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Persuasive Speech


Mark Joseph R. Par

Grade 11-STEM
Recycling should be Mandatory

Have you ever thought about how much garbage you produce


According to Environmental Protection Agency “The average

person generates over 4 pounds of trash every day and about 1.5 tons

of solid waste each day. So, just imagine what it means. As a human,

every one of us have been contributing in the pollution of our planet

in different ways, but it is not late to do something and help.

One easy way to do it could be, recycling.

In my personally experience, I have been recycling plastic bottles

and papers since I was in Elementary School and I am still doing it,

because I want to help our environment to become healthy and to

lessen pollution. One person can do the difference just recycling

and take care about the environment. Did you know that your choice
to recycle is one that could change the world? By reducing your carbon Commented [1]:

footprint, you are playing a vital role in saving the environment.

Recycling is the third “R” of the three “R’s”: Reduce, Reuse, and

Recycle. Recycling is a method in which materials that are not used

anymore by people are processed in order to transform them in useful

products. Recycling is important if we want to preserve this planet for

our future generations. It is good for the environment, since we are

making new products from the old products which are of no use to us.

Recycling begins at home; if you are not throwing away any of your

old products and instead utilizing it for something new then you are

actually recycling. We must act fast as the amount of waste we create

is increasing all the time. The amount of rubbish we create is

constantly increasing because, Increasing wealth means that people

are buying more products and ultimately creating more waste. And

also, New packaging and technological products are being developed,

much of these products contain materials that are not biodegradable.

We’ve been careless up to this point with the way we’ve treated the

Earth and it’s time to change; not just the way we do things but the

way we think.

Therefore, recycle should be mandatory because it helps minimize

pollution, helps preserve our natural resources, and recycling saves

expenses and resources. The earth is suffering from the mess we

humans have caused and because of us future generations will

think. So let's protect and bring our inconceivable earth back to its

true identity not what disgusting and gruesome rotting mess we have

shaped it into. If you want the earth to be a slightly better place for

future generations, then recycle should be mandatory. The salvation

of our environment is in your hands now, so always remember that

change is within ourselves. Change must come before it's too late, the

nature destroyed forever we shall not find. I do understand that it

could be extremely difficult but if we don't do something to conserve

whatever we have left it will be the end before we even know it.

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