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This month marks the seventh anniversary of the death of

Abel Hamed Mowhoush, the former commander of Iraq's Air

Force who was murdered by US guards between the 23rd and
the 26th of November 2003 in a very cruel manner while
in their custody at the Al-Qaim detention centre in Iraq.
The Iraqi air Force was tricked, harassed and forced into
unequal combat with the US and other western forces before
and during the illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq. After the
destruction of his air force, Mowhoush did not flee Iraq.
However, that proved to be a fatal mistake for him.
Mowhoush's children were detained by the US forces, and at
least one of them was later killed by them. Trying to get
the US military to release his sons, Mowhoush surrendered
himself or rather, he came forward to meet US soldiers at
Al-Qaim in early November 2003 and was immediately taken
into custody.
While in US custody, Mowhoush was severely tortured by his
interrogators on suspicion that he was possibly involved
in Iraqi insurgency activities. By the 26th of November he
was dead. He had endured very terrible conditions in his
cell for at least two weeks before his death.
An autopsy on his body uncovered clear evidence of torture
committed on him while he was still alive. The cause of his
death was due to constriction of the chest cavity or some
kind of crushing force on his upper body. It was surely a
very cruel way to die. The US guards were not only merciless
but very sadistic as well.
Mowhoush's cruel death could not be swept under the carpet
no matter how the US guards tried to cover up. There were
actually concerted efforts to hush up the whole thing.
The US prison authorities in charge of Al-Qaim put forward
a whole series of lies concerning Mowhoush. He was said to
have been arrested or captured in a raid by US forces, and
also he had died from natural causes. He was also alleged to
have provided information to the US military. None of it was
Nearly one year later, as a result of newspaper reports on
suspicious deaths in Iraqi detention centres and the easy,
nonchalant and very lenient manner of investigations carried
out by the military, 4 US soldiers were charged with causing
his death. Three of them agreed to give testimony against
the main culprit, a relatively high-ranking soldier at Al-
Qaim who was the last man to question Mowhoush alive.
US Army chief warrant officer of the Cavalry Unit, Lewis E.
Welshofer Jr, was taken to court in early 2006 and charged
with committing murder.
However, the charge was quickly changed to one of negligent
homicide and after a very express hearing he was declared
guilty, and was ordered to receive a punishment of a small
fine and a sentence of sixty days of confinement inside the
confines of his army base (inclusive of his church, home
and office). What a joke.
After the sentence, Welshofer openly declared that he could
just not thank his military colleagues enough. It was as if
he had actually been rewarded for his very despicable act of
cruelly torturing and killing a helpless and innocent man.
As a real reward, Welshofer was allowed to keep his job.
Outside analysts of the trial commented that welshofer's acts
in Iraq were fully sanctioned by the highest officials who
worked for the US federal government and the US Pentagon.
Even during the trial, the court proceedings were clearly
manipulated and its unfolding events carefully orchestrated
by the prosecution and witnesses so as to really protect
the ones behind the scenes, especially the very notorious
and extremely deadly CIA and other black-ops intelligence
units. These organisations have been involved in numerous
torture death cases of detainees in US secret jails worldwide.
Welshofer's trial was nothing more than a stage-managed
trial that was very carefully conducted and orchestrated
by agents of the US government. Cruel torture and death
is very permissible if applied on non-US citizens. What
a big shame that the US is always so keen to teach others.
In fact, many countries have been quick to learn from the
US. From the UK to the Gulf states, and to Iraq, Afghanistan
and S E Asia, detainees are often beaten and killed and
their families informed that they had died from diseases
or natural causes or had simply committed suicide. Human
rights indeed.
The world must learn that the moment the mighty US military
steps onto your turf, your jailhouses will get converted at
once into centres for sadistic torture by the US army and
the US CIA (and all its underlings).
This is how the US Pentagon plans to take over the world ! !
Always and always never forget it. Always and forever.

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