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Department of Civil Engineering
Final Internship Practice On Road Construction
Hosting Company: Defense construction enterprise
Compiled by: Name ID no Section
1. Yeshiwondim Eniyew TER/1300/08 D
2. Ashagrew Adane TER/0194/08 E
Period of internship: Four month
Company supervisor: Tesfa Zeleke
Academic supervisor/Advisor: Mr.Yehenew

Submission date 26/01/2012

We, do hereby declare that this report paper is Our original work and has not been
presented for any sort of fulfillment in any university besides the DEFENSE
CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISE gives a certificate for the months We have been
working with the company cooperatively with all employers. All the sources of
materials used for the paper have been fully acknowledged.
Name Signature
Yeshiwondim Eniyew ………..
Ashagrew Adane ……………..
I, Mr.Yehenew, hereby certify this report and approve it.
Signature …………….. Date ………………


This is to certify that Yeshiwondim Eniyew (ID-No: - TER/1300/08) angrew Adane
(ID-No:-0194 ) carried out this internship report on road construction under my
Signature........................ Date………….
Mr. Tesfa zeleke
Figure 11 the logo of DCE .......................................................................................... 2
Figure 2 land cover of the project are ........................................................................ 6
Figure 3 location of the project map ........................................................................... 7
Figure 4 organization work flow ................................................................................. 9
Figure 5 retaining wall construction and some parts .............................................. 14
Figure 6 pad before and after fill with the concrete ................................................ 14
Figure 7 mixing box made from wood ...................................................................... 15
Figure 8 pipe installation and outlet constructing ................................................... 16
Figure 9 rock fill for slab culvert .............................................................................. 17
Figure 10 common excavation ................................................................................... 19
Figure 11 embankment fill ........................................................................................ 20
Figure 12 showering/watering/ .................................................................................. 21
Figure 13 compaction of sub base layer ................................................................... 22
Figure 14 earth work equipment’s ............................................................................ 24
Figure 15 production of sub base material............................................................... 26
Figure16 sub base work flow ..................................................................................... 27
Figure 17 dumping...................................................................................................... 28
Figure 18 casting concrete and compressive test after 7 days ............................... 33
Figure 19 CBR after soaking and depth of penetration......................................... 38
Figure 20 process of LL test ...................................................................................... 39
Figure 21 types of sieve used to determine the FI ................................................... 42
Table 1 alignment passing towns and villages name ................................................. 4
Table 2 mean monthly rainfall of the project area.................................................... 4
Table 3 Mean monthly max. and min. temperature of the project area ................. 4
Table 4 No of equipment, machineries and man power ......................................... 18
Table 5 LAA No of sphere and their grading .......................................................... 41
Table 6 specification for different type of material ................................................. 43
Table 7 specification requirement for sub base material ....................................... 44
Table 8 requirement for base course material ......................................................... 45
Table 9 water requirement for different slumps and size of course
aggregate(mm) ............................................................................................................ 47
Table 10 First estimate of course Aggregate (mm) ................................................. 48
Contents .................................................................................................................................... V
ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................... I
ACKNOWLEDGMENT........................................................................................................... II
EXCUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................................ III
Abbreviations ...........................................................................................................................IV
Chapter 1 .................................................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 GENERAL INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................... 1
1.2 BACK GROUND OF THE COMPANY...................................................................................... 1
1.2.1 Brief history of the company ................................................................................................. 1
1.2.2 Vision ..................................................................................................................................... 2
1.2.3 Mission................................................................................................................................... 2
1.2.4 Values .................................................................................................................................... 2
1.2.5 Main products or services of the company ............................................................................ 2
1.2.6 The Main customers or the end user of its products .............................................................. 2
1.3 Background of the project ............................................................................................................. 3
1.3.1 Project Location and Location Map ....................................................................................... 6
1.4 Overall Organization and Workflow............................................................................................. 7
1.4.1 Organizational Setup .............................................................................................................. 7
1.4.2 Particulars Data of the Project ............................................................................................... 8
1.4.3 Project Organization Chart..................................................................................................... 9
Chapter 2 .................................................................................................................................. 11
OVERALL INTERNSHIP EXPERIENCE ............................................................................. 11
2.1 How Did I Get To the Company? ............................................................................................... 11
2.2 Work piece or work task we have been executing ...................................................................... 11
2.2.1 Office Work Activities ......................................................................................................... 12
2.2.2 Site Work .............................................................................................................................. 12
2.3 Field and Laboratory Tests .......................................................................................................... 30
Chapter 3 .................................................................................................................................. 49
BENEFIT, PERFORMANCE AND CHALENGE ................................................................. 49
3.1 Benefits We have Got From the Internship ................................................................................ 49
3.1.1 Improving Our Personal Skill ................................................................................................ 49
3.1.2 Upgrading Our Theoretical Knowledge................................................................................ 51
3.1.3 Improving Interpersonal Communication Skill .................................................................... 51
3.1.4 Improving Work Ethics ......................................................................................................... 52
3.1.5 Team Playing Skill ................................................................................................................. 52
3.1.6 Leadership Skills ................................................................................................................... 52
3.2 Challenges we have faced while we performing our works ....................................................... 53
3.3 Problems and Remedial Solution on the Company We Saw ...................................................... 54
Chapter 4 .................................................................................................................................. 55
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ....................................................................... 55
4.1 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................... 55
4.2 Recommendation........................................................................................................................ 56
Internships are seen by college students as potentially valuable tools to
explore general career avenues and secure good work experience. With this regard,
We have been working at Defense Construction Enterprise, Beles-mekanebirhan
design build road project from March to July 6/2019. Defense Construction
Enterprise, is one of the local construction companies focusing and specializing
on road construction, airport and other building construction works. Since its
establishments, the company has been marking maximum effort in contributing its fair
share in the development of national road infrastructure.
The design is done based up on ERA & AACRA design manual. Also other
highway handouts and books were used as a reference. Based on terrain type of the
route corridor and the traffic volume, DS4 road which function as a link road is
We spent the four months of the internship program at this company
performing various activities. The major ones were designing of structures, laboratory
tests, office work and compiling reports. We were also carrying out practical activities
such as performing field tests, surveying activities and field works.
The program was tremendously helpful that we gained experience that will be
useful in our professional and even personal future, developed technical and
interpersonal skills, strengthen social and professional links, improved the
perspectives of Our study, adapted to the work environment and valued differences
that exist between co-workers.

First of all, we would like to thank our God; he makes me stronger to face obstacles
through our life. .
Secondly, we have extend our supreme gratitude to Debre Markos University institute
of technology for providing such kind of opportunity for students to broaden their
perception on how the real world in the field of civil engineering looks like.
Our gratitude and an endless thanks goes to CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER
MR.TESFA ZELEKE and office engineer MR.NAJI who helped us for the project
to reach the final stage without any restriction entirely with his valuable guidance,
encouragement, respected hospitality, fatherly and energetic approach. And they also
share their life style about how to communicate with others and give respect for other
Finally, we are ineffably indebted to our advisor MR. YHENEW for conscientious
guidance and supervisions of our work.


This report includes our overall internship practice in Defense Construction

Enterprise in the 2011 academic year. It is important inputs for the intended program
in order to know how I perform the program of the institution properly. It consists of
four major sections with brief description.
The first part contains about introduction to internship and the profile of the
hosting company such as its capacity, establishment, and company related issues.
The next part is fully dedicated to the overall internship experience includes the way
how we joined in to the company, works that We have been participated, and the
organizational work flow of the company as a whole including Our performance and
challenges We have been facing. And also general description of the project is
described here.
The third part includes the whole advantage of internship in terms of aspects
like practical skill, work ethics, leadership skill, team playing skills, upgrading
in theoretical knowledge, communication skills, entrepreneurship skills etc.
Recommendation and conclusion are included at the last part of the paper. Reference
parts are also included here.


ERA Ethiopian Road Authority

AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation
AACRA Addis Ababa City Road Association
CBR California Bearing Ratio
FI Flakiness Index
PI Plastic Index
PL Plastic Limit
LL Liquid Limit
LAA Los Angles Abrasion
FDT Field Density Test
ACV Aggregate Crushing Value
TFV Ten Percent Fine Values
RW Retaining Wall
OMC Optimum Moisture Content
MDD Maximum Dry Density
DBST Double Bituminous Surface Treatment
ETB Ethiopian Birr
DS4 Design Standard 4
Bd Bulk Unit Weight Of Sand
WS Weight Of Soil
PS Unit Weight Of Clean Sand
MC Moisture Content
Dd Dry Density
NMC Natural Moisture Content
DCE Defense Construction Enterpris

Final Internship Report 2019

Chapter 1
An internship program offered 4th year engineering students planned by Debe Markos
university institute of technology, which forms the foundation for the development of
capacity building and competitiveness of industries in the field of Engineering and
technology. Moreover it can give students to develop their three and half years
theoretical background to practical one. This program takes one semester long time,
starting from beginning of March to end of June. On this regard we were able to at
look this internship program after we had successfully completing our three and half
year’s academic study. After this we had applied for our hosting company Defense
Construction Enterprise, which is found in Gondar, Janamora, and we had accepted as
they promised by the confirmation paper. The project was constructions of Beles-
Mekanebirhan Road roject.
1.2.1 Brief history of the company
Defense construction Enterprise (DCE) is one of the leading Construction companies
in Ethiopia established in 2010 by the Ethiopian ministry of council regulation number
185 / 2010 as public enterprise and national defense as supervising authority of the
enterprise. The authorized capital of the enterprise is Birr 800,000,000.00 of which
birr 276,438,724.00 is paid up in cash and in kind.
Prior to its establishment as an Enterprise, it was structured as an Engineering
Department under the Ministry of National Defense responsible for the construction of
Hospitals, Depot, Camps, access roads and other infrastructure activities owned by the
Ministry of National Defense. Henceforth it establishment, the enterprise has mainly
been undertaking various infrastructural projects to satisfy of national defense
infrastructural needs. In parallel, it has also been engaged in the construction of mega
road, dams, irrigation infrastructures and building projects that have been undertaking
in different part of the country.

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DCE has already built many modern and top of the art buildings in the whole of
Ethiopia. Our services include Building, road, irrigation and dam construction
projects. Its goal is to modernize the construction industry, thus we use modern

Figure 11 the logo of DCE

1.2.2 Vision
Becoming the leading and most sought after company in our continent in the
development of mega and challenging defense infrastructure and related construction
Work with accepted construction standards.
1.2.3 Mission
Besides satisfying the infrastructural needs of National Defense with competent
human skill and modern construction technology, our company strives to use its extra
capacity in the development of various infrastructures in domestic and neighboring
countries and becoming most sought after construction work performer at high level
of quality, cost and time while enhancing the economic development of the nation.
1.2.4 Values
 Foster improved staff motivation & retention.
 Cultivate life-long learning and employee team spirit.
 Model and reward good behavior (honesty, loyalty, resourcefulness)
 Focus on staff to gain their full support and commitment
1.2.5 Main products or services of the company
At this time DCE is participating in many governmental and private projects. As We
have mentioned above, some of the products of this company are buildings road,
irrigation and dam projects.
1.2.6 The Main customers or the end user of its products
As we have mention on the history of the company; apartments, building, hospitals
and highways and other civil infrastructure are the main products of this company, but
as we are working on highway construction we will only describe end users of this
highway construction and the advantages they have gained from it.

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It is known that highway is public service which is constructed to help peoples rather
than to make profits. And as a public service all the peoples along the road are users of
the product of the company (which in this case is highway).Some of the advantages
that the peoples along the highway gained are getting fast and easy access to referral
hospitals and preparatory schools which are not available in small towns, In addition
to this the construction of this highway can increase the national integrity of peoples
of the country.
Before we reach to the site the company hands over project .Our site is 35%
completed and constructing different types cross section element road are in progress.
1.3 Background of the project
The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE) represented by the Ethiopia
Roads Authority has tendered for the procurement of the design and built works on the
Beles-Mekanebirhan Road Project, with an assumed length of 39 km and awarded the
contract to Defense Construction Enterprise. Accordingly, a Contract Agreement was
signed on the 31st of March 2015 between the Ethiopian Roads Authority (ERA) and
Defense Construction Enterprise (DCE) to perform the design and construction of the
Project. Subsequently, a notice to commence the works was issued to the Contractor
15th of April 2015.
On the other hand, CLASSIC CONSULTING ENGINEERS PLC (CCE) has won the
consultancy service for the Construction Supervision of this project and the Contract
Agreement was signed between the Ethiopian Roads Authority and CCE.
The work under this contract consists of Design and Construction (Design and
Build) of new road, to DS4 Double Bituminous Surface Treatment (DBST) road
standard and construction of minor and major drainage structures if required.

Location of the Project

The Bales – Mekane Birhan Road Project lies in the Amhara Regional State, in the
Northern part of the country. The proposed route is inaccessible with 4WD vehicle.

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The beginning point of the project is around Beles Village where portion of Debark-
Buahit Road project ends and it is specifically located at about 868km from Addis
Ababa City. The control points through which the proposed road shall traverse are
Beles Town, Weyina and Mekane Birhan. The road project will connect Debark and
Janamora Weredas. The Topography the road is dominated by mountainous and
escarpment terrain.
. Table 1 alignment passing towns and villages name
No. Town/village Chain age
1 Beles village (start of the project)0+00
2 Weyina village 17+020
3 Mekane birhan town 39+220
The Project road starts just at Beles Village 27 km from Debark with a total estimated
length of 39 km and ends at Mekanebirhan.
Climatic Nature of the Project
As per the classification by the National Atlas of Ethiopia, the project route corridor
falls within “Weyina Dega “and “Dega” climatic zones as the altitude of the route
alignments lies between 1800 and 3000 meters a.m.s Specifically the main control
points of the road project namely Beles and Weyina villages are found in the “Weyina
Dega” climatic zones where as the climatic zone of Mekane Birhan is “Dega” climatic
Table 2 mean monthly rainfall of the project area

Months Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
3.8 5.4 19.0 40.0 87.5 155.5 310.7 285.5 113.6 56.5 23.6 12.0
in mm

Table 3 Mean monthly max. and min. temperature of the project area
Ma Ma Au No
Element Jan Feb r Apr y Jun Jul g Sep Oct v Dec

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Max 20. 21. 22. 22. 21. 18. 16. 16. 17. 19. 19. 19.
Temperatur 2 5 2 6 6 9 4 6 8 1 6 9
Min. 9. 10. 10.
6.7 8.1 9.1 9.3 9.4 8.9 7.5 6.7 6.4
Temperatur 6 4 1
Sources: NMA (using Debark Rainfall Station)
Geology of the Project Route
According to the Geological Map of Ethiopia (Mengesha et. al. 1996) the project area
is covered with two types of volcanic formations namely Aiba basalt (P3a) and
Tarmaber Gusa (PNtb) formation.
The Aiba basalt is flood basalt with rare basic tuff and it covers majority of the
sections from the start of the project to near km 51+000. While the Tarmaber Gussa
formation is mainly alkaline and transitional basalt often forming shield volcanoes and
it is found with minor trachitic and phonolitic flows. This formation is located around
the end of the project.
Land Use and Land Cover
The mountainous and escarpment portion of the project area is mainly covered by
scattered bushes whereas the remaining portion which exists mainly in the rolling part
is moderate farm land. Especially from Beles Village to Weyina, the area is cultivated
and hence ROW issue is expected in all alternatives. Generally rating the vegetation
cover of the project route is poor.

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Photo#1: Land Cover at Weskenbit Photo#1:Moderate Farm Land from

Mountain (start of the project) Beles to Weyina

Photo # 3: Poor vegetation cover around Sebat Kitel & Azegenebaza mountains

Figure 2 land cover of the project are

1.3.1 Project Location and Location Map
The Beles-Mekanebirhan Deign and Built Road Project is located in Amhara National
Regional State in the North Gondar Zone particularly in Debark and Janamora
Woredas. The start of the project is 27km from Debark town, which is an important
commercial and administrative center for the Debark Woreda.

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Figure 3 location of the project map

1.4 Overall Organization and Workflow
1.4.1 Organizational Setup
Defense Construction Enterprise is a well-structured and adequately staffed
organization capable of handling a number of projects at a time. The Company uses
the combined knowledge and experience of personnel, from directors to skilled
workers, for consistent quality project delivery.
The qualified, well-trained and committed workforce also enables it to uphold
project schedules, even under adverse circumstances. All the achievements of the
company have been made possible by the dedicated efforts of executives and qualified

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Employees at Defense construction Enterprise are working towards continuing

success with the help of a committed leadership and highly motivated workforce by
enduring close relationships with clients and alliance partners.
The Company is highly increasing its manpower in all levels of responsibility and
professional practice pertaining to construction work. This has created a relaxed and
easy handling of a number of significant projects at a time.
In order to develop the culture of organizational pride and a climate of success,
Defense construction Enterprise appreciates and recognizes the commitment, loyalty
and faithful service of its employees.
1.4.2 Particulars Data of the Project
Project : Beles-Mekane Birhan Design and Build Road Project

Funding : Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE)

Project Location : Amhara Regional State, North Gondar

Project Length : 39km (Approximately)

Employer/Client : Ethiopian Roads Authority (ERA)

Consultant : Classic Consulting Engineers plc

Type of Service : Consultancy Services for the concept design
And tender document preparation of Beles -
Mekane Birhan Design and build road project
Date of Contract Signature : 31st of March 2015

Date of Commencement : 15th of April 2015

Period of Service : Three Months (90 calendar days)

Type of Contract : Lump Sum

Contract amount : 1,701,713.65 ETB

Type of work : Double Surface treatment Road
Project Length: 39 Km

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1.4.3 Project Organization Chart

Figure 4 organization work flow

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Project Manager: - is the person who manages and controls the overall
activities in that project. All the departments are responsible to the project manager
and they should present weekly and monthly performance report.
Construction engineer: - Is a person who directly manages and controls the man
power and construction activities on the site. The construction engineer controls the
activities of the site engineers, foreman’s, and other persons who have direct contact
with the construction activity.
Office Engineer :-The main responsibility of this staff is preparation of weekly
and monthly reports of the activities on the project and reporting to the project
manager and to head office.
Some of the thing that should be included in the weekly and monthly reports are:-
 Profit gained
 expense of the project
 amount of work
 problem faced
Some of the responsibilities of the Office Engineer Staff are:-
 Preparation of Direct Cost
 Preparation of weekly and monthly expense for
 Manpower
 Machine and equipment
 Material
 Preparation of Cross Sectional Working Drawing(Template)
 Preparation of working drawings
 Payment certificate preparation.
Administration head: - is a staff in which its responsibility is directly to the project
The main activity of the Administration are solving conflicts between employees,
Administrating the comp, communication with the local government and providing
Equipment administration: - Controls the activities of all rental and owned

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Chapter 2
2.1 How Did I Get To the Company?
Before we are going to Defense Construction Enterprise, We have got a chance to get
in the AKIR Construction plc road project which takes the other part of the project
from debark to Beles. But they told us that already the project is attended on the
finishing part of the project so you can not perceive or get knowledge what you have
got on the intern program. So we are going to search another company which accepts
me for four month of apparent ship program. This is the reason why we have choice
the Defense Construction Enterprise. We are going to defense construction comp and
we got the project manager Mr. ZEWUDU. we gave to him the request paper. He said
I will announce you after a week. Then he calls us after three weeks and we start our
intern program beginning with March 20 to for four successive months. We decided
to work with Defense construction enterprise for many reasons. Among those: - the
first one is the project is located in near to our home.
The other reason is, we have been interest to be a highway engineer, so want wants to
take part our internship on highway Company.
The other reason for what we are choosing DCE is the project is in the beginning stage
so that we can perceive a good knowledge. And also it was not difficult to adapt the
weather condition of the site because am familiar to the weather condition before.
2.2 Work piece or work task we have been executing

As we have mentioned before I spent four months on the company doing different
work activities.
 Office work
 Site work activities
 Laboratory different tests
 Mix design and gathering information

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2.2.1 Office Work Activities

There was no suitable condition to work with office work but we have seen how to
prepare a template, and designs of different structure in a tutor.
In office engineering section there are different activities to be done which include
 Designing various structural and highway section
 Preparing working drawing for site use
 Quantity estimation and budget allocation
 Preparing work schedule and progress report
 Payment preparation

How to Prepare A Quantity Work Using CAD

1. By using topography surveying data (northing, easting and elevation) put the
stream line and bank
2. Draw a contour line on the EAGLE POINT using the topography data, this
shows us the top view of our alignment including all terrains and water bodies
3. Draw the template of the alignment at 20m difference of the station by section
view but this station is not obvious for all type of alignment because it might be
on 10m difference if the alignment is curve. It shows the different section of
the pavement layer.
4. By using area-volume method we can calculate the quantity of the alignment at
different station.
Volume=area*length where volume in m3
Area in m2, Length in m
2.2.2 Site Work
When we was in site for two months, we try to visualize the undergoing activities on
site like Excavation, Fill work, Sub grade layer construction, Casting of concrete, Sub
base layer construction, surveying activities for both structure and earth work,
inspections of as- built and also various tests like density test. On the site we collect
data’s when the data collectors are not available, and also check the material
specifications according to the system they follow.
 Structural work

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 Earth work
 Earth work equipment’s
 Pavement work
 Surveying activities

Structural Works
Now let’s see some structural construction in this project.
Retaining Wall Structure
Simple procedure for the construction or building of retaining wall
 Excavate up to the original ground level (OGL)
 Use lean concrete for the safety of the retaining wall .Or we can also use
spacer to away bars from the earth surface.
 Formwork for pad. This helps for erecting the pad with its thickness.
 Bar placing this can be done by a simple calculation to know the number of
bars used for the pad.
 Profile erection for constructing retaining wall masonry structure. When we
start constructing the masonry structure it must be 20cm away from the pad this
prevents retaining wall from erosion of water until the erosion reaches to the
retaining wall it attains its serviceability year.
When we construct a retaining wall a small hole must be constructing to drain out the
seepage water in to the back fill material of the retaining wall. Those hole structures
are called weep hole. The weep hole width is up to 10cm.
Retaining wall may construct 5m-10m difference. The gap between the retaining wall
is called expansion joint.
Expansion joint is a gap between the retaining wall. This gap has its own function on
the retaining wall to resist the next retaining wall from cracking and failure.
Construction joint is also another type of joint this means when we stop working of
filling the concrete in one structure we did not leave it on straight this is recommended
make it angled and then when we continue the work it can bind well. This joint is
called construction joint.

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Figure 5 retaining wall construction and some parts

It is one of the structures of retaining wall it differ from the above structure by its
reinforcement bar. Mostly we use Φ 16 bars. The reinforcement is separated from
lean concrete by spacer.
After we construct the pad the next step is constructing the retaining masonry. The
masonry course stone size is 30cm x 30cm.
The mortar mix design used for retaining wall is 1:3 (1 bag of cement and 3 box of

Pad bar placing

Formwork for

Figure 6 pad before and after fill with the concrete

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Simple Calculation to Check the Top Width of Rw

1 1 2.07+0.518=2.59
10 2.5 5.18 3.2-2.59=0.6m the top width of RW


This is a box used to make mix for masonry V=20cmx40cmx50cm=40000cm3

Made from wood

Figure 7 mixing box made from wood Used to measure the
mixing ratio value

Pipe Culvert
Pipe culvert is also one of the structure that can built on different site
conditions to drain out water which comes from different catchment area and it is a
minor type of structure.
The pipes used for the culvert are pre-fabricated and they are reinforced
because different heavy vehicle are pass through the pipe culvert so to resist those
loads and transfer the loads well to the ground we have to provide reinforced bars.
Those pipes have different diameters based on the amount of the water flow
through the pipe.

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Procedure to Build Pipe Culvert

1. Data’s are taken from the office those show the excavation layout, pipe
culvert layout (invert) to the surveyor.
2. The surveyor put the points on the site first the excavation layout then the
invert layout after excavation.
3. Build the inlet part by masonry.
4. Compact the soil up to 30cm for the pipe bed this is used for to safe our pipe
from cracking
5. Test should undertake after compaction this test is compaction test. To know
the compaction strength of the pipe bed.
6. Put the pipes closely and plaster it by cement.
Note after we put the pipes other stone materials around the pipe are
not allowed to put because if we put stone around the pipe they crush the pipe when
the load is applied (vehicle pass above the pipe).
7. Build the outlet by masonry which is called head wall.
8. After those all action are done the last step is back fill of the pipe. This can
be done by man power to compact the backfill material by using compactor.
Head wall

Figure 8 pipe installation and outlet constructing

Slab Culvert
Slab culvert is single reinforced concrete. The reinforced concrete slab is laid at deep
depth below the asphalt concrete layer. So the traffic load reaches to the slab in a
small extent. This is the reason why the slab culvert is single reinforced slab.

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Slab culvert has different parts. The bottom and top reinforcement is separated using Z
bar, two side walls are stone masonry wall. The bottom of the culvert is mass concrete
which is laid on the lean concrete. The top of the culvert is reinforced concrete slab.
Wing walls are constructed at the outlet and inlet of the culvert to preserve the soil
from erosion. The two side walls are constructed with some inclination at the back fill
side. This is done to avoid over turning of the structure.
Back fill for slab culvert may be rock fill or the same material as others. We need the
slab culvert to be safe so no vibration is allowed from the rollers (compactor) is
needed to hit the first layer which means it will be hated by zero vibration 4-5 number
of passes that will be enough. After the first layer the surface will be treated as one
with the non-slab culvert area.

Figure 9 rock fill for slab culvert

Earth Work

Earth work means excavation of materials from cutting and the construction of
embankments and other pavement layers up to the natural sub base layer.
Earth work is conversion of natural condition to required section and grade. The
term earth work includes all clearing, grubbing, road way and drainage excavation,
excavation for structures, detour construction, embankment construction, borrow,
Cutting, waste, overhaul, compaction, finishing operation, and all operation of
preparing the sub grade foundation for high way or runway pavement. It is the
most common item of work encountered in high way project.

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The quantity and cost of earthwork are calculated in terms of cubic meters of
excavation in its original position on the basis of cross section notes from field
measurement. The quantity of work in embankment and cuts are computed by the
help of software programs.
Clearing and Grubbing
This part of the major construction work consists of clearing and grubbing of the road
corridor within the given slope stake limits, construction and maintenance of
diversion roads , demolishing and disposing of different types of obstructions within
the right of way limits. Clearing of the site and grubbing necessary for the
construction of the works consists of removal of all trees, brushes, vegetation, rubbish,
fences, all stumps and root and all other objectionable materials including disposal of
all materials resulting from clearing and grubbing.
Contractor is carrying the site preparation activity with the following resources:

Table 4 No of equipment, machineries and man

power Man power No
Type No Earth work Forman 1
Dozer D8R, 305Hp 1 Surveyor 1
Grader 140K, 185Hp 1 Chain man /Grade cheker 2
Total station 1 Dozer & Grader operator 2
50 meter steel meter 1 Operator helper 2
Vehicle 1 Mechanic 1
Driver 1
Unskilled laborers 3

The above machineries are not expected to be engaged in this activity full time. Three
fourth of their capacity will be sufficient to carry this activity and hence their one
fourth capacities will be utilized in other activities, like temporary diversion.

Common Excavation

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Common excavation work includes common excavation to waste, common

excavation to stock, free hauling, embankment placing, road bed preparation, sub
grade preparation & road widening, fill activities. All these activities will be executed
according to the specifications and with the consent and approval of the Engineer. The
quantity of earth work in this project is significant.
Wasting of surplus or unsuitable materials will be carried out by dozers and
excavators where nearby disposal area is available and/or hauled to disposal area
using dump trucks as per the requirement of the contract.
Embankment construction will be under taken by spreading, watering, mixing and
compaction as per the specification. Quality tests, level check, close supervision will
be conducted to assure quality control and approval

This alignment is the junction to
weyina village

Height of the pavement

layer placing

Figure 10 common excavation


Embankment is a portion of road prism composed of approved fill material (by

the consulting engineers), which lies above the original ground level and is bounded
by the side slopes, extending downward and/or outwards from the outer shoulder
breakpoints(outer edge of the shoulder) and on which the pavement is constructed.
And when we say embankment work it means placement of material from cut section
or any other selected material that is imported to the work site on undisturbed ground
to obtain the desired elevation. Embankment is classified as
 earth embankment

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 rock fill embankment

Embankment is constructed as follows
 The surveyors fix the slope stake limits according the design data
 Removal of any unsuitable material and with appropriate materials as per the
engineer’s Recommendation.
 preparation of the road bed
 Field density test is done to check whether the necessary compaction have been
attained at the optimum moisture content
 After water showering of the road bed, the calculated volume of fill material is
dumped. . The dumped fill material is mixed and placed at moisture
content near the Optimum moisture Content (OMC) using grader. After
compaction they request for test when they think it is ready then density and
moisture content will be taken. Density test is done by sand replacement
method by making a hole every 5-10meter difference in order to pass the test
compaction must be at list 95%.
 The mixed and placed material is compacted using roller to attain 95%
compaction on the field.
Whereas when there is high fill, it will not be economical to use normal fill material
20cm fill depth per layer, so if it is allowed by the engineers, rock fill embankment
can be used with higher depth of fill per layer (up to 50cm).
The material to be used for embankment work should have CBR of greater than 5%
and PI value of less than 30, when determined using AASHTON method.

The embankment fills until it reaches the sub

grade level

Figure 11 embankment fill

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Watering , shall consists of providing and spreading over water required in the
compaction of embankments, road way beds, back fill, special sub base, course and
surface course. Showering will be better to make strong bond between two
consecutive layers first the previous layer will be showered and the dumped material
will be mixed by grader while being showered, but should avoid pumping.

Figure 12 showering/watering/
Compaction is defined as a procedure that increases the density of a particular
material by expelling air from the voids in the material and there by bringing the
particles into more intimate contact with each other.

 The result of compaction work depends on moisture content of the soil, type of
soil, equipment used and the energy applied.

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Figure 13 compaction of sub base layer

Where sufficient quantities of suitable material are not available from roadway
excavation as planned, additional materials shall be excavated from borrow pits
indicated on the plans or approved by the Engineer.
Material excavated from roadway cuts but not required for making the embankment.
Here in our project, sometimes the waste can be used to construct access road for
quarry sites, alternative earth road for the farmers and also it can be used as a
flattening material for side fill.
Earth Work Equipment’s
Bull Dozer

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 Clearing and grubbing

 Removal of unsuitable material
 Construction, maintenance and repairing of temporary diversion(i.e. detours)
Motor Grader
 Construction, maintenance and repairing of temporary diversion(i.e. detours)
 Preparing the road bed for compaction
 Placing of different materials and blending
Wheel/Chain Loader
 Construction, maintenance and repairing of temporary diversion(i.e. detours)
 Loading of materials
 Volume=2.0-2.5m3
Rollers/Tempers …
 Compaction (14-20 tone)
 Construction, maintenance and repairing of temporary diversion(i.e. detours)
 Road bed preparation for compaction
Wheel/Chain Excavator
 Borrow material production
 Excavating of materials
 Structure excavation (demolishing)
 Excavating for drainage structures
 Loading the materials
 Volume 1.0-1.5m3
Dump Trucks
 Selected material hauling
 Dumping materials
 Volume 14-16m3
Water Truck
 Showering
 Volume >20,000 liter
Pictures of earth work equipment’s

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truck Water truck


Figure 14 earth work equipment’s

Pavement Works
Pavement work means the order of the pavement layers starting from the
natural subgrade level to the asphalt layers. But before starting the layers we have to
cut the normal ground level 20cm to avoid unwanted materials like huge stones, grass,
roots and other small plants. And then by using surveying data that comes from the
office engineer we put the level of OGL.
After we find the OGL we start put the grade of each pavement layer by using total
station and other instrument.
Pavement layers are
 Sub grade
 Sub-base first layer and second layer
 Base course
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 Bituminous asphalt surface

Sub grade is the last layer of the pavement layer.
The sub grad is prepared by either filling or cutting so as to meet the design level. If
the design approved necessitates cutting, the existing ground is excavated using
any suitable equipment (dozer, excavator, and grader) until the finished sub grade
level is reached.
Sub-base is the second layer of the pavement layer.
It also acts as a working plat form for the construction of the upper pavement layer
separating the sub grade layer and base course.
Sub base is produced from an area which has good quality of material
identified by the contractor and approved by the engineers (consultant).
Before the next layer is dumped checking of the elevation is done by surveyors. They
take leveling (reading) every 5m difference and the blue topping is done which is
inserting stick at every reading in such a way that if the point of reading is lower by X
cm from the design then the stick will be X cm above the level of the existing ground
and if the reading is higher than the design then the stick will be deep in to the existing
ground. If the ground is lower than correction dump will be estimated and then
dumped. If the ground is higher than the extra material will be moved to the edge of
the area in case the next material is the same as the previous the wasted material will
get back to use otherwise it will be wasted.
In this project the blue top it done when the type of material is changed since in sub
grade the material is the same for about 5 layers we don’t need to check the elevation
of each and every layer.

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Figure 15 production of sub base material

Selected Sub Base Material
This section covers the construction of sub base layer from an approved sub base
material. It includes the use of natural gravels that satisfy the requirement of the
specifications or otherwise screened gravels, crushed and screened gravels, and/or
crushed stone in accordance with the specifications and in conformity with lines,
grade, thickness, and typical sections shown on the drawings and/or as directed by the

Sub base Work Flow Chart

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Sub grade layer Locate subbase

Approval mat. source

Hauling subbase matetial Test the


Spreading,mixing Check and

approve the mat.
,Placing and Compaction
by the Engineer

Check and approve by Subbase material

the Engineer production

Figure16 sub base work flow

Our first work was to calculate and estimate the dump volumes and the number of the
dump trucks to be assigned for the site. The total volume is calculated by multiplying
the area with the thickness needed to be filled then multiply the calculated area by 1.5
which is to counter balance the shrinkage in thickness (volume) due to compaction
and other wastages due to hauling and boulders. This is done by calculating and taking
testes. To know how much trucks you need, divide the total volume with the capacity
of the trucks usually from 12 to 16 m3 but not all the needed dump trucks are to be
assigned since there are other excavation works and places need material and
considering the time it takes from the quarry to the dumping area.
 For the first layer the dumping material is borrow, which means only a soil
without any stone material.
 For the second layer the dumping material is aggregate below 4.75mm sieve
size ( for 1st and 2nd layer of sub base)
 For the third layer the dumping material is crushed stone aggregate<=50mm.
 For the asphalt 00 aggregate mix with range material
Calculation for Number of Dumping and Its Volume

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Procedure:- Read the thickness of the pavement on the right, center and left side
from the surveyor data and take average of the three reading

= thickness where L, C and R are

elevations at left, center and right side

 calculate the volume of dump
Volume (V) =L*W*T*15% where L=length, W= width
T=thickness and15% is wastage due to
 Calculating number of dumping amount
No- of Trip =

But 1 dump truck can carry 16m3 of the material but it might not fill well due to its
speed and hauling so we have to use 12m3.

Figure 17 dumping

Efficiency of Different Machines

The efficiency of different machines is based on the output that done.
The efficiency of the grader is calculated as No- of dump * 12m^3/ time taken to
spread, mix and compact and trim. It is taken as 75 m^3/hr. Surveying Activities
Before any construction activities, all survey data and results will be submitted to the
office engineers in well-organized format. Then after, the office engineer will approve
the data and order them to start a new activity called setting out
It is used to establish the location and alignment of highways, bridges, buildings,
pipes, and other man-made objects..

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In our project, there are several GPS Points have been established along the project at
3km intervals. Each GPS contains Northing, Easting and Elevation.
After the GPS’s are installed, bench mark points are known and detail engineering
designs are carried out by Classic consulting Engineers plc.
The first task after cross checking is to identify the center line of the route, gather
cross-sectional data and prepare well organized data.
Based on surveying data, office engineers will design a template [i.e. cross sectional
working drawings] by using the software called Eagle Point. Next to this, the
template will be approved and the surveyors immediately begin setting out works.
Before any construction activities begin, the surveyor’s will provide the following
data to the Forman.
 Boundary of earthwork activities;
 Depth for cut and fills;
 Center line, Fixing and locating position for any structures
The information that are provided for the Forman can be written on the Peg, Buried
rocks and Features etc…
The essential data are listed as follows: -
 Offset distance from centerline;
 Slope ratio;
 Depth of cut and fill;
 Station.
Generally, the tasks that are performed by surveyors during highway constructions
 Cross check the grounded GPS;
 Establish Bench marks;
 staking out the center line;
 Gathering of cross-sectional topographic data;
 Editing data’s;
 Slope Staking;
 Staking out of structure;
 Blue top works;

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 As built Readings.
The output of the data may be extracted from the instrument using cable or cards. The
extracted data is then edited and submitted to the office. The office engineer processes
it and prepares working drawings. Then the surveyor setout required points using
design template.
Leveling: is a surveying operation in which height of objects and points are
determined relative to a specific datum usually the mean sea level.
Total station: Using total station the following tasks were performed. These are
setting out of excavation and structural layout for culverts, Stake out of centerline for
the road and for crosses sectional survey.
2.3 Field and Laboratory Tests

There are so many tests on the construction of high way. We joined the laboratory
which is used by the contractors and consultants in common. On high way
construction material is tested to avoid failure of pavements and structures before
design period.
In the laboratory section of DCE different sub sections are available
which are Aggregate and asphalt testing laboratory, concrete testing
laboratory and Geotechnical laboratory.

Field density test (FDT)

This test is done to determine the actual in site density of embankments, structural
back fills, sub grade layer, sub base layer, and base course layers. If the work field
FDT the engineers may recommend rapping and reworking or if the material found to
be unsuitable replacement of material may be recommended.
The field density requirement for any earth work is specified as the percentage
of the maximum dry density (MDD) found in laboratory test as compared to the field
dry density.
 For Embankment FDT >=95
 For back fill FDT >= 98
Procedure for FDT

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Sand cone (replacement) method

Calibrated and standardization of density sand
1. Wash the sand to clean dust particles.
2. Dry it and sieve the washed sand using sieve size 600mm and 300mm and use
sand passing sieve size 600mm and retained on sieve size 300mm.
3. Determine mass of calibrated sand to require filling the cone.
Mass of jar + sand before pouring = a
Mass of jar + sand after pouring = b
Mass in cone=c=a-b
Volume of cone=v—from given data
Bulk unit weight of sand (Bd) =c/v (ps)
Procedure of FDT
 Inspect all density apparatus and assemble the density jar apparatus.
 Select allocation that is representative of the area.
 Place the material plate centrally hole plate on the leveled surface.
 Nail it in four positions.
 Excavate the hole through the center hole.
 Carefully trim the sides of excavation and continue excavation to a depth of
 Clean the sides and bottom of test pit.
 Weigh the removed sample
 Burn using benzene to determine moisture content.
 Weigh calibrated sand and the jar before pouring and port the sand on the test
when it being stops pouring into test pit close the density value.
 Weigh the remaining sand and jar.
 Clean all the used apparatus
Determine the percentage of compaction
C= DD/MDD*100
Slump test (AASHTO T 119-93)

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Objective- This test is used for determining the workability of fresh concrete.
The method applies to cohesive concrete of medium to high workability and with
maximum aggregate size of 40mm.
Main principle- During the construction of the structures the freshly mixed sample is
taken from the mixed concrete and it is carried out by filling a specified mold shaped
as the frustum of a cone in three layers. Tamp each layer with 25 strokes of the
tamping rod. Remove the mold; allow the concrete to subside and measure the slump
after removal of the mold.
Slump cone, hay, metal rod (lamping rod), knife

 The slump cone is filled with 3 layers each with 25 blows per layer.
 Then trim the surface smoothly and press it to degree.
 Remove the slump cone from the sample carefully.
 Put the slump cone adjacent to the sample.
 Put the material rod on top of the slump cone.
 Measure the difference in height of the slump cone and that of the sample of
/the gap between the sample and the metal rod.
 Compare the result with the specification standards
 Specification limit; 25mm-75mm
Compressive strength test (AASHTO T 022-92)
Objective- this covers to check the characteristics of the concrete that
have we have used in the construction of structures .The concrete strength is normally
tested at the age of 28 days but, for purpose of proceeding works it can be tested at the
age of 7 days.
Main principle- During the construction of structure, the concrete was mixed
with the ratio to check the sample of the concrete was casted in the mold
(15mm*15mm*15mm) and socked in the water for 28 days /7 days then it is broken
by the compressive strength machine. If the concrete type is c-25, the compressive

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strength at the age of 7 days should attain 15 percent of its strength and 28 days
should attain 98 percent of its strength.

Figure 18 casting concrete and compressive

test after 7 days

Procedures used In Geotechnical (soil) Testing Laboratory

Under this laboratory We have seen Proctor test, CBR, plasticity index, LAA, ACV,
grading, classification...
Compaction Test or Proctor Test
Objective- this test is used to obtain the optimum moisture content (OMC) of a
soil at which a specified amount of compaction will produce the maximum dry density
(MDD) .This test could be standard penetration test and modified penetration test.
Standard penetration test (SPT)-it is attest with light compaction, for light
traffic road construction by using 2.5kg rammer and 3 layer compaction.
Modified penetration test (MPT)-it is heavy compaction for heavy load
construction by using 4.5kg and 5 layer compaction in case of this project the heavy
compaction test (MPT) is used because of the design standard of the road (DS4).
MPT is carried with the following parameter
Method “c” of mold 152mm
Weight of rammer=4.5kg
Height of rammer=18cm
No. of blows=56 and
Layer no. =5
Prepare 5 representative samples each above 3 kg materials passing

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I. 4.75 mm if cumulative % retained on 19 mm sieve is < 30% or

II. 19mm if cumulative % retained on 19 mm sieve is ≥ 30%

Mold, hammer, balance, knife, graduated measuring cylinder and metal tray.
Procedures of proctor:
 First prepare sample of soil 6kg each passing sieve 19mm.
 Then check the mold that it is clean and dry.
 Weigh the mold and record it.
 Mix the sample thoroughly with a proposed amount of water which
increases gradually from first to last specimen. We use first trial 2%.
 Place some sample on the mold for the first layer and compact it with 56
 Repeat this up to 5th layer.
 When all the layers are compacted, remove the extension collar from the
excess soil, t r i m t h e compacted surface equally to the top of mold
using straight edge.
 Weigh the sample + mold and record.
Weight of mold=5100
Volume of mold=2124
 Extrude and breakup the sample
 Take small sample and let it oven dry for 18-24hrs.
 Repeat the above all process for the other two samples by increasing the
amount of water by 2 percent of the previous sample.
 If a decrease in weight is not noted. Prepare other sample and proceed
with the same steps until u get a decrease in weight.
For each trial determine;

dry density (Dd) =

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 From the above result, draw dry density vs. moisture content graph and take
care not to exaggerate the turning point of the graph.
 Read maximum dry density (MDD) at the turning point of the graph and read if
the corresponding moisture content of that density that value is the OMC of the
California Bearing Ratio Test (CBR)
This test is used to develop by the California division of high way. It is used to
evaluate the penetration strength of sub grade, sub base, base course, and surfacing
materials. In this test, material samples compacted in a standard CBR mold at OMC
tested to give a relative strength of the material for pavement structure with respect to
crushed rock, which is considered on excellent base material.
It is developed to measure the resistance of a material to penetration of standard
plunger under controlled moisture content and density. This test also used to know the
value of swell when the soil is affected by flood on the site.
Three samples of material, each 6kg prepared from either of the following condition
met i
 If all pass 19mm sieve.
 For sub base and capping, if retained on 19mm sieve is <10 percent, no
correction is needed for it’s removed.
 But if retained on 19mm sieve is >10 percent, it should replace by a similar
mass passing sieve 19mm and retained on sieve 4.75mm.
Procedures of CBR test
 Determine the natural moisture content (NMC) of the sample.
 Calculate the amount of water to be added from NMC and OMC (from proctor
M= ∗ thesampleweightofthesoil (mostly in the DCE

company use 6000g), where: M-amount of water to be added for

CBR test
 Weigh 6kg of sample and add the calculated amount of water and then mix it.
 Weigh the mold and record.

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 Place the first portion of the sample into mold and compact uniformly by
applying the proper number of blows use modified and each layer have 5
M1-10 blows
M2-30 blows
M3-65 blows
For each blow we use the same amount of water.
 Remove the rammer, fill the next layer and repeat the same process until final
 Remove the extension collar, trim the extra sample and take a record of weight
 Remove the sample from mold and take a representative
sample for moisture determination.
 Repeat all the above processes for the remaining two samples.

II. Soaking
 Place filter paper on the top of each sample and fit perforated
base plates on the top of the molds
 Invert the mold place gutter paper on it and then surcharge weights.
 Mount the dial gauge support on top of the extension on caller to read swell in
place and Take the initial measurement of swell immediately.
 Immerse the assembled mold in water allowing free access of water in top and
bottom for 4 days.
 After 4 days of soaking, takeoff the dial gauge and its
support, remove the mold assembly from soaking tank and
allow it to drain for 15 min.
 Carefully remove the surcharge discs, perforated swell plate and extension
Penetration procedure
 Remove the sample and mold from tank and allow it to drain for 15min.
 Remove surcharge, perforated plate and extension collar and weigh the mold +
sample weight.

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 Place the mold with base contains the sample centrally on the CBR testing
 Contact the plunger with top of sample surface.
 Mount the penetration dial gauge on the bracket attached to the plunger.
 Adjust the penetration dial gauge to read zero /same convenient datum reading
 Start the penetration of sample by the plunger at a uniform rate of 1mm/min.
 Switch on the power and record the load ring dial and penetration at 64mm up
to 12.7mm i.e. (0.64, 1.27, 1.96, 2.54, 3.18, 4.45, 5.08, 7.62, 10.16, and 12.7
 Perform penetration test for all the samples
Calculation of swell;
Where: H-height of specimen
H1- initial dial reading
H2- final dial reading
Division of the swelling dial gauge=0.0245mm
Load= dial*ring factor
CBR value1 (%) = P1*100/13.2
CBR value2 (%) = P2*100/20
CBR value (%) = Max. (CBR value1 (%), CBR value2 (%))
Recommended value to pass the test result for different soil material:
 For borrow material CBR>=8
 The same value for sub grade CBR>=8
 For sub-base material CBR>30
 For base course material CBR>=100

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Figure 19 CBR after soaking and depth of penetration

Atterberg limit Test
Objective: - to determine the plastic index (PI), which indicates the degree of
plasticity of a soil. The greater the difference liquid limit and plastic limits, the greater
is the plasticity of the soil. A cohesion less soils has zero plasticity index such soils
are termed as non-plastic.
Liquid Limit
Procedures of liquid limit determination
 Prepare a sample which passes sieve no.40 (sieve size 0.425).
 Soak it in water for 18-24hrs to get uniform soil mass.
 Mix the sample in dish adding certain amount of water to form a uniform mass
of stiff consistency using spatula.
 Place sufficient amount of mix in the cassagranda cap.
 Squeeze it well to avoid voids spaces.
 Trim the placed sample carefully to create flat surface.
 Divide the sample in the cup by affirm stroke of the grooving tool through the
 Rotate the handle of the cassagranda cap at a steady rate of 2rev/sec.
 Stop running when the grooved sample is closed and register the no. Of blows.
 Take small sample and weight for moisture content determination.
 Repeat all the steps at least for 2 more samples with different water content in
order to plot moisture content vs. number of blows curve.

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First trial= 25-35

Second trial= 20-30
Third trial 15-25
 Oven dry the soil in the containers and record the weight.
 N.B. Liquid limit of the soil is a moisture content which
corresponds to 25 blows to close the grooved surface. We can read it
from moisture content vs. number of blows curve.
Plastic Limit
Procedure for plastic limit determination
 Prepare a small sample from the first trial of the liquid limit (LL) test.
 Roll the sample in to ball to reduce its moisture content.
 Roll the sample between finger and the glass plate with just sufficient pressure
to roll the sample in to a uniform thread of 3mm diameter and continue this
until the thread crumbles.
 After crumbling stage reached gather the pieces together.
 Divide the piece in to two containers and weight the container and the soil.
 Oven dries the sample for 18-24hrs and weighs the dried sample.
Determine the moisture content of sample on each container and take the average
water content. This value stands for the plastic limit of the sample.
Then; PI=LL-PL

Figure 20 process of LL test

Shrinkage Limit Test
This test is used to determine the cracking value of the sample. And this helps on the
site when the moisture is removed from the soil to know the amount of shrinkage. And

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also to know the number of dumping on the site this means if the material have high
value of shrinkage we have to add some amount of number of dumps to replace the
shrinkage wastage
N.B Shrinkage limit test is taken only for sub base material.
Can, Spatula, Shrinkage mold, caliper.
Procedure for shrinkage limit
 Sieve the sample by 0.425mm sieve size and take pass through the
 Soak for 24hr with small amount of water to make wet all the sample
 Mix the sample with water by using spatula.
 Fill the shrinkage mold when the soil sample cassagranda reading is
 Smooth the surface until the air bubbles removed from the sample
 Dry the sample for 24hr in air
 Place the sample in the oven for 16hr and more in 60˚CL
 After that measure the cracking value using caliper.
Recommend value to pass the test
If the measuring value is >3mm…….pass the test
“ “ “ is <3mm…….fail.

Aggregate Tests
Tests taken in the laboratory for aggregate are
 Flakiness index
 Elongation
 Specific gravity and absorption of aggregate
 Soundness of aggregate

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Los Angeles Abrasion Test (ASHTO T-96)

Abrasion test is the test used to know how the aggregate is sufficiently hard to
resist the abrasive effect traffic over its service life. Los Angeles abrasion test
involves the use of steel dram, revolving on horizontal axis, into which the test sample
of chippings is loaded together with steel balls of 46.8mm diameter. The LAS is the
percentage of fines passing the 0.0175mm sieve after the specified number of
revolutions of the drum is fitted with internal baffles casing the aggregate and the steel
balls to be lifted and then fall as a drum revolves. The test therefore gives an
indication of the impacted strength in combination with the abrasion resistance of the
aggregate. The test has four grading and use their corresponding number of steel ball
Table 5 LAA No of sphere and their grading
Grading Number Mass of
of sample(gm)
A 12 5000
B 11 5000
C 8 5000
D 6 5000

Calculation: % of LAA= [(M1 – M2)/M1)] x 100 Where: M1= mass of sample

before test and M2=mass of sample after test retained on 0.0175 sieve,

Aggregate Crushing Value (ACV)

The Aggregate Crushing Value (ACV) gives a relative measure of the
resistance or strength of coarse aggregate to crushing under a gradually applied
load. Aggregates used in road construction should be strong enough to resist
crushing under traffic wheel loads. If the aggregates are weak, the integrity of
the pavement structure is likely to be adversely affected.

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Main Principles
The Aggregate Crushing Value (ACV) was determined by measuring the
material passing a specified sieve (2.36mm sieve) after crushing under 400KN
load. The test is applicable to a standard fraction aggregates passing 14mm sieve and
retained on a 10mmsieve. The method is not suitable for testing soft aggregates with
an ACV higher than30.

Calculate the Aggregate Crushing Value (ACV) expressed as the percentage of
the material passing the 2.36mm sieve (in g) to mass of the test specimen (in g):
ACV= 100× (M2/M1), where M1= total test specimen (in g),
M2=the material passing the 2.36 mm sieve (in g).
Flakiness Index (FI)
This test is done for base course for this project. The flakiness index of an aggregate is
the percentage by weight of an aggregate whose least thickness is less than 60% of the
mean thickness. For base course and wearing course the presence of flaky aggregate is
a desirable as they may cause inherent weakness with possibility of breaking down
under heavy loads.
The aggregate is gauged with thickness gauge each size fractions separately with hand
so that the flaky aggregate is separated.

Figure 21 types of sieve used to determine the FI

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Soils used for improved sub grade layers shall be non-expansive and non-dispersive.
They shall comply with the requirements shown in Table below.
Table 6 specification for different type of material
Material properties Required limits
CBR at 95% MDD(AASHTO T-180 D) Min 8
CBR-swell% Max 2
PI% Max 25
Compacted density 95% of ASHTO T180
Compacted layer thickness Max 200mm

 Selected fill materials for the construction of embankments shall fulfill the
following requirements:
 CBR……………………………………Min 8%(AASHTO T-193)
 Swell…………………………………..Max 2% (AASHTO T-193)
 Liquid Limit………………………….Max 60%(AASHTO T-89)
 Plastic Limit…………………………..Max 25%(AASHTO T-90)
 Max particle size: the fill material shall not contain particles a max
dimension exceeding two third of the specification layer thickness
after compaction, except in the case of rock fills.
 Compaction requirement: each layer of fill shall be compacted not less
than 95% of the MDD when determined in accordance with
 Max layer thickness: fills other than rock fill, shall deposited in layer
not exceeding 200 mm compacted thicknesses. Each layer shall extend
over the full width of the embankments.
 Moisture content: the moisture content of fill material at the time of
compaction shall be the optimum for the equipment being used and
not more than 2 % above the optimum moisture content.
 Material source for sub bases

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 Material used for the construction of sub base layers shall be either:
 Natural gravel
 Crushed gravel
 Crushed rock or crushed boulders
 Specification requirements for sub base material
Table 7 specification requirement for sub base material
Property Gravel sub base Crushed stone sub
Grading limit ERAs standard ERAs standard
Table 5104/1 Table5105/1
Grading modulus Min 1.5 except Min 1.5, approved
where a material having a by engineer but not <1.2
lower grading modulus ,but
not <1.2
Plastic index  Max PI 6-12 Shall not exceed 6
 PP=PI*% passing
0.075mm sieve,
product shall not be
CBR CBR at 95 of
modified AASHTO
Density Shall Not be <30%
Swell Shall not exceed 1%
Compaction Min 97% of Min 97% AASHTO
requirements MDD,AASHTO T180 D 180
96) 96)
Flakiness index <35(BS812,part 105
or ASTM D 3398)
 Material source of base course

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Bas course material could be either:

i. Grade crushed stone(GB1)
ii. Natural occurring granular material(GB2)
iii. Boulder or weathered rock(GB3)
 Requirement for base course material
Table 8 requirement for base course material
Property GB2 GB3 &GB2
Grading limit ERAs standard ERAs standard
table5200/1 table5200/1
PI Np 6
CBR CBR AT 98% of CBR AT 98% of
modified AASHTO modified AASHTO
density shall be>100% density shall be>80%
ACV Not <29% Min 50 KN
FI <30% <30%
Abrasion <45%
Crushed ratio <60%
Procedures used In the Concrete Testing Laboratory
Concrete mix design (ACI Mix design method)
The design of concrete mix is based on many requirements and quality tests:
(a) Grade of concrete
(b) Type of cement
(c) Maximum nominal size of aggregate
(d) Fineness modulus test coarse aggregate
(e) Fineness modulus test coarse aggregate
(f) Specific gravity test of cement
(g) Specific gravity test of coarse aggregate
(h) Specific gravity test of fine aggregate
(i) Bulk density of coarse aggregate
(J) Minimum water cement ratio

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(k) Workability
ACI Mix design Procedure
1. Determine the slump depending on the degree of workability
and placing condition. A concrete of the stiffest
consistency (lowest slump) that can be placed efficiently
should be used.
2. Determine the maximum size of coarse aggregate that is economically
and consistent with
dimensions of the structure.
3. Determine the amount of mixing water for the given slump
and maximum size of coarse aggregate from Table 4. This
table also indicates approximate amount of entrapped air.
4. Determine the minimum water-cement ratio from the curve.
5. Determine the amount of cement per unit volume of concrete from steps3
and 4.
This cement content should not be less than the cement
content required based on durability or some other criterion.
6. Determine the amount of coarse aggregate required for a
unit volume of concrete from Table 5. The value thus
obtained is multiplied by the dry rodded unit weight if the
aggregate to get the required dry weight.
7. Determine the amount of fine aggregate. At completion of
step 6, all ingredients of the concrete have been estimated
except the fine aggregate. If the weight of concrete per unit
volume is assumed, the required weight of fine aggregate is
simply the difference between the weight of fresh concrete
and the total weight of all other ingredients. An estimate of
weight of fresh concrete can be made either by using Eq. 1
or Table 6

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Wm = 10ρA (lOO-A) +γc (1- ρA/ ρC) -

γw (Ρa-1)
Where Wm = weight of fresh concrete, kg/m3ρC = specific
gravity of cement (= 3.15)
ρA = weighted average specific gravity of combined fine and coarse
aggregate A = air content, percent, γw = mixing water requirement,
kg/m3 γc = cement requirement, kg/m3
8. Adjust the mixing water quantity based on the moisture
content in the aggregate.
9. Check the calculated mix proportions by means of trial batches prepared
and tested in accordance with the relevant IS specifications
and make
another trial, if necessary.
Maximum Bulk volume of dray-rodded course aggregate per unit volume
size of of concrete
Finesse modulus of fine aggregate
2.4 2.6 2.8 3
10 0.5 0.48 0.46 0.44
12.5 0.59 0.57 0.55 0.53
20 0.66 0.64 0.62 0.6
25 0.71 0.69 0.67 0.65
40 0.76 0.74 0.72 0.7
50 0.76 0.76 0.74 0.72
70 0.81 0.79 0.77 0.75
150 0.87 0.85 0.83 0.81
Table 9 water requirement for different slumps and size of course aggregate(mm)

Slump(mm) Water, Kg/m3 of concrete for maximum size of course

10 12.5 20 25 40 50 70 150

Non air entered concrete

30-50 205 200 185 180 160 155 14 12
5 5
80-100 225 215 200 195 175 170 16 14
0 0
150-180 240 239 210 205 185 180 17 -

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Approximate % 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0.3 0.2
entered air content
Air entered concrete
30-50 180 175 165 160 145 140 13
80-100 200 190 180 175 160 155 15
150-180 215 205 190 185 170 165 16
Recommended 8 7 205 5 4.5 4 3.5
percent of average
total air

Table 10 First estimate of course Aggregate (mm)

Maximum size of First estimate of concrete weight (Kg/m3)
Non-air entered Air entered concrete
10 concrete
2285 2190
12.5 2315 2235
20 2355 2280
25 2375 2315
40 2420 2355
50 2445 2375
70 2465 2400

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Chapter 3
3.1 Benefits We have Got From the Internship

3.1.1 Improving Our Personal Skill

The four months internship practice was very good in terms of developing strength of
real time engineering problem solving and gaining working knowledge. It also guides
us to decide Our future job in which ways and companies. The internship program
contributes significantly and positively towards enhancing the knowledge base and
motivational level of students.

By Working in Defense Construction Company We have improved Our personal skill

working in different sector with different peoples.
Some of the practical skills we have improved in the internship program are
 Ways of testing materials in the lab
In this program we have got a practical skill of conducting many tests that
which helped me to understand how a test should be conducted to get a perfect
 Preparation and Evaluation of weekly schedule.
Internship has increased may knowledge of machine and manpower
management which is a crucial thing in construction in the construction work.
 Knowing how to use the EAGLE POINT software for preparation of
cross sectional working drawings (also templates). Eagle Point is a
software which uses the AUTOCAD as an interface for working area. The
procedure for preparation of cross sectional working drawing using eagle
point is as follows
 Create a folder and within the folder create an AutoCAD which
serve as an interface between the Eagle Point and AutoCAD
 Import the data in terms of X,Y,Z in an CSV excel format

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 Using the surface modeling triangulate the data and then create a contour
 Using the design data from the consulting engineers draw the
vertical and horizontal alignments.
 Draw the cross sectional profile
 Finally the consultants approve the prepared cross sectional working
Data’s used for prepared cross section and template of the alignment in the EAGLE
POINT are listed below
 Horizontal alignment data which includes easting, northing, elevation
and radius of the curve
 Vertical alignment which also include length of curve, elevation on
tangent and elevation on curve
 OGL data which comes from the surveyor
 Hydrologic data
 Geo technical data
 Thickness of the pavement layers

Process and method construction of earth work

We have got great experience in earth work construction. In the internship We have
worked on the earth work. we have got skill of construction on the ways of
back slope construction, sub grade preparation, production of sub base material
(which material is suitable for the sub base material ) shoulder preparation and cut
and fill of the earth work . And we have got an understanding on ways of efficient use
of machine in construction.
Construction of structures
We have observed construction of structures which are basic things in highway
construction. For example during construction of pipe culvert we have observed that
how to prepare the invert bed of the pipe culvert, how to prepare the pad and its bar
placing when we construct the retaining wall .

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3.1.2 Upgrading Our Theoretical Knowledge

Working as an intern student in a construction company has increased Our
theoretical knowledge on civil engineering subjects like soil mechanics and highway
engineering. In Our work time as an intern We have increased Our knowledge on
selection of material criteria that a specific material should including to be used for a
specific construction purpose, example for sub base construction.
In addition to increase Our theoretical knowledge on the engineering field; the
internship has helped me to know how to implement the theoretical knowledge
in the university in to practical works.
The theoretical knowledge We have got from the internship program are
 We have got theoretical knowledge on the field of civil engineering like soil
mechanics and highway engineering.
 we have got an understanding on the properties of materials and
differentiating between materials that can be used for different construction
 We have observed the geometric alignment of roads on different features of
land and We have got an understanding on the design of the geometric
 Understanding things that can affect the structural and geometric design of
 This internship program has increase Our knowledge on software like eagle
point and auto cad.
3.1.3 Improving Interpersonal Communication Skill
Skill of communication plays a significant role not only in civil engineering
constructions but also every day to day activities of between individuals. We have
said this because usually tasks that we perform require the involvement of other
During Our internship period it helped me to build good relationship with the other
employees of the company who guided me in the best possible manner. Our
interaction and dealings with the customers helped me to expand Our social

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network. This helps us not to afraid to ask a question for anyone who works in the
3.1.4 Improving Work Ethics
During Our internship period We have learnt punctuality and the significance of
time in any movement of our life. We have realized that time management is an
important element for one firm in order to achieve the planned goals. The following
are some ethical elements that we Improve during this internship program.
 Punctuality
 Reliability
 Organization team participation quality as a team member
 Cooperation with colleagues
3.1.5 Team Playing Skill
We were having some problems with team playing due to being new at the site and
not knowing anybody. That makes our little problems a little bigger and difficult to
tackle but when times goes we get to know everybody and everything around us and
we have the possibility of improving our problems.
The whole work is divided to the crews according to their profession. So if the
members of the crews have poor team playing skill, there might be some delay on
performing tasks.
As a team member everyone can improve the following
 Ability of problem identification
 Selecting the most appropriate method to solve the existing problem.
 Generating or forwarding flexible premises to solve the problem a rise.
 A good decision maker, ability to persuade others
3.1.6 Leadership Skills
Leadership is a way of focusing and motivating a group to enable them to
achieve their aims. It is also involves being accountable and responsible for the
group as a whole.
Leadership must have a wide range of skill, techniques, and strategies. Lack
of leadership ability leads to the failure of the company and creates management

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disturbance. As a result we have been searching the way of having good

leadership skill in the company during Our internship period.
In our internship time in Defense Construction Enterprise different works help us to
improve and exercise our leadership ability. Leading a work came with
The time we spent in Defense Construction Company has offered chance for me to see
mine own performance level as a civil engineering student. We have spent the time
learning new things, gathering information, trying to learn from Our mistakes
and creating Our self as a professional.
At the beginning of the internship program we were learning different things
from the professionals and also revising many documents, to prepare our self for some
real practical work. As We were mainly focusing on the design works, we
immediately started practicing on different construction and design works of
structures which are already constructed and under construction.
3.2 Challenges we have faced while we performing our works
Even if we can say that we have completed the internship time with a success
of fulfilling its objectives, it doesn‘t mean that there were no challenges during the
While we were working in Defense Construction Enterprise, the first challenge that
we have faced on the first month in our intern ship program was getting a service or
transportation to the site. On this month we are so getting annoyed and we haven`t
initiation to go to the work because those drivers who give me a service are not
voluntary to give me a service.
The other challenge We have faced in the internship time was the fact that Some of
the works were finished when we get in there so the only way to know it was to have
explanation about how they have been done such as clearing and grubbing and others.
On the other side communicating with the employers was also Our challenge on the
intern program this has its own effect during working time to ask a question but
thanks to Mr. TESFA he introduce us to different peoples those helping us the works
We have been executing.

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About two months after we gate in there, there was heavy rain which stops the work
for about three consecutive days just by distracting the ramp (temporary road for the
dump trucks) and by causing pumping and there was no possibility to take test so the
work must cease. And due to high flood of Belegez River we are forced not to go the
3.3 Problems and Remedial Solution on the Company We Saw

The first part is shifting the center line of the alignment. This problem is occurred
due to longitudinal crack of the alignment this longitudinal crack can cause sliding of
the road so they are taking a remedial action to shifting 4.5m of the center line of the
The second one is constructing a big retaining wall. This solution is taking for the
soil which has sliding effect before they start constructing the RW they are waiting the
sliding effect until it reaches its slope stability.
Design change of cross drainage.Thise problem is due to inappropriate designs of
the corresponding structure for the given type of foundation condition, Box culvert is
changed to slab culvert.
While working CBR the machine, reads greater depth of penetration or dial gauge
reading for 65 no of blows than that of 30 blows. We are forced to change the

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Chapter 4
4.1 Conclusion
As We have mentioned earlier, we spent the last for months on an internship practice
in Defense Construction Enterprise , with the aim of reinforcing Our theoretical
knowledge with practical works. The fact that the company is currently taking
part in design and supervision of variety of active construction works has
offered us the opportunity to achieve the objective of the internship program.
During the internship time, we have got the chance to upgrade Our
knowledge about the supervision of some activities. we also was able to learn
working with design software‘s like EAGLE POINT.
In the laboratory and inspection part, where we spent most of our time, We were
able to apply the basic design and construction concepts. We have learnt
theoretically into action on many different design and construction works. The
internship program has given me the opportunity to work on different simple and
more advanced design and construction works.
The internship program was a most valuable time during which we were able to
improve our social and ethical skills, beyond the professional skills We have stated.
We know many things which is not found in Our academic study like work
procedures, technical terms and other details. Socially, we were able to improve Our
skills on making effective communications, working with the other employees
as a team, managing conflicts and taking responsibilities. We were also able to
increase the level of our self-confidence. Working in different conditions has also
helped us to be able to easily adopt with the working environment we will face in
the future. Punctuality, accountability and honesty are also some of the benefits we
have gained during the internship time, behaviorally.
we can conclude that we have completed the internship program effectively
and the program was totally productive and help full.

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4.2 Recommendation
Recommendation for DMIT
 Some courses like bridge and software like eagle point, Mx road should be
given as one course before internship program.
 The academic advisor is not do his task well in controlling and advising the
intern students.
 The pocket money is not enough for transportation and other services.
So the University especially our Department should avoid those gaps.
Recommendation for Defense Construction Enterprise.
 Use additional modern computers, machineries and equipment’s, this will
enable the projects to be finished with a lot of speed and will save a lot time
and facilitate the wok flow in the company.
 We suggest that it is advisable, compacting the fill right after showering and
 And we think that it is better for the company to have and use machineries and
modern working equipment to run its projects on schedule and to made
possible speedy, accurate and less cost work.
 Although the company is governmental company We have seen some unethical
and unaccountability finical works in the project I recommended the company
to be accountable.
 We would like to recommend all the workers to continue their positive
behavior for all the students they would get as an intern student in their future
working life.
 We would like to recommend the company to continue their assistance for the
students in order to create properly learned and experienced future generations.
 Most of the Forman’s are not working well they are also cheating on different
structures those they are given to supervise well. Like when they construct pad
for retaining wall the mixing ratio was not well proportioned and they do not
use spacer for the pad bars away from the ground level.
 We would like to recommend to the laboratory technicians they are cheating
most of the time when they are working a tests results like FDT they increase

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the bulk density of the test by adding some materials which is out of the testing
place. And other laboratory tests have also some kind of cheating. So we would
like to recommend them do not do it for the future and some supervision must
have done by material engineers.
 Give proper and enough safety equipment’s especially for laboratory workers.
 The design of the mortar that used to the construction of pointing of retaining

wall and slab culvert is 1:3 cement sand ratio respectively. But the contractor
sometimes use 1:4 and 1:5 ratios.
 All the workers in this company were positive to help me during execution of
Our tasks. They also taught me each and every steps of construction. So
We would like to recommend all the workers to continue their positive
behavior for all the students they would get as an intern student in their future
working life.

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 AASHTO “American Association of State Highway and Transportation
 AAKRA, Addis Ababa City Road Authority, “Design and Construction
Standards and Technical Specifications” November 2003.
 Defense construction company profile.
 Debre Markos university “lecture note”, Unpublished.
 Contract document of the company.
 Ethiopian road authority, “ERA technical specification and pavement design
manual volume 1”, 2002.
 ACI Manual


 Site workers interview

 Oral explanation of project manager

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