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Republic of the Philippines


Tacloban City


General Direction: This is a 40-item test read each direction written in every type
of test, answer this test in 45 minutes. NO ERASURES

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Directions (Choose the letter of the best

answer. Write the letter of the best answer in your test booklet.) 2
points each

1. What is the name of the area within a worksheet that is current, or ready to
receive information?
A. Active Cell C. Office Assistant
B. Cell D. Worksheet

2. The ____________________located along the right edge of the screen is used

to move up or down the spreadsheet.
A. Page Down C. Vertical Scroll Bar
B. Page Up D. Horizontal Scroll Bar

3. The________ bar displays both the name of the application and the name of
the spreadsheet.
A. Title C. Menu
B. Status D. Formula

4. You can enter three types of data in a cell:

A. Strings C. Number
B. Text D. Formula

5. To copy the formatting of one cell to another you would use the:
A. Copy and Paste C. Delete
B. Format Printer D. Chart Wizard

6. A ________ is an intersection of a column and row.

A. Address C. Cell
B. Name Box D. Column

7. The __________ cell is the cell that receives the data or command you give
A. Page Break C. Working
B. Active D. Line

8. A workbook is also called a __________________.

A. Document C. Presentation
B. Spreadsheet D. Template

9. Place where data, text, or equations are entered a cell:

A. Formula Bar C. Title Bar
B. Math Bar D. Active Cell

10.A Workbook defaults to __________ worksheets. A Workbook must contain at

least one worksheet.
A. One C. Two
B. Ten D. Three
11. If A1= 30, A2 = 20, I want to multiply these two cells and show output in C6.
Which formula should you write:
A. Write in cell C6, =30*20 C. Write in cell C6, Mutiply A1 to A2
B. Write in cell C6, =A1*A2 D. Write in cell C6, = Multiply A1:A2

12. Contains the name of the application and the document name.
A. Column Heading C. Name Box
B. Tool Bar D. Title Bar

13. In a spreadsheet formula which symbol is used to divide?

A. / C. +
B. * D. -

14. Which of these would add up the numbers from A3 to A6

A. =(A3:A6) C. =A3+A4+A5+A6
B. =sum(A3:A6) D. +(A3:A6)

15. Which direction do columns run in a spreadsheet?

A. Vertical C. Diagonal
B. Counter-clockwise D. Horizontal

II. PROBLEM SOLVING. Directions (Solve the following complex

formula using the order of precedence) 2 points each

1. =15+98+20+35/5
2. (3+98)/89/89+30
3. =(90/3)+30+30*2^3+350*1
4. (21+20)*(20/1)+(23*10)+2354+52/2654*10
5. =20+20+20+20+20


Prepared by:
Ericson D. Acebedo

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