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The Santri Ideal

A word Santri is derived from the Arabic language "Santaro" meaning people who study
Islam, or somebody who worships in earnest, or a godly man. Indeed, all of us who study the
Islamic religion and always keep Allah's commandments can also be called as santri. Yet, the real
santri is a Muslim who is in their daily behavior will frequently strives to be a representation or
embodies the ideal of Islamic teachings. As written in the Al-Quran, ‫سهُ ا ْب ِتغَا َء‬ َ ‫اس َم ْن َي ْش ِري نَ ْف‬
ِ َّ‫َو ِمنَ الن‬
‫وف بِال ِعبَا ِد‬ َّ ‫َّللاِ ۗ َو‬
ٌ ‫َّللاُ َر ُء‬ َّ ‫ت‬ ِ ‫ضا‬
َ ‫“( َم ْر‬And Among men is he who sells himself to seek the pleasure of Allah;
and Allah is affectionate to the Servants.”)
So, what is the Islamic ideal? There are five basic elements of behavior that must be
undertaken by santri. Those are personal level, the leadership attitude, science or knowledge,
tolerance, and high etical standard.
Ladies and gentlemen. First concerning about personal level, It is maintaining yourself to
always comply the islamic orders and prohibitions. The Islamnic Scientist said "Man arafa nafsahu
fa qad 'arafa Rabbahu," which means, "Who knows himself, he will know his God." Knowing
ourselves is very exalted. Why.....? This is due to the fact that those who understand himself will
know the pros and cons. They are also able to dispose their potential for success in the world life
and in the next live. Then, let’s continue grasping ourselves to recognize the advantages and
shortcomings by always drawing closer to Allah.
Secondly, the leadership attitude. It means to position ourselves as a leader and pioneer
goodness by caring each other. In Islam a good leader is that who has at least four characteristics,
(1) Siddiq means honest.
(2) Tabligh is delivered.
(3) Amanah is responsible.
(4) fathanah is intelegence.
Through these four qualities, santri will gain the character of great leadership.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, The third basic element of santri’s behavior is science or
knowledge. Santri should be expert knowledge and gradually own a great curiosity towards
science. Messenger of Allah said: tholabul ‘ilmi..... "Seeking knowledge is compulsory for every
male and female Muslim". In this case, Allah will bestow on virtue and glory to person who possess
knowledge and will be eased his way into heaven and continually prayed by the angels. Through
knowledge, we can comprehend the true and essential meaning of life.
The fourth element is tolerance. We should respect and tolerate other faiths while they don’t
bother us. Moreover, we should protect their rights as being demonstrated by Prophet Muhammad
to non-Muslim in Medina. The consequences of mutual tolerance will rise the spirit of religious
piety. Concerning to tolerence, the hadith of the Prophet stated, (cherish the person who is in the
earth, so they who is in the heaven would be a pity to you). Tolerance is not only requires a
willingness to accept differences, but also need sacrifice such as materially and spiritually,
physically and mentally.
Well, we are going to decipher The last element of Islamic ideal, it is to put on high ethical
standards. A person who positioned himself as good santri should apply high ethical standards,
both Islam and social ethics. In the Islam, high ethical standards are called as iffah which is
characterized by a strong will to avoid the worst behavior and unfavorable attitudes based on Islam
and social ethics. It can also mean always try to maintain the dignity, honor, and self-esteem by
always being consistent between words and actions; discipline in overseeing the self-sanctity, and
strong-willed uphold the reputation.
Ladies and gentlemen, Those are five elements that will make a credible santri who claims
theirselves as representative of the true Muslim and are able to provide for the nation's progress.
All in all, let start to be an ideal santri by implementing those five above-mentioned elements from
ourselves. Hopefully, this short speech is beneficial for you and me. Finally may Allah frequently
guide us to do good deeds. Ameeen.
Ladies and gentlement, thank you and....
Wassalamu ‘alaikum.......

Entitled "The Role of Islamic Students in Globalization Era'

In the name of Allah the beneficent and the merciful.

Praise is to Allah, the lord of the world, and the sequel is for those who keep their duty
unto him. Further, there will be no hostility except against wrongdoers.

Blessing and salutation upon the most honorable prophet and messenger, his families,
all his disciples, and those who follow them in goodness till the any of judgment.

In this good chance, I would like to deliver my speech by title;

The Role of Islamic Students in Globalization Era

As we know well that globalization is an era marked by missing the territorial limit of
nation. It enables the nation culture interferences. So that, politics, economy, culture of
nation can influence, color and inspire of the other nations policies.

Globalization gives not only positive effects of the rapid science, information and
technology development but also brings about many religion and culture principle
divergences of the nation. Those become the cause of a drop in autonomy and identity
of the nation.

Happy brothers and sisters!

Let’s pay attention more what happens in our surroundings at present! Free sex,
pornography, alcoholic drink and drugs become youth customs in this country. Most of
them always imitate what becomes “up to date” without filtering and thinking before. And
they never make balance between thought and desire, planning and implementation
and between ability and action. In addition, they do not preserve the Islamic laws
because they think that religion is the symbol only whereas, youth is the generation next
of this country. So how this country’s future is if most of them get a drop in their moral

Consequently, we are the next generation of this country; we have to keep ourselves by
faith, beliefs and piety in facing the globalization era. And we have to be aware of
conserving the Islamic laws. Moreover we are the Islamic students have obligation to
fight against the weakness of our beloved nation.

Moslem brothers and sisters!

We should not keep silent when we know the negative changes that happen in our
society because of globalization era. As Islamic students we ought to become figures in
anticipating the negative effects of this global era.

Allah state in the noble Quran; (Waltakum minkum ummatan yad’una ilal khoiri wa
ya’muruna bil ma’rufi wa yanhauna ‘anil munkar, wa ulaaika humul muflihuun)

Meaning: let there arise out of you a group of people inviting to all that is good, enjoining
alma’ruf and forbidding almunkar and those who are the successful man.

Dear brothers and sisters!

The Islamic students with their moral forces and Islamic studies must be proactive to
guide what is and what globalization era is for and the purpose of it. So that, let’s hope
for the best. They become the public figures and they can color the social and cultural
lives of their society in achieving the goal. That’s good Moslem is a good country.

Happy brothers and sisters!

As the generation next we should;

- take the positive effects of globalization era only,

- raise our taqwa and realize our religious doctrine in our daily lives,
- become good figures for the society in facing globalization, information and
communication technology

That's all my speech. Thank you for your attention

Wassalamu'alikum Wr. Wb.

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