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~MOORISH ANERICAN UNITED TRUST~ ~Vast Estate Pure Express Trust~ A Private Kcelesiastically International Commissioned Agreement Declaration of Trust ca Whereas, The Ancient Dejure Aboriginal Indigenous Divine Living Natural Moabite Moorish American Shadilat Aaliyah Satiya El-Bey and the Ancient Dejure Aboriginal Indigenous Divine Living Natural Moors of the Land at North America, Northwest Amexem, North Africa, The Northgate are the Trust Corpus of this de jure ecclesiastically commissioned Express Trust ‘Shaddat Aaliyah Satiya El-Bey isthe Executor, Setlor, Claimant, and Beneficiary of al said Trust Property. Whereas Shaddai Aaliyah Satiya El-Bey and the self-designated Moors of her choosing, 1m Propeia Persona Sui rie and Te Sola Proprio are the Trustees for the Affaire of this De jure cevelesiastcally commissioned Trust upon the Land wt North America, Northwest Amexem, North Africa, Tho Northgate. While the Moorish American People are the Beneficiaries, they are neither partners nor agents ofthe said Trust. Any and all benefits or privileges from any government that is not the Moorish National Republic Federal Government will not be received into this Trust Instrument of Exchange, therefore no duty is owed to any ather government or outside party by this Trust, it's Beneficiaries, Executors, Settots, Claimants, Trustees, nor the Moorish American People. This traditional, Pure Vast Estate Express Trust is active and functioning in the pattern ‘here property is conveyed by will, deed, or declaration to a trustee. It is not an association. In accordance with Article 1 Section 10 of the Constitution For the united States Republic, written by the Ancestors of the Moorish America People This Fxpress Trust may enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation, it may grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, It may coin Money, it ‘may emit Bills of Credit; it may not make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; it may pass any Bill of Attinder, ex post facto Law, and Law impairing the Obligation ‘of Contracts, and it may grant any Title of Nobility. This Express Trust is ercated by the Natural Right to Contract which cannot be abridged and is protected under federally enforceable right of ‘contract law aun uot under ay laws passed Ly any of the several sate legislatures. I wut subjeut to legislative control nor legislative restrictions, does not depend on any statutes and is within the realm of equity, having separate and distinct juridical personality. This trust is unalienable and inalienable, ~MOORISH ANERICAN UNITED TRUST~ ~Vast Estate Pure Express Trust~ A Private Ecelesiastically International Commissioned Divine Natural Agreement These are the Particulars ‘Thie Declaration of Trust is completed for "Sbaddai Salipal Satin Alen (Natural ‘person in Propria Persona Sui Juris)" (Trust hereafter.) ‘The Grantor(s) of the trust ie Shabbat Galina Satina €L-Aien [Ex Rel. SHA'RON NOREKO YOUNG], ‘The Beneficiarys) of the MOORISH AMERICAN UNITED TRUST are Ramir Aim Latif Et Bey, Ramir Alin Latif El Bep IB, Ramir tim ‘Lat €1-Bep IIB, Princess Shavoat Satara €1-Bep, Hoshawn Falen €t Bey, Shaila Angel Marie El-Bey, Romello Cortes €1-Bey, Rossiah Ramon EL-Bey, Apa Latian Saiara €t-Bey, Maliha Ashirah Ariel €1-Bey anv alt Moorish American Nationals heirs of then beneticiary(s).. ‘The MOORISH AMERICAN UNITED TRUST is " Shanbai Salipah Sativa €1-Biep ." ‘The MOORISH AMERICAN UNITED TRUST is Feclesiastical and Irevocable The mailing location of the responsible party is Care of PO BOX 581, Near [Matteson, Ilinois Republic Zi? EXEMPT} Non-Domestic, Non-Residential. Non-Subject, Non- Assumpsit, ‘The MOORISH AMERICAN UNITED TRUST in existence as ofthe [June 6* 2019] ‘The tustees of the MOORISH AMERICAN UNITED TRUST ave the authority under the terms of the trust to claim ttle, to request a certified copy of ttl, and to transfer title cof ll property in the name of the trust, This Trust is governed pursuant to, the Zodiac Constitution [AA222141] Library of Congress, Constitution forthe united States Republic of North America 1791, Treaty of Pace and Friendship 1786/1836 between Morocco and the united States of America. ‘The Jurisdiction of this Estate is within my Moroccan Ancestral Lands: vf Morvuw. Horth America at latitude longitude coordinates, fifty-four point five two six zero degrees N {[54.5260°N], one hundred five point two five five one degrees W [105.2551°W]; ~MOORISH ANERICAN UNITED TRUST~ ~Vast Estate Pure Express Trust~ illy International Commissioned Dix Agreement South America at civ point seven eight dice wo dewrees $ [8.7832"S], Hity-fve point ur nine one five degrees W [55 4915°W], and (Cennrat dimertea at twelve point sevens nine rm degrees N 12.7690" NJ eighty-five pot six zero two four depres W [856024" Inbventure Made Pursuant to The Zodiac Constitution AAZZ2141 Library of Congress UN res, 61/299 Declaration ofthe Rights of Indigenous Peoples, UN res. 60/147 Human Rights law. Mission statement: Spint is Law, Law 1s nature, Nature 1s tamuly, Famuly 1s Giovemment. MUOKISH AMERICAN UNITED TRUST is am Aboriginal Ecclesiastically International Commissioned Divine Natural ‘Agrvcment the of Autochthon Peoples of the Moabitc / Moor / Olmce decedent ercated on the DATE TRUST MANIFESTED and by these articles in the Ancestral Estate ofthe Al Maghrib Al ‘Aqsa, Amexem [ North, South, Central Americal Moor Frapire] “The primary objective of MOORISH AMERICAN UNITED TRUST is to gain asets and secure ‘wealth forthe posterity of Shabbat alival Sativa El BeyNatural Person and her/his dircet and indirect heirs of her/his estate Purpose: MOORISII AMERICAN UNITED TRUST will serve as the Private Ecclesiastical Estate ‘Trustee of Sabbai Zalivah Sativa €1-Bep an aboriginal heir of Ancient Moor Descent, that holds legal title to all actvities/assets tangible and intangible which includes all physical hodies ‘or vessels in which each sou! lives of chairman, president, beneficiaries and all Moorish Americans that are kin to Spabbei Gali Sata €L-Ber, In trust irrevocable including Aboriginal services/businesses ofall kinds forall subsidiaries DBAS) (doing business as) emttes and afMiliate Entities of MOORISH AMERICAN UNITED ‘TRUST. ‘Any other amendments to these articles can only be made a properly delegated fiduciary in trust delegated by heir (s) of Shabbat Aalipah Sativa €1-Bep. “Pursuant to The Declaration of Indigenous Rights enacted by Organization of American States ‘which the United States and al its Departments are subject to All Articles Incorporated, ‘Pursuant to the Constitution for the United States of America 1791 ~MOORISH ANERICAN UNITED TRUST~ ~Vast Estate Pure Express Trust~ A Private Ecelesiastically International Commissioned Divine Natural Agreement LShaddai Aalivah Sativa El-Bey am of the age of maturity w© make this affidavit and the facts herein I@haddai Aaliyah Sativa El-Aep am mentally competent to make this official affidavit of Facts for the Record 1 Shavvat Aalivah Satipa €-Bep ave personal knowledge ot the tacts in this atfidavit. ‘This affidavit is made under the penaltics of perjury and stands as the Certificate ofthe Formation ‘of this Moorish American National Aboriginal Peoples Trust as a matter of the law and of the fact. 1shaddai Aalival Sativa €l-Bey declare under the penalty of perjury under the laws of he Zodiae Constitution of dhe Movtisht Aumctican Nativual Abutiginal Peoples that the Forcyuing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge, Family Organizational Chart ~ MOORISH AMIERICAN UNITED TRUST. ‘The Grand Body ~MOORISH ANERICAN UNITED TRUST~ ~Vast Estate Pure Express Trust~ A Private Ecelesiastically International Commissioned Divine Natural Agreement Siqnatures and Seals Dy Special Appearance, in Honor, the Divine Deing, Sbadbai Malipab Satipa El Ber, aims that She isthe Natural Person / Divine Being herein named, existing in Her own Proper Person; meeting the ‘law of evidence’ as required and defined in “Identiy’; affirmed by Lawful, Substantive Right; by Birthright, and respectively acknowledged - being lawfully qualified and competent to execute this Document. I therefore place my hand and seal thereto €pronos: Day:_(o__ Month:_\t)2 Year _QO|F i . + EQ Chair of MOORISHT AMERICAN ®NITED TRUST SHinddai Aaliyah Shtiya E-Bey [Natural Person ~ Ia Propria Persona - Authorized Representative; All Rights Reserved. Fee Moor / Maur "Northwest Amexem / Northwest Aftica/ North America ‘Natal Person In Propria Persons - Authorized Represeutaive, All Rights Reserved, Free Moor / Maur Northwest Amexem / Northwest Aftica / North America

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