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R e f .: Ar ti c les , soc ial me dia , e tc . br o a d c a s t s i n c e 0 7 / 1 6 / 2 0 1 9 .

Over the past few d ays, FX Trading Corporation has been cruelly
attacked by the print media, social media and other means of communication with
articles, po sts and comments broadc ast in a careless, groundless and unreal manner,
by attributing false cl aims against the company, its employees, contractors and family
member s due t o an alleged practice of mult i- level marketing as a pyramid scheme
an d unlaw ful fund rai sing.

FX Trading Corpo rat ion, in compliance with all applicable laws

concer ning c ryptocurrency operations, h ereby once more clarifies that it does not
oper ate in securi ti es market, neither does it unlawfully raise funds from customers
nor o per ate in the foreign currency t rad ing m arket through exchange rates nam ed

Arrangements have been taken for FX Trading Corporation, the

largest cryptoasset i nvestment company in t he world, to be in consonance with the
effective law from al l the countries where it op erates.

As clarified in a previously issued not e, in virtue of the chang es

implemented by t he Brazilian Federal Revenue Service through RFB Normative
Instructions No. 1888, as of May 3, 2019, an d 1899, as of July 10, 2019, FX Tradi ng
C o r p o r a t i o n h a s b e e n i m p l e m e n t i n g , t h ro u g h o u r c o r re s p o n d e n t s , m e c h a n i s m s
intended to provide information relat ing to the cryptoasset operations to the Brazilian
Feder al R evenue Services.

F u r t h e r m o re , F X Tr a d i n g C o r p o r a t i o n h a s b e e n s t r u c t u r i n g i t s
oper ations on the basis of the Circular Lett er No. 11/2018/CVM/SIN, in view of the
crypto asset investments by the invest m ent f unds regulated by CVM Instruction No.

Also as previously inf or med, FX Trading Corporation is currently

one o f the top cryptocurrency invest m ent companies in the world, both in financia l
vol ume and number of users, surpassing one million active plans, and, along with
such success and the growth speed, new d emands have been arising, which requires
th e adjustment to each of their needs.

Such clarificatio ns are necessary, since the volume of investment

funds regulated by CVM Instruction No. 5 55 /2014 have been reaching high levels, so
th e adjustment t o t he rules has been ex trem ely important for the going concer n from
now o n, such as, for instance:

a) if the base software is a free open source software or close d

source software;

b ) i f t h e t e c h n o l o g y i s p u b l i c , t r a n s p a re n t , a ff o rd a b l e a n d
veri fiable by any user;

c) if there are arrangement s r aisin g conflict s of interests or the

concentration of excessive p owers in th e cr yptoasset issuer or
promoter, or the use of aggressive sales t echniques;

d) the liqui dity of cr ypt oasset tr adin g;

e) the nature of the network, consensus and validation

protocols, and th e soft ware used; or

f) the profile of the developer s, as well as their degree of

involvement in t he project.

Indeed. We still have to tak e into consideration and reaffirm that FX

Trading Cor poration’s incorporators, off icers and m anager s are headquar t ered an d
resid ing in So uth Korea, which rules concer ning t he act ivit ies in mult i-level market in g
an d cryptoasset operations are quit e str ict as for permissions, following the most
serious and meticulous legality regimen s around the world in the different countries
where it operat es.

I t s h o u l d a l s o b e p o i n t e d o u t t h a t t h e c o m p a n y F X Tr a d i n g
Corpo ration does not allow in its shareholdin g any foreign members, by keeping only
rep resentati v es hired in the different countr ies where t hey operat e, so t hey do not
have any decision- making or manage ment power in the company’s business.

The activity of the represen tatives and other employees is limited

only to being FX Trading Corporation’s coaches, investors and enthusiasts, and th ey
do no t have any administrative intervent ion or operative powers, so they just act a s
th e company’s spokespeople and “po st er kids ”.

It is important to stress th at FX Trading Corporation has been

honour ing its business commitments bef ore it s investors, therefore none of them will
be harmed in any way. Instead, the w ithdr awals by all users will be made on every
twentieth (20 t h ) day i n each month, w it h no f ees or minimum withdrawal amount to be
req uired.

In virtue of the Br azilian laws, regarding the adjustment to the

activities performed by our company, we state that we have been using our be st
effor ts to meet all legal requirements, also by providing information of our operations
an d investors to the t ax authority, fu lly p roviding the applicable authorities with a ny
an d all applicable pieces of informat ion, as well as reports about all operation s
carr ied out so far.

In order to ensure th e in tegr ity and legal security of our investors,

as well as o ur com pany’s good stand ing, w e are providing our blockchain’s financial
overview to the tax authorities, stre ssing t hat we already receive requests from the
Brazilian authorities to provide the reports on every inter national financial
transaction, parti cularly concer ning Br azil as for some of our investors, which has
already been under arrangement.

Thus, we repud iate any activity in disagreement with the laws and
th e company’s poli cy, not allowing any activity resulting into mistake or loss and al so
not co mplying with the supervision and inspection of the acknowledged regulatory
au thor ities, whi ch have the necessary pow ers to curb any eventual and allege d
unlawf ul practices.

We reinforce t he inf or mation on the strictness of the operation rules

in our co untry, i n such a way that we ext end such strictness to all the countries where
we have been developing our activitie s.

We further reinfo rce that we have been at all times following control
procedures, so t hat fraudulent operations are avoided; the structure chosen for such
purpo se is fully capable of meeting th e legal requirements.

The articles, posts and other notices have stated in an

irrespo nsible and t otally uninformed m ann er t hat there are police and administrative
investigatio ns, as well as legal proceedings un derway. Indeed, FX Trading Corporation
inf orms that there are no investigations by the Federal Police, Federal or Sta te
Pro secutio n Office, Office of the G ener al Counsel for the Federal Treasury, CVM -
Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission, or any other supervisory or
investigative authori ty, involving the com pan y, and the transparency of our operations
is a paramoun t rule for the construction and f easibility of our investors’ dreams.

If such alleg ations were tr ue, any and all nationals would be able to
eas ily o bserve such procedures through the world wide web in any territories of th e
planet, and not only i n independent ar ticles b y people that do not even know of what
th ey are saying, bot h due to lack of infor mat ion or carelessness.

Perhaps in order to tak e any financial advantage through the

th reats o f publishing articles through jour n als, which seems to have taken place as a
possible extortion at tempt, which has been un successful, stories were created on th e
basis of co njectures on assumptions of t he reality, however groundless and having no
credibility w hatsoever, both through th e art icles in newspapers of general circulati on
or independent publications.

Therefore, we hereby reaffirm our commitment to all of those that

believed and still believe in FX Trading Cor por ation’s operation and what has made, is
making and wil l make it this great comp any t hat makes dreams come true.

FX Trading Corporation.

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P.S.: FX Trading is not liable for publications, posts and/or comments addresses to its
coaches, investors, enthusiast s and ot her employees in general, since suc h
pub lications are addressed to th e people relat ed thereto without any interferenc e
by the company in how they car ry on th eir personal lives; in case those people
feel offended, they must take t he applicable ar rangements in the Brazilian legal

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