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Egypt Expedition 1801

General en chief Sir Ralph Abcroromby

Lieutenant-general Sir Hely Hutchinson
2 battalions guides (major-general Luclow) 2000 men
1st brigade (major-general Coote) 2500 men
With the 1st, 54th and 92nd regiments
2nd brigade (major-general Kraddock) 1900 men
With the 8th, 13th and 90th regiments
3rd brigade (major-general Lord Cavan) 1550 men
nd th
With the 2 , 50th and 19 regt
19* brigade (brigadier-general Doyle) 1350 men
With the 18th, 30th, 44th and 89th regiments
5th brigade (brigadier-general Stuart) 2100 men
With the regiments of Minorca, Roll and Dillon
Reserve (major general Moore) 3150 men
th nd th
With the 23rd, 28th, 40 , 42 and 58 regts and the corsican legion.
Cavalry (brigadier-general Finch)
11th, 12th and 26th regiments light dragoons
And Hompech Hussars (only 500 mounts) 1700 men
Others (brigadier-general Lawson)
3 companies of artillery 450 men
Malta Pioneers 500 men
Naval troops destinies to shore service artillery 500 men

first reinforcement : Guards, 24th', 25th and 27th regiments 2900 men
Reinforcements subsequent actions: 20th Regiment, an Irish battalion
Men from diverse corps 3000 men


English from the Red Sea
Commandant : Major-general Baird
84th regiment and 3 regiments Bengal Sepoys.
under colonel Murray 3000 men
4 regiments of Bombay Sepoys
under major-genet al Baird 1000 men
Army Corps of Capitan Pocha
Albanians and Janissaries 6000 men
Army of the vizier
English Artillery and Engineers 500 men
Vanguard commanded by Aboumarak, pacha de Jerusalem
(4000 infantry and 2000 cavalry) 6000 men
Corps of Ibrahim, pacha of Alep (3000 Inf & 3000 cavalry) 6000 men

Troops of the pacha of Damas, Ismael pacha and the

Tahar pacha (5000 infantry and 6000 cavalry) 11000 men
Janissaries and other troop-forming guard of the vizier
(3000 infantry and 1000 cavalry) 4000 men
Mamluks of Ibrahim Bey and Hassan Bey (800 cavalry) 800 men
reinforcements subsequent actions 10000 men
TOTAL: 90,700 men, including 23,400 English from the Mediterranean,
6000 from India, 6000 Corps of Captain Pacha, 38300 for the army of the Vizir,
15000 from the English and Turkish fleets in the Mediterranean
and 2000 from the sailors of the squadron of the Red Sea.

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