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How To Make A Subliminal Weg Page

by Dantalion Jones

This ebook was written to give you an hands on guide to create web pages that quickly
flashes a subliminal messages to the visitor.

You may distribute ebook as a bonus product as long as

a) it is not modified and
b) there is no cost.

What is a subliminal message?

A subliminal message is a message that appears so quickly that it is not consciously

registered. It is however seen by the subconscious mind, so while it is consciously ignored it
increases the likelihood that the message will unconsciously be acted upon.

Perhaps you've heard the stories of the words “Drink Pepsi” being flashed quickly
across the screen of a movie. The goal is to cause people to want to drink more Pepsi without
knowing why.

That is a subliminal message.

So wouldn't you like to have that power when someone goes to your web page?

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If you look at most of my web sites you'll notice that I have an on going interest in the
topic of mind control. Subliminal messages are an aspect of mind control that I've wanted to
be able to exploit on web sites.

This ebook will describe the simplest way to create a subliminal web page in the
shortest amount of time.

What You'll Need To Create A Subliminal Web Page

• Web site
• FTP software
• Text editor
• A basic knowledge of html code
• HTML editor (optional)
• Photo editor (optional)

The benefits of this type of subliminal web page are:

• Send a “Buy Now” message to the unconscious mind.

• Hides affiliate links so that your affiliate link cannot be stolen.
• Makes your link more “returnable” when someone thinks they see the subliminal
• People are more likely to share the link because they sometimes notice something

To see what a sublimial web page looks like click on this link:
As you'll see it directs you to my blog. Just before the blog appears there is a barly
noticable message that flashes. The message appears for less than a second before the blog
page appears. What make this subliminal is that while you may be able to see the quick
message the blog recaptures the unsuspecting readers attention making the subliminal
message easy to forget.
The subliminal link is the most advanced form
of subliminal web page because it randomly shows several different messages. Because they
come up randomly you'll have to click on it several times to see if you can catch each
subliminal message.
I'll show you how to create multiple messages later in this ebook so let's start with the

The Basics of How Subliminals Work

I told some friends I was doing a subliminal test and asked them to go to the link to my
blog. My instructions were to go there only once and report about what they noticed. The
reply I got back from one participant explains perfectly the effect a subliminal should have on
an unsuspecting and unprepared visitor.

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I did it once, immediately from the link in this post. I clearly saw "Remember
This" but did not get a chance to read the other two words (I saw the version
where they were in the upper left corner).

I probably would have seen the words without the warning, but I would not have
registered them nor reacted to them consciously, and would have just shrugged it
off without a second thought.

Which is the entire point, after all: catch the viewers unaware, give no
reason to purposefully react, and let the lower layers of their minds work on
the information uninterrupted.

Another test subject reported the following:

I noticed the face of a "attractive female", with words that were beside her,I was not
conscious of the words because I was fascinated & "mentally perked up",trying to
absorb as much of what I had believed to be "her" facial characteristics; (i.e. whether
or not "she" was attractive, pupils dilated, etc.).

So that means that people may see it and notice it but if they are distracted away from
it the message is functionally “forgotten” and goes into the unconscious mind. It does exactly
what it was intended to do.

Step 1

It all starts with what is called an html redirect.

An HTML redirect is used to redirect visitors to a new page and is often used when
redesigning a web site. Many times a web site owner must change the location of a web
page. However, if the page is popular, the visitors may have already linked to it. In addition,
the search engines have most-likely already indexed the page.

For this reason, it is best to replace your page with a new page that will redirect your
visitors to the new page. This provides a great way to provide your visitors with the
information they were looking for and prevent you from losing your traffic.

When using this HTML redirect code, please ensure that you don't use it to trick the
Search Engines, as this could get your web site banned. It is always best to work hard and
learn quality ways in which to drive traffic to your web site.

Place the following HTML redirect code between the <HEAD> and </HEAD> tags of
your HTML code.
<meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content="0;

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So the source code of the web page will look like this:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">

<meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" http-equiv="content-
<meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content="0;

The above HTML redirect code will redirect your visitors to another web page instantly.
In other words the web page I gave you for transfers
you to
The content="0; may be changed to the number of seconds you want the browser to
wait before redirecting.
In the case of the example of, using an FTP
client a new directory is created on the server. The new directory is named /blog/ and the web
page is saved as index.html (or index.php).
So that is the basics of the html redirect.

Test It Out Yourself

Go ahead and get the hang of this step yourself. Create a directory on your server (call
it /test/ if you like. Then create a web page with the redirect code to your new web page as
described. Save the page as index.html and upload it to your /test/ directory.
Once done, the link will redirect your browser to the
new web page.
Test it out. It should redirect you to the new web page in less than a second.
Step 2

The next step is to add the subliminal message.

Here you need an HTML editor. I recommend a WYSIWYG editor like Nvu,
available for free at . It's free and simple.

If you us an HTML editor to open your new redirect page you'll notice that it has no text
or images. It simple redirects you to the new web page.
When you add text and images and upload it to the /test/ directory you'll notice that

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when you use the redirect link the text and images appear for less than a second before you
are redirected.
This is going to be your subliminal message.

How To Make Your Message Subliminal

There are several things that you can do to ensure your quickly-disappearing message
is as subliminal as possible.
First, don't allow it to appear for very long. That means keeping the “0” in that part of
the code that read content="0;.
The second thing you can do is keep the message as short, simple and direct as
possible. Try to not go more than three word commands and phrase them as commands,
orders and imperatives. These will be phrases like

Buy Pepsi!
Get Excited!
Subscribe Now!
Remember This!
Stay Here!
… and so on

The other types of short messages you can use are emotional exclaimations like

Oh My God!

I recommend that the words be written in a light grey color that is slightly off from the
white of the background.

Images of these types of phrases can also be used. Like this one.

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At this point you might want to play with using an image as part of your subliminal
messages. The most amusing way I've found to make an image VERY subliminal is to take a
screen shot of the landing page and edit it to include your messages.
Using my blog as the example here is what the blog page looks like now.

Here is the quick-flash subliminal image

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Pretty sneaky isn't it?

While we're on the idea of images there is the idea of flashing a very controvercial
image that brings about an automatic feeling of excitement or arousal. I don't advise using
anything that is explicitly pornographic, however images that are vaguely suggestive will work
just as well.
Here is the image I use.

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FYI, this photo was taken at a dance party so anything pornographic is strickly implied.

All of thes images are in use as part of the subliminal flash redirect along with some
simple text subliminals as well. They randomly rotate so that you never know which will flash
by each time you use the link.

Creating A set of Rotating Subliminals

The benefit of having a rotating subliminal message is that if someone notices the
image (don't be surprised if it is never brought to your attention) they will likely do one or both
of the following 1) they will click the link again and again and again and 2) they will share the
link with others asking them to varify what they saw. In other words it goes viral.

The idea of a rotating subliminal script came about when I was looking for a script that
would rotate banner ads on one of my web pages. Which took me to this web page . Feel free to visit the web page it yourself but for
the purpose of this ebook let me show you how I used it to create the rotating subliminal web

Step 1

Create a text file called banner_ads.txt.

This text file contains all the various subliminal messages in html format. Each
message is seperated by a ~ sign. Upload it to the directory. (The directory I uses for this
example is /blog/.) The one that I use looks like this:

<div style="text-align: center;"><img

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style="width: 1140px; height: 758px;" alt=""
style="text-align: center; color: rgb(204, 204, 204);">
<div style="text-align: left;"><font
style="font-family: Impact;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Awesome!</span></font><br
style="font-family: Impact;">
<font size="+3"><br
style="font-family: Impact;">
<div style="text-align: left;"><font
style="font-family: Impact;">Excitement!</span></font><br
style="font-family: Impact;">
<font size="+5"><br
style="font-family: Impact;">
<span style="font-family: Impact;">Remember
<div style="text-align: center;"><img
style="width: 1140px; height: 758px;" alt=""
style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-color: rgb(0, 0, 51);"
alink="#000099" link="#000099" vlink="#990099">
<div style="text-align: center;"><img
style="width: 1134px; height: 730px;" alt=""


Take the following script and ad it to your redirect page in between the <body> and </body>
of the web page.

$fcontents = join ('', file ('banner_ads.txt'));
$s_con = split("~",$fcontents);

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$banner_no = rand(0,(count($s_con)-1));
echo $s_con[$banner_no];

Step 3

Change the name of this index page from index.html to index.php and upload it to the
assigned directory on your server.

Step 4

Test it out.

You've just created a subliminal web page!

Other Ways to Make Subliminal Messages

All subliminal messages are sneaky in their own way. This next method is, of course,
sneaky but can be easily uncovered if someone is looking for it.
It has to do with the color difference between the font on your web page and the
background color of the same page.
Typically the font color is black and the background color is white and they provide a
high contrast appearance that makes the words stand out.
When the background and and text colors are similar to one another the text become
lesss noticeble.
As an example take this html code and plug it into your WYSIWYG web editor

<br> black <span style="color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">white</span>

What you'll see is the word “black” but the word “white” is invisible because it is the
same color as the white background. If you were to highlight the whole page (Ctrl-A) it will
reveal the word “white”.

There's more!!

This next technique does not fall into the literal definition of “subliminal” but it is sneaky
and it's used a LOT! It uses a process called “geo ip” also known as “geographic Internet
You'll recognize when the geo ip is being used because it will mention your city and
state in the text of the web page. For example it might say “One woman from YOUR TOWN,
YOUR STATE lost over 30 lbs using our program.”

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What geo ip does to the unsuspecting person who reads it is create a feeling that the
reader is not alone, that someone in their own town has found a solution to their problem.
When you put it next the name of someone giving a review or testimonial it makes it even
more credible.
Geo ip works from a simple java script that you insert into the html code of the web
page. Here is how you do it:
You’ve seen ads that say “Hi I’m Tina from Manchester, NH and I want to be your best friend!
Please buy my stuff.” Here is how it’s done.

1. Write your sentence without the location: “Hi I’m Tina from and I want to be your best
2. Go to HTML view and paste the following script in the spot where the location should
be displayed.

<script language="JavaScript"
language="JavaScript">document.write(geoip_city());</script>, <script

3. Publish it and view it online to make sure it works.

Though you might be tempted do not over use geo ip. I recommend that you never use
it more than once a web page or even once a web site. It's power of it's in how subtle you can
be with it.

Special thanks to Danger Brown for showing me how to use geo ip.

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There is still more... Animated Images (with subliminal messages and images)

This next method of subliminal messaging is done all the time on the internet in the
form of animated images.
Many banner ads have some motion or flashing colors to them and using the same
technology to create images that are more subliminal in their messages.
What you will need to do this is a photo editor that can create animated images. Adobe
PhotoShop will do if you have it. I can also recommend a piece of software called
PhotoScape that you can get for free at

When you are making a subliminal animated image there are a few pointers that you
can remember.

• If you can see it without looking for it … it is not subliminal. It's not the same thing as
knowing where to look and what to look for. Know the difference.

• When hiding subliminal words into an image the object is to make them hard to
notice, not easy. This means you can put them in a corner of the page that has nothing
to draw attention to it... that's good.

• Make the color of flashing text just slightly off the color of the background.

• Subliminal images can be hidden well by making them fainter and placing them to
overlap a similar shape when they flash.

• Set all subliminal messages to flash at .10 seconds. Any faster it will be obvious.

• If you are going to experiment hiding images, especially questionable “erotic” images,
somewhere you your subliminal web page, it's best to test it out on a few unsuspecting
friends before you go public with it. If they notice it don't use it.

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Here are are images that are combined to make a subliminal picture.

Image #1 Image #2 Image #3

With the wird “want” written in With the word “sex” writtin in
dark grey on the right of the dark grey over the head.
the torso.

The two images #2 and #3 are designed to appear only 1/10 th of a second while image #1
would be displayed for at least 1 or 2 seconds between the other two images.

To see this image in action you can see what I did with it by clicking on this URL

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Other books by Dantalion Jones
Click On The Image For More Information

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