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Treatment of nail disorders

Article  in  Therapy · September 2004

DOI: 10.1586/14750708.1.1.159

12 2,856

4 authors, including:

Bianca Maria Piraccini Antonella Tosti

University of Bologna University of Miami


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Treatment of nail disorders

Bianca Maria Piraccini,
There are several reasons that make the nail unit difficult to treat. It is necessary to wait for
Matilde Iorizzo,
several months before seeing the results of treatments in nail disorders, as the nail plate
Angela Antonucci and
Antonella Tosti† grows very slowly (average nail growth is 3 mm/month in fingernails and 1–1.5 mm/month in
†Author toenails). It is very important to give the patients this information, as they may otherwise
for correspondence
Department of Dermatology, discontinue the treatment feeling it to be ineffective. Delivery of topical drugs through the
University of Bologna, nail is difficult, as vehicles utilized for enhancing penetration of drugs through the skin are
Via Massarenti 1 – 40138 not effective in the nail. Most topical drugs are therefore ineffective in the treatment of
Bologna, Italy
Tel.: +39 051 341 820 inflammatory nail disorders, since the nails are largely exposed to environmental hazards and
Fax: +39 051 347 847 nail disorders are commonly precipitated or worsened by physical traumas. Thus, clinicians often do not prescribe systemic treatment when the disease is limited only to the nails.

Brittle nails Topical treatment

Nail brittleness is a common complaint character- Nail moisturizers are useful. They may contain
ized by weak nails that split, flake and crumble. It occlusives such as petrolatum or lanoline and
may be a consequence of factors that alter the nail humectants, such as glycerin and propylenegly-
plate production and/or factors that damage the col. Proteins, fluorides and silicium can also be
already keratinized nail plate [1–3]. Since environ- useful. Urea and α-hydroxy acids increase the
mental and occupational factors that produce a water binding capacity of the nail plate [5].
progressive dehydration of the nail plate play a
main role in the development of idiopathic nail Systemic treatment
brittleness [4], the management of brittle nails • Biotin 2.5–5 mg/daily for 6 months [6]
includes protective measures that prevent nail • Iron supplementation is useful ony when ferritin
plate dehydration. Patients should be instructed levels are below 10 ng/ml
to pursue the following rules:
• Colloidal silicic acid has been reported effective
• Avoid repeated immersion of the hands in
at the dosage of 10 ml/day [7]
soap and water
• Avoid repeated use of nail polish removers that
decrease nail content in water
Onycholysis describes the detachment of the
• Keep nails short and squared, and leave
nail plate from the nail bed. It may be idio-
cuticles uncut
pathic, traumatic or may be a symptom of
• Protect hands with rubber gloves worn over numerous diseases that affect the nail bed. The
light cotton gloves during housekeeping onycholytic area appears whitish due to the
presence of air under the detached nail plate.
Cosmetic treatment It may occasionally present a green or brown
Nail hardeners, nail strengtheners and fortify- discoloration due to colonization of the ony-
ing nail builders are commercially available to cholytic space by chromogenic bacteria (Pseu-
enhance the appearance of nails but there are domonas aeruginosa), molds or yeasts. A water-
no data proving their efficacy. Nail varnishes borne environment facilitates the development
may be useful to protect the nail plate from of this condition.
Keywords: environmental hazards but they always need to
drugs, nail diseases, therapy
be removed with nail polish removers. For this Topical treatment
reason, nail polishes should be applied once • The detached nail plate should be clipped
a week. In recalcitrant fragility, nail wrapping away and this should be repeated at 2-week
limited to the distal portion of the nail plate as intervals until the nail plate grows attached
well as preformed artificial nails and sculptured • The exposed nail bed should be carefully dried
Future Drugs Ltd nails may afford protection and camouflage [5]. after each hand washing

2004 © Future Drugs Ltd ISSN 1475-0708 Therapy (2004) 1(1), 159–167 159
REVIEW – Piraccini, Iorizzo, Antonucci & Tosti

• Application of a topical antiseptic solution Topical treatment

(4% thymol in chloroform, or in 95% etha- Application of a mild potency topical steroid at
nol) and/or a topical antifungal on the night and a topical preparation containing a
exposed nail bed may be useful steroid and an imidazole derivative in the morning.
• Pseudomonas colonization can be treated with
Systemic treatment
sodium hypochlorite solution or 2% acetic
• Systemic steroids (methylprednisone
20 mg/day for a few days) can be prescribed
• Treatment of the causative condition is in severe cases when several digits are affected
required in all cases of onycholysis secondary
• Systemic antifungals are often useless as
to nail bed diseases
chronic paronychia is not a mycotic infection
Acute paronychia Candida is a colonizer of the proximal nail fold
Acute paronychia is an acute inflammatory dis- that disappears when the proximal nail fold bar-
order affecting the proximal and lateral nail rier is restored. Eradication of Candida is not
folds. It is usually caused by Staphylococcus associated with clinical cure [8].
aureus, although other bacteria and herpes sim-
plex virus (HSV) 1 and 2 may be responsible for Surgical treatment
this condition. The affected digit is painful, with Paronychia that is not responding to medical
erythema, swelling and pus discharge. Nonpuru- therapy should be treated by the excision of a cres-
lent vescicles are typical of HSV infection. Treat- cent-shaped, full thickness piece of the proximal
ment should commence as early as possible to nail fold, including its swollen portion.
avoid deeper infections and progression to
chronic paronychia with or without permanent Onychomycosis
nail plate damage. Onychomycosis is the most common nail dis-
ease and describes the infection of the nail by
Topical treatment fungi. Approximately 85% of cases of ony-
Drainage of the abscess and local medications chomycosis result from dermatophytic invasion
with antiseptics (4% thymol in chloroform or in of the nail. Nondermatophytic molds (NDM)
95% ethanol) are useful to obtain relief of account for 15% of cases, while onychomycosis
inflammation and pain. due to yeasts are rare.
Onychomycosis affects toenails more frequently
Systemic treatment than fingernails. Different clinical patterns of
Whenever possible, cultures should be taken. infection depend on the method by which fungal
Treatment includes penicillase-resistant antibiotics colonization of the nail occurs. Distal subungual
or systemic acyclovir (Zovirax®, GlaxoSmithKline) onychomycosis (DSO), proximal subungual ony-
in case of HSV infection. chomycosis (PSO), white superficial onychomyco-
sis (WSO), endonyx onychomycosis (EO) and
Chronic paronychia total dystrophyc onychomycosis (TDO) are the
Chronic paronychia is a chronic inflammatory pattern currently described by the literature.
reaction of the proximal nail fold due to irri- Treatment of onychomycosis depends on the
tants or allergens. Secondary colonization with responsible fungi, the type of onychomycosis,
Candida albicans and/or bacteria occurs in the number of affected nails and the patient’s age
most cases, causing self-limited episodes of and general health. Since differential diagnosis
painful acute inflammation. of onychomycosis includes a large number of
Clinically, the proximal and lateral nail folds different diseases, treatment should only be
show mild erythema and swelling. The cuticle is commenced when the diagnosis is confirmed by
generally lost. Beau’s lines (transverse superficial a positive microscopy and/or culture [9].
depressions of the nail plate) and onychomadesis
(a transverse whole thickness sulcus that splits Onychomycosis due to dermatophytes
the nail plate into two parts) may occur as a con- The affected digit demonstrates subungual hyperk-
sequence of nail matrix damage. Management of eratosis with onycholysis in DSO; proximal leu-
chronic paronychia requires avoidance of wet konychia in PSO; superficial friable leukonychia in
environment, chronic microtrauma and contact WSO. Onychomycosis due to dermatophytes are
with irritants or allergens. most commonly due to Trichophyton rubrum.

160 Therapy (2004) 1(1)

Treatment of nail disorders – REVIEW

Topical treatment • Recurrences and reinfections are not uncom-

• In WSO dermatophyte colonization is limited mon (up to 20% of cured patients). Weekly
to the most superficial layers of the nail plate. application of antifungal nail lacquers on the
Treatment requires scraping of the affected previously affected nails and antifungal nail
area followed by the application of a topical creams on the plantar and interdigital skin
antifungal nail lacquer for 6–12 months can be performed to attempt to maintain
(amorolfine [Loceryl®, Galderma] 5% nail cures.
lacquer 1–2 times/week or cyclopiroxolamine
8% nail lacquer once a day) • Sequential treatment with itraconazole and ter-
binafine has been utilized to increase cure rates
• DSO usually requires systemic antifungals, how- [11]: the suggested regimen is two pulses of itra-
ever, an exception may be represented by DSO conazole 400 mg per day for 1 week a month
limited to the distal nail of a few digits. This can followed by one or two pulses of terbinafine
be treated with a nail lacquer as for WSO 500 mg/day for 1 week a month.

Systemic treatment Onychomycosis due to NDMS

Terbinafine (Lamisil®, Novartis Pharmaceuti- Although the list of NDM that have been isolated
cals Corp.) and itraconazole (Sporanox®, Janss- from nails is relatively long, only a few species are
sen-Cilag) have been demonstrated to reach the regularly identified as causing onychomycosis.
distal nail soon after therapy is commenced and These include Scopulariopsis brevicaulis, Fusarium
to persist in the nail plate for a relatively long sp., Acremonium sp., Aspergillus sp., Scytalidium
time (1 to 6 months) after interruption of sp. and Onychocola canadiensis.The presence of
treatment. The persistence of high post-treat- periungual inflammation with or without puru-
ment drug levels in the nail permits a short lent discharge usually strongly suggests a mold
treatment period with fewer incidences of onychomycosis.
relapses and side effects.
Systemic treatment
• Terbinafine is an allylamine derivative admin-
istered at the dosage of 250 mg per day for Systemic treatment is scarcely useful for ony-
6 weeks (fingernail infections) to 3 months chomycosis due to Acremonium sp., Fusarium sp.,
(toenail infections). Terbinafine can also be S. brevicaulis and Scytalidium sp. Itraconazole and
administered as pulse therapy at a dosage of terbinafine are effective in nail infections due to
500 mg daily for 1 week every month for 2 to Aspergillus sp.
4 months [10]. Interactions with other drugs
Topical treatment
are extremely rare. Hepatobiliary diseases and
white blood cell disturbances may occur Nail lacquers are quite effective in PSO or DSO
rarely and patients should be assessed before due to S. brevicaulis, Fusarium sp. and Acremo-
commencing treatment. nium sp. (Figure 1a & 1b). Chemical nail avulsion
with 40% urea in white petrolatum greatly
• Itraconazole is a triazole derivative adminis- increases the chance of cure. Scytalidium sp.
tered as pulse therapy at a dosage of 400 mg infections are usually unresponsive to treatment.
daily for 1 week every month. The duration
of treatment ranges from 2 (fingernail infec- Candida onychomycosis
tions) to 3–4 months (toenail infections). Onychomycosis due to C. albicans usually
The drug should be administered with a high- indicates an underlying immunosuppression
fat meal to improve its absorption. Due to its and the condition is almost exclusively seen in
pharmacological interactions, it should be chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis (CMCC),
used cautiously in elderly patients who are in HIV-positive patients and patients undergo-
taking multiple drugs. ing long-term steroid treatment. However, iso-
• Patients treated with systemic antifungals lation of Candida in onychomycosis can be
should be followed up for 4 to 12 months after occasionally observed in immunocompetent
discontinuation of therapy to evaluate efficacy. individuals.
Cure rates of onychomycosis with systemic
antifungals are of 98% for fingernail infections Systemic treatment
and 80% for toenail infections, with terbinafine • Itraconazole 200 mg per day and flucona-
being the most effective treatment. zole (Diflucan®, Pfizer) 150 mg weekly are 161
REVIEW – Piraccini, Iorizzo, Antonucci & Tosti

Figure 1 (A–B). Distal sublungual onychomycosis.


Figure 1 (A–B). Distal subungual onychomycosis due to Fusarium solani improved by 12 months of treatment with ciclopiroxolamine 8%
nail lacquer.

effective. Duration of treatment is 6 weeks • Phenol cauterization: after removal of the

for fingernails and 3 months for toenails lateral strip of the offending nail, hemostasis
• Recurrences are common if the underlying is achieved with a tourniquet. Then, the sur-
predisposing disease persists rounding skin is protected with petrolatum
and a saturated solution of phenol 88% is
Ingrown toenails rubbed to the lateral matrix horn on a small
Ingrown toenails are a common complaint that cotton pack for 3 min, followed by neutrali-
usually affect the big toe of young adults but zation with alcohol. The first dressing is per-
they may occur at any age. They may be caused formed with an high potency topical steroid
by an incorrect nail trimming, traumas, podi- (clobetasol propionate 0.05% ointment) and
atric abnormalities or hyperhidrosis. The con- changed after 24 h. The patient should be
dition is due to a spicule that breaks off from instructed to soak the foot twice daily in a
the lateral edge of the nail plate and penetrates quart of warm water containing three cap-
into the tissues of the lateral nail fold. Con- sules of povidone-iodine. This accelerates
servative treatment is indicated for early stages healing and prevents possible secondary
but advanced disease often requires surgical infections [12].
treatment for definite cure.
• Lateral matrix excision: this may be obtained
Topical treatment by dissecting and excising the lateral matrix
• Stage I: the embedded spicule must be removed horn [12].
and a package of nonabsorbent cotton soaked
in a disinfectant (povidone iodine) is placed Distal nail embedding
under the lateral corner of the nail plate to sep- Distal nail embedding is a common complica-
arate it from the distal and lateral nail folds. tion of total nail plate avulsion. An overgrowth
This medication should be repeated daily. of distal soft tissue may occur and the new nail
may penetrate into this, producing inflamma-
• Stage II: high potency topical steroid (clobeta- tion with pain. Sculptured artificial nails may
sol propionate 0.05% ointment [Temovate®, be useful to override the distal nail wall.
GlaxoSmithKline]) should be applied for a few
days to promptly reduce the overgrowth of Surgical treatment
granulation tissue. Infection is always present In severe cases, a crescent wedge tissue excision is
requiring application of topical mupirocin. performed around the entire distal phalanx.

Surgical treatment Congenital malalignment of the

Stage III: selective destruction of the lateral big toenail
horn of the nail matrix is mandatory and may Congenital malalignment of the big toenail is
be achieved by phenol cauterization or by characterized by lateral deviation of the nail
surgical lateral matrix excision [12]. plate with respect to the longitudinal axis of the

162 Therapy (2004) 1(1)

Treatment of nail disorders – REVIEW

distal phalanx. Congenital malalignment is pos- Surgical treatment

sibly caused by an abnormality in the ligament It may vary depending on the severity of the
that connects the matrix to the periostium of overcurvature. Generally, phenol cauterization is
the distal phalanx. It may be complicated by performed on the lateral matrix horns.
nail ingrowing that most commonly involves
the external portion of the lateral nail fold [13]. Psoriasis
The condition improves spontaneously in most Nail changes are reported in up to 50% of psori-
cases but may persist into adulthood. If the nail atic patients. The disease usually involves several
deviation is mild, the nail may overcome the nails and both fingernails and toenails may be
initial slight embedding produced by the distal affected. Diagnostic signs for nail psoriasis include
lip, as it hardens and sufficient normal nail may irregular pitting, salmon patches of the nail bed
grow to the tip of the digit to prevent further and onycholysis with erythematous border.
secondary traumatic changes. Nail psoriasis is often worsened by mechanical
traumas and is poorly responsive to both topical
Surgical treatment and systemic treatments. lt is also scarcely influ-
If the deviation is severe, the congenital mala- enced by sun exposure and other environmental
lignment may be corrected surgically before the factors that improve skin psoriasis. Reassuring
age of 2 years. the patient is generally the best treatment option
for mild nail psoriasis.
This condition is typical of the big toenail of Topical treatment
elderly people [14]. Predisposing factors include • Application of topical calcipotriol 0.005%
trauma, ill-fitting shoes, impaired arterial blood (Dovonex®, Leo Pharma) twice a day is useful
supply and poor foot care. In onychogryphosis, for nail bed psoriasis, especially if applied
the nail plate is thick and uplifted and one side directly on the nail bed after trimming the
of the matrix grows faster than the other. The detached nail plate
side which grows faster determines the direction
• Application of topical tazarotene 0.1% gel
of the nail plate that is deformed to a ram’s horn
(Avage™, Allergan Inc.) with or without
shape. The nail plate is opaque, brown-colored
occlusion is another option [16]
and with transverse striations. Nail trimming is
extremely difficult. • Topical treatment should be prolonged for
several months to see improvements
Topical treatment
Chemical avulsion of the overgrowing nail plate Intralesional treatment
with 40% urea ointment is useful. The new nail • Triamcinolone acetonide 5–10 mg/ml, at a
is then maintained and softened with a daily dose of 0.2–0.5 ml per digit should be
application of a cream containing urea and peri- injected with an insulin syringe into the
odical podiatric treatment of nail trimming and proximal nail fold (in patients with nail plate
nail unit care. surface abnormalities), or in the lateral nail
fold (in patients with subungual hyperkerato-
Pincer nails sis). Injections should be repeated monthly
Pincer nails are characterized by transverse over- for 6 months, then every 6 weeks for the next
curvature increasing distally along the longitudi- 6 months and finally every 2 months for 6 to
nal axis of the nail [15]. The nail plate pinches the 12 months. Cold anesthesia with ethyl chlo-
nail bed tissues generating discomfort and pain. ride is useful to make the treatment less pain-
X-ray examination may sometimes reveal an exos- ful. Side effects include hemorrhages, pig-
tosis of the distal phalanx and may be performed mentary changes and atrophy of the nail fold
to exclude this occurrence. skin. Benefits should be apparent in 2–
Conservative treatment consists of clipping 3 months. Subungual hyperkeratosis and nail
the lateral edge of the nail plate and positioning thickening respond better than onycholysis
nail braces and elastic bands under the distal and pitting.
edge. These measures should be performed by
expert podiatrists and do not treat the underly- Systemic treatment
ing cause but may improve the overcurvature of • Acitretin 0.2–0.3 mg/kg/day is a good treatment
the nail plate. for severe nail matrix and nail bed psoriasis 163
REVIEW – Piraccini, Iorizzo, Antonucci & Tosti

• Steroids, methotrexate, cyclosporin A and Systemic treatment

some of the new biological agents (infliximab Acitretin 0.5 mg/kg/day is effective in prevent-
[Remicade®, Schering-Plough] and etaner- ing relapses and can produce complete cure in
cept [Embrel®, Wyeth]) are usually very effec- most cases (Figure 2a & 2b). Duration of treatment
tive but should only be used when nail psoria- is 4–6 months and recurrences are frequent after
sis is associated with widespread disease or interruption.
psoriatic arthritis
Topical treatment
• Onycholysis and pitting can sometimes be Topical calcipotriol 0.005% twice a day can be
worsened by some of these treatments. Higher utilized as maintenance treatment to prevent
dosages of retinoids may cause side effects on recurrences [17]. It may be utilized as the sole
nails including brittleness and paronychia treatment when the disease is limited to one
with or without pyogenic granuloma nail or when systemic retinoids are
Pustular psoriasis
Pustular psoriasis of the nail is not rare and is often Parakeratosis pustulosa
limited to one or a few digits (Hallopeau’s acroder- This nail disorder is exclusive to children and
matitis). Diagnosis is suggested by a history of usually involves one digit with psoriasiform nail
relapsing painful inflammation of the nail. changes and may represent a limited form of nail
The disease is frequently localized in the nail psoriasis [18].
bed producing onycholysis and periungual ery-
thema. Pustules may be visible through the nail Topical treatment
plate. In severe cases the nail plate is discoloured • Application of mild steroids and/or retinoic
and detached by accumulation of pus and scales acid may induce partial remission of the nail
that form thick yellow exudating masses. changes
Involvement of the nail matrix produces acute
paronychia and onychomadesis. • In most cases, parakeratosis pustulosa resolves
However, in most cases, the patient presents spontaneously
with subacute signs. The nail plate is onycho-
lytic, shortened and yellow–brown in color and Lichen planus
the exposed nail bed presents mild erythema Nail abnormalities are evident in 10% of
and scaling. The clinical history presents, in patients with skin or mucosal lichen planus.
these cases, the real clue for diagnosis. However, nail lichen planus most commonly

Figure 2 (A–B). Pustular psoriasis treated with acitretin.


A: Pustular psoriasis before treatment; B: After treatment with systemic acitretin.

164 Therapy (2004) 1(1)

Treatment of nail disorders – REVIEW

Figure 3 (A–B). Nail lichen planus after intramuscular triamcinolone acetonide.


A: Nail lichen planus before treatment with intramuscular triamcinolone acetonide; B: Nail lichen planus after treatment.

occurs in the absence of skin or mucosal involve- associated with alopecia areata occurs in up to
ment. Nail lichen planus may cause definitive 12% of children affected by the disease, especially
nail destruction if not properly diagnosed and those with alopecia totalis or alopecia universalis.
treated. Diagnosis of lichen planus of the nails is A shiny, less severe, variety of trachyonychia
suggested by thinning, longitudinal ridging and results from a diffuse regular superficial pitting. In
fissuring of the nail plate [19]. Pterygium forma- some patients opaque and shiny trachyonychia
tion is a possible outcome and indicates nail may coexist in different nails. Idiopathic trachy-
matrix scarring. onychia may be caused by lichen planus, psoriasis
and alopecia areata limited to the nails.
Systemic treatment
Triamcinolone acetonide 0.5–1 mg/kg intra- Treatment
muscularly once a month for 4–6 months. The nail changes tend to regress spontaneously
Almost all patients respond to treatment (Figure over the years. For this reason, trachyonychia does
3a & 3b); mild relapses are commonly observed not need to be treated, especially in children.
but recurrences are usually responsive to therapy.
Yellow nail syndrome
Intralesional treatment
This condition describes a chronic nail disorder
This type of treatment should be performed only characterized by an arrest or reduction in nail
when the disease is limited to a few nails. Triamci- growth resulting in nail thickening, hardening
nolone acetonide should be diluted 5–10 mg/ml and yellow discoloration. In the classic presen-
in saline solution and injected to a maximum of tation it is associated with lymphoedema and
0.2–0.5 ml for each digit. It is advisable to cool respiratory tract disturbances. It may be a para-
the proximal nail fold before injection to reduce neoplastic condition. The nail changes may
pain. Injections can be repeated monthly for 3 to improve spontaneously or after resolution of
6 months. The most common side effects include the associated systemic disease.
hemorrhages, pigmentary changes and atrophy of
the nail fold skin.
Systemic treatment
Trachyonychia • Oral vitamin E at dosages of 600 to 1200 IU
Trachyonychia describes an abnormality of the daily for 6–18 months may induce a complete
nail plate surface that is rough due to excessive clearing of the nail changes. Although the mech-
longitudinal ridging [20]. The condition com- anism of action of vitamin E in yellow nail syn-
monly affects most or all nails and is idiopathic or drome is still unknown, anti-oxidant properties
associated with alopecia areata. Trachyonychia of α-tocopherol may account for its efficacy 165
REVIEW – Piraccini, Iorizzo, Antonucci & Tosti

• Pulse therapy with itraconazole 400 mg daily with saline solution. After local anesthesia,
for one week in a month for 4 to 6 month. which may be achieved by a digital block, the
Although the mode of action of itraconazole bleomycin solution is dropped onto the wart,
in treating yellow nail syndrome is still which is then punctured with a disposable
unknown, the drug may act by accelerating bifurcated needle approximately 40 times per
nail growth. However, in the experience of 5 mm2 area of the wart.
this group, it is scarcely effective [21] No medications are required. Three weeks
after treatment the eschar can be pared away and
Warts the area examined for residual warts, which can
Warts are infections caused by human papillo- be retreated if necessary.
mavirus and originate in the hyponychium and
proximal and lateral nail folds that possess a Surgical treatment
granular layer. They appear as hyperkeratotic Subungual warts first require removal of the
papules or as a diffuse hyperkeratosis of the cuti- nail plate covering the wart under local anesthe-
cle. Periungual and subungual warts are usually sia. Curettage is then performed. This is fol-
difficult to treat and frequently recur [22]. lowed by application of an antibiotic ointment
and thick gauze padding. A carbon dioxide
Topical treatment lazer can successfully be used to treat subungual
and periungual warts.
• Topical antiwart solutions containing salicylic
and lactic acids are of moderate efficacy, as well
Expert opinion
as topical imiquimod 5% cream
Nails are difficult to treat and often require
• Topical immunotherapy with strong sensitiz- long-term treatment. Numerous factors are
ers (squaric acid dibuthylester [SADBE] or well known to influence the speed of nail
diphencyprone) is an effective and painless growth, but unfortunately many of these are
modality of treatment for multiple warts. unmodifiable, such as age and gender. Some
SADBE or diphencyprone 2% in acetone are medications can be administered to cure the
used for sensitization. After 21 days, weekly nails but also to alter the rate of nail growth,
applications are carried out with dilutions thus providing a more rapid and complete
selected according to the patient’s response. response to treatment. Nail disorders should
Complete cure usually requires 3 to 4 months always be treated because of the important role
of the nails in everyday life.
Intralesional treatment
Bleomycin has been successfully used to treat Outlook
viral warts for many years. The powder should In the last few years new treatments and for-
be diluted to a concentration of 1IU per ml mulations have become available to treat nail
disorders, helping clinicians improve patient
Highlights care. However, we believe more could be done,
especially for vehicles that are often not effec-
• Nails are difficult to treat, as it is necessary to wait for several months tive in the nail. In this way, nail disorders
before seeing the results of treatments and delivery of topical drugs is could be treated from outside rather than
difficult through the nail. inside with systemic treatments that have
• Several nail disorders are now easily treated, or at least improved, by
much more interaction with other drugs taken
clinical practices.
by the patient.

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