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Work Culture Can Improve Lecturer Task


Safrudin, Thamrin Abdullah, Ma’ruf Akbar


Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Abstract: This study aimed at determining the effect of work Culture to lecture’s task
performance. It was a quantitative research approach using survey method and
techniques of path analysis.The research sample was taken using the Proportionate
Stratified Random Sampling technique as well as by questionnaires. The Processing of
data was by Test Validity/Reliability used measurement model Pearson Product Moment.
Normality/Linearity Test used Chi squared measurement model and Correlation
Regression data processing used equation technique. The results of the study showed that
both independent and dependent variables wewre in the sufficient category. Partially,
Work Culture proved to have a significant influence on the performance of Jakarta III
Ministry of Health polytechnic task performance. The results of the study also showed
that the independent variables simultaneously (together) have a significant influence on
the performance of the lecturers' assignments. The higher the Work Culture, the higher
the effect on the performance of. Improving lecturer task performance requires an
increase in Work Culture that is synergistic and significant through a series of efforts and
leadership policies.

Keywords: Work Culture, Task Performance


The health education is faced with increasingly complex problems. Most of these issues
include the the relevant education system that meet the demands of the world’s health, quality
improvement to lessen the negative influence of the rapid development of technology the well-
being of individuals and the decline in the quality of graduates and health workers over the
past five years, especially in the Jakarta III Ministry of Health Polytechnic in Indonesia. From
the initial research conducted in the Midwifery Department of the Jakarta III Health
Polytechnic, there were a number of complaints. For instance, the teaching performance of
Jakarta III Polytechnic Health stagnated and even experienced a significant decline in the
number of lecturers. This problem is shown by the low competitiveness of students in the
hospitals, health centers, and clinics. Besides, alumnis finds it difficult to secure jobs apart
from there being a lower number of applicants for new student at the Jakarta III Health
Polytechnic. The low performance of by lecturers is an output influenced by input that
includes work culture independence. The problem is attrinbuted to the claim that lecturers do
not attend class but instead they only give assignments without feed back. The foeelowing are
some of the things that can affect the discharge of duties by lecturers:
Task Performance
task performance synthesis is the performance performed by the Lecturer in relation to his
main duties in Higher Education as educators, researchers and community service with
Lecturer task indicators in teaching are: 1. Carry out planning, 2. Carry out activities, 3.
Evaluate learning, 4. Give moral example.
Lecturer task indicators in research:
1. Planning research activities, 2. Conducting Research 3. Conducting Research evaluations
Lecturer task indicators in community service:
1. Planning Community Service activities, 2. Implementation of Community Service 3.
Evaluating Community Service activities

Work Culture
A work culture is a view of life as a value that is characteristic, a habit and also a driver in a
group that is reflected in attitudes to behavior, ideals, opinions, views and actions that are
realized as work, measured by indicators:
1.Norms of work behavior, 2. Habits of work patterns, 3. Confidence in the value of work, 4.
Expectations of expectations of work values, 5. Traditions of work performance, 6. Values of
work procedures.
The work culture is not conducive. The values, norms, belief systems, and thought patterns of
members are still low in advancing organizational goals. It appears that interpersonal
interactions are still low in conflicts, both in career competition, learning assignments and
division problems among others.


This study used a quantitative approach through survey methods. The population sample
was made epp of Lecturers in four Departments in Jakarta III Health Polytechnic. They
included the Midwifery, Nursing, Medical Laboratory Technology and Physiotherapy
Departments. The object of research was the quantity of lecturers, the unit of analysis. To
obtain the overall sample, researchers used a formula from Slovin based on an error rate of
5%. Thus for population 133 with a 5% error rate the corect number of samples was 100
Data collection used questionnaire techniques, interviews, and observation, followed by
the constructs of the conceptual and operational definitions of each research variable. The
survey research was achieved with careful preparation of the schedules and questionnaires,
which included factual, opinions and attitudes. Data processing was done in the following
ways: (a) for Validity / Reliability Test, Pearson Product Moment measurement model was
used, (b) for Normality / Linearity Test used Chi squared measurement model (X 2) was
utilized and (c) the Correlation Regression Data processing was quitye involving. It, however,
used correlation with regression equation techniques. Path analysis was done to determine
whether the path construct was empirically tested. The next analysis was meant to find direct
and indirect effects using correlation and regression to determining the last dependent
Exogenous / free variable, consisting of: 1) Work Culture (X) and one endogenous / bound
variable, namely Lecturer Task Performance (Y).

The Effect of Significance and Regression Linearity on Lecturer Task Performance (Y)
on Work Culture (X).

Table 1.
Correlation Analysis and Work Culture regression with Lecturer task performance

Variabel r R2 Persamaan Garis P Value

Budaya Kerja 0,712 0,508 Ŷ = 50,135 + 0,753 X 0,000

Relationship between Work Culture and Task Performance Lecturers describe a close
relationship (r = 0.712) and positive pattern means that the better the work culture the better
the performance of the task. The coefficient value with determination = 0.508 means that the
regression line equation can explain 50.8% of the variation in the lecturers 'task performance
or line equation can explain the variable performance of the lecturers' duties quite well. The
value of p 0,000 with α 5% can be concluded simple regression fit (data) with data that has a
regression line equation. Constant value (value of a or intercept value) of 50.135 and value of
b = 0.753, the regression equation is: Ŷ = 50.135 + 0.753 X. From the equation, the
performance of lecturer assignments can be predicted if you know the value of work culture.
From the value of b = 0.753, the variable performance of the lecturers' assignments will
increase by 75.3% if the work culture value increases by 1%. From the results of statistical
tests there is a significant relationship between work culture and lecturer task performance (p
= 0,000)


The relationships between Lecturer Task Performance and Work Culture, showed strong
and positive patterns. The regression line equation obtained was good enough to explain the
variables studied. From the p value at 5% alpha, it can be concluded that simple regression
matches data with the regression line equation. The results of all statistical tests showed that
there were significant relationships between the two variables.
The results of a simple regression analysis obtained Fo = 56,652; db1 = 3, db2 = 96, p-value =
0,000 <0.05 or Ho is rejected. Thus, the variable work culture (X) affect the task performance
variable (Y).

Table 2. Normality Test Variables Task Performance (Y), Work Culture(X)

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk
Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.
Task Performance ,079 100 ,123 ,984 100 ,282
Work Culture ,052 100 ,200* ,991 100 ,705
Table 3. Summary of Linear Regression Test Results

Variable Equation Linearity Test

P Value α=0.05 Conclusion
Y on X Ŷ = 50,135 + 0,753 X 0.000 0.05 Significant and Linear

Table 4. Summary of Results Testing of hypotheses with SPSS

Direct Inter-Variable Standard
Coefficient thitung p-value Conclusion
Influence Error (sbi)
Xto Y (py) 0,502 0,078 6,472 0,000 Significant

Table 5. Summary of Hypothesis Testing Results

Variables Path t count ttabel (α = Test Decision

coefficient 0.05)
Ho rejected, H accepted. There is a positive direct
X against Y 0,365 4,651 1,99 effect of X on Y


The results of the hypothesis testing above were discussed by linking the theory and the
results of relevant previous studies.
Work culture is an emotional force in enhancing the ability of employees to take control
of their work environment and maintain their energy which consequently results in greater
effort at work. Pray, when you want to do something can improve the performance of tasks
that have an impact on positive mental health.
The work culture plays an important role in achieving lecturer task performance. A
different educational environment will have an impact on cultural patterns and colors. In a
thick culture there is a high agreement from its members to maintain what is believed to be
true from various aspects so that it can improve the task performance of lecturers at the Jakarta
III Ministry of Health Polytechnic.
Collective agreements are inherited from one generation to the next. So there is a process
in adapting culture to employees. The issue of cultural socialization is done when the
institution accepts new employees, so that the employees concerned have formed their
behavior in accordance with the existing culture. Work culture is a philosophy that is based on
the view of life as values that become traits, habits and drivers, are cultured in improving the
performance of lecturers in carrying out their duties.
The work culture reflects a philosophical statement, which functions as a demand for
binding lecturers because it can be formulated formally in its duties as an educator. Two levels
of work culture that is thick and less visible, culture is visualized by the values espoused by
lecturers and tends to last all the time.

Work culture has a positive direct effect on task performance

The work culture plays an important role in achieving lecturer task performance. A
different educational environment have an impact on cultural patterns and colors. In a thick
culture, there is a high agreement from members to maintain what is believed to be true from
various aspects. This is meant to improve the task performance of lecturers at the Jakarta III
Ministry of Health Polytechnic. The joint agreement is passed from one generation to the next,
leading to a process in adapting culture to employees. Cultural socialization is done when the
institution accepts new employees to align their behavior with the existing culture. Work
culture is a philosophy based on the view of life as values that become traits, habits and
drivers, and cultured in improving the performance of lecturers in carrying out their duties.

The implications of the results of this study are explained as follows:

If the Work Culture influences Task Performance then for improvements can be done by:
1) Influence, direct and include lecturers and staff in solving problems and illustrating how
they should behave in the teaching as well as learning process.
2) As much as possible, provide management information to help develop Task
Performance by offering coaching and training to have skills.

Work culture has a positive and direct effect on Task performance. This finding shows that
improving the quality of Work Culture will improve the Task Performance of lecturers.


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