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FirstQuarter Examination in Science 6

Teacher: Avigail Joyce A. Andrade

Name: ____________________________ Grade/Section: ___________ Date: __________ Score:_________

General Instructions:
1. Write the correct answer in CAPITAL letter on the space provided.
2. Any type of erasures will NOT be accepted.
3. Use only black ink ball pen in answering the exam.


_____1. Science is a systematized body of knowledge that helps explain natural and physical occurrences
through objectives means. Objectives means refer to____.
A. the manner of by which knowledge is rejected
B. the manner of by which knowledge is used
C. the manner of by which knowledge is obtained
D. the manner of by which knowledge is included
_____2. Technology is defined as the application of science. Which of following statements best describe the
meaning of technology?
A. It brings about innovations and inventions that package scientific knowledge into practical
solutions to a problem.
B. It refers to gathering of information for solving problems.
C. It is concerned with the discovery of the applications of pure science for practical human
D. It uses a method of studying and exploring nature through an experimental method in an
attempt to satisfy the need to know the world we live.
_____3. Which of the following statements is true between experiment and hypothesis in the steps of the
scientific method?
A. An experiment is a test which will either challenge or support a hypothesis.
B. An experiment is a test which must always prove a hypothesis.
C. An experiment is only used when trying to prove a hypothesis.
D. An experiment does not have to be part of the scientific method.
______4. The information gathered from experiments is called _____.
A. data C. hypothesis
B. research D. conclusion
______5.What is the correct order of the steps in the scientific method?
A. Ask a question, observe, make a hypothesis, test hypothesis, analyze result, make a
B. Ask questions, make a hypothesis, test the hypothesis, analyze results, make a conclusion,
analyze data, observe
C. Make a hypothesis, test the hypothesis, observe, analyze the results, ask a question, draw
D. Ask a question, analyze results, make a hypothesis, observe, test the hypothesis, draw
______6. On her way home, Mina saw a white butterfly. When she got home, she discovered that her cat
was sick. What is the best explanation for this event?
A. The butterfly brings sickness to her cat.
B. The butterfly announced his cat’s sickness.
C. The butterfly is sick and it also made her cat sick.
D. There is no direct relationship between the butterfly and cat’s sickness.

______7. Khalina has two baskets with apples on them. In order to know which of the baskets contain
more apple, she puts it in a weighing scale. What science process skill is she practicing?
A. Observing C. Predicting
B. Classifying D. Measuring
______8.What skill is a scientist using when she listens to the sounds that whales makes and guessing
that this sound is the sound the whale make when looking for mate?
A. drawing conclusions C. interpreting data
B. making a hypothesis D. making observation
______9. What is the series of steps followed to solve problems called?
A. experimental guidelines C. scientific method
B. investigations D. standard procedures
_____10. Which among the following best describes a mixture?
A. a combination of 2 or more elements to make a new substance
B. 2 or more substances that are combined by chemical process
C. a combination of substances where new substances are formed through a reaction
D. a combination of substances in which the atoms of the substance do not
chemically combine
______11. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. Water can dissolve all solutes, hence it is dubbed as “universal solvent” .
B. The bigger the solute, the easier for the solvent to dissolve it.
C. The smaller the solute, the faster it will dissolve in the solvent
D. Solvents can dissolve any solid solutes.
______12. What is the type of mixture wherein 2 or more substances cannot be distinguished from each
A. Colloidal mixture C. Homogeneous mixture
B. Suspension mixture D. Heterogeneous mixture
______13. How do you classify a matter which is composed of two or more component substances
which retain their own identifying properties?
A. The matter is classified as a pure substance.
B. The matter is classified as a compound
C. The matter is classified as a mixture.
D. The matter is classified as a molecular compound.
______14. How do you describe the components of homogeneous mixtures?
A. Its components are usually large enough to be seen with the naked eye.
B. Its components are not distributed evenly throughout the mixture.
C. Its components are always elemental pure substances.
D. Its particles are evenly distributed all the way.
______15. Which one of the following solids is insoluble in water?
A. sugar B. Salt C. copper D. Sulfate salt
______16. Solutions are homogeneous in nature that has the same composition and properties throughout.
Which of the following is an example of solution?
A.cough syrup C. mud in water
B. ice cream D. pineapple juice
______17. Identify the solute and the solvent in a piece of brass which is 60%-82% Copper (Cu) and 18%-40%
Zinc (Zn), and the physical state of this solution.
A. Cu is the solvent and Zn is the solute; solid solution
B. Zn is the solvent and Cu is the solute; solid solution
C. Cu is the solvent and Zn is the solute; liquid solution
D. Zn is the solvent and Cu is the solute; liquid solution
______18. Which kind of mixture that is known for its cloudy and turbid appearance?
A. Colloid C. Suspension
B. Suspended materials D. moisture
______19.What do you call the scattering of light that occurs in a colloidal mixture?
A. Tidal Effect C. Tyndall Effect
B. Tyndal Effect D. Virtual Effect
______20. Cream in milk is an example of what nature of suspension?
A. Liquid suspended in solid C. Liquid suspended in gas
B. Gas suspended in solid D. Liquid suspended in liquid

______21. What will most likely to happen when you shone a light on a colloid?
A. The light will just pass through the mixture.
B. The light will bend in the colloidal mixture.
C. The light will bounce off in the mixture.
D. The light will scatter in the mixture and will not pass through.
______22. Which of the following statements is/are TRUE?
I. Table sugar and water will form a homogeneous mixture.
II. Rice grains and flour will form a heterogeneous mixture.
III. The particles of suspension are bigger that the particles of solutions.
A. I and II C. II and III
B. I and III D. I, II, and III
______23. How will you describe the mixture of dust in the air?
A. a gas suspended in a gas C. a gas suspended in a liquid
B. a solid suspended in a gas D. a gas suspended in a solid

______24. How is a mixture different from a compound?

A. Mixtures have two or more components.
B. Each substance in a mixture keeps its characteristics properties.
C. Mixtures are commonly found in nature.
D. Solids, liquids, and gases can form mixtures.
______25. A substance that cannot be broken down into a simpler form through ordinary chemical means is
called a/an______.
A. solution C. element
B. compound D. mixture
______26. What is the disadvantage of using decantation in separating mixtures?
A. It is only applicable to solid-solid heterogeneous mixtures.
B. It is only applicable to solid-liquid heterogeneous mixtures.
C. It is only applicable to liquid-liquid homogeneous mixtures.
D. It is only applicable to solid-liquid homogeneous mixtures
______27.Which one of the following pairs of separation techniques will BOTH separate salt from a
mixture of salt and water?
A. Decanting and filtration C. Decanting and distillation
B. Chromatography and evaporation D. Distillation and evaporation
______28. Why do farmers put the rice grains in the threshing machine after harvesting it?
A. To separate the grains to the stalks
B. To make the rice grains smaller
B. To make the rice easier to cook
C. To separate the grains to dirt and pests
______29. How is decantation different from sedimentation?
A. Decantation is through heating while sedimentation is by cooling.
B. Decantation is only applicable to solid-liquid heterogeneous mixtures.
C. Sedimentation is the process by which sedimented liquid is seperated by pouring it
while decantation is the settling down of heavy insoluble impurities.
D. Decantation is the process by which sedimented liquid is seperated by pouring it
while sedimentation is the settling down of heavy insoluble impurities.
______30. What type of separating technique should be used on sorting biodegradable and non-biodegradable
A. winnowing C. hand-picking
B. sorting D. filtering
______31. This is only useful when the particles are large enough to be seen clearly.
A. winnowing C. hand-picking
B. sorting D. filtering
______32. Andrea used a clean cloth to separate the shredded coconut meat from the milk. What
process did she used to separate the mixture?
A. distillation C. filtration
B. sedimentation D. evaporation
______33. Harvested crops such as beans, nuts and peas are separated according to their weight. What is the
best separation technique suitable for this activity?
A. winnowing C. chromatography
B. sorting D. filtering

______34. What is the electronic precipitator in industrial facilities used for?

A. It is used to filter air from carbon and other waste products.
B. It is used to filter water from bacteria and other waste products.
C. It is used to filter soil from excessive fertilizers and other waste products.
D. It is used to filter air from nitrogen, oxygen gas and other waste products.
______35. Why would you use magnet to separate sand and iron filling instead of using other ways?
A. Magnet attracts the sand.
B. Magnet is cheap and can be bought easily.
C. Magnet will attract both the sand and iron fillings.
D. Magnet attracts metal like the iron fillings and will leave the sand.
______36. A student put some sand, clay, and water into a bottle and shook the bottle. Then she put the bottle
down. After two hours, the bottle looked like the drawing above. What can the student conclude
based on what is seen in the bottle?

A. The water layer is denser than the layers of clay and sand.
B. The layer of clay is denser than the layers of sand and the water.
C. The layer of sand is denser than the water layer and the layer of clay.
D. The water layer, layer of clay, and layer of sand are all the same density.
______37. Filtration using the equipment shown on the picture can be used to separate which materials?
A. mixture of mud and water
B. A solution of salt and water
C. A mixture of alcohol and water
D. A mixture of sand and sawdust

______38. Water and alcohol are easily separated by distillation because of their_______.
A. different melting points C. different density
B. different colors D. different boiling points
______39. Separation of mixtures is important in treatment of some diseases. Which of the following process is
used to cleanse the blood by passing through a machine?
A. Centrifugation C. Winnowing
B. Dialysis D. filtration
______40. Mina wants to separate alcohol and water that are on one solution. What separation process should
she use to separate the mixture?
A. distillation C. filtration
B. sedimentation D. evaporation
______41. This separation of mixture is used for separating pigments through the property of molecular
attraction that its components have.
A.winnowing C. chromatography
B. sorting D. fractional crystallization
______42. How is fractional distillation used in crude oil refining?
A. By collecting the liquids stored by the crude
B. By separating the crude and the water mechanically
C. By collecting the vapour of the boiled crude mixture
D. By heating the mixture of two or more substances (liquids) with different boiling
points to a high temperature.
______43. In this process, the compound is mixed with a solvent, heated, and then gradually cooled so that, as
each of its constituent components solidifies, it can be removed in its pure form from the solution.
What do you call this process?
A. winnowing C. chromatography
B. sorting D. fractional crystallization
______44. Painting uses the separation process. The wet paint is a mixture of color pigment and a
solvent. What do you think is the process used?
A. distillation C. filtration
B. sedimentation D. evaporation
______45. Using the separation of mixture, how do you think is gold harvested by just using a pan?
A. Gold particles will remain on the pan after winnowing.
B. Gold particles will remain on the pan after the mud evaporated
C. Gold particles are lighter than the other particles, so they settle to the float of the pan
D. Gold particles are heavier than the other particles, so they settle to the bottom of the pan.

______46. Which of the following describes the sugar component of a carbonated beverage?
A. Solvent C. Solution
B. Precipitate D. Solute

______47. All the way back to Ancient History, industrious humans have performed a specific process in order
to obtain the specific substances that they need from mixtures. What do you call this?
A. Collecting mixtures
B. Separating mixtures
C. Inspecting mixtures
D. Testing mixtures
______48. The use of charcoal in the comfort room in order to reduce the bad smell that forms overtime is an
example of ______________.
A. adsorption C. filtration
B. sedimentation D. absorption
______49. Which of the following is NOT a reason of why we need to perform separation of mixture?
A. To obtain specific substances
B. To produce more purified products
C. To produce more amount of mixture
D. To analyse one or more components of the mixture
______50. The following are the application of separation of mixture EXCEPT _________________.
A. Activated Carbon C. Hydraulic Filters
B. Window cleaners D. Microporous Membranes

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