifying his
accent, or by untrue orthographie.’ The auditory effect is paramount:
Now there can not be in a maker a fowler fault, then to falsifie his accent to serue his cadence, or by
vntrue orthographie to wrench his words to helpe his rime, for it is a signe that such a maker is not
copious in his owne language, or (as they are wont to say) not halfe his crafts maister: as for example,
if one should rime to this word Restore he may not match him with Doore or Poore for neither of both
are of like terminant, either by good orthography or in naturall sound, therfore such rime is strained,
so is it to this word Ram to say came or to Beane Den for the sound not nor be written alike, & many
other like cadences which were superfluous to recite, and are vsuall with rude rimers who obserue not
precisely the rules of prosidie.
He goes on to say: ‘our maker must not be too licentious in his concords, but see that they go
euen, iust and melodious in the eare’. And he concludes: ‘a licentious maker is in truth but a
bungler and not a Poet’.
Support for an auditory view also comes from some unlikely places. Benedick is a typical
bungler. He is one of several lovers (such as Don Armado and Berowne) who make it clear that
rhymes are prerequisite for romantic success, but he acknowledges that he himself is no good at
them. ‘I can find out no rhyme to “lady” but “baby” . . . I was not born under a rhyming planet’
(MA ..). This is a half-rhyme, and his use of the example shows that he must have been aware
of such phenomena as a poetic strategy; but the example also shows that he does not think of it
as a very good strategy. If Benedick dismisses it in his love poem, it asks rather a lot to think of
Shakespeare as welcoming it in his. I conclude that we may trust the majority of line-pairings we
find in Shakespeare as guides to genuine auditory effect, while allowing the occasional visually
motivated instance.8



When it comes to puns, we are on different ground, as semantic considerations arise, and it is
important, as stated above, to use only the clearest cases as evidence for OP, some of which may
need to be expounded in detail for the wordplay to be understood. An example is the
pronunciation of Jaques. The fact that this name was homophonous with jakes (meaning
‘privy’) was a standard joke at the time. Sir John Harington’s remarkable proposal for a new
design of privy was published in  under the title A new discovrse of a stale svbject, called the
metamorphosis of Aiax (Donno, ), and he actually begins his book with this anecdote (letters
s, w, i/j and u/v are modernized here):
There was a very tall & serviceable gentleman, somtime Lieutenant of the ordinance, called M. Jaques
Wingfield; who coming one day, either of businesse, or of kindnesse, to visit a great Ladie in the Court;
the Ladie bad her Gentlewoman aske, which of the Wingfields it was; he told her Jaques Wingfield: the
modest gentlewoman, that was not so well seene in the French, to know that Jaques, was but James in
English, was so bashfoole, that to mend the matter (as she thought) she brought her Ladie word, not
without blushing, that it was M. Privie Wingfield; at which, I suppose the Lady then, I am sure the
Gentleman after, as long as he lived, was wont to make great sport.
Harington later includes a verse in which jakes rhymes with makes (Donno, : ), leaving us
in no doubt as to its pronunciation, /dʒɛ:ks/, modern /dʒeɪks/. Shakespeare certainly knew the
word, for he uses it in KL .. when Kent harangues Oswald: ‘I will tread this unbolted villain
into mortar and daub the wall of a jakes with him.’
We can be confident, then, about recommending this as one of the pronunciations of Jaques in
OP. It is supported by the metre in several places, such as the dialogue between the First Lord
and the Duke in AY .., , where we find:
Much marked of the melancholy Jaques . . .
And never stays to greet him: ‘Ay,’ quoth Jaques . . .

And it is this pronunciation we need to bear in mind in order to interpret Touchstone’s

otherwise puzzling term of address at AY .., when he euphemistically refers to Jaques
as ‘Master What-ye-call’t’—perhaps, as with the gentlewoman in Harington’s anecdote, a
mite embarrassed to say the word in front of Audrey. But in the First Lord’s speech we
also find (AY ..) a disyllabic pronunciation, which must have been /ˈdʒɛ:kwi:z/, modern
The melancholy Jaques grieves at that

This, along with similar usages in AW, remind us that we need to be careful. It will not be
possible to see the ‘privy’ sense in all uses of the name.
We also need to note a second dimension to the jakes wordplay, for Ajax is also a pun.
Harington’s book is about the redesign (metamorphosis) of a jakes, and it is evident that this was a
common pronunciation of Ajax. Indeed, those who criticized his invention took the pun a stage
further, referring to him by such names as ‘M[aister] A Jax’. It was a convenient insult—and one
which was not lost on Shakespeare. In TC .., Thersites rails at Ajax with the words ‘But yet
you look not well upon him; for whomsoever you take him to be, he is Ajax’. The insult is
totally lost if one is unaware of the OP. And the pun is recapitulated at TC ..: ‘Then will Ajax
lack matter, if he have lost his argument.’


Using original pronunciation

There are, then, two aspects to OP: the discovery procedure and the application. Once a
plausible system has been established, with all its variants, it can be used to indicate the
phonological options available for line readings, some of which can suggest a novel (to modern
ears) interpretation of a familiar text. Whether the alternative interpretation is warranted is a
separate matter. But in the first instance, we need to be aware that a possible ambiguity (in the
sense of William Empson (), in his Seven Types of Ambiguity) is present. As he put it, on the
opening page of his book: ambiguity is ‘any verbal nuance, however slight, which gives room for
alternative reactions to the same piece of language’. That is what OP does: it makes room.


In RJ, for example, once we know that the two modern diphthongs /aɪ/ (as in by) and /ɔɪ/ (as in
boy) were both realized as /əɪ/ in OP, then we are presented with the possibility that there is a
genealogical nuance (lines) which can be added to the physical sense of loins in the Prologue:
‘From forth the fatal loins of these two foes’. And once we know that a possible pronunciation of
woman was /wo:mən/, ‘woe-man’, along with the more usual /wʊmən/, then several references
can be interestingly re-thought (such as ‘Frailty, thy name is woman’, Ham ..). The evidence
for this last option is to be found both in rhymes, as in TG ..,
That man that hath a tongue, I say is no man
If with his tongue he cannot win a woman.
but also explicitly in such lines as ‘the Woeman, shee, did worke man woe’ (from one of the
Conscience poems by Richard Barnfield, ), and there are several other recorded instances of
the pun in the sixteenth century (see OED, woman, sense Pa). The example makes the point that,
to motivate OP in Shakespeare, we must not restrict ourselves to the canon, but use whatever
data we can find from the period.
Sometimes an OP reading can remove a dramatic difficulty. An often-reported instance is in
AY .., where we find Jaques reporting to Duke Senior what he overheard Touchstone say.
‘Thus we may see’, quoth he, ‘how the world wags:
‘Tis but an hour ago since it was nine,
And after one hour more ’twill be eleven,
And so from hour to hour we ripe, and ripe,
And then from hour to hour we rot, and rot,
And thereby hangs a tale.’

This makes Jaques laugh for an hour—but there is nothing in the text, when read in a modern
pronunciation, to motivate such a reaction. We need to know about the homophony between
hour and whore, both pronounced /o:ɹ/ in OP, if we are to provide an explanation.
Similar examples of wordplay can be posited in the poems. The same homophony between
hour and whore offers a fresh reading for S :
Against my love shall be as I am now
With Time’s injurious hand crushed and o’er-worn, [whore-worn?]
When hours have drained his blood and filled his brow [whores?]


With lines and wrinkles, when his youthful morn

Hath travelled on to age’s steepy night . . .

Might we also read such a pun into S , talking about his love?
It fears not policy, that heretic,
Which works on leases of short-numbered hours, [whores?]
But all alone stands hugely politic,
That it nor grows with heat, nor drowns with showers.
In S ., the words vice and voice would have sounded the same, both pronounced with /əɪ/:
That tongue that tells the story of thy days
(Making lascivious comments on thy sport)
Cannot dispraise, but in a kind of praise,
Naming thy name, blesses an ill report.
Oh what a mansion have those vices got [voices]
Which for their habitation chose out thee,

In S  there are repeated instances of one /o:n/. Apart from the fresh resonance in line , there is a
new pun in line : one/own now neatly opposes lend. And the assonance continues into Adonis in
line .
What is your substance, whereof are you made,
That millions of strange shadows on you tend?
Since every one hath, every one, one shade,
And you, but one, can every shadow lend.
Describe Adonis,
These are interesting questions which, in editions of the sonnets that ignore an OP perspective,
are not mentioned as possibilities.

Phonaesthetic effects

Also semantically relevant, though less directly, are those cases where the OP alters the
relationships of alliteration or assonance among the words in a text, conveying a significantly
different auditory impression from what would be heard in Modern English. The Sonnets provide
many examples:
No matter then although my foot did stand
Upon the farthest earth removed from thee . . . (S )
In Modern English, farthest and earth have different vowels; in OP, earth echoes the vowel of
farthest (/ɐ:ɹθ/.
This told, I joy, but then no longer glad . . . (S )
Today I and joy have different diphthongs; in OP, joy had the same diphthong as in I /əɪ/.
In the following extract from S , Modern English gives four different vowel values to
the underlined syllables in wasteful, war, overturn / work, and Mars. In OP, the vowels of Mars and
war coincide, and the front and central qualities of waste and turn / work become more open,
resulting in a sequence of /a/-like vowels that adds an insistent urgency to the first and third lines.


When wasteful war shall statues overturn,

And broils root out the work of masonry,
Nor Mars his sword nor war’s quick fire shall burn
The living record of your memory.
This is where OP offers least certainty, for assonance relies on phonetic as much as on
phonological decisions. It is one thing to know that war was pronounced /wɑ:ɹ/. It is quite
another to know exactly which quality of /ɑ:/ to adopt. From a phonetic point of view, this
vowel, with the tongue in the open back position, takes up quite a bit of articulatory space.
In one direction (further forward) it could take on a hint of the quality of the vowel in cat
(as spoken by a British northerner); in another, it could approach the vowel in the; in a third, it
could approach the vowel heard in cot. There is plenty of room for disagreement over optimal
readings here; but equally, the OP offers plenty of room for fresh readings of what is a very
familiar text.

Sociolinguistic factors

These are points relating to texts seen as poetry. When the texts are seen as drama, OP raises a
further set of considerations, sociolinguistic and stylistic in character. One of the most import-
ant things to appreciate about OP is that the range of accents it generated lacked a single prestige
variety such as we encounter in present-day RP. RP was an accent that developed at the end of
the eighteenth century—a class accent contrived to allow the upper-classes to distinguish
themselves from the way people from other classes talked. If Cockneys omitted /h/ when it
was there in the spelling and inserted it when it was not (as in I ’urt my harm), then those who
wanted to distance themselves as far as possible from Cockney speech would follow the
opposite procedure, and scrupulously follow the spelling. If people from the provinces around
Britain pronounced an /r/ after vowels, then those wishing to appear non-provincial would not.
And slowly the phonetic character of RP evolved as the prestige, regionally neutral, educated,
elite way of talking in England.
No such accent existed in Shakespeare’s day. As Empson puts it at one point: ‘Elizabethan
pronunciation was very little troubled by snobbery’ (: ). People with strong regional
accents could achieve the highest positions in the land (such as Raleigh and Drake with their
Devonshire speech). When James came to the throne in , Scottish accents became the
dominant voice of the court. The only way you could show, through the way you talked, that
you were a member of the educated elite was to use special vocabulary or grammar. Accent
alone would not do it. Educated people would probably display their literacy by having their
pronunciation reflect the way words were spelled—a practice that must have been very
common, for Shakespeare plainly expected people to recognize the character of Holofernes in
Love’s Labour’s Lost, with his exaggerated respect for spelling. Holofernes is horrified at the ‘rackers
of orthography’ who omit the /b/ in such words as doubt and debt and who leave out the /l/ in calf
and half. But what Holofernes’ accent was is an open question.
We cannot rid ourselves entirely of the influence of Modern English phonetics and phon-
ology, of course. The point applies equally to all aspects of ‘original practices’ productions—
which is why Shakespeare’s Globe tends to distance itself from the notion that they are being
‘authentic’. Nothing can totally recreate the Jacobethan experience. The sounds, smells, and
tactility of the Globe are hugely different from how it would have been. No jumbo jets rumbling
overhead then. No smell of urine today. And it is the same with pronunciation, as can be seen


with the use of /h/. Ever since the Middle Ages, English accents have used or dropped initial /h/.
In Shakespeare’s time, it would have come and gone without notice, in much the same way as
people today sometimes vary their pronunciations of again, says, and often—or indeed /h/ itself in
unstressed positions (as in I saw him in the park). So it would be perfectly possible for an educated
person to pronounce a word beginning with h in a stressed syllable either with or without the
sound. The evidence is partly in the spellings, such as Ercles for Hercules, Ircanian for Hyrcanian, and
dungell for dunghill, as well as elisions like t’have and th’harmony and OED spellings of such words
as halcyon, halt, homage, and habiliments without an h. But it is also in the contemporary writers,
who comment on individual words. Palsgrave, for example, writing in , says about habita-
cion: ‘in whiche h is written and nat sounded with us’, and various Folio citations show h-words
preceded by an or mine suggesting h-lessness, as in an habitation, an hoast, an hayre, and an hypocrite.
On the other hand, the spellings show a great deal of variation. The Folio gives us instances of
both a hundred and an hundred, an habitation, and a habit, and both my and mine preceding host, haire,
and hostesse. Clearly, both alternatives need to be recognized in an OP dictionary.
However, in making decisions about the forms to use in a production, we cannot rid
ourselves completely of our modern associations. It may have been perfectly possible for actors
to address each other as ’Amlet and ’Oratio in , but this would introduce a distraction to
modern listeners, who would not expect to hear a dropped h in such upper-class people. On the
other hand, they would not be disturbed by h-dropping if lower-class characters do it, as that
conforms to modern stereotypes. So here we have a set of new options for characters. In MND,
for example, an OP perspective could keep /h/ for Theseus and Hippolyta and the lovers, and
omit it for the mechanicals. But what do we do with the fairies? Do Oberon and Titania drop
their hs, as down-to-earth beings might do, or do they keep them, as might befit a well-brought-
up Fairy King and Queen? And what about Puck, whose naughtiness might have a linguistic
reflex in h-dropping? If he is an h-dropper, then he has an extra option, when mimicking the
voices of Lysander and Demetrius in the forest, by adding upper-class hs as required. Or, to take
an example from towards the end of the play, a subtle theatrical effect can be achieved though
the use of /h/ when the mechanicals are putting on their play, and attempting to adopt a high
oratorical vein. They know there should be hs somewhere, but are not entirely sure where.
Snout, as Wall, for example, might say this—unnecessarily pronouncing them on the gram-
matical words, and over-emphasizing them on the content words:
And such a wall as I would have you think
That had in it a crannied ’ole or chink . . .
These are tiny points, but they are not trivial ones, and are the kinds of issue that take up a great
deal of time in the rehearsal room, as they can offer fresh ideas about character and interaction.
Many such options can be found. In Twelfth Night, we can well imagine Orsino and Olivia
pronouncing their hs, given their educated background, and the Captain and Antonio not doing
so. But does Sir Toby? Sir Andrew? Malvolio? And what should happen with the poetry? Were
sonnets read aloud in a more declamatory ‘high’ style or colloquially? From the comments made
by the contemporary writers on poetry, both styles would seem to have been used. Puttenham,
for example, affirms a high style in his definition of poetry (p. ):
Poesie is a pleasant maner of vtterance varying from the ordinarie of purpose to refresh the mynde by
the eares delight.

and notions such as ‘delicacy’ and ‘cleanness’ strongly suggest a care for articulation that would
motivate the sounding of /h/:


speech by meeter is a kind of vtterance, more cleanly couched and more delicate to the eare then prose
is, because it is more currant and slipper vpon the tongue, and withal tunable and melodious, as a kind
of Musicke, and therfore may be tearmed a musicall speech or vtterance, which cannot but please the
hearer very well.

On the other hand, a more colloquial style is suggested by demotic and informal settings (pp. , ):
And the great Princes, and Popes, and Sultans would one salute and greet an other sometime in
friendship and sport, sometime in earnest and enmitie by ryming verses, & nothing seemed clerkly
done, but must be done in ryme:
So did euery scholer & secular clerke or versifier, when he wrote any short poeme or matter of good
lesson put in in ryme, whereby it came to passe that all your old Prouerbes and common sayinges,
which they would haue plausible to the reader and easie to remember and beare away, were of that
sorte as these.

And it is difficult to imagine a high style for the opening of S , with its markedly colloquial
syntax ( yea is /jɛ:/, ‘yeah’):
Take all my loves, my love, yea, take them all;
What hast thou then more than thou hadst before?

Would someone who has just said ‘mi luv’ and ‘yeah’ pronounce hast and hadst with full-blown
hs? Holofernes (LLL ..) would have insisted on the spelling being fully pronounced, of course.
But would your average lover?

Character choices

The large number of alternative pronunciations recorded in this dictionary offers actors many
options to suit their interpretation of a character. In addition to the possible implications of
h-dropping, there is the colloquial vs formal choice of g-dropping in the verbal ‑ing suffix (e.g.
possessing vs possessin’, indicated by such spellings as poprin for poppering), or of t-dropping in the
‑est suffix (as shown by such spellings as interrupts for interruptest, and rhymes such as fleet’st and
sweete). The colloquial elision of a syllable is very frequent (e.g. prosp’rous, gen’rall, confedrate) and
the existence of alternative forms suggests a potential stylistic contrast, as in buttery along with
buttry, vtterance along with vtt’rance and vttrance.
Several of these stylistic options are doubtless a consequence of a speech rate that followed
Hamlet’s recommendation to the players that they should speak ‘trippingly upon the tongue’
and not ‘mouth’ the lines as if they were being spoken by town criers (Ham ..). The increase in
speed which comes from implementing this directive is immediately noticeable, with full
attention paid to the elisions indicated in the orthography (i’th, woo’t, etc). An OP rendition of
a speech like ‘It is my lady. O, it is my love! O that she knew she were!’ (RJ ..) lacks the fuller
articulation of the unstressed syllables usually heard in a Modern English production.
MODERN: /ɪt ɪz maɪ leɪdɪ. əʊ, ɪt ɪz maɪ lʌv. əʊ ðæt ʃi: nju: ʃi: wə:/
OP: /ɪt ɪz mɪ lɛ:dəɪ. o:, ɪt ɪz mɪ lɤv. o: ðət ʃɪ nju: ʃɪ wɑ:ɹ/

The cumulative difference in speed was seen in the Globe production of Romeo and Juliet, in
which the same company performed the play both in OP and in Modern English: the OP version
was ten minutes shorter than its modern counterpart—and it took the company a little by


surprise, especially when it proved necessary to integrate the language with other activities, such
as in the fight scene, or in the banquet scene (where the speaking and the dancing was carefully
choreographed in Modern English, but in OP the speaking finished well before the dancing did).
The Master of Movement at the Globe also observed that the actors were holding themselves
differently and moving about the stage differently in the OP production compared with their
performance in the Modern English one. Actors routinely report such effects, finding that OP
affects their whole body, and is not simply ‘an accent’.
Conveying effects of speech rate in connected speech is not the remit of a dictionary, which
deals in single lexical items, but the consequences of a rapid articulation do often need to be
taken into account, especially in relation to the elision of elements in consonant clusters, as with
promps (= prompts), temt (= tempt), and gransier (= grandsire). The ‑est verb inflection is especially
affected, as most instances are reduced to ‑’st—or even to ‑s, if appearing in a difficult-to-
articulate consonant cluster, or followed by a similar sound, as in the examples above. In this
dictionary, there are many entries where variations in formality are shown by elided pronun-
ciations. The point also sometimes motivates a pun, as with presence and presents in AY ..–.
The fact that pronunciations were changing over time during Shakespeare’s lifetime offers a
further option for characterization. For example, in the s words like musician and invention
seem to have been pronounced /mjuˈzɪsɪən/ and /inˈvensɪən/. Forty years later we see pronun-
ciations such as /mjuˈziʃɪən/ and /ɪnˈvenʃɪən/, and soon after we find the modern pronunci-
ations /-ʃən/, and /-ʃn/. So in  older people would very likely have said the former, and
younger people the latter. And this allows us a theatrical option, which was exploited in the
Romeo and Juliet production. The old Montagues and Capulets said the words with /sɪən/ and the
young ones with /ʃɪən/. In this dictionary, words ending in ‑tion, ‑cion (etc.) are shown with a
conservative pronunciation, /-sɪən/. The choice of monosyllabic /-sɪən/ versus disyllabic /-sɪˌɒn/
depends on the metre.
Sometimes the spelling of an individual item can suggest a character choice, as in these
examples from the OP production of Henry V mounted at Shakespeare’s Globe in . At H
.. the French princess Katherine’s maid says
Dat it is not be de fashon pour le Ladies of Fraunce;

this is the only case in the Folio where fashion is spelled without its i. This would seem to suggest
a French pronunciation rather than the usual OP ‘fash-ee-on’. The point is missed in modern
editions, which spell the word as fashion.
A little later there is a nuance that comes from the way France is spelled. The name of the
country turns up many times in the canon, and is always spelled France, pronounced /frans/,
apart from ten instances where it is Fraunce, /frɔ:ns/. Seven of these cases belong to people who
are clearly French or who are reading French aloud: Pucelle in H, the Frenchman in Cym,
Katherine and Lady (as in the above example), and Exeter in H. But the remaining three come
from Henry himself—twice when he is trying to speak French with Katherine (where an attempt
at a French pronunciation is unremarkable), and the following interesting case:
It is not a fashion for the Maids in Fraunce to kisse before they are marryed, would she say?

Henry is repeating what Katherine’s maid has just said, and—although now speaking English—
seems to be copying her pronunciation of Fraunce. In the Globe co-production, the actor playing
Henry made much of this option, with humorous effect.


The history of OP studies

Contemporary interest in reconstructing Shakespearean pronunciation should be seen as a

revival rather than an innovation, as previous projects can be traced back to the mid-nineteenth
century.9 Before that, there was of course regular exploration into the prosody of his verse, and
within the perspective of nineteenth-century philology attention was routinely drawn to
individual puns, rhymes, and metrical idiosyncrasies. A typical example is Craik (). But
nobody tried to construct a system of early pronunciation in real detail until an essay by the
American literary critic and lawyer Richard Grant White, whose many works on Shakespeare
included two editions of the plays. He was also a music critic, and it was perhaps this joint
interest which led him to pay special attention to OP. In an appendix, ‘Memorandum on English
Pronunciation in the Elizabethan Era’, he analyses rhymes, puns, and spellings as evidence of
early pronunciation, and is the first to anticipate the reaction of readers (White, ). After
giving a transcription of a Hamlet speech with respellings (rather than phonetic transcription,
which was not available in his day), he comments:
Some readers may shrink from the conclusions to which the foregoing memorandums lead, because
of the strangeness, and, as they will think, the uncouthness, of the pronunciation which they will
involve. They will imagine Hamlet exclaiming:—
‘A baste that wants discoorse of rayson
Would haive moorn’d longer!’ . . .
and, overcome by the astonishing effect of the passages thus spoken, they will refuse to believe that
they were ever thus pronounced out of Ireland.
As mentioned above, people always hear echoes of other accents in OP, and Irish is one of the
commonest impressions, though only a few of the features of OP have a direct correspondence
with modern Irish accents. However, reactions of this kind have been heard every time OP has
since been presented, right down to the present day. And White’s riposte has often been made too:
But let them suppose that such was the pronunciation of Shakespeare’s day, and they must see that
our orthoepy would have sounded as strange and laughable to our forefathers, as theirs does to us.

White’s interest is paralleled by a number of other publications that appeared in the early s.
George P. Marsh, for example, delivered a series of lectures at Columbia College in New York in
–. Lecture  was called ‘Orthoepical change in English’. It was a general discussion, from
Old English onwards, but it contained several references to Shakespeare, and some discussion of
general principles, such as the use of metrics and rhyme as evidence. He warns against the
uncritical use of rhymes, and he identifies the biggest difficulty facing his contemporaries: ‘All
the old English writers on orthography and pronunciation fail alike, in the want of clear
descriptive analysis of sounds’ (: ). Thirty years later, the publication of the International
Phonetic Alphabet would help to solve that problem.
The topic of OP was evidently being widely discussed at the time. In , the work of Craik,
Marsh, and White was analysed in a long review article by Charles S. Pierce and J. B. Noyes in the
North American Review. And in Britain, a similar interest was emerging in the embryonic phonetics
community. The major work was by Alexander Ellis (–), On Early English Pronunciation, in
which Chaucer and Shakespeare receive special attention. This was a massive study, over a
thousand pages in its four parts. Ellis had in  given a paper to the Philological Society on


‘Pronunciation in the Sixteenth Century’. He was excited to be able to explore the subject using
the new system of palaeotype symbols devised by Melville Bell in Visible Speech, replacing earlier
metaphorical expressions for sound description (‘thick, thin, fat, full, flat, hard, rough’, etc.). In
Part  of his book (: –) we find the first statement of the method that has been used ever
since. To begin with, we need an awareness of the principles underlying sound change:
In tracing the alteration of vowel sounds from the XVIth through the XVIIth to the XVIIIth century a
certain definite line of change came to light, which was more or less confirmed by a comparison of the
changes, as far as they can be traced, in other languages.
Second, we must acknowledge the importance of auditory rhyme, in a period when few people
knew how to spell:
the rhymes to be appreciated at all must have been rhymes to the ear, and not the modern monstrosity
of rhymes to the eye.

Ignoring the value-judgement, Ellis’s emphasis is correct. Eye-rhymes presuppose a standardized

spelling system, which did not exist in Shakespeare’s day (p. xxiii); and it is always the auditory
requirement of rhyming that dominates when this topic is dealt with in the books on poetics
that were around at the time, such as George Puttenham’s The Arte of English Poesie.
Third, we need to know the views of contemporary authors, of whom Ellis lists and
paraphrases several. This is where we get the first collation of evidence of such pronunciations
as a short vowel in prove and remove (ibid: –), a detailed discussion of the phonetic quality of
postvocalic r (ibid: –), and other period effects. His account is unprecedented in its detail,
and not to be surpassed until Dobson almost a century later. Ellis also comments on the effect of
OP on an audience, and—despite his scholarly caution expressed on almost every page—
reaches a very firm conclusion (ibid: ):
There can be no reasonable doubt, after the preceding discussions, of its very closely representing the
pronunciation actually in use by the actors who performed Shakspere’s plays in his lifetime.
Ellis’s transcription was a major step forward, but his palaeotypy was limited to ‘the ordinary
printing types’, as the title page put it, he completely ignores the evidence provided by spelling,
and the representations are not always easy to interpret. A reader schooled in modern phonetics
has to rethink several parameters in order to get a sense of the postulated sounds.
It is in section  of his book (ibid: ff.) that Ellis goes into the matter in real detail, evaluating
the authority of the various orthoepists, and stating the internal evidence: ‘puns, metre, and
rhyme’. He sees straight away that the pun ‘is not really of so much use as might have been
expected’, but he nonetheless identifies a large number of punning word pairs that do provide
good evidence of pronunciation (such as goats/Goths, dollar/dolour, Rome/room, civil/Seville). He
gives a long list of metrical variants, reproduces the orthoepist Alexander Gil’s Latin account as
evidence, and quotes many of the examples contained in Abbott’s Grammar, which was being
published at the time. For instance, he lists copious instances justifying the use of an extra
syllable in such words as patience and substantial. He also abstracts the main findings of White
(ibid: ff.), and makes a detailed comparison of his approach and the conclusions of Peirce
and Noyes, before concluding (ibid: ): ‘we do not much differ’—an interesting remark, given
that the two studies were referring their phonetic values to different regional base accents,
American and British.
In relation to rhymes, Ellis cautions about trusting rhymes too much, but nonetheless makes
some illuminating observations. He notes that Shakespeare is not as liberal [i.e. respecting


phonetic accuracy] as Spenser, and that the most liberal rhymes are to be found in the songs,
where ‘he seems to have been quite contented at times with a rude approximation’ (ibid: ).
But despite Ellis’s caution, he concludes that, ‘viewed as a whole, the system of rhymes is
confirmatory of the conclusions drawn from a consideration of external authorities’. He ends
with a series of specimens in palaeotype from several plays.
Like White, Ellis takes pains to anticipate the view of readers (ibid: –):
The pronunciation founded on these conclusions, and realized in the following examples, may at first
hearing appear rude and provincial. But I have tried the effect of reading some of these passages to
many persons, including well-known elocutionists, and the general result has been an expression of
satisfaction, shewing that the poetry was not burlesqued or in any way impaired by this change, but,
on the contrary, seemed to gain in power and impressiveness.
The reference to elocutionists is the Victorian temperament showing through, as is his fear of
actually using any of this approach on the stage:
it is, of course, not to be thought of that Shakspere’s plays should now be publicly read or performed
in this pronunciation . . . . As essentially our household poet, Shakspere will, and must, in each age of
the English language, be read and spoken in the current pronunciation of the time, and any marked
departure from it (except occasional and familiar “resolutions”, sounding the final ‑ed, and shifting the
position of the accent, which are accepted archaisms consecrated by usage), would withdraw the
attention of a mixed audience or of the habitual reader from the thought to the word, would cross old
associations, would jar upon cherished memories, and would be therefore generally unacceptable.

This was a time when RP ruled the English stage, as it did the British Empire.
The interest in OP continued over subsequent decades, especially in Germany, where the
study of the history of English was an important theme in German comparative philology (e.g.
Sweet, ; Franz, ). Shakespeare and Chaucer attracted especial attention. The French
phonetician Paul Passy, the founder of the International Phonetics Association, reports () on
a vacation visit to Britain where he sat in on lectures by Henry Sweet, and he comments on
Sweet’s readings from Chaucer and Shakespeare in OP. The following year, the professor of
English philology at Marburg, Wilhelm Viëtor, produced two books on the subject, using the
new International Phonetic Alphabet (a, b). He comments that, although there has
been a great deal of German work on English historical phonetics, ‘the pronunciation of
Shakspere has only incidentally been treated since ’ (a: ). He has read Ellis, but finds
his transcription to be ‘rather archaic’ (ibid: ). His aim is ‘to show that there is a far greater
majority of perfect rimes in Shakespeare’s poems and plays than might appear from modern
usage, and also from the conclusions of Ellis’ (ibid: ). The book is predominantly about the
evidence provided by the rhymes, with two-thirds of it (pp. –) devoted to a comprehen-
sive rhyme-index. Variant pronunciations receive special mention. However, in the Reader that
accompanied his theoretical book, he adopts a simplified transcription which does not distin-
guish between strong and weak vowels. He also notes few variants—mainly uncertainties over
length, by putting the length mark in parentheses, as in hæ(:)st for haste. But this was the fullest
attempt at the time to present texts in OP, and his work influenced several others over the next
few decades (e.g. Ayres, ; Blandford, )—though it would later be strongly attacked by
Kökeritz (: -) for its ‘archaic and artificial’ style of utterance—including Daniel Jones, who
first encountered phonetics while studying German at Marburg.
Jones was beginning his own explorations in OP at this time. In  he made a public
presentation at University College London (UCL) of ‘Scenes from Shakespeare in the original


pronunciation’, playing Prospero and Andrew Aguecheek (Tem ., TN .). It was reviewed by
Noël-Armfield, who later became Jones’s assistant, in Le Maître phonétique ():
Saturday,  July, , marks an epoch in the history of Elizabethan representations of Shakespeare.
On that date people living in the twentieth century heard some of Shakespeare’s work in the
pronunciation which may be safely accepted as that used by the poet himself and his fellow actors.

Jones, says Noël-Armfield, ‘was, of course, responsible for the phonetic transcription, as well as
for the actual pronunciation of the performers, and it is a testimony to the care and thorough-
ness with which he rehearsed his little company that we noticed very few deviations from the
printed transcriptions.’ The event also received a favourable mention in an Observer review the
next day ( July ), which reported some of the sound effects. The Observer reviewer follows
listeners before and after who attempt to relate the OP to accents they already know:
The effect of the old pronunciation on the ear was very pleasing. It strongly resembles the broad, rich
dialect of the West of England, with a strong admixture of the Lancashire speech.

No mention of Irish, this time.

Jones was unimpressed with the attempts of newspaper reporters to write OP down. In a
letter to the Manchester Guardian ( June ), he castigated the writer of an article announcing
the forthcoming event at UCL for its use of a system of respelling which, gives only ‘the very
roughest idea of what the actual pronunciation was’. He insists: ‘a scientific system of phonetic
transcription is essential’. And the following year he published a supplement (a) to Le Maître
phonétique containing the transcription, and followed it up with some notes on his method
(b), based on those he wrote for the programme, in which he acknowledges the prior work
of Ellis, Sweet, and Viëtor. The event was such a success that he repeated it in Wimbledon (where
he lived) in December , with music, himself singing some madrigals. He also would give
occasional recitals at social occasions, such as dinners and weddings, usually ‘without book’. As
part of the plans for a proposed Institute of Phonetics (which never materialized), Jones
suggested (in a letter,  November ) that he could put on a shortened version of TN in
OP, to be staged by pupils from his brother Arnold’s prep school, but this never went ahead.10
Jones’s interest in OP evidently influenced his junior colleagues. Harold Palmer joined him in
 and stayed there for five years, eventually being given charge of what Jones called the
‘Spoken English department’. Palmer then went to Japan, where he stayed for many years,
becoming a major influence on the early development of English language teaching. But he was
often in England, and at the official dinner of the Second International Congress of Phonetic
Sciences, held in London in , he is on record as being part of the entertainment: Jones recited
some Chaucer, and Palmer presented (in song) ‘The Modern Phonetician’—a fluency exercise
reworking Gilbert & Sullivan’s ‘Modern Major-General’. Although we have no example of
Palmer himself using OP, he evidently was well aware of it, judging by the opening lines of
the third stanza:
I’ve read the works of Daniel Jones, of Ripman and of Viëtor
(Who tells us how the Germans speak in every German theatre) . . .
It was Palmer’s collaborator, F(rancis) G(eorge) Blandford, who was more involved with
OP. Blandford had been an undergraduate at Corpus Christi College in Cambridge, later
becoming a lecturer and then director of studies in the Secondary Department of the Cambridge
University Training College for Schoolmasters (later, the Department of Education). As early as
, he had published a booklet transcribing TN . into OP for the Festival Theatre Company in


Cambridge, and this was used on a number of occasions. A production by Terence Gray at the
Cambridge Festival Theatre in  included this scene in OP (everything else was in modern
English). The experiment did not impress the Manchester Guardian correspondent ( May ),
who described the OP as an experiment that was ‘interesting if not entirely justified’—‘an
impossible mixture of Scottish, Irish, Welsh, and a Lancashire dialect.’ No mention of the
West Country, this time.
Although not a Jonesian, in his approach to phonetic theory, Blandford would certainly
have encountered Jones on the academic circuit, as well as through the BBC. Jones had began
an association with the BBC in , when he became one of the founder members of
the Advisory Committee on Spoken English. A decade later ( April ), the BBC put
out a -hour programme called ‘London Calling—’. The Manchester Guardian radio critic
loved it:
The result was a speech that sounded as if it were made up of some of the more pleasant English
country accents and something almost foreign, while the whole effect was much more soft and
musical than spoken Shakespeare is to-day.
The programme was repeated on  February . Clearly, OP was attracting a great deal of
interest—and the interest now extended across the Atlantic. There was a publicity piece in the
New York Times ( February ) which refers to a Cambridge professor (i.e. Blandford)
schooling the cast in ‘the correct Elizabethan pronunciation, which to us today seems very
strange—something like a mixture of Yorkshire dialect and Irish brogue’. And the BBC kept up
its involvement. At the end of  ( December) there was a fresh broadcast of the TN scene in
both modern pronunciation and OP for its Experimental Drama Hour, with Blandford as the
consultant. Jones almost certainly was involved behind the scenes in maintaining the BBC’s
interest, as he was still himself actively promoting OP. The same year he made an OP recording
for Linguaphone (a, b), along with an accompanying pamphlet.11 The speakers are
Daniel Jones and a phonetician colleague Eileen Evans.
During the s, the BBC developed its interest in Shakespeare production. A famous series
of broadcasts in – on individual Shakespeare characters, written by Herbert Farjeon, was
produced by Mary Hope Allen, and culminated in a full production of The Tempest in  (with
John Gielgud). None of these was in OP, but the memory of the – broadcasts evidently
remained, for in  Jones was asked to train a group of actors to present a programme of OP
Shakespearean extracts. The result was broadcast on the Third Programme on  December
 as ‘The Elizabethan Tongue: passages from the plays of Shakespeare in their original
pronunciation’, introduced by Jones himself. He also wrote a ,-word piece for Radio Times
the same week called ‘The tongue that Shakespeare spake . . . ’ (Jones, ). He is in no doubt that
‘we now have a pretty accurate picture of the way in which English pronunciation has developed
from Anglo-Saxon times to the present day’. There must have been some worries in the BBC
about possible listener reaction. The Radio Times announcement ends with the advice: ‘Listeners
may find the text useful in occasional passages.’
In the third edition of The Pronunciation of English (: ) Jones builds on his confidence to
present his own transcription of the ‘Friends, Romans and countrymen’ speech from Julius Caesar
(whereas in the first edition (: ), he had simply referred his readers to Viëtor). Evidently he
now found Viëtor’s version too conservative and stylized. However, the trend to see OP as
nearer to present-day English did not satisfy Kökeritz, who strongly criticized both Viëtor and
Jones (: –) for not going far enough. Jones, as a consequence, revised his transcription,
influenced also by the fresh ideas about OP coming from a new member of Jones’s department,


A. C. Gimson, and also from Randolph Quirk, who would later become Professor of English at
UCL. Jones’s fourth edition () shows several further changes, especially in the use of weak
forms. However, Kökeritz’s view that ‘Shakespeare’s pronunciation strongly resembled modern
English’ (ibid: ) was in turn strongly and convincingly attacked by Cercignani (), whose
detailed study is the latest and fullest attempt to review all the evidence of rhymes, puns,
spellings, and metrics in the Shakespeare corpus. The outcome is that the Jones transcription
is actually now seen to be more reliable than it was a few decades ago.
Gimson had joined the UCL Phonetics Department after World War , and took up the OP
baton when Jones retired in , later becoming its head. Gimson’s interest in the history of
English phonology is exemplified in the extracts from Old English to Modern English in his
Introduction to the Pronunciation of English (), in which the ‘dagger’ speech from Macbeth is
transcribed in OP. This book also illustrates the changes Gimson had made in the system of
phonetic transcription introduced by Jones. The choice of Macbeth was a consequence of
Gimson having advised in the OP production at the Mermaid Theatre a decade before, along
with Bertram L. Joseph. Gimson was responsible for the transcription, along with his colleagues
J. D. O’Connor and Gordon Arnold; Joseph (a specialist in Elizabethan stage performance)
advised on gesture and movement. The unique feature of this event was that the phoneticians
provided the company with a recording of the play in OP, and most of this is available in the UCL
Phonetics Collection at the British Library.12
The OP aspect of the production received mixed reviews. A Guardian journalist, writing before
the production, and evidently having heard the UCL recording (or perhaps one of the
rehearsals), was quite positive (Our London Correspondent, a):
‘Macbeth’ is being done in contemporary accents, and the phonetics department of London University
has recorded the play, as a mode, for the actors, in Elizabethan speech which is smooth, less
exaggerated than has sometimes been heard, and with pleasant Midland, West of England, and Irish
undertones. Australians may be surprised to hear the words ‘too true’ coming out with the familiar
sound of ‘tue trew’.
The review of the year in the  Shakespeare Quarterly (Current Theater Notes, ) found it an
‘interesting experiment’. On the other hand, the correspondent who attended the opening night
was less enthusiastic (Our London Correspondent, b):
The other interest is that here, as in a recent ‘Julius Caesar’ at Cambridge, an attempt is made to
recapture the supposed broad vowels of the Elizabethans, whereby ‘war’ becomes “wahrr” and so on.
This may give purists pleasure and it suits Mr Miles perfectly, for he can run the gamut of his dialect
diction. But the danger is that it not only slows the pace but makes the speaking of verse perhaps even
more difficult for the lesser fry.

This indicates under-rehearsal in the OP, which inevitably leads to inconsistency, as well as
suggesting different levels of acting ability in the use of the accent—problems that have always
beset productions. It also suggests a lack of confidence in the OP—understandable in a
production which had such a short run. It was performed twice nightly for only six days,
with a large gap in the middle, which is never the best of conditions for developing a fluent
OP. Perfect OP production (i.e. an error-free realization of the phonetic transcription) takes a
great deal of rehearsal time. It is not like the learning of a modern regional accent, where the
actors have contemporary intuitions and everyday models to refer to. It requires a special kind
of dialect coaching, which is not always available. The present-day OP movement has encoun-
tered the same problems (Crystal, ).


John Trim, who had joined the UCL Phonetics Department in , confirms the impression
that the OP was shaky:13
Bernard Miles himself was very enthusiastic and followed the reconstruction quite accurately, but
I gained the impression (confirmed by the performance I attended) that others did not wish to spend
time on detailed phonetic accuracy as opposed to giving a general impression, and that his wife, who
played Lady Macbeth, was rather impatient of the undertaking.

Miles would have taken further inspiration for his production from a -minute BBC radio play,
‘The Conscience of the King’, transmitted on the Third Programme in May , in which a
group of actors are heard rehearsing a performance of King Lear, and discussing the role of the
Fool, to be interrupted by the ghost of Shakespeare, who takes part in the discussion speaking in
OP. The role of Shakespeare was played by Ian Catford, who in the late s was carrying on a
combined career as a phonetics lecturer and actor, and who later went on to set up the School of
Applied Linguistics in Edinburgh (Catford, : ). He was greatly influenced by Henry Sweet
and trained partly by Daniel Jones, and in the s taught actors at RADA, finding them to have
very little awareness of phonetics. He was in frequent demand at the BBC whenever they wanted
an actor who was able to produce regional speech at will, and this was one of his many radio
broadcasts. Catford’s OP interests extended well beyond the late sixteenth century—he read
extracts from Langland and Chaucer, for example—but it seems to have been the Shakespearean
OP that had the greatest impact on listeners.
The negative reactions of the s were hardly surprising, given the general style of speech
production which dominated the British theatre scene. This was a time when RP was the
dominant voice of British theatre, given resonant articulation by such famous voices as Olivier
and Gielgud. It was also the voice of the BBC, and Shakespeare broadcasts there were uniformly
in RP. In the USA, actors struggled to acquire an RP accent for their Shakespeare performances.
Putting on the plays in a regional accent was unimaginable; so a production which was
perceived to be a mixture of accents was never likely to be well received.
Things might have been different if the academic community had been publicly more
positive. Despite the confident conclusions of Ellis and Jones, referred to above, the general
impression given by the OP philologists, phoneticians, and linguists was less stimulating. They
were all careful to stress the tentative nature of many of their findings, and to draw attention to
the speech variation that existed at the time. They repeatedly pointed out that the evidence of
rhymes and especially puns is limited, and that agreement is often lacking among the orthoep-
ists, who wrote in different periods, were from different parts of the country, were of different
ages, held different attitudes about correctness, and presented transcriptions which are not
always easy to interpret phonetically. There were also scholarly clashes between leading
proponents. This was hardly the way to rebut the criticisms voiced by reviewers, or to answer
the question present in the minds of everyone who attends an OP production: ‘How do we
know?’ A negative climate thus built up about OP, which is probably why, after the s, no
further productions took place for fifty years.
The scholarly caution expressed by the OP researchers has led some observers to conclude
that the OP exercise is pointless. Some have dismissed the whole approach out of hand, and
critical attitudes can still be encountered today (Gurr, ; JC ). The philologists and
phoneticians have, it must be admitted, been poor at boasting. They have focused on the
difficulties (as good scholars should), and underemphasized the areas where the evidence is
compelling. Casual readers, who look at the general observations but do not go through the


thousands of listed examples, inevitably end up with a limited impression. But there is also a
great deal of agreement, as any comparison of different transcriptions shows.
What critics have ignored is the fundamental distinction between phonetics and phonology.
This perspective was missing in the early studies, as the theoretical distinction was not intro-
duced into linguistics until the s, and it is not strongly present in the work of Kökeritz and
Dobson either. Their background in traditional philology motivated them to use spellings in
traditional orthography along with occasional phonetic symbols, and it is often unclear, when
reading their transcriptions, whether they are thinking in terms of phonemes or phones. But this
distinction is crucial to the modern study of OP. It allows for the fact that there were variant
forms in Elizabethan English, that the actors came from different accent backgrounds, and that
recitation would have involved different styles. At the same time, it recognizes that the Early
Modern English sound system was different, offering pronunciations which are worth exploring
to see the effects they convey in dramatic or poetic production.
Despite the recognized difficulties of reconstruction, the exercise is well worth attempting.
It is a commonplace in literary criticism and dramaturgy to acknowledge the centrality of
the relationship between pronunciation and interpretation. William Empson, to take one
well-known instance, emphasized the phonic dimension of text. ‘The sound must be an echo
to the sense’, he states in the opening chapter of Seven Types of Ambiguity (: ), and, in
relation to Shakespeare, he asserts that no other poet has been more able to ‘exploit
their sensitivity to the sounds of language’ (: ). In which case, we need to try to get
as close as possible to the sound system that Shakespeare himself would have heard and used,
and not rely for our conclusions solely on the auditory effects introduced by a modern

The modern OP movement

The present-day motivation to explore OP did not originate from within linguistics, but from
the world of the theatre. In , Shakespeare’s Globe in London launched a bold experiment as
part of a commitment to introduce ‘original practices’ into its reconstructed theatre. Along with
the exploration of original music, instruments, costume, and movement, it decided to mount an
OP production of Romeo and Juliet. This was the first staged reconstruction of Elizabethan period
speech for fifty years. In , John Barton had produced Julius Caesar in OP for the Marlowe
Society in Cambridge, England. A few months later, as mentioned above, Joan Swinstead
produced Macbeth in OP for the new Mermaid Theatre, starring Bernard Miles. In  Helge
Kökeritz advised on a production of The Merry Wives of Windsor at the Yale School of Drama.
Nobody had attempted to recreate the accent on the London stage.
The reconstructed Globe opened its doors in . That it took so long to mount an OP
production was due to a suspicion that the accent would not be intelligible; and for a theatre
which was open only six months of the year, and where the lack of a public subsidy demanded
full houses to ensure survival, management was reluctant to support any venture which might
put off an audience. Once the realization dawned that the differences were not as great as feared,
and that OP was no more difficult for an audience to understand than any modern regional
accent, director Tim Carroll was able to get a proposal accepted to mount a production. It was a
‘toe-in-the-water’ acceptance. The Globe was still uncertain about how an OP event would go
down, so they devoted only one weekend in the middle of the season to OP performances; the


rest of the run was in Modern English. The poor actors, of course, had to learn the play twice, as
a result. I tell the full story in Pronouncing Shakespeare ().
The experiment was sufficiently successful, in terms of audience reaction, to motivate the
Globe to mount a second production the following year, of Troilus and Cressida—this time with
the whole run being presented in OP. American visitors to these events enthusiastically took the
idea home with them, and over the next few years extracts of plays in OP were presented in New
York City, Philadelphia, and at the Blackfriars theatre in Staunton, Virginia culminating in two
major OP productions: A Midsummer Night’s Dream at Kansas University in  (Meier, ),
and Hamlet at the University of Nevada (Reno) in . Other US productions included Cymbeline
(Portland Center Stage, Oregon, ), Julius Caesar (University of Texas, Houston, ), Twelfth
Night (Classical Actors Ensemble, Minneapolis, ), and The Merchant of Venice (Shakespeare
Factory, Baltimore, ). The UK saw productions of As You Like It (Bangor University, ),
Macbeth (Shakespeare’s Globe, ), and Henry V (Shakespeare’s Globe, ), as well as a toured
production of Pericles in Stockholm (). A full OP version of the Sonnets was also made in
 for performance sonneteer Will Sutton.
At the same time, interest was being shown in the expressive individuality of OP by other
groups interested in the early modern period, notably those involved in early vocal music, both
secular and religious. The prospect of using OP also appealed to people working at heritage sites
reconstructing life in the early seventeenth century, such as those at Stratford-upon-Avon (UK)
and Plimouth Plantation (USA). Other authors from the period began to be explored from an OP
point of view, such as John Donne, whose  Easter Sermon outside St Paul’s was recreated
online in , with the text being read in OP (Wall, ). The th anniversary of the King
James Bible led to a number of readings of biblical extracts in OP throughout . The earlier
sixteenth century is represented by Tyndale (British Library, ). And at an academic level, OP
was included in a project on the comparative phonology of English accents based at the
University of Edinburgh.
Meanwhile, the British Library decided to add an audio dimension to its – exhibition
on the history of the English language, Evolving English. This included an OP reading of
extracts from Old and Middle English, such as Beowulf and The Canterbury Tales, as well as some
from Early Modern English, such as the Paston letters and Shakespeare. The Shakespeare
element in this exhibition attracted special interest, so the Library followed it up by publishing
a CD of extracts from the plays and poems, read by a company of actors, two of whom had
been part of the Globe productions in – (British Library, ). A website devoted to
the subject was set up as a clearing-house for information and discussion (Crystal b),
and several articles have been written by those involved in OP developments (see the bibliog-
raphy, p. xlix).


All the words in this dictionary are shown in a broad phonetic transcription. This is a full
transcription, in which every sound is represented by an appropriate phonetic symbol. In this
respect, the transcription differs from the one used in Crystal () and in the various play-
transcriptions I have made hitherto with the needs of actors in mind. These have been partial
transcriptions, in which the phonetic symbols identify only the sounds that differ from those
found in the modern accent used by the speaker. The aim there was to produce a transcription


which would ease the learning task for actors unfamiliar with the accent, many of whom had
little or no experience of reading phonetic symbols. These transcriptions have also varied
somewhat to take account of the home accent of the company. For example, British actors
used to RP need to have the OP postvocalic r drawn to their attention, whereas this is not
necessary with a company whose home accent is General American. These pragmatic and
pedagogical considerations are not relevant in a dictionary which is to be used by people with all
kinds of accents.
The vowel symbols used in the transcription represent qualities shown on the accompanying
cardinal vowel diagram in Figure .. Major differences with RP (as described by Gimson 
and later editions) are noted.


i: ɪ ʊ

ɛ: ə


ɐ: ɑ:

Long Vowels and Diphthongs



a ɒ

Short Vowels

Figure . Cardinal vowels


Short vowels

Most of the short vowels show little phonetic difference (p. xv), so that it is possible for whole
sentences in OP to sound the same as today, such as ‘Is shee gone to the king?’ Rhymes and
spellings do however suggest that several vowels were more open than their present-day

This vowel must have been more open, in the direction of [e], otherwise it is difficult to explain
the many spelling alternations between i and e: hither / hether, seldom / sildom, diuision / deuision,
deuil / diuel, Priscian appearing as Prescian, and the many variant forms of words beginning with
im- / em- and in- / en- (imploy / employ, intend / entend). Among the rhymes, we see sentinel rhyming
with both kill and well, shift rhyming with both shrift and theft, error rhyming with mirror and terror.
This goes against locating it high on the CV diagram, close to the present-day quality of /i:/, as
suggested for example by Kökeritz (: ). Jonson is one who draws attention to the open
quality of i, observing in his English Grammar (ch.) that ‘e and i have such a nearness in our
tongue, as oftentimes they interchange places’. I transcribe syllabic past tense endings as /ɪd/, as
in modern English dictionaries, unless there is a rhyme motivating an /ed/, as in remembered / dead.
It is this overlap that could throw light on some problematic cases, such as the crux at Mac
.., where cyme seems to be an error for cynne (= senna). Cy- was generally pronounced /sɪ/, as
shown by such items as Cynthia and cypress, and Cyprus spelled Ciprus. Cyme /sɪm/ would thus have
sounded more like [sem], which would have reinforced the confusion. Similarly, the Folio
spelling Ginyes case at MW .. readily suggests the reading Jenny’s case. And when we encounter
words that have alternative present-day pronunciations, such as divest as either /dɪvest/ or
/dəɪvest/, the Folio spellings of deuest along with diuest point to the short vowel version in OP.
Hundreds of words in which a final unstressed ‑y rhymes with a stressed syllable (as in archery /
dye, enemy / fly, majesty / eye, remedy / espy) point to a diphthongized variant, /əɪ/ in this position,
though not strongly articulated. John Hart, in his Orthographie (–), is one who transcribes
the syllable in a way that suggests a diphthong: boldlei, sertenlei, partlei, etc. The RP version with /ɪ/,
or even /i/, fails to respect the rhymes.

The main value for this vowel seems to have been the same as today, half-way between mid-
close and mid-open, but with some speakers using a more open variant, in the direction of
cardinal [ɛ]. This is suggested by those spellings where an expected e is replaced by a, as in rellish /
rallish, rendeuous / randeuous, and terras / tarrace, as well as rhymes such as neck and back. That there
was some confusion in the other direction, from a towards e, is shown by thatcht / thetchd, thrash /
thresh, and ambassador / embassador. A closer variant, in the direction of [ɪ], pulled in that direction
by a preceding palatal consonant /j/, is indicated by yet rhyming with sit and wit.

In view of the more open character of the above two short front vowels, it seems likely that /a/
would also have had a more open and central quality compared with the sound in present-day
conservative RP (which is closer to cardinal [ɛ] than [a]), and thus much more like a northern
British version of this vowel. This is supported by the occasional spelling of /a/ with a back
vowel, such as todpole for tadpole, strond for strand, loffe for laugh, as well as the alternative


pronunciations suggested by such spelling variants as stanch / staunch, paltry / paultry, lance / launce.
Words such as haste and taste have this vowel, as shown by the rhymes with fast, blast, etc. This is
an important contrast with the long /ɑ:/ in such words as bath and past, which is a prominent
feature of RP.

The quality is further back and closer than the equivalent vowel in RP, /ʌ/. Opinions vary as to
how far back it would have been, with values proposed between [ə] and unrounded cardinal
 [ɤ]. In my view, the latter is more likely, hence the choice of this symbol in the transcription.
A u spelling is the norm for this vowel, and there are several instances where there is overlap
with o, suggesting the back quality, as in sodaine / sudden, sommer / summer, Sonday / Sunday, dombe /
dumbe, tombles / tumble. The emendation at Ham .. of somnet to summit also reflects this quality.
Contemporary writers reinforce this view, as in the quotation from Jonson (p. xx), where the o
of love and prove is said to be ‘akin to u’, which in turn he describes as ‘thick and flat’ in such words
as us.
As both o and u were routinely used for rounded vowels, the question arises as to whether the
vowel in these words was rounded, as in many parts of northern England today. The evidence is
unclear: in the same section, Jonson describes o as being pronounced ‘with a round mouth’, but
immediately adds that this ‘is a letter of much change, and uncertainty with us’. The spelling of
slumber as slomber by Macmorris (H ..) suggests a rounding that would be absent from the
non-Scots form. And there are rhymes with unrounded front vowels that are also suggestive,
such as shudder / adder, Sunday / array, us / guess, punish / languish. My view is that both unrounded
and rounded variants were in use at the time (as they are today), but opting for the unrounded
form as the default in this dictionary allows actors the choice of using the rounded variant if they
want to differentiate a character. Certainly, if they were to replace all [ɤ] by [ʊ], it would result in
an OP of a noticeably different auditory character (much closer to, say Yorkshire or Irish English
in effect), as this vowel is very common, being used in some frequently occurring words (must,
us, under, the un- and sub- prefixes, etc.). On the other hand, they do not have to adopt such a
noticeable lip-rounding as we hear in present-day regional accents, and I would not correct a
slight degree of rounding, when working with a company.

This rounded vowel seems to have had the same value as in conservative RP today (though it is
now losing its rounding among young people). The only uncertainty is the extent to which it
was used as an alternative in words with long [u:]. Rhymes such as tooth and doth, brood and blood,
food and flood, and puns such as fool and full show that it was an option in some cases, but
whether it should be applied to moon, afternoon, and others is an open question. Rhymes can be
suggestive, such as boot / foot, but the direction of the rhyme is often unclear. The dictionary thus
shows long and short vowels in these words, with the latter more likely in regional speech,
as today.

This back vowel may have been more open than its already fairly open position in RP, its a-like
character being suggested by a spelling such as aspray for osprey and rhymes like cough / laugh, bob /
crab. However, it could retain a degree of lip-rounding, which would differentiate it from the
totally unrounded open vowel quality typical of much American speech in words like hot. It
should also stay short, and not attract the lengthening often heard in some regional accents,


such as the West Country of England. The use of this vowel in such words as tongue is shown by
rhymes (song, wrong, etc.) and occasional puns (see entry at tongue). It is an important metrical
alternative in such words as satisfaction: ˌsatɪsˈfaksɪən, -sɪˌɒn.

As with the long /ɑ:/ vowel below, a short open back /ɑ/ follows a preceding /w/ or /ʍ/, rather
than the mid-open quality heard today, shown by such rhymes as want / enchant, warp / harp, waste /
past, water / matter. The same velar influence is seen when this is followed by a ‘dark’ /l/, as in short-
vowel versions of false, halt, Mall. In Modern English, the quality in burial etc. is schwa-like,
whereas in OP it is [ɑ]-like, as suggested by such rhymes as hospital / befall, burial / all, equivocal / gall.
Alternate spellings with o also point to a back vowel quality, as with capitall / capitoll, and the
rhyme of folly and dally. In an unstressed syllable, the difference between /ɑ/ and /ə/ would be very
small, but for consistency I transcribe all instances of a before l as /ɑ/, as in rascally, rehearsal, etc.

As in Modern English, /ə/ is used as the default vowel-marker in unstressed syllables. In my

transcription it is never used in a stressed syllable. This works well enough when the contrast is
between primary stress and unstressed, but when secondary stress is involved, and especially
when required by the metre, it is a choice whether to show the vowel as /ə/ or as its nearest
stressed vowel equivalent. In a line such as ‘He’s quoted for a most perfidious slaue’, perfidious
appears as /pəɹˈfɪdɪəs/; but in ‘Men feare the French would proue perfidious’, the metre requires
a secondary stress on the final syllable: /pəɹˈfɪdɪˌɤs/. In this dictionary, such cases are shown
with the stressed vowel, even though this would be said more weakly than when in a situation of
primary stress, as also in astronomer /əˈstrɒnəˌmɐ:ɹ/ and satisfaction above.

Long vowels


These two types of word, phonologically distinct in Middle English, are not distinguished in this
dictionary. It is not clear just how far a merger would have taken place by the end of the
sixteenth century, or which words would have been affected. But there is a consensus that
the gradual rising in this part of the vowel-space still had some way to go before reaching the
present-day value of /i:/, which is shown in Gimson () and derivative works as close to
cardinal . In OP it seems likely to have been nearer to cardinal —and thus similar to the
Modern French vowel in bébé. Transcriptionally, it could therefore be symbolized as /e:/—and
this was the practice adopted in Crystal (). However, actors found this confusing, with the
letter e also being used for the more open short vowel (see above); there was a persistent
tendency to over-open the long vowel, so that sleep, for example, would be pronounced as /slɛ:p/,
thus neutralizing the contrast between such pairs as meek and make. In the present dictionary
I have accordingly kept the /i:/ symbol, so that in OP training it is necessary to remind
practitioners of its more open character compared to RP.

The same rising trend at the front of the mouth, from Middle to Modern English, is seen in this
vowel, which had yet to achieve the diphthongal status it has in RP. There may have been a
phonetic distinction between the two types of word, because of the influence of the following r,


but in this dictionary I transcribe both with [ɛ:]. This value is also used in several words that
would later become /i:/, such as reason and season, and as a variant, along with /i:/, in such words
as here, which shows rhymes with both deer and there. Puns provide useful reinforcement here, as
wordplay between reason and raisin, for example, would not have worked without some degree
of homophony.

The open quality of this vowel is heard today in many regional accents, on both sides of the
Atlantic, reflected in dialect-writing in such spellings as the exclamatory ‘marcy me . . . !’ The
spelling evidence in the Folio is seen in the use of an a in such words as merchant / marchant,
sterling / starling, German / Iarman, and rhymes such as serve / carve, stir / war. Phonetically, there is
little difference between this quality and that of /ɑ:/ below, but I have kept the transcriptions
distinct, to draw attention to the different phonological relationships with their present-day

As with the short /ɑ/ vowel above, a long open back /ɑ:/ follows a preceding /w/, rather than the
mid-open quality heard today, as is evident by such rhymes as war / bar, ward / guard, warm / harm.
The influence of a following /l/ is especially striking in all, because this word usually has
considerable semantic prominence in a speech. It must have been a noticeable feature of OP
as Jonson, among others, pays special attention to it, contrasting it with the normal use of a
(‘pronounced less than the French à’): ‘when it comes before l, in the end of a syllabe, it obtaineth
the full French sound, and is uttered with the mouth and tongue wide opened, the tongue bent
back from the teeth’. He gives all, small, salt, calm among his examples.

This vowel seems to have been much more open than in RP, where today it falls midway
between half-close and half-open. This closer value in RP seems to be a relatively recent
development, as Daniel Jones, for example, shows words like lord with a very open tongue
position in the early twentieth century. Spelling alternations between au or aw and a also suggest
a more open quality: Auffidius / Affidius, auspitious / aspitious /, scauld / scald. Note also such rhymes
as vaunt / want, brawl / all.

The important point to note about this vowel is the lack of the diphthongal quality characteristic
of RP, where it has a range of values running from [oʊ] to [əʊ] to [ɛʊ]. The pure vowel is widely
used in present-day accents, such as those of the Celtic areas, and its frequency in English (in very
common words such as go, know, so) makes it a noticeable feature of OP. Rhymes show its use as
a variant in words that later would have more open vowels, such as one / throne, none / bone.
Several words and prefixes spelled with or or our, shown in this dictionary with /ɔ:/, such as four,
more, fore-, for- could also be sounded with a closer variant.

This value seems identical with the one we have today in conservative RP accents (younger
people tend to lose some of the lip-rounding), though—as noted above—several words that
today have /u:/ could be shortened, such as fool. Spellings such as cooz and coosin (‘cousin’) show
that oo could represent a short vowel as well as a long one.




The identity between the two diphthongs that are distinct in RP is an important source of puns
in OP, such as voice / vice, lines / loins, boil / bile, and supported by such spellings as biles, byle, byles
for boils (n) and the rhyme groin / swine. A few unexpected words take the same value, notably
juice, rhyming with voice, which has OED spellings ioyce and joice. The central and higher quality of
the opening element of the diphthong is critical here, and is one of the main auditory features of
OP, in view of its use in several frequently appearing words, such as my, thy, by, like, time.

The same raising and centralizing heard in /əɪ/ also affects the corresponding back diphthong,
heard in RP as /ɑʊ/. Before voiceless consonants (out, house), it is well known in North America,
where phoneticians have called it ‘Canadian raising’. Although not such a common sound as /əɪ/,
it does occur in some frequently occurring words, such as now, down, out, how.


Most of the consonants have the same phonetic value in OP as they do in RP, with the following

The exact phonetic quality of this sound is unclear. The descriptions of the sound by contem-
porary writers leave it open just how r is articulated, such as how far back the tongue curls.
When used in front of a vowel, it would seem to have been the same sound as in RP, a post-
alveolar frictionless continuant, though there must have been a trilled variant (as today in some
accents of Scotland and Wales), for Jonson describes r as a sound that ‘hurreth [vibrates] . . . with
a trembling about the teeth’. But he then draws a contrast between r before and after vowels: ‘It is
sounded firm in the beginning of the words, and more liquid in the middle and ends; as in rarer,
riper.’ I interpret this to mean a continuant r, as in the West Country of England and much of
America, but there is no way of knowing whether the focus of the articulation is post-alveolar or
retroflex, so a great deal of variation will be heard in present-day OP productions.

RP makes no distinction between, say, Wales and whales, though the contrast is often heard in
regional accents. The aspiration was noted by contemporary writers. Jonson, for example,
describes words that have ‘the aspiration afore’, illustrating with what, which, wheel, and whether.
Some transcriptions reflect his way of putting it, transcribing the sound as /hw/ (as I did in
Crystal ()). It is not however a sequence of two sounds, but a ‘voiceless w’, hence the choice
of /ʍ/ for this dictionary.
Apart from these, the only points to note are cases where familiar sounds appear in
unfamiliar places, and these are listed in the dictionary. For example, spellings show that several
words with // today were pronounced with /t/, such as fift and sixt for fifth and sixth, as well as
orthography as ortagriphie. This is one of the features that makes people identify OP with Irish
English. Some people would doubtless, Holofernes-like, have followed the spelling in scholarly


words such as apothecary and lethargy, but variant spellings in names as well as loanwords show
the use of /t/—Katerine / Katherine, Proteus / Protheus, swart / swarth, as well as such rhymes as nothing
/ a-doting. We also sometimes see th used in words where /t/ is the only pronunciation, such as
Sathan for Satan, gamoth for gamut, Athica for Attica, and the interesting authorithy for authority.
There was a similar voiced sound variation, as seen in farthell / fardles and fardingales / farthingales.
Other important consonantal features of OP have been mentioned earlier in this Introduc-
tion, such as the replacement of /ʃ/ by /sɪ/ in such words as suspicious, pensioner, musician, and the
option of replacing /ŋ/ by /n/ in the ‑ing verb inflection, as well as when used adjectivally, shown
by such spellings as poprin for poppering and blush-in for blushing. That the latter was a stylistic
option is indicated by rhymes where it is retained, such as niggarding / spring and prefiguring / sing.
Another noticeable auditory effect comes from the replacement of /tʃ/ by /t/ in such words as
nature, lecture, tempestuous, as shown by such spelling as lector / lecture, venter / venture, tempestious
(OED) for tempestuous (Folio), and rhymes such as departure / shorter.
Some OP practitioners, influenced by earlier sixteenth-century usage in which word-initial
silent letters in such words as know, gnaw, and write were still being pronounced, have chosen to
keep these in the OP of Shakespeare’s time. Opinion among the contemporary writers is mixed.
I therefore acknowledge this possibility in the dictionary entries, but am influenced more by the
spellings (e.g. as wring / ring, (OED) knack / neck), rhymes (e.g. knight / night), and puns (e.g. nave /
knave) which suggest that these consonants had fallen silent.
This is a dictionary of the pronunciation of individual words, and no account is given of
assimilations and elisions between words (apart from in a few cases of grammatical-word
sequences such as i’th). However, in view of their frequency, I do show elisions of consonants
in the ‑est verb ending. For example, settest is transcribed as both /setst/ and /sets/—the former
being the more likely option when the ending is followed by a vowel (such as sets oath to oath)
and the latter when it is followed by a consonant (such as set’st me free).

Word stress

It is essential to show stress in polysyllabic words, as the metre shows that this often varies
between OP and RP. Primary (ˈ) and (if needed) secondary (ˌ) stress is marked before the relevant
syllable. The assignment of stress is not always clear, especially in a compound word, where
often either element could be primary, or both elements could have equal stress. Where
possible, I have been guided by the position of the words in metrical lines.


The pronunciation of Latin in the early sixteenth century was a matter of great controversy, with
Erasmus, among others, attempting to reform the traditional English pronunciation of the
language to make it conform more to classical models. The earlier history of Latin in Europe
had been characterized by great diversity, with the classical model adapted to the phonological
norms of the languages of different countries. In an appendix, Allen observes that Latin in
England had ‘from earliest times been affected by native speech-habits’—most notably in the
application of the stress pattern of English, which altered the length of vowels. Long vowels in
Latin were also influenced by the way English long vowels were changing (the Great Vowel
Shift), several becoming diphthongs. The overall effect attracted an acerbic comment from
Joseph Scaliger—writing at the beginning of the seventeenth century—that an English visitor
speaking Latin was so difficult to understand that he might as well have been speaking Turkish.


Allen concluded that one could treat Latin in the Early Modern period as almost entirely
‘equivalent to a reading in terms of English spelling conventions’, so the transcription of the
Latin words in this dictionary uses the same symbols as in English OP.


The transcription of French words in the dictionary uses a different set of vowel symbols,
reflecting conventional practice in such French dictionaries as (followed here) Harrap’s Concise
French and English Dictionary ().

/i/ il, vie, si

/i:/ dire
/e/ assez, ces, donner
/ɛ/ belle, affaire, ciel
/ɛ:/ terre, cher
/a/ bras, la, madame
/a:/ brave, car, langage
/ɑ:/ bataille, grâce
/ɔ/ comme, bonne, robe
/ɔ:/ encore, fort, mort
/o/ au, chaud, mot
/o:/ autre, gros, pauvre
/u/ doute, tout, couper
/u:/ amour, jour, cour
/y/ tu, perdu, coutume
/ø/ peu, deux, feu
/œ/ heureux, monsieur, veux
/œ:/ leur, heure, honneur
/ə/ ce, le, cheval
/ɛ̃/ bien, rien, point
/ɑ̃/ pense, quand, anges
/ɑ̃:/ apprendre, France, ensemble
/ɔ̃/ garçon, bon, allons
/ɔ̃:/ contre, donc, monde
/œ̃ / un
/ũ/ sont

Compared to English, there seems to have been less change between the Early Modern and
Modern states of the language, judging by the classic description of historical French phonology
in Pope (). The most notable differences in the French entries in this dictionary are the


articulation of final /ə/ in such words as autre /ˈo:trə/ and pauvre /ˈpo:vrə/, the use of a front mid
value for such words as moi /mwɛ/ and pourquoi /pu:ɹˈkwɛ/, a close nasal back vowel in some
words (e.g. sont /sũ/), and the use of a phonetic quality of /r/ that seems to have been closer to the
one used in English OP, rather than the uvular value familiar from Modern French, hence the use
of the same symbol /ɹ/. Unlike English, French is a syllable-timed language, with stress-marks of
the kind used in English unnecessary; but as a pedagogical aid I have added /ˈ/ in polysyllabic
words to indicate the usual point of greatest emphasis.


Allen, W. Sidney. . Vox Latina: the Pronunciation of Classical Latin, nd edn. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Ayres, H. M. . The Question of Shakspere’s Pronunciation. New York: Columbia University.
Barber, C. . Early Modern English. London: Deutsch.
Bate, J. and Rasmussen, E. . William Shakespeare: Complete Works. Basingstoke: Macmillan.
Blandford, F. G. . Shakespeare’s Pronunciation: A Transcription of Twelfth Night Act I, Scene V. Cambridge:
British Library. . Shakespeare’s Original Pronunciation. Audio CD. London: British Library.
British Library. . Tyndale’s Bible: Saint Matthew’s Gospel. Audio CD. London: British Library.
Catford, J. C. . Sixty years in linguistics. In E. F. K. Koerner (ed.), First Person Singular III: Autobiographies by
North American Scholars in the Language Sciences. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Cercignani, F. . Shakespeare’s Works and Elizabethan Pronunciation. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Collins, B. and Mees, I. M. . The Real Professor Higgins: The Life and Career of Daniel Jones. Berlin & New York:
Mouton de Gruyter.
Craik, George L. . The English of Shakespeare Illustrated in a Philological Commentary on his Julius Caesar.
London: Chapman & Hall.
Crystal, D. . Pronouncing Shakespeare. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. http://www.
Crystal, D. . Think on my Words: Exploring Shakespeare’s Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Crystal, D. a. Sounding out Shakespeare: sonnet rhymes in original pronunciation. In: V. Vasic (ed.),
Jezik u Upotrebi: Primenjena Lingvistikja u Cast Ranku Bugarskom [Language in Use: Applied Linguistics in Honour
of Ranko Bugarski] (Novi Sad and Belgrade: Philosophy faculties), –. Available at: http://www..pdf
Crystal, D. b.
Crystal, D. . Early interest in Shakespearean original pronunciation. Language and History  (): –.
Crystal, D. and Crystal, B. . Shakespeare’s Words. London: Penguin.
Current Theater Notes. . Shakespeare Quarterly  (): –.
Dobson, E. J. . English Pronunciation –. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Donno, E. S. . Sir John Harington’s A New Discourse on a Stale Subject, Called the Metamorphosis of Ajax:
A Critical Annotated Edition. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Ellis, A. J. –. On Early English Pronunciation, With Especial Reference to Shakespeare and Chaucer. Part  []:
Illustrations of the Pronunciation of the XIVth and XVIth Centuries. London: Philological Society.
Empson, W. . Seven Types of Ambiguity. London: Chatto & Windus.
Franz, W. . Orthographie, Lautgebung und Wortbildung in den Werken Shakespeares. Heidelberg.
Gimson, A. C. . An Introduction to the Pronunciation of English. London: Arnold.
Gurr, A. . Other Accents: Some Problems in Identifying Elizabethan pronunciation, Early Modern
Literary Studies  (): –.
JC. . As she is spake. Times Literary Supplement,  April.


Jones, D. a. Scenes from Shakespeare in the Original Pronunciation. Supplement to Le Maître phonétique
 (): –.
Jones, D. b. The pronunciation of early English, Le Maître phonétique  (): –.
Jones, D. a. Pronunciation of Early XVII Century English. London: Linguaphone.
Jones, D. b. Some notes on the Pronunciation of English at the Time of Shakespeare. In English
Pronunciation Through the Centuries, London: Linguaphone Institute, –.
Jones, D. . The Tongue that Shakespeare Spake . . . Radio Times,  December: .
Jones, D. . The Pronunciation of English, rd edn. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; st edn ;
th edn .
Kökeritz, H. . Shakespeare’s Pronunciation. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
Marsh, G. P. . Lectures on the English Language, st series [given in –]. Lecture : Orthoepical Change
in English. New York: Scribner, –.
Meier, P. .
Noël-Armfield, G. . Scenes from Shakespeare in the Original Pronunciation, Le Maître phonétique  ():
Our London Correspondent. a. Guardian,  July , p. .
Our London Correspondent. b. Guardian,  September , p. .
Passy, P. . Cours de vacances, Le Maître phonétique  (): .
Peirce, C. S. and Noyes, J. B. . Shakespearian Pronunciation, North American Review : –.
Pope, M. K. . From Latin to Modern French with especial consideration of Anglo-Norman. Manchester:
Manchester University Press.
Sweet, H. . A History of English Sounds from the Earliest Period. English Dialect Society . London: Trübner.
Viëtor, W. a. A Shakespeare Phonology, with a Rime-index to the Poems as a Pronouncing Vocabulary. Marburg:
Elwert; London: Nutt.
Viëtor, W. b. Shakespeare’s Pronunciation: A Shakespeare Reader in the Old Spelling and with a Phonetic
Transcription. Marburg: Elwert; London: Nutt; New York: Lemcke & Buechner.
Wall, J. . Virtual Paul’s Cross Project, London .
White, R. G. . Memorandum on English Pronunciation in the Elizabethan Era. Appendix to Vol.  of
The Works of William Shakespeare. Boston: Little Brown.


 For example: people who live in an area where they use /ɹ/ after a vowel (such as the West of England, or
many parts of the USA) will tune in to that feature of OP. Those who notice the long pure vowels in
words like say /sɛ:/ will very likely be from a part of the world (such as Lancashire) where this vowel is
common. The Irish recognize the double stress in such words as ruminate. Many Scots people have a
pronunciation of prove that rhymes with love. Australians notice the high vowel in yet—sounding more
like /yɪt/. Londoners notice the /ə/ ending of words like window and shadow.
 Some other examples: prove and love at TN ..–, you and true at WT ..–, discontent and argument at
KJ ..–.
 Other examples: prenominate adjective and verb, presage noun and verb, proclaim adjective and verb,
proposed adjective and verb, raven noun and verb.
 In a few cases of high-frequency grammatical words with different functions, where pronunciation
would not be affected, I have not given separate counts. For example, more, which can occur as
adjective, adverb, or noun, is shown with a single total for all instances. To show that no separate
count has been made, the word-classes are separated by commas, not slashes: adj, adv, n.
 This does not exclude the possibility of the word having a long vowel in a regional dialect—as
mentioned by John Hart (a Devonshire man) in , and also by Richard Mulcaster in The Elementarie
(?: ).


 The notion of ‘half ’ is inadequate, from a phonemic point of view. Most so-called half-rhymes in
Shakespeare are in fact differentiated by a single distinctive feature—for example, the final consonants
of Valentine and betime share nasality, voicing, and manner of articulation, differing only in place of
articulation; the vowels in go and do are both rounded and back, differing only in height (close vs mid-
close). It would be more accurate to call such cases ‘two-thirds rhymes’ or ‘three-quarter rhymes’!
 The full list of items involved in the distinctive feature analysis will be found on the companion website
 See further, Crystal (a). A good example of a rhyming crux, where one would not wish to force an
auditory identity, is S ., :
Which eyes not yet created shall o’er-read . . .
When all the breathers of this world are dead.
 This section is an adaptation of Crystal ().
 For the details of Jones’s early career, see, Collins and Mees (: –, , –, –), where
examples can also be found of the programme and transcriptions.
 The list says it is in two parts, but only Part  is relevant, as the other side is a modern English
conversation at the tobacconist’s.
 My own transcriptions have been influenced by Gimson, who taught me OP when I studied under him
at UCL.
 Personal communication, July .


a / an det sp abate12, a-bate1 / abates1 / Abel / ~’s n

= abated2 ˈɛ:bəl / -z
sp a13956, a-[manie]1, a-[scorne]1, > bate sp Abel1 / Abels1
an1654, an-[fooles]1, [and]-a [song]1
> at, awhile, have, he, in, of, on
abated adj Abergavenny n
əˈbɛ:tɪd ˌabəɹˈɡanəɪ
A [letter] n sp abated1 sp Aburgany2, Aburgauenny1
sp [M.O.]A.[I.]4
abatement n abet / ~ting v
əˈbɛ:tmənt = / əˈbetɪn, -ɪŋ
à Fr prep sp abatement3 sp abett1 / abetting1
sp a9, a[sture]
a-bat-fowling n abhomination
əˈbatˌfəʊlɪn, -ɪŋ > abomination
Aaron / ~’s n sp a bat-fowling1
ˈarən / -z > fowl abhor / ~s / ~ring / ~red /
29 6
sp Aaron , Aron / Aarons 1 ~redst v
abbess n əˈbɔ:ɹ / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d / -st
abaiss·er / ~iez Fr v = sp abhor1, abhorre16 / abhorres2,
abɛsiˈez sp abbesse8 abhors1 / abhorring2 / abhord1,
sp abbaisse1 abhor’d1, abhorr’d / abhorrd’st1
abbey / ~s n rh more S 150.11; abhor thee adore
abandon / ~ed v ˈabəɪ / -z thee PP 12.9
= / m əˈbandənd, -dəˌnɪd sp abbey14 / abbies1 pun Oth 4.2.161 whore
4 5
sp abandon / abandon’d ,
abbot / ~s n abhorred adj
= m əˈbɔ:ɹd, əˈbɒɹɪd
abandoned adj sp abbot7 / abbots1 sp abhord2, abhor’d1, abhorr’d2,
əˈbandənd abhorred9
sp abandon’d1
abbreviate / ~d v > all-abhorred
abase v sp abreuiated1
Abhorson n
əˈbɛ:s əˈbɔ:ɹsən
sp abase2
ABC n sp Abhorson5
abashed adj sp A.B.C.1
abide / ~s v
= > Absey əˈbəɪd / -z
sp abash’d1 sp abide33 / abides8
abed adv rh chide Luc 486; deified LC 83; hide
abate / ~s / ~d v = TC 5.6.30; pride R2 5.6.22; putrified
əˈbɛ:t / -s / -ɪd / sp a-bed1, a bed7, a bedde1 Luc 1749; slide S 45.2; tide 3H6 4.3.59,
> bed, slug-a-bed Luc 647; wide S 27.5


abilit·y / ~ies n abod·e / ~ed / ~ing v about to [in aux be about to]
m əˈbɪlɪtəɪ, -lt- / -z əˈbo:dɪd / -ɪn, -ɪŋ əˈbəʊt tə, -tʊ
sp abilitie4, abilitie’s [ability is]1, sp aboaded1 / aboding1 sp about to11, a-bout to1, emend of
ability5 / abilities5 Ham 2.1.50 about say1
abodement / ~s n
a-billing VA v əˈbo:dmənts above, abbr bove adv / prep
əˈbɪlɪn, -ɪŋ sp aboadments 1 m əˈbɤv, abbr bɤv
sp a billing1 sp aboue34 / aboue87, abbr ’boue4
rh unwilling VA 366 abominable adj rh love AW 2.3.81, AY 3.2.3, 1H6
> bill əˈbɒmɪˌnabəl, Holofernes 1.2.114, MA 5.2.27, Per 2.3.22,
LLL .. abˈhɒ- S 110.6, TC 3.2.155, TN 5.1.135
a-birding v
sp abhominable14, abhomi-nable1,
əˈbɐ:ɹdɪn, -ɪŋ Abraham / ~’s n
Holofernes describing Armado
sp a birding 4
m ˈɛ:brəˌham, ˈɛ:brəm /
> bird ˈɛ:brəmz
abominably adv sp Abraham4, Abram2 /
abject adj əˈbɒmɪˌnabləɪ, abˈhɒ- Abrahams1
ˈabdʒekt sp ab-hominably1
sp abiect10 abram adj
abomination / ~s n ˈɛ:brəm
abject / ~s n əˌbɒmɪˈnɛ:sɪənz, abˌhɒ- sp abram1
m əbˈdʒekt / -s sp abhominations 1

sp abiect1 / abiects1 rh exclamation, imagination

abreast adv
Luc 704; inclination, subornation =
abjectly adv Luc 921 / invocations, lamentations sp a-brest2
ˈabdʒekləɪ, -ktl- Luc 1832 > breast
sp abiectly1
abortive adj a-breeding v
abjure / ~d v əˈbɔ:ɹtɪv əˈbri:dɪn, -ɪŋ
əbˈdʒu:ɹ / -d sp abortiue4 sp a breeding2
sp abiure4 / abiur’d2 rh proceeding LLL 1.1.97
abortive / ~z n > breed
able / ~r adj əˈbɔ:ɹtɪvz
ˈɛ:bəl / ˈɛ:bləɹ sp abbortiues1
a-brewing v
sp able 59 1
/ abler əˈbru:ɪn, -ɪŋ
abound / ~est v sp a bruing1
a-bleeding v əˈbəʊnd / -nst, -ndst > brew
əˈbli:dɪn, -ɪŋ sp abound6, a-bound1 / abound’st1
sp a bleeding2 > bound
abridge / ~d v
rh proceeding RJ 3.1.189 =
> bleed abounding adj sp abridge2 / abridg’d2
əˈbəʊndɪn, -ɪŋ
aboard adv / prep sp abounding1
abridgement / ~s n
əˈbɔ:ɹd =
sp a-board1, aboarde1, about, abbr bout adv / prep sp abridgement2, abridgment1 /
aboord20, a-boord2 / aboord3, m əˈbəʊt, abbr bəʊt abridgements1
a-boord1 sp about95, about376 / a-bout5, abbr
’bout 4
abroach adv
abode n rh out Luc 412, MA 5.3.26, MW əˈbro:tʃ
əˈbo:d 5.5.55, 101, RJ 1.2.34, 3.5.40, S 113.2, sp abroach3
sp aboad1, aboade1, abode5, TNK Prol.26; about her without her
a-bode2 TS 4.4.103
> here-, there-, where-about


abroad adv absolutely adv abuse / ~s n

= ˌabsəˈlu:tləɪ =
sp abroad60, a-broad1 sp absolutely2 sp abuse22 / abuses6, a-buses1
> broad rh excuse n Luc 1315, 1655, VA 792;
absolution Luc n use n RJ 2.3.16, S 134.12, VA 166 /
abrogate v ˌabsəˈlu:sɪən excuses n Luc 269, 1075, RJ 3.1.193;
ˈabrəˌgɛ:t sp absolution1 sluices Luc 1075
sp abrogate1 rh dissolution, resolution Luc 354 > self-abuse

abrook v absolve / ~d v abus·e / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v

= = = / = / əˈbju:zɪn, -ɪŋ / m əˈbju:zd,
sp abrooke1 sp absolu’d3 -zɪd, Grumio TS ..
> sin-absolver rɪˈbju:zd
abrupt adj sp abuse21 / abuses2, a-buses1 /
əˈbrɤpt abstain / ~s v abusing1 / abusd1, abus’d35, a-bus’d1,
sp abrupt1 əbˈstɛ:nz abusde1, abused4, Grumio
sp abstaynes1 rebus’d1
abruption n rh use v S 4.5; abuse it lose it 1H6
əˈbrɤpsɪən abstaining Luc, TNK n 4.5.41; use it Luc 864 / perused
sp abruption 1 əbˈstɛ:nɪn, -ɪŋ Luc 1529; refused MND 2.2.140;
sp abstaining2 used KL 1.3.21 [Q], LLL 2.1.213,
abruptly adv rh gaining, obtaining Luc 130 S 82.14
əˈbrɤpləɪ, -ptl-
abstemious adj abused adj
sp abruptly1
əbˈstɛ:nɪəs, -mɪ- m əˈbju:zɪd
absence n sp abstenious1 sp abused2
abstinence n abuser n
sp absence47, ab-sence1,
abse[n]ce1 = əˈbju:zəɹ
sp abstinence4 sp abuser1
absent adj
= [ˈabsənt] abstract / ~s n abusing adj / n
sp absent 28 = əˈbju:zɪn, -ɪŋ
sp abstract5 / abstracts2 sp abusing1 / abusing1
absent v
= [əbˈsent] absurd adj abutting adj
sp absent 2 m əbˈsɐ:ɹd, ˈabsəɹd əˈbɤtɪn, -ɪŋ
sp absurd4 sp abutting1
Absey adj
ˈabsi: abundance n aby v
sp Absey 1 əˈbɤndəns, -ˈbəʊn- əˈbəɪ
> ABC sp aboundance1, abundance7, sp abide2
Absirtis n abysm n
abˈsɐ:ɹtɪs abundant adj =
sp Absirtis1 əˈbɤndənt, -ˈbəʊn- sp abisme2
sp abundant
absolute adj Academe / ~s n
m ˈabsəˌlu:t, -slu:t abundantly adv ˈakədi:m, -dɛm / -z
sp absolute29 m əˈbɤndəntˌləɪ, -ˈbəʊn- sp Achademe1 / Achademes1,
rh pollute Luc 853 sp abundantly1 Achademes1


a-capering v accite / ~s / d v accompt / ~s n

əˈkɛ:prɪn, -ɪŋ əkˈsəɪt / -s / -ɪd əˈkɒmt, -mpt / -s
sp a capring1 sp accite1 / accites1 / accited1 sp accompt12 / accompts1
> caper > account
acclamation / ~s n
accent / ~s n ˌakləˈmɛ:sɪənz accomptant n
= sp acclamations 1 əˈkɒmtənt, -mpt-
sp accent15, ac-cent1 / accents5 sp accomptant1
accommodate / ~d v
accept n əˈkɒməˌdɛ:t / -ɪd accord / ~s n
= sp accommodate1 / accommo- əˈkɔ:ɹd / -z
sp accept1 dated5, accommoda-ted1, sp accord7 / accords1
accomodated1 rh lord TS 3.1.71 / lords CE 2.1.25
accept / ~s / ~ed v > unaccommodated
= accord / ~s / ~eth / ~ed v
sp accept29 / accepts2 / accepted3
accommodation / ~s n əˈkɔ:ɹd / -z / -əθ / -ɪd
əˌkɒməˈdɛ:sɪən / -z sp accord2 / accords2 / accordeth1 /
acceptance n sp accomodation1 / LC accorded1
= accommodations1 rh lord AY 5.4.130 / reworded LC 3
sp acceptance5, ac-ceptance1
accommodo Lat v accordant adj
access n aˈkɒməˌdo: əˈkɔ:ɹdənt
m əkˈses, ˈakses sp accommodo1 sp accordant1
sp accesse
rh less RJ 2.Chorus.9
accompan·y / ~ying / ~ied v according adj / adv
m əˈkɒmp·əˌnəɪ-, -pn-, -ˈkɤm- / əˈkɔ:ɹdɪn, -ɪŋ
accessible adj -nəɪɪn, -ɪŋ / -əˌnəɪd, -pn- sp according1 / according1
= sp accompanie2, accompany6 /
sp accessible1 accompanying1 / accompanied7,
according as / ~to prep
accompanyed2 əˈkɔ:ɹdɪn, -ɪŋ ˌaz / -ˌtʊ, ˌtu:
accessory n > unaccompanied sp according as4 / according to39
m ˈaksəˌsɤrəɪ, -əsr-
sp accessary2
accomplice / ~s n accordingly adv
əˈkɒmplɪsɪz, -ˈkɤm- əˈkɔ:ɹdɪnˌləɪ, -ɪŋ-
accidence n sp accomplices1 sp accordinglie1, accordingly9
sp accidence1
accomplish / ~ing / ~ed v accost n
əˈkɒmplɪʃ, -ˈkɤm- / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / m =
accident / ~s n -t, -ʃɪd sp misunderstood name TN 1.3.49
ˈaksɪˌdent / -s sp accomplish3 / accomplishing1 / accost2
21 1
sp accident / accedents , accomplish’d3, accomplished2,
accidents11 accomplisht1
accost / ~ed v
rh lament Ham 3.2.209; discontent S > well-accomplished =
124.5 / intents S 115.5 sp accost4 / accosted1
accomplished adj
accidental adj əˈkɒmplɪʃt, -ˈkɤm- account n
ˈaksɪˌdentɑl sp accomplish'd 3 əˈkəʊnt
sp accidentall3 sp account14, ac-count1
accomplishment n rh surmount S 62.6
accidentally adv əˈkɒmplɪʃˌment, -ˈkɤm- > accompt
m ˌaksiˈdentəˌləɪ, -tləɪ sp accomplishment1
sp accidentally3
account / ~s / ~ed / ~edest v
əˈkəʊnt / -s / -ɪd / -ɪdst


sp account17, ac-count1 / accounts1 accuse n achieve / ~s / ~d v

/ accounted7 / accountedst1 = əˈtʃi:v, əˈtʃɪv / -z / -d
> accompt
sp accuse1 sp atcheeue4, atcheiue2, atchieue6 /
accountant n atcheeues2 / atchieu’d7, atchieued2,
accus·e / ~es / ~eth / ~ing / atchie-ued1, atchiu’d1
~ed v rh live S 67.3 / rh 1 lived H5 Epil.7;
sp accountant1 rh 2 grieved R2 4.1.216
= / = / = / əˈkju:z·ɪn, -ɪŋ / m
> half-, strange-achieved; deed-
accoutered adj -ɪd, -d
əˈku:təɹd, -ˈku:st- sp accuse33, ac-cuse1 / accuses2 /
sp accoutered , accoutred 1 accuseth1 / accusing2 / accus’d18, achievement / ~s n
accusde2, accused3, accust1
əˈtʃi:vmənt, - tʃɪv- / -s
acoutrement / ~s n rh accuse thee misuse thee S 152.5
sp atchieuement3 / atchieuements2,
əˈku:trəˌment, -ˈku:st- / -s / excused MA 4.1.213
sp accoutrement1, accustrement1 / accused n
accoutrements1, ac-coustrements1 achiever n
m əˈkju:zɪd
əˈtʃi:vəɹ, -tʃɪv-
accrue v sp accused
sp atchieuer1
accuser / ~’s / ~s n
sp accrue1 Achilles / ~s’ n
əˈkju:zəɹ / -z
accumulate / ~d v sp accuser2 / accusers1 / accusers5,
sp Achilles81, A-chilles2 / Achilles6
əˈkju:məˌlɛ:t / -ɪd ac-cusers1
sp accumulate1 / accumulated1 accustomed adj aching adj
rh hate S 117.10
əˈkɤstəmd ˈɛ:kɪn, -ɪŋ
sp aking3
accumulation n sp accustomed1, accustom’d5
> ache v
əˌkju:məˈlɛ:sɪən > customed, unaccustomed
sp accumulation1 ace n Achitophel n
as əˈkɪtəfəl
accursed adj
sp Achitophel1
m əˈkɐ:ɹsɪd, əˈkɐ:ɹst sp ace3
pun Cym 2.3.2, MND 5.1.299 ass
sp accurs’d3, accursed16, accurst12, acknow v
> ames-, deus-ace
accur’st2 əkˈno:
rh first Ham 3.2.189, VA 1120; worst ache / ~s n > acknown, know
2H4 1.3.107, TG 5.4.71
ɛ:tʃ / m ˈɛ:tʃɪz acknowledge / ~d v
accursed n sp ache4 / aches3
əˈkɐ:ɹst pun AC 4.7.8 H
sp acknowledge19 / acknowledg’d2,
sp accurst1 ache / ~s v acknowledged1

accusation / ~s n ɛ:k / -s acknowledgement n

m ˌakjəˈzɛ:sɪən, -ɪˌɒn / -z sp ake7 / akes4
rh brake VA 875; sake CE 3.1.58
sp accusation13 / accusations5, sp acknowledgement1
> heart-, tooth-ache; aching,
acknown adj
accusative adj əkˈno:n
Acheron n
= sp acknowne1
m ˈakərɒn, -ˌrɒn
sp accusatiue-[case]1 1 2 > acknow
sp Acaron , Acheron
accusativ·us / ~o Lat n rh anon MND 3.2.357; gone
a-cold adj
Mac 3.5.15
aˌkju:zəˈti:vo: əˈko:ld
sp accusatiuo1, ac-cusatiuo1 sp a cold5
> cold


a-coming v sp a-crosse5 / a-crosse1 activity n

əˈkɤmɪn, -ɪŋ rh loss Luc 1662 m əkˈtɪvɪˌtəɪ, -vt-
sp a comming1 act / ~s n sp actiuitie1, actiuity2
> coming
= actor / ~’s / ~s n
aconitum n sp act74, acte24 / actes1, acts19 ˈaktəɹ / -z
akəˈnəɪtəm rh fact AW 3.7.46, Luc 350
sp actor11 / actors1 / actors10
sp aconitum1 act / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
actual adj
acordo nonsense word = / = / ˈaktɪn, -ɪŋ / =
ˈaktjʊɑl, ˈaktʃɑl
əˈkɔ:ɹdo: sp act12, acte6 / acts3 / acting3 /
sp actuall2
sp acordo1
> unacted, unactive a-cursing v
acorn n Actaeon / ~’s n ə-ˈkɐ:ɹsɪn, -ɪŋ
ˈɛ:kɔ:ɹn əkˈtɛ:ən / -z sp a cursing1
sp acorne4 > curse
sp Acteon2 / Acteons1
> full-acorned
acting n acute adj
acquaint / ~s / ~ed v =
ˈaktɪn, -ɪŋ
əˈkwɛ:nt / -s / -ɪd sp acute2
sp acting5
sp acquaint22 / acquaints1 /
acquainted31, ac-quainted2 action / ~s n acutely adv
rh attainted S 88.5; painted S 20.3;
ˈaksɪən / -z əˈkju:tləɪ
tainted CE 3.2.15 sp acutely1
> un-, well-acquainted sp action111, [kindred]-action1,
Hostess 2H4 2.1.28 exion1 / actions23, ad Lat prep
acquaintance n ac-tions1
> kindred-action
əˈkwɛ:ntəns sp ad6
sp acquaintance29, ac-quaintance1, action-taking adj > adsum
acquain-tance1, acquainta[n]ce1
ˈaksɪən-ˌtɛ:kɪn, -ɪŋ
adage n
acquire / ~d v sp action-taking1
> take
ˈadɑ:ʒ, ˈadɪdʒ
əˈkwəɪɹ / -d sp adage1, addage1
sp acquire4 / acquir’d2 Actium n
ˈaksɪəm, -ən Adallas n
acquisition n əˈdɤləs
ˌakwɪˈzɪsɪən sp Action
sp Adullas1
sp acquisition active adv
= Adam / ~’s n
acquit / ~ted v =
= sp actiue
sp Adam25 / Adams3
8 3
sp acquit / acquitted actively adv
adamant n
acquittance / ~s n m ˈaktɪvˌləɪ
= sp actiuely1
sp adamant3
> unactive
sp acquittance3 / acquittances1
active-valiant adj a-days adv
acre / ~s n əˈdɛ:z
ˈɛ:kəɹ, ˈak- / -z sp a-dayes1
sp actiue, valiant1
sp acre3 / acres3, akers1 > day
> valiant
across adv / prep add / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
= = / = / ˈadɪn, -ɪŋ / =


sp adde41 / addes4, adds1 / adding7 adjoin / ~ed v admired adj

/ added16 əˈdʒəɪnd m ədˈməɪɹd, -rɪd
adder / ~’s / ~s / ~s’ n sp adioyn’d1 sp admir’d5, admired4
> join
ˈadəɹ / -z admirer n
sp adder11 / adders2 / adders2 / adjoining to prep ədˈməɪrəɹ
adders1 əˈdʒəɪnɪn ˈtu:, -ɪŋ-, -ˈtʊ sp admirer1
rh shudder VA 878
sp adioyning to1
addict / ~ed v admiring adj
adjourn / ~ed v ədˈməɪɹɪn, -ɪŋ
əˈdʒɐ:ɹn / -d, -ˈdʒɔ:- sp admiring2
sp addict1 / addicted2
sp adiourne1 / adiourn’d1
addiction n rh 1 turned Cym 5.4.78; rh 2 admiringly adv
əˈdɪksɪən performed Cym 5.4.78 ədˈməɪrɪnləɪ, -ɪŋ-
sp admiringly2
sp addiction1 adjudge / ~d v
addition / ~s n m əˈdʒɤdʒd, -dʒɪd admission n
əˈdɪsɪən / -z sp adiudg’d4, adiudged1 ədˈmɪsɪən
sp admission1
sp addition24, additi-on1 / additions3 adjunct n > self-admission
> sur-addition =
addle adj sp adiunct2 admit / ~s / ~ting / ~ted v
= = / = / ədˈmɪtɪn, -ɪŋ / =
administer v sp admit23 / admits7 / admitting1 /
sp addle3 ədˈmɪnɪstəɹ admitted13
address / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v sp administer1
admittance n
= / = / əˈdresɪn, -ɪŋ / = administration n =
sp addresse11 / addresses1 / ədˌmɪnɪˈstrɛ:sɪən sp admittance8, admit-tance2
addressing1 / addressed1, addrest8 1
sp administration
rh guest H5 3.3.58; rest LLL 5.2.92 admonish / ~ ing v
adhere / ~s v admirable adj = / ədˈmɒnɪʃɪn, -ɪŋ
əˈdɛ:ɹ, əˈdi:ɹ / -z m ˈadmɪˌrabəl, -ɪrəb- sp admonish1 / admonishing1
2 3 sp admirable15
sp adhere / adheres admonishment / ~s n
> admire
adieu / ~s n =
admiral n sp admonishment1 /
əˈdʒu:, -dju:, Caius MW ..,
m ˈadmɪˌrɑl, -ɪrəl admonishments1
.. adjø / əˈdʒu:z, -dju:z 6
sp admirall
sp adew9, adieu63, adiew8, adue19 / admonition n
adieus1, adieu’s1 admiration n ˌadməˈnɪsɪən
rh imbrue MND 5.1.339; Jew LLL ˌadmɪˈrɛ:sɪən sp admonition2
3.1.132; new KL 1.1.186, Mac 2.4.37,
sp admiration12, ad-miration1
R2 5.3.143; rue KJ 3.1.326; true AY ado n
5.4.118, MA 3.1.109, R2 5.3.143, RJ admir·e / ~ing / ~ed v
2.2.136; you AC 5.2.189, 1H6 4.4.45,
LLL 1.1.110, 2.1.199, 5.2.226, 234, 241,
ədˈməɪɹ / -rɪn, -rɪŋ / m -d, -rɪd, sp ado2, a-do1, adoe10, a-doe2,
MND 1.1.224, RJ 3.5.59, S 57.8, ˈadməɪɹd adoo3
TNK 1.4.12, VA 537 sp admire6 / admiring3 / admir’d3, rh too Tit 2.1.98
pun LLL 5.2.623 Jude admired2
rh desire S 123.5; fire LLL 4.2.114, PP
a-doing v
adjacent adj 5.10 / desired, tired Luc 418 əˈdu:ɪn, -ɪŋ
əˈdʒɛ:sənt > all-admiring sp a doing1
sp adiacent 2 > do


Adonis n adornment n Adullas

əˈdo:nɪs əˈdɔ:ɹnmənt > Adallas
sp Adonis2 sp adornement2
adulterate adj
a-doors a-doting S n m əˈdɤltrət, -tər-
> door əˈdo:tɪn, -ɪŋ sp adulterate3
sp a dotinge
adopt / ~s / ~ed v rh nothing S 20.10
adulterate / ~s v
= > dote əˈdɤltrəts, -tər-
sp adopt3 / adopts1 / adopted4 sp adulterates1
a-down / ~-a adv
adopted adj əˈdəʊn / -ə adulterer / ~s n
= sp a-downe1 / a-downe-a1, əˈdɤltrəɹz, -tər-
sp adopted2 adowne'a1 sp adulterers1
> down
adoptedly adv adulteress n
əˈdɒptɪdləɪ Adramadio n m əˈdɤltrəs, -təˌres
sp adoptedly1 ˌadrəˈmɑ:dɪo:, -ˈmad- sp adulteresse1, adultresse4
sp Adramadio
adoption n adulterous adj
əˈdɒpsɪən a-dreams əˈdɤltrəs, -tər-
sp adoption4 > John-a-dreams sp adulterous2

adoptious adj Adrian n adulter·y / ~ies n

m əˈdɒpsɪəs ˈɛ:drɪən m əˈdɤltrəɪ, -təˌrəɪ / -təˌrəɪz
sp adoptious1 sp Adrian5 sp adultery6, adulte-ry1 / adulteries1
rh flies Cym 5.4.33
adoration / ~s n Adriana n
ˌadəˈrɛ:sɪən / -z ˌadrɪˈɑ:nə, -ˈan- advance / ~d v
sp adoration , odoration /1 sp Adriana9 ədˈvans / m ədˈvanst, -sɪd
adorations1 sp aduance27 / aduanc’d10,
Adriano n aduanced3, aduaunc’d1
ador·e / ~est / ~es / ~eth / ˌadrɪˈɑ:no:, -ˈan- rh chance, circumstance Luc 1705;
~ing / ~ed v sp Adriano1, emend of LLL 1.1.266 dance LLL 5.2.123, TNK 3.5.133;
əˈdɔ:ɹ / -st / -z / -əθ / -rɪn, Adriana2 France H5 2.2.192, 5.2.346, 5.
Chorus.44; ignorance S 78.13
-rɪŋ / -d Adriatic adj
sp adore13 / adorest1 / adores2 / advanced adj
1 1 3
adoreth / adoring / ador’d
sp Adriaticke 1 m ədˈvanst, ˈadvanst
rh gore TN 2.5.103; store Luc 1835;
sp aduanc’d1, aduanced1, aduan’st2
adore thee abhor thee, hie thee
adsum Lat v
PP 12.9
ˈadsʊm advancement n
adorer n sp ad sum 1 ədˈvansmənt
əˈdɔ:rəɹ sp aduancement9, aduance-ment1
a-ducking v
sp adorer
əˈdɤkɪn, -ɪŋ advantage / ~s n
adorn / ~s / ~ed v sp a ducking1 ədˈvantɪdʒ / -ɪz
əˈdɔ:ɹn / -z / m -d, -nɪd > duck sp aduantage62, ad-uantage1,
[th ’]aduantage1 / aduantages8,
sp adorne3 / adornes1 / adorned2
adulation n ad-uantages1, aduanta-ges1
adorning / ~s n adjəˈlɛ:sɪən, adʒə- > disadvantage
əˈdɔ:ɹnɪnz, -ɪŋz sp adulation1
advantag·e / ~ing / ~ed v
sp adornings
ədˈvantɪdʒ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d


sp aduantage4 / aduantaging1 / advertis·e / ~ing / ~ed v Aeacides n

aduantaged1 m ədˈvɐ:ɹtəɪz / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d i:ˈasɪdi:z
advantageable adj sp aduertise2 / aduertysing1 / sp Aeacides1
aduertis’d2, aduertised3, aduertiz’d1
m ədˈvantɪˌdʒabəl Aeac·us / ~ida n
sp aduantageable1 advertisement n i:ˈasɪdə
advantageous adj m ədˈvɐ:ɹtəɪzˌment sp Aeacida1
sp aduertisement3, ad-uertisement1
ˌadvənˈtɛ:dʒɪəs Aedile / ~s n
sp aduantageous1, aduantagious1 advice n ˈi:dəɪl / -z
adventure / ~s n ədˈvəɪs sp Aedile3, Edile3 / Aediles5, Ediles2
sp aduice31, aduise11
əˈventəɹ, ədˈv- / -z Aegles n
rh entice, nice Luc 1409; price
sp aduenture11, aduen-ture1 / KL 2.1.120 ˈi:ɡli:z
sp Eagles1
> mis-, per-adventure advise / ~s / ~d v
adventur·e / ~ing / ~d v ədˈvəɪz, əˈv- / -ɪz / m -d, -ɪd Aemilia
sp aduice3, aduise35, ad-uise1 / > Emilia
əˈventəɹ, ədˈv- / -rɪn, -rɪŋ,
aduises2 / aduis’d26, aduisde1,
-ventr- / -d aduised3, adui-sed1, auis’d2 Aemillius
sp aduenture11 / aduenturing1 / rh 1 companies TS 1.1.238; rh 2 flies > Emillius
aduentur’d1 Per 4.3.51 / disguised LLL 5.2.300, 434
Aeneas n
adventurous adj advised adj əˈnɛ:əs
əˈventrəs, ədˈv- m ədˈvəɪzɪd, -zd, əˈv- sp Aeneas40
sp aduentrous1, aduenturous2 1
sp aduis’d , aduised 4

Aeolus n
adventurously adv advisedly adv ˈi:ələs
m əˈventrəsˌləɪ, ədˈv- m ədˈvəɪzɪdˌləɪ, əˈv- sp Aeolus1
sp adventurously1 sp aduisedlie1, aduisedly1
rh by Luc 1816; eye, fly Luc 180; aer Lat n
adversar·y / ~ies n reply 1H4 5.1.114 ɛ:ɹ
m ˈadvəɹsˌrəɪ, -ˌsarəɪ, -sr-, Flu- sp aer2
ellen H .. ff ˈað- / -z advising / ~s n
sp aduersarie3, aduersary4, Fluellen ədˈvəɪzɪnz, -ɪŋz, əˈv- aerial n
athuersarie2, athuer-sarie1 / sp aduisings1 ˈɛ:rɪəl
aduersaries15 > fore-, un-, well-advised sp eriall1

adverse adj advocate n aerie, aery

m ˈadvəɹs, ədˈvɐ:ɹs m ˈadvəˌkɛ:t, -vəkət > eyrie
sp aduerse10 sp aduocate7, aduocate’s [advocate
is]1 Aesculapius n
adversely adv rh hate S 35.10 ˌeskəˈlɛ:pɪəs
m ˈadvəɹsˌləɪ sp Esculapius1
sp aduersly1
advocation n
ˌadvəˈkɛ:sɪən Aeson n
adversit·y / ~y’s / ~ies n sp aduocation1 ˈi:sən
m ədˈvɐ:ɹsɪˌtəɪ, -ɪt- / -ɪˌtəɪz sp Eson1
4 1
sp aduersitie , aduer-sitie ,
a-dying v
aduersity1 / aduersities1 / əˈdəɪɪn, -ɪŋ Aesop n
aduersities1 sp a dying1 ˈi:səp
rh cry CE 2.1.34 > die sp Aesop1


Aethiop affectation / ~s n affirm v

> Ethiop ˌafekˈtɛ:sɪən / -z əˈfɐ:ɹm
sp affectation1 / affectations1 sp affirme4
> Etna affected adj affirmation n
= ˈafəɹˌmɛ:sɪən
afar adv
sp affected3 sp affirmation1
əˈfɑ:ɹ rh infected LLL 2.1.218; rejected
sp a far1, afarre9, a farre5, a-farre2, VA 157 affirmative / ~s n
a farre-[off]2 > self-affected əˈfɐ:ɹmətɪvz
rh 1 scar Luc 830; rh 2 war Luc 830
sp affirmatiues1
> far affectedly LC adv
m əˈfektɪdˌləɪ afflict / ~s / ~ed v
afeared adj
sp affectedly1 =
əˈfi:ɹd, -ˈfɛ:- rh secrecy LC 48 sp afflict13 / afflicts1 / afflicted3
sp afeard11, a-feard3, afear’d6,
a-fear’d1, affeard4, affear’d6 affecting adj afflicted adj
rh reared 1H6 4.7.93 əˈfektɪn, -ɪŋ =
> fear
sp affecting1 sp afflicted4
> drawling-affecting
a-feasting v
affliction / ~s n
əˈfestɪn, -ɪŋ affection / ~s n
əˈflɪksɪən / m -z, -sɪˌɒnz
sp a feasting m əˈfeksɪən, -sɪˌɒn / -z sp affliction18, affli-ction1, afflicti-on1
> feast
sp affection72, af-fection1, affe-ction1 / / afflictions5
affections36, affecti-ons1
affability n
rh ostentation LLL 5.2.407; passion afford / ~s / ~eth v
m ˌafəˈbɪlɪˌtəɪ, -ɪt-
2 1
TS 3.1.74 əˈfɔ:ɹd / -z / -əθ
sp affabilitie , affability
sp affoord14, afford6 / affoords4,
affectionate adj
affable adj affords7, af-fords1 / affordeth1
m əˈfeksɪəˌnɛ:t rh 1 lord LLL 4.1.39, Luc 1305, R2
m ˈafəˌbɤl, ˈafbəl sp affectio-nate1 1.1.177, RJ 4.1.125; rh 2 word S 79.11
sp affable5
/ words CE 3.1.24, Luc 1106, S 85.7,
affectionately adv 105.12
affair / ~s n m əˈfeksɪəˌnɛ:tləɪ
əˈfɛ:ɹ / -z sp affectionately1 affray n
sp affaire9, affayre3 / affaires46, əˈfrɛ:
[selfe]-affaires1, affairs1, affayres17 affectioned adj sp affray1
> love-affair, self-affairs əˈfeksɪənd rh day RJ 3.5.33
sp affection’d1
affaire / ~s Fr n affright / ~s / ~ed v
aˈfɛ:ɹ affiance / ~d v əˈfrəɪt / -s / -ɪd
sp affaires1 əˈfəɪəns / -t sp affright9 / affrights5 / affrighted5
sp affiance3 / affianced1, af-fianced1 rh flight, night Luc 971; night
affect / ~s n
MND 5.1.140
əˈfeks, -kts affine / ~d v > fright
sp affects3 əˈfəɪnd
sp affin’d 3 affrighted adj
affect / ~s / ~eth / ~ing / əˈfrəɪtɪd
~ed v affinity n sp affrighted1
m əˈfekt, ˈafekt / əˈfek·s, -ts / əˈfɪnɪtəɪ > self-affrighted
-əθ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd sp affinitie1
sp affect23 / affects8 / affecteth1 /
affecting1 / affected17


affront n sp affraid20, affraide2, afraid17, after-eye v

əˈfrɤnt a-fraid2, afraide2 ˈaftəɹ-ˌəɪ, ˈɑ:təɹ-
rh dismayed VA 898; maid, said
sp affront1 sp after-eye1
LC 179; played PP 17.20
> eye
affront / ~ed v afresh adv
əˈfrɤnt / -ɪd =
after-fleet n
sp affront / affronted 1 ˈaftəɹ-ˌfli:t, ˈɑ:təɹ-
sp afresh3, a-fresh1
sp after fleete1
aff·y / ~ied v > fresh
> fleet
əˈfəɪ / -d Afric adj
sp affie1, affye1 / affied1
after-hours n
rh integrity Tit 1.1.50 ˈaftəɹ-ˌo:ɹz, ˈɑ:təɹ-
sp Affricke1
sp after-houres1
afield adv Afric / ~a n > hours
əˈfi:ld ˈafrɪk / =
sp a-field1, a field3
after-loss S n
sp Affricke3 / Affrica1 ˈaftəɹ-ˌlɒs, ˈɑ:təɹ-
> field
African n sp after losse1
afire adj rh cross S 90.4
əˈfəɪɹ > loss
sp Affrican1
sp afire1, a fire3
> fire
after-love n
afront adv
ˈaftəɹ-ˌlɤv, ˈɑ:təɹ-
afloat adj əˈfrɤnt
sp after-loue1, after loue1
əˈflo:t sp a-front1 > love
> front
sp a-float1
rh boat S 80.9
after-meeting n
after adj / adv / conj /
> float ˈaftəɹ-ˌmi:tɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈɑ:təɹ-
sp after-meeting1
afoot adv ˈaftəɹ, ˈɑ:təɹ > meeting
= sp after1 / after82, af-ter3 / after28,
sp afoot4, a foot3, a-foot9, afoote2, af-ter1 / after262, af-ter3 afternoon n
a foote6 rh caught her, daughter, halter, ˌaftəɹˈnu:n, ˌɑ:təɹ-, -ˈnʊn
> foot slaughter KL 1.4.318; daughter sp afternoone22, after-noone5
TS 1.1.236, WT 4.1.28 rh done AW 5.3.66; son 1H6 4.5.53
afore adv > thereafter > noon
əˈfɔ:ɹ after-debt / ~s n
sp afore11, a-fore1
after-supper n
ˈaftəɹ-ˌdets, ˈɑ:təɹ- ˈaftəɹ-ˌsɤpəɹ, ˈɑ:təɹ-
> before
sp after-debts1 sp after supper1
aforehand adv > debt
m əˈfɔ:ɹˌand, -ˌhand after-times n
after-dinner / ~’s adj
sp aforehand 1 ˈaftəɹ-ˌtəɪmz, ˈɑ:təɹ-
ˈaftəɹ-ˌdɪnəɹz, ˈɑ:təɹ-
> forehand, hand sp after-times1
sp after-dinners1, after dinners1 > time
aforesaid adj > dinner
m əˈfɔ:ɹsed after-enquiry / inquiry n
afterward / ~s adv
sp aforesaid , afore-said 1 m ˈaftəɹˌwɐ:ɹd, -ɹwəɹd,
ˈaftəɹ-ɪŋˌkwəɪrəɪ, ˈɑ:təɹ-
> foresaid, say ˈɑ:təɹ- / -z
sp after-enquiry1
sp afterward7, after-ward1 /
afraid adj > enquiry / inquiry
afterwards14, af-terwards1


again adv age / ~’s / ~s n a-going v

əˈɡɛ:n, əˈɡen ɛ:dʒ / ˈɛ:dʒɪz əˈɡo:ɪn, -ɪŋ
sp again12, againe705, a-gaine11, sp age175 / ages3 / ages12 sp a going1
agen24, a-gen2, KJ 4.2.1 emend of rh 1 assuage LC 70; equipage > go
again S 32.10; gage Luc 1350, R2 1.1.160;
rh 1 amain, vein LLL 5.2.540; brain gage, rage Luc 142; outrage Luc 603; agone adv
VA 908, 1042; complain RJ 2. page MW 1.3.78, S 108.10; rage 1H6 əˈɡɒn
Chorus.5; disdain VA 499; disdain, 4.6.12, 35, LC 14, S 17.9, 64.2; sage, sp agone3
pain Luc 688; distain, pain Luc 788; stage Luc 275; rh 2 pilgrimage
entertain Luc 1359; gain Per 5. AY 3.2.128, Luc 962, R2 1.3.229, agony n
Chorus.12; mane VA 273; pain Cym S 7.6; presage S 107.8 ˈaɡənəɪ
4.2.289, MND 1.1.251, VA 1036; plain
sp agonie2, agony4
LLL 5.2.453, VA 408; rain Mac 1.1.1, aged adj
rh thee R3 4.4.164
VA 960, 966; slain 1H6 4.5.19, RJ m ˈɛ:dʒɪd, ɛ:dʒd
3.1.121, S 22.14, VA 474, 1020, 1113; sp aged23, ag’d3 agree, abbr gree / ~s / ~ing /
stain Luc 1707, S 109.6; sustain TN
~d, abbr greed v
4.2.123; twain LLL 5.2.458, MV aged n
əˈɡri:, abbr ɡri: / -z / -ɪn,
3.2.324, R2 5.3.132, TNK 3.5.144, VA m ˈɛ:dʒɪd
121, 209; vain 2H6 4.1.78, CE 3.2.25, -ɪŋ / -d, abbr ɡri:d
sp aged1
Luc 1666, MM 4.1.5, R2 2.2.142, sp agree20, abbr gree1 / agrees5 /
3.2.213, Tem 4.1.98, VA 769; rh 2 Agenor n agreeing4 / agreed17, abbr greed3,
Amen R3 5.5.40; Imogen Cym ’greed2
3.5.106, 5.3.82; men R2 3.2.78, Tim rh be, me LLL 2.1.211; me PP 8.1; see
sp Agenor1
4.2.40; pen S 79.8; then LLL 5.2.821, H8 Prol.10 / sees Luc 1095, VA 288 /
RJ 2.3.44; when R2 1.1.163 seeing Ham 3.2.264, S 114.11 / bleed
agent / ~s n
R2 1.1.156
against, abbr gainst adv / ˈɛ:dʒənt / -s > disagree, unagreeable
conj / prep sp agent10 / agents3
əˈɡɛ:nst, əˈɡenst, abbr ˈɡɛ:nst, aggravate v agreement n
ˈɡenst əˈɡri:mənt
2 1 1
m ˌaɡrəˈvɛ:t sp agreement4
sp against / against , abbr gainst , /
sp aggrauate2, ag-grauate1,
against551, a-gainst10, abbr gainst8,
aggra-uate1 aggrieved adj
’gainst 81
Fluellen H .. əˈgri:ft
Agincourt n
Agamemnon / ~’s n sp agreefd1
aɡəˈmemnən / -z
sp Agincourt4 Agrippa n
sp Agamemnon33, Aga-memnon1,
Agamem-non1 / Agamemnons6
agitation n
sp Agrippa24
agate n ˌadʒɪˈtɛ:sɪən
sp agitation2 aground adv
sp agat , agot 3 əˈɡrəʊnd
aglet-baby n
sp a ground1
agate-stone n ˈaɡlɪt-ˌbɛ:bəɪ
sp aglet babie1 a-growing v
sp agat-stone1
əˈɡro:ɪn, -ɪŋ
agnize v
> stone sp a growing1
əɡˈnəɪz > grow
agaze / ~d v sp agnize1
əˈɡɛ:zd ague adj
ago adv ˈɛ:ɡju:
sp agaz’d1
əˈɡo: sp ague1
> gaze
sp ago14, agoe13
rh Hortensio TS 3.1.69


ague / ~’s / ~s n a-horseback adv rh claim CE 3.2.63; exclaim, maim

ˈɛ:ɡju: / -z ə-ˈɔ:ɹsbak, -ˈhɔ:- LC 310; proclaim AW 2.1.156

sp ague8 / agues2 / agues3 sp a-horseback3, a horsebacke1, aim / ~est / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v

a horse-backe2
Aguecheek n ɛ:m / -st / -z / ˈɛ:m·ɪn, -ɪŋ / m
> horseback
ˈɛ:ɡju:ˌtʃi:k -ɪd, ɪ:md
sp Ague-cheeke3
a-hungry / an- adj sp aime2, ayme12 / aymest1, aym’st1
> cheek ə-ˈɤŋgrəɪ, -ˈhɤ- / ən- / aymes3 / ayming3, ayming3 /
sp a-hungry1 / an hungry1 aim’d1, aimed1, aym’d5
agued adj > hungry
ainsi Fr adv
ai Fr ɛ̃ˈsi
sp agued1
> avoir sp ainsi2
agueface n
aid / ~s n aio Lat v
1 ɛ:d / -z ˈəɪo:
sp agueface
> face sp aid3, aide7, ayd8, ayde27 / aydes1 sp aio1
rh 1 appaid Luc 912; betrayed
ague-proof adj 1H6 1.1.143; bewrayed Luc 1696; air / ~s n
ˈɛ:ɡju:-ˌprɤf, -ˌpru:f conveyed VA 1190; decayed S 79.1; ɛ:ɹ / -z
sp agu-proofe1
dismayed R3 5.3.174; maid sp aire17, ayer2, ayre159, ayre’s
> proof
AW 5.3.326; rh 2 said Luc 912, [air is]1 / aires1, ayres4
1696, 1784 rh despair MV 3.2.108; fair LLL
ah / aha interj > inaidible 4.3.102, Luc 778, Mac 1.1.10, MND
= 1.1.183, PP 16.4, S 21.12, 70.4, TNK
aid / ~ing / ~ed v 1.1.16, VA 1085; repair LLL 5.2.293
sp ah146 / ah ha7; ah, ha2
ɛ:d / ˈɛ:d·ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd
sp aid1, aide1, ayde8 / ayding1 / air Fr n
a-hanging v
ayded1 ɛɹ
ə-ˈaŋɪn, -ɪŋ, -ˈha-
sp air1
sp a hanging1 aidance n
> hang
ˈɛ:dəns air / ~ed v
a-height adv sp aydance1 ɛ:ɹd
ə-ˈəɪt, -ˈhə- sp ayr’d1, ayred1
aidant adj
sp a height1
ˈɛ:dənt air-braving adj
> height
sp aydant 1 ˈɛ:ɹˌbrɛ:vɪn, -ɪŋ
a-high adv sp ayre-brauing1
aiding adj > brave
ə-ˈəɪ, -ˈhə-
ˈɛ:dɪn, -ɪŋ
sp a high1 air-drawn adj
sp ayding1
> high
a-hold adv aidless adj sp ayre-drawne- [dagger]1
ə-ˈo:ld, -ˈho:- ˈɛ:dləs > draw
sp aydelesse1
sp a hold2 airless adj
> hold
ail / ~est v ˈɛ:ɹləs
a-hooting v ɛ:l / -st sp ayre-lesse1
1 1
ə-ˈu:tɪn, -ɪŋ, -ˈhu:- sp ayle / ayl’st
airy adj
sp a hooting1
aim / ~s n ˈɛ:ɹəɪ
rh shooting LLL 4.2.60
> hoot
ɛ:m / -z sp aiery1, airie1, ayrie3,
sp aime4, ayme19 / aimes1 ayrie-[charme]1 / ayry1


Ajax n sp alarum86, abbr larum3 / Alcides n

m ˈɛ:dʒəks, əˈdʒɛ:ks alarums20, allarums1, abbr larums2 ɑlˈsəɪdi:z
sp Aiax67 alarum / ~ed v sp Alcides7
pun a jakes LLL 5.2.574, TC 2.1.63ff
əˈlɑ:rəmd alderliefest adj
a-killing v sp alarum’d1 ˈɑldəɹˌlɪfɪst, ˈɒl-
əˈkɪlɪn, -ɪŋ alarum-bell, abbr sp alder liefest1
sp a killing1 > lief
larum-~ n
> kill
əˈlɑ:rəm-ˌbel, abbr ˈlɑ:- alder·man / ~man’s /
akin TNK adj sp alarum bell2, abbr larum-bell1 ~men n
əˈkɪn ˈɑldəɹˌman, ˈɒl- / -z / m -ˌman,
alarumed adj
sp a kin1 -mən
rh gi’en TNK Prol.1 əˈlɑ:rəmd
sp alderman1 / aldermans1 /
sp alarum’d1
alablaster n
ˈaləblastəɹ alas interj
ale / ~s n
sp alablaster 3 =
227 2
ɛ:l / -z
sp alas , alasse
sp ale13 / ales2
alack, abbr lack interj
Alban / ~s n rh tale MND 2.1.50
=, abbr lak > bottle-ale
14 59
sp alack , alacke , abbr lacke , 1 ˈɑ:lbən / -z
’lacke1 sp Albon1, Albone1 / Albans1, Alecto / ~’s n
rh back S 65.9; black MND 5.1.169; Albones7, Albons8 əˈlekto:z
wrack Per 4.Chorus.11
Albany / ~’s n sp Alecto’s1
alacrity n m ˈɑ:lbənəɪ, -bnəɪ / ˈɑ:lbnəɪz alehouse / ~s n
əˈlakrɪtəɪ sp Albanie1, Albany10 / Albanies1 ˈɛ:l·əʊs, -ˈhəʊs / -əʊzɪz, ˈhəʊ-
sp alacratie1, alacritie1, alacrity2
albeit conj sp alehouse1, ale-house8 /
a-land Per adv m ɑlˈbi:t, ˌɑlbi:ˈɪt
> house
əˈland sp albeit15
1 1
sp aland , a-land Alençon / ~’s n
rh understand Per 3.2.67 Albion / ~’s n
m əˈlensən, ˈalnsən / -z
> land m =, ˈɑlbɪˌɒn / -z
sp Alanson26, Alan-son1 / Alansoes1,
sp Albion3 / Albions3 Alansons1
Alarbus n rh confusion KL 3.2.85
əˈlɑ:ɹbəs Aleppo n
sp Alarbus3 alchemist n
ˈɑlchəmɪst, ˈɒl-
sp Aleppo2
alarm / ~s n sp alchymist1, alcumist1
əˈlɑ:ɹm / -z ale-washed adj
sp alarme2 / alarmes1 alchemy n
rh arms R2 1.1.205 ˈɑlchəməɪ, ˈɒl-
sp ale-washt1
> night-alarm sp alchymie1 > wash
rh 1 eye S 33.4; rh 2 flattery
alarum, abbr larum adj S 114.4 ale·wife / ~wives n
əˈlɑ:rəm, abbr ˈlɑ:rəm ˈɛ:lˌwəɪf / -ˌwəɪvz
sp alarum1, abbr larum1 Alcibiades n
sp alewife1 / ale-wiues1
m ˌɑlsɪˈbəɪdi:z, -ˈbəɪə-
> wife
alarum, abbr larum / ~s n sp Alcibiades19
m əˈlɑ:rəm, -ɑ:ɹm, abbr
ˈlɑ:rəm / -z


Alexander / ~’s / ~s n alive adj / adv all-binding adj

ɑlɪkˈsandəɹ, Curate LLL əˈləɪv ˌɑ:l-ˈbəɪndɪn, -ɪŋ
..ff ɑlɪˈsandəɹ / -z sp aliue78, a-liue1 / aliue9 sp emend of MM 2.4.94
sp Alexander20, A-lexander1, rh hive, survive Luc 1768; strive Per all-building-[law]1
Alisander6 / Alexanders1 / 2.Chorus.20, S 112.7; survive VA 174; > bind
Alexanders1 thrive AW 4.3.329, VA 1009
rh commander LLL 5.2.561, 564, 566
all-building adj
all adj, det, n ˌɑ:l-ˈbɪldɪn, -ɪŋ
Alexandria n ɑ:l, [later] ɔ:l sp all-building-[law]1
ɑlɪkˈsandrɪə sp al23, all3453, [with]all4, emend of > build
sp Alexandria5 Tim 3.4.112 Ullorxa1, all’s [all is]35,
all’s [ all his]1, al’s [all is]1 all-changing adj
Alexandrian adj rh 1 befall 2H6 5.3.32, Tit 5.1.58; ˌɑ:l-ˈtʃɛ:ndʒɪn, -ɪŋ
ɑlɪkˈsandrɪən brawl RJ 3.1.142; call AW 2.1.181, sp all-changing-[word]1
2 MND 5.1.426, Per 5.1.242, S 40.1, > changing
sp Alexandrian
109.14, 117.1; fall AY 5.4.175, CE
Alexas n 1.1.2, H5 3.5.67, 2H6 1.2.107, KL all-cheering adj
əˈleksəs 3.3.22, LC 42, R2 4.1.316, TNK ˌɑ:l-ˈtʃi:rɪn, -ɪŋ
3.5.108, VA 720; gall TC 2.2.146; hall
sp Alexas14, Alexias1 sp all-cheering1
2H4 5.3.34; small Per 3.4.17, TG
> cheer
1.2.30; tall 2H4 5.3.32; wall MND
alias adv
5.1.198, Tim 4.1.37; rh 2 burial all-disgraced adj
ˈalɪəs MND 3.2.382
sp alias4 m ˌɑ:l-dɪsˈɡrɛ:sɪd
pun JC 1.1.21 awl
sp all-disgraced1
Alice n alla Ital prep > disgraced
Eng ˈalɪs, TS Induction . ˈala
all-dreaded adj
als / Fr aˈlis sp alla2
2 1 2
sp Alice , Alce / Alice
all-abhorred adj sp all-dreaded1
alien n > dreaded
ˈɛ:lɪən sp all-abhorred1 allegation / ~s n
sp alien > abhor
ɑlɛˈɡɛ:sɪən / -z
Aliena n all-admiring adj sp allegation1 / allegations1
ɛ:lɪˈenə ˈɑ:l-ədˌməɪrɪn, -ɪŋ allege / abbr ledges / ~d v
sp Aliena7 sp all-admiring1
= / abbr ˈledʒɪz / m əˈledʒɪd
> admiring
alight ~ed v sp alledge1 / abbr leges1 /
allay / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v alleadged1
əˈləɪt / -ɪd
1 2
sp a-light / alighted , a-lighted 1 əˈlɛ: / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d alleged adj
rh plight KL 3.4.117 sp alay4, allay9 / allayes1 / allaying1
m əˈledʒɪd
> light / allay’d1
sp alleadged1
rh said S 56.3
ali·us / ~is Lat n
allaying adj allegiance n
1 1 əˈlɛ:ɪn, -ɪŋ m əˈlɛ:dʒɪəns, -ɪˌans
sp alijs , [cum]alijs
sp allegeance22, allegiance3,
sp alay-ing
alike adj / adv al-legiance1
allayment / ~s rh 1H6 5.5.43 France
əˈləɪk n
sp alike22 / alike17 əˈlɛ:mənt / -s allegiant adj
sp alaiment1 / allayments1
Alisander əˈlɛ:dʒɪənt
sp allegiant1
> Alexander


aller Fr v allicholy, allycholly [malap allowance n

melancholy] n m əˈləʊəns, əˈləʊns, əˈlo:-
ˈaliˌkɒləɪ sp allowance10
sp allicholy1, allycholly1
sp alone2, alons1 allowed adj
alligant [malap elegant əˈləʊd, əˈlo:-
or eloquent] adj sp allow’d2, allowed1
m ˈaliˌɡant
sp Pistol H5 4.1.35 vous1 allowing adj
sp alligant1
əˈləʊɪn, -ɪŋ, əˈlo:-
alligator n sp allowing1

ɑliˈɡɑ:təɹ, -tə
sp voi1 all-praised adj
sp F allegater1 [Q aligarta]
m ˌɑ:l-ˈprɛ:zɪd
alley n
all-licensed adj sp all-praysed1
ˌɑ:l-ˈləɪsənst > praise
sp alley2
sp all-lycenc’d1
all-seeing adj
all-hail interj > licence
ˌɑ:l-ˈsi:ɪn, -ɪŋ
ˌɑ:l-ˈɛ:l, -ˈhɛ:l all-noble adj sp all-seeing2
sp all-haile2 > see
> hail
sp all-noble1
all-seer n
all-hail / ~ed v > noble
ˌɑ:l-ˈɛ:ld, -ˈhɛ:- all-obeying adj sp all-seer1
sp all-hail’d1 > see
ˈɑ:l-əˈbɛ:ɪn, -ɪŋ
All-Hallond Eve n sp all-obeying1
all-shaking adj
> obey
ˈɑ:l-ˈɑlənd i:v, -ˈhɑ- ˌɑ:l-ˈʃɛ:kɪn, -ɪŋ
sp Allhallond-Eue1 allons sp all-shaking1
> eve > shake
> aller
All-Hallowmass n allot / ~s / Luc ~ted v all-smarting adj
ˈɑ:l-ˈɑləmas, -ˈhɑ- = ˌɑ:l-ˈsmɑ:ɹtɪn, -ɪŋ
sp Alhallowmas1 sp all-smarting1
sp allot1 / a lots1 / alotted1
> Hallowmass > smart
rh rotted, unspotted Luc 824
All-Hallown adj allotery n All Souls’ Day n
ˈɑ:l-ˈɑlən, -ˈhɑ- əˈlɒtrəɪ, -tər- ˈɑ:l ˈso:lz ˌdɛ:
sp Alhollown1 sp Al-soules day1, All-soules day2
sp allottery1
> lottery > day
all-hating n
ˌɑ:l-ˈɛ:tɪn, -ɪŋ, -ˈhɛ:- allow / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v all-telling adj
sp all-hating 1
əˈləʊ, əˈlo: / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d ˌɑ:l-ˈtelɪn, -ɪŋ
> hate sp all-telling1
sp allow23, alow1 / allowes3 /
allowing2 / allowd1, allow’d9, > tell
all-honoured adj
allowed7, alowd2
ˌɑ:l-ˈɒnəɹd all-thing adj
rh bow v, vow Luc 1845; brow S
sp all-honor’d1 19.11, 112.4; now R2 5.2.40, RJ 2.3.82, ˈɑ:l-ˌθɪŋ
> honoured WT 4.1.29; thou R2 1.1.123 / house sp all-thing1
Tim 3.3.41 / growing WT 4.1.15 / > thing
alliance n
shroud LLL 5.2.478
sp alliance13, allyance3


all-unable adj sp almightie3, almighty4 1.2.244; rh 3 anon S 75.7; gone KJ

ˌɑ:l-ənˈɛ:bəl rh fight, yea LLL 5.2.649 [recitation] 3.1.64, S 4.9, 31.12, 45.7, 66.14, VA
382, TG 3.1.99, TNK 1.1.2
sp all-vnable1 almond n
> unable along
ˈɑ:lmənd, [later] ˈɔ:l- adv / prep
allur·e / ~ed v sp almond 1 =
əˈlu:ɹ / -d sp along107 / along4
almost adv rh 1 wrong RJ 1.1.195; rh 2 sung VA
sp allure2 / allur’d1
ˈɑ:lmo:st, [later] ˈɔ:l- 1093
allurement n sp almost154, al-most1
Alonso n
əˈlu:ɹmənt alms adj / n əˈlɒnzo:
sp allurement1
= sp Alonso6
1 12
alluring adj sp almes / almes
aloof adv
əˈlu:rɪn, -ɪŋ alms-basket n =, əˈlɤf
sp alluring1
= sp aloofe17
allusion n sp almes-basket1 rh behoof, proof LC 166

əˈlu:zɪən > basket

aloud adv
sp allusion2 alms-deed n əˈləʊd
all-watched adj = sp aloud12, alowd12
sp almes-deed 1 rh proud VA 262, 886
m ˌɑ:l-ˈwɑtʃɪd
1 > deed
sp all-watched alow interj
> watch alms-drink n əˈlo:
all-worthy adj = sp alow2
sp almes drinke 1 > hallow
sp all-worthy alms-house / ~s n alphabet n
> worthy
ˈɑ:mz-ˌəʊzɪz, -ˌhəʊ- =
all·y / ~ies n sp almes-houses1 sp alphabet1

əˈləɪ / -z > house

alphabetical adj
sp alie1 / allies7, allyes1 almsman, ~’s n ˌalfəˈbetɪkɑl
all·y / ~ied v = sp alphabeticall1
əˈləɪd sp almes-mans
> man
Alphonso n
1 3 2
sp alide , allied , ally’d alˈfɒnso:
aloft adv sp Alphonso1
> allicholy Alps n
sp aloft22
Almain n =
alone adv sp Alpes4
sp Al-maine1 already adv
sp alone222, a-lone1
almanac / ~s n rh 1 bone TC 1.3.390; groan Ham ɑ:lˈredəɪ, [later] ɔ:l-
ˈɑ:lmənak, ˈɑl-, [later] ˈɔ:l- / -s 3.3.22, S 131.8, 133.3, VA 786; moan sp alreadie35, already107, al-ready2
PP 20.8; own TG 2.4.165; prone S
sp almanack2, almanacke1 / also adv
141.8; stone VA 213; rh 2 none AW
2.3.127, 1H6 4.7.9, MM 2.1.40, PP ˈɑlso:, [later] ˈɒl-
almighty n 17.35, TN 3.1.157; one MND 3.2.119, sp also34
R3 1.1.100, RJ 2.6.36, Luc 1480, PP
ɑ:lˈməɪtəɪ, [later] ˈɔ:l- 9.14, S 36.4, 39.8, 42.14, 105.13, TS


altar / ~s n am v amazement n
ˈɑltəɹ, [later] ˈɒl- / -z = əˈmɛ:zmənt
sp altar10 / altars3 sp am2125, ’am1 sp amazement12
rh dam MND 5.1.219
alter / ~s / ~ed v > be amazing adj
ˈɑltəɹ, [later] ˈɒl- / -z / -d əˈmɛ:zɪn, -ɪŋ
I am abbr
sp alter15 / alters1 / alter’d15, sp amazing1
al-ter’d1, altred1 əɪm
sp I’m8, I’me7 Amazon / ~s n
alteration n m ˈaməˌzɒn, -əzən / -z
ˌɑltəˈrɛ:sɪən, [later] ˌɒl- Amaimon n sp Amazon4 / Amazons2
sp alteration 8 əˈmamən rh 1 on 3H6 4.1.106; rh 2 done 3H6
sp Amaimon1, Amamon1 4.1.106
altered adj
ˈɑltəɹd, [later] ˈɒl- amain adv Amazonian adj
sp alter’d1 əˈmɛ:n aməˈzo:nɪən
sp amain1, amaine10, a-maine1, a sp Amazonian2
altering adj maine1
ˈɑltrɪn, -ɪŋ, [later] ˈɒl- rh again, vein LLL 5.2.542; entertain ambassador / ~s n
sp altring 1 Tem 4.1.74; slain TC 5.8.13 m amˈbasəˌdɔ:ɹ, -sdəɹ / -z
sp ambassador13, am-bassador1,
Althea / ~’s n a-making v embassador5, embassadour1,
alˈtɛ:ə / -z əˈmɛ:kɪn, -ɪŋ em-bassadour1 / ambassadors11,
sp Althaea1, Althea1 / Altheas1 sp a making2 ambassadours1, embassadors5
> make
although conj amber adj / n
ɑ:lˈðo:, [later] ɔ:l- amaze / ~s n ˈambəɹ
sp although72
əˈmɛ:zɪz sp amber2 / amber3
> though sp amazes rh chamber WT 4.4.224
rh gazes LLL 2.1.232
altitude n amber-coloured adj
ˈaltɪˌtju:d amaze / ~s / ~th / ~d, abbr ˈambəɹ-ˌkɤləɹd
sp altitude3
mazed v sp amber coloured1
əˈmɛ:z / -ɪz / -əθ / -d, mɛ:zd > colour
altogether / ~s adv sp amaze9 / amazes1 / amazeth1 /
m ɑ:ltəˈgeðəɹ, -ˈgɛ:ɹ, [later] amasde1, amaz’d4 / maz’d1
ambiguit·y / ~ies n
ɔ:l- / -z rh gazes VA 634 / gazeth S 20.8 ambɪˈgju:ɪtəɪz
sp ambiguities2
sp altogether31, al-together1, amazed, abbr mazed adj
alto-gether1 / Evans MW 1.2.7 ambiguous
altogeathers [altogether is]1
m əˈmɛ:zd, -zɪd, abbr adj
ˈmɛ:zɪd, mɛ:zd amˈbɪgjəs
Alton n sp amaz’d28, amazed5, abbr maz’d1, sp ambiguous1
ˈɑ:ltən, [later] ˈɔ:l- mazed1
rh blazed, gazed Luc 1356; gazed
ambition / ~’s / ~s n
sp Alton1
VA 925 amˈbɪsɪən / -z
alway / ~s adv sp ambition43, am-bition1 /
ˈɑ:lwɛ:, [later] ˈɔ:l- / -z amazedly adv ambitions2 / ambitions2
sp alway2 / alwaies23, al-waies1,
m əˈmɛ:zɪdˌləɪ, -dl-
sp amazedly4
ambitious adj
alwayes37, al-wayes2
rh dam rh why Mac 4.1.125 amˈbɪsɪəs
sp ambitious36
amazedness n
m əˈmɛ:zɪdˌnes, -dnəs
sp amazednesse2


ambitiously adv amendment n sp among2 / among82, a-mong2,

amˈbɪsɪəsləɪ əˈmendmənt amongs [among us]1, abbr ’mong4
rh adv sung KL 1.4.174; belong,
sp ambitiously2 sp amendment4
strong LC 256
amble / ~s / ~d v amends n amongst, abbr mongst
= əˈmendz prep
sp amble1 / ambles4 / ambled1 sp amends20
əˈmɤŋst, -mɒ-, [also, followed
> amend v
ambling adj / n by a consonant] əˈmɤŋs, -mɒ-,
ˈamblɪn, -ɪŋ amerce v abbr mɤ-, mɒ-
sp ambling2 / ambling1 əˈmɐ:ɹs sp amongest1, amongst20,
sp amerce 1 a-mongst1, among’st14, abbr
ambo Lat n ’mongst 16, ’mong’st 3, mong’st2
ˈambo: America n
2 = amorous adj
sp ambo
sp America 1 m ˈamrəs, ˈaməˌrɤs
ambuscado / ~s n sp amorous22
ambəsˈkɑ:do:z ames-ace n
ˈɛ:mz-ˌas amort adj
sp ambuscados1
sp ames-ace 1 əˈmɔ:ɹt
ambush n > ace sp amort1, a-mort1
amiable adj amount / ~s v
sp ambush6, am-bush1
m ˈɛ:mɪˌabəl, -mɪəb- əˈməʊnt / -s
ameer / ~s n sp amiable7 sp amount7 / amounts3
sp MW 2.1.202 emend of an-heires1
amid / ~st, abbr midst prep amour Fr n
= aˈmu:ɹ
amen interj / n sp amid1 / amid’st1, abbr ’midst1 sp amour1
Amiens n Amphimacus n
sp amen80 / amen1
rh again R3 5.5.41; Englishmen H5 ˈamɪenz [ sylls] m amˈfɪməˌkɤs
5.2.360; pen S 85.6 sp Amiens1, Amyens3 sp Amphimacus1

amend / ~s / ~ed v amiss adj / adv / n ample / ~er / ~est adj

əˈmend / -z / -dɪd əˈmɪs = / ˈampləɹ / =
sp amend17 / amends2, a-mends1 / sp amisse19 / amis2, amisse13 / sp ample15 / ampler1 / amplest2
amended4 amisse1
rh blend LC 214 / depends S 101.1; rh this PP 17.2 / rh 1 is MV 2.9.65, amplif·y LC / ~ied v
friends, lends Luc 961; friends MND S 59.3; rh 2 bliss, iwis, kiss, this MV m ˈamplɪˌfəɪ / -d
5.1.428 / ended, pretended Luc 578; 2.9.65, CE 2.2.193 / rh 1 this Ham sp amplifie1 / amplified1
offended AW 3.4.7 5.2.396, S 35.7; rh 2 is Ham 4.5.18, rh quality LC 209
> amends n S 151.3
amply adv
amending n amit·y / ~ies n ˈampləɪ
əˈmendɪn, -ɪŋ m ˈamɪˌtəɪ, ˈamtəɪ / ˈamɪˌtəɪz sp amply3
sp amending sp amitie13, amity10 / amities1
rh depending, ending Luc 1614 rh MND 4.1.86 be, me, solemnly, Ampthill n
triumphantly, prosperity, jollity ˈamtɪl
a-mending v sp Ampthill1
əˈmendɪn, -ɪŋ among, abbr mong adv /
sp a mending1 prep Amurath n
> mend əˈmɤŋ, əˈmɒŋ, abbr mɤŋ, m ˈaməˌraθ, -ˌrat
mɒŋ sp Amurah2


Amyntas n ancient / ~est adj Andronicus n

əˈmɪntəs ˈɛ:nsɪənt [ sylls], ˈɔ:n-, [later] m anˈdrɒnɪˌkɤs, -ɪkəs, -ɒŋk-,
sp Amintas1 -nʃɪənt, / -ənst Tit .. ˌandrəˈnəɪkəs
sp ancient55, Fluellen aunchiant1, sp Andronicus53
an, an’ aunchient1, aun-chient1, in Othello
> a, and anew adv
auncient5 / ancient’st1
anatomize / ~d v =
ancient n
sp anew3, a-new1, a new1
m əˈnatəˌməɪz, -əm-, Armado m ˈɛ:nsɪənt [ sylls], -ɪˌent,
rh hue S 82.7, Tit 1.1.265; true
LLL .. -ˈnɒt- / -d ˈɔ:n-, [later] -nʃɪənt / -s S 119.11
sp anathomize2, anatomize1, sp ancient11, ancients1, Fluellen > new
Armado annothanize1 / aunchient5, in Othello aunciant2,
anathomiz’d2 auncient1, auntient1 ange / ~s Fr n
rh disguised Luc 1450 ɑ̃:ʒ
ancientry n sp anges1
anatomy n ˈɛ:nsɪəntrəɪ, -nʃən-, ˈɔ:n-
m əˈnatəˌməɪ sp aunchentry1, auncientry1 angel adj
sp anatomie2, anatomy3 ˈɛ:ndʒəl
Ancus n sp angel1, angell1
ancestor / ~s n ˈaŋkəs
m ˈansəsˌtɒɹ, -stəɹ-, ˈɔ:n- / -z sp Ancus1 angel / ~’s / ~s / ~s’ n
sp ancestor4, auncestor1 / ancestors18,
ˈɛ:ndʒəl / -z
auncestors2 and conj
sp angel4, an-gel1, angell37 / angells1
=, unstr ənd, ən, n / angells1, angels33 / angels2
ancestry n
sp and24362, and-[a]1 [song], &562 > she-angel
m ˈansəsˌtrəɪ, ˈɔ:n- > to and fro
sp ancestrie2, ancestry1, auncestry1 Angelica n
and his abbr
Anchises / ~’ n =
unstr ənz sp Angelica1
anˈkəɪse:z sp and’s3
sp Anchyses2 / Anchises1 angelical adj
and it abbr ənˈdʒɛlɪˌkɑl
anchor / ~s n unstr ant, ənt sp angelicall1
ˈaŋkəɹ / -z sp and’t32, ant1, an't10
sp anchor5, anchor’s [anchor is]1 / angel-like adj
anchors2 andiron / ~s n ˈɛ:ndʒəl-ˌləɪk
ˈandəɹnz sp angel-like1, angell-like1
anchor / ~s / ~ed v
sp andirons1 > like
ˈaŋkəɹ / -z / -d
sp anchor1 / anchors3 / anchor’d1 Andren n Angelo / ~’s n
> holding-anchor ˈandrən m ˈandʒəˌlo:, -dʒlo: / -dʒəˌlo:z
sp Andren1 sp Angelo85, Angelo’s [Angelo is]2 /
anchorage n
ˈaŋkəˌɹɪdʒ Andrew n
rh grow MM 3.2.257
sp anchorage1 =
sp Andrew24, An-drew2 anger / ~-s n
anchoring adj
ˈaŋɡəɹ / -z
ˈaŋkrɪn, -ɪŋ, -kər- Andromache n
sp anger43, angers [anger is]1,
sp anchoring2 m anˈdrɒməki:, -mki:
anger’s [anger is]1 / angers1
sp Andromache5
anchov·y / ~ies n anger / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
ˈantʃəvəɪz Andronici n
ˈaŋɡəɹ / -z / ˈaŋɡrɪn, -ɪŋ /
sp anchoues1 m anˈdrɒnɪˌkəɪ
sp Andronici3


sp anger10 / angers3 / ang’ring1 / anguish n Annius n

anger’d3, angred4 = ˈanɪəs
angered adj sp anguish6 sp Annius1
rh languish RJ 1.2.46
ˈaŋɡəɹd annoy n
sp anger’d1 Angus n əˈnəɪ
angerly adv = sp annoy3
sp Angus7 rh destroy, Troy Luc 1370; joy 3H6
m ˈaŋɡəɹˌləɪ
5.7.45, Luc 1109, R3 5.3.157, S 8.4,
sp angerly3 an-hungry VA 497, 599
> a-hungry
Angiers n annoy / ~ing / ~ed v
m ˈandʒɪəɹz, anˈdʒi:ɹz a-nights adv əˈnəɪ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d
sp Angiers15, Angires1 əˈnəɪts sp annoy4 / annoying1 / annoy’d1
sp a-nights2, a nights2
anglais Fr n annoyance, abbr noyance n
> night
ɑ̃ˈglwɛ əˈnəɪəns, abbr ˈnəɪəns
sp Anglois5 animal / ~s n sp annoyance5, abbr noyance1
m ˈanɪməl, -ˌmɑl / -z
angle n annual adj
sp animall1, a-nimall1, annimall1 /
= animalls1, animals3, annimals1 m ˈanjɑl, -jʊɑl
sp angle4 sp annuall4
anim·us / ~is Lat n
angl·e / ~ing / ~ed v ˈanɪmi:s anoint / ~ed, abbr nointed v
= / ˈaŋɡlɪn, -ɪŋ / = sp animis1 əˈnəɪnt / -ɪd, abbr ˈnəɪntɪd
sp angle4 / angling1 / angl’d1 sp annoint2, annointed3, anoynted2,
> angling n Anjou n abbr nointed1, ’noynted1
m anˈdʒu:, ˈandʒu:, Fr ɑ̃ˈʒu:
angler n anointed adj / n
sp Aniou11, Aniow1, Aniowe1
ˈaŋɡləɹ əˈnəɪntɪd
sp ang-ler1 ankle n sp annointed6, ’anointed 1,
= anoynted6 / annointed2
Angleterre Fr n
sp anckle1
ɑ̃ɡləˈtɛ:ɹ anon adv
sp Angleterre4 Anna n əˈnɒn, əˈno:n
= sp anon120, a-non2, anone4
Angli·a / ~ae Lat n 1
sp Anna rh 1 Acheron MND 3.2.356; anon H5
ˈaŋɡlɪɛ: 4.1.27; gone MND 2.1.17, RJ 1.5.143;
sp Angliae annals n anon, sir gone, sir TN 4.2.122; rh 2
ˈanɑlz alone S 75.5
angling n
sp annales1
ˈaŋɡlɪn, -ɪŋ another / ~’s adj
sp angling , ang-ling 1
Anne / ~’s n əˈnɤðəɹ / -z
> angle = sp another338, a-nother1, an-other1,
sp An4, Anne68 / Ans4 ano-ther9, an other4 / anothers21,
Anglish ano-thers1
> English annex / ~ed v rh brother CE 5.1.426, Tim 3.5.89;
= brother, smother Luc 632; mother
angry adj S 3.2, 8.9; other Mac 1.3.13
sp annext1
ˈaŋɡrəɪ, m Tim .. > other
ˈaŋɡəˌrəɪ annexment n
sp angrie9, angry83
Anselm n
rh impiety Tim 3.5.58 =
sp annexment1
> ever-angry sp An-selme1


answer / ~s n Anthonio, Anthonius, antipodes n

ˈansəɹ, ˈɔ:n- / -z Anthony m anˈtɪpəˌdi:z, -əd-
sp answer109, an-swer3, answere36, > Antonio, Antonius, Antony sp antipodes3, antypodes1
an-swere2 / answeres6, answers5 rh displease MND 3.2.55
> discretion-answer anthropophagi n
ˌantrəˈpɒfədʒəɪ antiquary adj
answer / ~est / ~s / ~ing / sp antropophague1 m ˈantɪˌkwarəɪ
~ed v sp antiquary1
ˈansəɹ, ˈɔ:n-, Le Beau AY anthropophaginian n
.. ˈɔ:nsəɹ / -st / -z / m ˌantrəpɒfəˈdʒɪnɪən antique, antic adj
ˈansrɪn, -ɪŋ, -səˌrɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈɔ:n- / sp anthropophaginian1 ˈantɪk
sp anticke5, antike1, antique8
m ˈansəɹd, -əˌred, ˈɔ:n- Antiat / ~s n
sp answer157, answere67, an-swere1, m ˈansɪˌɛ:ts antique, antic / ~s n
1 1
Le Beau aun-swer / answerest , 1 2 1 ˈantɪk
sp Antiates , Antiats , Antients
answer’st2, / answeres3, an-swere’s1,
sp anticke5, antique2 / antickes1,
answers6, answer’s2 / answering7 / antic adj antiques1
answerd1, answer’d36, an-swer’d1,
> antique
answered16, an-swered1 antiquely adv
rh answered MND 3.2.18 head anticipat·e / ~est / ~es /
> re-answer; quick-, un-answered
~ing v sp antiquely1
answerable adj anˈtɪsɪˌpɛ:t / -st / -s / -ɪn, -ɪŋ
m ˈansəɹˌabəl, -srə-, ˈɔ:n- sp anticipate1 / anticipat’st1 /
antiquity n
sp answerable 3 anticipates1 / anticipating1 anˈtɪkwɪˌtəɪ, -ɪt-
rh state S 118.9 sp antiquitie1, antiquity3, anti-quity1
answering n rh iniquity S 62.10
anticipation n
m ˈansrɪn, -ɪŋ, -səˌr-, ˈɔ:n-
1 anˌtɪsɪˈpɛ:sɪən Antium n
sp answering
sp anticipation1 ˈansɪəm
ant n sp Antium5
antick / ~ed v
anˈtɪkt Antoniad n
sp ant2
sp antickt1 m anˈto:nɪˌad
an’t sp [Th]antoniad1
antidote / ~s n
> and
m ˈantɪˌdo:t / -s Antonio, Anthonio / ~’s n
antar sp antidote1 / antidotes1 m anˈto:nɪˌo:, -nɪo:
> antre sp Anthonio68, An-thonio1,
Antigonus n
Anthonio1, Antonio11 / Anthonios2,
Antenor n m anˈtɪgəˌnɤs, -ənəs Anthonio’s4, Anthonyo’s1,
ənˈtenəɹ sp Antigonus9 Antonio’s2, TS 1.2.188 emend of
sp Antenor , Anthenor , 11 Butonios1
Antiopa n
m anˈtəɪəˌpa Antonius n
Antenorides n sp Antiopa1 m anˈto:nɪˌɤs, -nɪəs
ˌantəˈnɒrɪˌdi:z antipathy n sp Anthonius3
sp Antenoridus m anˈtɪpəˌθəɪ, -ˌtəɪ Antony / ~’s n
anthem / ~s n sp antipathy1 m ˈantəˌnəɪ, ˈantnəɪ, anˈto:nəɪ /
ˈantəm / -z Antipholus n -z
sp antheme1 / anthemes1 sp Anthonie5, Anthony163,
m anˈtɪfəˌlɤs, -ələs
An-thony2, Antony78, abbr in s.d.Ant1
sp Antipholus24
/ Anthonies4, Anthonie’s1, Antonies1
rh ruinous CE 3.2.2


antre / ~s n apathaton apoplexy n

ˈantəɹz > epitheton m əˈpɒplɪksəɪ
sp antars1 sp apoplexie3, apoplexy1
ape / ~s n
anvil n ɛ:p / -s apostle / ~s n
= sp ape19 / apes11 =
sp anuile2 rh shape CE 2.2.208 sp apostle1 / apostles1
> dog-ape, Jack-an-apes
any det, pro apostrophus n
ˈanəɪ, ˈanɪ ape-bearer n əˈpɒstrəfəs
sp any648, any’s [any is]1, anie22,
ˈɛ:p-ˌbɛ:ɹəɹ sp apostraphas1
a-nie1, a-ny2, anyes [any is]1 sp ape-bearer1
rh many KL 3.2.28, S 10.1, VA 708 > bearer apothecary, abbr
pothecary n
anybody pro Apemantus n
m əˈpɒtəˌkrəɪ, -tkrəɪ, abbr
ˈanɪbɒdəɪ, Evans MW .. apɪˈmantəs ˈpɒtəˌkrəɪ
ˈanɪpɒdəɪ sp Apemantus18, A-pemantus1,
1 1 sp apothecarie1, apothecary1,
Ape-mantus , Apeman-tus ,
sp any body4, Evans any pody1 appothecarie4, appothecary1, abbr
Apermantus, abbr in s.d. Apeman1
> body pothecarie1

anyone pro Apennines n

appaid Luc adj
m ˈanɪˌo:n, -ˌwɒn, -ɪo:n, -ɪwən ˈapəˌnəɪnz 1 əˈpɛ:d
sp Appenines
sp any one10 sp apaide1
> one rh 1 aid Luc 914; rh 2 said
apiece adv
Luc 914
anything pro =
m ˈanɪˌθɪn, -ɪŋ, -ɪθ- sp apeece1, a peece2 appal / ~s v
> piece
sp anie thing6, anything1, əˈpɑ:l, -ˈpɔ:l / -z
any thing107 sp appall1, apale1 / appalls1,
apish adj
> thing appauls1
ˈɛ:pɪʃ, ˈapɪʃ
rh called PT 37
anywhere adv sp apish5
m ˈanɪˌʍɛ:ɹ, -ɪʍ- rh KL 1.4.166 foppish appalled adj
sp any where7
Apollo / ~’s n əˈpɑ:ld, -ˈpɔ:ld
rh swear RJ 2.Chorus.12 sp appal’d1, appauled1
> where
əˈpɒlo: / -z
sp Apollo18, Appollo1 / Apolloes1, apparel, abbr parel n
ap Apollo’s5, Appollo’s1
=, abbr ˈparəl
> Rhys ap Thomas
Apoll·o / ~inem Lat n sp apparel1, apparell13, apparrel2,
apparrell18, ap-parrell1, abbr
apace adv apəˈləɪnem
əˈpɛ:s sp emend of Tit 4.3.54 Appollonem1
sp apace apparel / ~led v
rh embrace VA 813; face, grace
Apollodorus n
LC 284 əˌpɒləˈdɔ:rəs
sp apparell2, apparrell2 / apparel’d4,
sp Appolodorus1
> new-, well-apparelled
> appaid apology n
aˈpɒləˌdʒəɪ, -ədʒ- apparent adj
apart adv sp apologie5 =
əˈpaɹt rh minority LLL 5.2.589
sp apparant25
sp apart19, a-part5
> heir-apparent
rh heart AY 4.3.45
> part


apparently adv appearing adj appetite / ~s n

m əˈparəntˌləɪ əˈpi:rɪn, -ɪŋ, -pɛ:- m ˈapɪˌtəɪt, -ɪt-, ˈaptəɪt / -s
sp apparantly1 sp appearing4 sp appetite32, appe-tite1 / appetites4
> new-appearing rh delight, white Luc 9; might S 56.2;
apparition / ~s n right Luc 546
ˌapəˈrɪsɪən / -z appease / ~d v
sp apparation , apparision ,1 = applaud / ~ing / ~ed v
apparition4 / apparitions1 sp appease4 / appeas’d5 = / əˈplɔ:dɪn, -ɪŋ / =
rh Pericles Per 3.Chorus.29 [emend sp applaud9, applau’d2 / applaud-
appeach / ~ed v of oppress]; pleased TG 5.4.81 ing1 / applauded1
əˈpi:tʃ / -t > unappeased
sp appeach2 / appeach’d1
applauding adj
appeler / appelle / appel·ons / əˈplɔ:dɪn, -ɪŋ
appeal n ~ez / ~é / ~ée / ~és Fr v sp applauding1
əˈpi:l aˈpɛl / apˈlɔ̃, -pə-/ aˈplez, -pə- /
sp appeale8 aˈple applause / ~s n
1 1 1
sp appelle / appellons / appelle ,
appeal / ~s / ~d v ap-pelle2, appelez1 / appelle1 / sp applause12, ’applause1 /
əˈpi:l / -z / -d appelle1 / appelle1 applauses1
sp appeale9 / appeales1 / appeal’d1
rh commonweal 2H6 2.1.185; repeal appellant / ~s n apple / ~s n
Luc 638 əˈpelənt, -ˈpi:- / -s =
sp appealant2, appellant2 / sp apple9 / apples3
appear / ~s / ~eth / ~ing / appealants2
~ed v apple-john / ~s n
əˈpi:ɹ, -ˈpɛ:ɹ / -z / -əθ / -ɪn, appendix n =
-ɪŋ / -d = sp apple iohn1, apple-iohn1,
4 116 1 sp appendix 1 apple-iohns2
sp appear , appeare , ap-peare ,
> John
appeere2 / appeares44, ap-peares1,
appears1, appeeres1 / appeareth2 /
apperil n
əˈperɪl appliance / ~s n
appearing2, ap-pearing1 / appeard1,
appear’d18, appeared4, appeer’d3 sp apperill1 m əˈpləɪəns, -ləɪns / -ləɪənˌsɪz
rh 1 dear LC 93, 3.1.79; dear, here sp appliance3 / appliances2
MND 3.1.80; dear, near MND 2.2.38; appertain / ~s / ~ing v
ear LLL 4.3.43, MND 1.1.185; fear Luc ˌapəɹˈtɛ:n / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ application / ~s n
116, 1434; hear TNK Prol.28; here 2
sp appertaine / appertaines / 1 ˌaplɪˈkɛ:sɪənz
Cor 2.3.115, KL 1.1.180, Mac 5.5.47, appertaining1 sp applications1
MND 3.2.99, 5.1.416, MV 2.9.73, R2
5.6.9; here, there KL 1.4.143 [Q]; appertaining adj appl·y / ~ies / ~ied v
pioneer Luc 1382; tear [cry] S 31.7; ˌapəɹˈtɛ:nɪn, -ɪŋ əˈpləɪ / -z / m -ɪd, əˈpləɪd
year S 53.11; rh 2 bear CE 3.1.15, sp applie2, apply12 / applyes1 /
sp appertaining2
S 80.8, TC 1.2.295; every where S appli’d1, applyed2
102.2; there Luc 116; wear LC 93; appertainment / ~s n rh 1 eye MND 3.2.450; lie MM
rh 3 were Luc 633; rh 4 murderer
ˌapəɹˈtɛ:nmənts 3.2.265; rh 2 remedy MND 3.2.450;
Per 4.Chorus.51 / rh 1 fears LC 299, simplicity LLL 5.2.77 / divide, side LC
sp appertainments1
Luc 458; tears [cry] LC 299, LLL 68; purified Luc 531
4.3.154, 5.2.117, MND 3.2.125, VA > mis-, self-applied
appertinent adj
1175; rh 2 wears Per Epil.9
əˈpɐ:ɹtɪnənt appoint, abbr point / ~s /
appearance n sp appertinent2
~ed v
əˈpi:rəns, -ˈpɛ:- > pertinent
əˈpəɪnt, abbr pəɪnt / -s /
sp apparance3, appearance9
appertinent / ~s n ˈpəɪntɪd
m əˈpɐ:ɹtɪˌnents
sp appertinents1


sp appoint12, abbr point3 / appoints1 sp approaching1, approching1 / April / ~’s n

/ apointed1, appointed26, approaching1 ˈɛ:prɪl / -z
approbation n sp April2, Aprill7, Aprill’s [April is]1 /
> pointed, well-appointed
appointment / ~s n sp approbation13 apron / ~s n
əˈpəɪntmənt / -s
approof n ˈɛ:prən, H .. dialect
sp appointment9, appoint-ment1 /
appointments2 əˈprɤf, -ru:f form ˈɛ:pəɹn / -z
sp apron1, 2H6 aporne1 / aprons5
sp approofe4
apprehend / ~est / ~s / > proof
~ed v apron-man / ~men n
ˌaprɪˈen·d, -ˈhe- / -st, -dst / -z, appropriation n ˈɛ:prən-ˌmen
əˌprɒprɪˈɛ:sɪən sp apron men1
-dz / -dɪd
> man
sp apprehend16, appre-hend1 / sp appropria-tion1
apprehend’st1 / apprehends3 / apt / ~er / ~est adj
approve / ~s / ~d v
əˈprɤv, -ru:v / -z / m -d , -ɪd, = / ˈaptəɹ / =
> comprehended
sp apt41 / apter2 / aptest1
apprehension / ~s n > unapt
sp approue21, aproue1 / approues5 /
m ˌaprɪˈensɪən, -ˈhe-, approu’d6, approued3 aptly adv
-sɪˌɒn / -z rh love KL 1.1.184, MND 2.2.74, ˈaptləɪ
sp apprehension14 / apprehensions3 S 70.5, 147.7, Tit 2.1.35; approve
sp aptly4
her love her S 42.8 / beloved
apprehensive adj TG 5.4.43 aptness n
ˌaprɪˈensɪv, -ˈhe- > prove
sp apprehensiue3 sp aptnesse2
approved adj
apprendre / apprenne / m ˈaprɤvd, əˈprɤvd, -rɤvɪd, > unaptness
appris Fr v -ru:- aqua-vitae n
aˈprɑ̃:drə / aˈprɛn / aˈpri sp approoued2, approu’d2, ˈakwə-ˌvi:tɛ:
sp apprendre1 / apprend1 / apprins1 sp aqua-vitae4, aqua-vitae-[bottle]1,
approver / ~s n aqua vite1, aquavite1
approach / ~es n
əˈpro:tʃ / -ɪz əˈprɤvəɹz, -ru:- Aquilon n
sp approuers1 ˈakwɪˌlɒn
sp approach25, approch3, ap-proch1
/ approaches3 sp Aquilon 1
appurtenance / ~s n
approach / ~es / ~eth / ~ing / m əˈpɐ:ɹtəˌnans / -ɪz Aquitaine n
~ed v sp appurtenance1 / appurtenances1 ˌakwɪˈtɛ:n, -ˈtɛn
əˈpro:tʃ / -ɪz / -əθ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -t a-praying v sp Aquitaine7, Aquitane1
sp approach39, approch3 / rh vain LLL 1.1.135
əˈprɛ:ɪn, -ɪŋ
approaches7, approches3, 1
sp Ham 3.3.73 F praying Arabia n
appro-ches1 / approacheth3,
> pray əˈrɛ:bɪə
approcheth1 / approaching2 /
approach’d3, approacht1 sp Arabia5
apricock / ~s n
approacher / ~s n ˈɛ:prɪˌkɒks Arabian adj
əˈpro:tʃəɹz sp apricocks2 əˈrɛ:bɪən
sp approachers1 sp Arabian2, Arabian-[Bird]1
April adj
approaching adj / n ˈɛ:prɪl Aragon
əˈpro:tʃɪn, -ɪŋ sp Aprill2 > Arragon


araise v arched adj arc·us / ~u Lat n

əˈrɛ:z m ɑ:ɹtʃt, ˈɑ:ɹtʃɪd ˈɑ:ɹku:
sp arayse1 sp arched1, arched-[beauty]1 sp emend of Tit 4.2.21 ar-cus1

arbitrat·e / ~ing v Archelaus n Arde n

m ˈɑ:ɹbɪˌtrɛ:t / -ɪn, -ɪŋ ˌɑ:ɹkɪˈlɛ:əs ɑ:ɹd
sp arbitrate5 / arbitrating1 sp Archilaus1 sp Arde1
rh hate R2 1.1.200; relate Mac
5.4.20 arch-enemy n Arden n
m ˌɑ:ɹtʃ-ˈenəˌməɪ ˈɑ:ɹdən
arbitrator / Luc ~s n sp arch-enemy1 sp Arden4
ˈɑ:ɹbɪˌtrɛ:təɹ / -z > enemy
sp arbitrator2 / arbitrators1 ardent adj
rh debaters, mediators Luc 1017 archer / ~s n ˈɑ:ɹdənt
ˈɑ:ɹtʃəɹ / -z sp ar-dent1
arbitrement n sp archer1, ar-cher1 / archers3
ɑ:ɹˈbɪtrəˌment, -təɹ-, -əmənt ardour n
sp arbiterment1, arbitrement3, archery n ˈɑ:ɹdəɹ, -du:ɹ
arbitre-ment1 m ˈɑ:ɹtʃəˌɹəɪ sp ardour1, ardure1
1 1
sp archerie , archery
arbour / ~s n rh MND 3.2.103 by, dye, espy, eye, are v
ˈɑ:ɹbəɹ / -z gloriously, remedy, sky str ɑ:ɹ, ɛ:ɹ, unstr əɹ, abbr ɹ
sp arbor2 / arbors1 sp are3283
arch-heretic n rh 1 care, snare Luc 929; care 3H6
Arc n m ˌɑ:ɹtʃ-ˈerɪˌtɪk, -ˈhe- 2.5.124, Mac 4.1.90, R2 2.3.169,
ɑ:ɹk sp arch-heretique2 S 48.5, 112.11, 147.11; compare
sp emend of 1H6 2.2.20 Acre , 1H6 > heretic S 35.8, TS 5.2.174, VA 10; dare Mac
5.4.49 Aire1 3.5.2; prepare LLL 5.2.82, S 13.1; rare
Archibald n S 52.7; unaware VA 825; rh 2 car
arch adj / n ˌɑ:ɹtʃɪˈbɑ:ld S 7.11; scar MND 5.1.402; star LLL
ɑ:ɹtʃ sp Archibald1 1.1.91; rh 3 war TC Prol.30
sp arch / arch 5 > art
Archidamus n
arch / ~ed v they are abbr
m ɑ:ɹtʃt, ˈɑ:ɹtʃɪd sp Archidamus 1 ðɛ:ɹ, unstr ðɛɹ
sp arch’d1 sp th’are2, they’r1, they’re6
architect n
archbishop / ~’s / ~s n ˈɑ:ɹkɪˌtekt we are abbr
ɑ:ɹtʃˈbɪʃəp / -s sp architect1 wɛ:ɹ
sp archbishop , arch-bishop , 9 sp w’are1
archbyshop2, arch-byshop4 /
arch-mock n
arch-bishops1 / archbishops1 ˌɑ:ɹtʃ-ˈmɒk you/ye are abbr
> bishop sp arch-mock 1 unstr jəɹ, str jɑ:ɹ
> mock sp y’are48, you’r6, you’re15
archbishopric n
ɑ:ɹtʃˈbɪʃəpˌrɪk arch-one n a-repairing v
sp archbishopricke1 ˈɑ:ɹtʃ-ˌo:n, ˈɑ:ɹtʃən ə-rɪˈpɛ:rɪn, -ɪŋ
sp arch-one1 sp a repairing1
archdeacon n > one > repair
m ˌɑ:ɹtʃdɪˈakən
arch-villain n argal adv
sp arch-deacon1
ˌɑ:ɹtʃ-ˈvɪlən ɐ:ɹˈɡɑ:l, -ˈɡɔ:l
sp arch-villaine1 sp argall3
> villain > ergo


Argier n Arion n rh harmed VA 625; uncharmed RJ

ɑɹˈdʒi:ɹ əˈrəɪən 1.1.210
> unarm
sp Argier2 sp Orion1
argo a-ripening v
> arm n
> ergo əˈrəɪpnɪn, -ɪŋ, -pən-
sp a ripening1 armado / ~es n
argos·y / ~ies n > ripen ɐ:ɹˈmɑ:do: / -z
ˈɑ:ɹgəˌsəɪ, -əs- / -z
arise / ~s / ~eth / arose v sp armado1 / ar-madoes1
sp argosie4, argo-sie1 / argosies3
əˈrəɪz / -ɪz / -əθ / əˈro:z Armado / ~’s [name] n
argu·e / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v sp arise36 / arises1 / ariseth2 / ɑ:ɹˈmɑ:ðo:, -ɑ:do:, abbr LLL
ˈɑ:ɹɡju: / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d arose3
.. ɑ:ɹm
sp argue5 / argues10, ar-gues1 / rh 1 butterflies, eyes, thighs MND
arguing2 / argu’d2, argued1 3.1.166; despise, enterprise Luc 186; sp Armado8, Armatho3, Armathor1,
disguise, eyes Luc 1818; eyes Cym abbr Arme2 / Armadoes1,
arguing n 2.3.24, 4.2.403, 5.1.318, S 55.13; lies Armathoes1
m ˈɑ:ɹɡu:ɪn, -ɪŋ Cym 2.3.20; rh 2 bees, courtesies,
Armagnac n
sp arguing1 dewberries, mulberries MND 3.1.166
/ despising S 29.11 ˈɑ:ɹmɪˌnak
argument / ~s n sp Arminack1, Arminacke2
m ˈɑ:ɹɡəˌment, -ɡment / -s Aristotle / ~’s n
ˈarɪstɒtl / -z armed adj
sp argument57, argu-ment2 /
sp Aristotle / Aristotles 1 m ɑ:ɹmd, ˈɑ:ɹmɪd
rh hardiment TC 4.5.29; invent sp arm’d32, armed20
S 79.5; punishment LLL 4.3.59, PP 3.2;
arithmetic n > short-, un-, well-armed
spent S 76.10, 100.8, 105.9, Tim 3.5.23 əˈrɪtməˌtɪk, -ət-
Armenia n
sp arethmaticke1, arithmatique1,
Argus n arithmetick1, arithmeticke1, ˈɑ:ɹmi:nɪə
ˈɑ:ɹgəs arithmetique1 sp Armenia2
sp Argos1, Argus2
arithmetician n arm-gaunt adj
Ariachne / ~’s n əˌrɪtməˈtɪsɪən ˈɑ:ɹm-ˌɡɔ:nt
ˌarɪˈakni:z sp arithmatician1 sp arme-gaunt1
sp Ariachnes
Ark n armiger / ~o adj
Ariadne n ɑ:ɹk ˈɑ:ɹmɪdʒro:
ˌarɪˈadni: sp Arke1 sp armigero2
sp Ariadne2
arm / ~’s / ~s n arming n
Ariel n ɑ:ɹm, Fr H .. ɑ:ɹmə / -z ˈɑ:ɹmɪn, -ɪŋ
m ˈɛ:rɪəl, ˈɛ:rɪˌel sp arme98, Fr arma1 / armes4 / sp arming1
sp Ariel , Ariell 22 armes236, arms4
rh charm, harm Luc 170 / charms PP armipotent adj
Aries n 11.6; harms 1H6 4.7.29, 45, Luc 27, ɑ:ɹˈmɪptənt, -pət-
ˈɛ:ri:z 197, 1693 sp armipotent2, army-potent1
> coat-of-, officer-at-, pursuivant-at-,
sp Aries1
sergeant-at-arms armour / ~s n
aright adv ˈɑ:ɹməɹ / -z
arm / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v sp armor11, ar-mor1 armour30,
5 1
ɑ:ɹm / -z / ˈɑ:ɹmɪn, -ɪŋ / / armors2, armours2
sp aright , a right
rh night MND 2.1.42; sight
m ˈɑ:ɹmɪd, ɑ:ɹmd
S 148.4 sp arm1, arme43 / armes1 / arming4
/ arm’d8, armed7, ar-med1


armourer / ~’s / ~s n arrant adj arrogancy n

m ˈɑ:ɹməˌrɐ:ɹ, -mrəɹ / -rəɹz / ˈarənt m ˈarəˌɡansəɪ
-məˌrɐ:ɹz sp ar-rand1, arrant14, ar-rant1 sp arrogancie1
sp armorer5, armourer1 / armorers1
/ armorers1, armourers1
arras n arrogant adj
ˈarəs m ˈarəˌɡant, -əɡənt, ˈɑ:ɹɡənt
armoury n sp arras10, ar-ras1 sp arrogant4
m ˈɑ:ɹməˌrəɪ, -ər-
sp armorie2, armory1
array n arrow / ~s n
əˈrɛ: ˈarə, ˈaro: / -z
arm·y / ~ies n sp aray1, a-ray1, array9 sp arrow7, ar-row1 / arrowes11,
ˈɑ:ɹməɪ / -z rh day VA 483; stay 1H6 1.3.55; arrows2
sp armie19, armie’s [army is]1, Sunday TS 2.1.316 rh sparrows Tem 4.1.99
army70, ar-my1 / armies13
array / ~ed v art / ~s n
aroint v əˈrɛ: / -d ɑ:ɹt / -s
əˈrəɪnt sp array’d1, arrayed1 sp art64 / artes1, arts11
sp aroynt , Q KL 3.4.129 arint 1 rh gay S 146.2 rh 1 depart S 6.9; heart H8 3.1.12, LC
174, Luc 1394, Mac 4.1.100, MND
a-rolling v arrearage / ~s n 1.1.192, 2.2.110, S 24.4, 24.13, 125.11,
əˈro:lɪn, -ɪŋ əˈrɛ:rɪdʒɪz 139.4, TS 4.2.9; heart, part LC 145;
sp arrerages1 part AW 2.1.133, Mac 3.5.9; rh 2
sp a rowling1
convert S 14.10
> roll
arrest / ~s n
arose = art v
> arise 5
sp arrest / arrests 1 str ɑ:ɹt, unstr əɹt, abbr ɹt
rh interest S 74.1 sp art813, ar’t1, ourt1, ’rt 19
arouse v rh 1 heart LLL 5.2.280, Luc 593,
əˈrəʊz arrest / ~s / ~ed v R2 5.3.135, S 22.8, 41.4, 48.10, 131.1;
1 = smart Cym 5.4.40; rh 2 convert
sp arouse
Luc 593
> arrose sp arrest22 / arrests1 / arested2,
> are
arrested9, arre-sted1
a-row adv
arrival n Artemidorus n
əˈrəɪvɑl ɐ:ɹˌtemɪˈdɔ:rəs
sp a-row1
sp Artemidorus2, Artimedorus1
> row sp arriuall5

aroynt arrivancy n artere n

> aroint m əˈrəɪvənˌsəɪ ˈɑ:ɹtəɹ
sp artire1
sp arriuancie1
Arragon n > artery
m ˈarəˌɡɒn, -əɡən arrive / ~s / ~ing / ~d v
arter·y / ~ies n
sp Arragon3, Arra-gon1 əˈrəɪv / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / m -d, -ɪd
m ˈɑ:ɹtəˌrəɪz
sp arriue5 / arriues2 / arriuing1 /
arraign / ~ing / ~ed v sp arteries1
a-riu’d1, arriu’d19, arriued5
əˈrɛ:n / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d rh strived Luc 50, Per 5.Chorus.14;
Arthur / ~’s n
sp araign1, araigne1, arraigne2 / wived Oth 2.1.58
arraigning1 / arraigned1
ˈɑ:ɹtəɹ / -z
> darraign arrogance n sp Arthur34 / Arthurs13
m ˈarəˌɡans
arraignment n article / ~s n
sp arrogance1
əˈrɛ:nmənt rh France AW 2.1.195
m ˈɑ:ɹtɪkəl, -ˌkɤl / -z
sp arraignment1 sp article16, ar-ticle1 / articles19


articulate / ~d v as Fr ashore adv

ɑ:ɹˈtɪkjəˌlɛ:t / -ɪd > avoir əˈʃɔ:ɹ
sp articulate1 / articulated1 sp a’shoare1, ashore6, a-shore1,
Asaph n a’shore1, a shore2
artificer n ˈasəf
m ɑ:ɹˈtɪfɪˌsɐ:ɹ sp Asaph1 a-shouting v
sp artificer 1 əˈʃəʊtɪn, -ɪŋ
Ascanius n sp a shouting1
artificial adj əˈskɛ:nɪəs > shout
ˌɑ:ɹtɪˈfɪsɪɑl sp Ascanius1
sp artificiall6
Ash Wednesday n phrase
ascend / ~s / ~ed v ˌaʃ ˈwensdɛ:
artillery n = sp ashwensday1
m ɑ:ɹˈtɪləˌrəɪ, -lr- sp ascend 11
/ ascends / ascended4 2
> Wednesday
sp artillerie5
ascension n ashy adj
artist / ~s n əˈsensɪən ˈaʃəɪ
ˈɑ:ɹtɪst / -s sp ascension1 sp ashy1
sp artist / artists 1 > ash
Ascension Day n phrase
artless adj əˈsensɪən ˌdɛ: Asia n
ˈɑ:ɹtləs 3
sp Ascension day , Ascention day 1 m ˈɛ:zɪə, -ɪˌa
sp artlesse1 sp Asia4
ascent n
Artois n = aside adv
m ɑ:ɹˈtwɛ, ˈɑ:ɹtwɛ, Eng -təɪz sp assent1 əˈsəɪd
sp Artoys1 sp aside7
ascribe / ~s v rh bide S 139.6; denied RJ 1.1.156;
arts-man n əˈskrəɪb / -z espied, wide Luc 362; pride S 76.3
ˈɑ:ɹtsˌman sp ascribe3 / ascribes1
asinico n
sp arts-man
ash / ~es n asɪˈni:ko:
artus Lat n = sp asinico1
ˈɑ:ɹtʊs 1
sp ash / ashes 18
ask / ~est / ~s / ~eth / ~ing /
sp artus1
a-shaking Luc v ~ed v
Arviragus n əˈʃɛ:kɪn, -ɪŋ ask / -st / -s / ˈask·əθ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ /
ˌɑ:ɹvɪˈraɡəs sp a shaking1 askt
sp Aruiragus10, Arui-ragus1 rh taking, waking Luc 452 sp ask11, aske151 / askst1, ask’st1 /
> shake askes1, asks1 / asketh2 / asking7 /
as conj
ask’d17, askt12, ask’t1
str az, unstr əz, Fluellen H ashamed adj rh mask [F, at LLL 2.1.113–29],
.. as m əˈʃɛ:md, -mɪd 5.2.243; masque RJ 1.4.49
sp as5499, as’t [as it]4, as[much]1, sp asham’d31, ashamed3
Fluellen asse1 askance adv
> when as Asher-house n əˈskɒns
ˈaʃəɹ-ˌəʊs, -ˌhəʊs sp a sconce1
as / ~es n sp Asher-house1
ˈasɪz asker n
sp Ham 5.2.43 assis1 Ashford n ˈaskəɹ
pun ass ˈaʃfəɹd sp asker1
sp Ashford2


asking n sp aspire4 / aspir’d2 assay / ~s n

ˈaskɪn, -ɪŋ rh desire, fire Luc 5; fire VA 150; əˈsɛ: / -z
higher MW 5.5.97, Per 1.4.5
sp asking5 sp assay6 / assaies1, assayes1
aspiring adj rh delays, says Luc 1720
aslant adv
əˈspəɪrɪn, -ɪŋ
əˈslant assay / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
1 sp aspiring5, aspyring1 əˈsɛ: / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d
sp aslant
asquint adv sp assay8 / assaies1 / assaying1 /
asleep adv assaid2, assay’d1
əˈsli:p rh stay, way LC 156
sp a squint1
sp asleep2, asleepe46, a-sleepe2, a
> squint assemblance n
rh keep S 154.1, steep S 153.1 ass / ~’s / ~es n =
> sleep sp assemblance1
a-sleeping v sp asse90 / asses2 / asses9 assemble / ~d v
əˈsli:pɪn, -ɪŋ rh 1 grass CE 2.2.209; pass AW =
4.3.326, AY 2.5.48, CE 3.1.18, MND
sp asleeping1 sp assemble6 / assembled9
3.2.34, 4.1.76; rh 2 place CE 3.1.47
rh weeping Tim 1.2.66 rh resemble S 114.8
> sleep assail / ~s / ~eth / ~ed v
assembled adj
Asmath n əˈsɛ:l / -z / -əθ / m -d, -ɪd
ˈazmat sp assaile3, assayle2 / assailes2 /
sp assembled1
1 assayleth1 / assayl’d2, assayled2
sp Asmath
rh nails Luc 1562 / prevailed S 41.6 assembl·y / ~ies n
aspect / ~s > unassailed
n m əˈsembləɪ, -bəˌləɪ /
əˈspekt / -s assailable adj əˈsembləɪz
sp aspect24, as-pect1 / aspects4 m əˈsɛ:ləˌbɤl sp assembly13, as sembly1 /
rh decked LLL 4.3.258; effect 1 assemblies2
sp assaileable
AY 4.3.54; respect S 26.10
> unassailable
assent n
aspen adj assailant / ~s n =
= əˈsɛ:lənt / -s sp assent2
sp aspen1, as-pen1 1 1
sp assaylant / assailants
assez Fr adv
aspersion n
assailing adj aˈsez
əˈsɛ:lɪn, -ɪŋ sp asses1
sp aspersion1 1 1
sp assailing , assayling
ass-head n
aspic / ~’s / ~s’ n
assassination n ˈas-ˌed, -ˌhed
ˈaspɪk / -s
əˈsasɪˌnɛ:sɪən sp asse head1, asse-head2
sp aspicke2 / aspickes1 / aspickes1 1
sp assassination
assign /~s n
aspicious [malap
assault / ~s n əˈsəɪnz
suspicious] adj
əˈspɪsɪəs əˈsɔ:t, -lt / -s sp assignes2
1 12 1
sp assalt , assault / assaults
sp aspitious1 assign / ~ed v
aspiration n assault / ~s / ~ed v əˈsəɪn / əˈsəɪnd
ˌaspɪˈrɛ:sɪən əˈsɔ:t, -lt / -s / -ɪd sp assigne3 / assign’d3
sp assault / assaults / assaulted 2 2 rh find, mind LC 138
sp aspiration1
rh faults Tem Epil.17
aspire / ~d v
əˈspəɪɹ / -d


assigned adj sp assure49 / assures1 / assur’d37, asunder adv

əˈsəɪnd assured4, assu-red1 əˈsɤndəɹ
rh distemperature RJ 2.3.35; assure
sp assign’d1 sp asunder10, a-sunder2,
thee cure thee VA 371 / recured S
assinico 45.11; endured S 107.7
rh thunder VA 266; wonder 1H6
> asinico assured adj 4.7.47, PT 29
> sunder
assist / ~ing / ~ed v m əˈʃu:ɹd, əˈsju:-, ˈaʃu:ɹd,
= / əˈsɪstɪn, -ɪŋ / = ˈasju:- at prep
sp assist20 / assisting1 / assisted3 sp assur’d3, assured4 =
rh cured S 118.10 sp at2406, at’2, at’s [at his]3, at’s [at
assistance / ~s n us]1, at[other]1
assuredly adv
əˈsɪstəns / m -ˌsɪz rh fat LLL 5.2.266; gat Per 2.2.7
m əˈʃu:ɹɪdˌləɪ, -ˈsju:-
sp assistance10, assista[n]ce1,
assi-stance1 / assistances1 sp assuredly4 Atalanta / ~’s n
assistant / ~s n Assyrian adj
sp Attalanta’s2
= =
sp assistant3, assi-stant1 / assistants3 sp Assyrian2 a-talking v
əˈtɔ:kɪn, -ɪŋ
associate / ~s n astonish / ~ed v
sp a talking1
əˈso:sɪəts = / əˈstɒnɪʃt, S -ɪˌʃed > talk
sp associates1 sp astonish4, astonish’d1, astonisht2,
S astonished1 ate
associate / ~d v rh dead S 86.8 > eat
m əˈso:sɪɛ:t, -ˌɛ:t / -ˌɛ:tɪd Astraea / ~’s n Ate / ~s n
sp associate2 / associated1
ˈastri:ə / -z ˈɛ:ti: / -z
assuage / VA ~d v sp Astrea1 / Astrea’s1 sp Ace1, Ate2, Atees2
əˈswɛ:dʒ / -d astray adv Athenian adj
sp asswage1 / asswag’d1
əˈstrɛ: m əˈti:nɪən, -ɪˌan
rh age LC 69; pilgrimage Luc 790;
rage VA 334 / enraged VA 318 sp astray2 sp Athenian15
rh way MND 3.2.358
assubjugate v Athenian / ~’s ~s n
astringer n m əˈti:nɪən, -ɪˌan / -z
m əˈsɤbdʒəˌgɛ:t
əˈstrɪndʒəɹ sp Athenian6 / Athenians3 /
sp assubiugate1
sp astringer1 Athenians4
assume / ~s / ~d v rh man MND 3.2.41
astronomer / ~s n
əˈsju:m / -z / -d
12 3 1 m əˈstrɒnəˌmɐ:ɹ / -əməɹz Athens n
sp assume / assumes / assum’d
rh plumes TC 1.3.385 sp astronomer1 / astronomers1 ˈatənz
> self-assumption sp Athens55
astronomy n
assurance n m əˈstrɒnəˌməɪ Atholl n
əˈʃu:rəns, əˈsju:- sp astronomy ˈatəl
sp assurance26, assu-rance2 rh quality S 14.2 sp Atholl1
pun Mac 4.1.82 sure / KJ 2.1.471
asture [à cette heure] Fr athwart adv / prep
phrase əˈtwɑ:ɹt, əˈθ-
assure / ~s / ~ed v aˈstyɹ sp athwart2 / athwart5
əˈʃu:ɹ, əˈsju:ɹ / -z / m -d, -ɪd, sp asture1 rh prep heart LLL 4.3.133
ˈaʃu:ɹd, ˈasju:ɹd


atilt adv attaint n attendant / ~s n

= əˈtɛ:nt =
sp a-tilt2 sp attaint2 sp attendant5 / atendants1,
> tilt rh faint VA 741; paint Luc 1072; saint attendants57, atten-dants1
CE 3.2.16
a-tiptoe adv attending adj
əˈtɪpto: attaint / ~ed v əˈtendɪn, -ɪŋ
sp a tip-toe1 əˈtɛ:nt / -ɪd sp attending4
> tiptoe sp attaint2 / attainted3
rh saint PP 18.46 / acquainted S 88.7 attent n
Atlas n > unattainted =
= sp attent1
sp Atlas2
attainture n rh spent Per 3.Chorus.11
> demi-atlas əˈtɛ:ntəɹ
sp attainture1, attendure1 attention n
atom·y / ~ies n əˈtensɪən
m ˈatəˌməɪz attempt / ~s n sp attention5
sp atomies2, atomyes1 əˈtemt, -mpt / -s
sp attempt11 / attempts6 attentive adj
atone v =
əˈto:n attempt / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v sp attentiue5
sp attone 7 əˈtemt, -mpt / -s / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd
sp attempt23 / attempts1 / attentiveness n
atonement / ~s n attempting2 / attempted2 =
əˈto:nmənt / -s > unattempted sp attentiuenesse1
sp attonement2 / attone-ments1
attemptable adj attest / ~ed v
Atropos n əˈtemtɪbəl, -mpt- =
m ˈatrəˌpɒs sp attemptible1 sp attest3 / attested1
sp Atropos
attend, abbr tend / ~est / ~s / Attica n
attach / ~ed v ~ eth / ~ing / ~ed v ˈatɪkə
= / m əˈtatʃt, -tʃɪd = / əˈtenst, -ndst / = / = sp Athica1
sp attach10 / attach’d5, attached2 / əˈtendɪn, -ɪŋ / =
sp attend112, abbr ’tend1 / attend’st1
attire / ~s n
attachment n 19 1
/ attends / attendeth / attending 7 əˈtəɪɹ / -z
= / attended21 sp attire3, attyre6 / attires2, attyres1
sp attachment rh end R3 4.4.196, VA 1136; mend RJ
Prol.13; attend me defend me, lend attire / ~d v
attain n me Luc 1682 / lendeth Luc 1674 / əˈtəɪɹ / m -d, -ɪd
əˈtɛ:n ending Per Epil.17 / commended LC sp attire1, attyre2 / attir’d1, attired3,
sp attaine1 78; offended VA 809 attyr’d1, attyred1
> unattended
attain / ~s / ~ed v attorney / ~s n
əˈtɛ:n / -z / -d attendance n əˈtu:ɹnəɪ / -z
sp attaine9 / attaines1 / attaind1,
= sp attorney1, attourney1, atturney4,
attain’d3, attayn’d1 sp attendance7 attur-ney1 / attorneyes1, atturneyes1,
attainder n attendant adj
əˈtɛ:ndəɹ = attorney / ~ed v
sp attainder2, attaindor1 sp attendant4 əˈtu:ɹnəɪd
sp attornyed1, atturnied1


attorneyship n audacious adj aught pro

m əˈtu:ɹnəɪˌʃɪp ɔ:ˈdɛ:sɪəs =
sp atturney-ship1 sp audacious7 sp aught8

attract / ~s v audaciously adv augment / ~ing / ~ed v

= m ɔ:ˈdɛ:sɪəsˌləɪ = / ɔ:ɡˈmentɪn, -ɪŋ / =
sp attract1 / attracts2 sp audaciously1 sp augment4 / augmenting2 /
rh livery, modesty Luc 1223; augmented2
attraction n see LLL 5.2.104
əˈtraksɪən augmentation n
sp attraction2
audacity n ˌɔ:ɡmənˈtɛ:sɪən
m ɔ:ˈdasɪˌtəɪ sp augmentation1
attractive adj sp audacitie2
= rh leisurely, saucily Luc 1346 augmented adj
sp attractiue 2 =
audible adj sp augmented1
attribute / ~s n =
m ˈatrɪˌbju:t / -s, ˈatrɪbjəts sp audible2 augur adj
sp attribute / attributes 2 > inaudible ˈɔ:ɡəɹ
sp augure1
attribute / ~d v audience n
ˈatrɪˌbju:tɪd = augur / ~’s / ~s n
sp attributed 1 sp audience30, au-dience1 ˈɔ:ɡəɹz
sp augors1 / augures1
attribution n aud·io / ~is Lat v
ˌatrɪˈbju:sɪən ˈəʊdɪs augurer / ~s n
sp attribution1 sp audis1 m ˈɔ:ɡrəɹ, -ɡəˌrɐ:ɹ / -z
sp agurer1, augurer1 / augurers2
a-turning PP v audit n
əˈtɐ:ɹnɪn, -ɪŋ = augur-hole n
sp a turning 1 sp audit4, awdit1 ˈɔ:ɡəɹ-ˌo:l, -ˌho:-
rh framing PP 7.16 sp augure hole1
> turn
auditor / ~s n
m ˈɔ:dɪˌtɔ:ɹ / -z auguring adj
a-twain LC adv sp auditor2 / auditors1 m ˈɔ:ɡrɪn, -ɪŋ, -ɡər-
əˈtwɛ:n sp auguring1
sp a twaine1
auditory adj
rh rain LC 6 m ˈɔ:dɪˌtrəɪ, -ˌtɒr- augur·y / ~ies n
> twain sp auditory1 m ˈɔ:ɡrəɪ, -ɡəˌrəɪ / -ɡəˌrəɪz
sp augury2 / auguries1
au Fr prep + det Audrey n
o ˈɔ:drəɪ August n
sp au2 sp Audrey9, Audrie1, Audry3, =
Awdrie5 sp August2
Aubrey n rh bawdry AY 3.3.86
ˈɔ:brəɪ Augustus n
sp Aubrey1
Aufidius / ~s’ / ~es n ɔ:ˈɡɤstəs
ɔ:ˈfɪdɪəs, aˈf- / -ɪz sp Augustus5
aucune Fr adj sp Affidious1, Affidius1, Auffidious6,
oˈkyn Auffidius33, Auf-fidius1 / Auffidius1 / Aumerle n
sp au-cune1 Auffidiuses1 ɔ:ˈmɐ:ɹl
pun Cor 2.1.126 so fiddious’d
sp Aumerle26


aunt / ~s n authentic adj avaunt interj

ˈɔ:nt / -s ɔ:ˈtentɪk əˈvɔ:nt
sp aunt25 / aunts1 sp authenticke3, authentique1 sp auant9, auaunt6
rh chants WT 4.3.11
author / ~’s / ~s n ’ave
aunt-mother n ˈɔ:təɹ / -z > have
ˈɔ:nt-ˈmɤðəɹ sp author13, authour1 / authors2 /
sp aunt mother1 authors3, authours1
Ave / ~s n
> mother ˈɑ:vɛ:z
authorit·y / ~ies n sp Aues1
auricular adj m ɔ:ˈtɒrɪˌtəɪ, -ɪt-, -ˈtɒrtəɪ / -z
ɔ:ˈrɪkjələɹ sp authorithy1, authoritie29,
Ave-Mary / ~s n
sp auri-cular1 authoritie1, authority23 / authorities4 ˌɑ:vɛ:-ˈmɑ:ri:z
rh celerity MM 4.2.108; simplicity S sp Aue-Maries2
Aurora / ~’s n 66.9; thee 1H6 5.1.59
əˈrɔ:rəz avenge / ~d v
sp Auroras 2 authorize / ~d v m əˈvendʒd, -dʒɪd
m ɔ:ˈtɒrəɪzd sp auenge1 / aueng’d4, auenged1
auspicious adj sp authoriz’d 1

ɔ:ˈspɪsɪəs, malap MA .. > unauthorized aver / ~ring v

aˈ - əˈvɐ:rɪn, -ɪŋ
Autolycus n sp auerring1
sp aspitious1, auspicious5,
> in-, un-auspicious sp Autolicus7 avert v
aussi Fr adv autre Fr adj sp auert1
oˈsi ˈo:trə
sp ausi1, ousie1 sp autre[foys]1 avez Fr
> avoir
austere adj autumn / ~’s n
m ɒˈsti:ɹ, ˈɒs- =
3 1 4
sp autumne / autumne’s 1 > advise
sp austere , au-stere

austerely adv Auvergne n avoid / ~s / ~ing / ~ed, abbr

ɒˈsti:ɹləɪ o:ˈvɐ:ɹn voided v
sp Ouergne1 əˈvəɪd / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd, m
sp austeerely1, austerely1
H .. əˈvəɪd, abbr
austereness n avail / ~s n ˈvəɪdɪd
ɒˈsti:ɹnəs əˈvɛ:l / -z sp auoid18, a-uoid1, auoide6,
1 1
sp austeerenesse 1 sp auaile / auailes auoyd10, auoyde1, avoid1 / auoydes1
/ auoiding1 / auoided2, auoyded6,
austerity n avail / ~s v abbr voided1
m ɒˈsterɪˌtəɪ əˈvɛ:l / -z rh destroyed H5 3.3.42, R2 1.3.241
sp austeritie1, austerity2 sp auaile1, a-uaile1, auayle1 / > unavoided
Austria / ~’s n avoir Fr v
ˈɒstrɪə / -z avarice n
sp Austria6 / Austrias1, Austria’s1
sp auarice2
sp a1, ay1, [i’]ay1
aut Lat conj
ɔ:t avaricious adj
sp aut1
sp auaricious1
sp as1


avez award / ~s v sp awearie1, a wearie2, a-weary2, a

aˈvez əˈwɑ:ɹd / -z weary2
> weary
sp aue1, aues1, [m]aves1, emend sp award1 / awards2
of H5 4.4.51 l[ayt a]1 a-weeping n
away adv
əˈwi:pɪn, -ɪŋ
ayez əˈwɛ:
aˈjez sp a weeping1
sp awaie9, away819, a-way6, a way1
1 > weep
sp aye rh bay PP 11.14; betray S 96.11;
bewray KL 3.6.108 [Q]; clay Ham aweless adj
avoirdupois n 5.1.210, Luc 608, R2 1.1.178; day AW
ˌavəɹdəˈpəɪz =
3.2.129, 1H4 4.1.131, H5 4.2.60,
sp haber-de-pois1 4.3.131, JC 5.5.80, KJ 1.1.166, LLL sp awelesse1, awlesse1
4.1.107, Luc 1281, MA 4.1.249, MM
avouch n awful adj
4.1.1, MND 3.2.51, MV 3.2.310, PP
əˈvəʊtʃ, -ˈvu:tʃ 18.30, R2 3.2.217, RJ 3.5.26, S 73.7, =
sp auouch1 75.14, 145.12, TG 1.3.87, TNK 1.5.1; sp awefull3, awfull4
day, gay PP 15.14; day, stay Luc 1010;
avouch / ~s / ~ed v decay Luc 1169, PP 14.2, S 11.8, awhile adv
əˈvəʊtʃ, -ˈvu:tʃ / -ɪz / m -ɪd 64.12, 80.13; delay 1H4 3.2.179, 1H6 əˈʍəɪl
sp auouch8 / auouch’t1, auouch-it1 / 4.3.45; dismay Ham 4.1.44; fray, say sp awhile27, a-while26,
auouches2 / auouched1 MND 3.2.343; gay S 68.6; hay, play [littell]-a-while1, a while59
rh avouch it budget WT 4.3.22 LLL 5.1.150 [F line end]; lay Luc 259, rh beguile Ham 3.2.235; reconcile
1056; lay, say Luc 1796; may Tit Per 4.4.21; smile Per 1.4.107, TNK
avouchment n 1.1.289; may, stay LLL 2.1.112; nay Epil.3
əˈvəʊtʃmənt, -ˈvu:tʃ- TNK 3.5.72; obey R2 3.2.209; play > while
sp auouchment1 AW 4.4.25, Ham 3.2.283, S 98.13, TC
Prol.28; pray TS 1.2.225; prey MND awkward adj
avow v 2.2.155; say AY 3.3.93, CE 4.2.27, Luc ˈɔ:kwəɹd
əˈvəʊ 1711, R2 1.3.244, 5.5.96, RJ 2.4.193, sp aukward2, awk-ward1
5.3.67, TG 3.1.101, VA 255, 807; slay
sp auou1, avow1
VA 763; stay CE 3.2.193, 5.1.336, 1H6 awl n
await / ~s v 4.5.31, 4.6.41, 2H6 5.2.72, KJ 2.1.415, ɔ:l
4.3.7, KL 2.4.80, LLL 4.3.210, 5.2.625,
əˈwɛ:t / -s sp aule1
MND 2.1.144, MV 2.6.58, 3.2.323, R2
sp await / awaits 1 pun JC 1.1.21 awl, all, withal
4.1.197, 5.5.96, R3 1.4.285, RJ 1.1.159,
3.1.135, 5.3.160, S 74.2, 92.1, 143.2, a-wooing v
awak·e / ~es / ~eth / ~ing / TN 5.1.140, TS 5.1.137; stray TG
~ed v əˈwu:ɪn, -ɪŋ
1.1.75; today 2H6 2.1.157, LLL
əˈwɛ:k / -s / -əθ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -t 4.3.269, MV 3.4.83; unsay MND sp a woing1, a wooing1
> woo
sp awake76 / awakes4, abbr in s.d. 1.1.180
awa1 / awaketh1 / awaking1 / > cast-, run-away
awork adv
awak’d14, awaked1, awak’t1
awe n əˈwɔ:ɹk
rh make MND 3.2.117; sake MND
2.2.108, 3.2.69, R3 5.3.150, S 61.10; = sp aworke1, a-worke3
take Tem 2.1.310 / maketh, slaketh sp awe 15 > work
Luc 1675 rh flaw Ham 5.1.211; law Per Prol.36,
awry adj
R3 5.3.311; saw Luc 245
awaken / ~s / ~ed v əˈrəɪ
əˈwɛ:kən / -z / -d awe / ~d v sp awrie1, awry4
sp awaken / awakens / 1 = rh majesty R2 2.2.19
awakened1 sp awe2, awe-[him]1 / aw’d1
axe / ~’s n
> overawe
awaking n =
əˈwɛ:kɪn, -ɪŋ a-weary adj sp axe19 / axes1
sp awaking 1 əˈwi:rəɪ, əˈwe-


axle-tree n aye [alas] interj azure adj

ˈaksəl-ˌtri: ɛ: ˈazəɹ
sp axletree1, axle-tree1 sp ay6, ay[-me]1, aye18 sp azure1

ay [yes] adv aye [always] adv azured adj

əɪ ɛ: ˈazəɹd
sp ay2, I699 sp aie1, aye15 sp azur’d2
rh die R2 3.3.175; eye LLL 2.1.123; rh obey Tim 5.1.50
I RJ 1.3.58
pun RJ 3.2.45ff eye, I [pronoun, ayez Fr
letter] > avoir


B [letter] n Babylon n sp back11, backe71 / backes14,

= =, Evans MW .. ˈpabɪlɒn
rh 1 crack KJ 2.1.145; lack
sp B1 sp Babylon2 / Evans Pa-bilon1
AC 4.14.58, VA 300; wrack Mac
5.5.52; rh 2 neck VA 594
B [music] n baccare mock Lat v
= Gremio TS .. baˈkɑ:rɛ: back / ~ing / ~ed v
sp beeme [=B mi]1 sp bacare1 = / ˈbakɪn, -ɪŋ / =
sp back2, backe3 / backing2 /
baa [sheep sound] interj Bacchanals n
back’d4, back’t1, backt2
= ˌbakəˈnɑ:lz
sp ba2, baa1 sp Bachanals1, Backenals1 back-bite v
m ˌbak-ˈbəɪt
babble n/v Bacchus n
sp backe-bite1
= ˈbakəs
sp babble1 / babble1 sp Bacchus1, Bachus1 backing n
> bibble-babble ˈbakɪn, -ɪŋ
bachelor / ~s n
sp backing2, bac-king1
babbling adj ˈbatʃləɹ, -tʃəl- / -z
ˈbablɪn, -ɪŋ sp bachelor1, batcheler4, backside n
sp babling batcheller3, batchellor4, batchellour3, ˈbaksəɪd
batchelor2, batchelour1 / batchelers1,
sp backe-side1
babe / ~s n batchellers1, batchellors1
> side
bɛ:b, bab / -z
sp babe34, [new-borne]-babe1 /
bachelorship n backsword adj
babes22 ˈbatʃləɹˌʃɪp ˈbakˌsɔ:ɹd
rh drab, slab Mac 4.1.30 sp bach’ler-ship1
sp back-sword-[man]1
> cradle-babe
back adj back-trick n
baboon / ~’s / ~s n = =
m bəˈbu:n, ˈbab- / -z sp back1, backe2
sp backe-tricke1
sp baboon1, baboone2 / baboones1 / > crook-, horse-, keeper-back;
baboones1 unbacked backward adj / adv / n
baby adj back adv ˈbakwəɹd
sp backward2 / backeward2,
ˈbɛ:bəɪ =
backward13, back-ward1 /
sp baby1, baby-[brow, daughter, sp back35, [pluck]-back1, backe199
eyes]3 rh alack S 65.11; black Luc 1583;
> aglet-baby slack PP 18.24; wrack Luc 843, 965, backwardly adv
S 126.6, VA 557
bab·y / ~y’s / ~ies n ˈbakwəɹdləɪ
back / ~s n sp backwardly1
ˈbɛ:bəɪ / -z
sp babie3, baby10 / babies1 / =
babies2, babyes1


backwards adv sp bag5, bagge3 / bagges1, baggs1, bait / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v

ˈbakwəɹdz bags6 bɛ:t / -s / ˈbɛ:t·ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd
rh rags KL 2.4.48
sp backwards1 sp bait2, baite7 / bayts1 / baiting1 /
> cloak-, honey-, money-, sand-bag
baited5, bayted1
back-wounding adj baggage n rh state CE 2.1.94
m ˌbak-ˈwəʊndɪn, -ɪŋ = pun WT 2.3.92 beat
sp back-wounding1
sp baggage7 baited adj
> wounding
Bagot n ˈbɛ:tɪd
bacon / ~s n sp baited1
ˈbɛ:kən / -z
sp Bagot11 baiting-place n
sp bacon1 / ba-cons1
bagpipe n ˈbɛ:tɪn-ˌplɛ:s, -ɪŋ-
bacon-fed adj sp bayting place2
ˈbɛ:kən-ˌfed > place
sp bagpipe1, bag-pipe3
sp bacon-fed1
> feed
Bajazeth / ~’s n
bagpiper n
bad adj / adv / n ˈbaɡpəɪpəɹ
sp Baiazeths1
=, Evans MW .. pad / = sp bag-piper1
> pipe bake / ~s / ~d v
sp bad93, badde1, Evans pad1 /
bad1 / bad19 bail n/v bɛ:k / -s / m -t, ˈbɛ:kɪd
rh adj had S 67.14; mad CE 5.1.67, sp bake2 / bakes1 / bak’d5, baked1,
S 140.11 / rh n glad Per 2.Chorus.37; bakte1
mad Luc 995 sp baile9, bale1, bayle1 / baile3, rh snake Mac 4.1.13
> worse bayle1 > unbaked
rh jail S 133.10
bade baked-meats n
bailiff n
> bid m ˈbɛ:kt-ˌmi:ts, ˌbɛ:kt-ˈmi:ts
sp bakt-meats1, bakte meates1
badge / ~s n sp bayliffe1
= > bum-baily baker / ~’s / ~s’ n
sp badg1, badge12 / badges3
baille Fr v ˈbɛ:kəɹs
sp bakers / bakers
badge / ~d v baj
= sp MW 1.4.86 emend of ballow 1
baking n
sp badg’d1
bairn / ~s n ˈbɛ:kɪn, -ɪŋ
> office-badge sp baking
bɐɹn / -z
2 1
badly adv sp barne / barnes balance n/v
ˈbadləɪ pun MA 3.4.43 barn =
sp badly1 sp ballance9 / ballance1
bais·er / ~ant / ~ées Fr v
> well-balanced
badness n bɛˈzɑ̃ / bɛˈze
= sp baisant1 / baisee1, buisse1 bald adj
sp badnesse3
bait / ~s n bɑ:ld
sp bald17
baffle / ~d v bɛ:t / -s
= sp bait2, baite5, bayt1 / baites1, bald-pate n
sp baffle / baffel’d 3 baits1 ˈbɑ:ld-ˌpɛ:t
rh 1 straight S 129.7; rh 2 conceit
sp bald-pate1
bag / ~s n PP 4.11
= > bear-baiting


bald-pated adj balm / ~s n bandetto adj

ˈbɑ:ld-ˌpɛ:tɪd bɔ:m / -z banˈdeto:
sp bald-pated1 sp balme14 / balmes1 sp bandetto1
rh palm VA 27
baldric n > embalm bandett·o / ~i n
ˈbɔ:drɪk banˈdeti:
sp baldricke1
balm v sp bandetti1
baleful adj sp balme1 bandog / ~s n
ˈbɛ:lfʊl ˈbandɒɡz
sp balefull7
balmy adj sp bandogs1
balk / ~ed v sp balmy1 band·y / ~ied v
bɔ:k / -t ˈbandəɪ / -d
sp balke1 / balk’d1, baulkt1
balsamum n sp bandie2, bandy5 / bandied1
rh hawk Luc 696 m ˈbɑlsəˌmɤm, ˈbɒl-
sp balsamum1 bandying n
ball / ~s n m ˈbandəɪɪn, -ɪŋ
bɑ:l / -z balsom n sp bandying2
5 4
sp ball / balles , balls , 3 ˈbɑlsəm, ˈbɒl-
[Paris]-balls1, bals3 sp balsome1 bane n
> eye-, foot-, snow-ball bɛ:n
Balthazar n sp baine1, bane5
ballad / ~s n m ˈbɑltəˌzɐ:ɹ, -əzəɹ, ˈbɒl- rh Dunsinane Mac 5.3.59; lane
ˈbaləd, -ət / -s sp Balthasar7, Balthaser2, Cym 5.3.58
sp ballad10, ballet4 / bal-lads1, Balthazar3, Balthazer1 > ratsbane
ban / ~s n bane / ~d v
ballad / ~s v = bɛ:nd
ˈbaləds, -əts sp ban1 / bannes1, bans1 sp bain’d1
sp ballads1
ban v bang n
ballad-maker / ~s n = =
ˈbaləd-ˌmɛ:kəɹz, -lət- sp ban2, banne1 sp bang1
2 1
sp ballad-makers , ballet-makers
> make ’ban bang / ~ed v
> Caliban =
ballad-monger / ~s n sp bangd1, bang’d1
ˈbaləd-ˌmɤŋɡəɹz, -lət- Banbury n
sp ballad-mongers1 ˈbanbrəɪ, -bər- banish / ~ed v
sp Banbery1 = / m ˈbanɪʃt, -ɪˌʃɪd
ballast n sp banish36 / banish’d46, banished31,
= band / ~s n banisht12
sp ballast1 =
sp band24 / bands14 banished adj
ballasting n rh hand Luc 255, MA 3.1.114, MND m ˈbanɪʃt, -ɪˌʃɪd
m ˈbaləsˌtɪn, -ɪŋ 3.2.110, VA 225, 363 / hands AY sp banish’d21, banished3, banisht10
sp ballasting1 5.4.126, Ham 3.2.169, Tem Epil.9
banisher / ~s n
ballow n band / ~ing v m ˈbanɪˌʃɐ:ɹz
ˈbalə, -o: ˈbandɪn, -ɪŋ sp banishers1
sp ballow1 sp banding1
> baille > unbanded


banishment n banquet / ~s n barbarism n

m ˈbanɪʃˌment, -nɪʃmənt, -nʃ- ˈbaŋkɪt / -s m ˈbɑ:ɹbəˌrɪzm [ sylls]
sp banishment37 sp banket11, banquet14 / banquets2 sp barbarisme4
rh consent Luc 1855; content AY
1.3.136; lent R2 1.3.147; spent R2 banquet / ~ted v barbarous adj / n
1.3.212, RJ 3.2.131 ˈbaŋkɪt / -ɪd m ˈbɑ:ɹbrəs, -bəˌrɤs
sp banquet5 / banquetted1 sp barbarous18 / barbarous1
Banister n
m ˈbanɪˌstɐ:ɹ banquetting n Barbary adj / n
sp Banister1 m ˈbaŋkɪˌtɪn, -ɪŋ m ˈbɑ:ɹbrəɪ, -bəˌrəɪ
sp banquetting2 sp Barbarie1, Barbary4 / Barbarie2,
bank / ~s n Barbary4
= Banquo / ~’s n
sp banke13 / bankes9, banks3 ˈbaŋkwo: / -z Barbary-a [song] n
rh rank VA 72 / ranks Luc 1442 33
sp Banquo , Banquoh , Banquo’s 1 ˈbɑ:ɹbəˌrəɪ-ə
> sea-bank [Banquo is]2 / Banquo’s3 sp three, a1
rh three-a TNK 3.5.61
bank / ~ed v baptism n
= ˈbaptɪzəm Barbason n
sp bank’d1 sp baptisme 3 ˈbɑ:ɹbəsən
sp Barbason2
bankrupt adj Baptista / ~’s n
ˈbaŋkru:t, -rəʊt bapˈti:sta / -z barbed adj
sp bankrupt4 sp Baptista33 / Baptistas6 m ˈbɑ:ɹbɪd
sp barbed2
bankrupt / ~s n baptize / ~d v
ˈbaŋkru:t, -rəʊt / -s ˈbaptəɪzd barber / ~’s / ~s n
sp banckrout1, bankerout1, sp baptiz’d 1 ˈbɑ:ɹbəɹ / -z
bankrout3, bankrupt1, banqu’rout1 / sp barber1 / barbers6 / barbars1
bankrupts1 bar / ~s n
bɑ:ɹ / -z barber / ~ed v
bankrupt v ˈbɑ:ɹbəɹd
sp bar4, barre8 / barres5, bars2
m ˈbaŋkəˌru:t, -ˌrəʊt sp barber’d1
sp bankerout1 bar / ~rest / ~s / ~red v
bɑ:ɹ / -st / -z / -d barber-monger n
bann 17 1 1 ˈbɑ:ɹbəɹ-ˌmɤŋɡəɹ
sp barre / barr’st , bar’st /
> banns
barres3, bars1 / bar’d2, bard2, barr’d4 sp barber-monger1
banner / ~s n rh war S 46.3 / stars S 25.3 / reward
AW 2.1.148 bard / ~s n
ˈbanəɹ / -z
3 7
> em-, un-bar; barred, strong- bɑ:ɹdz
sp banner / banners
barred sp bards1
banneret / ~s n Bar [name] n Bardolph / ~’s n
ˈbanəɹɪts bɑ:ɹ ˈbɑ:ɹdɒlf / -s
sp ban-nerets1
sp Bar1 sp Bardol1, Bardolf2, Bardolfe41,
banning adj Bar-dolfe1, Bardolffe1, Bardolph33,
barbarian adj Bar-dolph1 / Bardolphs3
ˈbanɪn, -ɪŋ bɑ:ɹˈbarɪən
sp banning1 bare adj
sp barbarian1
banns n bɛ:ɹ
barbarian / ~s n sp bare39, bare-[head]1
bɛ:nz bɑ:ɹˈbarɪən / -z rh care PP 12.4
sp banes4
sp barbarian1 / barbarians1 > threadbare


bare / ~d v bargain / ~s n barley broth n

bɛ:ɹ / -d ˈbɑ:ɹɡɪn / -z ˈbɑ:ɹləɪ ˌbrɒθ
sp bear1 / bar’d1, bar’de1 sp bargaine17, bar-gaine1 / sp barly broth1
bargaines3 > broth
Bare [name]
> Barnes bargain / ~ed v barm n
ˈbɑ:ɹɡɪn / -d bɑ:ɹm
bare-bone n sp bargaine1 / bargain’d2 sp barme1
ˈbɛ:ɹ-ˌbo:n rh harm MND 2.1.38
sp bare-bone1 barge n
bɑ:ɹdʒ barn / ~s n
bare-faced adj / adv sp barge 5 bɑ:ɹn / -z
ˈbɛ:ɹ-ˌfɛ:st sp barne2 / barnes3
sp bare-fac’d , bare fac’d /1 Bargulus n pun MA 3.4.43 bairns
bare-fac’d1 m ˈbɑ:ɹɡəˌlɤs > bairn
sp Bargulus1
barefoot adj / adv barnacle / ~s n
ˈbɛ:ɹˌfʊt baring n m ˈbɑ:ɹnkəlz, -nək-
sp bare-fote2 / barefoot1, bare-foot3, ˈbɛ:rɪn, -ɪŋ sp barnacles1
bare-foote1 sp baring 1
Barnardine / ~’s n
bare-gnawn adj bark [animal] / ~est / ~s / VA ˈbɑ:ɹnəɹˌdəɪn / -z
ˈbɛ:ɹ-ˌnɔ:n, -ɡn- ~eth v sp Barnardine17, Bernar-dine1 /
sp bare-gnawne bɑ:ɹk / -st / -s / ˈbɑ:ɹkəθ Barnardines1
> gnaw
sp barke10 / barkst1 / barkes1 /
Barnardo n
bare-headed adj bəɹˈnɑ:ɹdo:
rh hark Tem 1.2.383; park VA 240 /
ˌbɛ:ɹ-ˈedɪd, -ˈhe- marketh VA 459 sp Barnardo7
5 1
sp bare-headed , bare headed , in
s.d. bare head1 bark [tree] / ~s n Barnes n
> head bɑ:ɹk / -s bɑ:ɹnz
sp barke7 / barkes4 sp [Q] emend of F 2H4 3.2.19
barely adv Bare
ˈbɛ:ɹləɪ bark [tree] / ~ed v
sp barely4 bɑ:ɹk / -t Barnet n
sp barke / barkt 1 ˈbɑ:ɹnət
bareness n sp Barnet2
ˈbɛ:ɹnəs barking n
sp barenesse2 ˈbɑ:ɹkɪn, -ɪŋ baron / ~s n
sp barking 2 =
bare-picked adj sp baron1 / barons6
ˈbɛ:ɹ-ˌpɪkt barky adj
sp bare-pickt1 ˈbɑ:ɹkəɪ barony n
> pick
sp barky1
m ˈbarənəɪ, ˈbɑ:ɹnəɪ
sp barony1
bare-ribbed adj barlet
ˈbɛ:ɹ-ˌrɪbd > martlet
barque n
sp bare-rib’d1 bɑ:ɹk
> rib barley n sp backe1, barke27
ˈbɑ:ɹləɪ rh hark Per 5.Chorus.22; mark
barful adj
sp barley1 S 116.7
sp barrefull1


Barrabas n sp Bartholo-mew-tyde1 basilisk / ~s n

m ˈbarəˌbas > tide ˈbasɪlɪsk / -s
sp Barrabas1 Basan n sp basiliske3, basilisque1 / basiliskes4

barred adj ˈbasən Basimecu [name] n

bɑ:ɹd sp Basan1 ˈbasmɪˌku:
sp barr’d1 base / ~r / ~est adj sp Basimecu1

barred-up adj bas, bɛ:s / ˈbas·əɹ, ˈbɛ:- / -əst basin / ~s n

ˈbɑ:ɹd-ˌɤp sp bace2, base138, base-[mettle] 1 / ˈbɛ:sən / -z
baser11 / basest9
sp barr’d vp1 sp bason5 / basons1
rh disgrace 1H6 4.6.21; face Luc 202;
barrel / ~s n grace Cym 4.2.26, R2 3.3.180, Tim Basingstoke n
= pun TS 3.1.45 bass
ˈbɛ:zɪnˌsto:k, -ɪŋ-
sp barrelles1 sp Basingstoke1
> beer-barrel base n / v
bas, bɛ:s basis n
barren adj / n 1 12 1 ˈbasɪs
sp bace , base / base
=, m S . baˈren sp basis6
3 31 1
sp barraine , barren / barren base-born adj
ˈbas-ˌbɔ:ɹn, ˈbɛ:s- bask / ~ed v
barrenness n 3 baskt
sp base-borne
ˈbarənəs > bear sp bask’d1
sp barrennesse
based basket / ~s n
barren-spirited adj > strong-based ˈbaskɪt / -s
ˈbarənˌsprəɪtɪd, -ˌspɪɹt- sp basket22, bas-ket1 / baskets1
sp barren spirited 1 baseless adj > alms-, buck-basket
> spirited ˈbasləs, ˈbɛ:s-
sp baselesse1 basket-hilt adj
barricado / ~es n ˈbaskɪt-ˌɪlt, -ˌhɪlt
barɪˈkɑ:do: / -z basely adv sp basket-hilt1
sp barracado , barricado / 1 ˈbasləɪ, ˈbɛ:s- > hilt
bari-cadoes1 sp basely9
bass adj
barrow n baseness n bas
ˈbarə, -ro: ˈbasnəs, ˈbɛ:s- sp base1
1 2 16
sp barrow sp basenes , basenesse
bass / ~es n
Barson n bashful adj bas / ˈbasɪz
ˈbɑ:ɹsən =, Fluellen H .. ˈpaʃfʊl sp base2 / bases1
sp Barson1 sp bashfull6, Fluellen pashfull1 pun TS 3.1.45 base
> unbashful
barter / ~ed v Bassanio / ~’s n
ˈbɑ:ɹtəɹd bashfulness n bəˈsɑ:nɪo: [ sylls] / -z
sp barter’d = sp Bassanio39, Bassanio’s [Bassanio
sp bashfulnesse1 is]1, Bassiano1 / Bassanios2,
Bartholomew n Bassanio’s2, Bassianos1, Bassiano’s1
m ˈbɑ:ɹtlˌmju: basilisco-like adj rh so MV 2.8.39
sp Bartholmew2 basɪˈlɪsko:-ˌləɪk
sp basilisco-like1
Basset n
Bartholomew-tide n =
ˈbɑ:ɹtlmju:-ˌtəɪd sp Basset1, Bassit1


Bassianus / ~’s n bataille / ~s Fr n battalion / ~s n

ˌbasɪˈɑ:nəs, -ˈan- baˈtɑ:j =
sp Bassianus21, Bassianuss1 / sp battailes1 sp battalians1
Bassianus3 > battle
batten v
bass-viol n batch n =
ˌbas-ˈvəɪəl = sp batten2
sp base-viole1 sp batch1
batter / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
basta Ital interj bate n ˈbatəɹ / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈbatrɪn,
ˈbasta bɛ:t -ɪŋ / -d
sp basta1 sp bate1 sp batter2 / batters3 / batte-ring1 /
> breed-bate batt’red1, batter’d1
bastard adj > unbattered
ˈbastəɹd bate / ~s / ~ing / ~d v
sp bastard20 bɛ:t / -s / ˈbɛ:tɪn, -ɪŋ / ˈbɛ:tɪd battered adj
sp bate13 / bates1 / bayting1 / ˈbatəɹd
bastard / ~’s / ~s n bated6 sp batter’d1
ˈbastəɹd / -z rh translated MND 1.1.190
sp bastard68, bastard-[vertues, > abate, unbated battering adj
braynes]2, ba-stard1, basterd1 / m ˈbatrɪn, -ɪŋ, -tər-
bastards2 / bastards15
bated adj
sp battering1
bastardizing n sp bated2 battery n
ˈbastəɹdəɪzɪn, -ɪŋ ˈbatrəɪ, -tər-
sp bastardizing1
Bates n
sp batterie1, battery6, batt’rie1,
bɛ:ts battry1, batt’ry2
bastardly adv sp Bates2 rh flattery VA 426
sp bastardly1
bat-fowling battle / ~’s / ~s n
> a-bat-fowling
=, Fluellen H ..
bastardy n ˈpatl / -z
bath / ~s n
m ˈbastəɹˌdəɪ sp battaile52, [scarse-cold]-battaile1,
7 1
baθ / -s
sp bastardie , bastardy bat-taile2, battaile’s [battle is]1,
sp bath3 / bathes1
rh 1 eye Luc 522; rh 2 obloquy Luc battel1, battell42, bat-tell1, Fluellen
522; tree Tit 5.1.48 pattle1 / battailes1 / battailes17,
bath v
baste / ~s / ~d v baθ
> high-battled
basts / ˈbastɪd sp bath1
sp bastes1 / basted1 battle v
bath·e / ~ing / ~d v
bastinado n bɛ:ð / ˈbɛ:ðɪn, -ɪŋ / bɛ:ðd
sp battaile1
ˌbastɪˈnɑ:do: sp bathe5 / bathing1 / bath’d5
sp bastinado3 battleaxe n
batler n
basting n ˈbatləɹ
sp battleaxe1
ˈbastɪn, -ɪŋ sp batler1
sp basting2 battlements n
battalia n
bat / ~’s / ~s n bəˈtaljə
sp battelments1, battlements7
= sp battalia1
sp bat3 / batts1 / bats2, batts1
rh sat LC 64


batty adj sp baie1, bay17 / bayes2 TG 4.2.42; thee CE 3.2.65, Cym

ˈbatəɪ rh away PP 11.13; way VA 877 3.5.159, 2H6 4.10.29, Luc 1211, R2
2.1.136, 4.1.200, 5.3.33, S 1.13, 3.13,
sp battie-[wings]1 bay / ~s / ~ing / ~d v 4.14, 44.8, 78.12, 101.12, 123.13,
bauble / ~s n bɛ: / -z / ˈbɛ:ɪn, -ɪŋ / bɛ:d 126.11, 136.10, 140.12, 141.12,
sp bay3 / baes2 / baying1 / bay’d1, 142.12, 151.11, VA 155; three MND
ˈbɔ:bəl, ˈbɑ:- / -z 5.1.398; tree AY 3.2.121, Ham
sp bable2, bauble6 / baubles1 3.2.201, Mac 4.1.93, MW 5.5.78, PP
bay-tree / ~s n 10.6, PT 3; we MND 5.1.394, Tim
baubling adj 3.5.46, TN 2.2.32; ye JC 4.3.129; can-
ˈbɔ:blɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈbɑ:- not be buried be PT 62; be it free it,
sp bay-trees1
sp bawbling1 see it Luc 1209; rh 2 amity, jollity,
> tree
prosperity, solemnly, triumphantly
baulk bay window n MND 4.1.85; beggary KJ 2.1.595;
> balk company LLL 5.2.225; confederacy
ˌbɛ:-ˈwɪndəz, -do:z
MND 3.2.191; cruelty TN 1.5.276;
bavin adj sp bay windoes1
dignity Cym 4.2.3, 5.4.55; flattery Tim
ˈbavɪn 1.2.253; humanity Tim 3.6.104; idol-
Baynard / ~’s n
sp bauin1 atry S 105.3; indignity LLL 5.2.288;
ˈbɛ:nəɹdz infamy Luc 1637; infirmity Luc 148;
bawcock n sp Baynards2 integrity LLL 5.2.355; lady LLL 2.1.194,
ˈbɔ:kɒk 4.1.133; mannerly MV 2.9.101; nativ-
Bayonne n ity MND 5.1.404; necessity Per 2.
sp bawcock4
bɛˈjɒn Chorus.5; sovereignty LLL 4.1.37, Luc
bawd / ~s n sp Bayon1 38; suddenly AY 2.4.96; rh 3 eye VA
= 1066
be / beest / being / been v > am, are, art, is, was, were
sp baud13, bawd25, bawde1 /
baudes1, bauds2, bawdes2, bawds1 str bi:, unstr bɪ beest
rh laud Luc 623; laud, thawed Luc sp be6427, bee303, bee[’t] [be it]6, be str bi:st; unstr bɪst
886 [gon]2, be[gone]1, be’s [be his]3, be sp beest12, bee’st12, be’st3
[sworne]1, be’t [be it]8, [’twill]be1,
bawdry n [wil]be2
m ˈbi:ɪn, -ɪŋ; bi:n, bi:ŋ
ˈbɔ:drəɪ rh 1 agree, me LLL 2.1.209; decree
LLL 4.3.213, S 93.11; dignity, he Cym sp beeing8, bee-ing2, being592,
sp baudrey1, baudry1, bawdrie1
5.4.55; fee VA 607; free MM 3.2.36, be-ing7
rh Audrey AY 3.3.87
Oth 1.2.99, Tem Epil.19; free, see LC rh seeing S 121.2
bawdy adj 103; G R3 1.1.40, 57; he KJ 2.1.508, > being n

ˈbɔ:dəɪ LLL 4.2.28, R2 2.1.154, TC 1.3.289, been

3 5 5.9.5, TN 3.4.15; knee R2 5.3.97; me str bi:n, bɪn; unstr bɪn, bn
sp baudy , bawdy
1H6 4.5.22, 2H4 4.5.221, 2H6 3.1.382,
sp been58, beene359, bin205, byn1
bawdy-house / ~s n CE 2.2.211, Cym 4.2.28, H5 5.2.366,
rh 1 seen R2 5.6.28, S 97.1; sheen
LC 223, Luc 1049, 1203, MND 4.1.85,
ˈbɔ:dəɪˌəʊs, -ˌhəʊs / -əʊzɪz Per 1.2.110, PP 1.14, R2 1.3.144,
Ham 3.2.167; spleen PP 6.8; rh 2
sp bawdy-house4 / bawdie-houses1 sin Luc 210
2.1.91, RJ 2.3.86, S 35.13, 91.11, 132.3,
> house be with ye/you
133.4, 138.14, Tem 4.1.104, TG
3.1.149, Tim 3.5.90, TN 4.1.64, TNK ˈbɪjə
bawling adj 3.5.9, WT 4.1.20, 4.4.304; me, thee sp b’uy1, bu’y1, buy’1, buy’ye1
ˈbɔ:lɪn, -ɪŋ Luc 1194; see AC 1.3.65, AY 2.4.84,
sp bawling1 Cor 5.3.129, H5 4.Chorus.53, Ham beach n
5.1.295, LC 185, LLL 2.1.225, Luc 752, =
bay adj 1085, Mac 1.4.53, MM 1.3.54, MND sp beach5
bɛ : 2.1.10, 3.2.115, 4.1.70, 5.1.272, MV
sp bay3 2.9.101, MW 5.5.67, RJ 1.2.31, S 56.9, beached adj
137.4, TC 1.2.285, TN 1.2.63, VA 937; m ˈbi:tʃɪd
bay / ~s n see, three PP 15.2; she LLL 4.3.94,
sp beached2
bɛ: / -z MND 1.1.226, Per 4.Chorus.20, PT62,


beachy adj bear / ~’s / ~s n sp beard81, beard’s [beard is]1,

ˈbi:tʃəɪ bɛ:ɹ / -z berd1, Evans peard2 / beards13
rh heard LLL 2.1.189; herd
sp beachie1 sp beare38 / beares1 / beares13,
S 12.8
beacon n > grey-, lack-beard; scarce-, white-
rh 1 hair MND 2.2.36; rh 2 fear
= MND 2.2.100
sp beacon4 > bug-, she-bear beard / ~ed adj
bead / ~s n bear / ~est / ~s / ~eth / ~ing / ˈbɛ:ɹdɪd, ˈbɐ:ɹ-
bare / bore / ~st / borne v sp bearded3
sp bead1 / beades5, beads4, beds1 bɛ:ɹ, Fluellen H .. pɛ:ɹ / beard / ~ed v
-st / -z / ˈbɛ:r·əθ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / bɑ:ɹ bɛ:ɹd, bɐ:ɹd / ˈbɛ:ɹdɪd, ˈbɐ:ɹ-
Bead [name] n / bɔ:ɹ / bɔ:ɹst / bɔ:ɹn sp beard4 / bearded1
= sp bare2, bear3, beare473, bear’t
sp Bede1 [bear it]2, Fluellen peare1 / bearest3, beardless adj
bearst2, bear’st6 / beares91 / ˈbɛ:ɹdləs, ˈbɐ:ɹd-
beadle / ~s n beareth1 / bearing46, bea-ring1 / sp beardlesse2
= bare8 / bore27 / boar’st1 / born1,
sp beadle8 / beadles3 borne75, [well] borne1 bearer / ~s n
rh 1 appear CE 3.1.16, S 80.6, TC ˈbɛ:rəɹ / -z
beads·man / ~men n 1.2.294; clear Tim 3.5.40; dear, here
sp bearer6 / bearers1
ˈbi:dsmən Luc 1292; deer AY 4.2.12; ear, hear
> ape-, cup-, purse-, thunder-,
sp beades-man1 / beads-men1 Luc 1327; ear Luc 1419, S 8.8; fear Luc
612, Mac 3.5.30, 5.3.9, MND 5.1.22;
beagle / ~s n here Luc 1474, R2 5.5.117; here, tear bearherd, bearward n
= [cry] LC 53; severe MM 3.2.249; tear
ˈbɛ:ɹˌɐ:ɹd, -ˌhɐ:ɹd
[cry] Luc 1132; year 1H6 1.3.90; bear
sp beagle1 / beagles1 sp bearard1, beare-heard2, berard1,
her clear her, hear her Luc 1321; bear
thee hear thee Luc 670; rh 2 hair Luc berrord1
beak / ~s n > bear n
1132; swear Luc 1419, S 131.11; tear
[rip] Luc 1474; there LLL 5.2.100, Tem
sp beake3 / beakes1 bearing n
1.2.380; wear AY 4.2.12, S 77.3, VA
165; bear thee tear thee [rip] Luc ˈbɛ:rɪn, -ɪŋ
beam / ~s n sp bearing10, bea-ring2
670; rh 3 were S 13.8; bear it were it
= Luc 1158 / rh 1 clears, tears [cry] Luc
sp beame11 / beames25 1712; fears LC 272; hears Oth 1.3.210; bearing-cloth n
rh gleams [emend] MND 5.1.264; tears [cry] LC 19; rh 2 characters LC ˈbɛ:rɪn-ˌklɒθ, -ɪŋ-
streams MND 3.2.392 19, Per 4.4.29 / rh 1 hearing VA 430; sp bearing-cloath1, bearing cloth1
> moon-, sun-beam rh 2 swearing S 152.4 / bore it wore > cloth
it AY 4.2.15 / scorn Cym 5.2.6, 1H6
beamed 4.7.17 bear-like adj
> daughter-beamed, > over-, under-bear; bull-, under- ˈbɛ:ɹləɪk
sunbeamed bearing; high-, just-, self-, shard-, sp beare-like1
bean / ~s n bearward
= bear-baiting / ~s n > bearherd
sp beanes1 ˈbɛ:ɹ-ˌbɛ:tɪn, -ɪŋ / -z
sp beare-baiting1, beare-bayting1 / bear-whelp / ~s n
bean-fed adj beare-baitings1 ˈbɛ:ɹ-ˌʍelp / -s
= > bait sp beare-whelpe1 / bear-whelpes1
sp bean-fed1 > bear n
> feed beard n
bɛ:ɹd, bɐ:ɹd, Evans MW
..f pɛ:ɹd, pɐ:ɹd / -z


beast / ~s n Beau [name] because, abbr cause conj

best, bi:st / -s > Le Beau =
sp beast69 / beastes1, beasts33 sp because178, be-cause5, abbr
rh blest VA 326; jest LLL 2.1.208, VA
Beaufort / ~’s n cause2
999; rest CE 5.1.84 ˈbo:fəɹd / -z
pun MND 5.1.224 best; Tim 4.3.327 sp Beauford10, Beau-ford1 / bechance / ~d v
abased Beaufords1 bɪˈtʃɔ:ns, -ˈtʃans / m -t, -ɪd
> horn-beast sp bechance1 / bechanced1,
Beaumont n bechaunc’d1
beast-like adj m bo:ˈmɒnt, Fr bo:ˈmɔ̃ > chance
ˈbest-ləɪk, ˈbi:- sp Beaumond1, Beaumont2,
sp beast-like1 Beumont1 beck / ~s n
beastliness n beauteous adj sp beck1, becke3 / beckes1
ˈbestlɪnəs, ˈbi:- ˈbju:tɪəs [ sylls] rh check S 58.5
sp beastlinesse1 sp beauteous19, beautious10
beck / ~s / ~ed v
beastl·y / ~iest adj beautified adj =
ˈbestləɪ, ˈbi:- / -əst m ˈbju:tɪˌfəɪd sp becks1 / beck’d1
sp beastly15 [Q TC 5.10.5 bestly] / sp beautifed1, beautified1
beastliest1 beckon / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
beautiful adj = / ˈbeknɪn, -ɪŋ / =
beastly adv m ˈbju:tɪˌfʊl sp beckens2, beckons1 / beckning1 /
ˈbestləɪ, ˈbi:- sp beautiful2, beautifull12 becken’d1
sp beastly5 rh reckoning TNK 3.5.128
beautif·y / ~ied v
beat / ~s / ~ing / ~en v m ˈbju:tɪˌfəɪ / -d becom·e / ~est / ~es / ~ing /
bi:t, bɛ:t, Evans MW .., sp beautifie3 / beautifide1 ~ed / became v
Fluellen H .. pi:t, pɛ:t / rh modesty, mortality Luc 404 bɪˈkɤm / -st / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d /
-s / ˈbi:tɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈbɛ:t- / ˈbi:tən, beaut·y / ~y’s / ~ ies n bɪˈkɛ:m
ˈbetən, MW Evans .. ˈbju:təɪ / -z sp becom2, become134, be-come4,
ˈpi:tən, ˈpetən becom’t [become it]1 / becom’st2 /
sp beautie64, beau-tie1, beauties
becomes58, becoms3 / becomming3
sp beat49, beate77, Evans peat1, [beauty is]1, beauty82,
/ becom’d2 / became24
Fluellen peate1 / beates12, beats13 / [arched]-beauty1, beuty1 /
rh becomes you instruct you
beating6 / beaten38, Evans peaten1 beauties11 / beauties10
TS 4.2.121
pun WT 2.3.92 bait rh duty Luc 496, VA 167 / duties
> come, misbecome
> dry-, over-beat Luc 13

beaten adj becomed adj

beaut·y / ~ied v
ˈbi:tən, ˈbetən m bɪˈkɤmɪd
sp becomed1
sp beaten8 sp beautied1
> dry-, new-, weather-beaten
becoming adj
beauty-waining adj
beating adj / n bɪˈkɤmɪn, -ɪŋ
ˈbju:təɪ-ˌwɛ:nɪn, -ɪŋ
ˈbi:tɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈbɛ:t- sp becomming2
sp beautie-waining1
1 9 > unbecoming
sp beating / beating > waining
> bold-beating
becoming / ~s n
beaver / ~s n
Beatrice n bɪˈkɤmɪnz, -ɪŋ-
ˈbi:vəɹ / -z
m ˈbi:əˌtrɪs, -ət-, ˈbi:t-, ˈbet- sp becommings1
sp beauer4, beuer2 / beauers1
52 1
sp Beatrice , Bea-trice
bed / ~s n
=, Evans MW .. pedz
> become


sp bed242, [maiden]-bed1, bedded adj bed-rid adj

[prest]-bed1, bedde2 / beds23, Evans = =
sp bedded1 sp bedrid1, bed-rid2
rh bred Luc 938; dead Cym 4.2.357,
Ham 3.2.195; dread Luc 169; enam- bedeck v bed-right n
elled CE 2.1.108; fed TC 5.8.20, VA
397; head Luc 776, MND 2.2.45, 4.1.1,
= ˈbed-ˌrəɪt
RJ 2.3.30, S 27.1; head, imagined Luc sp bedecke1 sp bed-right1
1619; head, misled Luc 366; head, > right
shed Luc 684; head, sped MV 2.9.70;
bedecking adj
honoured AY 5.4.139; led Luc 301; bɪˈdekɪn, -ɪŋ bedroom n
maidenhead Per 3.Chorus.9, RJ 3.2.136; sp bedecking1 ˈbed-ˌru:m, -rʊm
managed CE 3.2.17; married RJ 1.5.135; sp bed-roome1
questioned Luc 120; red VA 108; sped bedew v > room
TS 5.2.183; undishonoured CE 2.2.154; bɪˈdju:
unwed CE 2.1.27; visited MND 3.2.429; sp bedew1
bed-swerver n
wed AW 2.3.90, Ham 4.5.67, Per 2.5.95, ˈbed-ˌswɐ:ɹvəɹ
PP 18.47; widowed RJ 3.2.134 / heads bedfellow / ~s n sp bed-swaruer1
Per 2.3.98, TN 5.1.398 ˈbedfelə, -lo: / -z
> a-, bridal-, bride-, child-, day-, sp bedfellow9, bed-fellow3 /
bedtime n
death-, field-, lily-, love-, maiden-, bed-fellowes1, bedfel-lowes1 m ˌbed-ˈtəɪm, ˈbed-ˌtəɪm
marriage-, standing-, truckle-bed rh playfellow Per Prol.33 sp bed-time1, bed time2
> fellow > time
bed / ~ded v
= Bedford / ~’s n bedward adv
sp bed / bedded2 ˈbedfəɹd / -z ˈbedwəɹd
sp Bedford22 / Bedfords1 sp bedward1
bedabble / ~ed v
bɪˈdabəld bed-hanging / ~s n bed-work n
sp bedabbled1 ˈbed-ˌaŋɪnz, -ɪŋz, -ˌhaŋ- ˈbed-ˌwɔ:ɹk
sp bed-hangings1 sp bed-worke1
bedash / ~ed v
> hang > work
sp bedash’d1 bedim / ~med v bee / ~s n
> dash bɪˈdɪmd =
sp bedymn'd1 sp bee4 / bees11
bedaub / ~ed v
rh me Luc 836 / rh 1 courtesies,
= Bedlam adj / n dewberries, mulberries MND
sp bedawb’d1 = 3.1.163; rh 2 arise, butterflies, eyes,
> daub sp Bedlam2, bedlam1, Bedlem1 / thighs MND 3.1.163
Bedlam2, Bedlem1 > honey-, humble-bee
bedazzle / ~d v
= bed-mate n beef / ~s n
sp bedazled 1
ˈbed-ˌmɛ:t =
> dazzle sp bed-mate1 sp beefe12 / beefes1, beeues2
> mate
bed-chamber n beef-witted adj
ˈbed-ˌtʃambəɹ bed-presser n =
sp bed-chamber6 ˈbed-ˌpresəɹ sp beefe-witted1
> chamber sp bed-presser1
beehive / ~s n
bedclothes n bedrench v m ˌbi:-ˈəɪvz, -ˈhəɪ-
ˈbed-ˌklo:z, -o:ðz bɪˈdrentʃ sp bee-hiues1
sp bed-cloathes1 sp bedrench1 > hive
> clothes > drench


been before, abbr fore adv / conj / sp beget20, be-get1, abbr get14 /
> be prep begets4 / begetting2, abbr getting4 /
begot26, abbr got21 / gat1 /
bɪˈfɔ:ɹ, abbr fɔ:ɹ begotten5, abbr gotten1
beer n
sp before183, be-fore2 / before161, rh frets VA 768 / at Per 2.2.6 / not
bi:ɹ, bɛ:ɹ abbr ’fore2 / before360, be-fore2, KJ 1.1.274; shot KJ 1.1.175
sp beere4 before’ [before ’em]1, before’s > mis-, true-, un-begotten
rh were Oth 2.1.157 [before us]1, befor’t [before it]2, abbr
fore9, ’fore15, ’fore-[noone]1 begetting, abbr getting n
beer-barrel n rh door H5 1.2.308, Luc 1302, MND bɪˈɡetɪn, -ɪŋ, abbr ˈɡet-
ˈbi:ɹ-ˌbarəl, ˈbɛ:ɹ- 5.1.379, R2 5.3.77; door, sore CE
sp begetting1, abbr getting4
sp beere-barrell1 3.1.63; more CE 1.1.96, PP 20.47,
> barrel R2 2.1.11, S 40.2. 85.12, TN 1.1.8; o’er beggar / ~’s / ~s / ~s’ n
S 30.12; roar LLL 4.1.91; score AW
beetle / ~s n ˈbeɡəɹ / -z
4.3.221; shore S 60.3; store Luc 693;
ˈbi:tl, ˈbe- / -z swore LLL 5.2.110, Luc 1847 sp beggar12, beg-gar1, begger45,
> afore, tofore beg-ger2 / beggars2, beggers6 /
sp beetle3, [sharded,
beggars3, beggers19 / beggers2
three-man]-beetle2 / beetles3
before-breach n > she-beggar
beetle / ~s v bɪˈfɔ:ɹ-ˌbri:tʃ
beggar / ~s / ~ed v
ˈbi:tlz, ˈbe- sp before breach1
ˈbeɡəɹ / -z / -d
sp beetles1, Q2 Ham 1.4.71
beforehand adv sp begger1 / beggars1 / beggard1,
bɪˈfɔ:ɹand, -ha- beggerd1, begger’d2
beetle-brows n sp before hand1 beggared adj
ˈbi:tl-ˌbrəʊz, ˈbe- > hand
sp beetle-browes1
befortune v sp begger’d1
> brow
beggar-fear n
beetle-headed adj sp befortune1
ˈbeɡəɹ-ˌfi:ɹ, -ˌfɛ:ɹ
ˈbi:tl-ˌedɪd, ˈbe-, -ˌhed-
befriend / ~ed v sp beggar-feare1
sp beetle-headed1
= > fear
> head
sp befriend3, be-friend1 /
beggarly adj
beeves befrended1, befriended1
> beef rh ended TC 5.9.9 ˈbeɡəɹləɪ
> friend sp beggarly1, beggerly9
befall / ~s / befell /
befallen v beg / ~gest / ~s / ~ging / beggar-maid n
bɪˈfɑ:l / -z / = / [ sylls] bɪˈfɑ:ln ~ged v ˈbeɡəɹ-ˌmɛ:d
sp befall28 / befals1 / befell3 / = / -st / -z / ˈbeɡɪn, -ɪŋ / = sp beggar maid1
befalne 8 40 56
sp beg , begge / beg’st / 1 > maid
rh 1 all 2H6 5.3.33, Tit 5.1.57; wall begges4, begs2 / begging2 / beg’d6,
beggar-man n
MND 5.1.153; rh 2 hospital LLL begg’d19
5.2.859 > fool-begged ˈbeɡəɹ-ˌman
> fall sp beggar-man1
began > man
befit / ~s / ~ting / ~ed v > begin
= / bɪˈfɪtɪn, -ɪŋ / = beggar-woman n
beget, abbr get / begets / ˈbeɡəɹ-ˌwʊmən
sp befits8 / befitting1 / befitted1
rh commits S 41.3
begetting, abbr getting / sp beggar-woman1
> unbefitting begat / begot, abbr got / > woman
begotten, abbr gotten v
= / = / bɪˈɡetɪn, -ɪŋ, abbr
ˈɡetɪn, -ɪŋ / =


beggary n begrime / ~d v behind adv / prep

m ˈbeɡɹəɪ, -ɡəˌɹəɪ bɪˈɡrəɪmd bɪˈəɪnd, -ˈhəɪnd
sp beggerie5, beggery7 sp begrim’d1 sp behind15, behinde31 / behind16,
rh be KJ 2.1.596 behinde38
beguild Luc v rh adv 1 hind CE 3.1.76; kind Ham
begging adj / n bɪˈɡəɪld 3.2.185, 3.4.180, S 143.10; kind, mind
ˈbeɡɪn, -ɪŋ sp beguild1 Luc 1425; mind KL 3.6.103 [Q], Luc
sp begging2 / begging2 rh defiled, mild Luc 1544 734, 1413, Oth 2.1.154, Per 4.4.13,
S 9.6, 50.14, Tim 1.2.160 / rh adv 2
begin, abbr gin / ~s, abbr gins beguil·e / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v wind CE 3.1.76; behind thee with
/ ~ning / began, abbr gan / bɪˈɡəɪl / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / m -ɪd, -d thee AY 3.3.91
~nest / begun v sp beguile19, be-guile4 / beguiles5 /
behind-door-work n
=, abbr ɡɪn / =, abbr ɡɪnz / beguiling1, begui-ling1 / beguild4,
1 11 1
be-guild , beguil’d , be-guil’d ,
bɪˈəɪnd-ˈdo:ɹ-ˌwɔ:ɹk, -ˈhəɪ-
bɪˈɡɪnɪn, -ɪŋ / =, abbr ɡan / sp be-hinde-doore worke1
beguilde1, beguiled1
bɪˈɡanst / bɪˈɡɤn rh awhile Ham 3.2.236; smile MND > work
sp begin107, beginne4, abbr ’ginne1 / 2.1.45, Oth 1.3.208; while LLL 1.1.77,
beginnes4, begins49, abbr gins3, ’gins 1 VA 1144 / defiling, smiling LC 170 /
behindhand adv
/ beginning3 / began32, beganne1, child MND 1.1.239, S 59.2; child, wild bɪˈəɪnd-ˌand, -ˈhəɪ-, -ha-
began’t [began it]1, begon1, abbr Luc 957; exiled RJ 3.2.132; smiled sp behind-hand1
gan4 / beganst1 / begun25 PP 20.28 > hand
rh chin Luc 470, VA 60; in LLL 3.1.107
[F line ending]; kin TC 4.5.93; shin LLL begun behold / ~est / ~s / ~ing /
3.1.69, 103; sin Luc 342, Per Prol.29, > begin beheld v
R2 1.1.186, S 114.14; therein TG
behalf / ~s n bɪˈo:ld, -ˈho:- / -st / -z / -ɪn,
1.1.10; win H5 1.2.168; within Cym
5.1.32 / man VA 7, 367; ran, than bɪˈɔ:f, -ˈhɔ:f, -ˈɑ:f, -ˈhɑ:f / -s -ɪŋ / bɪˈeld, -ˈhe-
[then] Luc 1439 / done Ham 4.3.70, sp behold147, be-hold1, beholde2,
sp behalfe46 / behalfes1
R2 1.2.60, TN 5.1.402, TS 1.1.249, VA behold’s [behold us]1 / beholdest1,
845; done, sun LC 12, Luc 26; gun VA behave / ~d / ~dest v beholdst1, behold’st2 / beholds2 /
462; run Ham 3.2.220; son KJ 1.1.158, beholding5 / beheld27, be-held1
bɪˈɛ:vd, -ˈhɛ:- / -st
R2 1.1.158; sun LC 262 [or emend rh bold S 131.5; bold, cold, enfold,
sp behau’d1, behaued1 /
nun], Luc 374, RJ 1.2.92 gold, inscrolled, old, sold, told MV
2.7.68; cold S 73.1; cold, unfold Luc
> haviour, well-behaved
beginner / ~s n 1143; controlled Luc 447; gold 2H6
bɪˈɡɪnəɹz 4.7.93, Luc 857, VA 857; old LC 71,
behaviour / ~s n
Luc 1758, S 22.3; rolled, told Luc 1395;
sp beginners2 bɪˈɛ:vɪəɹ, -ˈhɛ:v- [ sylls] / -z told Luc 1326; unfold MND 1.1.209;
sp behauior2, behauiour23, unfold, untold Luc 751 / dwelled,
beginning / ~s n
behaui-our2 / behauiours8 stelled Luc 1447; excelled VA 1129
bɪˈɡɪnɪn, -ɪŋ / -z > haviour, well-behaved
sp begining1, beginning12, beholder / ~s n
begin-ning1 / beginnings2 behead / ~ed v bɪˈo:ldəɹ, -ˈho:- / -z
bɪˈed, -ˈhed / -ɪd sp beholder1 / beholders4,
begnaw / ~n v
sp behead1 / beheaded6 behol-ders1
=, bɪˈɡnɔ: / -n > head
sp begnaw1 / begnawne1 beholding adj / n
> gnaw beheld bɪˈo:ldɪn, -ɪŋ, -ˈho:-
> behold
begot, begotten sp beholding19, be-holding1 /
> beget behest / ~s n
bɪˈest, -ˈhe- / -s behoof n
begotten adj
sp behest1 / behests1 bɪˈʊf, -ˈhʊf, -ˈu:f, -ˈhuːf
= rh blest Cym 5.4.122 / breasts, nests
sp behoofe1
sp begotten1 Luc 852
rh aloof, proof LC 165


behove n beldame adj rh dwell S 71.2; knell MV 3.2.71, Tem

bɪˈɤv, -ˈhɤv, -ˈu:v, -ˈhu:v ˈbeldəm 1.2.405; knell, tell Luc 1493; well VA
702 [passing bell] / tells Luc 511
sp behoue1 sp beldame1
> alarum-, hare-bell
rh love Ham 5.1.63
beldame / ~s n belle Fr adj
behove / ~s v ˈbeldəm / -z bɛl
bɪˈɤv, -ˈhɤv, -ˈu:v, -ˈhu:v / -z sp beldam1 / beldames1, beldams1
sp belle1
sp behooue1, behoue1 / behooues3,
behoues1 belee / ~d v bellied adj
bɪˈli:d ˈbeləɪd
behoveful adj sp be-leed1
bɪˈɤvfəl, -ˈhɤv-, -ˈu:v-, sp belly’d1
Belgia n > big-, gor-bellied
sp behoouefull1 ˈbeldʒə, -dʒɪə bellied v
sp Belgia2 > belly v
behowl / ~s v
bɪˈəʊlz, -ˈhəʊ- belie / ~est / ~d v bellman n
sp emend of MND 5.1.362 bɪˈləɪ / -st / -d =
beholds sp bely3, belye5, be-lye-[her]1 / sp bell-man1
beliest1 / belied3, belyed2
being n rh spied Luc 1533; wide S 140.13 Bellona / ~’s n
ˈbi:ɪn, -ɪŋ bɪˈlo:nəz
sp being16
belief n
sp Bellona’s1
being v sp beleefe12 bellow / ~ing / ~ed v
> be ˈbelə, -lo: / m ˈbelwɪn, -ɪŋ,
believ·e / ~est / ~es / ~ing /
Bel / ~’s n -ləw-, -lo:- / ˈbeləd, -lo:d
~ed v
sp bellow1 / bellowing1, bellow’d1 /
= = / bɪˈli:v·st / = / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / = bellowed1
sp Bels1 sp beleeue225, ’beleeue 1, belieue1,
be-leeue’t [believe it]4, beleeu’t bellowing n
Belario / ~’s n [believe it]5 / beleeuest1, beleeu’st1 / m ˈbelwɪn, -ɪŋ, -ləw-, -lo:-
m bɪˈlarɪo: [  sylls], -rɪˈo: / beleeues4 / beleeuing4, be-leeuing1 /
sp bellowing1
bɪˈlarɪo:z beleeued3, belee-ued1, beleeu’d12
sp Belario1, Bellario7 / Bellarioes1 rh 1 give H8 Prol.8; rh 2 sleeve CE bellows n
3.2.21, TC 5.3.95
ˈbeləz, -lo:z
Belarius n > misbelieving, unbelieved
sp bellowes1
bɪˈlarɪəs [  sylls]
believing adj
sp Belarius11, Bellarius2 bellows-mender n
bɪˈli:vɪn, -ɪŋ
1 ˈbeləz-ˌmendəɹ, -lo:z-
belch v sp beleeuing
sp bellowes-mender3
= > mend
belike adv
sp belch4
bɪˈləɪk bell-weather n
Belch [name] n sp belike40, be-like3
= > like
sp bell-weather1, bel-weather1
sp Belch2 > weather
bell / ~s n
belching adj = bell·y / ~y’s / ~ies n
ˈbeltʃɪn, -ɪŋ sp bell32, [Windsor]-bell1 / belles2,
ˈbeləɪ / -z
sp belching1 bells5, bels7
sp bel-lie1, bellies [belly is]1, belly35 /
bellies2 / bellies1, bellyes1
> great-, thin-belly


bell·y /~ied v below adv / n / prep bencher n

ˈbeləɪ / -d bɪˈlo: ˈbentʃəɹ
sp belly1 / bellied1 sp below19, be-low1 / below1 / sp bencher1
Belman n rh adv blow Per 2.Chorus.30; go bench-hole / ~s n
= Ham 3.3.97, VA 923 ˈbentʃ-ˌo:lz, -ˌho:-
sp Belman1 sp bench-holes1
belt n
Belmont n = bend / ~s / ~ing / ~ed /
= sp belt2 bent v
sp Belmont7 = / = / ˈbendɪn, -ɪŋ / =
Belzebub n
sp bend44 / bends2 / bending7 /
belock / ~ed v ˈbelzɪbəb bended3 / bent20
bɪˈlɒkt sp Belzebub3 rh commandment PP 20.43;
sp belockt discontent S 143.6; occident
bemet v R2 3.3.65; repent PP 18.25
belong / ~s, abbr longs / abbr bɪˈmet > unbend
longeth / ~ing, abbr longing / sp be-met1
~ed v > meet bended adj
= / = / = / bɪˈlɒŋɪn, -ɪŋ, abbr =
bemete v sp bended4
ˈlɒŋ- / =
14 16 4
sp belong / belongs , abbr longs / bending adj / n
sp be-mete1
abbr longeth2 / belonging3, abbr
> mete ˈbendɪn, -ɪŋ
longing2 / belong’d2
rh 1 among LC 254; tongue LLL sp bending7 / bending3
bemoan / ~ed v
5.2.381; young AW 1.3.125; rh 2
bɪˈmo:nd bene Ital / Lat adv
strong LC 254, S 58.11; strong, wrong
Luc 1265; wrong S 88.13 / rh 1 sp bemoan’d1 ˈbene
tongues LLL 4.3.238; rh 2 wrongs S sp been1, bene2, bien1 / emend of
bemock v LLL 5.1.28 boon1
belonging adj sp bemocke1 beneath adj / adv / prep
bɪˈlɒŋɪn, -ɪŋ =
sp belonging1
bemocked-at adj sp beneath1 / beneath3 / beneath11
belonging / ~s n sp bemockt-at-[stabs]1 benedic·o / ~ite Lat v
bɪˈlɒŋɪn, -ɪŋ / -z m ˌbeneˈdɪsɪˌti:
sp belonging1 / belongings1 bemoil / ~ed v sp benedecite1, benedicite1
bɪˈməɪld rh me RJ 2.3.27
beloved adj sp bemoil’d1
m bɪˈlɤvd, -vɪd Benedick / ~’s n
sp belou’d23, beloued15 ben Ital =
rh approved TG 5.4.44; removed S > bene
sp Benedick5, Benedicke54,
25.13 Bene-dicke2 / Benedicks3
> dear-beloved
bench / ~es n
= Benedict n
beloved n sp bench8 / benches2 =
m bɪˈlɤvd, -vɪd sp Benedict1
sp belou’d3, [well]-belou’d1, bench / ~ed v
beloued3 = benediction n
sp bench’d1 ˌbenɪˈdɪksɪən
beloving n > disbench
sp benediction4, be-nediction1
bɪˈlɤvɪn, -ɪŋ
sp belouing1


benedictus Lat adj Bentii n berhyme / ~d v

ˌbeneˈdɪktʊs ˈbentɪi: [ sylls] bɪˈrəɪm / -d
sp benedictus4 sp Bentij1 sp berime1 / berim'd1

benefactor / ~s n Bentivolii n Berkeley n

ˌbenɪˈfaktəɹz ˈbentɪˌvo:lɪi: [ sylls] ˈbɑ:ɹkləɪ
sp benefactors4 sp Bentiuolij1 sp Barkely5, Barkley3, Berkley1,
benefice n benumbed adj
= m bɪˈnɤmɪd berlady, berlaken
sp benefice1 sp benummed1 > by Our Lady

beneficial adj Benvolio n Bermoothes n

ˌbenɪˈfɪsɪɑl [ sylls] m benˈvo:lɪo: [ sylls], -ɪˌo: bəɹˈmu:ðəz, -u:dəz
sp beneficiall2, bene-ficiall1 sp Benuolio14 sp Bermoothes1

benefit / ~s n bepaint v Berowne / ~’s n

m ˈbenɪˌfɪt, ˈbenfit / -s bɪˈpɛ:nt bəˈru:n / -z
sp benefit34, be-nefit1 / benefits5, sp bepaint1 sp Beroune2, Berown1, Berowne29 /
bene-fits1, benefitts1 Berowns1
bequeath / ~ing / ~ed v rh moon LLL 4.3.230
benefit v bɪˈkwe·θ, -ð; bɪˈkwi:·θ, -ð /
m ˈbenɪˌfɪt, ˈbenfit berr·y / ~ies n
-θɪn, -θɪŋ; -ðɪn, -ðɪŋ / m -θt,
sp benefit 2 ˈberəɪ / -z
-θɪd; -ðd, -ðɪd
sp berry4 / berries5, berryes1
sp bequeath9 / bequeathing2 /
benet / ~ted v rh cherry Per 5.Chorus.6 / cherries
bequeath’d2, bequeathed4
bɪˈnetɪd rh breath, death Luc 1181, MND
VA 1104
sp benetted1 3.2.166 / breathed, unsheathed Bertram / ~’s n
Luc 1727
benevolence / ~s n ˈbɐ:ɹtrəm / -z
= berattle / ~ed v sp Bertram12, Bertrame1 /
sp beneuolence / beneuolences 1
sp be-ratled1 Berwick n
benison n
m ˈbenɪˌzɒn bereave / ~s / ~d / bereft v ˈberɪk
sp Barwicke2, Barwicke1
sp benizon2, benyson1 bɪˈrɛ:v / -z / m bɪˈrɛ:vɪd / =
rh conversation Per 2.Chorus.10, sp bereaue3 / bereaues1 / bescreen / ~ed v
gone KL 1.1.265 bereaued1 / bereft16
rh leaves VA 797 / left, theft Luc 835;
Bennet n sp bescreen’d1
left CE 2.1.40, S 5.11, Tim 5.4.70;
= > screen
bereft me left me VA 439
sp Bennet2
bereaved adj beseech / ~ing / ~ed v
bent adj m bɪˈrɛ:vɪd =, Fluellen H .. pɪˈsi:tʃ /
= sp bereaued1
bɪˈsi:tʃɪn, -ɪŋ / =
sp bent4 sp beseech221, ’beseech 8,
rh merriment MND 3.2.145 Bergamo n beseech’1, be-seech1, Fluellen
> unbent ˈbɐ:ɹɡəmo: peseech1 / beseeching3 / beseech’d1
rh 1 speech CE 4.2.16; teach TC
sp Bergamo1
bent / ~s n 1.2.293; beseech thee teach thee VA
= bergomask n 404; beseech you teach you Per
4.4.7; rh 2 liege R2 5.3.91 /
sp bent12 / bents1 ˈbɐ:ɹɡəmask
empleached, enriched LC 207
sp bergomask1, burgomaske1


beseek v besmirch / ~ed v bested adj

bɪˈsi:k bɪˈsmɐ:ɹtʃ / -t =
sp beseeke1 sp besmerch1, besmyrcht1 sp bestead1

beseem / ~s / ~eth / ~ing v besom n best-esteemed adj

bɪˈsi:m / -z / -əθ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ ˈbi:zəm =
sp beseeme5 / beseemes4 / sp beesome1 sp best esteemd1
beseemeth1 / beseeming2 > esteemed
besort v
beseeming adj / n bɪˈsɔ:ɹt best-governed adj
bɪˈsi:mɪn, -ɪŋ sp besort2 ˌbes-ˈɡɤvəɹnd, ˌbest-
sp beseeming1 / beseeming1 sp best gouern’d1
> ill-, well-beseeming besotted adj > govern
beset v sp be-sotted1
bestial adj
= ˈbi:stɪɑl, ˈbestɪɑl [ sylls]
sp beset6 bespeak / ~spake / sp beastiall1, bestiall1
rh cabinet Luc 444 ~spoke v
bɪˈspi:k, -spɛ:k, -spek / -ˈspɛ:k bestilled
beshrew, abbr shrew v > distilled
/ -ˈspo:k
bɪˈʃro:, abbr ʃro: 6 2 5
sp bespeake / bispake / bespoke bestir / ~red v
sp beshrew29, beshrow2, abbr
> speak bɪˈstɐ:ɹ / -d
shrew1, ’shrew1
> shrew sp bestirre2 / bestir’d1, bestirr’d1
bespice v
> stir
beside adv / prep bɪˈspəɪs
sp be-spice1 best-moving adj
19 1
sp beside , be-side / beside 10 ˌbes-ˈmɤvɪn, -ɪŋ, ˌbest-,
Bess n
rh adv bide, pride LC 32; denied R2 -mu:v-
5.3.103; pride S 103.4; provide Mac sp best mouing1
sp Besse1
3.5.19; self-applied LC 77; supplied > move
H5 1.1.18; tide VA 981
best adj / adv / n bestow / ~est / ~s / ~ing /
> side
= ~ed v
besides adv / prep sp best213 / best103 / best94
bɪˈsto: / -st / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d
bɪˈsəɪdz rh adj feast RJ 1.2.98; nest 2H6
sp bestow45, bestowe1, bestow’t
2.1.184; rest Per 2.Chorus.25; adv nest
sp besides69, be-sides1 / besides38 [bestow it]1 / bestow’st1 / bestowes5
Luc 1613; rest S 115.10; n breast 3H6
/ bestowing3 / bestow’d13,
besiege / ~d v 2.5.10, MND 2.2.151, S 110.13;
be-stow’d1, bestowed13, be-stowed2
expressed S 106.5; indigest S 114.7;
= / =, Macmorris H .. rh know AW 2.1.200, LLL 5.2.125;
rest Per 2.3.115, PP 1.6, S 91.8, TG
bɪˈsi:tʃt 1.2.21; suppressed S 138.6; unrest RJ
bestow it show it S 26.8; bestow
sp besiege7 / besiedg’d1, besieg’d3, them owe them LC 139 / rh grow’st
1.5.119; west TC 2.3.261
besieged1, Macmorris beseech’d1 S 11.3 / glowed, owed LC 326;
> good
> siege o’erflowed Per 4.4.41
Best / ~’s [name] n
beslubber v bestowing n
bɪˈslɤbəɹ bɪˈsto:ɪn, -ɪŋ
sp Bests1
sp beslubber1 sp bestowing2
> slubber best-conditioned adj
bestraught adj
besmear / ~ed ˌbes-kənˈdɪsɪənd, ˌbest-
v bɪˈstrɔ:t
sp best condition’d1
bɪˈsmi:ɹ / -d sp bestraught1
sp besmeare2 / besmear'd3
> smear


best-regarded adj betimes adv .., Evans MW ..ff

ˌbes-rɪˈɡɑ:ɹdɪd, ˌbest- bɪˈtəɪmz ˈpetəɹ
sp best regarded1 sp betimes21, be-times3 sp better286, bet-ter6, French lady
> regard bettre1, Fluellen, Evans petter4 /
betoken / VA ~ed v better147, bet-ter1 / better65
bestrew / ~ed v bɪˈto:kən / -d
bɪˈstro: / -d sp betoken1 / betokend1
better / ~s n
sp bestrew1, bestrow1 / bestrew’d1 rh opened VA 453 ˈbetəɹ / -z
> strew sp beter1, better57 / betters11
bestride / ~s / bestrid v > betake better / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
bɪˈstrəɪd / -z / bɪˈstrɪd ˈbetəɹ / -z / ˈbetrɪn, -ɪŋ / ˈbetəɹd
betossed adj
sp bestride8, bestryde1 / bestrides1 sp better4 / betters1 / bett’ring1 /
/ bestrid6
bɪˈtɒsɪd better’d1, bettered1, bettred2
> stride sp betossed1 rh debtor AY 2.3.75, Luc 1154, Per
> toss 2.1.143; fetter TN 3.1.153; letter LLL
best-tempered adj 4.1.96, Luc 1323, TG 2.1.132; greater
ˌbes-ˈtempəɹd, ˌbest- betray / ~s / ~ing / ~ed / S 119.10
sp best temper’d 1 ~edest v
> temper bɪˈtrɛ: / -z / - ɪn, -ɪŋ / m -d, -ɪd / better-fashioned adj
-dst ˈbetəɹ-ˈfaʃɪənd
bet / ~ted v sp betraie1, betray32, betray’s sp better fashion’d1
= [betray us]1 / betrayes1 / betraying1,
sp betted1 betraid8, betraide1, betraied1,
bettering n
betrayd1, betray’d7, betrayed6 / ˈbetrɪn, -ɪŋ, -tər-
betake / PP ~s / betook v betrayed’st1 sp bettering1
bɪˈtɛ:k / -s / bɪˈtʊk rh away S 96.9; may S 151.5 / days
sp betake6 / betakes1 / betooke1 Luc 160 / aid 1H6 1.1.144 better-tempered adj
rh wake Luc 125 [Q] / makes PP 8.12 > fore-betrayed ˈbetəɹ-ˈtempəɹd
sp better temper’d2
beteem v betrayed adj
bɪˈti:m m bɪˈtrɛɪd betting n
sp beteeme1, beteene1 sp betrayed1 ˈbetɪn, -ɪŋ
sp betting1
bethink / bethought v betrim / ~s v
bɪˈθɪŋk / bɪˈθɔ:t bɪˈtrɪm / -z between adv / n
sp bethink , bethinke 19
/ sp betrims1 =
bethought4 rh brims Tem 4.1.65 sp betweene8 / betweene1
> broker-, goer-between
bethump / ~ed v betroth / ~s / ~ed v
bɪˈθɤmt, -mpt bɪˈtro:ðz / -ðd between, abbr tween prep
sp bethumpt 1 sp betrothes1 / betroathd1, =
> thump betroath’d1, betroth’d5 sp between25, betweene179,
> true-betrothed be-tweene13, between’s [between
betide / ~th / betid v us]2, betweene’s [between us]2, abbr
bɪˈtəɪd / -əθ / bɪˈtɪd betrothed adj / n tween1, ’tweene12
sp betide11 / betideth2 / betid1
m bɪˈtro:ðɪd, -ðd rh between them seen them VA 355
rh provide 3H6 4.6.88 sp betrothed1 / betroathed1,
betroth’d1 betwixt, abbr twixt prep
betime adv =
bɪˈtəɪm better adj / adv / n sp betwixt52, be-twixt2, abbr twixt16,
sp betime4
ˈbetəɹ / French lady H ’twixt54
rh Valentine Ham 4.5.49 .. ˈbetrə, Fluellen H


bevel S adj bewitchment n bidding / ~s n

= = ˈbɪdɪn, -ɪŋ / -z
sp beuel1 sp bewitchment1 sp bidding4 / biddings1
rh level S 121.11
bewray / ~ed v biddy n
beveridge n bɪˈrɛ: / -d ˈbɪdəɪ
m ˈbevəˌrɪdʒ sp bewray6 / bewray’d1 sp biddy1
sp beueridge1 rh away KL 3.6.109 [Q] / rh 1 aid
Luc 1698; rh 2 said Luc 1698, PP bid·e / ~es / ~ing v
Bevis n 18.54 bəɪd / -z / ˈbəɪdɪn, -ɪŋ
ˈbi:vɪs sp bide13 / bides4 / biding1
sp Beuis2
beyond adv / prep rh aside S 139.8; beside, pride LC 33;
= side MND 3.2.186 / dividing, hiding
bevy n sp beyond4 / beyond54, be-yond1 Luc 550
sp beuy1
Bezonian / ~s n biding n
bɪˈzo:nɪən / -z ˈbəɪdɪn, -ɪŋ
bewail / ~s v sp Bezonian1 / Bezonions1 sp biding1
bɪˈwɛ:l / -z
sp bewaile2 / bewayles1
Bianca / ~s n bien Fr adv
> unbewailed bɪˈaŋka / -z bjɛ̃
sp Bianca55, Bianeu1 / Biancas2, sp bien3
bewailing adj Bianca’s4
bɪˈwɛ:lɪn, -ɪŋ bier n
sp bewailing 1 bias n bi:ɹ
ˈbəɪəs sp beer1, beere4
beware v 6
sp bias , byas 6
rh here R2 5.6.52, RJ 3.2.60, TNK
bɪˈwɛ:ɹ 3.6.308; tear [cry] Ham 4.5.166
sp beware29
bibble-babble n
rh care Tem 2.1.309 =, Fluellen H .. ˈpɪbəl- big / ~er adj
> ware interj ˈpabəl =, Fluellen H .. pɪg /
sp bibble babble1, Fluellen pibble ˈbɪɡəɹ
beweep / bewept v ba-ble1 sp big21, bigge26 / bigger14, big-ger1
bɪˈwi:p / bɪˈwept > babble
sp beweepe3 / bewept3 bigamy n
Bible n m ˈbɪɡəˌməɪ
bewet v Caius MW .. ˈpəɪbəl sp bigamie1
bɪˈwet sp Caius Pible 1

sp bewet1 big-bellied adj

bickering / ~s n m ˌbɪɡˈbeləɪd
bewhore / ~d v ˈbɪkrɪnz, -ɪŋz, -kər- sp big bellied1
bɪˈo:ɹd sp bickerings1 > belly
sp bewhor’d1
> whore bid / ~st / ~s / ~ding / bade / big-boned adj
baddest / bidden v ˈbɪg-ˌbo:nd
bewitch, abbr witch / ~ed v =, Evans MW .. pɪd / -st / -z / sp big-bon’d-[men]1
= / m bɪˈwɪtʃ·t, -ɪd ˈbɪdɪn, -ɪŋ / bad / -st / = > bone
sp bewitch1, be-witch1, abbr ’witch
sp bid329, bidde3, Evans MW 5.4.3
/ bewicht1, bewitch’d3, bewitched1, biggen n
pid1 / bidst4, bid’st1 / biddes1, bids56,
byds1 / bidding21 / bad43, bade1 /
> witch sp biggen1
badst1, bad’st1 / bidden1
> out-, un-bid; unbidden


bigness n bind / ~s / ~eth / bound v birthplace n

= bəɪnd / -z / ˈbəɪndəθ / bəʊnd ˈbɐ:ɹθplɛ:s
sp bignesse1 sp bind3, binde38 / bindes2, binds2 / sp birth-place1
bindeth1 / bound165 > place
bigot n rh kind S 134.8; Rosalind AY 3.2.103
= > all-binding, bound, unbind birthright / ~s n
sp bigot 6 ˈbɐ:ɹθrəɪt / -s
Biondello n sp birth-right4 / birth-rights1
big-swollen adj ˌbi:ənˈdelo: > right
ˈbɪɡ-ˌswo:ln sp Biondello26
sp big-swolne2
birth-strangled adj
> swell
birch n m ˌbɐ:ɹθ-ˈstraŋɡld
bɐ:ɹtʃ sp birth-strangled1
bilberry n sp birch 1
> strangle
m ˈbɪlbrəɪ, -bər-
sp bill-berry1
bird / ~s n bis Lat adv
rh sluttery MW 5.5.45 bɐ:ɹd / -z bɪs
sp bird38, [Arabian]-bird1 / birds33 sp bis2
bilbo / ~es n rh herds VA 455
ˈbɪlbo: / -z biscuit n
sp bilbo1, bilboe1 / bilboes1
birdbolt / ~s n =
ˈbɐ:ɹdˌbo:lt / -s sp bisket2
bilbo sp birdbolt1 / bird-bolts1
> elbow bishop / ~s n
birding-piece / ~s n =
bill / ~s n ˈbɐ:ɹdɪn-ˌpi:sɪz, -ɪŋ- sp bishop25, byshop2 / bishops15,
= sp birding-peeces 1
sp bil1, bill15, byll1 / billes7, bils6, > a-birding, piece > archbishop
rh quill MND 3.1.119 / gills VA 1102 birdlime n bisson adj
ˈbɐ:ɹdˌləɪm ˈbi:səm, ˈbɪsən
bill / ~ing v
sp birdlyme1 sp beesome1, bisson1
= / ˈbɪlɪn, -ɪŋ
sp bill1 / billing1 Birnam n bit / ~s n
> a-billing ˈbɐ:ɹnən, -nəm =
sp Birnan1, Birnane2, Byrnane4, sp bit1, bitt1, bitte1 / bits6
billet / ~s n
Byrnam1, Byrnan2 rh wits LLL 1.1.26
sp billets1 birth / ~s n bit v
bɐ:ɹθ / -s > bite
billet / ~ed v
sp birth72, byrth7, emend of Ham
ˈbɪlɪtɪd 1.1.160 birch1 / births5
bitch / ~es n
sp billetted1, billited1 rh earth 1H4 3.1.13, MW 5.5.83, Per
1.2.114, 4.4.38; mirth LLL 5.2.518 sp bitch1 / bitches1
billiards n
ˈbɪlɪəɹdz birthday n bitch-wolf / ~’s n
sp billiards 1
ˈbɐ:ɹθdɛ: =
sp birth-day2 sp bitch-wolfes-[sonne]1
billing > wolf
> a-billing birthdom n
ˈbɐ:ɹθdəm bit·e / ~s / bit / bitten v
billow / ~s n bəɪt / -s / =
sp birthdome1
ˈbɪlə, -lo: / -z sp bite37, bight1, byte1 / bites9 / bit4
sp billow2 / billowes5 / bitten1


rh light R2 1.3.292 [Q]; white KL blackamoor n bladed adj

3.6.66 ˈblakəmɔ:ɹ ˈblɛ:dɪd
> back-bite, unbitted
sp black-a-moore1, blacke a moore1 sp bladed2
biting adj / n
blackberr·y / ~ies n blain / ~s n
ˈbəɪtɪn, -ɪŋ
5 1 2 ˈblakbrəɪ, -bər- / -z blɛ:nz
sp biting , bi-ting , byting /
by-ting1, byting1 sp black-berry1 / black-berries1, sp blaines1
> sheep-biting black-berryes1
blame / ~s n
bitten adj black-browed adj blɛ:m / -z
= ˈblakˌbrəʊd, -ˌbro:d sp blame18 / blames2
sp bitten1 sp blackebrow'd1, blacke browd1 rh defame, shame Luc 767; name CE
> fly-, weather-bitten 3.1.45, VA 796; name, shame Luc 620;
black-cornered adj shame 1H6 4.5.47, Luc 224, 1259,
bitter / ~est adj ˌblak-ˈkɒɹnəɹd 1343, R3 5.1.29, S 129.3
ˈbɪtəɹ / ˈbɪtrəst, -tər- sp blacke-corner'd1 > wilful-blame
71 1
sp bitter , bitter-[sweeting] /
black-faced adj blame / ~d v
ˈblakˌfɛ:st blɛ:m / -d
bitterest n sp black-fac’d1 sp blame61 / blam’d3, blamed2
ˈbɪtrəst > face rh dame PP 18.3; name VA 992;
sp bittrest1 same LLL 1.2.98; shame Ham 4.5.62
Blackfriars n
bitterly adv m ˌblakˈ frəɪɹz blameful adj
ˈbɪtəɹləɪ sp Black-Fryers 1 ˈblɛ:mfʊl
sp bitterly9 sp blamefull3
Blackheath n
bitterness n ˌblakˈɛ:θ, -ˈhɛ:θ, -ˈi:θ, -ˈhi:θ blameless adj
ˈbɪtəɹˌnes, -ɹnəs sp Black-Heath 1 ˈblɛ:mləs
sp bitternes1, bit-ternesse1, > heath sp blamelesse2
Blackmere n Blanche n
blab / ~s / ~bed v ˈblakˌmɛ:ɹ blɔ:nʃ
= sp Blackmere1 sp Blanch10, Blaunch3
sp blab2 / blabs1 / blab’d2
blackness n blanched adj
blabbing adj = blɔ:nʃt
ˈblabɪn, -ɪŋ sp blacknesse2, blacknessse1 sp blanch’d1
sp blabbing1
Black Prince n blank adj
black / ~er / ~est adj = =
=, Fluellen H .. plak / sp Black-Prince2, Black Prince1, sp blanke3, blancke-[space]1
ˈblak·əɹ / -əst, -st black Prince1 > point-blank
sp black25, black-[browes]1,
blacke113, Fluellen placke1 / blacker3, bladder / ~s n blank / ~s n
black-er1 / blackest2, black’st1 ˈbladəɹ / -z =
rh alack MND 5.1.167; back Luc sp bladder1 / bladders2 sp blanke6 / blankes3
1585; crack LLL 4.3.264; lack LLL
4.3.251, Oth 1.3.287, S 127.9, 132.13 blade / ~s n blank / ~s v
> coal-, hell-black blɛ:d / -z =
black / ~s n sp blade10 / blades3 sp blanke1 / blankes1
rh shade Luc 505, MND 5.1.145
sp blacks1


blank-charter / ~s n blaz·e / ~ing / ~d v bleed / ~est / ~s / ~eth / ~ing /

ˌblaŋk-ˈtʃɑ:ɹtəɹz blɛ:z / ˈblɛ:zɪn, -ɪŋ / blɛ:zd bled v
sp blanke-charters1 sp blaze4 / blazing1 / blaz’d2 = / bli:dst / = / = / ˈbli:dɪn, -ɪŋ /
rh amazed, gazed Luc 1353 =
blanket n > emblaze
sp bleed22, bleede10 / blee-dest1,
= bleed’st3 / bleedes3, bleeds4 /
sp blanket5, blan-ket1
blazing adj
bleedeth1 / bleeding13 / bled3
ˈblɛ:zɪn, -ɪŋ rh agreed R2 1.1.157; decreed Per
blaspheme / ~ing v sp blazing1 1.1.59; deed Luc 1732, Tit 5.3.64; deed,
= / blasˈfi:mɪn, -ɪŋ exceed Luc 228; indeed VA 669; suc-
sp blaspheme3 / blaspheming1
blazon n ceed H5 Epil.12; weed VA 1056 / deeds,
ˈblɛ:zən proceeds Luc 1824; proceeds Luc 1551;
blaspheming adj sp blason1, blazon3 sheeds Luc 1551 / needing PP 17.15
blasˈfi:mɪn, -ɪŋ > a-bleeding
sp blaspheming1
blazon / ~est / ~ing v
ˈblɛ:zən / -st / -ɪn, -ɪŋ, bleeding adj / n
blasphemous adj ˈblɛ:znɪn, -ɪŋ ˈbli:dɪn, -ɪŋ
= sp blason1 / blazon’st1 / blazoning1 sp bleeding13 / bleeding1
sp blasphe-mous 1 > mother-bleeding
blazoning adj
blasphemy n ˈblɛ:znɪn, -ɪŋ, -zən- blemish / ~es n
m ˈblasfəˌməɪ sp blazoning 1 =
sp blasphemie1, blasphemy2 sp blemish5 / blemishes3
bleach / ~ing n rh replenish Luc 1358
blast / ~s n ˈbli:tʃɪn, -ɪŋ
blast / -s blemish / ~ed v
sp bleaching1
5 1
sp blast / blastes , blasts 5 =
rh 1 fast Luc 1335; last Per Epil.5; bleach / ~ing v sp blemish3 / blemish’d2
rh 2 haste Luc 1335 = / ˈbli:tʃɪn, -ɪŋ
blemished adj
sp bleach1 / bleaching1
blast / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v =
blast / -s / ˈblast·ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd bleak adj sp blemish’d1, blemisht1
5 1 2
sp blast / blasts / blasting / =
blench v
sp bleake4
> star-blasting =
blear / ~ed v sp blench5
blasted adj bli:ɹd
ˈblastɪd blend / ~ed / blent v
sp bleer’d1
sp blasted3 =
> half-blasted bleared adj sp blend1 / blended1 / blent2
m ˈbli:rɪd rh amend, tend LC 215
blasting adj
sp bleared2
ˈblastɪn, -ɪŋ blended adj
sp blasting 1
bleat n =
= sp blended1
blastment / ~s n 1
sp bleat
ˈblastmənts bless / ~es / ~eth / ~ing /
rh feat MA 5.4.51
sp blastments1 ~ed v
bleat / ~s / ~ed v =, Fluellen H ..ff, Evans
blaz·e / ~s n = MW ..ff ples / = / = /
blɛ:z / ˈblɛ:zɪz sp bleat2, bleate1 / bleates1 / ˈblesɪn, -ɪŋ / blest
sp blaze4 / blazes1 bleated1 sp bless1, blesse96, ’blesse3,
[heauen]-blesse1, Fluellen plesse4,


Evans ’plesse3, [Got]-plesse1 / blinded adj blistered adj

blesses1 / blesseth1 / blessing1 / bləɪndɪd ˈblɪstəɹd
bless’d7, blessed3, blest39
sp blinded1 sp blistred1
rh 1 cesse AW 5.3.71; confess VA
1119; rh 2 peace MND 5.1.407 / blindfold adj blithe adj
beast VA 328; behest Cym 5.4.121;
crest MW 5.5.64; rest AW 2.1.208,
ˈbləɪnfo:ld, -ndf- bləɪð
MND 5.1.409; blessed them rest sp blindfold1 sp blithe2, blythe1
them TG 3.1.146 > fold
> unblessed
Blithild n
blinding adj ˈblɪtɪld
blessed adj ˈbləɪndɪn, -ɪŋ sp Blithild1
m ˈblesɪd, blest, Evans MW sp blinding2
.. ˈplesɪd block / ~s n
1 3 66 15
blindly adv =
sp bles’d , bless’d , blessed , blest
Evans plessed-[will]1
ˈbləɪnləɪ, -ndl- sp block4, blocke11 / blockes4,
sp blindely1 blocks1
blessedly adv
ˈblesɪdləɪ blindness n blockhead n
sp blessedly 2 ˈbləɪnəs, -ndn- ˈblɒked, -hed
sp blindnesse4 sp blocke-head1
blessedness n rh kindness CE 3.2.8, S 152.11, TG > head
m ˈblesɪdˌnes 4.2.46
blockish adj
sp blessednesse3 blindworm / ~s n =
blessing / ~s n ˈbləɪndwɔ:ɹmz sp blockish1
ˈblesɪn, -ɪŋ, Evans MW .. sp blinde-wormes1, blinde
wormes1 blood / ~’s / ~s n
ˈplesɪn, -ɪŋ / -z
blɤd, Fluellen H .. plɤd
sp blessing45, ’blessing2, Evans blink v
plessing1 / blessings16, bles-sings1
/ -z
= sp blood525, blood-[royall]1,
rh increasing Tem 4.1.106
sp blinke1 [maiden]-blood1, bloud87,
blew [new-shed, stranger]-bloud2,
> blow
blinking adj bloude1, [’s]blud [God’s blood]1,
ˈblɪŋkɪn, -ɪŋ Fluellen plood1 / bloods2 / bloods12,
blind adj sp blinking2 blouds2
bləɪnd rh 1 good AW 2.3.96, 1H6 2.5.128,
sp blind17, blind[man]1,
bliss n LC 162, LLL 2.1.121, Luc 655, 1029,
blind-[boyes, harpers, mans, ones]4, = Mac 3.4.135, 4.1.37, MND 5.1.275, R2
blinde48 sp blisse22 2.1.131, 5.5.113, S 109.10, 121.6, Tim
rh Inde LLL 4.3.222; find, mind Luc rh 1 amiss, iwis, kiss, this MV 2.9.67; 3.5.54, 4.2.38, Tit 5.1.49, VA 1182;
758; find S 148.13; kind KL 2.4.47; kiss Luc 389, MND 3.2.144; this MND maidenhood 1H6 4.6.16; stood 1H6
MND 1.1.235, S 113.3, 149.14; unkind 5.1.177, MV 3.2.136, Tit 3.1.149; rh 2 4.5.16, Luc 1738, VA 1122, 1169;
Tit 5.3.48 is Luc 389, MV 2.9.67 understood LC 198; wood 1H6 4.7.36,
> gravel-, hoodman-, pur-, sand- VA 742; rh 2 brood S 19.4; mood LC
blind blister / ~s n 198, MND 3.2.75; rh 3 flood, mud LC
ˈblɪstəɹ / -z 47; flood, Luc 655, 1738, TC 1.3.301 /
blind n woods Tim 4.3.535
sp blister3 / blisters2
bləɪnd > half-blooded, hot-bloodied;
blister / ~ed v heart-, life-, maiden-blood
sp blinde1
ˈblɪstəɹ / -d blood-bespotted adj
blind / ~s / ~ed v sp blister3 / blisterd1, blister’d1
bləɪnd / -z / bləɪndɪd ˈblɤd-bɪˌspɒtɪd
sp blood-bespotted1
sp blinde2 / blindes1 / blinded3


blood-boltered adj blood-sucker / ~s n blossoming adj

ˈblɤd-ˌbo:ltəɹd ˈblɤd-ˌsɤkəɹ / -z ˈblɒsmɪn, -ɪŋ, -səm-
sp blood-bolter’d1 sp blood-sucker1 / blood-suckers1 sp blossoming2

blood-consuming adj blood-sucking adj blot / ~s n

ˈblɤd-kənˌsju:mɪn, -ɪŋ m ˌblɤd-ˈsɤkɪn, -ɪŋ =
sp blood-consuming1 sp blood-sucking1 sp blot13 / blots 4, blottes1
> consume rh forgot, lot Luc 537; got S 95.11;
blood-thirsty adj not S 92.13; plot R2 4.1.324
blood-drinking adj m ˌblɤd-ˈθɐ:ɹstəɪ
m ˌblɤd-ˈdrɪŋkɪn, -ɪŋ sp blood-thirstie1
blot / ~s / ~ting / ~ted v
sp blood-drinking 3 = / = / ˈblɒtɪn, -ɪŋ / =
> drink blood·y / ~ier / ~iest adj sp blot6 / blots2 / blotting1 / blotted3
ˈblɤdəɪ, Fluellen H .. rh not LLL 4.3.239, Luc 192 / spotted
bloodhound n ˈplɤdəɪ / -əɹ / -əst Oth 5.1.35
ˈblɤdəʊnd, -həʊnd sp bloodie17, bloody170, bloudie5, blow / ~s n
sp blood-hound1 bloudy26, Fluellen ploodie1 /
> hound
blo: / -z
bloodier1 / bloodiest1
sp blow23 / blowes44, blows3
bloodied adj blood·y / ~ied v rh no, trow CE 3.1.56; woe Luc 1823
ˈblɤdəɪd / knows AC 3.11.74, LLL 5.2.291, Luc
sp bloodied1 sp blou-died1
> unbloodied blow / ~est / ~s / ~ing / ~ed /
bloodily adv
m ˈblɤdɪˌləɪ bloody-faced adj blew / blown v
sp bloodily4 ˈblɤdəɪ-ˌfɛ:st blo:, Fluellen H .. plo: /
sp bloody fac’d1
-st / -z, Fluellen H .. plo:z
bloodless adj > face / ˈblo:ɪn, -ɪŋ / blo:d / = / blo:n
ˈblɤdləs sp blow57, blowe2, Fluellen plowe1 /
sp bloodlesse 5 bloody-hunting adj blowest1 / blowes22, blows1, Fluellen
ˈblɤdəɪ-ˈɤntɪn, -ɪŋ, -ˈhɤnt- plowes1 / blowing8 / blowed1 /
blood-sacrifice n sp bloody-hunting1 blew3 / blown2, blowne26
ˌblɤd-ˈsakrɪˌfəɪs > hunt rh below Per 2.Chorus.29; know Mac
sp blood-sacrifice1 1.3.15, TC 4.5.275; snow LLL 5.2.910;
bloody-minded adj so, woe Luc 1663; so LLL 4.3.107, PP
bloodshed n ˈblɤdəɪ-ˈməɪndɪd 16.9 / grows MND 2.1.249 / growing
ˈblɤdˌʃed sp bloody-minded2
TNK 1.1.11 / own VA 778
2 > overblow
sp blood-shed > mind
> shed
bloom n blowed adj
bloodshedding n = blo:d
ˈblɤdˌʃedɪn, -ɪŋ sp blow’d1
sp bloome2
> unblowed
sp bloodshedding1
bloom / ~ed v
blood-slain adj blower-up / ~s ~ n
ˈblɤdˌslɛ:n ˈblo:ɹz-ˈɤp
sp bloom’d1
sp blowers up1
sp bloud-slaine1
> slain blossom / ~s n blowing n
= ˈblo:ɪn, -ɪŋ
blood-stained adj sp blossom1, blossome10 /
sp blowing1
m ˌblɤd-ˈstɛ:nɪd blossomes5
> fly-blowing
sp blood-stained2
> stain


blown adj Blunt / ~s [name] n boar / ~s n

blo:n blɤnt / -s bɔ:ɹ / -z
sp blowne6 sp Blunt20 / Blunts1 sp boare5, bore11 / boares1,
rh shown LLL 5.2.297 [wilde]-boares1
> fly-, half-, high-blown blunt / ~s / ~ed v rh gore VA 614, 662; more VA 711,
blɤnt / -s / ˈblɤntɪd 900; sore PP 9.10; wore VA 1105
blowze n sp blunt4 / blunts1 / blunted1
bləʊz board / ~s n
sp blowse 1 blunted adj bɔ:ɹd / -z
ˈblɤntɪd sp boord10 / boords1
Blois n sp blunted1 rh word CE 3.2.18
Fr blwɛ, Eng bləɪz > overboard
sp Bloys1 bluntly adv
ˈblɤntləɪ board / ~ing / ~ed v
blubber / ~ing v sp bluntly 3 bɔ:ɹd / ˈbɔ:ɹd·ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd
ˈblɤbrɪn, -ɪŋ sp board1, boord6 / boording1 /
sp blubbring 2 bluntness n boarded1, boorded6
ˈblɤntnəs rh word LLL 2.1.204
blue / ~est adj sp bluntnesse1
=, Fluellen H .. plu: / boarish adj
ˈblu:əst blunt-witted adj =
ˌblɤnt-ˈwɪtɪd sp boarish1
sp blew23, Fluellen plue1 / blewest1
rh ensue CE 2.2.201; hue LLL sp blunt-witted1
boar-pig n
5.2.883; knew Luc 407
blur / ~s / ~red v ˈbɔ:ɹ-ˌpɪg
blue-bottled adj blɐ:ɹ / -z / -d sp bore-pigge1
= 1 1 1 > pig
sp blurre / blurres / blurr’d
sp blew-bottel’d1
blush / ~es n boar-spear n
blue-cap / ~s n blɤʃ / ˈblɤʃɪz ˈbɔ:ɹ-ˌspi:ɹ
= sp bore-speare2
sp blush8 / blushes6
1 > spear
sp blew-cappes
> cap blush / ~est / ~es / ~ing /
boast / ~s n
~ed v
blue-eyed adj bo:st, bɒst / -s
blɤʃ / ˈblɤʃ·əst / -ɪz / -ɪn, -ɪŋ /
ˈblu:-ˌəɪd sp boast9 / boasts1
blɤʃt rh lost Luc 1193
sp blew ey’d1
sp blush39 / blushest1 / blushes4 /
> eye
blushing4 / blush’d3, blusht3 boast / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
blueish adj rh bush LLL 4.3.136 bo:st, bɒst / -s / ˈbo:st·ɪn, -ɪŋ,
= blushing adj / n ˈbɒst- / -ɪd
sp blewish1 sp boast18 / boasts1 / boasting1 /
ˈblɤʃɪn, -ɪŋ
sp blushing9, blush-in1 / blushing4 rh 1 cost S 91.12; frost LLL 1.1.102;
Blumer n
ˈblu:məɹ lost 1H6 4.5.24, VA 1077; rh 2 ghost
bluster / ~s n
S 86.11; most S 25.2
sp Blumer1 ˈblɤstəɹ / -z
sp bluster1 / blusters1 boastful adj
blunt / ~est adj
ˈbo:stfʊl, ˈbɒst-
blɤnt / ˈblɤntəst blustering adj sp boastfull1
sp blunt26 / bluntest1 ˈblɤstrɪn, -ɪŋ
sp blustring1, blust’ring1 boasting adj / n
ˈbo:stɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈbɒst-
sp boasting1 / boasting3


bodily adj sp Bohemia23, Bohe-mia1,

boat / ~s n Bohemia’s [Bohemia is]1 / Bohemia’s1
bo:t / -s
sp bodily4 Bohemian n
sp boat2, boate6 / boates3, boats3,
botes1 boding adj bo:ˈi:mɪən, -ˈhi:-
rh 1 afloat S 80.11; rh 2 wot 1H6
ˈbo:dɪn, -ɪŋ sp Bohemian1, Bohemian-[Tartar]1
sp boading2 Bohun n
boatswain n > false-, ill-boding
m bu:n
ˈbo:sən, ˈbo:tsən bodkin / ~s n sp Bohun1
sp boate-swaine1, boatswaine1,
= boil / ~s
boat-swaine1, boteswaine3, n
bote-swaine1, boson1 sp bodkin2 / bodkins1
bəɪl / -z
body / ~’s / bodies n sp byle1 / biles1, byles2
bob n pun TN 2.5.3 bile
bɒ b ˈbɒdəɪ, Fluellen H ..
sp bob1 ˈpɒdəɪ / -z boil / ~ed v
rh crab MND 2.1.49 sp baudie Q RJ 2.5.42, bodie33, bəɪl / bəɪld
1 3
bodies [body is] , bodie’s [body is] ,
sp boile1, boyle5 / boyld1, boyl’d1
bob / ~bed v body201, bo-dy1, Fluellen pody1 /
rh spoil VA 555
bɒb / -d bodies13, bodyes1 / bodies31,
sp bob2 / bobb’d2, bob’d1 bo-dies1, bodyes9 boiled adj
> any-, no-, some-body
boblibindo nonsense word sp boyl’d1
bod·y / ~ies v
ˈbɒdəɪz boiled-brains n
sp boblibindo1
sp bodies1
bobtail n > em-, un-bodied
sp boylde-braines1
ˈbɒbtɛ:l body-curer n
sp bobtaile1 boiling adj / n
1 ˈbəɪlɪn, -ɪŋ
Bocchus n sp body-curer
> curer sp boiling1, boyling1 / boyling1
sp Bochus1 bodykins n Bois n
ˈbɒdɪkɪnz, -dk- Fr bwɛ, Eng bəɪz
bod·e / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v sp Boys2
bo:d / -z / ˈbo:d·ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd sp bodykins1, body-kins1

sp boad1, boade1, bode5 / boades1, bog / ~s n boisterous adj

boads2, bodes3 / boading1 / boaded2 m ˈbəɪstrəs
sp bog1, bogge1 / bogges1, boggs1, sp boistrous2, boysterous4,
bodement / ~s n boystrous4, boyst’rous3
ˈbo:dmənts bogs1

sp boadments1, bodements1 boggle v boisterously adv

= m ˈbəɪstrəsˌləɪ
bodge / ~d v sp boysterously1
= sp boggle1

sp bodg’d1 boggler n boisterous-rough adj

ˈbɒɡləɹ ˈbəɪstrəs-ˈrɤf
bodied sp boistrous rough1
> loose-, tender-, worse-bodied sp boggeler1

Bohemia / ~’s n boîtier Fr n

bodiless adj
bo:ˈi:mɪə, -ˈhi:- / -z bwɛtˈje
sp [vn]boyteere1
sp bodilesse1


bold / ~er / ~est adj sp bolt10, boult1 / boltes1, bolts3 bondage n

bo:ld, Evans MW .. po:ld / > thunderbolt =
ˈbo:ld·əɹ / m -əst, bo:ldst bolt / ~s / ~ed v sp bondage20
sp bold128, bolde1, Evans pold1 / bo:lts / ˈbo:ltɪd
4 2
bolder / boldest , bold’st 1 bondmaid n
sp bolts1 / bolted1 ˈbɒndmɛ:d
rh behold S 131.7; behold, cold,
gold, infold, inscrolled, old, sold, told bolted adj sp bondmaide1
MV 2.7.70; cold VA 401; cold, hold
ˈbo:ltɪd bond·man / ~’s / ~men n
Luc 1559; hold S 122.11; sold R3
5.3.305; told Luc 1282, TNK Epil.11 / sp boulted2 =
shoulder LLL 5.2.108 > unbolted
sp bondman7, bond-man2 /
> over-, sudden-bold bond-mans1 / bondmen2, bond-men2
bolter / ~s n
bold-beating adj ˈbo:ltəɹz bondslave / ~s n
ˈbo:ld-ˈbi:tɪn, -ɪŋ sp boulters1 m ˈbɒndslɛ:v / bɒndˈslɛ:vz
sp bold-beating-[oathes]1 sp bondslaue2 / bond-slaues1
bolting n
> beating > slave
ˈbo:ltɪn, -ɪŋ
bolden / ~ed v sp bolting1, boulting1 bone Lat adv (in error)
ˈbo:ldənd Holofernes correction of
bolting-hutch n
sp bolden’d1, boldned1 Nathaniel LLL .. ˈbo:nɛ
ˈbo:ltɪn-ˌɤtʃ, -ɪŋ-, -ˌhɤtʃ
sp bome1, boon1, emend of LLL
bolder n sp boulting-hutch1
5.1.27 bene
bombard / ~s n
sp bolder2 bone / ~s n
ˈbɒmbəɹd, ˈbɤm- / -z
bo:n / -z
boldfaced adj sp bombard1, bumbard1 /
sp bone12 / bones74
ˈbo:ldˌfɛ:st bombards1
rh 1 alone TC 1.3.391; rh 2 one LLL
sp bold-fac’t1 5.2.332; gone VA 56; one LC 45, VA
bombast n
> face 294; rh 3 down TC 5.8.12; rh 4 none
ˈbɒmbast, ˈbɤm-
Tim 4.3.531 / groans TC 5.10.51;
boldly adv sp bombast1, bumbast2 stones KJ 4.3.10, Tim
ˈbo:ldləɪ 3.6.117
bon / ~ne Fr adj
sp boldly16 > big-, burly-, raw-boned
bɔ̃ / bɔn
boldness n sp bon3 / bon2 bone-ache n
ˈbo:ldnəs ˈbo:n-ˌɛtʃ
bona Lat
sp boldnes2, boldnesse12, sp bone-ach1
> bonus
Bona [name] n boneless adj
Bolingbroke / ~’s n ˈbo:nləs
ˈbʊlɪnbrʊk, -ɪŋ- / -s sp bonelesse
sp Bona14
sp Bollingbrooke1, Bullinbroke1,
Bullinbrook1, Bullinbrooke1, bona-roba / ~s n bonfire adj
Bullingbroke1, Bullingbrooke66,
ˌbɒnə-ˈro:bə / -z ˈbɒnfəɪɹ
Bulling-brooke1 / Bullingbrookes4 bone-fire-[light]1
rh look R2 3.4.99 sp bona-roba1 / bona-roba’s1

bond / ~s n bonfire / ~s n
bolster n / v ˈbɒnfəɪɹ / -z
ˈbo:lstəɹ =
sp bonfire1 / bonfires4, bon-fires1
sp boulster1 / boulster1 sp bond71 / bondes1, bonds21
> fire
rh fond Luc 136, Tim 1.2.64
bolt / ~s n
bo:lt / -s


bonjour Fr interj bookish adj sp booteles1, bootelesse3, bootles1,

bɔ̃ˈʒu:ɹ = bootlesse14

sp bon iour2, boon-iour1 sp bookish3 boot·y / ~ies n

> jour
book·man / ~men n ˈbu:təɪ / -z
bonnet n = sp booty3, boo-ty1 / booties1
= sp bookemen1, book-men1 bo-peep n
sp bonnet5, bonet1
book-mate / ~s n ˌbo:-ˈpi:p
bonnet / ~ted v ˈbʊk-ˌmɛ:ts sp bo-peepe1
= rh weep KL 1.4.173
sp booke-mates1
> peep
sp bon-netted1 > mate
> unbonneted Borachio n
book-oath n
bonny bɒˈratʃɪo:
adj ˈbʊk-ˌo:θ
ˈbɒnəɪ sp Borachio7, Bo-rachio1
sp book-oath1
sp bonnie3, bonny3, bony1 > oath Bordeaux adj / n
rh nonny MA 2.3.65
boon n m ˈbɔ:ɹdo:
bonos [mock Lat TN = sp Burdeux-[stuffe]1 / Burdeaux7,
..] adj Burdeux1
sp boon1, boone10
ˈbɒnɒs border / ~s n
sp bonos1
boor / ~s n
ˈbɔ:ɹdəɹ / -z
bu:ɹ / -z
bonus / ~a Lat adj sp border1 / borders1
sp boore1 / boores1
ˈbɒna borderer / ~s n
sp bona1
boorish adj
m ˈbɔ:ɹdəˌrɐ:ɹz
melius Per comparative adj sp borderers1
sp boorish1
sp melius1 bore / ~s n
boot / ~s n
rh glorious Per Prol.10 bɔ:ɹ / -z
=, bʊt / -s
sp bore1, boare1 / bores1
Bonville n sp boot13, boote14 / bootes7,
> bear
boots10, [fishermens]-boots1
rh foot 1H6 4.6.52, R2 1.1.164, TS bor·e / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v
sp Bonuill1
bɔ:ɹ / -z / ˈbɔ:ɹɪn, -ɪŋ / bɔ:ɹd
> overboots
book / ~s n sp bore1 / bores2 / boaring1 / bord1
= boot / ~s v rh restore LC 300
sp book2, booke80 / bookes32, =, bʊt / -s
books3 bore [past tense]
sp boot2, boote2 / bootes3, boots3 > bear v
rh look LLL 1.1.74, 4.2.24, 4.3.248,
Luc 615, S 59.7, 77.14; o’erlook MND booted adj Boreas n
2.2.128, S 82.4; took RJ 1.5.110 /
ˈbu:tɪd, bʊt- ˈbɒrɪəs
hooks, looks Luc 102; looks AY 3.2.5,
sp booted1 sp Boreas1
LLL 1.1.87, Luc 811, 1253, RJ 2.2.156
> copy-, horn-, love-, muster-, note-,
boot-hose n bore-sprit n
prayer-, table-book; unbookish
ˈbu:t-ˌo:z, -ho:z, ˈbʊt- ˈbɔ:ɹ-ˌsprɪt
book / ~ed v sp boot-hose1 sp bore-spritt1
= > hose
sp booke1 / book’d1 born adj
bootless adj bɔ:ɹn, Fluellen H ..ff
ˈbu:tləs, ˈbʊt- pɔ:ɹn


sp born5, borne153, borne-[deuill]1, bosom adj / v sp bottle20, [aqua-vitae]-bottle1 /

Fluellen porne3 = bottles2
rh forsworn LLL 1.1.149, 4.3.216, > twiggen-bottle
sp bosome2 / bosome1
S 66.2; horn AY 4.2.15; outworn S
> unbosom bottle-ale adj
68.3; outworn, torn Luc 1759; scorn
AW 2.3.133, Cym 4.4.54, 5.4.126, 1H6 bosom / ~s n ˈbɒtl-ˌɛ:l
4.7.40, Luc 1190, Mac 4.1.79, 5.6.23,
= sp bottle-ale2
MND 2.2.129, 3.2.124; sworn LLL > ale
5.2.284; thorn AW 1.3.126 sp bosom5, bosome112,
> base-, eldest-, first-, fool-, forest-, [glutton]-bosome1, bosome- bottled adj
hag-, hedge-, high-, low-, mean-, [multiplied]1 / bosomes27
new-, newly-, self-, still-, true-, twin-,
boss / ~ed v sp bottel’d2
un-, well-, youngest-born
= bottom / ~s n
borne sp bost1
> bear v
Bosworth n sp bottom1, bottome31, bot-tome1 /
borough / ~s n ˈbɒzwəɹθ, -ɹt bottomes2
ˈbɤrə / -z sp Bosworth1 Bottom / ~’s [name] n
sp borough1, burrough1 / boroughs1
botch / ~es n =
borrow / ~s / ~ed / ~edest v = sp Bottom1, Bottome12 / Bottomes2
ˈbɒrə, -ro: / -z / -d / -dst sp botches1 bottom v
sp borrow24, bor-row1 / borrowes3,
borrows1 / borrow’d2, borro-wed1, botch / ~ed v =
borrowed5 / borrowd’st1 = sp bottome2
rh good-morrow VA 861; morrow, > sandy-bottomed
sp botch2 / botcht1, botch’d1
sorrow Luc 1083; sorrow Luc 1498,
Oth 1.3.213, VA 961; tomorrow PP
bottomless adj
botcher / ~ers n
14.29 =
ˈbɒtʃəɹ / -z
sp bottomlesse2
borrowed adj sp botcher1 / botchers2
ˈbɒrəd, -ro:d Bouciqualt n
botchy adj
sp borrowed12, borrow-ed1 ˈbu:sɪˌkwɑl, Fr busiˈko:
> easy-borrowed sp Bouchiquald1, Bouciquall1
sp botchy1
borrower n bough / ~s n
both adj
m ˈbɒrəwəɹ, -rw- bəʊ / bəʊz
bo:θ, Jamy H .. ba:θ
sp borrower2 sp bough3, bow1 / boughes6,
sp both596, Jamy bath1
bowes2, bows1
borrowing adj / n rh growth S 99.10; oath Per 1.2.121;
rh now S 102.11, Tem 5.1.94, VA 37 /
oath, troth Luc 572; troth MND 2.2.47
m ˈbɒrəwɪn, -ɪŋ, -rw- vows AY 3.2.131
sp borrowing1 / borrowing3 both-sides adj bought
bosko / boskos nonsense ˈbo:θ-ˌsəɪdz > buy
sp both-sides1
words bounce n
> side
ˈbɒsko: / ˈbɒskɒs bəʊns
sp bosko1 / boskos1 bots n sp bounce1, bownce1
bosky adj bouncing adj
sp bots1, bottes1
ˈbɒskəɪ ˈbəʊnsɪn, -ɪŋ
sp boskie1 bottle / ~s n sp bouncing1


bound adj bount·y / ~ies n bowels n

bəʊnd ˈbəʊntəɪ / -z m ˈbəʊəlz, bəʊlz
sp bound2 sp bountie11, bounty26 / bounties5 sp bowelles1, bowels21
> brow-, earth-, gold-, un-bound > self-bounty
bower / ~s n
bound / ~s n bourbier Fr n bo:ɹ / -z
bəʊnd / bəʊndz buɹˈbje sp bower5, bowre1 / bowres1
sp bound10 / bounds18 sp bourbier1 rh flower MND 3.1.192; hour MND
rh sound RJ 3.2.125 / hounds MND 3.2.7; power S 127.7 / flowers TN
3.2.65 Bourbon n 1.1.42
m ˈbu:ɹbən
bound / ~eth / ~ing / ~ed / sp Bourbon2, Burbon5
bower v
~en v bo:ɹ
bəʊndz / ˈbəʊnd·əθ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / Bourgogne n sp bower1
- ɪd / - ə n m ˈbu:ɹɡɔɪn
sp Bourgougne1, Burgogne1
bow-hand n
sp bounds2 / boundeth1 /
bounding1 / bounded2 / bounden2
ˈbo:-ˌand, -ˌhand
rh confound Per 5.2.13 [Chorus];
bourn n sp bow hand1
ground VA 226; round Luc 1501; bɔɹn
bound-a sound-a TNK 3.5.65 [song] sp borne3, bourne3
bowl / ~s n
/ wounds VA 265 bəʊl, bo:l / -z
> a-, re-bound bout / ~s n sp bole1, bowl1, bowle8 / bowles5
bəʊt / -s rh 1 foal MND 2.1.47; rh 2 owl LLL
bounded adj sp bout1, bowt3 / bowts1 5.2.914
sp bounded1 bow / ~s [weapon] n bowl / ~ed v
bo: / -z bəʊl, bo:l / -d
bounding adj sp bow15, bowe3 / bowes3 sp boule2 / bowl’d1
ˈbəʊndɪn, -ɪŋ rh doe Luc 580, TC 3.1.113; go MND rh foul, owl LLL 4.1.139
sp bounding1 3.2.101; know LLL 4.1.110, Tem
4.1.86; woe Per 5.1.247
bowler n
boundless adj > stone-bow ˈbəʊləɹ, ˈbo:l-
ˈbəʊndləs sp bowler1
sp bound-lesse , boundlesse 5 bow [head] / ~s / ~ing /
~ed v bowling n
bounteous adj bəʊ / -z / ˈbəʊɪn, -ɪŋ / bəʊd ˈbəʊlɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈbo:l-
ˈbəʊntɪəs [ sylls] sp bow22, bowe4 / bowes8 / sp bowling1
sp bounteous bowing2 / bow’d12, bowed2
rh allow, vow Luc 1846; now KL
bow-string / ~s n
bounteously adv 3.6.107 [Q], S 90.3, 120.3, VA 99, 1061 ˈbo:-ˌstrɪŋ / -z
m ˈbəʊntɪəsˌləɪ [ sylls] / growing Tem 4.1.113 / proud Luc sp bow-string1 / bow-strings1
sp bounteously 1 1372; vowed LLL 4.2.108, PP 5.4 > string
> unbowed
bountiful adj bow-wow interj
m ˈbəʊntɪˌfʊl, -ɪf- bow-boy / ~’s n ˈbəʊ-ˈwəʊ
sp bountifull6, boun-tifull1
ˈbo:-ˌbəɪz sp bowgh wawgh1, bowgh-wawgh1
sp bowe-boyes1 rh dow Tem 1.2.382
bountifully adv
ˈbəʊntɪˌfʊləɪ, -ɪfləɪ bow-case n box / ~es n
sp bountifully 1 ˈbo:-ˌkɛ:s =
sp bow-case1 sp box12, boxe6 / boxes1
> case


box-tree n brabbler n bragged adj

= ˈbrabləɹ =
sp box tree1 sp brabler2 sp bragg’d1
> tree
Braby bragging adj / n
boy / ~’s / ~s / ~s’ n > Bracy ˈbraɡɪn, -ɪŋ, Fluellen H ..
bəɪ / -z, Fluellen H .. pəɪz ˈpraɡɪn, -ɪŋ
brace n
sp boy365 / boyes4, [blind]-boyes1 / sp bragging5, Fluellen pragging1 /
boies1, boyes77, [hem]-boyes1,
Fluellen poyes1 / boyes1 sp brace16
rh coy VA 95; destroy 1H6 4.6.24, bragless adj
VA 344; employ MND 3.2.375; joy
brace / ~d v
MND 2.1.26, R2 5.3.95, VA 403; toy brɛ:st
sp braglesse1
TN 5.1.386, TS 2.1.396, VA 32; Troy sp brac’d1
TC 5.3.35 / joys Cym 5.5.107; > unbraced braid adj
noise CE 3.1.62; toys Cym 4.2.194, LLL
bracelet / ~s n brɛ:d
sp braide1
> school-, sea-, ship-, tom-boy ˈbrɛ:slɪt / -s
rh maid AW 4.2.73
sp bracelet3 / bracelets2
boy v > unbraided
bəɪ brach n brain / ~s / ~s’ n
sp boy1 bratʃ brɛ:n, Evans MW .., ..
sp brach4, brache1
Boyet n prɛ:n / brɛ:nz, Evans MW
bəˈjet Bracy n .., Fluellen H .., 
sp Boyet15, also sp Boiet2 in speech ˈbrɛ:səɪ prɛ:nz / brɛ:nz
prefixes sp emend of 1H4 2.4.327 Braby1 sp brain3, braine66, brayne2, Evans
rh debt LLL 5.2.334 praine2 / braines1 / braines41,
brag / ~s n [boylde]-braines1, brains2,
boyish adj = [bastard]-braynes, Evans, Fluellen
ˈbəɪɪʃ sp bragge4 / bragges2
sp boyish2 rh again VA 910, 1040; contain
brag / ~s / ~ging / ~ged v S 77.11; reign RJ 2.3.33; remain
boy-queller n S 122.1; Spain LLL 1.1.163; twain Ham
= / = / ˈbraɡɪn, -ɪŋ / =
ˈbəɪ-ˌkweləɹ sp brag6, bragge2 / brags5 /
> lack-, mad-, tickle-brain
sp boy-queller1 bragging1 / bragg’d1
> quell
brain / ~ed v
braggard / ~s n
Boys brɛ:n / -d
ˈbraɡəɹd / -z
> Bois sp braine3 / brain’d2
sp braggard1 / braggards1
> dull-, fat-, hare-brained
Brabant n > braggart
m ˈbrabənt, -ɔ:nt braggardism n
Brainford n
sp Brabant5 ˈbrɛ:nfəɹd
sp Braineford1, Brainford3
Brabantio n sp bragadisme1
braˈbansɪo: brainish adj
braggart / ~s n
sp Brabantio10 ˈbrɛ:nɪʃ
ˈbraɡəɹt / -s
sp brainish1
brabble n sp bragart2, braggart11 / braggarts1,
braggerts1 brainless adj
> braggard
sp brabble 2 ˈbrɛ:nləs
sp brainlesse1


brain-pan n brand / ~s / ~ed v brave Fr adj

ˈbrɛ:n-ˌpan = bra:v
sp brain-pan1 sp brand1 / brands1 / branded3 sp braue1

brainsick adj brandish / ~ed v bravely adv

ˈbrɛ:n-ˌsɪk = ˈbrɛ:vləɪ
sp braine-sick1, braine-sicke2, sp brandish3 / brandish’d1, sp brauely35
brainsicke1, brain-sicke1 brandisht1
> sick bravery n
brandished adj m ˈbrɛ:vrəɪ, -vər-
brainsickly adv = sp brauerie1, brauery4, brau’ry1
ˈbrɛ:n-ˌsɪkləɪ sp brandisht2 rh knavery TS 4.3.57
sp braine-sickly1
Brandon n bravest n
brake / ~s n = ˈbrɛ:vəst
brɛ:k / -s sp Branden1, Brandon4 sp brauest1
6 2
sp brake / brakes
rh ache VA 876; take MND 3.2.15 Brandusium n braving adj
branˈdu:zɪʊm ˈbrɛ:vɪn, -ɪŋ
Brakenbury n sp Brandusium1 sp brauing1
m ˈbrakənbrəɪ > air-braving
sp Brakenbury4 bras Fr n
bra brawl / ~s n
bramble / ~s n sp bras2 brɔ:l, brɑ:l / -z, Fluellen H
= .. prɔ:lz
sp brambles1 brass adj / n sp brall2, braule2, brawle3 / bralles1,
bras braules2, brawles1, Fluellen prawles1
bran n sp brasse2 / brasse12 rh all RJ 3.1.143
= > night-brawler
sp bran6, branne1 brassy adj
ˈbrasəɪ brawl / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
branch / ~es n sp brassie1 brɔ:l, brɑ:l / -z / ˈbrɔ:lɪn, -ɪŋ,
branʃ, brɔ:- / ˈbranʃɪz, ˈbrɔ:- ˈbrɑ:- / brɔ:ld, brɑ:ld
sp branch12, [top]-branch1 / brat / ~s n sp braul1, brawle7 / brawles1 /
branches15, [virgin]-branches1 = brauling2 / braul’d1
sp brat8 / brats4
branch v brawling adj / n
branʃ, brɔ:- brave / ~er / ~est adj ˈbrɔ:lɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈbrɑ:-
sp braunch1 brɛ:v, Fluellen H ..ff sp brawling3 / brawling2
prɛ:v / ˈbrɛ:v·əɹ / -əst
branched adj brawn adj
sp braue142, Fluellen praue4 /
branʃt, brɔ:- brauer9 / brauest3 =
sp branch’d1 sp brawn1
brave / ~s n
branchless adj brɛ:v / -z brawn / ~s n
ˈbranʃləs, ˈbrɔ:- 2
sp braue / braues 3 =
sp branchlesse1 sp brawne4 / brawnes1
brav·e / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
brand / ~s n brɛ:v / -z / ˈbrɛ:vɪn, -ɪŋ / brɛ:vd bray n
= sp braue13 / braues1 / brauing3 / brɛ:
sp brand4 / brands6 brau’d6, braued2 sp bray1
rh hand S 111.5, 154.2 > outbrave
> firebrand


bray / ~ed v breakes25, breaks2 / breaking13 / 1183; unrest Luc 1723 / rh 2 east LLL
brɛ: / -d brake2 / broke83, brok’s [broke his]1 4.3.223; feast Per 3.Chorus.3 /
/ broken25 behests, nests Luc 851; guests, rests
sp bray1 / braid1
rh speak Ham 3.2.197, LLL 1.1.131, Luc 1122
braying n Luc 1270, 1716, Mac 4.3.210, S 34.5, > a-, red-breast
TC 3.3.215, VA 222 / speaks Luc 566
ˈbrɛ:ɪn, -ɪŋ / speaking TC 4.4.16 / spoke MND breast / ~ing / ~ed v
sp braying1 1.1.175 / open S 61.3, VA 47 ˈbrestɪn, -ɪŋ / =
> heart-, out-break; broke, unbroke sp bresting1 / brested1
braze / ~d v
brɛ:zd breaker n breast-deep adj
sp braz’d2 ˈbrɛ:kəɹ =
sp breaker2 sp brest deepe1
brazen adj > horseback-, promise-breaker > deep
sp brasen1, brazen9, brazon1, breakfast n / v breastplate n
brazon-[face]1 = ˈbrestˌplɛ:t
sp breakefast3, breakfast7, sp brest-plate1
brazen-faced adj break-fast4 / breakefast1 > plate
sp brazen-fac’d1 breaking adj / n breath / ~s n
> face ˈbrɛ:kɪn, -ɪŋ =
sp breaking4 / breaking7 sp breath190, breathe2, breth5 /
brazier n > oath-, rib-breaking breathes3, breaths4
ˈbrɛ:zɪəɹ rh 1 death 2H4 4.2.123, 1H6 4.3.41,
sp bras-ier1 breakneck n 4.6.4, 4.7.24, KJ 4.2.246, LLL 4.3.106,
ˈbrɛ:kˌnek Luc 400, 1180, 1777, Mac 5.6.9, MND
breach / ~es n sp breake-neck1 3.2.168, PP 16.8, R2 1.3.66, 173, 232,
bri:tʃ / ˈbri:tʃɪz > neck 3.2.185, 5.3.71, R3 5.3.173, S 99.11, TC
sp breach31, breech1 / breaches1 4.1.74, 5.8.3, TN 2.4.52, VA 414, 510,
> before-, faith-, promise-breach break-promise n 929, 934, 1172; death, vanisheth Luc
ˈbrɛ:k-ˌprɒmɪs 1040; Macbeth Mac 4.1.98; rh 2
bread n sp breake-promise1 bequeath Luc 1180, MND 3.2.168
=, Fluellen H .. pred > self-breath
sp bread20, [browne]-bread1, break-vow n
Fluellen pread1 ˈbrɛ:k-ˌvəʊ breath·e / ~est / ~es / ~ing /
rh dead Per 1.4.95 sp breake-vow 1 ~ed v
> gingerbread > vow = / bri:ðst / = / ˈbri:ð·ɪn, -ɪŋ / m
-ɪd, bri:ðd
bread-chopper n breast / ~s n sp breath48, breathe13 / breath’st1, /
ˈbred-ˌtʃɒpəɹ = / -s breathes7, breaths2, breath’s1 /
sp bread-chopper1 sp breast27, brest60 / breastes1, breathing6 / breath’d21, breathed1
breasts4, brests5 rh bequeathed, unsheathed Luc
breadth n rh 1 best 3H6 2.5.11, MND 2.2.152, 1726
= S 110.14; chest R2 1.1.181, S 48.11;
sp breadth1, bredth7 congest LC 259; crest VA 396; detest, breathed adj
> hairbreadth guest Luc 1563; distressed Luc 463, m bri:ðd, ˈbri:ðɪd
VA 812; expressed S 23.10; guest sp breathed2
break / ~est / ~s / ~ing / brake S 153.10; jest LLL 4.3.171, R2 1.3.96, > out-, un-breathed
/ broke / ~n v 5.3.101; nest PT 57; pressed RJ
brɛ:k / -st / -s / ˈbrɛ:kɪn, -ɪŋ / 1.1.186; protest VA 582; rest 3H6 breather n
brɛ:k / bro:k / ˈbro:kən 2.6.30, Ham 3.2.188, LLL 5.2.811, Luc ˈbri:ðəɹ
759, 1842, MND 5.1.146, PT 57, RJ
sp brake1, break11, breake239, sp breather3
2.2.124, 2.2.186, VA 648, 782, 855,
break’t [break it]1 / break’st1 /


breathing adj / n > a-breeding; heaven-, home-, sp brew-house1

ˈbri:ðɪn, -ɪŋ inland-, mad-, near-, true-, > house
sp breathing9 / breathing8, briar / ~s n
brea-thing1 breed-bate n ˈbrəɪəɹ / -z
breathless adj ˈbri:d-ˌbɛ:t sp briar1, brier2, bryer3 / briars6,
= sp breede-bate1 briers3
> bate rh fire MND 2.1.3, 3.1.101, 5.1.384;
sp breathles2, breathlesse10
tire MND 3.1.87 / desires MND
breeder / ~s n 3.2.443
Brecknock n
ˈbri:dəɹ / -z
= Briareus n
sp breeder5 / breeders2
sp Brecnock1 brɪˈarɪəs
> soldier-breeder
bred sp Briareus1
breeding adj / n
> breed
ˈbri:dɪn, -ɪŋ bribe / ~s n
breech n sp breeding1 / breeding22, brəɪb / -z
= breed-ing1 sp bribe3 / bribes3
sp breech 1 > ill-, still-breeding
bribe / ~d v
breech / ~ed v breeze n brəɪb / -d
= = sp bribe2 / brib’d2
1 1
sp breech’d1 sp breeze , brieze
bribed adj
> unbreeched
brethren / ~’s n brəɪbd
breeches n m ˈbreðəˌren, ˈbreðrən / -z sp brib’d-[bucke]1
ˈbri:tʃɪz, Evans MW .. sp bretheren6, brethren15 /
bretherens1 briber n
sp breeches7, Evans preeches1 brevis Lat adj sp briber1
breeching adj ˈbrevɪs
sp breuis1 brick adj
ˈbri:tʃɪn, -ɪŋ
1 =
sp breeching brevity n sp brick-[wall]1, bricke1
breed n m ˈbrevtəɪ, -vɪt-
sp breuitie3, breuity1 brick / ~s n
sp breed8, breede1 brew / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v sp bricke1 / brickes1
breed / ~s / ~ing / bred v = / = / ˈbru:ɪn, -ɪŋ / =
sp brew4 / brewes1 / brewing1 / bricklayer n
= / = / ˈbri:dɪn, -ɪŋ / =
29 8 6 breu’d1, brew’d2 ˈbrɪkˌlɛ:əɹ
sp breed , breede / breedes ,
> a-brewing sp bricklayer2
breeds16 / breeding1 / bred35
rh deed, speed Luc 499; feed Per brewage n bridal adj / n
1.1.66, 134, VA 171 / deeds S 111.4;
deeds, feeds Luc 907; seeds AW
= ˈbrəɪdl
1.3.140 / bed Luc 937; buried [3 sylls] sp brewage1 sp bridall4 / bridall1
Per 5.1.164; dead Luc 490, 1188,
brewer / ~’s / ~s n bridal-bed n
S 108.13, 112.13, VA 214; dishon-
oured Luc 1188; fed Tit 5.3.61; head ˈbru:əɹz ˈbrəɪdl-ˌbed
Per 1.1.108; head, nourished MV sp brewers1 / brewers2 sp bridall bed3
3.2.63; honoured, unconquered Luc > bed
411; red LLL 1.2.96 brew-house n
ˈbru:-ˌəʊs, -ˌhəʊs bride / ~s n
brəɪd / -z


sp bride34 / brides2 sp breefely8, briefelie1, briefely7, brinded adj

rh pride RJ 1.2.11 briefly3 ˈbrɪndɪd
bride-bed n briefness n sp brinded1
ˈbrəɪd-ˌbed = brine n
sp bride-bed2 sp briefenesse2 brəɪn
> bed
bright / ~est adj sp brine6, bryne1
bridegroom / ~’s / ~s n rh eyne LC 17; mine, pine Luc 796;
brəɪt / ˈbrəɪtəst
Rosaline RJ 2.3.65
ˈbrəɪdˌɡru:m, -ɡrʊm / -z sp bright59 / brightest4
sp bridegroom2, bridegroome8, rh light LLL 4.3.28, 265, S 43.5, VA brine-pit / ~s n
bride-groome3 / bridegroomes2, 862; light, sight Luc 376; might S ˈbrəɪn-ˌpɪts
bride-groomes1 / bride-groomes1 65.14; night RJ 1.5.44, 2.2.21, S 28.9,
sp brine-pits1
> groom 147.13, TNK 3.5.124; sight MND
5.1.265; write S 21.11 bring / ~est / ~s / ~eth / ~ing /
bridge / ~s n
=, Fluellen H ..ff prɪdʒ / brighten v brought v
= ˈbrəɪtən = / brɪŋst / =, Fluellen H
sp bridge10, Fluellen pridge6 / sp brighten1 .., Evans MW .. prɪŋz
bridges2 / ˈbrɪŋɡəθ / ˈbrɪŋɡɪn, -ɪŋ / =
> drawbridge, London Bridge
brightly adv sp bring433 / bring’st4 / brings49,
ˈbrəɪtləɪ Fluellen H5 5.1.8, Evans MW 1.1.41
Bridgenorth n sp brightly2 prings2 / bringeth2, brin-geth1 /
ˈbrɪdʒˌnɒɹθ bringing13 / broght1, brought186
sp Bridgenorth2
brightness n rh dwelling, excelling, sing, thing TG
ˈbrəɪtnəs 4.2.52; forfeiting H8 Prol.20; king Per
Bridget n sp brightnesse2 2.Chorus.2; ring AW 2.1.161; sing Per
= Prol.14, S 39.3, TNK 1.1.23; spring VA
bright-shining adj 658; sting Luc 491; thing TNK Prol.21
sp Bridget1, Briget2
ˈbrəɪt-ˌʃəɪnɪn, -ɪŋ / kings S 29.13; things AW 1.1.218,
bridle n MND 2.2.144, RJ 5.3.305 / thought
sp bright-shining1
H5 1.2.311, Luc 1578, Per 4.4.17,
ˈbrəɪdl > shine
S 32.11, 44.3; wrought R2 5.6.33;
sp bridle2 brought her daughter AY 5.4.109
> unbridled
brim adj
= bringer n
bridle / ~d v sp brim1 ˈbrɪŋɡəɹ
ˈbrəɪdl / -d > full
sp bringer3
sp bridle3 / bridled2
brim / ~s n
bringing n
brief / ~er / ~est adj =
ˈbrɪŋɡɪn, -ɪŋ
= / bri:fəɹ / = sp brim1, brimme2 / brims1
sp bringing1
26 1 36
sp breefe , brief , briefe / briefer 1 rh him PP 6.10 / betrims Tem
/ breefest1 4.1.64 bringing-forth / ~s-~ n
rh grief Luc 1309, R2 5.1.93 ˌbrɪŋɡɪnz-ˈfɒɹθ, -ɪŋz-
brimful adj
brief n = sp bringings forth1
=, Evans MW .. pri:f, sp brim full2, brim-full2 bringing-up n
Jamy H .. bref ˌbrɪŋɡɪn-ˈɤp, -ɪŋ-
brimstone n
sp breefe10, briefe13, Evans priefe1, sp bringing vp3
Jamy breff 1 ˈbrɪmsto:n
sp brimestone1, brimstone2 brinish adj
briefly adv > stone
sp brinish2


brink n broach / ~ed v broken adj

= bro:tʃ / m bro:tʃt, ˈbro:tʃɪd ˈbro:kən
sp brinke2 sp broach4 / broach'd5, broached2, sp broken33
brisk adj Brokenbury n
= broached adj ˈbrɒkənbrəɪ
sp brisk1, briske3 m ˈbro:tʃɪd sp Brokenbury1
sp broached1
brisky adj brokenly adv
ˈbrɪskəɪ broad / ~er adj ˈbro:kənləɪ
sp brisky1
= / ˈbrɔ:dəɹ sp brokenly1
sp broad13 / broader1, broder1
bristle n > abroad broker / ~s n
=, ˈbrɪzəl ˈbro:kəɹ / -z
broad-fronted adj
sp brissle1 sp broker7 / broakers1, brokers1
ˈbrɔ:d-ˌfrɤntɪd > love-broker
bristle v sp broad-fronted1
=, ˈbrɪzəl broker-between /
1 2
broadsides n brokers-~ n
sp brissle , bristle
m ˈbrɔ:dˌsəɪdz ˈbro:kəɹz-bɪˌtwi:n
bristled adj sp broad-sides1 sp brokers betweene1
=, ˈbrɪzəld > side > between
sp bristled1, brizled1
broad-spreading adj broking adj
Bristol n ˈbrɔ:d-ˌspredɪn, -ɪŋ ˈbro:kɪn, -ɪŋ
=, ˈbrɪsto: sp broad-spreading1 sp broaking1
1 4
sp Bristoll , Bristow
brock n brooch / ~es n
Britain / ~’s n = bro:tʃ / ˈbro:tʃɪz
= sp brocke1 sp brooch6, browch1 / brooches1
1 1 44
sp Britaigne , Britain , Britaine ,
brogue / ~s n brooch / ~ed v
[not-fearing]-Britaine1, Britaine’s
[Britain is]1, Brittaine4 / Britaines1
bro:gz bro:tʃt
sp brogues1 sp brooch'd1
British adj
broil / ~s n brood n
4 brəɪl / -z =, brɤd
sp Brittish
sp broile1, broyle4 / broiles2, broils1, sp brood6, broode1
Briton / ~s / ~s’ n broyles9 rh blood S 19.2
= brood / ~ing v
broil / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
sp Britaines12, Brittaines1 /
brəɪlz / ˈbrəɪlɪn, -ɪŋ / brəɪld bru:dɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈbrɤd-
sp broyles1 / broiling1 / broyl'd1 sp brooding1
Brittany n
Brokas n brooded adj
m ˈbrɪtəˌnəɪ
ˈbrɒkəs =, ˈbrɤdɪd
sp Britanie1, Britanny1, Brittanie2
sp Broccas1 sp brooded1
rh enmity 3H6 4.6.97; speedily 3H6
broke [past tense] brook / ~s n
brittle adj > break =
= sp brooke12 / brookes2, brooks2
broke / ~s v rh forsook VA 162; look PP 4.1, 6.5;
sp brittle
bro:ks took VA 1099 / looks Tem 4.1.128
rh fickle PP 7.3
sp brokes1 > Cole-, ice-brook


brook / ~s / ~ed v brotherhood / ~s n brows·e / ~ing / ~ed v

= ˈbrɤðəɹˌʊd, -ˌhʊd / -z brəʊz / ˈbrəʊzɪn, -ɪŋ / brəʊzd
sp brooke2 / brookes1, brooks1 / sp brotherhood5, brother-hood1 / sp brouz1 / brou-zing1 / brows’d1
brook’d3 brother-hoods1
bruis·e / ~es n
Brooke [MW Q1] brother-in-law n =
> Broome ˈbrɤðəɹ-ɪn-ˌlɔ: sp bruise2 / bruizes1
sp brother-in-law2, brother in law2 > unbruised
broom n
> law
=, brʊm bruise / ~d v
sp broome1 brother-justice n = / bru:zd
ˈbrɤðəɹ-ˌdʒɤstɪs sp bruise6 / bruis’d2, bruiz’d2
Broome / ~s [name] n
sp brother-iustice1
=, brʊm > justice bruised adj
sp Broome41 / Broomes1 m bru:zd, ˈbru:zɪd
brother-like adj sp bruised4, bruized1
broom-grove / ~s n
m ˈbru:m-ˌgrɤvz, ˈbrʊm- bruising adj
sp brother-like1
sp broome groues1
ˈbru:zɪn, -ɪŋ
rh loves Tem 4.1.66 brotherly adj sp bruising1, brusing2,
> grove
m ˈbrɤðəɹˌləɪ bruzing-[stones]1
broomstaff n sp brotherly3
bruit n
ˈbru:mstaf, ˈbrʊm-
brought bru:t
sp broome staffe > bring
sp bruit1, bruite2
broth / ~s n brow / ~s n
= bruit / ~ed v
1 1
brəʊ, bro: / -z bru:t / ˈbru:tɪd
sp broth / brothes
sp brow61, [baby]-brow1,
> barley-, hell-, snow-broth sp bruite1 / bruited3
[gold-bound]-brow1 / browes39,
brothel / ~s n [black]-browes1, brows2 brunt n
rh 1 allow S 19.9, 112.2; how Luc
= brɤnt
749; how, vow Luc 807; now H8
sp brothell3 / brothels1 sp brunt1
Prol.2, KJ 2.1.505, LLL 4.1.17, 118,
4.3.225, 263, S 2.1, 33.10, 63.3, 68.4,
brothel-house n brush / ~es n
106.6; rh 2 glow VA 339; grow VA
ˈbrɒθl-ˌəʊs, -ˌhəʊs 139; mow [grass] S 60.10
brɤʃ / ˈbrɤʃɪz
sp brothel-house1 > black-browed, eyebrow sp brush2 / brushes1
> house
brow-bound adj brush / ~es / ~ed v
brother / ~’s / ~s / ~s’ n ˈbrəʊ-ˌbəʊnd ˈbrɤʃɪz / brɤʃt
ˈbrɤðəɹ / -z sp brushes1 / brush’d2
sp brow-bound1
sp brother529, [twyn]-brother1, > bound
bro-ther6 / brothers81 / brothers73, brute adj
bro-thers1 / brothers2 brown / ~er adj bru:t
rh another, smother Luc 635; brəʊn / -er sp bruite1
another CE 5.1.425, Tim 3.5.88; 2 18 pun Ham 3.2.114 Brutus
sp brown , browne ,
mother Ham 3.4.30; other AW
browne-[bread]1 / browner3
1.3.161, MM 4.2.59, PP 8.2; smother Brute Lat n
AY 1.2.277 Brownist n ˈbru:ˌtɛ
brother-cardinal / ~s n ˈbrəʊnɪst sp Brute1
sp Brownist 1 > Brutus
m ˈbrɤðəɹ-ˈkɑ:ɹdɪˌnɑlz
sp brother-cardinals1
> cardinal


brutish adj sp Buckingham104, Buc-kingham1, budger n

= Buck-ingham1, Bucking-ham1, ˈbu:dʒəɹ
Buck[ingham]1 / Buckinghams4
sp brutish6 sp budger1
rh mistrusting them R3 4.4.525
Brutus / ~s’ n buckle / ~s n budget n
= ˈbɤkəlz ˈbu:dʒɪt
sp Brutus170, abbr in text as Bru1, sp budget3, bowget1
sp buckles2
Brut1 / Brutus11 rh avouch it WT 4.3.20
pun Ham 3.2.113 brute buckle / ~s / ~d v
buff adj
bubble ˈbɤkəl / -z / -d
adj / v bɤf
ˈbɤbəl sp buckle7 / buckles2 / buckled5,
sp buffe3, buffe-[ierkin]1
1 6 buck-led1
sp bubble / bubble rh rough CE 4.2.36
> unbuckle
rh trouble Mac 4.1.11, 19; Mac
4.1.21, 36 buckler / ~s n buffet / ~s n
ˈbɤkləɹ / -z ˈbɤfɪt / -s
bubble / ~s n sp buffet1 / buffets3
ˈbɤbəl / -z sp buckler5 / bucklers4

sp bubble2 / bubbles3 Bucklersbury n buffet / ~s v

ˈbɤkləɹsˌberəɪ ˈbɤfɪt / -s
bubbling adj sp buffet3 / buffets1, buffettes1
ˈbɤblɪn, -ɪŋ sp bucklers-berry1

sp bubling1 buckram adj / n buffetting n

ˈbɤkrəm ˈbɤfɪtɪn, -ɪŋ
bubukle / ~s n sp buffetting1
ˈbju:bəkəlz sp buckram1, buckrom3 / buckram1,
buckrom3 bug / ~s n
sp bubukles1
buck-washing n bɤg / -z
buck [animal] n sp bugge2 / bugges1, bugs2
ˈbɤk-ˌwɑʃɪn, -ɪŋ
bɤk / -s
sp buck-washing1 bugbear n
sp bucke3, [brib’d]-bucke1
> washing
buck [laundry] / ~s n bud / ~s n sp bug-beare1
bɤk / -s bɤd / -z > bear
sp buck2, bucke5 / buckes1
sp bud11, budde2 / buddes2, budds1, bugle n
buck-basket / ~s n buds8
rh 1 understood LLL 5.2.295; rh 2
ˈbɤk-ˌbaskɪt / -s mud Luc 848, S 35.4 / studs PP 19.13 sp bugle2
sp buck-basket4, bucke-basket1 /
buck-baskets1 bud / ~ded v bugle-bracelet n
> basket bɤd / ˈbɤdɪd ˈbju:ɡəl-ˌbrɛ:slɪt
sp bud1 / budded1 sp bugle-bracelet1
bucket / ~s n
rh good PP 13.3
ˈbɤkɪt / -s build / ~s / ~eth / ~ing / ~ed /
sp bucket3 / buckets2 budding adj built v
ˈbɤdɪn, -ɪŋ = / = / = / ˈbɪldɪn, -ɪŋ / =
bucking n
sp budding2 sp build18, builde4 / buildes1, builds5
ˈbɤkɪn, -ɪŋ / buildeth3 / building1 / builded1 /
sp bucking1 budge v built14
bu:dʒ rh field KL 3.2.92 / shielded, yielded
Buckingham / ~’s n
sp budge6, boudge2, bouge4 LC 152
ˈbɤkɪŋəm, -ɪnəm / -z > all-building, new-built, unbuild


building / ~s n sp bully6, bully-[doctor]1, bungle v

ˈbɪldɪn, -ɪŋ / -z bully-[knight]1, bully-[monster]1, ˈbɤŋɡəl
bully-[rooke]3, bully-[stale]1 /
sp building6 / buildings5 sp bungle1
built bulwark / ~s n bunting n
> build ˈbɤntɪŋ
ˈbʊlwɑ:ɹk / -s
sp bunting1
bulk / ~s n sp bulwarke4 / bulwarkes3
bɤlk / -s buoy n
bum / ~s n
sp builke1, bulke13 / bulkes2 bəɪ
> overbulk bɤm / -z
sp buoy1
sp bum2 / bummes1
bull adj rh sums Tim 1.2.236 buoy / ~ed v
= bəɪd
Bum [name] n
sp bul1
bɤm sp buoy’d1
bull / ~’s / ~s n sp Bum1 burbolt n
= ˈbɐ:ɹbo:lt
bum-baily n
sp bull14, [towne]-bull1 / bulles1,
ˈbɤm-ˌbɛ:ləɪ sp burbolt1
bulls1 / bulls1, buls3
sp bum-baylie1 burden / ~s n
bull-bearing adj > bailiff
ˈbɐ:ɹ·ðən, -dən / -z
ˌbʊl-ˈbɛ:rɪn, -ɪŋ
bumbard sp burden5, burthen37, bur-then2 /
sp bull-bearing1
> bombard burthens6, bur-thens1
> bearing
rh heaven H8 3.2.384
Bullcalf [name] n > bombast burden / ~s / ~ed v
ˈbʊlˌkɔ:f ˈbɐ:ɹ·ðən, -dən / -z / -d
sp bul-calfe1, bulcalfe2, bull-calfe5 bump n
sp burthen4 / burthens1 /
> calf bɤmp burdened1, burdned1
sp bumpe1 > unburthen
bull-calf n
ˈbʊl-ˌkɔ:f bunch / ~es n burdened adj
sp bull-calfe1 bɤnʃ / ˈbɤnʃɪz ˈbɐ:ɹ·ðənd, -dənd
sp bunch2 / bunches2 sp burthen’d2
Bullen / ~’s / ~s n
= bunch-backed adj burdening adj
sp Bullen6 / Bullens1 / Bullens2 ˈbɤnʃ-ˌbakt m ˈbɐ:ɹ·ðnɪn, -ɪŋ, -ðən-, -dən-
sp bunch-back’d1, bunch-backt1 sp burthening1
bullet / ~s n
= bundle n burdenous adj
sp bullet2 / bullets8, bulletts1 ˈbɤndl m ˈbɐ:ɹ·ðəˌnɤs, -də-
sp bundle1 sp burthenous1
bullock / ~s n
= bung n burgher / ~s n
sp bullockes1, bullocks1 bɤŋ ˈbɐ:ɹɡəɹ / -z
sp bung1 sp burger1 / burgers2
bull’s-pizzle n
ˈbʊlz-ˈpɪsəl bunghole n burglary n
sp bulles-pissell1 ˈbɤŋˌo:l, -ˌho:l ˈbɐ:ɹgləˌrəɪ
sp bunghole1 sp burglarie1
bully adj / n


Burgogne burned adj bur·y / ~ied v

> Bourgogne bɐ:ɹnd ˈberəɪ / m ˈberəɪd, ˈberɪˌed
sp burn’d3 sp burie8, bury31 / bu-ried1,
burgomaster / ~s n
buried38, buryed6
ˈbɐ:ɹɡəˌmastəɹz burnet n rh bred RJ 4.5.64, Per 5.1.163; dead
sp bourgomasters1 ˈbɐ:ɹnɪt Per 2.1.77, S 31.4, TG 4.2.111; spread
sp burnet1 S 25.7; buried be [2 sylls] cannot be,
burgonet n she PT 64
ˈbɐ:ɹɡəˌnet burning adj / n > unburied
sp burganet1, burgonet3 ˈbɐ:ɹnɪn, -ɪŋ
burying adj / Per n
sp burning30 / burning2
Burgundy n m ˈberɪɪn, -ɪŋ [ sylls] / ˈberəɪ
m ˈbɐ:ɹɡənˌdəɪ, -ˌdi:, -nd-, burning-glass n ˌɪn, -ɪŋ
-əˌnəɪ ˈbɐ:ɹnɪn-ˌglas, -ɪŋ- sp burying1 / burying1
sp Burgonie15, Burgundie15, sp burning-glasse 1 rh n king Per 3.2.70
Burgundy17, Bur-gundy1 > glass
rh me KL 1.1.258; thee 1H6 4.6.14 burying-place n
burnished adj ˈberɪɪn-ˌplɛ:s, -ɪŋ
burial adj / n ˈbɐ:ɹnɪʃt sp burying place1
ˈberɪɑl [ sylls] / m ˈberɪɑl, sp burnisht 2

-ɪˌɑ:l bush / ~es n

1 21
sp buriall / buriall , buryall1 burr / ~s n =, bɤʃ / =, ˈbɤʃɪz
rh n all MND 3.2.383; fall Per 1.4.49, bɐ:ɹ / -z sp bush35 / bushes4
2.4.12 1 1
sp bur , burre / burres , burs 2 2 rh blush LLL 4.3.135 / rushes
VA 629
buried adj burrow / ~s n
m ˈberəɪd, ˈberɪˌed ˈbɤrəz, -ro:z bushel / ~s n
sp buried6 sp burroughes 1 =
sp bushels1
buried n burst / ~s n
ˈberəɪd bɐ:ɹst / -s Bushy n
sp buried1 4
sp burst / bursts 1 ˈbʊʃəɪ
sp Bushie7, Bushy6
burier n burst v
ˈberɪəɹ [ sylls] bɐ:ɹst busily adv
sp burier1
sp burst 23 m ˈbɪzɪˌləɪ
sp busily2
burly-boned adj
bursting n
ˈbɐ:ɹləɪ-ˌbo:nd business n
ˈbɐɹstɪn, -ɪŋ
sp burly bon’d1
sp bursting 1 m ˈbɪznəs, ˈbɤs-, MND ..
> bone ˈbɪzəɪˌnɪs / -ɪz
burn / ~s / ~eth / ~ing / ~ed / burthen / ~ous sp busines25, businesse201,
> burden / ~ous bu-sinesse6 / businesses6
~t v
pun Cor 3.2.75 bussing
bɐ:ɹn / -z / ˈbɐ:ɹn·əθ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / Burton n
m -ɪd, bɐ:ɹnd / bɐ:ɹnt ˈbɐ:ɹtən buskined adj
sp burn1, burne74 / burnes26, burns1 sp burton1 ˈbɤskɪnd
/ burneth2 / burning10 / burn’d10, sp buskin’d1
burned2 / burnt21 Burtonheath n
rh overturn S 55.7; turn MND ˌbɐ:ɹtən-ˈɛ:θ, -ˈhɛ:θ, -i:θ, busky adj
3.1.104, Per Epil.14, VA 94 / turning -hi:θ ˈbɤskəɪ
RJ 1.2.45, VA 142 / turned AY 4.3.42,
sp burton-heath1 sp busky1
S 104.7
> heath
> heart-burn, unburnt


buss / ~es n sp butcherie1, butchery2 / buttery n

ˈbɤsɪz butcheries2 m ˈbɤtəˌrəɪ, ˈbɤtrəɪ
sp busses1 butler n sp butterie1, buttry1

buss / ~ing v ˈbɤtləɹ buttock / ~s n

bɤs / ˈbɤsɪn, -ɪŋ sp butler2 ˈbɤtək / -s
sp busse2, bussing1 Butler [name] n sp buttocke2, but-tocke2 /
bussing adj ˈbɤtləɹ
ˈbɤsɪn, -ɪŋ sp Butler2 button / ~s n
sp bussing1 butt n ˈbɤtən / -z
sp button5 / buttons2
bustle v bɤt
ˈbɤsəl sp butt4 button / ~ed v
1 3 > malmsey-butt ˈbɤtənd
sp bussle , bustle
butt / ~s v sp button’d1
bustling adj > unbutton
ˈbɤslɪn, -ɪŋ
sp butts1 buttonhole n
sp bussling1
butt-end n ˈbɤtənˌo:l, -ˌho:l
busy adj sp button hole1
sp butt-end1 buttress n
sp busie24
> end ˈbɤtrɪs
bus·y / ~ied v butter n sp buttrice 1

ˈbɪzəɪ / -d ˈbɤtəɹ, Evans MW ..ff Butts [name]

sp busie2 / busied4
ˈpɤtəɹ bɤts
but conj sp butter8, Evans putter3 sp Buts5, Butts1
bɤt, unstr bət butter / ~ed v
sp but5981
butt-shaft n
ˈbɤtəɹd ˈbɤt-ˌʃaft
butcher / ~’s / ~s n sp butter’d1, buttered1 sp butshaft1, but-shaft1
ˈbʊtʃəɹ / -z butterfl·y / ~ies n > shaft
sp butcher18 / butchers4 / butchers7 ˈbɤtəɹˌfləɪ / -z buxom adj
butcher / ~ed v sp butterfly2, but-terfly1 / ˈbɤksəm
butterflies2, butter-flies2
ˈbʊtʃəɹ / -d sp buxome1
1 4
rh 1 arise, eyes, thighs MND 3.1.167;
sp butcher / butcher’d , rh 2 bees, courtesies, dewberries,
buy / ~s / ~ing / bought v
mulberries MND 3.1.167
rh slaughtered R3 4.4.393 bəɪ / -z / ˈbəɪɪn, -ɪŋ / =
> fly
sp buie2, buy101, Mac 4.2.42 by1 /
butchered adj buttering n buyes9 / buying1 / bought51
ˈbʊtʃəɹd ˈbɤtrɪn, -ɪŋ rh eye LLL 2.1.229 / thought Luc
sp butcher’d1 sp butt’ring1

butcherly adv butter-wo·man / ~man’s / buyer n

m ˈbʊtʃəɹˌləɪ ~men’s n ˈbəɪəɹ
sp butcherly1 ˈbɤtəɹ-ˌwʊmənz, -wo:m- / sp buyer2

butcher·y / ~ies n -wɪmɪnz buzz interj / n

sp butter-womans1 / bɤz
m ˈbʊtʃəˌrəɪ, -tʃrəɪ / -əˌrəɪz
sp buzze3 / buz2
> woman


buzz / ~ed v advisedly Luc 1814; archery, glori- by Our Lady / ~

bɤz / -d ously, remedy MND 3.2.108; lunacy Lakin interj
Tit 5.2.69; remedy S 154.9; unman-
sp buz3, buzze2 / buz’d1
nerly 1H4 1.3.41; warily LLL 5.2.94
bəɹˈlɛ:dəɪ, Evans MW ..
> thereby pəɹˈlɛ:dəɪ / bəɹˈlɛ:kən
buzzard / ~s n
sp berlady2, ber Lady1, birladie2,
ˈbɤzəɹd / -z by the abbr
birlady1, byrlady6, by’r lady1, Evans
sp buzard2, buzzard1 / buzards1 bɪθ, bəɪθ, -ɪð
per-lady / berlaken1, by’r lakin1
sp bi’th’1, byth’3, by’th5, by’th’26 > lady
buzzer / ~s n
ˈbɤzəɹz by and by adv by-path / ~s n
sp buzzers 1 ˈbəɪ-ən-ˈbəɪ m ˌbəɪ-ˈpaθs
sp by and by43; by, and by1 sp by-pathes1
buzzing adj / n > path
ˈbɤzɪn, -ɪŋ by-dependence / ~s n
1 2
sp buzing , buzzing / buzzing 1 ˈbəɪ-dɪˌpendənsɪz by-room n
sp by-dependances1 ˈbəɪ-ˌru:m, -ˌrʊm
by adv, prep > dependence sp by-roome1
bəɪ, unstr bɪ, bə > room
by-drinking / ~s n
sp by3468, by-[gar]6, by’r1, by’t8,
[fast]-by1, [goe]-by1, [hard]-by1, ˈbəɪ-ˌdrŋkɪnz, -ɪŋz by-word / ~s n
[run]-by1, [stand]-by1, Caius bee1, sp by-drinkings1 ˈbəɪˌwɔ:ɹdz
be-[gar]1 > drink sp by-words1
rh 1 cry PP 20.14; die H8 3.1.11; dye, > word
espy, eye, sky MND 3.2.108; espy VA bygone adj
259; eye CE 3.2.56, LLL 1.1.83, MV ˈbəɪɡɒn Byzantium n
2.5.40, PP 6.9, RJ 1.2.93, VA 282; I R3 sp by-gone1, by-gone-[day]1 bɪˈzansɪˌʊm
5.3.183; lie 1H4 5.4.108, S 73.12; nigh > go sp Bizantium1
LC 59; sky VA 347; by her try her PP
11.1; by him spy him Luc 882 / rh 2


C [letter] n caddis / ~es n cael·us / ~um Lat n

= = ˈsi:lʊm
sp C’s2 sp caddysses1 sp emend of LLL 4.2.5 celo1

C [note] n caddis-garter n Caesar / ~’s / ~s n

= ˈkadɪs-ˌgɑ:ɹtəɹ ˈsi:zəɹ / -z
sp Cfavt [C fa ut]1 sp caddice garter1 sp Caesar372, Cae-sar1, Caesars
> garter [Caesar is]1, Caesar’s [Caesar is]1,
ça Fr adv Cesar1 / Caesars71, Cesars1 /
sa cade n Caesars2
sp emend of H5 3.7.12 ch’1 kɛ:d
sp cade1
Caesarian adj
cabbage n pun 2H6 4.2.32 Cade sɪˈzarɪən
= sp Caesarian1
sp cabidge 1 Cade / ~s [name] n
kɛ:d / -z Caesarion n
cabin / ~s n sp Cade 32
/ Cades 1 sɪˈzarɪən
= sp Caesarion1
3 4
sp cabin , cabine , cabyn / 1 cadence n
cabines1 ˈkɛ:dəns cage n
sp cadence1 kɛ:dʒ
cabin / ~ed v sp cage7
= cadent adj
sp cabbin1 / cabin’d1 ˈkɛ:dənt caged adj
sp cadent 1 kɛ:dʒd
cabinet n sp caged1
m ˈkabɪˌnet Cadmus n > incaged
sp cabinet2 ˈkadməs
rh beset Luc 442 sp Cadmus1
Cain / ~’s n
kɛ:n / -z
cable / ~s n caduceus n sp Cain1, Caine3 / Caines1, Cains1
ˈkɛ:bəl / -z kaˈdju:sɪəs
sp cable4 / cables1 sp caduceus1
cain-coloured adj
cackl·e / ~ing v Cadwal sp caine colourd1
ˈkaklɪn, -ɪŋ > Cadwallader > colour
sp cackling2
Cadwallader abbr Caithness n
Cacodemon n Cadwal n ˈkaθnes
ˌkakəˈdi:mən kadˈwɑlədəɹ, abbr ˈkadwɑl sp Cathnes2
sp Cacodemon1 sp Cadwallader1, abbr Cadwal1,


caitiff / ~s n calf-like adj callet n

ˈkɛ:tɪf / -s ˈkɔ:f-ˌləɪk ˈkalət
sp caitiffe7, caytiffe5 / caitifs1 sp calfe-like1 sp callat1, callet2, callot1

Caius n calf ’s-guts / calves’-~ n calm adj

ˈkəɪəs ˈkɔ:fs-ˌgɤts, kɔ:vz- kɔ:m
sp Caius65 sp calues-guts1 sp calme17
> guts
cake / ~s n calm / ~s n
kɛ:k / -s calf ’s-head n kɔ:m / -z
sp cake4 / cakes5 ˈkɔ:fs-ˌed, -ˌhed, ˈkɔ:vz- sp calme6 / calmes1
sp calues head1
caked adj calm / ~est / ~s / ~ed v
kɛ:kd calf ’s-skin / ~s n kɔ:m / ˈkɔ:məst / kɔ:m·z / -d
sp cak’d1 ˈkɔ:f-ˌskɪn, ˈkɔ:v- / -z sp calme10 / calmest1 / calmes1 /
sp calues-skin5, calues skin2 / calm’d3
Calaber n calue-skinnes1
ˈkaləˌbɛɹ > skin calmie unclear Fr
sp Calaber1 Pistol H .. ˈkalmi:
Caliban / ~s, abbr ban / chant sp calmie1
Calais n Cacaliban n
ˈkalɪs ˈkalɪˌban, abbr ban / -z / m calmly adv
sp Calice2, Calis1, Callice7, Callis2 chant Tem .. ˈkakalɪˈban ˈkɔ:mləɪ
sp Caliban15, Calliban1, abbr ban’2, sp calmely3
calamit·y / ~ies n abbr in s.d. Cal.1 / Calibans1 /
m kəˈlamɪˌtəɪ, -mtəɪ / -ɪˌtəɪz Cacalyban1
calmness n
sp calamitie5, calamity5 / calamities1 rh man Tem 2.2.180 ˈkɔ:mnəs
rh majesty 1H6 1.2.81 sp calmenesse1
Calipolis n
Calchas / ~’ n kəˈlɪpəˌlɪs Calphurnia / ~’s n
ˈkalkəs sp Calipolis 1 kalˈpɐ:ɹnɪə / -z
sp Calcas2, Calchas1, Chalcas4 / sp Calphurnia8 / Calphurnia’s2
Calcas1, Calcha’s1, Chalcas1 caliver n
kəˈli:vəɹ calumniate v
calculate v sp caliuer1, calyuer2 kəˈlɤmnɪˌɛ:t
ˈkalkjəˌlɛ:t sp calumniate1
sp calculate2 call / ~est / ~s / ~ing / ~ed /
~edest v calumniating adj
calendar / ~s n kɑ:l / -st / -z / ˈkɑ:lɪn, -ɪŋ / kəˈlɤmnɪˌɛ:tɪn, -ɪŋ
ˈkaləndəɹ / -z kɑ:ld / -st sp calumniating1
sp calender3, kalender4 /
sp cal3, call546, cal’t [call it]1, call’t
kalenders1 calumnious adj
[call it]2 / call’st5, calst2, cal’st4 /
calles18, calls24, call’s6, cals36 /
calf / calves n sp calumnious2, calum-nious1
calling15, cal-ling1 / cald8, cal’d28,
kɔ:f, Holofernes LLL .. call’d144, called15, cal-led1 / calldst1,
kɑlf / kɔ:vz call’dst2
calumny n
sp calfe15, [cole-blacke]-calfe1, rh all AW 2.1.182, MND 5.1.425, Per m ˈkaləmˌnəɪ, -mn-
Holofernes calf1, describing Armado 5.1.244, S 40.3, 109.13, 117.3; fall S sp calumnie4, calumny1
caufe1 / calues2 151.13; prodigal PP 20.38; withal VA rh mortality MM 3.2.176
rh half LLL 5.2.247, 248 849 / falls MND 3.2.26, S 124.8 /
> Bull-, moon-calf appalled PT 40 calve / ~d v
> miscall, recall kɔ:vd
sp calued1


calves Campeius n candle-case / ~s n

> calf kamˈpɛ:əs ˈkandl-ˌkɛ:sɪz
sp Campeius4, emend of s.d. H8 sp candle-cases1
Calydon n 3.1.23 Campian1
ˈkalɪdən candle-holder n
sp Calidon1 camping n ˈkandl-ˌo:ldəɹ, -ˌho:-
ˈkampɪn, -ɪŋ sp candle-holder1
Cambio n sp camping1
m ˈkambɪo:, -ɪˌo: candle-mine n
sp Cambio8 can n ˈkandl-ˌməɪn
= sp candle-myne1
Cambria n sp canne1
= > Half-Can candlestick / ~s n
sp Cambria2 =
can / ~st / ~not / ~’t v sp candlestick1 / candlesticks1
cambric / ~s n =, unstr kn / kanst / =
= sp can1145, ca[n]1 / canst144, can’st20 / candle-waster / ~s n
sp cambrick1 / cambrickes1 cannot741, ca[n]not1, can-not6, canot1 ˈkandl-ˌwastəɹz
/ cant1, can’t1 sp candle-wasters1
Cambridge n rh 1 Englishman R2 1.3.308; man
ˈkɛ:mbrɪdʒ AC 4.8.21, 1H6 4.3.43, LLL 4.1.129, candy adj
sp Cambridge12 MND 2.2.132, Per 2.Chorus.12, ˈkandəɪ
R2 5.3.87, S 141.9; rh 2 swan PT 14
sp emend of 1H4 1.3.247 caudie1
Cambyses / ~’ n > could
kəmˈbəɪsi:z Candy [name] n
canar·y / ~ies n
sp Cambyses1 ˈkandəɪ
kəˈnɛ:rəɪ / -z
sp Candy
came sp canari1, canarie3, ca-narie2 /
> come canaries2 cand·y / ~ied v
cancel / ~s / ~ling / ~led v ˈkandəɪd
camel / ~s n
sp candied2
= = / = / ˈkansəlɪn, -ɪŋ / =
sp camell5 / cammels1 sp cancell5 / cancells1 / cancelling1 Canidius n
/ cancell’d1
kəˈnɪdɪəs, -ˈmɪd-
Camelot n
cancer n sp Camidias1, Camidius6,
= Camindius1
sp Camelot1
sp cancer1 canker adj
Camidius ˈkaŋkəɹ
> Canidius
candidatus Lat n
sp canker3
Camillo / ~’s n sp candidatus1 canker / ~s n
kəˈmɪlo: / -z ˈkaŋkəɹ / -z
sp Camillo45, Ca-millo1 / Camillo’s2
candied adj
sp canker11 / cankers3
camomile n sp candied1 canker / ~s / ~ed v
ˈkaməməɪl > candy
ˈkaŋkəɹ·z / -d
sp camomile1
candle / ~s n sp cankers1 / cankred1
camp n/v = canker-bit adj
= sp candle17, candell1 / candles6
sp camp4, campe21 / campe1
sp canker-bit1
> encamp


cankered adj canonize / ~d v rh hap LLL 2.1.195

ˈkaŋkəɹd m kəˈnɒnəɪz / m -d, -ˌzɪd > blue-, corner-, half-, mad-, night-,
sea-, statute-cap
sp canker'd1, cankred4 sp canonize1 / canoniz’d2,
canonized2 cap v
canker-sorrow n
ˈkaŋkəɹ-ˌsɒrə, -ro: canonized adj
1 m kəˈnɒnəɪzd sp cap1
sp canker-sorrow
> cloud-capped, off-cap
> sorrow sp canonized1
capable adj
cannakin n canop·y / ~ies n
m ˈkɛ:pəˌbɤl, -pbəl
= m ˈkanəˌpəɪ, -əp- / -əˌpəɪz
sp capable8, capeable8
sp cannakin2 sp canopie2, canopy6 / canopies2
> in-, un-capable
rh eternity S 125.1
cannibal / ~s n capacit·y / ~ies n
ˈkanɪˌbɑlz canop·y / ~ied v
m kəˈpasɪˌtəɪ, -sɪtəɪ / -sɪtəɪz
sp caniballes1, caniballs2, canibals1 m ˈkanəˌpəɪd
sp capacitie5, capacity6 /
sp canopied1, canopy’d1
cannibally adv capaci-ties1
> overcanopied
rh 1 eye LLL 5.2.376; rh 2 simplicity
ˈkanɪˌbɑləɪ MND 5.1.105
sp cannibally1
Canterbury / ~’s n
m ˈkantəɹˌbri:, -ˌbɤrəɪ / -ɹbri:z cap-and-knee adj
cannon / ~s n sp Canterburie1, Canterbury17 / = , ˈkap-ən-ˈkni:
= Canterburies1
sp cap and knee-[slaues]1
sp cannon11, canon3 / cannons4,
cantherizing n cap-a-pe adv
> demi-cannon ˈkantəˌrəɪzɪn, -ɪŋ ˌkap-ə-ˈpɛ:
sp emend of Tim 5.1.131 capac-itie1
cannon-bullet / ~s n sp cap-a-pe1, cap a pe1

= cantle n caparison / ~ed v

sp cannon bullets 1 = m kəˈparɪˌsɒn, -ɪsən / -ɪsənd
sp cantle2
cannoneer n sp caparison3 / caparison’d1,
canton / ~s capari-son’d1
ˈkanəˌni:ɹ n
sp cannoneer1, cannoneere1 = cape n
sp cantons1 kɛ:p
cannon-fire n
sp cape6
ˈkanən-ˌfəɪɹ canus Lat n
rh tape WT 4.4.314
sp cannon fire1 adaptation of canis LLL > uncape
> fire .. ˈkanʊs
sp canus1 Capel / ~’s n
cannon-shot n rh manus LLL 5.2.585 [Lat] =
= sp Capels2
sp cannon-shot1 canvas adj / v
> shot = caper / ~s n
sp canuas1 / canuas2 ˈkɛ:pəɹ / -z
sp caper1 / capers1
> can canzonet n > a-capering
canon / ~s n caper / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
sp cangenet1
= ˈkɛ:pəɹ / -z / ˈkɛ:prɪn, -ɪŋ /
sp cannon3, canon2 / cannons1 cap / ~s n ˈkɛ:pəɹd
= sp caper1, ca-per1, capre1 / capers2
sp cap36, cappe9 / cappes1, caps16 / capring1 / caper’d1


Caper [name] n capricious adj cap·ut / ~ite Lat n

ˈkɛ:pəɹ kəˈprɪsɪəs ˈkapɪˌtɛ
sp Caper1 sp capricious1 sp capite1

Capet / ~’s n captain / ~’s / ~s n car / ~s n

= = / ˈkaptɪnz, Jamy H .. kɑ:ɹ / -z
sp Capet2 / Capets1 ˈkaptenz sp car2, carre8 / cars1
sp captain2, captaine131, cap-taine1 / rh are S 7.9; far, mar MND 1.2.31
Caphis n captaines4, captains2, captaine’s1 /
ˈkafɪs captaines23, Jamy captens1
car Fr conj
sp Caphis4 ka:ɹ
captainship n sp car1
Capilet n =
ˈkapɪlet sp captainship1, captain-ship1
Car [name] n
sp Capilet 3 kɑ:ɹ
captious adj sp Car3
capitaine Fr n ˈkapsɪəs
kapɪˈtɛn sp captious1
carat n
sp capitaine1 =, ˈkarəkt
captivate / ~s / ~d v sp charect1, charract1
capital adj ˈkaptɪˌvɛ:t / -s / -ɪd
m ˈkapɪˌtɑl, -ɪt-, ˈkaptɑl sp captiuate2 / captiuates1 /
carbonado n / v
sp capitall 13
captiuated1 ˌkɑ:ɹbəˈnado:
pun Ham 3.2.114 capitol sp carbinado1, carbonado1 /
captive adj carbonado1
capite Lat =
> caput sp captiue5
carbonadoed adj
capitol n captive / ~s n sp carbinado’d1, carbonado’d1
m ˈkapiˌtɒl, -ɪt-, ˈkaptɒl =
sp capitall1, capitol2, capitoll36 sp captiue8 / captiues9
carbuncle / ~s n
pun Ham 3.2.113 capital m ˈkɑ:ɹbəŋˌkɤl, -ŋkəl / -z
captive / ~d v sp carbuncle3 / carbuncles2
capitulate v =
kəˈpɪtjəˌlɛ:t sp captiu'd1
carbuncle / ~d v
sp capitulate2 m ˈkɑ:ɹbəŋˌkɤld
captivity n sp carbunkled1
capocchia n m kapˈtɪvɪˌtəɪ, -ɪt-, -vt-
kəˈpo:tʃɪə sp captiuitie6
carcanet n
sp emend of TC 4.2.31 chipochia1 rh thee 1H6 4.7.3 ˈkɑ:ɹkəˌnet
sp carkanet1
capon / ~’s / ~s n captus / ~um Lat n rh set S 52.8
ˈkɛ:pən / -z ˈkaptʊm
sp capon8 / capons-[leg]1 / capons3 sp captam1
carcass / ~es n
ˈkɑ:ɹkəs / -ɪz
Cappadocia n Capuchius n sp carkasse5 / carcasses1, carkasses2
ˌkapəˈdo:sɪə kəˈpu:tʃɪəs
sp Cappadocia1 sp Capuchius2
card / ~s n
kɑ:ɹd / -z
capriccio n Capulet / ~’s / ~s n sp card4, carde1 / cards2
kəˈprɪtʃɪo: m ˈkapjəˌlet, -ələt, -pl- / -s > Surecard
sp caprichio1 sp Capulet22 / Capulets2 / Capulets5
rh debt RJ 1.5.117; set RJ 2.3.54


card / ~ed v care-crazed adj carlot n

ˈkɑ:ɹdɪd ˈkɛ:ɹ-ˌkrɛ:zd ˈkɑ:ɹlət
sp carded1 sp care-cras’d1 sp carlot1

cardecue n career / ~s n carman n

ˈkɑ:ɹdɪkju: kəˈri:ɹ / -z ˈkɑ:ɹmən
sp cardceue1, cardecue1 sp careere2, cariere1, carreere1, sp carman1
car-reere1, carriere1 / car-eires1,
carder / ~s n carreeres1 carnal adj
ˈkɑ:ɹdəɹ / -z rh spear R2 1.2.49 ˈkɑ:ɹnɑl
sp carders1 sp carnall3
careful adj
cardinal adj ˈkɛ:ɹfʊl carnally adv
ˈkɑ:ɹdnɑl, -dɪn- sp carefull20 ˈkaɹnɑləɪ
sp cardinall2 > overcareful sp carnallie1

cardinal / ~’s / ~s n carefully adv Carnarvonshire n

m ˈkɑ:ɹdɪˌnɑl, -ɪn-, -dn- / -z m ˈkɛ:ɹfʊˌləɪ kəɹˈnɑ:ɹvənˌʃəɪɹ
sp cardinal3, cardinall89, cardinall’s sp carefully8 sp Carnaruanshire1
[cardinal is]2, cardnall3, card’nall2 /
cardinalls7, cardinals7 / cardinalls2, careless adj carnation adj
cardinals5 ˈkɛ:ɹləs kɑ:ɹˈnɛ:sɪən
pun H8 carnal sp carelesse12, care-lesse1 sp carnation1
> brother-, count-, king-cardinal
carelessly adv carnation / ~s n
cardinally adv m ˈkɛ:ɹləsˌləɪ kɑ:ɹˈnɛ:sɪən / -z
m ˈkɑ:ɹdɪˌnɑləɪ sp carelesly3, carelessely2 sp carnation1 / carnations1
sp cardinally1
carelessness n carol n
cardmaker n m ˈkɛ:ɹləsˌnes =
ˈkɑ:ɹdˌmɛ:kəɹ sp carelesnesse1 sp caroll1, carroll1
sp cardmaker1
> make care·o / ~t Lat v carouse / ~s n
ˈkaret kəˈrəʊzɪz
carduus Lat n sp caret2 sp carowses2
ˈkɑ:ɹdju:əs pun MW 4.1.59 carrot
sp carduus1 carous·e / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v
care-tuned adj kəˈrəʊz / -ɪz / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d
care / ~s n ˈkɛ:ɹ-ˌtju:nd sp carowse2 / carowses1 /
kɛ:ɹ / -z sp care-tun’d1 carowsing2 / carows’d2, carrows’d1
sp care134 / cares22 > tune
rh 1 bare PP 12.2; beware Tem carp n
2.1.308; compare Luc 1100; fare 1H6 cargo nonsense word kɑ:ɹp
4.6.26; hare VA 681; mare VA 383; ˈkɑ:ɹɡo: sp carpe1
prepare LLL 5.2.508; rare S 56.13; sp cargo7
share PP 14.3; snare Luc 926 / fares carp / ~ed v
Luc 720; fares, stares Luc 1593; rh 2 carl n kɑ:ɹp / -t
are 3H6 2.5.123, Luc 926, Mac 4.1.89, kɑ:ɹl
R2 2.3.170, S 48.7, 112.9, 147.9 / rh 3 sp carpe1 / carp’d1
sp carle1
tears [cry] 3H6 3.3.14
carpenter n
Carlisle n ˈkɑ:ɹpɪntəɹ
care / ~est / ~s / ~ed v
m kɑ:ɹˈləɪl, ˈkɑ:ɹləɪl sp carpenter7
kɛ:ɹ / -st / -z / -d
77 1 14 4 sp Carlile7
sp care / car’st / cares / car’d


carper n carter / ~s n cased adj

ˈkɑ:ɹpəɹ ˈkɑ:ɹtəɹ / -z kɛ:st
sp carper1 sp carters3 sp cased1

carpet / ~s n Carthage n casement / ~s n

ˈkɑ:ɹpɪt / -s ˈkɑ:ɹtɪdʒ ˈkɛ:smənt / -s
sp carpet2 / carpets1 sp Carthage7 sp case-ment1, casement8 /
carpet-monger / ~s n carv·e / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v
ˈkɑ:ɹpɪt-ˌmɤŋgəɹz kɑ:ɹv / -z / ˈkɑ:ɹvɪn, -ɪŋ / cash n
sp car-pet-mongers1 kɑ:ɹvd =
sp carue9 / carues1 / caruing2 / sp cash1
carping adj / n caru’d4, carued2
ˈkɑ:ɹpɪn, -ɪŋ rh serve LLL 4.1.58
cashier / ~ed v
sp carping / carping 1 kəˈʃi:ɹ / -d
carved adj sp casheere1 / casheerd1,
carrack / ~s n kɑ:ɹvd casheer’d2
ˈkarəkt / -s sp carued1
sp carract1 /carrects1
cashiered adj
carved-bone adj kəˈʃi:ɹd
carraway / ~s n ˈkɑ:ɹvd-ˌbo:n sp casheer’d1
ˈkarəwɛ:z sp caru’d-bone 1

sp carrawayes1
casing adj
carver / ~s n ˈkɛ:sɪn, -ɪŋ
carriage / ~s n ˈkɑ:ɹvəɹ / -z sp casing1
= 1
sp caruer / caruers 1

sp carriage21 / carriages7
cask / ~s n
casa Ital n kask / -s
carrier / s n ˈka:sa sp caske1 / caskes1
ˈkarɪəɹ / -z sp casa 1

sp cariere1, carrier5 / carriers2

casket / ~s n
Casca / ~’s n ˈkaskɪt / -s
carrion / ~s n ˈkaskə / -z sp casket9 / caskets7
= sp Caska 30
/ Caska’s 1

sp carion1, carrion12 / carrions2

casket / ~ted v
case / ~s n ˈkaskɪtɪd
carr·y / ~ies / ~ying / ~ied v kɛ:s / ˈkɛ:sɪz sp casketted1
ˈkarəɪ / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / m -d, 95
sp case , [accusatiue]-case / 1

-ˌɪd, -ˌed cases10

casque n
1 15 66
sp carie , carrie , carry , carry’t , 4 rh disgrace R2 1.1.134; face CE 4.2.5, kask
carry-[her]1 / carries20, car-ries1, LLL 5.2.387; face, place Luc 313, sp caske3
carryes2 / carrying7, car-rying1 / caried1, KJ 1.1.147; grace TS 4.2.45; grace,
ca-ried1, carried22, car-ried1, carryed4 pace Luc 711; grace, place LC 116; Cassado n
> miscarry place 1H6 2.1.72, RJ 1.1.101, S 108.9 / kəˈsɑ:do:
faces LLL 5.2.273 sp Cassado1
carry-tale n > bow-, lute-, watch-case
ˈkarəɪ-ˌtɛ:l Cassandra / ~’s n
case / ~d v kəˈsandrə / -z
sp carry-tale
> tale
kɛ:s / kɛ:st sp Cassandra8, Cassandra’s
sp case5 / cas’d2 [Cassandra is]1 / Cassandra’s1
cart / ~s n > dis-, un-case
kɑ:ɹt / -s
sp cart5 / carts1


Cassibulan n casting-forth n sp catch9 / catches2

kəˈsɪbjəˌlan, -ələn ˈkastɪn-ˈfɒɹθ, -ɪŋ- rh snatch MND 3.2.30
> tallow catch
sp Cassibulan4 sp casting forth1
catch / ~es / ~ing / ~ed /
Cassio / ~’s n casting-up n
caught v
ˈkasɪo: / -z ˈkastɪn-ˈɤp, -ɪŋ-
= / = / ˈkatʃɪn, -ɪŋ / =
sp Cassio136, Cassio’s [Cassio is]4 / sp casting vp1
Cassio’s6 sp catch54 / catches2 / catching4 /
castle / ~’s / ~s n catcht4 / caught31
Cassius n ˈkasəl / -z rh match TS 2.1.324; dispatch S
ˈkasɪəs 143.1; hatch KJ 1.1.173; latch Luc 360,
sp castle37, castle-[ditch]1, castles
S 113.8 / hatched LLL 5.2.69 / caught
sp Cassius85 [castle is]1 / castles2 / castles9
her rh 1 daughter, slaughter KL
cassock / ~s n casual adj 1.4.314 / rh 2 after KL 1.4.314 / rh 3
halter KL 1.4.314
= ˈkazwɑl > cony-catch, uncaught
sp cassockes1 sp casuall1, casu-all1
catcher n
cast adj / n casually adv ˈkatʃəɹ
kast m ˈkazwɑˌləɪ sp catcher1
sp cast1 / cast4 sp casually1 > gull-, rat-catcher
> countercaster; fore-, out-, over-,
rough-, up-cast casualty n catching adj / n
m ˈkazwɑlˌtəɪ ˈkatʃɪn, -ɪŋ
cast / ~s / ~ing v sp casualtie1 sp catching3 / catching1
kast / -s / ˈkast·ɪn, -ɪŋ
sp cast91, cast-[him]1 / casts2, cat / ~s n cate / ~s n
cast’s [casts]1 / casting1 = kɛ:ts
sp cat38, [gyb]-cat1, [wilde]-cat2, sp cates3
Castalion adj catte2 / cats6, wilde-[cats]1
kəsˈtalɪən > polecat catechism n
sp Castalion-[king-vrinall]1 =
catalogue n
castaway / ~s n sp catechisme2
ˈkastəˌwɛ: / -z sp catalogue4, cate-log1 catechize v
1 1
sp castaway , cast-away / ˈkatəˌkəɪz
castawayes1 cataplasm n
sp catechize3
rh day, lay Luc 744 =
> away sp cataplasme1 catechizing n
casted adj ˈkatəˌkəɪzɪn, -ɪŋ
cataract / ~s n
ˈkastɪd sp catechizing1
ˈkatəˌraks, -kts
sp casted sp cataracts1 cater / ~s v
castigate v ˈkɛ:təɹz
catarrh / ~s n
ˈkastɪˌgɛ:t sp caters1
sp castigate1
sp catarres1 cater-cousin / ~s n
castigation n ˈkɛ:təɹ-ˌkɤzənz
catastrophe n
ˈkastɪˌgɛ:sɪən sp catercosins1
= > cousin
sp castigation
sp catastrophe4
Castiliano n caterpillar / ~s n
catch / ~es n ˈkatəɹˌpɪləɹz
sp Castiliano1


sp caterpillars1, caterpillers3, cauldron n cave / ~s n

catterpillers1 ˈkɔ:ldrən, ˈkɔ:d- kɛ:v, kav / -z
caterwauling n sp caldron2, cauldron5, cawdron1 sp caue24 / caues5
rh chaudron Mac 4.1.34 rh have AY 5.4.193
ˈkatəɹˌwɑ:lɪn, -ɪŋ
sp catterwalling2 cause / ~s n cave v
Catesby n = kɛ:v, kav
sp cause317 / causes16 sp caue1
rh clause TN 3.1.151; laws S 49.14;
sp Catesby36 pause CE 2.1.33, VA 220 cave-keeper n
Cathayan n > love-cause ˈkɛ:v-ˌki:pəɹ, ˈkav-
sp caue-keeper1
kəˈtɛ:ən cause / ~st / ~th / ~d v > keep
sp cataian1, catayan1 =
sp cause5 / causest1 / causeth1 / cavern / ~s n
cathedral n
caus’d10, caused1 ˈkavəɹn / -z
sp cauerne1 / cauernes1
sp cathedrall1 causeless adj
= caveto Lat interj
catlike adj
sp causelesse2, causles1 kəˈvi:to:
sp caueto1
sp catlike1 causer n
ˈkɔ:zəɹ caviary n
catling / ~s n
sp causer3 ˈkavɪərəɪ
ˈkatlɪnz, -ɪŋz
sp cauiarie1
sp catlings1 cautel n
= cavil n
Catling [name] n
sp cautell1 =
ˈkatlɪn, -ɪŋ
sp cauill1
sp Catling1 cautelous adj
m ˈkɔ:tləs, -təˌlɤs cavil / ~ling v
Cato / ~’s n
sp cautelous2 = / ˈkavɪlɪn, -ɪŋ, -vl-
ˈkɛ:to: / -z
sp cauill4 / cauilling1
sp Cato7 / Cato’s3, emend of Cor caution / ~s n
1.4.59 calues1 ˈkɔ:sɪən / -z caw / ~ing v
cat o’ mountain adj / n sp caution6 / cautions1 ˈkɔ:ɪn, -ɪŋ
sp cawing1
ˈkatəˈməʊntɪn cavaleiro adj
sp cat-a-moun-taine-[lookes]1 / ˌkavəˈlɛ:ro: Cawdor n
cat o' mountaine1 sp caualeiro1, caueleiro1, ˈkɔ:dəɹ
caueleiro-[Iustice]1 sp Cawdor21
cattle n
= cavaleiro / ~es n ce Fr det
sp cattell1, cattle3 ˌkavəˈlɛ:ro: / -z sə
sp [guest]-caualeire1 / cauileroes1 sp ce2
Caucasus n
= cavalery adj ces
sp Caucasus2 ˈkavələrəɪ ʾse
sp caualery1 sp ce1
caudle n/v
= cavalier / ~s n cette
sp emend of 2H6 4.7.83, LLL 4.3.172 ˌkavəˈli:ɹz sɛt, st
candle2 / cawdle1 sp caualiers1 sp [a]st[ure]


cease / ~s / ~th / ~d v cellar n century n

= ˈseləɹ m ˈsentjəˌrəɪ
sp cease48, cesse1 / ceases3 / sp cellar1 sp century1
ceaseth1 / ceast3
rh increase S 11.7; peace Cym cellarage n Cerberus n
5.5.485 = ˈsɐ:ɹbrəs, -bər-
sp selleredge1 sp Cerberus3, Cer-berus1
cedar / ~s n
ˈsi:dəɹ / -z cels·us / ~a Lat adj cerecloth n
sp cedar9 / cedars3 ˈselsa ˈsi:ɹklɒθ
sp celsa3 sp searecloath1
Cedus n
ˈsi:dəs cement n/v cerements n
sp Cedus1 ˈsɪmənt ˈsi:ɹmənts
sp ciment1, cyment1 / ciment1 sp cerments1
> ciel censor n ceremonial adj
ˈsensəɹ ˌserɪˈmo:nɪɑl
celebrate / ~s / ~d v
sp censor3 sp ceremoniall1
ˈselɪˌbrɛ:t / -s / -ɪd
sp celebrate5 / celebrates1 / censure / ~s n ceremonious adj
celebrated2 ˈsensjəɹ / -z ˌserɪˈmo:nɪəs
rh estate Tem 4.1.84; late Tem
sp censure18 / censures3 sp ceremonious7
censure / ~d v ceremoniously adv
celebration n
ˈsensjəɹ / m -d, -əˌrɪd m ˌserɪˈmo:nɪəsˌləɪ
sp censure9 / censur'd3, censured3 sp ceremoniously1
sp celebration5
censurer / ~s n ceremon·y / ~ies n
celerity n
ˈsensjərəɹz m ˈserɪˌmo:nəɪ, -ɪmənəɪ / -z
sp censurers1 sp ceremonie13, ceremony12,
sp celeritie3, celerity30
cerimony2 / ceremonies10
rh authority MM 4.2.107 censuring adj
ˈsensjərɪn, -ɪŋ Ceres / ~’ n
celestial adj
sp censuring1 ˈsi:ri:z
sp Ceres7 / Ceres1
sp celestiall14, coelestiall1 cent / ~s Fr n
sɑ̃ ’cern
Celia n
sp cent 1 > concern
sp Celia12, Cellia2 centaur / ~s / ~s’ n certain / ~er adj
ˈsentɔ:ɹ / -z ˈsɐ:ɹt·ən / -nəɹ
Celius n
sp centaur6, centaure1 / centaures1, sp certain5, certaine159, cer-taine3 /
ˈsi:lɪəs certainer1
centaurs1 / centaures1
sp Celius1 rh plain MND 5.1.129
centre n > incertain
cell n
= certainly adv
sp center9, [th ’]center1, centre1,
sp cell29, cell’s [cell is]1
centure1, emend of R3 5.2.11 centry1
m ˈsɐ:ɹtənˌləɪ
rh farewell RJ 2.5.77, 3.2.141; sp certainely14, certainly11
tell RJ 2.2.192 centurion / ~s n
senˈtjʊrɪənz certaint·y / ~ies n
sp centurions 1 ˈsɐ:ɹtənˌtəɪ, -nt- / ˈsɐ:ɹtənˌtəɪz


sp certaintie4, certainty4 / certainties3 sp chafe4 / chafes3 / chafing1 / chalky adj

> uncertain; in-, un-certainty chaf ’d2, chaft2 ˈtʃɔ:kəɪ
certes adv chafed adj sp chalky1, chalkie1, chalkle1
m ˈsɐ:ɹtɪs, sɐ:ɹts m ˈtʃɛ:fɪd, tʃɛ:ft challenge n
sp certes4, certis1 sp chafed4, chaff ’d1 =, Caius MW .. ˈʃalɪndʒ
> enchafed
certificate n sp challenge21, Caius shallenge1
səɹˈtɪfɪˌkɛ:t chaff n
challenge / ~s / ~ed v
sp certificate1 =
sp chaffe9
certif·y / ~ies / ~ied v sp challenge28 / challenges1 /
chaffless adj challeng’d9, challenged1
m ˈsɐ:ɹtɪˌfəɪ / -z / -d
sp certifie1 / certifies1 / certified2 = challenger / ~s n
sp chaffelesse1
ces Fr ˈtʃalɪndʒəɹ / -z
chain / ~s n sp challenger5 / challengers1,
> ce
tʃɛ:n / -z challen-gers1
Cesario n sp chain1, chaine57 / chaines8, Cham / ~’s n
m sɪˈzarɪo:, -ɪˌo: chaynes3
rh detain CE 2.1.106; disdain VA
sp Cesario18
110; vain CE 3.2.189 sp Chams1
cess n
chain / ~s / ~ed v chamber adj
2 tʃɛ:n / -z / -d ˈtʃambəɹ
sp cesse
sp chaine4, chayne1 / chaines1 / sp chamber12, chamber-[window]3
rh bless AW 5.3.72
c’est Fr pro + v rh obtained, pained Luc 900 chamber / ~’s / ~s n
sɛ > unchain ˈtʃambəɹ / -z
sp chamber84, cham-ber4 /
sp c’est chair / ~s n chambers1 / chambers11,
> est Fr
tʃɛ:ɹ / -z [charg’d]-chambers1, cham-bers1
cestern n sp chaire24, chayre12 / chaires5, rh amber WT 4.4.225
chayres1 > bed-, dining-, star-chamber
sp cesterne3 chair-days n chamber / ~ed v
ˈtʃɛ:ɹ-ˌdɛ:z ˈtʃambəɹd
cestern / ~ed v
sp chaire-dayes1 sp chamber'd1
> day
sp cestern'd1 chamber-counsel / ~s n
Chalcas / ~’ n ˈtʃambəɹ-ˌkəʊnsɪls
Cestos n ˈtʃalkəs sp chamber-councels1
ˈsestɒs sp Chalcas4 / Chalcas1 > counsel
sp Cestos1
chalice / ~s n chamberer / ~s n
cette Fr = ˈtʃambrəɹz, -bər-
> ce sp challice2 / challices1 sp chamberers1
chafe n chaliced adj chamber-hanging n
tʃɛ:f = ˈtʃambəɹ-ˌaŋɪn, -ɪŋ, -ˌhaŋ-
sp chafe1 sp chalic’d1 sp chamber-hanging1
chaf·e / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v chalk / ~s / ~ed v > hang
tʃɛ:f / -s / ˈtʃɛ:fɪn, -ɪŋ / m =
ˈtʃɛ:fɪd, tʃɛ:ft sp chalkes1 / chalk’d1


chamberlain / ~s n chance / ~’s / ~s n changeful adj

ˈtʃambəɹˌlɛ:n, -lɪn / -z tʃɔ:ns, tʃans / ˈtʃɔ:nsɪz, ˈtʃans- ˈtʃɛ:ndʒfʊl
sp chamberlaine23, cham-berlaine2 / sp chance61, [main]-chance1, sp changefull1
chamberlaines1 chaunce1 / chances1 / chances7,
chaunces1 changeling / ~s n
chamber-lye n rh advance, circumstance Luc 1706; ˈtʃɛ:ndʒlɪn, -ɪŋ / -z
ˈtʃambəɹ-ˌləɪ dance LLL 5.2.218; France KJ 1.1.151, sp changeling7 / changelings1
sp chamber-lye1 256, LLL 5.2.550; trance Luc 1596 rh king MND 2.1.23
> be-, mis-, per-chance
chambermaid / ~s n changing adj / n
ˈtʃambəɹ-ˌmɛ:d / -z
chance / ~s / ~d v
ˈtʃɛ:ndʒɪn, -ɪŋ
tʃans, tʃɔ:- / ˈtʃans·ɪz, ˈtʃɔ:- /
sp chamber-maid1 / sp changing2 / changing3
chambermaides1 tʃanst, tʃɔ:- rh ranging TS 3.1.90
> maid sp chance37, chaunce1 / chances3, > all-, near-, shallow-, un-,
chaunces1 / chanc’d8, chanced2, wind-changing
chamber-pot n chanc’t1
ˈtʃambəɹ-ˌpɒt rh dances Per 5.Chorus.1 channel / ~s n
sp chamber-pot1 =
chancellor n
> poy sp channel1, channell7 / channels2
ˈtʃansləɹ, ˈtʃɔ:-, -səl-
chamblet n sp chancellor2, chancellour2, channel v
ˈkamlət chancelor1 =
sp chamblet1 sp channell1
chandler / ~’s n
chameleon / ~’s n ˈtʃandləɹz, ˈtʃɔ:n- chanson n
kəˈmi:lɪən / -z sp chandlers1 ˈʃansən, ˈʃɒn-
sp cameleon1, camelion2 / sp chanson1
change / ~s n
tʃɛ:ndʒ / ˈtʃɛ:ndʒɪz Chanticleer n
Champ [name] n sp change45, [long’d-for]-change1 / ˈtʃɔ:ntɪˌkli:ɹ, ˈtʃan-
Eng ʃɒmp, Fr ʃɑ̃ changes9
sp Chanticleere1, Chanticlere1
1 rh strange LLL 5.2.209, S 76.2, 89.6,
sp Champ rh hear Tem 1.2.386
Champaigne n > counter-, exchange, inter-, chant / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
ʃamˈpɛ:n, ʃɒm-, -ˈpen tʃɔ:nt, tʃant / -s / ˈtʃɔ:nt·ɪn, -ɪŋ,
sp Champaigne1 chang·e / ~est / ~es / ~ing / ˈtʃant- / -ɪd
~ed v sp chaunt2 / chauntes1, chaunts2 /
champain / ~s n chanting1 / chaunted1
ˈʃampɛ:n / -z tʃɛ:ndʒ / ˈtʃɛ:ndʒ·əst / -ɪz / -ɪn, -
rh aunts WT 4.3.9
sp champian1 / champains1
ɪŋ / m -ɪd, tʃɛ:ndʒd
sp change99 / changest1 / changes8, chantr·y / ~ies n
champion adj chan-ges1 / changing4 / chang’d32, ˈtʃɔ:ntrəɪ, tʃan-/ -z
= changed1, chaung’d1
sp chantry1 / chauntries1
rh strange Ham 3.2.211, S 123.1 /
sp champion1
estranged LLL 5.2.214 chaos n
champion / ~s n ˈkɛ:ɒs
changeable adj
m =, ˈtʃampɪˌɒn / -z sp chaos4
sp champion10, champi-on1 /
sp changeable3 chape n
changed adj tʃɛ:p
champion v sp chape1
= m tʃɛ:ndʒd, ˈtʃɛ:ndʒɪd
sp chang’d1, changed2
sp champion1
> child-changed


chapel / ~s n characterless adj Charing Cross n

= m kəˈraktəɹˌles ˌtʃarɪn-ˈkrɒs, -ɪŋ-
sp chappell9 / chappels2 sp characterlesse1 sp Charing-crosse1

chapeless adj charactery n chariot / ~s n

ˈtʃɛ:pləs m kəˈraktəˌrəɪ =
sp chapelesse1 sp characterie1, charractery1 sp chariot5 / chariots3
rh embroidery, knee MW 5.5.73
chaplain / ~s n chariot-wheel / ~s n
= Charbon n ˈtʃarɪət-ˌʍi:lz
sp chaplaine4 / chaplaines1 ˈʃaɹbɒn sp chariot-wheeles1, chariot
sp Charbon1 wheeles1
chapless adj
= chare / ~s n charitable adj
sp chaplesse 1 tʃɑ:ɹ / -z m ˈtʃarɪˌtabəl
sp chare1 / chares1 sp charitable17
chaplet n > uncharitable
= charge / ~es n
sp chaplet1 tʃɑ:ɹdʒ / ˈtʃɑ:ɹdʒɪz charitably adj
sp charge108 / charges9 m ˈtʃarɪˌtabləɪ
chap·man / ~men / rh George H5 3.1.33; marriage 3H6 sp charitably1
~men’s n 4.1.32 > uncharitably
= charg·e / ~es / ~eth / ~ing / charit·y / ~ies n
sp chapmen1 / chapmens1
~ed v m ˈtʃarɪˌtəɪ, -ɪt- / -ˌtəɪz
chaps n tʃɑ:ɹdʒ / ˈtʃɑ:ɹdʒ·ɪz / -əθ / -ɪn, sp charitie22, charity31 / charities1
tʃaps, tʃɒps -ɪŋ / m -ɪd, tʃɑ:ɹdʒd rh fee Per 3.2.73; society LLL 4.3.125
sp charge88 / charges5 / chargeth1 / > self-charity
sp chaps5, chappes1, chops3
charging1 / charg’d26, charged2
chapter n rh enlarged S 70.10; wide-enlarged
Charlemaine n
ˈtʃaptəɹ AY 3.2.137 m ˈʃɑ:ɹləˌmɛ:n
> double-, un-charge sp Charlemaine2
sp chapter1

charact / ~s n charged adj Charles n

ˈkarəks, -kts tʃɑ:ɹdʒd tʃɑ:ɹlz
sp charg’d2, charg’d-[chambers]1, sp Charles60
sp caracts1
character / ~s n > full-, over-charged charm / ~s n
m ˈkarəkˌtɛ:ɹ, -təɹ, tʃɑ:ɹm / -z
chargeful adj sp charm1, charme16, [ayrie]-charme1,
kəˈraktəɹ / -z ˈtʃɑ:ɹdʒfʊl charme’s [charm is]1 / charmes21
sp character7, charracter6 /
sp chargefull1 rh arm, harm Luc 173; harm MM
characters4, charracters3,
4.1.14, MND 2.2.17 / arms PP 11.8;
charrac-ters1 charge-house n harms Mac 3.5.6
rh 1 bears LC 16 / rh 2 tears [cry]
ˈtʃɑ:ɹdʒ-ˌəʊs, ˌhəʊs
LC 16 charm / ~s / ~eth / ~ing /
sp charg-house1
character / ~ed v > house ~ed v
m ˈkarəkˌtɛ:ɹ, -təɹ, kəˈraktəɹ / chariness n tʃɑ:ɹm / -z / ˈtʃɑ:ɹm·əθ / -ɪn,
kəˈraktəɹd -ɪŋ / m -ɪd, tʃɑ:ɹmd
1 1
ˈtʃarɪnəs sp charme13 / charmes1 / charmeth1
sp character , charracter /
sp charinesse1 / charming3 / charm’d6, charmed1
rh harm thee Cym 4.2.277 / harmed,
rh 1 register S 108.1 / rh 2 every-
warmed LC 193
where AY 3.2.6


charmed adj Chartreux n chastised adj

m tʃɑ:ɹmɪd ʃɑ:ɹˈtrə: ˈtʃastəɪzd
sp charmed3 sp Chartreux2 sp chastiz’d1
> uncharmed
char·y S / ~iest adj chastisement n
charmer n ˈtʃarəɪ / -əst m ˈtʃastəɪzˌment
ˈtʃɑ:ɹməɹ sp chary1 / chariest1 sp chasticement8, chastisement1
sp charmer1 rh wary S 22.11
> unchary chastity n
Charmian n m ˈtʃastɪˌtəɪ
ˈtʃɑ:ɹmɪən Charybdis n sp chastitie8, chastities [chastity is]1,
sp Charmian , Char-mian , 1 kəˈrɪbdɪs chastity10
Charmion1 sp Charibdis1 rh 1 infirmity, posterity PT 61; luxury
LC 315; scarcity VA 751; silently MND
charming adj chase / ~s n 3.1.195; rh 2 eye MND 3.1.195,
ˈtʃɑ:ɹmɪn, -ɪŋ tʃɛ:s / ˈtʃɛ:sɪz PP 4.8
sp charming3 sp chase10, chace10 / chaces1
rh face S 143.5, VA 3; grace MND
chat n
charmingly adv 2.2.94; place Luc 1736, VA 883 =
m ˈtʃɑ:ɹmɪnˌləɪ, -ɪŋ- sp chat8
sp charmingly 1 chas·e / ~es / ~eth / ~ing / rh 1 that LLL 5.2.228; rh 2 gate
~ed v VA 422
charneco n tʃɛ:s / ˈtʃɛ:s·ɪz / -əθ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ /
ˈtʃɑ:ɹnɪko: chat / ~s v
sp charneco1 3 8 1
sp chace , chase / chases /
sp chat4 / chats1
chaseth1 / chasing1 / chac’d4,
charnel-house / ~s n chas’d4, chased2
ˈtʃɑ:ɹnəl-ˌəʊs, -ˌhəʊ- / -zɪz Chatillon n
rh chase it disgrace it VA 410 /
sp charnell house / charnell embracing VA 561 / defaced, dis-
houses1 graced Luc 716; disgraced Luc 1834; sp Chatilion2, Chatillion1,
> house embraced MW 5.5.230 Chattilion3, Chattillion2, Chattylion1,
abbr in s.d. Chat1
Charolois n chaser n
ˌʃarəˈlwɛ ˈtʃɛ:səɹ chattels n
sp Charaloyes 1
sp chaser 1 =
sp chattels2
Charon n chaste adj
ˈkarən tʃast chatter v
sp Charon 1 27
sp chaste , chast 12 ˈtʃatəɹ
rh haste Luc 322; waist Luc 7; waste sp chatter3
charter / ~s n RJ 1.1.217
ˈtʃɑ:ɹtəɹ / -z > unchaste
chattering adj
sp charter6 / charters2
ˈtʃatrɪn, -ɪŋ, -tər-
> blank-charter
chastely adv sp chattering1, chatt’ring1
chartered adj sp chastly3
chaud Fr adj
ˈtʃaɹtəɹd ʃo
sp charter'd1
chastise / ~d v sp emend of MW 1.4.49 ehando1
ˈtʃastəɪz / m -d, -ɪd
Chartham n sp chastise5 / chastic’d1, chasticed1,
chaudron n
ˈtʃɑ:ɹtəm chastis’d1, chastised1 ˈtʃɔ:drən
sp Chartam1 sp chawdron1
rh cauldron Mac 4.1.33

C H E R R Y - S T ON E

chawed adj cheek / ~s n cheerly adv

tʃɔ:d = ˈtʃi:ɹləɪ
sp chaw’d-[grasse]1 sp cheek1, cheeke65 / cheekes67, sp chearely3, chearly1, cheerely9
che [dialect form of I] pro rh meek Luc 708; seek LLL 4.3.233, cheese n
tʃə S 67.5; speak Per 5.1.94 / leeks MND =, Evans MV ..f tsi:z
sp che1 5.1.324; reeks S 130.6; seeks VA 50, sp cheese13, Evans MV 5.5.139f
475; weeks S 116.9 seese2
cheap / ~er / ~est adj > Aguecheek
= / ˈtʃi:pəɹ / = cheese-paring n
cheek-rose / ~s n ˈtʃi:z-ˌpɛ:rɪn, -ɪŋ
sp cheap1, cheape13 / cheaper1 /
m ˌtʃi:k-ˈro:zɪz sp cheese-paring1
sp cheeke-roses1
cheapen v > rose chequer / ~ing v
= ˈtʃekrɪn, -ɪŋ
cheer n
sp cheapen1 sp checkring2
cheaply adv sp chear1, cheare6, cheer1, cheere39 chequered adj
ˈtʃi:pləɪ rh 1 dear 2H4 5.3.17, MND 3.2.96, ˈtʃekəɹd
5.1.286, MV 3.2.312; dear, here CE
sp cheapely1 sp checker’d1, cheker’d1
3.1.19; fear Luc 89; fear, hear Luc 264;
Cheapside n near S 97.13; year 2H4 5.3.17; rh 2 cher Fr adj
there 2H4 5.3.17; rh 3 worshipper
ˈtʃi:psəɪd ʃɛ:ɹ
Luc 89 / tears [cry] TNK 1.5.4
sp Cheapside2 sp [tres]cher2
cheer / ~est / ~s / ~ing /
cheat n cherish / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v
~ed v
= = / = / ˈtʃerɪʃɪn, -ɪŋ / =
tʃi:ɹ / -st / -z / ˈtʃi:ɹ·ɪn, -ɪŋ / m
sp cheat1, cheate1 sp cherish15, cherrish2 / cherishes1 /
-ɪd, tʃi:ɹd cherishing1 / cherish’d3, cherished1,
cheat / ~s / ~ed v sp cheare6, cheere19 / cheer’st1 / cherisht5
= cheares2, cheeres2 / chearing2 / rh perish Luc 1546, S 11.12
chear’d1, cheared1, cheer’d5
sp cheat1, cheate1 / cheats1 /
rh cheer thee hear thee PP 20.22 cherisher n
> all-cheering ˈtʃerɪʃəɹ
cheater / ~s n sp cherisher1
cheerer n
ˈtʃi:təɹ / -z
ˈtʃi:ɹəɹ cherishing n
sp cheater5 / cheaters2
sp chearer1 m ˈtʃerɪˌʃɪn, -ɪŋ
cheating adj sp cherishing1
cheerful adj
ˈtʃi:tɪn, -ɪŋ
ˈtʃi:ɹfʊl cherr·y / ~ies n
sp cheating1
sp chearefull8, cheerefull8, cheerfull1 ˈtʃerəɪ / -z
check / ~s n sp cherry7 / cherries1
cheerfully adv
= rh berry Per 5.Chorus.8 / berries VA
m ˈtʃi:ɹfʊlˌəɪ, -fləɪ
sp checke9 / checkes4, checks1 1103
sp chearefully1, cheare-fully1,
> countercheck
chearfully2, cheerefully3, cheereful-ly1, cherry-pit n
check / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v cheerfully1 ˈtʃerəɪ-ˌpɪt
rh victory R3 5.3.270
= / = / ˈtʃekɪn, -ɪŋ / = sp cherrie-pit1
4 9 2
sp check , checke / checkes / cheerless adj
checking1 / check’d4, checkt2
cherry-stone n
ˈtʃi:ɹləs ˈtʃerəɪ-ˌsto:n
rh beck S 58.7
sp cheerlesse1
> half-, un-checked sp cherrie-stone1


Chertsey n cheveril adj chiding adj / n

ˈtʃɐ:ɹtsəɪ ˈʃevrəl, -vər- ˈtʃəɪdɪn, -ɪŋ
sp Chertsey3 sp cheu’rill1, chiuerell1 sp chiding3 / chiding5

cherub / ~in / ~ins n chew / ~ing / ~ed v chief / ~est adj

= / m =, ˈtʃerəˌbɪn / -z = / ˈtʃu:ɪn, -ɪŋ / = =
sp cherube1 / cherubin4 / sp chew2 / chewing1 / chew’d1, sp cheefe9, chiefe2 / cheefest8,
cherubins4 chewed1 chiefest6
rh grief S 42.3, VA 970
Cheshu chewet n
> Jesus ˈtʃu:ɪt chief n
sp chewet 1 =
chess n
sp cheefe2, cheff1, chiefe2
= chez Fr prep
sp chesse1 ʃez chiefest n
sp ches1 =
chest / ~s n
sp cheefest1
= chi Ital pro
sp chest6 / chests6 ki: chiefly adv
rh breast R2 1.1.180, S 48.9; special- 2 ˈtʃi:fləɪ
sp que
blest S 52.9; unrest Tit 2.3.9
sp cheefely3, chiefely6, chieflie1,
chick n chiefly2
Chester n
ˈtʃestəɹ chien Fr n
sp chicke1
sp Chester1 ʃjɛ̃
chicken / ~s n sp chien1
chestnut / ~s n
ˈtʃesnət / -s child / ~’s / ~ren / ~’s n
sp chicken2 / chickens3, chic-kens1
sp chessenut1, chesse-nut1, tʃəɪld / -z / =
chestnuts1 chicurmurco nonsense sp child62, male-[child]1,
> nut
word [with]-child1, childe146,
ˌki:kəɹˈmɐ:ɹko: male-[childe]1 / childes3, childs2 /
Chetas n
children104, chil-dren1 / childrens11
ˈki:təs sp chicurmurco1
rh 1 beguiled MND 1.1.238, S 59.4;
sp Chetas1 beguiled, wild Luc 954; defiled AW
chidden adj
5.3.299, Luc 785, MND 3.2.409; mild
cheval Fr n =
Luc 1094, Per 1.1.70; [following R2
ʃəˈval sp chidden3
1.3.239, Q], VA 1152; wild MND
sp cheual 2.1.24; rh 2 spilled RJ 3.1.146
chid·e / ~est / ~s / ~ing / chid /
> unchilded
chevalier / ~s n ~den v
m ˈʃevəˌli:ɹ / -z tʃəɪd / -st / -z / ˈtʃəɪdɪn, -ɪŋ / = child-bed n
sp cheualier1 / cheualiers1 sp chide43 / chid’st2 / chides10 / ˈtʃəɪld-ˌbed
chiding1, chi-ding1 / chid15, chidde2 / sp child-bed1
chevalier Fr n chidden1 > bed
ʃəvalˈje rh abide Luc 484; dy’d, pride S 99.1;
provide S 111.1 child-changed adj
sp che-ualier1
m ˌtʃəɪld-ˈtʃɛ:ndʒɪd
cheverel n chider / ~s n
sp childe-changed1
ˈʃevrəl, -vər- ˈtʃəɪdəɹz > changed
sp chiders1
sp cheuerell1
pun RJ 2.4.82 ell
Childeric n
sp Childerike1


childhood / ~s n chimney-piece n chirping n

ˈtʃəɪldʊd, -hʊd / -z ˈtʃɪmnəɪ-ˌpi:s ˈtʃɐ:ɹpɪn, -ɪŋ
sp childehood1, childhood2, sp chimney-peece1 sp chirping1
child-hood2, child-hoode1 / > piece
child-hoods1 chirra interj
chimney-sweeper / ~s n ˈtʃɪrə
childing adj ˈtʃɪmnəɪ-ˌswi:pəɹz sp chirra1
ˈtʃəɪldɪn, -ɪŋ sp chimney-sweepers1,
sp childing1 chimny-sweepers1 chirurgeonly adv
m tʃɪˈrɐ:ɹdʒɪənˌləɪ
childish adj chimurcho nonsense word sp chirurgeonly1
ˈtʃəɪldɪʃ ki:ˈmɐ:ɹko:
sp childish9 sp chimurcho1 chisel n
childishness n chin / ~s n
sp chizzell1
m ˈtʃəɪldɪʃˌnes =, Katherine H ..ff sɪn /
sp childishnesse3 -z Chitopher n
sp chin17, chinne5, Katherine sin4 / ˈtʃɪtəfəɹ
child-killer n chinnes2, chins2 sp Chitopher1
m ˌtʃəɪld-ˈkɪləɹ rh begin Luc 472, VA 59; in VA 85;
sp child-killer1 skin LC 92, Luc 420 chivalrous adj
m ˈʃɪvəlˌrɤs
childlike adj china adj
sp chiualrous1
ˈtʃəɪldləɪk ˈtʃəɪnə
sp child-like2 sp china-[dishes]1 chivalry n
m ˈʃɪvəlˌrəɪ, -lr-
childness n chine / ~s n
sp cheualrie3, chiualrie7, chiualry1
ˈtʃəɪldnəs tʃəɪn / -z rh 1 fly 1H6 4.6.29; lie TC 4.4.147;
sp child-nesse1 sp chine2 / chines1 rh 2 Jewry R2 2.1.54; see R2 1.1.203;
Italy, victory Luc 109
chill adj chink / ~s n
= = choice / ~est adj
sp chill 1 sp chink1, chinke4 / chincks1 tʃəɪs / ˈtʃəɪsəst
rh think MND 5.1.156, 189 sp choise6, chose1, choyce2 /
chill [dialect form of choysest1
I will] pro + v chip / ~s S n
tʃɪl = choice n
sp chips1 tʃəɪs
sp chill
rh lips S 128.10
sp choice30, choise15, choyce6,
chilling adj choyse9
chip / ~ped v
ˈtʃɪlɪn, -ɪŋ rh voice RJ 1.2.18
sp chilling1
sp chipp’d1 choice-drawn adj
chime / ~s n ˈtʃəɪs-ˌdrɔ:n
tʃəɪm / -z sp choyse-drawne1
> capocchia
1 1 > drawn
sp chime / chymes
rh time Per 1.1.86 chipped adj choicely adv
= ˈtʃəɪsləɪ
chimney / ~s n
sp chipt1
ˈtʃɪmnəɪ / -z sp choycely1
7 1 1
sp chimney / chimneys , chimnies , Chiron n
[Windsor]-chimnies1 ˈkəɪrən
sp Chiron12


choir n chop-fallen adj christendom / ~s n

kwəɪɹ ˈtʃɒp-ˌfɑ:ln m ˈkrɪsənˌdɤm, -ndəm /
sp quier1, quire4 sp chopfalne1 -ˌdɤmz
> fallen sp christendom1, christendome13,
choir / ~ing / ~ed v
chri-stendome2, christen-dome1,
ˈkwəɪɹɪn, -ɪŋ / kwəɪɹd chopine n christen dome1 / christendomes1
sp quiring / quier’d 1 tʃɒˈpi:n
sp choppine1 christening adj
chok·e / ~s / ~d v m ˈkrɪsnɪn, -ɪŋ
tʃo:k / -s / -t chopped adj sp christening1
sp choake15, choke1 / chokes1 / =
choak’d7, choaked1, choakt4 sp chopt4 christening / ~s n
m ˈkrɪsnɪn, -ɪŋ, -səˌn- / -ɪnz,
choking adj / n chopping adj
ˈtʃo:kɪn, -ɪŋ
ˈtʃɒpɪn, -ɪŋ sp christening3, christning1 /
sp choking1 / choaking1 sp chopping1 christenings1
Cholchos n choppy adj Christian adj
ˈkɒlkəs ˈtʃɒpəɪ ˈkrɪstɪən, Evans MW ..
sp Cholchos1
sp choppie1 ˈkrɪstɪənz, Quickly H ..
choler / ~s n chops ˈkrɪstəm
ˈkɒləɹ / -z > chaps sp Christian38, Chri-stian1, Evans
4 22
sp choler , choller / chollers , 1 Christians-[soule]1, Quickly
chollors1 chorister / ~s n Christome1
pun 1H4 2.4.317 collar ˈkwɪrɪstəɹz
Christian / ~s n
sp quirristers1
choleric adj m ˈkrɪstɪən, -ɪˌan / -z
m ˈkɒlərɪk, -ˌrɪk Chorus n sp Christian29, Christi-an1, Evans
sp cholericke1, chollericke8 = MW 1.1.95 Christians1 / Christians6,
sp Chorus8 Christi-ans1
choos·e / ~s / ~eth / ~ing / rh morris TNK 3.5.106
chose / chosen v Christian-like adj
= / = / = / ˈtʃu:zɪn, -ɪŋ / tʃo:z / chosen adj / n ˈkrɪstɪən-ˌləɪk
ˈtʃo:zən ˈtʃo:zən sp Christian-like4
4 1
sp choose84, chuse18 / chooses3 / sp chosen / chosen
Christmas n
chooseth11 / choosing1, chusing2 /
chose11 / chose5, chosen14
chough / ~s n =
rh lose AW 1.3.209, CE 4.3.95, MV tʃɤf / -s sp Christmas3
1 1 3
2.9.80, R2 2.1.29, S 64.13 sp chough , chowgh / choughes ,
> chosen, well-chosen choughs1, chowghes1, chuffes1
Christopher n
ˈkrɪstəfəɹ, Sly TS Induction
chooser n Christ / ~’s n . krɪsˈtɒfəɹ
ˈtʃu:zəɹ krəɪst, Macmorris H ..ff sp Christopher3, Chri-stopher1
sp chooser 1
krəɪʃ / -s
sp Christ8, Macmorris Chrish4 /
Christophero n
choosing n Christs1, Macmorris Chrish1 krɪsˈtɒfəɹo:
ˈtʃu:zɪn, -ɪŋ sp Christophero2
sp choosing1 christen / ~ed v
= chronicle / ~s n
chop / ~ped v sp christen1 / christen’d2, christned1 =
= > new-christened sp chronicle7 / chronicles6
sp chop8 / chop’d1, chopt1
> wide-chopped


chronicle / ~ed v churn v sp Cinque-Ports2

= tʃɐ:ɹn > port

sp chronicle1 / chronicled3 sp cherne1 cinque-spotted adj

rh quern MND 2.1.37
chronicler / ~s v m ˌsɪŋk-ˈspɒtɪd
ˈkrɒnɪkləɹ / -z Chus n sp cinque-spotted1

sp chronicler1 / chronoclers1 tʃu:s

cipher / ~s n
sp Chus1
chrysolite n ˈsəɪfəɹ / -z
ˈkrəɪsəˌləɪt cicatrice / ~s n sp cipher2, cypher2 / cyphers1

sp chrysolite1
ˈsɪkəˌtri:s / -ɪz
Circe / ~’s n
sp cicatrice2, sicatrice1 / cicatrices1
chuck / ~s n ˈsɐ:ɹsi: / -z
tʃɤk / -s Cicely n sp Circe1 / Circes1

sp chuck3, chucke4 / chuckes1

ˈsɪsləɪ, -səl-
circle n
sp Cicely1, Cisley1
church / ~’s / ~es n ˈsɐ:ɹkəl
tʃɐ:ɹtʃ / ˈtʃɐ:ɹtʃɪz Cicero n sp circle12, cir-cle1

sp church62 / churches1 / churches5

m ˈsɪsro:, ˈsɪsəˌro:
circl·e / ~ing / ~ed v
sp Cicero11
churchlike adj ˈsɐ:ɹkəl / ˈsɐ:ɹklɪn, -ɪŋ /
ˈtʃɐ:ɹtʃ-ləɪk Cicester n ˈsɐ:ɹkəld
sp church-like 1 ˈsɪsəstəɹ sp circle1 / circling1 / circled2
sp Cicester 1 > encircle
churchman / ~men /
Cidrus circled adj
~men’s n
> Cydnus ˈsɐ:ɹkəld
ˈtʃɐ:ɹtʃ·mən / -mən / -mənz
sp circled1
sp churchman5, church-man2 / ciel Fr n > semi-circled
church-men6 / churchmens1
sp emend of H5 4.2.4 cein circlet / ~s n
churchway n
ˈtʃɐ:ɹtʃwɛ: Cimber n sp circlets1
sp church-way1
> way circling adj
sp Cimber1, Cymber9
churchyard / ~s n ˈsɐɹklɪn, -ɪŋ
Cimmerian n sp circkling1
ˈtʃɐ:ɹtʃjɑ:ɹd / -z
sp churchyard5, church-yard5 / circuit n
sp Cymerion1
churchyards1, church-yards1
> yard cinder / ~s n sp circuit2
churl / ~s n ˈsɪndəɹz
sp cinders1, cynders3 circumcised adj
tʃɐ:ɹl / -z
m ˈsɐ:ɹkəmˌsəɪzɪd
sp churle7 / churles1 Cinna n sp circumcised1
churlish adj ˈsɪnə
sp Cinna15, Cynna4 circumference n
15 m səɹˈkɤmfəˌrens, -frəns
sp churlish cinquepace n sp circumference2, circum-ference1
churlishly adv ˈsɪŋkəˌpɛ:s
sp cinque-pace2, sinke-a-pace1 circummure / ~d v
m ˈtʃɐɹlɪʃˌləɪ
sp churlishly1 Cinque Ports n sp circummur'd1
ˈsɪŋk ˈpɔɹts


circumscribe / ~ed v sp Citherea1, Cytherea1 / claim n

m ˈsɐ:ɹkəmˌskrəɪbɪd, -bd Cytherea’s1 klɛ:m
sp circumscribed1, circumscrib'd1 citizen / ~s n sp claim1, claime14, clayme11
rh aim CE 3.2.64
circumscription n m ˈsɪtɪˌzen, -ɪzən / -z
ˌsɐ:ɹkəmˈskrɪpsɪən sp citizen10 / citizens48, claim / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
1 [Sunday]-citizens1, cittizens6 klɛ:m / -z / ˈklɛ:mɪn, -ɪŋ /
sp circumscription
> Sunday-citizen
circumspect adj cittern n sp claim1, claime20, clayme15 /
ˈsɐ:ɹkəmˌspekt claimes8, claymes1 / clayming1 /
sp circumspect2 claim’d1, claym’d1
sp citterne1
> reclaim, unclaimed
circumstance / ~s n cit·us / ~a Lat adj
ˈsɐ:ɹkəmˌstans / -ɪz clamber / ~ing v
sp circumstance / 34 ˈklambəɹ / ˈklambrɪn, -ɪŋ
sp cita1
circumstances10, circumstan-ces1 sp clamber1 / clambring2
rh advance, chance Luc 1703 city adj
clamorous adj
circumstanced adj ˈsɪtəɪ
6 5 1
m ˈklaməˌrɤs, -mrəs
ˈsɐ:ɹkəmˌstanst sp citie , city , city-[gate]
sp clamorous9, cla-morous1
sp circumstanc’d cit·y / ~ies n
clamour / ~s n
circumstantial adj ˈsɪtəɪ / -z
ˈklaməɹ / -z
ˌsɐ:ɹkəmˈstansɪɑl sp citie48, cittie5, citty12, city45 /
sp clamor7, clamour7 / clamors6,
1 2 cities16, citties8, cit-ties1
sp circumstantial , circumstantiall clamours3
rh pity LC 176, Luc 469, 1554; witty
circumvent v H8 Epil.5 clamour / ~ed v
ˈsɐ:ɹkəmˌvent civet n ˈklaməɹ / -d
sp circumuent1 = sp clamor1 / clamor’d1

circumvention n sp ciuet3, ciuit1 clang v

ˌsɐ:ɹkəmˈvensɪən civil / ~est adj klaŋg
sp circumuention2 = / ˈsɪvɪlst sp clangue1
1 46 1
cita sp ciuil , ciuill / ciuel’st clangor n
pun MA 2.1.270 Seville
> citus
sp clangor1, clangour1
citadel n civility n
= m sɪˈvɪlɪˌtəɪ, -ɪt- clap / ~s n
sp citadell1, cittadell6 1 4 1 =
sp ciuilitie , ciuility , ciuillitie
sp clap2 / claps1
cital n civilly adv > hap etc
m ˈsɪvɪˌləɪ
sp citall1 clap / ~s / ~ping / ~ped v
sp ciuilly1
= / = / ˈklapɪn, -ɪŋ / =
cit·e / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v clack-dish n sp clap12 / claps4 / clapping2 /
səɪt / -s / ˈsəɪt·ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd = clap’d2, clapp’d1, clapt13, clap’t1
sp cite3 / cites2 / cyting1 / cited4, rh hap H8 Epil.14
sp clack-dish1
> dish clapper n
Citherea / ~’s n clad adj ˈklapəɹ
ˌsɪθəˈri:ə, ˌsɪt- / -z sp clapper1
sp clad5


clapper-claw / ~ing v claw / ~s n clear / ~s / ~ed v

ˈklapəɹ-ˌklɔ:, Caius MW = kli:ɹ / -z / -d
..f ˈklapəɹ-də-ˌklɔ: / sp claw1 / clawes2 sp cleare10, cleere4 / cleares2,
ˈklapəɹ-ˌklɔ:ɪn, -ɪŋ rh laws, pause Luc 543 cleeres2 / clear'd3, cleerd1, cleer'd2
> clapper-claw rh clear her rh 1 hear her Luc 1320;
sp clapper-claw1, Caius
rh 2 bear her Luc 1320 / rh 1 ears
clapper-de-claw2 / clapper-clawing1
claw / ~s / ~ed v RJ 2.3.69; tears [cry] Luc 1710,
> claw
= S 148.12; rh 2 bears Luc 1710 /
Clare n sp claw1 / clawes1 / claw’d1 steered Cym 4.3.45
klɛ:ɹ clearer n
clay adj / n
sp Clare1
klɛ: ˈkli:ɹəɹ
Clarence n sp clay-[man]1 / clay13 sp cleerer1
rh away Ham 5.1.209, Luc 609, rh dearer S 115.4
R2 1.1.179; decay S 71.10; stay
sp Clarence118, abbr in s.d. clearly adv
KJ 5.7.69
claret n clay-brained adj sp clearely1, clearly3, cleerely1
= ˈklɛ:-ˌbrɛ:nd
sp clay-brayn’d1
clearness n
sp clarret1
Claribel n clean adj / adv sp clearenesse1, clearnesse1,
= cleerenes1
sp cleane10 / clean1, cleane12
sp Claribel1, Claribell3 clear-shining adj
> unclean
clasp / ~s n m ˌkli:ɹ-ˈʃəɪnɪn, -ɪŋ
cleanl·y / ~iest adj sp cleare-shining1
ˈklenləɪ / -əst > shine
sp claspes2
sp cleanly2 / cleanliest1
> unclasped cleav·e / ~ing / cleft / clove /
clasp / ~ed v cleanly adv ~st / ~n v
klasp / -t ˈklenləɪ = / ˈkli:vɪn, -ɪŋ / = / ˈklo:v / -st /
sp claspe2 / claspt1
sp cleanly2 ˈklo:vən
sp cleaue11 / cleauing2 / cleft8 /
clatter n cleans·e / ~ing / ~ed v clouest1 / clouen1
ˈklatəɹ = / ˈklenzɪn, -ɪŋ / = > cloven adj
sp cleanse2 / cleansing1 / cleans’d1
sp clatter1 clef n
Claudio / ~’s n clear / ~er / ~est adj klɪf
m ˈklɔ:dɪo:, -ɪˌo: / -z kli:ɹ /ˈkli:r·əɹ / -əst sp cliffe1
19 19 1
sp cleare , cleere / clearer ,
sp Claudio113, Clau-dio4, abbr in s.d. clemency n
cleerer1 / cleerest1
Clau.1 / Claudios1, Claudio’s5
rh 1 fear H8 Epil.4, Per 1.1.142; m ˈklemənˌsəɪ
Claudius n here Mac 5.3.61; sphere MND 3.2.60; sp clemencie1
rh 2 bear Tim 3.5.39; every where rh patiently, tragedy Ham 3.2.159
S 84.10
sp Claudius1 clement adj
clear adv =
clause n
kli:ɹ sp clement1, cle-ment1
= 2 3
sp cleare , cleere
sp clause1 Clement’s Inn n
rh dear Per 1.1.100; fear Mac
rh cause TN 3.1.150 =
sp Clements Inne4
> inn


Cleomines n Clifford / ~’s / ~s n sp clip4 / clippeth1 / clipping1 /

kli:ˈɒmiˌni:z ˈklɪfəɹd / -z clipt6
> pole-clipped
sp Cleomines8 sp Clifford73 / Cliffords5 / Cliffords1
clipper n
Cleon n Clifton n
ˈkli:o:n =
sp clipper1
sp Cleon17 sp Clifton3
rh full-grown [emend of line-ending] clip-winged adj
Per 4.Chorus.15 climate n
Cleopatra / ~’s n sp clip-wing'd1
sp climate3, clymate5, clymat’s
ˌkli:o:ˈpatrə / -z > winged
[climate is]1
sp Cleopater3, Cleopatra45, abbr in Clitus n
s.d. Cleo.2 / Cleopatra’s4 climb / ~eth / ~ing / ~ed v
kləɪm / ˈkləɪm·əθ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ /
clepe / ~th v sp Clitus5, Clytus2
kli:p / ˈkli:pəθ sp climbe15, clime4, clymbe1, clyme1 / cloak / ~s n
sp cleape1, cleep1 / clepeth1 climbeth1 / climbing3, climing1 /
3 1
klo:k / -s
climb’d , climde
clerestor·y / ~ies n sp cloake27 / cloakes4, clokes1
rh crime, time Luc 775
ˈkli:ɹˌstɔ:rəɪz rh smoke Luc 801, S 34.2

sp cleer stores climber n cloak-bag n

ˈkləɪməɹ ˈklo:k-ˌbag
clergy / ~’s n sp climber1
ˈklɐ:ɹdʒəɪ / -z sp cloake-bagge2
climbing adj / n > bag
sp clergy2, clergie4 / clergies1
ˈkləɪmɪn, -ɪŋ clock adj
clergyman / ~men n sp climbing1, climing1 / climbing1 =
ˈklɐ:ɹdʒəɪˌman / -ˌmen
clime n sp clocke1
sp clergie man1, clergie-men1
> o’clock
clerk / ~’s / ~s n sp clime3, clyme3 clock / ~’s / ~s n
klɐ:ɹk / -s rh crime Per 4.4.6 =
sp clark2, clarke10, clearke10, clerke1
cling / clung n sp clock5, clocke22 / clocks1 /
/ clarks1 / clarks1, clearkes2, clerkes1
clockes2, clocks3
rh dark MV 5.1.305 = / klɤŋ rh smocks LLL 5.2.893
sp cling2 / clung1
clerk-like adj clock / ~ed v
m ˌklɐ:ɹk-ˈləɪk clink n/v =
sp clerke-like1 = sp clock’d1
sp clinke1 / clinke3
clerkly adv rh drink Oth 2.3.65 clock-setter n
ˈklɐ:ɹkləɪ ˈklɒk-ˌsetəɹ
sp clarkely1, clearkly2, clerkly1 clinking n
sp clocke setter1
ˈklɪŋkɪn, -ɪŋ
client / ~s / ~s’ n sp clin-king1 clod n
ˈkləɪənts =
sp clients1 / clients1 clinquant adj
sp clod3
cliff / ~s n sp clinquant1 cloddy adj
= ˈklɒdəɪ
sp cliffe4 / cliffes2 clip / ~peth / ~ping / ~ped v
sp cloddy1
= / = / ˈklɪpɪn, -ɪŋ / =


clodpole / ~s n closeness n Clotharius n

ˈklɒd-ˌpo:l, ˈklɒt- / -z ˈklo:snəs klɒˈtarɪəs
sp clodde-pole1, clot-pole2 / sp closenes1 sp Clotharius1
close-stool n clothes n
clog / ~s n ˈklo:s-ˌstʊl, ˌstu:l klo:ðz
= sp close stoole1, close-stoole1 sp cloathes23, clothes8, cloths1
sp clog4 / clogges1 > stool rh rose Ham 4.5.52
> unclog > bed-, cradle-clothes
closet / ~s n
clog / ~s v ˈklɒsɪt / -s clothier / ~’s / ~s n
= 4
sp closet , closset 17
/ clossets 1 ˈklo:ðɪəɹ / -z
sp clog1 / clogges1 sp cloathier1 / cloathiers1 /
closet-war n clothiers1
clogging adj ˈklɒsɪt-ˌwɑ:ɹ
ˈklɒgɪn, -ɪŋ sp closset-warre1
cloud / ~s n
sp clogging 1
> war kləʊd / -z
sp cloud12, clow’d1, clowd9 /
cloister n / v closing adj cloudes11, clouds40, clowds5
ˈkləɪstəɹ ˈklo:zɪn, -ɪŋ > encloud
sp cloister2, cloyster2 / cloyster1 sp closing1 / closing2
> still-closing
cloud / ~ed v
cloistered adj kləʊd / ˈkləʊdɪd
ˈkləɪstəɹd closing-up n sp cloud2 / clouded2, clowded1
sp cloyster’d 1 ˈklo:zɪn-ˈɤp, -ɪŋ-
sp closing vp1
cloud-capped adj
cloistress n ˈkləʊd-ˌkapt
ˈkləɪstrəs closure n sp clowd-capt1
sp cloystresse 1 ˈklo:zjəɹ > cap
sp closure2
close / ~er adj clouded adj
klo:s / ˈklo:səɹ clot ˈkləʊdɪd
> clod sp clouded1
sp close22 / closer1

close / ~er / ~est adv Cloten / ~’s / ~s n cloudiness n

klo:s / ˈklo:s·əɹ / -əst ˈklɒtən / -z ˈkləʊdɪnəs
sp Cloten18, Clotten6 / Clotens5 / sp clowdinesse1
sp close50 / closer1 / closest1
close n cloudy adj
cloth n ˈkləʊdəɪ
= sp cloudie4, cloudy5, clowdy1,
close5, cloze1
sp cloth10, cloath3 clowdy-[princes]1
rh foes TG 5.4.118; gloze R2 2.1.12
> bearing-, foot-, sack-cloth
clos·e / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v clout / ~s n
cloth·e / ~ing v kləʊt / -s
klo:z / ˈklo:z·ɪz / -ɪn, -ɪŋ/ m -ɪd,
klo:ð / ˈklo:ðɪn, -ɪŋ sp clout5, clowt2 / clouts1, clowts2
klo:zd 7 1
sp cloath / cloathing rh out LLL 4.1.135
sp close25, cloze1 / closes4, clozes1 /
closing1 / cloas’d1, clos’d5, closed2 Clothair n clouted adj
> enclose, fast-closed
klɒˈtɛ:ɹ ˈkləʊtɪd
closely adv sp Clothair1 sp clouted1, clowted1
sp closely8


clove / ~s n cluster / ~s n rh hole Per 3.Chorus.5

klo:vz ˈklɤstəɹz > sea-coal

sp cloues1 sp clusters2 coal-black adj

cloven adj clustering adj m ˈko:l-ˌblak, ˌko:l-ˈblak
ˈklo:vən ˈklɤstrɪn, -ɪŋ sp coale-black3, cole-blacke2,
sp clouen5 sp clustring3
> black
> cleave
cluster-pipe / ~s n coarse adj
clover n ˈklɤstəɹ-ˌpəɪps
ˈklo:vəɹ sp cluster-pipes1
1 sp course1
sp clouer > pipe

clutch n coast / ~s n
Clowder n
klɤtʃ ko:st, kɒ- / -s
sp coast14 / coasts1
sp Clowder1 sp clutch1
rh lost 2H6 4.8.49, Per 5.Chorus.15 /
rh such Ham 5.1.72
clown / ~s n ghosts Cym 5.4.96

kləʊn / -z clutch / ~ed v

coast / ~s v
2 70
sp clown , clowne / clownes , 4 klɤtʃ / -t
ko:sts, kɒ-
abbr in s.d. clow1, clo2 sp clutch2 / clutch’d1, clutcht1
sp coasts1
rh down LLL 4.1.141, TNK 3.5.140
> Clitus
coasting adj
clownish adj
ˈko:stɪn, -ɪŋ, kɒ-
ˈkləʊnɪʃ coach / ~es n sp coasting1
sp clownish1
ko:tʃ / ˈko:tʃɪz
sp coach7 / coaches1 coat / ~s n
cloy / ~s / ~ed v
ko:t / -s
kləɪ / -z / kləɪd coach-fellow n sp coat16, coate15 / coates8,
sp cloy3 / cloyes1 / cloid1, cloi’d1,
ˈko:tʃ-ˌfelə, -lo: [tawney]-coates1, coats10,
cloyd1, cloy’d2
sp coach-fellow1 [tawney]-coats1
> overcloyed
> fellow rh 1 dote, note LC 236, Luc 205; rh 2
cloyed adj got 2H6 4.10.68
coach-maker / ~s n pun TG 2.4.19 quote
1 ˈko:tʃ-ˌmɛ:kəɹz > leather-, petti-, skin-, turn-coat;
sp cloyed grey-, parti-coated
sp coach-makers1
cloyless adj > make
coat-of-arms n
ˈkləɪləs coact v ˌko:t-əv-ˈɑ:ɹmz
sp cloylesse1 sp coate of armes1
sp coact1 > arm
cloyment n
ˈkləɪmənt coactive adj cobble v
sp cloyment1 =
sp coactiue1 sp cobble1
club / ~s n
klɤb / -z coagulate adj cobbled adj
sp club7, clubbe1 / clubs8, clubbes2 =
sp coagulate1 sp cobled1
clue n
= coal / ~s n cobbler n
sp clewe1 ˈkɒbləɹ
ko:l / -z
sp coale6, cole1 / coales7, coles1 sp cobler2


Cobham n cock-pigeon n coffer / ~s n

ˈkɒbəm = ˈkɒfəɹ / -z
sp Cobham4 sp cocke-pidgeon1 sp coffer7 / cofers1, coffers11
> pigeon
cobloaf n coffin / ~s n
ˈkɒblo:f cockpit n =
sp coblofe1 = sp coffen1, coffin10 / coffins3
sp cock-pit1 > custard-coffin
cobweb / ~s n > pit
= coffin / ~ed v
sp cobwebs2 cockshut n =
= sp coffin’d1
Cobweb [name] n sp cockshut1
= cog v
sp Cobweb6 cocksure adj =
ˈkɒkʃu:ɹ sp cog3, cogg1, cogge3
cock / ~s n sp cocksure 1

= cogging adj
sp cock5, cocke22, cocke’s [cock is]1 / coctus Lat ˈkɒɡɪn, -ɪŋ
cockes1, cocks2 > coquo
sp cogging1,
> pea-, turkey-cock [scur-uy]-cogging-[companion]1,
Cocytus n
Cock [euphemism for God] n kəˈsəɪtəs
= sp emend of Tit 2.3.236 Ocitus1 cogitation / ~s n
sp Cockes [Cock is]1, Cox [Cock is]1 kɒdʒɪˈtɛ:sɪən / -z
cod / ~s n
sp cogitation1 / cogitations1
cock-a-doodle-doo interj =
ˈkɒk-ə-dɪdl-ˈdəʊ sp cods1 cognition n
sp cockadidle-dowe1 kɒɡˈnɪsɪən
rh bow-wow Tem 1.2.382 codding adj
sp cognition1
ˈkɒdɪn, -ɪŋ
cock-a-hoop n sp codding1 cognizance n
ˌkɒk-ə-ˈhu:p, -ˈu:p m ˈkɒɡnɪˌzans
sp cocke a hoope1 codling n sp cognisance2, cognizance1
ˈkɒdlɪn, -ɪŋ
cockatrice / ~s n sp codling1 co-heir / s n
ˈkɒkətri:s / -ɪz ko:ˈɛ:ɹz
sp cockatrice2 / cockatrices1 codpiece / ~s n sp co-heyres1
= > heir
cockered adj sp cod-peece5, codpiece2 /
ˈkɒkəɹd codpeeces1
cohere / ~d v
sp cockred-[silken]1 > piece ko:ˈi:ɹ, -ˈhi:ɹ / -d
sp co-here1 / coheard1
cockerel / ~s n codshead n
ˈkɒkrəl / -z ˈkɒdzed, -hed coherence n
sp cockrell1, cockrels1 sp cods-head1 ko:ˈi:rəns, -ˈhi:-
sp coherence1
cockle n coelest·is / ~ibus Lat n
= si:ˈlestɪbʊs coherent adj
sp cockell1, cockle4 sp coelestibus1 ko:ˈi:rənt, -ˈhi:-
sp coherent1
cockney n co-equal adj
ˈkɒknəɪ ko:ˈikwɑl
sp cockney2 sp coequall1


coif / ~s n rh 1 behold, bold, enfold, gold, Collatine Luc n

kəɪf / -s inscrolled, old, sold, told MV 2.7.73; ˈkɒlətəɪn
bold VA 402; old S 2.14, 104.3, VA
sp quoife1 / quoifes1 sp Colatine22
135; told VA 1124; rh 2 short PP 12.7
rh design, mine Luc 1689; divine,
coign / ~s n > a-, key-, scarce-cold
incline Luc 289; divine, pine Luc 1166;
kəɪn / kəɪnz cold n line Luc 819; mine Luc 826, 1177,
sp coigne1, coin1 / emend of Per 1799
Chorus.3.16 crignes
sp cold17, colde4 colleague / ~d v
rh joins Per 3.Chorus.17
rh behold S 73.3; behold, uphold m kɒˈli:gɪd
coil / ~s n S 13.12; bold, hold Luc 1556; old Luc
sp colleagued1
kəɪl / -z 48; sold CE 3.1.71; unfold Luc 1145

sp coile6, coyle5 / coiles1 [coil is] cold-blooded adj collect / ~ed v

m ˌko:ld-ˈblɤdɪd =
coin n sp collect3 / collected13
kəɪn sp cold blooded1
rh infected Ham 3.2.266
sp coine10, coyne4 cold-hearted adj > recollected
rh join Tim 3.3.27
m ˌko:ld-ˈɑ:ɹtɪd, -ˈhɑ:- collection n
coin / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v sp cold-hearted1 kəˈleksɪən
kəɪn / -z / ˈkəɪnɪn, -ɪŋ / -d coldly adv sp collection3
sp coine3, coyne3 / coines2 /
ˈko:ldləɪ college / ~s n
coyning1 / coyn’d2
rh joined PP 7.9 sp coldly14 =
> uncoined sp colledge3 / colledges1
coldness n
coinage n ˈko:ldnəs collied adj
ˈkəɪnɪdʒ sp coldnesse2 ˈkɒləɪd
sp coynage2 sp collied1
Colebrand n
coiner n ˈko:lbrand collier / ~s n
ˈkəɪnəɹ sp Colbrand1, Colebrand1 ˈkɒlɪəɹ / -z
sp coyner1 sp colliar1 / colliars1, colliers1
Colebrook n
coistrel n ˈko:lbrʊk collop n
ˈkəɪstrəl sp Cole-brooke1 ˈkɒləp
sp coystrill1 > brook
sp collop2

co-join v Colevile n
collusion n
ko:-ˈdʒəɪn ˈko:lvɪl
sp co-ioyne1 sp Coleuile1, Colleuile11
sp collusion1
> join
colic n
colly / ~ied v
col Fr n =
kɔ l sp collick1, collicke1, collike1
sp collied1
sp col2
collar / ~s n
Colme / ~’s n
Colbrand ˈkɒləɹ / -z
> Colebrand sp collar1 / collars2
sp Colmes1
cold / ~er / ~est adj collateral adj
Colmekill n
ko:ld / ˈko:ld·əɹ / m -əst, -st kəˈlatərɑl
sp cold155, cold-[spurre]1, colde4 / sp colaterall2
sp Colmekill1
colder6 / coldest3, cold’st1


coloquintida n co-mate / ~s n com·e / ~est / ~es / ~eth / ~ing

ˌkɒləˈkɪntɪdə ko:-ˈmɛ:ts / came / ~est v
sp coloquintida1 sp coe-mates1 kɤm / -st / -z / ˈkɤm·əθ / -ɪn,
> mate -ɪŋ / kɛ:m / -st
colossus n
sp com3, come2453, come-[on]10,
= comb n
Caius MW 2.3.6ff [no]-come3 /
sp colossus2 ko:m commest2, comm’st3, comst3,
sp combe2 com’st22 / comes597, come’s
colossus-wise adv > honeycomb [comes]1, coms3 / commeth4 /
kəˈlɒsəs-ˌwəɪz coming2, comming103, com-ming2 /
sp calossus-wise1
comb / ~ed v came327, cam’t [came it]1 / camm’st1,
ko:m / -d cam’st29
colour / ~s n sp combe4 / comb’d1 rh 1 drum AW 2.5.90, 1H4 3.3.202,
ˈkɤləɹ / -z Mac 1.3.30; dumb TG 2.2.19; master-
sp colour67, co-lour1, colour’s
combat n dom Mac 1.5.67; some LLL 5.2.818,
[colour is]1 / colours68, co-lours1, = Luc 1443; sum S 49.1; thrum MND
coullers1 sp combat13, com-bat1, combate6 5.1.277; thumb LLL 5.2.112, Mac
pun 2H4 5.5.90 collar 1.3.28; rh 2 doom Luc 923, R2
> water-colour combat / ~ting / ~ed v 3.2.188, S 107.2, 116.10, 145.5; tomb
= / ˈkɒmbat·ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd RJ 5.2.28, S 17.1 / rh 3 sung Per
colour / ~ing / ~ed v Prol.2 / sums LC 230; thumbs Mac
sp combat3, combate2 / combating2,
ˈkɤləɹ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / m -d, -ed 4.1.45 / roaming TN 2.3.38 / dame,
combatting1 / combatted1
shame Luc 1626; tame LC 309
sp co-lor1, colour5 / colouring1 /
combatant / ~s n > be-, new-, non-, over-, wel-come;
colour’d1, coloured1
rh dead 1H6 4.2.37 =
sp combatant1 / combatants4, comedian / ~s n
colourable adj combattants1
ˈkɤlərəbəl =
combinate adj sp comedian1 / comedians1
sp coloura-ble1
ˈkɒmbɪnət comedy n
coloured adj sp combynate-[husband]1
ˈkɤləɹd m ˈkɒməˌdəɪ, -əd-
combination n sp comedie6, comedy3, come-dy1,
sp coulord3, coulour’d2
> amber-, cain-, dis-, dun-, ebon-, ˌkɒmbɪˈnɛ:sɪən
rh courtesy LLL 5.2.865; perdy Ham
flame-, freestone-, French-crown-, sp combination3
3.2.301; zany LLL 5.2.462
high-, many-, parti-, peach-, raven-,
sable-coloured; straw-colour combine / ~d v comeliness n
kəmˈbəɪn / m -d, -ɪd ˈkɤmlɪnəs
colt / ~s n
sp combine6, combyne1 /
= sp comelinesse1
combin’d4, combined1
> uncomeliness
sp colt3 / colts4 rh mine AY 5.4.147, RJ 2.3.56

colt / ~ed v comely adj

combined adj
= m kəmˈbəɪnɪd
sp comely5
sp colt1 / colted2 sp combined1
> uncolted
comer n
combless adj
columbine / ~s n ˈkɤməɹ
ˈkɤləmbəɪn / -z sp commer2
1 1
sp comblesse1
sp cullambine / columbines
comet / ~s n
combustion n
Comagene n =
ˈkɒməˌdʒi:n sp comet1, commet2 / comets2
sp combustion2
sp emend of AC 3.4.74 Comageat


comfect n coming adj com-mands3 / commanding4 /

ˈkɒmfekt ˈkɤmɪn, -ɪŋ commanded37, com-manded1
rh hand AW 2.1.194; land Tem
sp comfect1 sp coming1, comming5
> forth-, thick-, unbe-coming
comfit / ~s n commanded adj
ˈkɤmfɪts coming / ~s n
sp comfits1 ˈkɤmɪn, -ɪŋ / -z
sp commanded1
sp coming1, comming23 /
comfit-maker / ~s n commings1 commander / ~s n
ˈkɤmfɪt-ˌmɛ:kəɹz kəˈmandəɹ / -z
sp comfit-makers1
coming-in / ~s ~ n
ˈkɤmɪn-ˈɪn, -ɪŋ- / -z-ˈɪn sp commander10, com-mander2 /
> make
2 1 commanders5, com-manders1
sp comming in / commings in
comfort / ~s n rh Alexander LLL 5.2.565;
co-mingle / ~d Alisander LLL 5.2.559; slander VA
ˈkɤmfəɹt / -s v
sp comfort140, com-fort2, comfort’s ko:ˈmɪŋɡəld
[comfort is]1, com-forts1 / comforts19, sp co-mingled1 commander / commande
[smooth]-comforts-[false]1 > mingle Fr v
> dis-, widow-comfort
coming-on n kɔˈmɑ̃:d
comfort / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v ˈkɤmɪn-ˈɒn, -ɪŋ- sp commande1
ˈkɤmfəɹt / -s / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd sp comming-on2 commanding adj / n
sp comfort40 / comforts3 /
coming-out n kəˈmandɪn, -ɪŋ
comforting2, com-forting1 /
comforted6 ˈkɤmɪn-ˈəʊt, -ɪŋ- sp commanding4 / commanding1
> recomforted sp comming out1 commandment n
comfortable adj coming-over, abbr o’er n m kəˈmandmənt, -dəˌment /
m ˈkɤmfəɹˌtabəl, -ɹtəb- ˈkɤmɪn-ˈo:ɹ, -ɪŋ- -mənts
sp comfortable11 sp comming ore1 sp commandement6,
> uncomfortable commandment3, command’ment6 /
Cominius n commandements2
comforter n m kəˈmɪnɪəs, ˌ-ʊs rh bent PP 20.44
ˈkɤmfəɹtəɹ sp Cominius33, Comi-nius1 comme Fr conj
sp comforter3
comma n kɔm
comforting adj = sp comme1
ˈkɤmfəɹtɪn, -ɪŋ sp comma2 commence / ~s / ~ing /
sp comforting1
command / ~s n ~ed v
comfortless adj kəˈmand / -z = / = / kəˈmensɪn, -ɪŋ / =
m ˈkɤmfəɹtˌles sp command61, com-mand1, sp commence4 / commences1 /
sp comfortlesse 5
commaund1 / commands6, commencing1 / commenc’d2,
com-mands1, commaunds1 commenced1
comic adj rh hand LC 227 rh hence 2H4 4.2.118, PT 21; impa-
= tience 1H6 4.7.7; offence Per 2.5.51;
sp comick1, comicke1 command / ~est / ~s / ~ing / sense S 35.11
~ed v commencement n
comical adj kəˈmand / -st, -nst / -z / -ɪn,
ˈkɒmɪkɑl =
-ɪŋ / -ɪd sp commencement1,
sp [pastoricall]-comicall-[histori-
sp command101, com-mand2, commence-ment1
call]1, [tragicall]-comicall-
commaund2 / command’st3 /
commands17, co[m]mands1,


commend / ~s n commerce n common / ~est adj

= ˈkɒməɹs = / ˈkɒmənst
sp commends3 sp comerce1, commerce2, sp common130, co[m]mon3,
commerse1 com-mon1 / common’st1
commend / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
= / = / kəˈmendɪn, -ɪŋ / = commiseration n common adv
sp commend , co[m]mend , 1 kəˌmɪsəˈrɛ:sɪən =
com-mend1 / commends15 / sp comiseration1, commiseration2, sp common1
commending1 / commended7, commisseration1
co[m]mended1 common / ~s n
rh comprehend LLL 4.2.112, PP 5.8; commission / ~s n =
mend S 69.4; commend her lend her kəˈmɪsɪən / -z sp common8, com-mon1 /
TG 4.2.39 / transcends TC 1.3.243 / sp commission45, commissi-on1 / commons30
attended LC 80 commissions5
> recommend rh impression VA 568 commonalty n
commendable adj commissioner / ~s n sp commonalty1, com-monalty1
m ˈkɒmənˌdabəl, kəˈmɪsɪənəɹz
kəˈmendəbəl sp commissioners1 commoner / ~s n
sp commendable8, com-mendable1 ˈkɒmənəɹ / -z
rh vendible MV 1.1.111 commit / ~est / ~s / ~ting / sp commoner2 / commoners5
~ted v
commendation / ~s n = / kəˈmɪts, -tst / -s / kəˈmɪtɪn, common-hackneyed adj
ˌkɒmənˈdɛ:sɪən / -z -ɪŋ / = ˈkɒmən-ˈaknəɪd, -ˈhak
sp commendation9 / sp common hackney’d1
sp commit38 / commit’st1,
commendations13 > hackney
com-mitt’st1 / commits3 / committing4
/ commited3, committed31,
commended adj common-kissing adj
= rh wit TN 1.2.61 / befits S 41.1; sits ˈkɒmən-ˈkɪsɪn, -ɪŋ
sp commended1 S 9.14 / fitted S 119.5 sp common-kissing1
> kiss
comment / ~s n commix / LC -ed v
= = commonly adv
sp comment4 / comments1 sp commix1 / commxit1 ˈkɒmənləɪ
rh fixed LC 28 sp commonly4
comment / ~s / ~ing v
= / = / ˈkɒmentɪn, -ɪŋ commixion n common sense n
sp comment2 / comments1 / kəˈmɪksɪən =
commenting1, commen-ting1 sp commixion1 sp common sence2, common sense1,
rh moment S 15.4 co[m]mon sense1
commixture / ~s n
comment Fr adv kəˈmɪkstəɹ / -z commonweal / ~’s n
kɔˈmɑ̃ sp commixture1 / commixtures1 =
sp coment3, comient1, comment1 sp commonweale1, common-weale8 /
commodious adj common weales1
commentar·y / ~ies n kəˈmo:dɪəs rh appeal 2H6 2.1.186
m ˈkɒmənˌtarəɪz sp commodious1 > weal
sp commentaries1
commodit·y / ~ies n commonwealth n
commenting n m kəˈmɒdɪˌtəɪ, -ɪt- / -z =
ˈkɒməntɪn, -ɪŋ sp commoditie12, commodity6 / sp commonwealth9,
sp commenting1 commodities2, commodi-ties1 common-wealth18, common wealth1,
rh thee KJ 2.1.597 co[m]monwealth1


commotion / ~s n is]1, company137, com-pany3 / compassion n

m kəˈmo:sɪən, -ˌɒn / -sɪənz companies7, com-panies1, compa-nies1 kəmˈpasɪən
rh 1 be LLL 5.2.224; deity Tem 4.1.90;
sp commotion7 / commotions1 sp compassion10
inconstancy LLL 4.3.177; melody,
commune v society Luc 1110; nobility 2H6 compassionate adj
2.1.192; policy LLL 5.2.511; see Per
m ˈkɒmjən, kəˈmju:n 5.2.18 [Chorus]; society Tem 4.1.90;
m kəmˈpasɪənət -ˌnɛ:t
sp common1, commune4 thee 3H6 5.2.4; rh 2 eye MND sp compassionate2
3.2.436; eye, sky Luc 1584; I 2H4 rh gate Luc 594; late R2 1.3.174
communicate / ~st v 2.3.68, MND 3.2.341 / advise TS > uncompassionate
kəˈmju:nɪˌkɛ:t / -st 1.1.239; eyes MND 1.1.219 [emend of
sp communicate3 / communicat’st1 F, Q companions]
compeer / ~s n
rh state CE 2.2.185 kəmˈpi:ɹz
> excommunicate comparative adj sp compeeres1
m kəmˈpɑ:ɹtɪv, -ˈparəˌtɪv
communication n compel / ~s / ~led v
sp comparatiue3
kəmˌju:nɪˈkɛ:sɪən =
sp communication2 compare n sp compell9 / compels1 / compeld1,
kəmˈpɑ:ɹ, -ɛ:ɹ compell’d12
communit·y / ~ies n sp compare6
m kəˈmju:nɪˌtəɪ / -z rh are S 35.6, TS 5.2.173, VA 8; rare
compelled adj
sp communitie1 / communities1 S 21.5, 130.14 =
sp compel’d2, compell’d1,
commutual adj compar·e / ~ing / ~ed v compelled1
kəˈmju:twɑl kəmˈpɑ:ɹ, -ɛ:ɹ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / m
sp comutuall1 -d, -ɪd compelling n
sp compare12 / comparing1 / kəmˈpelɪn, -ɪŋ
compact adj compar’d2, compared1 sp compelling1
kəmˈpakt rh care Luc 1102
sp compact4 compensation n
comparison / ~s n ˌkɒmpənˈsɛ:sɪən
compact n m kəmˈparɪsən, -ˌsɒn / -z sp compensation1
m kəmˈpakt, ˈkɒmpakt 8
sp comparison / comparisons 8

sp compact6, co[m]pact1 > self-comparison competence n

m ˈkɒmpəˌtens
compact / Luc ~ed v compartner n sp competence1
kəmˈpakt / -ɪd kəmˈpɑ:ɹtnəɹ
sp compact4 / compacted1 sp compartner1 competency n
rh enacted, unacted Luc 530 > partner m ˈkɒmptənˌsəɪ
sp competencie2
companion / ~s n compass / ~es n
m kəmˈpanɪən, -ˌɒn / -z ˈkɤmpəs / -ɪz competent adj
sp companion35, compa-nion1, sp compasse19, [garters]-compasse1, m ˈkɒmpəˌtent
[scur-uy-cogging]-companion1 / com-passe2 / compasses1 sp competent1
companions16, compa-nions1 > encompass
competitor / ~s n
companionship n compass / ~ing / ~ed v kəmˈpetɪˌtɒɹ / m -z, -tɪtəɹz
= ˈkɤmpəs / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -t sp competitor4 / competitors5
sp companionship2 sp compasse10 / compassing2 /
compass’d1, compast3 compile / ~d v
compan·y / ~ies n kəmˈpəɪl / -d
m ˈkɤmpnəɪ, -pəˌn- / -z compassed adj
sp compile1 / compiled2
sp companie , com-panie , 2 ˈkɤmpəst rh Longaville LLL 4.3.132; style S 78.9
compa-nie1, companie’s [company sp compast2 / filed S 85.2


complain / ~est / ~s / ~ing / complot / ~s n compounded adj

~ed v ˈkɒmplɒt / m ˈkɒmplɒts, kəmˈpəʊndɪd
kəmˈplɛ:n / -st / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d kɒmˈplɒts sp compounded2
sp complain1, complaine13 / sp complot3 / complots3 rh confounded PT 44
complainest1 / complaines1 /
complaining1 / complain’d1 complot / ~ted v comprehend / ~s / ~ed v
rh again RJ 2.Chorus.7; pain CE ˈkɒmplɒt / m kɒmˈplɒtɪd ˌkɒmprɪˈend, -ˈhe- / -z / -ɪd
2.1.37; refrain PP 20.15; reign S 28.7; sp complot1 / complotted1 sp comprehend1, compre-hend1 /
complain him disdain him, entertain comprehends2 / comprehended1
him Luc 845; complain me entertain comply v rh commend LLL 4.2.110, PP 5.6 /
thee Luc 598 / maintained, stained kəmˈpləɪ defends, friends Luc 494
Luc 1839 > incomprehensible,
sp complie1, comply2
complainer n compose / Per ~s / ~d v
kəmˈplɛ:nəɹ compris·e / ~ing / ~d v
kəmˈpo:z / -ɪz / -d
sp complayner 1 kəmˈprəɪz·ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d
sp compose2 / composes1 /
sp comprising1 / compris’d1
complaining adj
rh roses Per 5.Chorus.5
kəmˈplɛ:nɪn, -ɪŋ compromise / ~s n
> ill-composed
sp complaining3 ˈkɒmprəˌməɪz / -ɪz
composed adj sp compremize1, comprimise1,
complaining / ~s n m kəmˈpo:zɪd comprimize1 / compremises1
kəmˈplɛ:nɪn, -ɪŋ / -z sp composed1
sp complaining2 / complainings1
compromise / ~d v
rh raining, sustaining Luc 1269; composition n ˈkɒmprəˌməɪzd
remaining, sustaining Luc 1570 m ˌkɒmpəˈzɪsɪən, -ɪˌɒn sp compremyz’d1
14 1
sp composition , composion
complaint / ~s n compt n
kəmˈplɛ:nt / -s compost n kɒmt, -mpt
sp complaint14, com-plaint1 / = sp compt3
sp compost1
compter / ~s n
complement / ~s n composture n ˈkɒmtəɹz, -mpt-
m ˈkɒmplɪˌment, -ɪmənt / -s kəmˈpɒstəɹ sp compters1
sp complement14 / complements4 1
sp composture
comptible adj
complemental adj composure n ˈkɒmtɪbəl, -mpt-
ˌkɒmplɪˈmentɑl kəmˈpo:zjəɹ sp comptible1
sp complementall
sp composure2
comptrol v
complete adj compound adj kɒmˈtro:l, -mpt-
m kəmˈpli:t, ˈkɒmpli:t ˈkɒmpəʊnd sp comptroll2
sp compleat13, compleate6 1 > control
sp compound
complexion / ~s n compound ~s n comptroller / ~s n
kəmˈpleksɪən / -z ˈkɒmpəʊnd / -z kɒmˈtro:ləɹz, -mpt-
sp complection4, complexion31, sp comptrollers1
sp compound4 / compounds3
com-plexion1 / complexions6
rh direction VA 215 compound / ~s / ~ed v compulsative adj
kəmˈpəʊnd / -z / -ɪd kəmˈpɤlsətɪv
complice / ~s n sp compulsatiue1
sp compound10, co[m]pound1 /
ˈkɒmplɪsɪz, ˈkɤm-
compounds1 / compounded6,
sp complices5


compulsion n concealing adj concern / ~s, abbr cerns /

kəmˈpɤlsɪən kənˈsi:lɪn, -ɪŋ ~eth / ~ing / ~ed v
sp compulsion9, compulsi-on1 sp concealing1 kənˈsɐ:ɹn / -z, abbr sɐ:ɹnz /
-əθ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d
compulsive adj concealment / ~s n
sp concerne11 / concernes21, abbr
kəmˈpɤlsɪv = cernes1 / concerneth1 / concerning12 /
sp compulsiue2 sp concealement2, concealment1 / concern’d1
compunctious adj concerning / ~s n
kəmˈpɤŋksɪəs conceit / ~s n kənˈsɐ:ɹnɪnz, -ɪŋz
sp compunctious1 kənˈsi:t, -ˈsɛ:t / -s sp concernings2
sp conceit32, con-ceit2, conceite3 /
computation n conceites1, conceits4 conclave n
ˌkɒmpjəˈtɛ:sɪən rh 1 deceit CE 3.2.34; receipt Luc ˈkɒŋklɛ:v
sp computation2 701; rh 2 bait PP 4.9; straight CE
sp conclaue1
4.2.64; wait LLL 5.2.399
computent adj > liberal-, odd-conceited conclud·e / ~est / ~es / ~ing /
ˈkɒmpjətənt ~ed v
conceit / ~s / ~ed v
sp computent1 = / kəŋˈklu:d·st / = / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / =
kənˈsi:t, -ˈsɛ:t / -s / -ɪd
sp conclude27 / conclud’st1 /
comrade / ~s n sp conceit1 / conceits1 / conceited3
concludes6 / concluding1 /
m ˈkɒmrɛ:d, kəmˈrɛ:d / concluded16
conceited adj
kəmˈrɛ:dz rh turpitude TC 5.2.113
kənˈsi:tɪd, -ˈsɛ:-
sp comrade2 / cumrades1
sp conceited2, co[n]ceited1, conclusion / ~s n
con / ~s / ~ned con-ceited1, conceyted1
v kəŋˈklu:zɪən / -z
= conceitless adj sp conclusion25, con-clusion1,
sp con5, conne1 / cons1 / cond2, conclu-sion1 / conclusions7
kənˈsi:tləs, -ˈsɛ:-
con’d2, conn’d1 rh 1 confusion AY 5.4.123, Luc 1160;
sp conceitlesse1
rh 2 pollution Luc 1160
con Ital prep
conceiv·e / ~s / ~ing / ~d v concolinel n
kɒ n
kənˈsi:v, -ˈsɛ:v / -z / -ɪn, ˈkɒŋkɒlɪˈnel
sp con[tutti]
-ɪŋ / -d sp concolinel1
concave adj sp conceiue24, conceyue1, concieue1 /
ˈkɒŋkɛ:v conceiues3 / conceauing1, concord n
2 conceiuing1, conceyuing1 / conceiu’d5, ˈkɒŋkɔ:ɹd
sp concaue
conceiued2, conceyu’d2
sp concord7
concav·ity / ~ies n rh leave LLL 5.2.340
> misconceived concubine n
sp con-cauities1 conceiving adj / n ˈkɒŋkjəˌbəɪn
sp concubine1
conceal / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v kənˈsi:vɪn, -ɪŋ, -ˈsɛ:-
sp conceyuing1 / conceyuing1 concupiscible adj
= / = / kənˈsi:l·ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d
sp conceale14 / conceales1 / conception / ~s n kɒŋˈkju:pɪsɪbəl
concealing2 / conceald1, conceal’d2 sp concupiscible1
kənˈsepsɪən / -z
rh steal MND 1.1.212
sp conception7, con-ception1 / concupy n
concealed adj conceptions1
m ˈkɒŋkjəˌpəɪ
m kənˈsi:ld, -lɪd conceptious adj sp concupie1
sp conceal’d3, concealed2
kənˈsepsɪəs concur / ~s / ~ring v
sp conceptious1
kɒŋˈkɐ:ɹ / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ


sp concurre1 / concurres1 / conduce v con-fessing1 / confes’d2, confess’d1,

concurring1 kənˈdju:s con-fess’d1, confessed1, confest13
2 rh bless VA 1117; decease VA 1001;
condemn / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v sp conduce
gentleness MND 2.2.137; mess LLL
= / = / kənˈdem·ɪn, -ɪŋ / m -d, conduct n 4.3.203
-nɪd ˈkɒndəkt confessed adj
sp condemne16, con-demne1 / sp conduct26
condemnes3 / condemning2 /
> safe-conducting
condemnd3, condemn’d23, sp confess’d1
condemned3 conduct / ~ed v confession / ~s n
condemnation n kənˈdɤkt / -ɪd m kənˈfesɪən, -ɪˌɒn / -ɪənz
sp conduct22 / conducted3
ˌkɒndəmˈnɛ:sɪən sp confession16, con-fession1 /
sp condemnation , con-demnation 1
conduit / ~s n confessions3
rh transgression LLL 5.2.432
condemned adj ˈkɒndɪt / -s
sp conduit4 / conduits2 confessor / ~s n
m kənˈdem·d, -nɪd
sp condemn’d , condemned 6 m kənˈfesəɹ, ˈkɒnfeˌsɔ:ɹ /
confection / ~s n
condescend v kənˈfeksɪən / -z
sp confessor9 / confessors1
sp confection1 / confections1
sp condiscend2
confidence n
confectionary n
m ˈkɒnfɪˌdens, -ɪdəns
condign adj m kənˈfeksɪəˌnarəɪ
sp confidence17
sp confectionarie1
ˈkɒndəɪn rh impudence AW 2.1.169
sp condigne2 confederacy n confident adj
condition / ~s n m kənˈfedrəˌsəɪ, -dər- m ˈkɒnfɪˌdent, -ɪdənt
sp confederacy1
m kənˈdɪsɪən, -ˌɪɒn / -z sp confident18, confi-dent1
55 1
rh be MND 3.2.192
sp condition , con-dition ,
conditi-on1 / conditions25
confidently adv
confederate adj
rh on 2H4 3.1.74 ˈkɒnfɪdəntləɪ
kənˈfedrət, -dər-
sp confidently2
condition / ~ed v sp confederate8
kənˈdɪsɪənd confine / ~s n
confederate / ~s n
sp condition’d2 m ˈkɒnfəɪn, kənˈfəɪn / -z
m kənˈfedrəts, -əˌrats
> best-conditioned sp confine5 / confines7,
sp confederates9, confedrates1
[neighbor]-confines1, con-fines1
conditionally adv rh thine LC 265
confer / ~ring / ~red v
m kənˈdɪsɪənˌləɪ > neighbour-confine
kənˈfɐ:ɹ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d
sp conditionally
sp confer7, conferre8 / conferring2 / confin·e / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
condole v confer’d2, conferr’d1 kənˈfəɪn / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d
kənˈdo:l conference n sp confine10 / confines1 / confining1
sp condole 2 / confin’d14, confinde2
m ˈkɒnfrəns, ˈkɒnfəˌrens rh crystalline, mine Cym 5.4.110 /
condolement n sp conference32 grind S 110.12; kind S 105.7
rh innocence MND 2.2.52 > unconfinable
sp condolement1 confess / ~es / ~eth / ~ing / confined adj
condoling adj ~ed v m kənˈfəɪnɪd
kənˈdo:lɪn, -ɪŋ = / = / = / kənˈfesɪn, -ɪŋ / = sp confined1
sp confesse122, con-fesse3 /
sp condo-ling1
confesses3 / confesseth1 / confessing2,


confineless adj conflux n pollution Luc 1159; rh 4 Albion KL

kənˈfəɪnləs kənˈflɤks 3.2.86; rh 5 conjunction MND 4.1.109

sp confinelesse1 sp conflux1 confutation n

confiner / ~s n conform v ˌkɒnfjəˈtɛ:sɪən
m ˈkɒnfəɪnəɹz kənˈfɔ:ɹm sp confutation2

sp confiners1 sp conforme1 confute / ~s v

confining adj conformable adj kənˈfju:ts
kənˈfəɪnɪn, -ɪŋ m kənˈfɔ:ɹməˌbɤl sp confutes2

sp confining1 sp conformable2 congeal / ~ed v

confirm / ~s / ~ed v confound / ~ing / ~ed v kənˈdʒi:l / m -d, -ɪd
kənˈfɐ:ɹm / -z / -d kənˈfəʊnd / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd sp congeale1 / congeal’d2,
sp confirm1, confirme26 / confirmes4 sp confound32, counfound1 /
/ confirm’d9 confoundes1, confounds6, ’confounds1 congealed adj
> soul-confirming, unconfirmed / confounding1 / confounded6
m kɒnˈdʒi:ld, -lɪd
rh 1 bound Per 5.2.14 [Chorus];
confirmation / ~s n crowned S 60.8, 69.7; ground Luc sp congeal’d1, con-geal’d1,
ˈkɒnfəɹˌmɛ:sɪən / -z 1202, VA 1048; sound R2 5.3.85; rh 2 congealed2

sp confirmation6 / confirmations2 wound Luc 1202, MND 5.1.287 /

congealment n
hounds VA 882; sounds S 8.7, 128.4;
confirmed adj swounds, wounds Luc 1489; wounds kənˈdʒi:lmənt
m kənˈfɐ:ɹmd, -mɪd TC 3.1.115 / compounded PT 41 sp congealement1

sp confirm’d4, confirmed1 congee / ~d v

confounded adj
confirmer / ~s n kənˈfəʊndɪd kənˈdʒi: / -d
kənˈfɐ:ɹməɹ / -z sp confounded2 sp conge1 / congied1

sp confirmer1 / confirmers1 conger n

confounding adj
confirmit·y / ~ies n kənˈfəʊndɪn, -ɪŋ ˈkɒŋɡəɹ
kənˈfɐ:ɹmɪtəɪz sp confounding2 sp conger1

sp confirmities1 congest LC v
confront / ~ed v
confiscate adj kənˈfrɤnt / -ɪd kənˈdʒest
m ˈkɒnfɪsˌkɛ:t, kənˈfɪskət sp confront2 / confronted4 sp congest1
> front rh breast LC 258
sp confiscate6
confused adj congratulate v
confix / ~ed v
m kənˈfju:zɪd, -zd kəŋˈɡratjəˌlɛ:t
m kənˈfɪksɪd
sp confusd1, confus’d5, confused4 sp congratulate1
sp confixed1
rh used Oth 2.1.302
congree / ~ing v
conflict / ~s n
confusedly adv kəŋˈɡri:ɪn, -ɪŋ
ˈkɒnflɪkt / -s
m kənˈfju:zɪdˌləɪ sp congreeing1
sp conflict8, con-flict1 / conflicts1
sp confusedly1
congreet / ~ed v
conflicting adj
confusion / ~s n kəŋˈɡri:tɪd
kənˈflɪktɪn, -ɪŋ
m kənˈfju:zɪən, -ɪˌɒn / -ɪənz sp congreeted1
sp conflicting1 29 1
sp confusion , confu-sion ,
confusions [confusion is]1 / confusions3 congregate vm
confluence n
rh 1 conclusion AY 5.4.122, Luc 1159; ˈkɒŋɡrɪˌgɛ:t
illusion Mac 3.5.29; intrusion CE 2.2.189; sp congregate1
sp confluence1
rh 2 division 1H6 4.1.194; rh 3


congregated adj conjuror / ~s n sp conscience116, conscie[n]ce1,

m ˈkɒŋɡrɪˌɡɛ:tɪd ˈkɒndʒərəɹ / -z con-science2, consci-ence1 /
sp congregated2 sp coniurer5 / coniurers2
rh dispense Tim 3.2.89
congregation / ~s n connive v conscionable adj
ˌkɒŋɡrɪˈɡɛ:sɪən / -z kəˈnəɪv ˈkɒnsɪənəbəl
sp congregation3 / congregations1 sp conniue1
sp conscionable1
congruent adj conquer / ~s / ~ed v consecrate v
= ˈkɒŋkəɹ / -z / m -d, -əˌrɪd / m ˈkɒnsɪˌkrɛ:t
sp congruent2 sp conquer17 / conquers3 /
sp consecrate7
conquer'd6, conquered5
conjectural adj rh gait MND 5.1.405

kənˈdʒektrɑl, -tər- conquered adj consecrated adj

sp coniecturall , emend of AW ˈkɒŋkəɹd m ˈkɒnsɪˌkrɛ:tɪd
5.3.114 connecturall1 sp conquer'd4
sp consecrated4
> half-, un-conquered
conjecture / ~s n consent / ~s n
kənˈdʒektəɹ / -z conquered n
sp coniecture5 / coniectures3, m ˈkɒŋkəˌrɪd
sp consent61, con-sent1 / consents2
con-iectures1 sp conquered1
rh banishment Luc 1854; experi-
conjoin / ~ed / ~s v conquering adj ment AW 2.1.153; merriment LLL
kənˈdʒəɪn / -z / -d ˈkɒŋkrɪn, -ɪŋ, -kər-
sp conioyne1 / conioynes1 / sp conquering5, conqu’ring3 consent / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
conioyn’d4, conioyned1 = / = / kənˈsentɪn, -ɪŋ / =
> join conqueror / ~’s / ~s n
sp consent30 / consents3 /
m ˈkɒŋkəˌrɔ:ɹ, -ərəɹ / consenting3 / consented8
conjointly adv
ˈkɒŋkərəɹz / ˈkɒŋkəˌrɔ:ɹz rh meant Per Epil.15; shent Ham
sp conqueror20, con-queror1, 3.2.406
sp conioyntly2 conquerour1 / conquerors1 /
conquerors5, conquerours1 consenting n
conjunction n
kənˈsentɪn, -ɪŋ
m kənˈdʒɤŋksɪən, -ɪˌɒn conquest / ~s n sp consenting1
sp coniunction9 m ˈkɒŋkwest, kəŋˈkwest /
rh confusion MND 4.1.110
ˈkɒŋkwests consequence / ~s n
conjunctive adj sp conquest 28 1
/ conquests m ˈkɒnsɪˌkwens, -ɪkwəns /
kənˈdʒɤŋktɪv ˈkɒnsɪˌkwensɪz
Conrade n sp consequence19 / consequences1
sp coniunctiue2
ˈkɒnrad rh eloquence MV 3.2.107
conjuration / ~s n sp Conrade7
ˌkɒndʒəˈrɛ:sɪən / -z consequently adv
4 1
consanguineous adj m ˈkɒnsɪˌkwentləɪ
sp coniuration / coniurations
= sp consequently3
conjur·e / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v sp consanguinious1
ˈkɒndʒəɹ / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / m -d, conserve / ~s n
consanguinity n m ˈkɒnsɐ:ɹvz, kənˈsɐ:ɹvz
29 1 2 m ˌkɒnsəŋˈɡwɪnɪˌtəɪ sp conserues2, con-serues1
sp coniure / coniures / coniuring
/ coniur’d6, coniured2 sp consanguinitie1
conserve / ~d v
conjuro Lat v conscience / ~s n kənˈsɐ:ɹv / -d
kɒnˈdʒu:ro: m ˈkɒnsɪəns, -ɪˌens / -ɪz sp conserue2 / conseru’d1
sp coniuro


consider / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v consolate v constable / ~’s / ~s n

kənˈsɪdəɹ / -z / m -ɪn, -ɪŋ, m ˈkɒnsəˌlɛ:t =
-drɪn, -drɪŋ / m -d, -əˌrɪd sp consolate1 sp constable39, con-stable3 /
sp consider46, con-sider1, consi-der1 > disconsolate constables1, con-stables1 /
/ considers1 / considering3 / constables2
consider’d8, considered8 consonancy n
ˈkɒnsnənsəɪ, -sən- Constance n
considerance n sp consonancy2 =
kənˈsɪdrəns, -dər- sp Constance12
sp considerance 1 consonant n
ˈkɒnsnənt, sən- constanc·y / ~ies n
considerate adj sp consonant 1 m ˈkɒnstənˌsəɪ, -ns- / -nˌsəɪz
kənˈsɪdrət, -dər- sp constancie11, constan-cie1,
sp considerate 2 consort n constancy2 / constancies1
> inconsiderate m kənˈsɔ:ɹt, ˈkɒnsɔ:ɹt rh see S 152.10
sp consort4 > inconstancy
consideration / ~s n
m kənˈsɪdəˌrɛ:sɪən, -ɪˌɒn / consort / ~est / ~ed v constant adj
-ˌrɛ:sɪənz m kənˈsɔ:ɹt / -s, -st / -ɪd =
sp consideration8 / considerations1, sp consort8 / consort’st1 / sp constant43, con-stant2
considera-tions1 consorted5 > unconstant

considered adj consorted adj Constantine n

m kənˈsɪdəɹd kənˈsɔ:ɹtɪd ˈkɒnstənˌtəɪn
sp consider’d1 sp consorted2 sp Constantine1
> unconsidered
conspectuit·y / ~ies n Constantinople n
considering / ~s n ˌkɒnspɪkˈtju:ɪtəɪz ˈkɒnstantɪˈno:pəl
m kənˈsɪdəˌrɪn, -ɪŋ / -z sp conspectui-ties1 sp Constantinople1
1 1
sp considering / considerings
conspiracy n constantly adv
consign / ~ing v m kənˈspɪrəˌsəɪ, -rəs- m ˈkɒnstəntˌləɪ, -tl-
kənˈsəɪn / -ɪn, -ɪŋ sp conspiracie7, conspiracy4 sp constantly6
sp consigne3 / consigning1 rh lie Tem 2.1.306
constellation n
consigned adj conspirant adj ˌkɒnstəˈlɛ:sɪən
ˈkɒnsəɪnd kənˈspəɪrənt sp constellation1
sp consign’d 1 sp conspirant
conster v
consist / ~s / ~eth / ~ing v conspirator / ~s n kənˈstɐ:ɹ
= / = / = / kənˈsɪstɪn, -ɪŋ m kənˈspɪrəˌtɔɹ, -ɪɹtəɹ / -z sp conster3
sp consist4 / consists3 / consisteth1 /
sp conspirator / conspirators 6 > misconster
consisting2 rh ravisher Luc 769
constitution n
rh resist Per 1.4.83
conspir·e / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v m ˌkɒnstɪˈtju:sɪən, -sɪˌɒn
consistory n kənˈspəɪɹ / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / m -d, sp constitution2
ˈkɒnsɪsˌtrəɪ, -tər- -ɪd
constrain / ~s / ~eth / ~ed v
sp consistorie2, consistory2 sp conspire7 / conspires1 /
conspiring1 / conspir’d4, conspired2
kənˈstrɛ:n / -z / -əθ / m -d, -ɪd
consolation n rh desire S 10.6 sp constraine1 / constraines2,
ˌkɒnsəˈlɛ:sɪən con-strains / constraineth1 /
sp consolation1, conso-lation1 conspirer / ~s n constrain’d7, con-strain’d1
constrained adj
sp conspirers1
m kənˈstrɛ:nd, -nɪd

sp constrained3 consummation n contemplative adj

> unconstrained ˈkɒnsjəˌmɛ:sɪən kənˈtempləˌtɪv
constraint n sp consumation1, consummation1 sp contemplatiue3
kənˈstrɛ:nt consumption / ~s n contempt / ~s n
sp constraint6 kənˈsɤmpsɪən / -z kənˈtemt, -mpt / -s
constring / ~ed v sp consumption4 / consumptions1 sp contempt45 / contempts3
rh exempt CE 2.2.181, Tim 4.2.32
kənˈstrɪŋd contagion n > court-contempt
sp constring’d1 m kənˈtɛ:dʒɪən, -ɪˌɒn
sp contagion7
contemptible adj
construction n
m kənˈtemtɪˌbɤl, -tɪbəl, -mpt-
kənˈstrɤksɪən contagious adj sp contemptible2
sp construction9 kənˈtɛ:dʒɪəs
> misconstruction contemptuous adj
sp contagious11
construe v kənˈtemtjəs, -mpt-
contain / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v sp contemptuous2
m kənˈstru:, ˈkɒnstru:
kənˈtɛ:n / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d
sp construe7 contemptuously adj
sp contain1, containe12, contayn’t1 /
> misconstrue m kənˈtemtjəsˌləɪ, -mpt-
containes10 / containing4,
consul / ~’s / ~s n contayning1 / contain’d3 sp contemptuously1
rh brain S 77.9 / remains LC 189,
= contend / ~ing / ~ed v
S 74.13
sp consul1, consull29 / consuls2 / = / kənˈtendɪn, -ɪŋ / =
consuls6 containing n sp contend14 / contending4 /
> pro-consul kənˈtɛ:nɪn, -ɪŋ contended1
consulship / ~s n sp containing1 rh end S 60.4; friend VA 820
= contaminate / ~d v contending adj
sp consulship1 / consulships1 kənˈtamɪˌnɛ:t / -ɪd kənˈtendɪn, -ɪŋ
consult / ~ing v sp contaminate2 / contaminated2 sp contending1
kənˈsɤlt / -ɪn, -ɪŋ contaminated adj content adj
sp consult4 / consulting1 m kənˈtamɪˌnɛ:tɪd, -ɪn- = , Caius MW ..
consum·e / ~es / ~ing / sp contaminated3 kənˈtent-ə
~ed v sp content84, content-a1
contemn / ~ing / ~ed v rh banishment AY 1.3.135; present
= / = / kənˈsju:mɪn, -ɪŋ / = kənˈtem / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d MND 5.1.132; repent, spent MND
sp consume8 / consumes1 / sp contemne2 / contemning2, 2.2.116; spent Cym 5.4.102
consuming1 / consum’d7 contenning1 / contemn’d2
rh fumes Luc 1042 > uncontemn content / ~’s / ~s n
consumed adj m kənˈtent, ˈkɒntent / -s
contemned adj sp content34, con-tent1 / contents1 /
m kənˈsju:mɪd m kənˈtemd, -mnɪd contents20
sp consumed1 sp contemn’d1, contemned1 rh event Per 4.Chorus.46; lament,
lent Luc 1503; lineament RJ 1.3.85;
consuming adj contemplate v ornament S 1.11; precedent LC 157;
kənˈsju:mɪn, -ɪŋ ˈkɒntəmˌplɛ:t spent AY 2.3.68, Mac 3.2.5, S 119.13 /
sp consuming3 sp contemplate1 events AY 5.4.127; monuments Luc
> blood-, sap-consuming 948, S 55.3; presents LLL 5.2.515;
contemplation n rents LC 56
consummate v > discontent
m ˌkɒntəmˈplɛ:sɪən, -ɪˌɒn
sp contemplation1, con-templation1
sp consummate3, consum-mate1


content / ~s / ~eth v sp continencie1, continen-cie1 contracted adj

kənˈtent / -s / -əθ > incontinency =
sp content33 / contents3, co[n]tents1 continent adj sp contracted3
/ contenteth1
m ˈkɒntɪˌnent, -ɪnənt contracting n
rh content ye meant ye TNK Epil.13;
content you repent you MND 5.1.113 sp continent2 kənˈtraktɪn, -ɪŋ
/ contents her sent her TG 3.1.93 sp contracting1
continent / ~s n
rh exacting MM 3.2.270
content Fr adj m ˈkɒntɪˌnent, -ɪnənt / -s
kɔ̃ˈtɑ̃ sp continent8 / continents3 contraction n
sp content 1
continual adj kənˈtraksɪən
sp contraction1
contente [Pistol H kənˈtɪnjɑl, -jʊɑl
..] v sp continual2, continuall8, contradict / ~s / ~ed v
kɒnˈtente: > long-continued
sp con-tente1 sp contradict5 / contradicts1 /
continually adv contradicted1
contented adj m kənˈtɪnjɑləɪ, -jʊɑ-, -ˌləɪ rh inflict Luc 1631
= sp continually2, con-tinually1 contradiction n
sp contented24, con-tented1
rh imprinted VA 513 continuance n ˌkɒntrəˈdɪksɪən
dis-, well-contented sp contradiction5
m kənˈtɪnjəns, -jʊəns, -jʊˌans
contention n sp continuance7, con-tinuance1 contrariet·y / ~ies n
m kənˈtensɪən, -ɪˌɒn continuantly adv m ˌkɒntrəˈrəɪəˌtəɪ / -z
sp contention9 sp contrariety1 / contrarieties1
kənˈtɪnjəntləɪ, jʊən-
contentious adj sp continu-antly1 contrarious adj
kənˈtensɪəs continuate adj kənˈtrarɪəs
sp contentious2 sp contrarious2
kənˈtɪnjət, -jʊət
contentless adj sp continuate2 contrariously adv
= continu·e / ~s / ~ing / ~d v m kənˈtrarɪəsˌləɪ
sp contentlesse1 = / = / kənˈtɪnju:·ɪn, -ɪŋ / m -d, sp contrariously
contento Ital v -ɪd contrary adj
kɒnˈtento: sp continue32 / continues7 / m kənˈtrarəɪ, ˈkɒntrəˌrəɪ
conti-nuing1 / continew’d1, sp contrary11, contrarie3
sp contento1
contest v contrar·y / ~ies n
continuer n
kənˈtest m ˈkɒntrəˌrəɪ, -rərəɪ / -rəˌrəɪz
sp contest1 sp contrarie9, contrary16, con-trary1
sp continuer1 / contraries4
contestation n contract n rh I Per 2.Chorus.15
kənˈtrakt, ˈkɒntrakt contrary v
sp contestation1
sp contract21 kənˈtrarəɪ
continence n > pre-contract sp contrary1
m ˈkɒntnəns, -tɪn- contract / ~ed v contrary to prep
sp continence1 kənˈtrakt / = m ˈkɒntrəɪ ˈtʊ
continency n sp contract4 / contract1, contracted6 sp contrary to4, con-trary to1
> subcontract
ˈkɒntnənsəɪ, -tɪn-


contre Fr prep controlling adj sp conuents1 / conuented1

ˈkɔ̃:trə kənˈtro:lɪn, -ɪŋ > covent

sp contra1 sp controlling3 conventicle / ~s n

rh rolling S 20.7
contribution n m kənˈventɪˌkɤlz
m ˌkɒntrɪˈbju:sɪən, -ɪˌɒn controlment n sp conuenticles1

sp contribution2 kənˈtro:lmənt conversant adj

sp controlement2, controllment1,
contributor / ~s n m ˈkɒnvəɹˌsant, -sənt
m kənˈtrɪbjəˌtɔ:ɹz sp conuersant2

sp contributors1
controversy n
conversation / ~s n
contrite adj 8 2 ˌkɒnvəɹˈsɛ:sɪən, -sɪˌɒn /
sp controuersie , con-trouersie
ˈkɒntrəɪt -ˈsɛ:sɪənz
sp contrite1
contumelious adj sp conuersation7, conuer-sation1 /
ˌkɒntjəˈmi:lɪəs conuersations1
contrive / ~st / ~s / ~d v sp contumelious3 rh benison Per 2.Chorus.9
kənˈtrəɪv /-z / m -d, -ɪd / -st, converse n
-dst contumeliously adv
m ˌkɒntjəˈmi:lɪəsˌləɪ kənˈvɐ:ɹs
sp contriue8 / contriues1 /
sp contumeliously1 sp conuerse3
contriu’d7, contriued1 / contriued’st1
rh survive Luc 206; live v JC 2.3.15 / convers·e / ~s / ~ing / ~d v
gyves, strives LC 243
contumely n
m ˈkɒntjəmˌləɪ kənˈvɐ:ɹs / -ɪz / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd
contrived adj sp contumely1 sp conuerse10 / conuerses1 /
m kənˈtrəɪvd, -vɪd conuersing2 / conuersed1, conuerst3,
contusion / ~s n conuers’t1
sp contriu’d1, contriued1
kənˈtu:zɪənz conversion n
contriver n sp contusions1
contutti sp conuersion2
sp contriuer4
> con, tutto
contriving adj / n convert / S ~est / ~s / ~ing /
convenien·ce / ~s n ~ed v
kənˈtrəɪvɪn, -ɪŋ
sp contriuing1 / contriuing2
= kənˈvɐ:ɹt / -əst / -s / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd
sp conuenience3, conueni-ence1 / sp conuert8 / conuertest1 /
control / ~s n conueniences2 conuerts2 / conuerting3 /
kənˈtro:l / -z > inconvenience conuerted4, conuer-ted1
sp controle1, controll3 / controules1 rh art S 14.12; art, heart Luc 592 /
conveniency n departest S 11.4
rh soul S 125.14 / fowls CE 2.1.19
> comptrol
m kənˈvi:nɪənˌsəɪ, -ns-
sp conueniencie2 convertite / ~s n
control / ~led v ˈkɒnvəɹˌtəɪt / -s
kənˈtro:l / kənˈtro:ld convenient adj sp conuertite1 / conuertites1
1 3
sp controle , controll , controule ,2 m kənˈvi:nɪənt, -ɪˌent rh light Luc 743
controul’t [control it]1 / control’d1, sp conuenient20
controll’d1, controul’d1
convey / ~ed v
rh soul Luc 500, 1781, S 107.3 / conveniently adv kənˈvɛ: / -d
behold Luc 448; fold Luc 678 m kənˈvi:nɪəntˌləɪ, -tl- sp conuay5, conuey28 / conuaid2,
uncontrol sp conueniently 4 conuay’d1, con-uay’d1, conuei’d2,
controller n convent / ~ed v rh may Per 3.Chorus.56; way Per 4
kənˈtro:ləɹ kənˈvent·s / -ɪd Chorus.49 / aid VA 1192
sp controller1, controuler1


conveyance / ~s n cony-catching adj / n copious adj

kənˈvɛ:əns / -ɪz ˈko:nəɪ-ˌkatʃɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈkɒ- ˈko:pɪəs
sp conueiance1, conueyance6 / sp cony-catching1 / conicatching1 sp copious1
cook / ~s n copper adj / n
conveyer / ~s n = ˈkɒpəɹ
kənˈvɛ:əɹz sp cooke15 / cookes3 sp copper3 / copper4
sp conueyers1
cook / ~ed v Copperspur n
conveying adj = ˈkɒpəɹˌspɐ:ɹ
kənˈvɛ:ɪn, -ɪŋ sp cook’d2 sp Copperspurre1
sp conueying1
Cook [name] n coppice n
convict v = =
= sp Cook1, Cooke2 sp coppice1
sp conuict1
cookery n copulation n
convicted adj m ˈkʊkəˌrəɪ, -krəɪ ˌkɒpjəˈlɛ:sɪən
= sp cookerie2 sp copulation2
sp conuicted
cool adj copulative / ~s n
convince / ~s / ~d v = ˈkɒpjələtɪvz
= / = / m kənˈvɪnsɪd sp cool1, coole5 sp copulatiues1
sp conuince5 / conuinces1 / > overcool
conuinced1 cop·y / ~ies n
rh prince Per 1.2.123 cool / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v ˈkɒpəɪ / -z
= / = / ˈku:lɪn, -ɪŋ / = sp copie5, coppie’s [copy is]1,
convive v 25 5
sp coole / cooles / cooling / 3
coppy4, copy1 / copies2
kənˈvəɪv coold1, cool’d3, cooled2
sp conuiue1 rh fool Mac 4.1.153 / should VA 387 cop·y / ~ied v
convocation n cooling adj / n sp coppied3
m ˌkɒnvəˈkɛ:sɪən, -ɪˌɒn ˈku:lɪn, -ɪŋ
sp conuocation2 sp cooling2 / cooling1 copy-book n
convoy n coop / ~s / ~ed v sp coppie booke1
ˈkɒnvəɪ =
sp conuoy6, con-uoy1 sp coopes1 / coop’d1 coquo / coctus Lat v
convulsion / ~s n copatain adj sp coctus1
kənˈvɤlsɪənz ˈkɒpətɛ:n
sp convultions1 sp copataine1 coragio Ital n
con·y / ~ies n cope / ~st / ~d v sp coragio3
ˈko:nəɪ, ˈkɒ- / -z ko:p / -st / -t
sp conie1, connie1 / conies1 sp cope9 / coap’st2 / coap’d2, coral adj / n
cop’d1 =
cony-catch / ~ed v sp corrall1 / corrall1
ˈko:nəɪ-ˌkatʃ, ˈkɒ- / -t Cophetua n
sp conicatch1 / coni-catcht1 kəˈfetə, -tjʊə Coram, malap for Lat
> catch sp Cophetua2, Couitha1 quorum n
sp Coram1


Corambus n Coriolanus n sp corner cap1

kəˈrambəs ˌkɒrɪəˈlɛ:nəs > cap

sp Corambus1 sp Coriolanus52, Corio-lanus1, cornerstone n

abbr in s.d. Corio1, Coriol1
coranto / ~s n ˈkɔ:ɹnəɹ-ˌsto:n
kəˈranto: / -z Corioles n sp corner stone1
m kəˈrəɪəˌles, -ələs > stone
sp carranto2 / carranto’s1
sp Carioles5, Corialus2, Corioles13, cornet / ~s n
corbo nonsense word Coriolus1
co-rival / ~s n sp cornets13
sp corbo1
kɒˈrəɪvəl / -z Cornish adj
cord / ~s n sp n co-riuall1 / corriuals1
ˈkɔ:ɹd / -z
co-rival / ~led v sp Cornish2
sp cord7, [penny]-cord1 / cordes1,
cords10 kɒˈrəɪvəld cornuto n
> master-cord sp co-riual'd1
corded adj cork n sp curnuto1
ˈkɔ:ɹdɪd kɒɹk Cornwall n
sp corded-[ladder]2 sp corke2
Cordelia n corky adj sp Cornewall5, Cornwal1,
kɒɹˈdi:lɪə ˈkɒɹkəɪ Cornwall10, Cornwals [Cornwall is]1

sp Cordelia25 sp corky1 corollary n

Cordelion / ~’s n cormorant adj m ˈkɒrəˌlarəɪ
ˈkɔ:ɹdəˈli:ən / -z m ˈkɔ:ɹməˌrant, -mər-, -mrənt sp corolary1

sp Cordelion3 / Cordelions3 sp comorant1, cormorant3 coronal n

cordial adj / n corn / ~s n ˈkɒrənɑl
ˈkɔ:ɹdɪɑl kɔ:ɹn / -z sp coronall2
> demi-coronal
sp cordiall4 / cordiall5 sp corn2, corne30, corne's [corn is]1 /
cornes2 coronation n
cordis rh forsworn LLL 4.3.359
> tremor cordis m ˌkɒrəˈnɛ:sɪən, -ɪˌɒn
> peppercorn
sp coronation18, corronation3
core n Cornelia n
kɔ:ɹ coroner
m kɔ:ɹˈni:lɪə, -lɪˌa > crowner
sp core sp Cornelia2
coronet adj
Corin n Cornelius n ˈkɒɹnət, -ɹən-
ˈkɒrɪn kɔ:ɹˈni:lɪəs sp coronet1
sp Corin8 sp Cornelius7
coronet / ~s n
Corinth n corner / ~s n m ˈkɒrəˌnet, -nət, ˈkɒɹnət / -s
ˈkɒrɪnt, -nθ ˈkɔ:ɹnəɹ / -z sp coronet8 / coronets3
sp Corinth7 sp corner14, cor-ner1, [Py]-Corner1,
[parke]-corner1 / corners9 corporal adj
Corinthian n
m ˈkɔ:ɹpəˌrɑl, -pərɑl, -prɑl
kəˈrɪntɪən, -nθɪ- corner-cap n
sp corporall8
sp Corinthian1 ˈkɔ:ɹnəɹ-ˌkap


corporal / ~s n corrigible adj corslet n

m ˈkɔ:ɹpəˌrɑl, -pər-, -prɑl / = ˈkɒɹslət
-pərɑlz, -prɑlz sp corrigeable1, corrigible1 sp corslet1
sp coporall1, corporal1, corporall13,
Bullcalf malap 2H4 3.2.215 corporate corroborate adj Cosmo n
/ cor-porals1 m kəˈrɒbəˌret, -ərət ˈkɒzmo:
sp corroborate1 sp Cosmo1
corporate adj
ˈkɔ:ɹprət, -pər- corrosive adj cost / ~s n
sp corporate 1 ˈkɒrəˌsɪv =
> incorporate sp corosiue1, corrosiue1 sp cost22 / costs1
rh 1 lost PP 13.12; rh 2 boast S
corpse / ~s n corrupt adj 91.10; host TNK 3.5.127
kɔ:ɹs, kɔ:ɹps / ˈkɔ:ɹsɪz kəˈrɤpt
sp coarse28, corpes7, corps3, corse1 / sp corrupt11
cost / ~s v
coarses1 =
rh nurse RJ 3.2.128 corrupt / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v sp cost20 / costs1
kəˈrɤpt / -s / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd rh lost Luc 146, Per 3.2.69
corpulent adj sp corrupt15, cor-rupt1 / corrupts1 /
ˈkɔ:ɹpjələnt corrupting1 / corrupted10
costard n
sp corpulent1 ˈkɒstəɹd
corrupted adj sp costard3
correct / ~s / ~ing v kəˈrɤptɪd
= / = / kəˈrektɪn, -ɪŋ sp corrupted7
Costard [name] n
6 1 2
sp correct , cor-rect / corrects / rh interrupted Luc 1172 ˈkɒstəɹd
correcting1 sp Costard15, Co-stard2
> incorrect corrupter / ~s n
kəˈrɤptəɹ / -z costermonger / ~s n
corrected adj sp corrupter1, cor-rupter1 / ˈkɒstəɹ-ˌmɤŋgəɹz
= corrupters1 sp costor-mongers1
sp corrected1
> uncorrected corruptible Fr adj costl·y / ~ier adj
kɔrypˈtiblə ˈkɒstləɪ / -əɹ
correction n sp corruptible1 sp costly10 / costlier1
m kəˈrɛksɪən, -ɪˌɒn
sp correction19, correctio[n]1 corruptibly adv cote / ~d v
rh infection S 111.12 m kəˈrɤptɪˌbləɪ ˈko:tɪd
sp corruptibly1 sp coated1, coted1
correctioner n
ˌkəˈrɛksɪənəɹ corrupting adj cot-quean n
sp correctioner1 kəˈrɤptɪn, -ɪŋ ˈkɒt-ˌkwi:n
sp corrupting1 sp cot-queane1
correspond / ~ing v > quean
ˌkɒrəˈspɒndɪn, -ɪŋ corruption n
sp corresponding1 m kəˈrɤpsɪən, -ɪˌɒn Cotswold adj
sp corruption15 ˈkɒtsəl, -so:ld
correspondent adj sp Cot-sal-[man]1, Cotsall1,
= corruptly adv Cottshold1
sp correspondent1 kəˈrɤptləɪ
sp corruptly1
cottage / ~s n
corresponsive adj =
= corse sp cottage4 / cottages2
sp corresponsiue1 > corpse


Cotus n sp councell26, coun-cell1, counsaile2, counsellor / ~s n

ˈko:təs counsell7 / councels3 m ˈkəʊnsəˌlɔ:ɹ, -sələɹ,
> counsel
sp Cotus2 -sləɹ / -z
council-board n sp councellour1, counsailor3,
couch / ~es n counsailour1, counseller1, counsellor2 /
kəʊtʃ / ˈkəʊtʃɪz counsailers1, counsailors1,
sp councell boord1, councell-boord1
sp couch5, cowch1 / couches1 counsellors2
council-house n > councillor, fellow-counsellor
couch / ~ing / ~ed v
ˈkəʊnsəl-ˌəʊs, -ˌhəʊs count / ~s
kəʊtʃ / ˈkəʊtʃɪn, -ɪŋ / m kəʊtʃt, n
sp councell house1, councell-house1 kəʊnt / -s
ˈkəʊtʃɪd > house
sp couch10, cowch1 / couching1, sp count6 / counts1
cowching1 / couch’d2, couched5, councillor / ~s n
count / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
m ˈkəʊnsəˌlɔ:ɹ, -sələɹ, -sləɹ /
kəʊnt / -s / ˈkəʊnt·ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd
couching adj -səˌlɔ:ɹz
sp count23 / counts5 / counting1 /
ˈkəʊtʃɪn, -ɪŋ sp councellor2, councellour1, counted8
counsailor1, counsellor3, counsellour1 / > overcount, uncounted
sp couching1
councellors1, councellours1,
couching / ~s n counsailors1 count [Fr pron of gown] n
ˈkəʊtʃɪnz, -ɪŋz council-table n kunt
sp couchings1 sp count4
coude Fr n sp councell table2 Count / ~’s / ~s [title] n
kud counsel / ~’s / ~s n kəʊnt / -s
sp coudee sp Count79, Counte1, Counts [Count
ˈkəʊnsəl / -z
is]2, / Countes1, Counts6 / Counts1
cough n sp councel2, councell11, counsaile43,
counsel2, counsell52 / counsailes1, count-cardinal n
= counsels1 / councels2, counsailes9,
sp coffe , cough 1 ˌkəʊnt-ˈkɑ:ɹdɪˌnɑl
rh laugh MND 2.1.54 sp count-cardinall1
> council, chamber-counsel
> cardinal
cough / ~ing v counsel / ~s / ~led v
= / ˈkɒfɪn, -ɪŋ countenance / ~s n
ˈkəʊnsəl / -z / -d
sp cough / coffing 1 m ˈkəʊntnəns, -tən-, -təˌnans /
sp councell1, counsaile14,
coun-saile1, counsel2, counsell4 /
coughing n counsels2 / counsail’d2 sp countenance48, coun-tenance2,
ˈkɒfɪn, -ɪŋ counte-nance1, countenaunce1
sp coffing1 counsel-keeper n count’nance4 / countenances1
could / ~est v countenance / ~d v
sp councell-keeper1
=, kʊld / -st > keep
m ˈkəʊntnəns, -təˌnans / -t
sp could603 / could’st23, couldest1, sp countenance3, coun-tenance1 /
couldst7 counsel-keeping adj countenanc’d2, counte-nanc’d1
rh should Tim 1.2.159 ˈkəʊnsəl-ˌki:pɪn, -ɪŋ
> can
counter / ~s n
sp counsaile-keeping1
> keep
ˈkəʊntəɹ / -z
coulter sp counter3 / counters3
> culter counsellor adj
m ˈkəʊnsləɹ, -səl- countercaster n
council / ~s n ˈkəʊntəɹ-ˌkastəɹ
ˈkəʊnsəl / -z sp counsailor
sp counter-caster1
> cast


counterchange n countermand / ~s v country·man / ~men n

ˈkəʊntəɹ-ˌtʃɛ:ndʒ ˈkəʊntəɹˌmandz m ˈkɤntrəɪ·mən, -ˌman / -mən,
sp counter-change1 sp counterma[n]ds1 -ˌmen
> change rh lands CE 4.2.37 sp countreyman6, countrey-man1,
countriman4, countryman6,
countercheck n countermine / ~s n country-man1 / countreymen10,
ˈkəʊntəɹ-ˌtʃek ˈkəʊntəɹˌməɪnz countrey-men2, countrimen11,
sp counterchecke1, counter-checke2 sp countermines1 countri-men1, countrymen13,
> check > mine country-men3
rh slaughtermen 1H6 3.3.74
counterfeit adj counterpoint / ~s n
m ˈkəʊntəɹfet, -ˌfet ˈkəʊntəɹˌpəɪnts countrywoman n
sp counterfeit6, counterfet3, sp counterpoints1 ˈkɤntrəɪˌwʊmən
counterfeyt1 > point sp country-woman1
> woman
counterfeit / ~s n counterpoise n
m ˈkəʊntəɹfet, -ˌfet / -s ˈkəʊntəɹˌpəɪz count·y / ~ies n
sp counterfait1, counterfeit16, sp counterpoize2 ˈkəʊntəɪ / -z
coun-terfeit1, counter-feit1, counterfet1, > poise sp countie2, county3 / counties4
counterfeyt1 / counterfeits1,
counterfeyts1 counterpoise / ~d v Count·y / ~y’s / ~ies [title] n
rh set S 53.5; unset S 16.8 ˈkəʊntəɹˌpəɪz / -d ˈkəʊntəɪ / -z
sp counterpoise1, counterpoize2 / sp Countie20, County2 / Counties1 /
counterfeit / ~est / ~s / ~ed v counter-poys’d3 Counties1
m ˈkəʊntəɹfet, -ˌfet / -s, -st / -s /
-ˌfetɪd counterseal / ~ed v couper Fr v
15 4
sp counterfeit , counterfet , ˈkəʊntəɹ-ˌsi:ld kuˈpe
counter-fet1 / counterfaits1, sp counter-seal’d1 sp couppes1
counterfeit’st1, counterfet’st1 / > seal
counterfets1 / counterfei-ted2, couper la Fr v + det
counterfeyted1 countervail v Pistol H .., ..
ˈkəʊntəɹˌvɛ:l ˈku:pələ
counterfeited adj sp counteruaile1 sp couple1, cuppele1
sp counterfeited1, counterfetted1 Countess / ~es n couple / ~s n
kəʊnˈtes / -ɪz ˈkɤpəl / -z
counterfeiting adj / n sp Countesse9 / Countesses2 sp couple10 / couples4
ˈkəʊntəɹˌfetɪn, -ɪŋ
> uncouple
sp counterfetting1 / counterfeiting2, countless adj
counterfetting1 ˈkəʊntləs couple / ~s / ~ed v
> death-counterfeiting sp countlesse1 ˈkɤpəl / -z / -d
counterfeitly adv sp couple5 / couples1 / coupled6,
country adj cou-pled1
ˈkəʊntəɹˌfetləɪ ˈkɤntrəɪ
sp counterfetly1 couplement n
sp countrey4, countrie2, country7,
countergate n country-[mistresses]1 ˈkɤpəlmənt
ˈkəʊntəɹ-ˌgɛ:t sp cupplement1
countr·y / ~y's / ~ies n
sp counter-gate1 ˈkɤntrəɪ / -z couplet n
> gate
sp countrey40, coun-trey2, countrie9, ˈkɤplət
countermand n coun-trie1, country58, coun-try1 / sp couplet1
countreyes3, countries37, countryes1
/ countries10
sp countermand3


cour Fr n sp court221, court-[gate]1, courts court-like adj

ku:ɹ [court is]1 / courts7 ˈkɔ:ɹt-ləɪk
rh report Cym 4.2.33; sport LLL
sp court sp court-like1
courage / ~s n > Inns of Court courtly adj
ˈkɤrɪdʒ / -ɪz court / ~s / ~ed v ˈkɔ:ɹtləɪ
sp corage1, courage63, cou-rage2 / kɔ:ɹt / -s / ˈkɔ:ɹtɪd sp courtly7
sp court11 / courts1 / courted1 Courtney n
rh forage VA 556
court-contempt n ˈkɔ:ɹtnəɪ
couragious adj sp Courtney1
ˈkɔ:ɹt-kənˈtemt, -mpt
kəˈrɛ:dʒɪəs 1
sp court-contempt court-odour n
sp coragious1, coragi-ous1,
couragious7, couragi-ous1 court-cupboard n ˈkɔ:ɹt-ˈo:dəɹ
ˈkɔ:ɹt-ˈkɤbəɹd sp court-odour1
couragiously adv > odour
m kəˈrɛ:dʒɪəsˌləɪ, -sl- sp court-cubbord1

sp couragiously 2
courteous adj courtship n
ˈkɔ:ɹtjəs ˈkɔ:ɹtʃɪp
courier n sp courtship8
ˈkɤrɪəɹ sp courteous13, curteous8
> uncourteous court-word n
sp currier1
> currier courteously adv ˈkɔ:ɹt-ˈwɔ:ɹd
m ˈkɔ:ɹtjəsˌləɪ, -sl- sp court-word1
couronner / couronne Fr v > word
kuˈrɒn sp curteously2

sp corrone1 courtesan / ~’s / ~s n cousin, abbr coz / ~’s /

m ˈkɔ:ɹtɪzən, -ˌzan / -ˌzanz ~s n
course / ~s n ˈkɤzən, ˈkʊz-, abbr kɤz, kʊz /
kɔ:ɹs / ˈkɔ:ɹsɪz sp courtezan1, courtizan2,
curtezan1, curtizan3 / courtizans1 / -z
sp course150, [maine]-course1 /
curtezans1, curtizans1 sp coosin5, cosen30, cosin71, co-sin1,
cosine12, cosin’s [cousin is]1, cousen1,
courtes·y / ~ies n cousin101, couzen1, cozen23, cozin12,
cours·e / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v
m ˈkɔ:ɹtəˌsəɪ, -tsəɪ / -z abbr cooz1, cooze1, couze3, coz19,
kɔ:ɹs / ˈkɔ:ɹs·ɪz / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / coze10 / cosens2, cosins4, cousins1 /
sp courtesie22, court’sie1, curtesie39
kɔ:ɹst / courtesies4, courte-sies1, curtesies4 coo-sins1, cosens2, cosins5, co-sins1,
sp course6 / courses2 / coursing1 / rh comedy LLL 5.2.864; he LLL cousins7, cozens2, cozins3
cours’d1, courst1 5.2.324; immediately 1H4 5.5.32; pun R3 4.4.223 cozen
injury MND 3.2.147; modesty MND > cater-cousin
coursely adv 2.2.62; remedy 1H6 2.2.58 / rh 1
ˈkɔ:ɹsləɪ bees, dewberries, mulberries MND
cousin-german / ~s n
sp coursely1 3.1.169; rh 2 arise, butterflies, eyes, ˌkɤzən-ˈdʒɐ:ɹmən, ˌkʊz- / -z
thighs MND 3.1.169 sp cousen german1 /
courser / ~’s / ~s n > dis-, kill-courtesy cozen-iermans1
ˈkɔ:ɹsəɹ / -z > german
sp courser2 / coursers2 / coursers3 court-hand n
ˈkɔ:ɹt-ˌand, -ˌha- cout
coursing adj sp court hand 1 > scout
ˈkɔ:ɹsɪn, -ɪŋ
courtier / ~’s / ~s / ~s’ n coutume Fr n
sp coursing1
ˈkɔ:ɹtɪəɹ / -z kuˈtym
court / ~s n sp courtier27 / courtiers5 / sp emend of H5 5.2.256 costume1
kɔ:ɹt / -s courtiers11 / courtiers1


covenant / ~s n covet / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v cow-dung n

m ˈkɤvnənt, -vəˌnant; kɒv- / -s ˈkɤvət / -s / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd ˈkəʊ-ˌdɤŋ, ˈko:-
sp couenant3, cou’nant1 / sp couet3 / couets1 / coueting1 / sp cow-dung1
couenants4 coueted1 > dung

covent n coveting / ~s n cower / ~ed v

ˈkɒvənt ˈkɤvətɪnz, -ɪŋz kəʊɹd, ko:ɹd
sp couent2 sp couetings1 sp cowr’d1
> convent
covetous adj cowish adj
Coventry n m ˈkɤvəˌtɤs, -ətəs ˈkəʊɪʃ, ˈko:-
ˈkɒvənˌtri: sp couetous7, co-uetous1 sp cowish1
sp Couentree2, Couentrie1,
Couentry7 covetously adv cowl-staff n
rh me R2 1.2.56 ˈkɤvtəsləɪ, -vət- ˈkəʊl-ˌstaf, ˈko:l-
sp couetously1 sp cowle-staffe1
cover n
ˈkɤvəɹ covetousness n cowslip / ~’s / ~s n
sp couer7 m ˈkɤvtəsnəs, -ˌnes, -vət- ˈkəʊslɪp, ˈko:- / -s
rh lover RJ 1.3.89
sp couetousnesse4 sp cowslip2, cowslippe1 / cowslips2 /
cover / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v cowslippes1, cowslips1
cow / ~’s n
ˈkɤvəɹ / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈkɤvr- / kəʊ, ko: / -z coxcomb / ~s n
ˈkɤvəɹd sp cow7 / cowes1 ˈkɒkskəm, Evans MW ..
sp couer17/ couers4 / couering2 rh low MA 5.4.49 ˈkɒɡzkəm / -z
couer’d10 / couered5
sp coxcombe17, cox-combe1,
rh lover S 32.2 / lovers [F at LLL cow / ~ed v coxecombe1, coxe-combe1, Evans
2.1.113-129] / rh 1 lovered LC 317; kəʊd, ko:d cogs-combe1 / coxcombes2,
rh 2 hovered LC 317
sp cow’d1 cox-combes1, coxcombs1
> overcovered, uncover
coward / ~’s / ~s n coy adj
covering adj / n
m ˈkəʊəɹd, ko:ɹd / -z kəɪ
ˈkɤvərɪn, -ɪŋ, -vr-
sp coward82, coward-[iack-priest] / sp coy4
sp couering2 / couering1
cowards1 / cowards29 rh boy VA 96
coverlet n rh froward VA 569; toward VA 1158
coy / ~ed v
ˈkɤvəɹlət coward / ~ed v kəɪ / -d
sp couerlet1 m ˈkəʊəɹdɪd, ko:ɹ- sp coy1 / coy'd1
covert / ~est adj sp cowarded1 rh joy MND 4.1.2

ˈkɤvəɹt / -st cowardice n coying n

sp couert3 / couertst1 m ˈkəʊɹdɪs, ˈko:ɹ- ˈkəɪɪn, -ɪŋ
covert n sp cowardice5, cowardise4, sp coying1
cow-ardise1, cowardize5, cowar-dize1
ˈkɤvəɹt cozen / ~ing / ~ed v
sp couert4 cowardly adj / adv ˈkɤzən, ˈkʊz- / -ɪn, -ɪŋ,
covertly adv m ˈkəʊəɹdˌləɪ, -dl-, ˈko:ɹd- -zn- / -d
sp cowardly13 / cowardly4 sp cosen3, cousen1, cozen1 /
cozening1 / cosen’d1, cousend1,
sp couertly1 cowardship n cousen’d1, couzend1, cozend2,
coverture n ˈkəʊɹdʃɪp, ˈko:ɹ- cozen’d1, cozened1, cozond2,
ˈkɤvəɹtəɹ sp coward-ship1 cozon’d1, cozoned2
pun R3 4.4.223 cousin
sp couerture2


cozenage n cracked adj craft·y / ~ier adj

m ˈkɤzənɪdʒ, ˈkʊz-, -zn-, = ˈkraftəɪ / -əɹ
-nɑ:dʒ sp crack’d4 sp craftie8, crafty5 / craftier1
sp coozenage1, cosenage1, > outcrafty
cracker n
ˈkrakəɹ cram / ~s / ~med v
cozened adj sp cracker 1 =
ˈkɤzənd, ˈkʊz- > wit-cracker sp v cram3, cramme2, cram’s [cram
sp cosin’d1 us]1 / crams1 / cram’d5, cramm’d2
crackhemp n
cozener / ~s n ˈkrakˌemp, -ˌhemp crammed adj
ˈkɤzənəɹ, ˈkʊz-, -zn- / -z sp crackhempe 1 =
sp cozener1 / couzeners1, sp cramm’d1
cozeners1, cozoners1
cradle / ~’s / ~s n > news-, promise-crammed
ˈkrɛ:dl / -z
cozening adj sp cradle12 / cradles1 / cradles2
cramp / ~s n
ˈkɤzənɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈkʊz-, -zn- =
sp couzening2, cozening1
cradle / ~d v sp cramp1, crampe2 / crampes1,
ˈkrɛ:dld cramps2
cozier / ~s’ n sp cradled
ˈko:zɪəɹz crank / ~s n
sp cozi-ers 1 cradle-babe n =
ˈkrɛ:dl-ˌbɛ:b sp crankes1
crab / ~s n sp cradle-babe 1

= > babe
crank / ~ing v
6 1
sp crab , crabbe , crabbe’s [crab is] 1 ˈkraŋkɪn, -ɪŋ
/ crabs2
cradle-clothes n sp cranking1
rh bob MND 2.1.48 ˈkrɛ:dl-ˌklo:ðz
sp cradle-clothes1
Cranmer n
Crab [name] n > clothes ˈkranməɹ
= sp Cranmer12, Cranmer’s [Cranmer
sp Crab 3 craft / ~s n is]1
kraft / -s
crabbed adj sp craft17 / crafts2
crannied adj
m krabd, ˈkrabɪd rh daffed, daft LC 295 ˈkranəɪd
sp crabbed3 > handi-, witch-craft sp crannied1

crab-tree / ~s n craft / ~ed v crann·y / ~ies n

= ˈkraftɪd ˈkranəɪ / -z
sp crab-tree2 / crab-trees1 sp crafted1 sp cranny2 / crannies1
> tree
craftily adv crash n
crack / ~s n ˈkraftɪləɪ =
= sp craftily1 sp crash1
2 9 2
sp crack , cracke / cracks
crafts·man / ~men n crasing n
crack / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v ˈkraftsmən ˈkrɛ:zɪn, -ɪŋ
= / = / ˈkrakɪn, -ɪŋ / = sp craftes-men1 sp crasing1
sp crack4, cracke13, crake1 / cracks1
/ cracking5 / crack’d11, crackt2,
crafts-master n Crassus / ~’ n
crak’d1 ˈkrafts-ˌmastəɹ ˈkrasəs
rh back KJ 2.1.146; black LLL 4.3.266 sp crafts-master1 sp Crassus2 / Crassus1
> master


crav·e / ~s / ~eth / ~ing / cream n / v credit n / v

~ed v = =
krɛ:v, krav / -z / ˈkrɛ:v·əθ, sp creame4 / creame1 sp credit30, credite10 / creadit1,
ˈkrav- / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / m -d, -ɪd credit6, cre-dit1, credite1
cream-faced adj > discredit
sp craue41 / craues22 / craueth1 /
4 2
crauing / crau’d , craued 1 ˈkri:m-ˌfɛ:st
sp cream-fac’d1
creditor / ~s n
rh 1 grave Per 2.1.11, 2.3.47; rave,
slave Luc 985; slave S 58.3; wave VA > face m ˈkredɪtəɹ, -ˌtɔ:ɹ / -z
88; rh 2 have PP 10.9; crave her sp creditor5, creditour1 / creditors6,
have her MW 4.4.88 creat·e / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v credi-tors1
kri:ˈɛ:t / -s / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd
craven adj sp create18, create [created]3 /
credo Lat v
ˈkrɛ:vən, ˈkrav- creates1 / creating1 / created16 ˈkrɛ:do:
sp crauen1 rh 1 fortunate MND 5.1.395 / rh 2 sp credo4
hate RJ 1.1.177 / defeated S 20.9
craven / ~’s n > miscreate, part-created credulity n
ˈkrɛ:vən, ˈkrav- / -z m kreˈdju:lɪˌtəɪ
creating adj / n sp credulitie1
sp crauen2 / cravens1
kri:ˈɛ:tɪn, -ɪŋ
craven / ~s v sp creating-[nature]1 / creating2 credulous adj
ˈkrɛ:vənz, ˈkrav- m ˈkredjəˌlɤs, -jələs, -dləs
creation n sp creadulous1, credulous7
sp crauens1
kri:ˈɛ:sɪən rh ridiculous VA 986
crawl / ~ing / ~ed v sp creation8 > overcredulous
= / ˈkrɔ:lɪn, -ɪŋ / =
creator / ~’s n creed n
sp crawle2 / crawling1 / crawl’d1
kri:ˈɛ:təɹ / -z =
crawling adj sp creator1 / creators1 sp creede1
ˈkrɔ:lɪn, -ɪŋ
creature / ~’s / ~s n creek / ~s n
sp crawling1
ˈkrɛ:təɹ, ˈkri:- / -z =
craze / ~d v sp creature64, cre-ature2, creature’s sp creeke1, creekes1
m ˈkrɛ:zd [creature is]2, [good]-creature1 /
creatures1 / creatures37 creep / ~s / ~ing / crept v
sp craz’d2
rh feature S 113.10 = / = / ˈkri:pɪn, -ɪŋ / =
crazed adj sp creep1, creepe24 / creepes5 /
Crécy n creeping2 / crept16
m krɛ:zd, ˈkrɛ:zɪd
ˈkresi: rh peep, sleep Luc 1248; sleep MND
sp craz’d1, crazed1
sp Cressy1 3.2.365 / sleeps Luc 1575 / kept Luc
crazy adj 839; slept TC 2.2.213
credence n
ˈkrɛ:zəɪ creeping adj
sp crasie1
sp credence 3 ˈkri:pɪn, -ɪŋ
creak / ~ing v sp creeping6
credent adj
ˈkri:kɪn, -ɪŋ crescent adj / n
sp creeking1
sp credent3 ˈkresənt
creaking n sp cressant1, cressent2 / crescent1
credible adj
ˈkri:kɪn, -ɪŋ crescive adj
sp creaking1
sp credible 1 =
sp cressiue1


cresset / ~s n crib / ~s n crisp adj

= = =
sp cressets1 sp crib1 / cribs1 sp crispe2, crispe-[head]1

Cressid / ~’s / ~s / -a / ~a’s n crib / ~bed v Crispian n

ˈkresɪd / -z / -z / ˈkresɪdə / -z = m ˈkrɪspɪˌan
sp Cressed2, Cressid34 / Cresseds1, sp crib’d1 sp Crispian4
Cressids4 / Cressids1 / Cressida15 /
Cressidas1 cricket / ~’s / ~s n Crispianus n
= ˌkrɪspɪˈanəs
crest / ~s n sp cricket2 / crickets1 / crickets4 sp Crispianus1
sp crest21 / crests3 crier n Crispin / ~’s n
rh blest MW 5.5.63; breast VA 395; ˈkrəɪəɹ =
jest VA 104 sp crier1, cryer1 sp Crispin1, Crispine1 / Crispines1
> under-crest > cry
critic / ~s n
crest / ~ed v crime / ~s n =
= krəɪm / -z sp criticke1, critticke1 / criticks1
sp crested1 7
sp crime , cryme / crimes ,1 15

crymes2 critical adj

crestfallen adj rh climb, time Luc 772; clime Per m ˈkrɪtɪˌkɑl
ˈkrestfɑ:ln 4.4.5; time Luc 931, 993, S 19.8, 58.12, sp criticall2
sp crest-falne3 120.8, 124.14, WT 4.1.4 / sometimes
> fallen LLL 4.1.31; times MM 3.2.261 croak / ~s v
kro:k / -s
crestless adj crimeful adj
sp croke1 / croakes1
= ˈkrəɪmfʊl
sp crestlesse1 sp crimefull1 croaking adj
ˈkro:kɪn, -ɪŋ
Cretan adj crimeless adj
sp croaking1
= ˈkrəɪmləs
sp Cretan1 sp crimelesse1 crocodile n
m ˈkrɒkəˌdəɪl, -kəd-
Crete n criminal adj
sp crocodile5
= ˈkrɪmɪˌnɑl
sp Creet3, Creete2 sp criminall3 Cromer n
rh sweet 1H6 4.6.54 ˈkro:məɹ
crimson adj / n
sp Cromer1
crevice n =
= sp crimson10 / crimson1, crymson1 Cromwell n
sp creuice =
crimson / ~ed v
sp Cromwel9, Cromwell13
crew / ~s n =
= sp crimson’d1 crone n
8 1
sp crew / crewes kro:n
cringe v
rh drew, threw Luc 1731
= sp croane1
crew v sp crindge 1
crook v
= =
cripple adj / n / v
sp crew2
= sp crooke1
sp creeple-[tardy-gated]1 /
cripple3 / cripple2


crook-back adj / n rh after-loss S 90.2; loss 1H6 4.3.52 / rh go PT 17; show RJ 1.2.86; snow
= rh 1 lost MV 2.5.54; rh 2 engrossed MND 3.2.142, WT 4.4.221; so CE
S 133.8 3.1.80, 84, MND 2.1.267, Per 4.
sp crook-back1 / crooke-back1,
> uncrossed Chorus.32 / shows RJ 1.5.48
> night-, scare-crow
> back crossbow / ~s n
m krɒsˈbo: / ˈkrɒsbo:z crow / ~ing / ~ed v
crooked adj
sp crosse-bow / crosse-bowes 2 kro: / ˈkro:ɪn, -ɪŋ / kro:d
m krʊkt, ˈkrʊkɪd
2 1 sp crow8 / crowing1 / crow’d1
sp crook’d , crook’d-[wayes] , cross-gartered adj > overcrow
> low-crooked crowd n
sp crosse garter'd6, crosse-garter'd2
crooked-pated adj > garter krəʊd
ˈkrʊkɪd-ˈpɛ:tɪd sp crowd1
cross-gartering n
sp crooked-pated crowd / ~ing / ~ed v
ˌkrɒs-ˈɡɑ:ɹtrɪn, -ɪŋ, -tər-
crook-kneed adj sp crosse-gartering1 krəʊd / ˈkrəʊd·ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd
= sp crowd3 / crowding2 / crowded1
crossing / ~s n
sp crooke kneed1 crow-flower / ~s
ˈkrɒsɪnz, -ɪŋz n
> knee
sp crossings 1 ˈkro:-ˌflo:ɹz
crop / Luc ~s n sp crow-flowers1
crossly adv > flower
sp crop5 / crops1 crowing n
rh water-drops Luc 958 sp crossely1
ˈkro:ɪn, -ɪŋ
crop / ~ped v crossness n sp crowing1
= =
sp crosseness1
crow-keeper n
sp crop4 / cropt7
> uncropped
cross-row n sp crow-keeper2
crop-ear n ˈkrɒs-ˌro: > keep
ˈkrɒp-ˌi:ɹ sp crosse-row1
crown / ~s n
sp crop eare1
crossway / ~s n krəʊn / -z
> ear
m ˌkrɒsˈwɛ:z sp crown5, crowne225, [French]-
Crosby n sp crosse-waies 1 crowne1 / crownes55, crowns2
ˈkrɒzbəɪ rh down Cym 3.5.66, 2H4 3.1.31,
crotchet / ~s n 2H6 1.1.256, 3H6 3.2.194, 4.6.99, Luc
sp Crosbie1, Crosby2
= 216, R2 3.4.65, 4.1.193, 5.1.24; down,
lown, renown Oth 2.3.85; drown 3H6
cross adj / adv sp crochets3, crotchets1
4.4.24; frown 3H6 4.5.29; renown AW
= 4.4.35; town AY 5.4.138
crouch v
sp crosse5 / crosse1 > French-crown-coloured
cross / ~es n sp crouch2, crowch1 crown / ~s / ~ed v
= krəʊn / -z / m -d, ˈkrəʊnɪd
crouching adj
sp crosse15 / crosses7 sp crown2, crowne19 / crownes5 /
rh loss S 34.12, 42.12 ˈkrəʊtʃɪn, -ɪŋ
crownd1, crown’d39, crowned13
sp crouching1
rh down Tem 4.1.80 / confound
cross / ~est / ~ing / ~ed v S 60.6, 69.5; drowned, round AC
= / = / ˈkrɒsɪn, -ɪŋ / = crow / ~s n
sp crosse37 / crossest1 / crossing5 / kro: / -z > uncrown
cross’d4, crossed1, crost19 sp crow18 / crowes15, crows1


crowned adj crumble v sp crie14, cry169, crye1 / cri’st1 /

m krəʊnd, ˈkrəʊnɪd ˈkrɤmbəl cries7, cryes8 / crying26 / cride17,
sp crumble1 cride-[game]1, cri’de3, cried13,
sp crown’d3, crowned1
cry’d13, cryde1, cry’de8, cryed10 /
> new-, thrice-crowned
crupper n cried’st1, cryedst1
crowner / ~’s n ˈkrɤpəɹ rh 1 adversity CE 2.1.35; deity Cym
5.4.88; jollity S 66.1; merrily Tem
ˈkrəʊnəɹ / -z sp crupper3
5.1.90; patiently Luc 1639 / rh 2 by
sp crowner2 / crowners1 PP 20.13; die LLL 5.2.255, TC 3.1.118;
crusado / ~s n
fly Cym 5.4.88; fly, I, lie Tem 5.1.90 /
crownet / ~s n krʊˈzado:z rh 1 enemies Luc 677 / rh 2 eyes
ˈkrəʊnət / -s sp cruzadoes1 LLL 4.3.139; lies Luc 1751; tyrannize
1 2
sp crownet / crownets Luc 677
crush / ~est / ~ed v
crowning n krɤʃ / ˈkrɤʃəst / krɤʃt crying adj / n
ˈkrəʊnɪn, -ɪŋ sp crush12 / cru-shest1 / crush’d1, ˈkrəɪɪn, -ɪŋ
sp crowning1 crusht2 sp crying3 / crying5

crown’s-worth n crushed adj crystal adj

ˈkrəʊnz-ˌwɔ:ɹθ krɤʃt =
sp crownes-worth1 sp crush’d1 sp crystall1, christall7
> worth
crushing adj crystal / ~s n
crudy adj ˈkrɤʃɪn, -ɪŋ =
ˈkrɤdəɪ sp crushing1 sp christall3 / chrystalls1
sp cruddie
crust / ~s n crystalline adj
cruel / ~ler / ~lest adj krɤst / -s m ˈkrɪstəˌləɪn
ˈkru:əl / -əɹ / -st sp crust3 / crusts1 sp christalline1
62 3 1
sp cruell / crueller / cruell’st rh confine, mine Cym 5.4.113
rh fuel S 1.8; jewel S 131.2
crust v
krɤst cub / ~s n
cruel / ~s n sp crust1 kɤb / -z
ˈkru:əlz sp cub1 / cubs1
sp cruels1
crusty adj
ˈkrɤstəɪ cubiculo n
cruel-hearted adj sp crusty1 kjʊˈbɪkjʊlo:
ˈkru:əl-ˌɑ:ɹtɪd, -ˌhɑ:- sp cubiculo1
sp cruell-hearted 1 crutch / ~es n
krɤtʃ / ˈkrɤtʃɪz cubit n
cruelly adv sp crutch11 / crutches4 =
ˈkru:ələɪ sp cubit1
sp cruelly3, cruel-ly1
cry / cries n
krəɪ / -z cuckold / ~’s / ~s n
cruelty n sp crie2, cry22 / cries41, cryes1 ˈkɤkəld / -z
m ˈkru:əlˌtəɪ, -ltəɪ rh 1 lustily VA 870; rh 2 I R2 5.3.74 / sp cuckold26 / cuckolds2, cuck-olds1
sp crueltie9, cruelty11 eyes Luc 1459, S 29.3; eyes, lies Luc / cuckolds4
rh 1 be TN 1.5.277; rh 2 I MND 445; eyes, surprise Luc 165
3.2.59 > outcry; crier, town-crier cuckold v
crumb / ~s n cry / ~est / ~cries / ~ing /
sp cuckold3
krɤm / -z cried / criedest v > uncuckold
sp crum1 / crums1 krəɪ / -st / -z / ˈkrəɪɪn, -ɪŋ /
rh mum, some KL 1.4.193 krəɪd / -st


cuckoldly adj cuff / ~s n Cumberland n

ˈkɤkəldləɪ kɤf / -s m ˈkɤmbəɹˌland
sp cuckoldly3, cuckoldly-[rogues]1 sp cuffe2 / cuffes2 sp Cumberland4

cuckold-mad adj cuff v cunning / ~est adj

ˈkɤkəld-ˌmad kɤf ˈkɤnɪn, -ɪŋ / -st
sp cuckold mad1 sp cuffe3 sp cunning36 / cunning’st1
> mad
cuique Lat pro cunning n
cuckold-maker n ˈku:i:kwe, -ke ˈkɤnɪn, -ɪŋ
ˈkɤkəld-ˌmɛ:kəɹ sp emend of Tit 1.1.283 cuiquam1 sp cunning32, cun-ning1, emend of
sp cuckold-maker1, cuckold maker1 TC 3.2.130 comming1
> make cuishes n rh wooing TS 2.1.404
cuckoo / ~’s n sp cushes1
cunningly adv
ˈkɤku: / -z ˈkɤnɪnˌləɪ, -ɪŋ-
sp cuckoe1, cuckoo3, cuckow15 / cull / ~ing / ~ed v sp cunningly4
cuckowes1 kɤl / ˈkɤlɪn, -ɪŋ / kɤld
sp cull5 / culling3 / culd2, cul’d1,
cuore Ital n
cuckoo-bird / ~s n cull’d2 ˈkwɔ:re:
ˈkɤku:-ˌbɐ:ɹdz sp core1
sp cuckoo-birds 1 culled adj
kɤld cup / ~s n
cuckoo-bud / ~s n sp cul’d1, cull’d1 kɤp / -s
ˈkɤku:-ˌbɤdz sp cup41, cuppe3 / cuppes1, cups8
sp cuckow-buds1 cullion / ~s n rh up S 114.12
ˈkɤlɪən / -z > sneak-cup
cucullus Lat n sp cullion1 / cullions2
kʊˈkʊlʊs cup v
sp cucullus 2 cullionly adv kɤp
ˈkɤlɪənləɪ sp cup2
cudgel / ~s n sp cullyenly 1

ˈkɤdʒəl / -z cup-bearer n
sp cudgell8, cud-gell2 / cudgels1, culpable adj ˈkɤp-ˌbɛ:rəɹ
cud-gels1 m ˈkɤlpəˌbɤl sp cup-bearer2
sp culpable 1 > bearer
cudgel / ~led v
ˈkɤdʒəl / -d culter n cupboard / ~ing v
sp cudgell6 / cudgeld2, cudgel’d2, ˈkɤltəɹ ˈkɤbəɹˌdɪn, -ɪŋ
cudgell’d1 sp culter1 sp cubbording1

cudgelled adj culverin n Cupid / ~’s / ~s n

ˈkɤdʒəld m ˈkɤlvəˌrɪn ˈkjɤpɪd / -z
sp cudgeld1 sp culuerin1 sp Cupid33, Cupid’s [Cupid is]1 /
Cupids17 / Cupids2
cudgelling n cum Lat prep
ˈkɤdʒəlɪn, -ɪŋ, -dʒl- kʊm cuplet n
sp cudgelling1 3
sp cum , cum[alijs] 1 ˈkɤplət
sp cuplet1
cue / ~s n cumber v
= ˈkɤmbəɹ cur / ~s n
sp cue / cues 1
sp cumber2
kɐ:ɹ / -z
sp cur8, curre24 / curres11, curs3


Curan n curer n currant adj

ˈkɤrən ˈkju:rəɹ ˈkɤɹənt
sp Curan2 sp curer3 sp currant11, cur-rant1
> body-, soul-curer > uncurrant
curate n
= curfew adj / n currant / ~s n
sp curate 6 ˈkɐ:ɹfju: ˈkɤɹənt / -s, ˈkɤɹəns
sp curphew1 / curfew1, curfewe1, sp currant5, current8 / currence1,
curb / ~s n curphew1 currants2, currents3
kɐ:ɹb / -z
sp curbe3 / curbes2 curing n currier / ~s n
ˈkju:rɪn, -ɪŋ ˈkɤrɪəɹz
curb / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
sp curing1 sp curriors1
kɐ:ɹb / -z / ˈkɐ:ɹbɪn, -ɪŋ / > courier, vaunt-currier
kɐ:ɹbd Curio n
sp courb1, curb1, curbe4 / curbes2 / ˈkju:rɪo: currish adj
curbing1 / curb'd2 sp Curio 6 ˈkɐ:rɪʃ
> uncurbable sp currish5
curiosity n
curbed adj m ˌkju:rɪˈɒsɪˌtəɪ, -ɪt- curry v
m kɐ:ɹbd, ˈkɐ:ɹbɪd sp curiositie1, curio-sitie1, curiosity2 ˈkɤrəɪ
sp curb’d1, curbed1 sp currie1
> uncurbed curious adj
m ˈkju:rɪəs, -ɪˌɤs curs·e / ~es n
curd / ~s n 11 kɐ:ɹs / ˈkɐ:ɹsɪz
sp curious
kɐ:ɹdz sp curse49, cursse2 / curses28,
sp curds curiously adv cursses1
ˈkju:rɪəsləɪ rh worse R2 3.4.103, S 84.13
curd v
sp curiously3, cu-riously1
kɐ:ɹd curs·e / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v
sp curd2 curl / ~s n kɐ:ɹs / ˈkɐ:ɹs·ɪz / -ɪn, -ɪŋ /
kɐ:ɹlz kɐ:ɹst
curd·y / ~ied v
sp curls2 sp curse47, cursse1 / curses1 /
ˈkɐ:ɹdəɪd rh hurls LC 85 cursing4 / curs’d5, curst5, cur’st1
sp curdied1 > uncurl rh worse CE 4.2.28, MND 3.2.46, R3
cure n curl / ~ed / ~ing v > a-cursing, uncurse
kju:ɹ ˈkɐ:ɹlɪn, -ɪŋ / kɐ:ɹld
sp cure24 sp curling1 / curl'd1
cursed / ~est adj
rh endure MA 4.1.250, S 153.8, VA m ˈkɐ:ɹsɪd / -st
505; sure AW 2.1.158 curled adj sp cursed33 / cursed’st1
> past-cure m kɐ:ɹld, ˈkɐ:ɹlɪd
1 1
sp curld , curl’d , curled 3 curselary adj
cur·e / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v ˈkɐ:ɹsəˌlarəɪ
kju:ɹ / -z / ˈkju:rɪn, -ɪŋ / kju:ɹd curled-pate adj sp curselarie1
sp cure23 / cures7 / curing1 / cur’d10, ˈkɐ:ɹld-ˌpɛ:t
cured cursing adj
sp curl’d pate1
rh cure thee assure thee VA 372 / ˈkɐ:ɹsɪn, -ɪŋ
> pate
assured S 118.12; endured Luc 1581
sp cursing2
> uncurable currance n
cureless adj ˈkɤrəns
sp currance1
sp curelesse1


curst / ~er / ~est adj curvet n custure [mock French by

kɐ:ɹst / ˈkɐ:ɹst·əɹ / -əst ˈkɐ:ɹvət Pistol]
sp curst27 / curster1 / curstest1 sp curuet1 kʊˈstu:re:
rh first VA 887 sp custure1
curvet / ~s v
curst n ˈkɐ:ɹvəts cut adj
kɐ:ɹst sp curuettes1 kɤt
sp curst3 sp cut1
rh worst TS 1.2.127 cushion / ~s n
ˈkʊʃɪən / -z cut / ~s n
curstness n sp cushion7 / cushions6 kɤt / -s
ˈkɐ:ɹstnəs sp cut9 / cuts2
sp curstnesse1 custalorum Lat n
ˌkʊstəˈlɔ:rʊm cut / ~test / ~s / ~ting v
curtail / ~ed v sp cust-alorum1 kɤt / -st / -s / ˈkɤtɪn, -ɪŋ
kəɹˈtɛ:l / -d sp cut160 / cut’st1 / cuts12 / cutting5
sp curtall1 / curtail’d1 custard n
ˈkɤstəɹd Cut / ~’s [name] n
curtain / ~s n sp custard1 kɤts
ˈkɐ:ɹtən / -z sp Cuts1
sp curtain2, curtaine12 / curtaines6, custard-coffin n
cur-taines1 ˈkɤstəɹd-ˌkɒfɪn cutler / ~’s n
sp custard coffen1 ˈkɤtləɹz
curtain / ~ed v > coffin sp cutlers1
sp curtain’d1 custody n cutpurse / ~s n
m ˈkɤstəˌdəɪ ˈkɤtˌpɐ:ɹs / -ɪz
curtained adj sp custodie3 sp cutpurse1, cut-purse4 /
ˈkɐ:ɹtənd rh die CE 1.1.156 cut-purses1
sp curtain’d1 > purse
custom / ~s n
curtal adj ˈkɤstəm / -z cutter n
ˈkɐ:ɹtl sp custome42 / customes3, customs1 ˈkɤtəɹ
sp curtall1, curtall-[dog]1, curtull1 sp cutter1
customary adj > stone-cutter
Curtis n m ˈkɤstəˌmarəɪ, -əmərəɪ,
ˈkɐ:ɹtɪs -əmrəɪ cutter-off n
sp Curtis8 sp customarie4, customary2 ˌkɤtəɹ-ˈɒf
sp cutter off1
curtle-axe n customed adj
ˈkɐ:ɹtl-ˌaks m ˈkɤstəmd, -mɪd cut-throat adj
sp curtelax1, curtleax1 sp custom’d1, customed1 ˈkɤt-ˌθro:t
> accustomed, unac-customed sp cut-throate1
curts·y / ~ies n
ˈkɐ:ɹtsəɪ / -z customer / ~s n cut-throat / ~s n
sp cursie3, curtsie5, curt’sie3, ˈkɤstəməɹ / -z ˈkɤt-ˌθro:ts
curt-sie2 / cursies2, curtsies3, sp customer2 / customers3 sp cut-throats1
[low-crooked]-curtsies1 > throat
custom-shrunk adj
curts·y / ~ies / ~ied v ˈkɤstəm-ˌʃrɤŋk cutting n
ˈkɐ:ɹtsəɪ / -z / -d sp custom-shrunke 1 ˈkɤtɪn, -ɪŋ
sp cursie2, curtsie4, curt’sie2 / > shrink sp cutting2
curtsies2 / curtsied1


cutting-short n cymbal / ~ s n cypress adj / n

ˈkɤtɪn-ˈʃɔ:ɹt, -ɪŋ- ˈsɪmbɑlz ˈsɪprəs
sp cutting short1 sp symboles1 sp cyprus1 / cipresse1, cypres1,
cuttle n Cymbeline n
ˈkɤtl ˈsɪmbəli:n cypress tree / ~s n
sp cuttle 1 1
sp Cymbaline , Cymbeline 19 ˈsɪprəs ˌtri:z
sp cypresse trees1
Cyclops / ~’ n cyme n
ˈsɪklɒps sɪm Cyprus adj / n
sp Cyclops2 sp cyme1, often emend to senna ˈsɪprəs
sp Cyprus3 / Ciprus1, Cyprus20
Cydnus n cynic n
ˈsɪdnəs ˈsɪnɪk Cyrus / ~’ n
1 1
sp Sidnis , Sidnus , emend of AC sp cynicke 1 ˈsɪrəs
5.2.228 Cidrus1 sp Cyrus1
Cynthia n
cygnet / ~s n ˈsɪntɪəz, -nθɪ-
= sp Cinthias1
sp emend of KJ 5.7.21 symet /
cignets1, signets1


d, abbr for penny / pence n dagger / ~s n dais·y / ~ies n

ˈpenəɪ / pens ˈdaɡəɹ / -z ˈdɛ:zəɪ / -z
sp [i].d1 / [ii].d1, [iv].d1, [vi].d1, sp dagger35, dag-ger2, sp daysie1 / dasies1, daysies1
[viii].d1, [xiiii].d1 [ayre-drawne]-dagger1 / daggers15
> pence, penny dale n
Dagonet n dɛ:l
D [music] n ˈdaɡəˌnet sp dale3
= sp Dagonet1 rh pale MND 2.1.2, VA 232,
sp D1 WT 4.3.2; tale Luc 1077
daily adj
d’ Fr ˈdɛ:ləɪ Dale [name] n
> de 2
sp daily , dayly 7 dɛ:l
sp Dale4
dabble / ~d v daily adv
= ˈdɛ:ləɪ dalliance n
sp dabbel’d1 sp daily9, dayly11 =
sp dalliance7
dace n daintiest n rh France 1H6 5.2.5
dɛ:s ˈdɛ:ntəɪəst
sp dace1 sp daintiest2
dall·y / ~ies / ~ying / ~ied v
ˈdaləɪ / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d
dad n daintily adv sp dallie3, dally7 / dallies2 / dallying2
= m ˈdɛ:ntɪˌləɪ / dallied1
sp dad3 sp daintily2 rh folly Luc 554
rh lad TN 4.2.128
daintiness n Dalmatian / ~s n
Daedalus n m ˈdɛ:ntɪˌnes m dalˈmɛ:sɪənz, -ɪˌanz
m ˈdedəˌlɤs sp daintinesse1 sp Dalmatians2
sp Dedalus
daint·y / ~ier adj dam / ~’s n
daemon n ˈdɛ:ntəɪ / -əɹ = , Evans MW .. tam / -z
ˈdi:mən sp daintie3, dainty17 / daintier1 sp dam21, damme6, Evans tam1 /
sp daemon2 > super-dainty dams2
rh am MND 5.1.220
daff / ~est / ~ed v daint·y / ~ies n pun MV 3.1.28 damn
= / dafts / = ˈdɛ:ntəɪz
sp daffe1 / dafts1 / daft3
damage n
sp dainties3
rh craft LC 297 =
daisied adj sp damage2, dammage1
daffodil / ~s n ˈdɛ:zəɪd
= Damascus n
sp dazied-[plot]1
sp daffadils2 =
sp Damascus1


damask adj / n Damon n dandl·e / ~ing v

= ˈdɛ:mən = / ˈdandlɪn, -ɪŋ
sp damaske3 / damaske2 sp Damon1 sp dandle2 / dandling1
rh handling VA 562
dame / ~’s / ~s n damp n
dɛ:m / -z = Dane n
sp dame / dames / dames 1 7
sp dampe 2 dɛ:n
rh 1 blame PP 18.1; came, shame rh lamp AW 2.1.163 sp Dane9
Luc 1628; defame, shame Luc 1034;
fame Luc 21; fame, shame Luc 51; dam·sel / ~osel / ~osella n danger / ~s n
frame MND 5.1.285, Per Prol.31; damˈzel / ˌdaməˈzel / ˈdɛ:ndʒəɹ / -z
rh 2 remain PP 17.10 ˌdaməˈzelə sp danger96, danger’s [danger is]1,
> step-dame, troll-my-dames 3 3 daunger1 / dangers17
sp damsell / damosell /
damosella1 rh stranger VA 788
Dame [title] n > self-danger
dɛ:m damson / ~s n
sp Dame8, dame1 = dangerous adj
sp damsons 1 m ˈdɛ:ndʒəˌrɤs, -dʒər-, -dʒrəs
dame / ~s Fr n sp dangerous97, danger-ous2,
dam dance / ~s n dang'rous2, daungerous1
sp dames2 dans, dɔ:ns / ˈdansɪz, ˈdɔ:- rh us Tim 3.5.75
sp dance14, daunce2 / dances4
damn / ~est adj dangerously adv
rh advance TNK 3.5.132
= m ˈdɛ:ndʒrəsˌləɪ, -dʒər-
sp damnest1 danc·e / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v sp dangerously3
pun MV 3.1.29 dam dans, dɔ:ns / ˈdans·ɪz, ˈdɔ:- /
dangling adj
damn / ~est / ~s / ~ed -ɪn, -ɪŋ / danst, dɔ:-
v 45 5 4
ˈdaŋɡlɪn, -ɪŋ
sp dance , daunce / dances ,
= / -st / = sp dangling1
2 14 1
daunces1 / dancing2, dauncing3 /
sp dam , damne / dam’st /
danc’d2, danc’t1, dan’st1, daunst2
damnes1 / dam’d1, damm’d1, Daniel n
rh advance LLL 5.2.122; chance LLL
damnd1 damn’d38 =
5.2.219; ignorance LLL 5.2.400; lance
> land-damn sp Daniel6
VA 105 / chances Per 5.Chorus.3
damnable adj dancer n Danish adj / n
m =, ˈdamnəˌbɤl ˈdansəɹ, ˈdɔ:- ˈdɛ:nɪʃ
sp damnable11 sp Danish5 / Danish1
sp dancer1, dauncer1
damnably adv dancing adj / n dank adj
ˈdamnəbləɪ ˈdansɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈdɔ:- =
sp dam-nably1 sp danke4
sp dancing4, dauncing1, daunsing1 /
damnation n dankish adj
damˈnɛ:sɪən dancing-school / ~s n =
sp damnation14 ˈdansɪn-ˌsku:lz, -ɪŋ-, ˈdɔ:- sp dankish1
sp dancing-schooles1
damned adj / n Dansker / ~s n
> school
m damd, ˈdamnɪd ˈdanskəɹz
sp damn’d24, damned39 / damn’d1, dancing-shoe / ~s n sp Danskers1
damned1 ˈdansɪn-ˌʃu:z, -ɪŋ-, ˈdɔ:-
> double-, drug-damned Daphne / ~’s n
sp dancing shooes1
> shoe =
sp Daphne2 / Daphnes1


dapple / ~s v dark / ~er / ~est adj darling / ~’s n

= dɑ:ɹk / ˈdɑ:ɹk·əɹ / -əst ˈdɑ:ɹlɪn, -ɪŋ / -z
sp dapples1 sp dark1, dark-[backward]1, darke50 sp darling4, dearling1 / darlings1
/ darker2 / darkest2
dappled adj rh clerk MV 5.1.304 darnel n
= ˈdɑ:ɹnəl
sp dapled1 dark adv / n sp darnell3
Dardan adj sp darke2 / dark3, darke16 darraign v
ˈdɑ:ɹdən rh n mark RJ 2.1.32; shark Mac daˈrɛ:n
sp Dardan1 4.1.25 sp darraigne1
> arraign
Dardanian adj dark / Per ~s v
dɑ:ɹˈdɛ:nɪən dɑ:ɹks dart / ~s n
sp Dardanian 1 sp darkes1 dɑ:ɹt / -s
rh marks Per 4.Chorus.35 sp dart3 / darts5
Dardanius n rh heart VA 941
dɑ:ɹˈdɛ:nɪəs darken / ~s / ~ing / ~ened v > thunder-darter
sp Dardenius 3 ˈdɑ:ɹkən / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ,
ˈdɑ:ɹk·nɪn, -ɪŋ / -ənd dart / ~s / ~ed v
dare n sp darken3 / darkens1 / darkning1 / dɑ:ɹt / -s / ˈdɑ:ɹtɪd
dɛ : ɹ darkned2 sp dart3 / darts2 / darted3
sp dare2
dark-eyed adj darting adj
dar·e / ~est / ~es / ~ing / ~ed / ˈdɑ:ɹk-ˌəɪd ˈdɑ:ɹtɪn, -ɪŋ
durst v sp darke ey’d1 sp darting1
dɛ:ɹ / -st / -z / ˈdɛ:rɪn, -ɪŋ / > eye > death-darting
dɛ:ɹd / dɐ:ɹst
darking n dash n
sp dare198 / darest1, dar’st47 /
44 5 8
dares / daring / dar’d , dared / 1 ˈdɑ:ɹkɪn, -ɪŋ =
durst51 sp darking1 sp dash2
rh 1 fair Tim 1.2.11; hare VA 676;
dare not spare not TN 2.3.109; darkling adv dash / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v
rh 2 are Mac 3.5.3 dɑ:ɹklɪn, -ɪŋ = / = / ˈdaʃɪn, -ɪŋ / =
> outdare sp darkling2, dark-ling1 sp dash8 / dashes1 / dashing1 /
dash’d4, dasht3
dareful adj darkly adv > bedash
ˈdɛ:ɹfʊl ˈdɑ:ɹkləɪ
sp darefull1 sp darkelie1, darkely4, darkly2
dashing adj
ˈdaʃɪn, -ɪŋ
daring / ~est adj darkness n sp dashing1
ˈdɛ:rɪn, -ɪŋ / -st ˈdɑ:ɹknəs
sp daring7 / daringst1 sp darkenesse14, darke-nes1,
dastard adj
> overdaring darke-nesse2, darknes1, darkness1, ˈdastəɹd
darknesse20 sp dastard2
daring-hardy adj
ˈdɛ:rɪn-ˈɑ:ɹdəɪ, -ɪŋ-, -ˈhɑ:- dark-seated adj dastard / ~s n
sp daring hardie1 ˌdɑ:ɹk-ˈsi:tɪd ˈdastəɹd / -z
> hardy sp darke seated1 sp dastard4 / dastards2

Darius n dark-working adj

ˈdarɪəs ˌdɑ:ɹk-ˈwɔ:ɹkɪn, -ɪŋ
sp Darius1 sp darke working1


Datchet n dauntless adj may Cym 3.5.70, Ham 5.1.288, LLL

= = 5.2.339, Mac 1.3.147, 4.3.239; May
LLL 4.3.99, PP 16.1, 20.1, R2 5.1.80,
sp Dat-chet1, Datchet-[lane]1, sp dauntlesse4
S 18.1; pay AW 5.3.335, 3H6 4.7.86;
Datchet-[Meade]1, Dotchet1
Dauphin / ~’s n play LLL 5.2.866, MND 3.2.12, TNK
Prol.4; pray R2 1.1.151; prey VA 1098;
date / ~s n ˈdɒlfɪn / -z repay S 117.4; re-survey S 32.1; say
dɛ:t / -s sp Daulphin1, Daul-phin1, Dolphin71, CE 4.2.59, Ham 2.1.56, 2H4 5.2.145,
sp date13 / dates5 Dolphine3 / Dolphines1, Dolphins9 1H6 2.4.134, H8 Prol.32, LLL 1.1.115,
rh 1 expiate S 22.2; fate 1H6 4.6.9; > dolphin 4.3.88, 5.2.816, R2 3.2.195, TS 4.4.93;
invocate S 38.12; prognosticate stay AW 5.3.70, 1H6 4.6.37, 3H6
S 14.14; rh 2 temperate S 18.4 Daventry n 2.1.186, 2.2.177, MND 2.1.139,
> new-dated ˈdɛ:ntrəɪ 5.1.412, MV 5.1.303, S 43.10; stray
sp Daintry1, Dauintry1 MND 5.1.391; sway S 150.4; way CE
dateless adj 4.2.61, 1H4 5.5.42, Luc 1142, MND
ˈdɛ:tləs Davy / ~’s n 2.2.44, 3.2.418, S 7.10, 34.1, WT
sp datelesse2 ˈdɛ:vəɪ / -z, Fluellen H 4.3.123 / betrays Luc 161; decays S
.. ˈtɛ:vəɪz 65.6; dispraise LLL 4.3.260; praise
daub / ~ed v 3H6 4.6.43, LLL 4.1.22, 5.2.365, S 2.6,
sp Dauie7, Dauy15 / Dauies2,
= Fluellen Tauies1 38.13, 59.13, 62.14, 70.9, 82.8, 95.5,
sp daub1, daube2 / dawb’d1 106.13, Tit 1.1.170; lays S 102.8; raise
> bedaub daw / ~s n 1H6 1.2.131; says R2 4.1.220; sprays
= 2H6 2.3.46; stays Ham 3.3.96, RJ
daubery n 1.3.106
sp daw2 / dawes6
ˈdɔ:brəɪ, -bər- rh law 1H6 2.4.18 / straws
> All Souls’-, good-, high-, love-,
sp dawbry1 marriage-, to-, working-, worky-day;
LLL 5.2.894
a-, chair-, dog-, law-, school-days
daughter / ~’s / ~s / ~s’ n dawn n day-bed n
ˈdɔ:təɹ, ˈdɑ:- / -z = ˈdɛ:-ˌbed
sp daughter367, [baby]-daughter1, sp dawne2
daugh-ter12, daughter’s [daughter sp day bedde1
is]1 / daughters20 / daughters45, dawning adj / n > bed
daugh-ters1 / daughters6 ˈdɔ:nɪn, -ɪŋ daylight n
rh 1 brought her AY 5.4.108; caught
sp dawning1 / dawning5 m ˈdɛ:ləɪt, dɛ:ˈləɪt
her, slaughter KL 1.4.315; slaughter
Luc 953, Per 4.4.36, R3 4.4.211; rh 2 day / ~’s / ~s / ~s’ n sp day-light6, daylight4
after KL 1.4.315, TS 1.1.237, rh night MND 3.2.433
dɛ: / -z
WT 4.1.27; rh 3 halter KL 1.4.315
sp daie3, day695 / daies9, dayes20 / day-wearied adj
> god-daughter
daies31, dayes145 / daies1, dayes6 ˌdɛ:ˈwi:rəɪd
daughter-beamed adj rh affray RJ 3.5.34; array VA 481;
sp day-wearied1
away AW 3.2.128, 1H4 4.1.132, H5
ˈdɔ:təɹ-ˌbi:mɪd, ˈdɑ:- > weary
4.2.61, 4.3.132, JC 5.5.81, KJ 1.1.165,
sp daughter beamed1
LLL 4.1.108, Luc 1280, MA 4.1.251, day-woman n
> beam
MM 4.1.3, MND 3.2.50, MV 3.2.311,
PP 18.29, R2 3.2.218, RJ 3.5.25, S 73.5,
daughter-in-law n sp day-woman1
75.13, 145.10, TG 1.3.85, TNK 1.5.2;
ˈdɔ:tər-ɪn-ˈlɔ:, ˈdɑ:- away, gay PP 15.13; away, stay Luc > woman
sp daughter-in-law2, daughter 1013; castaway, lay Luc 746; decay
in law1 dazzl·e / ~ing / ~ed v
Luc 806, R2 3.2.103, S 13.11; decay,
> law may 3H6 4.4.15; delay MND 3.2.395, = / ˈdazlɪn, -ɪŋ / =
R3 5.3.18, RJ 1.4.45; dismay MV sp dazell1, dazle1 / dazling1 /
daunt / ~ed v 1.3.178; display Luc 119; fray MND dazel'd1, dazled1
= 3.2.446; grey, way MA 5.3.25; hay > bedazzle
sp daunt2 / danted1, daunted2 Mac 1.3.19; lay Luc 399, R2 4.1.333;
> never-, un-daunted


de, abbr d’ Fr / [in Fr name] deadly adj / adv dear / ~er / ~est adj
prep ˈdedləɪ di:ɹ / ˈdi:r·əɹ / m -əst, di:ɹst
də, abbr d sp deadly40 / deadlie1, deadly5 sp deare118, deer3, deere252,
24 19
sp de , abbr d' / de 20 deere-deere [dear, dear]2, emend
> flower-de-luce, viol-de-gamboys
deadly-handed adj of TN 2.5.170 deero1 / dearer4,
ˈdedləɪ-ˌandɪd, -ˌha- deerer11 / dearest21, deerest25,
des deer'st6
sp deadly handed1
de > handed rh 1 appear, here MND 3.1.78;
cheer, here CE 3.1.21; cheer, year
du [de + le] deadly-standing adj 2H4 5.3.19; ear LLL 5.2.444, RJ 1.5.47;
dy ˈdedləɪ-ˌstandɪn, -ɪŋ fear S 48.14; here Ham 3.2.290,
sp du4 R2 2.1.143; peer R2 5.5.68; year
sp deadly standing1
KJ 1.1.153; rh 2 there 2H4 5.3.19,
de [in Sp name] prep deaf adj S 110.3
de: pun 1H4 5.4.107 deer
sp de4 > heart-dear
sp deafe23
> ear-deafening, undeaf dear / ~er / ~est adv
de nonsense syll
de: deaf / ~s / ~ed v di:ɹ / ˈdi:r·əɹ / m -əst, di:ɹst
sp de6 sp deare11, deere13, [heart]-deere1 /
deerer2 / deerest1
sp deafes1 / deaft1
dead adj / adv / n rh 1 appear LC 96; cheer MND
= 3.2.97, MV 3.2.313; clear Per 1.1.99;
deafening adj
dear n MND 3.2.175; here H8 3.1.184,
sp dead460, dead[mans]1, ˈdefnɪn, -ɪŋ LLL 4.3.274, MND 3.2.426, RJ 2.3.62;
dead-[mans]1, dead[men]1, sp deaff ’ning1 peer Oth 2.3.86; rh 2 wear LC 96 /
dead-[mens]3, deade1 / dead2 /
clearer S 115.2
dead41 deafness n
rh adj 1 astonished S 86.6; bed Ham = dear / ~s n
3.2.194; bread Per 1.4.96; bred Luc sp deafenesse2 di:ɹ / -z
489, S 108.14, 112.14, VA 212; bred,
dishonoured Luc 1187; buried Per sp deare8, deere10, [song] deere-a1 /
deal n
2.1.76, RJ 4.5.63, S 31.2, TG 4.2.109; dɛ:l rh 1 appear, near MND 2.2.39; cheer
death-bed Ham 4.5.192; fed Luc
sp deale24 MND 5.1.284; dear adv MND 3.2.176;
1456, VA 172; fled 1H6 4.7.50, MND
rh knell PP 17.17 here Luc 1293, MND 5.1.273; near
5.1.293, PP 17.32, PT 22, R2 2.4.17,
3.2.73, 79, S 71.1, Tim 3.3.37, VA 948; MND 2.2.49; rh 2 bear Luc 1293;
deal / ~est / ~s / ~ing / ~t v there WT 4.3.15; wear Cor 2.1.170,
head 3H6 1.4.108, MND 4.1.80, Per
dɛ:l / -st / -z / ˈdɛ:lɪn, -ɪŋ / = LLL 5.2.131, 457; wear-a, ware-a WT
1.1.170, 3.Chorus.25, R3 3.4.107, VA
1060; lead [mineral] PP 20.23, RJ sp deale26 / deal’st1 / deales1 / 4.4.315 [song] / stomachers
2.5.16, VA 1070; murdered R2 5.6.39; dealing2 / dealt7 WT 4.4.227
ordered Per 4.4.46; red VA 467;
dealer / ~s n dear-beloved n
remembered S 74.10; shed R2 1.3.58;
spread Luc 1267; stead 1H6 4.6.30, ˈdɛ:ləɹ / -z ˌdi:ɹ-bɪˈlɤvd, m emend of Tem
Per 4.Chorus.42; unbred S 104.14; sp dealer1 / dea-lers1 .. bɪˈlɤvɪd
wed Ham 3.2.225; well-coloured 1H6 sp deere-belou’d1
4.2.38; rh 2 shall o’er-read S 81.12; dealing / ~s n > beloved
rh n bed Cym 4.2.358; head S 68.5; ˈdɛ:lɪn, -ɪŋ / -z
uttered MA 5.3.19 sp dealing10 / dealings3 dear-bought adj
> die; half-, pale-dead rh sealing VA 514 ˈdi:ɹ-ˌbɔ:t
> double-, plain-, well-dealing sp deere bought1
dead-killing adj
m ˌded-ˈkɪlɪn, -ɪŋ deanery n dearer adv / n
sp dead-killing1 ˈdi:nrəɪ, ˈden-, -nər- ˈdi:rəɹ
> kill sp deanerie1, deanrie1, deanry1


sp dearer1 / dearer1 death-counterfeiting adj debater / Luc ~s n

rh n nearer Luc 1163 m ˌdeθ-ˈkəʊntəɹˌfetɪn, -ɪŋ dɪˈbɛ:təɹz
dearest n sp death-counterfeiting1 sp debators1
> counterfeiting rh arbitrators, mediators Luc 1019
m ˈdi:rəst, di:ɹst
sp dearest1, dear’st1, deerest3, death-darting adj debating n
dee-rest1 m ˌdeθ-ˈdaɹtɪn, -ɪŋ dɪˈbɛ:tɪn, -ɪŋ
dearest-valued adj sp death-darting1 sp debating2
> darting
ˈdi:rəst-ˈvalju:d debile adj
sp deerest valued deathful adj ˈdebɪl
> valued = sp debile2
dearly adv sp deathfull1
debility n
ˈdi:ɹləɪ death-practised adj m dɪˈbɪlɪˌtəɪ
sp dearely12, dearly2, deerelie2, m ˌdeθ-ˈpraktɪst sp debilitie1
deerely23, deerly3 1
sp death-practis’d
rh clearly AW 5.3.314; nearly debitor n
> practice
S 42.2
dearness n death’s-head n sp debitor2
ˈdi:ɹnəs ˈdeθs-ˌed, -ˌhed
sp deaths head1, deaths-head2 debonair adj
sp dearenesse2
> head ˌdebəˈnɛ:ɹ
dearth n sp debonnaire1
deaths·man / ~men n
= Debora n
sp dearth7
rh earth S 146.3, VA 545
sp deathsman1, deaths-man1, m ˈdebəˌra
deathsmen1 sp Debora1
death / ~’s / ~s n
death-token / ~s n deboshed adj
833 1
ˈdeθ-ˌto:kənz dɪˈbɒʃt
sp death , deaths [death is] ,
sp death tokens1 sp debosh’d4
death’s [death is]5, [s]death [God’s
death]1, / deaths17, death’s1 / debase v debt / ~s n
deaths19, death’s1
rh 1 breath 2H4 4.2.122, 1H6 4.3.42,
dɪˈbɛ:s =, Holofernes LLL ..
4.6.5, 4.7.23, KJ 4.2.248, LLL 4.3.105, sp debase3 debt / -s
Luc 402, 1178, 1778, Mac 5.6.10, sp debt43, Holofernes describing
MND 3.2.167, PP 16.7, R2 1.3.65, 172,
debate n Armado det1 / debts16
231, 3.2.184, 5.3.72, R3 5.3.172, dɪˈbɛ:t rh Boyet LLL 5.2.333; Capulet RJ
S 99.13, TC 4.1.75, 5.8.4, TN 2.4.50, sp debate5 1.5.118; forget Ham 3.2.203, RJ
VA 413, 509, 930, 932, 1174; breath, rh hate S 89.13; relate LLL 1.1.171 1.1.238; fret, let Luc 649; let Luc 329;
vanisheth Luc 1038; Macbeth Plantagenet R3 4.4.21; set S 83.4;
Mac 1.2.67, 3.5.5; rh 2 bequeath debat·e / ~ing / ~ed v wet VA 84 / gets Per 4.Chorus.34
Luc 1178, MND 3.2.167; rh 3 wrath dɪˈbɛ:t / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd > after-debt
TG 5.4.127 sp debate8 / debating3 / debated3
debted adj
rh premeditate Luc 185; state
death-bed, Evans MW .. KL 5.1.69 =
death’s-bed n sp debted1
= debatement n
dɪˈbɛ:tmənt debtor / ~s n
sp death-bed7, Evans deaths-bed1
rh dead Ham 4.5.193 sp debatement 2 ˈdetəɹ / -z
> bed sp debter4, debtor5 / debtors2
rh better AY 2.3.76, Luc 1155,
Per 2.1.144; letter LLL 5.2.43


decay n deceitful adj sp decipher1 / deciphers1 /

dɪˈkɛ: = decipher'd1

sp decay13 sp deceitfull7 decision n

rh away PP 14.4, S 11.6, 80.14; day
deceivable adj dɪˈsɪzɪən
3H6 4.4.16, Luc 808, R2 3.2.102,
S 13.9; may 3H6 4.4.16; slay, way m dɪˈsi:vəˌbɤl sp decision3
Luc 516; stay S 15.11; way S 16.3 sp deceiuable1, deceiueable1 Decius n
decay / ~s / ~ed v deceiv·e / S ~est / ~es / ~ing / ˈdesɪəs
dɪˈkɛ: / -z / -d ~ed v sp Decius13, De-cius1
sp decay3 / decaies2, decayes1 / = / dɪˈsi:vəst / = / dɪˈsi:vɪn, deck n
-ɪŋ / = =
rh away Luc 1168, S 64.10; clay
sp deceiue26 / deceauest1 / sp decke4
S 71.12; say S 23.7; survey S 100.11 /
deceaues1, deceiues2 / deceiuing2 / rh speak Per 3.Chorus.59
days S 65.8; prays Luc 713 / aid
deceau’d1, deceiu’d42, deceiued10,
S 79.3; prayed 1H6 1.1.34
deceyu’d2 deck / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
decayed adj rh leave MND 2.2.146, S 4.10, 39.12, = / = / ˈdekɪn, -ɪŋ / =
TC 5.3.90; deceive me heave thee,
m dɪˈkɛ:d, dɪˈkɛ:ɪd sp deck2, decke6 / deckes1 / decking1
leave me Luc 585; leave me AW
1 1
sp decaied , de-cay'd , decayed 2 / deck’d4, deckt4
1.1.224 / receivest S 40.7 / leaves,
rh aspect LLL 4.3.256
receives LC 306 / perceived S 104.12
decayer n > undeck
dɪˈkɛ:əɹ deceiver / ~s n declare / ~s v
sp decayer1 dɪˈsi:vəɹ / -z dɪˈklɛ:ɹ / -z
sp deceiuer1 / deceiuers1
decaying adj sp declare7 / declares1
dɪˈkɛ:ɪn, -ɪŋ deceiving adj / n declension / ~s n
sp decaying1 dɪˈsi:vɪn, -ɪŋ dɪˈklensɪən / -z
sp deceiuing1, de-ceyuing1 /
decease n sp declension3 / declensions1
declin·e / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
sp decease3 December n
rh 1 increase S 1.3, 97.8; lease S 13.7; dɪˈkləɪn / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d
rh 2 confess VA 1002 sp declin1, decline8 / declines3 /
sp December6
> predeceased declining2 / declin’d6, declined1
decent adj rh mine CE 3.2.44 / shines S 18.7
decease / ~d v
= declined n
dɪˈsɛ:s / -t
sp decent1 dɪˈkləɪnd
sp deceas’d
deceptious adj sp declin’d1, declined1
deceased adj
dɪˈsepsɪəs declining adj
m dɪˈsɛ:sɪd, dɪˈsɛ:st,
sp deceptious1 dɪˈkləɪnɪn, -ɪŋ
TS .. ˈdɪsɛ:st
sp deceas’d2, deceased4, deceast6 decide / ~s v sp declining4

dɪˈsəɪd / -z decoct v
deceit / ~s n
sp decide2 / decides1 =
sp deceit16, deceite3 / deceits1, decimation n sp decoct1
de-ceits1 desɪˈmɛ:sɪən decorum n
rh conceit CE 3.2.36; repeat Per
sp decimation1 =
decipher / ~s / ~ed v sp decorum2, de-corum1

dɪˈsəɪfəɹ / -z / -d


decrease / ~d v breeds, feeds Luc 908; exceeds deep-drawing adj

dɪˈkrɛ:s / -t S 150.6; feeds TC 5.3.111; proceeds m ˌdi:p-ˈdrɔ:ɪn, -ɪŋ
AW 4.2.63, S 131.13; sheeds S 34.14;
sp decrease1, decreast1 sp deepe-drawing1
weeds S 69.10, 94.13
rh increase S 15.7 > drawing
pun Mardian AC 1.5.15 in deed
decreasing adj > alms-, mis-deed; undeeded deep-fet adj
dɪˈkrɛ:sɪn, -ɪŋ deed-achieving adj ˈdi:p-ˌfet
sp decreasing1 ˈdi:d-əˌtʃi:vɪn, -ɪŋ, -ˈtʃɪv- sp deepe-fet1
1 > fet
decree / ~s n sp deed-atchieuing
> achieve deeply adv
sp decree / decrees 11
deedless adj ˈdi:pləɪ
rh be LLL 4.3.215; necessity = sp deepely10, deeply5
LLL 1.1.145; thee Luc 1030
sp deedelesse1 deep-mouthed adj
decree / ~d v deem n ˈdi:p-ˌməʊðd
= = sp deep-mouth’d1, deepe mouth’d1,
sp decree2 / decreed7 1 deepe-mouth’d1
sp deeme
rh be S 93.9 / bleed Per 1.1.58; > mouth
exceed Per 2.3.15 deem / Luc ~s / ~ed v
deep-revolving adj
decrepit =
adj ˈdi:p-rɪˌvɒlvɪn, -ɪŋ, -ˌvo:
= sp deeme9 / deems1 / deem'd2
sp deepe reuoluing1
sp decrepit 2 rh esteem AW 2.1.124; seem S 54.3 / > revolve
extremes Luc 1336 / esteemed
Decretas n S 96.8, 121.3 deep-searched adj
dɪˈkrɛ:təs deep / ~er / ~est adj m ˌdi:p-ˈsɐ:ɹtʃt
sp Decretas2 sp deepe search'd1
= / ˈdi:pəɹ / =
dedicat·e / ~s / ~ed v sp deep1, deepe94 / deeper6 / deep-sworn adj
ˈdedɪˌkɛ:t / -s / -ɪd deepest5 ˈdi:p-ˌswɔ:ɹn
rh keep Per 4.2.140; sleep, weep
sp dedicate6 / dedicates2 / dedicate sp deepe-sworne1
LC 121
[dedicated]2, dedicated1
> breast-, knee-, pottle-deep Deep-vow [name] n
dedicated adj deep / ~er adv ˈdi:p-ˌvəʊ
ˈdedɪˌkɛ:tɪd = / ˈdi:pəɹ sp Deepe-vow1
sp dedicated
sp deepe12 / deeper6 deer / ~’s n
rh sleep TC 2.3.263; weep Per 1.4.13
dedication n di:ɹ, dɛ:ɹ / -z
ˈdedɪˌkɛ:sɪən deep / ~s n sp deare13, deares [deer’s]1,
sp dedication2, dedica-tion1 = deere24, [male]-deere1 / deeres1
rh 1 fear VA 689; here VA 231;
deed / ~s n sp deepe15, deepes2
near LLL 4.1.115; year KL 3.4.132;
rh sleep MND 3.1.149, 3.2.48; weep
= rh 2 bear, wear AY 4.2.10; wear
LLL 4.3.29
sp deed105, deede41, deed’s [deed KL 3.4.132
is]1, [good]-deed1 / deedes25, deep-damned adj pun 1H4 5.4.106 dear
deeds83 ˈdi:p-ˌdamd
rh bleed Luc 1730, Tit 5.3.63; bleed,
déesse Fr n
sp deepe damn’d1 deˈɛs
exceed Luc 226; breed, speed Luc
> damned
502; feed Tit 5.3.52; meed Tit 5.3.65; sp deesse1
need R2 5.6.37; proceed AW 2.1.210, deep-divorcing adj
2.3.125, Luc 252; speed AW 3.7.45;
ˈdi:p-dɪˌvɔ:ɹsɪn, -ɪŋ
steed LC 111; weed Luc 195 / bleeds,
proceeds Luc 1822; breeds S 111.2; sp deepe-diuorcing1


defac·e / ~ing / ~ed v defect v deficient adj

dɪˈfɛ:s / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -t dɪˈfekt dɪˈfɪsɪənt
sp deface3 / defacing1 / defac’d3, sp defect1 sp deficient2
rh place S 6.1; deface her grace her defective adj defil·e / ~es / LC ~ing /
PP 7.6 / rh 1 chased, disgraced Luc = ~ed v
719; rh 2 down-razed S 64.1 sp defectiue5 dɪˈfəɪl / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d
> face
sp defile4 / defiles2 / defiling1 /
defence / ~s n defil’d4
defacer / ~s n = rh vile MW 1.3.91; defile thee rec-
dɪˈfɛ:səɹ / -z sp defence38 / defences4 onciles thee KL 3.6.110 [Q] /
sp defacer1 / defacers1 rh hence LLL 5.2.85, S 12.13; offence beguiling, smiling LC 173 / beguild,
KJ 1.1.258, S 89.4; sense PP 8.8 mild Luc 1545; child AW 5.3.298,
defame / ~d v Luc 787, MND 3.2.410
dɪˈfɛ:md defend / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
sp defam’d1 = / = / dɪˈfendɪn, -ɪŋ / = defiled adj
rh blame, shame Luc 768; dame, 62 2
sp defend , de-fend / defends / 2 dɪˈfəɪld
shame Luc 1033; name, shame defending2 / defended6 sp defil’d1
Luc 817 rh defend her reprehend her VA
> fame 472; defend me attend me, lend me defiler n
Luc 1684 / comprehends, friends dɪˈfəɪləɹ
default n Luc 492 sp defiler1
dɪˈfɔ:t, -fɑ:lt
sp default4 defendant n define v
> fault = dɪˈfəɪn
sp defendant3 sp define4
defeat n
rh mine S 62.7
dɪˈfɛ:t defended adj
sp defeat3, defeate1 = definite adj
sp defended1 m ˈdefɪˌnɪt
defeat / ~est / ~s / ~ed v
sp definit1
dɪˈfɛ:t / -st / -s / -ɪd defender / ~s n
sp defeat3, defeate4 / defeat’st1 / dɪˈfendəɹ / -z definitive adj
defeats1 / defeated2 sp defender2 / defenders1 m dɪˈfɪnɪˌtɪv
rh great S 61.11 / created S 20.11
sp definitiue1
defensible adj
defeated adj = definitively adv
dɪˈfɛ:tɪd sp defensible2 m dɪˈfɪnɪˌtɪvləɪ
sp defeated1
sp definitiuely1
defensive adj
defeature VA / ~s n = deflower / ~ed v
dɪˈfɛ:təɹ / -z sp defensiue2 di:ˈflo:ɹ, -u:ɹ / m di:ˈflo:ɹd,
sp defeature1 / defeatures2
-rɪd, -lu:-
rh nature VA 736 defer / ~red v
sp defloure1 / deflour’d1,
dɪˈfɐ:ɹ / -d defloured1, deflowr’d1, deflowred2
defect / ~s n
sp deferre2 / deferr’d1 rh 1 hour, power Luc 348; rh 2
dɪˈfekt / -s
Moor Tit 2.3.191
sp defect7 / defects5 defiance n > flower
rh effect Ham 2.2.102; expect, dɪˈfəɪəns
neglect Luc 151; respect Luc 1345, deform v
sp defiance12
S 149.11; suspect S 70.1 / respects
> defy dɪˈfɔ:ɹm
S 49.2
sp deforme1


deformed adj / n deign / ~ed v delayed adj

m dɪˈfɔ:ɹmɪd, -md / dɪˈfɔ:ɹmd dɛ:n / m ˈdɛ:nɪd dɪˈlɛ:d
sp deform’d4, deformed7 / sp deigne1, deine1 / deigned1 sp delay’d1
deformed3, defor-med1
Deiphobus n delaying n
deform·ity / ~ities n m dɛ:ˈɪfəˌbɤs, -əbəs dɪˈlɛ:ɪn, -ɪŋ
m dɪˈfɔ:ɹmɪˌtəɪ, -ɪt- / -ɪˌtəɪz sp Deiphebus1, Deiphoebus3, sp delaying1
sp deformitie3, de-formitie1, Diephoebus1, Doephobus1
deformity1 / deformities1 delectable adj
deit·y / ~ies n m ˈdelɪkˌtabəl
deftly adv m ˈdɛ:ɪˌtəɪ, ˈdɛ:təɪ / -z sp delectable2
ˈdeftləɪ sp deitie2, deity5 / deities4
sp deaftly1 rh 1 company, society Tem 4.1.92; deliberate adj / v
idolatry LLL 4.3.72; liberty R3 1.1.76; m dɪˈlɪbəˌrɛ:t, -brət
defunct adj / n rh 2 cry, fly Cym 5.4.90 sp deliberate4 / deliberate2
sp defunct1 / defunct2
déjà Fr adv delicate adj
> function deˈʒa m ˈdelɪˌkɛ:t, -ɪkət
sp desia1 sp delicate27
defunction n
dɪˈfɤŋksɪən deject adj / v delicate / ~s n
sp defunction 1 = m ˈdelɪˌkɛ:ts
sp deiect3 / deiect1 sp delicates1
defuse / ~ed v rh adj respect TC 2.2.50
= delicious adj
sp defuse1 / defus’d2
dejected adj dɪˈlɪsɪəs
= sp delicious3
def·y / ~ies / ~ying / ~ied v sp deiected4, deie-cted1
dɪˈfəɪ / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d deliciousness n
sp defie25, defye1 / defies1 /
Delabreth n m dɪˈlɪsɪəsˌnes
defying2 / defide3, defi’de1 ˌdeləˈbret sp deliciousnesse3
rh lie S 123.9; defy thee hie thee sp Delabreth2
PP 12.11 delight / ~s n
delay / ~s n dɪˈləɪt / -s
degenerate adj dɪˈlɛ: / -z sp delight33 / delights10
m dɪˈdʒenəˌrɛ:t, -nərət, -nrət sp delay23 / delayes1 rh appetite, white Luc 12; despite
sp degenerate10 rh away 1H6 4.3.46; day MND MND 5.1.114; knight Per 4.4.12; light
rh hate, state Luc 1003 3.2.394, R3 5.3.17, RJ 1.4.44; hay 3H6 VA 1030; might, night Luc 487; night
4.8.60; say R2 5.1.101; way MND Luc 357, 697, 742, 927, MND 2.1.254,
degrade / ~d v 5.1.200, Oth 2.3.377 / assays, says Luc PP 18.28, RJ 1.2.28, 2.5.75, S 102.12,
dɪˈɡrɛ:dɪd 1719; ways VA 909 VA 843; quite LLL 1.1.71; sight Luc
sp degraded2 385, MND 3.2.455, Per 1.4.29, S 47.14,
delay / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v 75.11; silver-white LLL 5.2.886; spite
degree / ~s n dɪˈlɛ: / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d S 36.8, 37.1; tonight MV 2.6.67; white
= sp delay10, de-lay1 / delayes5 / S 98.11, 130.7, VA 78, 400 / rites
47 16
sp degree / degrees , de-grees 2 delaying1 / delaid1, delayd1 AY 5.4.195; sprites Mac 4.1.127
rh me AY 5.4.145, LLL 1.1.154; thee rh away 1H4 3.2.180; delay him stay
him Luc 325 / plays Luc 552
delight / ~s / Luc ~ing /
Oth 2.3.89
~ed v
deif·y / LC ~ied v Delay [ship name] n dɪˈləɪt / -s / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd
m ˈdɛ:ɪˌfəɪd dɪˈlɛ: sp delight15 / delights8 / delighting1
sp ˈdeified1 sp Delay1 / delighted2
rh abide LC 84 rh flight Luc 697 / fighting Luc 430 /
invited S 141.5


delighted adj delver n demi-devil n

dɪˈləɪtɪd ˈdelvəɹ ˈdeməɪ-ˈdɪvəl
sp delighted3 sp deluer1 sp demy-diuell2
> devil
delightful adj demand / ~s n
dɪˈləɪtfʊl dɪˈmand, -ˈmɔ:nd / -z demi-God n
sp delightfull 3
sp demand 19
/ demands 17 ˈdeməɪ-ˈɡɒd
sp demie God2, demy-god1
delinquent / ~s n demand / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v > God
= dɪˈmand, -ˈmɔ:nd / -z / -ɪn,
sp delinquents1 -ɪŋ / -ɪd demi-natured adj
sp demand , demaund / 4 ˈdemɪ-ˈnɛ:təɹd
deliver / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v demands2 / demanding2 / sp demy-natur’d1
dɪˈlɪvəɹ / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ, -vr- / demanded8 > nature
demean / ~ed v demi-paradise n
sp deliuer98, de-liuer2, deliuer’t
[deliver it]1, deli-uer1 / deliuers8 / = ˈdeməɪ-ˈparəˌdəɪs
deliuering4 / deliuerd1, deliuer’d40, sp demeane2 / demean’d2 sp demy paradise1
de-liuer’d1, deliuered23, deliu’red1 > paradise
> ditch-, new-delivered demeanor n
dɪˈmi:nəɹ demi-puppet / ~s n
deliverance n 3
sp demeanor , demeanure 1 ˈdeməɪ-ˈpɤpɪts
m dɪˈlɪvəˌrans, -vərəns, -vrəns > misdemeanour sp demy-puppets1
sp deliuerance , deliu’rance 1 > puppet
demerit / ~s n
delivered adj m dɪˈmerɪt, -ˈmeɹt / -s demise n
dɪˈlɪvəɹd 1
sp demerite / demerits 2 dɪˈməɪz
sp diliuered1 > merit sp demise1

delivery n demesne / ~s n demi-wol·f / ~ves n

m dɪˈlɪvəˌrəɪ, -vərəɪ, -vrəɪ dɪˈmi:nz ˈdeməɪ-ˈwʊlvz
sp deliuerie2, deliuery2 sp demeanes2, demesnes1 sp demi-wolues1
> wolf
Delphos n Demetrius / ~’ n
= m dɪˈmi:trɪəs, -ɪˌɤs / demoiselle / ~s Fr n
sp Delphos 3
dɪˈmi:trɪəs dəmwɛˈzɛl / -z
sp damoiseil1 / damoisels1
sp Demetrius60, De-metrius1 /
delud·e / ~ing / ~ed v Demetrius2
dɪˈlju:dɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd demonstrable adj
rh thus MND 2.2.90, 102, 3.2.362;
sp deluding / deluded 1
us MND 1.1.221
m ˈdemənˌstrabəl
sp demonstrable1
deluding adj demi-atlas n
dɪˈlju:dɪn, -ɪŋ ˈdeməɪ-ˈatləs demonstr·ate / ~ating v
sp deluding1 sp demy atlas1
m dɪˈmɒnstrɛ:t, ˈdemənˌstrɛ:t /
> Atlas ˈdemənˌstrɛ:tɪn, -ɪŋ
deluge n sp demonstrate5 / demonstrating1
ˈdelju:dʒ demi-cannon n
sp deluge2 ˈdeməɪ-ˈkanən demonstration n
sp demi cannon1 ˌdemənˈstrɛ:sɪən
delve v sp demonstration1
= demi-coronal n
sp delue1 ˈdeməɪ-ˈkɒrənɑl
sp demy coronall1


demonstrative adj denote / ~d v departing adj / n

m dɪˈmɒnstrəˌtɪv dɪˈno:t / -ɪd dɪˈpɑɹtɪn, -ɪŋ
sp demonstratiue1 sp denote3 / denoted1 sp departing1 / departing3
rh dote S 148.7
demure adj departure n
dɪˈmju:ɹ denounc·e / ~ing / ~ed v dɪˈpɑ:ɹtəɹ
sp demure3 dɪˈnəʊns / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -t sp departure18, de-parture2
sp denounce1 / denouncing1 / rh shorter KL 1.5.48
demur·e / ~ing v denounc’d2
dɪˈmju:rɪn, -ɪŋ dépêcher / dépêche Fr v
sp demuring1 denunciation n deˈpɛʃ
dɪˌnɤnsɪˈɛ:sɪən sp de-peech1
demurely adv
sp denunciation1
dɪˈmju:ɹləɪ depend / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
sp demurely3 den·y / ~iest / ~ies / ~ing / = / = / dɪˈpendɪn, -ɪŋ / =
~ied / ~iedest v sp depend11 / dipends9 /
den / ~s n
dɪˈnəɪ / -st / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / dipending7 / depended1
= rh end S 92.8; extend LC 274 /
-d / -dst
sp den7, denne1 / dennes2 amends S 101.3 / amending,
sp denie46, deny83, denye1, deny’t
rh then LLL 4.1.94 ending Luc 1615 / ended Oth
[deny it]4 / deniest1, denyest1,
denay n deny’st1 / denies12 / denying6 /
deni’d3, denide4, deni’de5, denied18,
dɪˈnɛ: dependant / ~s n
deny’d14, denyde1, deny’de9,
sp denay1 =
denyed1 / denied’st1
rh say TN 2.4.123 sp dependant1 / dependants4
rh 1 die AY 4.3.63; eye LLL 5.2.808;
> deny
I TN 5.1.142; lie Cym 2.4.145, MND
2.2.57, S 46.7; rh 2 prettily MND
dependence n
denay / ~ed v =
2.2.57 / aside RJ 1.1.157; beside
dɪˈnɛ:d R2 5.3.102; dried AW 2.1.141; sp dependance1
sp denay’d1 hide S 142.14 > by-dependence
> denay
denial / ~s n dependency n
dɪˈnəɪɑl / -z deo Lat m dɪˈpendənˌsəɪ
sp denial1, deniall7, denyall1 / denials2 > deus sp dependancie2, dependancy1
rh dial, trial Luc 324
> deny depart n dependent adj
dɪˈpɑ:ɹt =
denier n sp depart4 sp dependant2
dəˈnəɪəɹ > part
sp denier2, deniere1 depender n
depart / ~est / ~ed / dɪˈpendəɹ
Denmark / ~’s n ~edest v sp depender1
ˈdenmɑ:ɹk / -s dɪˈpɑ:ɹt / -əst, -st / -ɪd / -ɪdst
sp Denmark1, Denmark’s [Denmark sp depart60 / departest1 S, depart’st1 deplore v
is]1, Denmarke19 / Denmarkes1, / departed4 / departedst1 dɪˈplɔ:ɹ
Denmarks1 rh art S 6.11; heart Mac 4.1.110, sp deplore1
S 109.3, VA 578 / convertest rh more TN 3.1.159
Dennis n S 11.2
= deploring adj
sp Dennis7 departed adj dɪˈplɔ:rɪn, -ɪŋ
dɪˈpɑ:ɹtɪd sp deploring1
Denny n sp departed2
sp Denny4


depopulate v deput·e / ~ing v derogately adv

dɪˈpɒpjəˌlɛ:t = / dɪˈpju:tɪn, -ɪŋ ˈderəɡətləɪ, ˈdɛ:ɹɡ-
sp depopulate1 sp depute1 / deputing1 sp derogately1

depos·e / ~ing / ~ed v deputed adj derogation n

dɪˈpo:z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / m -ɪd = ˌderəˈɡɛ:sɪən
sp depose10 / deposing1 / sp deputed1 sp derogation1
depos’d20, deposed2
rh those R2 4.1.191 deput·y / ~ies n derry interj
m ˈdepjəˌtəɪ, -ətəɪ / ˈdepjətəɪz / ˈderəɪ
deposed adj ˈdepjəˌtəɪz sp derry2
m dɪˈpo:zɪd sp deputie17, de-putie1, deputy6 / rh merry TNK 3.5.138
sp deposed1 deputies1 / deputies1
des Fr
deposing n deracinate v > de
dɪˈpo:zɪn, -ɪŋ dɪˈrasɪˌnɛ:t
sp deposing2
dès Fr prep
sp deracinate2

depositar·y / ~ies n Derby n sp des2
m dɪˈpɒzɪˌtrəɪz ˈdɐ:ɹbəɪ
sp depositaries1
descant n/v
sp Darby1, Derbie3, Derby12
deprave / ~s / ~d v deride / ~s v sp descant2 / descant1
dɪˈprɛ:v / -z / -d dɪˈrəɪdz
sp depraue1 / depraues1 /
descend / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
sp derides1
depraued1 rh hides KL 1.1.281
= / dɪˈsendɪn, -ɪŋ / =
rh graves Tim 1.2.137 sp descend19, discend2 / descends7
derision n / descending1 / descended10
depraved adj m dɪˈrɪzɪən, -ɪˌɒn rh finger-end MW 5.5.85; friend
dɪˈprɛ:vd sp derision5
RJ 3.5.42 / ended Luc 1081
sp deprau’d1 rh vision MND 3.2.370
descent / ~s n
depress / ~ed v derivation n =
= ˌderɪˈvɛ:sɪən sp descent8, discent8 / discents1
sp deprest 1 1 rh spent R2 1.1.107
sp deriuation

deprivation n derivative adj describe / ~s / ~ed v

ˌdeprɪˈvɛ:sɪən = dɪˈskrəɪb / -z / -d
sp deprauation1 sp describe1 / describes2 /
sp deriuative1
deprive / ~d v deriv·e / ~s / ~ed v
dɪˈprəɪv / -d description n
dɪˈrəɪv / -z / m -d, -ɪd
sp depriue2 / depriu’d6
m dɪˈskrɪpsɪən, -ɪˌɒn
sp deriue10 / deriues5 / deriu’d14,
rh derived, unlived Luc 1752 sp description15, descrip-tion1,
descripti-on1, discription1
rh thrive AW 2.3.135, S 14.9 /
depth / ~s n deprived, unlived Luc 1755
= descry n
> false-, true-, well-derived
sp depth8 / depths1
derogate adj / v sp descry1
deputation n m ˈderəɡət / m ˈderəˌɡɛ:t > undescry
m ˌdepjəˈtɛ:sɪən, -ɪˌɒn sp derogate1 / derogate2
descr·y / ~ied v
sp deputation4
dɪˈskrəɪ / -d


sp descry4 / descried3, discried1 deserving adj desiring adj

rh loyalty Per Epil.7 dɪˈzɐ:ɹvɪn, -ɪŋ dɪˈzəɪɹɪn, -ɪŋ
Desdemona / ~’s / sp deser-uing sp desiring1
Desdemon n deserving / ~s n desirous adj
ˌdezdɪˈmo:nə / -z / ˌdezdɪˈmɒn dɪˈzɐ:ɹvɪn, -ɪŋ / -z dɪˈzəɪɹəs
sp Desdemona46, Desdemona’s sp deseruing9, de-seruing1, sp desirous5, desi-rous1
[Desdemona is]1 / Desdemonaes1 / deser-uing1 / deseruings6
Desdemon7 rh swerving S 87.6 desist v
desert [place] adj =
design / ~s n sp desist2
ˈdezəɹt dɪˈzəɪn / -z rh resist Per 1.1.40
sp desart1, desert5 sp designe19 / designes11
rh Collatine, mine Luc 1692; desk n
desert / ~s [place] n
mine, pine LC 278 =
ˈdezəɹt / -s
sp deske4
sp desart2, de-sart1, desert4, de-sert1 designment / ~s n
/ desarts2, deserts1 dɪˈzəɪnmənt / -s desolate adj
desert / ~s [due] n sp designement1 / designements1 m ˈdesələt, -ˌlɛ:t
sp desolate6, de-solate1
dɪˈzɐ:ɹt / -s desire / ~s n
sp desart1, desert25 / deserts16 dɪˈzəɪɹ / -z desolation n
rh impart S 72.6; part S 49.10 / parts sp desire59 / desires48, de-sires1 m ˌdesəˈlɛ:sɪən, -ɪˌɒn
S 17.2 rh admire S 123.7; aspire, fire Luc 2; sp desolation9, deso-lation1
conspire S 10.8; fire 1H6 4.6.11, Luc
desertless adj
182, 1490, 1606, MW 5.5.90, 96, despair / ~s n
S 45.3, 154.7, VA 36, 276, 386, 653, dɪˈspɛ:ɹ / -z
sp desartlesse 1074; relier, retire Luc 642; require S
sp despaire7, dispaire22 /
57.2; retire LLL 2.1.221, Luc 175, 574;
deserv·e / ~est / ~es / ~ing / despaires2
sire Luc 234, VA 1180; squire KJ
rh air MV 3.2.109; fair PP 2.1, S
~ed v 1.1.176; tire Luc 706; Tyre Per 2.
144.1, VA 743, 955; hair Luc 983, S
dɪˈzɐ:ɹv / -st / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / m Chorus.21, 3.Chorus.40, 4.Chorus.2 /
99.9; prayer RJ 1.5.104, Tem Epil.15
-ɪd, -d briars MND 3.2.445; fires Mac 1.4.52
sp deserue62 / deser-uest1, despair / ~ing v
desir·e / ~est / ~es / ~ing /
deseru’st2 / deserues35, de-serues1 / dɪˈspɛ:ɹ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ
deseruing2 / deseru’d43, deserued11,
~ed v
sp despaire3, dispaire19, dis-paire1 /
deser-ued1 dɪˈzəɪɹ / -st / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d dispairing3, dispayring1
rh 1 starve Cor 2.3.113; rh 2 swerve sp desire145, de-sire2 / desirest2, rh fair RJ 1.1.222
Cym 5.4.130 desir’st4 / desires28, Evans MW
3.1.73, 3.3.208 desires [desire]3 / despairing adj
deserved adj desiring4 / desir’d22, desired3 dɪˈspɛ:rɪn, -ɪŋ
m dɪˈzɐ:ɹvɪd, -vd rh fire VA 496; mire Luc 1011; Tyre
sp despairing1, despayring1
sp deseru’d1, deserued3 Per 1.3.38 / admired, tired Luc 415;
> un-, well-deserved new-fired S 153.11 desperate adj
desired adj m ˈdesprət, -pər-, -pəˌrɛ:t
deservedly adv
sp desparate1, desperate49,
m dɪˈzɐɹvɪdˌləɪ m dɪˈzəɪɹd, -rɪd
despe-rate1, desp’rate7, disperate1
sp deseruedly1 sp desir’d2, desired3
rh intimate AW 2.1.184

deserver / ~s n desirer / ~s n desperately adv

dɪˈzɐ:ɹvəɹ / -z dɪˈzəɪɹəɹz m ˈdesprətˌləɪ, -pər-, -tl-
sp deseruer2 / deseruers1 sp desirers1
sp desperately4, desp’rately1
> undeserver


desperation n destine / ~d v rh chain CE 2.1.107; detain him

ˌdespəˈrɛ:sɪən = restrain him VA 577

sp desperation2 sp destin’d2 detect / ~s / ~ed v

despis·e / ~eth / ~ing / ~ed v destined adj =
dɪˈspəɪz / -əθ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / m -d, = sp detect5 / detects1 / detected3
rh recollect Per 2.1.51
- ɪd sp destin’d2
sp despise15 / despiseth2 / detecting n
despising1 / despis’d8, de-spis’d1,
destin·y / ~ies n
dɪˈtektɪn, -ɪŋ
despised4, dispisde1 m ˈdestnəɪ, -tɪn-, -tɪˌnəɪ / -z
sp detecting1
rh arise, enterprise Luc 187; eyes sp destenie1, destinie7, desti-nie1,
Per 2.3.26, S 141.3, 149.10 / arising destiny11 / destinies4 detection n
S 29.9 rh 1 fly Luc 1729; rh 2 he Mac
3.5.17; heresy MV 2.9.83; quality MW
despised adj / n 5.5.39 / infirmities VA 733 sp detection1
m dɪˈspəɪzd, -ɪd detector n
sp despis’d1, despised5, dispis’d1,
destitute adj
ˈdestɪˌtju:t dɪˈtektəɹ
dispised1 / despis’d1
rh 1 disguised MM 3.2.267; rh 2 sp destitute1 sp detector1
sufficed S 37.9
destroy / ~s / ~ing / ~ed, abbr detention n
despiser n stroyed v dɪˈtensɪən
dɪˈspəɪzəɹ dɪˈstrəɪ / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d, abbr sp detention
sp despiser1 strəɪd determinate adj
sp destroy20 / distroyes1 / m dɪˈtɐ:ɹmɪnət, -mn-, -mɪˌnɛ:t
despite n / prep / v 2 8 2
destroying / destroy’d , destroyed ,
dɪˈspəɪt sp determinate4
abbr stroy’d1
17 1
sp despight , de-spight , despite , 2 rh estimate S 87.4
rh annoy, Troy Luc 1369; boy 1H6
dispight1 / despight2, despite1 / 4.6.25, VA 346; enjoy VA 1163; joy determination / ~s n
despight1 Ham 3.2.207, 231, Mac 3.2.6, Per
rh n delight MND 5.1.112; night, dɪˌtɐɹmɪˈnɛ:sɪən / -z
2.5.88; joy, toy Luc 215; pardonnez-
right Luc 1026; night VA 731; white moi R2 5.3.119; destroy thee enjoy sp determination5 /
Luc 55 thee Luc 514 / destroys it enjoys it deter-minations1
S 9.12 / avoid H5 3.3.43, R2 1.3.242
despiteful / ~est adj determine / ~s / ~d v
dɪˈspəɪtfʊl / -st destroyer / ~s n dɪˈtɐ:ɹmɪn / -z / m -d, -ɪˌnɪd
sp despightful1, despightfull5 / dɪˈstrəɪəɹ / -z sp determine25 / determines3 /
despightful’st1 1
sp destroyer / destroyers 1 determin’d15, determined4
rh impannelled S 46.11
despite of / in ~ prep destroying adj > undetermined
dɪˈspəɪt əv / ˌɪn- dɪˈstrəɪɪn, -ɪŋ detest / ~s / ~ed v
sp despight of5, despite of1 / in sp destroying1
despight of15, in dispight of1 =
> spite of destruction / ~s n sp detest9 / detests2 / detested1
m dɪˈstrɤksɪən, -ɪˌɒn / -z rh 1 breast, guest Luc 1566;
despiteous adj rh 2 east MND 3.2.434
sp destruction27, distruction1 /
dɪsˈpɪtɪəs destructions1 detestable adj
sp dispitious1
detain / ~ed v m ˈdetɪsˌtabəl
despoiled adj dɪˈtɛ:n / -d sp detestable6
m dɪˈspəɪlɪd sp detaine6, de-taine1 / detain’d3, detested adj
sp despoyled1 detayn’d1
sp detested14


detesting adj sp deuil1, deuill60, [borne]-deuill1, devour / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v

dɪˈtestɪn, -ɪŋ deule2, deu’le1, diuel9, diuell133, dɪˈvo:ɹ / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / m -d, -ɪd
di-uell1, diu’ll1, Evans teuill1 / deuills3,
sp detesting1 sp deuour1, deuoure9 / deuoures1,
deuils7, diuels8 / deuills1, deuils3
deuours1 / deuouring2 / deuour’d3,
detract v deules1, diuelles1, diuells1, diuels29,
[germane]-diuels1 / deuils1
= rh flower Luc 1256 / flowers, ours
rh evil LLL 4.3.286, 5.2.106, Luc 85,
sp detract2 Luc 872 / o’ershowered Per 4.4.25
847, 973, 1246, 1513, PP 2.7, S 144.7,
TN 3.4.361 devourer / ~s n
detraction / ~s n > demi-, yoke-devil
dɪˈtraksɪən / -z dɪˈvo:rəɹz
sp detraction3 / detractions1 devilish adj sp deuourers1
ˈdɪvlɪʃ, -vəl-
detriment Luc n devouring adj / n
sp diuelish2, diuellish12
m ˈdetrɪˌment rh womanish R3 1.4.266
dɪˈvo:ɹɪn, -ɪŋ
sp detriment1 sp deuouring2 / deuouring1
rh discontent, spent Luc 1579 devil-porter v rh n souring Luc 700
ˈdɪvɪl-ˈpɔ:ɹtəɹ > fell-, love-devouring
Deucalion n sp deuill-porter1
dju:ˈkɛ:lɪən devout adj
sp Deucalion 2 devise / ~s / ~ing / ~d v dɪˈvəʊt
dɪˈvəɪz / -ɪz / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / m -ɪd, -d sp deuout
deuce-ace n sp deuise43, de-uise2 / deuises1 /
ˈdju:s-ˌas devoutly adv
deuising1 / deuis’d15, de-uis’d1,
sp deus-ace 1
> ace rh eyes MND 3.2.35, S 83.14 / prized sp deuoutly3
AY 3.2.146; sympathized S 82.9
deum > new-devised
dew / ~s n
> Te Deum dju: / -z
devoid adj sp deaw3, dew21, [hony-heauy-]
de·us / ~o / dii Lat n dɪˈvəɪd dew1, dewe4, dewe’s [dew is]1 /
ˈde:o: / di: sp deuoid1 dewes5
sp deo / dij 1 rh few Luc 24
Devonshire n > morn-dew
deux Fr adj m ˈdevənˌʃəɪɹ
dø dew v
sp Deuonshire1
sp deux , diux 1 dju:
devote / ~d v sp dew4, dewe1
devant Fr prep dɪˈvo:t / -ɪd rh strew RJ 5.3.14
dəˈvɑ̃ sp deuote2 / deuoted2
dewberr·y / ~ies n
sp deuant > true-devoted
m ˈdju:bəˌrəɪz
device / ~s n devoted adj sp dewberries1
dɪˈvəɪs / -ɪz dɪˈvo:tɪd rh 1 bees, courtesies, mulberries
MND 3.1.161; rh 2 arise, butterflies,
sp deuice31, deuise11 / deuices3, sp deuoted4
eyes, thighs MND 3.1.161
deuises2, deui-ses1
> point-device devotement n
dew-drop / ~s n
devil adj ˈdju:ˌdrɒp / -s
sp deuotement1
m ˈdɪvəl, dɛ:l sp dew drop1 / dew drops1
devotion / ~’s n > drop
sp diuell6
m dɪˈvo:sɪən, -ɪˌɒn / -ɪənz dew-dropping adj
devil / ~’s / ~s / ~s’ n sp deuotion18 / deuotions1
m ˈdɪvəl, dɛ:l, Evans MW ˈdju:ˌdrɒpɪn, -ɪŋ
sp dew dropping1
.. ˈtevɪl / -z


dewlap n sp dyall hand1 Dickie n

ˈdju:lap rh stand S 104.9 ˈdɪkəɪ
sp dewlop1 dialogue n sp Dickie1

dewlap / ~ped v m ˈdəɪəˌlɒg, ˈdəɪl- Dickon n

ˈdju:lapt sp dialogue7 ˈdɪkən
sp dew-lapt2 diamond / ~s n sp Dickon1

dewy adj m ˈdəɪəˌmɒnd, ˈdəɪmənd / -z dictator n

ˈdju:əɪ sp diamond13 / diamonds4 dɪkˈtɛ:təɹ
sp dewy1 Dian / ~’s n sp dictator1

dexter adj ˈdəɪən / -z Dictynna n

ˈdekstəɹ sp Dian12, Diane1, Dyan1 / Dians5 dɪkˈtɪnə
sp dexter1 Diana / ~’s n sp LLL 4.2.36 emend of dictisima2,
Dull’s dictima1
dexteriously adv dəɪˈanə, dɪ- / -z
dekˈsterɪəsləɪ sp Diana15 / Dianaes2, dianas2, did, didst
Diana’s2 > do
sp dexteriously1
diaper n Dido / ~’s n
dexterity n
ˈdəɪpəɹ ˈdəɪdo: / -z
m dekˈsterɪˌtəɪ, -ɪt-, -ˈsteɹtəɪ
sp diaper1 sp Dido11 / Didoes1, Dido’s1
sp dexteritie3, dexterity2
rh majesty Luc 1389 dibble n die n
di Lat = dəɪ
> deus sp dible1 sp dye1
pun KJ 2.1.323 dye
diable Fr interj dice n
ˈdjablə dəɪs die / ~est / ~s / dying / died /
sp diable4 sp dice10 ~est v
rh nice LLL 5.2.233, 326 dəɪ / -st, ˈdəɪəst / -z / ˈdəɪɪn,
diablo Sp interj -ɪŋ / dəɪd / -st
dice / ~d v
dɪˈablo: sp die184, dye271 / diest8, di’st1,
sp diablo1 1 dyest10, dy’st2 / dies47, dyes31 /
sp dic’d
dying20 / di’d4, dide8, di’de6, died25,
diadem n dy’d9, dyde1, dy’de17, dyed31, dy-ed2
dicer / ~s’ n
m ˈdəɪəˌdem, ˈdəɪd- / dyed’st1
10 3 ˈdəɪsəɹz
sp diadem , diademe rh 1 ay R2 3.3.174; by H8 3.1.14; cry
sp dicers1 LLL 5.2.254, TC 3.1.118; deny AY
dial / ~’s / ~s n 4.3.64; eye CE 2.1.115, Luc 274, 1477,
dich [do it] v
m ˈdəɪɑl, dəɪl / -z MW 5.5.47, Per 1.1.34, R2 1.2.73, RJ
dɪtʃ 1.2.50, 89, S 9.3, 25.8, TC 5.7.8; eye,
sp diall5, dyall1 / dialls1, dials2 /
dialls2 sp dich1 I Luc 1139; fly AW 2.1.168, 1H6
rh denial, trial Luc 327 4.5.20, 45, 54, 4.6.47, 3H6 4.4.35, Luc
Dick n 231, RJ 3.1.175; high Per 1.1.149, R2
dialect n = 5.5.112; I AW 1.3.154, 1H6 4.5.51, LLL
m ˈdəɪəˌlekt, ˈdəɪl- sp Dick1, Dicke8 4.3.207, MM 4.3.79, RJ 3.5.11, TS
2 rh trick LLL 5.2.464 3.1.76, VA 1017; lie CE 3.2.51, Cym
sp dialect
4.4.51, 2H4 4.2.239, MA 4.1.152, RJ 2.
dial-hand S n dickens n Chorus.3, S 81.6, 92.12, TN 2.3.103,
= VA 246; sky MND 5.1.298; testify Per
ˈdəɪɑl-ˈand, -ˈhand
sp dickens1 Prol.39; thereby S 11.14; try AW
2.1.186, R2 1.1.185; rh 2 custody,


jealousy CE 1.1.155; dignity S 94.10; sp different9 dignif·y / ~ies / ~ied v

eternity Ham 1.2.72; infamy, livery rh excellent RJ 2.3.10 m ˈdɪgnɪˌfəɪ / -z / -d
Luc 1052; iniquity Luc 1686; jealousy > indifferent
sp dignifie2 / dignifies2 / dignified4
CE 2.1.115; loyalty R3 3.3.2; memory
differing adj rh dyed S 101.4; hide, pride Luc 660;
S 1.2; misery 1H6 3.2.136; philosophy
misapplied RJ 2.3.18
LLL 1.1.31; presently Tit 5.1.145; ˈdɪfrɪn, -ɪŋ, -fər-
property AW 2.1.188; remedy RJ sp differing1 dignit·y / ~ies n
3.5.243, 4.1.66; willingly TN 5.1.131 /
eyes Luc 1652; eyes, lies MV 3.2.68; difficile Fr adj m ˈdɪgnɪˌtəɪ, -nɪt- / -z
implies AW 1.3.212; lies KJ 3.1.338, sp dignitie16, dignity19 / dignities14
Luc 1485, MA 5.3.6, R2 5.3.69, VA rh 1 be Cym 4.2.4; be, he Cym 5.4.57;
sp difficile1 mutiny RJ Prol.1; quantity MND
803; lies, skies Luc 508 / flying TNK
1.5.3 / pride 1H6 4.7.15; side Luc 379 1.1.233; revelry AY 5.4.173; sover-
difficult adj
> a-dying, dead eignty LLL 4.3.234; rh 2 die S 94.12;
ˈdɪfkəlt, -fɪk- eye Luc 437
dies mock Lat TN .. sp difficult1
ˈdi:ez digress / ~ing v
difficult·y / ~ies n dɪˈgres / -ɪn, -ɪŋ
sp dies
m ˈdɪfkəltəɪ, -ˌtəɪ, -fɪk- / -z sp digresse2 / digressing1
diet n sp difficultie1, difficulty2 /
difficulties2 digressing adj
sp diet , dyet 4 dɪˈgresɪn, -ɪŋ
diffidence n
sp digressing1
diet / ~ed v m ˈdɪfɪˌdens
sp diffidence2 digression n
ˈdəɪət / -ɪd
2 3 3
sp diet , dyet / dieted , dyeted 1 dɪˈgresɪən
diffuse / ~est v
> lust-dieted sp digression2
dieter n sp diffusest1 dig-you-den greeting
ˈdəɪətəɹ ˌdɪgjəˈden
diffused adj
sp dieter1 sp dig-you-den1
m dɪˈfju:zɪd
Dieu Fr n sp diffused1 dii Lat
djø, Pistol H ..ff dju: dig / ~ging / ~ged v
> deus
sp Dieu11, Du1, Pistol Dewe3
= / dɪɡɪn, -ɪŋ / Fluellen H dilate v
differ / ~s / ~ing v .. dɪgt dɪˈlɛ:t
ˈdɪfəɹ / -z / ˈdɪfrɪn, -ɪŋ, -fər- sp dig2, digge7 / digging1 / dig’d2, sp dilate2
digg’d6, Fluellen digt1
sp differ2 / differs3, dif-fers1 / dilated adj
differing1, diffring1
digest / ~ed v dɪˈlɛ:tɪd
difference / ~s n dɪˈdʒest / -ɪd sp dilated3
m ˈdɪfəˌrens, -fərəns, -frəns / -ɪz sp digest12 / digested5
> disgest dilation / ~s n
sp difference32, dif-ference2,
diffe-rence1, diff ’rence1 /
digestion / ~s n sp dilations1
differences6, differe[n]ces1
rh excellence S 105.8
m dɪˈdʒestɪən, -ɪˌɒn /
-tɪˌɒnz dilatory adj
differency n 6
sp digestion / digestions 1 ˈdɪləˌtɒrəɪ
ˈdɪfrənsəɪ > disgestion sp dilatory2
sp differency
Dighton n dildo / ~s n
different adj ˈdəɪtən ˈdɪldo:z
m ˈdɪfəˌrent, -fərənt, -frənt sp Dighton3 sp dil-do’s1


dilemma / ~s n diminutive / ~s n dinner / ~s n

dɪˈlemə / -z dɪˈmɪnɪˌtɪvz, -ɪnjə- ˈdɪnəɹ / -z
sp delemma1 / dilemma’s1 sp diminitiues1, diminutiues1 sp dinner82, dinners [dinner is]2 /
diligence n dimmed adj rh sinner CE 2.2.196; win her
m ˈdɪlɪˌdʒens, -dʒəns = TS 1.2.215
sp diligence7, dilligence2 sp dimn’d1 > after-dinner
rh expense Per 3.Chorus.19; offence,
thence Luc 1853 dimming n dinner-time n
ˈdɪmɪn, -ɪŋ ˈdɪnəɹ-ˌtəɪm
diligent adj sp dimming1 sp dinner time10
m ˈdɪlɪˌdʒent, -dʒənt > time
sp diligent5, dilligent1 dimple / ~d adj
= dint n
diluculum / ~o Lat n sp dimpled 3 =
Lat dɪˈlʊkjʊlo: sp dint2
sp deliculo 1 dimple VA / ~s n rh print VA 354
= > undinted
dim adj sp dimple1 / dimples1
= Diomedes / Diomed / ~’s n
rh simple VA 242
4 5
sp dim , dimme , dimne , dym 1 1 dəɪˈɒmɪˌdi:z / ˈdəɪə-ˌmed / -z
rh trim TNK 1.1.9 din n sp Diomedes5, Diome-des1 /
= Diomed41, Diomede1, Dio-mede1,
dim / ~s / ~med v Diomed’s [Diomed is]1 /
sp din2, dinne5, dyn1
= Diomeds2
rh Mytilene Per 5.2.7 [Chorus];
sp dim1, dimme3 / dims1 / rh head TC 4.4.135, 5.2.189
wherein Cym 5.4.111
dine / ~s / ~d v Dion n
rh untrimmed S 18.6
dəɪn / -z / -d ˈdəɪən
dimension / ~s n sp Dion6
sp dine25 / dines2 / din’d13, din’de1,
dɪˈmɛ:nsɪən / -z dined2, dyn’d1
dip / ~s / ~ping / ~ped /
sp dimension2 / dimensions2, rh fine LLL 1.1.61
dementions1 > half-dine
~pedest v
= / = / ˈdɪpɪn, -ɪŋ / = / dɪpst,
diminish / ~ed v dîner Fr v -pdst
= diˈne sp dip2 / dips1 / dipping1 / dipt1 /
sp diminish2 / diminish’d1 sp diner 1
rh finish AY 5.4.136 / unfinished
VA 417 ding-a-ding-ding interj dire / ~est adj
= dəɪɹ / m -st, ˈdəɪrəst
diminishing n sp ding a ding, ding1 sp dire13, dyre3 / dyr’st1, direst1
m dɪˈmɪnɪˌʃɪn, -ɪŋ rh sing, spring AY 5.3.19, 25, 31, 37
sp diminishing1 dire / dis / dit / dites Fr v
ding-dong interj di:ɹ / di / di, dit when followed
diminution n = by il / dit
ˌdɪmɪˈnju:sɪən sp ding dong1; ding, dong2; sp dire1 / de / dict1, dit4 / dites2
sp diminution2 ding-dong1
direct adj
diminutive adj dining-chamber / ~s n =
dɪˈmɪnɪˌtɪv, -ɪnjə- ˈdəɪnɪn-ˌtʃambəɹ, -ɪŋ- / -z sp direct15
sp diminitiue1, diminutiue1 sp dyning-chamber1 / dy-ning > indirect
> chamber


direct / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v Dis / ~’s n disaster v

= / = / dɪˈrektɪn, -ɪŋ / = dɪs / ˈdɪsɪz dɪsˈastəɹ
sp direct19 / directs1 / directing1 / sp Dis1 / Dysses1 sp disaster1
rh unrespected S 43.4 disability n disastrous adj
m ˌdɪsəˈbɪlɪˌtəɪ dɪsˈastrəs
direction / ~s n sp disabilitie1 sp disastrous1
dɪˈreksɪən / -z
sp direction23 / directions5, disab·le / ~led v disbench / ~ed v
directi-ons1 dɪsˈɛ:bəl / m dɪsˈɛ:bəld, -lɪd dɪsˈbenʃt
rh complexion VA 216 sp disable2 / disabled1, S disabled1 sp disbench’d1, dis-bench’d1
rh strumpeted S 66.8 > bench
direction-giver n
dɪˈreksɪən-ˌɡɪvəɹ disabling n disburse / ~d v
sp direction-giuer 1 dɪsˈɛ:blɪn, -ɪŋ dɪsˈbɐ:ɹs / m -ɪd, -t
> giver sp disabling1 sp disburse1 / disbursed2,
directitude n disadvantage n
dɪˈrektɪˌtju:d ˌdɪsədˈvantɪdʒ disburthen / ~ed v
sp directitude 2 1
sp disaduantage , dis-aduantage 1 dɪsˈbɐ:ɹðənd
> advantage sp disburthen’d1
directive n
= disagree v discandering n
sp directiue1 = dɪsˈkandrɪn, -ɪŋ, -dər-
sp disagree1 sp discandering1
directly adv > agree
dɪˈrekləɪ, -ktləɪ discandy v
27 2
sp directly , di-rectly , direct-ly 1 disallow v dɪsˈkandəɪ
ˌdɪsəˈləʊ sp dis-candie1
direful adj sp disallow 1

ˈdəɪɹfʊl discard / ~ed v

sp direfull7
disanimate / ~s v dɪsˈkɑ:ɹd / -ɪd
dɪsˈanɪˌmɛ:ts sp discard3 / discarded5, dis-carded1
dire-lamenting adj sp dis-animates1
ˈdəɪɹ-ləˌmentɪn, -ɪŋ discase v
sp dire-lamenting 1 disannul / ~s v dɪsˈkɛ:s
> lament ˌdɪsəˈnɤl / -z sp discase1, dis-case1
1 1
sp disanull /disanulls > case
direness n
ˈdəɪɹnəs disappointed adj discern / ~est / ~s / ~ing /
sp direnesse 1 ˌdɪsəˈpəɪntɪd ~ed v
sp disappointed1 dɪˈsɐ:ɹn / -st / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d
dirge / ~s n sp discerne7 / discern’st1 /
dɐ:ɹdʒ / ˈdɐ:ɹdʒɪz disarm / ~eth / ~ed v decernes1, discernes1 /
sp dirge1 / dyrges1 dɪsˈɑ:ɹm / -əθ / -d [eye]-discerning1 / discern’d1
sp disarme3 / disarmeth1 / rh learn Luc 619
dirt n disarm’d1 > undiscernable
dɐ:ɹt rh warmed S 154.8
sp dirt3, durt7 discerner n
disaster / ~s n dɪˈsɐ:ɹnəɹ
dirty adj dɪsˈastəɹ / -z sp discerner1
ˈdɐ:ɹtəɪ sp disaster4 / disasters5
sp dirtie1, dirty1, durtie2, durty3


discerning / ~s n discolour / ~s v discontinue / ~d v

dɪˈsɐ:ɹnɪnz, -ɪŋz dɪsˈkɤləɹ / -z =
sp discernings1 sp discolour1 / discolours1 sp discontinue1 / discontinued1
> colour
discharge n discord / ~s n
dɪsˈtʃɑ:ɹdʒ discoloured adj ˈdɪskɔ:ɹd / -z
sp discharge6, dis-charge1 dɪsˈkɤləɹd sp discord16, dis-cord1 / discords4,
sp discolour’d1, discoloured2 dis-cords1
discharg·e / ~ed / ~ing v
dɪsˈtʃɐ:ɹdʒ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / m -d, -ɪd discomfit / ~ed v discordant adj
sp discharge24 / discharging1 / dɪsˈkɤmfɪt / -ɪd dɪsˈkɔ:ɹdənt
dischargd1, discharg’d12, discharged4 sp discomfite1 / discomfited4 sp discordant1
> still-discordant
disciple / ~s n discomfiture n
dɪˈsəɪpəl / -z dɪsˈkɤmfɪtəɹ discourse / ~s n
sp disciples1 sp discomfiture1 dɪsˈkɔ:ɹs / -ɪz
sp discourse44 / discourses2
disciple / ~d v discomfort n / v > love-discourse
dɪˈsəɪpəld dɪsˈkɤmfəɹt
sp discipled1 sp discomfort5 / discomfort3
discourse / ~s / ~d v
dɪsˈkɔ:ɹs / -ɪz / m -ɪd
discipline / ~s n discomfortable adj sp discourse13 / discourses2 /
m ˈdɪsɪplɪn, -ˌplɪn / -ɪplɪnz m dɪsˈkɤmfəɹˌtabəl discoursed2
sp discipline14, dis-cipline1 / sp discomfortable1 > dumb-discoursive
discommend v discourser n
discipline / ~d v = dɪsˈkɔ:ɹsəɹ
m ˈdɪsɪplɪnd, -ˌplɪnd sp discom-mend1 sp discourser1
sp disciplin’d
disconsolate adj discourtesy n
disclaim / ~est / ~s / ~ing / m dɪsˈkɒnsəˌlɛ:t m dɪsˈkɔ:ɹtəˌsəɪ
~ed v sp disconsolate1 sp discourtesie1
dɪsˈklɛ:m / -st / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d > consolate > courtesy
sp disclaim1, disclaime1 /
discontent / ~s n discover / ~s / ~ed v
disclaim’st1 / disclaimes1 /
disclaiming1 / disclaim’d1 = dɪsˈkɤvəɹ / -z / m -ɪd, -d
sp discontent13 / discontents6 sp discouer33, disco-uer1 /
disclaiming n rh accident S 124.7; bent S 143.8; discouers3, dis-couers1 / discouerd1,
dɪsˈklɛ:mɪn, -ɪŋ detriment, spent Luc 1580; event, discouer’d6, discouered8,
sp disclaiming1 spent Luc 1601 / events VA 1161 dis-couered1
> content rh lover TG 2.1.158
disclose n > undiscovered
dɪsˈklo:z discontented adj
= discoverer / ~s n
sp disclose1
sp discontented13
dɪsˈkɤvrəɹz, -vər-
disclose / ~s / ~d v sp discouerers1
dɪsˈklo:z / -ɪz / -d discontentedly adv
ˌdɪskənˈtentɪdləɪ discover·y / ~ies n
sp disclose3 / discloses1 / disclos’d7,
sp discontentedly 1 m dɪsˈkɤvrəɪ, -vər-, əˌrəɪ /
rh roses S 54.8 / disposed LLL -vrəɪz
2.1.237, 5.2.467 discontenting adj sp discouerie4, discouery8,
ˌdɪskənˈtentɪn, -ɪŋ discou’rie1 / discoueries1, discoue-ries2
sp discontenting1 rh quality, uncertainly Luc 1314


discredit / ~s n disdainful adj sp disgrace31 / disgraces1 /

= dɪsˈdɛ:nfʊl disgraces5
rh base 1H6 4.6.20; case R2 1.1.133;
sp discredits1 sp disdainefull2, disdainful1,
face Luc 479, 827, R2 1.1.194, 2.1.168,
> credit disdainfull6
S 33.8, 34.8, 103.8, 127.8; face, place
discredit / ~ed v disdainfully adv Luc 802

= dɪsˈdɛ:nfləɪ, -fəl- disgrac·e / ~ing / ~ed v

sp discredit4, discredite1 / sp disdainfully1 dɪsˈɡrɛ:s / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / m -t, -ɪd
disease / ~d adj sp disgrace9 / disgracing1 /
discreet disgrac’d9, dis-grac’d1, disgraced1
adj m dɪsˈi:zd, -zɪd rh disgrace it chase it VA 412 /
= sp dis-eas’d5, diseased2 chased Luc 1833; chased, defaced
sp discreet6, discreete1 Luc 718; misplaced S 66.7
rh sweet RJ 1.1.193 disease / ~s n > all-disgraced, grace
> indiscreet dɪsˈi:z / dɪsˈi:zɪz
sp disease29 / diseases20, dis-eases1 disgraced adj
discreetly adv rh please S 147.2 / eases TC 5.10.57 m dɪsˈɡrɛ:st
dɪsˈkri:tləɪ sp disgrac’d3
sp discreetly2 disedge / ~d v
= disgraceful adj
discretion / ~s n sp disedg’d1 dɪsˈɡrɛ:sfʊl
dɪsˈkresɪən / -z sp disgracefull1
sp discretion31 / discretions3 disembark v
ˌdɪsɪmˈbɑ:ɹk disgracious adj
discretion-answer n sp dis-embarque1, disimbarke1 dɪsˈɡrɛ:sɪəs
dɪsˈkresɪən-ˈansəɹ sp disgracious2
sp discretion-answere1 disfigure / ~d v
> answer dɪsˈfɪgəɹ / -d, -ɪd disguise / ~s n
sp disfigure5 / disfigur’d1, disfigured1 dɪsˈɡəɪz / -ɪz
discuss v > figure sp disguise11 / disguises2
sp discusse6 disfurnish v disguis·e / ~ing / ~ed v
dɪsˈfɐ:ɹnɪʃ dɪsˈɡəɪz / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d
disdain n sp disfurnish2 sp disguise6 / disguising1 / disguis’d1
dɪsˈdɛ:n > furnish rh arise, eyes Luc 1815
sp disdain17
disgest / ~ed v disguised adj
disdain / ~est / ~s / ~eth / dɪsˈdʒest / -ɪd dɪsˈɡəɪzd
~ing/ ~ed v sp disgest2 / disgested1 sp disguis’d12, dis-guisd1, disguisde1,
dɪsˈdɛ:n / -st / -z / -əθ / -ɪn, > digest disguised5
-ɪŋ / m -d, -ɪd rh advised LLL 5.2.301, 433; anat-
disgestion / ~s n omized Luc 1452; surprised LLL
sp disdain12 / disdainst1 /
disdaines4, dis-daines1 / disdaineth1
dɪsˈdʒestɪənz 5.2.83; well-advised CE 2.2.224
/ disdaining3, disdayning1 / sp disgestions1
disdain’d1, disdained2 > digestion disguised n
rh again VA 501; again, pain Luc 691; dɪsˈɡəɪzd
chain VA 112; gain, pain PP 15.11;
disgorge v sp disguised1
pain 3H6 3.3.127, S 132.2, 140.2; rein dɪsˈɡɔ:ɹdʒ rh despised MM 3.2.268
VA 33, 394; remain Luc 521; slain VA sp disgorge3
241, 761; disdain him complain him, > gorge disguiser n
entertain him Luc 844; disdain me dɪsˈɡəɪzəɹ
entertain me CE 3.1.121 / staineth disgrace / ~’s / ~s n sp disguiser1
S 33.13 dɪsˈɡrɛ:s / -ɪz


disguising adj dishonored2, dis-honored2, dislodge / ~d v

dɪsˈɡəɪzɪn, -ɪŋ dishonour’d3, dishonoured5 =
rh bred, dead Luc 1185
sp disguising1 sp dislodg’d1
dishonourable adj > lodge
dish / ~es n
m dɪsˈɒnəˌrabəl, -ərəb- disloyal adj
34 1 9 sp dis-honorable2, dishonourable4 dɪsˈləɪəl
sp dish , [Dutch]-dish / dishes ,
[china]-dishes1 dishonoured adj sp disloyall12
rh fish CE 3.1.23, Cym 4.2.35, > loyal
m dɪsˈɒnəɹd, -əˌrɪd
Tem 2.2.179; wish LLL 4.3.80
> clack-, tun-dish sp dishonor’d2, dishonour’d1, disloyalty n
dishonoured2 m dɪsˈləɪəlˌtəɪ
dish / ~ed v > undishonoured
sp disloyaltie1
= dis-horn v rh eye CE 3.2.11
sp dish’d1
dɪsˈɔ:ɹn, -ˈhɔ:- dismal / ~lest adj
dishabit / ~ed v sp dis-horne1 ˈdɪzmɑl / -st
dɪsˈabɪtɪd, -ˈha- > horn
sp dismall19 / dismall’st1,
sp dishabited disinherit / ~ed v dismal’st1

dish-clout n ˌdɪsɪnˈerɪt, -ˈhe- / -ɪd dismantle / ~d v

ˈdɪʃ-ˌkləʊt sp disinherit1, dis-inherite2 / =
disinherited1, dis-inherited2
sp dish-clout1, dishclout1 sp dismantle1, dis-mantle1 /
> inherit
dishearten / ~s v disjoin / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v > mantle
dɪsˈɑ:ɹtən, -ˈhɑ:- / -z dɪsˈdʒəɪn / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d
sp dis-hearten1 / dis-heartens1
dismask / ~ed v
sp dis-ioyne1 / dis-ioynes1 / dɪsˈmaskt
> hearten
disioyning1 / dis-ioyn’d1
sp dismaskt1
dishonest adj > join
> mask
= disjoint adj
sp dishonest10, dis-honest1
dismay / ~ed adj
> honest 1 1
sp disioynt , dis-ioynt
sp dismaid5, dismay’d2, dismayde1,
dishonestly adv disjunction n dismayed1
m dɪsˈɒnɪstˌləɪ dɪsˈdʒɤŋksɪən rh afraid VA 896; aid R3 5.3.175;
sp dishonestly2 displayed Luc 273
sp disiunction1
dishonesty n dismay n
dislike / ~s n
m dɪsˈɒnɪsˌtəɪ, -st- dɪsˈmɛ:
dɪsˈləɪk / -s
sp dishonestie1, dishonesty3 sp dismaie1, dismay3
sp dislike7 / dislikes1 rh away Ham 4.1.45; day
dishonour / ~’s / ~s n > like MV 1.3.177; fray MV 3.2.61
dɪsˈɒnəɹ / -z dislike / ~est / ~s / ~n v dismay / ~ed v
sp dishonor17, dis-honor3, dɪsˈləɪk / -st / -s / -ən
dishonour8, dis-honour1 /
dɪsˈmɛ: / -d
sp dislike8 / dislik’st2 / dislikes2 / sp dismay2 / dismay’d1
dishonours1 / dishonors1
> honour
disme / ~s n
dislimn / ~s v
dishonour / ~s / ~ed v dəɪmz
dɪsˈɒnəɹ / -z / -d sp dismes1
sp dislimes1
sp dishonor3, dishonour8 /
dishonors2 / dishonor’d3, dis-honor’d1,


dismember / ~ed v disorderly adv sp displace2 / displac’d3

dɪsˈmembəɹ / -d dɪsˈɔ:ɹdəɹləɪ > place

sp dismember2 / dismembred1 sp disorderly1 displant v

dismiss / ~ing / ~ed v disparage v dɪsˈplant
= / dɪsˈmɪsɪn, -ɪŋ / = = sp displant1
> plant
sp dismisse23 / dismissing1 / sp disparage2
dismiss’d5, dismist2 displanting n
disparagement / ~s n
dismissed adj dɪsˈplantɪn, -ɪŋ
m dɪsˈmɪst, -sɪd sp displanting1
sp disparagement2 /
sp dismis’d1, dismissed1 disparagements1 display / ~ed v
dismission n dispark / ~ed v dɪsˈplɛ: / -d
dɪsˈmɪsɪən dɪsˈpɑ:ɹkt sp display3 / displaid2, displaied1,
2 1 displayd2, display’d2, displayed1
sp dismission sp dis-park’d
rh day Luc 118 / dismayed Luc 272
dismount / ~ed v dispatch / ~ed v displease / ~d v
dɪsˈməʊnt / -ɪd = =
sp dismount2 / dismounted1, sp dispach1, dispatch68 /
sp displease4 / displeas'd8,
dismoun-ted1 dispatch’d11, dispatcht9
rh fount LC 281 rh catch S 143.3
rh Antipodes MND 3.2.54
disnatured adj dispensation n > pleasure

dɪsˈnɛ:təɹd ˌdɪspənˈsɛ:sɪən displeasing adj

sp disnatur’d1 sp dispensation2 dɪsˈpli:zɪn, -ɪŋ
> nature rh disputation Luc 248
sp displeasing2
disobedience n dispense / ~s v displeasure / ~s n
= = dɪsˈplezəɹ / -z
sp disobedience7, diso-bedience1 sp dispence4, dispense3 / dispenses1
sp displeasure39, dis-pleasure1 /
rh conscience Tim 3.2.88; hence CE
disobedient adj displeasures3
2.1.103; hence, negligence Luc 1279;
= offence Luc 1070, 1704; sense disport / ~s n
sp disobedient1 S 112.12
disobey / ~s v disperse / ~d v sp disports1
ˌdɪsəˈbɛ: / -z dɪsˈpɐ:ɹs / m -t, -ɪd disport v
sp disobey3 / disobeyes1 sp disperse10 / disperc’t1, dispersd1,
> obey dispers’d5, dispersed1, disperst3,
dispierc’d1, dis-pursed1 sp disport2
disorbed adj rh verse S 78.4 / hearsed Luc 658 > sport
dɪsˈɔ:ɹbd > ill-dispersing
dispose n
sp disorb’d1
dispersedly adv dɪsˈpo:z
disorder / ~s n dɪsˈpɐ:ɹsɪdləɪ sp dispose6
dɪsˈɔ:ɹdəɹ / -z sp dispersedly 1
dispose / ~d v
sp disorder7, diorder’s [disorder is]1
/ disorders3 dispiteous m dɪsˈpo:z / -d, -ɪd
> order > despiteous sp dispose16 / disposd2, dispos’d16,
disposde1, disposed1
disordered adj displace / ~d v rh disclosed LLL 2.1.236, 5.2.466
dɪsˈɔ:ɹdəɹd dɪsˈplɛ:s / -t
sp disorder’d6, disordered1


disposed adj disprized adj disquiet n

m dɪsˈpo:zɪd ˈdɪsprəɪzd dɪsˈkwəɪət
sp disposed1 sp dispriz’d1 sp disquiet3
> ill-, un-, well-disposed > quiet
dispropert·y / ~ied v
disposer n dɪsˈprɒpəɹtəɪd disquietly adv
dɪsˈpo:zəɹ sp dispropertied 1 dɪsˈkwəɪətləɪ
sp disposer2, disposer’s [disposer > property sp disquietly1
disproportion / ~s n disrelish v
dispos·er / ~é Fr v ˌdɪsprəˈpɔ:ɹsɪən / -z =
dispoˈze sp dis-proportion1 / disproportions1 sp disrellish1
sp disposee1 > proportion > relish

disposing n disproportion / ~ed v disrobe v

dɪsˈpo:zɪn, -ɪŋ ˌdɪsprəˈpɔ:ɹsɪən / -d dɪsˈro:b
sp disposing4 sp disproportioned1 sp disrobe3
> true-disposing > robe
disproportioned adj
disposition / ~s n ˌdɪsprəˈpɔ:ɹsɪənd dis-seat v
ˌdɪspəˈzɪsɪən / -z sp disproportion’d1 =
sp disposition40, dis-position2, sp dis-eate1
dispo-sition1, dispositi-on1 / disprove / ~st / ~d v > seat
dispositions4, Evans MW 3.1.21 dɪsˈprɤv, -u:v / -st / m -ɪd
dispositions [disposition]1 sp disprooue1, disproue3 /
dissemble / ~d v
rh imposition Luc 1695 disproou’st1 / disproued1 =
> indisposition > prove sp dissemble11 / dissembled2
rh tremble VA 641
dispossess / ~ing / ~ed v dispunge v
ˌdɪspəˈzes / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -t dɪsˈpɤndʒ dissembler / ~s n
sp dispossesse3, dis-possesse1 / sp dispunge1 dɪˈsembləɹ / -z
dispossessing1 / dispossest1 sp dissembler2 / dissemblers1
> possess disputable adj
m ˈdɪspjəˌtabəl dissembling adj / n
dispraise n 1 dɪˈsemblɪn, -ɪŋ
sp disputeable
dɪsˈprɛ:z sp dissembling12 / dissembling2
sp dispraise disputation / ~s n
rh days LLL 4.3.262 m ˌdɪspjəˈtɛ:sɪən, -ɪˌɒn / -ɪənz dissembly n
> praise dɪˈsembləɪ
sp disputation2 / disputations1
rh dispensation Luc 246; reputation sp dissembly1
disprais·e / ~ing / ~ed v
Luc 822
dɪsˈprɛ:z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d dissension / ~s n
sp dispraise3, disprayse2 / disput·e / ~est / ~s / ~ing / dɪˈsensɪən / -z
dispraising2 / disprais’d2, disprays’d1 ~d v sp dissention9 / dissentions1
dispraisingly adv = / dɪsˈpju:ts, -tst / =
/ dɪsˈpju:tɪn, -ɪŋ / = dissentious adj
dɪsˈprɛ:zɪnˌləɪ, -ɪŋ- dɪˈsensɪəs
sp dispute4 / disputes1 / disputes1 /
sp dispraisingly1
disputing1 / disputed1 sp dissentious4
disprize / ~ing v dissever / ~ed v
disquantity v
dɪsˈprəɪzɪn, -ɪŋ dɪˈsevəɹ / -d
m dɪsˈkwɒntɪˌtəɪ
sp disprising1
sp disquantity1 sp disseuer2 / disseuer’d1
> prize
> quantity


dissolute adj distasteful adj distinctly adv

ˈdɪsəˌlu:t dɪsˈtastfʊl dɪsˈtɪŋkləɪ, -ktl-
sp dissolute3 sp distastefull1 sp distinctly6, di-stinctly1

dissolutely adv distemper n distingué Fr adj

ˌdɪsəˈlu:tləɪ dɪsˈtempəɹ distɛ̃ˈɡe
sp dissolutely3 sp distemper8, di-stemper1, sp distime1
dissolution n distinguish / ~es / ~ed v
ˌdɪsəˈlu:sɪən distemperature / ~s n =
sp dissolution3 m dɪsˈtemprətəɹ, -ˌtu:ɹ, -pər- / sp distinguish8 / distinguishes1 /
rh absolution, resolution -prəˌtu:ɹz, -pər- distinguish’d2, distinguisht1
Luc 355 sp distemperature3, distemprature1 > indistinguished,
/ distemperatures1 undistinguishable
dissolve / ~s / ~ed v rh assure RJ 2.3.36
dɪˈsɒlv, -ˈzɒ- / -z / m -d, -ɪd distinguishment n
8 2 4
sp dissolue / dissolues / dissolu’d , distempered adj =
dissolued2 dɪsˈtempəɹd sp distinguishment1
7 2
sp distemp’red , distempered
dissuade / ~d v distract adj
dɪˈswɛ:d / -ɪd distempering adj =
sp disswade6 / disswaded2 dɪsˈtemprɪn, -ɪŋ, -pər- sp distract7
sp distempring
distaff / ~s n distract / ~s / ~ed v
ˈdɪstaf / -s distil / ~led v =
sp distaffe3 / distaffes1 = / dɪsˈtɪld sp distract2 / distracts1 / distracted1,
4 1 1
sp distill / destil’d , distil’d , distra-cted1
distaff-women n distill’d3, Ham 1.2.204 emend of bestil’d1
ˈdɪstaf-ˈwɪmɪn rh filled AY 3.2.140; self-killed S 6.2
distracted adj
sp distaffe-women 1 =
distillation n sp distracted12, distra-cted1
distain / ~s v ˌdɪstɪˈlɛ:sɪən
dɪˈstɛ:n / -z sp distillation1
distractedly adv
sp distaine1 / distaines1 m dɪsˈtraktɪdˌləɪ
rh again, pain Luc 786 distilled adj sp distractedly1
m dɪsˈtɪld, -lɪd
distained adj sp distil’d1, distill’d1, distilled1
distraction / ~s n
dɪˈstɛ:nd dɪsˈtraksɪən, -ɪˌɒn / -z
sp distain’d1 distilling adj sp distraction11 / distractions2
dɪsˈtɪlɪn, -ɪŋ
distance n sp distilling1
distrain / ~ed v
= dɪsˈtrɛ:nd
sp distance14, di-stance2 distilment n sp distraynd1, distrayn’d1
distant adj sp distilment1
distraught adj
= dɪsˈtrɔ:t
sp distant3 distinct adj sp distraught2
m ˈdɪstɪŋkt, dɪsˈtɪŋkt
distast·e / ~ing v sp distinct3
distress / ~es n
dɪsˈtast / -ɪn, -ɪŋ =
sp distaste4 / distasting1 distinction n sp distres1, distresse12 /
dɪsˈtɪŋksɪən distresses2
sp distinction10


distressed adj dit Fr diversely adv

m dɪsˈtresɪd, dɪsˈtrest, ˈdɪstrest > dire dɪˈvɐ:ɹsləɪ
sp distressed7, distrest5 sp diuersly1
rh breast Luc 465, VA 814
ditch / ~es n
= diversity n
distressful adj sp ditch5, [castle]-ditch1 / ditches2 m dɪˈvɐ:ɹsɪˌtəɪ
= > Moorditch sp diuersitie1
sp distressefull4
ditch / ~ed v divert / ~s / ~ed v
distribute / ~d v = dɪˈvɐ:ɹt / -s / -ɪd
= sp ditch’d1 sp diuert2 / diuerts2 / diuerted1
2 1
sp distribute / distributed
ditch-deliver / ~ed v diverted adj
distribution n ˈdɪtʃ-dɪˈlɪvəɹd dɪˈvɐ:ɹtɪd
m ˌdɪstrɪˈbju:sɪən, -ɪˌɒn sp ditch-deliuer’d1 sp diuerted1
sp distribution 2 > deliver
Dives n
distrust n / v ditch-dog n ˈdi:vɛ:z
dɪsˈtrɤst = sp Diues1
sp distrust / distrust 3 sp ditch-dogge1
rh v must Ham 3.2.174 > dog divest / ~ing v
dɪˈvest / -ɪn, -ɪŋ
distrustful adj ditcher / ~s n
sp deuest1, diuest1 / deuesting1
dɪsˈtrɤstfʊl ˈdɪtʃəɹz
sp distrustfull1 sp ditchers1 dividable adj
disturb / ~ing / ~ed v dites Fr
sp diuidable1
dɪsˈtɐ:ɹb / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d > dire
> in-, un-dividable
sp disturb1, disturbe9 / disturbing1 /
ditt·y / ~ies n dividant adj
disturb’d7, disturbed1
ˈdɪtəɪ / -z dɪˈvəɪdənt
disturbed adj sp dittie2, ditty2 / ditties2
sp diuidant1
dɪsˈtɐ:ɹbd rh pity PP 20.11; pretty PP 14.19;
witty VA 836 divide / ~s / ~th / Luc ~ing /
sp disturbed1
> late-disturbed ~d v
diurnal adj
dɪˈu:ɹnɑl dɪˈvəɪd / -z / -əθ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd
disturber / ~s n
sp deuide2, diuide22 / diuides3 /
dɪsˈtɐ:ɹbəɹz sp diurnall1
diuideth1 / deuiding1 / deuided1,
sp disturbers2 diuided12
dive / ~s / ~d v
rh applied, side LC 67; side 1H6
disunite v dəɪv / -z / -d
4.5.49, Luc 1737 / biding, hiding
ˌdɪsjəˈnəɪt sp diue7 / diues1 / diu’d1
Luc 551
rh drives Per 3.Chorus.49
sp disunite1
divided adj
disvalue / ~d diver n
v dɪˈvəɪdɪd
= ˈdəɪvəɹ
sp diuided4
sp diuer1
sp dis-valued1 > well-divided
> value
divers [several] adj divin Fr adj
disvouch / ~ed v ˈdəɪvəɹz dɪˈvɛ̃
dɪsˈvəʊtʃt sp diuers24
sp deuin1
sp disuouch'd


divination n divorce / ~d v does

ˌdɪvɪˈnɛ:sɪən dɪˈvɔ:ɹs / m -ɪd, -t str dɤz, du:z, unstr dəz
sp diuination3 sp diuorce8 / diuorced1, diuorc’d4 sp does148, doe’s13, dooes4,
rh imagination VA 670 doo’s2, dos1, do’s154
divorcement n rh glorious Per 2.Chorus.13
divine / ~st adj dɪˈvɔ:ɹsmənt
dɪˈvəɪn / -əst sp diuorcement1
doeth, doth
sp diuine39 / diuinest2 str ˈdu:əθ, du:θ, dɤθ, unstr
rh Collatine, incline Luc 291; Col- divulg·e / ~ing / ~ed v dəθ
latine, pine Luc 1164; eyne MND dɪˈvɤldʒ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / m -d, -ɪd sp doeth2, dooth2, doth847
3.2.137; mine CE 3.2.32, TG 2.1.4; sp divulge1 / divulging1 / divulg’d1, rh tooth TC 4.5.292
shine LLL 4.3.246, VA 730; shrine, divulged1
thine Luc 193; thine S 108.5 > un-, well-divulged doing
ˈdu:ɪn, -ɪŋ
divine / ~s n divulged adj sp doing43, dooing4
dɪˈvəɪn / -z m dɪˈvɤldʒɪd rh wooing TC 1.2.287, TS
sp diuine4 / diuines3 sp divulged1 2.1.74
> doing n; a-, harm-, ill-,
divine / ~s v dizzy adj / n over-doing
dɪˈvəɪn / -z ˈdɪzəɪ
sp diuine3 / diuines1 did
sp dizie1 / dizzie1
divinely adv Dizzy [name] n sp did1569, did’t [did it]1
dɪˈvəɪnləɪ ˈdɪzəɪ rh forbid LC 148
sp diuinely2 sp dizie1
divineness n dizzy-eyed adj dɪds, -t
dɪˈvəɪnəs ˈdɪzəɪ-ˌəɪd sp diddest1, didd’st11, didst111,
sp diuinenesse 1
sp dizzie-ey’d 1 did’st56
> eye
diviner n done
dɪˈvəɪnəɹ do v dɤn
sp diuiner1 str =, unstr də, d sp done635, don1, done’t [done
sp do 2371
, doe 1398 2
, doe’t [do it] , it]6, don’t [done it]6
divining adj doo7, doo’t [do it]53, do’t [do it]23, rh 1 begun Ham 4.3.69, R2
dɪˈvəɪnɪn, -ɪŋ informal de[’ye]1 [do ye], Scots de1 1.2.61, TN 5.1.403 [F sp begon],
sp diuining1 rh 1 thereunto Oth 2.1.140; through TS 1.1.251, VA 846; begun, sun
> ill-, true-divining Cor 2.3.123; to R2 5.5.99, WT 4.1.12; LC 11, Luc 23; one R2 1.1.183; run
too Cym 5.3.61, Ham 3.2.184, LLL LLL 5.2.483; son 1H6 4.3.38, 4.6.7,
divinity n 1.1.22, 5.2.204, MND 3.2.37, 149, 254, Mac 3.5.10, R2 1.3.223, 5.2.103,
m dɪˈvɪnɪˌtəɪ, -ɪt- R2 3.3.207, RJ 1.5.103, S 88.11, TNK R3 4.4.24, Tem 2.1.331, 4.1.94,
3.5.142, TS 1.2.223; woo LLL 5.2.298, Tit 1.1.344; sun CE 1.1.27, Cym
sp diuinitie4, diuinity4, di-uinity1
MND 2.1.241, 2.2.135, Tim 4.3.471; 4.2.260, Ham 4.5.66, Mac 1.1.3,
division / ~s n you Mac 3.5.12, Per 1.1.52, 2.5.26; S 24.9, 35.1, 59.8, TC 5.8.8, Tim
1.2.141, VA 197, 749, 802; won
m dɪˈvɪzɪən, -ɪˌɒn / dɪˈvɪzɪənz do it to it LLL 5.2.217; do’t shoot LLL
AW 4.2.65, 5.3.311, 332, 1H4
4.1.27; to’t Cor 2.3.117, Ham 4.5.61;
sp deuision5, diuision16 / diuisions2, 5.5.43, 1H6 4.5.27, Mac 1.1.3,
rh 2 go TN 2.3.107
diui-sions1 1.2.69, R2 4.1.195; rh 2 Amazon
> out-, un-do
rh confusion 1H6 4.1.193 3H6 4.1.104; gone JC 5.3.64, TN
2.3.101; on 3H6 4.1.104, KL
divorce n str ˈdu:əst, du:st, dɤst, unstr 1.4.202, MM 4.3.77, RJ 1.4.39;
dɪˈvɔ:ɹs dəst rh 3 afternoon AW 5.3.65; moon
sp diuorce13 sp doest25, dooest2, doost8, Ham 3.2.171; rh 4 sum S 24.9
doo’st10, dost240, do’st114, dos’t1 pun done RJ 1.4.39 dun, Dun


do nonsense syll sp dog42, [curtall]-dog1, dogge85, doing / ~s n

do: dogg’s [dog is]1 / dogges3, dogs1 / ˈdu:ɪn, -ɪŋ / -z
dogs13, [gentleman-like]-dogs1
sp do4 sp doing21 / doings5
rh frog Mac 4.1.15
> do
Dobbin / ~’s n > ditch-, Jack-, night-, puppy-,
watch-dog doit n
sp Dobbin / Dobbins 1
dog / ~s / ~ged v dəɪt
= sp doit5, doite1, doyt1
dock / ~s n sp dogge3 / dogges2 / dog’d2,
= dogg’d3
Doit [name] n
sp docke1 / docks1 dəɪt
dog-ape / ~s n sp Doit1
dock / ~s v ˈdɒɡ-ˌɛ:ps
= sp dog-apes1
Dolabella n
sp docks 1
> ape ˌdɒləˈbelə
sp Dolabella11, Dollabella3,
doctor / ~’s / ~s n Dogberry n Dollabello1
ˈdɒktəɹ / -z ˈdɒɡbrəɪ, -bər-
sp docter1, doctor69, do-ctor1, sp Dogbery2
dole n
[bully]-doctor1, doctour1, abbr doct1 do:l
/ doctors3 / doctors7 dog-days n sp dole9
doctrine n sp dog-dayes1
doleful adj
= > day ˈdo:lfʊl
sp doctrine8 sp dolefull4
dog-fish n
document n = Doll [name] n
= sp dog-fish 1 =
sp document1 > fish sp Dol15, Doll5

dodge v dog-fox n dollar / ~s n

= = ˈdɒləɹ / -z
sp dodge1 sp dog-foxe1 sp dollor1 / dollars1
> fox pun KJ 2.1.20, Tem 2.1.21 dolour
doe [animal] n
do: dogged adj dolorous adj
sp doe2 ˈdɒɡɪd m ˈdɒləˌrɤs
rh bow [weapon] Luc 581, sp dogged3 sp dolorous1
TC 3.1.114
dog-hole n dolour / ~s n
doer / ~’s / ~s n ˈdɒɡ-ˌo:l, -ˌho:l ˈdɒləɹ / -z
ˈdu:əɹ / -z sp dog-hole1 sp dolor1, dolour5 / dollours1,
sp doer1 / doers1 / doers3, dooers2 > hole dolors2
pun KJ 2.1.21, Tem 2.1.20 dollar
does dog-weary adj
> do ˈdɒɡ-ˌwɛ:rəɪ dolphin adj
sp dogge-wearie 1 ˈdɒlfɪn
doff v > weary sp dolphin1
sp doff2, doffe4 doigt / ~s Fr n dolphin / ~’s n
dwɛ ˈdɒlfɪnz
dog / ~’s / ~s n sp doyt1, doyts4 sp dolphines1, dolphins1
= > Dauphin


dolphin-chamber n dominion / ~s n sp dombe1, doom1, doombe1,

ˈdɒlfɪn-ˌtʃambəɹ dəˈmɪnɪən / m dəˈmɪnɪənz, doome35 / doomes1
rh 1 groom Luc 672; room 3H6
sp dolphin-chamber1 -ɪˌɒnz / 5.6.93, MW 5.5.58, R2 5.6.24, S 55.12;
sp dominion1 / dominions6 rh 2 come Luc 924, R2 3.2.189,
dolphin-like adj
S 107.4, 116.12, 145.7; rh 3 Rome
ˈdɒlfɪn-ˌləɪk domin·us / ~e Lat n
Luc 717, 1849; rh 4 soon Per
sp dolphin-like1 ˈdɒmɪnɛ: 5.2.20 [Chorus] / moons Per 3.
sp domine1, do-mine1, domi-ne1 Chorus.32
dolt / ~s n
do:lt / -s Domitian n doom / ~ed v
sp dolt1 / dolts2 dəˈmɪsɪən dɤm, du:m / -d
sp Domitian1 sp doome5, doom’d5
Dombe n
dʊm Domitius n doomsday n
sp Dombe 1 dəˈmɪsɪəs ˈdɤmzdɛ:, ˈdu:-
sp Domitius1 sp doomesday8, doomsday1,
Dombledon n dooms-day1
ˈdʊmbəldən don / ~ned v
sp Dombledon 1 = door / ~s n
sp don1 / don’d1, donn’d1 dɔ:ɹ / -z
domestic adj sp doore113, dore25,
= Don [title] v
[without]-dore-[forme]1 / doores54,
sp domesticke7, domestique1
= dores6
sp Do20, don4, Dun2 rh before H5 1.2.309, Luc 1301,
domestic / ~s n MND 5.1.380, R2 5.3.76; before, sore
= Donalbaine n CE 3.1.64; four LLL 3.1.89,95, VA 448;
sp domestickes 1 ˈdɒnəlˌbɛ:n more CE 2.1.11, Ham 4.5.53, LLL
sp Donalbaine6, Donal-baine1, 3.1.89, 95, Luc 337; more, score,
domination / ~s n Donalbane2 whore KL 1.4.124; store CE 3.1.35;
ˌdɒmɪˈnɛ:sɪənz wherefore CE 3.1.38
donation n > hold-door
sp dominations1
dominator n sp donation4 door-nail n
ˈdɒmɪˌnɛ:təɹ ˈdɔ:ɹ-ˌnɛ:l
donc Fr adv sp doore nail1
sp dominator1, domi-nator1
dɔ̃:k > nail
dominator Lat n sp donc1
Dorcas n
Doncaster n ˈdɒɹkəs
sp dominator1
ˈdɒnkastəɹ sp Dorcas2
domineer v sp Doncaster
Doreus n
done ˈdɒɹɪəs
sp domineere
> do sp Doreus1
domineering adj
dong Doricles n
ˌdɒmɪˈni:rɪn, -ɪŋ
> ding-dong ˈdɒɹɪˌkli:z
sp domineering1
sp Doricles4
donner / donne / ~rai Fr v
dominical n
dɔˈne / dɔn / dɔnəˈrɛ dormouse n
sp donnes / donnes / donneray ˈdɔ:ɹməʊs
sp dominicall
sp dormouse1
doom / ~’s n
dɤm, du:m / -z


Dorothy n double / ~s VA n sp double man1

ˈdɒrətəɪ ˈdɤbəlz > man

sp Dorothie2, Dorothy1 sp doubles1 double-meaning adj

rh troubles VA 682
Dorset n ˈdɤbəl-ˌmi:nɪn, -ɪŋ
ˈdɔ:ɹsət Double [name] n sp double-meaning1
ˈdɤbəl > mean
sp Dorset23
sp Double2 doubleness n
Dorsetshire n
doubl·e / ~ing / ~ed v ˈdɤbəlnəs
m ˈdɔ:ɹsətˌʃəɪɹ
ˈdɤbəl / ˈdɤblɪn, -ɪŋ / ˈdɤbəld sp doublenes1
sp Dorsetshire1
sp double6 / doubling1 / doubled3 doublet / ~s n
dost rh trouble VA 521
ˈdɤblɪt / -s
> do > redouble
sp doublet18, dou-blet1, doub-let2,
dotage n double-charge v dub-let1 / doublets2, doub-lets1,
ˈdo:tɪdʒ ˈdɤbəl-ˌtʃɑ:ɹdʒ dublets1

sp dotage10 sp double charge1 doubling n

> charge
dotant n ˈdɤblɪn, -ɪŋ
ˈdo:tənt doubled adj sp doubling1

sp dotant1 ˈdɤbəld doubly adv

sp doubled2
dotard / ~s n ˈdɤbləɪ
rh troubled VA 1067
ˈdo:təɹd / -z sp doubly9

sp dotard3 / dotards1
double-damned adj
doubt / ~s n
dot·e / ~s / ~eth / ~ing / 1 dəʊt, Holofernes LLL ..
sp double damn’d
~ed v > damned dəʊbt / -s
do:t / -s / ˈdo:t·əθ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd sp doubt73, Holofernes describing
double-dealer n Armado dout1 / doubts8
sp doat3, doate10, dote12 / doates1,
dotes8 / doteth1 / doting3 / doted1
ˌdɤbəl-ˈdi:ləɹ rh lout KJ 3.1.219; out LLL 5.2.101,
sp double dealer1 151, PP 2.13, S 144.13, VA 692; shout
rh coat, note LC 235, Luc 207;
> deal MV 3.2.144; without LC 97
denote S 148.5; note CE 3.2.47, LLL
4.3.124, 5.2.76, S 141.4, VA 837 / doubt / ~est / ~s / ~ing /
noteth VA 1059 / noted Luc 416
double-dealing n
ˌdɤbəl-ˈdi:lɪn, -ɪŋ ~ed v
> a-doting
sp double dealing1 dəʊt / -st / -s / ˈdəʊt·ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd
doter / ~s n > deal sp doubt96 / doubtst1 / doubts3 /
ˈdo:təɹ / -z doubting5 / doubted9
sp doters1
double-fatal adj rh hereabout RJ 5.3.44; out KJ
ˈdɤbəl-ˌfɛ:tɑl 4.2.102, 5.2.180
doth sp double fatall1 > misdoubt; re-, un-doubted
> do > fatal
doubtful adj
doting adj / n double-horned adj ˈdəʊtfʊl
ˈdo:tɪn, -ɪŋ ˈdɤbəl-ˌɔ:ɹnd, -ˌhɔ:- sp doubtfull21, doubt-full1
1 6
sp doating , doting / doting 2
sp TC 5.7.11 emend of dou-ble > undoubtful
double / ~r adj doubtfully adv
> horn
ˈdɤbəl / -bləɹ m ˈdəʊtfʊˌləɪ, -fl-
sp double68, double-[beere]1,
double-man n sp doubtfully4
dou-ble1 / doubler1 ˈdɤbəl-ˌman


doubtless adj Dover n sp downefall2, downe-fall2,

ˈdəʊtləs ˈdo:vəɹ downfall4
> fall
sp doubtlesse8, doubt-lesse1 sp Douer13
down-gyved adj
dough n dowager n
m ˌdəʊn-ˈdʒəɪvɪd
do: ˈdəʊədʒəɹ
sp downe giued1
sp dough2 sp dowager6
down-pillow n
doughty-handed adj dowdy n
m ˌdəʊn-ˈpɪlə, -lo:
ˈdəʊtəɪ-ˌandɪd, -ˌha- ˈdəʊdəɪ
sp downe-pillow1
sp doughty handed1 sp dowdie1
> pillow
> handed
dower / ~s n down-razed S adj
doughy adj do:ɹ, dəʊɹ / -z m ˌdəʊn-ˈrɛ:st
ˈdo:əɪ sp dower11, dowre6 / dowers1,
sp downe rased1
sp dowy1 dowres1
rh defaced S 64.3
rh flower AW 5.3.325
Douglas n > raze

ˈdo:ɡləs dower / ~ed v downright adv

sp Dowglas 38 do:ɹd, dəʊɹd m ˈdəʊnrəɪt, dəʊnˈrəɪt
sp dow’rd1
doute Fr n sp downeright1, downe-right6,
dowerless adj downe right1, downright2,
dut down-right2,
sp doute1 ˈdo:ɹləs, dəʊɹ- rh white VA 645
sp dowerlesse1, dowrelesse1 > right
dove / ~’s / ~s n
dɤv / -z dowlas n down-rop·e / ~ing v
18 1
sp doue / doues , doues-[downe] 1 ˈdəʊləs m ˌdəʊn-ˈro:pɪn, -ɪŋ
/ doues7 sp doulas2 sp downe roping1
rh love MND 2.2.120, 5.1.317, > rope
PP 9.3, PT 50, TN 5.1.129 / loves dowle n
MND 1.1.171 dəʊl Downs n
> turtle-dove sp dowle1 dəʊnz
dovecote n sp Downes1 / downes1
down adj / adv, prep / n / v / rh hounds VA 677
ˈdɤv-ˌko:t nonsense word in song
sp doue-coat1 dəʊn downstairs adv
sp downe4 / down38, downe551 / ˌdəʊnˈstɛ:ɹz, ˈdəʊnˌstɛ:ɹz
dove-drawn adj
dowlne1, downe4, [doues]-downe1 / sp down-staires1, downe stayres4
m ˌdɤv-ˈdrɔ:n down1, downe2 / downe3 > stair
sp doue-drawn1 rh 1 adv, prep clown LLL 4.1.142;
> draw crown Cym 3.5.65, 2H4 3.1.30, 2H6 downtrodden adj
1.1.257, 3H6 3.2.195, 4.6.100, Luc 217, ˌdəʊnˈtrɒdən
dove-feathered adj R2 3.4.66, 4.1.194, 5.1.25, Tem 4.1.81; sp downe-troden1
ˈdɤv-ˌfeðəɹd crown, lown, renown Oth 2.3.90; > tread
sp doue-feather’d1 frown KL 5.3.5, S 117.9, VA 43, 463;
> feathered town CE 3.1.59, MND 3.2.396, downward / ~s adv
PP 18.18; rh 2 bone TC 5.8.11 / ˈdəʊnwəɹd / -z
dove-house n rh in song clown TNK 3.5.139
sp downward3 / downewards1
ˈdɤvˌəʊs, -ˌhəʊs > a-, setting-, steep-down
sp douehouse1, doue-house1 downy adj
> house
downfall n
sp dowlney1, downey1, downie2


dowr·y / ~ies n dragonish adj drawing adj

ˈdəʊrəɪ / -z = ˈdrɔ:ɪn, -ɪŋ
sp dowrie16, dowry7 / dowries1 sp dragonish1 sp drawing1
> deep-, self-drawing
Dowsabell n dragon-like adj
m ˈdəʊzəˌbel ˈdraɡən-ˌləɪk drawling-affecting adj
sp Dowsabell 1
sp dragon-like 1 ˈdrɔ:lɪn-əˈfektɪn, -ɪŋ-, -ɪŋ
sp drawling-affecting1
dowset / ~s TNK n drain / ~s / ~ed v > affecting
ˈdəʊsets drɛ:n / -z / -d
sp dowsets1 sp draine1, drayne1, dreyne2 / drawn adj
rh lets TNK 3.5.156 dreines1 / drained1 =
sp drawn1, drawne2
doxy n dram n > air-, choice-, dove-drawn
ˈdɒksəɪ =
sp doxy1 sp dram10, dramme5 dray·man / ~men n
dozen adj drank sp dray-man1, dray-men1
ˈdɤzən > drink
sp dosen1, dozen22 dread adj / n
draught / ~s n =
> half-a-dozen
draft / -s sp dread35 / dread6
dozen / ~s n sp draught8 / draughtes1, draughts2 rh n 1 bed Luc 171; rh 2 mead
ˈdɤzən / -z VA 635
draught-oxen n
sp dozen11 / dozens1
ˈdraft-ˌɒksən dread / ~s / ~eth / ~ing /
drab / ~s n sp draft-oxen1 ~ed v
= > ox = / = / = / ˈdredɪn, -ɪŋ / =
sp drab7, drabbe1 / drabs1 sp dread4 / dreads2 / dreadeth1 /
rh 1 slab Mac 4.1.31; rh 2 babe Mac dreading2 / dreaded2
> drive
4.1.31 rh leadeth, pleadeth Luc 270

drab / ~bing n draw / ~est / ~s / ~eth / ~ing / dreaded adj

ˈdrabɪn, -ɪŋ ~n / drew / ~est v =
sp drabbing1 = / drɔ:st / = / = / ˈdrɔ:ɪn, -ɪŋ / = sp dreaded3
/ = / dru:st > all-dreaded
drachma / ~s n sp draw193, drawe3 / draw’st2 /
ˈdrakmə / -z drawes28, drawes-[on]2, draws1 / dreadful adj
sp drachme1 / drachmaes2 draweth2 / drawing8 / drawn2, =
drawne72 / drew32 / drew’st1 sp dreadful1, dreadfull58
draff n rh saw Luc 1673 / sawn LC 90 /
= crew, threw Luc 1734; flew, knew dreadfully adv
sp draffe1, draugh1 LC 61; knew VA 541; slew Luc 1520; ˈdredfləɪ, -fʊl-
threw LC 36 sp dreadfully1, dread-fully1
drag / ~ged v > withdraw
= dream / ~s n
7 3 2 1
drawbridge n =
sp drag , dragge / drag’d , dragg’d
= sp dream2, dreame68, dreame’s
dragon / ~’s / ~s / ~s’ n sp draw-bridge1 [dream is]1 / dreames35
= rh extreme S 129.12; stream Luc
drawer / ~s n 1772, Oth 2.3.58, TN 4.1.60; team
sp dragon8 / dragons1, dra-gons1 /
ˈdrɔ:əɹ / -z MND 5.1.376; theme CE 2.2.191,
dragons6 / dragons1
> flap-dragon sp drawer7, draw-er1 / drawers3 MND 5.1.418
> tooth-drawer > John-a-dreams


dream / ~est / ~s / ~ing / dresser n driv·e / ~est / ~s / ~eth / ~ing /

~ed / -t v ˈdresəɹ drave / driven / drove /
= / dri:mst / = / ˈdri:mɪn, -ɪŋ / = sp dresser1 droven v
sp dream1, dreame43 / dream’st3 / drəɪv / -st / -z / -əθ / ˈdrəɪvɪn,
dreames8 / dreaming3 / dream’d11 /
dressing / ~s n
-ɪŋ / drɛ:v / = / dro:v /
dreampt8, dreamt9, dream’t1 ˈdresɪnz, -ɪŋz
> undreamed sp dressings1
sp driue34 / driu’st1 / driues12 /
dreamer / ~s n drew driueth2 / driuing3 / draue4 / droue7
/ driuen12 / drouen1
ˈdri:məɹ / -z > draw
rh dives Per 3.Chorus.50
sp dreamer3 / dreamers1
dribbling adj > thrice-driuen
dreaming adj / n ˈdrɪblɪn, -ɪŋ drivelling adj
ˈdri:mɪn, -ɪŋ sp dribling1
ˈdrɪvlɪn, -ɪŋ, -vəl-
sp dreaming3 / dreaming2
dried adj sp driueling1
dreamt drəɪd driven adj
> dream v sp dride1, dried2, dride-[peare]1,
dry’de1, dryed1
dreg / ~s n sp driuen1
> dry
= driving adj
sp dreg1 / dregges3, dregs3
drift n
= ˈdrəɪvɪn, -ɪŋ
rh legs Tim 1.2.238
sp driuing1
sp drift19
drench n rh shrift RJ 2.3.51; swift TG 2.6.43
drizzle / ~s v
drily adv =
sp drench2
ˈdrəɪləɪ sp drizzle1 / drissels1
> horse-drench
sp drily1
drench / ~ed v drizzled adj
> dry
= =
drink / ~s n sp drizel’d1, drizled1
sp drench3 / drench’d2,
drencht1 =
droit Fr adv
rh French 1H6 4.7.14 / trenched sp drink3, drinke42 / drinkes1
VA 1054 rh think LLL 5.2.372
> bedrench > alms-drink sp droict1

drenched adj drink / ~est / ~s / ~ing / drank drollery n

m ˈdrenʃɪd / drunk / ~est v ˈdrɒlrəɪ, -lər-
sp drenched1 = / drɪnkst / = / ˈdrɪnkɪn, -ɪŋ / = sp drolerie1, drollery1
> indrenched / drɤŋk / -st Dromio / ~s n
sp drink5, drinke105 / drink’st2 /
dress n 19 1 11
m ˈdro:mɪo:, -ɪˌo: / ˈdro:mɪo:z
drinkes , drinks / drinking /
= sp Dromio51, in s.d. Dro1,
drank1, dranke1 / drunk2, drunke21,
sp dresse 1 [S.]Dromio1 / Dromio’s2
drunke [drank]3 / drunk’st1
rh owe CE 3.1.43
rh clink Oth 2.3.68; think S 111.9
dress / ~ed v
= drinking / ~s n drone / ~s n
sp dresse18 / dress’d1, drest15 ˈdrɪnkɪn, -ɪŋ / -z dro:n / -z
> undress sp drone2 / drones2
sp drinking13, drin-king1, drink-ing1 /
rh home Per 2.Chorus.18
> blood-, by-drinking


droop / ~s / ~eth / ~ing / dross n drowsiness n

~ed v = ˈdrəʊzɪnəs
= / = / = / ˈdru:pɪn, -ɪŋ / = sp drosse3 sp drowsines1
sp droop1, droope5 / droopes1, rh loss S 146.11, TC 4.4.9; moss
droupes2 / droopeth1 / drooping2 / CE 2.2.186 drowsy adj
droop’d1 ˈdrəʊzəɪ
drossy adj sp drowsie15, drowzie2
drooping adj ˈdrɒsəɪ
ˈdru:pɪn, -ɪŋ sp drossie1 drudge / ~’s / ~s n
sp drooping , droo-ping , drouping 1 1 drɤdʒ / ˈdrɤdʒɪz
drove, droven sp drudg1, drudge5 / drudges1 /
drop / ~s n > drive drudges1
drought / Per, VA drouth n drudgery n
sp drop38 / droppes4, drops39
> dew-, eye-, water-drop drəʊt / drəʊθ ˈdrɤdʒrəɪ, -dʒər-
sp drought1 / drouth2 sp drudgery1
drop / ~s / ~eth / ~ping / rh mouth Per 3.Chorus.8, VA 544
~ped v drug / ~s n
drovier n drɤɡ / -z
= / = / = / ˈdrɒpɪn, -ɪŋ / =
ˈdro:vɪəɹ sp n drugge5 / drugges6, drugs4
sp drop37 / droppes1, drops5 /
droppeth1 /dropping3 / drop’d2, sp drouier1
dropp’d1, dropt10 drug / ~ged v
drown / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v drɤɡd
rh stopped VA 958
drəʊn / -z / ˈdrəʊn·ɪn, -ɪŋ / m sp drugg'd1
Drop-heir [name] n -ɪd, drəʊnd
ˈdrɒp-ˌɛ:ɹ sp drown2, drowne41 / drownes2 / drug-damned adj
sp Drop-heire 1 drow-ning2 / dround5, droun’d3, ˈdrɤɡ-ˌdamd
drown’d32, drown’de1, drowned2 sp drug-damn’d1
droplet / ~s n rh crown 3H6 4.4.23 / crowned, > damned
= round AC 2.7.113; ground VA 984;
sp droplets1 sound PP 8.11 drum / ~s n
drɤm / -z
dropped adj drowned adj
sp drum47, drumme62 / drummes26,
= m drəʊnd, ˈdrəʊnɪd drums11
sp drop’d1 sp drown’d2, drownde1, drowned4 rh come AW 2.5.91, 1H4 3.3.203,
> undrowned Mac 1.3.29
dropping adj > kettle-drum
drowning n
ˈdrɒpɪn, -ɪŋ
ˈdrəʊnɪn, -ɪŋ drum / ~s v
sp dropping1
sp drowning4, drow-ning1 drɤmz
> tempest-dropping
sp drummes1, drums1
drowning-mark n
dropping / ~s n
ˈdrəʊnɪn-ˌmɑ:ɹk, -ɪŋ- Drum / ~’s [name] n
ˈdrɒpɪnz, -ɪŋz
sp drowning marke1 drɤmz
sp droppings1
> mark
sp drummes1
dropsied adj drowse / ~d v
ˈdrɒpsəɪd drumble v
drəʊz / -d ˈdrɤmbəl
sp dropsied
sp drowse1 / drowz’d1
sp drumble1
drops·y / ~ies n rh rouse Mac 3.2.52

ˈdrɒpsəɪ / -z drummer n
drowsily adv
sp dropsie / dropsies 1 ˈdrɤməɹ
sp drummer1
sp drowsily1


drumming n dryness n due adj

ˈdrɤmɪn, -ɪŋ ˈdrəɪnəs dju:
sp drumming1 sp drinesse1 sp due49
rh true LLL 4.1.19; you CE 4.1.1,
drunk adj dry-nurse n TC 4.5.51
drɤŋk ˈdrəɪ-ˌnɐ:ɹs
sp drunk4, drunke33 sp dry-nurse1
due / ~r adv
> drink, half-, swine-drunk > nurse ˈdju:əɹ
sp duer1
drunkard / ~s n du Fr
ˈdrɤŋkəɹd / -z > de due / ~s n
sp drunkard , drun-kard / 1 dju: / -z
dualist n sp deaw1, dew1, due18 / dues6
ˈdju:əlɪst rh review S 74.7; view S 69.3
drunken adj sp dualist2
ˈdrɤŋkən duello n
sp drunken 18 dub / ~bed v djʊˈelo:
dɤb / -d sp duello2
drunkenly adv 3
sp dub / dubb’d , dub’d 2 2

m ˈdrɤŋkənləɪ, -ˌləɪ Duff [name] n

sp drunkenly2
ducat / ~s n dɤf
ˈdɤkət / -s sp Duff1
drunkenness n sp ducat2, ducate2, ducket2 /
m ˈdrɤŋkənˌnes, -ənəs ducates10, ducats23, du-cats1, dug / ~s n
sp drunkennesse 4 du-kates1, duckets16 dɤɡ / -z
sp dug1, dugge4 / dugges2, dugs1
dr·y / ~ier adj ducdame interj
drəɪ / -əɹ ˌdɤkˈdami: Duke / ~’s / ~s [title] n
sp drie16, dry31 / drier2 sp ducdame4 dju:k / -s
rh fly R2 2.2.145; high VA 552; rh me AY 2.5.51 sp Duke557, Dukes [Duke is]1,
lie VA 233 Duke’s [Duke is]3, abbr D[uke]5,
Duchess / ~’ n Du[ke]1 / Dukes33 / Dukes25
dr·y / ~ies / ~ied v ˈdɤtʃes
drəɪ / -z / -d sp Duchesse16, Dutches2, duke / ~s v
8 8 1
sp drie , dry / dries , dryes / dri’d ,2 1 Dutchesse18 / Duchesse2 dju:ks
dride1, dri’de1, dried5, dry’d1 sp dukes1
rh eye RJ 2.3.2, VA 964 / denied
Duchy n
AW 2.1.140 ˈdɤtʃəɪ dukedom / ~s n
> oil-dried sp Dutchy 2 ˈdju:kdəm / -z
sp dukdome1, dukedom1,
dry-beat v duck / ~s n dukedome22 / dukedomes8
ˌdrəɪ-ˈbi:t dɤk / -s
sp drie-beate1, dry beate1 sp duck1, [wilde]-ducke1, ducke8 /
dulcet adj
ducks1 ˈdɤlsɪt
dry-beaten adj sp dulcet6
ˌdrəɪ-ˈbi:tən duck / ~s v
dɤk / -s dulche nonsense word
sp drie beaten1
sp ducke / duckes 1 ˈdʊlke:
dryfoot n > a-, silly-ducking sp dulche1
dudgeon n dull / ~er / ~est adj
sp drifoot1
> foot ˈdɤdʒən, -ɪən dɤl / ˈdɤl·əɹ / -əst
sp dudgeon1 sp dull71 / duller5 / dullest3
rh pull AW 1.1.215


dull / ~s / ~ed v dumb-discoursive adj dunghill / ~s n

dɤl / -z / -d ˈdɤm-dɪsˈkɔ:ɹsɪv ˈdɤŋ-ˌɪl, -ˌhɪl / -z
sp dull3 / duls1 / dull’d1 sp dumb-discoursiue1 sp dunghill7, dung-hill1 / dunghills1,
Dull [name] n dumbly adv > hill
dɤ l ˈdɤmləɪ
sp Dull9 sp dumbely1, dumbly1
dungy adj
dullard n dumbness n sp dungie1, dungy-[earth]1
ˈdɤləɹd ˈdɤmnəs
sp dullard2 sp dumbenesse1, dumbnesse3
Dunsinane n
m ˈdɤnsɪˌnɛ:n, dɤnˈsɪnən
dull-brained adj dumb-show / ~s n sp Dunsinane8, Dunsmane1
ˈdɤl-ˌbrɛ:nd ˈdɤm-ˌʃo: / -z rh bane Mac 5.3.60
sp dull-brain’d1 sp dumbe shew2, dumbe show1 /
> brain dumbe shewes2
Dunsmore n
> show ˈdɤnzmɔ:ɹ
dull-eyed adj sp Dunsmore1
ˈdɤl-ˌəɪd dump / ~s n
sp dull ey’d1 dɤmp / -s Dunstable n
> eye sp dump1, dumpe1 / dumps3 m ˈdɤnsbəl, -stəb-
sp Dunstable1
dulling n dun / ~nest adj
ˈdɤlɪn, -ɪŋ dɤn / ˈdɤnəst dup / ~ped v
sp dulling 1 1 1
sp dun , duns [dun is] / dunnest 1 ˈdɤpt
rh sun S 130.3 sp dupt1
dullness n pun RJ 1.4.40 done, Dun
ˈdɤlnəs durance n
sp dulnesse5 Dun [name] n ˈdju:rəns
rh fullness S 56.8 dɤn sp durance7
sp dun1 > endurance
dully adv pun RJ 1.4.41 done, dun
ˈdɤləɪ during prep
sp dully2 Duncan / ~’s n ˈdju:rɪn, -ɪŋ
ˈdɤŋkən / -z sp during13, du-ring1
duly adv sp Duncan10, Duncane1 / Duncans1 > long-during
sp duely2, duly5 dun-coloured adj durst
rh truly H5 3.2.17 ˈdɤn-ˌkɤləɹd > dare
sp emend of TN 1.3.128 dam’d
Dumaine n colour’d1
dusky adj
du:ˈmɛ:n > colour ˈdɤskəɪ
sp Dumain1, Dumaine13, Dumane5 sp duskie5, dusky1
rh pain LLL 4.3.169; twain dung n
LLL 5.2.47 dɤŋ dust n
sp dung1 dɤst
dumb adj > cow-dung sp dust56
dɤ m rh lust, thrust Luc 1381; must Cym
sp dombe1, dum1, dumb1, dumbe27 dungeon / ~s n 4.2.269, 275, 263, 3H6 5.2.27; rust
rh 1 entomb Luc 1123; tomb AW ˈdɤndʒən / -z Per 2.2.54; unjust AW 5.3.64
2.3.138, MA 5.3.10, MND 5.1.319, sp dungeon5, dun-geon1, dunge-on1 > overdusted
S 101.9, 83.10; rh 2 come TG 2.2.20; / dungeons2
rh 3 run Per 5.2.2 [Chorus]


dusty adj dwarf n dwelling-place / ~es n

ˈdɤstəɪ dwɑ:ɹf ˈdwelɪn-ˌplɛ:s, -ɪŋ- / -ɪz
sp dustie1, dusty1 sp dwarfe5 sp dwelling place1 / dwel-ling
Dutch adj / n dwarfish adj > place
dɤtʃ ˈdwɑ:ɹfɪʃ
sp Dutch-[dish]1 / Dutch1 sp dwarfish5
dwindle v
Dutchman / ~’s n dwell / ~est / ~s / ~ing / ~ed / sp dwindle2
ˈdɤtʃmən / -z dwelt v
sp Dutchman2, Dutch-man2 / = / dwelst / = / ˈdwelɪn, -ɪŋ / = dye n
Dutchmans1 sp dwel1, dwell31 / dwel’st2 /
dwells4, dwels12 / dwelling4 / sp die1, dye1
duteous adj dwelled / dwelt2 rh 1 archery MND 3.2.102; fearfully
ˈdju:tɪəs rh bell S 71.4; excel S 5.2; farewell PP 17.26; wantonly S 54.5; rh 2 espy
sp duteous3, dutious7 H8 3.2.459; hell Luc 1557, MND MND 3.2.102
> unduteous 1.1.206; smell VA 1173; spell Tem pun KJ 2.1.323 die
Epil.7; tell S 84.5, 89.10, 93.10 / smells
dutiful adj S 99.4 / bring, excelling, sing, thing
dye / ~ing / ~d v
ˈdju:tɪfʊl TG 4.2.51 / beheld, stelled Luc 1446 dəɪ / ˈdəɪɪn, -ɪŋ / dəɪd
sp dutifull2 > outdwell sp dye1 / dy-ing1 / dide1, died1,
> undutiful dyde1, dy’de1
dwelling n rh chide, pride S 99.5; dignified
dut·y / ~y’s / ~ies n ˈdwelɪn, -ɪŋ S 101.2
ˈdju:təɪ / -z sp dwelling5, dwel-ling1 > new-, over-dyed
4 90 55 1
sp duetie , dutie , duty / duties /
dwelling-house n dying adj / n
rh beauty Luc 497, VA 168 / beaut- ˈdwelɪn-ˌəʊs, -ɪŋ-, -ˌhəʊs ˈdəɪɪn, -ɪŋ
ies Luc 14 sp dwelling house1 sp dying18 / dying5
> house > die; never-, tender-dying


E [music] n eanling / ~s n earldom n

= ˈi:nlɪnz, -ɪŋz ˈɐ:ɹldəm
sp e[la]1 sp eanelings1 sp earledome4

each pro ear / ~s n earliness n

= i:ɹ, ɛ:ɹ / -z m ˈɐ:ɹlɪˌnes
sp each216 sp eare184, ere1 / eares161, ears3 sp earlinesse1
rh leech Tim 5.4.83 rh 1 appear LLL 4.3.42, MND
1.1.184; dear LLL 5.2.443, RJ 1.5.46; earl·y / ~ier / ~iest adj
eager adj fear LLL 5.2.891, 900, Luc 283, PP ˈɐ:ɹləɪ / -əɹ / -əst
ˈi:ɡəɹ 18.51, VA 659, 889, 1023; hear KJ sp earely7, early40 / earlyer1 /
sp eager 1.1.42, Luc 1325, R2 2.1.16, VA 698; earliest3
here LLL 5.2.286, 436, MND 2.1.15,
eagerly adv Oth 1.3.217; rh 2 bear Luc 1325, earn / ~s / ~ed [gain] v
m ˈi:ɡəɹləɪ, -ˌləɪ S 8.6; bear, swear Luc 1416; hair VA ɐ:ɹn / -z / -d
145; swear LLL 4.1.62; there PP 4.5,
sp eagerly3 sp earne6 / earnes2 / earn’d5,
18.16, R2 5.3.125, VA 779 / clears RJ
eagerness n 2.3.70; tears [cry] Luc 1126
> unearned
> crop-ear, overears
ˈm ˈi:ɡəɹˌnes
sp eagernesse1
earn / ~s [yearn] v
ear / ~s v
ɐ:ɹn / -z
eagle adj i:ɹ, ɛ:ɹ / -z
sp erne2 / earnes1
sp eare2 / eres1
> shag-eared earnest adj / n
sp eagle1
ear-deafening adj ˈɐ:ɹnɪst
eagle / ~’s / ~s n sp earnest11 / earnest26, ear-nest2
ˈi:ɹ-ˌdefnɪn, -ɪŋ, ɛ:ɹ-
= > overearnest
sp eare-deaff'ning1
sp eagle21 / eagles4 / eagles8
> deafening earnest-gaping adj
eagle-sighted adj earing n ˈɐ:ɹnɪst-ˈɡɛ:pɪn, -ɪŋ
ˈi:ɡl-ˌsəɪtɪd ˈi:rɪn, -ɪŋ, ɛ:r- sp earnest-gaping-[sight]1
sp eagle-sighted 1 > gaping
sp earing1
> sight
earnestly adv
ear-kissing adj
ean v ˈɐɹnɪstləɪ
ˈi:ɹ-ˌkɪsɪn, -ɪŋ, ɛ:ɹ-
i:n sp earnestly9
sp ear-kissing1
sp eane
> kiss earnestness n
eaning adj Earl / ~’s / ~s [title] n m ˈɐ:ɹnɪstˌnes, -tnəs
ˈi:nɪn, -ɪŋ ɐ:ɹl / -z sp earnestnesse4
sp eaning1
sp Earle99, earle1 / Earles1 / Earles11 ear-piercing adj
ˈi:ɹ-ˌpɛ:ɹsɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈɛ:ɹ-


sp eare-piercing1 ease / ~s n easy-melting adj

> piercing = ˈi:zəɪ-ˌmeltɪn, -ɪŋ
earth / ~’s n sp ease35, eases1 sp easie-melting1
rh please AY 2.5.49, H8 Epil.2, TS > melt
ɐ:ɹθ / -s
5.2.178; seas Per 2.4.44, 2.Chorus.28 /
sp earth285, [dungy]-earth1, earth’s diseases TC 5.10.56 easy-yielding adj
[earth is]1 / earths10, earth’s1 > heart’s ease ˈi:zəɪ-ˌji:ldɪn, -ɪŋ
rh birth 1H4 3.1.14, MW 5.5.80
sp easie-yeelding1
[middle-earth], Per 1.2.113, 4.4.39; eas·e / ~ing / ~ed v
dearth S 146.1, VA 546 = / ˈi:zɪn, -ɪŋ / = eat / ~s / ~ing / ate / eaten v
earth / ~ed v sp ease18 / easing1 / eas’d2, eased1 i:t / -s / ˈi:tɪn, -ɪŋ / ɛ:t, et /
ɐ:ɹθt ˈetən
easeful adj
sp earth’d1 sp eat20, eate108 / eates14, eats5 /
= eating6 / eate [ate]2 / eate [eaten]6,
earth-bound adj sp easefull1 eaten18
ˈɐ:ɹθ-ˌbəʊnd rh great Cym 4.2.266 / gets
easil·y / ~iest adv AY 2.5.37 / sweaten Mac 4.1.63
sp earth-bound1 m ˈi:zləɪ, -zɪl-, ˈi:zɪˌləɪ / pun Tim 4.3.307 hate
> bound
ˈi:zɪləst > mouse-, over-, worm-eaten
earthen adj sp easilie1, easily27, easlie2 / easilest1
eater n
easiness n ˈi:təɹ
sp earthen1
m ˈi:zɪˌnes, -ɪnəs sp eater2
2 1
earthl·y / ~ier adj sp easinesse , ea-sinesse
> uneasiness
eating adj / n
ˈɐ:ɹθləɪ / -əɹ
28 1 1
ˈi:tɪn, -ɪŋ
sp earthly , earth-ly / earthlier east adj / adv / n sp eating2 / eating4
> unearthly
earthquake / ~s n sp east3 / east32 / east32
eaux Fr n
ˈɐ:ɹθˌkwɛ:k / -s rh n breast LLL 4.3.221; detest MND o
3.2.432; rest PP 14.13; west S 132.6 sp ewes1
sp earthquake3, earth-quake3 /
earth-quakes1 Eastcheap n eaves n
> quake
ˈestʃi:p =
earth-treading adj sp Eastcheap1, Eastcheape3, sp eaues1, eeues1
m ˌɐ:ɹθ-ˈtredɪn, -ɪŋ East-cheape3
eavesdropper n
sp earth-treading1 Easter
> tread
n ˈi:z-ˌdrɒpəɹ, ˈi:vz-
ˈestəɹ sp ease-dropper1
earth-vexing adj sp Easter
m ˌɐ:ɹθ-ˈveksɪn, -ɪŋ ebb / ~s / n
eastern adj =
sp earth-vexing
> vex
ˈestəɹn sp ebbe7 / ebs1
sp easterne8
earthy adj ebb / ~s / ~ed v
ˈɐ:ɹθəɪ eas·y / ~ier / ~iest adj =
sp earthie3, earthy4
ˈi:zəɪ / -əɹ / -əst sp ebbe8 / ebbes1, ebs1 / ebb’d1
sp easie58, easy2 / easier9 / easiest1
ear-wax n > uneasy ebbed adj
ˈi:ɹ-ˌwaks, ˈɛ:ɹ- =
easy-borrowed adj sp ebb’d1
sp eare-wax1
> wax
ˈi:zəɪ-ˌbɒrəd, -ro:d
sp easie borrowed1


ebbing adj écouter / écoutez Fr v edition n

ˈebɪn, -ɪŋ ekuˈtez eˈdɪsɪən
sp ebbing1, ebbing-[Neptune]1 sp escoute3 sp edition1

ebon n ecstas·y / ~ies n Edmondsbury n

ˈebən m ˈekstəsəɪ, -ˌsəɪ / ˈekstəˌsəɪz m ˈedmənzˌbrəɪ, -ndz-
sp ebon1 sp extasie12 / extasies1 sp Edmondsbury1
rh fantasy VA 895; jealousy
ebon-coloured adj MV 3.2.111 Edmund n
ˈebən-ˌkɤləɹd ˈedmənd
sp ebon coloured1
écu / ~s Fr n sp Edmond20, Edmund31
> colour eˈky
sp escues1, escus1 educate v
ebony n ˈedjəkɛ:t
m ˈebənəɪ, -ˌnəɪ Eden n sp educate1
sp ebonie2, ebony1 = > un-, well-educated
rh felicity LLL 4.3.245 sp Eden1
education n
ecce Lat interj Edgar n ˌedjəˈkɛ:sɪən
ˈetʃe: ˈedɡəɹ sp education7, educati-on1
sp ecce1 sp Edgar21
Edward / ~’s n
échapper Fr v edge / ~s n ˈedwəɹd / -z
eʃaˈpe = sp Edward156 / Edwards52
1 38 3
sp eschapper sp edge / edges > Yedward
rh 1 hedge WT 4.3.7; rh 2 privilege
eche v S 95.14 eel / ~s n
i:tʃ =
sp ich1, Per each1
edge / ~d v sp eele4, eeles1
rh speech Per 3.Chorus.13 edʒd
sp edged1 eelskin / ~s n
echo / ~es n =
ˈeko: / -z edged adj sp eele-skinne1 / eele skins1
sp eccho7 / ecchoes1 m ˈedʒɪd > skin
sp edged1
echo / ~est v e’en
ˈeko: / -st edgeless adj > even
sp eccho3 / ecchos’t1 =
sp edgelesse2
eclipse / ~s n > ever
= edict / ~s n
m eˈdɪkt, ˈedɪkt / ˈedɪkts effect / ~s n
sp ecclipse1, eclipse1 / eclipses3
rh lips Mac 4.1.28 sp edict7 / edicts2
sp effect42 / effects26
eclipse / ~ed v edifice / ~s n rh aspect AY 4.3.53; defect Ham
= m ˈedɪfɪs, -ˌfɪs / ˈedɪˌfɪsɪz 2.2.101; reflect VA 1132; respect
S 36.7, 85.14
sp eclipse1 / eclipst1 sp edifice2 / edifices1
> half-eclipsed
edif·y / ~ies / ~ied v effect / ~s / Luc, VA ~ing /
écolier Fr n ˈedɪfəɪ·z / -d ~ed v
ekɔlˈje sp edifies1 / edified2
= / = / ɪˈfektɪn, -ɪŋ / =
sp escholier1 sp effect24 / effects1 / effecting3 /


rh expecting, respecting Luc 429; Egeon n sp Aegypt1, Egipt1, Egypt41, Egypte1

respecting VA 912 ɪˈdʒi:ən / Egypts3

effectless adj sp Egean1, Egeon4 Egyptian / ~s n

= Egeus n ɪˈdʒɪpsɪən / -z
sp effectlesse1 ɪˈdʒi:əs sp Aegyptian2, Egiptian1, Egyptian9 /
Aegyptians1, Egyptians2
effectual adj sp Egeus10
m ɪˈfektjʊˌɑl, -jɑl eight adj / n
egg / ~s n
sp effectuall4 ɛ:t
> uneffectual sp eight20, abbr viii.1 / eight17
sp egge13 / egges6
effectually adv > finch-, pigeon-egg eighteen adj / n
m ɪˈfektjɑˌləɪ eggshell / ~s n m ɛ:ˈti:n, ˈɛ:ti:n / ɛ:ˈti:n
sp effectually1 = sp eighteene4, eigh-teene1 /
1 eighteene1
effeminate adj sp egge-shels
m ɪˈfemnət, -mɪn-, -mɪˌnɛ:t Eglamour n
eighth n
sp effeminate 7 ɛ:t
sp eight1, Eight [in Henry the Eight]1,
effig·y / ~ies n sp Eglamore2, Eglamoure11
eˈfɪdʒəɪz eglantine n
sp effigies1
eightpenny adj
ˈeɡlənˌtəɪn ˈɛ:tpnəɪ, -pən-
effuse n sp eglantine2
sp eight-penny1
rh woodbine MND 2.1.252
= > penny
sp effuse1 egma [enigma] n eighty adj
effuse / ~d v = ˈɛ:təɪ
sp egma1
= sp eightie1
sp effus’d ego Lat pro eight-year-old adj
effusion n ˈeɡo: ˈɛ:t-jɪr-ˌo:ld
sp ego1
ɪˈfju:zɪən sp eight yeare old1
sp effusion meus det
eisel n
eft / ~est adj ˈme:ʊs ˈesɪl
sp meus1
= sp esile1
sp eftest egregious adj either adj / conj
egal adj eˈɡri:dʒəs, -ɪəs ˈɛðəɹ, ˈɛ:-
sp egregious4
ˈɛ:ɡɑl sp either12, eyther4 / either109,
sp egal , egall 1
egregiously adv eyther15
> neither
egally adv m eˈɡri:dʒəsˌləɪ, -ɪəs-
sp egregiously1 either / ~’s pro
m ˈɛ:ɡɑˌləɪ
sp egally 1 ˈɛðəɹ, ˈɛ:- / -z
egress n
sp either20, ei-ther1, eyther1 /
eg·eo / ~et Lat v ˈi:ɡres eithers1, eythers2
sp egresse1 rh 1 neither CE 3.1.66; rh 2 hither
> regress CE 3.1.66
sp egit1
> neither
Egypt / ~’s n


eject v eldest adj / n eleven, abbr leven adj / n

= m ˈeldəst, eldst m ɪˈlɛ:n, ɪˈlevən, abbr lɛ:n,
sp eiect1 sp eldest22, eld’st1 / eldest4 ˈlevən
sp a leuen1, eleuen6, abbr
eke adv / v eldest-born adj leauen-[weather]1 / eleuen15
i:k ˈeldəst-ˌbɔ:ɹn
sp eeke1, eke2 / eech1, eeke2 sp eldest borne1 elevenpence, abbr leven~ n
> born ɪˈlɛ:npəns, -ˈlevən-
Elbe n sp a leuenpence-[farthing]1
elb Eleanor / ~’s n
sp Elue2 m ˈelɪˌnɔ:ɹ, -lɪn-, -lnəɹ / -z, eleventh adj / n
elˈnɔ:ɹz ɪˈlɛ:nθ, ɪˈlevənθ
elbow / ~s n sp Eleanor1, Elianor16, Elinor3 / sp eleue[n]th1 / eleuenth1
=, Katherine H ..ff Elianors2
ˈbɪlbo:, ˈɪlbo: / -z elf / elves n
1 17
sp elboe , elbow , Katherine
elect adj / n =
bilbow1, ilbow1 / elbowes1, = sp elfe1 / elues8
elbows1 1
sp elect / elect 1

elfskin n
Elbow / ~’s [name] n elect / ~ed v =
= = sp elfe-skin1
sp Elbow7 / Elbowes2 sp elect2 / elected4 > skin

elbow-room n elected adj Elizabeth n

= = əˈlɪzəˌbet, -eθ
sp elbow roome1 sp elected1 sp Elizabeth6
> unelected
eld n elk-lock / ~s n
= election n =
sp [idle-headed]-eld1, [palsied]-eld1 m ɪˈleksɪən, -sɪˌɒn sp elk-locks1
21 1
sp election , electio[n]
elder adj ell n
ˈeldəɹ elegancy n =
sp elder21, el-der1 ˈelɪɡənsəɪ sp ell3
sp elegancy1
elder / ~s [old] n elle Fr pro
ˈeldəɹ / -z eleg·y / ~ies n ɛl
sp elder12 / elders4 m ˈelɪdʒəɪz, -ˌdʒəɪz sp il
sp elegies2
elder [tree] n Ellen n
ˈeldəɹ element / ~s n =
sp [stinking]-elder1 m ˈelɪˌment, ˈelmənt / -s sp Ellen1
sp element9, ele-ment2 /
elder-gun n elements20, ele-ments2 elm n
ˈeldəɹ-ˌɡɤn rh spent Luc 1588 =
sp elder gunne1 sp elme3
> gun
elephant / ~s n
m ˈelɪfənt, -ˌfant / ˈelɪˌfants eloquence n
elder tree n sp elephant6 / elephants1 m ˈeləˌkwens, ˈelkwəns
ˈeldəɹ ˌtri: sp eloquence11
sp elder tree2
elevated adj rh 1 consequence MV 3.2.106; rh 2
ˈelɪvɛ:tɪd recompense S 23.9
sp eleuated1


eloquent adj sp embarke1, embarque1 / sp embodied1

m ˈeləˌkwent, ˈelkwənt embark’d3, embarked1, imbarkt1, > body
sp eloquent3 embolden / ~s / ~ed v
embarkment / ~s n emˈbo:ldən·z / -d
else adv
emˈbɑ:ɹkmənts sp imboldens1 / emboldned1
sp embarquements1
sp els19, else382 emboss / ~ed v
embassade n emˈbɒst
Elsinore n
ˌembəˈsɑ:d sp imbost3
sp embassade1
sp Elsenour1, Elsonower3 embossed adj
embassador m emˈbɒsɪd, emˈbɒst
elsewhere adv
> ambassador sp embossed1, imbossed2, imbost1
m elsˈʍɛ:ɹ, ˈelsʍɛ:ɹ
sp elsewhere5, else-where2 embassage n embound / ~ed v
rh near S 61.13 ˌembəˈsɛ:dʒ emˈbəʊndɪd
Eltham n sp embassage4, em-bassage1 sp embounded1
rh page LLL 5.2.98; vassalage S 26.3
ˈeltəm embowel / ~ed v
sp Eltam3 embass·y / ~ies n emˈbəʊəl / emˈbəʊəld
m ˈembəˌsəɪ / -z sp imbowell1 / embowel’d1,
elvish-marked adj
sp ambassie1 / embasses1, imbowell’d2
ˈelvɪʃ-ˌmɑ:ɹkt embassies1
sp eluish mark’d1 rh majesty LLL 1.1.132 emboweled adj
> mark
embattaile / ~d v
Ely n sp embowel’d1
emˈbatl / m -tld, -təˌlɪd
ˈi:ləɪ sp embattaile1 / embattaild1, embrace / ~s n
sp Ely8 embattail’d1, embattailed1 emˈbrɛ:s / -ɪz
Elysium n sp embrace2 / embraces1
embay / ~ed v
m əˈlɪzɪʊm, -ɪˌʊm rh apace VA 811
sp Elyzium6 sp embay’d1 embrac·e / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v
em- emˈbrɛ:s / -ɪz / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / m -t,
embellish / ~ed v
> also im- -ɪd
sp embrace50, em-brace2, imbrace13
sp embellished1
emballing n / embraces3 / embracing1 /
emˈbɑ:lɪn, -ɪŋ embrac’d7, embraced1, embrast1,
ember / ~s n
sp emballing1 imbrac’d2
ˈembəɹz rh face LLL 4.3.212, VA 539, 874;
embalm / ~s v sp embers1 embrace him place him Luc 518 /
emˈbɔ:m / -z chased MW 5.5.229; embraced me
emblaze v unlaced me PP 11.5
sp embalme1 / embalmes1 ˈemblɛ:z
> balm embraced adj
sp emblaze1
embar v > blaze m emˈbrɛ:sɪd, -st
emˈbɑ:ɹ sp embraced1, imbrac’d1
emblem / ~s n
sp imbarre1 = embracement / ~s n
> bar
sp embleme1 / emblemes1 emˈbrɛ:smənt / -s
embark / ~ed v sp embracement3, imbracement1 /
embod·y / ~ied v embracements5
emˈbɑ:ɹk / m -t, -ɪd emˈbɒdəɪd


embracing n emmew v sp employ11, imploy11 / employd3,

emˈbrɛ:sɪn, -ɪŋ emˈju: employ’d5, employed1, imploid1,
imployd4, imploy’d13
sp embracing1 sp emmew1
rh boy MND 3.2.374
rh chasing VA 559
empale > pre-employ
embrasure / ~s n > impale employer n
emˈbrɛ:zəɹz emˈpləɪəɹ
sp embrasures1
> impannel sp imploier1
embrew / ~ed v employment / ~s n
emˈbru: / -d emperator
> imperator emˈpləɪmənt / -s
em-brew1, imbrue1 / embrewed1
sp employment11, imployement1,
> imbrue
emperial imployment9 / employments1,
embroidered adj > imperial imployments1

emˈbrəɪdəɹd empericutic n empoison / ~ed v

sp imbroider’d1 emˈpəɪzən / -d
embroidery n sp emperickqutique1 sp impoison1 / im-poyson’d1

m emˈbrəɪdəˌrəɪ emperious Empress / ~’ [title] n

sp embroiderie1 =
> imperious
rh charactery, knee MW 5.5.71
sp Empresse40 / Empresse13
Emperor / ~’s n
m ˈempəˌrɔ:ɹ, -prəɹ, -pər- / -z emptiness n
> imbrue 27
sp Emperor , Emperour , 61 m ˈemtɪˌnes, -mpt-
emerald adj Em-perour1, Emperour’s [Emperor sp emptinesse3
is]1 / Emperors7, Emperours12,
ˈemrɑld empt·y / ~ier adj
Em-perours1, abbr Emp1
sp emrold-[tuffes]1
ˈemtəɪ, -mpt- / -əɹ
empery n sp emptie17, empty27 / emptier2
Emilia n
m ˈempəˌrəɪ
m eˈmɪlɪə [  sylls], -lɪˌa empt·y / ~ies / ~ying /
sp emperie4, empery1, empyrie1
sp Aemilia28, Ae-milia2, Aemillia1,
~ied v
Emilia5 emphasis n ˈemtəɪ, -mpt- / -z / -ɪn,
Emillius n m ˈemfəˌsɪs -ɪŋ / -d
sp emphasis2
eˈmɪlɪəs [  sylls] sp emptie1, empty4 / empties2 /
sp Emillius 6
empire n emptying1 / emptied1
rh plenty Tem 4.1.111
eminence n ˈempəɪɹ
sp empire14 empty-hearted adj
m ˈemɪˌnens
sp eminence 1 ˈemtəɪ-ˈɑ:ɹtɪd, -mpt-, -ˈhɑ:
empiric / ~s n
> pre-eminence sp empty hearted1
m ˈempɪˌrɪks > heart
eminent adj sp empericks1
m ˈemɪˌnent, -mɪn-, ˈemnənt emptying n
empleached LC adj ˈemtəɪɪn, -ɪŋ, -mpt-
sp eminent6
emˈpli:tʃt sp emptying2
Emmanuel n sp empleacht1
rh beseeched, enriched LC 205 emulate adj / v
sp Emanuell 1 m ˈemlət, -jələt / ˈemjəˌlɛ:t
employ / ~ed v
sp emulate1 / emulate1
emˈpləɪ / -d


emulation / ~s n Enceladus n enclip / ~s v

m ˈemjəˌlɛ:sɪən, -sɪˌɒn / -z m enˈsɛləˌdɤs =
sp emulation10 / aemulations1, sp Enceladus1 sp inclippes1
enchafed adj enclog v
emulator n m enˈtʃɛ:ft, -fɪd =
ˈemjəˌlɛ:təɹ sp enchaf ’d1, enchafed1 sp enclogge1
sp emulator1 > chafed
enclos·e S / LC, Luc ~es /
emulous adj enchange n ~eth / ~ing / ~ed v
ˈemjələs, -ml- enˈtʃɛ:ndʒ enˈklo:z / -ɪz / -əθ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d
sp emulous3 sp enchange1 sp inclose1 / incloses1 / incloseth1 /
enclosing1 / enclos’d1, enclosed3,
emure, emured enchant / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v inclos’d1
> immure, immured enˈtʃant, -ˈtʃɔ:nt / -s / -ɪn, rh rose S 95.4 / roses LC 287, Luc 73
-ɪŋ / -ɪd / supposed Luc 378
en Fr prep / pro > close
sp enchaunt2, inchant1 / enchants1,
ɑ̃ inchants1 / inchanting2 /
sp en7 / [m]an1, en [m]en2 enchaunted1, inchanted1
enclosed adj
rh want Tem Epil.14 / rh 1 granted m enˈklo:zɪd
enact / ~s n LC 128; rh 2 haunted LC 128 sp inclosed1
sp enacts1 enchanted adj encloud / ~ed v
enˈtʃantɪd, -ˈtʃɔ:n- enˈkləʊdɪd
enact / ~s / ~ed v sp inchanted2 sp enclowded1
= > cloud
sp enact3 / enacts1 / enacted4 enchanting adj
rh compacted, unacted Luc 529 enˈtʃantɪn, -ɪŋ, -ˈtʃɔ:n- encompass / ~eth / ~ed v
sp enchanting2, inchanting2 enˈkɤmpə·səθ / m -st, -ˌsɪd
enactor / ~s n sp incompasseth1 / encompass’d2,
enˈaktəɹz enchantingly adv incompass’d1, incompassed1,
sp ennactors1 enˈtʃantɪnləɪ, -ɪŋ-, -ˈtʃɔ:n- incompast2
sp enchantingly1 > compass
enamelled adj
m =, eˈnaməˌled enchantment n encompassment n
sp enamaled1, enameld1, enˈtʃantmənt, -ˈtʃɔ:n- m enˈkɤmpəsˌment
enammel’d1 sp enchantment2 sp encompassement1
rh bed CE 2.1.109
enchantress n encore Fr adv
enamoured adj enˈtʃantrəs, -ˈtʃɔ:n- ɑ̃ˈkɔ:ɹ
eˈnaməɹd sp inchantresse1 sp encore1
2 2
sp enamor’d , enamored ,
enamour’d1, enamoured1 enchased adj encorpse / ~d v
enˈtʃɛ:st enˈkɔ:ɹpst
encamp / ~ed v sp encorps’t1
sp inchac’d1
sp encampe3 / encamp’d2 encircle / ~d v encounter / ~s n
> camp enˈsɐ:ɹkəl / -d enˈkəʊntəɹ / -z
sp encircle1 / encircled1 sp encounter23, en-counter1,
encave v incounter2 / encounters5,
> circle
enˈkɛ:v incounters1
sp encaue1 encline rh mount her VA 596
> incline


encounter / ~ing / ~ed v rh 1 friend Luc 899, MND 2.2.67, RJ ending adj
enˈkəʊntəɹ / enˈkəʊntrɪn, -ɪŋ / 3.1.185, S 30.14; mend Tim 5.1.218; ˈendɪn, -ɪŋ
wend MND 3.2.373; rh 2 fiend PT 7,
m enˈkəʊntəɹd, -əˌred S 145.9 / friends LLL 5.2.221, MND
sp ending3
sp encounter24, incounter2 / 5.1.338, VA 716 / amended, pre-
encountring1 / encounter’d1,
ending / ~s n
tended Luc 579; befriended TC
encountred13, en-countred2, 5.9.10; depended Oth 1.3.200;
ˈendɪn, -ɪŋ / -z
incountred1 descended Luc 1079; extended AW sp ending3 / endings2
rh shed 1H6 4.6.18 2.1.174; offended LLL 2.1.192 rh amending, depending Luc 1612;
attending Per Epil.18
encounterer / ~s n endamage v
enˈkəʊntrəɹz, -tər- = endite v
sp encounterers 1
sp endamage1, endammage1
sp endite1
encourage / ~ed v endamagement n
enˈkɤrɪdʒ / -d = endless adj
sp encourage4 / encourag’d1 sp endamagement 1 =
sp endles1, endlesse8
encouragement n endanger v
m enˈkɤrɪdʒˌment enˈdɛ:ndʒəɹ endow / ~s / ~ed v
sp encouragement 2 1
sp endanger , en-danger 1 enˈdəʊ / -z / -d
sp indow1 / endowes1 / endow’d2,
encrease endart v endowed1, indowed1
> increase enˈdɑ:ɹt
endowment / ~s n
encroaching adj sp endart1
enˈdəʊmənt / -s
enˈkro:tʃɪn, -ɪŋ endear / ~ed v sp endowments2
sp incroaching m enˈdi:ɹd, -i:rɪd
endue / ~s / ~d v
encumber v sp endeer’d2, endeered2
> self-endeared
enˈdju: / -z / -d
enˈkɤmbəɹ sp endue1, indue2 / endues1 /
sp encombred1 endeavour / ~s n endu’d1, indued4
enˈdevəɹ / -z
end / ~s n endurance n
sp endeauour2, endeuour6,
= indeauor1, indeauour1, indeuor1,
sp end222, [figges]-end1, indeuour1 / endeauors3, endeuors2, sp indurance2
lagge-[end]1, [Mile]-end1, endeuours3
[Mile]-end-[Greene]1, endur·e / ~st / ~s / ~ing /
[world-without]-end1 / ends31 endeavour / ~s / ~ed v ~ed v
rh attend R3 4.4.195, VA 1138; con- enˈdevəɹ / -z / -d enˈdju:ɹ / -st / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d
tend S 60.2; depend S 92.6; friend AC
sp endeauour2, en-deauour1, sp endure61, indure13, in-dure1 /
4.15.90, AY 3.2.132, Cym 5.3.59, LLL
endeuour1 / endeuours1 / endur’st1 / endures1 / enduring1 /
5.2.822, Luc 238, 528, S 50.2, 110.9,
endeuour’d1 endur’d8, en-dur’d1, endured1,
TG 2.1.153; intend LLL 5.2.430; lend
indur’d4, indured1
TNK 1.5.14; offend MND 5.1.111; ended adj rh cure MA 4.1.252, S 153.6, VA 507;
penned LLL 5.2.304; send VA 272;
= pure LLL 5.2.353, Luc 1659; sure
spend Mac 3.5.21, S 9.11, 146.8, Tim
sp ended1 JC 1.2.319; unsure TN 2.3.50 /
3.4.56; wend CE 1.1.159 / friends Tim
assured S 107.5; cured Luc 1582
ender LC adj
> butt-, finger-, fore-, lag-end Endymion n
end / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v sp ender2 m enˈdɪmɪˌɒn
sp Endimion1
= / = / ˈendɪn, -ɪŋ / = rh render, tender LC 222
sp end71 / endes1, ends15 /ending5 /


enem·y / ~y’s / ~ies / ~ies’ n enforce / ~st / ~s / ~d v sp engage4 / engaging1 / engag’d5,

m ˈenəˌməɪ, -nm- / -z enˈfɔ:ɹs / -əst / -ɪz / m -t, -ɪd engagde1, engaged2, ingag’d9,
sp enemie66, ene-mie1, enemy84, sp enforce21, inforce13 / inforcest1 /
ene-my1, enemy’s [enemy is]1 / enforces2 / enforc’d6, en-forc’d1, engagement / ~s n
enemies16 / enemies94, enemyes1 / enforced3, enforc’t2, enforst1,
enemies9 enfor’st1, inforced2, in-forced1,
rh 1 impiety, infamy Luc 1171; me infor’d1 sp engagements1
Per 2.5.65, RJ 1.5.141, 2.3.45; security > force
engaol / ~ed v
Mac 3.5.33; see AY 2.5.7, 41; rh 2 fly
JC 5.3.2; try Ham 3.2.219 / rh 1 enforced adj enˈdʒɛ:ld
injuries S 139.10; rh 2 cries, tyrannize m enˈfɔ:ɹst, -sɪd sp engaol’d1
Luc 674; eyes Luc 1470; flies Ham 4 1
sp enforced , inforc’d , inforced 2

3.2.215; guise Tim 4.3.469; lies R2 engender / ~s / ~ed v

5.6.32 enforcedly adv enˈdʒendəɹ / -z / -d
> arch-enemy, ennemi m enˈfɔ:ɹsɪdˌləɪ sp ingender1 / engenders5,
sp enforcedly 1 ingenders1 / engendred4
enfeeble / ~s / ~d v > high-engendered
= enforcement n
sp enfeebles1 / enfeebled2 engendering n
> feeble 5 1 enˈdʒendrɪn, -ɪŋ
sp enforcement , inforcement
> reinforcement sp ingendring1
enfeoff / ~ed v
enˈfi:ft enform engild / ~s v
sp enfeoff ’d 1
> inform enˈɡɪldz
sp engilds1
enfetter / ~ed v enfranched adj
enˈfetəɹd m enˈfrantʃɪd engine / ~s n
sp enfetter’d1 sp enfranched 1 =
sp engin1, engine7 / engines4
enfix / ~ing v enfranchise / ~d v
enˈfɪksɪn, -ɪŋ enˈfrantʃəɪz / -d enginer n
sp enfixing 1 1
sp enfranchise , infranchise / 3 ˈendʒɪnəɹ
enfranchis’d2, enfranchisde1, sp enginer1
enflame / ~d v enfranchized1, infranchised1
enˈflɛ:m / -d > franchise engirt v
sp enflame2 / enflam’d1 enˈɡɐ:ɹt
enfranchisement n sp engirt1, engyrt1
enflamed adj m enˈfrantʃəɪzˌment
enˈflɛ:md sp enfranchisement2, England / ~’s n
sp enflam’d 1
infranchisement4 =
sp England241, Eng-land4,
enfold v enfreed adj [Mother]-England1 / Englands64
enˈfo:ld =
sp enfold1, infold2 sp enfreed English adj / n
rh behold, bold, cold, gold, =, Fr pron H .. ˈɒŋɡlɪʃ
inscrolled, old, sold, told MV 2.7.69 enfreedom / ~ing v sp English83, Eng-lish1 / English64,
> fold enˈfri:dəmɪn, -ɪŋ Fr Anglish1
sp enfreedoming1
enfolding / ~s n > freedom English / ~d v
enˈfo:ldɪnz, -ɪŋz =
sp enfoldings1 engag·e / ~ing / ~ed v sp english’d1
enˈɡɛ:dʒ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / m -ɪd, -d


English·man / ~man’s / sp enioyne2 / enioynd2, enioyn’d3, ennemi Fr n

~men n inioynd1, inioyn’d1, inioyned1 ɛnˈmi
= enjoy / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v sp ennemie1
sp Englishman8, English man1 / > enemy
enˈdʒəɪ / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d
Englishmans1 / Englishmen6,
sp enioy43, inioy1 / enioyes7 / ennoble / ~d v
English men1
enioying2 / enioy’d7, enioyed1, eˈno:bəl / -d
rh can R2 1.3.309 / Amen H5
5.2.359; ten H5 3.7.153 sp ennoble1 / ennobled1
rh destroy VA 1164; enjoy thee
> noble
Englishwoman n destroy thee Luc 512 / enjoys it
destroys it S 9.10 Enobarbus n
sp English-woman 1
enjoying n ˌi:nəˈbɑ:ɹbəs, -no:-
> woman enˈdʒəɪɪn, -ɪŋ sp Enobarbe1, Enobarbus31, abbr in
s.d. Enob3
englut / ~s / ~ted v sp enioying3

eŋˈɡlɤts / -ɪd enkindle / ~d v enormity n

sp engluts / englutted 2
= m ɪˈnɔ:ɹmɪˌtəɪ
sp enormity1
engraffed sp enkindle2 / enkindled2
> kindle enormous adj
> ingraffed, long-engraffed
enkindled adj ɪˈnɔ:ɹməs
engrave / ~d, abbr graved v sp enormous1
eŋˈɡrɛ:v / -d, abbr ɡrɛ:vd 1 1
sp ingraue1 / engrau’d2 , abbr grau’d1 sp enkindled , inkindled enough adv
enlard v ɪˈnɤf, ɪˈnɒf
engross / ~est / ~ed v
enˈlɑ:ɹd sp enough285, e-nough8, inough11,
eŋˈɡrɒs / -əst / m -ɪd, -t ynough1
sp engrosse2 / engrossest1 / sp enlard1
rh 1 Macduff Mac 4.1.71, 5.6.73;
engross’d1, ingross’d1, ingrossed1, rough VA 235; rh 2 off TG 5.1.12
enlarge / ~th / ~d v
rh crossed S 133.6 enˈlɑ:ɹdʒ / -əθ / m -ɪd, -d enow adv
sp enlarge5, inlarge3 / enlargeth1 / ɪˈnəʊ
engrossing adj enlarged1, inlarg’d1
sp enow10
eŋˈɡrɒsɪn, -ɪŋ rh charged S 70.12
sp ingrossing1 > wide-enlarged enpearce / ~d v
enlargement n m enˈpɛ:ɹsɪd
engrossment / ~s n
enˈlɑ:ɹdʒmənt sp enpearced1
sp engrossements1 sp enlargement enquire / ~d v
enlink / ~ed v ɪnˈkwəɪɹ / -d
enguard v
= sp enquier1, enquire16, en-quire1,
eŋˈɡɑ:ɹd inquire4 / enquir’d3, enquired2
sp enguard1 sp enlynckt1
rh Tyre Per 3.Chorus.22
enigma n enmash v
enquiry n
eˈnɪɡmə =
sp aenigma1, enigma1 sp en-mash
sp enquiry1, inquiry1
enmit·y / ~ies n > after-enquiry
enigmatical adj
m ˌenɪɡˈmatɪˌkɑl m ˈenmɪˌtəɪ / -z enrage / ~s / ~d v
sp enigmaticall1 sp enmitie5, enmity14 / enmities2 enˈrɛ:dʒ / -ɪz / m -d, -ɪd
rh 1 Brittany 3H6 4.6.98; infamy
sp enrage2 /enrages1 / enrag’d7,
enjoin / ~ed v Luc 503; posterity S 55.9; rh 2 lie
enraged4, inrag’d2, inraged1
enˈdʒəɪn / -d RJ 5.3.304


rh assuaged VA 317 enscroll ensteeped adj

> threat-enraged > inscroll =
enrank v sp ensteep’d1
enseamed adj
= m enˈsɛ:mɪd ensue / ~s / ~d v
sp enranke1
sp enseamed1 enˈsju: / -z / -d
enrapt v sp ensue10, insue2 / ensues2, insues2
ensear v / ensu’de1, ensued1
enˈsi:ɹ rh blue CE 2.2.200; true MND 3.2.90;
sp enrapt1
sp enseare1 view Luc 1263; you Oth 2.3.9 / news
enrich / ~es / ~ed v > sear WT 4.1.25; renews, views Luc 1104
= / = / m enˈrɪtʃt, -tʃɪd enseign·er / ~ez / ~é Fr v ensuing adj
sp enrich7, inrich1 / enriches1 /
ɑ̃nsɛˈɲe enˈsju:ɪn, -ɪŋ
enrich’d6, enricht1, inrich’d1,
inriched1, inricht1 sp ensigniez1 / ensignie1 sp ensuing7, insuing1
rh beseeched, empleached LC 208 rh viewing VA 1078
ensemble Fr adv
> rich
ɑ̃nˈsɑ̃:blə entail n
enring / ~s v sp ensembe 1 enˈtɛ:l
= sp intaile1
sp enrings 1 enshelter / ~ed v
enˈʃeltəɹd entail v
enrobe / ~d v sp enshelter’d1 m enˈtɛ:l, ˈentɛ:l
enˈro:b / -d > shelter sp entayle2
1 1
sp enrobe / en-roab’d
enshield adj entame v
enrol / ~led v ˈenʃi:ld enˈtɛ:m
enˈro:l / m -d, -ɪd sp en-shield1 sp entame1
1 1 4
sp enrold / enroll’d , enrolled ,
inroll’d1 enshrine / ~s v entangle / ~s / ~d v
enˈʃrəɪnz =
enrolled adj sp inshrines1 sp entangles1 / entangled1,
m enˈro:lɪd > shrine intangled1
sp inrolled1
ensign / ~s v entend
enroot / ~ed v ˈensəɪn / -z > intend
= sp ensigne5 / ensignes2
sp en-rooted1
entendre Fr v
> root enskied adj ɑ̃nˈtɑ̃:drə
enˈskəɪd sp entendre1
enround / ~ed v sp en-skied 1

enˈrəʊndɪd entent
sp enrounded 1 ensnare / ~th / ~ed v > intend
enˈsnɛ:ɹ / -əθ / -d
enschedule / ~d v enter / ~s / ~eth / ~ing /
sp ensnare1 / ensnareth1 /
enˈsedju:ld ensnar’d1
~ed v
sp enschedul’d1 rh spare me Luc 584 ˈentəɹ / -z / ˈentr·əθ, -tər- / -ɪn,
> schedule > snare -ɪŋ / ˈentəɹd
ensconc·e / ~ing v sp enter2204 / enters13 / entereth1,
enstate n entreth1 / entering2, entring4 /
= / enˈskɒnsɪn, -ɪŋ enˈstɛ:t enter’d10, entred18, en-tred1
sp ensconce1, en-sconce1, insconce1 sp en-state1 rh venture VA 626
/ ensconcing1 > state
> sconce


entered adj sp entice2 / abbr tic’d1 entreasured adj

ˈentəɹd rh advice, nice Luc 1411; vice m enˈtrezəˌred
PP 20.42
sp entred1 sp entreasured1
> man-, well-entered enticement / ~s n > treasure

entering n enˈtəɪsmənts entreat / ~s n

ˈentrɪn, -ɪŋ sp entise-ments1 enˈtrɛ:ts, -rets
sp entring1 enticing adj sp entreats1, intreats2

enterprise / ~s n enˈtəɪsɪn, -ɪŋ entreat / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v

ˈentəɹˌprəɪz / -ɪz sp enticing1, inticing1 enˈtrɛ:t, -ret / -s / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd
sp enterprise5, enterprize26 / entire adj sp entreat36, entreate14, intreat43,
enterprises2, enterprizes1 intreate18 / entreats6, en-treats1,
rh 1 arise, despise Luc 184; eyes intreats2 / intreating1 / entreated8,
MND 3.2.157, 350; rh 2 sacrifice TC sp entire3, entyre1, intire4 intreated4
1.2.283 rh frets VA 73
entirely adv
entertain / ~est / ~ing / enˈtəɪɹləɪ entreatment / ~s n
~ed v sp entirely1, intirely7 enˈtrɛ:tmənts, -ret-
ˌentəɹˈtɛ:n / -st / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / m -d, entit·le / ~ling / ~led / v sp entreatments1
- ɪd enˈtəɪtl, -ˈtɪt- / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d
37 1
entreat·y / ~ies n
sp entertaine , enter-taine /
sp intitle3 / entit’ling1 / intitled1 enˈtrɛ:təɪ, -ret- / -z
entertainst1, entertain’st1 /
> title sp entreatie4, entreaty2, intreatie2,
entertaining1 / entertaind1,
entertain’d9, enter-tain’d1, intreaty4 / entreaties8, intreaties3
entitule / ~d v
m enˈtəɪtjəˌled, -jəld, -ˈtɪt- entrench / ~ed v
rh again Luc 1361; amain Tem
4.1.75; entertain him complain him, sp intituled1, Luc entituled1 =
disdain him Luc 842; entertain me rh red Luc 57 sp entrench’d1, entrencht1
disdain me CE 3.1.120; entertain
entomb / ~ed v entry n
thee complain me Luc 596
enˈtɤm, -ˈtu:m / -d ˈentrəɪ
entertainer n sp entombe1, intombe2 / sp entry1
ˌentəɹˈtɛ:nəɹ entomb’d1, intomb’d1
sp entertainer1 rh dumb Luc 1121 entwist v
entrails n =
entertainment / ~s n sp entwist1
ˌentəɹˈtɛ:nmənt / -s ˈentrɛ:lz
> twist
sp entertainement2, sp entrailes3, en-trailes1, entrayles2,
entertainment32, enter-tainment1 / intrailes4, intrals1 enurn / ~ed v
entrance / ~s n enˈɐ:ɹnd
sp enurn’d1
enthralled adj =
m enˈθrɑ:ld, -lɪd sp entrance18, entrances1 envelop v
1 1
sp enthral’d , enthrall’d , =
entrap / ~ped v
enthralled2, inthral’d1 sp inuellop1, inuelop1
enthrone / ~d v sp entrap1, intrap3 / intrapt1 envenom / ~s / ~ed v
m enˈθro:nd, -nɪd =
entre Fr prep
sp enthroaned1, enthron’d3, sp envenom2 / enuenoms1 /
enthroned1 ˈɑ̃:ntrə
sp entre1 > venom
entice / ~d, abbr ticed v
enˈtəɪs / abbr təɪst


envenomed adj sp Ephesus13, abbr Eph2, Ephes2, epitaph / ~s n

m enˈvenəˌmɪd CE 2.1.1. s.d. emend of Sereptus1 =
rh votaress Per 4.Chorus.3
sp inuenomed2 sp epitaph12, epytaph1 / epitaphes1,
epicure / ~s n epitaphs1
envious adj
ˈepɪkju:ɹ / -z epithet / ~s n
35 sp epicure1 / epicures1 =
sp enuious
> envy epicurean adj sp epithat1, epithite1, epythite1 /
epithites1, epythithes1
enviously adv =
m ˈenvɪəsˌləɪ sp epicurean1, epicurian-[rascall]1 epitheton n
sp enuiously 1
epicurism n əˈpɪθətən
> envy sp apa-thaton1
environ / ~ed v sp epicurisme1 epitome n
enˈvəɪrən / m enˈvəɪrəˌnɪd, Epicurus n =
-rənd ˌepɪˈkju:rəs sp epitome1
2 1 1
sp enuiron , inuiron / enuironed ,
sp Epicurus1 equal adj / adv
inuiron’d3, inuironed1, inuironned1
Epidamium n ˈi:kwɑl
envy / ~s n sp equal1, equall29 / equall1
ˈenvəɪ / -z > unequal
sp Epidamium7
sp enuie9, enuy30 / enuies3
equal / ~s n
Epidarus n
env·y / ~ies / ~ing / ~ied v ˈi:kwɑl / -z
ˈenvəɪ / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d sp equall3 / equals1
5 4 1 sp Epidarus1 > inequality
sp enuie , enuy / enuies /
enuying2 / enui’d1, enuide1, enuied2 epigram n equal / ~s / ~led v
enwheel v = ˈi:kwɑl / -z / -d
sp epigram1
enˈʍi:l sp equall8 / equals2 / equall’d2
sp enwheele epilepsy n
> wheel
equality n
m ɪˈkwɑlɪˌtəɪ
enwomb / ~ed v sp epilepsie
sp equality2
m enˈwʊmɪd epileptic adj
sp enwombed1
equally adv
> womb m ˈi:kwɑˌləɪ, -ɑləɪ
sp epilepticke1
sp equallie1, equally7
enwrap / ~s v epilogue / ~s n
= equalness n
sp enwraps1 5 2 3
m ˈi:kwɑlˌnes
sp epilogue , epi-logue , epilogve /
sp equalnesse1
eo / ibat Lat v epilogues1

ˈi:bat epistle / ~s n equinoctial n

sp ibat3 = ˌekwɪˈnɒksɪəl
sp equinoctial1
Ephesian / ~s n sp epistles2

eˈfi:zɪən / -z Epistrophus n equinox n

sp Ephesian / Ephesians 1
eˈpɪstrəˌpʊs m ˈekwɪˌnɒks
sp equinox1
Ephesus n sp Epistropus1



equipage S n erga Lat prep erst adv

m ˈekwɪˌpɛ:dʒ ˈeɹɡa ɐ:ɹst
sp equipage1 sp erga1 sp erst4, er’st1
rh age S 32.12
ergo adv erudition n
equity n ɐ:ɹˈɡo: ˌerəˈdɪsɪən
m ˈekwɪˌtəɪ sp argo1, ergo7 sp erudition1
sp equitie1, equity2 > argal
eruption / ~s n
equivocal adj Ermengare n ɪˈrɤpsɪən / -z
m eˈkwɪvəˌkɑl m ˈɐ:ɹmɪŋˌɡɑ:ɹ sp erruption1 / eruptions3
sp equiuocall1, equi-uocall1 sp Ermengare1
rh gall Oth 1.3.215 eryngo / ~es n
Eros n ɪˈrɪŋɡo: / -z
equivocate / ~s v ˈi:rɒs sp eringoes1
eˈkwɪvəˌkɛ:t / -s sp Eros34
sp equiuocate1 / equiuocates1 Escalus n
Erotes n m ˈeskəˌlɤs, -ləs
equivocation n eˈro:ti:z sp Escalus12, Esculus1, Eskales1
eˈkwɪvəˌkɛ:sɪən 1
sp Erotes , Errotis 1

sp equiuocation2 escape, abbr scape / ~s n

Erpingham n ɪˈskɛ:p, abbr skɛ:p / -s
equivocator n m ˈɐ:ɹpɪŋˌam, -ŋəm sp escape10, abbr scape2 / escapes1,
eˈkwɪvəˌkɛ:təɹ sp Erpingham6 abbr scapes3
sp equiuocator3
err / ~est / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v escape, abbr scape / ~s / ~d /
Ercles ɐ:ɹ / -st / -z / ˈɐ:ɹɪn, -ɪŋ / ɐ:ɹd ~dest v
> Hercules sp erre12 / errest1 / erres3 / erring1 / ɪˈskɛ:p, abbr skɛ:p / -s / m -t,
er’d1, err’d1 -ɪd / -st, -tst
ere conj / prep rh her AW 2.3.182 / transferred
sp escape9, MW 3.3.155 emend of
ɛ: ɹ S 137.13
uncape1, abbr scape34 / escapes3,
sp ere340, er[’t] [ere it]5 / ere65 abbr scapes3 / escap’d5, escaped2,
> ever errand / ~s n
escap’t1, abbr scap’d8, scaped2,
= scap’t3 / escap’dst1
Erebus n sp arrand1, errand13 / errands2
m ˈerəˌbɤs, -əbəs eschew / ~ed v
sp Erebus2, Erobus1 errant adj / n esˈtʃu:d
= sp eschew’d1
erect / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v sp erant1 / errant1
= / = / ɪˈrektɪn, -ɪŋ / = escot / ~ed v
sp erect4 / erects1 / erecting1 / erring adj eˈskɒtɪd
erected2 ˈɐ:ɹɪn, -ɪŋ sp escorted1
> ill-erected sp erring4
especial adj
erection n erroneous adj m eˈspesɪɑl, -ɪˌɑl
ɪˈreksɪən eˈro:nɪəs sp especial1, especiall3
sp erection3 sp erreoneous1, erroneous1 > special
erewhile adv error / ~s n especially adv
ɛ:ɹˈʍəɪl ˈerəɹ / -z eˈspesɪɑˌləɪ
sp erewhile1, ere-while1, yerewhile1 sp error25, errour4 / errors7 sp especially16, espe-cially1
rh style LLL 4.1.98 rh 1 terror LLL 5.2.471, WT 4.1.2;
rh 2 mirror Per 1.1.47


esperance n essential adj sp esteeme9, e-steeme1 / esteem’st2

ˈespəˌrans ɪˈsensɪɑl / esteemes5 / esteemeth1 / S
esteeming1 / esteem’d7, esteemed3
sp esperance4 sp essentiall1
rh deem AW 2.1.123; redeem
espial / ~s n essentially adv S 100.7 / seeming S 102.3 / deemed
S 96.6, 121.1
m ɪˈspəɪəlz ɪˈsensɪɑləɪ
sp espials1, espyals2 sp essentially3 esteemed adj
m ɪˈsti:md
espouse n Essex n
sp esteemed1, estee-med2
ɪˈspəʊz = > best-, ever-esteemed
sp espouse2 sp Essex2
estimable adj
espouse / ~d v est Fr m ˈestɪˌmabəl
ɪˈspəʊz / -d > c’est, être
sp estimable2
sp espouse2 / espous’d3 > inestimable
est Lat
esp·y / ~ies / ~ied v > esse estimate n
ɪˈspəɪ / -z / -d m ˈestɪˌmɛ:t
establish, abbr stablish /
sp espie2, espy1 / espies2 / espied2 sp estimate5
rh 1 by VA 261; by, dye, eye, sky
~ed v
rh determinate S 87.2; rate
MND 3.2.105; eye KJ 2.1.506, R2 =, abbr ˈstablɪʃ / m -t, -ˌɪd AW 2.1.180
1.3.97; rh 2 archery, gloriously, sp establish5, abbr stablish1 /
remedy MND 3.2.105 / eyes MND establish’d2, established2, establisht1 estimation / ~s n
2.1.262; hies Per 5.Chorus.18 / aside, ˌestɪˈmɛ:sɪən / -z
wide Luc 361 established adj
sp estimation20, estima-tion1 /
m ɪˈstablɪʃt, -ɪˌʃɪd estimations1
esquire / ~s n sp established1, e-stablished1
ɪˈskwəɪɹ / -z estimer / estime Fr v
sp esquire7 / esquires2 establishment ɛˈstim
> stablishment
ess / ~es n sp estime1

= estate / ~s n estranged adj

sp esses2 ɪˈstɛ:t / -s m ɪˈstrɛ:ndʒd, -dʒɪd
sp estate44, e-state1 / estates8
essay n sp estranged1, e-stranged1
rh gate TN 5.1.390; late Per 4.4.16,
rh changed LLL 5.2.213
ˈesɛ: Tim 5.1.39
sp essay1 estridge / ~s n
estate v
esse Lat v ɪˈstɛ:t
sp estridge1 / estridges1
sp estate3
rh 1 celebrate Tem 4.1.85; rh 2 et Fr conj
est inordinate Luc 92
sp est6
esteem n sp e4, et3, &20

sit = et Lat conj

sp esteeme16
s ɪt et
rh seem S 127.12
sp sit2 sp et1, &3
esteem / ~est / ~s / ~eth / ~ing
essence n etcetera / ~s n
/ ~ed v
= =
= / ɪˈsti:m·st / = / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / m -d,
sp essence3 sp &c.38, et cetera’s1


été Fr n est evasion / ~s n

> être e ɪˈvɛ:zɪən / -z
sp est6, et3, [n]et1, &4 sp euasion4 / euasions1
eternal adj > c’est
ɪˈtɐ:ɹnɑl Eve / ~’s n
sp eternall30 été =
eˈte sp Eue3 / Eues3
eternal / ~’s n sp este1 rh sleeve LLL 5.2.322
ɪˈtɐ:ɹnɑlz > All-Hallond Eve, Lammas Eve
sp eternalls1 êtes
ɛt even adj / adv
eternally adv sp estes3 =, ˈevən
m ɪˈtɐ:ɹnɑˌləɪ sp eauen1, eeuen2, euen31, e-uen1 /
sp eternally 1 soit euen6
swɛ rh adj heaven AW 2.1.191, AY
eterne adj sp soit1 5.4.106
ɪˈtɐ:ɹn > odd-, un-even
sp eterne2 sont
sũ even adv intensifier
eternity n sp sont2 / ont1 =, ˈevən
m ɪˈtɐɹnɪtəɪ, -ɪˌtəɪ sp ee’n3, eene1, e’ene7, eeuen1, e’n1,
2 1
sp eternitie , eter-nitie , eternity 4 suis e’ne18, euen484, e-uen1, eu’n13, ev’n2
rh 1 canopy S 125.3; extremity Luc swi
967; memory S 77.8, 122.4; rh 2 die sp suis3, emend of H5 4.4.55
even [evening] n
Ham 1.2.73 in[tombe]1 =, ˈevən
sp euen3, eu’n5, ev’n2
eternize / ~d v eunuch / ~s n rh S 28.12, 132.7, VA 495
ɪˈtɐ:ɹnəɪzd = > good-even
sp eterniz’d1 sp eunuch15 / eunuches1, eunuchs1
even / ~ed v
êtes Fr Euphrates n =, ˈevən / -d
> être jʊˈfrɛ:ti:z sp euen2 / eeuen’d1
sp euphrates
Ethiop / ~’s / ~s n even-handed adj
ˈi:tɪəp / -s Euriphile n ˈi:vən-ˌandɪd, -han-, ˈevən-
sp Aethiop1, Ethiop1, Ethiope3 / jʊˈrɪfɪˌli: sp euen-handed1
Aethiops1 / Aethiops1 sp Euriphile 4
evening adj / n
Ethiopian / ~’s n Europa n ˈi:vnɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈevən-
ˌi:tɪˈo:pɪən / -z jʊˈro:pə sp euening3 / euening15, eue-ning1
1 1
sp Ethiopian , Ethyopians sp Europa 3
evenly adv
Etna n Europe n m ˈi:vənləɪ, -ˌləɪ, ˈevən-
= ˈju:rəp sp euenly3
sp Aetna1, Etna1 sp Europe 10
event / ~s n
Eton n evade / ~s v =
= ɪˈvɛ:d / -z sp euent23 / euents15
sp Eaton4 1
sp euade / euades 1 rh content Per 4.Chorus.45; discon-
tent, spent Luc 1598; spent 2H6
être v Evans n 3.1.326 / contents AY 5.4.124;
ˈɛ:trə = discontents VA 1159
sp estre1
sp Euans12


eventful adj sp euermore22, euer more1 sp euill21

= > more rh devil LLL 5.2.105, Luc 1245

sp euentfull1 ever-preserved adj evil / ~s n

ever, abbr e’er adv ˈevəɹ-prɪˈzɐ:ɹvd, -vɪd ˈevɪl / -z
m ˈevəɹ, abbr ɛ:ɹ sp euer-preserued1 sp euil1, euill37 / euilles2, euills3,
> preserve [past]-euills1, euils18
sp euer624, e-uer3, abbr e’er1, ere35,
rh devil LLL 4.3.284, Luc 87, 846, 972,
e’re4 ever-running adj 1515, PP 2.5, S 144.5, TN 3.4.360
rh never MA 2.3.61, R2 2.2.147; per-
ˈevəɹ-ˈrɤnɪn, -ɪŋ
sever AW 4.2.36 evil-eyed adj
> ere; how-, howsom-, so-, what-, sp euer-running1
> run ˈevɪl-ˌəɪd
whatso-, when-, wher-, whereso-,
who-, whoso-ever sp euill-ey’d1
ever-valiant adj > eye
ever-angry adj ˈevəɹ-ˈvalɪənt
sp euer-valiant1
evilly adv
1 > valiant m ˈevləɪ, -vɪl-, evˈləɪ
sp euer-angry
> angry sp euilly2
every adj
ever-burning adj ˈevrəɪ evitate v
ˈevəɹ-ˈbɐ:ɹnɪn, -ɪŋ
56 1
sp euerie , eue-rie , euery 456
, ˈevɪˌtɛ:t
sp euer-burning2 e-uery4, eu’rie1, eu’ry10 sp euitate1

ever-esteemed adj everyone, every one / ewe / ~s n

= ~’s pro =
sp euer esteemed1 ˈevrəɪˌɤn, -ˌwɒn / -z sp ewe4 / ewes10
sp euerie one , euery one 44
/ euery pun LLL 5.1.54 you
ever-fixed adj ones1
ewer / ~s n
m ˈevəɹ-ˈfɪksɪd
1 everything, every thing pro ˈju:əɹ / -z
sp euer-fixed
> fixed ˈevrəɪˌθɪŋ sp ewer2, ewre1 / ewers1
2 46
sp euerie thing , euery thing , eu’ry
ever-harmless adj thing1
exact / ~est adj
ˈevəɹ-ˈɑ:ɹmləs, -ˈhɑ- rh spring TN 3.1.147 = / ɪɡˈzaktəst, eɡ-
sp euer-harmelesse1 sp exact6 / exactest1
everywhere adv
everlasting adj / n ˈevrəɪˌʍɛ:ɹ exact / ~est / ~ed v
ˈevəɹˈlastɪn, -ɪŋ sp euerie where2, euery where17 = / ɪɡˈzakst, -tst, eɡ- / =
sp euerlasting17, euer-lasting2, rh character AY 3.2.8; forswear sp exact2 / exact’st1 / exacted1
euerla-sting1 / euerlasting1 MND 1.1.241; sere CE 4.2.20
> where exacting n
> last
ɪɡˈzaktɪn, -ɪŋ, eɡ-
everlastingly adv evidence / ~s n sp exacting1
ˈevəɹˈlastɪnˌləɪ, -ɪŋ- m ˈevɪˌdens, -ɪdəns / -ɪdənsɪz rh contracting MM 3.2.269
sp euerlastingly4 sp euidence9 / euidences1
exaction / ~s n
rh knee KJ 5.7.105
evident adj ɪɡˈzaksɪən, eɡ- / -z
ever-living adj m ˈevɪˌdent, -ɪdənt sp exaction3 / exactions3
ˈevəɹ-ˈlɪvɪn, -ɪŋ sp euident
rh unprovident S 10.4 exactly adv
sp euer-liuing1
> live ɪɡˈzakləɪ, eɡ-, -ktl-
evil adj sp exactly6
evermore adv ˈevɪl


exalt / ~ed v sp excell5 / excells1, excels6 / sp exception4, excepti-on1 /

ɪɡˈzɑ:lt, eɡ- / -ɪd excelling1 / excelled1 exceptions6
rh dwell S 5.4; tell LLL 4.3.38 / bring,
sp exalt1 / exalted1 exceptless adj
dwelling, sing, thing TG 4.2.49 /
exalted adj beheld VA 1131 =
ɪgˈzɑ:ltɪd, eg- sp exceptlesse1
excellence n
sp exalted1, ex-alted1 m ˈeksəˌlens, -sələns, -sləns excess n
examination / ~s n sp excellence17 =
rh difference S 105.6; expense S 94.8 sp excesse12
ɪgˌzamɪˈnɛ:sɪən, eg- / -z
4 1 rh 1 less MV 3.2.112; less, possess
sp examination / examinations excellenc·y / ~ies n Luc 138; wantonness LLL 5.2.73; rh 2
> unexamined m ˈeksəˌlensəɪ, -sələn-, -slən- / lease S 146.7
examine / ~s / ~d v ˈekslənsəɪz, -səl-
sp excellencie1, excellency3 /
excessive adj
= / = / m ɪgˈzamɪnd, -ˌnɪd, eg- =
sp examine12, ex-amine1 /
sp excessiue1
examines1 / examind1, examin’d1, excellent adj / adv
examined2, ex-amined1 exchange n
m ˈeksəˌlent, -sələnt, -slənt
example / ~s n sp excellant1, excellent100, ɪksˈtʃɛ:ndʒ, ek-
ɪgˈzampl, eg- / -z ex-cellent3, excel-lent2 / excellent9, sp exchange19
ex-cellent1, excel-lent1 > change
sp example24, ex-ample1 /
rh adj different RJ 2.3.9; invent S
examples3 exchange / ~d v
example / ~d v ɪksˈtʃɛ:ndʒ, ek- / -d
excellent Fr adj sp exchange9, ex-change2 /
ɪgˈzampl, eg- / -d ɛksɛˈlɑ̃ exchang’d2
sp example3 / exampl’d1,
sp excellent1 rh ranged S 109.7
excellently adv exchequer / ~s n
exasperate / ~s v
ˈeksləntləɪ, -səl-, -ˌləɪ ɪksˈtʃekəɹ, ek- / -z
ɪgˈzaspəˌrɛ:t, eg- / -s
sp excellently6 sp exchequer6 / exchequers1
sp exasperate3 / exasperates1
excelling adj excite / ~s / ~d v
exceed / ~s / ~eth / ~ing /
ɪkˈselɪn, -ɪŋ, ek- ɪkˈsəɪt, ek- / -s / -ɪd
~ed v
sp excelling2 sp excite2 / excites1 / excited1
= / = / = / ɪkˈsi:dɪn, -ɪŋ, ek- / = rh smelling VA 443
sp exceed9, exceede4 / exceedes6, excitement / ~s n
exceeds3 / exceedeth1 / exceeding4 except conj / prep ɪkˈsəɪtmənts, ek-
/ exceeded2 = sp excitements1
rh bleed, deed Luc 229; decreed Per 19
sp except , emend of TS 4.4.88
2.3.16; feed Tim 1.2.203; need S 83.3; exclaim / ~s n
expect1 / except11
steed VA 292 / deeds S 150.8
ɪksˈklɛ:m, ek- / -s
except / ~ed v sp exclaime1 / exclaimes4
exceeding adj / adv
ɪkˈsi:dɪn, -ɪŋ, ek- exclaim / ~s / ~ed v
sp except3 / excepted6
sp exceeding4 / exceeding20
rh kept S 147.8 ɪksˈklɛ:m, ek- / -s / -d
exceedingly adv sp exclaim1, exclaime7 / exclaimes2
excepting prep / exclaim’d1, exclaym’d1
ɪkˈsi:dɪnˌləɪ, -ɪŋ-, ek- ɪkˈseptɪn, -ɪŋ, ek- rh aim, maim LC 313
sp exceedingly4
sp excepting4
exclamation / ~s n
excel / ~s / ~ling / ~led v exception / ~s n m ˌekskləˈmɛ:sɪən, -ɪˌɒn /
= / = / ɪkˈselɪn, -ɪŋ, ek- / = m ɪkˈsepsɪən, -ɪˌɒn, ek- / -z -ɪˌɒnz


sp exclamation4 / exclamations1 execration / ~s n exhalation / ~s n

rh abomination, imagination Luc 705 m ˌeksɪˈkrɛ:sɪənz, -ɪˌɒnz ˌeksəˈlɛ:sɪən, -shə- / -z
exclude / ~s v sp execrations2 sp exhalation2 / exhalations2
= execut·e / ~ing / ~ed v exhale / ~st / ~s v
sp excludes1 = / ˈeksɪˌkju:tɪn, -ɪŋ / = ekˈsɛ:l, eksˈhɛ:l / -st / -z
sp execute21 / executing2 / sp exhale2 / exhalest1 / exhales2
excommunicate adj
executed15, ex-ecuted2, exe-cuted1,
ˌekskəˈmju:nɪˌkɛ:t execu-ted1 exhaled adj
sp excommunicate2 > thought-executing, unexecuted ˈeksɛ:ld, -shɛ:-
excommunication n sp exhall’d1
execution n
ˌekskəˌmju:nɪˈkɛ:sɪən m ˌeksɪˈkju:sɪən, -ɪˌɒn exhaust v
sp excommuni-cation1 sp execution47, execu-tion1
> communicate
executioner / ~s n sp exhaust1
excrement / ~s n ˌeksɪˈkju:sɪənəɹ / -z exhibit v
m ˈekskrəmənt, -ˌment / sp executioner11, exe-cutioner1 /
ˈekskrəˌments executioners2
sp exhibit3, exhibite1
sp excrement4, excre-ment1 /
executor / ~s n
exhibiter / ~s n
ɪɡˈzekjətəɹ, eɡ- / m -z,
m eɡˈzɪbɪˌtɐ:ɹz
excursion / ~s n ˌeksɪˈkju:təɹz
sp exhibiters1
ɪksˈkɐ:ɹsɪən, ek- / -z sp executor1 / executors3
sp excursion2 / excursions19 exhibition n
exempt / ~ed v
excusable adj ɪɡˈzemt, eɡ-, -mpt / -ɪd
sp exhibition6
= sp exempt9 / exempted1
sp excusable1 rh contempt CE 2.2.180, exhort v
Tim 4.2.31
excuse, abbr scuse / ~s n ɪɡˈzɔ:ɹt, eɡ-
exe·o / ~unt Lat v sp exhort1
=, abbr skju:s / =, abbr
ˈskju:sɪz ˈeɡzɪʊnt exhortation n
sp excuse31, abbr scuse1 / excuses4, sp in s.d. exeunt676
abbr scuses1 sp exhortation1
rh abuse Luc 1316, 1653, VA 791;
exequies n
use n S 2.11 / abuses Luc 267, ˈeksəˌkwəɪz exigent n
RJ 3.1.192; abuses, sluices Luc 1073 sp exequies1
m ˈeksɪˌdʒent
excuse / ~ing / ~d v exercise / ~s n sp exigent3
rh spent 1H6 2.5.9
= / ɪksˈkju:zɪn, -ɪŋ, ek- / = ˈeksəɹˌsəɪz / -ɪz
sp excuse40 / excusing1 / excus’d10, sp exercise16, ex-ercise1 / exile n
excused2 exercises4
rh accused MA 4.1.214
exercise v sp exile23
rh smile PP 14.9
excuser / excusez Fr v ˈeksəɹˌsəɪz
ɛksˈkyzez sp exercise2 exile / ~d v
sp excuse rh injuries, miseries Cym 5.4.82
ˈeɡzəɪl / -d
execrable adj Exeter n sp exile2 / exild1, exil’d3
rh beguiled RJ 3.2.133
m ˈeksɪˌkrabəl m ˈeksɪtəɹ
sp execrable1 sp Exeter44, abbr in s.d. Exe1
> inexecrable


exiled adj expected adj experienced adj

ˈegzəɪld = =
sp exil’d1 sp expected1 sp experienc’d3, experien’st1
> unexpected > long-, un-experienced
exist / ~est v
= expecter / ~s n experiment / ~s n
sp exist / exists 1 ɪkˈspektəɹz, ek- =
sp expecters1 sp experiment2 / experiments2
exit / ~s n rh consent AW 2.1.154
= expedience n
sp exit2 / exits2 m ɪkˈspi:dɪəns, -ɪˌens, ek- experimental adj
sp expedience 4 ɪkˌsperɪˈmentɑl, ek-
exit v sp experimental1
= expedient adj
sp exit788, abbr in s.d. ex[it]1 ɪkˈspi:dɪənt, ek- expert n
sp expedient8 ˈekspəɹt
exorcism / ~s n sp expert3
ˈeksəɹˌsɪzəmz, -sɔ:ɹ- expediently adv
sp exorcismes1 m ɪkˈspi:dɪəntˌləɪ, ek- expertness n
sp expediently 1 ˈekspəɹtnəs
exorcisor n sp expertnesse2
ˈeksəɹˌsəɪzəɹ, -sɔ:ɹ- expedition / ~’s n
sp exorcisor1 m ˌekspɪˈdɪsɪən, -sɪˌɒn / -sɪənz expiate v
sp expedition23, expidition1 / m ˈekspɪˌɛ:t
exorcist n expeditions1 sp expiate1
ˈeksəɹˌsɪst, -sɔ:ɹ- rh date S 22.4
sp exorcist2
expeditious adj
ˌekspɪˈdɪsɪəs expiration n
expect n sp expeditious1 ˌekspɪˈrɛ:sɪən
= sp expiration3
sp expect 1 expel / ~s / ~led v
m ɪkˈspel, ek-, ˈekspel / expir·e / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
expect / ~est / ~s / ~ing / ɪkˈspel·s, ek- / -d, ek- ɪkˈspəɪɹ, ek- / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d
~ed v sp expell5 / expels1 / expelld1 sp expire5 / expires1 / expiring1 /
= / ɪkˈspeks, -kts, ek- / ɪkˈspeks, rh well VA 976 expir’d1, expyr’d1
rh fire 2H4 5.5.108, S 73.11 / tired
-kts, ek- / ɪkˈspektɪn, -ɪŋ, ek- / =
expend v S 27.4
sp expect31 / expects1 / expects2,
ex-pects1 / expecting5 / expected9
explication n
rh defect, neglect Luc 149 / effect- sp expend3
ing, respecting Luc 432
expense / ~s n sp explication1
expectance n = > inexplicable, self-explication
= sp expence13 / expences2
exploit / ~s n
sp expectance 1 rh diligence Per 3.Chorus.20;
excellence S 94.6; hence CE 3.1.123;
ɪkˈspləɪt, ek- / -s
expectancy n intelligence MND 1.1.249; whence sp exploit13, ex-ploit2, exploit’s
[exploit is]1, exployt1 / exploits5,
m ɪkˈspektənˌsəɪ, ek- Per 5.Chorus.19
sp expectancie1, expectansie1
experience / ~s n
= expos·e / ~ing / ~ed v
expectation / ~s n
sp experience19 / experiences1
ɪkˈspo:z, ek- / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d
m ˌekspekˈtɛ:sɪən, -ɪˌɒn / -ɪənz
23 1
sp expose5 / exposing1 / expos’d6
sp expectation , expecta-tion /


exposition n expressly adv extenuate / ~s / ~d v

m ˌekspəˈzɪsɪən, -sɪˌɒn ɪkˈspresləɪ, ek- m ɪkˈstenju:·ɛt, -ˌɛ:t, ek- /
sp exposition4 sp expresly3, expressely7 -ˌɛ:ts, ek- / -ɛtɪd, ek-
sp extenuate5 / extenuates1 /
expositor n expressure n extenuated1
ɪkˈspɒzɪˌtɔ:ɹ, ek- ɪkˈspresəɹ, ek- rh insinuate VA 1010; relate
sp expositor1 sp expressure3 Oth 5.2.338
> pressure
expostulate v extenuation n
ɪkˈspɒstjəˌlɛ:t, ek- expulse / ~d v ɪkˌstenju:ˈɛsɪən, ek-
sp expostulate5 ɪkˈspɤlst, ek- sp extenuation1
sp expuls’d1
expostulation n exterior adj
ɪkˈspɒstjəˌlɛ:sɪən, ek- expulsion n ɪkˈsti:rɪəɹ, ek-
sp expostulation1 ɪkˈspɤlsɪən, ek- sp exterior3, exteriour1
sp expulsion2
exposture n exterior / ~s n
ɪkˈspɒstəɹ, ek- exquisite adj ɪkˈsti:rɪəɹz, ek-
sp exposture1 m ˈekskwɪzɪt, -kɪz- sp exteriors1
1 12
sp exquisit , exquisite
exposure n exteriorly adv
ɪkˈspo:zəɹ, ek- exsufflicate adj m ɪkˈsti:rɪəɹˌləɪ, ek-
sp exposure2 ɪkˈsɤflɪˌkɛ:t, ek- sp exteriorly1
sp exufflicate1
expound / ~ed v extermine / ~d v
ɪkˈspəʊnd, ek- / -ɪd extant adj ɪkˈstɐ:ɹmɪnd, ek-
sp expound4 / expounded1 = sp extermin’d1
3 1
sp extant , ex-tant
express adj external adj
m ɪkˈspres, ek-, ˈekspres extemporal adj ɪkˈstɐ:ɹnɑl, ek-
sp expresse7 ɪkˈstemprɑl, ek-, -pər- sp externall7
sp extemporall3
express / ~eth / ~ing / ~ed v externe adj
m ɪkˈspres, ek-, ˈekspres / extemporally adv ɪkˈstɐ:ɹn, ek-
ɪkˈspres·əθ, ek- / -ɪn, -ɪŋ, ek- / -t, m ɪkˈstemprɑˌləɪ, -pər-, ek- sp externe1
ek- sp extemporally1
extinct adj
sp expresse25 / expresseth1 /
extempore adv =
expressing1 / express’d1, expressed1,
exprest9, expre’st1
m ɪkˈstemprəɪ, ek-, -pər- sp extinct2
rh heaviness, less Luc 1286; less AW sp extempore3, extemporie1,
5.3.329, Per 2.2.8; press S 140.3; suc- extempory1 extincted adj
cess Luc 111 / best S 106.7; breast =
S 23.12; guest Luc 91; impressed
extend / ~s / ~ed v sp extincted1
LLL 2.1.223; protest LLL 5.2.412; =
unrest S 147.12 sp extend15 / extends1 / extended6 extinguish v
rh depend LC 276; intend, lend =
expressing n LC 25 / ended AW 2.1.173; friended sp extinguish1
ɪkˈspresɪn, -ɪŋ, ek- MM 4.2.109
sp expressing1 extirp / ~ed v
extent n ɪkˈstɐ:ɹp, ek- / m -ɪd
expressive adj = sp extirpe1 / extirped1
ɪkˈspresɪv, ek- sp extent5
sp expressiue1


extirpate v extravagant adj rh 1 apply MND 3.2.451; ay LLL

ɪkˈstɐ:ɹpɪt, ek- m ɪkˈstravəgənt, -ˌgant, ek- 2.1.124; buy LLL 2.1.228; by CE 3.2.55,
LLL 1.1.81, MV 2.5.41, PP 6.11, RJ
sp extirpate1 sp extrauagant3
1.2.94, VA 281; by, dye, espy, sky
extol / ~led v extreme / ~st adj MND 3.2.104; deny LLL 5.2.810; die
CE 2.1.114, Luc 276, 1476, Per 1.1.33,
ɪkˈsto:l, ek- / -d m ɪkˈstri:m, ek-, ˈekstri:m / R2 1.2.74, RJ 1.2.49, 87, S 9.1, 25.6;
sp extoll4 / extold1 ɪkˈstri:məst, ek- die, I Luc 1138; dry RJ 2.3.1, VA 962;
sp extreame5, extreme8 / espy KJ 2.1.504, R2 1.3.98; fly LC 323,
Exton n extreamest6, extremest4 179, 1015, RJ 1.3.99; hie, lie Luc 1339;
= rh dream S 129.10 high AW 1.1.217; I LLL 4.3.182; justify
sp Exton6 Per Prol.41; lie LLL 2.1.238, 4.3.83, RJ
extreme / ~s n 2.3.31, S 31.6, 152.13, VA 644, 661;
extort v m ɪkˈstri:m, ek- / -z nigh VA 342; satisfy Luc 95; sky CE
ɪkˈstɔ:ɹt, ek- sp extreame1 / extreames9, 2.1.16, Luc 1227, 1586, R2 3.2.196, VA
sp extort5
extremes4 182, 486, 816, S 121.5; spy TG 5.4.116;
rh sort, sport MND 3.2.160 rh deems Luc 1337; seems VA 987 her eye fly, religion’s eye LC 247;
rh 2 advisedly Luc 179; alchemy
extorted adj extremely adv S 33.2; archery, gloriously, remedy
ɪkˈstɔ:ɹtɪd, ek- ɪkˈstri:mləɪ, ek- MND 3.2.105; bastardy, obloquy Luc
sp extorted2 sp extreamely1, extreamly3, 520; be VA 1065; capacity LLL
extremelie1 5.2.375; chastity MND 3.1.193, PP
extortion / ~s n 4.6; company Luc 1586, MND
m ɪkˈstɔ:ɹsɪən, ek- / -sɪˌɒnz, extremit·y / ~ies n 3.2.435; dignity Luc 435; disloyalty CE
m ɪkˈstremɪtəɪ, -ˌtəɪ, ek- / -z 3.2.9; extremity MND 3.2.2; gravity S
ek- 49.6; history S 93.5; imaginary R2
sp extortion1 / extortions1 sp extreamitie1, extreamity1,
2.2.26; infancy LLL 4.3.241; insuffi-
extremitie12, extremity12 /
ciency MND 2.2.133; jealousy CE
extract / ~ing / ~ed v extreamities1, extremities4
2.1.114; knee TNK 3.4.20; majesty
= / ɪkˈstraktɪn, -ɪŋ, ek- / = rh 1 eye MND 3.2.3; rh 2 eternity
LLL 4.3.224, Luc 95, S 7.2; melody
Luc 969; quantity Ham 3.2.177; she
sp extract1 / extracting1 / extracted1 MND 1.1.188; merrily CE 4.2.2, LLL
R3 1.1.65
5.2.475, 480; perjury LLL 4.3.58, PP
extracting adj 3.1; piety Luc 540; poverty LLL
exult v
ɪkˈstraktɪn, -ɪŋ, ek- 5.2.379; property MND 3.2.366; rem-
ɪɡˈzɤlt, eɡ- edy MND 3.2.451, S 62.1; skilfully LLL
sp extracting
sp exult2 2.1.238; sympathy Luc 1227 / rh 1
extraordinarily adv arise Cym 2.3.23, 4.2.402, MND
exultation n
ˌekstraˈɔ:ɹdɪˌnarɪləɪ 5.1.321, S 55.14; arise, butterflies,
ˌeɡzɤlˈtɛ:sɪən thighs MND 3.1.160; arise, disguise
sp ex-traordinarily2
sp exultation1 Luc 1817; cries LLL 4.3.140, Luc 163,
extraordinary adj 1457, S 29.1; cries, lies Luc 446; des-
eyas n pise Per 2.3.25, S 141.1, 149.12;
m ˌekstraˈɔ:ɹdɪˌnarəɪ
3 2
ˈəɪəs devise MND 3.2.36, S 83.13; dies Luc
sp extraordinarie , extraordinary
sp yases1 1651; dies, lies MV 3.2.67; enterprise
> ordinary
MND 3.2.158, 351; espies MND
extraught adj eyas-musket n 2.1.261; flies, hies Luc 1213; guise VA

= ˈəɪəs-ˌmɤskɪt 1179; lies LC 50, 290, LLL 1.1.79,

sp eyas-musket1 2.1.215, 4.3.276, 5.2.421, Luc 392, 459,
sp extraught1 1448, MND 2.2.97, R2 3.3.169, RJ

extravagancy n eye / ~’s / ~s / ~s’ / eyne n 1.3.87, 2.3.64, S 1.5, 17.5, 24.8, 46.6,
əɪ / -z / əɪn 137.1, 153.14, Tem 1.2.399, VA 70,
ɪkˈstravəˌgansəɪ, ek- 120, 1127; lies, rise Luc 254; prize MV
sp eie43, eye325, eye-[discerning]1,
sp extrauagancie1 3.2.142; replies AW 2.3.79; rise Ham
[water-standing]-eye1 / eies1 / eies65,
1.2.258, Per 1.4.8, PP 14.16, Tim
eyes546, [baby]-eyes1, [glasse]-eyes1,
1.2.125; sighs RJ 1.1.191, TG 2.4.132;
/ eies1, eyes2 / eine3, eyne5
spies Luc 1088, S 121.5; surmise Luc 84;


surprise Luc 163, VA 1050; wise Luc eyeball / ~s n eye-offending adj

1548; rh 2 suffice LLL 4.2.109, Luc ˈəɪ-ˌbɑ:l / -z ˈəɪ-əˌfendɪn, -ɪŋ
1680, PP 5.5; rh 3 bees, courtesies,
sp eye-ball1 / eie-bals1, eye-balles3, sp eye-offending2
dewberries, mulberries MND
eye-balls3, eye-bals1 > offend
3.1.160; companies MND 1.1.218
[emend]; enemies Luc 1469; fantasies eyebrow / ~s n eyesight n
MND 2.1.257; forgeries Luc 459;
gravities LLL 5.2.762; infamies Luc
ˈəɪ-ˌbrəʊ, -ˌbro: / -z ˈəɪ-ˌsəɪt
637; infirmities Per Prol.4; miseries sp eye-brow1 / eye-browes2 sp eie-sight1, eye-sight6
1H6 1.1.87; prophecies S 106.11; > brow > sight
qualities MND 1.1.230; remedies R2
3.3.202; secrecies Luc 99 / brine LC
eye-drop / ~s n eyesore n
15; divine MND 3.2.138; mine AY ˈəɪ-ˌdrɒps ˈəɪ-ˌsɔ:ɹ
4.3.51, Luc 643, MND 1.1.242, sp eye-drops1 sp eye-sore1
2.2.105, 5.1.174, TS 5.1.106; shine LLL > drop > sore
5.2.206; thine VA 633; vine AC
2.7.112 eyeglass n eye-string / ~s n
pun RJ 3.2.45ff I, ay m ˌəɪ-ˈglas ˈəɪ-ˌstrɪŋz
> blue-, dark-, dizzy-, dull-, evil-, sp eye-glasse1 sp eye-strings1
fire-, green-, grey-, hollow-, onion-, > glass > string
open-, sad-, sour-, thick-, wall-,
young-eyed eyeless adj eye-wink n
ˈəɪləs ˈəɪ-ˌwɪŋk
eye / ~st / ~s / ~d v
sp eyelesse4 sp eye-winke1
əɪ / -st / -z / -d > wink
sp eie1, eye5 / ey’st1 / eyes2 / ey’d2, eyelid / ~s n
eyde1, eyed1 m ˈəɪ-ˌlɪd, ˌəɪ-ˈlɪd / -z eyne
rh die MW 5.5.48, TC 5.7.7; spy 1 1 1 > eye
sp eye-lid / eielids , eie-lids ,
MND 3.2.20 / pride S 104.2; side eye-lids7
MND 3.2.40 eyrie / ~’s n
rh forbid MND 2.2.87
pun RJ 3.2.47 I > lid
ˈɛ:rəɪ / -z
> after-, over-eye sp ayerie2, ayery1 / ayeries1


fa [music] n space Luc 1775; rh 2 has TNK Epil.6 fact n

/ cases LLL 5.2.271; graces Luc 1408,
= =
S 17.8, 94.7, TG 3.1.103; interlaces,
sp Cfavt [C fa ut]1 sp fact11
paces Luc 1388; places Luc 1526
rh act AW 3.7.47, Luc 349
> ague-, half-, whey-face; bare-,
Fabian n
black-, bloody-, bold-, brazen-,
ˈfɛ:bɪən faction / ~s n
cream-, fair-, false-, foul-, glass-,
sp Fabian 15
good-, ill-, lean-, old-, pale-, paper-,
m ˈfaksɪən, -ɪˌɒn / -z
red-, sad-, shame-, smooth-, sweet-, sp faction21 / factions7
fable / ~s n thin-, white-faced
ˈfabəl / -z factionary n
sp fable3 / fables1 face / ~s / ~d v ˈfaksɪəˌnarəɪ, -ənrəɪ
fɛ:s / ˈfɛ:sɪz / fɛ:st sp factionary1
fable / ~s v 10 1
sp face / faces / fac’d , fac’t2 1

ˈfabəl / -z > deface, out-face

factious adj
sp fable / fables 1 ˈfaksɪəs
rh rabble TNK 3.5.104 facere / facit / faciant Lat v sp factious10
ˈfakəre / ˈfakɪt / ˈfakɪant
fabric n sp facere1 / facit2 / faciant1
factor / ~’s / ~s n
= ˈfaktəɹ / -z
sp fabrick2, fabricke2 face-royal n sp factor4 / factors1 / factors1
fabulous adj sp face-royall2
facult·y / ~ies n
ˈfabjələs m ˈfakəltəɪ, -ˌtəɪ / -z
sp fabulous2 facile adj sp facultie1, faculty2 / faculties5
face / ~’s / ~s n sp facile1
fad·e / ~ing / ~ed v
fɛ:s / ˈfɛ:sɪz fɛ:d / ˈfɛ:d·ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd
sp face382, [brazon-, no-, wee]-face3 facile Lat adv sp fade4 / fading1 / faded1
/ faces1 / faces47, fa-ces1 ˈfasɪlɛ rh made Cym 5.4.106, S 54.10,
rh 1 apace LC 282; base Luc 203; sp facile1 Tem 1.2.400; shade S 18.9
case CE 4.2.6, LLL 5.2.388; case, place
KJ 1.1.146, Luc 312; chase S 143.7, facility n faded adj
VA1; disgrace Luc 477, 829, faˈsɪlɪtəɪ ˈfɛ:dɪd
R2 1.1.195, 2.1.170, S 33.6, 34.6,
sp facilitie1, facility1, facillitie1 sp faded2
103.6, 127.6; disgrace, place Luc 800;
rh scurrility LLL 4.2.56
embrace LLL 4.3.214, VA 540, 872; fadge v
grace CE 2.1.86, LC 282, LLL 3.1.65, facinerious adj =
5.2.79, 129, 148, MND 5.1.190, Per
fasɪˈnerɪəs sp fadge2
Prol.23, R2 5.3.99, S 132.9, Tit 3.1.204,
sp facineri-ous1
VA 62; grace, place LC 81, Luc 562; fading adj / n
place 1H6 1.3.44, 45, KJ 1.1.146,
facing n ˈfɛ:dɪn, -ɪŋ
LLL 3.1.65, Luc 1744, MND 1.1.202,
3.2.424, S 93.2, 131.10, 137.12; place,
ˈfɛ:sɪn, -ɪŋ sp fading3 / fading1
sp facing


faggot / ~s n fair / ~er / ~est adj fairness n

= fɛ:ɹ / ˈfɛ:ɹəɹ / m -əst, fɛ:ɹst ˈfɛ:ɹnəs
sp faggot1 / faggots1 sp fair2, faire645, faire-[play]1, fayre10 sp fairenesse4
/ fairer26, fayrer5 / fairest28, fairst1,
fail n fayrest5, fayr’st1 fair-play adj
fɛ:l rh air LLL 4.3.101, Mac 1.1.9, PP 16.3, ˈfɛ:ɹ-ˌplɛ:
sp faile3 S 21.10, TNK 1.1.17; dare Tim 1.2.12; sp fayre-play-[orders]1
despair PP 2.3, RJ 1.1.221, S 144.3, VA
fail / ~est / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v 744, 957; hair LLL 4.3.259; heir AW fair-shining adj
fɛ:l / -st / -z / ˈfɛ:lɪn, -ɪŋ / fɛ:ld 2.3.130, Oth 2.1.134, RJ 2.Chorus.4, ˌfɛ:ɹ-ˈʃəɪnɪn, -ɪŋ
S 6.13, 127.1; prayer, repair PT 66;
sp faile52, fayle7 / failst1 / failes5, sp faire shining1
repair, there TG 4.2.43
fayles4 / failing2, fayling3 / faild3, > shine
pun VA 1083 fear
fail’d1, fayl’d2
rh nail Cor 4.7.55; tail TC 5.10.45, fairy adj
fair / ~er adv
TNK 3.5.51; fail with me prevail with ˈfɛ:rəɪ
me H5 3.2.15 / sails Tem Epil.12
fɛ:ɹ / ˈfɛ:ɹəɹ
sp faiery1, fairie5, fairy11
sp fair1, faire42, fayre2 / fairer2
> meadow-fairies
failing n rh heir Cym 5.4.49
ˈfɛ:lɪn, -ɪŋ fair·y / ~ies / ~' n
fair / ~s n
sp fayling1 ˈfɛ:rəɪ / -z
fɛ:ɹ / -z
sp faiery3, [night-tripping]-faiery1,
fain adj / adv sp faire10, fayre1 / faires2, fairs1,
fairie2, fairy11 / fairies30, fai-ries1,
fɛ:n fayres2
fayeries1, fayries4, pharies1 / fairies1,
rh air Luc 780, MND 1.1.182, S 70.2,
sp faine7 / fain1, faine62, fayne1, faries1
VA 1086; hair LC 206; prayer Luc 346;
repair CE 2.1.98, LLL 2.1.227, S 16.11 / fairy-like adj
faint / ~er adj wares LLL 5.2.318
fɛ:nt / ˈfɛ:ntəɹ faire / fais / fait / faites Fr v sp fairy-like1
26 2
sp faint , faint-[puling, slumbers] /
fɛ / fɛ / fɛt Fairy Queen n
sp fay / fait / faite
rh attaint VA 739; quaint TNK 1.1.4 ˈfɛ:rəɪ-ˈkwi:n
fairer n sp Faerie-Queene1, Faierie
faint / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v Queene1, Fairy Queene3
fɛ:nt / -s / ˈfɛ:nt·ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd ˈfɛ:ɹəɹ
sp fairer1 fais, fait, faites
sp faint13 / faints6 / fainting2 /
fainted2 > faire Fr
fairest n
rh painted Luc 1543
ˈfɛ:ɹəst faith / ~s n
faint-hearted adj sp fairest4, fayrest1 fɛ:θ, Jamie H .. fi:θ / -s
ˌfɛ:nt-ˈɑ:ɹtɪd, -ˈhɑ:- sp faith267, ’faith19, [good]faith1,
1 2
fair-faced adj
sp faint-harted , faint-hearted [good]-faith1, [in]faith17, [y]faith27,
m ˈfɛ:ɹ-ˌfɛ:st, ˌfɛ:ɹ-ˈfɛ:st [y’]faith2, fayth1, Jamie feith1 /
fainting adj sp faire-fac’d1, faire fac’d1 faithes1, faiths5
ˈfɛ:ntɪn, -ɪŋ > face > fay, i’faith, unfaithful
sp fainting5
fairing / ~s n faith-breach n
faintly adv ˈfɛ:rɪnz, -ɪŋz ˈfɛ:θ-ˌbri:tʃ
ˈfɛ:ntləɪ sp fairings1 sp faith-breach1
sp faintly8 > breach
fairly adj
faintness n ˈfɛ:ɹləɪ faithed adj
m ˈfɛ:ntnəs, fɛ:ntˈnes sp fairely45 fɛ:θt
sp faintnesse2 sp faith’d1


faithful / ~est adj fallacy n false-boding adj

ˈfɛ:θfʊl / -st ˈfaləˌsəɪ m ˌfɑls-ˈbo:dɪn, -ɪŋ
sp faithful2, faithfull31 / faithfull’st1 sp fallacie1 sp false boding1
rh uncertainty CE 2.2.195 > boding
faithfully adv
m ˈfɛ:θfʊˌləɪ, -fl- fallen adj false-derived adj
sp faithfully 11 fɑ:ln m ˈfɑls-dɪˌrəɪvɪd
sp falne3 sp false-deriued1
faithless adj > chop-, crest-, folly-, new-, > derive
ˈfɛ:θləs sick-fallen
sp faithlesse4
false-faced adj
fallen-off adj ˈfɑls-ˌfɛ:st
falchion n ˈfɑ:ln-ˌɒf sp false-fac’d1
ˈfɔ:ʃɪən sp falne-off 1
> face
sp faulchion4
fallible adj false-heart adj
Falconbridge n ˈfalɪbəl ˈfɑls-ˌɑ:ɹt, -ˌhɑ:-
ˈfɔ:kənˌbrɪdʒ sp falliable1, fallible1 sp false-heart1
sp Falconbridge , Fauconbridge , 3 > in-, un-fallible
false-hearted adj
falling adj / n ˈfɑls-ˌɑ:ɹtɪd, -ˌhɑ:-
falcon / ~’s n ˈfɑ:lɪn, -ɪŋ sp false-hearted1
ˈfɔ:kən / -z sp falling6 / falling7
sp falcon3, faulcon4 / faulcons2 > fast-, tear-falling falsehood n
ˈfɑlsʊd, -hʊd
falconer / ~’s / -s n falling-off n sp falsehood12, falshood21
ˈfɔ:knəɹ, -kən- / -z ˈfɑ:lɪn-ˈɒf, -ɪŋ-
sp falkners1 / faulconers1, faulkners1 sp falling off1 falsely adv
fall / ~s n falloir / faut Fr v sp falselie1, falsely15, falsly1
fɑ:l / -z fo
sp fall48 / falles1, falls1, fals1 sp faut1 falseness n
rh 1 all CE 1.1.1, H5 3.5.68, 2H6 ˈfɑlsnəs
1.2.106, R2 4.1.317; hall TC 5.10.49;
fallow adj sp falsenesse1
rh 2 burial Per 2.4.11; madrigals ˈfɑlə, -o:
MW 3.1.16, PP 19.7 sp fallow2 falsify v
> down-, foot-fall m ˈfɑlsɪˌfəɪ
fallow / ~s n sp falsifie1
fall / ~est / ~s / ~eth / ~ing / ˈfɑlə, -o: / -z
fell / ~est / fallen v sp fallow1 / fallowes1 falsing adj
fɑ:l / -st / -z / ˈfɑ:l·əθ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / ˈfɑlsɪn, -ɪŋ
= / felst / m ˈfɑ:l·ən, ˈfɑ:ln false / ~r adj sp falsing1
242 4 15 17
sp fall / fall’st / falles , falls ,
fɑls / ˈfɑlsəɹ
falls-[off]1, fals23 / falleth1 / falling14 / sp falce2, false242, Falstaff / ~’s / ~s n
fel3, fell73 / fell’st1 / fallen4, falne41 [smooth-comforts]-false1 / ˈfɑlstaf / -s
rh 1 all AY 5.4.176, KL 3.3.23, LC 41, falser2 sp Falstaffe93, Fal-staffe6, Fal-staffes
TNK 3.5.109, VA 719; call S 151.14; [Falstaff is]1, Falstoffe3 / Falstaffes4,
tall MND 5.1.141; wall, withal Luc
false adv / n Fal-staffes1, Falstaffs1, Falstafs2 /
466; rh 2 burial Per 1.4.48; general fɑls Falstoffs1
Luc 1483; rh 3 shall Ham 4.5.218, Tit sp false17 / false4
5.3.135 / calls MND 3.2.25, S 124.6 falter v
> befall ˈfɑltəɹ
sp falter1


fame / ~’s n famous adj fang / ~s n

fɛ:m / -z ˈfɛ:məs =
sp fame63 / fames2 sp famous30 sp phang2, phange1 / phangs4
rh dame Luc 20; dame, shame
Luc 53; frame TNK 3.5.113; inflame, famously adv Fang [name] n
shame LC 270; name 1H6 4.6.39, LLL m ˈfɛ:məsləɪ, -ˌləɪ =
1.1.92, Luc 106, Per Epil.11, R3 1.4.83, sp famouslie1, famously1 sp Fang4
S 80.4; shame 1H6 4.6.45, MA 5.3.8
fan / ~s n fangled adj
fame / ~d v = =
fɛ:md sp fan7, fanne2, fans [fan is]1 / sp fangled1
sp fam’d6 fannes > new-fangled
> defame rh man LLL 4.1.146
fangless adj
famed adj fan / ~ning / ~ned v =
fɛ:md = / ˈfanɪn, -ɪŋ / = sp fanglesse1
sp fam’d2 4 1 2
sp fan , fanne / fanning , fayning / 1

> thrice-, un-, well-famed fan’d1 fanned adj

rh man TNK Prol.18 =
familiar adj
sp fan’d1
fəˈmɪlɪəɹ fanatical adj
sp familiar32, familier1 fəˈnatɪkɑl fantastic adj
sp pha-naticall1 =
familiar / ~s n
sp fanasticke1, fantasticke2,
fəˈmɪlɪəɹ / -z fanc·y / ~’s / ~ies n fantastique1, phantastique1
sp familiar2, fa-miliar2 / familiars2 ˈfansəɪ / -z
sp fancie27, fancies [fancy is]1, fantastical adj
familiarity n fancie’s [fancy is]1, fancy12 / fancies5 m fanˈtastɪkɑl, -ɪˌk-
m fəˌmɪlɪˈarɪtəɪ, -ˌtəɪ / fancies11 sp fantastical2, fan-tastical1,
sp familiaritie1, familiarity2 fantasticall10, fanta-sticall1
fancy v
familiarly adv ˈfansəɪ fantastically adv
m fəˈmɪlɪəɹləɪ, -ˌləɪ sp fancie6, fancy1 m fanˈtastɪkləɪ, -ˌkaləɪ
sp familiarlie1, familiarly3 sp fantastically1, phantastically1
fancy-free adj
famil·y / ~ies n ˈfansəɪ-ˈfri: fantas·y / ~ies n
m ˈfamɪˌləɪ, -mɪl-, -ml- / sp fancy free1 m ˈfantəsəɪ, -əˌs- / -z
ˈfamɪˌləɪz > free sp fantasie11, phantasie2 / fantasies3,
sp familie3, family3 / families1 phan-tacies1, phantasies1
fancy-monger n rh ecstasy VA 897; infancy
famine n ˈfansəɪ-ˌmɤŋɡəɹ MW 5.5.51; luxury MW 5.5.93 / eyes
= sp fancie-monger1 MND 2.1.258
sp famine10, fa-mine1
fancy-sick adj fantas·y / ~ied v
famish v ˈfansəɪ-ˈsɪk m ˈfantəˌsəɪd
= sp fancy sicke1 sp fantasied1
sp famish 8 > sick
fap adj
famished adj fane / ~s n =
= fɛ:n / -z sp fap1
sp famish’d2, famisht8 sp phane1 / phanes1


far / ~ther / ~thest adv farmer / ~’s / ~s n fashionable adj

fɑ:ɹ / ˈfɑ:ɹðəɹ, Edgar’s ˈfɑ:ɹməɹ / -z m ˈfaʃɪənˌabəl
assumed dialect KL .. sp farmer1 / farmers2 / far-mers1 sp fashionable2
ˈvɑ:ɹðəɹ / ˈfɑ:ɹðəst > unfashionable
farmhouse n
sp far16, farre244, farre-[forth]1,
farre-[vnworthie] , [too]-farre /1 ˈfɑ:ɹm-ˌəʊs, -ˌhəʊs fashioned adj
farther43, further180, fur-ther3, Edgar sp farm-house 1 ˈfaʃɪənd
vurther1 / farthest12, furthest2 > house sp fashion’d1
rh 1 car, mar MND 1.2.32; rh 2 war
AW 3.4.10 / murther VA 905 /
far-off adj fashion-monger / ~s n
harvest Tem 4.1.114 ˈfɑ:ɹ-ˌɒf ˈfaʃɪən-ˌmɤŋɡəɹz
> a-, over-far; far-fet, further sp farre-off2, farre off1 sp fashion mongers1
> far
fardel / ~s n fashion-monging adj
ˈfɑ:ɹdəl, -ɹð- / -z farrow n ˈfaʃɪən-ˌmɤŋɡrɪn, -ɪŋ
sp farthell7 / fardles1 ˈfarə, -o: sp fashion-monging1
sp farrow
fare / ~s / ~d v fast adj
fɛ:ɹ / -st / -z / -d farsed adj fast
sp faire1, far10, far[thee]2, m ˈfɑ:ɹsɪd sp fast7
far[thee-well]2, far-[thee-well]1, sp farsed1
far[thewell]1, far[yewell]2, fast / ~er / ~est adv
far[youwell]1, fare111, fare[thee]1, farther, farthest fast / ˈfast·əɹ / -əst
fare[thee-well]1, fare[youwel]1, fare > far hsp fast92, fast-[by]1, feast1 / faster15
[youwell]4 / far’st2 / fares25, fare’s3 / / fastest2
far’d1 farthing / ~s n rh 1 blast Luc 1334; last VA 575; past
rh care 1H6 4.6.27 / cares, ˈfɑ:ɹðɪŋ / -z Luc 1670; rh 2 haste CE 4.2.30,
stares Luc 1594 sp farthing1, [leuenpence]-farthing1, KJ 4.2.269, Luc 1334, 1670, MND
> seafaring [three]farthing1 / farthings1, 3.2.379, R3 2.4.14, RJ 2.3.90; taste
[three]-farthings1, [three]-far-things1 VA 527; waist LLL 4.3.184
farewell / ~s n
fɛ:ɹˈwel / -z farthingale / ~s n fast / ~s n
sp farewel4, farewell289, fare-well7, m ˈfɑ:ɹdɪŋgɛ:l, -ŋˌg-, -ɹðɪ- / -z fast / -s
far-well2, farwel3, farwell45 / sp farthingale3 / fardingales1 sp fast7 / fasts4
farewels1, farwels2 rh 1 last Luc 891; rh 2 haste VA 55;
rh cell RJ 2.5.78, 3.2.143; dwell fas Lat adj taste Luc 891
H8 3.2.458; tell R2 2.1.211; well fas
R3 4.1.103
sp fas1
fast / ~ing / ~ed v
> well fast / ˈfast·ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd
fashion / ~’s / ~s n sp fast20 / fasting5 / fasted1
far-fet adj
ˈfaʃɪən, French Lady H
ˈfɑ:ɹ-ˌfet fast-closed adj
.. ˈfaʃɒn / -z
sp farre-fet1 m ˌfast-ˈklo:zɪd
sp fashion81, fa-shion1, French Lady
> fet
fashon1 / fashions1 / fashions8 sp fast closed1
rh passion AY 2.4.56, LLL 4.3.137, > close
farm / ~s n
Luc 1319, S 20.4
fɑ:ɹm / -z fasten / ~ed v
> Newgate-fashion
sp farme6 / farmes1 ˈfasən / -d
> fee-farm fashion / ~ing / ~ed v sp fasten4 / fasten’d3, fastened1,
farm v ˈfaʃɪən / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / m -d, -ˈɪd fastned2, fast’ned1
sp fashion14 / fashioning2 / > unfasten
fashion’d8, fashioned1
sp farme1


fastened adj rh date 1H6 4.6.8; gate, state Luc fathom-line n

ˈfasənd 1069; late H8 2.3.85; state LLL 5.2.68, ˈfadəm-ˌləɪn, -að-
MW 5.5.225, S 29.4 / gates MND
sp fastned1 sp fadome-line1
> line
fast-falling adj fate / ~d v
m ˌfast-ˈfɑ:lɪn, -ɪŋ ˈfɛ:tɪd
fatigate adj
sp fast-falling 1 m ˈfatɪˌɡɛ:t
sp fated3
> fall sp fatigate1
fated adj
fast-growing adj fat-kidneyed adj
m ˌfast-ˈɡro:ɪn, -ɪŋ ˈfat-ˌkɪdnəɪd
sp fated2
sp fast growing1 sp fat-kidney’d1
> grow fat-guts n
fatness n
fasting adj / n ˈfat-ˌɡɤts
ˈfastɪn, -ɪŋ sp fat guttes1
sp fatnesse1
6 1
sp fasting / fasting father / ~’s / ~s / ~s’ n
fat / ~ter / ~test adj ˈfaðəɹ / -z
805 9
> ignis fatuus
= / ˈfatəɹ / = sp father , fa-ther , fathers
[father]1, fathers [father is]4, father’s fat-witted adj
sp fat59, fat-[fellow]1, fat-[woman]1,
[father is]4 / fathers211, fa-thers2 / ˈfat-ˈwɪtɪd
[old]-fat-[woman]1 / fatter1 / fattest2
fathers60 / fathers1
rh at LLL 5.2.268; flat LLL 3.1.100 sp fat-witted1
rh 1 rather R2 1.3.238; rh 2 hither
> wit
fat / ~s n LLL 1.1.136; rh 3 labour Per 1.1.68
> fore-, grand-father fault / ~’s / ~s n
sp fat / fattes 1
father / ~s / ~ed v fɔ:t, fɑlt / -s
ˈfaðəɹ·z / -d sp falt1, fault153, [fowle]-fault1, faults
fat / ~ting / ~ted v [fault is]2, fault’s [fault is]2 / faults1 /
sp fathers1 / father’d2
= / ˈfatɪn, -ɪŋ / = > unfathered
sp fat5 / fatting1 / fatted2 rh halt S 89.1 / assaults Tem Epil.18
father-in-law n > default, fellow-, find-fault
fatal adj ˈfaðrɪnˌlɔ:, -ðər-
ˈfɛ:tl faultiness n
sp father-in-law3 ˈfɔ:tɪnəs, fɑlt-
sp fatall > law
> double-fatal sp faultinesse1
fatherless adj
fatally adv faultless adj
m ˈfaðəɹˌles
m ˈfɛ:tɑˌləɪ ˈfɔ:tləs, fɑlt-
sp fatherlesse1, father-lesse1
sp fatally1 sp faultlesse3
fatherly adv
fatal-plotted adj faulty adj
m ˈfaðəɹˌləɪ
ˈfɛ:tl-ˌplɒtɪd ˈfɔ:təɪ, fɑlt-
sp fatherly3
sp fatall plotted1 sp faultie2, faulty1
fathom / ~s n
fat-brained adj fausse Fr adj
ˈfadəm, -að- / -z
ˈfat-ˌbrɛ:nd sp faddom1, fadom2, fadome3,
sp fat-brain’d1 sp fause1
fathom2, fathome2 / fadomes3
> brain
fathomless adj Faust·us / ~es / ~e n
fate / ~s n m ˈfadəmˌles, -að- ˈfɔ:stəsɪz / ˈfɔ:ste
fɛ:t / -s sp fathomlesse1
sp Fau-stasses1 / emend of LLL 4.3.92
sp fate43 / fates14 facile


faut Fr sp faie1, fay1, fey1 fearful / ~lest adj

> falloir > faith ˈfi:ɹfʊl, ˈfɛ:ɹ- / -st
fe Fr interj sp fearefull66, fearful1, fearfull20 /
favour / ~s n fearefull’st1
ˈfɛ:vəɹ / -z fɛ
sp fauor16, fauour100, fa-uour1 / sp fe4 fearfully adv
fauors6, fauours32
fealty n m ˈfi:ɹfʊˌləɪ, ˈfɛ:ɹ-
sp fearefully5, fearfully1
favour / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v ˈfi:əltəɪ, -lˌt-
rh dye PP 17.28
ˈfɛ:vəɹ / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈfɛ:vr- / -d sp fealtie3, fealty2
8 3
sp fauour / fauours / fauou-ring / 1 fearfulness n
fear / ~s n
fauour’d1 m ˈfi:ɹfʊlˌnes, ˈfɛ:ɹ-
rh labour R2 5.6.42; savour S 125.5 / fi:ɹ, fɛ:ɹ / -z
sp fearefulnesse1
savours MND 2.1.12 sp fear3, feare232, feare’s [fear is]1,
> hard-, ill-, well-favoured feere1 / feares48, fears1 fearless adj
rh 1 appear Luc 117, 1435; cheer, ˈfi:ɹləs, ˈfɛ:ɹ-
favourable adj hear Luc 261; deer VA 690; ear LLL
sp fearelesse3
m ˈfɛ:vəˌrabəl, ˈfɛ:vrəˌbɤl 5.2.890, 899, Luc 281, VA 891, 1021;
sp fauorable1, fauourable4 hear CE 4.2.55, MND 2.2.160; here fear-surprised adj
Cym 2.2.49, MND 2.2.154; near Ham
1.3.43, Per 3.Chorus.52; severe VA
m ˈfi:ɹ-səɹˈprəɪzɪd, ˈfɛ:ɹ-
favourably adv
998, 1153; year 1H4 4.1.135; rh 2 sp feare-surprized1
ˈfɛ:vəˌrabləɪ, -rəbləɪ > surprise
bear Luc 610, Mac 3.5.31, 5.3.10,
sp fauorably1
MND 2.2.101, 5.1.21; swear 1H6
4.5.29, Luc 1647, TN 5.1.169; tear
feast / ~s n
favourer / ~s n fest / -s
[rip] Luc 740, R2 1.1.193; there Ham
ˈfɛ:vrəɹ, -vər- / -z 3.2.181 [Q2], Luc 117, 308, 740, 1647, sp feast69, sheepe-shearing-[feast]1
sp fauourer2 / fauourers1 MND 2.1.30, 3.2.31, VA 320 / rh 1 / feasts13
appears LC 298, Luc 456; tears [cry] rh best RJ 1.2.97; breast Per 3.
favouring adj LC 298, S 119.3; years Per 1.2.84; rh 2 Chorus.4; guest CE 3.1.26, RJ 1.2.20,
ˈfɛ:vrɪn, -ɪŋ, -ər- bears LC 273 1.5.74, S 47.5, VA 450; rest TS 5.1.129
sp fauouring1 pun VA 1083 fair / guests Per 2.3.7
> beggar-fear
favourite / ~s n feast / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
ˈfɛ:vrɪt, -vər- / m ˈfɛ:vrɪts, fear / ~est / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v fest / -s / ˈfest·ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd
-əˌrɪts fi:ɹ, fɛ:ɹ / -st / -z / ˈfi:ɹɪn, -ɪŋ, sp feast26 / feasts3 / feasting4 /
sp fauorite1 / fauorites3, fauourites3 ˈfɛ:ɹ- / fi:ɹd, fɛ:ɹd feasted4
sp fear5, feare373 / fearst1, fear’st3 / rh 1 guest Tim 3.6.102; rh 2 least
fawn n feares18 / fearing23 / feard3, fear’d36, Tim 4.3.516
= feared5 > a-feasting
sp fawne2 rh 1 cheer Luc 88; clear H8 Epil.3,
Mac 1.5.70, Per 1.1.143; dear S 48.13;
feasted adj
fawn / ~s / ~eth / ~ed v ear PP 18.49, VA 660; hear H8 Epil.7; ˈfestɪd
= here 1H6 1.2.14, MND 5.1.215; fear sp feasted1
sp fawne 10 2 1
/ fawnes / fawneth / him hear him VA 1094; fear it rh 1
hear it LLL 4.3.199; rh 2 tear it LLL feasting adj / n
4.3.199 / rh 1 tears [cry] LC 295; rh 2 ˈfestɪn, -ɪŋ
fawning adj / n forbear AC 1.3.12; there 1H6 5.2.17, sp feasting1 / feasting2, fea-sting1
ˈfɔ:nɪn, -ɪŋ R2 2.1.299; wear VA 1083; rh 3
worshipper Luc 88 / swearing PP 7.10 feat / ~er adj
sp fawning4 / fawning1
> not-, soul-fearing; afeared fi:t / ˈfi:təɹ
fay n sp feate1 / feater1
feared adj / n
fɛ : > love-feat
fi:ɹd, fɛ:ɹd
sp feard1, fear’d2 / feared1


feat / ~s n rh be VA 609; charity Per 3.2.72; me sp feeding9

fi:t / -s AW 2.1.189, MND 3.2.113, S 120.13; rh needing S 118.6
sp feat3 / feates3, feats10 thee 2H6 3.2.217, Luc 913, Tit 2.3.179;
tree VA 393 / knees TC 3.3.49 fee-farm n
rh bleat MA 5.4.50
feat / ~ed v fee / ~d v sp fee-farme1
ˈfi:tɪd = > farm
sp feated1 sp fee1 / fee’d2
fee-grief n
feather / ~s n feeble adj / n =
ˈfeðəɹ / -z = sp fee-griefe1
sp feather , fether / feathers 1 12 sp feeble19 / feeble1 > grief
rh together CE 3.1.82; whether
feebl·e / ~ing / ~ed v feel / ~s / ~ing / felt / ~est v
VA 302
ˈfi:blɪn, -ɪŋ / = = / = / ˈfi:lɪn, -ɪŋ / = / felst,
featherbed n sp feebling1 / feebled1 -ltst
ˈfeðəɹˌbed > enfeeble sp feele100, feele’t1, feel’t3 / feeles7 /
sp featherbed 1 feeling4 / felt32 / feltst1
Feeble [name] n rh heel RJ 1.2.26; steel Luc 756,
feathered adj = S 120.2, VA 201; feel it steel it VA 373
ˈfeðəɹd sp Feeble8 / heels VA 311; kneels VA 352 / melt
sp feather’d , feathered 1 MND 1.1.244, VA 143
feebleness n
> dove-feathered
= feeler / ~’s n
featly adv sp feeblenesse1 ˈfi:ləɹz
ˈfi:tləɪ sp feelers1
2 feebly adv
sp featly
ˈfi:bləɪ feeling adj / n
feature / ~s n sp feebly 1 ˈfi:lɪn, -ɪŋ
ˈfɛ:təɹ / -z sp feeling5 / feeling17
feed / ~est / ~s / ~eth / ~ing / > tender-, un-feeling
sp feature13 / features3
rh creature S 113.12 fed v
= / fi:dst / = / = / ˈfi:dɪn, -ɪŋ / = feelingly adv
featured adj sp feed32, feede44 / feed’st2 /
m ˈfi:lɪnləɪ, -ɪŋ-, -ˌləɪ
ˈfɛ:təɹd feedes6, feeds7 / feedeth1 / feeding4 sp feelingly4
sp featur’d1 / fed29
rh breed Per 1.1.133, 65, VA 169;
fee-simple n
February adj deed Tit 5.3.53; exceed Tim 1.2.202; =
ˈfebrʊˌarəɪ need AY 2.7.169 / breeds, deeds Luc sp fee-simple5
sp Februarie 1 905; deeds TC 5.3.110 / bed TC > simple
5.8.19, VA 399; bred Tit 5.3.60; dead
fecks Luc 1455, VA 170; fled VA 795 feet
> i’fecks > unfeed; bacon-, bean-, rump-fed > foot

fed fee’d adj feeze

> feed = > pheeze
sp feed1, feede1
fedary / federary n feign / ~ing / ~ed v
ˈfedəˌrəɪ / ˈfedəˌrarəɪ feeder / ~s n fɛ:n / ˈfɛ:nɪn, -ɪŋ / fɛ:nd
sp fedarie1 / federarie1 ˈfi:dəɹ / -z sp faigne1, feigne3 / faining1 /
sp feeder / feeders 3 feign’d2
fee / ~s n rh remain PP 8.13
= feeding n
sp fee 18
/ fees 5 ˈfi:dɪn, -ɪŋ


feigned adj [tall]-fellowes1, fellows1 fellow’s1 / fellowship / ~s n

m ˈfɛ:nɪd, fɛ:nd fellowes1 ˈfeləʃɪp, ˈfelo:- / -s
rh yellow H8 Prol.15
sp fained4, feign’d1, feigned2 sp fellowship15, fel-lowship2 /
> bed-, coach-, Good-, play-, pew-,
> unfeigned fellowships1
vow-, yoke-fellow
rh o'erskip KL 3.6.105 [Q]
feigning adj / n fellow / ~est v
ˈfɛ:nɪn, -ɪŋ fellow-soldier n
ˈfeləst, -lo:st
sp faining2, fai-ning1, fayning1 / ˌfelə-ˈso:djəɹ, ˌfelo:-
sp fellow’st1
feigning1 sp fellow souldior1
fellow-counsellor n > soldier
felicitate adj
ˌfelə-ˈkəʊnsələɹ, ˌfelo:- fellow-student n
m feˈlɪsɪˌtɛ:t
sp fellow councellor1 ˌfelə-ˈstju:dənt, ˌfelo:-
sp felicitate1
fellow-fault n sp fellow student1
felicity n > student
ˈfelə-ˌfɔ:t, ˈfelo:-, -ˌfɑ:lt,
m feˈlɪsɪˌtəɪ
sp fellow-fault1 fellow-tribune n
sp felicite1, felicitie1
> fault ˌfelə-ˈtrɪbju:n, ˌfelo:-
rh ebony LLL 4.3.247
fellow-king / ~s n sp fellow tribune1
fell / ~est adj > tribune
ˌfelə-ˈkɪŋz, ˌfelo:-
= / ˈfeləst
sp fellow-kings1 fell·y / ~ies n
sp fell40 / fellest2
> king ˈfeləɪz
fell / ~s n fellowly adv sp fallies1
= ˈfelələɪ, -lo:l-
sp fell2 / fels1
felon n
sp fellowly1 =
rh hell Luc 766; quell MND 5.1.276
fellow-minister / ~s n sp fellon1, felon1
fell / ~s / ~ed v
ˌfelə-ˈmɪnɪstəɹz, ˌfelo:- felony n
sp fellow ministers1 ˈfelənəɪ
sp fell2 / fells1 / fell’d2
> minister
rh well AW 3.1.22, LLL 5.2.114 sp fellony2
fellow-partner n
fell past tense felonious adj
ˌfelə-ˈpɑ:ɹtnəɹ, ˌfelo:-
> fall feˈlo:nɪəs
sp fellow partner1
sp felonious1
fell-devouring adj > partner
ˈfel-dɪˈvo:rɪn, -ɪŋ fellow-scholar / ~s n felt adj / n
sp fell deuouring1 =
ˌfelə-ˈskɒləɹz, ˌfelo:-
> devour sp felt-[absence]1 / felt1
sp fellow schollers1
fell-lurking adj > scholar felt v
m ˌfel-ˈlɐ:ɹkɪn, -ɪŋ fellow-schoolmaster n > feel
sp fell-lurking1
ˌfelə-ˈsku:lmastəɹ, ˌfelo:- female adj
> lurk
sp fellow schoolemaster1 ˈfi:mɛ:l
fellow / ~’s / ~s / ~s’ n > schoolmaster
sp female6, femall1
ˈfelə, -lo: / -z fellow-servant n
sp fellow285, fel-low8, [fat]-fellow1, female / ~s n
ˌfelə-ˈsɐ:ɹvənt, ˌfelo:-
[good]fellow1, [good]-fellow2, ˈfi:mɛ:l / -z
fellowe1, fellowes [fellow is]1, fellow’s sp fellow-seruant1
sp female7, fe-male1 / females3
[fellow is]2 / fellowes3 / fellowes67, > servant
[good]fellowes1, [good]-fellowes1,


feminine adj Ferdinand / ~o n fester / ~ing v

= m ˈfɐ:ɹdɪˌnand, -ɪnənd / ˈfestəɹ / ˈfestrɪn, -ɪŋ
sp feminine1 ˌfɐ:ɹdɪˈnando: sp fester2 / festring1
sp Ferdinand13 / Ferdinando1
fen / ~s n festered adj
= fernseed n ˈfestəɹd
sp fen2, fenne2 / fennes1, fens1 ˈfɐ:ɹnˌsi:d sp fester’d1, festred1
1 1
sp fernseed , fern-seede
fence n > seed
festinate adj
= ˈfestɪnət
sp fence7 Ferrara n sp festinate1
fence / ~d v sp Ferrara1
festinately adv
= ˈfestɪnətləɪ
sp fence5 / fenc’d1 ferret adj / v sp fe-stinatly1
> unfenced =
sp ferret1 / ferret2
festival adj
fencer / ~s n ˈfestɪvɑl
ˈfensəɹ / -z Ferris n sp festiuall2
1 1
sp fencer / fencers =
sp Ferris1
festival / ~s n
fencing adj / n m ˈfestɪˌvɑl / -z
ˈfensɪn, -ɪŋ ferry n sp festiuall4 / festiuals1
sp fencing1 / fencing2 ˈferəɪ rh funeral RJ 4.5.84
sp ferrie1
fennel adj / n fet v
= ferryman n =
sp fennell1 / fennell2 ˈferəɪˌman sp fet1
sp ferry-man 1 > deep-, far-fet
fenny adj
ˈfenəɪ fertile n fetch / ~es n
sp fenny1 ˈfɐ:ɹtl =
sp fertile11, fertill3 sp fetch1 / fetches2
fen-sucked adj
ˈfen-ˌsɤkt fertile-fresh adj fetch / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v
sp fen-suck’d 1
ˈfɐ:ɹtl-ˈfreʃ =, Caius MW .. vetʃ / = /
sp fertile-fresh1 ˈfetʃɪn, -ɪŋ / =
Fenton n sp fetch119, fetcht [fetch it]1, Caius
= fertility n vetch1 / fetches3 / fetching1 /
sp Fenton21, Fenten1 m fəɹˈtɪlɪˌtəɪ fetch’d1, fetcht1
sp fertilitie2
feodary n fetlock / ~s n
ˈfju:dərəɪ fervency n =
sp foedarie1 m ˈfɐɹvənˌsəɪ sp fet-locke1 / fetlockes1
sp feruencie1
fer v fetter / ~s n
fɐ:ɹ fervour n ˈfetəɹz
sp fer2 ˈfɐ:ɹvəɹ sp fetters2
pun H5 4.4.29f Fer sp feruour 3
fetter / ~ed v
Fer [name] Fr n Feste n ˈfetəɹ / -d
fɛ:ɹ ˈfestə sp fetter4 / fetter’d2, fettred2
sp Fer2 sp Feste1 rh better TN 3.1.152


fettering n fickleness n field-bed n

ˈfetrɪn, -ɪŋ, -tər- = =
sp fettering1 sp ficklenesse1 sp field-bed1
> bed
fettle v fico interj
= ˈfɪko: fielded adj
sp fettle 1
sp fico 1 =
> figo sp fielded1
feu Fr n
fø fiction n fiend / ~’s / ~s n
sp feu2 ˈfɪksɪən =, fend / -z
sp fiction2, fixion1 sp feend1, feind1, fiend54, fiends1 /
feud n fiends15
= fiddious rh end PT 6, S 145.11; friend PP 2.9,
sp feud 1 > Aufidius S 144.9; friends VA 638
> under-fiend
fever / ~s n fiddle n / v
ˈfɛ:vəɹ, ˈfevəɹ / -z = fiend-like adj
10 4
sp feauer , feauor , feauour , feuer 1 6 1
sp fiddle / fiddle 1 ˈfi:nd-ləɪk, ˈfend-
/ feauors1 sp fiend-like2
rh never S 119.8
fiddler n
ˈfɪdləɹ fierce adj
fever v sp fidler3 fi:ɹs
ˈfɛ:vəɹ, ˈfevəɹ sp fierce37
sp feauer 1 fiddlestick n
= fiercely adv
feverous adj 1
sp fiddlesticke , fiddle-sticke 1 ˈfi:ɹsləɪ
ˈfɛ:vrəs, ˈfevrəs, -vər- sp fiercely1
sp feauorous , feuorous 3 1 Fidele / ~’s n
fɪˈdɛ:li: / -z fierceness n
fever-weakened adj sp Fidele9 / Fideles1 ˈfi:ɹsnəs
ˈfɛ:vəɹ-ˌwi:kənd, ˈfev- sp fiercenesse3
sp feauer-weakned 1 fidelicet
> videlicet fiery adj
few / ~er / est adj ˈfəɪrəɪ
= / ˈfju:əɹ / = fidelity n sp fierie23, fierie-[glow-wormes]1,
sp few 33 4
/ fewer / fewest 2 fɪˈdelɪtəɪ fiery20, firie1
sp fidelity1
few n fiery-footed adj
= fie interj ˈfəɪrəɪ-ˌfʊtɪd
sp few31
fəɪ sp fiery footed1
124 26
rh dew Luc 22 sp fie , fye > foot

fewness n field / ~s n fiery-kindled adj

= = ˈfəɪrəɪ-ˌkɪndəld
sp fewnes1 sp feild1, field153, fielde1 / fields29 sp fierie kindled1
rh 1 shield H5 3.2.9, LLL 5.2.549 > kindle
fickle adj [F end line], Luc 58, R3 4.3.57; yield
= CE 3.2.38, H5 4.2.34, Luc 72, PP 19.3 fife / ~s n
sp fickle 7 [fields: yields in another version], fəɪf / -s
VA 454, 894; yield, wield Luc 1430; sp fife5 / fifes1
rh brittle PP 7.1
rh 2 build KL 3.2.91; gild Luc 58;
killed Luc 72; rh 3 held S 2.2
> afield


Fife [name] n fight / ~est / ~s / ~eth / ~ing / figured adj

fəɪf fought / ~est v ˈfɪɡəɹd
sp Fife6, Fiffe1 fəɪt / m -st, ˈfəɪtəst / -s / ˈfəɪt·əθ sp figur’d1
/ -ɪn, -ɪŋ / = / fɔ:tst > self-figured
fifteen adj
sp fight205 / fightest1, fightst1, filbert / ~s n
m ˈfɪfti:n fight’st1 / fights11 / fighteth1 /
sp fifteene , fif-teene 1 ˈfɪlbəɹts
fighting8 / fought63 / fought’st1
rh fight, night, sprite Luc 124; flight sp philbirts1
fifteen / ~s n R2 1.3.62; knight PP 15.5; knight,
m ˈfɪfti:n / -z filch / ~es / ~ed v
light, might, night MW 2.1.17; light R2
sp fifteene1 / fifteenes1 1.1.83, S 60.7, 88.3; night MND
3.2.354, TC 5.3.92; right, R2 3.2.61; sp filch1 / filches1 / filch’d1
fifteenth adj right, sight, white Luc 1402; spite PP
m fɪfˈti:nt, -nθ 15.5; tonight Mac 5.6.8; white Luc 68;
filching n
1 write Luc 1298; fight, yea almighty ˈfɪltʃɪn, -ɪŋ
sp fifteenth
LLL 5.2.651 [recitation] / delighting, sp filching2
fifth adj effecting Luc 428 / sought Luc 1436;
wrought KL 4.7.97 file / ~s n
sp fift , fift's [fifth is] 1 > unfought, well-foughten fəɪl / -z
sp file14 / files5
fifty adj / n fighter n > muster-file
ˈfɪftəɪ ˈfəɪtəɹ
sp fighter4 file / ~d v
sp fiftie12, fifty7 / fiftie8, fifty3
fəɪl / fəɪld
fifty-five n fighting adj / n sp file1 / fil'd1
ˌfɪftəɪ-ˈfəɪv ˈfəɪtɪn, -ɪŋ rh compiled S 85.4
sp fighting3 / fighting2
sp fiftie fiue1 filed adj
fifty-fold n fig-leaf / ~leaves n fəɪld
ˈfɪftəɪ-ˌfo:ld = sp filed2
sp figge-leaues
sp fifty-fold1 filial adj
> leaf
> fold
fig / ~s n figo interj sp filiall2, filliall1
= ˈfɪɡo: > unfilial
sp figo1
sp figge4 / figges1, figs3 filius Lat n
> fico
fig v ˈfɪlɪʊs
fig’s-end n sp filius1
sp figge[-me]1 fill / ~s n
sp figges-end1
fight / ~s n =
figure / ~s n sp fill7 / fils1
fəɪt / -s
ˈfɪɡəɹ / -z
sp fight53, [sea]-fight1 / fights3 fill / ~s / VA ~eth / ~ing /
sp figure38, figures [figure is]1 /
rh knight 1H6 4.7.43, TC 4.5.90;
figures12 ~ed v
might AC 4.4.37, VA 114; night JC
5.3.110; plight PP 17.24; right 1H6
= / = / = / ˈfɪlɪn, -ɪŋ / =
figur·e / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v sp fil1, fill59 / filles5, fills4, fils3 /
4.2.56, 3H6 4.7.74, R2 1.3.56,
TC 3.2.169; white Luc 62
ˈfɪɡəɹ / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈfɪɡrɪn, filleth1 / filling8 / fild2, fill’d24
> sea-fight -ɪŋ / -d rh ill S 112.1; kill S 56.5 / distilled AY
sp figure1 / figures1 / figuring2 / 3.2.138; killed, spilled Luc 1804;
figur’d2 willed Per 5.2.15 [Chorus] / willeth
> disfigure VA 548 / spilling, willing Luc 1234
> mouth-filling, unfilled, upfill


fillet n find / ~est / ~s / ~eth / ~ing / sp fine22, fines [fine is]1 / fines5
= found / ~est v rh mine RJ 3.1.190

sp fillet1 fəɪnd / ˈfəɪnd·əst / -z / -əθ / fine / ~ed v

-ɪn, -ɪŋ / fəʊnd / -st, fəʊnst fəɪn / -d
fill-horse n
sp find78, finde427 / findst1, find’st4 / sp fine2 / fined1, fin’de1
ˈfɪl-ˌɔ:ɹs, -ˌhɔ:- findes29, finds11 / findeth1 / finding11
sp philhorse1 / found214 / found’st1 fine-baited adj
rh 1 assigned, mind LC 137; blind ˈfəɪn-ˌbɛ:tɪd
fillip v S 148.14; blind, mind Luc 760;
= sp fine baited1
inclined, mind Luc 1654; kind AW
sp fillip1, fillop2 1.3.60, RJ 2.3.8; kind, mind LC 187; fineless adj
mankind Tim 4.1.35; mind LC 88, Luc
film n / v ˈfəɪnləs
1539, MV 2.5.52, Per 4.Chorus.6,
ˈfɪləm, = S 27.14, 77.10, 92.11, TC 5.2.111, sp finelesse1

sp philome1 / filme1 TN 1.5.298; Rosalind AY 3.2.107;

finely adv
unkind KL 1.1.261; rh 2 wind LC 88,
fils Fr n LLL 4.3.104, MND 3.2.95, PP 16.6, ˈfəɪnləɪ
fis, fiz 20.32, S 14.8, 51.5 / minds S 116.3, sp finely10
TG 5.4.109 / rh 1 ground CE 2.1.96,
sp filz1 finem Lat
MND 4.1.100, PP 13.7, S 75.4, 153.2;
filth / ~s n sound MND 3.2.181, R2 2.1.18; rh 2 > finis
wound RJ 2.1.42 [rh with RJ 2.2.1]
> new-, well-found; founder fineness n
sp filth8 / filthes1 ˈfəɪnəs
finder n sp finenesse3
filthy adj
ˈfɪlθəɪ finer n
sp finder2
sp filthie3, filthy18 ˈfəɪnəɹ
> hare-finder
fin / ~s n sp finer1
finder-out n
= ˈfəɪndəɹ-ˈəʊt finger / ~’s / ~s / ~s’ n
sp fin1, finne1 / finnes2 1 ˈfɪŋɡəɹ / -z, Katherine,
sp finder-out
rh in CE 3.1.79
> out Lady H ..ff ˈfi:ŋɡrə,
fin Fr n ˈfɛ̃ŋɡrə
find-fault / ~s n
fɛ̃ sp finger60, [lazie]-finger1 / fingers1 /
ˈfəɪnd-ˌfɔ:ts, -ˌfɑ:lts fingers31, fin-gers4 / fingers2, fin-gers1,
sp fin1
sp finde-faults1 Katherine, Lady fingre3, fingres4
> fault
finally adv > forefinger
ˈfəɪnələɪ finding / ~s n finger ~ed v
sp fi-nally1 ˈfəɪndɪnz, -ɪŋz ˈfɪŋɡəɹd
sp findings1 sp finger’d2
finch n
= fine / ~r / ~st adj finger-end n
sp finch1 fəɪn / ˈfəɪn·əɹ / m -əst, fəɪnst ˈfɪŋɡəɹ-ˌend
sp fine67 / finer4, fi-ner1 / finest3, sp finger end1
finch-egg n
fin’st1, fins’t2 rh descend MW 5.5.84
= rh dine LLL 1.1.63; mine 2H4 5.3.45, > end
sp finch egge1 TG 1.2.10; nine LLL 5.2.487; wine
> egg 2H4 5.3.45 fingering n
> confineless m ˈfɪŋɡəˌrɪn, -ɡrɪn, -ɪŋ
fine / ~s n sp fingering2, fin-gering1, fingring1

fəɪn / -z


finical adj firebrand / ~s n firmly adv

ˈfɪnɪkɑl ˈfəɪɹˌbrand / -z ˈfɐ:ɹmləɪ
sp finicall1 sp firebrand1, fire-brand2 / sp firmely7, firmly2
fin·is / ~em Lat n > brand firmness n
ˈfi:nem ˈfɐ:ɹmnəs
sp finem1
fire-drake n sp firmenesse2
finish / ~ed v sp fire-drake1
firm-set adj
= / m ˈfɪnɪʃt, -ʃɪd ˈfɐ:ɹm-ˌset
sp finish9 / finish’d3, finished3,
fire-eyed adj sp firme-set1
finisht2 ˈfəɪɹ-ˌəɪd > set
rh diminish AY 5.4.137 sp fire-ey’d1
> unfinished > eye
first adj / adv / n
finisher n fire-new adj sp first115 / first311 / first96, first’s
ˈfɪnɪʃəɹ ˈfəɪɹ-ˌnju: [first is]1
sp finisher1 sp fire-new2, fire new1 rh accurst Ham 3.2.190, VA 1118;
rh minister AW 2.1.136 > new curst VA 888; worst KL 5.3.3,
TS 1.2.13, 34
finless adj fire-robed adj
= ˈfəɪɹ-ˌro:bd
first-begotten adj
1 1 ˈfɐ:ɹst-bɪˌɡɒtən
sp finne-lesse sp fire-roab’d-[god]
> robe sp first begotten1
Finsbury n
fire-shovel n first-born adj
m ˈfɪnzbəˌrəɪ
ˈfəɪɹ-ˌʃɤvəl ˈfɐ:ɹst-ˌbɔ:ɹn
sp Finsbury1
sp fire-shouell1 sp first borne5, first-borne1
fire / ~’s / ~s n > shovel > born
fəɪɹ / -z
firework / ~s n first-conceived adj
sp fier2, fire245, [sea-cole]-fire1,
ˈfəɪɹˌwɔ:ɹk / -s m ˈfɐ:ɹst-kənˌsi:vɪd
[tempest-dropping]-fire1, [triall]-fire1,
fire’s [fire is]1 / fires1 / fiers1, sp fire-worke1 / fire-workes1 sp first-conceiued1
[reioycing]-fires1, fires16 > work
firstling / ~s n
rh admire LLL 4.2.116, PP 5.12;
aspire VA 149; aspire, desire Luc 4; firing n ˈfɐ:ɹstlɪnz, -ɪŋz
briar MND 5.1.382; briar MND 2.1.5, ˈfəɪɹɪn, -ɪŋ sp firstlings3
3.1.103; desire 1H6 4.6.10, Luc 181, sp firing1

1491, 1604, MW 5.5.88, 95, S 45.1, rh requiring Tem 2.2.177

fish / ~es n
154.5, VA 35, 275, 388, 494, 654, =
1073; expire 2H4 5.5.109, S 73.9; ire firk v sp fish35, fish-[meales]1,
R2 1.1.19; liar Ham 2.2.115; sire VA fɐ:ɹk Fish-[streete]1, [fresh]-fish1,
1162; squier [square] LLL 5.2.476 / [salt]-fish1 / fishes8
sp firke2
desires Mac 1.4.51; liars RJ 1.2.88 > dog-, land-, stock-fish
> a-, bon-, cannon-, hell-, rejoicing-, firm adj
wild-fire fish / ~es / ~ed v
fir·e / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v sp firme40
> unfirm sp fish3 / fishes1 / fish’d2
fəɪɹ / -z / ˈfəɪɹɪn, -ɪŋ / fəɪɹd rh dish CE 3.1.22, Cym 4.2.36,
sp fire6 / fires2 / fiering1 / fier’d1, firmament n Tem 2.2.176
m ˈfɐ:ɹməˌment, -əmə-
> new-fired fisher / ~s n
sp firemament1, firmament3,
ˈfɪʃəɹ / -z
sp fisher1 / fishers1


fisher·man / ~men / ~s n fit / ~s / ~eth / ~ting / ~ted v five-fold adj

ˈfɪʃəɹˌmen / -z = / = / = / ˈfɪtɪn, -ɪŋ / = ˈfəɪv-ˌfo:ld
sp fishermen3 / fishermens-[boots]1 sp fit33 / fits29 / fitteth2 / fitting4 / sp fiue-fold1
fitted13 > fold
fishif·y / ~ied v rh wit KL 3.2.76, Oth 2.1.132; fit it hit
ˈfɪʃɪfəɪd it LLL 4.1.130 / hits AW 2.1.144 fivescore n
sp fishified 1 [emend of shifts], S 120.12; sits VA m ˈfəɪvˌskɔ:ɹ, ˌfəɪvˈskɔ:ɹ
327 / committed S 119.7; omitted sp fiuescore2
fish-like adj LLL 4.3.358 rh more LLL 4.2.41
ˈfɪʃ-ləɪk > score
fitchew n
sp fish-like1
ˈfɪtʃu: fix / ~s / ~eth / ~ing / ~ed v
fishmonger n sp fitchew3 = / = / = / ˈfɪks·ɪn, -ɪŋ / m -ɪd,
ˈfɪʃˌmɤŋɡəɹ fɪkst
fitful adj
sp fishmonger1, fishmon-ger1 sp fix1, fixe2 / fixes1 / fixeth1 / fixing2
= / fix’d3, fixed3, fixt12
fishpond n sp fitfull1 rh commixed LC 27; intermixed
= S 101.6; mixed Luc 561, VA 487
fitly adv > unfix
sp fish-pond1
> pond
sp fitly5 fixed adj
fisnomy n m ˈfɪksɪd, fɪkst
Clown’s pron of physiognomy fitment n sp fix’d1, fixed11, fixt9
AW .. ˈfɪznəməɪ = > ever-fixed
sp fisno-mie1 sp fitment1
fixture n
fist / ~s n fitness n ˈfɪkstəɹ
= = sp fixture1
sp fist9 / fists1 sp fitnesse
fixure n
fist / ~ing v fitting adj ˈfɪksəɹ
ˈfɪstɪn, -ɪŋ ˈfɪtɪn, -ɪŋ sp fixure2
sp fisting 1 sp fitting4
flag / ~s n
fistula n Fitzwater / ~s n =
ˈfɪstjələ fɪtzˈwɑ:təɹ / -z sp flag2, flagge5 / flagges2
sp fistula 1 sp Fitz-water / in s.d.
Fitz-waters1 flagging adj
fit / ~er / ~est adj ˈflaɡɪn, -ɪŋ
= / ˈfɪtəɹ / =, fɪtst five adj sp flagging1
sp fit101 / fitter8 / fit’st1, fittest4 fəɪv
rh it MW 5.5.59, Per 1.1.106; wit KL sp fiue96, fiue-[weekes]1, abbr v.1 flagon / ~s n
1.2.180, 3.2.76, LLL 4.1.51, 144, TN > seventy-five =
3.1.65[F], emend as hits sp flaggon1 / flagons1
> unfit five / ~s n
fəɪv / -z flail n
fit adv
sp fiue32 / fiues1 flɛ:l
= rh thrive LLL 5.2.535 sp flaile1
sp fit5
five-finger-tied adj flake / ~s n
fit / ~s n m ˌfəɪv-ˈfɪŋɡəɹ-ˌtəɪd flɛ:ks
= sp fiue finger tied1 sp flakes1
sp fit21, fitte1 / fits12
rh sits, wits Luc 856; wits CE 5.1.85


flaky adj flap-eared adj flatterer / ~’s / ~s n

ˈflɛ:kəɪ ˈflap-ˌi:ɹd m ˈflatrəɹ, -tər-, -təˌrɐ:ɹ / -z
sp flakie1 sp flap-ear’d1 sp flatterer12, flat-terer1 / flatterers2
/ flatterers12
flam·e / ~s n flar·e / ~ing v
flɛ:m / -z ˈflɛ:rɪn, -ɪŋ flattering adj / n
sp flame 14
/ flames 9
sp flaring 1 m ˈflatrɪn, -ɪŋ, -tər-
sp flatt’ring4, flattering11 /
flam·e / ~s / ~eth / ~ed v flash / ~es n flattering1
flɛ:m / -z / ˈflɛ:məθ / flɛ:md = rh n king PP 20.39
sp flame4 / flames2 / flameth1 / sp flash4 / flashes3
flam’d1 rh rash Cym 4.2.270
flattering-sweet adj
rh out-burneth PP 7.13 ˈflatrɪn-ˈswi:t, -ɪŋ-, -tər-
flashing adj sp flattering sweet1
flame-coloured adj ˈflaʃɪn, -ɪŋ > sweet
ˈflɛ:m-ˌkɤləɹd sp flashing1
sp flame-coloured 1 flatter·y / ~ies n
> colour flask n m ˈflatrəɪ, -tər-, -təˌr- / -z
= sp flatterie9, flattery11 / flatteries5
flamen / ~s n sp flaske 2 rh alchemy S 114.2; battery VA 425;
ˈflamɪn / -z be Tim 1.2.254; villainy Per 4.4.45
sp flamen1 / flamins1 flat adj / adv
= flaunt / ~s n
flaming adj 21
sp flat / flat 2 =
ˈflɛ:mɪn, -ɪŋ rh fat LLL 3.1.99 sp flaunts1
sp flaming
flat / ~s n Flavia / ~’s n
Flaminius n = ˈflavɪəz
fləˈmɪnɪəs sp flat2 / flats5 sp Flauia’s1
sp Flaminius
flatlong adv Flavio n
Flanders n = ˈflavɪo:
ˈflandəɹz sp flat-long1 sp Flauio1
sp Flanders > long
Flavius n
flannel n flatly adv ˈflavɪəs
= ˈflatləɪ sp Flauius8
1 4
sp flannell sp flatly
flaw / ~s n
flap n flatness n =
= = sp flaw4, flawe1 / flawes4
sp flap 1
sp flatnesse 1 rh awe Ham 5.1.212; law LLL
flap-dragon / ~s n flatter / ~est / ~s / ~ing /
= ~ed v flaw / ~ing / ~ed v
sp flapdra-gon1 / flap-dragons1 ˈflatəɹ / -st / -z / m -ɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈflɔ:ɪn, -ɪŋ1 / =
sp flawing / flaw’d2
> dragon ˈflatrɪn / -d
sp flatter39, flat-ter1 / flatter’st2 / flawed adj
flap-dragon / ~ed v
flatters / flattering3, flatt’ring1 /
= 10 4 1
flatter’d , flattered , flattred
sp flap-dragon’d1 sp flaw’d1
rh 1 matter S 87.13; rh 2 water
> honour-flawed
Luc 1560


flax n fleece / ~d v flesh-fly n

= = ˈfleʃ-ˌfləɪ
sp flax3 sp fleece1 / fleec’d1 sp flesh-flie1

flaxen adj fleer / ~s n fleshly adj

= fli:ɹz ˈfleʃləɪ
sp flaxen1 sp fleeres1 sp fleshly1

flax-wench n fleer / ~ed v fleshment n

= fli:ɹ / -d =
sp flax-wench1 sp fleere2 / fleer’d1 sp fleshment1
> wench
fleering adj fleshmonger n
flay / ~ed v ˈfli:rɪn, -ɪŋ ˈfleʃˌmɤŋɡəɹ
flɛ:d sp flearing1 sp flesh-mon-ger1
sp flayd2, flay’d1, flead1, fled1
fleet / ~er adj fleur-de-luce
flaying n = / ˈfli:təɹ > flower-de-luce
ˈflɛ:ɪn, -ɪŋ sp fleete1 / fleeter2
sp flaying1, fleaing1
fleet n > fly
flea / ~’s / ~s n =
= flewed adj
sp fleet6, fleete10
sp flea / fleas / fleas 1 2
> after-fleet
sp flew’d1
Fleance n fleet / ~est / ~ing v
ˈfli:əns = / fli:tst / ˈfli:tɪn, -ɪŋ flexible adj
sp Fleance , Fleans 9 4 3 1
sp fleet , fleete / fleet’st / fleeting 1 =
rh sweets S 19.5 sp flexible2
fleckled adj
= fleeting adj flexure n
sp fleckel’d , fleckled 1 ˈfli:tɪn, -ɪŋ ˈfleksəɹ
sp fleeting2 sp flexure1
> flee Fleming n Flibbertigibbet n
= ˌflɪbəɹtɪˈdʒɪbɪt
fledge / ~d v sp Flibbertigibbet1
sp Fleming1
sp fledg’d2 Flemish adj flickering adj
> unfledged = ˈflɪkrɪn, -ɪŋ, -kər-
sp Flemish1 sp flickring1
flee / fled v
= flesh n flier / ~s n
1 1
sp flea , flee / fled , fledde 86 1
= ˈfləɪəɹz
rh he LLL 3.1.63 / dead 1H6 4.7.49, sp fliers1
sp flesh123
MND 5.1.294, PP 17.31, PT 23, R2
2.4.16, 3.2.74, 77, S 71.3, Tim 3.3.36, flesh / ~es / ~ed v flight / ~s n
VA 947; fed VA 793; head KL 3.6.72,
= fləɪt / -s
MND 3.2.405, S 148.3, VA 1037
sp flesh4 / fleshes1 / flesh’d1, flesht2 sp flight53 / flights2
rh affright, night Luc 968; delight,
fleece / ~s n
fleshed adj night Luc 695; fight R2 1.3.61; light
sp fleece7 / fleeces1
sp flesh’d2, flesht1


MND 5.1.297; might LC 244; night flock / ~s n sp florish6, flourish109, abbr in s.d.
MND 1.1.246, 4.1.98; plight 3H6 = flo2, flor2 / flourishes1
3.3.36; right KJ 5.4.60; tonight Mac > overflourish
sp flock2, flocke12 / flockes4
rh rocks PP 19.6 flourish / ~es / ~eth / ~ed v
flighty adj ˈflɤrɪʃ / -ɪz / -əθ / -t
flock v
ˈfləɪtəɪ sp flourish12 / flourishes2,
sp flighty1 flou-rishes1 / florisheth1 / flourish’d3,
sp flock1, flocke4
flinch v rh nourisheth TS 2.1.333
flood / ~s n
flɤd / -z flourishing adj
sp flinch2
sp flood39, floud6 / floods7, flouds4 ˈflɤrɪʃɪn, -ɪŋ
fling n rh 1 blood Luc 653, 1741, TC 1.3.300;
sp flourishing3
blood, mud LC 44 / rh 2 good Luc
653, 1118; stood Luc 266, 1741, PP flout / ~s n
sp fling1 6.14; wood VA 824 / rh 3 food Luc
fləʊt / -s
1118; rh 4 moved [also emend
fling / flong / flung v sp flout3 / floutes1
mood] Per 3.Chorus.45
= / = / flɤŋ rh out LLL 5.2.269, 397
sp fling5 / flong2 / flung3 floodgate / ~s n
flout / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
ˈflɤd-ˌɡɛ:t / -s
flint / ~s n 1 1 fləʊt / -s / ˈfləʊt·ɪn, -ɪŋ / ɪd
sp flood-gate / floud-gates
= sp flout15, floute1, flowt2 / flouts1 /
sp flint / flints 2
floor n flouting1, flowting1 / flouted1,
rh stint Per 4.4.43 flɔ:ɹ flowted3
sp floore4 rh flout ’em scout ’em Tem
Flint [name] n rh roar MND 5.1.216 3.2.122
Flora n flouting adj
sp Flint1
= ˈfləʊtɪn, -ɪŋ
flinty adj sp Flora1 sp flowting1
Florence / ~’s n flouting-stock n
sp flintie5, flinty5
= Evans MW .. ˈvləʊtɪn-
flirt-gill / ~s n sp Florence13, Flo-rence1 / ˌstɒg, -ɪŋ- / MW ..
ˈflɐ:ɹt-ˌdʒɪlz Florences1 -ˌstɒks
sp flurt-gils1 sp vlowting-stog1, vlouting stocks1
> Gill Florentine / ~s n > stock
ˈflɒrənˌtəɪn / -z
float n sp Florentine1 / Florentines2 flow / ~s n
flo:t flo: / flo:z
sp flote1 Florentius / ~’ n sp flow8 / flowes2
> afloat flɒˈrensɪəs
sp Florentius1
flow / ~s / ~ing / ~ed / ~n v
float / ~ing / ~ed v flo: / -z / ˈflo:ɪn, -ɪŋ / flo:d /
flo:t / ˈflo:t·ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd Florizel n flo:n
1 1
sp floate , flote / floating / 1
ˈflɒrɪˌzel sp flow19, flowe1 / flowes5 / flowing1
floated1 sp Florizel1, Florizell7 / flow’d4, flowed1 / flowne6
rh well WT 4.1.22 rh go Cym 3.5.161; know AW
floating n 5.3.323; woe H8 Prol.4, S 30.5 / rose
ˈflo:tɪn, -ɪŋ flourish / ~es n LLL 4.3.27, TNK 5.1.163 / shown
sp floating 1
ˈflɤrɪʃ / -ɪz AW 2.1.139
> overflow


flower / ~’s / ~s n fluent adj Luc 1150; perdy KL 2.4.79 / rh 1

flo:ɹ / flo:ɹz = advise Per 4.3.50; eyes, hies Luc 1216;
spies VA 1027; rh 2 adulteries Cym
sp flower35, flowre8 / flowers1 / sp fluent1
5.4.31; enemies Ham 3.2.214; rh 3
flours1, flowers31, flowres22
flung precise LLL 5.2.408 / dying TNK 1.5.6;
rh bower MND 3.1.194; devour Luc
lying TG 3.1.141 / drew, knew
1254; dower AW 5.3.324; hour AY > fling
LC 60
5.3.29, PP 13.5, TN 2.4.38, VA 1188;
flush adj > overfly
hour, power LC 75; power LC 147,
MND 4.1.72, RJ 2.3.19, S 65.4, VA flɤʃ fly-bitten adj
946; scour MW 5.5.62 / bowers TN sp flush2 ˈfləɪ-ˌbɪtən
1.1.41; devours, ours Luc 870; hours
LLL 4.3.356, PP 14.28, S 16.7; ours flushing n sp fly-bitten1
> bitten
Cym 5.4.98, RJ 2.3.4; showers Ham ˈflɤʃɪn, -ɪŋ
4.5.38, H8 3.1.6, Tem 4.1.78, VA 65
sp flushing1 fly-blowing n
> crow-, de-flower
ˈfləɪ-ˌblo:ɪn, -ɪŋ
fluster / ~ed v
flower-de-luce / ~s n sp fly-blowing1
ˈflo:ɹ-də-ˈlu:s / -ɪz > blow
sp fluster’d1
sp fleure-de-luce1, flower-de-luce1,
fly-blown adj
flowre-de-luce1 / flower-de-luces2 flute / ~s n
> luce ˈfləɪ-ˌblo:n
= sp fly-blowne1
flowered adj sp flutes2
m flo:ɹd, ˈflo:ɹɪd flyer / ~s n
1 1
Flute [name] n ˈfləɪəɹz
sp flowr’d , flowred
= sp flyers3
floweret / ~s n sp Flute5
ˈflo:ɹəts flying adj
1 1
flux n ˈfləɪɪn, -ɪŋ
sp flouriets , flowrets
flɤks sp flying3
flowering adj sp fluxe2
ˈflo:rɪn, -ɪŋ foal n
fly / flies n fo:l
sp flowring
fləɪ / -z sp foale1
flower-soft adj sp flie3, fly8, flye3 / flies11, flyes6 rh bowl MND 2.1.46
> butter-, water-fly
foal / ~s v
sp flower-soft1 fl·y / ~ies / ~eth / ~ing /
> soft fo:lz
flew v sp foles1
flowery adj fləɪ / -z / ˈfləɪ·əθ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / =
ˈflo:ɹəɪ sp flie34, fly31, flye158 / flies16, flyes19 foam n
/ flyeth2 / flying13 / flew5 fo:m
sp flowrie2, flowry2
rh 1 cry Cym 5.4.92, Tem 5.1.91; die sp fome2
flowing adj AW 2.1.167, 1H6 4.5.21, 44, 55,
flo:ɪn, -ɪŋ 4.6.46, 3H6 4.4.34, Luc 230, RJ foam / ~s / ~ed v
3.1.174; dry R2 2.2.146; eye LC 249, fo:m / -z / -d
sp flowing
325, Luc 177, 1014, RJ 1.3.100; high
> water-flowing sp foame1 / foames2, fomes1 /
AW 2.3.73; I 2H6 2.1.159, MND
3.2.416, TN 3.4.364; I, lie Tem 5.1.91;
Fluellen n
nigh Oth 2.1.150; pie TNK 1.1.24; sky foaming adj
flu:ˈelən Luc 1406; MND 3.2.24, R2 1.1.42;
sp Fluellen 18 ˈfo:mɪn, -ɪŋ
rh 2 advisedly Luc 177; chivalry 1H6
4.6.28; deity Cym 5.4.92; destiny Luc sp foaming4, foming1
1728; enemy JC 5.3.1; majesty S 78.6;
merrily Tem 5.1.91; mutiny, readily


foamy adj foi Fr n folded adj

ˈfo:məɪ fwɛ ˈfo:ldɪd
sp foamy1 sp foy3 sp folded1, foulded2

fob / ~bed v foil / ~s n folio n

= fəɪl / -z ˈfo:lɪo:
sp fobbe2 / fobb’d1 sp foile2, foyle4 / foiles2, foyles7 sp folio1
rh spoil LC 153
fodder n folk / ~s n
ˈfɒdəɹ foil / ~ed v fo:k, Edgar’s assumed dialect
sp fodder1 fəɪl / fəɪld KL .. vo:k / -s
sp foile1, foyle3 / foil’d1, foyld1, sp folke3, Edgar volke1 / folkes11,
foe / ~’s / ~s n foyl’d1 folks1, [olde]-folkes1
fo: / -z rh toiled S 25.10
sp foe61, foes [foe is]1 / foes1 / foes66 follow / ~est / ~s / ~ing / ~ed /
rh go 1H6 4.5.37, Luc 77, R2 5.4.11,
foin / ~s n ~est v
RJ 1.1.80, TC 1.3.309; know KJ 5.1.79, fəɪnz ˈfɒlə, -lo: / -st / -z / -wɪn, -ɪŋ /
PP 20.56; lo RJ 2.3.50; know, show sp foynes1
-d / -dst
Luc 471; know, woe Luc 1608; no 1H6
foin / ~ing v sp follow293, fol-low5, followe1,
4.7.26; snow VA 364; so Luc 1035,
folow1 / followest1, follow’st1 /
1196, 1683, 1827, MND 3.2.44, RJ fəɪn / ˈfəɪnɪn, -ɪŋ
followes65, fol-lowes1, follows1 /
1.5.61, Tim 2.2.238 / close TG sp foigne1, foyne1 / foyning1
following21 / follow’d26, followed34,
5.4.119; goes 1H6 3.1.187, Luc 988, R2
fol-lowed1 / followd’st1
2.4.23, Tit 5.2.147, VA 620, 684; foining adj
rh hollow VA 975
knows S 139.11; oppose KJ 3.1.171; ˈfəɪnɪn, -ɪŋ
overthrows RJ Prol.5; repose, woes
sp foyning1 follower / ~s n
Luc 936; shows S 40.14; shows, woes
TNK 1.5.8; those Mac 2.4.41; those,
ˈfɒləwəɹ / -z
fois Fr n
woes Luc 1460; throes Cym 5.4.46; sp follower10 / followers43,
fwɛ fol-lowers2, followres1, folowers1
woes KL 3.6.101 [Q]
sp [autre]foys, foyes1
> night-foe
following adj / n
foeman / ~’s / foemen / foison / ~s n ˈfɒləwɪn, -ɪŋ
~’s n ˈfəɪzən / -z sp following7 / following2
sp foizon1, foyson1, foyzon2 /
ˈfo:mən / -z
foysons1 foll·y / ~ies n
sp foe-man1 / foe-mans1 / foe-men2
/ foe-mens1
ˈfɒləɪ / -z
Foix n
sp follie5, folly71, fol-ly1 / follies9,
fog / ~s n fwɛ follyes3
sp Foyes1 rh dally Luc 556; holly AY 2.7.182,
sp fog1, [south]-fog1, fogge5 / fold / ~s n
fo:ld / -z folly-fallen adj
foggy adj sp fold2, foulde1 / folds1 ˈfɒləɪ-ˌfɑ:ln
rh controlled Luc 679 sp folly falne1
> fifty-, five-, nine-, seven-, ten-, > fall
sp foggy
thousand-, three-, two-fold
foh interj fond / ~er adj
fold / ~s / ~ed v = / ˈfɒndəɹ
fɔ: fo:ld / -z / ˈfo:ldɪd sp fond53 / fonder1
sp foh6
sp fold11, folde1, foulde1 / folds1 / rh bond Luc 134, Tim 1.2.63
folded3 > overfond
foh Fr interj
> blind-, en-, un-fold
sp fo


fondly adv fooler·y / ~ies n sp foot-ball2

ˈfɒndləɪ ˈfʊlrəɪ, ˈfu:l-, -lər- / -z > ball

sp fondly9 sp foolerie8, foo-lerie1, foolery4, footboy / ~s n

foolrie1, fool’rie1, fool’ry2 / fooleries1
fondness n ˈfʊtbəɪ / -z
= foolhardiness n sp foot-boy2, foot-boyes2

sp fondnesse3 ˈfʊl-ˌɑ:ɹdɪnəs, -ˌhɑ:-, ˈfu:l- foot-cloth n

sp foole-hardinesse1
font n =
> hardiness
= sp foot-cloth2, foot-cloth-[horse]1
foolhardy adj > cloth
sp font2
m ˈfʊl-ˌɑ:ɹdəɪ, ˈfu:l-, -ˌhɑ:-,
footfall n
Fontybell n ˌfʊl-ˈɑ:-, ˌfu:l-, -ˈhɑ:-
1 1
= sp foole-hardie , foole-hardy
sp foot fall1, foot-fall1
sp Fontybell1
fooling n > fall
food n ˈfʊlɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈfu:l- footing n
=, fʊd sp fooling9
ˈfʊtɪn, -ɪŋ
sp food42, foode21, emend of
foolish adj sp footing14
TS 4.1.128 soud4
rh good, flood Luc 1115 ˈfʊlɪʃ, ˈfu:l- foot-landraker / ~s n
sp foolish90, foo-lish2, emend of
fool adj ˈfʊt-landˌrɛ:kəɹz
MW 3.3.181 foolishion1
fʊl, = > fool sp foot-land-rakers1

sp foole1 foot-licker n
pun TC 5.1.9 full
foolishly adv
m ˈfʊlɪʃləɪ, -ˌləɪ, ˈfu:l- ˈfʊt-ˌlɪkəɹ
fool / ~’s / ~s / ~s’ n sp foolishly5 sp foot-licker1
fʊl, = / -z > lick

sp fool3, foole417, ’foole1,

foolishness n
foot·man / ~men n
[holiday]-foole1, [struck]-foole1, m ˈfʊlɪʃˌnes, ˈfu:l-
foole’s [fool is]1 / fooles12, sp foolishnes1
[an]-fooles1 / fooles93, fools3 / fooles3 sp footeman1, footman3, foot-man1
rh cool Mac 4.1.152; school LLL foot / feet n / [warre-markt]-footmen
4.2.30, 5.2.72, Luc 1819; stool TS = footpath n
1.1.65; tool TNK 3.5.130 / schools sp foot89, foote68, [on]-foot1,
Luc 1016 [s]foote [God’s foot] 1 / feet24,
feete32 sp foot-path2
fool / ~ing / ~ed v rh boot 1H6 4.6.53, R2 1.1.165, TS > path
fʊl, = / ˈfʊlɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈfu:l- / fʊld, 5.2.176; root Luc 664; to’t LLL 5.2.146
footsteps n
= / meet TN 5.1.166; see’t KL 3.2.94;
street CE 3.1.37; sweet LLL 5.2.330, =
sp foole7 / fooling1 / fool’d3
> unfool TNK 1.1.14 sp footsteps1
> a-, bare-, dry-, fore-, light-,
fool-begged adj three-, under-foot footstool n
ˈfʊl-ˌbeɡd, ˈfu:l- ˈfʊtstʊl, -stu:l
foot / ~ed v sp footstoole1
sp foole-beg’d1
> beg
= > stool
sp foot2, foote4 / footed4
fool-born adj > fiery-, free-, hasty-, nimble-, tiger- fop / ~s n
ˈfʊl-ˌbɔ:ɹn, ˈfu:l- footed =
sp foole-borne1 sp fops1
football n


fopped adj forbidden adj Ford / ~’s [name] n

= fəɹˈbɪdən fɔ:ɹd / -z
sp fopt1 sp forbidden2 sp Ford77, Ford’s [Ford is]1 / Fords11
rh word MW 5.5.237
foppery n forbiddenly adv
ˈfɒprəɪ, -pər- m fəɹˈbɪdənˌləɪ for·do / ~does / ~did /
1 2
sp fopperie , foppery , fop-pery 1
sp forbiddenly 1 ~done v
fəɹˈdu: / -ˈdɤz / -ˈdɪd / -ˈdɤn
foppish adj force / ~s n sp fore do1 / foredoes2 / for-did1 /
= fɔ:ɹs / ˈfɔ:ɹsɪz fore-done2
sp foppish1 sp force76 / forces20 rh moon MND 5.1.364
rh apish KL 1.4.164 rh horse S 91.2, VA 29
fore prep
for prep forc·e / ~ing / ~ed v fɔ:ɹ
str fɔ:ɹ, unstr fəɹ, Edgar’s fɔ:ɹs / ˈfɔ:ɹsɪn, -ɪŋ / fɔ:ɹst sp ’fore17, fore10, ’fore-[noone]1
assumed dialect KL .., sp force25 / forcing2 / forc;d20,
Caius MW .. vɔ:ɹ forced1, forc;t1, forst2 fore-advised adj
7343 9
sp for , for’s [for his] , for’t [for
> enforce ˈfɔ:ɹ-ədˈvəɪzd
it]77, Edgar, Caius vor2 sp fore-aduis’d1
force Fr n > advise
rh short Per 4.4.2
forage n sp force1 forecast n
= m fɔ:ɹˈkast
forced adj sp fore-cast1
sp forrage1
rh courage VA 554
m ˈfɔ:ɹsɪd, fɔ:ɹst > cast
sp forc’d5, forced6, forc’t1, for’st1
forager / ~s n > unforced fore-end n
ˈfɒrɪdʒəɹz ˈfɔ:ɹ-ˌend
forceful adj sp fore-end1
sp forragers1
ˈfɔ:ɹsfʊl > end
forbear / ~s / forborn v sp forcefull1
forefather / ~s / ~s’ n
fəɹˈbɛ:ɹ / -z / fəɹˈbɔ:ɹn
54 1
forceless adj m ˌfɔ:ɹˈfaðəɹ / -z
sp forbeare , forbear’t [forbear it]
/ forbeares1 / forborne1
ˈfɔ:ɹsləs sp fore-father1 / fore-fathers1 /
rh 1 forswear LLL 5.2.439; there S sp forcelesse 1 forefathers1, fore-fathers1
41.9; where CE 2.1.31 [also as other- > father
where]; rh 2 fear AC 1.3.11; forbear
forcible adj
m ˈfɔ:ɹsɪbəl, -ˌbɤl forefinger n
thee near thee Cym 4.2.278 / years
VA 526 1
sp forceable , forcible 2 ˈfɔ:ɹˌfɪŋɡəɹ
sp fore-finger2
forbearance n forcibly adv > finger
fəɹˈbɛ:ɹəns m ˈfɔ:ɹsɪbləɪ, -ˌləɪ,
forefoot n
sp forbearance6 sp forcibly3
for·bid / ~s / ~bad / forcing adj sp fore-foote1
~bidden v ˈfɔ:ɹsɪn, -ɪŋ > foot

fəɹˈbɪd / -z / fəɹˈbad / fəɹˈbɪdən sp forcing1 forego / ~ne v

sp forbid70 / forbids6 / forbad3 / fəɹˈɡo:, ˌfɔ:ɹ- / fəɹˈɡo:n, -ɡɒn,
ford / ~s Luc n
fɔ:ɹdz ˌfɔ:ɹ-
rh did LC 150; eyelid MND 2.2.86;
sp forgo2, forgoe6 / forgone1
hid LLL 1.1.62, S 65.12; lid Mac 1.3.21 sp foords1
rh 1 none AW 1.3.129; rh 2 moan
rh words Luc 1329
S 30.9
> go


foregoer / ~s n forenoon n sp fore-skirt1

ˌfɔ:ɹˈɡo:əɹz ˈfɔ:ɹˌnu:n, -ˌnʊn > skirt

sp fore-goers1 sp forenoone2 foreslow v

> noon
foregone adj ˌfɔ:ɹ-ˈslo:
fəɹˈɡo:n, -ɡɒn, ˌfɔ:ɹ- fore-past adj sp foreslow1
ˈfɔ:ɹ-ˌpast > slow
sp fore-gone1, forgon1
sp fore-past1 fore·speak / ~spoke v
forehand adj / n > past
m ˌfɔ:ɹˈand, -ˈha-, ˈfɔ:ɹˌand,
fore-rank n sp forespoke1
-ˌha- > speak
sp forehand1, fore-hand1 / fore-hand2
> aforehand, hand sp fore-ranke1 forespen·d / ~t v
> rank
forehead / ~s n
fore-recited adj sp fore-spent4
ˈfɔ:ɹˌed, -ˌhe- / -z > spend
sp forehead11, fore-head5,
fore-head’s [forehead is]1, forhead5, sp fore-recited1 fore-spurrer n
for-head1 / foreheads1 ˌfɔ:ɹ-ˈspɐ:ɹəɹ
> head
fore-run / ~s / ~ning v
ˌfɔ:ɹ-ˈrɤn / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ sp fore-spurrer1
forehorse n > spur
sp fore-run2, fore-runne2 /
ˈfɔ:ɹˌɔ:ɹs, -ˌhɔ:- fore-runnes1 / forerunning1 forest adj
sp for-horse1 > run
> horse
fore-runner n sp forrest4
foreign adj ˌfɔ:ɹ-ˈrɤnəɹ forest / ~s n
= sp fore-runner3
sp forraigne12, forraine10, forreigne1,
foresaid adj sp forest1, forrest39, for-rest1 /
forreine2, forren1
ˈfɔ:ɹˌsed forrests2
foreigner / ~s n sp foresaid6 forestall / ~ed v
ˈfɒrɪnəɹ / -z > aforesaid
ˌfɔ:ɹ-ˈstɑ:l / m -d, -ɪd
sp forreyner1 / forreyners1
fore·say v sp forestall2, fore-stall3 / fore-stall’d1,
foreknowing n ˌfɔ:ɹ-ˈsɛ: fore-stalled1

ˌfɔ:ɹˈno:ɪn, -ɪŋ sp fore-say1 forestalled adj

sp foreknowing , fore-knowing 1 > say
> know
foresee / ~s / ~ing / sp fore-stall’d1
foreknowledge n foresaw v forest-born adj
ˌfɔ:ɹˈnɒlɪdʒ ˌfɔ:ɹˈsi: / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / fɔ:ɹˈsɔ: ˈfɒrɪst-ˌbɔ:ɹn
sp fore knowledge1 sp foresee5, fore-see1 / foresees1 /
sp forrest borne1
fore-seeing1 / forsaw1
foremost adj / adv > born
> see
ˈfɔ:ɹmo:st forester / ~s n
sp formost2 / formost3
fore-show / ~ed v
ˈfɒrɪstəɹ / -z
> most ˌfɔ:ɹ-ˈʃo:d
sp forrester7 / forresters2, forre-sters1
sp fore-shew’d1
forenamed adj > show foretell / ~s / ~ing /
ˈfɔ:ɹˌnɛ:md ~foretold v
sp fore-named1
fore-skirt n
ˈfɔ:ɹ-ˌskɐ:ɹt ˌfɔ:ɹ-ˈtel / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ /
> name


sp foretell2, fore-tell3 / fore-tells1, forfeiter / ~s n forgetful adj

fore-tels1, fortels1 / fore-telling1 / ˈfɔ:ɹfɪtəɹz fəɹˈɡetfʊl
foretold3, fore-told1
sp forfeytours1 sp forgetfull4
> tell

forethink / ~ing / forfeit-seller n forgetfulness n

forethought v ˈfɔ:ɹfɪt-ˌseləɹ m fəɹˈɡetfʊlˌnes
sp forfet-seller1 sp forgetfulnesse5
ˌfɔ:ɹ-ˈθɪŋk / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / ˌfɔ:ɹ-ˈθɔ:t
sp fore-thinke1 / fore-thinking1 / forfeiture / ~s n forgetive adj
fore-thought1 ˈfɔ:ɹfɪˌtu:ɹ / -z ˈfɔ:ɹdʒɪtɪv
> think
sp forfeiture7, forfeyture1 / sp forge-tiue1
foretold forfeitures1
for·give / ~gave / ~given v
> foretell forfend v fəɹˈɡɪv / fəɹˈɡɛ:v / fəɹˈɡɪvən
fore-vouched adj fəɹˈfend, ˈfɔ:ɹ- sp forgiue73, for-giue1 / forgaue2 /
ˌfɔ:ɹ-ˈvəʊtʃt sp forefend4, fore-fend2, forfend2 forgiuen4
rh live AW 3.4.12, 2H4 4.5.218
sp fore-voucht1 forfended adj
> vouch
fəɹˈfendɪd, ˈfɔ:ɹ- forgiven adj
forewarn / ~ed v sp fore-fended 1 fəɹˈɡɪvən
ˌfɔ:ɹ-ˈwɑ:ɹn / m -d, -ɪd sp forgiuen1
forge / ~s n
sp forewarne1 / fore-warn’d1, forgiveness
fɔ:ɹdʒ / ˈfɔ:ɹdʒɪz n
> warn sp forge3 / forges1 fəɹˈɡɪvnəs
sp forgiuenesse9
forewarning adj forge / ~s / ~ed v
ˌfɔ:ɹ-ˈwɑ:ɹnɪn, -ɪŋ fɔ:ɹdʒ / ˈfɔ:ɹdʒ·ɪz / m -ɪd, forgo
1 ˈfɔ:ɹdʒd > forego
sp fore-warning
2 3 1 6
sp forge / forges / forged , forg’d
fore-wearied adj forgot adj
ˌfɔ:ɹ-ˈwi:rəɪd, -ˈwe- forged adj fəɹˈɡɒt
m ˈfɔ:ɹdʒd, -dʒɪd sp forgot1
sp fore-wearied1
2 3
> weary sp forg’d , forged
forgotten adj
forfeit adj forger·y / ~ies n fəɹˈɡɒtən
ˈfɔ:ɹfɪt m ˈfɔ:ɹdʒəˌrəɪ / -z sp forgotten5
sp forfeit6, forfeite1 sp forgery2 / forgeries2
fork / ~s n
rh eyes, lies Luc 460; lies PP 1.4
forfeit / ~s n fɔ:ɹk / -s
ˈfɔ:ɹfɪt / -s forget / ~test / ~s / ~ting / sp forke3 / forkes1
10 3 1
sp forfeit , forfeite , forfeyt / forgot / ~ten v
forked adj
forfeites1, forfeits2 fəɹˈɡet / -st / -s / -ɪn, -ɪŋ /
m ˈfɔ:ɹkt, -kɪd
fəɹˈɡɒt / fəɹˈɡɒtən
forfeit / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v sp fork’d1, forked6, for-ked1
sp forget89, for-get1 / forgetst2 /
ˈfɔ:ɹfɪt / -s / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd forgets3 / forgetting5 / forgot81, forlorn adj
sp forfaite2, forfeit2, forfeite1, for-got2, forgott1 / forgotten9
for-feite1 / forfeits1 /forfeyting2 /
m ˈfɔ:ɹlɔ:ɹn, fəɹˈlɔ:ɹn
rh debt Ham 3.2.202, RJ 1.1.237; set
forfeited3, forfeyted2 sp forlorn1, forlorne15, for-lorne1
MW 5.5.76 / blot, lot Luc 536; not
rh bring H8 Prol.19 rh forsworn VA 725; horn VA 1026;
AY 2.7.187, MM 4.4.31, MND 5.1.170,
> unforfeited morn PP 6.3; scorn VA 251; thorn
S 71.7 149.3; overshot LLL 1.1.139; rot
PP 20.9
CE 3.2.1; wot PP 17.5, R2 5.6.17 /
rotten S 81.4


form / ~s n forsake / ~eth / ~n / forth adv

fɔ:ɹm / -z forsook v ˈfɔ:ɹθ
sp form1, forme89 / formes22, fəɹˈsɛ:k / -əθ / -ən / fəɹˈsʊk sp forth339, foorth14, [farre]-forth1
forms1 sp forsake22, for-sake1 / forsaketh1 / rh 1 north Per 3.Chorus.48; rh 2
rh storm KL 2.4.75, LC 99 / storms forsaken4 / forsook2, forsooke6 worth AW 3.4.13, Ham 4.4.65 [Q2],
Luc 1519 rh make Luc 157, S 12.11; forsake LC 269, S 25.11, 38.11, 72.13, 103.1,
> new-form him take him VA 321 / taken S 133.7 VA 416, TC 1.3.242
/ brook VA 161; look, took Luc 1538; > bringing-, casting-, hence-,
form / ~s / ~ed v forsook them overlook them VA 176 so-forth
fɔ:ɹm / -z / m -d, ˈfɔ:ɹmɪd
sp forme3, [without-dore]-forme1 / forsaken n forthcom·e / ~ing v
formes1 / form’d3, formed1 fəɹˈsɛ:kən fɔ:ɹθˈkɤm / -ɪn, -ɪŋ
> pre-formed sp forsaken1 sp forth comming1, forth-comming2

formal adj forsooth adv Forthlight [name] n

ˈfɔ:ɹmɑl fəɹˈsu:θ, -ˈsʊθ ˈfɔ:ɹθləɪt
sp formall10 sp forsooth46, for-sooth1, sp forthlight1
> informal [rascally-yea]-forsooth-[knaue]1
> sooth
forthright / ~s n
formally adv m fɔ:ɹθˈrəɪt / ˈfɔ:ɹθrəɪts
m ˈfɔ:ɹmɑˌləɪ forswear / ~ing / forswor·e / sp forth right1 / fourth-rights1
sp formally1 ~n v > right
fəɹˈswɛ:r / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / fəɹˈswɔ:ɹ /
former adj / n forthwith adv
ˈfɔ:ɹməɹ 3 22
m fɔ:ɹθˈwɪθ, ˈfɔ:ɹθwɪθ
sp forswear , forsweare ,
sp former5 / former51 sp forthwith22, forth-with1
for-sweare3, forsweare’t [forswear
it]1, forswear’t [forswear it]1 /
formerly adv fortification n
forswearing1 / forswore9 / forsworn4,
m ˈfɔ:ɹməɹˌləɪ, -ləɪ forsworne52, for-sworne2
sp formerly7 rh everywhere MND 1.1.240; for- sp fortification1
bear LLL 5.2.440 / born LLL 1.1.147, > unfortified
formless adj 4.3.217, S 66.4; corn LLL 4.3.361; for-
ˈfɔ:ɹmləs lorn VA 726; morn MM 4.1.2; scorn
fortif·y / ~ies / ~ied v
sp formelesse 2
S 88.4; torn LLL 4.3.281, S 152.1 m ˈfɔ:ɹtɪˌfəɪ, -ɪf- / ˈfɔ:ɹtɪˌfəɪz /
> swear ˈfɔ:ɹtɪˌfəɪd, -ɪf-
fornication / ~s n sp fortifie5 / fortifies1 / fortified4
ˌfɔ:ɹnɪˈkɛ:sɪən / -z forswearing n rh memory S 63.9
sp fornication3, forni-cation1 / fəɹˈswɛ:rɪn, -ɪŋ
fornications1 sp forswearing2 Fortinbras n
fornicatress n fort / ~s n sp Fortinbras13
ˌfɔ:ɹnɪˈkɛ:trəs fɔ:ɹts
sp fornicatresse1 sp forts1 fortitude n
> fortify, fortress, unfortified ˈfɔ:ɹtɪˌtju:d
Forres n sp fortitude5
ˈfɒrɪs fort Fr adv
sp emend of Mac 1.3.38 Soris1 fɔ:ɹ fortnight n
sp for1, fort1 ˈfɔ:ɹtnəɪt, Edgar’s assumed
Forrest n dialect KL .. ˈvɔ:ɹtnəɪt
= forted adj
sp fortnight7, fort-night2, Edgar
sp Forrest 3 ˈfɔ:ɹtɪd vortnight1
sp forted1 > night


fortress / ~es n forty adj / n fouled adj

ˈfɔ:ɹtrəs / -ɪz ˈfɔ:ɹtəɪ fəʊld
sp fortresse3 / fortresses1 sp fortie11, forty14 / fortie4, forty1 sp foul’d1

fortuna Pistol’s Ital/Span n forty-eight adj foul-faced adj

fɔ:ɹˈtu:nə ˌfɔ:ɹtəɪ-ˈɛ:t m ˌfəʊl-ˈfɛ:st
sp Pistol 2H4 2.4.176 fortuna1, 2H4 sp forty eight1 sp foule-fac’d1
5.5.99 fortune1 > face
forward adj / adv / n
Fortuna [name] n ˈfɔ:ɹwəɹd foully adv
fɔ:ɹˈtu:nə sp forward30 / forward37 / ˈfəʊləɪ
sp Fortuna1 foreward1 sp fouly1, fowly3
> henceforward
fortunate adj foul-mouthed / ~est adj
m attributive ˈfɔ:ɹtnət, forward / ~ing v ˈfəʊl-ˌməʊθt, -ðd / -θst, -ðst
predicative ˈfɔ:ɹtənˌɛ:t ˈfɔ:ɹwəɹdɪn, -ɪŋ sp foule mouth’d1, foule-mouth’d1 /
sp fortunate 19 sp forwarding foule-mouth’dst1
rh create MND 5.1.396; mate 1H6 > mouth
forwardness n
> in-, un-fortunate m ˈfɔ:ɹwəɹdˌnes, -nəs foulness n
sp forwardnesse5 ˈfəʊlnəs
fortunately adv rh readiness 3H6 5.4.65 sp foulenesse1, foulnesse3,
m ˈfɔ:ɹtənˌɛ:tləɪ fowlenesse1
sp fortunately3
forwards adv
ˈfɔ:ɹwəɹdz foul-spoken adj
fortune / ~’s / ~s n sp forwards3 m ˌfəʊl-ˈspo:kən
ˈfɔ:ɹtən / -z sp foule spoken1
sp fortune , for-tune , 4 foster / ~ed v > speak
[infant]-fortune1, [strumpet]-fortune1 ˈfɒstəɹ / m ˈfɒstəɹd, ˈfɒstəˌrɪd
/ fortunes37, for-tunes1 / fortunes110 sp foster1 / foster’d2, fostered2
found, past tense
rh importune TG 3.1.147 > find
> misfortune fostering adj
ˈfɒstrɪn, -ɪŋ found / ~ed v
fortune Fr n sp fo-string 1 ˈfəʊndɪd
fɔɹˈtyn sp founded2
sp fortune foster-nurse n > find
fortune / ~d v foundation / ~s n
sp foster nurse2
ˈfɔ:ɹtən / m ˈfɔ:ɹtəˌnɪd > nurse
m fəʊnˈdɛ:sɪən, -sɪˌɒn /
sp fortune1 / fortuned1 -sɪənz
> full-fortuned fought sp foundation6 / foundations3
> fight
fortune-tell v founder n
ˈfɔ:ɹtən-ˌtel foul / ~er / ~est adj ˈfəʊndəɹ
sp fortune-tell1 fəʊl, fo:l / ˈfəʊl·əɹ, ˈfo:- / sp founder2
m -əst, fəʊlst, fo:lst
fortune-teller n sp foul1, foule186, foule-[play]1,
founder / ~ed v
ˈfɔ:ɹtən-ˌteləɹ fowle21, fowle-[fault]1, fowle-[play]1 / ˈfəʊndəɹ / -d
sp fortune-teller1 fouler7, fowler2 / foulest2, foul’st1, sp founder1 / founderd1,
fowlest1, fowl’st1 fowndred1
fortune-telling n rh 1 bowl LLL 4.1.138; rh 2 bowl,
ˈfɔ:ɹtən-ˌtelɪn, -ɪŋ owl LLL 4.1.138, 5.2.905
sp fortune-telling1 pun MW 5.5.10 fowl


fount / ~s n fowler n rh dame MND 5.1.283, Per Prol.32;

fəʊnt / -s ˈfəʊləɹ, ˈfo:- same S 5.1 / a-turning PP 7.15
> strong-framed
sp fount2 / founts1 sp fowler1
rh dismount LC 283 frampold adj
fox / ~es n
fountain / ~s n ˈframpo:ld
ˈfəʊntɪn / -z sp ˈframpold1
sp fox20, foxe12, kid-foxe1 / foxes2
sp fountaine13, foun-taine1 / > dog-, kid-fox français Fr n
foxship n frɑ̃ˈsɛ
four adj / n = sp Francois1
fɔ:ɹ sp foxship1 France / ~’s n
sp four4, foure74, foure-[threes]1,
fracted adj frans, Fr accent in English by
fowre2, abbr iiii.1 / four2, foure59
fowre2 = Katherine, Lady H ..,
rh 1 door VA 446; door, more LLL sp fracted1, fra-cted1 , Frenchman Cym ..,
3.1.96; more LLL 4.3.209; MND ?Henry H .. frɔ:ns /
3.2.438; rh 2 hour LLL 5.2.367 fraction / ~s n ˈfransɪz
ˈfraksɪən / -z sp France369, Fraunce6 / France’s1
four-inched adj 1 2
sp fraction / fractions
ˈfɔ:ɹ-ˌɪnʃt France Fr n
sp foure incht fragile adj frɑ̃:s
> inch ˈfradʒɪl sp France2, Fraunce6
sp fragile1 rh advance H5 2.2.193, 5.2.347, 5.
fourscore adj
Chorus.45; arrogance AW 2.1.196;
m ˈfɔ:ɹˌskɔ:ɹ, ˌfɔ:ɹˈskɔ:ɹ fragment / ~s n chance KJ 1.1.150, KL 1.1.257,
sp fourescore12, foure-score2 = LLL 5.2.551; dalliance 1H6 5.2.4;
rh more AY 2.3.71 ignorance H8 1.3.25; mischance
sp fragment3 / fragments4
> score 1H6 4.6.48, 3H6 3.3.255,
fragrant adj R3 4.4.115
fourteen adj / n
m ˈfɔ:ɹti:n, fɔ:ɹˈti:n franchise / ~s n
sp fragrant4
sp foureteene4, fourteene6, abbr ˈfrantʃəɪz / -ɪz
xiiii.[d]1 / foureteene2, foure-teene1, frail / ~est adj sp franchise1 / franchises1
frɛ:l / -st > enfranchise

fourth adj sp fraile15, frayle2 / frailst1

franchised adj
rh tail Oth 2.1.151
fɔ:ɹθ ˈfrantʃəɪzd
sp fourth20 frailt·y / ~ies n sp franchis’d1

foutre n ˈfrɛ:ltəɪ / -z
franchisement Fr n
sp frailety2, frailtie2, frailty8 /
ˈfu:trə, -təɹ frɑ̃ʃizˈmɑ̃
sp footra2 sp franchisement1
frame / ~s n
fowl / ~s n Franci·a / ~ae Lat n
frɛ:m / -z
fəʊl, fo:l / -z ˈfransɪe
sp frame18 / frames1
sp foule2, fowl7, fowle2, sp Franciae1
rh fame TNK 3.5.112; same v S 59.10
[wilde]-fowle1 / fowles3
rh controls CE 2.1.18; souls fram·e / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v Francis n
CE 2.1.23
frɛ:m / -z / ˈfrɛ:m·ɪn, -ɪŋ / m -d, =
pun MW 5.5.10 foul
-ɪd sp Francis33, Fran-cis1, abbr Fran1
> a-bat-fowling, wildfowl
sp frame24 / frames2 / framing1 /
fram’d16, framed4


Francisca n Fraterretto n 3.4.17, 1H6 5.3.115, Luc 1624, Per

franˈsɪskə ˌfratəˈreto: 2.4.2, S 134.5, 134.14; monarchy
LC 195; see LC 100, LLL 5.2.422; she
sp Francisca1 sp Fraterretto1
TS 1.2.230; thee 3H6 4.6.16, S 125.10,
Franciscan adj fraud n TG 5.4.82, Tim 4.3.539; free it be it,
see it Luc 1208
= = > fancy-, shot-free
sp Franciscan1 sp fraud4
rh o’erstrawed VA 1141 free n
Francisco n =
franˈsɪsko: fraudful adj
sp free1
sp Francisco5, Fran-cisco1 =
sp fraudfull1 free / ~s / ~d v
frank / ~er adj =
= / ˈfraŋkəɹ fraught n/v
sp free18, free’t [free it]1 / frees1 /
1 7
sp frank , franke / franker 1 = freed2, free’d1
sp fraught3 / fraught5
frank n > full-, over-fraught freed adj
= =
sp frank1
fraughtage n
sp free’d1
frank / ~ed v sp fraughtage1, frautage1 freedom / ~s n
= =
sp frank’d1, frankt1
fraughting adj
sp freedom1, freedome29 /
ˈfrɔ:tɪn, -ɪŋ freedomes1
Frankfurt n sp fraughting1 rh need ’em Tim 1.2.67
ˈfraŋkfɔ:ɹt > enfreedom
sp Franckford1
fray / ~s / ~ed v
frɛ: / -z / -d free-footed adj
franklin / ~’s / ~s n sp fray16 / frayes1 / fraid1 ˌfri:-ˈfʊtɪd
= rh away, say MND 3.2.342; day sp free-footed1
1 1
sp franklin / franklins / francklins 1 MND 3.2.447; dismay MV 3.2.62; > foot
obey RJ 3.1.141; say TS 1.2.23; slay RJ
frankly adv 3.1.151; today 1H4 5.4.107, RJ free-hearted adj
ˈfraŋkləɪ 1.1.117; weigh MND 3.2.129 ˌfri:-ˈɑ:ɹtɪd, -ˈhɑ:-
sp frankely5, frankly5 sp free-hearted1
freckle / ~s n
frankness n = freel·y / ~ier adv
= sp freckles1 ˈfri:ləɪ / -əɹ
sp franknesse1 sp freely55 / freelier1
freckled adj
frantic adj = freeman n
= sp freckled1, frekelld1 =
sp frantick2, franticke11, frantike1 Frederic n sp free-man1

franticly adv m ˈfredəˌrɪk, -drɪk freeness n

m ˈfrantɪkˌləɪ sp Frederick1, Fredericke2, =
Fre-dericke1, Fredricke1
sp frantiquely1 sp freenesse1
free / ~r adj
frat·er / ~rum Lat n freestone-coloured adj
= / ˈfri:əɹ
ˈfratrʊm ˈfri:sto:n-ˌkɤləɹd
sp free158, free-[men]1, free-[will]1 /
sp fratrum1 sp freestone coloured1
rh be LC 100, MM 3.2.37, Oth 1.2.98, > colour
Tem Epil.20; legacy S 4.4; me AW


Free-town n sp fresh79, fresh-[fish]1 / fresher7 / friend / ~’s / ~s / ~s’ n

m ˌfri:ˈtəʊn freshest3 =
> afresh
sp Free-towne1 sp freind2, frend3, friend395, friend’s
fresh / ~es n [friend is]1 / friends7 / freinds2,
freez·e / ~s / froze v frends7, friendes3, friends451 /
= / = / fro:z friends2
sp freshes1 rh 1 contend VA 818; descend RJ
sp freeze7, frieze2 / freezes2 / froze3
> refresh 3.5.43; end AC 4.15.89, AY 3.2.130,
rh trees H8 3.1.4
Cym 5.3.60, LLL 5.2.823, Luc 237, 526,
fresh-brook adj
freezing adj 897, MND 2.2.66, RJ 3.1.184, S 30.13,
= 50.4, 110.11, TG 2.1.151; intend H8
ˈfri:zɪn, -ɪŋ
sp fresh-brooke1 Prol.22; lend S 82.12; offend 1H6
sp freezing1
> brook 5.3.59; penned LLL 5.2.404; spend PP
French adj / n 20.33, S 149.5; tend Ham 3.2.217;
freshly adv rh 2 fiend PP 2.11, S 144.11 / rh 1
= ˈfreʃləɪ amends MND 5.1.427; amends, lends
sp French62, Fench-[crowne]1, sp freshly8 Luc 963; comprehends, defends Luc
French-[thrift]1 / French96, Frenche1
495; ends LLL 5.2.220, MND 5.1.337,
rh drench 1H6 4.7.13; wench 1H6 freshness n Tim 4.3.466, VA 718; intends VA 588;
4.7.42 = rh 2 fiends VA 640
French-crown-coloured adj sp freshnesse2 > mouth-, trencher-friend

ˈfrenʃ-ˈkrəʊn-ˌkɤləɹd fret / ~s n friend / ~ed v

sp French-crowne colour’d1 = =
> colour, crown sp frets2 sp friend1 / frended1, friended2
rh extended MM 4.2.110
French·man / ~man’s / ~men fret / ~s / ~ting / ~ted v
> befriend, unfriended
/ ~men’s n = / = / ˈfretɪn, -ɪŋ / =
= sp fret12 / frets4 / fretting1 / fretted5 friending n
sp Frenchman13, French-man1 / rh debt, let Luc 648; net VA 69; set ˈfrendɪn, -ɪŋ
Frenchmans1 / Frenchmen15, French VA 621 / rh 1 begets VA 767; sp friending1
men1 / Frenchmens4, French-mens1 rh 2 entreats VA 75
friendless adj
Frenchwoman n fretful adj ˈfrenləs, -dl-
= = sp frendlesse1
sp French-woman2 sp fretfull4
> woman friendliness n
fretted adj
ˈfrenləɪnəs, -dl-
frenz·y / ~’s n =
sp friendlinesse1
ˈfrenzəɪ / -z sp fretted1
sp frensie3, frenzie7, frenzy1 / friendly adj / adv
fretting adj / n
ˈfrenləɪ, -dl-
ˈfretɪn, -ɪŋ
sp friendly27 / friendly9
frequent adj sp fretting2 / fretting1
= friendship / ~s n
friar / ~’s / ~s n
sp frequent1 ˈfrenʃɪp, -nd- / ~s
ˈfrəɪəɹ, frəɪɹ / -z
sp frendship2, friendship39,
frequent / ~s v sp friar12, frier69, fri-er1, fryar1, fryer11
friendshippe2 / friendshippes1,
= / friers3 / fryers1
sp frequent1 / frequents1 > Whitefriars
> unfrequented Friday / ~s n frieze n
ˈfrəɪdɛ: / -z =
fresh / ~er / ~est adj
sp Friday1 / Fridaies2 sp freeze1, frieze1, frize1
= / freʃəɹ / =
> Good Friday


fright / ~s n Frogmore n froth n/v

frəɪt / -s ˈfrɒɡmɔ:ɹ =
sp fright2 / frights3 sp Frogmore3 sp froth3 / froth2

fright / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v Froissart n Froth [name] n

frəɪt / -s / ˈfrəɪt·ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd ˈfrwɛsɑ:ɹ =
sp fright30 / frights4 / frighting3 / sp Froysard1 sp Froth10
> affright frolic adj / v froward adj
= m fro:ɹd, ˈfro:əɹd
frighted adj sp frollicke1 / frolicke1 sp froward12
ˈfrəɪtɪd rh coward VA 570; toward PP 4.14,
sp frighted2 from prep TS 1.1.69, 5.2.182; untoward TS
> self-affrighted = 4.5.78
sp fro1, fro[m] 23, from2498, from’s
frightful adj [from his]2, from’s [from us]2, from’t
frown / ~s n
ˈfrəɪtfʊl [from it]4 frəʊn / -z
sp frightfull2 sp frowne17 / frownes8
front / ~s n rh crown 3H6 4.5.28; down KL 5.3.6,
fringe n frɤnt / -s S 117.11, VA 465
= sp front13 / fronts3
sp fringe 1 frown / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
front / ~s / ~ed v frəʊn / -z / ˈfrəʊnɪn, -ɪŋ /
fringed adj frɤnt / -s / ˈfrɤntɪd frəʊnd
m ˈfrɪndʒɪd sp front8 / fronts1 / fronted1 sp frown2, frowne24 / frownes10 /
sp fringed1 > a-, con-front; broad-fronted frowning8 / frown’d5
rh down VA 45 renown v
frippery n frontier / ~s n PP 20.45
ˈfrɪprəɪ, -pər- ˈfrɤnti:ɹ / -z > outfrown
sp frippery1 sp frontier1 / frontiers1
frowning adj / n
frisk v fronting adj ˈfrəʊnɪn, -ɪŋ
= ˈfrɤntɪn, -ɪŋ sp frowning6 / frowning2
1 1
sp frisk sp fronting
frowningly adv
fritter / ~s n frontlet n ˈfrəʊnɪnləɪ, -ɪŋ-
ˈfrɪtəɹz ˈfrɤntlət sp frowningly1
1 1
sp fritters sp frontlet
froze, frozen
frivolous adj frost / ~s n > freeze
= =
frozen adj
sp friuolous3 sp frost11 / frosts4
rh 1 lost MV 2.7.75; rh 2 boast
fro LLL 1.1.100 sp frozen11
> to and fro
frosty adj fructify v
frog n ˈfrɒstəɪ ˈfrɤktɪfəɪ
= sp frostie6, frosty2 sp fructifie1
1 1
sp frog , frogge
rh dog Mac 4.1.14 frosty-spirited adj frugal adj
> leapfrog ˈfrɒstəɪ-ˌspɪɹtɪd ˈfru:ɡɑl
sp frosty-spirited1 sp frugal1, frugall1


fruit adj fub / ~bed v fuller / ~s n

= fɤbd ˈfʊləɹz
sp fruit1 sp fub’d1, fub’d-[off]1 sp fullers1

fruit / ~s n fubfast n full-flowing adj

= ˈfɤbfast m ˌfʊl-ˈflo:ɪn, -ɪŋ
sp fruit13, fruite17 / fruites5, fruits5 sp fubfast1 sp full flowing1
rh mute S 97.10; pollute Luc 1064 > flowing
fuel n
fruiterer n = full-fortuned adj
ˈfru:trəɹ, -ərəɹ 1
sp fewell , fuell 3 m ˌfʊl-ˈfɔ:ɹtənd
sp fruiterer1 rh cruel S 1.6 sp full-fortun’d1
> fortune
fruitful adj fugitive adj / n
= = full-fraught adj
2 1
sp fruitefull , fruitful , fruitfull 12 1
sp fugitiue / fugitiue 2 m ˌfʊl-ˈfrɔ:t, ˈfʊl-ˌfrɔ:t
sp full fraught2
fruitfully adv fulfil / ~s / ~led v > fraught
ˈfru:tfləɪ, -fʊləɪ =
full-grown adj
sp fruitfully2 sp fulfill4 / fulfills1 / fulfill’d7
rh will CE 4.1.114; Will S 136.4; will, m ˈfʊl-ˌɡro:n
fruitfulness n kill Luc 628, 1635 / hild [held], killed sp full growne1
m ˈfru:tfʊlˌnes Luc 1258 rh Cleon emend of line-ending
sp fruitfulnesse1 4.Chorus.16
fulfilling adj
fruition n fʊlˈfɪlɪn, -ɪŋ full-hearted adj
fru:ˈɪsɪən sp fulfilling 1 m ˌfʊl-ˈɑ:ɹtɪd, -ˈhɑ:-
sp fruition1 sp full-heart’d1
full / ~er / ~est adj
fruitless adj = / -əɹ / = fullness n
= 9 301 2
sp ful , full / fuller / fullest 1 =
sp fruitless1, fruitlesse3 pun TC 5.1.9 full sp fulnesse5
> overfull rh dullness S 56.6
fruit-tree / ~s n
ˈfru:t-ˌtri: / m -z, ˌfru:t-ˈtri:z full adv / n full-winged adj
sp fruite tree / fruit-trees 2 = m ˈfʊl-ˌwɪŋd
> tree sp full85 / full17 sp full-wing’d1
> winged
frush v full-acorned adj
frɤʃ m ˌfʊl-ˈɛ:ko:ɹnd fully adv
sp frush 1
sp full acorn’d 1 ˈfʊləɪ
> acorn sp fully13
frustrate adj / v
m ˈfrɤstrɛ:t, frɤˈstrɛ:t fullam n fulsome adj
sp frustrate / frustrate 3 = =
sp fullam1 sp fullsome1
frutify v
ˈfru:tɪfəɪ full-charged adj Fulvia / ~’s n
sp frutifie 1
m ˌfʊl-ˈtʃɑ:ɹdʒd =
> fruit sp full-charg’d1 sp fuluia14 / fuluias3, fuluia’s1
> charged
fry n / v fum interj
frəɪ fɤm
sp fry3 / frie1, frye2 sp fumme1


fumbl·e / ~est / ~s / ~ing v furlong / ~s n further adj, adv

ˈfɤm·bəl / -bləst / -bəlz / -blɪn, ˈfɐ:ɹlɒŋz > far
-ɪŋ sp furlongs2
further v
sp fumble2 / fumblest1 / fumbles1 /
furnace n ˈfɐ:ɹðəɹ
ˈfɐ:ɹnəs sp further1
fume / ~s n sp furnace 2

= furtherance n
sp fume / fumes 2 furnace / ~s v m ˈfɐ:ɹðrəns, -ðər-
rh plume VA 316 ˈfɐ:ɹnəsɪz sp furth’rance1, furtherance1
sp furnaces1
fum·e / Luc ~es / ~ing v furtherer n
= / = / ˈfju:mɪn, -ɪŋ furnace-burning adj m ˈfɐ:ɹðrəɹ, -ðər-
sp fume1 / fumes1 / fuming1 ˈfɐ:ɹnəs-ˈbɐ:ɹnɪn, -ɪŋ sp furtherer1
rh consumes Luc 1043 sp furnace-burning 1
furthermore adv
fumiter n furnish / ~ed v ˌfɐ:ɹðəɹˈmɔ:ɹ
ˈfemɪˌtɐ:ɹ ˈfɐ:ɹnɪʃ / m ˈfɐ:ɹnɪʃt, -nɪʃɪd sp furthermore2
sp fenitar 22 1 14
sp furnish / furnishd , furnish’d ,
furnished2, furnisht3
fumitory n > dis-, un-, well-furnished > far
sp femetary1 furnishing / ~s n fur·y / ~’s / ~ies n
rh savagery H5 5.2.45 ˈfɐ:ɹnɪʃɪnz, -ɪŋz ˈfju:rəɪ / -z
sp furnishings1 sp furie32, fury32 / furies1 / furies4
function / ~s n
ˈfɤŋksɪən / -z furniture n furze / ~s n
sp function16 / functions8 ˈfɐ:ɹnɪtjəɹ fɐ:ɹz / ˈfɐ:ɹzɪz
> defunction sp furniture5 sp firrs1 / firzes1

fundamental adj Furnivall n fustian adj / n

ˌfɤndəˈmentɑl ˈfɐ:ɹnɪvɑl ˈfɤstɪən
sp fundamentall2 sp Furniuall1 sp fustian2 / fustian2

funeral / ~s n furor Lat n fustilarian n

m ˈfju:nəˌrɑl, -nrɑl / -nəˌrɑlz fjʊˈrɔ:ɹ ˌfɤstɪˈlarɪən
sp funerall20 / funerals3 sp furor1 sp fustil-lirian1, 2H4 2.1.57 [Q]
rh 1 festival RJ 4.5.85; rh 2 shall fustilarian
AC 5.2.362 furred adj
fɐ:ɹd fusty adj
fur / ~red / v 1 3 ˈfɤstəɪ
sp fur’d , furr’d
fɐ:ɹ / -d > fur sp fustie2, fusty1
1 1
sp furre / furd
> furred furrow adj / n / v future adj / n
ˈfɤrə, -o: ˈfju:təɹ
furbished adj sp future8 / future6
sp furrow1 / furrow1 / furrow1
sp furbusht1 furrowed adj futurity n
ˈfɤrəd, -ro:d m fjʊˈtʊrɪˌtəɪ
furious adj sp futurity1
sp furrowed1
sp furious15
rh venturous R3 4.4.170


G n sp gage1 / gaging1 / gag’d3, gaged1 sp gaine-say2, gainsay2 / gainsayes1

rh age Luc 1351; age, rage Luc 144 / gainsaid1
sp G4 gagner / gagné Fr v gainsaying n
rh be R3 1.1.39, 1.1.56; he
ɡaˈɲe ˌɡɛ:n-ˈsɛɪn, -ɪŋ
R3 1.1.58
sp gaynie1 sp gaine-saying1
gabble v
gain / ~s n gainst
ɡɛ:n / -z > against
sp gabble3
sp gaine24, gayne1 / gaines4
rh again Per 5.Chorus.10; disdain
gait n
gaberdine n
PP 15.10; pain Luc 860, PP 15.10, ɡɛ:t
m ˈɡabəɹdi:n, -ˌdi:n
S 141.13; pain, remain Luc 730; reign sp gate29, [lyon]-gate1
sp gaberdine3
Tim 5.1.220; sustain Luc 140; twain rh consecrate MND 5.1.406; hate
S 42.9; pains Mac 4.1.40, R2 5.6.12; Tim 5.4.73; late VA 529; state
Gabriel / ~’s n
reigns R3 1.1.162; veins S 67.12 S 128.11, Tem 4.1.102
ˈɡɛ:brəl, -rɪəl [ sylls] / -z pun TN 3.1.80 gate
sp Gabriel1 / Gabrels1 gain / ~s / ~ed v > heavy-, slow-, tardy-gaited
ɡɛ:n / -z / -d
gad n Galathe n
sp gaine21, gayne3 / gaines2 /
= gain’d6, gained1, gayned1 ˈɡaləˌtɛ:
sp gad2 rh main S 64.5; rain KL 2.4.74; reign sp Galathe1
Per 2.Chorus.8; remain H8 5.3.181 /
gad / ~ding v abstaining, obtaining Luc 131 / gale / ~s n
ˈɡadɪn, -ɪŋ trained Per 4.Chorus.8 ɡɛ:l / -z
sp gadding1 sp gale2 / gales1
gained adj
Gadshill [person] n ɡɛ:nd Galen n
ˈɡadzɪl sp gain’d1 ˈɡɛ:lən
sp Gads-hill4, Gads hill1 > ungained sp Galen4, Galien1

Gadshill [place] n gainer n gall / ~s n

ˈɡadzˈɪl, -ˈhɪl ˈɡɛ:nəɹ ɡɑ:l / -z
sp Gads-hill2, Gads-Hill2, Gads hill3 sp gainer1 sp gall20, gaulle1 / galles2, gals1,
> hill gauls1
gain-giving n rh 1 all TC 2.2.145; thrall PP 17.16;
gage n ˈɡɛ:n-ˌɡɪvɪn, -ɪŋ rh 2 equivocal Oth 1.3.214; rh 3
ɡɛ:dʒ sp gain-giuing1 shall RJ 1.5.92
sp gage15 > giving
rh age R2 1.1.161 gall / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
gain·say / ~says / ~said v ɡɑ:l / -z / ˈɡɑ:l·ɪn, -ɪŋ / m -ɪd,
gag·e / ~ing / ~ed v m ˈɡɛ:n-ˌsɛ:, ˌɡɛ:n-ˈsɛ: / ɡɑ:ld
ɡɛ:dʒ / ˈɡɛ:dʒ·ɪn, -ɪŋ / m -ɪd, ˌɡɛ:n-ˈsɛ:z / ˌɡɛ:n-ˈsed


sp gall6, gaul2, gaule2 / galles1, galls2 galliass / ~es n Gam [name] n

/ galling2 / gal’d1, gald1, gall’d4, galled1 ˈɡalɪasɪz =
> over-, spur-gall
sp galliasses1 sp Gam1
gallant / ~est adj
gallimaufry n gambol adj / v
= / ˈɡalənst, -ntst
ˌɡalɪˈmɔ:frəɪ =
sp gallant39, gal-lant1 / gallant’st1
sp gal-ly-maufrey1, gally-mawfry1 sp gamboll1 / gambole1, gamboll1
gallant / ~s n
gallon / ~s n gambol / ~s n
= =
sp gallant13 / gallants11, gal-lants1
sp gallons1 sp gambals1, gambols2
> topgallant

gallantly adv gallop n gambold n

m ˈɡaləntləɪ, ɡəˈlantləɪ = ˈɡambɔ:ld
sp gallop2 sp gambold1
sp gallantly4

gallantry n gallop / ~s v gam·e / ~s n

ˈɡaləntrəɪ = ɡɛ:m / -z
sp gallop4 / gallops4, gal-lops1 sp game23, [cride]-game1, game’s
sp gallantry1
[game is]2 / games3
gallant-springing adj galloping n rh shame LLL 5.2.155, 360
ˈɡalənt-ˈsprɪŋɪn, -ɪŋ ˈɡaləpɪn, -ɪŋ > game
sp gallopping1
sp gallant springing1 gamesome adj
galled adj gallow v ˈɡɛ:msəm
m ɡɑ:ld, ˈɡɑ:lɪd ˈɡalə, -lo: sp gamesom1, gamesome2
sp gallow
sp gall’d1, galled2, gauled3 gamester n
> ungalled Galloway adj ˈɡɛ:mstəɹ
gallery n ˈɡaləwɛ: sp game-ster1, gamester5, gamster1
ˈɡaləˌrəɪ sp Gallo-way
gaming n / v
sp gallerie1, gallery2 gallowglass / ~es n ˈɡɛ:mɪn, -ɪŋ
gall·ey / ~ies n ˈɡalə-ˌɡlasɪz sp gaming2 / gaming1
1 1
ˈɡaləɪ / -z sp gallow-glasses , gallowgrosses
gammon n
1 6
sp gally / gallies gallows / ~’ n =
Gallia adj ˈɡaləz, -lo:z, Gaoler Cym sp gammon1
ˈɡalɪə .. ˈɡaləzɪz
gamut n
sp Gallia1 sp gallowes20, Gaoler gallowses1 /
Gallia / ~’s n sp gamoth1, gamouth4
ˈɡalɪə / -z gallows-maker n
ˈɡaləz-ˌmɛ:kəɹ gan
sp Gallia11 / Gallia’s1 > begin
sp gallowes maker1
Gallian adj > make
gangrene / ~d v
ˈɡalɪən ɡaŋˈɡri:nd
Gallus n
sp Gallian1, Gallian-[girle]1 sp gangren’d1
galliard n sp Gallus2
Ganymede n
ˈɡalɪɑ:ɹd ˈɡanɪˌmɛ:d
sp galliard4 sp Ganimed9


gaol / ~s n sp gardiner2, gard’ner1 / gardeners1, garnish n

dʒɛ:l / -z gardiners3 ˈɡɑ:ɹnɪʃ
sp gaole3, iaile5 / gaoles1 garden-house n sp garnish1
rh bail S 133.12
ˈɡɑ:ɹdən-ˌəʊs, -ˌhəʊs garnish / ~ed v
gaoler / ~s n sp garden-house1, garden house1 ˈɡɑ:ɹnɪʃ / m -t, -ɪd
ˈdʒɛ:ləɹ / -z > house
sp garnish1 / garnish’d1, garnished1,
sp gaoler10, iailor3, iaylor8 / gaolers1, garder / garde / ~z Fr v garnisht1
ɡaɹd / ɡaɹˈdez garret n
gap n sp guard1 / garde1 =
= Gardiner n sp garret1
sp gap11
ˈɡɑ:ɹdnəɹ, -dɪn- garrison / ~s n
gape / ~s v sp Gardiner9 m ˈɡarɪˌsɒn / -z
ɡɛ:p / -s sp garrison1 / garrisons1
11 2
Gargantua / ~’s n
sp gape / gapes
ɡɑ:ɹˈɡantjʊəz garrison / ~ed v
gaping adj / n / v sp Gargantuas1 m ˈɡarɪˌsɒnd
ˈɡɛ:pɪn, -ɪŋ sp garrison’d1
Gargrave n
sp gaping6 / gaping1 / gaping1
ˈɡɑ:ɹɡrɛ:v garter / ~’s / ~s n
> earnest-gaping
sp Gargraue2 ˈɡɑ:ɹtəɹ / -z
Gar sp garter7, gar-ter1 /
garish adj
> God garters-[compasse]1 / garters2,
garb n sp garish2 > caddis-garter
garland / ~s n Garter [name] n
sp garb2, garbe3
ˈɡɑ:ɹlənd / -z ˈɡɑ:ɹtəɹ, Caius MW ..
garbage n sp garland24, gar-land1 / garlands8 ˈdʒɑ:ɹti:ɹ
ˈɡɑ:ɹbɪdʒ sp Garter11, Caius Iarteer2, Iarteere1
garlic n
sp garbage2
ˈɡɑ:ɹlɪk garter / ~ed v
garboil / ~s n sp garlick2, garlicke2 ˈɡɑ:ɹtəɹ / -d
ˈɡɑ:ɹbəɪlz sp garter2 / gartred1
garlic-eater / ~s n
sp garboiles1, garboyles1 > cross-, un-gartered
garçon Fr n sp garlicke-eaters1 gash / ~es n
ɡaɹˈsɔ̃ =
garment / ~s n
sp garsoon1 sp gash4 / gashes4,
ˈɡɑ:ɹmənt / -s
garden adj sp garment18 / garments43,
ˈɡɑ:ɹdən gar-ments2 gashed adj
sp garden2 =
garner / ~s n
sp gash’d1
garden / ~s n ˈɡɑ:ɹnəɹz
ˈɡɑ:ɹdən / -z sp garners2 gaskins n
29 2
sp garden / gardens =
garner / ~ed v
sp gaskins1
gardener / ~s n ˈɡɑ:ɹnəɹd
ˈɡɑ:ɹdnəɹ / -z sp garnerd1


gasp n gauded adj gayness n

ɡasp = ˈɡɛ:nəs
sp gasp6 sp gawded1 sp gaynesse1

gasp / ~ing v gaudeo Lat v gaze / ~s n

ɡasp / ˈɡaspɪn, -ɪŋ ˈɡɔ:dɪo: ɡɛ:z / ˈɡɛ:zɪz
sp gasp2 / gasping2 sp gaudio1 sp gaze4 / gazes2

gasping adj gaudy adj gaz·e / ~s / S ~eth / ~ing /

ˈɡaspɪn, -ɪŋ ˈɡɔ:dəɪ ~ed v
sp gasping1 sp gaudie2, gaudy1, gawdie1, gawdy1 ɡɛ:z / ˈɡɛ:z·ɪz / -əθ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ /
gauge v ɡɛ:zd
gast / ~ed v
sp gaze21 / gazes1/ gazeth1 /
ɡastɪd ɡɔ:dʒ
gazing9 / gaz’d2
sp gasted1 sp gage1
rh maze Luc 1149 / amazes LLL
2.1.233, VA 632 / amazeth S 20.6 /
gastness n Gaul n
amazed VA 927; amazed, blazed
ˈɡastnəs = Luc 1355
sp gastnesse1 sp Gaule1 > agazed

gat Gaultier gazer / ~s n

> beget > Walter ˈɡɛ:zəɹ / -z
sp gazer1 / gazers1
gate / ~s n Gaultree n
ɡɛ:t / ɡɛ:ts ˈɡɔ:ltri: gazing adj / n
sp gate53, [city]-gate1, [court]-gate1, sp Gaultree1 ˈɡɛ:zɪn, -ɪŋ
[north]-gate1 / gates92, sp gazing2 / gazing3
[towne]-gates, in s.d. gati1
gaunt adj
> glass-gazing
rh 1 estate TN 5.1.392; fate, state Luc =
1068; late CE 3.1.48, LLL 1.1.109; late, sp gaunt6 gear n
pate CE 2.2.227; pate CE 3.1.73, TS pun R2 2.1.74ff Gaunt ɡi:ɹ
1.2.11; state 2H6 4.10.22, S 29.12;
sp geare6, geere3, gere1
straight Tim 2.1.10; wait Per 1.1.81; Gaunt / ~’s [name] n
rh here LLL 5.2.303, TC 3.2.209
rh 2 compassionate Luc 595; rh 3 =
chat VA 424 / fates MND 1.2.30 sp Gaunt29 / Gauntes1 geck n
pun TN 3.1.80 gait pun R2 2.1.74ff gaunt =
> counter-, flood-, hell-gate;
sp gecke1, geeke1
six-gated gauntlet / ~s n
= geese
gather / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
sp gantlets1, gauntlet4 / gauntlets1 > goose
ˈɡaðəɹ / -z / ˈɡaðrɪn, -ɪŋ, -ðər- /
ˈɡaðəɹd gave geld / ~ing / ~ed / gelt v
sp gather23 / gathers1 / gathering2 / > give = / ˈɡeldɪn, -ɪŋ / =
gather’d4, gathered4
sp geld1, gell’d1, gueld1/ gelding1 /
rh unfathered S 124.4 Gawsey n
gelded2, guelded1 / gelt1
gathered adj sp Gausey1, Gawsey1 gelding n
ˈɡaðəɹd ˈɡeldɪn, -ɪŋ
sp gathred1 gay adj
sp gelding2, gel-ding1
gaud / ~s n sp gay7 gelidus / ~a Lat adj
= rh array S 146.4; away S 68.8; away, ˈdʒelɪd·ʊs / -a
sp gaude1 / gaudes1, gawdes2 day PP 15.15; may Oth 2.1.147; say
sp gelidus1 / gellida1
VA 286


gem / ~s n genitiv·us / ~o Lat n gentle·man / ~man’s /

= ˌdʒenɪˈti:vo: ~men n
sp iem2, iemme3 / gemmes1, iems1 sp geni-tiuo1 =
rh hems S 21.6 sp gentleman276, gentlema[n]1,
genius n
gen-tleman5, gentle-man9,
geminy n = ientleman1, abbr AW 5.3.245 Gent.1,
ˈdʒemɪnəɪ sp genius7 abbr in s.d. Gent.1 / gentlemans3,
sp geminy1 gentle-mans1 / gentlemen188,
gennet / ~s n gentleme[n]1, gen-tlemen1,
gender / ~s n = gentle-men2
ˈdʒendəɹ / -z sp gennets1
sp gender / gen-ders 1 gentleman-like adj
Genoa n ˈdʒentlmən-ləɪk
gender v = sp gentleman-like4,
ˈdʒendəɹ sp Genoa1, Genowa4 gentleman-like-[dogs]1
sp gender1
genou / ~x Fr n gentleness n
general adj ʒnu, ʒəˈnu m ˈdʒentlˌnes, -nəs
m ˈdʒenrɑl, -nər-, -nəˌr- sp genoux1 sp gentlenesse16, gen-tlenesse1
5 76
sp general , generall , gen’rall 1 rh confess MND 2.2.138
gens Fr n
> heir general
ʒɑ̃ gentlewo·man / ~man’s /
general / ~’s / ~s n sp gens1 ~men n
m ˈdʒenrɑl, -nər-, -nəˌr- / -z gens Lat n =
sp general5, generall100, ge-nerall3, sp gentlewoman47, gen-tlewoman1,
generall’s [general is]1 / generalls1, gentle-woman3 / gentlewomans2 /
generall’s1, generals3, general’s1, / sp gens1
gentlewomen6, gen-tlewomen1
generals9 > waiting-gentlewoman, woman
gentilhomme Fr n
rh fall Luc 1484
ʒɑ̃tiˈjɔm gently adj
generally adv sp gentilhome2 ˈdʒentləɪ
m ˈdʒenrələɪ, -ˌləɪ sp gently30
gentility n
sp generally12
m ˌdʒenˈtɪlɪˌtəɪ, -ɪtəɪ gentry n
generation / ~s n sp gentilitie1, gentility1 ˈdʒentrəɪ
ˌdʒenəˈrɛ:sɪən / -z rh penalty LLL 1.1.127
sp gentrie2, gentry12
sp generation10 / generations1
gentle / ~r adj Geoffrey / ~’s n
generative adj = / ˈdʒentləɹ ˈdʒefrəɪ / -z
= sp gentle348, gen-tle2 / gentler10
sp Geffrey3 / Geffreyes5, Geffreys1
sp generatiue 1 > thrice-, un-gentle
George / ~’s n
generosity n gentle / ~s n
dʒɑ:ɹdʒ / ˈdʒɑ:ɹdʒɪz
m ˌdʒenəˈrɒsɪˌtəɪ =
sp George42 / Georges6
sp generosity1 sp gentle3 / gentles8
rh charge H5 3.1.34
pun MV 2.6.51 Gentile
generous adj Gerard n
gentle v
m ˈdʒenrəs, -nər-, -nəˌrɤs ˈdʒerəɹd
sp generous10 sp Gerard3
sp gentle1
genitive n Germaine n
gentle-hearted adj
= dʒəɹˈmɛ:n
ˈdʒentl-ˌɑ:ɹtɪd, -ˌhɑ:-
sp genitiue3 sp Germaine1
sp gentle-hearted1


German adj Tem 4.1.89; pot Mac 4.1.8; rh 2 coat gibbet / ~s v

ˈdʒɐ:ɹmən 2H6 4.10.69 =
sp German1, Germane1, get [beget] sp gibbets1
Germane-[diuels]1, Iarmen1
> beget gibbet-maker n
german / ~s n getter n ˈdʒɪbɪt-ˌmɛ:kəɹ
ˈdʒɐ:ɹmən / -z ˈɡetəɹ sp iibbetmaker1
sp germane1 / germaines1 > make
sp getter1
> cousin-german
getting n gibe / ~s n
German / ~s n
> begetting
dʒəɪb / -z, Fluellen H ..
ˈdʒɐ:ɹmən / -z dʒəɪps
1 1 2
sp Germaine , German , Germane ghastly adj / adv sp gibes2 / gybes2, Fluellen gypes1
/ Germanes2 ˈɡastləɪ
sp gastly3, ghastly1 / gastly1
gibe v
germane adj dʒəɪb
dʒəɹˈmɛ:n ghost / ~’s / ~s n sp gibe1
sp germaine1, iermaine1 ɡo:st / -s
sp ghost50 / ghosts1 / ghostes3, giber n
Germany n dʒəɪbəɹ
m ˈdʒɐ:ɹməˌnəɪ, -ənəɪ, Caius rh boast S 86.9 / coasts Cym 5.4.94 sp gyber1
MW .. ˈdʒamənəɪ
sp Germanie3, Germany2, Caius ghost / ~ed v gibing adj
Iamanie1 ˈɡo:stɪd ˈdʒəɪbɪn, -ɪŋ
sp ghosted1 sp gibing1, gybing1
germen / ~s n
ˈdʒɐ:ɹmən / -z ghostly adv gibingly adv
sp germaine / germaines 1 ˈɡo:stləɪ ˈdʒəɪbɪnləɪ, -ɪŋ-
sp ghostly7 sp gibingly1
Gertrude n
ˈɡɑ:ɹtrʊd giant adj giddily adv
sp Gertrude 13 ˈdʒəɪənt m ˈɡɪdɪləɪ, -ɪˌləɪ
sp giant1, gyant-[masse]1, sp giddily2
gest n giant-[world]1, gyant3
dʒest giddiness n
giant / ~’s / ~s n
sp gest1 ˈɡɪdəɪnəs
ˈdʒəɪənt / -s
sp giddinesse1
gesture / ~s n sp giant5, gyant3/ giants2 / giants1
ˈdʒestəɹ / -z giantess n giddy adj
sp gesture6, ge-sture1, iesture1 /
ˈdʒəɪənˌtes ˈɡɪdəɪ
gestures2 sp giddie14, giddy14, giddy-[goose]1
sp giantesse1
get / ~test / ~s / got / ~test / giddy-paced adj
giant-like adj
~ten v m ˈɡɪdəɪ-ˌpɛ:sɪd
= / ɡetst / = / ɡɒt·s, -st / = sp giddy-paced1
sp gyant-like2
sp get285, gette1 / getst1, get’st1 /
gets11 / got65 / got’s1, got’st2 / gib n gift / ~s n
gotten4 ɡɪb =
rh 1 set LC 134; Somerset 1H6 sp gift38, guift22 / gifts34, guifts12
sp gibbe1, gyb-[cat]1
4.3.32; threat Luc 549; rh 2 heat VA rh uplift Cym 5.4.101 / shifts
93; rh 3 great Luc 878 / rh 1 debts Per gibbet / ~s n CE 3.2.191
4.Chorus.33; rh 2 eats AY 2.5.38 / = > nothing-gift
rh 1 blot S 95.9; not Tem Epil.6; plot
sp gibbet3 / gibbets2


gig n gimmer / ~s n sp girle39, [Gallian]-girle1, gyrle11 /

ɡɪɡ ˈdʒɪməɹz girles9, gyrles4

sp gigge3 sp gimmors1 girt adj

rh jig LLL 4.3.165
gin / ~s n ɡɐ:ɹt
giglet / ~s n = sp girt1, gyrt2
ˈɡɪɡlət / -s sp gin3, gynne1 / gynnes1 girth n
sp giglet1, giglot1 / giglets1
ginger n ɡɐ:ɹθ
Gilbert n ˈdʒɪndʒəɹ sp girth1
ˈɡɪlbəɹt sp ginger7 Gis n
sp Gilbert3
gingerbread n dʒɪs
gild / ~ed v ˈdʒɪndʒəɹ-ˌbred sp gis1
= sp ginger bread1, ginger-bread1 Gisors n
sp gild4, gil’d1, gilde2, gill’d1, guild4 / > bread
gilded3, guilded2
rh field, shield Luc 60 gingerly adj sp Guysors1
> engild ˈdʒɪndʒəɹləɪ giv·e / ~est / ~s / ~eth / ~ing /
sp gingerly1
gilded adj gave / given v
= Ginn [name] n = / ɡɪvst / = / = / ˈɡɪvɪn, -ɪŋ /
sp gilded9, guilded3 dʒɪn ɡɛ:v / =, ɡɪən
sp Ginn1 sp giue1289, ’giue2, giue-[o’re]1, Caius
Gill rh in CE 3.1.31 MW 1.4.105 giue-’a1, giue’t [give it]5,
> Jill giu’t [give it]8 / giuest1, gi-uest1,
gips·y / ~y’s / ~ies n giu’st5 / giues117 / giueth2 / giuing29,
Gilliams n ˈdʒɪpsəɪ / -z gi-uing1 / gaue218, gaue’t [gave it]1,
ˈɡɪlɪəmz sp gipsie1, gypsie1 / gypsies1 / gau’t [gave it]2 / gauest1, gau’st14 /
sp Gilliams1 gipsies1 giuen179, gi-uen3, giuen’t [given it]1,
Gillian n gird / ~ing v rh live AW 2.1.130, 2.3.101, 2H6
= ɡɐ:ɹd / ˈɡɐ:ɹd·ɪn, -ɪŋ 5.2.89, Luc 987, 1053, R2 1.3.226, RJ
sp Gillian1 2.3.14, 3.1.180, S 4.6, 13.4, 31.11,
sp gird3, gyrd1 / girding1
37.10, 39.7, 54.2, 79.10, TC 4.5.38, WT
> ungird
gills VA n 4.3.21; give me relieve me Per 5.2.3
= girded adj [Chorus]; believe H8 Prol.7; sleeve
LLL 5.2.454 / lives [v] Mac 2.1.61,
sp VA gils1 ˈɡɐ:ɹdɪd TNK Prol.13 / living Luc 1715 /
rh bills VA 1100 sp girded1 rh 1 grave VA 1108; rh 2 have Luc
gillyvor / ~s n 1511 / akin TNK Prol.2
girdle / ~s n > misgive
ˈdʒɪləɪˌvo:ɹz ˈɡɐ:ɹdl / -z
sp gilly-vors1, gilly’ vors1 sp girdle8, [salt-water]-girdle1 / giver / ~s n
girdles2 =
gilt adj / n / v
sp giuer3 / giuers1
= girdl·e / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v > direction-, lie-giver
sp gilt5, guilt1 / gilt5 / gilt3 ˈɡɐ:ɹdl / -z / ˈɡɐ:ɹdlɪn, -ɪŋ /
pun n H5 2.Chorus.26 guilt ˈɡɐ:ɹdld giving adj / n
sp girdle1 / girdles1 / girdling1 / ˈɡɪvɪn, -ɪŋ
gimmaled adj
girdled1, gyrdled1 sp giuing1 / giuing1
ˈdʒɪməld > gain-, health-, honour-,
sp iymold1 girl / ~s n thanks-giving
ɡɐ:ɹl / -z


giving-out n Glansdale n gleaned adj

ˈɡɪvɪn-ˈəʊt, -ɪŋ- ˈɡlanzdɛ:l m ˈɡli:nɪd
sp giuing-out1, giuing out2 sp Glansdale1 sp gleaned1
> out
glare / ~s v gleeful adj
giving-up n ɡlɛ:ɹ / -z =
ˈɡɪvɪn-ˈɤp, -ɪŋ- sp glare1 / glares1 sp gleefull1
sp giuing vp1
glass adj gleek / ~s n
glad adj / Per n ɡlas =
= glasse-[eyes]1 sp gleeke1 / glikes1
sp glad120, gladde1 / glad1
rh had Per 2.5.73 [emend as end of glass / ~es n gleek / ~ing v
line]; sad S 45.13 / bad Per 2. ɡlas / -ɪz = / ˈɡli:kɪn, -ɪŋ
Chorus.38 sp glasse43 / glasses10 sp gleeke1 / gleeking1
rh 1 grass MND 1.1.210; pass AW
glad / ~ded v 2.1.165, Per 2.3.36, R3 1.2.262, Glendower / ~’s n
= VA 980; rh 2 was Luc 1763, S 5.10 m ɡlenˈdo:ɹ, ˈɡlendo:ɹ /
sp glad2 / gladded1 > burning-, eye-, hour-, looking- ˈɡlendo:ɹz
sp Glendour3, Glendoure1,
gladding n
Glendower18, Glen-dower1 /
ˈɡladɪn, -ɪŋ glass / ~ed v
sp gladding1 ɡlast rh hour 1H4 1.3.100
sp glast1
gladly adv rh passed LLL 2.1.230 glib adj / v
ˈɡladləɪ =
sp gladly15
glass-faced adj
sp glib3 / glib1
rh sadly S 8.3 ˈɡlas-ˌfɛ:st
sp glasse-fac’d1 glide / ~s n
gladness n > face ɡləɪdz
= sp glides1
sp gladnesse3
glass-gazing adj
rh sadness TC 1.1.41 ˈɡlas-ˌɡɛ:zɪn, -ɪŋ glid·e / ~s / ~eth / ~ed v
sp glasse-gazing1 ɡləɪd / -z / ˈɡləɪd·əθ / -ɪd
Glamis n
sp glide2 / glides2 / glideth1 /
m ˈɡlamɪs, ɡlɑ:mz glassy adj
sp Glamis4, Glamys4 ˈɡlasəɪ rh wide MND 5.1.372
sp glassie3
glanc·e / ~s n gliding adj
ɡlans, ɡlɔ:ns / ˈɡlansɪz, ˈɡlɔ:- glaze / ~ed v ˈɡləɪdɪn, -ɪŋ
sp glance3, glances2 / glaunces1 m ɡlɛ:zd, ˈɡlɛ:zɪd sp gliding1
> overglance sp glaz’d1 / glazed1
glimmer n
glanc·e / ~ing / ~ed v gleam / ~s n ˈɡlɪməɹ
ɡlans, ɡlɔ:ns / ˈɡlans·ɪn, -ɪŋ, = sp glimmer1
ˈɡlɔ:- / m -ɪd, -t sp emend of MND 5.1.266 beams1
sp glance5, glaunce1 / glancing1 / rh beams MND 5.1.266 glimmer / ~s v
glanc’d1, glanced2 ˈɡlɪməɹ / -z
glean / ~ing / ~ed v
sp glimmer1 / glimmers1
glanders n = / ˈɡli:nɪn, -ɪŋ / ɡli:nd
ˈɡlandəɹz sp gleane4 / gleaning1 / glean’d1, glimmering adj
sp glanders 1 gleaned2 ˈɡlɪmrɪn, -ɪŋ, -mər-
sp glimmering3


glimpse / ~s n glor·y / ~ies n rh 1 woe MND 5.1.365; rh 2 brow

= ˈɡlɔ:rəɪ / -z VA 337 / goes, those Luc 47 /
bestowed, owed LC 324
sp glimpse2 / glimpses1 sp glorie7, glory69 / glories12
rh 1 story H5 Epil.4, Luc 1523, RJ glow-worm / ~s / ~s’ n
glister / ~s v 1.3.92, S 84.6, 88.8; rh 2 sorry ˈɡlo:-ˌwɔ:ɹm / -z
ˈɡlɪstəɹ / -z Luc 1523 / stories VA 1014
sp glow-worme1 / glow-wormes1 /
sp glister1 / glisters2 > vainglory
glory v > worm
glistering adj / n
ˈɡlɪstrɪn, -ɪŋ, -tər- ˈɡlɔ:rəɪ glose / ~s n
sp glistering2, glistring1, glist’ring2 / sp glory2 ˈɡlo:zɪz
glistering1 sp glozes1
glitter / ~ing v > gloze gloze / ~d v
ˈɡlɪtrɪn, -ɪŋ, -tər- ɡlo:z / -d
gloss / ~es n
sp glittering2 sp glose2, gloze1 / gloz’d1
rh close R2 2.1.10
glittering adj sp glosse12 / glosses1
ˈɡlɪtrɪn, -ɪŋ, -tər- glue / ~s / ~d v
Gloucester / ~’s n
sp glittering5 =
ˈɡlɒstəɹ / -z
sp glew1 / glewes1 / glew’d1, glued1
globe / ~s n sp Glocester8, Gloster93, Gloster’s
ɡlo:b / -z [Gloucester is]1, Gloucester30, glut v
Glou-cester1, Glouster26, abbr in s.d.
sp globe10 / globes1 ɡlɤt
> under-globe Glou1 / Glosters12, Gloucesters1,
Glousters12 sp glut1

glooming adj glutted adj

Gloucestershire n
ˈɡlu:mɪn, -ɪŋ ˈɡlɤtɪd
m ˈɡlɒstəɹˌʃəɪɹ, -ɹʃəɹ
sp glooming1 sp glutted1
sp Glocestershire1, Glo-cestershire1,
gloomy adj Glostershire1, Gloucestershire3,
glutton adj
ˈɡlu:məɪ Gloustershire2
sp gloomy2 glove / ~s n sp glutton-[bosome]1

glorif·y / ~ied v ɡlɤv / -z

glutton / ~’s n
ˈɡlɔ:rɪˌfəɪ / -d sp gloue33 / gloues17
ˈɡlɤtən / -z
sp glorifie3 / glorified1 glove v sp glutton1 / glut-tons1

glorious adj ɡlɤv

gluttonous adj
= sp gloue2
sp glorious40 glover / ~’s n sp glutt’nous1
rh 1 does Per 2.Chorus.14 /
rh 2 melius [Latin] Per Prol.9 gluttony n
> in-, self-glorious sp glouers1
ˈɡlɤtnəɪ, -tən-
gloriously adv glow n sp gluttonie2

m ˈɡlɔ:rɪəsˌləɪ ɡlo:
gnarl / ~ing v
sp gloriously1 sp glowe1
ˈnɑ:ɹlɪn, -ɪŋ, ɡn-
rh 1 by, dye, espy, eye, sky MND
glow / Luc ~s / ~ing / ~ed v sp gnarling1
3.2.106; rh 2 archery, remedy
MND 3.2.106 ɡlo: / -z / ˈɡlo:ɪn, -ɪŋ / ɡlo:d
gnarled adj
sp glow4 / glowes1 / glowing1,
glowing-[hot]1 / glow’d1 m ˈnɑ:ɹlɪd, ɡn-
sp gnarled1


gnat / ~s n Luc 46; rose KJ 1.1.143; shows, woes go-between n

=, ɡn- / -s Luc 1745; woes Luc 1494, 1504 / ˈɡo:-bɪˌtwi:n
ornament LC 113, TN 3.4.372; Trent
sp gnat4 / gnats5 sp goe-betweene1
TNK Prol.11 / rh 1 Acheron Mac
rh sat LLL 4.3.164
3.5.14; anon MND 2.1.16, RJ 1.5.144; goblet / ~s n
gnaw / ~s / ~ing / ~ed / ~n v benison KL 1.1.264; John 1H6 4.7.1;
Oberon MND 2.1.59, 2.2.88; on AC
=, ɡnɔ: / -z / ˈnɔ:ɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈɡn- / 1.2.127, 2H4 1.3.110, MND 3.2.414, sp goblet2 / goblets1
=, ɡnɔ:d / =, ɡnɔ:n Oth 1.3.202, Per 4.4.20, R3 4.2.120,
sp gnaw7 / gnawes2 / gnawing2 / S 5.7, VA 1089; Timon Tim 4.3.97;
goblin / ~s n
gnaw’d2 / gnawne1 upon AW 3.4.4, MND 3.2.384; gone, =
> bare-gnawn, begnaw sir anon, sir TN 4.2.122; rh 2 alone sp goblin2 / goblins5
KJ 3.1.63, S 4.11, 31.10, 45.5, 66.13, > hobgoblin
gnaw / ~ing adj TG 3.1.98, TNK 1.1.1, VA 380; bone
ˈnɔ:ɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈɡn- VA 58; groan R2 5.1.99; groan, moan God, god, abbr ’od / ~’s / ~s /
sp gnawing 1 Luc 1360; moan Ham 4.5.197, MND ~s’ n
5.1.325, S 44.10, 71.14; stone Ham =, abbr ɒd, MW Evans ɡɒt,
Gneius n 4.5.30; throne 2H6 2.3.37; rh 3 done Caius ɡɑ:ɹ / =, abbr ɒdz
ˈnɛ:əs, ɡn- JC 5.3.63, TN 2.3.99; none CE 3.2.161, sp God645, [fire-roab’d]-God1, God
sp Gneius1 [F, at LLL 2.1.113–129], MND 2.2.72, [sheild]1, Gods [God is]3, God’s [God
3.2.170, VA 390; one CE 4.2.24, 52, Tit is]2; Evans Got4, Got-[plesse]1,
go / ~est / ~es / ~ing / went / 1.1.370, VA 227, 520, 1071; son got-[udge]1, got’s1, go’t’s1, Got’s-
~est / gone v R3 1.3.10; sun VA 188 [will]1; Caius gar21, [be]-gar1, [by]-gar6
> out-, over-, under-go; a-, hence- / Gods92, God’s1, goggs1 / Goddes8,
ɡo: / -st, ˈɡo:əst / -z / ˈɡo:ɪn, going; by-, fore-gone Gods282, [hot-bloodied]-Gods1 /
-ɪŋ / = / wenst, -ntst / ɡo:n, ɡɒn
sp go968, go-[too]6, goe762, goe-[by]1 goad / ~s n
rh odds Cym 5.2.10, Tim 1.2.60,
/ goest10, go’st3 / goes166, goe’s2, ɡo:dz 3.5.118
go’s1, gos’t [goes it]1 / going82, sp goades1 > demi-, love-god
go-ing2 / went97 / wentst1, went’st2 /
gon33, [be]gon2, gone421, [be]gone1 goad / ~ed v God’s [in swearing]
rh 1 below Ham 3.3.98, VA 924; bow ɡo:d / ˈgo:dɪd odd’s-[hart-lings]1, od’s-[me]1,
[weapon] MND 3.2.100; crow PT 20; 1 2 ’ods [my litle life]1, ’od’s [my
sp goad / goaded
flow Cym 3.5.160; foe 1H6 4.5.36, Luc will]1, od’s-[nownes] [wounds]1,
76, R2 5.4.10, RJ 1.1.79, TC 1.3.308; goal n ’ods [pittikins]1, ’s[blud] [God’s
grow R2 3.2.211, S 12.10; ho KJ blood]1, s[death] [God’s death]1,
3.3.71; know CE 4.3.79, MM 3.2.252, s[foote] [God’s foot]1, s[lid]
S 130.11, WT 4.4.295; no KJ 3.4.182, sp goale1, gole2
[God’s lid]1, s[light]1, s’[light]
KL 5.3.319, MND 3.1.143, TG 1.3.89,
goat / ~s n [God’s light]1
TS 1.2.226; slow 1H4 3.1.257; snow
Ham 4.5.39; so AW 2.3.129, 2.3.297, ɡo:t / -s God give good day
CE 2.2.226, 4.3.79, Cor 2.3.121, Ham sp goat4, goate3 / goates6, goats3 ˌɡɒdɪɡəˈden
3.1.189, LLL 2.1.35, 4.3.186, 5.2.60, pun goats AY 3.3.5 Goths
sp abbr Godgigoden1,
622, MND 1.1.187, 2.2.93, 3.1.152,
goatish adj Godigoden1
3.2.184, 5.1.202, MV 2.7.78, R2 1.2.64,
1.3.248, 2.1.298, RJ 3.5.23, Tem ˈɡo:tɪʃ God have mercy
4.1.44, TN 2.1.43, VA 379, 611; sow sp goatish1 ˌɡɒdəˈmɐ:ɹsəɪ,
[v] MM 4.1.74; throw Mac 4.1.4;
wilful-slow S 51.14; woe MA 2.3.64, gobbet / ~s n ˈɡɒdəˌmɐ:ɹsəɪ
5.3.15, 31, MND 3.2.444, Per 3. = sp abbr God-a-mercie1,
Chorus.41, R2 3.4.96, 5.1.85, TC 1 1 Godamercy1, God-a-mercy1
sp gobbets , gobbits
2.2.113, 5.10.30; rh 2 do TN 2.3.106 /
God yield
knowest, owest, showest, throwest, Gobbo n
trowest KL 1.4.120 / foes 1H6 ˈɡɒbə, -bo:, ˈdʒɒ- ɡəˈdɪld, ɡɒ-
3.1.186, Luc 990, R2 2.4.24, Tit sp abbr goddild1, God dil’d1,
sp Iobbe6, s.d. Gobbe1, Q Gobbo
5.2.146, VA 622, 683; glows, those God-eyld1, God’ild1


god / ~ed v goer-between / goers-~ n Gonzago / ~’s n

= ˈɡo:əɹz-bɪˌtwi:n ɡənˈzɑ:ɡo: / -z
sp godded1 sp goers betweene1 sp Gonzago2, Gon-zago1 /
> between Gonzago’s1
god-daughter n
ˈɡɒd-ˌdɔ:təɹ, -ˌdɑ:- going n Gonzalo / ~s n
sp god-daughter 1 ˈɡo:ɪn, -ɪŋ ɡənˈzɑ:lo: / -z
sp going16 sp Gonzallo6, Gonzalo8 / Gonzaloes1
goddess / ~es n
gold / ~’s n good adj / adv
m ˈɡɒdes / -ɪz
23 1 ɡo:ld / -z =, Evans MW ..ff ɡʊt,
sp goddesse , god-desse /
goddesses4 sp gold209, [tested]-gold1, golde3 / Macmorris H ..ff ɡyd
sp good2589, ’good1, good’2,
goddess-like adj rh behold 2H6 4.7.92, Luc 855,
good-[creature]1, good-[deed]1,
ˈɡɒdes-ləɪk VA 858; behold, bold, cold,
[good]faith1, good-[faith]1,
enfold, inscrolled, old, sold, told
sp goddesse-like2 good[fellow]1, good-[fellow]2,
MV 2.7.65
good-[fellowes]1, good-[heart]1,
godfather / ~s n gold-bound adj good-[hearts]1, good-[lucke]1,
ˈɡɒdfaðəɹ / -z ˈɡo:l-ˌbəʊnd, -ld- good-[manners]1, [good]-morrowes1,
sp godfather2, god-father1 / good[sooth]1, good-[sooth]2,
sp gold-bound-[brow]1
godfathers3 good-[wife]1, Evans goot3, goo’t1,
> bound
Macmorris gud5 / sp good3
godhead / ~s n golden adj rh adj 1 blood AW 2.3.95, LC 164,
ˈɡɒdˌed, -ˌhed / ˈɡo:ldən LLL 2.1.122, Luc 1028, Mac 3.4.134,
4.1.38, MND 5.1.274, R2 2.1.130,
sp godhead2, god-head1 / sp golden82, gol-den2
5.5.114, S 121.8, Tim 3.5.53, 4.2.39, Tit
goldenly adv 5.1.50, VA 1181; flood Luc 1117;
godlike adj rh 2 food Luc 1117; mood Luc 1274;
rh 3 livelihood VA 28; stood AW
ˈɡɒdləɪk sp goldenly1
1.3.75, 76; understood R2 2.1.214;
sp god-like
goldsmith / ~’s / ~s’ n wood Mac 4.1.95, MND 2.2.43
> good-day, -even, -morrow, -night
godliness n ˈɡo:lsmɪθ, -ld- / -s
ˈɡɒdləɪnəs sp goldsmith11, gold-smith1 / good / ~s n
sp godlinesse1, godly-nesse1 goldsmiths1 /goldsmiths1 =
Golgotha n sp good127 / goodes1, goods23
godly adv
rh blood 1H6 2.5.129, S 109.12;
ˈɡɒdləɪ ˈɡɒlgətə, -əθə
blood, flood Luc 656; bud PP 13.1
sp godly5 sp Golgotha2
> ungodly good-day n
Golia·th / ~sses n
ɡʊˈdɛ:, ˌɡʊd- Macmorris H
godmother n ɡəˈləɪəθ / m ɡəˈləɪəˌsɪz
.. ɡydˈdɛ:
ˈɡɒdmɤðəɹ sp Goliath1 / Goliasses1
sp good day15, Macmorris gudday1
sp godmother2
gondola n > day
> mother
ˈɡɒndələ, -lo:
good-even n
godson n sp gondilo1, gundello1
ɡʊdˈi:vn, ˈi:n, -ˈen
gondolier n sp [dig-you]-den1, godden3, good
sp godsonne1
ˌɡɒndəˈli:ɹ den6, gooden3, good euen6,
sp gundelier1 good’-euen1, good-euen1,
goer / ~s n
ˈɡo:əɹ / -z Goneril n > even
sp goer1 / goers1
m ˈɡɒnərɪl, -nr-
sp Gonerill18


good-faced adj Goodrig n Gordian adj

ˈɡʊd-ˌfɛ:st ˈɡʊdrɪg ˈɡɔ:ɹdɪən
sp good fac’d1 sp Goodrig1 sp Gordian1, Gordian-[knot]1
> face
goodwife adj gore adj / n
Goodfellow [name] n ˈɡʊdwəɪf ɡɔ:ɹ
ˈɡʊdfelə, -lo: sp goodwife1 sp gore1 / gore7
sp good-fellow1, Good-fellow1 > wife rh n more Tim 3.5.85; shore
> fellow MND 5.1.331
Goodwin / ~s n
Good Friday n = gore / ~d v
ˌɡʊd ˈfrəɪdɛ: 2
sp Goodwin / Goodwins 1 ɡɔ:ɹ / ɡɔ:ɹd
sp Good-Friday1, good Friday1 sp gore1 / goard1, gor’d2, gored1,
> Friday goodyear n go-red1
ˈɡʊdjəɹ, -ji:ɹ rh adore TN 2.5.105; boar VA 616,
good-limbed adj
sp good-ier1, good yeere1, 664
sp good limb’d1 > year
gored adj
> limb ɡɔ:ɹd
goose adj sp gor’d1
goodl·y / ~ier / ~iest adj
ˈɡʊdləɪ / -əɹ / -əst gorge n
sp goose-[looke]1
sp goodlie1, goodly69 / goodlier2 / ɡɔ:ɹdʒ
goodliest2 goose / geese n sp gorge4
goodly adv =
sp goose24, [giddy]-goose1,
gorg·e / ~ing / ~ed v
[sweet]-goose1, [wild]-goose2 / ɡɔ:ɹdʒ / ˈɡɔ:ɹdʒɪn, -ɪŋ / ɡɔ:ɹdʒd
sp goodly2
geese7, [wilde]-geese3, geesse1 sp gorge1 / gorging1 / gorg’d3
goodman / ~’s n rh loose LLL 3.1.102 > dis-, over-gorge; shrill-, un-gorged
= gooseberry n gorge Fr n
sp goodman14, good-man2 /
ˈɡu:zbrəɪ, -bər- ɡɔɹʒ, Pistol H .., ..
sp gooseberry1 ɡɔ:ɹdʒ, ɡɔ:ɹʒ
good-morrow / ~s n sp gorge1, Pistol gorge2
goose-pen n
ɡʊdˈmɒrə, -ro: / -z
= gorgeous adj
sp god morrow1, good morow1,
good morrow92, good mor-row2, sp goose-pen1 m ˈɡɔ:ɹdʒəs, -ɪəs, -ɪˌɤs
goodmorrow4, good-morrow8 / > pen sp gorgeous9
good-morrowes1, good morrowes2, > thrice-gorgeous
goose-quill / ~s n
rh borrow VA 859; sorrow Luc 1219 = gorget n
sp goose-quils1 ˈɡɔ:ɹdʒɪt
goodness n > quill sp gorget1
sp goodnes3, goodnesse49 gorbellied adj Gorgon n
ˈɡɔ:ɹˌbeləɪd ˈɡɔ:ɹɡən
good-night / ~s n sp gorbellied1 sp Gorgon2
ˌɡʊdˈnəɪt / -s > belly
sp godnight1, goodnight42, gormandiz·e / ~ing v
good-night3, good night59 / Gorboduc n ˈɡu:ɹmənˌdəɪz / -ɪn, -ɪŋ
good nights1 ˈɡɔ:ɹbəˌdɤk sp gurmandize1 / gourmandizing1
rh might TNK Epil.18; sight sp Gorbodacke1
Mac 5.1.73
> night


gorse n gourd n grace / ~’s / ~s n

ɡɒs, ɡɔ:s ɡu:ɹd ɡrɛ:s / ˈɡrɛ:sɪz
sp gosse1 sp gourd1 sp grace526 / graces19 / graces44
rh apace, face LC 285; base Cym
gory adj gout [disease] n 4.2.27, R2 3.3.181, Tim 3.5.95; case TS
ˈɡɔ:rəɪ ɡəʊt 4.2.44; case, pace Luc 712; case, place
sp goarie1, goary1, gorie1 sp gowt6 LC 114; chase MND 2.2.95; face CE
2.1.87, LLL 3.1.64, 5.2.80, 128, 147,
gosling n gout / ~s [stream] n MND 5.1.192, Per Prol.24, R2 5.3.98,
= ɡəʊts S 132.11, Tit 3.1.203, VA 64; face,
place LC 79, Luc 564; pace WT 4.1.24;
sp gosling1 sp gouts1
place 3H6 4.6.30, KL 1.1.273, LC 316,
gospel / ~s n gouty adj LLL 2.1.178, 3.1.64, Mac 5.6.111,
MND 5.1.389, Per 2.3.19, 4.Chorus.9,
= ˈɡəʊtəɪ
R2 3.4.105, S 79.2, Tem 4.1.72; place,
sp gospels1 sp gowtie1, gowty1
space LC 261; space AW 2.1.160, LLL
1.1.51, 150; grace her deface her
gospel / ~led v govern / ~s / ~ed v
PP 7.5 / faces Luc 1410, TG 3.1.102,
= ˈɡɤvəɹn / -z / -d S 17.6, 94.5
sp gospell’d1 sp gouern2, gouerne21, go-uerne1 / > herb-grace
gouernes2 / gouern’d14, gouerned4
gossamer / ~s n > best-, hell-, mis-, un-, well- grac·e / ~ing / ~ed v
m ˈɡɒsəˌmo:ɹ, ˈɡɒz- / -z governed ɡrɛ:s / ˈɡrɛ:s·ɪn, -ɪŋ / m -ɪd,
sp gozemore1 / gossamours1 ɡrɛ:st
governance n
sp grace32 / gracing1 / grac’d9,
gossip / ~’s / ~s n m ˈɡɤvəɹˌnans
= sp gouernance1
1 6 4
sp goship , gossip / gossips / grâce Fr n
governess n
m ˈɡɤvəɹˌnes
sp grace1
gossip / ~s / ~ped v sp gouernesse1
= graced adj
sp gossip1 / gossips1 / gossipt1
government n
m ˈɡɤvəɹˌment, -ɹmənt
sp grac’d2
gossip-like adj sp gouernment24, go-uernment1
> well-graced
ˈɡɒsɪp-ləɪk rh lent Luc 1400
sp gossep-like1 graceful adj
governor / ~s n
gossipping n m ˈɡɤvəɹˌnɔ:ɹ, ˈɡɤvnəɹ /
sp graceful1, gracefull3, grace-full1
ˈɡɒsɪpɪn, -ɪŋ -əɹˌnɔ:ɹz > disgraceful
sp gossipping2 sp gouernor7, gouernour8 /
gouernors2 gracefully adv
got ˈɡrɛ:sfləɪ, -fʊl-
> get Gower n
sp gracefully1
Goth / ~s n sp Gower16, Gowre3 graceless adj
ɡo:t / -s ˈɡrɛ:sləs
sp Goth5 / Gothes30, Goths1 gown / ~s n
sp gracelesse5
pun AY 3.3.5 goats ɡəʊn / -z
sp gown1, gowne48, gracious adj
Gough n [blacke]-gowne1, gown’s [gown is]1 / ˈɡrɛ:sɪəs
ɡɒf gownes6
sp gracious184, gra-cious1, gratious5
sp Goffe2 > night-, sea-gown
rh spacious S 135.7
> thrice-, un-gracious


graciously adv sp grandam18, grandame10 / grant / ~s / Luc ~eth / ~ing /

m ˈɡrɛ:sɪəsˌləɪ grandames1, grandams2 ~ed v
sp graciously4 grandchild n ɡrɔ:nt, ɡrant / -s / ˈɡrɔ:nt·əθ,
ˈɡranˌtʃəɪld -ran- / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd
gradation n
sp grandchilde1 sp grant69, graunt28 / grants1,
ɡrəˈdɛ:sɪən graunts2 / granteth1 / granting2 /
sp gradation2 grandeur Fr n granted18, graunted11
ɡrɑ̃ˈdœ:ɹ rh 1 panteth Luc 558; rh 2 wanteth
graff v Luc 558 / wanting S 87.5 / rh 1
ɡraf sp emend of H5 5.2.251 grandeus
enchanted LC 131; planted LLL
sp graffe2 grandfather / ~’s n 1.1.159; rh 2 haunted LC 131, LLL
graf 1.1.159
ˈɡranˌfaðəɹ / -z
> in-, long-in-, mis-graffed
sp grandfather14, grand-father1 / grape / ~s n
graffing n grand-fathers2 ɡrap / -s
ˈɡrafɪn, -ɪŋ > father, great-grandfather
sp grape4 / grapes8
sp graf-fing grandjuror / ~s n rh mishaps VA 601

graft / ~est / graft / ~ed v ˈɡranˌdʒu:rəɹz grapple n

ɡrafst, -tst / ɡraft / ˈɡraftɪd sp grand iurers1 ˈɡrapəl
sp graft’st1 / grafft1, graft1 / grafted5 grand-jury adj sp grapple2

grafter / ~s n ˌɡran-ˈdʒu:rəɪ grapple / ~s v

ˈɡraftəɹz sp grand iurie1 ˈɡrapəl / -z
> jury
sp grafters1 sp grapple6 / grapples1
grandmother n
grain / ~s n grappling adj
ɡrɛ:n / -z ˈɡraplɪn, -ɪŋ
sp grandmother2, grand-mother2
sp grain1, graine17 / graines3 sp grapling1
> purple-in-grain Grandpre n
grasp / ~s n
grained adj ɡrɔ:nˈpri:
2 1
ɡrasp / -s
m ˈɡrɛ:nɪd sp Grandpree , Grand Pree ,
sp graspe1 / graspes1
3 Graundpree1
sp grained
grandsire adj grasp / ~s / ~ed v
gramerc·y / ~ies n ɡrasp / -s / m -t, ˈɡraspɪd
ɡrəˈmɐ:ɹsəɪ / -z sp graspe1 / graspes1 / grasped1,
3 3 sp grandsier1
sp gramercie , gramercy / graspt3
> great-grandsire
grandsire / ~’s / ~s n grass n
grammar n ɡras
ˈɡranˌsəɪɹ / -z
ˈɡraməɹ sp grasse16, [chaw’d]-grasse1
sp grandsier1, grandsire17,
sp grammar1, grammer1 rh 1 ass CE 2.2.210; glass
grand-sire4, gransier2 / grandsires3 /
MND 1.1.211; rh 2 was Luc 395
grand adj grandsires2
> knot-, spear-grass; short-grassed
= grange n
sp grand11
grass-green n
grand / ~e Fr adj sp grange2, [moated]-grange1
sp grasse-greene1
ɡrɑ̃ / grɑ̃:d grant n
sp grand3 / grand1
grasshopper / ~s n
ɡrɔ:nt, ɡrant
ˈɡrasɒpəɹz, -hɒ-
grandam / ~’s n sp graunt7
sp grashoppers1
ˈɡranˌdam / -z


grass-plot n gratulate v grave-making n

ˈɡras-ˌplɒt m ˈɡratjəˌlɛ:t, -əl- ˈɡrɛ:v-ˌmɛ:kɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈɡrav-
sp grasse-plot1 sp gratulate4 sp graue-making1

grassy adj grave / ~er / ~est adj graver n

ˈɡrasəɪ ɡrɛ:v, ɡrav / ˈɡrɛ:v·əɹ, ˈɡrav- / ˈɡrɛ:vəɹ, ˈɡrav-
sp grassie1 -əst sp grauer1
sp graue35 / grauer5 / grauest1
grate n rh knave Ham 3.4.215
gravestone n
ɡrɛ:t ˈɡrɛ:vsto:n, ˈɡrav-
sp grate3 grave / ~s n sp grauestone1, graue-stone1, graue
ɡrɛ:v, ɡrav / -z stone1
grat·e / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v sp graue140, graue’s [grave is]1 / > stone
ɡrɛ:t / -s / ˈɡrɛ:t·ɪn, -ɪŋ / graues30
- ɪd rh 1 crave Per 2.1.10, 2.3.46; gave VA
gravit·y / ~y’s / ~ies n
sp grate / grates / grating / 1 2 1106; save TN 2.4.64; slave AW m ˈɡravɪˌtəɪ, -vɪt-, -vt- /
grated2 2.3.137, Luc 198, 661; wave 3H6 ˈɡravɪˌtəɪz
2.2.174 ; rh 2 have AW 5.3.62, Cym sp grauitie5, grauity7 / grauities1 /
grateful adj 4.2.281, 1H6 4.3.40, 4.7.32, Luc 198, grauities1
ˈɡrɛ:tfʊl R2 1.1.168, 2.1.137, 140, RJ 2.3.79, rh eye S 49.8 / eyes LLL 5.2.763
S 81.7, VA 757 / depraves Tim
sp gratefull4
> ungrateful
1.2.138 gravy n
Gratiano / ~’s n grave / ~ed v
sp grauy3
m ˌɡratsɪˈɑ:no:, -ˈsjɑ:- / -z ɡrɛ:v, ɡrav / -d pun 2H4 1.2.164 gravity
sp graue1 / grau’d1
sp Gratiano26, abbr in s.d. Grati1 /
rh grave it have it VA 376 gray, Grey
> grey, Grey
gratify v gravel adj / n
m ˈɡratɪˌfəɪ, -tɪf- = Gray’s Inn n
sp gratifie 8 sp grauell1 / grauell2 ˌɡrɛ:z ˈɪn
sp Greyes-Inne1
Gratii n gravel / ~led v
ˈɡratɪi: [ sylls] = graze / ~d v
sp Gratij 1 sp grauel’d1 ɡrɛ:z / -d
sp grase1, graze6 / graz’d1
gratility n gravel-blind adj
ɡrəˈtɪlɪtəɪ ˈɡravəl-ˌbləɪnd grazing n
sp gratillity 1 sp grauel blinde1 ˈɡrɛ:zɪn, -ɪŋ
> blind sp grasing1
grating adj
graveless adj grease n
ˈɡrɛ:tɪn, -ɪŋ
ˈɡrɛ:vləs, ˈɡrav- ɡri:s, ɡri:z
sp grating
sp grauelesse1 sp greace1, grease4, greaze1
gratis adv
gravely adv grease / ~s v
ˈɡrɛ:vləɪ, ˈɡrav- ˈɡri:sɪz, -i:z-
sp gratis8
sp grauely1 sp greases1
gratitude n
grave-maker / ~s n greasely adv
m ˈɡratɪˌtju:d, -ɪt-
3 1
ˈɡrɛ:v-ˌmɛ:kəɹ, ˈɡrav- / -z ˈɡri:sləɪ, -i:z-
sp gratitude , grati-tude
sp graue-maker2 / graue-makers1 sp greasely1
> make


greasy adj sp great-growne1 Greek / ~s / ~s’ n

ˈɡri:səɪ, -i:z- > grow =
sp greasie7, greazie3 greatly adv sp Greek4, Greeke20, greke1 /
Greekes23, Greeks3 / Greekes2,
great / ~er / ~est adj ˈɡretləɪ, ˈɡrɛ:t-
ɡret, ɡrɛ:t / ˈɡret·əɹ, ˈɡrɛ:- / sp greatly11 rh seek TC 4.5.86, 5.8.9
m -əst, ɡretst, ɡrɛ:- greatness n Greekish adj
sp great854, great-[ones]2 / greater75 ˈɡretnəs, ˈɡrɛ:t-
/ greatest49, great’st8
sp greatnes3, greatnesse73, sp greekish8
rh 1 get Luc 876; Plantagenet KJ
1.1.161; sweat H8 Prol.27; rh 2
defeat S 61.9; repeat Per 1.4.30; seat
green / ~er adj
great-sized adj
Luc 69 / better S 119.12 = / ˈɡri:nəɹ
ˈɡret-ˌsəɪzd, ˈɡrɛ:t-
> overgreat sp green2, green-[land]1, greene60,
sp great siz’d2 greene-[a-box]2, greene-[sicknesse]2
great n > size / greener1
ɡret, ɡrɛ:t great-uncle / ~s n rh queen PP 4.2; seen S 33.3, 63.14,
sp great22 104.8; teen VA 806
ˌɡret-ˈɤŋkəl, ˌɡrɛ:t- / -z
rh 1 eat Cym 4.2.264; seat Per
Prol.17; rh 2 sweat LLL 5.2.548 sp great vncle1 / great vnckles1 green / ~s n
> uncle =
great-bellied adj sp green2, greene8,
Grecian adj
m ˌɡret-ˈbeləɪd, ˌɡrɛ:t- [Mile-end]-Greene1 / greenes1
ˈɡri:sɪən rh queen MND 2.1.9, Tem 4.1.83;
sp great bellied1, great belly’d1
sp Grecian16 seen S 68.11, VA 146; sheen
great-belly adj MND 2.1.28
Grecian n
ˈɡret-ˌbeləɪ, ˈɡrɛ:t-
1 ˈɡri:sɪən / -z Green [name] n
sp great belly
> belly sp Grecian8 / Grecians1 / =
Grecians7 sp Greene12
greater n
Greece n green-eyed adj
ˈɡretəɹ, ˈɡrɛ:-
sp greater 7 = ˈɡri:n-ˌəɪd
sp Greece19 sp greene-eyed1, greene-ey’d1
greatest n rh piece Luc 1368 > eye
m ɡretəst, -tst, ɡrɛ:- greedily adv greenly adv
sp greatest8, great’st3
m ˈɡri:dɪˌləɪ ˈɡri:nləɪ
great-grandfather n sp greedily1 sp greenely1, greenly1
ˌɡret-ˈɡranfaðəɹ, ˌɡrɛ:t- > overgreedy
Greensleeves n
sp great grandfather3 greediness n
> grandfather
m ˈɡri:dɪˌnes, -nəs sp Greene-sleeues1
great-grandsire / ~’s n sp greedinesse4
ˌɡret-ˈɡransəɪɹ, ˌɡrɛ:t- / -z greensward n
greedy adj ˈɡri:n-ˌsɔ:ɹd
sp great grand-sire / great
ˈɡri:dəɪ sp greene-sord1
> grandsire sp greedie1, greedy5
Greenwich n
great-grown adj Greek adj ˈɡri:nɪtʃ
ˈɡret-ˌɡro:n, ˈɡrɛ:t- = sp Greenwich1
sp Greeke2


greenwood n grey-eyed adj grievingly adv

= ˈɡrɛ:-ˌəɪd m ˈɡri:vɪnˌləɪ, -ɪŋ
sp greene wood1 sp gray ey’d2 sp greeuingly1
> wood > eye
grievous adj
greet / ~s / ~ed v greyhound / ~’s / ~s n =
= ˈɡrɛ:ˌəʊnd, -ˌhəʊ- / -z sp greeuous15, grieuous9
sp greet29, greete11 / greetes4, sp gray-hound1, grey-hound5 /
greets7 / greeted1 grey-hounds1 / gray-hounds1, grievously adv
rh meet LLL 5.2.144; sweet greyhounds1, grey-hounds3 m ˈɡri:vəsˌləɪ, -sl-
LLL 5.2.374, S 145.8, TN 2.4.60 sp greeuously5, grieuously1
> regreet Grey-Malkin n
ˌɡrɛ:-ˈmɔ:kɪn griffin n
greeting / ~s n sp Gray-Malkin1 =
ˈɡri:tɪn, -ɪŋ / -z sp griffin2
sp greeting24 / greetings8 grief / ~s n
rh meeting RJ 1.5.90 = Griffith n
sp greefe102, griefe98, greefe’s [grief =
Gregory / ~’s n is]1 / greefes23, griefes34, griefs1 sp Griffith11
ˈɡreɡrəɪ, -ɡər- / -z rh brief Luc 1308, R2 5.1.94; chief S
sp Gregory7 / Gregories1 42.1, VA 968; relief 3H6 3.3.19, S 34.9; grim adj
thief Luc 889, Oth 1.3.207, S 40.11, =
Gremio n 48.6
sp grim15
m ˈɡremɪo:, -ɪˌo: > fee-, heart-grief
rh him LLL 2.1.242, MND 3.2.57,
sp Gremio31 VA 920; lym KL 3.6.67 [emend]
rh Hortensio, know TS 1.2.233
grief-shot adj
= grime n/v
grew sp greefe-shot1 ɡrəɪm
> grow > shot
sp grime1 / grime1
grey adj grievance / ~s n grim-looked adj
ɡrɛ: = =
sp gray13, gray-[beard]2, grey6 sp greeuance2, grieuance3 /
sp grim lookt1
rh day, way MA 5.3.27; nay greeuances2, grieuances4
> look
MND 3.1.124; way TS 4.1.131
griev·e / ~est / ~s / ~ing / grimly adv
Grey [name] n ~ed v ˈɡrimləɪ
ɡrɛ: = / ɡri:vst / = / ˈɡri:vɪn, -ɪŋ / = sp grimly2
sp Gray11, Grey13 sp greeue19, grieue19 / greeu’st1 /
rh play R3 4.4.69 greeues12, grieues9 / greeuing2 / grim-visaged adj
greeu’d5, greeued1, grieu’d6, =
greybeard / ~s n grieued1
sp grim-visag’d1
m ˈɡrɛ:ˌbɛ:ɹd, ˌɡrɛ:ˈbɛ:ɹd, rh grieve for them relieve them Per
> visage
-bɐ:ɹd / -z 1.2.100 / thieves VA 1024 / leaving
sp gray-beard2, grey-beard1 / WT 4.1.18 / achieved R2 4.1.215 grin / ~ning v
gray-beards2 = / ˈɡrɪnɪn, -ɪŋ
> beard
grieved adj
sp grin4, grinne1, grynne1 / grinning1
m ˈɡri:vɪd
grey-coated adj sp greeued4, grieued2 grind n
ˌɡrɛ:-ˈko:tɪd ɡrəɪnd
sp gray-coated1
grieving n
sp grin’d2, grinde3
> coat ˈɡri:vɪn, -ɪŋ
rh confined S 110.10
sp greeuing3, grieuing2


grinding n sp groane5, grone3 / groanes16, gross n

ˈɡrəɪndɪn, -ɪŋ grones15 ɡro:s, ɡrɒs
rh 1 alone Ham 3.3.23; throne VA
sp grinding3 sp grosse4
1044; rh 2 gone Luc 1362, R2 5.1.100;
grindstone n on S 50.11; rh 3 none 2H6 3.1.221 / grossly adv
bones TC 5.10.50; moans Luc 588,
ˈɡrəɪnsto:n, -nds- 797, R2 5.1.89; moans, stones
ˈɡro:sləɪ, ˈɡrɒs-
sp grindstone1 Luc 975; stones R2 1.2.70 sp grosely2, grosly1, grosselie2,
> stone grossely13
groan / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
grinning adj ɡro:n / -z / ˈɡro:nɪn, -ɪŋ / grossness n
ˈɡrɪnɪn, -ɪŋ ɡro:nd ˈɡro:snəs, ˈɡrɒs-
sp grinning1 sp grosenesse1, grossenesse5
sp groane9, grone13 / grones3 /
grip / ~s n groaning3, groning1 / groan’d2, ground / ~s n
= rh alone S 131.6, 133.1, VA 785;
ɡrəʊnd, Macmorris H
sp gripe2 / gripes2 Joan LLL 3.1.201; moan Luc 1362, .. ɡrynd / -z
MA 5.3.17 / moans VA 829 sp ground157, grownd2, Macmorris
grip v grund1 / grounds8
= groaning adj / n rh 1 bound VA 224; confound Luc
sp grip2 ˈɡro:nɪn, -ɪŋ 1199, VA 1046; drowned VA 983;
sp groaning4 / groaning1 found CE 2.1.97, MND 4.1.101, PP
gripe / ~s / ~ped v 13.9, S 75.2, 153.4; hound Tit 2.2.26;
ɡrəɪp / -s / -t groat / ~s n profound LLL 5.2.115, Mac 3.5.25;
sp gripe5 / gripes1 / grip’d1 ˈɡro:t / -s round Ham 3.2.165; sound MND
2.2.81, 3.2.448, S 130.12; rh 2 wound
sp groat5 / groates2, groats3
griping adj Luc 1199, MND 2.2.106, R2 3.2.140 /
> shove-groat
ˈɡrəɪpɪn, -ɪŋ hounds PP 9.8
groin n > sharp-, winter-ground
sp griping1
ɡrəɪn ground / ~ed v
grise n sp groyne1
ɡri:z ˈɡrəʊndɪd
rh swine VA 1116
sp grounded2
sp grise1, grize2
groom / ~s n
grisly adj grounded adj
ɡru:m, ɡrʊm / -z
ˈɡrɪzləɪ 15 8
sp groome / groomes
sp grounded1
sp grisly2, grizly1 rh 1 doom Luc 671; rh 2 Rome
Luc 1645 groundling / ~s n
Grissel n > bridegroom
= ˈɡrəʊndlɪnz, -ɪŋz
grop·e / ~ing / ~ed v sp groundlings1
sp Grissell1
ˈɡro:pɪn, -ɪŋ / ɡro:pt
grizzle n grove / ~s n
sp groping1 / grop’d1
= ɡrɤv, ɡro:v / -z
gros Fr adj sp groue14 / groues5
sp grizzle1
ɡro:s rh love MND 2.1.245, 259, 3.2.5,
grizzled adj VA 865
sp grosse1
> broom-, lime-grove
sp grizled1 gross / ~er adj
grovel / ~ling v
ɡro:s, ɡrɒs / ˈɡro:səɹ, ˈɡrɒs-
groan / ~s n = / ˈɡrovlɪn, -ɪŋ, -vəl-
sp grose1, grosse47, grosse-[selues]1,
sp grouell2 / groueling1
ˈɡro:n / -z grosse-[watry]1 / grosser5


grow / ~est / ~s / ~eth / ~ing / grudge / ~d v guardant adj

grew / ~est / grown v ɡrɤdʒ / -d ˈɡɑ:ɹdənt
ɡro: / -st / -z / ˈɡro:·əθ / -ɪn, sp grudge2 / grug’d1 sp gardant1, guardant1
-ɪŋ / = / ɡru:st / ɡro:n
grudging adj / n guardian / ~s n
sp grow129, growe1 / grow’st3 /
69 2
growes , grows / groweth /1 ˈɡrɤdʒɪn, -ɪŋ ˈɡɑ:ɹdɪən / -z
growing14 / grew27 / grew’st2 / sp grudging3 / grudging1 sp gardian2, guardian3 / guardians1
grown1, growne49
rh 1 Angelo MM 3.2.258; go R2
gruel n guardsman n
3.2.212, S 12.12; know LLL 2.1.54, R2 = ˈɡɑ:ɹdzmən
5.3.105, RJ 1.1.154; low Tim 4.1.39; sp grewell1 sp guardsman4
overthrow TN 5.1.164; owe MND
3.2.84; owe, show Luc 298; show grumble / ~st v gudgeon n
MND 3.2.140, S 69.14, 83.8, 93.13; so ˈɡrɤm·bəl / -bləst ˈɡɤdʒɪn
LLL 3.1.54, 5.2.253, R3 2.4.9, S 115.14, sp grumble2 / grumblest1 sp gudgin1
TN 2.4.41; woe R2 3.4.101, 5.6.46;
rh 2 brow VA 141 / bestow’st S 11.1; grumbling adj guerdon n
ow’st S 18.12; show’st S 126.4 / blows ˈɡrɤmblɪn, -ɪŋ, -ml- ˈɡɐ:ɹdən
MND 2.1.250; rose, shows LLL
sp grumbling2, grumlling1 sp gardon3, gar-don1, guerdon2
1.1.107; shows S 15.1; those S 142.11;
> reguerdon
woes RJ 3.5.35 / rh 1 blowing TNK grumbling / ~s n
1.1.10; knowing S 87.11; rh 2 bowing guerdon / ~ned
ˈɡrɤmblɪnz, -ɪŋz, -ml- v
[head] Tem 4.1.112 / hue S 98.8;
sp grumblings 1 ˈɡɐ:ɹdənd
untrue LC 171; you S 84.4, 86.4
sp guerdon’d2
> a-growing, overgrow
Grumio / ~’s n
growing adj / n m ˈɡru:mɪo: [ sylls], guerra, de la Sp prep phrase
ˈɡro:ɪn, -ɪŋ ˈɡru:mɪˌo: / ˈɡru:mɪo:z [ sylls] ˌdelaˈɡɛra
sp Grumio28 / Grumio’s1 sp delaguar1
sp growing6 / growing4
rh n allowing WT 4.1.16
grunt / ~est v guess / ~es n
grown adj ɡrɤnt / ɡrɤnst, -ntst =
ɡro:n sp grunt2 / grunt’st1 sp gesse2, guesse8, ghesse1 / gesses1
sp growne1
Gualtier n guess / ~ed v
> full-, great-, high-, long-, moss-,
out-, thick-, un-grown ˈwɑltəɹ =
sp Gualtier2 sp gesse4, ghesse6, guesse27 /
growth n guesd1, guest2
ɡro:θ guard / ~s n rh thus, us LLL 5.2.121
sp growth13 ɡɑ:ɹd / -z
guessingly adv
rh both S 99.12; oath, troth Luc 1062 sp gard3, guard60, guarde1 / gardes1,
gards1, guardes1, guards2
m ˈɡesɪnˌləɪ, -ɪŋ-
grub / ~s n rh reward Per 2.4.14; ward S 133.11 sp guessingly1
ɡrɤb / -z > velvet-guard
guest / ~s n
sp grub3 / grubs1
guard / ~s / ~ed v =
grub / ~bed v ɡɑ:ɹd / -z / ˈɡɑ:ɹdɪd sp ghuest1, guest34,
ɡrɤbd sp guard38 / guards2 / garded2, guest-[caualeire]1, guest-[iustice]1 /
guarded11 ghests1, guests20
sp grubb’d1
> safeguard, unguarded rh 1 addressed H5 3.3.57; breast
grudge / ~s n S 153.12; breast, detest Luc 1565;
guardage n expressed Luc 90; protest LLL 5.2.354;
ɡrɤdʒ / ˈɡrɤdʒɪz
7 2 ˈɡɑ:ɹdɪdʒ rh 2 feast CE 3.1.27, RJ 1.2.21, 1.5.75,
sp grudge / grudges
S 47.7, Tim 3.6.103, VA 449 /
sp guardage1


rh 1 breasts, rests Luc 1125; rh 2 Guildhall n guinea-hen n

feast Per 2.3.8 ˈɡɪldˌɑ:l, -ˌhɑ:l ˈɡɪnəɪ-ˌen, -ˌhen
guestwise adv sp Guild-Hall2 sp gynney hen1
> hall
m ˌɡestˈwəɪz Guinevere n
sp guest-wise1 guile n ˈɡwɪnəvəɹ
Guiana n ɡəɪl sp Guinouer1
sp guile3
ɡəɪˈana guise n
rh while Luc 1534
sp Guiana1 ɡəɪz
guiled adj sp guise3, guize1
Guichard n
m ˈɡəɪlɪd rh 1 eyes VA 1177; rh 2 enemies
sp guiled1 Tim 4.3.468
sp Guichard1
guileful adj gules n
guide / ~s n
ˈɡəɪlfʊl ɡju:lz
ɡəɪd / -z
sp guilefull2 sp geulles1, gules2
sp guide7 / guides2
rh tried Luc 351 Guilford / ~s n gulf / ~s n
> misguide ˈɡɪlfəɹd / -z ɡɤlf / -s
guid·e / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v sp Guilford3 / Guilfords1 sp gulfe9 / gulfes1
rh wolf Mac 4.1.23
ɡəɪd / -z / ˈɡəɪd·ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd guilt / ~s n
sp guide17 / guides6 / guiding3 / = gull / ~s n
guided5 1 29 1 ɡɤl / -z
sp gilt , guilt / guilts
rh side VA 179; guide thee possess
rh spilt Ham 4.5.19 sp gull10 / gulles1
thee, tend thee, with me R3 4.1.91
pun H5 2.Chorus.26 gilt
guider n gull / ~ed v
Guiltian n ɡɤl / -d
ˈɡɪltɪən sp gull1 / gull’d1
sp guider1
sp Guiltian1
Guiderius n gull-catcher n
guiltily adv ˈɡɤl-ˌkatʃəɹ
m ˈɡɪltɪˌləɪ sp gull catcher1
sp Guidereus1, Guiderius11 1
sp guiltily
guiding adj gum / ~s n
ˈɡəɪdɪn, -ɪŋ
guiltiness n ɡɤm / -z
m ˈɡɪltɪˌnes, -ɪnəs sp gumme3 / gummes1
sp guiding2
sp guiltinesse9
Guienne n gummed adj
guiltless n ɡɤmd
ˈɡɪltləs sp gum’d1
sp Guyen1
sp guiltlesse20
Guildenstern n gun / ~’s / ~s n
guilt·y / ~ier adj ɡɤn / -z
ˈɡɪltəɪ / -əɹ sp gun3, gunne2 / guns1 / gunnes1,
sp Guildenstern2, Guildensterne16,
sp guiltie30, guilty37 / guiltier2 guns1
Guilden-sterne1, abbr in s.d. Guild1
rh begun VA 461
guilder / ~s n guilty-like adj > elder-gun
ˈɡɪldəɹz ˈɡɪltəɪ-ləɪk
sp guilty-like1
gunner n
sp gilders2 ˈɡɤnəɹ
sp gunner4


gunpowder n sp gust4 / gustes1, gusts5 guttered adj

ˈɡɤnpəʊdəɹ rh just Tim 3.5.55 ˈɡɤtəɹd
sp gunpowder1, gun-powder2 gust v sp gutter’d-[rockes]1
> powder
ɡɤst Guy n
gunstone / ~s n sp gust1 ɡəɪ
ˈɡɤnsto:nz gusty adj sp Guy1
sp gun-stones1
ˈɡɤstəɪ Guynes n
> stone
sp gustie1 ɡi:n
gurnet n sp Guynes1
guts n
ɡɤts gypsy
sp [sowc’t]-gurnet1
sp guts9, guttes4 > gipsy
Gurney n > calves’-guts
ˈɡu:ɹnəɪ gyves n
guts-griping adj
sp Gournie , Gurney 1 dʒəɪvz
ˈɡɤts-ˌɡrəɪpɪn, -ɪŋ
sp gyues5
gust / ~s n sp guts-griping1 rh contrives, strives LC 242
ɡɤst / -s


H [letter] n sp hacks2 haggard / ~s n

pun Quickly MW 4.1.61 Lat haec
ɛ:tʃ ˈaɡəɹd, ˈhaɡ- / -z
> unhacked
sp H2 sp haggard4 / haggerds1
pun ache AC 4.7.8 hack / ~ed v
haggish adj
ha ak, = / -t
interj 2 3 7
ˈaɡɪʃ, =
sp hack , hacke / hackt
= sp haggish1
179 1
sp ha , ha’ hacked adj
haggled adj
akt, =
ha / ~s n ˈaɡəld, =
sp hackt7
a, = / -z sp hagled1
1 1
sp ha / ha's Hacket n
hag-seed n
haberdasher / ~’s n ˈakɪt, =
ˈaɡ-ˌsi:d, =
sp Hacket
ˈabəɹˌdaʃəɹ, ˈhab- / -z sp hag-seed1
1 1
sp haberdasher / habberda-shers hackney n > seed

haber-de-pois ˈaknəɪ, ˈhak- hah interj

sp hacknie1
> avoirdupois =
> common-hackneyed
sp hah14
habiliment / ~s n
m aˈbɪlɪˌment, ha- / -s hail interj / n
> have
sp habilliament / habiliments 3
ɛ:l, hɛ:l
haec Lat sp haile52, hayle9 / haile3
habit / ~s n > all-hail
> hic
ˈabɪt, = / -s
sp habit25, habite8 / habites3, habits7 haeres Lat n hail / ~ed [greeting] v
ˈheres ɛ:ld, hɛ:ld
habit / ~ed v sp haild1, hail'd1
sp heres1
ˈabɪtɪd, =
sp habited5 hag / -s n hail [rain] v
aɡ, = / -z ɛ:l, hɛ:l
habitation n sp haile1
sp hag3, hagge4 / hagges2, hags2
abɪˈtɛ:sɪən, ha-
sp habitation4 Hagar / ~’s n hail-kissing adj
ˈɛ:ɡəɹz / ˈhɛ:- ˈɛ:l-ˌkɪsɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈhɛ:-
hac [from Lat] v sp haile-kissing1
sp Hagars1
ak, hak > kiss
sp hac1 hag-born adj
> hic ˈaɡ-ˈbɔ:ɹn, ˈhaɡ- hailstone / ~s n
sp hag-borne 1 ˈɛ:lsto:n, ˈhɛ:- / -z
hack / ~s n sp hailstone1 / haile-stones1
> born
aks, = > stone


hair / ~’s / ~s n half-a-dozen adj half-eclipsed adj

ɛ:ɹ, hɛ:ɹ / -z ˈɔ:f-ə-ˈdɤzn, ˈhɔ:- m ˌɔ:f-ɪˈklɪpst, ˌhɔ:-
sp haire90, hayre17, heire5 / haires1 / sp halfe a dozen6 sp halfe eclips’d1
haires24, hayres4, heires1 > dozen > eclipse
rh 1 bear Luc 1129, MND 2.2.37;
despair Luc 981, S 99.7; fair LC 204 half-blasted adj half-face n
LLL 4.3.257; rh 2 ear VA 147; tear m ˌɔ:f-ˈblastɪd, ˌhɔ:- ˈɔ:f-ˌfɛ:s, ˌhɔ:-
[cry] Luc 1129 / rh 1 swears Per sp halfe blasted1 sp half-face1
4.4.28; rh 2 tears [cry] CE 3.2.48, > blast > face
VA 51, 191
pun CE 3.2.131 heir; TG 3.1.191 hare half-blooded adj half-faced adj
> horse-hair, shag-haired m ˌɔ:f-ˈblɤdɪd, ˌhɔ:- ˈɔ:f-ˌfɛ:st, ˌhɔ:-
sp halfe-blooded1 sp halfe-fac’d4
hairbreadth adj
> blood
ˈɛ:ɹbretθ, ˈhɛ:- half-hour n
sp haire-breadth1 half-blown adj ˈɔ:f-ˌo:ɹ, ˌhɔ:-
> breadth ˈɔ:f-ˌblo:n, ˈhɔ:- sp halfe houre4
sp halfe-blowne1 > hour
hairless adj
> blown
ˈɛ:ɹləs, ˈhɛ:- half-kirtle / ~s n
sp hairelesse1 Half-Can [name] n ˈɔ:f-ˌkɐ:ɹtlz, ˌhɔ:-
ˈɔ:f-ˌkan, ˌhɔ:- sp halfe kirtles1
hairy adj
sp Halfe-Canne1 > kirtle
ˈɛ:ɹəɪ, ˈhɛ:- > can
sp hairie1, hayrie1, hairy3 half-malcontent adj
half-cap / ~s n m ˌɔ:f-ˈmalkənˌtent, ˌhɔ:-
Hal n ˈɔ:f-ˌkaps, ˌhɔ:- sp halfe malecontent1
al, = sp halfe-caps1 > malcontent
sp Hal36, Hall6 > cap
half-moon n
halberd / ~s n half-checked adj m ˌɔ:f-ˈmu:n, ˌhɔ:-, -ˈmʊn
ˈɔ:lbəɹd, ˈhɔ:l- / -z ˈɔ:f-ˌtʃekt, ˌhɔ:- sp halfe-moone1, halfe moone
sp halbert1 / halberds6 sp halfe-chekt1 > moon
> check
halcyon / ~s adj Half Moon [name] n
ˈalsɪən, = / -z half-conquered adj m ˌɔ:f-ˈmu:n, ˌhɔ:-, -ˈmʊn
sp halcion1 / halcyons1 m ˌɔ:f-ˈkɒŋkəɹd, ˌhɔ:- sp Halfe Moone1
sp halfe conquer’d1
hale / ~s / ~ed v > conquer halfpence n
ɛ:l, hɛ:l / -z / -d ˈɔ:pəns, ˈhɔ:-
sp hale9 / hales2 / hal’d1, hall’d1 half-dead adj sp halfepence2, halfpence1
> new-haled m ˌɔ:f-ˈded, ˌhɔ:-
sp halfe dead2 halfpenny n
half / halves n
> dead ˈɔ:pnəɪ, ˈhɔ:-
ɔ:f, hɔ:f, Holofernes LLL
sp halfe-penie1, halfe pennie1,
.. half / ɔ:vz, hɔ:- half-dined adj
halfe-penny1, halfepeny1, halfe
sp halfe195, Holofernes describing m ˌɔ:f-ˈdəɪnd, ˌhɔ:- peny1, halfpenny1
Armado haufe1 / halues1 sp halfe din’d1 > penny
rh calf LLL 5.2.246, 249 > dine
halfpennyworth n
half-achieved adj half-drunk adj ˈɔ:pnəɪˌwɔ:ɹθ, ˈhɔ:-
ˈɔ:f-əˈtʃɪvd, ˈhɔ:- m ˌɔ:f-ˈdrɤŋk, ˌhɔ:- sp halfe penny-worth1
sp halfe-atchieued1 sp halfe drunke1 > worth
> achieve > drunk


half-pint n hallow [holy] / ~ed v hammer / ~s n

ˈɔ:f-ˌpəɪnt, ˌhɔ:- ˈɑlə, ˈɑlo:, ˈhɑ- / -d ˈaməɹ, ˈha- / -z
sp halfe pinte1 sp hallow1 / hallow’d1 sp hammer2, ham-mer1 / hammers3
> pint
hallowed adj hammer / ~ing / ~ed v
half-supped adj ˈɑləd, ˈɑlo:d, ˈhɑ- ˈaməɹ, ˈha- / ˈamrɪn, -ɪŋ,
ˈɔ:f-ˌsɤpt, ˌhɔ:- sp hallow’d2, hallowed4 -məɹ-, ˈha- / ˈaməɹd, ˈha-
sp halfe supt1 > un-, well-hallowed sp hammer’t [hammer it]1 /
> sup hamering1, hammering2 /
hallowing n hammered1
half-sword n ˈɑləwɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈhɑ-
ˈɔ:f-ˌsɔ:ɹd, ˌhɔ:- sp hallowing1, hal-lowing1 hammered adj
sp halfe sword1 ˈaməɹd, ˈha-
> sword Hallowmass n sp hammer’d1
ˈɑləˌmas, -lo:-, ˈhɑ-
half-tale / ~s n sp Hallowmas2, Hal-low-Masse1, hamper v
m ˌɔ:f-ˈtɛ:lz, ˌhɔ:- Hollowmas1 ˈampəɹ, ˈha-
sp halfe tales1 > All-Hallowmas sp hamper1
> tale
halt / ~s / ~ing v Hampton
halfway adv ɔ:t, hɔ:t / -s / ˈɔ:tɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈhɔ:- > Southampton
ˈɔ:fwɛ:, ˌhɔ:- sp halt8 / halts3 / halting3
sp halfe way2 rh 1 fault S 89.3; rh 2 talk PP 18.10 hamstring n
> way > springhalt ˈamstrɪŋ, =
sp ham-string1
half-worker / ~s n halter / ~s n > string
m ˌɔ:f-ˈwɔ:ɹkəɹz, ˌhɔ:- ˈɔ:təɹ, ˈhɔ:- / -z
sp halfe-workers1 sp halter7 / halters3 hand / ~s n
> work rh after, caught her, daughter, and, = / -z
slaughter KL 1.4.317 sp hand823, [honor-giuing]-hand1,
half-world n [selfe]-hand1 / hands305, ha[n]ds1
m ˌɔ:f-ˈwɔ:ɹld, ˌhɔ:- haltered adj rh band Luc 253, MA 3.1.112, MND
sp halfe world1 ˈɔ:təɹd, ˈhɔ:- 3.2.111, VA 223, 361; brand S 111.7,
> world sp halter’d1 154.4; command AW 2.1.193, LC 225;
land 2H4 3.1.103, KJ 1.1.163, 4.3.158,
halidom n halting adj / n LLL 5.2.308, Mac 1.3.31, R2 5.5.109,
ˈɑlɪdəm, ˈhɑl-, ˈɒ-, ˈhɒ- ˈɔ:tɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈhɔ:- 5.6.35, 50; land, stand Luc 436;
sp hallidome1, hollidam1, holy-dam1, sp halting2 / halting1 scanned Mac 3.4.138; stand 2H6
holydame1 2.3.44, LC 141, Luc 1235, 1403, 1597,
halves MND 5.1.399, R2 5.3.129, RJ 1.5.51,
hall n > half 93, S 60.14, 99.6, 128.6; strand TS
ɑ:l, hɑ:l 1.1.166; understand AY 2.7.203 /
ham / ~s n bands AY 5.4.125, Ham 3.2.168, Tem
sp hall14, [Kate]-hall1
amz, = Epil.10; lands R2 2.1.209; sands Tem
rh all 2H4 5.3.34; fall TC 5.10.48;
1.2.376; stands AC 2.1.51, Per 2.4.57
wall LLL 5.2.903 sp hammes1, hams1
> afore-, behind-, fore-, sleeve-,
> Guild-, White-hall
Hames n two-, under-hand
hallow [call] / ~ing / ~ed v ɛ:mz, hɛ:- hand / ~ed v
ˈɑlə, ˈɑlo:, ˈhɑ- / -wɪn, -ɪŋ / -d sp Hames1
and, = / ˈandɪd, =
sp hallow1 / hallowing1 / hallow’d1,
Hamlet / ~’s n sp hand2 / handed1
> unhand
> alow interj ˈamlət, = / -s
sp Hamlet97 / Hamlets7


handed adj sp handling3 hanging adj

ˈandɪd, = rh dandling VA 560 ˈaŋɡɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈha-
sp handed1 handmaid / ~s n sp hanging2
> deadly-, doughty-, even-, hard-, ˈandmɛ:d, ˈha- / -z > overhanging
large-, white-handed
sp handmaid2, hand-maid2 / hanging / ~s n
handfast adj handmaides1
ˈaŋɡɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈha- / -z
ˈanfast, ˈha-, -ndf- handsaw n sp hanging19, han-ging1, hanging’s
sp hand-fast2 ˈandsɔ:, = [hanging is]1 / hangings3
> bed-, chamber-hanging
handful n sp handsaw1, hand-saw1

ˈanfʊl, ˈha-, -ndf- handsome adj hangman / ~man’s /

sp handfull2 ˈansəm-, = ~men n
sp handsom1, handsome10, ˈaŋ·mən, ˈha- / -mənz / -mən
handicraft / ~s n sp hangman11, hang-man5 /
ˈandəɪˌkraft, ˈha- / -s > unhandsome hangmans3 / hangmen1, hang-men1
sp handy-craft1 / handy-crafts1 > under-hangman
> craft handsomely adv
m ˈansəmˌləɪ, ˈha-, -ml- Hannibal n
handiwork n 2
sp handsomely , hansomely 1 ˈanɪˌbɑl, ˈha-
ˈandəɪˌwɔ:ɹk, ˈha- sp Hannibal1, Hanniball3
sp handy-worke , handy worke 1 handsomeness n
> work m ˈansəmˌnes, ˈha- hap / ~s n
sp handsomnesse1 ap, = / -s
handkercher / ~s n sp hap17, happe1 / happes2, haps1
ˈaŋkəɹtʃəɹ, ˈha- / -z handwriting n rh cap LLL 2.1.196; clap H8 Epil.13 /
sp handkercher3, hand-kercher1 / ˈandˌrəɪtɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈha- traps MA 3.1.105
handkerchers1, hand-kerchers1 sp hand-writing1 > mishap
> kerchief
handy-dandy interj hap / ~s / ~ped v
handkerchief n ˌandəɪ-ˈdandəɪ, ˌha- ap, = / -s / -t
ˈaŋkəɹˌtʃɪf, ˈha-, -ˌtʃi:f sp handy-dandy1 sp hap6 / haps2 / happ’d1
sp hand-kercheefe1, hand-kerchief1,
handkerchiefe27, hand-kerchiefe1, hang / ~est / ~s / ~eth / ~ing / hapless adj
handkerchife1 ~ed / hung v ˈapləs, =
aŋ, = / -st / -z / ˈaŋɡ·əθ, ˈha- / sp haplesse7
handle n
ˈandl, = -ɪn, -ɪŋ / aŋd, = / ɤŋ, hɤŋ haply adv
sp hang161 / hang’st1 / hangs36 /
sp handle3 2 13 1 ˈapləɪ, ˈha-
hangeth / hanging , hang-ing /
> unhandled sp haplie1, haply27, hap’ly4, happely4
handg’d1, hangd1, hang’d73,
handl·e / ~est / ~s / ~ing / hang’de1, hanged2 / hung23
happen / ~ed v
rh sang S 73.2; tang Tem 2.2.50
~d v ˈapən, = / -d
> a-hanging, unhanged
ˈandl-, = / -st / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d sp happen7 / happened1, hapned2,
sp handle9 / handlest1 / handles1 / hanger / ~s n happend1, happen’d2
handling1 / handled4 ˈaŋɡəɹz, ˈha-
happily adv
sp hangers3
handless adj m ˈapɪˌləɪ, -pɪl-, -pl-, ˈha-
ˈandləs, = hang-hog n sp happilie3, happily30, happlie1
sp handlesse2 Quickly version of Evans’ > unhappily

handling n ‘hanc hoc’ MW .. ˈaŋ-ˈɒɡ, happiness n

ˈandlɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈha- ˈhaŋ-ˈhɒɡ m ˈapɪˌnes, -ɪnəs, ˈha-
sp hang-hog


sp happines8, happinesse47, hardest-timbered adj pun TS 2.1.183 heard

happi-nesse2 ˈɑ:ɹdəs-ˌtɪmbəɹd, ˌhɑ:- > daring-hardy
> unhappiness
sp hardest-tymber’d1 hare / ~s n
happ·y / ~ier / ~iest adj > timber
ɛ:ɹ, hɛ:ɹ / -z
ˈapəɪ, ˈha- / -əɹ / -əst hard-favoured adj sp hare15 / hares4
sp happie40, hap-pie1, happy148 / m ˌɑ:ɹd-ˈfɛ:vəɹd, ˌhɑ:- rh care VA 679; dare VA 674
happier13, happyer1 / happiest4 pun TG 3.1.191 hair
sp hard fauor’d1, hard-fauor’d1, hard
> over-, un-happy
fauour’d1, hard-fauour’d2, hard harebell n
harbinger / ~s n ˈɛ:ɹ-ˌbel, ˈhɛ:-
> favour
m ˈɑ:ɹbɪndʒəɹ, -ˌdʒɛɹ, ˈhɑ:- / -z sp hare-bell1
sp harbenger1, harbinger1, hard-handed adj
herbenger1 / harbingers1 hare-brained adj
m ˌɑ:ɹd-ˈandɪd, ˌhɑ:-, -ˈha-
rh 1 there MND 3.2.380; Ver TNK 1 ˈɛ:ɹ-ˌbrɛ:nd, ˈhɛ:-
sp hard handed
1.1.8; rh 2 orator CE 3.2.12; rh 3 sp haire-brain’d1, hayre-brayn’d1
> hand
near PT 5 > brain

harbour n hard-hearted adj

hare-finder n
ˈɑ:ɹbəɹ, ˈhɑ:- m ˌɑ:ɹd-ˈɑ:ɹtɪd, ˌhɑ:-, -ˈhɑ:-
2 5 ˈɛ:ɹ-ˌfəɪndəɹ, ˈhɛ:-
sp hard-harted , hard-hearted
sp harbor1, harbour9 sp hare-finder1
> heart
> finder
harbour / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
hardiment n
ˈɑ:ɹbəɹ, ˈhɑ:- / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ, harelip n
m ˈɑ:ɹdɪˌment, ˈhɑ:-
ˈɑ:ɹbrɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈhɑ:- / -d 3 m ˈɛ:ɹ-ˌlɪp, ˌɛ:ɹ-ˈlɪp, ˈhɛ:-,
sp hardiment
sp harbor1, harbour9 / harbors1, rh argument TC 4.5.28 ˌhɛ:-
harbours2 / harbouring1 / harbour’d1 sp harelip1, hare-lippe1
hardiness n > lip
harbourage n
m ˈɑ:ɹdɪˌnes, ˈhɑ:-
ˈɑ:ɹbəˌrɪdʒ, ˈhɑ:- Harflew [Harfleur] n
sp hardinesse2
sp harbourage1 > foolhardy m ˈɑ:ɹflo:, ɑ:ɹˈflo:
sp Harflew8, Harflewe1
Harcourt n hardly adv
ˈɑ:ɹkəɹt, ˈhɑ:- ˈɑ:ɹdləɪ, ˈhɑ:- hark v
sp Harcourt1 38 1
sp hardly , hard-ly , hardly-[off] 1 ɑ:ɹk, hɑ:-
sp hark5, harke76, heark1, hearke66
hard / ~er / ~est adj hardness n rh bark Per 5.Chorus.24, Tem 1.2.381
ɑ:ɹd, hɑ:- / ˈɑ:ɹd·əɹ, ˈhɑ:- / -əst ˈɑ:ɹdnəs, ˈhɑ:-
sp hard107, harde1, hard-[hearts]1 / harken / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
sp hardnes1, hardnesse5
harder8 / hardest1 ˈɑ:ɹkən, ˈhɑ:- / -z / ˈɑ:ɹknɪn,
rh marred AW 2.3.295, CE 2.1.93; hardock n -ɪŋ, ˈhɑ:- / ˈɑ:ɹkənd, ˈhɑ:-
regard LC 211, VA 378 ˈɑ:ɹdəks, ˈhɑ:- sp harken2, hearken5 / hearkens2 /
pun TS 2.1.183 heard
sp hardokes 1 harkning1 / hearkned1
hard / ~er adv harlot / ~’s / ~s n
hard-ruled adj
ɑ:ɹd, hɑ:- / ˈɑ:ɹdəɹ, ˈhɑ:- ˈɑ:ɹlət, ˈhɑ:- / -s
ˈɑ:ɹd-ˌru:ld, ˈhɑ:-
sp hard48, hard-[by]1 / harder2
sp hard rul’d1 sp harlot6 / harlots2 / harlots3
rh marred VA 476
> rule
harlot-king n
harden / ~ing / ~ed v
hard·y / ~iest adj ˈɑ:ɹlət-ˈkɪŋ, ˈhɑ:-
ˈɑ:ɹdnɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈhɑ:- / ˈɑ:ɹdənd,
ˈɑ:ɹdəɪ, ˈhɑ:- / -əst sp harlot-king1
sp hardie , hardy / hardyest1
4 4
sp hardning1 / hardned1
> heart-hardening, unhardened


harlotry n harnessed adj harshness n

m ˈɑ:ɹlətrəɪ, -ˌtrəɪ, ˈhɑ:- ˈɑ:ɹnəst, ˈhɑ:- ˈɑ:ɹʃnəs, ˈhɑ:-
sp harlotry4 sp harneis’d1, harness’d1 sp harshnesse3

harm / ~s n Harold n harsh-resounding adj

ɑ:ɹm, hɑ:- / -z ˈarəld, ˈha- ˈɑ:ɹʃ-rɪˈsəʊndɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈhɑ:-
sp harm1, harme80 / harmes15, sp Harold1, Harrold1 sp harsh resounding1
rh 1 arm, charm Luc 172; barm MND harp n hart / ~s n
2.1.39; charm Luc 172, MM 4.1.15, ɑ:ɹp, hɑ:- ɑ:ɹt, hɑ:- / -s
MND 2.2.16; rh 2 warm VA 195 / sp harpe4 sp hart8, harts1
arms 1H6 4.7.30, 46, Luc 28, 199, pun JC 3.1.207, TN 1.1.18 heart
1694; charms Mac 3.5.7 harp / ~ing / ~ed v
> self-harming ɑ:ɹp, hɑ:- / ˈɑ:ɹpɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈhɑ:- / hartlings n
ɑ:ɹpt, hɑ:- ˈɑ:ɹtlɪnz, -ɪŋz, ˈhɑ:-
harm / ~ed v
sp harpe4 / harping2 / harp’d1 sp [odd’s]-hart-lings1
ɑ:ɹm, hɑ:- / -d
sp harme9 / harm’d4 harper / ~s n harum Lat
rh harm thee charm thee Cym > hic
ˈɑ:ɹpəɹz, ˈhɑ:
4.2.276 / rh 1 armed VA 627;
sp [blind]-harpers1
charmed LC 194; rh 2 warmed harvest n
LC 194
Harpier n ˈɑ:ɹvɪst, ˈhɑ:-
ˈɑ:ɹpɪəɹ, ˈhɑ:- [ sylls] sp haruest15
harm-doing n
rh farthest Tem 4.1.115
m ˌɑ:ɹm-ˈdu:ɪn, -ɪŋ, ˌhɑ:- sp Harpier1
sp harme-doing harvest-home n
harpy n
ˈɑ:ɹpəɪ, ˈhɑ:- ˈɑ:ɹvɪst-ˌo:m, ˈhɑ:-, -ˌho:-
harmful adj
sp haruest-home1, haruest home1
ˈɑ:ɹmfʊl, ˈhɑ:- sp harpie1, harpey1, harpy1
> home
sp harmefull6, harmfull2
harrow / ~s v
harvest-man n
harmless adj ˈarə, ˈaro:, ˈha- / -z
ˈɑ:ɹvɪst-ˌman, ˈhɑ:-
ˈɑ:ɹmləs, ˈhɑ:- sp harrow2 / harrowes1
sp haruest man1
7 1
sp harmelesse , harmles ,
harr·y / ~ied v
harmlesse6 Harvey n
ˈarəɪd, ˈha-
ˈɑ:ɹvəɪ, ˈhɑ:-
harmonious adj sp harried
sp Haruey1
ɑ:ɹˈmo:nɪəs, hɑ:-
Harry / ~’s n
sp harmonious2 has, hast
ˈarəɪ, ˈhar- / -z
> have
harmony n sp Harrie14, Harrie’s [Harry is]1,
m ˈɑ:ɹməˌnəɪ, -mnəɪ, ˈhɑ:- Harry93, Har-ry1, abbr in s.d. H[arry]1 / haste n
Harries4, Harryes3
sp harmonie6, harmony11, hermony1 ast, hast
rh liberty 3H6 4.6.14; mutiny LLL sp haste69
harsh adj
1.1.165; philosophy TS 3.1.14 rh 1 blast, fast Luc 1332; fast CE
ɑ:ɹʃ, hɑ:-
4.2.29, KJ 4.2.268, MND 3.2.378, R3
harness n sp harsh26
2.4.15, RJ 2.3.89, VA 57; fast, past Luc
ˈɑ:ɹnəs, ˈhɑ:- 1668; last RJ 3.1.194; past S 123.12;
harshly adv
sp harneis1, harnesse5 rh 2 chaste Luc 321; taste Luc 650,
ˈɑ:ɹʃləɪ, ˈhɑ:- MND 1.1.237
harness / ~ed v sp harshly3 > post-haste
ˈɑ:ɹnəs, ˈhɑ:- / ˈɑ:ɹnəst, ˈhɑ:-
sp harnest1


hast·e / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v hatchet n hath

ast, ha- / -s / ˈast·ɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈha- / ˈatʃɪt, = > have
-ɪd sp hatchet1
hatred n
sp haste15 / hasts1 / hasting1 /
hatching n ˈɛ:trəd, ˈhɛ:-
ˈatʃɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈha- sp hatred16
hasten / ~ing v sp hatching 1

ˈastən, ˈha- / ˈastnɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈha- haud Lat adv

sp hasten7 / hastning1
hatchment n hɔ:d
ˈatʃmənt, = sp haud4
hastily adv sp hatchment1
m ˈastɪˌləɪ, -ləɪ, ˈha- haught adj
sp hastily 5 hate / ~’s / ~s n ɔ:t, =
ɛ:t, hɛ:- / -s sp haught2, haught-[insulting]1
Hastings / ~’ n 73
sp hate / emend of RJ 3.1.188
ˈastɪŋz, ˈhas- hearts / hates2
haughtiness n
sp Hastings , Ha-stings / 1 rh accumulate S 117.12; advocate S ˈɔ:tɪˌnes, ˈhɔ:-
Hastings3 35.12; arbitrate R2 1.1.201; create RJ sp haughtinesse1
1.1.176; degenerate, state Luc 1005;
hasty adj late RJ 1.5.138; ruinate S 10.5; haughty adj
ˈastəɪ, ˈha- ruminate TG 1.2.48; state Luc 668, ˈɔ:təɪ, ˈhɔ:-
sp hastie10, hasty11
S 124.3, 142.1, 150.10 sp haughtie11, haughty4
pun Tim 4.3.308 eat
> overhasty
haunch / ~es n
hasty-footed adj hat·e / ~est / ~s / ~eth / ~ing / ɔ:ntʃ, = / -ɪz
ˈastəɪ-ˌfʊtɪd, ˈha- ~ed v sp haunch2 / hanches1
sp hasty footed1
ɛ:t, hɛ:- / -s, -st / -s / ˈɛ:t·əθ,
> foot hɛ:- / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd haunt / ~s n
sp hate85 / hat’st1 / hates17 / ɔ:nt, = / -s
hasty-witted adj hateth4 / hating2 / hated22 sp haunt4 / haunts2
ˈastəɪ-ˌwɪtɪd, ˈha- rh debate S 89.14; gait Tim 5.4.72; > temple-haunting
sp hastie witted1 state S 145.2
> wit > all-hating haunt / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
ɔ:nt, = / -s / ˈɔ:nt·ɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈhɔ:- /
hat / ~s n hated adj / n -ɪd, =
at, = / -s ˈɛ:tɪd, ˈhɛ:- sp haunt13 / haunts6 / haunting1 /
sp hat32, [holy]-hat1 / hats6 sp hated4 / hated1 hanted2, haunted3
rh plait LC 31; sat VA 351; that LLL > hell-hated rh enchanted, granted LC 130;
1.1.295 granted, planted LLL 1.1.160
hateful adj
hatch / ~es n ˈɛ:tfʊl, ˈhɛ:- haunted adj
atʃ, = / ˈatʃɪz, = sp hateful2, hatefull37 ˈɔ:ntɪd, =
sp hatch6 / hatches7 sp haunted1
rh catch KJ 1.1.171; patch
hater / ~s n
CE 3.1.33 ˈɛ:təɹ, ˈhɛ:- / -z haunting n
sp hater1 / haters1 ˈɔ:ntɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈhɔ:-
hatch / ~ed v sp haunting1
atʃ, = / atʃt, = Hatfield n
sp hatch2, hatch’d5, hatcht1 ˈatfi:ld, = hautbois / plural hautbois n
rh catched LLL 5.2.70 sp Hatfield2 ˈo:bəɪ, ˈho:- / -z
> new-, un-hatched sp hoe-boy1 / hoboies1, hoboyes11,


have, abbr ha, a, ve / hast / rh wrath LC 294, MND 2.1.21, hawking adj
Per 4.Chorus.43 ˈɔ:kɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈhɔ:-
has / hath / having / had /
~dest v having sp hawking1
av, =, Fr H .. av, abbr ˈavɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈha- hawking [bird] / [throat] n
str a, ha, unstr ə, v sp hauing131, ha-uing2 ˈɔ:kɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈhɔ:-
sp haue5750, have1, [a’]haue1,
sp hawking2 / hauking1
[I’]haue1, [they]’aue1, haue’s [have had
is]1, Fr ’aue1, abbr ha16, ha’9 str ad, =, unstr əd, d hawthorn / ~s n
rh cave AY 5.4.192; crave PP 10.7; sp had1398, hadde1
gave Luc 1512; grave AW 5.3.61, Cym
ˈɔ:θɔ:ɹn, ˈhɔ:- / -z
rh bad S 67.13; glad Per 2.5.74;
4.2.280, 1H6 4.3.39, 4.7.31, R2 sp hauthorne4, hawthorne1 /
mad 1H6 5.3.86, S 129.6; sad 3H6
1.1.169, 2.1.138, 139, RJ 2.3.80, S 81.5, hauthornes1
3.2.109, Luc 1385
VA 759; grave, slave Luc 201; slave
AY 3.2.149, Luc 1000, VA 102; have haddest
hay [fencing] n
her crave her MW 4.4.87; have it str ads, hads, -st, unstr əds, aɪ, haɪ 1
grave it VA 374 / glad Per 2.5.72 [had sp hay
emend as end of line] 2 45 53
sp hadd’st , had’st , hadst hay [grass] n
God have mercy abbr
haven n ɛ:, hɛ:
ˌɡɒdəˈmɐ:ɹsəɪ, sp hay7
ˈavən, ˈha-
ˈɡɒdəˌmɐ:ɹsəɪ rh away, play LLL 5.1.148; day Mac
sp hauen6 1.3.18; delay 3H6 4.8.61; jay WT
sp God-a-mercie1, Godamercy1,
pun R2 1.3.275 heaven
God-a-mercy1 4.3.12
> Milford Haven
have it abbr haystack / ~s n
haver n
avt, at, ha- ˈɛ:staks, ˈhɛ:-
ˈavəɹ, ˈha-
sp haue’t8, hau’t2, ha’t9 sp haystackes1
sp hauer1
rh Kate TS 5.2.180
hazard n
having / ~s n
I have abbr ˈazəɹd, ˈha-
ˈavɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈha- / -z
unstr əɪv, əv sp hazard22
sp hauing14 / hauings1
sp I’ue
> more-having hazard / ~s / ~ed v
haviour n ˈazəɹd, ˈha- / -z / -ɪd
str ast, =, unstr əst ˈɛ:vɪəɹ, ˈhɛ:- [ sylls] sp hazard18, hazzard1 / hazards4 /
sp hast701, [th’]hast4, has’t3, ha’st5 hazarded2
sp hauior1, hauiour4
rh repast R3 4.4.395
> behaviour hazel adj
> overpass
havoc n / v ˈazəl, ˈasəl, ˈha-
has sp hasell1, hazle2
str az, =, unstr əz, z ˈavək, =
sp hauocke8 / hauocke1 hazelnut n
sp has164, ha’s199, ’has [he has]1,
h’as [he has]1, haz2
hawk / ~s n ˈazəlˌnɤt, ˈas-, ˈha-
rh face TNK Epil.5 sp haselnut1
ɔ:k, = / -s
> nut
it has abbr sp hauke1, hawke4 / hawkes2,
təz hawks1 he, abbr a / him / himself /
sp ’tas2, t’has1 rh balk Luc 694 his pro
hath hawk / ~ed v i:, =, unstr ɪ, ə
ɔ:k, = / -t sp he5724, hee659, abbr ’a1, a’[haue]1,
str aθ, =, unstr əθ
sp hath1891 sp hawke1 / hawkt1
rh be KJ 2.1.509, LLL 4.2.29, R2
2.1.153, TC 1.3.290, 5.9.6, TN 3.4.14;


be, dignity Cym 5.4.53; courtesy LLL head / ~’s / ~s n sp head-peece2 / head-pieces1
5.2.323; destiny Mac 3.5.16; flee LLL ed, = / -z > piece
3.1.62; G R3 1.1.59; knee, thee LLL
sp head496, [bare]-head1, headsman n
5.2.543; me AY 2.5.53, CE 4.2.11, 3H6
[crispe]-head1, [hold-vp]-head1,
4.6.75, Luc 1721, MND 3.2.62, R2 ˈedzmən, =
head’s [head is]1 / heads [head’s]1 /
4.1.174, RJ 3.1.138; pedigree 1H6 sp heades-man1, headsman1
heades3, heads102, [pinnes]-heads1
2.5.76; see AY 2.5.53, 3.5.79; she AY
rh answered MND 3.2.17; bed Luc
5.4.120, VA 715; thee Luc 1632; tree headstall n
777, MND 2.2.46, 4.1.3, RJ 2.3.29,
LLL 5.2.888, 897, VA 264; villagery ˈedstɑ:l, ˈhe-
S 27.3; bed, imagined Luc 1621; bed,
MND 2.1.34
misled Luc 368; bed, shed Luc 681; sp headstall1
he has abbr bed, sped MV 2.9.71; bred Per
1.1.109; bred, nourished MV 3.2.64; headstrong adj
unstr əz, həz ˈedstrɒŋ, ˈhe-
dead 3H6 1.4.107, MND 4.1.79, Per
sp h’as1 1.1.171, 3.Chorus.26, R3 3.4.106, sp headstrong4, head-strong6
S 68.7, VA 1058; Diomed TC 4.4.136,
he is abbr
5.2.190; fled KL 3.6.71, MND 3.2.406, head·y / ~ier adj
str i:z, =, unstr ɪz S 148.1, VA 1038; imagined Luc 1427; ˈedəɪ, ˈhe- / -əɹ
sp hees [he is]2, hee’s137, hes1, punished RJ 5.3.306; red Luc 1415, sp headdy1, heady2 / headier1
he’s166 S 130.4, VA 118; shed VA 666; thread
WT 4.4.317; unwed PP 18.5 / beds heady-rash adj
he will abbr Per 2.3.97, TN 5.1.400 ˈedəɪ-ˈraʃ, ˈhe-
str i:l, hi:l, unstr ɪl > block-, death’s-, fore-, jolt-, over-,
sp headie-rash1
sp heele13, hee’l57, hee’le19, ox-head; bare-, beetle-, hoary-,
> rash
hee’ll4, he’l4, he’le5, he’ll6 Hydra-, ill-, mad-, many-, puppy-,
rug-, sleek-, three-, two-, waspish- heal / Luc ~eth / ~ed v
he would abbr headed
i:l, = / ˈi:ləθ, ˈhi:- / i:ld, =
str i:d, =, i:ld, hi:ld, unstr ɪd
head v sp heale13 / healeth1 / heal’d1, healed1
sp hee’d1, heel’d4, hee’ld4
ed, = rh stealeth Luc 731
> new-healed
him sp head1
str ɪm, hɪm, unstr ɪm > behead healing adj
sp him5069, [awe]-him1, [cast]- ˈi:lɪn, -ɪŋ, hi:-
headborough n
ˈedbrə, ˈhe- sp healing2
rh 1 brim PP 6.12; grim LLL
2.1.241, MND 3.2.56, VA 922; sp headborough1, head-borough1 health / ~s n
limb R2 3.2.186; swim TNK
heading n elθ, = / -s
Prol.23; trim LC 119, S 98.4, TC
ˈedɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈhe- sp health99 / healths4
4.5.34, VA 1080; rh 2 sin Per 2.
Chorus.24; win TC 3.3.213 sp heading1 healthful adj
himself str headland n ˈelθfʊl, =
ɪmˈself, hɪm- ˈedlənd, = sp healthfull8
sp himself5, himselfe426, sp head-land1 health-giving adj
him-selfe7, him selfe1
rh pelf Per 2.Chorus.36 headless adj ˈelθ-ˈɡɪvɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈhe-
ˈedləs, = sp health-giuing1
his > giving
sp headlesse5
str ɪz, hɪz, unstr ɪz, z
healthsome adj
sp his6550, ’s43, [and]’s3 , at’s [at headlong adv
ˈelθsəm, =
ˈedlɒŋ, =
rh 1 is AY 5.4.111, Luc 1793, R2 sp healthsome1
sp headlong6
2.1.145, S 67.11, 80.7; rh 2 kiss
LLL 2.1.234, TC 4.5.50; this TC
healthy adj
headpiece / ~s n
5.10.55 ˈelθəɪ, ˈhe-
ˈedpi:s, = / -ɪz
sp healthy2


heap / ~s n hearing / ~s n heart-blood n

i:p, = / -s ˈi:rɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈhi:-, ˈɛ:r-, ˈhɛ:- / -z m ˈɑ:ɹt-ˌblɤd, ˌɑ:ɹt-ˈblɤd,
sp heape6 / heapes7 sp hearing48 / hearings1 ˈhɑ:-, ˌhɑ:-
sp heart-blood3, heart blood3
heap / ~est / ~ing / ~ed v hearsay n rh withstood R2 1.1.172
i:p, = / -st / ˈi:pɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈhi:- / ˈi:ɹˌsɛ:, ˈhi:-, ˈɛ:ɹ-, ˈhɛ:- > blood
i:pt, hi:-, ept, he- sp heare-say1
1 2
sp heap , heape / heap’st / 1 heartbreak n
heaping1 / heap’d6, heapt2
hearse n ˈɑ:ɹt-ˌbrɛ:k, ˈhɑ:-
rh unswept Cor 2.3.119 ɛ:ɹs, hɛ:ɹs sp heart-breake1
sp hearse3, herse1 > break
heaping adj
ˈi:pɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈhi:- hearse / ~d v heartbreaking n
sp heaping1 m ˈɛ:ɹsɪd, ɛ:ɹst, hɛ:- ˈɑ:ɹt-ˌbrɛ:kɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈhɑ:-
sp hearsed1, hearst1 sp heart-breaking1
hear / ~est / ~s / ~eth / ~ing / rh dispersed Luc 657
~d / ~dest v heart-burn / ~ed v
i:ɹ, hi:ɹ, ɛ:ɹ, hɛ:ɹ / -st / -z / ˈ heart / ~’s / ~s / ~s’ n ˈɑ:ɹt-ˌbɐ:ɹnd, ˈhɑ:-
i:r·əθ, ˈhi:-, ˈɛ:ɹ-, ˈhɛ:- / -ɪn, ɑ:ɹt, hɑ:- / -s sp heart-burn’d2
sp hart62, heart874, [good]-heart1, > burn
-ɪŋ / ɛ:ɹd, hɛ:-, ɐ:ɹd, hɐ:- / -st 5 1
[sweet]-heart , [White]-heart ,
sp hear6, heare852, heare’m [hear heart-burning adj
hearts [heart is]1, heart’s [heart is]5 /
them]1, hear’t [hear it]1, heare’t [hear
harts2, hearts30, hearts-[sorrow]1, ˈɑ:ɹt-ˌbɐ:ɹnɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈhɑ:-
it]2 / hearest2, hear’st8 / heares27 /
[sweet]-heart’s1 / harts8, hearts192, sp heart-burning1
heareth1 / hearing36, hea-ring2 /
[good]-hearts1, [hard]-hearts1 /
hard1, heard351 / heardst1, heard’st2
harts1, hearts1 heart-dear adj
rh 1 appear TNK Prol.27; chanticleer
rh 1 apart AY 4.3.46; art H8 3.1.13, ˈɑ:ɹt-ˌdi:ɹ, ˈhɑ:-
Tem 1.2.385; cheer, fear Luc 263; ear
LC 175, LLL 5.2.278, Luc 590, 1396,
KJ 1.1.43, Luc 1328, Oth 1.3.216 sp heart-deere-1
Mac 4.1.99, MND 1.1.193, 2.2.111,
[F ears], R2 2.1.15, VA 700; fear > dear
R2 5.3.134, S 22.6, 24.2, 24.14, 41.2,
CE 4.2.54, H8 Epil.8, MND 2.2.159;
125.9, 131.3, 139.2, TS 4.2.10; art, part hearted adj
hear her clear her Luc 1318; hear
LC 142; dart VA 942; depart Mac
him fear him VA 1096; hear it fear it ˈɑ:ɹtɪd, ˈhɑ:-
4.1.109, S 109.1, VA 580; impart R3
LLL 4.3.200; hear thee cheer thee sp hearted3
4.4.131; part AY 3.2.141, 5.4.129, CE
PP 20.21; rh 2 bear Luc 1328; swear > empty-, hard-, honest-, pale-,
3.1.29, 3.2.62, JC 5.3.90, LLL 4.1.33,
LLL 4.3.143; hear her bear her Luc pitiful-, shallow-, soft-, tender-,
5.2.55, 149, 335, 807, Luc 293, 1137,
1318; hear it tear it [rip] LLL 4.3.200; true-hearted
1828, MND 3.2.164, MV 2.7.76, PP
hear thee bear thee, tear thee [rip]
20.53, R2 5.1.82, 96, 98, RJ 1.2.16,
Luc 667 / bears Oth 1.3.211 / bearing hearten v
2.3.22, S 23.4, 46.10, 46.14, 47.6,
VA 428 / rh 1 beard LLL 2.1.188;
53.14, 62.4, 113.5, 122.5, 132.10, VA
ˈɑ:ɹtən, ˈhɑ:-
rh 2 regard Luc 306, R2 2.1.27; rh 3 sp hearten1
423, 890; smart 1H6 4.6.43, TC 4.4.15;
reward Per Epil.1; ward Luc 306 > dishearten
start 1H6 4.7.11, MW 5.5.87; rh 2
pun heard TS 2.1.183 hard
athwart LLL 4.3.134; short AY 3.5.137,
> mis-, over-hear; never-heard-of, heart-grief n
LLL 5.2.55, R2 5.1.92; rh 3 convert
Luc 590 / parts AW 5.3.337, AY ˈɑ:ɹt-ˌɡri:f, ˈhɑ:-
3.2.147, MND 3.2.154, S 31.1, TS sp heart-greefe1
hearer / ~s n
5.2.166; smarts Luc 1239 > grief
ˈi:rəɹ, ˈhi:-, ˈɛ:r-, ˈhɛ:- / -z pun JC 3.1.208, TN 1.1.18 hart
sp hearer5 / hearers11 > unheart hearth / ~s n
ˈɑ:ɹθ, ˈhɑ:- / -s
hearing adj heartache n sp harth3 / hearths1
ˈi:rɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈhi:-, ˈɛ:r-, ˈhɛ:- ˈɑ:ɹt-ˌɛ:tʃ, ˈhɑ:-
sp hearing1 sp heart-ake1
> ache


heart-hardening adj sp heart-strooke1 sp heaue10 / heaues2 / heau’d5,

m ˌɑ:ɹt-ˈɑ:ɹdnɪn, -ɪŋ, ˌhɑ:-, > strike heaued2
rh heave thee deceive me, leave
-ˈhɑ:- heart-whole adj me Luc 586
sp heart-hardning1 ˈɑ:ɹt-ˌo:l, ˈhɑ:-, ˌho:- > upheave
> harden
sp heart hole1
heaven / ~’s / ~s / ~s’ n
heartily adj hearty adj m ˈevən, ˈhe-, ɛ:n, hɛ:n, evn,
m ˈɑ:ɹtɪˌləɪ, -tɪləɪ, -tləɪ, ˈhɑ:- ˈɑ:ɹtəɪ, ˈhɑ:- he- / -z
sp hartely1, hartily6, hartly1,
sp harty1, heartie4, hearty4 sp heauen662, heauen-[blesse]1,
hea-uen2, heau’n9, heuen1 /
heat n heauen’s2, heauens33, heau’ns1 /
heartiness n
i:t, =, ɛ:t, hɛ:- heauens144, heaue[n]s1, heauen’s1,
m ˈɑ:ɹtɪˌnes, ˈhɑ:- heau’ns5, heuens1 / heauens1,
sp heat18, heate31
sp heartinesse1 heau’ns1
rh get VA 91; sweat VA 177
rh burden H8 3.2.385; even AW
heartless adj heat / ~est / ~s / ~ed v 2.1.192, AY 5.4.105, S 28.10, 132.5,
ˈɑ:ɹtləs, ˈhɑ:- i:t, =, ɛ:t, hɛ:- / -s, -st / -s / VA 493
sp heartlesse1 pun R2 1.3.276 havens
ˈi:tɪd, =, ˈɛ:tɪd, ˈhɛ:-
heart-offending adj sp heat5, heate7 / heat’st1 / heates1 heaven-bred adj
ˈɑ:ɹt-əˌfendɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈhɑ:- / heated1
m ˈevn-ˌbred, ˈhe-, ˈɛ:n-,
sp heart-offending1 heated adj ˈhɛ:n-
> offend sp heauen-bred1
ˈi:tɪd, =, ˈɛ:t-, ˈhɛ:-
heart’s ease n sp heated3
heaven-kissing adj
m ˌɑ:ɹts-ˈi:z, ˌhɑ:- heath n m ˈevən-ˌkɪsɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈhe-
sp hearts-ease1, hearts ease5 sp heauen-kissing1
ɛ:θ, hɛ:θ, i:θ, =
> ease 3 > kiss
sp heath
heartsick adj rh Macbeth Mac 1.1.6
heavenly adv
m ˈɑ:ɹt-ˌsɪk, ˌɑ:ɹt-ˈsɪk, > Black-, Burton-heath
m ˈevnləɪ, ˈhev-, ˈɛ:n-, ˈhɛ:n-
ˈhɑ:-, ˌhɑ:- heathen adj / n sp heauenlie1, heauenly54, heau’nly1
sp hart sick1, hartsicke1, heart-sicke1 ˈi:ðən, =
> sick heaven-moving adj
sp heathen2 / heathen3
ˈevən-ˌmɤvɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈhe-
heartsore adj heathenish adj sp heauen-mouing1
ˈɑ:ɹt-ˌsɔ:ɹ, ˈhɑ:- ˈi:ðnɪʃ, -ðən-, = > move
sp hart-sore2
sp heathenish1
> sore heavily adv
heating n m ˈevɪləɪ, -ˌləɪ, ˈhe-
heart-sorrowing adj sp heauily8
ˈi:tɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈhi:-, ˈɛ:t-, ˈhɛ:-
ˌɑ:ɹt-ˈsɒrəwɪn, -ɪŋ, ˌhɑ:-
sp heating1
sp hart-sorowing-[Peeres]1 heaviness n
> sorrow heat-oppressed adj m ˈevɪnəs, -ˌnes, ˈhe-
heartstring / ~s n m ˈi:t-əˌpresɪd, ˈhi:-, ˈɛ:t-, ˈhɛ:- sp heauinesse
rh express, less Luc 1283; redress
m ˈɑ:ɹt-ˌstrɪŋ, ˌɑ:ɹt-ˈstrɪŋ, sp heat-oppressed1
Luc 1602
> oppress
ˈhɑ:-, ˌhɑ:- / -z
sp heart-string1 / heart-strings3 heave / ~s / ~d v heaving adj
> string i:v, = / -z / m i:vd, =, ˈi:vɪd, ˈi:vɪn, -ɪŋ, 1ˈhi:-
sp heauing
heart-struck adj ˈhi:-
ˈɑ:ɹt-ˌstrɤk, ˈhɑ:-


heaving / ~s n hedge / ~s n heedless adj

ˈi:vɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈhi:- / -z edʒ, = / ˈedʒɪz, = ˈi:dləs, =
sp heauing1 / heauings1 sp hedg1, hedge7 / hedges4 sp heedlesse2
rh edge WT 4.3.5
heav·y / ~ier / ~iest adj heel / ~s n
ˈevəɪ, ˈhe- / -əɹ / -əst hedge / ~s / ~d v i:l, = / -z
sp heauie67, hea-uie1, heauy88, edʒ, = / ˈedʒɪz, = / edʒd, = sp heele14 / heeles73
hea-uy2 / heauier13 / heauiest6 sp hedge6 / hedges4 / hedg’d2 rh feel RJ 1.2.27; steel WT 4.4.229 /
rh leavy MA 2.3.69 feels VA 312
> honey-heavy hedge-born adj > lighter-heeled
ˈedʒ-ˌbɔ:ɹn, ˈhe-
heavy-gaited adj sp hedge-borne1
heel v
ˈevəɪ-ˌɡɛ:tɪd, ˈhe- > born i:l, =
sp heauie-gated1 sp heele1
> gait hedgehog / ~s n
ˈedʒɒg, ˈhe-, -hɒg / -z heft / ~s n
heavy-sad adj 1
sp hedge-hogge / hedgehogges , 1 efts, =
ˈevəɪ-ˌsad, ˈhe- hedg-hogs1 sp hefts1
sp heauy sad > tender-hefted
> sad hedge-pig n
ˈedʒ-ˌpɪg, = heifer / ~’s / ~s n
hebenon n sp hedge-pigge 1 ˈefəɹ, ˈhe- / -z
ˈebənən, ˈhe- > pig sp heycfer1, heyfer1 / heifers1 /
sp hebenon heyfors1
hedge-priest n
Hebrew adj ˈedʒ-ˌpri:st, = heigh, hey interj
ˈi:bru:, ˈhi:- sp hedge-priest 1 ɛ:, hɛ:
sp Ebrew1, Hebrew3 > priest sp heigh5, hey20

Hecat, Hecate / ~’s n hedge-sparrow n heigh, hey / ~-ho interj

ˈekət, H .. ˈekəˌti:, ˈedʒ-ˌsparə, -ro:, ˈhe- ˈɛ:-ˈo:, ˈhɛ:-ˈho:
ˈhek- / -s sp hedge-sparrow1 sp heigh-ho3, heigh ho5, hey ho7
3 1
sp Hecat , Hecate , Heccat / 1 > sparrow
Hecates1, Hecats1, Heccats2
height n
heed n əɪt, həɪt
hectic n i:d, = sp height26, hight2
ˈektɪk, = 30
sp heed , heede 20
rh night H8 1.2.214; sight R2 1.1.189;
sp hecticke1 rh indeed LLL 1.1.82 tonight TC 5.1.3
> unheedy > a-height
Hector / ~’s / ~s n
ˈektəɹ, ˈhe- / -z heed / ~ed v heightened adj
1 134
sp Hecter , Hector , Hectors
i:d, = / ˈi:dɪd, = ˈəɪtənd, ˈhəɪ-
[Hector is]2, Hector’s [Hector is]4 / sp heed1 / heeded1 sp heighten’d1
Hectors17 / Hectors2
heedful / ~est adj heighth n
Hecuba n ˈi:dfʊl, = / -st əɪt, həɪt, -tθ
m ˈekjəˌba, -əbə, ˈhe- sp heedfull4 / heedefull’st1 sp heighth2
sp Hecuba13
heedfully adv heinous adj
hedge adj m ˈi:dfʊˌləɪ, -fʊl-, -fləɪ, ˈɛ:nəs, ˈhɛ:-
edʒ, = ˈhi:- sp hainous5, heinous1, haynous1,
sp hedge 1 1
sp heedefully , heedfully 2 heynous10


heinously adv hell / ~’s n hell-kite n

ˈɛ:nəsləɪ, ˈhɛ:- el, = / -z ˈel-ˌkəɪt, ˈhe-
sp heynously1 sp hel1, hell156, hell’s [hell is]1 / hels1 sp hell-kite1
rh dwell Luc 1555, MND 1.1.207; fell > kite
heir / ~s n Luc 764; knell Mac 2.1.64; pell-mell
ɛ:ɹ / -z KJ 2.1.407, R3 5.3.314; tell 2H6 hell-pains n
74 29
sp heire , heyre / heires , 15 5.1.216, Luc 1287, PP 2.12, S 144.12; m ˈel-ˌpɛ:nz, ˌel-ˈpɛ:nz, ˈhe-,
heyres6, [rich-left]-heyres1 well CE 2.2.222, 4.2.32, 40, KJ 1.1.272, ˌhe-
rh 1 fair AW 2.3.131, Cym 5.4.51, Oth LLL 4.3.252, MND 2.1.243, R2 5.5.116,
sp hell paines2
2.1.135, RJ 2.Chorus.2, S 6.14, 127.3; R3 4.4.167, S 58.13, 129.14, TN 3.4.213
> pain
rh 2 peer Per Prol.22
pun CE 3.2.131 hair; 1H4 1.2.57 here
hell-black adj helm / ~s n
> co-heir ˈel-ˌblak, = elm, = / -z
sp hell-blacke-[night]1
sp helme16 / helmes3
heir-apparent adj / n > black
m ˈɛ:ɹ-əˌparənt, ˌɛ:ɹ-əˈparənt helm / ~ed v
sp heire-apparant-[garters]1 / heire
hell-broth n
elmd, =
apparant3, heyre apparant1 ˈel-ˌbrɒθ, =
sp helmed1
pun 1H4 1.2.57 here apparent sp hell-broth1
> apparent > broth helmet / ~s n
heir general n Hellespont n ˈelmət, = / -s
sp helmet6 / helmets4
ˌɛ:ɹ-ˈdʒenrɑl, -nər- ˈelɪsˌpɒnt, ˈhe-
sp heire generall1 sp Hellespont3, Hel-lespont1 help / ~s n
> general
hell-fire n elp, = / -s
sp help5, helpe83 / helpes6
heirless adj ˈel-ˌfəɪɹ, ˈhe-
> unhelpful
ˈɛ:ɹləs sp hell fire1
sp heire-lesse1 > fire help / ~est / ~s / ~ing / ~ed /
held hell-gate n holp / ~est v
> hold ˈel-ˌɡɛ:t, ˈhe- elp, = / -st / -s / ˈelpɪn, -ɪŋ,
sp hell gate1
ˈhe- / elpt, = / ɒlp, hɒ- / -st
Helen / ~’s n > gate sp help10, helpe212 / help’st1 /
ˈelən, = / -z helpes7 / helping4, hel-ping1 /
sp Helen30, Helene1, Hellen31 / hell-governed adj help’d5, helpt1 / holp2, holpe14 /
Helens6, Hellens2 m ˌel-ˈɡɤvəɹnd, ˌhe- holp’st1
sp hell-gouern’d1
Helena n helper / ~s n
> govern
m ˈelənə, -ˌna, ˈhe- ˈelpəɹ, ˈhe- / -z
sp Helena35 hell-hated adj sp helper2 / helpers1
rh Hermia MND 3.2.156 m ˌel-ˈɛ:tɪd, ˌhel-ˈhɛ:-
helpful adj
sp hell-hated1
Helenus n > hate
ˈelpfʊl, =
ˈelənəs, ˈhe- sp helpeful1, helpefulll2, helpfull1
5 5
sp Helenus , Hellenus , Hel-lenus 1 hell-hound / ~s n
ˈel-ˌəʊnd, ˈhel-ˌhəʊnd / -z helping adj
Helias n sp hell-hound2 / hell-hounds1
ˈelpɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈhe-
ˈelɪəs, ˈhe- > hound sp helping1
sp Helias1
hellish adj helpless adj
Helicon / ~s n ˈelɪʃ, = ˈelpləs, =
ˈelɪˌkɒnz, ˈhe- sp hellish8 sp helpelesse2, helplesse1
sp Hellicons


helter-skelter adv henceforward adv sp herald28, herauld10, herault1 /

ˌeltəɹ-ˈskeltəɹ, ˌhe- ˌens-ˈfɔ:ɹwəɹd, ˌhe- heralds2 / heralds6, heraulds1

sp helter skelter1 sp hence-forward3, henceforward3 herald v

> forward
hem interj / n ˈerəld, =
em, = hencegoing n sp harrold1

sp hem6, hem-[boyes]1 / hemme1 ˌens-ˈɡo:ɪn, -ɪŋ, ˌhe- heraldry n

sp hence-going1
hem / ~s / ~med v ˈerəldrəɪ, ˈhe-
> go
em, = / -z / -d sp heraldrie1, heraldry4

sp hem1 / hems1 / hem’d2, hemm’d1

henchman n
herb / ~s n
rh gems S 21.8 ˈentʃmən, =
1 ɛ:ɹb / -z
sp henchman
hemlock n sp hearb1, hearbe5 / hearbes5,
ˈemlɒk, = Henricus Lat n hearbs3, herbes2
ˌhenˈri:kʊs > nose-herb
sp hemlock1, hemlocke2
sp Henricus1 Herbert n
hemp n
Henry / ~’s n ˈɐ:ɹbəɹt, ˈhɐ:-
emp, =
1 ˈenrəɪ, ˈhe- / -z sp Herbert3
sp hempe
sp Henrie21, Henry173, Hen-ry1, herb-grace, herb of grace n
hempen adj Henry’s [Henry is]1 / Henries44,
ˈɛ:ɹb-ˌɡrɛ:s, ˈɛ:ɹbəˌɡrɛ:s
ˈempən, = Henryes1, Henry’s1
sp herbe-grace1, hearbe of grace1,
sp hempen3
hent n / v herbe of grace1
hempseed n ˈent, = > grace

ˈempsi:d, = sp hent1 / hent3 herblet / ~s n

sp hempseed ˈɛ:ɹbləts
Henton n
hen / ~s n ˈentən, ˈhe- sp herbelets1

en, = / -z sp Henton2 Herculean adj

7 1 1
sp hen , henne / hennes əɹˈkju:lɪən, həɹ-
> guinea-hen
her / ~s / herself pro
str ɐ:ɹ, hɐ:ɹ, ɛ:ɹ, hɛ:ɹ, unstr əɹ sp Herculean1
hence adv sp her3639, [be-lye]-her1, Hercules n
ens, = [carry]-her1, [iump]-her1,
ˈɐ:ɹkjəˌli:z, ˈhɐ:-, Bottom
sp hence359 [mary]-her2, [thump]-her1, hir19
rh err AW 2.3.181; love her, approve MND .. ˈɐ:ɹkli:z
rh commence 2H4 4.2.119, PT 24;
defence LLL 5.2.86, S 12.14; dispense her S 42.6, 8; stir TNK Prol.5 sp Hercules33, Her-cules2,
CE 2.1.102; dispense, negligence Luc > she Hercu-les1, Bottom Ercles2
1276; expense CE 3.1.122; offence rh Hesperides LLL 4.3.316
MND 2.2.21, Oth 3.3.376, RJ 3.1.187,
ɐ:ɹz, hɐ:ɹz, ɛ:ɹz, hɛ:ɹz herd / ~s n
TS 1.2.229; recompense 1H6 1.2.115;
sense TNK 1.1.18 48
sp hers , her’s 1 ɐ:ɹd, hɐ:-, ɛ:ɹd, hɛ:- / -z
rh tears [cry] MND 2.2.99 sp heard2, herd1 / heards1
henceforth adv rh beard S 12.6 / birds VA 456
m ˌensˈfɔ:ɹθ, ˈensˌfɔ:ɹθ, ˌhe-, herself > neat-, shep-, swine-herd
ˈhe- əɹˈself, hə-
herds·man / ~men n
sp hencefoorth , hence foorth , 1 sp her self3, herselfe10, her
selfe77, her selfe’s [self is]1 ˈɐ:ɹdzmən, ˈhɐ:-, ˈɛ:ɹ-, ˈhɛ:-
> forth sp heardsman1 / heardsmen2
herald / ~’s / ~s n
ˈerəld, = / -z here adv
i:ɹ, hi:-, ɛ:ɹ, hɛ:-


sp heere1267, here844 Hereford / ~’s n sp Hermia44 / Hermiaes1, Hermias6

rh 1 appear Cor 2.3.114, KL 1.1.181, ˈɐ:ɹfəɹd, ˈhɐ:- / -z rh Helena MND 3.2.155
1.4.144 [Q], Mac 5.5.48, MND 3.2.98,
sp Hereford11, Herford18 / Here- Hermione / ~’s n
5.1.415, MV 2.9.74, R2 5.6.10; appear,
fords1, Herfords6
dear MND 3.1.81; bier R2 5.6.51, RJ m əɹˈməɪəˌni:, -əni:, həɹ- / əɹ
3.2.59, TNK 3.6.307; cheer, dear CE Herefordshire n ˈməɪəni:z, həɹ-
3.1.20; clear Mac 5.3.62; dear H8
m ˈɐ:ɹfəɹdˌʃəɪɹ, ˈhɐ:- sp Hermione20 / Hermiones1
3.1.183, Ham 3.2.292, LLL 4.3.272, Luc
1290, MND 3.2.425, 5.1.270, R2 sp Herefordshire1
hermit / ~s / ~s’ n
2.1.144, RJ 2.3.61; deer VA 229; ear
herein adv ˈɐ:ɹmɪt, ˈhɐ:- / -s
LLL 5.2.287, 435, MND 2.1.14; fear
m ˌi:ɹˈɪn, ˈi:ɹɪn, ˌhi:-, ˈhi:-, sp hermit3, hermite2 / ermites1,
Cym 2.2.50, 1H6 1.2.13, MND 2.2.153,
ˌɛ:ɹˈɪn, ˈɛ:ɹɪn, ˌhɛ:-, ˈhɛ:- hermits1 / hermites1
5.1.217; gear LLL 5.2.302, TC 3.2.208;
nea’er [nearer] R2 5.1.87; near MND sp heerein13, herein14 hermitage n
2.2.20; overhear LLL 5.2.96; rear R2
5.3.88; spear R2 1.1.170; tear [cry] H8 hereof adv ˈɐ:ɹmɪˌtɪdʒ, ˈhɐ:ɹ-
Prol.5, LC 54, 291; year Per 4.4.34; ˌi:ɹˈɒv, ˌhi:-, ˌɛ:ɹ-, ˌhɛ:- sp hermitage2
rh 2 bear LC 54, Luc 1290, 1475, R2 2
sp heereof , hereof 3
5.5.118; otherwhere CE 2.1.105;
Herne / ~’s n
swear LLL 5.2.357; tear [rip] Luc 1475; here·sy / ~ies n ɐ:ɹn, hɐ:ɹn / -z
there KL 1.4.144 [Q], LLL 4.3.188, ˈerəˌsəɪ, ˈhe- / -z sp Herne6 / Hernes2, Hernes-[oake,
MND 3.2.412, MV 2.9.52, Per 1.4.79; -oke]2
sp heresie6 / heresies2
uprear S 49.9; tear [cry], wear LC 292,
rh destiny MV 2.9.82; me hero / ~es n
MND 2.2.76; where RJ 1.1.197;
MND 2.2.147
rh 3 villager TNK 3.5.102; rh 4 were ˈi:ro:z, ˈhi:-
CE 4.2.9 heretic / ~s n sp heroes2
pun 1H4 1.2.56 heir
ˈerɪˌtɪk, ˈhe- / -s Hero / ~’s [name] n
here is abbr sp heretike1, heretique4 /
ˈi:ro:, ˈhi:- / -z
i:ɹz, hi:-, ɛ:ɹz, hɛ:- heretiques2
rh politic S 124.9 sp Hero65, He-ro2 / Heroes7, Hero’s1
sp heeres11, heere’s80, heers1,
> arch-heretic
heer’s8, heres6, here’s101, her’s1 Herod / ~s n
hereto adv ˈerəd, ˈhe- / -z
hereabout / ~s adv
ˈi:ɹˌtu:, ˈhi:-, ˈɛ:ɹ-, ˈhɛ:- sp Herod5, Herode1 / Herods2
ˈi:ɹəˌbəʊt, ˈhi:-, ˈɛ:ɹ-, ˈhɛ:- / -s 1 > out-Herod
sp hereto
sp heereabout1, heere about1, here
about1, herea-bout1 / here abouts1 hereupon adv heroic adj
rh doubt RJ 5.3.43 eˈro:ɪk, he-
ˈi:ɹəˌpɒn, ˈhi:-, ˈɛ:ɹ-, ˈhɛ:-
sp heereupon1 sp heroick1
hereafter adv
ˌi:ɹˈɑ:təɹ, -ˈaftəɹ, ˌhi:-, ˌɛ:ɹ-, heroical adj
heritage n
ˌhɛ:- eˈro:ɪkɑl, he-
1 27
ˈerɪtɪdʒ, =
sp heareafter , heereafter , sp heroicall2, heroi-call1, heroycall1
sp heri-tage1
heere-after2, hereafter17, here-after1
rh laughter TN 2.3.45 héritier Fr n herring / ~s n
erɪtˈje ˈerɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈhe- / -z
hereby adv
sp heretere1 sp hering1, herring4 / herrings2
ˌi:ɹˈbəɪ, ˌhi:-, ˌɛ:ɹ-, ˌhɛ:-
sp heereby1, hereby1 Hermes n hers, herself
ˈɐ:ɹmi:z, ˈhɐ:- > her
hereditary adj
m əˈredɪˌtarəɪ, -ɪtər-, -ɪtr-, sp Hermes Hertford n
hə- Hermia / ~’s n ˈɐ:ɹtfəɹd, ˈhɐ:-
sp hereditarie4, hereditary4 m ˈɐ:ɹmɪə, -mɪˌa, ˈhɐ:- / -z sp Hertford3


Hesperides n haec nominative feminine hideous adj

eˈsperɪˌdi:z, he- singular ˈɪdɪəs, =
sp Hesperides1 hek, Evans MW .. haɡ sp hiddeous3, hideous15, hidious2
rh Hercules LLL 4.3.317 sp haec1, Evans hag1
pun MW 4.1.61 hack
hideously adv
Hesperus n m ˈɪdɪəsˌləɪ, ˈhɪ-
m ˈespəˌrɤs, he- harum genitive feminine plural sp hideously1, hidiously1
sp Hesperus1 ˈhɑ:ɹʊm
sp harum1
hideousness n
hest / ~s n m ˈɪdɪəsˌnes, ˈhɪ-
est, = / -s hoc nominative neuter singular sp hidiousnesse1
sp hest2 / hests1 hɒk, Evans MW .. hɒɡ
rh jests emend of LLL 5.2.65 sp hoc2, Evans hog2
hiding n
devices ˈəɪdɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈhəɪ-
horum genitive masculine or sp hiding1
heure Fr n neuter plural
œ:ɹ ˈhɔ:rʊm hie / ~s v
sp [ast]ure
sp horum3
əɪ, həɪ / -z
sp hie30, high7, hye9 / hies1, highes1,
heureux Fr adj pun MW 4.1.62 whore
œˈrø huius genitive singular rh 1 eye, lie Luc 1341; sanctify AW
sp heurex1 3.4.9; hie them overfly them VA 323;
rh 2 jeopardy KJ 3.1.347; rh 3 hie
hew n sp huius1 thee abhore thee pp 12.9, defy thee
ju:, = PP 12.11 / espies Per 5.Chorus.20;
hunc accusative masculine
sp hew4 eyes, flies Luc 1215; skies VA 1189
singular pun RJ 2.5.78 high
hew / ~s / ~ing / ~ed / ~n v William MW .. hɪŋk,
ju:, = / -z / ˈju:ɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈhju:- / Evans MW .. hʊŋɡ Hiems n
ju:d, = / ju:n, = sp William hinc1, Evans hing1 ˈəɪəmz, ˈhəɪ-
sp hew9 / hewes2 / hewing1 / sp Hiems1, Hyems1
hew’d1 / hewne2, hew’ne1
hidden adj
ˈɪdn, = high / ~er / ~est adj
> rough-hew
sp hidden 7 əɪ, həɪ / ˈəɪ·əɹ, ˈhəɪ- / m -əst,
hewgh interj -st
hju:, ʍju: hide / ~s n sp hie3, high195 / higher11 / highest8
sp hewgh 1 əɪd, həɪd / -z rh die Per 1.1.150; dry VA 551; fly
sp hide8 / hides2 AW 2.3.74
hey interj rh abide TC 5.6.31; side S 50.10; pun RJ 2.5.78 hie
> heigh wide VA 298 > a-high

hey n hid·e / ~est / ~es / ~ing / high adv

ˈɛ:, ˈhɛ:- hid v əɪ, həɪ / ˈəɪ·əɹ, ˈhəɪ- / m -əst,
sp hey1 əɪd, həɪd / -st / -z / ˈəɪdɪn, -ɪŋ, -st
heyday n ˈhəɪ- / ɪd, = sp high17, hye3 / higher18 / highest2
sp hide95 / hid’st2 / hides11 / hiding8 rh eye AW 1.1.216 / aspire MW
ˈɛ:dɛ:, ˈhɛ:-
1 / hid43 5.5.98
sp hey-day
rh denied S 142.13; dignified, pride
Luc 663; pride RJ 1.3.91, S 52.10, TN
high n
hic Lat det / Eng [ from Lat] v
3.1.149; ride S 33.7; side MM 3.2.259 əɪ, həɪ
hɪk, Evans MW .. hɪg /
/ derides KL 1.1.280 / biding, dividing sp high5, hye1
hɪ k Luc 548 / forbid LLL 1.1.64, S 65.10 rh 1 die R2 5.5.111; I R2 4.1.188; lie
sp hic12, Evans hig1 / hic1 1H4 3.3.200; rh 2 majesty VA 854
pun MW 4.1.61 hick


high-battled adj highly adv high-soaring adj

m ˌəɪ-ˈbatld, ˌhəɪ- ˈəɪləɪ, ˈhəɪ- m ˌəɪ-ˈsɔ:rɪn, -ɪŋ, ˌhəɪ-
sp hye battel’d1 sp highly15 sp high soaring1
> battle > soar
high-minded adj
high-blown adj m ˌəɪ-ˈməɪndɪd, ˌhəɪ- high-stomached adj
ˈəɪ-ˌblo:n, ˈhəɪ- sp high-minded 1 m ˌəɪ-ˈstɒməkt, ˌhəɪ-
sp high-blowne1 > mind sp high stomack’d1
> blown > stomach
highmost adj
high-born adj ˈəɪmo:st, ˈhəɪ- high-swollen adj
ˈəɪ-ˌbɔ:ɹn, ˈhəɪ- sp highmost 1 ˈəɪ-ˌswo:ln, ˈhəɪ-
sp high-borne2 sp high-swolne1
> born highness / ~’ n > swell
ˈəɪnəs, ˈhəɪ-
high-coloured adj sp Highnes25, Highnesse117,
hight v
m ˌəɪ-ˈkɤləɹd, ˌhəɪ- High-nesse1 / Highnes2, Highnesse44 əɪt, həɪt
sp high coulord1 > high sp hight3
> colour rh knight LLL 1.1.168
high-placed adj
high-day n m ˌəɪ-ˈplɛ:st, ˌhəɪ- high-viced adj
ˈəɪ-ˌdɛ:, ˈhəɪ- sp high plac’d 1 ˈəɪ-ˌvəɪst, ˈhəɪ-
sp high-day4 > place sp high-vic’d1
> day > vice
high-proof adj
high-engendered adj ˈəɪ-ˌprɤf, ˈhəɪ-, -ru:f highway / ~s n
ˈəɪ-enˌdʒendəɹd, ˈhəɪ- sp high proofe 1 m ˈəɪwɛ:, əɪˈwɛ:, ˈhəɪ-, həɪ- /
sp high-engender’d1 > proof -z
> engender sp highway1, high-way3, high way1 /
high-reaching adj highwayes1, high waies1
higher n m ˌəɪ-ˈri:tʃɪn, -ɪŋ, ˌhəɪ- > way
ˈəɪəɹ, ˈhəɪ- sp high-reaching1
sp higher3 > reach high-witted adj
rh aspire Per 1.4.6 m ˌəɪ-ˈwɪtɪd, ˌhəɪ-
high-reared adj sp high witted1
highest n ˈəɪ-ˌri:ɹd, ˈhəɪ- > wit
m ˈəɪəst, ˈhəɪ-, əɪst, həɪst sp high rear’d1
sp highest8, high’st1 > rear high-wrought adj
ˈəɪ-ˌrɔ:t, ˈhəɪ-
highest-peering adj high-repented adj sp high wrought1
ˈəɪəst-ˌpi:rɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈhəɪ- ˈəɪ-rɪˌpentɪd, ˈhəɪ- > wrought
sp highest piering1 sp high repented1
> peer > repent hilding / ~s n
ˈɪldɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈhɪ- / -z
high-grown adj high-resolved adj sp hielding1, hilding5 / hildings1
ˈəɪ-ˌɡro:n, ˈhəɪ- m ˈəɪ-rɪˌsɒlvɪd, ˈhəɪ-, -ˌzɒ-
sp high-growne1 sp high resolued1 hill / ~s n
> grow > resolve ɪl, = / -z
sp hil2, hill37 / hilles6, hills3, hils2
high-judging adj high-sighted adj rh still S 7.5, VA 697; until
m ˌəɪ-ˈdʒɤdʒɪn, -ɪŋ, ˌhəɪ- m ˌəɪ-ˈsəɪtɪd, ˌhəɪ- Mac 4.1.92; will PP 9.5
sp high-iudging1 sp high-sighted-[tyranny]1 > dung-, mole-hill; Gad’s Hill
> judge > sight


hillo, illo / ~a interj sp hip3, hippe2 / heps1, hippes1, sp hisse1

ɪˈlo:, hɪ- / ɪˈlo:ə, hɪ- hips3 rh this TNK Prol.16
rh lips VA 44
sp hillo1, illo1 / hilloa1 hiss / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v
> red-hipped
hilt / ~s n ɪs, = / ˈɪs·ɪz, ˈhɪ- / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / ɪst,
hip / ~ped v =
ɪlt, = / -s ɪpt, =
sp hilt3 / hiltes1, hilts5 sp hisse10 / hisses1 / hizzing1 / hist1
sp hip’d1 rh this TC 5.10.55; hiss you kiss you
> basket-, sword-hilt
VA 1084 / kisses VA 17
Hipparchus n
him / himself
ɪˈpɑ:ɹkəs, hɪ- hissing adj / adv
> he
sp Hiparchus1 ˈɪsɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈhɪ-
hinc Lat sp hissing1 / hissing1
Hippocrates n
> hic
Evans MW .. ɪˈbɒkrəti:z, hist interj
Hinckley n hɪ- =
ˈɪŋkləɪ, ˈhɪ- sp Hibocrates1 sp hist2
sp Hinckley
Hippolita n historical adj
hind / ~s n m ɪˈpɒlɪtə, -ˌta, hɪ- ɪsˈtɒrɪkɑl, hɪ-
əɪnd, həɪ- / -z sp Hippolita9 sp [pastoricall-comicall]-historicall-
1 8
sp hind , hinde / hindes , hinds 6 1 [pastorall]1, [tragicall-comicall]-
rh 1 behind CE 3.1.77; Rosalind hire n historicall-[pastorall]1
AY 3.2.97; rh 2 wind CE 3.1.77 əɪɹ, həɪɹ
sp hier1, hire2, hyer1
history n
hinder / ~s / ed v m ˈɪstəˌrəɪ, -tər-, -tr-, ˈhɪ-
ˈɪndəɹ, ˈhɪ- / -z / -d hire / ~d v sp historie10, history10
sp hinder 14 1
/ hinders / hindered , 1 əɪɹ, həɪɹ / m əɪɹd, ˈəɪrɪd, həɪ-, rh eye S 93.7
hindred7 ˈhəɪ-
hit / ~s n
sp hier1, hyre5 / hir’d1, hired1,
hindering adj hyr’d4, hyred1
ɪt, = / -s
ˈɪndrɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈhɪ- sp hit10 / hits2
sp hindring 1 hired adj
m əɪɹd, ˈəɪrɪd, həɪ-, ˈhəɪ- hit / ~s / ~ting v
hindmost adj / adv sp hyred 2 ɪt, = / -s / ˈɪtɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈhɪ-
ˈəɪndmo:st, ˈhəɪ- sp hit49 / hits6, hit’s1 / hitting2
sp hindmost / hindmost1 1 Hiren n rh it VA 940; sit VA 1033; wit RJ
ˈəɪrən, ˈhəɪ- 1.1.208; hit it fit it LLL 4.1.131 / fits
hinge / ~s n sp Hiren2
S 120.10; shifts AW 2.1.143 [F],
ɪndʒ, = / ˈɪndʒɪz, = emend as hits
sp hindge1 / hindges2 Hirsius n
hither adv
ˈɐ:ɹsɪəs, ˈhɐ:-
hinge v 1
ˈɪðəɹ, ˈhɪ-
sp Hirsius
ɪndʒ, = sp hether21, hither269, hi-ther2
sp hindge 1 his rh 1 either, neither CE 3.1.68; rh 2
father LLL 1.1.138; rh 3 leather CE
> he
hint n 2.1.84; together AY 5.4.110, TNK
ɪnt, = Hisperia n 3.5.119; weather AY 2.5.5, 39

sp hint8 ɪsˈpi:rɪə, hɪ- hitherto adv

sp Hisperia1
hip / ~s n ˈɪðəɹˈtu:, ˈhɪ-
ɪp, = / -s hiss TNK n sp hitherto9
ɪs, =


hitherward / ~s adv hoary-headed adj hoist / ~s / ~ed v

ˈɪðəɹˌwɑ:ɹd, ˈhɪ- / -z ˈo:ɹəɪ-ˌedɪd, ˈho:-, -ˌhe- əɪst, həɪst / -s / ˈəɪstɪd, ˈhəɪ-
sp hitherward4, hither-ward1 / sp emend of MND 2.1.107 hoared sp hoist1, hoyst3 / hoists1 /
hither-wards2 headed1 hoisted1
> head
hive / ~s n hola
əɪv, həɪv / -z Hob [name] n > holla
sp hiue4 / hyues1 ɒb, hɒb
rh alive, survive Luc 1769 sp hob1
Holborn n
ˈo:lˌbɔ:ɹn, ˈho:l-
hive v hobby-horse / ~s n sp Holborne1
əɪv, həɪv ˈɒbəɪ-ˌɔ:ɹs, ˈhɒ-, -ˌhɔ:- / -ɪz
sp hiue1 sp hobbey-horse1, hobbie-horse2,
hold / ~s n
hobbi-horse1, hoby-horse1, o:ld, ho:- / -z
ho interj hoby-horsse1, emend of WT 1.2.276 sp hold20 / holds1
o:, ho: holy-horse1 / hobby-horses1
sp ho69, [whoa]-ho-[hoa]1, hoe19 > horse hold / ~est / ~s / ~eth / ~ing /
rh go KJ 3.3.73; nonino AY 5.3.16, ~en / held / Luc hild v
22, 28, 34
hobgoblin n o:ld, ho:- / -st / -z / ˈo:ld·əθ,
> heigh-, what ho ɒbˈɡɒblɪn, hɒb- ho:- / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ən / eld, held /
sp hobgoblin1, hob-goblyn1
hoa interj ɪld, hɪld
> goblin
sp hold412, hold-[vp-head]1, holde7,
ˈo:ə, ˈho:ə
hobnail / ~s n hould1 / hold’st1, holdst2 / holdes3,
sp hoa61, [whoa-ho]-hoa1
holds70 / holdeth2 / holding15,
ˈɒbnɛ:lz, ˈhɒ-
hol-ding1 / holden1 / held81 /
hoar adj sp hobnailes1, hob-nayles1
o:ɹ, ho:ɹ > nail
rh bold S 122.9; bold, cold Luc 1558;
sp hoare5, hore1 told Per 3.Chorus.58; unfold MW
rh nor TNK 1.1.20; score RJ 2.4.134
hob-nob interj
1.3.90; untold S 136.11 / field S 2.4;
ˈɒb-ˈnɒb, ˈhɒ- steeled S 24.3 / fulfilled, killed
hoar / ~s v sp hob nob1 Luc 1257
o:ɹ, ho:ɹ / -z > a-, over-, with-hold
sp hoare1 / hoares1
hoc Lat
> hic hold-door adj
hoard n ˈo:ld-ˌdɔ:ɹ, ˈho:-
o:ɹd, ho:- hodge-pudding n
sp hold-dore1
sp hoard , hoord 1 ˈɒdʒ-ˌpʊdɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈhɒ- > door
> uphoard sp hodge-pudding1
> pudding Holdfast [name] n
hoard / ~ed v ˈo:ld-ˌfast, ˈho:-
o:ɹd, ho:- / ˈo:ɹdɪd, ˈho:- hog / ~s n
sp hold-fast1
sp hord1 / hoorded1 ɒɡ, hɒɡ / -z
sp hog2, hogge2 / hogs2 holding n
hoarded adj ˈo:ldɪn, -ɪŋ, ho:-
ˈo:ɹdɪd, ˈho:- hogshead / ~s n
sp holding5
sp hoorded1 ˈɒɡzed, -ˌed, ˈhɒ-, -ˌhe- / -z
sp hogshead3, hogs-head2 / holding-anchor n
hoarding adj / n hogsheads1 ˈo:ldɪn-ˌaŋkəɹ, -ɪŋ, ˈho:-
ˈo:ɹdɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈho:-
sp holding-anchor1
sp hoording1 / hoording1 hoise / ~d v
> anchor
əɪz, həɪz / -d
hoarse adj sp hoyse1 / hoys’d1
o:ɹs, ho:ɹs
sp hoarse5


hole / ~s n sp hollow44 / hollow3 / hollow1 sp Holy-Land2, Holy-land1, Holy Land2

o:l, ho:l / -z rh v follow VA 973 > land

sp hole28, [worme-eaten]-hole1 / hollow-eyed adj Holy-rood adj

ˈɒlə-ˌəɪd, -lo:-, ˈhɒ- ˈo:ləɪ-ˈru:d, ˈho:-
rh coal Per 3.Chorus.6; soul
Luc 1175 sp [needy]-hollow-ey’d-[sharp]1 sp Holy-roode1
pun RJ 2.4.90 whole; CE 2.1. > rood
hollow-hearted adj
80 holy
ˈɒlə-ˈɑ:ɹtɪd, -lo:-, ˈhɒ-, -ˈhɑ:- homage n
> augur-, button-, dog-, key-, kiln-,
starting-hole sp hollow-hearted1 ˈɒmɪdʒ, ˈhɒ-
sp homage16
holidam hollowing n
> halidom ˈɒləwɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈɒlo:-, ˈhɒ- homager n
sp hollowing 1 ˈɒmɪdʒəɹ, ˈhɒ-
holiday adj sp homager1
ˈɒlɪˌdɛ:, ˈhɒ- hollowly adv
sp holiday2, holiday-[foole]1, m ˈɒləˌləɪ, ˈɒlo:-, ˈhɒ- home adj
holly-day-[time]1, holy-day1 sp hollowly2 o:m, ho:m
sp home1
holiday / ~s n hollowness n
ˈɒlɪˌdɛ:, ˈhɒ- / -z m ˈɒlənəs, -ˌnes, ˈɒlo:-, ˈhɒ- home / ~s n
1 2
sp holiday , holliday , holly day , 1 1
sp hollownes , hollownesse 2 o:m, ho:m / -z
holyday1, holy-day2, holy day4 / sp home328 / homes2
holidaies1 hollow-pampered adj rh 1 Rome JC 1.1.32; rh 2 drone Per
rh stay H8 5.5.76 ˈɒlə-ˈpampəɹd, -lo:-, ˈhɒ- 2.Chorus.17
sp hollow-pamper’d1
holily adv home-bred adj
ˈo:lɪləɪ, ˈho:- holly n ˈo:m-ˌbred, ˈho:-
sp holily3 ˈɒləɪ, ˈhɒ- sp home-bred2
> holy sp holly 2

rh folly AY 2.7.181, 191; jolly AY

home-keeping adj
holiness n 2.7.183, 193 m ˌo:m-ˈki:pɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈho:-
ˈo:lɪnəs, ˈho:- sp home-keeping1
sp holinesse , holynesse 1 Holmedon / ~’s n > keep
> holy ˈɒlmdən, ˈhɒ- / -z
sp Holmeden1, Holmedon3 /
homely adj
holla, hola interj / v Holmedons1 ˈo:mləɪ, ˈho:-
m ˈɒlə, ɒˈlɑ:, ˈhɒ-, hɒ- sp homelie1, homely14
2 8
sp hola , holla / holla 2 Holofernes n
ˈɒləˌfɐ:ɹni:z, ˈhɒ- homespun / ~s n
holland / Holland n sp Holofernes5 ˈo:m-ˌspɤnz, ˈho:-
ˈɒlənd, ˈhɒ- sp home-spuns1
sp holland1 / Holland2 holp
> help homeward / ~s adv
Hollander / ~s n ˈo:mwəɹd, ˈho:- / -z
ˈɒləndəɹ, ˈhɒ- / -z hol·y / ~ier adj sp homeward4, home-ward1 /
sp Hollander2 / Hollanders1 ˈo:ləɪ, ˈho:- / -əɹ homewards1
sp holie9, holy170, holy-[hat]1,
hollo interj holy-[water]3 / holier1, holyer1 homicide / ~s n
əˈlo:, hə- pun CE 2.1.80 hole ˈɒmɪˌsəɪd, ˈhɒ- / -z
sp hollo1 > unholy sp homicide4 / homicides1

hollow adj / n / v Holy Land n

ˈɒlə, -o:, ˈhɒ- ˈo:ləɪ ˌland, ˈho:-


homily n sp hony-bag1, hony bag2 / sp honie-tongued1

ˈɒmɪləɪ, ˈhɒ- honie-bags1 > tongue
> bag
sp homilie1 honi Fr v
honey-bee / ~s n ˈɔni
hominem Lat
ˈɤnəɪ-ˌbi:z, ˈhɤ- sp hony1
> homo
sp hony bees1
homme / ~s Fr n > bee honneur Fr n
ɔm ɔˈnœ:ɹ
honeycomb n sp honeur3, honneur1, emend of
sp hommes1
ˈɤnəɪ-ˌko:m, ˈhɤ- H5 3.4.44 honeus1
hom·o / ~inem Lat n sp hony-combe1
> comb honorato Ital adj
ˈhɒm·o: / -ɪnem
sp homo1 / emend of LLL 5.1.9 honeyed adj
hominum1 sp honorata1
ˈɤnəɪd, ˈhɤ-
honest / ~er / ~est adj sp honyed1 honorificabilitudinitatibus
ˈɒnɪst / -əɹ / -əst supposed longest word in Lat
honey-heavy adj ˌɒnəˌrɪfɪkabɪlɪˌtju:dɪnɪˈtɑ:tɪbʊs
sp honest284, ho-nest4 / honester5 /
ˈɤnəɪ-ˌevəɪ, ˈhɤ-, -ˈhe- sp honorificabilitu-dinitatibus1
> dis-, under-honest sp hony-heauy-[dew]1
> heavy honour / ~’s / ~s / ~s’ n
honest-hearted adj ˈɒnəɹ / -z
honeyless adj
ˈɒnɪst-ˌɑ:ɹtɪd, -ˌhɑ:- sp honor370, ho-nor4, honour189,
1 ˈɤnəɪˌles, ˈhɤ- ho-nour2, honors [honour is]1,
sp honest hearted
> heart sp hony-lesse1 honor’s [honour is]1, honour’s
[honour is]1 / honors8, honours9 /
honestly adv honey-mouthed adj honors56, honours24 / honors1
m ˈɒnɪstˌləɪ, -tl- ˈɤnəɪ-ˌməʊðd, ˈhɤ- > dishonour
sp honestlie1, honestly6 sp hony-mouth’d1
> mouth honour / ~est / ~s / S ~ing /
honest-natured adj ~ed v
honeyseed adj / n ˈɒnəɹ / -əst / -z / ˈɒnəˌrɪn, -ɪŋ /
ˈɤnəɪ-ˌsi:d, ˈhɤ- m ˈɒnəɹd, -əˌred
sp honest natur’d1
sp hony-seed1 / honyseed1
> nature sp honor13, honour16 / honorest1 /
> seed
honors4, honours1 / honor’d2,
honesty n honored2, honourd1, honour’d12,
honey-stalk / ~s n
m ˈɒnɪsˌtəɪ, -st- honoured1
ˈɤnəɪ-ˌstɔ:ks, ˈhɤ- rh ruining S 125.2 / rh bed AY
sp honestie40, ho-nestie1, honestie’s
[honesty is]1, honesty45 sp hony stalkes1 5.4.141; bred, unconquered
rh me, three LLL 5.2.813; thee Luc 410
honeysuckle / ~s n
KJ 1.1.181
ˈɤnəɪ-ˌsɤkl, ˈhɤ- / -z honourable adj
honey adj / n sp honisuckle1, hony-suckle1 / m ˈɒnəˌrabəl, ˈɒnrəbəl
ˈɤnəɪ, ˈhɤ- hony-suckles1 sp honorable26, hono-rable1,
sp honey1, honie2, hony6 / honey7, > suckle honora-ble1, honourable94
honie3, hony11
honey-sweet adj honourably adv
honey / ~ing v ˈɤnəɪ-ˌswi:t, ˈhɤ- m ˈɒnrəbˌləɪ, ˈɒnəˌrabləɪ
ˈɤnəɪɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈhɤ- sp honey sweete1, hony sweete2 sp honorably1, honourably5
sp honying1 > sweet rh lie JC 5.5.79

honey-bag / ~s n honey-tongued adj

ˈɤnəɪ-ˌbaɡ, ˈhɤ- / -z ˈɤnəɪ-ˌtɒŋd, ˈhɤ-, -ˌtʊ-


honoured adj hoof, plural hooves n hop·e / ~est / ~es / ~ing /

ˈɒnəɹd u:f, ʊf, = / u:fs, u:vz, ʊ-, = ~ed v
sp honor’d7, honored2, honour’d16, sp hoofe2 / hoofes3, hooues1 o:p, ho:p / -st / -s / ˈo:pɪn, -ɪŋ,
honourd1, honour’d-[gashes]1, ho:- / o:pt, ho:pt
honoured1 hook / ~s n
sp hope182 / hop’st4 / hopes6 /
> all-, time-honoured ʊk, = / -s hoping6 / hop’d4
sp hooke6, [Welch]-hooke1 /
honour-flawed adj hookes2 hoped-for adj
ˈɒnəɹ-ˈflɔ:d rh books, looks Luc 103; looks RJ 2. ˈo:pt-ˌfɔ:ɹ, ˈho:-
sp honor-flaw’d1 Chorus.8, S 137.7
sp hop’d-for2
> flaw > nut-, sheep-hook
hopeful adj
honour-giving adj hook / ~ing v
ˈo:pfʊl, ˈho:-
ˈɒnəɹ-ˈɡɪvɪn, -ɪŋ ʊk, = / ˈʊkɪn, -ɪŋ , ˈhʊ-
sp hopefull9
sp honor-giuing-[hand]1 sp hooke1, hooke-[on]2 / hooking1
> give hopeless adj
hook-nosed adj
honour-owing adj ˈo:pləs, ˈho:-
ˈʊk-ˌno:zd, ˈhʊk-
sp hopelesse7
ˈɒnəɹ-ˈo:ɪn, -ɪŋ sp hooke-nos’d1
sp honour-owing-[wounds]1 Hopkins n
> owe hoop / ~s n
ˈɒpkɪnz, =
u:p, = / -s
hoo interj sp Hopkins2
sp hoope5 / hoopes2
hu:, ho: Horace n
sp hoo6 hoop / ~ed v
ˈɒrɪs, =
u:p, = / -t
hood / ~s n sp Horace2, Horrace1
sp hoope1 / hoop’d1
ʊd, = / -z > three-hooped Horatio n
sp hood3 / hoods1
hooping n əˈrɛ:sɪo:, hə-
> Robin Hood
sp Horatio39, Ho-ratio1
ˈu:pɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈhu:-
hood / ~ed v sp hooping1 horizon n
ʊd, = / ˈʊdɪd, =
hoot / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v ˈɒrɪˌzɒn, ˈhɒ-
sp hood2 / hooded1
sp horizon1
u:t, = / -s / ˈu:t·ɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈhu:- /
hooded adj -ɪd horn / ~s n
ˈʊdɪd, = sp hoote1 / hoots1 / hooting1,
ɔ:ɹn, hɔ:- / -z
sp hooded howting1 / hooted1, howted1
sp horn2, horne33 / horns4, hornes48,
> a-hooting
hoodman n [rag’d]-hornes1, [tun’d]-hornes1
rh born AY 4.2.14; forlorn VA 1025;
ˈʊdmən, = hooves
o’erworn VA 868; scorn AY 4.2.18,
sp hoodman1 > hoof
TC 1.1.114; sworn TC 4.5.46 / scorns
TC 4.5.31
hoodman-blind n hop v
> dis-, ink-, shoeing-horn
ˈʊdmən-ˈbləɪnd, ˈhʊ- ɒp, =
sp hoodman-blinde1 sp hop8 horn-beast / ~s n
> blind rh pap MND 5.1.291 ˈɔ:ɹn-ˌbi:sts, ˈhɔ:-, -ˌbests
sp horne-beasts1
hoodwink / ~ed v hope / ~’s / ~s n
> beast
ˈʊdwɪŋk, = / -t o:p, ho:p / -s
sp hoodwinke2, hudwinke1 / sp hope167 / hope's1 / hopes48 horn-book n
hood-wink’d1, hoodwinkt1, hood rh scope Ham 3.2.228 [Q2], S 29.5, ˈɔ:ɹn-ˌbʊk, ˈhɔ:-
winkt1 52.14
> wink


sp horne-booke1 horridly adv horsemanship n

> book m ˈɒrɪdˌləɪ, -dləɪ, ˈhɒ- ˈɔ:ɹsmənˌʃɪp, ˈhɔ:-
horned adj sp horridly2 sp horsemanship1, horseman-ship1
m ˈɔ:ɹnɪd, ˈhɔ:- horror / ~s n horse-piss n
sp horned4 ˈɒrəɹ, ˈhɒ- / -z ˈɔ:ɹs-ˌpɪs, ˈhɔ:-
> double-horned
sp horror15 / horrors5 sp horse-pisse1
Horner n
horse / ~’s / ~s / ~s’ n horseshoe n
ˈɔ:ɹnəɹ, ˈhɔ:-
ɔ:ɹs, hɔ:ɹs / ˈɔ:ɹsɪz, ˈhɔ:- ˈɔ:ɹsˌʃu:, ˈhɔ:-
sp horner2
sp horse213, [foot-cloth]-horse1, sp horse-shoo1
horning n horsse1 / horses3 / horses50, hor-ses2,
horsses4 / horses4 horse-stealer n
ˈɔ:ɹnɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈhɔ:-
rh force S 91.4, VA 30; remorse ˈɔ:ɹs-ˌsti:ləɹ, ˈhɔ:-
sp horning1 VA 258 sp horse-stealer1
> fore-, hobby-, malt-, pack-, post-, > steal
horn-mad adj
stalking-, un-horse
ˈɔ:ɹn-ˈmad, ˈhɔ:- horsetail n
sp horne-mad2, horne mad3 horse / ~ing / ~ed v ˈɔ:ɹsˌtɛ:l, ˈhɔ:-
> mad ˈɔ:ɹsɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈhɔ:- / ɔ:ɹst, hɔ:- sp horse-taile1
sp horsing1 / hors’d4 > tail
hornmaker n
ˈɔ:ɹnˌmɛ:kəɹ, ˈhɔ:- horseback n horseway n
sp horne-maker1 ˈɔ:ɹsbak, ˈhɔ:- ˈɔ:ɹsˌwɛ: , ˈhɔ:-
> make sp horsebacke3 sp horseway1
> a-horseback
hornpipe / ~s n
Hortensio / ~’s n
ˈɔ:ɹnˌpəɪps, ˈhɔ:- horseback-breaker n m ɔ:ɹˈtensɪo:, -ɪˌo:, hɔ:ɹ- / -z
sp horne-pipes1 ˈɔ:ɹsbak-ˌbrɛ:kəɹ, ˈhɔ:- sp Hortensio28, Hortentio10 /
> pipe sp hors-back-breaker1 Hortensios1, Hortensio’s1
> break rh ago TS 3.1.70; Gremio, know
horn-ring n
TS 1.2.234
ˈɔ:ɹn-ˌrɪŋ, ˈhɔ:- horse-drench n
sp horne-ring1 ˈɔ:ɹs-ˌdrentʃ, ˈhɔ:- Hortensius n
> ring sp horse-drench1 ɔ:ɹˈtensɪəs, hɔ:ɹ-
> drench sp Hortensius2
horologe n
ˈɒrəlɒdʒ, ˈhɒ- horsehair / ~s n horum Lat
sp horologe1 ˈɔ:ɹs-ˌɛ:ɹz, ˈhɔ:-, -hɛ:- > hic
sp horse-haires1
horrible adj hose n
> hair
ˈɒrɪbəl, = o:z, =
sp horrible28 horse-leech / ~es n sp hose22
ˈɔ:ɹs-ˌli:tʃɪz, ˈhɔ:- rh prose LLL 4.3.56
horribly adv
sp horse-leeches1 > boot-hose
m ˈɒrɪbˌləɪ, -bləɪ, ˈhɒ-
sp horribly4 horse·man / ~man’s / hospitable adj
~men n ˈɒspɪˌtabəl, ˈhɒ-
horrid / ~er adj
ˈɔ:ɹs·mən, ˈhɔ:- / -mənz / -mən sp hospitable3
ˈɒrɪd, = / -əɹ > unhospitable
sp horse-man1 / horsemans1 /
sp horrid13, horride3 / horrider1 horsemen10, horsmen1


hospital n rh not LC 218 hour-glass n

ˈɒspɪˌtɑl, ˈhɒ- > red-hot ˈo:ɹ-ˌglas, ˈo:əɹ-
sp hospitall1 hot-bloodied adj sp houre-glasse1, howre-glasse1
rh befall LLL 5.2.860 > glass
ˌɒt-ˈblɤdəɪd, ˌhɒ-
hospitality n sp hot-bloodied1, hourly adj / adv
m ˌɒspɪˈtalɪˌtəɪ, ˈhɒ- hot-bloodied-[Gods]1 ˈo:ɹləɪ, ˈo:əɹ-
> blood
sp hospitalitie1 sp hourely8 / hourely12, hourly1,
rh to thee Luc 575 hot-house n howrely1

host / ~’s / ~s n ˈɒt-ˌəʊs, ˈhɒ-, -ˌhəʊ- house adj

o:st, ho:- / -s sp hot-house1 əʊs, həʊs
> house
sp hoast19, hoaste1, host49, sp house1
[ranting]-host1, hoste5 / hosts1 / hotly adv
hostes1, hosts2 house / ~’s / ~s n
ˈɒtləɪ, ˈhɒ-
rh 1 post Luc 3 / rh 2 cost TNK əʊs, həʊs / ˈəʊsɪz, ˈhəʊ- /
sp hotly4
3.5.126 ˈəʊzɪz, ˈhəʊ-
Hotspur / ~’s n sp house394, [prison]-house1,
host v
ˈɒtspəɹ, ˈhɒ- / -z [senate]-house4, howse1 / houses5 /
o:st, ho:- houses20, howses1
sp host1 sp Hotspur5, Hotspurre12,
rh 1 mouse MND 5.1.378; rh 2
Hot-spurre2 / Hotspurres4,
allows Tim 3.3.42; rouse [emend of
hostage / ~s n Hotspurs2
rout] Per 3.Chorus.2
ˈɒstɪdʒ, ˈhɒ- / -ɪz > spur
> ale-, alms-, bawdy-, brew-,
sp hostage2 / hostages4 hound / ~s n brothel-, charge-, charnel-, council-,
dove-, dwelling-, farm-, garden-,
hostess n əʊnd, həʊnd / -z, -nz
hot-, jewel-, leaping-, manor-, pent-,
ˈo:stes, ˈho:- sp hound12 / houndes1, hounds20 play-, prison-, senate-, slaughter-,
rh 1 ground Tit 2.2.25; round MND
sp hostesse38, ho-stesse1 spital-, store-, summer-, tap-, tiring-,
3.1.102; rh 2 wound VA 913 / rh 1 working-house
hostess-ship n bounds MND 3.2.64; confounds
VA 881; grounds PP 9.6; rh 2 house / ~d v
m ˈo:stesˌʃɪp, ˈho:- downs VA 678
sp hostesseship 1 əʊz, həʊz / m -d, ˈəʊzɪd, ˈhəʊ-
> blood-, grey-, hell-hound
sp house3 / hous’d3, hows’d1
hostile adj hour / ~’s / ~s / ~s’ n rh louse KL 3.2.27
ˈɒstəɪl, ˈhɒ- > unhoused
o:ɹ, o:əɹ [ syll] / -z
sp hostile4 sp houre245, hower8, howre43, housed adj
howr’s [hour is]1 / houres9, howres2 m ˈəʊzɪd, ˈhəʊ-
hostility n / houres97, hours3, howers1,
ɒsˈtɪlɪˌtəɪ, hɒ- sp housed1
howres23 / houres2
1 3
sp hostility , hostilitie rh bower MND 3.2.8; deflower, house-eaves n
power Luc 347; flower, power LC 72;
Hostilius n flower AY 5.3.27, PP 13.6, TN 2.4.39,
ˈəʊs-ˌi:vz, ˈhəʊs-
ɒsˈtɪlɪəs, hɒ- VA 1187; Glendower 1H4 1.3.99; sp house-eeues1
sp Hostilius power 3H6 4.1.147, S 126.2, Tim
3.1.63, WT 4.1.8; sour S 57.5; four LLL
household adj
hostler 5.2.368; sycamore LLL 5.2.90 / ˈəʊsˌo:ld, ˈhəʊs-, -ˌho:-
> ostler flowers LLL 4.3.355, PP 14.26, S 16.5; sp household2, house-hold1, hous-
powers Luc 297; showers S 124.10; hold6, houshold-[stuffe]1, houshould1
hot / ~ter / ~test adj towers Luc 944
ɒt, hɒt / ˈɒt·əɹ, ˈhɒ- / -əst pun AY 2.7.24ff whore household / ~’s n
sp hot , hot-[blood] , 1 > half-, marriage-hour; after-hours ˈəʊsˌo:ld, ˈhəʊs-, -ˌho:- / -z
hot-[blouds]1, [glowing]-hot1, hotte3 sp household2, houshold2 /
/ hoter1, hotter4 / hotest1, hottest1 households1, housholds1


householder / ~s n howbeit adv hox / ~es v

ˈəʊsˌo:ldəɹ, ˈhəʊs-, -ˌho:- / -z əʊˈbi:t, həʊ- ˈɒksɪz, hɒ-
sp houshoul-der1 / house-holders1 sp howbeit3 sp hoxes1

housekeeper / ~s n Hower [name] n hoy adj

ˈəʊsˌki:pəɹ, ˈhəʊs- / -z o:ɹ, ˈo:əɹ əɪ, həɪ
sp house-keeper1, hous-keeper1 / sp Hower1 sp hoy1
house-kee-pers1 pun hour R3 4.4.176
> keep hoyday n
however, abbr ~e’er adv ˈəɪdɛ:, ˈhəɪ-
housekeeping n m əʊˈevəɹ, abbr əʊˈɛ:ɹ, həʊ- sp hoyday2, hoy-day1
ˈəʊsˌki:pɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈhəʊs- sp howeuer1, how-euer1, abbr how
sp house-keeping3 ere10, how e’re2 hubbub n
> ever ˈu:bəb, ˈhu:-
houseless adj sp whoo-bub1
ˈəʊsləs, ˈhəʊs- howl / ~s n
sp house-lesse1, houselesse1 əʊlz, həʊlz Hubert / ~s n
sp howles1, howle’s [howl is]1 ˈju:bəɹt, ˈhju: / -s
house·wife / ~wife’s / sp Hubert40 / Huberts2
~wives n howl / ~est / ~ing / ~ed v
ˈɤzɪf, ˈhɤ- / -s / ˈɤzɪvz, ˈhɤ- əʊl, həʊl / -st / ˈəʊlɪn, -ɪŋ, huddl·e / ~ing / ~ed v
sp houswife2, huswife11 / huswiues1 ˈhəʊ- / m əʊld, ˈəʊlɪd, həʊ-, ˈɤdl·ɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈhɤ- / -d
/ house-wiues1, huswiues1 ˈhəʊ- sp hudling1 / hudled1
> wife sp howle9 / howl’st1 / howling2 /
howld1, howl’d4, howled1
hue n
housewifery n rh scowling VA 918 ju:, hj-
ˈɤzɪfrəɪ, ˈhɤ- sp hue15, huy2
sp huswiferie 2 howlet / ~’s n rh anew S 82.5, Tit 1.1.264; blue
ˈəʊlɪts, ˈhəʊ- LLL 5.2.885; grew S 98.6; Jew MND
hovel n / v sp howlets1 3.1.86; true MND 3.1.118, S 67.6,
ˈɒvəl, ˈhɒ- TNK 1.1.3; view VA 345
sp houel2, houell2 / houell1 howling adj
ˈəʊlɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈhəʊ- hug / ~s / ~ged v
hovel-post n 1
sp houling , howling 3 ɤɡ, hɤɡ / -z / -d
ˈɒvəl-ˌpo:st, ˈhɒ- sp hug2, hugge4 / hugges1 / hudg’d1
sp houell-post 1 howling / ~s n hugg’d1
ˈəʊlɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈhəʊ- / -z
hover / ~s / ~ed v huge adj
sp howling5 / howlings1
ˈɒvəɹ, ˈhɒ- / -z / -d ju:dʒ, hj-
sp houer5 / houers1 / houerd1 howsoever, abbr ~e’er adv sp huge31
rh covered, lovered LC 319 ˌəʊso:ˈevəɹ, ˌhəʊ-, abbr
hugely adv
ˌəʊso:ˈɛ:ɹ, ˌhəʊ-
hovering adj ˈju:dʒləɪ, ˈhj-
sp howsoeuer8, howso-euer1,
ˈɒvrɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈɒvər-, ˈhɒ- howsoeu’r1, abbr howsoere5
sp hugely1
sp houering > ever
hugeness n
how adv howsomever, abbr ˈju:dʒnəs, ˈhj-
əʊ, həʊ ~e’er adv sp hugenesse1
sp how2139, howe1, how’s [how is]2 abbr ˌəʊsəmˈɛ:ɹ, ˌhəʊ-
rh brow Luc 748; brow, vow Luc 810;
hugger-mugger n
sp how somere1, how som ere1
now LLL 5.2.514, MM 2.2.187, R2 ˈɤɡəɹ-ˈmɤɡəɹ, ˈhɤ-
> ever, somever
5.3.115, S 101.13; vow RJ 2.3.57 sp hugger mugger1


Hugh n sp humble2 / humbles1 / humbling1 humour / ~s / ~s’ n

ju:, hj- / humbled8 ˈju:məɹ, ˈhj- / -z
sp Hugh25 humble-bee / ~s n sp humor48, hu-mor1, humour36,
hu-mour1 / humors28, humours4 /
huius Lat ˈɤmbəl-ˌbi:, ˈhɤ- / -z
> hic sp humble-bee2, humble bee2 /
humble bees1 humour / ~s / ~ed v
hulk n rh three LLL 3.1.83, 87, 93 ˈju:məɹ, ˈhj- / -z / -d
ɤlk, hɤ- humbled adj sp humor2, humour4 / humors1 /
sp hulke3 humor’d1
ˈɤmbəld, ˈhɤ-
hull / ~ing v sp humbled1 humoured adj
ɤl, hɤl / ˈɤlɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈhɤ- humble-mouthed adj ˈju:məɹd, ˈhj-
sp hull2 / hulling1 sp humour’d1
ˈɤmbəl-ˌməʊðd, ˈhɤ-
hum interj sp humble-mouth’d1 humour-letter n
ɤm, hɤm > mouth ˈju:məɹ-ˌletəɹ, ˈhj-
sp hum4, humh6 humbleness n sp humor-letter1

hum / ~s n ˈɤmbəlˌnes, ˈhɤ- Humphrey / ~’s n

ɤm, hɤm / -z sp humblenesse7 ˈɤmfrəɪ, ˈhɤ- / -z
sp hum3, humme2 / hums1, hum’s1 humble-visaged adj sp Humfrey47, Humphrey2,
Vmpheir1, abbr in s.d. Hum[frey] /
hum / ~s v ˈɤmbəl-ˌvɪzɪdʒd, ˈhɤ-
Humfreyes5, Humfries7,
ɤm, hɤm / -z sp humble visag’d1 Humphreyes2
sp hum2, humme1 / hums1 humbly adv hunc Lat
human adj ˈɤmbləɪ, ˈhɤ- > hic
m ˈju:mən, ˈhj- sp humblie2, humbly58
hundred adj
sp humaine1, humane24 Hume / ~’s n
> inhuman
ˈɤndrəd, ˈhɤ-
ju:m, hju:m / -z sp hundred88,
humane adj sp Hume9 / Humes2 [three-suited]-hundred pound,
ju:ˈmɛ:n, hj- hun-dred3, hundreth1
humidity n
sp humaine2, humane3
m jʊˈmɪdɪˌtəɪ, -ɪt-, hj- hundred / ~s n
humanely adv sp humidity2 ˈɤndrəd, ˈhɤ- / -z
ju:ˈmɛ:nləɪ, hj- sp hundred19 / hundreds3
1 1
humility n
sp humanely , hu-manely
m jʊˈmɪlɪˌtəɪ, -ɪt-, hj- hung
humanity n sp humilitie10, humility7 > hang
m ju:ˈmanɪˌtəɪ, -ɪt-, hj- humming n Hungarian adj
sp humanitie1, humanity8
ˈɤmɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈhɤ- ɤŋˈɡɛ:rɪən, hɤ-
rh be Tim 3.6.105
sp humming1 sp Hungarian1
humble / ~er / ~st adj
humorous adj Hungar·y / ~’s n
ˈɤmbəl, ˈhɤ- / -əɹ / -əst
m ˈju:mrəs, -mər-, -məˌrɤs, ˈɤŋɡərəɪ, ˈhɤ- / -z
sp humble60 / humbler3 / humblest2
hj- sp Hungary1 / Hungaries1
rh stumble LLL 5.2.626
2 8
sp humerous , humorous ,
humbl·e / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v humo-rous1, humourous1
hunger n / v
ˈɤmbəl, ˈhɤ- / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d ˈɤŋɡəɹ, ˈhɤ-
sp hunger9, hunger-[broke]1,
hunger’s [hunger is]1 / hunger3


Hungerford n huntress / ~’ n hurt / ~s n

ˈɤŋɡəɹˌfɔ:ɹd, ˈhɤ- ˈɤntrəs, ˈhɤ- ɐ:ɹt, hɐ:ɹt / -s
sp Hungerford2 sp huntresse1 sp hurt20 / hurts5

hungerly adv hunts·man, ~men n hurt / ~s v

m ˈɤŋɡəɹˌləɪ, -ləɪ, ˈhɤ- ˈɤntsmən, ˈhɤ- ɐ:ɹt, hɐ:ɹt / -s
sp hungerly3 sp huntsman7, huntsmen3, sp hurt65 / hurts8
hunger-starved adj hurtle / ~d v
ˈɤŋɡəɹ-ˌstɑ:ɹvɪd, ˈhɤ- hunts-up n ˈɐ:ɹtld, ˈhɐ:-
sp hunger-starued1 ˈɤnts-ˌɤp, ˈhɤ- sp hurtled1
> starve sp hunts-vp1
hurtless adj
hungry adj hurdle n ˈɐ:ɹtləs, ˈhɐ:-
ˈɤŋɡrəɪ, ˈhɤ- ˈɐ:ɹdl, ˈhɐ:- sp hurtlesse1
sp hungrie1, hungry21 sp hurdle1
> a-hungry hurtling n
hurl / LC ~s / ~ing / ~ed v ˈɐ:ɹtlɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈhɐ:-
hungry-starved adj ɐ:ɹl, hɐ:ɹl / -z / ˈɐ:ɹlɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈhɐ:- sp hurtling1
ˈɤŋɡrəɪ-ˌstɑ:ɹvɪd, ˈhɤ- / ɐ:ɹld, hɐ:-
sp hungry-starued1 sp hurle9 / hurles1 / hurling1 /
husband / ~’s / ~s / ~s’ n
> starve hurld1, hurl’d1 ˈɤzbənd, ˈhɤ- / -z
rh curls LC 87 sp housband1, husband275,
hunt n husba[n]d1, hus-band7,
ɤnt, hɤ- hurling adj [combynate]-husband1, husband’s
sp hunt4 ˈɐ:ɹlɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈhɐ:- [husband is]4 / husbands30 /
> mouse-hunt sp hurling1 husbands24,
hus-bands2 / husbands2
hunt / ~s / ~eth / ~ing / hurly n
~ed v ˈɐ:ɹləɪ, ˈhɐ:- husband / ~ed v
ɤnt, hɤ- / -s / ˈɤnt·əθ, ˈhɤ- / 1
sp hurlie , hurley 2 ˈɤzbənd, ˈhɤ- / -ɪd
-ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd sp husband3 / husbanded4
27 3
sp hunt / hunts / hunteth / 1 hurly-burly n
ˈɐ:ɹləɪ-ˈbɐ:ɹləɪ, ˈhɐ:- husbandless adj
hunting6 / hunted5
> bloody-hunting sp hurley-burley’s [burley is] ,1 m ˈɤzbəndˌles, ˈhɤ-
hurly-burly1, hurly burly1 sp husbandles1
hunt-counter n
ˈɤnt-ˌkəʊntəɹ, ˈhɤ- hurricano / ~es n husbandry n
sp hunt-counter 1 ˌɤrɪˈkɛ:no:, ˌhɤ- / -z m ˈɤzbəndˌrəɪ, -dr-, ˈhɤ-
sp hurricano1 / hyrricano’s1 sp husbandrie1, husbandry11
hunter / ~’s / ~s n rh posterity S 3.6
ˈɤntəɹ, ˈhɤ- / -z hurry n
ˈɤrəɪ, ˈhɤ- hush adj / interj
sp hunter8, hun-ter1 / hunters4 /
hunters3 sp hurry1
ɤʃ, hɤʃ
sp hush1 / hush10
hunting n hurr·y / ~ies / ~ied v
ˈɤntɪn, -ɪŋ ˈɤrəɪ, ˈhɤ- / -z / -d hush / ~es / ~ed v
sp hunting 12 1 1 1
sp hurrie , hurry / hurries ,
ɤʃ, hɤʃ / ˈɤʃɪz, ˈhɤ- / ɤʃt,
hurryes1 / hurried5 hɤ-
Huntington n sp hush1 / hushes1 / hush’d1,
ˈɤntɪŋtən, ˈhɤ- hurt adj huisht1, husht2
sp Huntington1 ɐ:ɹt, ˈhɐ:-
sp hurt3


hushed adj Hymen / ~s n rh integrity R2 5.3.106; me LLL

ɤʃt, hɤ- ˈəɪmən, həɪ- / -z 4.3.149; simplicity LLL 5.2.51

sp husht2 sp Hymen7 / Himens1, Hymens3 hypocrite / ~s n

husht interj Hymeneus / ~’ n ˈɪpəˌkrɪt, ˈhɪ- / -s
ɤʃt, hɤ- ˌəɪməˈnɛ:əs, ˌhəɪ- sp hypocrite7 / hypocrites1

sp husht1 sp Hymeneus1 Hyrcan n

husk / ~s n hymn / ~s n ˈɐ:ɹkən, ˈhɐ:-
ɤsks, hɤ- ɪm, = / -z sp Hircan1

sp huskes5 sp hymne5 / hymnes2 Hyrcania n

Hybla n hyperbole / ~s n ɐ:ɹˈkɛ:nɪə, hɐ:-
ˈəɪblə, ˈhəɪ- əɪˈpɐ:ɹbli:z, -bəl-, həɪ- sp Hyrcania1

sp Hibla1 sp hyperboles2 Hyrcanian adj

Hydra / ~’s n hyperbolical adj ɐ:ɹˈkɛ:nɪən, hɐ:-
ˈəɪdrə, ˈhəɪ- / -z ˌəɪpəɹˈbɒlɪkɑl, ˌhəɪ- sp Hircanion1, Hyrcanian1

sp Hidra1, Hydra1, Hydra-[sonne]1 / sp hyperbolicall2 hyssop n

Hyperion / ~’s n ˈɪsəp, ˈhɪ-
Hydra-headed adj əɪˈpi:rɪən, həɪ- / -z sp hisope1
ˈəɪdrə-ˌedɪd, ˈhəɪ-, -ˌhed- sp Hiperion2, Hiperio[n]1 / hysterica Lat adj
sp Hidra-headed1 Hyperions2, emend of Tit 5.2.56
> head Eptons1
sp historica1
hyena n hypocrisy n
əɪˈen, həɪ- m ɪˈpɒkrɪˌsəɪ, hɪ-
sp hyen1 sp hipocrisie1, hypocrisie4


I [letter] n I will abbr Iceland n

əɪ str əɪl, unstr əl, Jamy H ˈəɪslənd
sp I6, [M.O.A.]I.4 .. aɪl sp Island2
pun RJ 3.2.45ff ay, eye, I [pro], sp Ile1701, I’le27, I’ll3, Jamy ayle1
TN 2.5.118 ay ici Fr adv
I would abbr iˈsi
I pro str əɪd, əɪld, unstr əd sp icy1
str əɪ, unstr ə sp Ide1, I’de24, Il’d11, I’ld23
sp I19743, i2, I['haue]1, [nod]-I1 icicle / ~s n
rh 1 ay RJ 1.3.59; by R3 5.3.184; cry iac·eo / ~et Lat v ˈəɪsɪkəl / -z
R2 5.3.75; cry, fly, lie Tem 5.1.88; deny ˈjaset sp isicle1, ysickle1 / isicles1, isyckles1,
TN 5.1.143; die AW 1.3.153, 1H6 sp ia-cet 1
4.5.50, LLL 4.3.206, MM 4.3.78, RJ
3.5.12, TS 3.1.75, VA 1015; die, eye Iachimo n icy adj
Luc 1136; eye LLL 4.3.181; fly 2H6 m ˈjakɪmo:, -ˌmo: ˈəɪsəɪ
2.1.158, MND 3.2.415, TN 3.4.365;
sp Iachimo16 sp icie4, ycie2
high R2 4.1.187; lie LLL 1.1.172, MND
1.1.214, RJ 1.4.50, S 72.7 [emend of iacul·um / ~is Lat n idea / ~s n
eye], 152.13; rely AW 2.1.203; sky
ˈjakʊli:s əɪˈdi:ə / -z
Tem 4.1.71; untie TN 2.2.40; why
sp iaculis1 sp idea2 / ideas1
Cym 5.4.131; rh 2 company 2H4
2.3.67, MND 3.2.340; contrary Per 2.
Iago n idem Lat pro
Chorus.16; cruelty MND 3.2.58; loy-
alty MND 2.2.68; majesty 2H6 1.2.69,
i:ˈɑ:ɡo: ˈɪdem
R3 1.3.31; Margery Tem 2.2.45; sp Iago76 sp idem1
melancholy Cym 4.2.207; merrily
Tem 5.1.88; minstrelsy LLL 1.1.172;
ibat Lat Iden n
reportingly MA 3.1.115 > eo ˈəɪdən
pun RJ 3.2.45ff ay, eye, I [letter], sp Iden6
TG 1.1.113 noddy
Icarus n
> iwis, me m ˈɪkəˌrɤs Ides n
sp Icarus3 əɪdz
I am abbr
sp Ides6
str əɪm, unstr əm ice n
sp I’am1, I’m8, I’me7 əɪs idiot adj
sp ice15, yce3 =
I have abbr
sp idiot1
unstr əɪv, əv ice-brook / ~’s n
sp I’ue3 ˈəɪs-ˌbrʊks idiot / ~s n
sp ice brookes1 =
I should abbr > brook sp ideot5, idiot1, idi-ot1 / ideots1,
Edgar’s assumed dialect idiots1
KL .. tʃʊd
sp ’chud1


idiot-worshipper / ~s n ignis fatuus Lat n + adj Ilium n

ˈɪdɪət-ˌwɔ:ɹʃɪpəɹz ˈɪɡnɪs ˈfatju:ʊs ˈɪlɪəm
sp ideot-worshippers1 sp ignis fatuus1 sp Ilium1, Illium4
> worshipper
ignoble adj ill adj / adv
idle adj / adv ɪɡˈno:bəl =
ˈəɪdl sp ignoble9 sp ill112, ill-[spirit]1, ill-[tydings]1 /
sp idle60, ydle3 / idle1 > noble ill61, ill-[school’d]1
rh adj 1 fill S 112.3; Jill MND 3.2.462;
idle / ~s v ignobly adv kill LLL 4.1.25; quill, will Luc 1300; skill
ˈəɪdlz ɪɡˈno:bləɪ Luc 1530, S 66.12, 150.5; still Luc
sp ydles1 sp ignobly4 1530, Mac 3.2.55, PP 2.4, S 144.4; will
CE 2.1.12, KJ 4.1.55, Per 1.1.105, RJ
idle-headed adj ignominious adj 1.1.203, S 22.12, 89.5; rh 2 well KJ
ˈəɪdl-ˌedɪd, -ˌhe- ˌɪɡnəˈmɪnɪəs 3.4.5, MND 3.2.462, RJ 4.5.75
sp idle-headed-[eld]1 sp ignominious3
ill / ~s n
idleness n ignominy n =
m ˈəɪdlnəs, -ˌnes m ˈɪɡnəˌmɪnəɪ sp ill26 / illes7
rh kill, spill Luc 996, Tim 3.5.38; kill,
sp idlenesse15 sp ignominie1
still Luc 380; Longaville LLL 4.3.122;
idly adv ignomy n mill WT 4.4.302; skill S 91.3; skill, will
Luc 1244; spill LLL 4.1.35; still Luc 476,
ˈəɪdləɪ m ˈɪɡnəˌməɪ
Per 1.1.78, S 147.3; will Luc 304, 1207,
sp idely3, idlely5, idly8 sp ignomie2, ignomy2
Per 2.1.134, 167, RJ 4.5.94, S 57.14
idol adj / n ignorance n ill-beseeming adj
ˈəɪdl m ˈɪɡnərəns, -ˌrans ˈɪl-bɪˈsi:mɪn, -ɪŋ
sp idoll1 / idoll6 sp ignorance37, ig-norance1
sp ill-beseeming2, ill beseeming3
rh advance S 78.14; dance LLL
> beseem
idolatrous adj 5.2.398; France H8 1.3.26
əɪˈdɒlətrəs ill-boding adj
sp idolatrous1
ignorant adj
m ˌɪl-ˈbo:dɪn, -ɪŋ
m ˈɪɡnərənt, -ˌrant
sp ill-boading2
idolatry n sp ignorant46, ig-norant1
> bode
m əɪˈdɒləˌtrəɪ
sp idolatrie1, idolatry4
il Fr pro ill-breeding adj
rh be S 105.1; deity LLL 4.3.73 il m ˌɪl-ˈbri:dɪn, -ɪŋ
sp il14
sp ill breeding1
if conj
> breed
= son det
sp if3461, if[’t] [if it]11 sɔ̃ ill-composed adj
sp son2 ˈɪl-kəmˈpo:zd
if / ~s n
sp ill-composd1
= il Ital det
> compose
sp ifs1 i:l
sp emend of TS 1.2.24 le1 ill-dispersing adj
i’faith prep phrase ˈɪl-dɪsˈpɐ:ɹsɪn, -ɪŋ
ɪˈfɛ:θ Ilion n
sp ill dispersing1
sp ifaith15, i’faith5 ˈɪlɪən > disperse
sp Illion6
i’fecks prep phrase rh pavilion LLL 5.2.650 ill-disposed adj
ɪˈfeks ˈɪl-dɪsˈpo:zd
sp i’fecks1


sp ill dispos’d2 illness n sp ill temper’d2

> disposed = > temper

ill-divining adj sp illnesse1 ill-thinking n

ˈɪl-dɪˈvəɪnɪn, -ɪŋ ill-nurtered adj m ˌɪl-ˈθɪnkɪn, -ɪŋ
sp ill diuining1 m ˌɪl-ˈnɐ:ɹtəɹd sp ill-thinking1
> divining > think
sp ill-nurter’d1
ill-doing n ill-tuned adj
m ˌɪl-ˈdu:ɪn, -ɪŋ m ˌɪl-ˈtju:nɪd
> hillo
sp ill-doing1 sp ill-tuned1
> do ill-roasted adj > tune

illegitimate adj ˈɪl-ˌro:stɪd illume v

ˌɪləˈdʒɪtɪmət sp ill roasted1
> roast
sp illegitimate2 sp illume1
> legitimate ill-rooted adj
illuminate / ~th v
ill-erected adj ˈɪl-ˈru:tɪd, -ˈrʊt-
m ɪlˈju:mɪˌnɛ:t / -əθ
ˈɪl-əˈrektɪd sp ill rooted1
> root sp illuminate1 / illuminateth1
sp ill-erected
> erect ill-seeming adj illumine / ~d v
m ˌɪl-ˈsi:mɪn, -ɪŋ ɪlˈju:mɪnd
ill-faced adj
sp ill seeming1 sp illumin’d1
m ˌɪl-ˈfɛ:st
> seem
sp ill-fac’d1 ill-urged adj
> face ill-shaped adj m ˌɪl-ˈɐ:ɹdʒd
ˈɪl-ˌʃɛ:pt sp ill vrg’d1
ill-favoured adj
sp ill shap’d1 > urge
m ˌɪl-ˈfɛ:vəɹd
1 1 > shape
sp il-fauor’d , illfauourd , ill-used adj
illfauour’d1, ill-fauourd1, ill-fauour’d3, ill-sheathed adj m ˌɪl-ˈju:zd
m ˌɪl-ˈʃi:ðɪd sp ill-vs’d1
> favour
sp ill-sheathed1 > use
ill-favouredly adv > sheathe
illusion / ~s n
m ˌɪl-ˈfɛ:vəɹdˌləɪ ɪˈlu:zɪən / -z
ill-spirited adj
sp ill-fauoredly1, illfauouredly1,
m ˌɪl-ˈspɪɹtɪd sp illusion3 / illusions2
sp ill-spirited1 rh confusion Mac 3.5.28
ill-inhabited adj > spirit
illustrate adj
ˈɪl-ɪnˈabɪtɪd, -ˈha- m ɪˈlɤstrɛ:t
ill-starred adj
sp ill inhabited1
ˈɪl-ˌstɑ:ɹd sp illustrate2
> inhabit
sp ill-starr’d1
illustrate / ~d v
ill-headed adj > star
m ɪˈlɤstrɛ:ˌtɪd
ˈɪl-ˈedɪd, ˈhe-
ill-taken, abbr -ta’ne adj sp illustrated1
sp ill headed1
> head
m ˌɪl-ˈtɛ:n
illustrious adj
sp ill-ta’ne1
illiterate adj > take ɪˈlɤstrɪəs
sp illustrious5
ɪˈlɪtrət, -tər-
ill-tempered adj
sp illiterate1
m ˌɪl-ˈtempəɹd


ill-uttering adj imagined adj immediately adv

m ˌɪl-ˈɤtrɪn, -ɪŋ, -tər- ɪˈmadʒɪnd m ɪˈmi:dɪətˌləɪ, -tl-
sp ill vttering1 sp imagin’d5 sp imediately1, immediately18
> utter rh 1 courtesy 1H4 5.5.33; injury CE
imagining / ~s n 4.2.63; property Ham 3.2.269; rh 2
ill-weaved adj ɪˈmadʒɪnɪnz, -ɪŋz nigh MND 2.2.162
m ˌɪl-ˈwi:vd sp imaginings1
sp ill-weau’d1
imminence n
> weave imbecility n m ˈɪmɪˌnens
m ˌɪmbəˈsɪlɪˌtəɪ sp imminence1
Illyria n sp imbecility1
ɪˈlɪrɪə imminent adj
sp Illyria11 imbrue v m ˈɪmɪˌnent, -ɪnənt
ɪmˈbru: sp iminent1, imminent5
Illyrian adj sp em-brew, imbrue
ɪˈlɪrɪən rh adieu MND 5.1.336
immoderate adj
sp Illyrian 1 ɪˈmɒdrət, -dər-
imitate / ~d v sp immoderate1
ils Fr pro m ˈɪmɪˌtɛ:t, -ɪt- / ˈɪmɪtɛ:tɪd > moderate
il sp imitate10 / imitated1
sp il1, ils1
immoderately adv
imitation / ~s n m ɪˈmɒdrətˌləɪ, -dər-
im- ˌɪmɪˈtɛ:sɪən / -z sp immoderately1
> also em- 4
sp imitation / imitations 1

rh nation R2 2.1.23
immodest adj
image / ~s n ɪˈmɒdəst
= imit·or / ~ari Lat v sp immodest5
sp image42 / images10 ɪmɪˈtɑ:ri: > modest
sp imitarie1
imagery n immoment adj
m ˈɪmɪdʒˌrəɪ immaculate adj ɪˈmo:mənt
sp imagery1 m ɪˈmakjəˌlɛ:t sp immoment1
sp immaculate
imaginary adj immortal adj
m ɪˈmadʒɪˌnarəɪ, -ɪnˌrəɪ immanity n ɪˈmɔ:ɹtl
sp imaginarie4, imaginary2, m ɪˈmanɪˌtəɪ sp immortall21, im-mortall1,
immaginarie1 sp immanity 1 immor-tall1, imortall1
rh eye R2 2.2.27
immask v immortalized adj
imagination / ~s n ɪˈmask m ɪˈmɔ:ɹtəˌləɪzd
ɪˌmadʒɪˈnɛ:sɪən / -z sp immaske1 sp immortaliz’d1
23 1
sp imagination , imagi-nation ,
immagination1 / imaginations4 immaterial adj immortally adv
rh 1 abomination, exclamation Luc ˌɪməˈti:rɪɑl m ɪˈmɔ:ɹtəˌləɪ
702; divination VA 668; rh 2 region sp immortally1
sp immateriall1
Per 4.4.3
immediacy n immure / ~s n
imagin·e / ~ing / ~ed v ɪmˈju:ɹz
m ɪˈmi:dɪəˌsəɪ
ɪˈmadʒɪn / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / m -d, -ed sp emures1
sp immediacie1
sp imagine21, ima-gine1 / imagining1
/ imagin’d2, imagined2 immediate adj immure /~d v
rh bed, head Luc 1622; head Luc m ɪmˈju:ɹd, -ɹɪd
sp imediate1, immediate14 sp emured2, immur’d2


Imogen / ~’s n impatience n imperfection / ~s n

m ˈɪməˌdʒen, -ədʒən / m ɪmˈpɛ:sɪəns, -ɪˌens ˌɪmpəɹˈfeksɪən / -z
ˈɪməˌdʒenz sp impatience18 sp imperfection1, im-perfection1 /
sp Imogen39 / Imogens1 rh commence 1H6 4.7.8 imperfections4
rh 1 again Cym 3.5.105, 5.3.83; rh 2 > patience
in Cym 5.4.107
imperfectly adj
> Innogen
impatient adj m ɪmˈpɐ:ɹfɪtˌləɪ
m ɪmˈpɛ:sɪənt, -ɪˌent sp imperfectly1
imp n/v sp impatient19
= imperial adj
sp impe4 / impe1
impatiently adv m ɪmˈperɪɑl, -ˌɑl
rh n shrimp LLL 5.2.584 m ɪmˈpɛ:sɪəntˌləɪ sp emperiall2, imperial1, imperiall24,
sp impatiently3 im-periall1
impaint v
ɪmˈpɛ:nt impawn / ~ed v imperial / ~’s n
sp impaint1 = ɪmˈperɪɑlz
sp impawne1 / impawnd1, sp emperialls1, imperialls1
impair / ~ing v impawn’d1
ɪmˈpɛ:ɹ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ imperious adj
sp impaire / impairing 1 impeach n ɪmˈperɪəs
= sp emperious2, imperious10
impaired adj sp impeach 2

ˈɪmpɛ:ɹd imperiously adv

sp impaired1
impeach / ~ed v ɪmˈperɪəsləɪ
= sp imperiously1
impale / ~d v sp impeach8 / impeach’d1
ɪmˈpɛ:l / m ɪmˈpɛ:lɪd imperseverant adj
1 1
sp empale , impale / impaled 1 impeachment / ~s n ˌɪmpəɹˈsevrənt, -vər-
= sp imperseuerant1
impannel / S ~led v 2
sp impeachment / impeachments 1

ɪmˈpanəˌlɪd impertinency n
sp impannelled1
impede / ~s v m ɪmˈpɐ:ɹtɪˌnensəɪ
rh determined S 46.9 = sp impertinency1
sp impeides1
impart / ~s / Luc ~eth / ~ed v impertinent adj
ɪmˈpɑ:ɹt / -s / -əθ / -ɪd impediment / ~s n ɪmˈpɐ:ɹtɪnənt
sp impart10 / imparts1 / imparteth1 m ɪmˈpedɪmənt, -ˌment / -s sp impertinent2
1 15 5
/ imparted sp impediment / impediments
rh 1 heart R3 4.4.130; rh 2 desert impeticos / emend
S 72.8 / starteth Luc 1039 impenetrable adj impetticoat v
> part m ɪmˈpenɪˌtrabəl ɪmˈpetɪkɒs / -ko:t
sp impenetrable1 sp impeticos1
impartial adj
ɪmˈpɑ:ɹsɪɑl imperator n impetuosity n
sp impartiall3 ˌɪmpəˈrɑ:tɔ:ɹ ɪmˌpetju:ˈɒsɪtəɪ
> partial sp emperator1 sp impetuositie1
impartment n imperfect adj impiet·y / ~ies n
ɪmˈpɑ:ɹtmənt ɪmˈpɐ:ɹfɪt m ɪmˈpəɪəˌtəɪ / -ətəɪz
sp impartment1 sp imperfect4 sp impietie2, impiety3 / impieties1
> perfect rh angry [3 sylls] Tim 3.5.57; enemy,
impaste / ~d v
infamy Luc 1174; society S 67.2
sp impasted1


impious adj important adj impossibility n

= ɪmˈpɔ:ɹtənt m ɪmˌpɒsɪˈbɪlɪˌtəɪ, -təɪ / -z
sp impious6 sp important6, impor-tant1 sp impossibility4 / impossibilities3
> pious
importantly adv impossible adj
impitious adj m ɪmˈpɔ:ɹtəntˌləɪ =
ɪmˈpɪtɪəs sp importantly1 sp impossible39, im-possible1
sp impittious1
importing prep impossible Fr adj
implacable adj ɪmˈpɔ:ɹtɪn, -ɪŋ ɛ̃pɔˈsiblə
= sp importing1 sp impossible1
sp implacable1
importless adj impostor / ~s n
implement / ~s n ɪmˈpɔ:ɹtləs ɪmˈpɒstəɹ / -z
m ˈɪmplɪmənts, -ˌments sp importlesse1 sp impostor1, imposture1 /
sp implements2 impostors1
importunacy n
implorator / ~s n m ˌɪmpɒɹˈtju:nəsəɪ, -ˌsəɪ impotence n
m ɪmˈplɒrəˌtɔ:ɹz sp importunacie1, importunacy1 m ˈɪmpəˌtens
sp implorators1 sp impotence1
importunate adj > potency
implor·e / ~ing / ~ed v m ɪmˈpɔ:ɹtənət, -ˌnɛ:t
ɪmˈplɔ:ɹ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d sp importunat1, importunate4,
impotent adj
sp implore6 / imploring1 / implor’d2 importu-nate1 m ˈɪmpəˌtent, -tənt
sp impotent4
impl·y / ~ies v importune / ~s / ~d v
ɪmˈpləɪz ɪmˈpɔ:ɹtən / -z / -d impound / ~ed v
sp implies 1 11
sp importune , impor-tune / 1 ɪmˈpəʊndɪd
rh dies AW 1.3.211 importunes3, im-portunes1 / sp impounded1
impone / ~d v rh fortune TG 3.1.145 impregnable adj
ɪmˈpo:nd =
sp impon’d2
importuned adj sp impregnable3
import n sp importun’d1 impress n
ɪmˈpɔ:ɹt m ˈɪmpres, ɪmˈpres
importunity n
sp import7, im-port1 sp impresse5
m ˌɪmpɒɹˈtju:nɪtəɪ, -ˌtəɪ
import / ~s / ~eth / ~ing / sp importunitie1, importunity2 impress / ~ed v
~ed v ɪmˈpres / m -t, -ɪd
impose n
ɪmˈpɔ:ɹt / -s / -əθ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd sp impresse2 / impressed2,
10 6 1
ɪmˈpo:z imprest2
sp import / imports , im-ports /
sp impose1 rh expressed LLL 2.1.222
importeth2 / importing6 / imported1
impose / ~d v impressed adj
importance n
ɪmˈpo:z / -d ɪmˈprest
sp impose9 / impos’d2, imposed1, sp imprest1
sp importance5
importancy n impression n
imposition / ~s n
m ɪmˈpɔ:ɹtənˌsəɪ ɪmˈpresɪən
m ˌɪmpəˈzɪsɪən, -sɪˌɒn / -sɪənz
sp importancie1 sp impression9
sp imposition5, im-position1,
rh commission VA 566
impositi-on1 / impositions1
rh disposition Luc 1697


impressure n rh confidence AW 2.1.170; offence in it abbr

ɪmˈpresəɹ Per 2.3.69 ɪnt
sp impressure2, im-pressure1 impudency n sp in’t87
> pressure
m ˈɪmpjʊˌdensəɪ in the abbr
imprimis Lat adv sp im-pudency1 ɪθ
ɪmˈpri:mɪs impudent adj sp ith3, i’th 85, ith’19, i’th’184,
sp inprimis5 i’the3, y’th1
m ˈɪmpjʊdənt, -ˌdent
imprim·o / ~endum Lat v sp impudent8 in thy abbr
ˌɪmprɪˈmendʊm ɪðɪ
impudently adv
sp impremendum1 sp i’thy1
m ˈɪmpjʊˌdentləɪ
imprint / ~ed v sp impudently1 in v
ɪmˈprɪntɪd impudique Fr adj
sp imprinted1 sp inne1
rh contented VA 511
sp impudique1 in Lat prep
imprison / ~ed v ɪn
impugn / ~s v
= sp in3
3 =
sp imprison , imprison’t [imprison
it]1 / imprison’d9, imprisoned1 sp impugne1 / impugnes1 inaccessible adj
imprisoned adj impure adj
sp inaccessible2
m =, ˌɪmprɪˈzɒnɪd m ˈɪmpju:ɹ
sp imprisoned2 sp impure1 inaidible adj
> long-imprisoned > pure ɪnˈɛ:dɪbəl
imputation n sp inaydible1
imprisoning n > aid
m ɪmˈprɪzəˌnɪn, -ɪŋ ˌɪmpjʊˈtɛ:sɪən
sp imprisoning1 sp imputation5, im-putation1 inaudible adj
imprisonment n impute v
sp inaudible1
m ɪmˈprɪzənˌment, -mənt = > audible
sp imprisonment15, imprison-ment1 sp impute3
rh mute S 83.9 inauspicious adj
improbable adj ˌɪnɒˈspɪsɪəs
in, abbr i adv, prep
= sp inauspicious1
1 =, abbr ɪ > auspicious, unauspicious
sp improbable
sp in10522, [shouels]-in, [take]-in1,
improve v [without following space, eg infaith]32, incaged adj
ɪmˈprɤv, -ru:v y[faith]27, y’[faith]2 m ɪnˈkɛ:dʒɪd
rh begin LLL 3.1.105 [F line ending];
sp improue1 sp incaged2
chin VA 87; fin CE 3.1.78; Ginn CE
> prove, unimproved > cage
3.1.30; Innogen Cym 5.4.105; pin LLL
improvident adj 4.1.136; shin LLL 3.1.105; sin LLL incantation / ~s n
4.3.176, MM 4.2.106, R2 5.3.80, R3
ɪmˈprɒvdənt, -vɪd- ˌɪŋkənˈtɛ:sɪənz
4.2.62; skin MND 2.1.256; thin CE
sp improuident2 3.1.69; women H8 Epil.9 sp incantations1

impudence n in his abbr incapable adj

m ˈɪmpjʊˌdens ɪns m ɪnˈkɛ:pəbəl, -əˌbɤl
sp impudence3 sp in’s36 sp incapable2, incapeable3
> capable


incardinate adj incessantly adv incivility n

ɪnˈkɑ:ɹdɪnət m ɪnˈsesəntˌləɪ m ˌɪnsɪˈvɪlɪˌtəɪ
sp incardinate1 sp incessantly1 sp inciuility1

incarnardine v incest n inclinable adj

m ɪnˈkɑ:ɹnəɹˌdəɪn ˈɪnsest ɪnˈkləɪnəbəl
sp incarnardine1 sp incest2 sp inclinable1, inclineable1

incarnate adj incestuous adj inclination n

ɪnˈkɑ:ɹnət ɪnˈsestjəs m ˌɪnklɪˈnɛ:sɪən, -sɪˌɒn
sp incarnate1, incar-nate1 sp incestuous5 sp inclination11
rh abomination, subornation Luc 922
incarnation n inch / ~es n
ˌɪnkəɹˈnɛ:sɪən = inclin·e / ~est / ~s / ~ing /
sp incarnation 1 sp inch10, ynch7 / inches11 ~ed v
> four-inched, three-inch ɪnˈkləɪn / -st / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d
incense n sp incline9 / inclin’st1 / inclines1 /
incharitable adj
ˈɪnsens enclining1, inclining2 / enclin’d6,
sp incense4 inclin’d8, inclinde2
sp incharitable1
> wrong-incensed rh Collatine, divine Luc 292 / find,
> charitable
mind Luc 1657
incense / ~s / ~ed v
inch-meal n inclining adj / n
ɪnˈsens / -ɪz / m -ɪd, -t
6 1 2
= ɪnˈkləɪnɪn, -ɪŋ
sp incense / incenses / incensed ,
sp ynch-meale1
incenst4 sp inclyning1 / inclining3
> meal
incensed adj inclose
inch-thick adj
m ɪnˈsensɪd > enclose
sp incensed6
sp ynch-thick1 include / ~s / ~d v
incensement n =
incidency n
ɪnˈsensmənt sp include1 / includes2 / included1
sp incense-ment
sp incidencie1 inclusive adj
incensing adj =
incident adj
ɪnˈsensɪn, -ɪŋ sp inclusiue2
m ˈɪnsɪdənt, -ˌdent
sp incensing
sp incident3 incomparable adj
incertain adj m ɪnˈkɒmpəˌrabəl, -prəbəl
incision n
ɪnˈsɐ:ɹtən sp incomparable3, incompareable1
m ɪnˈsɪzɪən, -zɪˌɒn
sp incertaine
sp incision6 incompass
> certain, uncertain
rh 1 misprision LLL 4.3.95; rh 2 > encompass
incertaint·y S / ~ies n physician R2 1.1.155
ɪnˈsɐ:ɹtənˌtəɪ / -z incomprehensible adj
incite / ~s v ɪnˌkɒmprɪˈensɪbəl, -ˈhe-
sp in-certainty1 / incertainties1
ɪnˈsəɪt / -s sp incomprehensible1
rh tyranny S 115.11
sp incite5 / incites1 > comprehend
> certainty, uncertainty
rh right KL 4.4.27; incite thee
incessant adj requite thee MA 3.1.113 inconsiderate adj
= ˌɪnkənˈsɪdrət, -dər-
incivil adj
sp incessant5 sp inconsiderate2
= > considerate
sp inciuill1


inconstancy n incounter indeavour

m ɪnˈkɒnstənˌsəɪ > encounter > endeavour
sp inconstancie2, inconstancy2,
increase n indebted adj
rh company LLL 4.3.178; majesty KJ ɪnˈkri:s, -ˈkres =
3.1.322 sp encrease7, in-crease1 sp indebted2
> constancy rh cease S 11.5; decease S 1.1, 97.6;
peace R3 5.5.38 indeed adv
inconstant adj =
ɪnˈkɒnstənt increas·e / ~eth / ~ing /
sp indeed287, in-deed3, in deed1,
sp inconstant 9 ~ed v indeede141, in-deede6, indeede-[la]2
> unconstant ɪnˈkri:s, -ˈkres / -əθ / -ɪn, rh bleed VA 667; heed LLL 1.1.80;
-ɪŋ / -t need PP 20.49; read S 62.9; speed
incontinency n Tim 3.2.62
sp encrease9 / encreaseth2 /
m ɪnˈkɒntɪˌnensəɪ encreasing1, encrea-sing1, pun AC 1.5.15 in deed
sp incontinencie3 increasing1 / increast1
> continence
indent n
rh decease S 15.5 / releasing VA 254
incontinent adj increasing adj / n sp indent1
m ɪnˈkɒntɪˌnent, -ɪnənt ɪnˈkri:sɪn, -ɪŋ, -ˈkres-
sp incontinent5, inconti-nent1 sp encreasing1, incresing1 /
indent / ~ed v
rh lament R2 5.6.48 encreasing1 =
rh n blessing Tem 4.1.107 sp indent1 / indented1
incontinently adv
m ɪnˈkɒntɪˌnentləɪ incredible adj indenture / ~s n
sp incontinently 1 ɪnˈkredɪbəl ɪnˈdentəɹ / -z
sp incredible1 sp indenture2 / indentures4
inconvenience / ~s n
m ˌɪnkənˈvi:nɪˌens / incredulous adj in despite of
ˌɪnkənˈvi:nɪənˌsɪz ɪnˈkredləs, -djəl- > despite of, in
sp inconuenience1 / sp incredulous2
index / ~es n
> convenience
incroaching =
> encroaching sp index4 / indexes1
inconvenient adj
ˌɪnkənˈvi:nɪənt incur / ~red v India n
sp inconuenient 1 ɪnˈkɐ:ɹ / -d m =, ˈɪndɪˌa
sp encurre2, incurre4 / incur’d2, sp India7
incony adj incurr’d1, incurred1
rh stir Luc 1473 Indian adj / n
ɪnˈko:nəɪ, -ˈkɤ-
1 1 =
sp inconie , in-conie
incurable adj sp Indian5 / Indian2
incorporate adj / n / v =
sp incureable3 Indian-like adj
m ɪnˈkɔ:ɹprət, -əˌrɛ:t /
m ɪnˈkɔ:ɹpəˌrɛ:t / incursion / ~s n sp Indian like1
m ɪnˈkɔ:ɹprət, -əˌrɛ:t ɪnˈkɐ:ɹsɪənz
sp incorparate1, incorporate5 / indictment n
sp incursions1
incorporate1 / incorporate2 ɪnˈdəɪtmənt
Inde n sp indictment4
incorrect adj
= Indies n
sp Inde3
sp incorrect1 ˈɪndəɪz
rh blind LLL 4.3.220; Rosalind AY
> correct
3.2.84 sp Indies5


indifferency n indirectly adv indubitate adj

m ɪnˈdɪfrənsəɪ, -ˌsəɪ ˌɪndɪˈrekləɪ, -ktləɪ ɪnˈdju:bɪtət
sp indiffe-rencie1, indifferency1 sp indirectlie1, indirectly6 sp indubitate1
> differ
indiscreet adj induce / ~d v
indifferent adj = =
m ɪnˈdɪfrənt, -fəˌrent sp indiscreet2 sp induce4 / induc’d3, induced2
sp indifferent14, indiffe-rent1 > discretion
inducement n
indifferently adv indiscretion n =
m ɪnˈdɪfrəntləɪ, -ˌləɪ ˌɪndɪˈskresɪən sp inducement3
sp indifferently5 sp indiscretion2
induction / ~s n
indigent adj indisposed adj ɪnˈdɤksɪən / -z
= ˌɪndɪˈspo:zd sp induction2 / inductions1
sp indigent1 sp indispos’d1
indigest n indisposition n > endue
m ˈɪndɪˌdʒest ɪnˌdɪspəˈzɪsɪən
sp indigest1 sp indisposition1
indulgence / ~s n
rh best S 114.5 > disposition ɪnˈdɤldʒəns / -ɪz
sp indulgence2 / indulgences1
indigested adj indissoluble adj
m ˈɪndɪˌdʒestɪd m ɪnˈdɪsələbəl indulgent adj
sp indigested 2
sp indissoluble 1 ɪnˈdɤldʒənt
sp indulgent1
indign adj indistinct adj
ɪnˈdəɪn = indurance
sp indigne1 sp indistinct2 > endurance

indignation / ~s n indistinguishable adj industrious adj

m ˌɪndɪɡˈnɛ:sɪən, -sɪˌɒn / = ɪnˈdɤstrɪəs
ˌɪndɪɡˈnɛ:sɪənz sp indi-stinguishable1 sp industrious4
sp indignation11 / indignations1 > distinguish
industriously adv
indigne Fr adj indistinguished adj m ɪnˈdɤstrɪəsˌləɪ
ɛ̃ˈdiɲ = sp industriously1
sp indignie 1 sp indistinguish’d
industry n
indignit·y / ~ies n indite / ~d v m ˈɪndɤstrəɪ, -ˌtrəɪ
m ɪnˈdɪɡnɪˌtəɪ, -ɪtəɪ / -ɪˌtəɪz ɪnˈdəɪt / -ɪd sp industrie2, industry5,
sp indite / indited 3 indu-stry1
sp indignitie3, indignity3 /
individible adj inequality n
rh be LLL 5.2.289; me Tit 1.1.8
ˌɪndɪˈvəɪdbəl, -dəb- m ˌɪnɪˈkwɑlɪˌtəɪ
indirect adj sp indiuidible1 sp inequality1
= > divide > equal
sp indirect8
indrenched adj inestimable adj
> direct
= m ɪnˈestɪˌmabəl
indirection / ~s n sp indrench’d1 sp inestimable2
ˌɪndɪˈreksɪən / -z > drench > estimable
sp indirection2 / indirections1


inevitable adj infant / ~’s / ~s n infernal adj

m ɪnˈevɪˌtabəl, -ɪt- = ɪnˈfɐ:ɹnəl
sp ineuitable4 sp infant10, infant-[fortune]1 / sp infernall3
infants1 / infants11
inexecrable adj infest v
m ɪnˈeksɪˌkrabəl infant-like adj =
sp inexecrable1 ˈɪnfənt-ˌləɪk sp infest1
sp infant-like1
inexorable adj infidel / ~s n
m ɪnˈeksəˌrabəl infect / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v m ˈɪnfɪdəl, -ɪˌdel / ˈɪnfɪˌdelz
sp inexorable2 = / = / ɪnˈfektɪn, -ɪŋ / = sp infidell3 / infidels2
sp infect20, infect [infected]1, in-fect1
inexplicable adj / infects4 / infecting1 / infected15 infinite adj / n
= rh affected LLL 2.1.216; collected m ˈɪnfɪnɪt, -ˌnɪt
sp inexplicable1 Ham 3.2.267 sp infinit2, infinite32, infinite1,
> explication in-finite1, infi-nite1, emend of
infected adj / n AC 5.3.216 insuite / infinite3
infallible adj =
= sp infected3 / infected1 infinitely adv
sp infallible5 m ˈɪnfɪˌnɪtləɪ
> fallible, unfallible
infection / ~s n sp infinitely4, in-finitely1
m ɪnˈfeksɪən, -ɪˌɒn /
infallibly adv ɪnˈfeksɪənz infinitive n
ɪnˈfalɪbləɪ sp infection17, infectio[n]1 / =
sp infallibly1 infections1 sp infinitiue1
rh correction S 111.10
infamonize v infirm adj
ɪnˈfamənəɪz infectious adj ɪnˈfɐ:ɹm
sp infamonize1 ɪnˈfeksɪəs sp infirme4
sp infectious
infamous adj infirmit·y / ~ies n
= infectiously adv m ɪnˈfɐ:ɹmɪˌtəɪ, -ɪt- /
sp infamous2 m ɪnˈfeksɪəsˌləɪ ɪnˈfɐ:ɹmɪˌtəɪz
sp infectiously1 sp infirmity9, infirmitie7 /
infamy n infirmities4
m ˈɪnfəˌməɪ, -əm- infer / ~reth / ~ring / ~red v rh be Luc 150; chastity, posterity PT
sp infamie8, infamy4, in-famy1 ɪnˈfɐ:ɹ / -əθ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d 60 / rh 1 destinies VA 735 / rh 2
rh 1 be Luc 1638; enemy, impiety Luc sp inferre6 / inferreth1 / inferring1 / eyes Per Prol.3
1173; enmity Luc 504; livery Luc 1055; inferr'd3
me Luc 794; mortality 1H6 4.5.33; infixed adj
nativity Luc 539; opportunity Luc 1025; inference n m ɪnˈfɪksɪd
rh 2 die Luc 1055 / eyes Luc 636 m ˈɪnfəˌrens sp infixed1
sp inference1
infancy n inflame / ~ed v
ˈɪnfənˌsəɪ inferior adj ɪnˈflɛ:m / -d
sp infancie11, infancy1 ɪnˈferɪəɹ sp inflame1 / inflam’d1
rh 1 fantasy MW 5.5.52; me R3 sp inferior4, inferiour5 rh fame, shame LC 268
4.4.169; thee [F] at Tit 5.3.163; rh 2
eye LLL 4.3.243 inferior / ~s n inflaming adj
ɪnˈferɪəɹz ɪnˈflɛ:mɪn, -ɪŋ
infant adj
sp inferiors1 sp inflaming2
sp infant7


inflammation n infusion n sp ingratitude21 / ingratitudes1

ˌɪnfləˈmɛ:sɪən ɪnˈfju:zɪən rh rude AY 2.7.177

sp inflamation1 sp infusion1 ingrave

inflict v ingaged > engrave

= > engage ingredience n

sp inflict1 ɪnˈɡredɪəns
rh contradict Luc 1630
> engender sp ingredience2
infliction n ingredient n
ɪnˈflɪksɪən ingener n
ɪnˈdʒenəɹ ɪnˈɡredɪənt
sp infliction1
sp ingeniuer1 sp ingredient1, ingre-dient1
influence / ~s n ingross
m =, ˈɪnflʊˌens / -ɪz ingenious adj
ɪnˈdʒenɪəs > engross
sp influence7 / influences1,
[skyie]-influences1 sp ingenious inhabit / ~s / ~ed v
ingeniously adv ɪnˈabɪt, -ˈha- / -s / -ɪd
infold, inforce
m ɪnˈdʒenɪəsˌləɪ sp inhabit4, inhabite5 / inhabites1,
> enfold, enforce
inhabits3 / inhabited1
sp ingeniously1
inform / ~s / ~ed v > ill-inhabited

ɪnˈfɔ:ɹm / -z / -d ingenuous adj inhabitable adj

1 21
sp enforme , informe / informes / 1 = m ɪnˈabɪˌtabəl, -ˈha-
enformed1, inform’d17, informed2 sp ingenuous3
sp inhabitable1
informal adj inglorious adj > uninhabitable

ɪnˈfɔ:ɹmɑl = inhabitant / ~s n
sp informall1 sp inglorious1 m ɪnˈabɪˌtants, -ˈha-
> form > glory
sp inhabitants2
information / ~s n ingot / ~s n inhearse S / ~d v
ˌɪnfəɹˈmɛ:sɪən / -z = ɪnˈɐ:ɹs, -ˈhɐ:- / m ɪnˈɐ:ɹsɪd,
sp information2 / informations1 sp ingots1
infortunate adj ingraffed / ingraft adj sp inhearce1 / inherced1
m ɪnˈfɔ:ɹtəˌnɛ:t ɪnˈɡraft rh verse S 86.3

sp infortunate3 sp ingraffed1 / ingraft1 inherent adj

> fortune, unfortunate
ingrafted adj ɪnˈerənt, -ˈhe-
infranchise ɪnˈɡraftɪd sp inherent1
> enfranchise sp ingrafted1 inherit / ~s / ~ed v
infringe / ~d v ingrate adj ɪnˈerɪt, -ˈhe- / -s / -ɪd
= / m ɪnˈfrɪndʒd, -ˌdʒɪd ɪnˈɡrɛ:t sp inherit10, inhe-rit1, inherite3 /
sp infringe5 / infring’d1, inherits2 / inherited3
sp ingrate5
infringed1 rh merit LLL 4.1.20
ingrateful adj > disinherit, trunk-inheriting
infus·e / ~ing / ~ed v ɪnˈɡrɛ:tfʊl inheritance n
= / ɪnˈfju:z·ɪn, -ɪŋ / m -d, -ɪd ingratefull13
m ɪnˈerɪˌtans, -təns, -ˈhe-
sp infuse3 / infusing1 / infus’d3, > ungrateful
infused2 sp inheritance12
ingratitude / ~s n
ɪnˈɡratɪˌtju:d / -z


inheritor / ~s n injure / ~d v inland adj

m ɪnˈerɪˌtɔ:ɹ, -ɪtəɹ, -ˈhe- / ˈɪndʒəɹ / -d =
-ɪˌtɔ:ɹz, -ˈhe- sp iniure1 / iniur’d4 sp inland2, in-land3
sp inheritor3, inheritour1 / inheritors1
injurer n inlarge
inheritrix n ˈɪndʒərəɹ > enlarge
m ɪnˈerɪˌtrɪks, -ˈhe- sp iniurer1
inlay / ~ed v
sp inheritrix1
injurious adj ˈɪnlɛ: / -d
inhibited adj ɪnˈdʒu:rɪəs sp in-lay1 / inlayed1
ɪnˈɪbɪtɪd, -ˈhɪ- sp iniurious12, iniurous1
inly adj / adv
sp inhibited2
injur·y / ~ies n ˈɪnləɪ
inhibition n m ˈɪndʒəˌrəɪ, -ər- / -z sp inly2 / inly2
ˌɪnɪˈbɪsɪən, ˌɪnhɪ- 17 9 21
sp iniurie , iniury / iniuries
rh courtesy MND 3.2.148; immedi-
inmost adj
sp inhibition1
ately CE 4.2.65; liberty S 58.8; ˈɪnmo:st
inhooped adj memory Cor 5.6.154; poverty S 40.12 sp inmost2
ɪnˈu:pt, -ˈhu:- / rh 1 enemies S 139.12; miseries
Cym 5.4.84; rh 2 exercise Cym inn n
sp in hoopt1
5.4.84 =
inhuman adj sp inne7
injustice n > Clement’s Inn, Inns of Court
ɪnˈju:mən, -ˈhj-
sp inhumaine2, inhumane6 innkeeper n
sp iniustice9
> human
> justice ˈɪn-ˌki:pəɹ
iniquit·y / ~y’s / ~ies n sp inne-keeper1
ink n > keep
m ɪˈnɪkwɪˌtəɪ, -ɪt- / -ɪtəɪz
sp iniquitie5, ini-quitie1 / ini-quities1 innocence n
sp incke1, ink1, inke24
/ iniquities1
rh think CE 3.1.13 m ˈɪnəˌsens, -səns
rh 1 antiquity S 62.12; thee Luc 626;
rh 2 die Luc 1687 sp innocence21
ink-horn adj / n rh conference MND 2.2.51; offence
initiate adj ˈɪŋk-ˌɔ:ɹn, -ˌhɔ:- Per 1.2.93
ɪˈnɪsɪət sp inke-horne1 / inke-horne1,
inkehorne1 innocency n
sp initiate1
> horn m ˈɪnəˌsensəɪ, -sənsəɪ
injoin sp innocencie3, innocency3
> enjoin
> enkindled innocent adj
injointed adj m ˈɪnəˌsent, -sənt
inkle / ~s n sp innocent41
sp inioynted1
sp yncle1 / inckles1 innocent / ~s n
injoy m ˈɪnəˌsent, -sənt / ˈɪnəˌsents
inkling n sp innocent9 / innocents4
> enjoy
injunction / ~s n sp inckling1, inkling1 Innocent [name] n
ɪnˈdʒɤŋksɪən / -z ˈɪnəˌsent
inky adj sp innocent2
sp iniunction3 / iniunctions2
sp inkie1, inky2
innoculate v
sp innocculate1


Innogen n insane adj inshell / ~ed v

ˈɪnədʒən m ˈɪnsɛ:n =
sp Innogen1 sp insane1 sp in-shell’d1
> Imogen > shell
insatiate adj
innovation n m ɪnˈsɛ:sɪət, -ɪˌet inshrine
m ˌɪnəˈvɛ:sɪən, -sɪˌɒn sp insatiate 3 > enshrine
sp innouation2, inouation1
insconce inside adj / n
innovator n > ensconce ˈɪnsəɪd
ˈɪnəˌvɛ:təɹ sp in-side1 / in-side4, inside1
inscri·be / ~d v > side
sp innouator
Inns of Court n phrase sp inscrib’d1 insinewed adj
ˈɪnz ə ˈkɔ:ɹt ɪnˈsɪnju:d
inscription / ~s n
sp Innes of Court3 sp insinewed1
ɪnˈskrɪpsɪən / -z > sinew
> court, inn
sp inscription1 / inscriptions1
innumerable adj insinuate / ~th v
inscrol / ~led v m ɪnˈsɪnjʊˌɛ:t, -ʊɛ:t /
m ɪˈnju:məˌrabəl
ɪnˈskro:ld ɪnˈsɪnjʊɛ:təθ
sp inumerable1
sp inscrold1
sp insinuate5 / insinuateth1
inordinate adj rh behold, bold, cold, enfold, gold,
rh extenuate VA 1012
old, sold, told MV 2.7.72
m ɪnˈɔ:ɹdɪnət, -ɪˌnet
sp inordinate2
insinuating adj
inscrutible adj
rh estate Luc 94 m ɪnˈsɪnjʊˌɛ:tɪn, -ɪŋ, -ʊɛ:-
> ordinate sp insinuating4
sp inscrutible1
inquire, inquiry insinuation n
insculp / ~ed v
> enquire, enquiry ɪnˌsɪnjʊˈɛ:sɪən
sp insinuation2, insi-nuation1
inquisition n sp insculpt1
ˌɪnkwɪˈzɪsɪən insist / ~ing / ~ed v
insculpture n
sp inquisition2 ɪnˈsɪstɪn, -ɪŋ / =
sp insisting1 / insisted1
inquisitive adj sp insculpture1
m ˌɪnˈkwɪzɪˌtɪv insisture n
insensible adj
sp inquisitiue2 ɪnˈsɪstəɹ
sp insisture1
inraged sp insensible3
> enrage > sensible insociable adj
inseparable adj m ɪnˈso:sɪəbəl, -ɪˌabəl
sp insociable2
> enrich m ɪnˈsepəˌrabəl
> sociable
sp inseparable1, inseperable1
inroads n > separate insolence n
m ɪnˈro:dz m ˈɪnsəˌlens, -ləns
sp inrodes1
inseparate adj
sp insolence13, in-solence1
ɪnˈseprət, -pər-
inrolled sp inseperate1 insolent adj
> enrol
insert / ~ed v m ˈɪnsəˌlent, -lənt
sp insolent9
ɪnˈsɐ:ɹt / -ɪd
sp insert2 / inserted1


insomuch adv instigation / ~s n insufficiency n

ˌɪnsəˈmɤtʃ m ˌɪnstɪˈɡɛ:sɪən, -sɪˌɒn / m ˌɪnsəˈfɪsɪənˌsəɪ
sp insomuch1 ˌɪnstɪˈɡɛ:sɪənz sp insufficiency1
sp instigation3 / instigations1 rh eye MND 2.2.134
inspiration / ~s n
m ˌɪnspɪˈrɛ:sɪən, -sɪˌɒn / ˌɪnspɪ instinct n insult / ~ing / ~ed v
ˈrɛ:sɪənz ɪnˈstɪŋt, -ŋkt = / ɪnˈsɤltɪn, -ɪŋ / =
sp inspiration3 / inspirations1 sp instinct14, in-stinct1 sp insult4 / insulting1 / insulted1
> new-inspired
instinctively adv insulting adj
inspire / ~d v m ɪnˈstɪŋtɪvˌləɪ, -ŋkt- ɪnˈsɤltɪn, -ɪŋ
ɪnˈspəɪɹ / m ɪnˈspəɪɹɪd, -ɹd sp instinctiuely2 sp insulting7, [haught]-insulting1
2 4 2
sp inspire / inspir’d , inspired
institute v insultment n
inspired adj ˈɪnstɪˌtju:t ɪnˈsɤltmənt
m ɪnˈspəɪɹɪd, -ɹd sp institute2 sp insulment1
1 1
sp inspir’d , inspired
institution / ~s n insupportable adj
instal / ~led v ˌɪnstɪˈtju:sɪənz ˌɪnsəˈpɔ:ɹtəbəl
ɪnˈstɑ:l, -tɔ:l / m ɪnˈstɑ:lɪd, -ld, sp institutions1 sp insupportable3
-tɔ:l- > supportable
sp install’d3, installed1, instaul’d1
instruct / ~s / ~ed v
ɪnˈstrɤkt/ -s / -ɪd / insuppressive adj
instalment n sp instruct25 / instructs3, in-structs1 /
ɪnˈstɑ:lmənt, -tɔ:l- instructed5, in-structed1 sp insuppressiue1
sp installment , instalment 1 rh instruct you becomes you TS
insurrection / ~’s / ~s n
instance / ~s n ˌɪnsəˈreksɪən, -sɪˌɒn /
= instruction / ~s n ˌɪnsəˈreksɪənz / ˌɪnsəˈreksɪˌɒnz
sp instance 25
/ instances 7 m ɪnˈstrɤksɪən, -sɪˌɒn / -z sp insurrection4 / insurrections1 /
sp instruction16 / instructions7 insurrecti-ons1
instant adj / n rh subjection Luc 722
instrument / ~s n
17 43
m ˈɪnstrəˌment, -əmənt / intail
sp instant / instant
sp instrument36, in-strument1, > entail
instrument’s [instrument is]1 /
instantly adv
instruments26 intangled
m ˈɪnstəntˌləɪ, -ləɪ rh languishment Luc 1140; spent R2 > entangled
sp instantly24 2.1.149
integer Lat adj
instead adv instrumental adj ˈɪntedʒeɹ
= ˌɪnstrəˈmentɑl sp integer1
sp instead3, in stead9, insted1, sp instrumentall1
insteed1, in steed1, insteede1 integritas Lat n
> stead insubstantial adj ɪnˈteɡrɪˌtas
ˌɪnsəbˈstansɪɑl sp integritas1
insteeped adj
sp insubstantiall1
= integrity n
sp insteeped1 insue m ɪnˈteɡrɪˌtəɪ, -ɪtəɪ
> ensue
instigate / ~d v sp integritie8, integrity11
rh affy Tit 1.1.51; be LLL 5.2.356;
ˈɪnstɪˌɡɛ:t / -ɪd insufficience n
hypocrisy R2 5.3.107
sp instigate1 / instigated1 ˌɪnsəˈfɪsɪəns
rh state Luc 43 sp insuffi-cience1


intellect / ~s n rh end LLL 5.2.429; extend, lend LC intercessor / ~s n

= 23; friend H8 Prol.21 / friends VA 587 ˌɪntəɹˈsesəɹz
sp intellect4 / intellects1 intended adj sp intercessors1

intellectual adj = interchange n

ˌɪntəˈlektjʊɑl sp entended1, intended4 ˈɪntəɹˌtʃɛ:ndʒ
sp intellectuall1, in-tellectuall1 intendment n sp enterchange2, enter-change1,
intelligence n =
> change
m ɪnˈtelɪˌdʒens, -ɪdʒəns sp intendment2, intend-ment1
sp intelligence , intel-ligence 1 interchange / ~ing / ~ed v
intent / ~s n
rh expense MND 1.1.248; thence ˈɪntəɹˌtʃɛ:ndʒ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / m -d,
S 86.10 -ɪd
sp intent49 / entents2, intents17
sp enterchange1 / enterchanging1,
intelligencer n rh merriment LLL 5.2.140; prevent
interchanging1 / interchang’d1,
m ɪnˈtelɪˌdʒensəɹ Luc 218, VA 469; tent TC 1.3.306 /
accidents S 115.7
sp intelligencer2
intent v interchangeably adv
intelligencing adj m ˌɪntəɹˈtʃɛ:ndʒəˌbləɪ
m ɪnˈtelɪˌdʒensɪn, -ɪŋ sp enterchangeably1,
sp intent1
sp intelligencing1 interchangeably3
intention n
intelligent adj interchangement n
m ɪnˈtelɪˌdʒent, -ɪdʒənt 2
sp intention
sp intelligent4 sp enterchangement1
inter / ~red v
intellig·o / ~is Lat v interdict PT v
ɪnˈtɐ:ɹ / m -d, -ɪd
ɪnˈtelɪɡ·o: / -is ˈɪntəɹˌdɪkt
sp enterre1, interre4 / enterred1,
sp intelligo1 / inteligis1 sp interdict1
inter’d1, interr’d4, interred2
rh strict PT 9
intemperance n rh preferred Cym 4.2.401

ɪnˈtemprəns, -pər- intercept / ~s / ~ed v interdiction n

sp intemperance 1
ˌɪntəɹˈsept / -s / -ɪd ˌɪntəɹˈdɪksɪən
sp interdiction1
intemperate adj sp intercept4 / intercepts1 /
ɪnˈtemprət, -pər- interess / ~ed v
sp intemperate2 intercepted adj m ˈɪntəˌrest, ˈɪntrəst
ˌɪntəɹˈseptɪd sp interest1
intemperature n 1
sp intercepted interest n
sp intemperature1 intercepter n m ˈɪntəˌrest, -trəst
ˌɪntəɹˈseptəɹ sp interest25, interrest3, intrest1
intenable adj rh arrest S 74.3
sp intercepter1
sp intemible1 interception n intergator·y / ~ies n
ˌɪntəɹˈsepsɪən ɪnˈtɛ:ɹɡətrəɪ / -z
intend / ~est / ~s / ~eth /~ing sp intergatory1 / intergatories2
sp interception1
/ ~ed v
= / ɪnˈtenst, -ndst / = / = / ɪn intercession n interim / ~s n
ˈtendɪn, -ɪŋ / = ˌɪntəɹˈsesɪən ˈɪntrɪm, -tər- / -z
sp interim9, interim’s [interim is]1,
sp entend1, intend50 / intend’st1 / sp intercession6
intrim1 / interims1
intends16 / intendeth1 / intending2 /


interior adj / n interpret / ~s / ~ed v inthralled

ɪnˈterɪəɹ ɪnˈtɐ:ɹprɪt / -s / -ɪd > enthralled
sp interiour2 / interior1 sp interpret5, interprete1 /
interprets2 / interpreted2
interjection / ~s n > misinterpret > enticing
interpretation n intimate v
sp interiections1
ɪnˌtɐ:ɹprɪˈtɛ:sɪən m ˈɪntɪˌmɛ:t
interjoin v sp interpretation5 sp intimate3
ˌɪntəɹˈdʒəɪn rh desperate AW 2.1.183
sp inter-ioyne1
interpreter / ~s n
ɪnˈtɐ:ɹprɪtəɹ / -z intimation n
> join
sp interpreter / interpreters 2 ˌɪntɪˈmɛ:sɪən
interlace / ~s Luc v sp intimation1
ˈɪntəɹˌlɛ:sɪz interrogator·y / ~ies n
m ɪnˈterəˌɡɛ:trəɪz intire, intirely
sp interlaces1
2 > entire, entirely
rh faces, paces Luc 1390 sp interrogatories

interlude n interrupt / ~est / ~s / ~ed v intitle, intituled

> entitle, entituled
ˈɪntəɹˌlu:d ˌɪntəˈrɤpt / -pst, -ptst / -s / -ɪd
2 1 4 1
sp enterlude , enter-lude , sp interrupt / interruptest / into prep
interlude1 interrupts1 / interrupted2
rh corrupted Luc 1170
intermingle v sp into618, in-to3, into’t [into it]3,
interrupted intoo’t [into it]3, emend of Ham 5.1.73
ˌɪntəɹˈmɪŋɡəl adj
sp intermingle2 ˌɪntəˈrɤptɪd
> mingle sp interrupted1 intolerable adj
intermission n interrupter n m ɪnˈtɒlrəbəl, -ləˌrabəl
sp intollerable9
m ˌɪntəɹˈmɪsɪən, -sɪˌɒn m ɪnˈtrɤptəɹ, ɪntəˈr-
> tolerable
sp intermission4 sp interrupter1
intermissive adj interruption n > entomb
ˌɪntəɹˈmɪsɪv m ˌɪntəˈrɤpsɪən, -sɪˌɒn
sp intermissiue1 sp interruption3 intoxicates adj
Fluellen H ..
intermit v intertissued adj ɪnˈtɒksɪkəts
ˌɪntəɹˈmɪt ˌɪntəɹˈtɪsju:d, -ɪʃu:- sp intoxicates1
sp intermit1 sp enter-tissued1
> tissue intrap
intermix / ~ed v > entrap
m ˈɪntəɹˌmɪkst intervallum / ~s n
sp intermixt1 ˌɪntəɹˈvaləmz intreat, intreaty
rh fixed S 101.8 sp interuallums1 > entreat, entreaty
> mix
interview n intrenchant adj
interpose v m ˈɪntəɹˌvju: ɪnˈtrentʃənt
m ˌɪntəɹˈpo:z sp enteruiew1, enterview3, sp intrenchant1
sp interpose2 interview1
intricate adj
interposer n intestine adj =
m ˌɪntəɹˈpo:zəɹ ɪnˈtestɪn sp intricate1
sp interposer1 sp intestine3


intrince v inveigle / ~d v invincible adj

ɪnˈtrɪns ɪnˈvɛ:gəld =
sp intrince1 sp inueigled1 sp inuincible5

intrinsicate adj invelop inviolable adj

m ɪnˈtrɪnsɪˌkɛ:t > envelop m ɪnˈvəɪəˌlabəl
sp intrinsicate1 sp inuiolable3
intrude v > envenom inviron
= > environ
invent / ~ed v
sp intru’d1, intrude1
= invisible adj
intruder n sp inuent5 / inuented2 =
ɪnˈtru:dəɹ rh argument S 79.7; excellent S 38.1 sp inuisible23, in-uisible1,
sp intruder 2 invisible1
invention / ~s n rh 1 sensible LLL 5.2.257, VA 434;
intruding adj m ɪnˈvensɪən, -sɪˌɒn / -z rh 2 steeple TG 2.1.128
ɪnˈtru:dɪn, -ɪŋ sp inuention24, in-uention1 /
1 inuentions2 invitation n
sp intruding
intrusion n inventor / ~’s n sp inuitation1
ɪnˈtru:zɪən ɪnˈventəɹ / -z
sp inuenter1, inuentors1 invit·e / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
sp intrusion4
rh confusion CE 2.2.188 ɪnˈvəɪt / -s / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd
inventory n sp enuite1, inuite18 / inuites6 /
inundation n m ˈɪnvəntrəɪ, -ˌtɒrəɪ inuiting2 / inuited8
m ˌɪnənˈdɛ:sɪən, -sɪˌɒn sp inuentorie2, inuentory3, rh delighted S 141.7
sp inundation3 inuentory1
inviting adj / n
inure v inventor·y / ~ied v ɪnˈvəɪtɪn, -ɪŋ
ɪnˈju:ɹ m ˈɪnvəntrəɪd sp inuiting1 / in-uiting1
sp in-vre 1 sp inuentoried1
rh procured LC 251
invitus / ~is Lat adj
Inverness n ɪnˈvi:tis
invade / ~s v = sp inuitis1
ɪnˈvɛ:d / -z sp Envernes 1

sp inuade2 / inuades1
invocate v
invert v m ˈɪnvəˌkɛ:t
invasion n ɪnˈvɐ:ɹt sp inuocate2
m ɪnˈvɛ:zɪən, -zɪˌɒn sp inuert2 rh date S 38.10
sp inuasion1
rh persuasion Luc 287 invest / ~ing / ~ed v invocation / Luc ~s n
= / ɪnˈvestɪn, -ɪŋ / = m ˌɪnvəˈkɛ:sɪən, -sɪˌɒn / -sɪənz
invasive adj sp inuest8 / inuesting1 / inuested4 sp inuocation4
ɪnˈvɛ:zɪv rh abominations, lamentations
sp inuasiue1 investment / ~s n Luc 1831
invective / ~s n invoke v
sp inuestments2
= ɪnˈvo:k
sp inuectiues1 inveterate adj sp inuoke1
invectively adv invulnerable adj
sp inueterate4
m ɪnˈvektɪvˌləɪ gm ɪnˈvɤlnəˌrabəl, -nrəˌbɤl
sp inuectiuely1


sp involnerable1, invulnerable1, ire n irrecoverable adj

[like]-invulnerable1, vnvulnerable1 əɪɹ ˌɪrəˈkɤvrəbəl
> unvulnerable, vulnerable
sp ire4 sp irrecoue-rable1
inward adj / adv rh fire R2 1.1.18 > recover
ˈɪnwəɹd ireful adj irregular adj
sp inward20 / inward1, in-ward1 ˈəɪɹfʊl m ɪˈreɡələɹ, -ɡl-, -ˌlɐ:ɹ
inward / ~s n sp irefull3, yrefull1 sp irregular3
> regular
ˈɪnwəɹd / -z Ireland n
sp inward1 / inwardes1, inwards1 ˈəɪɹlənd irregulous adj
inwardly adv sp Ireland 31 ɪˈreɡləs, -ɡjəl-
sp irregulous1
m ˈɪnwəɹdˌləɪ Iris n
sp inwardly2, inward-ly1 ˈəɪrɪs irreligious adj
inwardness n sp Iris5 ˌɪrəˈlɪdʒɪəs
sp irreligious3
m ˈɪnwəɹdˌnes Irish adj / n > religion
sp inwardnesse1 ˈəɪrɪʃ
sp Irish8 / Irish2
irremovable adj
io Ital pro
ˌɪrəˈmɤvəbəl, -mu:v-
mi Irishman n sp irremoueable1
mi: ˈəɪrɪʃmən > remove
sp me sp Irish-man1, Irish man1, Irishmen1
irreparable adj
mio irk / ~s v ɪˈreprəbəl
ˈmi:o: ɐ:ɹks sp irreparable1
sp mio 1 sp irkes
irresolute adj
Ionia n irksome adj ɪˈrezlət, -zəl-
əɪˈo:nɪə ˈɐ:ɹksəm sp irresolute1
sp Ionia1 sp irkesome
irrevocable adj
Ionian adj iron adj m ɪˈrevəˌkabəl
əɪˈo:nɪən ˈəɪrən sp irreuocable3
10 4
sp Ionian 1 sp iron , yron
> plough-irons, toasting-iron
is, abbr s v
ipse Lat pro ɪz, ɪs, Macmorris H ..ff
ˈɪpse: iron / ~s n ɪʃ, abbr s
sp ipse 2 ˈəɪrən / -z sp is9037, ’is1, abbr ’s230, s [without
26 3 7
sp iron , yron / irons preceding apostrophe, e.g. counts,
Ipswich adj / n fancies]22, Macmorris ish7
= iron-witted adj rh 1 his AY 5.4.112, Luc 1795, R2
sp Ipswich / Ipswich 1 ˈəɪrən-ˌwɪtɪd 2.1.146, S 67.9, 80.5; thee it is LLL
sp iron-witted1 4.3.66; vapour is LLL 4.3.68; rh 2
ir·a / ~ae Lat n > wit amiss Ham 4.5.17, S 59.1, 151.1;
amiss, bliss, iwis, kiss, this MV 2.9.64;
ˈi:rɑ: / ˈi:re
irreconciled adj bliss, kiss Luc 390; kiss MV 3.2.137,
sp ira1 / irae1 VA 538; this R3 2.1.83, RJ 1.1.181,
S 72.11, TC 1.2.289, Tim 1.2.194,
Iras n sp irreconcil’d1
5.3.10, VA 615
ˈəɪrəs > reconcile
> be
sp Iras19


is it abbr sp ile7, isle28 / iles1, isles1 is it abbr

ɪzt, ɪst rh while KJ 4.2.99 ɪzt, ɪst
sp ist33, ’ist2, i’st2, is’t146 Isle of Man n sp ist33, ’ist2, i’st2, is’t146

it is abbr ˈəɪl ə ˈman of it abbr

ɪts, ts, tɪz, tɪs, Macmorris sp Ile of Man ɒvt
..ff tɪʃ Israel n sp of't2
it’s , ’tis
, tis , ’ts ,
1289 93 1
= was it abbr
Macmorris tish4
sp Israel1 wɑst
who is abbr
issue / ~s n sp wast39, was’t60
u:z, hu:z
ˈɪsju:, ˈɪʃu: / -z it had abbr
sp who’s75
sp issue91 / issues6 tə d
Isabel / ~’s n sp t’had1
issu·e / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v
m ˈɪzbel, ˈɪzəˌbel / -z
ˈɪsju:, ˈɪʃu: / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d it has abbr
sp Isabel4, Isabell24, Isbell2 / Isabels1,
sp issue10, yssue6 / issues3, yssues1 / tə z
issuing2 / issu’d1, issued4, yssued1
sp ’tas2, t’has1
Isabella n
issueless adj
ˈɪzəˌbelə it is, abbr its / tis
m ˈɪsju:ˌles, ˈɪʃu:- ɪts, ts / tɪz, tɪs, Macmorris
sp Isabella
sp issue-lesse1
..ff tɪʃ
Iscariot n sp it’s45, ’ts1 / ’tis1289, tis93,
issuing adj
ɪsˈkarɪət Macmorris tish4
ˈɪsju:ɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈɪʃu:-
sp Iscariot1
sp issuing2 it was abbr
ish twəz
> is
iste / ista Lat pro
ˈɪstɑ: sp twas7, ’twas144, t’was1
Isidore n sp ista1 it were abbr
ˈɪzɪˌdɔ:ɹ twəɹ
sp Isidore4
it, abbr t / its / itself pro
= sp ’twer8, ’twere108, t’were2
Isis n sp it7732, emend of Mac 1.5.45 hit1, it will abbr
ˈəɪsɪs abbr t [without preceding apostrophe,
sp Isis8 eg fort]2, ’t206, -t1
rh fit MW 5.5.60, Per 1.1.107; hit VA sp ’twil2, twill3, ’twill56, ’twill[be]1
island adj 938; knit MND 2.2.54; sit KJ 3.1.74,
it would abbr
ˈəɪlənd S 103.14; wit CE 2.1.90, H5 1.2.297,
LLL 4.3.146, Luc 154, Oth 2.1.129, TC str twʊd, twʊld, unstr twəd
sp iland2
4.4.107; writ Luc 1294, 1333 sp ’twold1, twoo’d1, ’twould21,
island / ~s n
and it abbr
ˈəɪlənd / -z its
8 18
str ant, unstr ənt
sp iland , island , island’s [island 1 10 =
sp ant , an’t
is]1 / islands4
sp its1
as it abbr
islander / ~s n itself
ˈəɪləndəɹ / -z azt
sp as’t 4 =
sp islan-der1 / ilanders1, islanders3
sp it selfe234
in it abbr rh myself R3 1.3.66
isle / ~s n
əɪl / -z ɪnt
sp in’t87


Italian adj / n itching adj itself

= ˈɪtʃɪn, -ɪŋ > it
sp italian14 / Italian6 sp itching2
ivory adj / n
Italy n item / ~s n m ˈəɪvrəɪ, -vəˌrəɪ
ˈɪtələɪ ˈəɪtəm / -z sp iuory2 / iuorie1
6 28 31 1
sp Italie , Italy sp item / items
rh chivalry, victory Luc 107; jealousy,
ivy n
villainy Cym 5.4.64 iterance n ˈəɪvəɪ
= sp iuie1, iuy3
itch / ~es n sp itterance1
= iwis adv
sp itch2, itches1 iteration n əˈwɪs
ˈɪtəˌrɛ:sɪən sp iwis2, i-wis1
itch / ~es / ~ed v sp iteration 2 rh 1 amiss, bliss, kiss, this MV 2.9.68;
= rh 2 is MV 2.9.68
sp itch5 / itches1 / itcht1 Ithaca n >I
rh pitch Tem 2.2.52 ˈɪθəkə
sp Ithaca1


Jack / ~s n jade / ~’s / ~s n Janus n

= dʒɛ:d / -z ˈdʒɛ:nəs
sp Iack18, Iacke63, iacke1 / Iackes4, sp iade9 / iades3 / iades11 sp Ianus2
Iacks2 rh made S 51.12
Japhet n
Jack-a-lent n jade / ~d v ˈdʒafet
ˈdʒakəˌlent dʒɛ:d / ˈdʒɛ:dɪd sp Iaphet1
sp Iack-a-lent1, Iacke-a-Lent1 sp iade1 / iaded2
> Lent Jaquenetta / ~’s n
jaded adj ˌdʒakəˈnetə / -z
Jackanape adj ˈdʒɛ:dɪd sp Iaquenetta11 / Iaquenettas1
ˈdʒakəˌnɛ:p, -kˌn- sp iaded 1

sp Iack-a-nape1 Jaques n
jail, jailor m dʒɛ:ks, ˈdʒɛ:kəɪz, Fr ʒɛ:ks,
Jackanape / ~s n > gaol, gaoler ʒɛ:ˈki:z
ˈdʒakəˌnɛ:p, -kˌn- / -s sp Iaques22, Ia-ques1
sp Iack-an-ape1, Iack’nape1 / Iack an
jakes n
Apes1, Iacke-an-apes3 dʒɛ:ks jar / ~s n
sp iakes1 dʒɑ:ɹ / -z
Jack-dog n
sp iarre3 / iarres5
= James n
rh war VA 100
sp [scuruy]-Iack-dog-[Priest]1 dʒɛ:ms
> dog sp Iames9 jar / ~s / ~ring v
dʒɑ:ɹ / -z / ˈdʒɑ:ɹɪn, -ɪŋ
Jack-priest n Jamy n
sp iar1, iarre3 / iarres1, iars2 / iarring4
= ˈdʒɛ:məɪ
sp Iack-priest1, [coward]-Iack-priest1 sp Iamy4 jarring n
> priest ˈdʒɑ:ɹɪn, -ɪŋ
Jane n
sp iarring1
Jack-sauce n dʒɛ:n
= sp Iane2 Jason / ~s n
sp Iacke sawce ˈdʒɛ:sənz
> sauce jangle / ~ing / ~d v
sp Iasons2
ˈdʒaŋɡlɪn, -ɪŋ / =
Jack-slave n sp iangling1 / iangled1 jauncing adj
ˈdʒakˌslɛ:v ˈdʒɑ:nsɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈdʒɔ:-
sp Iacke-slaue1 jangling n
sp iauncing1
> slave ˈdʒaŋɡlɪn, -ɪŋ
sp iangling1 jaundice n
Jacob / ~’s n
ˈdʒɑ:ndəɪz, ˈdʒɔ:-
ˈdʒɛ:kəb / -z January n
sp iaundies2
sp Iacob4, Ia-cob1 / Iacobs3 m ˈdʒanjəˌrəɪ, -ər-
sp Ianuary2


jaunt n jealous adj sp ierkin10, [buffe]-ierkin1, ier-kin1 /

dʒɑ:nt, ˈdʒɔ:- = ierkins2

sp iaunt1 sp iealous30, iealious17, Jeronimy n

iealious-[rascally-knaue]1, ielous1
jaunting v dʒəˈrɒnɪməɪ
ˈdʒɑ:ntɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈdʒɔ:- jealousy adj sp Ieronimie1

sp iaunting1 ˈdʒeləsəɪ Jerusalem n

sp iealousie-[man]1
jaw / ~s n =
= jealous·y / ~ies n sp Ierusalem10

sp iaw1 / iawes10 m ˈdʒeləsəɪ, -ˌsəɪ / -z Jeshu

rh paws S 19.3 sp iealousie28, ielousie2, ielou-sie1,
> Jesu
ielousy1, ielouzie1 / iealousies8,
jawbone n iealouzies1, ielousies2 jess / ~es n
ˈdʒɔ:ˌbo:n rh 1 ecstasy MV 3.2.110; Italy,
sp iaw-bone1 villainy Cym 5.4.66; mutiny VA 649;
rh 2 die, eye CE 2.1.116; prophesy sp iesses1
jay / ~’s / ~s n VA 1137; pry S 61.8; spy VA 657
Jessica n
dʒɛ: / -z =
jeer v
sp iay3 / iayes1 / iayes1
dʒi:ɹ sp Iessica29
rh hay WT 4.3.10
sp ieere
jest / ~’s / ~s n
je Fr pro
jeering adj / n =
ʒə, abbr ʒ
31 1 ˈdʒi:rɪn, -ɪŋ sp ieast6, iest67 / iests1 / ieasts1,
sp ie , i'[ay] , emend of H5 4.4.54
sp geering1 / ieering1 iests13
rh 1 breast LLL 4.3.172, R2 5.3.100;
ma det singular feminine jelly n rest LLL 1.1.54; rh 2 beast LLL
ˈdʒeləɪ 2.1.207
sp ma5, mai1, may1 sp gelly2, ielly1 jest / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
jem = / = / ˈdʒestɪn, -ɪŋ / =
me, abbr m pro
> gem sp ieast3, iest27 / ieasts1, iests2 /
mə, abbr m iesting1 / iested1
sp ma1, me2, abbr m’1, m[an]1, rh 1 breast R2 1.3.95; crest VA 106;
Jenny / ~’s n
m[aves]1, m[e]1, m[en]2 rh 2 beast VA 997 / hests LLL 5.2.66
[emend of device]
mes det plural sp Ginyes1
> outjest
jeopardy n jester / ~s n
sp mes1
m ˈdʒepəɹˌdəɪ ˈdʒestəɹ / -z
mienne pro sp ieopardie1
sp ieaster1, iester5 / iesters2
mjɛn rh hie KJ 3.1.346
sp mienne1 jesting adj
Jephthah n
ˈdʒestɪn, -ɪŋ
moi pro ˈdʒeftə
sp iesting2 / ieasting1, iesting1
Fr mwɛ, Eng məɪ sp Iephah1, Iephta3
sp moy10 jesting / PP ~s n
jerk / ~s n
rh destroy R2 5.3.118 ˈdʒestɪn, -ɪŋ / -z
sp ieasting1, iesting1 / ieastings1
mon det singular masculine sp ierkes1
rh protestings PP 7.12
jerkin / ~s n
sp mon5
ˈdʒɐ:ɹkɪn / -z


Jesu n jibe / ~s n sp Iohn303 / Iohns4 / Iohns1

ˈdʒi:zju:, Fluellen H ..ff dʒəɪbz rh gone 1H6 4.7.2
> apple-john
ˈtʃeʃu: sp iibes1
sp Iesu12, Fluellen Cheshu3, Ieshu1 John-a-dreams n
jig n/v
Jesus n =
sp Iohn a-dreames1
= sp iigge2, iygge1, jigge2 / gidge1,
> dream
sp Iesus2 iigge1
rh gig LLL 4.3.166 join / ~est / ~s / ~eth / ~ed v
jet n dʒəɪn / -st / -z / ˈdʒəɪn·əθ / m
= jigging adj
5 = -ɪd, dʒəɪnd
sp iet
sp iigging1 sp ioyn1, ioyne56 / ioyn’st2 / ioynes1
rh set, wet LC 37
/ ioyneth1 / ioynd1, ioyn’d25,
jet / ~s v jig-maker n ioyned2
ˈdʒɪɡ-ˌmɛ:kəɹ rh coin Tim 3.3.26 / coigns Per 3.
= Chorus.18 / coined PP 7.7
sp iet1 / iets1 sp iigge-maker1
> ad-, co-, con-, dis-, inter-join
> make
Jew / ~’s / ~s n joinder n
= Jill / ~s n
sp Iew63, Iewe3 / Iewes11 / Iewes1
sp ioynder1
rh adieu LLL 3.1.133; hue MND sp Gill1, Iill1 / Gils1
3.1.88; yew Mac 4.1.26 rh 1 ill MND 3.2.461; rh 2 well joiner adj / n
MND 3.2.461
jewel / ~s n > flirt-gill
sp ioyner1 / ioyner5
jingling adj
sp iewel3, iewell48 / iewels24 joint adj
rh cruel S 131.4
ˈdʒɪŋɡlɪn, -ɪŋ
> rich-jewelled sp gingling1
sp ioynt3
jewel-house n Joan n
joint / ~s n
ˈdʒu:əl-ˌəʊs, -ˌhəʊs dʒo:n
14 13 dʒəɪnt / -s
sp iewell-house1, iewell house1 sp Ioane , Ione
rh groan LLL 3.1.202 sp ioynt17 / ioints2, ioynts16
> house

Job n joint / ~ing / ~ed v

jeweller n
dʒo:b ˈdʒəɪnt·ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd
sp Iob2 sp ioynting1 / ioynted2
sp ieweller3
> strong-, un-jointed
Jewish adj jockey n
joint-labourer n
= ˈdʒɒkəɪ
sp Iewish2 sp iockey1
sp ioynt-labourer1
Jewry n jocund adj > labour

ˈdʒu:rəɪ ˈdʒɒkənd jointly adv

sp Iewry4, Iurie1, Iury2 sp iocond5, iocund3
rh chivalry R2 2.1.55
jog / ~ging v sp ioyntly4
Jezabel n = / ˈdʒɒɡɪn, -ɪŋ jointress n
= sp iog-[on]2 / iogging1
sp Iezabel1
John / ~’s / ~s n sp ioyntresse1


joint-ring n jot n jowl / ~s v

ˈdʒəɪnt-ˌrɪŋ = dʒəʊl / -z
sp ioynt ring1 sp iot21 sp ioule1 / iowles1

joint-servant n jour Fr n joy / ~’s / ~s n

m ˌdʒəɪnt-ˈsɐ:ɹvənt ʒu:ɹ dʒəɪ / -z
sp ioynt-seruant1 sp iour1 sp ioy172 / ioyes1 / ioyes25
> servant > bonjour rh annoy 3H6 5.7.46, Luc 1107, R3
5.3.156, S 8.2, VA 498, 600; boy MND
joint-stool / ~s n journal n 2.1.27, VA 405; coy MND 4.1.4; des-
ˈdʒəɪn-ˌstʊl, -ˌstu:l, -nd- / -z ˈdʒɐ:ɹnɑl troy Ham 3.2.206, 230, Mac 3.2.7, Per
sp ioyn’d-stoole1, ioyn’d stoole1 / sp iournall2 2.5.89; destroy, toy Luc 212; Troy AW
ioyn’d-stooles1, ioynstooles1 1.3.71, Luc 1431 / boys Cym 5.5.106
> stool journey / ~’s / ~s n
ˈdʒɔ:ɹnəɪ / -z joy / ~s / ~ed v
jointure n 21 2
sp iourney , iournie / iourneys , 1 dʒəɪ / -z / -d
ˈdʒəɪntəɹ iournies2 / iournies1 sp ioy10 / ioyes2 / ioy’d3
1 1
sp ioyncture , ioynter , ioynture 3 rh boy R2 5.3.94
journey / ~s / ~ing v > overjoyed
jollity n ˈdʒɔ:ɹnəɪ / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ
m ˈdʒɒlɪˌtəɪ, -ɪtəɪ joyful adj
sp iourney1 / iournies1 /
sp iollitie , iollity3
rh 1 amity, be, me, prosperity, sp ioyful1, ioyfull30
solemnly, triumphantly MND 4.1.91; journey-bated adj
solemnity MND 5.1.360; rh 2 cry ˈdʒɔ:ɹnəɪ-ˌbɛ:tɪd joyfully adv
S 66.3 sp iourney bated 1 m ˈdʒəɪfʊˌləɪ
sp ioyfully3
jolly adj journey·man, ~men n
ˈdʒɒləɪ ˈdʒɔ:ɹnəɪ-ˌmen joyless adj
sp iolly8 sp iouerney-men 1 ˈdʒəɪləs
rh holly AY 2.7.184,194 sp ioylesse2
joust / ~s n
jolt-head / ~s n dʒɤst / -s joyous adj
ˈdʒɒlt-ˌed, -ˌhed / -z 1
sp iust / iusts 1 ˈdʒəɪəs
sp iolt-head1 / iolt-heads1 sp ioyous2
> head Jove / ~’s n
dʒo:v, dʒɤv / -z Judas / ~’s / ~es n
jordan n 71 17 =
sp Ioue / Ioues
ˈdʒɔ:ɹdən rh love LLL 4.3.117, Luc 568, MA sp Iudas17, Iud-as1 / Iudasses2 /
1 1
sp iordan , iourden 5.4.46, PP 16.17 Iudasses1

Jordan [name] n Jovem Lat Jude n

dʒɔ:ɹˈdɛ:n > Juppiter =
sp Iordan1, Iordane1 sp Iude2
jovial adj
Joseph n ˈdʒo:vɪɑl Judean n
ˈdʒo:səf sp iouiall4 =
sp Ioseph1 sp Iudean1
jowl n
Joshua n dʒəʊl judge / ~’s / ~s n
= sp iowle 1 dʒɤdʒ / ˈdʒɤdʒɪz
sp Iosua1 sp iudge52 / iudges4 / iudges9


judge / ~est / ~d v Jule [Juliet] n Junius n

dʒɤdʒ / ˈdʒɤdʒ·əst / m -ɪd, = =
dʒɤdʒd sp Iule3 sp Iunius2
sp iudge35 Evans MW 1.1.171
[got]-udge1 / iudgest2 / iudg’d7,
Julia / ~’s n junket / ~s n
iudged1 = ˈdʒɤŋkɪts
sp Iulia34 / Iulia’s3, Iulias2 sp iunkets1
judgement / ~s n
ˈdʒɤdʒmənt / -s Juliana n Juno / ~’s n
sp iudgement , iudge-ment , 3 dʒʊlɪˈanə ˈdʒu:no: / -z
iudgment5, iudgme[n]t1 / sp Iuliana1 sp Iuno15 / Iuno’s2, Iunos2
iudgements10, iudgments1
Juliet / ~’s n Juno-like adj
Judgement Day n m ˈdʒu:lɪət, -ɪˌet / ˈdʒu:lɪəts ˈdʒu:no:-ˌləɪk
ˈdʒɤdʒməntˌdɛ: sp Iuliet58 / Iuliets4
sp Iuno-like1
1 rh set RJ 5.3.302
sp Iudgement-Day
Jupiter n
judgement-place Julietta / ~s n
n m ˈdʒu:pɪtəɹ, -ˌtɛ:ɹ
ˈdʒɤdʒmənt-ˌplɛ:s dʒʊlɪˈeta / -z
sp Iupiter36
1 sp iulietta2 / Iulietas1
sp iudgement place rh ne'er Tem 4.1.77
> place
Julio n Juppiter Lat n
judging n ˈdʒu:lɪo:
ˈdʒɤdʒɪn, -ɪŋ sp Iulio1 Jovem accusative
sp iudging 1 ˈdʒo:vem
Julius n sp Iouem1
> high-judging
judicious adj / n sp Iulius16 jure v
dʒʊˈdɪsɪəs dʒu:ɹ
July / ~s n sp iure1
sp iudicious4 / iudicious1
ˈdʒu:ləɪ / -z
Jug [name] n sp Iuly2 / Iulyes1 jurement Fr n
dʒɤɡ ʒyɹˈmɛ̃
jump adv / n sp ˈiurement1
sp Iugge1
juggl·e / ~ing / ~ed v sp iumpe2 / iumpe1 jurisdiction n
ˈdʒɤɡ·əl / -lɪn, -lɪŋ / -əld ˌdʒʊrɪsˈdɪksɪən
jump / ~s / ~eth / ~ing v sp iurisdiction2
sp iuggle1 / iugling1 / iuggel’d1
dʒɤmp / -s / ˈdʒɤmp·əθ / -ɪn,
juggler / ~s n -ɪŋ juror / ~s n
ˈdʒɤɡləɹ / -z sp iump1, iump-[her]1, iumpe6 / ˈdʒu:rəɹ / -z
sp iugler3 / iuglers1 iumpes3, iumps2 / iumpeth1 / sp iuror1 / iurers1, iurors1
juggling adj / n jury n
ˈdʒɤɡlɪn, -ɪŋ June n ˈdʒu:rəɪ
sp iugling3 / iugling1
= sp iurie1, iury1
sp Iune2 > grand-jury
juice n
dʒəɪs junior n just / ~est adj
sp iuyce 6 ˈdʒu:nɪəɹ dʒɤst / ˈdʒɤstəst
rh voice VA 136 sp emend of LLL 3.1.177 Iunios1 sp iust78 / iustest1
> love-, precious-juiced


rh gust Tim 3.5.56; lust, self-trust Justice / ~s [title] n justling adj

Luc 159; mistrust VA 1156; mistrust, ˈdʒɤstɪs ˈdʒɤslɪn, -ɪŋ
thrust Luc 1514
sp Iustice27, Iu-stice1, sp iustling1
> unjust
[Caueleiro]-Iustice1, [Guest]-Iustice1
just adv justly adv
justice-like adj ˈdʒɤsləɪ, -stl-
ˈdʒɤstɪs-ˌləɪk sp iustlie1, iustly23
sp iust27
sp iustice-like1
just n justness n
justicer n ˈdʒɤsnəs, -stn-
> joust
ˈdʒɤstɪsəɹ sp iustnesse1
just-borne adj sp iusticer1
ˈdʒɤst-ˌbɔ:ɹn jut / ~ting v
justification n dʒɤt / ˈdʒɤtɪn, -ɪŋ
sp iust-borne
ˌdʒɤstɪfɪˈkɛ:sɪən sp iutt1 / iut-ting1
Justeus n sp iustification1
dʒəˈstɛ:əs jutty adj / v
justif·y / ~ied v ˈdʒɤtəɪ
sp Iusteus
ˈdʒɤstɪfəɪ / -d sp iutty1 / iutty1
6 1
justice / ~’s / ~s / ~s’ n sp iustifie , iustify’t [justify it] /
ˈdʒɤstɪs / -ɪz iustifi’de1, iustified3 juvenal n
138 1
sp iustice , iustice [justice’s] ,
rh eye Per Prol.42 ˈdʒu:vənɑl
iu-stice2 / iustices9 / iustices1 sp iuuenall7
justle / ~s / ~d v
> brother-, in-justice
ˈdʒɤsəl / -z / -d
sp iustle2 / iustles1 / iustled1


kam adj sp keen1, keene19 keisar n

rh seen AY 2.7.178, LC 161, LLL
kam ˈkəɪzəɹ
5.2.256, Per Epil.4; unseen S 118.1
sp kamme1 sp keiser1
keen-edged adj
Kate / ~s n ken n / v
kɛ:t, kat / -s 1
sp keene-edg’d
sp Kate111, Kate-[hall]1 / Kates2 sp ken2 / ken3, kenne1
rh 1 late TS 5.1.140; mate Tem keenness n
2.2.48; rh 2 ha’t TS 5.2.179 Kendal n
pun TS 2.1.189 cate ˈkendɑl
sp keennesse1
sp Kendall2
Kate / ~d v
keep / ~est / ~s / ~ing / kept /
ˈkɛ:tɪd, ˈka- kennel n
~est v
sp Kated1 =
rh mated TS 3.2.244
= / -st / -s / ˈki:pɪn, -ɪŋ / = /
sp kennell6
kepst, -tst > unkennel
Katherina n sp keep21, keepe442 / keepest1,
ˌkatəˈri:nə keepst1, keep’st5, keept’st1 / keeps4, Kent / ~’s n
sp Katerina7, Katherina6 keepes72 / keeping15 / kept93 / =
keptst1, kept’st1
sp Kent40 / Kents1
Katherine / ~’s n rh asleep S 154.3; deep Per 4.2.141;
rh sent R2 5.6.8
m ˈkatrin, -əˌrɪn / ˈkatrinz sheep Tem 4.1.63, VA 687; sleep LLL
1.1.47, TNK Prol.30; weep LLL 4.3.36, Kentish adj
sp Katerine3, Katherine40,
RJ 5.3.16, S 9.7 / crept Luc 840;
Ka-therine1 / Katherines1 =
except S 147.6
sp Kentish2
kecks·y / ~ies n > unkept
ˈkeksəɪz Keepdown [name] n Kentish·man / ~men n
sp keksyes1 =
sp Kentishman1 / Kentishmen1
keech / Keech n sp Keepe-downe1
= keeper / ~’s / ~s n kept
sp keech1 / Keech1 > keep
ˈki:pəɹ / -z
17 1
keel / ~s n sp keeper , [tennis-court]-keeper kerchief n
/ keepers5 / keepers7
= ˈkɐ:ɹtʃɪf
> counsel-, home-, house-,
sp keele1 / keeles1 sp kerchiefe3
> handkerchief
keel v keeping adj / n
= kerelybonto nonsense word
ˈki:pɪn, -ɪŋ
sp keele2 ˌkerelɪˈbɒnto:
sp keeping1 / keeping4
sp kerelybonto1
> cave-, counsel-, crow-, promise-,
keen adj


kern / ~s n kickshaws / ~es n kiln-hole n

ˈkɐ:ɹn / -z ˈkɪkʃɔ:z / -ɪz ˈkɪl-ˌo:l, -ˌho:l
sp kerne2 / kernes7 sp kickshawes1 / kicke-chawses1 sp kill-hole2
> lime-kiln
kernel / ~s n kid-fox n
ˈkɐ:ɹnəl / -z = Kimbolton n
sp kernell4 / kernels2 sp kid-foxe1 m ˈkɪməlˌtɤn
> fox sp Kymmalton1
kersey adj / n
ˈkɐ:ɹzəɪ kidney n kin n
sp kersie1, kersey1 / kersey1 ˈkɪdnəɪ =
sp kidney1 sp kin24, kinne10
Ketly n rh begin TC 4.5.92; sin KJ 1.1.273,
ˈketləɪ kill / ~est / ~s / ~eth / ~ing / RJ 1.5.58
sp Ketly 1 ~ed / ~edest v
= / -st / = / ˈkɪl·əθ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / = / kind / ~er / ~est adj
kettle n kɪldst kəɪnd / ˈkəɪnd·əɹ / m -əst,
ˈketl sp kil5, kill186 / kill’st1, kilst2, kil’st3 / kəɪnst, -ndst
sp kettle1 killes11, kills4, kils13 / killeth2 / sp kind29, kinde94 / kinder6 /
killing14, kil-ling1 / kild13, kil’d24, kindest3, kind’st1
kettle-drum n killd1, kill’d81, killed1 / killd’st1 rh behind Ham 3.2.186, 3.4.179,
ˈketl-ˌdrɤm rh 1 fill S 56.7; fulfil, will Luc 627, S 143.12; behind, mind Luc 1423;
sp kettle drum1 1636; ill LLL 4.1.24, Tim 3.5.37; ill, spill bind S 134.6; blind KL 2.4.49;
> drum Luc 998; ill, still Luc 383; skill LLL confined S 105.5; find, mind LC 186;
4.1.29, S 126.8; still 2H6 5.2.71, Luc mind H5 3.Chorus.34, MV 1.3.175,
key / ~s n 168, MND 5.1.194, TC 3.1.119, VA S 10.11, 69.11, Tim 2.2.6
kɛ: / -z 618; still, will Luc 250; will 3H6 > over-, un-kind
sp key28 / keies1, keyes14 2.5.122, Per 2.2.35, RJ 3.1.197, TNK
rh survey S 52.1 Epil.8; Will S 135.13; rh 2 sentinel VA kind / ~s n
652 / rh 1 filled, spilled Luc 1803; kəɪnd / kəɪnz, -ndz
key-cold adj fulfilled, hild [held] Luc 1255; spilled sp kind30, kinde112 / kindes3, kinds1
ˈkɛ:-ˌko:ld VA 1165; rh 2 field, yield Luc 74 rh find AW 1.3.62, RJ 2.3.7; mind AY
> a-killing, king-killer, self-killed
sp key-cold1 4.3.60, MA 4.1.195, TG 3.1.90, VA
> cold 1018; Rosalind AY 3.2.99 / minds Luc
Kildare / ~’s n 1147, 1242
key-hole n kɪlˈdɛ:ɹz
ˈkɛ:-ˌo:l, -ˌho:l sp Kildares1 kindl·e / ~ing / ~ed v
sp key-hole 1 = / ˈkɪndlɪn, -ɪŋ / =
kill-courtesy n sp kindle8 / kindling2 / kindled6
> hole
m ˈkɪl-kəɹtˌsəɪ > enkindle; fiery-, wrath-kindled
kibe / ~s n sp kill-curtesie1
kəɪb / -z rh lie MND 2.2.83 kindless adj
sp kibe1, kybe1 / kibes1, kybes1
> courtesy ˈkəɪnləs, -ndl-
sp kindles1
kick / ~ed v killing adj / n
= ˈkɪlɪn, -ɪŋ kindly adj
sp kicke / kickt 2 sp killing3 / killing5 ˈkəɪnləɪ, -ndl-
> dead-, soul-killing sp kindely2, kindly4
rh quick AW 5.3.300

kickie-wickie n Killingworth n kindl·y / ~ier adv

ˌkɪkəɪ-ˈwɪkəɪ ˈkɪlɪŋˌwɔ:ɹθ ˈkəɪnləɪ, -ndl- / -əɹ
sp Killingworth2 sp kindely7, kindly21, kind-ly1 /
sp kickie wickie1


kindness / ~es n kingdom / ~’s / ~s n kissing adj / n

ˈkəɪnnəs, -ndn- / -ɪz = ˈkɪsɪn, -ɪŋ
sp kindenesse1, kindnes2, sp kingdome86, kingdomes22 / sp kissing3 / kissing8, kis-sing1
kindnesse46 / kindnesses4 kingdomes10 / kingdoms2 > common-, ear-, hail-, heaven-
rh blindness CE 3.2.6, S 152.9, kissing
TG 4.2.44 kingdomed adj
= kitchen adj
kindred / ~’s n sp kingdom’d1 =
ˈkɪnrəd, = / -z sp kitchen2, kitchin3, kitchin-[trulles]1
sp kindred24, kindred-[action]1, king-killer n
kinred1 / kindreds5 ˈkɪŋ-ˌkɪləɹ kitchen / ~s n
sp king-killer 1 =
kine n > king sp kit-chens1, kitchins1
kəɪn > privy-kitchen
sp kine1 kingly adj
> milch-kine ˈkɪŋləɪ kitchen / ~ed v
sp kingly , kinglye 1 =
king / ~’s / ~s / ~s’ n sp kitchin’d1
= kins·man / ~man’s /
sp king1410, [castalion]-king-[vrinall]1, ~men n kite / ~s n
[sainted]-king1, kings [king is]2, king’s = kəɪt / -s
[king is]3, emend of R2 1.3.86, TN sp kite4, kyte3 / kites6, kytes3
sp kinsman44, kins-man1 / kinsmans3
3.1.8 kings2, abbr K[ing]8 / kings140 / > hell-kite
/ kinsmen18
kings112, [fellow]-kings1 / kings1
rh bring Per 2.Chorus.1; burying Per kinswoman n kitten n
3.2.71; changeling MND 2.1.22; =
flattering PP 20.40; managing
sp kinswoman2, kinswo-man1 sp kitten1
H5 Epil.9; misgoverning Luc 652; sing
> woman
2H4 5.5.111, R2 2.1.262, 3.3.182, kitten / ~ed v
WT 4.3.8; spring Per 1.1.14, R2 5.2.45,
kirtle / ~s n =
S 63.6; spring, thing Luc 606; sting,
thing Luc 37; thing Ham 2.2.603,
ˈkɐ:ɹtl / -z sp kitten’d1
1 1
Luc 601, 1002, Per 3.Chorus.37, sp kirtle / kirtles
rh myrtle PP 19.11
knack / ~s n
R2 5.3.79; wing PT 11, R3 4.3.55 /
brings S 29.14; springs R2 1.3.215; > half-kirtle =, knak / -s
things Luc 939, 1812, S 115.6, VA 995; sp knacke2 / knackes2
wings R3 5.2.24
kiss / ~es n
> fellow-king = knap / ~ped v
sp kisse / kisses 21 =, knapt
king / ~ed v rh 1 bliss Luc 387; miss VA 54; this sp knapt2
= Oth 5.2.355, RJ 1.5.96, 100, VA 207,
sp king’d2 723; rh 2 his LLL 2.1.235, TC 4.5.49; is knav·e / ~’s / ~s / ~s’ n
> unking Luc 387, MV 3.2.138, VA 536 nɛ:v, kn- / -z
sp knaue162,
king-becoming adj kiss / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v [iealious-rascally]-knaue1,
ˈkɪŋ-bɪˌkɤmɪn, -ɪŋ = / = / ˈkɪsɪn, -ɪŋ / = [rascally-yea-forsooth]-knaue1,
sp king-becoming1 sp kis2, kisse124 / kisses10 / kissing9 / [wittolly]-knaue1 / knaues8 /
> become kiss’d6, kist20 knaues41 / knaues1
rh 1 amiss, bliss, iwis, this MV 2.9.66; rh grave Ham 3.4.216
king-cardinal n bliss MND 3.2.143; this AW 4.3.223, pun 2H4 2.4.250 nave
ˈkɪŋ-ˌkɑ:ɹdɪnɑl Per 1.2.79, S 128.14; kiss you hiss you
VA 1082; rh 2 is MV 2.9.66 / hisses knaver·y / ~ies n
sp king-cardinall1
> cardinal
VA 18 / missing VA 606 / whist Tem m ˈnɛ:vrəɪ, - vər-, -vəˌrəɪ, ˈkn-
1.2.377 / -z
> unkiss


sp knauerie7, kna-uerie1, knauery7, kneeling adj / n knightly adv

knaue-ry1, knau’ry1 / knaueries5 ˈni:lɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈkn- ˈnəɪtləɪ, ˈkn-
rh bravery TS 4.3.58
sp kneeling1 / kneeling1 sp knightly5
knavish adj
knell n knit n
ˈnɛ:vɪʃ, ˈkn-
=, knel =, knɪt
sp knauish7
sp knell11 sp knit1
knead / ~ing v rh 1 bell MV 3.2.70, Tem 1.2.403;
bell, tell Luc 1495; hell Mac 2.1.63; knit / ~s / ~teth v
=, kni:d / ˈni:dɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈkn-
rh 2 deal PP 17.18 =, knɪt / -s / =, ˈknɪtəθ
sp knede1 / kneading1
sp knit32 / knits4 / knitteth1
knew rh it MND 2.2.53; my wit S 26.2
kneaded adj
> know > strong-, un-, well-knit
=, ˈkni:dɪd
sp kneaded1 knife / ~’s / knives n knitter / ~s n
nəɪf, kn- / -s / nəɪvz, kn- ˈnɪtəɹz, kn-
kneading n
sp knife47, knife’s [knife is]1 / kniues2 sp knitters1
ˈni:dɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈkn- / kniues9
sp kneading1 rh life LLL 2.1.125, Luc 1184, Per 4. knob / ~s n
knee / ~s n
Chorus.14, S 63.10, 74.11, 100.14, =, knɒbz
TN 2.5.104; life, wife Luc 1047; wife
sp knobs1
=, kni: / =, kni:z Luc 1840 / lives [n] Tim 1.2.43
sp knee62 / knees50 > paring-, pen-knife knock / ~s n
rh 1 be R2 5.3.96; ee [eye] TNK =, knɒk / -s
3.4.19; he, thee LLL 5.2.544; me 1H6 knight / ~’s / ~s n
sp knock3, knocke18, knocks2
4.7.5, R2 5.3.131; thee KJ 1.1.82, R3 nəɪt, kn- / -s
1.2.178; tree Oth 4.3.40; rh 2 sp knight120, [bully]-knight1, knock / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
charactery, embroidery MW 5.5.72; knights [knight is]1 / knights2 /
everlastingly KJ 5.7.103; mutiny 1H6
=, knɒk, Evans MW ..ff
5.1.61 / fees TC 3.3.48; please Per rh delight Per 4.4.11; fight 1H6
nɒg, knɒg / -s / ˈnɒkɪn, -ɪŋ,
1.2.47; sees R2 5.3.92 4.7.44, TC 4.5.88; fight, light, might, ˈkn- / =, knɒkt
night MW 2.1.13; fight, spite PP 15.6; sp knock24, knocke40, Evans knog3 /
knee v hight LLL 1.1.170; light Per 2.5.16; knockes11, knocks8 / knocking3 /
=, kni: might LLL 5.2.563, MND 2.2.150; knock’d4, knockt6
sp knee1 night MA 5.3.13, RJ 3.2.142; right 2H4 rh locks Mac 4.1.46
5.3.74, 3H6 2.2.61, KL 3.2.88, LLL
knee-crooking adj 5.2.563; spite MND 5.1.269; wight LLL knocking n
ˈni:-ˌkrʊkɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈkn- 1.1.176 / wights S 106.4 ˈnɒkɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈkn-
sp knee-crooking1 > trencher-knight sp knocking11

knee-deep adj knight / ~ed v knoll / ~ing / ~ed v

=, ˈkni:-ˌdi:p nəɪt, kn- / ˈnəɪtɪd, kn- no:l, kn- / ˈno:lɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈkn- /
sp knee-deepe1 sp knight1 / knighted5 no:ld, kn-
> deep sp knolling1 / knoll’d2, knowld1
knight-errant n
kneel / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v ˌnəɪt-ˈerənt, ˌkn- knot / ~s n
=, kni:l / -z / ˈni:lɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈkn- / sp [shee]-knight-arrant1 =, knɒt / -s
=, kni:ld sp knot24, [Gordian]-knot1,
knighthood / ~s n
3 62
sp kneel , kneele / kneeles , 8
[virgin]-knot1, knotte1 / knots8
kneels1 / kneeling3 / kneel’d10
ˈnəɪtʊd, -hʊd, ˈkn- / -z
rh feels VA 350 sp knighthood6, knight-hood4 / knot v
knighthoods1, knight-hoods1 =, knɒt
sp knot1


knot-grass n rh 1 bestow AW 2.1.199, LLL 5.2.124; flew LC 58; sue TC 1.2.290 / rh 1

ˈnɒt-ˌɡras, ˈkn- blow Mac 1.3.16, TC 4.5.276; bow own Luc 239; own, shown MND
[weapon] LLL 4.1.109, Tem 4.1.87; 3.2.458; shown LLL 1.2.95; rh 2 town
sp knot-grasse1
flow AW 5.3.322; foe KJ 5.1.78, PP H8 Prol.23
> grass
20.55; foe, show Luc 473; foe, woe > acknow; un-, well-known
knot-pated adj Luc 1607; go MM 3.2.251, S 130.9, WT
4.4.296; go, so CE 4.3.80; Gremio, knower n
ˈnɒt-ˌpɛ:tɪd, ˈkn- Hortensio TS 1.2.232; grow R2 ˈno:əɹ, ˈkn-
sp not-pated1 5.3.104, RJ 1.1.155; grow, so LLL sp knower1, know-er1
> pate 2.1.53; know LLL 1.1.55, 56; low Cym
5.4.95, R2 3.3.194, TN 2.3.42; no LLL knowing adj
knotted adj 5.2.485; no, so LLL 1.1.68; owe CE ˈno:ɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈkn-
=, ˈknɒtɪd 3.2.41, LLL 1.2.99, Mac 5.4.17, TN
sp knowing3
sp knotted2 2.4.103; saddle-bow VA 16; show AY
3.2.134, CE 3.1.11, Cym 5.1.29, H8 knowing / ~s n
knotty adj Prol.17, LLL 5.2.319, Mac 1.7.82, MM
ˈno:ɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈkn- / -z
ˈnɒtəɪ, ˈkn- 5.1.536, MND 5.1.117, 128, PP 18.40,
sp knowing4 / knowings1
sp knottie1, knotty2 R2 1.3.249, 5.3.48, S 53.12, 77.7; slow
> fore-ˌ small-, un-knowing
S 51.8; so CE 3.2.54, Ham 3.2.179, LLL
knotty-pated adj 1.1.60, 4.3.50, 127, 5.2.490, Luc 1058,
knowingly adv
ˈnɒtəɪ-ˌpɛ:tɪd, ˈkn- MND 1.1.229, 3.2.163, 174, 189, Oth
ˈno:ɪnləɪ, -ɪŋ-, ˈkn-
sp knotty-pated1 4.3.101, R2 3.4.91, S 13.13, 140.8, Tit
5.3.138, TN 3.4.370, VA 1109; woe LC sp knowingly2
know / ~est / ~s / ~ing / ~n / 62, Luc 1312, S 50.7; know it owe it
AW 4.3.224, VA 409; know me owe
knowledge n
knew / ~est / known v ˈno:lɪdʒ, ˈkn-
me VA 525; know not show not CE
no:, kno: / ˈno:əst, ˈkn- / no:z, 3.2.29; know their love show their sp knowledge67, know-ledge7
kn- / ˈno:ɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈkn- / nju:, kn- love TG 1.2.32; rh 2 who TN 2.5.98;
/ -st / no:n, kn- woo MND 5.1.135 / goest, owest, known adj
3 1614 1
sp kno , know , ’know , knowe ,8 showest, throwest, trowest KL no:n, kn-
know’t [know it]18 / knowest13, 1.4.118 / blows AC 3.11.73, LLL sp known1, knowne6
knowst12, know’st67 / knowes195, 5.2.290, Luc 833; foes S 139.9; noes
knows6 / knowing33, know-ing1 / LLL 5.2.411; o’erflows Luc 1120; known v
knew149, knewe3 / knewest1, shows AW 2.1.149 / growing S 87.9 / > know
knew’st7 / known16, knowne160 blue Luc 409; drew VA 543; drew,


L [letter] n sp labor7, labour62 / labors1, sp lace4 / laces1

labours1 / labors1, labours8 > tawdry-, un-lace
rh 1 father Per 1.1.67; rh 2 favour
sp ell2 lace / ~d v
R2 5.6.41
la interj > joint-labourer, overlaboured, lɛ:s / lɛ:st
well-labouring sp lace1 / lac’d4
sp la15, [indeede]-la2, [truely]-la1, labour / ~est / ~s / ~ing / laced adj
la-[you]1, Fluellen law2, [sooth]-law1 ~ed v lɛ:st
la [music] n ˈlɛ:bəɹ / -st / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / m -d, sp lac’d-[mutton]2
= -ɪd
sp labor3, labour14 / labourst1 /
Lacedemon n
sp la2, [e]la1
labours2 / labouring5 / labour’d11, lasɪˈdi:mən
la Fr la-bour’d1, laboured4 sp Lacedemon2
> le
laboured adj lack n
là Fr adv m ˈlɛ:bəɹd =
la sp labour’d1 sp lack3, lacke18
sp la2
labourer / ~s n lack / ~est / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
Laban / ~’s n ˈlɛ:brəɹ, -bər- / -z = / lakst / = / ˈlakɪn, -ɪŋ / =
ˈlɛ:bən / -z sp labourer1, labourers1 sp lack6, lacke63 / lackst1, lack’st2 /
1 1 lackes5, lacks9, lack’s1 / lacking7 /
sp Laban / Labans
labouring adj / n lack’d9, lackt4, lack’t1
label n ˈlɛ:brɪn, -ɪŋ, -bər- rh back AC 4.14.59, VA 299; black
sp laboring2, labouring4, la-bouring1 LLL 4.3.249, Oth 1.3.286, S 127.11,
/ labouring2 132.14
sp labell2
laboursome adj lackbeard n
label / ~led v
m ˈlɛ:bəɹˌsɤm ˈlak-ˌbɛ:ɹd, -ˌbɐ:ɹd
sp laboursome1 sp lacke-beard1
sp labell’d1
> beard
Labienus n labras, anglicized plural of
Lat labra n lack-brain n
ˌlabɪˈɛ:nəs ˈlak-ˌbrɛ:n
sp Labienus1
Pistol MW .. ˈlabras
sp lacke-braine1
sp labras1
> brain
Labio n
ˈlabɪo: labyrinth n
lackey adj
sp Labio 1 m ˈlabrɪnθ, -bɪˌr-
sp labyrinth2
sp lackey1
labour / ~’s / ~s n
ˈlɛ:bəɹ / -z lace / ~s n
lɛ:s / -ɪz


lackey / ~s n lad·y / ~’s / ~ies / ~ies’ n lamb / ~s n

ˈlakəɪ / -z ˈlɛ:dəɪ / -z =
sp lackey2, lackie2, lacky2, lacquay1, sp ladie94, [sweet]-ladie1, la-die2, sp lamb3, lambe31 / lambes7, lambs5
lacquey2 / lackeyes1, lackies1, ladies [lady is]1, ladie’s [lady is]1, > she-lamb
lacqueyes1, lacquies1 lady530, [wedded]-lady1, la-dy2,
> Starve-lackey ladyes [lady is]1, lady’s [lady is]1 / Lambert / ~’s n
ladies50 ladyes4 / ladies113, la-dies2, ˈlambəɹts
lack-linen adj ladyes4 / ladies10 ladyes1 sp Lamberts1
= rh be LLL 2.1.193, 4.1.132
sp lacke-linnen-[mate]1 lambkin / ~s n
ladybird n =
lack-love n ˈlɛ:dəɪˌbɐ:ɹd sp lamb-kinne1 / lambekins1
m ˌlak-ˈlɤv sp ladi-bird1
sp lacke-loue1 lambskin / ~s n
> love
ladyship / ~’s / ~s n =
ˈlɛ:dəɪʃɪp / -s sp lamb-skins1
lack-lustre adj sp ladie-ship1, ladiship21, ladyship14, > skin
m ˌlak-ˈlɤstəɹ la-dyship1, lady-ship1 / ladiships1,
sp lacke-lustre1 ladyships1 / ladiships5 lam-damn v
> lustre m ˌlam-ˈdam
lady-smock / ~s n
sp emend of WT 2.1.143 land-damne
Lac·y / ~ies [name] n ˈlɛ:dəɪ-ˌsmɒks > damn
ˈlɛ:səɪz sp ladie-smockes1
sp Lacies 1 lame adj
Laertes n lɛ:m
lad / ~s n lɛ:ˈɐ:ɹti:z sp lame12
= sp Laertes36, abbr in s.d. Laer1 rh tame PP 12.6
sp lad23 / laddes2, lads19
rh dad TN 4.2.128; mad, sad MND
Lafew n lame / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
3.2.440 laˈfju: lɛ:m / -z / ˈlɛ:mɪn, -ɪŋ / lɛ:md
sp Lafew15 sp lame1 / lames1 / laming1 / lam’d2
ladder / ~s n
ˈladəɹ / -z lag adj / v lamely adv
sp ladder , [corded]-ladder / 2 = ˈlɛ:mləɪ
ladders3 sp lag2, lagge1, lagge-[end]1 / lagge1 sp lamely3, lame-ly1

lade v lagging adj lameness n

lɛ:d ˈlagɪn, -ɪŋ ˈlɛ:mnəs
sp lade1 sp lagging1 sp lamenesse1

lading n laid, lain lament n

ˈlɛ:dɪn, -ɪŋ > lay ləˈment
sp lading2 sp lament1
laisser / laissez Fr v
> dire-lamenting
laden adj lɛˈsez
ˈlɛ:dən sp laisse3 lament / ~est / ~s / ~ing /
sp laden3 ~ed v
lake / ~s n
ləˈment / -st, ləˈmenst / -s / -ɪn,
lady adj lɛ:k / -s
-ɪŋ / -ɪd
ˈlɛ:dəɪ sp lake5 / lakes1
sp lament23 / lament’st1 / laments3
sp lady
lakin / lamenting4 / lamented6
> by Our Lady
> by Our Lady


rh accident Ham 3.2.208; content, Lamprius n land-fish n

lent Luc 1500; incontinent R2 5.6.47; ˈlamprɪəs =
merriment RJ 4.5.82
sp Lamprius1 sp land-fish1
lamentable adj > fish
Lancaster n
m ˈlamənˌtabl
ˈlaŋkastəɹ landless adj
sp lamentable13, la-mentable1, 74 =
sp Lancaster
sp landlesse2
lamentably adv lance / ~’s / ~s n
lans, lɔ:ns / -ɪz landlord n
m ˈlamənˌtabləɪ
sp lance7, launce5 / lances1 / ˈlandlɔ:ɹd
sp lamentably2
lances2, launces7 sp landlord2
lamentation / ~s n rh dance VA 103
landman / ~men n
m ˌlamənˈtɛ:sɪən, -sɪˌɒn / lance / ~th v =
-sɪənz lansəθ, lɔ:ns- sp land·men1
sp lamentation9, emend of Cor 4.6.34 sp lanceth 1
lamention1 / lamentations1 land-service n
rh abominations, invocations lanch / ~ed v ˈland-ˌsɐ:ɹvɪs
Luc 1829 lanʃt sp land-seruice2, land seruice1
lamenting adj sp lanch’d1 > service
ləˈmentɪn, -ɪŋ land adj lane / ~’s / ~s n
sp lamenting3 = lɛ:n / -z
lamenting / ~s n sp land4 sp lane9, [Datchet]-lane1 / lanes2 /
> a-land, Holy Land lanes2
ləˈmentɪnz, -ɪŋz
rh bane Cym 5.3.57
sp lamentings1 land / ~’s / ~s n > Long-lane
Lammas Eve n =
sp land191, [green]-land1, land’s
langage Fr n
ˈlaməs ˈi:v lɑ̃ˈɡa:ʒ
[land is]1 / lands4 / lands53
sp Lammas Eue1, La-mas Eue1 rh command Tem 4.1.130; hand 2H4 sp langage1, language1
> Eve 3.1.104, KJ 1.1.164, 4.3.159, LLL
5.2.309, Mac 1.3.32, R2 5.5.110, Langley n
Lammastide n
5.6.36, 49; hand, stand Luc 439; stand ˈlaŋləɪ
ˈlaməsˌtəɪd Cym 2.1.64, KL 1.4.139 [Q], S 44.7; sp Langley3
sp Lammas tide1 understand R2 5.3.122 / counter-
> tide mands CE 4.2.38; hands R2 2.1.210 Langton n
Lamord n =
land / ~ing / ~ed v
sp Langton1
laˈmɔ:ɹ = / ˈlandɪn, -ɪŋ / =
sp emend of Ham 4.7.91 sp land3 / landing1 / landed14 language / ~s n
Lamound1 rh sands Luc 336 ˈlaŋɡwɪdʒ, -gɪdʒ / -ɪz
lamp / ~s n sp language37 / languages4
land-damn v
= m ˌlan-ˈdam languageless adj
sp lampe9 / lampes3, lamps1 sp land-damne1 ˈlaŋɡwɪdʒˌles, -gɪdʒ-
rh damp AW 2.1.164 > damn
sp languagelesse1
lampas n landed adj langue / ~s Fr n
ˈlampəs = lɑ̃:ɡ
sp lampasse1 sp landed1
sp langues1


languish n lapis Lat n largesse n

= ˈlapi:s m ˈlɑ:ɹdʒes
sp languish2 sp lapis3 sp largesse4
rh anguish RJ 1.2.48
Lapland n lark / ~s n
languish / ~s / ~ed v = lɑ:ɹk / -s
= sp Lapland1 sp larke23 / larkes2, larks1
sp languish4 / languishes2 / rh mark MND 3.1.123, 4.1.93, PP
languish’d1 lapse n 14.18
rh punish Per 1.2.32 =
sp lapse1
larron Fr n
languishing adj laˈrɔ̃
ˈlaŋɡwɪʃɪn, -ɪŋ lapse / ~d v sp la-roone1
sp languishing 1
= / m ˈlapsɪd, lapst
sp lapse1 / lapsed1, laps’t1
Lartius n
languishing / ~s n ˈlɑ:ɹsɪəs
ˈlaŋɡwɪʃɪnz, -ɪŋz lapsing n sp Lartius12, Latius2
sp languishings1 ˈlapsɪn, -ɪŋ
sp lapsing1
languishment n > alarum
m ˈlaŋɡwɪʃˌment lapwing n
sp languishment1 = lascivious adj
rh instrument Luc 1141; ravishment sp lapwing 4 =
Luc 1130 sp lasciuious13
lard / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
languor n lɑ:ɹdz / ˈlɑ:ɹdɪn, -ɪŋ / ˈlɑ:ɹdɪd lash n
ˈlaŋɡəɹ 2 1
sp lards / larding / larded 4 =
sp languor1 sp lash2
larder n
lank adj ˈlɑ:ɹdəɹ lash / ~ed v
= sp larder 1 =
sp lanke2 sp lash3 / lasht1
large / ~r / ~st adj
lank / ~ed v lɑ:ɹdʒ / ˈlɑ:ɹdʒ·əɹ / -əst lass / ~es n
= sp large 46 5 1
/ larger / largest
sp lank’d1 sp lasse7 / lasses1
large n rh pass AY 5.3.15
lank-lean adj lɑ:ɹdʒ
= lasslorn adj
sp large19
sp lanke-leane 1 ˈlaslɔ:ɹn
large-handed adj sp lasse-lorne1
lantern, lanthorn / ~s n m ˌlɑ:ɹdʒ-ˈandɪd, -ˈha-
ˈlantəɹn, -tɔ:ɹn / -z last adj / adv / n
sp large-handed1
sp lanterne , lanthorne , 13 last
lan-thorne1 / lanthornes1 largely adv sp last112 / last46 / last87
ˈlɑ:ɹdʒləɪ rh 1 blast Per Epil.6; fast VA 576; past
lap / ~s n R2 2.1.13; rh 2 haste RJ 3.1.195; taste
sp largely3
= LC 168, S 90.9
sp lap11, lappe6 / laps2 largeness n > ever-, still-lasting
ˈlɑ:ɹdʒnəs last / ~s / ~ed v
lap / ~s / ~ped v
sp largenesse1
= last / =
sp lap3 / laps2 / lapt2 sp last19 / lasts5 / lasted2


rh 1 fast Luc 894; rh 2 taste Luc 894, latest adv / n laughing n

VA 447 ˈlɛ:təst ˈlafɪn, -ɪŋ
lasting adj sp latest1 / latest1 sp laughing4
ˈlastɪn, -ɪŋ late-walking adj laughing-stock / ~s n
sp lasting12 ˈlɛ:t-ˌwɔ:kɪn, -ɪŋ ˈlafɪn-ˌstɒks, -ɪŋ-
lastly adv sp late-walking1 sp laughing-stocks1
> walk
ˈlastləɪ laughter n
sp lastlie1, lastly7 lath n ˈlaftəɹ
latch / ~es n laθ sp laughter30
sp lath5 rh hereafter TN 2.3.46
rh wrath TN 4.2.126
sp latch1 / latches1 Launce n
rh catch Luc 358 Latin adj / n lɔ:ns, lɑ:ns
latch / ~ed v = sp Launce11
3 1 6 1
sp Latine / Latin , Latine , La-tine ,
= Launcelot n
1 1 1
sp latch / lacht , latch’d ˈlɔ:nslət, ˈlɑ:n-, -səl-
rh catch S 113.6 latter adj sp Lancelet12, Lance-let1,
late / ~er / ~est adj ˈlatəɹ Launcelet15
sp latter17
lɛ:t / ˈlɛ:t·əɹ / -əst launch / ~ed v
sp late63 / later2 / latest13 lattice n lɔ:nʃ, lɑ:nʃ / -t
rh celebrate Tem 4.1.133; gait = sp launch1 / launch’d1
VA 531; gate LLL 1.1.108
sp lattice1, lettice2
late adv / n laund n
laud n / v lɔ:nd
= sp laund1
sp late83 / late42 2 2
sp laud / laud
rh adv compassionate R2 1.3.175; laundress n
rh n bawd Luc 622; bawd, thawed
estate Per 4.4.15, Tim 5.1.40; fate H8
2.3.84; gate CE 3.1.49; gate, pate CE
Luc 887 ˈlɔ:ndrəs, ˈlɑ:n-
2.2.229; hate RJ 1.5.139; Kate TS sp landresse2
laudable adj
5.1.141; state Ham 3.2.172, LLL
5.2.361, R2 3.2.71
= laundry n
sp laudable2 ˈlɔ:ndrəɪ, ˈlɑ:n-
late / ~d v sp laundry1
ˈlɛ:tɪd laudis Lat
> laus Laura n
sp lated1
lated adj laugh / ~est / ~s / ~ing /
sp Laura1
ˈlɛ:tɪd ~ed v
sp lated1
laf / -st / -s / ˈlafɪn, -ɪŋ / laft laurel adj
sp laugh81, laughe1, loffe1 / =
late-disturbed adj laughest1, laugh’st1 / laughes6, sp lawrell3
m ˈlɛ:t-dɪsˌtɐ:ɹbɪd laughs1 / laughing10 / laugh’d12,
laughed1, laught17, laugh’t1 laurel / ~s n
sp late-disturbed1
rh 1 staff CE 3.1.50; rh 2 cough =
> disturbed
MND 2.1.55
sp lawrels1
lately adv
laughable adj Laurence
1 30
ˈlafəbəl > Lawrence
sp latelie , lately
sp laughable1


lau·s / ~dis Lat n law-day / ~s n laide12, layd19, lay’d6, lay’d-[on]1,

lɔ:s / ˈlɔ:dis ˈlɔ:-ˌdɛ:z layde2 / layd’st1
rh away Luc 258, 1057; away, say
sp laus1 / laudis1 sp law-dayes1
Luc 1794; castaway, day Luc 747; day
> day
Lavatch n Luc 398, R2 4.1.332; say Luc 1620,
Mac 2.3.51, S 101.7; way VA 827 /
laˈvatʃ lawful adj
days S 102.6 / maid Luc 1212, TN
sp Lauatch 1 = 2.4.51
sp lawful3, lawfull55 > lie; low-, un-laid
lave v
lɛ:v lawfully adv layer-up n
sp laue3 m ˈlɔ:fʊˌləɪ ˈlɛ:əɹ-ˈɤp
sp lawful-lie1, lawfully1 sp layer vp1
lavender n
ˈlavəndəɹ lawless adj laying in n
sp lauender 1 = ˈlɛ:ɪn-ˈɪn, -ɪŋ-
sp lawlesse6 sp laying in1
laver / lavée Fr v
laˈve lawlessly adv lazar adj
sp lauee1, leuye1 m ˈlɔ:ləsˌləɪ ˈlazəɹ
sp lawlesly1 sp lazar1
Lavinia / ~’s n rh thee TG 5.3.14
= lazar / ~s n
sp Lauinia50 / Lauinia’s3
lawn / ~s n ˈlazəɹ / -z
= sp lazar1 / lazars2
lavish adj sp lawne2 / lawnes1
= lazar-like adj
sp lauish5
Lawrence / ~’s n ˈlazəɹ-ˌləɪk
= / ˈlɒrəns sp lazar-like1
lavishly adv sp Laurence2, Lawrence3 /
m ˈlavɪʃˌləɪ Lawrence6 Lazarus n
sp lauishly1 ˈlazrəs, -zər-
lawyer / ~’s / ~s ~s’ n
sp Lazarus1
lavolt, anglicized lavolta / ˈlɔ:jəɹ / -z
~s n sp lawyer4 / lawyers1 / lawiers2, lazy adj
ləˈvɒlt / -əz lawyers3 / lawyers1 ˈlɛ:zəɪ
sp lauolt1 / lauolta’s1 sp lazie8, lazie-[finger]1, lazy3
lay adj
law / ~’s / ~s n lɛ : le Fr det masculine
= sp lay1, lay-[thoughts]1 lə, abbr l
sp law202, [all-building]-law1 / sp le30, emend of de1 H5 3.4.36, abbr
lay / ~s n
lawes3 / lawes36, laws1 l4, l[ayt]1
rh awe Per Prol.35, R3 5.3.312; daw
lɛ: / lɛ:z
1H6 2.4.17; flaw LLL 5.2.414; saw Cym sp lay3 / layes1 la det feminine
5.4.38; straw Luc 1022 / cause S rh obey PT 1 / says Per 5.Chorus.4 la
49.13; claws, pause Luc 544; pause R2 sp la5, emend of le14
lay / ~est / ~s / ~ing / lay / laid
> brother-, daughter-, father-, / laidest v les det plural
son-in-, out-law, unlawful lɛ: / -st / -z / ˈlɛ:ɪn, -ɪŋ / lɛ: / -d / le
-dst sp les12, emend of la1, le12, e1
law-breaker n
sp laie1, lay [non-past]228, lay’t [lay
ˈlɔ:-ˌbrɛ:kəɹ it]2 / lai’st1, layest2, lay’st2 / laies3, le Ital
sp law-breaker1 layes15 / laying9 / lay [past]44 / laid48, > il Ital


lea / ~s n league / ~d v leap n

= = =, lep
sp leas3 sp leagu’d1 sp leap1, leape1
rh peas Tem 4.1.60 rh reap S 128.5
leaguer n
lead [mineral] / ~s n ˈli:ɡəɹ leap / ~s / ~ing / leapt v
= sp leager 1 =, lep / -s / ˈli:pɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈlep- /
sp lead23, leade2 / leads2, leades1 li:pt, lept
rh dead PP 20.24, RJ 2.5.17 Leah n sp leape21 / leapes3, leaps1 /
ˈlɛ:ə leaping1 / leap’d4, leapt7
lead [bring] / ~est / ~s / ~eth / sp Leah1 rh steps VA 279 / unswept MW
~ing / led v 5.5.43
=, lɛ:d / -st / -z / ˈli:d·əθ, ˈlɛ:- / leak / ~ed v > overleap
-ɪn, -ɪŋ / = =
sp leake2 / leak’d1 leapfrog n
sp lead57, leade63 / leadest1, lead’st3
/ leadeth1 / leades12, leads14, leds1 / rh speak KL 3.6.26 [Q] =, ˈlepfrɒg
leading5, lead [led]2, led58 sp leape-frogge1
leaky adj
rh dreadeth, pleadeth Luc 271 / bed
Luc 300 ˈli:kəɪ leaping adj
> mislead, ringleader, wing-led sp leakie1, leaky1 ˈli:pɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈlep-
sp leaping1
leaden adj lean / ~er adj
= = / ˈli:nəɹ leaping-house / ~s n
sp leaden15 sp leane37 / leaner1 ˈli:pɪn-ˌəʊzɪz, -ɪŋ-, ˈlep-,
rh mean VA 931 -ˌhəʊ-
leader / ~s n sp leaping-houses1
ˈli:dəɹ, ˈlɛ:- / -z lean / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
> house
sp leader12 / leaders3 = / -z / ˈli:nɪn, -ɪŋ / li:nd
sp leane13, leane-[on]1 / leanes5 / Lear / ~’s n
leading n leaning5 / leand1, lean’d1 li:ɹ / -z
ˈli:dɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈlɛ:- rh mean VA 125 sp Lear27 / Lears127
sp leading5
Leander n learn / ~s / ~ing / ~ed /
leaf / leaves n lɪˈandəɹ learnt v
= sp Leander3, Lean-der1 lɐ:ɹn / -z / ˈlɐ:ɹn·ɪn, -ɪŋ / m -ɪd,
sp leafe13, leaffe’s [leaf is]1 / leafes1, lɐ:ɹnd / lɐ:ɹnt
lean-faced adj
ˈli:n-ˌfɛ:st sp learn3, learne84 / learnes3 /
rh bereaves VA 798; sheaves
learning2 / learn’d26, learned4,
S 12.5 sp leane-fac’d2
lear-ned1 / learnt4
> fig-, title-, wood-leaf > face
rh discern Luc 617
lean-looked adj > un-, well-learned
> leavy ˈli:n-ˌlʊkt learned adj / n
sp leane-look’d1
league [compact] / ~s n m lɐ:ɹnd, ˈlɐ:ɹnɪd / ˈlɐ:ɹnɪd
> look
sp learn’d9, learned35, lerned1 /
leanness n learned2
sp league30 / leagues1
= learnedly adv
league [distance] / ~s n sp leannesse4
m ˈlɐ:ɹnɪdˌləɪ
lean-witted adj sp learnedly3
sp league4 / leagues10
sp leane-witted1
> wit


learning / ~s n leave / ~s n sp leauy2

ˈlɐ:ɹnɪn, -ɪŋ / -z =, Macmorris H .. lev rh heavy MA 2.3.71
> leaf
sp learning25, lear-ning2 / learnings1 sp leaue247, Macmorris leue1 /
leaues2 Le Beau n
learning-place n rh deceive TC 5.3.89; receive AW
lə ˈbo:
ˈlɐ:ɹnɪn-ˌplɛ:s, -ɪŋ- 2.3.84, MV 3.2.139, TC 4.5.35
sp Le Beau1, Le Beu3
sp learning place1
> place
leav·e / ~est / ~es / ~ing /
le Bon n
left v
leas·e / ~es n lə ˈbɔ̃, Eng version -bo:n
= / li:vst / = / ˈli:vɪn, -ɪŋ / =
li:s, les / ˈli:sɪz, ˈles- sp Le Boune1
sp leaue392, leaue’t [leave it]1 /
sp lease5 / leases1 leau’st1 / leaues30 / leauing22 / lecher / ~’s / ~s n
rh 1 decease S 13.5; rh 2 excess left218, lefte1
ˈletʃəɹ / -z
S 146.5 rh conceive LLL 5.2.342; deceive
MND 2.2.145, S 4.12, 39.10; perceive sp leacher1, letcher1 / letchers1 /
lease / ~d v TNK Prol.32; receive LC 239; leave it letchers1
li:st, lest receive it 2H6 2.3.35; leave me
lecher v
sp leas’d1 deceive me AW 1.1.225; deceive me,
heave thee Luc 583 / bereaves VA ˈletʃəɹ
> releasing
798; deceives, receives LC 305; sheaves sp letcher1
leash n S 12.5 / grieving WT 4.1.17 / bereft CE
2.1.41, S 5.9, Tim 5.4.71; bereft, theft lecherous adj
3 Luc 837; theft Mac 2.3.143, VA 158; left ˈletʃrəs, -tʃər-
sp leash
me bereft me VA 441 sp leacherous1, lecherous1,
leash / ~ed v letcherous1
leaven n
ˈlevən lechery n
sp leasht1
sp leauen2 m ˈletʃrəɪ, -tʃər-
leasing n sp leacherie1, lecherie5, le-cherie1,
leavened adj lechery7, letcherie2, letchery2
ˈli:sɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈles-
ˈlevənd rh treachery MW 5.3.21
sp leasing2
sp leauen'd1
leçon Fr n
least adj / adv / n
leavening n ləˈsɔ̃
ˈlevnɪn, -ɪŋ, -vən- sp lecon1
sp least20, lest2 / least9 / least63, lest1 1 1
sp leauening , leau'ning
rh adj feast Tim 4.3.517 / adv lecture / ~s n
possessed S 29.8
leaver n ˈlektəɹ / -z
> less, little
ˈli:vəɹ sp lecture5, lectors1 / lectures2
leather adj / n sp leauer
leaves n > lead v
sp leather6 / leather5
> leaf
rh n hither CE 2.1.85 Leda / ~’s n
> overleather
leave-taking n ˈli:də / -z
leather-coat / ~s n m ˌli:v-ˈtɛ:kɪn, -ɪŋ sp Leda1 / Laedaes1
ˈleðəɹ-ˌko:ts sp leaue-taking5
leech n
sp lether-coats1
leaving n =
> coat
ˈli:vɪn, -ɪŋ sp leach1
leathern adj sp leauing 1 rh each Tim 5.4.84
leavy adj
sp leathern1, leatherne3


leek / ~s n lege Lat lemon n

= > lego =
sp leeke13 / leekes5 sp lemmon1
rh cheeks MND 5.1.327
> allege Lena n
leer n ˈli:nə
li:ɹ legend
sp Lena2
> legion
sp leere3
lend / ~s / ~eth / ~ing /
leer / ~s v legerity n
lent v
li:ɹ / -z m ləˈdʒerɪˌtəɪ
= / = / = / ˈlendɪn, -ɪŋ / =
sp legeritie1
sp leere2 / leeres1 sp lend88 / lends9 / lendeth1 /
legion / ~s n lending2 / lent24
lees n rh end TNK 1.5.13; extend, intend
= ˈli:dʒɪən / -z
LC 26; friend S 82.10; spend S 4.3;
sp legion3 / legions17, emend of MW
sp lees2 tend S 53.4; lend her commend her
1.3.49 legend1
TG 4.2.41; lend me attend me,
leet / ~s n defend me Luc 1685 / amends,
legitimate adj
= friends Luc 964 / attendeth Luc 1676
m ləˈdʒɪtmət, -tɪm-, -tɪˌmɛ:t / banishment R2 1.3.146; content,
sp leete1 / leetes1
sp legitimate6, legittimate2 lament Luc 1502; government Luc
left adj > illegitimate 1399; malcontent VA 315; tent Luc
= 17; lent me sent me LC 199
legitimation n
sp left18
ləˌdʒɪtɪˈmɛ:sɪən lender / ~s’ n
rh VA 158
> rich-left
sp legitimation1 ˈlendəɹ / -z
sp lender2 / lenders1
left v leg·o / ~e Lat v
> leave v
ˈleɡe lending / ~s n
sp lege1 ˈlendɪnz, -ɪŋz
leg / ~s n sp lendings2
= Leicester n
sp leg7, [capons]-leg1, legge29 /
ˈlestəɹ length / ~s n
legges45, leggs1, legs23 sp Leicester3 =
rh dregs Tim 1.2.239 sp length33 / lengths1
Leicestershire n rh strength PP 18.33, TC 1.3.136
leg / ~ged v m ˈlestəɹˌʃəɪɹ
= sp Leicestershire1 lengthen / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
sp leg’d 1 = / = / ˈleŋθnɪn, -ɪŋ / =
> long-, near-, short-, three-legged
leisure / ~s n sp lengthen2 / lengthens3 /
ˈlezəɹ / -z length’ning1 / lengthen’d2,
legac·y / ~ies n sp leasure5, leisure22, leysure31, length’ned2
m ˈleɡəˌsəɪ, -əs- / -əˌsəɪz ley-sure1 / leysures2
sp legacie4 / legacies1 rh measure MM 5.1.407; pleasure S lenity n
rh free S 4.2 58.4; treasure TS 4.3.59 m ˈlenɪˌtəɪ, -ɪt-
sp lenitie3, lenity4
legate n leisurely adv
ˈleɡət m ˈlezəɹˌləɪ Lennox n
sp legat2, legate5 sp leysurely2 ˈlenəks
rh audacity, saucily Luc 1349 sp Lenox11
legatine adj
ˈleɡəˌtəɪn leman n lent
sp legatine 1 ˈlemən > lend
sp leman1, lemman1, lemon1


Lent n Lepidus n Lestrale n

= m ˈlepɪdəs, -ˌdʊs ləˈstral
sp Lent3 sp Lepidus33 sp Lestrale2
rh spent RJ 2.4.133
> Jack-a-lent Le Port Blanc Fr n let n
lə ˈpɔ:ɹ ˈblɑ̃ =
Lenten adj sp emend of R2 2.1.277 Port le Blan1 sp let1
sp Lenten1, Lenton1, lenton1 leprosy n let / ~test / ~s / ~ting v
m ˈleprəsəɪ, -ˌsəɪ = / lets, -tst / = / ˈletɪn, -ɪŋ
lentus Lat adj sp leprosie4 sp let2061, le’t [let it]1, lets [let us]14,
ˈlentʊs let’s [let us]243, let’t [let it]3, lett’s [let
sp lentus2 lequel Fr pro us]1, Caius let-a-[mee]1 / let’st3 /
ləˈkɛl lets15, letts1 / letting7
lenvoy n sp le quel1 rh debt Luc 328; debt, fret Luc 646;
ˈlenvəɪ set Luc 10 / dowsets TNK 3.5.155
sp lenuoy12, len-uoy2 les Fr
> le
letharg·y / ~ies n
Leonardo n ˈletəɹdʒəɪ / -z
lɪəˈnɑ:ɹdo: less adj, n sp lethargie4, lethar-gie1 /
sp Leonardo , abbr in s.d. Le 1 = lethargies1
sp lesse210
Leonati n rh access RJ 2.Chorus.11; excess MV
letharg·y / ~ied v
lɪəˈnɑ:ti: 3.2.113; excess, possess Luc 137; ˈletəɹdʒəɪd
sp Leonati3 express AW 5.3.328, Per 2.2.9; sp lethargied1
express, heaviness Luc 1285; possess
Leonato / ~’s n LLL 5.2.384, RJ 1.3.95; wantonness Lethe n
lɪəˈnɑ:to: / -z S 96.3 ˈli:θi:
> least, little, nevertheless sp Lethe5, Lethee1
sp Leonato35, Leo-nato1 /
Leonatoes5, Leo-natoes1
lessen / ~s / ~ed v Lethied adj
Leonatus / ~’ n = ˈli:θi:d
lɪəˈnɑ:təs, ˌli:o:- sp lessen3 / lessen’s1 / lesned2, sp Lethied1
18 1 lessen’d2
sp Leonatus , Leo-natus /
letter / ~s n
lesser adj / adv / n ˈletəɹ / -z
pun Cym 5.5.446 Lat leo [lion]
ˈlesəɹ sp leter1, letter222, let-ter4 /
17 4 4
Leontes n sp lesser / lesser / lesser letters120, let-ters3
lɪˈɒnti:z rh better LLL 4.1.95, Luc 1322, TG
lesson / ~s n 2.1.133; debtor LLL 5.2.44
sp Leontes15
= > love-letter
leopard / ~’s / ~s n sp lesson4 / lessons2
lettered adj
ˈlepəɹd / -z
lesson / ~s / ~ed v ˈletəɹd
sp leopard2, leo-pard1 / libbards1 /
= sp lettred1
sp lesson1 / lessons1 / lesson’d2, > unlettered
leper n lessoned1
> unlessoned
letters patent n
ˈletəɹz ˈpatənt
sp leaper1
lest conj sp latters patents3
leperous adj =
sp least14, lest28
leur Fr det
m ˈlepəˌrɤs
sp leaperous1
sp leur1


level adj / n lewdster / ~s n libert·y / ~ies n

= ˈlu:dstəɹz m ˈlɪbəɹˌtəɪ, -ɹt- / ˈlɪbəɹˌtəɪz
sp leuell8 / leuell7, leuill1 sp lewdsters1 sp libertie34, li-bertie1, liber-tie1,
liberty34, li-berty1 / liberties6
level / ~s / ~led v lewd-tongued adj rh deity R3 1.1.77; harmony 3H6
= ˈlu:d-ˌtɒŋd, -ˌtʊ- 4.6.15; injury S 58.6
sp leuell5 / leuels1 / leuelld1, sp lewd-tongu’d1
library n
rh bevel S 121.9 Lewis n m ˈləɪbrəˌrəɪ
ˈlu:i: sp librarie1, library2
levelled adj sp Lewes6, Lewis30
= Libya n
sp leuell’d1 liable adj =
m ˈləɪəˌbɤl, ˈləɪəbəl, ˈləɪbəl sp Libia2, Lybia2
lever / ~s n 4 1
sp liable , lia-ble , lyable 1

ˈlevəɹz licence n
sp leauers 1 liar / ~s n ˈləɪsəns
ˈləɪəɹ / -z sp licence1, license9
Leviathan / ~s n 3 2 7 1
sp liar , lier , lyar , lyer / liars ,2 > all-licensed
lɪˈvəɪətən / -z liers1, lyars2, ly-ars1, lyers1
sp Leuiathan2 / Leuiathans1 rh fire Ham 2.2.117 / fires RJ 1.2.90
license v
[F fire] ˈləɪsəns
levied adj sp license
ˈlevəɪd libel / ~s n
sp leuied2 ˈləɪbəlz licentious adj
sp libels1 m ləɪˈsensɪəs, -ɪˌɤs
levity n sp licencious1, licentious2
m ˈlevɪˌtəɪ, -ɪt- libel / ~ling v
sp leuitie5, leuities [levity is]1, m ˈləɪbəˌlɪn, -ɪŋ Lichas n
leuity1 sp libelling 1 ˈləɪkəs
sp Licas1, Lychas1
lev·y / ~ies n liberal adj
ˈlevəɪ / -z m ˈlɪbəˌrɑl, -bər-, -br- lick / ~ed v
sp leuie2, leuy1 / leuies3 sp liberal1, liberall27, li-berall1 =
sp licke7 / licked1
lev·y / ~ying / ~ied v liberal-conceited adj > foot-licker, unlicked
ˈlevəɪ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d ˈlɪbrɑl-kənˌsi:tɪd, -bər-
sp leuie6, leuy1 / leuying2 / leuied10, sp liberall conceited1
lictor / ~s n
leuyed1 > conceit ˈlɪktəɹz
sp lictors2
lewd adj liberality n
lu:d m ˌlɪbəˈrɑlɪˌtəɪ lid / ~s n
sp lewd9, lewde2 sp liberalitie1, liberality2 =
sp lid2, [s]lid [God’s lid]2 / lids4
lewdly adv liberté Fr n rh forbid Mac 1.3.20
ˈlu:dləɪ libɛɹˈte > eyelid
sp lewdly2 sp liberte1
lie / ~s n
lewdness n libertine / ~s n ləɪ / -z
ˈlu:dnəs ˈlɪbəɹˌti:n / -ɹti:nz sp lie6, lye41 / lies7, lyes7
sp lewdnesse2 sp libertine4 / libertines1 rh eye S 152.14 / dies VA 804; eyes
LC 52


lie / ~est / ~s / ~th / lying / ~d sp leege1, leige4, liedge10, liege123 / lifeless adj
/ lain v liedges1, lieges1 ˈləɪfləs
rh beseech R2 5.3.90
ləɪ, Jamy H .. li: / -st, sp liuelesse4
ˈləɪəst / ləɪz / ˈləɪ·əθ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / liege·man / ~men n
lifeling / ~s n
ləɪd / lɛ:n, ˈləɪən =
ˈləɪflɪnz, -ɪŋz
sp lie58, lye202, Jamy ligge1 / liest12, sp liege-man2 / leige-men1,
sp lifelings1
lyest27, lye’st1, ly’st5 / lies122, lyes90 / liegemen1
lyeth3 / lying10 / lied1, lyed2 / laine4,
lieger / ~s n life-preserving adj
rh 1 apply MM 3.2.266; by 1H4 ˈli:dʒəɹ / -z ˈləɪf-prɪˌzɐ:ɹvɪn, -ɪŋ
5.4.109, S 73.10; cry, fly, I Tem 5.1.89; sp life-preseruing1
sp leiger1 / leidgers1
defy S 123.11; deny Cym 2.4.144, > preserve
MND 2.2.58, S 46.5; die CE 3.2.49, lie-giver n
life-rendering adj
Cym 4.4.52, 2H4 4.5.238, MA 4.1.150, ˈləɪ-ˌɡɪvəɹ
RJ 2.Chorus.1, S 81.8, 92.10, TN m ˌləɪf-ˈrendrɪn, -ɪŋ
sp lye-giuer1
2.3.104, VA 245; dry VA 234; eye LLL sp life-rend’ring1
> giver
2.1.239, 4.3.84, RJ 2.3.32, S 31.8, > render
152.14 [also emend I], VA 646, 663; lieu n
eye, hie Luc 1342; I LLL 1.1.173, MND lifetime n
lu:, lju:
1.1.215, RJ 1.4.51, S 72.5; high 1H4 ˈləɪftəɪm
3.3.201; qualify S 109.4; rye AY 5.3.23; sp lieu7, liew1
sp life time1
sky AW 1.1.212, VA 151; thigh RJ > time
lieutenant / ~’s / ~s n
2.1.20; why S 115.1; rh 2 chivalry TC
4.4.146; conspiracy Tem 2.1.305; lɪfˈtenənt, lju:- / -s life-weary adj
enmity RJ 5.3.303; prettily MND sp lieutenant54, lieu-tenant1 / m ˌləɪf-ˈwɛ:rəɪ, -ˈwe-
2.2.58; skilfully LLL 2.1.239; lieutenants1 / lieutenants1
sp life-wearie-[taker]1
honourably JC 5.5.78; kill-courtesy
lieutenantry n > weary
MND 2.2.82; loyalty R2 1.1.68; merrily
Tem 5.1.89; minstrelsy LLL 1.1.173; m lɪfˈtenəntrəɪ, -ˌtrəɪ, lju:- lift / ~s / ~eth / ~ing / ~ed v
rarity, simplicity PT 55 / rh 1 arise sp lieutenan-trie1, lieutenantry1 = / = / ˈlɪft·əθ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd
Cym 2.3.22; cries Luc 1753; cries, eyes
life / ~’s / lives / ~’ n sp lift24 / lifts3 / lifteth1 / lifting2 /
Luc 443; dies KJ 3.1.337, Luc 1487,
MA 5.3.4, MV 3.2.69, R2 5.3.70; dies, ləɪf / -s / ləɪvz
> uplifted
skies Luc 509; eyes LC 288, LLL 1.1.78, sp life804, life’s [life is]6 / lifes3, life’s1,
2.1.214, 4.3.278, 5.2.420, Luc 391, 457, liues8 / liues79 / liues1 lifter n
1449, MND 2.2.96, MV 3.2.69, R2 rh knife LLL 2.1.126, Luc 1186, Per 4.
3.3.168, RJ 1.3.86, 2.3.63, S 1.7, 2.5,
Chorus.13, S 63.12, 74.9, 100.13, TN
17.7, 24.6, 46.8, 137.3, 153.13, Tem sp lifter1
2.5.106; knife, wife Luc 1045; strife
1.2.397, VA 68, 119, 1128; eyes, rise 1H6 4.4.38, Luc 141, 406, 687, MND
Luc 256; prize Luc 280; spies Luc 318;
lifting-up n
5.1.222, Oth 2.3.250, R2 5.6.26, RJ
rh 2 enemies R2 5.6.31; forgeries Luc Prol.6, 3.1.179, S 75.1, Tim 1.1.39, VA
ˈlɪftɪn-ˈɤp, -ɪŋ-
457, PP 1.2; qualities RJ 2.3.11; rem- 12, 289, 766; strife, wife Luc 233, sp lifting vp1
edies RJ 2.3.48; subtleties S 138.2 / 1374; wife AW 5.3.290, CE 3.2.67,
flying TG 3.1.143 / pride MND 2.2.61 162, Luc 1800, 1805, Per Prol.38,
Ligarius n
> lay 1.4.46, 5.1.245, R2 1.2.55, S 9.2, TN lɪˈɡarɪəs
5.1.133 / rh 1 knives Tim 1.2.44; sp Ligarius9
lief / ~est adj rh 2 restoratives Per Prol.7
li:v / ˈli:vəst light / ~er / ~est adj
sp leeue1, lief4, liefe10, lieue2 / life-blood n ləɪt / ˈləɪt·əɹ / -əst
liefest1 ˈləɪf-ˌblɤd sp light75 / lighter2 / lightest2
> alderliefest 3
sp life-blood , life blood 3
rh bite R2 1.3.293 [Q]; night RJ
> blood 1.2.25 / writer TNK Prol.20
liege / ~’s n > alight; day-, moon-, star-, taper-,
= torch-light


light adv lightness n liken / ~ing / ~ed v

ləɪt ˈləɪtnəs ˈləɪknɪn, -ɪŋ / ˈləɪkənd
sp light2, lyte1 sp lightnesse8 sp lik’ning1 / lik’ned1
rh delight VA 1028
lightning adj likeness n
light / ~s n ˈləɪtnɪn, -ɪŋ ˈləɪknəs
ləɪt / -s sp lightning1 sp likenes3, likenesse19
sp light137, [bone-fire]-light1,
[s]light1, [s’]light1 / lights21 lightning / ~s n like to prep
rh bright LLL 4.3.30, 267, S 43.7, VA ˈləɪtnɪn, -ɪŋ / -z ˈləɪk tə, -tʊ
860; bright, sight Luc 375; convertite sp lightning23 / lightnings1 sp like to69
Luc 745; fight R2 1.1.82, S 60.5, 88.1; > like prep
fight, knight, might, night MW 2.1.15; light-winged adj
flight MND 5.1.296; knight Per 2.5.17; ˈləɪt-ˌwɪŋd likewise adv
lily-white VA 1051; midnight Luc 1 ˈləɪkwəɪz
sp light wing’d
1627; might Per Prol.16, S 100.4; night
> winged sp likewise24
Ham 3.2.226, 3H6 2.5.2, LLL 4.3.229,
255, Luc 164, 673, 773, 783, 1091, like / ~r / ~st adj liking / ~s n
1231, MND 3.2.188, 386, Oth 1.3.398,
ləɪk / ˈləɪk·əɹ / -əst ˈləɪkɪn, -ɪŋ / -z
Per 1.1.137, 2.3.44, R2 1.3.176, 221,
sp like74 / liker2 / likest1 sp liking24 / likings2
5.6.44, RJ 2.2.189, Tim 5.1.43, VA 491,
> be-, dis-, mis-, sea-, un-, war-like; rh 1 striking Luc 434, MM 3.2.256,
533, 756, 1039; night, right Luc 940;
unlikely, well-liking VA 248; rh 2 respecting Luc 434
night, white Luc 397; sight Luc 105,
S 7.1, 38.8; spite MND 3.2.419, VA
like adv lil·y / ~ies n
1134; sprite MND 5.1.381; white LLL
2.1.184 / nights LLL 1.1.88, Luc 1378;
ləɪk ˈlɪləɪ / -z
sights Luc 461 sp like89, like-[invulnerable]1 sp lillie1, lilly9 / lillies2

light / ~s / Luc ~eth / ~ed v like / ~s n lily-bed / ~s n

ləɪt / -s / ˈləɪt·əθ / -ɪd ləɪk / -s ˈlɪləɪ-ˌbedz
sp light33 / lights7 / lighteth1 / sp like45 / likes2 sp lilly beds1
lighted10 > bed
rh smiteth Luc 178
like / ~st prep
ləɪk / -s, -st lily-livered adj
lighten / ~s / ~ing v sp like1230, emend of Tit 2.2.24 likes1 ˈlɪləɪ-ˌlɪvəɹd
ˈləɪtən / -z / ˈləɪtnɪn, -ɪŋ / likest1 sp lilly-liuer’d1, lilly-liuered1
3 7
sp lighten / lightens / lightning 2 > like to > liver

lighter-heeled adj lik·e / ~est / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v lily-tincture n

ˈləɪtəɹ-ˌi:ld, -ˌhi:- ləɪk / -s, -st / -s / ˈləɪkɪn, -ɪŋ / ˌlɪləɪ-ˈtɪŋktəɹ
sp lighter heel'd1 ləɪkt sp lilly-tincture1
> heel sp like146 / lik’st4 / likes26 / liking2 / > tincture
lik’d7, likt1, like’d1, lyk’d1
lightfoot adj lily-white adj
ˈləɪtˌfʊt likelihood / ~s n ˈlɪləɪ-ˌʍəɪt
sp light-foot1 ˈləɪklɪˌʊd, -ˌhʊd / -z sp lilly white1
> foot sp likeliehood1, likelihood4, rh light VA 1053
likelyhood4, likely-hood2, liklyhood1 / > white
lightly adv likelihoods3, likely-hoods2
ˈləɪtləɪ Limander n
sp lightly 12 like·ly / ~liest adj lɪˈmandəɹ
rh nightly TG 3.1.142 ˈləɪkləɪ / -əst sp Limander1
sp likely25 / likelyest1


limb / ~s n sp limit16 / limits8 sp lineall8

= > unlimited > unlineal

sp limbe13, limme3 / limbes30, limit / ~ed v lineally adv

limbs11, limmes2, lims1, lyms1
= m ˈlɪnɪɑˌləɪ
rh him R2 3.2.187
> good-, white-limbed sp limit1 / limited1, li-mited1 sp lineally1

limbeck n limitation n lineament / ~s n

= m ˌlɪmɪˈtɛ:sɪən, -sɪˌɒn m ˈlɪnɪəˌment / -s, -əmən-
sp lymbeck1 sp limitation2 sp lineament1, liniament1 /
lineaments5, lyniaments1
limber adj limited adj rh content RJ 1.3.84
ˈlɪmbəɹ =
sp limited1, limitted1
lined adj
sp limber1
limb-meal n limn / ~ed v sp lyn’d1
= lɪmd
sp limn'd1
sp limb-meale1
> lime-grove
> meal
Limoges n
m KJ .. ˈlɪmədʒɪz [Fr linen adj
limb·us / ~o Lat n
lɪˈmo:ʒ] =
sp linnen13
sp limbo4 sp Lymoges1

limp / ~s / ~ed v linen / ~s n

lime n
ləɪm =
sp linnen11, lynnen1 / linnens1
sp lime10, lyme1 sp limpe3 / limpes1 / limpt1

limping adj ling / ~s n

lime / ~d v
ˈlɪmpɪn, -ɪŋ =
ləɪm / m -d, ˈləɪmɪd
sp ling1 / lings1
sp lyme1 / lim’d1, limed3, lym’d2, sp limping2
lymde1 Lingare n
Lincoln n
lime-grove n = ˈlɪŋgəɹ
ˈləɪm-ˌɡrɤv, -ˌɡro:v sp Lingare1
sp Lincolne2, Lincolne-[Washes]1
sp emend of Tem 5.1.10 line-groue1 linger / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
> grove Lincolnshire n
ˈlɪŋkənʃəɹ ˈlɪŋɡəɹ / -z / ˈlɪŋɡrɪn, -ɪŋ /
Limehouse n sp Lincolnshire1
ˈləɪməʊs, -həʊs sp linger11 / lingers3 / ling’ring1 /
sp Limehouse 1 line / ~s n lingerd1, linger’d1, lingred1
ləɪn / -z
lime-kiln n lingering adj
sp line27, lyne5 / lines24, lynes3
ˈləɪm-ˌkɪl rh Collatine Luc 818; mine S 86.13
ˈlɪŋɡrɪn, -ɪŋ
sp lime-kill1 pun lines RJ Prol.5 loins sp lingring9, ling’ring2
> kiln-hole > fathom-, love-line
linguist n
lime-twig / ~s n line / ~d v =
ˈləɪm-ˌtwɪɡz ləɪn / ləɪnd sp linguist2
3 3 3 2
sp lime-twigs1 sp line , lyne / lin’d , linde
rh Rosalind AY 3.2.88, 101
lining n
> twig
ˈləɪnɪn, -ɪŋ
limit / ~s n lineal adj sp lining2
= m ˈlɪnɪɑl, -ɪˌɑl


link n lip / ~ped v rh 1 missed Luc 1008; rh 2 priest TS

= = 3.2.164 / resisteth VA 564

sp linke3 sp lip1 / lipt1 listen / ~ing / ~ed v

> thick-lipped
link / ~s / ~ed v = / ˈlɪsnɪn, -ɪŋ / =
= Lipsbury n sp listen13 / listning1 / listen’d1

sp linke2 / linkes2 / link’d5 ˈlɪpsbrəɪ, -bər- listening n

> unlink sp Lipsbury1
ˈlɪsnɪn, -ɪŋ
linsey-woolsey adj liquid adj sp listning3, list-ning1
ˈlɪnsəɪ-ˈwʊlsəɪ = literatured adj
sp linsie wolsy1 sp liquid8
linstock n liquor / ~s n sp literatured1
= ˈlɪkəɹ / -z lither adj
sp linstock1, lynstock1 sp licquor1, liquor17 / liquors2
linta nonsense word liquor / ~ed v sp lither1
ˈlɪnta ˈlɪkəɹd litter n
sp linta1 sp liquor’d1
lion adj liquorish adj sp litter6
ˈləɪən ˈlɪkrɪʃ, -kər- litter / ~ed v
sp lyon-[gate]1 sp licourish1
ˈlɪtəɹ / -d
lion / ~’s / ~s / ~s’ n Lisbon n sp littour1 / litter’d2, lytter’d1
ˈləɪən / -z = little adj / adv / n
sp lion37, lyon49 / lions5, lyons13 / sp Lisbon1
lions4, lyons21 / lyons1
Lisio n sp litle7, littell-[a-while]1, little291,
Lionel / ~’s n ˈlɪsɪo: little-[one]1, little-[tyne]1 / little73 /
ˈləɪənəl / -z litle2, li-tle1, little94, lit-tle1
sp Lisio4, Litio3
3 1 1 > least, less
sp Lionel , Lyonel / Lionels
lisp / ~ing v liv·e / ~est / ~es / ~eth / ~ing /
lioness n = / ˈlɪspɪn, -ɪŋ ~ed / ~edest v
ˌləɪəˈnes sp lispe3 / lisping1
= / lɪvst / = / = / ˈlɪvɪn, -ɪŋ / m
sp lionnesse2, lyonesse1, lyonnesse4
lisping adj lɪvd, ˈlɪvɪd / lɪvdst
lion-mettled adj ˈlɪspɪn, -ɪŋ sp liue487 / lives113 / liuest1, liu’st11 /
ˈləɪən-ˌmetld 1
sp lisping , lisping-[hauthorne] 1 liueth3 / liuing14 / liu’d66, liued16 /
sp lyon metled1 liu’dst1
list / ~s n rh 1 forgive AW 3.4.14, 2H4 4.5.219;
lip / ~s n = give AW 2.1.131, 2.3.102, 2H6 5.2.88,
= Luc 986, 1051, R2 1.3.225, RJ 2.3.13,
sp list11, lyst3 / listes2, lists9, lysts1
3.1.181, S 4.8, 13.2, 31.9, 37.12, 39.5,
sp lip21, [nether]-lip1, lippe11 /
list [listen] / ~eth v 54.4, 79.12, TC 4.5.37, WT 4.3.19;
lippes47, lipps1, lips79
rh 2 contrive JC 2.3.14; thrive R2
rh slip VA 127 / chips S 128.12; = 1.3.83; rh 3 achieve S 67.1 / gives
eclipse Mac 4.1.29; hips VA 46; ships sp list22, list[-me]1 Mac 2.1.60, TNK Prol.14 / giving Luc
LLL 2.1.206; skips PP 11.9; slips VA
1714; thanksgiving LLL 2.1.127 /
516; trips VA 724 list [please, list] / VA ~eth v achieved H5 Epil.5
> harelip, thick-lips = > out-, over-live; short-lived
sp list17 / listeth1


livelihood n sp li-zard1 / lizards1 / lizards1, loath·e / ~s / ~ed v

ˈləɪvləɪˌʊd, -ˌhʊd lyzards1 lo:ð / -z / -d
sp liuelihood1, liuelyhood1 lo interj sp loath4, loathe1 / loathes3, loaths1,
rh good VA 26 lothes1 / loath’d1, loth’d1
livelong adj sp lo18, lo-[you]1, loe60 loathed adj
ˈləɪvlɒŋ rh foe RJ 2.3.49 m lo:ðd, ˈlo:ðɪd
sp liue-long3 loa interj sp loath’d2, loathed9

livel·y / ~ier adj ˈlo:ə loathing n

ˈləɪvləɪ / -əɹ sp loa1 ˈlo:ðɪn, -ɪŋ
sp liuely7 / liuelier1 loach n sp loathing2

lively adv lo:tʃ loathly adv

ˈləɪvləɪ sp loach1 ˈlo:ðləɪ
sp liuelie1, liuely2 load / ~s n sp loathly2, lothly1

liver adj lo:d / -z loathness n

ˈlɪvəɹ sp load9, loade3, lode1 / loades1, ˈlo:ðnəs
sp liuer1 sp loathnesse3
> unload
> lily-, milk-, pigeon-, white-livered
load / ~s / ~en v loathsome / ~st adj
liver / ~s n ˈlo:ðsəm / -st
lo:d / -z / ˈlo:dən
ˈlɪvəɹ / -z sp loathsome14, lothsome1 /
16 1 6 1 sp load3, loade4 / loades1 / loaden5,
sp liuer , li-uer / liuers , li-uers , loth-som’st1
loaden adj loathsomeness n
liver·y / ~ies n ˈlo:ðsəmnəs
m ˈlɪvrəɪ, -vər-, -vəˌrəɪ / -z sp loathsomnesse1
8 7 1 1 sp loaden1
sp liuerie , liuery , liuorie , liu’rie /
liueries4, liuories1 loading n lob n / v
rh 1 audaciously, modesty Luc 1222; =
ˈlo:dɪn, -ɪŋ
infamy Luc 1054; rh 2 die Luc 1054 sp lob1 / lob1
sp loading1
lives n lobb·y / ~ies n
loaf / loaves n
> life ˈlɒbəɪ / -z
lo:f / lo:vz
sp lobby3 / lobbies1
Livia n sp loafe1 / loaues1
= local adj
loam n
sp Liuia2 ˈlo:kɑl
sp locall2
living adj sp loame2, lome3
ˈlɪvɪn, -ɪŋ lock / ~s n
loan n
sp liuing72 =
> ever-living lo:n
sp lock2, locke3 / lockes9, locks5
sp lone1
rh knocks Mac 4.1.46; rocks, shocks
living / ~s n rh one S 6.6
MND 1.2.29
ˈlɪvɪn, -ɪŋ / -z > elk-locks, picklock
loath / ~er adj
sp liuing21, li-uing3 / liuings1
> live lo:θ / ˈlo:θəɹ lock / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
sp loath16, loth15 / loather1 = / = / ˈlɒkɪn, -ɪŋ / =
lizard / ~’s / ~s’ n rh oath LLL 1.1.157
sp lock2, locke14 / lockes2, locks1 /
ˈlɪzəɹd / -z locking1 / lock’d11, lockt15


rh rocked Luc 260 lofty adj London / ~’s n

> unlock lɒftəɪ ˈlɤndən / -z
locked adj sp loftie6, lofty10 sp London65, Lon-don2 / Londons1
= log / ~s n London Bridge n
sp lockt1 = ˌlɤndən ˈbrɪdʒ
locking-up n sp log2, logge1 / logges2, logs5 sp London-bridge1, London Bridge2
> bridge
ˈlɒkɪn-ˈɤp, -ɪŋ- loggerhead / ~s n
sp locking vp1 ˈlɒɡəɹˌed, -ˌhed / -z Londoner / ~s n
lockram n sp loggerhead2 / logger-heads1 ˈlɤndənəɹz
sp Londoners1
ˈlɒkrəm loggerheaded adj
sp lockram1 ˈlɒɡəɹˌedɪd, -ˌhed- lone adj
locust / ~s n sp logger-headed 1 ˈlo:n
sp lone1
ˈlo:kəsts loggets n
sp locusts1 ˈlɒɡəts loneliness n
lodestar / ~s n sp loggets1 m ˈlo:nləɪˌnes
sp lonelinesse1
ˈlo:dstɑ:ɹz logic n
sp loadstarres1 = lonely adv
> star 1 1 ˈlo:nləɪ
sp lodgicke , logicke
lodge n sp lonely1
log-man n
= long / ~er / ~est adj
sp lodge4 = / ˈlɒŋɡ·əɹ / -əst
sp logge-man1
lodge / ~es / ~ed v sp long81, [too]-long1 / longer13,
loins n lon-ger1 / longest4
ləɪnz rh 1 song PP 18.52; strong VA 295;
sp lodge19 / lodges5 / lodg’d11, throng H5 4.5.23; wrong TN 5.1.139;
sp loines5, loynes6
lodged1 rh 2 tongue TS 4.2.57; young LLL
pun RJ Prol.5 lines
> dislodge 5.2.824, RJ 1.1.161
loiter / ~ing v > be-, flat-, over-long
lodged adj
= ˈləɪtəɹ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈləɪtrɪn, -ɪŋ
long / ~er / ~est adv
sp loyter1 / loytering1
sp lodg’d1 = / ˈlɒŋɡ·əɹ / -əst
loiterer / ~s n sp long311, [song] long-a1 / longer90
lodger / ~s n
ˈləɪtrəɹ, -tər- / -z / longest1
ˈlɒdʒəɹz rh 1 song S 100.1; strong Luc 866,
sp loyterer1 / loyterers1
sp lodgers2 S 73.14, TNK 3.5.153; throng Luc
loll / ~s / ~ing v 1782; wrong 3H6 3.3.232, 4.1.111, Luc
lodging / ~s n 1468, R2 2.1.163; rh 2 tongue Luc
ˈlɒdʒɪn, -ɪŋ / -z = / ˈlɒlɪn, -ɪŋ
1468, 1616, 1782, MND 5.1.424;
sp lolls1 / lolling3
sp lodging23, lodg-ing1 / lodgings1 young Luc 866, KL 1.4.211, 5.3.324,
PP 12.12, RJ 4.5.77 / stronger Luc
Lodovico n Lombard n
1765, S 28.13
ˌlɒdəˈvi:ko: ˈlɤmbəɹd
sp Lombard1 long conj
sp Lodouico8
Lodowick n Lombardy n
sp long1
m ˈlɒdwɪk, dəˌw- m ˈlɤmbəɹˌdəɪ
sp Lumbardie1
sp Lodowick3, Lodowicke2


long / ~er n longing adj long-tail n

= / ˈlɒŋgəɹ ˈlɒŋɡɪn, -ɪŋ ˈlɒŋ-ˌtɛ:l
sp long5 / longer1 sp longing3 sp long-taile1
rh prolong TNK Epil.15 > tail
longing / ~s n
long / est / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v ˈlɒŋɡɪn, -ɪŋ / -z long-tongued adj
= / lɒŋst / = / ˈlɒŋɪn, -ɪŋ / m sp longing5, [nice]-longing1 / ˈlɒŋ-ˌtɒŋd, -ˌtʊ-
lɒŋd, ˈlɒŋɪd longings1 sp long-tongu’d1
sp long25 / long’st3 / longs9 / > tongue
longing5 / long’d5, longed1
long-ingraffed adj
rh tongue LLL 5.2.244 ˈlɒŋ-ɪnˌgraft long-usurped adj
sp long ingraffed 1 m ˈlɒŋ-jʊˌzɐ:ɹpɪd
Longaville n > engraffed, graff sp long vsurped1
ˈlɒŋgəˌvɪl, -vəɪl > usurp
sp Longauile3, Longauill12, abbr in
Long Lane n
s.d. Long1 m ˈlɒŋ ˌlɛ:n long-vanished adj
rh 1 compile LLL 4.3.131; half a mile sp Long-lane 1 m ˌlɒŋ-ˈvanɪʃt
LLL 5.2.53; rh 2 ill LLL 4.3.121 > lane sp long-vanisht1
> vanish
longboat / ~’s n long-legged adj
ˈlɒŋbo:ts = long-winded adj
sp long boats 1
sp long leg’d 1 m ˌlɒŋ-ˈwəɪndɪd
> leg sp long-winded1
long-continued adj > wind
= longly adv
sp long-continew’d1 ˈlɒŋləɪ loo interj
> continue sp longly 1 lo:
sp loo2, lowe4
long-during adj long of prep
m ˌlɒŋ-ˈdju:rɪn, -ɪŋ ˈlɒŋə, -əv loof
sp long during1 sp long of6 > luff

longed-for adj long-parted adj look / ~s n

ˈlɒŋd-ˌfɔ:ɹ m ˌlɒŋ-ˈpɑ:ɹtɪd =
sp long’d-for-[change]1 sp long parted1 sp look1, looke26, [goose]-looke1 /
> part lookes88, [cat-a-moun-taine]-lookes1,
long-experienced adj looks6
= long-since-due adj rh book LLL 1.1.76, S 59.5; brook PP
sp long experien’st1 m ˌlɒŋ-ˈsɪns-ˌdju: 4.3; Bullingbrook R2 3.4.98; forsook,
took Luc 1535; took CE 2.1.88, S 47.3,
> experience sp long since due1
75.10 / books AY 3.2.7, LLL 1.1.85,
> due
long-grown adj Luc 812, 1252, RJ 2.2.157; books,
long-staff hooks Luc 100; brooks Tem 4.1.129;
ˈlɒŋ-ˌɡro:n adj
hooks RJ 2.Chorus.6, S 137.5
sp long-growne 1 ˈlɒŋ-ˌstaf
> grow sp long-staffe1 look / ~est / ~s / ~ing / ~ed /
> staff
long-imprisoned adj ~edest v
= long-sword n = / lʊkst, ˈlʊkəst / = / ˈlʊkɪn,
sp long imprisoned 1 = -ɪŋ / m lʊkt, ˈlʊkɪd / lʊktst, -kst
> imprison sp long-sword1, long sword1 sp look32, looke744, look’t [look it]1 /
> sword lookest2, look’st11 / lookes98, looks5 /
looking22 / look’d80, looked2, lookt12,
look’t1 / look’dst1


rh book LLL 4.2.23, 4.3.250, Luc 616, lop n sp lordship98, lord-ship2,

S 77.13; brook PP 6.7 = lordshippe8, lordships [lordship is]1 /
> out-, over-look; grim-, lean- lordshippes1, lordships8 / lordships3 /
sp lop1
looked; sharp-looking, unlooked-for lordships1

looker-on / ~s-on n lop / ~ped v Lorenzo n

ˈlʊkəɹ-ˈɒn / -əɹz- = lɒˈrenzo:
sp lop2 / lopp’d1, lopt6
sp looker-on1, looker on1 / lookers sp Lorenso4, Lorenzo27
on1 lopped adj Lorraine n
looking n = ˈlɒrən
ˈlʊkɪn, -ɪŋ sp lop’d1, lopt1
sp Loraine2
sp looking loqu·or / ~itur Lat lose / ~st / ~s / ~eth / ~ing /
looking-glass n ˈlɒkwɪtʊɹ lost v
ˈlʊkɪn-ˌɡlas, -ɪŋ- sp loquitur1
= / ˈlu:zəst / = / = / ˈlu:zɪn,
sp looking-glasse6 lord interj -ɪŋ / =
> glass
lɔ:ɹd sp loose149, loose’t1, lose49 / loosest3 /
sp lord 66 looses8, loses1 / loo-seth1, loseth1 /
looking-on n
loosing13, losing2 / lost249
ˈlʊkɪn-ˈɒn, -ɪŋ- rh 1 choose AW 1.3.210, CE 4.3.96,
lord / ~’s / ~s / ~s’ n
sp looking on2 MV 2.9.81, R2 2.1.30, S 64.14; lose it
lɔ:ɹd / -z
abuse it 1H6 4.5.40; rh 2 propose
loon n sp lord2594, lords [lord is]1, lord’s
Ham 3.2.205 / rh 1 boast 1H6 4.5.25,
= [lord is]1, emend of 1H4 1.3.289 loe1,
Luc 1191, VA 1075; coast 2H6 4.8.48,
L[ord] in s.d27 / lords23 / lordes2,
sp loone1 Per 5.Chorus.13; most LLL 1.1.144,
lords409 / lords1
S 152.8; rh 2 cost Luc 147, Per 3.2.68,
loop n rh 1 accord AY 5.4.131, TS 3.1.73;
PP 13.11; crost MV 2.5.55; frost MV
afford LLL 4.1.40, Luc 1303, R2
= 2.7.74; tempest-tossed Mac 1.3.24;
1.1.176, RJ 4.1.124; sword H5 Epil.8,
sp loope2 tossed Per 2.Chorus.33
TNK 3.1.41; rh 2 word 2H4 5.5.73,
> lost adj, well-lost
1H6 4.3.30, LLL 2.1.201, 4.1.102,
loose adj / adv / n
4.3.91, 5.2.239, 314, 5.2.369, 5.2.448, losel n
= MND 2.2.157, Per 2.Chorus.3, R2
sp loose / loose / loose6 1 ˈlɒzəl
5.3.120, R3 3.7.2 / rh 1 accords CE
rh goose LLL 3.1.101 2.1.24; rh 2 words Luc 1609 sp lozell1

loose / ~ing / ~d v lord / ~ing / ~ed v loser / ~s n

= / ˈlu:s·ɪn, -ɪŋ / m -ɪd, lu:st ˈlɔ:ɹd·ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd ˈlu:zəɹ / -z
sp loose4, lose1 / loosing1 / loos’d3, sp lording1 / lorded1 sp looser3, loser1 / loosers2, losers2
lording / ~s n losing adj / n
loose-bodied adj ˈlɔ:ɹdɪnz, -ɪŋz ˈlu:sɪn, -ɪŋ
ˈlu:s-ˌbɒdəɪd sp lordings2 sp loosing3 / loosing1
1 1
sp loose-bodied , loose bodied
> body lordliness n loss / ~es n
m ˈlɔ:ɹdlɪˌnes =
loosely adv sp losse115 / losses14
sp lordlinesse1
ˈlu:sləɪ rh across Luc 1660; cross 1H6 4.3.53,
sp loosely2 lordly adj S 34.10, 42.10; dross S 146.9, TC 4.4.10
ˈlɔ:ɹdləɪ lost adj
loose-wived adj
sp lordly6
m ˌlu:s-ˈwəɪvd =
sp loose-wiu’d1 lordship / ~’s / ~s / ~s’ n sp lost6, lost-[mutton] 2
> wive ˈlɔ:ɹdʃɪp / -s > lose


lot / ~s n lousy adj louing18 / lou’d148, loued25, lo-ued1,

= ˈləʊzəɪ, -səɪ lov’d1 / lou’dst2, loued’st2
rh 1 above Per 2.3.21, TC 3.2.154;
sp lot4 / lots3 sp lowsie8, low-sie1
dove MND 2.2.119, TN 5.1.128; rh 2
rh blot, forgot Luc 534; wot Ham
lout / ~s n approve S 70.7; move AY 4.3.55, Ham
2.2.118, TN 2.5.95, VA 433; prove
ləʊt / -s LLL 4.2.105, PP 5.1, S 72.2, TS 1.2.176,
lottery n sp lout2, lowt3 / lowts1 VA 38; remove LLL 4.3.152; VA 79;
ˈlɒtrəɪ, -tər- rh doubt KJ 3.1.220 love her approve her S 42.6; love
sp lotterie1, lot-terie1, lottery2, thee move me MND 3.1.134; prove
lottrie1, lottry1, lott’ry1 lout / ~ed v me S 26.13; love us move us
> allottery ˈləʊtɪd CE 3.2.22 / proved S 116.1; rh 3
sp lowted1 behove Ham 5.1.61 / broom-groves
loud / ~er / ~est adj Tem 4.1.67
ləʊd / ˈləʊd·əɹ / -st Louvre n
sp loud16, lowd20, low’d1 / louder1, ˈlu:vrə, Exeter H .. love-affair / ~s n
lowder1 / lowd’st1 ˈlu:vəɹ ˈlɤv-əˌfɛ:ɹz
rh proud Oth 2.1.146 sp loue-affaires1
sp Louure1, Exeter Louer1
> affair
loud / ~er adv love / ~’s / ~s n
ləʊd / ˈləʊdəɹ lɤv / -z love-bed n
sp loud16, lowd10, low’d2 / louder1, 1299
sp loue , [a]loue [of love] , 1 m ˌlɤv-ˈbed
lowder5 sp loue-bed1
[noble-ending]-loue1, [true]-loue1,
rh shroud MND 5.1.366 > bed
loue’s [love is]4 / loues55,
[true]-loues1, loue’s1 / loues49
loud n love-book n
rh 1 above AW 2.3.82, AY 3.2.1, 1H6
ləʊd 1.2.113, MA 5.2.26, S 110.8, TN ˈlɤv-ˌbʊk
sp loud1 5.1.136; dove MND 5.1.316, PP 9.1, sp loue-booke1
PT 51; rh 2 approve KL 1.1.185, > book
loudest n MND 2.2.75, S 147.5, Tit 2.1.36; move
ləʊdst CE 4.2.13, Ham 2.1.119, 3.2.193, LLL love-broker n
sp lowd’st1 4.3.54, MND 1.1.196, PP 19.16, 19.20, ˈlɤv-ˌbro:kəɹ
RJ 1.3.97, S 47.9, TN 3.1.161; prove sp loue-broker1
loudly adv AW 3.3.11, Ham 3.2.213, LLL 4.3.64, > broke
ˈləʊdləɪ 280, MND 2.1.266, PP 3.7, 19.1, RJ
sp lowdly1 2.3.88, S 10.10, 32.14, 39.11, 117.14, love-cause n
136.5, 151.2, 153.5, 154.14, TC ˈlɤv-ˌkɔ:z
lour / ~eth / ~ing / ~ed v 1.3.288, TG 1.1.38, TN 2.4.117, 3.3.11,
sp loue cause1
ləʊɹ / ˈləʊr·əθ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / 3.4.375, VA 595; remove AY 3.4.52,
> cause
LC 238, Luc 611, PP 17.7, RJ Prol.9,
S 116.2, VA 185; reprove LLL 4.3.152, loved adj
sp lowre3 / lowreth1 / lowring1 /
VA 789; rh 3 grove MND 2.1.246,
lowr’d1 lɤvd
260, 3.2.6, VA 867; Jove LLL 4.3.118,
rh sour R2 1.3.235
Luc 570, MA 5.4.47, PP 16.18; strove sp loued3
AW 1.1.223 / rh 1 doves MND
louring adj love-day n
1.1.172; rh 2 removes LLL 5.2.134
ˈləʊrɪn, -ɪŋ > after-, lack-, self-love ˈlɤv-ˌdɛ:
sp lowring3 sp loue-day1
lov·e / ~est / ~es / ~eth / ~ing /
louse n / v ~ed / ~edest v love-devouring adj
ləʊs / ləʊz lɤv / m -st, ˈlɤvəst / lɤvz / ˈlɤv-dɪˌvo:rɪn, -ɪŋ
sp lowse1 / lowse1 sp loue-deuouring1
ˈlɤv·əθ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / lɤvd / -st,
rh v house KL 3.2.29 > devour
sp loue576, Caius loue[-a-me]1 /
louest7, lou’st22 / loues139 / loueth3 /


love-discourse n sp loue-performing1 love-suit n

ˈlɤv-dɪsˌkɔ:ɹs > perform ˈlɤv-ˌʃu:t, -ˌsju:t
sp loue-discourse1 love-prate n sp loue-suit1, loue-suite1
> discourse > suit
love-feat n sp loue-prate1 love-thought / ~s n
ˈlɤv-ˌfi:t > prate m ˌlɤv-ˈθɔ:ts
sp loue-feat1 lover / ~’s / ~s / ~s’ n sp loue-thoughts1
> feat > thought
ˈlɤvəɹ / -z
love-god / ~s n sp louer49, lo-uer2 / louers11 / love-token / ~s n
ˈlɤv-ˌɡɒdz louers51, lo-uers1 / louers7 m ˌlɤv-ˈto:kənz
rh 1 cover RJ 1.3.88, S 32.4; discover
sp loue-gods1 sp loue-tokens1
TG 2.1.159; rh 2 moreover LLL
> God > token
5.2.50, 447; over TG 1.1.109, VA 573 /
love-juice n covers [F, at LLL 2.1.113-129] love-wounded adj
ˈlɤv-ˌdʒəɪs lovered adj m ˌlɤv-ˈwəʊndɪd
sp loue iuyce2 ˈlɤvəɹd sp loue wounded1
> juice > wound
sp louerd1
love-letter / ~s n rh 1 covered LC 320; rh 2 hovered loving adj / n
LC 320
ˈlɤv-ˌletəɹz ˈlɤvɪn, -ɪŋ
sp loue-letters1, loue letters1 love-rhyme / ~s n sp louing84 / louing5
> letter ˈlɤv-ˌrəɪmz rh moving S 26.11; removing,
reproving Luc 240; reproving S 142.2
love-line n sp loue-rimes1
> unloving
> rhyme
sp loue-line1 love-shaft n lovingly adv
> line ˈlɤv-ˌʃaft m ˈlɤvɪnˌləɪ, -ɪŋ-
sp louingly2
loveliness n sp loue-shaft1
> shaft
ˈlɤvlɪnəs low / ~er / ~est adj
sp louelinesse2 love-shaked adj lo: / ˈlo:·əɹ / -əst
ˈlɤv-ˌʃɛ:kt sp low52, lowe7 / lower15 / lowest6
Lovell / ~’s n 1 rh grow Tim 4.1.40; know Cym
sp loue-shak’d
ˈlɤvəl / -z > shake
5.4.93, R2 3.3.195; woe LC 21
sp Louel3, Louell20 / Louels1
lovesick n low / ~er adv
lovel·y / ~ier adj ˈlɤv-ˌsɪk lo: / ˈlo:·əɹ
ˈlɤvləɪ / -əɹ sp loue-sicke2
sp low21, lowe7 / lower9
sp louelie , louely 41 2
/ louelier rh know TN 2.3.39; no Luc 1338;
> sick
show, throw Mac 4.1.66; woe
lovely adv love-song / ~s n VA 1139
ˈlɤvləɪ ˈlɤv-ˌsɒŋ / -z low / ~est n
sp louely3 sp loue-song2, loue song3 / lo: / ˈlo:əst
love-monger n sp low6, low's [low is]1, lowe1 /
> song
ˈlɤv-ˌmɤŋɡəɹ lowest1
love-spring / ~s n rh cow MA 5.4.48
sp loue-monger1
ˈlɤv-ˌsprɪŋz low / ~ing v
love-performing adj sp loue-springs1
ˈlɤv-pəɹˌfɔ:ɹmɪn, -ɪŋ ˈlo:ɪn, -ɪŋ
> spring
sp lowing1


low-born adj loyal / ~est adj Lucetta n

ˈlo:-ˌbɔ:ɹn ˈləɪəl / -st lʊˈtʃetə
sp low-borne1 sp loyall29 / loyall’st1 sp Lucetta12
> born rh royal R3 1.4.169
> disloyal Luciana n
low-crooked adj lʊsɪˈanə
m ˌlo:-ˈkrʊkɪd loyal n sp Luciana9, abbr in s.d. Luci1
sp low-crooked-[curtsies]1 ˈləɪəl
> crook sp loyall1 Lucianus n
lower v loyally adv sp Lucianus2
> lour m ˈləɪəˌləɪ
sp loyally1 Lucifer / ~’s n
lowing n
ˈlu:sɪfəɹ / -z
ˈlo:ɪn, -ɪŋ loyal·ty / ~ties n sp Lucifer6 / Lucifers1
sp lowing1 m ˈləɪəlˌtəɪ, -lt- / ˈləɪəlˌtəɪz
sp loyaltie13, loyalty11 / loyalties1 Lucilius n
low-laid adj
rh 1 thee AY 2.3.70; rh 2 descry Per lʊˈsɪlɪəs
ˈlo:-ˌlɛ:d Epil.8; I MND 2.2.69; die R3 3.3.3; lie sp Lucilius1, Lucillius15, Lucilli-us1
sp low-laide1 R2 1.1.67
> lay Lucina n
Loys n lʊˈsəɪnə
lowliness n lwɛ sp Lucina1
m ˈlo:lɪnəs, -ˌnes sp Loys1
sp lowlinesse4, lowlynesse1 Lucio / ~s n
lubber / ~’s / ~s n ˈlu:sɪo: / -z
lowly adj / adv ˈlɤbəɹ / -z sp Lucio15, Lu-cio1 / Lucio’s1
ˈlo:ləɪ sp lubber3 / lubbers1 / lubbars1
sp lowlie1, lowly10 / lowly1 Lucius n
lubberly adj ˈlu:sɪəs
lown / ~s n ˈlɤbəɹləɪ sp Lucius108
ləʊn / -z sp lubberly1
sp lowne1 / lownes1 luck n
rh crown, down, renown Oth 2.3.87 Luccicos n lɤk
ˈlu:tʃɪkəs sp luck4, lucke20, [good]-lucke1
lowness n
sp Luccicos1 rh pluck S 14.3; Puck MND 2.1.41,
sp lownesse2 luce / ~s n
lu:s / ˈlu:sɪz, Evans MW .. luckily adv
low-rated adj
ˈləʊsɪz m ˈlɤkɪˌləɪ
m ˌlo:-ˈrɛ:tɪd
sp luse1 / luces1, Evans lowses1 sp luckily1
sp low-rated1
> flower-de-luce
> rate luckless adj
low-spirited adj
Luce [name] n ˈlɤkləs
lu:s sp lucklesse2
sp Luce4
sp low spiri-ted1 luck·y / ~ier / ~iest adj
> spirit Lucentio / ~’s n ˈlɤkəɪ / -əɹ / -əst
low-voiced adj lʊˈsensɪo:, -ˌo: / lʊˈsensɪo:z sp luckie4, lucky2 / luckier1 /
sp Lucentio45, Lu-centio2, abbr in s.d. luckiest1
m ˌlo:-ˈvəɪst
Lucen1 / Lucentios3 > unlucky
sp low voic’d1
rh Tranio TS 1.1.241
> voice


lucre n lull / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v lurch / ~ed v

ˈlu:kəɹ lɤl / -z / ˈlɤlɪn, -ɪŋ / lɤld lɐ:ɹtʃ / -t
sp lucre2 sp lull1 / lulls1 / lulling1 / lul’d1, sp lurch1 / lurcht1
Lucrece / ~’ n lure n / v
m lʊˈkri:s, ˈlu:kri:s lulla interj lu:ɹ
sp Lucrece3, Lu-cresse1 / Lucrece2 ˈlɤlə sp lure1 / lure1
sp lulla4
Lucrecia / ~’s n lurk / ~s / ~eth / ~ing /
lʊˈkri:sɪəz lullaby n ~ed v
sp Lucrecia's1 m ˈlɤləˌbəɪ, -əb- lɐ:ɹk / -s / ˈlɐ:ɹk·əθ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ /
sp lullabie2, lullaby5 lɐ:ɹkt
Lucullus n rh 1 nigh MND 2.2.19; rh 2 melody
sp lurke3 / lurkes2, lurks1 / lurketh1
lʊˈkɤləs MND 2.2.14, 25
/ lurking2 / lurk’d1, lurkt1
sp Lucullus8, abbr in s.d. L1 rh work PP 18.39
lump n
Lucy n ˈlɤmp lurking adj
ˈlu:səɪ sp lump1, lumpe5 ˈlɐ:ɹkɪn, -ɪŋ
sp Lucie4, Lucy1 sp lurking3
lumpish adj
> fell-lurking
Ludlow n ˈlɤmpɪʃ
ˈlɤdlo: sp lumpish1 luscious adj
sp Ludlow 1
Luna n
sp luscious1, lushious1
Lud’s-town n ˈlu:nə
m ˈlɤdzˌtəʊn, ˌlɤdzˈtəʊn sp Luna1 lush adj
sp Luds-Towne 4
luna·cy / ~cies n
sp lush1
luff / ~ed v m ˈlu:nəˌsəɪ, -əs- / -əˌsəɪz
lʊft sp lunacie4, lunacy1 / lunacies1 lust / ~’s / ~s n
sp looft 1 rh by Tit 5.2.70 lɤst / -s
sp lust41 / lusts1 / lustes1, lusts5
lug v lunatic adj
rh dust, thrust Luc 1384; just, self-
lɤɡ m ˈlu:nəˌtɪk, -ət- / Evans MW trust Luc 156; mistrust Luc 1354;
sp lugge2 .., .. ˈlu:nətɪks mistrust, unjust Luc 282; thrust VA 42;
sp lunaticke8, lunatique1, Evans trust S 129.2; unjust Luc 188
luggage n lunaticks1, lunatics1
ˈlɤɡɪdʒ lust / ~s / ~ed v
sp luggage 5 lunatic n lɤsts / ˈlɤstɪd
m ˈlu:nəˌtɪk, -ət- sp lusts1 / lusted1
lugged adj sp lunaticke 3

lɤɡd lust-dieted adj

sp lugg'd1
lune / ~s n m ˌlɤst-ˈdəɪətɪd
lu:nz sp lust-dieted1
lukewarm adj sp lunes1 > diet
sp lukewarm1, luke-warme1
lung / ~s n lustful adj
lɤŋz ˈlɤstfʊl
Luke / ~’s n sp lunges1, lungs15 sp lustfull4
sp Lukes3
Lupercal n lustihood n
ˈlu:pəɹˌkɑl ˈlɤstəɪˌʊd, -ˌhʊd
sp Lupercall2 sp lustihood1, lustyhood1


lustily adv lusty adv rh chastity LC 314; fantasy MW

m ˈlɤstɪləɪ, -ˌləɪ ˈlɤstəɪ 5.5.94

sp lustily3 sp lustie1 Lycaonia n

rh cry VA 869
lute / ~s n lɪkəɪˈo:nɪə
lustique adj lju:t / -s sp Licoania1
ˈlɤstɪk sp lute15 / lutes2 Lycurgus / ~es n
sp lustique1 rh mute Per 4.Chorus.25
lustre n lute-case n sp Licurgusses1
ˈlɤstəɹ ˈlju:t-ˌkɛ:s Lydia n
sp luster6, lustre7 sp lute-case1
> lack-, out-lustre > case
sp Lydia2
lustrous adj lute-string n
lying / ~est adj
ˈlɤstrəs ˈlju:t-ˌstrɪŋ
ˈləɪɪn, -ɪŋ / -st
sp lustrous2 sp lute-string1
> string sp lying6 / lying’st1, lyingst1
lust-stained adj > lie
ˌlɤst-ˈstɛ:nd Lutheran n
lying n
sp lust-stain'd1 ˈlu:θrən, -θər-
ˈləɪɪn, -ɪŋ
> stain sp Lutheran1
sp lying8, ly-ing1
lust-wearied adj luxurious adj > lie
ˌlɤst-ˈwi:rəɪd, -ˈwe- ləkˈsju:rɪəs lym n
sp lust-wearied1 sp luxurious5
> weary
luxuriously adv sp emend of KL 3.6.68 hym1
lust·y / ~ier / ~iest adj m ləkˈsju:rɪəsˌləɪ rh grim KL 3.6.68
ˈlɤstəɪ / -əɹ / -əst sp luxuriously1 Lysander / ~’s n
sp lustie18, lu-stie1, lusty13 / lustier3 /
luxury n lɪˈsandəɹ, ləɪ- / -z
> overlusty m ˈlɤksərəɪ, -əˌr- sp Lisander1, Lysander44 /
sp luxurie4, luxury3


M [letter] n machination / ~s n madame Fr n

ˈem ˌmatʃɪˈnɛ:sɪən / -z maˈdam
sp M.[O.A.I.]4 sp machination1 / machinations1 sp madame9

ma Fr machine n mad-brain / ~ed adj

> je ˈmaʃi:n ˈmad-ˌbrɛ:n / -d
sp machine1 sp mad-braine1 / mad-brain’d2,
Mab n mad-brayn’d1
= mackerel n > brain
sp Mab3 ˈmakrəl
sp mackrell1
mad-bred adj
Macbeth / ~’s n =
= Macmorris n sp mad-bred1
60 4
sp Macbeth / Macbeths = > breed
rh 1 breath Mac 4.1.97; death Mac sp Mackmorrice5, Makmorrice2
1.2.68, 3.5.4; rh 2 heath Mac 1.1.7 madcap adj / n
maculation n =
Maccabeus n ˌmakjəˈlɛ:sɪən sp madcap1, mad-cap2 / mad-cap4
ˌmakəˈbɛ:əs sp maculation 1 > cap
sp Machabeus5
mad adj madded adj
Macdonwald n = =
məkˈdɒnəld sp mad219, [starke]-mad1, madde10 sp madded1
sp Macdonwald rh bad CE 5.1.68, Luc 997, S 140.9;
had 1H6 5.3.85, S 129.8; lad, sad
madding adj / n
Macduff / ~’s n MND 3.2.441 ˈmadɪn, -ɪŋ
= > cuckold-, horn-mad sp madding1 / madding1
sp Macduff9, Macduffe18 /
Macduffes1 mad n made adj
rh enough Mac 4.1.70, 5.6.72 = mɛ:d
sp madde1 sp made3
mace / ~s n
mɛ:s / ˈmɛ:sɪz mad / ~s / ~ding / ~ded v made v
sp mace7, mase1 / maces1 = / = / ˈmadɪn, -ɪŋ / = > make
sp mad2 / maddes1, mads1 /
Macedon n madding1 / madded1
Madeira n
ˈmasɪdən məˈderə
sp Macedon5 madam / ~’s / ~s n sp Madera1
Machiavel n sp madam428, ma-dam1, madame75,
made-up adj
m ˈmatʃəˌvɪl madam’s [madam is]1, maddam4 / ˈmɛ:d-ˌɤp
sp Macheuile1, Macheuill1, madams1 / madames1, madams1 sp made-vp-[villaine]1


mad-headed adj sp magick2, magicke2 / magick3, Mahu n

ˈmad-ˌedɪd, -ˌhe- magicke6 ˈmɑ:u:, -hu:
sp mad-headed1 magical adj sp Mahu1
> head
ˈmadʒɪkɑl maid / ~’s / ~s / ~s’ n
madly adv sp magicall1 mɛ:d / -z
ˈmadləɪ magician n sp made1, maid119, maide48, mayd3 /
sp madlie1, madly12 maides3, maids7 / maides23,
maids29 / maids1
madly-used adv sp magitian5 rh 1 afraid LC 177; aid AW 5.3.327;
ˈmadləɪ-ˌju:zd magistrate / ~s n braid AW 4.2.74; laid Luc 1214, TN
sp madly vs’d1 2.4.53; paid AW 2.1.145, Tem 4.1.95;
m ˈmadʒɪˌstrɛ:t, -ɪstrət / -s sore-betrayed LC 329; stayed Luc
> use
sp magistrate3 / magistrates6 1277; swayed MND 2.2.122; weighed
mad·man / ~man’s / RJ 1.2.96; rh 2 said AW 2.3.141, 1H6
magnanimity n 4.7.38, KL 1.1.182, LC 177, MND
~men n
ˌmaɡnəˈnɪmɪtəɪ 2.2.65, 79, MW 5.5.49, Per 4.
sp magnanimitie1 Chorus.17
sp madman15, mad man6 /
pun TN 3.4.53 made
madmans1, mad-mans2, mad mans1 / magnanimous adj > beggar-, chamber-, hand-,
madmen8, mad men3
= market-, mermaid, milk-, school-,
madness n sp magnanimious2, magnanimous4, sea-maid

= magnani-mous1
maiden adj
sp madnes2, madnesse63 magni Lat ˈmɛ:dən
> magnus sp maiden24, mayden1
Madonna n
= magnificence n maiden / ~’s / ~s / ~s’ n
sp Madona10 = ˈmɛ:dən / -z
sp magnificence1 sp maiden14, maiden-[bed]1,
madrigal / ~s n
maiden-[blood]1 / maidens6 /
ˈmadrɪˌɡɑlz magnificent adj maidens12, maydens1 / maidens1
sp madrigalls2 =
rh falls MW 3.1.17, PP 19.8 maidenhead / ~s n
sp magnificent2
ˈmɛ:dənˌed, -ˌhed / -z
madwom·an / ~en n magnifico / ~s n sp maidenhead4, maiden-head3,
= məɡˈnɪfɪˌko: / -z maiden head1, maydenhead1,
sp mad woman2 / madwomen1 mayden-head1 / maiden-heads4
sp magnifico1 / magnificoes2
> woman rh bed Per 3.Chorus.10; wedding-
magnif·y / ~iest v bed RJ 3.2.137
Maecenas n
məˈsi:nəs maidenhood / ~s n
sp magnifi’st1
sp Mecenas10, Me-cenas1 ˈmɛ:dənˌʊd, -ˌhʊd / -z
magn·us / ~i Lat adj sp maidenhood1, maiden-hood1 /
maggot adj maidenhoods1
= rh blood 1H6 4.6.17
sp magni1
sp maggot2
Magnus n maiden·ly / ~liest adj
maggot / ~s n ˈmɛ:dənləst
= sp maidenlest1
sp Magnes1
sp magots2
Mahomet n maidenly adv
magic adj / n m ˈmɛ:dənləɪ, -dənˌləɪ
m ˈmɑ:əˌmet, -hə-
= sp maidenly2
sp Mahomet1


maidhood n main / ~s Fr n majestically adv

ˈmɛ:dˌʊd, -ˌhʊd mɛ̃ məˈdʒestɪkləɪ
sp maidhood1, maid-hood1 sp main4 / main1 sp maiestically1
pun TN 3.4.54 made
Maine n majest·y / ~’s / ~ies n
Maid Marian n mɛ:n m ˈmadʒɪsˌtəɪ, -stəɪ / -z
ˌmɛ:d ˈmarɪən sp Main1, Maine16, Mayne2 sp maiestee2, maiestie136,
sp Maid-marian1 rh slain 2H6 1.1.210 ma-iestie2, maie-stie1, maiesty113,
pun 2H6 1.1.208ff main ma-iesty1, Fluellen maiesties
maid-pale adj [majesty]1, emend of H5 1.2.197
ˈmɛ:d-ˌpɛ:l mainly adv maiesties1 / maiesties10, maie-sties2 /
sp maid-pale1 ˈmɛ:nləɪ maiesties17
> pale rh 1 calamity 1H6 1.2.79; dexterity
sp mainely3, mainly1
Luc 1387; embassy LLL 1.1.134;
mail n mainmast n inconstancy KJ 3.1.321; modesty AY
mɛ:l 3.2.142; willingly 2H6 1.3.209; rh 2
awry R2 2.2.20; eye LLL 4.3.226, S 7.4;
sp male2 sp maine mast1
eye, satisfy Luc 93; fly S 78.8; high VA
> mast
mail / ~ed v 856; I 2H6 1.2.70, R3 1.3.32
m mɛ:ld maintain / ~s / ~ed v major adj / n
sp mayl’'d1 m mənˈtɛ:n, ˈmentɛ:n / ˈmɛ:dʒəɹ
mənˈtɛ:nz / mənˈtɛ:nd sp maior2 / maior1
mailed adj
sp maintaine40, main-taine1 /
m mɛ:ld, ˈmɛ:lɪd maintaines2, maintains1 / majority n
sp mail’d1, mayled1 maintain’d12, maintained1 m məˈdʒɒrɪˌtəɪ
rh pain 2H4 4.5.223; reign S 121.13;
maim / ~s n sp maioritie1
slain, twain Cym 5.4.74 / complained,
mɛ:m / -z stained Luc 1838 mak·e / ~est / ~es / ~eth /
sp maime1, mayme2 / maimes1
maintenance n ~ing / made / ~’st v
maim LC / ~ed v m ˈmɛ:ntəˌnans mɛ:k / -st / -s / ˈmɛ:k·əθ / -ɪn,
mɛ:m / m mɛ:md sp maintenance3
-ɪŋ / mɛ:d / -st
1 2
sp maime / maim’d , maym’d 1 sp make1565, make’s [make his]1,
rh aim, exclaim LC 312 mais Fr conj make’s [make us]1, make’t3, mak’t1,
mɛ make-[a-de-sot]1, make[-a-the]1 /
maimed adj makest1, mak’st22 / makes348 /
sp mays1
m ˈmɛ:mɪd maketh2 / making59 / mad1,
maison Fr n made792, made[-me]1 / mad’st7
sp maimed1
rh awake MND 3.2.116; forsake Luc
main adj 155, S 12.9; sake LC 321, MV 1.1.184,
sp maison1
S 145.1; shake Luc 225; take AY
4.3.62, Luc 1198, S 81.1, 91.14; wake
sp main-[chance]1, maine29, majestas Lat n
KL 3.2.32; make it take it AW 4.3.220 /
maine-[course]1 ˈmajestas tak’st PT 18 / betakes PP 8.10; takes
rh gain S 64.7 sp maiestas1 LC 109, MND 3.2.178, Oth 1.3.205 /
pun 2H6 1.1.208ff Maine
awaketh, slaketh Luc 1678 / mistak-
majestic adj ing S 87.12 / fade Cym 5.4.108,
main n = S 54.12, Tem 1.2.398; jade S 51.10;
mɛ:n sp maiesticke3 persuade Luc 31; shade Luc 804,
sp maine11, mayne1 PP 6.4, 20.4, S 43.9, 53.1; spade Ham
majestical adj 5.1.94; trade TC 5.10.53
main / ~ed v m məˈdʒestɪˌkɑl, -ɪk- pun made TN 3.4.54 maid
mɛ:nd sp maiesticall8 > unmake; a-making; mouth-,
sp main’d2 new-made


makepeace n sp male7, male-[child]1, malignantly adv

ˈmɛ:kpi:s male-[childe]1, male-[deere]1, m məˈlɪɡnəntˌləɪ
sp make-peace1 sp malignantly1
male / ~s n
maker / ~s n malkin n
mɛ:l / -z
ˈmɛ:kəɹ / -z ˈmɔ:kɪn
sp male3 / males2
sp maker6 / ma-kers1 sp malkin1
> ballad-, card-, coach-, comfit-, malefaction / ~s n
cuckold-, gallows-, gibbet-, grave-, Mall / ~’s n
m ˌmalɪˈfaksɪˌɒnz
horn-, jig-, noise-, peace-, rope-, mɒl / -z
sp malefactions1
sail-, shoe-, widow-maker sp Mall1 / Mals1

making / ~s n malefactor / ~s n
mallard n
ˈmɛ:kɪn, -ɪŋ / -z ˌmalɪˈfaktəɹ / -z
sp making10, mak-ing1 / makings1 sp malefactor1 / malefactors2
sp mallard1

mal Fr n malevolence n
mallet n
mal m məˈlevəˌlens
sp mal-[y-pence]1 sp maleuolence1
sp mallet1

mala Lat malevolent adj

ˈmɑ:lə m məˈlevəˌlent
> melancholy
sp mala1 sp maleuolent
mallow / ~s n
malad·y / ~ies n malice n
ˈmaləz, -lo:z
m ˈmaləˌdəɪ, -ədəɪ / ˈmaləˌdəɪz = sp mallowes1
3 5
sp maladie , malady , mala-dy ,1 sp malice56, mallice16
malladie1, mallady1 / maladies1 Malmsey n
malicho n
rh qualities VA 745 ˈmɔ:mzəɪ
məˈlɪko:, -ˈləɪ-
sp Malmsey1
malapert adj sp malicho1
m ˈmaləˌpɐ:ɹt, -əpəɹt malmsey-butt n
malicious adj
sp malapert3 ˈmɔ:mzəɪ-ˌbɤt
sp malmesey-but1, malmesey-butte1
Malcolm / ~’s n sp malicious11, malitious1 > butt
maliciously adv malmsey-nose n
sp Malcolm2, Malcolme13,
Malcome1 / Malcolmes1 m məˈlɪsɪəsˌləɪ ˈmɔ:mzəɪ-ˌno:z
sp maliciously3 sp malmesey-nose1
malcontent adj > nose
= malign adj
sp malecontent 1 məˈləɪn malt n
rh lent VA 313 sp maligne1 mɔ:t, mɔ:lt
> half-malcontent sp malt1
malignancy n
malcontent / ~s n məˈlɪɡnənsəɪ malthorse n
= sp malignancie1 ˈmɔ:t-ˌɔ:ɹs, mɔ:lt, -ˌhɔ:ɹs
sp male-content1 / malecontents2 sp malthorse1, malt-horse1,
malignant adj
> horse
male adj məˈlɪɡnənt
mɛ:l sp malignant7 maltworm / ~s n
ˈmɔ:t-ˌwɔ:ɹmz, mɔ:lt-


sp [mustachio-purple-hu’d]- woman TG 3.1.104; rh 2 on MND Manchus n

maltwormes1, mault-wormes1 2.1.263, 3.2.348; rh 3 one TS 3.2.81 / ˈmaŋkəs
> worm again R2 3.2.76, Tim 4.2.41; pen sp Manchus1
H5 Epil.3, Luc 1291, S 16.12, 19.12,
Malvolio / ~’s n 32.8, 81.14; then H5 4.8.125, LLL mandate n
m malˈvo:lɪo:, -ɪˌo: / 5.2.346, MND 3.2.67, MV 2.1.46, Oth ˈmandɛ:t
malˈvo:lɪo:z 4.3.54, PP 18.35, 18.43, RJ 2.3.76,
sp mandate3
S 146.13; when AW 2.1.152, H8 1.1.6,
sp Maluolio38, Maluo-lio1, Maluolios
MM 4.2.84
[Malvolio is]1, Maluolio’s [Malvolio mandragora n
> alms-, apron-, beggar-, church-,
is]1 / Maluolios1, Maluolio’s1 manˈdraɡrə, -ɡər-
clergy-, country-, deaths-, double-,
foe-, French-, gentle-, hang-, sp mandragora2
Mamilius n
harvest-, heads-, liege-, market-,
məˈmɪlɪəs mandrake / ~’s / ~s n
sea-, slaughter-, three-, work-man
sp Mamillius5 ˈmandrɛ:k / -s
man / ~ned v sp mandrake1 / mandrakes1 /
mammer / ~ing v
= mandrakes1
ˈmamrɪn, -ɪŋ
sp man2 / mans1 / mann’d6
sp mam'ring1 mane / ~s n
> unmanned
mɛ:n / -z
mammet / ~s n manacle / ~s n sp mane1 / manes1
ˈmamɪt / -s = rh again VA 271
sp mammet1 / mammets1
sp manacle1 / manacles4
man-entered adj
mammock / ~ed v manacle v m ˌman-ˈentəɹd
= = sp man-entred1
sp mammockt1 2
sp manacle
man·eo / ~et / ~ent Lat v
man / ~’s / ~s / men / ~’s n manage n ˈmanet / ˈmanent
= = sp manet40 / manent1
sp man1774, ma[n]1, 3 7
sp manage , mannage
[back-sword]-man1, [clay]-man1, manes Lat n
[cot-sal]-man1, [iealousie]-man1, manage / ~d v ˈmanez
[o’]-man1, [old]-man2,
= / m ˈmanɪˌdʒed sp manes1
[poore-old]-man1, [slaue]-man1, 9 1 1
sp manage , mannage , man-nage
[true]-man3, [whore-master]-man1, manfully adv
/ managed2
[wise]man4, [yong]-man3, mans m ˈmanfʊˌləɪ
rh bed CE 3.2.19
[man is]4, man’s [man is]2, / mans139,
sp manfully2
[blind]-mans1, [dead]mans1,
manager n
[dead]-mans1, [sick]mans1, mangl·e / ~es / ~ing /~ed v
[wise]-mans2, man’s1 / Fr Lady H5
5.2.119 mans1 / men892, me[n]1, sp manager 3 = / = / ˈmaŋɡlɪn, -ɪŋ / =
[big-bon’d]-men1, [dead]men1, sp mangle2 / mangles1 / mangling1
[free]-men1, [rich]men2,
managing n / mangled4
[sad-hearted]-men1, true-[men]1, ˈmanɪdʒɪn, -ɪŋ
[wise]men6, [wise]-men2, [yong] sp managing2
mangled adj
men1 / mens [men’s]82, [dead]-mens rh king H5 Epil.11 =
[men’s]3, [wise]mens1 sp mangled9
rh 1 Athenian MND 3.2.42; began man-at-arms / ~-of- n
VA 9, 369; Caliban Tem 2.2.181; can ˌman ət ˈɑ:ɹmz / -əv- mangy adj
AC 4.8.22, 1H6 4.3.44, LLL 4.1.127, 2
sp man at armes / man of armes 2 ˈmɛ:ndʒəɪ
MND 2.2.131, Per 2.Chorus.11, R2 sp mangie1
5.3.86, S 141.11; fan LLL 4.1.145, TNK man-child n
Prol.17; scan Per 2.2.56; span AY ˈman-ˌtʃəɪld
3.2.125, Oth 2.3.66, Tim 5.3.4; no man
sp man-child1


manhood / ~s n manner / ~s n mansonry n

ˈmanʊd, -hʊd / -z ˈmanəɹ / -z m ˈmansənˌrəɪ
sp manhood23, man-hood1, sp maner1, manner79 / maners1, sp mansonry1
manhoode1 / manhoods2 ma-ners1, manners64,
[good]-manners1, man-ners2 mantle adj
manifest adj pun LLL 1.1.202 manor =
= sp mantled1
sp manifest10
mannered adj
ˈmanəɹd mantle / ~s n
manifest / ~s / ~ed v sp manner’d1 =
= > unmannered sp mantle13 / mantles1
sp manifest2, ma-nifest1 / manifests2
/ manifested3
mannerly adj / adv mantle / ~d v
m ˈmanəɹˌləɪ =
manifested adj sp mannerly4 / manerly1, sp mantle2 / mantled1
= mannerly2 > dismantle
sp manifested1 rh adv be, see MV 2.9.100
> unmannerly Mantua / ~’s n
manifold adj m ˈmantjʊə, -ʊˌa / ˈmantjʊəz
m ˈmanɪˌfo:ld, -ɪf- mannikin n
sp Mantua20 / Mantuas1
sp manifold 6 =
sp manakin1 Mantuan n
manifoldly adv ˈmantjʊən
m ˈmanɪˌfo:ldləɪ Manningtree adj
sp Mantuan2, Man-tuan1
sp manifoldlie 1 =
sp Manning Tree1 manu Lat
manka nonsense word > manus
ˈmaŋka man of arms
1 > man-at-arms manual adj
sp manka
mankind n manor / ~s n
sp manuall1
manˈkəɪnd ˈmanəɹ / -z
sp mannor3 / mannors2, manors1 manure / ~d v
sp mankind1, mankinde18
rh find Tim 4.1.36 mənˈju:ɹ / -d
manor-house n
sp manure1 / manured1, manu-red1
manlike adj ˈmanəɹ-ˌəʊs, -ˌhəʊs
ˈmanləɪk sp mannor house1 manus / manu Lat n
1 pun LLL 1.1.203 manner ˈmanʊs / ˈmanu:
sp manlike
> house
sp manus2 / Lat emend of LLL 5.1.65
manly adj / adv vnum1
man-queller n
ˈmanləɪ rh canus LLL 5.2.587 [Lat]
1 16 1
sp manlie , manly / manly
sp man-queller1 many adj
rh adj victory 2H6 4.8.50
> quell ˈmanəɪ
> unmanly
sp manie25, [a]-manie1, many443,
man-monster n mansion n
ˈman-ˌmɒnstəɹ ˈmansɪən
sp mansion11 many / ~’s n
sp man-monster1
ˈmanəɪ / -z
manna n manslaughter n
sp manie2, ma-nie1, many65, ma-ny2,
= m ˌmanˈslɑ:təɹ, -lɔ:t- meynie1 / manies1
sp man-slaughter1 rh any KL 3.2.30, S 10.3, VA 707;
sp manna1
penny TS 3.2.83


many-coloured adj Marcellae n Margarelon n

ˈmanəɪ-ˌkɤləɹd mɑ:ɹˈsele ˌmɑ:ɹɡəˈrelən
sp manie colour’d1, many-coloured1 sp Marcellae1 sp Margarelon1
> colour
Marcellus n Margaret / ~’s n
many-headed adj mɑ:ɹˈseləs m ˈmɑ:ɹɡrɪt, -ɡəˌrɪt / -s
ˈmanəɪ-ˌedɪd, -ˌhe- sp Marcellus13, abbr in s.d. Mar1 sp Margaret77, Margarite1, Marg’ret1,
sp many-headed1 abbr in s.d. Marg1 / Margarets5
> head march n
mɑ:ɹtʃ margent n
map / ~s n sp march35 ˈmɑ:ɹdʒənt
= sp margent4
sp map5, mappe4 / maps2 march / ~eth / ~ing / ~ed v
mɑ:ɹtʃ / ˈmɑ:ɹtʃ·əθ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / Margery n
map / ~ped v mɑ:ɹtʃt m ˈmɑ:ɹdʒəˌrəɪ, -dʒər-, -dʒr-
= sp march61 / marcheth3 / sp Margerie5
sp mapp’d marching21, mar-ching1 / march’d5, rh I Tem 2.2.47
mappery n Maria / ~’s n
ˈmaprəɪ March / ~es [location, məˈrəɪə / -z
sp mapp’ry1 title] n sp Maria21 / Marias1
mɑ:ɹtʃ / ˈmɑ:ɹtʃɪz
mar / ~s / ~ring / ~red v Marian / ~’s n
sp March10 / Marches2
mɑ:ɹ / -z / ˈmɑ:rɪn, -ɪŋ / mɑ:ɹd =
sp mar5, marre21 / marres5 / March [month] n sp Marian2, Marrian2 / Marrians1
marring2 / mard1, mar’d5, marr’d6 mɑ:ɹtʃ > Maid Marian
rh car, far MND 1.2.33 / hard
sp March11
AW 2.3.296, CE 2.1.92, VA 478 Mariana / ~’s n
March-chick n ˌmarɪˈanə / -z
marble adj / adv / n sp Mariana12 / Mariana’s2
ˈmɑ:ɹbəl 1
sp March-chicke
sp marble7 / marble2 / marble5 marigold n
marchioness n ˈmarɪˌɡo:ld
marble-breasted adj sp mary-gold1
m ˈmɑ:ɹʃɪəˌnes, -ən-
sp Marchionesse4
sp marble-brested1 mariner / ~s n
marchpane n ˈmarɪnəɹ / -z
marbled adj sp marriner1 / mariners4, marriners4
ˈmɑ:ɹbəld 1
sp marchpane
sp marbled1 maritime adj
Marcus n ˈmarɪˌtəɪm
marble-hearted adj sp maritime1
ˈmɑ:ɹbəl-ˌɑ:ɹtɪd, -ˌhɑ:
sp Marcus66
sp marble-hearted1 marjoram n
Mardian n ˈmɑ:ɹdʒərəm
Marcade n sp margerom1, mariorum2
mɑ:ɹˈkad 11
sp Mardian
sp Marcade2 mark / ~s n
mare / ~s n mɑ:ɹk / -s
marcantant n sp mark3, marke33 / markes31, marks2
mɛ:ɹ / -z
ˈmɑ:ɹkəntənt rh barque S 116.5; dark RJ 2.1.33 /
sp mare3, [wilde]-mare1, mare’s
sp marcantant1 darks Per 4.Chorus.36
[mare is]1 / mares2
> drowning-, sea-mark
rh care VA 384


mark / ~s / VA ~eth / ~ing / Marle [name] n marrowless adj

~ed v mɑ:ɹl m ˈmarəˌles, -ro:-
mɑ:ɹk / -s / ˈmɑ:ɹk·əθ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ sp marle1 sp marrowlesse1
/ m -ɪd, mɑ:ɹkt
marmoset n marry interj
sp mark5, marke131 / markes3 /
1 2
marketh / marking / mark’d ,14 ˈmɑ:ɹməˌzet ˈmarəɪ
marked2, markt13 sp marmazet1 sp marie3, ma-rie1, marrie44,
rh lark MND 3.1.125, 4.1.92, mar-rie1, marry182, ’marry1, mar-ry1,
PP 14.17 / barketh VA 457
marquess n mary11
> elvish-, war-marked ˈmɑ:ɹkɪs, -kw-
sp marques1, marquesse14,
marr·y / ~ies / ~ing / ~ied v
Mark [name] n mar-quesse1 ˈmarəɪ / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / m -d, -ˌed
mɑ:ɹk sp marrie44, mar-rie3, marry70,
sp Mark17, Marke28
marriage / ~s n mary1, mary-[her]2 / maries2,
m ˈmarɪdʒ, -ɪˌɑ:dʒ, -ɪɑ:dʒ / -ɪz marries2, marryes1 / marrying10 /
market adj sp mariage4, marriage103, maried4, married128, mar-ried2,
ˈmɑ:ɹkɪt mar-riage2, marri-age1, mar-ryage1 / marri-ed1, marryed10
marriages3 rh miscarry LLL 4.1.112 / bed
sp market9
rh charge 3H6 4.1.33; rage, sage RJ 1.5.134
market / ~s n Luc 221 > new-, un-married
ˈmɑ:ɹkɪt / -s marrying n
marriage-bed n
sp market4 / markets3 ˈmarəɪɪn, -ɪŋ
ˈmarɪdʒ-ˌbed, -ɪɑ:dʒ-
marketable adj sp marriage bed3 sp marrying1
ˈmɑ:ɹkɪtəbəl > bed
Mars / ~’s n
sp marketable2 marriage-day n mɑ:ɹz / ˈmɑ:ɹzɪz
market-maid n ˈmarɪdʒ-ˌdɛ:, -ɪɑ:dʒ- sp Mars38 / Marses2
ˈmɑ:ɹkɪt-ˌmɛ:d sp marriage day
> day
Mar·s / ~tem Lat n
sp market-maid1 ˈmɑ:ɹtem
> maid marriage-hour n sp Martem1
market-man / ~men n ˈmarɪdʒ-ˌo:ɹ, -ɪɑ:dʒ-
sp mariage howre1
marsh n
2 > hour mɑ:ɹʃ
sp market men
sp marsh1
> man marriage-vow / ~s n
market-place n ˈmarɪdʒ-ˌvəʊ, -ɪɑ:dʒ- / -z marshal / ~’s n
sp marriage-vow / marriage vowes 1 ˈmɑ:ɹʃɑl / -z
> vow sp marshal1, marshall14 / marshalls1,
sp market-place9, market place14
> place married adj
marking n m ˈmarəɪd, -əɪˌed marshal / ~lest v
ˈmɑ:ɹkɪn, -ɪŋ
sp married , marryed 1 ˈmɑ:ɹʃɑl / -st
sp marshall1 / marshall’st1
sp marking2 marring n
markman n ˈmɑ:rɪn, -ɪŋ Marshalsea n
ˈmɑ:ɹkmən sp marring 1 m ˈmɑ:ɹʃɑlˌsi:
1 sp Marshallsey1
sp marke man marrow / ~s n
marl n ˈmarə, -ro: / -z marshalship n
mɑ:ɹl sp marrow3 / marrowes2 ˈmɑ:ɹʃɑlʃɪp
sp marshalship1
sp marle1


Marsham n martyr / ~ed v mask, masqu·e / ~ing /

ˈmɑ:ɹʃəm ˈmɑ:ɹtəɹ / -d ~ed v
sp Marsham1, Masham3 sp martyr1 / martir’d1, martyr’d2 mask / ˈmaskɪn, -ɪŋ / maskt
sp maske1 / masking1 / mask’d4,
mart / ~s n martyred adj maskt5
mɑ:ɹt / -s ˈmɑ:ɹtəɹd rh ask [F, at LLL 2.1.113–29] / tasked
sp mart13 / marts1 sp martir’d1 LLL 5.2.127
rh part TS 2.1.320 > dis-, un-mask
Marullus n
mart / ~ed v məˈrɤləs masker, masquer / ~s n
mɑ:ɹt / ˈmɑ:ɹtɪd sp Murellus2, Murrellus1 ˈmaskəɹ / -z
sp mart2 / marted1 sp masker1 / maskers9
marvel / ~s n
Martem Lat ˈmɑ:ɹvəl / -z masking, masquing adj
> Mars 3 2
sp maruaile , maruel , maruell ,6 ˈmaskɪn, -ɪŋ
meruaile5 / maruels1 sp masking2
Martext n
ˈmɑ:ɹtekst marvel / ~est / ~s / ~led v mason / ~s n
sp Mar-text4 ˈmɑ:ɹvəl / -st / -z / -d ˈmɛ:sən / -z
sp maruaile2, maruell10, meruaile3, sp mason2 / masons1
martial adj meruell2 / maruell’st1 / maruels1 /
ˈmɑ:ɹsɪɑl, -ɹʃɑl marueyl’d1 masonry n
sp marshall2, martial1, martiall7 m ˈmɛ:sənˌrəɪ
marvellous adj / adv sp masonry1
Martian / ~s n ˈmɑ:ɹvləs, -vəl- rh memory S 55.6
ˈmɑ:ɹsɪənz sp maruellous1, meruailous1 /
sp Martians 1
maruailous3, marueilous3, maruellous9, mass / ~es n
marue’lous1, maruel’s1, maru’llous2, mas / ˈmasɪz
Martin / ~’s n meruay-lous1 sp masse8, [gyant]-masse1 / masses1
marvellously adv Mass n
sp Martins1
ˈmɑ:ɹvləsləɪ, -vəl- mas
Martino n sp maruellously2 sp Masse1
Mary n Mass / by the ~ interj
sp Martino1
ˈmɛ:rəɪ mas / bɪθ ˈmas, ˌbəɪðə-, Jamie
Martius n sp Mary6
H .. bɪθ ˈmes
ˈmɑ:ɹsɪəs sp Mas1, Masse3, ’Masse1 / by’th’
Mary-bud / ~s n
sp Martius96, Mar-tius1 Masse2, by th’ masse1, by th’ Masse1,
by the Masse2, Jamie by the Mes1
Martlemass n sp Mary-buds1
ˈmɑ:ɹtlməs massacre / ~s n
masculine adj
sp Martlemas1 ˈmasakəɹ / -z
m ˈmaskjəˌlɪn, -kl-
sp massacre6 / massacres2
martlet n sp masculine3
ˈmɑ:ɹlət, -ɹtl- massy adj
sp martlet1, emend of Mac 1.6.4 ˈmasəɪ
> Marsham
barlet1 sp massie5

martyr / ~s n mask, masqu·e / ~s n

mast / ~s n
ˈmɑ:ɹtəɹ / -z mask / -s
mast / -s
sp mask2, maske16, masque1 /
sp martyr2 / martyrs1 sp mast8, maste1 / masts1
maskes4, masks3, masques1
> main-, top-mast
rh ask LLL 5.2.245; RJ 1.4.48


master / ~’s / ~s / ~s’ n mastiff / ~s n matter / ~s n

ˈmastəɹ / -z = ˈmatəɹ / -z
sp maister47, mai-ster1, maister’s sp mastiffe1 / mastiffes3 sp matter348, mat-ter5, matter’s
[master is]1, master631, ma-ster8, [matter is]1 / matters25,
masters [master is]1, masters [emend match / ~es n mat-ters1
to AY 2.7.202 master]1, mayster3, = rh 1 flatter S 87.14; rh 2 water
may-ster2, abbr M93, Mast[er]1 / sp match59 / matches3 KL 3.2.81, LC 302, LLL 5.2.207
maisters2, masters44, ma-sters1 / rh 1 catch TS 2.1.323; rh 2 watch
maisters8, mai-sters1, masters108 / VA 586
Matthew n
masters3 =
rh plaster VA 914 match / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v sp Mathew2
> crafts-, over-, post-, school-, ship-, = / = / ˈmatʃɪn, -ɪŋ / =
thunder-, whore-master;
sp match23 / matches1 /
mattock n
unmastered =
matching3 / match’d3, matcht12
> overmatched, unmatchable, sp mattocke3
master / ~s / ~ed v
ˈmastəɹ / -z / -d mattress n
sp maister1, master3 / masters4 / matchless adj =
master’d1, mastred2 = sp matris1
sp matchlesse2
master-cord n mature adj
ˈmastəɹ-ˌkɔ:ɹd mate / ~s n məˈtju:ɹ
sp master-cord1 mɛ:t / -s sp mature7
> cord 9 1
sp mate , [lacke-linnen]-mate /
mates10 maturity n
masterdom n
rh fortunate 1H6 1.2.92; Kate Tem m məˈtju:rɪˌtəɪ
m ˈmastəɹˌdɤm 2.2.46; rate, state Luc 18 sp maturity1
sp masterdome1 > bed-, book-, co-, skaines-mate
rh come Mac 1.5.68 Maud n
mate / ~s / ~d v =
master-leaver n mɛ:t / -s / ˈmɛ:tɪd sp Maud1
ˈmastəɹ-ˌli:vəɹ sp mate1 / mates1 / mated3
sp master leauer1 rh Kated TS 3.2.243 Maudlin n
masterless adj =
mated adj
sp Maudlin1
m ˈmastəɹˌles ˈmɛ:tɪd
sp masterlesse2 sp mated3 mauger n
masterly adv ˈmɔ:ɡəɹ
material adj
sp mauger1
m ˈmastəɹˌləɪ, -ləɪ məˈti:rɪɑl
sp masterly3, 'masterly1 sp materiall4 maugre prep
masterpiece n ˈmɔ:ɡəɹ
mathematics n
sp maugre2
m ˈmastəɹˌpi:s =, ˌmatəˈmatɪks
sp master-peece1 sp mathematickes3 maul v
> piece
matine n
mastership n sp maul1, maule1
m ˈmastəɹˌʃɪp sp matine1 Mauritania n
sp maistership1, mastership3
matron / ~’s / ~s n
mastic adj sp Mauritania1
ˈmɛ:trən / -z
= sp matron4 / matrons1 / matrons4
sp masticke1


Maur·us / ~i Lat n mayor / ~’s n 1.1.151, MV 1.3.151; opportunity Luc

ˈmɔ:ri ˈmɛ:əɹ, mɛ:ɹ / -z 934; perjury LLL 5.2.396; policy R2
5.1.83; preposterously MND 3.2.120;
sp maury1 sp maior9, mayor1 / maiors1
see AW 2.3.72, AY 2.5.54, Ham
mauvais Fr adj maypole n 3.1.161, 1H6 1.2.85, LLL 2.1.244,
4.3.148, Mac 3.5.35, MND 1.1.205,
mɔˈvɛ ˈmɛ:-ˌpo:l 3.2.428, 5.1.178, R2 1.2.66, 3.3.171, TS
sp mauvais1 sp may-pole1 1.2.189; see, thee Luc 1307; she AW
> pole 2.3.143, Ham 4.5.63, 1H6 5.5.77, Luc
maw / ~s n 1690, 1701, MND 2.1.52; subtlety VA
= maze / ~s n 673; thee AC 1.3.103, AW 4.2.67, AY
sp maw5, mawe1 / mawes2 mɛ:z / ˈmɛ:zɪz 4.3.58, CE 1.2.71, 2.1.39, 2H4 4.5.48,
rh saw VA 602 sp maze3 / mazes1 H5 4.1.301, 1H6 4.5.39, 2H6 3.2.298,
rh gaze Luc 1151 4.4.24, 3H6 4.7.39, 5.1.97, KJ 4.1.132,
maxim n KL 1.4.140, LLL 4.3.34, 65, 113, Luc
= maze adj, v 916, Mac 2.1.33, MND 1.1.177,
sp maxime1 > amaze 3.1.147, 5.1.186, PP 3.8, 10.12, R2
2.1.86, 4.1.213, RJ 3.3.173, 5.1.85,
may / ~est v mazzard n S 10.13, 22.7, 24.10, 28.6, 31.14, 36.11,
mɛ: / mɛ:st, mɛst, [also, fol- ˈmazəɹd 37.14, 38.5, 39.2, 41.14, 43.14, 45.12,
lowed by consonant] mɛ:s, sp mazard2 47.10, 50.6, 61.7, 74.8, 88.12, 97.9,
122.14, 133.14, 143.11, 150.13, Tit
mɛs me / mine / my / myself det, 1.1.63, 111, 3.2.81, 5.2.43, TN 4.1.57,
sp may1574, ’may1, may’t [may it]5 / VA 138, 196, 517; three MND 3.2.194,
3 30 6 10
maiest , maist , mayest , mayst , 5.1.329, LLL 5.2.812; tree AY 2.5.2, LLL
may’st 14 str mi:, unstr mɪ
5.2.283; trippingly MND 5.1.385;
rh away Tit 1.1.288; away, stay LLL sp me7167, [ay-]me1, [figge-]me1,
usury Tim 3.5.98; we 2H6 3.2.412,
2.1.111; betray S 151.7; convey Per 3. [loue-a-]me1, [list-]me1, [made-]me1,
S 42.7; ye S 111.14; follows me hateth
Chorus.55; day Cym 3.5.69, 3H6 [od’s-]me1, [sty-]me1, [tell-a-]me2,
me MND 1.1.198; moved me loves ye
4.4.14, Ham 5.1.287, LLL 5.2.341, Mac mee474, [let-a-]mee1
TG 1.2.27
1.3.146, 4.3.238; decay 3H6 4.4.14; rh agree PP 8.3; agree, be LLL
> I, pardon-me
gay Oth 2.1.148; play H5 2.Chorus.39; 2.1.210; amity, be, jollity, prosperity,
pray R2 5.3.83; say WT 4.1.32; stay solemnly, triumphantly MND 4.1.84; mine det, pro
2H6 4.4.48; today CE 3.1.41, TC be CE 2.2.212, Cym 4.2.29, H5
məɪn, unstr mɪn
1.1.116; may do they do MA 4.1.17 5.2.365, 1H6 4.5.23, 2H4 4.5.220, 2H6
3.1.383, LC 224, Luc 1050, 1204, PP sp min1, mine1108, mine’s [mine
May / ~’s n 1.13, Per 1.2.109, R2 1.3.145, 2.1.90, is]5
rh brine, pine Luc 793; Collatine
mɛ: / -z RJ 2.3.85, S 35.14, 91.9, 132.1, 133.2,
Luc 825, 1179, 1798; Collatine,
138.13, Tem 4.1.103, TG 3.1.148, Tim
sp Maie2, May12 / Mayes1 design Luc 1691; combine AY
3.5.91, TN 4.1.63, TNK 3.5.10, WT
rh day LLL 4.3.100, PP 16.2, 20.2, 5.4.146, RJ 2.3.55; confine, crys-
4.1.19, 4.4.305; be, thee Luc 1195;
R2 5.1.79, S 18.3 talline Cym 5.4.112; decline CE
bee Luc 834; benedicite RJ 2.3.28;
Burgundy KL 1.1.259; Coventry R2 3.2.42; define S 62.5; design, pine
maybe adv LC 277; divine CE 3.2.30, TG 2.1.3;
1.2.57; degree AY 5.4.144, LLL
mɛ:ˈbi: eyne AY 4.3.52, Luc 644, MND
1.1.156; ducdame AY 2.5.54; enemy
sp maybe1, may be7 1.1.243, 2.2.104, 5.1.172, TS
Per 2.5.64, RJ 1.5.140, 2.3.46; fee AW
2.1.190, MND 3.2.112, S 120.14; free 5.1.105; fine 2H4 5.3.46, RJ
May-day n 3.1.191, TG 1.2.11; line S 86.14;
AW 3.4.16, 1H6 5.3.116, Luc 1623, Per
ˈmɛ:-ˌdɛ: 2.4.1, S 134.13, 134.7; he AY 2.5.54, nine Mac 1.3.34; resign 2H6
sp May-day2 CE 4.2.12, 3H6 4.6.76, Luc 1722, MND 2.3.34, R2 4.1.190; Rosaline LLL
3.2.63, R2 4.1.175, RJ 3.1.139; heresy 4.1.57, 105, 5.2.441, RJ 2.3.39,
May-morn n MND 2.2.148; honesty LLL 5.2.812; 2.3.78; shine LLL 4.3.69, 90, PP
ˈmɛ:-ˌmɔ:ɹn hypocrisy LLL 4.3.150; indignity Tit 3.12, PT 36, S 33.11, TN 4.3.35;
sp May-morne1 1.1.7; infamy Luc 792; infancy R3 thine Cor 4.7.57, 1H6 4.6.23, Luc
> morn 4.4.168; knee 1H6 4.7.6, R2 5.3.130; 483, R3 4.4.125, S 2.10, 26.5, 92.2,
Muscovy LLL 5.2.396; necessity LLL 134.3, 142.7, VA 117, 502;


Valentine TG 5.4.126; wine 2H4 mean / ~er / ~est adj measles n

5.3.46; of mine were mine MND = / ˈmi:n·əɹ / -əst, mi:nst =
sp mean3, meane62 / meaner13 / sp meazels1
my det meanest7, mean’st2
measurable adj
məɪ, unstr also mɪ mean / ~s n ˈmezəɹəbəl
sp my12528, [a’]my1 = sp measurable1
myself pro sp meane24 / meanes162, means5 > unmeasurable
mɪˈself, məɪ- mean / ~est / ~s / ~eth / ~ing / measure / ~s n
sp my self2, myselfe2, my selfe547 ~t / ~’st v ˈmezəɹ / -z
rh itself R3 1.3.67; pelf PP 14.11,
Tim 1.2.62; thyself R3 1.2.85, Tim
= / mi:nst / = / ˈmi:n·əθ / -ɪn, sp measure70, mea-sure2 /
-ɪŋ / = / menst, -ntst measures7, meazures1
4.3.220; yourself R3 4.4.420
rh leisure MM 5.1.408; pleasure
sp mean5, meane220 / meanest4,
me Fr S 91.7; treasure LLL 4.3.360 / pleasures
meanst1, mean’st9, means’t1 /
AY 5.4.190; treasures VA 1148
> je meanes90, means2 / meaneth1 /
> overmeasure, passy-measures
meaning11 / meant48 / meant’st1
meacock n rh lean VA 126, 933 / rh consent Per
measur·e / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v
ˈmi:kɒk Epil.16; meant ye content ye
1 TNK Epil.14
ˈmezəɹ / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d
sp meacocke
> well-meant sp measure18 / measures1 /
mead / ~s n measuring2 / measur’d10, mea-sur’d1
=, mɛ:d / -z mean-born adj
ˈmi:n-ˌbɔ:ɹn measureless adj
3 1 1
sp mead , meade , [Datchet]-Meade / m ˈmezəɹləs, -ˌles
meades3, meads1, medes1 sp meane-borne
> born sp measurelesse2
rh dread VA 636

meadow / ~s n meander / ~s n measuring n

ˈmedəz, -do:z mɪˈandəɹz ˈmezəɹɪn, -ɪŋ
sp meanders1 sp measuring1
sp meadowes1, medowes1

meadow-fair·y / ~ies n meanest n meat / ~s n

ˈmedə-ˌfɛ:rəɪz, -do:- ˈmi:nəst =
sp meanest2 sp meat21, [wormes]meat1, meate46
sp [nightly]-meadow-fairies1
/ meates1, meats2
> fairy
meaning / ~s n > spoon-, sweet-meat; baked-meats
meager adj ˈmi:nɪn, -ɪŋ / -z
meatyard n
ˈmi:ɡəɹ sp meaning46, mea-ning2 /
sp meager5
> double-, well-meaning sp meat-yard1
meal / ~s n > yard
= meanly adv
ˈmi:nləɪ mechanic adj
9 6 1
sp meale / meales , [fish]-meales məˈkanɪk
2 2
> inch-, limb-meal sp meanely , meanly
sp mechanicke3
meal / ~ed v meantime n
ˈmi:nˌtəɪm mechanic / ~s n
sp meane time30
sp meal’d1
sp mechanickes1
mealy adj meanwhile adv
ˈmi:nˌʍəɪl mechanical adj
1 sp meane while 4 m məˈkanɪkɑl, -ˌkɑ:l
sp mealie


sp mechanicall2, sp medice1 sp meed6, meede9 / meedes1

mechanicall-[salt-butter]1 rh deed Tit 5.3.65; speed Cym
medicinable adj 3.5.163; steed VA 15
mechanical / ~s n m ˈmedsɪˌnabəl, medˈsɪnəbəl
m məˈkanɪˌkɑ:l / -z sp med’cinable1, medcinable1,
meek adj
sp mechanicall / mechanicals 1
medicinable3 =
rh stalls MND 3.2.9 sp meek1, meeke6
medicinal adj rh cheek Luc 710
méchante Fr adj m ˈmedsɪˌnɑl
mɛˈʃɑ̃:t sp medicinall1
meekly adv
sp meschante 1 ˈmi:kləɪ
medicine / ~s n sp meekely1
medal n m ˈmedsɪn, -dɪˌs- / ˈmedsɪnz
= sp medcine2, med’cine5, medicine15,
meekness n
sp medull1 me-dicine1 / med’cines1, =
medicines3 sp meekenesse2, meeknes1,
meddle v meeknesse1
= medicine v
sp meddle , medle 1 m ˈmedsɪn, -dɪs- meet / ~er / ~est adj
sp med’cine1, medicine1 = / ˈmi:təɹ / =
meddler n sp meet31, meete29 / meeter2 /
ˈmedləɹ meditat·e / ~s / ~ing v meetest3
sp medler2 ˈmedɪˌtɛ:t / -s / -ɪn, -ɪŋ rh sheet Ham 5.1.95; sweet AW
rh pedlar WT 4.4.320 sp meditate2 / meditates1 / 5.3.330, Ham 5.1.64, LLL 5.2.237,
pun Tim 4.3.311 medlar meditating5 R2 5.3.117
> premeditated > unmeet
meddling adj
ˈmedlɪn, -ɪŋ meditation / ~s n meet / ~est / ~s / ~ing / met /
sp medling 4 ˌmedɪˈtɛ:sɪən / -z ~test v
sp meditation5 / meditations4 = / mi:tst / = / ˈmi:tɪn, -ɪŋ / = /
Mede n metst
mi:d Mediterranean adj sp meat1, meet118, meete142, Caius
sp Mede1 ˌmedɪˈtrɛ:nɪən, -ɪtəˈr- MW 3.1.73 meet-a1 / meet’st1 /
sp Mediterranian1 meetes7, meets8 / meating1,
Medea n meeting14 / met134 / met’st3
məˈdi:ə Mediterraneum n rh feet TN 5.1.167; greet LLL 5.2.143;
sp Medea 2 Don Armado LLL .. sweet Ham 3.4.211 [Q2], MND
ˌmedɪˈtrɛ:nɪəm 1.1.217, RJ 2.Chorus.13, S 5.13, 94.11
Media n / streets TNK 1.5.16
sp Mediteranium1
ˈmi:diə > bemeet
sp Media2 medlar / ~s n
meeting / ~s n
ˈmedləɹ / -z
mediation n ˈmi:tɪn, -ɪŋ / -z
sp medler5 / medlers2
ˌmi:dɪˈɛ:sɪən sp mee-ting1, meeting26 / meetings2
pun Tim 4.3.309 meddler
rh greeting RJ 1.5.89; sweeting
sp mediation2
medlar tree n TN 2.3.41
mediator / ~s n > after-meeting
ˈmedləɹ ˌtri:
m ˌmi:dɪˈɛ:təɹz sp medler tree1 meeting-place n
sp mediators1 > tree
ˈmi:tɪn-ˌplɛ:s, -ɪŋ-
rh arbitrators, debaters Luc 1020
meed / ~s n sp meeting place1
medice Lat n > place


meetly adv mellow adj memento mori n phrase

ˈmi:tləɪ ˈmelə, -lo: mɪˌmento: ˈmɔ:rəɪ
sp meetly1 sp mellow3 sp memento mori1

meetness S n mellow / ~ed v memorable adj

= ˈmelə, -lo: / -d m ˈmemərəbəl, -ˌrabəl
sp meetnesse1 sp mellow2 / mellow’d1 sp memorable4
rh sweetness S 118.7
mellowed adj memorandum / ~s n
Meg n ˈmeləd, -lo:d =
= sp mellow’d1 sp memorandums1
sp Meg4 > unmellowed
memorial / ~s n
mehercle Lat interj mellowing n mɪˈmɔ:rɪɑl / -z
meˈhɛ:ɹkle ˈmeləwɪn, -ɪŋ, -lo:ɪ- sp memoriall2 / memorials1
sp me hercle1 sp mellowing1
memorize / ~d v
meilleur Fr melodious adj ˈmeməˌrəɪz / -d
mɛˈjœ:ɹ mɪˈlo:dɪəs sp memorize1 / memoriz’d1
1 5 1
sp melieus sp melodious , mellodius
memor·y / ~ies n
meiny n melody n m ˈmeməˌrəɪ, -mər-,
ˈmɛ:nəɪ m ˈmeləˌdəɪ, -əd- -mr- / -z
sp meiney1 sp melodie4, melody4 sp memorie23, memory25,
rh 1 company, society Luc 1108; lul- [sprag]-memory1 / memories3
Meisen n laby MND 2.2.13, 24; rh 2 eye MND rh 1 eternity S 77.6, 122.2; injury Cor
ˈməɪsən 1.1.189 5.6.155; masonry S 55.8; validity Ham
sp Meisen1 3.2.198; rh 2 die S 1.4; fortify S 63.11;
melt / ~s / ~eth / ~ing / sky S 15.8
melancholy / ~’s n ~ed v
m ˈmelənˌkɒləɪ, -nkəl-, = / = / = / ˈmeltɪn, -ɪŋ / = Memphis n
-nkl- / -z sp melt27 / melts3 / melteth2 / ˈmemfɪs
sp mallicholie2, melancholie4, Evans melting1 / melted13, mel-ted2 sp Memphis1
MW 3.1.13 melancholies1, rh felt MND 1.1.245, VA 144
melancholly39, me-lancholly1,
melancholy20, me-lancholy1,
melted adj > man
mellancholly1 / melancholies1 =
rh 1 thee S 45.8; rh 2 I Cym 4.2.208 sp melted1
menace / ~d v
Melford n melting adj sp menace3 / menac'd2
ˈmelfəɹd ˈmeltɪn, -ɪŋ
sp Melforde1 sp melting7
Menaphon n
> easy-melting ˈmenəˌfɒn
melius Lat sp Menaphon1
> bonus Melun n
meˈlu:n Menas n
mell v 1 1
sp Melloone , Meloon , Meloone 4 ˈmenəs
= sp Menas13, Menes1
sp mell1 member / ~s n
ˈmembəɹ / -z men-children n
mellifluous adj sp member10 / members10 =
= sp men-children1
sp mellifluous1


mend / ~s n Menteith n sp marchant3, merchant26 /

= menˈti:θ marchants3, merchants1 /
marchants1, merchants9 /
sp mends1 sp Menteith1, Menteth2
mend / ~s / ~ed v mention n merchant-like adj
= ˈmensɪən ˈmɐ:ɹtʃənt-ˌləɪk
sp mend56 / mends1 / mended10, sp mention1
sp merchant-like1
rh attend RJ Prol.14; commend mention / ~ed v merchant-marring adj
S 69.2; end Tim 5.1.219; reprehend ˈmensɪən / -d ˈmɐ:ɹtʃənt-ˌmɑ:rɪn, -ɪŋ
MND 5.1.420; send Oth 4.3.104; tend sp mention1 / mentioned1
S 103.9 / offended MND 5.1.414 sp merchant-marring1
mentioned adj merciful adj
mended adj ˈmensɪənd
= m ˈmɐ:ɹsɪˌfʊl, -fəl
sp mention’d1
sp mended2 sp merciful1, mercifull18
mentis Lat mercifully adv
mender n > mens
ˈmendəɹ ˈmɐ:ɹsɪfləɪ, -fʊl-
sp mender1 menton Fr n sp mercifully1
> bellows-mender mɑ̃ˈtɔ̃ merciless adj
sp menton2
mending n m ˈmɐ:ɹsɪˌles, -ɪləs
ˈmendɪn, -ɪŋ Mephistophilus n sp merciles1, mercilesse5
sp mending 2
ˌmefɪˈstɒfɪləs mercurial adj
> a-mending sp Mephostophilus1
m məɹˈkju:rɪˌɑl
Menecrates n Mercatio n sp mercuriall1
məˈnekrəˌti:z m məɹˈkɛ:sɪˌo: Mercury / ~s n
sp Menacrates1, Menecrates1 sp Mercatio1
m ˈmɐ:ɹkjəˌrəɪ, -ər- /
rh so so TG 1.2.12
Menelaus / ~’ n ˈmɐ:ɹkjəˌrəɪz
ˌmenəˈlɛ:əs mercenary adj sp Mercurie7, Mercury8 / Mercuries1
sp Menelaus 15
/ Menelaus 3
m ˈmɐ:ɹsəˌnarəɪ, -ənrəɪ > she-Mercury
sp mercenary1, mercinarie1
Menenius n Mercutio / ~’s n
məˈni:nɪəs mercenar·y / ~ies n m məɹˈkju:sɪo:, -ɪˌo: /
sp Menenius29, Mene-nius1, abbr in m ˈmɐ:ɹsəˌnarəɪ, -ənrəɪ / məɹˈkju:sɪo:z
s.d. Mene1 ˈmɐ:ɹsənˌrəɪz sp Mercutio19, Mercutio’s [emend of
sp mercenary / mercenaries 1 RJ 3.1.116 Mercutio’s is]1 /
Menon n Mercutio’s1, Mercutios2, Mercutius1
ˈmenən mercer n rh owe RJ 3.1.182; Romeo RJ 3.1.145
sp Menon1 ˈmɐ:ɹsəɹ merc·y / ~ies n
sp mercer2
men·s / ~tis Lat n ˈmɐ:ɹsəɪ / -z
ˈmentɪs merchandise n sp mercie41, ’mercie2,
sp mentis1 m ˈmɐ:ɹtʃənˌdəɪz [God-a]-mercie1, mer-cie1, mercie’s
[mercy is]1, mercy128, mer-cy1,
sp marchandise1, marchandize1,
mental adj [Goda]mercy1, [God-a]-mercy1,
ˈmentɑl mercy-[sake]1 / mercies3
sp mentall3 merchant / ~’s / ~s / ~s’ n rh miscarry 2H6 4.8.47
> unmerciful
ˈmɐ:ɹtʃənt / -s


mere / ~st adj Mermidon rh confess LLL 4.3.205

mi:ɹ / ˈmi:rəst > Myrmidon
message / ~s n
sp meere56 / meerest1
Merops / ~’ n =
mered adj ˈmerɒps sp message31 / messages2
ˈmi:rɪd sp Merops 1
Messala n
sp meered1
merrily adv məˈsɑ:lə
merely adv m ˈmerəɪləɪ, -ˌləɪ sp Messala25
ˈmi:ɹləɪ sp merily1, merrilie1, merrily21
Messaline n
sp meerely20, meerly6 rh 1 cry, fly, I, lie Tem 5.1.92; eye CE
4.2.4, LLL 5.2.477, 481; rh 2 speedily ˈmesəlɪn
meridian n 1H4 4.1.134 sp Messaline2
= messenger / ~s n
merriment / ~s n
sp meridian1
m ˈmerəɪmənt, -ɪˌment / ˈmesəndʒəɹ / -z
Meriman n -ɪˌments sp messenger133, messe[n]ger1,
= 12
sp merriment , merryment / 1 mes-senger1, messen-ger2, abbr in
merriments1 s.d. mes1, messeng1 / messengers20
sp Meriman1
rh bent MND 3.2.146; consent LLL
Messina n
merit / ~s n 5.2.461; intent LLL 5.2.139; lament
RJ 4.5.83 məˈsi:nə
sp Messina10
sp merit36, merite1, merrit2, merit’s
merriness n
[merit is]1 / merites2, merits6 met
rh inherit LLL 4.1.21; spirit S 108.4
sp merrinesse 1 > meet
merit / ~s / ~ed v metal / ~s n
= merr·y / ~ier / ~iest adj
ˈmerəɪ / -əɹ / -əst =
sp merit6 / merites1, merits3 /
sp merrie42, mer-rie3, merry120, sp mettall13, met-tall1, mettle5,
mer-ry1, mery1 / merrier7 / merriest2, [base]-mettle1, [selfe]-mettle1 /
> demerit, unmeritable, unmeriting
merryest1 mettals1, mettels1
merited adj rh 1 derry TNK 3.5.137; rh 2 weary
metamorphose / ~d v
= Tem 4.1.135
> overmerry ˌmetəˈmɔ:ɹfɪst
sp me-rited1
sp metamorphis'd2
meritorious adj mes Fr
> je metamorphosis n
= ˌmetəməɹˈfo:sɪs
sp meritorious3 Mesapotamia n sp metamorphosis1
Merlin n ˌmesəpəˈtɛ:mɪə
sp Mesapotamia1 metaphor n
ˈmɐ:ɹlɪn ˈmetəfəɹ
sp Merlin2 mesh / ~es n sp metaphor3, meta-phor1
mermaid / ~’s / ~s n =
sp mesh1 / meshes1 metaphysical adj
ˈmɐ:ɹmɛ:d / -z ˌmetəˈfɪzkɑl, -zɪk-
sp meare-maide1, mermaid1, mesh / ~ed v sp metaphysicall1
mermaide1, mer-maide1 / mermaids1 /
mer-maides1 metaphysics n
sp mesh’d1
mermaid-like adj =
mess / ~es n sp metaphysickes1
sp mermaid-like1
sp messe10 / messes3


mete v mettre / mette Fr v microcosm n

mi:t mɛt ˈməɪkrəˌkɒzəm
sp mete1 sp mette1 sp microcosme1
> bemete
meus Lat mid adj / n
Metellus n > ego =
məˈteləs sp mid1 / mid1
mew n
sp Metellus13
mju: mid-age n
meteor / ~s n sp mew1 m ˌmɪd-ˈɛ:dʒ
m ˈmi:tjəɹ, -tɪˌɔ:ɹ / -z sp mid-age1
mew / ~ed v
sp meteor4 / meteors6
mju: / -d Midas n
meter [verse] sp mew3 / meu’d1, mew’d4, mewed2 ˈməɪdəs
> metre sp Midas1
mewling n
metheglin / ~s n mju:lɪn, -ɪŋ mid-day adj
məˈteɡlɪn, -ˈθe- / -z sp mewling1 ˈmɪd-ˌdɛ:
sp methegline1, metheglins1 sp mid-day2
Mexico n
methink·s / ~est / ˈmeksɪko: middle adj / n
methought v sp Mexico1, Mexi-co1 =
mɪˈθɪŋks / -t / mɪˈθɔ:t sp middle5 / middle12, mid-dle1,
mi [music] n
sp methinkes11, me-thinkes10, me midle1
thinkes104, methinks3, me thinks14,
me think’s1 / mee-think’st1 / sp [bee]me1, me1 middle-earth
methought1, me-thought6 > earth
> think
mi Ital
> io midnight adj / n
method n m ˈmɪdnəɪt, mɪdˈnəɪt
= mice sp midnight5,
7 1 > mouse midnight-[mushrumps]1, mid-night1
sp method , methode
/ midnight27, mid-night7
methought Michael n rh n light Luc 1625; sight MND
> methinks ˈməɪkəl 1.1.223
sp Michael11, Michaell4, Michell6 > night
metre, meter / ~s n
ˈmi:təɹ / -z Michaelmas n midriff n
sp meeter2 / meeters1 ˈmɪkəlməs =
sp Michaelmas2 sp midriffe1
metropolis n
= micher n midst n
sp metropolis1 ˈmɪtʃəɹ =
sp micher1 sp middest1, midd’st3, midst5,
mettle n mid’st2
= miching adj
1 1
sp mettal , mettall , met-tall , 1 ˈmɪtʃɪn, -ɪŋ midsummer adj / n
mettell3, met-tell1, mettle23 sp miching1 ˈmɪdsəməɹ
> self-mettle sp midsomer-[night]1, midsommer1
mickle adj / mid-summer1
mettled adj = > summer
= sp mickle5
sp metled1
> muddy-mettled, self-mettle


midway adj / n sp mightie41, mighty69 / mightier5 / Mile End Green n

mɪdˈwɛ: mightiest4 ˌməɪl end ˈgri:n
sp midway1 / midway2, mid-way1 Milan / ~’s n sp Mile-end-Greene1

midwife / ~’s n ˈmɪlən / -z Milford n

ˈmɪdwəɪf / -s sp Millain1, Millaine23, Millane2 / ˈmɪlfəɹd
sp midwife9, mid-wife1 / midwiues1 sp Milford9
> wife milch adj
Milford Haven n
mienne =
Fr ˌmɪlfəɹd ˈavən, -ˈha-
> je sp milche1
sp Milford-Hauen9, Milford Hauen1
milch-kine n > haven
might n
məɪt ˈmɪltʃ-ˌkəɪn militarist n
sp might21 sp milch-kine2 ˈmɪlɪtrɪst, -tər-
rh 1 appetite S 56.4; bright S 65.13; > kine
sp militarist1
delight, night Luc 488; fight VA 113;
flight LC 245; flight, light, night MW mild / ~er / ~est adj
military adjm
2.1.16; goodnight TNK Epil.17; knight məɪld / ˈməɪld·əɹ / -əst
2 24 4
ˈmɪlɪtrəɪ, -ˌtarəɪ
MND 2.2.149, MW 2.1.16; knight, sp mild , milde / milder /
sp militarie5, military2,
right LLL 5.2.560; light S 100.2; rite S mildest2
23.8; sight AY 3.5.81, MND 3.2.368, rh beguild, defiled Luc 1542; child
S 123.2, 139.7, 150.1; spite S 90.12; [following R2 1.3.240 [Q], Per 1.1.69, milk adj / n
write S 80.3; rh 2 strike PP.18.4 VA 1151; child, wild Luc 1096
might / ~est v mildew / ~s v sp milke1 / milk1, milke18
məɪt / -s, -st = rh n silk MND 5.1.330, Per 4.
sp might446 / mightest2, mightst6, sp mildewes1
rh fight AC 4.4.36; light Per Prol.15; mildewed adj milk / ~s / ~ed v
sight Per 5.Chorus.23 = =
sp milke3 / milkes2 / milk’d1
mightful adj sp mildew’d1

ˈməɪtfʊl mildly adv milking-time n

sp mightfull1 ˈməɪldləɪ ˈmɪlkɪn-ˌtəɪm, -ɪŋ-
sp milking-time1
mightier adj sp mildely6, mildly3
> time
rh wildly CE 5.1.87
sp mightier1 mildness n milk-livered adj
ˈməɪldnəs m ˌmɪlk-ˈlɪvəɹd
mightiest n sp milke-liuer’d1
sp mildnesse7
ˈməɪtɪəst rh wildness Luc 979
> liver
sp mightiest2
mile / ~s n milkmaid n
mightily adv məɪl / -z ˈmɪlkˌmɛ:d
ˈməɪtɪləɪ sp mile29, [song] mile-a1 / miles20
sp milke-maid2
sp mightilie3, mightily11 rh stile-a WT 4.3.124; half a mile milksop / ~s n
Longaville LLL 5.2.54
mightiness n =
m ˈməɪtɪnəs, -ˌnes Mile End n sp milke-sop1 / milke-sops1
sp mightinesse 5
ˌməɪl ˈend > sop
sp Mile-end1
might·y / ~ier / ~iest adj
ˈməɪtəɪ / -əɹ / -əst


milk-white adj minc·e / ~es / ~ing v min·e / ~s / ~ing v

m ˈmɪlkˌʍəɪt, ˌmɪlkˈʍəɪt = / = / ˈmɪnsɪn, -ɪŋ məɪnz / ˈməɪnɪn, -ɪŋ
sp milk-white1, milke-white3, sp mince5 / minces1 / mincing1 sp mines1 / mining1
milke-white-[rose]1 > undermine
> white minced adj
= mineral / ~s n
milky adj 1 m ˈmɪnrɑl, -nər-, -nəˈrɑl /
sp minc’d
ˈmɪlkəɪ ˈmɪnrɑlz, -nər-
sp milkie2, milky1 mincing adj / n sp minerall3 / minerals1
ˈmɪnsɪn, -ɪŋ
mill / ~s n Minerva n
sp mincing1, minsing1 / mincing1
= mɪˈnɐ:ɹvə
sp mill2, myll1 / milles1, mils1 mind / ~’s / ~s n sp Minerua2
rh ill WT 4.4.301 məɪnd / -z
> paper-mill mingle n
sp mind62, mind [mind’s]1, minde262,
mille / ~s Fr adj mindes [mind is]1, mind’s [mind is]1 / =
mindes2 / mindes34, minds17 sp mingle2
rh 1 assigned, find LC 135; behind KL
sp milles1 3.6.102 [Q], Luc 735, 1414, 1426, Oth mingl·e / ~ing / ~ed v
miller / Miller n 2.1.153, Per 4.4.14, S 9.8, 50.13, Tim = / ˈmɪŋɡlɪn, -ɪŋ / =
1.2.161; blind MND 1.1.234, S 113.1,
ˈmɪləɹ sp mingle10 / mingling2 / mingled7
149.13; blind, find Luc 761; find LC 89,
1 1 rh singled VA 691
sp miller / Miller Luc 1540, MV 2.5.53, Per 4.Chorus.5,
> co-, inter-mingle
S 27.13, 77.12, 92.9, TC 5.2.112, TN
milliner n 1.5.299; find, inclined Luc 1656; find, mingled adj
ˈmɪlɪnəɹ kind LC 184; kind AY 4.3.59, H5 3.
sp milliner2 Chorus.35, Luc 1426, MA 4.1.196, MV
sp mingled5
1.3.176, S 10.9, 69.9, TG 3.1.91, VA
million / ~s n > unmingled
1016; Rosalind AY 3.2.90; unkind CE
= 4.2.22, Ham 3.1.100, TN 3.4.358, VA
minim n
sp million14 / millions7 203, 308; rh 2 wind LC 86, LLL 4.2.32,
VA 340 / rh 1 finds S 116.1, TG
mill-sixpence / ~s n 5.4.110; kinds Luc 1148, 1240; rh 2 sp minum1
= winds S 117.5
minime Lat adv
sp mill-sixpences1
mind / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v ˈmɪnɪme
> sixpence
məɪnd / -z / ˈməɪndɪn, -ɪŋ / -ed sp minnime1
millstone / ~s n sp mind2, minde6 / minds1 /
minding2 / minded7
minimus n
rh kind Tim 2.2.5 m ˈmɪnɪˌmɤs
sp mill-stones1, milstones2
> bloody-, high-, motley-, noble-, sp minimus1
> stone
proud-, tender-, un-, well-minded
millwheel / ~s n minim·us / ~o Lat adj
mindless adj ˈmɪnɪmo:
ˈməɪnləs, -ndl- sp minimo1
sp mill-wheeles1
sp mindelesse1, mindlesse1 rh so TS 1.1.159
> wheel

Milo n mine det, pro minion / ~s n

>I =
sp minion15, mynion1 / minions5
sp Milo1 mine / ~s n
mimic n məɪn / -z
sp mine2, mines1, myne1 / mynes6
> countermine
sp mimmick1


minister / ~s n minute / ~’s / ~s n mirthful adj

ˈmɪnɪstəɹ / -z = ˈmɐ:ɹθfʊl
sp minister19 / ministers20, sp minute32, mi-nute1, my-nute1 / sp mirthfull1
mini-sters1 minutes4 / minutes11, mi-nutes1
rh finisher AW 2.1.137 mirth-moving adj
> fellow-minister minutely adv m ˌmɐ:ɹθ-ˈmɤvɪn, -ɪŋ, -ˈmu:-
m ˈmɪnɪtˌləɪ sp mirth-mouing1
minister / ~s / ~ed v sp minutely1 > move
ˈmɪnɪstəɹ / -z / -d
sp minister17, mi-nister1 / ministers2 minx / ~’s n miry adj
/ ministred5 = ˈməɪɹəɪ
sp minx2 / minxes1 sp miery2
ministering adj
ˈmɪnstrɪn, -ɪŋ mio Ital misadventure n
sp ministring1 > io ˌmɪsədˈventəɹ
sp misaduenture2
ministration n mirable adj > adventure
ˌmɪnɪsˈtrɛ:sɪən m ˈmɪrəˌbɤl
sp ministration1 sp mirable1 misanthropos n
minnow / ~s n miracle / ~s n sp misantropos1
ˈmɪnə, -no: / -z m ˈmɪrəˌkɤl, -əkəl / -z
sp minow1 / minnoues1 sp miracle20, mi-racle1, mira-cle1, misapplied adj
myracle3 / miracles6, myracles1 ˌmɪsəˈpləɪd
Minola n sp misapplied1
ˈmɪnəˌla miraculous adj rh dignified RJ 2.3.17
sp Minola6 mɪˈrakləs, -kjəl- > apply
sp miraculous1, myraculous2
minority n misbe·come / ~d / ~came v
m mɪˈnɒrɪˌtəɪ, -təɪ Miranda n ˌmɪsbɪˈkɤm / -d / ˌmɪsbɪˈkɛ:m
sp minoritie3 , minority1 = sp mis-become1 / misbecom’d1 /
rh apology LLL 5.2.588 sp Miranda misbecame1
> become
Minos n mire n
ˈmɪnɒs məɪɹ misbegot / ~ten adj
sp Minos1 sp mire4, myre4 ˌmɪsbɪˈɡɒt / -ən
rh desire Luc 1009; tire [F, at LLL sp mis-begot1 / misbegotten2,
Minotaur / ~s n 2.1.113-129] mis-begotten1, mis-be-gotten1
m ˈmɪnəˌtɔ:ɹz > begotten
sp Minotaurs1
mire / ~d v
məɪɹ / -d misbeliever n
minstrel / ~s n 1
sp myre / mir'd 1 ˌmɪsbɪˈli:vəɹ
= sp misbeleeuer1
1 3
sp minstrell / minstrels , min-strels 2 mirror / ~s n > believe
ˈmɪrəɹ / -z
minstrelsy n sp mirror6, mirror’s [mirror is]1,
misbelieving adj
m ˈmɪnstrəlˌsəɪ mirrour1 / mirrors2 ˌmɪsbɪˈli:vɪn, -ɪŋ
sp minstrelsie2 rh error Per 1.1.46 sp misbelieuing1
rh I, lie LLL 1.1.174
mirth n miscall v
mint / ~s n mɐ:ɹθ mɪsˈkɑ:l
= sp mirth47, myrth4 sp miscall2
sp mint4 / mints1 rh birth LLL 5.2.517 > call


miscarr·y / ~ies / ~ying / miscreant n miser·y / ~’s / ~ies n

~ied v m ˈmɪskrɪənt, -ɪˌant m ˈmɪzəˌrəɪ, -zər-, -zr- / -z
mɪsˈkarəɪ / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d sp miscreant4 sp miserie16, misery21 / miseries1 /
sp miscarrie3, miscarry9, mis-carry1 / miseries20, mi-series1
miscarries1 / miscarrying1 /
miscreate adj rh 1 mockery 3H6 3.3.264; see H8
miscaried1, miscarried8, mis-carryed1 ˌmɪskri:ˈɛ:t Prol.30; thee PP 20.30, Tit 2.4.57; tyr-
rh 1 marry LLL 4.1.113; rh 2 mercy sp miscreate1 anny VA 738; rh 2 die 1H6 3.2.137 /
2H6 4.8.46 > create rh 1 injuries Cym 5.4.86; rh 2 exer-
> carry cise Cym 5.4.86; eyes 1H6 1.1.88
misdeed / ~s n
mischance / ~s n = misfortune / ~’s / ~s n
mɪsˈtʃans / -ɪz 1
sp misdeed / misdeeds 1 mɪsˈfɔ:ɹtən / -z
sp mischance21 / mischances1 > deed sp misfortune8 / misfortunes2 /
rh France 1H6 4.6.49, 3H6 3.3.254, misfortunes2
R3 4.4.114 / trances Luc 976 misdemean / ~ed v > fortune
> chance ˌmɪsdɪˈmi:nd
misgive / ~s v
sp misdemean’d1
mischief / ~s n > demean
= sp mis-giue1 / misgiues2, mis-giues1
sp mischeefe , mischefe , 1 misdemeanour / ~s n > give
mischeife1, mischiefe26, mis-chiefe1 / ˌmɪsdɪˈmi:nəɹz
mischeefes2, mischiefes6
misgiving n
sp misdemeanors1
mɪsˈɡɪvɪn, -ɪŋ
mischief v misdoubt / ~s n sp misgiuing1
= mɪsˈdəʊt / -s
sp mischeefe1
misgovern / ~ing v
sp misdoubt1 / mis-doubts1
> doubt
mɪsˈɡɤvəɹnɪn, -ɪŋ
mischievous adj sp mis-gouerning1
= misdoubt / ~s / ~eth v rh king Luc 654
sp mischeeuous1, mischieuous1 mɪsˈdəʊt / -s / -əθ > govern
sp misdoubt5 / mis-doubts1 /
misconceived adj misgoverned adj
m ˌmɪskənˈsi:vɪd mɪsˈɡɤvəɹnd
sp misconceyued1 Misena n sp mis-gouern’d1
> conceive mɪˈsi:nə > govern
sp [Mount]-Misena1
misconster / ~s / ~ed v misgovernment n
m mɪsˈkɒnstəɹ / -z / -d miser / ~s n m mɪsˈɡɤvəɹnˌment
sp misconster2 / misconsters1 / ˈməɪzəɹ / -z sp misgouernment1
misconsterd1 sp miser2, mi-ser1 / mysers1
> conster
misgraffed adj
miserable adj m mɪsˈɡrafɪd
misconstruction n m ˈmɪzəˌrabəl, -zərəbəl, sp misgraffed1
ˌmɪskənˈstrɤksɪən -zrəbəl > graff
sp misconstruction1
sp miserable34 misguide v
> construction
miserably adv mɪsˈɡəɪd
misconstrue / ~d v sp misguide1
m ˈmɪzəˌrabləɪ
m mɪsˈkɒnstru:d > guide
sp miserably1
sp misconstrued2
> construe
mishap / ~s n
miséricorde Fr n
mɪsˈap, -ˈhap / -s
sp mishap2 / mishaps2
sp miserecordie
rh grapes VA 603


mishear / ~d v misprising n missingly adv

mɪsˈɛ:ɹd, -ˈhɛ:-, -ˈɐ:ɹ-, -ˈhɐ:- mɪsˈprəɪzɪn, -ɪŋ ˈmɪsɪnləɪ, -ɪŋ-
sp misheard1 sp misprising1 sp missingly1
> hear
misprision n mission / ~s n
misinterpret v m mɪsˈprɪzɪən, -zɪˌɒn ˈmɪsɪənz
ˌmɪsɪnˈtɐ:ɹprɪt sp misprision6 sp missions1
sp mis-interprete1 rh incision LLL 4.3.96
> interpret missive / ~s n
misproud adj =
mislead / misled v ˈmɪsprəʊd sp misiue1 / missiues1
=, mɪsˈlɛ:d / = sp misproud1
sp mislead1, misleade1 / misled6, > proud mis-speak / ~spoke v
mis-led3 mɪˈspo:k
rh bed, head Luc 369 misquote v sp mispoke1
> lead mɪsˈko:t, -ˈkw- > speak
sp misquote1
misleader / ~s n > quote mist / ~s n
mɪsˈli:dəɹ, -ˈlɛ:d- / -z =
sp misleader1, mis-leader1 / misreport v sp mist1 / mists1
misleaders1 ˌmɪsrɪˈpɔ:ɹt
sp mis-report1 mist v
misleading n > report =
mɪsˈli:dɪn, -ɪŋ, -ˈlɛ:d- sp mist1
sp mis-leading1 miss n
= mistak·e / ~est / ~s / ~eth /
mislike v sp misse2 ~ing / ~en, abbr mista’en,
mɪsˈləɪk rh kiss VA 53 mistook v
sp mislike4
miss / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v mɪsˈtɛ:k / -s, -st / -s / -əθ / -ɪn,
> like
= / = / ˈmɪsɪn, -ɪŋ / = -ɪŋ / -ən, abbr mɪsˈtɛ:n / =
misordered adj sp mistake40 / mistakes1, mistak’st2
sp misse20, misse’t [miss it]1 /
mɪsˈɔ:ɹdəɹd / mistakes2 / mistaketh1 / mistaking4
misses1 / missing5 / miss’d3, mist6
/ mistaken9, abbr mistaine1, mistane1
sp mis-order’d1 rh this AW 1.3.251 / list Luc 1007;
/ mistook1, mistooke17, mi-stooke2
> order subsist S 122.8 / kissing VA 605
rh making S 87.10
misplace / ~d v mis-shaped adj
mistaking adj
mɪsˈplɛ:s·ɪz / -t m ˈmɪsʃɛ:ˌpɪd, -ɛ:pt
mɪsˈtɛ:kɪn, -ɪŋ
sp misplaces1 / misplaced1 sp mishaped1, mis-shap’d1
sp mistaking2
rh disgraced S 66.5 > shape
> place
mis-shapen adj mistaking / ~s n
misplaced adj mɪsˈʃɛ:pən mɪsˈtɛ:kɪn, -ɪŋ / -z
m ˈmɪsplɛ:st sp mistaking2, mista-king1 /
sp mishapen5, mis-shapen1
1 mistakings1
sp mis-plac’d-
mis-sheathed adj
mispris·e / ~ing / ~ed mistempered adj
v m mɪsˈʃi:ðɪd
mɪsˈprəɪz·ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d mɪsˈtempəɹd
sp misheathed1
sp mistemper’d1, mistempred1
sp mis-prizing1 / misprised2 > sheathe
> temper
misprised adj missing n
misterm / ~ed v
ˈmɪsprəɪzd ˈmɪsɪn, -ɪŋ
sp mispris’d1 sp missing1


sp mistearm’d1 misuse n sp moane7, mone6 / moanes2,

> term = mones2
rh 1 alone PP 20.7; groan Luc 1363,
mistership n sp misuse1, misvse1
MA 5.3.16; stone LC 217; thunder-
> use
ˈmɪstəɹʃɪp stone Cym 4.2.273; rh 2 foregone
sp mistership1 misuse / ~s / ~d v Ham 4.5.198, S 30.11; gone Luc 1363,
MND 5.1.326, S 44.12, 71.13; upon
mis·think / ~thought v = S 149.8 / groans Luc 587, 798, R2
sp misuse3, misvse1, mis-vse1 / 5.1.90, VA 831; groans, stones Luc
mɪsˈθɪŋk / mɪsˈθɔ:t
misuses1 / misus’d1, misusde1, 977; stones MND 5.1.185, Oth 4.3.42,
sp mis-thinke1 / mis-thoght1 misvs’d1, mis-vs’d1 RJ 5.3.15
> think rh misuse thee accuse thee S 152.7 > unmoaned
> self-misused
mistletoe n
moan v
ˈmɪsəlˌto: mite / ~s n mo:n
sp misselto1 məɪts sp mone1
sp mites1
mist-like adj
moat n
m ˌmɪstˈləɪk Mithridates n mo:t
sp mist-like1 ˌmɪtrɪˈdɑ:ti:z, -ɪθr- sp moate1
sp Mithridates1
> mistake
moated adj
mitigate v ˈmo:tɪd
mistreading / ~s n ˈmɪtɪˌɡɛ:t sp moated-[grange]1
mɪsˈtredɪnz, -ɪŋz sp mittigate3
> unmitigable, unmitigated mobled adj
sp mistreadings1
> tread ˈmɒbəld
mitigation n
sp emend of Ham 2.2.500ff
mistress / ~’s / ~es n ˌmɪtɪˈɡɛ:sɪən inobled3
= sp mitigation2, mittigation1
4 84
sp mistres , mistresse , mi-stresse , 4 mock / ~s n
mix / ~ed v =
mistris278, mi-stris6, abbr Mist.7,
M[istris]5, Mi[stris]3, Mis[tris]1,
= sp mock3, mocke11, mockes8
Mist[ris]13 / mistresse5, mistresses1, sp mixe1 / mixt6 rh ox LLL 5.2.251
mistris21, mistris-ses1 / mistresses5, rh fixed Luc 563, VA 489 > arch-mock
[country]-mistresses1 > inter-, un-mix
mock / ~est / ~s / ~ing /
mistrust / ~ing / ~ed v mixtful adj ~ed v
mɪsˈtrɤst / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd = = / mɒkst / = / ˈmɒkɪn,
sp mistrust15 / mistrusting1 / sp mixtfull1
-ɪŋ / =
mixture / ~s n sp mock18, mocke51 / mock’st1 /
rh just VA 1154; just, thrust Luc
ˈmɪkstəɹ / -z mockes6, mocks4, mock’s1 /
1516; lust Luc 284, 1352; unjust Luc
mocking9 / mock’d19, mockt9,
284 / mistrusting them Buckingham sp mixture3 / mixtures1
R3 4.4.526
mo, moe [more] adj / adv / n mockable adj
mistrustful adj mo: =
mɪsˈtrɤstfʊl sp mo10, moe19 / mo , moe / moe
1 2 8
sp mockeable1
sp mistrustfull1 rh go, so, woe MA 2.3.68; so, woe
Luc 1479 mocker / ~s n
misty adj
moan / ~s n ˈmɒkəɹ / -z
2 2 mo:n / -z sp mocker4 / mockers2
sp mistie , misty


mockery / ~ies n sp modestie35, modesty14 / molest v

m ˈmɒkrəɪ, -kəˌrəɪ / -z modesties2 =
rh 1 audaciously, livery Luc 1220;
sp mockerie4, mockery4, mockrie1, sp mollest2
courtesy MND 2.2.63; majesty AY
mock’rie1, mockry1, mock’ry3 /
3.2.144; mortality Luc 401; outwardly molestation n
moc-keries1, mock’ries1
LC 202; rh 2 beautify Luc 401; reply
rh misery 3H6 3.3.265
TG 2.1.156
sp mollestation1
mocking adj / n modicum / ~s n
ˈmɒkɪn, -ɪŋ = mollification n
sp mocking4 / mocking4
sp modicums1
sp mollification1
Mockwater n Modo n
ˈmɒkwɑ:təɹ, Caius MW .. ˈmo:do: mollis Lat adj
ˈmɒkvɑtəɹ sp Modo1
sp Mocke-water1, Mock-water1, sp mollis2
Caius Mock-vater2 module n
ˈmɒdjəl molten adj
model n 2 ˈmo:ltən
sp module
= sp molten2, moulten1
sp modell moe
> mo
molto Ital adv
Modena n ˈmɒlto:
məˈdi:nə moi Fr sp multo1
sp Medena1 > je
Mome n
moderate adj moist adj / v mo:m
ˈmɒdrət, -dər- məɪst sp Mome1
7 1 3 3 1 1
sp moderate , mo-derate sp moist , moyst / moist , moyst
> immoderate moment / ~’s n
moistened adj ˈmɒmənt / -s
moderately adv ˈməɪstənd sp moment29 / moments1
m ˈmɒdrətˌləɪ, -dər- sp moistned1 rh comment S 15.2
sp moderately2
moisture n momentary adj
moderation n ˈməɪstəɹ m ˈmɒmənˌtarəɪ, -ntərəɪ,
m ˌmɒdəˈrɛ:sɪən, -sɪˌɒn sp moysture1 -ntrəɪ
sp moderation1 sp momentarie4, momentary2
moity n
modern adj ˈməɪtəɪ momentary-swift adj
ˈmɒdəɹn sp moitie2, moity9, moytie4 ˈmɒmənˌtarəɪ-ˈswɪft, -ntərəɪ-
sp moderne8, mo-derne1 sp momentary, swift1
moldwarp n
modest adj ˈmo:ldwɑ:ɹp mon Fr
= sp moldwarpe 1
> je
sp modest37, [quip]-modest1
> immodest mole / ~s n monachus / ~um Lat n
mo:l / -z ˈmɒnakʊm
modestly adv sp moale1, mole7 / moales1 moles1 sp monachum2
m ˈmɒdəstˌləɪ, -tl-
sp modestly4 molehill n monarch / ~’s / ~s n
ˈmo:lˌɪl, -ˌhɪl ˈmɒnəɹk / -s
modest·y / ~ies n sp mole-hill3
m ˈmɒdəsˌtəɪ, -dəst-, -dst- / -z > hill


sp monarch16, monarke1 / mongst monster / ~s / ~ed v

monarches1, monarkes1 / monarches1, > amongst ˈmɒnstəɹ·z / -d
monarchs3, mo-narchs1
sp monsters1 / monster’d1
monied adj
monarchize v
ˈmɤnəɪd monster-like adj
m ˈmɒnəɹˌkəɪz
sp monied1 ˈmɒnstəɹ-ˌləɪk
sp monarchize1
sp monster-like1
monk / ~s n
monarcho n
mɤŋk / -s monstrous adj
sp monke6 / monkes1 ˈmɒnstrəs
sp monarcho1
sp monstrous63, mon-strous1
monkey / ~’s / ~s n
monarch·y / ~ies n
ˈmɤŋkəɪ / -z monstrously adv
ˈmɒnəɹˌkəɪ / -z
sp monkey3, mon-key1, monkie2 / m ˈmɒnstrəsˌləɪ
sp monarchie1, monarchy4 / monkeys1 / monkeyes1, monkeys2, sp monstrously1
monarchies1 monkies2
rh free LC 196 monstrousness n
Monmouth adj m ˈmɒnstrəsˌnes
monastery n
ˈmɒnməθ sp monstrousnesse1
m ˈmɒnəsˌterəɪ, - strəɪ
sp Monmouth1
sp monasterie1, mo-nasterie1, monstruosity n
monastery1, monast’ry1 Monmouth / ~’s n m ˌmɒnstrʊˈɒsɪˌtəɪ
monastic adj ˈmɒnməθ / -s sp monstruositie1
sp Monmouth13 / Monmouthes1,
Monmouth’s2 Montacute n
sp monastick1
mons Lat n
Monday n sp Mountacute2
sp mons1 Montague / ~’s / ~s n
sp Monday6, Munday1
ˈmɒnt·əˌɡju:, -əɡ- / -əɡju:z /
monsieur / ~s n
monde Fr n -əˌɡju:z, -əɡ-
Fr mˈsjœ, məˈ-, Eng ˈmo:nsjəɹ,
mɔ̃:d sp Montague5, Mountague47,
mo:nˈsjɐ:ɹ / -z Mount-ague1 / Mountagues2 /
sp monde
sp in French conversation monsieur3, Mountagues5
money / ~’s / ~s n mounsieur2, in English conversation rh true RJ 3.1.149, 176
monsier1, monsieuer1, monsieur21,
ˈmɤnəɪ / -z
mon-sieur3, mounseur1, mounsier7, Montano n
sp monie22, money129, mo-ney5, moun-sieuer1, mounsieur12 /
money’s [money is]1, mony18 /
moneys1 / moneyes6, monies1 sp Montano9
monster adj montant adj / n
money-bag / ~s n
ˈmɒnstəɹ ˈmɒntənt
sp monster1
sp money bags1 sp mountant1 / montant1
> sea-monster
> bag, press-money
monter / montez Fr v
monster / ~’s / ~s n
mongrel adj mɔ̃ˈtez
ˈmɒnstəɹ / -z
ˈmɤŋɡrəl sp monte1
1 2
sp monster68, mon-ster2,
sp mungrel , mungrill [bully]-monster1, monster’s [monster Montferrat n
is]1, mon-ster’s [monster is]1 /
mongrel / ~s n ˌmɒntfəˈrat
monsters2 / monsters9
ˈmɤŋɡrəl / -z sp Mount-ferrat1
1 1 1
sp mongrill , mungrell / mungrels


Montgomery n moonbeam / ~s n Mopsa n

m mɒntˈɡɒməˌrəɪ =, ˈmʊnbi:mz ˈmɒpsə
sp Mountgomerie3, Mountgomery1 sp moone-beames1 sp Mopsa3

month / ~’s / ~s n mooncalf / ~’s n moral adj / n / v

mɤnθ / -s ˈmu:nˌkɔ:f, ˈmʊn- / -s ˈmɒrɑl
sp moneth23, mo-neth1, month14 / sp moone-calfe4 / moone-calfes1 sp morall8 / morall8, mo-rall1,
moneths1, months1 / moneths14, > calf morrall3 / morall1
mo-neths1, monthes7, months16
> twelvemonth moonish adj moralize v
=, ˈmʊnɪʃ ˈmɒrɑˌləɪz
monthly adv sp moonish1 sp moralize2, morallize1
ˈmɤnθləɪ rh rise VA 712
sp monethly1, monthly1 moonlight n
ˈmu:nləɪt, ˈmʊn- moraller n
Montjoy n sp moonelight1, moone-light7 ˈmɒrɑləɹ
Fr mɔ̃ˈdʒwɛ, Eng mɒntˈdʒəɪ > light sp moraller1
sp Montioy4, Mountioy5
moonshine / ~’s n Mordake n
monument / ~s n ˈmu:nʃəɪn, ˈmʊn- / -z ˈmɔ:ɹdɛ:k
m ˈmɒnjəˌment, -əmənt / -s sp mooneshine2, moone-shine13, sp Mordake4
28 6
sp monument / monuments moonshine1 / moonshines2
rh spent S 107.13 / contents Luc 946, > shine more / ~s adj, adv, n
S 55.1 mɔ:ɹ / -z
Moor / ~s n sp more2208, more’s [more is]1 /
monumental adj mo:ɹ / -z mores1
ˌmɒnjəˈmentɑl sp Moor1, Moore83, Moore’s [Moor rh 1 abhor S 150.9; before CE 1.1.95,
sp monumentall3 is]1 / Moores2 PP 20.48, R2 2.1.9, S 40.4, 85.10,
rh deflower Tit 2.3.190 TN 1.1.7; boar VA 709, 899; deplore
mood / ~s n pun MV 3.5.37 more TN 3.1.158; door CE 2.1.10, Ham
= 4.5.55, Luc 339; door, four LLL 3.1.98;
sp mood9, moode10 / moodes2,
Moorditch n door, score KL 1.4.125; fivescore
moods2 ˈmo:ɹdɪtʃ LLL 4.2.40; four LLL 4.3.208, MND
rh 1 blood LC 201, MND 3.2.74; sp Moore Ditch1 3.2.437; fourscore AY 2.3.72; gore
flood Per 3.Chorus.46 [emend of Tim 3.5.86; o’er Mac 3.4.136, MND
moved]; rh 2 good Luc 1273; under- Moore [name] n 3.2.128, TG 3.1.95; o’er, tore Luc
stood LC 201 mo:ɹ 1789; roar KJ 2.1.293; score Mac
5.6.90, S 122.12; shore Luc 1116, MA
sp Moore1
moody adj 2.3.60, VA 819; sore R2 1.3.302,
ˈmu:dəɪ Moorship / ~’s n TC 3.1.112; store Luc 98, RJ 1.2.23,
S 11.11, 37.6, 84.1, 135.12, 146.12,
sp moodie7, moody6 ˈmo:ɹʃɪps
Tit 1.1.98; therefore MND 3.2.79;
sp Mooreships1
moon / ~’s / ~s n whore KL 1.4.125, TC 4.1.66, 5.2.115;
more ‘L’ sorrel LLL 4.2.62; rh 2 sworn
=, mʊn mop n
LLL 1.1.112
sp moon4, moone117, moone’s = pun MV 3.5.37 Moor
[moon is]1, moones [moon is]1 / sp mop1 > evermore
moones2, moons1 / moones10
rh 1 Berowne LLL 4.3.228; noon Mac mop·e / ~ing v more-having n
3.5.23; soon LLL 5.2.212, Luc 371, mo:p / ˈmo:pɪn, -ɪŋ m ˌmɔ:ɹ-ˈavɪn, -ɪŋ, -ˈha-
MND 3.2.53, 4.1.97, PP 14.27; rh 2
sp mope1 / moaping1 sp more-hauing1
done Ham 3.2.170; foredone MND
> have
5.1.362 / dooms Per 3.Chorus.31


moreover adv morris-pike n mortar-piece n

ˌmɔ:ɹˈo:vəɹ, mɒ- ˈmɒrɪs-ˌpəɪk ˈmɔ:ɹtəɹ-ˌpi:s
sp moreouer18, more ouer1, sp moris pike1 sp morter-piece1
moreour1 > piece
rh lover LLL 5.2.49, 446 morrow n
ˈmɒrə, -ro: mortified adj
Morgan n 1
sp morow , morrow 5 m ˈmɔ:ɹtɪˌfəɪd, -ˌfəɪɪd
ˈmɔ:ɹɡən rh borrow, sorrow Luc 1082; sorrow sp mortified4
sp Mergan1, Morgan2 Luc 1571, R2 1.3.228, RJ 2.2.185,
S 90.7 mortify / ~ing adj
mori Lat > good-, to-morrow ˈmɔ:ɹtɪˌfəɪɪn, -ɪŋ
> memento mori sp mortifying2
morsel / ~s n
Morisco n ˈmɔ:ɹsəl / -z mortif·y / ~ied v
məˈrɪsko: sp morcell1, morsell7 / morsels1 m ˈmɔ:ɹtɪˌfəɪd
sp Morisco1 sp mortify’d1
mort n
morn adj / n mɔ:ɹt Mortimer / ~s n
mɔ:ɹn sp mort1 ˈmɔ:ɹtɪməɹ / -z
sp morne-[praier]1 / morne32 sp Mortimer46 / Mortimers1
rh n forlorn PP 6.1; forsworn MM mort Fr n
4.1.4; o’erworn S 63.4; scorn VA 2 mɔ:ɹ mortise n
pun S 132.5 mourning sp mor2, mort2 ˈmɔ:ɹtɪs
> May-morn
sp morties1
mortal adj
morn-dew n ˈmɔ:ɹtɑl mortise / ~d v
ˈmɔ:ɹn-ˌdju: sp mortal2, mortall83, mor-tall2 ˈmɔ:ɹtəɪzd
sp morne-dew1 > immortal sp mortiz’d1
morning adj mortal / ~s n Morton n
ˈmɔ:ɹnɪn, -ɪŋ ˈmɔ:ɹtɑl / -z ˈmɔ:ɹtən
sp morning10 sp mortall6 / mortalls2, mortals5 sp Morton4, Mourton1
morning / ~’s / ~s n mortality / ~’s n mose v
ˈmɔ:ɹnɪn, -ɪŋ / -z m mɔ:ɹˈtalɪˌtəɪ, -ɪt- / mo:z
sp morning106, mor-ning3 / mɔ:ɹˈtalɪˌtəɪz sp mose1
mornings12 / mornings2
sp mortalitie6, mortality5,
pun S 132.5 mourning moss n
mortallitie2 / mortalities1
rh 1 calumny MM 3.2.175; infamy =
Morocco n
1H6 4.5.32; modesty Luc 403; rh 2 sp mosse3
məˈrɒko: beautify Luc 403; sky 1H6 4.7.22 rh dross CE 2.2.187
sp Morocho1, Morochus1, Moroco1,
Morrocho1 mortally adv moss / ~ed v
m ˈmɔ:ɹtəˌləɪ =
morris n
sp mortally1 sp moss’d1
sp morris2 mortal-staring adj moss-grown adj
rh chorus TNK 3.5.107 ˈmɔ:ɹtɑl-ˌstɛ:rɪn, -ɪŋ ˈmɒs-ˌɡro:n
sp mortall staring1 sp mosse-growne1
morris-dance n
> grow
ˈmɒrɪs-ˌdans mortar n
sp Morris-dance1 ˈmɔ:ɹtəɹ
sp morter1


most adj, adv, n motion / ~s n moulten adj

mo:st ˈmo:sɪən / -z ˈmo:ltən
sp most1131 sp motion71, motions [motion is]1 / sp moulten1
rh 1 boast S 25.4; rh 2 lost LLL motions12
1.1.143, S 152.6 rh ocean Luc 591 mount n
> foremost məʊnt
motion / ~s v sp mount6, Mount-[Mesena]1
mot / ~s Fr n ˈmo:sɪənz
mo sp motions1 mount / ~s / ~eth / ~ing /
sp mots5 ~ed v
motionless adj məʊnt / -s / ˈməʊnt·əθ / -ɪn,
mote n m ˈmo:sɪənˌles -ɪŋ / -ɪd
mo:t sp motionlesse1
sp mount26 / mounts6 / mounteth1
sp moth
/ mounting4 / mounted14
motive / ~s n
rh mount her encounter
moth / ~s n ˈmo:tɪv / -z VA 598
mo:θ / -s sp motiue15 / motiues5 > overmounting, surmount
sp moath1, moth2 / mothes1
rh oath, wrath MV 2.9.79 motley adj / n mountain adj
ˈmɒtləɪ ˈməʊntɪn
Moth [name] n sp motley5 / motley3, motley’s sp mountaine14, moun-taine1,
mo:θ, mo:t [motley is]1 emend of RJ 3.5.10 mountaines1
sp Moth5
motley-minded adj mountain / ~’s / ~s n
mother / ~’s / ~s / ~s’ n ˈmɒtləɪ-ˌməɪndɪd ˈməʊntɪn / -z
ˈmɤðəɹ / -z sp motley-minded1 sp mountaine17 / mountaines2,
336 1
sp mother , Mother-[England] , > mind mountains1 / mountaines19,
mo-ther2, mothers [mother is]2 / [turphie]-mountaines1
mo-thers1, mothers62 / mothers20 / mought v
mothers4 mɔ:t mountaineer / ~s n
rh another S 3.4, 8.11; brother Ham sp mought1 ˌməʊntɪˈni:ɹ / -z
3.4.29; other VA 863
sp mountaineer2 / mountaineers1,
> aunt-, god-, step-mother mould n mountayneeres1,
mo:ld [villaine]-mountainers1
mother-bleeding adj
sp mold1, mould7
ˈmɤðəɹ-ˌbli:dɪn, -ɪŋ > self-mould mountainous adj
sp mother-bleeding1 ˈməʊntnəs, -tɪn-
> bleed mould / ~s / ~eth / ~ed v sp mountainous1
mo:ld / -z / ˈmo:ld·əθ / -ɪd
mother-queen n mountain-squire n
sp mould1 / moulds1 / mouldeth1 /
ˈmɤðəɹ-ˌkwi:n molded2, moulded6 ˈməʊntɪn-ˌskwəɪɹ
sp mother queene1
sp mountaine-squier1
> queen mouldy adj
ˈmo:ldəɪ Mountanto n
mother-wit n
sp mouldie3, moul-die1, mouldy1 mɒnˈtanto:
sp Mountanto1
sp mother wit1 Mouldy [name] n
> wit ˈmo:ldəɪ mountebank / ~s n
mothy adj sp Mouldie10 ˈmɒntɪˌbaŋk / -s
sp mountebanke2 / mountebankes1,
ˈmo:θəɪ, -o:t- moult v mountebanks1
sp mo-thy1 mo:lt
sp moult1


mountebank v sp mouse-eaten1 movable / ~s n

ˈmɒntɪˌbaŋk > eat ˈmɤvəbəl, ˈmu:v- / -z
sp mountebanke1 mouse-hunt n sp mouable2 / moueables5

mounted adj ˈməʊs-ˌɤnt, -ˌhɤ- mov·e / ~est / ~s / ~eth / ~ing

ˈməʊntɪd sp mouse-hunt1 / ~ed v
> hunt
sp mounted2 mɤv, mu:v / -st / -z / ˈmɤv·əθ,
mousetrap n ˈmu:- / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / m -ɪd, mɤvd,
mounting adj
ˈməʊs-ˌtrap mu:-
ˈməʊntɪn, -ɪŋ
sp mouse-trap1 sp mooue6, moue90 / moou’st1,
sp mounting3, mou[n]ting1
> trap mou’st2 / mooues3, moues20 /
moueth1 / moouing1, mouing3 /
mourn / ~est / ~s / ~ing / mousing adj moou’d6, moud1, mou’d50, moued15
~ed v ˈməʊsɪn, -ɪŋ, -əʊzɪ- rh 1 prove R2 1.1.45; rh 2 love AY
mu:ɹn / -st / -z / ˈmu:ɹnɪn, -ɪŋ / sp mowsing1 4.3.56, CE 4.2.14, Ham 2.1.118,
mu:ɹnd 2.2.116, 3.2.192, LLL 4.3.53, MND
sp mourn1, mourne22 / mournst1 / mouth / ~s n 1.1.197, PP 19.15, 19.19, RJ 1.3.98,
mournes2 / mourning19 / mourn’d5 məʊθ / -s S 47.11, TN 2.5.97, 3.1.160, VA 435;
pun mourning S 132.9 morning move me love thee MND 3.1.133;
sp mouth127 / mouthes24, mouths9,
move us love us CE 3.2.24 / loving S
mourner / ~s n 26.9 / flood Per 3.Chorus.46
rh drouth Per 3.Chorus.7, VA 542;
ˈmu:ɹnəɹ / -z south KJ 2.1.414
> remove
sp mourner3 / mourners1
mouth / ~ed v moved adj
mournful adj məʊð / -d m mɤvd, mu:-, ˈmɤvɪd, ˈmu:-
ˈmu:ɹnfʊl sp mooued1, moued3
sp mouth3 / mouth’d1
> unmoved
sp mournefull2, mournfull4
mouthed adj
mournfully adv mover / ~s n
m ˈməʊðɪd
m ˈmu:ɹnfʊˌləɪ ˈmɤvəɹ, ˈmu:- / -z
sp mouthed1
sp mouer1 / moouers1, mouers1
sp mournfully1 > deep-, foul-, honey-, humble-,
narrow-, stretch-, venom-mouthed moving adj / n
mourning adj / n
ˈmu:ɹnɪn, -ɪŋ mouth-filling adj ˈmɤvɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈmu:-
m ˌməʊθ-ˈfɪlɪn, -ɪŋ sp mouing10 / moouing1, mouing4
sp mourning7 / mourning2
1 > best-, heaven-, mirth-moving
pun n S 132.9 morning sp mouth-filling
> fill moving adv
mourningly adv
ˈmu:ɹnɪnləɪ, -ɪŋ- mouth-friend / ~s n ˈmɤvɪnləɪ, -ɪŋ-, ˈmu:-
ˈməʊθ-ˌfrenz, -ndz sp mouingly1
sp mourningly1
sp mouth-friends movousus nonsense word
mouse / mice n > friend
məʊs / məɪs məˈvu:səs
mouth-honour n sp movousus1
sp mouse13 / mice3, myce1
rh house MND 5.1.377 ˈməʊθ-ˌɒnəɹ
mow [grimace] / ~s n
sp mouth-honor1
mous·e / ~ing / ~ed v mo: / -z
ˈməʊzɪn, -ɪŋ / məʊzd mouth-made adj sp mow1, mowe1 / mowes3
1 1 ˈməʊθ-ˌmɛ:d rh no, toe Tem 4.1.47
sp mousing / mouz’d
sp mouth-made1 mow [grimace] v
mouse-eaten adj > make
ˈməʊs-ˌi:tən mo:
sp moe1


mow [grass] / ~ing / ~ed v mudd·y / ~ied v Mulmutius n

mo: / ˈmo:ɪn, -ɪŋ / mo:d ˈmɤdəɪd məlˈmju:sɪʊs
sp mow1, mowe3 / mowing1 / sp muddied3 sp Mulmutius2
rh brow S 60.12 muddy-mettled adj multipl·y / ~ied v
ˈmɤdəɪ-ˌmetld ˈmɤltɪˌpləɪ / -d
Mowbray / ~’s n sp muddy-metled sp multiply1 / multiplied1,
ˈmo:brɛ: / -z [bosome]-multiplied1, multiplyed1
sp Mowbray26 / Mowbraies1, muffin / ~s n
Mowbrayes5 ˈmɤfɪnz multiplying adj
sp muffins1 ˈmɤltɪˌpləɪɪn, -ɪŋ
mower / ~’s n sp multiplying4
ˈmo:əɹz muffl·e / ~ing / ~ed v
sp mowers1 ˈmɤfəl / ˈmɤflɪn, -ɪŋ / ˈmɤfəld multipotent adj
sp muffle / muffling / muffled 1 1 m məlˈtɪpəˌtent
moy / ~s [Pistol misunder- sp multipotent1
standing of moi, H muffled adj
..ff] n ˈmɤfəld multitude / ~s n
məɪ / -z sp muffeld2, muffled4, mufled1 ˈmɤltɪˌtju:d / -z
sp moy1 / moyes2 sp multitude17, multi-tude1 /
muffler n multitudes7
Moyses n ˈmɤfləɹ
ˈməɪzɪz sp muffler4
multitudinous adj
sp Moyses1 ˌmɤltɪˈtju:dnəs, -dɪn-
Mugges n sp multitudinous2
much adj, adv, n mɤɡz
mɤtʃ, Caius MW .. mɤʃ sp Mugges1
Muly n
sp much , [as]much , 1 ˈmju:ləɪ
[too]-much1, Caius mush1 mulberr·y / ~ies n sp emend of Muliteus1
rh such LLL 4.3.130, MA 3.1.108; m ˈmɤlbəˌrəɪ, -brəɪ /
touch MND 3.2.71, RJ 1.5.97, ˈmɤlbəˌrəɪz mum interj
VA 442 2
sp mulberry / mulberries 1 mɤm
> overmuch rh 1 bees, courtesies, dewberries sp mum11, mumme1
MND 3.1.162; rh 2 arise, butterflies, rh crumb, some KL 1.4.192
muck n
eyes, thighs MND 3.1.162
mɤk mumbl·e / ~ing v
sp muck1 mule / ~s n ˈmɤmblɪn, -ɪŋ
= sp mumbling1
mud n 4 4
sp mule / mules
mɤd mumble-news n
sp mud , mudde 2
muleter / ~s n ˈmɤmbəl-ˌnju:z
rh blood, flood LC 46; bud Luc 850, ˈmju:lətəɹz sp mumble-newes1
S 35.2 1
sp muleters , emend of AC 3.7.35
mumbling adj
mud / ~ded v ˈmɤmblɪn, -ɪŋ
ˈmɤdɪd mulier / ~es Lat n sp mumbling1
sp mudded2 ˈmu:lɪɛ:ɹ / mʊlɪˈɛ:rez
sp mulier2 / mulieres1
mummer / ~s n
muddy adj ˈmɤməɹz
ˈmɤdəɪ mulled adj sp mum-mers1
sp muddie3, muddy7 mɤld
rh study TNK 3.5.121 sp mull’d1


mummy n murdering adj Murray n

ˈmɤməɪ ˈmɐ:ɹðrɪn, -ɪŋ, -ðər- ˈmɤrɛ:
sp mummey2, mummie1 sp murd’ring1, murthering1, sp Murry1
mun nonsense word murrion adj
mɤn murdering piece n ˈmɤrɪən
sp mun1 ˈmɐ:ɹðrɪn ˌpi:s, -ɪŋ, -ðər- sp murrion1
sp murdering peece1
munch / ~ed v Muscadel n
mɤntʃ / -t murderous adj ˌmɤskəˈdel
sp munch1 / mouncht3 m ˈmɐ:ɹðrəs, -ərəs, -əˌrɤs sp Muscadell1
sp murderous4, murdrous2,
muniment / ~s n murd’rous8, murtherous6, Muscovite / ~s n
m ˈmɤnɪˌments murth’rous1 m ˈmɤskəˌvɪts
sp muniments1 sp Muscouites2, Muscouits1
mure n rh wits LLL 5.2.265
munition n mju:ɹ
m məˈnɪsɪən, -sɪˌɒn sp mure1 Muscovy n
sp munition 2 m ˈmɤskəˌvəɪ
Murellus sp Muscouie1
murder / ~’s / ~s n > Marullus rh me, perjury LLL 5.2.393
ˈmɐ:ɹðəɹ / -z
murk n Muse / ~s n
sp murder18, mur-der1, murther62,
mur-ther1, murther’s [murder is]1 /
mɐ:ɹk =
murders1 murthers2 / murthers11 sp murke1 sp Muse2 / Muses1
rh further VA 906 rh use S 21.1, 78.1, 82.1
murk·y / ~iest adj
murder / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v ˈmɐ:ɹkəɪ / -əst muse / ~d v
ˈmɐ:ɹðəɹ / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ, -ðr- / m sp murky1 / murkiest1 =
-d, -ˌed sp muse13 / mus’d1
murmur n
sp murder4, mur-der1, murther26 /
1 1 2
murders , murthers / murd’ring ,
ˈmɐ:ɹməɹ music / ~’s / ~s n
1 2
murthering / murder’d , murdered , 3 sp murmure3 =
murdred11, murther’d10, murthered9 sp musick21, musicke148, mu-sicke3,
rh dead R2 5.6.40
murmur / ~est / ~ing / musique19 / musickes1 / musickes2
~ed v
murdered adj ˈmɐ:ɹməɹ / -st / -ɪn, -ɪŋ, -mr- musical adj
ˈmɐ:ɹðəɹd / -d ˈmju:zɪˌkɑl, -ɪk-
sp murther’d1, murthered1 sp murmore1 / murmur’st1 / sp musicall7
murmuring1 / murmur’d1 > unmusical
murdered n
m ˈmɐ:ɹðəˌred murmurer / ~s n musician / ~s n
sp murthered1 ˈmɐ:ɹmərəɹz mju:ˈzɪsɪən, -sɪˌɒn / -z
sp murmurers1 sp musician1, musitian9, musiti-an1 /
murderer / ~’s / ~s n musitians8, musitions5
m ˈmɐ:ɹðrəɹ, -ðər-, -ðəˌrɛ:ɹ murmuring adj
/ -z ˈmɐ:ɹmrɪn, -ɪŋ, -mər- musing / ~s n
sp murderer , murderour , 1
sp murmuring 3 ˈmju:zɪn, -ɪŋ / -z
murtherer22, murthe-rer1, murth’rer1 sp musing4 / musings1
/ murderers1, murtherers2 / murrain n
murderers2, murderors1, ˈmɤrən musk n
murtherers12 sp murrain1, murren2
rh appear Per 4.Chorus.52 sp muske1


musk-cat n muster / ~s n mutineer / ~s n

ˈmɤsˌkat ˈmɤstəɹ / -z m ˈmju:tɪˌni:ɹ / -z
sp muscat1 sp muster2 / musters5 sp mutineere1 / mutiners1

musket / ~s n muster / ~ing / ~ed v mutinous adj

ˈmɤskɪts ˈmɤstəɹ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ, -tr- / -d m ˈmju:tɪˌnɤs, -tnəs
sp muskets1 sp muster13 / mustring1 / muster’d4 sp mutenous1, mutinous7

Muskos adj muster-book n mutin·y / ~ies n

ˈmɤskɒs ˈmɤstəɹ-ˌbʊk m ˈmju:tɪˌnəɪ, -tnəɪ / -z
sp Muskos1 sp muster-booke1 sp mutinie9, mutiny7 / mutinies3
> book rh 1 dignity RJ Prol.3; harmony LLL
muskrose / ~s n 1.1.167; jealousy VA 651; knee 1H6
m ˈmɤskˌro:z / ˌmɤskˈro:zɪz muster-file n 5.1.62; readily Luc 1153; rh 2 fly Luc
sp muske rose / muske roses 2 ˈmɤstəɹ-ˌfəɪl 1153; supply 1H6 1.1.160
> rose sp muster file1
> file
mutin·y / ~ies v
muss n m ˈmju:tɪˌnəɪ, -tɪn-, -tn- /
mɤs musty adj ˈmju:tnəɪz, -tɪn-
sp musse 1 ˈmɤstəɪ sp mutinie1, mutiny5 / mutinies1
sp mustie2, musty6
mussel / ~s n Mutius n
ˈmɤsəlz mutabilit·y / ~ies n ˈmju:tɪəs
sp mussels1 m ˌmju:təˈbɪlɪˌtəɪ, -ɪt- / -ɪtəɪz sp Mutius7
1 1
sp mutabilitie , mutability /
mussel-shell n mutabilities1 mutter / ~ed v
ˈmɤsəl-ˌʃel ˈmɤtəɹ / m ˈmɤtəˌrɪd
sp mussel-shell1
mutable adj sp mutter4 / muttered1
> shell =
sp mutable1 mutton / ~s n
must v ˈmɤtən / -z
mɤst mutation / ~s n sp mutton7, [lac’d]-mutton2,
sp must 1451 mju:ˈtɛ:sɪən / -z [lost]-mutton2 / muttons2
rh distrust Ham 3.2.175; dust Cym sp mutation1 / mutations1
4.2.262, 268, 274, 3H6 5.2.28; trust mutual adj
AW 2.1.205 mute / ~est adj ˈmju:twɑl
= sp mutuall13
mustachio n 9
sp mute / mutest 1

mɤsˈtaʃɪo: rh fruit S 97.12; impute S 83.11; lute mutually adj

sp mustachio1, mustachio-[purple- Per 4.Chorus.26; suit AW 2.3.76, LLL m ˈmju:twɑˌləɪ
hu’d-maltwormes]1 5.2.277, VA 208, 335 sp mutually5
rh villainy MW 5.5.99
mustard n mute / ~s n
ˈmɤstəɹd = muzzle n
sp mustard9 sp mute3 / mutes2 ˈmɤzəl
sp mussell1, muzzle1
Mustardseed [name] n mutine / ~s n
ˈmɤstəɹdˌsi:d ˈmju:tɪnz muzzle / ~d v
sp Mustardseed2, Mustard-seede3, sp mutines2 ˈmɤzəl / -d
Mustard seede1 sp muzzle1 / muzzel’d1
> seed mutine v
ˈmju:tɪn muzzled adj
sp mutine1 ˈmɤzəld


sp muzled1 myrtle PP n sp misterie5, mistrie1, mysterie7,

> unmuzzle ˈmɐ:ɹtl mystery4, my-stery1 / misteries1,
my sp mertill1, mertle1
rh kirtle PP 19.12 Mytilene Per n
myself m ˈmɪtəˌlɪn, -lɪn
Myrmidon / ~s n sp Metalin1, Metaline5, Meteline1,
m ˈmɐ:ɹmɪˌdɤn / -z, -ɪdənz Metiliue1, Mettelyne1, Mittelin1
sp Myrmidon1 / Mermidons1, myster·y / ~ies n rh 1 din Per 5.2.8 [Chorus]; rh 2
Myrmidons5 then Per 4.4.51
m ˈmɪstəˌrəɪ, -tər-, -tr- / -z


nag / ~s n 2H6 2.1.194, LLL 1.1.153, 2.1.185, Naples n

4.3.48, 201, Luc 892, R2 1.1.167,
= ˈnɛ:pəlz
S 36.12, 95.3, 127.2, TC 5.3.124 [Q],
sp nagge2 / nagges1 sp Naples30, Na-ples1
5.10.34, TG 1.2.16
> surname
Naiades n Naps [name] n
ˈnəɪəˌdi:z name / ~st / ~s / ~d v =
sp Nayades1 nɛ:m / -st / -z / -d sp Naps1
60 1 2
sp name / namest / names /
nail / ~s n Narbon n
nam’d18, named3, na-med1
nɛ:l / -z, mispronunciation by > forenamed, overname
ˈnɑ:ɹbən, nɑ:ɹˌbɒn
Katherine H .. ˈmɛ:li:z sp Narbon3
11 1 11
sp naile , nayle / nailes , nails , 2 nameless adj
nayles15, Katherine maylees1 ˈnɛ:mləs Narcissus n
rh fail Cor 4.7.54; pail LLL 5.2.902 / 1
sp nameles , namelesse 2 nɑ:ɹˈsɪsəs
assails Luc 1564 sp Narcissus1
> door-, hob-nail namely adv
ˈnɛ:mləɪ narine / ~s Fr n
nail / ~ed v 6 naˈrin
sp namely
nɛ:ld sp narines1
sp nail’d naming n
ˈnɛ:mɪn, -ɪŋ narrow adj
naked adj 4 ˈnarə, -ro:
sp naming
ˈnɛ:kɪd sp narrow19
50 1
sp naked , [starke]-nak’d Nan n
= narrowly adv
nakedness n 11 m ˈnarəˌləɪ, -ro:-
sp Nan
m ˈnɛ:kɪdˌnes sp narrowly2
3 1
sp nakednesse , na-kednesse nap n
= narrow-mouthed adj
name / ~’s / ~s n 3
sp nap , nappe 1 ˈnarə-ˌməʊðd, -ro:-
nɛ:m / -z sp narrow-mouth’d1
569 2
sp name , names [name is] , nap / ~ping v > mouth
names [name, emend of RJ 2.2.43, ˈnapɪn, -ɪŋ
3.1.150]2 / names2, name’s4 / Naso n
sp napping2
names46 ˈnɑ:so:
rh blame CE 3.1.44, VA 794, 994; nape / ~s n sp Naso2
blame, shame Luc 621; defame,
shame Luc 814; fame 1H6 4.6.38, LLL nasty adj
sp napes1
1.1.93, Luc 108, Per Epil.12, R3 1.4.82, ˈnastəɪ
S 80.2; same Cym 4.2.381, LLL
napkin / ~s n sp nastie1, nasty1
2.1.181, PT 39, S 76.7, 108.8; same,
shame LLL 1.1.117, Luc 599; shame
AW 2.1.172, CE 2.1.112, 1H6 4.4.9, sp napkin13 / napkins5


Nathaniel / ~’s n naughtily adv neaf n

nəˈtanɪəl, = / -z m ˈnɔ:tɪˌləɪ ni:f
sp Nathaniel6 / Nathaniels1 sp naughtily1 sp neafe1, neaffe1

natif / ~s Fr naughty adj néanmoins Fr adv

naˈtif ˈnɔ:təɪ neɑ̃ˈmwɛ̃
sp natifs1 sp naughtie6, naughty9 sp neant-mons1, neant moys1

nation / ~’s / ~s n Navarre n Neapolitan adj

ˈnɛ:sɪən / -z nəˈvɑ:ɹ =
sp nation26, natio[n]1, na-tion1 / sp Nauar9, Nauarre2 sp Neopolitane1
nations2 / nations7
rh imitation R2 2.1.22 nave n Neapolitan / ~’s / ~s n
nɛ:v =
native adj / n sp naue3 sp Neapolitan1, Neopolitan2 / Neo-
ˈnɛ:tɪv pun 2H4 2.4.250 knave politans1 / Neapolitanes1
sp natiue41 / natiue2
navel n near adj
nativity n ˈnɛ:vəl ni:ɹ / ˈni:r·əɹ / -əst, ni:ɹst
m nəˈtɪvɪˌtəɪ, -ɪt- sp nauell1 sp neare1, neere41, neere’s [near is]1
sp natiuitie9, natiuity4 / nearer1, neerer3 / neerest4,
rh be MND 5.1.403; infamy Luc 538 navigation n neer’st1
ˌnavɪˈɡɛ:sɪən rh 1 appear, dear MND 2.2.40; cheer
natural adj / n sp nauigation1 S 97.14; fear Ham 1.3.44; rh 2 were S
m ˈnatrɑl, -tər-, -tjər-, -təˌrɑl 140.7; rh 3 elsewhere S 61.14 /
sp natural1, naturall55 / naturall2 navy n dearer Luc 1165
> super-, un-natural ˈnɛ:vəɪ
near adv
sp nauie7, nauies [navy is]1, nauy2
naturalize v ni:ɹ / ˈni:r·əɹ / -əst, ni:ɹst
ˈnatrəˌləɪz, -tjər- nay adv sp neare3, neere56, nere1 / nearer1,
sp naturalize 1
nɛ: neerer7 / neerest2
rh 1 dear MND 2.2.50; deer LLL
sp naie1, nay588
naturally adv 4.1.116; fear Per 3.Chorus.51; here
rh away TNK 3.5.70; grey MND
m ˈnatəɹˌləɪ, ˈnatəˌrɑləɪ, -tjəɹ- MND 2.2.22; rh 2 harbinger PT 8;
3.1.126; say PP 18.32; way MV
rh 3 there MND 2.2.142, S 136.1
sp naturally4 3.2.229
> well-a-near
> unnaturally
nayword n
nature / ~’s / ~s n near n
ˈnɛ:təɹ / -z 1 1 2
sp nay-ward , nayword , nay-word
sp neere2
sp nature325, [creating]-nature1, > word
na-ture3, nature’s [nature is]2 /
Nazarite n near / ~er / ~est prep
natures30 / natures25, na-tures1
rh defeature VA 734 ˈnazəˌrəɪt ni:ɹ / ˈni:r·əɹ / -əst
> demi-, dis-, honest-, sourest- sp neare1, neer1, neere89, nere1,
sp Nazarite1
natured ne’re1 / neerer6 / neerest4
ne, abbr n Fr adv rh near thee forbear thee Cym
naught, nought n nə, abbr n 4.2.279
= sp ne3, abbr n’1, n[et]1 near-bred adj
sp naught42, nought33, nought’s
[nought is]1 ne Lat particle m ˌni:ɹ-ˈbred
rh 1 thought Mac 4.1.69, R3 3.6.13, sp neere bred1
S 57.11, TG 1.1.68; wrought VA 993; > breed
sp ne2
rh 2 oft PP 18.42


near-changing adj Nebuchadnezzar n need / ~s n

m ˌni:ɹ-ˈtʃɛ:ndʒɪn, -ɪŋ nəˌbʊkədˈnezəɹ =
sp nere-changing1 sp Nabuchadnezar1 sp need40, neede32 / needs2
> change rh feed AY 2.7.170; indeed PP 20.50;
nec Lat conj proceed LLL 4.3.287; speed 2H4
nearer n nek 1.1.215, KJ 1.1.179, S 51.4
ˈni:ɹəɹ sp nec1
rh here R2 5.1.88
need / ~est / ~s / PP ~ing /
sp neerer1
necessarily adv ~ed v
ˌnesɪˈsarɪləɪ = / ni:dst / = / ˈni:dɪn, -ɪŋ / =
nearest n sp necessarilie1 sp need49, neede53 / need’st5 /
ˈni:rəst, -ni:ɹst needes40, needs97 / needing1 /
sp nearest1, neerest1, neer’st2
necessar·y / ~ies n needed3
m ˈnesɪˌsarəɪ, -ɪsrəɪ / -z rh deed R2 5.6.38; exceed S 83.1;
near-legged adj sp necessarie4, neces-sarie1, need ’em freedom Tim 1.2.68 /
m ˌni:ɹ-ˈleɡd necessary13 / necessaries6 weeds Mac 5.2.29 / bleeding
> unnecessary PP 17.15
sp neere leg’d1
> never-needed
> leg
necessit·y / ~y’s / ~ies n
nearly adv m nəˈsesɪˌtəɪ, -ɪtəɪ / -z needer n
ˈni:ɹləɪ 20
sp necessitie , necessity / 14 ˈni:dəɹ
necessities1 / necessities12 sp needer1
sp nearely1, neerely4
rh dearly S 42.4 rh be Per 2.Chorus.6; decree LLL
1.1.146; me LLL 1.1.152, MV 1.3.152
needful adj
nearness n =
ˈni:ɹnəs necessit·y / ~ied v sp needefull2, needful1, needfull26
sp neerenesse 1 m nəˈsesɪˌtəɪd
sp necessitied1
needing S n
near to / ~er ~ / ~est ~ prep ˈni:dɪn, -ɪŋ
ˈni:ɹ tə, -tʊ / -əɹ- / -əst- neck / ~s n sp needing1
sp neere to11 / neerer to2 / neerest
=, Katherine H ..ff nɪk / rh feeding S 118.8
to1 -s
needle / ~’s / ~s n
sp neck13, necke56, Katherine nick5 /
neat adj neckes9, necks2
= rh back VA 593 sp needle6 / needles1 / needles3,
> break-neck, wry-necked needl’s1
sp neat6, neate3

neat / ~’s n necklace n needless adj

= = =
sp necke-lace1 sp needlesse10
sp neat2 / neates-[lea-ther]1, neats4

neat-herd / ~s n nectar n needlework n

ˈni:t-ˌɐ:ɹdz, -ˌhɐ:- ˈnektəɹ ˈni:dlˌwɔ:ɹk
sp nectar2 sp needle worke1
sp neat-heards1
> work
neatly adv Ned n
needly adv
ˈni:tləɪ =
sp Ned20
sp neatly1
sp needly1
neb n Nedar / ~’s n
ˈni:dəɹz needy adj
sp Nedars 2 ˈni:dəɪ
sp neb1


sp needie3, needy1, neglection n neighbors8, neighbours16 /

needy-[hollow-ey’d]1 nɪˈɡleksɪən neighbors1

ne’er, ne’ertheless sp neglection2 neighbour / ~ed v

> never, nevertheless negligence n ˈnɛ:bəɹd
m ˈneɡlɪˌdʒens, -dʒəns sp neighbour’d3
neeze v
= sp negligence12 neighbourhood n
rh dispense, hence Luc 1278; thence
sp neeze1 m ˈnɛ:bəɹˌʊd, -ˌhʊd
LC 35
sp neighbourhood1,
nefas Lat adj neighbour-hood2
negligent adj
m ˈneɡlɪˌdʒent, -dʒənt neighbouring adj
sp nefas1
sp negligent7
ˈnɛ:brɪn, -ɪŋ, -bər-
negation n > wilful-negligent
sp neighbouring3
nɪˈɡɛ:sɪən negotiate v
sp negation1 neighbourly adj
2 m ˈnɛ:bəɹˌləɪ, -ɹl-
negative adj sp negotiate
sp neighbourly2
m ˈneɡəˌtɪv negotiation / ~s n > unneighbourly
sp negatiue1 nɪˌɡo:sɪˈɛ:sɪənz neighbour-shepherd / ~s n
negative / ~s sp negotiations1
n ˈnɛ:bəɹ-ˌʃepəɹdz
ˈneɡətɪvz negro / ~’s n sp neighbour-shepheards1
sp negatiues1 ˈni:ɡro:z > shepherd

neglect n sp negroes1 neighbour-stained adj

= neigh / ~s n m ˈnɛ:bəɹ-ˌstɛ:nɪd
sp neglect8 nɛ: / -z sp neighbor-stained1
rh respect KL 1.1.254 > stain
sp neigh2 / neighes1, neighs1
neglect / ~est / ~ing / ~ed v neither adj / adv / conj / pro
neigh / ~ing / ~ed v
= / nɪˈɡlekst, -ktst / nɪˈɡlektɪn, ˈnɛðəɹ, ˈnɛ:-, ˈni:-
nɛ:, Holofernes LLL ..
-ɪŋ / = sp neither5, neyther1 / neither47,
13 1
nɛ:x / ˈnɛ:ɪn, -ɪŋ / nɛ:d nei-ther1, neyther10, ney-ther1 /
sp neglect / neglectst /
sp neigh5, Holofernes describing neither69, neyther21 / neither22,
neglecting2 / neglected7
Armado ne1 / neighing3 / neigh’d1 nei-ther1, neyther3
rh defect, expect Luc 152 /
respected Per 2.2.12 rh adv together LLL 4.3.189 / pro
neighing adj rh 1 either CE 3.1.67; rh 2 hither CE
neglected adj ˈnɛ:ɪn, -ɪŋ 3.1.67; whither WT 4.4.303; rh 3
= sp neighing2 together PT 43; whether PP 7.18
sp neglected5 neighbour adj Nell n
neglecting n ˈnɛ:bəɹ =
nɪˈɡlektɪn, -ɪŋ sp neighbor2, neighbor-[confines]1, sp Nel3, Nell13
1 neighbour3,
sp neglecting
neighbour-[neerenesse]1 Nemean adj
> self-neglecting
neglectingly adv neighbour / ~’s / ~s / ~s' n sp Nemean1, Nemian1
m nɪˈɡlektɪnˌləɪ, -ɪŋ- ˈnɛ:bəɹ, Holofernes LLL ..
sp neglectingly1
ˈnɛ:xbəɹ / -z nemesis n
sp neighbor5, neighbour25, ˈnemɪˌsɪs
neigh-bour3, Holofernes describing sp nemesis1
Armado nebour1 / neighbours2 /


Neoptolymus n Nestor n rh 1 ever MA 2.3.63, R2 2.2.148; rh 2

ˌni:əpˈtɒlɪməs ˈnestəɹ fever S 119.6; abbr Jupiter Tem 4.1.76

sp Neoptolymus1 sp Nester1, Nestor23, Ne-stor1 never-daunted adj

nephew / ~’s / ~s n Nestor-like adj ˈnevəɹ-ˈdɔ:ntɪd
ˈnefju:, -ev- ˈnestəɹ-ˌləɪk sp neuer-daunted1
> daunt
sp nephew27, nephewe1 / sp Nestor-like1
nephewes4 / nephewes1, never-dying adj
ne-phewes1, nephews2 net / ~s n
ˈnevəɹ-ˈdəɪɪn, -ɪŋ
Neptune / ~’s n sp neuer-dying1
sp net6 / nets2
ˈneptjən / -z > die
rh fret VA 67
sp Neptune10 / Neptunes8 never-heard-of adj
nether adj
Nereides ˈnevəɹ-ˈɐ:ɹd-əv, -hɐ:-
n ˈneðəɹ
ˈnerɪˌdi:z sp neuer heard-of1
sp neather1, nether2, nether-[lip]1
> hear
sp Nereides1
Netherlands n never-needed adj
Nerissa / ~’s n m ˈneðəɹˌlands ˈnevəɹ-ˈni:dɪd
nəˈrɪsə / -z sp Netherlands1
sp neuer-needed1
sp Nerissa2, Nerrissa19, Ner-rissa1,
nether-stocks n > need
Nerryssa2 / Nerrissas1
ˈneðəɹ-ˌstɒks never-quenching adj
Nero / ~’s n sp nether-stocks1, nether stockes1 ˈnevəɹ-ˈkwentʃɪn, -ɪŋ
ˈnero: / -z > stock
sp neuer-quenching1
sp Nero3 / Nero’s1
nettle / ~s n > quench
nerve / ~s n = never-surfeited adj
ˈnɐ:ɹv / -z sp nettle5 / net-tels1, nettles5 ˈnevəɹ-ˈsɐ:ɹfɪtɪd
sp nerue2 / nerues6
nettle / ~d v sp neuer surfeited1
= nevertheless, abbr
Nervii n sp netled2 ne’er~ adv
nettle-seed n ˌnɛ:ɹðəˈles
sp Neruij1
= sp nere the lesse2
nervy adj sp nettle-seed1 never-touched, abbr
ˈnɐ:ɹvəɪ > seed
1 ne’er-~ adj
sp neruie
neuter n ˈnɛ:ɹ-ˌtɤtʃt
Nessus n ˈnju:təɹ sp ne’re touch’d1
= sp neuter 1 > touch
sp Nessus2
neutral adj / n never-withering adj
nest / ~s n ˈnju:trɑl ˈnevəɹ-ˈwɪðrɪn, -ɪŋ, -ðər-
= sp neutrall1, newtrall1 / newtrall1 sp neuer-withering1
1 22
sp neast , nest , [swannes]-nest /1 > wither
nests2 never, abbr ne’er adv
never-yet adj
rh best 2H6 2.1.183, Luc 1611; ˈnevəɹ, abbr nɛ:ɹ
breast, rest PT 56; west VA 532 / 977 10 ˈnɛ:ɹ-ˌjɪt
sp neuer , ne-uer , neuer’s [never
behests, breasts Luc 849 is]1, abbr ne’r2, nere75, ne’re121, sp nere-yet1
neu’r11 > yet


Neville / ~’s / ~s / ~s’ n new-come adj sp new-found1

= ˈnju:-ˌkɤm > find

sp Neuil1, Neuill1 / Neuils1 / sp new-come2 Newgate-fashion adv

Neuills1, Neuils2 / Neuils2 > come
new adj new-crowned adj sp Newgate fashion1
= / ˈnju:·əɹ / -əst, ˈnju:st m ˌnju:-ˈkrəʊnɪd > fashion

sp new175, new-[spring]1 / newer4 / sp new crowned1 new-haled adj

newest5, news’t1 > crown
m ˌnju:-ˈɛ:lɪd, -ˈhɛ-
rh adieu KL 1.1.187, Mac 2.4.38;
adieu, true R2 5.3.145; true S 93.3; new-dated adj sp new haled1
view S 27.12, 56.10, 110.4; you CE m ˌnju:-ˈdɛ:tɪd > hale
3.2.39, MV 3.2.134, S 15.14, 53.8, sp new-dated1 new-hatched adj
76.11 > date
m ˌnju:-ˈatʃt, -ˈha-
new adv / n new-delivered adj sp new hatch’d1
= ˈnju:-dɪˈlɪvəɹd > hatch
sp new35 / new1 sp new deliuered2 new-healed adj
rh adv true S 68.12; n true PP 18.22; > deliver
view S 56.10 ˈnju:-ˌi:ld, -ˌhi:-
> a-, fire-new; news new-devised adj sp new-heal’d2
ˈnju:-dɪˌvəɪzd > heal
new-apparelled adj
sp new deuis’d1 new-inspired adj
= > devise
sp new apparel’d 1 m ˌnju:-ɪnˈspəɪɹd
> apparel new-dyed adj sp new inspir’d1
ˈnju:-ˈdəɪd > inspire
new-appearing adj
sp new dy’de1 newly adv
ˈnju:-əˈpi:rɪn, -ɪŋ > dye
sp new appearing 1 ˈnju:ləɪ
> appear new-fallen adj sp newly28, newly [borne]1
ˈnju:-ˌfɑln newly-born adj
new-beaten adj
sp new-falne2
ˌnju:-ˈbi:tən, -ˈbɛ:- ˈnju:ləɪ-ˈbɔ:ɹn
> fall
sp new beaten1 sp newly borne1
> beat new-fangled adj > born
m ˌnju:-ˈfaŋɡəld new-made adj
new-born adj
sp new fangled1, new-fang-led1
m ˈnju:-ˌbɔ:ɹn, ˌnju:-ˈbɔ:ɹn m ˈnju:-ˌmɛ:d, ˌnju:-ˈmɛ:d
> fangled
sp new-borne2, new-borne-[babe]1, sp new-made4, new made4
new borne3, now borne1 new-fired adj > make
rh outworn, torn Luc 1759; worn LLL m ˌnju:-ˈfəɪɹd
4.3.242 new-married adj
sp new-fir’d1
> born m ˌnju:-ˈmarəɪd
rh desired S 153.9
> fire sp new-maried1, new-married1, new
new-built adj married1
m ˈnju:-ˌbɪlt, ˌnju:-ˈbɪlt new-formed adj > marry
sp new-built1, new built1 m ˌnju:-ˈfɔ:ɹmd
> build newness n
sp new form’d1
> form
new-christened adj sp newnes1, newnesse2
m ˌnju:-ˈkrɪsənd new-found adj
sp new christned1 ˈnju:-ˌfəʊnd
> christen


new-planted adj new-trimmed adj nicely adv

m ˌnju:-ˈplɔ:ntɪd, -lan- ˈnju:-ˈtrɪmd ˈnəɪsləɪ
sp new-planted1 sp new trim’d1 sp nicely8
> plant > trim
niceness n
new-risen adj new-trothed adj ˈnəɪsnəs
ˈnju:-ˈrɪzən ˈnju:-ˌtro:ðd sp nicenesse1
sp new risen1 sp new trothed1
> rise > troth nice-preserved adj
m ˈnəɪs-prɪˈzɐ:ɹvɪd
news n new-tuned adj sp nice-preserued1
= ˈnju:-ˌtju:nd > preserve
sp newes305, [stiffe]-newes1, news7 sp new-tuned1
rh ensues WT 4.1.26 > tune nicety n
ˈnəɪstəɪ, -sət-
new-sad adj new-year’s adj sp nicetie1
= ˈnju:-ˌji:ɹz
sp new sad-[soule]1 sp new-yeares1 Nicholas n
> year ˈnɪkləs, -kəl-
news-crammed adj sp Nicholas9, Nicolas1
ˈnjuz-ˌkramd next adj / adv / n / prep
sp newes-cram’d1 = nick n
> cram sp next97 / next30 / next21 / next10 =
rh adj text Per 2.Chorus.39, RJ 4.1.20 sp nicke1
new-shed adj
ˈnju:-ˌʃed next to prep nick / ~s / ~ed v
sp new-shed-[blood] 1 = =
> shed sp next to3 sp nickes1 / nickt1

newsmonger / ~s n nibbl·e / ~ing v Nick [name] n

ˈnjuz-ˌmɤŋɡəɹz ˈnɪblɪn, -ɪŋ =
sp newes-mongers1 sp nibling1 sp Nick1, Nicke1

new-store v nibling adj nickname n/v

ˈnju:-ˌstɔ:ɹ ˈnɪblɪn, -ɪŋ ˈnɪknɛ:m
sp new-store1 sp nibling1 sp nickname3 / nickname2
> store
Nicanor n niece / ~’s / ~s n
newt / ~s n nɪˈkɛ:nəɹ =
= sp Nicanor1, Ni-canor1 sp neece57, neice1, niece5 / neeces1
sp newt2 / newts1 / neeces1
nice / ~r adj
new-taken, abbr ta’n adj nəɪs / ˈnəɪsəɹ niggard adj / n / v
ˈnju:-ˌtɛ:n sp nice27, nice-[longing]1 / nicer1 ˈnɪɡəɹd
sp new tane1 rh advice, entice Luc 1412; dice LLL sp niggard2 / niggard3 / niggard1
> take 5.2.232; price LLL 5.2.222
niggarding n
new-transformed adj nice n ˈnɪɡəɹdɪn, -ɪŋ
ˈnju:-transˈfɔ:ɹmɪd nəɪs sp niggarding1
sp new transformed1 sp nice1 rh spring S 1.12
> transform rh dice LLL 5.2.325


niggardly adj / adv night-alarm n nightmare n

m ˈnɪɡəɹdləɪ, -dˌl- / ˈnɪɡəɹdləɪ ˈnəɪt-əˌlɑ:ɹm ˈnəɪtmɛ:ɹ
sp niggardly2, niggard-ly1 / nigardly1 sp night-alarme1 sp night-mare1
> alarm
nigh adj / adv / prep night-owl / ~’s / ~s n
nəɪ night-brawler n ˈnəɪt-ˌəʊl / -z
sp nye2 / nie4, nigh6, nye3 / nie1, ˈnəɪt-ˌbrɔ:ləɹ sp night-owle1 / night-owles1 /
nye1 sp night-brawler1 night-owls1
rh 1 adv by LC 57; eye VA 341; fly > brawl > owl
Oth 2.1.149; lullaby MND 2.2.18; sky
AY 2.7.186; try CE 2.1.43; rh 2 nightcap / ~s n night-raven n
immediately MND 2.2.161 ˈnəɪt-ˌkaps ˈnəɪt-ˌrɛ:vən
> well-nigh sp night-cape1 / night-cappes1 sp night-rauen1
> cap > raven
night / ~’s / ~s / ~s’ n
nəɪt / -s night-crow n night-rest n
sp night507, [blacke]-night1, ˈnəɪt-ˌkro: m ˌnəɪt-ˈrest
[hell-blacke]-night1, [midsomer]-night1 sp night-crow1 sp night-rest1
/ night’s3, nights20 / nights30, > crow > rest
[a]-nights2 / nights1
rh affright MND 5.1.139; affright, night-dog / ~s n night-rule n
flight Luc 970; aright MND 2.1.43; ˈnəɪt-ˌdɒɡz ˈnəɪt-ˌru:l
bright RJ 1.5.45, 2.2.22, S 28.11, sp night-rule1
sp night-dogges1
147.14, TNK 3.5.125; daylight MND > rule
> dog
3.2.431; delight Luc 356, 741, 925,
MND 2.1.253, PP 18.26, RJ 1.2.29, nighted adj night-shriek n
2.5.76, S 102.10, VA 841; delight, ˈnəɪt-ˌʃri:k
flight Luc 698; delight, might Luc 485;
sp nighted1 sp night-shrieke1
despite VA 732; despite, right Luc
> shriek
1024; fight JC 5.3.109, MND 3.2.355,
night-foe / ~s n
TC 5.3.93; fight, light MW 2.1.14; night-swift adj
fight, sprite Luc 123; flight MND
m ˌnəɪt-ˈfo:z
sp night-foes 1 ˈnəɪt-ˌswɪft
1.1.247, 4.1.99; height H8 1.2.213;
knight MA 5.3.12; RJ 3.2.140; knight, > foe sp night-swift1
might MW 2.1.14; light Ham 3.2.227, > swift
3H6 2.5.3, LLL 4.3.231, 253, Luc 162,
nightgown n
ˈnəɪt-ˌɡəʊn night-taper / ~s n
675, 771, 784, 1092, 1232, MND
3.2.187, 387, Oth 1.3.397, Per 1.1.136, 1
sp night-gown , night-gowne 5 ˈnəɪt-ˌtɛ:pəɹz
2.3.43, R2 1.3.177, 222, 5.6.43, RJ > gown sp night-tapers1
1.2.24, 2.2.188, Tim 5.1.42, VA 492, > taper
534, 755, 1041; light, right Luc 942; nightingale / ~’s / ~s n
light, white Luc 396; plight S 28.3; ˈnəɪtɪŋˌɡɛ:l / -z night-tripping adj
quite Oth 5.1.128; right KJ 1.1.172, R3 6
sp nightingale , nightin-gale , 1 m ˌnəɪt-ˈtrɪpɪn, -ɪŋ
4.4.16, VA 1186, WT 4.3.16; rite MA nightinghale1 / nightingales1 / sp night-tripping-[faiery]1
5.3.22; sight CE 3.2.58, PP 14.20, RJ nightingales2 > trip
1.5.53, S 15.12, 27.11, 30.6, 61.2, 63.5,
113.11, VA 122, 821; spite Luc 763, RJ nightly adj / adv night-walking adj
1.5.63; sprite Luc 449, MND 5.1.369; ˈnəɪtləɪ m ˌnəɪt-ˈwɔ:kɪn, -ɪŋ
white 1H6 2.4.127, MW 5.5.38, S 12.2, sp night-walking1
sp nightly6,
TS 5.2.186; write S 86.7 / lights LLL
nightly-[meadow-fairies]1 / nightly14 > walk
1.1.90, Luc 1379
rh lightly TG 3.1.140
> a-nights, fort-, good-, mid-, out-, night-wanderer / ~s n
over-, sennight, to-, yester-night m ˌnəɪt-ˈwɒndrəɹz, -dər-
sp night-wanderers1
> wander


night-watch n nine-fold adj rh blow CE 3.1.55; foe 1H6 4.7.25; go

ˈnəɪt-ˌwɒtʃ m ˌnəɪn-ˈfo:ld KJ 3.4.183, KL 5.3.320, MND 3.1.144,
TG 1.3.91, TS 1.2.227; know LLL
sp night-watch1 sp nine-fold1
5.2.486; know, so LLL 1.1.69; low Luc
> watch rh old KL 3.4.116
1340; mow [n] Tem 4.1.48; show AY
> fold
Nightwork [name] n 3.2.122; slow LLL 3.1.58; slow, woe
nineteen LLL 4.1.14; so CE 3.2.60, 4.2.3, LLL
ˈnəɪtwɔ:ɹk adj / n
2.1.197, MND 3.2.81, MV 3.2.145, R2
sp Night-worke3 ˈnəɪnti:n 3.3.209, S 148.8, TC 4.4.134, VA 852;
sp nineteene2, ninteene1 / toe Tem 4.1.48; trow CE 3.1.55; woe
nihil Lat n nineteene2 RJ 2.3.41, 3.2.50
sp nihil1
ninny n no / ~es n
ˈnɪnəɪ no:z
Nile n sp ninnie’s [ninny is]1 sp noes1
nəɪl rh knows LLL 5.2.413
sp Nyle6
Ninny [name] / ~’s n
ˈnɪnəɪz Noah / ~’s n
nill v sp Ninnies [Ninus’s]3 ˈno:ə / -z
= > Ninus sp Noah1 / Noahs1
sp nill
ninth adj / n Nob [name] n
Nilus n nəɪnt, -nθ =
ˈnəɪləs sp ninth6 / ninth1 sp nobbe1
1 5
sp Nilus , Nylus
Ninus / ~’ n nobility / ~’s n
nimble / ~r adj ˈnəɪnəs m nəˈbɪlɪˌtəɪ, -ɪt- / nəˈbɪlɪˌtəɪz
= / ˈnɪmbləɹ sp Ninus2 sp nobilitie14, no-bilitie1, nobility20,
sp nimble 21
/ nimbler 1 nobi-lity1 / nobilities1
Niobe / ~s n rh company 2H6 2.1.191
nimble-footed adj m ˈnəɪəˌbi: / ˈnəɪəbi:z
= sp Niobe1, / Niobes1 nobis Lat
1 1 > nos
sp nimble footed , nimble-footed
> foot
nip / ~s / ~ped v
noble / ~r / ~st adj
nimbleness n ˈno:bəl / ˈno:bl·əɹ / -əst
sp nip3 / nippes1, nips1 / nipt1
= sp noble585, noble [borne]1,
nipping adj noble-[youth]1, no-ble2 / nobler19 /
sp nimblenesse1
ˈnɪpɪn, -ɪŋ noblest17
nimble-pinioned adj > all-, ignoble, thrice-, un-noble
sp nipping2
= noble adv
sp nimble pinion’d1
nipple n
> pinion =
sp noble1
sp nipple2
nimbly adv noble / ~s n
ˈnɪmbləɪ nit n
ˈno:bəl / -z
sp nimbly4 =
sp noble7 / nobles40
sp nit2
nine adj / n > ennoble
rh wit LLL 4.1.149
nəɪn noble-ending adj
sp nine28 / nine28
no adv
ˈno:bəl-ˌendɪn, -ɪŋ
rh fine LLL 5.2.488; mine Mac 1.3.35; no:
sp noble-ending-[loue]1
pine Mac 1.3.22 sp no3707, noe1, Caius MW 2.3.6ff
no-[come]3, no-[face]1, no-[the]1


noble·man / ~men n nodding adj / n nominativ·us / ~o Lat n

ˈno:bəlmən ˈnɒd-ɪn, -ɪŋ ˌnɒmɪnəˈti:vo:
sp nobleman9, noble man4, no-ble sp nodding1 / nodding1 sp nominatiuo2
man1 / noblemen4, noble-men1
noddle / ~s n non Fr adv
noble-minded / = nɔ̃
noblest-~ adj sp noddle1 / Evans MW 3.1.114 sp non1, H5 3.4.40 emend of nome1
ˈno:bəl-ˌməɪndɪd / ˈno:bləst- noddles1
sp noble-minded1, noble minded1 /
non Ital adv / Lat adv /
noblest minded1
noddy n nonsense word in song
> mind ˈnɒdəɪ nɒn
sp noddy3 sp non2 / non4 / non1
nobleness n pun TG 1.1.113 nod-I1
ˈno:bəlnəs nonage n
sp noblenesse16
nointed ˈno:nɪdʒ
> anoint
sp nonage1
nobler n
noise n
ˈno:bləɹ nonce n
nəɪz / ˈnəɪzɪz
sp nobler no:ns
sp noise48, noyse57 / noyses2
sp nonce3
noblest n rh 1 boys CE 3.1.61; rh 2 voice
VA 919
ˈno:bləst noncome n
sp noblest5 noise v ˈnɒnkəm
nəɪz / ˈnəɪzɪz / nəɪzd sp non-come1
noblish adj 2 1 2 > come
sp noyse / noyses / nois’d
sp noblish 1
noiseless adv none pro
ˈnəɪzləs no:n, nɒn
nobly adv sp none455
sp noiselesse1
ˈno:bləɪ rh 1 alone AW 2.3.126, 1H6 4.7.10,
sp noblie1, nobly34 noise-maker n MM 2.1.39, PP 17.36, TN 3.1.156;
bone Tim 4.3.530; groan 2H6 3.1.222;
nobody pro ˈnəɪz-ˌmɛ:kəɹ
own Per Prol.28; stone S 94.1; rh 2
sp noyse-maker1
m ˈno:bədəɪ, ˌno:ˈbɒdəɪ, Caius one Luc 1162, Mac 5.6.14, PT 27, 47,
> make
MW .. ˈno:bədəɪz R3 4.4.104, RJ 1.2.33, S 8.14, 136.8, TC
4.5.41, TG 5.4.51; rh 3 foregone AW
sp no-bodie2, nobody1, no-body1, no noisome adj
1.3.130; gone CE 3.2.160, [F, at LLL
body15, Caius no-bodies1 ˈnəɪsəm 2.1.113-129], MND 2.2.73, 3.2.169,
> body
sp noisome1, noysome4 VA 389; on Per 3.Chorus.28
noce / ~s Fr n nole n none-sparing adj
nɔs no:l m ˌno:n-ˈspɛ:rɪn, -ɪŋ, ˌnɒn-
sp nopcese1
sp nole1 sp none-sparing1
nod / ~s n > sparing adj
nominate / ~d v
= m ˈnɒmɪˌnɛ:t, -ɪn- / -ɪd nonny nonsense word in
sp nod6 / nods4
sp nominate3 / nominated3 song
> prenominate ˈnɒnəɪ
nod / ~s / ~ded v
= sp nonny1, nony5
nomination n
rh bonny MA 2.3.67
sp nod10, nodde2 / noddes1 / m ˌnɒmɪˈnɛ:sɪən, -sɪˌɒn
sp nomination2


nonny-no, nonino nonsense nor conj north-north-east adv

word in song str nɔ:ɹ, unstr nɒɹ ˈnɔ:ɹθ-nɔ:ɹθ-ˈest, ˈnɔ:ɹ-nɔ:ɹ-
ˈnɒnəɪˈno: sp nor894, nor’s [nor his]1 sp north north-east3
sp nonino4 rh hoar TNK 1.1.19
rh ho AY 5.3.16, 22, 28, 34
north-north-west adv
Norbery n ˈnɔ:ɹθ-nɔ:ɹθ-ˈwest, ˈnɔ:ɹ-nɔ:ɹ-
nonpareil n ˈnɔ:ɹbrəɪ, -bər- sp north, north-west1
m ˈnɒnpəˌrɪl sp Norberie1 > west
sp non-pareil1, non-pareill4
Norfolk / ~’s n Northumberland / ~’s / ~s n
non-performance n ˈnɔ:ɹfək / -s m nɔ:ɹˈθɤmbəɹ·ˌland, -lənd /
ˌnɒnpəɹˈfɔ:ɹməns sp Norfolk4, Norfolke58, Nor-folke2 / -ˌlandz
sp non-performance 1 Norfolkes2 sp Northumberland60,
> perform Nor-thumberland1, Northum-berland2,
Norman adj abbr in s.d. North.1 /
non-regardance n ˈnɔ:ɹmən Northumberlands1 /
ˌnɒnrɪˈɡɑ:ɹdəns sp Norman1 Northumberlands1
sp non-regardance
> regard
Norman / ~s n northward adv
ˈnɔ:ɹmən / -z ˈnɔ:ɹθwəɹd
nonsuit / ~s v sp Norman3 / Normans3 sp northward2, north-ward1
nɒnˈʃu:ts, -ˈsju:
sp non-suites1
Normandy n Norway / ~’s n
> suit m ˈnɔ:ɹmənˌdəɪ, -ndəɪ ˈnɔ:ɹwɛ: / -z
sp Normandie6, Normandy1 sp Norway6, Norwey5 / Norwayes1
nook / ~s n
nu:k, nʊk / -s north adj / adv / n Norwayan adj
sp nooke / nookes 1 nɔ:ɹθ nɔ:ɹˈwɛ:ən
sp north4, north-[gate]1, sp Norweyan3
nook-shotten adj north-[pole]1, north-[side]1 / north3
ˈnu:k-ˌʃɒtən, nʊk- / north25 nos Lat pro
sp nooke-shotten1 rh forth Per 3.Chorus.47
nobis pro
> shot
Northampton n ˈno:bɪs
noon n nɔ:ɹˈθamtən, -mpt- sp nobis1
=, nʊn sp Northampton 3
noster det
sp noone14, ’[fore]-noone1
rh 1 moon Mac 3.5.22; soon TN
Northamptonshire n ˈnɒstəɹ
3.1.145; rh 2 son S 7.13 m nɔ:ɹˈθamtənˌʃəɪɹ, -mpt- sp noster1
> after-, fore-noon sp Northamptonshire
nosco / ~vi Lat v
noonday adj north-east adj ˈno:vi:
ˈnu:ndɛ:, ˈnʊn- m ˈnɔ:ɹθ-ˌest sp noui1
1 1
sp noone-day sp northeast
nose / ~s n
no-one pro northerly adv no:z / ˈno:zɪz
m ˌno:-ˈo:n, -ˈwɒn, ˈno:wən ˈnɔ:ɹðəɹləɪ sp nose62 / noses14
sp no one5 sp northerly1 rh roses WT 4.4.223
> malmsey-, red-nose
noontide adj northern adj
ˈnu:ntəɪd, ˈnʊn- ˈnɔ:ɹðəɹn nose v
sp noonetide , noone-tide , 2 1
sp northern , northerne 9 no:z
noon-tide1 sp nose2


nosegay / ~s n notch /~ed v nothing-gift n

ˈno:zɡɛ:z = ˈno:tɪn-ˌɡɪft, -ɪŋ-
sp nose-gaies1, nose-gayes1 sp notcht1 sp nothing-guift1
> gift
nose-herb / ~s n note / ~s n
ˈno:z-ˌɛ:ɹbz no:t / -s notice n
sp nose-hearbes 1 105 2
sp note / noates , notes 20 ˈno:tɪs
> herb rh 1 coat, dote LC 233, Luc 208; dote sp notice30
CE 3.2.45, LLL 4.3.123, 5.2.75, VA 835;
noseless adj rote MND 5.1.388; throat AY 2.5.3, R2 notify v
ˈno:zləs 1.1.43; rh 2 pot LLL 5.2.908, 917 / ˈno:tɪfəɪ
sp noselesse1 throats Tim 1.2.50 sp notifie2

nose-painting n not·e / ~est / VA ~eth / ~ing / noting n

ˈno:z-ˌpɛ:ntɪn, -ɪŋ ~ed v ˈno:tɪn, -ɪŋ
sp nose-painting1 no:t / -st / ˈno:t·əθ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd sp noting1
> paint sp note40 / not’st1 / noteth1 /
noting2, no-ting1 / noted18 notion n
noster Lat rh dote S 141.2 / doteth VA 1057 / ˈno:sɪən
> nos doted Luc 414; quoted LLL 4.3.86 sp notion3
pun noting MA 2.3.53 nothing
nostra Ital det > un-, well-noted notorious adj
ˈnɒstra nəˈtɔ:rɪəs, no:-
sp nostra1 notebook n
sp notorious14
nostril / ~s n sp note-booke3 notoriously adv
= > book nəˈtɔ:rɪəsləɪ, no:-
sp nosthrill2, no-strill1 / nostrils3
sp notoriouslie1, notoriously1
noted adj
not adv ˈno:tɪd notre Fr det
= sp noted1 ˈnɔtrə
sp not8248
sp nostre2
rh 1 begot KJ 1.1.276; blot LLL notedly adv
4.3.237, Luc 190, S 92.14; forgot AY ˈno:tɪdləɪ notwithstanding prep
2.7.190, MM 4.4.32, MND 5.1.168, sp notedly1 ˌnɒtwɪθˈstandɪn, -ɪŋ
S 71.5, 149.1; got Tem Epil.5; hot LC
sp notwithstanding17,
220; o’ershot LLL 4.3.157; plot S noteworthy adj
137.11; sot CE 2.2.202; wot MND m ˌno:tˈwɔ:ɹðəɪ notwith-standing1, not withstanding3,
3.2.421; rh 2 smote LLL 4.3.24
sp note-worthy1 not with-standing1
notable adj not-fearing adj nought
ˈno:təbəl m ˌnɒtˈfi:rɪn, -ɪŋ
> naught
sp notable
sp not-fearing-[Britaine]1
> fear noun / ~s n
notably adv
nəʊn / -z
ˈno:təbləɪ nothing / ~s n sp nowne1 / nownes1,
sp notably1 ˈno:tɪn, -ɪŋ [od’s]-nownes [wounds]1
sp nothing596, no-thing14, no thing2,
notary / ~’s n nourish n
nothings [nothing is]1 / nothings3
m ˈno:trəɪ, -tər- / ˈno:təˌrəɪz rh a-doting S 20.12 ˈnɤrɪʃ
sp notarie1 / notaries1 pun MA 2.3.55 noting sp nourish1
> thing


nourish / ~es / ~eth / ~ing / MND 3.2.401; vow LLL 5.2.343, numbness n
~ed v RJ 1.1.224 ˈnɤmnəs
ˈnɤrɪʃ / -ɪz / -əθ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / m -t, nowadays adv sp numnesse1
-ed ˈnəʊəˌdɛ:z nun / ~’s / ~s n
sp nourish7 / nourishes1 / sp now adaies1, now-adayes1
nourisheth2 / nourishing1 / norisht1,
nɤn / -z
nourish’d1, nourished1, nourisht5 nowhere adv sp nun3, nunne1 / nuns1 / nunnes2,
rh flourisheth TS 2.1.332 / bred, nuns1
head MV 3.2.65 rh shun LC 232 [nun emend of
sp no where2 sunne] / sons VA 752
nourisher n noyance
ˈnɤrɪʃəɹ nuncle n
> annoyance
sp nourisher 1 ˈnɤŋkəl
nub·es / ~ibus Lat n sp nunckle9, nuncle3, nunkle5
nourishment n ˈnu:bɪbʊs > uncle
m ˈnɤrɪʃˌment sp nubibus1 nunnery n
sp nourishment2
Numa / ~’s n ˈnɤnrəɪ, -nər-
nous Fr pro ˈnu:məz sp nunnerie1, nunnery4
nu sp Numaes 1
nuntio / ~’s n
sp nous1
numb adj ˈnɤnsɪo:z
novelt·y / ~ies n nɤm sp nuntio’s1
ˈnɒvəltəɪ / m ˈnɒvəlˌtəɪz sp numbe1, numme2 Nuntius n
sp noueltie1, no-ueltie1 / nouelties1
numbed adj ˈnɤnsɪəs
no-verb / ~s n nɤmd sp Nuntius1
ˈno:-ˌvɐ:ɹbz sp num’d 1
nuptial adj / n
sp no-verbes1
number / ~s n ˈnɤpsɪɑl
novi Lat ˈnɤmbəɹ, -z sp nuptiall8 / nuptiall12
> nosco sp number45, numbers [number is]1 nurse / ~’s / ~s n
/ numbers37
novice / ~s n nɐ:ɹs, nɔ:ɹs, Caius MW ..
= number / ~ing / ~ed v nɐ:ɹʃ / -ɪz
sp nouice3 / nouices2 ˈnɤmbəɹ / ˈnɤmbrɪn, -ɪŋ / sp nourse1, nurse89, nursse1, Caius
ˈnɤmbəɹd nursh-[a-Quickly]1 / nurses3 /
novum n nurses1
sp number3 / numbring1,
ˈno:vʊm numb’ring1 / number’d1, numbred6
rh 1 corse RJ 3.2.127; rh 2 worse
sp novum1 VA 773
numbered adj > dry-, foster-nurse
now adv ˈnɤmbəɹd
nəʊ nurs·e / ~ing / ~ed v
sp number’d1 nɐ:ɹs, nɔ:ɹs / ˈnɐ:ɹsɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈnɔ:-
sp now2715, nowes [now is]1, now’s > unnumbered
[now is]2 / nɐ:ɹst, ˈnɔ:-
rh allow R2 5.2.39, RJ 2.3.81, WT numbering adj / n sp nurse4 / nursing1 / nurst3,
4.1.30; bough S 102.9, Tem 5.1.93, VA ˈnɤmbrɪn, -ɪŋ nur’st2
39; bow [head] KL 3.6.106 [Q], S
sp numbring1 / numbring1 nurse-like adj
120.1, 90.1, VA 97, 1062; brow H8
Prol.1, KJ 2.1.507, LLL 4.1.16, 119, numberless adj ˈnɐ:ɹs-ləɪk, ˈnɔ:-
4.3.227, 261, S 2.3, 33.12, 63.1, 68.2,
m ˈnɤmbəɹˌles sp nurse-like1
106.8; how LLL 5.2.513, MM 2.2.186, 2
R2 5.3.114, S 101.14; thou LLL 5.2.338, sp numberlesse


nurser n sp nut6 / nuts3 nutshell n

ˈnɐ:ɹsəɹ, ˈnɔ:- > chest-, hazel-, pig-nut ˈnɤtʃel
sp nursser1 nuthook / ~s n sp nutshell1, nutt-shell1
> shell
nursery n ˈnɤtˌʊk, -ˌhʊk / -s
m ˈnɐ:ɹsrəɪ, -səˌrəɪ, ˈnɔ:- sp nut-hooke2 / nut-hooks1 Nym n
1 3 1 > hook =
sp nurserie , nursery , nursserie
nutmeg / ~s n sp Nim11, Nym10, Nymme2
nursing n
ˈnɤtmeɡ / -z nymph / ~s
ˈnɐ:ɹsɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈnɔ:- n
sp nutmeg1, nutmegge1 / =
sp nursing3
sp nimph4, nymph3 / nimphes4,
nurture n nutriment n nimphs3, nymphes1, nymphs1
ˈnɐ:ɹtəɹ m ˈnju:trɪˌment > sea-nymph
sp nourture1, nurture1
sp nutriment1
nut n
nɤt / -s


O interj sp oath136 / oathes56, obeisance n

[bold-beating]-oathes1, oaths8
o: ˈɒbɪsɔ:ns
rh 1 both Per 1.2.120; both, troth Luc
sp O1338, Oh764, oh125 sp obeisance1
569; growth, troth Luc 1061; loath LLL
1.1.158; troth LC 279, LLL 1.1.65,
O / ~s n Oberon n
4.3.142, 5.2.348, 5.2.451, Luc 883,
o: / o:z MND 2.2.55, 3.2.93; rh 2 moth,
sp [M.]O.[A.I.]4 / oes2 wrath MV 2.9.77 sp Oberon11
rh shrews LLL 5.2.45 > book-oath rh gone MND 2.1.58, 2.2.89

oak / ~s n oathable adj obey / ~s / ~ing / ~ed /

o:k / -s ˈo:θəbəl ~edest v
sp oake21, [Hernes]-oake1, oke3, sp othable1 əˈbɛ:, o:- / -st / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d /
[Hernes]-oke1 / oakes5, okes1 -dst
rh 1 stroke Cym 4.2.267; rh 2 oath-breaking n sp obay4, obey68, o-bey2 / obeyes2 /
o’clock MW 5.5.75 m ˌo:θ-ˈbrɛ:kɪn, -ɪŋ obaying1, obeying2 / obeyd1, obey’d8
sp oath-breaking1 / obeyd’st1
oak-cleaving adj
> break rh away R2 3.2.210; aye Tim 5.1.51;
m ˌo:k-ˈkli:vɪn, -ɪŋ fray RJ 3.1.140; lay PT 4; prey VA 61,
sp oake-cleauing1 oats n 549; say KL 5.3.321, LC 133; sway CE
o:ts 2.1.29, TS 5.2.163 / praise, raise LC
oaken adj 229 / overswayed VA 111
sp oates3, oats1
ˈo:kən > disobey; all-, wind-obeying
sp oaken2 ob [obolus] n
ɒb object / ~s n
oar / ~s n 1 ˈɒbdʒɪkt /-s
sp ob
ɔ:ɹz sp obiect32 / obiects7, ob-iects1
1 1 1
sp oares , ores , owers obduracy n
ɒbˈdju:rəsəɪ object v
oar / ~ed v 1 əbˈdʒekt / -ɪd
sp obduracie
ɔ:ɹd sp obiect6 / obiected1
sp oared obdurate adj
ɒbˈdju:rət objection / ~s n
Oatcake [name] n 7 m əbˈdʒeksɪənz, -ɪˌɒnz
sp obdurate
ˈo:tkɛ:k sp obiections3
sp Ote-cake obedience n
m əˈbi:dɪəns, -ɪˌens, o:- obligation / ~s n
oaten adj ˌɒblɪˈgɛ:sɪən / -z
sp obedience52
ˈo:tən sp obligation6 / obligations1
sp oaten1 obedient adj
əˈbi:dɪənt, o:- obliged adj
oath / ~s n 27 m əˈbləɪdʒɪd
sp obedient
o:θ / -s sp obliged1


oblique adj obsequiously adv observingly adv

= m əbˈsi:kwɪəsˌləɪ əbˈzɐ:ɹvɪnləɪ, -ɪŋ-
sp oblique1 sp obsequiously1 sp obseruingly1

oblivion n obsequ·y / ~ies n obsque Lat prep

m əˈblɪvɪən, -ɪˌɒn m ˈɒbsɪˌkwəɪz ˈɒbskwe, -ke
sp obliuion12, obli-uion1 sp obsequies7 sp obsque1

oblivious adj observance / ~s n obstacle / ~s n

= əbˈzɐ:ɹvəns / -ɪz =
sp obliuious1 sp oberuance1, obseruance13, sp obstacle2 / obstacles2
ob-seruance1, obser-uance1 /
obloquy n obseruances2 obstinacy n
m ˈɒbləˌkwəɪ m ˈɒbstɪˌnasəɪ
sp obliquie1, obloquie3
observancy n sp obstinacie1, obstinacy1
rh 1 bastardy Luc 523; rh 2 eye m əbˈzɐ:ɹvənˌsəɪ
Luc 523 sp obseruancie1 obstinate adj
m ˈɒbstɪˌnɛ:t
obscene adj observant adj sp obstinate6
= əbˈzɐ:ɹvənt
sp obscene2, ob-scene1 sp obseruant2 obstinately adv
m ˈɒbstɪˌnɛ:tləɪ
obscenely adv observant / ~s n sp obstinately1
əbˈsi:nləɪ m ˈɒbzəɹˌvants
sp obscenely2 sp obseruants1 obstruction / ~s n
əbˈstrɤksɪən / -z
obscure adj observation / ~s n sp obstruction3, ob-struction1 /
əbˈskju:ɹ m ˌɒbzəɹˈvɛ:sɪən, -sɪˌɒn / obstructions1
sp obscure10 ˌɒbzəɹˈvɛ:sɪənz
sp obseruation9, ob-seruation1 /
obtain / ~ing / ~ed v
obscur·e / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v obseruations1 əbˈtɛ:n / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d
əbˈskju:ɹ / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d rh possession 3H6 2.6.108 sp obtaine6 / obtaining1 / obtain’d7,
1 1
sp obscure / obscures / obtained2, obtayn’d2
obscuring1 / obscur’d6, obscured1 observ·e / ~ing / ~ed v rh chained, pained Luc 898
əbˈzɐ:ɹv / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d
obscured adj sp obserue34 / obseruing3 /
obtaining n
m əbˈskju:ɹd, -u:rɪd obseru’d11, obserued1 əbˈtɛ:nɪn, -ɪŋ
sp obscur’d1, obscured2 rh served AW 2.1.201 sp obtaining2
rh abstaining, gaining Luc 128
obscurely adv observed n
əbˈskju:ɹləɪ əbˈzɐ:ɹvd occasion, abbr casion / ~s n
sp obscurely1 sp obseru’d1 əˈkɛ:zɪən, abbr ˈkɛ:zɪən / -z
sp occasion67, oc-casion2,
obscurity n observer / ~s n occa-sion2, abbr ’casion1 / occasions16
m əbˈskju:rɪˌtəɪ əbˈzɐ:ɹvəɹ / -z
sp obscurity1 sp obseruer2 / obseruers1
occident n
rh posterity VA 760 m ˈɒksɪˌdent
observing adj / n sp occident2
obsequious adj əbˈzɐ:ɹvɪn, -ɪŋ rh bent R2 3.3.67
= sp obseruing1 / obseruing1
sp obsequious6
occidental adj
sp occidentall1


occulted adj ’od oeuvre / ~s Fr n

əˈkɤltɪd > God ˈœ:vrə
sp occulted1 sp emend of 2H6 5.2.28 eumenes1
odd / ~est adj
occupation / ~s n = of, abbr a, o prep
ˌɒkjəˈpɛ:sɪən / -z sp odde31 / oddest1 str ɒv, unstr əv, ə
sp occupation8, oc-cupation1, sp of15826, talk’d-[of]1, abbr a’1, a
occupation’s [occupation is]1 /
odd-conceited adj [doore]1, a [dore]2, a [dores]1,
occupations1 ˈɒd-kənˈsi:tɪd, -ˈsɛ:t- a’[my]1, a’[that]1, o’16, o’[that]10,
sp od-conceited1 o’[their]1, o’[these]1, o’[this]1, o’[th’s]
occupo / ~at Lat v > conceit [of these]1, o’[thy]1, o’[your]4
sp occupat1
odd-even adj of it abbr

occupy v =, ɒd-ˈevən ɒvt

sp odde euen1 sp of't2
m ˈɒkjəˌpəɪ
> even
sp occupie1 of the abbr
> pre-occupy oddly adv əθ, ɒθ, -ð
occurrence / ~s n ˈɒdləɪ sp ath’2, a’th19, a’th’24, o’t201,
sp oddely1, odly3 oth’8, o’th27, o’th’173, o’the4
əˈkɤrəns / -ɪz
sp occurrence1 / occurrences1 odds n off adv
occurrent / ~s n = =
sp oddes32, odds1, odd’s1, ods6 sp off460, [a farre]-off2, [cutter] off1,
rh gods Cym 5.2.9, Tim 1.2.59, [falls]-off1, [fub’d]-off1, [take]-off1,
sp occurrents1
3.5.117 [threw]-off1, off ’s [off his]2
rh 1 scoff LLL 5.2.262; rh 2 enough
ocean / ~’s / ~s n ode / ~s n TG 5.1.11
m ˈo:sɪən, -sɪˌan / ˈo:sɪənz o:d / -z
sp ocean24 / oceans1 / oceans2 offal n
sp ode1 / oades1
rh motion Luc 589 ˈɒfɑl
odious adj sp offall3
o’clock / of the clock, abbr
m ˈo:dɪəs, -ɪˌɤs
o’th’ clock prep + n off-cap / ~ped v
sp odious9
əˈklɒk / əðəˈklɒk, abbr =
əθˈklɒk odoriferous adj sp off-capt1
sp a clock9, a clocke31, a’ clocke1, o’ ˌo:dəˈrɪfrəs, -fər- > cap
clocke1, of clock1 / of the clocke3 / sp odoriferous2
o’th’ clock1, o’th’ clocke1 offence / ~s n
rh oak MW 5.5.74 odorous adj =
ˈo:drəs, -dər- sp offence102, of-fence3 / offences22
Octavia n 2 rh commence Per 2.5.50; defence KJ
sp odorous
ɒkˈtɛ:vɪə 1.1.257, S 89.2; diligence, thence Luc
sp Octauia 28 odour / ~s n 1852; dispense Luc 1071, 1702; hence
ˈo:dəɹ / -z MND 2.2.23, Oth 3.3.377, RJ 3.1.186,
Octavius / ~’ n TS 1.2.228; impudence Per 2.3.68;
sp odour1 / odours5, o-dours1
ɒkˈtɛ:vɪəs > court-odour innocence Per 1.2.92; thence Luc 738,
sp Octauius26 / Octauio’s2 S 51.1
oeillade / ~s n > self-offence
ocular adj ˈɪlɪadz
ˈɒkjələɹ offenceless adj
sp eliads1, illiads1
sp occular 1 =
o’er sp of-fencelesse1
> over


offend / ~est / ~s / ~eth / ~ing offered adj oft adv

/ ~ed v ˈɒfəɹd =
= / -st, əˈfenst / = / = / əˈfendɪn, sp offer’d4 sp oft134, ofte1
-ɪŋ / = rh naught PP 18.51
offering adj
sp offend56, of-fend1 / offend’st1 /
7 1
offends / offendeth / offending / 4 ˈɒfrɪn, -ɪŋ often / ~er adv
offended42, offen-ded1 sp offring 3 = [ˈɒfən, ˈɒftən] / ˈɒfnəɹ,
rh end MND 5.1.109; friend 1H6 ˈɒftnəɹ
5.3.58 / amended AW 3.4.5;
offering / ~s n sp often113, of-ten1 / oftner4
attended VA 810; ended LLL 2.1.190; ˈɒfrɪn, -ɪŋ, -fər- / -z
mended MND 5.1.413 sp offering1, offring1 / offerings1, oftentimes adv
offrings3 ˈɒfəntəɪmz, ˈɒftən-
offended adj sp oftentimes7, often-times1
= office / ~s n > time
sp offended1 =
sp office125 / offices28, offi-ces1 oft-subdued adj
offendendo [malap for defen- m ˈɒft-səbˈdju:ɪd
dendo] Lat v office / ~d v sp oft-subdued1
ˌɒfənˈdendo: =
sp offendendo1 sp offic’d2 oil / -s n
> overoffices əɪl / -z
offender / ~s n sp oile1, oyle12 / oyles1
əˈfendəɹ / -z office-badge n
sp offender7, offendor2, offendour1 /
= oil-dried adj
offenders8, offendors7 sp office-badge1 ˈəɪl-ˌdrəɪd
> badge sp oyle-dride1
offending adj / n > dried
əˈfendɪn, -ɪŋ officed adj
sp offending / offending 2 = oily adj
> eye-, heart-offending sp offic’d1 ˈəɪləɪ
sp oylie1, oyly3
offendress n officer / ~s n
= ˈɒfɪsəɹ / -z old / ~er / ~est adj
sp offendresse 1 sp officer48, offi-cer2 / officers45, o:ld / ˈo:ld·əɹ / -əst
of-ficers1 sp old537, old-[age]1,
offensive adj old-[fat-woman]1, old[man]3,
= officer-at-arms / ~s ~ n old-[man]2, old-[wither’d]1,
sp offensiue 2 ˈɒfɪsəɹz-ət-ˈɑ:ɹmz [poor]-old-[man]1, [poor]-old-
sp officers at armes1 [woman]1, olde72, olde-[folkes]1,
offer / ~s n rh alarms R2 1.1.204 emend of TG 2.3.26 would-[woman]1
ˈɒfəɹ / -z / older4 / oldest2
official adj rh behold, bold, cold, enfold, gold,
sp offer36 / offers8
rh proffer PP 4.12; scoffer AY 3.5.61
əˈfɪsɪɑl inscrolled, sold, told MV 2.7.71;
sp officiall1 behold LC 73, 1760, S 22.1; cold
offer / ~est / ~s / ~ing / Luc 49, S 2.13, 104.1, VA 133;
officious adj nine-fold KL 3.4.115; told PP 1.10,
~ed v
ˈɒfəɹ / -st, ˈɒfrəst / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ, m əˈfɪsɪəs, 6-ɪˌɤs
S 76.13, 123.6, 138.10
> wit-old
-fr- / ˈɒfəɹd, Fluellen H .. sp officious
ˈɒfəɹt offspring n old n
sp offer49 / offer’st2, offrest1 / offers8 = o:ld
2 1 17
/ offering , offring / offer’d , sp old7
sp off-spring6
offered10, of-fered1, offred2, Fluellen


Oldcastle n omission n [rich]-ones1, [wise]-ones1,

ˈo:ldkasəl əˈmɪsɪən [yong]-ones1, [young]-ones1
rh 1 alone Luc 1478, MND 3.2.118,
sp Old-Castle1 sp omission1
PP 9.13, R3 1.1.99, RJ 2.6.37, S 36.2,
olden adj omit / ~test / ~ting / ~ted v 39.6, 42.13, 105.14, TS 1.2.243;
bone LC 43, LLL 5.2.331, VA 293;
ˈo:ldən əˈmɪt, o:ˈmɪt / -st / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd loan S 6.8; Scone Mac 5.6.113; throne
sp olden1 sp omit12 / omitst1 / omitting2 / Cym 5.4.61; rh 2 gone CE 4.2.23, 53,
omitted3 Tit 1.1.369, VA 228, 518, 1069; on
oldest n rh fitted LLL 4.3.357 Tem 4.1.137, TG 2.1.2; rh 3 man TS
ˈo:ldəst 3.2.82; rh 4 done R2 1.1.182; none
sp oldest1
omittance n Luc 1161, Mac 5.6.13, PT 26, 46,
əˈmɪtəns, o:- R3 4.4.103, RJ 1.2.32, S 8.13, 136.6,
old-faced adj sp omittance1 TC 4.5.40, TG 5.4.52; rh 5 shoon
ˈo:ld-ˌfɛ:st Ham 4.5.24
sp old-fac’d2
omnipotent adj > any-, every-, no-, some-, thirty-
> face = one
sp omnipotent2, omni-potent1
oldness n oneyer / ~s n
ˈo:ldnəs omn·is / ~e / ~es / ~ia Lat ˈo:nɪəɹz
sp oldnesse1 adj, pro sp oneyers1
ˈɒmne / ˈɒmnez / ˈɒmnɪɑ:
olive / ~s n ongle / ~s Fr n
sp omne1 / omnes28, abbr omn1 /
ˈɒlɪv, -ɪf / -z omnia1 ˈɔ̃:ɡlə
sp oliue4, olyffe1 / oliues1 sp ongles2
on, abbr a, o adv, prep
Oliver / ~s n =, abbr ə onion / ~s n
ˈɒlɪvəɹ / -z 2992
sp on , [come]-on , 10 ˈɤnɪən / -z
sp Oliuer13 / Oliuers1 [drawes]-on2, [hooke]-on2, [iog]-on2, sp onion2 / onions2
[lay’d]-on1, [leane]-on1, [push]-on2,
olive-tree / ~s n [rode]-on1, [sway]-on1, abbr a7, o’8 onion-eyed adj
= rh 1 Amazon 3H6 4.1.105; condition ˈɤnɪən-ˌəɪd
sp oliue-trees1 [4 sylls] 2H4 3.1.73; gone AC 1.2.128, sp onyon-ey’d1
> tree 2H4 1.3.109, MND 3.2.413, Oth > eye
1.3.203, Per 4.4.19, R3 4.2.121, S 5.5,
Olivia / ~’s n VA 1087; on you upon you Tem only adv
= 4.1.109; rh 2 done 3H6 4.1.105, KL ˈo:nləɪ
1.4.203, MM 4.3.76, RJ 1.4.38; none sp onelie8, onely278, onlie1, only17,
sp Oliuia19, O-liuia1 / Oliuia’s1,
Per 3.Chorus.27; one Tem 4.1.136, TG on-ly2
2.1.1; on you shun you Tem 4.1.117;
Olympian adj / n rh 3 groan S 50.9; rh 4 man MND onset n
2.1.264, 3.2.349 =
> upon
sp Olympian1 / Olympian1 sp onset1, on-set2
once adv > set
Olympus n
o:ns, ɒns, wɒns onward adv
sp once403 ˈɒnwɑɹd
sp Olympus7
one / ~’s / ~s adj, n, pro sp onward1, on-ward1
str o:n, wɒn, unstr ən / -z ooze n
> woman
sp one1654, ’ton [the one]1 abbr =
ominous adj [money] i.[d] / ones [one is]1, one’s
sp ooze4, owse1
[one is]1 / ones12, one’s1 / ones54,
m ˈɒmɪˌnɤs, -mnəs
[blind]-ones1, [great]-ones2,
sp ominous10


oozy adj operate v opposeless adj

ˈu:zəɪ m ˈɒpəˌrɛ:t əˈpo:zləs
sp oo-zie1 sp operate2 sp opposelesse1

opal n operation / ~s n opposer / ~’s / ~s n

ˈo:pɑl ˌɒpəˈrɛ:sɪən / -z əˈpo:zəɹ / -z
sp opall1 sp operation6 / opperations1 sp opposer2 / opposers1 /
ope adj operative adj
o:p m ˈɒprəˌtɪv, -pər- opposite adj
sp ope5 sp operatiue1 =
sp opposite12, oppo-site1
ope / ~s / ~d v Ophelia n > wilful-opposite
o:p / -s / -t =
sp ope22 / opes2 / op’d3 sp Ophelia26, O-phelia2
opposite / ~s n
open adj opinion / ~s n sp opposit1, opposite10 / opposites3
ˈo:pən =
sp open135, o-pen1 sp opinion78, o-pinion4 / opinions13
opposition / ~s n
rh broken S 61.1 m ˌɒpəˈzɪsɪən, -sɪˌɒn /
opinion / ~ed v ˌɒpəˈzɪsɪənz
open / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v = sp opposition8 / oppositions1
ˈo:pən / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ, -pn- / -d sp malap for pinioned MA 4.2.65
sp open56, open’t4 / opens7 / opinion’d1 oppress / ~es / ~eth / ~ing /
opening4 / opend1, open’d8, opened1 ~ed v
rh broken VA 48 / betokened opportune adj = / = / = / əˈpresɪn, -ɪŋ / =
VA 451 m əˈpɔ:ɹtən sp oppresse2 / oppresses1 /
sp opportune2 oppresseth1 / oppressing1 /
opener n
oppress’d1, oppressed1, opprest7
ˈo:pnəɹ, -pən- opportunit·y / ~ies n rh rest Cym 5.4.99, S 28.4
sp opener1 m ˌɒpəɹˈtju:n·ɪˌtəɪ, -ɪtəɪ / -ɪtəɪz
sp oportunitie2, opportunitie6, oppressed adj
open-eyed adj oppor-tunitie1, opportunity5, m əˈpres·ɪd, -t
ˈo:pən-ˌəɪd oppor-tunity1 / Evans MW 3.1.14 sp oppressed3, opprest1
sp open-ey’d1 oportunities [opportunity]1, > heat-oppressed
> eye opportunities2
rh infamy Luc 1023; me Luc 932; oppressing adj
opening adj quality Luc 874; thee Luc 895, 903 əˈpresɪn, -ɪŋ
ˈo:pnɪn, -ɪŋ, -pən- sp oppressing1
sp opening1 / opening5
oppos·e / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v
əˈpo:z / -ɪz / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d oppression n
openly adv sp oppose17 / opposes1 / opposing3 əˈpresɪən
m ˈo:pənˌləɪ / oppos’d17, opposed7
sp oppression13, opression1
sp openly8 rh foes KJ 3.1.170
rh transgression RJ 1.1.184

openness n opposed adj oppressor / ~’s n

m ˈo:pəˌnes m əˈpo:zd, -zɪd əˈpresəɹz
sp opennesse1 sp oppos’d1, opposed7
sp oppressors1

operant adj opposed n opprobriously adj

ˈɒprənt, -pər- m əˈpo:zɪd m əˈpro:brɪəsˌləɪ
sp operant2 sp opposed1
sp opprobriously1


oppugnancy n orchard adj ordinar·y / ~ies n

m əˈpɤɡnənˌsəɪ ˈɔ:ɹtʃəɹd m ˈɔ:ɹdɪˌnarəɪ, -ɪnˌr- /
sp oppugnancie1 sp orchard3 ˈɔ:ɹdɪnˌrəɪz
sp ordinary2 / ordinaries1
opulency n orchard / ~s n
m ˈɒpjəˌlensəɪ ˈɔ:ɹtʃəɹd / -z ordinate adj
sp opulencie1 sp orchard15, [ith ’]orchard1 / m ˈɔ:ɹdɪˌnɛ:t
orchards1 sp ordinate1
opulent adj > inordinate
ˈɒpələnt ’ord
sp opilent1, opulent1 > word ordnance n
m ˈɔ:ɹdɪˌnans, -ˌɔ:ns, -dnəns
or conj ordain / ~ing / ~ed v
sp ordenance3, ordinance1,
str ɔ:ɹ, unstr əɹ ɔ:ɹˈdɛ:n / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / m -d, -ɪd ordnance3
sp or2314 sp ordaine1 / ordaining1 / ordain’d6,
ordained2, ordayn’d1, ordayned1 ordure n
oracle / ~s n ˈɔ:ɹdjəɹ
= order / ~s n
sp ordure1
sp oracle 27
/ oracles 3 ˈɔ:ɹdəɹ / -z
sp order82, or-der1 / ore n
orange adj / n [fayre-play]-orders1, orders4 ɔ:ɹ
= > disorder
sp oare1
1 1 1
sp orendge / orange , orenge
order / ~ed v ore-, o’re-
orange-tawny adj ˈɔ:ɹdəɹ / m ˈɔ:ɹdəɹd, -əred > over-
ˈɒrɪndʒ-ˌtɔ:nəɪ sp order10 / order’d1, ordered3,
ordred2 organ / ~s n
sp orange tawnie1, orenge-tawny1
> tawny
rh dead Per 4.4.47 ˈɔ:ɹɡən / -z
> mis-, well-ordered sp organ4, organe1 / organs7
oration n
ordering n organ-pipe n
m əˈrɛ:sɪən, -sɪˌɒn
ˈɔ:ɹdrɪn, -ɪŋ, -dər- ˈɔ:ɹɡən-ˌpəɪp
sp oration
sp ordering2, ord’ring2 sp organ-pipe2
orator / ~s n rh sing S 8.10
m ˈɒrəˌtɔ:ɹ, -təɹ / -z orgillous adj
sp orator10, oratour1 / orators3,
orderless adj ˈɔ:ɹɡɪləs
oratours1 m ˈɔ:ɹdəɹˌles sp orgillous1
rh 1 harbinger CE 3.2.10; rh 2 pub- sp orderlesse1
lisher Luc 30; rh 3 singular Luc 30 orient adj / n
orderly adv =
oratory n m ˈɔ:ɹdəɹˌləɪ sp orient3 / orient1
m ˈɒrəˌtrəɪ, -ˌtɒrəɪ sp orderlie1, orderly7
sp oratorie4 orifex n
rh story Luc 815 ordinance n ˈɒrɪfeks
m ˈɔ:ɹdɪˌnans, -ˌɔ:ns, -dnəns sp orifex1
orb / ~s n sp ordinance8, ord’nance1
ɔ:ɹb / -z > pre-ordinance origin n
sp orbe9 / orbes4, orbs1 =
ordinary adj
sp origin1
orbed adj m ˈɔ:ɹdɪˌnarəɪ, -ɪnˌr-
ˈɔ:ɹbɪd sp ordinarie2, ordinary8 original n
sp orbed2 > extraordinary m əˈrɪdʒɪˌnɑl
sp originall2


Orion n orthography n Oswald n

əˈrəɪən ɔ:ɹˈtɒɡrəfəɪ =
sp Orion1 sp ortagriphie1, ortho-graphy1 sp Oswald3

orison / ~s n oscorbidulchos nonsense Othello / ~’s n

ˈɒrɪzənz word əˈθelo:, əˈt- / -z
sp orisons2, orizons2, orysons1 ˌɒskɔ:ɹbɪˈdɤlkɒs sp Othello40, Othel-lo1 / Othello’s11
sp oscorbidulchos
Orlando n other adj / adv
ɔ:ɹˈlando: osier adj ˈɤðəɹ
sp Orlando36, Orlan-do1 ˈo:zɪəɹ sp other391, [at]other1, [a t]other1,
sp osier1 [t]other2, other[some]1,
’orld other-[some]1, o-ther3 / other3
> world osier / ~s n
ˈo:zɪəɹz other / ~’s / ~s / ~s’ pro
Orleans n 1 ˈɤðəɹ / -z
sp osiers
m ˈɔ:ɹlɪˌɔ:ns, -ɪəns, ɔ:ɹˈlɪəns sp other202, o-ther2, [t]other1, others
sp Orleance osprey n [other is]3 / others24 / others112,
ˈɒsprɛ: o-thers2 / others13
ornament / ~s n rh another Mac 1.3.14; brother AW
sp aspray1
m ˈɔ:ɹnəˌment, -mənt / -s 1.3.160, MM 4.2.58, PP 8.4; mother
sp ornament12 / ornaments10 Osric n VA 864; smother S 47.2
rh content S 1.9; went LC 115, TN =
3.4.373 / rents S 142.6
othergates adv
sp Osricke4
Orodes n Ossa n sp other gates1
ˈɒrəˌdi:z =
sp emend of AC 3.1.4 Orades1
otherwhere adv
sp Ossa1
orphan adj ostent / ~s n sp otherwhere1, other-where1, other
ˈɔ:ɹfən = where2
sp orphan1 rh forbear CE 2.1.30; here
sp ostent2 / ostents1
CE 2.1.104
orphan / ~’s / ~s / ~s’ n ostentare Lat v
ˈɔ:ɹfən / -z otherwhiles adv
1 2 4
ˌɒstenˈtɑ:re m o:ɹˈʍəɪlz
sp orphan / orphans / orphans /
sp ostentare1
orphanes1, orphants1 sp otherwhiles1
> whiles
ostentation n
Orpheus / ~’ n
m ˌɒstənˈtɛ:sɪən, -sɪˌɒn otherwise adv
2 1
sp ostentation6, osten-tation1, m ˈɤðəɹˌwəɪz, -ɹw-
sp Orpheus / Orpheus
sp otherwise32, o-therwise1,
rh affection LLL 5.2.409
Orsino / ~’s n other-wise2
ɔ:ɹˈsi:no: / -z ostler / ~s n Ottamite / ~s n
sp Orsino8 / Orsinoes1, Orsinos1, ˈɒsləɹ / -z
m ˈɒtəˌmɪts
sp hostler1, ostler6 / ostlers1
sp Ottamites2, Ottamittes1
ort / ~s n ostrich n
ɔ:ɹt / -s otter n
ˈɒstrɪdʒ, -ɪtʃ ˈɒtəɹ
sp ort1 / orts1
sp ostridge1
sp otter3
> word


Ottoman adj KJ 4.2.101, 5.2.179, LLL 5.2.102, 152, sp out-dare1 / out-dares1

m ˈɒtəˌman PP 2.14, S 144.14, VA 694; flout LLL > dare
5.2.267, 395; rout TNK 3.5.145; stout
sp Ottoman1 outdared adj
S 65.5
où Fr adv > finder-, giving-, stretched-, əʊtˈdɛ:ɹd
thrower-, weeder-, where-out sp out-dar’d1

sp ou out of prep outdo / ~ne v

ˈəʊt əv, -ə əʊtˈdɤn
oublier / oubli·e / ~é Fr v
sp out of457 sp out-done1
uˈbli / ubliˈje
> do
sp oublie2 / oublie2 outbid / ~s v
əʊtˈbɪdz outdwell / ~s v
ouche / ~s n
sp out-bids1 əʊtˈdwelz
ˈəʊtʃɪz > bid sp out-dwels1
sp owches1
> dwell
outbrave v
ought n əʊtˈbrɛ:v outfac·e / ~ing / ~ed v
= sp out-braue1 m əʊtˈfɛ:s, ˈəʊtfɛ:s /
sp ought64 > brave əʊtˈfɛ:s·ɪn, -ɪŋ / m -t, -ɪd
ought / ~est v sp outface2, out-face4 / out-facing1 /
outbreak n
= / ɔ:tst outfac’d1, out-fac’d2, out-faced1
ˈəʊtbrɛ:k > face
sp ought19 / ought’st1 sp out-breake1
> break outfacing adj
oui Fr adv
m ˈəʊtfɛ:sɪn, -ɪŋ
wi outbreath / ~ed v
sp out-facing1
sp ouy5, Pistol H5 4.4.37 owy1 əʊtˈbreθt, -ri:ðd
sp out-breath’d1 outfrown v
ounce / ~s n > breath əʊtˈfrəʊn
əʊns / ˈəʊnsɪz
sp out-frowne1
sp ounce6 / ounces1 outburn / PP ~ eth v
> frown
ouph / ~s n sp out burneth1 out·go / ~goes / ~went v
əʊfs rh flameth PP 7.14 əʊtˈɡo: / -z / əʊtˈwent
sp ouphes2 > breath
sp out-go1, outgoe1 / out-goes1 /
our / ~s det / pro out-went1
outcast n
> go
o:ɹ, unstr əɹ / o:ɹz ˈəʊtkast
sp our3149 / ours87, our’s1 sp out-cast2 outgrow / ~n v
rh devours, flowers Luc 873; flowers > cast əʊtˈɡro:n
Cym 5.4.100, RJ 2.3.3; sours Luc 868;
sp out-growne1
none of ours progenitors Luc 1757 outcraft·y / ~ied v
> grow
ousel n sp out-craftied1 out-Herod / ~s v
u:zəl > crafty əʊt-ˈerədz, -ˈhe-
sp out- Herod’s1
outcr·y / ~ies v
out adv > Herod
ˈəʊtkrəɪ / -z
əʊt sp outcry1 / outcries1 outjest v
sp out885, [peere]-out2, [throw]-out2 > cry əʊtˈdʒest
rh about Luc 413, MA 5.3.24, MW
sp out-iest1
5.5.56, 102, RJ 1.2.35, 3.5.41, S 113.4, outdare / ~s v
> jest
TNK Prol.25; clout LLL 4.1.134; doubt əʊtˈdɛ:ɹ / -z


outlaw / ~s n sp out-priz’d1 outside / ~s n

ˈəʊtlɔ: / -z > prize əʊtˈsəɪd / -z
sp out-law2 / out-lawes6 outrage / ~s n sp outside3, out-side9 / out-sides1
> law > side
ˈəʊtrɛ:dʒ / -ɪz
outlaw / ~ed v sp outrage9, out-rage3 / outrages5 outsleep v
ˈəʊtlɔ:d rh age Luc 605 əʊtˈsli:p
sp out-law’d1 outragious adj sp out-sleepe1
> sleep
outlawry n əʊtˈrɛ:dʒɪəs
m ˈəʊtləˌrəɪ sp outragious4, out-ragious1, outspeak / ~s v
1 [with]out ragious1 əʊtˈspi:ks, -pɛ:ks
sp outlarie
outran sp out-speakes1
outliv·e / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v > speak
> outrun
m əʊtˈlɪv, ˈəʊtlɪv / əʊtˈlɪv·z /
-ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d outride / outrod v outsport v
14 1 2
sp out-liue / outliues , out-liues / əʊtˈrɒd əʊtˈspɔ:ɹt
out-liuing1 / out-liu’d1 sp out-sport1
sp out-rod1
> live > sport
> ride

outlook v outright adv out·stand / ~stood v

m ˈəʊtˌlʊk əʊtˈrəɪt əʊtˈstʊd
sp out-looke1 sp out-stood1
sp outright1, out-right2, out right1
> look > stand
> right

outlustre / ~s v outroar v outstare v

əʊtˈlɤstəɹz əʊtˈrɔ:ɹ əʊtˈstɛ:ɹ
sp out-lusters1 sp out-stare2
sp out-roare1
> lustre > stare
> roar

outnight v outrun / ~nest / ~s / ~ning / outstay v

əʊtˈnəɪt outran v əʊtˈstɛ:
sp out-night1 sp out-stay1
əʊtˈrɤn / -st / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ /
> night > stay
outparamour / ~ed v sp outrun1, out-run3, out-runne3 / outstretch / ~ed v
m əʊtˈparəˌmɔ:ɹd out-runst1 / out-runnes1 / ˈəʊtstretʃt
out-running1 / out-ran1 sp out-stretcht2
sp out-paramour’d1
> run > stretch
> paramour
outscold v outstretched adj
outpeer v
əʊtˈsko:ld m əʊtˈstretʃt, -tʃɪd, ˈəʊtstretʃt
sp out-scold1 sp out-stretched1, out-stretcht2
sp out-peere1
> scold
> peer
outstrike v
outsell / ~s v
outpray v m ˈəʊtstrəɪk
əʊtˈsel / -z
m ˈəʊtprɛ: sp out-strike1
sp out-sell1 / out-selles1 > strike
sp out-pray1
> sell
> pray
outstrip v
outshining adj
outprize / ~d v m ˈəʊtstrɪp, əʊtˈstrɪp
əʊtˈʃəɪnɪn, -ɪŋ
m ˈəʊtprəɪzd sp out-strip3
sp out-shining1 > strip
> shine


outswear v outwardly adv 3.4.137, MND 3.2.130, TG 3.1.94; sore

m ˈəʊtswɛ:ɹ, əʊtˈswɛ:ɹ m ˈəʊtwəɹdˌləɪ Luc 1567; swore MND 3.2.135

sp out-sweare2 sp outwardly4 overawe v

> swear rh modesty LC 203
outsweeten / ~ed v outward-sainted adj sp ouer-awe1
əʊtˈswi:tənd ˈəʊtwəɹd-ˌsɛ:ntɪd > awe

sp out-sweetned1 sp outward sainted1 overbear, abbr o’er / ~s /

> sweet > saint
overborne v
outswell v out·wear / ~worn v ˈo:vəɹˈbɛ:ɹ, abbr m ˌo:ɹˈbɛ:ɹ,
əʊtˈswel əʊtˈwɛ:ɹ / əʊtˈwɔ:ɹn ˈo:ɹˌbɛ:ɹ / -z / ˈo:vəɹˈbɔ:ɹn,
sp out-swell1 sp out-weare2 / out-worne1 abbr ˌo:ɹˈbɔ:ɹn
> swell rh born S 68.1; new-born, torn sp ouer-beare , abbr ore-beare1,
Luc 1761 o’re-beare2 / ouer-beares1, abbr
out-talk v > wear ore-beares2 / ouerborne2,
əʊt-ˈtɔ:k ouer-borne4, abbr ore-borne1,
sp out-talke1
outweigh / ~s v o’re-borne1
> talk əʊtˈwɛ:z > bear v
sp out-weighes2
out-tongue v > weigh overbearing n
ˈəʊt-ˌtɒŋ, -ˌtʊ- ˌo:ɹˈbɛ:rɪn, -ɪŋ
sp out-tongue1
outwent sp ore-bearing2
> tongue > outgo > bear v

outvenom / ~s v outwork v overbeat, abbr o’er v

əʊtˈvenəmz ˈəʊtwɔ:ɹk ˌo:ɹˈbi:t
sp out-venomes1 sp out-worke1 sp o’re-beate1
> venom > work > beat

outvie / ~d v outworn overblow, abbr o’er / ~s /

əʊtˈvəɪd > outwear ~n v
sp out-vied1 ˌo:ɹˈblo:z / ˈo:vəɹˈblo:n
outworth / ~s v
> vie sp o’re-blowes1 / ouerblowne1,
əʊtˈwɔ:ɹθs ouer-blowne4
outvillain / ~ed v sp out-worths1 rh own R2 3.2.190
əʊtˈvɪlənd > worth > blow
sp out-villain’d1
ouzel n overboard, abbr o’er adv
> villain
ˈu:zəl ˈo:vəɹˈbɔ:ɹd, abbr ˌo:ɹ-
outvoice v sp ouzell1 sp ouer-boord2, abbr ore-boord1,
əʊtˈvəɪs o’re-boord1
oven n > board
sp out-voyce1
> voice
sp ouen2 overbold adj
outwall v ˈo:vəɹˈbo:ld
əʊtˈwɑ:l over, abbr o’er adv / prep sp ouer-bold1
sp out-wall 1 ˈo:vəɹ, abbr o:ɹ > bold
> wall sp ouer65, o-uer2, abbr ore44, o’re34,
[giue]-o’re1 / ouer85, o-uer1, abbr overboldly adv
outward adj / adv / n ore53, o’re53 ˈo:vəɹˈbo:ldləɪ
ˈəʊtwəɹd rh lover TG 1.1.108, VA 571 / before sp ouer-boldly1
40 2 1 S 30.10; more, tore Luc 1790, Mac > bold
sp outward / outward / outward


overboots adv over·come / ~comes / ~came, overdusted, abbr o’er adj

ˈo:vəɹˈbu:ts, -ˈbʊts abbr o’er v ˌo:ɹˈdɤstɪd
sp ouer-bootes1 ˈo:vəɹˈkɤm, abbr ˌo:ɹ- / -z / sp oredusted1
> boot ˈo:vəɹˈkɛ:m, abbr ˌo:ɹ- > dust
sp ouercome8, abbr orecome1,
overborne overdyed, abbr o’er adj
ore-come1, o’recome2 / ouercomes1
> overbear
/ ouercame5, o-uercame1, ouer-
came2, abbr o’recame2 sp o’re-dy’d1
overbulk v > dye
> come
sp ouer-bulke1 overcool v overearnest adj
> bulk ˈo:vəɹˈku:l ˈo:vəɹˈɐ:ɹnɪst
sp ouer-coole1 sp ouer-earnest1
overbuy / ~s v > earnest
> cool
sp ouer-buyes1 overcount, abbr o’er v overears, abbr o’er adj
> buy ˌo:ɹˈkəʊnt ˌo:ɹˈi:ɹz
sp orecount1, o’re-count1 sp o’re eares1
overcame > ear
> count
> overcome
overcover / ~ed, abbr o’er v overeaten, abbr o’er adj
overcanopied adj ˌo:ɹˈi:tən
m ˈo:vəɹˈkanəˌpɪd sp ore-eaten1
sp orecouered1
sp ouer-cannoped1 > eat
> cover
> canopy
overcredulous adj overey·e, abbr o’er / ~ing v
overcareful adj ˌo:ɹˈəɪ / ˈo:vəɹˈəɪɪn, -ɪŋ
ˈo:vəɹˈkredləs, -djəl-
ˈo:vəɹˈkɛ:ɹfʊl sp ore-eye1 / ouer-eying1
sp ouer-credulous1
sp ouer-carefull1 rh sky LLL 4.3.78
> credulity
> care > eye
overcrow / ~s, abbr o’er v
overcast, abbr o’er v overfar adv
ˈo:vəɹˈkast, abbr ˌo:ɹ- 1 ˈo:vəɹˈfɑ:ɹ
sp ore-crowes
sp ouercast1, abbr orecast1, o’re-cast1 sp ouer-farre1
> crow
> cast > far
overdaring adj
overcharg·e / ~ing / ~ed, abbr overflourish, abbr o’er /
ˈo:vəɹˈdɛ:rɪn, -ɪŋ
o’er v ~ed v
sp ouer-daring1
ˌo:ɹ-ˈtʃɑ:ɹdʒɪn, -ɪŋ / > dare ˌo:ɹˈflɤrɪʃt
ˈo:vəɹˈtʃɑ:ɹdʒd, abbr ˌo:ɹ- sp ore-flourish’d1
sp o’re-charging1 / ouer-charg’d2, over·doing, abbr o’er / > flourish
abbr ore-charg’d1, orecharged1 ~done v
> charge ˈo:ɹdu:ɪn, -ɪŋ, o:ɹˈdu:- / overflow, abbr o’er / ~s /
ˈo:vəɹˈdɤn ~ed / ~n v
overcharged adj ˈo:vəɹˈflo:, abbr ˌo:ɹ- / ˌo:ɹˈflo:s
sp o’re-doing1 / ouer-done2
ˈo:vəɹˈtʃɑ:ɹdʒɪd / ˈo:vəɹˈflo:d / ˈo:vəɹˈflo:n
ouer-charged2, o’re-charg’d1 Overdone / ~’s [name] n sp ouerflow2, abbr oreflow2 /
> charge
ˈo:vəɹdən, MM .. ore’flowes1, ore-flowes2 /
ˈo:vəɹˈdɤn / -z ouerflow’d1 /
overcloyed, abbr o’er adj
ˌo:ɹˈkləɪɪd sp Ouer-don2 / Ouer-dons2
rh knows Luc 1119 / bestowed Per
pun MM 2.1.192 over done
sp o’re-cloyed1 4.4.40
> cloy > flow


overflowing, abbr o’er adj overgreedy adj overhold v

ˌo:ɹˈflo:ɪn, -ɪŋ ˈo:vəɹˈɡri:dəɪ ˈo:vəɹˈo:ld, -ˈho:-
sp o’re-flowing1 sp ouer-greedy1 sp ouerhold1
> flow > greedy > hold

overfly VA v overgrow, abbr o’er v overjoyed, abbr o’er adj

ˈo:vəɹˈfləɪ ˌo:ɹˈɡro: ˈo:vəɹˈdʒəɪd, abbr ˌo:ɹ-
sp ouerfly1 sp o’re-grow1 sp ouer-ioyed2, abbr ore-ioy’d1
rh overfly them hie them VA 324 > grow > joy
> fly
overgrown, abbr o’er adj overkind adj
overfond adj ˈo:vəɹˈɡro:n, abbr m ˌo:ɹˈɡro:n, ˈo:vəɹˈkəɪnd
ˈo:vəɹˈfɒnd ˈo:ɹˌɡro:n sp ouer-kind1
sp ouer-fond1 sp ouer-growne1, abbr ore-growne3 > kind
> fond > grow
overkindness n
overfraught, abbr o’er adj overhang, abbr o’er v ˈo:vəɹˈkəɪndnəs
ˈo:ɹˌfrɔ:t ˌo:ɹˈaŋ, -ˈha- sp ouerkindnesse1
sp o’re-fraught sp o’re-hang 1 > kind
> fraught > hang
overlaboured, abbr o’er adj
overfull adj overhanging, abbr o’er adj ˌo:ɹˈlɛ:bəɹd
ˈo:vəɹˈfʊl ˌo:ɹˈaŋɡɪn, -ɪŋ, -ˈha- sp ore-labor’d1
sp ouer-full sp ore-hanging 1 > labour
> full > hang
overleap, abbr o’er / ~s v
overgall, abbr o’er / ~ed v overhappy adj ˌo:ɹˈli:p / -s
ˌo:ɹˈɡɑ:lɪd ˈo:vəɹˈapəɪ, -ˈha- sp o’re-leape2 / ore-leapes1
sp ore-galled sp ouer-happy 1 > leap
> gall > happy
overleather n
overglance, abbr o’er / ~d v overhasty, abbr o’er adj ˈo:vəɹˌleðəɹ
ˈo:vəɹˈɡlans / ˌo:ɹˈɡlanst ˌo:ɹˈastəɪ, -ˈha- sp o-uer-leather1
1 1 > leather
sp ouerglance / o’re-glanc’t sp o’re-hasty 1

> glance > hasty

overlive v
over·go / ~gone, abbr o’er v overhead adv ˈo:vəɹˈlɪv
ˈo:vəɹˈɡo: / ˈo:vəɹˈɡo:n, abbr ˈo:vəɹˈed, -ˈhe- sp ouer-liue1
ˌo:ɹ-, -ˈɡɒn sp ouer head1 > live
sp ouer-go1 / ouergone1, abbr rh tread LLL 4.3.279
overlong adj
ore-gone1 / > head
> go
overhear, abbr o’er / ~d / sp ouer-long1
overgorge / ~d v ~dest v > long
ˈo:vəɹˈɡɔ:ɹdʒd ˈo:vəɹˈi:ɹ, -ɛ:ɹ, -ˈh-, abbr ˌo:ɹ- / overlook, abbr o’er / ~s /
sp ouer-gorg’d1 ˈo:vəɹˈɛ:ɹd, -ˈɐ:ɹd, -ˈh-, abbr
> gorge
~ed v
ˌo:ɹ- / -st ˈo:vəɹˈlʊk, abbr ˌo:ɹ- / -s / -t
2 1
overgreat, abbr o’er adj sp ouer-heare , abbr o’re-heare , /
sp ouer-looke3, abbr orelooke1,
ouerheard2, ouer-heard4, abbr
ˈo:ɹˌɡrɛ:t o’re-looke2 / ouer-lookes2 /
ore-heard3 / ouer-heardst1, ouer
sp ore-great1 ouerlook’d1, abbr ore-look’d3,
> great ore-lookt1
rh here LLL 5.2.95
rh book MND 2.2.127, S 82.2; over-
look them forsook them VA 178


overlooking, abbr o’er n sp ouer-name1 overpictur·e / ~ing, abbr

ˈo:vəɹˌlʊkɪn, -ɪŋ, abbr ˌo:ɹ-ˈl- > name o’er v
sp ouer looking1, abbr ore-loo-king1 overnight, abbr o’er / ~’s n ˌo:ɹˈpɪktrɪn, -ɪŋ, -tər-
> look sp o’re-picturing1
ˈo:vəɹˈnəɪt, abbr ˌo:ɹ- / -s
1 1 > picture
overlusty adj sp ouer-night , abbr ore-night /
ˈo:vəɹˈlɤstəɪ o’re-nights1 overplus adj / n
> night
sp ouerlustie1, ouer-lustie1 ˈo:vəɹˈplɤs
> lust overoffice / ~s, abbr o’er v sp ouer-plus1 / ouer-plus1
rh thus S 135.2
overmaster, abbr o’er / ~est / ˌo:ɹˈɒfɪsɪz
~ed v sp o’re of-fices1 overposting, abbr o’er n
> office
ˌo:ɹˈmastəɹ / m ˌo:ɹˈmastəˌrest / ˌo:ɹˈpo:stɪn, -ɪŋ
ˈo:vəɹˈmastəɹd overpaid sp o’re-posting1
sp o’remaster't [overmaster it] / 1
> overpay > post
ore-masterest1 / ouer-mastred1
> master overparted, abbr o’er adj overpower / ~ed, abbr
ˌo:ɹˈpɑ:ɹtɪd o’er v
overmatched, abbr o’er adj sp ore-parted1 ˌo:ɹˈpo:ɹd
ˈo:ɹˌmatʃt > part sp o’re-powr’d2
sp ore-matcht > power
> match overpass / ~ed v
ˈo:vəɹˈpast overpressed, abbr o’er adj
overmatching adj sp ouer-past 1 ˈo:ɹˌprest
ˈo:vəɹˈmatʃɪn, -ɪŋ sp o’re-prest1
sp ouer-matching 1 overpassed, abbr o’er adj > press
> match ˌo:ɹˈpast
sp ore-past1, R3 4.4.396 emend of
overprize, abbr o’er / ~d v
overmeasure n repast1 ˌo:ɹˈprəɪzd
ˈo:vəɹˌmezəɹ rh hast R3 4.4.396 sp ore-priz’d1
sp ouer measure > prize
> measure over·pay, abbr o’er / ~pays /
~paid v overproud adj
overmerry adj ˈo:vəɹˈpɛ: / ˌo:ɹˈpɛ:z / ˈo:vəɹˈprəʊd
ˈo:vəɹˈmerəɪ ˌo:ɹˈpɛ:d sp ouer-proud1, ouer proud1
sp ouer-merrie > proud
sp ouer-pay1 / ore-payes1 /
> merry
ore-pai’d1 over-rate, abbr o’er v
overmount, abbr o’er v > pay
ˌo:ɹˈməʊnt overpeer, abbr o’er / ~ing / sp o’re-rate1
sp o’re-mount1 ~ed v > rate

overmounting adj ˈo:vəɹˈpi:ɹ, abbr ˌo:ɹ- / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / over-reach, abbr o’er /
ˈo:vəɹˈməʊntɪn, -ɪŋ -d -raught v
sp ouer-mounting1 sp ouer-peere2, abbr o’re-peere1 / ˈo:vəɹˈri:tʃ, abbr ˌo:ɹ- / ˌo:ɹˈrɔ:t
1 1
> mount ouer-peering / ouer-peer’d
sp ouer-reach1, abbr ore-reach1 /
> peer
overmuch adv ore-wrought2
overperch, abbr o’er > reach
ˈo:vəɹˈmɤtʃ v
sp ouer-much2 ˌo:ɹˈpɐ:ɹtʃ over-reaching, abbr o’er n
> much sp ore-perch1 ˌo:ɹˈri:tʃɪn, -ɪŋ
> perch
overname v sp ore-reaching1
> reach


over-read, abbr o’er present sp ore-seas overskip, abbr o’er v
> sea ˌo:ɹˈskɪp
/ past v
ˈo:vəɹˈri:d, abbr ˌo:ɹ- / ˌo:ɹˈred overset, abbr o’er v sp Q o’re scip1
sp ouer-reade1, abbr ore-read1, rh fellowship KL 3.6.104
ˈo:vəɹˈset, abbr ˌo:ɹ-
ore-reade / ore-read 1 > skip
sp ouer set1, abbr o’re-set1
rh dead S 81.10
> set overslip, abbr o’er / ~s v
> read
overshade, abbr o’er / ~s v ˌo:ɹˈslɪps
over-red v sp ore-slips1
ˌo:ɹˈʃɛ:d / ˈo:vəɹˈʃɛ:dz, abbr
ˈo:vəɹˈred > slip
sp ouer-red1
sp ore-shade1 / ouer-shades1, abbr overspread, abbr o’er / ~s v
> red
ore-shades2 ˈo:vəɹˈspred / ˌo:ɹˈspredz
over-rested, abbr o’er adj > shade sp ouer-spread1 / ore-spreds1
ˌo:ɹˈrestɪd overshine, abbr o’er / ~s v > spread
sp ore-rested1
ˈo:vəɹˈʃəɪn, abbr ˌo:ɹ- / overstain / ~ed v
> rest
ˈo:vəɹˈʃəɪnz ˈo:vəɹˈstɛ:nd
over-ride / ~rode v sp ouer-shine2, abbr o’re-shine1 / sp ouer-staind1
ˈo:vəɹˈrɒd ouershines1 > stained
> shine
sp ouer-rod1
> ride
overstare, abbr o’er v
overshoes, abbr o’er adj / ˌo:ɹˈstɛ:ɹ
over-ripened adj adv / n sp ore-stare1
ˈo:vəɹˈrəɪpənd ˈo:vəɹˌʃu:z, abbr ˈo:ɹ- > stare
sp ouer-ripen’d1 sp ouer-shooes1, abbr oreshooes1 /
> ripe o-uer-shooes1 / ouer shooes1 over·stink, abbr o’er /
> shoe ~stunk v
over-roasted adj ˌo:ɹˈstɤŋk
ˈo:vəɹˈro:stɪd over·shoot, abbr o’er /
sp ore-stunck1
sp ouer-roasted , ouer-rosted 1 ~shot v > stink
> roast ˈo:vəɹˈʃɒt, abbr ˌo:ɹ-
sp ouershot1, ouer-shot1, abbr overstop, abbr o’er v
over-rule, abbr o’er / ore’shot1, o’re-shot1 ˌo:ɹˈstɒp
~s / ~d v rh forgot LLL 1.1.140; not LLL 4.3.158 sp ore-stop1
ˌo:ɹˈru:l / -z / ˈo:vəɹˈru:ld > shoot > stop
sp ore-rule1, o’re-rule1, o’rerule1 /
overshower, abbr o’er / ~ed overstrawed, abbr o’er adj
ore-rules1 / ouer-rul’d2
> rule
Per v ˌo:ɹˈstrɔ:d
ˌo:ɹˈʃo:ɹd sp ore-strawd1
over-run, abbr o’er / ~s v sp ore-showr’d1 rh fraud VA 1143
ˈo:vəɹˈrɤn, abbr ˌo:ɹ- / -z rh devoured Per 4.4.26 > straw
sp ouer-run1, abbr ore-run5 /
oversight / ~s n oversway, abbr o’er / ~s /
ˈo:vəɹˌsəɪt / -s ~ed v
over-running n sp ouer-sights1 ˌo:ɹˈswɛ: / -z / ˈo:vəɹˈswɛ:d
ˈo:vəɹˈrɤnɪn, -ɪŋ > sight sp ore-sway1, o’resway1 /
sp ouer-running 1
o’re-swaies1 / ouerswayed1
> run
oversize, abbr o’er / ~d v rh obeyed VA 109
m ˌo:ɹˈsəɪzɪd > sway
overseas, abbr o’er adv sp o’re-sized1
ˌo:ɹˈsi:z > size overswear v


sp ouer sweare1 overtop, abbr o’er / ~ping / overween, abbr o’er / ~s v

> swear ~ped v ˈo:vəɹˈwi:n, abbr ˌo:ɹ- / -z
overswell, abbr o’er v m ˈo:ɹˌtɒp, -ˈtɒp, / ˈo:ɹˈtɒpɪn, sp ouer-weene2, abbr oreweene1 /
-ɪŋ / ˈo:vəɹˈtɒpt o’re-weenes1
sp ore-swell3 sp ore-top1, o’re top1 / ore-topping1,
overweening, abbr o’er adj
> swell / ouer-top’d1
> top
ˈo:vəɹˈwi:nɪn, -ɪŋ, abbr ˌo:ɹ-
over·take, abbr o’er / ~taketh sp ouer-weening5, abbr
overtopping n ore-weening1
/ ~took / ~tane v
ˈo:vəɹˈtɒpɪn, -ɪŋ > ween
ˈo:vəɹˈtɛ:k, abbr ˌo:ɹ- /
sp ouer-topping1
ˈo:vəɹˈtɛ:kəθ / ˈo:vəɹˈtʊk, abbr overweigh, abbr o’er / ~s v
ˌo:ɹ- / ˈo:vəɹˈtɛ:n, abbr ˌo:ɹ- overtrip, abbr o’er v ˈo:vəɹˈwɛ:, abbr ˌo:ɹ- /
sp ouertake5, ouer-take2, abbr ˌo:ɹˈtrɪp ˌo:ɹˈwɛ:z
3 1 3
ore-take , o’retake , o’re-take / sp ore-trip1 sp ouer-weigh1, abbr o’re-way1 /
ouer-taketh1 / ouer-tooke1, abbr > trip ore-weighs1
o’retooke1, o’re-tooke1 / ouertane1, > weigh
ouerta’ne1, abbr ore-tane2 overture n
> take m ˈo:vəɹˌtu:ɹ, -ɹtəɹ overwhelm, abbr o’er /
sp ouerture , ouer-ture 1 ~ed v
overtedious adj
ˈo:vəɹˈʍelm, abbr ˌo:ɹ- /
ˈo:vəɹˈtɪdɪəs overturn, abbr o’er / ~ed v m ˈo:vəɹˈʍelmd, -mɪd, abbr
sp ouer-tedious1 ˌo:ɹˈtɐ:ɹn / ˈo:vəɹˈtɐ:ɹnd
> tedious
sp o’re-turne2 / ouer-turn’d1 sp ouer-whelme1, abbr orewhelm1,
overteemed, abbr o’er adj rh burn S 55.5 ore-whelme3, o’rewhelme1, /
> turn ouerwhelm’d1, ouer-whelmed1, abbr
m ˌo:ɹˈti:mɪd
o’rewhelm’d1, o’re-whelm’d1,
sp ore-teamed1 overvalue, abbr o’er / ~s v o’re-whelmed1
> teem ˌo:ɹˈvaljəz, -ju:z
overthrow n sp o’re-values1 overwhelming adj
ˈo:vəɹˌθro: > value ˈo:vəɹˈʍelmɪn, -ɪŋ
sp ouerwhelming1
sp ouerthrow12 overveil / ~ed v > whelm
overthrow, abbr o’er / ~s / ˈo:vəɹˈvɛ:ld
sp ouer-vayl’d1 overwithered adj
~n v
> veil ˈo:vəɹˈwɪðəɹd
ˈo:vəɹˈθro:, abbr m ˌo:ɹˈθro:,
sp ouer-wither’d1
ˈo:ɹˌθro: / ˌo:ɹˈθro:z / overview n > wither
ˈo:vəɹˈθro:n, abbr ˌo:ɹˈθro:n ˈo:vəɹˌvju:
sp ouerthrow3, abbr orethrow1, sp ouer-view1 overworn, abbr o’er adj
o’rethrow1, o’re-throw1 / rh you LLL 4.3.173 ˈo:vəɹˈwɔ:ɹn, abbr ˌo:ɹ-
orethrowes1 / ouerthrowne11, abbr > view sp ouer-worne1, abbr ore-worne1
o’rethrown1, orethrowne1, rh horn VA 866; morn S 63.2
ore-throwne1, o’rethrowne1, overwalk, abbr o’er v > wear
o’re-throwne2 ˌo:ɹˈwɔ:k
rh grow TN 5.1.165; woe S 90.8 / sp o’re-walke1 Ovid / ~’s n
foes RJ Prol.7 / own Ham 3.2.222, LLL > walk ˈɒvɪd
5.2.153, Tem Epil.1 sp Ouid2 / Ouids1
> throw overwatched, abbr o’er adj
ˈo:vəɹˈwɑtʃt, abbr ˌo:ɹ- Ovidius n
sp ouer-watcht1, abbr ore-watch’d1 əˈvɪdɪəs
> overtake > watch sp O-uiddius1


owe / ~est / ~es / ~eth / ~ing / own adj, pro Oxfordshire n

~ed / ~edest / ought v o:n m ˈɒksfəɹdˌʃəɪɹ
o: / ˈo:st, ˈo:əst / o:z / o:əθ / sp own16, owne705, own’s [own is]1 sp Oxfordshire1
ˈo:ɪn, -ɪŋ / o:d / o:dst / ɔ:t rh 1 alone TG 2.4.166; blown VA
776; known Luc 241; known, shown ox-head n
sp owe71 / owest2, ow’st5 / owes25,
ows1 / oweth1 / owing1 / ow’d7, MND 3.2.459; o’erthrown, over- ˈɒks-ˌed, -ˌhed
owed3 / owd’st1 / ought1 thrown Ham 3.2.223, LLL 5.2.154, sp oxe-head1
rh Dromio CE 3.1.42; grow MND Tem Epil.2; over-blown R2 3.2.191; > head
3.2.85; grow, show Luc 299; know CE shown PP 20.18, RJ 1.1.189, 1.2.100,
3.2.43, LLL 1.2.101, Mac 5.4.18, TN S 69.6, 121.10; unknown Luc 35; rh 2 oxlip / ~s n
2.4.104; Mercutio RJ 3.1.183; show S none Per Prol.27 =
70.14; show, so Luc 82; so TN 1.5.300; sp oxlips1, oxslips1
own / ~s / ~ing v
throw MND 2.2.85; owe it know it
AW 4.3.225, VA 411; owe me know o:n / -z / ˈo:nɪn, -ɪŋ oyes n
me VA 523; owe them bestow them sp owne1 / ownes1 / owning1 əɪz
LC 140 / goest, knowest, showest, sp oyes2
throwest, trowest KL 1.4.119; owner / ~s n
rh toys MW 5.5.41
growest S 18.10 / shows Tim 3.4.24 / ˈo:nəɹ / -z
bestowed, glowed LC 327 sp owner13, owners4 oyster n
> honour-owing, unowed ˈəɪstəɹ
ox / ~en n
Owen n sp oyster6, oy-ster1
ˈo:ɪn sp oxe12 / oxen7 oyster-wench n
sp Owen9 rh mocks LLL 5.2.250 ˈəɪstəɹ-ˌwentʃ
> draught-oxen
owl / ~s n sp oyster-wench1

əʊl / -z Oxford n ozier / ~s n

sp oule1, owle18 / owles3 ˈɒksfəɹd ˈo:zɪəɹz
rh 1 foul LLL 4.1.140, 5.2.906; rh 2 sp Oxford38, Ox-ford1
sp oziers1
bowl LLL 4.1.140, 5.2.915
> night-, screech-owl


P [letter] / ~s n packing / ~s n pagan / ~s n

= ˈpakɪnz, -ɪŋz ˈpɛ:ɡən / -z
sp P’s1 sp packings1 sp pagan3 / pagans3

pace / ~s n pack-saddle n page / ~’s / ~s n

pɛ:s / ˈpɛ:s·ɪz ˈpak-ˌsadl pɛ:dʒ / ˈpɛ:dʒɪz
sp pace20 / paces6 sp packe-saddle1 sp page39 / pages1 / pages8
rh case, grace Luc 709; race S 51.9 / > saddle rh age MW 1.3.79, S 108.12; embas-
faces, interlaces Luc 1391 sage LLL 5.2.97 / rages Luc 910
pack-thread n
pac·e / ~ing / ~ed v = page v
pɛ:s / ˈpɛ:s·ɪz / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / pɛ:st sp packthred 2 pɛ:dʒ
sp pace7 / pacing1 / pac’d2 > thread sp page1
rh grace WT 4.1.23
> snail-paced Pacorus n Page / ~’s [name] n
pəˈkɔ:rəs pɛ:dʒ / ˈpɛ:dʒɪz
Pace [name] n sp Pacorus1, Paco-rus1 sp Page116 / Pages4
sp Pace1 paction n pageant / ~s n
ˈpaksɪən ˈpadʒɪənt, -dʒənt / -s
pacif·y / ~ied v sp paction1 sp pageant9, page-ant1 / pageants5
ˈpasɪfəɪ / -d
sp pacifie1 / pacified2 paddl·e / ~ing v pageant / ~s v
= / ˈpadlɪn, -ɪŋ ˈpadʒɪənts, -dʒənts
pack / ~s n sp paddle1 / padling2 sp pageants1
sp pack4, packe8 / packs1 paddock n pah interj
= =
pack / ~ing / ~ed v sp paddocke1 sp pah2
= / ˈpakɪn, -ɪŋ / =
sp pack1, packe8 / packing8 / Paddock [name] n paid
pack’d2, packt6 = > pay
> unpack sp Padock1
pail / ~s n
packet / ~s n Padua n pɛ:l / -z
= m ˈpadju:ˌa, [ sylls] ˈpadjʊə sp paile1 / pailes1
sp packet8 / packets2 sp Padua 29 rh nail LLL 5.2.904

pack-horse n pagan adj pailful / ~s n

ˈpak-ˌɔ:ɹs, -ˌhɔ:- / -ɪz ˈpɛ:ɡən ˈpɛ:lfʊlz
sp packe-horse1 / pack-horses1 sp pagan3 sp paile-fuls1
> horse


pain / ~s n painting adj pale / ~r adj

pɛ:n / -z ˈpɛ:ntɪn, -ɪŋ pɛ:l / ˈpɛ:ləɹ
sp pain1, paine58 / paines83, pains5 sp painting1 sp pale113, pale-[primrose]1 / paler3
rh again Cym 4.2.290, MND 1.1.250, rh scale Luc 441; scale, tale Luc 478;
VA 1034; again, disdain Luc 690; painting / ~s n tale VA 76,1123; tale, vale LC 5
again, distain Luc 789; complain CE ˈpɛ:ntɪn, -ɪŋ / -z > maid-pale
2.1.36; disdain 3H6 3.3.128, S 132.4, sp painting14 / paintings1
140.4; disdain, gain PP 15.9; Dumaine > nose-painting
pale / ~s n
LLL 4.3.170; gain Luc 861, S 141.14; pɛ:l / -z
gain, remain Luc 733; maintain 2H4 pair / ~s n sp pale8 / pales1
4.5.222; plain LLL 4.3.120; slain S pɛ:ɹ / -z rh dale MND 2.1.4, VA 230, WT
139.14; vain LLL 1.1.73, PP 20.20, R2 4.3.4; stale CE 2.1.100; tale VA 589
sp paire26, payre12 / paires1
2.1.8 / gains Mac 4.1.39, R2 5.6.11;
retains TNK Prol.8 pair / ~ed v pale / ~s / ~ed v
> hell-pains pɛ:l / -z / -d
pɛ:ɹ / -d
sp paire / payr’d1 sp pale2 / pales2 / pal’d1
pain / ~s / ~ed v
pɛ:n / -z / -d pair-taunt-like adj pale-dead adj
sp paines1 / pain’d1 ˈpɛ:l-ˌded
sp pertaunt like1 sp pale-dead1
pained adj
> dead
m ˈpɛ:nɪd pajock n
sp pained1 pale-faced adj
sp paiocke 1 ˈpɛ:l-ˌfɛ:st
pained Luc n
sp pale-fac’d3, pale-fac’t1
pɛ:nd palabras Span n > face
sp pained1
paˈlabras, Sly TS Induction .
rh chained, obtained Luc 901 pale-hearted adj
1 1
m ˌpɛ:l-ˈɑ:ɹtɪd, -ˈhɑ:-
painful adj sp palabras , Sly pallabris
sp pale-hearted1
ˈpɛ:nfʊl > heart
palace adj
sp painefull3, painfull3, pain-full1
= paleness n
painfully adv sp pallace4
m ˈpɛ:nfʊˌləɪ sp palenesse2
palace / ~s n
sp painefully3, painfully1
= Palentine n
paint / ~s / ~ed v sp palace4, pallace22 / palaces1,
pɛ:nt / -s / ˈpɛ:ntɪd pallaces6
sp Palentine2
sp paint16 / paints1 / painted23
Palamedes n
rh attaint Luc 1074 / acquainted S Palestine n
20.1; fainted Luc 1541
m ˈpaləstəɪn, -sˌt-
sp Palamedes1
sp Palestine2
painted adj
ˈpɛ:ntɪd palate / ~s n
pale-visaged adj
sp painted 23 =
1 3 3 1
m ˌpɛ:l-ˈvɪzɪdʒd
> well-painted sp pa-lat , pallat , pallate / palats ,
sp pale-visag’d1
> visage
painter n
ˈpɛ:ntəɹ palat·e / ~s / ~ing v
palfrey / ~s n
sp painter 9 = / ˈpalətɪn, -ɪŋ
ˈpalfrəɪ / -z
sp pallates2 / pallating1


sp palfray1, palfrey1 / palfrayes1, pals·y / ~ies n panderly adj

palfries1 ˈpɔ:lzəɪ, ˈpɑ:l- / -z ˈpandəɹləɪ
palizado / ~es n sp palsie3 / palsies1 sp panderly1
ˌpalɪˈzɑ:do:z palter v Pandulph n
sp palizadoes1 ˈpɔ:ltəɹ ˈpandəlf
pall v sp palter5 sp Pandolph1, Pandulph3, in s.d.
pɑ:l, pɔ:l paltering n
sp pall1, paule1 ˈpɔ:ltrɪn, -ɪŋ pang / ~s n
pallabris sp paltring1 =
sp pang4 / pangs13
> palabras paltry adj
Pallas n ˈpɔ:ltrəɪ pang / ~ing / ~ed v
2 8
sp paltrie , paltry , paultry 1 ˈpaŋɡɪn, -ɪŋ / =
sp panging1 / pang’d1
sp Pallas3 paly adj
palled adj ˈpɛ:ləɪ pannel n
m ˈpɑ:lɪd, ˈpɔ:- sp palie1, paly1 =
sp pannell1
sp paul’d1 pamper v
pallet / ~s n ˈpampəɹ pannel / ~led v
ˈpalət / -s sp pamper 1 =
sp pannelled1
sp pallads1 pampered adj
palliament n ˈpampəɹd pannier n
m ˈpalɪəˌment sp pampred1 ˈpanɪəɹ
sp pannier1
sp palliament1 pamphlet / ~s n
palm [hand] / ~s n = Pannonian / ~s n
pɔ:m / -z sp pamphlets 11 pəˈno:nɪənz
sp Pannonians2
sp palme20 / palmes1, palms1 pancake / ~s n
rh balm VA 25 Pansa n
ˈpankɛ:k / -s
palm [tree] n sp pancake1 / pancakes2, ˈpansə
pɔ:m pan-cakes1 sp Pansa1
palme Pandarus, abbr Pandar / pans·y / ~ies n
palmer / ~’s / ~s n ~’s n ˈpanzəɪz
ˈpɔ:məɹz m ˈpandəˌrɤs, -dərəs, -drəs, sp Ham 4.5.177 emend of paconcies1
sp palmers3 / palmers2 abbr ˈpandəɹ / ˈpandəɹz
pant / ~s n
sp Pandarus30, abbr Pandar4,
palm-tree n 1 3
Pander , abbr in s.d. Pand /
ˈpɔ:m-ˌtri: Pandar’s2, Panders1 sp pants2
sp palme tree pant / ~s / ~eth Luc / ~ing /
pander / ~s n
palpable adj ˈpandəɹ / -z ~ed v
= sp pandar3, pander3 / pandars1, = / = / = / ˈpantɪn, -ɪŋ / =
sp palpable 6 panders2 sp pant3 / pants1 / pa[n]teth1 /
painting1 / panted1
palsied adj pander / ~s v rh 1 granteth Luc 555; rh 2 wanteth
ˈpɔ:lzəɪd, ˈpɑ:l- ˈpandəɹz Luc 555
sp palsied1, palsied-[eld]1 sp panders1


pantaloon n sp paper-mill1 parallel adj

ˌpantəˈlu:n > mill m ˈpɑ:ɹlel, -rəl-
sp pantaloone1, pantalowne1, Paphlagonia n sp paralell1
ˌpafləˈgo:nɪə parallel / ~s n
Pantheon n sp Paphlagonia1 =
ˈpantɪən, -nθɪ- Paphos n sp paralell3 / paralels1
sp Panthean1, Pathan1
ˈpafɒs parallel / ~s / ~led v
panther n sp Paphos1 =
ˈpanθəɹ papist n sp paralell2 / paralels1 / paralel’d1
sp panther3 rh well TC 2.2.163
> unparallelled
Panthino n sp papist1
panˈti:no: paramour / ~s n
par Fr prep
sp Panthino2, Panthion2 ˈparəˌmɔ:ɹ / -z
sp paramour5 / paramours1
panting adj / n sp par1 > out-paramour
ˈpantɪn, -ɪŋ par nonsense word
sp panting2 / panting1
parapet / ~s n
pɑ:ɹ ˈparəˌpɪts
pantler n sp par1 sp parapets1
ˈpantləɹ parable n
sp pantler4
paraquito n
= ˌparəˈki:to:
pantry n sp parable1 sp paraquito1
ˈpantrəɪ Paracelsus n
sp pan-tery1
parasite / ~’s / ~s n
ˌparəˈselsəs ˈparəˌsɪt / -s
pap / ~s n sp Paracelsus1 sp parasite2 / parasites1 / parasites1
= rh wits VA 848
paradise n
sp pap3 / pappes1
m ˈparəˌdəɪs, -ˌdəɪz, -əd- Parca / ~’s n
rh hop MND 5.1.290
sp paradise11 ˈpɑ:ɹkəz
paper adj rh wise LLL 4.3.71, PP 3.14, Tem sp Parcas1
ˈpɛ:pəɹ 4.1.124
> demi-paradise parcel / ~s n
sp paper3
paradox / ~es n ˈpɑ:ɹsəl / -z
paper / ~s n sp parcel1, parcell10, par-cell1 /
ˈpɛ:pəɹ / -z parcells1, parcels6
sp paradox2, paradoxe1 /
sp paper74, pa-per1 / papers11
paradoxes2 parcel-bawd n
paper / ~s v paragon n ˈpɑ:ɹsəl-ˌbɔ:d
ˈpɛ:pəɹz m ˈparəˌgɒn, -əgən sp parcell baud1
sp papers
sp paragon5, pa-ragon1, parragon1 parcel-gilt adj
paper-faced adj paragon / ~s / ~ed v ˈpɑ:ɹsəl-ˌgɪlt
ˈpɛ:pəɹ-ˌfɛ:st m ˈparəˌgɒn / -z / -d sp parcell gilt1
sp paper-fac’d1
sp paragon1 / paragons1 / parcell v
> face
parragon’d1 ˈpɑ:ɹsəl
paper-mill n > unparagoned
sp parcell1


parcelled adj pare / ~d v park adj

ˈpɑ:ɹsəld pɛ:ɹ / -d pɑ:ɹk
sp parcell;d1 sp paire3, payre1 / pared1, par’d2 sp parke1, parke-[corner]1

parch / ~ed v parent / ~s / ~s’ n park / ~s n

pɑ:ɹtʃ / -t ˈparənt / -s pɑ:ɹk / -s
sp parch1 / parcht1 sp parent2 / parents11, pa-rents1 / sp park1, parke16 / parkes2
parents3 rh bark VA 239
parched adj
m ˈpɑ:ɹtʃɪd parentage n park / ~ed v
sp parched1
ˈparəntɪdʒ pɑ:ɹkt
sp parentage9 sp park’d1
parching adj
ˈpɑ:ɹtʃɪn, -ɪŋ paricide / ~s n park-ward adv
sp parching 3 m ˈparɪˌsəɪd / -z ˈpɑ:ɹk-ˌwɑ:ɹd
sp parricide1 / paricides1 sp parke-ward1
parchment adj / n
ˈpɑ:ɹtʃmənt paring / ~s n parle n
sp parchment / parchment 7 ˈpɛ:rɪn, -ɪŋ / -z pɑ:ɹl
sp payring1 / parings3 parle10, par’le1
pard n rh wall 3H6 5.1.16
pɑ:ɹd paring-knife n
sp pard 4 ˈpɛ:ɹɪn-ˌnəɪf, -ɪŋ, ˌkn- parler / parle / ~s / ~z Fr v
sp pairing-knife1 paɹˈle / paɹl / paɹl / paɹˈlez
pardon / ~s n > knife sp H5 3.4.5 emend of par-len / parle2
ˈpɑ:ɹdən / -z / parlas1 / parleis1
Paris / ~’ n
sp pardon95, pardon’s [pardon is]1 /
= / ˈparɪs parley n
sp Paris89, Paris-[balls]1, abbr Par1 / ˈpɑ:ɹləɪ
pardon / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v Paris3 sp parley18, parly3
ˈpɑ:ɹdən / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ, -dn- / -d
parish adj / n parley / ~ed v
sp pardon201, par-don1, pardon’t
[pardon it]1 / pardons2 / pardoning2
= ˈpɑ:ɹləɪ / -d
/ pardon’d10, pardoned1 sp parish6 / parish3 sp parlee2, parley4, parlie1 / parlied1
> unpardonable
parishioner ~s n parliament n
pardoner n pəˈrɪʃənəɹz m ˈpɑ:ɹləˌment, -ləmənt,
m ˈpɑ:ɹdəˌnɐ:ɹ sp parishioners2 -lmənt
sp pardoner sp parliament22, parlia-ment1
Parisian / ~s n
pardon-me / ~s n = parlour / ~s n
ˈpɑ:ɹdən-ˈmi:z sp Parisians1 ˈpɑ:ɹləɹ / -z
sp par-don-mee's1 sp parlour1 / parlours1
> me
Paris-ward adv
ˈparɪs-ˌwɑ:ɹd parlous adj
pardonner / pardonne / sp Paris-ward1 ˈpɑ:ɹləs
~z Fr v sp parlous3
paɹdɔˈne / paɹˈdɔn / paɹdɔˈnez paritor / ~s n
sp pardonner1, par-donner1 /
ˈparɪtəɹz parmacety n
pardon’ne, perdonne1 / pardonne sp parrators1 ˌpɑ:ɹməˈseti:
sp parmacity1
> perdy


Parolles n sp partake7 / pertaken1 parti-coated adj

paˈro:lɪs rh sake S 149.2 ˈpɑ:ɹtəɪ-ˌko:tɪd
sp Parolles13, Parrolles15 partaker / ~s n sp partie-coated1
> coat
parrot / ~s n pɑ:ɹˈtɛ:kəɹ / -z
= sp partaker3, partakers1 parti-coloured adj
3 1 2
sp parrat , parret , parrot / parrats 2
part-created adj ˈpɑ:ɹtəɪ-ˌkɤləɹd
sp party-colour’d1
parrot-teacher n ˈpɑ:ɹt-kri:ˈɛ:tɪd
> colour
ˈparət-ˌti:tʃəɹ sp part-created1
> create particular adj
sp parrat teacher1
> teacher parted adj pɑ:ɹˈtɪkləɹ, -kjəl-
sp particular34, par-ticular1,
parsley n ˈpɑ:ɹtɪd
particuler1, perticular1
ˈpɑ:ɹsləɪ sp parted1
1 > long-, over-, peace-, timely-parted particular / ~s n
sp parseley
Parthia n pɑ:ɹˈtɪkləɹ, -kjəl- / -z
parson / ~’s n sp particular14 / particulars10
ˈpɑ:ɹtɪə, -θɪ-
ˈpɑ:ɹsən / -z
sp Parthia6, Parthya1 particularit·y / ~ies n
sp parson16, parsons2
Parthian adj m pɑ:ɹˌtɪkjəˈlarɪˌtəɪz, -ɪt-
Parson [name] n sp particularities1, particula-rities1
ˈpɑ:ɹtɪən, -θɪ-
sp Parthian3 particularize v
sp Person3
pun Holofernes LLL 4.2.82 pierce Parthian / ~s n pɑ:ɹˈtɪkjələɹəɪz
sp particularize1
part / ~’s / ~s / ~s’ n ˈpɑ:ɹtɪən, -θɪ- / -z
pɑ:ɹt / -s sp Parthian1, Parthians1 particularly adv
sp part323 / parts1 / parts93 / parts1 partial adj m pɑ:ɹˈtɪkjəɹləɪ
rh 1 art AW 2.1.132, Mac 3.5.8, sp particularly2
S 48.12; art, heart LC 144; heart AY
3.2.143, CE 3.1.28, 3.2.61, JC 5.3.89, sp partiall6 parting adj / n
LLL 4.1.32, 5.2.150, 336, Luc 294, > im-, un-partial ˈpɑ:ɹtɪn, -ɪŋ
1135, 1830, MND 3.2.165, PP 20.54,
partialize v sp parting4 / parting17
R2 5.1.95, 97, RJ 1.2.17, 2.3.21, S 23.2,
46.12, 46.13, 47.8, 53.13, 62.2, 113.7, m ˈpɑ:ɹsɪɑˌləɪz partisan / ~s n
122.7, 132.12, VA 892; mart TS sp partialize1 m ˈpɑ:ɹtɪˌzan, -ɪzən / -z
2.1.319; rh 2 desert S 49.12 / rh 1
partially adv sp partizan2 / partisons1, partizans2
hearts AW 5.3.336, AY 3.2.145, MND
3.2.153, S 31.3, TS 5.2.167; rh 2 ˈpɑ:ɹsɪɑləɪ partition n
deserts S 17.4 sp partially1 m pɑ:ɹˈtɪsɪən, -ɪˌɒn
part / ~est / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v participate v sp partition4
pɑ:ɹt / -s, -st / -s / ˈpɑ:ɹt·ɪn, -ɪŋ / pɑ:ɹˈtɪsɪˌpɛ:t Partlet n
- ɪd sp participate2 ˈpɑ:ɹtlət
sp part98 / par’tst1 / parts5 / parting7
participation n sp Partlet2
/ parted41
rh 1 heart AY 5.4.128, LLL 5.2.57, pɑ:ɹˌtɪsɪˈpɛ:sɪən partly adv
806, MV 2.7.77, R2 5.1.81, VA 421; sp participation2 ˈpɑ:ɹtləɪ
rh 2 short LLL 5.2.57, R2 2.1.222
particle n sp partely1, partlie1, partly32
> a-, depart, im-part
ˈpɑ:ɹtɪkəl partner / ~s n
partake / ~n v sp particle2
pɑ:ɹˈtɛ:k / -ən ˈpɑ:ɹtnəɹ / -z


sp partner15, partner’s [partner is]1 / passable adj passport n

partners6 ˈpasəbəl ˈpaspɔ:ɹt
> co-partner, fellow-partner
sp passable2 sp pasport2
partner / ~ed v
passado n passy-measures adj
ˈpɑ:ɹtnəɹ / -d
paˈsɑ:do: ˈpasəɪ-ˌmezəɹz
sp partner’d1
sp passado3 sp passy measures1
partridge adj / n > measure
passage / ~s n
ˈpɑ:ɹtrɪdʒ past adj / adv / n / prep
sp par-tridge1 / partridge1 past
sp passage32, pas-sage1 / passages8
part·y / ~ies n sp past16, past-[euills]1 / past44 /
passant adv past3 / past78
ˈpɑ:ɹtəɪ / -z
ˈpasənt rh adj waste S 30.2 / rh 1 adv fast
sp partie21, par-tie1, party22 / Luc 1671; last R2 2.1.14; rh 2 adv
sp passant1
parties15 haste Luc 1671 / n haste
party-verdict n passed adj S 123.10
m ˈpasɪd > fore-, overpass; pass
sp passed2
sp party-verdict1 past-cure adj
> verdict passenger / ~s n ˈpast-ˌkju:ɹ
ˈpasɪndʒəɹ / -z sp past-cure1
pas Fr adv
> cure
pa sp passenger2 / passengers4
sp pas , emend of H5 3.4.38 passing adj / adv paste n
ˈpasɪn, -ɪŋ past
pash n/v
sp paste5
= sp passing3 / passing23
sp pash1 / pash1 passio Lat n pastime / ~s n
ˈpasɪo: ˈpastəɪm / -z
pashed adj
sp pastime13, pa-stime1 / pastimes2
m ˈpaʃɪd sp passio1
sp pashed1 passion / ~’s / ~s n pastor / ~’s n
ˈpasɪən / -z ˈpastəɹ / -z
pass n
sp pastors1 / pastors1
pas / ˈpas·ɪz sp passion98, pas-sion2, passi-on1 /
passions1 / passions13, passi-ons1
sp passe11 / passes3 pastoral / ~s n
rh affection TS 3.1.72; fashion AY
rh ass CE 3.1.17
2.4.55, LLL 4.3.138, Luc 1317, S 20.2
ˈpastərɑl / -z
sp pastorall1, [pastoricall-comicall-
pass / ~es / ~eth / ~ing /
passion / ~s / ~ing v historicall]-pastorall1,
~ed v [tragicall-comicall-historicall]-
ˈpasɪən / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ
pas / ˈpas·ɪz / -əθ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / pastorall1 / [Whitson]-pastorals1
sp passion1 / passions1 /
-m ɪd, past passioning1
sp passe126 / passes7 / passeth2 /
pastorical n
passing9 / pass’d6, passed1, past31 passionate adj pasˈtɒrɪkɑl
rh 1 ass AW 4.3.325, AY 2.5.47, MND m ˈpasɪənət, -ˌnɛ:t sp pastoricall-[comicall-historicall-
3.2.33, 4.1.77; glass AW 2.1.166, 9 pastorall]1
sp passionate
Per 2.3.35, R3 1.2.263, VA 982;
lass AY 5.3.17; rh 2 was Ham passive adj pastry n
2.2.417, S 49.5, WT 4.1.9 / glassed LLL = ˈpastrəɪ
2.1.231 sp pastrie1
sp passiue1
> re-pass


past-saving adj paternal adj Patroclus n

ˈpast-ˌsɛ:vɪn, -ɪŋ pəˈtɐ:ɹnɑl pəˈtrɒkləs
sp past-sauing1 sp paternall1 sp Patroclus30, Pa-troclus1,
> save Patro-clus1
path / ~s n
pasture n paθ / -s patron / ~s n
ˈpastəɹ 8 3
sp path / pathes , paths 3 ˈpatrən / -z
sp pastour1, pasture11 > by-, foot-path; unpathed sp patron8, patrone1 / patrons1
> repasture
path v patronage v
past·y / ~ies n paθ m ˈpatrəˌnɑ:dʒ
ˈpastəɪ / -z sp path1 sp patronage2
sp pasty2 / pasties1
pathetical adj patroness n
pat adv pəˈθetɪkɑl m ˈpatrəˌnes
= sp patheticall3 sp patronesse1, patronnesse1
sp pat
pathway / ~s n patrum Lat
patch / ~es n ˈpaθwɛ: / -z > pater
= sp pathway2 / path-wayes1
sp patch8 / patches5 > way
pattern / ~s n
rh hatch CE 3.1.32 ˈpatəɹn / -z
patience n sp patterne10 / patternes2
patch / ~ed v ˈpɛ:sɪəns
= sp pacience1, patience178,
pattern / ~ed v
sp patch4 / patch’d3, patcht4 patie[n]ce1, pa-tience1, pati-ence2 ˈpatəɹn / -d
> impatience sp patterne2 / patern’d1
patched adj
= patient adj pauca / ~s Lat adj, n
sp patch’d 1 ˈpɛ:sɪənt ˈpɔ:ka / -s
sp patient84 pa-tient1 sp pauca6 / pau-cas1
patchery n
ˈpatʃrəɪ, -tʃər- patient / ~’s / ~s n Paul / ~’s n
sp patcherie1, patchery1 ˈpɛ:sɪənts =
sp patients3 / patients1 sp Paul5 / Paules3, Poules1, Powles1
pate / ~s n
pɛ:t / -s patiently adv Paulina / ~’s n
sp pate30 / pates3 m ˈpɛ:sɪəntˌləɪ pɒˈləɪnə / -z
rh gate CE 3.1.74, TS 1.2.12; gate, sp patientlie1, patiently16 sp Paulina21 / Paulina’s1
late CE 2.2.228 rh 1 clemency, tragedy Ham 3.2.160;
> bald-, curled-, smooth-pate; knot-, rh 2 cry Luc 1641 paunch / ~es n
periwig-, russet-pated =
patrician / ~s n sp paunch2 / paunches1
paten /~s n pəˈtrɪsɪən / -z
= sp patritian1 / patricians15, patri-cians1 paunch v
sp pattens1 =
Patrick / ~’s n
sp paunch1
patent / ~s n =
ˈpatənt / -s sp Patricke1 / Patrickes1, Patricks2 pause / ~s n
sp patent1, pattent2 / patents3 =
patrimony n
sp pause8, pawse5 / pawses1
pat·er / ~rum Lat n ˈpatrɪˌmɤnəɪ rh cause VA 218; claws, laws Luc 541
ˈpatrʊm sp patrimonie2, patrimony2
sp patrum1


pause v pawn / ~ed v peaceable adj

= = ˈpi:səbəl, ˈpɛ:s-
sp pause20, pawse5 sp pawne17 / paund1, pawn’d8 sp peaceable1
rh cause CE 2.1.32; laws R2 2.3.167 > unpeaceable
pax n
pauser n = peaceably adv
ˈpɔ:zəɹ sp pax 2 ˈpi:səbləɪ, ˈpɛ:s-
sp pawser1 sp peacea-blie1, peaceably1
pay n
pausingly adv pɛ: peaceful adj
m ˈpɔ:zɪnˌləɪ, -ɪŋ- sp pay14 ˈpi:sfʊl, ˈpɛ:s-
sp pausingly1 rh day 3H6 4.7.87; way VA 89 sp peacefull11

pauvre Fr adj pay / ~est / ~s / ~ing / peace-maker / ~s n

ˈpo:vrə paid v ˈpi:s-ˌmɛ:kəɹ, ˈpɛ:s- / -z
sp pouure1 pɛ: / -st / -z / ˈpɛ:ɪn, -ɪŋ / pɛ:d sp peace-maker1 / peace-makers2
119 1
sp pay , pay’t [pay it] / paiest / 1 > make
pave / ~d v paies4, payes20 / paying6 / paid34,
m pɛ:vd, pɛ:vɪd paide4, paied2, payd4, pay’d8, payde2,
peace-parted adj
sp pau’d , paued 2
payed8 m ˌpi:s-ˈpɑ:ɹtɪd, ˌpɛ:s-
rh day AW 5.3.334; say Mac 1.4.22, sp peace-parted1
paved adj 4.1.131, S 79.14; stay MND 3.2.86 / > part
pɛ:vɪd weighing MM 3.2.253 / maid AW
sp paued2 2.1.146, Tem 4.1.96 peach / ~es v
> unpaved > over-, re-, un-pay; well-paid =
sp peach1 / peaches1
pavement n payment / ~s n
ˈpɛ:vmənt ˈpɛ:mənt / -s peach-coloured adj
sp pauement2 sp paiment4, payment9, pay-ment1 / ˈpi:tʃ-ˌkɤləɹd
payments1 sp peach-colour’d2
pavilion / ~s n > colour
m pəˈvɪlɪən, -lɪˌɒn / pəˈvɪlɪənz paysan / ~s Fr n
sp pauilion1, pauillion5 / pauillions1
peiˈzɑ̃ peacock / ~’s / ~s n
rh anon H5 4.1.27, Ilion LLL sp pesant1 / peasauns1 =
sp peacock2, pea-cocke1 /
pavilion / ~ed v pea / ~s n peacocks1 / peacocks1
pəˈvɪlɪənd = > cock
sp pauillion’d1 sp pease4
rh leas Tem 4.1.61; please LLL peak / ~ing v
pavin n 5.2.315 = / ˈpi:kɪn, -ɪŋ
= sp peake2 / peaking1
peace / ~s n
sp pauyn
pi:s, pɛ:s / ˈpi:sɪz, ˈpɛ:s- peal / ~s n
528 1
paw / ~s n sp peace / peaces =
= rh 1 cease Cym 5.5.486; increase R3 sp peale7 / peales1
5.5.39; release MND 3.2.377; rh 2
sp paw3 / pawes2
bless MND 5.1.408 pear / ~s n
rh jaws S 19.1
pun KJ 4.3.93 piece pɛ:ɹ / -z
pawn / ~s n sp peare3, [dride]-peare1 /
peace v
= peares1
pi:s, pɛ:s rh were RJ 2.1.38
sp paune1, pawne8 / pawnes1
sp Caius peace-[a-your]1


pearl / ~s n Pecke [name] n peer / ~s n

pɐ:ɹl / -z = pi:ɹ / -z
sp pearle23, [saphire]-pearle1 / sp Pecke2 sp peere11 / peeres36,
pearles9, pearls1 [hart-sorowing]-peeres1
peculiar adj rh 1 dear Oth 2.3.84, R2 5.5.67; rh 2
peasant adj pɪˈkjulɪəɹ heir Per Prol.21 / tears [cry] H5
= sp peculiar8 4.2.12; years R2 1.3.93
sp peasant1, peasant-[townes]1,
pesant3 pecus Lat n peer v
ˈpekʊs pi:ɹ / -z / ˈpi:r·əθ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ /
peasant / ~s n sp emend of LLL 4.2.92 pecas1 pi:ɹd
= sp peere3, peere-[out]2 / peers1 /
sp peasant1, peazant1, pesant6, pedant n peereth1 / peering4 / peer’d1
pezant9 / peazants1, pesants1, pezants5 = rh year WT 4.3.1
sp pedant18 > out-, over-peer; highest-,
Peaseblossom n still-peering
= pedantical adj
sp Peaseblossome1, m peˈdantɪˌkɑl peerless adj
Pease-blossome4, Pease Blossome1, sp pedanticall 1 ˈpi:ɹləs
> blossom sp peerelesse5, peerlesse1
pedascule n
peasecod n peevish adj
ˈpeskəd, ˈpi:z- sp pedascule1
sp peascod1, pescod2 sp peeuish28
pedigree n
Peasecod [name] n peevishly adv
ˈpeskəd, ˈpi:z- 4
sp pedigree
sp Peascod1 sp peeuishly1
rh he 1H6 2.5.77

peasecod-time n pedlar / ~’s / ~s n peg / ~s n

ˈpeskəd-ˌtəɪm, ˈpi:z- ˈpedləɹ / -z =
sp pescod-time1 sp peggs1
sp pedler6 / pedlers4 / pedlers4
> time rh meddler WT 4.4.319
peg v
peat n Pedro n =
pɛ:t ˈpedro: sp peg-[thee]1
sp peate 1
sp Pedro 7 unpeg

pebble adj peel v Peg-a-Ramsey n

=, ˈpɪbəl = ˈpeɡ-ə-ˈramzəɪ
sp peeble1, pibble1 sp pil’d1 sp Peg-a-ramsie1

pebble / ~s n peeled adj Pegasus n

=, ˈpɪbəl / -z = m ˈpeɡəˌsɤs, -əsəs
sp pebble1, peeble1 / peebles1, sp piel’d1 sp Pegasus3
peep / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v peize / ~d v
peck n pi:p / -s / ˈpi:pɪn, -ɪŋ / pi:pt pɛ:z / m ˈpɛ:zɪd
= sp peepe15 / peepes3 / peeping2 / sp peize2 / peysed1
sp pecke2 peep’d1, pee-ped1
rh creep, sleep Luc 1251; sleep MND pelf n
peck / ~ed v 4.1.83; weep VA 1088 / sleeping, =
= weeping Luc 1089 sp pelfe1
sp peck1, pecke10 / peckt1 > bo-, under-peep


rh himself Per 2.Chorus.35; myself sp pen3 / pennes1 / pend1 penetrative adj

PP 14.12, Tim 1.2.61 > penned adj ˈpenəˌtratɪv
pelican adj penalt·y / ~ies n sp penetratiue1
= m ˈpenəlˌtəɪ, -lt- / ˈpenəlˌtəɪz penitence n
sp pelicane1, pellican1 sp penaltie7, penalty4 / penalties3 m ˈpenɪˌtens, -təns
rh gentility LLL 1.1.126
Pelion n sp penitence6
ˈpi:lɪən penance n
penitent / ~s n
sp Pelion2 =
m ˈpenɪˌtent, -tənt / ˈpenɪˌtents
sp penance8, pennance10
Pella n sp penitent14 / penitents1
ˈpelə pence n
penitential adj
sp Pella1 =
sp pence9, [three]pence1,
pelleted adj sp penitentiall1
[three]-pence1, [twelve]-pence1,
= abbr d.5 penitently adv
sp pelleted1 > half-, six-, two-pence; penny
pell-mell adv pencil / ~s n sp penitently1
= =
Penker n
sp pell-mell3; pell, mell1; pell sp pencill1, pensill1 / pensals1
pencilled adj sp Penker1
rh hell KJ 2.1.406, R3 5.3.313
Peloponnesus n pen-knife n
sp pensil’d1
ˌpeləpəˈni:səs ˈpenˌnəɪf, -ˌkn-
pendent adj sp pen-knife1
sp Peloponnesus1
= > knife
pelt v sp pendant4, [ribonds]-pendant1 penned adj
Pendragon n =
sp pelt2
penˈdraɡən sp pen’d3, penn’d1
pelting adj / n sp Pendragon1 rh end, friend LLL 5.2.402
ˈpeltɪn, -ɪŋ > pen
sp pelting4 / pelting1
pendulous adj
ˈpendləs, -djəl- penner TNK n
Pembroke n sp pendulous 1 ˈpenəɹ
ˈpembrʊk sp penner1
pene Lat adv rh tenor TNK 3.5.123
sp Pembroke9, Pem-broke1,
Pembrooke5, Penbroke2, ˈpene
penning n
Penbrooke1, abbr in s.d. Pem1 sp pine1
ˈpenɪn, -ɪŋ
pen / ~s n Penelope n sp penning1
= =
pennon / ~s n
sp pen24, penne / pennes1, pens1 sp Penelope1
rh again S 79.6; Amen S 85.8; men
H5 Epil.1, Luc 1289, S 16.10, 19.10, penetrable adj sp penons1
32.6, 81.13; then MV 5.1.237; when m ˈpenəˌtrabəl
penny adj / n
Per 4.Chorus.28 sp penetrable2
> goose-pen ˈpenəɪ
penetrate v sp penny3 / penie1, penny8,
pen / ~s / ~ned v ˈpenəˌtrɛ:t penny-[cord]1, peny7, abbr d1
= rh many TS 3.2.80
sp penetrate4, pene-trate1
> half-, eight-, six-penny; pence


pennyworth / ~s n pent-up adj peradventure / ~s adv

m ˈpenɪˌwɔ:ɹθ, ˈpenəɹθ / -s ˈpent-ˌɤp ˌperədˈventəɹ / -z
sp peniworth1, pennie-worth1, sp pent-vp2 sp peraduenture11, per-aduenture4
penny-worth3, penny worth1, / perad-uentures1
penyworth1, peny-worth1 / penurious adj
peniworths1, penyworths1 penˈju:rɪəs perceive / ~s / ~th / ~d v
sp penurious 1 pəɹˈsi:v / -z / -əθ / -d
penser / pense Fr v sp perceiue87, perceiue’s [perceive
pɑ̃s penury n his]1, perceiue’t [perceive it]1,
sp [mal-y]-pence1, pense5 m ˈpenjərəɪ, -ˌrəɪ perceiu’t [perceive it]1, perceyue1 /
sp penurie2, penury3 perceiues3 / perceiueth1 /
pension n perceiued4, perceiu’d9
ˈpensɪən people / ~’s n rh leave TNK Prol.31 / deceived S
sp pension2, pensi-on1 = 104.10
sp people188, peo-ple4 / peoples19
pensioner / ~s n perch / ~ed v
ˈpensɪənəɹ / -z people / ~s / ~d v pɐ:ɹtʃ / -t
sp pensioners1, pentioners1 = sp pearch2 / pearch’d1
1 1 1 rh n search Per 3.Chorus.15
sp people / peoples / peopel’d ,
pensive adj > overperch
= > unpeople
perchance adv
sp pensiue2
peopled adj pəɹˈtʃans
pensively adv = sp perchance48, per-chance1
ˈpensɪvləɪ > chance
sp peopled2
sp pensiuely1
Pepin / ~’s n percussion n
pent adj / v ˈpepɪn / -z pəɹˈkɤsɪən
= sp percussion1
sp Pepin2, Pippen1, Pippin1 /
sp pent2 / pent4 Pepins1
Percy / ~’s / ~s n
Pentapolis Per n pepper adj / n ˈpɛ:ɹsəɪ / -z
penˈtapəˌlɪs ˈpepəɹ sp Percie18, Percies [Percy is]1,
1 1 1 1 Percy37, Per-cy1 / Percies7, Percyes1
sp Pantapoles , Penlapolis , sp pepper / pepper
/ Percies1
pepper / ~ed v pun 1H4 5.3.56 pierce
rh this Per 3.Chorus.34
ˈpepəɹd Perdita n
Pentecost n sp pepper’d3
= m ˈpɐ:ɹdɪˌta, -ɪtə
pepperbox n sp Perdita12
sp Pentecost2, Pentycost1
ˈpepəɹˌbɒks perdition n
Penthesilea n sp pepper-boxe1
ˌpentɪsɪˈlɛ:ə pəɹˈdɪsɪən
peppercorn n sp perdition9
sp Penthisilea1
ˈpepəɹˌkɔ:ɹn perdonato Ital v
penthouse adj / n sp pepper-corne1
ˈpentəʊs, -həʊs ˌpɑ:ɹdəˈnɑ:to:
per Lat prep sp pardonato1
sp pent-house1 / penthouse2
> house peɹ perdre / perdu Fr v
sp per2
penthouse-like adj pɛɹˈdy
> per se
ˈpentəʊs-ˌləɪk, -həʊs- sp perdia1, perdie1
sp penthouse-like1


perdurable adj perfectness n perfumer n

m ˈpɐ:ɹdjəˌrabəl m ˈpɐ:ɹfɪtˌnes ˈpɐ:ɹfjəməɹ
sp perdurable2 sp perfectnesse2 sp perfumer1
> unperfectness
perdurably adv perg·o / ~e Lat v
m ˈpɐ:ɹdjəˌrabləɪ perfidious adj ˈpɛɹɡe
sp perdurablie1 m pəɹˈfɪdɪəs, -ɪˌɤs sp perge2
sp perfidious4
perdy interj perhaps adv
pəɹˈdi:, -ˈdəɪ perfidiously adv pəɹˈaps, -ˈhaps
sp perdie4, perdy1 m pəɹˈfɪdɪəsˌləɪ sp perhappes2, perhaps41
rh 1 comedy Ham 3.2.302; rh 2 fly sp perfidiously1 rh statute-caps LLL 5.2.279
KL 2.4.81
perforce adv periapt / ~s n
père Fr n pəɹˈfɔ:ɹs ˈperɪˌapts
pɛ:ɹ sp perforce44 sp periapts1
sp pere
perform / ~s / ~ed v Pericles n
Peregenia n pəɹˈfɔ:ɹm / -z / m -d, -ɪd ˈperɪkli:z
ˌperɪˈdʒenɪə sp performe38, perform’t [perform sp Pericles60
sp Peregenia1 it]2 / performes2 / performd1, rh appease [emend of oppress] Per
perform’d33, performed3 3.Chorus.30; seas Per 4.4.9
peregrinate adj rh storm Per 3.Chorus.54 /
ˈperɪɡrɪnət adjourned, turned Cym 5.4.76 Perigort n
sp pere-grinat 1 ˈperɪˌɡɔ:ɹt
performance / -s n sp Perigort1
peremptorily adv pəɹˈfɔ:ɹməns / -ɪz
pəˈremtəɹləɪ, -mpt- sp performance16 / performances2 peril / ~s n
sp peremptorily 1 > non-performance =
sp perill42, perrill1 / perilles1, perils5
peremptory adj performer / ~s n > apperil
m ˈperəmˌtɒrəɪ, -mtərəɪ, -mtrəɪ, pəɹˈfɔ:ɹməɹ / -z
pəˈremtrəɪ, -təˌr-, -mpt- sp perfor-mer1 / performers2 perilous adj
sp peremptorie , peremptory7 5 m ˈpɛ:ɹləs, ˈperɪləs, -ˌlɤs
performing n sp perillous11, perilous2
perfect / ~er / ~est adj pəɹˈfɔ:ɹmɪn, -ɪŋ
ˈpɐ:ɹfɪt / -əɹ / -st sp perfor-ming1 period / ~s n
sp perfect , per-fect , perfit / 3 2 > love-performing ˈperɪəd / -z
perfecter1 / perfectest1, perfect’st1 sp period13 / periods1
perfume / ~s n
> imperfect
m ˈpɐ:ɹfjəm, pəɹˈfju:m / -z period / ~s v
perfect / ~ed v sp perfume8 / perfumes2, ˈperɪədz
ˈpɐ:ɹfɪt / -ɪd per-fumes1 sp periods1
3 3
sp perfect / perfected
perfume / ~s / ~d v perish / ~est / ~eth / ~ing /
perfection / ~s n pəɹˈfju:m / -z / m -d, -ɪd ~ed v
m pəɹˈfeksɪən, -sɪˌɒn / -z sp perfume2 / perfumes2 / = / ˈperɪʃ·əst / -əθ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ /
perfum’d2, perfumed2
sp perfection , per-fection / 1
perfections7 sp perish29 / perishest1 / perisheth1
perfumed adj
/ perishing1 / perishd1, perish’d2
perfectly adv ˈpɐ:ɹfjəmd
rh cherish Luc 1547, S 11.10
m ˈpɐ:ɹfɪtˌləɪ sp perfum’d2
3 1
sp perfectly , perfitly


perished adj permission n perplex v

= m pəɹˈmɪsɪən, -sɪˌɒn pəɹˈpleks
sp perished1 sp permission4 sp perplex1

perishing adj permissive adj perplexed adj

ˈperɪʃɪn, -ɪŋ pəɹˈmɪsɪv m pəɹˈplekst, -sɪd
sp perishing1 sp permissiue1 sp perplexed2, perplex’d1, perplext3

periwig n permit / ~ted v perplexity n

= pəɹˈmɪt / -ɪd m pəɹˈpleksɪtəɪ, -ˌtəɪ
sp perewig1, perrywig1 sp permit12 / permitted2 sp perplexitie3

periwig-pated adj pernicious adj per se Lat adj

ˈperɪwɪɡ-ˌpɛ:tɪd m pəɹˈnɪsɪəs, -ɪˌɤs ˌpɐ:ɹ ˈse
sp pery-wig-pated1 sp pernicious12, pernitious10 sp per se
> pate > per
perniciously adv
perjure n m pəɹˈnɪsɪəsˌləɪ persecute / ~d v
ˈpɐ:ɹdʒəɹ sp perniciously1 ˈpɐ:ɹsɪkju:tɪd
sp periure1 sp persecuted1
peroration n
perjure / ~d v ˌperəˈrɛ:sɪən persecution / ~s n
ˈpɐ:ɹdʒəɹ / -d sp 2H6 1.1.103 emend of ˌpɐ:ɹsɪˈkju:sɪənz
sp periure1 / periur’d4, periurde1, preroration1 sp persecutions1
perpend v persecutor n
perjured adj pəɹˈpend ˈpɐ:ɹsɪkju:təɹ
ˈpɐ:ɹdʒəɹd sp perpend4, per-pend1 sp persecutor1
sp periur’d20
perpendicular adj Perseus / ~’ n
perjur·y / ~ies n ˌpɐ:ɹpənˈdɪkjələɹ ˈpɐ:ɹsɪəs
m ˈpɐ:ɹdʒəˌrəɪ, -dʒər-, -dʒr- / sp perpendicular1 sp Perseus2 / Perseus1
sp periurie12, periury8 / periuries1
perpendicularly adv persever / ~s v
rh 1 me, Muscovy LLL 5.2.394; rh 2 ˌpɐ:ɹpənˈdɪkjəˌlɐ:ɹləɪ pəɹˈsevəɹ / -z
eye LLL 4.3.60, PP 3.3 sp perpendicularly1 sp perseuer8 / perseuers1
rh ever AW 4.2.37
perk / ~ed v perpetual adv
pɐ:ɹkt m pəɹˈpetjɑl, -jʊɑl, -jʊˌɑ:l perseverance n
sp perk’d1 sp perpetuall19 m pəɹˈsevrəns, -vər-
rh thrall, wall Luc 726; thrall S 154.10 sp perseuerance2
Perkes [name] n
pɐ:ɹks perpetually adv Persia n
sp Perkes 1 m pəɹˈpetjɑˌləɪ, -jʊɑ- ˈpɐ:ɹsɪə
sp perpetually1, perpe-tually1 sp Persia1
permafoy [Pistol Fr] interj rh purify Luc 686
ˌpɐ:ɹmaˈfwɛ, -ˈfəɪ Persian adj
sp permafoy 1 perpetuity n ˈpɐ:ɹsɪən
m ˌpɐ:ɹpɪˈtju:ɪˌtəɪ sp Persian2
permanent adj sp perpetuitie2, perpetuity1
ˈpɐ:ɹmənənt rh tyranny 1H6 4.7.20 persist / ~s v
sp permanent1 pəɹˈsɪst / -s
sp persist1 / persists1


persisted adj sp perswade30 / perswades6 / perverse adj

pəɹˈsɪstɪd perswading1, per-swading1 / pəɹˈvɐ:ɹs
sp persisted1 sp peruerse3
rh made Luc 29
persistency n persuading adj perversely adv
pəɹˈsɪstənsəɪ pəɹˈswɛ:dɪn, -ɪŋ pəɹˈvɐ:ɹsləɪ
sp persistencie1 sp peruersly1
sp perswading1
persistive adj persuasion n perverseness n
pəɹˈsɪstɪv m pəɹˈswɛ:sɪən, -sɪˌɒn pəɹˈvɐ:ɹsnəs
sp persistiue1 sp peruersenesse1
sp perswasion16, per-swasion2,
person / ~’s / ~s n perswasions2 pervert / ~ed v
rh invasion Luc 286
ˈpɐ:ɹsən / -z pəɹˈvɐ:ɹt / -ɪd
sp person142, per-son1, person’s pert adj sp peruert2 / peruerted1
[person is]1 / persons3 / persons18 pɐ:ɹt
pester / ~ing / ~ed v
personage /~s n sp pert2
ˈpestəɹ / ˈpestrɪn, -ɪŋ / ˈpestəɹd
m ˌpɐ:ɹsəˈnɑ:dʒ, -sˈn- / -ɪz pertain / ~s / ~ing v sp pester1 / pestring1 / pestered1,
3 2
sp personage / personages pəɹˈtɛ:n / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ pestred1

personal adj sp pertaine2 / pertaines4 / pestered adj

ˈpɐ:ɹsnɑl, -sən- ˈpestəɹd
sp personal1, personall9, perso-nall1 pertinent adj sp pester’d1
m ˈpɐ:ɹtɪˌnent
personally adv pestiferous adj
sp pertinent2
m ˈpɐ:ɹsnɑˌləɪ > appertinent
pesˈtɪfrəs, -fər-
sp personally3 sp pestiferous1, pestifferous1
pertly adv
personate / ~s / ~d v ˈpɐ:ɹtləɪ pestilence n
m ˈpɐ:ɹsnɛ:t, -sən- / pəɹˈsɒnɛ:ts sp pertly 2 m ˈpestɪˌlens, -ɪləns
/ ˈpɐ:ɹsnɛ:tɪd, -sən- sp pestilence12
sp personate / personates / 1 perturbation / ~s n
personated1 m ˌpɐ:ɹtəɹˈbɛ:sɪən, -sɪˌɒn / pestilent adj
-sɪˌɒnz m ˈpestɪˌlent, -ɪlənt
personating n sp pestilent7
sp perturbation4 / perturbations1
m ˌpɐ:ɹsəˈnɛ:tɪn, -ɪŋ
sp personating1 perturbed adj Peter / ~’s n
m pəɹˈtɐ:ɹbɪd, ˈpɐ:ɹtɐ:ɹbd ˈpi:təɹ / -z
perspective / ~s adj sp Peter44, Pe-ter1 / Peters4
sp perturb’d1, perturbed1
m ˌpɐ:ɹspekˈtɪv / -z
sp perspectiue2 / perspectiues1 perusal n petit Fr adj
pəˈru:zɑl pəˈti
perspectively adv sp petit1
sp perusall1
m ˌpɐ:ɹspekˈtɪvləɪ
sp perspec-tiuely1 perus·e / ~ing / ~ed v petition / ~s n
pəˈru:z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d pəˈtɪsɪən / -z
perspicuous adj sp petition17 / petitions6
sp peruse13, pervse1 / perusing1 /
pəɹˈspɪkjəs, -jʊəs perus’d6, perused1
sp perspicuous1
petition / ~ed v
rh abused Luc 1527
pəˈtɪsɪən / -d
persuad·e / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v sp petition1 / petition’d1
pəɹˈswɛ:d / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd


petitionary adj pewter n Philadelphos n

m pəˈtɪsɪəˌnarəɪ ˈpju:təɹ ˌfɪləˈdelfəs
sp petitionary2 sp pewter2 sp Philadelphos1

petitioner / ~s n pewterer / ~’s n Philario / ~s n

pəˈtɪsɪənəɹ / -z ˈpju:trəɹz, -tər- fɪˈlɑ:rɪo: / -z
sp peticioner1 petitioner2 / sp pewterers1 sp Philario2 / Filorio’s1
Phaeton n Philarmonus n
Peto n ˈfɛ:əˌtɒn [ sylls] ˌfɪləɹˈmɒnəs
ˈpi:to: sp Phaeton5 sp Philarmonus1
sp Peto9
phantasim / ~s n Philemon / ~’s n
Petrarch n ˈfantəsɪm / -z fɪˈli:mənz
ˈpetrɑ:ɹk sp phantasime1 / phantasims1 sp Philemons1
sp Petrarch1
phantasma n Philip / ~’s n
Petruchio / ~’s n fanˈtazmə =
m pəˈtru:kɪo:, -ɪˌo: / -ɪo:z sp phantasma1 sp Philip17, Phillip6 / Philips1
46 3
sp Petruchio / Petruchio’s
rh venuto TS 1.2.26 Pharamond n Philippi n
ˈfarəˌmɒnd fɪˈlɪpəɪ
petticoat / ~s n sp Pharamond3 sp Philippi12, Phillippi2
ˈpetɪˌko:t / -s
sp petticoat3, petticoate2, petticote1, Pharaoh / ~s n Phillida n
petty-coate1 / petticoats1, ˈfaro:z ˈfɪlɪdə
petty-coates1 sp Pharaoes1, Pharaohs1 sp Phillida1
> coat
Pharsalia n Phillippan adj
pettiness n fəɹˈsalɪə fɪˈlɪpən
= sp Pharsalia1 sp Phillippan1
sp petti-nesse1
pheasant n Philo n
pettish adj = ˈfəɪlo:
= sp pheazant2 sp Philo1
sp pettish1
pheazar n Philomel n
petty adj
ˈfi:zəɹ m ˈfɪləˌmel
sp pheazar1 sp Philomel4, Philomele3
sp pettie6, petty22, petty-[brands]1,
petty-[toes]1 Phebe / ~’s n Philomela n
peu Fr n ˈfi:bi: / -z ˌfɪləˈmi:lə
sp Phebe21 / Phebes1 sp Philomela2

> Phoebe
sp peu2 philosopher / ~’s / ~s n
Phebe / ~s v fɪˈlɒsəfəɹ / -z
pew n
ˈfi:bi:z sp philosopher8, philoso-pher1,
1 sp Phebes1 phylosopher1 / philosophers1 /
sp pue
pew-fellow n pheeze, feeze v
ˈpju:-ˌfelə, -lo: fi:z philosophical adj
sp pheeze1, phese1 ˌfɪləˈsɒfɪkɑl
sp pue-fellow1
sp philosophicall1
> fellow


philosophy n Phrygia n pick-axe / ~s n

m fɪˈlɒsəˌfəɪ, -əf- ˈfrɪdʒɪə Gravedigger Hamlet ..
sp philosophie9, philosophy5 sp Phrigia1, Phrygia2 ˈpɪk-ˌhaks / =
rh 1 harmony TS 3.1.13; rh 2 die LLL sp Hamlet pickhaxe1 / pickaxes1
1.1.32 Phrygian adj
ˈfrɪdʒɪən Pickbone [name] n
Philostrate n sp Phrygian4 ˈpɪkbo:n
ˈfɪləˌstrɛ:t sp Pick-bone1
sp Philostrate1 Phrynia n
ˈfrɪnɪə picked adj
Philotus n sp Phrynia1, Tim 4.3.49 emend of =
fɪˈlo:təs Phrinica1 sp picked3, pickt1
sp Philotus2 > bare-, un-picked
physic n
phlegmatic adj = picker / ~s n
= sp phisicke3, physick3, physicke20, ˈpɪkəɹz
sp flegmaticke1 phy-sicke1 sp pickers1

Phoebe [goddess] n physic / ~s v picking adj / n

ˈfi:bi: = ˈpɪkɪn, -ɪŋ
sp Phoebe1 sp physicke3 / physicks2 sp picking1 / picking2
> Phebe
physical adj pickle n
Phoebus / ~’ n ˈfɪzɪˌkɑl =
ˈfi:bəs, Bottom MND .. sp physicall2 sp pickle4
ˈfɪbəs / ˈfi:bəs
sp Phebus2, Phoebus8, Bottom
physician / ~’s / ~s n picklock n
Phibbus / Phoebus 8 m fɪˈzɪsɪən, -ɪˌɒn / -z =
sp physician6, physitian12, physition3 sp pick-lock1
Phoenecia n / phisitians1, physitians2 / phisitions2,
fəˈni:sɪə physitians4 pickpurse / ~s n
sp Phoenetia1 rh incision R2 1.1.154 ˈpɪkˌpɐ:ɹs / -ɪz
sp picke-purse1, picke purse1,
Phoenician / ~s n pia mater Lat n
pick-purse1 / picke-purses1
fəˈni:sɪənz ˌpi:ə ˈmɑ:təɹ > purse
sp Phoenicians1 sp piamater1, pia-mater1, LLL 4.2.70
emend of primater1 pickthank / ~s n
phoenix n =
= pibble-pabble
sp pick-thankes1
2 6 > bibble-babble
sp phenix , phoenix
Pickt-hatch [name] n
Picardy n
Phoenix [name] n ˈpɪkt-ˌatʃ, -ˌha-
= m ˈpɪkəɹˌdəɪ
sp Pickt-hatch1
4 sp Picardy1, Piccardie1
sp Phoenix
picture / ~s n
Photinus pick / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
n ˈpɪktəɹ / -z
fəˈti:nəs = / = / ˈpɪkɪn, -ɪŋ / =
sp picture35, pic-ture2 / pictures8
sp pick1, picke14 / pickes1 / picking3
sp Photinus1
/ pickd1, pick’d6, pickt10 picture / ~d v
phrase / ~s n > unpick
frɛ:z / ˈfrɛ:zɪz sp pictur’d1
sp phrase26 / phrases5 > overpicturing


picture-like adj pun Falstaff 1H4 5.3.56 Percy; Pigrogromitus n

ˈpɪktəɹ-ləɪk Holofernes LLL 4.2.82 pierce ˌpɪɡrəˈɡrɒmɪtəs
sp picture-like1 Pierce [name] n sp Pigrogromitus1

pie / ~s n pɛ:ɹs pike / ~s n

pəɪ / -z sp Pierce1 pəɪk / -s
sp pie4, pye4 / pies2, pyes1 piercing adj / n sp pike3, pyke1 / pikes7, pykes1
rh 1 fly TNK 1.1.21; rh 2 presently
ˈpɛ:ɹsɪn, -ɪŋ Pilate / ~s n
Tit 5.3.59
sp peircing1, piercing6 / piercing1 ˈpəɪlət / -s
Pie [name] n > ear-, side-piercing
sp Pilate2 / Pilates1
pəɪ piety n
sp Py-[Corner]1 pilchard / ~s n
m ˈpəɪəˌtəɪ, -ət-
piece / ~s n sp pietie1, piety5
sp pilchers1
= rh eye Luc 542

sp peece67, [three pild]-peece1, pig n pilcher n

piece2 / peeces28, pieces6
= ˈpɪltʃəɹ
rh Greece Luc 1366 sp pilcher1
pun KJ 4.3.93 peace sp pig3, pigge4
> a-, birding-, chimmey-, cod-, head-, > boar-, hedge-, tithe-pig pile / ~s n
master-, mortar-piece
pigeon / ~s n pəɪl / -z
ˈpɪdʒənz, -dʒɪə- sp pile4 / piles2
piece / ~s / ~d v
1 9 3
= sp pidgions , pigeons , pigions pile / ~d v
6 9
sp peece , piece / pee-ces / 1 > cock-pigeon
pəɪl / -d
peec’d2, piec’d1
pigeon-egg n sp pile4 / pyl’d2
pied adj ˈpɪdʒən-ˌeɡ, -dʒɪə-
piled adj
pəɪd sp pidgeon-egge1
> egg
sp pied2, py’de1
sp pil’d2
pied Fr n pigeon-livered adj
ˈpɪdʒən-ˌlɪvəɹd, -dʒɪə- pilfering adj
pje ˈpɪlfrɪn, -ɪŋ, -fər-
sp pied1 sp pigeon-liuer’d
> liver adj sp pilfering1
piedness n pilgrim / ~s / ~s’ n
pight adj / v
ˈpəɪdnəs =
sp pidenesse1
sp pight1 / pight1 sp pilgrim5, pilgrime4 / pilgrimes1,
> straight-pight pilgrims1 / pilgrims1
pier / ~s n
pi:ɹ / -z pigmy adj pilgrimage n
sp peer1 / peers1 m ˈpɪlɡrɪˌmɛ:dʒ, -ɪmɪdʒ
sp pigmy 1 sp pilgrimage14
pierc·e / ~es / ~eth / ~ing /
rh age AY 3.2.126, Luc 960, R2
~ed v pigm·y / ~y’s / ~ies n 1.3.230, S 7.8; assuage Luc 791
pɛ:ɹs / ˈpɛ:ɹs·ɪz / -əθ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / ˈpɪɡməɪz
pɛ:ɹst pill / ~s n
sp pigmies1 / pigmies1
sp pearce2, pierce22 / pierces1 / =
pierceth1 / piercing3, persing1 / pignut / ~s n sp pilles1, pils1
pearst1, perst1, pierc’d2, pierst1, =
sp pig-nuts1
rh rehearse R2 5.3.126
> nut


pill / ~ed v sp pinnes1 / pins1 / pin’d1 pinion n

= > unpin =
sp pill1 / pil’d pill’d1 pinch / ~es n sp pinnion1

pillage n = pinion / ~ed v

= sp pinch5 / pinches3 =
sp pillage5 pinch / ~es / ~ed v sp pinnion1 / pinnion’d2
> nimble-pinioned, opinion v
pillar / ~s n =, Evans MW .. pɪns / =
ˈpɪləɹ / -z sp pinch15, Evans pinse1 / pinches2 / pink adj / n
pinch’d5, pincht4 =
sp pillar3 / pillars2, pillers3
rh well-willer TNK 3.5.114 Pinch [name] / ~’s n sp pinke2 / pinck1

pilled adv = pinked adj

= sp Pinch3 / Pinches1 =
sp pil’d1 pinched adj sp pinck’d1
> unpinked
Pillicock n =
ˈpɪlɪkɒk sp pinch’d1 pinnace n
sp Pillicock 2
pinching adj ˈpɪnɪs
sp pinnace2, pinnasse1
pillory n ˈpɪntʃɪn, -ɪŋ
ˈpɪlrəɪ, -lər- sp pinching2 pint n
sp pillorie2 pinch-spotted adj pəɪnt
sp pint2
pillow / ~s n =
> half-pint
ˈpɪlə, -lo: / -z sp pinch-spotted1

sp pillow14, [trunke]-pillow1 /
pint-pot n
Pindarus n
pillowes3 ˈpəɪnt-ˌpɒt
m ˈpɪndəˌrɤs, -ərəs
> down-pillow sp pint-pot1
sp Pindarus12 > pot
pilot / ~’s / ~s n
pine n pioned adj
ˈpəɪlət / -s
3 3 2 1 pəɪn / -z m ˈpəɪəˌnɪd
sp pilot , pylot / pilots , pylots /
pylots1 sp pine4, pyne4 / pines3 sp pioned1
rh Collatine, divine Luc 1167
Pimpernell n pioneer / ~s n
pine / ~s / ~d v
m ˈpɪmpəɹˌnel ˌpəɪəˈni:ɹ / -z
pəɪn / -s / m -d, ˈpəɪnɪd
sp Pimpernell1 sp pioner1, Luc pyoner1 / pioners1,
sp pine6, pyne1 / pines1 / pin’d1, pyoners1
pin adj pinde1, pined2 rh appear Luc 1380
= rh brine, mine Luc 795; design, mine
LC 275; mine Mac 1.3.23 pious adj
sp pin1
pinfold n ˈpəɪəs
pin / ~’s / ~s / ~s’ n sp pious9, Ham 2.2.418 emend of
= pons1
sp pinfold2 > impious
sp pin16, pinne2 / pins1 / pinnes2,
pins4 / pinnes1, pinnes-[heads]1 pining adj
rh in LLL 4.1.137
Pious [name] n
ˈpəɪnɪn, -ɪŋ ˈpəɪəs
> push-pin
sp pining2 sp Pious1
pin / ~s / ~ned v


pip n pismire / ~s n pitchy adj

= ˈpɪsməɪɹz ˈpɪtʃəɪ
sp peepe1 sp pismires1 sp pitchy3

pipe / ~s n piss v piteous adj

pəɪp / -s = ˈpɪtɪəs [ sylls]
sp pipe11 / pipes6 sp pisse1 sp piteous2, pitious1, pitteous11,
> bag-, cluster-, horn-, organ-, pittious6
wind-pipe pissing adj
ˈpɪsɪn, -ɪŋ piteously adv
pip·e / ~ing v sp pissing2
m ˈpɪtɪəsˌləɪ [ sylls]
pəɪp / ˈpəɪpɪn, -ɪŋ sp pitteously1, pittiously1
sp pipe / piping 1 pistol / ~s n
= pitfall n
piper / ~s n 4
sp pistoll / pistols 1 ˈpɪtfɑ:l
ˈpəɪpəɹz sp pitfall1
sp pipers 1 Pistol / ~’s n
=, ˈpɪsəl, Hostess H .. pith n
pipe-wine n ˈpi:səl / -z =
ˈpəɪp-ˌwəɪn sp Pistol10, Pistoll39, Pi-stoll2, Hostess
sp pith5, pyth1
sp pipe-wine Peesel1 / Pi-stols1
> wine
pithless adj
> bulls-pizzle
piping adj Pistol-proof adj sp pyth-lesse1
ˈpəɪpɪn, -ɪŋ =, ˈpɪsəl-ˌprʊf, -ˌpru:f
sp piping1
pithy adj
sp Pistoll-proofe1
> proof
Pippen sp pithy1
> Pepin pit / VA ~s n
= pitié Fr n
pippin / ~s n 22 1 pitˈje
sp pit / pits
= sp pitez1
1 1
rh sit R2 4.1.218 / wits VA 247
sp pippin / pip-pins
> cock-, saw-pit
pitiful adj
pirate / ~s n pitch adj / n m ˈpɪtɪˌfʊl, -ɪfəl
ˈpəɪrət / -s, MV .. ˈpəɪˌrats = sp pitifull1, pittiful1, pittifull26,
1 1 5 1
sp pirat , pirate , pyrate / pirates , 1 18 3 pit-tifull1, pitti-full1
sp pitch / pitch , pytch
pirats1, pyrates2, pyrats2
rh n itch Tem 2.2.51
pun MV 1.3.23 rats pitiful-hearted adj
pitch / ~ed v ˈpɪtɪfəl-ˌɑ:ɹtɪd, -ˌhɑ:-
Pisa n
= sp pittifull hearted1
= 7 1 2 > heart
sp pitch / pitched , pitcht
sp Pisa14
pitched adj pitifully adv
Pisanio / ~’s n m ˈpɪtɪˌfʊləɪ, -ɪfələɪ, -ɪfləɪ
pɪˈsɑ:nɪo: / -z sp pittifully3
sp pitched1, pitcht2
sp Pasanio1, Pisanio37, abbr in s.d. > unpitifully
Pisa1 / Pisanio’s1 pitcher / ~s n
ˈpɪtʃəɹz pitikins interj
pish interj 2 =
sp pitchers
= sp [’ods] pittikins1
sp pish


pitiless adj sp place18 / places3 / placeth2 / sp plain dea-ling1 plaine dealing1 /

m ˈpɪtɪˌles, -ɪləs placing2 / plac’d14, placed8, plac’t4 plain-dealing1, plaine dealing1
rh place him embrace him Luc 517 > deal
sp pittilesse4
> dis-, mis-place
plaining / ~s n
pittance n Placentio n ˈplɛ:nɪn, -ɪŋ / -z
= pləˈsensɪo: sp plaining1 / playnings1
sp pittance1
sp Placentio1 rh raining Luc 559
pittie-ward adv placing n plainly adv
ˈpɪtəɪ-ˌwɑ:ɹd ˈplɛ:sɪn, -ɪŋ ˈplɛ:nləɪ
sp pittie-ward1
sp placing1 sp plainely7, plainlie1, plainly12
pit·y / ~ies n placket / ~s n plainness n
ˈpɪtəɪ / -z = ˈplɛ:nəs
sp pitie5, pittie35, pittie’s [pity is]1,
sp placket2 / placcats1, plackets2 sp plainenesse1, plainnesse10
pitty106, pity3 / pitties1
rh city LC 178, Luc 468, 1553; ditty plague / ~s n plainsong adj / n
PP 20.12
plɛ:ɡ / -z ˈplɛ:nsɒŋ
pit·y / ~ies / ~ing / ~ied / sp plague77, [red]-plague1, sp plainsong1 / plaine-song2
~iedest v plague-[tribunes]1 / plagues11 > song

ˈpɪtəɪ / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d / -dst plague / ~s / ~d v plaint / ~s n

sp pitie1, pittie14, pitty43, pity1 / plɛ:ɡ / -z / m -ɡd, ˈplɛ:ɡɪd plɛ:nts
pitties5 / pittying4 / pittied18 / pittied’st1
sp plague13 / plagues2 / plagu’d2, sp plaints3
> unpitied
> unplague plaintiff / ~s n
place / ~’s / ~s n
ˈplɛ:ntɪf / -s
plɛ:s / ˈplɛ:s·ɪz plaguing adj sp plaintiffe2 / plaintiffes1
sp place365, [selfe]-place1, ˈplɛ:ɡɪn, -ɪŋ
[Yorke]-Place1, [Yorke]-place1 / plait LC n
sp plaguing1
place’s1 / places36
rh 1 case 1H6 2.1.73, RJ 1.1.102, plaguy adj
S 108.11; case, face KJ 1.1.145, Luc sp plat1
ˈplɛ:ɡəɪ rh hat LC 29
310; case, grace LC 117; chase Luc
1735, VA 885; deface S 6.3; disgrace, sp plaguy1
plait / ~s v
face Luc 803; face 1H6 1.3.43, 46, LLL
plain / ~er / ~est adj plats
3.1.66, Luc 1746, MND 1.1.203,
3.2.423, S 93.4, 131.12, 137.10; face, plɛ:n / ˈplɛ:nəɹ / -əst sp plats1
4 87 4
grace LC 82, Luc 565; face, space Luc sp plain , plaine / plainer /
1773; grace 3H6 4.6.31, KL 1.1.274, plainest2 planched adj
LC 318, LLL 2.1.179, 3.1.66, Mac rh again LLL 5.2.452, VA 407; certain ˈplantʃɪd
5.6.112, MND 5.1.390, Per 2.3.18, 4. MND 5.1.127; pain LLL 4.3.119; rain sp planched1
Chorus.10, R2 3.4.104, S 79.4, Tem LLL 4.3.270, Luc 1786, VA 359; sain
4.1.73; grace, space LC 263; race Per [said] LLL 3.1.80 planet / ~s n
5.Chorus.11; rh 2 ass CE 3.1.46 / =
faces Luc 1525 plain / ~s n
sp planet7, plannet2 / planets7
> baiting-, birth-, burying-, dwelling-, plɛ:n / -z
judgement-, learning-, market-, sp plaine7 / plaines6 planetary adj
meeting-, show-place; high-placed rh rain VA 236; remain Luc 1247 / m ˈplanɪˌtarəɪ, -ɪtərəɪ,
swains PP 17.30
plac·e / ~es / ~eth / ~ing / -ɪtrəɪ
~ed v plain-dealing adj / n sp planatary1, plannetary1

plɛ:s / ˈplɛ:s·ɪz / -əθ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / ˈplɛ:n-ˌdi:lɪn, -ɪŋ / ˈplɛ:n-ˈdi:

m -ɪd, plɛ:st lɪn, -ɪŋ


plank / ~s n plastering adj rh 2 sea H8 3.1.9 [song] / swayest

= ˈplastrɪn, -ɪŋ S 128.1 / delays Luc 553 / afraid PP
sp plankes2 sp plaist’ring1
player / ~s n
plant / ~s n plate / ~s n
plɛ:əɹ / -z
plant, plɔ:nt / -s plɛ:t / -s
sp plaier1, player5 / plaiers1,
sp plant4 / plants10 sp plate10 / plates1
rh predominant RJ 2.3.26 > breastplate
playfellow / ~s n
plant / ~s / ~eth / ~ed v plated adj
ˈplɛ:felə, -lo: / -z
plant, plɔ:nt / -s / ˈplant·əθ, plɛ:tɪd
sp play-fellow6 / playfellowes1,
ˈplɔ:- / -ɪd sp plated1
sp plant19 / plants1 / planteth1 / rh bedfellow Per Prol.34
platform / ~s n
> fellow
rh 1 granted LLL 1.1.162; rh 2 ˈplatfɔ:ɹm / -z
haunted LLL 1.1.162 sp platforme3 / plat-formes1 playhouse n
> displant; new-, sky-planted ˈplɛ:əʊs, -həʊs
plausible adj
plantage n sp playhouse1, play-house1
= > house
ˈplantɪdʒ, ˈplɔ:- sp plausible1
sp plantage1 playing adj / n
plausive adj ˈplɛ:ɪn, -ɪŋ
Plantagenet / ~s n = sp playing2 / playing1
m planˈtadʒɪˌnet, -nət, plɔ:n- sp plausiue2
/ -s > unplausive plea n
sp Plantagenet40, Plantaginet4 / =
Plautus n
sp plea6
rh 1 debt R3 4.4.20; rh 2 great ˈplɔ:təs rh sea S 65.3
KJ 1.1.162 sp Plautus1
pleached adj
plantain adj / n play / ~s n m ˈpli:tʃɪd, pli:tʃt
ˈplantən, ˈplɔ:n- plɛ: / -z sp pleach’d1, pleached1, pleacht1
sp plantan1 / plantan4 sp play81, play’s [play is]1, > thick-pleached
[faire]-play1, [faire]-play-[orders]1,
plantation n [foule]-play1, [fowle]-play1 / playes2 plead / ~s / ~eth Luc / ~ing /
planˈtɛ:sɪən, plɔ:n- rh away TC Prol.29; day LLL 5.2.867, ~ed v
sp plantation1 MND 3.2.11, TNK Prol.3; Grey R3
=, pled / -z / ˈpli:d·əθ, ˈpled- /
4.4.68; may H5 2.Chorus.40; pray H5
plash n Prol.34; say AY 3.4.54, TNK Epil.1; -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd
= stay, way LLL 4.3.76; they H8 Prol.14; sp plead23, plea’d1, pleade21 /
way LLL 5.2.863 pleades3 / pleadeth1 / pleading5 /
sp plash1
plaster n / v play / ~est / ~s / ~eth / ~ing / rh 1 leadeth Luc 268; rh 2 dreadeth
~ed / ~edest v Luc 268
sp plaister1, plaster2 / plaister1
plɛ: / -st / -z / ˈplɛ:·əθ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / pleader / ~s n
rh n master VA 916 plɛ:d / -st ˈpli:dəɹ, ˈpled- / -z
2 208 1 8
sp plaie , play / play’st / plaies ,
plasterer n sp pleader1 / pleaders1
playes23 / playeth1 / playing15,
ˈplastrəɹ, -tər- play-ing1 / plaid32, plaide4, playd1, pleading n
sp playsterer1 play’d10, played4 / playd’st1
ˈpli:dɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈpled-
rh 1 away AW 4.4.24, Ham 3.2.281,
S 98.14; away, hay LLL 5.1.146; prey sp pleading1
LLL 4.1.92; well-a-day Per 4.4.48;


pleasance n rh 1 leisure S 58.2; measure S 91.5; Pleshey n

ˈplezəns, -esə- treasure S 20.13, 52.4, 75.8, 126.9; ˈplaʃəɪ
rh 2 seizure PP 11.12 / measures AY
sp pleasance1 sp Plashie2, Plashy1
pleasant / ~est adj > displeasure pliant adj
ˈplezənt, -esə- / -st, -nst Pleb / ~s n ˈpləɪənt
sp pleasant33 / pleasant’st1 = sp pliant1
> unpleasant
sp Plebs1 plied, plies
pleasantly adv Plebeian / ~s n > ply
ˈplezəntˌləɪ, -esə- m ˈplebɪənz, -ɪˌanz, pləˈbi:ənz
sp pleasantly1
plight n
sp Plebeans3, Plebeians13 pləɪt
pleasantry n Plebeii n sp plight9
m ˈplezənˌtrəɪ, -esə- ˈplebəɪˌi: rh fight PP 17.22; flight 3H6 3.3.37;
sp pleasantry1 night S 28.1
sp Plebeij1 > troth-plight
pleasant-spirited adj pledge / ~s n
ˈplezənt-ˌspɪɹtɪd plight ~ed v
= pləɪt / ˈpləɪtɪd
sp pleasant spirited
sp pledge13 / pledges3 sp plight2 / plighted2
> spirit
rh alight KL 3.4.117
pledge / ~s v
pleas·e / ~est / ~es / ~eth /
= plighted adj
~ing / ~ed v
sp pledge6 / pledges1 ˈpləɪtɪd
= / = / = / = / ˈpli:zɪn, -ɪŋ / m =,
sp plighted1
ˈpli:zɪd plein / ~es Fr adj
sp please378, ’please2, please’1, plɛ̃ plighter n
pleas’t [please it]1 / pleasest2 / sp plein1 ˈpləɪtəɹ
pleases16, plea-ses1 / pleaseth17 /
sp plighter1
pleasing1 / pleas’d65, pleased6 plenteous adj
rh disease S 147.4; ease AY 2.5.50, ˈplentɪəs [ sylls] plod / ~ded v
H8 Epil.1, TS 5.2.177; knees Per
sp plenteous9, plen-teous1, =
1.2.46; peas LLL 5.2.316; these LLL
plentious1 sp plod3, plodde1 / plodded2
1.1.50 / appeased TG 5.4.80
> unpleased plenteously adv plodder / ~s n
pleased adj m ˈplentɪəsˌləɪ [ sylls] ˈplɒdəɹz
= sp plenteously1 sp plodders1
1 6
sp pleasd , pleas’d plentiful adj plodding n
please-man n m ˈplentɪˌfʊl, -ɪfəl ˈplɒdɪn, -ɪŋ
= sp plentifull3 sp plodding1
sp please-man1 plentifully adv plot [ground] n
pleasing adj / n m ˈplentɪˌfʊləɪ, -fələɪ, -fləɪ =
ˈpli:zɪn, -ɪŋ sp plentifully3 sp plot6, [dazied]-plot1,
sp pleasing 18
/ pleasing 1 [grasse]-plot1, plotte1
plent·y / ~ies n
rh not S 137.9
pleasure / ~’s / ~s n ˈplentəɪ / -z
ˈplezəɹ / -z sp plentie6, plen-tie2, plenty5 / plot [scheme] / ~s n
plentyes1 =
sp pleasure164, plea-sure2 /
rh 1 twenty TN 2.3.48, VA 20; rh 2 sp plot42 / plots6
pleasures1 / pleasures33
empty Tem 4.1.110 rh blot R2 4.1.323


plot / ~s / ~ted v sp plucker downe1 plus Fr adv

= > down ply
sp plot1, plots8 / plotted9 plucking n sp plus2
rh got Tem 4.1.88
ˈplɤkɪn, -ɪŋ Pluto / ~’s n
plot-proof adj sp plucking1 ˈplu:to: / -z
m ˌplɒt-ˈprʊf, -ˈpru:f plum / ~s n sp Pluto4 / Plutoes3, Pluto’s2
sp plot-proofe1
plɤm / -z Plutus n
plotted adj sp plum1 / plummes1 ˈplu:təs
= plume / ~s n sp Plutus1, Platus1
sp plotted1
= pl·y / ~ies / ~ied v
plotter n sp plume4, plumbe1 / plumes5 pləɪ / -z / -d
ˈplɒtəɹ rh fume VA 314 / assumes
sp ply4 , plye1 / plies2, plyes2 / plied1
TC 1.3.386
sp plotter1
plume / ~d v Po n
plough n po:
pləʊ sp Poe1
1 sp plume1 / plum’d1
sp plough rh so KJ 1.1.203
plumed adj
plough / ~est / ~ed v pocket / ~s n
m ˈplu:mɪd
pləʊ / -st / -d =
sp plumed2
sp plough4 / plow’st1 / ploughed1, sp pocket27, poc-ket1 / pockets7
plowed1, plowgh’d1 plume-plucked adj
pocket v
plough-irons n ˈplu:m-ˌplɤkt
1 =
sp plume-pluckt
ˈpləʊ-ˌəɪrənz sp pocket5
sp plough-irons plummet n
pocketting-up n
ploughman ˈplɤmɪt
adj ˈpɒkɪtɪn-ˈɤp, -ɪŋ-
sp plummet3
ˈpləʊmən sp pocketting vp1
sp ploughman plump adj
pocky adj
plough·man / ~men’s plɤmp
n 1 ˈpɒkəɪ
sp plumpe
ˈpləʊmən / -z sp pocky1
1 1
sp ploughman , plough-man / plumpy adj
ploughmens1 poem n
plough-torn adj sp plumpie1
sp po-em1
ˈpləʊ-ˌtɔ:ɹn plum-tree adj / n
sp plough-torne1 poesy n
> tear v 1 1 m ˈpo:ɪzəɪ, -ɪˌz-
sp plum-tree / plum-tree
> tree sp poesie4
pluck / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
plɤk / -s / ˈplɤkɪn, -ɪŋ / plɤkt plunge / ~d v poet / ~’s / ~s / ~s’ n
sp pluck23, pluck-[back]1, plucke78 / plɤndʒ / m -d, ˈplɤndʒɪd ˈpo:ɪt / -s
pluckes8, plucks4 / plucking5 / sp poet18 / poets3 / poets7 / poets1
sp plundge3, plunge2 / plung’d2,
pluck’d8, pluckt24
rh luck S 14.1 / sucked VA 574 poetical adj
plural adj po:ˈetɪkɑl
plucker-down n
ˈplu:rɑl sp poetical1, poeticall3
ˈplɤkəɹ-ˈdəʊn 2
sp plurall


poetry n sp poize1 / poizing1 / poiz’d1, Poland adj / n

m ˈpo:ɪtrəɪ, -ɪˌt- poys’d1, poyz’d1 ˈpo:lənd
> counterpoise
sp poetrie6, poetry3 sp Poland1 / Poland2
poison / ~s n
Poins n pole / ~s n
ˈpəɪzən / -z
pəɪnz po:l / -z
sp poison5, poyson70, poy-son1 /
sp Poines15, Points1, Pointz7, sp pole7, [North]-pole1 / poles1
poisons1, poysons4
Poynes4 > maypole
poison / ~s / ~ed v
point / ~s n Pole [name] n
ˈpəɪzən / -z / -d
pəɪnt / -s pu:l
sp poison3 / poysons4 / poison’d3,
sp point110, poynt6 / points25 sp Pole4, Poole9
> counterpoint
poisoned adj pole-axe n
point / ~est / ~s / ~ing / ˈpo:l-ˌaks
~ed v sp pollax2
sp poysond1, poyson’d4,
pəɪnt / -st, pəɪnst / -s / poysoned1
ˈpəɪnt·ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd polecat / ~s n
18 1
sp point / point’st / points / 3 poisoner n ˈpo:lkat, pɤl- / -s
pointing2 / poynted1 ˈpəɪznəɹ, -zən- sp poulcat1 / powlcats2
3 > cat
sp poysoner
point Fr adv
pwɛ̃ poisoning n pole-clipped adj
sp point 2
ˈpəɪznɪn, -ɪŋ, -zən- ˈpo:l-ˌklɪpt
sp pole-clipt1
sp poysoning1
point-blank adv clip
ˌpəɪnt-ˈblaŋk poisonous adj
Polemon n
sp point-blanke2 ˈpəɪznəs, -zən-
> blank 10
sp poysonous
sp Polemen1
point-device adj / adv poisonous-tongued adj
ˌpəɪnt-dɪˈvəɪs polic·y / ~ies n
ˈpəɪznəs-ˌtɒŋd, -zən-, -ˌtʊ-
sp point deuice , poynt deuise / 1 m ˈpɒlɪˌsəɪ, -ɪs- / ˈpɒlɪˌsəɪz
sp poysonous tongu’d1
point deuise1 sp policie14, poli-cie1, policy11,
> tongue
> device pollicie10, pollicy7 / pollicies1
Poitiers n rh company LLL 5.2.510; me
pointed adj m pwɛˈti:ɹ, ˈpwɛti:ɹ R2 5.1.84
ˈpəɪntɪd > unpolicied
sp Poictiers2, Poyctiers3, Poytiers1
sp pointed4
Polidamus n
> sharp-pointed poke n
pointing adj sp Polidamus1
sp poake1
ˈpəɪntɪn, -ɪŋ
polished adj
sp pointing1 poking-stick / ~s n
ˈpo:kɪn-ˌstɪks, -ɪŋ-
poise n sp pollish’d1
sp poaking-stickes1 > unpolished
pəɪz > stick
sp poise1, poize3, poyse1
politic adj
Polack n
pois·e / ~ing / ~ed v m ˈpɒlɪˌtɪk, -lɪt-
pəɪz / ˈpəɪzɪn, -ɪŋ / pəɪzd sp politick1, politicke5, poli-ticke1,
sp Polake1, Poleak2 politike3, politique3, pollitick1
rh heretic S 124.11


politically adv Polydore n pomwater n

m ˌpɒlɪˈtɪkləɪ, ˈplɪtɪkˌləɪ ˈpɒlɪˌdɔ:ɹ ˈpo:mˌwɑtəɹ
sp politickely1, politikely1 sp Paladour1, Polidore7 sp pomwater1

politician / ~s n Polyxenes n pond / ~s n

ˌpɒlɪˈtɪsɪən / -z pəˈlɪksəˌni:z =
sp politician3, politi-cian1, polititian1 sp Polixines1 sp pond4 / ponds1
/ politicians1 > fishpond
pomander n
Polixena n m ˈpɒməndəɹ, pəˈman- ponder v
pəˈlɪksəˌna sp pomander1 ˈpɒndəɹ
sp Polixena1 sp ponder1
pomegranate n
Polixenes n m pɒmˈɡranɪt ponderous adj
m pəˈlɪksəˌni:z, -sən-, -sn- sp pomgranat 1 m ˈpɒndəˌrɤs, -ərəs, -drəs
sp Polixenes20 sp ponderous4
pomegranate-tree n
poll / ~ed n / adj m pɒmˈɡranɪt-ˌtri: poniard / ~s n
po:l / po:ld sp pomgranet tree1 ˈpɒnjɑ:ɹd / -z
sp pole4, poll1 / poul’d1 > tree sp poyniard1 / poniards2, ponyards1,
rh soul Ham 4.5.196 poynyards1
> clodpoll Pomfret adj / n
ˈpɤmfrɪt Pont n
pollax =
sp Pomfret1 / Pomfret14,
> pole-axe [debated reading] Pumfret1 sp Pont1

pollute Luc / ~d v Pomgarnet n Pontic adj

pəˈlu:t / -ɪd pɒmˈɡɑ:ɹnət =
sp pollute2 / polluted1 sp Pomgar-net1 sp Ponticke1
rh absolute Luc 854; fruit Luc 1063
pommel n pontifical adj
polluted adj
ˈpɤməl m pənˈtɪfɪˌkɑl
sp pummell1 sp pontificall1
sp polluted1
> unpolluted pomp / ~s n Ponton n
= ˈpɒntən
pollution n
sp pomp1, pompe31 / pompes1 sp Ponton1
sp pollution2, polusion1 Pompeius n pool n
rh confusion, conclusion Luc 1157 pəmˈpɛ:əs =
Polonius / ~’ n sp Pompeius3 sp poole4
pəˈlo:nɪəs Pompey / ~’s n poop n
sp Pollonius1, Polonius19 / Polonius1 ˈpɒmpəɪ, Costard LLL .. =
poltroon / ~s n ˈpɒmpɪən / -z sp poope2

ˈpo:ltru:nz sp Pompey85, Costard Pompion1 /

Pompeyes9, Pompey’s1
poor adj
sp poultroones1 po:ɹ / ˈpo:r·əɹ / -əst
pompous adj sp poor9, poore585, poore-[old-man]1,
pol·us / ~i Lat n poore-[old-woman]1, Cym 3.4.85
pɒˈli: emend of pooru1 / poorer4 / poorest7,
sp pompous2
sp poli1 poor’st2
rh store LLL 5.2.378, RJ 1.1.215


poor n popularity n portage n

po:ɹ m ˌpɒpjəˈlarɪˌtəɪ ˈpɔ:ɹtɪdʒ
sp poor2, poore10 sp popularitie2 sp portage1
rh whore KL 2.4.51
populous adj portal n
poorest n m ˈpɒpjəˌlɤs, -ələs, ˈpɒpləs ˈpɔ:ɹtl
ˈpo:rəst sp populous4, populus1 sp portall2
sp poorest1
porch / ~es n portance n
poor-John n pɔ:ɹtʃ / ˈpɔ:ɹtʃɪz ˈpɔ:ɹtəns
ˈpo:r-ˌdʒɒn sp porch4 / porches1 sp portance2
sp poore-Iohn1
pore v Port Blanc
poorly adv pɔ:ɹ > Le Port Blanc
ˈpo:ɹləɪ sp poare1, pore1
sp poorely6
portcullis / ~ed v
poring adj pəɹˈkɤlɪst
pop / ~s / ~ped v ˈpɔ:rɪn, -ɪŋ sp percullist1
= sp poring 1

sp pops1 / popt1, pop’t1

portend / ~s v
pork n pɔ:ɹˈtend / -z
pope n pɔ:ɹk sp portend3, por-tend1 / portends3
po:p sp porke 2

sp pope19
portendous adj
rh rope 1H6 1.3.52 pork-eater / ~s n pɔ:ɹˈtendəs
ˈpɔ:ɹk-ˌi:təɹz sp portendous1
popedom n sp porke-eaters 1

ˈpo:pdəm portent / ~s n
sp popedome1 porpentine n pɔ:ɹˈtent / -s
ˈpɔ:ɹpənˌtəɪn sp portent1 / portents4
Popilius n sp porpentine 3

pəˈpɪlɪəs portentous adj

sp Popillius 3 Porpentine [name] n pɔ:ɹˈtentəs
ˈpɔ:ɹpənˌtəɪn sp portentous1
popinjay n 4
sp Porpentine , Porpen-tine 1

ˈpɒpɪnˌdʒɛ: porter / ~s n
sp popingay1 porridge n ˈpɔ:ɹtəɹ / -z
= sp porter21 / porters2
popish adj 1
sp porrage , porredge , porridge6 1

ˈpo:pɪʃ Portia / ~’s n

sp popish 1 porringer n m ˈpɔ:ɹsɪə, -sɪˌa / ˈpɔ:ɹsɪəz
ˈpɒɹɪndʒəɹ sp Portia36 / Portias3
poppering adj sp porrenger 2

ˈpɒprɪn, -ɪŋ portion n

sp poprin1 port / ~s n ˈpɔ:ɹsɪən
pɔ:ɹt / -s sp portion7
poppy n sp port15 / ports9
ˈpɒpəɪ > Cinque Ports
portly adj
sp poppy1 ˈpɔ:ɹtləɪ
portable adj sp portly6
popular adj ˈpɔ:ɹtəbəl
m ˈpɒpləɹ, -jələɹ sp portable2
sp popular6


portotartarossa nonsense rh observation 3H6 2.6.110; sp poast1, post11, poste8 / postes2 /

word succession CE 3.1.106 poasting1 / poasted2, posted4

ˈpɔ:ɹto:ˈtɑ:ɹtəˈrɒsə possession Fr n poster / ~s n

sp portotartarossa1 pɔsɛsˈjɔ̃ ˈpo:stəɹz
portrait n sp possession1, pos-session1 sp posters1

ˈpɔ:ɹtrɛ:t possessor n posterior / ~s n

sp portrait1 pəˈzesəɹ pɒˈsti:rɪəɹ / -z
portraiture n sp possesser1, possessor1 sp posterior2 / posteriors1

ˈpɔ:ɹtretəɹ posset / ~s n posterity n

sp portraiture1 ˈpɒsɪt / -s m pɒˈsterɪˌtəɪ
Portugal n sp posset1, pos-set1 / possets1 sp posteritie4, posterity5
rh chastity, infirmity PT 59; enmity S
ˈpɔ:ɹtɪɡɑl posset v 55.11; husbandry S 3.8; obscurity VA
sp Portugall1 ˈpɒsɪt 758; severity RJ 1.1.220; thee S 6.12

pose v sp posset1
postern / ~s n
po:z possibility / ~ies n ˈpɒstəɹn / -z
sp poze1 m ˌpɒsɪˈbɪlɪˌtəɪ, -ɪt- / -z sp posterne3 / posternes3
1 2
position n sp possibilitie , possibility /
post-haste adv
m pəˈzɪsɪən, -sɪˌɒn ˌpo:st-ˈast, -ˈha-
sp position3, po-sition1 possible adj sp post-hast1, post-haste2, post
= haste2
positive adj > haste
sp possible57
m ˈpɒsɪˌtɪv, -ɪt- > impossible
sp positiue2, possitiue post-horse / ~s n
possibly adv m ˈpo:st-ˌɔ:ɹs, -ˌhɔ:- /
positively adv ˈpɒsɪbləɪ ˌpo:st-ˈɔ:ɹsɪz, -ˈhɔ:-
m ˈpɒsɪˌtɪvləɪ sp possibly3 sp post-horse2 / post-horses1
sp positiuely1, possitiuely1
possitable adv Posthumus n
possess / ~es / ~eth / S ~ing / Evans MW .. ˈpɒsɪtəbəl pɒˈstju:məs
~ed v sp possitable1 sp Posthumus45, Posthu-mus1
= / = / = / pəˈzes·ɪn, -ɪŋ / m -t,
- ɪd possum / posse Lat v posting adj
sp possesse29 / possesses2 / ˈpɒse ˈpo:stɪn, -ɪŋ
possesseth1 / possessing2 / sp emend of 2H6 1.4.61 posso1 sp posting2
possess’d2, possessed3, possest38
rh excess, less Luc 135; less LLL post adv postmaster / ~’s n
5.2.383, RJ 1.3.94; possess thee guide po:st ˈpo:sˌmastəɹz, ˈpo:st-
thee, tend thee, with me R3 4.1.93 / sp post1, poste1 sp post-masters2
releasing S 87.1 / least S 29.6 > master
> dis-, re-possess; unpossessed, post / ~s n
unpossessing po:st / -s postscript n
2 21
sp poast , post , poste 16 6
/ postes , ˈpo:ˌskrɪpt, ˈpo:st-
possession / ~s n
posts4 sp postscript1, post-script1
m pəˈzesɪən, -sɪˌɒn / rh host Luc 1
pəˈzesɪənz posture / ~s n
sp possession28, possessio[n]1, post / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v ˈpɒstəɹ / -z
pos-session1 / possessions5 po:st / -s / ˈpo:st·ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd sp posture5 / postures3


pos·y / ~ies n potently adv Poultney n

ˈpo:zəɪ / -z m ˈpo:təntˌləɪ ˈpo:ltnəɪ
sp poesie3 / posies2 sp potently2 sp Poultney1
rh roses MW 3.1.19, PP 19.10
pothecary pouncet-box n
pot / ~s n > apothecary ˈpəʊnsɪt-ˌbɒks
= sp pouncet-box1
sp pot13 / pots2
pother n
rh 1 got Mac 4.1.9; rh 2 note LLL ˈpɤðəɹ, ˈpo:- pound / ~s n
5.2.909, 918 sp poother1 pəʊnd / -z
> chamber-, pint-, pottle-, water-pot sp pound52 / pounds17
potion / ~s n
potable adj ˈpo:sɪən / -z pound v
ˈpo:təbəl sp potion4 / potions4 pəʊnd
sp potable1 sp pound1
Potpan [name] n
potation / ~s n = pour Fr prep
pəˈtɛ:sɪənz sp Potpan2 pu:ɹ
sp potations1, pota-tions1 sp pour8
potter / ~’s n
potato adj ˈpɒtəɹz pour / ~est / ~s / ~ing /
pəˈtato: sp potters1 ~ed v
sp potato1 po:ɹ / -st / -z / ˈpo:rɪn, -ɪŋ /
potting n
potato / ~oes po:ɹd
n ˈpɒtɪn, -ɪŋ
sp poure15, power1, powr1, powre10
pəˈtato:z sp potting1
/ powr’st2 / pour’s1, powres4 /
sp potatoes1
pouring1, powring1 / pour’d2,
pottle n
potch v =
= sp pottle4 pourquoi Fr adv
sp potche1 puɹˈkwɛ
pottle-deep adj
sp purquoy1, pur-quoy1
potency n =
m ˈpo:tənˌsəɪ sp pottle-deepe1 pout v
4 1
sp potencie , potency > deep pəʊt
> impotence
sp powt1
pottle-pot / ~’s n
potent adj = poverty n
ˈpo:tənt sp pottle pot1 / pottle-pots1 m ˈpɒvəɹˌtəɪ, -ɹt-
sp potent19 > pot
sp pouertie11, pouerty10
rh 1 injury S 40.10; rh 2 eye LLL
potent / ~s n pouch n
ˈpo:tənts pəʊtʃ
sp potents1 sp pouch3 powder n / v
ˈpəʊdəɹ, ˈpo:-
potentate / ~s n poulter / ~’s n
sp powder7, pow-der1 / powder1
m ˈpo:tənˌtɛ:ts ˈpo:ltəɹz > gunpowder
sp potentates3 sp poulters1
powdered adj
potential adj poultice n ˈpəʊdəɹd, ˈpo:-
pəˈtensɪɑl ˈpo:ltɪs sp pouder’d1
sp potentiall2 sp poultis1


powdering adj practice / ~s n praisd1, prais’d23, praised7, prays’d1,

ˈpəʊdrɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈpo:- = praysed3
rh days S 62.13, 106.14
sp poudring1 sp practice11, practise33 / practises13
> dis-, super-praise; all-praised
power / ~s n practisant / ~s n praised n
po:ɹ / -z m ˈpraktɪˌsants m ˈprɛ:zɪd
sp power287, pow’r2, powre36 / sp practisants1
sp praised1
powers46, powres30, pow’rs2
rh bower S 127.5; deflower, hour Luc practis·e / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v praiseworthy adj
345; flower LC 146, MND 4.1.73, = / = / ˈpraktɪsɪn, -ɪŋ / = ˈprɛ:zˌwɔ:ɹðəɪ
RJ 2.3.20, S 65.2, VA 944; flower, hour sp practice3, practise13 / practises / 1

LC 74; hour 3H6 4.1.148, S 126.1, Tim sp praise worthie1

practising3 / practic’d1, practis’d6,
3.1.62, WT 4.1.7; sour R2 3.2.192 / > worthy
hours Luc 295 > death-, un-, well-practised praising n
> overpowered
practised adj ˈprɛ:zɪn, -ɪŋ
powerful adj = sp praising1
ˈpo:ɹfʊl 1
sp practis’d , practiz’d 1
pranc·e / ~ing v
sp powerfull7, powrefull10, powrfull1,
pow’rfull1 practiser / ~s n ˈprɔ:nsɪn, -ɪŋ
ˈpraktɪsəɹ / -z sp prauncing1
powerfully adv
sp practiser2 / practizers1 prank / ~s n
ˈpo:ɹfʊləɪ, -fl-
sp powerfully 1
praeclarissimus Lat adj =
ˌpreklaˈrɪsɪmʊs sp prancks2, prankes5, pranks1
powerless adj
sp praeclarissimus1 prank / ~s / ~ed v
sp powerlesse 1
praetor / ~’s / ~s n =
ˈpretəɹz sp pranke1 / prankes1 /
pow waw interj prank’d1
sp praetors1, pretors1
prat v
sp pow waw1 Prague n
pox n sp prat-[her]1
sp Prage1
Prat [name] n
sp pox16, ’pox1, poxe4 prains
> brain
poyes sp Prat1
> boy praise / ~s n
prate n
prɛ:z / ˈprɛ:zɪz
Poysam n 85 15 15 prɛ:t
sp praise , prayse / praises ,
ˈpəɪzəm prayses7 sp prate2
sp Poysam1 rh days 3H6 4.6.44, LLL 4.1.23, > love-prate
5.2.366, S 2.8, 38.14, 59.14, 70.11,
prabble / ~s n prat·e / ~est / ~es / ~ing v
82.6, 95.7, Tit 1.1.171; obeys, raise
= LC 226; ways PP 18.15 prɛ:t / -st / -s / ˈprɛ:tɪn, -ɪŋ
sp prabbles2, prables2 sp prate11 / pratest2, prat’st3 /
prais·e / ~est / ~es / ~ing / prating1 / prated1
practic adj ~ed v
prater n
= prɛ:z / ˈprɛ:z·əst / -ɪz / -ɪn, -ɪŋ /
sp practique1 ˈprɛ:təɹ
m -ɪd, prɛ:zd 1
sp prater
sp praise51, prayse5 / praisest1 /
praises2 / praising8, praysing1 /


prating adj / n prayer-book / ~s n preceptiall adj

ˈprɛ:tɪn, -ɪŋ ˈprɛ:ɹ-ˌbʊk / -s pri:ˈsepsɪɑl
sp prating7, pra-ting1 / prating3 sp prayer-booke1, prayer booke1 / sp preceptiall1
prayer bookes1
prattle n/v > book precinct n
= pri:ˈsɪŋkt
sp pratle1, prattle1, prattle6
praying adj / n sp precinct1
ˈprɛ:ɪn, -ɪŋ
prattler n sp praying1 / praying1 precious adj
ˈpratləɹ ˈpresɪəs
sp pratler1
preach / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v sp precious67, preci-ous1, pretious3,
= / = / ˈpri:tʃɪn, -ɪŋ / = MM 3.1.100 emend of prenzie1
prattling adj sp preach3 / preaches1 / preaching1
ˈpratlɪn, -ɪŋ / preach’d1 precious-juiced adj
sp pratling 2 rh teach 1H6 3.1.128 m ˈpresɪəs-ˌdʒəɪsɪd
sp precious iuced1
prattling / ~s n preacher / ~s n > juice
ˈpratlɪn, -ɪŋ / -z ˈpri:tʃəɹz
sp pratling2 / pratlings1 sp preachers1 preciously adv
m ˈpresɪəsˌləɪ
prave preachment n sp preciously1
> brave ˈpri:tʃmənt
sp preachment1 precious-princely adj
prawls ˈpresɪəs-ˌprɪnsləɪ
> brawl pread sp precious princely1
> bread > prince
prawn / ~s n
= preambulate v precipice n
sp prawnes 1 pri:ˈambjʊˌlɛ:t =
sp preambulat1 sp H8 5.1.139 emend of precepit1
pray / ~est / ~s / ~ing /
~ed v precedence n precipitat·e / ~ing v
prɛ: / -st / -z / ˈprɛ:ɪn, -ɪŋ / m prəˈsi:dəns, ˈpresɪˌdens prəˈsɪpɪˌtɛ:tɪn, -ɪŋ
prɛ:d sp precedence2 sp precipitating1
1 21 680
sp pra’ , praie , pray , ’pray [I
precedent adj precipitation n
pray]14, pray’[I pray]1, praye1,
pray’thee1, pray’[ye]1 / prai’st1 /
prɪˈsi:dənt m prəˌsɪpɪˈtɛ:sɪən, -sɪˌɒn
praies6, prayes11 / praying6 / praid3, sp precedent3, president13 sp precipitation2
prai’d2, pray’d9
rh away TS 1.2.224; day R2 1.1.150;
precedent n precise adj
may R2 5.3.82; play H5 Prol.33; today m ˈpresɪˌdent, -sɪdənt prɪˈsəɪs
CE 1.2.51, RJ 2.3.59; way TG 1.2.40 / sp precedent2 sp precise6, MM 3.1.97 emend of
decays Luc 714 / decayed 1H6 1.1.33 rh content LC 155 prenzie1
pun 1H4 2.1.81 prey rh flies LLL 5.2.406
> a-praying, outpray, prithee preceding adj
prɪˈsi:dɪn, -ɪŋ precisely adv
prayer / ~’s / ~s / ~s’ n sp preceding1 prɪˈsəɪsləɪ
m ˈprɛ:ɹ, -ɛ:əɹ / -z sp precisely5
sp praier5, [morne]-praier1, precept n
prayer30, pray’r1 / prayers1 / praiers8, pri:ˈsept / m pri:ˈseps, preciseness n
prair’s1, prayers66, prayres10, prayrs1, ˈpri:seps, -pts prɪˈsəɪsnəs
pray’rs1 / prayers1
sp precept1 / precepts8 sp precisenesse1
rh despair RJ 1.5.102, Tem Epil.16;
fair Luc 344; fair, repair PT 67


precisian n pre-eminence n sp pregnant15

prɪˈsɪzɪən pri:ˈhemɪˌnens > unpregnant

sp precisian1 sp preheminence2 pregnantly adv

> eminence
pre-contract n ˈpreɡnəntləɪ
ˈpri:-kənˌtrakt pre-employ / ~ed v sp pregnantly1

sp pre-contract1 ˈpri:-emˌpləɪd prejudicate / ~s v

> contract sp pre-employ’d1
m pri:ˈdʒu:dɪˌkɛ:ts
> employ
precor Lat v sp preiudicates1
ˈprekɔ:ɹ preface n
prejudice n
sp precor1 =
1 m ˈpredʒəˌdɪs, -əd-
sp preface
precurser / ~s n sp preiudice3
prɪˈkɐ:ɹsəɹz prefer / ~est / ~s / ~eth /
prejudicial adj
sp precursers1 ~ring / ~red v
prɪˈfɐ:ɹ / -st / -z / -əθ / -ɪn,
predeceased adj sp preiudiciall1
-ɪŋ / -d
ˈpri:dɪˌsɛ:st sp prefer5, preferre13 / preferr’st1 / prelate n
sp predeceased1 prefers1 / preferreth1 / preferring1 / =
> decease preferd1, prefer’d2, preferr’d7,
sp prelate9
predecessor / ~s n rh interred Cym 4.2.400 premeditate Luc v
ˈpri:dɪˌsesəɹ / -z
preferment / ~s n m pri:ˈmedɪˌtɛ:t
sp predecessor1 / predecessors4
prɪˈfɐ:ɹmənt / -s sp premeditate1
predestinate adj rh debate Luc 183
sp preferment10, prefer-ment1 /
prɪˈdestɪnət > meditate
sp predestinate1 premeditated adj
prefigur·e / ~ing S v
predicament n pri:ˈmedɪˌtɛ:tɪd
m prɪˈdɪkəˌment sp premeditated3
sp prefiguring1
> unpremeditated
sp predicament3 rh sing S 106.10
premeditation n
prediction / ~s n prefix v
prɪˈdɪksɪən / -z pri:ˈfɪkst
sp premeditation1
sp prediction3 / predictions1 sp prefix’d1, prefixt2
premise / ~s n
predominance n prefixed adj
m prɪˈdɒmɪˌnans, -ɪnəns m pri:ˈfɪksɪd
sp premises3
sp predominance3 sp prefixed1
premised adj
predominant adj pre-formed adj
m prɪˈdɒmɪˌnant, -ɪnənt m pri:-ˈfɔ:ɹmɪd
sp premised1
sp predominant5 sp pre-formed1
rh plant RJ 2.3.25 > form premunire n
predominate v pregnancy n ˌpreməˈni:ri:
m prɪˈdɒmɪˌnɛ:t ˈpreɡnənsəɪ sp premunire1

sp predominate2 sp pregnan-cie1 prendre / prenez Fr v

preeches pregnant adj prɛˈnez
> breeches = sp prennes1


prenominate adj / v prerogative / ~s n present / ~s / ~eth / ~ing /

m pri:ˈnɒmɪnət / -ɪˌnɛ:t m prɪˈrɒɡəˌtɪv, -ət- / Fluellen ~ed v
sp prenominate1 / prenominate1 H .. prɪˈrɒɡəˌtɪfs prɪˈzent / -s, Costard LLL
> nominate sp prerogatiue8 / Fluellen .. pəɹˈzents / -əθ / -ɪn,
prerogatifes1 -ɪŋ / -ɪd
prentice / ~s n
sp present50, pre-sent3 / presents7,
= prerogative / ~ed v
Costard pursents1 / presenteth2 /
sp prentice2, prentize1 / prentices2 m prɪˈrɒɡəˌtɪvd presenting1 / presented15
sp prerogatiu’d1 rh content MND 5.1.130 / contents
pre-occupy v
LLL 5.2.516
m pri:ˈɒkjəˌpəɪd presage n
sp pre-occupy’d1 m ˈpresɪdʒ / -ɪz présent Fr n
> occupy sp presage2 / presages2 preˈzɑ̃
rh age S 107.6 sp present1
pre-ordinance n
m pri:ˈɔ:ɹdɪˌnans presage / ~s / ~th v presentation n
sp pre-ordinance1 prɪˈsɛ:dʒ / -ɪz / -əθ ˌprezənˈtɛ:sɪən
> ordinance sp presage4 / presages3 / sp presentation2
preparation / ~s n presented adj
m ˌprepəˈrɛ:sɪən, -sɪˌɒn / -z presaging adj =
sp preparation25, prepara-tion3 / prɪˈsɛ:dʒɪn, -ɪŋ sp presented1
preparations3 sp presaging1
presenter / ~s n
prepar·e / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v prescience n
prɪˈpɛ:ɹ / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d = sp presenters1
sp prepare62, pre-pare1 / prepares1 sp prescience3
/ preparing1, pre-paring1 / presently adv
prepar’d31, prepared4 prescribe / ~d v m ˈprezəntˌləɪ, -tl-
rh 1 care LLL 5.2.506; rare Per 4. prɪˈskrəɪb / -d sp presentlie6, presently131,
Chorus.38; snare Tim 5.2.16; prepare
sp prescribe4 / prescrib’d1 pre-sently2
it share it TN 2.4.55; rh 2 are LLL
rh 1 suddenly PP 13.4; rh 2 die Tit
5.2.81, S 13.3 / stares VA 303 prescript adj / n 5.1.146; pie Tit 5.3.58
prepared adj ˈpri:skrɪpt
sp prescript1 / prescript1 presentment n
2 3
sp prepar’d , prepared prescription / ~s n sp presentment2
> unprepared
prɪˈskrɪpsɪən / -s
preparedly adv sp prescription4 / prescriptions2 preservation n
m prɪˈpɛ:rɪdˌləɪ ˌprezəɹˈvɛ:sɪən
presence / ~s n sp preseruation6
sp preparedly1
preposterous adj sp presence99, pre-sence1 / preservatiue n
prɪˈpɒstrəs, -tər- presences1 prɪˈzɐ:ɹvətɪv
sp preseruatiue1
sp preposterous3, preposte-rous1, present adj
prepostorous1, prepostrous2
ˈprezənt preserv·e / ~ing / ~ed v
preposterously adv sp present150 prɪˈzɐ:ɹv / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d
m prɪˈpɒstrəsləɪ, -ˌləɪ, -tər- sp preserue22, pre-serue1 /
present / ~s n preseruing1 / preseru’d9, preserued1
sp preposterously3 , prepostrously1
ˈprezənt / -s
rh me MND 3.2.121
sp present32, pres-ent1, pre-sent2 /


preserved adj presum·e / ~es / ~ing v prettiness n

prɪˈzɐ:ɹvɪd prɪˈzju:m / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ m ˈprɪtɪˌnes
sp preserued1 sp presume20 pre-sume1 / sp prettinesse1
> ever-, nice-preserved presumes1 / presuming2
prett·y / ~ier / ~iest adj
preserver / ~s n presumption n ˈprɪtəɪ / -əɹ / -əst
prɪˈzɐ:ɹvəɹ / -z m prɪˈzɤmpsɪən, -sɪˌɒn sp prettie28, pretty79, pret-ty1,
sp preseruer3 / preseruers1 sp presumption6 prety2, pritty1 / prettier1 / prettiest8,
preserving adj presumptuous adj rh ditty PP 14.21
prɪˈzɐ:ɹvɪn, -ɪŋ m prɪˈzɤmtjəs, -tjʊəs, -mpt-
sp preseruing1 sp presumptuous5
prevail / ~s / ~eth / ~ing /
> life-preserving > sumptuous ~ed v
prɪˈvɛ:l / -z / -əθ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d
president n presuppose / ~d v sp preuaile12 preuayle9 / preuailes4
ˈpresɪdənt ˌpri:səˈpo:zd / preuayleth1 / preuailing1 /
sp president1 sp presuppos’d1 preuaild2, preuail’d11 preuayl’d10
rh prevail with me fail with me H5
press / ~es n presurmize v 3.2.14 / scales 2H6 2.1.200 / assailed
= ˌpri:səɹˈməɪz S 41.8
sp prease1, preasse1, presse5 / sp presurmize1
prevailing adj / n
prêt Fr adj prɪˈvɛ:lɪn, -ɪŋ
press / ~es / ~ed v prɛ sp preualing1 / preuai-ling1
= sp prest
sp prease1, presse22 / presses3 /
prevailment n
preast1, prest14 pretence / ~s n prɪˈvɛ:lmənt
rh express S 140.1 / breast RJ = sp preuailment1
1.1.187; rest MND 2.2.71 9
sp pretence / pretences 1
prevent / ~s / ~ed v
pressed adj pretend / ~ing / ~ed v =
m ˈpresɪd, prest = / prɪˈtendɪn, -ɪŋ / = sp preuent24 / preuents3 /
sp pressed1, prest-[bed]1 6
sp pretend / pretending , 1 preuented19
> over-, un-pressed preten-ding1 / pretended1 rh intent Luc 220, VA 471
rh amended, ended Luc 576 > unprevented
pressing adj / n
ˈpresɪn, -ɪŋ pretended adj prevention / ~s n
sp pressing1 / pressing1 = m prɪˈvensɪən, -sɪˌɒn / -z
sp pretended1 sp preuention6 / preuentions1
press-money n
ˈpres-ˌmɤnəɪ pretext n prey / ~s n
sp presse-money 1
pri:ˈtekst prɛ: / -z
> money sp pretext1 sp pray3, prey26 / prey’s1
rh away MND 2.2.156; day VA 1097;
pressure / ~s n pretia Ital v obey VA 63, 547; play LLL 4.1.90; stay
ˈpresəɹ / -z ˈpretsɪa Luc 421
sp pressure1 / presures1 sp LLL 4.2.97 emend of perreche1
> impressure
prey / ~s / ~ed v
rh Venetia
prɛ: / -z / -d
Prester n prettily adv sp pray1, prey5 / preyes1 / praide1,
ˈprestəɹ m ˈprɪtɪˌləɪ preied1
sp Prester1 pun 1H4 2.1.81 pray
sp prettily5
rh deny, lie MND 2.2.59


preyful adj pricksong n prime n

ˈprɛ:fʊl = prəɪm
sp prayfull1 sp pricksong1 sp prime8
> song rh time AY 5.3.35, Luc 332, R2 5.2.51,
Priam / ~’s n S 3.10, 12.3, 70.8, 97.7, VA 131
ˈprəɪəm / -z pride / ~s n
sp Priam 20
/ Priams 11 prəɪd / -z primero n
sp pride95 / prides1 prɪˈmɛ:ro:
Priam·us / ~i Lat n rh abide R2 5.6.23, S 76.1; beside S sp primero2
ˈpri:əm·əs, ˈprəɪ- / -i 103.2; beside, bide LC 30; bride RJ
sp Priamus2 / Priami3 1.2.10; chide S 99.3; died 1H6 4.7.16; primitive adj
dignified, hide Luc 662; dyed S 99.3; =
pribble / ~s n eyed S 104.4; hide RJ 1.3.90, S 52.12, sp primatiue1
= TN 3.1.148; lied MND 2.2.60; ride S
80.12; side 1H6 4.6.57, Luc 1809, primo Ital adv
sp pribbles1, pribles1
PP 2.8, R2 3.2.81, R3 5.3.177, S 144.8, ˈpri:mo:
price n 151.10; tide Luc 1669; tried VA 278
sp primo1
prəɪs pridge
sp price29
primogenitive n
> bridge
rh advice KL 2.1.119; nice LLL ˌprəɪməˈdʒenɪtɪv
5.2.223 prief sp primogenitiue1
> brief
prick / ~s n primrose / ~s n
= prier / prie Fr v ˈprɪmro:z / -ɪz
sp prick1, pricke5 / prickes1, pri sp primrose3, [pale]-primrose1,
[wodden]-prickes1, pricks2 1 prim-rose1 / prime-roses2
sp prie
rh sick, thick Luc 781 > rose
priest / ~s n
prick / ~est / ~s / ~ing / primy adj
~ed v ˈprəɪməɪ
sp priest57, [scuruy-iack-dog]-priest1
= / prɪkst / = / ˈprɪkɪn, -ɪŋ / = / priests15
sp primy1
4 21 1
sp prick , pricke , prick’t [prick it] / rh list TS 3.2.163
prick’st1 / prickes3, pricks4 / pricking1
prince / ~’s / ~s / ~s’ n
> hedge-, Jack-priest
/ prick’d4, prickt11 =
rh sticks, tricks Luc 319 priesthood n sp prince378 / princes27, prin-ces1 /
ˈpri:stʊd, -hʊ- princes93, [clowdy]-princes1,
prick-eared adj prin-ces1 / princes3
sp priesthood1, priest-hood1
ˈprɪk-ˌi:ɹd rh convince Per 1.2.124
sp prickeard1 priestlike adj > Black Prince
ˈpri:stləɪk prince v
pricket n
sp priest-like2 =
sp prince1
sp pricket5 prig n
rh thicket LLL 4.2.57 = prince-like adj
sp prig2 ˈprɪns-ləɪk
pricket-sore n
ˈprɪkɪt-ˌsɔ:ɹ sp prince-like1
primal adj
sp pricket-sore1 ˈprəɪmɑl princely adj / adv
> sore
sp primall2 ˈprɪnsləɪ
pricking adj / n sp princely76 / princely1
prime / ~r / ~st adj
ˈprɪkɪn, -ɪŋ > precious-princely
prəɪm / ˈprəɪm·əɹ / -əst
sp pricking1 / pricking2
sp prime5 / primer1 / primest1


princess / ~’ n Priscian n private adj / adv

ˈprɪnses ˈprɪsɪən ˈprəɪvət
sp princes1, princesse60 / princesse1 sp Prescian1 sp priuat1, priuate48 / priuate1

principal adj / n prison adj private / ~s n

m ˈprɪnsɪˌpɑl, -ɪp- = ˈprəɪvət / -s
sp principal1, principall1 / principall6 sp prison2 sp priuate15 / priuates2

principalit·y / ~ies n prison / ~s n privately adv

m ˌprɪnsɪˈpalɪˌtəɪ / -ɪtəɪz = m ˈprəɪvətˌləɪ, -tl-
sp principalitie1 / principalities1 sp prison78, prison-[house]1, sp priuately5, priuatly1
pri-son1 / prisons4
principle / ~s n > imprison privilege / ~s n
= m ˈprɪvledʒ, -vɪl-, -vɪˌl- /
sp principle2 / principles1
prisoned adj ˈprɪvləˌdʒɪz
= sp priuiledge28, priui-ledge1 /
princox n sp prison’d1 priuiledges1
ˈprɪnkɒks rh edge S 95.13
sp princox1
prisoner adj
m ˈprɪznəɹ, -zən- privilege / ~d v
prings sp prisoner1 m ˈprɪvledʒ, -vɪl-, -vɪˌl- / -d
> brings sp priuiledge2 / priuiledg’d3
prisoner / ~’s / ~s / ~s’ n
print / ~s n m ˈprɪznəɹ, -zən- / -z privileged adj
= sp prisoner74 / prisoners1, m ˈprɪvledʒd, -vɪl-, -vɪˌledʒɪd
sp print11 / prints1 pri-soners1 / prisoners37 / prisoners1 sp priuiledg’d1, priuiledged1
rh dint VA 353
prisonment n privilegi·um / ~o Lat n
print / ~ing / ~ed v m ˈprɪzənˌment ˌprɪvɪˈledʒɪo:
= / ˈprɪntɪn, -ɪŋ / = sp prisonment1 sp preuilegio1, priuilegio1
sp print3 / printing1 / printed2
prisonnier Fr n privily adv
printing n prizɔ̃ˈje m ˈprɪvɪˌləɪ, -ɪl-
ˈprɪntɪn, -ɪŋ sp prisonner1 sp priuily4
sp printing
pristine adj privity n
printless adj = m ˈprɪvɪˌtəɪ
= sp pristine2 sp priuity1
sp printlesse1
prithee interj privy adj
prior·ess n ˈpreði:, ˈprɪ- ˈprɪvəɪ
ˈprəɪəˌres sp preethe1, prethe1, ’prethe1, sp priuie7, priuy8
prioresse1 prethee88, ’prethee5, pre-thee5,
’pre-thee1, pre’thee14, prethy1, privy-kitchen n
priority n prithee2, prythe1, prythee104, ˈprɪvəɪ-ˌkɪtʃɪn
m prəɪˈɒrɪtəɪ, -ˌtəɪ ’prythee1, pry-thee2, pry’thy1
sp priuy-kitchin1
sp priority2 > pray
> kitchen

prior·y / ~ies n privacy n prize / ~s n

ˈprəɪərəɪ / -z m ˈprəɪvəsəɪ, -əˌs- prəɪz / ˈprəɪzɪz
sp priorie2 / priories1 sp priuacie2, priua-cy1
sp prize33 / prizes1
rh eyes MV 3.2.141; lies Luc 279


prize / ~st / ~s / ~d v process-server n procurator n

prəɪz / ˈprəɪz·əst / -ɪz / m -ɪd, ˈpro:ses-ˌsɐ:ɹvəɹ ˈprɒkjəˌrɛ:təɹ
prəɪzd sp processe-seruer1 sp procurator1
sp prise1, prize12 / prizest1 / prizes4
/ pris’d1, prisde1, priz’d6, prized1
proclaim / ~s / ~eth / ~ed v procur·e / ~s / ~ed v
rh devised AY 3.2.148 prəˈklɛ:m / -z / -əθ / m -d, -ɪd prəˈkju:ɹ / -z / -d
> dis-, out-, under-prize; over-, sp proclaime33, proclayme5 / sp procure19 / procures1, pro-cures1
un-prized; unprizable proclaimes7, proclaymes1 / / procur’d2, procured1
proclaimeth1 / proclaim’d16, rh enured LC 252 [emend of
prizer n proclaimed7, proclaym’d4, procure]
ˈprəɪzəɹ proclaymed1
rh aim AW 2.1.155 procuring n
sp priser1, prizer1
prəˈkju:rɪn, -ɪŋ
probable adj proclaimed adj
sp procuring1
= m prəˈklɛ:md, -mɪd
sp proclaim’d71, proclaymed1 prodigal adj / adv
sp probable10
m ˈprɒdɪˌɡɑl, -ɪɡ-
probal adj proclamation / ~s n
sp prodigall10 / prodigall2
ˈpro:bɑl m prɒkləˈmɛ:sɪən, -sɪˌɒn / -z
sp proclamation21, proclamatio[n]1 prodigal / ~’s / ~s n
sp proball1
/ proclamations2 m ˈprɒdɪˌɡɑl, -ɪɡ- / ˈprɒdɪɡɑlz
probation n sp prodigall9 / prodigals1 /
pro-consul n
m prəˈbɛ:sɪən, -sɪˌɒn prodigalls1
ˌpro:-ˈkɒnsəl rh call PP 20.37
sp probation7
sp pro-consull1
proceed / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v > consul prodigality n
= / = / prəˈsi:dɪn, -ɪŋ / = m ˌprɒdɪˈɡɑlɪˌtəɪ
procrastinate v
sp proceed51, proceede19 / sp prodigallity1
proceeds3, proceedes3 / proceeding4
sp procrastinate1 prodigally adv
/ proceeded13
rh deed AW 2.1.209, 2.3.124, Luc m ˈprɒdɪˌɡɑləɪ
procreant adj
251; need LLL 4.3.285; weed S 76.8 / sp prodigally1
rh 1 bleeds Luc 1552; bleeds, deeds
Luc 1825; deeds AW 4.2.62, S 131.14; sp procreant1 prodigious adj
rh 2 sheds Luc 1552 m prəˈdɪdʒəs, -dʒɪəs-, -dʒɪˌɤs
procreant / ~s n
sp prodigeous1, prodigious5,
proceeder / ~s n m ˈpro:krɪˌants prodigi-ous1
prəˈsi:dəɹz sp procreants1
sp proceeders 1 prodigiously adv
procreation n m prəˈdɪdʒəsˌləɪ, -ɪəs-
proceeding / ~s n ˌpro:krɪˈɛ:sɪən sp prodigiously1
prəˈsi:dɪn, -ɪŋ / -z sp procreation1
sp proceeding21 / proceedings16 prodig·y / ~ies n
rh a-bleeding RJ 3.1.188; a-breeding
Procris n m ˈprɒdɪˌdʒəɪ / -z
LLL 1.1.95 Bottom mispronunciation sp prodegie1, prodigie3 /
MND ..f ˈprɒkrəs prodigies4
process n sp Procrus2 rh prophecies VA 926
sp processe18 Proculeius n proditor n
ˌprɒkjəˈlɛ:əs, -jʊ- m ˈprɒdɪˌtɔ:ɹ
procession n sp Proculeius9 sp proditor1
m prəˈsɛ:sɪən, -sɪˌɒn
sp procession3


produc·e / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v professor / ~s n profound / ~est adj

prəˈdju:s / -ɪz / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -t prəˈfesəɹz m prəˈfəʊnd, ˈpro:fəʊnd /
sp produce16, pro-duce1 / sp professors3 prəˈfəʊndəst
produces1 / producing2 / produc’d1, sp profound14 / profoundest1
produc’t1, emend of Oth 1.1.147 proffer / ~s n rh ground LLL 5.2.116, Mac 3.5.24
producted1 ˈprɒfəɹ / -z
sp proffer2 / proffers1 profoundly adv
proface interj rh offer PP 4.10 prəˈfəʊndləɪ
prəˈfas sp profoundly1
sp proface1 proffer / ~s / ~ed v
ˈprɒfəɹ / -z / -d progenitor / ~s n
profanation n sp proffer2 / proffers1 / proffer’d1 prəˈdʒenɪˌtɔ:ɹz
m ˌprɒfəˈnɛ:sɪən, -sɪˌɒn sp progenitors3
sp prophanation3 proffered adj rh none of ours Luc 1756
profane adj sp proffer’d4 progeny n
prəˈfɛ:n m ˈprɒdʒɪˌnəɪ
sp prophane8 profferer n sp progenie2, progeny3
ˈprɒfrəɹ, -fər-
profan·e / ~ing / ~ed v sp profferer1 Progne n
prəˈfɛ:n / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / m -d, ˈprɒɡnɪ:
- ɪd proficient adj sp Progne1
sp prophane / prophaning / 1 prəˈfɪsɪənt
prophan’d4, prophaned1 sp proficient1 prognosticate S v
m prɒɡˈnɒstɪˌkɛ:t
profanely adv profit / ~’s / ~s n sp prognosticate1
prəˈfɛ:nləɪ = rh date S 14.13
sp prophanely1 sp profit26, profite1, profit’s [profit
is]1 / profits1 / profits5 prognostication n
profaneness n prɒɡˌnɒstɪˈkɛ:sɪən
prəˈfɛ:nəs profit / ~s / ~ing /~ed v sp prog-nostication1,
sp prophanenesse1 = / = / ˈprɒfɪtɪn, -ɪŋ / = progno-stication1
sp profit26 / profits2, pro-fits1 /
profaner / ~s n profiting1 / profited2 progress n/v
prəˈfɛ:nəɹz > unprofited ˈpro:ɡres
sp prophaners1 sp progresse10 / progresse1
profitable adj
profess / ~es / ~ed v m ˈprɒfɪtˌabəl, -təb- progression n
= / = / m prəˈfest, -sɪd sp profitable4 prəˈɡresɪən
sp professe24, pro-fesse2 / > unprofitable sp progression1
professes7, pro-fesses1 / profess’d1,
professed2, profest4 profitably adv prohibit v
ˈprɒfɪtəbləɪ pro:ˈɪbɪt, -ˈhɪ-
professed adj sp profitably2 sp prohibite1
sp profest2 profiting n prohibition n
ˈprɒfɪtɪn, -ɪŋ ˌpro:ɪˈbɪsɪən, -hɪˈ-
profession / ~s n sp profiting1 sp prohibition1
prəˈfesɪən / -z
sp profession16, profession’s profitless adj project / ~’s / ~s n
[profession is]1 / professions4 m ˈprɒfɪtˌles ˈprɒdʒɪkt / -s
sp profitlesse2 sp proiect10 / proiects1 / proiects1


project v promis·e / ~es / ~eth / ~ing / sp prompt8 / promps1, prompts4 /

ˈprɒdʒɪkt ~ed / ~edest v prompting1 / prompted3

sp proiect1 = / = / = / ˈprɒmɪs·ɪn, -ɪŋ / prompted adj

m -ɪd, ˈprɒmɪst / -ɪdst ˈprɒmtɪd, -pt-
projection n
sp promise46, pro-mise2 / sp prompted1
prəˈdʒeksɪən promises12 / promiseth3 / promising3
sp proiection1 / promisd2, promis’d40, promised13, promptement Fr adv
promist6 / promised’st1 prɔ̃tˈmɑ̃
prolixious adj
prəˈlɪksɪəs promise-breach n sp promptement1

sp prolixious1 ˈprɒmɪs-ˌbri:tʃ prompter n

sp promise-breach1 ˈprɒmtəɹ, -pt-
prolixity n > breach
m prəˈlɪksɪtəɪ, -ˌtəɪ sp prompter1

sp prolixitie1, prolixity1 promise-breaker n prompting adj

ˈprɒmɪs-ˌbrɛ:kəɹ ˈprɒmtɪn, -ɪŋ, -pt-
prologue / ~s n sp promise-breaker2
ˈpro:lɒɡ / -z sp prompting1
> break
sp prologue2 / prologues2 prompture n
promise-crammed adv
prologue / ~s ˈprɒmtəɹ, -pt-
v ˈprɒmɪs-ˌkramd
ˈpro:lɒɡz sp prompture1
sp promise-cramm’d1
sp prologues1 > cram promulgate v
prologue-like adj promised adj prəˈmɤlɡɛ:t
ˈpro:lɒɡ-ˌləɪk m ˈprɒmɪˌsɪd, ˈprɒmɪst sp promulgate1

sp prologue-like1 sp promis’d6, promised1, promist4 prone adj

prolong / ~s / ~ed v promise-keeping n pro:n
prəˈlɒŋ / -z / -d ˈprɒmɪs-ˌki:pɪn, -ɪŋ sp prone4
rh alone S 141.6
sp prolong2 / prolongs1 / sp promise keeping1
prolong’d4 > keep prononc·er / ~ez Fr v
rh long TNK Epil.16
promising adj / n prɔnɔ̃ˈse / -z
Promethean adj ˈprɒmɪsɪn, -ɪŋ sp pronouncer1 / pronoun-cies1
prəˈmi:tɪən, -i:θɪ- sp promising2 / promising1 pronoun / ~s n
sp Promethaean1, Promethean2
promontory n ˈpro:nəʊn / -z
Prometheus n m ˈprɒməntrəɪ, -tər-, -ˌtɒrəɪ sp pronoune1 / pronounes1
prəˈmi:tɪəs, -i:θɪ- sp promontary1, promontorie3, pronounc·e / ~ing / ~ed v
sp Prometheus promontory2
prəˈnəʊns / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -t
promettre / promis Fr v promotion / ~s n sp pronounce29, RJ 2.1.10 emend of
prɔˈmi m prəˈmo:sɪən, -sɪˌɒn / -z prouant1 / pronouncing3 /
pronounc’d9, pronounced2,
sp pro-mets1 sp promotion4 / promotions3
pronounc’st1, pronounc’t1
promise / ~s n prompt adj proof / ~s n
= prɒmt, -pt =, prʊf / -s
sp pro-mise53, pro-mise2 / sp prompt4
sp proofe73 / proofes12, proofs1
prompt / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v rh aloof, behoof LC 163
> ague-, ap-, high-, Pistol-, plot-,
prɒmt, -pt / -s / ˈprɒmt·ɪn, -ɪŋ, shame-proof
-pt- / -ɪd


prop / ~s n sp prophecie7, prophesie9 / sp proportion22, pro-portion1 /

= prophecies3, prophesies4 proportions6
rh 1 prodigies VA 928; rh 2 eyes
sp prop4 / props2 proportion / ~ed v
S 106.9
prop / ~ped v prəˈpɔ:ɹsɪən / -d
prophesier n sp proportion1 / proportion’d2
= ˈprɒfɪˌsəɪəɹ > disproportion; un-, well-
sp prop1 / propt1
sp prophesier1 proportioned
> underprop
prophes·y / ~ying / ~ied v proportionable adj
propagate v
m ˈprɒfɪˌsəɪ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d prəˈpɔ:ɹsɪənəbəl
sp prophecie6, prophesie10 / sp proportionable1
sp propagate3
prophecying1 / prophecied1,
rh state AW 2.1.197 propos·e / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v
prophesi’d1, prophesi’de1, prophesied2
propagation n rh jealousy VA 1135 prəˈpo:z / -ɪz / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d
ˌprɒpəˈɡɛ:sɪən propose10 / proposes1 / proposing1
prophesying adj / propos’d5
sp propogation1 ˈprɒfɪˌsəɪɪn, -ɪŋ rh lose Ham 3.2.204 / supposed Luc
propend v sp prophesying1 132

prəˈpend prophet / ~’s / ~s n proposed adj

sp propend1 = prəˈpo:zɪd
propension n sp prophet13 / prophets1 / sp proposed2
prəˈpensɪən proposer n
sp propension1 prophetess n prəˈpo:zəɹ
= sp proposer1
proper / ~er / ~est adj 4
sp prophetesse
ˈprɒp·əɹ / -rəɹ, -ərəɹ / -rəst proposition / ~s n
61 2 3
sp proper , pro-per / properer / prophetic adj ˌprɒpəˈzɪsɪən / -z
proprest1 = sp proposition1 / propositions1
> unproper
sp propheticke3, prophetique1,
prophetticke1 propound / ~ed v
properly adv
ˈprɒpəɹləɪ prophetically adv sp propounded1
sp properly5 m prəˈfetɪˌkaləɪ, -ɪkl-
> unproperly propre Fr adj
sp prophetically2
propert·y / ~ies n ˈprɔprə
prophet-like adj sp propre1
m prɒpəɹˌtəɪ, -ɹt- / -z ˈprɒfɪt-ˌləɪk
sp propertie7, property8 / propriety n
sp prophet-like1
properties2, pro-perties1
m prəˈprəɪəˌtəɪ
rh 1 immediately Ham 3.2.268; rh 2 propinquity n
die AW 2.1.187; eye MND 3.2.367 sp propriety2
m prəˈpɪnkwɪˌtəɪ
propert·y / ~ies / ~ied v sp propinquity1 propugnation n
ˈprɒpəɹtəɪz / m ˈprɒpəɹˌtəɪd, ˌprɒpəɡˈnɛ:sɪən
Propontic n sp propugnation1
-ɹt- prəˈpɒntɪk
1 2
sp properties / propertied , prorogue / ~d v
sp Proponticke1
pro:ˈro:ɡ / m pro:ˈro:ɡɪd
> disproperty proportion / ~s n sp prorogue2 / proroged1
prophec·y / ~ies n m prəˈpɔ:ɹsɪən, -sɪˌɒn /
m ˈprɒfɪˌsəɪ, -ɪs- / -z prəˈpɔ:ɹsɪənz


proscription / ~s n prosperous adj protesting / ~s PP n

m prəˈskrɪpsɪən, -sɪˌɒn / m ˈprɒsprəs, -pər-, -pəˌrɤs prəˈtestɪnz, -ɪŋz
prəˈskrɪpsɪənz sp prosperous20, prosp’rous3 sp protestings1
sp proscription3 / proscriptions1 rh jestings PP 7.11
prosperously adv
prose n ˈprɒsprəsˌləɪ, -pər- Proteus n
pro:z sp prosperously 2 m ˈpro:tɪəs, -ɪˌɤs
sp prose2 sp Proteus1, Protheus66
rh hose LLL 4.3.55
prostitute v rh in us TG 1.2.14
prosecute v sp prostitute1
protract v
= =
sp prosecute4
prostrate adj sp protract2
prosecution n sp prostrate6
protractive adj
ˌprɒsɪˈkju:sɪən =
sp prosecution1
protect / ~s / ~ed v sp protractiue1
proselyte / ~s n sp protect12 / protects3 / protected2
proud / ~er / ~est adj
m ˈprɒsɪˌləɪts prəʊd / ˈprəʊd·əɹ / -əst,
sp proselytes1
protection n prəʊdst
m prəˈteksɪən, -sɪˌɒn sp proud148, prowd38 / prouder5,
Proserpina / ~’s n sp protection 13
prowder2 / proudest6, proud’st1,
prəˈzɐ:ɹpɪnə / -z prowdest1
sp Proserpina1 / Proserpina’s1
protector / ~s n rh aloud VA 260, 884; bowed Luc
prəˈtektəɹ / -z n 1371; loud Oth 2.1.145
prospect n sp protector48, pro-tector1 / > mis-, over-, top-proud
ˈprɒspekt protectors9
proud / ~s n
sp prospect6
protectorship n prəʊd / -z
prosper / ~s / ~ed v m prəˈtektəɹˌʃɪp sp proud1 / prouds1
ˈprɒspəɹ / -z / -d sp protectorship 3
proud v
sp prosper20 / prospers1 /
protectress n prəʊd
= sp proud1
Prosper [name] n sp protectresse 1

ˈprɒspəɹ proudest n
sp Prosper 4 protest / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v ˈprəʊdəst
> Prospero = / = / prəˈtestɪn, -ɪŋ / = sp proudest4, prowdest2
52 1 4
sp protest , pro-test / protests /
prosperity n protesting1 / protested1
proud-hearted adj
m prəˈsperɪˌtəɪ, -ɪt- rh breast VA 581; expressed LLL m ˌprəʊd-ˈɑ:ɹtɪd, -ˈhɑ:-
sp prosperitie9, prosperitie’s 5.2.410; guest LLL 5.2.352 sp prowd-hearted1
[prosperity is]1, prosperity5 > heart
rh amity, be, jollity, me, solemnly,
protestation / ~s n
triumphantly MND 4.1.89 m ˌprɒtɪsˈtɛ:sɪən, -sɪˌɒn / -z proudl·y / ~ier adv
sp protestation / protestations 2 ˈprəʊdləɪ / -əɹ
Prospero n sp proudly7, prowdly3 / proudlier1
m ˈprɒspəro:, -pro: protester n
sp Prospero21 prəˈtestəɹ proud-minded adj
> Prosper sp protester1 m ˌprəʊd-ˈməɪndɪd
sp proud minded1
> mind


provand n providence n provoking adj

ˈprɒvənd m ˈprɒvɪˌdens, -ɪdəns prəˈvo:kɪn, -ɪŋ
sp prouand1 sp prouidence6 sp prouoking2

prove / ~s / ~th / ~d v provident adj provost n

prɤv, pru:v / -z / ˈprɤvəθ, m ˈprɒvɪˌdent =
ˈpru:- / prɤvd, pru:vd sp prouident2 sp prouost37
7 230
sp prooue , proue / prooues , 1 > unprovident
proues14 / proueth2 / prooued2,
prowess n
prou’d28, proued6, pro-ued1
providently adv m ˈpro:ɪs
rh 1 love AW 3.3.10, Ham 3.2.212, m ˈprɒvɪˌdentləɪ sp prowesse3
LLL 4.2.107, 4.3.62, 282, Luc 613, sp prouidently1
MND 2.1.265, PP 3.5, 5.3, 19.2, Prudence [name] n
RJ 2.3.87, S 10.12, 32.13, 39.9, 72.4, provider n =
117.13, 136.7, 151.4, 153.7, 154.13, prəˈvəɪdəɹ sp Prudence2
TC 1.3.287, TG 1.1.37, TN 2.4.116, sp prouider1
3.3.10, 3.4.374, TS 1.2.174, VA 40, prudent adj / n
597; prove me love thee S 26.14; rh 2 province / ~s n =
move R2 1.1.46; remove Luc 613, = sp prudent3 / prudent1
RJ 1.1.141 / loved S 116.13, VA 608 3 6
sp prouince / prouinces
> ap-, dis-prove prune / ~s n
proved adj
provincial adj = / =, Pompey MM ..ff
prəˈvɪnsɪɑl ˈpru:ɪnz
prɤvd, pru:vd
sp prouinciall2 sp prune1 / [stew’d]-pruines1,
sp prou’d1
prunes1, Pompey prewyns4
> unimproved provision n
provender n prəˈvɪzɪən prun·e / ~est / ~es / ~ing v
ˈprɒvɪndəɹ sp prouision7 = / pru:nst / = / ˈpru:nɪn, -ɪŋ
sp prune1 / prun’st1 / prunes1 /
sp prouender5 proviso n pruning1
proverb / ~s n prəˈvəɪzo: > unpruned
sp prouiso1
ˈprɒvəɹb, ˈpro:- / -z pruning n
sp prouerb3, prouerbe9, pro-uerbe1 provocation n ˈpru:nɪn, -ɪŋ
/ prouerbes2, prouerbs3
ˌprɒvəˈkɛ:sɪən sp pruning1
proverb / ~ed v sp prouocation
pr·y / ~ies / ~ied v
ˈprɒvəɹbd, ˈpro:- provoke / ~st / ~s / ~th /
prəɪ / -z / -d
sp prouerb’d
~d v sp prie5, pry2 / pries1 / pried1
provide / ~s / ~d v prəˈvo:k / -st / -s / -əθ / -t rh jealousy S 61.6
prəˈvəɪd / -z / -ɪd sp prouoake1, prouoke14 /
prouoakst1, prouok’st1 / prouokes10
prying adj
sp prouide29 / prouides1 /
/ prouoketh1 / prouoak’d1, ˈprəɪɪn, -ɪŋ
prouok’d9, prouoked4, prouok’t2 sp prying1
rh beside Mac 3.5.18; betide 3H6
rh 1 smoke Per 1.1.138; spoke
4.6.87; chide S 111.3; tide Tim
LLL 5.2.347; rh 2 took Per Prol.26 psalm / ~s n
> unprovokes =, sɔ:mz
provided adj / conj sp psalmes1, psalms1
provoker n
prəˈvo:kəɹ psalter·y / ~ies n
sp prouided2 / prouided8
> sharp-, un-provided
sp prouoker1 m ˈsɔ:təˌrəɪz
sp psalteries1


Ptolemy / ~s / ~s’ n sp Puck10, Pucke12 puh interj

m ˈtɒləˌməɪ / ˈtɒləməɪz rh luck MND 2.1.40, 5.1.421 =
sp Ptolomy3 / Ptolomies1 / pudder n sp puh2
ˈpɤdəɹ puis Fr adv
public adj / n sp pudder1 pwi
ˈpɤblɪk pudding / ~s n sp puis1
sp publicke3, publike17, publique10 /
ˈpʊdɪn, -ɪŋ / -z puisny adj
pub-licke1, publique1
sp pudding5 / puddings2 ˈpju:nəɪ
publican n > hodge-pudding
sp puisny1
ˈpɤblɪkən puddle n
sp publican1 puissance n
m ˈpu:ɪˌsɔ:ns, ˈpwɪ-
publication n sp puddle2
sp puisance2, puissance7
ˌpɤblɪˈkɛ:sɪən puddle / ~d v
sp publication1 puissant adj
publicly adv sp pudled1
sp puisant1, puissant7
m ˈpɤblɪkˌləɪ, -kl- puddled adj > thrice-puissant
sp publikely7, publiquely3
ˈpɤdld puissant Fr adj
Publicola n sp puddled1 pwiˈsɑ̃
m pʊbˈlɪkəˌla pudency n sp [tres]-puissant1
sp Publicola
m ˈpju:dənˌsəɪ puk·e / ~ing v
publish / ~ing / ~ed v sp pudencie1 ˈpju:kɪn, -ɪŋ
ˈpɤblɪʃ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / m -ɪd, pueritia Lat n sp puking1
ˈpɤblɪʃt pu:əˈrɪtsɪə
sp publish8 / publishing1 /
puke-stocking n
sp puericia1 ˈpju:k-ˌstɒkɪn, -ɪŋ
publishd1, publish’d2, published1
puff / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v sp puke stocking1
published adj
pɤf / -s / ˈpɤfɪn, -ɪŋ / pɤft pulcher
ˈpɤblɪʃt Lat adj
sp puffe2 / puffes1 / puffing2 / pufft1, ˈpʊlkeɹ
sp publish’d1
puff ’t1, puft3
> unpublished sp pulcher1
Puff [name] n
publisher n puling adj / adv / n
ˈpɤblɪʃəɹ ˈpju:lɪn, -ɪŋ
sp puffe2
sp publisher1 sp puling2 / puling1 /
rh orator, singular Luc 33 puffed adj [faint]-puling1

Publius n pɤft pull / ~s n

ˈpɤblɪəs sp puft3 =
sp Publius21, Pub-lius1 puffing adj sp pulls1

Pucelle n ˈpɤfɪn, -ɪŋ pull / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v

m ˈpu:sel, pu:ˈsel, -ze- sp puffing1 = / -s / ˈpʊlɪn, -ɪŋ / =
sp Pucel1, Pucell12, Pussel1, Puzel11, pugging adj sp pull12, pull’t [pull it]1 / pulls2 /
Puzell1 pulling1 / puld3, pul’d2, pull’d4
ˈpɤɡɪn, -ɪŋ
rh dull AW 1.1.214
Puck n sp pugging1


puller-down n punk n purchase / ~es n

ˈpʊləɹ-ˈdəʊn pɤŋk ˈpɐ:ɹtʃɪs / -ɪz
sp puller downe1 sp puncke2, punke2 sp purchase6 / purchases2
> down
punto n purchas·e / ~eth / ~ing /
pullet-sperm n ˈpʊnto: ~ed v
ˈpʊlɪt-ˌspɐ:ɹm sp puncto1, punto1 ˈpɐ:ɹtʃɪs / -əθ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -t
sp pullet-spersme1 sp purchase20 / purchaseth1 /
puny adj purchasing2 / purchas’d7,
pulpit / ~s n ˈpju:nəɪ purchased1, purcha-sed1, purchast3
ˈpʊlpɪt / -s sp punie3, punie-[sword]1, puny2
sp pulpit5 / pulpits1 purchased adj
pupil adj ˈpɐ:ɹtʃɪst
pulse n = sp purchast1, purchaste1
pɤls sp pupill2

sp pulse9 purchasing n
pupil / ~s n ˈpɐ:ɹtʃɪsɪn, -ɪŋ
pulsidge n = sp purchasing1
ˈpɤlsɪdʒ sp pupill7 / pupils1
sp pulsidge1 pure / ~r / ~st adj
pupil-like adj pju:ɹ / ˈpju:ɹəɹ / -əst
pump / ~s n ˈpju:pɪl-ˌləɪk sp pure63 / purer1 / purest4
pɤmp / -s sp pupill-like1
rh endure LLL 5.2.351, Luc 1658;
sp pump2 / pumpes1, pumps1 sure TNK Prol.10
puppet / ~’s n > impure, thrice-repured
pumpion n ˈpɤpɪt / -s
ˈpɤmpɪən sp puppet8 / puppets2
purely adv
sp pumpion 1
> demi-puppet ˈpju:ɹləɪ
sp purely1
pun v pupp·y / ~ies n
pɤ n ˈpɤpəɪ / -z purer n
sp pun1 sp puppie2, puppy2 / puppies4 ˈpju:rəɹ
sp purer1
punch / ~ed v puppy-dog / ~s n
m ˈpɤntʃɪd ˈpɤpəɪ-ˌdɒɡ / -z purest n
sp punched 1 1
sp puppy-dog / puppi-dogges 1 ˈpju:rəst
> dog sp purest1
punish / ~es / ~ed v
ˈpɤnɪʃ / -ɪz / m ˈpɤnɪʃt, -ʃed puppy-headed adj purgation n
sp punish17, punnish1 / punnishes1 / ˈpɤpəɪ-ˌedɪd, -ˌhe- m pəɹˈɡɛ:sɪən, -sɪˌɒn
punish’d14, punished2, punisht3 sp puppi-hea-ded1 sp purgation6
rh languish Per 1.2.33 / head RJ > head
5.3.308 purgative adj
purblind adj m pəɹˈɡɛ:tɪv
punished adj ˈpo:ɹbləɪnd, ˈpu:- sp purgatiue1
ˈpɤnɪʃt sp purblind3, purblinde1
sp punisht1 > blind purgatory n
m ˈpɐ:ɹɡəˌtɒrəɪ, -ətər-, -ətr-
punishment / ~s n purblinded adj sp purgatorie1, purgatory1
ˈpɤnɪʃˌment, -ʃmənt / -ʃmənts ˈpo:ɹbləɪndɪd, ˈpu:-
sp punishment20, punish-ment1 / sp purblinded1 purge n
punishments1 pɐ:ɹdʒ
rh argument LLL 4.3.61, PP 3.4 sp purge1


purg·e / ~ing / ~ed v purpled adj purse v

pɐ:ɹdʒ / ˈpɐ:ɹdʒ·ɪn, -ɪŋ / m -ɪd, ˈpɐ:ɹpəld pɐ:ɹs / -t
pɐ:ɹdʒd sp purpled2 sp purse2 / purst1
sp purge18 / purging1 / purg’d9,
purple-hued adj purse-bearer n
rh urge S 118.4 / urged RJ 1.5.107 ˈpɐ:ɹpəl-ˌju:d, -ˌhj- ˈpɐ:ɹs-ˌbɛ:rəɹ
sp [mustachio]-purple-hu’d- sp purse-bearer1
purged adj [maltwormes]1 > bear
m ˈpɐ:ɹdʒɪd
sp purged1
purple-in-grain adj purse-taking n
> unpurged ˈpɐ:ɹpəl-ɪn-ˈɡrɛ:n ˈpɐ:ɹs-ˌtɛ:kɪn, -ɪŋ
sp purple in graine1 sp purse-taking1
purger / ~s n > grain > take
sp purgers1
purport n pursue / ~st / ~s / ~th / ~ing /
pəɹˈpɔ:ɹt ~d v
purging n sp purport1 pəɹˈsju: / -st / -z / -əθ / -ɪn,
ˈpɐ:ɹdʒɪn, -ɪŋ -ɪŋ / -d
sp purging1
purpose / ~s n
sp persue1, pursue32, pur-sue1 /
ˈpɐ:ɹpəs / -ɪz pursuest2 / pursues7 / pursueth1 /
purif·y Luc / ~ies / Luc sp purpose181, pur-pose3 / pursuing5 / pursu’d7, pursu’de2,
~ied v purposes36 pursued6
m ˈpju:rɪˌfəɪ / -z / -d
purpose / ~es / ~eth / ~ing / pursued adj
sp purifie1 / purifies1 / purified1
rh perpetually Luc 685 / applied
~ed v pəɹˈsju:d
Luc 532 ˈpɐ:ɹpəs / -ɪz / -əθ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / m sp pursu’de1
-ɪd, ˈpɐ:ɹpəst
purifying n sp purpose20 / purposes2 /
pursuer / ~s n
ˈpju:rɪˌfəɪɪn, -ɪŋ 2 1
purposeth / purposing / pəɹˈsju:əɹz
sp pu-rifying1 purpos’d10, purposed3 sp pursuers1

Puritan n purpose-changer n pursuit n

ˈpju:rɪtən ˈpɐ:ɹpəs-ˌtʃɛ:ndʒəɹ pəɹˈsju:t
sp Puritan3, Puri-tan1, Puritane2 sp purpose-changer1 sp pursuit7, pursuite8

purity n purposed adj pursuivant / ~s n

m ˈpju:rɪˌtəɪ, -ɪt- ˈpɐ:ɹpəst ˈpɐ:ɹsɪˌvant, -swɪ- / -s
sp puritie8, purity1 sp purpos’d5 sp purse-uant1, pursuiuant4 /
> unpurposed purseuants1, pursuiuants1
purlieus n
ˈpɐ:ɹlju:z purposely adv pursuivant-at-arms n
sp purlews1 m ˈpɐ:ɹpəsˌləɪ, -sl- ˈpɐ:ɹsɪˌvant-ət-ˈɑ:ɹmz, -swɪ-
sp purposely4 sp pursuiuant at armes1
purple adj > arm
ˈpɐ:ɹpəl purr n
sp purple 12 pɐ:ɹ pursy adj
sp purre1 ˈpɐ:ɹsəɪ
purple / ~s n sp pursie2
ˈpɐ:ɹpəl / -z purse / ~s n
sp purple1 / purples1 pɐ:ɹs / ˈpɐ:ɹsɪz purus Lat adj
76 1
sp purse , pursse / purses , 10 ˈpju:rʊs
pur-ses1 sp purus1
> cut-, pick-purse


purveyor n putrify v puzzle / ~s / ~d v

m ˈpɐ:ɹvɪˌjɔ:ɹ m ˈpju:trɪˌfəɪ ˈpɤzəl / -z / -d
sp purueyor1 sp putrifie1 sp puzle1 / puzels1 / puzel’d1

push interj / n putter Pygmalion / ~’s n

= > butter pɪɡˈmɛ:lɪənz
sp push1 / push8 sp Pigmalions1
putter-on n
push / ~es / ~ed v ˈpʊtəɹ-ˈɒn pyramid / ~s n
= sp putter on2 =
sp push11, push-[on]2 / pushes2 / sp pyramid1 / pyramides1,
putter-out n pyramids1
push-pin n sp putter out1 pyramis / ~es n
= ˈpɪrəmɪs / -ɪz
sp push-pin1
putting-by n sp pyramis1 / pyra-misis1
> pin ˈpʊtɪn-ˈbəɪ, -ɪŋ-
sp putting by1 Pyramus n
pusillanimity n ˈpɪrəməs
ˌpju:sɪləˈnɪmɪtəɪ putting-down n sp Piramus36, Pi-ramus1, Pira-mus1,
sp pusillanimitie1 ˈpʊtɪn-ˈdəʊn, -ɪŋ- Pyramus10, Py-ramus1, abbr in s.d. Pir1
sp putting down1 rh thus MND 5.1.289
put / ~test / ~s / ~ting v
= / m pʊts, -t, ˈpʊtəst / = / putting-off n Pyrenean n
ˈpʊtɪn, -ɪŋ ˈpʊtɪn-ˈɒf, -ɪŋ- ˌpɪrəˈni:ən
sp put476, put-[off]1, put’s [put his]2, sp putting off1 sp Perennean1
put’t [put it]1 / put’st2, puttest1 /
puts38, put’s3, puttes1, putt’s1 /
putting-on n Pyrrhus n
putting12 ˈpʊtɪn-ˈɒn, -ɪŋ- ˈpɪrəs
sp putting on4 sp Pirhus1, Pyrrhus10
putrified adj
m ˈpju:trɪˌfəɪɪd puttock / ~’s n Pythagoras / ~s’ n
sp putrified 1 ˈpɤtək / -s pɪˈtaɡərəs, -ˈθa-
rh abide Luc 1750 sp puttocke2 / puttocks1 sp Pythagoras3 / Pythagoras1


quadrangle n qualification n qualtitie calmie custure me

ˈkwɑdraŋɡəl ˌkwɑlɪfɪˈkɛ:sɪən [Pistol H ..]
sp quadrangle1 sp qualification1 ˈkaltɪti: ˈkɔ:mi: kʊˈstu:re: ˈme:
sp [as headwords]
quae Lat qualified adj
> qui ˈkwɑlɪfəɪd quam Lat conj
sp qualified1 kwam, kam
quaff / ~ing / ~ed v
sp quam1
kwɑf / ˈkwɑfɪn, -ɪŋ / kwɑft qualif·y / ~ies / ~ied v
sp quaffe1 / quaffing1 / quafft1, m ˈkwɑlɪˌfəɪ, -ɪf-/ -ɪˌfəɪz / m quand Fr adv
quaft1 -ɪˌfəɪd, -ɪf- kɑ̃
sp qualifie7 / qualifies1 / qualified5, sp quand2
quagmire n
ˈkwɑɡməɪɹ rh lie S 109.2 / satisfied, side Luc 424 quando Lat conj
sp quagmire1, quag-mire1 ˈkwando:, ˈka-
qualifying adj sp quando1
quail / ~s n ˈkwɑlɪˌfəɪɪn, -ɪŋ
kwɛ:lz sp qualifying1 quantit·y / ~ies n
sp quailes2 m ˈkwɒntɪˌtəɪ, -ɪt- / -ɪtəɪz
qualité Fr n sp quantitie8, quantity4 / quantities2
quail v ˌkalɪˈte rh dignity MND 1.1.232; extremity
kwɛ:l sp qua-litee1 Ham 3.2.177
sp quaile4 > disquantity
qualit·y / ~ies n
quailing adj / n m ˈkwɑlɪˌtəɪ, -ɪt- / -ɪˌtəɪz quare Lat adv
ˈkwɛ:lɪn, -ɪŋ 22 28 1
sp qualitie , quality , qua-lity , ˈkwɑ:re, ˈkɑ:-
sp quailing1 / quailing1 quallitie1 / qualities23 sp quari1
rh 1 astronomy S 14.4; destiny MW
quaint adj quarrel / ~s n
5.5.40; discovery, uncertainly Luc
kwɛ:nt 1313; opportunity Luc 874; rh 2 ˈkwɑrəl / -z
sp quaint3, queint7, quient1 amplify LC 210 / rh 1 maladies VA sp quarell1, quarrel8, quarrell73,
rh faint TNK 1.1.5 747; rh 2 eyes MND 1.1.231; lies RJ quar-rell1, quarrel’s [quarrel is]1 /
2.3.12 quarrells1, quarrels14, quar-rels1
quaintly adv > unqualitied
ˈkwɛ:ntləɪ quarrel / ~s / led v
sp quaintly3, queintly2 qualm n ˈkwɑrəl / -z / -d
kwɔ:m sp quarrel2, quarrell10 / quarrels1 /
quake / ~s / ~d v sp qualm1, qualme2 quar-rel’d1
kwɛ:k / -s / -t > stomach-qualmed
sp quake13 / quakes1 / quak’d2 quarreller n
rh take 1H6 1.1.156 / shakes VA qualmish adj ˈkwɑrələɹ
1045 ˈkwɔ:mɪʃ sp quarreller1
> earthquake sp qualmish1


quarrelling n que, abbr qu’ Fr conj que·o / ~as Lat v

ˈkwɑrəlɪn, -ɪŋ kə, abbr k ˈkweas, ˈke-
sp quarelling1, quarreling2, sp que17, ques1, abbr qu’2 sp queas1
quarrelling2, quar-relling1, quarrel-ling1
quean n quern n
quarrellous adj kwi:n kwɐ:ɹn
ˈkwɑɹləs, -rəl- sp queane4 sp querne1
sp quarrellous1 > cotquean rh churn MND 2.1.36

quarrelsome adj queas Lat quest / ~s n

ˈkwɑrəlsəm > queo =
sp quarrelsome2, quar-relsome1 sp quest8 / quests1
queasy adj
quarr·y / ~ies n ˈkwi:zəɪ questant n
ˈkwɑrəɪ / -z sp queasie1, queazie2 ˈkwestənt
sp quarrie1, quarry3 / quarries1 sp questant1
queasiness n
quart adj = question / ~s n
kwɑɹt sp queasinesse1 m ˈkwestɪən, -ɪˌɒn / -ɪənz
sp quart1 sp question99, questio[n] 1,
queen / ~’s / ~s n que-stion3, questi-on1, questions
quart / ~s n = [question is]1, question’s
kwɑɹt / -s sp queen26 queene453, queenes [question is]1 / questions12
sp quart / quarts 1 [queen is]1, queene’s [queen is]1,
queens [queen is]1, abbr Q[ueene]2, question Fr n
quarter / ~s n Qu[eene]1 / queenes25, queens3 / kɛstˈjɔ̃
ˈkwɑɹtəɹ / -z queenes9, queens2 sp question1
17 1 7 rh green MND 2.1.8, PP 4.4, Tem
sp quarter , quar-ter / quarters
4.1.82; seen Luc 66; MND 1.1.173, question / ~ed / ~edest v
quarter / ~ed v 2.2.12, PT 31, R2 2.2.24, 3.4.107; ˈkwestɪən / m -d, -ˌned / -st,
S 96.5, TN 5.1.385, VA 503, 1193;
ˈkwɑɹtəɹ / -d -dst
spleen 3H6 2.1.122
sp quarter2 / quarter’d5, quartered2 sp question36 / question’d7, Luc
> mother-queen
questioned1 / questioned’st1
quartered adj queen v rh bed Luc 122
ˈkwɑɹtəɹd = > unquestioned
sp quarter’d2
sp queene1 questionable adj
> unqueened
quartering adj m ˈkwestɪəˌnabəl
ˈkwɑɹtrɪn, -ɪŋ, -tər- quell n/v sp questionable1
sp quartering 1 > unquestionable
sp quell1 / quell5 questioning n
quasi adv
rh fell MND 5.1.279
ˈkwazi ˈkwestɪənɪn, -ɪŋ
> boy-, man-, woman-queller
sp quasi1 sp questioning1
quench / ~ing / ~ed v rh sing AY 5.4.135
quat n = / ˈkwentʃɪn, -ɪŋ / =
kwɑt questionless n
sp quench24 / quenching2 /
sp quat 1 m ˈkwestɪənˌles
quench’d4, quenched1, quencht1
sp questionlesse1
> never-quenching
quatch-buttock n
ˈkwɑtʃ-ˌbɤtək quenchless n questrist / ~s n
sp quatch-buttocke1 = =
sp questrists1
sp quenchlesse1


Queubus n Quickly [name] n quietly adv

kweˈu:bəs ˈkwɪkləɪ ˈkwəɪətləɪ
sp Queubus1 sp Quickely1, Quickly15, sp quietly8
[nursh-a]-Quickly1, Quick-ly1 > unquietly
qui Fr pro
ki quickness n quietness n
sp che , qui 1 = ˈkwəɪətnəs
sp quicknesse1 sp quietnes1, quietnesse6
qui Lat pro / pluralized in > unquietness
English ~es quickning adj / n
kwi:, ki: / kwi:z, ki:z ˈkwɪknɪn, -ɪŋ quietus n
sp qui , / quies 1 1
sp quickning / quickning 1 kwɪˈɛ:təs
sp quietus1
quae / pluralized in English ~s quick-raised adj
kwɛ:, kɛ: / -z m ˌkwɪk-ˈrɛ:zɪd qu’il / ~s Fr pro
sp que / ques 2 sp quick-raysed1 kil
sp qu’il1 / qu’ils1
quo quicksand / ~s n
kwo: = quill / ~s n
sp quo 1 1
sp quick-sand / quicke-sands 1 =
rh so 1H6 5.3.109 sp quill2 / quilles1
quicksilver n rh bill MND 3.1.121; ill, will Luc 1297;
quod / pluralized in English ~s ˈkwɪk-ˌsɪlvəɹ still S 85.3
kwɒd, kɒd / -z sp quick-siluer2 > goose-quill, sharp-quilled
sp quod / quods 1 > silver
quillet / ~s n
quick / ~er / ~est adj quick-witted adj ˈkwɪləts
= / ˈkwɪkəɹ / kwɪkst = sp quillets6
sp quick9, quicke61 / quicker1 / sp quicke witted
quid Lat pro > qu’il
rh kick AW 5.3.301
=, kɪd
quick adv / n quilt n
sp quid2
= =
quiddit / ~s n sp quilt1
sp quick5, quicke15 / quick2, quicke 5
quick-answered adj Quinapalus n
sp quiddits1
m ˌkwɪk-ˈansəɹd kwɪˈnapləs, -pəl-
quiddity / ~ies n sp Quinapalus1
sp quicke-answer’d1
> answer ˈkwɪdɪtəɪz
quince / ~s n
sp quiddities1
quicken / ~s / ~ed v =
= quiet adj / adv / n / v sp quinces1
sp quicken9 / quickens2 / ˈkwəɪət
Quince [name] n
quicken’d1, quickned1 sp quiet51, quyet1 / quiet5 / quiet17
/ quiet2
quickly adv rh riot VA 1149 sp Quince12
ˈkwɪkləɪ / -əɹ > dis-, un-quiet
quintessence n
sp quickly87, quickely15 /
quieter n ˈkwɪntəˌsens
rh unlikely VA 990 ˈkwəɪətəɹ sp quintessence2
sp quieter


quintain n quite adv / v quoit / ~s n

ˈkwɪntən kwəɪt kəɪts
sp quintine1 sp quight1, quite80 / quite1 sp quoits1
rh adv delight LLL 1.1.70; night Oth
Quintus n 5.1.129; recite S 72.3; sight MND quoit v
ˈkwɪntəs 3.2.88; sprite MND 2.1.32; tonight kəɪt
sp Quintus1 LLL 5.2.272; write S 103.7 sp quoit1

quip / ~s n quittance n/v quondam adj

= = ˈkwɒndam, ˈkɒ-
sp quip1, quip-[modest]1 / quips4 sp quittance5 / quittance1 sp quondam6

quire, quiring quiver adj / n quoniam Lat adv

> choir, choiring ˈkwɪvəɹ ˈkwo:nɪam, ˈko:-
sp quiuer1 / quiuer1 sp quoniam1
quirk / ~s n
kwɐ:ɹk / -s quiver / ~s v quote / ~s / ~d v
sp quirke1 / quirkes3 ˈkwɪvəɹ / -z ko:t, kw- / -s / ˈko:tɪd, ˈkw-
sp quiuer2 / quiuers1 sp coat1, coate1, quoat2, quote1 /
quirister quotes1 / quoted4
> chorister quivering adj rh noted LLL 4.3.85
ˈkwɪvrɪn, -ɪŋ, -vər- > misquote
quis Lat pro sp quiuering1
kwɪs, kɪs quoth v
sp quis3 quo, quod Lat kɒθ, kw-, -o:θ
> qui sp quoth62, quoth-[a]3, qua-th[a]1
quit / ~s / ~ting / ~ted v
= / = / ˈkwɪtɪn, -ɪŋ / = Quoint [name] n quotidian n
44 3 1
sp quit / quits / quitting / kəɪnt, kw- ko:ˈtɪdɪən, kw-
quitted1 sp Quoint1 sp quotidian2


rabbit n racket / ~s n [3 sylls] Luc 219 / pages Luc 909;

wages Cym 4.2.259
= =
sp rabbet2, rabit1 sp racket1, rackets1 rag·e / ~s / ~eth / ~ing /
rabbit-sucker n racking adj ~ed v
ˈrabɪt-ˌsɤkəɹ ˈrakɪn, -ɪŋ rɛ:dʒ / ˈrɛ:dʒ·ɪz / -əθ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ /
sp rabbet-sucker1 sp racking1
m -ɪd, rɛ:dʒd
sp rage15 / rages7, ra-ges1 / rageth1
rabble / ~’s n radiance n / raging2 / rag’d2, raged1
= ˈrɛ:dɪəns
ragged / ~est adj
sp rabble11, rable2 / rabbles1 sp radience2
rh fable TNK 3.5.105
ˈraɡɪd / -st
radiant adj sp rag’d-[hornes]1, ragged21 /
rabblement n ˈrɛ:dɪənt ragged’st1
= sp radiant7, radient1
raggedness n
sp rabblement2
radish n =
race n = sp raggednesse1
rɛ:s sp radish 2
raging adj / n
sp race14
rh pace S 51.11; place Per 5.Chorus.9 raft n ˈrɛ:dʒɪn, -ɪŋ
raft sp raging15 / raging1
rac·e / ~ing / ~ed v sp rafte1
rɛ:s / ˈrɛ:sɪn, -ɪŋ / rɛ:st Ragozine n
sp race / racing / rac’d 1 1 rag / ~s n ˈraɡəˌzəɪn
= sp Ragozine3
raced adj 5 11 1
sp ragge / ragges , raggs , rags 3

rɛ:st rah-tah-tah interj

rh bags KL 2.4.46
sp rac’d 1
> tag-rag
sp rah, tah, tah1
rack / ~s n ragamuffin n
= ˈraɡəˌmɤfɪn rail n
sp racke / racks 2
sp rag of muffins 1 rɛ:l
sp raile1
rack / ~ed v rage / ~s n
= rɛ:dʒ / ˈrɛ:dʒ·ɪz rail / ~est / ~s / ~eth / ~ed v
sp racke / rack’d , rackt 2 3 96
sp rage , [tiger-footed]-rage / 1 rɛ:l / -st / -z / ˈrɛ:ləθ / rɛ:ld
rages4 sp raile21, rayle7 / railest1, rayl’st1 /
racker / ~s n rh 1 age 1H6 4.6.13, 34, LC 13, railes5, rayles1 / raileth1 / raild2,
ˈrakəɹz S 17.11, 64.4; age, gage Luc 145; rail’d6, rayl’d1
sp rackers1 assuage VA 332; sage Luc 219; stage
RJ Prol.10, S 23.3; rh 2 marriage


railer n raised adj ramping adj

ˈrɛ:ləɹ ˈrɛ:zɪd ˈrampɪn, -ɪŋ
sp rayler1 sp raised2 sp ramping3
> unraised
railing adj / n rampired adj
ˈrɛ:lɪn, -ɪŋ raisin / ~s n ˈrampəɪɹd
sp railing1, rayling2 / railing3, rayling2 ˈrɛ:zənz sp rampyr’d1
sp reysons1
raiment n pun 1H4 2.4.235, reasons Ramston n
ˈrɛ:mənt ˈramstən
sp raiment4, rayment3
raising n sp emend of R2 2.1.283 Rainston1
ˈrɛ:zɪn, -ɪŋ
rain n sp raising1 ram-tender n
rɛ:n ˈram-ˌtendəɹ
sp raine35, rayne1
rake / ~s n sp ram-ten-der1
rh again Mac 1.1.2, VA 959, 965; rɛ:ks
a-twain LC 7; plain LLL 4.3.268, Luc sp rakes1 ran
1788, VA 238 > run
rake / ~d v
rain / ~s / ~eth / ~ing / rɛ:k / -t rancorous adj
~ed v sp rake4 / rakt1 ˈraŋkrəs, -kər-
rɛ:n / -z / ˈrɛ:n·əθ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / > unraked sp rancorous5
Ralph n rancour / ~’s / ~s n
sp raigne1, raine13 / raines2 /
raineth2 / raining1 / rain’d4, rayn’d1
rɑ:f ˈraŋkəɹ / -z
rh gain KL 2.4.76; plain VA 360; sp Rafe1, Ralfe1, Raphe1 sp rancor1, rancour5 / rancours2 /
remain VA 799 / staineth VA 458 / rancours2
complaining, sustaining Luc 1271;
ram / ~’s / ~s n
plaining Luc 560 = random n
2 3 1
sp ram , ramme / rams / rammes , 4 ˈrandən, -əm
rainbow n rams1 sp randome1, randon1, randone1
sp raine-bow3
ram / ~med v rang
= > ring
Rainold n sp ramme1 / ram’d1, ramm’d1
ˈrɛ:nəld range / ~s n
sp Rainald 1 Rambures n ˈrɛ:ndʒ·ɪz, ˈrɔ:-
Eng ˈrɒmbu:ɹ, Fr rɔ̃ˈby:ɹ sp ranges1
rainwater n 3
sp Rambures , Ramburs 2

ˈrɛ:nˌwɑtəɹ rang·e / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v

sp rain-water 1 ramp / ~s n rɛ:ndʒ, rɔ:- / ˈrɛ:ndʒ·ɪz, ˈrɔ:- /
= -ɪn, -ɪŋ / rɛ:ndʒd, rɔ:-
rainy adj sp rampes1 sp range6, raunge2 / ranges1,
ˈrɛ:nəɪ raunges1 / ranging2 / rang’d2
sp rainie1, raynie2
rampallian n rh changing TS 3.1.89 / exchanged
ramˈpalɪən S 109.5
rais·e / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v sp rampallian1
rɛ:z / ˈrɛ:z·ɪz / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / rɛ:zd ranged adj
sp raise32, rayse13 / raises1 / raising3,
rampant adj rɛ:ndʒd, rɔ:-
raysing2 / raisd1, rais’d24, rays’d1 = sp raing’d1
rh days 1H6 1.2.130; obeys, praise sp rampant1
LC 228
ranger / ~s n
ˈrɛ:ndʒəɹz, ˈrɔ:-
sp rangers1


rank / ~er / ~est adj sp ransome9 / ransoming1 / rarest n

= / ˈraŋkəɹ / = ransom’d5, ransomed1 ˈrɛ:rəst, rɛ:ɹst
sp ranck1, rancke2, rank3, ranke24 / ransomless n sp rarest3, rar’st1
ranker1 / rankest2
= rariet·y / ~ies n
rh bank VA 71
sp ransomlesse2 rəˈrəɪətəɪ / -z
rank / ~s n sp rariety1 / rarieties1
rant v
= rarity n
sp ranck1, ranke9 / rankes14, ranks1
rh banks Luc 1441 sp rant1 m ˈrɛ:rɪtəɪ, -ˌtəɪ
> fore-rank sp raritie1, rarity1
ranting adj
rh 1 simplicity PT 53; rh 2 lie PT 53
rank / ~ing / ~ed v ˈrantɪn, -ɪŋ
= / ˈraŋkɪn, -ɪŋ / = sp ranting-[host]1 rascal / ~lest adj
5 1
sp ranke / ranking / ranck’d , 1
rap / ~s n ˈraskɑl / -əst, -kləst
rank’d2, rankt1 sp rascal1, rascall8 / rascallest1
rankness n sp rap2, rappe1 / rap’s1 rascal / ~s n
rape / ~s n ˈraskɑl / -z
sp ranckenesse1, ranknesse2 sp rascall46, [epicurian]-rascall1,
rɛ:p / -s
[wide-chopt]-rascall1, ras-call1,
rankle v sp rape15 / rapes3 rascall’s [rascal is]1 / rascalls4,
= rascals12, [traitorly]-rascals1, raskalls1
rapier / ~’s / ~s n
sp ranckle1, rankle1
ˈrapɪəɹ / -z rascal-like adj
rankly adv sp rapier22, ra-pier1 / rapiers5 / ˈraskɑl-ˌləɪk
ˈraŋkləɪ rapiers3 sp rascall-like1
sp rankly1
rapine n rascally adv
rank-scented adj ˈrapəɪn ˈraskləɪ, -kɑl-
= sp rapine3 sp rascally9,
sp ranke-sented [iealious]-rascally-[knaue]1,
rapt adj
Rannius n =
ˈranɪəs sp rapt7 rash adj
sp Rannius 1 =
rapture / ~s n
sp rash32
ransack / ~ing / ~ed v ˈraptəɹ / -z rh flash Cym 4.2.272
= / ˈransakɪn, -ɪŋ / = sp rapture2, raptures1 > heady-rash
sp ransacke1 / ransacking1 /
rare / ~r / ~st adj Rash [name] n
ransack’d1, ransackt1
rɛ:ɹ / ˈrɛ:r·əɹ / -əst, rɛ:ɹst =
ransacked adj sp rare54 / rarer4 / rarest4, rar’st1 sp Rash1
= rh 1 care S 56.14; compare S 21.7,
sp ransack’d1 130.13; prepare Per 4.Chorus.37; rasher n
rh 2 are S 52.5 ˈraʃəɹ
ransom / ~s n sp rasher1
rarely adv
ˈrɛ:ɹləɪ rash-levied adj
sp ransom3, ransome40, ransome’s
[ransome is]1 / ransomes1 sp rarely9 m ˌraʃ-ˈlevəɪd
rareness n sp rash leuied1
ransom / ~ing / ~ed v
= / ˈransəmɪn, -ɪŋ / = ˈrɛ:ɹnəs
sp rarenesse2


rashly adv rational adj ravenous adj

ˈraʃləɪ ˈrasɪənɑl m ˈravnəs, -vɪn-, -vɪˌnɤs
sp rashly4 sp rationall2 sp rauenous6, rau’nous2

rashness n Ratolorum [malap for Ravenspurgh n

= rotulorum] Lat n ˈravɪnzˌpɐ:ɹ
sp rashnes1, rashnesse9 ˈratəˌlɔ:rʊm sp Rauenspurg1, Rauenspurgh7,
sp Ratolorum 1 Rauenspurre1
rat / ~s n
= ratsbane n ravine adj
sp rat10 / rats9, rattes1 ˈratsbɛ:n ˈravɪn
sp rats-bane3 sp rauine1
rat-catcher n
ˈrat-ˌkatʃəɹ rattle / ~s v ravined adj
sp rat-catcher 1
= ˈravɪnd
sp rattle1 / rattles1 sp rauin’d1
Ratcliffe n
= rattling adj ravish / ~ed v
sp Ratclif1, Ratcliff1, Ratcliffe23, ˈratlɪn, -ɪŋ = / m ˈravɪʃt, -ˌʃɪd
Ratliffe1 sp ratling5 sp rauish10, ra-uish1 / rauished3,
rate / ~s n raught
rɛ:t / -s > reach
ravished adj
sp rate20 / rates2 ˈravɪʃt
rh mate, state Luc 19; state rave / ~s / ~d v sp rauish’d2
MND 3.1.145 rɛ:v / -z / -d
sp raue3 / raues2 / rau’d1
ravisher n
rat·e / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v rh crave, slave Luc 982 ˈravɪʃəɹ
rɛ:t / -s / ˈrɛ:t·ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd sp rauisher2
sp rate / rates / rating / 3 1 ravel v rh conspirator Luc 770
rated15 ˈravəl
rh estimate AW 2.1.179 sp rauell3
ravishing adj
> over-rate ˈravɪʃɪn, -ɪŋ
ravelled adj sp rauishing2
rated adj ˈravəld
ˈrɛ:tɪd sp rauel’d1
ravishment Luc / ~s n
sp rated1 =
> low-rated raven / ~’s / ~s n sp rauishment2 / rauishments1
ˈrɛ:vən / -z rh languishment Luc 1128
rather / ~est adj
sp rauen16 / rauens5 / rauens5
ˈraðəɹ / -st > night-raven
raw adj
sp rather313, ra-ther6 / rathe-rest1 =
rh father R2 1.3.237 raven v sp raw8, raw-[rumaticke]1, rawe2
ˈravɪn / -ɪn, -ɪŋ, -vn- rh saw LLL 5.2.913, Luc 1592
ratifier / ~s n
sp rauen1, rauyn1 / rauening1
ˈratɪˌfəɪɹz > wolvish-ravening
raw-boned adj
sp ratifiers1 ˈrɔ:-ˌbo:nd
raven-coloured adj sp raw-bon’d1
ratif·y / ~ied v ˈrɛ:vən-ˌkɤləɹd > bone
m ˈratɪˌfəɪ, -ɪf- / -d sp rauen coloured1
sp ratifie4 / ratified4 > colour
rawly adv
sp rawly1


rawness n read present / ~est / ~s / ~ing / reap / ~s / ~ed v

= read past v =
sp rawnesse1 = / ˈri:dst / = / ˈri:dɪn, -ɪŋ / = sp reap1, reape12 / reapes1 /
sp read74, reade80 / read’st1 / reap’d2, reapt1
ray / ~s n reades14, reads10 / reading19, rh leap S 128.7
rɛ: / -z rea-ding2 / read37
sp ray1 / rayes4, rayse1 rh present indeed S 62.11 / past said
reaper / ~s n
LLL 4.3.191 ˈri:pəɹz
ray / ~ed v > over-, un-read sp reapers2
sp raide1, raied1
reader n reaping n
ˈri:dəɹ ˈri:pɪn, -ɪŋ
raze ~s n sp reader1 sp reaping1
sp razes1
readily adv rear n
ˈredɪləɪ ri:ɹ
raze / ~th / ~d v sp readily1 sp reare1, reare’1
rɛ:z / ˈrɛ:zəθ / rɛ:zd rh 1 mutiny Luc 1152; rh 2 fly Luc
sp raze3 /razeth1 / raiz’d1, rased1, 1152 rear v
raz’d2 ri:ɹ / -z / -d
> down-razed
readiness n sp reare8, rere1 / reares1 / reard1,
= rear’d4
razor / ~s n sp readinesse14, readines1 rh here R2 5.3.89 / afeared 1H6
ˈrɛ:zəɹz rh forwardness 3H6 5.4.64 4.7.92
sp razors2 > uprear
reading n
razorable adj ˈri:dɪn, -ɪŋ reared adj
m ˈrɛ:zəˌrabəl sp reading7 ri:ɹd
sp razor-able1 rh weeding LLL 1.1.94 sp rear’d1
> high-reared
razure n Reading [name] n
ˈrɛ:zəɹ ˈredɪn, -ɪŋ rearmouse / ~mice n
sp razure 1 sp Reading1 ˈri:ɹməɪs
sp reremise1
reach n read·y / ~iest adj
= ˈredəɪ / -əst rearward adv
sp reach 10 40 1
sp readie , rea-die , ready ,99 ˈri:ɹwɑɹd
rea-dy1 / readiest4 sp rereward1, rere-ward2
reach / ~es / ~eth / ~ed / > unready
raught v reason / ~’s / ~s n
real adj ˈrɛ:zən / -z
ˈri:ɑl sp reason240, rea-son4 / reasons2 /
sp reach15 / reaches3 / reacheth1 /
sp reall2 reason’s1, reasons64
reach’d1 / raught4
> unreal rh season CE 2.2.49; season, treason
> over-reach
Luc 880; treason S 151.8, VA 727
reaching adj realm / ~s n pun 1H4 2.4.235, raisins
ˈri:tʃɪn, -ɪŋ rɛ:m / -z
sp realme53 / realmes6, realms1
reason / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
sp reaching1
ˈrɛ:zən / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ, -zn- / -d
> high-reaching
re-answer v sp reason24, rea-son1 / reasons1 /
read adj ri:ˈansəɹ, -ˈɔ:n- reasoning1 / reasond1, reason’d1,
sp re-answer1 reasoned1
4 > answer rh season CE 4.2.56, MND 2.2.124
sp read


reasonable adj rebellious adj receiv·e / ~est / ~es / ~eth /

m ˈrɛ:zəˌnabəl, -znəbəl = ~ing / ~ed v
sp reasonable16, rea-sonable1, sp rebellious11 rɪˈsi:v, -ˈsɛ:- / -st / -z / -əθ / -ɪn,
reaso-nable1, reasonnable1 -ɪŋ / -d
> unreasonable rebound n
sp receiue81, receiue’t [receive it]1,
rɪˈbəʊnd receyue8, recieue2, reciue’t [receive
reasonably adv sp rebound1 it]1 / receiuest1 / receiues9,
m ˈrɛ:zəˌnabləɪ receyues1 / receiueth1 / receiuing2,
sp reasonably1 rebukable adj receyuing1 / receiud1, receiu’d54,
> unreasonably = receiude1, receiued15, receyu’d5,
sp rebukeable1 receyued2
reasonless adj rh leave AW 2.3.83, LC 241, MV
m ˈrɛ:zənˌles rebuke / ~s n 3.2.140, TC 4.5.36; receive it leave it
sp reasonlesse2 = 2H6 2.3.36 / deceivest S 40.5 /
sp rebuke13 / rebukes4 deceives, leaves LC 303
reave / reft / ~est v
= / = / refts, -t rebuke / ~d v received adj
sp reaue2 / reft4 / refts1 = rɪˈsi:vd, -ˈsɛ:-
sp rebuke5 / rebuk’d2 sp receiu’d3
rebate v
rɪˈbɛ:t rebused receiver n
sp rebate 1
> abuse v rɪˈsi:vəɹ, -ˈsɛ:-
sp receiuer1
rebato n recall / ~ed v
rɪˈbɑ:to: rɪˈkɑ:l / -d receiving adj / n
sp rebato1 sp recall2 / recal’d1, recall’d2 rɪˈsi:vɪn, -ɪŋ, -ˈsɛ:-
> call sp receiuing1 / receiuing2
Rebeck [name] n
ˈrebɪk recant v receptacle n
sp Rebicke 1 = m ˈresɪpˌtakəl
sp recant1 sp receptacle3
rebel adj
= recantation n recheat n
sp rebell1 ˌri:kənˈtɛ:sɪən rɪˈtʃɛ:t
sp recantation1, re-cantation1 sp rechate1
rebel / ~’s / ~s / ~s’ n
= [ˈrebəl] recanter n reciprocal adj
1 9 1 2
sp rebel , rebell / rebells , rebels / rɪˈkantəɹ rɪˈsɪprəkɑl
rebells1, rebels22 / rebells1 , rebels2 sp re-canter1 sp reciprocall1

rebel / ~s / ~led v recanting adj reciprocally adv

= [rɪˈbel] rɪˈkantɪn, -ɪŋ m rɪˈsɪprəˌkləɪ
sp rebell5, / rebells1, rebels4 / sp recanting2 sp reciprocally1
rh tell R2 3.2.119 receipt / ~s n recite S v
rɪˈsi:t, -ˈsɛ:- / -s rɪˈsəɪt
rebelling adj sp receipt3, receit5, receite2, receyt1 sp recite1
rɪˈbelɪn, -ɪŋ / receits1 rh quite S 72.1
sp rebelling1 rh conceit Luc 703
réciter / ~ai Fr v
rebellion n resitəˈrɛ
m rɪˈbelɪən, -ɪˌɒn sp recitera2
sp rebellion29, re-bellion1


reck / ~s v recomforture n record / ~s / ~ed v

= rɪˈkɤmfəɹtəɹ rɪˈkɔ:ɹd / -z / -ɪd
sp reake1, reaks1 sp recomforture1 sp record4 / records1 / recorded5
> comfort
reckless adj recordation n
= recommend / ~s / ~ed v ˌrekəɹˈdɛ:sɪən
sp recklesse2, reck-lesse1 = sp recordation2
sp recommend1 / recommends2 /
reckon / ~ing / ~ed v recommended1 recorded adj
= / ˈreknɪn, -ɪŋ / = > commend rɪˈkɔ:ɹdɪd
sp reckon6, rec-kon1 / reckning1 / sp recorded2
recompense n
= recorder / ~s n
reckoning / ~s n sp recompence20, recom-pence1 rɪˈkɔ:ɹdəɹ / -z
m ˈreknɪn, -ɪŋ, -kən-, -kəˌn- / rh eloquence S 23.11; hence 1H6 sp recorder4 / recorders1
ˈreknɪnz, -ɪŋz, -kən- 1.2.116; sense LLL 1.1.58, MND
sp reckning6, reck’ning3, reckoning9,
3.2.180 recount / ~s / ~ed v
rec-koning1, recko-ning1 / rɪˈkəʊnt / -s / -ɪd
recompense / ~d v
recknings3, reckonings2 sp recount9, re-count1 / recounts1 /
rh beckoning [2 sylls] TNK 3.5.129
= recounted1
sp recompence4, re-compence1 / > recompt, unrecounted
reclaim / ~s / ~ed v recompenc’d2, recompenc’t1
rɪˈklɛ:m·z / -d recountment / ~s n
recompt n rɪˈkəʊntmənt / -s
sp reclaimes1 / reclaim’d1,
rɪˈkɒmt, -mpt sp recountments1
> claim, unreclaimed sp recompt1
> recount recourse n
reclusive adj rɪˈkɔ:ɹs
= reconcile / ~s / ~ed v
sp recourse4
sp reclusiue 1 ˈrekənˌsəɪl / -z / -d
sp reconcile8 / reconciles1 / recover / ~s / ~ed v
recognizance / ~s n reconcil’d6, reconciled1, re-conciled1 rɪˈkɤvəɹ / -z / m rɪˈkɤvəɹd,
m rɪˈkɒɡnɪˌzans / -ɪz rh awhile Per 4.4.22; reconciles thee
defile thee KL 3.6.111 [Q]
sp recognizance1 / recog-nizances1 sp recouer25, re-couer1, reco-uer1 /
> irreconciled, un-reconciled
recouers2, reco-uers1 / recouer’d7,
recoil / ~ing v recouered9
reconcilement n
rɪˈkəɪl / -ɪn, -ɪŋ
m ˌrekənˈsəɪlmənt recoverable adj
sp recoile1, recoyle4, requoyle1 /
sp reconcilement1
recoyling1 rɪˈkɤvrəbəl
reconciler n sp recouerable1
recollect Per v > irrecoverable
= ˈrekənsəɪləɹ
sp reconciler1 recover·y / ~ies n
sp recollect1
rh detect Per 2.1.50
reconciliation n m rɪˈkɤvrəɪ, -vəˌrəɪ / -vərəɪz,
ˌrekənsɪlɪˈɛ:sɪən -vrəɪz
recollected adj
sp recouerie5, recouery3, recou’ry1 /
= sp reconciliation1
recoueries1, reco-ueries1
sp recollected1
record / ~s n
recreant adj
recomforted n m rɪˈkɔ:ɹd, ˈrekəɹd / -z
m ˈrekrɪənt, -ɪˌant
rɪˈkɤmfəɹtɪd sp record16, records2
sp recreant7
1 rh 1 sword Luc 1643; rh 2 word Luc
sp recomforted
> comfort


recreant n sp redeem1, redeeme20, re-deeme1 sp red-nose1

m ˈrekrɪənt, -ɪˌant / -s / redeem’st1 / redeemes3 / > nose
redeeming3 / re-deem’d1, redeem’d6
sp recreant6 / recreants2 redouble / ~d v
redeemed adj ri:ˈdɤbəld
recreate v
m rɪˈdi:mɪd sp redoubled3
sp redeemed1 rh troubled VA 832
sp recreate1
> double
redeemer n
recreation / ’s n redoubted
rɪˈdi:məɹ adj
m ˌrekrɪɛˈ:sɪən, -sɪˌɒn / -z 2 rɪˈdəʊtɪd
sp redeemer
sp recreation7 / recreation [sake]1
sp redoubted5
redeliver v > doubt
rectify v
m ˈrektɪˌfəɪ redound v
sp redeliuer1, re-deliuer1
sp rectifie3 rɪˈdəʊnd
redemption n sp redound1
rector n
m rɪˈdempsɪən, -sɪˌɒn
ˈrektəɹ redress / ~es n
sp redemption8
sp rector1 =
red-faced adj sp redresse8 / redresses2
rectorship n
ˈred-ˌfɛ:st rh heaviness Luc 1603
m ˈrektəɹˌʃɪp
sp red-fac’d1
sp rectorship1 redress / ~ed v
> face
recure / S ~d v red-hipped adj sp redresse18 / redress’d1,
rɪˈkju:ɹ / -d ˈred-ˌɪpt, -ˌhɪ- redressed1, redrest1
sp recure1 / recured1 rh refresh PP 13.10
sp red hipt1
rh assured S 45.9
> hip
> unrecuring red-tailed adj
red-hot adj ˈred-ˌtɛ:ld
red / ~der / ~dest adj
m ˈred-ˌɒt, ˌred-ˈɒt, -hɒ- sp red-tail’d1
= / ˈredəɹ / = 1 2 > tail
sp red-hot , red hot
sp red55, red-[plague]1, red-[rose]1,
> hot
redde3 / redder1 / reddest1 reduce v
rh bed VA 107; bred LLL 1.2.94; redim·o / ~e Lat v =
dead VA 468; entituled Luc 59; head
reˈdi:me sp reduce3
Luc 1417, S 130.2, VA 116; spread VA 1
901; tread MND 3.2.391 sp redime
reechy adj
> over-red
red-lattice adj ˈri:tʃəɪ
red-breast n = sp rechie1, reechie2
= sp red-lattice
reed adj
sp [robin]-red-breast1, red-brest1
red-looked adj =
> breast
= sp reede1
rede n sp red-look’d
reed / ~s n
1 redness n =
sp reade
= sp reede2 / reeds3
redeem / ~est / ~s / ~ing / sp rednesse
re-edif·y / ~ied v
~ed v
red-nose adj ri:ˈedɪˌfəɪd
= / rɪˈdi:mst / = / rɪˈdi:mɪn,
ˈred-ˌno:z sp re-edified1, re-edify’d1
-ɪŋ / =


reek n sp reflect3 refuge n

= rh effect VA 1130 ˈrefju:dʒ
sp reeke1 reflecting adj sp refuge1

reek / S ~s / ~ing v rɪˈflektɪn, -ɪŋ refuge v

= / = / ˈri:kɪn, -ɪŋ sp reflecting1 rɪˈfju:dʒ
sp reek1, reeke4 / reekes1 / reeking1 reflection n sp refuge1
rh cheeks S 130.8
rɪˈfleksɪən refusal n
reeking adj / adv sp reflection6 rɪˈfju:zɑl
ˈri:kɪn, -ɪŋ reflex n / v sp refusall1
sp reeking3 / reeking1
m rɪˈfleks refus·e / S ~est / ~ing / ~ed v
reeky adj sp reflexe1 / reflex1 = / rɪˈfju:z·əst / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / =
ˈri:kəɪ reform / ~ed v sp refuse28, re-fuse1 / refusest1 /
sp reckie1 refusing3 / refus’d10, refused1
rɪˈfɔ:ɹm / -d
rh usest S 40.8 / abused MND
reel / ~s n sp reforme3 / reform’d3, reformed1 2.2.139
= reformation n
sp reeles3
regal adj
m ˌrefəɹˈmɛ:sɪən, -sɪˌɒn ˈri:ɡɑl
reel / ~s / ~ing v sp reformation6 sp regall12
= / = / ˈri:lɪn, -ɪŋ reformed adj
sp reele3 / reeles1 / reeling2
Regan / ~’s n
m rɪˈfɔ:ɹmd, -mɪd =
rh wheels RJ 2.2.190
sp reform’d1, reformed1 sp Regan25, Re-gan1 / Regans1
reeling adj
refractory adj regard / ~s n
ˈri:lɪn, -ɪŋ
1 m rɪˈfraktəˌrəɪ rɪˈɡɑ:ɹd / -z
sp reeling
sp refracturie1 sp regard31, re-gard1 / regards1
refell / ~ed v rh 1 hard LC 213; rh 2 heard Luc
refrain v
rɪˈfeld 305, R2 2.1.28; rh 3 ward Luc 305
rɪˈfrɛ:n > non-regardance
sp refeld1
sp refraine4
refer / ~red v rh complain PP 20.16 regard / ~s / ~ed v
rɪˈfɐ:ɹ / -d rɪˈɡɑ:ɹd / -z / -ɪd
refresh v
sp referre3 / referr’d2 sp regard9 / regards6 / regarded7
= rh hard VA 377
reference n sp refresh4 > best-, un-regarded
m ˈrefrəns, -fəˌrens rh redress PP 13.8
> fresh regardfully adv
sp reference5
m rɪˈɡɑ:ɹdfəˌləɪ
refreshed adj
refine / ~d v sp regardfully1
sp refresht1 regarding conj
sp refin’de1
rɪˈɡɑ:ɹdɪn, -ɪŋ
refreshing adj
refined adj sp regarding1
rɪˈfreʃɪn, -ɪŋ
m rɪˈfəɪnɪd
sp refreshing1 regenerate v
sp refined2
m rɪˈdʒenəˌrɛ:t
reflect v sp regenerate1
> reave


regent n reguerdon n reinforce / ~d v

= rɪˈɡɐ:ɹdən ˌri:ɪnˈfɔ:ɹs / -t
sp regent17 sp reguerdon1 sp re-inforce1 / re-enforc’d1
> guerdon
regentship n reinforcement n
m ˈri:dʒəntˌʃɪp reguerdon / ~ed v ˌri:ɪnˈfɔ:ɹsmənt
sp regent-ship1 rɪˈɡɐ:ɹdənd sp re-enforcement1, re-inforcement1
sp reguerdon’d1
regia Lat n reiterate v
ˈredʒɪa regular adj m ri:ˈɪtəˌrɛ:t
sp regia3 ˈreɡləɹ, -ɡəl- sp reiterate1
sp regular1
regiment / ~s n > irregular reject / VA ~ed v
m ˈredʒɪmənt, -ˌment / -ˌments =
sp regiment7 / regiments1
rehearsal n sp reiect1 / reiected1
rɪˈɐ:ɹsɑl, -ˈhɐ:- rh reject her respect her LLL 5.2.438
regina Lat n sp rehearsall2 / affected VA 159
rehearse / ~d v rejoic·e / ~es / ~eth / ~ing /
sp regina1
rɪˈɐ:ɹs, -ˈhɐ:- / -t ~ed v
region adj sp rehearse10 / rehearst3 rɪˈdʒəɪs / -ɪz / -əθ / -ɪn,
ˈri:dʒɪən rh 1 verse S 21.4, 38.4, 71.11, 81.11; -ɪŋ / -t
sp region1 rh 2 pierce R2 5.3.127 sp reioice1, reioyce24 / reioyces2 /
reioyceth1 / reioycing1 / reioyc’d1
region / ~s n reign / ~s n rh voice VA 977
m ˈri:dʒɪən, -ɪˌɒn / -z rɛ:n / -z
sp region13 / regions8 sp raigne4, reign1 / reigne8, reignes7 rejoicing n
rh imagination Per 4.4.4 rh complain S 28.5; gain Per 2. rɪˈdʒəɪsɪn, -ɪŋ
Chorus.7, Tim 5.1.221; remain, vein sp reioycing3, re-ioycing1
register n Luc 1451
ˈredʒɪstəɹ rejoicing-fire / ~s n
reign / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v rɪˈdʒəɪsɪn-ˈfəɪɹz, -ɪŋ-
sp register2
rɛ:n / -z / ˈrɛ:nɪn, -ɪŋ / rɛ:nd sp reioycing-fires1
register S / ~ed v sp raigne6, reigne20 / raignes4, > fire
ˈredʒɪstəɹ / -d raigns1, reignes1 / reigning2 /
raign’d1, rain’d1, reign’d4 rejoicingly adv
sp register1 / registred4
rh brain RJ 2.3.34; maintain S 121.14; rɪˈdʒəɪsɪnləɪ, -ɪŋ-
rh character S 108.3
remain LC 127; sovereign Per 2.4.38 /
> unregistered sp reioycingly1
gains R3 1.1.161 / stained S 109.9
regreet / ~s n rejoindure n
Reignier n
m rɪˈɡri:t rɪˈdʒəɪndəɹ
sp regreete1 / regreets1 sp reioyndure1
sp Reignard1, Reigneir4, Reignier15
regreet v rejourn v
rein / ~s n
m rɪˈɡri:t rɪˈdʒɐ:ɹn
rɛ:n / -z
sp regreet1, regreete2 sp reiourne1
sp raine1, reine4, reyne2 / raines1,
rh sweet R2 1.3.67
reines3 relapse n
> greet
rh disdain VA 31, 392
regress n sp relapse1
rein / ~ed v
rɛ:n / -d relate / ~s v
sp regresse1
sp reine2 / rein’d1
> egress rɪˈlɛ:t / -s


sp relate9 / relates1 reliev·e / ~es / VA ~eth / ~ing / remain / ~s / ~eth / ~ing /

rh arbitrate Mac 5.4.19; debate LLL ~ed v ~ed v
1.1.169; extenuate Oth 5.2.337; state
Oth 5.2.367
=, rɪˈlɪv / -z / -əθ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d rɪˈmɛ:n / -z / -əθ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ
sp releeue9, relieue3 / releeues1 / / -d
relation / ~s n releeueth1 / relieuing1 / releeu’d5, sp remain2, remaine55 / remaines34,
rɪˈlɛ:sɪən / -z releeued2, relieu’d2, relieued1 remains1 / remaineth1, remayneth1 /
rh 1 relieve them grieve for them remaining5 / remain’d2
sp relation7, re-lation1 / relations1
Per 1.2.99; rh 2 relieve me give me rh brain S 122.3; dame PP 17.12;
relative adj Per 5.2.4 [Chorus] / upheaveth disdain Luc 519; feign PP 8.14; gain
VA 484 H8 5.3.180; gain, pain Luc 732; plain
Luc 1249; rain VA 801; reign LC 129;
sp relatiue1 religion / ~s n reign, vein Luc 1453; slain Per 4.1.102;
release n m rɪˈlidʒɪən, -ɪˌɒn / -ɪənz twain MND 5.1.150, PT 48, S 36.3,
sp religion16 / religions1 39.14; vein MND 3.2.83 / contains LC
rɪˈli:s, -ˈlɛ:s
188, S 74.14 / complaining, sustaining
sp release1 religious adj Luc 1572 / stained Luc 1742
releas·e / VA, S ~ing / ~ed v m rɪˈlidʒɪəs,18 -ɪˌɤs remainder adj
sp religious , religous1
rɪˈli:s, -ˈlɛ:s / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -t rɪˈmɛ:ndəɹ
> irreligious
sp release6 / releasing2 / releasd1, sp remainder2
releas’d2, released2 religiously adv
rh peace MND 3.2.376 / rh 1 m rɪˈlidʒɪəsləɪ, -ˌləɪ remainder n
increasing VA 256; rh 2 possessing rɪˈmɛ:ndəɹ / -z
sp religiouslie1, religiously6
S 87.3
sp remainder8 / remainders3
> lease relinquish / ~ed v
relent / ~s / VA ~eth / = remarkable adj
~ing v sp relinquisht 1 rɪˈmɑ:ɹkəbəl
sp remarkeable1, re-markeable1
= / = / = / rɪˈlentɪn, -ɪŋ reli·nquo / ~quit Lat v
sp relent16 / relents1 / relenteth1 / ˈrelɪkwɪt remarked n
relenting2 rɪˈmɑ:ɹkt
sp reliquit1
rh tormenteth VA 200
sp remark’d1
> unrelenting relish n
reliance / ~s n = remediate adj
1 1 4
sp rallish , relish , rellish , rel-lish 1 rɪˈmi:dɪət
sp remediate1
sp reliances1 relish / ~ed v
relic / ~s n = remed·y / ~ies n
= sp rallish1, rellish10 / rellish’d1 m ˈremɪˌdəɪ, -ɪd- / -z
> disrrelish sp remedie32, remedy22 / remedies8
sp reliques5
rh 1 archery, gloriously MND
relief n relume v 3.2.109; courtesy 1H6 2.2.57; rh 2
= rɪˈlju:m apply, eye MND 3.2.452; by S 154.11;
sp re-lume1 by, dye, espy, sky MND 3.2.109; die
sp releefe7, reliefe4, re-liefe1 RJ 3.5.242, 4.1.67; eye S 62.3; try
rh grief 3H6 3.3.20, S 34.11 rely / ~ing v AW 2.1.135 / eyes R2 3.3.203; lies
relier Luc n rɪˈləɪ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ RJ 2.3.47

rɪˈləɪəɹ sp rely2, relye3 / relying1

remed·y / ~ied v
1 rh I AW 2.1.204
sp relier m ˈremɪˌdəɪ, -ɪd- / -d
rh desire, retire Luc 639 remain / ~s n sp remedie3 / remedied1, remedy’d1
rɪˈmɛ:n / -z
sp remaine2 / remaines2


remember / ~est / ~s / ~ing / sp remorse28 remuneration n

~ed v rh horse VA 257 rɪˌmju:nəˈrɛ:sɪən
rɪˈmembəɹ / -st / -z / remorseful adj sp remuneration11, remune-ration1
rɪˈmemb·rɪn, -ɪŋ / m -əɹd, -əˌred rɪˈmɔ:ɹsfʊl
rend v
sp remember183, reme[m]ber1, sp remorsefull3, remorse-full1
re-member2, remem-ber1, remember’t
[remember it]1 / remember’st1, remorseless adj sp rend12
remembrest4 / remembers3 / rɪˈmɔ:ɹsləs
remembring5 / remembred22,
render n
sp remorselesse3 ˈrendəɹ
reme[m]bred1, remem-bred2,
re-membred1 remote adj sp render3
rh dead S 74.12; tendered S 120.9
rɪˈmo:t render / ~est / ~s / ~ing /
> well-remembered
sp remote6 ~ed v
remembrance / ~s n ˈrendəɹ / -st / -z / ˈrendrɪn, -ɪŋ /
remotion n
m rɪˈmembrəns, -bəˌrans, ˈrendəɹd
-ˌrɔ:ns / -brənsɪz, -ˌsɪz sp render36 / render’st1 / renders4 /
sp remotion2
sp remembrance59, remem-brance1, rendring1, rend’ring1 / render’d4,
remembraunce1 / remembrances5 remove / ~s n rendred9
rɪˈmɤv, -ˈmu:v / -z rh ender, tender LC 221
remembrancer n > life-rendering
rɪˈmembrənsəɹ sp remoue5 / remoues2

sp remembrancer2 remov·e / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v rendezvous n

rɪˈmɤv, -ˈmu:v / -z / -ɪn, m ˈrendəˌvu:, -əvu:
remercîment / ~s Fr n sp randeuous1, rendeuous3
rəmɛɹsiˈmɑ̃ -ɪŋ / -d
sp remercious1 sp remoue22 / remoues1 / remouing2 renegado n
/ remoou’d2, remooued1, renɪˈɡaðo:
remiss adj remou’d12, remoued9
sp renegatho1
= rh 1 love AY 3.4.51, LC 237, Luc 614,
PP 17.8, RJ Prol.11, S 116.4, VA 81, renege / ~s v
sp remisse5
186; rh 2 prove Luc 614, RJ 1.1.142 /
loves LLL 5.2.135 / beloved S 25.14
remission n sp reneages1
> move; irremovable, un-removable
m rɪˈmɪsɪən, -sɪˌɒn
sp remission4 removed adj renew / S ~est / ~s / ~ed v
m rɪˈmɤvɪd, -vd, -ˈmu:v- = / rɪˈnju:st / =
remissness n sp renew12 / renewest1 / renewes1
sp remoued6
= / renew’d1, renewed1
sp remissenesse1 removedness n rh viewest S 3.3 / ensues, views
rɪˈmɤvɪdnəs, -ˈmu:v- Luc 1103 / subdued S 111.8
remit v
sp remouednesse1 renewed adj
sp remit4 removing n =
rɪˈmɤvɪn, -ɪŋ, -ˈmu:v- sp renew’d1
remnant / ~s n 1
sp remouing renounc·e / ~ing v
= rh 1 loving; rh 2 reproving
sp remnant5 / remnants3 Luc 243
rɪˈnəʊns / -ɪn, -ɪŋ
sp renounce4, renownce1 /
remonstrance n remunerate v renouncing1
m rɪˈmɒnstrəns m rɪˈmju:nəˌrɛ:t
sp remonstrance1
renouncement n
sp remunerate1
remorse n sp renouncement1

renown n repasture n repentant adj

rɪˈnəʊn rɪˈpastəɹ =
sp renown1, renowne19 sp repasture1 sp repentant2
rh crown AW 4.4.36; down Oth > pasture
2.3.88; frown PP 20.46; town AY repenting n
5.4.142 repay / ~s / ~ing / repaid v rɪˈpentɪn, -ɪŋ
rɪˈpɛ: / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d sp repenting1
renown / ~ed v sp repaie1, repay3 / repayes3 /
rɪˈnəʊn / -d repaying1 / repaid2, repaide1, repetition / ~s n
sp renowne1 / renowned1 repaie1, repayed1 m ˌrepɪˈtɪsɪən, -sɪˌɒn /
rh day S 117.2 -sɪˌɒnz
renowned adj > pay
sp repetition6 / repetitions1
m rɪˈnəʊnɪd, -nd
sp renown’d5, renowned32
repeal n répétition Fr n
> thrice-renowned = repetiˈsjɔ̃
sp repeale4
sp repiticio1
rent n rh appeal Luc 640
= repine VA / ~d v
sp rent2 / rents2
repeal / ~s / ~ed v
rɪˈpəɪn / -d
rh spent S 125.6 / ornaments S 142.8 =
sp repine1 / repin’d1
sp repeale4 / repeales2 / repeal’d6
rh shine VA 490; thine 1H6 5.2.20
rent / ~s v
= repealing n repining adj
sp rent / rents 1 rɪˈpi:lɪn, -ɪŋ rɪˈpəɪnɪn, -ɪŋ
rh contents LC 55 sp repealing1
sp repining1
repair n repeat / ~est / ~s / ~ed v replant v
rɪˈpɛ:ɹ rɪˈpi:t / -s, -st / -s / -ɪd m ˈri:plant
sp repaire4, repayre1 sp repeat8, repeate4 / repeat’st1 /
sp replant1
rh fair LLL 2.1.226 repeats1 / repeated2
rh 1 deceit Per 1.4.74; rh 2 great Per replenish Luc v
repair / ~s / ~ed v 1.4.31
rɪˈpɛ:ɹ / -z / -d
repeating n sp replenish1
sp repair1, repaire23, repayre13 /
rh blemish Luc 1357
repaires3 / repaired1, repayr’d1 rɪˈpi:tɪn, -ɪŋ
rh air LLL 5.2.292; fair CE 2.1.99, sp repeating1 replenished adj
S 16.9; fair, prayer PT 65; fair, there
repel v m rɪˈplenɪʃt, -ˌʃɪd
TG 4.2.45
sp replenish’d1, replenished2
> a-repairing =
sp repell1 replete adj
repairing adj
rɪˈpɛ:rɪn, -ɪŋ repent / ~s / ~ed v =
sp repleat3, repleate3, replete1
sp repayring1 =
sp repent56, re-pent2 / repents2, replication n
re-pass / ~ed v re-pents1 / repented4
ˈri:-ˌpast ˌreplɪˈkɛ:sɪən
rh bent PP 18.27; content, spent
sp replication2, re-plication1
sp re-pass’d1 MND 2.2.117; repent you content
> pass you MND 5.1.115
repl·y / ~ies n
> high-repented
repast n/v rɪˈpləɪz
rɪˈpast repentance n sp replies1, replyes1
sp repast / repast 1 =
rh hast R3 4.4.396 [F] sp repentance8


repl·y / ~iest / ~ies / ~ying / reprehend / ~ing / ~ed v reprovable adj

~ied v ˌreprɪˈend, -ˈhe- / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd rɪˈprɤvəbəl, -ru:v-
rɪˈpləɪ / -st / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d sp reprehend3 / reprehending1 / sp reprouable1
sp replie2, reply22 / repli’st1 / reprehended3
replies2, replyes1 / replying2 / rh mend MND 5.1.419; reprehend reprove / ~s / S ~ing / ~d v
replide2, replied2, reply’d1, replyed3 her defend her VA 470 rɪˈprɤv, -ru:v / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d
rh advisedly 1H4 5.1.113; modesty sp re-prooue1, reproue5 / reproues1
TG 2.1.157 / eyes AW 2.3.80; skies
represent v / reproouing1 / reprou’d1
VA 695 = rh love LLL 4.3.151, VA 787 / loving
sp represent3 S 142.4
report / ~s n
rɪˈpɔ:ɹt / -s reprieve / ~s n reproving Luc n
sp report87, re-port4 / reports11, = rɪˈprɤvɪn, -ɪŋ, -ru:v-
re-ports1 sp repreeue3, reprieue1 / sp reproouing1
rh court Cym 4.2.34; short S 83.5; repreeues2 rh 1 loving Luc 242; rh 2 removing
sort MND 3.2.22, S 36.14, 96.14, 95.8 Luc 242
reprieve v > self-reproving
report ~est / ~s / ~ed v =
rɪˈpɔ:ɹt / -st / -s / -ɪd sp repreeue2
repugn v
sp report50 / reportest1, reportst1, > unreprievable rɪˈpju:n
report’st1 / reports6 / reported15 sp repugne1
> misreport reprisal n
rɪˈprəɪzɑl repugnancy n
reporter n sp reprizall 1 m rɪˈpɤɡnənˌsəɪ
rɪˈpɔ:ɹtəɹ sp repugnancy1
sp reporter 1 reproach / ~es n
rɪˈpro:tʃ / -ɪz repugnant adj
reporting n sp reproach1 / reproaches1, rɪˈpɤɡnənt
rɪˈpɔ:ɹtɪn, -ɪŋ reproches1 sp repugnant1
sp reporting1
reproach v repulse n
reportingly adv rɪˈpro:tʃ rɪˈpɤls
m rɪˈpɔ:ɹtɪnˌləɪ, -ɪŋ- sp reproach17 sp repulse5
sp reportingly
rh I MA 3.1.116 reproachful adj repulse v
rɪˈpro:tʃfʊl rɪˈpɤlst
reposal n sp reproachfull1, reprochfull1 sp repulsed1
sp reposall1 reproachfully adv repurchase / ~d v
m rɪˈpro:tʃfʊˌləɪ rɪˈpɐ:ɹtʃɪst
repose n sp reproachfully1 sp re-purchac’d1
sp repose12 reprobance n repure
m ˈreprəˌbans > thrice-repured
repos·e / ~eth / ~ing v sp reprobance1
rɪˈpo:z / -əθ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ reputation n
sp repose12 / reposeth1 / reposing3 reprobate adj / n m ˌrepjəˈtɛ:sɪən, -sɪˌɒn
rh foes, woes Luc 933 m ˈreprəbət / ˈreprəˌbɛ:t sp reputation44, repu-tation1,
sp reprobate / reprobate 1 reputati-on1
repossess v rh disputation Luc 820
= reproof n
sp repossesse2, re-possesse2 rɪˈprɤf, -ru:f repute n
> possess sp reproofe16
sp repute3


repute / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v requit / ~s / ~ted v sp reserue7, re-serue1 / reserues1 /

= / = / rɪˈpju:tɪn, -ɪŋ / = rɪˈkwɪt / -s / -ɪd reseru’d12, reserued1

sp repute7 / reputes2 / reputing1 / sp requit5 / requits1 / requitted1 resid·e / ~s / ~ing v

requital n rɪˈsəɪd, -ˈz- / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ
reputed adj rɪˈkwɪtɑl sp recide3 / recides4, resides2 /
= reciding2, residing1
sp requital1, requitall6
sp reputed2 residence n
> well-reputed requite / ~s / ~d v
m ˈresɪˌdens, -dəns, -ˈrez-
rɪˈkwəɪt / -s / -ɪd
reputeless adj sp residence8, resi-dence1
sp requite20 / requites1 / requited4
= rh requite thee incite thee MA resident adj
sp reputelesse1 3.1.111
m ˈresɪˌdent, -ˈrez-
request / ~’s / ~s n resalute v sp resident2
= ˌri:səˈlu:t residue n
sp request52, request’s [request is]1 sp resalute2
ˈresdju:, ˈrez-, -sɪd-, -zɪd-
/ requests1 / requests8 > salute
rh rest MM 2.4.186 sp residue1
rescue n
request / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v resign / ~ed v
= / = / rɪˈkwestɪn, -ɪŋ / = rɪˈsəɪn, -ˈz- / -d
sp rescu3, rescue16, res-cue1
sp request12 / requests6 / sp resigne21 / resign’d3
requesting1 / requested3 rescu·e / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v rh mine 2H6 2.3.33, R2 4.1.189
= / = / ˈreskju:ɪn, -ɪŋ / =
requicken / ~ed v resignation n
sp rescue8, reskew1, reskue1 /
= rescues2 / rescuing1 / rescu’d5,
ˌresɪɡˈnɛ:sɪən, ˌrez-
sp requickned1 rescued5 sp resignation1

requiem n resemblance n resist / ~s / VA ~eth / ~ing v

= rɪˈsemblɔ:ns, -ləns, -ˈz- rɪˈsɪst, -ˈz- / -s / -əθ / -ɪn,
sp requiem1 sp resemblance2, re-semblance1 -ɪŋ
sp resist8 / resists2 / resisteth1 /
require / ~s / ~th / ~d v resembl·e / ~es / ~eth / ~ing / resisted5
rɪˈkwəɪɹ / -z / -əθ / -d ~ed v rh consist Per 1.4.84; desist Per
sp require21 / requires14 / rɪˈsembl, -ˈz- / -z / -əθ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ 1.1.41 / listeth VA 563
requireth1 / requir’d7 / -d
resistance n
rh desire S 57.4 sp resemble7 / resembles4 /
resembleth1 / resembling2 /
rɪˈsɪstɔ:ns, -təns, -ˈz-
required adj resembled2, resem-bled1 sp resistance3
m rɪˈkwəɪɹd, -rɪd rh assemble S 114.6; tremble Luc
resisting adj
sp requir’d2, required2 1392
rɪˈsɪstɪn, -ɪŋ, -ˈz-
requiring n resend v sp resisting1
rɪˈkwəɪrɪn, -ɪŋ =
sp resend1 resolute adj
sp requiring2, requi-ring1
rh firing Tem 2.2.178 > send m ˈresəˌlju:t, -sl-, ˈrez-
sp resolute12
requisite / ~s n reservation n
= ˌresəɹˈvɛ:sɪən, ˌrez- resolute / ~s n
sp requisite / requisites 1 sp reseruation5 m ˈresəˌlju:ts, ˈrez-
sp resolutes1
reserve / ~s / ~ed v
rɪˈsɐ:ɹv, -ˈz- / -z / -d


resolutely adv respect / ~s n 784, 853, 1185; jest LLL 1.1.53;

m ˈresəˌlju:tləɪ, ˈrez- = / rɪˈspeks, -kts oppressed S 28.2; pressed MND
2.2.70; request MM 2.4.187;
sp resolutely2, reso-lutely1 sp respect78, re-spect3 / respects9,
suppressed 3H6 4.3.5; west S 73.8;
resolution n rh 2 beast CE 5.1.83; east PP 14.15;
rh aspect S 26.12; defect Luc 1347;
feast TS 5.1.128
m ˌresəˈlu:sɪən, -sɪˌɒn, ˌrez- deject TC 2.2.49; effect S 36.5; neg-
> night-, un-rest
sp resolution27, re-solution1, lect KL 1.1.255 / defects S 49.4
resolution’s [resolution is]1 rest / ~s / ~eth / ~ing / ~ed v
rh absolution, dissolution Luc 352
respect / ~est / ~s / ~ing /
= / = / = / ˈrestɪn, -ɪŋ / =
~ed v
resolve n sp rest89, rest-[them]1 / rests16,
= / rɪˈspek·st, -tst / -s, -ts / -tɪn, rest’s1 / resteth3 / resting2 / rested6
rɪˈsɒlv, -ˈz- -tɪŋ / = rh best Per 2.3.114; blest/blessed
sp resolue5 sp respect15 / respect’st1 / respects7 AW 2.1.207; MND 5.1.410; breast RJ
/ respecting4 / respected7 2.2.187; breast, nest, rest PT 58;
resolve / ~s / ~th / Luc ~ing / rh defect S 149.9; effect S 85.13; oppressed Cym 5.4.97; rest them
~d v respect her reject her LLL 5.2.437 / blessed them TG 3.1.144 / breasts,
rɪˈsɒlv, -ˈz- / -z / -əθ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d neglected Per 2.2.13 / effecting VA guests Luc 1124
sp resolue23, re-solue1 / resolues2 / 911 > over-rested
resolueth1 / resoluing1 / resolud1,
resolu’d35, resolued1
respected adj re-stem v
rh revolving Luc 129 = =
sp respected4 sp re-stem1
resolved adj > well-respected > stem
m rɪˈsɒlvd, -vɪd, -ˈz-
sp resolu’d2, resolued3, resolv’d1
respective adj restful adj
> high-, un-resolved = =
sp respectiue4 sp restfull1
resolvedly adv > unrespective
m rɪˈsɒlvɪdˌləɪ, -ˈz- resting adj / n
sp resoluedly 1 respectively adv ˈrestɪn, -ɪŋ
rɪˈspektɪvləɪ sp resting1 / resting1
resort n sp re-spectiuely 1

rɪˈsɔ:ɹt, -ˈz- restitution n

sp resort7
respic·io / ~e Lat v m ˌrestɪˈtu:sɪən, -sɪˌɒn
reˈspi:se sp restitution4
resort / ~ed v sp respice1
rɪˈsɔ:ɹt, -ˈz- / -ɪd restless adj
sp resort / resorted 1 respite / ~s n =
rh short, sport Luc 989; sport S 96.4 ˈrespɪt / -s sp restlesse4
3 2 1
sp respit , respite / respits
resound / ~s v restoration n
rɪˈsəʊndz, -ˈz- responsive adj ˌrestəˈrɛ:sɪən
sp resounds1 = sp restauratian1
sp responsiue1
resounding adj restorative / ~s Per n
rɪˈsəʊndɪn, -ɪŋ, -ˈz- rest n m rɪˈstɔ:rəˌtəɪvz
sp resounding1 = sp restoratiues1
sp rest243 rh lives [n] Per Prol.8
respeak / ~ing v rh 1 addressed LLL 5.2.91; best Per 2.
ri:ˈspi:kɪn, -ɪŋ, -ˈspɛ:k- Chorus.26, PP 1.8, S 91.6, 115.12, TG restore / ~s / ~d v
sp respeaking1 1.2.20; breast Ham 3.2.187, 3H6 rɪˈstɔ:ɹ / -z / -d
> speak 2.6.29, LLL 5.2.809, Luc 757, 1844, sp restore18 / restores1 / restor’d12
MND 5.1.148, RJ 2.2.123, VA 647, rh bore LC 301


restored adj retain / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v retold

rɪˈstɔ:rɪd rɪˈtɛ:n / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d > retell
sp restored4 sp retaine7 / retaines1 / retaining1 /
> unrestored retain’d1, retein’d1
retort n
rh pains TNK Prol.7 rɪˈtɔ:ɹt
restoring n sp retort2
rɪˈstɔ:rɪn, -ɪŋ retainer / ~s n
sp restoring1 rɪˈtɛ:nəɹz retort / ~s v
sp retainers 1 rɪˈtɔ:ɹt / -s
restrain / ~est / ~s / ~ing / sp retort3 / retorts1
~ed v retell / retold v
rɪˈstrɛ:n / -st / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d ri:ˈtel / ri:ˈto:ld retourn·er / é Fr v
sp restraine / restrain’st / 1 sp re-tell1 / retold1, re-told1 rətuɹˈne
restraines1 / restraining1, > tell sp retourne1
restrayning1 / restrain’d5, restrained3
rh restrain him detain him VA 579 /
retention n retract v
veins Luc 426 rɪˈtensɪən =
sp retention3 sp retract1
restrained adj
rɪˈstrɛ:nɪd retentive adj retreat n
sp restrained1 = rɪˈtrɛ:t, -et
> unrestrained sp retentiue2 sp retrait1, retreat24, retreate2,
restraint n retinue n
rɪˈstrɛ:nt = retrograde adj
sp restraint12, re-straint1 sp retinue2 m ˈretrəˌɡrɛ:d
sp retrograde2
resty adj retire / ~es n
ˈrestəɪ rɪˈtəɪɹ / -z return / ~s n
sp restie 1 6
sp retire , retyre / retires 5 1 rɪˈtɐ:ɹn / -z
rh desire LLL 2.1.220, Luc 573 sp returne44, re-turne1 / returnes1
result / ~ing v
rɪˈsɤltɪn, -ɪŋ, -z- retir·e / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v return / ~est / ~s / ~eth / ~ing
sp resulting1 rɪˈtəɪɹ / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d / ~ed v
sp retire12, retyre11 / retires2, rɪˈtɐ:ɹn / -st / -z / -əθ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ /
resume / ~d v retyres2 / retyring2 / retir’d1, retyr’d6, m -d, -ɪd
rɪˈsju:m, -ˈz- / -d retyred3
sp return2, returne139, re-turne3 /
sp resume4 / resum’d1 rh desire, relier Luc 641; desire
returnst1 / returnes16 / returneth1,
Luc 174
re-turneth1 / returning4 / returnd1,
resurrection / ~s n return’d47, re-turn’d2, returned4
Evans MW .. retired adj
rh sojourned MND 3.2.172
ˌresəˈreksɪəns m rɪˈtəɪɹd, -rɪd
sp retir’d1, retired1 returned adj
sp resurrections1
m rɪˈtɐ:ɹnɪd
re-survey v retirement n
sp returned1
ˈri:-səɹˈvɛ: rɪˈtəɪɹmənt
sp retirement1, retirment1, re-unite / ~d v
sp re-suruey1
retyrement3 ˌr:i-jəˈnəɪtɪd
rh day S 32.3
sp re-vnited1
retail / ~s / ~ed v retiring adj
rɪˈtɛ:l / -z / -d rɪˈtəɪrɪn, -ɪŋ revania nonsense word
sp retyring1 reˈvanɪə
sp retaile2 / retailes1 / retayl’d1
sp reuania1


reveal / ~s / ~ed v revengingly adv reverso Ital adj

= rɪˈvendʒɪnləɪ, -ɪŋ- reˈvɛ:ɹso:
sp reueale5 / reueales1 / reueal’d3 sp reuengingly1 sp reuerso1

revel / ~s n revenue / ~s n revert / ~ed v

= m rəˈvenju:, = / -z rɪˈvɐ:ɹtɪd
sp reuell4 / reuels12, re-uels1 sp reuenew4, reuennew12, sp reuerted2
reuennue1, reuenue2 / reuenewes1,
revel / ~s / ~ling / ~led v reuennewes1, reuenues3 re-view v
= / = / ˈrevəlɪn, -ɪŋ / = ˌr:i-ˈvju:
reverb v
sp reuell11 / reuels2 / reuelling1 / sp re-view1
reuel’d1, reuell’d2
rɪˈvɐ:ɹb rh due S 74.5
sp reuerbe1
reveller / ~s n revile / ~d v
ˈrevləɹ, -vəl- / -z
reverberate adj / v
rɪˈvəɪl / -d
sp reueller2 / reuellers2
rɪˈvɐ:ɹbrət, -bər-
sp reuile1 / reuil’d2
sp reuerberate1 / reuerberate1,
revelling n reuerb’rate1 revisit / ~s v
ˈrevlɪn, -ɪŋ, -vəl- reverence n ri:ˈvɪzɪts
sp reuelling2 sp reuisits1
m ˈrevrəns, -vər-, -əˌrens
revelry n sp reuerence41, reue-rence1 reviv·e / ~es / VA ~eth /
ˈrevəlrəɪ reverence / ~d v ~ing v
sp reuelrie1
ˈrevrəns, -vər- / -t rɪˈvəɪv / -z / -əθ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ
rh dignity AY 5.4.174 sp reuiue10 / reuiues3 / reuiueth1 /
sp reuerence1 / reuerenc’d1,
revenge / ~’s / ~s n reuerenc’t1
rh thriveth VA 464
= reverend / ~est adj
sp reuenge104, re-uenge4 / reviving adj
ˈrevrənd, -vər- / -z, -nz
reuenges1 / reuenges15 42 3
rɪˈvəɪvɪn, -ɪŋ
sp reuerend , reueren’d ,
sp reuiuing2
revenge / ~d v re-uerend1 / reuerends [throat]1
> unreverend, unreverent
= revoke / ~d v
sp reuenge44, re-uenge1, reueng’d37, reverent adj rɪˈvo:k / -t
reuenged5 sp reuoke / reuok’d1
m ˈrevrənt, -vər-, -əˌrent
> unrevenged
sp reuerent15
revokement n
revengeful adj rɪˈvo:kmənt
reverently adv
= sp reuokement1
m ˈrevrəntləɪ, -vər-, -ˌləɪ
sp reuengefull7, re-uengefull1 3
sp reuerently
revolt / ~s n
revengement n rɪˈvɒlt, -ˈvo:- / -s
reverse n
= sp reuolt22 / reuolts5
sp reuengement1
sp reuerse1
revolt / ~s / ~ed v
revenger / ~s n rɪˈvɒlt, -ˈvo:- / -s / -ɪd
reverse / ~d v
rɪˈvendʒəɹ / -z sp reuolt19 / reuolts1 / reuolted4
rɪˈvɐ:ɹs / -t
sp reuenger1 / reuengers1 2 1
sp reuerse / reuerst
revolted adj
revenging adj > unreversed
rɪˈvɒltɪd, -ˈvo:-
rɪˈvendʒɪn, -ɪŋ reversion n sp reuolted8
sp reuenging2
m rɪˈvɐ:ɹsɪən, -sɪˌɒn
sp reuersion4


revolting adj Rheims n rh time LLL 1.1.99, 4.3.179, MW

rɪˈvɒltɪn, -ɪŋ, -ˈvo:- ri:mz 5.5.91, Per 4.Chorus.48, S 16.4, 17.14,
32.7, 55.2, 106.3, 107.11 / times LLL
sp reuolting4 sp Rheimes2, Rhemes1
5.2.64, Luc 524, Per Prol.12
revolution / ~s n Rhenish n > love-rhyme

ˌrevəˈlu:sɪən / -z ˈrenɪʃ rhym·e / ~ing ~ed v

sp reuolution3 / reuolutions1 sp Reinish-[wine]1, Renish2, rəɪm / ˈrəɪmɪn, -ɪŋ / rəɪmd
revolv·e / ~ing v sp rime4, ryme1 / riming1 / rim’d1

rɪˈvɒlv / -ɪn, -ɪŋ Rhesus / ~’ n rhymer / ~s n

sp reuolue4, reuoluing2 ˈri:səs ˈrəɪməɹz
rh resolving Luc 127 sp Rhesus1
sp rimers1
> deep-revolving
rhetoric n rhyming adj
reward / ~s n ˈretrɪk, -tər- ˈrəɪmɪn, -ɪŋ
rɪˈwɑ:ɹd / -z sp rethoricke1, rhetoricke4,
24 6 sp ri-ming1
sp reward / rewards rhetorike1
rh 1 barred AW 2.1.147; guard Per Rhys ap Thomas n
2.4.15; rh 2 heard Per Epil.2 rheum / ~s n
ˈri:s ap ˈtɒməs
ru:m / -z
reward, abbr ward / ~s / ~ing sp Rice ap Thomas1
sp rheume7, rhewme6, rume1 /
/ ~ed v rheumes1 Rialto n
rɪˈwɑ:ɹd, abbr wɑ:ɹd / -z / -ɪn, rɪˈalto:
-ɪŋ / -ɪd rheumatic adj
ˈru:mətɪk sp Ryalta2, Ryalto3
12 1 3
sp reward , abbr ward / rewards ,
re-wards1 / rewarding1 / rewarded2 sp rheumaticke1, rheumatike1, rib / ~s n
> unrewarded [raw]-rumaticke1, rumatique1
rewarder n rheumy adj sp ribbe1 / ribbes8, ribs9

rɪˈwɑ:ɹdəɹ ˈru:məɪ rib / ~bed v

sp rewarder1 sp rhewmy1
re-word / LC ~ed v rhinoceros n sp rib1 / ribb’d1
m rɪˈnɒsəˌrɒs, rəɪ- > bare-, strong-, thick-ribbed
ˌri:-ˈwɔ:ɹd / ˌri:-ˈwɔ:ɹdɪd
sp re-word1 / reworded1 sp rhinoceros1 ribald adj
rh accorded LC 1 ˈrɪbɔ:ld
Rhodes n
rex Lat n ro:dz sp ribauld1

reks sp Rhodes6 riband / ~s n

sp rex =
Rhodope / ~’s n
Reynard n m ˈrɒdəˌpi:z sp riband1 / ribbands1,
reˈnɑ:ɹd sp Rhodophe’s1
sp Reynard ribaudred adj
rhubarb n
Reynoldo n ˈru:bɑ:ɹb
sp ribaudred1
rɪˈnɒldo: sp rubarb1
sp Reynoldo4 ribbon / ~s n
rhyme / ~s n
rhapsody n rəɪm / -z
sp ribbon2 / ribbons2
m ˈrapsəˌdəɪ sp rime21, ryme1, rymme1 / rimes7
sp rapsidie1


rib-breaking adj riddle / ~s n rien Fr pro

ˈrɪb-ˌbrɛ:kɪn, -ɪŋ = rjɛ̃
sp rib-breaking1 sp riddle7 / riddles4 sp rien1
> break
riddle / ~s v rife adj
rice n = rəɪf
rəɪs sp riddles1 sp rife1
sp rice2
riddle-like adj rifle v
rich / ~er / ~est adj ˈrɪdl-ˈləɪk ˈrəɪfəl
= / ˈrɪtʃəɹ / = sp riddle like1 sp rifle1
sp rich139, rich[men]2, rich-[ones]1 / > like
richer17, ri-cher1 / richest6 rift n
riddling adj =
rich / ~es n ˈrɪdlɪn, -ɪŋ sp rift2
= sp riddling1, ridling2
sp rich6 / riches19 rift / ~ed v
ride n =
rich / ~ed v rəɪd sp rift1 / rifted1
= sp ride 1

sp rich’d1 rig / ~gest / ~ged v

> enrich rid·e / ~est / ~es / ~eth / ~ing / = / rɪɡst / =
rid / rode / ridden v sp rigge1 / rigg’st1 / rig’d2, rigg’d1
Richard / ~’s n rəɪd / -st / -z / ˈrəɪd·əθ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ
ˈrɪtʃəɹd / -z / = / ro:d / = riggish adj
sp Richard209, Ri-chard1, abbr in line 51 1 1 =
sp ride , ride’s [ride us] / ridest /
and in s.d. Rich3 / Richards18 sp riggish1
rides8 / rideth1 / riding4, ri-ding1 /
rid1 / rod1, rode12, rode-[on]1 /
rich-jewelled adj right adj / adv / v
= rh hide S 33.5; pride S 80.10; side R2 rəɪt
sp rich-iewel’d1 1.3.251; tied LC 22, S 137.6; wide TNK sp right93 / right78 / right10, rite1
> jewel 3.4.22 rh adj fight R2 1.3.55, TC 3.2.170;
> out-, over-rod knight KL 3.2.87; adv knight, might
rich-left adj LLL 5.2.562; night WT 4.3.18; spite
= rider / ~s n Ham 1.5.189; tonight RJ 2.3.37
sp rich-left-[heyres]1 ˈrəɪdəɹ / -z > down-, forth-, out-right
sp rider6 / riders1
richly adv right / ~s n
ˈrɪtʃləɪ ridge / ~s n rəɪt / -s
sp richly14 = sp right156 / rights17, rites1
sp ridge / ridges 2 rh appetite Luc 545; despite, night
Richmond / ~’s / ~s n Luc 1027; fight 1H6 4.2.55, 3H6
= ridiculous adj 4.7.73, Luc 67, R2 3.2.62; flight KJ
sp Richmond40, Rich-mond1 / = 5.4.61; incite KL 4.4.28; knight 2H4
Richmonds2 / Richmonds1 5.3.73, 3H6 2.2.62; light, night Luc
sp rediculous2, ridiculous13
943; night KJ 1.1.170, R3 4.4.15, VA
rh 1 credulous VA 988; rh 2 to us
rid / ~s v 1184; sight PT 34, S 46.4, 117.6; spite
LLL 5.2.306
= CE 4.2.7; white Luc 67, PT 16
riding adj > bed-, birth-right
sp rid25, ridde4 / rids2
ˈrəɪdɪn, -ɪŋ right-drawn adj
riddance n sp riding4
= ˈrəɪt-ˌdrɔ:n
> ride
sp right drawn1
sp riddance2


righteous adj ring / ~s n ripe / ~er / ~st adj

ˈrəɪtɪəs = rəɪp / ˈrəɪp·əɹ / -əst
sp righteous6 sp ring137, ring’s [ring is]1 / rings11 sp ripe29 / riper1 / ripest2
> unrighteous rh bring AW 2.1.162; sing Mac > unripe
4.1.42, MW 5.5.66; thing MV
righteously adv 5.1.3075; ring time spring-time AY ripe adv / v
ˈrəɪtɪəsləɪ 5.3.18, 24, 30, 36 / things TS 4.3.55 rəɪp
sp righteously1 > horn-, seal-, thumb-ring sp ripe5 / ripe6
> uprighteously
ring / ~s / ~ing / ~ed / ripely adv
rightful adj rung v ˈrəɪpləɪ
ˈrəɪtfʊl = / = / ˈrɪŋɪn, -ɪŋ / = / rɤŋ sp ripely1
sp rightful1, rightfull12 sp ring18 / rings3 / ringing2 / ring’d1
> unrightful / rung6 ripen / ~s / ~ed v
rh thing CE 4.2.51; ring it sing it ˈrəɪpən / -z / -d
rightfully adv TS 1.2.16 sp ripen3 / ripens2, ripen’s1 /
m ˈrəɪtfʊˌləɪ ripened2
ring-carrier n
sp rightfully1 > a-ripening
right-hand adj sp ring-carrier1 ripened adj
ˈrəɪt-ˌand, -ˌha- ˈrəɪpənd
ring-leader n
sp right hand1 sp ripened2
ˈrɪŋ-ˌli:dəɹ, -ˌlɛ:-
> over-ripened
rightly adv sp ring-leader1
ˈrəɪtləɪ > lead ripeness n
sp rightlie2, rightly20, right-ly1 ringlet / ~s n ˈrəɪpnəs
sp ripenesse2
rigol n =
sp ringlets2 ripening adj / n
sp rigoll 1
Ringwood n ˈrəɪpnɪn, -ɪŋ, -pən-
sp ripening1 / ripening1
rigorous adj =
sp Ring-wood1 riping n
ˈrɪɡrəs, -ɡər-
sp rigorous3 riot / ~s n ˈrəɪpɪn, -ɪŋ
sp riping1
rigorously adv ˈrəɪət / -s
sp riot9, riots4, ryot4 / ryots2
m ˈrɪɡrəsˌləɪ, -ɡər- rise n
rh quiet VA 1147
sp rigorously 1 rəɪz
riot / ~ing v sp rise1
rigour n > uprise
ˈrəɪətɪn, -ɪŋ
sp rioting1 ris·e / ~es / ~eth / ~ing / rose /
sp rigor4, rigour4
rh vigour VA 954 rioter n risen v
ˈrəɪətəɹ rəɪz / ˈrəɪz·ɪz / -əθ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ /
rind n ro:z / ˈrɪzən
sp riotor1
rəɪnd sp rise75 / rises9 / riseth5 / rising8 /
sp rind1, rinde1 riotous adj rose11 / risen4
rh Rosalind AY 3.2.105 rh eyes, lies Luc 257; eyes Ham
1.2.257, Per 1.4.9, PP 14.14, Tim
ring adj sp riotous10
1.2.124; moralise VA 710
= rip / ~ping / ~ped v > new-risen
sp AY 5.4.18 emend of rang1
= / ˈrɪpɪn, -ɪŋ / =
sp rip2 / ripping1 / ript3


rising adj / n riveted adj roast v

ˈrəɪzɪn, -ɪŋ = ro:st / ˈro:stɪd
sp rising3 / rising5 sp riueted1 sp roast1, rost2 / roasted1
> sun-, up-rising
rivo interj roasted adj
rite / ~s n ˈrəɪvo: ˈro:stɪd
rəɪt / -s sp riuo1 sp roasted2, rosted2
sp right2 / rightes1, rights6, rite5, > ill-, over-roasted
rites16 road / ~s n
rh might S 23.6; night MA 5.3.23; ˈro:d / -z rob / ~best / ~s / ~bing /
tonight RJ 5.3.20 / delights AY sp road2, roade3, rode8 / rodes2 ~bed v
5.4.194 = / rɒbst / = / ˈrɒbɪn, -ɪŋ / =
roadway n sp rob34, robbe1 / robst1 / robbes1,
rivage n ˈro:dwɛ: robs5 / robbing1 / robb’d10, robd1,
ˈrɪvɪdʒ sp rode-way1 rob’d10
sp riuage1 > way
robbed n
rival adj roam / ~ing v =
ˈrəɪvəl ro:m / ˈro:mɪn, -ɪŋ sp rob’d1
sp riuall2 1
sp roame , rome / roming 2 3

rh coming TN 2.3.37 robber / ~’s / ~s / ~s’ n

rival / ~s n ˈrɒbəɹ / -z
ˈrəɪvəl / -z roan adj / n sp robber1 / robbers1 / robbers6 /
sp riuall4 / riuals8 ro:n robbers1
sp roane2 / sp roane2
rival / ~led v robbery n
ˈrəɪvəld roar n ˈrɒbrəɪ, -bər-
sp riuald1 rɔ:ɹ sp robberie1, robbe-rie1, robbery5
> unrivalled sp roare1, rore2
> uproar robbing n
rivality n ˈrɒbɪn, -ɪŋ
rəɪˈvalɪtəɪ roar / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v sp robbing4
sp riuality1 rɔ:ɹ / -z / ˈrɔ:rɪn, -ɪŋ / rɔ:ɹd
sp roare17, rore7 / roares4, rores3 / robe / ~s n
rive / ~d v roaring4 / roard1, roar’d10, roared2, ro:b / -z
rəɪv / -d roa-red1 sp robe17 / roabes1, robes19
sp riue5, ryue1 / riu’d2 rh before LLL 4.1.89; floor MND > disrobe, fire-robed
5.1.218; more KJ 2.1.294; snores
river / ~s n MND 5.1.361 robe Fr n
ˈrɪvəɹ / -z > out-, up-roar rɔb
sp riuer21 / riuers11 sp H5 3.4.46 emend of roba1
roarer / ~z n
Rivers [name] n ˈrɔ:rəɹz Robert / ~’s n
ˈrɪvəɹz sp roa-rers1 ˈrɒbəɹt / -s
sp Rivers20 sp Robert26 / Roberts9
roaring adj / n
rivet / ~s n ˈrɔ:rɪn, -ɪŋ robin / Robin [name] n
= sp roaring14, roring2 / roaring5 =
sp riuet1 / riuets2 sp robin-[red-breast]1 / Robin24
roast n
rivet / ~ed v ro:st Robin Hood / ’s n
= sp rost1 ˈrɒbɪn ˈʊd, -ˈhʊd / -z
sp riuet1 / riueted2


sp Robin-hood1, Robin Hood1 / Rogero n Roman / ~’s / ~s n

Robin Hoods1 rəˈdʒɛ:ro: ˈro:mən / -z
> hood
sp Rogero1 sp Romaine2, Roman33, Romane7 /
robustious adj Romanes, Romans2 / Romaines12,
rogue / ~’s / ~s n Romanes15, Romans25
ro:ɡ / -z
sp robustious2 Romano [name] n
sp roague4, rogue73 / rogues1,
Rochester n [cuckoldly]-rogues1 / rogues22 rəˈmɑ:no:
sp Romano1
ˈrɒtʃɪstəɹ roguery n
sp Rochester2 ˈro:ɡrəɪ, -ɡər- Romanos Lat n
Rochford n sp roguery 2 ro:ˈmɑ:nɒs
sp Romanos1
ˈrɒtʃfəɹd roi Fr n
sp Rochford1 rwɛ Rome / ~’s n
rock / ~s n sp Roy5 ru:m, ro:m / -z
sp Rome279 / Romes23
= roisting adj rh 1 home JC 1.1.33; rh 2 doom Luc
sp rock7, rocke26 / rockes7, ˈrəɪstɪn, -ɪŋ 715, 1851; groom Luc 1644
[gutter’d]-rockes1, rocks9 pun JC 1.2.155 room
sp roisting1
rh flocks PP 19.5; locks, shocks
MND 1.2.27 Roland / ~’s / ~s n Romeo / ~’s n
rock / Luc ~ed v ˈro:lənd / -z m ˈro:mɪo:, -ˌo: / ˈro:mɪo:z
sp Roland1, Ro-land1, Rowland5 / sp Romeo133, Romeos [Romeo is]1 /
Rolands1, Roulands1, Rowlands2 / Romeo’s8, Romeos4
sp rock1, rocke4 / rockt1 rh Mercutio RJ 3.1.144; woe RJ
rh locked Luc 262 5.3.310
rocky adj roll / ~s n
ro:l / -z Romish adj
ˈrɒkəɪ 1 5 1 ˈru:mɪʃ, ˈro:-
sp role , roll / rolles
sp rockie1, rocky2 sp Romish1

rocky-hard adj roll / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v

ˈrɒkəɪ-ˈɑ:ɹd, -ˈhɑ:- ro:l / -z / ˈro:lɪn, -ɪŋ / ro:ld
1 1 3 1
> runnion
sp roule , rowle / rowles / rolling
sp rockey-hard1
/ roll’d1, rolled1 rood n
rh vineyard Tem 4.1.69
rh controlling S 20.5; behold, told
=, rʊd
rod / ~s n Luc 1398
sp rood4, roode1
> a-rolling, unrolled
sp rod14, rodde1 / rods4 rolling adj roof / ~s n
ˈro:lɪn, -ɪŋ =, rʊf / -s
Roderigo / ~’s n sp roofe14, rough1, roofe’s [roof is]1 /
sp rolling2
m ˌrɒdəˈri:ɡo:, rəˈdri:- / roofes4
ˌrɒdəˈri:ɡo:z romage n
sp Roderigo1, Rodorigo36,
roof / ~ed v
Rodo-rigo1 / Rodorigo’s1 1
=, rʊft
sp romage
sp roof ’d1
roe / ~s n Roman adj > unroofed
ro: / -z ˈro:mən
sp roe3 / roes1
rook / ~s n
sp Romaine13, Roman21, Romane16,
Roger n Ro-mane1
sp rooke1, [bully]-rooke3 / rookes2
sp Roger5


rook / ~ed v rope-trick / ~s n rose / ~d v

= ˈro:p-ˌtrɪks ro:zd
sp rook’d1 sp rope trickes1 sp ros’d1
> trick
rooky adj rose-cheeked adj
ˈrʊkəɪ roping adj ˈro:z-ˌtʃi:kt
sp rookie1 ˈro:pɪn, -ɪŋ sp rose-cheekt1
sp roping1
room n > down-roping rosed adj
=, rʊm / -z m ˈro:zɪd
sp room1, roome44 / roomes3
Rosalind n sp rosed1
rh doom 3H6 5.6.92, MW 5.5.57, ˈrɒzələɪnd
R2 5.6.25, S 55.10 sp Rosalind39, Ro-salind1, Rosa-lind2, rose-lipped adj
pun JC 1.2.155 Rome Rosalinde21, abbr in s.d Ros1 ˈro:z-ˌlɪpt
> bed-, by-room rh 1 bind AY 3.2.104; find AY sp rose-lip’d1
3.2.108; hind AY 3.2.98; Ind AY 3.2.85;
root / ~s n kind AY 3.2.100; lined AY 3.2.89, 102; rosemary n
=, rʊt / -s mind AY 3.2.91; rind AY 3.2.106; rh 2 m ˈro:zmərəɪ, -ˌrəɪ
sp root12, roote20 / rootes5, roots5 wind AY 3.2.87
sp rosemarie2, rosemary2
rh 1 to’t Tim 1.2.70; rh 2 foot Luc 665
Rosalinda n Rosemary [name] n
root / ~eth / ~ed v ˌrɒzəˈlɪndə ˈro:zmərəɪ
=, rʊt / =, ˈrʊtəθ / =, ˈrʊtɪd sp Rosalinda1
sp Rosemarie1, Rosemary1
6 3 1 5
sp root , roote / rooteth / rooted
> en-, un-root
Rosaline / ~’s n Rosencrantz n
ˈrɒzələɪn / -z ˈro:zənˌkrants
rooted adj sp Rosalin1, Rosaline23, Ro-saline1 /
sp Rosincran1, Rosincrance10,
=, ˈrʊtɪd Rosalines1
Ro-sincrance1, Rosincrane3, abbr in
sp rooted2 rh brine RJ 2.3.66; mine LLL 4.1.56,
s.d. Ros.2
> ill-, shallow-rooted 106, 5.2.442, RJ 2.3.40, 77; thine LLL
4.3.219, 5.2.133, RJ 2.3.74 rose-water n
rootedly adv ˈro:z-ˌwɑtəɹ
m ˈru:tɪdˌləɪ, ˈrʊt- Roscius n
sp rose-water1
sp rootedly 1 ˈrɒsɪəs
sp Rossius2 Ross, Rosse n
rooting adj =
ˈru:tɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈrʊt- rose / ~s n
sp Ross1, Rosse19
sp rooting 1 ro:z / ˈro:zɪz
sp rose40, [milke-white]-rose1, Rossillion n
rope / ~’s / ~s n [red]-rose1 / roses19
ro:p / -s rh clothes Ham 4.5.52; enclose S
sp Rosillion2, Rossillion15,
95.2; flows LLL 4.3.25, TNK 5.1.165;
sp rope10 / ropes5 / ropes1, rope’s1 Ros-sillion1, AW 1.2.18 emend
goes KJ 1.1.142; grows, shows LLL
rh pope 1H6 1.3.53 of Rosignoll1
1.1.105; those S 98.10; throws VA 590
> wainrope
/ rh 1 composes Per 5.Chorus.7;
rosy adj
rope-maker n discloses S 54.6; encloses LC 286,
Luc 71; noses WT 4.4.222; rh 2
ˈro:p-ˌmɛ:kəɹ sp rosie2
posies MW 3.1.18, PP 19.9
sp rope-maker1
> cheek-, musk-, prim-rose
> make rot n
Rose [name] n =
ropery n
ro:z sp rot1
ˈro:prəɪ, -pər-
sp Rose1
sp roperie1


rot / ~s / ~ting / ~ted v roughness n sp rouse3, rouze3, rowse11, rowze9 /

= / = / ˈrɒtɪn, -ɪŋ / = ˈrɤfnəs rouz’d4, rows’d2, rowsed1, rowz’d1
rh drowse Mac 3.2.53
sp rot18 / rots1 / rotting1 / rotted2 sp roughnes1
rh forgot CE 3.2.3 / allotted, roused adj
unspotted Luc 823 round / ~er / ~est adj
m ˈrəʊzɪd
rəʊnd / ˈrəʊnd·əɹ / -əst
rote n sp rowsed1
sp round25 / rounder1 / roundest1
ro:t > uproused

sp roate2, rote2 round adv / prep Roussi n

rh note MND 5.1.387 rəʊnd m ru:ˈsi:, ˈru:si:
sp round38 / round3
rote / ~d v sp Roussi1, Roussie1
rh adv bound Luc 1499; crowned,
ˈro:tɪd drowned AC 2.7.115; ground Ham rout / ~s n
sp roated1 3.2.164; sound Per 3.Chorus.35
rəʊt / -s
rotten adj round / ~s n sp rout7, rowt3 / routs1
= rəʊnd / -z rh out TNK 3.5.146

sp rotten35 sp round6 / rounds1 rout v

rh forgotten S 81.2 rh 1 hound MND 3.1.100; sound
Mac 4.1.129; rh 2 wound VA 368
rottenness n sp rowts1
m ˈrɒtəˌnes, -ənəs round / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
routed n
sp rottennesse2 rəʊnd / -z / ˈrəʊnd·ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd
sp round1 / rounds3 / rounding1 /
rotundity n rounded4 sp routed1
rəˈtɤndɪtəɪ rove v
sp rotundity1
roundel n
ˈrəʊndl ro:v
Rouen n sp roundell1 sp roue1
m ru:n, ˈru:ən rover n
sp Roan12
rounder n
ˈrəʊndəɹ ˈro:vəɹ
rough / ~er / ~est adj sp rounder1 sp rouer1
rɤf / ˈrɤf·əɹ / -əst row [line] n
sp rough64, ruffe2 / rougher2 /
roundly adv
ˈrəʊndləɪ ro:
rh buff CE 4.2.35; enough VA 237 sp roundlie1, roundly9 sp rowe2
> unrough > a-row
round-wombed adj
roughcast rowel n
n m ˌrəʊnd-ˈwu:md
ˈrɤfˌkast 1 ˈro:əl
sp round womb’d
sp rough-cast2, rough cast1 > womb sp rowell1
> cast
rouse n rowel-head n
rough-hew v rəʊs ˈro:əl-ˈed, -ˈhe-
m ˌrɤfˈju:, -ˈhju: sp rouce1, rouse2, rowse1 sp rowell head1
sp rough-hew1 rh house Per 3.Chorus.1 [emend of
royal adj
roughly adv ˈrəɪəɑl
ˈrɤfləɪ rouse / ~d v sp roiall1, royal4, royall203,
sp roughly 6 rəʊz / m -d, ˈrəʊzɪd [blood]-royall1
rh loyal R3 1.4.168
> face-, tent-royal


royalize n ruddiness n ruffian / ~s n

m ˈrəɪɑˌləɪz m ˈrɤdɪˌnes ˈrɤfɪən / -z
sp royalize1 sp ruddinesse1 sp ruffian11 / ruffians3

royally adv ruddock n ruffle v

m ˈrəɪɑˌləɪ, ˈrəɪləɪ ˈrɤdək ˈrɤfəl
sp royally9 sp raddocke1 sp ruffle4
rh victory 1H6 1.6.30
ruddy adj ruffling adj
royalt·y / ~y’s / ~ies n ˈrɤdəɪ ˈrɤflɪn, -ɪŋ
m ˈrəɪɑlˌtəɪ, ˈrəɪlt- / -z / -z, sp ruddy1 sp ruffling1
sp roialtie1, royaltie11, royalty11 /
rude / ~r / ~st adj Rugby n
royalties1 / roalties1, royalties6 = / ˈru:d·əɹ / m -əst, ru:dst ˈrɤɡbəɪ
sp rude68 / ruder2 / rudest1, rud’st1 sp Rugby18
roynish adj rh ingratitude AY 2.7.180
ˈrəɪnɪʃ rugged adj
sp roynish 1 rude-growing adj ˈrɤɡɪd
m ˌru:d-ˈɡro:ɪn, -ɪŋ sp rugged5
rub / ~s n sp rude growing 1

rɤb / -z rug-headed adj

sp rub5, rubbe1 / rubs2
rudely adv m ˌrɤɡ-ˈedɪd, -ˈhe-
ˈru:dləɪ sp rug-headed1
rub / ~s / ~bing / ~bed v sp rudely5 > head
rɤb / -z / ˈrɤbɪn, -ɪŋ / rɤbd
sp rub6 / rubbes1, rubs2 / rubbing1 /
rudeness n ruin / ~’s / ~s n
rub’d3 = =
sp rudenes1, rudenesse4 sp ruin1, ruine34 / ruines1 / ruines5
rubbing n
ˈrɤbɪn, -ɪŋ rudesby n ruin / ~ed v
sp rubbing 1 ˈru:dzbəɪ =
sp rudesbey1, rudesby1 sp ruine1 / ruin’d4
rubbish n
ˈrɤbɪʃ rudiments n ruinate adj / v
sp rubbish2 m ˈru:dɪˌments m ˈru:ɪˌnɛ:t
sp rudiments2 sp ruinate1 / sp ruinate2
rubious adj rh v hate S 10.7; state [F, at Tit
ˈru:bɪəs rue n 5.3.199]
sp rubious 1 =
sp rew3, rue2
ruined adj
ruby adj =
ˈru:bəɪ rue / ~d v sp ruin’d6
sp ruby 1 =
sp rue13 / rew’d1
ruining S n
rub·y / ~ies n rh adieu KJ 3.1.325; true KJ 5.7.117 ˈru:ɪnɪn, -ɪŋ
ˈru:bəɪ / -z sp ruining1
sp rubie1 / rubies4
ruff / ~s n rh honouring S 125.4
rɤf / -s
rudder n sp ruffe3 / ruffes1
ruinous adj
ˈrɤdəɹ m ˈru:ɪˌnɤs
sp rudder2
ruffian adj / v sp ruinous5
ˈrɤfɪən rh Antipholus CE 3.2.4
sp ruffian4 / ruffiand1


rule / ~s n sp rumpe-fed1 rural adj

= > feed ˈru:rɑl
sp rule19 / rules5 run n sp rurall3
> night-rule
rɤn rush adj
rul·e / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v sp run1 rɤʃ
= / = / ˈru:lɪn, -ɪŋ / = run / ~st / ~s / ~ning / ran / sp rush 1

sp rule29 / rules3 / ruling1 / rul’d29,

~st v rush / ~es n
> hard-ruled, over-rule rɤn / -st / -z / ˈrɤnɪn, -ɪŋ / = / rɤʃ / ˈrɤʃɪz
ranst sp rush5 / rushes9
ruler / ~s n sp run122, run-[by]1, runne64 /
ˈru:ləɹ / -z runst3, run’st1 / runnes18, runs22 / rush / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v
sp ruler6 / rulers1 running24, running Ham 1.3.109 rɤʃ / ˈrɤʃ·ɪz / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / rɤʃt
emend of roaming1 / ran22, ranne11 / sp rush15 / rushes1 / rushing5 /
rumble v ranst1, ran’st2 rush’d2, rusht3
ˈrɤmbəl rh 1 begun Ham 3.2.221; done LLL rh bushes VA 630
sp rumble1 5.2.482; sun MND 5.1.373; undone
VA 781; won TS 4.5.24; rh 2 dumb rushling adj
ruminate / ~s / ~d v Per 5.2.1 [Chorus] / began, than ˈrɤʃlɪn, -ɪŋ
m ˈru:mɪˌnɛ:t / -s / -ɪd [then] Luc 1437
sp rushling1
7 1 > fore-, out-, over-run; ever-running
sp ruminate / ruminates ,
rumi-nates1 / ruminated2 runagate / ~s n rushy adj
rh hate TG 1.2.49; state S 64.11
m ˈrɤnəˌɡɛ:t, -əɡ- / -əɡɛ:ts ˈrɤʃəɪ
sp rushie1
rumination n sp run-agate1, runnagate2 /
ˌru:mɪˈnɛ:sɪən runnagates2 russet adj
sp rumination1 runaway / ~s n ˈrɤsɪt
m ˈrɤnəˌwɛ: / -z sp russet2
rumin·o / ~at Lat v
ˈru:mɪnat sp runaway1, run-away1 / russet-pated adj
runawaies1, run-awayes3
sp ruminat1
> away
sp russed-pated1
rumour / ~’s / ~s n rung > pate
ˈru:məɹ / -z > ring
sp rumor8, rumour9 / rumors1, Russia n
rumours1 / rumors2, rumours1 runner ~s n ˈrɤsɪə, -ʃɪ-
ˈrɤnəɹ / -z sp Russia4
rumour / ~ed v 1 1
sp runner / runners
ˈru:məɹ / -d Russian adj
sp rumor / rumour’d 2
running adj / n ˈrɤsɪən, -ʃɪ-
ˈrɤnɪn, -ɪŋ sp Russian3
rumourer n 4 1 5
sp running / runing , running
ˈru:mərəɹ Russian / ~s n
sp rumorer1 runnion n ˈrɤsɪən, -ʃɪ- / -z
ˈrɤnɪən sp Russian1, LLL 6.2.368 emend of
rump n 1 1 Russia1 / Russians3
sp ronyon , runnion
sp rumpe 1
rupture / ~s n rust n
ˈrɤptəɹ / -z rɤst
rump-fed adj sp rust2
sp rupture1 / ruptures1


rust / ~s / ~ed v rusty adj sp rut-time1

rɤst / -s / ˈrɤstɪd ˈrɤstəɪ > time

sp rust7 / rusts1 / rusted1 sp rustie3, ru-stie1, rusty3 ruttish adj

rh dust Per 2.2.53 rh trusty PP 7.4
rustic adj ruth n sp ruttish1
ˈrɤstɪk = rye n
sp rusticke3 sp ruth3
rh youth PP 9.11
rustic / ~s n sp rie1, rye1
ˈrɤstɪks ruthful adj rh lie AY 5.3.21

sp rustiques1 = rye-straw n
sp ruthfull4
rustically adv ˈrəɪ-ˌstrɔ:
ˈrɤstɪkləɪ ruthless adj sp rye-straw1
1 = > straw
sp rustically
sp ruthlesse10 Rynaldo n
rustl·e / ~ing v
ˈrɤsəl / ˈrɤslɪn, -ɪŋ Rutland / ~’s n
1 2 ˈrɤtlənd / -z sp Rynaldo2
sp russle / rustling
sp Rutland15 / Rutlands3
rustling n
ˈrɤslɪn, -ɪŋ rut-time n
sp rustling1 ˈrɤt-ˌtəɪm


Saba n sacrament n rh 1 glad S 45.14; had 3H6 3.2.110,

Luc 1386; lad, mad MND 3.2.439;
ˈsɑ:bə m ˈsakrəˌment, -əmənt
rh 2 shade MND 4.1.94
sp Saba1 sp sacrament8
saddle / ~s n
Sabbath n sacred adj
ˈsabət, -əθ ˈsɛ:krɪd
sp saddle3, sad-dle1 / saddles1
sp Sabbath1, Sabboth1 sp sacred44
> pack-saddle
sable adj sacrifice / ~s n saddle v
ˈsɛ:bəl m ˈsakrɪˌfəɪs, -ɪf- / -ɪˌfəɪsɪz =
sp sable1 sp sacrifice15 / sacrifices6
sp saddle4, sadle1
rh enterprise TC 1.2.282; wise
sable / ~s n Per 5.2.12 [Chorus] saddle-bow VA n
ˈsɛ:bəl / -z > blood-sacrifice
sp sable1 / sables1
sacrifice / ~d v sp saddle bow1
rh know VA 14
sable-coloured adj m ˈsakrɪˌfəɪs / -t
ˈsɛ:bəl-ˌkɤləɹd sp sacrifice4 / sacrific’d2 saddler n
sp sable coloured ˈsadləɹ
> colour
sacrificer / ~s n
sp sadler2
m ˈsakrɪˌfəɪsəɹz
sack / ~s n sp sacrificers1 sad-eyed adj
= ˈsad-ˌəɪd
sp sack14, sacke36 / sacks3
sacrificial adj
sp sad-ey’d1
> sherris-sack ˌsakrɪˈfɪsɪɑl
> eye
sp sacrificiall1
sack / ~ed v sad-faced adj
= sacrificing adj
sp sack1, sacke5, sacked1 m ˈsakrɪˌfəɪsɪn, -ɪŋ
sp sad fac’d1
sp sacrificing1, sacrifising1
> face
sackbut / ~s n
= sacrilegious adj sad-hearted adj
sp sack-buts 1 ˈsakrɪˌledʒɪəs m ˌsad-ˈɑ:ɹtɪd, -ˈhɑ:-
sp sacrilegious2
sp sad-hearted-[men]1
sack-cloth n
> heart
= sacring adj
sp sacke-cloath 1 ˈsakrɪn, -ɪŋ sadly adv
> cloth sp sacring1 ˈsadləɪ
sp sadly16
Sackerson n sad / ~der / ~dest adj
rh gladly S 8.1
ˈsakəɹsən = / ˈsadəɹ / =
sp MW 1.1.275 emend of Saskerson1 sp sad150, sadde3 / sadder3 /


sadness n rh n age, stage Luc 277; marriage saint-like adj

= [3 sylls] Luc 222; rage Luc 222 ˈsɛ:nt-ləɪk
sp sadnes1, sadnesse22 sage Fr adj sp saint-like3
rh gladness TC 1.1.42
sa:ʒ saint-seducing adj
safe / ~r / ~st adj sp sage1 ˈsɛ:nt-səˌdju:sɪn, -ɪŋ
sɛ:f / ˈsɛ:f·əɹ / -əst Sagittary n sp sainct-seducing1
sp safe46 / safer16 / safest5
m ˈsadʒɪˌtarəɪ, -ɪtərəɪ, -ɪtrəɪ saist, saith
> unsafe
sp Sagitary2, Sagittary1 > say
safe / ~r / ~st adv
said, saidst sake / ~s
sɛ:f / ˈsɛ:f·əɹ / -əst n
35 1 1 > say sɛ:k / -s
sp safe / safer / safest
sail / ~s n sp sake159, [mercy]-sake1,
safe / ~d v [truths]-sake1, [wealths]-sake1 / sakes3
sɛ:l / -z
sɛ:f / -t rh ache CE 3.1.57; awake MND
sp saile27, [vnder]saile1, sayle10 /
sp safe1 / saf ’t1 2.2.109, 3.2.68, R3 5.3.151, S 61.12;
sailes13, sayles2 make LC 322, MV 1.1.185, S 145.3;
safe-conduct / ~ing v rh fails Tem Epil.11 partake S 149.4; take AW 2.3.89, H5
m ˌsɛ:f-ˈkɒndəktɪn, -ɪŋ sail / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v Epil.13, Luc 533, RJ 1.5.105, S 134.11;
take, wake MND 2.2.35
sp safe-conducting1 sɛ:l / -z / ˈsɛ:lɪn, -ɪŋ / sɛ:ld
> conduct
sp saile4, sayle2 / sailes2 / sayling1 / sal
safeguard n/v saild1, sayld1, sayl’d1 > shall
rh tail Mac 1.3.8
ˈsɛ:fɡɑ:ɹd Sala n
sp safegard4, safe-guard1 / safegard2 sailing adj / n ˈsɑ:lə
> guard ˈsɛ:lɪn, -ɪŋ sp Sala3
safely adv sp sayling1 / sayling1
salad n
ˈsɛ:fləɪ sail-maker n
2 24
sp safelie , safely ˈsɛ:l-ˌmɛ:kəɹ sp sallad1
safer n sp saile-maker1 pun 2H6 4.10.8 sallet
> make
ˈsɛ:fəɹ salamander n
sp safer1 sailor / ~’s / ~s n ˈsaləmandəɹ
ˈsɛ:ləɹ / -z sp salamander1
safet·y / ~ies n
sp sailor2, sayler1, saylor4 / saylors2 /
ˈsɛ:ftəɪ, -fət- / -z sailors1, saylers3, saylors8 Salanio
sp safetie24, safe-tie1, safety48 /
> Solanio
safeties1 sain
> say Salarino n
saffron adj / n
= saint / ~s n
sp Salarino5
sp saffron2 / saffron2 sɛ:nt / -s
sp saint115, abbr as S.50 / saints14 salary n
sag v rh attaint CE 3.2.14, PP 18.44 ˈsalrəɪ, -lər-
sp sallery1
sp sagge1 sainted adj
ˈsɛ:ntɪd sale n
sage adj / n sp sainted4, sainted-[king]1 sɛ:l
sɛ:dʒ, sɑ:dʒ > outward-sainted sp saile1, sale7
sp sage4 / sage2


Salerio n salt n samingo interj

səˈli:rɪo: = səˈmɪŋɡo:
sp Salerio6, MV 2.5.55 s.d. emend of sp salt16, sault1 sp samingo1
salt-butter adj sampire n
sale-work n ˈsɒlt-ˌbɤtəɹ ˈsampəɪɹ
ˈsɛ:l-ˌwɔ:ɹk sp [mechanicall]-salt-butter1 sp sampire1
sp sale-worke1
> work saltness n sample n
= =
Salic adj sp saltnesse1 sp sample1
sp Salike8, Salique1 saltpetre n sampler n
ˌsɒlt-ˈpi:təɹ ˈsampləɹ
Salic·a / ~m Lat n sp salt-peter1 sp sampler2
sp Salicam1 salt-water adj Sampson / ~’s / ~s n
ˈsɒlt-ˌwɑtəɹ ˈsamsən, -mps- / -z
Salisbury / ~’s n sp salt-water1, salt-water-[girdle]1 sp Sampson8 / Sampsons1 /
m ˈsɑ:lzbrəɪ, -bərəɪ, -bəˌrəɪ / Samsons1
-brəɪz salutation / ~s n
sp Salisburie4, Salisbury55, ˌsɑljəˈtɛ:sɪən / -z sanctified adj
Salis-bury1, Salsburie1, Salsbury10 / 6
sp salutation / salutations 3 m ˈsaŋtɪˌfəɪd, -ɪf-, -ŋkt-
Salisburies1 sp sanctified4
salute / ~s / ~th / ~d v
sall səˈlu:t / -s / -əθ / -ɪd sanctif·y / ~ies / ~ied v
> shall sp salute16, sa-lute1 / salutes4 / ˈsaŋtɪˌfəɪ, -ŋkt- / -ɪfəɪz /
saluteth2 / saluted1 -ɪˌfəɪd
sallet / ~s n > resalute, unsaluted sp sanctifie4 / sanctifies1 /
= sanctified1, sanctify’d1
sp sallet5 / sallets3 salvation n rh hie AW 3.4.11
pun 2H6 4.10.10 salad salˈvɛ:sɪən > unsanctified
sp saluation5
sallow adj sanctimonious adj
ˈsalə, -lo: salve n ˌsaŋtɪˈmo:nɪəs, -ŋkt-
sp sallow1 sɔ:v, sɑlv sp sanctimonious2
sp salue2
sally n sanctimony n
ˈsaləɪ salve / ~d v ˈsaŋtɪmənəɪ, -ŋkt-
sp sallie1 sɔ:v, sɑlv / -d sp sanctimonie4
7 1
sp salue / salu’d
sall·y / ~ies v sanctit·y / ~ies n
ˈsaləɪ / -z same adj / n m ˈsaŋtɪˌtəɪ, -ɪt-, -ŋkt- / -ɪˌtəɪz
sp sallie1, sally1 / sallies1 sɛ:m sp sanctitie2, sanctity4 / sanctities1
sp same144 / same68
salmon / ~’s / ~s n rh blame LLL 1.2.100; frame S 5.3, sanctuarize v
= 59.12; name Cym 4.2.380, LLL 2.1.180, m ˈsaŋtjəˌrəɪz, -ŋkt-
sp salmons1 / salmons1 PT 38, S 76.5, 108.6; name, shame sp sancturize1
LLL 1.1.116, Luc 600
salt / ~er adj > self-same sanctuary n
= / ˈsɒltəɹ m ˈsaŋtjəˌrəɪ, -tjʊˌarəɪ, -ŋkt-
sp salt26, salt-[fish]1, salt-[water]1, sp sanctuarie6, sanctuary7
salte1 / salter1


sanct·us / ~a Lat adj sanity n Sardis n

ˈsaŋkta ˈsanɪtəɪ ˈsɑ:ɹdɪs
sp sancta1 sp sanitie1 sp Sardis3

sand / ~s n sans prep Sarum n

= sanz, sɔ:nz ˈsɑ:ɹəm
sp sand7 / sands17 sp sans15 sp Sarum1
rh hands Tem 1.2.375; lands Luc 335
Santrailles n sat
sandal / Sandal [name] n sɒnˈtrel > sit
ˈsandɑl sp Santrayle1
sp sandal1 / Sandall1 Satan n
sap n ˈsatən
sandbag n = sp Sathan6, sathan2
= 7
sp sap , sappe 2

sp sand-bagge2 satchel n
> bag sap-consuming adj =
ˈsap-kənˌsju:mɪn, -ɪŋ sp satchell1
sand-blind adj sp sap-consuming 1

ˈsam-ˌbləɪnd, ˈsand- > consume

sate / ~d v
sp sand-blinde1, sand blinde1 sɛ:t / ˈsɛ:tɪd
> blind sap·io / ~it Lat v sp sate1 / sated1
sanded adj sp emend of LLL 4.2.79 sapis1
satiate v
= ˈsasɪət
sp sanded1 sapless adj sp satiate1
= > unsatiate
Sands [name], Sandys n sp saplesse1, sappe-lesse1
sandz satiety n
sp Sands6, Sandys1 sapling n səˈsəɪətəɪ
ˈsaplɪn, -ɪŋ sp sacietie1, saciety1, satiety1
sandy adj sp sapling 2 rh variety VA 19
sp sandie5, sandy1 sapphire / ~s n satin n
ˈsafəɪɹ / -z =
sandy-bottomed adj sp saphire-[pearle]1 / saphires1 sp satten3
sp sandy-bottom’d1 Saracen / ~s n satire n
> bottom m ˈsarəˌsenz ˈsatəɪɹ
sp Saracens1 sp satire1
> Sands sarcenet adj satirical adj
ˈsɑ:ɹsnət, -sən- səˈtɪrɪkɑl
sang sp satyricall1
sp sarcenet2
> sing
Sardian ~s n satis Lat adv
sanguine adj ˈsatɪs
m ˈsɑ:ɹdɪˌanz
= sp satis1
sp Sardians1
sp sanguine3, san-guine1
Sardinia n satisfaction n
sanguis Lat n m ˌsatɪsˈfaksɪən, -sɪˌɒn
ˈsanɡwɪs sp satisfaction31, satisfa-ction1
sp Sardinia1
sp sanguis1


satisfy / ~ies / ~ying / ~ied v sauf Fr prep savoir / savez Fr v

ˈsatɪsfəɪ / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d sof saˈvez
sp satisfie27 / satisfies1 / satisfying3 / sp sauf4, sans1 sp saaue1
satisfi’d6, satisfide3, satisfied36,
satisfy’d3 Saunder n savour / ~s n
rh 1 eye Luc 96; rh 2 majesty Luc 96 / ˈsɔ:ndəɹ ˈsɛ:vəɹ / -z
qualified, side Luc 422 sp Saunder2 sp sauour3 / sauors3, sauours3
> unsatisfied rh favour S 125.7 / favours
savage adj MND 2.1.13
Saturday / ~s n =
ˈsatəɹˌdɛ: / -z sp sauage30
savour / ~s / ~ing v
sp Saterday1 / Saterdaies1 ˈsɛ:vəɹ / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈsɛ:vr-
savage / ~s n sp sauour3 / sauors1, sauours2 /
Saturn n = sauouring1
ˈsatəɹn sp sauage2 / saluages1, sauages3 > sweet-savoured
sp Saturne4
savagely adv savoury adj / n
Saturnin·e / ~us / ~us’ n ˈsavɪdʒləɪ ˈsɛ:vrəɪ, -vər-
m ˈsatəɹˌnəɪn / -əs sp sauagely1 sp sa-uory1, sauoury1 / sauory1
sp Saturnine18 / Saturninus6 / > unsavoury
Saturninus1 savageness n
= Savoy n
satyr / ~s n 1 2 səˈvəɪ
sp sauagenes , sauagenesse
ˈsatəɹ / -z sp Sauoy1
3 1
sp satyre / satyres , malap savagery n
WT 4.4.325 saltiers1 m ˈsavɪdʒˌrəɪ, -dʒr- saw / ~s n
sp sauagery 2 =
sauce n sp saw2 / sawes4
rh fumitory H5 5.2.47
= rh awe Luc 244; draw Luc 1672; raw
sp sauce1, sawce10 save prep LLL 5.2.911
> Jack-sauce str sɛ:v, unstr sev > handsaw
sp saue47
sauce / ~d v saw / ~ed v
= sav·e / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v =
sp sauce2, sawce3 / sauced1, sɛ:v / -z / ˈsɛ:vɪn, -ɪŋ / sɛ:vd sp saw1 / saw’de1
sawc’d1, sawc’st2
sp saue147, ’saue10, [God save],
saw v
Macmorris H5 3.2.107f sa’me [save
saucer / ~s n > see
me]2 / saues6 / sauing2 / sau’d19,
ˈsɔ:səɹz saued19, Caius MW 2.3.6 saue1
sp sawcers1
sawpit n
rh grave TN 2.4.62
saucily adv savez Fr sp saw-pit1
ˈsɔ:sɪləɪ > savoir > pit
sp sawcily2
rh audacity, leisurely Luc 1348 saving adj / prep sawyer n
ˈsɛ:vɪn, -ɪŋ ˈsɔ:jəɹ
sauciness n sp sawyer1
sp sauing1 / sauing12
m ˈsɔ:sɪnəs, -ˌnes > past-saving
sp saucinesse1, sawcines1, Saxon / ~s n
sawcinesse4 Saviour / ~’s n =
ˈsɛ:vɪəɹ sp Saxons2
saucy adj
sp Sauiours1
sp saucie2, saucy2, sawcie14, sawcy15


Saxony / ~’s n ’sblood scaling adj

ˈsaksənəɪz > blood ˈskɛ:lɪn, -ɪŋ
sp Saxonies1 sp scaling2
scab / ~s n
say / ~est / ~s / saith / saying / = scalp / ~s n
said / saidest / sain v sp scab3, scabbe1 / scabs1 =
sɛ: / -st / -z, sez / sɛ:θ, seθ / ˈsɛ: sp scalpe2 / scalps1
scabbard n
ɪn, -ɪŋ / sɛ:d, sed / -st / sɛ:n
3 1615 5 ˈskabəɹd scaly adj
sp saie , say , say’t [say it] /
saiest3, saist34, sai’st2, sayest8, sayst6, sp scabbard2, scabberd2 ˈskɛ:ləɪ
say’st29 / saies103, sayes131 / saith4, sp scalie1
scaffolage n
sayth2 / saying26 / said327, saide28,
sayd10, sayde3, sed2, [well]-sed1 / ˈskafəlɪdʒ scamble v
saidst1, said’st1, sayd’st1 / emend of sp scaffolage1 =
LLL 3.1.81 faine1 sp scamble1
rh 1 away AY 3.3.94, CE 4.2.25, Luc scaffold n
1709, R2 1.3.243, RJ 2.4.192, 5.3.66, ˈskafo:ld scambling adj / n
TG 3.1.100, VA 253, 805; away, fray sp scaffold2 ˈskamblɪn, -ɪŋ
MND 3.2.344; away, lay Luc 1797; sp scambling2 / skambling1
away, stay R2 5.5.97; day CE 4.2.58, scald adj
Ham 2.1.57, 2H4 5.2.144, 1H6 skɔ:ld scamels n
2.4.133, H8 Prol.31, LLL 1.1.113, sp scald2, scall1, scauld3 ˈskaməlz
4.3.87, 5.2.817, R2 3.2.197, TS 4.4.92;
sp scamels1
decay S 23.5; delay R2 5.1.102; denay scald / ~est / ~ed v
TN 2.4.122; fray TS 1.2.24; gay VA skɔ:ld / -st, skɔ:lst / ˈskɔ:ldɪd scan / ~ned v
284; lay Luc 1618; Mac 2.3.52, S 101.5;
sp scald1, scal’d2 / scald’st1 / =
may WT 4.1.31; nay PP 18.34; obey
scalded1 sp scan1 / scand1, scan’d1, scann’d1
KL 5.3.322, LC 132; pay Mac 1.4.21,
4.1.130, S 79.13; play AY 3.4.53, rh man Per 2.2.55 / hand Mac
scalding adj / n 3.4.139; understand CE 2.2.159
TNK Epil.2; stay RJ 1.2.36; sway
ˈskɔ:ldɪn, -ɪŋ > unscanned
LC 106; they LLL 5.2.88, S 59.9; today
1H6 4.7.27, TC 5.6.25; way Cym sp scalding1 / scalding1
scandal n
3.2.82, Luc 629, S 50.3; say ye stay ye
scale / ~s n ˈskandɑl
TNK Epil.10; rh 2 Syria Per Prol.20 /
assays, delays Luc 1717; days skɛ:l / -z sp scandall2
10 6
R2 4.1.219; lays Per 5.Chorus.2 / rh 1 sp scale / scales
afraid, maid LC 180; aid Luc 1785; aid, rh prevails 2H6 2.1.199; tales scandal / ~led v
appaid Luc 915; aid, bewrayed Luc MND 3.2.132 ˈskandɑl / -d
1699; allayed S 56.1; bewrayed sp scandall2 / scandal’d1
PP 18.53; maid AW 2.3.140, 1H6 scal·e / ~ing / ~ed v
4.7.37, KL 1.1.183, MND 2.2.64, 78, skɛ:l / ˈskɛ:lɪn, -ɪŋ / skɛ:ld scandalized adj
MW 5.5.50, Per 4.Chorus.18; stayed sp scale2, scale’t [scale it]1 / skaling1 ˈskandɑˌləɪzd
VA 333; rh 2 read [red] LLL 4.3.192 / / scaled1 sp scandaliz’d2
plain LLL 3.1.81 rh pale Luc 440; pale, tale Luc 481
> for-, sooth-, un-say > unscalable scandalled adj
Say [name] n scaled adj
sp scandald1
sɛ: m skɛ:ld, ˈskɛ:lɪd
sp Say7 sp scal’d1, scaled1 scandalous adj
ˈskandləs, -dɑl-
saying / ~s n Scales [name] n
sp scandalous2
ˈsɛ:ɪn, -ɪŋ / -z skɛ:lz
sp saying28, say-ing1 / sayings5 sp Scales4


scant / ~er adj sp scarse-cold1, scatheful adj

= / ˈskantəɹ scarse-cold-[battaile]1 ˈskaðfʊl
> cold
sp scant1 / scanter1 sp scathfull1
scarcely adv
scant adv scatter / ~s / ~ed v
= ˈskatəɹ / -z / -d
sp scarcely4, scarce-ly1, scarsely9
sp scant1 sp scatter4 / scatters3 / scattered4,
scarcity n scattred4
scant / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
m ˈskɑ:ɹsɪˌtəɪ scattered
= / = / ˈskantɪn, -ɪŋ / = adj
sp scarcity1, scarsitie2 ˈskatəɹd
sp scant7 / scants1 / scanting1 /
rh chastity VA 753
scanted3 sp scatter’d2, scattred3
rh want PP 20.35 / wanted scar·e / ~ing / ~ed v
KL 1.1.278 scattering adj
skɑ:ɹ / ˈskɑ:rɪn, -ɪŋ / skɑ:ɹd
ˈskatrɪn, -ɪŋ, -tər-
scanted adj sp scarre4 / skaring1 / scar’d4,
sp scattering1
= scarr’d2

sp scanted1 scarecrow / ~s n scel·us / ~era / ~erisque Lat

ˈskɑ:ɹkro: / -z n + conj
scantling n ˈskelə·ra / -ˈri:skwe, -ke
ˈskantlɪn, -ɪŋ sp scar-crow2 / skar-crowes1
> crow sp scelera1 / scelerisque1
sp scantling1
scarf / ~s n scene / ~s n
scantly adv =, sen / -z
skɑ:ɹf / -s
ˈskantləɪ sp sceane2, scene29, scoene2 /
sp scarfe6, scarph1, skarfe1 /
sp scantly1 scenes1, scoenes2
scarfes2, scarffes3
rh 1 Threne PT 52; unclean RJ Prol.2;
scape scarf / ~ed v rh 2 then H5 2.Chorus.42
> escape
skɑ:ɹf / -t scent n/v
scar / ~s n sp skarfe1 / scarft1 =
skɑ:ɹ / -z scarfed adj sp sent2 / sent1
sp scar2, scarre7, scarre’s [scar is]1,
ˈskɑ:ɹfɪd sceptre / ~’s / ~s n
skarre1 / scarres8, scars3, skarres3
rh 1 afar Luc 828; are MND 5.1.401; sp skarfed1 ˈseptəɹ / -z
rh 2 war Luc 828 / wars H5 5.1.84 sp scepter29 / scepters3 / scepters5
scarlet adj / n
scar / ~red v ˈskɑ:ɹlɪt sceptred adj
skɑ:ɹ / -d sp scarlet7 / scarlet3 ˈseptəɹd
sp scarre1 / scar’d1, scarr’d2 sp sceptred4
Scarlet [name] n
> unscarred
ˈskɑ:ɹlɪt schedule / ~s n
scarce adj / adv sp Scarlet2 ˈsedju:l / -z
skɑ:ɹs sp scedule4, schedule1 / scedules1
Scarus n
sp scarce3, scarse3 / scarce32, > enschedule
scarse33 ˈskarəs
sp Scarrus5, Scarus1 scholar / ~’s / ~s n
scarce-bearded adj ˈskɒləɹ / -z
m ˌskɑ:ɹs-ˈbɛ:ɹdɪd, -ˈbɐ:ɹ- scathe n/v
sp scholler17 / schollers1 /
sp scarse-bearded 1 skað
> bearded sp scath1, scathe3 / scath1 > fellow-scholar

scarce-cold adj


scholarly adv Scilla n Scone [name] n

ˈskɒləɹləɪ ˈsɪlə sko:n
sp schollerly1 sp Scilla1, Sylla1 sp Scone3
rh one Mac 5.6.114
school n scimitar / ~’s n
= ˈsɪmɪˌtɑ:ɹ / -z scope n
22 3
sp schoole / schooles , schools , 1 1 1
sp cemitar , symitare / semitars 1 sko:p
sculs1 sp scope23
rh fool LLL 4.2.31, 5.2.71, Luc 1820 / scion / ~s n rh hope Ham 3.2.229 [Q2], S 29.7,
fools Luc 1018 ˈsəɪən / -z 52.13
> dancing-, taming-school sp seyen1, sien1 / syens1
scorch / ~ed v
school v scissors n skɔ:ɹtʃ / m -t, ˈskɔ:ɹtʃɪd
= ˈsɪzəɹz sp scorch2 / scorch’d2, scorched1
sp schoole1, school’d3 sp cizers 1 rh torch Luc 314
> ill-, un-schooled > unscorch
scoff / ~s n
schoolboy / ~’s / ~s’ n = score / ~s n
ˈsku:lbəɪ / -z 1
sp scoffe / scoffes 3 skɔ:ɹ / -z
sp school-boy1, schoole-boy4 / rh off LLL 5.2.263 sp score22, [sixe]-score1,
school-boies1, school-boyes1 / [twelve]-score2 / scores1
school-boyes1 scoff / ~ing v rh before AW 4.3.219; door, more,
> boy = / ˈskɒfɪn, -ɪŋ whore KL 1.4.126; hoar RJ 2.4.135;
more Mac 5.6.91
sp scoffe1 / scoffing1
schooldays / ~s’ n > five-, four-score
ˈsku:ldɛ:z scoffer n
sp school-daies1, schoole dayes1 /
score / ~s / ~ed v
schooledaies1 skɔ:ɹ / -z / -d
sp scoffer1
> day sp score3 / scores1 / scoar’d1
rh offer AY 3.5.62
rh more S 122.10
schooling n Scoggin / ~’s n
ˈsku:lɪn, -ɪŋ scoring n
sp schooling 1 ˈskɔ:rɪn, -ɪŋ
sp Scoggan’s1
sp scoring1
schoolmaid / ~s n scold n
ˈsku:lˌmɛ:dz scorn / ~s n
sp schoole-maids1 2
skɔ:ɹn / -z
sp scold
> maid sp scorn3, scorne54 / scornes9,
scold / ~est / ~s v skornes1
schoolmaster / ~s n rh born AW 2.3.132, Cym 4.4.53,
sko:ld / -st, -əst / -z
ˈsku:lˌmastəɹ / -z 5.4.125, 1H6 4.7.39, Luc 1189, Mac
sp scold5, scoul’d1 / scold’st1 /
sp schoolemaster7, schoole-master3, 4.1.78, 5.6.22, MND 2.2.130, 3.2.122;
schoolmaster2 / schoolemasters2, borne Cym 5.2.7, 1H6 4.7.18; forlorn
> outscold
schoole-masters1 VA 252; forsworn S 88.2; horn
> fellow-schoolmaster, master AY 4.2.19; morn VA 4; sworn
scolding adj / n
LLL 1.1.296; thorn MND 5.1.136 /
sciatica n ˈsko:ldɪn, -ɪŋ horns TC 4.5.30
sp scolding5 / scolding1
scorn / ~est / ~s / ~ing / ~d /
sp ciatica1, sciatica1 sconce n ~dest v
science / ~s n = skɔ:ɹn / -st / -z / ˈskɔ:ɹnɪn, -ɪŋ /
sp sconce7
ˈsəɪəns / -ɪz skɔ:ɹn·d / -st, -dst
> ensconce
sp science2 / sciences2


sp scorne36 / scorn’st1 / scornes10, sp scoure3, scowre5 / scowring1, scratched adj

scorns1 / scorning4 / scornd1, scow-ring1 / scowr’d1, scowred1 =
scorn’d10, scorned2 / scornd’st1 rh flower MW 5.5.61
sp scratcht2
rh horn TC 1.1.113 > unscoured
> unscratched
scornful adj scourge n
scratching n
ˈskɔ:rnfʊl skɐ:ɹdʒ
ˈskratʃɪn, -ɪŋ
sp scornefull1, scornfull6 sp scourge12
sp scratching3
scornfully adv scourge / ~d v
scream / ~s n
m ˈskɔ:rnfʊˌləɪ skɐ:ɹdʒ / -d
sp scornefully2, scornfully1 sp scourge4 / scourg’d2
sp schreemes1
scorpion / ~’s / ~s n scouring n
scream v
ˈskɔ:rpɪən / -z ˈsko:ɹɪn, -ɪŋ
sp scorpion1 / scorpions1 / sp scouring1
sp schreame1
scout / ~s n
scot screech / ~ing v
n skəʊt / -s
= 3 5
ˈskri:tʃɪn, -ɪŋ
sp scout / scouts
sp scritching1
sp scot1
scout v
Scot / ~s screech-owl / ~s n
n skəʊt
= ˈskri:tʃ-ˌəʊl / -z
sp scout1, skowt1
sp schreechowle1, screechoule1,
sp Scot16 / Scots7, Scottes1 rh scout ’em flout ’em, emend of
scritch-owle1 / screech-owles2
cout ’em Tem 3.2.123
scotch / ~es n > owl
= scowl / VA ~ing v
screen / ~s n
sp scotches 1 skəʊl / ˈskəʊlɪn, -ɪŋ
3 1
sp scowle / skowling
scotch / ~ed v sp schreene1 / skreenes1
rh howling VA 917
= screen / ~ed v
sp scotcht1
scrap / ~s n
= =
Scotch adj sp screen’d1
sp scraps4
> bescreen
sp Scotch2
scrape / ~ed v
screw / ~s / ~ed v
skrɛ:p / -t
Scotland n =
sp scrape3 / scrap’d3
sp screw1 / screwes1 / screw’d1
sp Scotland28
scraping adj
scribble / ~d v
ˈskrɛ:pɪn, -ɪŋ
Scottish adj 1
sp scraping
sp scribeld1
sp Scottish2
scratch / ~es n
scribbled adj
scoundrel / ~s n =
sp scratch3 / scratches1
sp scribled1
sp scoundrels1
scratch / ~ed v
scribe / ~s n
scour / ~ing / ~ed v skrəɪb / -z
sp scratch13 / scratch’d3, scratcht2
sp scribe2 / scribes3
sko:ɹ / ˈsko:ɹ·ɪn, -ɪŋ / m -ɪd, rh wretch VA 705


scrip n scullion n se Lat pro

= ˈskɤlɪən se
sp scrip2 sp scullion2 sp se2

scrippage n scum n sea / ~’s / ~s n

= skɤm =
sp scrippage1 sp scum4 sp sea193, sea-[fight]2, sea-[wing]1,
[south]-sea1, seas [sea is]1 / seas1 /
scripture / ~s n scurril adj seas43
ˈskrɪptəɹ / -z ˈskɤrɪl rh 1 plea S 65.1; thee RJ 2.2.133;
sp scripture4 / scriptures1 sp scurrill1 rh 2 play H8 3.1.10 / ease Per 2.
Chorus.27, 2.4.43; Pericles Per 4.4.10;
scrivener n scurrility n these CE 2.1.21
ˈskrɪvnəɹ, -vən- skəˈrɪlɪtəɪ > overseas
sp scriuener2 sp scurilitie1, scur-rillity1
sea-bank / ~s n
rh facility LLL 4.2.54
scroll / ~s n =
skro:l / -z scurrilous adj sp sea-banke1 / sea bankes1
sp scrole , scroule , scrowle / 5 5 ˈskɤrɪləs > bank
scrowles1 sp scurrilous1
sea-boy n
Scroop n scurvy adj ˈsi:-ˈbəɪ
= ˈskɐ:ɹvəɪ sp 2H4 3.1.27 emend as sea-son
> boy
sp Scroop1, Scroope13 sp scuruie8, scuruy16,
scroyle / ~s n sea-cap n
scur-uy-[cogging-companion]1, skuruy1
skrəɪlz =
scuse sp sea-cap1
sp scroyles1
> excuse > cap
scrubbed adj
scut n sea-change n
m ˈskrɤbɪd
2 skɤt ˈsi:-ˈtʃɛ:ndʒ
sp scrubbed
sp scut1 sea-change1
scruple / ~s n rh strange Tem 1.2.401
scutcheon / ~s n > change
sp scruple , scru-ple / scruples 1 4 ˈskɤtʃɪən / -z
sea-coal adj
sp scutcheon2 / scutcheons1
scrupulous adj ˈsi:-ˌko:l
scythe / ~s n sp sea-cole1, sea-cole-[fire]1
m ˈskru:pləs, -pəl-
səɪð / -z > coal
sp scrupulous2
sp sythe2 / sythes1
Seacoal [name] n
scuffle / ~s n
Scythia n ˈsi:ko:l
ˈsɪðɪə sp Sea-coale3
sp scuffles1
sp Scythia2
seafaring adj
scuffling n
Scythian adj / n ˈsi:ˌfɛ:rɪn, -ɪŋ
ˈskɤflɪn, -ɪŋ
1 ˈsɪðɪən sp sea-faring1
sp scuffling
1 1 > fare
sp Scythian / Scythian
scull / ~s n sea-gown n
skɤl / -z ’sdeath
> death
sp scul1, scull10 / sculles2, sculls2
sp sea-gowne1
> gown


seal / ~s n sp sea-marke2 seaside n

= > mark ˈsi:səɪd
sp seale31 / seales6 sea-monster n sp sea-side6, sea side1
> side
seal / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v ˈsi:-ˌmɒnstəɹ
= / = / ˈsi:lɪn, -ɪŋ / = sp sea-monster2 season / ~’s / ~s n
1 32 6 2 > monster ˈsɛ:zən / -z
sp seal , seale / seales / sealing /
seal’d20, seald2, sealed1 seamy adj sp season32 / seasons2 / seasons5
rh dealing VA 512 rh reason CE 2.2.48, 4.2.57, MND
> counter-, un-seal 2.2.123; reason, treason Luc 879
sp seamy-[side]1
sealed adj season / ~s / ~ed v
sea-nymph / ~s n
= ˈsɛ:zən / -z / -d
sp seal’d2, sealed4 sp season8 / seasons4 / season’d4
sp sea-nimphs1 > unseason
sealed-up adj > nymph
ˈsi:ld-ɤp sea-son n
sear / ~ed v
sp seal’d-vp2 ˈsi:-ˈsɤn
si:ɹ / -d
sp emend of 2H4 3.1.27 sea-boy
sea-like adj sp seare4 / sear’d1 > son
ˈsi:-ˌləɪk > ensear

sp sea-like1
seasoned adj
search n
> like ˈsɛ:zənd
sp season’d2
sealing adj sp search15
ˈsi:lɪn, -ɪŋ rh perch Per 3.Chorus.16 sea-sorrow n
sp sealing 1
search / ~es / ~eth / ~ing / ˈsi:-ˈsɒrə, -ro:
sp sea-sorrow1
seal-ring n ~ed v
> sorrow
= sɐ:ɹtʃ / ˈsɐ:ɹtʃ·ɪz / -əθ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ /
sp seale-ring2 sɐ:ɹtʃt sea-storm n
> ring sp search25, serch3 / searches1 / ˈsi:-ˈstɔ:ɹm
searcheth1 / searching2 / search’d6, sp sea-storme1
seam n searcht1 > storm
= > unsearched
sp seame1
sea-swallowed adj
searcher / ~s n ˈsi:-ˌswɒləd, -lo:d
sea-maid / ~’s n ˈsɐ:ɹtʃəɹz sp sea-swallow’d1
ˈsi:-ˌmɛ:d / -z sp searchers1 > swallow
sp sea-maid1 / sea-maids1
searching adj seat / ~’s / ~s n
> maid
ˈsɐ:ɹtʃɪn, -ɪŋ =
sea·man / ~men n sp searching2, sear-ching1, serching1 sp seat24, seate28 / seates1 / seates2,
= seats3
seared adj rh great Luc 70, Per Prol.18
sp sea-men1
> man si:ɹd
sp seard1 seat / ~s / ~ed v
sea-marge n =
ˈsi:-ˌmɑ:ɹdʒ seasick n sp seat3 / seats1 / seated9, [darke]
sp sea-marge1 = seated1
sp sea-sick1, sea-sicke2 > dis-seat
sea-mark n > sick


seated adj secretar·y / ~ies n sedgy adj

= m ˈsekrəˌtrəɪ, -ət- -ˌtarəɪ / ˈsedʒəɪ
sp seated1 -ətrəɪz sp siedgie1
sp secretary7, abbr in s.d. secret1 /
sea-walled adj sedition n
ˈsi:-ˌwɑ:ld sɪˈdɪsɪən
sp sea-walled1 secret-false adj sp sedition3
> wall ˈsi:krət-ˈfɑls
sp secret false1
seditious adj
sea-water n sɪˈdɪsɪəs
ˈsi:-ˌwɑtəɹ secretly adv sp seditious2
sp sea-water1, sea water1 m ˈsi:krətləɪ, -ˌləɪ
> water seduc·e / ~ing / ~ed v
sp secretly12
rh Thisbe MND 5.1.158 sɪˈdju:s / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / m -ɪd, -t
Sebastian n
sp seduce3 / seducing1 / seduc’d5,
səˈbastɪən sect / ~s n seduced3
sp Sebastian27 = > unseduced
second adj sp sect5 / sects3
seducer n
= sectary n sɪˈdju:səɹ
sp second68, se-cond1
m ˈsektəˌrəɪ sp seducer1
second / ~s n sp sectary
see n
= secundo Ital n =
sp second15 / seconds4
seˈkʊndo: sp sea2
second / ~s / ~ed v sp secundo
see / ~st / ~s / ~ing / saw /
ˈsekənd / -z / -ɪd secure adj / adv ~est / LC sawn / seen v
sp second11, se-cond1 / seconds1 /
sɪˈkju:ɹ = / si:st / = / ˈsi:ɪn, -ɪŋ / = / sɔ:st
> unseconded
sp secure21 / secure5 / sɔ:n / =
sp see1398, see’s [see us]1, see’t [see
secondarily adv secur·e / ~ing v it]21 / seest48, see’st2 / sees40, see’s3
m ˈsekənˌdarɪləɪ sɪˈkju:ɹ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / seeing19 / saw243, sawe1, saw’t [saw
sp secure5 / securing1 it]6 / saw’st12 / sawne1 / seen13,
sp secondarily1
seene234, seene’t [seen it]1, seen’t
secondary adj securely adv [seen it]2
m ˈsekənˌdarəɪ, -dərəɪ, -drəɪ sɪˈkju:ɹləɪ rh agree H8 Prol.9; audaciously LLL
sp securely6 5.2.103; be AC 1.3.64, AY 2.4.83,
sp secondary2
Cor 5.3.130, H5 4.Chorus.52, Ham
secrec·y / Luc ~ies n security n 5.1.294, LC 183, LLL 2.1.224, Luc 750,

m ˈsi:krəsəɪ, -ˌsəɪ / ˈsi:krəˌsəɪz m sɪˈkju:ɹtəɪ , -ɹɪtəɪ, -ɹɪˌtəɪ 1084, Mac 1.4.54, MM 1.3.53, MND
5 11 2.1.11, 3.2.114, 4.1.71, 5.1.271, MV
sp securitie , security
sp secrecie10, secrecy2, secricie1 / 2.9.99, MW 5.5.68, RJ 1.2.30, S 56.11,
rh enemy Mac 3.5.32
secrecies 137.2, TC 1.2.284, TN 1.2.64, VA 939;
rh affectedly LC 49 / eyes Luc 101 be, free LC 102; be, three PP 15.3;
sedge / ~s n
chivalry R2 1.1.202; company Per
secret / ~est adj =
5.2.17 [Chorus]; constancy S 152.12;
= / ˈsi:krəts sp sedge1, sedges3
enemy AY 2.5.6, 40; free LLL 5.2.423;
44 1
sp secret / secret’st he AY 2.5.52, 3.5.78; mannerly MV
sedged adj
> unsecret 2.9.99; me AW 2.3.71, 2.5.52, Ham
= 3.1.162, 1H6 1.2.86, LLL 2.1.243,
secret / ~s n sp sedg’d1 4.3.147, Mac 3.5.34, MND 1.1.204,
= 3.2.427, 5.1.176, R2 1.2.67, 3.3.170,
sp secret17 / secrets23, se-crets1 TS 1.2.190; me, thee Luc 1306; misery


H8 Prol.29; she LLL 4.3.275; sobriety rh cheek LLL 4.3.235, S 67.7; Greek seemly adv
TS 1.1.70; solemnity AC 5.2.363; story TC 4.5.85, 5.8.10; week AY 2.3.73, LLL ˈsi:mləɪ
H8 Prol.25; thee KJ 3.1.144, Luc 1770, 5.2.62, Luc 211 / cheeks VA 52, 477 /
sp seemely1
Oth 1.3.289, S 3.11, 18.13, 27.8, 43.1, fought Luc 1438; thought S 30.3;
95.12, 99.14, TC 5.2.110, VA 437, 952; thought, wrought Luc 340 seer
three LLL 4.3.159, 5.2.418; we KL > unsought
> all-seer
1.1.263; see it be it, free it Luc 1206;
see’t feet KL 3.2.93 / agrees Luc 1093, seeking n
seethe v
VA 287; knees R2 5.3.93 / agreeing , ˈsi:kɪn, -ɪŋ
’greeing Ham 3.2.265, S 114.9; being
sp seeking2
S 121.4 / law Cym 5.4.36; maw VA sp seeth1 / seethes1
604; raw Luc 1590; straw LC 10 / seel v
drawn LC 91 / been R2 5.6.29, S 97.3;
seething adj
green S 33.1, 63.13, 68.9, 104.6, ˈsi:ðɪn, -ɪŋ
sp seele4
VA 148; keen AY 2.7.179, LC 160, sp seething1
LLL 5.2.258, Per Epil.3; queen Luc 64, seeling adj
MND 1.1.174, 2.2.10, PT 30, segregation n
ˈsi:lɪn, -ɪŋ
R2 2.2.25, 3.4.106, S 96.7, TN 5.1.384, ˌseɡrɪˈɡɛ:sɪən
sp seeling1
VA 504, 1194; teen LC 190, sp segregation1
LLL 4.3.161, R3 4.1.95; seen them
seely adj
between them VA 357 seigneur / ~s Fr n
> foresee, unseen
Fr seˈɲœ:ɹ, Eng senˈjɔ:ɹ / -z
sp seely
sp seigneur5, seignieur1, seignior2,
seed / ~s n
Seely [name] n signeur2, signieur5 / seigneurs1
= > signor
4 2 5
sp seed , seede / seedes , seeds 1 ˈsi:ləɪ
rh breeds AW 1.3.141 sp Seely1 seiz·e / ~s / ~eth / ~ing /
> fern-, hag-, honey-, Mustard-,
seem / ~est / ~s / ~eth / ~ing / ~ed v
~ed v = / = / = / ˈsi:zɪn, -ɪŋ / =
seeded sp ceaze2, seaze2, seise1, seize23 /
adj = / si:mst / = / = / ˈsi:mɪn, -ɪŋ /
ceizes1, seizes1 / ceazeth1 / seizing1
= = / ceazed1, ceiz’d1, seaz’d1, seiz’d13
sp seeded1 sp seem4, seeme158 / seem’st6 /
seemes108, seeme’s [seems]1, seizure n
seedness n seems4, / seemeth9 / seeming20 / ˈsi:zəɹ, -jəɹ
= seem’d31, seemed1 sp seizure2, seysure1
sp seednes1 rh deem S 54.1; esteem S 127.10 / rh pleasure PP 11.10
extremes VA 985
seedsman n seld adv
= seemer / ~s n
sp seedsman1 ˈsi:məɹz
sp seld1
sp seemers1
seeing adj / conj / n seldom adv
ˈsi:ɪn, -ɪŋ seeming adj / n
sp seeing2 / seeing15 / seeing6 ˈsi:mɪn, -ɪŋ
sp seldome18, sel-dome1, sildome8
> all-, un-seeing sp seeming14, see-ming1 /
seeming19 seld-shown adj
seek / ~est / ~s / ~ing / sought rh esteeming S 102.1 ˈseld-ˌʃo:n
/ ~est v > ill-, summer-, un-, well-seeming
sp seld-showne1
= / si:kst / = / ˈsi:kɪn, -ɪŋ / = / > show
seemingly adv
12 1 211 6
m ˈsi:mɪnˌləɪ, -ɪŋ- select adj / v
sp seek , seek’t , seeke / seek’st
sp seemingly1
/ seekes23, seeks1 / seeking21 / =
sought31 / sought’st1 sp select1 / select1


Seleucus n self-abuse n sp selfe-comparisons1

selˈju:kəs = > comparison

sp Seleucus4 sp self-abuse1 self-danger n

rh use Mac 3.4.141
self adj ˌself-ˈdɛ:ndʒəɹ
> abuse
= sp selfe-danger1
self-admission n > danger
sp selfe55, selfe-[hand]1,
selfe-[mettle]1, selfe-[place]1 ˈself-ədˈmɪsɪən self-drawing adj
sp selfe admission1
self / ~’s / selves n ˌself-ˈdrɔ:ɪn, -ɪŋ
> admit
= sp selfe-drawing1
self-affected adj > draw
sp self1 / selfes2 / selues12,
[grosse]-selues1 = self-endeared adj
sp selfe affected1
self pro ˈself-enˈdi:ɹd -ˈdɛ:-
> affect
sp selfe indeared1
herself self-affrighted adj > endear
m əɹˈself, hə-, ˈɐ:ɹself, ˈhɐ:- ˈself-əˈfrəɪtɪd
self-explication n
sp her self3, her selfe79, her sp selfe-affrighted1
selfe’s [herself is]1 ˈself-ˌeksplɪˈkɛ:sɪən
> affright, fright
sp selfe-explication1
himself self-appl·y / ~ied LC v > explication
m ɪmˈself, hɪ-, ˈɪmself, ˈhɪ- ˈself-əˈpləɪd self-figured adj
sp him selfe1, him-selfe7 sp selfe applyed1
rh beside LC 76
> apply sp selfe-figur’d1
m ɪtˈself, ˈɪtself > figure
sp it selfe234 self-assumption n
self-glorious adj
myself 1 =
sp selfe-assumption
m mɪˈself, ˈməɪself > assume sp selfe-glorious1
sp my self , my selfe 547 > glorious
rh itself R3 1.3.67; pelf PP 14.11, self-born / ~e adj
self-harming adj
Tim 1.2.62; thyself R3 1.2.85, ˈself-ˌbɔ:ɹn
Tim 4.3.220; yourself R3 4.4.420 1 1 ˌself-ˈɑ:ɹmɪn, -ɪŋ, -ˈhɑ:-
sp selfe-borne / selfe-borne
> bear, born sp selfe-harming2
our·self / ~selves > harm
m o:ɹˈself / o:ɹˈselvz self-bounty n
self-killed S adj
sp our selfe27 / our selues110 ˌself-ˈbəʊntəɪ
1 =
> bounty sp selfe kil’d1
m ðəmˈselvz, ˈðemselvz rh distilled S 6.4
sp themselues142, them-selues6 self-breath n > kill
= self-love n
thyself sp selfe-breath1
m ðɪˈself, ˈðəɪself ˈself-ˈlɤv
> breath
sp thy self2, thy selfe194 sp selfe-loue4
self-charity n > love
your·self / ~self ’s / -selves ˌself-ˈtʃɑ:ɹtəɪ, -ɹɪt- self-loving adj
m jəɹˈself, ˈju:ɹself / sp selfe-charitie1
ˈself-ˈlɤvɪn, -ɪŋ
jəɹˈselfs / jəɹˈselvz, ˈju:ɹselvz > charity
sp your self6, your selfe259 / your
selfes1 / your selues69
self-comparison / ~s n
m ˈself-kəmˈparɪˌsɒnz


self-mettle n sp selfe-trust1 semicircle n

= rh just, lust Luc 158 ˈsemɪ-ˌsɐ:ɹkəl
sp selfe-mettle1 self-unable adj sp cemicircle1
> mettle > circle
self-misused adj sp selfe vnable1 semi-circled adj
= > unable ˈsemɪ-ˌsɐ:ɹkəld
sp selfe-misvs’d1 self-willed adj sp semi-circled1
> misuse
m ˈselfˌwɪld, ˌselfˈwɪld Semiramis n
self-mould n sp selfe-wild1, selfe-will’d2 səˈmɪrəˌmɪs
ˌself-ˈmo:ld > will
sp Semeramis1, Semiramis1,
sp selfe-mould1 self-wrong n Semirimis1
> mould
= semper Lat adv
self-neglecting n sp selfe wrong1 ˈsempeɹ
ˈself-nɪˈɡlektɪn, -ɪŋ rh song CE 3.2.171
sp semper1
> wrong
sp selfe-neglecting1
> neglect sell / ~s / ~ing / sold / ~est v Sempronius n
self-offence / ~s n = / = / ˈselɪn, -ɪŋ / so:ld / so:lst, semˈpro:nɪəs 4
sp Sempronius
= -dst
3 35 1 2
sp selfe-offences1 sp sel , sell / sels / selling / senate adj
> offence sold32, solde2 / soldest1 =
rh well S 21.14, TC 4.1.79; emend of
sp senat1, senate2, senate-[house]4
self-reproving adj sale PP 18.12 / behold, bold, cold,
ˈself-rɪˈprɤvɪn, -ɪŋ, -ru:v- enfold, gold, inscrolled, old, told MV senate / ~’s n
2.7.67; bold R3 5.3.306; cold CE 3.1.72
sp selfereprouing1 =
> outsell
> reprove sp senat2, senate26 / senates2
seller / ~’s n
selfsame adj senator / ~s n
ˈselfsɛ:m 1 ˈsenətəɹ / -z
sp sellers
sp selfesame7, selfe-same13, selfe sp senator2, senatour1 / senators46,
same2 semblable adj / n senatours4
> same
m ˈsembləˌbɤl, -əbəl / -əˌbɤl
send / ~s / ~eth / ~ing / sent /
self-slaughter n sp semblable2 / semblable1
~est v
ˌself-ˈslɔ:təɹ semblable Fr adj = / = / = / ˈsendɪn, -ɪŋ / =
sp selfe-slaughter2
sɑ̃ˈblablə /senst, -tst
> slaughter
sp semblable1 sp send254, Caius MV 1.4.86 send-a1 /
sends39 / sendeth1 / sending7 /
self-sovereignty n
semblably adv sent265 / sentst1
m ˌself-ˈsɒvrənˌtəɪ rh end VA 274; mend Oth 4.3.103 /
m semˈblabləɪ
sp selfe-soueraigntie1 Kent R2 5.6.7; tent TC 5.9.7; sent her
rh be LLL 4.1.36 sp semblably1
contents her TG 3.1.92; sent me lent
> sovereign me LC 197
semblance / ~s n
self-subdued adj = sender n
ˈself-səbˈdju:d sp semblance18 / semblances2 ˈsendəɹ
sp selfe-subdued1 sp sender4
semblative adj
> subdue
m ˈsembləˌtɪv
self-trust Luc n sp semblatiue1


sending n sensible adj separation n

ˈsendɪn, -ɪŋ = m ˌsepəˈrɛ:sɪən, -sɪˌɒn
sp sending4 sp sencible2, sensible18, sen-sible2, sp separation3, seperati-on1
Seneca n rh invisible LLL 5.2.259, VA 436 Septentrion n
ˈsenəkə > insensible m sepˈtentrɪˌɒn
sp Seneca1 sp Septentrion1
sensibly adv
sen·ex / ~is Lat n m ˈsensɪˌbləɪ sepulchre / ~s n
ˈsenɪs sp sencibly1, sensibly2 m ˈsepəlˌkɐ:ɹ, -lkəɹ, seˈpɤl- / m
sp senis3 ˈsepəlˌkɐ:ɹz
sensual adj
sp sepulcher9, sepulchre2 /
Senior n ˈsensjʊɑl sepulchers1
ˈsi:nɪəɹ sp sensuall2
sp Senior , abbr in s.d. Sen 1 sepulchr·e / ~ing v
sensuality n seˈpɤlk·əɹ / -rɪn, -rɪŋ
seniory n m ˌsensjʊˈɑlɪˌtəɪ sp sepulcher1 / sepulchring1
m ˈsi:nɪəˌrəɪ sp sensualitie1, sensu-alitie1
sp signeurie1 sequel n
sent =
senis Lat > send
sp sequele2, sequell8
> senex
sentence / ~s n sequence n
sennet n = =
= sp sentence35 / sentences7
sp sequence4
7 1 9 1
sp senet , senit , sennet , sennit
sentence / ~d v sequent adj / n
sennight / ~’s / ~s n = =
ˈsenəɪt / -s sp sentence2 / sentenc’d6
sp sequent6, Ham 5.2.54 emend of
1 1
sp sennight , seue’ night , seuen sement1 / se-quent1
night1 / senights1 / seu’nights1
sententious adj
> night senˈtensɪəs sequester / ~ing / ~ed v
sp sententious3 sɪˈkwest·əɹ / -rɪn, -ɪŋ / -əɹd
Senoys n
sp sequester1 / sequestring1 /
ˈsenəɪz sentinel / ~s n
sp Senoys1 m ˈsentɪˌnel / m -z, -ɪnəlz
sp centinell2 / centinels5, sentinels1 sequestered adj
sense / ~s n rh 1 kill VA 650; rh 2 well sɪˈkwestəɹd
= MND 2.2.32
sp sequestred1
sp sence59, sense52 / sences23,
sentr·y / ~ies n sequestration n
rh commence S 35.9; defence m ˈsentrəɪ, -əˌrəɪ / -trəɪz ˌsɪkwesˈtrɛ:sɪən
PP 8.6; dispense S 112.10; hence sp centerie1, centery1 / centuries1
sp sequestration2, seque-stration1
TNK 1.1.15; recompense LLL 1.1.57,
MND 3.2.179 separate v sere n
> common sense m ˈsepəˌrɛ:t / -s / -ɪd si:ɹ, sɛ:ɹ
sp separate3 / seperates1 /
senseless adj sp seare1, sere2
rh everywhere CE 4.2.19
= > in-, un-separable
sp senceles1, sencelesse8, seren·us / ~issima Lat adj
sence-lesse2, senselesse13, senslesse3 separated adj
m ˈsepəˌrɛ:tɪd
sp serenissima1
sp seperated2


serge n sp seruant139, ser[u]ant1, ser-uant2, serviteur Fr n

sɐ:ɹdʒ abbr in s.d. Ser [servants]1 / seruants6 sɛɹviˈtœ:ɹ
/ seruants68
sp serge1 sp seruiteur1, seruiture1
> fellow-, joint-servant
sergeant n servant / ~ed v servitor / ~s n
ˈsɐ:ɹdʒɪənt, -dʒənt ˈsɐ:ɹvəntɪd m ˈsɐ:ɹvɪˌtɔ:ɹ, -ɪtəɹ / -z
sp sergeant4, serieant5 sp seruitor1, seruitour2, seruiture1 /
sp seruanted1
sergeant-at-arms n serv·e / ~est / ~s / ~eth / ~ing /
ˈsɐ:ɹdʒɪənt-ət-ˈɑ:ɹmz, -dʒənt- servitude n
~ed v
sp sergeant at armes2 m ˈsɐ:ɹvɪˌtju:d, -ɪt-
sɐ:ɹv / -st / -z / ˈsɐ:ɹv·əθ / -ɪn,
sp seruitude3
serious adj -ɪŋ / sɐ:ɹvd
=, ˈserɪəs sp serue180 / seru’st3 / serues37 / sese, sesey, sessa interj
sp serious22, serrious1 serueth1 / seruing2 / seru’d49, ˈsesə
serued4, serv’d1 sp sese1, sesey1, sessa1
seriously adv rh carve LLL 4.1.59 / observed
m ˈsi:rɪəsˌləɪ, ˈse- AW 2.1.202 session / ~s n
sp seriouslie1, seriously4 service / ~s n ˈsesɪən / -z
sp session6 / sessions3
sermon / ~s n ˈsɐ:ɹvɪs / -ɪz
ˈsɐ:ɹmən / -z sp seriuce1, seruice212, ser-uice3 / set adj / n
1 1 seruices34 =
sp sermon / sermons
> land-service
sp set3 / set8, sett1
sermon v serviceable adj > firm-, on-, sun-, un-set
ˈsɐ:ɹmən m ˈsɐ:ɹvɪsəbəl, -ˌabəl
sp sermon1
set / ~test / ~s / ~ting v
sp seruiceable5 = / -s, -st / -s / ˈsetɪn, -ɪŋ
serpent / ~’s / ~s n > super-, un-serviceable
set436, sette1 / setst1, set’st1, sett’st1
ˈsɐ:ɹpənt / -s servile adj / sets20, set’s1, setts1 / setting815,
sp serpent23 / serpents8 / set-ting1
serpents6 rh Capulet RJ 2.3.53; carcanet S
sp seruile7 52.6; counterfeit S 53.7; debt S 83.2;
serpentine adj forget MW 5.5.77; fret VA 619; get LC
servility n
m ˈsɐ:ɹpənˌtəɪn 136; jet, wet LC 39; Juliet RJ 5.3.301;
səɹˈvɪlɪtəɪ let Luc 8; violet VA 935; wet Luc 1226
sp serpentine1
sp seruility1 > overset
serpent-like adj Servilius n Setebos n
ˈsɐ:ɹpənt-ˌləɪk səɹˈvɪlɪəs
sp serpent-like
sp Seruilius9, Seruili-us1, abbr in sp Setebos2
serpigo n s.d. Seruil1
setter n
ˈsɤpɪɡo:, ˈsɐ:ɹ-, səˈpəɪɡo: serving adj / n ˈsetəɹ
sp sapego1, suppeago1 ˈsɐ:ɹvɪn, -ɪŋ sp setter1
servant adj sp seruing2 / seruing2
setter-up n
ˈsɐ:ɹvənt serving·man / ~men n ˈsetəɹ-ˈɤp
sp seruant4 ˈsɐ:ɹvɪnmən, -ɪŋ- sp setter vp2
servant / ~’s / ~s n sp seruingman14, seruing-man4,
seruing man1 / seruingmen8, setting adj / n
ˈsɐ:ɹvənt / -s seruing-men1, seruing men1 ˈsetɪn, -ɪŋ
sp setting3 / setting4


setting-down n sp seuer2 / seuers1 / seuer’d8, sex n

ˈsetɪn-ˈdəʊn, -ɪŋ- seuered1 =
> unsevered
sp setting downe1 sp sex10, sexe8
several adj > unsex
setting-on n
ˈsɛ:vrɑl, -vər-
ˈsetɪn-ˈɒn, -ɪŋ- sexton / ~’s n
1 sp seueral1, seuerall75, seu’rall1 =
sp setting on
several / ~s n sp sexton5, Ham 5.1.160 emend of
settle / ~st / ~d v sixeteene1 / sextons2
ˈsɛ:vrɑlz, -vər-
= / ˈsetlst / =
sp seueralls2, seuerals1 Sextus n
sp settle3 / setlest1 / setled3, settled2
> unsettle severally adv ˈsekstəs
sp Sextus3
settled adj m ˈsɛ:vrɑləɪ, -ˌləɪ
= sp seuerally9 Seymour n
sp setled 10
severe / ~st adj ˈsɛ:mu:ɹ, ˈsi:-
sp Seymor1
settling n sɪˈvi:ɹ, -vɛ:ɹ / -əst
ˈsetlɪn, -ɪŋ sp seueare1, seuere6 / seuerest1 Seyton n
1 rh 1 fear VA 1000, 1155; rh 2 bear ˈsɛ:tən, ˈsi:-
sp setling
MM 3.2.250
sp Seyton6
seven adj / n severed adj
m ˈsɛ:n, ˈsevn, -vən- Seyward / ~’s n
sp seauen7, seuen50, se-uen1 / 2
ˈsɛ:wəɹd, ˈsi:- / -z
sp seuer’d
seauen3, seuen11, abbr vii.1 sp Seyward10 / Seywards2
rh uneven R2 2.2.121 severely adv
> twenty-seven ’sfoot
sɪˈvi:ɹləɪ, -vɛ:-
> foot
sevenfold adj / adv sp seuerely2
ˈsɛ:nfo:ld, ˈsevn-, -vən shackle / ~s n
severing adj / n
sp seuen-fold1 / seuen-fold1 =
ˈsevərɪn, -ɪŋ
> fold sp shackles1
sp seuering1 / seuering1
seventeen adj shackle / ~s v
severity n
ˈsɛ:nti:n, ˈsevn-, -vən- =
m sɪˈverɪˌtəɪ
sp seauenteene1, seuenteene4 sp shackle1 / shackles1
sp seueritie2, seuerity2
seventh adj / n rh posterity RJ 1.1.219 shade / ~s n
sɛ:nθ, ˈsevnθ, -vən- Severn / ~’s n ʃɛ:d / -z
sp sea-uenth1, seuenth5 / sp shade21 / shades2
ˈsevəɹn / -z
seauenth2, seuenth1 rh 1 blade Luc 507, MND 5.1.147;
sp Seuern1, Seuerne3 / Seuernes2 fade S 18.11; made Luc 805, PP 6.2,
seventy adj / n 20.3, S 43.11, 53.3; rh 2 sad
sew / ~ing / ~ed v
ˈsɛ:ntəɪ, ˈsevn-, -vən- MND 4.1.95
so: / ˈso:ɪn, -ɪŋ / so:d
sp seauentie1, seuenty1 / seuentie1,
seuenty1 sp sow1, sowe3, / sowing2 / sow’d2, shade / PP ~d v
sowed2 ʃɛ:d / ˈʃɛ:dɪd
seventy-five adj pun TG 3.1.298 so sp shade3 / shaded1
ˈsɛ:ntəɪ-ˈfəɪv, ˈsevn-, -vən- sewer n rh vaded PP 10.3
sp seuenty fiue1 > overshade
ˈsju:əɹ, ˈʃu:-
sever / ~ed / ~ing v sp sewer1, sure1 shadow / ~’s / ~s n
ˈsɛ:vəɹ / -z / -d ˈʃadə, -do: / -z


sp shadow60 / shadowes2 / rh make Luc 227 / quakes VA 1047; shallow-rooted adj

shadowes23, shadows2 takes Per 3.Chorus.44 / taken S 116.6, ˈʃalə-ˈru:tɪd, -lo:-
shadow / ~ing / ~ed v sp shallow-rooted1
> unshake; a-shaking; love-, wind-
> root
ˈʃadə, -do: / -wɪn, -wɪŋ / -d shaked
sp shadow1 / shadowing1 / shallows n
shaking adj / n
ˈʃɛ:kɪn, -ɪŋ ˈʃaləz, -lo:z
Shadow [name] n sp shallowes1, shallows1
sp shaking1 / shaking6
ˈʃadə, -do: > all-shaking shambles n
sp shadow7 =
shale / ~s n
shadowed adj ʃɛ:lz sp shambles2
ˈʃadəd, -do:d sp shales1 shame / ~’s / ~s n
sp shadowed1 ʃɛ:m / -z
shall / shalt v
shadowing adj str ʃɒl, ʃɑl, unstr ʃəl, Jamy H sp shame251, shames [shame is]1 /
shames2 / shames14
ˈʃadəwɪn, -ɪŋ, -do:- ..ff, Fluellen H ..,
rh blame Ham 4.5.60, 1H6 4.5.46,
sp shadowing2 Katherine H .. sɑl / str Luc 223, 1260, 1344, R3 5.1.28,
ʃɒlt, ʃɑlt, unstr ʃəlt, ʃlt S 129.1; blame, defame Luc 765;
shadowy adj
sp shal227, shal[be]16, shall3397, shall blame, name Luc 618; came, dame
ˈʃadəwəɪ, -do:- [be]3, shall’s [shall us]4, shal’s [shall Luc 1629; dame, defame Luc 54,
sp shadowie1, shadowy1 us]1, shal’t [shall it]2, Jamy sal1, sall4, 1031; fame, inflame LC 271; defame,
Fluellen sall1, Katherine sall1, RJ 1.2.98 name Luc 816; fame 1H6 4.6.44, MA
shady adj emend of shell1 / shall’t2, shalt278 5.3.7; game LLL 5.2.156, 358; name
ˈʃɛ:dəɪ rh 1 fall Ham 4.5.217, Tit 5.3.134; gall AW 2.1.171, CE 2.1.113, 1H6 4.4.8,
sp shadie1, shady1 RJ 1.5.91; withal LLL 5.2.141; 2H6 2.1.193, LLL 1.1.118, 155, 2.1.186,
rh 2 funeral AC 5.2.361 4.3.47, 202, Luc 890, R2 1.1.166,
Shafalus n > should S 36.10, 95.1, 127.4, TC 5.3.123 [Q],
ˈʃafələs 5.10.33, TG 1.2.17; name, same Luc
sp Shafalus2
shallow / ~est adj 597; same LLL 1.1.118; tame R2
ˈʃalə, -lo: / -st 1.1.175
shaft / ~s n sp shal-low4, shallow39, shallowe1 /
ʃaft / -s shallowest1
sham·e / ~est / ~es / ~ing /
sp shaft / shafts 1 ~ed v
Shallow [name] n ʃɛ:m / -st / -z / ˈʃɛ:mɪn, -ɪŋ /
shag-eared adj ˈʃalə, -lo: ʃɛ:md
ˈʃaɡ-ˌi:ɹd sp Shallow58 sp shame33 / sham’st5 / shames1 /
sp shagge-ear’d 1
shaming1 / sham’d13
> ear
shallow-changing adj
ˈʃalə-ˈtʃɛ:ndʒɪn, -ɪŋ, -lo:- shamed adj
shag-haired adj sp shallow-changing1 m ʃɛ:md, ˈʃɛ:mɪd
ˈʃaɡ-ˌɛ:ɹd, -ˌhɛ:- > change sp sham’d1, shamed1
sp shag-hayr’d1
> hair
shallow-hearted adj shamefaced adj
ˈʃalə-ˈɑ:ɹtɪd, ˈhɑ:- , -lo:- ˈʃɛ:mˌfɛ:st
shak·e / ~est / ~es / ~ing / sp shallow harted1 sp shamefac’d2
~ed / ~en / shook v > heart > face
ʃɛ:k / -st / -s / ˈʃɛ:kɪn, -ɪŋ /
shallowly adv shameful adj
ʃɛ:kt / ˈʃɛ:kən / =
98 2 17
m ˈʃaləˌləɪ, -lo:- ˈʃɛ:mfʊl
sp shake / shak’st / shakes /
sp shallowly1 sp shamefull15
shaking3 / shak’d5 / shaken3 /
shook1, shooke26


shamefully adv shar·e / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v sharply adv

m ˈʃɛ:mfʊˌləɪ ʃɛ:ɹ / -z / ˈʃɛ:rɪn, -ɪŋ / ʃɛ:ɹd ˈʃɑ:ɹpləɪ
sp shamefully4 sp share21 / shares1 / sharing3 / sp sharpely4
shameless adj rh share it prepare it TN 2.4.57 sharpness n
ˈʃɛ:mləs ˈʃɑ:ɹpnəs
sp shamelesse7
shark n sp sharpenesse1, sharpnesse1
shame-proof adj sp sharke1 sharp-pointed adj
ˈʃɛ:m-ˌprɤf, -ˌpru:f rh dark Mac 4.1.24 m ˌʃɑ:ɹp-ˈpəɪntɪd
sp shame-proofe1 sp sharpe-pointed1
> proof
shark up / ~ed ~ v > point
ˈʃɑ:ɹkt ˈɤp
shank / ~s n sp shark’d vp1 sharp-provided adj
= ˈʃɑ:ɹp-prəˌvəɪdɪd
sp shanke1 / shankes1, shanks2
sharp / ~er / ~est adj sp sharp prouided1
ʃɑ:ɹp / ˈʃɑ:ɹp·əɹ / m -əst, > provide
shape / ~s n ʃɑ:ɹpst
ʃɛ:p / -s sp sharp4, sharpe59 / sharper5 /
sharp-quilled adj
sp shape / shapes 24
sharpest1, sharp’st1 ˈʃɑ:ɹp-ˌkwɪld
rh ape CE 2.2.206 rh warp AY 2.7.189 sp sharpe-quill’d1
> quill
shape / ~s / ~d v sharp adv
ʃɛ:p / -s / -t ʃɑ:ɹp sharp-toothed adj
11 5
sp shape / shapes / shap’d 6
sp sharp 1 m ˌʃɑ:ɹp-ˈtʊθt, -ˈtu:-
> ill-shaped, mis-, trans-, un-shape sp sharpe-tooth’d1
sharp / ~s n > tooth
shapeless adj ʃɑ:ɹps
ˈʃɛ:pləs sp sharpes1
shatter v
sp shapelesse 4 ˈʃatəɹ
sharpen / ~s v sp shatter1
shaping adj ˈʃɑ:ɹpən / -z
ˈʃɛ:pɪn, -ɪŋ sp sharpen1 / sharpens1
shave / ~d v
sp shaping1 ʃɛ:v / -d
sharper n sp shaue2, shaue’t [shave it]1 /
shard / ~s n ˈʃɑ:ɹpəɹ shau’d1
ʃɑ:ɹdz sp sharper1
sp shardes , shards 1 shaven adj
sharpest n ˈʃɛ:vən
shard-borne adj ˈʃɑ:ɹpəst sp shauen1
ˈʃɑ:ɹd-ˌbɔ:ɹn sp sharpest 1

sp shard-borne1
Shaw n
> bear sharp-ground adj =
ˈʃɑ:ɹp-ˌɡrəʊnd sp Shaw1
sharded adj sp sharpe ground 1

ˈʃɑ:ɹdɪd > ground

she / ~s n
sp sharded-[beetle] 1 =
sharp-looking adj sp shees1
share / ~s n ˈʃɑ:ɹp-ˌlʊkɪn, -ɪŋ
ʃɛ:ɹ / -z sp [hollow-ey’d]-sharpe-looking-
she pro
sp share7 / shares3 [wretch]1 str ʃi:, unstr ʃɪ, ʃ
rh care PP 14.1 > look sp sh’1, she1866, shee266,
shee-[knight-arrant]1, shees [she is]1,


shee’s [she is]63, shes [she is]1, she’s shears n sheep / ~’s / ~s n
[she is]89 ˈʃi:ɹz =
rh be LLL 4.3.93, MND 1.1.227, Per 4.
sp sheeres4 sp sheep1, sheepe39 / sheepes5 /
Chorus.19, PT 63, TG 4.2.40; extrem-
ity R3 1.1.64; free TS 1.2.231; he sheath n rh keep Tem 4.1.62, VA 685
AY 5.4.121, VA 717; me AW 2.3.142,
Ham 4.5.63, 1H6 5.5.78, Luc 1688,
sheep-biter n
1700, MND 2.1.53; see LLL 4.3.273; sp sheath4
tree AY 3.2.10; we LLL 5.2.469; what
is she wise is she TG 4.2.38
sheath / ~ing / ~ed v sp sheepe-biter1
> her = / ˈʃi:ðɪn, -ɪŋ / = > bite
sp sheath9 / sheathing1 / sheath’d2
she will
sheep-biting adj
abbr > unsheath; ill-, mis-, un-sheathed
str ʃi:l, unstr ʃɪl, ʃl ˈʃi:p-ˌbəɪtɪn, -ɪŋ
sheathing n sp sheepe-biting1
sp sheel1, shee’l13, sheele4,
shee’le6, shee’ll5, she’l5, she’le3, ˈʃi:ðɪn, -ɪŋ
sheepcote / ~s n
she’ll4 sp sheathing1
ˈʃi:pko:t / -s
she would abbr sheaves sp sheep-coat3 / sheeps-coates1
str ʃi:d, ʃi:ld, unstr ʃɪd, ʃɪld > sheaf
sheep-hook n
sp she’ld1, she’l’d1 ˈʃi:p-ˌʊk, -ˌhʊk
she-bear n
sheaf / S sheaves n m ˌʃi:-ˈbɛ:ɹ sp sheepe-hooke1
1 > hook
= sp she bear
sp sheafe1 > bear n sheep-shearing adj
rh leaves S 12.7 ˈʃi:p-ˈʃi:rɪn, -ɪŋ
she-beggar n
sheaf v m ˌʃi:-ˈbeɡər sp sheepe-shearing4,
1 sheepe-shearing-[feast]1
= sp shee-begger
> shear
sp sheafe1 > beg
sheepskin / ~s n
she-angel n shed / ~s / ~ding v
ˈʃi:-ˌɛ:ndʒəl = / = / ˈʃedɪn, -ɪŋ
sp sheep-skinnes1
sp shee-angell1 sp shead1, shed47, shedde2 / sheds2
> skin
> angel / shedding3
rh bed, head Luc 683; dead R2 sheep-whistling adj
shear / shore / shorn v 1.3.57; encountered [4 sylls] 1H6 ˈʃi:p-ˌʍɪslɪn, -ɪŋ
ˈʃi:ɹ / ʃɔ:ɹ / ʃɔ:ɹn 4.6.19; head VA 665
sp sheepe-whistling1
2 2 1 > blood-, new-shed; sheed, silver-
sp sheere / shore / shorne
shedding sheer adj
> sheep-shearing
sheed / Luc, S ~s v ʃi:ɹ
shearer / ~s n sp sheere2
ˈʃi:ɹəɹz =
sp sheeds2 sheet / ~s n
sp shea-rers1, sheerers1
rh bleeds, proceeds Luc 1549;
shearing n deeds S 34.13
> shed sp sheet8, sheete4,
ˈʃi:ɹɪn, -ɪŋ [shrowding]-sheete1 / sheetes8,
sp shearing1 sheen n sheets11
= rh meet Ham 5.1.93
shearman n > winding-sheet
sp sheene2
rh been Ham 3.2.166; green Sheffield n
sp sheareman1 MND 2.1.29
sp Sheffeild1


she-lamb n shepherd / ~’s / ~s n shift / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v

= ˈʃepəɹd / -z = / = / ˈʃɪftɪn, -ɪŋ / =
sp shee-lambe1 sp sheepe-heard1, shepheard45, sp shift14 / shifts3 / shifting2 /
> lamb shep-heard3, shepherd6 / shifted3
shepheards9, shepherds4 /
shelf / shelves n shepheards7, shepherds1, shep-herds1 shifted adj
= > herd, neighbour-shepherd =
sp shelfe1 / shelues2 sp shifted1
shepherdess / ~es n
shell n m ˈʃepəɹˌdes, -ɹd- / -ɹdesɪz shilling / ~s n
= sp shepheardesse2, shepherdesse3 / ˈʃɪlɪŋ, -ɪn, Fluellen H ..
sp shell4 shephearddesses1 ˈsɪlɪŋ, -ɪn / -z
> in-, mussel-, nut-, walnut-shell sp shilling5, abbr s.2, Fluellen silling1 /
sheriff / ~’s n
shelled adj = rh willing H8 Prol.12
= sp sherife12, sheriffe2 / sheriffes1
sp sheal’d 1 shin / ~s n
sherris n =
shelter / ~s n ˈʃerɪs sp shin7, shinne1 / shinnes1, shins3
ˈʃeltəɹ / -z sp sherris4 rh begin, in LLL 3.1.68, 104; within
sp shelter9 / shelters1 LLL 3.1.115 / sins MW 5.5.54
sherris-sack n
shelter v ˈʃerɪs-ˌsak shine / ~est / ~s / ~eth / ~ing /
ˈʃeltəɹ sp sherris-sack1 shone v
sp shelter4 > sack ʃəɪn / -st / -z / ˈʃəɪn·əθ / -ɪn,
> enshelter -ɪŋ / =
sp shine40 / shin’st1 / shines27 /
sheltered adj > show
shineth1 / shining3 / shone5
ˈʃeltəɹd rh divine LLL 4.3.244, VA.728; eyne
she-wolf n
sp sheltred1 LLL 5.2.205; mine LLL 4.3.67, 89,
PP 3.10, PT 33, S 33.9, TN 4.3.34;
shelving adj sp shee-wolfe1
repine VA 488; thine S 135.8 /
ˈʃelvɪn, -ɪŋ > wolf
declines S 18.5
sp sheluing1 > moon-, over-, sun-shine
shield / ~s n
shelvy adj = shining adj
ˈʃelvəɪ sp sheeld1, shield8 / shields2 ˈʃəɪnɪn, -ɪŋ
rh 1 field H5 3.2.8, LLL 5.2.549 [F end
sp sheluy1 sp shining7
line], Luc 61, R3 4.3.56; rh 2 gild
> bright-, clear-, out-shining
she-Mercury n Luc 61
m ˌʃi:-ˈmɐ:ɹkjərəɪ shiny adj
shield / ~ed v
sp shee- Mercurie1 ˈʃəɪnəɪ
sp shiny1
shent v sp sheeld1, sheild1, [God]sheild1,
shield8 / sheelded1 ship / ~s n
rh 1 yielded LC 151; rh 2 builded
sp shent4 =
LC 151
rh consent Ham 3.2.405 sp ship40, shippe4 / shippes7,
shift / ~s n ships16
shepherd adj rh split Per 2.Chorus.31 / lips
ˈʃepəɹd LLL 2.1.205
sp shift14 / shifts4
sp shepheard3
rh 1 shrift 3H6 3.2.108; rh 2 theft ship / ~ped v
Luc 920 / gifts CE 3.2.190; hits
AW 2.1.144 [F]


sp ship1, shippe1 / ship’d5, shipped1, shire n shoeing n

shipt5 ʃəɪɹ ˈʃu:ɪn, -ɪŋ
shipboard n sp shire1 sp shooing1
ˈʃɪpˌbɔ:ɹd Shirley n shoeing-horn n
sp ship-boord1, shipbord1 ˈʃɐ:ɹləɪ ˈʃu:ɪn-ˌɔ:ɹn, -ɪŋ, -ˌh-
ship-boy / ~’s / -s n sp Sherly1 sp shooing-horne1
> horn
ˈʃɪp-ˌbəɪ / -z shirt / ~s n
sp ship-boyes2 / ship-boyes1 ʃɐ:ɹt / -s shoemaker n
> boy ˈʃu:ˌmɛ:kəɹ
sp shirt15 / shirts6
ship·man / ~man’s / sp shoo-maker1
shive n > make
~men n
= shoe-tie / Shoe-tie [name] n
sp shiue1
sp ship-mans1 / shipmen1 ˈʃu:-ˌtəɪ
shiver / ~s n sp shooe-tye1 / Shootie1
shipmaster n
ˈʃɪvəɹ / -z > tie
sp shiuers2
sp ship-master1 shog v
> master shiver / ~ed v =
shipping n ˈʃɪvəɹ / -d sp shogg1, shogge1
1 1
sp shiuer / shiuer’d
ˈʃɪpɪn, -ɪŋ shone
sp shipping shivering adj > shine

ship-tire n ˈʃɪvrɪn, -ɪŋ, -vər-

sp shiuering2
ˈʃɪp-ˌtəɪɹ > shake
sp ship-tyre1 shoal / ~s n
> tire shoon
ʃo:l / -z
> shoe
shipwreck n sp Mac 1.7.6 emend of schoole1 /
shoales1 shoot / ~s n
sp shipwracke2 shock / ~s n =
> wrack sp shoot1, shoote6 / shoots1
rh do’t LLL 4.1.26
shipwreck / ~ed v sp shock1, shocke3 / shockes1,
shocks1 shoot / ~s / ~ing / shot v
rh locks, rocks MND 1.2.28
sp shipwrack’d1 = / = / ˈʃu:tɪn, -ɪŋ / =
shock v sp shoot11, shoote11 / shootes2,
shipwrecked adj shoots3 / shooting1 / shot24
ˈʃɪprakt > upshoot; grief-, over-shot
sp shocke1
sp ship-wrackt1
shooter n
shoe / ~s / shoon n
shipwrecking adj ˈʃu:təɹ
= / ʃo:n, ʃu:n
ˈʃɪprakɪn, -ɪŋ sp shooter3
sp shoo4, shooe8 / shoes1, shooes14
sp shipwracking 1 pun LLL 4.1.109 suitor
/ shooen1, shoone1
rh one Ham 4.5.26 shooting adj / n
shipwright / ~s n
> dancing-shoe, overshoes
ˈʃɪprəɪt / -s ˈʃu:tɪn, -ɪŋ
sp shipwright1, ship-wright1 / shoe v sp shooting2 / shooting1
ship-wrights1 rh n a-hooting LLL 4.2.58
sp shoo2


shop / ~s n shortening n shough / ~s n

= ˈʃɔ:ɹtnɪn, -ɪŋ ʃɒks
sp shop12, shoppe1 / shoppes1, sp shortning1 sp showghes1
shortest n should / ~est v
shore n ʃɔ:ɹtst str =, ʃʊld, unstr ʃd, Edgar’s
ʃɔ:ɹ / -z sp short’st1 assumed dialect KL ..
sp shore47, [vast]-shore-[washet]1 / tʃʊd [I should] / -st
shoares1, shores16 short-grassed adj
sp shold22, should1495, Edgar ’chud1
rh before S 60.1; gore MND 5.1.332; ˈʃɔ:ɹt-ˌɡrast / shouldest1, shold’st1, shouldst20,
more Luc 1114, MA 2.3.62, VA 817; sp short gras’d1 should’st48
store S 64.6 > grass rh 1 could Tim 1.2.158; would
shore v LLL 1.1.142; rh 2 cool’d VA 385
short-legged adj > shall
ʃɔ:ɹ ˈʃɔ:ɹt-ˌleɡd
sp shoare1 shoulder / ~s n
sp short-legg’d1
shore, shorn v > leg ˈʃo:ldəɹ / -z
> shear sp shoulder22, shoul-der2 /
short-lived adj shoulders33
Shore / ~’s [name] n ˈʃɔ:ɹt-ˌlɪvd rh bolder LLL 5.2.107
ʃɔ:ɹ / -z sp short liu’d2
> live shoulder / ~ed v
sp Shore5 / Shores2
ˈʃo:ldəɹ / -d
short / ~er adj shortly adv sp shouldred1
ʃɔ:ɹt / ˈʃɔ:ɹtəɹ ˈʃɔ:ɹtləɪ
sp shortlie2, shortly43, short-ly1 shoulder-blade n
sp short65 / shorter4
rh 1 for’t Per 4.4.1; sport 1H4 1.3.295,
shortness n sp shoulder-blade1
LLL 1.1.178, VA 23, 842; rh 2 heart
AY 3.5.138, LLL 5.2.56, R2 5.1.91; part
LLL 5.2.56, R2 2.1.223; rh 3 cold PP sp shortnesse4 shoulder-bone n
12.5 ˈʃo:ldəɹ-ˌbo:n
short-winded adj sp shoulder-bone1
short / ~er adv m ˌʃɔ:ɹt-ˈwəɪndɪd
ʃɔ:ɹt / ˈʃɔ:ɹtəɹ sp short-winded1, shortwinded1 shoulder-clapper n
sp short / shorter 2
> wind ˈʃo:ldəɹ-ˌklapəɹ
rh report S 83.7; resort, sport sp shoulder-clapper1
Luc 991 / departure KL 1.5.49 shot n
= shouldering n
short n/v
sp shot20 ˈʃo:ldrɪn, -ɪŋ, -dər-
ʃɔ:ɹt rh begot KJ 1.1.174 sp shouldering1
sp short3 / short1 > cannon-shot
shoulder-shotten adj
short-armed adj shot-free adj ˈʃo:ldəɹ-ˌʃɒtən
ˈʃɔ:ɹt-ˌɑ:ɹmd = sp shoulder-shotten1
sp short-arm’d1 sp shot-free1 > shot
> arm > free
Shortcake [name] n shout / ~s n
shotten adj ʃəʊt / -s
ˈʃɔ:ɹtkɛ:k = sp shout14, showt4 / shouts3,
sp Short-cake1 sp shotten1 showts7
> nook-, shoulder-shotten rh doubt MV 3.2.143
shorten / ~s / ~ed v
ˈʃɔ:ɹtən / -z / -d
sp shorten5 / shortens3 / shortned3


shout / ~ing / ~ed v sp shew281, shew’s [show us]1, sp shrew11, shrow2 / shrewes1,
ʃəʊt / ˈʃəʊt·ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd shew’t [show it]1, shoe1, show45, shrowes1
showe1 / shew’st3, showest1 / rh show TS 4.1.196; so TS 5.2.187;
sp shout4, showt1 / shooting1 /
shewes68, shewes-[off]1, shooes1, woe TS 5.2.28 / O’s LLL 5.2.46
shouted1, showted1
showes5 / shewing7, showing1 / > beshrew
> a-shouting, unshout
shewd1, shew’d47, shewed7, show’d2
/ shew’dst1 / shewn1, shewne15, shrewd adj
shouting adj / n
showne11 ʃro:d
ˈʃəʊtɪn, -ɪŋ rh 1 crow RJ 1.2.85; foe, know Luc sp shrew’d9, shrewd14, shrow’d3
sp shouting1, showting2 / showting1 474; grow S 83.6; know CE 3.1.12,
Cym 5.1.30, MM 5.1.535, R2 1.3.250, shrewdly adv
shove / ~d v 5.3.49, S 53.10, 77.5; low, throw Mac ˈʃro:dləɪ
ʃɤv / -d 4.1.67; no AY 3.2.124; owe, so Luc 81;
sp shrewdly8, shrowdly2
sp shoue1 / shou’d2 slow S 94.2; so MND 5.1.159, S 105.2;
woe LLL 4.3.35; show it bestow it shrewdness n
shove-groat n S 26.6; show not know not CE 3.2.31;
ˈʃɤv-ˌɡro:t show their love know their love TG
sp shrodenesse1
sp shoue-groat1 1.2.31; rh 2 shrew TS 4.1.197 / goest,
> groat knowest, owest, throwest, trowest KL
shrewish adj
1.4.117; grow’st S 126.3 / crows RJ
shovel n 1.5.49; foes S 40.13; goes, woes Luc
ˈʃɤvəl 1748; owes Tim 3.4.23 / blown LLL sp shrewish1

sp shouell1 5.2.296; flown AW 2.1.138; known

LLL 1.2.97, PP 20.17, RJ 1.1.188,
shrewishly adv
> fire-shovel
1.2.99, S 69.8, 121.12; known, own ˈʃro:ɪʃləɪ
shovel / ~s v MND 3.2.460 sp shrewishly1
ˈʃɤvəlz > seld-, un-shown
shrewishness n
sp shouels-[in] shower / ~s n m ˈʃro:ɪʃˌnes
shovel-board / ~s n ʃo:ɹ / -z sp shrewishnesse1
ˈʃɤvəl-ˌbɔ:ɹdz sp shower3, showre6 / showers4,
showres9 Shrewsbury n
sp sho-uelboords1
rh flowers Ham 4.5.40, H8 3.1.7, m ˈʃro:zbəˌrəɪ, -bərəɪ, -brəɪ
show / ~s n Tem 4.1.79, VA 66; hours S 124.12 sp Shrewsburie4, Shrewsbury14
ʃo: / -z shower / ~ing / ~ed v shriek n
sp shew45, shewe1, show18 / ʃo:ɹ / ˈʃo:rɪn, -ɪŋ / ʃo:ɹd =
shewes11, showes6
sp showre1 / showring2 / showr’d1 sp shreeke1 / shriekes1, shrieks1,
rh grow MND 3.2.139, S 69.13,
93.14; grow, owe Luc 296; know AY shrikes1
showing n > night-shriek
3.2.136, H8 Prol.18, LLL 5.2.320, Mac
ˈʃo:ɪn, -ɪŋ
1.7.81, MND 5.1.116, 126, PP 18.38;
sp shewing2 shriek / ~ing / ~ed v
owe S 70.13; owe, so Luc 81; so LLL
5.2.536, MND 3.2.151, S 43.6, 54.9; so, = / ˈʃri:kɪn, -ɪŋ / =
showplace n sp shrieke2, shrike3 / shreeking1 /
woe Luc 1507, 1810; woe Ham 1.2.85,
Per 4.4.23, R2 3.3.71 / foes, woes ˈʃo:-ˌplɛ:s shriek’d3, shrekt1
TNK 1.5.7; grows S 15.3; grows, rose sp shew place1
LLL 1.1.106; knows AW 2.1.150; sup- > place shrieking adj
pose Per 5.2.6 [Chorus]; woes LC 308 ˈʃri:kɪn, -ɪŋ
> dumb-, fore-, urchin-show shred / ~s n sp shreeking1
= > shrill-shrieking
show / ~est / ~s / ~ing / ~ed / sp shreds2
~edest / ~n v shrieve / ~’s n
ʃo: / -st / -z / ˈʃo:ɪn, -ɪŋ / m shrew / ~s n =
ʃo:d, ˈʃo:ɪd / ˈʃo:dst / ʃo:n ʃro: / -z sp shrieues1


shrift n shrink / ~s / ~ing / shrunk v shrug / ~s n

= = / = / ˈʃrɪŋkɪn, -ɪŋ / ʃrɤŋk ʃrɤɡ / -z
sp shrift8 sp shrinke11 / shrinkes3 / shrinking2 sp shrug2 / shrugs1
rh drift RJ 2.3.52; shift 3H6 3.2.107 / shrunke3
rh think R2 2.2.32 shrug / ~gest v
shrill / ~er adj > custom-shrunk ʃrɤɡ / -st
= / ˈʃriləɹ sp shrug1 / shrug’st1
sp shril1, shrill4 / shriller1
shrinking adj
ˈʃrɪŋkɪn, -ɪŋ shrunk adj
shrill / ~s v sp shrinking1 ʃrɤŋk
= > unshrinking sp shrunke4
sp shrils1
shrive / ~s / ~d v shrunk v
shrill-gorged adj ʃrəɪv / -z / -d > shrink
ˈʃrɪl-ˌɡɔ:ɹdʒd sp shriue2 / shriues1 / shriu’d1
sp shrill-gorg’d 1 shudder VA / ~s n
> gorge
shriver n ˈʃɤdəɹ / -z
ˈʃrəɪvəɹ sp shudder1 / shudders1
shrill-shrieking adj sp shriuer 1
rh adder VA 880
m ˌʃrɪl-ˈʃri:kɪn, -ɪŋ
sp shrill-shriking1
shriving adj shuddering adj
> shriek ˈʃrəɪvɪn, -ɪŋ ˈʃɤdrɪn, -ɪŋ
sp shriuing2 sp shuddring1
shrill-sounding adj
m ˌʃrɪl-ˈsəʊndɪn, -ɪŋ shroud / ~s n shuffle / ~d v
sp shrill-sounding1 ʃrəʊd / -z ˈʃɤfəl / -d
> sound sp shrowd5, shrow’d3 / shrowdes1, sp shuffle2, shufflle1 / shuffel’d2
shrill-tongued adj rh allowed LLL 5.2.479; loud shuffling adj / n
m ˈʃrɪl-ˌtɒŋd, ˌʃrɪl-ˈtɒŋd, -ˌtʊ- MND 5.1.368 ˈʃɤflɪn, -ɪŋ
sp shrill-tongu’d1, shrill tongu’d1 sp shuffling1 / sp shuffling2
> tongue
shroud / ~ed v
ʃrəʊd / ˈʃrəʊdɪd shun / ~s / ~ning / ~ned v
shrill-voiced adj sp shrowd3, shrow’d1 / shrowded3 ʃɤn / -z / ˈʃɤnɪn, -ɪŋ / ʃɤnd
ˈʃrɪl-ˌvəɪst sp shun14, shunne3 / shunnes1,
sp shrill-voic’d1
shrouding adj shuns3 / shunning1 / shund1,
> voice ˈʃrəʊdɪn, -ɪŋ shun’d4, shunn’d3
sp shrowding-[sheete]1 rh nun LC 234; sun AY 2.5.35; shun
shrilly adv you on you Tem 4.1.116
ˈʃrɪləɪ Shrovetide n > unshunnable, unshunned
shrilly2 ˈʃro:vˌtəɪd
sp Shrouetide1
shunless adj
shrimp n ˈʃɤnləs
= Shrove Tuesday n phrase sp shunlesse1
sp shrimpe2 ˈʃro:v ˈtju:zdɛ:
rh imp LLL 5.2.586 sp Shroue-Tuesday1
shunning n
> Tuesday ˈʃɤnɪn, -ɪŋ
shrine n sp shunning1
ʃrəɪn shrub / ~s n
sp shrine6 ʃrɤb / -z shut / ~s v
rh divine, thine Luc 194 2
sp shrub / shrubs 2 ʃɤt / -s
> enshrine > unshrubbed sp shut56 / shuts4


shuttle n sick adj / n Sicyon n

ˈʃɤtl = ˈsɪsɪən
sp shuttle1 sp sick12, sick[mans]1, sicke141 / sp Scicion3
sick1, sicke1
shy adj rh adj prick, thick Luc 779; trick side / ~s n
ʃəɪ LLL 5.2.417 səɪd / -z
sp shie2 > brain-, fancy-, heart-, love-, sea-, sp side157, [north]-side1,
thought-sick [seamy]-side1 / sides43
Shylock / ~’s n rh applied, divide LC 65; bide MND
ˈʃəɪlɒk/ -s sick / ~ed v 3.2.185; died Luc 381; divide 1H6
sp Shylock2, Shylocke17, Shylok1 /
= 4.5.48, Luc 1739; eyed MND 3.2.39;
Shylockes1 sp sick’d1 guide VA 180; hide MM 3.2.260,
S 50.12; pride 1H6 4.6.56, Luc 1807,
si Fr conj / Ital conj sicken / ~s / ~ed v PP 2.6, R2 3.2.80, R3 5.3.176, S 144.6,
si = 151.12; qualified, satisfied Luc 425;
sp sicken6 / sickens2 / sicken’d1 ride R2 1.3.252
sp si1 / si2
> a-, back-, be-, broad-, in-, out-,
sibyl / ~s n sicker n sea-, water-side; both-sides
= ˈsɪkəɹ
side / ~d v
sp sybill1/ sibyls1 sp sicker1
Sibyl / ~’s n sick-fallen adj sp sided1
= ˈsɪk-ˌfɑ:ln
side-piercing adj
sp Sibell1 / Sibels1 sp sicke-falne1
> fall
ˈsəɪd-ˌpɛ:ɹsɪn, -ɪŋ
Sibylla n sp side-piercing1
sickle / ~s n > piercing
sp Sibilla 1 ˈsɪkəlz
side-stitch / ~es n
sp sickles1
Sicil / ~s n ˈsəɪd-ˌstɪtʃɪz
sickle·man / ~men n sp side-stitches1
ˈsɪsɪl / -z
sp Sicill1 / Sicils2
siege / ~s n
sp sicklemen1
Sicilia n =
sickliness n sp seige2, siedge4, siege23 / sieges1
m ˈsɪkləɪˌnes > besiege
sp Sicilia9, Sicillia5
sp sicklinesse1
Siena / ~’s n
Sicilian adj
sickly adj / adv si:ˈenəz
ˈsɪkləɪ sp Syenna’s1
sp Sicilian1
3 1 10
sp sickely , sick-ly , sickly /
sieve n
Sicilius / ~’ n sickly3
sickl·y over / ~ied ~ v sp siue2, syue1
sp Sicillius2 / Sicilius1
ˈsɪkləɪd ˈo:ɹ
sift / ~ed v
Sicily n sp sicklied o’re1
m ˈsɪsləɪ, ˈsɪsɪˌləɪ
sickness n sp sift3 / sifted1
sp Cicelie3, Cicilie1, Sicily1
= > unsifted
Sicinius n sp sickenesse4 , sicknes1,
Sigeia adj
sɪˈsɪnɪəs sicknesse46, [greene]-sicknesse2
sp Scicinius4, Sicinius12, abbr in s.d.
sp sigeria3


sigh / ~s n sign / ~s n silent adj

səɪ / -z səɪn / -z ˈsəɪlənt
sp sigh13, sighe3 / sighes43, sighs1 sp signe46 / signes31 sp silent34
rh eyes RJ 1.1.190, TG 2.4.130
sign / ~s / ~ed v silently adv
sigh / ~est / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v səɪn / -z / -d ˈsəɪləntləɪ
səɪ / -st / -z / ˈsəɪɪn, -ɪŋ / səɪd sp signe4 / signes1 / sign’d3 sp silently1
sp sigh30, sighe4 / sighest1 / sighes3 rh 1 chastity MND 3.1.196; rh 2 eye
/ sighing6 / sigh’d8, sighed1 signal n MND 3.1.196
sighing adj / n sp signall10
Silicia n
ˈsəɪɪn, -ɪŋ sɪˈlɪsɪə
sp sighing1 / sighing2 signet n sp Silicia1
sight / ~s n sp signet3
Silius n
səɪt / -s ˈsɪlɪəs
sp sight185, [earnest-gaping]-sight1 / significant / ~s n sp Sillius3
sights19 =
rh aright S 148.2; bright, light Luc sp significant1 / significants1
silk adj
373, MND 5.1.267; delight Luc 384, =
MND 3.2.456, Per 1.4.28, S 47.13, signif·y / ~ies / ~ying / sp silk2, silke1
75.9; fight, white Luc 1404; goodnight ~ied v
Mac 5.1.74; height R2 1.1.188; light silk / ~s n
m ˈsɪɡnɪfəɪ, -ˌfəɪ / -z / -ɪn,
Luc 104, S 7.3, 38.6; midnight MND =
1.1.222; might AY 3.5.82, MND
-ɪŋ / -d
sp silke13 / silkes4
3.2.369, Per 5.Chorus.21, S 123.4, sp signifie24, sig-nifie1 / signifies4 /
rh milk MND 5.1.333, Per 4.
139.5, 150.3; night CE 3.2.57, PP signifying1 / signified2, signify’d1
14.22, RJ 1.5.52, S 15.10, 27.9, 30.8,
signor / ~s Sp, Ital n > sleave-silk
61.4, 63.7, 113.9, VA 124, 822; quite
MND 3.2.89; right PT 35, S 46.2, si:nˈjɔ:ɹ / -z silken adj
117.8; sprite VA 183; tonight sp seigneur3, signeor1, signeur5,
MND 2.1.19; white VA 1166 / lights signior114, sig-nior6, signi-or2,
sp silken14, [cockred]-silken1
Luc 462 signiour3, signor2 / signiors3
> eye-, over-sight > seigneur
silken-coated adj
sighted adj signor·y / ~ies n ˈsɪlkən-ˌko:tɪd
ˈsəɪtɪd m ˈsɪnjəˌrəɪ / ˈsɪnjərəɪz, sp silken-coated1
sp sighted1 -ˌrəɪz silkman n
> eagle-, high-sighted sp signorie1 / seignories3, signories1
sight-hole / ~s n signum Lat n sp silkman1
ˈsəɪt-ˌo:lz, -ˌh- ˈsɪɡnʊm silly adj
sp sight-holes1 sp signum1
ˈsɪləɪ / -əst
sightless adj silence / Silence [name] n sp sillie2, silly14 / silliest1
ˈsəɪtləs ˈsəɪləns silly-ducking adj
sp sightlesse3 sp silence49, si-lence2 / Silence14
ˈsɪləɪ-ˈdɤkɪn, -ɪŋ
sightly adv silenc·e / ~ing / ~d v sp silly-ducking1
ˈsəɪtləɪ ˈsəɪləns / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -t > duck
sp sightly1 sp silence21 / silencing1 / silenc’d4, sillyness n
> unsightly silenced1
sp sillynesse1


silver adj / n Simonides Per n simular adj

ˈsɪlvəɹ sɪˈmɒnɪˌdi:z m ˈsɪmləɹ, -mjəl-
sp siluer36 / siluer25 sp Simonides3, Symonides7, sp simular1
> quicksilver Simonydes1
rh these Per 3.Chorus.23 simular n
silver / ~ed v ˈsɪmjəˌlɐ:ɹ
ˈsɪlvəɹd simony n sp simular1
sp siluer’d1 ˈsɪmənəɪ
sp symonie1 simulation n
silvered adj ˌsɪmjəˈlɛ:sɪən
ˈsɪlvəɹd Simpcox [name] n sp simulation1
sp siluer’d 2 ˈsɪmkɒks, -mpk-
sp Simpcoxe1 sin / ~’s / ~s n
silverly adv =
m ˈsɪlvəɹˌləɪ simpering adj / n sp sin37, sinne92 sinn’s [sin is]1 /
sp siluerly1 ˈsɪmprɪn, -ɪŋ sinnes3 / sinnes24, sins7
sp simpring1 / simpring1 rh 1 begin Luc 343, Per Prol.30, R2
silver-shedding adj 1.1.187, S 114.13; in LLL 4.3.175,
ˈsɪlvəɹ-ˈʃedɪn, -ɪŋ simple / ~r adj MM 4.2.105, R2 5.3.81, R3 4.2.63; kin
sp siluer-shedding 1 = / ˈsɪmpləɹ KJ 1.1.275, RJ 1.5.59; win AW 4.2.75;
> shed sp simple60, sim-ple2 / simpler2 rh 2 been Luc 209; rh 3 him Per 2.
rh dimple VA 244 Chorus.23 / shins MW 5.5.53; wins
silver-sweet adj TNK 4.2.156
ˈsɪlvəɹ-ˈswi:t simple / ~s n
1 = sin / ~s / ~ning / ~ned v
sp siluer sweet
> sweet
sp simples5 = / = / ˈsɪnɪn, -ɪŋ / =
sp sin3, sinne10 / sins1 / sinning1 /
silver-white adj Simple [name] n sin’d1, sinn’d4
ˈsɪlvəɹ-ˈʍəɪt =
sp Simple9 sin-absolver n
sp siluer white1
rh delight LLL 5.2.884
simple-answered adj
> white sp sin-absoluer1
ˈsɪmpəl-ˈansəɹd > absolve
Silvia / ~’s n sp simple answer’d1
= since adv / conj
61 1
simpleness n =
sp Siluia , Siluia’s [Silvia is] , abbr in
= sp since65 / since347
s.d. Sil.1 / Siluias1, Siluia’s2
sp simplenesse5
Silvius n sincere adj
simplicity adj / n
ˈsɪlvɪəs sɪnˈsi:ɹ
m sɪmˈplɪsɪtəɪ, -ˌtəɪ
sp Siluius13, abbr in s.d. Sil.1 sp sincere4
sp simplicity1 / simplicitie9,
simile / ~s n sincerely adv
rh 1 authority S 66.11; capacity MND
m ˈsɪmɪləɪ / -ɪˌləɪz 5.1.104; hypocrisy LLL 5.2.52; rarity
sp simile1 / similes1, similies1 PT 54; society LLL 4.3.52; rh 2 apply sp sincerely3
LLL 5.2.78; lie PT 54
Simois Lat n sincerity n
ˈsɪmo:i:s simply adv m sɪnˈserɪtəɪ, -ˌtəɪ
sp Simois2, Si-mois1 ˈsɪmpləɪ sp sinceritie3, sincerity3
sp simply11
Simon n sin-conceiving adj
ˈsəɪmən ˈsɪn-kənˈsi:vɪn, -ɪŋ
sp Simon2, Symon1 sp sinne-conceiuing1


sine Lat prep sing·e / ~ing / ~ed v sink n

ˈsi:ne = / ˈsɪndʒɪn, -ɪŋ / = =
sp fine1 sp sindge2 / sindging1 / sindg’d1, sp sinck1, sinke3
Sinell / ~’s n sink / ~s / ~ing / sunk v
ˈsɪnəlz singer n = / = / ˈsɪŋkɪn, -ɪŋ / sɤŋk
sp Sinells1 ˈsɪŋɡəɹ sp sincke1, sink1, sinke27 / sinkes6 /
sp singer4 sinking2 / suncke1, sunke2
sinew / ~s n rh think CE 3.2.52, Tim 2.2.236
= singing adj / n
sp sinew2 / sinewes19, sinews1, ˈsɪŋɡɪn, -ɪŋ sinking adj / n
sinnewes2 1 1
sp singing , sin-ging / singing 5 ˈsɪŋkɪn, -ɪŋ
sp sinking1 / sinking1, sink-ing1
sinew / ~ed v single adj
= = Sinklo [name] n
sp sinow1 / sinew’d1 sp single50 ˈsɪŋklo:
> in-, treble-, un-, well-sinewed sp Sinklo1
single / ~d v
sinewy adj = sinner / ~s n
ˈsɪnju:əɪ 4
sp single / singled 4 ˈsɪnəɹ / -z
sp si-newie1, sinnowie1, sinnowy1, rh mingled VA 693 sp sinner3, synner1 / sinners4
synowie1 rh dinner CE 2.2.197
singleness n
sinful adj = Sinon / ~’s n
= sp singlenesse 1 ˈsəɪnən / -z
sp sinfull7, sinnefull1 sp Sinon1, Synon1 / Synons1
single-soled adj
sinfully adv ˈsɪŋɡəl-ˌso:ld sip n
ˈsɪnfləɪ, -fʊl- sp single sol’d1 =
sp sinfully2 sp sip1
singly adv
sing / ~est / ~s / ~eth / ~ing / S ˈsɪŋɡləɪ sip / ~ping v
sang / sung v sp singly5 = / ˈsɪpɪn, -ɪŋ
= / ˈsɪŋst / = / = / ˈsɪŋɡɪn, -ɪŋ / = sp sip1, sippe1 / sipping1
/ sɤŋ singular adj
132 1 1 1 m ˈsɪŋɡjələɹ, -ˌlɐ:ɹ sir, Sir / ~’s / ~s n
sp sing / singst , sing’st / singes ,
39 1
sings / singeth / singing , 11 sp singular6 sɐ:ɹ, Edgar’s assumed dialect
sin-ging1 / sang1 / sung16 rh orator, publisher Luc 32 KL .. zɐ:ɹ / -z
rh bring Per Prol.13, S 39.1, TNK > sole-singular sp sir2475, Edgar zir2 / sirs1 / sirs42
1.1.22; bring, thing TG 4.2.48; ding,
spring AY 5.3.19, 25, 31, 37; dwelling,
singulariter Lat adv Siracusa, Siracuse,
excelling TG 4.2.48; king 2H4 5.5.110, ˌsɪŋɡjʊˈlarɪˌteɹ Siracusian
R2 2.1.263, 3.3.183, WT 4.3.6; order- sp singulariter1 > Syracusa, Syracuse, Syracusian
ing S 8.12; prefiguring S 106.12;
questioning AY 5.4.134; ring Mac singularity / ~ies n sire n / v
4.1.41, MW 5.5.65; sorrowing PP m ˌsɪŋɡjəˈlarɪˌtəɪ, -ɪt- / -z səɪɹ
20.25; spring H8 3.1.5, LLL 1.1.103, sp singularitie1, singularity2 / sp sire11, syre3 / syre1
Luc 871, PP 20.5, S 102.7; spring, thing singularities1 rh n desire Luc 232, VA 1178; fire
Luc 333; sting TC 5.10.42; ushering
VA 1160
LLL 5.2.327; wing S 78.5; sing it ring it sinister adj
TS 1.2.17 / springs Cym 2.3.19; wings sɪˈnɪstəɹ siren n
VA 305 / hang S 73.4 / rh 1 along VA
sp sinister6 ˈsəɪɹən
1095; rh 2 among KL 1.4.172; rh 3
rh whisper MND 5.1.161 sp siren1, syren1
come Per Prol.1


sirrah n six adj / n skilful adj

ˈsɪrə = =
sp sirha16, sirra60, sirrah53, sir-rah2, sp six20, sixe33, sixe-[score]1, abbr sp skilful1, skilfull5, skil-full1
sirrha16 vi.1 / six8, sixe4 > unskilful

sister / ~’s / ~s / ~s’ n six-gated adj skilfully adv

ˈsɪstəɹ / -z ˈsɪks-ˈɡɛ:tɪd m ˈskɪlfʊˌləɪ
sp sister181, si-ster1, sisters [sister sp six-gated1 sp skilfully1
is]1, sister’s [sister is]1 / sisters12 / > gate rh eye, lie LLL 2.1.240
/ sisters2 sixpence n skill n
ˈsɪkspəns =
sisterhood n sp sixepence1, sixe-pence1, sixe sp skil1, skill39
ˈsɪstəɹˌʊd, -ˌhʊd pence3, sixpence2, six-pence1, six rh ill S 66.10, 91.1, 150.7; ill, still Luc
sp sisterhood4, sister-hood1 pence5 1528; ill, will Luc 1243; kill LLL 4.1.28,
> mill-sixpence S 126.7; still Luc 1099, 1134, 1506,
sisterly adv MND 1.1.195, Per 4.Chorus.30,
ˈsɪstəɹləɪ sixpenny adj S 16.14, 24.5; will Cym 2.4.184, 1H4
sp sisterly 1 ˈsɪkspnəɪ, -pən- 1.2.214, LC 125, MND 2.2.125,
sp six-penny1 5.1.110, TG 2.4.212
sit / ~test / ~s / ~ting / sat v > penny
= / sɪts, -st / = / ˈsɪtɪn, -ɪŋ / = skill / ~s / ~ed v
199 2 1 1
sp sit sitte / sitt’st / sit’s , sits / 52 sixteen adj / n =
sitting20 / sat15, sate14 = sp skilles1, skills2 / skild1, skil’d1,
rh 1 hit VA 1035; it KJ 3.1.73, sp sixteene 10 1
/ sixteen , sixteene 1 skill’d1
S 103.13; pit R2 4.1.217; wit S 37.7;
rh 2 yet RJ 2.3.71 / commits S 9.13; sixth adj / adv / n skilless adj
fits VA 325; fits, wits Luc 858; wits sɪkst =
Luc 288, RJ 1.4.46 / bat LC 66; gnat sp sixt6 / sixt2 / sixt17 sp skillesse4
LLL 4.3.163; hat VA 349
sixty adj / n skillet n
sit Lat ˈsɪkstəɪ =
> esse sp skillet1
sp sixty1 / sixty3
sith conj size / ~s n skim v
sɪθ səɪz / ˈsəɪzɪz =
sp sith18 sp skim1
sp size11 / sizes2
sithence adv / conj sized adj skimble-skamble adj
ˈsɪθəns səɪzd =
sp sithence1 / sithence1 sp skimble-skamble1
sp siz’d1
> great-, over-sized
sitting n skimmed adj
ˈsɪtɪn, -ɪŋ skaines-mate / ~s n =
sp sitting2 ˈskɛ:nz-ˈmɛ:ts sp skim’d1
sp skaines-mates
situate v skin / ~s n
> mate
ˈsɪtjʊɛ:t =
sp situate2 skein n sp skin15, skin’s [skin is]1, skinne6 /
skɛ:n skinnes3, skins3
situation / ~s n rh chin LC 94, Luc 419; in MND
sp skeine1, skiene1
ˌsɪtjʊˈɛ:sɪən / -s 2.1.255; win 2H6 3.1.300
sp situation1 / situations1 > calf ’s-, eel-, elf-, lamb-, sheep-,
sow-, thick-skin


skin / ~s v skulk / ~ing v slackness n

= ˈskɤlkɪn, -ɪŋ =
sp skin1 / skins1 sp skulking1 sp slacknesse2

skin-coat n skull n slain adj

ˈskɪn-ˌko:t skɤl slɛ:n
sp skin-coat1 sp skull2 sp slaine3
> coat > slay
sky / skies n
skinny adj skəɪ / -z slake / Luc ~th v
ˈskɪnəɪ sp skie24, sky10, skye4 / skies7 slɛ:k / ˈslɛ:kəθ
sp skinnie1 rh 1 by VA 348; by, dye, espy, eye, sp slake1 / slaketh1
gloriously, remedy MND 3.2.107; die rh awaketh, maketh Luc 1677
skip / PP ~s / ~ped v MND 5.1.295; eye CE 2.1.17, Luc
= 1230, 1587, R2 3.2.194, VA 184, 485, slander / ~’s / ~s n
sp skip5, skippe1 / skips1 / skipt1 815; fly Luc 1407, MND 3.2.23, R2 ˈslɔ:ndəɹ, ˈslan- / -z
rh lips PP 11.11 1.1.41; I Tem 4.1.70; lie AW 1.1.213, sp slander25, slan-der1, slaunder2 /
> overskip VA 153; nigh AY 2.7.185; o’er-eye LLL slanders2 / slanders11
4.3.77; rh 2 archery, gloriously MND rh commander VA 1006
skipper n 3.2.107; company Luc 1587; memory
ˈskɪpəɹ S 15.6; mortality 1H6 4.7.21; sym- slander / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
1 pathy Luc 1230 / dies, lies Luc 506; ˈslɔ:ndəɹ, ˈslan- / -z /
sp skipper
hies VA 1191; replies VA 696
ˈslɔ:ndrɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈslan-, -dər- /
skipping adj > ensky
ˈslɔ:ndəɹd, ˈslan-
ˈskɪpɪn, -ɪŋ skyey adj sp slander13, slan-der1 / slanders5 /
sp skipping5 slandering1 / slanderd1, slander’d3,
slandered2, sland’red1, slaundred1
skirmish / ~es n sp skyie-[influences]1
ˈskɐ:ɹmɪʃ / -ɪz skyish adj slanderer / ~s n
sp skirmish5 / skirmishes1
ˈskəɪɪʃ m ˈslɔ:ndrəɹ, -dər-, -dəˌrɐ:ɹ,
sp skyish1
ˈslan- / -dəˌrɐ:ɹz
skirmish v
sp slanderer4 / slanderers1
ˈskɐ:ɹmɪʃ sky-planted adj
sp skirmish2 slanderous adj
ˈskəɪ-ˈplɔ:ntɪd, -ˈpla-
sp sky-planted 1 m ˈslɔ:ndrəs, -dəˌrɤs, ˈslan-
skirr v
> plant sp slanderous4, slandrous1,
skɐ:ɹ sland’rous5
sp sker1, skirre1 slab adj
= slash v
skirt / ~s n 1 =
sp slab
skɐ:ɹts sp slash2
rh 1 drab Mac 4.1.32; rh 2 babe
sp skirts
Mac 4.1.32
> fore-skirt slaughter / ~’s / ~s n
slack adj / v ˈslɔ:təɹ / -z
skirted adj
= sp slaughter23 / slaughters1 /
ˈskɐ:ɹtɪd slaughters3
sp slacke5 / slack1, slacke4
sp skirted1 rh 1 caught her, daughter KL
rh adj back PP 18.23
> wide-skirted 1.4.316; daughter Luc 955, Per 4.4.37,
slackly adv R3 4.4.210;
skittish adj rh 2 after, halter KL 1.4.316
= > self-slaughter
sp slackely1
sp skittish3


slaughter / ~s / ~ed v slave-like adj sleep / ~s n

ˈslɔ:təɹ / -z / -d ˈslɛ:v-ləɪk =
sp slaughter4 / slaughters2 / sp slaue-like1 sp sleep5, sleepe97 / sleepes5
slaughter’d7, slaughtered1, rh creep MND 3.2.364; deep
slaughtred3, slaught’red3 slaver v MND 3.2.47; keep TNK Prol.29;
rh butchered R3 4.4.391 ˈslavəɹ peep MND 4.1.82
sp slauuer1
slaughtered adj / n sleep / ~est / ~s / ~ing /
ˈslɔ:təɹd slavery n slept v
sp slaughter’d2, slaughtered1, m ˈslɛ:vrəɪ, -vər-, -vəˌrəɪ = / sli:ps, -st / = / ˈsli:pɪn,
slaughtred3, slaught’red1 / sp slauerie2, slauery2 -ɪŋ / =
sp sleep6, sleepe244 / sleepest1,
slavish adj sleep’st4 / sleepes28, sleeps2 /
slaughterer n ˈslɛ:vɪʃ sleeping25 / slept36
ˈslɔ:trəɹ, -tər- sp slauish5 rh creep, peep Luc 1250; deep MND
sp slaughterer1 3.1.150, TC 2.3.262; deep, weep LC
slay / ~s / slew / ~est / 123; keep LLL 1.1.48; steep TN 4.1.62;
slaughter-house n slain v weep Ham 3.2.282, 1H6 4.3.29, PP
ˈslɔ:təɹ-ˌəʊs, -ˌhəʊs slɛ: / -z / = / slu:st / slɛ:n 20.52 / creeps Luc 1574; weeps
sp slaughter-house6 Luc 904 / peeping, weeping Luc
sp slay25 / slayes1 / slew36, slewe1 /
> house 1090; weeping Tim 4.3.488 / crept
slew’st2 / slain2, slaine119
TC 2.2.212
rh away VA 765; decay, way Luc 515;
slaughtering adj / n > a-sleeping, outsleep
fray RJ 3.1.152, way AW 2.1.177, VA
ˈslɔ:trɪn, -ɪŋ, -tər- 624; drew Luc 1522 / again 1H6
sp slaughtering1, slaughtring1 /
sleeper / ~s n
4.5.18, RJ 3.1.122, S 22.13, VA 473,
slaught’ring1 1019, 1111; amain TC 5.8.14; disdain
ˈsli:pəɹ / -z
VA 243, 762; Maine 2H6 1.1.211; sp sleeper1 / sleepers5
slaughter·man / ~-men n maintain, twain Cym 5.4.72; pain S
ˈslɔ:təɹ-ˌman / -ˌmen 139.13; remain Per 4.1.103; stain 1H6
sleeping adj / n
sp slaughter-man2, slaughter man1, 4.5.43, MND 5.1.144; twain PT 28; ˈsli:pɪn, -ɪŋ
slaughter-men2 vain Luc 1046; vein 1H6 4.7.96 sp sleeping18 / sleeping4
rh countrymen 1H6 3.3.75 > blood-slain rh weeping VA 951
> man
slaying n sleepy adj
slaughterous adj ˈslɛ:ɪn, -ɪŋ ˈsli:pəɪ
ˈslɔ:trəs, -tər- sp slaying1 sp sleepie6, sleepy5
sp slaughterous1
sleave-silk n sleeve / ~s n
slave adj / v ˈsli:v-ˌsɪlk =
slɛ:v sp TC 5.1.28 emend of sleyd silke1 sp sleeue21 / sleeues8
1 1
sp slaue-[man] / slaue rh 1 believe CE 3.2.23, TC 5.3.96;
sledded adj Eve LLL 5.2.321; rh 2 give LLL
slave / ~’s / ~s n = 5.2.455
slɛ:v / -z sp sledded1
sp slaue117, [villaine]-slaue1,
sleeve-hand n
[thick-lipt]-slaue1 / slaues2 / slaues36, sleek adj / v ˈsli:v-ˌand, -ˌhand
[knee]-slaues1 = sp sleeue-hand1
rh 1 crave S 58.1; crave, rave Luc 2
sp sleeke / sleeke 1 > hand
984; grave AW 2.3.136, Luc 200, 659;
rh 2 have AY 3.2.150, Luc 200, 1001, sleek-headed adj sleeveless adj
VA 101 ˌsli:k-ˈedɪd, -ˈhe- =
> bond-, Jack-slave sp sleeuelesse1
sp sleeke-headed1
> head


sleight / ~s n slight / ~s / ~ed v slippered adj

sləɪt / -s sləɪts / ˈsləɪtɪd ˈslɪpəɹd
sp sleight1 / slights1 sp slights1 / slighted3 sp slipper’d1
rh sprites Mac 3.5.26
’slight slippery adj
slender / ~er adj > light ˈslɪprəɪ, -pər-
ˈslendəɹ / -əɹ, -drəɹ sp slipp’ry4, slipperie1, slippery6
sp slender10 / slenderer1
slightly adv
ˈsləɪtləɪ slip-shod adj
Slender [name] / ~’s n sp sleightly1, slightly8 =
ˈslendəɹ / -z sp slip-shod1
sp Slender32, Slen-der2, Slender’s
slightness n
[Slender is]1 / Slenders2 ˈsləɪtnəs slish v
sp slightnesse1 =
slenderly adv sp slish1
ˈslendəɹləɪ slily
sp slenderly1 > sly slit v
slept slime n
sp slit1
> sleep sləɪm
sp slime5 sliver n
slew ˈslɪvəɹ
> slay slimy adj
sp sliuer1
slice v sp slimy2 sliver / ~ed v
sləɪs ˈslɪvəɹd
sp slice2 sling / ~s n
sp sliuer’d1
slickly adv sp slings2 slobbery n
ˈslɪkləɪ ˈslɒbrəɪ
sp slickely1 slink / slunk v
sp slobbry1
= / slɤŋk
’slid sp slinke3 / slunke1 slop / ~s n
> lid
slip / ~s n
slide / ~s v sp slop1 / slops1
sləɪd / -z sp slip8, slippe1 / slippes2, slips5 slope v
sp slide4 / slides1 rh slips VA 515 slo:p
rh abide S 45.4; untried WT 4.1.5
sp slope1
slip / ~s / ~ped v
sliding n = sloth n
ˈsləɪdɪn, -ɪŋ sp slip13 / slippes1 / slipt8 slo:θ
sp sliding1 rh lip VA 129
sp sloth5, slouth1
> overslip, unslipping
slight / ~est adj
slothful adj
sləɪt / ˈsləɪtəst slipper adj
sp slight26, sleight1 / sleightest1, ˈslɪpəɹ
sp slouthfull1
slightest2 sp slipper1

slight adv slough n

slipper / ~s n
sləɪt sləʊ
ˈslɪpəɹ / -z
sp slough5
sp slight1 sp slipper2 / slippers2


slovenly adj slug n sp sluttery2

m ˈslɤvənˌləɪ slɤɡ rh bilberry MW 5.5.46

sp slouenly1 sp slug2 sluttish adj

slovenry n slug-a-bed n ˈslɤtɪʃ
m ˈslɤvənˌrəɪ ˈslɤɡəbed sp sluttish3

sp slouenrie1 sp sluggabed1 sluttishness n

slow adj sluggard n ˈslɤtɪʃnəs
slo: / ˈslo:əɹ ˈslɤɡəɹd sp slut-tishnesse1

sp slow38 / slower2 sp sluggard2 sly adj

rh go 1H4 3.1.256; know S 51.6; no,
sluggardized adj sləɪ
so LLL 3.1.57; show S 94.4; so RJ
2.6.15; woe S 44.13 m ˈslɤɡəɹˌdəɪzd sp slie1, sly1, slye7
> snail-slow sp sluggardiz’d1 Sly [name] / ~’s / ~s n
slow / ~er adv sluggish adj sləɪ / -z
slo: / ˈslo:əɹ ˈslɤɡɪʃ sp Slie3, Sly2 / Slies1 / Slies1
sp slow6 / slower1 sp sluggish1 slyly adv
rh go S 51.13
> wilful-slow sluice / ~s Luc n ˈsləɪləɪ
= sp slily1, slyly5
slow n
sp sluces2 smack n
slo: rh abuses, excuses Luc 1076
sp slow 1 =
sluice / ~d v sp smack1, smacke3
slow / ~ed v =
slo:d smack / ~s / ~ing v
sp sluc’d1, sluyc’d1
sp slow’d 1 = / = / ˈsmakɪn, -ɪŋ
> foreslow slumber / ~s n sp smack3, smacke1 / smackes2 /
ˈslɤmbəɹ / -z smacking1
slow-gaited adj
sp slumber14, Macmorris H5 3.2.111 small adj
ˈslo:-ˈɡɛ:tɪd slomber1 / slumbers3,
sp slow gated 1 smɑ:l / ˈsmɑ:l·əɹ / m -əst, -st
> gait sp smal2, small75 / smaller3 /
slumber / ~ed v smallest14, small’st1
slowly adv ˈslɤmbəɹ / -d rh all Per 3.4.18, TG 1.2.29; small
ˈslo:ləɪ sp slumber3 / slumbred1
ones tall ones TNK 3.5.110
sp slowly5
small adv / n
slumbery adj
slowness n smɑ:l
ˈslo:nəs sp small3/ small7
sp slumbry1
sp slownesse
smallest n
slow-winged adj ˈsmɑ:ləst
> slink
ˈslo:-ˌwɪŋd sp smallest2
sp slow-wing’d1 slut / ~s n
small-knowing adj
> winged slɤt / -s
2 2 ˈsmɑ:l-ˌno:ɪn, -ɪŋ
sp slut / sluts
slubber v sp small knowing1
ˈslɤbəɹ sluttery n > know
sp slubber2 ˈslɤtrəɪ, -tər-
> beslubber


smallness n rh dwell VA 1171; tell PP 18.9 / Smith [name] n

ˈsmɑ:lnəs dwells S 99.2 / excelling VA 444 =
> tender-smelling
sp smalnesse1 sp Smith2
smile / ~s n
Smalus n Smithfield n
sməɪl / -z
ˈsmaləs =
sp smile12, smyle1 / smiles18
sp Smalus1 sp Smithfield5
smil·e / ~est / ~es / ~ing / ~ed
smart adj smock / ~s n
/ ~edest v
smɑ:ɹt =
sməɪl / -st / -z / ˈsməɪlɪn, -ɪŋ /
sp smart3 sp smock1, smocke7 / smockes2
sməɪld / -st rh clocks LLL 5.2.895
smart / Luc ~s n sp smile62, smoile1 / smilest1, smil’st2 > lady-smock
smɑ:ɹt / -s / smiles27 / smiling13, smyling1 /
smart2 / smarts1 smild1, smil’d9 / smil’dst1 smoke / ~s n
rh art Cym 5.4.42; TC 4.4.18 / hearts rh awhile Per 1.4.108, TNK Epil.4; smo:k / -s
Luc 1238 beguile MND 2.1.44, Oth 1.3.209; sp smoke4, smoake11 / smoakes1
exile PP 14.7; while H8 Epil.11 / rh cloak Luc 799, S 34.4; provoke
smart / ~ing v beguiled PP 20.27 Per 1.1.139
smɑ:ɹt / -ɪn, -ɪŋ Smile [name] n
sp smart4 / smarting1
smok·e / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v
sməɪl smo:k / -s / ˈsmo:kɪn, -ɪŋ /
rh heart 1H6 4.6.42
> all-smarting sp Smile2 smo:kt
smiling adj / n sp smoake6 / smoakes2 / smoaking1,
smartly adv smoa-king1 / smoak’d2
ˈsmɑ:ɹtləɪ ˈsməɪlɪn, -ɪŋ
sp smartly1 sp smiling11 / smiling3, smyling2 smoking adj
rh beguiling, defiling LC 172 ˈsmo:kɪn, -ɪŋ
smatch n sp smoaking2
smilingly adv
ˈsməɪlɪnˌləɪ, -ɪŋ- smoky adj
sp smatch1
sp smilingly2 ˈsmo:kəɪ
smatter v sp smoakie5
smirch v
smɐ:ɹtʃ smooth adj / adv
sp smatter1
sp smirch1 =
smear / ~ed v sp smooth20,
smirched adj
smi:ɹ / -d smooth-[comforts-false]1, smoothe1
sp smeare1 / smear’d4, smeered1 / smooth5
> besmear sp smircht1, smyrcht1
> unsmirched smooth / ~est / ~s / ~ed v
smell / ~s n = / smu:ðst / = / m smu:ðd,
smite / ~s / Luc ~th / smit /
smote v ˈsmu:ðɪd
10 1
sp smell / smels sp smooth9 / smooth’st1 / smooths1
rh tell S 98.5; yell VA 686 sməɪt / -s / ˈsməɪtəθ / = / smo:t,
/ smooth’d2, smoothed1
smell / ~est / ~s / ~ing / ~ed / sp smite1 / smites1 / smiteth1 / smit1 Smooth [name] n
smelt v / smoate1, smot3, smote1 =
= / smelst / = / ˈsmelɪn, -ɪŋ / rh lighteth Luc 176 / not LLL 4.3.26 sp Smoothes [Smooth is]1
smeld / smelt smith / ~’s n
sp smel2, smel’t [smell it]1, smell30 /
smoothed adj
1 1 3 6 = m ˈsmu:ðɪd
smell’st / smelles , smells , smels /
smelling4 / smell’d1 / smelt7 sp smith1, smyth1 / smithes1 sp smoothed1


smooth-faced adj snail / ~s n snatch / ~es / ~ed v

ˈsmu:ð-ˌfɛ:st snɛ:l / -z =
sp smoothfac’d1, smooth-fac’d2 sp snaile6, snayle1 / snayles1 sp snatch8 / snatches3 / snacht1,
> face snatch’d5, snatcht1
snail-paced adj rh catch MND 3.2.29
smoothing adj ˈsnɛ:l-ˌpɛ:st
ˈsmu:ðɪn, -ɪŋ sp snaile-pac’d2
snatcher / ~s n
sp smoothing2 > pace ˈsnatʃəɹz
sp snatchers1
smoothly adv snail-slow adj
ˈsmu:ðləɪ ˈsnɛ:l-ˈslo: sneak / ~ing v
sp smoothly 2
sp snaile-slow 1 = / ˈsni:kɪn, -ɪŋ
> slow sp sneake1 / sneaking2
smoothness n
ˈsmu:ðnəs snake / ~s n Sneak [name] / ~’s n
sp smoothnes1, smoothnesse1 ˈsnɛ:k / -s =
sp snake12 / snakes5 sp Sneake1 / Sneakes1
smooth-pate / ~s n rh bake Mac 4.1.12
ˈsmu:ð-ˌpɛ:ts sneak-cup n
sp smooth-pates 1 snaky adj ˈsni:k-ˌkɤp
> pate ˈsnɛ:kəɪ sp sneake-cuppe1
sp snakie > cup
smother n
ˈsmɤðəɹ snap / ~ped v sneaking adj
sp smother 1 = ˈsni:kɪn, -ɪŋ
rh brother AY 1.2.276 sp snap3 / snapt1 sp sneaking1

smother / ~s / ~ed v snapper-up n sneap n

ˈsmɤðəɹ / -z / -d ˈsnapəɹ-ˈɤp =
sp smother5 / smothers1 / sp snapper-vp1 sp sneape1
smother’d6, smothered2, smothred1
rh another, brother Luc 634; other snare / ~s n sneaping adj
S 47.4 snɛ:ɹ / -z ˈsni:pɪn, -ɪŋ
sp snare2 / snares4 sp sneaping2
smothering n rh are, care Luc 928; prepare
ˈsmɤðrɪn, -ɪŋ, -ðər- Tim 5.2.17 sneck n
sp smothering1 =
snare / ~s / ~d v sp snecke1
smug adj snɛ:ɹ / -z / -d
smɤɡ sp snare1 / snares1 / snar’d2 snip n
sp smug2, smugge1 > ensnare =
sp snip3
Smulkin n Snare [name] n
ˈsmɤlkɪn snɛ:ɹ snipe n
sp Smulkin1 sp Snare7 snəɪp
sp snipe1
smutch / ~ed v snarl / ~eth / ~ing v
smɤtʃt snɑ:ɹl / ˈsnɑ:ɹl·əθ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ snipped adj
sp smutch’d1 sp snarle1 / snarleth1 / snarling1 =
sp snipt1
snaffle n snatch / ~es n
= =
sp snaffle1 sp snatch1 / snatches3


snore / ~s n snuff / ~ed v soak / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v

snɔ:ɹz snɤf / -t so:ks / ˈso:kɪn, -ɪŋ / so:kt
sp snores2 sp snuffe1 / snuft1 sp sokes1 / soaking2 / soak’d1

snor·e / ~es / ~ing v Snug [name] n soar / ~s / ~ing v

snɔ:ɹ / -z / ˈsnɔ:rɪn, -ɪŋ snɤɡ so:ɹ / -z / ˈso:rɪn, -ɪŋ
sp snore3 / snores2 / snoaring1 sp Snug4, Snugge1 sp soare6, sore1 / soares1 / soaring1
rh roars MND 5.1.363 pun RJ 1.4.20 sore
so adv
snort / ~ing v so: soaring adj
ˈsnɔ:rtɪn, -ɪŋ sp so4869, ’so1, soe1, so’s [so is]1 / ˈso:rɪn, -ɪŋ
sp snorting1 abbr s’1 sp soaring1
rh Bassanio MV 2.8.38; blow LLL > high-soaring
snorting adj 4.3.108, PP 16.10; blow, woe Luc
ˈsnɔ:rtɪn, -ɪŋ 1664; crow CE 3.1.81, 85, MND sob / ~s n
sp snorting1 2.1.268, Per 4.Chorus.31; foe Luc =
1036, 1197, 1681, 1826, MND 3.2.43, sp sob1 / sobs2
Snout [name] n RJ 1.5.60, Tim 2.2.239; go AW 2.3.128,
snəʊt 298, CE 2.2.225, Cor 2.3.120, Ham sob / ~s v
3 4 3.1.188, LLL 2.1.36, 4.3.185, 5.2.59, =
sp Snout , Snowt
5.2.621, MND 1.1.186, 2.2.92, 3.1.151,
sp sob1 / sobs2
snow adj / n 3.2.183, 5.1.201, MV 2.7.79, R2 1.2.63,
1.3.247, 2.1.297, RJ 3.5.24, Tem sobbing adj
4.1.45, TN 2.1.42, VA 381, 612; go,
sp snow1 / snow33 ˈsɒbɪn, -ɪŋ
know CE 4.3.78; go, moe, woe MA
rh blow LLL 5.2.912; crow MND sp sobbing1
2.3.70; grow LLL 2.1.52, 5.2.252, R3
3.2.141, WT 4.4.220; foe VA 362; go
2.4.8, S 115.13, TN 2.4.40; know CE
Ham 4.5.36; so Luc 1218 sober adj
3.2.53, Ham 3.2.180, LLL 1.1.59,
2.1.52, 4.3.49, 128, 5.2.489, Luc 1060,
snowball / ~s n sp sober16
MND 1.1.228, 3.2.162, 173, 190, Oth
ˈsno:bɑ:lz 4.3.102, R2 3.4.90, S 13.14, 140.6, Tit
sp snow-bals1 5.3.139, TN 3.4.371, VA 1110; know,
sober-blooded adj
> ball no LLL 1.1.67; minimo [Lat] TS ˈso:bəɹ-ˌblɤdɪd
1.1.158; moe, woe Luc 1481; no sp so-ber-blooded1
snow-broth n CE 3.2.59, 4.2.1, LLL 2.1.198, 4.1.13,
ˈsno:-ˌbrɒθ MND 3.2.80, MV 3.2.146, R2 3.3.208, soberly adv
sp snow-broth1 S 148.6, TC 4.4.133, VA 851; owe m ˈso:bəɹˌləɪ
> broth TN 1.5.301; owe, show Luc 79; Po sp soberly1
KJ 1.1.204; quo 1H6 5.3.108; show
snow-white adj LLL 5.2.537, MND 3.2.152, 5.1.160, sober-suited adj
ˈsno:-ˌʍəɪt S 43.8, 54.11, 105.4; show, woe ˈso:bəɹ-ˌʃu:tɪd, -ˌsju-
sp snow-white3 Luc 1510, 1811; shrew TS 5.2.188;
sp sober suted1
> white slow LLL 3.1.59, RJ 2.6.14; snow
Luc 1217; though KJ 1.1.168, sobriety n
snowy adj MND 2.2.114; venuto TS 1.2.278; woe
m səˈbrəɪətəɪ, -ˌtəɪ
ˈsno:əɪ CE 2.1.14, 3H6 2.3.47, 2.5.19,
sp sobrietie2
LLL 4.1.13, Luc 1224, MM 2.1.270,
sp snowy1 rh see TS 1.1.71
4.1.12, R2 2.1.151, 3.4.27, 4.1.148,
snuff / ~s n S 71.6, 90.14, 127.14, 129.9, Tit
sociable adj
5.3.146, VA 713, 834, 840, 969
snɤf / -s m ˈso:sɪˌabəl, -sɪəbəl
pun TG 3.1.299 sew
sp snuffe6 / snuffes1 sp sociable6
> so-so, well
> insociable


societ·y / ~ies n soft-hearted adj Sol [name] n

m səˈsəɪəˌtəɪ, -təɪ / -z m ˌsɒft-ˈɑ:ɹtɪd, -ˈh- =
sp societie12, so-cietie1, society9, sp soft harted1, soft-hearted1 sp Sol1
so-ciety1 / societies4
rh charity LLL 4.3.126; company, softly adv / interj sola interj
deity Tem 4.1.91; company, melody ˈsɒftləɪ səˈla:, so:-
Luc 1111; impiety S 67.4; simplicity sp softly13, soft-ly1 / softly7 sp sola3, sowla2
LLL 4.3.51
softly-sprighted adj solace n/v
sock / ~s n ˈsɒftləɪ-ˈsprəɪtɪd =
= sp softly-sprighted1 sp solace2 / solace4, sollace1
sp socks1
softness n Solanio n
Socrates / ~’ n = səˈlanɪo:
ˈsɒkrəˌti:z sp softnesse1 sp Salanio2, Solanio4
sp Socrates1
so-ho interj sold
sodden adj ˌso:-ˈho: > sell
= sp soa hough1, so-hough1
sp sodden2 soldat Fr n
soil / ~’s n sɔlˈda
sodden-witted adj səɪl / -z sp soldat1
= 1
sp soil , soile , soyle 6 15
/ soyles 1

sp sodden-witted1 solder / ~est v

> wit soil / ~ed v ˈsɔ:dəɹ, ˈso:- / -st
səɪl / -d sp soalder1 / souldrest1
soever, abbr soe’er adv 2 1 1 1
sp soyle / soil’d , soyld , soyl’d
so:ˈevəɹ, abbr so:ˈɛ:ɹ soldier / ~’s / ~s / ~s’ n
sp soeuer6, abbr soere1, so ere5 soiled adj ˈso:dɪəɹ / -z
rh there TN 1.1.12 səɪld sp soldier19, sol-dier1, soldiour8,
> ever 1 souldier106, souldiers [soldier is]1,
sp soyled
> unsoiled souldior2, souldiour4 / soldiers4,
so-forth n souldiers9, soul-diers2, souldiors13,
ˈso:-ˌfɔ:ɹθ soilure n souldiours1 / soldiers37, soldiours4,
sp so-forth1 ˈsəɪljəɹ souldiers107, souldiours5 / soldiers1,
> forth souldiers5, souldiors1
sp soylure1
> fellow-soldier
soft / ~er / ~est adj soit Fr
= / ˈsɒftəɹ / = soldier-breeder n
> être
sp soft51 / softer3 / softest3 ˈso:dɪəɹ-ˌbri:dəɹ
> flower-soft sojourn n sp souldier-breeder1
ˈsɒdʒəɹn > breeder
soft adv / interj / n
sp soiourne1
= soldier-like adj
sp soft5 / soft58 / soft1 sojourn / ~ed v ˈso:dɪəɹ-ləɪk
ˈsɒdʒəɹn / -d sp souldier-like2
soft-conscienced adj 5 3
sp soiourne / soiourn’d
ˈsɒft-ˌkɒnsɪənst soldiership n
rh returned MND 3.2.171
sp soft conscienc’d1 m ˈso:dɪəɹˌʃɪp, -ɹʃ-
sol [music] n sp soldiership1, souldiership7,
soften / ~s / ~ed v = souldier-ship1
= sp sol4
sp soften5 / softens1 / softned2


sole adj solicitation n Solyman n

so:l səˌlɪsɪˈtɛ:sɪən ˈsɒlɪmən
sp soale1, sole20 sp solicitation1 sp Solyman1

sole / ~s n soliciter n some det / n

so:l / -z səˈlɪsɪtəɹ str sɤm, unstr sm / sɤm
sp sole3 / soales1, soles1 sp soliciter1, solicitor1 sp som2, some1229 / some226, [other]
pun MV 4.1.123 soul some1, [other]-some1
soliciting n rh come LLL 5.2.819, Luc 1445;
solely adv səˈlɪsɪtɪn, -ɪŋ crumb, mum KL 1.4.194
ˈso:ləɪ sp soliciting1, solliciting1 pun 2H4 2.1.71 sum
sp solely3, solie3, soly2
solicity n somebody pro
solemn adj səˈlɪsɪtəɪ m ˈsɤmbədəɪ, sɤmˈbɒdəɪ
= sp solicity1 sp some bodie2, somebody2,
3 37
sp solemn , solemne , sollemne 1 some-body1, some body3
solid adj > body
solemnly adv =
m ˈsɒləmˌləɪ, -ml- someone pro
sp solid3, solide1
1 5
sp solemnely , solemnly , sollemnly 1 m ˈsɤmo:n, -ən, sɤmˈo:n,
solidare / ~s n -ˈwɒn
solemness n ˈsɒlɪdɛ:ɹz sp some one7
= sp solidares 1 > one
sp solemnesse1
solidity n Somerset / ~’s n
solemnit·y / ~ies n m səˈlɪdɪˌtəɪ m ˈsɤməɹˌset, -ɹs- / -ɹˌsets
m səˈlemnɪˌtəɪ, -ɪt- / -ɪˌtəɪz sp solidity1 sp Somerset87, Somer-set1 /
sp solemnitie , solemnity / 5 Somersets2
solemnities1 Solinus n rh get 1H6 4.3.33
rh amity, be, jollity, me, prosperity, səˈləɪnəs
triumphantly MND 4.1.87; jollity
Somervile n
sp Solinus1
MND 5.1.359; see AC 5.2.364; three m ˈsɤməɹˌvɪl
MND 4.1.184 solitary adj sp Someruile2
m ˈsɒlɪˌtrəɪ, -ɪt-
solemnize / ~d v something pro
sp solitarie1, solitary1
ˈsɒləmˌnəɪz / m -d, -mnəɪzd, m ˈsɤmθɪŋ, sɤmˈθɪŋ
sɒˈlemnɪˌzɪd Solomon n sp something156, some-thing5, some
sp solemnize2 / solemnizd1, = thing1, something’s [something is]1,
solemniz’d3, solemnized2 somthing12, som-thing1, som thing1
sp Salomon2
> thing
sole-singular adj Solon / ~’s n
ˈso:l-ˈsɪŋɡjələɹ sometime adj / adv
sp sole-singular1
ˈsɤmtəɪm / m ˈsɤmtəɪm,
sp Solons1
> singular sɤmˈtəɪm
sol·us / ~um Lat adj sp sometime3 / sometime63,
solicit / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v ˈso:lʊm somtime5, som-time1
= / = / səˈlɪsɪtɪn, -ɪŋ / = sp emend of TS 4.4.90 solem1
> time
sp solicit2, solicite5, soli-cite1, sollicit1,
sollicite2 / solicites3 / soliciting1, solus Lat adv / n sometimes adv
solliciting1 / solicited3 ˈso:lʊs m ˈsɤmtəɪmz, sɤmˈtəɪmz
> still-soliciting, unsolicited sp sometimes48, some-times3,
sp solus8 / solus3
rh crimes LLL 4.1.30


somever adv rh 1 long PP 18.50, S 100.3; self- sp sooth31, [good]sooth1,

sɤmˈevəɹ wrong CE 3.2.172; rh 2 tongue LLL [good]-sooth2, [in]sooth10,
5.2.405, S 17.12, 102.14 / tongues sooth-[law]1
sp someuer1
VA 777 > forsooth
> howsomever
> love-, plain-, prick-song
soothe / ~est / ~ing / ~ed v
somewhat adv song·man / ~men n = / -st / ˈsu:ðɪn, -ɪŋ / =
ˈsɤmʍɑt = sp sooth4 / sooth’st1 / soothing1 /
sp somewhat16, somwhat1
sp song-men1 sooth’d1
somewhere adv son-in-law / ~’s n soother / ~s n
ˈsɤmʍɛ:ɹ ˈsɤn-ɪn-ˌlɔ: / -z ˈsu:ðəɹz
sp somewhere1, some-where1, some
sp son-in-law2, son in lawes1, sp soothers1
sonne-in-law2, sonne in-law1, sonne
in law6 / sonne in lawes1 soothing n
somewhither adv
> law ˈsu:ðɪn, -ɪŋ
sp soothing1
sp some whether1 sonnet / ~s n
> whither = soothsay v
Somme n sp sonnet12 / sonnets3 ˈsu:θˌsɛ:, ˈsʊθ-
sɒm sp soothsay1
sonneting n > say
sp Some1 ˈsɒnɪtɪn, -ɪŋ
sp sonnetting1 soothsayer n
son / ~’s / ~s / ~s’ n
rh thing LLL 4.3.156 ˈsu:θˌsɛ:əɹ, ˈsʊθ-
sɤn / -z
sp soothsaier1, soothsayer6,
sp son67, son’s [son is]1, sonne548, sont Fr sooth-sayer2, southsayer1
[bitch-wolfes]-sonne1, > être
[Hydra]-sonne1, sonne’s [son is]2 / sooty adj
sonnes13 / sonnes175, sons7 / sonties n ˈsʊtəɪ
sonnes4, sons1 ˈsɒntəɪz
rh 1 begun KJ 1.1.159, R2 1.1.159; sp sootie1
sp sonties1
done 1H6 4.3.37, 4.6.6, Mac 3.5.11,
sop / ~s n
R2 1.3.224, 5.2.101, R3 4.4.25, Tem soon / ~er / ~est adv
2.1.332, 4.1.93, Tit 1.1.345; undone =
= / ˈsu:nəɹ / = sp sop2, soppe1 / sops2
Per 1.1.119; won 1H6 4.6.51, S 41.7;
rh 2 afternoon 1H6 4.5.52; noon S sp soon2, soone134, [as]soone4, > milksop
7.14; rh 3 gone R3 1.3.9 / nuns VA [as]-soone1 / sooner46, soo-ner1 /
754 soonest4 sophister n
pun R3 1.1.2 sun rh 1 moon LLL 5.2.211, Luc 370, ˈsɒfɪstəɹ
MND 3.2.52, 4.1.96, PP 14.25; noon
sp sophister1
son Fr det TN 3.1.144; rh 2 doom Per 5.2.19
> il [Chorus] sophisticated adj
sooner n səˈfɪstɪˌkɛ:tɪd
son Fr n sp sophisticated1
sɔ̃ ˈsu:nəɹ
sp son1 sp sooner12 Sophy n
soonest adj ˈso:fəɪ
sonance n sp Sophie1, Sophy2
ˈso:nəns =
sp sonuance1 sp soonest2 sorcerer / ~s n
sooth n ˈsɔ:ɹsərəɹ / m -z, -əˌrɐ:ɹz
song / ~s n sp sorcerer1 / sorcerers3
= =, sʊθ
sp song81, songue1 / songs12


sorceress n R2 1.3.227, RJ 2.2.184, S 90.5; sp so-see-ming1

ˈsɔ:ɹsəˌres tomorrow AW 2.3.294, 2H4 4.2.83, > seem
PP 14.6, 14.23, VA 583, 671
sp sorceresse3 so-so adv
> canker-, sea-sorrow; heart-
sorcer·y / ~ies n sorrowing ˌso:-ˈso:
ˈsɔ:ɹsəˌrəɪ / ˈsɔ:ɹsrəɪz, -sər- sp so, so4; so so1
sorrow / ~est / ~s / ~ed v rh Mercatio TG 1.2.13
sp sorcerie1, sorcery1 / sorceries1 ˈsɒrə, -ro: / -əwəst, -o:əst / -əz, > so
sore / ~r adj -o:z / -əd, -o:d
sp sorrow5 / sorrowest1 / sorrowes1
Sossius n
sɔ:ɹ / ˈsɔ:ɹəɹ ˈsɒsɪəs
/ sorrowed1
sp sore17 / sorer1
sp Sossius1
rh o’er Luc 1568 sorrowed adj
ˈsɒrəd, -ro:d sot / ~s n
sore adv
sp sorrowed1 =
sp sot6, [make-a-de]-sot1 / sottes1
sp sore9 sorrowful adj rh not CE 2.2.203
rh before, door CE 3.1.65
ˈsɒrəfʊl, -ro:-
pun RJ 1.4.20 soar Soto n
sp sorrowfull5
sore / ~s n ˈso:to:
sorrowing PP n sp Soto1
sɔ:ɹ / -z
ˈsɒrəwɪn, -ɪŋ, -ro:-
sore14 / sores7 sottish adj
rh boar PP 9.12; more R2 1.3.303, sp sorrowing1
rh sing PP 20.26 =
TC 3.1.117
> eye-, heart-, pricket-sore sp emend of sortish1
sorrow-wreathen adj
sore-betrayed LC adj ˈsɒrə-ˌri:ðən, -ro:- sought
ˈsɔ:ɹ-bɪˈtrɛ:d sp sorrow-wreathen1 > seek
sp sore-betrayed soul / ~’s / ~s n
sorr·y / ~iest adj
rh maid LC 328
ˈsɒrəɪ / -əst ˈso:l / -z
> betray
sp sorrie15, sorry75 / sorryest1 sp soale1, soule419,
sorely adv rh glory, story Luc 1524 [Christians]-soule1, [sad]-soule1,
sp sorely5, sore-ly1 > sorrier n [stranger]-soule1 / soules19 /
ˈsɔ:ɹləI sort / ~s n rh control Luc 498, 1779, S 107.1,
sorrel n sɔ:ɹt / -s 125.13; hole Luc 1176; poll Ham
4.5.199 / fowls CE 2.1.22
ˈsɒrəl sp sort52 / sorts8
pun MV 4.1.123 sole
sp sorell2, sorrell1 rh extort, sport MND 3.2.159; report
rh more ‘L’ LLL 4.2.61 MND 3.2.21, S 36.13, 96.13; sport
soul-confirming adj
MND 3.2.13, 388
ˈso:l-kənˈfɐ:ɹmɪn, -ɪŋ
sorrier n
sort / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v sp soule-confirming1
ˈsɒrəɪəɹ > confirm
sɔ:ɹt / -s / ˈsɔ:ɹt·ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd
sorry sp sort14 / sorts5 / sorting1 / sorted4
soul-curer n
rh sport MND 3.2.352
> unsorted
sorrow / ~’s / ~s n
sp soule-curer1
ˈsɒrə, -ro: / -z sortance n > curer
sp sorow3, sorrow160,
[hearts]-sorrow1, sorrow’s [sorrow soul-fearing adj
is]1 / sorrowes108 / sorowes1, sorrowes2 sp sortance1
m ˌso:l-ˈfi:rɪn, -ɪŋ
rh borrow Luc 1497, Oth 1.3.212, VA
so-seeming adj sp soule-fearing1
963; borrow, morrow Luc 1080; good-
ˈso:-ˈsi:mɪn, -ɪŋ > fear
morrow Luc 1221; morrow Luc 1569,


soul-killing adj soundest n sourest-natured adj

m ˌso:l-ˈkɪlɪn, -ɪŋ ˈsəʊndəst ˈso:rəst-ˌnɛ:təɹd
sp soule-killing1 sp soundest1 sp sowrest natured1
> kill
sounding adj sour-eyed adj
soulless adj ˈsəʊndɪn, -ɪŋ m ˌso:ɹ-ˈəɪd
ˈso:ləs sp sounding1 sp sower-ey’d1
sp soule-lesse1 > re-, shrill-sounding > eye

soul-vexed adj sounding n sourly adv

m ˌso:l-ˈvekst ˈsəʊndɪn, -ɪŋ ˈso:ɹləɪ
sp soule-vext1 sp sounding2 sp sowrely1
> vex
soundless adj souse v
sound adj ˈsəʊndləs səʊs
səʊnd / ˈsəʊndəɹ / -əst sp soundlesse1 sp sowsse1
34 2 1
sp sound / sounder / soun-dest
rh wound Per 4.Chorus.24 soundly adv soused adj
> unsound ˈsəʊndləɪ səʊst
sp soundly22, sound-ly1 sp sowc’t-[gurnet]1
sound adv
səʊnd soundness n south adj / adv / n
sp sound8 ˈsəʊndnəs səʊθ
rh confound R2 5.3.84; ground MND sp soundnesse1 sp south2, south-[fog], south-[sea],
2.2.80, 3.2.449 south-[wind]1 / south2 / south18
Soundpost [name] n rh n mouth KJ 2.1.413
sound n ˈsəʊnpo:st, -ndp-
səʊnd / -z sp Sound-Post1
Southam n
sp sound46 / sounds17 ˈsɤðəm
rh 1 drowned PP 8.9; found MND sour / ~est adj sp Southam2
3.2.182, R2 2.1.19 [also emend as so:ɹ / -əst
fond]; ground S 130.10; round Mac Southampton, abbr
sp soure1, sower5, sowre21 /
4.1.128; sound-a bound-a TNK Hampton n
3.5.67; rh 2 wound Luc 1464, RJ
rh hour S 57.7; lour R2 1.3.236; səʊθˈamtən, abbr ˈhamtən,
4.5.127 / confounds S 8.5
power R2 3.2.193 ˈam-, -mpt-
sound [noise] / ~s / ~ing / sp Southampton4, abbr Hampton1
sour adv
~ed v so:ɹ southerly adv
səʊnd / -z / ˈsəʊnd·ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd sp sowre2
118 28 4
sp sound / sounds / sounding
sp southerly1
/ sounded21 sour / Luc ~s / Luc ~ing /
rh bound RJ 3.2.126; round Per 3. ~ed v southern adj
Chorus.36 / confounds S 128.2 /
so:ɹ / -z / ˈso:rɪn, -ɪŋ / so:ɹd ˈsɤðəɹn
wounding VA 431
sp sowre2 / sowres1 / sowring1 / sp southerne4
> unsounded
sound [swoon] / ~ed v rh ours Luc 867 / devouring southward adv
səʊnd / ˈsəʊndɪd Luc 699 ˈsəʊθwɑɹd
sp sound1 / sounded2 sp southward1, south-ward1
source / ~s n
> swoon, swound
sɔ:ɹs / ˈsɔ:ɹsɪz Southwark n
sounder n sp source2, sourse4 / sources1 ˈsɤðəɹk
ˈsəʊndəɹ sp Southwarke2
sp sounder


Southwell n Sowter n Spaniard / ~’s n

ˈsɤðəl ˈso:təɹ ˈspanɪəɹd / -z
sp Southwell2 sp Sowter1 sp Spaniard4 / Spa-niards1

south-west n space / ~s n spaniel adj

ˈsəʊθˌwest spɛ:s / ˈspɛ:sɪz =
sp southwest1 sp space26, [blancke]-space1 / sp spaniell1
souviendrai Fr v rh face, place Luc 1776; grace spaniel / ~s n
suvjɛ̃ˈdrɛ AW 2.1.159, LLL 1.1.52, 148; grace, =
sp emend of H5 3.4.9 souemeray1 place LC 264 sp spaniel1, spaniell3 / spaniels1
> water-spaniel
sovereign / ~est adj spacious adj
ˈsɒvrən, -vər- / -st ˈspɛ:sɪəs spaniel-like adv
sp soueraign , soueraigne , 44 sp spacious11 ˈspanɪəl-ˌləɪk
soue-raigne1 / soueraign’st1 rh gracious S 135.5 sp spaniel-like1

sovereign / ~’s n spade n Spanish adj

m ˈsɒvrən, -vər-, -vəˌren / spɛ:d =
ˈsɒvrənz, -vər- sp spade8 sp Spanish3
3 89 rh made Ham 5.1.92
sp soueraign , soueraigne ,
so-ueraigne1 / soueraignes10,
spare adj / n
Spain n spɛ:ɹ
soueraigns1, sou’raignes1, sou’rains1
rh reign Per 2.4.39
spɛ:n sp spare4 / spare1
sp Spaine12
sovereignly adv rh brain LLL 1.1.161 spar·e / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v
m ˈsɒvrənˌləɪ spɛ:ɹ / -z / ˈspɛ:rɪn, -ɪŋ / spɛ:ɹd
sp soueraignely1 sp spare55 / spares2 / sparing1 /
> speak
sovereignty n rh spare me ensnare me Luc 582;
span / ~s n
m ˈsɒvrənˌtəɪ spare not dare not TN 2.3.108
10 13
sp soueraigntie , soueraignty
sp span4 / spannes1 sparing adj / n
rh be Luc 36; dignity LLL 4.3.232
rh man AY 3.2.127, Oth 2.3.67, ˈspɛ:rɪn, -ɪŋ
> self-sovereignty
Tim 5.3.3
sp sparing2 / sparing1
sow [animal] / ~’s n > none-sparing
span / ~ned v
səʊ / -z
= sparingly adv
sp sow2 / sowes1
sp spand1 m ˈspɛ:rɪnˌləɪ, -ɪŋ-
sow [grow] / ~ing / ~ed v sp sparingly2
span-counter n
so: / ˈso:ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d
ˈspan-ˌkəʊntəɹ spark / ~s n
sp sow1, sowe4, sow’t [sow it]1 /
sp span-counter1 spɑ:ɹk / -s
sowing1 / sow’d4, sowed1
rh go MM 4.1.75 sp spark3, sparke6 / sparkes9
spangle / ~d v
sowl v = sparkl·e / ~es / ~ing v
so:l sp spangle1 / spangled1 ˈspɑ:ɹkəl / -z / -klɪn, -klɪŋ
sp sole1 sp sparcle1, sparkle3 / sparkles1 /
spangled adj
sow-skin adj =
ˈsəʊ-ˌskɪn sp spangled1 sparkling adj
sp sow-skin 1 ˈspɑ:ɹklɪn, -ɪŋ
sp sparkling2


sparrow / ~s n speaker / ~s n spectatorship n

ˈsparə, -ro: / -z ˌspi:kəɹ, spɛ:- / -z spekˈtɛ:təɹˌʃɪp
sp sparrow10 / sparrowes2, sp speaker8 / speakers1 sp spectatorship1
spar-rowes1, sparrows1
rh arrows Tem 4.1.100 spear / ~s n speculation / ~s n
> hedge-sparrow spi:ɹ / -z m ˌspekjəˈlɛ:sɪən, -sɪˌɒn /
sp speare7 / speares1 -sɪənz
Sparta / ~’s n rh 1 career R2 1.2.47; here R2 sp speculation3 / speculations1
ˈspɑ:ɹtə / -z 1.1.171; tear [cry] R2 1.3.60; rh 2
sp Sparta2 / Sparta’s1 there Luc 1424, VA 1112 speculative adj
> boar-spear m ˈspekjəlˌtɪv, -ələ-
Spartan adj sp speculatiue2
ˈspɑ:ɹtən spear-grass n
sp Spartan1, Sparton1 ˈspi:ɹ-ˌɡras sped
sp spear-grasse1 > speed
spavin / ~s n
ˈspavɪn / -z special adj speech / ~es n
sp spauen1 / spauins1 ˈspesɪɑl =
sp special2, speciall33, spe-ciall1 sp speach1, spech1, speech127 /
spawn n > especial speeches21
= rh beseech CE 4.2.15; eche [eke] Per
sp spawne1
special-blest S adj 3.Chorus.14; teach R2 5.3.113
spawn / ~ed v sp speciall blest1
speechless adj
= rh chest S 52.11 =
sp spawn’d1 sp speechlesse11
specially adv
speak / ~est / ~s / ~eth / m ˈspesɪɑˌləɪ speed n
~ing / spake / ~st / spoke / sp specially2 =
~st / ~n v sp speed54, speede23
specialt·y / ~ies n rh breed, deed Luc 501; meed Cym
spi:k, spɛ:k, spek / -st / -s /
m ˈspesɪɑlˌtəɪ / -z 3.5.162; need 2H4 1.1.214
ˈspi:k·əθ, ˈspɛ:-, ˈspe- / -ɪn,
sp specialty1 / specialties2
-ɪŋ / spak / -st / spo:k / -st / -ən speed / ~s / ~ed / sped v
sp speak70, speake1082, specify v =
speake-[a-your]1, speak’t [speak it]2 m ˈspesɪˌfəɪ, -ɪf- sp speed27, speed131, speede29 /
5 1 35
/ speakest , speakst , speak’st / 4 speedes1, speeds4 / speeded2 /
sp specifie
speakes113, speaks17, speak’s1 / sped10
speaketh1 / speaking41 / spake48 / speciously adv rh deed AW 3.7.44; indeed Tim
spak’st2 / spoake1, spoke142 / 3.2.63; need KJ 1.1.178, S 51.2 /
m ˈspi:sɪəsˌləɪ
spoak’st1, spok’st2 / spoken58 weeds MA 5.3.32 / bed TS 5.2.184;
sp speciously1, spe-ciously1
rh 1 cheek Per 5.1.95; leak KL 3.6.27 bed, head MV 2.9.72
[Q]; weak AW 2.1.175, 3.4.42, CE
spectacle / ~s n
3.2.33, Luc 1648, VA 1146; rh 2 break Speed [name] n
Ham 3.2.196, LLL 1.1.133, Luc 1268,
1718, Mac 4.3.209, S 34.7, TC 3.3.214, spectacle9 / spectacles8
sp Speed6
VA 221; rh 3 deck Per 3.Chorus.60 /
breaks Luc 567 / breaking TC 4.4.19 /
spectacle / ~d v
speedier n
broke MND 1.1.176; provoke LLL =
5.2.349; stroke VA 943 sp spectacled1
sp speedier1
> be-, fore-, mis-, out-speak; re-,
un-speaking; un-, well-spoken spectator / ~s n
speediest n
sp spectators4
sp speediest1


speedily adv Cym 5.4.104, Mac 3.2.4, S 119.14; spice / ~s n

m ˈspi:dɪləɪ, -ˌləɪ content, repent MND 2.2.118; spəɪs / ˈspəɪsɪz
descent R2 1.1.108; detriment,
sp speedily11, spee-dily1 sp spice3 / spices5
discontent Luc 1577; discontent,
rh Brittany 3H6 4.6.102; merrily 1H4
event Luc 1600; element Luc 1589; spice / ~s v
event 2H6 3.1.325; exigent 1H6 2.5.8;
instrument R2 2.1.150; Lent RJ
speediness n sp spices1
2.4.136; monument S 107.14; rent
= S 125.8; tent TC 5.1.43; testament
sp speedinesse1 Luc 1182
spiced adj
> forespend m ˈspəɪsɪd
speeding adj / n sp spiced1
ˈspi:dɪn, -ɪŋ spendthrift n
sp speeding1 / speeding2 = spicery n
sp spend-thrift1 ˈspəɪsrəɪ, -sər-
speed·y / ~ier / ~iest adj sp spicery1
ˈspi:dəɪ / -əɹ / -əst spent adj
sp speedie5, speedy14 / speedier1 / = spider / ~’s / ~s n
speediest2 sp spent 1 ˈspəɪdəɹ / -z
sp spider9 / spiders2 / spiders3
spell / ~s n spera / ~to Ital v
= ˈspera / speˈrɑ:to: spider-like adv
sp spell8 / spelles1, spels4 sp spera1 / Pistol 2H4 2.4.176 ˈspəɪdəɹ-ˌləɪk
rh dwell Tem Epil.8 sperato1 sp spider-like1

spell / ~ed v sphere / ~s n spigot n

= sfi:ɹ / -z =
sp spell2 / speld1 sp spheare3, sphere7 / spheares3, sp spigot1
rh well RJ 2.3.84 spheres4
rh 1 clear MND 3.2.61; rh 2 every- spill / ~s / ~ing / ~ed / ~t v
spelling adj where MND 2.1.7 = / = / ˈspɪlɪn, -ɪŋ / =
ˈspelɪn, -ɪŋ sp spill5 / spilles1, spill’s1 / spilling1 /
sp spelling1 sphere / ~d v spild1 / spilt5
sfi:ɹd rh ill LLL 4.1.34; ill, kill Luc 999 /
spell-stopped adj sp sphear’d1 filling, willing Luc 1236 / rh 1 filled,
= > unsphere killed Luc 1801; killed VA 1167; rh 2
sp spell-stopt1 child RJ 3.1.147 / guilt Ham 4.5.20
sphered adj
Spencer n m ˈsfi:rɪd spilth n
ˈspensəɹ sp sphered1 =
sp Spencer1 sp spilth1
spherical adj
spend / ~est / ~s / ~ing / ˈsferɪkɑl spin / spun v
spent v sp sphericall3 = / spɤn
= / spenst, -ndst / = / ˈspendɪn, sp spin4 / spun2
-ɪŋ / = sphery adj
59 1 1 ˈsfi:rəɪ Spinii n
sp spend / spendest , spend’st /
spends3 / spending2 / spent60 sp sphery 1 ˈspɪni:
rh end Mac 3.5.20, S 9.9, 146.6, Tim sp Spinij1
3.4.57; friend PP 20.34, S 149.7; lend S sphinx n
4.1; tend S 57.3 / argument S 76.12, = spinner / ~s’ n
100.6, 105.11, Tim 3.5.22; attent Per 3. sp sphinx 1 ˈspɪnəɹz
Chorus.12; banishment R2 1.3.211, sp spinners1 / spin-ners1
RJ 3.2.130; content AY 2.3.67,


spinster / ~s n spite / ~s n spleet / ~s v

ˈspɪnstəɹ / -z spəɪt / -s =
sp spinster1 / spinsters2 sp spight30, spite1 / spights1 sp spleet’s1
rh delight S 36.6, 37.3; fight, knight
spire n PP 15.7; knight MND 5.1.268; light splenative adj
ˈspəɪɹ MND 3.2.420, VA 1133; might m ˈspli:nəˌtɪv
sp spire1 S 90.10; night Luc 762, RJ 1.5.62; right sp spleenatiue1
CE 4.2.8, Ham 1.5.188; tonight 2H6
spirit / ~s n 5.1.213 / sprites CE 2.2.198 splendour n
m =, spɪɹt / -s, sprəɪts > despite ˈsplendəɹ
sp spirit238, [ill]-spirit1, spi-rit2, sp splendor2
spite / ~s / ~d v
spirite2, spirit’s [spirit is]1 / spirites3,
spirits118, sprights1
spəɪt / -s / ˈspəɪtɪd splinter / ~s n
rh merit S 108.2 sp spight5 / spights1 / spighted1 ˈsplɪntəɹ / -z
sp splinter1 / splinters1
spirit / ~ed v spite of, (in) prep
= (ɪn)ˈspəɪtəv splinter / ~ed v
sp in spight of12, [in]spight of2, spight of3
sp spirited1 ˈsplɪntəɹ / -d
> despite of
> barren-, ill-, low-, pleasant- sp splinter1 / splinter’d1
spiteful adj
split / ~est / ~s / ~ting /
spiritless adj ˈspəɪtfʊl
2 1
~ted v
m ˈspɪrɪtˌles sp spightfull , spitefull
= / splɪts, -tst / = / ˈsplɪtɪn,
sp spiritlesse
spitting adj / n -ɪŋ / =
spirit-stirring adj ˈspɪtɪn, -ɪŋ sp split16 / splitt’st1 / splits2 /
sp spitting / spitting 1 splitting1 / splitted3
ˈspɪrɪt-ˌstɐ:rɪn, -ɪŋ
rh ship Per 2.Chorus.32
sp spirit-stirring1
spittle, spital n
= splitted adj
spiritual adj
sp spittle 2 =
m ˈspɪrɪtˌju:ɑl, -tjɑl
sp splitted1
sp spirituall
spittle-house n
ˈspɪtl-ˌəʊs, -ˌhəʊs splitting adj
spiritualty n
sp spittle-house 1 ˈsplɪtɪn, -ɪŋ
m ˌspɪrɪˈtju:ɑltəɪ
> house sp splitting2
sp spiritualtie1
splay v spoil / ~s n
spirt v
splɛ: spəɪl / -z
sp splay1 sp spoile4, spoyle10 / spoiles3,
spleen / ~s n rh boil VA 553; foil LC 154
spit / ~s n
= =
spoil / ~s / ~ed v
sp spleene28 / spleenes3
sp spit4, spits3 spəɪl / -z / -d
rh been PP 6.6; queen 3H6 2.1.123
sp spoile1, spoyle8 / spoyles5 /
spit / ~s / ted v
spleenful adj spoil’d2, spoyl’d7
sp spet3, spit21 / spets1, spits2 / spoke / ~s n
sp spleenefull1, spleenfull1
spitted1 spo:ks
spleeny adj sp spoakes1, spokes2
> spittle
sp spleeny1


spokesman n sp spotted4 rh buried S 25.5; dead Luc 1266; red

ˈspo:ksmən rh blotted Oth 5.1.36 VA 903
> overspread
sp spokes-man1 spotless adj
= spreading adj
sponge n
sp spotlesse 7 ˈspredɪn, -ɪŋ
3 1 sp spreading1
sp spundge , spunge spotted adj / n
= sprig / ~s n
spongy adj
sp spotted6 / spotted1 =
> blood-be-, cinque-, pinch-, toad-, sp sprigs1
sp spungie3, spungy1
spoon / ~s n spousal adj / n > sprite
= ˈspəʊzɑl
sp spoone4 / spoones3 spring / ~s n
sp spousall1 / spousall1
spoon-meat n spouse n sp spring37 / springs7
= spəʊz rh bring VA 656; ding, sing AY
sp spoon-meate1 5.3.20, 26, 32, 38; everything TN
sp spouse4
3.1.146; king Per 1.1.13, R2 5.2.47,
sport / ~s n spout / ~s n S 63.8; king, thing Luc 604; niggarding
spɔ:ɹt / -s spəʊt / -s S 1.10; sing H8 3.1.8, LLL 1.1.101, Luc
sp sport114, [table]-sport1 / sports9 869, S 102.5; sing, thing Luc 331; sting
sp spout1 / spouts3
rh court LLL 4.1.100; extort, sort PP 10.2; thing S 98.1 / kings R2
MND 3.2.161; report S 95.6; resort S spout / ~ing v 1.3.214; sings Cym 2.3.21; things,
96.2; resort, short Luc 992; short 1H4 wings Luc 950
spəʊt / ˈspəʊtɪn, -ɪŋ
1.3.296, LLL 1.1.177, VA 24, 844; sort > love-spring
MND 3.2.14, 353, 389 sp spout3, spowt1 / spouting1
spring / ~s / ~eth / ~ing /
sport v sprack n
sprung / sprang / ~est v
spɔ:ɹt Evans MW .. sprag
= / = / = / ˈsprɪŋɡɪn, -ɪŋ / sprɤŋ
sp sport6 sp sprag-[memory]1
/ = / spraŋst
rh sport me support me VA 154
sprang sp spring12 / springs5 / springeth1 /
> dis-, out-sport
> spring springing2 / sprung10 / sprang1 /
sportful adj sprang’st1
sprat n rh sing PP 20.6
4 =
sp sportfull springe / ~s n
sp sprat1
ˈsprɪndʒ / -ɪz
sporting adj
sprawl / ~est v sp sprindge2 / springes1
ˈspɔ:ɹtɪn, -ɪŋ
sprɔ:l, -rɑ:l / ˈsprɔ:lst, -rɑ:l-
sp sporting1 springhalt n
sp sprall1 / sprawl’st1
rh withal Tit 5.1.51
ˈsprɪŋˌɔ:t, -ˌhɔ:t
sportive adj
sp spring-halt1
ˈspɔ:ɹtɪv spray / ~s n
sp sportiue3 springtime n
sprɛ: / -z
sp spray / sprayes 3 ˈsprɪŋtəɪm
spot / ~s n
rh days 2H6 2.3.45 sp spring-time3, spring time5
= rh ring-time AY 5.3.18, 24, 30, 36
sp spot9, spotte1 / spottes1, spots8 spread / ~ing v
= / ˈspredɪn, -ɪŋ sprinkle / ~s v
spot / ~ted v =
14 11 1
= sp spread , spred / spreading
sp sprinkle3 / sprinkles1


sprite, spright / ~s n sp spur-gall’d1 square adj

sprəɪt / -s > gall skwɛ:ɹ
sp spright2, sprights7, sprite2 Spurio n sp square2
rh fight, night Luc 121; light MND
ˈspɤrɪo: square / ~s n
5.1.383; night Luc 451, MND 5.1.371;
quite MND 2.1.33; sight VA 181; sp Spurio2 skwɛ:ɹ / -z
write AY 3.2.135 / delights Mac sp square3 / squares2
spurn / ~s n
4.1.126; sleights Mac 3.5.27; spites > squier
CE 2.2.199 spɐ:ɹn / -z
sp spurne2, spurnes1 square / ~st / ~d v
sprite, spright / ~ed v skwɛ:ɹ / -st / -d
sprəɪtɪd spurn / ~s / ~ed v
sp square8 / squar’st1 / squar’d2
sp sprighted 1 spɐ:ɹn / -z / -d
> unsquared
sp spurne24 / spurnes5 / spurn’d1
spriteful, sprightful adj squarer n
ˈsprəɪtfʊl spurring n
sp sprightfull1 ˈspɐ:rɪn, -ɪŋ
sp squarer1
sp spurring2
spritefully, sprightfully adv squash n
m ˈsprəɪtfʊˌləɪ sp·y / ~ies n
sp sprightfully1 spəɪ / -z
sp squash3
sp spy2 / spies8, spyes1
spritely, sprightly adj rh jealousy VA 655 / eyes S 121.7 squeak v
ˈsprəɪtləɪ =
spy / ~est / spies / ~ing /
sp sprightly8, spritely1 sp squeak1
spied v
spriting, sprighting n spəɪ / spəɪst / spəɪz / ˈspəɪɪn, squeaking adj
ˈsprəɪtɪn, -ɪŋ -ɪŋ / spəɪd ˈskwi:kɪn, -ɪŋ
sp spryting1 sp spie14, spy8, spye1 / spy’st1 / sp squeaking1
spies1, spyes1 / spying2 / spied4,
sprout v spy’d1, spyed2 squeal v
sprəʊt rh eye MND 3.2.19, TG 5.4.115; spy =
sp sprowt1 him by him Luc 881 / eyes Luc 1086; sp squeale1
flies VA 1029; lies Luc 316 / belied
spruce adj Luc 1532 squealing n
= > espy ˈskwi:lɪn, -ɪŋ
sp spruce3 sp squealing1
squabble v
spur / ~s n ˈskwɑbəl, -wɒ- squeez·e / ~ing v
spɐ:ɹ / -z sp squabble1 ˈskwi:zɪn, -ɪŋ
sp spur2, spurre13, [cold]-spurre1, sp squee-zing1
squadron / ~s n
[hot]-spurre1 / spurres7, spurs3
rh stir VA 285 ˈskwɑdrən, -wɒ- / -z Squele [name] n
sp squadron1 / squadrons3 skwi:l
spur / ~s / ~ring / ~red v
squander / ~ed v sp Squele1
spɐ:ɹ / -z / ˈspɐ:ɹɪn, -ɪŋ /
spɐ:ɹd ˈskwɑndəɹd, -wɒ- squier [square] n
sp spur4, spurre10 / spurres3, spurs2 sp squandred1 skwəɪɹ
/ spurring1 / spurd2, spurr’d1 sp squier1
squandring adj
> fore-spurrer rh fire LLL 5.2.474
ˈskwɑndrɪn, -ɪŋ, -wɒ-
> square
spur-gall / ~ed v sp squandring1
m ˌspɐ:ɹ-ˈɡɑ:ld


squinny v staff n stain / ~s / S, VA ~eth /

ˈskwɪnəɪ staf ~ed v
sp squiny1 sp staff1, staffe40 stɛ:n / -z / ˈstɛ:n·əθ / m -ɪd,
rh laugh CE 3.1.51 stɛ:nd
squint / ~s v > cowl-, long-, torch-staff; stave
sp staine20, stayne2 / staines2 /
= staineth1, emend of S stainteh1 /
sp squints1
Stafford / ~’s / ~s n
stain’d12, staind3, stained2, stayn’d5
> asquint ˈstafəɹd / -z rh slain MND 5.1.142 / disdaineth
sp Stafford11, Staf-ford1 / Staffords3 S 33.14; raineth VA 460 /
squire / ~’s / ~s n / Staffords3 complained, maintained Luc 1836;
skwəɪɹ / -z reigned S 109.11; remained Luc 1743
sp squier1, squire10 / squires2 /
Staffordshire n > overstain
squires4 m ˈstafəɹdʃəɹ, -ˌʃəɪɹ
rh desire KJ 1.1.177 sp Staffordshire1 stained adj
> esquire, mountain-squire m ˈstɛ:nɪd, stɛ:nd
stag / ~s n sp stain’d2, stained2, stayned1
squirelike adv = > blood-, lust-, neighbour-, tear-,
ˈskwəɪɹləɪk sp stag2, stagge2 / stagges1, stags1 un-stained
sp squire-like
stage / ~s n Staines n
squirrel / ~’s n stɛ:dʒ / ˈstɛ:dʒɪz stɛ:nz
= sp stage31 / stages1 sp Staines1
sp squirrel1, squirrill1 / squirrels1 rh age, sage Luc 278; rage RJ Prol.12,
S 23.1 staining adj
stab / ~s n ˈstɛ:nɪn, -ɪŋ
= stage / ~d v sp staining1
sp stab1 / stabs2 stɛ:dʒ / -d
sp stage2 / stag’d1 stainless adj
stab / ~best / ~s / ~bed v ˈstɛ:nləs
= / stabst / = stagger / ~s n sp stainlesse2
sp stab16 / stab’st1 / stabbes2, stabs6 ˈstaɡəɹz
/ stabb’d7, stabd1, stab’d12 sp staggers3 stair / ~s n
stɛ:ɹ / -z
stabbing adj / n stagger / ~s v sp staire1 / staires4, stayres1
ˈstabɪn, -ɪŋ ˈstaɡəɹ / -z > down-, up-stairs
sp stabbing2 / stabbing2 sp stagger3 / staggers1
stair-work n
stable adj staggering n ˈstɛ:ɹ-ˌwɔ:ɹk
ˈstɛ:bəl ˈstaɡrɪn, -ɪŋ, -ɡər- sp staire-worke1
sp stable2 sp staggering 1
> work

stable / ~s n staid / ~er adj stake / ~s n

ˈstɛ:bəl / -z ˈstɛ:dəɹ stɛ:k / -s
sp stable4, stables3 sp stayder1 sp stake17 / stakes1
> unstaid
stableness n stake / ~s v
m ˈstɛ:bəlˌnes stain / ~s n stɛ:ks
sp stablenesse1 stɛ:n / -z sp stakes2
sp staine12, stayne2 / staines3,
stablishment n staynes1 stale adj / n / v
= rh again Luc 1708, S 109.8; slain 1H6 stɛ:l
sp stablishment1 4.5.42 sp stale11 / stale9, [bully]-stale1 /
> establish stale2 , staule1


rh adj tale WT 4.1.13 / n pale stamped adj sp standing7, sta[n]ding1 / standing5

CE 2.1.101 = > water-standing

stalk n sp stamped1 standing-bed n

stɔ:k stanch v ˈstandɪn-ˌbed, -ɪŋ-
sp stalke2 stantʃ, stɔ:ntʃ sp standing-bed1
> bed
stalk / ~s v sp stanch1, staunch1
> unstanched Stanley / ~’s
stɔ:k / -s n
sp stalke6 / stalkes2 stanchless adj ˈstanləɪ / -z
rh walks Luc 365 ˈstantʃləs, ˈstɔ:- sp Stanley28, Stanly2 / Stanleys1

stalking-horse n sp stanchlesse1 stanza / ~s n

ˈstɔ:kɪn-ˌɔ:ɹs, -ɪŋ-, -ˌhɔ:- stand / ~s n =
sp stalking-horse1 = sp stanze1, stanzo1 / stanzo’s1
> horse 15 1 1
sp stand , [still]-stand / stands staple / ~s n
rh hand, land Luc 438; hand
stall / ~s n ˈstɛ:pəl / -z
RJ 1.5.50,
stɑ:l / -z sp staple1 / staples1
sp stall1 / stalls3, stals1 stand / ~est / ~s / ~eth / ~ing /
rh mechanicals MND 3.2.10 star / ~s n
stood v
stɑ:ɹ / -z
stall / ~ed v = / m stans, -st, ˈstandəst / = / =
sp star1, starre35, [watry]-starre1 /
stɑ:l / -d / ˈstandɪn, -ɪŋ / = starres50, stars12
sp stall2 / stal’de1, stall’d1 sp stand527, stand-[by]1, rh are LLL 1.1.89 / rh 1 bars S 25.1;
stand-[vnder]1 / standest2, standst2, rh 2 wars MND 3.2.407, Per 1.1.38
stalling n stand’st14 / stands146 / standeth3 / > ill-starred, lodestar
ˈstɑ:lɪn, -ɪŋ standing21 / stood88, stoode2
rh dial-hand S 104.11; hand 2H6 star / ~red v
sp stalling1
2.3.43, LC 143, Luc 1233, 1401, 1599, stɑ:ɹd
stallion n MND 5.1.400, R2 5.3.128, RJ 1.5.95,
sp star’d1
S 60.13, 99.8, 128.8; land Cym 2.1.63,
KL 1.4.141 [Q], S 44.5 / hands AC star-blasting n
sp stallion1 2.1.50, Per 2.4.58 / rh 1 blood, flood
ˈstɑ:ɹ-ˌblastɪn, -ɪŋ
Luc 1740; blood 1H6 4.5.17, VA 1121,
Stamford n sp starre-blasting1
1170; flood Luc 265, PP 6.13; rh 2
ˈstamfəɹd good AW 1.3.72, 73 > blast
sp Stamford1 > out-, still-stand
star-chamber adj
stammer v standard / ~s n ˈstɑ:ɹ-ˌtʃambəɹ
ˈstaməɹ ˈstandəɹd / -z sp star-chamber1
sp stammer 1
sp standard9 / standards3 > chamber

stamp / ~s n stander / ~s n stare n

= ˈstandəɹz stɛ:ɹ
sp stampe12 / stampes1, stamps1 sp standers1 sp stare1

stamp / ~s / ~ed v stander-by / ~s-by n star·e / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v

= / = / m ˈstampɪd, stampt ˈstandəɹ-ˈbəɪ / -ɹz- stɛ:ɹ / -z / ˈstɛ:rɪn, -ɪŋ / stɛ:ɹd
sp stamp1, stampe7 / stampes3, sp stander-by1 / standers by4 sp stare11 / stares2 / staring1,
stamps1 / stamp’d1, stamped1, > by sta-ring1 / star’d3
stampt6, stamp’t1 rh cares, fares Luc 1591; prepares
standing adj / n VA 301
ˈstandɪn, -ɪŋ > out-, over-stare; upstaring


staring adj starting-hole n 4.10.21, S 29.10; hate Luc 666,

ˈstɛ:rɪn, -ɪŋ ˈstɑ:ɹtɪn-ˌo:l, -ɪŋ-, -ˌho:l S 124.1, 142.3, 145.4, 150.12; instigate
Luc 45; late Ham 3.2.173, LLL 5.2.363,
sp staring3 sp starting hole1
R2 3.2.72; mate, rate Luc 16; propa-
staring / ~s n startingly adv gate AW 2.1.198; rate MND 3.1.146;
relate Oth 5.2.366; ruinate [F, at Tit
ˈstɛ:rɪnz, -ɪŋz m ˈstɑ:ɹtɪnˌləɪ, -ɪŋ- 5.3.199]; ruminate S 64.9; translate
sp starings1 sp startingly1 S 96.12
> en-, un-state
stark adv startle / ~s v
stɑ:ɹk ˈstɑ:ɹtl / -z statel·y / ~ier adj
sp starke8, starke-[mad]1, sp startle2 / startles3 ˈstɛ:tləɪ / -əɹ
starke-[nak’d]1 sp stately9 / statelyer1
start-up n
starkly adv ˈstɑ:ɹt-ˌɤp stately adv
ˈstɑ:ɹkləɪ sp start-vp1 ˈstɛ:tləɪ
sp starkely1 sp stately1
starv·e / ~eth / ~ing / ~ed v
starlight adj / n stɑ:ɹv / -əθ / ˈstɑ:ɹvɪn, -ɪŋ / statesman / ~men n
ˈstɑ:ɹləɪt stɑ:ɹvd ˈstɛ:tsmən
sp star-light1 / star-light1, sp starue9, sterue6 / starueth1 / sp statesman1, states-man1 /
starre-light1 staruing1 / staru’d4, steru’d2 statesmen1
rh deserve Cor 2.3.112
starlike adj / adv > hunger-, hungry-starved state-statue / ~s n
ˈstɑ:ɹləɪk ˈstɛ:t-ˈstatju:z
sp starre-like1 / star-like1 starved adj sp state-statues1
m ˈstɑ:ɹvɪd, stɑ:ɹvd > statue
starling n staru’d3, starued5, steru’d1
ˈstɑ:ɹlɪn, -ɪŋ Statilius n
sp starling1 Starve-lackey [name] n stəˈtɪlɪəs
ˈstɑ:ɹv-ˌlakəɪ sp Statillius1
starry adj sp Starue-lackey 1

ˈstɑ:rəɪ > lackey station n

sp starrie1 ˈstɛ:sɪən
starveling / Starveling sp station6, sta-tion1
start / ~s n [name] n
stɑ:ɹt / -s ˈstɑ:ɹvlɪn, -ɪŋ statist / ~s n
sp start9, starts5 2
sp starueling / Starueling , 4 ˈstɛ:tɪst / -s
Starue-ling1 sp statist1 / statists1
start / ~est / ~s / ~eth / ~ing /
~ed v state adj statue / ~s n
stɑ:ɹt / -s / -s / ˈstɑ:ɹt·əθ / -ɪn, stɛ:t ˈstatju: / -z
-ɪŋ / -ɪd sp state3 sp statue18 / statues2
24 1 1
sp start / starts [thou] / startes , > state-statue
starts7 / starteth1 / starting2,
state / ~’s / ~s n
star-ting1 / started3 stɛ:t / -s stature / ~s n
rh heart 1H6 4.7.12, MW 5.5.86 / sp state284, states [state is]1 / states3 ˈstatjəɹ / -z
imparteth Luc 1037 / states13 sp stature4 / statures1
rh anticipate S 118.11; bait CE
starting adj / n 2.1.95; communicate CE 2.2.184; statute / ~s n
ˈstɑ:ɹtɪn, -ɪŋ debate KL 5.1.68; degenerate, hate ˈstatju:t / -s
sp TC 4.5.2 emend starring1 / Luc 1006; fate LLL 5.2.67, MW sp statute4 / statutes11
starting1, star-ting1 5.5.224, S 29.2; fate, gate Luc 1066;
gait S 128.9, Tem 4.1.101; gate 2H6


statute-cap / ~s n staying n stealthy adj

ˈstatju:t-ˌkaps ˈstɛ:ɪn, -ɪŋ ˈstelθəɪ
sp statute caps1 sp staying3 sp stealthy1
rh perhaps LLL 5.2.281
> cap stead n steed / ~’s / ~s n
= =
stave / ~’s / ~s n sp stead3, steed2, sted2 sp steed13, steede2 / steeds1 /
ˈstɛ:vz rh dead 1H6 4.6.31 steedes3, steeds11
sp staues9 / staues9 > instead rh deed LC 112; exceed VA 290;
> staff; tip-, torch-staff meed VA 13
stead / ~s v
stay / ~s n = steed / ~s / ~ed v
ˈstɛ: / -z sp stead1, sted1 / steads1 =
sp stay24 / stayes1 rh dead Per 4.Chorus.41 sp steed5 / steeds1 / steeded1
rh away 1H6 4.6.40, MV 3.2.325, R2
5.5.95, RJ 1.1.158; clay KJ 5.7.68; day steadfast adj steel adj / n
MND 5.1.411; decay S 15.9; pay MND ˈstedfast =
3.2.87; say R2 5.5.95 sp stedfast1 sp steele2 / steele65
> unsteadfast rh feel Luc 755, S 120.4, VA 199;
stay / ~est / ~s / ~eth / ~ing / heel WT 4.4.228; wheel CE 3.2.153,
~ed v steadfastly VA adv Luc 951
stɛ: / -st / -z / ˈstɛ:·əθ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / m ˈstedfastˌləɪ
stɛ:d sp stedfastly1
steel / ~ed v
5 386 1
sp staie , stay / stayest , stay’st /1 rh three VA 1063 =
staies16, stayes21 / stayeth1 / staying8 sp steele6 / steel’d3
/ staid21, staide1, stayd2, stay’d11,
steady adj rh steel it feel it VA 375 / held S 24.1
stayed2 ˈstedəɪ
rh array 1H6 1.3.54; assay, way LC sp steddier1
steeled adj
159; away, day Luc 1012; away, may m ˈsti:lɪd
LLL 2.1.113; away CE 3.2.192, 5.1.337, steal / ~s / Luc ~eth / ~ing / sp steeled3
1H6 4.5.30, 2H6 5.2.73, KJ 2.1.416, stole / ~st / ~n v
4.3.8, KL 2.4.78, LLL 4.3.211, 5.2.623, = / = / = / ˈsti:lɪn, -ɪŋ / sto:l / -st steely adv
MND 2.1.145, MV 2.6.59, R2 4.1.198,
/ -n, ˈsto:lən ˈsti:ləɪ
R3 1.4.286, RJ 3.1.136, 5.3.159, S 74.4, 2
sp steely
sp steale76, steale’t [steal it]1 /
92.3, 143.4, TN 5.1.141, TS 5.1.139;
steales11, steals1 / stealeth1 /
day AW 5.3.69, 1H6 4.6.36, 3H6 steep adj
stealing10 / stole21 / stolest1, stol’st1 /
2.1.187, 2.2.176, MND 2.1.138, MV =
stolen1, stollen1, stoln1, stolne51
5.1.302, S 43.12; holiday H8 5.5.75;
rh conceal MND 1.1.213; weal 1H6 sp steepe5
may 2H6 4.4.47; play LLL 4.3.75; prey
1.1.176 / healeth Luc 729
Luc 423; say RJ 1.2.37; way LLL 4.3.75, steep / ~s / ~ed v
Luc 311, 1364, Per 5.3.83, R2 1.3.305,
stealer / ~s n = / = / m =, ˈsti:pɪd
S 44.4, 48.3, VA 706, 873; stay him
delay him Luc 323; stay ye say ye
ˈsti:ləɹ / -z sp steep1, steepe3 / steepes1 /
stealer2 / stealers1 steep’d7, steeped1, steept2, steep’t1
TNK Epil.9 / days Ham 3.3.95,
> horse-stealer, thief-stolen rh asleep S 153.3; sleep TN 4.1.61
RJ 1.3.105 / rh 1 maid Luc 1275;
rh 2 said VA 331
stealing adj / n steep-down adj
> outstay
ˈsti:lɪn, -ɪŋ ˈsti:p-ˌdəʊn
stayer / ~s n sp stealing2 / stealing1 sp steepe-downe1
stealth n steeple / ~s n
sp stayers1
= =
sp stealth9 sp steeple1, steeples2
rh wealth CE 3.2.7, Tim 3.4.29 rh invisible TG 2.1.129


steer / ~s n Stephano n steward n

ˈsti:ɹ / -z steˈfɑ:no: ˈstju:əɹd
sp steere1 / steeres1 sp Stephano19, Ste-phano1 sp steward40, ste-ward1, stew-ard1

steer / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v Stephen n stewardship n

sti:ɹ / -z / ˈsti:ɹɪn, -ɪŋ / sti:ɹd = m ˈstju:əɹdˌʃɪp
sp steere3 / steeres1 / steering1 / sp Stephen6 sp stewardship2
rh cleared Cym 4.3.46 stepmother / ~s n stewed adj
ˈstepmɤðəɹz ˈstju:d
steerage n sp step-mothers1 sp stew’d1, stew’d-[pruines]1,
ˈsti:rɪdʒ > mother stewed1, stu’de1
sp stirrage1
sterile adj stick / ~s n
stell / ~ed v ˈsterɪl =
steld sp sterrile1, sterrill1, ster-rill1, stirrile1, sp sticke4 / stickes1
sp steld stirrill1 > poking-stick
rh beheld, dwelled Luc 1444
sterility n stick / ~est / ~s / ~ing /
stelled adj stəˈrɪlɪtəɪ stuck v
m ˈstelɪd sp stirrility1 = / stɪkst / = / ˈstɪkɪn, -ɪŋ / stɤk
sp stelled sp stick1, sticke24 / stickest1, stick’st1
sterling adj
/ stickes6, sticks3 / sticking3 / stuck3,
stem n ˈstɐ:ɹlɪn, -ɪŋ
= sp starling1, sterling2 rh pricks, tricks Luc 317
sp stem
stern / ~er / ~est adj sticking adj
stem / ~ming v stɐ:ɹn / ˈstɐ:ɹn·əɹ / m -əst, ˈstɪkɪn, -ɪŋ
= / ˈstemɪn, -ɪŋ stɐ:ɹnst sp sticking1
sp stemme / stemming 1 sp stearne1, stern1, sterne27 /
> re-stem sterner2 / sternest1, stern’st1 stickler-like adv
stench n stern adv / n
sp stickler-like1
= stɐ:ɹn
sp stench3 sp sterne1 / sterne3 stiff adj
step / ~s n sternage n
sp stiffe11, stiffe-[newes]1
= ˈstɐ:ɹnɪdʒ
sp steepe1, step11, steppe2 / sp sternage1 stiff-borne adj
steppes4, steps17 ˈstɪf-ˌbɔ:ɹn
rh leaps VA 277
sternness n
sp stiffe-borne1
> bear
step / ~s / ~ping / ~ped v sp sternnesse1
= / = / ˈstepɪn, -ɪŋ / = stiffen v
steterat Lat
sp step15 / steppes2, steps2 / =
stepping1 / stepp’d1, stept6 > sto
sp stiffen1

stepdame n stew / ~s n
stiffly adv
ˈstepdɛ:m =
stepdame2, step-dame2 sp stew2 / stewes2
> dame
stew / ~ed v
sp stewd1, stew’d4


stifle / ~d v still-closing adj rh bring Luc 493; sing TC 5.10.43;

ˈstəɪfəl / -d m ˌstɪl-ˈklo:zɪn, -ɪŋ spring PP 10.4; thing Luc 364; wing
Mac 4.1.16
sp stifle3 / stifled3 sp still closing1
> close sting / ~s / stung v
stigmatic n
= / = / stɤŋ
m ˈstɪɡmaˌtɪk still-discordant adj
2 ˈstɪl-dɪsˈkɔ:ɹdənt sp sting12 / stings2 / stung5
sp stygmaticke
rh king, thing Luc 40 / tongue MND
sp still discordant1
stigmatical adj 3.2.73
> discord
m stɪɡˈmatɪˌkɑl stinging adj
sp stigmaticall1
still-lasting adj
ˈstɪŋɪn, -ɪŋ
m ˌstɪl-ˈlastɪn, -ɪŋ
stile n sp stinging3
sp stil lasting1
stəɪl > last stingless adj
sp stile1, [song] stile-a1 =
rh mile-a WT 4.3.122
stillness n
= sp stinglesse1
pun MA 5.2.6 style
3 1 1
sp stillnesse , stilnes , stilnesse stink / ~s v
still / ~er / ~est adj
still-peering adj =
= / ˈstɪləɹ / =
m ˌstɪl-ˈpi:rɪn, -ɪŋ sp stinke4 / stinkes1
sp still42 / stiller1 / stillest1
> overstunk
rh kill Luc 167; will 2H6 5.2.29, JC sp still peering1
5.5.50 > peer stinking adj
> stone-still
still-soliciting adj ˈstɪŋkɪn, -ɪŋ
still adv ˈstɪl-səˈlɪsɪtɪn, -ɪŋ sp stinking8, stinking-[elder]1,
= stink-ing2
sp still soliciting1
sp stil11 , still445 > solicit stinkingly adv
rh hill S 7.7, VA 699; ill Luc 475, Mac
still-stand n m ˈstɪŋkɪnˌləɪ, -ɪŋ-
3.2.54, Per 1.1.77, PP 2.2, S 144.2,
147.1; ill, kill Luc 382; ill, skill Luc m ˈstɪl-ˌstand sp stinkingly1
1531; kill 2H6 5.2.70, Luc 249, MND sp still-stand stint / ~s / ~ed v
5.1.193, TC 3.1.121, VA 617; quill S > stand
85.1; skill Luc 1098, 1133, 1508, MND =
1.1.194, Per 4.Chorus.29, S 16.13, still-vexed adj sp stint4 / stints1 / stinted2
24.7; Will S 135.3, 135.9, 136.13, m ˌstɪl-ˈvekst rh flint Per 4.4.42
143.14; will CE 2.1.110, 3.2.69, 4.2.17,
sp still-vext1 stir / ~s n
Luc 249, 727, PP 10.10, RJ 1.1.171,
> vexed
2.3.23, S 134.4, Tim 4.2.51, stɐ:ɹ / -z
VA 480, 637 still-waking adj sp stir1, stirre4 / stirres2
m ˌstɪl-ˈwɛ:kɪn, -ɪŋ rh 1 her TNK Prol.6; incur Luc 1471;
still / ~ed v spur VA 283; rh 2 war R2 2.3.51
sp still waking1
> waking stir / ~s / ~eth / ~ring /
sp still4 / still’d1
stilly adv ~red v
still-born adj stɐ:ɹ / -z / ˈstɐ:r·əθ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ /
m ˌstɪl-ˈbɔ:ɹn stɐ:ɹd
sp stilly1
sp still-borne1 sp stir11, stirre65 / stirres8, stirs6 /
> born sting / ~s n stirreth1 / stirring14 / stir’d5, stirr’d8
= > bestir
still-breeding adj
sp sting1 / stings8
m ˌstɪl-ˈbri:dɪn, -ɪŋ
sp still breeding1
> breed


stirrer / ~s n stockings n 4.5.32; thirty-one Mac 4.1.6 / bones

ˈstɐ:rəɹ / -z ˈstɒkɪnz, -ɪŋz KJ 4.3.9, Tim 3.6.118; groans R2
1.2.69; groans, moans Luc 978; moans
sp stirrer1 / stirrers1 sp stockings13, stock-ings1
MND 5.1.187, Oth 4.3.44, RJ 5.3.13
> puke-, worsted-stocking
stirring adj / n > agate-, brim-, corner-, grave-,
stockish adj grind-, gun-, hail-, mill-, thunder-,
ˈstɐ:rɪn, -ɪŋ whet-stone
sp stirring / stirring 1 =
sp stockish1 stone / ~d v
stirrup / ~s n sto:nd
= Stoic / ~s n
sp ston’d2
sp stirrop3, styrrop1 / stirrops1 ˈsto:ɪks
sp Stoickes1 stone-bow n
stitch / ~es n ˈsto:n-ˌbo:
= Stokesley n
sp stone-bow1
sp stitches 1 ˈsto:ksləɪ
> bow
sp emend of H8 4.1.101 Stokeley1
stitchery n stone-cutter n
ˈstɪtʃrəɪ, -tʃər- stole, stolen v
sp stitchery1 > steal
sp stone-cutter1
stolen adj > cut
stithy n
ˈstɪðəɪ m sto:ln, ˈsto:lən stone-hard adj
sp stythe1 sp stolne4 ˈsto:n-ˌɑ:ɹd, -ˌhɑ:-
stomach / ~s n sp stone-hard1
stith·y / ~ied v
ˈstɪðəɪd ˈstɒmək / -s stone-still adv
sp stythied1 sp stomack4, stomacke38 / ˌsto:n-ˈstɪl
stomackes7, stomacks7, stomakes1
sp stone still1
sto / steterat Lat v > high-stomached
> still
stomacher / ~s n
sp staterat1, steterat2 stony adj
stoccado / ~es n sp stomachers2
sp stonie3, stony4
stəˈkɑ:do: / -z rh dears WT 4.4.226
sp stucatho1 / stoccado’s1 stomaching n stony-hearted adj
ˈstɒməkɪn, -ɪŋ ˈsto:nəɪ-ˌɑ:ɹtɪd, -ˌhɑ:-
stock / ~s n sp stony-hearted1
= sp stomacking1
stock13, stocke12 / stockes13, stocks9 stomach-qualmed adj Stony Stratford n
> laughing-, vlouting-, whip-stock;
ˈstɒmək-ˌkwɔ:md ˌsto:nəɪ-ˈstratfəɹd
nether-stocks sp Stony Stratford1
sp stomacke-qualm’d1
stock / ~ing / ~ed v > qualm stood
ˈstɒkɪn, -ɪŋ / = stone adj > stand
sp stocking1 / stockt2
sto:n stool / ~s n
stockfish / ~es n sp stone1, stone-[iugs]1
stʊl, stu:l / -z
= stone / ~s n sp stoole13 / stooles3
sp stocke-fish1, stockfish1, stock-fish1 rh fool TS 1.1.64
sto:n / -z
/ stock-fishes1 > close-, foot-, joint-stool
sp stone52, stones [stone is]1 /
> fish
stones59, [bruzing]-stones1 stoop / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
rh 1 alone VA 211; moan LC 216;
= / = / ˈstu:pɪn, -ɪŋ / stu:pt
rh 2 none S 94.3; rh 3 gone Ham


sp stoop2, stoope24 / stoopes3 / storm / ~s / ~ed v straggling adj

stooping2, stoo-ping1 / stoop’d4, stɔ:ɹm / -z / -d ˈstraɡlɪn, -ɪŋ
sp storme3 / stormes1 / stormed1 sp stragling1
stooping adj / n
stormy adj straight / ~est adj
ˈstu:pɪn, -ɪŋ
ˈstɔ:ɹməɪ strɛ:t / ˈstrɛ:təst
sp stooping1 / stooping2
sp stormie2, stormy1 sp straight4, strait7, straite2 /
> unstooping
stop / ~s n stor·y / ~ies n
ˈstɔ:rəɪ / -z straight / ~er adv
sp storie20, story41 / stories5 strɛ:t / ˈstrɛ:təɹ
sp stop10, stoppe2 / stoppes2,
rh glory H5 Epil.2, RJ 1.3.93, S 84.8, straight114, strait18, straite4, streight1
88.6; glory, sorry Luc 1521; oratory / straiter1
stop / ~s / ~ping / ~ped v Luc 813; see H8 Prol.26 / glories rh 1 bait S 129.5; gate Tim 2.1.9;
VA 1013 weight TNK 3.5.116; rh 2 conceit
= / = / ˈstɒpɪn, -ɪŋ / =
CE 4.2.62
sp stop74, stopp1, stoppe3 / stoup / ~s n
stoppes4, stops7 / stopping3 / stu:p / -s straight / ~s n
stop’d4, stopp’d4, stopt18 1 2 7 1 strɛ:t / -s
sp stoope , stope , stoupe / stopes
rh dropped VA 956
straight1 / straights1
> overstop stout / ~er adj
store n stəʊt / ˈstəʊtəɹ straightly adv
stɔ:ɹ sp stout17, stowt1 / stouter1 ˈstrɛ:tləɪ
rh out S 65.7 sp straightly1
sp stoore1, store28
rh 1 adore Luc 1837; before Luc 692; stoutly adv straightness n
door CE 3.1.34; more Luc 97, RJ
1.2.22, S 11.9, 37.8, 84.3, 135.10,
ˈstəʊtləɪ ˈstrɛ:tnəs
146.10, Tit 1.1.97; shore S 64.8; rh 2 sp stoutly3 sp straitnesse1
poor LLL 5.2.377, RJ 1.1.216
> new-store
stoutness n straight-pight adj
ˈstəʊtnəs m ˌstrɛ:t-ˈpəɪt
store / ~d v sp stoutnesse2 straight-pight1
stɔ:ɹ / -d > pight
sp store3, stor’d3
stover n
rh yore S 68.13 ˈsto:vəɹ straightway adv
sp stouer1 ˈstrɛ:twɛ:
stored adj sp straightway3, straight way4
stɔ:ɹd stow / ~ed v > way
sp stor’d1 sto:d
sp stow’d1, stowed2
strain / ~s n
storehouse / ~s n strɛ:n / -z
ˈstɔ:ɹ-ˌəʊs, -ˌhəʊ- / -ˌəʊzɪz, stowage n sp straine8 / straines3, strains1
-ˌhəʊ- ˈsto:ɪdʒ
sp stowage1
strain / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
sp store-house3 / store-houses1
> house
strɛ:n / -z / ˈstrɛ:nɪn, -ɪŋ /
Strachy n strɛ:nd
storm / ~s n ˈstrɛ:tʃəɪ sp straine19, strayne1 / straines2 /
stɔ:ɹm / -z sp Stra-chy1 straining2 / strain’d3, strayn’d1
sp storm1, storme50, emend of TC
1.1.39 [a]-scorne1 / stormes15
straggler / ~s n strained adj
rh form KL 2.4.77, LC 101; perform ˈstraɡləɹz strɛ:nd
Per 3.Chorus.53 / forms Luc 1518 sp straglers1 sp strain’d2
> sea-storm


straining n strangl·e / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v stray / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v

ˈstrɛ:nɪn, -ɪŋ ˈstraŋɡ·əl / -əlz / -lɪn, -lɪŋ / strɛ: / -z / ˈstrɛ:ɪn, -ɪŋ / strɛ:d
sp straining1 -əld sp stray6 / straies1, strayes2 /
sp strangle6 / strangles2 / straying3 / straid1, strai’d1, stray’d1
strait / ~ed v strangling2 / strangled54 rh away TG 1.1.74; day MND
ˈstrɛ:tɪd > birth-strangled 5.1.392; way R2 1.3.206
sp straited1
strangled adj straying adj
strand ˈstraŋɡəld ˈstrɛ:ɪn, -ɪŋ
> strond sp strangled1 sp straying3

strange / ~r / ~st adj strangler n streak / ~s n

strɛ:ndʒ / ˈstrɛ:ndʒ·əɹ / -əst ˈstraŋɡləɹ =
sp strange237, straunge4 / stranger8 sp strangler1 sp streakes3, streaks1
/ strangest5
rh change Ham 3.2.210, LLL 5.2.210, strap / ~s n streak v
S 76.4, 89.8, 93.8, 123.3; sea-change = =
Tem 1.2.402
sp straps1 sp streake1

strange adv strappado n streaked adj

strɛ:ndʒ strəˈpɑ:do: =
strange3, stra[n]ge1 sp streak’d1, streakt1
sp strappado1
Strange [name] n stratagem / ~s n stream / ~s n
strɛ:ndʒ m ˈstratəˌdʒem, -dʒəm / -z =
Strange1 sp stream1, streame26 / streames11
sp stratagem7, stratageme3 /
stratagemes1, stratagems4 rh dream Luc 1774, Oth 2.3.59, TN
strange-achieved adj 4.1.59; theme VA 772 / beams MND
m ˈstrɛ:ndʒ-əˌtʃi:vɪd, -tʃɪv- Strato n 3.2.393
sp strange-atchieued1 ˈstrato:
> achieve stream / ~s / ~ing v
sp Strato9
= / = / ˈstri:mɪn, -ɪŋ
strangely adv straw / ~s n sp streame2 / streames1 /
ˈstrɛ:ndʒləɪ = streaming1
sp strangelie1, strangely24
sp straw13 / strawes5
streamer / ~s n
rh law Luc 1021; saw LC 8 / daws LLL
strangeness n ˈstri:məɹz
ˈstrɛ:ndʒnəs > overstrawed, rye-straw sp streamers1
2 9
sp strangenes , strangenesse
strawberr·y / ~ies n street / ~s n
stranger / ~s n m ˈstrɔ:bəˌrəɪ / -bəˌrəɪz, =
ˈstrɛ:ndʒəɹ / -z -bərəɪz, -brəɪz sp street14, streete7, [Fish]-streete1,
sp stranger29, stranger-[bloud]1, 1 3 [Turnball]-street1 / streetes9,
sp strawberry / strawberries
stranger-[soule]1 / strangers18, streets40
stran-gers1 straw-colour adj rh feet CE 3.1.36 / meets TNK 1.5.15
rh danger VA 790
ˈstrɔ:-ˌkɤləɹ strength / ~s n
stranger / ~ed v sp straw-colour1
ˈstrɛ:ndʒəɹd stray n sp strength114 / strengths6
sp stranger’d1 rh length PP 18.31, TC 1.3.137
sp stray4 strengthen / ~ing / ~ed v
rh today 2H4 4.2.120
= / ˈstreŋθnɪn, -ɪŋ / =


sp strengthen8 / strength’ning1 / stricture n > bow-, eye-, ham-, heart-,

strengthned2, strength’ned1 ˈstrɪktəɹ lute-string

strengthless adj sp stricture1 string / strung v

= stride / ~s n strɤŋ
sp strengthlesse1, strength-lesse1 strəɪd / -z sp strung2
> unstringed
stretch / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v sp stride3 / strides2
= / = / ˈstretʃɪn, -ɪŋ / = stringless adj
strid·e / ~ing v
sp stretch18 / stretches3 / stretching1 =
strəɪd / ˈstrəɪdɪn, -ɪŋ
/ stretch’d4, stretched1, stretcht7 sp stringlesse1
sp stride2 / striding1
> out-, wide-stretched
> bestride strip / ~ping / ~ped v
stretched-out adj = / ˈstrɪpɪn, -ɪŋ / =
strife / ~s n
ˈstretʃt-ˌəʊt sp strip5, strippe1 / stripping1 /
strəɪf / -s
sp stretcht-out1 31 2 stript3
sp strife / strifes
> out > outstrip
rh life 1H6 4.4.39, Luc 143, 405, 689,
stretching n MND 5.1.221, Oth 2.3.251, R2 5.6.27, stripe / ~s n
RJ Prol.8, 3.1.178, S 75.3, Tim 1.1.38,
ˈstretʃɪn, -ɪŋ strəɪps
VA 11, 291, 764; life, wife Luc 236,
sp stretching1 1377; wife AW 2.3.289, CE 3.2.28, sp stripes4
Ham 3.2.232, Luc 1791, MV 2.3.20,
stretch-mouthed adj stripling / ~s n
TN 1.4.41
ˈstretʃ-ˌməʊðd ˈstrɪplɪn, -ɪŋ / -z
sp stretch-mouth’d1 strik·e / ~est / ~es / ~eth / sp stripling2 / striplings1
> mouth ~ing / stroke / ~n / struck /
striv·e / ~est / ~es / ~ing /
strew / ~est / ~ing / ~ed / ~est / ~en / stricken v
strove v
strəɪk / -s, -st / -s / ˈstrəɪk·əθ /
~n v strəɪv / -s, -st / -z / ˈstrəɪvɪn,
stro:, stru: / -st / ˈstro:ɪn, -ɪŋ, -ɪn, -ɪŋ / stro:k / ˈstro:kən /
-ɪŋ / stro:v, strɤv
-ru:- / stro:d, -ru:- / stro:n, -ru:- strɤk / -st151/ ˈstrɤkə3 n / ˈstrɪ34kən sp striue30 / striu’st1 / striues8 /
sp strike / strik’st / strikes /
sp strew13 / strew’st1 / strewing1 / striuing7 / stroue2
striketh1 / striking4 / stroke9, strook4,
strewd1, strew’d8 / strewne1 rh alive Per 2.Chorus.19, S 112.5 /
strooke36 / stroken2, strooken2 /
rh dew RJ 5.3.12 / thrown TN 2.4.59 contrives, gyves LC 240 / arrived
struck9, strucke16 / struck’st1 /
> bestrew Luc 52, Per 5.Chorus.16 / love
strucken3 / stricken2
AW 1.1.222
strewing / ~s n rh [strikes] might PP 18.2 / liking
Luc 433 stroke / ~s
ˈstro:ɪnz, -ɪŋz n
> outstrike, heart-struck
sp strewings1 stro:k / -s
striker / ~s n sp stroake9, stroke23 / stroakes7,
strewment / ~s n strokes14, Cym 3.5.40 emend of
ˈstro:mənts stroke1
sp strikers1
sp strewments1 rh oak Cym 4.2.265; spoke VA 945
striking n > thunderstroke
strict / ~er / ~est adj
ˈstrəɪkɪn, -ɪŋ stroke / ~est / ~s v
= / ˈstrɪktəɹ / =
1 15 1
sp striking2 stro:k / -s, -st / -s
sp strick’d , strict / stricter / rh liking MM 3.2.255, VA 250
strictest1 sp stroake1, stroke3 / stroakst1 /
rh interdict PT 12 string / ~s n stroakes1

strictly adv = stroke [strike]

sp string6 / strings10 > strike
ˈstrɪkləɪ, -ktl-
rh things MM 3.2.263
sp strictly1


strond / ~s n sp strong knit2 strut / ~s / ~ted v

strɒnd / -z > knit strɤt / -s / ˈstrɤtɪd
sp strond4 / stronds1 strongly adv sp strut4 / struts1 / strutted1
rh hand TS 1.1.167
ˈstrɒŋləɪ strutting adj
strong / ~er / ~est adj sp strongly25, strong-ly1 ˈstrɤtɪn, -ɪŋ
= / ˈstrɒŋɡ·əɹ / -əst strong-ribbed adj sp strutting2
sp strong178 / stronger31 /
ˈstrɒŋ-ˌrɪbd stubble adj / n
strongest6, strongst1, strong’st1
rh 1 belong LC 257, S 58.9; belong, sp strong ribb’d1 ˈstɤbəl
wrong Luc 1262; long Luc 865, > rib
sp stubble1 / stubble1
S 73.13, TNK 3.5.154, VA 297; wrong
strong-winged adj
MND 3.2.27, Tim 5.4.9; rh 2 among stubborn / ~est adj
LC 257; tongue LC 122, MM 3.2.177; ˈstrɒŋ-ˌwɪŋd
ˈstɤbəɹn / -st
young Luc 865 / longer S 28.14 sp strong wing’d1
sp stubborn2, stubborne21,
> headstrong > wing
stub-borne3 / stubbor-nest1
strong / ~er adv strossers n
stubborness n
= / ˈstrɒŋɡəɹ ˈstrɒsəɹz
m ˈstɤbəɹˌnes
sp strong4 / stronger3 sp strossers
sp stubbornesse1, stubbornnesse2
rh young VA 420
stubbornly adv
strong n > strive
m ˈstɤbəɹnˌləɪ
struck adj sp stubbornly1
sp strong1
stuck n
strong-barred adj sp struck-[foole]1
struck v sp stucke1
sp strong barr’d1
> bar > strike
stuck-in n
strong-based adj strucken adj ˈstɤk-ɪn
ˈstrɒŋ-ˌbast ˈstrɤkən sp stucke in1
sp strong bass’d1 sp strucken
stud / ~s n
> base
struggl·e / ~ing v stɤdz
stronger n ˈstrɤɡ·əl / -lɪn, -lɪŋ sp studs1
2 2 rh buds PP 19.14
ˈstrɒŋɡəɹ sp struggle / strugling
sp stronger1 stud / ~ded v
strumpet / ~’s / ~s n
rh longer Luc 1767
ˈstrɤmpɪt / -s ˈstɤdɪd
strong-framed adj sp strumpet23, strumpet-[fortune]1 / sp studded1
m ˌstrɒŋ-ˈfrɛ:md strumpets3 / strumpets1
student / ~s n
sp strong fram’d1
strumpet / ~ed v ˈstju:dənt, -dɪənt / -s
> frame
ˈstrɤmpɪtɪd sp student1, studient2 /
strong-jointed adj sp strumpeted 1 students1
> fellow-student
m ˌstrɒŋ-ˈdʒəɪntɪd rh disabled S 66.6
sp strong ioynted2 studied adj
> joint
> string ˈstɤdəɪd
strong-knit adj sp studied4
ˈstrɒŋ-ˌnɪt, -kn-


studious adj stumbling adj / n style / ~d v

ˈstju:dɪəs ˈstɤmblɪn, -ɪŋ stəɪld
sp studious2 sp stumbling2 / stumbling1 sp stil’d1

studiously adv stump / ~s n Styx n

m ˈstju:dɪəsˌləɪ stɤmp / -s stɪks
sp studiously1 sp stump1, stumpe1 / stumpes1, sp Stix2
study adj sub Lat prep
ˈstɤdəɪ stung n sʊb
sp study1 stɤŋ sp sub1
stud·y / ~y’s / ~ies n subcontract / ~ed v
ˈstɤdəɪ / -z stung v ˌsɤbkənˈtraktɪd
sp studie14, stu-die1, study14 / > sting sp sub-contracted1
studies3 / studies10
rh muddy TNK 3.5.120
stupef·y / ~ied v subdue / ~s / ~d v
m ˈstju:pɪˌfəɪ / -d =
stud·y / ~ies / ~ying / ~ied v sp stupifie1 / stupified1 sp subdue9 / subdewes1, subdues4 /
ˈstɤdəɪ / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d subdu’d9, subdude2, subdu’de3,
sp studie15, study17 / studies3 /
stupid adj subdued1
studying3 / studied11 ˈstju:pɪd rh true LC 248 / renewed S 111.6
sp stupid1 > self-subdued
stuff / ~s n
stɤf / -s stuprum Lat n subdued adj
sp stuffe39 / stuffes1, stuffs1 ˈstʊprʊm m ˈsɤbdju:d
sp stuprum1 sp subdu’d10
stuff / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
stɤf / -s / ˈstɤfɪn, -ɪŋ / stɤft sturdy adj subduement / ~s n
sp stuffe , [Burdeux]-stuffe , 1 ˈstɐ:ɹdəɪ =
[houshold]-stuffe1 / stuffes1 / sp sturdie1 sp subduments1
stuffing1 / stufft3, stuft9
sty n / v subject adj
stuffed adj stəɪ ˈsɤbdʒɪkt
stɤft sp stye3 / sty-[me]1 sp subject16
sp stuff ’d-[sufficiency]1, stuft2,
stufft1 Stygia n subject / ~’s / ~s’ / ~s n
> unstuffed ˈstɪdʒɪə ˈsɤbdʒɪkt / -s
sp Stigia1 sp subiect74, sub-iect4 / subiects4 /
stuffing n subiects4 / subiects52, sub-iects1
ˈstɤfɪn, -ɪŋ Stygian adj
sp stuffing1 ˈstɪdʒɪən subject / ~ed v
sp Stigian1 səbˈdʒekt / -ɪd
stumbl·e / ~est / ~ing / sp subject2 / subiected1
~ed v style n
ˈstɤmb·əl / -ləst / -lɪn, -lɪŋ / stəɪl subjected adj
-əld 14
sp stile , style3 səbˈdʒektɪd
sp stumble9 / stumblest1 / rh compile S 78.11; erewhile LLL sp subiected1
stumbling3 / stumbled3, stum-bled1 4.1.97
rh humble LLL 5.2.627 pun MA 5.2.6 stile subjection n
sp subiection4
rh insurrection Luc 724


submerge / ~d v substantial adj succed·o / ~ant Lat v

səbˈmɐ:ɹdʒd m səbˈstansɪɑl, -ɪˌɑl sʊkˈse:dant
sp submerg’d1 sp substantiall4 sp succedant1
> unsubstantial
submission n succeed / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
m səbˈmɪsɪən, -sɪˌɒn substitute / ~s n = / = / səkˈsi:dɪn, -ɪŋ / =
sp submission11 ˈsɤbstɪˌtju:t, -ɪt- / -ˌtju:ts sp succeed7, succeede6 /
sp substitute9, substi-tute1 / succeedes2, succeeds1 /
submissive adj / adv substitutes4 succeeding3 / succeeded1
səbˈmɪsɪv rh bleed H5 Epil.10
sp submissiue3 / submissiue1
substitute / ~d v
ˈsɤbstɪˌtju:tɪd succeeder / ~s n
submit / ~s / ~ting v sp substituted2 səkˈsi:dəɹz
səbˈmɪt / -s / -ɪn, -ɪŋ sp succeeders2
sp submit 11 1
/ submits / submitting 1 substitution n
ˌsɤbstɪˈtju:sɪən succeeding adj / n
suborn / ~ed v sp substitution 1 səkˈsi:dɪn, -ɪŋ
səˈbɔ:ɹn / m -d, -nɪd sp succeeding3 / succeeding1
sp suborne / subborn’d , 1 substractor / ~s n
subborned1, suborn’d5, suborned1 səbˈstraktəɹz success n
sp substra-ctors1 =
subornation n sp successe47, suc-cesse1 /
m ˌsɤbəɹˈnɛ:sɪən, -sɪˌɒn subtle adj successes2
sp subornation3 ˈsɤtl rh express Luc 112
rh abomination, inclination Luc 919 sp subtil1, subtile8, subtill5, subtle17
> super-subtle
successantly adv
subscribe / ~s / ~d v səkˈsesəntləɪ
səbˈskrəɪb / -z / -d subtlet·y / ~ies n sp successantly1
sp subscribe / subscribes / 1 m ˈsɤtlˌtəɪ / -z
subscrib’d4, subscribed1 sp subtletie1 / subtleties1
successful adj
rh tribes S 107.10 rh me VA 675 / lies S 138.4 =
sp succesfull1, successefull5
subscription n subtle-witted adj
səbˈskrɪpsɪən ˈsɤtl-ˌwɪtɪd successfully adv
sp subscription 1
sp subtile-witted 1 m səkˈsesfəˌləɪ
> wit sp successefully3
subsequent adj
m səbˈsi:kwənt subtly adv succession n
sp subsequent1 ˈsɤtləɪ m səkˈsesɪən, -sɪˌɒn
sp subtilly2, subtly1 sp succession16
subsid·y / ~ies n rh possession CE 3.1.105
m ˈsɤbsɪdəɪ / -ˌdəɪz suburb / ~s n
sp subsidie1 / subsidies1 ˈsɤbəɹbz successive adj
1 1
sp suborbs , suburbes , suburbs , 5 =
subsist S / ~ing v sub-urbs1 sp successiue4
= / səbˈsɪstɪn, -ɪŋ
sp subsist1 / subsisting1
subversion n successively adv
rh missed S 122.6 səbˈvɐ:ɹsɪən m səkˈsesɪvˌləɪ
sp subuersion1 sp successiuely3
substance / ~s n
m ˈsɤbstəns / -ˌsɪz subvert / ~s v successor / ~s n
sp substance 36
/ substances 2 səbˈvɐ:ɹts səkˈsesəɹ / -z
sp subuerts1 sp successor1 / successors2


succour / ~s n sudden-bold adj rh eyes LLL 4.2.111, Luc 1679, PP 5.7 /

ˈsɤkəɹ / -z ˈsɤdən-ˈbo:ld despised S 37.11; sympathised Luc
sp succor1, succour8 / succours3 sp sodaine bold1
> bold sufficiency n
succour v
m səˈfɪsɪənˌsəɪ, -ns-
ˈsɤkəɹ suddenly adv
1 3 m ˈsɤdənˌləɪ, -ləɪ sp sufficiencie2, sufficiency1,
sp succor , succour
4 2
sp sodainely , so-dainely , sodainlie , 1 [stuff ’d]-sufficiency1
such det sodainly21, so-dainly1, suddainely3,
sufficient adj
sɤtʃ suddenly17
rh be AY 2.4.97; presently PP 13.2 m səˈfɪsɪənt, -ɪˌent
sp such1349
sp sufficient14, suffi-cient2,
rh clutch Ham 5.1.74; much LLL
sue / ~s / ~eth / ~ing / ~d v suffici-ent1
4.3.129, MA 3.1.110; touch PP 8.7
=, ʃu: / -z / ˈsju:·əθ, ʃu:- / -ɪn,
sufficient n
suchlike adj -ɪŋ / =, ʃu:d
ˈsɤtʃləɪk sp sue25, shue1 / sues5 / sueth1 /
3 suing1 / sued6 sp sufficient1
sp such
> like rh knew TC 1.2.291; true, you LLL
sufficiently adv
5.2.427 / wooing VA 356
suck n m səˈfɪsɪəntˌləɪ, -tl-
sɤk sued-for adj sp sufficiently1, suffici-ently1

sp sucke2
ˈsju:d-ˌfɔ:ɹ, ˈʃu:d-
sufficing adj
sp su’d-for1
suck / ~est / ~s / ~ing / səˈfəɪsɪn, -ɪŋ
~ed v suffer / ~est / ~s / ~ing / sp suffising1

sɤk / -st / -s / ˈsɤkɪn, -ɪŋ ~ed v

suffic·io / ~it Lat v
/ sɤkt ˈsɤfəɹ / -st / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ,
sp suck5, sucke17 / suck’st3 /
ˈsɤfr- / -d
sp sufficit1
suckes3, sucks2 / sucking1 / suck’d2, sp suffer78, suffer’t [suffer it]1 /
suckt4, suck’t1 suffer’st2 / suffers8 / suffering4, suffigance [malap
rh plucked VA 572 suffring1, suff ’ring1 / sufferd3,
sufficient] adj
> blood-, rabbit-sucker; fen-sucked suffer’d20, suf-fer’d1, suffered6,
suffred3 səˈfɪdʒɪəns
sucked adj sp suffigance1
sɤkt sufferance / ~s n
1 m ˈsɤfrəns, -fər-, -fəˌrans / suffocate v
sp suck’d
-frənˌsɪz ˈsɤfəˌkɛ:t
sucking adj / n sp sufferance21, suf-ferance1, sp suffocate3
ˈsɤkɪn, -ɪŋ suffe-rance1 / sufferances1
suffocating adj
sp sucking4 / sucking1
suffered adj ˈsɤfəˌkɛ:tɪn, -ɪŋ
suckle v ˈsɤfəɹd sp suffocating1
ˈsɤkəl sp suffred1
suffocation n
sp suckle
suffering adj / n ˌsɤfəˈkɛ:sɪən
> honeysuckle
ˈsɤfrɪn, -ɪŋ, -fər- sp suffocation1
sudden adj / adv / n 2 4
sp suffering / suffering , suffring 1
Suffolk / ~’s n
suffice / ~s / ~th / ~d v ˈsɤfək / -s
sp sodain2, sodaine43, suddaine3,
sudden18 / sodaine1 / sodaine9, səˈfəɪs / -ɪz / -əθ / -t sp Suffolk3, Suffolke94 / Suffolkes9,
so-daine1, suddaine1, sudden2 sp suffice14 / suffises1 / sufficeth7 / Suf-folkes1, Suffolks1
suffic’d1, suffis’d1


suffrage / ~s n sp suteable1 sum / ~s n

ˈsɤfrɪdʒ / -ɪz > unsuitable sɤm / -z
sp sufferage1 / suffrages2 suited adj sp sum12, summe38 / summes13,
suffrance n ˈʃu:tɪd, ˈsju:-
rh come S 49.3 / bums Tim 1.2.237;
ˈsɤfrəns sp suited2, suted3 comes LC 231
> three-suited pun 2H4 2.1.70 some
sp suffrance2
suitor / ~s n sum / ~s / ~med v
sugar adj / n
ˈʃu:təɹ, ˈsju:- / -z sɤm / -z / -d
ˈʃʊɡəɹ, ˈʃu:-
sp suitor6, suter2, sutor12 / suitors1, sp sum1, summe2 / summes1 /
sp sugar1, suger1 / sugar9, su-gar1,
suters7, sutors10 summ’d1
rh tutor TG 2.1.130 / tutors KL 3.2.84
sugar-candy n pun LLL 4.1.109 shooter sum Lat
ˈʃʊɡəɹ-ˌkandəɪ, ˈʃu:- suivre / suivez Fr v > adsum
sp sugar-candie1 swiˈvez sumless adj
sugared adj sp saaue1 ˈsɤmləs
ˈʃʊɡəɹd, ˈʃu:- sp sum-lesse1
sullen adj
sp sugred4 ˈsɤlən summa Lat
Sugarsop n sp sullen15 > summus
ˈʃʊɡəɹ-ˌsɒp, ˈʃu:- sullen / ~s n summary n
sp Su-gersop1 ˈsɤlənz m ˈsɤmrəɪ, -mər-, -məˌr-
suggest / ~s / ~ed v sp sullens1 sp summarie2
= sull·y / ~ies n summer adj
sp suggest6 / suggests2 / suggested4 ˈsɤləɪz ˈsɤməɹ
suggestion / ~s n sp sulleyes1 sp sommer2, summer14, sum-mer1
m səˈdʒɛ:stɪən, -ɪˌɒn / -z sull·y / ~ied v summer / ~’s / ~s n
sp suggestion9 / suggestions3 ˈsɤləɪ / -d ˈsɤməɹ / -z
suis Fr sp sulley1, sully2 / sullied1 sp sommer10, summer19, /
> unsullied sommers1 / sommers1, summers23
> être
> midsummer
sulphur n
suit / ~s n
ˈsɤlfəɹ summer / ~ed v
ʃu:t, sju:t / -s
41 79 1 sp sulpher1, sulphure3 ˈsɤməɹd
sp suit , suite , suite’s [suit is] ,
sp summer’d1
sute11, emend of Tit 1.1.226 sure1 / sulphurous adj
suites19, sutes4
ˈsɤlfrəs, -fər- summer-house n
rh mute AW 2.3.75, LLL 5.2.275, VA
206, 336 sp sulpherous1, sulph’rous1, ˈsɤməɹ-ˌəʊs, -ˌhəʊs
> love-, non-suit sulphurous4 sp summer-house1
> house
suit / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v sultan n
ʃu:t, sju:t / -s / ˈʃu:tɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈsɤltən summer-seeming adj
ˈsju:- / ˈʃu:tɪd, ˈsju:- sp sultan1 ˈsɤməɹ-ˌsi:mɪn, -ɪŋ
sp summer-seeming1
sp suite3, sute3 / suites7, sutes2 / sultry adj > seem
suiting1 / suited2
suitable adj sp soultry2 summer-swelling adj
ˈʃu:təbəl, ˈsju:- ˈsɤməɹ-ˌswelɪn, -ɪŋ


sp sommer-swelling1 sunbeam / ~s n sunk

> swell ˈsɤnbi:mz > sink
summit n sp sun-beames1
sunken adj
ˈsɤmɪt sunbeamed adj ˈsɤŋkən
sp Ham 3.3.18 emend of somnet2 m ˌsɤnˈbi:mɪd sp sunken2
summon / ~s / ~ed v sp sunne beamed
> beam
sunlike adj
ˈsɤmən / -z / -d ˈsɤnləɪk
sp summon12 / summons1 / sun-bright adj sp sunne-like1
summon’d2, summond1 ˈsɤn-ˌbrəɪt
sp sun-bright1
sunny adj
summoner / ~s n
ˈsɤmnəɹz, -mən- sunburn / ~ing v sp sunnie1, sunny2
sp summoners1 ˈsɤnˌbɐ:ɹnɪn, -ɪŋ
sp sunne-bur-ning1
sunrise n
summons n
ˈsɤmənz sunburned adj sp sunne rise1
sp summons8 ˈsɤnˌbɐ:ɹnt
sp sun-burn’d2, sun-burnt1
sunrising n
summ·us / ~a Lat adj
m ˌsɤnˈrəɪzɪn, -ɪŋ
ˈsʊma Sunday / ~s n sp sun-rising1
sp summa1 ˈsɤndɛ: / -z > rise
sumpter n sp Sonday6, Sunday2,
Sunday-[citizens]1 / Sundaies2
sunset n
ˈsɤmtəɹ, -mpt- ˈsɤnset
rh array TS 2.1.317
sp sumpter1 > citizen sp sunset2, sun-set1
> set
sumptuous adj sunder n
ˈsɤmtju:əs, -tɪəs, -mpt- ˈsɤndəɹ sunshine adj / n
sp sumptuous4 sp sunder1 ˈsɤnʃəɪn
> presumptuous rh under Luc 388 sunne-shine1, sun-shine1 /
sunne-shine1, sunshine2, sun-shine2
sumptuously adv sunder / ~s / ~ed v > shine
m ˈsɤmtju:əsˌləɪ, -tɪəs-, -mpt- ˈsɤndəɹ / -z / -d
sp sumptuously1 sp sunder7 / sunders1 / sundred1
sup / ~s / ~ped v
rh wonder MND 5.1.131 sɤp / -s / -t
sun / ~’s / ~s n
> asunder sp sup16, suppe4 / suppes1, sups4 /
sɤn / -z supp’d1, supt4
sp sonne2, sun68, sunne137, sunnes sundered adj > half-supped
[sun is]1, sun’s [sun is]1 / sunnes8 / ˈsɤndəɹd
sunnes6, suns1 sp sundred2
super-dainty adj
rh 1 begun LC 260, Luc 372, RJ ˈsu:pəɹ-ˌdɛ:ntəɪ
1.2.91; begun, done LC 9, Luc 25; sundry adj sp super-daintie1
done CE 1.1.28, Cym 4.2.258, Ham ˈsɤndrəɪ > dainty
4.5.66, Mac 1.1.5, S 24.11, 35.3, 59.6,
sp sundrie1, sundry3
TC 5.8.7, Tim 1.2.142, VA 198, 750, superficial adj
800; dun S 130.1; run MND 5.1.375; sun-expelling adj ˌsu:pəɹˈfɪsɪɑl
shun AY 2.5.36; undone Mac 5.5.49;
won Mac 1.1.5, LLL 1.1.84; rh 2 gone
ˈsɤn-ɪkˌspelɪn, -ɪŋ sp superficiall2
VA 190 sp sun-expelling1
superficially adv
pun R3 1.1.2 son
> unsunned
sung m ˌsu:pəɹˈfɪsɪɑˌləɪ
> sing sp superficially2


superfluity n superstitious adj supplication / ~s n

ˌsu:pəɹˈflu:ɪtəɪ ˌsu:pəɹˈstɪsɪəs ˌsɤplɪˈkɛ:sɪən / -z
sp superfluitie1, super-fluitie1, sp superstitious4 sp supplication6 / supplications1,
superfluity2 supplica-tions1
superstitiously adv
superfluous adj m ˌsu:pəɹˈstɪsɪəsˌləɪ supplier / supplie Fr v
sʊˈpɐ:ɹflu:əs sp superstitiously 1 syˈpli
sp superfluous15 sp supplie2
super-subtle adj
superfluously adv ˈsu:pəɹ-ˌsɤtl suppl·y / ~ies n
sʊˈpɐ:ɹflu:əsləɪ sp super-subtle1 səˈpləɪ / -z
sp superflu-ously1 sp supplie1, supply11 / supplies2,
supervise n / v supplyes2
superflux n ˈsu:pəɹvəɪz
ˈsu:pəɹˌflɤks sp superuize1 / superuise1
suppl·y / ~iest / ~ying /
sp superflux1 ~ied v
supervision n səˈpləɪ / -əst / -ɪn, -ɪŋ /-d
superior n ˌsu:pəɹˈvɪzɪən sp supplie2, supply12, sup-ply2 /
sʊˈperɪəɹ sp super-vision1 suppliest1 / supplying1 / supplied2,
sp superiour1 supply’d6, supply’de1
supper / ~s n rh mutiny 1H6 1.1.159 / beside H5
supernal adj ˈsɤpəɹ / -z 1.1.17
sʊˈpɐ:ɹnɑl sp supper62, sup-per1 / suppers1
sp supernal1
supplyment n
supper-time n səˈpləɪmənt
supernatural adj ˈsɤpəɹ-ˌtəɪm sp supplyment1
m ˌsu:pəɹˈnatəˌrɑl sp supper time 10

sp supernaturall2 > time

support n
> nature səˈpɔ:ɹt
supping n sp support1
superpraise v ˈsɤpɪn, -ɪŋ
ˈsu:pəɹˌprɛ:z sp supping1
support / ~ing / ~ed v
sp superpraise 1 səˈpɔ:ɹt / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd
> praise supplant v sp support12 / supporting1 /
səˈplant supported1
superscript n sp supplant6 rh support me sport me VA 152
sp superscript1 supple / ~r adj supportable adj
ˈsɤp·əl / -ləɹ səˈpɔ:ɹtəbəl
superscription n sp supple6 / suppler2 sp supportable1
m ˌsu:pəɹˈskrɪpsɪən, -sɪˌɒn > insupportable
sp superscription1, superscripti-on1 suppliance n
səˈpləɪəns supportance n
super-serviceable adj sp suppliance1
ˌsu:pəɹˈsɐ:ɹvɪsəbəl sp supportance2
sp super-seruiceable1 suppliant adj
m ˈsɤplɪənt, -ɪˌant supporter / ~s n
superstition n sp suppliant 2 səˈpɔ:ɹtəɹ / -z
ˌsu:pəɹˈstɪsɪən sp supporter2 / supporters1
sp superstition 1 suppliant / ~s n
m ˈsɤplɪənt, -ɪˌant / -s supposal n
sp suppliant4 / suppliants1
sp supposall1


suppose / ~s n surcease n/v surfeited adj

səˈpo:z / -ɪz səɹˈsi:s ˈsɐ:ɹfɪtɪd
sp suppose2 / supposes1 sp surcease1 / surcease2 sp surfeted1

suppos·e / ~est / ~es / ~ing / sure / ~r / ~st adj surfeiter n

~ed v ʃu:ɹ / ˈʃu:ɹ·əɹ / -əst ˈsɐ:ɹfɪtəɹ
səˈpo:z / -əst / -ɪz / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / m sp sure176, surer2, surest1, Mac sp surfetter1
-d, -ɪd 2.1.56 emend sowre1
rh pure TNK Prol.9 surfeiting adj
sp suppose26 / supposest1 /
supposes2 / supposing3 / supposd1,
> unsured ˈsɐ:ɹfɪtɪn, -ɪŋ
suppos’d10, supposed5 sp surfetting1
sure adv
rh shows Per 5.2.5 [Chorus]; those
AW 1.1.221, S 57.10 / proposed
ʃu:ɹ surfeit-swelled adj
Luc 133 sp sure112, Q H5 1.2.8 shure ˈsɐ:ɹfɪt-ˌsweld
rh cure AW 2.1.157; endure sp surfeit-swell’d1
supposed adj JC 1.2.318
m səˈpo:zd, -ɪd surge / ~’s / ~s n
4 8
Surecard n sɐ:ɹdʒ / ˈsɐ:ɹdʒɪz
sp suppos’d , supposed
rh enclosed Luc 377
ˈʃu:ɹkɑ:ɹd sp surge7, [winde-shak’d]-surge1 /
sp Sure-card1 surges1 / surges3
supposition n > card
ˌsɤpəˈzɪsɪən surge v
4 1
surely adv sɐ:ɹdʒ
sp supposition , suppo-sition
ˈʃu:rləɪ sp surge1
suppress / ~eth / ~ed v sp suerly1, surelie2, sure-lie1,
= surely35 surgeon / ~’s / ~s n
sp suppresse5 / suppresseth1 / ˈsɐ:ɹdʒɪən / -z
surer adv
supprest3 sp sur-gean1, surgeon10 / surgeons1
rh best S 138.8; rest 3H6 4.3.6 / surgeons3
sp surer1
supremacy n surgery n
surest adv
m səˈpreməˌsəɪ m ˈsɐ:ɹdʒrəɪ, -dʒər-, -əˌrəɪ
sp supremacie2, supremacy1, sp surgerie1, surge-rie1, surgery3
sp surest1
surg·o / ~ere Lat v
supreme adj suret·y / ~ies n
m ˈsu:pri:m, sʊˈpri:m ˈʃu:ɹtəɪ, -ɹət- / -z
sp surgere1
4 3 sp suretie8, surety12 / sureties1
sp supreame , supreme
surly adj / adv
sur surety v
Fr prep ˈsɐ:ɹləɪ
syɹ ˈʃu:ɹtəɪ, -ɹət-
sp surley1, surly9 / surly2
sp surety1
sp sur2
surmise / ~s n
surfeit / ~s n
sur-addition n səɹˈməɪz / -ɪz
ˌsɐ:ɹ-əˈdɪsɪən ˈsɐ:ɹfɪt / -s
sp surmise3, surmize1 / surmises3,
sp surfeit2, surfet5 / surfets3
sp sur-addition1 surmizes1
rh eyes Luc 83
surance n surfeit / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
ˈʃu:rəns, ˈsju:- ˈsɐ:ɹfɪt / -s / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd surmise / ~d v
1 sp surfeit1, surfet5 / surfets2 / səɹˈməɪz / -d
sp surance
surfetting3 / surfeted1, surfetted2
> assurance sp surmise1 / surmiz’d1


surmised adj Surrey n suspicion / ~s n

m səɹˈməɪzɪd ˈsɤrəɪ m səˈspɪsɪən, -sɪˌɒn / -sɪənz
sp surmised1 sp Surrey18, Surrie1 sp suspition31 / suspitions1

surmount / ~s / ~ed v survey n suspicious adj

səɹˈməʊnt / -s / -ɪd səɹˈvɛ: səˈspɪsɪəs
sp surmount1 / surmounts1 / sp suruey4 sp suspicious2, suspitious3
rh account S 62.8 survey / ~est / ~s / ~ing / suspiration n
> mount ~ed v ˌsɤspɪˈrɛ:sɪən
səɹˈvɛ: / -st / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d sp suspiration1
surname n
sp suruay1, suruey7 / suruayest1 /
ˈsɐ:ɹnɛ:m surueyes1 / surueying1 / suruey’d1
suspire v
sp surname2, sur-name1 rh 1 decay S 100.9; sway AY 3.2.2; səˈspəɪɹ
> name rh 2 key S 52.3 sp suspire2
> re-survey
surname / ~d v sustain / ~d v
ˈsɐ:ɹnɛ:md surveyor / ~s n səˈstɛ:n / -d
sp surnam’d2, sur-named1 səɹˈvɛ:əɹ / -z sp sustaine13, su-staine1, sustayne1 /
6 1
surueyor / surueyors sustain’d2
surpass / ~eth / ~ing v rh again TN 4.2.125; gain Luc 139;
səɹˈpas·əθ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ survive / ~s v twain KL 5.3.318
sp surpasseth1 / surpassing1 səɹˈvəɪv / -z
sp suruiue8 / suruiues2
sustaining adj
surplice n rh alive VA 173; alive, hive Luc 1766; səˈstɛ:nɪn, -ɪŋ
ˈsɐ:ɹplɪs contrive Luc 204 sp sustaining2
sp surplis rh complaining, raining Luc 1272;
survivor n complaining, remaining Luc 1573
surplus n səɹˈvəɪvəɹ
ˈsɐ:ɹpləs sp suruiuer1, suruiuor1
sustenance n
sp surplus2 ˈsɤstnəns, -tən-
Susan n sp sustenance1
surprise n =
səɹˈprəɪz sp Susan3
sutler n
sp surprize 1 ˈsɤtləɹ
suspect / ~s n sp sut-ler1
surprise / ~d v səˈspekt / -s
səɹˈprəɪz / m -d, -ɪd sp suspect6 / suspects2
Sutton Coldfield n
sp surprize6, sur-prize1 / surpris’d5, rh defect S 70.3 ˌsɤtən ˈko:lfɪl, ˈko:f-
surprised1, surpriz’d15 sp Sutton-cop-hill1
rh cries, eyes Luc 166; eyes VA 1049 suspect / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
/ disguised LLL 5.2.84 səˈspekt / -s / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd suum interj
> fear-surprised sp suspect29 / suspects3 / ˈsu:əm
suspecting1 / suspected7 sp suum1
sur-reined adj > unsuspected
ˈsɐ:ɹ-ˌrɛ:nd suus / suum Lat det
sp sur-reyn’d1 suspend v ˈsu:əm
= sp suum1
surrender n/v sp suspend2
səˈrendəɹ swabber n
sp surrender3 / surrender2 suspense n ˈswɒbəɹ
= sp swabber2
sp suspence1


swag-bellied adj swan-like adj sp sway13, sway-[on]1 / swayst1 /

ˈswaɡ-ˌbeləɪd ˈswɒnləɪk swaies2, swayes6 / swaying1 /
swai’d1, sway’d6, TS 3.2.54 emend of
sp swag-belly’d1 sp swan-like
swagger / ~ing / ~ed v sware rh day S 150.2; obey CE 2.1.28,
TS 5.2.162; say LC 108; survey
ˈswaɡəɹ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ, -ɡr- / -d, > swear
AY 3.2.4 / play’st S 128.3 / maid
Edgar’s assumed dialect KL MND 2.2.121
swarm n
.. zwagəɹd > over-, un-sway; unswayable
5 1
sp swagger / swagge-ring /
sp swarme1 swear / ~est / ~s / ~ing /
swag-ger’d1, Edgar zwaggerd1
swor·e / ~est / ~n v
swaggerer / ~s n swarm / ~ing v
swɛ:ɹ / -st / -z / ˈswɛ:rɪn, -ɪŋ /
ˈswaɡrəɹ, -ɡər- / -z swɑ:ɹm / ˈswɑ:ɹmɪn, -ɪŋ
swɔ:ɹ / -st / -n
sp swarme3 / swarming2
sp swaggerer3 / swaggerers5 sp swear5, sweare243, swear’t [swear
it]3 / swearest1, swear’st6 /
swaggering adj / n sweares24, swears1 / swearing10 /
swart adj
ˈswaɡrɪn, -ɪŋ, -ɡər- sware2, swore48 / sworst2, swor’st1 /
3 1
sp swaggering , swagge-ring / sworn3, sworne106, sworn’t [sworn
sp swart3, swarth1
swaggering2, swag-gering1 it]1, [be]sworne1
swarthy adj rh 1 anywhere RJ 2.Chorus.10; bear
swain / ~’s / ~s n Luc 1418, S 131.9; there Luc 1650,
swɛ:n / -z ˈswɑ:ɹðəɪ MND 2.1.56; where R2 5.3.141; rh 2
swarthy1 ear LLL 4.1.61, Luc 1418; fear 1H6
sp swain2, swaine21 / swaines1 /
swaines2 4.5.28, Luc 1650, TN 5.1.168; hear
swasher / ~s n LLL 4.3.144; here LLL 5.2.359; rh 3
rh plains PP 17.29
ˈswɑʃəɹz were LLL 4.3.115, PP 16.15 / rh 1
swallow / ~’s / ~s n sp swashers1 hairs Per 4.4.27; rh 2 tears VA 80 /
ˈswɒlə, -lo: / -z rh 1 bearing S 152.2; rh 2 fearing
swashing adj PP 7.8 / before LLL 5.2.109, Luc 1848;
sp swallow4 / swallowes1 /
ˈswɑʃɪn, -ɪŋ o’er MND 3.2.134 / rh 1 horn
sp swashing1 TC 4.5.45; scorn LLL 1.1.294; thorn
swallow / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v LLL 4.3.109, PP 16.11; rh 2 more
ˈswɒlə, -lo: / -z / m -wɪn, -wɪŋ / swath n LLL 1.1.114

-d swɑθ > for-, out-, over-, un-swear

sp swath2
sp swallow10 / swallowes2 / swearer / ~s n
swallowing3 / swallow’d8, ˈswɛ:rəɹ / -z
swathe / ~s n
swɑ:ðz sp swearer1 / swearers2
> sea-swallowed
sp swarths
swearing adj
swallowing adj / n
swathing adj ˈswɛ:rɪn, -ɪŋ
ˈswɒlwɪn, -ɪŋ, -ləw-
ˈswɑ:ðɪn, -ɪŋ sp swearing2
sp swallowing2 / swallowing1
sp swathing3
swearing / ~s n
sway n ˈswɛ:rɪn, -ɪŋ / -z
> swim
swɛ: sp swearing9, swea-ring1 /
swan / ~’s / ~s n sp sway 18 swearings2
swɒn / -z rh day 1H4 5.5.42 [emend of way]
sweat n
sp swan6 / swannes1,
sway / S ~est / ~s / ~ing / =
swannes-[nest]1, swans1 / swans1
rh can PT 15 ~ed v sp sweat10, sweate2, swet2
swɛ: / -st / -z / ˈswɛ:ɪn, -ɪŋ /


sweat v Chorus.14; unmeet LLL 4.3.112, swell / ~est / ~s / ~ing / ~ed /

= / -s, -st / = / ˈswet·ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ən PP 16.14 / fleet’st S 19.7 swollen v
sp sweat11, sweate7, swet4 / sweeten / ~ed v = / -st / -z / ˈswelɪn, -ɪŋ / sweld
sweat’st1 / sweates3, sweats2 / / swo:ln
sweating3 / sweaten1
sp sweeten7, swee-ten1 / sp swell17, swell’s [swell us]1 /
rh 1 great H8 Prol.28, LLL 5.2.549;
sweetned1 swell’st1 / swelles1, swells4, swels4 /
rh 2 heat VA 175 / eaten Mac 4.1.64
swelling2 / sweld1, swel’d1, swell’d3 /
sweeter n swolne1
sweating adj
ˈswi:təɹ > out-, over-swell; big-, high-
ˈswetɪn, -ɪŋ swollen
sp sweating3 sp sweeter1

sweet-faced adj swelled adj

sweaty adj =
ˈswetəɪ ˈswi:t-ˌfɛ:st
sp swell’d1
sp sweatie1, sweaty1 sp sweet-fac’d1
> face swelling adj
sweep n ˈswelɪn, -ɪŋ
Sweetheart [name] n
= sp swelling15
ˈswi:tˌɑ:ɹt, -ˌhɑ:-
sp sweepe1 1 > summer-swelling
sp Sweet-heart
sweep / ~s / swept v swelling / ~s n
sweeting n
ˈswi:tɪn, -ɪŋ ˈswelɪn, -ɪŋ / -z
sp sweep1, sweepe10 / sweepes3 / sp swelling1 / swellings1
swept2 sp sweeting4, [bitter]-sweeting1
> unswept rh meeting TN 2.3.40 sweltered adj
sweetly adv ˈsweltəɹd
sweet / ~er / ~est adj
ˈswi:tləɪ sp sweltred1
= / ˈswi:t·əɹ / -əst, -st
sp sweet568, sweet-[goose]1, sp sweetely1, sweetly22, sweet-ly1 Sweno n
sweet-[heart]5, sweet-[heart’s]1, ˈswi:no:
sweetmeat / ~s n
sweet-[ladie]1, sweete140 /
= sp Sweno1
sweeter14, swee-ter1 / sweetest19,
sweet’st3, swetest1 sp sweet meats swerv·e / ~ing v
rh Crete 1H6 4.6.55; feet LLL 5.2.329,
sweetness n swɐ:ɹv / ˈswɐ:ɹvɪn, -ɪŋ
TNK 1.1.13; greet S 145.6, TN 2.4.58;
= sp swerue4 / sweruing1
meet Ham 3.4.210 [Q2], 5.1.62, LLL
rh deserve Cym 5.4.129 / deserving
5.2.236, MND 1.1.216, R2 5.3.116, sp sweetnes1, sweetnesse4
S 87.8
S 94.9; regreet R2 1.3.68 rh meetness S 118.5
> flattering-, honey-sweet;
sweet-savoured adj swerving n
m ˌswi:t-ˈsɛ:vəɹd ˈswɐ:ɹvɪn, -ɪŋ
sweet adv sp sweruing1
sp sweet-sauour’d1
= > savour swift / ~er / ~est adj
sp sweet9, sweete4
rh meet S 5.14 sweet-suggesting adj = / ˈswɪftəɹ / =
ˈswi:t-səˌdʒestɪn, -ɪŋ sp swift43 / swifter5 / swiftest5
sweet / ~s n rh drift TG 2.6.42
sp sweet-suggesting1
= > night-, wind-swift
sp sweet25, sweete12 / sweetes3, swell n
swift / ~er adv
sweets6 =
rh discreet RJ 1.1.194; greet
= / ˈswɪftəɹ
sp swell1
LLL 5.2.373; meet AW 5.3.331, RJ 2. sp swift15 / swifter8


swift n swing n swoopstake adv

= = ˈsu:pstɛ:k, ˈswu:-
sp swift1 sp swing1 sp soop-stake1

swiftly adv swing / swung v sword / ~’s / ~s n

ˈswɪftləɪ swɤŋ sɔ:ɹd / -z
sp swiftly7 sp swong1 sp sword329, [punie]-sword1,
[victor]-sword1, sword’s [sword is]1 /
swiftness n swinge / ~d v swords1 / swords68
= = rh 1 lord H5 Epil.6, TNK 3.1.42;
sp swiftnesse4 sp swinge1 / swindg’d2, swing’d6 record Luc 1640; rh 2 word 1H6
4.6.3, LLL 5.2.276, Luc 1640, MND
swift-winged adj swinge-buckler / ~s n 2.2.113, 5.1.335 / words Luc 1421,
m ˌswɪft-ˈwɪŋɪd ˈswɪndʒ-ˌbɤkləɹz R2 3.3.132
> half-, long-sword
sp swift-winged2 sp swindge-bucklers1
> winged
swinish adj sworder n
swill / ~s / ~ed v ˈswəɪnɪʃ ˈsɔ:ɹdəɹ
= sp sworder2
sp swinish1
sp swilles1 / swill’d1
Swinsted n sword-hilt / ~s n
swim / ~s / swam v ˈswɪnsted ˈsɔ:ɹd-ˌɪlts, -ˌhɪ-
= / = / swɑm sp sword hilts1
sp Swinsted2
8 4 2 > hilt
sp swim , swimme / swimmes ,
swims1 / swam2, swom2 switch / ~es n
sword-man / ~-men n
rh him TNK Prol.24 swɪts / =
2 1
sp swits / switches
swimmer / ~s n sp sword-men1
ˈswɪməɹ / -z Swithold n
swore, sworn v
sp swimmer1 / swimmers1 ˈswɪto:ld
> swear
sp Swithold1
swimming adj
sworn adj
ˈswɪmɪn, -ɪŋ Switzer / ~s n
2 swɔ:ɹn
sp swimming ˈswɪtzəɹz
sp sworn3, sworne15,
sp Switzers1
swine n sworne-[twelue]1
swəɪn rh born LLL 5.2.282
swollen adj
> deep-, un-sworn
sp swine8 swo:ln
rh groin VA 1115
sp swolne4 swound / ~s / ~ed v
swine-drunk adj swəʊnd / -z, -nz / ˈswəʊndɪd
swollen v
ˈswəɪn-ˌdrɤŋk sp swound3, swowne1 / swounds1 /
> swell v
sp swine-drunke 1 swownded1
> drunk rh 1 confounds Luc 1486; rh 2
swoon / ~s / ~ed / ~ded v
wounds Luc 1486
swineherd / ~s n = / = / = / ˈswu:ndɪd > sound [swoon], swoon
sp swoon1, swoone1 / swoonds1 / > sibyl
ˈswəɪn-ˌɐ:ɹdz, -ˌhɐ:-
swoond3, swoon’d1 / swoonded1
sp swine-herds1
> sound [swoon], swound sycamore n
> herd
swoop n
swine-keeping n sp siccamore1, sycamour1
= rh hour LLL 5.2.89
ˈswəɪn-ˌki:pɪn, -ɪŋ
sp swoope1
sp swine-keeping1
> keep


sycamore-tree n sp simpathize1, sympathize5 sp Siracusa6, Siracusia5, Syracusa1 /

ˈsɪkəmɔ:ɹ-ˈtri: rh 1 devised S 82.11; rh 2 sufficed Siracuse2, abbr in s.d. S1, Sir2, Sira1,
Luc 1113 Sirac1
sp sicamour tree1
> tree sympathized adj Syracusian adj
Sycorax n m ˈsɪmpəˌθəɪzd, -zɪd ˈsɪrəˌkju:zɪən
ˈsɪkəˌraks sp simpathis’d1, simpathized1 sp Siracusian2, Syracusian1

sp Sycorax7 sympathy n Syracusian / ~s n

syllable / ~s n ˈsɪmpəˌθəɪ ˈsɪrəˌkju:zɪən / -z
= sp simpathie4, simpathy5 sp Siracusian4 / Siracusians1
rh eye, sky Luc 1229
sp sillable3, syllable7 / syllables1, Syria n
sylla-bles1 synagogue n =
syllogism n = sp Syria5
= sp sinagogue2 rh say Per Prol.19

sp sillogisme1 synod / ~s n syrup / ~s n

symbol / ~s n = =
= synod4, synode1 / synodes1 sp sirrups1, syrrups1

sp simbols1 Syracusa / Syracuse n

sympathise / ~d v ˈsɪrəˌkju:zə
ˈsɪmpəˌθəɪz / -d


T / ~s n taborin / ~s n tail / ~s n
= m ˈtabrɪnz, -bər-, -bəˌr- tɛ:l / -z
sp T’s2 sp taborins1, tabourines1 sp taile15, tayle3 / tayles1
rh fail TNK 3.5.50, TC 5.10.44; frail
table adj taciturnity n Oth 2.1.152; sail Mac 1.3.9; trail TC
ˈtɛ:bəl m ˌtasɪˈtɐ:ɹnɪˌtəɪ 5.8.21
sp table-[sport]1 sp taciturnitie1 pun Oth 3.1.8 tale
> horse-, long-, trundle-tail; red-
table / ~s n tack / ~ed v tailed
ˈtɛ:bəl / -z =
tailor / ~’s / ~s / ~s’ n
sp table54, table-[sport]1, table’s sp tackt1
[table is]1 / tables11
ˈtɛ:ləɹ / -z
tackle / ~s n sp tailor17, tailour2, tayler1, taylor14,
table / ~d v = taylour1, abbr in s.d. Tail1 / tailors1,
ˈtɛ:bəld taylors / tailors2, taylors4 /
sp tackle4 / tackles2
sp tabled1
tackled adj
table-book n taint / ~s n
ˈtɛ:bəl-ˌbʊk 1
tɛ:nt / -s
sp tackled
sp taint4 / taints3
sp table-booke3
> book tackling / ~s n
taint / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
ˈtaklɪn, -ɪŋ / -z
tablet n tɛ:nt / -s / ˈtɛ:nt·ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd
sp tackling1 / tacklings1
= sp taint10, taynt1 / taints2 / tainting1
tadpole n / tainted11
sp tablet1
ˈtadpo:l, ˈtɒ- tainted adj
table-talk n sp tadpole1, tod-pole1
ˈtɛ:bəl-ˌtɔ:k ˈtɛ:ntɪd
taffeta adj / n sp tainted4
sp table talke1
rh acquainted CE 3.2.13
tabor / ~s n > travel-, un-tainted
sp taffata2, taffety1, taffata3
ˈtabəɹ / -z tainting n
sp taber4, tabor5, ta-bor1 / tag n
ˈtɛ:nt·ɪn, -ɪŋ
tabors1 =
sp tainting2
sp tagge1
taborer n
taintingly adv
ˈtabrəɹ, -bər- tag-rag adj
m ˈtɛ:ntɪnˌləɪ, -ɪŋ-
sp taborer1 =
sp taintingly1
sp tag-ragge1
> rag


tak·e / ~est / ~es / ~eth / ~ing sp Talbot94, Talbot’s [Talbot is]1, tallest n
/ took / ~est / taken / tane v Talbots [Talbot is]1 / Talbots13 / ˈtɑ:ləst
tɛ:k / -s, -st / -s / ˈtɛ:k·əθ / -ɪn, sp tallest2
-ɪŋ / = / -st / ˈtɛ:kən / tɛ:n tale / ~s n
tallow n
sp take1165, take-[a-your]1, tɛ:l / -z
1 1 8
take-[in] , take-[off] , take’t [take it] , ˈtalə, -lo:
sp tale106, tale’s [tale is]1 / tales20
tak’t [take it]7 / tak’st12 / takes88 / sp tallow5
rh ale MND 2.1.51; ashy-pale VA 74;
taketh2 / taking21, ta-king1 / took6, dale Luc 1078; pale VA 591, 1125;
tooke145, took’t [took it]4 / tookst1, tallow-catch n
pale, scale Luc 480; pale, vale LC 4;
took’st1 / taken87, ta-ken2, tak’n1 / stale WT 4.1.14 / scales MND 3.2.133
ˈtalə-ˌkatʃ, -lo:-
tane70, ’tane7, t’ane4, ta’ne13 pun Oth 3.1.9 tail sp tallow catch1
rh awake Tem 2.1.307; brake MND > carry-, half-, tell-tale
3.2.16; make AY 4.3.61, Luc 1200, tallow-face n
S 81.3, 91.13; quake 1H6 1.1.155; talent / ~s n ˈtalə-ˌfɛ:s, -lo:-
sake AW 2.3.88, H5 Epil.14, Luc 535, = sp tallow face1
RJ 1.5.106, S 134.9; sake, wake MND 3 15
sp talent / talents
2.2.34; take him forsake him VA 319; tally n
pun talon LLL 4.2.64
take it make it AW 4.3.218 / mak’st ˈtaləɪ
PT 19; wak’st MND 3.2.454 / makes Taleporter n sp tally1
MND 3.2.177, Oth 1.3.204; makes,
takes LC 107, 110; shakes Per 3. talon / ~s n
Chorus.43 / forsaken S 133.5; shaken sp Tale-Porter1
ˈtalən, -t / ˈtalənz
S 116.8, 120.7 / rh 1 book RJ 1.5.108;
talk n sp talent1 / tallons2
brook VA 1101; forsook, look Luc
1537; look CE 2.1.89, S 47.1, 75.12; = pun talent LLL 4.2.64
rh 2 provoke Per Prol.25 sp talke39
rh 1 walk TC 4.4.138; rh 2 halt
tam Lat adv
> over-, under-take; action-taking,
well-took, new-taken, ill-ta’en PP 18.8 tam
sp tam2
taker n talk / ~est / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
ˈtɛ:kəɹ = / -s, -st / -s / ˈtɔ:kɪn, -ɪŋ / = tame adj
sp taker , [life-wearie]-taker 1 sp talk2, talke157 / talkest3, talk’st7 / tɛ:m
talkes13, talks2 / talking16, tal-king1 / sp tame25
taking n talk’d17, talk’d-[of]1, talkt8 rh came LC 311; lame PP 12.8;
ˈtɛ:kɪn, -ɪŋ > out-talk; a-talking, untalked shame R2 1.1.174
sp taking7, ta-king1
talker / ~s n tam·e / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v
rh a-shaking, waking Luc 453
> leave-, purse-taking ˈtɔ:kəɹ / -z tɛ:m / -z / ˈtɛ:mɪn, -ɪŋ / tɛ:md
sp talker2 / talkers1 sp tame10 / tames1 / taming1 /
taking-up n tam’d4
ˈtɛ:kɪn-ˈɤp, -ɪŋ- talking adj / n
1 ˈtɔ:kɪn, -ɪŋ tamed adj
sp taking-vp
sp talking1 / talking6, tal-king2 m ˈtɛ:mɪd
taking-off n sp tamed1
ˈtɛ:kɪn-ˈɒf, -ɪŋ- tall / ~er adj
tɑ:l / ˈtɑ:ləɹ tamely adv
sp taking off1
33 1
sp tall , tall-[fellowes] , taller1 ˈtɛ:mləɪ
Talbonite / ~s n rh all 2H4 5.3.33; fall MND 5.1.143; sp tamely3
ˈtɑlbəˌnəɪts tall ones small ones TNK 3.5.111
tameness n
sp Talbonites1
taller n ˈtɛ:mnəs
Talbot / ~’s / ~s n ˈtɑ:ləɹ sp tame-nesse1
ˈtɑlbət / -s sp taller2


tamer n tap n tardy adj / adv

ˈtɛ:məɹ = ˈtɑ:ɹdəɪ
sp tamer1 sp tap2 sp tardie7, tardy3 / tardie3

taming-school n tap / ~ped v tard·y / ~ied v

ˈtɛ:mɪn-ˌsku:l, -ɪŋ- = ˈtɑ:ɹdəɪd
sp taming schoole2 sp tap1, tapt1 sp tardied1
> school
tape n tardy-gaited adj
Tamora / ~’s n tɛ:p ˈtɑ:ɹdəɪ-ˌɡɛ:tɪd
m ˈtaməˌra, -mər-, -mrə / sp tape2 sp [creeple]-tardy-gated1
-məˌraz rh cape WT 4.4.313
sp Tamora32 / Tamora’s1
targe / ~s n
taper / ~s n tɑ:ɹdʒ / ˈtɑ:ɹdʒɪz
Tamworth n ˈtɛ:pəɹ / -z sp targe1 / targes2
ˈtamwəɹθ sp taper10, tapor1 / tapers9
sp Tamworth1 night-taper target / ~s n
ˈtɑ:ɹɡɪt / -s
tang n/v taper-light n sp target3, targuet2 / targets2
= ˈtɛ:pəɹ-ˌləɪt
sp tang1 / tang1, TN 3.4.71 emend of sp taper-light1 Tarientum n
langer1 rh might Per Prol.15 tarɪˈentəm
rh hang Tem 2.2.49 > light sp Tarientum1

tangle / ~d v tapestr·y / ~ies n Tarpeian adj

= ˈtapɪsˌtrəɪ / -z tɑ:ɹˈpi:ən
sp tangle4 / tangled1 sp tapestrie1, tapestry1, tapistrie1, sp Tarpeian5
> untangle tapistry2 / tapistries1
Tarquin / ~’s / ~s n
tangled adj tap-house n ˈtɑ:ɹkwɪn / -z
= ˈtap-ˌəʊs, -ˌhəʊs sp Tarquin5, Tarquine1 / Tarquins2 /
sp tangled1 sp tap-house1 Tarquins1
> house
tanling / ~s n tarriance n
ˈtanlɪnz, -ɪŋz tapster / ~’s / ~s n =
sp tanlings1
ˈtapstəɹ / -z sp tarriance1
sp tapster13 / tapsters1 / tapsters3
tanned adj tarr·y / ~ies / ~ying / ~ied v
= tar n ˈtarəɪ / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -d
sp tan’d1
tɑ:ɹ sp tarrie10, tarry35 / taries1, tarries1 /
sp tar1, tarre2 tarrying1 / tarried4
tanner n
ˈtanəɹ tar / ~red v tarrying n
sp tanner 2 tɑ:ɹ / -d ˈtarəɪɪn, -ɪŋ
sp tarre3 / tarr’d1 sp tarrying3
tanquam Lat adv
ˈtankwam, -ka- tardily adv tart adj / n
sp tanquam 1 m ˈtɑ:ɹdɪˌləɪ tɑ:ɹt
sp tardily1 sp tart3 / tart3
tant·us / ~a / ~aene Lat adj +
particle tardiness n Tartar adj
ˈtant·a / -ene m ˈtɑ:ɹdɪˌnes ˈtɑ:ɹtəɹ
sp tardinesse sp Tartar1
sp tanta1 / tantaene1


Tartar / ~’s / ~s n tatters n tawny-coat / ~s n

ˈtɑ:ɹtəɹ / -z ˈtatəɹz ˈtɔ:nəɪ-ˌko:ts
sp Tartar3, [Bohemian]-Tartar1 / sp tatters1 sp tawney-coates1, tawny-coats1,
Tartars4 / Tarters1 tawny coats1
tattl·e / ~ing v
tartly adv = / ˈtatlɪn, -ɪŋ tawny-finned adj
ˈtɑ:ɹtləɪ 1
sp tattle / tatling 1 ˈtɔ:nəɪ-ˌfɪnd
sp tartly1 > tittle-tattling sp emend of AC 2.5.12 tawny fine

tartness n tattling adj Tawyer [name] n

ˈtɑ:ɹtnəs ˈtatlɪn, -ɪŋ ˈtɔ:əɹ
sp tartnesse1, tart-nesse1 sp tatling1 sp Tawyer1

task / ~s n tattling / ~s n tax n

task / -s ˈtatlɪnz, -ɪŋz =
sp task2, taske19 / taskes3 sp tatlings1 sp taxe1, taxes1
task / ~ing / ~ed v taught tax / ~ing / ~ed v
task / ˈtaskɪn, -ɪŋ / taskt > teach = / ˈtaksɪn, -ɪŋ / =
sp taske6 / tasking1 / task’d1, taskt1, sp tax1, taxe8, emend of AW 5.3.122
task’t1 taunt / ~s n taze1 / taxing1 / tax’d2, taxt1
rh masked LLL 5.2.126 =, tɑ:nt / -s
sp taunt1 / taunts6 taxation / ~s n
tasker n
takˈsɛ:sɪən / -z
ˈtaskəɹ taunt / ~s / ~ed v
sp tasker1 sp taxation5 / taxations2
=, tɑ:nt / -s / =, ˈtɑ:ntɪd
tassel n sp taunt6 / taunts1 / taunted1 taxing n
ˈtasəl ˈtaksɪn, -ɪŋ
taunting adj sp taxing1
sp tassell1
ˈtɔ:ntɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈtɑ:-
tassel-gentle n sp tanting1 te Fr
> tu
ˈtasəl-ˈdʒentl Taurus / ~’s n
sp tassell gentle1 teach / ~est / ~es / ~eth / ~ing
ˈtɔ:rəs, ˈto:-
> tercel 2 2 / taught v
sp Taurus , Towrus / Taurus
taste n = / ˈti:tʃ·əst / -ɪz / -əθ / -ɪn,
tavern adj -ɪŋ / =
ˈtavəɹn sp teach102 / teachest4 / teaches7 /
sp tast1, taste31
rh 1 last VA 445; rh 2 haste Luc 651 sp tauerne2 teacheth3 / teaching5 / taught44
rh beseech TC 1.2.292; preach 1H6
tast·e / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v tavern / ~s n 3.1.130; speech R2 5.3.112; teach
tast / -s / ˈtast·ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd ˈtavəɹn / -z thee beseech thee VA 406; teach
sp tauern1, tauerne8 / tauernes3 you beseech you Per 4.4.8
sp tast5, taste39 / tastes2, tasts1 /
> untaught
tasting2 / tasted7
tawdry-lace n
rh 1 fast VA 528; fast, last Luc 893; teacher / ~s n
last LC 167, S 90.11; rh 2 haste MND ˈtɔ:drəɪ-ˌlɛ:s
1.1.236; waste RJ 2.3.68, S 77.4 / sp tawdry-lace 1 ˈti:tʃəɹ / -z
wasted VA 128 > lace sp teacher3 / teachers2
> untasted > parrot-teacher
tawny adj
tattered adj ˈtɔ:nəɪ teaching n
ˈtatəɹd 1
sp tawney , tawnie , tawny3 6 ˈti:tʃɪn, -ɪŋ
sp tatter’d2, tattred1, totter’d1 > orange-tawny sp teaching7


team n tear-stained adj Telamonius n

= ˈti:ɹ-ˌstɛ:nd, ˈtɛ:- m ˌteləˈmo:nɪˌʊs
sp teame2, teeme3 sp teare-stayn’d1 sp Telamonius1
rh dream MND 5.1.374 > stain
tell / ~est / ~s / ~ing / told /
tear [cry] / ~s n teat n ~est v
ti:ɹ, tɛ:ɹ / -z = = / tels, -st / = / ˈtelɪn, -ɪŋ / to:ld /
sp teare27 / teares265, tears3 sp teat2 to:ls, -lds, -st
rh 1 appear S 31.5; bier Ham 4.5.168;
sp tel30, tell1009, tell-[a-me]2, tell’s
here H8 Prol.6, LC 51, 289; spear R2 Te Deum Lat n
[tell us]1, tel’s [tell us]1 / tellst1,
1.3.59; rh 2 bear LC 51; bear, hair ˈtɛ: ˈdɛ:ʊm tell’st7, telst1, tel’st3 / telles2, tells13,
Luc 1131; there Luc 1375; wear LC sp Te Deum2 tels25 / telling20 / told220 / told’st3,
289 / rh 1 appears LC 296, LLL > te toldst2
4.3.153, 5.2.118, MND 3.2.123, VA
rh bell, knell Luc 1496; cell RJ
1176; cheers TNK 1.5.5; clears Luc tedious adj / n 2.2.193; dwell S 84.7, 89.12, 93.12;
1713, S 148.10; ears Luc 1127; fears ˈtɪdɪəs excel LLL 4.3.39; farewell R2 2.1.212;
LC 296, S 119.1; peers H5 4.2.11;
sp tedious42 / tedious1 hell 2H6 5.1.215, Luc 1288, PP 2.10,
years Per 1.4.19, VA 1092; rh 2 bears
> overtedious S 144.10; rebel R2 3.2.120; smell
LC 18, Luc 1713; cares 3H6 3.3.13;
PP 18.7, S 98.7; well CE 3.1.52,
hairs CE 3.2.46, VA 49, 192; swears tediously adv 3.2.187, 4.2.45, KL 1.4.342, 4.6.277,
VA 82; theirs Per 1.4.54; wears Luc
682; rh 3 characters LC 18; hers
ˈtɪdɪəsləɪ LC 253, MND 3.2.76, S 14.5, 103.12,
sp tediously1 WT 4.4.299 / bells Luc 510 / behold
MND 2.2.98
Luc 1324; behold, bold, cold, enfold,
tear [rip] / ~s / ~ing / tore / tediousness n gold, inscrolled, old, sold MV 2.7.66;
torn v m ˈtɪdɪəsˌnes, -nəs behold, rolled Luc 1397; bold Luc
1284, TNK Epil.12; cold VA 1126;
tɛ:ɹ, ti:ɹ / -z / ˈtɛ:rɪn, -ɪŋ, ti:- / sp tediousnesse4
hold Per 3.Chorus.57; old PP 1.12,
tɔ:ɹ / -n S 76.14, 123.8, 138.12
teem / ~s v
sp tear2, teare46 / teares3 / tearing3 > all-telling, foretell; re-, un-told
4 13 =
/ tore / torne
rh 1 fear Luc 739, R2 1.1.192; here sp teeme3 / teemes3 teller n
> overteemed
Luc 1472; rh 2 bear Luc 1472; there ˈteləɹ
Luc 739; tear it fear it, hear it LLL sp teller1
teeming adj
4.3.198; tear thee rh 1 bear thee Luc
669; rh 2 hear thee Luc 669 / bears ˈti:mɪn, -ɪŋ telling n
Per 4.4.30 / more, o’er Luc 1787 / sp teeming4
ˈtelɪn, -ɪŋ
forsworn LLL 4.3.283, S 152.3;
teen n sp telling6
born, outworn Luc 1762
> fortune-telling
> plough-torn =
sp teene4 tell-tale adj
tear-falling adj rh green VA 808; seen LC 192,
ˌti:ɹ-ˈfɔ:lɪn, -ɪŋ, ˌtɛ:- ˈtel-ˌtɛ:l
LLL 4.3.162, R3 4.1.96
sp teare-falling1 sp tell-tale1
tearful adj tell-tale / ~s n
> tooth
ˈti:ɹfʊl, ˌtɛ:- ˈtel-ˌtɛ:l / -z
sp tearefull1 teipsum Lat sp tell-tale2, tel-tale1 / tell-tales1,
> te tel-tales1
tearing adj / n > tale
ˈtɛ:rɪn, -ɪŋ, ti:- Telamon n
sp tearing / tearing 1 ˈteləmən tellus Lat n
sp Telamon 1 ˈtelʊs
Tearsheet n sp tellus2, tel-lus1
ˈtɛ:ɹʃi:t, ˈti:-
sp Teare-sheet6, Teare-sheete2


temple / ~s n sp tempting1 / tempting1 /

Tellus / ~’s n tempting1
sp temple22, tem-ple2 / temples13 ten adj
sp Tellus1
temple-haunting adj =
temper n sp ten92, tenne11
ˈtempəɹ / -z ˈtempl-ˌɔ:ntɪn, -ɪŋ, -hɔ:-
sp temple-haunting1 ten / ~s n
sp temper25 / tempers1
> haunt
temper / ~ing / ~ed v sp ten33, tenne8 / tens1
temporal adj
ˈtempəɹ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ, -pr- / -d rh Englishmen H5 3.7.152; then
m ˈtempəˌrɑl, -pər-, -prɑl
sp temper9 / tempering1, temp’ring1 AW 1.3.77
/ temper’d3, tempred1, temp’red1 sp temporall7
rh ventring VA 565 tenant / ~s n
temporality n
> best-, dis-, ill-, mis-tempered; =
untempering ˌtempəˈralɪtəɪ
sp tenant2 / tenants4
sp temperalitie1
temperance n Tenantius n
m ˈtempəˌrans, -pər-, -prəns temporary adj
sp temperance8, temp’rance2 m ˈtempəˌrarəɪ
sp Tenantius2
sp temporary1
temperate adj tenantless adj
m ˈtempəˌrɛ:t, -pər-, -prət temporise / ~d v
m ˈtenəntˌles
sp temperate7, temp’rate1 m ˈtempəˌrəɪz / -d
sp tenant-lesse1
rh date S 18.2 sp temporise1, temporize2 /
temporiz’d1 tench n
temperately adv
m ˈtemprətˌləɪ, -pər- temporiser n =
m ˈtempəˌrəɪzəɹ sp tench2
sp temperately2, temp’rately2
sp temporizer1 tend / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
tempered adj
ˈtempəɹd temps Fr n = / = / ˈtendɪn, -ɪŋ / =
sp temper’d5 tɑ̃ sp tend20 / tends10 / tending5 /
sp temps1
tempest / ~s n rh amend, blend LC 212; friend
= tempt / ~s / ~ed v Ham 3.2.216; lend S 53.2; mend
S 103.11; spend S 57.1; tend thee
sp tempest39 / tempests4 temt, -mpt / -s / ˈtemtɪd, -mpt- guide thee, possess thee, with me
tempest-dropping adj sp tempt30 / tempts6 / tempted13 R3 4.1.92
ˈtempəst-ˌdrɒpɪn, -ɪŋ temptation / ~s n tendance n
sp tempest-dropping-[fire]1 temˈtɛ:sɪən / -z, -mp- =
tempest-tossed adj sp temptation3 / temptations1 sp tendance4
ˈtempəs-ˌtɒst tempted adj / n tender adj
sp tempest tossed1, tempest-tost1 ˈtemtɪd, -mpt-
rh lost Mac 1.3.25
sp tempted1 / tempted1 sp tender83
> toss
> untender
tempestuous adj tempter / ~s n
temˈpestɪəs ˈtemtəɹ, -mpt- / -z tender / ~s n
sp tempestuous3 sp tempter1 / tempters2 ˈtendəɹ / -z
tender10, ten-der1 / tenders3
temple adj tempting adj / adv / n rh ender, render LC 219
= ˈtemtɪn, -ɪŋ, -mpt-
sp temple3


tender / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v Tenedos n tent-royal n

ˈtendəɹ / -z / ˈtendrɪn, -ɪŋ / ˈtenəˌdɒs m ˌtent-ˈrəɪəl
ˈtendəɹd sp Tenedos1 sp tent-royal1
sp tender34, tender’t [tender it]1 /
tenders1 / tendering1, tendring4 /
tenement / ~s n tenure / ~s n
tenderd1, tender’d2, tendred1 m ˈtenəˌment / -s ˈtenjəɹ / -z
rh remembered S 120.11 sp tenement1 / tenements1 sp tenure9 / tenures2

tender-bodied adj tenfold adj / adv tercel n

ˈtendəɹ-ˌbɒdəɪd ˈtenfo:ld ˈtɐ:ɹsəl
sp tender-bodied1 sp tenfold1 / ten-fold1 sp tercell1
> body > fold
Tereus / ~s’ n
tender-dying adj tennis n ˈterɪəs
ˈtendəɹ-ˌdəɪɪn, -ɪŋ = sp Tereus3 / Tereus1
sp tender-dying1 sp tennis2
> die term / ~s n
tennis-court adj tɐ:ɹm, tɛ:ɹm / -z
tender-feeling adj
ˈtenɪs-ˌkɔ:ɹt sp tearme3, terme12, 1H4 1.3.45
ˈtendəɹ-ˌfi:lɪn, -ɪŋ 1
sp tennis-court-[keeper] emend of tearme / tearmes33,
sp tender-feeling1 termes36
> feel tenor n
ˈtenəɹ term / ~s / ~ed v
tender-hearted adj
sp tenor6 tɐ:ɹm, tɛ:ɹm / -z / m tɐ:ɹmd,
ˈtendəɹ-ˌɑ:ɹtɪd, -ˌhɑ:-
rh penner TNK 3.5.122 ˈtɐ:ɹmɪd, tɛ:-
sp tender-hearted1
sp tearme3, terme6 / tearmes2,
> heart tent / ~s n termes1 / tearm’d3, tearmed1,
tender-hefted adj = term’d2
sp tent77 / tents20 > misterm
ˈtendəɹ-ˌeftɪd, -ˌhe-
rh intent TC 1.3.307; lent Luc 15;
sp tender-hefted1 termagant adj
sent TC 5.9.8; spent TC 5.1.42
> heft
tent v sp termagant1
tenderly adv
m ˈtendəɹˌləɪ, -ɹl- Termagant n
sp tent3
sp tenderly5
> untent ˈtɐ:ɹməɡənt
tender-minded adj sp Termagant1
tented adj
ˈtendəɹ-ˌməɪndɪd = termination / ~s n
sp tender minded1
sp tented1 ˌtɐ:ɹmɪˈnɛ:sɪənz
> mind
> untented sp terminations1
tenderness n tenth adj terra / ~m / ~s Lat n
m ˈtendəɹˌnes, -ɹnəs tent ˈtera / -m / -s
sp tendernes1, tendernesse12
sp tenth2 sp terra2 / terram1 / terras1
tender-smelling adj tenth / ~s n terrace n
ˈtendəɹ-ˌsmelɪn, -ɪŋ tent / -s =
sp tender smel-ling1
sp tenth7 / tenths1 sp tarras1
> smell
ten-times adj terre Fr n
tending n
ˈten-ˌtəɪmz tɛ:ɹ
ˈtendɪn, -ɪŋ
sp ten times1 sp terre1
sp tending1


terrene adj testify v than conj

ˈteri:n m ˈtestɪˌfəɪ, -ɪf- =
sp terrene1 sp testifie5, testify1 sp than24, then1729, the[n]3, then’s
rh die Per Prol.40 [than his]1
terrestrial adj
təˈrestrɪɑl testimon·y / ~ies n thane / ~s n
sp terrestriall 1 m ˈtestɪˌmɒnəɪ, -ɪmən- / -z θɛ:n / -z
sp testimonie5, testi-monie1, sp thane25 / thanes6
terrible adj testimony5, te-stimony1, testi-mony1 /
= testimonies2 thank / ~s / ~ed v
sp terrible26 =, Caius MW ..,  taŋk /
testimon·y / ~ied v = / m =, ˈθaŋkɪd
terribly adv m ˈtestɪˌmɒnəɪd sp thank24, thanke261, Caius MW
ˈterɪbləɪ sp testimonied1 2.3.65 tanck1, MW 2.3.82 dancke1,
sp terribly4 emend Cym 5.3.233 thanks1 /
testiness n thankes4, thanks41 / thank’d3,
territor·y / ~ies n = thanked5, thank-ed1, thankt2
m ˈterɪtrəɪ, -tər-, -ˌtɒrəɪ / sp testinesse1
ˈterɪtrəɪz, -tər- thankful adj
1 1
testril n =
sp territorie , territory /
= sp thankefull8, thankful1,
sp testrill thankfull10
terror / ~s n > unthankful
ˈterəɹ / -z testy adj
28 1 5 ˈtestəɪ thankfully adv
sp terror , terrour / terrors ,
terrours1 sp testie5 m ˈθaŋkfʊˌləɪ, -fləɪ
rh error LLL 5.2.470, WT 4.1.1 sp thankefully2, thankfully4,
tetchy adj thank-fully1
tertian n ˈtetʃəɪ
ˈtɐ:ɹsɪən sp teachie1, teachy1, tetchy1
thankfulness n
sp tertian 1 =
tether n sp thankefulnesse1,
tertio Lat adv ˈteðəɹ thanke-fulnesse1, thankfulnes2,
ˈteɹsɪo: sp tether1 thankfulnesse1
1 > unthankfulness
sp tertio
tetter n/v
test n ˈtetəɹ thanking / ~s n
= 1
sp tetter / tetter 1 ˈθaŋkɪn, -ɪŋ / -z
sp thanking1 / thankings3
sp test5
Tewksbury n
testament n m ˈtju:ksbəˌrəɪ, -bərəɪ, -brəɪ thankless adj
= 1
sp Teukesbury , Tewkesburie , 1 =
Tewkesbury3, Tewksburie1, sp thankelesse1, thanklesse2
sp testament10
rh spent Luc 1183 Tewksbury1
thanks n
tested adj text n =
= = sp thankes124, thanks40
sp tested-[gold] 1 sp text10
rh next Per 2.Chorus.40, RJ 4.1.21
thanksgiving n
tester n ˌθaŋksˈɡɪvɪn, -ɪŋ
ˈtestəɹ Thames adj / n sp thanks-giuing2
= rh living LLL 2.1.128
sp tester2
sp Thames1 / Thames6 > giving


Thasos n by the abbr rh dream CE 2.2.190, MND 5.1.417;

ˈθasɒs bɪθ, bəɪθ, -ð stream VA 770

sp Tharsus1 sp bi’th’1, byth’3, by’th5, by’th’26 themselves

that / those det, pro in the abbr > they

=, Caius MW ..ff, Alice/ ɪθ, -ð then adv

Katherine H ..ff dat sp ith3, i’th85, ith’19, i’th’184, i’the3 = / Katherine H .. den
sp that10433, [a’]that1, [o’]that10, sp than12, then2180, the[n]3, then’s1
of the abbr
thats [that is]3, that’s [that is]393, abbr [than his] / Katherine den1
y27, Caius, Alice, Katherine dat24 əθ, ɒθ, -ð
rh 1 again LLL 5.2.820, RJ 2.3.43; den
rh chat LLL 5.2.229; hat LLL 1.1.293 sp ath’2, a’th19, a’th’24, oth’8, LLL 4.1.93; men H5 4.8.124, LLL
o’t201, o’th’173 5.2.344, MND 3.2.66, MV 2.1.45, Oth
those det, pro
4.3.52, PP 18.36, 18.45, RJ 2.3.75,
ðo:z to the abbr
S 146.14; Mytilene Per 4.4.50; pen
sp those 503 təθ, tʊθ, -ð MV 5.1.236; ten AW 1.3.74; rh 2
rh depose R2 4.1.192; foes Mac sp toth’17, to’th10, to’th’69 scene H5 2.Chorus.41; rh 3 began,
2.4.40; foes, woes Luc 1461; goes, ran, then Luc 1440
glows Luc 44; grows S 142.9; rose the one abbr
S 98.12; suppose AW 1.1.220, tɒn then conj
S 57.12 sp ‘ton1 > than

thatch n theatre n thence adv

= m ˈθi:ətəɹ, -ˌtɐ:ɹ =
sp thatch1 sp theater5, thea-tre1 sp thence78
rh diligence, offence Luc 1850;
thatch / ~ed v Theban n intelligence S 86.12; negligence LC
= ˈθi:bən 34; offence Luc 736, S 51.3
sp thatch1 / thatcht1, thetchd1 sp Theban1
theoric n
thatched adj Thebe n =
= ˈθi:bi: sp theoricke2, theorique1
1 1
sp thatch’d sp Thebe
there adv
thaw n Thebes n ðɛ:ɹ / Caius MW ..ff dɛ:ɹ
= ˈθi:bz sp ther3, there1784, there’t [there it]1,
sp thaw 2
sp Thebes 1 theres [there is]7, there’s [there is]341,
ther’s [there is]38 / Caius der1, dere2
thaw / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v thee rh 1 bear LLL 5.2.99, Tem 1.2.379;
= / = / ˈθɔ:ɪn, -ɪŋ / = > thou everywhere R2 1.2.71, S 5.6, 100.10;
sp thaw2, thawe1 / thawes1 / fair, repair TG 4.2.47; forbear S 41.11;
thawing1 / thaw’d2 theft / ~s n soe’er TN 1.1.11; swear Luc 1649,
rh bawd, laud Luc 884 = MND 2.1.57; tear [rip] Luc 737;
where TN 2.4.65; rh 2 appear, fear
sp theft13 / thefts2
the, abbr th, t, y det Luc 114; appear, here KL 1.4.145 [Q];
rh 1 bereft, left Luc 838; left
=, abbr θ, ð / Fr də, abbr d cheer, dear 2H4 5.3.20; dear S 110.1,
Mac 2.3.142, VA 160; rh 2 shift
WT 4.3.17; ear PP 4.7, 18.14, R2
sp the25481, [make-a]-the1, emend of Luc 918
5.3.124, VA 780; fear Ham 3.2.182
Tit 5.1.126 few1, abbr th’541, ’th’1,
their, theirs, them [Q2], 1H6 5.2.16, Luc 307, 737, 1649,
th’[aduantage]1, th[antoniad]1, th
MND 2.1.31, 3.2.32, R2 2.1.300, VA
’[center]1, t’1, y50 / Fr pron de63, > they
322; here LLL 4.3.187, MND 3.2.411,
theme / ~s n MV 2.9.53, Per 1.4.78; near MND
[make-a]-de-[sot]1, abbr d’4
2.2.141, S 136.3; spear Luc 1422, VA
1114; tear [cry] Luc 1373; year 2H4
sp theame27, theme1 / theames1 5.3.20; rh 3 harbinger MND 3.2.381


thereabout / ~s adv therewithal adv they are abbr

ˈðɛ:rəˌbəʊt / -s ˈðɛ:ɹwɪðˈɑ:l, -ɪθ- ðɛ:ɹ, unstr ðɛɹ
sp thereabout2 / thereabouts3 sp therewithall9 sp th’are2, they’r1, they’re6

thereafter adv Thersites n they have abbr

ðɛ:ɹˈaftəɹ, -ˈɑ:təɹ θəɹˈsəɪti:z ðɛ:v
sp thereafter1 sp Thersites29, Ther-sites1 they’aue1, th’haue2

thereat adv these they will abbr

m ðɛ:ɹˈat, ˈðɛ:ɹat > this ðɛ:l
thereat2 sp thei’le1, they’l21, theyle2,
Theseus / ~’s n they’le14, they’ll10
thereby adv m ˈθi:sɪəs, -ɪˌɤs / ˈθi:sɪəs
m ðɛ:ɹˈbəɪ, ˈðɛ:ɹbəɪ sp Theseus9 / Theseus3, Thesus1 they would abbr
sp thereby23, there-by1 ðɛ:d, ðɛ:ld
rh die S 11.13 Thessalian adj sp they’ld2
> by θəˈsɛ:lɪən
sp Thessalian1 thick / ~er / ~est adj
therefore adv = / ˈθɪkəɹ / =
m ðɛ:ɹˈfɔ:ɹ, ˈðɛ:ɹfɔ:ɹ Thessaly n sp thick7, thicke27 / thicker2 /
sp therefore580, there-fore5, m ˈθesəˌləɪ, -əl- thickest1
therfore19, ther-fore4
sp Thessaly2
rh more MND 3.2.78 thick / ~er adv
therein adv Thetis / ~s’ n = / ˈθɪkəɹ
ˈθetɪs sp thick10 / thicker1
m ðɛ:ɹˈɪn, ˈðɛ:ɹɪn
sp Thetis2 / Thetis2 rh prick, sick Luc 782
sp therein53
rh begin TG 1.1.9 thews n thick-coming adj
thereof adv θju:z m ˌθɪk-ˈkɤmɪn, -ɪŋ
m ðɛ:ɹˈɒv, ˈðɛ:ɹɒv sp thewes3 sp thicke-comming1
> come
sp thereof36
they / their / ~s / them /
thereon adv ~selves pro thicken / ~s v
m ðɛ:ɹˈɒn, ˈðɛ:ɹɒn ðɛ:, unstr ðɛ =
sp they2320 sp thicken1 / thickens2
sp thereon7
rh play H8 Prol.13; say LLL 5.2.87, thickest n
thereto adv S 59.11; they do may do MA 4.1.18
m ðɛ:ɹˈtu:, ˈðɛ:ɹtu: =
their / ~s sp thickest3
sp thereto17
rh you TG 1.3.90 ðɛ:ɹ / -z
thicket n
sp their1941, [o’]their1, theyr1 /
thereunto adv theirs27, theyrs1
ˈðɛ:ɹənˈtu: rh tears Per 1.4.55 sp thicket5
sp thereunto 3 rh pricket LLL 4.2.59
rh do Oth 2.1.139 them
thick-eyed adj
=, unstr əm
thereupon adv 1913 7 14 ˈθɪk-ˌəɪd
sp them , the[m] , em ,
ˈðɛ:ɹəˈpɒn ’em152, em’1 sp thicke-ey’d1
sp thereupon 8 > eye
therewith adv thick-grown adj
ˈðɛ:ɹwɪð, -ɪθ ˈθɪk-ˌɡro:n
sp themselues143, the[m]selues1,
sp therewith2 sp thicke growne1
> grow


thick-lipped adj rh lie RJ 2.1.19 / rh 1 arise, butter- sp think42, thinke967, thinke’t [think
ˈθɪk-ˌlɪpt flies, eyes MND 3.1.164; rh 2 bees, it]1, think’t [think it]2 / thinkest3,
courtesies, dewberries, mulberries thinkst9, think’st40 / thinkes48, thinks9
sp thick-lipt-[slaue1]
MND 3.1.164 / thinking25, think-ing2 / thoght3,
> lip
thought243 / thoughtst [to]1
thimble / ~s n rh chink MND 5.1.155, 191; drink
thick-lips n
= LLL 5.2.371, S 111.11; ink CE 3.1.14;
= shrink R2 2.2.31; sink CE 3.2.50, Tim
sp thimble2 / thimbles1
sp thicks-lips1 2.2.235 / bought Luc 1065; brought
> lip thin adj / adv H5 1.2.310, Luc 1576, Per 4.4.18,
= S 32.9, 44.1; naught Mac 4.1.68, R3
thick-pleached adj 3.6.14, S 57.9, TG 1.1.69; sought S
ˈθɪk-ˌpli:tʃt sp thin14, thinne5 / thinne1
30.1; sought, wrought Luc 338;
1 rh in CE 3.1.70
sp thick pleached wrought S 44.9
> pleached thin-belly adj > fore-, mis-, un-think; ill-thinking,
thick-ribbed adj ˈθɪnˌbeləɪ
m ˌθɪk-ˈrɪbɪd sp thinbellie1 thinking / ~s n
> belly
sp thicke-ribbed 1 ˈθɪŋkɪn, -ɪŋ / -z
> rib thin-bestained adj sp thinking13, thin-king2 / thinkings3

thick-skin n m ˌθɪn-bɪˈstɛ:nɪd thinly adv

sp thin-bestained1
= ˈθɪnləɪ
sp thick-skin1 thine sp thinly2
> skin > thou
third adj
Thidias n thin-faced adj θɐ:ɹd
ˈθɪdɪəs ˈθɪn-ˌfɛ:st third41
sp Thidias4, Thidius1, abbr in s.d. sp thin fac’d 1

Thid1 third / ~’s / ~s n

> face
θɐ:ɹd, Caius MW ..
thief / thieves n thing / ~s n tɐ:ɹd / -z
= = sp third29, Caius turd1 / thirds1,
sp theefe56, thiefe7 / theeues45 321
sp thing , thing’s [thing is] /1 third’s2 / thirds1
rh grief Luc 888, Oth 1.3.206, S 40.9, things321 pun Caius turd
48.8 / grieves VA 1022 rh bring TNK Prol.22; bring,
dwelling, excelling, sing TG 4.2.50; thirdborough n
thief-stolen adj ˈθɐ:ɹbrə
king Ham 2.2.602, Luc 602, 1004, Per
ˈθi:f-ˌsto:ln 3.Chorus.38, R2 5.3.78; king, spring sp tharborough1
sp theefe-stolne1 Luc 607; king, sting Luc 39; ring
> steal CE 4.2.50, MV 5.1.306; sing, spring thirdly adv
Luc 334; sonneting LLL 4.3.155; spring ˈθɐ:ɹdləɪ
thievery n S 98.3; sting Luc 363 / brings AW sp thirdlie1, thirdly1
ˈθi:vrəɪ, -vər- 1.1.219, MND 2.2.143, RJ 5.3.307;
sp theeuerie1, theeuery2 kings Luc 941, 1813, S 115.8, VA 996; thirst n
rings TS 4.3.56; springs, wings Luc θɐ:ɹst
thievish adj 947; strings MM 3.2.264; wings LLL
sp thirst3
= 5.2.261
sp theeuish3 > all-, any-, every-, no-, some-thing thirst / ~s / ~ing v
think / ~est / ~s / ~ing / θɐ:ɹst / -s / ˈθɐ:ɹstɪn, -ɪŋ
thigh / ~s n
thought / ~est v sp thirst4 / thirsts1 / thirsting1
θəɪ / -z
sp thigh9 / thighes5 = / m θɪŋks, -st, ˈθɪŋkəst / = /
ˈθɪŋkɪn, -ɪŋ / = / ˈθɔ:ts


thirsty adj Thisbe / ~’s n sp thoroughly1, tho-roughly1,

ˈθɐ:ɹstəɪ ˈθɪzbi:, MND .. thorowly2

sp thirstie2, thirsty4 ˈθɪzni: / -z those

sp Thisbie15, Thisby22, MND 1.2.48 > that
thirteen adj / n Thisne2 / Thisbies8
ˈθɐ:ɹti:n rh secretly MND 5.1.157 thou / thee / thine / thy /
sp thirteene1 / thirteen1, thirteene3 ~self pro
thistle / ~s n
thirtieth n ðəʊ
ˈθɐ:ɹtiət sp thou5165, abbr y58
sp thissell2, thistle1 / thistles1
rh allow R2 1.1.122; now LLL 5.2.337,
sp thirtieth1
thither adv MND 3.2.402
thirty adj ˈθɪðəɹ thou art abbr
ˈθɐ:ɹtəɪ sp thether9, thither80, thi-ther2 ðɑ:ɹt, ðəʊɹt
sp thirtie12, thirty8 rh 1 whither WT 4.4.300; rh 2
sp th’art23, thou’rt19, th’ourt1
together Per 5.1.239, TC 1.1.117;
thirt·y / ~ies n weather Luc 113; whether PP 14.10 thou hadst abbr
ˈθɐ:ɹtəɪ / -z ðads, -t
sp thirtie2, thirty6 / thirties1
thitherward adv
ˈθɪðəɹˌwɑ:ɹd sp th’hadst2
thirty-one n sp thitherward1 thou hast abbr
ˌθɐ:ɹtəɪ-ˈo:n ðast, ðəʊst
sp thirty one1
Thoas n
ˈθo:əs sp th’hast4, thou’st1
rh stone Mac 4.1.7
sp Thous1 thou shalt abbr
thirty-three adj
Thomas ðəʊz
ˌθɐ:ɹtəɪ-ˈθri: n
= sp thou’se1
sp thirtie three1
sp Thomas55, Tho-mas1, abbr Tho.2 thou wilt abbr
this / these det, pro
thorn adj ðəʊl, -t
6436 1 1 1 θɔ:ɹn sp thou’lt17, thou’t5
sp this , ’this , this’ , [o’]this
rh 1 amiss CE 2.2.192, Ham 5.2.395, sp thorne2 thou wouldest abbr
PP 17.4, S 35.5; amiss, bliss, iwis, kiss
thorn n ðəʊds, -st, ðəʊlst
MV 2.9.63, 69; bliss MND 5.1.175, MV
3.2.135, Tit 3.1.148; hiss TC 5.10.54, θɔ:ɹn / -z sp thou’dst8, thoud’st3,
TNK Prol.15; kiss AW 4.3.222, Oth thou’d’st1, thould’st1
sp thorne9 / thornes10, thorns2
5.2.354, Per 1.2.78, RJ 1.5.94, 98, rh born AW 1.3.124; forlorn PP thee
S 128.13, VA 205, 721; miss AW 20.10; scorn MND 5.1.134; sworn LLL
1.3.250; Pentapolis Per 3.Chorus.33; =, unstr ðɪ
4.3.110, PP 16.12; unborn R2 4.1.322
rh 2 is MV 2.9.63, 69, R3 2.1.84, sp thee3002, [fare]thee1, [far]
RJ 1.1.182, S 72.9, TC 1.2.288, thorny adj thee2, [fare]thee-[well]1, [far]
Tim 1.2.193, 5.3.9, VA 613 ˈθɔ:ɹnəɪ thee[well]2, [far]-thee-[well]1,
[far]the[well]1, [peg]-thee1
sp thornie3, thorny4
these det, pro rh agony R3 4.4.163; authority
= / Caius MW .. di:z / thorough prep 1H6 5.1.60; be CE 3.2.66, Cym
Macmorris H .. ðe:z ˈθɤrə, -ro: 3.5.158, 2H6 4.10.30, Luc 1210, R2
2.1.135, 4.1.201, 5.3.34, S 1.14,
sp these1283, [o’]these1, [o’]th’s1 sp thorough5, tho-rough1, thorow2, 3.14, 4.13, 44.6, 78.10, 101.10,
/ des-[toyes]1 / theise1 tho-row1 123.14, 126.12, 136.12, 140.10,
rh please LLL 1.1.49; seas CE
141.10, 142.10, 151.9, VA 156; be,
2.1.20; Simonides Per 3.Chorus.24 thoroughly adv me Luc 1192; Burgundy 1H6
m ˈθɤrəˌləɪ, -əl- 4.6.15; captivity 1H6 4.7.4;
commodity KJ 2.1.598; company


3H6 5.2.3; decree Luc 1032; thyself Thracian adj

degree Oth 2.3.91; fee 2H6 ðɪˈself, ðəɪˈself ˈθrɛ:sɪən
3.2.216, Luc 911, Tit 2.3.180; free
sp thy self2, thy selfe194 sp Thracian5
3H6 4.6.17, S 125.12, TG 5.4.83,
rh myself R3 1.2.84, Tim
Tim 4.3.540; he Luc 1634; he, thraldom n
knee LLL 5.2.545; honesty KJ
1.1.180; hospitality Luc 577;
thou / ~est v
infancy [F, at Tit 5.3.163]; iniquity sp thraldome1
Luc 624; knee KJ 1.1.83, R3
1.2.176; lawlessly TG 5.3.15; loy- sp thou’st1 thrall / ~s n
alty AY 2.3.69; me AC 1.3.104, θrɑ:l / -z
though adv / conj
AW 4.2.66, AY 4.3.57, CE 1.2.70, sp thrall3 / thralles1
2.1.38, H5 4.1.300, 1H6 4.5.38, ðo: rh 1 gall PP 17.14; wall Luc 725;
2H4 4.5.47, 2H6 3.2.299, 4.4.25, sp tho1, though6 / tho2, thogh7, rh 2 perpetual Luc 725, S 154.12
3H6 4.7.38, 5.1.98, KJ 4.1.133, KL though572, though’t [though it]4
1.4.138, LLL 4.3.32, 63, 114, Luc rh adv so KJ 1.1.169, MND 2.2.115 thrall / ~ed v
917, Mac 2.1.34, MND 1.1.178, > although θrɑ:ld
3.1.148, 5.1.188, PP 3.6, 10.11, R2 sp thral’d1
2.1.87, 4.1.214, RJ 3.3.174, 5.1.86, thought / ~’s / ~s’ / ~s n
S 10.14, 22.5, 24.12, 28.8, 31.13, = thrash v
36.9, 37.13, 38.7, 39.4, 41.13, sp thoght5, thought133, thought’s =
43.13, 45.10, 47.12, 50.8, 61.5, [thought is]1 / thoghts6, thoughts1 / sp thrash1, thresh1
74.6, 88.10, 97.11, 122.13, 133.13, thoughts1 / thoughts218,
143.9, 150.14, Tit 1.1.64, 110, [lay]-thoughts1 thrasonical adj
3.2.82, 5.2.44, TN 4.1.58, VA 137, > love-thought θrəˈsɒnɪkɑl
194, 519; me, see Luc 1304; mel- sp thrasonicall2
ancholy S 45.6; misery PP 20.29, thought-executing adj
Tit 2.4.56; opportunity Luc 896, m ˌθɔ:t-ˈeksɪˌkju:tɪn, -ɪŋ thread n
902; posterity S 6.10; sea RJ sp thought-executing1 =
2.2.134; see KJ 3.1.146, Luc 1771, > execute sp thred19
Oth 1.3.290, S 3.9, 18.14, 27.6,
rh head WT 4.4.316
43.3, 95.10, 99.15, TC 5.2.109, VA thoughtful adj > pack-thread
438, 950; three LLL 5.2.230; usury =
S 6.7; vanity 1H4 5.4.104; victory thread / ~ing v
sp thoughtfull1
R3 5.3.167; thee it is vapour is = / ˈθredɪn, -ɪŋ
PP 3.11 thought-sick adj sp thred2 / thredding1
thine = > unthread
ðəɪn, unstr ðɪn sp thought-sicke1
> sick threadbare adj
sp thine405, thine’s [thine is]2 ˈθredbɛ:ɹ
rh confine LC 266; divine thousand adj sp thred-bare2
S 108.7; divine, shrine Luc 191;
ˈθəʊzənd > bare
eyne VA 631; mine Cor 4.7.56,
1H6 4.6.22, Luc 482, R3 4.4.124, sp thousand258, thou-sand1
threaden adj
S 2.12, 26.7, 92.4, 134.1, 142.5, ˈθredən
thousand / ~s n
VA 115, 500; repine 1H6 5.2.19;
Rosaline LLL 4.3.218, 5.2.132, ˈθəʊzənd / -z sp threaden1
52 2
RJ 2.3.73; shine S 135.6; vine sp thousand , thou-sand , /
thousands16, thousand’s1,
threat / ~s n
CE 2.2.182
thou-sands1 =
thy sp threats11
ðəɪ, unstr ðɪ thousandfold n
ˈθəʊzənˌfo:ld, -nd- threat / ~est / ~s v
sp thy3727, [i’]thy1, [o’]thy1
sp thousand fold 4 = / θrets, -st / =
> fold sp threat9 / threatest1 / threats3
rh get Luc 547


threaten / ~est / ~s / ~ing / three-foot adj thresher n

~ed v = ˈθreʃəɹ
= / ˈθretnəst / = / ˈθretnɪn, sp three-foot2 sp thresher1
-ɪŋ / = > foot
threshold n
sp threaten9 / threatnest1 /
threatens7 / threatning6 /
three-headed adj ˈθreʃo:ld
threatend1, threaten’d2, threatned6
m ˌθri:-ˈedɪd, -ˈhe- sp threshold5
sp three-headed1
threatened adj > head threw
= > throw
three-hooped adj
sp threatned thrice adv
ˈθri:-ˌu:pt, -ˌhu:-
threatener n sp three hoop’d1 θrəɪs
ˈθretnəɹ > hoop sp thrice64
sp threatner thrice-crowned adj
three-inch adj
threatening adj / n = m ˌθrəɪs-ˈkrəʊnɪd
ˈθretnɪn, -ɪŋ sp three inch1 sp thrice crowned1
> inch > crowned
sp threatning12 / threatning1

threateningly adv three-legged adj thrice-driven adj

ˈθri:-ˌleɡd ˈθrəɪsdrɪvən
m ˈθretnɪnˌləɪ, -ɪŋ-
sp three-legg’d1 sp thrice-driuen1
sp threatningly1
> leg
thrice-fair adj
threat-enraged adj
three-man adj ˈθrəɪs-ˌfɛ:ɹ
= sp thrice faire1
sp threat-enrag’d1
sp three-man1, three-man-[beetle]1
> enrage thrice-famed adj
> man
three adj m ˌθrəɪs-ˈfɛ:md, -mɪd
three-nooked adj sp thrice fam’d1, thrice-famed1
= > famed
sp three265, three[farthings]1,
sp three nook’d1
three-[farthings]1, three-[far-things]1, thrice-gentle adj
three[pence]1, three-[pence]1, abbr iij1
Three-pile [name] n m ˌθrəɪs-ˈdʒentl
rh be MND 5.1.397; me MND
ˈθri:-ˌpəɪl sp thrice-gentle1
sp Three-pile 1 > gentle
three / ~s n
thrice-gorgeous adj
=, Caius MW ..,  tri: / = three-piled adj
ˈθri:-ˌpəɪld m ˌθrəɪs-ˈɡɔ:ɹdʒɪəs
sp three109, Caius tree2 / threes3,
sp three pil’d-[peece]1 sp thrice-gorgeous1
> gorgeous
rh be, see PP 15.1; honesty, me LLL
threescore adj / n
5.2.814; humble-bee LLL 3.1.84, 88, thrice-gracious adj
94; me MND 3.2.193; see LLL 4.3.160,
m ˈθri:skɔ:ɹ, θri:ˈskɔ:ɹ
sp threescore / threescore 4 m ˌθrəɪs-ˈɡrɛ:sɪəs
5.2.419; solemnity MND 4.1.183;
steadfastly VA 1064; thee LLL 5.2.231; sp thrice-gracious1, thrice gracious1
three-a Barbary-a [song] TNK 3.5.63
three-suited adj > gracious
> thirty-three ˈθri:-ˌʃu:tɪd, ˌsju:-
thrice-noble / ~r adj
sp three-suited-[hundred]1
threefold adj m ˌθrəɪs-ˈno:bl, ˈθrəɪs-ˌno:bl /
ˈθri:fo:ld Threne n ˌθrəɪs-ˈno:bləɹ
sp threefold3, three-fold6
θri:n sp thrice-noble1, thrice noble1 /
> fold sp Threne1 thrice-nobler1
rh scene PT 49 > noble


thrice-puissant adj 5.2.534; wive TN 5.1.396; rh 2 live v throned adj

m ˌθrəɪs-ˈpwɪsɔ:nt R2 1.3.84 / reviveth VA 466 / wived m θro:nd, ˈθro:nɪd
Per 5.2.9 [Chorus]
sp thrice-puissant1 sp throaned1, thron’d1
> puissance thriving adj
throng / ~s n
thrice-renowned adj ˈθrəɪvɪn, -ɪŋ
m ˈθrəɪs-rɪˌnəʊnɪd sp thriuing2
sp throng7 / throngs6
sp thrice-renowned1 throat / ~s n rh long H5 4.5.22 / tongues KL
> renown 3.2.90
θro:t, Caius MW ..
thrice-repured adj tro:t / -s throng / ~ing / ~ed v
m ˈθrəɪs-rɪˌpju:rɪd sp throat33, throate15, throte2, Caius = / ˈθrɒŋɡɪn, -ɪŋ / =
sp TC 3.2.20 emend of thrice troat1 / throates6, throats20 sp throng7 / thronging2 / throng’d2
reputed1 rh note AY 2.5.4, R2 1.1.44 / notes rh long Luc 1783; tongue
> pure Tim 1.2.51 Luc 1783
> cut-throat
thrice-valiant adj thronging adj
throb v
m ˌθrəɪs-ˈvalɪənt ˈθrɒŋɡɪn, -ɪŋ
sp thrice-valiant1, thrice valiant1 sp thronging2
> valiant sp throb1, throbs1
throstle n
thrice-worthy adj throbbing adj
m ˌθrəɪs-ˈwɔ:ɹðəɪ ˈθrɒbɪn, -ɪŋ
sp throstle1, trassell1
sp thrice-worthy , thrice worthy 2 sp throbbing1
> worthy throttle v
throca nonsense word
thrift / ~s n ˈθrɒka
sp throttle1
= sp throca1
sp thrift11, [French]-thrift1 / thrifts1 through adv / prep / v
throe / ~s v
> unthrift =
sp through28 / throgh1, through226,
thriftless adj sp throwes2 through’t [through it]1 / through2
= rh adv do Cor 2.3.122
throes n
sp thriftlesse3
θro:z throughfare / ~s n
thrifty adj sp throwes2 ˈθru:fɛ:ɹ / -z
ˈθrɪftəɪ rh foes Cym 5.4.44 sp through-fare1 / throughfares1
sp thriftie2, thrifty3
thromuldo nonsense word throughly adv
> unthrifty
θrɒˈmʊldo: ˈθru:ləɪ
thrill / ~s / ~ed v sp thromuldo1 sp throughlie1, throughly10,
= through-ly1
throne / ~s n
sp thrill2 / thrills1 / thrill’d1
θro:n / -z throughout adv / prep
thrilling adj sp throane1, throne62 / throanes1, θru:ˈəʊt
ˈθrɪlɪn, -ɪŋ thrones1 sp throughout7 / throughout7
sp thrilling1 rh 1 groan VA 1043; rh 2 gone 2H6
2.3.38 throw / ~s n
thrive / ~s / ~d v θro: / -z
throne / ~d v
θrəɪv / -z / -d sp throw5 / throwes2
54 4 1 θro:n / m θro:nd, ˈθro:nɪd
sp thriue / thriues / thriued
rh 1 alive AW 4.3.328, VA 1011; sp throne1 / thron’d3, throned2
derive AW 2.3.134, S 14.11; five LLL enthrone


throw / ~est / ~s / ~ing / thrusting-on n thunder-darter n

threw / ~-est / thrown v ˈθrɤstɪn-ˈɒn, -ɪŋ- ˈθɤndəɹ-ˌdɑ:ɹtəɹ
θro: / ˈθro:əst / θro:z / ˈθro:ɪn, - sp thru-sting on1 sp thunder-darter1
ɪŋ / = / θru:st / θro:n
thumb / ~s n thunderer n
sp throw95, throw-[out]1, throw’t
2 1 1
[throw it] , throwe / throwest /
θɤm / -z ˈθɤndrəɹ, -dər-
throwes11 / throwing9 / threw21, sp thombe1, thumb4, thumbe8 / sp thunderer1
threw-[off]1 / threw’st1 / thrown3, thumbes1
throwne26 rh come LLL 5.2.111, Mac 1.3.27 / thundering adj
rh go Mac 4.1.5; low, show Mac rh comes Mac 4.1.44 ˈθɤndrɪn, -ɪŋ
4.1.65; owe MND 2.2.84 / goest, sp thundring1
knowest, owest, showest, trowest
thumb-ring n
KL 1.4.122 / rose VA 592 / crew, ˈθɤm-ˌrɪŋ thunder-like adj
drew Luc 1733; drew LC 38; you sp thumbe-ring1 ˈθɤndəɹ-ˌləɪk
S 145.13 / rh 1 one Cym 5.4.59; > ring sp thunder-like1
rh 2 strewn TN 2.4.61
> overthrow thump / ~ed v thunder-master n
θɤmp / -t ˈθɤndəɹ-ˌmastəɹ
thrower-out n sp thump1, thump-[her]1, thumpe4 / sp thunder-master1
ˈθro:əɹ-ˈəʊt thump’d1, thumpt1 > master
sp thrower-out1 > bethump
> out thunder-stone n
Thump [name] n ˈθɤndəɹ-ˌsto:n
throwing n θɤmp sp thunderstone1, thunder-stone1
ˈθro:ɪn, -ɪŋ sp Thumpe2 rh moan Cym 4.2.271
sp throwing1 > stone
thunder / ~’s / s n
thrum n ˈθɤndəɹ / -z thunderstroke n
θrɤm sp thunder52 / thunders2 / ˈθɤndəɹˌstro:k
sp thrum1 thunders1 sp thunder-strok1, thunder-stroke1
rh come MND 5.1.278 rh asunder VA 268; wonder LLL > stroke
4.2.115, PP 5.11
thrummed adj Thurio / ~’s n
θrɤmd thunder / ~est / ~s v ˈθʊrɪo: / -z
sp thrum’d1 ˈθɤnd·əɹ / -rəst / -əɹz sp Thurio29 / Thurio’s1
sp thunder8 / thundrest1 /
thrush n thunders6, thun-ders1 Thursday n
θrɤʃ ˈθɐ:ɹzdɛ:
sp thrush1
thunder-bearer n
sp Thursday17
thrust / ~s n sp thunder-bearer1 thus adv
θrɤst / -s > bearer ðɤs
sp thrust6 / thrusts1 sp thus752
thunderbolt / ~s n
rh 1 Demetrius MND 2.2.91, 103,
thrust / ~s / ~eth / ~ing v ˈθɤndəɹˌbo:lt / -s 3.2.363; over-plus S 135.4; Pyramus
θrɤst / -s / ˈθrɤst·əθ / -ɪn, sp thunder-bolt2, thunderbolt3 / MND 5.1.292; us LLL 5.2.120; rh 2
-ɪŋ thunder-bolts2 guess LLL 5.2.120
> bolt
sp thrust46 / thrusts3 / thrusteth1 /
thwack v
thunderclap / ~s n =
rh dust, lust Luc 1383; just, mistrust
Luc 1517; lust VA 41; trust
ˈθɤndəɹˌklaps sp thwack1, thwacke3
S 48.2 sp thunder-claps1
> clap


thwart adj / n tick-tack n sp tiger-footed-[rage]1

θwɑ:ɹt = > foot

sp thwart1 / thwart1 sp ticke-tacke1 tight adj

thwart / ~ed v tiddle-taddle n təɪt
θwɑ:ɹt / ˈθwɑ:ɹtɪd = sp tight2, tite1, tyte1

sp thwart3 / thwarted4 sp tiddle tadle1 tightly adv

thwarting adj tide / ~s n ˈtəɪtləɪ
ˈθwɑ:ɹtɪn, -ɪŋ təɪd / -z sp tightly2

thwarting2 sp tide28, tyde13 / tides5 tile n

rh abide Luc 645, 3H6 4.3.60; beside
thy, thyself təɪl
VA 979; pride Luc 1667; provide
> thou Tim 3.4.117 sp tile1
pun TG 2.3.34ff tied
ti Ital till prep
> Bartholomew-, Lammas-tide
> tu =
tidings n sp til17, till580, ’till2, til’t [till it]1
Tib / ~’s n ˈtəɪdɪnz, -ɪŋz > until
= sp tidings19, tydings30
1 till / ~ed v
sp Tibs
tidy adj =
Tiber n ˈtəɪdəɪ sp tyll’d1
ˈtəɪbəɹ sp tydie1
tilly-vally interj
sp Tiber1, Tyber7
tie n ˈtɪlɪ-ˈvaləɪ
Tiberio n təɪ sp tilly-fally1, tilly vally1
m təɪˈbi:rɪˌo: sp tye 1
tilt / ~s n
sp Tyberio1
tie / ~s / tying / tied v =
tick n təɪ / -z / ˈtəɪɪn, -ɪŋ / təɪd sp tilts1
= sp tie2, tye14 / ties1, tyes2 / tying4 /
tilt / ~ing / ~s v
sp ticke1 tide6, ti’de2, tied7, ty’d3, ty’de1, tyed4
rh ride LC 24, S 137.8 = / ˈtɪltɪn, -ɪŋ / =
tickle adj pun TG 2.3.34ff tide sp tilt1 / tilting3 / tilts1
= > shoe-, un-tie > atilt
sp tickle2
tied-up adj tilter n
tickl·e / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v ˈtəɪd-ˌɤp ˈtɪltəɹ
= / = / ˈtɪklɪn, -ɪŋ / = sp tyde-vp1 tilter2
7 2 2 1
tickle / tickles / tickling , tick-ling
tiger / ~’s / ~s n tilth n
/ tickel’d1, tickled4, tick-led1
ˈtəɪɡəɹ / -z =, tɪlt
tickle-brain n sp tiger2, tyger8, [male]-tyger1 / sp tilth2, MM 4.1.75 emend of tithes
ˈtɪkəl-ˌbrɛ:n tigers2, tygres1 / tigers2, tygers5 [tilth is]1
sp tickle-braine1
Tiger [name] n tiltyard n
> brain
ˈtəɪɡəɹ ˈtɪlt-ˌjɑ:ɹd
tickling adj / n sp Tiger2 sp tilt-yard2
ˈtɪklɪn, -ɪŋ > yard
sp tickling2 / tickling2
tiger-footed adj


Timandra n sp timelie1, timely1 tingling n

tɪˈmandrə > untimely ˈtɪŋɡlɪn, -ɪŋ
sp Timandra3, Tim 4.3.49 emend of time·ly / ~lier adv sp tingling1
ˈtəɪmləɪ / -əɹ tinker / ~’s / ~s n
timber n sp timely2 / timelier1 ˈtɪŋkəɹ / -z
ˈtɪmbəɹ timely-parted adj sp tinker6 / tinkers1 / tinkers3
sp timber3
ˈtəɪmləɪ-ˌpɑ:ɹtɪd tinsel n
timbered adj sp timely-parted1 =
ˈtɪmbəɹd part
sp tinsel1
sp timber’d2, timbred1 time-pleaser / ~s n
> hardest-, un-timbered tiny adj
ˈtəɪm-ˌpli:zəɹ / -z
Timbria n sp time-pleaser1 / time-pleasers1
sp tine2, tyne1, [little]-tyne1
ˈtɪmbrɪə Timon / ~’s n
sp Timbria1 tip n
ˈtəɪmən / -z
time / ~’s / ~s n sp Timon90, Tymon2 / Timons27
sp tip1
təɪm / -z rh gone Tim 4.3.98

sp time974, [holly-day]-time1, time’s timor Lat n tip / ~s / ~ped v

[time is]1 / times ‘s14 / times200 =
rh chime Per 1.1.85; climb, crime Luc sp tip1 / tips1 / tipt1
774; crime Luc 930, 994, S 19.6, 58.10, timor1
120.6, 124.13, WT 4.1.3; prime AY tippl·e / ~ing v
timorous adj
5.3.33, Luc 330, R2 5.2.50, S 3.12, 12.1,
ˈtɪmrəs, -mər- ˈtɪplɪn, -ɪŋ
70.6, 97.5, VA 132; rhyme LLL 1.1.98,
sp tipling1
4.3.180, MW 5.5.92, Per 4.Chorus.47, sp timerous1, timorous5
S 16.2, 17.13, 32.5, 55.4, 106.1, 107.9 / tipsy adj
crimes MM 3.2.262; rhymes LLL timorously adv
ˈtɪmrəsˌləɪ, -mər- ˈtɪpsəɪ
5.2.63, Luc 525, Per Prol.11
sp tipsie1
> bed-, dinner-, life-, milking-, sp timorously1
peascod-, rut-, supper-time; after-,
tinct n tip·staff / -staves n
often-, some-times
= ˈtɪpstɛ:vz
time / ~d v sp tipstaues1
sp tinct4
təɪmd > staff
sp tim’d1 tincture / ~s n
tiptoe adv
ˈtɪŋktəɹ / -z
time-bewasted adj ˈtɪpto:
sp taincture1, tincture1 / tinctures1
ˈtəɪm-bɪˌwastɪd sp tipto1
> lily-tincture
> a-tiptoe
sp time-bewasted1
> wasted tinder n
tire / ~s n
time-honoured adj təɪɹ / -z
sp tinder1
m ˌtəɪm-ˈɒnəɹd sp tire2, tyre1 / tires1
tinderbox n > ship-tire
sp time-honoured1
ˈtɪndəɹˌbɒks tir·e / ~est / ~es / ~ing /
timeless adj sp tinderbox1
ˈtəɪmləs ~ed v
sp timeles1, timelesse7 tinder-like adj təɪɹ / ˈtəɪrəst / təɪɹz / ˈtəɪrɪn,
ˈtɪndəɹ-ˌləɪk -ɪŋ / təɪɹd
timely adj sp tinder-like1 sp tire3, tyre8 / tyrest1 / tyres4 /
ˈtəɪmləɪ tyring2 / tir’d2, tyrd1, tyr’d4, tyred1


rh briar MND 3.1.89; desire Luc 707; Titania n tittle-tattl·e / ~ing v

mire [F, at LLL 2.1.113-129] / tɪˈtanɪə ˈtɪtl-ˌtatlɪn, -ɪŋ
admired, desired Luc 417; expired
sp Titania5, Tytania4 sp tittle-tatling1
S 27.2
> tattle
> untireable tithe adj / n / v
tired adj təɪð Titus / s’ n
təɪɹd tythe / tythe , 1H4 3.3.56 emend of
1 1 ˈtəɪtəs
tight / tythe1 sp Titus64 / Titus13
sp tired3, tyred6
> untired tithed adj to adv, particle, prep /
tire-valiant n m ˈtəɪðɪd particle also abbr t
ˈtəɪɹ-ˈvalɪənt sp tythed1 str tu:, unstr tə, tʊ, abbr t
sp tyre-valiant1 sp to18419, to [and fro]1, too137, too
tithe-pig / ~’s n [and fro]1, [contrary] to5, [go]-too6,
> valiant
ˈtəɪð-ˌpɪgz abbr t’62
tiring adj sp tithe pigs1 rh do R2 5.5.98, WT 4.1.11; to him
ˈtəɪrɪn, -ɪŋ woo him PP 11.4; to it do it LLL
tithe-woman n 5.2.216; to’t rh 1 do’t Cor 2.3.116,
sp tyring1
ˈtəɪð-ˌwʊmən Ham 4.5.61; root Tim 1.2.69; rh 2
tiring-house n sp tithe woman1 foot LLL 5.2.145; to me woo me AY
4.3.49; to us ridiculous LLL 5.2.307; to
ˈtəɪrɪn-ˌəʊs, -ɪŋ-, ˌhəʊs
tithing n woo him unto him VA 6; undo us LLL
sp tyring house1
> house
ˈtəɪðɪn, -ɪŋ 5.2.424
> up to
sp tything2
tirra-lirra interj to have abbr
= Titinius n
tɪˈtɪnɪəs təv, tav
sp tirra lyra1 sp t’haue6
sp Titinius23
tirrits n to his abbr
= title / ~’s / ~s n
ˈtəɪtl / -z tʊz
sp tirrits1 sp to’s4, too’s2
96 2
sp title , titles [title is] , title’s [title
’tis is]1 / titles21
to it abbr
> it > entitle
tisick n titled adj sp toot1, too’t90, to’t21
ˈtɪsɪk ˈtəɪtld
to the abbr
sp tisicke2 sp titled2
təθ, tʊθ, -ð
Tisick [name] n title-leaf n sp too’th4, toth’17, to’th10,
ˈtɪsɪk ˈtəɪtl-ˌli:f to’th’69

sp Tisick1 sp title-leafe1
to us abbr
> leaf
tissue n tʊz
ˈtɪsju:, -ɪʃu: titleless adj sp to’s3 too’s1

sp tissue1 m ˈtəɪtlˌles
toad / ~s n
> intertissued sp titlelesse1
to:d / -z
Titan / ~’s n tittle / ~s n sp toad11, toade6 / toades7, toads1
ˈtəɪtən / -z =
toad-spotted adj
sp Titan4 / Titans3, Tytans1 sp tittles1
m ˌto:d-ˈspɒtɪd
sp toad-spotted1


toadstool n tofore adv toll v

ˈto:dstʊl, -stu:l təˈfɔ:ɹ, tʊ- to:l
sp toads stoole1 sp tofore1, to fore1 sp toll1, toule1, towle1
> before
to and fro adv Tom n
ˈtu:ənˈfro: toged adj =
sp to and fro1, too and fro1 ˈto:ɡəd sp Tom19, Toms [Tom is]1, Tom’s
sp Oth 1.1.25 emend of tongued1 [Tom is]4 / Toms2
toast / ~s n
to:st / -s together adv tomb / ~s n
sp tost1, toste1 / tostes2 təˈɡeðəɹ, tʊ-, -ˈɡeəɹ tu:m, tʊm / -z
sp together232, to-gether3, sp tomb1, tombe39, toomb1,
toast v toge-ther3, to gether1, togither4 toombe3 / tombes2
to:st rh 1 feather CE 3.1.83; weather rh 1 come RJ 5.2.29, S 17.3; dumb
sp toste1 AY 5.4.132, PP 12.1, VA 971; rh 2 AW 2.3.139, MA 5.3.9, MND 5.1.320,
hither AY 5.4.107, TNK 3.5.118; S 83.12, 101.11; rh 2 womb 1H6
toasted adj thither Per 5.1.241, TC 1.1.118; 4.5.34, RJ 2.3.5, S 3.7
ˈto:stɪd whither VA 902; rh 3 neither LLL
4.3.190, PT 42 tomber / tombé Fr v
sp toasted3
toasting-iron n toil / ~s n sp [in]tombe1
ˈto:stɪn-ˌəɪrən, -ɪŋ- təɪl / -z
sp toile3, toyle19 / toyles1 tombless adj
sp tosting-iron1
> iron
ˈtu:mləs, ˈtʊ-
toil / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v sp tomblesse1
toaze v təɪl / -z / ˈtəɪlɪn, -ɪŋ / təɪld
to:z sp toile2, toyle2 / toyles1 / toyling2 / tomboy n
sp toaze 1 toyl’d2, toyled1 ˈtɒmbəɪz
rh foiled S 25.12 sp tomboyes1
Toby / ~’s n > boy
token / ~s n
ˈto:bəɪ / -z
48 1
ˈto:kən /-z tomorrow / ~’s adv
sp Toby / Tobyes
sp token27 / tokens12, to-kens1 təˈmɒrə, -ro:, tʊ-
tod / ~s n > death-, love-token sp tomorrow1, to morow2, to
= morrow217, to mor-row8, to morrow’t
token v [tomorrow it]1, too morrow1 / to
sp tod1 / toddes1
ˈto:kən morrowes3
today adv sp token1 rh borrow PP 14.30; sorrow
AW 2.3.293, 2H4 4.2.84, PP 14.5,
təˈdɛ:, tʊ- tokened adj 14.24, VA 585, 672
sp to day162
rh away 2H6 2.1.156, LLL 4.3.271, Tomyris n
sp token’d1
MV 3.4.84; fray 1H4 5.4.106, RJ
m ˈto:məˌrɪs
1.1.116; may CE 3.1.40, TC 1.1.115;
told, toldest sp Tomyris1
pray CE 1.2.52, RJ 2.3.60; say 1H6
> tell
4.7.28, TC 5.6.26; stray 2H4 4.2.121
ton n
toe / ~s n Toledo n tɤn
təˈli:do: sp tonne1
to: / -z
15 3 sp Toledo1
sp toe / toes
ton Fr
rh mow n Tem 4.1.46; no Tem 4.1.46; tolerable adj > tu
woe KL 3.2.31
ˈtɒlrəbəl, -lər-
sp tollerable2
> intolerable

T OR C H - B E A R E R

tongs n too adv top / ~ping / ~ped v

tɒŋz = = / ˈtɒpɪn, -ɪŋ / =
sp tongs2 sp too1162, too-too2, [go]-too6, top2 / topping1 / top’d1
pun TN 1.3.89-92 tongues too-[farre]1, too-[long]1, too-[much]1, > overtop
tongue / ~’s / ~s n rh ado Tit 2.1.97; do Cym 5.3.62, Topas n
tɒŋ, tʊŋ / -z Ham 3.2.183, LLL 1.1.23, 5.2.203, ˈto:pəs
sp tong5, tongue380, toong4 / MND 3.2.38, 255, 150, R2 3.3.206, sp Topas16
tongues6, toungs1 / tonges1, RJ 1.5.101, S 88.9, TNK 3.5.141,
tongues66, ton-gues1 TS 1.2.222; you 1H4 2.3.118 top-full adj
rh 1 belong LLL 5.2.382; long LLL =
5.2.242, Luc 1617, MND 5.1.423, TS sp topfull1, top-full1
4.2.58; long, throng Luc 1780; long, > take
wrong Luc 1465; song LLL 5.2.403, topgallant n
tool / ~s n
S 17.10, 102.13; strong LC 120, MM tɒpˈɡalənt
3.2.178; wrong LLL 1.1.164, 4.2.118, =/z
sp top gallant1
Luc 78, 1463, MND 2.2.9, 3.2.360, PP sp toole2 / tooles3
> gallant
5.14, R2 1.1.190, 1.3.245, 3.2.216, rh fool TNK 3.5.131
S 89.9, 112.6, 139.3, Tit 5.3.56, VA topless adj
217, 330, 427, 1003; rh 2 stung MND tooth / teeth n
3.2.72; young PP 1.7, 1.11, 19.18, tʊθ, tu:θ / =
sp toplesse1
S 138.7 / belongs LLL 4.3.236; songs sp tooth24 / teeth54, teethes1
VA 775; throngs KL 3.2.89; wrongs rh doth TC 4.5.293 / with VA 269 topmast n
2H4 Induction.39, MA 5.3.3
pun TN 1.3.89-92 tongs toothache n ˈtɒpmast
> honey-, lewd-, long-, poisonous-, ˈtʊθɛ:tʃ, ˈtu:- sp top-mast4
shrill-, wasp-tongued > mast
sp tooth-ach2, tooth-ache1,
tooth-ake2 topple / ~s v
tongue v
> ache
tɒŋ, tʊŋ =
sp tongue1 tooth-drawer n sp topple2 / topples1
> out-tongue ˈtʊθ-ˌdrɔ:əɹ, ˈtu:-
top-proud adj
sp tooth-drawer1
tongueless adj ˈtɒp-ˌprəʊd
> drawer
ˈtɒŋləs, tʊ- sp top-proud1
sp tonguelesse , tongue-lesse , 1 toothed adj > proud
toonglesse1 tʊθt, tu:θt
topsail n
sp tooth’d1
tongue-tied adj ˈtɒpsɛ:l
> sharp-toothed
ˈtɒŋ-ˌtəɪd, tʊ- sp toppe-sale1
sp tong-tide , tongue-tide ,1 tooth-pick n
tongue-ty’d5, tongue-tyed1
topsie-turvy adv
ˈtʊθ-ˌpɪk, ˈtu:-
1 1 ˈtɒpsəɪ-ˈtɐ:ɹvəɪ
sp tooth-pick , tooth-picke
tonight adv sp topsie-turuy1
təˈnəɪt, tʊ- tooth-picker n
sp to night180
torch / ~es n
ˈtʊθ-ˌpɪkəɹ, ˈtu:-
rh delight MV 2.6.68; fight Mac 5.6.7; 1 tɔ:ɹtʃ / ˈtɔ:ɹtʃɪz
sp tooth-picker
flight Mac 3.1.141; height TC 5.1.1; sp torch21 / torches18
quite LLL 5.2.270; right RJ 2.3.38; rite top / ~s n
RJ 5.3.19; sight MND 2.1.18; spite torch-bearer / ~s n
2H6 5.1.214 ˈtɔ:ɹtʃ-ˌbɛ:rəɹ / -z
sp top49, top-[branch] 1, toppe1 /
> night sp torch-bearer4 / torch-bearers2
rh scorch Luc 315
> bearer


torcher n tortoise n totter / ~s / ~ing v

ˈtɔ:ɹtʃəɹ ˈtɔ:ɹtəɪz ˈtɒtəɹz / ˈtɒtrɪn, -ɪŋ
sp torcher1 sp tortoyrs1, tortoys1 sp totters1 / tottring1

torchlight n torture / ~s n tottering adj

ˈtɔ:ɹtʃləɪt ˈtɔ:ɹtəɹ / -z ˈtɒtrɪn, -ɪŋ
sp torch-light1 sp torture15 / tortures5 sp tott’ring2

torch-staff / ~staves n torture / ~st / ~d v touch / ~es n

ˈtɔ:ɹtʃ-ˌstɛ:vz ˈtɔ:ɹtəɹ / -st, -trəst / -d tɤtʃ / ˈtɤtʃɪz
sp torch-staues1 sp torture14 / torturest1 / sp touch39, tutch2 / touches7,
> staff tortured1 toutches1, tutches2
rh much MND 3.2.70; such PP 8.5
torment / ~s n tortured adj
ˈtɔ:ɹment / -s ˈtɔ:ɹtəɹd touch / ~es / ~eth / ~ing /
sp torment15 / torments6 sp tortur’d4 ~ed v
tɤtʃ / ˈtɤtʃ·ɪz / -əθ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ /
torment / ~est / ~s / ~eth / torturer / ~s n m -ɪd, tɤtʃt
~ed v ˈtɔ:ɹtəɹəɹ, -trəɹ / -z sp touch69, tuch1 / touches13 /
tɔ:ɹˈment / -s, -st / -s / -əθ / -ɪd sp torturer2 / torturors1 toucheth3 / touching23 / touch’d32,
sp torment13 / torments1, touched1, toucht17, touch’t1
torment’st1 / torments5 /
torturing adj rh much RJ 1.5.99, VA 440
tormenteth1 / tormented1 ˈtɔ:ɹtrɪn, -ɪŋ > untouched
rh relenteth VA 202 sp tortering1, torturing1
touching adj / n
tormente [Pistol H Toryne n ˈtɤtʃɪn, -ɪŋ
..] v ˈtɒrɪn sp touching1 / touching1
tɔ:ɹˈmɛntɛ 1
sp Toryne , Troine 1

sp Pistol 2H4 2.4.176 tormente1

Touchstone n
toss / ~eth / ~ing / ~ed v ˈtɤtʃsto:n
tormenting adj = / = / ˈtɒsɪn, -ɪŋ / = sp Touchstone4
tɔ:ɹˈmentɪn, -ɪŋ sp tosse4 / tosseth1 / tossing1 /
sp tormenting2 toss’d1, tost3 tough adj
rh lost Per 2.Chorus.34 tɤf / ˈtɤfəɹ
tormento Ital or Span v > be-, tempest-tossed sp tough8 / tougher1
tossing n toughness n
sp Pistol 2H4 5.5.99 tormento1
ˈtɒsɪn, -ɪŋ ˈtɤfnəs
tormentor / ~s n sp tossing1 sp toughnesse1
toss-pot / ~s n Touraine n
sp tormentors1
= tʊˈren
torn sp tospottes1 sp Toraine3, Torayne1, Touraine1
> tear
total n tournament / ~s n
torrent n ˈto:tɑl m ˈtu:ɹnəˌments
= sp totall1 sp turnaments1
2 1
sp torrent , tor-rent
totally adv Tours n
tortive adj ˈto:tɑləɪ tu:ɹ
ˈtɔ:ɹtɪv sp totally1 sp Toures2, Tours1
sp tortiue1


touse v town / ~’s / ~s n trade / ~s n

təʊz təʊn / -z trɛ:d / -z
sp towze1 sp town4, towne109, towne-[bull]1, sp trade34 / trades3
towne-[gates]1, towne-[way]1 / rh made TC 5.10.52
tout / tous Fr adj townes30 / townes30,
tu, before a vowel tut [peasant]-townes1 trade / ~s / ~d v
1 2
sp tout , toute / touts 1 rh 1 crown AY 5.4.140; down CE trɛ:d / -z / ˈtrɛ:dɪd
3.1.60, MND 3.2.398, PP 18.17; sp trade3 / trades1 / traded1
tow v renown AY 5.4.143; rh 2 known H8
to: Prol.24 traded adj
sp towe1 ˈtrɛ:dɪd
town crier n
sp traded1
toward adj / adv ˈtəʊn ˈkrəɪəɹ
to:ɹd, to:əɹd sp town-cryer1 trade-fallen adj
2 10 > crier ˈtrɛ:d-ˌfɑ:ln
toward / toward
rh adv 1 froward PP 4.13, TS 1.1.68, sp trade-falne1
township n
5.2.181; rh 2 coward VA 1157 > fallen
> untoward
sp towneship1 trader / ~s n
toward / ~s prep ˈtrɛ:dəɹz
to:ɹd, to:əɹd / -z towns·man / ~men n
sp traders4
sp toward 88 1 66
/ towardes , towards ,
to-wards1 sp townesmen1, townes-men1 trades·man / ~man’s /
~men n
towardly adj toy / ~s n
ˈtrɛ:dz·mənz / -mən
ˈto:ɹdləɪ, to:əɹ- təɪ / -z
sp tradesmans1 / tradesmen1,
sp towardlie1 sp toy13 / toyes13
> untowardly rh boy TN 5.1.388, TS 2.1.395, VA
34; destroy, joy Luc 214; oyez MW trading n
towards adv 5.5.42 / boys Cym 4.2.193, LLL
ˈtrɛ:dɪn, -ɪŋ
to:ɹdz, to:əɹ- 4.3.168
sp trading1
sp towards2
trace / ~s n
tradition n
tower / ~s n trɛ:s / ˈtrɛ:sɪz
to:ɹ / -z sp trace1 / ˈtraces1
sp tradition3
sp tower8, towre4 / towers3, towres5
trace v
rh hours Luc 945 traditional adj
m trəˈdɪsɪəˌnɑl
tower / ~s / ~ing v sp trace
sp traditionall1
to:ɹ / -z / ˈto:rɪn, -ɪŋ
track n
sp towre1 / towres1 / towring1 traduce / ~d v
Tower [name] adj / n sp R2 3.3.66, R3 5.3.20 emend of
sp traduc’d4
to:ɹ tract2
sp Tower3 / Tower53, Towre1 traducement n
tract n
= trəˈdju:smənt
towered adj
sp traducement1
to:ɹd sp tract2
sp toward1 traffic / ~’s n
tractable adj
= =
towering adj
sp traffick1, trafficke6 / traffiques1
ˈto:rɪn, -ɪŋ sp tractable5
sp towring1


traffic / ~sv sp traitor80, traitour2, traytor41 / transcend / ~s v

traitors8, traytors3 / traitors2, =
= traytors1 / traitors39, trai-tors1,
sp trafficke1 / traffickes2 sp transce[n]ds1
traitours1, trai-tours1, traytors13
rh commends TC 1.3.244
trafficker / ~s n traitoress n
ˈtrafɪkəɹz transcendence n
ˈtrɛ:trəs, -tər-
sp traffiquers 1 =
sp traitoresse1
sp tran-cendence1
tragedian / ~s n traitorly adj
trəˈdʒi:dɪən / -z transfer / ~red S v
sp tragedian / tragedians 2 transˈfɐ:ɹd
sp traitorly-[rascals]1
rh clemency, patiently Ham 3.2.158 sp transferred1
traitorous adj rh erred S 137.14
tragedy n ˈtrɛ:trəs, -tər-
ˈtradʒɪdəɪ / -z transfigure / ~d v
sp traiterous1, traitorous3, transˈfɪɡəɹd
8 1 1
sp tragedie , trage-die , tragedy / trayterous1, traytorous1, traytrous1,
tragedies1 sp transfigur’d1

tragic adj traitorously adv transform / ~ed v

= m ˈtrɛ:trəsˌləɪ, -sl-, -tər- transˈfɔ:ɹm / m -d, -ɪd
sp tragicke7 sp transforme6 / transform’d6,
sp traiterously3, traitorously1
trans-form’d1, transformed6
tragical adj traject n
m ˈtradʒɪkɑl, -ˌkɑl transformation / ~s n
5 1
sp tragicall , tragicall-[comicall] , m ˌtransfəɹˈmɛ:sɪən, -sɪˌɒn /
sp MV 3.4.53 emend of tranect1
tragicall-[historicall]1 -sɪˌɒnz
trammel v sp transformation5, trans-formation1
trail n / transformations1
trɛ:l sp trammell1
sp traile4 transformed adj
trampl·e / ~ing / ~ed v m transˈfɔ:ɹmd, -ɪd
trail / ~est v = / ˈtrampl·ɪn, -ɪŋ / = sp transformed2
trɛ:l / -s, -st > new-transformed
sp trample2 / trampling1 /
sp traile2 / trayl’st1 trampled1
rh tail TC 5.8.22 transgress / ~es / ~ed v
trance / ~s n transˈɡres, -nz-
train / ~s n trɔ:ns / Luc ˈtrɔ:nsɪz sp transgresses1 / transgrest2
trɛ:n / -z
sp trance1, traunce1 / trances1 transgressing adj
sp traine53, trayne5 / traines3 rh chance Luc 1595; mischances Luc 974
transˈɡres-ɪn, -ɪŋ, -nz-
train / ~ed v Tranio n sp transgressing2
trɛ:n / -d, ˈtrɛ:nɪd m ˈtranɪo:, -ɪˌo:
sp traine5 / traind1, train’d5, transgression n
sp Tranio43, Tra-nio1, Trayno1,
trained1, trayn’d5 Triano1, Tronio1
transˈɡrɛ:sɪən, -nz-
rh gained Per 4.Chorus.7 rh Lucentio TS 1.1.240 sp transgression7, trans-gression1
> untrained rh confession LLL 5.2.431;
tranquil adj oppression RJ 1.1.185
training n =
ˈtrɛ:nɪn, -ɪŋ translate / ~s / ~d v
sp tranquill1
sp trayning 1 transˈlɛ:t / -s / -ɪd, -nz-
tranquility n sp translate8 / translates1 /
traitor / ~’s / ~s’ / ~s n traŋˈkwɪlɪtəɪ translated3, transla-ted1
ˈtrɛ:təɹ / -z
sp tranquilitie1


rh state S 96.10 / bated MND travail n treacher / ~s n

1.1.191 ˈtravəl ˈtretʃəɹz
translation n sp trauaile5, trauell1 sp treachers1
transˈlɛ:sɪən, -nz- travail / ~s v treacherous adj
sp translation1 ˈtravəl / -z m ˈtretʃəˌrɤs, -ərəs, -tʃrəs
transmigrate / ~s v sp trauaile2 / trauailes1 sp treacherous19, trecherous6
ˌtransməɪˈɡrɛ:ts, -nz- travel / ~s n treacherously adv
sp transmigrates1 = m ˈtretʃəˌrɤsləɪ
transmutation n sp trauaile12, trauell9 / trauells2 sp trecherously1
ˌtransmjʊˈtɛ:sɪən, -nz- travel / ~est / ~s / ~ling / treachery n
sp transmutation1 ~led v m ˈtretʃəˌrəɪ, ərəɪ, -tʃrəɪ
transparent adj = / ˈtravəlst / = / m ˈtravlɪn, -ɪŋ, sp treacherie7, treache-rie1,
-vəl- / = treachery11, trecherie5
rh lechery MW 5.3.22
sp transparant2, transparent3 sp trauaile3, trauell4 / trauellest1 /
trauels2 / trauailing2, trauelling2 /
tread n
transport / ~ing / ~ed v trauaild1, trauail’d6, trauel’d1
tranˈspɔ:ɹt / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd
traveller / ~s n sp tread4
sp transport6 / transporting2 /
m ˈtravləɹ, -vəl- / -z rh overhead LLL 4.3.277
sp trauailer3, traueiler1, traueller6,
tread / ~s / ~ing / trod /
transportance n trauel-ler1, trauellor1 / trauellers1,
trauellours1 / trauailers1, trauailors1,
~den v
trauellers4 = / = / ˈtredɪn, -ɪŋ / =
sp transportance1
sp tread28, treade10 / treades1,
transpose v travelling adj treads6 / treading1 / trod11, trodd1 /
transˈpo:z ˈtravlɪn, -ɪŋ, -vəl- trodden3, troden3
sp trauailing1 rh red MND 3.2.390
sp transpose2 > untread; earth-, mis-treading;
trans-shape v travel-tainted adj untrod, downtrodden

tranˈʃɛ:p, -ns- ˈtravəl-ˌtɛ:ntɪd

treading n
sp trauell-tainted1
sp trans-shape1 ˈtredɪn, -ɪŋ
> shape Travers n sp trea-ding1
trap n ˈtravəɹz
treason / ~’s / ~s n
= sp Trauers4
ˈtrɛ:zən / -z
sp trap3 traverse adv / v sp treason85, trea-son3 / treasons3 /
ˈtravəɹs treasons19
trap / ~s / ~ped v
rh reason, season Luc 877; reason
= sp trauers1 / trauers1, trauerse3
S 151.6, VA 729
1 2 1 1
sp trap / traps / trap’d , trapt traversed adj
rh haps MA 3.1.106 treasonable adj
> mousetrap
ˈtrɛ:znəbəl, -zən-
sp trauerst
sp treasonable1
trapping n
ˈtrapɪnz, -ɪŋz tray-trip n
treasonous adj
sp trappings2
ˈtrɛ:znəs, -zən-
sp tray-trip1
trash n/v sp treasonous3

sp trash1 / trash9


treasure / ~s n PP 10.5, PT 2; fee VA 391; he LLL trencher-friend / ~s n

5.2.887, 896, VA 263; knee Oth ˈtrentʃəɹ-ˌfrendz
ˈtrezəɹ / -z
4.3.38; me AY 2.5.1, LLL 5.2.285; she
sp treasure43, treasure’s [treasure sp trencher-friends1
AY 3.2.9 / freeze H8 3.1.3
is]1 / treasures3 > friend
> axle-, bay-, box-, crab-, cypress-,
rh leisure TS 4.3.60; measure LLL
elder-, fruit-, medlar-, olive-, palm-, trenchering n
4.3.362; pleasure S 20.14. 52.2. 75.6.
plum-, pomegranet-, sycamore-,
126.10 / measures VA 1150
ˈtrentʃrɪn, -ɪŋ, -tʃər-
> en-, un-treasured sp trenchering1
trembl·e / ~est / ~es / ~ing /
treasurer n trencher-knight n
~ed v
ˈtrezrəɹ, -zər-
= / ˈtrembləs, -st, -bəls, -st / = / ˈtrentʃəɹ-ˌnəɪt 1
sp treasurer1 sp trencher-knight
ˈtremblɪn, -ɪŋ / =
33 1 2
treasur·y / ~ies n sp tremble , trem-ble / tremblest , trencherman n
m ˈtrezəˌrəɪ, -zər-, -zr- / trembl’st1 / trembles8 / trembling5 / ˈtrentʃəɹmən
ˈtrezəˌrəɪz sp trencher-man1
4 2 1
rh dissemble VA 642; resemble Luc
sp treasurie , treasury / treasuries
1393 trenching adj
treat / ~s v trembling adj / n ˈtrentʃɪn, -ɪŋ
= ˈtremblɪn, -ɪŋ, Evans MW sp trenching1
sp treat1 / treates1, treats2
.. ˈtremplɪn, -ɪŋ Trent n
treatise n trembling8 / trembling4, Evans =
ˈtri:tɪs sp Trent4
sp treatise tremblingly adv rh went TNK Prol.12

treat·y / ~ies n m ˈtremblɪnˌləɪ, -ɪŋ- très Fr adv

sp tremblingly1 trɛ
ˈtri:təɪ / -z
sp treatie4, treaty2 / treaties1 tremor cordis n sp tres1, tres[cher]2, tres-[puissant1]

treble adj / n ˈtremɔ:ɹ ˈkɔ:ɹdɪs trespass / ~es n

sp tremor cordis1 =
sp trebble6, treble1 / treble1 trench / ~es n sp trespas6, trespasse9 / trespasses2

treble / ~s / ~d v = trespass v
sp trenches7 =
sp treble1 / trebbles2 / trebled1 trench / ~ed v sp trespasse1

treble-sinewed adj = tress / ~es n

sp trench1 / trenched1 =
rh drenched VA 1052
sp trebble-sinewed1 sp tresses2
> sinew trenchant adj
Tressel n
Trebonius n ˈtrentʃənt
sp trenchant1
treˈbo:nɪəs sp Tressel1
9 1
sp Trebonius , Tre-bonius , trenched adj
Trebo-nius1 trey / ~s n
tree / ~’s / ~s n sp trenched1
sp treyes1
= trencher / ~s n
sp tree42 / trees1 / trees25 Trey [name] n
ˈtrentʃəɹ / -z
rh bastardy Tit 5.1.47; be AY 3.2.123, trɛ:
sp trencher7, tren-cher1 / trenchers1
Ham 3.2.200, Mac 4.1.94, MW 5.5.79, sp Trey1


trial adj trick / ~s n trigon n

ˈtrəɪɑl = ˈtrəɪɡɒn
sp triall1, tryall1 sp trick7, tricke41 / trickes18, sp trigon1
trial / ~s n rh Dick LLL 5.2.465; sick LLL 5.2.416 trim adj
ˈtrəɪɑl / -z / pricks, sticks Luc 320 =
sp trial1, triall35, tryall16 / trials3, > back-, rope-trick sp trim9
tryalls1 rh dim TNK 1.1.12; him TC 4.5.33,
rh denial, dial Luc 326
trick / ~ed v VA 1079
trial-fire n sp tricke1 / trick’d1 trim / ~s n
ˈtrəɪɑl-ˈfəɪɹ =
sp triall-fire1
tricking n sp trim4, trimme1 / trimmes1
ˈtrɪkɪn, -ɪŋ rh him LC 118, S 98.2
tribe / ~s n sp tricking1
trəɪb / -z trim / ~ming / ~med v
sp tribe / tribes 2 trickling adj = / ˈtrɪmɪn, -ɪŋ / =
rh subscribes S 107.12 ˈtrɪklɪn, -ɪŋ sp trim3 / trimming1 / trim’d7,
sp trickling trimm’d3, trym’d1
tribulation n > new-, un-trimmed
ˌtrɪbjəˈlɛ:sɪən tricksy adj
sp tribulation 1 ˈtrɪksəɪ trimly adv
sp tricksey1, tricksie1 ˈtrɪmləɪ
tribunal adj / n sp trimly1
trɪˈbju:nɑl trident n
sp tribunall1 / tribunall1 ˈtrəɪdənt trimming n
sp trident 2 ˈtrɪmɪn, -ɪŋ
tribune / ~s n sp trimming1
= tried adj
sp tribune12 / tribunes52, trəɪd Trinculo / ~’s / ~s n
[plague]-tribunes1 sp tried1 ˈtrɪŋkjʊlo: / -z
> fellow-tribune sp Trinculo17, Trin-culo1 /
trier n Trinculo’s1 / Trinculo’s1
tributary adj ˈtrəɪəɹ
m ˈtrɪbjəˌtarəɪ sp trier1
trinket / ~s n
sp tributarie3, tributary1 =
trifle / ~s n sp trinkets2
tributary n ˈtrəɪfəl / -z
m ˈtrɪbjəˌtrəɪ / m ˈtrɪbjəˌtrəɪz, sp trifle15, triflle2 / trifles14
trip n
-ˌtar- =
sp tributary1 / tributaries2
trifle / ~d v sp trip1
ˈtrəɪfəl / -d > tray-trip
tribute n sp trifle7 / trifled1
= trip / VA ~s / ~ping /
sp tribute 25 trifler n ~ped v
ˈtrəɪfləɹ = Evans MW ..,  trɪb / = /
trice n sp trifler1 ˈtrɪpɪn, -ɪŋ / =
trəɪs sp trip10, Evans trib4 / trips1 /
sp trice4
trifling adj / n tripping3 / tript5
rh Vice TN 4.2.124 ˈtrəɪflɪn, -ɪŋ rh lips VA 722
sp trifling4 / trifling1 > overtrip


tripartite adj triumph / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v troll-my-dame / ~s n

m ˈtrɪpəɹˌtəɪt ˈtrəɪəmf / -s / trəɪˈɤmf·ɪn, -ɪŋ / ˈtro:l-mɪ-ˌdɛmz
sp tripartite1 m -ɪd, ˈtrəɪəmft sp troll-my-dames1
sp triumph15 / triumphs2 / > dame
tripe n triumphing3 / triumphed1, triumpht1
trəɪp tromperies Fr n
sp tripe 1 triumphant adj trɔ̃pəˈri
trəɪˈɤmfənt sp tromperies1
tripe-visaged adj sp triumphant12
ˈtrəɪp-ˌvɪzɪdʒd troop / ~s n
sp tripe-visag’d1 triumphantly adv =
> visage m trəɪˈɤmfəntˌləɪ sp troop2, troope17, troupe5 /
troopes21, troops1, troupes6, troups2
sp triumphantly3
triple adj rh amity, be, jollity, me, solemnly, troop v
= prosperity MND 4.1.88
4 = / ˈtru:pɪn, -ɪŋ
sp triple
triumpher / ~s n sp troope5 / trooping1
triple-turned adj trəɪˈɤmfəɹ / -z trop Fr adv
ˈtrɪpəl-ˌtɐ:ɹnd sp triumpher1 / triumphers1
sp triple-turn’d1
triumvirate n sp trop1
triplex n trəɪˈɤmfrət, -fər- troph·y / ~ies n
= sp triumpherate1
ˈtro:fəɪ / -z
sp triplex
triumviry n sp trophe1, trophee4 / trophees3,
Tripoli / ~s n trophies1
trəɪˈɤmfrəɪ, -fər-
ˈtrɪpə·li: / -lɪs sp triumphery1 tropically adv
1 2 1
sp Tripolie / Tripolis , Tri-polis
trivial adj ˈtrɒpɪkləɪ, -kɑl-
tripping adj / adv sp tropically1
ˈtrɪpɪn, -ɪŋ sp triuiall7 trot n
sp tripping1 / tripping1
Troien n =
> night-tripping
sp trot2
trippingly adv sp Troien1 trot / ~s v
ˈtrɪpɪnləɪ, -ɪŋ-
1 1 Troilus / ~s’ / ~es n =
sp trippinglie , trippingly
sp trot7, trots3
rh me MND 5.1.386 ˈtrəɪləs / ˈtrəɪləs / -ɪz
sp Troilous2, Troilus1, Troylus99, troth / ~s n
tristful adj Troy-lus3 / Troylus3 / Troylusses1
= tro:θ, Caius MW ..,
sp tristfull1, emend of 2H4 2.4.386 Trojan adj .. tro:t / -s
trustfull1 ˈtro:dʒən sp troth88, [in]troth3, troth’s [troth
it’s]2, Caius trot2 / troths1
sp Troian10, Troyan1
Triton n rh both Luc 571, MND 2.2.48;
ˈtrəɪtən Trojan / ~’s / ~s n growth, oath Luc 1059; oath LC 280,
LLL 1.1.66, 4.3.141, 5.2.350, 450, Luc
sp Triton1 ˈtro:dʒən / -z
571, 885, MND 2.2.56, 3.2.92
sp Troian16, Troyan9 / Troians3 /
triumph / ~s n > new-trothed
ˈtrəɪəmf / -s troth-plight n
sp triumph28 / triumphes5, troll v
triumphs2 tro:l
sp troth-plight4
sp troule1
> plight


trotting adj rh blow, no CE 3.1.54 / goest, true / ~r / ~st adv

ˈtrɒtɪn, -ɪŋ knowest, owest, showest, throwest = / ˈtru:əɹ / =
KL 1.4.121
sp trotting2 sp true60 / truer3 / truest1
trowel n rh due LLL 4.1.18; Montague
trouble / ~s n RJ 3.1.177; rue KJ 5.7.118; you
ˈtrɤbəl / -z S 114.3
sp trowell1
sp trouble25 / troubles7
rh bubble Mac 4.1.10, 18, 20, 35;
true / ~r / ~st n
Troy adj
double VA 522 / doubles VA 680 = / ˈtru:·əɹ / =
sp true3 / truer1 / truest1
trouble / ~st / ~s / ~d v sp Troy rh you MM 2.4.170
ˈtrɤb·əl / -ləs, -t, -əls, -t / -əlz / Troy / ~’s n
-əld true-begotten adj
1 49
trəɪ / -z =
sp troble , trouble / troublest
sp Troy79 / Troyes1 sp true begotten1
[me]1 / troubles6, trou-bles1 /
rh annoy, destroy Luc 1367; boy > beget
trobled1, troubled23, trou-bled1
TC 5.3.36; joy AW 1.3.69, Luc 1429
rh doubled VA 1068
true-betrothed adj
truant adj / n / v
troubled adj m ˈtru:-bɪˌtro:ðɪd
ˈtrɤbəld sp true betrothed1
6 sp trewant1, truant2 / treuant1, > betrothed
sp troubled
trewant2, truant6 / truant1
rh redoubled VA 830
> untroubled
true-born adj
truce n
troubler n =
sp true-borne2
ˈtrɤbləɹ sp truce14 > born
sp troubler1 truckle-bed n true-bred adj
troublesome adj ˈtrɤkəl-ˌbed =
m ˈtrɤbəlsəm, -ˌsɤm sp truckle-bed1, truckle bed1 sp true-bred1, true bred3
8 > bed
sp troublesome
true-derived adj
trudge v
troublous adj m ˈtru:-dɪˌrəɪvɪd
ˈtrɤbləs sp true deriued1
4 sp trudge6 > derive
sp troublous
true / ~r / ~st adj true-devoted adj
trough n
= / ˈtru:əɹ / = ˈtru:-dɪˌvo:tɪd
sp true682, true-[love]1, true-[man]3, sp true-deuoted1
sp trough1
true-[men]1, true-[wrongs]1 / truer11 > devoted
trout / ~s n / truest8
rh adieu AY 5.4.117, MA 3.1.107, RJ true-disposing adj
trəʊt / -s 2.2.137; adieu, new R2 5.3.144; anew
trowt1 / trowts1
ˈtru:-dɪˌspo:zɪn, -ɪŋ
S 119.9; ensue MND 3.2.91; hue
sp true-disposing1
MND 3.1.120, S 67.8, TNK 1.1.6;
trovato Ital > dispose
Montague RJ 3.1.148; new PP 18.20,
trɒˈvɑ:to: S 68.10, 93.1; subdue LC 246; sue LLL true-divining adj
sp trobatto1 5.2.426; view Luc 455, MV 3.2.132,
S 148.9; yew TN 2.4.56; you LLL
ˈtru:-dɪˌvəɪnɪn, -ɪŋ
trow / ~est v 5.2.426, 769, MND 3.2.127, 5.1.195, sp true diuining1
tro: / m -s, -st, ˈtro:əst MV 3.2.147, RJ 1.4.52, S 85.9, 118.13, > divining
sp tro1, troa3, trow10 / trowest3 TC 4.5.43, Tem Epil.3, TN 3.4.366,


true-hearted / truer-~ adj trumpeter / ~s n sp trust38

ˈtru:-ˌɐ:ɹtɪd, -ˌhɐ:- / ˈtru:əɹ- ˈtrɤmpɪtəɹ / -z rh lust S 129.4; must AW 2.1.206;
thrust S 48.4; unjust PP 18.19,
sp true-har-ted1, true-hearted2 / sp trumpeter2 / trum-peters1,
S 138.11
truer-hearted1 trumpetters1
> heart trust / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
trumpet-tongued adj
true-love adj trɤst / -s / ˈtrɤst·ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd
ˈtrɤmpɪt-ˌtɒŋd, -ˌtʊ-
ˈtru:-ˌlɤv sp trust136 / trusts3 / trusting3 /
sp trumpet-tongu’d1
sp true-loue3
trunchion / ~’s n > dis-, mis-trust
true-meant adj ˈtrɤnʃɪən / -z truster / ~s’ n
= sp truncheon2, trunchion2 / ˈtrɤstəɹ / -z
sp true meant1 truncheons1
sp truster1 / trusters1
truepenny n trunchion v trusting n
ˈtru:ˌpenəɪ ˈtrɤnʃɪən ˈtrɤstɪn, -ɪŋ
sp true-penny1 sp trunchion1
sp trusting3
truie Fr n trunchioner / ~s n trusty adj
trwi ˈtrɤnʃɪənəɹz ˈtrɤstəɪ
sp emend of H5 3.7.63 leuye sp truncheoners1
sp trustie11, trusty6
trull / ~s n trundle-tail n rh rusty PP 7.2

trɤl / -z ˈtrɤndl-ˌtɛ:l truth / ~’s / ~s n

sp trull4 / [kitchin]-trulles1 sp troudle taile1 =
rh wail KL 3.6.69
truly adv sp trueth1, truth300, truth’s [truth
> tail
is]2, / truths2, truths-[sake]1 /
trunk adj truthes2, truths5, truth’s2
sp truelie1, truely63, true-ly2, trulie2, rh youth AW 1.3.127, LC 105, PP 1.1,
truly98, tru-ly1 trɤŋk S 37.4, 41.12, 54.14, 60.11, 110.5,
rh duly H5 3.2.18 sp trunke1 138.1, TN 3.1.155
> untruth
trump n trunk / ~s n
trɤmp trɤŋk / -s try n
sp trumpe6 sp trunck1, truncke2, trunke16, trəɪ
trunke-[pillow]1 / trunkes3, truncks1 sp try1
trumpery n
ˈtrɤmprəɪ, -pər- trunk-inheriting adj tr·y / ~ied v
sp tromperie1, trumpery1 ˈtrɤŋk-ɪnˌerɪtɪn, -ɪŋ, -ˌhe- trəɪ / -d
sp trunke-inheriting1 sp trie22, try62, trye5 / tride7, tri’de1,
trumpet adj / v tried6, try’d2, try’de1, tryed1
ˈtrɤmpɪt trunk-work n rh 1 die AW 2.1.185, R2 1.1.184; nigh
sp trumpet3 / trumpet2 ˈtrɤŋk-ˌwɔ:ɹk CE 2.1.42; try her by her PP 11.3;
sp trunke-worke1 rh 2 enemy Ham 3.2.218; remedy
trumpet / ~’s / ~s / ~s’ n > work AW 2.1.134; guide Luc 353; pride VA
ˈtrɤmpɪt / -s 280
sp trompet2, trumpet65, trum-pet1, truss / ~ed v > untried
trumpets [trumpet is]1, trumpet’s trɤst
trying n
[trumpet is]1 / trumpets2, abbr in s.d. sp truss’d1
trum1 / trumpets69, tru[m]pets1, > untrussing ˈtrəɪɪn, -ɪŋ
trumpettes1 / trumpets2 sp trying1
trust n


tu Fr pro tuft / ~s n tune / ~s n

ty tɤft / -s tju:n / -z
sp tu2 sp tufft1, tuft2 / [emrald]-tuffes1 sp tune50 / tunes6

te pro tug / ~ging / ~ged v tun·e / ~ing / ~ed v

tə tɤɡ / ˈtɤɡɪn, -ɪŋ / tɤɡd tju:n / ˈtju:nɪn, -ɪŋ / tju:nd
sp te1 sp tug2, tugge2 / tugging2 / sp tune8 / tuning1 / tun’d4
tugg’d2 > untune
ton det
tɔ̃ tuition n tuneable adj
sp ton1 tju:ˈɪsɪən ˈtju:nəbəl
sp tuition1 sp tuneable2
tu Ital pr > untuneable
Tullus / ~s’ n
ti tuned adj
ti: sp Tullus11 / Tullus1 m ˈtju:nɪd
sp te2 sp tuned1
Tully / ~’s n > care-, ill-, new-, un-, well-tuned
tu Lat pro ˈtɤləɪ / -z
tu: sp Tully1 / Tullies1
tuner / ~s n
sp tu1 ˈtju:nəɹ / -z
> Te Deum tumbl·e / ~est / ~es / ~ing / sp tuners1
~ed v
ˈtɤmbəl / -st, -bləst / -z / -blɪn, - Tunis n
teˈɪpsʊm ˈtju:nɪs
ɪŋ / -d
sp teipsum1 9
sp Tunis
sp tumble7 / tumblest1 / tombles1 /
tuae tumbling2 / tumbled4
tup / ~ping v
ˈtu:e tumbler / ~’s n ˈtɤpɪn, -ɪŋ
sp tuae1 sp tupping1
tub / ~s n sp tumblers
turban / ~s n
tɤb / -z tumbling adj ˈtɐ:ɹbənz
sp tub3 / tubbes1 sp turbonds1
ˈtɤmblɪn, -ɪŋ
Tubal n sp tumbling2
turbanned adj
ˈtju:bɑl tumult n ˈtɐ:ɹbənd
sp Tuball10 sp turbond-[Turke]1
4 2
tuck n/v sp tumult , tumult’s [tumult is]
turbulence n
tɤk tumultuous adj m ˈtɐ:ɹbəˌlens
sp tucke2 / tucke1 sp turbulence1
tucket n sp tumultuous4
turbulent adj
ˈtɤkɪt tun / ~s n m ˈtɐ:ɹbəˌlent, -ələnt, -blənt
sp tucket10 sp turbulent2
tɤn / -z
1 1 1 1
Tuesday adj / n sp tun , tunne / tunnes , tuns
ˈtju:zdɛ:, ˈtu:- tun-dish n > third
sp Tuesday5 / Tuesday2
ˈtɤn-ˌdɪʃ turf n
> Shrove Tuesday
sp tunne-dish1 tɐ:ɹf
sp turfe3, turph3


turfy adj rh burn Per Epil.13 / rh 1 adjourned Tuscan adj

ˈtɐ:ɹfəɪ Cym 5.4.80; burned AY 4.3.41, ˈtɤskən
S 104.5; rh 2 performed Cym 5.4.80
sp turphie-[mountaines]1 sp Tuscan2
> overturn, a-turning; triple-,
Turk / ~’s / ~s n up-turned tush interj
tɐ:ɹk / -s Turnbull n tɤʃ
sp Turke16, [turbond]-Turke1 / ˈtɐ:ɹnbʊl sp tush21
Turkes1 / Turkes7
sp Turnball-[street]1 tut interj
rh work Oth 2.1.113
turncoat / ~s n tɤt, t [click]
turkey / ~s n sp tut38
ˈtɐ:ɹnko:t / -s
ˈtɐ:ɹkəɪz 1 1
sp turne-coate / turne-coats tutor / ~s n
sp turkies1
> coat
ˈtju:təɹ / -z
Turkey [name] n turning adj / n sp tutor10 / tutors4
ˈtɐ:ɹkəɪ ˈtɐ:ɹnɪn, -ɪŋ
sp Turky1 tutor / ~s / ~ed v
sp turning1 / turning7, tur-ning1
rh n burning RJ 1.2.47, VA 140
ˈtju:təɹ / -z / -d
Turkish adj sp tutor3, tuture1 / tutors1 / tutor’d4,
ˈtɐ:ɹkɪʃ turning-up n tutord1
sp Turkish9 ˈtɐ:ɹnɪn-ˈɤp, -ɪŋ- rh suitor TG 2.1.131 / suitors KL
turky-cock / ~s n sp turning vp1
> untutored
ˈtɐ:ɹkəɪ-ˌkɒk / -s turnip / ~s n
sp turky-cock1, turky cocke1 /
tutt·o / ~i Ital adj
turky-cocks1 1
sp turnips
> cock sp [con]tutti1
Turph [name] n
Turlygod n tu-whit tu-whoo interj
tɐ :ɹ f
ˈtɐ:ɹləɪ-ˌgɒd tu:-ˈʍɪt tu:-ˈhu:
sp Turph1
sp Turlygod1 sp tu-whit to-who2
turpitude n
turmoil n twain n
m ˈtɐ:ɹpɪˌtju:d
ˈtɐ:ɹməɪl 2
sp turpitude
sp turmoile1 sp twaine35
rh conclude TC 5.2.114
rh again LLL 5.2.459, MV 3.2.326, R2
turmoil / ~ed v turquoise n 5.3.133, TNK 3.5.143, VA 123, 210;
m təɹˈməɪlɪd ˈtɐ:ɹkəɪz brain Ham 3.2.238; Dumaine LLL
sp turmoyled1 5.2.48; gain S 42.11; maintain, slain
sp turkies1 Cym 5.4.70; remain MND 5.1.149, PT
turn / ~s n 45, S 36.1, 39.13; slain PT 25; sustain
turret / ~’s / ~s n
tɐ:ɹn / -z ˈtɤrət / -s
KL 5.3.317
> a-twain
sp turn1, turne45 / turnes6
sp turret1 / turrets2 / turrets2
rh burn MND 3.1.105, VA 92
twang / ~ed v
turtle / ~s n =
turn / ~est / ~s / ~eth / ~ing /
ˈtɐ:ɹtl / -z sp twang’d1
~ed v
sp turtle4 / turtles5
tɐ:ɹn / -s, -st / -z / ˈtɐ:ɹn·əθ / twangling adj
-ɪn, -ɪŋ / m -ɪd, tɐ:ɹnd turtle-dove / ~s n ˈtwaŋɡlɪn, -ɪŋ
sp turn5, turne209 / turn’st2 / ˈtɐ:ɹtl-ˈdɤvz sp twangling2
turnes41 / turneth1 / turning15 / sp turtle-doues1
turnd1, turn’d90, turned8, tur-ned1


tweak v twenty-six n sp twine2 / twine2

= m ˌtwentəɪ-ˈsɪks > untwine

sp tweakes1 sp twentie six2 twink n

tween twenty-three adj =
> between m ˈtwentəɪ-ˌθri: sp twincke1, twinke1

sp twentie three1 twinkl·e / ~ing / ~ed v

twelfth adj
twelf, -t twice adv = / ˈtwɪŋklɪn, -ɪŋ / =
sp twelfe1 twəɪs sp twinckle1 / twinkling / twinkled1

sp twice67 twinkling adj / n

twelve adj
= twice-sod adj ˈtwɪŋklɪn, -ɪŋ
sp twelue22, twelue-[pence]1, ˈtwəɪs-ˌsɒd sp twinkling1 / twinkling1
twelue-[score]2, [sworne]-twelue1 sp twice sod1 twinned adj
twelve n twice-told adj =
= ˈtwəɪs-ˌto:ld sp twin’d1, twinn’d, twyn’d1
sp twelue20 sp twice-told1 twist n
twelvemonth adj twig / ~s n =
ˈtwelvmɤnθ = sp twist1
sp twelvemonth sp twig1 / twigges3, twigs2 twist / ~ed v
> lime-twig
twelvemonth / ~’s n =
ˈtwelvmɤnθ / -s twiggen-bottle n sp twist1 / twisted1
sp tweluemonth10, twelue-month1 / = > entwist
tweluemonths1 sp twiggen-bottle1 twisted adj
> bottle
twentieth adj =
ˈtwentəɪət twilled adj sp twisted1
sp twentieth2 m ˈtwɪlɪd twit / ~s / ~ting v
sp twilled1
twenty adj = / = / ˈtwɪtɪn, -ɪŋ
ˈtwentəɪ twin adj sp twit2 / twits1 / twitting1
36 1 3
sp twentie , ’twentie , twen-tie , = twixt
twenty91 sp twyn-[brother]1 > betwixt
twenty n twin / ~s n two adj
ˈtwentəɪ = =
sp twentie26 sp twin3 / twinnes2, twins2 sp too3, two447, abbr ii.2
rh plenty TN 2.3.49, VA 22
twin / ~ned v two / ~s n
twenty-nine adj =
m ˈtwentəɪ-ˌnəɪn =, Macmorris H ..
sp twinn’d1 twɛ: / =
sp twentie nine1
twin-born adj sp too1, two206, Macmorris tway1 /
twenty-seven n twoes2
m ˌtwɪn-ˈbɔ:ɹn
m ˌtwentəɪ-ˈsɛ:n, -ˈsevn rh woo MV 2.9.76; you Per 1.1.71
sp twin-borne1
sp twentie seuen1 > born twofold adj
twine n/v ˈtu:ˌfo:ld
sp two-fold5
> fold


two-hand adj type / ~s n sp tiranny2, tirranie2, tirranny1,

ˈtu:-ˌand, -ˌha- təɪp / -s tirrany3, tyrannie10, tyranny14,
[high-sighted]-tyranny1, tyrrany1
sp two-hand1 sp type2 / types1
rh incertainty S 115.9; misery VA
> hand
Typhon / ~’s n 737; perpetuity 1H6 4.7.19
two-headed adj ˈtəɪfən / -z tyrant adj
m ˌtu:-ˈedɪd, -ˌhe- sp typhon1 / typhons1 ˈtəɪrənt
sp two-headed1
tyrannical adj sp tirant1, tyrant3
> head
tɪˈranɪkɑl tyrant / ~’s / ~s n
two-legged adj sp tyrannicall2 ˈtəɪrənt / -s
tyrannically adv sp tirant5, tyrant38 / tirants1, tyrants9
sp two-legg’d1
/ tyrants8
twopence / ~s n sp tyrannically1 Tyre Per n
ˈtɤpəns / -ɪz təɪɹ
sp two pence3 / two-pences1 tyrannize v
sp Tyre25
m ˈtɪrəˌnəɪz rh desire Per 1.3.39, 2.Chorus.22, 3.
Tybalt / ~’s / ~s n sp tirranize1, tyrannize2 Chorus.39, 4.Chorus.1; inquire Per 3.
ˈtɪbɑlt / -s rh 1 cries Luc 676; rh 2 enemies Chorus.21
sp Tibalt9, Tibalts [Tybalt is]1, Luc 676
Tybalt42 / Tibalts2, Tybalts7 / Tibalts1 Tyrian adj
tyrannous adj ˈtɪrɪən
Tyburn n m ˈtɪrənəs, -əˌnɤs sp Tirian1
ˈtəɪbɐ:ɹn sp tirrannous1, tyrannous10
sp Tiburne1 Tyrrel n
tyranny n ˈtɪrəl
tyke n m ˈtɪrənəɪ, -əˌnəɪ sp Tirrel1, Tirrell3, Tyrrel6
sp tyke1


U [letter] / ~s n umbra Lat n unacquainted adj

= ˈʊmbra ˌɤnəˈkwɛ:ntɪd
sp V’s2 sp vm-bra1 sp vnacquainted3
> acquaint
ubique Lat adv Umfrevile n
u:ˈbi:kwe, -ke ˈɤmfrəvɪl unacted adj
sp vbique 1
sp Vmfreuill 1 ɤnˈaktɪd
sp vnacted1
udders n umpire / ~s n rh compacted, enacted Luc 527
ˈɤdəɹz ˈɤmpi:ɹ / -z > act
sp vdders1 sp vmpeere1, vmper1, vmpire2 /
unactive adj
uglier n ɤnˈaktɪv
ˈɤɡləɪəɹ un / ~e Fr det sp vnactiue1
sp vglier 1 œ̃ / yn > active
sp en1, un1, vn1, vn[boyteere]1,
ugl·y / ~iest adj Caius MW 5.5.200 oon2 / une1, vn1,
unadvised adj
ˈɤɡləɪ / -əst vne2 ˌɤnədˈvəɪzd
sp ougly4, vglie1, vgly18 / vgliest1 sp vnaduis'd3, vnaduised3
unable adj > advised
ugl·y / ~ier adv ɤnˈɛ:bəl
ˈɤɡləɪ / -əɹ sp vnable5
unadvisedly adv
sp vgly / ouglier 1 > all-, self-unable m ˌɤnədˈvəɪzɪdˌləɪ
sp vnaduisedly1
ulcer n unaccommodated adj > advised
ˈɤlsəɹ m ˌɤnəˈkɒməˌdɛ:tɪd
sp vnaccommo-dated1
unagreeable adj
sp vlcer1
> accommodate ˌɤnəˈgri:əbəl
ulcerous adj sp vnagreeable1
ˈɤlsrəs, -sər- unaccompanied adj > agree
sp vlcerous3
m ˌɤnəˈkɒmpəˌnəɪd
sp vnaccompanied1
unaneled adj
Ulysses n > accompany ˌɤnəˈneld
ju:ˈlɪsi:z sp vnnaneld1
13 18
unaccustomed adj
sp Vlisses , Vlysses
ˌɤnəˈkɤstəmd unanswered adj
umber n sp vnaccustom’d5 ɤnˈansəɹd, -ˈɔ:n-
ˈɤmbəɹ > accustomed, customed sp vn-answer’d1
> answer
sp vmber1
unaching adj
umbered adj ɤnˈɛ:kɪn, -ɪŋ
ˈɤmbəɹd sp vnaking1
1 > ache
sp vmber’d


unappease / ~d v sp vnauthoriz’d1 unbecoming adj

ˌɤnəˈpi:zd > authorize ˌɤnbɪˈkɤmɪn, -ɪŋ
sp vnappeas’d1 unavoided adj sp vnbecomming1
> appease > becoming
unapt adj sp vnauoided1, vnauoyded3 unbefitting adj
ɤnˈapt > avoid ˌɤnbɪˈfɪtɪn, -ɪŋ
sp vnapt4 unaware / ~s adv sp vnbefitting1
> apt > befit
ˌɤnəˈwɛ:ɹ / -z
unaptness n sp vnaware2 / vnawares5 unbegot / ~ten adj
ɤnˈaptnəs rh are VA 823 ˌɤnbɪˈɡɒt / -tən
sp vnaptnesse1 unbacked adj sp vnbegot1 / vnbegotten1
> apt > beget
m ˈɤnbakt
unarm / ~ed v sp vnback’t1 unbelieved adj
ɤnˈɑ:ɹm / m -d, -ɪd > back m ˌɤnbɪˈli:vɪd
sp vnarme7 / vnarm’d7, vnarmed1 unbaked adj sp vnbeleeued1
> arm > believe
unassailable adj sp vnbak’d1 unben·d / ~t v
m ˌɤnəˈsɛ:ləˌbɤl > bake ɤnˈben·d / -t
sp vnassayleable1 unbanded adj sp vnbend1 / vn-bent1
> assail > bend
unassailed adj sp vnbanded1 unbewailed adj
ˌɤnəˈsɛ:ld > band ˌɤnbɪˈwɛ:ld
sp vnassail’d1 unbar v sp vnbewayl’d1
> assail > bewail
unattainted adj sp vnbarre1 unbid / ~den adj
ˌɤnəˈtɛ:ntɪd > bar m ˈɤnbɪd / ɤnˈbɪdən
sp vnattainted1 unbarbed adj sp vnbid1 / vnbidden1
> attaint > bid
ˈɤnbɑ:ɹbd, m emend
unattempted adj ɤnˈbɑ:ɹbɪd unbind v
ˌɤnəˈtemtɪd, -mpt- sp vnbarb’d1 ɤnˈbəɪnd
sp vnattempted1 > barb sp vnbinde2
> attempt > bind
unbashful adj
unattended adj ɤnˈbaʃfʊl unbitted adj
ˌɤnəˈtendɪd sp vnbashfull1 ɤnˈbɪtɪd
sp vnattended1 > bashful sp vnbitted1
> attend > bite
unbated adj
unauspicious adj ɤnˈbɛ:tɪd unblessed adj
m ˈɤnɒˌspɪsɪəs sp vnbaited1, vnbated2 ɤnˈblest
sp vnauspicious1 sp vnbless’d1, vnblest1
unbattered adj > bless
> auspicious, inauspicious
unauthorized adj sp vnbattered1 unbloodied adj
m ˌɤnɔ:ˈtɒrəɪzd > battered ɤnˈblɤdəɪd
sp vnbloudied1
> bloody


unblowed adj sp vnbowed1, vnbow’d1 unburied adj

ˈɤnblo:d > bow [head] ɤnˈberəɪd
sp vnblowed1 unbraced adj sp vnburied2
> blow > bury
m ɤnˈbrɛ:st, -sɪd
unbodied adj vnbrac’d1, vnbraced2 unburnt adj
ɤnˈbɒdəɪd unbraided adj ɤnˈbɐ:ɹnt
sp vnbodied1 sp vnburnt1
> body > burn
sp vnbraided1
unbolt v unburthen / ~s / ~ed v
unbreathed adj
ɤnˈbo:lt ɤnˈbɐ:ɹðən, -dən / -z / -d
m ˈɤnbreθt, -ri:ðd
sp vnbolt1, vnboult1 sp vnburthen1 / vnburthens1 /
> bolt sp vnbreathed1 vnburthen’d1
> breath > burden
unbolted adj
unbred adj unbutton / ~ing v
1 ɤnˈbred ɤnˈbɤtən / -ɪn, -ɪŋ, -tn-
sp vn-boulted
> bolt sp vnbred1 sp vn-button1 / vnbuttoning1
rh dead S 104.13 > button
unbonnetted adv
unbreeched adj unbuttoned
ɤnˈbɒnɪtɪd adj
1 ɤnˈbri:tʃt ɤnˈbɤtənd
sp vnbonnetted
> bonnet sp vn-breech’d1 sp vnbutton’d1
> breech > button
unbookish adj
unbridled adj uncapable adj
1 ɤnˈbrəɪdld m ɤnˈkɛ:pəˌbɤl
sp vnbookish
> bookish sp vnbrideled1, vnbridled1 sp vncapable2
> bridle > capable
unborn adj
unbroke adj
ɤnˈbɔ:ɹn uncas·e / ~ing v
8 ɤnˈbro:k ɤnˈkɛ:s / -ɪn, -ɪŋ
sp vnborne
rh thorn R2 4.1.321 vnbroke1 sp vncase1 / vncasing1
> born > break > case

unbosom v unbruised adj uncaught adj

ɤnˈbʊzəm m ɤnˈbru:zd, -zɪd ɤnˈkɔ:t
sp vnbosome1 sp vnbruis’d2, vn-bruis’d1, sp vncaught2
> bosom vnbruised1, vnbrused1 > catch
> bruise
unbound adj / v uncertain adj
unbuckl·e / ~es / ~ing v
m ˈɤnbəʊnd ɤnˈsɐ:ɹtən
ɤnˈbɤk·əl / -əlz / -lɪn, -lɪŋ
sp vnbound1 / vnbound2 sp vncertaine10
> bound sp vnbuckle2 / vnbuckles1 / > certain, incertain
unbounded adj > buckle uncertainly Luc adv
ɤnˈbəʊndɪd unbuild v m ɤnˈsɐ:ɹtənˌləɪ
sp vnbounded1 sp vncertainely1
> bound rh quality, discovery Luc 1311
sp vnbuild1
unbowed adj > build
m ɤnˈbəʊɪd, -ˈbəʊd


uncertainty n unchild / ~ed v unclew v

m ɤnˈsɐ:ɹtənˌtəɪ ɤnˈtʃəɪldɪd ɤnˈklu:
sp vncertaintie2, vncertainty1 sp vnchilded1 sp vnclew1
rh fallacy CE 2.2.194 > child
> certainty, incertainty unclog v
uncivil adj ɤnˈklɒɡ
unchain v ɤnˈsɪvɪl sp vnclogge1
ɤnˈtʃɛ:n sp vnciuill8 > clog
sp vnchaine1 > civil
> chain uncoined adj
unclaim / ~ed v m ˈɤnkəɪnd, ɤnˈkəɪnd
unchanging adj ɤnˈklɛ:md sp vncoyned1
ɤnˈtʃɛ:ndʒɪn, -ɪŋ sp vnclaim’d1 > coin
sp vnchanging1 > claim
> change uncolted adj
unclasp / ~ed v m ˈɤnko:ltɪd
uncharge v ɤnˈklasp / -t sp vncolted1
ɤnˈtʃɑ:ɹdʒ sp vnclaspe3 / vnclasp’d2 > colt
sp vncharge1 > clasp
> charge uncomeliness n
uncle / ~’s / ~s n ɤnˈkɤmlɪnəs
uncharged adj ˈɤŋkəl / -z sp vncomelinesse1
m ɤnˈtʃɑ:ɹdʒɪd sp vnckle103, vncle56, vnkle26 / > comeliness
sp vncharged1 vnckles5, vnkles7 / vncles1, vnckles7,
> charge vnkles7 uncomfortable adj
> great-uncle, nuncle m ɤnˈkɤmfəɹˌtabəl
uncharitable sp vncomfortable1
> incharitable uncle v > comfortable
uncharitably adv uncompassionate adj
sp vnckle1
m ɤnˈtʃarɪˌtabləɪ ˌɤnkəmˈpasɪənət
sp vncharitably1 unclean adj sp vncompassionate1
> charitably ɤnˈkli:n > compassionate
sp vncleane4
uncharmed adj uncomprehensive adj
rh scene RJ Prol.4
ɤnˈtʃɑ:ɹmd > clean ɤnˌkɒmprɪˈensɪv, -ˈhe-
sp vncharm’d1
sp vncomprehensiue1
rh armed RJ 1.1.211 uncleanliness n > comprehend
> charm ɤnˈklenlɪnəs
sp vncleanlinesse1 unconfinable adj
unchary adv
> cleanly ˌɤnkənˈfəɪnəbəl
sp vnconfinable1
sp vnchary1 uncleanly adj > confine
> chary ɤnˈklenləɪ
sp vncleanlie1, vncleanly4 unconfirmed adj
unchaste adj
> cleanly ˌɤnkənˈfɐ:ɹmd
m ɤnˈtʃast, ˈɤntʃast
sp vnconfirm’d1, vnconfirmed1
sp vnchaste4 uncleanness n > confirm
> chaste ɤnˈklenəs
sp vncleannesse1 unconquered adj
unchecked adj
> clean ɤnˈkɒŋkəɹd, m Luc
sp vncheck’d1, vncheckt1
sp vnconquer’d1, vnconquered1
> check


rh bred, honoured Luc 408 sp vncouer1 / vncouer’d1 sp vncurles1

> conquered > cover > curl

unconsidered adj uncovered adj uncurrant adj

ˌɤnkənˈsɪdəɹd ɤnˈkɤvəɹd ɤnˈkɤɹənt
sp vnconsidered2 sp vncouer’d2, vncouered1 sp vncurrant3
> considered > cover > currant

unconstant adj uncropped adj uncurse v

ɤnˈkɒnstənt m ɤnˈkrɒpɪd ɤnˈkɐ:ɹs
sp vnconstant4 sp vncropped1 sp vncurse1
> constant, inconstant > crop > curse

unconstrained adj uncrossed adj undaunted adj

m ˌɤnkənˈstrɛ:nd, -nɪd ɤnˈkrɒst ɤnˈdɔ:ntɪd
sp vnconstrained1, vnconstrayn’d1 sp vncros’d1 sp vndaunted4
> constrain > cross > daunt

uncontemned adv uncrown v undeaf v

ˌɤnkənˈtemd ɤnˈkrəʊn ɤnˈdef
sp vncontemn’d1 sp vncrowne1 sp vndeafe1
> contemn > crown > deaf

uncontrolled adj unction n undeck v

ˌɤnkənˈtro:ld ˈɤŋksɪən ɤnˈdek
sp vncontroul’d1 sp vnction2 sp vndeck1
> control > deck
unctious adj
uncorrected adj ˈɤŋksɪəs undeeded adj
ˌɤnkəˈrektɪd sp vnctious1 ɤnˈdi:dɪd
sp vncorrected1 sp vndeeded1
> correct uncuckolded adj > deed
uncounted adj sp vncuckolded1
under adv
ɤnˈkəʊntɪd > cuckold ˈɤndəɹ
sp vncounted1 sp vnder7, [stand]-vnder1, vn-der1
> count uncurable adj rh sunder Luc 386; wonder VA 746
uncouple v sp vncurable1, vncureable1
under prep
ɤnˈkɤpəl > cure ˈɤndəɹ
sp vncouple2 sp vnder252, vnder[saile]1, vn-der8,
> couple uncurbable adj vnder’t1, vn-der’t [under it]1
uncourteous adj sp vncurbable1
under-bear / ~-borne v
ɤnˈkɐ:ɹtəs, -ɪəs, -ˈkɔ:ɹ- > curb ˈɤndəɹ-ˈbɛ:ɹ / -ˈbɔ:ɹn
sp vncourteous1 sp vnder-beare1 / vn-derborn1
> courteous uncurbed adj > bear
m ɤnˈkɐ:ɹbɪd
uncouth adj sp vncurbed1
under-bearing n
ɤnˈku:θ > curb ˈɤndəɹ-ˈbɛ:rɪn, -ɪŋ
sp vncouth2 sp vnder-bearing1
uncurl / ~s v > bear
uncover / ~ed v ɤnˈkɐ:ɹlz
ɤnˈkɤvəɹ / -d


under-crest v undermine v understanding / ~s n

ˈɤndəɹ-ˈkrest m ˈɤndəɹˈməɪn, -ɹm- ˌɤndəɹˈstandɪn, -ɪŋ / -z
sp vnder-crest1 sp vndermine2, vnder-mine1 sp understanding1, vnderstanding12,
> crest > mine vn-derstanding1 / vn-derstandings1

under-fiend / ~s n underminer / ~s n undertak·e / ~s / ~ing /

ˈɤndəɹ-ˈfi:ndz, -ˈfen- ˈɤndəɹˈməɪnəɹz under·took / ~ta’n v
sp vnder fiends1 sp vnderminers1 ˌɤndəɹˈtɛ:k / -s / -ɪn, -ɪŋ /
> fiend > mine ˌɤndəɹ·ˈtʊk / -tɛ:n
sp vndertake42, vnder-take1,
underfoot adv underneath adv / prep
vndertak’t [undertake it]1 /
ˈɤndəɹ-ˈfʊt m ˌɤndəɹˈni:θ / ˈɤndəɹˌni:θ vndertakes3 / vndertaking2 /
sp vnderfoote1 sp vnder-neath1 / vnderneath13 vndertooke5 / vnderta’ne1
> foot > take
under-peep v
underglobe n ˈɤndəɹ-ˈpi:p undertaker n
ˈɤndəɹ-ˈɡlo:b sp vnder-peepe1 ˈɤndəɹˌtɛ:kəɹ
sp vnder globe1 > peep sp vndertaker2
> globe > take
underpriz·e / ~ing v
under·go / ~goes / ~went / ˈɤndəɹ-ˈprɛ:zɪn, -ɪŋ undertaking / ~s n
~gone v sp vnderprising1 ˌɤndəɹˈtɛ:kɪn, -ɪŋ / -z
m ˈɤndəɹˈɡo:, -ɹɡo: / -z / > prize sp vndertaking3 / vndertakings2,
ˈɤndəɹ-ˈwent / -ˈɡɒn vnder-takings1
under-prop v > take
sp vndergo6, vnder-go1, vn-der-go1,
6 2
vndergoe , vnder-goe / vndergoes 2 ˈɤndəɹ-ˈprɒp
sp vnder-prop2
undervalued adj
/ vnderwent1 / vndergon1
> go > prop ˈɤndəɹˈvaljəd, -ju:d
sp vndervallewd1, vndervalued1
undergoing adj underskinker n > value
ˈɤndəɹ-ˈɡo:ɪn, -ɪŋ ˈɤndəɹˌskɪŋkəɹ
under·work, ~-wrought v
sp vndergoing1 sp vnder skinker1
> go
understand / ~eth / ~s / ~eth / sp vnder-wrought1
underhand adj ~ing / understood v > work
m ˈɤndəɹˌand, -ˌha-, -ɹa- ˌɤndəɹˈstand / -nst, -ndst / -dz / under·write / ~-writ v
sp vnder-hand2 -əθ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / ˌɤndəɹˈstʊd ˈɤndəˈrɪt
> hand 89 3
sp vnderstand , vn-derstand ,
sp vnder-writ1
vnder-stand5 / vnderstand’st1 /
under-hangman n > write
vnderstands4, vnder-stands1 /
ˈɤndəɹ-ˈaŋmən, -ˈha- vnderstandeth1 / vnderstanding1 / undescried adj
sp vnder hangman1 vnderstood9, vnder-stood1,
> hangman vnderstoode1
sp vndescry’d1
rh a-land Per 3.2.66; hand AY
under-honest n > descry
2.7.204; land R2 5.3.123; scanned CE
ˈɤndəɹ-ˈɒnɪst 2.2.160 / rh 1 good R2 2.1.213; rh 2
undeserved adj
sp vnder honest1 blood LC 200; their bud LLL 5.2.294;
rh 3 mood LC 200
m ˈɤndɪˈzɐ:ɹvɪd, -vd
> honest
sp vndeserued4
pun TG 2.5.29, TN 3.1.77
underling / ~s n > deserve
ˈɤndəɹlɪŋz undeserver / ~s n
sp vnderlings1 understanding adj
ˈɤndɪˈzɐɹvəɹ / -z
ˌɤndəɹˈstandɪn, -ɪŋ
sp vndeseruer2 / vndeseruers1
sp vnderstanding3
> deserver

undeserving adj un·do / ~does /~doing / ~did / undrowned adj

ˈɤndɪˈzɐɹvɪn, -ɪŋ ~done v ɤnˈdrəʊnd
sp vndeseruing2 ɤn·ˈdu: / -ˈdɤz / -ˈdu:ɪn, -ɪŋ / sp vndrown’d2
> deserving -ˈdɪd / -ˈdɤn > drown
sp vndo9, vndoe14, vndoo4, vndoo’t
undetermined adj unduteous adj
[undo it]1 / vndoes1, vndo’s1 /
ˈɤndɪˈtɐ:ɹmɪnd vndoing1 / vndid2 / vndon2,
sp vndetermin’d1 vndone50, vn-done2 sp vnduteous1
> determine rh undo us to us LLL 5.2.425 > duteous
> do
undid undutiful adj
> undo undoing n ɤnˈdju:tɪfʊl
ɤnˈdu:ɪn, -ɪŋ sp vndutifull1
undinted adj 3 1 > dutiful
sp vndoing , vndooing
ɤnˈdɪntɪd > do
sp vndinted1 une
> dint undone adj > un
undiscernable adj unearned adj
sp vndone1
ˈɤndɪˈsɐ:ɹnəbəl rh run VA 783; son Per 1.1.118; sun
m ɤnˈɐ:ɹnɪd
sp vndiscerneable1 Mac 5.5.50 sp vnearned1
> discern > do > earn

undiscovered adj undoubted adj unearthly adj

ˈɤndɪsˈkɤvəɹd ɤnˈdəʊtɪd ɤnˈɐ:ɹθləɪ
sp vndiscouer’d2, vndiscouered1 sp vndoubted4 sp vn-earthly1
> discover > doubt > earthly

undishonoured adj undoubtedly adv uneasiness n

m ˈɤndɪsˈɒnəˌred m ɤnˈdəʊtɪdˌləɪ m ɤnˈi:zɪˌnes
sp vndishonoured1 sp vndoubtedly1 sp vneasinesse1
rh bed CE 2.2.155 > doubt > easiness
> dishonoured
undoubtful adj uneasy adj
undisposed adj ɤnˈdəʊtfʊl ɤnˈi:zəɪ
ˈɤndɪˈspo:zd sp vndoubtfull1 sp vneasie4
sp vndispos’d1 > doubtful > easy
> dispose
undreamed adj uneducated adj
undistinguishable adj ˈɤndri:md ɤnˈedjəˌkɛ:tɪd
m ˈɤndɪˈstɪŋɡwɪˌʃabəl sp vndream’d1 sp vneduca-ted1
sp vndistinguishable2 > dream > educate
> distinguish
undress v uneffectual adj
undividable adj ɤnˈdres ˈɤnɪˈfektɪɑl
m ˈɤndɪˈvəɪdəˌbɤl sp vndresse1 sp vneffectuall1
sp vndiuidable1 > dress > effectual
> dividable
undressed adj unelected adj
undivulged adj ɤnˈdrest ˈɤnɪˈlektɪd
m ˈɤndɪˈvɤldʒd, -dʒɪd sp vndressed1 sp vnelected1
sp vndivulg’d1, vndivulged1 > dress > elect
> divulged


unequal adj sp vnfallible1 unfenced adj

ɤnˈi:kwɑl > fallible, infallible m ɤnˈfensɪd
sp vnequall5 unfamed adj sp vnfenced1
> equal > fence
uneven adj sp vnfam’d1 unfilled adj
ɤnˈi:vən, -ˈev- > famed m ɤnˈfɪld, ˈɤnfɪld
sp vneeuen1, vneuen6 unfashionable adj sp vnfill’d2
rh seven R2 2.2.120 > fill
m ɤnˈfaʃɪənˌabəl
> even
sp vnfashionable1 unfilial adj
unexamined adj > fashionable ɤnˈfɪlɪɑl
m ˈɤnɪɡˈzamɪnd unfasten v sp vnfilliall1
sp vnexamin’d > filial
> examine
sp vnfasten1 unfinished adj
unexecuted adj > fasten ɤnˈfɪnɪʃt
m ɤnˈeksɪˌkju:tɪd unfathered adj sp vnfinish’d2, vn-finish’d1
sp vnexecuted rh diminished VA 415
> execute > finish
sp vnfather’d1
unexpected adj rh gathered S 124.2 unfirm adj
ˈɤnɪksˈpektɪd > father m ɤnˈfɐ:ɹm, ˈɤnfɐ:ɹm
sp vnexpected2 unfed adj sp vnfirme4
> expected > firm
unexperienced adj sp vnfed1 unfit adj
ˈɤnɪksˈpi:rɪənst > feed ɤnˈfɪt
sp vnexperienc’d1 unfeed adj sp vnfit10
> experienced > fit
unexpressive adj sp vnfeed1 unfitness adj
ˈɤnɪksˈpresɪv > fee ɤnˈfɪtnəs
sp vnexpressiue1 unfeeling adj sp vnfitnesse1
> expressive > fit
ɤnˈfi:lɪn, -ɪŋ
unfained adj sp vnfeeling4 unfix v
m ɤnˈfɛ:nɪd > feel ɤnˈfɪks
sp vnfained2 unfeigned adj sp vnfixe3
> fain > fix
m ɤnˈfɛ:nɪd
unfainedly adv sp vnfained2, vnfayned1 unfledged adj
m ɤnˈfɛ:nɪdˌləɪ > feigned ɤnˈfledʒd
sp vnfainedly2 unfeignedly adv sp vnfledg’d3
> fain > fledge
m ɤnˈfɛ:nɪdˌləɪ
unfaithful n sp vnfainedly2, vnfeignedly1 unfold / ~s /~eth / ~ed v
ɤnˈfɛ:θfʊl > feign ɤnˈfo:ld / -z / -əθ / -ɪd
sp vnfaith-full1 unfelt adj sp vnfold29, vn-fold1 / vnfolds3 /
> faithful vnfoldeth1 / vnfolded4
m ɤnˈfelt, ˈɤnfelt
rh behold MND 1.1.208; behold,
unfallible adj sp vnfelt3 cold Luc 1146; behold, untold Luc
ɤnˈfalɪbəl > unfeel 754; hold MW 1.3.88
> fold


unfolding adj / n sp vnfurnish’d1, vnfurnisht2 ungot / ~ten adj

ɤnˈfo:ldɪn, -ɪŋ > furnish ɤnˈɡɒt / -ən
sp vnfolding1 / vnfolding1 ungained adj sp vngot1 / vngotten1
> fold > get
unfool v sp vngain’d2 ungoverned adj
ɤnˈfʊl, -ˈfu:l > gain ɤnˈɡɤvəɹnd
sp vnfoole1 ungalled adj / adv sp vngouern’d5
> fool > govern
m ɤnˈɡɑ:lɪd
unforced adj sp vngalled1 / vngalled1 ungracious adj
ɤnˈfɔ:ɹst > gall ɤnˈɡrɛ:sɪəs
sp vnforc’d1, vn-forc’d1 ungartered adj / adv sp vngracious8
> forced > gracious
unforfeited adj sp vngarter’d1, vngartred1 / ungrateful adj
m ɤnˈfɔ:ɹfɪˌtɪd vn-garter’d1 ɤnˈɡrɛ:tfʊl
> garter
sp vnforfaited1 sp vngratefull6
> forfeit ungenitured adj > grateful, ingrateful

unfortified adj ɤnˈdʒenɪtəɹd ungravely adv

m ɤnˈfɔ:ɹtɪˌfəɪd sp vngenitur’d1 ɤnˈɡrɛ:vləɪ
sp vnfortified1 ungentle adj sp vngrauely1
> fortify > gravely
unfortunate adj sp vngentle11 ungrown adj
m ɤnˈfɔ:ɹtnət, -tənˌɛ:t > gentle m ˈɤnɡro:n
sp vnfortunate10 ungentleness n sp vngrowne1
> fortune, infortunate > grow
m ɤnˈdʒentlˌnes
unfought adj sp vngentlenesse1 unguarded adj
ɤnˈfɔ:t > gentleness ɤnˈɡɑ:ɹdɪd
sp vnfought1 ungently adv sp vnguarded3
> fight > guard
unfrequented adj sp vngently3 unguem Lat n
ˈɤnfrɪˈkwentɪd > ungently ˈʊŋɡwem
sp vnfrequented2 ungird v sp vnguem1, Costard LLL 5.1.72
> frequent error dungil, Holofernes 5.1.74
unfriended adj sp vngird1 > dunghill
ɤnˈfrendɪd > gird

sp vnfriended2
unguided adj
ungodly adj
> friend ɤnˈɡəɪdɪd
sp vnguided2
unfurnish / ~ed v sp vngodly1 > guided
ɤnˈfɐ:ɹnɪʃ / -t > godly

sp vnfurnish1 / vnfurnisht2
unhacked adj
ungorged adj
> furnish ˈɤnˌakt, -ˌha-
sp vnhack’d1, vnhackt1
unfurnished adj sp vngorg’d1 > hack
ɤnˈfɐ:ɹnɪʃt > gorge


unhair v sp vnhardned1 unhopeful / ~est adj

ɤnˈɛ:ɹ, -ˈhɛ:ɹ > harden ɤnˈo:pfləst, -fʊl-, -ˈho:-
sp vnhaire1 unhatched adj sp vnhopefullest1
> hair > hopeful
m ɤnˈatʃt, ˈɤnatʃt, -ˈha-
unhallowed adj sp vnhatch’d2, vnhatch’t1 unhorse v
m ɤnˈɑləd, -ləwɪd, -lo:d, > hatch ɤnˈɔ:ɹs, -ˈhɔ:-
-lo:ɪd, -ˈhɑ- unheard adj sp vnhorse1
sp vnhallow’d2, vnhallowed6 > horse
m ɤnˈɛ:ɹd, ˈɤnɛ:ɹd, -ˈhɛ:-,
> hallow
-ɑ:ɹd, -ˈhɑ:- unhospitable adj
unhand v sp vnheard2, vn-heard2 m ɤnˈɒspɪˌtabəl, -ˈhɒ-
ɤnˈand, -ˈha- > hear sp vnhospitable1
sp vnhand 1 > hospitable
unheart / ~s v
> hand
ɤnˈɑ:ɹts, -ˈhɑ:- unhoused adj
unhandled adj sp vnhearts1 m ɤnˈəʊzɪd, -ˈhəʊ-
ɤnˈandld, -ˈha- > heart sp vnhoused2
sp vnhandled 2 > house v
unheedful adj
> handle
ɤnˈi:dfʊl, -ˈhi:- unhousled adj
unhandsome adj sp vnheedfull1, vn-heedfull1 ɤnˈəʊzəld, -ˈhəʊ-
ɤnˈansəm-, -ˈha- > heedful sp vnhouzzled1
sp vnhandsome unheedfully adv
> handsome
unhurtful adj
ɤnˈi:dfləɪ, -fʊl-, -ˈhi:- ɤnˈɐ:ɹtfʊl, -ˈhɐ:-
unhanged adj sp vnheedfully1 vnhurtfull1
ɤnˈaŋd, -ˈha- > heedfully > hurt
sp vnhang’d1 unheedy adj
> hang
unicorn / ~s n
ɤnˈi:dəɪ, -ˈhi:- ˈju:nɪkɔ:ɹn / -z
unhappily adv sp vnheedy1 sp vnicorne1 / vnicornes2
m ɤnˈapləɪ, -pɪl-, -ɪˌləɪ, -ˈha- > heed

sp vnhappely1, vnhappily3
unimproved adj
unhelpful adj
> happily m ˈɤnɪmˈprɤvɪd, -ru:v-
ɤnˈelpfʊl, -ˈhe-
sp vnimproued1
unhappiness n sp vnhelpefull1 > improve
m ɤnˈapɪˌnes, -ɪnəs, -ˈha- > help

sp vnhappinesse2
uninhabitable adj
unhidden adj
> happiness ˈɤnɪnˈabɪtəbəl, -ˈha-
ɤnˈɪdən, -ˈhɪ-
sp vninhabitable1
unhappy adj sp vnhidden1 > inhabit
ɤnˈapəɪ, -ˈha- > hide

sp vnhappie17, vnhappy22
unintelligent adj
unholy adj
> happy ˈɤnɪnˈtelɪdʒənt
ɤnˈo:ləɪ, ˈho:-
sp vn-intelligent1
unhapp·y / ~ied v sp vnholy3 > intelligent
ɤnˈapəɪd, -ˈha- > holy

sp vnhappied1
union n
unhoped adj
> happy ˈju:nɪən
ˈɤno:pd, -ho:-
sp vnion5
unhardened adj sp vnhop’d1
ɤnˈɑ:ɹdənd, ˈhɑ:- > hope


unite v unkind / ~est adj sp vnknit4

jʊˈnəɪt m ɤnˈkəɪnd, ˈɤnkəɪnd / > knit

sp vnite6 ɤnˈkəɪndəst unknowing n

sp vnkind5, vnkinde17 / vnkindest4 ɤnˈno:ɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈkn-
united adj rh 1 blind Tit 5.3.47; find KL 1.1.260;
jʊˈnəɪtɪd sp vnknowing1
mind CE 4.2.21; Ham 3.1.101, VA 204,
> know
sp vnited5 310; rh 2 wind AY 2.7.176, VA 187
> kind unknown adj
unity n
unkind n m ɤnˈno:n, ˈɤn-no:n, -kn-
m ˈju:nɪtəɪ, -ˌtəɪ
ɤnˈkəɪnd sp vnknown4, vnknowne37
sp vnitie2, vnity5
rh own Luc 34
sp vnkinde1
universal adj > know
rh mind TN 3.4.359
ˌju:nɪˈvɐ:ɹsɑl > kind unlace / ~d v
sp vniuersal1, vniuersall12, ɤnˈlɛ:s / -t
unkindly adv
ɤnˈkəɪndləɪ sp vnlace1 / vnlac’d1
universe n 2 4 rh unlaced me embraced me
sp vnkindely , vnkindly
PP 11.7
ˈju:nɪˌvɐ:ɹs > kindly
> lace
sp vniuerse1
unkindness n unlaid adj
universit·y / ~ies n ɤnˈkəɪndnəs ɤnˈlɛ:d
ˌju:nɪˈvɐ:ɹsɪtəɪ / m -sɪˌtəɪz sp vnkindenesse1, vnkindnes1,
sp vnlaid1
1 1
vni-uersitie , vniuersity / vnkindnesse18
> lay
vniuersities1 > kindness
unlawful adj
unjointed adj unking / ~ed v
ɤnˈdʒəɪntɪd ɤnˈkɪŋd
sp vnlawfull10, vnlaw-full1
sp vnioynted1 sp vn-king’d1
> lawful
> joint > king
unlawfully adv
unjust adj unkinged adj
m ɤnˈlɔ:fʊˌləɪ, -fʊləɪ, -fləɪ
m ɤnˈdʒɤst, ˈɤndʒɤst m ˈɤnkɪŋd
sp vn-lawfullie1, vnlawfully2
sp vniust20 sp vn-king’d1
> lawfully
rh dust AW 5.3.63; lust Luc 189; lust, > king
mistrust Luc 285; trust PP 18.21, unlearned adj
unkinglike adv
S 138.9 m ɤnˈlɐ:ɹnd, -nɪd
> just ɤnˈkɪŋləɪk
sp vnlearn’d2, vnlearned2
sp vn-kinglike1
unjustly adv > learn
> king
ɤnˈdʒɤstləɪ unless conj
sp vniustly7
unkiss v
> justly ɤnˈkɪs
sp vnles3, vnless1, vnlesse143
sp vn-kisse1
unkennel v > kiss unlessoned adj
ɤnˈkenəl ɤnˈlesənd
sp vnkennell2
unkissed adj
ɤnˈkɪst sp vnlessoned1
> kennel
> lesson
sp vnkist1
unkept adv > kiss unlettered adj
ɤnˈkept ɤnˈletəɹd
sp vnkept1
unknit v
ɤnˈnɪt, -ˈkn- sp vnletered1, vnletter’d1, vnlettered1
> keep
> letter


unlicked adj sp vnlook’d1 unmannered adj

ˈɤnlɪkt > look ɤnˈmanəɹd
sp vn-lick’d1 unlooked-for adj sp vnmanner’d2
> lick > manner
unlike adj / prep sp vnlook’d-for1, vnlook’d for5, unmannerly adj / adv
ɤnˈləɪk vnlookt for1 m ɤnˈmanəɹˌləɪ, -ɹl-
> look
sp vnlike4 / vnlike10 sp vnmannerly8, vn-mannerly1 /
> like unloose / ~d v vnmannerly4
rh by 1H4 1.3.42
unlikely adj ɤnˈlu:s / -t
> manner
ɤnˈləɪkləɪ sp vnloose5 / vnloos’d1
3 > loose unmarried adj
sp vnlikely
rh quickly VA 989 unloved adj ɤnˈmarəɪd
> likely sp vnmarried1
> marry
unlimited adj sp vnlou’d2
ɤnˈlɪmɪtɪd > love unmask v
sp vnlimited 1
unloving adj ɤnˈmask
> limit sp vnmaske2
ɤnˈlɤvɪn, -ɪŋ
> mask
unlineal adj sp vnlouing1
ɤnˈlɪnɪɑl > love unmastered adj
sp vnlineall 1
unluckily adv ɤnˈmastəɹd
> lineal sp vnmastred1
m ɤnˈlɤkɪˌləɪ, -ɪl-
> master
unlink / ~ed v sp vnluckily7
ɤnˈlɪŋkt > luckily unmatchable adj
sp vnlink’d 1
unlucky adj m ɤnˈmatʃəbəl, -ˌbɤl
> link sp vnmatchable3, vnmatcheable1
> match
unlived adj sp vnluckie4, vnlucky1
ɤnˈləɪvd > lucky unmatched adj
sp vnliued 1
unmade adj m ɤnˈmatʃt, -tʃɪd
rh deprived, derived Luc 1754 sp vnmatch’d2, vnmatched2
> match
unload / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v sp vnmade1
ɤnˈlo:d / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd > make unmeasurable adj
1 1
sp vnload , vnloade / vnloads / 1
unmake v m ɤnˈmezəɹəbəl, -ˌbɤl
vnloading1 / vnloaded1 sp vnmeasurable1, vnmeasureable1
> load > measure
sp vnmake2
unlock v > make unmeet adj
ɤnˈlɒk unmanly adj ɤnˈmi:t
sp vnlocke4 sp vnmeet3, vnmeete2
> lock rh sweet LLL 4.3.111, PP 16.13
sp vnmanly4 > meet
unlocked adj > manly
ɤnˈlɒkt unmellowed adj
unmanned adj
sp vnlock’d 1 ɤnˈmeləd, -lo:d
> lock sp vn-mellowed1
sp vnman’d1, vnmann’d1 > mellow
unlooked adj > man


unmerciful adj sp vnmou’d1 sp vnnoble1

ɤnˈmɐ:ɹsɪfəl > move > noble

sp vnmercifull1 unmusical adj unnoted adj

> merciful
m ɤnˈmju:zɪˌkɑl ɤnˈno:tɪd
unmeritable adj sp vnmusicall1 sp vnnoted2
m ɤnˈmerɪˌtabəl > musical > note

sp vnmeritable2 unmuzzle v unnumbred adj

> merit
ɤnˈmɤzəl ɤnˈnɤmbəɹd
unmeriting adj sp vnmuzzle1 sp vnnumbred2
ɤnˈmerɪtɪn, -ɪŋ > muzzle > number

sp vn-meriting1 unmuzzled adj unowed adj

> merit
ɤnˈmɤzəld m ˈɤno:d
unminded adj sp vnmuzled1 sp vn-owed1
ɤnˈməɪndɪd > muzzle > owe

sp vnminded1 unnatural adj unpack v

> mind
m ɤnˈnatrəl, -tər-, -təˌrɑl ɤnˈpak
unmindful adj sp vnnaturall37 sp vnpacke1
ɤnˈməɪndfʊl > natural > pack

sp vnmindfull1 unnaturally adv unpaid / ~-for adj

> mind
m ɤnˈnatrəˌləɪ ɤnˈpɛ:d / -ˌfɔ:ɹ
unmingled adj sp vnnaturally1 sp vnpaid1, vnpaide1 / vnpayd-for1
ɤnˈmɪŋɡəld > naturally > unpay

sp vnmingled2 unneath adv unparagoned adj

> mingle
ɤnˈi:θ m ɤnˈparəˌɡɒnd, -əɡənd
unmitigable adj sp vnneath1 sp vnparagon’d2
m ɤnˈmɪtɪˌɡabəl > paragon
unnecessarily adv
sp vnmittigable1 unparalelled adj
m ɤnˌnesɪˈsarɪˌləɪ
> mitigate
sp vnnecessarily1 m ɤnˈparəˌleld
unmitigated adj > necessarily sp vnparalell’d2, vnparallell’d1
ɤnˈmɪtɪˌɡɛ:tɪd > parallel
unnecessary adj
sp vnmittigated1
m ɤnˈnesɪˌsarəɪ, -ɪsrəɪ unpardonable adj
> mitigate
sp vnnecessarie1, vnnecessary2 m ɤnˈpɑ:ɹdəˌnabəl
unmix / ~ed v > necessary sp vnpardonable1
ɤnˈmɪkst > pardon
unneighbourly adv
sp vnmixt1 unpartial adj
m ɤnˈnɛ:bəɹˌləɪ
> mix
sp vn-neighbourly1 ɤnˈpɑ:ɹsɪɑl
unmoaned adj > neighbourly sp vnpartiall1
ɤnˈmo:nd > partial
unnerved adj
sp vnmoan’d1 unpathed
m ɤnˈnɐ:ɹvɪd adj
> moan
sp vnnerued1 m ˈɤnpaθt
unmoved adj > nerve sp vnpath’d1
ɤnˈmɤvd, -ˈmu:vd > path
unnoble adj


unpaved adj sp vnpittied4 unpossesed adj

m ˈɤnpɛ:vd > pity ˈɤnpəˈzest
sp vnpaued1 unpitifully adv sp vnpossest1
> pave > possess
ɤnˈpɪtɪfləɪ, -fʊl-
unpay / unpaid v sp vnpittifully1 unpractised adj
ɤnˈpɛ: / -d > pitiful ɤnˈpraktɪst
sp vnpay1 / vnpayd1 unplagued adj sp vnpractis’d1, vnpractiz’d1
> unpaid > practice
unpeaceable adj sp vnplagu’d1 unpregnant adj
ɤnˈpi:səbəl, -ˈpɛ:s- > plague ɤnˈpreɡnənt
sp vnpeaceable1 unplausive adj sp vnpregnant2
> peaceable > pregnant
unpeg v sp vnplausiue1 unpremeditated adj
ɤnˈpeɡ > plausive m ˈɤnprɪˈmedɪˌtɛ:tɪd
sp vnpegge1 unpleasant / ~est adj sp vnpremeditated1
> peg > premeditate
ɤnˈplezənst, -ntst
unpeople v sp vnpleasant’st1 unprepared adj
ɤnˈpi:pəl > pleasant ˈɤnprɪˈpɛ:ɹd, -ˈpɑ:ɹd
sp vnpeople2, vn-people1, unpleased adj sp vnprepar’d2, vnpre-par’d1,
vnpeo-ple1 vnprepared2
> people > prepare
sp vnpleas’d1
unpeopled adj > please unpressed adj
ɤnˈpi:pəld unpleasing adj ɤnˈprest
sp vn-peopel’d1, vnpeopled2 sp vnprest1
ɤnˈpli:zɪn, -ɪŋ
> people > press
sp vnpleasing6
unperfectness n > please unprevailing adj
ɤnˈpɐ:ɹfɪtnəs unpolicied adj ˈɤnprɪˈvɛ:lɪn, -ɪŋ
sp vnperfectnesse1 sp vnpreuayling1
> perfect > prevail
sp vnpolicied1
unpicked adj > policy unprevented adj
ɤnˈpɪkt unpolished adj ˈɤnprɪˈventɪd
sp vnpickt1 sp vnpreuented1
> pick > prevent
sp vnpolished1, vnpolisht1,
unpin v vnpollisht1 unprizable adj
ɤnˈpɪn > polished m ɤnˈprəɪzəbəl, -ˌbɤl
sp vn-pin2 unpolluted adj sp vnprizable1, vnprizea-ble1
> pin > prize
unpinked adj sp vnpolluted1 unprized adj
ɤnˈpɪŋkt > pollute ˈɤnprəɪzd
sp vnpinkt1 unpossessing adj sp vnpriz’d1
> pink > prize
ˈɤnpəˈzesɪn, -ɪŋ
unpitied adj sp vnpossessing1 unprofitable adj
ɤnˈpɪtəɪd > possessing m ɤnˈprɒfɪtˌabəl


sp vnprofitable4 unpurged adj sp vnrak’d1

> profitable m ɤnˈpɐ:ɹdʒɪd > rake

unprofited adj sp vnpurged1 unread n

> purge
ɤnˈprɒfɪtɪd ɤnˈred
sp vnprofited1 unpurposed adj sp vn-read1
> profit ɤnˈpɐ:ɹpəst > read

unproper adj sp vnpurpos’d1 unready adj

> purpose
ɤnˈprɒpəɹ ɤnˈredəɪ
sp vnproper1 unqualitied adj sp vnreadie1, vnready2
> proper ɤnˈkwɑlɪtəɪd > ready

unproperly adv sp vnqualitied1 unreal adj

> quality
m ɤnˈprɒpəɹˌləɪ ɤnˈri:ɑl
sp vnproperly1 unqueened adj sp vnreall2
> properly ɤnˈkwi:nd > real

unproportioned adj sp vnqueen’d1 unreasonable adj

> queen
ˈɤnprəˈpɔ:ɹsɪənd m ɤnˈrɛ:zəˌnabəl, -znəbəl
sp vnproportion’d1 unquestionable adj sp vnreasonable4
> proportion ɤnˈkwestɪənəbəl > reasonable

unprovide v sp vnquestionable1 unreasonably adv

> questionable
ˈɤnprəˈvəɪd m ɤnˈrɛ:zəˌnabləɪ
sp vnpro-uide1 unquestioned adj sp vnreasonably1
> provide ɤnˈkwestɪənd > reasonably

unprovided adj / adv sp vnquestion’d2 unreclaimed adj

> question
ˈɤnprəˈvəɪdɪd m ˈɤnrɪˈklɛ:mɪd
sp vnprouided3 / vnprouided3 unquiet adj sp vnreclaim’d1
> provide ɤnˈkwəɪət > reclaim

unprovident S adj sp vnquiet7 unreconciled adj

> quiet
m ɤnˈprɒvɪˌdent ɤnˈrekənsəɪld
sp vnprouident1 unquietly adv sp vnreconcil’d1
rh evident S 10.2 ɤnˈkwəɪətləɪ > reconcile
> provident
sp vnquietly1 unreconciliable adj
unprovoke / ~s > quietly
v ɤnˌrekənˈsəɪləbəl
ˈɤnprəˈvo:ks unquietness n sp vnreconciliable1
sp vnprouokes1 m ɤnˈkwəɪətnəs, -ˌnes > reconcile
> provoke
sp vnquietnesse2 unrecounted adj
unpruned adj > quietness
m ɤnˈpru:nɪd, -nd unraised adj sp vnrecounted1
sp vnpruin’d1, vnpruned2 m ɤnˈrɛ:zɪd > recount
> prune
sp vnraysed1 unrecuring adj
> raise
unpublished adj ˈɤnrɪˈkju:ɹɪn, -ɪŋ
ɤnˈpɤblɪʃt unraked adj sp vnrecuring1
sp vnpublish’d1 ɤnˈrɛ:kt > recure
> publish


unregarded adj unrestored adj unrivalled adj

ˈɤnrɪˈɡɑ:ɹdɪd ˈɤnrɪˈstɔ:ɹd ɤnˈrəɪvəld
sp vnregarded1 sp vnrestor’d1 sp vn-riual’d1
> regard > restore > rival

unregister / ~ed v unrestrained adj unroll / ~ed v

m ɤnˈredʒɪˌstɐ:ɹd m ˈɤnrɪˈstrɛ:nɪd ɤnˈro:l / -d
sp vnregistred1 sp vnrestrained1 sp vnrowle1 / vnrold1
> register > restrain > roll

unrelenting adj unrevenged adj unroof / ~ed v

ˈɤnrɪˈlentɪn, -ɪŋ ˈɤnrɪˈvendʒd ɤnˈru:ft, -ˈrʊ-
sp vnrelenting2, vn-relenting1 sp vnreueng’d2 sp Cor 1.1.216 emend of unroo’st
> relent > revenge > roof

unremovable adj unreverend adj unroost / ~ed v

ˈɤnrɪˈmɤvəbəl, -mu:v- ɤnˈrevrənd, -vər- ɤnˈru:stɪd
sp vnremoueable1 sp vnreuerend3 sp vnroosted1
> remove > reverence
unroot v
unremovably adj unreverent adj ɤnˈru:t
ˈɤnrɪˈmɤvəbləɪ, -mu:v- ɤnˈrevrənt, -vər- sp vnroote1
sp vnremoueably1 sp vnreuerent3 > root
> remove > reverent
unrough adj
unreprievable adj unreversed adj m ˈɤnrɤf
m ˈɤnrɪˈpri:vəˌbɤl ˈɤnrɪˈvɐ:ɹst sp vnruffe1
sp vnrepreeuable1 sp vn-reuerst1 > rough
> reprieve > reverse
unruly adj
unresolved adj unrewarded adj ɤnˈru:ləɪ
ˈɤnrɪˈsɒlvd, -ˈz- ˈɤnrɪˈwɑ:ɹdɪd sp vnruly12, vn-ruly1
sp vnresolu’d1 sp vn-rewarded1
> resolve > reward unsafe adj
unrespected S adj unrighteous adj sp vnsafe4
ˈɤnrɪˈspektɪd ɤnˈrəɪtɪəs > safe
sp unrespected2 sp vnrighteous1
rh directed S 43.2 > righteous unsaluted adj
unrespective adj unrightful adj sp vnsaluted1
ˈɤnrɪˈspektɪv ɤnˈrəɪtfʊl > salute
sp vnrespectiue2 sp vnrightfull1
> respect > rightful unsanctified adj
m ɤnˈsaŋktɪˌfəɪd
unrest n unrip / ~est v
sp vnsanctified3
ɤnˈrest ɤnˈrɪps, -st > sanctify
sp vnrest6 sp vnrip’st1
rh best RJ 1.5.120; breast Luc 1725; > ripe unsatiate adj
chest Tit 2.3.8; expressed S 147.10; ɤnˈsasɪət
west R2 2.4.22
unripe adj
sp vnsatiate1
> rest ɤnˈrəɪp > satiate
sp vnripe1
> ripe


unsatisfied adj / n unseal / ~ed v unseemly adj

m ɤnˈsatɪsˌfəɪd ɤnˈsi:l / -d ɤnˈsi:mləɪ
sp vnsatisfi’d1, vnsatisfied4 / sp vnseale4 / vnseal’d1 sp vnseemely1
vnsatisfied1 > seal > seemly
> satisfy
unseam / ~ed v unseen adj
unsavoury adj ɤnˈsi:md ɤnˈsi:n
ɤnˈsɛ:vrəɪ, -vər- sp vnseam’d1 sp vnseene15, vn-seene1
sp vnsauorie1, vnsauory1, > seam rh keen S 118.3
vnsauoury1 > see
> savoury unsearched adj
ɤnˈsɐ:ɹtʃt unseminared adj
unsay v sp vnsearcht1 m ɤnˈsemɪˌnɑ:ɹd
ɤnˈsɛ: > search sp vnseminar’d1
sp vnsay3, vnsay’t [unsay it]1
rh away MND 1.1.181 unseasonable adj unseparable adj
> say m ɤnˈsɛ:zəˌnabəl, -znəbəl m ɤnˈsepəˌrabəl
sp vnseasonable3 sp vnseparable1
unscalable adj > season > separate
m ɤnˈskɛ:ləˌbɤl
sp vnskaleable1 unseasonably adv unserviceable adj
> scale ɤnˈsɛ:znəbləɪ, -zən- ɤnˈsɐ:ɹvɪsəbəl
sp vnseasonably1 sp vn-seruiceable1
unscanned adj > season > service
m ˈɤnskand
sp vnskan’d1 unseasoned adj unset v
> scan ɤnˈsɛ:zənd ɤnˈset
sp vnseason’d3 sp vnset1
unscarred adj > season rh counterfeit S 16.6
m ɤnˈskɑ:ɹd, ˈɤnskɑ:ɹd > set
sp vnscarr’d2 unseconded adj
> scar ɤnˈsekəndɪd unsettle v
sp vn-seconded1 ɤnˈsetl
unschooled adj > second sp vnsettle1
ɤnˈsku:ld > settle
sp vnschool’d2 unsecret adj
> school ɤnˈsi:krət unsettled adj
sp vnsecret1 ɤnˈsetld
unscorched adj > secret sp vnsetled6
ɤnˈskɔ:ɹtʃt > settle
sp vnscorch’d1 unseduced adj
> scorch ˈɤnsɪˈdju:st unsevered adj
sp vnse-duc’d 1 ɤnˈsɛ:vəɹd
unscoured adj > seduce sp vnseuer’d1
ˈɤnsko:ɹd > sever
sp vn-scowr’d1 unseeing adj
> scour ɤnˈsi:ɪn, -ɪŋ unsex v
sp vnseeing 1 ɤnˈseks
unscratched adj > see sp vnsex1
ɤnˈskratʃt > sex
sp vnscratch’d1
unseem / ~ing v
> scratch ɤnˈsi:mɪn, -ɪŋ
sp vnseeming1
> seeming


unshake·d / ~n adj sp vnshun’d1 sp vnsorted1

ɤnˈʃɛ:k·t / -ən > shun > sort

sp vnshak’d2 / vnshaken2 unsifted adj unsought adj

> shake
ɤnˈsɪftɪd ɤnˈsɔ:t
unshape / ~s v sp vnsifted1 sp vnsought3
ɤnˈʃɛ:ps > sift > seek

sp vnshapes1 unsightly adj unsound adj

> shape
ɤnˈsəɪtləɪ ɤnˈsəʊnd
unshaped adj sp vnsightly1 sp vnsound1
m ɤnˈʃɛ:pɪd > sight > sound

sp vnshaped1 unsinewed adj unsounded adj

> shape
ɤnˈsɪnju:d ɤnˈsəʊndɪd
unsheath v sp vnsinnowed1 sp vnsounded2
ɤnˈʃi:ð > sinew > sound

sp vnsheath3 unsisting adj unspeak adj

> sheath
ɤnˈsɪstɪn, -ɪŋ ɤnˈspi:k, -pɛ:k, -pek
unsheathed adj sp vnsisting1 sp vnspeake1
ɤnˈʃi:ðd > speak
unskilful adj / n
sp vnsheath’d1
ɤnˈskɪlfʊl unspeakable adj
rh breathed, bequeathed Luc 1724
sp vnskilfull2, vnskillfull1 / vnskil-full1 m ɤnˈspi:kəbəl, -əˌbɤl, -pɛ:k-,
> sheath
> skilful -pek-
unshout v sp vnspeakable3, vnspeakeable2
unskilfully adv
ɤnˈʃəʊt > speak
ɤnˈskɪlfləɪ, -fʊl-
sp vnshoot1
sp vnskilfully1 unspeaking adj
> shoot
> skilfully ɤnˈspi:kɪn, -ɪŋ, -pɛ:k-, -pek-
unshown adj sp vnspeaking1
unslipping adj
ɤnˈʃo:n > speak
ɤnˈslɪpɪn, -ɪŋ
sp vnshewne1
sp vn-slipping1 unsphere v
> show
> slip ɤnˈsfi:ɹ
unshrinking adj sp vnsphere1
unsmirched adj
ɤnˈʃrɪŋkɪn, -ɪŋ > sphere
m ɤnˈsmɐ:ɹtʃɪd
sp vnshrinking1
sp vnsmirched1 unspoke / ~n adj
> shrink
> smirch ɤnˈspo:k / -ən
unshrubbed adj sp vnspoke1 / vnspoken1
unsoiled adj
ˈɤnʃrɤbd > speak
m ˈɤnsəɪld
sp vnshrubd1
sp vnsoild1 unspotted adj
> shrub
> soil ɤnˈspɒtɪd
unshunnable adj sp vnspotted4
unsolicited adj
m ɤnˈʃɤnəˌbɤl rh allotted, rotted Luc 821
m ˈɤnsəˈlɪsɪˌtɪd, -stɪd > spotted
sp vnshunnable1
> shun sp vnsolicited1, vnsollicited1
> solicit unsquared adj
unshunned adj ɤnˈskwɛ:ɹd
unsorted adj sp vnsquar’d1
m ˈɤnʃɤnd
ɤnˈsɔ:ɹtɪd > square


unstable adj unsullied adj untainted adj

ɤnˈstɛ:bəl ɤnˈsɤləɪd ɤnˈtɛ:ntɪd
sp vnstable1 sp vnsallied1 sp vntainted4
> stable > sully > tainted

unstaid adj unsunned adj untalked-of adj

m ɤnˈstɛ:d, ˈɤnstɛ:d ˈɤnsɤnd ɤnˈtɔ:kt-ˌɒv
sp vnstaid3 sp vn-sunn’d1 sp vntalkt of1
> staid > sun > talk

unstained adj unsure adj untangle / ~d v

m ɤnˈstɛ:nd, ˈɤnstɛ:nɪd m ɤnˈʃu:ɹ, ˈɤnʃu:ɹ ɤnˈtaŋgəl / -d
sp vnstain’d1, vnstained3 sp vnsure5 sp vntangle1 / vntangled1
> stain rh endure TN 2.3.47 > tangle
> sure
unstanched adj untasted adj
m ˈɤnstantʃt, ɤnˈstantʃɪd unsured adj ɤnˈtastɪd
sp vnstanched2 ɤnˈʃu:ɹd sp vntasted1
> stanch sp vnsur’d > taste
> sure
unstate v untaught adj / n
ɤnˈstɛ:t unsuspected adj m ɤnˈtɔ:t, ˈɤntɔ:t / ɤnˈtɔ:t
sp vnstate2 ˈɤnsəˈspektɪd sp vntaught3, vn-taught1 /
> state sp vnsuspected vntaught1
> suspect > teach
unsteadfast adj
ɤnˈstedfast unswayable adj untempering adj
sp vnstedfast1 m ɤnˈswɛ:əˌbɤl ɤnˈtemprɪn, -ɪŋ, -pər-
> steadfast sp vnswayable1 sp vntempering1
> sway > temper
unstooping adj
ɤnˈstu:pɪn, -ɪŋ unswayed adj untender / ~ed adj
sp vn-stooping1 ɤnˈswɛ:d ɤnˈtendəɹ / -d
> stooping sp vnsway’d1 sp vntender2 / vntender’d1
> sway > tender
unstringed adj
m ɤnˈstrɪŋɪd unswear v untent v
sp vnstringed1 ɤnˈswɛ:ɹ ɤnˈtent
> string sp vn-sweare2 sp vntent1
> swear > tent
unstuffed adj
m ˈɤnstɤft unswept adj untented adj
sp vnstuft 1 ɤnˈswept ɤnˈtentɪd
> stuffed sp vnswept2 sp vntented1
rh 1 heaped Cor 2.3.118; rh 2 leap > tented
unsubstantial adj MW 5.5.44
ˈɤnsəbˈstansɪɑl > sweep unthankful adj
sp vnsubstantiall 2 ɤnˈθaŋkfʊl
> substantial unsworn adj sp vnthankfull1
ɤnˈswɔ:ɹn > thankful
unsuitable adj sp vnsworne1
ɤnˈʃu:təbəl, -ˈsju:- > swear
sp vnsuteable2
> suitable


unthankfulness n sp vntil2, vntill72 untowardly adv

m ɤnˈθaŋkfʊlˌnes, -lnəs rh hill Mac 4.1.91 ɤnˈto:ɹdləɪ
> till
sp vnthankefulnesse1, sp vntowardly1
vnthankfulnes1, vnthankfulnesse1 untimbered adj > toward
> thankfulness
ɤnˈtɪmbəɹd untraded adj
unthink v sp vntimber’d1 ɤnˈtrɛ:dɪd
ɤnˈθɪŋk > timbered
sp vntraded1
sp vnthinke1 untimely adj / adv > trade
> think
ɤnˈtəɪmləɪ untrained adj
unthought-of adj sp vntimely10 / vntimely9 ɤnˈtrɛ:nd
ɤnˈθɔ:t-ˌɒv > timely
sp vntrained1, vntrayn’d1
1 1
sp vnthought-of , vnthought of untirable adj > train
> think
ɤnˈtəɪrəbəl untread v
unthought-on adj sp vntyreable1 ɤnˈtred
ɤnˈθɔ:t-ˌɒn > tire
sp vntread2
sp vnthought-on untired adj > tread
> think
m ɤnˈtəɪɹd, ˈɤntəɪɹd untreasured adj
unthread v sp vntyr’d2 ɤnˈtrezəɹd
ɤnˈθred > tired
sp vntreasur’d1
sp vnthred untitled adj > treasured
> thread
ɤnˈtəɪtld untried adj
unthrift adj sp vntitled1 ɤnˈtrəɪd
m ˈɤnθrɪft, ɤnˈθrɪft > titled
sp vntride1
sp vnthrift unto prep rh slide WT 4.1.6
> thrift > try
m ɤnˈtu:, ˈɤntu:
unthrift / ~s n sp vnto422, vn-to1, vntoo’t [unto it]3 untrimmed adj
ˈɤnθrɪfts rh woo emend of LC 181 vow; unto m ɤnˈtrɪmɪd, S ɤnˈtrɪmd
her woo her VA 307; unto him to
sp vnthrifts1 sp vntrimmed1, S vntrim’d1
woo him VA 5
> thrift rh dimmed S 18.8
untold Luc, S adj > trim
unthrifty adj
ɤnˈto:ld untrod / ~den adj
3 sp vntold2 m ˈɤntrɒd / ɤnˈtrɒdən
sp vnthriftie
rh behold, unfold Luc 753; hold S
> thrifty sp vntrod1 / vntroden1
> untread
untie v > tell

ɤnˈtəɪ untouched adj untroubled adj

2 1
sp vntie , vnty , vntye 4
ɤnˈtɤtʃt ɤnˈtrɤbəld
rh I TN 2.2.41 sp vntroubled1
sp vntouch’d1, vntoucht1
> tie > troubled
> touch
untied adj untoward adj untrue adj
ɤnˈtəɪd ɤnˈto:ɹd ɤnˈtru:
sp vnti’de1 sp vntrue4
sp vntoward2
> tie rh grew LC 169; you AW 5.3.315,
rh froward TS 4.5.79
Cym 1.6.86, LLL 5.2.473, S 72.10,
until prep > toward
= > true


untrussing n sp vnuallued1, vnvalewed1, unwarily adv

ɤnˈtrɤsɪn, -ɪŋ > value ɤnˈwɛ:rɪləɪ
sp vntrussing1 unvanquished adj sp vnwarily1
> truss > wary
untruth / ~s n sp vn-vanquisht1 unwashed adj
ɤnˈtru:θ / -s > vanquish ɤnˈwɑʃt
sp vntruth1 / vntruths3 unvarnished adj sp vnwash’d2, vnwasht1
> truth > wash
untune v sp vn-varnish’d1 unwatched adj
ɤnˈtju:n > varnish ɤnˈwɑtʃt
sp vn-tune1 unveil v sp vnwatch’d1
> tune > watch
untuneable adj sp vnuaile1 unwearied adj
m ɤnˈtju:nəbəl, -əˌbɤl > veil ɤnˈwi:rəɪd, -ˈwe-
sp vntunable1, vn-tuneable1 unvenerable adj sp vnwearied1
> tuneable > weary
ɤnˈvenrəbəl, -nər-
untuned adj sp vnvenerable1 unwed adj
ˈɤntju:nd > venerable ɤnˈwed
sp vntun’d3 unvexed adj sp vnwed1
> tune rh bed CE 2.1.26; head PP 18.6
> wed
untutored adj sp vn-vext1
ɤnˈtju:təɹd > vex unwedgable adj
sp vntutor’d1, vntutur’d1 unviolated adj m ɤnˈwedʒəˌbɤl
> tutor sp vn-wedgable1
m ɤnˈvəɪəˌlɛ:tɪd
> wedge
untwine / ~d v sp vnuiolated1
ɤnˈtwəɪn / -d > violate unweeded adj
sp vntwine1 / vntwin’d1 unvirtuous adj ɤnˈwi:dɪd
rh vine Cym 4.2.59 sp vnweeded1
> twine > weed
sp vnuertuous1
unurged adj > virtue unweighed adj
m ɤnˈɐ:ɹdʒd, ˈɤnɐ:ɹdʒd unvisited adj ɤnˈwɛ:d
sp vn-urg’d1, vn-vrg’d1 sp vnwaied1
> urge > weigh
sp vnuisited1
unused adj > violate unweighing adj
m ɤnˈju:zɪd unvulnerable adj ɤnˈwɛ:ɪn, -ɪŋ
sp vn-vsed1 sp vnweighing1
m ɤnˈvɤlnrəˌbɤl
> use > weigh
sp vnvulnerable1
unusual adj > invulnerable, vulnerable unwelcome adj
ɤnˈju:zwɑl, -zɑl unwares adj ɤnˈwelkəm
sp vnusall1, vnusuall3, vnvsuall2 sp vnwelcom1, vnwelcome3,
> usual vn-welcome1
sp vnwares1 > welcome
unvalued adj > ware
ɤnˈvaljəd, -ju:d


unwept adj sp vnwisely1 unyoke v

ɤnˈwept > wise ɤnˈjo:k
sp vnwept1 unwish / ~ed v sp vnyoake1, vnyoke1
> weep > yoke
unwhip / ~ped v sp vnwisht1 unyoked adj
ɤnˈʍɪpt > wish m ɤnˈjo:kt, ˈɤnjo:kt
sp vnwhipt1 unwished adj sp vnyoak’d2
> whip > yoke
m ɤnˈwɪʃɪd
unwholesome adj sp vnwished1 up adv, prep
ɤnˈo:lsəm, -ˈho:- > wished ɤp
sp vnholdsome1, vnwholesome3, unwit / ~ted v sp vp1021
vnwholsome3 rh cup S 114.10
> wholesome > up to
sp vnwitted1
unwieldy adj > wit upbraid / ~s / ~ed v
ɤnˈwi:ldəɪ unwittingly adv ɤpˈbrɛ:d / -z / -ɪd
sp vnwieldie3 sp vpbraid5, vpbraide1, vpbraid’s
m ɤnˈwɪtɪŋˌləɪ
> wield [upbraid us]1, vpbrayd1, vpbray’d1 /
sp vnwittingly1 vpbraides3 / vpbraided3, vpbrayded2
unwilling adj > wittingly
ɤnˈwɪlɪn, -ɪŋ upbraiding / ~s n
unwonted adj
sp vnwilling 8 ɤpˈbrɛ:dɪnz, -ɪŋz
rh a-billing VA 365 sp vpbraidings2
> willing sp vnwonted2
> wont upcast n
unwillingly adv ˈɤpkast
unworthiest n
m ɤnˈwɪlɪnˌləɪ, -ɪŋ- sp vp-cast1
7 ɤnˈwɔ:ɹðɪəst
sp vnwillingly > cast
> willingly sp vnworthiest1
> worthiest upfill v
unwillingness n ɤpˈfɪl
unworthily adv
m ɤnˈwɪlɪŋˌnes, -nəs sp vpfill1
3 m ɤnˈwɔ:ɹðɪˌləɪ
sp vnwillingnesse > fill
> willingness sp vnworthily2
> worthily upheave / ~th VA v
unwind v ɤpˈi:vəθ / -ˈhi:
unworthiness n
ɤnˈwəɪnd sp vpheaueth1
1 1 m ɤnˈwɔ:ɹðɪˌnes
sp vnwind , vnwinde rh relieveth VA 482
> wind sp vnworthinesse4 > heave
> worthiness
unwiped adj uphoard / ~ed v
unworth·y / ~ier / ~iest adj
ɤnˈwəɪpt ɤpˈo:ɹdɪd, -ˈho:-
ɤnˈwɔ:ɹðəɪ / -əɹ / -əst
sp vnwip’d1 sp vp-hoorded1
> wipe sp vnworthie2, [farre]-vnworthie1, > hoard
vnworthy33 / vnworthier1 /
unwise adj vnworthiest1 uphold / ~s / ~eth / ~ing v
ɤnˈwəɪz > worthy ɤpˈo:ld, -ˈho:- / -z / -əθ / -ɪn,
sp vnwise3 unwrung adj -ɪŋ
> wise sp vphold4 / vpholds4 / vpholdeth1
/ vpholding1
unwisely adv sp vnrung1
rh cold S 13.10
ɤnˈwəɪzləɪ > wring


uplift / ~ed v sp vprise2 upswarm / ~ed v

ɤpˈlɪft / -ɪd > rise ɤpˈswɑ:ɹmd
sp vplift2 / vplifted2 uprising n sp vp-swarmed1
rh gift Cym 5.4.103 > swarm
m ɤpˈrəɪzɪn, -ɪŋ
uplifted adj sp vprising1 up to prep
ɤpˈlɪftɪd > rise ˈɤptə, -tʊ
sp vp-lifted2 uproar / ~s n sp vp to18, vp to[’th]1
> up
upmost adj ɤpˈrɔ:ɹ / -z
ˈɤpmo:st sp vprore2 / vprores2 upturned adj
1 > roar m ɤpˈtɑ:ɹnɪd
sp vpmost
uproar v sp vpturned1
upon prep > turn
sp vprore1 upward adj / n
sp vpon1632, vpo[n]1, vp-on9,
> roar ˈɤpəɹd
vpon’s11, vpon’t27, vppon24, vp-pon1
rh 1 gone AW 3.4.6, MND 3.2.385; uprouse / ~d v sp vpward2 / vpward1
upon you on you Tem 4.1.108; rh 2
ɤpˈrəʊzd upward / ~s adv
moan S 149.6
sp vprous’d1 ˈɤpəɹd / -z
upper adj > rouse
sp vp-peer’d1, vpward9 /vpwards1
ˈɤpəɹ upshoot n
sp vpper7 urchin / ~s n
uprear S v sp vpshoot1
sp vrchins3
m ɤpˈri:ɹ > shoot

sp vpreare1 upshot n Urchinfield n

rh here S 49.11
ˈɤpʃɒt ˈɐ:ɹtʃɪnfi:ld
> rear sp Vrchinfield1
sp vppe-shot1, vpshot1
upreared adj urchin-show / ~s n
upside down adv
m ɤpˈri:ɹd, -i:rɪd ˈɐ:ɹtʃɪn-ˌʃo:z
ˈɤpsəɪd ˈdəʊn
sp vprear’d2, vp-reared1 sp vrchyn-shewes1
> rear sp vpside downe1
> show
> down
upright adj / adv urg·e / ~est / ~es / ~ing /
upspring adj
m ˈɤprəɪt, ɤpˈrəɪt ~ed v
sp vpright14 / vpright8 ɐ:ɹdʒ / ˈɐ:ɹdʒ·əst / -ɪz / -ɪn, -ɪŋ /
> right sp vpspring1
m -ɪd, ɐ:ɹdʒd
uprighteously adv upstairs adv sp vrge32 / vrgest2 / vrges1 / vrging7
ɤpˈrəɪtɪəsləɪ ˈɤpstɛ:ɹz / vrg’d28, vrged1
sp vp-staires1 rh purge S 118.2 / purged RJ 1.5.109
sp vprighteously1
> stair > ill-urged, unurged
> righteously
up-staring adj urgent adj
uprightness n
ɤpˈstɛ:rɪn, -ɪŋ ˈɐ:ɹdʒənt
m ɤpˈrəɪtnəs
sp vp-staring1 sp vrgent2
sp vprightnesse1
> stare
> right urging n
uprise n
upstart adj / n ˈɐ:ɹdʒɪn, -ɪŋ
ˈɤpstɑ:ɹt sp vrging2
m ˈɤprəɪz, ɤpˈrəɪz
sp vpstart1 / vpstart1


urinal / ~s n rh abuse S 4.7; Muse S 21.3, 82.3; usurp / ~est / ~s / ~ing /

ˈju:rɪnɑl / -z use it abuse it Luc 862 / refusest S ~ed v
40.6 / abused KL 1.3.20 [Q], LLL
sp vrinal1, vrinall1,
2.1.212, S 82.13; confused Oth
jʊˈzɐ:ɹp / -s, -st / -s / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / m
[castalion-king]-vrinall1 / vrinalls1 -t, -ɪd
urine n > ill-, madly-, mis-, un-used sp vsurp1, vsurpe19 / vsurp’st3 /
vsurpes4 / vsur-ping1 / vsurp’d6,
ˈju:rɪn used to aux v vsurped1, vsurpt6
sp vrine3 ˈju:stə, -tʊ > long-usurped

urn n sp vsd to1, vs’d to7, vse to11

usurpation n
ɐ:ɹn useful adj m ˌju:zəɹˈpɛ:sɪən, -sɪˌɒn
sp vrne3 = sp vsurpation3

Ursa Major n sp vsefull2

usurper / ~’s / ~s n
ˈʊɹsə ˈmɛ:dʒəɹ useless adj jʊˈzɐ:ɹpəɹ / -z
sp Vrsa Maior1 = sp vsurper6, vsurpers2 / vsurpers2
Ursula n sp vselesse
usurping adj / n
ˈɐ:ɹsjələ user Fr v jʊˈzɐ:ɹpɪn, -ɪŋ
sp Vrsula15 yˈze sp vsurping13 / vsurping1
us, abbr s pro sp vser
usurpingly adv
= usher / ~s n jʊˈzɐ:ɹpɪnˌləɪ, -ɪŋ-
sp us1, vs1670, abbr ’s245, s with no ˈɤʃəɹ / -z sp vsurpingly1
apostrophe14 4 1
sp vsher / vshers
rh 1 dangerous Tim 3.5.74; Deme- usur·y / ~ies n
trius MND 1.1.220; thus LLL 5.2.119; usher / ~ed v m ˈju:zjərəɪ, -ˌrəɪ / -z
in us Proteus TG 1.2.15; rh 2 guess
ˈɤʃəɹ / -d sp vsurie2 / vsuries2
LLL 5.2.119 1
sp vsher / vsher’d 2 rh me Tim 3.5.99; thee S 6.5
> we
ushering n ut n
usage n
ˈɤʃrɪn, -ɪŋ, -ʃər- ʊt
sp vshering1 sp Cfavt [C fa ut]1
sp vsage10
rh sing LLL 5.2.328
utensil / ~s n
usance / ~s n
usual adj m ˈju:tənˌsɪl / -z
ˈju:zəns, -ɔ:ns / -ɪz
ˈju:zwɑl, -zɑl sp vtensile1 / vtensils1
sp vsance2 / vsances1 6
sp vsuall
> unusual
utility n
use / ~s n
m ju:ˈtɪlɪˌtəɪ
= [ju:s]
usually adv sp vtilitie1
sp vse103 / vses8
ˈju:zwɑləɪ, -zɑl-
rh abuse RJ 2.3.15, S 134.10, VA 164; utis n
excuse S 2.9; Muse S 78.3; self-abuse sp vsually2
Mac 3.4.142
usurer / ~’s / ~s / ~s’ n sp vtis1
us·e / ~est / ~es / ~eth / ~ing / ˈju:zjərəɹ, -zərəɹ, -zrəɹ / -z
sp vsurer7 / vsurers1, vsu-rers1 /
utmost adj / n
~d v
2 1 2 ˈɤtmo:st
= [ju:z] / ˈju:z·əs, -st / -ɪz / -əθ / vsurers , vsu-rers / vsurers
sp vtmost13 / vtmost4, vt-most1
-ɪn, -ɪŋ / m -ɪd, ju:zd usuring adj
sp vse192 / vsest4 / vses9 / vseth4 / ˈju:zjərɪn, -ɪŋ, -zr- Utruvio n
7 1 1 53 7
vsing , v-sing / vsd , vs’d , vsed 2 jʊˈtru:vɪo:
sp vsuring
sp Vtru-uio1


utter / ~s / ~eth / ~ing / utterance n utterly adv

~ed v m ˈɤtrəns, -tər-, ˈɤtəˌrans m ˈɤtəɹləɪ, ˌləɪ
ˈɤtəɹ / -z / -əθ, ˈɤtr- / -ɪn, -ɪŋ, sp vtterance8, vttrance1, vtt’rance1 sp vtterly8
ˈɤtr- / m -d, -ed
uttering n uttermost adj / n
sp vtter38 / vtters5 / vttereth1 /
1 4 7 3
vttering / vtter’d , vttered , vttred ,
ˈɤtrɪn, -ɪŋ, -tər- m ˈɤtəɹmo:st, ˌmo:st
vtt’red2 sp vttering1 sp vttermost1 / vttermost7
rh dead MA 5.3.20
> ill-uttering


va Fr vaillant Fr adj sp vaile1, vale7 / vales1

rh pale, tale LC 2
> aller vaˈjɑ̃
sp valiant Valence [name] n
vacancy n
ˈvɛ:kənˌsəɪ vain / ~er adj ˈvaləns
sp Valence1
sp vacancie4 vɛ:n / ˈvɛ:nəɹ
sp vain1, vaine77 / vainer1 Valentine / ~’s n
vacant adj rh again CE 3.2.27, 2H6 4.1.77, Luc
ˈvɛ:kənt ˈvaləntəɪn / -z
1665, MM 4.1.6, R2 2.2.141, 3.2.214,
sp Valentine67 / Valentines4
sp vacant5 Tem 4.1.97, VA 771; Aquitaine LLL
rh 1 mine TG 5.4.125; rh 2 betime
1.1.137; chain CE 3.2.188; pain LLL
vacation n Ham 4.5.51
1.1.72, PP 20.19, R2 2.1.7; slain Luc
vəˈkɛ:sɪən 1044
Valentinus n
sp vacation1
vainglor·y / ~ies n ˈvaləntəɪnəs
vaded adj m ˈvɛ:nˌɡlɔ:rəɪ, ˌvɛ:nˈɡlɔ:rəɪ / sp Valentinus
ˈvɛ:dɪd -z Valentio n
sp vaded1 sp vaine-glory1, vainglorie1,
1 1
rh shaded PP 10.1 vainglory / vaine-glories
sp Valentio1
> glory
vagabond adj
vainly adv Valentius n
2 ˈvɛ:nləɪ vaˈlensɪəs
sp vagabond
sp Valencius1
sp vainly6
vagabond / ~s n
vainness n Valeria n
ˈvɛ:nəs vaˈli:rɪə
sp vagabond2 / vagabonds1
sp Valeria6
sp vainnesse1, vain-nesse1
vagram adj
vais Valerius n
ˈvɛ:ɡrəm Fr
1 1 > aller
sp vagram , vagrom
sp Valerius1
vail n/v valance n
ˈvaləns valiant adj / n
sp vallens 1 =
sp vaile1 / vaile3, vale3
sp valiant148, vali-ant2, valliant1 /
vailed adj valanced adj valiant4
ˈvɛ:lɪd ˈvalənst > active-, ever-, thrice-, tire-valiant

sp veyled1 sp emend of Ham 2.2.422 valiant1

valiantly adv
vailing adj vale / ~s n ˈvalɪəntləɪ
vɛ:l / -z sp valiantly5
ˈvɛ:lɪn, -ɪŋ
sp vailing3


valiantness n vane n vapour / ~s n

= vɛ:n ˈvɛ:pəɹ / -z
sp valiantnesse1 sp vaine1, vane1, veine1 sp vapour7 / vapours6, va-pours1
rh vapour is thee it is PP 3.9
valiant-young adj vanish / ~est / ~es / VA ~eth /
ˈvalɪənt-ˈjɒŋ ~ed v vapour-vow n
sp valiant young1 = / ˈvanɪʃəst / = / = / m ˈvanɪʃt, ˈvɛ:pəɹ-ˌvəʊ
-ʃɪd sp vapor-vow1
validity n > vow
sp vanish11 / vanishest2 / vanishes2
vəˈlɪdɪtəɪ / vanisheth1 / vanish’d6, vanished2,
sp validitie4, validity1
variable adj
rh memory Ham 3.2.199 rh death, breath Luc 1041
m ˈvarɪˌabəl
> long-vanished sp variable6
valley / ~s n
ˈvaləɪ / -z vanit·y / ~ies n variance n
sp valley3 / valleyes3 m ˈvanɪˌtəɪ, -təɪ / -z ˈvarɪɔ:ns
sp vanitie8, vanity13 / vanities6 sp variance1
valorous adj rh thee 1H4 5.4.105
=, Fluellen H .. ˈfalərəs variation / ~s n
sp valorous , Fluellen falorous 1 vanquish / ~est / ~eth / ˌvarɪˈɛ:sɪən / -z
~ed v sp variation2 / va-riations1
valorously adv = / ˈvaŋkwɪʃəst / = / m
ˈvalrəsləɪ, -lər- varied adj
ˈvaŋkwɪʃt, -ʃɪd
sp valo-rously1 2 1
sp vanquish / vanquishest /
sp varied3, varried1
vanquisheth1 / vanquish’d5,
valour / ~’s n
vanquished5, vanquisht6
ˈvalər / -z variety n
> unvanquished
sp valor , valors [valour is] , 1 vəˈrəɪətəɪ
valour92 / valors2, valours4 vanquisher n sp variety1, VA varietie1
ˈvaŋkwɪʃəɹ rh satiety VA 21
valuation n
sp vanquisher2
ˌvaljʊˈɛ:sɪən varlet / ~s n
sp valewation , valuation 1
vant n ˈvɑ:ɹlət / -s
= sp varlet19, var-let1, varlot2, verlot1 /
value / ~s n varlets3, varlots1
sp vant1
value3 / valewes1 vantage / ~s n varletry n
= ˈvɑ:ɹlətrəɪ
valu·e / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v sp varlotarie1
sp vantage39 / vantages5
= / = / ˈvalʊɪn, -ɪŋ / =
sp valew9, value14 / valewes2, vantbrace n varletto n
values3 / valewing1 / valew’d3, ˈvantbrɛ:s vɑ:ɹˈleto:
valewed2, valu’d1, valued5 sp var-letto1
sp vantbrace1
> dis-, over-value; under-, un-valued
Vapians n varnish n/v
valued adj ˈvɑ:ɹnɪʃ
ˈvalju:d sp varnish2 / varnish1
sp Vapians1
sp valued2
> dearest-valued vaporous adj varnished adj
ˈvɛ:prəs, -pər- ˈvɑ:ɹnɪʃt
valueless adj sp varnisht3
sp vaporous1, vap’rous1
m ˈvalju:ˌles > unvarnished
sp valuelesse1


Varrius n Vaudemont n vaunter n

ˈvarɪəs m ˌvo:dəˈmɒnt, ˈvo:dəmɒnt, ˈvɔ:ntəɹ
sp Varrius6 Fr -mɔ̃ sp vaunter1
sp Vandemont2
Varro / ~’s n vaunting adj / n
ˈvaro: / -z Vaughan n ˈvɔ:ntɪn, -ɪŋ
sp Varro7 / Varroes1, Varro’s1 ˈvɔ:ən vaunting2 / vaunting1
sp Vaughan
Varrus n vauntingly adv
ˈvarəs vault / ~s n m ˈvɔ:ntɪnˌləɪ, -ɪŋ-
sp Varrus3 vɔ:t, vɒlt / -s sp vauntingly1
sp vault15, vaulte1 / vaults2
vary n vauvado nonsense word
ˈvarəɪ vault / ~ing / ~ed v ˈvəʊvado:
sp varry1 ˈvɔ:t·ɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈvɒlt- / -ɪd sp vauvado1
1 1 1
sp vaulting , vawting / vaulted
var·y / ~iest / ~ying v Vaux n
ˈvarəɪ / -əst / -ɪn, -ɪŋ vaultage / ~s n vo:
sp varie1, varry1 / variest1 / varying1 ˈvɔ:tɪdʒɪz, ˈvɒlt- sp Vaux4
sp vaultages
varying adj vaward n
ˈvarəɪɪn, -ɪŋ vaulted adj ˈvawəɹd
sp varrying2, varying1 ˈvɔ:tɪd, ˈvɒlt- sp vauward1, vaward4
sp vaulted
vassal adj veal n
ˈvasɑl vaulting adj =
sp vassall4 ˈvɔ:t·ɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈvɒlt- sp veale2
sp vaulting
vassal / ~s n vedere / vede Ital
ˈvasɑl / -z vaulty adj ˈve:de:
sp vassaile5, vassall7 / vassailes2, ˈvɔ:təɪ, ˈvɒlt- sp emend of LLL 4.2.97 vnde1
vassalls1, vassals3 2
sp vaultie , vaulty 1
vehemence n
vassalage n Vaumond n ˈvi:məns, ˈvi:ɪ-
ˈvasəlɪdʒ ˈvo:mɒnd sp ve-hemence1
sp vassalage sp Vau-mond 1

rh embassage S 26.1 vehemency n

vaunt / ~s n m ˈvi:mənsəɪ, -ˌsəɪ, ˈvi:ɪ-
vast adj / n vɔ:nt / -s sp vehemencie1, vehemency2
vast 1
sp vaunt / vaunts 1

sp vast7, vast-[shore-washet]1, vehement adj

vaste3 / vast2 vaunt Luc / ~s / ~ed v m ˈvi:mənt, ˈvi:ɪ-, ˈvi:ɪˌment
vɔ:nt / -s / ˈvɔ:ntɪd sp vehement5
vastidity n 1 1
sp vant / vaunts / vaunted
m vasˈtɪdɪˌtəɪ rh want Luc 41
vehemently adv
sp vastiditie1 Evans MW .. ˈfi:ɪməntləɪ
vaunt-currier / ~s n sp fehemently1
vasty adj ˌvɔ:nt-ˈkɤrɪəɹz
ˈvastəɪ sp vaunt-curriors1
veho / ~r Lat v
sp vastie4 > currier ˈvehɔ:ɹ
sp vehor1


veil n venerial adj ven·io / ~it / veni Lat v

vɛ:l vəˈni:rɪɑl ˈvenɪt / ˈvɛ:ni
sp vaile3, vale1, veyle2 sp veneriall1 sp venit1 / ve-ni1

veil / ~ed v Venetia Ital n venom adj / n

vɛ:l / -d vəˈnetsɪa, -ˈni:sɪa =
sp vaile1 / veyl’d1 sp LLL 4.2.96 emend of vem-chie1, sp venom2, venome2 / venom6,
> unveil vencha1 venome7
rh pretia > en-, out-venom
veiled adj
m vɛ:ld, ˈvɛ:lɪd Venetian adj venomed adj
1 1
sp vailed , vayl’d , veyl’d1 vəˈni:sɪən =
sp Venetian4 sp venom’d5
vein / ~s n
vɛ:n / -z Venetian / ~s n venom-mouthed adj
11 4 22
sp vaine , veine / veines , vaines 3 vəˈni:sɪən / -z ˈvenəm-ˌməʊðd
rh amain, again LLL 5.2.541; reign, sp Venecian1, Venetian4 / sp venom’d-mouth’d1
remain Luc 1454; remain MND Venetians1 > mouth
3.2.82; slain 1H6 4.7.95 / gains S
67.10; restrains Luc 427 veney / ~s n venomous adj
ˈvenəɪz ˈvenməs, -nəm-
velure n sp veneys1 sp venomous2
sp velure1 venge v vent / ~s n
vendʒ =
Velutus n sp venge7 sp vent4 / vents1
sp Velutus2 vengeance / ~s n vent / ~s / ~ed v
ˈvendʒəns / -ɪz =
velvet adj / n sp vengance1, veng’ance1, sp vent14 / vents1 / vented2
= vengeance49, ’vengeance1 /
sp veluet6, vel-uet1 / veluet9 vengeances1
ventage / ~s n
velvet-guard / ~s n vengeful adj sp ventiges1
ˈvelvɪt-ˈɡɑ:ɹdz ˈvendʒfʊl
sp veluet-guards1 sp vengefull2
Ventidius n
> guard venˈtɪdɪəs, -ɪdʒɪ-
veni Lat sp Ventiddius2, Ventidgius2,
vendible adj > venio Ventidius6, Ventigius5
sp vendible2
venial adj ventricle n
rh commendable MV 1.1.112 ˈvenɪɑl =
sp veniall1 sp ventricle1
venemous adj
m ˈvenəˌmɤs, -nəm-, -nməs Venice n venture / ~s n
sp venemous3 = ˈventəɹ / -z
sp Venice43, Ve-nice1 sp venture6 / ventures6
venerable adj
m ˈvenəˌrɤbəl, -nrəbəl venison adj / n venture / ~d v
sp venerable4 = ˈventəɹ / -d
> unvenerable sp venison1 / venison5 sp venter3, venture17, ven-ture1 /
ventur’d5, ventured1
rh enter VA 628


venturing VA n sp verdict5 Verona / ~’s n

> party-verdict vəˈro:nə / -z
ˈventrɪn, -ɪŋ, -tər-
sp venturing1 Verdon n sp Verona18 / Verona’s1, Veronas1
rh tempring VA 567
ˈvɐ:ɹdən Veronesa n
venturous adj sp Verdon1 ˌverəˈnesə
ˈventrəs, -tər- verdure n sp Verennessa1
sp venturous5
ˈvɐ:ɹdəɹ versal adj
rh furious R3 4.4.171
sp verdure2 ˈvɐ:ɹsɑl
venue n sp versall1
Vere n
vi:ɹ verse / ~s n
sp venewe1
sp Vere1 vɐ:ɹs / ˈvɐ:ɹsɪz
Venus / ~s’ n sp verse17 / verses19
verge n
= / ˈvi:nəs rh disperse S 78.2; inhearse S 86.1;
sp Venus16 / Venus5 rehearse S 21.2, 38.2, 71.9, 81.9
sp verge8
venuto Ital n vers·e / ~es / ~ing v
verger / ~s n
veˈnu:to: ˈvɐ:ɹs·ɪz / -ɪn, -ɪŋ
sp venuto3 sp verses1 / versing1
sp vergers1
rh Petruchio TS 1.2.25; so TS 1.2.279
vert Fr adj
Verges n
Ver n vɛ:ɹ
vɛ : ɹ ˈvɐ:ɹdʒɪz
sp verd1
sp Verges3
sp Ver2
rh harbinger TNK 1.1.7 ver·y / ~ier / ~iest adv
verif·y / ~ied v
verb n m ˈverɪfəɪ, -ˌfəɪ / -d
Costard LLL .. ˈvarə,
vɐ:ɹb sp verifie2 / verified5, verify’d1
Evans MW ..ff ˈferəɪ, Mac-
sp verbe morris H ..
verily adv
verba Lat ˈverɪləɪ ˈvarəɪ / ˈverəɪ·əɹ / -əst
> verbum sp verely6, verily7 sp verie124, ve-rie3, very663, ve-ry6,
Costard vara1, Evans ferry3, fery2,
verbal adj veritable adj fery-[well]1, Macmorris vary1 /
ˈvɐ:ɹbɑl m ˈverɪˌtabəl verier1, veryer1 / veriest4
sp verball2 sp veritable1
vesper / ~’s n
verbatim adv vérité Fr n ˈvespəɹz
vəɹˈbɑ:tɪm veriˈte sp vespers1
sp verite
sp verbatim1 vessel / ~’s / ~s n
verit·y / ~ies n =
verbosity n
m ˈverɪtəɪ, -ˌtəɪ / -ˌtəɪz sp vessel1, vessell30 / vessels1 /
1 sp veritie4, verity5 / verities1 vessells1, vessels3
sp verbositie
vermin n vestal adj / n
verb·um / ~a Lat n
ˈvɐ:ɹmɪn ˈvestɑl
sp vermine1 sp vestal1, vestall1 / vestall3
sp verba2
Vernon / ~’s n vestment / ~s n
verdict n
ˈvɐ:ɹnən / -z =
sp Vernon13 / Vernons1 sp vestments2


vesture n vicegerent n victualler / ~s n

ˈvestəɹ ˌvəɪsˈdʒerənt ˈvɪtləɹz
sp vesture5 sp vicegerent1 sp victuallers1

veux viceroy / ~s n videlicet Lat adv

> vouloir ˈvəɪsrəɪ / -z vɪˈdelɪset, Evans MW ..f
sp viceroy2 / vice-royes1 fɪ-
vex / ~est / ~es / ~eth / ~ing /
sp videlicet2, videlicit1, videliset1,
~ed v vici Lat Evans fidelicet2
= / = / = / = / ˈveksɪn, -ɪŋ / = > vincere
sp vex11, vexe6 / vexest1 / vexes1 / vid·eo / ~es / vidi Lat v
vexeth1 / vexing1 / vex’d2, vext6
vicious adj ˈvɪd·eo: / -ez / ˈvi:di
> earth-vexing; soul-, un-vexed ˈvɪsɪəs sp video1
sp vicious7, vitious1
vexation / ~s n vie / ~d v
m vekˈsɛ:sɪən, -sɪˌɒn / -sɪənz viciousness n vəɪ / -d
sp vexation9, vexati-on1 / vexations2 ˈvɪsɪəsnəs sp vie1 / vi’d1
sp viciousnesse1 > outvied
vexed adj
= victor adj vie Fr n
sp vexed2, vext4 ˈvɪktəɹ vi
> still-vexed sp victor-[sword]1 sp vie3

via Eng / Fr interj victor / ~’s / ~s n Vienna n

ˈvəɪə / ˈvia ˈvɪktəɹ / -z =
sp fia1, via5 / via1 sp victor4 / victors1 / victors5 sp Vienna10

via Lat n victoress n view / ~s n

ˈvi:a ˈvɪktrəs =
sp via sp victoresse1 sp veiw1, view44 / viewes2
rh ensue Luc 1261; new S 27.10,
vial / ~s n victorious adj 56.12, 110.2; true MV 3.2.131,
ˈvəɪɑl / -z ˈvɪktɔ:rɪəs S 148.11; withdrew VA 1031
sp viall1, violl3 / violles2, viols1 sp victorious15
view / ~est / Luc ~s / ~eth /
viand / ~s n victor·y / ~ies n ~ing / ~ed v
ˈvəɪənd / -z m ˈvɪktrəɪ, -təˌrəɪ / -z = / vju:st / = / = / ˈvju:ɪn, -ɪŋ / =
sp viand1 / viands6 sp victorie22, victory24 / victories4 sp view22 / viewest1 / vewes1 /
rh 1 cheerfully R3 5.3.271; chivalry, vieweth1 / viewing2 / view’d3
vicar n Italy Luc 110; manly 2H6 4.8.51; rh due S 69.1; hue VA 343; true
ˈvɪkəɹ royally 1H6 1.6.31; thee R3 5.3.166; Luc 454 / renewest S 3.1 / ensues,
sp vicar4 rh 2 way 3H6 5.1.113 renews Luc 1101 / ensuing VA 1076
> overview
vice / ~’s / ~s n victual / ~s n
vəɪs / ˈvəɪsɪz ˈvɪtl / -z viewless adj
sp vice47 / vices1 / vices13 sp victuall1 / victualles1, victuals2 =
rh entice PP 20.41; trice TN 4.2.124 sp viewlesse1
> high-viced
victual / ~led v
ˈvɪtl / -d vigil n
vice v sp victuall1 / victuall’d1 =
vəɪs sp vigil1
sp vice1


vigilance n villager n Vincentio / ~’s n

m ˈvɪdʒɪˌlans ˈvɪlɪdʒəɹ vɪnˈsensɪo: / -z
sp vigilance3 sp villager1 sp Vincentio19, Vin-centio1,
rh here TNK 3.5.103 TS 1.1.13 emend of Vincentio’s1 /
vigilant adj Vincentio’s2
m ˈvɪdʒɪlənt, -ˌlant, Dogberry villagery n
MA .. ˈvɪdʒɪtənt ˈvɪlɪdʒrəɪ vincere / vici Lat v
sp vigilant , Dogberry vigitant 1 sp villagree1 ˈvɪnkere / ˈvi:si:
rh he MND 2.1.35 sp vincere1 / vici1
vigour n
ˈvɪɡəɹ villain adj vindicative adj
sp vigor , vigour 6 = vɪnˈdɪkətɪv
rh rigour VA 953 sp villaine3, villaine-[mountainers]1, sp vindecatiue1
vild / ~er / ~est adj vine / ~s n
vəɪld / ˈvəɪld·əɹ / -əst villain / ~’s / ~s / ~s’ n vəɪn / -z
sp vild6, vil’d3, vilde34, vil’de1 /
= sp vine7 / vines4
vilder1 / vildest3 sp villain12, villaine223, rh eyne AC 2.7.111; thine CE
[made-vp]-villaine1, villaine’s 2.2.183; untwine Cym 4.2.60
vild n [villain is]1, vil-laine3 / villaines7 /
vəɪld villaines41, villains3, Tit 4.2.9 emend of vinegar adj / n
sp vild , vilde 1 villanie’s1 / villaines1, villains1 ˈvɪnɪɡəɹ, Parolles AW ..
> arch-villain, outvillained ˈvɪnaˌɡɛ:ɹ
vildly adv sp vineger1 / vinegar2, Parolles
villain-like adj
ˈvəɪldləɪ vinager1
sp vildely8, vildlie1, vildly4
sp villain-like2 vinewed / ~est adj
vile / ~st adj ˈvɪnju:dst
villainous adj / adv
vəɪl / ˈvəɪləst sp emend of TC 2.1.14 whinid’st1
62 1
m ˈvɪlənəs, -ˌnɤs / ˈvɪlənəs
sp vile / vilest
sp villanous22, vil-lanous2, villa-nous2 vineyard / ~s n
rh defile MW 1.3.89
/ villanous1 ˈvɪnjɑ:ɹd / -z
vile-concluded adj sp vineyard5 / vineyards2
villainously adv
ˈvəɪl-kənˈklu:dɪd rh rocky-hard Tem 4.1.68
m ˈvɪlənəsləɪ, -ˌləɪ
sp vile-concluded1
sp villanously2 vintner n
vilely adv ˈvɪntnəɹ
villain·y / ~ies n
ˈvəɪləɪ sp vintner1
m ˈvɪlənəɪ, -ˌnəɪ / -z
sp vilely
sp vilany1, villainie1, villainy2, viol n
vileness n villanie20, vil-lanie1, villa-nie2, ˈvəɪəl
villany22 / villanies5
ˈvəɪlnəs sp vyall1
rh flattery Per 4.4.44; Italy, jealousy
sp vilenesse
Cym 5.4.68; mutually MW 5.5.100 Viola n
village adj villiago n ˈvəɪələ
= sp Viola11
sp village2
sp villiago1 violate / ~s v
village / ~s n villianda nonsense word m ˈvəɪəˌlɛ:t,- əl- / -ˌlɛ:ts
= sp violate5 / violates1
4 3 1
sp village / villages , vil-lages
sp villianda1 violated adj
m ˈvəɪəˌlɛ:tɪd


sp violated1 Virgilia n sp vertuous88, ver-tuous1,

> unviolated vəɹˈdʒɪlɪə vertu-ous3, Mistress fartuous1 /
violation n sp Virgilia6
m ˌvəɪəˈlɛ:sɪən, -sɪˌɒn virtuously adv
virgin adj
sp violation 4 m ˈvɐ:ɹtjəsləɪ, -ˌləɪ
sp vertuously5
violator n virgin10, virgin-[branches]1,
virgin-[knot]1, virgine1 visage / ~s n
m ˌvəɪəˈlɛ:təɹ
sp violator1
virgin / ~’s / ~s n
sp visage31 / visages4
viol-de-gamboys n ˈvɐ:ɹdʒɪn / -z > grim-, humble-, pale-,
sp virgin20 / virgins2 / virgins7,
ˌvəɪəl-də-ˈɡambəɪz tripe-visaged
sp viol-de-gam-boys1 viscount n
virgin / ~ed v ˈvəɪkəʊnt
violence n
ˈvɐ:ɹdʒɪnd sp viscount1
m ˈvəɪəˌlens, ˈvəɪləns
17 1
sp virgin’d1
sp violence , vio-lence visible adj
virginal adj =
violent / ~est adj
ˈvɐ:ɹdʒɪnɑl sp visible4
m ˈvəɪəˌlent, ˈvəɪlənt /
sp virginall2 > invisible
sp violent39, vio-lent1 / violent’st1 virginal / ~ling v visibly adv
ˈvɐ:ɹdʒɪnɑlɪn, -ɪŋ m ˈvɪzɪˌbləɪ
Violenta n
sp virginalling1 sp visibly1
sp Violenta2 virginity n vision / ~s n
m vəɹˈdʒɪnɪtəɪ, -ˌtəɪ ˈvɪzɪən / -z
violently adv sp vision15 / visions3
sp virginitie12, virgini-tie2, virginity10,
ˈvəɪləntˌləɪ, -tləɪ, ˈvəɪə- virgi-nity1 rh derision MND 3.2.371
sp violently5
Virginius n visit / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
violet / ~s n vəɹˈdʒɪnɪəs = / = / ˈvɪzɪtɪn, -ɪŋ / =
m ˈvəɪəˌlet, ˈvəɪlət / -s sp Virginius2 sp visit48, visite7 / visits2 / visiting4 /
sp violet6 / violets7 visited9
rh set VA 936 virgin-like adj rh bed MND 3.2.430
ˈvɐ:ɹdʒɪn-ˌləɪk > unvisited
viper / ~s n
sp virgin-like1 visitation / ~s n
ˈvəɪpəɹ / -z
sp viper / vipers 3
Virgo / ~’s n m ˌvɪzɪˈtɛ:sɪən, -sɪˌɒn / -sɪənz
ˈvɐ:ɹɡo:z sp visitation16, visita-tion1 /
viperous adj visitations1
sp Virgoes1
ˈvəɪprəs, -pər-
visited adj
sp viperous2, viporous1 virtue / ~’s / ~s n
ˈvɐ:ɹtjə / -z
vir Lat n sp visited1
sp vertu1, vertue176, ver-tue1 /
vɪɹ vertues10 / vertues44, visiting adj
sp vir1 [bastard]-vertues1, ver-tues2 ˈvɪzɪtɪn, -ɪŋ
> unvirtuous
virago n sp visiting5
vɪˈrɑ:ɡo: virtuous adj / n
visiting / ~s n
sp firago 1
ˈvɐ:ɹtjəs, Mistress Quickly
ˈvɪzɪtɪnz, -ɪŋz
MW .. ˈfɐ:ɹ-
sp visitings1


visitor n vizard-like adj volley n/v

ˈvɪzɪtəɹ / -z ˈvɪzəɹd-ˌləɪk ˈvɒləɪ
sp visitor1 / visitors2 sp vizard-like1 sp volley1, volly2 / volly1

visor / Visor [name] n vlowting-stock Volquessen n

ˈvəɪzəɹ > flouting-stock vɒlˈkesən
sp visor7, visore1, vizor1 / Visor3 sp Volquessen1
vocation n
vit·a / ~ae Lat n vəˈkɛ:sɪən Volsce / ~s n
ˈvi:te sp vocation3, vocati-on1 ˈvɒlsi: / -z
sp vitae1 sp Volce3 / Volces17, Volcies2
> aqua-vitae
vocative n
Evans MW ..f ˈfɒkətɪv Volsces adj
vital adj sp focatiue1, foca-tiue1 ˈvɒlsi:z
ˈvəɪtɑl sp Volces1
sp vitall4
vocativ·us / ~o Lat n
vɒkəˈti:vo: Volscian adj
vitement Fr adv sp vocatiuo ˈvɒlsɪən
vitˈmɑ̃ sp Volcean2, Volcian2
sp vistement 1 vocatur Lat v
vɒˈkɑ:tʊɹ Volscian / ~s / ~s’ n
vivant Fr adj sp vocatur1 ˈvɒlsɪən / -z
viˈvɑ̃ sp Volscian1, Volcean1 / Volceans1,
sp viuant1
voice / ~s n Volcians3 / Volcians1
vəɪs / ˈvəɪsɪz
viva voce Lat n sp voice61, voyce94 / voices9, Voltemand n
ˈvi:və ˈvo:si: voi-ces1, voyces43 ˈvɒltɪmand
sp viua voce1 rh 1 choice RJ 1.2.19; rejoice VA 978; sp Voltemand3, Voltumand2
rh 2 juice VA 134; rh 3 noise VA 921
vivre / vive Fr v > low-, shrill-voiced volubility n
vi:v m ˌvɒljəˈbɪlɪtəɪ, -ˌtəɪ
voice / ~d v
sp viue1 sp volubilitie1, volubility1
vəɪs / -t
vixen n sp voyce1 / voic’d1 voluble adj
= > outvoice m ˈvɒljəbəl, -ˌbɤl
sp vixen1 sp voluble4
void adj / v
viz adv vəɪd volume / ~s n
= sp void4, voide1, voyd2, voyde2 / =
void1, voide1
sp viz1 sp volume10 / volumes4
> avoid
vizaments [malap Volumnia n
voiding adj
advisements] n vəˈlɤmnɪə
ˈvəɪdɪn, -ɪŋ
ˈvəɪzəmənts sp Volumnia8
sp voyding1
sp viza-ments1
Volumnius n
volant / ~e Fr adj
vizard / ~s n vəˈlɤmnɪəs
ˈvɪzəɹd / -z sp Volumnius8
5 8
sp volante1
sp vizard / vizards
voluntary adj
voliuorco nonsense word
vizard / ~ed v m ˈvɒlənˌtarəɪ, -trəɪ
ˈvɪzəɹdɪd sp voluntarie2, voluntary9,
sp voliuorco1
sp vizarded2 vo-luntary1


voluntar·y / ~ies n vouched adj vowel / ~s n

m ˈvɒlənˌtarəɪ, -trəɪ / -ˌtrəɪz vəʊtʃt ˈvəʊl / -z
sp voluntary1 / voluntaries1 sp voucht1 sp vowell1 / vowels1

voluptuously adv voucher / ~s n vow-fellow / ~s n

vəˈlɤptjəsləɪ ˈvəʊtʃəɹ / -z ˈvəʊ-ˌfeləz, -lo:z
sp voluptuously1 sp voucher1 / vouchers2 sp vow-fellowes1
> fellow
voluptuousness n vouchsaf·e / ~es / ~ing /
m vəˈlɤptjəsˌnes ~ed v vox Lat n
sp voluptuousnesse2 ˈvəʊtʃsɛ:f / -s / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / -t vɒks
sp vouchsafe49, vouch-safe2, sp vox1
vomissement Fr n voutsafe1 / vouch-safes1 /
vɔmisˈmɑ̃ vouchsafing1 / vouchsaf ’d1
voyage / ~s n
sp vemissement 1 ˈvəɪɪdʒ / -ɪz
vouchsafed adj sp voyage20, voy-age1 / voyages2
vomit n ˈvəʊtʃsɛ:ft
= sp vouchsafed2
vraiment Fr adv
sp vomit2 vrɛˈmɑ̃
vouloir / veux / voudrais sp verayment2
vomit / ~s v Fr v
= vø / vuˈdrɛ Vulcan / ~’s n
sp vomit / vomits 1 1
sp veus / voudray 1 ˈvɤlkən / -z
sp Vulcan3 / Vulcans3
votaress n vous Fr pro
ˈvo:trəs vu, followed by vowel vuz vulgar adj
sp votresse2 1 1
sp vos , vou , vous , vouz 24 1 ˈvɤlɡəɹ
rh Ephesus Per 4.Chorus.4 sp vulgar16
votre det
votarist / ~s n ˈvɔtrə vulgar / ~s n
m ˈvo:trɪst, -tər-, -təˌr- / sp vostre 9 ˈvɤlɡəɹ / -z
-trɪsts sp vulgar5 / vulgars1
sp votarist / votarists 1 vow / ~s n
vəʊ / -z vulgarly adv
votar·y / ~ies n 50
sp vow , vowe / vowes 2 57 m ˈvɤlɡəɹˌləɪ
ˈvo:təˌrəɪ, -tər- / -tərəɪz rh 1 allow, bow Luc 1843; brow, how sp vulgarly1
1 2 2
sp votarie , votary / votaries Luc 809, RJ 2.3.58; now LLL 5.2.345,
RJ 1.1.223; rh 2 unto LC 182 [Q] /
vulgo adv
votre Fr boughs AY 3.2.129 ˈvɤlɡo:
> vous > break-, marriage-, vapour-vow sp vulgo1

vouch / ~es n vow / ~s / ~ing / ~ed / vulnerable adj

vəʊtʃ / ˈvəʊtʃɪz ~edest v m ˈvɤlnəˌrabəl
sp vouch3, vouches1 vəʊ / -z / ˈvəʊ·ɪn, -ɪŋ / m -ɪd, sp vulnerable1
vəʊd / vəʊds, -dst > in-, un-vulnerable
vouch / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v
sp vow20, vowe3 / vowes6 / vowing2
vəʊtʃ / ˈvəʊtʃ·ɪz / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / vulture / ~s n
/ vowd2, vow’d11, vowed2 / vow’dst1
vəʊtʃt rh bowed LLL 4.2.106, PP 5.2
ˈvɤltəɹ / -z
sp vouch8 / vouches1 / vouching1 / sp vulture3 / vultures2
vouch’d4 vowed adj
> fore-vouched m ˈvəʊɪd, vəʊd vulture v
sp vowed 2 ˈvɤltəɹ
sp vulture1


wade / ~d v wager / ~ed v wained adj

wɛ:d / ˈwɛ:dɪd ˈwɛ:dʒəɹ / -d ˈwɛ:nɪd
sp wade3 / waded2 wager2 / wager’d2 sp wained1

waddle / ~d v wages n waining adj / n

ˈwɑdld ˈwɛ:dʒɪz ˈwɛ:nɪn, -ɪŋ
sp wadled1 sp wages11 sp waining1 / waining1
rh rages Cym 4.2.261 > beauty-waining
wafer-cake / ~s n
ˈwɛ:fəɹ-ˌkɛ:ks waggish adj wainrope / ~s n
sp wafer-cakes1 = ˈwɛ:nro:ps
sp waggish2 sp waine-ropes1
waft / ~s / ~ing v
wɑft / -s / ˈwɑftɪn, -ɪŋ waggling n wainscot n
6 4
sp waft / wafts / wafting 1 ˈwaɡlɪn, -ɪŋ ˈwɛ:nskət
sp wagling1 sp wainscot1
waftage n
ˈwɑftɪdʒ waggon adj / n waist n
sp waftage2 = wast
sp waggon2, waggon2 / wagon1 sp wast1, waste13
wafter n rh 1 chaste Luc 6; rh 2 fast LLL
ˈwɑftəɹ waggoner n 4.3.183
sp wafter 1 m ˈwaɡəˌnɐ:ɹ pun 2H4 1.2.144, MW 1.3.38 waste
sp waggoner2, wagoner1
wag / ~s n wait / ~s / ~eth / ~ing /
= wagtail n ~ed v
sp wag5, wagge3 / wagges1 ˈwaɡtɛ:l wɛ:t / -s / ˈwɛ:t·əθ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ /
sp wagtaile1 -ɪd
wag / ~s / ~ging v sp waight1, wait33, waite25, wayt1 /
= / = / ˈwaɡɪn, -ɪŋ wail / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v waites5, waits4 , waytes1 / waiteth1 /
sp wag6, wagg1, wagge4 / wagges1, wɛ:l / -z / ˈwɛ:lɪn, -ɪŋ / wɛ:ld waighting1, waiting1, wayting1 /
wags1 / wagging4 sp waile15, wayle6 / wailes2 / waighted1, waited3, wayted4
wailing1, wayling3 / wail’d2 rh 1 conceit LLL 5.2.401; rh 2 gate
wage v rh trundle-tail KL 3.6.70 Per 1.1.80
ˈwɛ:dʒ / -d
sp wage7 / wag’d3
wailing adj waiting adj / n
ˈwɛ:lɪn, -ɪŋ ˈwɛ:tɪn, -ɪŋ
wager / ~s n sp wayling1 sp wayting1 / waiting1
ˈwɛ:dʒəɹ / -z
sp wager18 / wagers2
wain n/v waiting-gentlewoman n
wɛ:n ˈwɛ:tɪn-ˌdʒentlwʊmən, -ɪŋ-
sp waine1 / waine1


sp waiting-gentlewoman2, waiting walk n Wallon n

gentlewoman2, waiting = wɑˈlo:n
gentle-woman1, wayting gentlewoman1
sp walke2, walkes7 sp Wallon2
> gentlewoman

waiting-woman n walk / ~est / ~s / ~ing / wallow v

ˈwɛ:t·ɪn-ˌwʊmən, -ɪŋ- ~ed v ˈwɒlə, -lo:
sp waiting woman1, waiting women1
= / wɔ:ks, -st / = / ˈwɔ:kɪn, sp wallow2
> woman -ɪŋ / =
walnut n
sp walk2, walke115 / walk’st1 /
wake [awake] n walkes23, walks1 / walking16 /
wɛ:k walk’d17, walked2, walkt5 sp wall-nut1
sp wake 3 rh talk TC 4.4.137 / stalks
Luc 367
walnut-shell n
rh make KL 3.2.34
> overwalk ˈwɑ:lnət-ˌʃel
wake [fair] / ~s n sp walnut-shell1
wɛ:ks walking adj / n > shell
sp wakes3
ˈwɔ:kɪn, -ɪŋ
sp walking3 / walking5
Walter / ~’s n
wak·e / ~est / ~s / ~ing / > late-, night-walking ˈwɑ:təɹ / -z
~ed v sp Walter20 / Walters1
wall / ~’s / ~s n pun 2H6 4.1.31 water
wɛ:k / -s, -st / -s / ˈwɛ:kɪn, -ɪŋ /
wɑ:l, = / -z
wɛ:kt wan adj
sp wal , wall , [brick]-wall1 / wals1,
2 61
sp wake48 / wak’st5 / wakes13 / walls1 / walles31, walls32, wals7 wɒn
waking2 / wak’d13, waked1, wakt1, rh 1 all MND 5.1.197, Tim 4.1.38; sp wan3
wak’t3 befall MND 5.1.154; fall, withal Luc
rh betake Luc 126 [Q] / sake, take 464; hall LLL 5.2.901; parle 3H6 wan / ~ned v
MND 2.2.33 / tak’st MND 3.2.453 / 5.1.17; thrall Luc 723; rh 2 perpetual wɒnd
a-shaking, taking Luc 450 Luc 723 wan’d1
waked adj wall / ~s / ~ed v wand adj
wɛ:kt wɑ:l, = / -z / -d
sp wak’d sp wall2 / walls1 / wal’d1 sp wand1
> outwall, sea-walled
Wakefield n
wand / ~s n
ˈwɛ:kfi:ld walled adj wɑnd / -z
sp Wakefield1 wɑ:ld, = sp wand3 / wands2
sp wall’d3, walled1
waken v
wander / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
ˈwɛ:kən / -d wall-eyed adj
4 2 1
ˈwɑndəɹ / -z / ˈwɑndrɪn, -ɪŋ /
sp waken / waken’d , wakened ˈwɑ:l-ˌəɪd, ˈwɔ:l- ˈwɑndəɹd
sp wall-ey’d2
waking adj / n sp wander19 / wanders1 /
> eye
ˈwɛ:kɪn, -ɪŋ wandring3, wand’ring1 / wander’d2,
sp waking15 / waking3 wallet / ~s n
> still-waking ˈwɑlət / -s wanderer / ~s n
sp wallet1 / wallets1 ˈwɑndrəɹ / -z
waleful adj
ˈwɛ:lfʊl sp wanderer2 / wanderers1
wall-newt n
sp walefull1 ˈwɑ:l-ˌnju:t, ˈwɔ:l-
Wales n sp wall-neut1

sp Wales38


wandering adj wantonness n wardrobe n

ˈwɑndrɪn, -ɪŋ, -dər- m ˈwɑntənˌnes, ənəs ˈwɑ:ɹdro:b
sp wandering4, wandring6, sp wantonnes1, wantonnesse5 sp wardrobe5
wand’ring2 rh excess LLL 5.2.74; less S 96.1
ware adj
wane n want-wit n wɛ:ɹ
wɛ:n ˈwɑnt-ˌwɪt sp ware5
sp wane1 sp want-wit1 > unwares

wane / ~s v wappened adj ware interj

wɛ:nz ˈwɑpənd wɛ:ɹ
sp wanes1 sp wappen’d1 sp ware2, ware-a1
rh 1 dear-a, rh 2 wear-a WT 4.4.321
waning adj / n war / ~’s / ~s n [song]
ˈwɛ:nɪn, -ɪŋ wɑ:ɹ / -z > beware
sp wayning1, 2H6 4.10.19 emend of sp war12, warre235, warres [war is]2 /
warning1 warres6 / warres129, warrs4, wars9
Ware [name] n
rh 1 afar, scar Luc 831; are TC wɛ:ɹ
want / ~s n Prol.31; bar S 46.1; far AW 3.4.8; jar sp Ware1
wɑnt / -s VA 98; rh 2 stir R2 2.3.52 / scars H5
sp want49 / wants9 5.1.85; stars MND 3.2.408, Per 1.1.39 wares n
rh scant PP 20.36 > closet-war wɛ:ɹz
sp wares3
want / ~est / ~s / ~eth / ~ing / war / ~rest / ~red v rh fairs LLL 5.2.317
~ed v wɑ:ɹ / -st / -d
wɑnt / wɑnst, wɑnts, -tst / sp warre6 / war’st1, warr’st1 / warily adv
wɑnts / ˈwɑnt·əθ / -ɪn, war’d1 ˈwɛ:ɹɪləɪ
sp warely1, warily1
-ɪŋ / -ɪd warbl·e / ~ing v rh by LLL 5.2.93
sp want129 / want’st7 / wants32 / ˈwɑ:ɹb·əl / -lɪn, -lɪŋ
3 14 8
> wary
wanteth / wanting / wanted
sp warble2 / warbling1
rh 1 enchant Tem.Epil.13; rh 2 vaunt warlike adj
Luc 42 / granteth, panteth Luc 557 / warbling adj ˈwɑ:ɹləɪk
granting S 87.7 / scanted KL 1.1.279
ˈwɑ:ɹblɪn, -ɪŋ sp warlicke1, warlike55, war-like2,
wanting adj / n sp warbling1 warrelike2, warre-like1
> like
ˈwɑntɪn, -ɪŋ ward / ~s n
sp wanting3 / wanting2 warm / ~er adj
wɑ:ɹd / -z
wanton adj / adv / v
12 2
sp ward / wardes , wards 3 wɑ:ɹm / ˈwɑ:ɹməɹ
rh 1 guard S 133.9; regard Luc 303; sp warme33 / warmer2
rh 2 heard Luc 303
sp wanton44, wonton1 / wanton1 / warm adv
wanton3 ward / ~ed v wɑ:ɹm
wanton / ~’s / ~s n wɑ:ɹd / ˈwɑ:ɹdɪd sp warme2
sp ward1 / warded1 rh harm VA 193
ˈwɑntən / -z
sp wanton10 / wantons1 / wantons4 warden adj warm / ~s / ~ed v
wantonly S adv ˈwɑ:ɹdən wɑ:ɹm / -z / -d
sp warden1 sp warm3, warme4 / warmes3 /
m ˈwɑntənˌləɪ
warm’d7, warmed1
sp wantonly1 warder / ~s / ~s’ n rh charmed, harmed LC 191;
rh dye S 54.7
ˈwɑ:ɹdəɹ / -z disarmed S 154.6
sp warder3 / warders1 / warders1


war-man n warrant / ~s / ~eth / ~ed v Warwick / ~’s n

ˈwɑ:ɹ-ˌman ˈwɑrənt / -s / -əθ / -ɪd ˈwɒrɪk / -s
sp war-man1 sp warrant133, war-rant1, emend of sp Warwick42, Warwicke172,
AW 3.5.65 write / warrants2 / War-wicke1, abbr in s.d. War1,
war-marked adj warranteth1 / warranted1 Warw[icke]1 / Warwickes12,
ˈwɑ:ɹ-ˌmɑ:ɹkt > well-warranted Warwicks1
sp warre-markt-[footmen]1
warranted adj Warwickshire n
ˈwɑrəntɪd m ˈwɒrɪkˌʃəɪɹ, -kʃəɹ
warming n sp warranted3 sp Warwickshire3
ˈwɑ:ɹmɪn, -ɪŋ
sp warming1
warrantize n war-worn adj
m ˈwɑrənˌtəɪz ˈwɑ:ɹ-ˌwɔ:ɹn
warming-pan n sp warrantize1 sp warre-worne1
ˈwɑ:ɹmɪn-ˌpan, -ɪŋ- wear
sp warming-pan1
warranty n
m ˈwɑrənˌtəɪ wary adj
warmth n sp warrantie3 ˈwɛ:rəɪ
wɑ:ɹmθ sp warie1, wary9
sp warmth 5 warren n rh chary S 22.9
ˈwɑrən > unwarily, warily
warn / ~s / ~ed v sp warren1
wɑ:ɹn, Edgar’s assumed dia- was v
lect KL .. vɔ:ɹ / -z / -d warrener n unstr wəs, str wɑs
5 1 1
sp warne , Edgar vor’ / warnes /
ˈwɑrənəɹ sp was2186
sp warrener 1 rh glass Luc 1764, S 5.12; grass Luc
393; pass Ham 2.2.417, S 49.7, WT
> forewarn
warrior adj 4.1.10
warning adj ˈwɑrɪəɹ > be, were
ˈwɑ:ɹnɪn, -ɪŋ sp warrior1
it was abbr
sp warning
warrior / ~s n twəz
warning / ~s n ˈwɑrɪəɹ / -z sp twas7, ’twas144, t’was1
ˈwɑ:ɹnɪn, -ɪŋ / -z 3 8
sp warrior , warriour , war-riour / 1
was it abbr
sp warning14 / warnings2 warriers1, warriors12, warriours3
warp / ~ed v wart n sp wast39, was’t60
wɑ:ɹp / -t wɑɹt
wash / ~es n
sp warpe5 / warpt1 sp wart6
wɑʃ / ˈwɑʃɪz
rh sharp AY 2.7.188
Wart / ~’s [name] n sp wash2 / washes1,
warped adj wɑɹt / -s [Lincolne]-Washes1
m ˈwɑ:ɹpɪd sp Wart8 / Warts1
wash / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v
sp warped
war-thought / ~s n wɑʃ / ˈwɑʃ·ɪz / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / wɑʃt
war-proof n m ˌwɑ:ɹ-ˈθɔ:ts sp wash49 / washes4 / washing3 /
washd1, wash’d8, washed1,
m ˌwɑ:ɹ-ˈprɤf, ˈpru:f sp warre-thoughts 1
[vast-shore]-washet1, washt13
sp warre-proofe1
war-wearied adj
washed adj
warrant / ~s n m ˌwɑ:ɹ-ˈwi:rəɪd, -ˈwe-
ˈwɑrənt / -s sp warre-wearied1
sp wash’d1
sp warrant36, war-rant3, warrant’s > weary
> ale-washed
[warrant is]1 / warrants2


washer n wasted adj watchword / ~s n

ˈwɑʃəɹ ˈwastɪd ˈwɑtʃˌwɔ:ɹd / Evans MV ..
sp washer1 sp wasted2 ˈwɑtʃˌɔ:ɹdz
> time-bewasted sp watch-word1 / watch-’ords1
Washford n
ˈwɑʃfəɹd wasteful adj water / ~s n
sp Washford 1 ˈwastfʊl ˈwɑtəɹ, ˈwɑ:- / -z
sp wasteful1, wastefull4, wastfull2 sp water110, [holy]-water3,
washing adj / n [salt]-water1, wa-ter3 / waters27
ˈwɑʃɪn, -ɪŋ wasting adj rh flatter Luc 1561; matter KL 3.2.82,
sp washing1 / washing2 ˈwastɪn, -ɪŋ LC 304, LLL 5.2.208
> buck-washing sp wasting3 pun 2H6 4.1.35 Walter
> sea-water
wasp / ~’s / ~s n watch / ~es n
wɑsp / -s wɑtʃ / ˈwɑtʃ·ɪz water / ~ed v
sp waspe3 / waspes1 / waspes3 sp watch69 / watches3 ˈwɑtəɹ, ˈwɑ:- / -d
> night-watch sp water8 / watered1
waspish adj
ˈwɑspɪʃ watch / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v water-colour / ~s n
sp waspish 4 wɑtʃ / ˈwɑtʃ·ɪz / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / wɑtʃt ˈwɑtəɹ-ˌkɤləɹz, ˈwɑ:-
sp watch49 / watches2 / watching2 / sp water-colours1
waspish-headed adj watch’d4, watcht16 > colour
ˈwɑspɪʃ-ˌedɪd, -ˌhe- rh match VA 584
sp waspish headed > unwatched water-drop n
> head ˈwɑtəɹ-ˌdrɒps, ˈwɑ:-
watch-case n sp water-drops1
wasp-tongued adj ˈwɑtʃ-ˌkɛ:s rh crops Luc 959
ˈwɑsp-ˌtɒŋd, -ˌtʊ- sp watch-case1 > drop
sp waspe-tongu’d 1 > case
> tongue
water-flowing adj
watchdog / ~s n ˈwɑtəɹ-ˌflo:ɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈwɑ:-
wassail / ~s n ˈwɑtʃdɒgz sp water-flowing1
ˈwɑsəl / -z sp watch-dogges1 > flowing
sp wassell1 / wassels2 > dog
waterfl·y / ~ies n
wassail-candle n watcher n ˈwɑtəɹ-ˌfləɪ, ˈwɑ:- / -z
ˈwasəl-ˌkandl ˈwɑtʃəɹz sp waterflie1 / water-flies2
sp wassell-candle 1 sp watchers2 > fly

waste adj / n watchful adj Waterford n

wast ˈwɑtʃfʊl ˈwɑtəɹˌfɔ:ɹd, ˈwɑ:-
waste1 / wast7, waste9 sp watchfull11 sp Waterford1
rh 1 chaste RJ 1.1.218; taste
watching / ~s n watering n
RJ 2.3.67; rh 2 past S 30.4
ˈwɑtʃɪn, -ɪŋ / -z ˈwɑtrɪn, -ɪŋ, -tər-, ˈwɑ:-
waste / ~s / ~d v sp watching6, wat-ching1 / sp watering1
wast / -s / ˈwastɪd watchings1
waterish adj
sp wast2, waste18 / wastes1, wasts1 /
watch·man / ~men n ˈwɑtrɪʃ, -tər-, ˈwɑ:-
rh taste S 77.2 / tasted VA 130 ˈwɑtʃmən sp waterish1, watrish1
pun MW 1.3.38, 2H4 1.2.143 waist sp watchman /, watchmen ,
water-nymph n
ˈwɑtəɹ-ˌnɪmf, ˈwɑ:-
sp water-nymph1


water-pot / ~s n waver v Luc 1144, MND 2.2.42, 3.2.417, S 7.12,

ˈwɑtəɹ-ˌpɒts, ˈwɑ:- ˈwɛ:vəɹ 34.3, WT 4.3.121; day, grey MA
5.3.29; decay S 16.1; decay, slay Luc
sp water-pots1 sp wauer1
513; delay MND 5.1.199, Oth 2.3.376;
> pot
waverer n grey TS 4.1.132; lay VA 828; nay MV
3.2.228; pay VA 90; play LLL 5.2.862;
water-rug / ~s n m ˈwɛ:vəˌrɐ:ɹ play, stay LLL 4.3.74; pray TG 1.2.39;
ˈwɑtəɹ-ˌrɤɡz, ˈwɑ:- sp wauerer1 say Cym 3.2.83, Luc 630, S 50.1; slay
sp water-rugs1 AW 2.1.178, VA 623; stay Luc 309,
wavering adj 1365, Per 5.3.84, R2 1.3.304, S 44.2,
waterside n ˈwɛ:vrɪn, -ɪŋ 48.1, VA 704, 871; stray R2 1.3.207;
ˈwɑtəɹˌsəɪd, ˈwɑ:- sp wauering4 rh 2 victory 3H6 5.1.112 / delays VA
sp water side1 907; praise PP 18.13
> side wave-worn adj > church-, cross-, half-, high-, mid-,
ˈwɛ:v-ˌwɔ:ɹn path-, road-way
water-spaniel n sp waue-worne1
ˈwɑtəɹ-ˌspanɪəl, ˈwɑ:- > worn waylay / ~ed v
sp water-spaniell 1 ˌwɛ:ˈlɛ: / -d
> spaniel waving adj sp way-lay1 / way-layde1
ˈwɛ:vɪn, -ɪŋ
water-standing adj sp wauing2 wayward / ~er adj
ˈwɑtəɹ-ˌstandɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈwɑ:- ˈwɛ:wəɹd, ˈwɛ:əɹd / -əɹ
sp water-standing-[eye]1 waw sp waiward2, wayward6, way-ward2
> stand > pow-waw / waywarder1

Waterton n wawl v waywardness n

ˈwɑtəɹtən, ˈwɑ:- wɔ:l ˈwɛ:wəɹdnəs, ˈwɛ:əɹd-
sp Waterton1 sp wawle1 sp way-wardnesse1

water-walled adj wax n we pro

m ˈwɑtəɹ-ˌwɑ:lɪd, ˈwɑ:- = =
sp water-walled1 sp wax10, waxe10 sp we3023, wee267, wea4
> ear-wax rh be MND 5.1.393, Tim 3.5.47, TN
waterwork n 2.2.31; me 2H6 3.2.411; see KL
ˈwɑtəɹˌwɔ:ɹk, ˈwɑ:- wax / ~es / ~ed / ~en v 1.1.262; she LLL 5.2.468
sp waterworke 1 = / = / m wakst, ˈwaksɪd / = > our, us
> work sp wax5, waxe3 / waxes3 / waxed2,
waxt2 / waxen2 we are abbr
watery adj wi:ɹ
ˈwɑtrəɪ, -tər-, ˈwɑ:- waxen adj sp w’are1
4 2 2 7
sp waterie , watery , watrie , watry ,
watry-[starre]1, [grosse]-watry1 sp waxen6 we have abbr
wave / ~s n waxing adj sp w’haue1
wɛ:v / -z ˈwaksɪn, -ɪŋ
waue5 / waues13 sp waxing1 we will abbr
rh crave VA 86 wi:l
way / ~s n sp weel3, wee’l163, weele39,
wav·e / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v wɛ: / -z wee’le55, wee’ll28, we’l7, well1,
wɛ:v / -z / ˈwɛ:vɪn, -ɪŋ / wɛ:vd sp waie4, way547, [towne]-way1, we’ll18
sp waue6 / waues1 / wauing6 / wayes [way is]1 / waies28, wayes37,
wau’d1, waued2 [crook’d]-wayes1 we would abbr
rh grave 3H6 2.2.173 rh 1 assay, stay LC 158; astray MND wi:d, wi:ld
3.2.359; bay VA 879; convey Per 4. sp weed1, wee’ld2
Chorus.50; day CE 4.2.60, 1H4 5.5.41,


weak / ~er / ~est adj sp wealth63, welth1 / wearied adj

= / ˈwi:kəɹ / = wealths-[sake]1 ˈwi:rəɪd, ˈwe-
rh stealth CE 3.2.5, Tim 3.4.28
sp weak2, weake98 / weaker11 / sp wearied3
weakest4 wealthily adv > day-, fore-, lust-, un-, war-, woe-,
weak n m ˈwelθɪˌləɪ
= sp wealthily2 wearily adv
sp weake 1
wealth·y / ~iest adj ˈwi:rɪləɪ, ˈwe-
rh speak AW 2.1.176, 3.4.41, CE sp wearily1
ˈwelθəɪ / -əst
3.2.35, Luc 1646, VA 1145
sp wealthie3, wealthy8 / wealthiest1 weariness n
weaken / ~s / ~ed v m ˈwi:rɪnəs, -ˌnes, ˈwe-
wean / ~ed v
= sp wearines1, wearinesse2
1 2 =
sp weaken / weakens /
weaken’d1, weak’ned1 sp weane2 / wean’d1 wearing adj / n
weapon / ~’s / ~s n ˈwɛ:rɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈwi:-
weakest n sp wearing1 / wearing7
= =
> wear v
sp wea-kest1 sp weapon27, wea-pon1 / weapons1
/ weapons38, wea-pons2 wearisome adj
weak-hearted adj m ˈwi:rɪˌsɤm, ˈwe-
weaponed adj
m ˌwi:k-ˈɑ:ɹtɪd, -ˈhɑ:- sp wearisome3
1 =
sp weake-hearted
sp weapon’d1 wear·y / ~iest adj
weak-hinged adj ˈwi:rəɪ, ˈwe- / -əst
wear / ~-a [song] n
ˈwi:k-ˌɪndʒd, -ˌhɪ- sp wearie29, weary40 / weariest1
1 wɛ:ɹ / wɛ:ɹ-ə
sp weake-hindg’d rh merry Tem 4.1.134
sp wear1, weare2 / weare-a1 > a-, dog-, life-weary
weakling n rh dear-a, ware-a WT 4.4.318
= wear·y / ~ies / ~ied v
wear / ~est / ~s / ~ing / wor·e /
sp weakeling1 ˈwi:rəɪ, ˈwe- / -z / -d
~st / ~n v
sp wearie2, wea-rie1, weary2 /
weakly adv wɛ:ɹ, wi:ɹ / -st / -z / ˈwɛ:ɹɪn, wearies2 / wearied2
ˈwi:kləɪ -ɪŋ, ˈwi:ɹ- / wɔ:ɹ / -st / -n
sp weakely1, weakly2 sp wear5, weare185 / wear’st4 / weasel n
weares38, wears1 / wearing10 / ˈwi:zəl
weakness n wore27 / wor’st1 / worne38 sp weazel1, weazell5
ˈwi:knəs rh 1 bear AY 4.2.11, S 77.1, VA 163;
sp weakenesse8, weake-nesse1, pear RJ 2.1.37 [emend of were]; rh 2 weather / ~s n
weaknesse16 appear, dear Cor 2.1.171, LC 95, LLL ˈweðəɹ / -z
5.2.130, 456; deer AY 4.2.11; deer, sp weather28, [leauen]-weather1,
weal n year KL 3.4.131; fear VA 1081; here wea-ther2 / weathers1
= MND 2.2.77; here, tear [cry] LC 291; rh 1 together AY 5.4.133, PP 12.3,
year KL 1.4.165, VA 506 / appears Per VA 972; rh 2 hither AY 2.5.8, 2.5.42;
sp weale14
Epil.10; tears [cry] Luc 680 / boar VA thither Luc 115
rh steal 1H6 1.1.177
1107; wore it bore it AY 4.2.16 / new- > bell-weather
> commonweal
born LLL 4.3.240
weals·man / ~men n > outwear, wearing adj, well-worn, weather-beaten adj
worn adj ˈweðəɹ-ˌbi:tn
sp weales men wearer / ~s n sp weather-beaten1, weather-
ˈwɛ:rəɹ, ˈwi:- / -z
wealth / ~’s n > bitten
sp wearer2 / wearers1


weather-cock n wedlock adj / n sp week2, weeke28 / weekes5,

ˈweðəɹ-ˌkɒk = [fiue]-weekes1
rh seek AY 2.3.74, LLL 5.2.61, Luc 213
sp weather-cocke1, wethercocke2 sp wedlocke3 / wedlock2, wedlocke5
/ cheeks S 116.11
weather-fend / ~s v Wednesday n weekly adv
ˈweðəɹ-ˌfendz ˈwenzdɛ: ˈwi:kləɪ
sp weather-fends1 sp Wednesday6, Wednes-day1,
sp weekly1
Wendsday2, Wensday4, Wens-day1
weave / ~s / woven v > Ash Wednesday ween / ~ing v
= / = / ˈwo:vən = / ˈwi:nɪn, -ɪŋ
sp weaue1 / weaues2 / wouen3
wee adj
= sp weene1 / weening1
> ill-weaved
1 > overween
sp wee-[face]
weaved-up adj weep / ~est / ~s / ~ing /
ˈwi:vd-ˌɤp weed [clothing] / ~s n
wept v
sp weau’d-vp1 =
= / wi:ps, -st / = / ˈwi:pɪn, -ɪŋ /
sp weed2 / weedes12, weeds7
weaver / ~’s / ~s n rh proceed S 76.6 / speed’s MA =
ˈwi:vəɹ / -z 5.3.30 sp weep7, weepe150, weep’t [weep
sp weauer10 / weauers1 / weauers1 it]1 / weep’st7 / weepes28, weeps4 /
weed [plant] / ~s n weeping22 / wept28
weaving adj = rh bo-peep KL 1.4.171; deep LLL
ˈwi:vɪn, -ɪŋ sp weed3, weede1 / weedes7, 4.3.31, Per 1.4.14; deep, sleep LC 124;
1 weeds13 keep LLL 4.3.37, RJ 5.3.17, S 9.5; peep
sp weauing
rh bleed VA 1055; deed Luc 196 / VA 1090; sleep Ham 3.2.280, 1H6
web n deeds S 69.12, 94.14; needs Mac 4.3.28, PP 20.51 / sleeps Luc 906 /
5.2.30 peeping, sleeping Luc 1087
= > a-weeping, unwept
> unweeded
sp web9, webbe1
weeping adj
wed / ~dest / ~ding / ~ded v weed / ~s / ~ed v
= ˈwi:pɪn, -ɪŋ
= / wedst / ˈwedɪn, -ɪŋ / =
sp weed4, weede4 / weedes1 / sp weeping15
sp wed30, wedde2 / wed’st1 /
wedding1 / wedded14 weeded1
weeping / ~s n
rh bed AW 2.3.91, Ham 4.5.64, Per ˈwi:pɪn, -ɪŋ / -z
weeder-out n
2.5.94, PP 18.48; dead Ham 3.2.224
ˈwi:dəɹ-ˌəʊt sp weeping20 / weepings1
> unwed
sp weeder out 1 rh a-sleeping Tim 1.2.65; sleeping
wedded adj Tim 4.3.489, VA 949
= weeding n
weet v
sp wedded3, wedded-[lady]1 ˈwi:dɪn, -ɪŋ
sp weeding1
wedding adj / n rh reading LLL 1.1.96 sp weete1
ˈwedɪn, -ɪŋ weigh v
sp wedding20 / wedding12
weedy adj
ˈwi:dəɪ ˈwɛ: / -z / ˈwɛ:ɪn, -ɪŋ / wɛ:d
wedge / ~s n sp weedy1 sp waigh8, weigh31, weighe1, Ham
= 1.3.29 emend of weight / waighes1,
week interj weighes4, weighs2 / weighing5 /
sp wedges2
= waid1, waigh’d2, weigh’d13, weighed1
wedge / -d v rh fray MND 3.2.131 / paying MM
sp weeke2
m wedʒd, ˈwedʒɪd 3.2.254 / maid RJ 1.2.95
week / ~s n > out-, over-weigh; un-, well-
sp wadg’d1, wedg’d1, wedged1
weighing; unweighed
> unwedgable =


weight / ~s n welkin / ~’s n well-a-near Per interj

ˈwɛ:t / -s = ˈweləˈni:ɹ, -nɛ:ɹ
sp waight22, weight22 / waights2 sp welken1, welkin13 / welkins3 sp wel-a-neare1
rh straight TNK 3.5.117 rh fear Per 3.Chorus.51
well adj / interj
weightless adj = well-appointed adj
ˈwɛ:tləs 5
sp wel , wel 178 20 508
/ wel , well ˈweləˈpəɪntɪd
sp weightlesse1 sp well-appointed2
well adv > appoint
weight·y / ~ier adj =, Caius MW .., ..
ˈwɛ:təɪ / -əɹ vel well-armed adj
4 5
sp waighty , weightie , weighty / 5 52
sp wel , well 1371 3
, [as]well ,
waightier2, weightier1 well-[belou’d]1, well-[fa-uourd]1, sp well armed1
rh why TS 1.1.245 well-[sed]1, well-[winged]1, > arm
[farethee]-well1, [farthee]well2,
weird adj [far-thee]-well1, [farthe]well1, [farye]
well-balanced adj
m ˈwi:əɹd, ˈwi:ɹd well2, [fareyou]wel1, [faryou]well1, ˈwel-ˈbalənst
sp weyard3, weyward3 [fareyou]well4, [fery]-well1, Caius vell2 sp weale-ballanc’d1
rh 1 expel VA 974; farewell R3 > balance
welcome / ~st adj 4.1.102; fell AW 3.1.21, LLL 5.2.113;
= / m ˈwelkəˌmest Florizel WT 4.1.21; hell CE 2.2.221, well-behaved adj
sp welcom , welcome 105
, wel-come 1 4.2.31, 39, KJ 1.1.271, LLL 4.3.254, ˈwelbɪˈɛ:vd, -ˈhɛ:-
/ welcommest1 MND 2.1.244, R2 5.5.115, R3 4.4.166, sp wel-behaued1
> unwelcome S 58.14, 129.13, TN 3.4.212; parallel > behave
TC 2.2.162; passing-bell VA 701; sell
welcome interj PP 18.11 [emend], S 21.13, TC 4.1.78; well-beloved adj
= sentinel MND 2.2.31; spell RJ 2.3.83; m ˈwelbɪˈlɤvd, -vɪd
tell CE 3.1.53, 3.2.186, 4.2.44, KL
sp welcom4, welcome142, sp welbeloued1, wel-beloued1, well
1.4.343, 4.6.276, LC 255, MND 3.2.77,
wel-come1, well come1 belou’d2
S 14.7, 103.10, WT 4.4.298; rh 2 ill KJ
> beloved
welcome / ~s n 3.4.4, RJ 4.5.76; ill, Jill MND 3.2.463
> farewell well-beseeming adj
sp welcom5, welcome77, wel-come1, well / ~s n ˈwel-bɪˈsi:mɪn, -ɪŋ
wellcome1 / welcomes7 sp well-beseeming1, well
welcome / ~d v sp well17 / welles1, wels1
> beseem
= well-accomplished adj
sp welcome22 / welcom’d3
well-born adj
ˈweləˈkɒmplɪʃt, -ˈkɤm- ˈwel-ˈbɔ:ɹn
welcomer n sp well accomplish’d1, well
sp well-borne1, well borne1
ˈwelkəməɹ > born
> accomplished
sp welcommer1
well-bred adj
well-a-day interj
welfare n ˈwel-ˈbred
ˈwelfɛ:ɹ sp well bred1
sp weladay3, well-a-day1, welliday1
sp welfare 4 > breed
rh play Per 4.4.49
welked adj well-chosen adj
well-advised adj
= ˈwel-ˈtʃo:zən
m ˈwelədˈvəɪzɪd
sp wealk’d1 sp well-chosen1
sp well-aduised1
> choose
rh disguised CE 2.2.223
> advised well-dealing adj
ˈwel-ˈdɛ:lɪn, -ɪŋ


sp well-dealing1 well-foughten adj sp well meaning1

> deal ˈwel-ˈfɔ:tən > mean

well-derived adj sp well-foughten1 well-meant adj

> fight
m ˈwel-dɪˈrəɪvɪd ˈwel-ˈment
sp well deriued1 well-found adj sp well-meant1
> derive ˈwel-ˈfəʊnd > mean

well-deserved adj sp well-found1 well-minded adj

> find
m ˈwel-dɪˈzɐ:ɹvɪd, -ɐ:ɹvd ˈwel-ˈməɪndɪd
sp well-deserued1 well-graced adj sp well-minded1
> deserved ˈwel-ˈɡrɛ:st > mind

well-deserving adj sp well grac’d1 well-nigh adv

> grace
ˈwel-dɪˈzɐ:ɹvɪn, -ɪŋ ˈwel-ˈnəɪ
sp well-deseruing3 well-hallowed adj sp wel-nye1, well-nye1
> deserving ˈwel-ˈaləd, -ˈha- > nigh

well-disposed adj sp wel-hallow’d1 well-noted adj

> hallow
m ˈwel-dɪsˈpo:zɪd ˈwel-ˈno:tɪd
sp well-disposed1 well-knit adj sp well noted1
> dispose ˈwel-ˈnɪt, -ˈkn- > note

well-divided adj sp well-knit1 well-ordered adj

> knit
ˈwel-dɪˈvəɪdɪd ˈwel-ˈɔ:ɹdəɹd
sp well diuided1 well-known adj sp well-ordred1
> divide ˈwel-ˈno:n, -ˈkn- > order

well-divulged adj sp well-knowne1 well-paid adj

> know
ˈwel-dɪˈvɤldʒd ˈwel-ˈpɛ:d
sp well divulg’d1 well-labouring adj sp well paid1
> divulged ˈwel-ˈlɛ:brɪn, -ɪŋ, -bər- > pay

well-educated adj sp well-labouring1 well-painted adj

> labour
ˈwel-ˈedjəkɛ:tɪd ˈwel-ˈpɛ:ntɪd
sp well educated1 well-learned adj sp well-painted1
> educate ˈwel-ˈlɐ:ɹnɪd > paint

well-entered adj sp well-learned1 well-practised adj

> learn
ˈwel-ˈentəɹd ˈwel-ˈpraktɪst
sp well entred1 well-liking adj sp well-practis’d1
> enter ˈwel-ˈləɪkɪn, -ɪŋ > practice

well-famed adj sp wel-liking1 well-proportioned adj

> like
ˈwel-ˈfɛ:md ˈwel-prəˈpɔ:ɹsɪənd
sp well-fam’d1 well-lost adj sp well proportion’d1
> fame ˈwel-ˈlɒst > proportion

well-favoured adj sp well lost1 well-remembered adj

> lose
ˈwel-ˈfɛ:vəɹd ˈwel-rɪˈmembəɹd
sp wel fauor’d1, wel-fauoured1, well-meaning adj sp well-remembred1
well-fauourd1, well fauour’d1, ˈwel-ˈmi:nɪn, -ɪŋ > remember
> favour


well-reputed adj sp well-worne1 rh 1 appear Luc 631; beer Oth

ˈwel-rɪˈpju:tɪd > wear 2.1.155; here CE 4.2.10; near S 140.5;
rh 2 bear S 13.6; swear LLL 4.3.116,
sp well reputed1 Welsh adj / n PP 16.16; were it bear it Luc 1156
> repute
= > be, was
well-respected adj sp Welch5, Welch-[deuill]1,
it were abbr
ˈwel-rɪˈspektɪd Welch-[hooke]1, Welsh5 / Welch2,
Welsh12 twəɹ
sp well-respected1 sp ’twer8, ’twere108, t’were2
> respect Welsh·man / ~men n
= west adj / n
well-seeming adj =
ˈwel-ˈsi:mɪn, -ɪŋ sp Welchman4, Welshman1,
Welsh-man1 / Welchmen3, Welshmen2 sp west3 / west26
1 1
sp well-seeming , welseeming rh 1 best TC 2.3.260; nest VA 530;
> seem Welsh·woman / ~women n rest S 73.6; unrest R2 2.4.21; rh 2
m ˌwelʃ-ˈwɪmɪn east S 132.8
well-spoken adj > north-north-west
ˈwel-ˈspo:kən sp Welshwomen1
1 1 > woman western adv
sp well-spoken , well spoken
> speak wen n ˈwestəɹn
= sp westerne10
well-took adj
ˈwel-ˈtʊk sp wen Westminster n
sp well-tooke 1
wench / ~’s / ~s / ~s’ n ˈwestmɪnstəɹ
> take sp Westminster7
well-tuned adj sp wench57 / wenches1 / Westmoreland n
ˈwel-ˈtju:nd wenches20, wen-ches1 / wenches1 m ˈwestməɹˌland, -lənd
rh French 1H6 4.7.41
sp well tun’d-[hornes]1 sp Westmerland47, West-merland1
> flax-wench
> tune
wenching adj westward adv
well-warranted adj
ˈwenʃɪn, -ɪŋ ˈwestwəɹd
ˈwel-ˈwɑɹntɪd, -ɹən- sp westward4, west-ward1
sp wenching1
sp well-warranted1
> warrant wench-like adj wet adj / n / v
ˈwenʃ-ləɪk =
well-weighing adj sp wet8 / wet1 / wet7
sp wench-like1
ˈwel-ˈwɛ:ɪn, -ɪŋ rh debt VA 83; jet, set LC 40; set
sp well-waighing1 wend v Luc 1228
> weigh = wetting n
sp wend3
well-willer / ~s n ˈwetɪn, -ɪŋ
rh end CE 1.1.158, MND 3.2.372
ˈwel-ˈwɪləɹ / -z sp wetting1
sp TNK well willer / well-willers1 went
rh pillar TNK 3.5.115 wezand n
> go
> will ˈwezənd
wept sp wezand1
well-wished adj
> weep
ˈwel-ˈwɪʃt whale / ~’s n
sp wel-wisht1 were / wert v ʍɛ:l / -z
> wished str wɛ:ɹ, unstr wəɹ / -t sp whale6 / whales1
4 1529 2
sp wer , were , were’t [were it] , wharf / ~s n
well-worn adj
wer’t [were it]8 / wert66, wer’t29
ˈwel-ˈwɔ:ɹn ʍɑ:ɹf / -s
sp wharfe1 / wharfes1


what det, pro wheeled adj where adv

ʍɑt, Caius MW .. vɑt, ʍi:ld ʍɛ:ɹ, Caius MW .. ff vɛ:ɹ
Katherine, Lady H ..ff sp wheel’d1 sp wher2, where367, wheres [where
wɑt is]1, where’s [where is]90, wher’s
wheeling adj [where is]16, Caius ver3, ver’1, vere1
sp what4395, whats [what is]7, what’s
323 9
[what is] , Caius vat , Katherine,
ˈʍi:lɪn, -ɪŋ rh 1 swear R2 5.3.142; there R2
sp wheeling1 1.2.72, S 5.8, S 100.12, TN 2.4.63; rh
Lady wat3
appear S 102.4; clear S 84.12; here RJ
rh wot R2 2.2.39
whelk / ~s n 1.1.198; sphere MND 2.1.6; year S
whatever, abbr whate’er ʍelks 97.4
> any-, every-, no-, some-where
det / pro sp whelkes1
ʍɑtˈɛ:ɹ where conj / n
whelm v
sp what e’re1 / what ere21, what ʍɛ:ɹ
sp wher3, where793, wher’e1, where’t
> ever sp whelme1
[where it]2 / where1
> overwhelm
what ho interj whereabout adv / n
ˌʍɑt ˈho: whelp / ~s n
ʍelp ˈʍɛ:ɹəˌbəʊt
sp what ho7, what hoa30, what hoe2
sp whereabout1 / where-about1
sp whelpe8 / whelpes2
whatsoever, abbr whatsoe’er > bear-whelp
whereas conj
det / pro ʍɛ:ɹˈaz
whelp / ~ed v
m ˈʍɑtso:ˈevəɹ, abbr -ˈɛ:ɹ sp whereas4, where-as1, where as2
13 1
m ˈʍelpɪd, ʍelpt
sp whatsoeuer , abbr whatsoere /
sp whelped1, whelpt1
whatso-euer1, abbr whatsoe’re1, whereat adv
whatsoere2, what so ere1 ʍɛ:ɹˈat
when adv / conj
> ever
ʍen sp whereat7
85 1842 3
whatsomever, abbr sp when / when , whe[n] ,
whereby adv
whatsome’er pro when’s [when his]1, when’t [when
ˈʍɑtsəmˈɛ:ɹ sp whereby12
rh again R2 1.1.162; men AW
sp whatsomere1, what somere1
2.1.151, H8 1.1.5, MM 4.2.83; pen Per
wherefore adv
wheat n m ʍɛ:ɹˈfɔ:ɹ, ˈʍɛ:ɹˈfɔ:ɹ Caius
ʍi:t when as conj MW .. vɛ:ɹ-
sp wheate8 ʍenˈaz sp wherefore130, wherefore’s
sp when as8 [wherefore is]1, wherfore5, Caius
wheaten adj
ˈʍi:tən whence adv / conj rh door CE 3.1.39
sp wheaten1 ʍens
sp whence23 / whence52
wherein adv
wheel / ~s n m ʍɛ:ɹˈɪn, ˈʍɛ:ɹˈɪn
rh expense Per 5.Chorus.17
ʍi:l / -z sp wherein117, where-in3, wherin2
sp wheele19 / wheeles8, whenever, abbr rh din Cym 5.4.109
[chariot]-wheeles, wheels1 whene’er conj
rh steel CE 3.2.154, Luc 952 / reels whereinto adv
RJ 2.2.191
sp when ere2, when euer3
> millwheel
> ever sp whereinto1
wheel v whereof adv
whensoever conj
ʍi:l ʍɛ:ɹˈɒv
sp wheele2
sp whensoeuer1 sp whereof75, where-of3, wherof3
> enwheel


whereon adv whet / ~test / ~ted v whiles conj / n

ʍɛ:ɹˈɒn ʍet / -s, -st / ˈʍetɪd ʍəɪlz
sp whereon26 sp whet9 / whet’st1 / whetted2 sp whiles75 / whiles1
> otherwhiles
whereout adv whether conj
ʍɛ:ɹˈəʊt ˈʍeðəɹ, abbr ʍɛ:ɹ whilst conj / n
sp where-out 1 83 2
sp whether , whe-ther , abbr ʍəɪlst
whe’r1, where3 sp whilest14, whilst22, whil’st59 /
wheresoever, abbr rh 1 feather VA 304; rh 2 neither PP whilst4, whil’st3
wheresoe’er adv / conj 7.17; rh 3 thither PP 14.8
ˈʍɛ:ɹso:ˈevəɹ, abbr -ˈɛ:ɹ whine / ~d v
whetstone n ʍəɪn / -d
wheresoeuer / wheresoeuer , abbr
1 1

wheresoere7, wheresoe’re1, where

ˈʍetsto:n sp whine2 / whin’d2
so ere1 sp whetstone
> ever > stone whining adj
ˈʍəɪnɪn, -ɪŋ
wheresomever, abbr whew interj sp whining3, whyning1
wheresome’er conj ʍju:
ˈʍɛ:ɹsəmˈevəɹ, abbr -ˈɛ:ɹ sp whew1 whip / ~s n
sp wheresomere 1 ʍɪp / -s
whey n sp whip10 / whips2
whereto adv ʍɛ:
ʍɛ:ɹˈtu: sp whay1 whip / ~pest / ~s / ~ping /
sp whereto , where to 1 ~ped v
whey-face n ʍɪp / -st / -s / ˈʍɪpɪn, -ɪŋ / ʍɪpt
where-until conj ˈʍɛ:-ˌfɛ:s sp whip25, whippe1 / whip’st1 /
ˈʍɛ:ɹənˈtɪl sp whay-face1 whips3, whippes3 / whipping1 /
> face whip’d2, whipt39
sp where-vntill2
> unwhipped
whereunto adv which pro
ˈʍɛ:ɹənˈtu: ʍɪtʃ whipper / ~s n
sp whereunto 2 sp which2173 ˈʍɪpəɹz
sp whippers1
whereupon adv whiff n
ˈʍɛ:ɹəˈpɒn ʍɪf whipping n
sp whereupon , where-vpon 1 sp whiffe1 ˈʍɪpɪn, -ɪŋ
sp whipping7 whip-ping1
wherever, abbr whiffler n
where’er conj ˈʍɪfləɹ whipster n
ʍɛ:ɹˈevəɹ, abbr ʍɛ:ɹˈɛ:ɹ sp whiffler1 ˈʍɪpstəɹ
sp whipster1
sp where euer5, where-euer1, abbr while conj / n
where ere7
ʍəɪl whipstock n
> ever
sp while212 / while16, [a-]while2 ˈʍɪpstɒk
wherewith adv rh beguile LLL 1.1.75, VA 1142; guile sp whip-stocke1
Luc 1536; isle KJ 4.2.100; smile H8 > stock
ʍɛ:ɹˈwɪθ, -ɪð
sp wherewith9
> awhile whirl / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
wherewithal adv / n ʍɐ:ɹl / -z / ˈʍɐ:ɹlɪn, -ɪŋ /
whilere adv
ˈʍɛ:ɹwɪˈθɑ:l, -ɪˈð- ʍɐ:ɹld
sp wherewithall1 / wherewithall1 sp whirle2, whurle1 / whirles2 /
sp whileare1
whirling1 / whirl’d1 , whirled1


whirlpool n white / ~e / ~st adj white-livered adj

ˈʍɐ:ɹlpu:l ʍəɪt / ˈʍəɪt·əɹ / m -əst, -st m ˌʍəɪt-ˈlɪvəɹd
sp whirle-poole1 sp white85, White-[heart]1 / whiter4 sp white-liuer’d2
/ whitest1, whit’st1 > liver adj
whirlwind / ~s n rh bite KL 3.6.65; delight S 98.9,
ˈʍɐ:ɹlwəɪnd / -z 130.5, VA 77, 398; despite Luc 56; whiteness n
sp whirlewind , whirle-winde / 2 downright VA 643; night 1H6 2.4.126, ˈʍəɪtnəs
whirle-windes1, whirlewinds1 MW 5.5.37; right PT 13; write MW sp whitenes1, whitenesse4
whirlygig n > lily-, milk-, snow-white whither adv
ˈʍɐ:ɹləɪɡɪɡ ˈʍɪðəɹ
white adv
sp whirlegigge1 sp whether55, whe-ther1, whither33
ʍəɪt rh 1 neither WT 4.4.306; rh 2
whisper / ~s n sp white1 thither WT 4.4.297; rh 3 together
ˈʍɪspəɹ / -z VA 904
white / ~s n > somewhither
sp whisper2 / whispers2
ʍəɪt / -s
whisper / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v sp white28 / whites1 whiting adj
ˈʍɪspəɹ / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ, -pr- / -d rh appetite, delight Luc 11; fight Luc ˈʍəɪtɪn, -ɪŋ
63; fight, right Luc 65; fight, sight Luc sp whiting1
sp whisper29, whis-per1 / whispers9
1405; light, night Luc 394; light LLL
/ whispering1, whispring1,
2.1.183; night S 12.4, TS 5.2.185; sight whitly adj
whisp’ring1 / whisper’d2
rh sinister MND 5.1.162
VA 1168 ˈʍɪtləɪ
sp whitly1
whispering adj white-bearded adj
ˈʍɪsprɪn, -ɪŋ, -pər- ˈʍəɪt-ˌbɛ:ɹdɪd, ˌbɐ: Whitmore n
1 1 sp white-bearded2 ˈʍɪtmɔ:ɹ
sp whispering , whispring
> bearded
sp Whitmore3
whispering / ~s n
white-faced adj whitster / ~s
ˈʍɪsprɪnz, -ɪŋz, -pər- n
2 1
ˈʍəɪt-ˌfɛ:st ˈʍɪtstəɹz
sp whispering / whisperings ,
sp white-fac’d1
whisp’rings1 sp whit-sters1
> face
whist adj Whitsun adj
Whitefriars n
ʍɪst ˈʍɪtsən
m ˌʍəɪt-ˈfrəɪəɹz
sp whist1 sp Whitson2, Whitson-[pastorals]1
sp White Friars1
rh kissed Tem 1.2.378
> friar whittle n
whistle n
Whitehall n ˈʍɪtl
ˈʍɪsəl sp whittle1
m ˌʍəɪt-ˈɑ:l, -ˈhɑ:l
sp whistle
sp White-hall1 whiz / ~zing v
whistl·e / ~es / ~ing v > hall
ˈʍɪzɪn, -ɪŋ
ˈʍɪs·əl / -əlz / -lɪn, -lɪŋ white-handed adj sp whizzing1
sp whistle7 / whistles1 / whisling1
m ˌʍəɪt-ˈandɪd, -ˈha- who / ~m pro
whistling adj / n sp white handed1
str u:, =, unstr ʊ / str u:m, =,
ˈʍɪslɪn, -ɪŋ white-limbed adj unstr ʊm
sp whistling1 / whistling1 sp who1162 / whom412, who[m]1,
1 whome2
whit n sp white-limb’d
rh know TN 2.5.96
> limb
sp whit22


who is abbr whoremaster adj / n wicked / ~est adj

str u:z, hu:z, unstr ʊz, hʊz ˈɔ:ɹmastəɹ, ˈhɔ:-, o:ɹ-, ho:- = / ˈwɪkɪdst
sp who’s75 sp whore-master-[man]1 / sp wicked53, wick-ed2 / wickedst1
whoremaster1, whore-master1,
who will abbr whore-ma-ster2 wicked n
str u:l, hu:l, unstr ʊl, hʊl > master =
sp who’ll1 sp wicked8
whoremonger n
whoa interj ˈɔ:ɹmɤŋɡəɹ, ˈhɔ:-, o:ɹ-, ho:- wickedness n
ˈho:ə sp whore-monger1 m ˈwɪkɪdˌnes, -dnəs
sp whoa1, whoa-[ho-hoa]1 sp wickednes2, wickednesse7,
whoring n wicked-nesse1
whoever, abbr whoe’er pro ˈɔ:ɹɪn, -ɪŋ , ˈhɔ:-, o:ɹ-, ho:-
u:ˈevəɹ, abbr u:ˈɛ:ɹ, hu:- sp whoring1 wide / ~r adj
who-euer1, abbr whoere1, who ere7, wəɪd / ˈwəɪdəɹ
who e’re1 whorish adj sp wide32, wide-[worlds]1 / wider1
> ever ˈɔ:ɹɪʃ, ˈhɔ:-, o:ɹ-, ho:-
sp whorish1 wide / ~r adv
whole adj / adv / n wəɪd / ˈwəɪdəɹ
o:l, ho:l whorson adj sp wide16 / wider3
sp whol1, whole109 / whole8 / whole3 ˈɔ:ɹsən, ˈhɔ:-, o:ɹ-, ho:- rh abide S 27.7; aside, espied Luc
pun RJ 2.4.96 hole sp horson15, whoreson7, whorson15, 359; belied S 140.14; glide MND
whor-son2 5.1.370; hide VA 296; ride TNK 3.4.23
wholesome / ~st adj
ˈo:lsəm, -ˈho:- / -st whorson / ~s n wide-chopped adj
sp holesome1, wholsom1, ˈɔ:ɹsən, ˈhɔ:- / -z, o:ɹ-, ho:- ˈwəɪd-ˌtʃɒpt
wholesome10, whole-some1, sp horson1 / whorsons1 sp wide-chopt-[rascall]1
wholsome16, whol-some1 / > chop
wholsomst1 whose pro
> unwholesome str u:z, =, unstr ʊz, hʊz wide-enlarged adj
sp whose590 ˈwəɪd-ɪnˈlɑ:ɹdʒd
wholly adv
sp wide enlarg’d1
ˈo:ləɪ, ˈho:-, ˈʍo:- whosoever, abbr rh charged AY 3.2.139
sp wholly6 whosoe’er pro > enlarge

whom ˈu:so:ˈevəɹ, abbr ˈu:so:ˈɛ:ɹ,

widen / ~s v
> who ˈwəɪdənz
sp whosoeuer2 / abbr whosoe’re2,
sp widens1
whoop interj who so ere1
ʍu:p > ever
wide-skirted adj
sp whoop3 whosomever pro m ˌwəɪd-ˈskɐ:ɹtɪd
ˈu:səmˈevəɹ, ˈhu:- sp wide-skirted1
whore / ~’s / ~s n
1 > skirt
ɔ:ɹ, hɔ:ɹ, o:ɹ, ho:ɹ / -z sp who some euer
45 1 7 > ever
sp whore / whores / whores widest n
rh 1 door, more, score KL 1.4.123; why adv / n ˈwəɪdst
more TC 4.1.67, 5.2.116; rh 2 poor sp widst1
KL 2.4.50
1443 2
pun AY 2.7.24ff hour sp why / why
wide-stretched adj
rh 1 I Cym 5.4.132; lie S 115.3; rh 2
whore / ~d v amazedly Mac 4.1.124; weighty
m ˌwəɪd-ˈstretʃɪd
sp wide-stretched1
ɔ:ɹd, hɔ:-, o:ɹd, ho:- TS 1.1.244
> stretch
sp whor’d1
> bewhored


widow adj wife / ~’s / wive·s / ~s’ n wildest n

ˈwɪdə, -do: wəɪf / -s / wəɪv / -z ˈwəɪldəst
sp widdow7 sp wife454, [good]-wife1, wife’s [wife sp wildest1
is]4 / wifes1, wiues23 / wiues61 /
widow / ~’s / ~s / ~s’ n wives’2 wildfire n
ˈwɪdə, -do: / -z rh knife Luc 1048, 1841; life AW ˈwəɪldfəɪɹ
sp widdow37, wid-dow1, widdowe1, 5.3.291, CE 3.2.68, 163, Luc 1802, sp wild-fire1
widow16, wi-dow1, / widdowes5, 1806, Per Prol.37, 1.4.45, 5.1.243,
widdows1, widowes1 / widdowes5, R2 1.2.54, S 9.4, TN 5.1.134; life, wildly adv
widowes1, widows1 / widdowes1 strife Luc 235, 1376; strife AW ˈwəɪldləɪ
2.3.290, CE 3.2.26, Ham 3.2.233,
sp wildely8, wildly3
widow / ~ed v Luc 1792, MV 2.3.21, TN
rh mildly CE 5.1.88
ˈwɪdə, -do: / -d 1.4.42
> ale-, house-, mid-wife; wive wildness n
sp widdow1, widow1 / widdowed1
wife-like adj ˈwəɪldnəs
widow-comfort n sp wildenesse5, wildnesse4
ˈwɪdə-ˈkɤmfəɹt, -do:- ˈwəɪfləɪk
rh mildness Luc 980
sp wife-like2
sp widow-comfort1
> comfort wiles n
wight / ~s n
widow-dolour n wəɪt / -s
sp wiles2
ˈwɪdə-ˈdɒləɹ, -do:- sp wight6 / wightes1, wights1
rh knight LLL 1.1.175 / knights wilful adj
sp widdow-dolour1
S 106.2
widowed adj sp wilful1, wilfull11, wil-full1,
wild / ~er / ~est adj
m ˈwɪdo:ˌed willfull1
wəɪld / ˈwəɪld·əɹ / -əst
sp widowed1
sp wild13, wild-[goose]2, wilde66, wilful-blame adj
rh bed RJ 3.2.135
wilde-[boares]1, wilde-[cat]2,
widower adj wilde-[cats]1, wilde-[ducke]1,
sp wilful blame1
wilde-[fowle]1, wilde-[geese]3,
ˈwɪdəwəɹ, -do:- > blame
wilde-[mare]1 / wilder2 / wildest3
sp widdower1
rh beguiled, child Luc 956;
wilfull-negligent adj
child MND 2.1.25; child, mild
widower / ~’s n =
Luc 1097
ˈwɪdəwəɹ, -do:- / -z sp wilfull-negligent1
sp widdower2, widower2 / wild adv > negligence
widdowers1 wəɪld
wilfull-opposite adj
sp wilde2
widowhood n =
ˈwɪdəˌʊd, -do:-, -ˌhʊd wild / ~s n sp wilfull opposite1
sp widdow-hood1 wəɪld / -z
wilfully adv
sp wilde2 / wildes1
widow-maker n m ˈwɪlfʊˌləɪ
ˈwɪdəˌmɛ:kəɹ, -do:- wild-boar / ~s n sp wilfully4
sp widdow-maker1 ˈwəɪld-ˌbo:ɹz
> make wilfulness n
sp wilde-boares1
m ˈwɪlfʊlˌnes
wield v wilderness n sp wilfulnesse1
= m ˈwɪldəɹnəs, -ˌnes
sp weild1, wield3
sp wildernes1, wildernesse7
rh field, yield Luc 1432
> unwieldy


will / ~s n sp sheel1, shee’l13, sheele4, rh 1 majesty 2H6 1.3.210; rh 2 die

= shee’le6, she’l5, she’ld1, she’l’d1, TN 5.1.130
she’le3, she’ll4, shee’ll5 > unwillingly
sp wil5, [plessed]-wil1, will316,
[free]-will1, [Got’s]-will1 / willes7, it will abbr willingness n
wills11, wils2, wil’s1
twɪl m ˈwɪlɪŋˌnes
rh fulfil CE 4.1.113; fulfil, kill Luc 625,
sp ’twil2, twill3, ’twill56, ’twill[be]1 sp willingnesse2
1633; hill PP 9.7; ill CE 2.1.13, Luc 302,
1205, 1299, Per 1.1.104, 2.1.135, 166, > unwillingness
we will abbr
RJ 1.1.202, 4.5.95, S 57.13, 89.7; ill,
str wi:l, unstr wɪl Willoughby n
quill Luc 1299; kill Per 2.2.34, RJ
3.1.196; kill, still Luc 247; skill Cym sp weel3, wee’l163, weele39, m ˈwɪləbəɪ, -ˌbəɪ
2.4.185, LC 126, MND 2.2.126, wee’le55, wee’ll28, we’l7, well1, sp Willoughby7
5.1.108, TG 2.4.211; still CE 3.2.70, we’ll18
4.2.18, 2H6 5.2.30, JC 5.5.51, Luc 728, willow adj / n
you will abbr
PP 10.8, RJ 1.1.172, 2.3.24, S 134.2, ˈwɪlə, -lo:
143.13, Tim 4.2.50, VA 479, 639
str ju:l, unstr jəl, jʊl sp willow3 / willough14, willow3
sp you’l85, youle16, you’le31,
will / wilt / will·s / ~eth / ~ing you’ll25 willow-tree n
/ ~ed v they will abbr
ˈwɪlə-ˌtri:, -lo:
= / = / = / = / ˈwɪlɪn, -ɪŋ / = str ðɛ:l, unstr ðəl sp willow tree1
3 104 26 5
sp wil , will / wilt / wills , wils / 1 > tree
sp thei’le1, they’l21, theyle2,
willeth1 / willing4 / wil’d2, will’d3,
they’le14, they’ll10 Wilson n
rh kill TNK Epil.7 / filleth VA 550 / who will abbr =
filling, spilling Luc 1237 / filled Per
str u:l, hu:l sp Wilson1
5.2.16 [Chorus]
sp who’ll1 Wiltshire / ~’s n
> self-willed, well-willer
Will [name] n ˈwɪltʃəɹ / -z
will / wilt aux v sp Wiltshire6 / Wiltshires1
=, Caius MW ..ff vɪl / = 2
sp Will
sp wil195, wil[be]2, will4239, will’s [will wimpled adj
rh fulfil S 136.2; kill S 135.14, 135.1,
his]1, will’t [will it]1, wil’t [will it]4, =
135.11, 136.14
Caius vill9 / wilt269, wil’t1, wilte1 sp wimpled1
rh ill KJ 4.1.54, S 22.10; ill, skill Luc William / ~’s n
1241; kill 3H6 2.5.121; skill 1H4 win / ~s / won v
1.2.215; still CE 2.1.111 = / = / wɤn
sp William44 / Williams1
I will abbr sp win70, winne42 / winnes5, wins5 /
Williams n won28, wonne63, woon2
str əɪl, unstr əl, Jamy H =
rh 1 begin H5 1.2.167; sin AW 4.2.76;
.. aɪl sp Williams3 skin 2H6 3.1.301; within S 119.4; win
sp Ile1701, I’le27, I’ll3, Jamy ayle1 her dinner TS 1.2.214; rh 2 him TC
willing adv 3.3.212 / sins TNK 4.2.155 / done
thou wilt abbr ˈwɪlɪn, -ɪŋ AW 4.2.64, 5.3.312, 333, 1H4 5.5.44,
str ðəʊlt, unstr ðəlt, ðəʊt sp willing5 1H6 4.5.26, Mac 1.2.70, R2 4.1.196;
sp thou’lt17, thou’t5 done, sun Mac 1.1.4; run TS 4.5.23;
willing / ~est adj son 1H6 4.6.50, S 41.5; sun LLL 1.1.86
he will abbr ˈwɪlɪn, -ɪŋ / -st
str i:l, hi:l, unstr ɪl wince v
sp willing28 / willing’st1
sp hee’l57, heele13, hee’le19, =
rh shilling H8 Prol.11
hee’ll4, he’l4, he’le5, he’ll6 > unwilling sp winch22

she will abbr willingly adv Winchester adj

str ʃi:l, unstr ʃɪl m ˈwɪlɪnˌləɪ, -nl-, -ɪŋ- ˈwɪntʃestəɹ
sp willinglie1, willingly34 sp Winchester1


Winchester / ~’s n wind-obeying adj sp wine80, [Reinish]-wine1

ˈwɪntʃestəɹ / -z ˈwəɪnd-əˌbɛ:ɪn, -ɪŋ rh fine, mine 2H4 5.3.45
> pipe-wine
sp Winchester34 / Winchesters1 sp winde-obeying1
> obey wing / ~s n
Wincot n
ˈwɪnkət window / ~s / ~s’ n
1 ˈwɪndə:, -do: / -z sp wing25, [sea]-wing1 / wings54,
sp Wincot
sp window35, [chamber]-window3,
wind / ~s n rh king PT 10, R3 4.3.54; sing S 78.7;
windowe1 / windowes16 /
sting Mac 4.1.17 / kings R3 5.2.23;
wəɪnd / -z windowes1
sings VA 306; springs, things Luc 949;
sp wind19, [south]-wind1, winde133 / > bay window
things LLL 5.2.260
windes42, winds5 > clip-, full-, light-, slow-, swift-,
rh behind, hind CE 3.1.75; find LLL
window / ~ed v
4.3.103, MND 3.2.94, PP 16.5, 20.31, ˈwɪndəd, -do:d
S 14.6, 51.7; find, mind LC 86; mind sp window’d1 wing / ~ed v
LLL 4.2.33, VA 338; Rosalind AY = / m ˈwɪŋɪd, wɪŋd
3.2.86; unkind AY 2.7.175, VA 189 / windowed adj
sp wing2 / wing’d2, winged3
minds S 117.7 ˈwɪndəd, -do:d
> whirlwind; long-, short-winded sp window’d1 winged adj
wind / ~s / ~ing / ~ed / m ˈwɪŋɪd, wɪŋd
windpipe / ~’s n
wound v sp wing’d2, winged8, [well]-winged1
ˈwɪnˌpəɪp, -nd- / -s
wəɪnd / -z / ˈwəɪnd·ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd sp wind-pipe1 / wind-pipes1 Wingfield n
/ wəʊnd > pipe =
sp winde16 / winds1 / winding2 / sp Wingefield1
winded1 / woon’d1, wound1
windring adj
> unwind ˈwəɪndrɪn, -ɪŋ Wingham n
sp windring1 ˈwɪŋəm
wind-changing adj
wind-shaked sp Wingham1
m ˌwəɪnd-ˈtʃɛ:ndʒɪn, -ɪŋ adj
sp wind-changing1 ˈwəɪnd-ˌʃɛ:kt wing-led adj
> changing sp winde-shak’d-[surge]1 =
windgall / ~s n wind-shaken adj sp wing-led1
> lead v
sp ˈwəɪnˌɡɑ:lz, -nd- ˈwəɪnd-ˌʃɛ:kən
sp windegalls1 sp winde-shaken1 wink / ~s n
winding adj Windsor adj / n
sp winke5 / winkes1
ˈwəɪndɪn, -ɪŋ ˈwɪnzəɹ > eye-wink
sp winding1 sp Windsor23, Windsor-[bell]1,
Windsor-[chimnies]1, Wind-sor2 wink / ~est / ~s / ~ing /
winding-sheet n ~ed v
ˈwəɪndɪn-ˌʃi:t, -ɪŋ wind-swift adj
= / wɪŋkst / = / ˈwɪŋkɪn, -ɪŋ / =
sp winding-sheet, winding sheet 1 ˈwəɪnd-ˌswɪft
sp winck1, wincke1, wink1, winke18 /
> sheet sp wind-swift1
wink’st1 / winks1 / winking3 / wink’d2
> swift
windlass / ~es n winking adj / n
ˈwɪnləsɪz, -nd- windy adj
ˈwɪŋkɪn, -ɪŋ
sp windlesses1 ˈwɪndəɪ
sp winking3 / winking4
sp windie3, windy3
windmill n winner / ~s n
ˈwɪnmɪl, -nd- wine n
ˈwɪnəɹ / -z
sp winde-mill1, windmill1 wəɪn
sp winner5 / winners2


winning adj / n wise adj wisher / ~s n

ˈwɪnɪn, -ɪŋ wəɪz / ˈwəɪz·əɹ / -əst ˈwɪʃəɹz
sp winning1 / winning3 sp wise127, wise[man]4, sp wishers2
wise-[mans]2, wise[men]6,
winnow / ~s / ~ed v wise-[men]2, wise[mens]1, wishful adj
ˈwɪnə, -no: / -z / -d wise-[ones]1, wise-[woman]1 / wiser7 =
sp winnow1 / winnowes1 / / wisest9 sp wishfull1
winnowed2 rh 1 eyes Luc 1550; rh 2 paradise
LLL 4.3.70, PP 3.13, Tem 4.1.123 wishing n
winnowed adj > unwise ˈwɪʃɪn, -ɪŋ
ˈwɪnəd, -no: sp wishing3
wise n
sp winnowed2
wəɪz wisp n
winter / ~’s / ~s n sp wise11 =
ˈwɪntəɹ / -z rh sacrifice Per 5.2.11 [Chorus]
sp wispe1
sp winter42, winters [winter is]1 / wise·ly / ~ier adv
winters18 / winters8 wistly adv
ˈwəɪzləɪ / -əɹ
wintered adj sp wisely31, wise-ly1 / wiselier1
sp wistly1
> unwisely
sp wintred1 wiseness n wit / ~’s / ~s n
ˈwəɪznəs =
winter-ground v sp wit238, wits [wit is]1, wit’s [wit is]1,
sp wisenesse1
ˈwɪntəɹ-ˌɡrəʊnd witte12 / wits3 / wits69, wittes8, witts1
sp winter-ground1 wiser adv / n rh 1 commit TN 1.2.62; fit KL 1.2.179,
> ground ˈwəɪzəɹ 3.2.74, LLL 4.1.50, 143, Oth 2.1.131,
TN 3.1.66; hit RJ 1.1.209; it CE 2.1.91,
sp wiser2 / wiser6
winterly adv H5 1.2.296, LLL 4.3.145, Luc 153, Oth
m ˈwɪntəɹˌləɪ wisest n 2.1.128, TC 4.4.106; knit S 26.4; nit
sp winterly1 LLL 4.1.148; sit S 37.5; writ LLL 4.3.98,
Per 4.4.31, S 23.14, 84.11; rh 2 yet
sp wisest4
wip·e / ~es / ~ing / ~ed v LLL 4.2.34, VA 1008 / rh 1 bits LLL
wəɪp / -s / -ɪn, -ɪŋ / m -t, -ɪd 1.1.27; fits CE 5.1.86; fits, sits Luc 859;
wish / ~es / ~es’ n
pits VA 249; sits Luc 290, RJ 1.4.47 /
sp wipe25 / wipes1 / wiping1 / = rh 2 Muscovites LLL 5.2.264; para-
wip’d8, wiped1, wipt1
sp wish43 / wishes25 / wishes’1 sites VA 850
> unwiped
rh dish LLL 4.3.79 > mother-wit; beef-, blunt-, fat-,
wire n hasty-, high-, iron-, lean-, sodden-,
wish / ~est / ~es / ~eth / ~ing / subtle-, un-witted
wəɪɹ ~ed v
sp wyer1 wit / ~ting
= / ˈwɪʃəst / = / = / ˈwɪʃɪn, v
wiry adj -ɪŋ / = ˈwɪtɪn, -ɪŋ
sp wish164 / wishest2 / wishes7 / sp witting1
wisheth1 / wishing5 / wish’d22, wisht17
sp wiery1 witch / ~’s / ~es n
> unwish
wisdom / ~’s / ~s n =
wished adj sp witch39, ’witch1 / witches1 /
m ˈwɪʃɪd, wɪʃt witches12
sp wisdome11, wis-dome1,
sp wish’d1, wished4
wisedom4, wisedome74 / witch v
> un-, well-wished
wisedomes3 wisedoms1 /
wisdomes2, wisdoms1, wisedomes2,
wished-for adj sp witch2
ˈwɪʃt-ˌfɔ:ɹ > bewitch
sp wisht-for1


witchcraft n wither / ~ing / ~ed v sp witnes2, witnesse53 / witnesseth2

ˈwɪtʃkraft ˈwɪðəɹ / -ɪn, -ɪŋ, -ðr- / -d / witnessing2 / witnest2

sp witchcraft12, witch-craft4, sp wither12 / withering2 / wither’d2 witnessed adj

witchcraft’s [witchcraft is]1 > never-withering, overwithered
> craft
withered adj sp witnest1
witched adj ˈwɪðəɹd wit-old adj
= sp wither’d20, withered10,
sp witcht1 [old]-wither’d1
sp wit-old1
witching n withers n > old
ˈwɪtʃɪn, -ɪŋ ˈwɪðəɹz wit-snapper n
sp witching1 sp withers1, wi-thers1
wit-cracker / ~s n withhold / ~s / withheld v sp witte-snapper1
ˈwɪt-ˌkrakəɹz wɪðˈold, -ɪθ-, -'ho:- / -z / Wittenberg n
sp witte-crackers1 wɪðˈeld, -ɪθ-, -'he- ˈwɪtənˌbɐ:ɹɡ
sp with-hold7, with-holde1 /
with adv, prep sp Wittemberge1, Wittenberg3
with-holds3 / with-held4
wɪθ, wɪð > hold wittily adv
sp with7360, with’ [with the]2, with
within adv / prep ˈwɪtɪləɪ
[all]4, with-[child]1, [big]-with1, with’s
[with his]1, with’s [with us]1, with’t wɪðˈɪn sp wittily1
[with it]10 sp within112, with-in1 / within154, wittingly adv
rh teeth VA 270; with me guide with-in3, within’s [within these]1
thee, possess thee, tend thee R3 m ˈwɪtɪnˌləɪ, -ɪŋ-
rh begin Cym 5.1.33; shin LLL
4.1.94; with thee behind thee 3.1.114; win S 119.2 sp wittingly3
AY 3.3.95 > unwittingly
without adv / conj / prep
be with ye/you abbr wittoll n
ˈbɪjə 17 2 2 ˈwɪtəl
sp without / without , with-out /
sp b’uy1, bu’y1, buy’1, buy’ye1 without316, without-[dore-forme]1, sp wittoll1
withal adv / prep wittolly adj
rh doubt LC 98 / without her about
wɪðˈɑ:l, -ɪθ- her TS 4.4.104 ˈwɪtələɪ
sp withal1, withall63 / withal8, sp wittolly-[knaue]1
withall71, with-all1 with·stand / ~stood v
rh 1 fall, wall Luc 467; rh 2 shall LLL = witt·y / ~iest adj
5.2.142 / call VA 847; sprawl Tit 2
sp withstand / withstood 1 ˈwɪtəɪ / -əst
5.1.52 rh heart-blood R2 1.1.173 sp wittie5, witty10 / wittiest1
pun JC 1.1.21 all, awl rh city H8 Epil.6; ditty VA 838
witless adj
with·draw / ~drew / = wive / ~d v
~drawn v sp witlesse 3 wəɪv / -d
wɪðˈdrɔ:, -ɪθ- / = sp wiue4 / wiu’d3
sp withdraw30, with-draw5 / witness / ~es n rh thrive TN 5.1.394 / arrived Oth
withdrew2, with-drew1 / withdrawn1, = 2.1.60; thrived Per 5.2.10 [Chorus]
withdrawne1 sp witnes4, witness1, witnesse61 / > loose-wived
rh view VA 1032 witnesses10
> draw wiving n
witness / ~eth / ~ing / ~ed v ˈwəɪvɪn, -ɪŋ
withdrawing n = / = / ˈwɪtnəsɪn, -ɪŋ / = sp wiuing2
wɪðˈdrɔ:ɪn, -ɪŋ, -ɪθ-
sp with-drawing1


wizard / ~s n wolf / wolves n womankind n

ˈwɪzəɹd / -z = ˈwʊmənˌkəɪnd
sp wizard3 / wizards1 sp wolfe29 / wolues18 sp womankind1
rh gulf Mac 4.1.22
woe / ~’s / ~s n > bitch-, demi-, she-wolf womanly adj
wo: / -z m ˈwʊmənˌləɪ
Wolsey n
sp woe121 / woes2 / woes39 sp womanlie1, womanly2
rh 1 blow Luc 1821; blow, so Luc
1661; bow [weapon] Per 5.1.246; sp Wolsey12, Woolsey1 woman-queller n
flow H8 Prol.3, S 30.7; foe, know Luc ˈwʊmən-ˌkweləɹ
1605; glow MND 5.1.367; go MA
wolvish adj
sp woman-queller1
5.3.14, 33, MND 3.2.442, Per 3. = > quell
Chorus.42, R2 3.4.97, 5.1.86, TC sp woluish2, wooluish1
2.2.112, 5.10.31; go, moe, so MA woman-tired adj
wolvish-rauening adj
2.3.66; grow R2 3.4.100, 5.6.45; know ˈwʊmənˌtəɪɹd
LC 63, Luc 1310, S 50.5; low LC 20, VA ˈwʊlvɪʃ-ˌravənɪn, -ɪŋ
sp woman-tyr’d1
1140; moe, so Luc 1482; no RJ 2.3.42, sp woluish-rauening1
3.2.51; no, so LLL 4.1.15; overthrow > raven womb / ’s / ~s n
S 90.6; Romeo RJ 5.3.309; show Ham
1.2.86, LLL 4.3.33, Per 4.4.24, R2 woman / ~’s / women / ~’s n wu:m, wʊ3 m / -z 47 1
3.3.70; show, so Luc 1509, 1808; slow =, Evans MW ..ff ˈʊmən, sp womb1 , wombe / wombes /
S 44.14; so CE 2.1.15, 3H6 2.3.46, -nz / = rh tomb 1H6 4.5.35, RJ 2.3.6, S 3.5
2.5.20, Luc 1225, MM 2.1.271, 4.1.13, sp woman303, woma[n]1, > round-wombed
R2 2.1.152, 3.4.28, 4.1.149, S 71.8, [fat]-woman1, [old-fat]-woman,
90.13, 127.13, 129.11, Tit 5.3.147, VA [poore-old]-woman1, womb / ~s v
714, 833, 839, 967; toe KL 3.2.33; [wise]-woman1, [would]-woman1,
rh 2 shrew TS 5.2.29 / foes KL
wu:mz, wʊ-
wo-man11, womans [woman is]2,
3.6.100 [Q]; foes, repose Luc 935; sp wombes1
woman’s [woman is]2, Evans ’oman1,
foes, shows TNK 1.5.9; foes, those > enwombed
’o-man1, o’man10, o’mans1 /
Luc 1458; goes Luc 1492, 1505; goes, womans70, wo-mans3 / women152,
shows Luc 1747; grows RJ 3.5.36;
womby adj
wo-men1, [distaffe]-women1 /
shows LC 307 ˈwu:məɪ, ˈwʊ-
rh no man TG 3.1.105 / in H8 Epil.10 sp wombie1
woebegone adj > beggar-, butter-, country-, day-,
ˈwo:bɪˌɡɒn women
English-, French-, gentle-, kins-,
sp woe-be-gone 1
mad-, tithe-, waiting-, Welsh- > woman
woeful / ~lest adj won
ˈwo:fʊl / m -st, -ˌest woman adj / v > win
sp woefull1, woful1, wofull31 / =
Woncot n
wofullest1, wofulst1, woful’st1 sp woman1 / woman2
woer / ~’s n womaned adj sp Woncot1
ˈwu:əɹ / -z =
wonder / ~s n
sp woer2 / woers1 sp woman’d1
ˈwɤndəɹ / -z
woe-wearied adj womanhood n sp wonder64, won-der1 / wonders14
m ˌwo:-ˈwi:rəɪd, -ˈwe- ˈwʊmənˌʊd, -ˌhʊd rh asunder 1H6 4.7.48, PT 32;
sp womanhood3, woman-hood3, thunder LLL 4.2.113, PP 5.9
sp woe-wearied1
> weary wooman-hood1
wonder / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
wold n womanish adj ˈwɤndəɹ / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ, -dr- / -d
wo:ld = sp wonder49 / wonders3 /
sp womanish 7 wondering1, wondring1 / wonder’d2,
sp old1
rh devilish R3 1.4.265 wondred3


rh sunder MND 5.1.133; under 4.3.48; rh 2 know MND 5.1.137 / Woodstock n

VA 748 doing TC 1.2.286 =
> a-wooing
wondered adj sp Woodstock1
ˈwɤndəɹd wood adj
Woodville n
sp wondred1 =
sp wood2
wonderful adj sp Woodeuile1, Wooduile2,
rh blood 1H6 4.7.35, VA 740
sp wonderful3, wonderfull19,
wood / ~s n
wooer / ~s n
wonder-full2 =
ˈwu:əɹ / -z
sp wood50 / woods13
wonderfully adv sp wooer7 / wooers7
rh 1 good Mac 4.1.96, MND 2.2.41;
ˈwɤndəɹfləɪ rh 2 flood VA 826 / bloods Tim woof n
sp wonderfully1 4.3.534
wu:f, wʊf
> greenwood
wondering adj / adv / n sp woofe1
ˈwɤndrɪn, -ɪŋ woodbine n
ˈwʊdbəɪn wooing adj / n
1 1
sp wondring / wond’ring / ˈwu:ɪn, -ɪŋ
2 1
wondring1, wond’ring1 sp woodbine , wood-bine
rh eglantine MND 2.1.251 sp woing2, wooing1 / woing4,
wonder-wounded adj wooing7
woodbird / ~s n rh 1 doing TS 2.1.75; suing VA 358;
1 ˈwʊdbɐ:ɹdz rh 2 cunning TS 2.1.403
sp wonder-wounded
> wound sp wood birds1 wooingly adv
wondrous adj / adv woodcock / ~s n ˈwu:ɪnləɪ, -ɪŋ-
sp wooingly1
ˈwɤndrəs =
6 1
sp wonderous1, wondrous13, sp woodcocke , wood-cocke / wool n
won-drous1 / wondrous15, woodcocks2
wond’rous1, won-drous1
wooden adj sp wooll3
wondrously adv =
woollen adj / n
ˈwɤndrəsləɪ sp wodden2, wodden-[prickes]1,
1 woodden5
sp wondrously
sp wollen1, woollen1 / woollen1
wont adj / n / v woodland adj
= woolly adj
sp woodland 1 ˈwʊləɪ
sp wont43 / wont2 / woont1
sp woolly2
wonted adj woodleaf / -leaves n
woolsack n
ˈwo:ntɪd =
10 sp wood-leaues 1 =
sp wonted
> leaf sp woolsacke1
woo / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v
woodman n woolward adj
= / = / ˈwu:ɪn, -ɪŋ / =
= ˈwʊlwəɹd
sp woe20, woo24, wooe25 / woes3,
sp woodman3 sp woolward1
wooes5 / woing7, wooing8 / woed2,
woo’d21, wooed9 Worcester / ~’s n
rh 1 do LLL 5.2.299, MND 2.1.242,
woodmonger n
2.2.136, Tim 4.3.470; two MV 2.9.75; ˈwʊdmɤŋgəɹ ˈwʊstəɹ / -z
unto LC 182 [emend of vow]; woo sp woodmonger1 sp Worcester22, Worster3 /
her unto her VA 309; woo him to Worcesters1
him PP 11.2; woo me to me AY


word / ~’s / ~s / ~s’ n working / ~s n worldly adv

wɔ:ɹd, Evans MW .. ɔ:ɹt ˈwɔ:ɹkɪn, -ɪŋ / -z ˈwɔ:ɹldləɪ
/ wɔ:ɹdz, Evans MW .. sp working15 / workings2 sp worldly14, emend of Oth 1.3.296
wɔ:ɹts wordly1
working-day adj
sp word487, [all-changing]-word1,
1 1
worde , words [word is] , Evans ˈwɔ:ɹkɪn-ˌdɛ:, -ɪŋ- world-sharer / ~s n
1 1 3
’ord , ort / words / wordes , 9 sp working day m ˌwɔ:ɹld-ˈʃɛ:rəɹz
words401, Evans worts2 / words2 sp world-sharers
rh afford S 79.9; board CE 3.2.20, LLL working-day / ~s n
2.1.203; Ford MW 5.5.236; lord 2H4 ˈwɔ:ɹkɪn-ˌdɛ:, -ɪŋ- / -z world-wearied adj
5.5.74, 1H6 4.3.31, LLL 2.1.202, sp working day / working-daies1, m ˌwɔ:ɹld-ˈwi:rəɪd
4.1.101, 4.3.92, 5.2.238, 313, 370, 449, working dayes sp world-wearied1
MND 2.2.158, Per 2.Chorus.4, R2 > weary
5.3.121, R3 3.7.3; record, sword Luc working-house n
1642; sword 1H6 4.6.2, LLL 5.2.274, ˈwɔ:ɹkɪn-ˌəʊs, -ɪŋ-, -ˌhəʊs- world-without-end adj
MND 2.2.112, 5.1.334 / affords CE sp working-house1 ˈwɔ:ɹld-wɪðˈəʊt-ˌend
3.1.25, Luc 1105, S 85.5, 105.10; fords > house sp world-without-end1
Luc 1330; lords Luc 1610; swords Luc
1420, R2 3.3.131 work·man / ~men n worm / ~’s / ~s / ~s’ n
pun MW 1.1.114 worts ˈwɔ:ɹkmən wɔ:ɹm / -z
> by-, court-, nay-, re-word
sp workeman2, worke-man1, sp worm2, worme25, worme’s [worm
word / ~s v workman2 / workemen3 is]1, / wormes1 / wormes18,
[blinde]-wormes1 / wormes[meat]1
wɔ:ɹd / -z workmanly adv > glow-, malt-worm
sp word2, words3 m ˈwɔ:ɹkmənˌləɪ
sp workmanlie1
worm-eaten adj
wore m ˌwɔ:ɹm-ˈi:tən
> wear workmanship n sp worm-eaten1, worme-eaten1,
work / ~s n m ˈwɔ:ɹkmənˌʃɪp worme-eaten-[hole]1
sp workemanship1 > eat
wɔ:ɹk, Evans MW ..
ɔ:ɹk / -s workyday adj worm-hole / ~s n
sp work3, worke102, [a]-worke2, ˈwɔ:ɹkəˌdɛ: ˈwɔ:ɹm-ˌo:lz, -ˌho:-
work’s [work has]1, Evans orke1 / sp worme-holes1
sp worky day1
> day
wormwood n
work / ~s / ~ing / wrought v world / ~’s / ~s n ˈwɔ:ɹmwʊd
wɔ:ɹk, Evans MW .. ɔ:ɹk wɔ:ɹld, Caius MW .., sp wormewood1, worme-wood2,
/ -s / ˈwɔ:ɹkɪn, -ɪŋ / = .. vɔ:ɹld, Evans MW wormwood2
sp work4, worke70, Evans MW
.., Fluellen H ..ff wormy adj
1.1.135 orke1 / workes11, works1 /
working / wrought 40 ɔ:ɹld / -z ˈwɔ:ɹməɪ
rh lurk PP 18.37; Turk Oth 2.1.114 / sp world591, [giant]-world1, worlds
sp wormie1
brought R2 5.6.34; fought KL 4.7.96; [world is]1, world’s [world is]5, Caius
naught VA 991; sought, thought Luc varld1, vorld1, Evans, Fluellen orld3 / worn adj
341; thought S 44.11 worldes2, worlds34, [wide]-worlds1,
> a-, bed-, fire-, handi-, needle-, KJ 3.4.110 emend of words / worlds4
sp worne1
Night-, out-, sale-, water-, under- > half-world
> over-, war-, wave-worn; wear v
work; half-worker, high-wrought
worldling / ~s n
worried adj
working adj ˈwɔ:ɹldlɪnz, -ɪŋz
ˈwɔ:ɹkɪn, -ɪŋ sp worldlings2
1 sp worried1
sp working


worr·y / ~ies / ~ing v worshipped adj worthless adj

ˈwʊrəɪ / -z / -ɪn, -ɪŋ ˈwɔ:ɹʃɪpt ˈwɔ:ɹθləs
sp worry1 / worryes1 / worrying1 sp worshipt1 sp worthles2, worthlesse12,
wors·e / ~er / ~t adj worshipper / ~s n
wɔ:ɹs, wɑ:- / ˈwɔ:ɹsəɹ,ˈwɑ:- / ˈwɔ:ɹʃɪpəɹ / -z worth·y / -ier adj
wɔ:ɹst, wɑ:- sp worshipper1 / worshippers1 ˈwɔ:ɹðəɪ / -əɹ / -əst
sp worse92, worsse2 / worser11, rh cheer, fear Luc 86 sp woorthie1, woor-thy1, worthie20,
worsser1 / worst23 > idiot-worshipper worthy191, wor-thy2 / worthier11 /
rh curse CE 4.2.26, R2 3.4.102, R3 worthiest7, worthyest1
4.4.122, S 84.14 worsted-stocking adj > all-, note-, thrice-, un-worthy
> bad ˈwʊstɪd-ˌstɒkɪn, -ɪŋ, ˈwɔ:ɹs-
sp woosted-stocking1
worthy / ~’s / ~ies n
wors·e / ~er / ~t adv ˈwɔ:ɹðəɪ / -z
wɔ:ɹs, wɑ:- / ˈwɔ:ɹsəɹ,ˈwɑ:- / wort n sp worthie2, wor-thie1 / worthies1 /
wɔ:ɹst, wɑ:- wɔ:ɹt worthies13, wor-thies2
sp worse30, worsse1 / worser1 / sp wort1
worst2 pun MW 1.1.115 words
worth·y / ~ied v
rh curse MND 3.2.45; nurse VA 774 ˈwɔ:ɹðəɪd
/ accursed 2H4 1.3.108 worth adj sp worthied1
> bad wɔ:ɹθ / ˈwɔ:ɹðɪəɹ
sp woorth2, worth96
wot / ~test / ~s / ~ting v
wors·e / ~er / ~t n = / wɒts, -st / = / ˈwɒtɪn, -ɪŋ
rh Ham 4.4.66 [Q2], LC 267, S 72.14,
wɔ:ɹs, wɑ:- / ˈwɔ:ɹsəɹ,ˈwɑ:- / VA 418 sp wot24, wote2 / wot’st1 / wots2 /
wɔ:ɹst, wɑ:- > crown’s-, out-, penny-worth wotting1
sp worse30 / worser3 / worst70 rh 1 forgot PP 17.6, R2 5.6.18; lot
rh accursed TG 5.4.72; curst TS worth / ~s n Ham 2.2.415; not MND 3.2.422; what
1.2.128; first KL 5.3.4, TS 1.2.14, 35 wɔ:ɹθ / -s R2 2.2.40; rh 2 boat 1H6 4.6.32
> bad sp worth81, wroth1 / worths1
rh forth AW 3.4.15, S 25.9, 38.9,
would / ~est v
worse-bodied adj 103.3, TC 1.3.241 =, wʊld, Macmorris H
ˈwɔ:ɹs-ˈbɒdəɪd, wɑ:- > halfpennyworth .. wad / wʊdst, wʊds,
sp worse bodied1 wʊt
> body worthier n
sp wold29, would2212, wou’d1,
ˈwɔ:ɹðəɪəɹ would’t [would it]2, Macmorris wad1 /
worship / ~’s / ~s n sp worthier2, worthyer1 wold’st2, woo’t6, wouldest5,
ˈwɔ:ɹʃɪp / -s wouldst31, would’st92
sp worship11, wor-ship2, worshippe3, worthiest n rh should LLL 1.1.141
worship’s [worship is]1 / worships3 / ˈwɔ:ɹðəɪəst > will
worshippes1, worships5 sp worthiest5
> unworthiest he would abbr
worship / ~pest / ~s / ~ped v str i:d, =, i:ld, hi:ld, unstr
ˈwɔ:ɹʃɪp / -s, -st / -s / -t worthily adv sp hee’d1, hee’ld4, heel’d4
sp worship76 / worshipst1 / m ˈwɔ:ɹðɪˌləɪ, -ɪl-
worships3 / worship’d2, worshipt6, sp worthily13 I would abbr
wor-shipt1 > unworthily str əɪd, əɪld, unstr əd
sp Ide1, I’de24, I’ld23, Il’d11
worshipful adj worthiness n
ˈwɔ:ɹʃɪpfʊl m ˈwɔ:ɹðɪˌnes, -ɪnəs it would abbr
sp worshipful1, worshipfull5 worthinesse13, worthi-nesse1, str twʊd, twʊld, unstr twəd
worthynesse1 sp ’twold1, twoo’d1, ’twould21,
worshipfully adv > unworthiness t’would2
sp worshipfully1


wound / ~s / ~s’ n wrangler / ~s n wreathe / ~ed v

wəʊnd / wəʊndz, -nz, [in ˈranɡləɹ / -z =
swearing] wu:nz sp wrangler1 / wranglers1 sp wreath1 / wreath’d1
sp wound42 / woones1, wounds66,
[honour-owing]-wounds1 / wounds1 wrangling adj / n wreathed adj
rh confound Luc 1201; found RJ ˈranɡlɪn, -ɪŋ ˈri:ðɪd
2.2.1 [rh with RJ 2.1.42]; ground sp wrangling7 / wrangling1 sp wreathed1
MND 2.2.107, R3 3.2.139; hound VA
915; round VA 370; sound Luc 1466 / wrap / ~s / ~ped v wren / ~’s / ~s n
confounds, swounds Luc 1488 =, rɒp / -s / -t =
sp wrap2 / wraps1 / wrap’d3, wrapt5 sp wren6 / wrens1 / wrens1
wound / ~ing / ~ed v
wəʊnd / ˈwəʊnd·ɪn, -ɪŋ / -ɪd wrastle wrench n
sp wound / wounding / 7
> wrestle =
wounded27 sp wrench1
rh confound MND 5.1.288; sound wrath / ~s n
Per 4.Chorus.23, RJ 4.5.125 / bounds raθ, rɒθ, MV .. ro:θ / -s wrench / ~ing / ~ed v
VA 267; confounds TC 3.1.116 54 1
sp wrath , wrath’s [wrath is] , = / ˈrenʃɪn, -ɪŋ / =
wroth1, MV wroath1 / wraths2 sp wrench3 / wrenching1 / wrencht2
wounded adj rh 1 hath LC 293, MND 2.1.20, Per 4.
ˈwəʊndɪd Chorus.44; lath TN 4.2.126; rh 2 wrenching adj / n
sp wounded10 moth, oath MV 2.9.78; rh 3 death ˈrenʃɪn, -ɪŋ
> love-, wonder-wounded TG 5.4.128 sp wrenching3

wounding adj wrathful adj wrest n

ˈwəʊndɪn, -ɪŋ ˈraθfʊl, ˈrɒθ- =
sp wounding2 sp wrathfull12, wrath-full1 sp wrest1
> back-wounding
wrathfully adv wrest / ~ed v
wounding / ~s n m ˈraθfʊˌləɪ, ˈrɒθ- =
ˈwəʊndɪn, -ɪŋ / -z sp wrathfully1 sp wrest5 / wrested2
sp VA wou[n]ding1 / woundings1
rh harsh sounding VA 432 wrath-kindled adj wrested adj
m ˌraθ-ˈkɪndld, ˌrɒθ- =
woven adj sp wrath-kindled1 sp wrested1
ˈwo:vən > kindle
sp wouen1 wrestl·e / ~ing / ~ed v
wreak / ~s / ~ing v ˈras·əl / -lɪn, -lɪŋ / -əld
wrack / ~s n = / = / ˈri:kɪn, -ɪŋ sp wrastle7 / wrastling9, wrestling1 /
= sp wreake5 / wreakes2 / wreaking1 wrastled3
sp wrack10, wracke21 / wrackes1
rh alack Per 4.Chorus.12; back Luc wreakful adj wrestler / ~s n
841, 966, Mac 5.5.51, S 126.5, VA 558 = ˈrasləɹ / -z
> shipwreck sp wreakefull1, wrekefull1 sp wrastler6 / wrastlers1

wrack / ~ed v wreakless adj wretch / ~’s / ~es n

= = =
sp wracke1 / wrack’d3, wrackt9, sp wreaklesse3 sp wretch54, [sharpe-looking]-wretch1
wrack’t1 / wretches1 / wretches12
wreath / ~s n rh scratch VA 703
wrangle v ri:θ, ri:ð / -z
= wretched / ~est adj
sp wreath2 / wreathes1, wreaths1
sp wrangle7 = / ˈretʃɪdst
sp wretched65 / wretched’st1


wretched n S 103.5; sprite AY 3.2.133; white MW wronged adj

= 5.5.69 m rɒŋd, ˈrɒŋgɪd
> underwrite
sp wretched2 sp wrong’d2, wronged8
writer / ~s n
wretchedness n wronger n
ˈrəɪtəɹ / -z
= ˈrɒŋɡəɹ
sp writer2 / writers5, wri-ters1
sp wretchednesse9 sp wronger3
rh lighter TNK Prol.19
wring / ~s / ~ing / wrung v writhled adj wrongful adj
= / = / ˈrɪŋgɪn, -ɪŋ / rɤŋ ˈrɪðəld =
sp wring11 / rings1, wrings3 / sp wrongfull2
sp writhled1
wringing4 / wrung4
writing adj wrongfully adv
wringer n m ˈrɒŋfʊˌləɪ, -fləɪ
ˈrəɪtɪn, -ɪŋ
ˈrɪŋɡəɹ sp wrongfully6, wrong-fully1
sp writing1
sp ringer1
writing / ~s n wrong-incensed adj
wringing n m ˈrɒŋ-ɪnˌsensɪd
ˈrəɪtɪn, -ɪŋ / -z
ˈrɪŋɡɪn, -ɪŋ sp wrong incensed1
1 sp writing16 / writings2
sp wringing > incense
written adj
wrinkle / ~s n wrongly adv
= = ˈrɒŋləɪ
sp wrinckle1, wrinkle3 / wrinckles3, sp written4 sp wrongly1
wrong adj / adv wrote
wrinkle / ~s v = > write
= sp wrong13 / wrong5
sp wrinkles1
wrong / ~s n > wreak
wrinkled adj =
= sp wrong157 / wrongs65,
3 8 1 [true]-wrongs1 > wring
sp wrinckled , wrinkled , wrin-kled
rh 1 along RJ 1.1.196; belong S
wrist / ~s n 88.14; belong, strong Luc 1264; long
wry / ~ing v
= 3H6 3.3.231, 4.1.110, Luc 1467, ˈrəɪɪn, -ɪŋ
R2 2.1.164, TN 5.1.138; strong sp wrying1
sp wrist2 / wrists1
MND 3.2.28, Tim 5.4.10; rh 2 tongue
writ / ~s n LLL 1.1.166, 4.2.117, Luc 80, 1462, wry-necked adj
= 1467, MND 2.2.11, 3.2.361, PP 5.13, ˈrəɪ-ˌnekt
R2 1.1.191, 1.3.246, 3.2.215, S 89.11, sp wry-neckt1
sp writ12 / writs1
112.8, 139.1, Tit 5.3.57, VA 219, 329, > neck
rh it Luc 1295, 1331; wit LLL 4.3.97,
429, 1005; young S 19.13 / rh 1
Per 4.4.32, S 23.13, S 84.9
belongs S 92.5; rh 2 tongues 2H4 Wye n
writ·e / ~es / ~ing / wrote / Induction.40, MA 5.3.5 wəɪ
writ / ~ten v sp Wye3
wrong / ~est / ~s / ~ing /
rəɪt / -s / ˈrəɪtɪn, -ɪŋ / ro:t / = ~ed v
sp write114 / writes23 / writing5 / = / rɒŋst / = / ˈrɒŋɡ·ɪn, -ɪŋ / m
wrote9 / writ84, writt1 / written27,
-ɪd, rɒŋd
rh bright S 21.9; fight Luc 1296; sp wrong46 / wrong’st6 / wrongs6 /
might S 80.1; night S 86.5; quite wronging1 / wrong’d38, wronged6
> self-wrong


Xanthippe n
sp Zentippe1


y Fr adv yea adv Yedward, abbr Yed n

i jɛ: ˈjedwəɹd, abbr jed
sp [mal]-y-[pence]1 sp yea172, [rascally]-yea- sp Yedward1, abbr Yead1
yard / ~s n yell / ~s n
jɑ:ɹd / -z yea / ~s n =
sp yard8 / yards5 jɛ:z sp yell1 / yels1
> church-, meat-, tilt-yard sp yeas1 rh smell VA 688

yare adj year / ~’s / ~s n yell / ~ed v

jɑ:ɹ ˈji:ɹ, jɛ:ɹ / -z =
sp yare9 sp year1, yeare41, yeere37, yere4 / sp yell1 / yell’d1
yeares2, yeeres1 / yeares100, years3,
yarely adv yeeres83, yeers1, yeres5 yellow adj
ˈjɑ:ɹləɪ rh 1 appear S 53.9; cheer 2H4 5.3.18; ˈjelə, -o:
sp yarely2 dear 2H4 5.3.18, KJ 1.1.152; deer KL sp yellow22, yel-low1
3.4.133; fear 1H4 4.1.136; here Per
yarn n 4.4.35; peer WT 4.3.3; rh 2 bear 1H6 yellow / ~s n
jɑ:ɹn 1.3.91; everywhere S 97.2; there 2H4 ˈjelə, -lo: / -z
5.3.18; wear KL 1.4.163, 3.4.133, VA
sp yarne1, yearne1 sp yellow3 / yel-lowes1
508 / rh 1 fears Per 1.2.85; peers R2
rh fellow H8 Prol.16
Yaughan n 1.3.94; tears [cry] Per 1.4.18, VA
1091; rh 2 forbears VA 524 yellowness n
> goodyear, new-year’s
sp Yaughan1 ˈjelənəs
yearly adj / adv sp yallow-nesse1
yawn / ~ed v
ˈji:ɹləɪ, ˈjɛ:- yelping adj
sp yearely1, yeerely1 / yeerely3
sp yawne / yawn’d 1 ˈjelpɪn, -ɪŋ
yearn / ~s / ~ed v sp yelping2
yawning adj
jɐ:ɹn / -z / -d yeoman / ~’s / ~men /
ˈjɔ:nɪn, -ɪŋ
sp yern1 / yernes1 / yern’d1
sp yawning3 ~men’s n
yeast n ˈjo:·mən / -z / -mən / -z
yclad adj sp yeoman9 / yeomans1 / yeomen3
ɪˈklad 1 / yeomens1
sp yest
sp yclad1
yeasty adj yerewhile
ycliped adj > erewhile
sp yesty2 yerk / ~ed v
sp ycliped2
jɐ:ɹk / -t
ye sp yerke1 / yerk’d1
> you


yes adv yoke / ~th / ~d v rh adieu AC 5.2.188, 1H6 4.4.46, LLL

jɪs, jes jo:k / ˈjo:k·əθ / m -ɪd, jo:kd 1.1.111, 2.1.200, 5.2.227, 235, 240,
MND 1.1.225, RJ 3.5.58, S 57.6, TNK
sp yes215 sp yoake5, yoke2 / yoaketh1 /
1.4.13, VA 535; do Mac 3.5.13, Per
yoak’d3, yoaked1, yoked1
yesterday / ~s adv 1.1.51, 2.5.25; due CE 4.1.2, TC 4.5.52;
ensue Oth 2.3.10; grew S 84.2, 86.2;
m ˈjɪstəɹdɛ:, ˈjes-, -ˌdɛ: / -ˌdɛ:z yoke-devil / ~s n
new CE 3.2.37, MV 3.2.133, S 15.13,
sp yesterday25 / yesterdayes1 ˈjo:k-ˌdɪvəlz 53.6, 76.9; overview LLL 4.3.174; sue
sp yoake diuels1 LLL 5.2.428; thereto TG 1.3.88; threw
yesternight adv > devil S 145.14; too 1H4 2.3.119; true LLL
m ˈjɪstəɹnəɪt, -ˌnəɪt, ˈjes- 5.2.428, 768, MM 2.4.169, MND
sp yesternight11, yester-night1
yoke-fellow / ~s n 3.2.126, 5.1.196, MV 3.2.148, RJ
> night m ˌ jo:k-ˈfelə, -lo: / -z 1.4.53, S 85.11, 114.1, 118.14, TC
sp yoake-fellow1 / yoke-fellowes1 4.5.44, Tem Epil.4, TN 3.4.367, 4.3.32;
yet adv > fellow two Per 1.1.72; untrue AW 5.3.316,
jɪt, jet Cym 1.6.87, LLL 5.2.472, S 72.12,
sp yet1501, yut1
yon det 113.13; in you of you TG 3.1.97
rh sit RJ 2.3.72; wit LLL 4.2.35, VA = pun LLL 5.1.54 ewe
1007 sp yon9
> never-yet ye
yond adv / det str ji:, unstr jə
yew n = sp ye268, ’ye1, ye-[good-ev’n]1,
= 5 1
sp yond , yonds [yond is] / yond , 40 ye’[haue]1, [far]ye[well]2, yee22
sp eugh1, yew2 yon’d5 rh be JC 4.3.130; me S 42.5,
rh Jew Mac 4.1.27; true TN 2.4.54 111.13; loves ye moved me TG
yonder adv 1.2.28
yield / ~s / ~ing / ~ed v ˈjɒndəɹ
= / = / ˈji:ldɪn, -ɪŋ / = you / ye are abbr
sp yonder66, yon-der1, yonders
121 13 4
sp yeeld , yeelde , yeild , yield / 1
[yonder is]4, yon-ders [yonder is]1 str jɑ:ɹ, unstr jəɹ
yeeldes1, yeelds14 / yeelding5 / sp y’are48, you’r6, you’re15
yeelded23 yore S adv
rh 1 field CE 3.2.40, H5 4.2.35, Luc jɔ :ɹ you / ye have abbr
75, VA 452, 893; field, wield Luc 1433; sp yore 1 str jav, unstr jəv
rh 2 killed Luc 75 / fields PP 19.4 / rh 1 rh store S 68.14 sp y’haue7
shielded LC 149; rh 2 builded LC
149 Yorick / ~’s n you must abbr
> God = ju:st, jʊst
sp Yorick / Yoricks 1 sp you’st1
yielder / ~s n
ˈji:ldəɹz York / ~’s / ~s n your / ~s
sp yeelders1 jɔ:ɹk / -s str ju:ɹ, unstr jəɹ, jʊɹ / ju:ɹz
sp York6, Yorke245, Yorke-[Place, sp your6879, your’1, [o’]your4,
yielder-up n [peace-a]-your1, [take-a]-your1 /
place]2 / Yorkes6 / Yorkes1
ˈji:ldəɹ-ˈɤp yours250
sp yeelder vp1 Yorkshire n
ˈjɔ:ɹkʃəɹ yourself
yielding adj / n 2 jəɹˈself, jʊɹ-
sp Yorkeshire
ˈji:ldɪn, -ɪŋ sp your self6, your selfe259
yeelding2 / yeelding8, yeilding1 you pro rh myself R3 4.4.421
> easy-yielding str =, unstr jə, jʊ
you will abbr
sp yoe1, you13392, [dig]-you-[den]1,
yoke / ~s n str =, unstr jəl, jʊl
[far]you[well]1, [fare]you[wel]1,
ˈjo:k / -s [la]-you1, [lo]-you1 sp you’l85, youle16, you’le31,
sp yoake18, yoke5 / yoakes2 you’ll25
> unyoke


you would abbr rh long KL 1.4.212; long, strong Luc youngly adv
str =, ju:ld, unstr jəd, jʊd, 863 ˈjɒŋləɪ
jʊld younger n sp youngly1
sp you’d1, you’ld10, youl’d7 ˈjɒŋɡəɹ younker n
be with ye / you sp yonger4, younger3 ˈjɒŋkəɹ
ˈbɪjə youngest n sp yonker1, younker1
1 1 1 1
sp b’uy , bu’y , buy’ , buy’ye ˈjɒŋɡəst your
young adj sp yongest2, youngest2 > you
jɒŋ / ˈjɒŋ·gəɹ / m -st, -gəst youngest-born n
sp yong256, yong-[man]3, yong
youth / ~’s / ~s n
ˈjɒŋɡəst-ˌbɔ:ɹn =
[men]1, yong-[ones]1, young171,
sp yongest borne1 sp youth252, youths [youth is]2,
young-[ones]1 / yonger22, yon-ger1,
> born youth’s [youth is]2 / youths1 /
younger2, youn-ger1 / yongest15,
yong’st1, youngest4 youths4
young-eyed adj
rh 1 belong AW 1.3.123; long KL rh ruth PP 9.9; truth AW 1.3.128, LC
5.3.323, LLL 5.2.825, PP 12.10, RJ
ˈjɒŋ-ˌəɪd 104, PP 1.3, S 37.2, 41.10, 54.13, 60.9,
1.1.160, 4.5.78; strong VA 419; wrong sp young eyed1 110.7, 138.3, TN 3.1.154
S 19.14; rh 2 tongue PP 1.5, 1.9, 19.17, > eye
S 138.5 youthful adj
youngling n =
young / ~’s n ˈjɒŋlɪŋ / -z sp youthful1, youthfull27
ˈjɒŋ / -z sp yongling1, youngling1 /
sp yong4, young2 / yongs1 young-lings1


zan·y / ~ies n Zenelophon n zone n

ˈzenəɪ / -z zəˈneləfɒn zo:n
sp zanie1 / zanies1 sp Zenelophon1 sp zone1
rh comedy LLL 5.2.463
zenith n zounds interj
zeal / ~s n = zu:nz, -ndz
= sp zenith1 sp zounds1
sp zeale32 / zeales1
zephyr / ~s n
zealous adj ˈzefəɹz
= sp zephires1
3 2
sp zealous , zelous
zodiac / ~s n
zed n ˈzo:dɪak / -s
= sp zodiacke1 / zodiacks1
sp zed1


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