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Examples of how you can use a citation.

Indirect Citation (made by taking the idea of an author or by paraphrasing the work).
Although English had been a compulsory subject in schools and had been used more widely than
other foreign languages in Indonesia (Lauder, 2008), students were not easily motivated to learn
it because they did not always need to use it outside the classroom (Masduqi, 2011).

It is a possibility that the way my professors taught me had shaped my behavior as a teacher even
though I was not teaching in an identical context to theirs (Lunenberg, Korthagen, & Swennen,

Mattheoudakis (2007) studied the development of the beliefs of preservice teachers in an English
language teaching education program in Greece and found that few prior beliefs of the
participants remained the same and most of them were transformed after three years of training.

This model of inquiry has been used in several studies of preservice teachers’ beliefs, mostly for
collecting quantitative data (Busch, 2010; Mattheoudakis, 2007; Peacock, 2001).

Understanding preservice teachers’ beliefs is important in the field of language teacher education
because these beliefs will likely determine the way teachers teach in the future (Ng, Nicholas, &
Williams, 2009; Pajares, 1992; Zheng, 2009), which will then consequently form their students’
beliefs about learning (Peacock, 2001).

Pajares (1992) further analyzed that prior educational experiences of preservice teachers likely
influence their beliefs about teaching and learning.

Lastly, students’ poor command in English forced them to use more Indonesian language than
English. This ‘passiveness’ slightly correlates to the study by Suryati (2015) on classroom
interaction between eighteen lower secondary school teachers and their students. This study
found that the teachers’ talk was dominant in the classroom interaction. Suryati argued that this
would potentially hinder students’ ability in communicating in English.
Direct citation (quotation, exactly as stated in the cited works)
This is because, despite its status as a foreign language in my home country, Indonesia, as
Lauder (2008) wrote, English has played an important role “in society at large, and in particular
in business, politics, education and the media” (p. 10).

At that time, most classes, regardless of the subject, were teacher-centered. In addition to that,
teachers were “expected to faithfully deliver the national curriculum rather than to inspire their
students or to empower their intellectual ability” (Yeom, Acedo, & Utomo, 2002, p. 65).

Pajares (1992) asserted that “belief is based on evaluation and judgement” (p. 313). This means
that whatever beliefs are formed in the early life and education of a preservice teacher is also
based on his/her continuous evaluation of what he/she experienced, including what he/she
believes to work and not work for him/her. Further, Pajares (1992) concluded that after a belief is
formed, a person has the tendency to “build causal explanations surrounding the aspects of those
beliefs, whether these explanations are accurate or mere invention” (p. 317).

It is taught in schools and has achieved what Lamb and Coleman (2008) called the “unassailable
position as the language of central government, of national unity and of modernization” (p. 2).

Some of the issues in skripsi writings in PBI UMY in the past.

- There is no difference between writing direct citations (quotations) and indirect citations.
Students copied and pasted without using quotation marks (“….”) and did not put the
page number after the sentence.
- Too many direct citations (quotations).
- Review of related studies were not written in APA format, especially the top part.
- The use of pronoun of a writer (he/she) based on assumption.
- The use of “and” and “&” (ampersand).
- Common grammatical mistake:
According to Pajares (1992), he said that belief is a complex system.
According to Pajares (1992), belief is a complex system.
Create citations from the source in the pictures below with the category as follows. You
have to use different parts for different citations.
1. Direct citation with the author as the subject of the sentence.
2. Direct citation with the author in parentheses.
3. Indirect citation by taking a part of the idea or by paraphrasing a paragraph with the
author as the subject of the sentence.
4. Indirect citation by taking a part of the idea or by paraphrasing a paragraph with the
author in parentheses.
Page 23
Page 24

1. Lucas (2009) mention that “these are only a few of the countless speaking situations affected by
the cultural diversity of the modern life” (p.23)
2. “When you work on your speeches be alert to how cultural factors might affect the way
listeners respond” (Lucas,2009, P.24)
3. Lucas (2009) stated nothing separates one culture from another more than language.
4. Speechmaking becomes more complex as cultural diversity uncreases (lucas, 2009)
1. Lucas (2009) mention that “these are only a few of the countless speaking situations affected by
the cultural diversity of the modern life” (p.23)
2. “When you work on your speeches be alert to how cultural factors might affect the way
listeners respond” (Lucas,2009, P.24)
3. Lucas (2009) stated nothing separates one culture from another more than language.
4. Speechmaking becomes more complex as cultural diversity uncreases (lucas, 2009)

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