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Wonder Iso-Bar Isometric E-guide

NO GYM , NO PROBLEM... .. OVERWEIGHT, ..want to lose a few inches off your waist…. This
AMAZING ISO STICK.... no heavy weights, no more ab gimmicks or fad diets.. None of these
ever worked you know that…Reps and sets are now OBSOLETE…

The WONDER ISO BAR, THE AMAZING ISO STICK works like this.....It isolates and targets the
AB CORE Muscles, muscles work the best when they are working against each other....The
ISO STICK forces your Muscles to work against each other, …you will feel the Burn
immediately, Isolating the muscle group.. Includes 20+ different ISO exercise . this is real and
really works... The ISO Stick is for anybody that finally wants to get in shape, the Easy Way..
All Iso exercise can be done at the office, home or even lying in bed while you watch TV.. and
great for all ages.. great starter workout for kids., all women , men of any age and shape,
professional athletes use this. This is by far the best work out for seniors.. ever..
The WONDER ISO BAR, is like the 8th Wonder of the World.. for everyone.. and lasts a life
time…This is the last fitness device you will ever buy.. and is the best fitness investment any
one will ever make... 

Isometric Basics:

Isometrics is derived from the Greek. Iso meaning “equal” and metric meaning “distance”. When
we refer to isometric exercise we are talking about an exercise system in which, although force
is applied to the muscles, their muscular length remains the same. This is called an isometric
contraction and it is the key to this entire workout.

In a sense with an isometric contraction you are tricking your brain into using ALL of the
available muscle fibers at the same time. This is why it is possible to exhaust ALL of the muscle
fibers in 10 to 15 seconds unlike other forms of exercise. This is the secret of the isometric
contraction and isometric exercises in general.

There are many stories I could tell that would demonstrate the amazing results possible when
the isometric contraction is properly applied. However, I’ll refer to the experiment where a frog's
legs were tied together and one frog's legs were left free. At the end of the experiment, when
they released the frog's legs, its leg muscles had grown bigger and stronger. By trying to
constantly break free against its bindings, the frog had actually forced itself to become stronger.
That is an isometric contraction. 

Isometrics work for men and women, boys and girls and anyone who wishes to become
stronger and more fit.  Since you are using your own muscles to do the exercises, the dangers
of lifting weights don't exist. There's no need for a spotter or to worry about dropping the heavy
weight on your face.  If you’re looking for a way to get into shape then isometrics on the Iso-
Stick is the answer. One of the main things that keep people from exercising is the lack of time.
So if you have little time and you want to get in shape then try Iso-Stick isometrics because it
really does work.

In order to get maximum contraction benefits you will start slow and build up pressure! When
you get to maximum pressure is when you start counting 1,2,3,4,5 etc. Never jerk or quickly
activate the exercise. Always try to keep a slight bend in your elbows! Perform each exercise
one right after another. Only take a break as long as it takes you to get into the next Iso Bar

ISOMETRIC HOLD for 10-15 seconds…. 

*Important to breath never hold your breath during the exercise!

Basic Exercises:

1. Shoulder Blast….Standing…put bar behind butt , arms straight , raise arms as far as you can
for 15 seconds, hold squeeze shoulder together works . deltoids and shoulders. Stretches back
as well ..

2. Tricep Blast.. put bar behind butt , arms straight and push bar agains back of thighs as hard
as you can.. hold for 15 seconds..

3. Forearm Blast.. put bar in front with Arms straight and push against front of thighs.. as hard
as you can , for 15 seconds, biceps and forearms..

4. Back Blast..raise bar over head with straight arms .. reach for the sky , squeeze shoulders
together.. hold for 15 seconds.. as hard as you can... upper back

5. Lat Blast.. put bar behind head, hold with bent arms and squeeze shoulder and arms
backwards... Shoulder and deltoids

6. Scapula Blast. Grab bar with right hand raise up, and put bar behind back and grab bar with
left arm behind back, pull with both arms, both ways, hold for 15 seconds each way,, and repeat
for other side..


Laying down either on bed, table or floor..chin is always touching your chest on all exercises..

1. Put under butt firmly,,palms facing up.. position chin in chest, and Hold for 15 seconds,
flexing as hard as you can..

2. With legs bent, and raised in air, place iso bar behind knees and Hold for 15 seconds,
flexing as hard as you can..

3. Then repeat this with legs fully extended in air .. Hold for 15 seconds, flexing as hard as you

4. Then place bar behind you head, arms bent legs bent and fee on ground,, and Hold for 15
seconds, flexing as hard as you can..
5. Then my favorite.. lay bar across waist, on belly button.. hold both handles palms down,,
and push down with both hands. Hold for 15 seconds, flexing as hard as you can...

6. Another great one.. lay bar across waist.. on belly button,, hold both handles,palms down, ,
raise up your butt, and repeat raising butt Hold for 15 seconds, flexing as hard as you can....

7.vBiceps Pull and Abs,, place bar behind knees.. knees raise off the ground.,Palms up.. Pull
legs and bar toward chest and Hold for 15 seconds flexing as hard you can..

8. Triceps Pull and Abs, Then same rep reverse your hands with palms down .pull legs up into
chest, Hold for 15 seconds flexing as hard as you can

BONUS: 300 Second Full Body Workout With The Wonder Ab Bar:

Wonder Deadlift: While standing up Put the bar under your hamstrings and hold both handles
and squat yourself up. Hold for 15 seconds while breathing the whole time. Flex all your
muscles as hard as possible for the full 15 seconds.

Standing Row: Grab both handles and lay the bar across your chest while standing. Now force
the is stick into your chest pulling as hard are you can as you feel your upper back muscles flex.
Hold for 15 seconds flexing as hard are you can.

Chest Squeeze: Hold the bar in front of you. and put your hands close together on the iso stick.
Now try as hard as you can to slide your hands together while holding on as tight as you can.
Hold this contraction for 15 seconds (your arms may begin to shake) always breath never hold
your breath!

Shoulder Pull: Grab both handles and raise the bar right out in front of you chest height!. And try
to pull of the handle as you try to pull it apart. Hold that contraction for 15 seconds. Do do the
same but with the bar touching your body laying across your waist (arms hanging down instead
of raised up) while standing straight up and hold for another 15 seconds.

Lat Pull: While standing bend over slightly hile having a slight ben in your knees and put the iso
stick into your waist line. Grab both handles with bent arms and an underhand grip. And pull the
bar into your body as hard as you can while you feel your lat and back muscles flex. hold for 15

Tricep Flex: Stand perfectly straight up and let arms hag down nice and straight. Grab the bar
with both hands and completely force your arms to straight while pulling the bar back into your
body. You will feel an incredible contraction on the back of your arms. Hold 15 seconds.

Bicep Curl: Sit down in a chair. Put the bar under your knees and now grip both handles as if
your curling the bar upwards with an underhand grip. Curl the bar as hard as you can while your
legs resist and feel the contraction in your biceps. Hold 15 seconds. Arms should be shaking!

Wonder Ab Crunch: Lay on bed or floor. Put bar into your hips knees up and crunch your body
up as you feel your abs contract. Hold 15 sec
Ab Blast: Put bar under your knees while laying on a bed or floor and crush up while pulling
together with your arms simultaneously resisting with your legs. Hold for 15 seconds.

* Very important to breath the whole time nice and deep. Never hold your breath.

* Contract your targeted muscles as hard as you possible can and hold for 15 seconds on all

Disclaimer: The exercises and advice contained within this course may be too strenuous for
some people, and the reader(s) should consult a physician before engaging in them. The author
and publisher of this course are not responsible in any manner whatsoever for any injury which
may occur through reading and following the instructions herein.

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