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Culture is a way of life that develops, is shared by a group of people, and is passed
down from generation to generation. Culture is formed from many elements, namely
religion, politics, customs, language, tools, clothing, buildings, and works of art.

Example :

Traditional custom clothing is also one of the many cultures that exist in Indonesia. In
addition to being unique to each region, traditional clothing can also represent the
character or principles of certain regional communities.

Traditional ceremonies.

The way to remember and get to know the history of a tribal community is through
traditional ceremonies. including burial ceremonies, marriage ceremonies, harbor
ceremonies, camas heirloom ceremonies and many more.

2. Many Christians proclaim all men “equal in the eyes of God.” The United States was
founded on the principle of “equality of rights.” The basis of modern Western
jurisprudence is “equality before the law.” The rallying cry of the French Revolution
was “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity.” A central goal of communism and socialism is
“economic equality.” The American Civil Rights Movement seeks “equality of
opportunity.” And the modern women’s movement champions “equal rights for
women” and “equal pay for equal work.”

While the meaning and compatibility of this multitude of “equalities” is far from
clear, it is obvious that they do not all mean the same thing.

3. Communication is a process that includes sending and receiving messages as well as

understanding of the messages conveyed.The components of communication are:

Communicator, an omunicator is someone who sends a message.

Message, the message is the information that we will send to the communicator /
recipient of the message / target audience.

Encoding, the process of taking messages and sending messages into a form that can
be shared with other parties.

Channel, the media that we use to send messages. The type of message we have can
help us determine the media or communication channel we will use. Included in the
media or communication channel are words that are spoken, printed words, electronic
media, or nonverbal instructions.

Decoding, occurs when the communicator / recipient of the message / target audience
receives the message that has been sent.
Receiver, communication can be said to be successful when the communicator /
recipient of the message / receive the message in accordance with what is desired by
the communicator.

Feedback, if we communicate in writing, we can find out whether communication is

successful or not through the responses or responses we get from the communicator /
recipient of the message. Context, Context can be an environment where we are and
where the communicator / recipient of the message is located, organizational culture,
and various elements or elements such as the relationship between communicator and

Noise, Interference in the communication process can be a physical disturbance such

as a very loud voice, or unusual behavior. Effect, the effect or impact caused by
communication which can be in the form of attitude or behavior of communicators /
recipients of the message.

4. Culture of a country is formed purely, culture is not only a result of interaction in

society, but also has been influenced and mixed with elements of culture from
outside. The influence of foreign culture occurs first when a nation interacts with
other nations.

For example, religion, a religious system rooted in traditional beliefs towards a

religious system based on religious teachings, is a concrete example of the influence
of foreign culture on local culture.

5. communication delivered communicator to the communicant by written or oral oral.

Verbal communication includes ideas, thoughts or decisions. With hope, the
communicant (both listeners and readers) can more easily understand the messages

for example: someone who is conversing by telephone. While verbal communication

through writing is done indirectly between the communicator and the communicant.
The process of delivering information is done using the form of media letters,
paintings, drawings, graphics and others.

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