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What's New in SAP Integrated

Business Planning 1908

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Overview of new and enhanced features that are available after an upgrade from SAP Integrated Business
Planning from 1905 to 1908. Particularly, please check this section for mandatory activities that you need to
perform immediately after the upgrade.

About this version

What's new in 1908, and what you need to do after the upgrade to

Filter the table below according to your needs, in particular, to find the tasks that you need to perform
immediately after the upgrade. (To call the filter for a column, click the blue Filter in the column header.) For
more information, see How to Use the What's New Table.CautionIn 1908, we've introduced the new
type Must know. We use it for disruptive changes that do not require an immediate follow-up after the
upgrade (like items classified with Mandatory task after upgrade) but that you need to have in mind if you
create objects or start processes after the upgrade. For this reason, you need to take note of these items
immediately after the upgrade.
What's New
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  New 
Administra  New
Administrator/con SAP
With the new Monitor System Tasks app, you can
tion figuration expert Fiori app display details associated with different types of
tasks (processes) executed in the IBP system, for
example, Excel, Fiori apps, jobs and job chains,
steps, technical jobs, and so on.

 
Administra  Administrator/con
Mandat  ApplicatioRunning multiple Purge Key Figure
tion ory figuration expert n job
task Data application jobs for the same planning area at
after the same time is no longer possible. If you already
upgrade have a Purge Key Figure Data application job
running, any other jobs of this kind that are
submitted while that job is running are canceled.
You then need to reschedule those other jobs. This
is to help prevent out-of-memory problems.

If you have multiple Purge Key Figure

Data application jobs scheduled to run regularly at
the same time for the same planning area, you
need to schedule those jobs to run at a different
time after the upgrade.

  Changed
Administra  Administrator/con
 ApplicatioWe have renamed the If All KF Values Are
tion figuration expert n job Null parameter in the Purge Key Figure
Data application job template. This parameter Manageme
now called If All KFs in Version Are Null. This
change is to make it clearer that the parameter
only considers key figure values in the selected
versions, but not in the scenarios based on those
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versions. Data records that contain key figure

values can therefore be deleted in the scenario
when there are no key figure values in the version.

  New 
Administra  Web UI In the Application Jobs app, you can now use the
Administrator/con Administrat
tion  Applicationew search help function in the job template Data
figuration expert ion
n job Integration Using Cloud Platform Integration for
data services. The search function is now available
for all the fields in the template, namely Agent
Group, Agent Name, Task Name, System
Configuration, and Global Variables.

This improvement minimizes the risk of erroneous

entries and enhances usability.

  New 
Administra  Integration
Administrator/con You can now use
SAP Cloud
tion figuration expert the SAP_COM_0193 communication scenario to
integrate SAP Integrated Business Planning with
SAP Cloud Platform Identity Provisioning Service.Provisionin
g Service

  New 
Administra  IBP
Administrator/con Excel
You can now use the Manage Attribute
tion figuration expert add-in Permissions app to set up write permission (in
 Data  Web UI addition to read attribute permission) for business
integration  Integration
users to be able to modify certain master data
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 Model
 IBP Excel

 Cross
 Analytics
 Security

  New 
Administra  IBP
Administrator/con Excel
You can now use the new Manage Attribute
tion figuration expert add-in Permissions OData Permission
 Data  Web UI service /IBP/ATTPERM_API_SRV to create and
integration  Integration
modify attribute permissions and assign them to
 Model users and user groups from your external system.
 IBP Excel

 Cross
 Analytics
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 Security

  New 
Analytics Business user Web UI In the Analytics - Advanced app, you can now add
fixed or dynamic reference lines to bar, column, or
line charts. This new feature allows you to analyze
data and understand the performance of certain
key figures.

  New 
Analytics Business user Web UI In the Dashboards - Advanced app, there is nowAnalytics
new Share button on the detailed view of the
dashboard that allows you to share it with other
users or user groups.

  New 
Analytics Business user Web UI In the Supply Chain Network app, you can now
click on an expansion button next to product nodes
to expand the supply chain network chart and view
the extended network without having to edit the
filter selections.

 Cross   Business user

Changed Web UI The new SAP Fiori 3 layout has been introduced on
SAP Fiori
application  Administrator/con the launchpad. This has resulted in changes such as
s figuration expert a new default theme, new and redesigned icons,
and new areas where you can see the list of your
frequently used apps and recent activities. The
notification area and the sign showing your online
status have been removed.
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 Cross   Administrator/con
Changed  Model The User Preferences app, which was used to set
application figuration expert configurati
the default planning area up to 1811, and which
s  Business user on has been obsolete since 1902, has finally been
 Web UI removed from the business catalogs where it was
still included, and from the SAP Fiori Launchpad.
The Basic Functions group in the SAP Fiori
Launchpad that only included this app is no longer

Since 1902, you set the default planning area in
the User Actions menu of the SAP Fiori
Launchpad (formerly known as the Me area).

 Cross  New   Web UI You can now collaborate with your business
Administrator/con Collaborati
application  New
figuration expert SAP
partners directly in IBP. This is useful for planning
on with
s  Business user Fiori app processes in which you want to capture input from
 Role/busin
your business partners directly in your IBP system,
ess catalog
such as your customers’ demand for a certain
 Integration

You can set up collaboration by providing your

business partner access to your IBP system and to
one of the two new SAP Fiori apps, Web-Based
Planning - Customers or Web-Based Planning -
Suppliers. You can then share a planning view with
your business partner that contains the data set
you want to collaborate on. Your business partner
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can then log on to your IBP system with their

business user, open the planning view that
contains the key figures you shared with them, and
provide their input. For example, you could include
one of your customers in your demand planning
process and have them commit any required
quantities directly in the system.

 Cross   Business user

Changed Planning Up to now, when you copied master data and you
application operator specified an attribute filter for the copy version
s operator or the delete version operator, that
attribute filter was taken into account even if it was
not configured correctly. That is, it was taken into
account even if it contained a specific value for an
attribute that was not part of the selected master
data type. In this case, the operators copied or
deleted data from all the attributes of the master
data type, even if you hadn't specified them in the
attribute filter. In case of the delete version
operator, this could lead to unintended data loss.
To help prevent this, the handling of attribute
filters has been changed.

 Cross   Business user

Changed Planning Up to now, if you wanted to copy key figure values
application operator from one version to another version using the copy
s  Applicatioversion operator, you were able to select external
n job key figures from order-based planning as well,
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 Order- although external key figure values cannot be

based copied using this operator. With 1908, we’ve
planning removed the possibility to select external key
figures in the application job template. To copy
external key figure values in order-based planning,
you must use the Order-based Planning: Copy
Version Data application job.

Note that you can still select external key figures in

the IBP Excel add-in, but those key figures won’t be

 Data  New  Administrator/con When you extract key figure data from IBP Data
 Integration
integration figuration expert using SAP Cloud Platform Integration for data
services, you can now filter for data on multiple
time profile levels. This is useful, if you want to
extract key figure data that is stored on a low time
profile level and limit that data to a period of a
higher time profile level. For example, you can use
this filter when you want to extract forecast data
from the current day until the last day of the
current year.

 Data   Business user

Mandat Integration
As announced in SAP Integrated Business Planning
integrationory task release 1902, the JSON OData
after service /IBP/EXTRACT_SRV has been deprecated.
upgrade If you haven’t done so already, please replace the
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deprecated OData service with

the /IBP/EXTRACT_ODATA_SRV OData service.

 Data   Administrator/con
Prepare  Web UI Because it is planned to discontinue snapshots of
integrationnext  Integration
figuration expert the Change History type as of SAP Integrated
release Business Planning 1911, the data
type Snapshot will no longer be available for
selection in the Data Integration Jobs app as of

 Data  New  Business user Integration

You can now export data from SAP Analytics Cloud
integration to SAP Integrated Business Planning. Analytics

 Data  New  Integration

You can now filter attributes from a specific master
 Business user
integration data type. Analytics

 Data  New   Integration

Administrator/con SAP S/4HANA, supply chain integration add-on for
integration figuration expert SAP Integrated Business Planning, and SAP ERP,
 Demand supply chain integration add-on for SAP Integrated
planning Business Planning have been enhanced with the
 Time- new
series- extractor /IBP/TOTAL_DEMAND_QTY_CI_KF,
based which you can use to integrate total demand
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supply quantity to planning areas for demand-driven

planning replenishment.

In addition, the following templates in SAP Cloud

Platform Integration for data services (CPI-DS) have
been enhanced using the additional features in the
IBP add-ons:

 The template IBP_KF_S4_ERP_AddOn now

supports initial inventory and minimum receipt
(relevant for both IBP add-ons).

 The template IBP_DDR_KF_ERP_AddOn now

supports total demand and confirmed orders.

 The template IBP_DDR_MD_ERP_AddOn now

reads the production data structure header data
using only one data flow and thus can be run faster
by choosing Begin post-processing After task run
is completed.

 Data  Mustknow  Integration

Administrator/con The aggregation of data for some key figure
integration figuration expert extractors in the IBP add-ons is now faster since Integration
 Demand is done on the database level. You can customize
planning the behavior using
 Time- parameter AGGREGATEONDB if needed.
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supply The behavior of the selection of a time profile by

planning setting a filter has been changed. Previously, you
were able to select time-dependent data with a
date or timestamp outside of the uploaded time
interval of the time profile. Those entries were sent
to the IBP system with the original date. If the time
profiles in IBP and SAP ERP or SAP S/4HANA
systems were in sync, the entries would then be
rejected during the post-processing in IBP. As of 1.0
SP7 of SAP S/4 HANA, supply chain integration add-
on for IBP, and 1.1 SP10 of SAP ERP, supply chain
integration add-on for IBP, entries outside of the
time profile time interval will no longer be selected.

 Data  New   Integration

Administrator/con You can now use a new
integration figuration expert transaction /IBP/ETS_REPL_TEST (/N/IBP/ETS_Integration
 Demand REPL_TEST) for local tests of data sources
planning (extractors) in SAP S/4HANA, supply chain
 Time- integration add-on for SAP Integrated Business
series- Planning, and SAP ERP, supply chain integration
based add-on for SAP Integrated Business Planning. This
supply transaction is tailored to the data sources of the IBP
planning add-ons, looks the same in all supported SAP ERP
and S/4HANA releases, and supports setting filters
and projections (requested fields).
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 Data   Administrator/con
Mandat  Web UI When you delete or replace data in the system
integrationory task  Integration
figuration expert using the Data Integration Jobs app, you now need
 Process after to confirm your action before you can submit the
upgrade data integration job. Because you can remove
nt more data from the system than you intended by
deleting or replacing data, we’ve introduced this
additional step to make you aware of this risk. If
you had automated replace and delete operations
using robotic process automation, or if you were
using automated tests to test delete and replace
operations in the Data Integration Jobs app, you
now need to adapt your processes and tests to the
changed behavior and include this additional
confirmation step.

  New 
Demand Business user Global The LOG_ATTACHMENT_LIMIT global Model
planning configurati
configuration parameter is now available in
on the REALIGNMENT parameter group. Use this
parameter to limit the number of rows in the
attachments of log messages of realignment runs.

  New 
Demand Business user Web UI The Manage Product Lifecycle app has been
 Changed
planning enhanced with the following new features: Planning

 You can now navigate directly from the Upload

File window to the Application Log app to check
the result of the last upload.
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 A wildcard is now used as the default attribute

value on the Forecast Dates tab, to which the
system automatically assigns the current date as
the forecast date.

 You can now delete all assignments that meet the

selected filter criteria (for example, all assignments
where the reference product is HT_001).

The following feature has been changed:

 It is no longer mandatory to specify the launch

dimension when you create a new assignment. For
example, if you don’t want to work with forecast
dates, you can choose to leave the Launch
Dimension field empty. You can specify this setting
later on.

  New 
Demand  Web UI The Settings for Product Lifecycle app has been
Administrator/con Demand
 Changed figuration expert
planning enhanced with the following new features: Planning

 You can now specify if you want planners to use

curves at all in the Manage Product Lifecycle app.

 You can also specify if you allow master data values

to be used in assignments in the Manage Product
Lifecycle app. If you allow such values, the planners
can create assignments for master data values for
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which no planning objects exist yet. They can

create planning objects for those master data
values later on.

The following feature has been changed:

 The Define Assignment Levels button has been

renamed Planning Area Settings.

  New 
Demand Business user Web UI You can now navigate directly from the Analyze
planning Promotions app to the corresponding list of logs in
the Application Log app.

  Changed
Demand  Business user Web UI In the Manage Realignment Rules app, you can
planning now navigate to the log of the realignment run
from the realignment project. This enables you to
get information about the realignment run more

  New 
Demand Business user Web UI The Manage Forecast Models app has been
planning enhanced as follows: Planning

 The seasonal linear regression forecasting

algorithm is now available. The algorithm
calculates the forecast based on a linear function,
while it can also take into account any trend and
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seasonality pattern it identifies in the historical


 If you select the Choose Best Forecast method for

utilizing multiple forecasts, you can now set the
system to consider time series properties in the
process. Algorithms that are not expected to
calculate an appropriate forecast are then
excluded from the selection, which leads to
reduced processing time and more robust
forecasting results.

 You can now set forecast models to consider

product lifecycle information even if they only
contain preprocessing steps.

  Prepare
Demand  Administrator/con
 ApplicatioSnapshots of the Change History type will be
planning next figuration expert n job discontinued as of SAP Integrated Business
 Inventory release  Model Planning 1911. We recommend that you start using
optimizatio configurati
lag-based snapshots instead when you set up a
n on planning area for demand sensing and other
 Planning processes such as time-based waterfall analysis
operator and alerting.
 Integration
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  New 
Demand-  Model
Administrator/con SAP Best Practices for SAP Integrated Business
driven figuration expert configurati
Planning has been enhanced with the scope
replenishm on item Integrated Business Planning for demand-
ent  Integration
driven replenishment.

For more information, see the SAP Best Practices

Explorer at .

 
Demand-  Administrator/con
Mandat  Integration
In release 1908, the category mapping in the SAP
driven ory figuration expert
task ERP, supply chain integration add-on for IBP has
after  Business user
replenishm been enhanced. As a result of this enhancement,
ent upgrade fixed orders outside of the decoupled lead time
(DLT) that had category mappings in 1905 will not
be overwritten by the DDMRP heuristic when you
run Demand-Driven Planning.

After the upgrade from 1905 to 1908, you must

manually unfix all fixed elements outside of the DLT
to ensure that the output of the DDMRP heuristic
is populated correctly.

  Mustknow
Demand-  Model
Administrator/con The method that demand-driven replenishment
driven figuration expert configurati
uses to calculate the average daily usage (ADU) has
replenishm  Business user on changed. The SAP8 sample planning area has been
ent updated to support those changes. ent
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  Mustknow
Demand-  Planning Forecast error profiles and operators are no longer
Administrator/con Demand-
driven figuration expert operator used to calculate the average daily usage (ADU), as
replenishm  Business user Web UI demand-driven replenishment now calculates the
ent average daily usage (ADU) using key figures. ent

Therefore, the profiles previously used for ADU

calculation have been removed.

  Changed
Demand-  Administrator/con
 Planning The copy operator has been updated to copy the
driven figuration expert operator new key figures in SAP8. Driven
replenishm  Business user Web UI Replenishm
ent ent

 
Demand-  Business user
Mandat Model The DDMRP Buffer Analysis app now displays
driven ory task configurati
decoupled lead time in days, rather than weeks. Driven
after on Replenishm
No tasks are required after upgrade to 1908 if you
ent upgrade  Web UI ent
created DDMRP planning areas in 1905 or later.

If you created a DDMRP planning area before

release 1905, you'll receive a warning message that
the planning area is incompatible due to not having
which was not available prior to the official release
of demand-driven replenishment in 1905. To
continue to use the DDMRP Buffer Analysis app
with planning areas created prior to 1905, add
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reactivate your planning area. We also suggest you

upgrade your area to be based on
the SAP8 planning model introduced in 1905.

 Driver- New  Business user Web UI In the Driver-Based Planning app, the grid for the
based driver planning view has been enhanced with
planning miscellaneous new features that add to the
usability of the grid.

 Driver-  Business user

Changed Web UI We’ve changed the Edit button on the driver
based planning view screen to Replace to make it clearer
planning that when you save changes to a driver in the
object view, the system deletes the driver and
completely recreates it with your changes, that is,
it replaces the driver.

 IBP Excel
New   IBP
Administrator/con Excel
In general, an upgrade to 1908 does not require
IBP Excel
add-in figuration expert add-in that you install the new version of the IBP Excel
add-in. You can decide to install it at any point in
time when you wish to use the new functions;
however, when you do, please note that .Net 4.7.2
or higher is a new prerequisite for the IBP Excel
add-in since the 1902 release.

 IBP Excel  Administrator/con

Prepare  IBP Excel
As already announced in the What's New for 1902,
IBP Excel
add-in next figuration expert add-in we plan a stepwise update and subsequent phase-
release out of older versions of the underlying protocols
and authenticating standards for SAP Integrated
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Business Planning. This also affects the IBP Excel

add-in. As of July 2019, the 1711.2.0 version of the
IBP Excel add-in is the lowest possible version that
users can use to log on to IBP. With IBP 1911, we
will raise this lowest allowed version once again -
to the 1808.2.0 version of the IBP Excel add-in.

Please use the System Monitoring app to check

the IBP Excel add-in versions your users are using
to log on to the IBP system, and whether you need
to take action.

Note that it is always recommended to upgrade to

the latest version of the IBP Excel add-in.

All IBP customers have received detailed

information and action items in a separate email in
February 2019.

 IBP Excel
New   IBP
Administrator/con Excel
You can now centrally change the location where
IBP Excel
add-in figuration expert add-in the workbooks are downloaded to and stored
when users open templates or favorites planning

 IBP Excel
New   IBP
Administrator/con Excel
You can remove planning combinations where all
IBP Excel
add-in figuration expert add-in key figures are empty or zero by choosing the
 Business user option All Selected Key Figures in the value-based
filter section.
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 IBP Excel  Administrator/con

Changed  IBP Excel
The IBP Excel add-in user interface has been
IBP Excel
add-in figuration expert add-in simplified. Tooltips for key figures in the Edit
 Business user Planning View window have been added to help
gain information about the key figure definition.

The Advanced group is now called Application

Jobs and the Web Apps menu has been moved
under the About group.

 IBP Excel
New   IBP
Administrator/con Excel
In the Edit Planning View window, the
IBP Excel
add-in figuration expert add-in tab Planning Level is now called Attributes. Add-In
 Business user
The Attributes and Key Figures tabs have been
updated with a list grouping feature called strong
and light match, which can be enabled in
the Settings. The strong and light match grouping
for attributes or key figures is used where the
previously selected items, such as attributes, time
periods or key figures would lead to a full coverage
in case of a strong match or in case of a light match,
a partial coverage on the planning view. Depending
on what has already been selected in
the Time, Attributes, or Key Figures tabs, the
strong and light match groups are automatically
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 IBP Excel
New   IBP
Administrator/con Excel
When downloading the 1908.2.0 release of the IBP
IBP Excel
add-in figuration expert add-in Excel add-in, a pop-up window is displayed by the
 Business user Native Image Generator, also known as Ngen.exe.

No action is required; the message is only shown

for information purposes.

 IBP Excel  Business user

Changed Planning The copy version operator can now copy planning
add-in operator notes for key figure values if one or both versions
 Cross  IBP Excel
use version-specific master data. s
application add-in

  New 
Identity  New
Administrator/con SAP
With the new Display Authorization Trace SAP
and access figuration expert Fiori app Fiori app, you can analyze authorization trace data
and Access
manageme per user to check if any adjustments need to be
nt made, for example, if authorizations are missing or
are insufficient.

  Prepare
Identity  Administrator/con
 Role/busin
The Identity and Access
and access
next figuration expert ess catalog
Management (SAP_CORE_BC_IAM) business
and Access
release catalog is set to obsolete due to potential SoD
nt (segregation of duties) conflicts. nt

  New 
Identity  ApplicatioYou can display which application jobs are assigned
Administrator/con Identity
and access figuration expert n job to business users. This helps you to estimate the
and Access
effects of changes to the business users. If you, for
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manageme example, delete a business user who owns an

nt application job, the assigned job cannot be
executed anymore. Therefore the system displays
a warning message if you try to delete a user who
owns application jobs.

 
Inventory  Administrator/con
Mandat  Planning As announced in 1905, in the 1908 release,
ory figuration expert operator the Expected lost demand operator has been
task Optimizatio
n after  Business user deprecated and no longer functions. n
The output key figure for the
also an output of the Global (multi-stage)
inventory optimization operator. Therefore,
customers who used Expected lost demand need
to use the Global (multi-stage) inventory
optimization operator to populate this key figure.

  New 
Inventory  Model
Administrator/con The Calculate Inventory Components operator
optimizatio figuration expert configurati
now supports two new key figures for the
n on transportation-propagated demand and the mean
BOM-propagated demand. These key figures are
not part of the SAP3 sample planning area, and
must be manually added to your planning areas.
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  New 
Inventory  Global
Administrator/con As of 1908, when you set the global configuration
optimizatio parameter LOOP_HANDLING to ENABLE,
figuration expert configurati the
n  Business user on feature functions as before (that is,the inventory
optimization algorithms run successfully when
time-varying sourcing ratios create loops), but now
these loops are logged as WARNING messages in
the business logs, and are visible in both
the Application Log app and the Excel add-in.

Previously, the logs of these loops were only

available to SAP product support.

  Mustknow
Inventory  Planning In
Administrator/con release 1908, the two DDMRP
 Prepare figuration expert operator operators Calculate
optimizatio DDMRP buffer
n next  Business user levels and Recommend Decoupling Points
 Demand- release (Solve) have been moved to IBP for demand-driven
driven replenishment (DDR) and deprecated in IBP for
replenishm inventory (IO). The DDR DDMRP operators are
ent backwards compatible with previously created
planning areas.

The IO DDMRP operators still function as before,

but enhancements to the operators in release 1908
are only available in the DDR DDMRP operators
and require upgrading to the latest version of the
IBP Excel add-in.
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If you are upgrading to 1908 from 1905, and have

business roles that restrict users to inventory (IO)
operators, you must add the demand-driven
replenishment (DDR) operators to those roles if
you want those users to access the new DDMRP

The IO DDMRP operators will be removed in

release 1911. We strongly recommend that you
switch to using the DDR DDMRP operators before
the 1911 release.

 Model Mustknow  Model

Administrator/con The Planning Areas app has become the default
configurati figuration expert configurati
app for creating and configuring planning models.
on on The Configuration app is still available but will be
phased out and deprecated in a later release.

A switch has been introduced in

the Configuration app to manage this transition.
The Use Planning Areas App switch is turned on by
default on the starting page of
the Configuration app.

You can now perform the following tasks in

the Planning Areas app:

 Assign Operators to Planning Areas

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 Copy Planning Levels

 Manage Key Figures

 Manage Versions

 Download Configuration History

As the Planning Areas app has become the default

configuration app, if you click on the links
under Planning and Configure Planning Area on
the starting page of the Configuration app, you will
be directed to the worklist of the Planning
Areas app.

 Model  Administrator/con
Changed  Model For managing planning operators and configuring
configurati figuration expert configurati
snapshots, the following new tiles are available on
on on the SAP Fiori launchpad: on
 Web UI
 Planning Operators
 Planning
 Snapshots

You can still access the respective functions via
the Configuration app, but once this app is no
longer available (planned for a future release, see
above), you will need to use the tiles.
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 Model  Administrator/con
Changed  Model In the Sample Model Entities and Planning
configurati figuration expert configurati
Areas apps, you can now specify the integration
on on profile of the target planning area when you copy
a planning area enabled for external time series
using the Create New with Dependencies option.

 Model Mustknow  Model

Administrator/con NoteRelevant only for customers who started
configurati figuration expert configurati
before 1811. Configurati
on on on
An enhanced version of the planning area
activation is now available, and it's being rolled out
to all IBP systems in waves. Customers who started
with IBP 1811, or with a newer release, already
have the enhanced version of activation in their
systems. Now we'll roll out the enhanced activation
in waves to customers who started before 1811.

To find out if a system uses the enhanced version

of planning area activation, open the log of an
activation that took place after the upgrade to IBP
1908. If the second message in the log is Activation
of &1 selected objects started (enhanced
activation). (&1 stands for the number of objects),
the system already uses the enhanced version of
planning area activation.

The enhanced activation not only provides a faster,

more stable and robust activation of the planning
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area, but forms the basis of certain new features,

such as simplified key figure calculations, as well.

However, there are few specific modeling cases

where the enhanced version of activation may
interpret specific ambiguous modeling cases
differently. All these cases are covered by
consistency checks. You can find out from the
check log or from the activation log if the planning
area is affected. If yes, you must check if the
enhanced activation returns the same key figure
values, and adjust the configuration if needed.

 Model  Administrator/con
Mandat  Model In key figure configuration, only
configuratiory figuration expert configurati
task some combinations of aggregation and
on after on disaggregation modes make sense from a business
upgrade perspective. If you use other combinations and you
 IBP Excel
change data in the IBP Excel add-in on an
add-in aggregated level, the results after disaggregation
and aggregation may not be identical.

As of the 1908 release, an error is raised during

planning area activation for key figures with invalid
combinations of aggregation and disaggregation

If you activate a planning area after the upgrade,

please check if it contains key figures with
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combinations that are not permitted and adjust

either the aggregation or the disaggregation mode.
If you do not fix an invalid combination, you will
receive an error during planning area activation,
and the activation will fail.

 Model  Administrator/con
Mandat  Model You can now configure aggregation mode,
configuratiory figuration expert configurati
task disaggregation mode, and proportionality for key
on after on figures in the Planning Areas app. on
If you have configured an invalid combination of
aggregation and disaggregation modes in
the Configuration app, it will be automatically
corrected if you call up and edit the key figure in
the Planning Areas app. If you do not correct an
invalid combination, you will receive an error
message during planning area activation, and your
activation will fail.

 Model  Administrator/con
Changed  Model For an L script calculation, the system now checks
configurati figuration expert configurati
that all root attributes of the input planning level
on on are specified as both inputs and outputs in the on

As of the 1908 release, an error is raised during

planning area activation for L script calculations
where the input planning level contains root
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attributes that are not specified as both inputs and

outputs in the L script.

After the upgrade, please check if you have such

input planning levels and correct them, if needed.
If you do not fix the erroneous input planning
levels, you will receive an error message during
activation, and your activation will fail.

 Model  Administrator/con
Prepare  Model The system checks if there are planning levels that
configuratinext figuration expert configurati
share the same set of root attributes (not
on release on considering the time attribute), but they have
different sets of non-root attributes (not
considering the time attribute). Both planning
levels are used as the base planning level of one or
more stored key figures.

As of the 1905 release, you can only activate a

planning area that contains such base planning
levels if you suppress these errors and activate the
planning area with limited scope. This is a
temporary solution, only available in the Planning
Areas app, and with a limited timeframe.

The grace period of this suppressible error has

been extended by one release, that is, you can
suppress this error and activate with limited scope
before the 1911 release. SAP recommends that you
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correct the incomplete or erroneous configuration

as soon as possible.

 Model  Administrator/con
Mandat  Model The system checks if there are syntax errors in the
configuratiory figuration expert configurati
task calculation expressions that make the calculation
on after on expressions invalid. on
As of the 1908 release, an error is raised during
planning area activation for invalid calculation

When you activate a planning area after the

upgrade, please check if there are syntax errors in
the calculation expressions and correct them, if
needed. If you do not fix the erroneous
calculations, you will receive an error message
during activation, and your activation will fail.

 Model  Administrator/con
Prepare  Model The system checks that only key figures that have
configuratinext figuration expert configurati
the same base planning level can be stored inputs
on release on of calculation definitions at the same planning level
(which is different from their base planning level).
This is a new modeling requirement, which is
needed for planned enhancements in activation. If
this check fails, and gives you a warning, we
recommend that you correct your model as soon as
you can, because this check will turn from warning
to error in a later release of IBP.
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 Model  Administrator/con
Changed  Model To ensure the correct configuration for planning
configurati figuration expert configurati
notes, we have added two new checks to the set of
on on checks that run when you activate a planning area,
or perform a consistency check on a planning area.

The system now checks the following for the

planning level of planning notes:

 You cannot enable an external key figure for

planning notes.

 The planning level of planning notes must contain

a subset of attributes from the base planning level
of the key figure, and mustn't contain attributes
that are not included in the base planning level of
the key figure.

If you do not fix these issues, you will receive an

error message during activation, and your
activation will fail.

 Model  Administrator/con
Prepare  Model Checks for Stored Key Figures Read from
configuratinext figuration expert configurati
Incompatible Input Planning Levels Configurati
on release on on
The system checks if there are calculation
definitions where the stored value of a key figure is
used at an input planning level other than its base
planning level; and the input planning level does
not have the same set of root and non-root
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attributes as the base planning level, which is not

allowed. In calculation definitions, an input
planning level where the stored value of a key
figure is used must contain the same set of root and
non-root attributes as the base planning level. This
is an existing modeling requirement, which is now
supported by four new activation checks.

As of the 1911 release, the warnings will turn into

suppressible errors, that is, you can only activate a
planning area that contains such calculation
definitions if you suppress these errors and
activate the planning area with limited scope. This
is going to be a temporary solution, available for a
couple of releases. SAP recommends that you
correct the invalid calculation definitions, if there
are any, as soon as possible.

 Model New   Model

Administrator/con Last period aggregation is now available to display
configurati figuration expert configurati
the key figure value for the last period in a given
on on time period (for example, the last month of on
quarter or the last month of a year). Use
the IBP_LPA function to configure last-period
aggregation in the Planning Areas app.
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 Model New   Model

Administrator/con You can now schedule the activation of time
configurati figuration expert configurati
profiles, master data types, and planning area
on on using the predefined Planning Model
 ApplicatioActivation template in the Application Jobs app.
n job

 Model  Administrator/con
Changed  Model As of 1908, if you want to create a new alert key
configurati figuration expert configurati
figure, choose New and select Alert Key
on  Business user on Figure from the dropdown on the Key
 Web UI Figures screen of the Planning Areas app.

 Model  Administrator/con
Changed  Model The unified planning area (SAPIBP1) contains
configurati figuration expert configurati
miscellaneous updates and improvements in the
on on area of inventory optimization, time-series-based
 Inventory planning, and various modeling changes, such as
optimizatio changed key figures.
For a detailed description of these changes, see the
 Time-
materials in the Enhancement to the unified
planning area and SAP Best Practices for SAP
Integrated Business Planning – release
1908 innovation in Innovation
Discovery at
ondiscovery/ .
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 Order-  Administrator/con
Changed  Model Starting from this release, key figures can be read
based Prepare figuration expert configurati
using the period types that are available from the
planning next  Business user on time profile that is assigned to your planning area.
release  Web UI
Through this enhancement, you can now generally
use the following period types in order-based

 Day

 Technical Week

 Week

 Month

 Quarter

 Year

Although customers who have already been using
order-based planning can wait until release 2002 of
IBP to stop using the periodicity mapping, it is
recommended to perform the switch as soon as

Since you now select the period types of the time

profile instead of the mapped periodicities, labels
in the following apps had to be changed:
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 Settings for Order-Based Planning

 Fair-Share Set Profiles

 Forecast Consumption Profiles

 Product Allocation Profiles

 Order- New   Planning The Order-Based Planning: Constrained Forecast

Administrator/con Order-
based figuration expert operator Run Using Optimizer now supports the following:Based
planning  Business user Applicatio Planning
 More than one PDS activity
n job

 Component lead-time offset defined through PDS


 Goods receipt processing time

 Order-  Administrator/con
Changed  Planning We have introduced a new error type for non-
based figuration expert operator technical errors during the OBP planning runs
planning  Business user Applicatio(application jobs only) and during gating factor
n job analysis.

Non-technical errors, for example, if access to an

application level is already locked by another user,
are labeled as User Error. With the introduction of
this error type, job chains are now stopped if a job
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in the chain has such an error. Thus, you can more

easily identify what went wrong in a job chain.

 Order- New   ApplicatioRemember

Administrator/con Order-
based figuration expert n job In the Global Configuration app, there is a new
planning  Business user Global global configuration
on the RESPONSE parameter group. This parameter
controls the handling of duplicates when copying
versions using the Order-Based Planning: Copy
Version Data application job.

 Order- New   Planning We have enhanced the Planning Run Profiles app
Administrator/con Order-
based figuration expert operator as follows: Based
planning  Business user Planning
 There are new attributes available for you to define
the cost rules and the maximum lateness rule.

 In each rule section, the overview screen of the

profile now shows a preview of the conditions that
build the rule. You don’t have to navigate to the
condition maintenance any longer to understand
how a rule is set up in detail.

 Order-  Business user

Changed Web UI We have improved the usability of the order
based network graph. There is a new graph overview
planning displayed next to the actual graph, which helps you
keep track of where you are in bigger networks.
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You can change the graph orientation (left-right,

right-left, top-bottom), and you can now search for
nodes and connecting lines. The new zoom-to-fit
function supports the optimal adaptation of the
graph to the display area.

Furthermore, the stock projection chart (View

Projected Stock app) is more user-friendly now.
For example, you can now switch the value display
on or off, and you can control the zooming by using
the magnifying glass icons.

 Order- New  Business user Web UI We have added new location-material-specific

based attributes to the View Gating Factors, View
planning Confirmations, and Analyze Supply Usage apps.
You can add them as filters and as columns.

 Order-  Administrator/con
Changed  Role/busin
As of this release, it is possible to restrict
based Mandatfiguration expert ess catalog
authorizations in the Remote Source app, which
planning ory task  Integration
allows you to control access to data in the app. If
after you are upgrading from a lower release, please be
upgrade aware that read-only access is now supported for
the Response Remote
business catalog.

All roles containing this business catalog in which

the write option was set to No access have been
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migrated. As a consequence, all roles that are

assigned to this business catalog, including display-
only roles, have had their write access set
to Unrestricted.

Please check whether the roles you have previously

configured still meet your requirements and
change the settings if needed.

 Order-  Administrator/con
Prepare  Integration
The following OpenAPI versions will no longer be
based next figuration expert available as of SAP Integrated Business Planning
planning release 1908: Planning


MODEL: 1708.0.0_FULL, 1708.0.0_TRANS


MODEL: 1708.0.0

If you are using these OpenAPI versions, you will
get a warning about their deprecation, but you can
continue to use them in the 1908 and 1911 releases
of SAP Integrated Business Planning. Note that
these OpenAPI versions will cease to function as of
the 2002 release and any jobs that use these
OpenAPI versions will fail after the upgrade to the
2002 release of SAP Integrated Business Planning.
We therefore strongly recommend that you cancel
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or delete any scheduled jobs that use these

OpenAPI versions, and replace them with jobs
using newer OpenAPI versions.

If you haven't already used these OpenAPI

versions, you will not be able to schedule a job
using them as of the 1908 release of SAP Integrated
Business Planning.

 Order-  Administrator/con
Prepare  Model As of the 1911 release of SAP Integrated Business
based next Planning, the SAP74 sample planning area will no
figuration expert configurati Based
planning release on longer be available. Planning

Instead of SAP74, we recommend that you use a

combination of the SAP7 and SAP4 sample
planning areas, or SAPIBP1 as described in SAP
Best Practices for SAP Integrated Business

 Order-  Business user

Changed ApplicatioThe planning engine now handles manual
based n job adjustments in conjunction with fixed orders in the
planning pre-allocation segment. Planning

This way, if you manually adjust quantities, the

satisfaction situation of fixed orders is not
worsened, while the planning engine comes as
close as possible to the quantity of a source of
supply you manually adjusted.
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 Order- New   Model

Administrator/con A new portion size key figure is now available in
based the SAP7 planning
figuration expert configurati area at the planning
planning  Business user on level PERPRODLOC: Forecast-Based Fair-Share
Portion Size (PORTIONSIZEFCST). You can use this
key figure to set the portion size in fair share to
compare the forecasts for different location
products for the full horizon of the planning area.

The SAP7 sample model entities have been

enhanced accordingly to support this feature.

 Order-  Administrator/con
Changed  Model Key figures in the SAP7 sample planning area that
based figuration expert configurati
used to be editable in current and future time
planning on periods are now all editable. Planning

 Order-  Administrator/con
Changed  Model When viewing the result of a planning run in the
based figuration expert configurati
IBP Excel add-in, you can now easily identify the
planning  Business user on forecast period for which the supply was planned.
 IBP Excel
To enable this, the external demand key figures for
add-in forecast and orders fulfilled in time, late, and
unfulfilled have been added to
the STD_SFC_EXT data source.

 Order-  Administrator/con
Changed  Model Calculation of the Stock
based Projected (STOCKPROJECTED)
figuration expert configurati and the Stock
planning on Projected (Without
Sales) (STOCKPROJECTEDWOS) key figures has
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been changed: A new helper key figure is now used

instead of the L-code to enable a simplified
calculation method: cumulative aggregation.

 Order-  Business user

Changed Web UI To improve consistency, we have renamed one of
based the types displayed in the Type of Receipt or
planning Requirement column in the Element View of
the View Projected Stock app: What used to be
called Restricted Stock is now called Non-
Planning-Relevant Stock there. Just like before,
the column displays stock types that are not
relevant for planning in IBP. For information about
the planning relevancy of ERP stock types in IBP,
see the Stock documentation
under or http

  New 
Process  Web UI You can now use custom alerts in process
Administrator/con Process
manageme figuration expert automation. This way, you can stop the process Manageme
nt  Business user any problems with planning data arise during the
process. If you don't want to use custom alerts in
process automation, you can also configure them
in the process template to be shown for
information purposes. This allows users who are
involved in the process to resolve the issues before
the process can continue.
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In the context of this new feature, several UI field

names have been renamed in the steps settings
area of the Manage Process Templates and
the Manage Processes app to improve usability.

 Time-  New   Web UI We've introduced a new primary parameter for all
Administrator/con Time-
series-  Model
figuration expert S&OP algorithm types except forecast
based  Business user configurati
consumption and compute quotas. It enables you
supply on to control the merger policy for certain input key
planning  Planning figures, that is, how synchronization for these
operator upstream and downstream input key figures takes
place after you've run a planning algorithm.

 Time-  New   Web UI You can now define aggregated constraints usingTime-
Administrator/con a
series-  Model
figuration expert conversion factor of capacity consumption to
based  Business user configurati
allocate minimum and/or maximum resource
supply on utilization to production and transportation
planning resources. Planning

For production resources, this allows you to

reserve a defined time on a production source of
supply for specific products or product groups.

For transportation resources, you can now add the

capacity consumption rate of the mode of
transport as a conversion factor to the aggregated
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We've provided four new key figures as part of this

new feature.

 Time-  New   IBP

Administrator/con Excel
You can now run the forecast consumption
series- figuration expert add-in algorithm without supply planning (that is, on non-
based  Business user supply-planning-enabled planning areas) from the
supply IBP Excel add-in, as well as by using an application
planning job (as previously). Planning

 Time-   Administrator/con
Changed  Web UI As of 1908, shelf life visibility L-code will no longer
series-  Model
figuration expert be available in the SAPIBP1 sample planning area.
based  Business user configurati Based
New customers from 1908 onwards can use the
supply on Supply
shelf life planning heuristic instead. For more
planning Planning
information, see Time-Series-Based Shelf Life
Planning Heuristic.

For customer who are already using shelf life

visibility L-code delivered in SAPIBP1, SAP will
continue to support it but please bear in mind that
customer-specific L-code enhancements will no
longer be supported.

 Time-   Administrator/con
Changed  Web UI Transportation resources introduced in 1905 and
series-  Model
figuration expert then only supported by the supply planning
based  Business user configurati
optimizer are now also considered by all types of
on the supply planning heuristic. However, the
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supply heuristics don’t take into account the

planning transportation resources’ capacity supply as a limit
on transport quantities, but instead treat capacity
as infinite for transportation resources, as they
currently do for production resources.

 Time-   Administrator/con
Prepare  Web UI Certain S&OP operator checks for key figures
series- next  Model
figuration expert introduced in 1902 as warnings and converted to
based  Business user
release configurati
errors for new customers in 1905, will remain as
supply on warnings for existing customers in 1908. Supply
planning Planning
However, they will be converted to errors for all
customers in 1911.

 User  Mustknow 
Administrator/con In 1908, we've introduced the new type Must
assistance figuration expert know. We use it for disruptive changes that do not
 Business user require an immediate follow-up after the upgrade
(like items classified with Mandatory task after
upgrade) but that you need to have in mind if you
create objects or start processes after the upgrade.
For this reason, you need to take note of these
items immediately after the upgrade.

 User   Administrator/con
Changed  In the application help, exception handling has
assistance figuration expert been replaced by exception management.
 Business user
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 User  New   IBP

Administrator/con Excel
Polish is available as system language in IBP 1908
assistance figuration expert add-in and in the new IBP Excel add-in (1908.2.0 version).
 Business user
As of HFC 3, the in-app help is available in Polish as

 User  New   Model

Administrator/con To support you when setting up a project, we now
assistance figuration expert configurati
provide Getting Started documentation for time-
 Time- on series-based supply planning. Based
series-  Planning Supply
based operator Planning

  New 
Web-based Business user Web UI We’ve enhanced the Web-Based Planning app
planning with the following features:

 You can now do basic simulations on-the-fly to see

the effect of your changes to dependent key figures
in the planning view.

 You can use and manage scenarios.

 Miscellaneous new features in the grid add to the

usability of the grid, such as column filters or
display of fixed and partially fixed key figure values.

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