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For my Education technology internship proposal, I am looking to work with classroom teachers

to share technology tools they can use with their students. The tools will enhance teacher knowledge so

they can easily incorporate 21st-century skills (critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and

communicate) within their classroom instruction. These tools will also increase student engagement

levels. I work for Baltimore County Public Schools at Hernwood Elementary. In our school, each

classroom a Promethean Board, each student in 3-5 has access to their device, and k-2 teachers have 6

devices per classroom. At Hernwood Elementary School we are fortunate to have access to the many

technologies Baltimore County has available. It is observed that this can be overwhelming for teachers.

There is a plethora of ways to use technology in their classrooms but it may be difficult to hone in on an

appropriate tool. Teachers are tasked with implementing successful classroom management, planning

future lessons, monitoring student progress, and so much more. It is often difficult to find available time

in the average teacher's workday. To help teachers implement technology within their instruction, I plan

on surveying teachers to determine which technology tool they would like to utilize. After analyzing

these results, I plan to hold three sessions based on a specific technology.

The participants will include all K-5th grade teachers within Hernwood Elementary. All

homeroom students stay with their homeroom teachers throughout the entire school day. Listed below

are the grade levels and the number of teachers in each grade that will participate in the initial survey.

Grade Level Number of Teachers

Kindergarten 2
First 2
Second 3
Third 3
Fourth 2
Fifth 3

The selected participants will work towards predetermined objectives throughout each session

while experimenting and practicing using the new technology tools.


1. Teachers will investigate various instructional technology tools by exploring available

resources to enhance student learning and engagement.

2. Teachers will demonstrate new learning by implementing technology into their respective

discipline to enhance students learning and engagement

3. Teachers will evaluate the effectiveness of their lesson by analyzing student results to

enhance students learning and engagement

During the internship, I’ll be focusing on Ely’s Eight Conditions of Change, beginning with

dissatisfaction with the status quo. Teachers have access to Promethean boards and 1:1 device for

students. As I already talked to a few teachers, they feel overwhelmed and feel like they don’t have

enough time to look through technology tools and learn it on their own. My job will take away that

stress for the teachers and give enough knowledge and skills using presentations and resources to

increase the knowledge of a technology tool for them to implement it. Resources will be available on

Schoology from all sessions and additional resources will be posted throughout the internship to help

teachers in their success. Time is an issue with teachers. I decided to include the sessions on days where

they have grade-level meetings or professional development time where it doesn’t evolve them taking

extra time before, during, or after school to learn. To get the teachers wanting to participate and follow

through with using the technology tools, teachers will receive one extra planning period of 50 minutes.

Teachers must showcase their students using the three tools in class and tweet it with a picture to

receive the additional planning. Our STAT teacher and Principal all will “buy into” the process to support

the technology tools. Teachers will be encouraged and be inspired by success videos of the tools.

Looking at change within our school, we’ll be looking and using the SAMR framework. Teachers

are currently in the substitution step and a few are in the augmentation step. We want the teachers to

strive to use the tools to allow experiences that were previously impossible without it. We want the

teachers to get from the enhancement to the transformation steps.

On October 7th, is the beginning of my internship. This will occur during an afterschool meeting

on Monday. We have afterschool meetings every two weeks so all classroom teachers will be in

attendance. During this meeting, I will introduce myself as a technology leader and give an overview of

what’s going to happen in the next two months. At my school, we want all teachers to create a Twitter

account. I’ll be creating a Twitter pamphlet to inform teachers how to create an account, who to follow,

and basic twitter language to make their beginning experience better. I will share with the teachers that

I’ll create a Schoology folder for technology resources. Within this folder, I will post all the

presentations, videos, and information’s that I share with them for the next couple of months. Teachers

will be encouraged to add additional resources into the group with technology tools that they used in

the past or currently, that they’d like to share with others. Schoology allows the group members to be

able to comment on the posts to ask questions, give their feedback, or their experiences. In the end, I

will create a survey for teachers to complete. The survey will list different technology tools that they

would be interested in learning and using in their classrooms. Based on the survey, I will choose what

technology tools will be presented to them during the next three sessions. To the technology tools not

chosen, I will still post information and videos on the tools in our Schoology group to share in case

teachers because interested later.

October 9th will be our second session. During this session, teachers will be informed about the

SAMR model. I will create a presentation along with videos for teachers to fully understand the model.

The purpose of this is for teachers to reflect upon where they’re currently at on the model. Most

teachers in my school will fall under transformation with either substitution or augmentation step. The

goal is to show teachers how we want to be in the enhancement area where we’re using technology as

redefinition or medication. I’ll show different examples of each SAMR model so they can understand the

model. I’ll present K-2nd and 3-5th grade teachers the first technology tool that they’ll be able to use in

the classroom. It is expected during the next month before the third session, that the teachers use the

technology in their class.

The third and fourth sessions will take on November 6th and November 26th. These meetings

will occur and have the same purpose. I will meet with the teachers during grade-level meetings

throughout the day on both dates. Teachers will have the chance to reflect upon their experience with

the first technology they’ve learned and incorporated into their classrooms. Teachers will also ask

questions if they’re having any other technical issues. Afterward, teachers will be introduced to a new

technology tool.

On December 6th, a survey will be sent for participants to be able to complete. Teachers will be

sent a survey asking what technology tools that were shared, did they use in their classroom? Did it

meet your expectations? If you didn’t use it, why not? I will also ask if they can rate the past fourth

sessions as if they were meaningful to them or not.

The online learning component for the internship will include the creation of a Schoology group.

The group will be for Hernwood Elementary teachers to join. Within the group, technology tools that

were presented will be included in it. As well as additional resources that might be found later. Teachers

are encouraged to share additional technology tools that they use in the classroom. Teachers can also

like and comment on posts for a discussion.

I will be using Google Docs after each meeting to reflect upon my experience. I’ll reflect and

write what I thought went well and areas that could have been improved. These reflections will allow

the following meetings to be strengthened.


There will be three sessions throughout the internship where I meet with the teachers. For two

of the sessions, grade levels will meet by primary (k-2nd) grades and intermediate (3-5th grade). In the

last session I will meet individual grade levels. The weeks in between learning sessions, I’ll be available

to support and check in with teachers as needed on the technology tool. I’ll meet with teachers

individually in between sessions to see if they have used the technology tool. For the teachers who

haven’t, I’ll make sure to assist them anyway needed. I will hand out a survey in December, allowing

participants to give feedback on the tools given, how informative the sessions were, and if they would

be interested in continuing learning about different technology tools.


Dates: Meetings Information

October 7, 2020 Introduction: Inform my colleagues about my


Twitter: A twitter pamphlet on how to create a

twitter account and purpose will be handed out.

Schoology: A folder will be created to share

resources and communicate.

Survey: Teachers will be sent out a short survey

indicating what kind of technology tools that they
would look like to incorporate.

October 9, 2020 SAMR Model: Teachers will learn about the

SAMR Model and reflect upon it within their
classroom in a survey.

New Technology: Teachers will be introduced a

new tool based on the surveys.

November 6, 2020 New Technology: Teachers will be introduced a

new tool based on the surveys

Help: Teachers will be asked if they’re having any

technical issues and we’ll go over it.

November 26, 2020 New Technology: Teachers will be introduced a

new tool based on the surveys

Help: Teachers will be asked if they’re having any

technical issues and we’ll go over it.

December 6, 2020 Survey: Teachers will be sent a survey asking

what technology tools that were shared, did they
use in their classroom? Did it meet your
expectations? If you didn’t use it, why not?

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