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Cell and Virus WEBQUEST

Name____________________________________ Date _____________________ CP ____________

Instructions: Type the following URL into your web browser. Make sure that you type it EXACTLY like it is
written. Navigate around the cell in order
to answer the questions below.
1. Where are fats and proteins sent in vesicles after they are packed in the endoplasmic

2. Describe the process through which ribosomes build proteins.

3. The mitochondria uses ___________________ and ___________________ to generate energy

for the cell?

4. Which organelle is responsible for the tagging of molecules in order for them to be delivered to
the proper location of the cell?

5. What is the process in which proteins work together to copy segments of DNA and RNA called?

6. When proteins have reached the end of their usefulness, where are they transported? What
happens once they are transported there?

Click “Turn this cell into a plant cell” and answer the following questions:
7. What structure in a plant cell has its own genome and is responsible for photosynthesis?

8. Which organelle is responsible for helping a plant cell grow and providing pressure to maintain
the plant’s shape?

9. How can you compare the different parts of a plant cell against an animal cell?
Cell and Virus WEBQUEST

Name____________________________________ Date _____________________ CP ____________

Now go to the following website, click the

“Launch & Click to Learn tab. It will pop up with the home screen for the virus webquest
10. Let’s review. Click on the “About” tab at the bottom. Read the information and list 5 ways in
which viruses can differ from each other.

Close the “About” window, and locate the i next to each viral characteristic tab across the top. Click
on these icons and answer the questions below associated with each characteristic.
11. Envelope: Not all viruses have an envelope. If a virus has this outer layer, explain how it forms.

12. Structure: What determines the shape of the capsid, or core?

13. Host: From the virus’ perspective, why is the host important?

14. Genome Type: What are the four characteristics of genetic information Viral genomes may

15. Transmission: Define the terms “vector” and “zoonotic.”

Cell and Virus WEBQUEST

Name____________________________________ Date _____________________ CP ____________

16. Vaccine: What is one advantage of being vaccinated against a particular virus?

Virus Scavenger Hunt: Click on the various viruses to learn more information about them.
17. Of the nine viruses shown, which is the only one that infects plants? _____________________

18. Recently, Zika virus has been in the news. Treatment of this virus is a concern. Why? ________

19. Of the nine viruses shown, which is the only one that infects bacteria? ____________________

20. Of the nine viruses shown, which is spread through mosquitoes? _________________________

21. Where in the world is HIV most prevalent? ___________________________________________

22. How was the 2009 H1N1 strand of influenza made? ____________________________________

23. Why is the Zika virus of great concern to pregnant women? _____________________________

24. What animal is associated with Ebola virus outbreaks? _________________________________

25. Why is it an advantage for the influenza virus to have a segmented genome? _______________

26. HIV infects immune cells. Why is this a disadvantage to the infected person? _______________

27. What are the three mild clinical conditions in humans caused by the Adenoviruses? __________
Cell and Virus WEBQUEST

Name____________________________________ Date _____________________ CP ____________

28. Which virus was the first virus to ever be identified and described? _____________________

29. List the viruses that in addition to humans, effects other mammals. (dogs, cattle, primates, etc)

30. Click on the “Show Relative Sizes” tab on the bottom. List viruses in order from smallest to

Extension Activity: Using ONE of the following viruses (Rabies, Ebola, TMV) compose a short
story of how the virus caused the zombie apocalypse. (May need additional paper) *This short
story is NOT mandatory, but can be really cool. I look forward to seeing what you can create.

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