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GT 24 Formwork Girder

The versatile lattice girder

with a high load-bearing capacity
Edition 09 l 2013

Formwork Scaffolding Engineering
P.O. Box 1264
89259 Weissenhorn
Tel. +49 (0)7309.950 - 0
Fax +49 (0)7309.951- 0

Important Notes

Without exception, all current safety regulations must

be observed in those countries where our products
are used.

The photos shown in this brochure feature construction

sites in progress. For this reason, safety and anchor
details in particular cannot always be considered as
conclusive or final. These are subject to the risk assess-
ment carried out by the contractor.

Safety instructions and load specifications are to

be strictly observed at all times. Separate structural
calculations are required for any deviations from the
standard design data.

The information contained herein is subject to technical

changes in the interests of progress. Errors and typo-
graphical mistakes reserved.

The GT 24 Formwork Girder

2 The versatile lattice girder with a high load-bearing capacity

4 Ideal for use in wall and column formwork

8 The number one choice for use in slab formwork

10 Cost-effective use in special formwork construction

12 Components

The GT 24 Formwork Girder
The versatile lattice girder
with a high load-bearing capacity

Formwork girders are the main com- Decisive for the cost-effectiveness of When used in wall, column and slab
ponent of numerous formwork solu- a girder are not the initial investment formwork operations as well as in
tions. In addition to the technical costs but, in particular, the service life special formwork construction, material
characteristics, the range of uses of and handling costs. usage and the actual amount of work
the girder is crucial regarding their required can therefore be reduced with
profitability. The GT 24 formwork girder makes a the GT 24 formwork girder.
very convincing case in all of these
aspects. It provides a high load-bearing
capacity as well as rigidity and significant
advantages in practical applications.

Q Load-bearing Q Durable Q Compatible

As lattice girder with a 24 cm Robust design, girder nodes Easy connection of site
overall height for heavy loads with mini-dovetail jointing, no accessories through the
and wide spans trapped pockets of moisture latticework construction

Mark of conformity
Year of manufacture
Day of production

Length in cm (rounded off)

Ideal for site nailing require-

ments due to the 6 x 8 cm thick
timber chord.

Strong impact protection pro-

vided by the steel end caps and
side-to-side steel rivets.

Compared to other 20 cm high formwork
girders, the higher load-bearing capacity GT 24 5.9 kg/m ±0%
of the GT 24 results in fewer girders, VT 20 5.9 kg/m Weight
Building authority
steel walers or slab props for both wall approval
and slab formwork. This means material GT 24 28 kN + 27 %

and labor cost savings – with every use VT 20 22 kN Perm. bearing force
and on every construction site.
GT 24 7 kNm + 40 %
VT 20 5 kNm Perm. bending moment The GT 24 lattice girder
has been approved by the
GT 24 887 kN/m2 + 93 % German Institute for Building
Technology (DIBt).
VT 20 460 kN/m2 Bending stiffness

The struts penetrate the chords along the entire The GT 24 is extremely The certificate of conformity
cross-section. It has practically no cavities that durable through the shows that the GT 24 girder
could trap water. Through the lattice construction, mini-dovetail jointing. corresponds to the technical
the GT 24 girder is well-ventilated when stacked. rules of DIN EN 13377 and
that continuous production
monitoring is guaranteed.

A girder wall formwork provides maximum flexibility

The GT 24 formwork girder is available in lengths whilst the number and position of the girders can Special solutions can also be cost-effectively
of up to 17.80 m and can therefore be used for high be adapted to exactly match individual project realized with the GT 24; for example, shuttering
walls without any joints. requirements. for bridge cantilevers.

The GT 24 Formwork Girder
Ideal for use in wall and column formwork

The GT 24 formwork girder is a cen- These project-specific 14 m high VARIO elements

were designed for a fresh concrete pressure of
tral component of the VARIO GT 24 150 kN/m² and covered using large-sized Fin-Ply
girder wall formwork system. Maxi plywood formlining.

Pre-assembled standard elements

with 21 mm formlining are available for
normal applications and have been de-
signed for a permissible fresh concrete
pressure of up to 60 kN/m².
Alternatively, customized large-sized ele-
ments can be planned and assembled
on the basis of the VARIO GT 24 girder
wall formwork.

Moving a ready-to-use VARIO GT 24 standard

element complete with concreting platform and
push-pull props.

By means of the Extension Splice 24,
VARIO GT 24 standard elements can be
extended up to a maximum of 8.00 m.
The required number of extension
splices depends on the height of the

With additional overlapping girders,

formwork up to 11.90 m high can be
assembled using standard elements.
The photo shows 10.20 m high wall
formwork for the construction of a
multi-storey car park.

VARIO GT 24 standard elements are

available in 60-cm height increments
(2.40 m to 6.00 m) and in 4 standard
widths (1.00 m to 2.50 m). These pan-
els are simply extended for realizing
greater heights. The photo shows
6.00 m high elements complete
with platforms for construction of an
exhibition centre.

Mounting the Extension Splice 24 takes place

without requiring holes to be drilled through
the girder.

For this grain silo, VARIO GT 24 wall

formwork was adapted to exactly
match the curvature.

The GT 24 Formwork Girder
Ideal for use in wall and column formwork

The GT 24 formwork girder is also GRV creates large or small radii for closed formwork
rings without any tie points.
used as the main component for the
RUNDFLEX and GRV systems. With
this circular formwork, sewage plants,
spiral ramps for multi-storey car parks, 3.60 m high RUNDFLEX formwork for construction
of a sewage treatment plant with an internal wall Spindles of the RUNDFLEX elements are adjusted
silos and other structures with a wide
radius of 13.76 m. using the Combi-Ratchet Spanner SW 24.
range of curvatures can be realized.

RUNDFLEX functions with pre-assembled

standard elements which can be quickly
and continuously adjusted to suit any
required radius (for a wall inner radius
from 1.00 m).
GRV formwork is characterized by the fact
that circular structures can be realized
without requiring any anchors. Because
with this system, the fresh concrete
pressure is accommodated by means
of the ring tension forces in walers
on the external elements and the ring
compressive forces in the walers of the
internal elements.

The GT 24 formwork girders in use with
column formwork systems. For VARIO
GT 24 column formwork (left), VARIO
standard components as well as wedges
and tie yokes are used.
The high load-bearing, articulated walers
of the VARIO QUATTRO column form-
work allow cross-sections of up to
1.20 m x 1.20 m.

PERI GRV and GT 24 formwork girders in use with The VARIO QUATTRO can be moved as a complete Large-sized columns – quickly and safely shuttered
conically-shaped column formwork. unit using a single crane pick. with VARIO GT 24 column formwork.

The GT 24 Formwork Girder
The number one choice for use in slab formwork

The MULTIFLEX girder slab formwork

system is the flexibly adaptable solu-
tion for any ground plan and height.
The use of the GT 24 girder allows
the realization of large spans – this
reduces the number of individual

The high load-bearing capacity of the

GT 24 formwork girder increases the
cost-effectiveness of the slab formwork;
in addition, the few system components
simplify all shuttering and striking proce-
dures as well as the logistics.

Apart from the proven slide-rule
tables, a digital solution for planning
the girder slab formwork is also

With the MULTIFLEX configurator, the

user can quickly and easily calculate
the girder and prop spacings on a smart
phone or tablet. After selecting the
required girder combination along with
details of the slab thickness and cross-
beam spacing, the app determines the
maximum permissible spacings for
the main beams and props with the
corresponding prop loads and maximum
cantilever lengths.

Alternatively, the slab formwork can be

quickly and easily configured with the
proven slide-rule tables.

rke d
d [m]
/ m ]]
d b [m]
24/ / V
[kN / m abstan
q [kN tand b
ung q hträger
astung gerabs [kN]] bb
r Joc hträ F [kN
iger Joc tzenlast
ässige last F
Zuläss denee Stü
Stützen [m]
han den stand a
nd a [m]
d c [m]
[m] 0,6 00
tan d c 0,6 5m
Stü abstan
tzenabs dd== 0,20,25 m
Stützen :
spielel :
Bei kenstä
stärke tte 3-S , 21 mm mm
aa Decken -Pla
e Dec 3-S, 21
cc dene alhaut 3-S
handen -Platte 0,50 m0m
0 Vor
Vorhante Sch aut 3-Sstandnd a a= = 0,5
1,20 ähl te Schalhägerab sta 1,2
c c= =
1,20 m
Gewählter Qu
Gew ertr ägerabd
ähl ter Quertr abstan stand d b b= =
2,70 m
stärke dd [m]
[m]2 1,5 0
1,50 Gewählter Stü
Gew tzen
tzenababstan d 2 kN
Deckenstärke m 2] Gew ähl
ähl ter Stühträger
ger abstan F=F= 27,27,2 kN
ng q [kN/
[kN/ m ] 442 1 Gew iger Joc hträ
Belastung q
1,8 00
stand bb[m]
[m] Nac hhDIN
DIN 4421l/ 500 Zul äss iger Joc tzenlast st
iger Jochträgerab
ägerab1,8stand Nacchrä nkt auf l/ 500
nkt auf Zulässdene eStü Stü tzenla
Zulässiger Jochtr
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20/ /VT
2,10 Durchb e ist
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ägerab stand a [m] rundlag e ist
Querträgerab Berech
N/mm 2m rchfeuc
2 (durchf htet ).
2,4 0 Berech mit 500 N/m
m 2(du(durchf
2,40 21 mm mit E=7
= 6,5 N/m m
d cc [m] 21 mm erermmB B = 6,5 N/m
abstannd [m] 0,60 zulässig
Stützenabsta 0,60 zulässig

2 0,90
e 200
Ausgab e 2002
Ausgab 1,20
1,20 cc
Beispielel: : d== 0,25 m
aa Beispi d 0,25 m
1,50 Deckenstärke
1,50 Vorhandene Deckenstärke tte 3-S, 2121mm
Deckenstärke d [m] Vorhandene aut 3-S-Pla tte 3-S, m mm
Deckenstärke d [m] 1,80 GewähltelteSchalh
Schalhaut 3-S-Pla a = 0,50
Belastung q [kN/ m22] 1,80 Gewäh Quertr ägerabstand a = 0,50 m
Belastung q [kN/ m ] Gewählter ägerabdstand c = 0,90 mm
Zulässiger Jochträgerabstand b [m] Nach DIN 4421 GewählterStützen c = 0,90m
Zulässiger Jochträgerabstand b [m] 2,10 Belastung:
nkt auf l/l/500
Nach DIN Gewählter lter Stütze nabstand b = 2,70
Vorhandene Stützenlast F [kN] 2,10 ng:
Belastuiegung: Beschrä
Beschränkt auf
500 Gewäh Jochträgerab stand b = 2,70 m
Vorhandene Stützenlast F [kN]
Durchbiegung: ichtplattete Zulässiger
iger Jochträgerab F= 20,4 kNkN
Querträgerabstand a [m] 2,40 b ndlage ist eine Dreisch ichtplat Zulässdene Stützenlast F= 20,4
Querträgerabstand a [m] 2,40 b Berechnungsgru
N/mm 2(durchfe
uchtet) und
2 eine Dreisch
euchtet) und
Vorhan dene Stützenlast
21 mm mit E=7500
Berechn N/mm2 (durchf
(durchfe uchtet).
21 mm er = 6,5 N/mm 2 (durchfeuchtet).
mitm BE=7500
Stützenabstand c [m]
Stützenabstand c [m] 0,60
zulässiger m B
= 6,5 N/mm MULTIFLEX
e 2002
Ausgabe GT
24/ /GT
1,50 c
1,80 Beispiel :
1,80 Beispiel :
Vorhandene Deckenstärke d = 0,25 m
2,10 Belastung: Nach DIN 4421 Vorhandene Deckenstärke d = 0,25 m
2,10 Belastung: Nach DIN 4421
Gewählte Schalhaut 3-S-Platte 3-S, 21 mm
Durchbiegung: Beschränkt auf l/ 500 Gewählte Schalhaut 3-S-Platte 3-S, 21 mm
Jochunterstützung: Beschränkt
Im auf l/ 500
Trägerknoten Gewählter Querträgerabstand a = 0,625 m
2,40 Jochunterstützung: Im Trägerknoten Gewählter Querträgerabstand a = 0,625 m
2,40 Gewählter Stützenabstand c = 1,20 m
Berechnungsgrundlage ist eine Dreischichtplatte Gewählter Stützenabstand c = 1,20 m
21 mm mit E=7500 N/mmist 2 eine Dreischichtplatte
(durchfeuchtet) und Zulässiger Jochträgerabstand b = 2,80 m
21 mm mitmBE=7500 N/mm
2 2
(durchfeuchtet) und Zulässiger Jochträgerabstand F=b 28,0
= 2,80 m
Ausgabe 2002 zulässiger = 6,5 N/mm (durchfeuchtet). Vorhandene Stützenlast
Ausgabe 2002 zulässiger mB = 6,5 N/mm2 (durchfeuchtet). Vorhandene Stützenlast F= 28,0 kN

A GT 24 double main beam has been used here as By changing the main beam direction and telescop-
the longitudinal girder support in order to transfer ing the cross-beams, the MULTIFLEX slab formwork GT 24 formwork girders are also used in combina-
the high loads of a beam construction. can be easily adapted to suit any ground plan. tion with steel walers for slab edge tables.

The GT 24 Formwork Girder
Cost-effective use in special formwork construction

The GT 24 formwork girders can be

versatilely and efficiently used also
for special solutions.

The use of formwork girders with steel

walers and brackets allow the realization
of customized solutions also for special
solutions. Comparing formwork girders
of 20 cm overall height to the high load-
bearing capacity of the GT 24 formwork
girders, the GT 24 girders result in fewer
components and supports. This saves on
both working time and labour costs.

For this bridge superstructure, GT 24 formwork For this steel composite bridge, the GT 24 girders
girders carry the concreting loads into the customized transfer the loads into units consisting of SRU steel
sub-structure. walers and SLS heavy-duty spindles. The high load-
bearing capacity allows large spans with minimum

By means of timber formers and VARIOKIT raised

formwork units, this slab table exactly matches the
96.50 undulating roof construction.

GT 24 Formwork Girder
Item no. Weight kg
Girders GT 24 L
075100 5,300 Girder GT 24 L = 0.90 m 918
075120 7,100 Girder GT 24 L = 1.20 m 1214
075150 8,900 Girder GT 24 L = 1.50 m 1510
075180 10,600 Girder GT 24 L = 1.80 m 1806
075210 12,400 Girder GT 24 L = 2.10 m 2102
075240 14,200 Girder GT 24 L = 2.40 m 2398
075270 15,900 Girder GT 24 L = 2.70 m 2694
075300 17,700 Girder GT 24 L = 3.00 m 2990
075330 19,500 Girder GT 24 L = 3.30 m 3286
075360 21,200 Girder GT 24 L = 3.60 m 3582
075390 23,000 Girder GT 24 L = 3.90 m 3878
075420 24,800 Girder GT 24 L = 4.20 m 4174
075450 26,600 Girder GT 24 L = 4.50 m 4470
075480 28,300 Girder GT 24 L = 4.80 m 4766
075510 30,100 Girder GT 24 L = 5.10 m 5062
075540 31,900 Girder GT 24 L = 5.40 m 5358
075570 33,600 Girder GT 24 L = 5.70 m 5654
075600 35,400 Girder GT 24 L = 6.00 m 5950
Universal formwork girder made of wood. Note
Construction Approvel No.Z-9.1-157.
The common lengths of the GT 24 are colour-
coded to allow easy handling.
Technical Data
perm. Q = 14.0 kN

perm. Q = 13.0 kN

perm. M = 7.0 kNm

ly = 8064 cm4
Q = perm. shear force Compression Strut

Q = perm. shear force Tension Strut


311 296

163 296


The optimal System for every
Project and every Requirement

Wall Formwork Column Formwork

Slab Formwork Climbing Systems Tunnel Formwork Bridge Formwork

Shoring Systems Construction Scaffold Facade Scaffold Industrial Scaffold

DE en 04 | 2015 5ma 790584 © PERI GmbH

Access Protection Scaffold System-Independent Accessories Services

Formwork Scaffolding Engineering
P.O. Box 1264
89259 Weissenhorn
Tel. +49 (0)7309.950-0
Fax +49 (0)7309.951-0

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