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ELSEVIER Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 28 (1995) 87-135

From NMR diffraction and zeugmatography to modern imaging

and beyond
Felix W. Wehrli
Department of Radiology. University of PennsylvaniaMedical Center, 3400 Spruce Street, PA 19104, USA
Received 29 April 1995

1. Introduction line narrowing techniques in solids, cross polariza-

tion, and much more. To many of us it therefore
It is a great honor for me to have been asked to appeared that NMR was in a phase of maturation
contribute to this special issue of ‘Progress in NMR and that perhaps it had already reached most of its
Spectroscopy’, commemorating the fiftieth anni- ultimate potential. How wrong one can be!
versary of the inception of NMR. While my con- Nevertheless, Lauterbur’s discovery (the publica-
tributions to the progress of this fascinating and tion of which was not without hurdles) did not
fruitful area of science have been utterly modest, immediately evoke great enthusiasm, in that for sev-
my fascination for NMR, ever since my first expo- eral years only very few laboratories practised
sure to it 30 years ago, is undiminished up to the research on spatially resolved NMR. In fact, much
present day. I had the good fortune to witness an of the early work was done by essentially two labora-
evolution from what was then an already fairly tories, Paul Lauterbur’s at New York State Univer-
sophisticated spectroscopic technique, to the most sity at Stonybrook and the University of Nottingham
advanced medical imaging modality today. Surely Physics Department with Peter Mansfield, Raymond
not even in their wildest dreams would those we Andrew and Waldo Hinshaw. NMR imaging, or
honor this year, Edward Purcell, and the late MRI, as it is later became referred to by the medi-
Felix Bloch, and their colleagues, have predicted cal community, soon began to capture broader
that one day medical diagnoses would be made interest and during the late seventies industrial
on the basis of NMR images. I was among the companies became involved in its development.
non-believers, but I was in good company. NMR MRI is, without question, the most significant
pioneers Anatole Abragam and Erwin Hahn innovation in diagnostic imaging since the discov-
openly admit their skepticism [l]. ery of X-rays. It is a curious coincidence that
I remember Paul Lauterbur presenting what he NMR’s fiftieth anniversary can be celebrated
celled ‘NMR zeugmatography’ at an otherwise along with Roentgen’s discovery of X-rays a half
very uneventful ENC, at Boulder, Colorado, in century earlier. Both principles led to tomographic
April 1973. This was the period just preceding the imaging and the beginnings of these developments
2D NMR revolution. Pulse Fourier transform were almost simultaneous. However, X-ray com-
NMR was already invented and carbon- 13 spectro- puted tomography (CT) matured much more
scopy was in full swing. And so were many other quickly than MRI, presumably because the tech-
innovations, such as the superconducting magnet, nology was more readily available and X-ray
0079-6565/95/$29.00 0 1995 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved
SSDI 0079-6565(95)01021-l
88 F. W. Wehrli/Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 28 (1995) 87-135

projection imaging was already firmly implanted in fields. Nevertheless, these early investigators had a
thousands of hospitals around the globe. clear understanding of the effects of field gradients
This article intends to highlight the major on the NMR signal.
milestones during NMR’s evolution from an In their 1973 paper entitlted “NMR diffraction
experimental technique, to the pre-eminent role it in solids?” [S], Mansfield and Grannell explored the
currently plays as a diagnostic imaging modality in potential of NMR for mapping the spatial struc-
medicine. I will deliberately omit reference to non- ture of solids analogous to X-ray crystallography.
imaging related developments (which will be cov- Specifically, they sought to evaluate the conditions
ered in the two companion articles by Raymond under which it might be possible to observe dif-
Andrew and Jim Shoolery), unless they have fraction in the FID resulting from interference
obvious implications for MRI. Finally, the field is of the signals emanating from different lattice
so developed and the literature so abundant that sites in the presence of a linear field gradient
any attempt toward comprehensiveness would be applied to the sample. They compared the phe-
doomed to fail. nomenon to the intensity distribution resulting
Some of the early history was drawn from from the diffraction of monochromatic light at
Mansfield’s erudite article in Contemporary Physics a grating. In the latter experiment the phase dif-
[2] which delineates the evolution of the first four ference is the result of the different path lengths
years of NMR imaging. Hoult describes state-of- to the various grating slits. By analogy, the point
the-art and prior history of imaging methods and sources at the lattice sites accumulate differential
technology up to about 1979 in a book chapter in phases by virtue of the different frequencies at
Magnetic Resonance in Biology [3]. A most valu- which the spins resonate in the gradient field.
able resource also was Mansfield and Morris’ 1982 Mansfield and Grannell came to the conclusion
monograph “NMR in Biomedicine” [4] which is that in the case of solids, such an experiment
perhaps the most complete and rigorous text on would be exceedingly difficult to realize. Even
the physics and technology of NMR imaging cov- if dipolar broadening effects could be suppressed
ering the field up to the end of 198 1. by line narrowing techniques (which were already
known at that time), the gradient requirements of
about lo8 G cm-’ would be prohibitive. For a
2. Early history hypothetical three-dimensional lattice they obtained
for the signal at each lattice point:
Most spectroscopists, laboring with the magnet’s
shim controls, are well aware that the beat pattern p(r)eip”du
modulating the wiggles of the fast-passage signal is
due to magnetic field inhomogeneity. Gabillard where P(Y) represents the spin density within the
[5,6], in 1951, was the first to explain the mod- range Ax, Ay, AZ over which integration occurs.
ulation in terms of the distribution of the magnetic The quantity p = yGt, in modern parlance, is the
field across the sample. In 1954, Carr and spatial frequency vector where G is the field gradi-
Purcell [7] showed in a pulsed experiment that ent. The total signal for a plurality of lattice points,
the y-component of the transverse magnetization they reasoned, then is the discrete sum of the signal
in an off-resonance field AH, caused by a linear from all lattice points.
field gradient across the sample, evolves as Mansfield and Grannell recognized that given
sin(yAH,t)/yAH,t. This, of course, is the cosine the short lifetime of the signal and very large gra-
transform of the rectangular probability density dients required, NMR crystallography was “some
function of the field. It would clearly be far-fetched way off”. However, they performed a model
to call Gabillard’s and Carr and Purcell’s experi- experiment on a one-dimensional ‘lattice’ formed
ments precursors of spatially localized NMR. by flat, equally spaced slabs of solid camphor. In
Rather, these findings were by-products of experi- conjunction with a line narrowing technique, they
ments designed to measure T2 in inhomogeneous succeeded in observing the predicted diffraction
F. W. WehrlijProgress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscop?, 28 (1995) 87-135 a9

signals (Figs. l(a)-(c)). They further showed the

Av=36B kHr
Fourier transform of the transient response to
yield a well-resolved series of equally spaced lines
which represent a one-dimensional projection
image of the camphor slabs (Figs. l(d)-(f)).
Mansfield and Grannell did not immediately
0 f0 20 30 40 50 60 iYO generalize their result which is valid for any con-
r(ms) tinuous or discontinuous spin distribution and
does not require translational symmetry. After
3 layers, G,=O77 C cm-’
Lauterbur’s fundamental imaging paper, they
Isl-order dlffraclion peak pointed out the more general nature of their
experiment [9].
Perhaps NMR had been discounted as a poten-
tial for imaging since the attainable resolution
20. 40 60 80 100 I20 140 seemed unappealing, given the magnitude of the
p,hll’ 1 radiation’s wavelength. At 60 MHz, for example,
5 layers, G,zO.77 G cm-1 the wavelength is 5 m, which would all but preclude
NMR. In experiments conducted in 1972 and
reported in 1973 [lo], Lauterbur showed that the
lst-ordrr dffraction notion of the interacting radiation field having to
possess a wave length comparable to the smallest
features to be resolved, is removed under certain
0 20 40 60 60 100 I20 140 conditions. This is the case, he reasoned, if local
pa (cm3 interactions are induced through a second field
which restricts those with the first field to a limited
region. The second field Lauterbur referred to in
his seminal paper, of course, is the gradient mag-
netic field, superimposed on the main field. Most
significantly, Lauterbur recognized that the
absorption signal recorded in the presence of a
static magnetic field gradient, represents the one-
0 IO
v hnscaltd) (kth) dimensional projection of the object’s spin density
(el, perpendicular to the gradient direction. He showed
further, in distinction to Mansfield and Grannell,
that by rotating the gradient in small angular incre-
ments (or rather the object in a constant amplitude,
constant direction gradient), a plurality of different
projections of the object can be obtained (Fig. Z(a)).
“-5 0 5
I (mm)
IO Subjecting these profiles, analogous to the proces-
sing of ray sums in CT, to a back-projection

Fig. 1. Transient proton NMR signal from layers of camphor

obtained with a line-narrowing pulse NMR technique: (a) three
layers; (b) same conditions as in (a) except that a field gradient
was applied orthogonal to the orientation of the layers, showing
diffraction peak; (c) experiment analogous to (b), for five-layer
sample; (d)-(f) Fourier transforms of transient responses of
(a)-(c). Three and five-line patterns in (e) and (f) represent spin
density projections (from Ref. [8], with permission).
F. W. Wehrli/Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 28 (1995) 87-135

the interaction may be regarded as a coupling of

the two fields (polarizing and gradient), Lauterbur
dubbed the technique ‘zeugmatography’, derived
from the Greek word <evy~cu, ‘that which is used
for joining’.
Already at the time of his fundamental article,
Lauterbur seemed to have a clear vision of zeug-
matography’s enormous potential for medical
imaging. This is evident from an experiment he
describes, in which he shortened the spin-lattice
relaxation times in one of the water samples by
adding Mn2+ ions. By varying the r.f. power, he
showed that in this manner image contrast could
be selectively enhanced to emphasize local differ-
ences in relaxation times. As a possible application
of interest he mentioned the in vivo study of tumors
which were known to have prolonged relaxation
times relative to normal tissue [12]. The possibility
of imaging live objects was explored and zeugma-
tograms of biological objects, including a pecan
nut, cherrystone clam and a picture of the chest
cavity of a live mouse were published [13]. The
methodology used was analogous to the original
zeugmatographic experiment, except for the use
of a larger gap magnet operating at a field of
about 0.2 T.
It is clear that Lauterbur’s and Mansfield and
coworkers’ early work was independent. However,
following Lauterbur’s publication Manfield’s sub-
sequent investigations led him to the recognition
that his observations for discrete structures were
equally applicable to continuous spin distributions
[9] and that the spatial spin density could in general
be obtained as the inverse transform of Eqn (1). It
Fig. 2. (a) Principle of Lauterbur’s zeugmatographic experi-
ment, schematically showing four angular projections of the
was less clear, however, at that stage, how p-space
object, perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field gra- could be scanned to obtain an array of data from
dients, represented by arrows. (b) Proton NMR zeugmatogram which an image could be reconstructed by discrete
of two water-containing tubes, arranged as in (a) (from Ref. [IO], Fourier transformation of the S(p) data. It is inter-
with permission). esting that the 2D image shown by Mansfield and
Grannell [9] still used projection-reconstruction
algorithm (see, for example, Hounsfield [I l]), a techniques analogous to Lauterbur’s. We will
two-dimensional map of the object’s spin density, return to Eq. (1) in conjunction with a discussion
can be obtained (Fig. 2(b)). It is remarkable that of the k-space concept of imaging and evaluate its
the first two-dimensional NMR images were implications in more detail.
generated without any specialized hardware, on a In 1975 Mansfield and Grannell[9] published an
routine Varian A-60 continuous-wave spec- extensive paper in which they showed projection
trometer, operating at 60 MHz, with the z-shim images of small objects, including one of the
coils as the source of the field gradients. Because human finger. The latter presumably amounts to
F. W. WehrlijProgress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 28 11995) 87-135 91

a small region by oscillating gradient fields. It is
readily seen that by feeding an alternating current
lsochromatic Plane
t into a gradient coil, the magnetic isocenter of this
coil defines a plane of constant field perpendicular
to the gradient direction (Fig. 3). Three time-
dependent gradients applied simultaneously, then
define a single ‘point’ where the field is time-
invariant. By subjecting the spins to regularly
spaced r.f. pulses, a signal is obtained which has a
time-dependent and a d.c. component. The latter
can be isolated by low-pass filtering and the sensi-
20 z tive point displaced across the object in small incre-
ments. In this manner, the entire object can be
sampled, point by point, thus obviating the need
for computer reconstruction.
(b) A logical extension of this method is the multiple
sensitive point technique [ 151.Again, an alternating
gradient is set up, in say, y direction, in the presence
of a static gradient G,Y.Periodic excitation with a
train of 90 pulses at a frequency meeting the reso-
nance conditions for the null plane of the time-
varying gradient Gv as well as for location
x = w/yG, produces a signal for spins along a
line &,x). The Fourier transform of this signal
Fig. 3. (a) Principle of Hinshaw’s sensitive point spatial localiz- provides a map of spin density along the chosen
ation experiment. By periodically reversing the gradient, an iso- line. The line then can be displaced by moving
chromatic plane is defined at location q where the signal
the isochromatic plane. It is clear that for an n*
becomes time-invariant (adapted from Ref. 121). (b) Two-
dimensional proton spin density image from two concentric matrix of image points the per-unit-time efficiency
water-filled tubes obtained at 60 MHz in 2 h by means of the of the experiment is improved n-fold.
sensitive point technique (from Ref. [14], with permission). In 1976 Damadian and coworkers [16,17] pre-
sented another idea of point localization relying
the first ‘image’ of live human anatomy. They also on an inhomogeneous field which produces a
realized that achieving microscopic resolution saddle-shaped profile. They termed the technique
would require very high gradient strengths which, ‘field focusing NMR’, abbreviated FONAR. By
even if technically achievable, would be limited by selectively exciting the spins at a frequency match-
translational self-diffusion. Reasoning that the ing the Larmor frequency in the magnet’s ‘hot spot’
average distance that molecules diffuse during one point of the object is mapped. The object is
gradient exposure cannot exceed the desired scanned by its being physically moved across the
resolution, they inferred that in a typical biological hot spot. The method is obviously impractical and
specimen with a diffusion constant D = 1.85x was soon abandoned. Damadian’s work, which up
lo- 5 cm2 SC’ and G = 100 G cm-’ the resolution to the present day remains controversial [ 181 is
limit would be about 6 pm. We will see later that described in detail in Ref. [19].
diffusion can indeed be significant at high gradient
strength, though a more severe impediment to very
high resolution is sensitivity. 3. Selective excitation for spatial localization
In 1974 Hinshaw [14] proposed a technique
which circumvents the reconstruction problem In its initial embodiment Lauterbur’s zeugmato-
altogether. The idea was to isolate the signal from graphy technique produced two-dimensional
92 F. W. Wehrli/Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 28 (1995) 87-135

projection images. An obvious extension of the course, was a problem of which spectroscopists
method to generate images from a well-defined were well aware long before the advent of imaging
slab of material would require one to spatially (see, for example Ref. [27]). It is merely a different
confine excitation. The resulting image would way of saying that with increasing offset from
then be tomographic (derived from Greek resonance the signal decreases in amplitude and
ropou = section), i.e. representing a map of the experiences a phase shift.
spin density within the slab chosen. Hoult [22] showed that the response to an r.f.
This problem was addressed by a number of pulse is the Fourier transform of the product of
workers in the field [20-231. Two approaches the pulse’s spectral density C(w) and a transfer
were pursued: the first entails saturation of the function G(w), the latter representing the line
spins outside the slab of interest, achieved by shape. For a sine-modulated r.f. pulse C(w) is
exciting the spins with an r.f. pulse of appropriate square and for a flat spin distribution (such as a
frequency spectrum and a field gradient orthogonal profile across a slab of tissue), when relaxation is
to the slab. Saturation would then be followed ignored, the spectral line shape is also square.
immediately by a non-selective pulse, exciting the Hence, the Fourier transform of the product of
spins in the slab [24]. Because of the difficulty in the two functions is a sine. There is a problem
achieving complete saturation, this method was though, which has no counterpart in spectroscopy,
largely abandoned in its early stages. The alterna- and which is crucial to effective slice-selective exci-
tive method, practiced in present-day two dimen- tation, i.e. the phase dispersion caused by the
sional imaging, relies on targeting excitation to the sequential nutation of the spins. The signal is
slab of interest, by means of a shaped r.f. pulse such created while the transmitter is on and at the end
as a gaussian [23] or sine-modulated pulse [25] in of the pulse, when the receiver could be opened,
the presence of a field gradient perpendicular to the there is very little signal left. Hoult [22] showed
plane. Shaping the radiofrequency field as that, at least in the linear regime (i.e. low nutation
sin(rrAvt)/rAvt results in a rectangular frequency angle) reversal of the gradient after termination of
spectrum of bandwidth AU = l/r, with r repre- the r.f. pulse, produces an echo-like signal. Fig. 4
senting the time of the first null point of the sine schematically shows the transient echo from a sinc-
function. Of course, in reality, the sine will have to modulated r.f. pulse detected upon gradient rever-
be truncated, which distorts the slice profile. There sal. The response is a sine itself whose Fourier
is another reason why excitation across the slab is transform reproduces the square-like spin distribu-
not uniform. Hoult recognized this problem early tion. If, on the other hand, excitation were effected
as a manifestation of the non-linearity of the Bloch with a square pulse, the echo would have a flat
equations [25]. This problem is readily understood amplitude distribution whose Fourier transform
by considering the effective field Beg that the spins is a sine and thus would be a poor representation
experience in a slab of thickness AZ at some loca- of the true spin density. In practice, the slice-
tion z away from the center. Befr is the vector sum selection gradient is terminated at echo maximum.
of the off-resonance field AB = zG, and the applied The signal may then be received in the presence of a
r.f. field B1, i.e. Beff = dm Hence, for an further spatial encoding gradient, allowing collec-
r.f. pulse in the x direction of the rotating frame tion of an FID to afford a projection profile for
of reference, for example, the spins at the edge of the projection-reconstruction imaging or, in the case
slab will be nutated by a much larger angle, and of application of an orthogonal gradient, Fourier
around an axis tilted by 0 = atan(Bi /zGZ) relative reconstruction as in Fourier zeugmatography.
to the B, field. Whereas for small tlip angles (say Lai and Lauterbur [28,29] developed an
less than SO’), the problem is minimal, it becomes ingenious extension of the original zeugmato-
severe for larger nutation angles. Joseph et al. pointed graphic experiment which circumvents slice selec-
out that by using this approach it is virtually impos- tion altogether. By stepping both polar and
sible to achieve effective uniform inversion across the azimuthal angle for the orientation of the projec-
slice [26]. What these investigators described, of tion gradient, an array of projections is obtained
F. W. WehrlijProgress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 28 (1995) 87-135 93

from which a true 3D image data set can be recon-

structed. A two-step reconstruction technique first
generates an array of 2D projection images from a
series of 1D projections generated by rotating the
gradient in a particular plane. The resulting set of
2D projections than are back-projected to yield the
true 3D array of intensities. Images in any desired
plane can then be obtained by suitably rearranging
the data. The principle is outlined in Fig. 5.

4. Fourier zeugmatography and spin warp imaging

In 1975 Mtiller et al. at the Swiss Federal Insti-

tute of Technology introduced a new class of NMR
experiments which they denoted ‘two-dimensional
NMR spectroscopy’ [30]. The significance of this
development, which laid the groundwork for struc-
ture and conformational analysis of large biologi-
cal macromolecules, is highlighted by Ernst’s 1991
Fig. 4. A shaped r.f. pulse such as is obtained with sine modula-
tion, applied in the presence of a linear field gradient, produces a
Nobel prize. Whether Fourier zeugmatography
signal that has the same shape as the pulse. Since it is produced [31] was inspired by this class of experiments is
while the transmitter is on, it cannot be received. However, not clear, but its kinship to 2D NMR spectroscopy
reversal of the sign of the gradient produces an echo-like signal. with which the majority of readers are familiar,
If the gradient is terminated at the maximum of rephasing, there
may be helpful to understand this crucial milestone
will be no further phase evolution (redrawn from Ref. [3], p. 80).
in the evolution of NMR imaging.


Fig. 5. (a) Principle of 3D projection-reconstruction imaging: the imaging gradient G is rotated in a plane. From the resulting 1D
projections, an image can be reconstructed which is a 2D projection of the object onto the plane. This process is repeated by rotating the
plane in small angular increments. (b) The 2D projections are back-projected to yield the 3D image data set. Only two 2D projections are
shown for clarity (adapted from Lai and Lauterbur [28]).
94 F. W. WehrlilProgress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Speclroscopy 28 (1995) 87-135

Unlike the projection-based techniques (where which he called “rotating frame zeugmatography”
it does not matter whether the projections are 1321.Rather than imparting a phase shift onto the
obtained by continuous-wave scanning or as the FID prior to its collection by a static field gradient
Fourier transform of the FID recorded in the he proposed using a gradient in the B1 field. Spins
presence of a gradient), Fourier zeugmatography located at different positions along, for example,
is based on the successive application of orthogo- the x-axis are then nutated by flip angles yB,(x)~,
nal pulsed field gradients prior to and during where T represents the duration of the pulse. The
sampling of the FID. The method can be under- signals are collected in the presence of a second
stood by reference to Fig. 6(a). Following excita- orthogonal static field gradient along y. It is then
tion by an r.f. pulse, the spins in the sample are recognized that by stepping r through a series of
subjected to variable periods of field gradients G, values, an array of time-domain data is collected
and GY. While these gradients are active, spins analogous to conventional zeugmatography, and an
at locations x and y resonate at frequencies image is obtained by successive Fourier transforms
W(X)= yG,x and w(y) = yG,y. Their relative along the rows and columns of the data matrix.
phase at time t, + ty then is given as w(x)& + While Fourier zeugmatography undoubtedly is
w( y)ty. Hence, the phase of the resultant FID, the parent of most modern imaging methods, the
recorded in the presence of a third gradient G, is basic experiment as described by Kumar et al. [31]
modulated, with the modulation being a function is not practical for medical imaging of large objects
of the spins’ location. By stepping time periods t, and humans. As noticed by Ernst, the zeugmato-
and tY in equal increments, a three-dimensional gram is a filtered spin density function. The filtra-
array of time domain data is obtained whose tion is due to convolution of the signal with
Fourier transform yields a three- dimensional spec- exp( -t/ r;) which leads to progressive damping
trum. Ernst and colleagues showed the spectrum to of the later FIDs, as is evident in the spectral traces
be given as the spatial spin density convolved with of Fig. 6(b). More importantly, however, static
a line shape function. The latter results from the field inhomogeneities (resulting from imperfections
unequal weighting of individual signals by spin- in the main field, or intrinsic gradients due to sus-
spin relaxation. ceptibility variations within the object) can cause
The 2D implementation of Fourier zeugma- large phase errors which increase with each incre-
tography reported in the original work is parti- ment in time. These phase errors lead to image
cularly instructive to the spectroscopist, as it distortions and smearing of the spin density maps.
illuminates the close relationship of the experiment In 1980, Edelstein et al. from the University of
with 2D-resolved spectroscopy. Fig. 6(b) shows a Aberdeen in Scotland, reported a new technique,
series of FIDs obtained from two small water con- building on Fourier zeugmatography they called
taining capillaries, oriented with their long axes ‘spin warp NMR imaging’, which remedies some
perpendicular to the z axis of the main field and of the above problems [33]. Rather than stepping
their centers along z. During the initial period the time period during which the gradients are
while gradient is G, active, a single-frequency applied as a means of modulating the phase of
FID is obtained. During readout, a gradient G, is the transient signal, they proposed to step the
switched on, producing two FIDs containing two amplitude of the first of the two orthogonal encod-
frequencies, given by the gradient amplitude and ing gradients (Fig. 7). Therefore, signal read-out
the samples’ location on the z axis. The Fourier commences at precisely the same time for each of
transform with respect to t, affords a two-line an array of N signals. The benefit of this modifica-
‘spectrum’ reflecting the two samples, with the tion, of course, is that it gives equal weighting of
phase modulation being caused by the spins’ evolu- the array of N signals. Most importantly, however,
tion during the time period t,. The second Fourier phase shifts from static field inhomogeneity equally
transformation with respect to t, then yields the 2D affect all signals, i.e. spurious phase increments are
zeugmatogram. constant and thus do not distort the linearity of the
In 1979 Hoult reported a related technique scale.
F. W. Wehrli/Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 28 (1995) 87-135

Fig. 6. (a) Principle of Fourier zeugmatography: following excitation by a 90” r.f.pulse gradients are applied along the three orthogonal
directions. By stepping gradient on-times 1, and t,,, while reading out the signal in the presence of the gradient gZ, and Fourier
transformation along the three time axes, a 3D zeugmatogram is obtained. (b) Sample data from 2D Fourier zeugmatography experi-
ment, showing an array of selected FIDs from a set of 64 signals obtained by applying pulsed linear field gradients along x and z axes for
two water-filled tubes, along with Fourier transforms (right). Tubes are arranged along the z axis. Broken vertical lines represent time
points of gradient switching from x to z (from Ref. [31], with permission).

The technique of Edelstein et al. contributed denoted a ‘gradient echo’, achieved by balancing
another element of novelty and significance to the the readout gradient in such a manner that the
further of NMR imaging. Rather than
evolution phase is zero at the center of the readout window,
sampling an FID, they collected what is now a condition which demands that J G( t)dt = 0. This
96 F. W. WehrlilProgress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 28 (1995) 87-13.5

RF field

Gradient G,

.Gradient G,

Gradient G,
-- - -. Signal
, I I I I
J I I 2 l3lLl 5 16
Interval number

Fig. 7. (a) Spin warp NMR imaging pulse sequence: a 90” r.f. pulse, applied in the presence of a slice-selection gradient G,,, leads to an
echo produced by the gradient G,. The programmable-amplitude gradient G, causes a phase ‘warp’ and thus encodes spatial position
into the phase of the transient signal. The adiabatic fast-passage excitation prior to the slice-selective r.f. pulse is not mandatory but
many serve as a means of inverting spin populations prior to slice-selective excitation for generating Tl dependence of the signal. (b) Spin
warp image of the heart, showing right and left ventricle and interventricular septum. The blood appears bright due to inflow of fully
polarized spins between excitations (from Ref. [33], with permission).
F. W. Wehrli/Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrosropy 28 (1995) 87-135 91

I 1 r


Fig. 8. (a) Timing diagram for a two-dimensional echo-planar
imaging experiment. Following slice-selective excitation, a gra-
dient G, whose polarity is alternately reversed is applied to form
a series of echoes (bottom trace). At the same time a weak gra-

G, and G,
dient is applied in the z direction. (b) Projection from an object
in the shape of an annulus (dotted line, top), obtained as the
Fourier transform of the echo signal, becomes discrete as a con-
sequence of the modulation of G,.. If, in addition, a gradient G;
is applied, as shown in (a), the projections are broadened (bot- Fig. 8. (b)
tom) and the signal at each frequency can be uniquely assigned
to a location in the object (from Ref. [109], with permission).
field suited for whole-body studies, was difficult in
approach is analogous to the reversal of the slice those days.
selection gradient following selective excitation. Prior to spin warp imaging Mansfield [34] and
Finally, the pulse sequence technique incorporates Mansfield and Pykett [35] devised another ingenious
selective r.f. pulses - in this case a gaussian shaped spin mapping technique which, as will become evi-
pulse [23]. dent later, set an important milestone on the path to
The ‘spin warp’ imaging technique - so named modern high-speed imaging. The method is based on
because of the phase twist (or ‘warp’) to which the the recognition that the transient signal recorded in
spins are subjected in the direction of the gradient - the presence of a gradient, can be recalled by rever-
would later become the workhorse of clinical ima- sing the sign of the gradient, analogous to the prin-
ging, and continues to be the standard imaging tech- ciple used for slice selection. However, in distinction
nique. It generates a rectilinear grid of data from to the latter, a gradient G,”is applied after creation of
which it is straightforward to reconstruct images by transverse magnetization (which could be confined
inverse Fourier transform, without the need for any to a slab by means of some form of selective excita-
preprocessing of the raw data. Another advantage, tion using a gradient G,, for example). This signal
recognized immediately by the Aberdeen group, is decays rapidly due to phase dispersion, but rephases
that magnetic field inhomogeneity causes spatial dis- upon reversal of the gradient polarity, as shown in
tortion only, rather than image blurring, observed Fig. 8(a). The process can be repeated for a time on
with projection-reconstruction. The latter advantage the order of T;, the spins’ effective transverse relaxa-
was particularly valuable since the construction of tion time. The Fourier transform of each echo
magnets providing a large-volume homogeneous affords a projection of the object onto the .v-axis.
98 F. W. WehrlilProgress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 28 (1995) 87-135

GYY + G,z)tl dxdydz

Fig. 9. Time domain NMR signal from a volume element dxdydz in an object of magnetization density Mxy(r, I) in the presence of
a spatial encoding gradient G. The spins in the volume element dxdydz sense a field B(r) = G.r and thus evolve as
exp[-iy(G,x + G,y + G,z)t].

Further, the sinusoidal modulation produces discre- NMR signal are the Fourier inverses of one
teness in the projection profile (analogous to the another. We have seen that the fundamental
spectrum of a repetitive train of rectangular pulses). element in MRI is the spatial dependence of
The third dimension is obtained by applying an addi- the spins’ precession frequency and thus their
tional gradient G, of constant amplitude. The effect phase in the presence of a magnetic field
of this gradient is a broadening of the profiles, the gradient G = (dH,,/&, aHs/dy, dH,Jdz) super-
extent of which is determined by the dimensions of imposed onto the static polarizing field Ho = Hz.
the object along the z-coordinate. Critical to the We shall now derive the general imaging equation
experiment, as described in Ref. [35], is the choice and introduce the concept of reciprocal space, first
of G, which has to be set such that the resulting conceived by Mansfield [2,8,9] and generalized
broadened lines do not overlap each other. It is later by Twieg [36] and Ljunggren [37].
then recognized that the spin density at each location In the presence of a magnetic field gradient the
( y, z) is uniquely determined from the amplitudes at resonance frequency LJ becomes a function of
each frequency and an image can be obtained by spatial position Y,according to
simple rearrangement of the data. While this experi-
ment is undoubtedly the parent of modern echo-pla- W(Y)= y(Ho + G-r) (2)
nar imaging, the method in the form described, is not
practical and has not been practiced outside In Eq. (2) the scalar product G. r = G,x+
Mansfield’s laboratory. G,y + G,z represents the incremental field at loca-
tion Y,resulting from the superimposed field gradi-
ent G. In the rotating frame of reference in which
5. Fourier relationship between object and data space we ignore precession due to the polarizing field
(first term in Eq. (2)), it is readily seen that the
At this stage we shall digress briefly from a depic- complex time-dependent NMR signal evolves as
tion of the historic development of MRI and pro- exp(iywt) = exp(iyG. rt). In a volume element
vide the proof that the object’s spin density and the dxdydz the signal dS(t) then becomes (Fig. 9)
F. W. WehrlijProgress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Speciroscopj, 28 (1995) 87-135 99

assume the gradients to have constant amplitude,

as illustrated in Fig. 10, and follow the trajectory of
x dxdydz (3) the spatial frequency vector as we execute one cycle
where MY,.(r) f) represents the magnetization den- of the pulse sequence. The k-coordinate at time
sity at location r. The total signal then is obtained point t is easily obtained from the areas under the
by spatial integration across the object. Unless the gradient-time curve. Immediately following the r.f.
gradients have constant amplitude, products G,t, pulse, k = 0 which is followed by subjecting the
etc., of course, are integrals over time. We can then magnetization to the two negative gradients,
define the wave vector (also denoted ‘spatial fre- hence bringing us to the third quadrant of k-space.
quency vector’) as follows: Application of the positive frequency-encoding
(also called ‘readout gradient’) during which
k(t) = (27r)‘y ’ G(t’)dr’ (4) sampling occurs, increases k, at constant k,..
10 At the center of the readout window, the spins
where G( t’) is the time-dependent spatial encoding have maximum phase coherence, i.e. an echo is
gradient. From Eq. (4) it is evident that k(t) has formed for k, = 0. It is then easy to see that by
units of cm-’ or m-l (it thus measures ‘reciprocal stepping GY incrementally during successive pulse
space’). Rather than expressing the NMR signal in sequence cycles, the k-vector traces a rectilinear
terms of the magnetization, which is modulated by raster and the data can be subjected to a discrete
the relaxation terms in a manner specific to the 2D Fourier transform to yield the spatial spin
excitation scheme used, it is customary to express density map.
it as a function of the spin density which is equiva- The discrete sampling of k-space, of course,
lent to ignoring relaxation. We can then rewrite requires compliance with the Nyquist criterion
Eq. (3) in spatial frequency format. For an object which demands that two or more samples be
of spin density p(r) the spatial frequency signal taken per phase cycle, i.e. the highest spatial fre-
S(k) is thus given by quency ki,,,, (i = .Y,y) sampled has to obey the
S(k) = p(r)e’2~~t’)“dr
(5) ki,,max*L; = Ni
.IIs object (7)
We now recognize that Eq. (6), except for the sym- where L; and Ni represent the field of view and
bols, is identical to Mansfield’s equation (Eq. (1)). number of data samples, respectively. It thus fol-
Pictorially, the spatial frequency may be regarded lows for the sampling interval, Ak, that
as the phase rotation per unit length of the object
the magnetization experiences after being exposed A,+kimax=~_ ’
Ni 4 Ni. ALi
to a gradient G(t’) for some period t.
It is further seen from Eq. (5) that S(k) and p(r) with AL, representing the image pixel size. From
are Fourier transform pairs and thus Eqn (8) we infer that the resolution (crudely
approximated as pixel size) is given as the recipro-
p(r) = I, ,paceS(k)e--i2”k(‘)“dk (6) cal of the maximum spatial frequency.
sss 5
The implications of Eq. (8) are illustrated in
holds. Hence, the spatial spin density at any one Fig. 11 in which the k-space data were low-pass
location can be obtained as the inverse Fourier filtered in order to lower their high spatial fre-
transform of the spatial frequency signal. The quency content. The resultant image, while still
path the spatial frequency vector follows during showing the coarse features of the brain anatomy,
execution of the pulse sequence is, of course, clearly lacks spatial detail.
determined by the time-dependent gradient Let us now briefly examine the signal-to-noise
wave forms. ratio (SNR) implications of data sampling. Since
We may now examine the special case of 2D spin the image volume element AzAyAz (denoted
warp imaging. For the sake of simplicity, we ‘voxel’ in imaging jargon) is the smallest signal
100 F. W. Wehrli/Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Specfroscopy 28 (1995) 87-135


Fig. 10. (a) Generic 2D spin warp pulse sequence, showing arbitrary cycle where the phase-encoding gradient GJ is negative. (b) The
location of the spatial frequency vector at time point 1 is obtained from integration of G(t). The solid line shows the path of the spatial
. . vector k and the dot represents the locus of k at time point t. Sampling occurs during execution of the frequency-encoding
gradient, resulting in a raster of rectilinear k-space samples.

producing element, the signal amplitude S is acquisition system, we obtain

proportional to voxel size, AxAyAz, i.e.

S o( AxAyAz = NN
W+ (11)
where N, and NYdenote the number of samples k, the master equation for SNR in 2D Fourier
and ky; L, and L, represent the field of view in x imaging. Extension of Eq. (11) to a third spatial
and y directions and AZ is the slice thickness. dimension is straightforward. Of course, relaxa-
Further, we obtain from the noise-reducing effect tion terms need be included as well, though for a
of sampling given imaging technique such as 2D or 3D spin
warp, these merely act as scaling parameters and
SNRoc 4-X
NNn (10) the signal can easily be calculated from the
Bloch equations.
where n represents the number of signal averages. The total data acquisition time is determined
Combining Eqs. (10) and (11) and considering by the time required to fill the matrix of NXNY
further that the noise is proportional to the square k-space samples, which for NY phase encodings
root of the bandwidth 5f set by the data is nN,.TR.
F. W. WehrlijProgress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 28 (199.5) 87-135 101

(c) (d)
Fig. 11. (a) Image obtained from collecting 256 x 256 data samples; (b) its inverse 2D Fourier transform; (c) k-space map obtained by
subjecting the data of(b) to a low-pass filter in such a manner that the center sixteenth is retained. (d) Image reconstructed as the 2D
Fourier transform of the data of(c), showing significant blurring. The greyscale in (b) and (c) was inverted with darker shades of grey
corresponding to higher signal amplitudes. Note that image (d), while still showing the coarse features, fails to reveal finer details of the
brain’s anatomy, due to suppression of high spatial frequencies.
102 F. W. WehriijProgress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 28 (1995) 87-135

6. Sensitivity and imaging efficiency reviewing the evolution to large-scale imaging in

A question of significant practical importance is
the efficiency of an imaging method in terms of the
overall minimum data acquisition time and sensi- 7. Scaling to human dimensions
tivity. Brunner and Ernst [38] addressed this ques-
tion by comparing the efficiency of all imaging Toward the end of the 197Os, the imaging
techniques known by early 1978 (thus excluding methodology had reached a level of sophistication
spin warp), for imaging a volume consisting of a that made its application to the study of live bio-
3D array of voxels. They came to the intuitively logical systems, including animals and humans,
obvious conclusion that the sensitivity, i.e. the appear feasible. However, it became soon evident
SNR per unit time, is optimal for techniques in that scaling of the zeugmatographic experiment
which (i) data are gathered simultaneously from was not just straightforward engineering.
the entire object; (ii) the dead dime during which First, magnets had to be developed that provide
no sampling can occur, is minimized. These con- a volume of magnetization sufficient to accommo-
ditions, they concluded, are best satisfied for 3D date the human body. We shall not dwell on the
projection-reconstruction techniques, and to a les- different possible designs of magnets. It suffices to
ser degree, 3D Fourier imaging (meaning Fourier mention that resistive, permanent and supercon-
zeugmatography). The latter, they found, was ductive designs were being considered early on. It
somewhat impaired by T2 losses resulting from was obvious that each of these designs had
the variable encoding period (a handicap not atten- advantages and drawbacks, either in terms of
dant to spin warp imaging). They also concluded cost, magnetic field stability, maximally achievable
that 3D Fourier and projection-reconstruction field strength, stray field, etc., a discussion of which
techniques demanded excessively long intrinsic is beyond the scope of this article. Initially, field
scan times, and further that it was questionable strength did not seem to be much of an issue
whether true 3D imaging requiring high resolution since it appeared that physical constraints did not
in all three spatial dimensions, was realizable and leave much latitude.
practical. The recognition that a 1003 array would In 1978 Hoult projected that for a head-sized
require 10 000 pulse sequence cycles, appearing to solenoidal coil the maximum frequency would be
require hours of scan time, was a daunting about 6 MHz. Hence, a field of about 0.1-0.2 T,
prospect. easily achievable with conventional resistive tech-
Besides impractical scan times, Brunner and nology, seemed to be sufficient. He predicted a
Ernst thought that NMR’s inherently low sensi- SNR of about 1000: 1 for 1 ml of water at this
tivity would be an impediment for imaging of field strength, which would amount to about
biological systems. In one of their concluding sen- 30: 1 SNR for voxels corresponding to a linear
tences they state: “It is certain, however, that sen- resolution of 2.3 mm and 5 mm slice thickness.
sitivity will remain one of the insurmountable This resolution and SNR could be achieved from
limitations of NMR techniques for biological a single FID, if the spatial encoding could be done
imaging”. We, of course, wonder, in hindsight, during the signal’s lifetime, he reasoned. If true,
how it was possible to defeat this gloomy predic- Hoult’s optimistic projection (which did not
tion, in particular given that no fundamental materialize) would permit single-shot echo-planar
breakthroughs in NMR signal detection occurred. imaging at these field strengths and there would be
As we will see, the NMR signal in biological tissue little incentive to develop the much more expensive
is even weaker than expected on the basis of what superconductive magnets.
was known at the time of Brunner and Ernst’s con- The question of field strength remained con-
clusions since the noise is usually dominated by the troversial for some time. Hoult and Lauterbur
sample rather than the circuit resistance [39]. We [39] showed that for a spherical, electrically lossy
shall return to this issue in the next section when sample, such as mammalian tissue, the sample
F.W. WehrlilProgress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 28 (1995) 87-135 103

resistivity and permittivity, Bottomley and Andrew

showed that significant amplitude attentuation of
the r.f. field and phase shifts of up to 70” occur at
frequencies of 30 MHz and a depth of 20 cm [42].
Similar results were also obtained by Mansfield (see,
for example, Ref. [4], pp. 18 1-191). This, together
with the difficulty in designing r.f. coils which oper-
ate at the elevated frequencies, and the increased
r.f. power requirements to overcome inductive
losses, significantly determined the choice of field
strength in first-generation imagers. Another diffi-
culty which is exacerbated at higher fields, was the
relatively low field homogeneity achievable initially
in whole-body magnets. While Fourier imaging is
relatively forgiving in this respect, the field homo-
geneity requirements in projection-reconstruction
imaging are more stringent [43,44]. The latter
demands for the relative inhomogeneity across
the object, AB, that the inequality
AB<LG (13)
Fig. 12. NMR head scan, obtained at 4 MHz on an experimen-
tal NMR machine constructed by Thorn-EMI. The imaging be satisfied, with L representing the field of view
time was 6 min and the slice thickness 1 cm. and G the gradient amplitude. Assuming ABIB, to
be approximately field invariant, it was clear that
resistance Y, increases as the fifth power of its satisfying Eq. (13) would be challenging, given that
radius b and as w2, in contrast to coil resistance rc for early whole-body magnets AB/B, was no less
which increases as w‘I* . Considering further that than about 50 ppm. With the above engineering
the signal scales as w*, and that the total noise is and perceived physics constraints, it is therefore
proportional to ,/x, the SNR can be written not surprising that the target fields for early
as [49] whole-body imaging systems were quite low,
ranging from about 400- 1500 Gauss.
SNR oc (12)
aa2w112 + /3b5w2

where a and b are coil and sample radii, and cr and 8. Imaging of humans and the commercialization of
p are constants. It is evident from Eq. (12) that with MRI
increasing sample diameter and frequency, sample
resistance will eventually dominate, in which case Between the mid and late 197Os, several groups
SNR 0: wb”* should hold, i.e. SNR would be began construction of experimental whole-body
expected to scale linearly with frequency. This scanners [17,45-481, despite the many unresolved
result was later corroborated experimentally for engineering issues concerning magnet, gradient and
whole-body imaging [41]. Hence, contrary to r.f. system. The prospects of visualizing and dif-
small-sample laboratory NMR where SNR is ferentiating diseased tissue on the basis of the
well known to increase as w7’4, increasing field known differences in relaxation times was particu-
strength as a means of enhancing sensitivity larly promising since X-ray images in general pro-
appeared less rewarding for imaging. Radiofre- vide poor soft-tissue contrast without the use of
quency penetration was another perceived hurdle iodinated contrast agents.
to the use of higher field strengths. In cylindrical Perhaps the earliest two-dimensional image of
tissue models and using experimental values for human anatomy is one published by Hinshaw et al.
F. W. Wehrli/Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 28 (1995) 87-135

(a) (b)

Fig. 13. (a) Axial; (b) coronal; (c) sagittal images of the brain, first reported by Holland et al. in 1980. The images were obtained by the
projection-reconstruction method at 4.26 MHz (0.1 T field strength) in about 2 min per image at a pixel size on the order of 2 mm. Plane
selection was achieved by means of orthogonal oscillating gradients at the intersection of which the field is static. (From Holland et al.
[53], with permission.)

[49] who produced a high-quality image of the The first commercial company with an
human wrist at 30 MHz. The image had the R&D program directed toward the development
remarkable spatial resolution of 0.4 mm and a sec- of a tomographic medical imaging machine was
tion thickness of 3 mm, obtained by means of the ThornEM who, a few years before, had pio-
line scan technique developed by the authors. This neered X-ray CT. Unfortunately, much of this
performance, though, was not representative for early work is not documented in the open litera-
other parts of the anatomy since the image was ture. Early testimony of EMI’s research efforts,
taken in a small-bore magnet at a field strength headed by Ian Young, is what may be the first
not yet amenable to whole-body imaging. In 1978 head image, obtained by projection-reconstruction
Damadian et al. [SO] reported an NMR image techniques, at a field strength of 0.1 T (Fig. 12).
through the human chest, obtained by means of Once it became evident that MRI was likely to
their field focusing technique. The resolution was stay for good, a number of companies embarked
on the order of 6 mm and the scan time was 4.5 h. on engineering programs aimed at the development
While presented by their originators as the first of clinical imagers. Among these were Technicare
whole-body NMR image of a live human subject, (a subsidiary of the pharmaceutical company John-
the work remains shrouded in controversy. Since son &Johnson), Philips, Siemens, Pfizer (who sub-
the technique used was impractical in several sequently divested their medical imaging business
respects, this work, even as a ‘first’, had little to Diasonics), General Electric and several
impact on the later evolution of MRI. Japanese companies.
F. W. WehrlilProgress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscop_v 28 (1995) 87- 135 105

(Fig. 13). The latter, of course, is possible since

the three sets of orthogonal encoding gradients, if
properly designed, can be interchanged freely by
electronic means.
Within two years following construction of the
first whole-body NMR imaging machines there
were dramatic improvements in image quality
[54-561. While the superior image quality of the
Thorn-EM1 imager at that time was likely the
result of numerous incremental improvements in
hardware and imaging methodology, the single
most important advance was the replacement of
the resistive magnet by a 0.15 T superconductive
magnet, manufactured by Oxford Instruments.
Electromagnets were notoriously unstable and
short-term jitter in the field led to additional
noise in the images. In their 1982 book [4]
Mansfield and Morris write under ‘Notes added
in Proof: “The recent improvements in NMR
image quality have surpassed all earlier expect-
Fig. 13 ations and could soon lead to a reassessment of
the role of NMR as a diagnostic imaging
At the time of their pioneering work on spin It was not clear at this stage which imaging tech-
warp imaging, Hutchison and Mallard and nique would be most suited for clinical imaging.
colleagues [48,51] at the University of Aberdeen, EM1 practiced 2D projection-reconstruction (see,
constructed their own version of a whole-body for example, Refs. [54,57] and so did initially
scanner, which was based on an electromagnet, Technicare (see, for example, Ref. [58]). Although
operating at 400 G, producing a transverse field recognized as potentially powerful because of its
rather than the more conventional longitudinal ability to allow reconstruction of images in any
field obtained from four-coil magnets. The trans- desired plane, 3D projection-reconstruction appeared
verse field was viewed as advantageous since it was only sporadically in whole-body imaging [59,60]
considered to provide a sensitivity superior by a and was later abandoned (except in NMR micros-
factor of 334 over a corresponding saddle coil. copy). The ease of Fourier reconstruction offered
Besides using the spin warp technique that they by rectilinear scanning and its relative insensitivity
had pioneered, they generated images which are to magnetic field inhomogeneity and gradient non-
true maps of T, and proton density. They linearity (except for spatial distortion which can
reasoned that in this manner they would best easily be corrected by postprocessing), a variant
exploit the image contrast’s sensitivity to varia- of spin warp imaging was soon adopted by all
tions in the spin-lattice relaxation times of tissue equipment manufacturers.
protons. In Edelstein et al.‘s original spin warp technique
By 1980, there were several reports of NMR the echo was formed by reversal of the read gradi-
head scans 152-541. Among these were the first ent, evolving with exp(-t/T;), and thus is suscep-
images in other than the traditional transaxial tible to magnetic field inhomogeneity. While less
plane’ [53] which highlighted one of MRI’s salient
features, i.e. its ability to generate images in
’ Orthogonal planes: axial, perpendicular to body axis;
all three orthogonal planes, obviating the need coronal. plane dividing body into anterior and posterior parts:
for changing the subject’s physical orientation sagittal, plane dividing body into left and right parts.
106 F. W. WehrlilProgress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 28 (1995) 87-13.5

problematic at the 400 G field strength of the Since the bound water has a correlation time sev-
Aberdeen imager, it was anticipated to be a eral orders of magnitude longer than free water, the
major problem at field strengths above 0.1 T. For spectral densities are frequency-dependent. As a
this reason, a 180” r.f. pulse was inserted after the result, tissue relaxation times, themselves, are sig-
phase-encoding portion of the pulse sequence (cf. nificantly frequency-dependent [66,67]. Damadian
Fig. 7) [43]. The modification required the polarity found in excised tissues from implanted tumors in
of the pre-encoding portion of the read gradient to rats a prolongation in T1 relative to both benign
be reversed since the 180” pulse, of course, has the tumors and normal tissue [ 121.He, incorrectly, as it
effect of reversing the spin phase. turned out, believed this phenomenon to be specific
Another important element critical to achieving to cancer. Hollis et al. [68] who studied human
scan times competitive with alternative imaging cancer relaxation times showed the effect to be
modalities was the introduction of multi-slice ima- non-specific and a hallmark of most pathologies.
ging by Crooks et al. [61], i.e. the idea of using the A more detailed discussion of this topic is
Tt relaxation recovery period following acquisition obviously outside the scope of this review, but the
of the echo to selectively excite the spins in other interested reader may consult the extensive reviews
slices within the imaging volume. Brunner and by Bottomley et al. on the subject [67,69].
Ernst [38] had already recognized this possibility
in their 1979 paper when discussing multiplanar 9.2. MRI contrast manipulation
2D Fourier imaging, pointing out that sequentially
exciting multiple planes could enhance efficiency, As pointed out previously, Lauterbur, in his
provided that T, > T2 holds, a condition which 1973 paper, first showed that by increasing r.f.
is usually satisfied for tissue water protons. power images could be obtained that emphasize
differences in T, relaxation times [lo]. In 1975,
Mansfield and Grannell [9] pointed to the possi-
9. Clinical image contrast bility of perturbing the local spin populations
from equilibrium. The Aberdeen group advocated
9.1. Tissue relaxation times the use of computed images in the form of a map of
T, relaxation times [33,70). Young et al. [54] and
The early clinical images almost immediately Doyle et al. [56] showed that by preceding the
captured the medical community’s attention spatial encoding pulse sequence by an inversion
because of their exquisite contrast, not only pulse, brain images could be obtained which
among the various normal tissue types (e.g. grey exhibit a degree of differentiation between white
and white matter in the brain) but, more and grey matter. One of the most intriguing early
importantly, their ability to differentiate normal papers showed that this method of contrast
from diseased tissue. These findings were not enhancement was able to demonstrate multiple
entirely unexpected since it was well known that sclerosis lesions with far better contrast than CT
different tissues varied greatly in their relaxation [71] (Fig. 14).
times (see, for example, Ref. [62]). Well before the A different type of image, which turned out to be
advent of imaging, Zimmerman and Brittin [63] the most clinically sensitive, is obtained when the
had proposed a model for relaxation in which signal is read out in the form of a spin-echo
they treated relaxation as a two-site fast exchange [55,72]. In this case, the image signal evolves as
process involving exchange between protein-bound exp(-TE/T2) where TE represents the echo delay,
and free water. Since l/Tt,,r,,, < 1/T1,2bound,the i.e. the time interval between the excitation pulse
fraction of bound, motionally hindered water, and the appearance of the echo. While the
determines the observed relaxation rate. This inversion-recovery images cause a relative suppres-
view has more recently been challenged in that it sion of tissues with prolonged T,, the spin-echo
was shown that free water is relaxed by an images highlight regions with prolonged T2,
exchange-mediated cross-relaxation process [64,65]. making them appear hyperintense relative to
F. W. WehrlijProgress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 28 (1995) 87-135 107

Fig. 14. A, CT; B, NMR scan of a patient with multiple sclerosis. The NMR scan reveals multiple periventricular lesions (arrows), not
se& in the CT image (from Ref. [71] with permission).

other tissues. Unfortunately, however, T1 and T, abnormality would be isointense relative to the
are often correlated, i.e. if T2 is prolonged, so is T,. normal tissue [73,74]. The phenomenon is illus-
This conspiracy of nature can cause an abnormal- trated in Fig. 15. The problem can be circumvented
ity to appear hyperintense even though the tissue by minimizing the degree of saturation, in which
has prolonged relaxation times. It is readily seen case the first term in Eq. (15) vanishes, which
from the solution to the Bloch equation for a spin avoids contrast inversion.
echo that the magnetization is given by Of course, if the relaxation times were known a
priori, the pulse sequence parameters that afford
(14) optimum contrast, could easily be computed (see,
for example, Refs. [74,75]). Unfortunately, patients
where T, is the pulse sequence repetition time, and
present with symptoms covering a wide variety of
p(H) is the proton spin density. Since TR > T,,
pathologies and such an approach is therefore
Eq. (14) simplifies to
impractical. A heuristic strategy seeking parameter
M, cx p(H)(l - eeTR’T1)ePTE’TL combinations that are most likely to reveal pathol-
ogy thus seemed to be more appropriate. Riederer
Hence, if an abnormality such as a lesion were to and co-workers suggested an alternative strategy
have longer T, and T2 values relative to the sur- by what they called ‘image synthesis’ [76,77]. The
rounding tissue, then at short echo time (TE < T,) underlying idea is to optimize contrast retrospec-
it would appear hypointense due to the dominance tively by means of a user-interactive system consist-
of the first term in Eq. (15). However, at long TE, ing of computation of three basis (i.e. pulse
the signal from the lesion would be dominated sequence parameter independent) images, each
by the second term and the lesion would be displaying either T,, T2 or proton density which
hyperintense. There is thus a particular value at can be obtained from three sets of acquired images.
which the relative suppressing and signal- Once the basis images exist, images can be com-
enhancing effect of the two terms cancel and the puted retrospectively from Eq. (15) ideally in real
108 F. W. WehrlilProgress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 28 (1995) 87-135

Fig. 15. Spin-echo images obtained from a four-echo Carr-Purcell pulse sequence at a repetition time of 1 s, corresponding to echo
s of 25,50,75 and 100 ms, as annotated. The core of the tumor in the right temporal lobe (on the left side in the image) is se:en as a
: of slight hypointensity at rE = 25 ms, while edema is nearly isointense to normal brain. As TE increases both edema and tumor
become hyperintense (from Ref. [75], with permission)

time with interactive control of TR and TE. This None of these expectations have been fulfilled, in
approach, though appealing in principle, was that prolongation of relaxation times and increase
never accepted, perhaps because of the difficulty in spin density, turned out to be rather non-specific
to achieve perfect registration of the three data phenomena.
sets, but also because radiologists prefer acquiring In 1982 Crooks et al. introduced a general
images with different contrast characteristics in imaging protocol which, with only small modi-
different anatomic planes. fications, became the workhorse of clinical
Obtaining pure T1, T, and p images was thought imaging [61,72]. It is based on the empirical find-
by many to be the strategy of choice as it was ing that T2 is the parameter that is most sus-
widely hypothesized that relaxation times would ceptible to pathologic changes. Since, except at
be pathology-specific, as claimed by Damadian very low field strengths T2 < T, holds, T2 has
[12]. Even if T1, T2 or proton density, separately, the potential to vary over a much greater
did not provide sufficient discrimination, then range (by several hundred percent), in contrast
perhaps, it was argued by many, the combination to T1, which changes by no more than 50% in
of the three parameters, would provide specificity. pathologic tissue.
F. W. WehrlijProgress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 28 (1995) 87 135 109

9.3. TheJield strength debate the magnet alone was on the order of a half million
US dollars. These magnets had tremendous stray
In 1982 Crooks et al. [61] demonstrated the fields, with a 5 Gauss line (safety limit for cardiac
feasibility of head and whole-body imaging at pacemakers) more than 10 m from the magnet cen-
0.35 T field strength, which is more than twice the ter. Many hospital sites therefore would require
upper limit predicted earlier based on the perceived magnetic shielding to be able to accommodate a
difficulty to tune a large diameter coil to fre- 1.5 T system at all. The system would require
quencies above 6 MHz (see, for example, Ref. [3], higher-strength gradients, and more powerful r.f.
p. 82). While the initial images (see also Ref. [72]) amplifiers. Other potential hurdles were the
were not superior to those obtained by Young et al. unknown biological effects, notably the possibility
at 0.15 T [54,71,78,79], image quality improved of radiofrequency-induced tissue heating from
rapidly thereafter and was by many regarded as inductive losses, which scale as the square of the
superior to that achievable at lower field. resonance frequency. In particular, in the body, it
The critical importance attributed to SNR as would be a challenge to comply with the Food and
the single most significant factor limiting spatial Drug Administration’s (FDA) safety guidelines of
resolution, and the anticipation of intrinsically 0.4 W kg-’ r.f. power deposition. Finally, the first
higher SNR according to Eq. (12), created a strong images were not of a sufficient quality to make their
impetus for attempting imaging at even higher field clinical benefit immediately obvious. Another
strengths. However, there was an additional argument advanced by adversaries of high-field
motivation to raise the field strength for imaging. imaging was the predicted decreased contrast due
The conjecture that imaging and in vivo spectros- to the convergence of T1 as field strength increases,
copy would require systems operating at different as well as signal attenuation due to increased
field strengths, provided a disincentive to industry saturation [81]. Or that, in order to keep the che-
for developing in vivo medical spectroscopy (which mical shift artifact (a registration artifact resulting
was much further from clinical practicality than from the chemical shift difference between fat and
anatomical imaging). Clearly, if a compromise water [82]), one would have to increase the read
field strength existed, that would provide sufficient gradient strength, with a concomitant increase in
chemical shift dispersion while allowing high- bandwidth, and thus a loss in SNR [83].
quality imaging, spectroscopy in humans could be None of the above arguments, some of them
realized at little extra cost. aggressively defended in heated debates, such as
In 1982 a team of scientists at General Electric’s those at the 1984 Society of Magnetic Resonance
Corporate Research & Development Center in Annual Meeting in New York, were false. How-
Schenectady, New York, under the direction of ever, they did not alter the bottom-line observation
Rowland Redington, set out to construct an experi- that SNR increases with field strength, even in the
mental whole-body NMR system, based on a 1.5 T large-object limit of dielectrically lossy samples (i.e.
one-meter bore magnet, built by Oxford Instru- the human body). The proof was given in a land-
ments. This system produced the first head images mark paper by Edelstein et al. [41] who showed that
and surface coil spectra the same year (see, Refs. the intrinsic SNR scales linearly with field strength.
[40] and [SO] for details). The head images were They defined the intrinsic signal-to-noise ratio q1
obtained with a slotted tube resonator r.f. coil as the SNR per unit bandwidth measured from one
based on the Alderman-Grant design and the spec- milliliter of water (in HZ-‘/~ ml-‘), as it would be
tra with a simple surface coil placed on the obtained from an ideal loss-less coil (i.e. the entire
anatomy of interest (Fig. 16). noise is assumed to arise from the sample, rather
GE’s stakes were high. Both anticipated than the coil, and no losses from cables,
development and manufacturing cost (and thus preamplifiers, etc. are included). Of course, in rea-
projected system price) would far exceed the cost lity, there are coil and preamplifier losses. How-
of a system operating around 0.5 T, the target field ever, these can easily be measured from the
chosen by most of GE’s competitors. The cost of loaded and unloaded Q (QL and Qn) by inserting
F. W. Wehrli/Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 2R (1995) 87-135


-12 -8 -4 0 4 8 12 16 20

Fig. 16. (a) Early 1.5T images of the head, obtained by means of a 2D spin-echo spin warp pulse sequence with a repetition time of 0.2 s
in a total scan time of 102 s. Only five of the nine images are shown. Voxel size was 1 x I x 5 mm3. (b) Phosphorus-31 from the temporal
lobe (left) and proton-coupled carbon-l 3 spectra from the thigh, obtained with the same instrument which produced the proton images
(from Ref. [40], with permission).
F. W. WehrlilProgress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Specrroscopy 28 (1995) 87-135 111

y! (HEAD)
dY *
25000 2 = 1.37 + .14 X 10’ ml-’ Hz”’ T -’ dy ’
6000 - 2 = 3.7 f .4X 10’ml~’ Hz’ ’ 1 .’
r de0 l
I .

(4 0.00 0 25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 (b) 000 o.z5 0.50 ;o ‘00 ‘z5 150

Fig. 17. Intrinsic SNR UT,as a function of static magnetic field strength for a linearly polarized r.f. field: (a) head: (b) abdomen (from
Ref. [41], with permission).

the subject’s head or body into the coil, as can the Q as [41]
preamplifier noise figure N. The intrinsic SNR
Qi for a particular tissue and loading condition @‘r= q (16)
can then be obtained from the experimental SNR (1 - QL/QE)“~
Edelstein et al. determined Qr at four field strengths
for both the head and abdomen and found them to
increase linearly (Fig. 17).
Of course, whether or not the gain in SNR with
increasing field strength is realizable, depends on a
number of factors. If, in order to keep the chemical
shift misregistration artifact (which scales linearly
with field strength), constant, on would have to
increase field gradient amplitudes linearly as well.
The resulting increase in sampling frequency band-
width then would entail a relative penalty of Bili2.
The effect of increased Ti is more difficult to quan-
tify since it is tissue dependent. For most tissues
longitudinal relaxation obeys a power law,
Ti x a@ [67], with b z 0.2-0.4, thus resulting in
a 25550% increase from 0.5 to 1.5 T.
Besides General Electric’s marketing ability and
the eventual recognition by the radiological com-
munity that enhanced SNR equates to superior
image quality, there was a clinical observation
with significant impact, which gave high-field
Fig. 18. Acute hemorrhagic lesion in the left hemisphere of the
MRI a boost. It was the finding that at 1.5 T sub-
brain (right side in image) in 67 year old woman appears hypo-
intense due to shortened Tl, caused by diffusion of tissue water
acute hemorrhage in T2-weighted images shows up
in gradients set up by the paramagnetic deoxyhemoglobin in as a zone of hypointensity suggesting greatly
intact red blood cells (from Ref. [84], with permission). reduced T2, a behavior opposite to the one
112 F. W. Wehrli/Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 28 (1995) 87-135

exhibited by most pathologies. Gomori et al. [84] of milliseconds up to seconds, appears to be a

showed that the phenomenon was due to a major physical barrier to reaching data acquisition
relaxation mechanism previously described by rates anywhere comparable to those in CT. Of
Thulborn et al. [85] for water relaxation in red course, as long as a 90”-180” spin echo is collected,
blood cells containing paramagnetic deoxyhemo- there is no easy way around this problem. At a
globin (Fig. 18). The difference in magnetic sus- pulse repetition time of 0.1 s and T, x 1 s, we
ceptibility between the intra- and extracellular would recover only 10% of the equilibrium magne-
environments causes strong local field gradients tization. Of course, we have known since Ernst and
that scale with field strength. Self-diffusion in Anderson’s fundamental paper on pulse Fourier
these gradients is a powerful T, relaxation NMR [86], that there is an optimal nutation
mechanism which has a square field dependence, angle 0: for any value of TR/ TI , given by the relation
thus being more prominent at increased field cos oopt = exp(- TR/ T, ). As we recall, oopt is
strength. also the flip angle at which, in the event where
The question of optimum field strength for MRI TR > T2, the signal is independent of the preces-
was not debated for much longer. It became clear sion angle of the residual transverse magnetization.
that the question itself was simplistic in that exact The saturation problem can thus be alleviated if an
criteria would have to be specified to define its FID is collected. However, if we wish to acquire
meaning. Is an optimum being sought for the per- an echo (to sample both halves of k-space), the
unit-time image quality in either head or body solution seems to be less straightforward. The
imaging, or rather a compromise of the two? residual longitudinal magnetization following
Should the system be compatible with spectro- the o pulse, of course, is inverted by the subse-
scopic imaging? Or is it the break-even cost, defined quent 180” pulse and we are therefore farther
as the number of patients being scanned per day to from equilibrium than we would be if a 90”
recover the cost, which is to be optimized? If cryo- pulse were chosen. One possibility of a low
gen availability is a constraint this would immedi- flip-angle version of the spin warp sequence is
ately exclude field strengths above 0.3 T. As a result to reinvert the negative i&f, following the 180”
of the varying boundary conditions imposed by pulse by a second 180” pulse. The same effect
different economies, it is not surprising that today is achieved if an excitation flip angle
a wide range of whole-body clinical instruments are 180” - c+,r, followed by a single 180” pulse, is
being offered, ranging in field strength from less chosen [87]. These methods, unfortunately, were
than0.1 Tto4T. difficult to implement because of the poor slice
profile of selective inversion pulses [26].
Reduced r.f. pulse flip angle excitation, of
10. Increasing imaging speed course, can readily be reconciled with projection-
reconstruction imaging where an FID can be
10.1. Extensions of spin warp imaging sampled. It is also, as shown by Haase et al. [88],
compatible with the original embodiment of the
We have seen that in spin warp imaging, data spin warp method [33] in which an echo is formed
space is sampled line by line, each data line being by gradient reversal (subsequently termed ‘gradi-
separated in time by one pulse repetition period ent echo’). In their paper Haase and colleagues
TR. Hence, sampling NY rows takes the equivalent showed 64 x 128 and 256 x 256 images obtained
of NYpulse repetition periods and the critical ques- at 2.3 T in scan times of 1 and 6s respectively. In
tion thus is how short TR can be chosen without an extension to a second phase-encoding dimen-
excessive signal attenuation from spin saturation. sion, Matthaei et al. later reported 3D images
Early critics of MRI pointed out that the tech- from 1283 arrays acquired in 8 min scan time
nique would be inherently slower than its X-ray [89]. These results clearly contradicted earlier pre-
counterparts. The duration of spin-lattice dictions implying that 3D imaging would be
relaxation times, being on the order of hundreds impractical [38].
F. W. WehrlijProgress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 28 (1995) 87-135 113

Fig. 19. Effect of pulse flip angle on contrast in gradient-echo images, obtained at a pulse repetition time of 300 ms and varying pulse flip
angle. Lowering the pulse flip angle emphasizes structures with long T, and high proton density such as grey matter and cerebrosp inal
fluid (F.W. Wehrli, unpublished).

The above work had a significant impact for each pulse sequence cycle:
several reasons. First, it dispelled the notion that 1 - exp(-T,/Ti)
MR imaging would be inherently slower than CT. S(TR,a) c1: N(H)
I - cosoexp(-&/Ti) ‘lna
Second, the technique could be practiced on
standard imaging systems obviating the need for (17)
high-speed gradients. Third, the potential benefit, In Eq. (17) N(H) represents the proton spin den-
increased clinical efficiency, was immediately sity. It is readily seen that for o << 7r/2. the signal
obvious. Fourth, the technique provides significant becomes independent of T,, thus emphasizing
latitude as far as contrast is concerned, without the structures differing in proton density.
need to alter the pulse timing parameters, merely The FLASH technique as originally described is
by adjusting the pulse flip angle. This latter aspect subject to coherence artifacts when run under con-
is shown in Fig. 19 for a series of brain scans, ditions where T, < T2 applies. This, of course, is a
collected at constant pulse repetition and echo consequence of residual transverse magnetization,
time, but varying pulse flip angle. The contrast Ernst and Anderson calculated the steady-state
behavior at low flip angle is predicted on the transverse magnetization as a function of reso-
basis of Eq. (17) which follows from the Bloch nance offset 0 = AwTn [86]. In the rotating frame
equations for a train of r.f. pulses, assuming neg- the resonance offset is a function of the gradient
ligible transverse magnetization at the beginning of amplitude (AU = yGiri) with i = x,y,z. This is
F. W. WehrlijProgress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 28 (1995) 87-135

inhomogeneity. Any intrinsic gradients such as

those originating from local variations in magnetic
susceptibility, cause an imbalance in the gradient
moments which leads to local signal loss. While
such effects can be detrimental, there are clinical
situations where gradients are caused by pathology.
We have already seen that hemorrhage constitutes
such a case. Gradient echo imaging thus was found
to be exquisitely sensitive to small hemorrhagic
lesions [97,98]. Similarly, calcification causes a
local perturbation in the magnetic field, presum-
ably because calcium phosphate is more diamag-
netic than normal tissue [99]. The latter finding is
0 I
0 10 20 30
particularly revealing since MRI, during the early
R2' (Ilsec)
stages of clinical evaluation, was alleged to be
unable to detect calcium (while CT, of course, is
Fig. 20. Young’s modulus of elasticity obtained from compres- extremely sensitive to calcium). Another promising
sion of human lumbar vertebrae in inferior-superior direction, application is quantitative imaging of trabecular
plotted as a function of R;, the contribution to the effective
bone density [lOO,lOl] for the diagnosis of osteo-
transverse relaxation rate of the water protons in the inter-
trabecular spaces (from Ref. [103], with permission). porosis [ 1021. Very recently, Chung et al. [ 1031
showed that the induced magnetic fields resulting
not detrimental as long as the gradients are from the greater diamagnetic susceptibility of bone
constant from cycle to cycle. However, the phase- cause line broadening of the protons in the bone
encoding gradient is incremented and thus the pre- marrow cavities. Further, the line broadening, Ri,
cession angle varies as well. The solution to the was found to scale with Young’s modulus for com-
problem was found to be a phase-unwinding gra- pressive loading, thus providing a means of asses-
dient applied at the end of the pulse sequence cycle sing the elastic properties of bones (Fig. 20).
[90]. This variant of the generic FLASH pulse The ultimate scan speed achievable with FLASH
sequence has been denoted GRASS (gradient- and its derivatives is determined by the gradients’
recalled acquisition in the steady state) or FISP amplitude, slew rates and duty cycle, and the data
(fast imaging with steady-state precession). sampling frequency. Collecting a partial, rather
In addition to its obvious benefits, gradient-echo than the full echo, further shortens the pulse
imaging led to a number of new applications, which sequence cycle duration, but of course, entails a
include the study of dynamic processes [91], such as SNR penalty. In this manner, TR can be reduced
the passage of a bolus of contrast material through to 5 ms, or so, resulting in scan times of less than 1 s
liver and kidneys [92]. A particularly powerful for a 128 x 128 data array [104]. Rather than oper-
application of gradient-echo imaging is what ating in a steady-state mode, the pulse sequence can
became known as cardiac ‘tine’ imaging [93] which be preceded by a preparation pulse such as an
permits acquisition of images of the heart at multi- inversion pulse [ 104,105] or a DEFT preparation
ple cardiac phases. When a series of images pertain- cycle [ 1061.For a review of the principles and appli-
ing to successive cardiac phases are displayed cations of gradient-echo imaging techniques the
sequentially, a movie of the beating heart is obtained reader is referred to a recent review by Haacke
(for a review of the subject, see Glover and Pelt et al. [107] and a text by Wehrli [108].
[94]). Applications of the technique include the
quantification of cardiac function involving the 10.2 Multi-line scanning techniques
measurements of ventricular ejection fraction [95,96].
As previously pointed out, the signal in FLASH Potentially much higher scan rates can be
and its derivatives is sensitive to magnetic field attained by methods in which the magnetization
F. W. WehrliJProgress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 28 (1995) 87-135 115

is recalled in the form of repeated echoes which are

individually encoded. This is what underlies
Mansfield’s idea of collecting a train of recalled
Phase echoes by periodically reversing a gradient, say
G,, in the presence of a second constant gradient
GY [34,109]. In this manner, it was shown that the
entire encoding process could be completed during
b- Npx NfSamples -4
a single FID. It is readily seen that Mansfield’s
original approach consists of traversing half of
k-space in a zig-zag trajectory. The difficulties in
reconstructing images, from only half of the data
and non-orthogonal sampling grids were remedied
with the introduction of pre-encoding gradients
and discontinuous phase-encoding [ 1 10,l 111.
Figs. 21(a) and 21(b) illustrate the two different
approaches of scanning k-space.
* In addition, Pykett and Rzedzian inserted a 180”
phase reversal pulse such that the center of k-space
is scanned at the location of the spin echo. With
this significant modification, which they dubbed
‘instascan’, they succeeded in obtaining entire
images of 64 x 128 data arrays of the heart and
abdomen in as little as 50 ms at 2 T field strength
[1 11,112] (Fig. 22). For an in-depth discussion of
the subject the reader should consult the recent
Encoding u-“-- l ==‘=‘= - review by Cohen and Weisskoff [113].
An interesting corollary of single-shot EPI is that
the pulse repetition time loses its meaning since the
data are collected in a single sequence cycle. The
k spin system is in equilibrium and image contrast
f thus has no Ti dependence. Further, since the sig-
nal is derived from the full magnetization, weighted

only by e- TE’TZ,the SNR is higher than in a high-
speed gradient echo. On the other hand, repeated
acquisitions for the purpose of generating movies,
underlay the same restrictions as the conventional
, FLASH method, demanding adjustment of the r.f.
, flip angle to control saturation. Cohen and
, (
I 1 Weisskoff showed 16-frame cardiac movies obtained
Y I by acquiring complete images every 67 ms within a
single heart beat [113]. Unlike gated techniques
Fig. 21. (a) Mansfield’s original EPI approach: the read or fre- where each image data set, or fraction thereof, is
quency-encoding gradient is oscillated in the presence of a con- collected during consecutive heart beats, the
stant orthogonal gradient (‘phase-encoding’), top, resulting in a method is insensitive to variations in heart rate.
zig-zag trajectory across half of k-space. (b) By discretizing the
In contrast to the high-speed FLASH-type
phase-encoding gradient in the form of brief ‘blips’ and negative
pre-encoding gradients, both halves of k-space are scanned in a method, however, echoplanar imaging puts far
rectilinear fashion, thus permitting Fourier processing of the more stringent demands on instrumentation, in
raw data as in spin warp imaging. particular to amplitudes and slew rates of the
11 F. W. WehrlijProgress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 28 (1995) 87 13s


Fig. 22. Array of images obtained by the single-shot instascan technique from 16 different levels of the abdomen at 2 T field strength.
The total data acquisition for each 64 x 128 image was 40 ms. The voxel size was 0.06 cm3 and the SNR for muscle about 30 : 1. (a) Pulse
repetition time Ta = infinity; (b) Tn = 0.9 s. Echo times (left to right: 30,48,66 and 84 ms). Increased SNR and contrast in the images of
(a) are evident (from Ref. [ill], with permission).

gradients. Some of these conditions are relaxed if covered per echo train. By appropriately assigning
only a fraction of k-space is scanned from a single the echoes to the low spatial frequency signals
echo train, e.g. by interleaving multiple trajectories, (which contain most of the signal energy) Melki
which are combined prior to reconstruction and coworkers [ 118,119] demonstrated that
[114,115]. virtually any arbitrary contrast is possible. For
In 1986 Hennig introduced the spin-echo coun- example, phase-encoding early echoes with low
terpart of EPI [I 16,117], initiating a development gradient moments, de-emphasizes T2 weighting.
which would have a significant impact on clinical Hennig showed that the per-unit-time SNR can
imaging, though the work did not elicit broad be up to a factor of 100 higher in single-shot
interest initially. The perception that the images RARE, which again emphasizes what we have
emphasized structures with long T,, thereby seen for EPI, i.e. that increased scan speed does
producing significantly T2-weighted images, not inevitably penalize SNR. Therefore, the
prompted Hennig to dub his technique “RARE”, improved efficiency can be traded for improved
(rapid acquisition with relaxation enhancement). resolution (by a factor of four in linear resolution)
Early RARE images from Hennig and colleagues’ without adversely affecting SBR when compared to
original work are shown in Fig. 23. single-line spin-echo imaging. Further, it enables
Besides scan time reduction by up to an order of 3D imaging with all its benefits such as retrospec-
magnitude, one of RARE’s salient features is its tive data rearrangement with image display in
insensitivity to magnetic field inhomogeneities secondary planes, which hitherto was impractical
since spin echoes rather than gradient echoes are due to excessive scan time. Finally, it has also been
collected. Equally important, however, as Hennig shown that RARE and EPI principles can be com-
and colleagues showed, is the almost unlimited bined in such a manner that gradient echoes are
latitude in image contrast offered by the technique. interleaved into a spin-echo train [120,121] thus
The latter is possible if the method is implemented further augmenting efficiency.
in a hybrid mode with only a fraction of k-space An alternative k-space scanning technique
F. W. WehrlijProgress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Specfroscopy 28 (1995) 87-135 117


Fig. 23. RARE images from Hennig and co-workers’ 1986 work: (a) single-excitation image obtained by individually phase-encoding a
train of 256 echoes, showing essentially only structures with long Tl (brain tumor and cerebrospinal fluid). (b) RARE image obtained
from 16 trains of 16 echoes each. Due to the reduced echo train length structures with shorter T? such as the brain parenchyma become
more prominent (from Ref. [I 161, with permission).

which, like EPI uses oscillating gradients, is spiral Spiral scans require different reconstruction
scanning. As implied by the term, the k-space algorithms. Fourier transformation along the
trajectory in this case is a spiral originating at the radial coordinate affords a series of projections
k-space center. In 1986 Ahn et al. [122] reported the from which the image is obtained by filtered back
first spiral scan images while most of the more projection [122]. Alternatively, the data can be
recent work has been carried out in the Electrical rearranged into a rectilinear grid by interpolation,
Engineering Department at Stanford University, making it amenable to Fourier reconstruction
by Macovski and colleagues. They use constant- [123]. -
velocity interleaved k-space spirals (as opposed to We have thus seen that during the past two
constant angular frequency) [123], which has the decades since its inception, a wide spectrum of
advantage that k-space is covered more uniformly technical approaches has evolved for scanning
and that the amplitude of the oscillating gradients data space and optimizing data acquisition
is constant. Compared to EPI the gradient ampli- efficiency. We find that scan speed is a continuum
tude and slew rate requirements in spiral scanning ranging from milliseconds to minutes with trade-
are less demanding and the technique has been found offs between temporal resolution, SNR and spatial
to be tolerant to flow-related dephasing. The latter resolution. The rate at which k-space can be
observation has been attributed to the low gradient scanned is significantly determined by the available
moments near the k-space center and the periodic hardware, in particular the achievable amplitudes
simultaneous return to zero of all moments [123]. of the spatial encoding gradients and their
118 F. W. WehrlijProgress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 28 (1995) 87-135

switching rates, and the bandwidth of the receiver. (even) echoes. This result can readily be verified
Besides intrinsic SNR, the ultimate scan speed may by evaluating the phase integral at the time of the
be limited by potentially harmful bioeffects, nth echo, with n = 2,4,6, . . . , and assuming that
notably peripheral nerve stimulation caused at x(t) = vt holds.
increased dB/dt of the switched gradients [ 1241. 2nr
4(x) = 71; Gx(t)dt = yGv tdt (18)
11. Imaging of blood flow, organ perfusion and Singer studied the effect of unidirectional motion in
neurologic function the presence of magnetic field gradients [130] and
Hemminga and D. Jager used this technique to
We shall now turn to another development in measure flow in capillaries [131].
MRI with very significant clinical benefit: imag- All of the above work preceded imaging. Pre-
ing of the vascular system and quantification of sumably the first documented observation of a
blood flow. The study of fluid motion by NMR time-of-flight flow effect in an NMR image is
began well before imaging and, in fact, is almost found in the work by Hinshaw et al. [49] who
as old as NMR in condensed phase itself. observed signal enhancement for the vessels in the
Suryan, in 1951, noted that the signal from wrist. Crooks et al. [72,132] described the enhance-
spins in a fluid flowing through a coil first ment for slowly flowing blood orthogonal to the
increased as the fluid velocity increased and sub- slice arising from inflow of unsaturated spins.
sequently decreased [125]. The increase was They found the effect to be absent for fast flow,
attributed to replacement of partly saturated by an observation which they attributed to the
fully polarized spins. Much of the early work on increasing fraction of spins entering the slice during
blood flow by means of NMR is owed to Singer the defocusing period (time between the 90” and
who devised the method of radiofrequency 180” pulses). An early illustration of vascular signal
demagnetization tagging and performed the first enhancement in spin-echo spin warp images of the
blood flow measurements in a living system superior sagittal sinus (a large vein at the surface of
[126]. In the 1970s Battocletti and coworkers the brain along the head’s midline) is found in
conceived a real-time limb flow meter [127,128]. Ref. [72]. Manifestations of the ‘even-echo rephas-
In the preferred embodiment the protons are ing’ effect, as Carr and Purcell’s observation later
polarized in a large enough magnet encompass- was called, were reported in modulus MR images
ing the entire limb. The spins are excited and [133,134] for blood flow occurring along the read
detected in the continuous-wave mode at the gradient. Of course, as shown by Wehrli et al. [ 1331
site of measurement. During slow diastolic flow a reduction in the pixel signal intensities is possible
the signal is reduced due to saturation whereas only if there is a distribution of velocities such as in
during fast systolic flow there is sufficient inflow the case of laminar flow, which leads to destructive
of unsaturated magnetized spins to give rise to interference of the spin isochromats.
enhancement. Using such a device, flow rates
were measured in human subjects, including I I .l. MR angiography and quantitative flow imagitig
patients with peripheral vascular disease [ 1291.
An entirely different manifestation of moving While NMR’s potential for non-invasive assess-
spins is their effect on spin phase. In their classic ment of blood flow dynamics was recognized early,
paper Carr and Purcell found the echo amplitude it is clearly not practical without some form of
obtained from a train of 180” r.f. pulses attenuated image-based localization. In 1982 Moran [135]
on odd-numbered echoes in the presence of con- proposed an experiment capable of producing
vection currents [7]. They predicted that spins images providing both spatial and dynamic infor-
moving along a gradient magnetic field G with mation. His idea was to encode velocity in a man-
constant velocity ~1, when subjected to a 90” ner analogous to spatial phase-encoding. It can
(--7-180°--7), pulse train, refocus on alternate readily be shown that a bipolar balanced gradient
F. W. Wehr1iJProgre.u in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 28 (1995) 87-135 119

(i.e. a gradient which consists of two lobes of equal proposed by Moran [135]. However, rather than
area but opposite polarity) encodes for velocity stepping this gradient, it is held constant. Pairs of
whilst, as we have seen previously, does not impart data, obtained with and without a motion sensitiz-
phase shifts on stationary spins. It is easy to show ing gradient, can be processed to afford a phase
that such a gradient pair induces a phase shift difference which is proportional to blood flow
$ = yvAT where A = 1 G(t)dt is the time integral velocity, as shown by Bryant et al. [141], Nayler
of each gradient lobe, T the time difference between et al. [93], and also O’Donnell [142]. A significant
the two lobes, and TJthe spins’ velocity in the direc- improvement was the introduction of gradient
tion of the field gradient. Stepping this gradient waveforms which compensate for phase shifts
analogous to the spatial phase-encoding gradient caused by constant-velocity flow [93,143,144]. It
yields, after Fourier transformation, a spectrum can readily be seen from the integral of Eq. [lS]
of velocities. Of course, encoding in all three spatial that for a gradient of three lobes such as shown
directions for both spatial spin density and velo- in Fig. 25(a) the phase is exactly nulled for spins
city, would require a six-dimensional data set, moving at constant velocity in the direction of the
which would demand excessive scan time and gradient, provided that the three lobes have an area
thus is impractical. However, the dimensionality ratio of 1 : 2 : 1 and the middle lobe has opposite
can be reduced, for example, to one spatial and polarity. If, on the other hand, the third lobe is
one velocity dimension, as shown by Redpath et offset by a time increment A, a phase shift propor-
al. in a phantom [136] and in vivo by Feinberg tional to velocity and A is produced. A phase dif-
and Mark [137] who applied the technique to the ference image can then be displayed with zero
measurement of cerebrospinal fluid dynamics, and phase shift in intermediate grey, and positive and
later by Hennig et al. [ 1381and Merboldt et al. [ 1391 negative phase shifts (corresponding to forward
who measured blood flow in the vessels of the neck. and reverse flow) in brighter and darker shades of
The motion-induced spin dephasing phenom- grey, respectively. Fig. 25 illustrates the phase con-
enon is the basis of the first angiographic images trast flow imaging method by Nayler et al. [93],
reported in 1985 [140]. The idea underlying the together with images processed to display magni-
technique of Wedeen et al. 11401 was to produce tude and phase difference. From the latter, velocity
two sets of image data, with one set gated to sys- and flow rates during the cardiac cycle can be eval-
tole, and the second set to diastole. During the uated (Fig. 25(d)). A more efficient encoding strat-
diastolic phase, arterial flow velocities are low egy entails acquisition of two data sets which are
with a relatively narrow distribution. Hence the both velocity encoded by means of bipolar gradi-
isochromats within a volume element maintain ents with reversed polarity. These techniques
their phase coherence. By contrast, during systole permit measurement of flow velocities and volume
the velocities are much higher and the distribution flow as a function of cardiac phase and have been
wider, leading, according to Eq. (18) to greater discussed in detail by Pelt et al. [ 1451and by Firmin
phase dispersion and thus attenuation of the vas- et al. [146].
cular signal. Since the phase of stationary protons The concept of bipolar flow-sensitizing gradients
is not dependent on the cardiac phase, subtraction is the basis of phase contrast angiography. a tech-
of the two data sets will lead to cancellation of the nique generally attributed to Dumoulin and
stationary background while highiighting the sig- coworkers [147,148]. Just as in quantitative flow
nal from arterial water (Fig. 24). velocimetry, the flow-encoding gradients are
Instead of exploiting phase shifts caused by the applied in pairs for each k-space line k,, with
imaging gradients (the readout gradient in the alternately reversed polarity. Complex subtraction
above technique), better control of the induced of the two data sets then yields an image in which
phase shifts is achieved by resorting to velocity- signal from moving spins, proportional to sin $, is
encoding gradients, for example, by subjecting retained, while all other signals cancel. Since flow is
the spins to bipolar balanced gradients which affect multidirectional. encoding has to occur in all three
the phase of moving spins only, akin to the method spatial directions. By suitably combining the data,
120 F. W. WehrlilProgress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Specrroscopy 28 (1995) 87-135

Fig. 24. A, During diastole flow velocities are low and the dis-
tribution is small. In the presence of a gradient, such as the
readout gradient, applied parallel to the direction of flow,
phase coherence is maintained. By contrast, during systole,
flow velocities are higher, resulting in a broader distribution
and thus loss of phase coherence. B and C, Projection spin-
echo images acquired during systole (B) and diastole (C); D,
difference C - B (images, courtesy Dr Van Wedeen, with

between successive excitations. This technique

does not require special flow-encoding gradients
and can, in principle, be practiced with ordinary
spin warp gradient-echo imaging. Gullberg et al.
[149] first showed that by reprojecting a set of
contiguous gradient-echo images acquired such
that flow is essentially perpendicular to the
plane of section, an angiographic image can be
obtained. By presaturating the water in venous
blood (which typically flows in a direction oppo-
site to that of arterial blood) arterial and venous
flow can be distinguished. By means of a ray
tracing algorithm [ 1501 which retains the highest
signal the projection rays hit while traversing the
a set of tomographic vascular images is obtained imaging volume, Keller et al. obtained arterio-
which can be reprojected to yield a projection grams of the vessels of the neck [151]. Other
angiogram analogous to X-ray contrast angiography. versions of the technique whereby instead of a
Another class of angiographic imaging tech- stack of 2D images a 3D volume is collected, are
niques exploits the earlier mentioned time-of-flight being practiced as well [152,153]. For a compre-
effect, i.e. the inflow of fully polarized spins hensive discussion of blood flow imaging, the
F. W. WehrlijProgress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscop_v 28 (1995) 87-135

0 200 Go ’ -6M

Time Imsec)

Fig. 25. Principle of the phase difference flow measurement

technique by Nayler et al. [93], illustrated for measuring flow
perpendicular to the plane of section. (a) A slice-selection gra-
dient which produces zero phase shift in the presence of constant
velocity flow (solid line). By offsetting the third lobe by a time
increment A (shaded line), the phase from spins Rowing with
velocity 11 in the direction of the gradient will be shifted by
4 = QUA J G(f)dt. (b) Magnitude image showing major vessels
in the chest; (c) phase difference images obtained from the same
data. Static material is displayed in intermediate gray, flow in
cranial direction is black, flow toward the feet white. Flow is
seen in the ascending aorta (AA), descending aorta (DA), pul-
monary artery (PA), and superior vena cava (WC). (d) Plots of
volume Row rate for the vessels depicted in (b) and (c). as a
function of cardiac phase. (Parts (b)-(d) from Ref. [93], with

interested reader may consult the recent text by

Potchen et al. [154].

11.2. Imaging of tissue perfusion

Of perhaps even greater significance than bulk

flow rates is the assessment of regional blood flow
by microcirculation, also denoted ‘perfusion’
which is associated with energy metabolism.
Positron emission tomography (PET) and single
photon emission tomography (SPECT) have been
the classic modalities for image-based perfusion
measurements. Since both use ionizing radiation
and suffer from relatively poor resolution, MRI
was soon recognized as potentially superior. Simi-
lar to SPECT and PET, most MRI perfusion
measurements are based on exogenously adminis-
tered tracers, typically relaxation agents and rest
on the premise that the differential relaxation rate
AR,,1is proportional to the concentration of the
122 F. W. WehrlilProgress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 28 (1995) 87-135

blood stream, induces an inhomogeneous magnetic

field which is a function of the shape of the com-
partment (see, for example, Ref. [156]). Villringer
et al. [157] first showed that confinement of the
susceptibility agent to the capillaries, which in the
brain is the case due to the blood-brain barrier,
causes an inhomogeneous field in the vicinity of
the capillaries and thus shortened T;. Since the
induced field gradients extend well beyond the
capillaries, the spins in the entire brain parenchyma
sense the inhomogeneous field as the bolus transits
the capillary bed. We have seen previously that a
pulse sequence involving a gradient echo is sensi-
tive to magnetic field inhomogeneity. Hence, as the
bolus passes the pixel signal intensity first decreases
and increases thereafter. With the bolus transit
time being on the order of 10 s, mapping of the
signal pixel by pixel requires high temporal resolu-
(4 tion which can be achieved with techniques such as
EPI. From the integral of the signal vs. time curve
the relative blood volume can be determined
[155,158]. Fig. 26 shows an array of images
obtained following administration of a bolus of
contrast material, along with signal intensity-
time curves. The larger area obtained from a grey
matter region is consistent with a capillary volume
which is greater in grey than in white matter.
Other ,approaches not relying on externally
administered tracers have been reported as well.
o+ t Williams et al. [159] reported a technique whereby
10 20 30 they labeled arterial spins in a slice of tissue proxi-
@I ’ SECONDS mal to the slice of interest by means of an inversion
Fig. 26. (a) Sixteen sequential gradient echo-planar images of or saturation pulse. Inflow of partially saturated
canine brain, sampled at l-s intervals during bolus contrast arterial water causes a small reduction in signal
injection of 0.2 mM kg-’ DY(DTPA)~-. The images show the amplitude which depends on blood flow, the appar-
time course of the transit of the contrast, manifesting in a tran- ent relaxation rate in the presence of saturation or
sient reduction in signal intensity due to spin dephasing caused
by the paramagnetic susceptibility of the agent in the intravas-
inversion, l/T,,,,,, and the brain-blood partition
cular compartment. (b) Signal vs. time curve from regions of coefficient. By means of this technique perfusion
interest pertaining to white and grey matter (from Ref. [212], maps were obtained in the brain of small animals
with permission). at high field. While the technique has been shown
to afford quantitative results, it requires high SNR
agent (for a review of the subject, see, for example since the differential signal is obtained from arterial
Ref. [ 1551). water only, which accounts for less than 5% of all
Of particular interest are relaxation agents which spins present.
affect T;. Due to its paramagnetic susceptibility, Another endogenous tracer is deoyhemoglobin
an agent such as gadolinium or dysprosium-III which, as we have seen earlier, plays a critical
chelate (e.g. gadolinium diethylenetriammine- role in the diagnosis of hemorrhage. Analogous
penta-acetate, Gd-DTPA), when injected into the to a paramagnetic tracer, deoxyhemoglobin in
F. W. WehrlijProgress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 28 (1995) 87-135 123

of the position vector r relative to the direction of

the applied magnetic field. The induced field is thus
inhomogeneous and causes a dispersion of the
phase of the spin isochromats, analogous to the
effect of an exogenous paramagnetic agent such
as a lanthanide chelate, discussed above.
The discovery of the BOLD effect represents a
major biophysical milestone providing the basis of
functional brain imaging. Ogawa et al. [ 1611found
Motor Response Time Course that BOLD contrast could be altered by physiolo-
gic challenges which alter blood flow. By means of
stim rest stim
rest gradient echoplanar imaging, Turner et ai. [162]
showed that oxygenation in the cat brain can be
monitored on the basis of the BOLD effect.
In 1991 Belliveau et al. [ 1631 reported the first
detection of the response to a change in cognitive
state by MRI. Specifically, they produced blood
volume maps in the manner described earlier, i.e.
by administering a bolus of Gd(DTPA) and
I I I recording the signal-time curve. By calculating
0 64 128 192 256 the difference between sets of images taken with
Seconds and without visual stimulus, they found up to
24% increase in blood volume in the visual cortex.
Fig. 27. A, Activation of motor cortex obtained by subtracting Shortly thereafter, three research groups reported
two gradient-echo images recorded with and without contra-
lateral hand squeezing. B, Temporal response obtained by plot-
task activation in the human brain on the basis of
ting region-of-interest signal changes in images acquired at a the BOLD effect [ 164- 1661in the visual and motor
rate of 0.5 SC’ (from Ref. [213], with permission). cortex. The pattern observed in consistent and has
since been corroborated in at least 100 labora-
venules, by virtue of its paramagnetic susceptibility tories: an increase in parenchymal signal intensity
and confinement in the capillaries, induces a small in the pertinent cortical areas during stimulation.
inhomogeneous field near the boundaries of the At 1.5 T the signal increase in gradient-echo images
capillaries. Ogawa showed that the gradient-echo is on the order of 2-5%, but can be considerably
signal intensity in the brain is dependent on the larger at higher field [167,168]. The effect has been
blood oxygen level and denoted this form of con- ascribed to an increase in blood flow and thus
trast ‘blood oxygen level dependent’ or BOLD replacement of venous by oxygenated blood. Func-
[ 1601.At high oxygenation level hemoglobin is pre- tional maps of brain activity may then be produced
dominantly in its diamagnetic oxy state and thus by subtracting image data from one another, taken
the magnetic susceptibility inside and outside the in the presence and absence of a stimulus and
capillaries is the same. On the other hand, in its superimposing the difference data onto higher-
paramagnetic deoxy state, the difference in volume resolution anatomic images, though more sophisti-
susceptibility, Ax, is sufficient to produce a field cated processing strategies have been reported as
shift [85]. For a cylindrical capillary of radius a, well [169]. Fig. 27 illustrates the effect of cortical
oriented perpendicular to the magnetic field, the activation and the time course of the observed
induced field AH/H, outside the capillary is signal changes.
given by
11.3. D$fusion and magnetization transfer contrast
AH/H,, = 27rAx(~/r)~(2cos~ 0 - 1) (19)
where r( 2 a) is the radial distance and 0 is the angle We have seen earlier that the NMR image
124 F. W. WehrlilProgress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 28 (1995) 87-135

Fig. 28. 2 T images of cat brain, 1 h following stroke induced by occlusion of the middle cerebral artery: (a) Tz weighted image (no
diffusion weighting, b = 0); (b) same pulse sequence parameters as (a), but with diffusion weighting, b = 1.413 s mm-*; (c) calculated
diffusion image, from (a) and ib) (from M.E. Moseley, Ref. [214], p 24, with permission).

typically is a map of spin density modulated by the requires collection of a multitude of images.
relaxation parameters and, possibly, the chemical More importantly, however, the images are sensi-
shift of the particular chemical species selected. tive to bulk motion resulting from physiologic
While in relaxation-weighted images the signal motion such as pulsatile blood flow, cerebrospinal
amplitude is sensitive to rotational diffusion, fluid motion and involuntary patient motion. Suffi-
Le Bihan et al. [170] first showed that images can cient diffusion sensitivity requires either large
be obtained in which the signal is modulated by gradients, not until recently available on whole-
translational diffusion. For this purpose, they body imagers, or large A values and thus
incorporated a pair of balanced gradients sym- intolerable T2 signal losses. Dedicated high-power
metrically disposed on either side of a 180” phase gradient inserts and the incorporation of the diffu-
reversal pulse into the conventional spin warp sion gradients into an echoplanar readout scheme
imaging sequence, analogous to the Stejskal- remedied both problems [ 1721.
Tanner pulsed field gradient experiment [171]. Of An interesting though not unexpected finding
course, in the absence of molecular displacements, was the observation of anisotropic diffusion in tis-
the phase at the time of the echo is nulled. How- sues. In neural white matter, Moseley et al. found
ever, in the presence of random motion, phase dis- the diffusion coefficients to be reduced for myelin
persion occurs, with a concomitant attentuation of fiber tracts oriented perpendicular to the diffusion
the transverse magnetization. For a pair of diffu- sensitizing gradients [173]. A finding of substantial
sion sensitizing gradients of duration S, separated clinical importance reported by the same group
by A milliseconds, the transverse magnetization, in of researchers [ 174,175], showed that diffusion-
the presence of a gradient G, is given by weighted images are sensitive to brain ischemia,
in that the ischemic territory exhibits reduced
MXY= M&exp[-y2G2DS2(A - S/3) -t TE/T2] diffusivity, a phenonemon usually attributed to
cellular swelling and thus reduced extracellular
volume. The technique thus offers a new diagnostic
the term b = y2G2b2(A - S/3) is called the gradi- tool for evaluating early stroke (Fig. 28).
ent factor and its exact form depends on the nature Another more recently discovered contrast
of the diffusion sensitizing gradient. It is thus mechanism with clinical potential is magnetization
readily recognized from Eq. (20) that by varying transfer (MT) imaging [64,176]. Wolff and Balaban
6, the diffusion coefficient can be evaluated pixel [64] showed that irradiation off-resonance from the
by pixel as the slope of ln(M,YY)vs. b. tissue water protons causes a signal reduction.
The technique as described is laborious as it They postulated the effect to arise from cross
F. W. WehrlilProgress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy .?H (1995) X7-135 125

relaxation, i.e. a dipolar interaction with protons early work by Richards and Moon [ 1801 who first
bound to macromolecules (e.g. proteins). Such an reported high-resolution 3’P NMR spectra of
effect was previously described by Edzes and intact red blood cells in which the various phos-
Samulski for hydrated collagen and muscle [18] phorus metabolites could be identified. The idea
and Koenig et al. for protein solutions [177]. The of sampling signal from a small volume of tissue
saturation of the protons in the macromolecular by means of what became the surface coil [ 1811
matrix is carried over to the observable protons made spectroscopic NMR in live animals and ulti-
via chemical exchange and other processes such mately humans possible. Britton Chance at the
as spin diffusion. The concomitant signal attenua- University of Pennsylvania and George Radda at
tion is tissue-specific and is typically expressed in Oxford University used 3’P NMR extensively to
terms of the magnetization transfer ratio study cellular metabolism in vivo. Much of the
r = (1 - 1,/Z,), where Z, and I,, represent the signal work reported during the first decade of in vivo
measured with and without off-resonance irradia- spectroscopy is summarized in a review article by
tion. Since the efficiency of cross relaxation Bottomley [182].
increases with increasing correlation time of the The field of in vivo NMR is so vast that even a
cross-relaxing species (decreased rate for reorienta- cursory coverage of its history is not within the
tional motion), the MT ratio parallels this behavior. intended scope of this article. I will, however,
MT images are typically generated by either attempt, to briefly delineate the major technologi-
continuous-wave [64] or pulsed [ 1781 irradiation cal milestones that led to the current state of art of
off resonance. The interpretation of contrast in metabolic MRI. Much of the early work is dis-
MT images is complicated in that intensity varia- cussed in a text by Gadian [ 1831. For a more recent
tions may represent differences in exchange rates as discussion of the subject, the reader may consult
well as relaxation times and proton densities. The the recent treatise by Gillies [184].
development of models for a detailed quantitative It was recognized early that in order to be prac-
understanding of the MT effect in tissues is a field tical, some form of spatial localization would be
of intense current research. The clinical applica- needed. The conceptionally simplest approach is
tions of MT imaging have recently been reviewed based on the distance-dependent sensitivity profile
by Baiaban and Ceckler [ 1791. of surface coils, first described by Ackerman et al.
[ 18 I]. Other related approaches not requiring static
spatial encoding gradients make use of the spatial
12. Localized spectroscopy and spectroscopic dependence of the flip angle in the presence of a B,
imaging gradient produced by a surface coil, exploiting the
previously discussed rotating frame zeugmato-
In vivo spectroscopy was for a long time graphy principle [32]. Garwood et al. [185] applied
regarded as a discipline separate from imaging this method as a means of obtaining localized
and the development of the technology thus spectra of “‘P metabolites.
initially proceeded on parallel paths and there An early localization scheme utilizing magnetic
was little communication between in vivo spectro- field gradients is described by Gordon et al. [I861
scopists and the medical imaging community. In who showed that by shaping the field with a non-
good part this separate evolution is cultural in linear gradient of cylindrical symmetry, a relatively
origin. In vivo spectroscopy, now referred to by homogeneous spot along the axis of a supercon-
the acronym MRS (magnetic resonance spectro- ducting magnetic is produced. While straight-
scopy, in distinction to MRI) is a tool for probing forward to implement, the major shortcoming of
cellular metabolism, rather than morphology. It is this approach is that the hot spot is not easily
thus understandable that MRS initially had more movable. More advanced techniques, suited to
appeal to the biochemist and physiologist than to select a volume at arbitrary location on the basis
the traditional user of imaging, the radiologist. of an anatomic image-based prescription, rely on
Spectroscopy of living systems dates back to the linear imaging gradients. The first among these is
Fig. 29. Multislice proton spectroscopic images of the normal brain. The images labeled GRASS, NAA, Cr and Cho correspond to the
bulk proton image (obtained by a gradient echo imaging technique, referred to as ‘GRASS’), and images displaying the methyl
resonance signal amplitudes from N-acetyl aspartate, creatine and choline, respectively (from Ref. [i94], with permission).

‘depth-resolved surface coil spectroscopy’ (DRESS) The most commonly used nuclei for probing
which uses slice selection in the presence of a linear cellular metabolism in vivo are ‘H, 3’P and 13C.
gradient analogous to 2D imaging. Other, more Metabolic constituents amenable to proton spec-
elaborate approaches seek selection of a parallele- troscopy are N-acetyl aspartate, which has been
piped-shaped volume [ 1871; ‘point-resolved spec- invoked as a marker of neuronal integrity, choline,
troscopy’ (PRESS) [188] and ‘stimulated echo creatine, glutamate and lactic acid, the last occurring
acquisition’ (STEAM) [189]. The principle of the primarily in ischemic insults. 31P NMR is suited for
latter two approaches is to generate an echo from measuring the levels of high-energy phosphates
three spatially selective r.f. pulses, each adminis- adenosine triphosphate and phosphocreatine, inor-
tered in the presence of a slice-selective gradient ganic phosphate and membrane phospholipids.
applied in one of the three orthogonal planes. Var- Applications of spectroscopic imaging to the
iants of these techniques are currently practiced, neurologic system and body in humans are dis-
often in conjunction with water and lipid suppres- cussed in a recent book chapter by Meyerhoff [ 1951.
sion as well as some form of spectral editing. A significant challenge for NMR spectroscopic
Inherent to the single-voxel localized spectro- imaging (SI) - versus radionuclide scanning such
scopy experiment is its relative inefficiency since as positron emission tomography (PET) or single
data are gathered from a fraction of the total tissue photon emission tomography (SPECT)-is detec-
volume only. A radically different approach is tion sensitivity. We need to be cognizant of the fact
based on the principles of spin warp imaging, i.e. that most metabolites of interest are present at
by encoding spatial information into the phase of millimolar concentration only, compared with cel-
the r.f. signal by modulating the static field. In this lular water which has a concentration of about 40
manner it was shown that chemically shifted molar. Hence, the intrinsic SNR in metabolic
species can be imaged. Instead of reading the signal imaging is reduced by a factor of lo4 relative to
in the presence of a frequency-encoding gradient tissue water, which can be offset in practically
(which would provide additional frequency dis- only one way, i.e. by trading spatial resolution
persion), it is collected in the absence of any gra- for sensitivity. Given a typical lower limit of
dient [190-1921. The result, following Fourier about 1Op4cm3 for bulk proton imaging in humans
transformation along the three time coordinates, at 1.5 T field strength and further that SNR is pro-
are anatomic maps of spatial spin density as a func- portional to voxel size, one would predict voxel
tion of chemical shift, i.e. images of individual sizes for SI on the order of about 1 cm3, consistent
metabolites. Alternatively, entire spectra from with a linear resolution of about 1 cm. This order
individual voxels may be displayed [193]. Fig. 29 of resolution has indeed been attained at 1.5 T field
shows recently published proton images of specific strength (e.g. Ref. [ 1941)and is likely to be surpassed
metabolites in the human brain [194]. with the advent of higher field whole-body
F. W. WehrlilProgress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 28 (1995) 87-135 127

and will continue to have in the future on medical

diagnosis, its microscopic version, typically denoted
NMRmicroscopy (NMRM), now plays a significant
role in the basic biological and medical sciences.
Applications pursued include the study of the
response to experimental drugs in animal models,
histology, plant biology and physiology, food tech-
nology and the material sciences - both synthetic
and biological. For a discussion of specific applica-
tions the reader is referred to the book, edited by
Bliimich and Kuhn [197]. The theory and applica-
tions of NMR microscopy have been extensively
treated in Callaghan’s erudite 1991 book [ 1981.
Though already mentioned as a possible exten-
sion of large-scale zeugmatography by Lauterbur
[lo] in 1973 and also by Mansfield and Grannell in
1975 [9], NMRM began in earnest only ten years
ago. Callaghan defines NMR microscopy as
MRI at a linear resolution of less than 100
pm. Perhaps the first truly microscopic image
meeting this criterion was reported by Aguayo
et al. in 1986 [199] with NMR micrographs
from an intact single cell (ovum from Xenopus
leavis, the African clawed toad), at a resolution
of 10 x 13 pm* (Fig. 30(a)).
We have seen earlier that resolution in MRI is
(b) determined by the maximum spatial frequencies
sampled. Since the spatial frequency is propor-
tional to the time integral of the spatial encoding
Fig. 30. (a) First NMR micrograph from a single cell (ovum of gradients (Eq. (4)) and the limited life time of the
African clawed toad, Xetropus laevis) obtained at 360 MHz using
NMR signal leaves little room for extending
a spin-echo technique. The in-plane pixel size was IO x I3 pm*,
the slice thickness 250 pm (from Aguayo et al. [199], with per- gradient on-time, gradient amplitudes typically
mission). (b) NMR micrograph at 4 pm in-plane pixel size and limit the achievable resolution in MRI. The resolu-
100-300 pm slice thickness obtained by a gradient-echo spin tion limit in NMRM has been addressed in detail
warp imaging technique in which essentially only the descending by Callaghan and Eccles [200] and Cho et al. [201].
portion of the echo is sampled as a means of minimizing dif-
For a summary discussion of this work the reader
fusion-induced signal attenuation, showing human hairs
suspended in glycerin, from 25- and 60-year old males, corre- may consult the book chapter by Zhou and
sponding to diameters of about 20 and 70 /Am, respectively (from Lauterbur [202].
Ref. [201], with permission). For frequency-encoded methods it is obvious
that in order to separate two neighboring pixels
instrumentation (see, for example, Hetherington of length Ar, the bandwidth per pixel, yGAr/27r
et al. [196]). Such resolution, however, is still inferior has to exceed the line width 6~ = l/rT,. For bio-
by about a factor of 223 to state-of-the-art PET. logical systems T2 = 50 ms, so this criterion is
easily satisfied for a resolution of 2 pm at the
modest gradient strength of about 10 G cm-‘.
13. NMR microscopy However, for phase encoding, this is not the case.
Cho et al. [201] showed that it is the phase
Besides the enormous impact MRI had so far uncertainty, A& which limits resolution, according
128 F. W. Wehrli/Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 28 f 199Sj X7-135

to limiting factor. By means of synchronization of

A4 = yG,TAr both heart motion and electronically paced lung
ventilation to data acquisition, Gewalt et al. [204]
where G, and T represent the phase encoding gra- obtained superb high-resolution images of the rat
dient amplitude and its duration, respectively. thorax.
Considering further that the Nyquist criterion has Though perhaps never achieving the resolution
to be satisfied in Fourier imaging (demanding of optical microscopy, NMRM is far more versa-
A$ = rr), Eq. (21) would require a gradient ampli- tile. It shares all of the intrinsic properties with its
tude of 1174 G cm-’ in order to achieve a 1 pm large-scale counterpart, MRI, i.e. it is non destruc-
pixel size! The gradient requirements in Fourier tive and inherently three-dimensional. Acquisition
NMRM are thus far more stringent than in PR of a 3D data set permits retrospective slicing across
NMRM. This treatment, however, ignores phase the imaging volume or, alternatively, by means of
jitter arising from diffusion. Cho et al. [201] image processing techniques, permits display of
obtained a relationship for the diffusion-limited surface-rendered 3D images. However, perhaps
minimal pixel size, as the most significant aspect is the latitude it offers
to the user for contrast manipulation. Images can
Ar> ZDT (22) be made sensitive to specific chemical constituents,
relaxation times, diffusion, or flow.
with D being the diffusion coefficient and T the
duration of the phase encoding gradient. For
T = 1.5 ms and D M 10-j cm2 s-*, Eq. (21) yields 14. Current state-of-the-art and beyond
a resolution limit of 1 pm.
The highest resolution reported so far, albeit in Two decades after its inception and 15 years
two dimensions only, is 4 pm [201], of human hair after the beginning of clinical trials in humans,
specimens (Fig. 30(b)), though NMR micrographs MRI has reached a level of sophistication which
from smaller voxels have been reported (for a com- makes it difficult to foresee further advances. We
pilation, see, for example, Table 1, in Ref. [202]). are now in a position to acquire images of human
The practical limitation to achieving higher spatial anatomy that rival the detail seen in anatomic sec-
resolution, of course, is the available SNR which tions. Fig. 31 shows a comparison of two images
scales as ( Ar)3. Therefore, increasing resolution, from comparable anatomic locations, one obtained
from say 100 to 1 pm, would demand an increase at the University of Nottingham in about 1980, the
in SNR by six orders of magnitude, which seems to other more recently, by means of the RARE tech-
impose insurmountable barriers to approaching nique. In an attempt to quantify the improvement
the theoretical resolution limit. However, recent in image quality, we may resort to the notion that
work by Black et al. who constructed a receiver image quality can be evaluated in terms of an
coil made of YBazCu307 high-temperature super- index, expressed as the product of per-unit-time
conductor with a quality factor (Q) of 50000 at a SNR and the reciprocal of voxel volume (the latter
field of 7 T [203] indicates that the prospects for representing some figure of merit of spatial resolu-
1 pm imaging are not entirely unrealistic. They tion). Being generous, we may estimate the historic
showed that by eliminating the principal source image to have SNR M 10, a voxel volume of
of noise, which arises from the resistance of the 2 x 2 x 10 mm3, as opposed to SNR z 100, voxel
coil (rather than from the sample, as in large- volume of 0.4 x 0.4 x 2 mm3, with both images
scale imaging (cf. Eq. (12)) SNR can be improved having been obtained in about 5 min. The corre-
sixty-fold over a comparable copper coil. sponding improvement in image quality is thus
For most of the applications mentioned above, about a factor of 103!
far more modest resolution regimes, on the order of We can only speculate on forthcoming innova-
20-80 pm, suffice. In fact, for in vivo applications tions beyond the next few years; but it is likely that
in small animals, physiologic motion is usually the MRI will continue to evolve well into the 21st
F. W. WehrlilProgress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 28 (1995) 87-135 129

century. One of the conceivable applications of

real-time ultrafast imaging is whole-body screen-
ing. Clearly, this would give MRI an enormous
impetus which could result in hundreds of millions
of studies per year. Examination times are likely to
approach a few minutes per patient within the next
5- 10 years, achieved by incorporating and perfect-
ing high-speed imaging techniques and enhanced
efficiency of the imager’s patient and operator
interface. The prospect of MRI eventually even
displacing chest film radiography seems far-
fetched, yet not unrealistic. The technology for
rapid tomographic imaging of the entire torso in
seconds is clearly feasible with today’s technology.
An entirely new development is the integration
of real-time MRI as a means for monitoring inter-
ventional procedures. During the past decades sur-
gery has become less invasive. Among the emerging
surgical methods are ablative procedures by means
of lasers and cryoprobes inserted into tumors and,
(a) in the near future, focused ultrasound which is
completely noninvasive as its application does not
require surgical incision. MRI is uniquely suited
for on-line monitoring because of the temperature
sensitivity of the signal. Interventional MRI sys-
tems incorporating new technology such as open
cryogen-free superconducting magnets, are already
undergoing clinical trials and are predicted to radi-
cally alter the ways surgical procedures will be per-
formed in the 21st century (see, for example, a
recent review article by Jolesz and Blumenfield
The emergence of new superconducting materials
with higher current-carrying capacity will facilitate
the construction of magnets at field strengths well
beyond the current technological limits. Already
now, using conventional superconductors, whole-
body NMR magnets have been constructed,
operating at field strengths up to 4 T [206,207]
and the design of such magnets with field strengths
up to 10 T by means of niobium-tin superconductors
(b) appears to be within reach of current technology,
albeit at a cost that will limit their diffusion. The
Fig. 3 1. Improvement in NMR image quality, achieved during increase in signal-to-noise ratio, brought about by
the past 15 years: (a) early low-field image, about 1980, com-
the higher magnetic field, should make it possible
pared with state-of-the-art high-resolution image, corresponds
to improvement by three orders of magnitude in terms of an to perform chemical shift imaging at much
image quality index defined as the product of per-unit-time improved spatial resolution on such biological
SNR and the reciprocal of voxel volume (for details see, text). nuclei as carbon-l 3, sodium-23, phosphorus-3 1,
130 F. W. WehrlilProgress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 28 (1995) 87-135

deuterium, potassium-39, etc. Moreover, higher In this manner Rugar and colleagues succeeded in
field strengths enhance the sensitivity to detecting detecting 1013 spins in a gradient field of about
stimulus response in neurologic studies based on 6 x IO4 G cm-‘, which resulted in a resolution in
the BOLD effect, discussed earlier [ 1671. one dimension of 2.6 pm. We shall know in the near
MRI has inherent limitations as well. Compared future whether this experiment is a precursor for
to X-ray and radionuclide-based modalities, NMR imaging microscopic objects at the subcellular level.
is relatively insensitive. Hence any substantial In conclusion, we see from the few examples of
future enhancement of the technology will critically recent innovations quoted here that NMR, a half
hinge on our ability to improve detection century after its first detection in condensed phase
sensitivity. A quantum leap in detection sensitivity and nearly twenty-five years after the first image
is theoretically possible by electron-nuclear double was produced, is far from having reached its ulti-
resonance in a situation where electron spins are mate potential. History has taught us that we can-
dipolar coupled to nuclear spins. Irradiation at not be bold enough in the pursuit of new ideas. It
the electron spin resonance (ESR) frequency then will be left to future generations of scientists to
induces an electron-nuclear Overhauser effect look back on NMR’s hundredth anniversary and
[208] which increases the nuclear spin polarization assess the progress achieved between now and then.
several hundred-fold. The exploitation of this effect They are likely to conclude that our crystal ball
for selective local signal enhancement, first proposed gazing in 1995 was hopelessly conservative.
in 1980 by Raymond Andrew, has recently been
reported by Lurie et al. [209]. By Injecting a targetable
paramagnetic molecule, irradiation at the ESR fre- Glossary of terms
quency would cause strong local signal enhancement.
The hurdles to practical implementation of this idea BOLD, blood oxygen level dependent (contrast);
seem insurmountable. For example, the power NMR contrast phenomenon resulting from physio-
required to keep the fast relaxing electron spins satu- logic changes in blood oxygen level.
rated may well be orders of magnitude beyond what Cardiac Cine Imaging, gradient echo imaging tech-
the human body can tolerate, except at very low field nique producing a series of images taken at dif-
strength. Nevertheless, if it could be made to work ferent phases of the cardiac cycle. When displayed
and non-toxic targetable agents could be developed, in succession, a movie of the beating heart is
the diagnostic potential of the method would be enor- obtained.
mous. For example, we might be able to diagnose CSI, Chemical Shift Imaging; family of spectro-
early malignancies well before they become sympto- scopic imaging techniques from which spatial
matic, thus providing a tool for screening popula- maps of individual metabolites can be generated.
tions who, on the basis of their genetics, are at risk. CT, Computed Tomography; medical imaging
A fascinating new approach to NMR detection, technique for the generation of images of sections,
not relying on Faraday’s law of induction, has based on the mathematics of filtered back-
recently been reported by Rugar et al. [210]. The projection of an array of angular projection
experiment exploits the force exerted on the mag- signals.
netization by a field gradient (it is thus the same DEFT, Driven Equilibrium Fourier Transform;
effect Stern and Gerlach used to split an atomic 90”~r-180”~r-(90”) r.f. pulse sequence.
beam of silver atoms in their famous 1924 DRESS, Depth Resolved Surface Coil Spectroscopy;
experiment to prove the spatial quantization of spectroscopic localization technique based on slice
the magnetic moment [21 I]). By cyclically inverting selection by means of field gradients, analogous to
the magnetization at some frequency, the force imaging.
changes direction, causing a vibration of the canti- EPI, Echo-planar Imaging; high-speed NMR
lever on which the sample is mounted. Though only imaging technique, characterized by an oscillating
in the femtonewton range, the force causing the read-out gradient, generating a train of echoes
vibration could be measured interferometrically. which are encoded in a second dimension.
F. W. WehrlijProgress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 28 (1995) 87-135 131

FISP, Fast Imaging with Steady State Precession; presence of three spatially selective r.f. pulses.
embodiment of the FLASH experiment, character- RARE, Rapid Acquisition with Relaxation
ized by balancing the phase-encoding gradient to Enhancement; fast imaging technique whereby a
avoid phase variations between successive pulse train of spin echoes is generated, which are indi-
sequence cycles. vidually phase and frequency encoded so as to
FLASH, Fast Low Angle Shot; embodiment of the cover multiple k-space lines following creation of
spin warp experiment whereby the pulse repetition transverse magnetization.
time is shortened and the flip angle for the excita- Spin Warp imaging; modification of Fourier
tion r.f. pulse is adjusted to minimize saturation. zeugmatography, whereby a position dependent
FONAR, Field focusing NMR; single-point imag- phase twist (or ‘warp’) is applied on the magnetiza-
ing technique whereby the subject is incrementally tion, achieved by incrementally stepping the ampli-
moved through a spot of homogeneous magnetic tude of a phase-encoding gradient prior to signal
field so as to obtain an array of signals which can read out.
be arranged to form an image. Spiral Scan Imaging; imaging technique character-
Fourier Zeugmatography (see also zeugmato- ized by oscillating the spatial encoding gradients in
graphy); imaging technique based on successive such a manner that k-space is traversed in a spiral
application of at least two orthogonal imaging fashion.
gradients of which the first is incremented in time, STEAM, Stimulated Echo Acquisition Mode; in
to afford a 2D array of time domain data. The the context of in vivo spectroscopy, refers to a
image is obtained as the 2D Fourier transform of spatial localization method, characterized by three
the time domain data. successive r.f. pulses, applied in the presence of
GRASS, Gradient-Recalled Acquisition in the mutually orthogonal gradients, for the purpose of
Steady State; embodiment of the FLASH experi- generating a stimulated echo from a parallelepiped-
ment, analogous to FISP. shaped volume of the object.
k-Space; spatial frequency domain or reciprocal Zeugmatography; term introduced by Lauterbur to
space. k-space and image data are Fourier characterize an NMR imaging method whereby
transforms. spatial information is encoded into the signal by
MRA, Magnetic Resonance Angiography; com- means of field gradients.
prises a family of imaging techniques from which
projection images of blood vessels can be created,
analogous to X-ray based contrast angiography. References
MT, Magnetization Transfer; although the term
has a more general meaning, in imaging MT refers 111E. Hahn, Philos. Trans. R. Sot. London, Ser. A. 333
to a signal modulation caused by cross relaxa- (1990) 403.

tion, involving transfer of magnetization from 121P. Mansfield, Contemp. Phys., 17 (1976) 553.
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