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What’s up, guys? Ryan Magin here, the Handsome Guy Expert. You
may have heard of me. I’m here with my good friend and top men’s
honest dating coach, Jason Capital. I’m super pumped to have him here
in this little exclusive, impromptu, no holds barred, true style interview.
We’re going to talk about life, business.

What’s working now in our businesses online, what’s working with

success, mindset, and the cool shit that we’re doing, what we’re up to.
Big thank you to JC for being on this call.

Jason: Yeah, dude. You know I’m always down to talk with you. I literally ... Last
week, I had 2 requests to do interviews. One was a local TV station, one
was a pretty big TV channel. I turned both of them down. I usually turn
down television. I don’t want anything to do with it.

When you want to do an interview, because you are my homie, I am

always down for that. I’m looking forward to getting some truth here,
man. That’s the goal. Truth.

Ryan: Dope, man. It’s like you said, who needs fucking TV anymore? We’re
on the internet, shit don’t matter. I guess I do own a TV. I have a baby
now, so I have to have a TV. We put cartoons on, it keeps him occupied.
Anyway, let’s get right into it.

Let’s ask some questions about value and content. Being who you
are when what you’ve accomplished, what’s the mindset shift maybe
you’ve had? You’re a self-made millionaire, done it from scratch. What’s
different now for you, as you evolve?

It’s 2015, we’re going into ... You’ve been online now for a really
long time. What are you doing to keep pushing the boundaries, keep
innovating, keep providing lots of content? The internet is making it
challenging as of late, for us to even provide our content.

Jason: Yeah. That’s a good question. That’s a really good place to start. I

feel like a couple things come to mind. I’m just trying to see if I can
remember them all. Dominate them both for everyone listening.

Number 1, you mentioned ... I’ll just start there with the last thing you
said, providing content becoming an issue. I know what you’re referring
to. Our email service provider, which is where we send our newsletters
from, in the last couple months has changed their whole algorithm.
Basically, anything that’s on a mass email ...

If you have a big email list and you want to send your bad-ass newsletter
to all your followers, no matter what, that counts as a broadcast
email. The algorithms are making it really difficult for anything that’s a
broadcast to get to someone’s main email inbox. That is obviously going
to cause issues.

Almost 70,000 guys in 120 countries religiously read my newsletters.

We get emails every day from guys “Where are your emails at? I’m not
seeing them, what do I do?” The email service providers are sending our
shit to spam. They’re not even letting the emails get through.

We have to adapt. We have to evolve. I always think about the story

where when Thomas Edison ... I don’t know how long ago this was ... He
had this massive laboratory in NJ, thousands of experiments and data.
One day, he’s at his office and he gets alerted that his office is on fire.
He rushes over there, his son is next to him, and they’re watching his
fucking life’s work go up in flames.

He stands there, he doesn’t get emotional, he’s just observing it. He

turns to his son and he goes, “Son, go get your mother and your friends
right now. We’ll probably never see a fire as big as this one.”

That’s a true story. Later on, he’s asked about it. He was like, “Listen,
obviously it sucks that that stuff was burned up, all that data and shit,
but whatever.” At the same time, he was like, “We got rid of a lot of
useless shit that we were just allowing to stay there that we did not need

anymore.” He literally took a positive look at it. More importantly, he just
adapted through it. He wasn’t like, “God dammit, email service providers
fucking stopping my great newsletters from getting to people’s inbox’s
who read them religiously, read them twice a day, who need them.”

He didn’t just get mad, he didn’t just play a victim. He accepted exactly
what was in front of him. He goes, “All right, buildings gone let’s start a
new one.” The next day, he started his next office. That was it.

With all this with the newsletter providers, you can get mad about it.
I look at it as, “Great. Here’s another opportunity for me to adapt, to
evolve, to find a new way.” Honestly, I probably was growing too reliant
on helping my customers just in newsletters.

There were other mediums I’d been ignoring, like videos, like YouTube,
different stuff like that. Now, I have to adapt to it, I have to use. To me,
it’s a positive. Always find the positive view. You also asked what’s really
shifted for me in the last year or so.

I can tell you this, man. Obviously, I’m 27 now. When I was 24 was when
I made my first million. I started from scratch. It wasn’t like I started with
money. I was a broke 20 year old kid when I started my first business.

That first year, when you first get money, you just think it’s awesome.
You just want to blow it on everything. You don’t understand money yet,
because you just got it. You just got it.

You want to buy expensive jackets, you want to take trips, you want to
buy first class flights that you can’t afford. You want to pop bottles at the
club from alcohol that you’re not even going to drink. You just want to
blow some shit. I know Ryan over there is nodding his head like, “I know
what you mean.”

Ryan: Living it.

Jason: Yeah. You got to witness some of it. After you have money and it’s been
there for a while ... I’m 27, it’s been almost 3 years now. I’m not just a
millionaire, I’m a multi-millionaire now. You got to get accustomed to it.
You get accustomed to having this wealth and this capital that you can
allocate to all kinds of different places, different things.

Your views on money just change. I don’t look at money as a tool to

get stuff. I look at it as a tool to make shit happen now, to build another
business, to throw bad ass live events. We had 300 guys in 23 countries
at my last live event in Miami.

Basically took over the entire hotel for the weekend. I couldn’t do that,
that was almost a $100,000 investment for me to throw. If I didn’t have
the capital that I do, I wouldn’t have been able to do shit like that at all
and create that amazing experience for all those guys who got to come
and transform through their weekend.

That’s one thing. The final thing I’ll add here is once you get to that
level, you just become stingier and stingier about who you allow in
your environment. More importantly, who you do not allow in your
environment. People you don’t want to be around. I literally ...

I’m driving from LA to Orange County right now. I had to see mt CPA
today. By the way, once you become really wealthy, you have all these
people on your board. You have your lawyers, your CPAs. It’s a whole
other thing.

I was just a kid who really enjoyed fucking a lot of hot girls and gaming
them a few years ago. It turned into this whole thing where we’re
transforming a million men worldwide. It’s growing. You have all these

I’m in LA meeting my CPA. We’re talking about all this advanced shit. It’s
cool. I went and grabbed lunch with Greg Greenway after, at Earth Café
in Santa Monica. We just finished up there and I’m driving back. Greg

was telling me that this past weekend, he went to this pool party in Palm
Springs called splash house, which I guess is some big ass pool party in
Palm Springs. All kinds of girls, people just partying and having a good
time. He’s telling me about it. He finishes and I’m like, “Dude, honestly a
couple years ago, I feel like I would have loved that.

Now, I hear that and I have no interest in going to something like that.”
There is no appeal for me to go to something like that, simply because
I’ve been there. I know what people are there. They’re just not the
people I want in my environment.

Here’s the thing: People think environment is just mental. No, fuck that,
it’s not. It’s mental, man. Who are you associating with in your head
when you’re thinking about things? Who’s ideas are you considering in
your mind? Those are the people who are in your environment.

The more recent you’ve experienced life with them, in real physical
life, the more available they’re going to be in your brain when you’re
considering thoughts and ideas, examples and stories, things like that. I
don’t want these fucking ... These people ...

Here’s the rule: If I don’t like what person you are or what you’re doing
on Monday, then I definitely don’t want to hang out with you on Saturday.
Okay? If these guys ... I know the dudes who are at these parties.

It’s LA, it’s Orange County. It’s where I’ve been for years now. I’ve
partied with all of them. A lot of them are bros, a lot of them do drugs.
They work 9-5, Monday-Friday, they hate their lives. They escape on the
weekend, and then they go back to prison Monday-Friday.

They make ... I’m not saying I only hang out with people who are rich.
I like to hang out with people with big ass goals and big ass dreams.
They’re more interesting, they’re more ambitious, they have more shit
going on. These guys, I know they’re making $80,000 a year and they
hate their lives.

They do drugs every weekend, and they try to give drugs to girls to get
laid. I don’t want to be around any of those fucking people.

That’s just one thing that’s changed. I’m so fucking aware of who I’m
allowing in my environment, who I’m not. Better yet, I literally started
keeping an Excel spreadsheet of who are the people that I want to be
hanging out with.

I also made a dream list of who are the people that I want to be
associated with, be friends with, be mentored by, or mentor myself in
the next couple years. Big people. I try to reach out to one of them or
someone that they know at least once a day now.

I’ve tried to make sure even on that first list, people I just want to be
hanging out with, that I’m at least talking to them on the phone or texting
with at least every week. I do that, I get to see them every month. I think
the environmental exposure stuff is so fucking crucial, dude. There’s
your 10 minute, bad ass answer to your first question homie.

Ryan: That was dope. Just right there, mic drop, boom. It’s so powerful. Just to
touch on what you said ... Going back to surrounding yourself with the
right people. Even now, obviously Handsome Guy has exploded in the
last year and a half.

I’ve come into money that I’m not quite used to having. Like you said,
you have to have CPAs. You get that first tax bill and you’re like, “What
the fuck? Holy shit, I got to pay all that? I didn’t save that much.” It
forces you to adapt and keep growing. Now, it’s like ... Living here in St.
Pete, it’s a little different than being in Orange County.

There’s some clubs that I will not even step foot in now. I’m like, “No,
man.” The second I walk in that door, my net worth went down. Fuck that

These are places that people I’ve grown up with and people I know and

hang out with are like, “Dude, really? You’re not going to come in this bar
with us?” I’m like, ‘No, I’ll see you at the next one. I’m going ... I’ll be here.”

They literally get mad. I’m like, “I’m not going in there, dude. That dude
is puking on himself. Fuck that place. He’s way too broke for me to be
around.” It’s crazy.

You do, you have to be so protective over your mindset and your
environment. What if that guy starts bitching at me about his shitty job? I
don’t want to hear that. I’m out to have a good time.

Jason: Exactly, man. I heard a good saying ... I don’t know where I heard it
from. Someone was like, “If you haven’t ever outgrown your friends, you
haven’t grown.”

Ryan: It’s true. I don’t hang out with probably any ... I think I have one friend
who I still talk to that I’ve been friends with since high school. That’s only
because he’s just that cool of a guy.

He doesn’t have aspirations or anything like that going huge. He just

listens to me talk about whatever I’m talking about. Gives me good input.

Jason: That’s the thing. I don’t want people to listen to this and be like, “Jason
said I can only hang out with rich people. I have to hang out with only
rich people.” That’s not what I’m saying at all. A couple buddies of mine
who I hang out with all the time are not rich at all.

One of them ... I’m not even sure how he has any money whatsoever.
He definitely doesn’t have a job. He has value with his mindset, with
his positivity. There’s different ways people can add value and be really
good influences on your life.

That’s what I’ve said before. He has value in ways where he’s really
good at being socially free. That’s a really good influence to have in your
life, especially if you’re someone who still care what people think.

In addition, he’s one of those guys where is he hears something and he
disagrees or it’s incorrect, he won’t just let that person say it and be like,
“He’s fucking wrong, but I don’t need to call him out for it.” He will always
call anyone out for anything where they’re wrong. That’s a really good
trait to have.

I don’t want guys to be like, “I always have to be the source of good

emotions. If someone says something wrong, I can call them out for it
and show them how they’re fucking wrong, simply because then I’m not
being the source of good emotions.” That’s not ... it’s not just being the
source of good emotions.

It’s a source of strong emotions that’s going to attract people to you. Like
I said, they don’t have to be rich. They got to add a lot of value one way,
and more importantly ... Even maybe more important than adding value,
they have to be the guy who doesn’t pick value.

That’s something you can look out for. If you’re trying to figure out who’s
good in my environment/who’s not, one thing you definitely want to
consider is ... Don’t start with who’s adding value, who’s not. I would
start with: Who is taking value when I hang out with them, in one way or

That is going to really clear it up. There’s something called inversion,

which basically states that you don’t know how to think/it’s harder for you
to think clearly when you are asking questions like: Who do I want to get
rid of? Who do I want to add? If I’m just like, “Who do you got to get rid
of in your life? Who doesn’t add value?”, it’s hard for your brain to give
you the answer.

If you flip it around and you ask yourself: Who definitely takes value?
The answers come up with away, you get them immediately.

Then, you can start building your list right there. That’s definitely a good
action step. There was a cop with his lights on behind me just now.

Going down the highway, I wanted to make sure he wasn’t pulling me

Ryan: Nice, it’s illegal in California. In Florida, we can talk wherever we want.

Jason: Also, the police, they’re on the lookout for key capital members right
now. I’m always aware of that shit as well.

Ryan: Nice. Just to add to that, one thing I’ve also done ... I get a lot of
questions, too, about guys increasing their social circle and dealing with
growing as a person and their friends not coming with them. That’s a
very common thing that happens once you change your mindset and
you decide that average is not enough.

One of the things that I like to do is treat your friends for who they are.
Obviously, are they fun to be around? Cool. Are you going to go with
them? Are those people that you can go talk to and talk about business?

If you answer no, be like, “Can I just get a mindless break and go get
fucked up with my friends? Not think about business, and have that
release? Then, come back doing my own thing?”

I like to phrase, look at it, “These friends are degenerates, they like to
get drunk, they hate their jobs. I’m not going to have any good business/
mindset conversations. They will get fucked up and we’ll have a great
time. Probably talk to girls.

They’ll make fun of people and it’ll just be a fun time.” I started
separating them like that. When I go out with people like that, I have no
expectation of getting smarter or doing anything. It’s just, “Hey, I’m going
to go be a degenerate tonight. Tomorrow, I won’t be.” That’s the way I
look at it.

Jason: You’re good at being a degenerate when you want to. It’s healthy skill for
you, I think.

Ryan: Yeah. I’m very good at being a degenerate when I want to.

Jason: You have some skill there. Also, it’s important because you’re aware
of what value they’re bringing to you, and more importantly what value
they’re not. If you were to go in there and talk about the money you’re
making, the deals you’re working on and shit like that, all you’re going to
get is fucking negativity from them.

You know going in: I don’t talk about any of that shit. I’m going to bring
out that side of me that’s degenerate, that will make fun of people. That
is just a free flowing-ness that’s just chill and fun. That’s all I’m going to
do with them. I have friends for that, I have friend for this. I have friends
for that, that’s important.

One other thing that just came up ... For someone who’s a real action
taker listening to this shit right now, will be worth a million times
whatever the fuck you paid for this, this interview. It’s this idea that ... I
really look at it where I don’t really consider ... I don’t want friends.

Average people have friends, mediocre people have friends. Typically,

if the masses do it/have it, I don’t want it. I don’t want to be a part of
that. They’re always wrong. Conventional wisdom is just always wrong,
I assure you. It’s impossible for conventional wisdom to be conventional
unless the masses follow it. If the masses follow it, it’s wrong.

What I do instead is I think about it as 3 categories. There’s mentors,

there’s mentee’s, and then there’s my brotherhood. That’s it. We have
mentors, who are your pre-selected people.

Your 1/2/3/4/5 guys who are your mentors. They might be virtual, the
might be in person. They’re the guys who are 3-25 years ahead of you
in a place you want to be. More importantly, they’re not just at a place
you want to be, but they are a guy who you aspire to be like. When you
have a mentor where you’re like, “He’s rich as fuck, but he’s a fucking
low status beta male and his wife walks all over him.”, you cannot have

that person be your mentor.

You just can’t, unless of course, you want to be a fucking low status beta
male and your wife crushes your nuts with the heel of her shoe. Right?
You can’t do it.

When you’re picking out your mentors, he’s got to be an alpha male.
Does he handle his shit? Does he control any situations? Does he not let
anyone walk over him, ever take advantage of him? He’s always forcing
his boundaries, he’s always communicating his boundaries clearly in a
positive way. Those are all important things you have to look for in your
mentors. I have mentors and I have mentee’s. Guys I am mentoring.

This is one ... If you’re younger right now and you don’t have a business,
you’re good with girls. You’re getting better, but you’re not great yet. You
still have more knowledge than a lot of other guys. It will be extremely
valuable for your self esteem and for your skill set if you are concurrently
mentoring people under you. It might even be someone ...

You’re 20, so you’re pretty good with girls. There’s a dude who’s 40 and
he sucks with women, you can mentor him, right? It could be teenagers,
it could be anyone.

Having people under you that you’re coaching is really good for your
self esteem and your confidence. It also ... Everything you’re teaching
them, it reinforces your ideas deeper into your subconscious. It becomes
automatic, it becomes more reflective.

You have a better handling of the information. You learn how to

communicate it better. The idea is that you have time to work on your
own life. That’s something that’s really fucking important. I make sure
I have ... Obviously, there’s hundreds of thousands of guys digitally,
worldwide, that I mentor as a coach every single day. I have my fucking
coaching clients. On top of that, I also want a couple friends. Guys who
are just like fucking sponges.

They have no fucking deal, they just do what I say. They do what I tell
them, the report back to me with the results. I give them the next thing, I
coach them, I mentor them. It’s awesome.

That’s one thing that’s been really good too. Mentors, mentee’s, and the
final one is the brotherhood. You have the mentors, who are guys ahead
of you. You mentee the guys who are behind you. Then, you have your
brotherhood, which is like your inner circle, your tribe. Guys who you’re
not necessarily ... You’re not mentoring them, they’re not mentors, but
they’re your homies.

They’re the guys who you can be open and honest with, really
share the struggles of your life with. They’re not going to call you
a pussy. They’re going to listen to you, and they’re going to offer
encouragement and support/advice. You need that as well. You look
around fucking society, you look at TV, you look everywhere ... No
one is promoting this idea of brotherhood. In fact, they step on it, they
smash on it. It doesn’t exist anymore.

The last time a strong bond between males, like a group, was promoted,
was on entourage, and that’s almost ten years old now. That was the
only one that was already invisible.

This is an idea that’s so fucking powerful. It’s so important for you as a

man. If you go back to the 1800’s or early 1900’s, guys spent a lot of
time together helping each other mastermind.

Ben Franklin had it, Henry Ford had it, Thomas Edison had it, Steve
Jobs had it. It doesn’t exist today. That’s something I’m really talking
about a lot lately, really pushing on guys, is to have a brotherhood. You
need that shit.

Ryan: That doesn’t happen overnight either. You don’t just find your
brotherhood. They’re probably not even around you now. You probably
don’t even know them yet. I think it’s like when the students favorite

teacher appears, once you’re ready to be around certain people they
appear in your life.

Then you instantly connect with somebody and it’s like you’ve been
friends for fucking years. That’s how it’s been for me, I’m sure it’s been
to you. You have to be strategic, putting yourself in situations where
you’re going to find these people too. People in your brotherhood are not
getting drunk at the bar.

They’re grinding in a coffee shop somewhere, by themselves, not talking

to anybody, probably lonely as shit. That’s where my experience is that.
You have to seek these people out. When you’re doing certain things they
appear, and then you’re like, “Wow, you’re a rad dude, let’s hang out.”

Jason: Yeah, totally. There’s a metaphor I’m trying to think of right now, I cannot
even remember it. It’s like, you cannot cook breakfast without going out
to get the fucking eggs. Here’s the thing guys don’t understand, they’re
like, “I don’t have a brotherhood. I don’t have friends like that, cool guys
in my city, everyone sucks.”

It’s like, “Dude, do you really expect to find cool fucking guys and
become friends with them as you sit on your couch?” This idea of sitting
on a couch is a new idea of human civilization. I think that’s important for
everyone to understand.

For 99.9% of human history there was no sitting on a couch by yourself. If

you were sitting and relaxing it was in your tribe, with your tribe members,
with your brotherhood. You were always with them. This idea of sitting
on a couch alone and you’re like, “I’m not getting the girls I want, or the
confidence I want.” “I don’t feel great.” “I don’t have a brotherhood.”

You spend 3 hours a day sitting n the couch alone, it’s like what the fuck
did you expect? How the fuck did you expect to make scrambled eggs?
You’re like, “I cannot make scrambled eggs, I don’t have any eggs.”
What’s the solution? Go out and get some fucking eggs dude.

Dan Paton is always like, “You’ve got to kiss a lot of frogs.” You’ve got
to kiss a lot of frogs. You’ve got to get out there. Look at the couch as
your fucking enemy. He just looks at you and he’s like, “Sit on me. I’m
comfortable, leathery. I will hold you forever. I will never leave you.

Granted, I will keep you from pussy, from money, from wealth, from
power, from respect, from changing the world. So what? I’m so comfy.
Sit on me.” That’s what he’s doing. On top of it you have the social
proof eyes because everyone around you is doing it too. Everyone is
succumbing to their couch. Fuck your couch dude.

Here’s a really good example. I don’t just have a couch at the Capital
compound. It’s called the pit, that’s how big it is. It looks like a white cloud.

Ryan: It’s amazing.

Jason: I think we got drunk and we slept on it.

Ryan: I have.

Jason: It’s incredible. It is one of the best couch’s I’ve ever seen. I maybe sit
on it once a week, and that’s when I’m reading a book. That’s what I’m
saying. If you have a normal couch from like Ikea or something, which is
totally cool, you cannot be sitting on it.

Better yet, you should get rid of your fucking couch. Maybe you need it
for friends to sleep over or fuck girls or whatever. Generally speaking,
don’t sit on your couch. See how long you go not sitting on your couch.
How many days can you go without sitting on your couch?

Every time you do ... You know how hard it is to get up off that couch,
because it’s so comfortable. It’s so comfortable.

That’s why I don’t watch TV. It’s so good. Certain TV shows are so
addicting, like House of Cards seasons 1-3, if I watch it I cannot stop.

Instead of trying to control myself, “All right, one episode,” or whatever, I
just don’t watch it all. I don’t sit on the couch.

Get up off the fucking couch, get out there and go meet your brotherhood.
Here’s how you’re going to do it, do you want to set up a process that
takes like two days instead of two years? Here’s what you do, you go to a
live event where tons of like minded guys are going to be at.

This involves you getting off your couch so you may not want to, I’m just
warning you. You’ve got to get up off the couch. Come to a live event where
like minded guys will be. You’re going to instantly connect with them.

You know how when you go out to bars and you meet guys, as friends,
you’re just bullshitting with them for a couple minutes and you come to
the conclusion, “This guy’s a loser, I don’t want to be friends with that
guy.”? The reason is, is because they are not like minded.

They are opposite minded. They are still sucking the mainstream media
dick. They’re still plugged into the Matrix. When you come to a live event
with like minded guys, guys who see the world the same as you guys,
who are fucking ambitious and have visions, and understand that is
social dynamics, you’re going to click with them in 5 minutes.

You’re going to be like, “Damn, all this time I thought I was making
friends. The truth is the people I was attempting to make friends with just
suck.” When you come to a live event and you make best friends with
someone in 5 minutes, it’s not that you couldn’t make friends it’s that you
were trying to make friends with the wrong people.

When you come to a bad ass mental retreat or elite mental retreat,
which are live events, come to one. Get up off the couch. Go buy a ticket
right now. You’re going to instantly vibe with these guys.

I can think of dozens of guys who come to my events, one lives in

fucking Colorado, another one lives in Louisiana, another one lives in

Florida, another one lives in Georgia. It doesn’t matter. They vibe so
hard at these events they become best friends.

Now they’re building up each other’s businesses. I can think of a couple

of guys who went to my live events, and both of them are making 5
figures a month.

They’re not even living with each with each other, they talk on the phone
every day, they work with each other, they help each other, help each
other with each other’s sales copy and businesses, they send each
other texts like “What do you think of my clients this year?”

You can have these people in your life, they’re not far away. They are
one live event ticket and one plane ticket away from having them and
you can do that. You just got to get off the fucking couch and go get it.

Ryan: Just to add to that, live events are just fun. You get to a point where live
event is not about going to learn, it’s going just to put yourself in situations
to be around people that are familiar and into the same stuff you are
and as an entrepreneur nobody talks about the lonely side of being an
entrepreneur, especially like an internet entrepreneur like we are.

I mean, I like a studio now. I’m usually by myself for hours upon hours
a day. That’s very secluded so you go around and to just be around
people that talk your same language is invigorating. It makes you go
home and you’re like “Yeah, I can’t wait to go back and fucking work.”
Regular people don’t know what that’s like.

They look forward to the water cooler and they’re like “Oh, I need my
eighteenth cup of coffee because I hate my life and I didn’t go to bed last
night. I watched Netflix all night.”

Being around that is super-powerful. I mean, you can even do that

locally. Locally has worked pretty well for me, I mean, not so much for
me like like-minded people but I met some badass people that have

actually helped me in my business.

Just recently, I feel like I’m being high-dollar hobby. I’d always laugh
about this. Golf used to be super-popular. I mean, I don’t like golf, I
don’t think I could ever like golf but next step for me is I’ve always loved
cycling and what I found for cycling is huge. It costs five grand for a bike.
You have to have money to buy a bike. Who buys a bike?

People who have money. Who rides that bike? Guys that have money,
because I joined a cycling club and every morning they ride at 8:00am.
What do normal people do? They go to fucking work.

These guys go ride their bikes. Right there, everybody here is either on
a day off or they have their own company of some sorts. In doing that,
I’ve met my PPA. Two of the guys I now share my studio with that are
badass photographers. I didn’t even know they were.

Now I share a studio with them. One of them helps me out all the time to
set my YouTube lighting and helps me with my videos. Six months ago,
that guy didn’t exist but now he’s here in my inner circle. You never know
where these people are going to be.

Jason: Right, and the high-dollar hobby thing is really fucking smart. Just think
of it, because of costs so much, like cycling that you’re talking about,
first of all you can’t have lazy people because those who are waking
up at 8:00 in the morning to go cycling aren’t lazy, so you know they’re
already ambitious and you know they’re already healthy because of their
cycling at 8:00 in the morning and you know they’re successful because
they can afford to buy all the equipment so hobbies like that, like you
said, golf is good, tennis is also good, those are really good.

There’s all kinds of different things like that, but again, if you’re just
looking at it and you’re listening right now and you’re like “Damn! That’s
a really good idea. I should do that,” shut the fuck up and do it.

Here’s a thing: let’s say you do it and let’s say you show up to the thing
and you’re the outsider. That’s a big fear a lot of people have, going to
that first cycling event and everyone knows each other and they’re all
talking about some inside stories you don’t know and you feel like you’re
in the out-group and they’re in the in-group and you shy away and then
maybe you don’t even go to the cycling; you just leave early because it’s
too embarrassing and you’re like “Hey, I’ll try something else.

That didn’t work.” Dude, it’s not that it didn’t work. You didn’t give it a
shot. You’ve got to fucking stay. You’ve got to be like “You know what?
I’m going to have to walk through some mud to get to the water.” Ryan,
I’m just curious for you.

Maybe you can add something here because I know you’re very good
at this, going into meet-up groups and cycling shit just like that where
you don’t know anyone and you’re the outsider and you’re really good at
ingratiating yourself through the cold meeting as part of the group. You
want to talk about that? Any lessons or stories you have?

Ryan: Well, I can 100% relate to that with cycling because for one, when I
started cycling I couldn’t afford the five thousand dollar road bike. I
ride a six-gear which is like basically the people who ride six-gears are
considered trash of the cycling industry but the bike is just as good at
about a third of the cost so for a thousand dollar you can have a badass,
fucking awesome six-gear, where it will cost you five thousand dollars
to have a road bike so when I show up on a six-gear and these groups
of guys are already riding these really expensive road bikes, I’m an
outsider, I’m tattooed; they probably fucking hate guys like me.

What do I do? I don’t say a fucking word and for the few first few weeks
of me riding I just rode and I showed them I was a good bike rider.
If you’re just starting, and you may not be a good rider; it might be
paddleboarding, it might be golf, but they’re going to notice the guy that
keeps fucking showing up.

People notice that. If you’re just a guy that shows up at the back of
the class and you just bust your ass and you go home they’re going
to notice that if you do it every day for three months. They’re going to
be like “Hey, this guy, let’s talk to him.” I mean, you talked about it at a
Miami mental retreat, I believe.

Especially when somebody is meeting a mentor you want to impress

somebody. If they tell you to do something you just fucking do it. That’s
going to impress them. Not why you can’t do it. You just keep doing it
and then give them results. I know you live in California so surfing is
huge out there.

I never bought a surfboard but I’m assuming it’s pretty pricy. I don’t know
what surfboard and all the gear costs but that’s probably like a medium-
dollar hobby but I know that’s like “I want to hang out with people that
surf because I saw Frank Kearn doing it and all these big Internet
marketer guys surf,” so you show up and you get pummeled by waves
for a couple of weeks.

My guess is people are going to start to notice you and they’ll be like
“Hey, man, do this,” and if they see you do it because you actually took
their advice and used it then they’ll say “This guy is fucking cool. He
takes action.” That for me is huge for stuff like that but other than that
you’ve got to ask good questions, like “Hey, I see you ride every day and
it’s 8:00am. Do you have your own company? You’ve got a nice bike and
you seem very successful.” You’re already complimenting them and now
they’re like “See, this guy is cool. He’s asking good questions,” so ask
good questions and take action. That’s one of the biggest things that I do.

Jason: So true, man. I remember when you talked about Miami, I’m talking
about being a “white if guy”. I fucking hate what if guys. I don’t really
see them anymore because if I get it from a client, if I get it from a guy
at seminars and workshops that I teach I will break him until I break that
part of him and we rebuild it in a more positive way. Here’s what I mean
by a “what if guy”.

It’s a guy who you’re mentoring and he asks you a question. Listen, my
time is valuable, I get paid $2,000 an hour coaching, sometimes more,
so if I’m taking a couple of minutes to answer your question for free and
I’m really listening; I’m going to listen to you, my mind isn’t anywhere
else, I am fucking present, I am right there with you and I listen and I ask
a question and I offer my action set, I offer my advice.

The worst thing you can possibly do is go Jason “I hear what you’re
saying, but what about this? What if this happened? What if that
happened?” All you’re doing is one, you’re future pacing negative
outcomes for yourself but on top of it all you’re doing is providing
potential excuses to pull a fucking trigger and all I’m telling you to do is
“Dude, I’ve been where you are.

I listened to everything you said. I’ve been where you are. I assure you.
I’m not America’s Honest Dating Coach with two hundred thousand
fucking guys in 120 countries are listening to my every word and buying
all my trainings because my advice is wrong. I didn’t get here because
my advice is wrong.

I’m giving you advice I assure you it works. All you need to do is shut the
fuck up and go do it. Maybe it fails for you. Great! Come back. Report
it to me,” because when you do report it to me I’m going to recognize
“Holy shit! This is one of those rare guys. This is one of those action
figures. This is one of those guys who probably if he can keep this up
he’ll be successful in life,” and then on top of it you report back to me, it
didn’t work, this is why, I’ll listen and then I’ll give you an updated piece
of advice for you and if you do that you’ll probably get a positive result
and confidence will skyrocket and before you know it you’re the fucking
man, so don’t be a ‘what if’ guy.

A mentor gives you advice, tells you what to do, just go fucking do it. He is
not telling you the wrong thing. He is not giving you bad advice. You’ve got
to just do it. Here is another lesson I learned in the last few months and I
think it will be really helpful for guys is we go for source, not story.

What that means is that people all around you, wherever you are,
whether you’re in New Orleans or Boston or Canada or Brazil or Rome
or London, wherever you are listening to this right now, everyone around
you has an opinion. Everyone around you has an opinion and better yet
they love to share it with you. They want to give you their opinion, they
think it’s so valuable.

It’s rare as gold, even though everyone has it. They always give you
their opinion. Now, if you’re not aware of some of that source, not story,
their opinions are going to get to you because if they have conflicting
opinions it might cause some switch in your brain; you might start
questioning your shit.

You need to really have your radar to protect you around that shit and
remind yourself and say to yourself: source, not story, which means who
is saying it. Don’t listen to their opinion which is their story. Be like “Who
is saying this?” I’m going to ignore the story and I’m going to say “Who is
the source? Who is saying this?” 99,9% of the time the answer to “Who
is saying this?” is going to be “Some fucking loser whose life I don’t like.”

By the way, my bad if I’m too honest about it but that’s going to be the
fucking answer, “Some fucking loser whose life I don’t like,” and if that’s
the answer you don’t have to listen to the story. You can trash it. What a
strange feeling, right? You can trash it.

Source, not story. If anyone offered me advice most of the time I

instinctively know ‘source, not story’. It doesn’t matter what the fucking
story is because the source is wrong so it doesn’t matter. I’m not looking
so much to confirm an idea I have or a theory.

I want to know what is the best way to accomplish something. For instance,
six months ago I threw my biggest live event ever at Badass Mentor Retreat
watching a hundred guys butt his one had 250 and I’m trying to figure out
how do I sell most tickets for this event and I’m going to think ‘source, not
story’ when I’m trying to figure out the answer to that question.

I don’t just go on Google and say “What’s the best way to sell tickets for
live event?” All of a sudden you’re going to get a bunch of fucking stories
from bad sources; just guys who were able to rank first on Google’s
page one. I’m not going to do that. Instead I’m going to think “Who is
the best source of this information?” Not fourth best, not third best, not
second best.

Who is the best?” I came up with a couple of answers in my brain, I also

went to my network and asked them if they knew who’s the best at it.
I’ve compiled all the data, taken out one or two guys from the best and
then I paid them a lot of money for an hour of their time to ask them
questions, get their advice.

Again, ‘source, not story’. I got the best source and then I went out and
my first live event there were almost 250 guys and a lot of guys who
were there called it the best event they’ve ever been to. There was a
guy who said “I went to an event once a few years ago and there were
six billionaires in the audience.

There were over 500 people there and six billionaires in the audience.
That’s how big this event was and “Jason, your event here way better
than that one. This is the best live event I’ve ever been to.” There’s no
way I could’ve accomplished that had I not done something or been
aware of something like ‘source, not story’.

Ryan: It makes perfect sense. I think you told me that too.

Jason: Yeah, it’s powerful. It’s just unbelievable, especially with the rise of
Snapchat, Facebook, Insta-fuckup, whatever it’s called, all that shit,
everyone gets to share their story and they get to share it all day
long and they are constantly sharing it because they have the time to
because their lives suck so they’re going to constantly share their stories
with the world and here you have million fucking stories but they’re
getting them from a million dumbass sources.

You don’t have to recite any of that shit, you don’t, so just remember
‘source, not story’. Who is the source, who is the source, who is the
source ,does this story have a life I want, does the source have a life I
want now, next year or five years from now? The answer is not yes, it’s
not immediately yes, then you know it’s trash story.

Ryan: I was wondering, like watch what people do, not what they say; look how
they live, not what they… I mean, I was looking at it too. There’s tons of
information out there but it’s like “Okay, you’re teaching us advice but
you’re not doing that for yourself.”

That’s why a lot of people want to give me YouTube advice and I’m like “I
think I’ve got a pretty solid understanding of what I’m doing with fucking
YouTube and people that I’m watching are actually doing YouTube, like
all these marketers and stuff, they want all these courses on YouTube.
You go to check their thing and they have like ten subscribers.

I’m like “You’re not even doing YouTube.” I always look at it like “Do you
have a big email list? You’re teaching how to get a big email list but you
don’t have a big email list? or it’s like “Oh, you’re teaching fashion advice
but you don’t dress that way yourself,” or “You’re teaching dating advice
but you never get laid.” I feel like you can market that, a lot of people do,
but a lot of those people get exposed eventually which is pretty awesome
too. I always check the source, how are they living, what do they do.

Jason: Yeah, it’s a really good point. Here is another one that I think will really help
guys for what they are, not what they’re told they are and not what they
hope they are; really seeing reality for what it is and really radically different
reality. We all know the power of the halo effect; we talk about it a lot.

One thing that can really mess up your perception with the halo effect is
if you come in contact with someone, whether it’s a person, whether it’s
a video online or article online and in the first minute of the video, the
article, the in-person conversation, they drop into the conversation that
they are friends or they know some celebrity that you really love.

The rest of them suck, their life sucks, they’re not going anywhere,
they’re not doing anything, they don’t have a vision, they’re never a man
of their word or whatever. They drop that celebrity in the first minute they
haloed you because you’re going to literally underscore all the negative
sides about them.

Your brain is going to try and prevent you from seeing it and become
aware of it because you think if you become friends with them you might
be able hang out and that’s the halo effect. It’s when one characteristic
of someone dominates your perception of them overall.

You’ve got to be aware of that so one thing that I always teach my top
clients making seven figures a year who is paying $75,000 a year for
coaching underweigh this is one that I don’t want to go over the head of
guys. It sounds simple but it’s something that’s going to take you years
to really understand it. Underweight first impressions, overweigh track
record. People are amazing, they are incredibly talented at making a
great first impression. Typically they are; especially with media.

I have met dozens and dozens of these girls on Instagram who are
super fucking hot and they’re great at taking these selfie pictures from
that one specific angle where their tits and ass and stomach are like
perfect proportions that make you want to primaly want to fucking throw
them over your shoulder, take them to a cave somewhere and just fuck
the shit out of them.

They’re great at it and that’s the first impression. Even if you met them in
person, just by seeing it on Instagram or something like that that is your
first impression of them and you’re going to look at all the pictures and
then when you meet them in person they haloed you because you’re
thinking about their Instagram.

You’re not even seeing them in real life. You’re thinking about their
Instagram so you need to underweight first impressions, overweigh track
record which means “Don’t make a judgment about them or anything like

that. Don’t be like ‘She looks really hot on Instagram. I can’t wait to meet
her in real life’. Don’t do any of that.

Just observe it all. Underweight the part of your brain that’s like ‘She’s
really hot. She’s really hot’. It’s the halo effect; your brain blinds you
right now and then give it some time. Overweigh the track record. Give it
some time and learn about them a little bit.

Talk to them a little bit, maybe for a week or two or something like that
and see are they someone who says they’re going to do something and
then do they actually do it.

Is this girl actually a good person or a fucking idiot? Is there nothing

going on inside her skull, between her two ears? A lot of times that’s
what happens with these girls, especially if they come to compound,
they show up and one, they don’t look nearly as hot as their pictures do
which we call ‘yoho’ – ‘you’re only hot online’, and then they’re fucking
dumb as shit and then on top of it you’re not really hot and you’re not
really adding value in any type of intellectual way and you’re not even
that fun because when you come out with us you just sit on your phone
so what value are you really bringing?

Like, if I met you and I knew nothing about your Instagram but I met you
in person and I was like “She’s not that hot.

She’s not adding a lot of value and she’s boring when she’s parties,”
I wouldn’t even have you here. You wouldn’t be here at all so there’s
something wrong with damn, I got Haloed.I got haloed. If you meet a guy
and you’re like “Damn! He sounds so confident. He’s cool.

I love the way he markets himself on his website. He seems like the
man,” give it some time. Underweight that first person because your
brain will lie to you, and overweigh the track record, really look at it.
Does he get the results in real life? Does he really deliver over and over
and over? Let him prove to you over time.

Ryan: That’s so powerful. I know we talked about it, but Greg O’Gallagher, he
runs Kinobody he says something a lot in his videos. He’s like “Look, I
have tons of courses that you can purchase,” and we do it as well but
he’s like “Don’t buy any of my stuff. Just watch!

Take my free advice. It will work and then when you trust me come
back and buy my stuff,” and that’s like the reverse halo effect. Even him
saying that is like “Oh, I like this guy.” You’ll probably like it right away.
We use that in marketing as well but it’s a funny thing. “I mean, we have
tons of content.

Look, if you don’t trust me cool, but I have 300 YouTube videos. You’ll
probably get a little bit of style advice from one of them.” That would
work for me and you’re the same way.

Jason: We hope through one of those 300 videos. As long as they don’t go all
the way back to your first videos where you had red hair.

Ryan: I got rid of all of that. I kicked those out.

Jason: What do you think about having red hair now based on all your
experience and accomplishments at this point in your life?

Ryan: Do I regret it? Partly, now that I know the image I was sending off was
not the type of image I would want to portray. I regret that but I don’t
regret the fact that it made me confident and not give a fuck to be able to
become a person I am today.

I mean, when people ask me should they dye their hair I’m like
“Absolutely fucking not. Don’t do it,” but they’re probably still going to do
it because everybody has to make their own mistakes.

Jason: Yeah, and also there’s two things that I consider. People are always like
“Life’s short.” Life is not that short. You’ve got a lot of time. You don’t
have a lot of time where you can sit on a couch. Don’t do that, but you

can change your hair a hundred times.

You’ve enough time to do that, most likely, just looking at the base rate data
of it. You’re going to have enough time to go through a hundred hair colors if
you want. You don’t want to try color in your hair once because it’s like “You
know what? I just want to train and build up that ‘don’t give a fuck’ muscle.
‘I don’t give a fuck’ is social freedom and I do not care what anyone else
fucking thinks,” then fucking do it, dude. Do some shit like that.

I used to wear suspenders out. I’d wear these brown boots and then
these high socks and then I’d cuff my jeans up to my mid-way and then
I’d wear dark jeans, white t-shirt, black suspenders and I’d go out in
public like this for months. It worked actually, as well. I’ve got a lot of
texts from the girls.

They love to snap the suspenders and I’d always take them off and wrap
them around their neck, not choking way, the other way, around the patch
of their neck to pull them in, so you don’t get any wrong ideas here.

But that was really good and at the same time I’d go out and I’d be
talking to some girl and she’d be really responding well and then I’d
fucking hear a snap in the back and some fucking douchebag was just
getting drunk on beer and getting mad that I’m getting girls he’s not and
I pay cash and he’s talking to some friends who have nothing so he
snapped the suspender on me and that straightened my ‘don’t give a
fuck’ muscle as well.

That was really good. I used to love that because what I was doing in
that situation is I wouldn’t turn around so I would just keep focusing on
the girl and then a couple of minutes later I’d be making out with her and
the suspender is still fucking snapped off and I wouldn’t care.

What the guy’s always doing is trying to get a reaction but if he doesn’t
get a reaction and if you can get the girl one, he looks like a bigger loser
and two, he feels like a huge loser because he just fucking snaps the

guy’s suspenders and then the guy completely ignores him, didn’t even
recognize him as a human being so in that situation is just ignore him
completely, total non-recognition of their existence as a human.

Anyway, getting back to it, he’s like “Don’t think of life as your second
chance. Life is not your second chance, it’s your last chance.

It’s the only one you’ve got so if you want to dye your hair dye your hair,
train that ‘don’t give a fuck’ muscle. That’s all good.” Me and you, when
we go back and think about all the crazy shit we’ve done whether it’s
dying our hair, fucking girls in parking lots…

I was hanging with a mutual friend of ours the other night, before he
almost busted the mirror in my nightclub so you know who I’m talking
about, we used to live in Santa Monica he was my roommate at that 500
shitty square foot apartment in Santa Monica.

He reminded me that I used to go to restaurants on Main Street and I would

serenade the hostess in front of the whole restaurant and then propose to
her, like really sing; he goes “You sang that song by Billy Joel for the longest
time,” and I was like “Holy shit! I totally forgot I used to do that.

I must have done that three, four, five , six times and I would do that shit, I’d
literally write up a program for myself, program and it was like a ‘don’t give a
fuck’ muscle training program and that was one of the things I did. If me and
you went back and we thought about all the crazy shit we’ve done.

Dude, I went up to fucking 6s] who worked at the front of the True Foods
restaurant or whatever and sing to them and ask them to marry me. Why
would I do that? That’s fucking stupid but at the same time it plays a huge
role in giving yourself this real world experience, real world proof that you
don’t give a fuck and you’ll never give a fuck again. You can’t go back.

If people want to look it up, there’s a cognitive bias called the spotlight
effect that says human beings are trained to believe that other people

are paying more attention to them than they actually are and it’s not a
little bit, it’s a lot, so you’re overweighing how much people are paying
attention to you because they’re not.

You can get away with so much and say what you want, do what you
want, you can dye your hair red, you can sing Billy Joel to girls you
don’t know and ask them to marry you and just walk away. You can do

Ryan: That’s so true. I want to talk a little bit more about, and I’m sure you
get it through your support guys, but I get it all the freaking time and
it’s “Ryan, I’m thinking about starting this business online. What do you
think I should do?” Especially now with the way things have changed,
I’m sure you have a ton of answers and so do I but if you had to rebuild
your capital right now where would you start?

Jason: Wow, good question. I’m starting from the beginning completely?

Ryan: Yeah, let’s say you are an expert in your field because everybody
you’re teaching, if you’re thinking about starting a business it must be a
requirement now and you must be an expert at whatever you’re trying to
teach. You’ve got to be fucking good at it.

If you’re trying to teach dating, you’ve got to be fucking good at it. If you’re
trying to teach fashion you’ve got to be fucking good at it. If you’re trying
to teach weight lifting you’ve got to be fucking shredded. You’re already an
expert, now you’re just trying to share your knowledge with the world.

Jason: What I would do, I’ve spoken on getting my first 1,000 customers. That’s
all I would be thinking about. Find my first 1,000 customers and then
really change their lives, transform their fucking lives, over-deliver a
freebie, make them a part of my tribe and then using that leverage get
them to start reaching out to other people whether it’s affiliate marketing,
in-person referral, whatever it is to grow the brand geometrically
horizontal. That’s how I would start. The obvious question is “How do

you find your 1,000 customers?”

The truth is you don’t find them, they find you, so what you need to do is
you need to create a converting sale offer; it could be for a $100 product
or service, it could be a $10 product or service, it could be a $1,000
service, it doesn’t matter.

In that case we need to create a website, a web page, a web video, sale
copy, whatever it is, that when they read it they feel like you have known
them forever and they’re like “This guy gets me. This guy has fucking
authority. This guy’s an expert. This guy can help. This guy is one who is
going to help me,” and then they buy the product.

You don’t just deliver. Over-deliver it, follow up with personal e-mails,
coach them, get to know their names and you race to 1,000 customers.
You don’t want to go out and start chasing customers. You want to
create the sales offer and all that shit with your own website so like you
park yourself in the center of town and then you throw an advertising to
get them to come to you.

You can’t go to them; they’ve got to come to you just like girls. Don’t go
to them, make them come to you. If you do that advertising in such an
easy way, you get started and it works, there’s this: Google, networks,
there’s YouTube, there’s plenty of fish which has a lot of traffic. There is
so many places where you can advertise to these people.

That’s what I would tell the guy. I’m not like “I’ve got to start a blog.
I’ve got to start a YouTube channel. I’ve got to write articles. I’ve got
to blog for other people. I’ve got to guest videos. I’ve got to build up
my Facebook. I’ve got to build up my Instagram.” Stop trying to do
everything because you’re going to end up doing nothing. Just focus on
getting your first 1,000 customers because that way you’re also making
some money as you go.

Every sale is telling and validation that what you’re doing is correct, so

you just focus on the first 1,000 customers and they’re going to give you
a lifetime of confidence that you can actually do this and then you can
start adding that other shit after.

If you’re cooking someone a meal and you’re cooking them steak dinner
don’t start with the fucking grease. Grease are the fucking articles, social
media, Facebook, Instagram, whatever that shit is. Start with the steak,
your customers are your steak. You are not going to fill anyone up with
grease. Go give them the steak and you can have the sides later].

Ryan: Nice. That’s fucking good.

Jason: What do you think?

Ryan: I’m big on content marketing and you do the same, we all do everything
and that’s another thing to take note of. Once you get to a certain point
you have to do fucking everything, you have to do Facebook, you have
to do Instagram, you have to do YouTube, you have to do e-mail lists so
going back to what we talked about at the beginning of the call, when
one of those channels might have a hiccup you don’t freak out because
if all my money was coming just from e-mail marketing.

I would be fucked if e-mail changed but because a large portion comes

from that but a large portion comes from my YouTube following and a
large portion comes from my Facebook following, you’ve got to have
multiple channels and you build that up over time but once you have
something to sell them then you can make money from the get-go so
you need a good solid offer and honestly nowadays, I know we were
talking about it today, lower dollar offers have been crushing for me.

It doesn’t take a whole lot to impress somebody if they only spend

$10 with you. For me it’s been really easy to sell a $10 product but for
somebody starting out that may be the answer because they can sell
a $10 product, over-deliver on the backend and then start giving their
thing. I mean, that could work.

I would start there. I’d create some sub-$20 products but so dope that
you could probably charge $100 for it and then just ride that out, just
start grinding away making YouTube videos. If you don’t like video then
you just start writing every single fucking day on your Facebook wall
until somebody fucking cares about you. That’s that I would do.

Jason: I think that’s a really good call, man. One thing that’s important to
understand, especially if you’re new to online marketing or even if you’re
offline the same thing applies as you’re charging less as you start, is
that you don’t have to be a tremendous copywriter in order to sell a $10
product. You can be just able and you will still make a lot of sales simply
because you don’t have to intensify their feelings of desire so much to
make that $10 product, as you put it yourself, a $500 or $5,000 product.

You don’t need to be quite as good, so if you’re just new, honestly you’re
going to suck at it and then you’re going to get better, you’re going to get
better and you’re going to get better which is how everything goes. It’s a

You start with that $7, $5, $10 product and that’s going to make it easier
for us to build up your first 2,000 customers and your copy doesn’t have
to be as good and I know this just from watching other people who’ve
been successful like the guy I even helped out in marketing a little bit
and he taught me some stuff.

Before anyone knew Tai Lopez and we talked about a lot of stuff. I’m
from Orange County so we don’t talk as much but then he started
blowing up online and his big program was 67 Steps. That was his big

When he first launched that product, 67 Steps, which is now $67 a

month or some shit like that, it was $5 so people from a really large
customer base are selling this thing for just five bucks so he took Ryan’s
advice here and he sold it for five bucks to a lot of customers and I think
he went to $20 and then he went to $40 and then he went to $67 so

even guys who maybe now you’re like “Oh, he’s a big deal. He’s like
Jason or Ryan or Tony Robbins or whatever.” Even those guys, when
they started, they all started at a really low dollar point.

If you go back and you look at Tony Robbins’ infomercials which is how
he got big in 1980, he was just a guy doing small seminars in Southern
California when a company named Guthy-Renker who sell fucking
Proactive now and they’re a billion dollar corporation, they were selling a
product called Think and Grow Rich which is a book by Napoleon Hill that
has basically dropped off the face of the Earth for 30 years and they found
out that it was available for sale, to buy the rights to it, and license it.

They bought a book and they’re like “We’re going to sell that on
infomercials because infomercials are basically because they’re cheap
back then.” So they create this whole infomercials for Think and Grow
Rich and they’re looking for people who can endorse the book and
they found this young guy named Tony Robbins who was doing small
seminars in Southern California and they give him some money to
endorse the book.

He goes in the infomercial and he gives such a good testimonial that

they were like “We’ve got to do something with this guy.” They think this
guy is going to be a star. They ended up creating an infomercial for him
for something called Personal Power which is one of his seminars.

Basically, they took a seminar and they were like “You’ve got to come
back and do a plug in the infomercial,” which is what they did and they
sold it for like $12.95 or $29.95 or some low dollar price point but it was
through that where they got that ‘charge $12’ thing and they got into the
heads of so many people and that’s how Tony became famous.

Another thing they did to make him famous is they hired other celebrities
to interview him for the infomercials. So people are watching is and they’re
like “Damn!” I can’t remember the guy’s name now but they’re like “Is that
I think he was a pitcher back in the day who did a lot of infomercials.

Who were like famous quarterbacks and these pitchers; guys who
retired and you can get them cheap for celebrity endorsement stuff and
they got them to interview Tony so people who don’t know Tony are
watching is and they’re like “Damn!

Is that former all-star quarterback Frank interviewing Tony Robbins?

Tony must be a big deal,” which was a marketing trick but that’s how ton
of these guys started so all these guys from on a pedestal where they’re
like “You can never reach that level.

They’re in the clouds, you’re on the ground.” Dude, they started where
you are. Tony was literally discovered doing testimonials for whole other
thing and Guthy-Renker, they’re the guys who are really responsible for
blowing him up like they did. All of them started at that low dollar price
point as well.

Ryan: Also, once you establish credibility with a low dollar price point you
can sell a lot more higher dollar stuff. I’ve really told you about all the
products that I sell after somebody buys a $5 product from me sell better
when they come from a $5 sale originally instead of on their own. Figure
that one out, I don’t fucking know.

Jason: Say that one more time?

Ryan: I have a couple different products and then I have 17 accessories which
sells for $90; I have clothes that Make Her Come for $69. I have 51
Handsome Guy Secrets for $47. I have a lot of other higher dollar products.
When somebody buys a $5 offer more people take those products than if I
sell them on their own to the same people. Does that makes sense?

Jason: That totally makes sense. You have psychology behind that, right?

Ryan: Just that they trust me because they spend $5?

Jason: They trust you, but also think about things like commitment and

consistency bias so basically when they take the action to buy one of
your products they are making a commitment that “I am the person who
buys products” Now they’ve added that to their self-image.

They really took that action in real life. When they see your offer there’s
much less resistance in selling them because they are someone who
buys your product.
That’s like the scientific, logical reasoning. The other part of it is that
if they buy a product and it fucking delivers which of course it does
because we don’t allow a thing in our fucking world that doesn’t deliver
amazingly well. We’ll get a product and go “All right, we’ll fucking deliver
it. I want some fucking more.”

I don’t like the idea of using a drug dealer metaphor but I’m going to. If
you’re fucking selling cocaine and you give someone a small sample to
try it and they’re like “It’s great cocaine,” you better believe they’re going
to come back to you for more.

That’s how drug dealers work. You flood the market with small little
samples and then people come back for more and they buy bigger
package. There’s no reason this should be any different. A lot of guys
make hundreds of millions of dollars selling cocaine. One of them was
named Jay-Z. We know there’s a lot of smart business guys basically
and that’s all it is here, same idea.

Ryan: Yeah, I think 50 Cent has done it as well.

Jason: I’ve heard, man. Ryan, in case this thing doesn’t work out for you,
cocaine is always available.

Ryan: It is. Well, cool, we’ve been wrapping for an hour now. I think that was
mind-blowing info for those that grabbed this call.

Jason: Yeah, and here’s the thing. I know we’ve got to wrap up in a second. I
know we’ve both got to get going… I don’t want anyone to listen to this

and be like “Damn! That was fucking insane shit! I feel so much smarter.
I feel so much more motivated. I have so many good ideas.”

Please, for the love of God, take fucking action on at least one idea that
you took from this. Take one action step and take it right when we are
done here. Go do the thing! I don’t’ care if it’s hard, I don’t care if it hurts,
I don’t’ care if your perfectly formed ass is really comfortable and comfy
on that couch. Get the fuck up off that couch and please go take one
action right now.”

Ryan: Yeah, I have nothing to add to that.

Jason: Cool, man. Let’s wrap it up.

Ryan: Like you said, big thank you, Jay-Z for being on this. I know it’s a little
impromptu but it’s always good to drop some values on people and I
am happy you did not charge me a few thousand dollars an hour for this
call. I really appreciate that.

Jason: You are so welcome.

Ryan: Yeah, with that said, I appreciate you helping on and it’s always a
pleasure to talk to you on the phone.

Jason: Sure. I’ll see you at the Elite Mentor Retreat in July.

Ryan: Oh, yeah, can’t wait.


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