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Vocabulary List
Subject Link Starter 1

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Lesson 1 Everything Grows in Spring!

No Words Meaning 해석

1 sunshine noun light from the sun 햇빛

2 sprout verb to start to grow (싹이) 나다

3 bloom verb to grow flowers 꽃 피우다

4 be born verb to come from your mother or an egg 태어나다

5 fresh adjective healthy and new 신선한

6 look for verb to find something 찾다

7 wake up verb to stop sleeping 잠에서 깨어나다

8 weather noun what the air and sky are like right now 날씨

9 fly verb to move through the air 날다

10 leaf noun one of the many green things on trees 잎

-2- (Korean) (English)
Subject Link Starter 1

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Lesson 2 A Song for Spring

No Words Meaning 해석

1 season noun one of the year’s four parts 계절

2 quick adjective fast 빠른

3 joyful adjective very happy 기쁜

a large group of people playing

4 orchestra noun 관현악단

5 fall verb to move down from a high place 떨어지다

6 lightning noun a flash of light in a storm 번개

7 thunder noun a storm’s loud noise 천둥

8 gentle adjective soft and careful, not hurting anyone 온화한

09 create verb to make something 창조하다

10 musician noun a person who makes music 음악가

-3- (Korean) (English)
Subject Link Starter 1

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Lesson 3 India’s Colorful Spring Festival

No Words Meaning 해석

1 bright adjective full of light or color, not dark 색이 밝은, 선명한

a large party or event with many

2 festival noun 축제

3 powder noun something like flour, sugar, or sand 가루

4 throw verb to send something through the air 던지다

5 messy adjective dirty, not clean 지저분한, 엉망인

6 celebrate verb to have a party on an important day 기념하다

7 wonderful adjective very good, excellent 아주 멋진

8 sweet adjective tasting like sugar 달콤한

9 dance verb to move your body while music plays 춤추다

10 balloon noun a toy that gets bigger with air 풍선

-4- (Korean) (English)
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Lesson 4 The Spring Wind Returns

No Words Meaning 해석

1 magpie noun a black and white bird 까치

2 steal verb to take another person’s things 훔치다

3 den noun a place like a cave where an animal lives 굴

4 weasel noun a small, furry animal that eats rats 족제비

5 drag verb to pull something behind you 끌다

6 promise verb to say you will or won’t do something 약속하다

7 winter noun the coldest season of the year 겨울

8 feel verb to notice something touching your body 느끼다

9 wind noun moving air 바람

10 warm adjective a little bit hot 따뜻한

-5- (Korean) (English)
Subject Link Starter 1

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Lesson 5 Fanny and Felix Mendelssohn

No Words Meaning 해석

1 close adjective good friends with 친밀한

2 genius noun a really smart person 천재

3 sibling noun a brother or sister 형제자매

4 composer noun a person who writes music 작곡가

5 talented adjective very good at doing something 재능이 있는

6 play verb to make music with an instrument 연주하다

7 musical adjective very good at music 음악적인

8 dream noun a strong wish to do something 꿈

9 together adverb with someone, not alone 함께, 같이

10 meet verb to talk to someone for the first time 만나다

-6- (Korean) (English)
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Lesson 6 Amazing Animal Families

No Words Meaning 해석

1 swan noun a big, beautiful white bird 백조

2 carry verb to hold and take somewhere 나르다

3 raise verb to take care of a baby or animal 키우다, 기르다

a young bear, lion, or other animal (곰, 사자, 여우 등의)

4 cub noun

5 seahorse noun a fish that looks like a horse 해마

a stomach pocket where some animals (캥거루 같은 동물의)

6 pouch noun
keep their babies 새끼 주머니

7 type noun a kind of something 유형, 종류

8 month noun one of the 12 parts of the year 달, 월

9 healthy adjective having a strong body, not sick 건강한

the body part between the neck and

10 back noun 등, 허리

-7- (Korean) (English)
Subject Link Starter 1

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Lesson 7 Echo the Mother Elephant

No Words Meaning 해석

1 leader noun someone making decisions for a group 지도자

the first part facing forward, not the

2 front adjective 앞쪽의, 앞부분의

3 weak adjective not strong 약한

to have a cut or broken bone

4 hurt adjective 상처를 입은

5 move verb to take yourself to a different place 이동하다

6 join verb to come together or put together 함께하다, 합류하다

7 leg noun a body part that ends in a foot 다리

8 soon adverb a short time later 곧, 머지않아

9 special adjective different in a good way 특별한

10 life noun the time something is alive 삶

-8- (Korean) (English)
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Lesson 8 Bobbie the Wonder Dog

No Words Meaning 해석

1 gas station noun a place where cars get gas 주유소

to run after someone or something

2 chase verb 뒤쫓다

3 return verb to come back to a place 돌아오다

to suddenly be seen
4 appear verb 나타나다

5 tired adjective needing rest or sleep 피로한

6 amazed adjective surprised in a good way 깜짝 놀란

7 love verb to like someone a lot 사랑하다

8 worn adjective used a lot, old and damaged 해진, 닳은

9 city noun an area where many people live 도시

10 kilometer noun a distance of 1,000 meters 킬로미터

-9- (Korean) (English)
Subject Link Starter 1

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Lesson 9 The Holes of the Human Body

No Words Meaning 해석

1 breathe verb to take air in and out of your body 숨쉬다

dry powder made of small pieces of

2 dust noun 먼지

3 tiny adjective very small 아주 작은

the small hole in your stomach

4 belly button noun 배꼽

a round thing that water can go

5 tube noun 관, 튜브

6 connect verb to join two things together 잇다, 연결하다

7 body noun all the parts of a person or animal 몸

8 smell verb to use your nose to sense things 냄새를 맡다

the salty water you make when you

9 sweat noun 땀
are hot

10 useful adjective helpful in doing something 유용한, 도움이 되는

- 10 - (Korean) (English)
Subject Link Starter 1

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Lesson 10 Prairie Dog Holes

No Words Meaning 해석

1 underground adjective below the ground 지하의

2 burrow noun the homes of animals like rabbits (토끼 등의) 굴

3 dig verb to make a hole in the ground 파다

4 claw noun the sharp end of an animal’s toe 발톱

5 tunnel noun a path below the ground 터널, 굴

6 exit noun a door going outside 출구

7 sharp adjective can cut easily 날카로운, 뾰족한

8 safe adjective not in danger 안전한

9 room noun a large space inside a house or building 방, 공간

to stay somewhere until something

10 wait verb 기다리다

- 11 - (Korean) (English)
Subject Link Starter 1

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Lesson 11 A Famous Hole in France

No Words Meaning 해석

1 explore verb to look around a new place 탐험하다

2 cave noun a large hole underground or in a hill 동굴

3 lantern noun a light that can be carried 손전등

4 painting noun a picture made of paint 그림

5 wall noun one of a room’s four sides 벽

something very important 대단히 귀중한 것, 보

6 treasure noun

7 mysterious adjective strange or hard to understand 기이한

8 cow noun a large animal that makes milk 소

9 scientist noun someone who uses science in their job 과학자

10 old adjective existing for a long time, not new 오래된

- 12 - (Korean) (English)
Subject Link Starter 1

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Lesson 12 Let’s Play Mancala!

No Words Meaning 해석

1 board noun something flat to play games on (게임) 판

2 stone noun a small rock 돌

3 pick up verb to lift something up ~을 집다, 들어 올리다

4 land verb to arrive somewhere 도착하다

5 empty adjective without anything inside, not full 비어 있는

6 win verb to come first in a game or race 이기다

7 game noun an activity that people play 게임, 놀이

8 player noun someone who plays a game or sport 참가자, 선수

the last part of an object (장소・물건의 중심부에

9 end noun
서 가장 먼) 끝

10 count verb to find the number of things in a group 세다

- 13 - (Korean) (English)
Subject Link Starter 1

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Lesson 13 The Life Cycle of a Butterfly

No Words Meaning 해석

1 grow verb to get bigger 자라다, 크다

2 lay verb to put out an egg from the body (알을) 낳다

3 caterpillar noun a butterfly before it has wings 애벌레

4 hatch verb to come out of an egg 부화하다

5 hard adjective not soft 딱딱한

6 shell noun a hard cover that protects an animal 껍데기

7 life cycle noun the different times of an animal's life 생활 주기

8 change verb to become different 변하다

9 fat adjective having a thick body, not thin 살찐, 두툼한

10 around preposition on all sides of something 둘레에, 주위에

- 14 - (Korean) (English)
Subject Link Starter 1

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Lesson 14 Butterflies and Moths

No Words Meaning 해석

1 similar adjective like something else 비슷한

2 side noun the left or right area of something 쪽, 측면

3 hollow adjective empty inside (속이) 빈

4 straw noun a thin tube for drinking 빨대

5 thin adjective not thick 얇은, 가는

6 furry adjective full of animal hair 털로 덮인

7 nectar noun a flower’s sweet juice (꽃의) 꿀

8 wing noun a body part used for flying 날개

9 outside adverb not inside 밖에

10 colorful adjective with lots of colors 화려한

- 15 - (Korean) (English)
Subject Link Starter 1

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Lesson 15 The Butterfly People

No Words Meaning 해석

1 leave verb to go away from a place 떠나다

2 wonder verb to want to know about something 궁금해하다

3 marry verb to become a husband or wife 결혼하다

4 sticker noun a small, sticky piece of paper 스티커

5 find verb to discover something 알아 내다, 발견하다

to send something through the post (우편으로) 보내다, 부

6 mail verb
office 치다

7 ask verb to say a question 묻다

8 south noun the direction at the bottom of a map 남쪽

9 answer noun the solution to a problem 해답

to be known as ~라는 이름의, ~라고

10 named adjective

- 16 - (Korean) (English)
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Lesson 16 The Hopi Butterfly Dance

No Words Meaning 해석

1 wish verb to want something 소망하다, 바라다

2 health noun how good or bad your body is 건강

3 crown noun a hat that kings and queens wear 왕관

4 bead noun a small, round ball on a necklace 구슬

5 shake verb to move back and forth 흔들다

6 rattle noun a thing you move to make short sounds 딸랑이

7 use verb to do something with a tool or object 쓰다, 이용하다

to say “thank you” to someone 감사를 표하다, 고마워

8 thank verb

9 step noun the act of putting one foot forward 걸음, 보폭

10 event noun a time when people come together 행사

- 17 - (Korean) (English)
Subject Link Starter 1

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- 18 - (Korean) (English)

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