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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the most popular areas in computer science and engineering. AI deals with intelligent behavior,
learning, and adaptation in machines, robots and body-less computer programs.

AI is everywhere:
• search engines use it to improve answers to queries
• to recognize speech
• to translate languages
• email programs use it to filter spam
• banks use it to predict exchange rates and stock markets
• doctors use it to recognize tumors
• autonomous cars use it to drive
• video games use it to enhance the player's experience


The idea of AI goes as far back as Ancient Greece. Greek myths speak of Hephaestus, a blacksmith who created mechanical servants.
This is one of many examples.

• Fast forward to 1935 - The earliest substantial work in this field was done by Alan Turing – a logician and computer pioneer.

• The Turing Machine

• 1951 – Christopher Strachey wrote the 1st successful AI program.
• Computer Checkers Program
• 1956 – John McCarthy coined the term Artificial Intelligence. He is one of the founding fathers of AI.
• 1997 – A chess program, Deep Blue, beats the current World Chess champion, Gary Kasparov.
• 2000’s onwards – Interactive robot smart toys are made commercially available, smartphones came to existence, etc.


• Artificial
- is something that is not real: it is made, produced, or done to seem like something natural.

• Intelligence
- is are very complex term. It can be defined in many different ways like logic, understanding, self-awareness, learning,
emotional knowledge, planning, creativity and of course problem solving.

We call us, humans, intelligent, because we all do this mentioned things. We perceive our environment, learn from it and
take action based on what we discovered.


Artificial Intelligence is the study and design of intelligent agent. These intelligent agents have the ability to analyze the
environments and produce actions which maximize success.

AI research uses tools and insights from many fields, including:

• Computer Science • Operations research

• Psychology • Economics
• Philosophy • Control Theory
• Neuroscience • Probability
• Cognitive Science • Optimization and logic
• Linguistics

AI research also overlaps with tasks such as robotics, control systems, scheduling, data mining, logistics, speech recognition, facial
recognition and many others.

Weak AI
• Machines with weak Artificial Intelligence are made to respond to specific situations, but cannot think for themselves.

Strong AI
• A machine with strong AI is able to think and act just like a human. It is able to learn from experiences.
• Since there are no real life examples of strong AI yet, the best representation would be how Hollywood portrays robots.
Machine Learning
• An application of Artificial Intelligence that gives machines the ability to learn and improve without the help of humans or new


Human Intelligence is defined as the quality of the mind that is made up of capabilities to learn from past experience, adaptation to
new situations, handling of abstract ideas and the ability to change his/her own environment using the gained knowledge.

• Human Intelligence can provide several kinds of information. It can provide observations during travel or other events from
travelers, refugees, etc.

• Human Intelligence can provide several kinds of information. It can provide observations during travel or other events from
travelers, refugees, etc.

• It can provide data on things about which it has specific knowledge, which can be another human subject, or in the case of
detectives and spies, sensitive information to which they had access.

Finally, it can provide information on interpersonal relationships and networks of interest.

Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences Artificial Intelligence vs. Human Intelligence


• Speed of Execution
While one doctor can make a diagnosis in >10 minutes, AI system can make a million for the same time.

• Less Biased
They do not involve biased opinions on decision making process.

• Operational Ability
They do not expect halt in their work due to saturation.

• Accuracy
Preciseness of the output obviously increases. It reduces error.

Artificial Intelligence has significant dominance in many tasks, especially when it comes to monotonous judgments.

• Daily Application to make everyday life easier by helping with tasks such as:
• Cleaning
• Shopping
• Transportation
• Siri, Cortana, and Google can help us out
• We are also hitting the road for long drives and trips with the help of GPS. The smartphone is an example of how we use artificial
intelligence. In utilities, we find that they can predict what we are going to type and correct the human errors in spelling. That is
machine intelligence at work.

• Medical Applications
Doctors assess the patients and their health risks with the help of artificial machine intelligence. It educates them about
the side effects of various medicines.

Medical professionals are often trained with artificial surgery simulators. It helps in detecting and monitoring
neurological disorders as it can simulate the brain functions.


• High Cost:
Creation of artificial intelligence requires huge costs as they are very complex machines. Their repair and maintenance
require huge costs.

In the case of severe breakdowns, the procedure to recover lost codes and reinstating the system might require huge time and cost.

• No Replicating Humans:
Machines do not have any emotions and moral values. They perform what is programmed and cannot make the judgment
of right or wrong. It cannot take decisions if they encounter a situation unfamiliar to them. They either perform incorrectly or
breakdown in such situations.

• No Improvement with Experience:

Unlike humans, artificial intelligence cannot be improved with experience. With time, it can lead to wear and tear. It
stores a lot of data but the way it can be accessed and used is very different from human intelligence.

Care or concerns are not present in the machine intelligence dictionary.

• No Original Creativity:
These are not the forte of artificial intelligence. While they can help you design and create, they are no match to the power
of thinking that the human brain has or even the originality of a creative mind.

Human beings are highly sensitive and emotional intellectuals. They see, hear, think and feel. Their thoughts are guided
by the feelings which completely lacks in machines. The inherent intuitive abilities of the human brain cannot be replicated.

• Unemployment:
Replacement of humans with machines can lead to large-scale unemployment.

Humans can unnecessarily be highly dependent on the machines if the use of artificial intelligence becomes rampant.
They will lose their creative power and will become lazy.

Artificial intelligence augments and empowers human intelligence. So as long we are successful in keeping the technology
beneficial, we will be able to help this human civilization.


• There are already Artificial Intelligence systems that can outperform humans in specifics areas. But there is no Artificial
Intelligence (AI) yet, that can perform like a human, and neither there is a superintelligence that is smarter than a human being.

• Artificial intelligence (AI) and human intelligence delve into cognitive functions such as memory, problem-solving, learning,
planning, language, reasoning, and perception.

• AI is also sometimes referred to as machine intelligence. It was founded as an academic discipline in 1956 which is also the same
year when the term “artificial intelligence” was coined by John McCarthy and is considered as the father of AI.

• Some of the theories on human intelligence are multiple intelligences.

• Human intelligence is better at multitasking, adapting, social interaction and self-awareness than AI.

• The general function of AI is optimization while that of human intelligence is innovation.

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