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​ ​ Rest is one of the greatest gifts God gave to mankind (​Matthew 11:28-30 J ​ esus
said, "Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take
my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am …..​, ​Mark 6:31-32 ‘​And He said to them, “Come
aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while…..’​). When we are tired, we think of
sleeping and resting. After that, we are refreshed and energized to move out. but
this is not the type of rest I’m focusing on. The type of rest that I want to focus on is
the rest from God.

​ ​Christ's rest is not a rest from work, but in work, not the rest of activity, but of the
harmonious working of all the faculties and affections, of will, heart, imagination, and
conscience (​Genesis 2:2-3 B ​ y the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so
on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Then God blessed…​.). Many of us find comfort in
the struggles of life and choose to neglect the deep and profound rest which can be
found by presenting our struggles to the Lord and obey the word of God (​Isaiah
41:21 ​Present your case,” says the LORD…..)​

​ Now the question I have for you is what is it that you're passing through that
you can’t find rest? is it a loss of a dear beloved husband? is it a mis-courage or a
divorce of a well standing marriage? what is it that you’re passing through that you
can't find rest? well have come with an answer to your struggles ( ​Exodus 14:14 T​ he
LORD will fight for you……​) . God says don't allow the struggles of life to rob you of a
greater glory of living with me someday. Though the struggles of life are sometimes
menacing, fierce and daunting, He will never forsake the belief of he who puts his
trust in Him. He also said "set forth your case". So once you cease from your battles
or struggles and present them to God, your rest comes and the Holy spirit takes
charge and fights them for you ( ​Exodus 14:13 D ​ o not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see
the deliverance the LORD will bring you today…. )​ .
​Submittingor presenting your case to God is the only key that can open the
cells of pain and can bring that deep and profound rest in your life. Once the spirit of
God has taken charge over your battles. You will cry no more and no weapon that
will be set to destroy your life will by no means come and make you bow in trouble.

​ It’s very difficult to be a hundred percent productive if you’re living a life without
the guidance of Jesus, in short life on earth becomes completely empty without the
guidance of our Lord. Guidance gives great assurance of success ( ​Psalm 119:105
Thy word is a ​lamp​ unto my feet…​ ). Doing things minus the intervention of the Lord will Not
brighten your life, it will break your life. Honestly speaking, the entire journey of every
human being is filled with darkness, however darkness can be replaced by applying
the word of God to your life. I always say don't limit what you say because you’ll see
what you say. Declaring the Word of God will actually bring light for your path and
guide your feet to your destiny.

Find rest in God and every sin will be wiped out, it will be no more tears, no
more stress, no more failure, hence God’s love will prevail in your life and it will be a
life without crisis.

Touch Me With Your Hand.

Touch Me With Your Righteous Right Hand (Glorifying God).
Touch Me With Your Righteous Right Hand (I'm Losing Hope).
Spiritual Excellence.

Tip to remember ****

@promiseneverletgo publishing house

Facebook page: The Voice Of Malvin Sungwe


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