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15. Something about different materials to restore caries (composite, flowable, etc).

How to
decide which to use?

Answer: caries management guideline

16. Many conditions/diseases have common predisposing factors (smoking, alcohol, stress,
trauma, hygiene, diet). What approach is this? (something like this)

Answer: common risk factor approach

10. Some guy is going to quit smoking and he is in the contemplation stage. What describes

A. Going to quit in the next month

B. Have not thinking about quitting
C. Is thinking about quitting and will be doing it in the next six months
D. Is taking action to quit
E. Is maintaining or something like that
Answer: C

X. A bar graph with DMFT as Y-axis and age group in the X-axis. Each age group got 3 bars
that represent different years. How do you interpret the DMFT in this graph?

A. Shows a decline in prevalence of caries over the years.

B. Shows a decline in severity of caries over the years.
C. Shows a decline in incidence of caries over the years.
D. Don’t remember
E. Don’t remember
Answer: B

X. Ottawa Charter about improving oral health of the community. Which of the following
describe empowerment?
A. Giving them toothbrush
B. Teach them how to brush
C. Encourage them to arrange community activities
D. Don’t remember
E. Don’t remember
Answer: C

20) Someone donated herbal toothpaste to some orphanage who were 10 years of age. Dr X
was giving talk to the carers of these orphanage. As Dr X, what advice would you give?

A. Advise on using 1350ppm fluoride or above toothpaste

B. Advise on using 1000ppm fluoride or below toothpaste
C. Supervise toothbrushing
D. using a different type of toothpaste
Answer is changing the toothpaste because herbal toothpaste has no fluoride...

1. Dr Q recently started working in Kampung … She realised there were many mothers
bringing their child to the clinic due to early childhood caries. She discussed with her
supervising officer about this and the officer informed Dr Q to find out if this was a dental
public health problem.

As Dr Q, what information would you need to collect and why to find out if this problem is a
dental public health problem? (5m)
- Widespread problem
- Knowledge to cure or alleavete the problem
- Feasible to apply knowledge
- Impact on the individual and society
- Availability of resources
2. 90 old folks in 6 houses with 7 carers. You are a dentist that is visiting them. Something about
the Ottawa Charter and empowering them.
Outline what you can do to improve their oral health in line with action areas of the Ottawa
Charter. (5m)
- Bulding a healthy public policy
Subsise people’s healthcare
Implementation of compulsory dental/medical checkups
Incentives given to practicioners who collect certain amount of points
- Creating supportive environments
Establishing government clinics at rural areas
Put up oral hygiene posters everywhere
Wheelchair ramps at all old folks home
Giving free toothbrush and toothpaste and mouthwash.
- Strengthening community actions
Giving caretakers education to monitor tooth brushing methods of the old people
Recruiting volunteers from community to help those with are not mobile
- Develop personal skills
Toothbrushing drills
Denture care for edentulous patients
- Reorient health services
Dentist refer medically compromised patients to medical practicioners to address their
Increase health promotion in the medical and dental boards
NGOs monitor food given to old people
3. Normative vs perceived needs? (1m)
Nomative needs is a need that is defined by experts. Not absolute and there may be different
standards laid down by different experts
Perceived need is a need by your own judgement (patient judgement)

- what is does prevalence of caries stand for?
The number of existing caries cases as a proportion of population at risk

4. d) Advantage and disadvantage of fluoridated milk and fluoridated water (8m)


-Milk got calcium prevent demineralisation -Milk has sugar, can promote rampant
-Milk is internationally accepted except for caries(nursing bottle caries)
those who are lactose intolerance -Lower absorption of fluoride
-Can have filled stomach after drinking milk
-Lactose intolerant children cannot take
-More acceptable for children and some -Variation in intake
children do not like to drink water -Fluoride is incompletely ionized in milk
-Added benefits of normal milk and (difficult to incorporate fluoride in milk
fluoridated milk to prevent caries and also to compared to water)
prevent demineralisation
-Aid in the development of the permanent
-Children prefer the taste of milk as they have
just finished nursing by the mother
-Milk can add flavour to it for encourage the
children to drink milk


-more freely available compared to milk -Higher risk of developing fluorosis (because
-easier to ionize with fluoride drink more water than milk)
-easy accesibility -against cultural believes?
-water is cheaper -clean water source not available in rural
-no compliance needed, everybody has to areas

c) other than using fluoridated toothpaste, what other ways for self care? (5m)
-interdental brushing
-diet rich in calcium
-reduced sugar intake
-tongue cleaning with tongue scraper
-dental water jet (water floss)
-use soft bristle toothbrushes
-electric toothbrushes

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