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Actividad de aprendizaje 3

Evidencia 6: Segmentation “Describing Potential Clients”

John Edward Jaramillo Úsuga

Ficha 1881676 1

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje SENA

Regional Tolima

1. Resuelva en inglés las preguntas que se le presentan a continuación:

 Where do you usually buy your cleaning products?

R:/ In the supermarket stores D1

 Do you consider yourself as a neat person? Why?

R:/ Not much it is difficult for me to prepare to keep everything in order,

and I lack willingness to achieve it.

 Do you feel satisfied with the cleaning products you buy? Why?

R:/ Yes, they satisfy the need, they are of good quality and economical.

 What kind of cleaning product would you like it to be improved? Why?

R:/ Liquid soap in the dense and aroma, since it is very small.

 Mention 5 cleaning product brands you consider as the best ones

R:/ Rexona, Palmolive, Unilever, Nieva Soft, Amway.

 Which are the most important aspects to be taken into account to choose a
cleaning product brand?

R:/ first that meets the expectations of the customers, second that is
competitive in the market and third that is of excellent quality.

 Imagine you are promoting a new product. Describe it and write in ten lines the
reasons to convince your potential clients to buy your product.

1. This product aims to meet the need that is required.
2. We provide guarantee on what we are offering.
3. This product is healthy for human health.
4. Our product meets international production standards.
5. It is completely natural, without preservatives and preservatives.
6. The cost is economical, compared to the market.
7. We have presentation in different ways powder, paste and cream.
8. We handle quality policies that guarantee the product.
9. We have authorization from the health authorities.
10. Our company meets all the requirements of law for its operation.
2. Describa en inglés el tipo de población a la que pretende proyectar el producto o
servicio, de acuerdo con el país ya seleccionado.
R:/ The segmentation variable that most favors the export of our product is
behavioral segmentation, since it is evident that the use of our product is frequent
and has a good reception in this country.

3. En base a la población descrita con anterioridad elabore una encuesta en inglés para
ser aplicada a esta población.

This survey aims to know the market of our product, to establish the distribution
strategies and criteria.
Please answer the following questionnaire as seriously as possible, we appreciate your
Names and surnames:_________________________________________________
State: ______________________________________________________________

1. Do you frequently consume cocoa, either in powder, cream or paste?

Yes: ___
Do not: __

2. Do you have a brand of your choice when you buy it or take the one you find

Yes: ___

Do not: __

3. consume the product every day at least once?

Frequently: ____

Sometimes: ____

Never: ____

4. Do you prefer cocoa than another product?

Yes: ___
Do not: ___
5. Do you think that the product is nutritious and has benefits for human health?

Yes: __
Do not: ___

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