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3rd Year Undergraduate or 1st Year MTeach


Student ID
Pre-service Teacher Nikki Cook 2082190

School Aberfoyle Park High School

Name: Learning Area: Year Level
Mentor Teacher(s) Vanda Farrall English 9,
English Stage 1 Essential
Name: Learning Area: Year Level
Ellen Glass HASS (History) 2nd Year Ignite (Yr 10

School Co-ordinator Jarrod Chave

Liaison Coordinator
University Peter Cavouras

Teaching Days 5 introductory days + 20 day block: 25 days

School sector; size and composition of campus (R-12, Area, Primary); particular
CONTEXT features or unique characteristics; index of disadvantage.
Aberfoyle Park High School
Aberfoyle Park High School is a DECD school of approximately 1000 students from years 8 to 12. Although the
student population is predominantly white caucasian, there are a number of international students. There are
also a number of students with special needs who are on negotiated education programs. A wide range of socio-
economic categories are represented in school families and students come from the cross section of population
found in the district. The school has plenty of space and facitilies to cater for a wide range of subjects. Class
sizes rarely exceed 30 students and are most likely to be in the range of 20-30

Ellen Glass
Year 10 HASS: Ignite/gifted students, 28 students (7 boys, 21 girls), 3 English as a Language/Dialect students
Vanda Farrall
Year 9 English: 26 students (14 boys, 12 girls) 1 Negotiated Education Plan, 1 Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander, 4
low level literacy/some cognitive disability
Year 11 Essential English: 23 students (11 boys, 12 girls) 2 English as a Language/Dialect, 6 with identified
learner needs
Please place an ‘X’ at the point along each continuum that best represents the development of the pre-service
teacher towards each of the standards at this time.


Standard 1 Know students and how they learn

I I I .
Complete Novice Emerging Graduate

Standard 2 Know the content and how to teach it

I I I .
Complete Novice Emerging Graduate


Standard 3 Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning

I I I .
Complete Novice Emerging Graduate

Standard 4 Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments

I I I .
Complete Novice Emerging Graduate

Standard 5 Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning

I I I .
Complete Novice Emerging Graduate


Standard 6 Engage in professional learning

I I I .
Complete Novice Emerging Graduate

Standard 7 Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community

I I I .
Complete Novice Emerging Graduate
School Coordinator/Principal
Well done Nikki on a highly successful practicum and your development as an educator over
this five-week period. You have successfully demonstrated, to a very high level, a range of skills,
knowledge and practice required to begin your journey into the teaching profession. Your level
of professionalism was very apparent and your positive interactions with both colleagues and
students enabled you to establish effective working relationships within the school community. I
wish you all the best.

Name: Jarrod Chave (Pre-service teacher co-ordinator) Date: 6 September 2018

University Liaison

I observed Nikki on three occasions during this placement in the learning areas of Humanities and
Social Sciences (HASS) and English. On two of these occasions, Nikki was teaching HASS and
the topic centred around the Australian Curriculum – Making a Nation, with a specific focus on
World War II. Both of these were double lessons. The English double lesson observed was on the
topic of Advocacy with specific reference to techniques used by media to advertise a product or
service. Observations were conducted at the beginning and toward the end of his five-week
practicum which was inclusive of Nikki undertaking observation time.
Professional Knowledge
Nikki used his observation time constructively to both familiarise himself with students whom
he would be teaching, the school and its context, and the content he was expected to teach.
To this end, he made a conscious effort to understand the requisite curriculum documents and
aligned his teaching programme to them. The HASS: World War II topic required extensive
preparation and learning, something Nikki approached with a high degree of enthusiasm and
professionalism. Nikki drew upon a number of his own sources about the topic to inform his
knowledge and understanding of Australia’s role in the war. These were discussed with his
mentor enabling him to have considerable input to the content and lesson sequencing. This
was particularly evident in his double lesson where the importance of the ‘Fuzzy Wuzzy
Angels’, different fighting techniques and environs, and issues around flouting of the Geneva
Convention were explored. Nikki used active questioning with excellent effect, arousing
student interest and responding adeptly to questions they raised. He also demonstrated the
capacity to employ less ‘rescuing’ and ‘deeper questioning’ as the practicum progressed – a
strategy that increased the depth of student understanding. The World War II unit concluded
with a debate about the relative merits of dropping the bombs. In this activity, high level
student engagement was evident. Similarly, he prepared well for his English class and
delivered an excellent double lesson on the topic of advocacy. It was particularly pleasing to
see him relate positively to older students and foster high levels of interest and participation in
a range of activities. Nikki readily sought the assistance and direction of his mentor teachers,
listening and responding pro-actively to feedback. He employed a range of teaching and
learning strategies in the classroom, ‘chunked work’ to ensure an appropriate balance between
teacher instruction and student activity and remained flexible and open to emergent teaching
opportunities that arose. The need to adjust the ‘rules of engagement’ around the debate at the
last minute, was an example of his flexibility.
Professional Practice
Nikki seamlessly engaged with the school’s information technology platform using DAYMAP to
record attendance, communicate with students and staff and post student work. He was
extremely comfortable with students using laptops and IPADS and drew upon his knowledge
and application of a diverse range of software to deliver the learning programme. From the
outset, Nikki displayed a sense of calm that facilitated a mutual climate of respect with
students under his supervision. Well-structured lessons provided learners with clear
expectations and logical learning sequences, a range of engaging learning methodologies and
clear links to the Australian Curriculum: History and the South Australian Certificate of
Education (SACE). Nikki used feedback to create lesson plans that articulated stronger
alignment to the Australian Curriculum, Cross-curriculum priorities and Australian Teaching
Standards as his placement progressed. Planning catered for the range of student learning
needs and strengths and was underpinned by discussions with mentors about how to
effectively plan and deliver material inclusively with appropriate sensitivity. Nikki displayed
growing confidence in the management of classroom behaviour and readily established a safe
and supportive learning environment for his students. He sought and embraced feedback,
reflecting upon this to establish clear and consistent learning outcomes. Nikki seemed
comfortable teaching from different locations in the classroom, offering individual and group
support in a non-threatening manner and was able to establish a safe and supportive
environment for student learning. Despite having a relatively quiet disposition, Nikki became
more comfortable in the use of his voice to assert control, coupled with techniques such as
pauses, eye contact and reminding students of behavioural expectations where appropriate.
By the end of the practicum there was demonstrated evidence of Nikki’s ability to manage
student inattention.
Professional Engagement
Nikki made a conscious effort to became involved in the life of the school, embracing not only
administrative roles such as yard duty and home group responsibilities, but also co-curricular
activities, attendance and participation in staff and faculty meetings, supporting students in his
‘non-contact’ time and through two-way collegiate conversations with staff.

Name: Peter Cavouras Date: 10 September 2018


Learning Area: ENGLISH
RE: Nikki Cook
Professional Knowledge

Nikki demonstrated a very sound knowledge of English Curriculum content. Being a keen reader and
viewer of both classic and contemporary texts and literature, he demonstrated a pleasing grasp of the
essential elements of writing literacy, as well as the complexities of analysis and critical literacy.
Nikki effectively integrated this knowledge with his broad life experiences to develop relevant and
organised content and offer a range of engaging learning activities. He also has a good knowledge and
understanding of pedagogical strategies and classroom management, which he applied with increasing
confidence throughout his placement.
Nikki understands that individual students learn in different ways and was able to employ a range of
pedagogical strategies, and differentiated curriculum, to cater for the diverse needs of students in
broadly mixed-ability classes.
He demonstrated the ability to establish appropriate benchmarks in grade levels, and drew upon his
sound curriculum knowledge to give regular and timely feedback on drafts and while students worked on
tasks. Nikki also made a valuable contribution to the school’s mid-term student progress indicators on
Daymap through evaluations and comments about student progress.

Professional Practice

Nikki used observation time prior to the commencement of his practicum to develop knowledge of the
students he would be teaching and how they worked in the classroom setting. He began interacting
with students immediately, developed positive relationships and readily learned and used student
Nikki has a clear and articulate teaching voice. He used this to speak firmly and respectfully to the
class. He employed delivered content and tracked student understanding using a range of strategies,
including brainstorming, class discussion, modelling on the whiteboard, direct questioning,
power point presentations and informal assessment tasks to deliver content and track student
Nikki successfully developed a climate of respectful relationships underpinned by clear expectations
about student behaviour the classroom was a safe and supportive environment. He demonstrated this
through effectively monitoring and managing a dynamic and highly interactive Yr 9 group task, that
required students to plan, script and film an original News Segment.
He was particularly assiduous and generous in giving of his non-contact time, recess and lunchtimes, to
supervise students, enabling them to improve and/or complete their film within the time available.

Professional Engagement

Nikki made time to meet with mentors in the last week of Term 2, prior to the commencement of his
practicum, to identify topics and tasks students would be working on, which informed
planning and preparation of his lessons, and a smooth and seamless transition and handover at the
start of term 3.
Nikki maintained respectful and friendly interactions with teaching colleagues and students, and was an
attentive and thoughtful contributor in team and faculty meetings. He made some valuable
contributions to faculty knowledge, introducing innovative and engaging new texts that aligned with his
personal passions and interests.
Nikki regularly consulted with mentors throughout his placement and ensured tasks and content aligned
with curriculum. Despite limited opportunities to interact directly with parents, Nikki provided information,
insights and evaluations that informed my communication and contact.
He also readily acted on suggestions and advice to further develop and improve his knowledge of
Department requirements and guidelines, content knowledge, and pedagogy, particularly
with respect to South Australian Certificate of Education requirements and Performance Standards.

Written by: Vanda Farrall Date: 31st August 2018


RE: Nikki Cook Learning Area: HASS

Professional Knowledge
Nikki’s professional knowledge developed over the course of his placement, particularly in regard to
adjusting his teaching of subject matter to suit the context and skills of the class. Before
commencing his placement, he had a lot experience studying World War II, but had never taught
the topic. Undaunted, he willingly stepped up to teach this topic and from the beginning of his
placement, it was clear that he had conducted thorough research and created informative resources
to use in the classroom. He approached teaching this topic with a positive attitude, actively sought
help and advice and his resultant preparation and organisation before each class was
comprehensive, leading to engaging and effective lessons.
Nikki was able to develop a good rapport with students and staff during his placement. He learned
their names quickly, while also taking the time to get to know the students and people with whom
he was working. He was approachable, relaxed and open, allowing him to develop positive
relationships with students, staff and the administration team.

Professional Practice
Nikki’s discussion of lesson plans with me was very regular and his planning well thorough and well
thought out. He was able to work with curriculum documents to create resources that were well
structured, and curriculum aligned, while also making the content engaging for students.
Nikki actively sought out and was very receptive of feedback, which he was then able to use
effectively in his practice. He also quickly developed the ability to be more flexible in lesson planning
and in developing strategies to accommodate interruptions to pre-established lesson and unit plans.
Nikki always made sure that the classroom was a safe and supportive environment for all students,
both physically and psychologically. Before his placement, he and I discussed the intricacies/needs
of all the students in my class and he was able to use that information to help those students both
effectively and discreetly.
He didn’t really have an opportunity to exercise many behaviour management strategies due to the
compliant and engaged nature of the class he was teaching; however, he had a low tolerance for
any inappropriate behaviour that did arise and dealt with it quickly. This became especially evident
as the placement continued.

Professional Engagement
Nikki was very professional for the duration of his placement. He actively sought out feedback after
each lesson and implemented it well. He and I had regular discussions regarding his professional
strengths and weaknesses, both specifically in my class and in his other classes.
He attended staff and faculty meetings and asked follow up questions about what was covered, as
well as general questions about school policies and procedures and individual pedagogies. Nikki also
involved himself in some other school activities, including the school’s course counselling process,
relief lessons and observations of classes in other year levels, pedagogies and subject areas in
practice, including Research Project. Although Nikki did not have the opportunity to engage with any
parents directly, I feel confident that he will be able to do so competently.

Written by: Ellen Glass Date: 29/08/2018


In our opinion Nikki Cook

☒ has, on balance, attained the level of ‘emerging’ against the Flinders standards for pre-service
teachers and is ready to progress to the final professional experience.

☐ has not attained the overall level of ‘emerging’ against the Flinders standards for pre-service
teachers and is not ready to undertake the final professional experience.


The pre-service teacher may wish to submit this report with an application for employment. Please avoid the use of
acronyms as student reports are often viewed by interstate and international employers who are not always familiar
with South Australian nomenclature.

Please keep an electronic copy of this report and submit the report to the University Liaison.
Please DO NOT give a copy of this to the student as the report needs to be certified by the University

If this is not possible then please email it directly to:

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