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Nonlinear Systems in Medicine

John P. Higginsa
Cardiology Section, Noninvasive Cardiac Laboratories,
VA Boston Healthcare System, Boston, Massachusetts

Many achievements in medicine have come from applying linear theory to problems. Most current
mnethods of data analysis use linear models, which are based on proportionality betweeni two vari-
ables and/or relationships described by linear differential equations. However, nonlinear behavior
commonly occurs within human systems due to their complex dynamic nature; this cannot be
described adequately by linear models.
Nonlinear thinking has grown among physiologists andphysicians over the past century, and non-
linear system theories are beginning to be applied to assist in interpreting, explaining, and predict-
ing biological phenomena. Chaos theory describes elements manifesting behavior that is extremely
sensitive to initial conditions, does not repeat itself and yet is deterministic. Complexity' theory goes
one step beyond chaos and is attempting to explain complex behavior that emerges within dynamic
nonlinear systems.
Nonlinear modeling still has not been able to explain all of the complexity present in human systems, and
further models still need to be refined and developed. However, nonlinear modeling is helping to
explain some system behaviors that linear systems cannot and thuis will auigment our understanding
of the nature of complex dynamic systems within the human bocdy in health and in disease states.

INTRODUCTION simple differential equations to the input. Yet

systems within nature, including the human
A system is a collection of interacting body, frequently lack mechanical periodicity
elements. Behavior ofthe system is distinct or linear dynamics and thus are referred to
from the behavior of its parts or elements as nonlinear systems [2]. Within nonlinear
(Figure 1). These elements interact with each systems, output is usually not proportional
other directly and indirectly to modulate the to input, and output for the same input value
system fmnction. may not be constalnt over time [3]. Further-
The reductionist or mechanistic view of more, in contrast to linear systems, breaking
nature involves reducing systems into their a nonlinear system down into its elements
component parts (elements) in an attempt to (parts) and analyzing those parts under con-
understand them [1]. This is the basis of linear trolled conditions does not accurately reflect
system analysis, where output is proportional the complex behavior present, nor capture
to or can be determined through applying the dynamic relationships operating between

aTo whom all correspondence should be addressed: John P. Higgins M.D., M. Phil., Co-
Director of Noninvasive Cardiac Laboratories, Instructor in Medicine - Harvard Medical
School, Cardiology Section, 4C108, VA Boston Healthcare System, 1400 VFW Parkway,
Boston, MA 02132; Tel.: 617-323-7700 ext. 6830; Fax: 617-363-5550; E-mail:
248 Higgins: Nonlinear systems in medicine




Figure 1. A system is composed of elements or parts (circle, square, rectangle, triangle,

diamond) that manifest their own behavior, and can interact with each other (arrows). In
addition, feedback loops may be present between elements (triangle output feeds back to
diamond and square). The interaction and modulation of these elements under different
conditions and different times result in a dynamic system, which can respond to the input
at a particular time under particular conditions with a specific output.

various elements [4, 5]. By analogy, know- "attractors." This leads to "Emergence,"
ing the structure of water (H20) gives you no which describes the order that arises from
clue as to why water goes down a plughole what on initial inspection appears to be dis-
in a vortex [6]. Likewise, with all the order, firther, such emergence can arise from
knowledge of the individual musicians and local and simple rules within the system [6].
their instruments in isolation, one could The immune system, for example, con-
never predict the high degree of interde- sists of various elements (macrophages,
pendence and harmony of an orchestra monocytes, neutrophils) that interact with
playing Beethoven's Fifth Symphony [7]. each other by means of messengers or sig-
System behavior may be simple or nals (immunoglobulins, cytokines, inter-
complex, static or dynamic. Simple systems leukins). This system is forever in a state of
follow basic rules; thus with knowledge of flux, with complex offensive and defenses
the elements that make up the system and maneuvers mounted against a foray of
the rules that govern them, one can accu- invaders. Even when exposed to an identical
rately predict the system behavior under stimulus, this system can respond differently
various conditions. and various behaviors emerge depending on
In contrast, a complex nonlinear sys- multiple external and internal influences.
tem has been defined as "a system or whole Behavior of the elements (parts) ofthe
consisting of an extremely large and variable system may be periodic, chaotic, or random.
number of component parts, where the indi- In addition, one element can exhibit one or
vidual components display marked variabil- more types of behavior depending on the
ity over time, and are characterized by a state of the other elements of the system
high degree of connectivity or interdepen- and the overall system status at the time
dence between variables" [8]. Rather than examined.
exhibiting random behavior, most complex Not only are nonlinear systems impor-
nonlinear systems will tend towards and tant to the collection and interpretation of
manifest certain states more often, called data, but such nonlinear connectivity and
Higgins: Nonlinear systems in medicine 249

variability within a system may be a requi- In the Twentieth Century, nonlinear

site for health. Breakdown of these normal theory came into the spotlight by accident.
nonlinear rhythms may produce "patho- In 1961, Edward Lorenz, a mathematician-
logical rhythms," which may underlie dis- meteorologist working at the Massachusetts
ease states [9]. Improved identification and Institute of Technology, observed what he
recognition of such rhythms may help in believed was order masquerading as ran-
diagnosing illness at an earlier stage [7]. In domness [16]. He used a simple mathemat-
addition, timely interventions may augment ical model of weather patterns and a com-
healthy rhythms and suppress pathological puter capable of performing multiple itera-
rhythms and so maintain health [10-13]. tions (repetitions). After accidentally
inputting an incorrect decimal point in a
number, he noted that small variations in
MATERIALS AND METHODS initial conditions (temperature or atmospheric
In preparation for this paper, a review pressure) would cascade through various
of the English-language scientific literature iterations into remarkably different output
was performed primarily by searching the (weather conditions) [12, 17].
MEDLINE and EMBASE databases for the This and other observations by Lorenz
time period 1966 through 2002. Keywords were the earliest reference to chaos theory
used in the search included "complex," [18]. Robert May wrote about chaos in
"dynamic," "systems," "nonlinear," "linear," regard to deterministic nonlinear behavior in
"chaos theory," and "complexity theory." 1974, but he credits James Yorke with using
In addition, the bibliographies ofarticles found the term "chaos" to describe behavior man-
were also searched for relevant articles. ifesting similar features to what Lorenz
Also, standard texts on nonlinear systems had observed a decade earlier [19, 20].
and chaos theory were reviewed, as were After penetrating much ofthe physical
nonlinear and comiiplex systems web sites. sciences, only recently has nonlinear sys-
tems theory been seriously investigated and
applied within the biological sciences.
HISTORY OF NONLINEAR SYSTEMS Specifically, nonlinear systems are those
In attempt to understand system struc- where output is not directly proportional to
ture and function, different approaches have input, or cannot be described by linear dif-
been used. The reductionist or mechanistic ferential equations; such output generally
view of nature, which has been referred to cannot be modeled easily if at all [3, 21,
as the "Newtonian Paradigm," "Cartesian 22]. A brief description of system element
reductionism," or simply "reductionism," behavior will be followed by a discussion of
involves reducing systems into their com- chaos theory and complexity theory, with
ponent parts in an attempt to understand examples from medicine, and concluding
them. This approach is fundamental to linear remarks.
modeling [1].
One of the first to allude to nonlinear
systems was James Clerk Maxwell, who late BEHAVIOR OF ELEMENTS OF A
in the Nineteenth Century, discussed the idea SYSTEM
of infinitely small variations in present states Three types of behaviors of elements
having effects leading to future unstable and within a system have been described and
unpredictable system behavior [14]. Further, include periodic, random, and chaotic behavior.
Henri Poincare concluded after observing Periodic or Orderly behavior describes
bodies within the solar system, that similar behavior that tends toward a particular
influences on a dynamic system at different state(s), i.e., having a fixed-point or periodic
times do not produce similar effects [15]. attractor (state to which the element even-
250 Higgins: Nonlinear systems in medicine

tually settles). Over the course of time and among variables (both micro- and macro-
iterations, the element will tend towards either level) existing across different scales of
one particular value (a fixed-point) or period- organization [2]. Another interesting fea-
ically oscillate between one or more attractors. ture of chaos is that it is cumulative, such
Random behavior is that in which each that when two elements manifesting chaos
item of the element has a certain probability are coupled together, they are more likely
of being manifest, descnrbed by a uniform or to manifest chaos and unpredictability than
non-uniform probability distribution, with if they remain apart [24]. Applications of
negligible deterministic effects, i.e., based chaotic behavior in medicine occur within
on current knowledge and technology, we the basic and clinical sciences, and exam-
cannot predict the elements future behavior ples are presented in Table 2.
or output from input. Many believe that behavior governed
Chaotic behavior or that behaving by chaos theory underlies many human
according to "chaos theory" describes systems; some believe that "physiology is
dynamic behavior that is sensitive to initial chaos" [70]. In the case ofnornal physiologic
conditions, and parameter changes, deter- variability, this has been proven in several
ministic (described by rules), aperiodic (does examples within the human body; however,
not repeat itself), and restricted within cer- not all physiological elements behave
tain parameters. Chaos theory is being chaotically. In addition, although increased
applied more and more to nonlinear medical variability in many physiological systems
systems and will thus be expanded on now. correlates with health, e.g., heart rate vari-
ability, this is not always the case. Impor-
tantly, Que et al. [38] and others have
CHAOS THEORY AND CHAOTIC demonstrated increased variability in res-
BEHAVIOR piratory impedance in patients with asthma.
A general definition of chaos is Thus, increased or decreased variability are
"Chaos is defined as the quality of a deter- associated with illness states.
ministic mathematical system in which an One hypothesis regarding the impor-
extreme sensitivity to initial conditions tance of this variability involves uncoupling
exists" [23]. The mathematical calculations of biological oscillators and proposes that
involved in modeling chaos theory requires loss ofconnection of elements in a complex
large numbers of calculations, often iterated system removes various fine controls and
(repeated), thus this field has blossomed in feedback loops on their behavior, thus they
parallel with the computer revolution [3]. revert back to an uncoupled basic, nascent or
The main properties of chaotic behavior escape rhythm [71]. This rhythm is often
are summarized in Table 1. periodic or orderly.
Important features relating to compo- Are there therapeutic potentials from
nents of the human body include the ability chaos? Perhaps. Sensitivity to initial con-
to determine this behavior using mathe- ditions has been used by one group to con-
matical calculations (deterministic), as well vert a chaotic pattern of arrhythmia (unsta-
as that of being very sensitive to initial con- ble) to a low-order periodic pattern (stable)
ditions. Also, elements behaving according by single intermittent stimuli using a "pro-
to chaos theory never repeat exactly and portional perturbation feedback" method:
manifest the effects of any small perturbation. by delivering an electrical impulse at the
In addition, many anatomical structures right time and place, it is possible to bring
appear to have fractal organization. about an alteration in the heart's electrical
Elements that exhibit chaos behavior dynamics [39, 72]. In addition, it is possi-
often have a multiplicity of components, ble to move from non-chaos to chaos in
functions, feedback loops, and diverse links some systems by altering period and
Higgins: Nonlinear systems in medicine 251

Table 1. Main properties of chaotic behavior

Property Definition
Deterministic Equations of motion, variables, and parameters are specified
exactly by some rule and can be applied to the element, e.g., by
differential equations or other mathematical formula(e).
Sensitive dependence Small variations in initial (starting) conditions result in large,
on initial conditions divergent and dynamic transformations in outputs (concluding)
events. Exemplified by the "butterfly effect," i.e., does the flap of a
butterfly's wings in Brazil set off a tornado in Texas? This curious
question is unproven in meteorology since buffer systems can
dampen out small effects.
Emergent order Have a sense of order, structure, and an emerging pattern
(even though it may appear random on casual inspection).
Fractal organization Have self-similarity (magnified images of fractals are essentially
indistinguishable from unmagnified versions) and fractal-
dimensions (follow a particular formula) e.g. The Koch
Snowflake: starting with an equilateral triangle, each side is
divided into thirds, the middle third segment is removed and a
new smaller equilateral triangle is inserted into the middle third,
and so on.
Strange attractors The tendency for nonlinear networks to occupy a limited number
of stable states out of the theoretically huge numbers of states
available to them, e.g., the "Lorenz Attractor" with a weaving
back and forth motion between its two wings.
Constrained values Constrained to a relatively narrow range of values, thus the signal
does not become infinitely large or small. This feature is char-
acterized by trajectories diverging exponentially with time, but
restricted within a finite area in phase space (an abstract math-
ematical space on a graph of two or more axes in which coor-
dinates represent the variables needed to specify the phase or
state of an element at a particular time).

amplitude modulation. This is a route to CYTOKINES

chaos termed the "quasiperiodic transition
to chaos" first suggested by Ruelle and Cytokines are small protein or glyco-
Takens; such maneuvers may help to restore protein messenger molecules that convey
chaos in systems and thus provide a new information from one cell to another. Over
therapeutic approach to some conditions [39]. 200 have been identified including the
As mathematics is frequently used to interleukins, growth factors, chemokines, and
model physiology, investigators have been interferons [37]. Receptors for cytokines
able to apply models of chaos to living sys- are present on many cells, including
tems, some with success. Yet, this enthusi- endothelial cells, neutrophils, cytotoxic T
asm must be tempered by the knowledge cells, monocytes, macrophages, natural killer
that this is still a model, and a model can cells, and others. A panoply offeedback loops
never replace the real thing, only approxi- operates within this complex cytokine-cellular
mate it. I will now detail a few examples of system that appears to behave in a complex
applying chaos theory within medicine. nonlinear manner [8].
252 Higgins: Nonlinear systems in medicine

Table 2. Manifestations of chaotic behavior in medicine

Field Example [Reference]
Anatomy * Fractal structure of arteries, veins, cancellous bone tissue, nerves,
pulmonary alveoli, tracheobronchial tree [25-27].
* Regional myocardial blood flow heterogeneity follows a simple
fractal relation [28].
Cellular biology * Properties of ion channel proteins [29].
* Stem cell differentiation [30].
* Calcium oscillations and intracellular signaling [31].
Molecular biology * Fractal dimension to exon structures of DNA [32].
Oncology * Abnormal mammographic parenchymal fractal pattem to screen for
breast cancer [33].
* Fractal dimension in positron emission tomography scanning to
detect melanoma [34].
* Fractal analysis in detection of colon cancer [35].
* Fractal dimension analysis in evaluating response to chemotherapy [36].
Internal medicine * Cytokine behavior exhibiting emergent patterns [37].
* Variability in respiratory impedance in Asthma [38].
Cardiology * Atrial fibrillation can arise from a quasiperiodic stage of period and
amplitude modulation, i.e., "quasiperiodic transition to chaos" [39].
* Chaos control of arrhythmias in human subjects by stabilizing an
unstable target rhythm [40].
* Endothelial function behavior [7].
* Heart rate variability:
- Low-dimensional chaos associated with health [41, 42].
- Reduced fractal behavior associated with increase in sudden
cardiac death [43].
- Predicting mortality following myocardial infarction [44].
- Inhibition of autonomic tone modulates heart rate variability [45].
- Congestive heart failure decreases chaos and increases morbidity
[46, 47].
- Beta-blockers improve the fractal behavior in patients with
advanced congestive heart failure [48].
- Gender differences in fractal measures of heart rate behavior [49].
- Coronary artery disease can alter circadian heart rate variability [50].
- Decreased heart rate variability following heart transplantation [51].

Neonatology * Premature babies at risk for sudden infant distress syndrome have
diminished nonlinear heart rate variability, which may reflect abnor-
mal autonomic system development [52].
Pharmacology * Pharmacodynamics of drugs and their effects can alter chaos
dynamics of human systems [53, 54].
Neurology * Epilepsy:
- Epileptogenic zone location [55-57].
- Antiepileptic drug effects [58, 59].
- Predicting seizure activity [60, 61].
* EEG activity in Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia [62].
* Neural networks manifest chaos [2].
Higgins: Nonlinear systems in medicine 253

Table 2. Manifestations of chaotic behavior in medicine (continued)

Field Example [Reference]
Epidemiology * Effects of pulse vaccination in simple epidemic model [63].
* Population dynamics modeling [64].
Psychiatry * Reduced chaos on electroencephalogram may occur in altered
moods, behavior, and with alcohol consumption [65, 66].
* Treatments for depression may restore biological chaos in the
brain [67].
* Bipolar disorder - one model suggests this may result from strong
fluctuations in energies between different brain structures which
produce turbulence "chaotic attractors" which can suddenly switch
between opposite states, and create new and more complex
structures [68, 69].

Cytokines exhibit interdependence, HEART RATE VARIABILITY

pleiotropy (multiple effects), redundancy
(multiple cytokines have the same effect), Heart rate variability (HRV)b
and can dampen or amplify the effects of involves analysis of the standard deviation
other cytokines or cells [8]. Given their mul- of spontaneously varying interbeat inter-
tiplicity and complexity of functions, it is vals (R-R intervals), which can be repre-
likely that their behavior follows nonlinear sented in the time domain, the frequency
dynamics. For instance, typical cytokine dose- domain, as well as recurrent pattems in
response curves show an initial threshold (no higher dimensions [74, 75].
effect below a certain concenitration), fol- After generation by the sinoatrial
lowed by an exponential response, and node, the heartbeat is modulated by many
then a plateau maximum response [37]. In feedback circuits from various systems.
healthy individuals, tumor necrosis factor- The normal heart rate displays complex
alpha causes neutrophilia at low doses but fluctuations in response to breathing (heart
neutropenia at high doses [73]. Attractors rate increases with inspiration), exercise,
with great stability have also been demon- changes in posture, and emotion [9]. High
strated in systems containing cytokines; degrees of HRV signify health, whereas ill-
when cytokine concentrations were measured ness is manifested by reduced variability
within a system not in equilibrium, the sys- [5, 41, 42]. For example, decreased HRV
tem eventually converges to an equilibrium has been noted in patients suffering from
point. Additionally, by varying the activa- congestive heart failure [46, 76], and also
tion levels of the cytokines and thus simu- predicts higher arrhythmic death and total
lating what may occur in antigenic stimulation mortality following myocardial infarction
(such as an exposure to an inflammatory [44, 48, 77]. Nonlinear dynamics present
mediator), several stable and unstable equi- in the control mechanisms of the electrical
librium points have been noted experimen- system of the heart give rise to the com-
tally [37]. Thus, it has been demonstrated plex variability it manifests.
that in a relatively simple system consist- In subjects at high risk of sudden
ing of four components: effector cells, reg- death, including those with heart failure,
ulatory cells, cytokines, and an inhibitor fractal organization along with certain non-
nonlinear interactions manifest chaotic linear interactions breaks down; thus appli-
behavior [37]. cation of fractal analysis may provide new
254 Higgins: Nonlinear systems in medicine

approaches to assessing cardiac risk and fore- each distinct aspect are not derivable from
casting sudden cardiac death [78] each other" [85].
Suggested etiologies for reduced HRV A useful analogy for complexity is
include loss of neural modulation of the poetry, in that poetry is the nonlinear use of
sinoatrial node as well as a sympathovagal language where the meaning is more than
imbalance [51, 79]. The vagal component just the sum of the parts (the words).
appears to be of greater importance in main- Complexity involves various elements
taining variability [80]. Indirect evidence whose collective behavior manifests at the
for these etiologies comes from several border between order and randomness,
small studies. In one non-controlled study termed "the edge of chaos" [4]. Whereas
of patients with congestive heart failure, chaos is predictably unpredictable, complex
beta-blocker therapy (atenolol) was used behavior is unpredictably unpredictable.
to suppress sympathetic activation and Complexity science has grown out of
improved HRV [48]. In another study of a general lack of satisfaction with tradi-
ten healthy men and women, low-dimen- tional scientific practices and their failure
sional HRV was modulated by inhibition to capture anything but a shadow of com-
of autonomic tone (using propranolol and plex reality [86]. In spite of the many
atropine) and by exercise [45, 81]. impressive advances, the observations and
Another reason for reduction in HRV explanations of biological phenomena may
may be and isolation "uncoupling" of the have been viewed through lenses polarized
heart from its interaction with other organs by a mechanistic and reductionist view, with
or "biological oscillators" [71, 82]. In other its attendant constraints and boundaries. Com-
words, increased system isolation may be plexity science demands that such barriers
reflected by greater signal regularity [13] and constraints be removed in order to gain
Why is a reduction in HRV deleteri- a more complete view of nature [86].
ous? Sympathetic activation and/or reduced Complexity often describes self-orga-
vagal tone may make the heart period less nizing systems that finction far from ther-
adaptable, thus making the heart less able to modynamic equilibrium and thus they
cope with a frequently changing hemody- require a continuous source of external
namic and autonomic environment [5, 83]. energy, which they dissipate to create and
maintain order [87]. The development of
such order diminishes the system's entropy,
COMPLEXITY THEORY AND a measure of the amount of disorder and
COMPLEX SYSTEMS randomness of the system; thus the energy
Complexity theory or "complexity" is is used to decrease entropy, and order is
a new and evolving nonlinear systems theory created [38].
that has attempted to capture what happens Another feature is that out of com-
beyond what chaos theory describes, into plexity come self-organization and emer-
the realm of creating new systems from gence, the links between order and disor-
existing ones, as well as the emergence of der [4]. In other words, behaviors of many
order from disorder [84]. One suggested simple parts interact in such a way that the
definition is that "Complexity is the property behavior of the entire system becomes
of a real world system that is manifest in the complex and cannot be predicted solely on
inability of any one formalism being ade- structure and function of its parts. In addi-
quate to capture all its properties. It requires tion, within an entire system, complexity
that we find distinctly different ways of at one level, e.g., atoms forming a complex
interacting with systems. Distinctly different system on a planet, may manifest simplic-
in the sense that when we make successful ity on another level, e.g., the planet orbit-
models, the formal systems needed to describe ing the sun [88]. Paradoxically, the science
Higgins: Nonlinear systems in medicine 255

Table 3. Main properties of complex systems

Property Example - The nervous system
Heterogeneous Nerve cells (neurons), nerve fibers, dendrites, and a supporting
elements tissue (neuroglia).
Interactions Synapses, electrochemical interactions, no characteristic
scale, no simple "on-off" switching or "all-or-none" responses.
Formation & operation Multiple steady states, highly adaptive, plasticity, nondeterminism,
Diversity & variability Fast and slow neurons, changing ecosystem of supporting cells.
Environment Effected by local (e.g., calcium, caffeine) and general environment
(e.g., autonomic nervous system tone, temperature).
Activities Behavior, leaming, language, thought.

of complexity purports that the complex thrombus, and all of the cardiovascular risk
patterns we see in the world are the result factors. While dissecting out and examining
of underlying simplicity [6]. the individual effects of such exposures on
The study ofcellular automata (or cel- the endothelium (mainly in vitro) have
lular automaton) has formed a major part increased our understanding, attempts to
of complexity research. Cellular automata translate such findings to clinical manage-
are dynamic systems that are discrete in ment or therapeutic manipulations have gen-
state, space, and time [89]. In the simplest erally been unsuccessful [7], i.e., applying
case, a cellular automata model consists of linear models to complex nonlinear systems
a one-dimensional lattice of identical cells, doesn't usually work. In addition, several
each of which can be in one of a number of researchers are discovering large numbers
states, e.g., "on" or "off' [90]. Using vari- of transcriptional activators that interact
ous algorithms, cellular automata can pro- with cytokines and other inflammatory
vide a way of viewing interactions that pathways in a manner suggesting complex
arise within a population or system under nonlinear system function [7].
different conditions [91]. This modeling is To illustrate some of the core underly-
hoped to furnish new understandings of ing principles ofcomplexity theory, and using
population dynamics, evolution, as well as the nervous system as an example, the main
system organization and function. properties of complex systems are described
Within the medical field, systems that in Table 3 [7, 88].
involve many elements simultaneously
interacting are beginning to be modeled
based on complexity theory. For example, CONCLUSIONS
the endothelial cell and its response to While applying linear models to human
internal and external stimuli behaves as a systems and their elements has improved
complex system. Endothelial function may our understanding of their structure and
be altered by neurobehavioral changes, function, such models often fall short of
temperature, organ dysfunction, circadian explaining experimental results or predicting
rhythm, host-pathogen interactions, drugs, future abnormalities in complex nonlinear
oxygen content, cytokines, physical stress, systems. Such models may help in dissect-
256 Higgins: Nonlinear systems in medicine

Nonlinear models
System Linear models

Proportional Non-proportional
relationships in relationships in
System simple complex
composition single-component, multi-component,
one-dimensional, multi-dimensional,
low inertia system(s). dynamic system(s).

Figure 2. Role of linear and nonlinear models in understanding different systems. Amount
of system understanding is represented pictorially by the two-dimensional area. Linear
models may better help to explain simple proportional relationships, whereas nonlinear
models may better explain complex dynamic systems.

ing and analyzing individual components Chaos theory is providing new insights
of a system. However, by measuring these into understanding normal as well as abnor-
components under specific, ideal or stan- mal behavior within systems. Applications
dard conditions, this restricts the system to of chaos, especially fractals, may detect
only one of its possible states and assumes disease in its early stages or "early waming."
a static system and a specific output, which Cytokine dynamics appear to behave
may fail to reflect the true output of a in a nonlinear way, and nonlinear dynamics
dynamic system. have a great potential for illuminating their
In contrast, nonlinear models may bet- complex dynamic applied physiology.
ter explain how the individual components Appropriate HRV that manifests chaos
collectively act and interact to prodtuce a behavior is associated with health, whereas
dynamic system in constant flux, whose out- loss of this nonlinear variability portends
put varies depending on the system state, morbidity and mortality.
element states, and complex interactions at Knowledge of chaos may also prove
the time of the input. valuable in managing illness. Intervention
Nonlinear models will probably help and/or modulation of a disordered system
to fill in some of the results not as yet ade- may result in reestablishing a connection
quately explained using linear models. Yet, between that system and other systems,
not all medicine is nonlinear, so linear model- and a returning to its nonnal state of con-
ing should not be abandoned. Together, nectivity and variability, so called "recou-
both models take us closer to a complete pling." Such recoupling may maintain chaos
understanding of a systems behavior, par- when desirable, e.g., appropriate heart rate
ticularly in the case of complex dynamic variability, and eradicate it when detri-
systems. Thus, it is believed that linear and mental, e.g., cardiac arrhythmias.
nonlinear modeling will serve a comple- Complexity theory is attempting to
mentary role in explaining simple and provide an explanation for the very origin of
complex system behavior manifest within systems as well as how complex behaviors
human systems (see Figure 2). may arise from a relatively simple set of
Higgins: Nonlinear systems in medicine 257

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