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San Jose, Gonzaga, Cagayan


Name: ____________________________________________ Score:___________________

Test I: Multiple Choice

DIRECTIONS: choose the best answer to the given questions. Encircle the letter of your choice.

1. The word politics comes from the Greek word “polis” which means ______________.
a. City-state b. City-nation c. City-city d. None
2. Who explains that politics is a master science through which individuals collectively set structure,
purpose, and ideals in their lives?
a. Aristomle b. Aristotle c. Asristosle d. Aristo
3. What do we call a political government that is carried out either directly by the people (direct
democracy) or by means of elected representatives of the people?
a. Aristocracy b. Democracy c. Conservatism d. Socialism
4. It is a belief in the importance of liberty and equality.
a. Democracy b. Liberty c. Monarchy d. Aristocracy
5. The following are NOT value of Politics EXCEPT:
a. Politics help you to know your right
b. Politics do not help you understand the nation’s parties.
c. Politics is not a living, breathing subject.
d. Politics do not clarify what you yourself believe.
6. The following are value of politics EXCEPT:
a. Politics clarifies what you yourself believe.
b. Politics is a living, breathing subject.
c. Politics prepares you for adult life.
d. Politics do not give any benefits to the people.
7. The following are characteristics of good governance EXCEPT:
a. Participation
b. Transparency
c. Irresponsiveness
d. Accountability
8. This characteristic of good governance demonstrates the act of letting the people know every transaction
of the government.
a. Participation
b. Transparency
c. Irresponsiveness
d. Accountability
9. A political ideology wherein the state’s role is to maintain order.
a. Liberalism
b. Conservatism
c. Anarchism
d. Fascism
10. A political ideology wherein human beings are capable of self-fulfillment if given the opportunity by the
a. Liberalism
b. Conservatism
c. Anarchism
d. Socialism
11. A political ideology wherein the state’s role is to safeguard freedom of the individuals.
a. Liberalism
b. Socialism
c. Conservatism
d. Fascism
12. This political ideology has contrasting view of the state.
a. Liberalism
b. Socialism
c. Conservatism
d. Fascism
13. Power and politics are the two faces of a single coin. Why?
a. They move parallelily together.
b. They move hand by hand together.
c. They move alone together.
d. There is no reason.
14. Power is required for some reasons EXCEPT:
a. Providing directions
b. Articulate the goals
c. Structure to organizations
d. Assist employees in not performing better.
15. The following are examples of coercive power EXCEPT:
a. Threats to write-ups
b. Demotions
c. Terminations if employees do not follow order
d. Recognition
16. This dimension of power is referred to as the head.
a. Informational power
b. Emotional power
c. Physical power
d. Expert power
17. This is seen when a person is able to affect the views of the people.
a. Informational power
b. Emotional power
c. Physical power
d. Expert power
18. This dimension of power reflects the one’s ability to lead and perform the jobs in the government.
a. Informational power
b. Emotional power
c. Physical power
d. Expert power
19. Jane was elected as the SSG President, but after a week she was not able to perform her duties and
responsibilities because of the lack of knowledge in leading the organization. What dimension of power
Jane lacks?
a. Informational power
b. Emotional power
c. Physical power
d. Expert power
20. The students of a certain school remain inobedient even if the officers of the student organization keep
on imposing rules on student discipline. What dimension of power might be missing?
a. Informational power
b. Emotional power
c. Physical power
d. Expert power
21. Jack is elected as Yes-O President but is not capable of leading the students. He cannot even encourage
his constituents to pick the trash in the corridors, in the canteen, and in the hallways. What dimension of
power Jack might not have?
a. Informational power
b. Emotional power
c. Physical power
d. Expert power
22. The manager of Teletech Outbound instructed the team leaders to fire their agents who are not
complying with the Standard Operating Procedures when handling calls. A day after that, she found out
that the team leaders did not follow her order that is why she fired them all. What type of power is
emphasized in the situation?
a. Coercive power
b. Legitimate power
c. Reward power
d. Expert power
23. The president of a corporation has certain powers because of the office he holds in the corporation. What
type of power is emphasized?
a. Informational power
b. Emotional power
c. Physical power
d. Expert power
24. Maria received a gift certificate for her exemplary performance in the school. What type of reward is
given to her?
a. Tangible reward
b. Intangible reward
c. Bogus reward
d. Indigenous reward
25. Mary Ann is a member of group one, all her group mates agreed that she will be the leader since she has
a lot of knowledge and experience about the activity their teacher gave. What type of power does Mary
Ann acquire?
a. Coercive power
b. Legitimate power
c. Reward power
d. Expert power
26. The following are key ideas of liberalism EXCEPT:
a. Individual freedom
b. Equality of opportunity
c. Government by consent
d. Importance of tradition
27. The following are key ideas of conservatism EXCEPT:
a. Importance of tradition
b. Gradual social change
c. Human beings are imperfect and flawed
d. Collectivism
28. The following are the focus of socialism EXCEPT:
a. Collectivism
b. Opposed to capitalism
c. Human beings are capable of self-fulfilment
d. Government by consent
29. This is an economic system in which wealth, and the means of producing wealth, are privately owned
and controlled.
a. Capitalism
b. Communism
c. Democratism
d. Fascism
30. If Rodrigo Duterte will have a complete power, force suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting
all industry and will become racist, how would you consider him as a president?
a. Communist
b. Democratic
c. Fascist
d. Capitalist
31. In Philippine government, each individual is given importance as their rights. Therefore, what benefit is
the government giving to the people?
a. The government is helping the people to know their rights
b. The government is helping the people disregard their rights
c. The government is helping the people know their responsibilities
d. The government is not helping the people at all
32. It involves the exercise of control or authority within the society through the creation and enforcement
of consensus arrived at by the leaders.
a. Politics as an art
b. Politics is the realm of public affairs
c. Politics is the science of government
d. Politics is who gets what, when, and how
33. The struggle involved in allocating the scarce resources, and determining what to produce, how to
distribute, and use them is said to be politics.
a. Politics as an art
b. Politics is the realm of public affairs
c. Politics is the science of government
d. Politics is who gets what, when, and how
34. It is a systematic body of knowledge that deals with the government and regulation, maintenance and
development, and defense and augmentation of the state.
a. Politics is a science
b. Politics is the realm of public affairs
c. Politics is the science of government
d. Politics is who gets what, when, and how
35. When there is inefficiency, red tape, maladministration, corruption, and secrecy, then there is
a. Bad governance
b. Good governance
c. Stable governance
d. No governance
36. If liberalism is a political or social philosophy advocating the freedom of the individual, what then is
a. A belief in strict adherence to a set of basic principles, often religious in nature.
b. A government which promotes violent conflict between nations, political factions, and races.
c. A form of government by single authority.
d. A philosophy that insists on the right and capacity of a people, acting either directly or through
37. Which of the following emphasizes communism?
a. A socioeconomic structure and political ideology that promotes the establishment of an
egalitarian, classless, steles society.
b. A socioeconomic structure and political ideology that do not promote the establishment of an
egalitarian, classless, stateless society.
c. A socioeconomic structure and political ideology that promotes the establishment of a non-
egalitarian, class, state society.
d. None of the above.
38. Which of the following demonstrates monarchism?
a. Establishment, preservation, or restoration of a monarchy as a form of government in a nation.
b. Establishment, conservation, or restoration of a monarchy as a form of government in a nation.
c. Establishment, preservation, or restoration of a monarchy as a form of government in a world.
d. None of the above.
39. “The Philippines belongs to the Filipinos!” What ideology does the line have?
a. Democratism
b. Nationalism
c. Fundamentalism
d. Fascism

Test II: Essay

1. What is the importance of studying politics and governance? ( 5 points)

2. Why is power a necessary attribute of a leader? ( 5 points)

“The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you all. Amen.” – Philippians 4: 23

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English Teacher Supervisor/ Principal

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