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Report of Genetics observations with the title “Mendel's Law of Pseudo

Deviation” which made by:
name : Umi Kalsum
ID : 1714440011
class : ICP of Biology Education
group : 1 (One)
after checked by assistant, so this report is accepted.

Makassar, October 2019

Assistant Coordinator, Assistant,

Muhammad Habil Ahmad Mohammad Afif Aldilah S.

ID. 1614142011 ID. 1514441008

Lecturer of Responsibility

Hartati, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D.

ID. 19740405 200003 2 002


RATIFICATION PAGE ........................................................................................ i

TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................... ii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION.......................................................................... 1
A. Background .................................................................................................. 1
B. Purpose ......................................................................................................... 2
C. Benefit .......................................................................................................... 2
CHAPTER II PREVIEW OF LITERATURE ................................................... 3
A. Mendel's Law ............................................................................................... 3
B. Mendel's Law of Pseudo Deviation………...........……..………………….5
CHAPTER III METHODE OF PRACTICUM ................................................. 8
A. Time and Place ............................................................................................. 8
B. Tools and Materials ...................................................................................... 8
C. Work Procedures .......................................................................................... 8
CHAPTER IV RESULT AND DISCUSSION.................................................... 9
A. Data Analysis ……………….........……………………………………......9
B. Discussion .................................................................................................. 12
CHAPTER V CLOSING .................................................................................... 14
A. Conclusion ................................................................................................. 14
B. Suggestion .................................................................................................. 14
REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 15


A. Background
Allah Almighty with all his perfection creates living creatures of various
kinds and kinds. Diversity that comes from breeding by living beings themselves
to continue their generation. The existence of a variety of living things also vary
in the nature of the inherited by the parental (parent). One branch of biology that
discusses and studies the science is Genetics.
Genetics is a branch of knowledge about the inheritance of the nature of
living things, the mechanism, and material inheritance. The field of genetic
studies starts from the subcellular (molecular) to the population. Genetics also
explains information-carrying material for inheritance (genetic material), how
information is expressed (genetic expression), and how that information is
transferred from one individual to another (genetic inheritance), as well as the
mechanism of inheriting information itself (meiosis, gametogenesis and Mendel's
The genetic diversity of each organism makes the organism not same at
all. Living things come from bisection of cells compiling its body. Early to one
cell, and then split to many cells. The new individual that form has character like
its mains. This is cause at even cells bisection, mains cell remove copy genetic
information there into its chromosome to cell as router generation so it can told
that cell bisection is way for degrading the nature of its mains to its child.
Specifically inheritance traits that are more commonly known as Mendel
Law which consists of law 1 and mendel law 2. Mendel 1 law discusses
monohybrid crosses and second law concerning dihybrid crosses which then along
with the times there are various irregularities related to the provisions of the law
Reports with the title "Mendel’s law Deviation" were arranged to find out
and prove the false deviations of the Mendel Law based on the work procedures
of this genetic practicum unit.

B. Purpose
1. Knowing the patterns of crossing modification of two or more properties.
2. Explain the causes of a phenotype resulting from crosses different from
Mendel's law
C. Benefit
1. Students can find out what models of Mendel's law are deviant
2. Students can know the cause of the phenotype of a result of a cross different
from Mendel's law


A. Mendel's Law
Mendel chose the characters of the pea plants which turned out to have a
relatively simple genetic basis. Each character is determined by one gene, each of
which consists of only two alleles that are fully dominant while the other one is
fully recessive. However, these conditions are not met by all inherited characters
and the relationship between phenotypes and genotypes is rarely so simple.
Mendel himself realized that he could not explain more complex patterns than he
observed in crosses involving other characters or other plants
(Hartati and Ferry, 2017).
According to Campbell (2010) Mendel’s model, describe four related
concepts making up this model, the fourth of which is the law of segregation. That
is :
1. Alternative versions of genes account for variations in inherited characters.
The gene for flower color in pea plants, for example, exists in two versions,
one for purple flowers and the other for white flowers. These alternative
versions of a gene are called alleles. The purple-flower allele and the white-
flower allele are two DNA sequence variations possible at the flower color
locus on one of a pea plant’s chromosomes
2. For each character, an organism inherits two copies of a gene, one from each
parent. (These are also called alleles of that gene.) Remarkably, Mendel made
this deduction without knowing about the role, or even the existence, of
chromosomes each somatic cell in a diploid organism has two sets of
chromosomes, one set in herited from each parent. Thus, a genetic locus is
actually represented twice in a diploid cell, once on each homolog of a
specific pair of chromosomes. The two alleles at a particular locus may be
identical, as in the true-breeding plants of Mendel’s P generation. Or the
alleles may differ, as in the F1 hybrids.

3. If the two alleles at a locus differ, then one, the dominant allele, determines
the organism’s appearance the other, the recessive allele, has no noticeable
effect on the organism’s appearance. Accordingly, Mendel’s F1 plants had
purpleflowers because the allele for that trait is dominant and theallele for
white flowers is recessive.
4. Final part of Mendel’s model, the law ofsegregation, states that the two
alleles for a heritable charactersegregate (separate from each other) during
gamete formation andend up in different gametes. Thus, an egg or a sperm
gets onlyone of the two alleles that are present in the somatic cells ofthe
organism making the gamete. In terms of chromosomes,this segregation
corresponds to the distribution of the twomembers of a pair of homologous
chromosomes to differentgametes in meiosis. Note that if an organismhas
identical alleles for a particular characterthat is, theorganism is true-breeding
for that characterthen that alleleis present in all gametes. But if different
alleles are present, asin the F1 hybrids, then 50% of the gametes receive the
dominantallele and 50% receive the recessive allele.
In 1866, Gregor Mendel, an Austrian monk and a plant breeder,
publishedhis findings on the method and the mathematics of inheritance ingarden
pea plants. The passing of traits to the next generation is calledinheritance, or
heredity. Mendelwas successful insorting out the mystery of inheritance because
of the organism he chosefor his studythe pea plant. Pea plants are easy to grow
and many aretrue-breeding, meaning that they consistently produce offspring
withonly one form of a trait.Pea plants usually reproduce by self-fertilization. A
common occurrencein many flowering plants, self-fertilization occurs when a
malegamete within a flower combines with a female gamete in the sameflower.
Mendel also discovered that pea plants could easily be crosspollinatedby hand.
Mendel performed crosspollination by transferringa male gamete from the flower
of one pea plant to the femalereproductive organ in a flower of another pea plant.
Mendel rigorously followed various traits inthe pea plants he bred. He analyzed
the results of his experiments andformed hypotheses concerning how the traits

were inherited. The studyof genetics, which is the science of heredity, began with
Mendel, who isregarded as the father of genetics (Biggs et all, 2008).
Mendel’s standards have constantly connected to the hereditarily repeating
animal in a common habitat. Mendel’s work is known to a great extent through
his Experiments in Plant Hybridization distributed in 1865. It provided details
regarding eight years of experimentation with the garden pea. Mendel settled on a
few ponder decisions on inheritance which were critical to deduce the laws of
legacy. Mendelian inheritance theory describes the rules by which the genes are
inherited by the offspring. New offspring always carries the properties of both of
its parents but only one parent’s properties are dominant. But it doesn’t mean that
the other parent’s properties are suppressed, they are just hidden. After inter-off
springs’ mating one of the new offspring may have the properties of second parent
as well. By experimenting with pea plant breeding (Bala and Rajending, 2018)
Analysis of inheritance of qualitative and quantitative characters is very
important in plant breeding programs. The inheritance analysis of a popular
character is done through generation means analysis (generation means analysis)
of segregated populations resulting from biparental crossing (single cross).
Genetic information obtained from inheritance analysis consists of gene action,
number of control genes, genetic diversity, heritability and other genetic
information. Genetic information is very useful in the selection stage, so selection
is expected to be more effective and efficient (Daryantoet all, 2017).
B. Mendel's Law of Pseudo Deviation
Mendel's Law of Pseudo Deviation is a form of crossing that can produce
phenotypic ratios that are different from the basic dihibrid based on Mendel's law.
Phenotive itself is an observable characteristic of an organism that can be
regulated by genotype and the environment or interactions between the two. The
characteristics of phenotypes encompass biochemical, structural, behavioral, and
physiological as well as from various levels of genes of an organism. In this level
phenotypes namely body weight, eye color, and resistance to a particular disease.
At the level of biochemical phenotype can cover the content of chemical
substances in the body. For example the content of sugar in rice or protein

content. There are various kinds of Mendel's Laws of Pseudo Deviation, namely
Polymeri, Cryptomery, Epistasis, Hypostasis, Complementary, and Gene
Interaction (Anas and Iman, 2017).
1. Complementary
Complementary is a cross between two genes that complement each other
to be able to bring up a new character. It can also be interpreted as an interaction
between dominant but different genes, so that they can complement each other. If
the genes are together in the genotype they will help each other in determining the
phenotype. For example, when people who are deaf are paired with people who
are equally deaf, it can produce offspring that are normal and mute or deaf.
2. Atavism
The first false deviation of Mendel's law was atavism. Atavism is the
interaction between genes that produce phyla or offspring with different
phenotypes from the parent. Examples of atavism can be found in the case of
chicken's comb. Atavism is the emergence of a trait as a result of the interaction of
several genes. Examples of atavism are genetic traits in chicken's comb. There are
four types of chicken's comb, namely walnut, rose, pea, and single. The shape of a
chicken's comb is not only regulated by one gene, but by the interaction of two
genes. Crossbreeding of rooster roosters (RRpp) with roosters pea (rrPP) will
produce offspring Fj 100% walnut roosters (RrPp). The results of the marriage of
fellow F2 will produce offspring F with a phenotype of walnut: rose: pea: single =
9: 3: 3: 1. The deviation that occurs in atavism is not about the comparison of the
F2 phenotype, but the emergence of new traits in chicken combs, namely walnuts
and single . Walnut comb type is the result of the interaction of two independent
genes, while the single comb type is the result of the interaction of two recessive
3. Cryptomery
Cryptomery is an event where if a factor does not seem to have an effect if
it stands alone, but it can be seen as an effect if there are other factors that support
it. In Greek Cryptomery can be interpreted as hidden, and therefore can be said to
be a dominant gene that is hidden if it stands alone and will be seen to influence

when paired with other genes. For example, crossing a red Linaria marocanna
flower (Aabb) with a white Linaria Marocanna flower (aaBB) will produce
offspring or F1 flowers that have a purple color (AaBb) that has a different color
than the parent flower. This purple color is produced from anthocyanin pigments
in the acidic environment contained in red in flowers. In the base environment, the
red color of the flower will give a purple color.
4. Epistasis - Hypostasis
Epistasis - Hypostasis Is an event where a dominant gene affects another
dominant gene. This covering gene is called epistasis, while the one covered is
hypostesis. In some cases of dihybrid, trihibrid, or polyhibrid marriages, genes
influence each other. Genes that affect (inhibit) other genes are called epistasis
disorders, whereas genes that are affected (blocked? Are called hypostatic genes.
As a result, marriages appear to deviate from the rules or results that should be
based on Mendel's principles, even though such marriages still meet the law in
principle Mendel (Opitz et all, 2016)


A. Time and Place

Day/date : Monday, September 30rd 2019
Time : 07.30 a.m – 09.10 am CIT ( Central Indonesian Time )
Place : 2nd floor of Biology laboratory, Mathematic And Science Faculty,
Makassar State University
B. Tools and materials
1. Tools
a. Genetic propeller 1 piece
b. Medium jars 1 piece
c. Pen 2 pieces
2. Materials
a. Paper 2 piece
C. Work Procedure

Performing crossing propeller Record every result of the

rotations for 100 times without propeller rotation and do the

any failure. Chi-Square test.


A. Data Analysis
1. Complementer
a. Colored Phenotype (C_R_)
Expected (E) = 𝑋 100
= 56,25
(O-E)2 = (60 – 56,25)2
= 14, 0625
(O-E)2 / E = 14,0625 / 56,25
= 0,25
b. Uncolored Phenotype (C_rr ; ccR_ ; ccrr )
Expected (E) = 𝑋 100
= 43, 75
(O-E)2 = (40 – 43,75)2
= 0, 835
(O-E)2 / E = 0, 835 / 43, 75
= 0,02
Ho = The phenotype ratio resulting from complementary crosses
experiences a deviation from the Mendel's law phenotype ratio
Degree of Freedom = 0,05
X table = 3,84
X count = 0, 27
X count < X table
0,27 < 3,84, Ho can not denied
The ratio of phenotypes from complementary crosses results in deviations
from Mendel's law phenotype ratio.

2. Atavism

a. Walnut Phenotype (R_P_)
Expected (E) = 16 𝑋 100

= 56,25
(O-E)2 = (42 – 56,25)2
= 203,06
(O-E)2 / E = 203,06 / 56,25
= 3,60
b. Rose Phenotype (R_pp)
Expected (E) = 16 𝑋 100

= 18,75
(O-E)2 = (19-18,75)2
= 0,06
(O-E)2 / E = 0,06 / 18,75
= 0,03
c. Pea Phenotype (rrP_)
Expected (E) = 16 𝑋 100

= 18,75
(O-E)2 = (21-18,75)2
= 5,06
(O-E)2 / E = 5,06 / 18,75
= 0,26

d. Rose Phenotype
Expected (E) = 16 𝑋 100

= 6,25
(O-E)2 = (18-6,25)2
= 138,06
(O-E)2 / E = 138,06/ 6,25
= 22,08

Ho = The phenotype ratio resulting from Avatism crosses experiences a
deviation from the Mendel's law phenotype ratio
Degree of Freedom = 0,05
X table = 7,82
X count = 25,94
X count > X table
25,94 > 7,82 Ho is denied
The phenotype ratio resulting from Atavism crossing does not experience
any deviation from Mendel's law phenotype ratio.

3. Epistasis-Hypostasis
a. Black Phenotype (H_K_ ; H_kk)
Expected (E) = 𝑋 100
= 75
(O-E)2 = (63 – 75)2
= 144
(O-E)2 / E = 144 / 75
= 1,92

b. Yellow Phenotype (hhK_)

Expected (E) = 16 𝑋 100

= 18,75
(O-E)2 = (17-18,75)2
= 3,06
(O-E)2 / E = 3,06 / 18,75
= 0,16
c. White Phenotype (hhkk)
Expected (E) = 16 𝑋 100

= 6,25

(O-E)2 = (20-6,25)2
= 189,06
(O-E)2 / E = 189,06/ 6,25
= 30,24
Ho = The phenotype ratio resulting from Epistasis-Hypostasis crosses
experiences a deviation from the Mendel's law phenotype ratio
Degree of Freedom = 0,05
X table = 5,99
X count = 32,32
X count > X table
32,32 > 5,99, Ho is denied
The phenotype ratio resulting from Epistasis-Hypostasis crossing does not
experience any deviation from Mendel's law phenotype ratio.
B. Discussion

Based on the practicum with the title "Mendel’s law Deviation", each
group in the class is divided into several false deviations. Mendel's Law and our
Group get the Semantic Deviation of Complementary Crosses. Complementary
deviations are deviations where if one dominant gene appears, a new phenotype
will emerge. For example in the case of deaf mute genes where if one gene A or B
appears, the phenotype is Deaf Mute.
Data retrieval is used with gamete propellers with several times the data
retrieval is 40 times. In complementary crosses, the phenotype ratio obtained is 9:
7. It is said to deviate from Mendel's law where the dihibrid ratio of mendel law is
9: 3: 3: 1 which corresponds to the theory of Hartati and Ferry (2017) which states
F1 generation results the hybridization is in the form of the same phenotype but in
the F2 generation there will be a ratio of phenotype 9: 3: 3: 1. So this deviation
can be said to be in accordance with the theory of Muxaki et all (2017) which
states that fast growing inheritance does not follow segregation Mendel. This is
thought to be a false deviation from Mendel's law by the existence of gene
interactions, resulting in a phenotype ratio that is different from Mendel's legal
basis. Thus, inheritance can be obtained that matches phenotypes and genotypes.

After analyzing the data, the Xcount value was 4.4701, while the Xtable
value was 7.81. This shows that X counts <X table. H0 is not rejected (accepted)
if the value of X counts <X table, the conclusion of the complementary practicum
is that the practicum carried out has no match with the Complementary Theory.
Thus, this incident was also explained by Hartati and Ferry (2017), explained that
each character is determined by one gene, each of which consists of only two
alleles that are fully dominant while the other is fully recessive. However, these
conditions are not met by all inherited characters and the relationship between
phenotypes and genotypes is rarely so simple. Mendel himself realized that he
could not explain patterns that were more complex than he observed in crosses
involving other characters of peas or other plants.


A. Conclusion
Based on this observation we can conclude that :
1. The crossing patterns of the two traits or better known as the dihibrid crossing
or polyhibrid crossing which will then experience a discrepancy with the legal
law so that it is called a false deviation from mendel law.
2. The cause of a phenotype resulting from crossing is different from its parent
or experiencing deviations from the mendelum law due to several things,
namely because there are two mutually replaceable genes to create new
(Complementary) traits, because there are other dominant genes covered by
other dominant genes, and because the presence of genes that appear different
from the parent
B. Suggestion
1. For practice, it is best to follow the direction of the assistant in the experiment
and read the genetic module before entering the laboratory.
2. For assistants, it is better to accompany the practitioner and explain a little
about the theories related to the unit practiced
3. For laboratory assistants, it is better to complete the tools and materials


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