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Painting on Location Pigments

Mixing colors off a full palette, limited palette, 3 color transparent primary palette

This oil color wheel was made with three colors plus white in 1996.
The three colors used to make this color circle were,
Bocour Cobalt Violet, a cool transparent magenta, a warmer magenta is PR:122 many
paint manufactures now make quinacridone PR:122.
Bocour's cobalt violet makes Ult. Blue so well you can do without it. Too bad Bocour
and cobalt violet transparent are no more.
Grumbacher Thalo Blue
Old Holland Gamboge
Today, 10-30-04, ten years later, the Pigment Color Index Number is important but I
think the system needs some renovation. It's based on the wrong primary colors. The
three primary colors are:
Old Holland Indian Yellow PY153
Grumbacher Thalo Blue PB15.3
Old Holland Magenta, dioxotetrahydroquinolinoacridine called quinacradine or
quinacridone PR122

1-27-08, I'm a little late on this update, I think it was in 2005 when a new color came out
that is a perfect magenta, except it's a little fugitive. About like the old alizarin crimson
or better.
It's called Opera, here's the link​Opera and Bright Rose pigments by ShinHan of Korea.
Opera magenta will make a perfect dark neutral added to green and the brightest red
and blue. Opera is not as dark as PR122. Opera color is not available in acrylic or oil
paints yet. 6-13-10.
Here are today's 7-13-9 pigment choices for the primary triad.
Old Holland, Primary transparent triad Indian Yellow PY153 duel-toned orange/side
nickel dioxine complex and PY150 as the brown/side, an azo nickel complex.
Old Holland, Magenta Quinacridone PR122
Old Holland, Cyan Phthalocyanine PB15.3
Today is 6/13/10. It is now 4:38 PM, fourteen years after I started looking for the true
primary colors in pigment. Today I have 50" Roland plotter and use my own
home-made transparent yellow ink to print the official Real Color Wheel. Tartrazine Azo
Yellow. PY100 or w/ a colon, PY:100. Transparent dual-toned yellow org/side.
This is an important new transparent clear Indian yellow pigment for the ink-jet giclee
printer, watercolorist, and fresco artist. Here it is in my transparent primary water color
palette. I use this little ceramic palette with a block-out opaque super white in the
center to turn any color opaque. I added some fresco white pigment. I mix my colors on
a butchers tray and can match any color in front of me. These three primary colors are
exactly the same primary colors in my giclee printer that prints my color wheel and any
painting or photograph..
Order here. RCW Transparent Primary Palette with Tartrazine yellow Clear.
I changed the cake color slightly in my new transparent 3 color palette to give more of
the dual-toned quality. You just use less of the same pigment to make the bright
How to make neutral dark colors?
How to mix new colors with a limited palette. These are acrylic

These opposition colors mix into DARK NEUTRAL for painting and printing.
Column 1 down. Cad Red Med. plus Thalo Blue. NEUTRAL
Column 1 down, Cad Red Light plus Thalo Blue. NEUTRAL
Column 1 down, Burnt Sienna plus Thalo Blue. NEUTRAL
Column 2 down, Thalo Green plus Magenta. NEUTRAL
Column 2 Thalo Blue plus Cad Red. NEUTRAL
Column 2 Thalo Blue plus Cad Red making NEUTRAL gray again
Column 3, Ult. Blue plus Burnt Sienna. = Burnt Umber and NEUTRAL
Column 3, Ult Blue plus Burnt Umber. NEUTRAL
Column 4, Dioxazine. Purple plus Green Oxide. NEUTRAL
Column 4, Thalo Blue plus Red Oxide. NEUTRAL
No Image, Ultramarine Blue plus Red Oxide. NEUTRAL

Expand the palette without adding new tube colors.

Lemon Yellow Light will not make Bt. Umber or Bt. Sienna or Orange or Cad. Red Light
Medium because it the color is a light opaque.
Gamboge Genuine will not make Cad Orange, Cad. Red Light or Lemon Yellow Light. It
never was a very good color, replaced by Indian yellow. Since I wrote this D.S. put out
a new color, Indian yellow, but they are calling it New Gamboge. That's their call, just
add another confusing term to the names of colors.
Old Holland has made a fine collection of transparent acrylic yellows, Indian Yellow -
Brown Lemon, PY150, is great, all of their nickel azo colors are.

Three transparent Oil Yellows.
Old Holland Yellow Orange Lake Extra, makes a fine Cad Red hue with Magenta (oil) or
Acra Crimson (1996 acrylic) now called magenta, 2009.
Old Holland Yellow Brown Lake Extra, makes a fine Dark with Ult. Blue
Old Holland Gamboge Lake Extra, Gamboge is a translucent pigment between the two.

#36.3 Transparent yellow-green, like Rich Green Gold Nickel Chelated Azo PG10
Or a #36.7 Green Gold Azomethine or Irgazine Green PY129 all will mix with Thalo
green to make a chip color hue simulation of Hooker's green, an old 1996 pigment that
used black in it's color. It is a hard color to mix without having to resort to a third color

How do you make a Cad Medium Deep, blood Red deep?

Cad Red Medium and Magenta, (PR122, PV19 is warm but isn't permanent)
If I had only 6 oil colors to paint with, let it be these 6.
Indian yellow Br/s or Org/s, both are dual-toned
Cad Yellow Light
Cad Orange Medium
Cad Red Light
Quinacridone Magenta, PR122
Thalo Blue, PB15.3, Some brands just call this color PB15, New 3-15-8, Old Holland
makes a transparent Manganese blue PB33, both are a cyan color.
Then add Ultramarine Blue, Purple, Thalo Green, Burnt Umber, Burnt Sienna, red oxide
and yellow oxide

These are the reds and oranges that are new in acrylics for 2000

It's all about the hue and it's transparency or opaqueness.

The primaries are the most important colors, cyan being one of them.
I think it's a delicate line where the perfect hue is. The clear sky
above includes the perfect cyan primary. It also includes magenta
near the sun and yellow near the horizon.
Manganese is the densest cyan opaque, denser then cerulean. Old
Holland made a transparent manganese cyan in 2008 that is
excellent. Copper can match the rest of the sky. But it's more than
that. Copper includes green and manganese doesn't.
Opaque Manganese on the other hand is a one trick pony, that one
trick being the perfect neutral cyan primary. The manganese blue hue
being produced from phthalocyanine is being made more like a
transparent cerulean, but even greener. The manganese pure dry
pigment is spot on cyan. Opaque cerulean blue dry pigment is sightly
on the magenta side in mass and green side as an undertone. This is
why I want the transparent manganese blue in watercolor, acrylic and
oil paint. O.H. has it only in oil for now 3-15-8. It has no dual-toned
qualities, I don't need that in this case. For some reason O.H.'s
transparent cyan oil paint leans a little to the blue side.
Raul, on another forum said,
"It is the only blue that I've found that will take repeating scrappings
and repaintings and not dull down. It mantains its beautiful blue
TIN OXIDE is black and fires white, mix tin oxide and cobalt oxide
with heat and you get cerulean blue. You can get a similar blue by
mixing and firing tin and copper chalcanthite with quartz sand like the
Egyptians did, this made their highly prized frit colored scarab, which
they traded and gave as a calling card through the Phoenician's,
ancient world wide.
Since an atom was taken out of copper which made it possible to mix
with a sulfur based color like flake white the horizon has widened.
Now the transparent copper cyan has wider possibilities. The same
pigment used to mix black with cad. red can now be used to make a
sky color. The sky color is three different colors, depending on how
close it is to the zenith or the horizon. I'm happy making the bluer
zenith color sky by adding a little purple or magenta PR122.
It's the transparent horizon sky color I am searching the best pigment
for. The transparent copper based Phthalocyanine with a Chlorinated
Copper Phthalocyanine seems to be this color. I would also like it as
an opaque pigment. Mixing an opaque white into copper it is one
answer, but as Raul said, it's handling properties are not as strong as
the full strength pigment.
What is that element going to be.. Copper, tin and cobalt or
manganese. Maybe it will be a mixture of all three. 2008 - It's
transparent Manganate PB13 by Old Holland!

The Brand Oil Colors I tested for color and

To see this book large enough to read the colors click below.
Top left half ​ ​Top right half
Bottom left half​ ​Bottom right half
If you can't read my handwriting :-P
Here are the oil colors and brands in 8 rows and 10 columns.
Row 1
1-Blockx Byryum Yellow, 2-Mussini Zinc Yellow, 3-Mussini Cad Yell Med, 4-Mussini Cad
Yell Lt, 5-Mussini Cad Yell Med, 6-Mussini Naples Yell Lt, 7-Mussini Cad Orange,
8-Shiva Naples Yell (too soft), 9-Blockx Trans Yellow, 10-Old Holland Gamboge Lake
11-Grumbacher Cad Yell Pale, 12-Mussini Perm Yell Lt, 13-Grum Cad Yell Med, 14-Grum
Row 2
1-Grum Cad Red Lt, 2-Blockx Venetian Red, 3-Muss Raw Sienna, 4-Muss Raw Umber,
5-Muss Burnt Umber, 6-Muss burnt Sienna, 7-Muss Yell Raw Ocher, 8-Sheva Venetian
Red (too cool), 9-Muss Golden Ocher, 10-Old Holland Translucent Yell Oxide, 11-Old
Holland Indian Yellow Brown Lake Extra, 12-Old Holland Yellow Orange Lake Extra,
13-W/N Indian Yellow, 14-W/N Indian Red
Row 3
1-Danial Smith Quinacridone Magenta, 2-Rembrandt Chinese Vermilion, 3-Rembrandt
Rose, 4-Liquatex Acra Violet, 5-Mussini Violet Perm, 6-Liquatex Dioxazine Purple,
7-Mussini Naples Yellow Deep, 8-Grumbacher Thalo Blue, 9-Mussini Naples Yell Lt,
10-Blockx Naples Yell Lt, 11-Grumbacher Bt Sienna, 12-Mussini Perm Red Dp,
13-Permanent Pigment Cad Red Med Lt, 14-Permanent Pigments Cad Red Lt
Row 4
1-Danial Smith Bright Red, 2-Mussini Ult Deep, 3-Mussini Ult Lt, 4-Mussini Royal Blue
Dp, 5-Mussini Manganese Blue, 6-Mussini Royal Blue Lt, 7-Liquatex Thalo Blue, 8-Shiva
Blue Lt Thalo, 9-Grumbacher Cobalt Blue, 10-Grumbacher Naples Hue, 11-Rembrandt
Asphaltum Ex, 12-Blank, 13-Grumbacher Thalo Red Rose, 14-Grumbacher Cobalt Violet
Row 5
1-Danial Smith Organic Vermilion, 2-Mussini Paris Blue, 3-Mussini Cobalt Blue Lt,
4-Danial Smith Mediterranean Blue, 5-Old Holland Schevening Blue Lt, 6-Blockx
Cerulean Blue, 7-Mussini Thalo Blue, 8-Shiva Cobalt blue, 9-Not Recorded, 10-Blockx
French Ult Lt, 11-Grumbacher French Ult, 12-Rembrandt Ult Violet, 13-Grumbacher
Dioxazine Purple, 14-Grumbacher Cobalt Rose
Row 6
1-Grumbacher Thalo Green Y/S, 2-Mussini Phthalo Green, 3-Daniel Smith Thalo Green,
4-Mussini Opaque Green Lt, 5-W/N Perm Green Lt, 6-Mussini Perm Green Lt,
7-Rembrandt Blue Green, 8-Danial Smith Indanthrone Blue, 9-Rembrandt Blue Green,
10-Grumbacher Perm Green Lt, 11-Grumbacher Cobalt Green, 12-Rembrandt Sap
Green, 13-Grumbacher Green Earth Translucant, 14-Bocor Cobalt Violet
Row 7
1-Grumbacher Cad Barium Lt, 2-Grumbacher Zinc Yellow, 3-Shiva Green Gold,
4-Rembrandt Chrome Green Oxide, 5-W/N Cad Green, 6-Old Holland Organic Green
Opaque, 7-Grumbacher Yellow Green Opaque, 8-Mussini Golden Green Translucent,
9-Not a tube pigment, 10-Old Holland Gamboge Syn + Mussini Thalo Green,
11-Grumbacher Cad Barium Green Lt, 12-W/N Sap Green, 13-Old Holland Green Umber,
14-Not labled
Row 8
1- blank, 2-Grumbacher Thalo Green Y/S, 3-8-All Yarka, too thin in pigment, 9-Old
Holland Black, 10-Grumbacher Thalo Green B/S, 11-14-Home made colors
For a Real Color Wheel made with my chosen colors photographed.
Details of the selected oil pigments and palette on a color wheel.
My Oil Pigment palette, the acrylic palette has no transparent yellows. (Yet)
White is in the middle of the palette.
The left top of the palette is Liquitex Dioxazine Purple, Mussini Ult. Blue Deep or Light,
Rembrandt Cobalt Blue Deep, Grumbacher Thalo Blue, Mussini Opaque Green Light
and Mussini Thalo Green or Grumbacher Thalo Green Y/S.
The left side goes from the top Liquitex Dioxazine Purple, Mussini Bt. Umber, Mussini
Bt. Sienna,
Blockx Venetian Red, Mussini Yellow Raw Ocher, Mussini Naples Yellow Light or Deep
Daniel Smith Quinacridone Magenta at the bottom.
The bottom row of colors is Daniel Smith Quinacridone Magenta, Rembrandt Rose, W/N
Cadmium Red Light,
Rembrandt Chinese Vermilion Extra, Mussini Cadmium Orange, Old Holland Indian
Yellow-Brown Lake Extra,
Old Holland Indian Yellow-Orange Lake extra, Old Holland Gamboge Lake Extra, Old
Holland Cadmium Yellow Medium.
Grumbacher Cadmium Barium Yellow Pale, Bellini Lead Yellow Lemon is in the bottom
right corner of the palette.
The right side is from Mussini Thalo Green on the top, then Mussini Permanent Green
Mussini Genuine Golden Green, Old Holland Yellow Green and Bellini Lead Yellow
Lemon at the bottom.

Water Color Pigments

Here is a link to Water Color Lessons on location.
RCW Color Lessons to 10 year old artists.
This is what my palette looks like, the colors are combined in wells to facilitate mixing
by keeping colors clean.
Medium size w/c palette, 5 1/4 x 12
Top Row
01a, Talons Ult. Blue Deep, RCW 19c / 01b, Liquitex Bt. Sienna, RCW 04b
02a, Grumbacher Finest Chromium Green Oxide, RCW 34a / 02b, Rowney Venetian
Red, RCW 07b
03a, Grumbacher Finest Thalo Purple, RCW 16a / 03b, Grumbacher Finest Thalo Green,
RCW 31a
04a, Grumbacher Finest Thalo Crimson, RCW 13a / 04b, Grumbacher Finest Thalo
Green, RCW 31a
05, Grumbacher Finest Thalo Violet, RCW 15a
06, Grumbacher Finest Thalo Crimson, RCW 13a
07, Grumbacher Finest Grumbacher Red, RCW 07a
08, Grumbacher Finest Vermilion Light, RCW 06a
09, Grumbacher Finest Cadmium Orange, RCW 04a
10, Grumbacher Finest Cadmium Yellow Deep, RCW 02c
11, W/N Cadmium Yellow, RCW 02a
12, Bocour Cadmium Yellow Medium, RCW 02b
13, W/N Windsor Yellow, RCW 01b
14, Liquitex Hansa Yellow, RCW 01a
Bottom Row
15, Grumbacher Finest Thalo Blue, RCW 25a
16, Grumbacher Finest Thalo Purple, RCW 16a
17, Liquitex Cobalt Blue, RCW 22a
18, Talens Ultramarine Blue, RCW 19b
19, W/N French Ultramarine Blue, RCW 19a
20, Grumbacher Finest Thalo Green, RCW 31a
22, Grumbacher Finest Emerald Green, RCW 33b
23a, Bocour Emerald Green RCW 33b / 23b, Liquitex Permanent Green Light, RCW 33a
24a, Bocour Olive Green, RCW 34b / 24b, Holbein Permanent Green #1, RCW 33a
25, Talens Hookers Green Deep, RCW 34a
26a, Grumbacher Finest Cadmium Orange, RCW 04a / 26b, Bocour Cadmium Yellow
Medium, RCW 02b
27a, Liquitex Hansa Yellow, RCW 01a / 27b, Grumbacher Finest Yellow Green, RCW 36a

Small everyday palette, 3 1/2 x 8 1/4

Large studio Pike palette before there was an Indian yellow, 1990, 10 3/4 x 15
Today, 11-3-10, the plastic is yellow.

36 RCW colors with 10 degrees for each color.

Each section color has 10 variables to it's darkest perceptual color before becoming
black in the middle.
Each color section has pigments lettered from 'a' as the outside pure or tint color, 'b' is
darker than 'a' in the same section, 'c' is darker than 'b', etc..
This is the first RCW, 5 years later, 2000, I changed the plotting numbers from letters to
the number of the concentric ring from 0 for the full chroma ring and 1 to 10 for the
darker values. Same colorwheel.
RCW 01a = Liquitex Hansa Yellow,
RCW 01b = W/N Windsor Yellow,
RCW 02a = W/N Cadmium Yellow,
RCW 02b = Bocour Cadmium Yellow Medium, very opaque,
RCW 02c = Grumbacher Finest Cadmium Yellow Deep,
RCW 04a = Grumbacher Finest Cadmium Orange,
RCW 04b = Liquitex Bt. Sienna,
RCW 06a = Grumbacher Finest Vermilion Light,
RCW 07a = Grumbacher Finest Grumbacher Red,
RCW 07b = Rowena Venetian Red,
RCW 13a = Grumbacher Finest Thalo Crimson,
RCW 15a = Grumbacher Finest Thalo Violet,
RCW 16a = Grumbacher Finest Thalo Purple,
RCW 19a = W/N French Ultramarine Blue,
RCW 19b = Talens Ultramarine Blue,
RCW 19c = Talens Ult. Blue Deep,
RCW 22a = Liquitex Cobalt Blue,
RCW 25a = Grumbacher Finest Thalo Blue, Old Holland Manganese blue B/s.
RCW 31a = Grumbacher Finest Thalo Green,
RCW 33a = Liquitex Permanent Green Light,
RCW 33a = Holbein Permanent Green #1,
RCW 33b = Grumbacher Finest Emerald Green,
RCW 33b = Bocour Emerald Green, very opaque,
RCW 34a = Grumbacher Finest Chromium Green Oxide,
RCW 34b = Talens Hookers Green Deep,
RCW 34b = Bocour Olive Green, very opaque,
RCW 36a = Grumbacher Finest Yellow Green,


The exact same 3 pigment colors used to print this colorwheel on my plotter.
Order here. RCW Transparent Primary Palette with Tartrazine yellow Clear.

The Original RCW painting, 12-19-95, had 4 tints to white on 12 colors with 8 shades to
dark neutral.
Painting #816, acrylic, 15x22 on 1/8 mahogany plywood covered with polyester woven

Liquitex had the first correct magenta back then (1995) and called it Acra Violet PR122.
Old Holland had the first acrylic Indian yellow in 2009, they have in transparent
dual-toned Org/side, Brn/side, Yellow-Orange/side and a transparent bright yellow. I
love them all. We have been missing these colors for 150 years when Indian yellow
original was banned by W/N in 1898. The first printed RCW version had 1 tint ring, 36
colors and 10 shades of each color.
Real Color Wheel 36, 12, 6 and 3 color wheel.

Concentric Ring Numbers for yellow on the 36RCW.

#1.05 tint of the 1st color arc, yellow tint

#1.0 Full chroma, the 1st color is yellow
#1.0.1 (Warmest of 9) #1.0.9, left to right divisions from
warm to cool
#1.1 the first dark of 10 divisions to dark of this (first
color) yellow
#1.2 the second dark
#1.3 the third dark
#1.4 the forth dark
#1.5 the fifth dark of 10 divisions to dark of this first
color, also the mass-color of some transparent
#1.6 the sixth dark of 10 divisions to dark of this first
color, also the mass-color of some transparent
#1.7 the seventh dark
#1.8 the eighth dark
#1.9 the ninth
#1.10 the tenth dark, 10% intensity of this 1st color (the

The dots on the colorwheel locate different pigments on different concentric rings.

The Pigment Color Section description for Cadmium Yellow Lemon Opaque is,
RCW36#1.0 for the main full chroma color.
#1.0 is the Pure Yellow arc or section and has 5 pigments below it, each one getting
The yellow wedge of color concentric value rings #1.00, #1.0, #1.2, #1.3, #1.6 and #1.10
all have pigments in them.

Brown is the darkest intensity of Yellow. Mix this low intensity brown with it's opposite
color Ultramarine blue for a neutral dark.

I like most D.S. pigments but don't agree with their choice of color wheel in this years
(2006) Color Thoughts on their catalogs last page. Calling it a "Split Primary Palette",
they attempt to make yellow, red and blue the primary colors. Calling a cyan and blue
mix a primary blue is so wrong, that makes a cobalt blue. As for mixing a transparent
yellow and translucent yellow to make a primary yellow, geez, how can they be so,
whatever.. There is no such thing as a split primary palette.
#1.00.1 Lemon Yellow Chromate, opaque
#1.00.2 Nickel Titanate Yellow PY53, opaque
#1.00.3 Hansa Yellow Light Arylide PY3, translucent
#1.0.1 Zinc Yellow, opaque
#1.0.3 Bismuth Yellow PY184, opaque
#1.0.5 Aureolin Cobalt PY40, translucent
#1.0.5 Cadmium Yellow Light PY35.1 - Tartrazine PY100 dual-tone, dry for W/c and ink
#1.0.6 Cadmium Barium Yellow Pale, opaque
#1.0.8 Indian Yellow B/s Nickel Dioxine PY153 Tint, dual-toned
#1.0.9 Indian Yellow O/s Anthrapyrimidine PY108 Tint. - PY153 Nickel complex, Tint,
#1.2 Gamboge hue mass-tone translucent PY108 Tint, (more dual-toned than the
#1.3 Indian Yell Br/s Nickel Diox transp PY150 Tint, dual-toned
#1.4 Italian Warm Gold Ocher - Verona Gold opaque
#1.4 Nickel Azo, mass-tone translucent PY150 Br/s, dual-toned
#1.6 Raw Umber translucent PBr7, depending on the brand, it could be #1.10
#1.10 Burnt Umber translucent PBr7
#2.00 Naples Yellow Light opaque
#2.0.4 Hansa Yellow Medium translucent PR3, translucent
#2.0.5 Cadmium Yellow Medium, PY35, opaque
#2.3 French Ocher R/s opaque PY43
#2.4 Yellow Oxide/Ocher Br/s opaque PY43
#2.10 Burnt Umber translucent PBr7
#3.00 Naples Yellow Deep opaque
#3.0 Cadmium Yellow Deep opaque
#3.3 Raw Sienna translucent PBr7
#3.4 Italian Deep Yellow Ocher R/s opaque
#3.6 Quinacridone Deep Gold PO48 transparent
#3.7 Transparent Brown Oxide PR101, actually translucent
#3.10 Burnt Umber PBr7, translucent
#4.0.1 Isoindolinone Yellow R, PY110
#4.0.4 Benizimidazolone Orange transparent PO62
#4.0.5 Cadmium Orange PO20 opaque
#4.6 Burnt Sienna translucent
#4.10 Burnt Umber translucent PBr7
#5.7 Italian Burnt Sienna PBr7 translucent
#5.10 Burnt Umber translucent PBr7
#6.0 Vermilion opaque - China Vermilion translucent PR188
#6.10 Burnt Umber translucent PBr7
#7.0.5 Cadmium Red Light PR108 - Thioindigoid PR88
#7.5 Wm. Italian Venetian Red opaque PR101
#7.6 Wm. Red Oxide PR101, opaque
#7.9 Benizimidazolone Brown transparent PBr25
#7.10 Burnt Umber translucent PBr7
#12.0 Quinacridone Rose Bata transparent PV19
#13.0 Quinacridone Magenta Y translucent PR122
#14.0 Cobalt Violet PV49 opaque - Quin Violet PR212, transparent
#15.0 Manganese Violet top-tone PV23 (Rs)
#15.6 Manganese Violet mass-tone, PV23 (Rs)
#16.0 Dioxazine Purple Top-tone transparent PV15
#16.6 Dioxazine Purple Mass-tone transparent PV15
#18.0 Ultramarine Violet Top-tone, translucent
#18.6 Ultramarine Violet Mass-tone translucent
#19.0 French Ultramarine Blue translucent PB29
#19.2 Ultramarine Blue Light translucent PB29
#19.3 Ultramarine Blue Deep translucent PB29
#22.0 Cobalt Blue opaque PB28
#22.0 Azurite, transparent to opaque top-tone, PB28
#22.6 Azurite, transparent to opaque mass-tone PB28
#25.0 Pathalo Blue - Cyan Top-tone PB15.3 transparent
#25.6 Pathalocyanine Blue - Cyan Mass-tone PB15.3 transparent
#27.0 PhthaloTurquiose Top-tone PB15 + PG36 transparent
#27.6 PhthaloTurquiose Mass-tone PB15 + PG36 transparent
#29.3 Opaque Green Light
#31.0.1 Pathalocyanine Green Y/s Top-tone transparent PG7
#31.6.1 Pathalocyanine Green Y/s Mass-tone transparent PG7
#31.0.10 Pathalocyanine Green B/s Top-tone transparent PG36
#31.6.10 Pathalocyanine Green B/s Mass-tone transparent PG36
#33.3 Permanent Green Light opaque PY3 + PG7
#33.6 Hooker's Green Prm. translucent PG36 + PY3 + PO49
#34.6 Chromium Green oxide opaque PG17
#35.0 Lime Green translucent
#36.0 Priderit Yellow Yellow-Green opaque PY157
#36.3 Rich Green Gold Nickel Chelated Azo PG10, transparent
#36.7 Green Gold Azomethine or Irgazine Green PY129, transparent
#36.10 Green Umber mass-tone translucent
Today, 10-10-10, there is a new pigment on the market. Duo Aqua Oil calls it Luminous
Opera. I works great in acrylics and oil. Life keeps getting better.
Other major water colors.

- Permanent Green Light, Pathalocyanine Green, PG7 and Cadmium Yellow Light,
PY35. Martin F. Weber, Permanent Green Light
- Anthraquinone Vat, Graphtol Violet CI-4RL, PY45, a transparent deep magenta, will
mix to ultramarine blue with cyan. Lefranc & Bourgeois, Egypt Violet.
-Thalo Purple, Dioxazine Purple, PV32 B/s and PV15 Ultramarine violet. Grumbacher.
*Dioxazine Purple is a warm purple by itself.

I have this separate palette for night painting.

I could never ask for a better selection of water color brushes
Acrylic Colors

This palette box measures 4 x 6 x 3/4, it closes with a flick of the wrist while I'm
standing and keeps paint moist for a week of every day use.
To keep the colors really moist and mold free add a little ammonia to the water spray
The lid includes a towel cloth glued to it with a waterproof glue, that I keep moist. In the
bottom is a removable pop-out to clean. The box is 1 inch high
I have a painting I did with my fingers and palm, I kept a bucket of ammonia water
(1:20?) by my side to keep my hands clean. I loved it!
Here are 19 most used colors in 1995. Today, 2010, I have added transparent Indian
Yellow Light Hansa Arylide Translucent, Cadmium Yellow Light Opaque, Cadmium
Yellow Lemon Opaque, Cadmium Yellow Medium Opaque, Cadmium Orange Opaque,
Cadmium Red Light Opaque, Acra Violet had a name change to Quinacridone Magenta
(PR122 = Primary Magenta) Transparent, Yellow Oxide Opaque, Red Oxide Opaque,
Burnt Sienna Translucent, Burnt Umber Opaque, Dioxazine Purple Transparent,
Ultramarine Blue Translucent, Cobalt Blue Opaque, Cyan Phthalo Blue (Primary Cyan)
Transparent, Phthalo Green Y/s B/s Transparent, Permanent Green Light Opaque, Vivid
Lime Green Opaque, Brilliant Yellow Green Translucent and three new Liquitex
transparent pigments. Acra Gold is orange to brown acrylic, Acra Burnt Orange is a
darker orange to brown and Van Dyke Red Hue a red to brown.
Except the acrylic color I make with dry Zecchi's PY153.
New in 2005 and 2006, D.S., Golden, and many other paint manufactures now make
transparent yellow hues.
2010, Transparent Clear Tartrazine yellow by Spectra Colors Corp. is the pigment I use
for my​giclee plotter ink​ and the Transparent Three Primary Water Color Set ​for sale.
Magenta and cyan are also the pigmented printer inks for my giclee printer and water
color pigments.
Here is a list of ACRYLIC RCW COLORS, Old Holland / Sennelier from one retail
Real Color Wheel (main page)

Prismacolor pencils mounted on the Real Color Wheel

End Page backward links, end.htm
NEXT, ​Oil Palette Setup (see the colors), myoilpalettemap.htm
PREVIOUS, ​Pigment Chip Chart to Real Color Wheel, pigmentrcwmap.htm
PREVIOUS​ ​Spectra Color Pigments, spectracolors.htm
All About Color RCW Ebook pdf​ | ​Wikihow/How to Use the Real Color Wheel ​ | ​CYMK
Hexadecimal Codes​ | ​Articles and Press Releases​ | ​Site Tree/Index
Updated: 05/26/2016 18:20:45

Order this complete color course on DVD, $35.00.

Order only a 5"X5" Laminated Real Color Wheel $10.00.
If your an artist on location join this forum.
Free tiff RCW printable zip and CMYK and RGB palettes.
Free RCW tif zip file

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