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aripaœs- mw mm
Tram ited from the French, with Notes and Additions, by T 11. Burgess M.T). Revised and
correct d, with additional Notes, by 11. D. Bulkley, M.D., Physician of the New-York Hospital,
&c., Ac. Second American edition. v

bonk on diseases of the skin, now in the hands of the profession, which is
There is no text
so universally accepted as reliable authority, as that of Cazenave and SchedeV”—Ohio Med. fy
Surg ournal.
T •

is a hook of groat value. It is the hand hook nSed at the Hospital of St. LAnis, Paris,

' ■■■

whe urge numbers of patients affected with even’ form of skin diseases are collected.”—
Sit' scope.

It is a hook that requires hut to be known to secure a prominent place in the library of
every practising physician.”— Nelson's Northern Lancet.
This is eminently a practical work, and we know of no treatise on skin diseases better suited
to tht) wants of the general practitioner.”—Buffalo Afedicul Journal.

Zji3ESG i X i T73EI.3ESS

Ipitfrra HWra aift Cjrcfajptica,

Delivered in the College of Physicians and Sturgeons of the University of
the State of New-York, by


Late Professor of Materia Medica and Medical Jurisprudence.

Prepared for the Press by his friend. 0. R Gilman, M.D., Professor of Obstetrics, &c.. in the
College of Physicians and Surgeons, N. Y. One vol. Svo.

Coming as it does from one of the most profound and accomplished scholars that ever

graced our profession, the work must and will be looked upon as a national one, and will be
perused with the highest interest.” —Ohio Med. 4' Surg. Jouind.
Dr. Beck labored for all coming generations, and his recorded words, and facts, and sugges-
tions, are destined to influence beneficially other minds, even when the particular circumstances
of his professional position are blotted from all memories.”—pnSton Med . 4‘ Burg. Journal.

“An admirable [book] for students. Everything is clear and concise.’’—A etc- Yor/c Hied.

4 ‘ As a text book for the use of students, we know of no better treatise, and
that are as well adapted as the one before us.”— Am. Journal Hied. Sciences.
very few, indeed,
la connection with Sterility, Pelvic Testers, end Affections cf the W. .'.ls
Physician to the Harrington General Dispensary, am’ to the Paddington I-Vee Diaper vsryfe*
the Diseases of li'omea a>i i Children.
The best publication on the subject.”— Boston Med. ar:l Surg. Journal.
Should behead by every Practitioner.’' Brit. Am. Med. and Phy*. Journal.

A lucid and satisfai tory treatise upon a most interesting class of diseases. After a diction*
ary and dispensatory, tnere is no book, perhaps, belonging to the physician’s library that is -,o
well worth the amount necessary to procure it.” —Noahnils Journalof Medicine and Surgery.

factures ou ti)c Êruptiüc Jtuers, ' \


first American edition, with numerous additions and amendments by the Author, c- ni priai nj
his latest views ; with Notes and’ an Appendix, embodying the most recent opinions on Exr.rX
thematic Pathology, and also Statistical Tables, and four colored Plates ; by H. I). Bulkier, M,
D. t Physician of the K. V. Hospital Fellow of the X«,w-York College of Physicians «ud’ Sur-

geons, Ac., &o.


The very host which I>c.k yet been published.'’—-Northern Lancet,


The whole abounds with valuable information in regard to a class of diseases of very frequent
occurrence, and of fearful mortality.”— Siethestope.

The production of a man who hasAjyiroughly investigated the subjects of which H treats.’’—
WesterWJournal of Medicine and Stiffery\
The smallest medical library is most lamenta 1 h- defective without this book ; and whoever
socures it will feel that it is absolutely indispensable to the general practitioner.”—AT«s hvale
Journal of Medicine and Surgery.

EJW JE» JEBL J>E3 23© S»© g



Surgeon of the. Venereal Hospital rf Paria, iyc., sc.
With. Colored PL’-tec.


lUjnimatism, v»|fmiuuit 6out, anïr Sciatica ;

Tlicir Pathology, Symptoms, and Treatment.


One of thebest practical works of modem times.” Wimlotc's Journal of Pyschologieal
r-ar r
i? Zj j&. o

Colored Drawings of Cutaneous Eruptions,

Containing nearly 100 delineations.
© © IL !L ê © [Ü




T>ic Forty-seventh Session of the College will he commenced on Monday,

I7t' of October, 1853, and continued until March 10th, 1854, (commencement
Alexander IT. Stevens, M.D., LL.D., President of the College, and Emeritus
Professor of Clinical Surgery.
J T.i’ii M. Smith, M.D., Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine and
Clinical Medicine.
J, n:< Toriuct, M.D., LL.D,, Professor of Botany and Chemistry.
Pji.skt Watts, M.D., Professor of Anatomy.
Viixabd Parker, M.D.. Professor of the Principles and Practice of Surgery.
Chandler R. Gilman, M.D., Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and
A.I.OXZO Clark, M.D., Professor of Physiology and Pathology (including
rh.isiiA It AK i lett, M.D. Professor of Materia Medica and Medical Jurisprudence.
John A. Li. ;ix, M.D., Demonstrator of Anatomy.
Fees.' —Matriculation Fee, $5 Fees for the full Course of Lectures, $lO5 ;

Demonstrators Ticket, $5 ; Graduation Fee, $25 Board, average $3 per week.


Clinical Instruction is given at jhc New-York Hospital daily, by the Medical

Officers, (Professor Smith being one of them,) fee, $8 per annum ; at the Belle-
vue Hospital, twice a week, without fee, (Professors Parker and Clark belonging
to the Medical Staff :) at the Eye Infirmary, without fee ; and upwards of 1001)
patients are annually exhibited to the class in the College Cliniques. Obstetrical
cases and subjects for dissection arc abundantly furnished through the respective
The Annual Commencement is held at the close of the Session ; there is also
a Semi-annual Examination on the second Tuesday of September, The pre-
requisites for Graduation are—2l years of age, three years of study, including
two full Courses of Lectures, the last of which must have been attended in this
College, and the presentation of a Thesis on some subject connected with
Medical Science.
In addition to the regular Course, and not interfering with it, a Course of
Lectures will bo commenced on Monday, 27th September, and continued until
the 11th October.
This Course will be free.
R. WATTS, M.D., Secretary to the Faculty.
College of Physician? and Surgeons. 67, Croshy-street, New-York.
op irarww'sroiEtss:,
HJejuirtment ; Scssfoit 1853-54.
Ilsv. Isaac Ferris, D.T).. Chancellor of the University.
Valentine Mott, M D.. LL.D., Emeritus Professor of Surgery and Surgical Anatomy, and ox-
President of the Faculty. *

Martvn Paine, M D , Professor of Materia Medina and Therapeutics

Gunning S- Bedford, M.D., Professor of Obstetrics, the Diseases of Women and Children,
Clinical Midwifery.
John W. Draper, M D . Professor of Chemistry and Physiology.
Alfred 0. Post. M D., Professor of the Principles and Operations of Surgery, with Surgical
and Pathological Anatomy.
William H Van Bitren, M.D., Professor of General and Descriptive Anatomy.
John A. Swbtt, M.D., Professor of the Institutes and Practice of Medicine.
C.*E, Isaacs, M.D., Demonstrator of Anatomy.
Georgs A. Peters, M 1)., Prosector to the Professor of Surgery.
Alex. B. Mott. M.D., Prosector to the Fmeritus Professor of Surgery.
John W. Draper. M.D., President of the Faculty.
Course of Instruction.—The Courses of Lectures given will be on Anatomy. Genc’il,
Descriptive, Surgical, and Pathological ; Surgery; Materia Medina and Therapeutics; Instiu es
and Practice of Medicine; Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children; Chemistry id
Physiology. These courses are arranged in such a way that six lectures a day are given, exc. t
when Cliniques intervene. The Cliniques are :
1. An Obstetric Clinique every Monday, from 21 to 41 o’clock, p.m. This clinique was fist
established by Professor liedford in October. 1850, and from that time it has mot will) coi-
stantly increasing success. More than 5000 cases of the most interesting diseases ,f
women and children have been presented at it. So great are the facilities of the City if
Ncw-York in this respect, that it may be truly said that nowhere else do such opportuniliel
exist for the study of this department.
2. A Surgical Clinique every Tuesday, from 2J to 4.£ o'clock, p.m., under the charge of Pro.
fessor Mott. All surgical operations which may be necessary, are performed in presence of
the students. The senior students have the privilege of attending the patients at their
houses, under the direction of the Professor.
3. A Medical Clinique every Wednesday, from 2V to 41, p.m., under the charge of Professor
Swelt. In this Clinique every variety of disease will be brought before the class, and
special attention will be given to maladies of the chest, auscultation, percussion. Ac. ’ Th e
patients will be given iu charge of the senior students, to be attended under the direction
of the Professor.
4. A Surgical Clinique every Saturday, from 10 to 12 o’clock, under the charge of Professor
Post. This is conducted in the same maimer and upon the same principles as the Tuesday
Clinique. «

5. A Cliniquefor the Treatment of Diseases of the Genito-Urinary Organs every Saturday,

from ih to 4£, P.M., under the charge of Professor Van Buren. The object id' this Clinique
is to afford to the student a full opportunity pi becoming familiar with the varions import-
ant diseases belonging to this class, such as Syphilis, Stricture, Gonorrhoea, llydrucele
Calculus. &c.. &c., and the results following their scientific treatment.
Practical Anatomy.—The session during which the dissecting-room will be open for
students, will occupy five months, commencing the first day of October, and terminating on th»
first day of March following. During the month of October, the room will be open from 8
a.m , till 5 o’clock, p.m., and it will be the duty of the Demonstrator to attend there
regularly during that month, from 10 o’clock, A.M , till 1 o’clock. P.M., and tO devote himself
assiduously to the instruction of the pupils in the art of dissecting, and in the acquisition ( f
anatomical knowledge. During the mouths of November December. January, and February,
the dissecting-room will be open from 8 o’clock, a m , till 10 o'clock, r M , an,d it will be the duty
of the Demonstrator to be iu attendance from half-past 2 o’clock until 4 o’clock,of and from half-
pa-t 7 o’clock until 10 o’clock, p.m., and to devote himself to the instruction(five the dissecting
students. The students, on the payment of the fee for the dissecting ticket, dollais ) will
bo entitled to all privileges of the dissecting-room, and will likewise be furnished with soap
and towels for washing. No extra charges will be made them on any account whatever, except
for their subjects, and the injection of subjects, and it shall always be optional with the stu-
dents, to have them injected or not.
Fees for tub Winter Course: —Full Course of Lectures, $105; Matriculation Fee, $5;
Practical Anatomy, $5. The Graduation Fee is S3 11 .
Beneficiary Foundation. —For ho purpose of assisting meritorious individuals, the Faculty
will receive, annually, ten Beneficiaries, who will be required to pay $2O each towards the ex-
penses of the Institution, and the Matriculation Fee. The sons of Physicians and Clergymen,
other things being equal, will be considered as having a preferred claim Those who are desirous
of availing themselves of this foundation will present to the President of the Faculty, during
the Summer, satisfactory documents showing them to he persons of good moral character, and
of appropriate elementary education, and in circumstances which require this assistance.
Students on arriving in town wid call at the College in Fourteenth street, between Irving
Place and Third Avenue, and inquire for the Janitor, Mr. Polman. who will provide them with
boarding-houses. Letters may be addressed to Professor Draper, President of the Medical F»e.
ulty, University, New-York,

The next Annual Course of Lectures in the New-York Medical College will commence on
Wednesday, lith of October, 1853, and continue five months.
i-io ■ -ace Green, M.D., Prseident of the Faculty, and Professor of the Theory and Practice of
.Tihm H. Whitaker. M.D.. Professor of General. Descriptive, and Surgical Anatomy.
Edwin- Hamilton Davis. M.D , Professor of Materia Medina and Therapeutics.
B. Fokdyce Barker, M D., Professor of Midwifery and Diseases of Women and Children.
Oglkn Doremus. M D . Professor of Chemistry and Medical Jurisprudence.
<7 M. Carnochan, M.D., Professor of the Principles and Operations of Surgery with Surgical
SniuiNP R Peaslee, M.D., Professor of Physiology, Pathology, and Microscopy.
Joel Parker. LL.D., Professor of Medical Jurisprudence.
C C. Allen, M.D , D.D S., Lecturer on Dental Pathology and Dental Surgery.
D M.D., Demonstrator of Anatomy.
Cha les 11. Hammond, M.D., Henry Hensley, M.D., Prosectors to the Professor of Surgery.
A rdiminarv Course of Lectures will commence on Wednesday, the 22d of September, which
will *e independent of the regular Course, and will be free to all Medical Students.
T1 Dissecting Rooms will be open for classes on the Ist of October.
This College has just received from Europe a most valuable and extensive Museum, fully
repre.--:e. log external and internal Pathology, together with the whole series of the Microscopic
The advantages which New-York offers for Clinical Study far surpass those of any other city.
The St-identß of this College will have access to the New-York Hospital, Bellevue Hospital, and
Emigrants 1 Hospital, as well as to the Eve and Ear Infirmary, and the various Dispensaries of
«the city. A Surgical, and a Medical, and an Obstetrical Clinique will be held weekly by the
Professors of these departments. Obstetrical cases and subjects for dissection are abundantly
furnished to the Students -

i'EKS.—Matriculation, $5; Demonstrator’s Ticket, $5; the full CoVrso, $105; for theFinal
Examination, $3O.
By the charter of the Institution a Graduate of the School can practise his profession in any
pari of the State without being subject to the annoyance of examinations from Medical
Societies. R. OGDEN DOREMUS, Dean of the Faculty.
New-York Medical College, East Thirteeuth-st., near Broadway.


Dr. P. A. Aylett respectful!}' announces to Medical Students and the Profession, that his
régulai- Com se of Instruction for the Winter of 1853-4, will commence on the 18th October.
Ills time and attention will be exclusively devoted to the interest and advancement of his
students, and every facility will be affordedthem lor acquiring a sound, thorough, and practical
education, and of becoming skilful and successful practitioners.
The Recitations will embrace the following branches, viz. Surgery, Anatomy, Theory and-
Practice of Medicine, Institutes of Medicine and Materia Medina, Midwifery and the Diseases of
Women and Children. Chemistry. Auscultation and Percussion, Physiology, Botany, Toxi-
cology. ami Medical Jurisprudence.
The Commencement will take place in March. Diplomas will be given to such of his pupils
as the Faculty of the University of New-York may find competent to practice, and sustain the
honour and dignity of the profession.
During site October Course of the University, a series of practical Lectures will be delivered
on Anatomy. Chemistry. Physiology, Auscultation and Percussion.
Being connected with the Lying-in Asylum, he is prepared to furnish cases to the senior
students. Opportunities for medical improvement will also be afforded by attendance at the
Eve and Ear Infirmary, City and Bellevue Hospitals, the Dispensaries. &c.. &c. Interesting
cases will be selected from the University Clinique, for the students to att- nd.
Being a native of Alabama, Or. A. has hud ample opportunity for acquiring a thorough
knowledge of that important and extensive class of Fevers so prevalent in miasmatic sections of
Hie Southern and Western States, and will assiduously endeavor to familiarize his pupils with
the diseases of malarious districts.
It affords Dr. A. no ordinary prideto tie able to assort that his pupilshaveir. variably acquitted
themselves with honor in their examinations before the University. His class the last year
consisted of 77 pupils. ’ r-
Fur further particulars, terms, &c., apply to the undersigned at the University.
Alf. A. L. M. VELPEAU.
f rofessor of Surgical Clinique of the Faculty of Medicine, of Paris, Surgeon of thf
Hospital of La Charité, Member of the Royal Academy of
Medicine, Institute, &c.
Carefully Revised, Entirely Remodelled, and Augmented, with

Augmented by the addition of several hundred pages of entirely new matter, comp i-
sing ail the latest improvements and discoveries in Surgery, in
America and Europe, up to the present time.
Under the supervision of and with
notes and observa- ■
lions by
Professor of the Operations of Surgery, with Surgical and Pathological Anatomy, in the University
of Now York ; Foreign Associate nf the Academic Royale de Medicine of
Paris, of that of Berlin, Brussels, Athena, &c.
3 vols. Bvo.
“It is sufficient to say, in relation to this magnificent work, that it has super-
seded every other that has been published on this important scientific subject. The
name and reputation of this distinguished author leave us little more than to wel-
come his masterly production into the literature of our science; and to congratulate
the profession that such a man still lives to adorn and illustrate its history. As a
complete record of all the discoveries and new operations, this work will be thé best
book for the beginner, and a sure guide for the old and experienced surgeon. The
American appendix is a valuable addition to the work : it contains the experience of
our great American surgeon. Dr, Mott, whose recorded labors in addition to those of
M. Velpeau, have brought Operative Surgery to its highest perfection up to the pres-
ent time.” —New Orleans Medical Journal.

A magnificent undertaking it is, redounding to the honor of 'he indefatig. ble
translator, whose perseverance is creditable to the country. He has given to the {fro-
' ;sion of the United States a grand system, emanating from a source at once com-
aiding the confidence and the respect of all who practise surgery. When the fact
is known that this massive series of three octavos are illustrated by over two bun Ired
engravings, incorporated with the text, accompanied by an Atlas in quarto, of twenty-
two phfes, representing the urine;pal operative processes, instruments, &c., it will
be acknowledged that it embraces the entire domain of surgery, from alpha
omega, and must be considered as an unrivalled production.” —Boston Mcdßü
Journal. \

This work is, beyond all comparison, the moss, thorough, systematic, and philo-
sophical exposition of all that pertains to Operative Surgery, that has ever yet ap-
peared. It has already served as the groundwork for numerous systems and man-
uals of more or {ess note: ana it is deatissé p told its present rank among the


Abercrombie, J. Pathological and Practical Researches on Diseases of tho Brain

and the Spinal Cord. Bvo.
Pathological and Practical Researches on Diseases of the Stomach, Intesti-
nal Canal, Liver, and other Viscera of the Abdomen. Bvo.
lnquiries concerning the Intellectual Powers, and tho Investigation of
Tnth. l2mo.
Philosophy of the Moral Feelings. 12mo.
Abernetiiy, J. Physiological Lectures. Bvo.
Surgical Observations, containing a classification of« Tumours, with cases to
illustrate the history of each species ; —an account of Diseases which strikingly
resemble the Venereal Disease; and various cases illustrative of different surgical
subjects. Bvo.
Surgical Works, containing constitutional origin and treatment »f Local Dis-
eases, oi Aneurisms, Diseases of tho Urethra, Injuries of the Head, Puncturing
the Urinary Bladder, Tic Douloureux, Removal of loose substances from the Knee-
Joint, Hæmorrhoidal Diseases, Fistula) in the Perinasum, Tumours, Chronic acJ
Lumbar Abscesses, &c. 2 voie. Bvc-.
Accüm, F Chemical Amusement, comprising a series of curious and instructor®
experiments in Chemistry. 12mo.
Culinary Chemistry, exhibiting the Scientific Principles of Cookery. Plates,
Ackerly, G. Management of Children in Sickness and in Health. 12mo.
Adams, J. Observations on Morbid Poisons, Chronic and Acute, comprehend: ng
Syphilis, Yaws, Si wens, Elephantiasis, and the Anomala confounded with them :

and Acute Contagions, particularly the Variolous and Vaccine. 4 coloured

plates. 4to. .

Alcock, T. Lectures on Practical and Medical Surgery, comprising observations

and reflections on Surgical Education; on the Investigation of Disease, ordinal/
Duties of the Surgeon, &c. 12 plates. 12mo.
Alcott, W. A. Mother’s Medical Guide in Children’s Diseases. 18mo.
Young Mother ;or Management of Children as to Health. 12mo.
Ai.ibert, J. L. Treatise on Malignant Intermittents, with Notes, &c., by Charles
Caldwell, M.D. Bvo.
Alison, W. P. Outlines of Pathology, and Practice of Medicine. Bvo.
American Gentleman’s Medical Pocket Book, and Health Adviser; containing a
statement of the modes of curing every disease to which he is liable ; directions in
case of Accidents on the Road or at Sea, &c. 32m0.
/imerican Lady’s Medical Pocket Book, and Nursery Adviser ; containing rules for
preserving the health of unmarried Females ; directions to pregnant and lying-in
Women; an account of their diseases, &•<>- 32m0.
Amussat’b Lectures on Retention of Urine, Caused by Strictures of the Urethra ; and
on the Diseases of the Prostate. Translated by James P. Jervey, M.D. 9
plates. Bvo.
4 S. S. W. Wood’s Medical Catalogue.
Anatomia Briltanica. A System of Anatomy and Physiology, selected from th*
works of Haller, A'binus, Me iro, Winslow, Hunter, Soemmerring, Scarpa,
Cruikshank, Masgagni, Murray, Walter, Sabatier, Meckel, Zinn, &c. 3v. 12mo.
Anatomical Examinations. A complete Series of Anatomical Questions with An-
swers: the Answers arranged so as to form an elementary system of Anatomy |
to which are added Tables of the Bones, Muscles, and Arteries. 12mo.
Anatomical Remembrancer ; or Complete Pocket Anatomist, containing a concise
description of the Bones, Ligaments, Muscles, and Viscera ; the distribution of the
Nerves, Blood-Vessels and Absorbents ; the arrangement of the several Fascie ;
the Organs of Generation in the Male and Female, and the Organs of the Sen-
ses. 32m0.
Anderson, W. System of Surgical Anatomy. On the structure of the Groin, Pel-
vis and Perineum, as connected with Inguinal and Femora! Hernia, Tying the
Iliac Arteries, and the operation of Lithotomy. 9 plates. 4to.
Andral, G. Treatise on Pathological Anatomy ; translated by Drs. Townsend and
West. 2 vols. Bvo.
Essay on the Blood in Disease ; translated by Drs. Meigs and StiM Bvo.
Medical Clinic, or Reports of Medical Cases—Diseases of the Abdomen, tho
Chest, and the Encephalon. With Observations, &c., by Dr. Spillan. 3v. Bvo.
Andrews, M. W. Practical Observations on the Application of Lunar Caustic to
Strictures in the Urethra; with remarks on its use in Strictures in the (Esopha-
gus. Bvo.
Annesley, J. Sketches of the most prevalent diseases of India; comprising a
Treatise on the Epidemic Cholera of the East ; Statistical and Topographical Re-
ports of the diseases in the different divisions of the army under the Madras Presi-
dency ; the Annual rate of Mortality, &c. ; Practical Observations on the effects
of Calomel on the Alimentary Canal, and on the Diseases most prevalent in In-
dia ; also, an Inquiry into Chronic Inflammations and Abscess of the Liver. Col-
oured plate. Bvo.
Aran, F. A. Practical Manual of the Diseases of the Heart and Great Vessels:
translated by W. A. Harris, M.D. J2mo.
Aretæus on the Causes and Signs of Acute and Chronic Disease : translated by T.
F. Reynolds, M.D. Bvo.
Armstrong, John. Memoir of his Life and Medical Opinions :to which is added an
Inquiry into the facts connected with those forms of Fever attributed to Malaria
or Marsh Effluvium by Francis Boott, M.D. 2 vols. Bvo.

Art of Preserving Health : a Poem.

Practical Illustrations of Typhus Fever, of the Common Continued Fevei,
and of Inflammatory Diseases. Bvo.
Facts and Observations relative to the Fever commonly called Puerperal:
Practical Illustrations of the Scarlet Fever, Pulmonary Consumption, and Measles:
with observations on the efficacy of Sulphureous Waters in Chronic Complaints.
Lectures on the Morbid Anatomy, Nature, and Treatment of Acute and
Chronic Diseases: edited by Joseph Rix. Bvo
Same work, with an Account of the Life and Writings of Dr. Armstrong,by
John Bell, M.D. 2 vols. Bvo.
Arnott, N. Elements of Physics; or Natural Philosophy, general and medical
in plain or non-technical language. With additions by Isaac Hays, M.D. Bvo.
Ashwell. S. A Practical Treatise on the Diseases peculiar to Women: with
Notes by Paul B. Goddard, M.D. Bvo.
• On Incision in cases of Occlusion, and Rigidity of the Uterus.
Assalint, P. Observations on the Disease called the Plague, on the Dysentery, the
Ophtlialmy of Egypt, and on the means of prevention with some remarks on the

Yellow Fever of Cadiz, and the description and plan of a Hospital for the recep-
tion of patients affected with epidemic and contagious diseases. Translated by
Adam Neale. To which is adebd a letter concerning the Seasoning or Yellow
Fever ol the West Indies: by George Pinchard, M.D. 12mo.
S. S. 4* M -
Wood*s Medical Catalogue.
Atkins, D. Medical and Surgical Cases and Observations. Plates. Hvo.
Averill, C. A Short Treatise on Operative Surgery, describing the principal
Operations as they are practised in England and France. For the use of Stu-
dents in operating on the Dead Body. With additions by John Bell, M.D. 12mo.
Baillie, M. Morbid Anatomy of some of the most important parts of the Human
Body. Bvo.
Bakewell, 11. An Introduction to Geology: intended to convey a practical knowl-
edge of the science, and comprising the most important recent discoveries ; with
explanations of the Facts and Phenomena which serve to confirm or invalidate
various Geological Theories. With an Appendix by Prof. B. Silliman. Plates.
Ball, I. Analytical View of the Animal Economy, calculated for the Students of
Medicine as well as private gentlemen. With allegories and moral reflections
drawn from the subject, to awaken the mind to an elevated sense of the great
Author of Nature. 12mo.
Bampfield, R. W. Essay on Curvatures and Diseases of the Spine, including all
the forms of Spinal Distortion to which the Fothergillian gold medal was award-

ed by the Medical Society of London. Edited by J. R. Mitchell, M.D. Bvo.

Bancroft, E. N. An Essay on the Disease called Yellow Fever, with observations
concerning Febrile Contagion, Typhus Fever, Dysentery, and the Plague. With
Notea by John B. Davidge, M.D. Bvo.
Bard, S. Compendium of the Theory and Practice of Midwifery, containing
practical instructions for the management of Women during Pregnancy, in La-
bour, and in Child-bed. Many engravings. Bvo.
Barnes, J. The New London Chemical Pocket Book, or Memoranda Chemica;
adapted to the daily use of the Student. Engravings. 12mo.
Barry, E. A Treatise on the Three different Digestions and Discharges of th©
Human Body, and the Diseases of their principal organs. Bvo.
Sartlett, E. Essay on the Philosophy of Medical Science. Svo.

History, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Typhoid and of Typhus Fever: with

an essay on the diagnosis of Bilious Remittent and of Yellow î'ever Bvo.

■ Sketches of the Character and Writings of eminent living Surgeons and

Physicians of Paris. With portraits of Broussais and Dupuytren. 12mo.
Bartlett, J. S. Physician’s Pocket Synopsis : conveying an accurate and concise
view of the Historj', Character, Symptoms, and Treatment of the various Medica 1
and Surgical Diseases incident to the Human frame. Compiled from the best
authorities, with references to the most approved modern writers: together with
the natures, properties, and doses of the simple and compound agents employed in
Pharmacy. Revised by Henry Coley. 18mo.
Barton, W. P. C. Outlines of Lectures on Materia Medica and Botany, delivered
in Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia. 2 vols. l2mo.
Vegetable Materia Medica of the United States; or Medical Botany: con-
taining a Botanical, General, and Medical History of Medicinal Plants indigenous
to the United States. 50 coloured plates. 2 vols. 4to.
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and France. Translated by John C. Mercer. G plates. Bvo.
Observations on Wounds, and their complications by Erysipelas, Gangrene,
and Tetanus, and on the principal Diseases and Injuries of the Head, Ear, and
Eye. Translated by E. F. Rivinus, M.D. 2 plates. Bvo.
Latham, P. M. Lectures on subjects connected with Clinical Medicine. Bvo.
Laurîe, J. Homoeopathic Domestic Medicine, with the Treatment and Diseases of
Females, Infants, Children, and Adults. With Additions by A. G Hull, M.D
Lavater, J. C. Essays on Physiognomy designed to promote the Knowledge and

the Love of Mankind. With Memoirs of the Life of the Author, and upwards
of 400 profiles and other engravings. Bvo.
Lawrence, W. A Treatise on Diseases of the Eye. With Numerous Additions,
and 67 illustrations, by Isaac Hays, M.D. Bvo.
Lectures on Physiology,Zoology,and the Natural History of Man. 7 plates. Bvo
A Treatise on the Venereal Diseases of the Eye. Bvo.
A Treatise on Ruptures. Bvo.
Lavcock, T. An Essay on Hysteria ; being an Analysis of its irregular and aggra-
vated forms, including Hysterical Hæmorrhage, and Hysterical Ischuria. Bvo.
Lee, A. Chemical Diagrams, accompanied with a concise description of each
Decomposition, the Vegetable Alkalies, the Urine and Urinary Calculi, Tables of
Chemical Equivalents, &c. 12rao.
Lee, E. Observations on the Principal Medical Institutions and Practice of France,
Italy, and Germany; with Notices of the Universities, and Cases from Hospital
Practice. With an Appendix on Animal Magnetism and Homoeopathy. Bvo.
Lee, R. Lectures on the Theory and Practice of Midwifery. 67 engravings. Bvo
Le Gallois, M. Experiments on the Principle of Life, and particularly on the Prin-
ciple of the Motions of the Heart, and on the Seat of this Principle, &c. Trans-
lated by N. C. and J. G. Naucrede, M.D. Plate. Bvo.
Leo Wolf, W. Remarks on the Abracadabra of the Nineteenth Century ; or, ou
Dr. S. Hahnemann’s Homoeopathic Medicine, with particular reference to Dr. C.
Hering’s Concise View of the Rise and Progress of Homoeopathic Medicine.” Bvo

Lessons on Shells. 10 plates. 18mo.

tetters to a Mother on the Watchful Care of her Infant. 18mo
■S. -S'. W. IVood’s Médical Catalogue.
Lever, J. CW. A Practical Treatise ou Organic Diseases of the Uterus. Bvo.
Liebig, J. Familiar Letters on Chemistry, and its relation to Commerce, Physiol-
ogy, and Agriculture. Edited by J. Gardner, M.D. 18mo.
Animal Chemistry, or Organic Chemistry in its application to Physiology
and Pathology. With Additions, &.C., by W. Gregory, M.D., and J. W. Webster,
M.D. 12mo.
Lieitaud, J. Synopsis of the Universal Practice of Medicine; exhibiting a con-
cise view of all Diseases, both internal and external, illustrated with complete
commentaries. Translated by E. A. Atlee, M.D. Bvo.
Lincoln, Almira H. Familiar Lectures on Botany, Practical, Elementary, and
Physiological. With an Appendix containing Descriptions of the Plants of the
United States, and Exotics, &c. Many engravings. 12mo.
Lind, J. Essay on Diseases incidental to Europeans in Hot Climates ; with the
method of preventing their fatal consequences. With an Appendix on Intermit-
tent Fevers, &c. Bvo.
Lindley, J. Theory of Horticulture: or an Attempt to explain the principal opera-
tions of Gardening upon Physiological Principles. With Notes by A. J. Downing
and A. Gray. 35 engravings. 12mo.
• An Introduction to the Natural System of Botany ; or a Systematic View
of the organization, natural affinities, and geographical distribution of the whole
Vegetable Kingdom ; with the Uses of the most important species in Medicine, the
Arts, and Rural or Domestic Economy. With an Appendix by John Torrey,
M.D. Bvo.
Lisfranc, M. Diseases of the Uterus, a Series of Clinical Lectures delivered at the
Hospital La Pitié. Edited by H. Pauly, M.D., and translated by G. H. Lodge,
M.D. Bvo.
Liston, R. Elements of Surgery. With Notes and Additions by S. D. Gross, M.D
Numerous engravings. Bvo.
Practical Surgery. With Notes, &c., by G. W. Norris, M.D. 150 engra-
vings. Bvo.
Lectures on the Operations of Surgery, and on Diseases and Accidents re-
quiring Operations. With Additions by T. D. Mutter, M.D. Numerous illustra-
tions. Bvo.
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Littell, Jr., S. A Manual of Diseases of the Eye. 12mo.
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and Deformities resulting from Diseases of Joints. 32 engravings. Bvo.
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with Descriptions, and Physiological, Pathological, and Surgical Observations
101 beautifully coloured plates, folio.
Lobstein, J. F. D. A Treatise upon the Semeiology of the Eye, for the Use of
Physicians and of the Countenance, for Criminal Jurisprudence. Bvo.

A Treatise on the Structure, Functions, and Diseases of the Human Sym-

pathetic Nerve. Translated by J. Pancoast, M.D. 6 plates. Bvo.
London Dissector, or Guide to Anatomy, for the use of Students: comprising a De-
scription of the Muscles, Vessels, Nerves, Lymphatics, and Viscera of the Human
Body, as they appear on Dissection with Directions for their Demonstration.

Revised by E. J. Chaisty, M.D.

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man. Bvo.
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ment ; Diagnoses, Prognoses, Modes of Operation, and other agents employed in
Hospital and or vate Practice. <V,c. Ac- 2 plates. 12mo.
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tory of Agriculture in all countries, Ac. Ac. 1272 engravings. Bvo.
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culture, Floriculture, Arboriculture, and Landscape Gardening, including all the
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981 engravings Bvo.
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dens and Shrubberies ; with full directions for their Culture. Edited by A
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monitis. Translated by C. G. Putnam, M.D. With an Appendix, Ac., by James
Jackson, M.D. Bvo.
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known under the name of Gastro-Enterite, Putrid, Adynamic, Ataxic, or Typhoid
Fever, Ac., compared with the most common Acute Diseases Translated by
Henry I. Bowditch, M.D. 2 vols. Bvo.
Pathological Researches on Phthisis. With Notes, Additions, Ac., by Charles
Cowan, M.D., and revised by H. I. Bowditch, M.D. Bvo.
Anatomical, Pathological, and Therapeutic Researches on the Yellow Fever
of Gibraltar, of 1828. Translated by G. C. Shattock, Jr., M.D. Bvo.
Lowiue, W. F. Toxicologia, or a Treatise on Internal Poisons, in their relation to
Medical Jurisprudence, Physiology, and the Practice of Physic. Bvo.
Lucas, P. B. A Concise Anatomical Description of the Arteries of the Human
Body ; with full directions for cutting down upon and securing the several Arte-
rial Trunks. 12mo.
Ludlow, J. L. A Manual of Examinations upon Anatomy and Physiology, Sur-
gery, Practice of Medicine, Chemistry, Materia Medica, Obstetrics, Ac. 12mo.
Lugol, J. G. A. Researches on Scrofulous Diseases. Translated by A. S. Doane»
M.D. 12mo.
Lyell, C. Elements of Geology. 294 illustrations. 12mo.
Principles of Geology: being an Inquiry how far the former changes of tho
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Climates ; with directions for administering the various substances used as Medi-
cines ; the Regulation of Regimen and Diet ; and the management of Diseases of
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generically, Marsh Fever and Neuralgia : comprising, under the former, various
anomalies, obscurities, and consequences, and under a new systematic view of the
latter, treating of Tic Douloureux, Sciatica, Headache, Ophthalmia, Toothache,
Palsy, Ac. Ac. Bvo.
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M’Dowell, W. A Demonstration of the Curability of Pulmonary Consumption, in
all its stages : comprising an Inquiry into the nature, causes, symptoms, treatment,
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MTntosh, C. The Orchard ; including the management of Wall and Standard
Fruit Trees, and the Forcing Pit; with selected lists and synonymes of the choi-
cest varieties. 18 coloured plates, and many wood engravings. 12mo.
30 S. S. Sf W. Wood's Medical Catalogue.
Mackenzie, W. A Practical Treatise on the Diseases of the Eye. Bvo.
Mackenzie’s Five thousand Receipts in all the Useful and Domestic Arts. Bvo
Mackintosh, J. Principles of Pathology and Practice of Medicine. With Notei
and Additions by S. G. Morton, M.D. Bvo.
Maclean, C. Evils of Quarantine Laws, and Non-existence of Pestilential Con
tagion ; deduced from the phenomena of the Plague of the Levant, the Yellow
Fever of Spain, and the Cholera Morbus of Asia. Bvo.
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Macnish, R. The Philosophy of Sleep. 12mo.
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line of the leading facts and principles of the Science. Bvo.
Magenoie, F. An Elementary Treatise on Unman Physiology. Translated and
enlarged by John Revere, M.D. 61 engraving's. Bvo.
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ease. Bvo.
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Cyanic Acid in the treatment of Diseases of the Breast, and particularly in
Phthisis Pulmonalis. With Notes by J. G. Percival, M.D. 12rno.
Formulary for the Preparation and Employment of several New Remedies.
Edited by J. Houlton, F.L.S. 12mo.
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externally. Bvo.
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Manec, J. P. Great Sympathetic Nerve a coloured plate, 30 inches long, on Roller.

Cerebro-Spinal System in Man, together with the Origin and Primary Di-
visions of the Nerves which arise from it. 32 inches long, on Roller.
Mann, J. Medical Sketches of the Campaigns of 1812, 1813, 1814: with Surgical
Cases ; Observations on Hospitals ; a Dissertation on Dysentry ; Observations on
Peripneumonia Notha, &c. Bvo.
Markham, W. O. Remarks on the Surgical Practice of Paris. Bvo.
Marshal, A. Morbid Anatomy of the Brain in Mania and Hydrophobia ; with
the Pathology of these two Diseases. Edited by S Sawrey.
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Liver, &c., occasioned by Spinal Irritation: and on the Nervous System in gen-
eral, as a source of Organic Disease. Bvo.
Martinet, L. Manual of Therapeutics. With Additions, by R. Norton, M.D. 18mo.
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Characters of Diseases, &.c. With Notes by Jones Quain, M.D. 12mo.
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tion of the Horse ; with the quickest and simplest mode of fattening; necessary
treatment whilst undergoing excessive fatigue, or on a journey ; the construction
and management of Stables ; different marks for ascertaining the Age of a
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gravings. 12mo.
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tiné a completer tous les Traites d’Anatomie descriptive. 112 exquisitely colour-
ed plates. 12mo.
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C. R. Gilman, M.D. l2rno.
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20 plates and 54 wood engravings. Bvo.
S. S. <J- W. Wood’s Medical Catalogue.

Mayorter, J. P. Anatomist’s Manual ; or a Treatise on the manner of preparing

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. Midwifery Illustrated. With Notes, &c., by A. S. Doane, M.D. 84 plates. Bvo

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ivlAvt., T. Elements of the Pathology of the Human Mind. Bvo.
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Additions and Notes by A. J. L. Jourdan and G. Breschet, M.D. Translated by
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Medical and Surgical Register: consisting chiefly of Cases in the New York Hos-
pital. By John Watts, Jr., M.D., Valentine Mott, M.D., and Alexander H. Ste-
vens, M.D. Plates. 2 vols. Bvo.

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ty ; the Insignificancy of a great part of their Materia Medica ; with certain
rules to discern the true Physician from the Empiric, and the Useful Medicine
from the Noxious and Trading Physic, &c., &c. l2mo. 1721.
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Meigs, C. D. The Philadelphia Practice of Midwifery. 36 engravings. Bvo.
Mendenhall, G. Medical Student’s Vade Mecum ; containing Examinations upon
Anatomy, Chemistry, Materia Medica, Surgery, Practice of Medicine, Obstetrics,
and Poisons. 18mo.
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Extra Uterine Gestation. 7 plates. Bvo.
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on the Management of Labours. With Notes by T. C. James, M.D. 5 plates. Bvo.
Michell, W. On Difficult Cases of Parturition ; and the Use of Ergot of Rye. Bvo.
Middlemore, R. Treatise on Diseases of the Eye and its Appendages. 2 vols. Bvo.
Miller, E. Medical Works of Edward Miller, M.D., late Professor of the Prac-
tice of Physic in the University of New York: with a Biographical Sketch of the
author, by Samuel Miller, D.D. Bvo.
Miller, J. The Principles of Surgery, by James Miller, F.R.S.E., Professor of
Surgery in the University of Edinburgh. Bvo.
Millengen, J. G. Aphorisms on ('lie Treatment and Management of the Insane ;
with considerations on Public and Private Lunatic Asylums, pointing out the er-
rors in the present system. Bvo.
Curiosities of Medical Experience. Bvo.
Miner, T., and W. Tully. Essays on Fevers, and other Medical subjects. Bvo.
Mondât, C. V. On Sterility in the Male and Female, its Causes and Treatment.
50 illustrations. I2mo.
Money, W. A Vade Mecurn of Morbid Anatomy, Medical and Chirurgical ; with
Pathological Observations and Symptoms. Illustrated by upwards of 250 draw*
ings. Bvo.
Monro, A. Anatomy of the Human Bones and Nerves, with a description of the
Human Lacteal Sac and Duct. With Notes, by J. Kirby, M.D. 12mo.
Montgomery, W. F. Exposition of the Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy, the
Period of Human Gestation, and the Signs of Delivery. Bvo.
Morand, M. Memoir on Acnpnncturation, embracing a series of cases, drawn nj
under the inspection of M. Julius Cloquet: translated by F Bache, M.D. 12mo.
Morbau, F. J. Practical Treatise on Midwifery ; exhibiting the present advanced
state of the Science. Edited by P. B. Goddard, M.D. 80 plates, 4to.
S. S. 4- W. Wood’s Medical Catalogue.
Mopgagm, J. B. Seats and Causes of Diseases, investigated by Anatomy ; cont * •

ing a great variety of Dissections, and accompanied with Remarks. With Ni.Ut,
&c., by W. Cooke, M.D. 2 vols. Bvo.
Morgan, G. T. Outline of Inflammation and its Effects ; being First Principles of
Surgery. Bvo.
Morison, A. Outlines of Lectures on Mental Diseases. 13 plates. Bvo.
Morton, S. G, Illustrations of Pulmonary Consumption, its Anatomical Characters,
Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment. 12 plates, drawn and coloured from Nature. Bvo
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riginal Nations of North and South America; to which is prefixed an Essay 7
Varieties of the Human Species. 78 Plates. Folio.
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Axilla Bend of the Elbow and Wrist, with Descriptions. 8 coloured plates. Bvo
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8 coloured plates and 11 wood engravings. Bvo.
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5 coloured plates and 11 wood engravings. Bvo.
■ gravings.
The Surgical Anatomy of the Perineum. 4 coloured plates and 3 wood en-
Moselev, B. Treatise on Tropical Diseases, and on the climate of the West In
dies. Bvo.
Moss, W. Essay on the Management and Feeding of Infants. 12mo.
Mott, Valentine. Travels in Europe and the East. Svo.
Mueiiry, A. Observations on the Comparative State of Medicine in France, Eng
land, and Germany. Translated by E. G. Davis, M.D. Bvo.
Muller, J. Elements of Physiology. Translated by Wm. Bah 7, M.D. Edited by
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arranged in a New Nosological and Systematic Method, different from any yet
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Murphy, P. J. Practical Observations, showing that Mercury is the sole cause of
what are termed Secondary Symptoms. Bvo.
Murray, A. Description of the Arteries of the Human Body ; reduced to Tables.
Translated by A. Scott. Bvo.
Murray, J. Sy stem of Materia Medica and Pharmacy. With Notes by
man, M.D. 2 vols. Bvo.
N. Chap-
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the various improved and new modes of performing this operation ; with remarks
on the Recto Vesical Operation. 2 plates. Bvo.
Mutter, T. D. Lecture on Loxarthrus, or Club Foot, Engravings. Bvo.
Naturalist. Manual of the Practical Naturalist; or Directions for Collecting,
Preparing, and Preserving Subjects of Natural History. Plate. 12mo.
Neill, J. Outlines of the Arteries, with short Descriptions, for the use of Medici!
Students. 6 coloured plates.
Outlines of the Nerves, with short Descriptions, for the use of Medical Stu-
dents. Coloured plates.
Neligan, J. M. Medicines, their Uses and Mode of Administration ; including a
complete Conspectus of the Three British Pharmacopoeias, an Account of all the
New Remedies, and an Appendix of Formulae. With Notes, &c ,by D M. Reese,
M.D. Bvo.
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System, by Walker, Bell, Magendie, Whytt, Prochaska, Hall, Muller, Cop-
land, &c. Bvo.
Nbville, W. B On Insanity ; 'ts Nature, Causes, and Cure. Bvo.
Newnham, W. Human Magnetism ; its Claims to Dispassionate Inquiry: beirg an
attempt to show the utilty of its application for the Relief of Human Suffering. Ivhno.
S. S. 4' W. Wood's Medical Catalogue.

Nicuollek, J. The Teeth in relation to Beauty, Voice, and Health. Bvo

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Town and Villa Gardens, Shrubberies, and Parterres, Ac. 12mo.
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Body and Mind ; designed only for Philosophers and other candid persons. Witli
Essays on other subjects. Plate. Bvo.
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Norton', W. A. An Elementary Treatise on Astronomy; containing a systematic
and comprehensive exposition of the Theory, and the more important Practical
Problems, with Solar, Lunar, and-other Astronomical Tables. 132 illustrations. Bvo.
Norwood, J. G. Treatise on the Prevention and Cure of Diseases, by Regimen and
Simple Medicines. With the addition of a Vegetable Materia Medica, pointing
out the virtues, preparations, and doses, of our most valuable native Medicinal
Plants ; and an Outline of Anatomy and Physiology. 100 engravings. Bvo.
Nunnf.lky, T. Treatise on the Nature, Causes, and Treatment of Erysipelas. Bvo.
Oliver, D. First Lines of Physiology. Bvo.
Olmsted, D. Introduction to Astronomy : with a Supplement by E. P. Mason,
containing Rules for the adjustment and use of Astronomical Instruments, Calcu-
lation of Eclipses and Occultations, and methods of finding the Latitude and
Longitude. 8 plates and 74 engravings. Bvo.
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iarly explained and illustrated, with the latest discoveries. 54 engravings. 12mo.
lntroduction to Natural Philosophy. 305 illustrations. Bvo.
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reader. With a Supplement containing instructions to Young Experimenters,
with a copious list of experiments and directions for performing them. 207 en-
gravings. 12mo.
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preservation of Sound Health, and the attainment of vigorous Old Age, &.c., by
Medic us. 12mo.
Orfila, M. P. Popular Treatise on the Remedies to be employed in cases of
Poisoning and Apparent Death; including the means of detecting Poisons, of dis-
tinguishing Real from Apparent Death, and on ascertaining the Adulteration of
W hies. Translated by W. Price, M.D. Bvo.
Osborne, J. Nature and Treatment of Dropsical Diseases. Bvo.
Paine, Martyn. Medical and Physiological Commentaries. 3 vols. Bvo.
A Therapeutical Arrangement of the Materia Medica; or the Materia
Medica arranged on Physiological principles. l2mo.
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York. Bvo.
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Railways. 4 plates. Bvo.
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rious Processes of the Art, including all the New Operations ; exhibiting the
State of Surgical Science in its present advanced condition. 80 plates. 4to.
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Notes by Charles A. Lee, M.D. Bvo.

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Rules for the Prevention and Cure of the Diseases incident to a disoidered state
of the Digestive Functions. Bvo.
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Chemical Science which are calculated to illustrate or explain the different objecta
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gia. Numerous illustrations. Bvo.
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Park, R. Tautology or a Systematic Survey of Human Knowledge proposing
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logue of Books on ail subjects, suitable for a Cabinet Library. 12 plates. Bvo.
Parker, L. The Stomach in its Morbid States, and the Modern Treatment of
Syphilitic Diseases. Bvo.
Parmley, L. S. A Practical Guide to the Management of the Teeth ; comprising
a discovery of the origin of Caries, or Decay of the Teeth ; with its prevention
and cure. Plate. 18mo.
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Economy. 45 illustrations. Bvo.
Parrish, J. Practical Observations on Strangulated Hernia, and some of the Dis-
eases of the Urinary Organs. 4 plates. Bvo.
PaRSONS, H. Directions for Making Anatomical Preparations, formed on the Basis
of Pole, Marjolin, and Breschet, and including the new mode of Swan. 4 plates. Bvo.
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and Primitive Christians; by ancient and modern Ecclesiastical Canons, Civil
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W. Lewis, Jr., M.D. 303 engravings. Bvo.
Pemberton, C. R. Practical Treatise on various Diseases of the Abdominal Visce-
ra. Engravings. Bvo.
Pereira, J. Elements of Materia Medica and Therapeutics. With Notes and Ad-
ditions by Joseph Carson, M.D. 279 illustrations. 2 vols. Bvo.
Treatise on Food and Diet with observations on the Dietetical Regirner

.suited for Disordered States of the Digestive Organs ; and an account of the
Dietaries of some of the principal Metropolitan and other Establishments for Pau-
pers, Lunatics, Criminals, Children, the Sick, &c. Edited by Charles A. Lee,
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Physicians, Surgeons, &,c., who have contributed to the advancement of Medical
Science. GO portraits. 4 vols. Bvo.
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Treatise on the Nature and Cure of those Diseases, either Acute or Chronic,
which precede Change of Structure with a view to the preservation of Health,

and particularly the prevention of Organic Diseases. With Notes, Ac., by J

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Treatise on Indigestion and its Consequences, called Nervous and Bilious
Complaints ; with observations on the Organic Diseases in which they some times
terminate. Bvc.
S. S. Sf W. Wood’s Medical Catalogue. 35

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ries in American and Foreign Mineralogy, Ac., by Francis Alger. GOO illustra'
lions. Bvo.
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helm, and Combe. Engravings. 18ino.
Pilcher, G. Treatise on the Structure, Economy, and Diseases of the Ear. IS 8 vo.
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Life being an exposure of the prevailing misconception of their respective


sources, and showing what is, and what is not according to those laws which alone
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Human Body. Translated by R. Hooper, M.D. Bvo.
Plum be, S. A Practical Treatise on Diseases of the Skin, their Constitutional
Causes and Local Character, Ac. Coloured plates. Bvo.
Pocket Anatomist a summary Description of the Muscles; with a Tabular View

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Poe E. A Couchologist’s First Book : a System of Testaceous Malacology, for
the use of Schools, in which the Animals, according to Cuvier, are given with
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ing, Bleaching, &c. 67 plates. 2 vols. Bvo.
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ney and Bladder, with Indigestion, 0 plates. Bvo.
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plates Bvo.
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lua i.\, J. Elements of Anatomy. Bvo.
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Notes and Additions by J. Pancoast, M.D. 31 coloured plates. 4to.
A Series of Anatomical Plates with References and Physiological Comments
illustrating the Arteries and Veins of the Human Body. With Notes and Ad-
ditions by J. Pancoast, M.D. 50 coloured plates. 4to.
A Series of Anatomical Plates with References and Physiological Comments
illustrating the Structure of the different parts of the Human Body. With Notes
and Additions by J. Pancoast, M.D. 200 plates. 4to.
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plication of Acoustics to the Diagnosis of Diseases, with a Synoptical Table.
With Notes, by M. Post, M.D. Flute. Bvo.
Ramadge, F. H. Consumption Curable : and the manner in which Nature as well
as remedial Art operates in effecting a Healing Process in cases of Consumption,
&c. Also a Mode of Treatment by which the development of Tubercles may
be prevented in persons liable thereto, &c. Bvo.
Ramsay, A. A Series of Plates of the Heart, Cranium, and Brain, in imitation of
Dissections. 15 coloured plates. 410.
Ramsboïham, F. 11. Principles and Practice of Obstetric Medicine and Surgery, in
reference to the process of Parturition. 55 plates. Bvo.
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Dewees, M.D. Bvo.
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ments of the Testicle ; also on the Cause and Cure of the Acute, the Spurious,
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Henderson, M.D. 12 plates. Bvo.
latieu, F. S. Practical Formulary of the Parisian Hospitals; exhibiting the Pre-
scriptions employed by the Physicians and Surgeons of those Establishments ; re-
marks illustrative of their Doses, Mode of Administration, and Appropriate Ap-
plication, &c., &c. With Notes by R. D. M’Lellan, M I). 18mo.
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,ay, J. Treatise on the Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity. 12mo.
Ayer, P. A Theoretical and Practical Treatise on the Diseases of the Skin.
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eese, D. M. Medical Lexicon of Modern Terminology ; being a Complete Vo-
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an Mind on the Principles of Common Sense ; and an Essay on Quantity Bvo
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S. S. Sf W. Wood's Medical Catalogue.

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tion, &c. 18 plates. Bvo.

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With Notes, &.c., by James Copland, M.D. Bvo.
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rapeutical Summary and Special Formulary. Bvo.
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tion in the Treatment of Cutaneous Eruptions, Inflammations, and some othe
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Parkmau, M.D. Bvo.
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C. Peters. Bvo.
Root, J. The Horrors of Delirium Tremens. Bvo.
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manageable Disease. 12mo.
Routed, G. L. A Short Treatise on Typhus Fever. Bvo.
Rowland, R. Treatise on Neuralgia. Bvo.
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Revised and adapted to the Pharmacopoeia of the United States.
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Medicine. 2 vols. Bvo.
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Smith, M.D. Plate. Bvo.
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tical Tables. Translated by W. C. Roberts, M.D. 15 plates, folio.

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Concretions. 12rno.
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as a single Disease ; with the varieties, cause, and treatment, as it appears in
most of the particular forms of Fever recognized by Nosologists. 12mo.
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Propagation and Culture of Fruit. 18mo.
. Treatise on the Culture of the Dahlia and Cactus. 18mo.
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cluding general considerations on Morbid States of the Digestive Organs ; re-
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sic Evidence requisite in cases of Foeticide and Infanticide. 2 plates. Bvo.
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cidents ; with the Tests for the principal Poisons, and other useful information. 32m0.
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Ü plates. 12mo
S. S. 4* XV. Wood's Medical Catalogue.
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prevention of Diseases, by means of Water. Plate. 12rno.
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Plate. 12mo.
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motest Antiquity, &c. Bvo.
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ting the whole judicious management of these Organs from Infancy to Old Age,
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raphy of the Author, by N. Capen. 35 plates. Bvo.
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cer; with Cases. Bvo.
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ver. Bvo.
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vent the fatal effects of the Bites of Animals labouring under Hydrophobia.
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ters, &c.j &c. Edited by George Waliss, MD. 2 vols. Bvo.
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. American Modern Practice ; or a simple method of Prevention and Cure of
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The Philosophy cf Living ; or the Way to enjoy Life and its Comforts.. En-
gravings. 18mo.
Tiedemann, F. Anatomy of the Fœtal Brain ; with a comparative exposition of
its Structure in Animals. Translated by W. Bennett, M.D. 14 plates. 12mo.
Timbrel, W. H. Practical Observations on the Management of Ruptures. With
engravings. 12mo.
Torrky, and A. Gray. A Flora of North America, containing abridged Descrip-
S. S. fy W. Wood’s Medical Catalogue.

tiens of all the known Indigenous and Naturalized Plants, growing north of Mex-
ico; arranged according to the Natural System. Bvo.
Townsend, C. H. Facts in Mesmerism, with reasons for a dispassionate Inquiry
into it. Engravings. I2mo.
Townsend, P. S. Account of the Yellow Fever, as it prevailed in the city of New
York, in 1822. Bvo.
Traill, T. S. Outlines of a Course of Lectures on Medical Jurisprudence. Bvo.
Transactions of the Medical Society of the State of New York. 3 vols. Bvo.
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Travers, 8., and J. H. Green. Principles and Practice of Ophthalmic Surgery
comprising the Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology of the Eye, with the treat-
ment of its Diseases. Edited by A. C. Lee. Coloured plate. 18mo.
Tredgold, T. Principles of Warming and Ventilating Public Buildings, Dwelling
Houses, Manufactories, Hospitals, Hot-Houses, Conservatories, &c., and of con-
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With an Appendix by T. Bramah, comprising Observations on Heating by means
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penuiutn of the opinions of the best Writers upon the subject. 18rno.
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ed in the Catalogues of the Materia Medica, as published by the Royal Colleges
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plied by G. Spratl, Esq. 310 coloured plates. 5 vols. 4to.
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ods of relieving them. Bvo.
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tion. 10 colored plates.
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S. S. 8ç Wr Wood's Medical Catalogue.
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Bloxam, W. Surgical Anatomy of the Arteries. 12 colored plates. Folio.
Boerhaave’s Aphorisms concerning the Knowledge and Cure of Diseases. Bvo.
Opera Omnia Medica. 4to.
Bogue, T. A Treatise on the Structure, Color, and Preservation of the Human
Hair. 2 plates. 18mo.
Botvin et Duges. Traité Pratique des Maladies de I’ Uterus et de ses annexes, fondé
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Boi.ton, J. A Treatise on Strabismus, with description of new instruments designed
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Bourgery et Jacob. Anatomie Elémentaire en 20 tableaux, représentant chacun
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Traité Complet de l’Anatomie de l’Homme, comprenant la medecine opéra-
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This superb work, in course of publication in Paris, is now nearly completed, 75
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giques sur la Hernie Fémorale, ou Merocele : de la Dessiccation et des autres
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48 S. S. c|* IV. Wood’s Medical Catalogue.
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Camperi Petri leones Herniarutn. Editæ aS. T. Soemmering. 14 1 ates. Folio.
Carpenter, W. B. Elements of Physiology, including Pathological ..matomy, for
the use of the Medical Student. 180 illustrations, bvo.
Cazenave, A. Traite des Syphilides, ou Maladies Veneriennes de la Peau. bvo.
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Cheyne, J. An Essay on Cynanche Trachealis, or Croup. 12mo.
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bed. bvo.
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the restoration of lost, and the improvement of imperfect Vision ; with full account
of the various structures and diseases of the Eyes and their appendages, mode of
treatment, &c. bvo.
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Clymer, M. Fevers ; their Diagnosis, Pathology, and Treatment. Prepared and
edited, with large additions, from the Essays on Fever in Tweedie’s Library of
Practical Medicine, bvo.
Cock, M. R. The American Poultry Book ; being a practical treatise on the man-
agement of Domestic Poultry. Ibmo.
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dence. bvo.
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Crichton, A. Practical Observations on the Treatment and Cure of several varieties
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disease, bvo.
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called White Swelling; with remarks on Caries, Necrosis, and Scrofulous Ab-
scess, &c. 7 colored plates, bvo.
Cruikshank, W. The Anatomy of the Absorbing Vessels of the Human Body. 5
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humain est susceptible. 233 colored plates. 2 vols, folio.
Ccrtis, J. H. Observations on the Preservation of Hearing, and on the choice, us*
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S. S. 4* W. Wood’s Medical Catalogue.
Cctter, C. Anatomy and Physiology: designed for Academies and Families. 215
engravings. l2mo.
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Arranged on the Natural System, preceded by an Analysis. 115 engiavings.
Davies, T. Lectures on the Diseases of the Lungs and Heart. Bvo.
Delpech, J. Chirurgie Clinique de Montpellier, ou observations et reflexions tirses
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Memorial des Hôpitaux du Midi, et de la Clinique de Montpellier. 8 plates.
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272 engravings. 12mo.
Durlacher, L. A Treatise on Corns, Bunions, the Diseases of Nails, and the
general management of the Feet. 12mo,
Ecoles, VV. Observations on the Ulcerative Process and its Treatment, particularly
when affecting the Leg. Bvo.
Epps, J. Domestic Homoeopathy; or, Rules for the Domestic Treatment of the
Maladies of Infants, Children and Adults, and for the conduct and the treatment
during Pregnancy, Confinement, and Suckling. 18mo.
Essays on Practical Medicine and Surgery, by Drs. Chapman, Bache, Coates, Ged-
dings, Griffith, Mitchell, Wood, Dunglison, Condie, Dewees, Hays, Jackson, Pat-
terson, Hodge, Horner, &c. 2 vols. Bvo.
Falkner, F. The Farmer’s Manual; a Practical Treatise on the Nature and Value
of Manures, founded from experiments on various crops, &c. 12mo.
Feltham, J. A Popular View of the Structure and Economy of the Human Body ;
with reflections, moral, practical, and miscellaneous; including modern discoveries,
&c. l2mo.
Fisher, G. T. Photogenic Manipulation ; containing the Theory and Plain Instruc-
tions in the Art of Photography, or the production of Pictures through the agency
of Light: including Calotype, Chrysotype, Cyanotype, Chronotype, Energiatype,
Anthotype, and Amphitype. 14 engravings. lBmo.
Fletcher, R. Mediço-Chirurgical Notes and Illustrations, on some dangerous affec-
tions of the Throat, which induce sudden death by suffocation, —on Strictures of
the (Esophagus, and the dangers of the Bougie, —on the cure of the falling down
of the Bowel in grown persons, —Anomalies in Rupture Operations, &c. &c.
4 plates. 4to.
Flourens, P. Phrenology Examined. Translated by C. D. Meigs, M. D. 18mo.
Floyer, J. The Physician’s Pulse-Watch ; or, an Essay to explain the old art of
feeling thePulse, and to improve it by the help of a Pulse-Watch. 12mo. 1707.
Forbes, John. Homoeopathy, Allopathy, and Young Physic.” 18mo.

Fowler, O. S. Practical Phrenology; giving a concise elementary view of Phre-

nology, presenting some new and important remarks upon the temperament, and
describing the primary mental powers in seven different degrees of development,
and the location ofthe organs. Numerous engravings. 12mo.
Fox, Joseph. The Natural History and Diseases of the Human Teeth Remodelled,
with an Introduction and numerous Additions, by Chapir. A. Harris, M. D., D. D. S
30 plates. Bvo.
50 S. S. 4* W. Wood's Medical Catalogue.
Pype, A. A Compendium of Anatomy, Human and Comparative. 40 plates. 4
vols. Bvo.
Gardener and Florist. A Select Manual of Kitchen Gardening, and culture of
Fruits; containing familiar directions for the most approved practice in eacli de-
part no srA, descriptions of many valuable fruits, and a Calendar of work to be per-
formed each month in the year. Also, a Manual of Gardening, containing practi-
cal instruction for the management of Greenhouse Plants, and for the cultivation of
the Shrubbery, the Flower-Garden, and the Lawn, &c. &c. 12mo.
Gardiner, J. An Inquiry into the Nature, Cause, and Cure of the Gout, and of
some of the Diseases with which It is connected. 12mo.
Gerrish, A. A Synopsis of the Prevention and Cure of Disease. 12rno.
Gibnf.y, J. Practical Observations on the Use and Abuse of Cold and Warm Sea-
Bathing, in various diseases, particularly in Scrofulous and Gouty cases. Bvo.
Glandorpii (Matthiæ) Bremcnsis Medici Clarissimi Opera Omnia • viz. Speculum
Chirurgorum, Methodus Medendæ Paronychiæ, Tractatus de Polypo Nariurn aflectu
gravissimo, Gazophylacium Polypîusium Fonticularum et Setonum reseratum &c.
4to. 1729.
Gooch, B. Cases and Practical Remarks in Surgery, with sketches of Macliines of
simple construction, easy application, and approved use. 12 plates. Bvo. 1758.
Gove, Mary S. Lectures to Women on Anatomy and Physiology: with an Appen-
dix on the Water Cure. 12mo.
Granvit.le, A. B. Graphic Illustrations of Abortion and the Diseases of Menstrua-
tion. 14colored plates. 4to.
Griffin, W. and D. Medical and Physiological Problems, being chiefly researches
for correct principles of treatment in disputed points of Medical Practice. Bvo.
Griffith, J. W. A Practical Manual, containing a description of the General,
Chemical, and Microscopical characters of the Blood, and Secretions of the Human
Body, as well as their components, &c. &c. 12mo.
Griffiths, T. Chemistry of the Four Seasons ; Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter.
With engravings.
Guenon, F. A Treatise on Milch Cows, whereby the Quality and Quantity of Milk
which any Cow will give may be accurately determined by observing natural marks
or external indications alone ; the length of time she will give milk, &c. With re-
marks and observations on the Cow and the Dairy, by J. S. Skinner. Many en-
gravings. Bvo.
Gully, J. M. The Water Cure in Chronic Diseases: an exposition of the causes,
progress, and terminations of various ChVonic Diseases of the Digestive Organs,
Lungs, Nerves, Limbs, and Skin; and of their treatment by Water and other
Hygienic means. 12mo.
Guthrie, G. J. On some points connected with the Anatomy and Surgery of In-
guinal and Femoral Herniæ. 3 plates. 4to.
Hahnemann, S. Materia Mediea Pura. Translated and edited by C. J. Herapel,
M. D. 4 vols. Bvo.
Hare, S. Practical Observations on the Prevention, Causes, and Treatment of Cur-
vatures of the Spine, with a description of an apparatus for the correction of the
deformity. 11 plates. Bvo.
Haslam, J. Observations on Madness and Melancholy; including practical remarks
on those diseases, together with Cases, Morbid appearances on dissection, &c.
Sound Mind or, Contributions to the Natural History and Physiology of

the Human Intellect. Bvo.

Hassall, A. 11. The Microscopic Anatomy of the Human Body in Health and Dis-
ease, with colored plates.
Hayes, T. A Serious Address on the dangerous consequences of neglecting com-
mon Coughs and Colds, with ample directions for the prevention and cure of Con-
sumption ; with observations on Hooping Cough and Asthma. 12 no.
Hempel, C. J. The Homoeopathic Domestic Physician. 18mo.
S. S. 4" Wr - Wood's Medical Catalogue. 51

Henderson, W. An Inquiry into the Homoeopathic Practice of Medicine. Bvo.

tÏEiîing, C. Domestic Physician ; comprising the former edition of the Homœopa-
thist, or Domestic Physician, with the additions ofDrs. Goullon, Gross, and Stapf,
and a chapter on Diseases of Women. Portrait. 12mo.
Hewson, T. Observations on the History and Treatment of the Ophthalmia accom-
panying the secondary forms ofLues Venerea. Colored plate. Bvo.
Met, W. Practical Observations in Surgery, illustrated with cases and 10 plates.
8 vo.
Hind, G. W. A series of Twenty Plates illustrating the causes of Displacement in
the various Fractures of the Bones of the Extremities. Large 4to.
Hippocratis coi Prolegomena ct Prognosticorum libri Ires : cum paraphrastica ver
sione et brevibus commentariis Johannis Ilevrnii Vltraiectini. Small 4tcn
Hippocrates and Gat.en, the Writings of, epitomised from the original Latin trans-
lations by J. R. Coxe, M. D. Bvo. V
Hodgkin, T. Lectures on the Morbid Anatomy of the Serous and Mucous Mem-
branes. 8va.
Hood, P. Practical Observations on the Diseases most fatal to Children; with re-
ference to the propriety of treating them as proceeding from Irritation, and not
from Inflammation. Bvo.
Hooper, R. Examinations in Anatomy, Physiology, Practice of Physic, Surgery,
Chemistry, Materia Medica, and Pharmacy; for the use of Students. lBmo.
Horner, IV. E. The United States Dissector; or, Lessons in Practical Anatomy.
Edited by H. H. Smith, M. D. 72 engravings. 12mo.
Humbert et Jacquier. Essai et Observations sur la maniéré de réduire les Luxa-
tions spontanées ou symptomatiques de l’articulation iiio -fémorale ; méthode appli-
cable aux luxations congénitales et aux luxations anciennes par cause externe,
Bvo., with 4to. atlas of 29 plates.
Ifu tchison, A. C. Practical Observations in Surgery, illustrated by cases and vari-
ous official documents. Plate. Bvo.
Huxham, J. An Essay on Fevers ; with a Dissertation on the Malignant Ulcerous
Sore Throat. Bvo.
Ingpen, A. Instructions for Collecting. Rearing, and Preserving British and For-
eign Insects ; also for collecting and preserving Crustacea and Shells. 3 colored
plates. lBmo.
Intellectual and Moral Qualities. Facts and Arguments on the Transmission of. from
Parents to Offspring. 12mo.
Jackson, S. H. Cautions to Women respecting the state of Pregnancy, the progress
of Labor and Delivery, the confinement of Child-bed, and some constitutional dis-
eases, with directions to Midwives and Nurses, &c, &c. 12rno.
Jahr, G. H. G. Short Elementary Treatise upon Homoeopathia, and the manner of
its Practice ; with some of the most important effects of Ten of the principal Ho-
moeopathic Remedies. Translated by E. Bayard, M.D. lBmo.
James, J. H. Observations on the General Principles, and on the Particular Nature
and Treatment of various species of Inflammation. Bvo.
Johnson, E. Life, Health, and Disease. 12mo.
Results of Hydropathy ; or, Constipation not a Disease of the Bowels,—Indi-
gestion not a Disease of the Stomach; with an Exposition of the True Nature of
these ailments, explaining the reason why they are so certainly cured by the Hy-
dropathic treatment, &c. 12mo.
Kentish, E. An Essay on Burns, principally upon those which happen to Workmen
in Mines from the explosions of inflammable air, &c. Bvo.
Kinglake, R. A Dissertation on Gout, exhibiting a new view of the origin, nature,
cause, cure, and prevention of that afflicting disease, illustrated by cases. Bvo.
Kirbt, W. and W. Spence. An Introduction to Entomology; or, Elements of the
Natural History of Insects: comprising an account of Noxious and Useful Insects,
of their Metamorphoses, Food, Stratagems, Habitations, Societies, Motions, Noises,
Hybernation, Instinct, &c. &c. 5 plates. Bvo.
52 S. S. 4* W. Wood’s Medical Catalogue.
Kokcker, L. Principles of Dental Surgery; exhibiting a new method of treat ng
the Diseases of the Teeth and Gums, especially calculated to promote their health
and beauty with a general view of the present state of Dental Surgery, &c. Bvo.

Langenbeck, C. J. M. Plates ofthe Peritoneum. 12 plates. Folio.

Lardner, D. Popular Lectures on Science and Art; delivered in tne principal
cities and towns of the United States. Numerous engravings. 2 vols. Bvo.
Latham, P. M. Lectures on subjects connected with Clinical Medicine; comprising
Diseases of the Heart.
Le Dhan. Operations in Surgery. Translated by M. Gataker. 21 plates. Bvo. 1757.
Leger, T, Animal Magnetism or, Psycodunamy. l2mo.

Ley, H. An Essay on the Laryngismus Stridulus, or Croup-like Inspiration of In-

fants; with illustrations of the general principles of the Pathology of the Nerves,
and of the functions and diseases of the Par Vaguin and its principal branches.
5 plates. Bvo.
Lind, J. An Essay on the most effectual means of preserving the Health of Seamen
in the Royal Navy. Also a Dissertation on Fevers and Infection, Jail Distemper,
&c. Bvo.
Lion, H. A complete Treatise upon Spinæ Pedum, containing several important
discoveries. 5 plates. Bvo.
Lobstein, J. F. D. A General Guide for Practising Physicians, in the Examination
of the Sick. 18mo.
Lobstein, J. F. Traite d’Anatomie Pathologique. 2 vols. Bvo., with folio Atlas of
26 colored plates.
Mackenzie, W. The Physiology of Vision. Bvo.
Macnish, R. The Anatomy of Drunkenness. 12mo.
Manec, P. J. A Theoretical and Practical Treatise upon the Ligature of Arteries.
Translated by J. W. Garlick, M. R. C.S., and W. C. Copperthwaite, M. R. C. S,
14 colored plates. 4to.
Masse, J. N. A Pocket Atlas of the Descriptive Anatomy of the Human Body.
Edited by G. S. Pattison, M. D. 112 plates. 12mo.
Mead, R. Medical Works; containing a mechanical account of Poisons, —influence
of the Sun and Moon upon Human Bodies,—on the Plague,—on Small-Pox and
Measles, —on extracting Foul Air from Ships,—on Scurvy, —Medical Precepts
and Cautions, —Medica Sacra, —on Worms of Human Bodies, —Hydrophobia, &e.
&c. Plates. 3 vols. lBmo.
Médecins et Chirurgiens Célébrés. 57 portraits, finely executed on stone. 4to.
Medical and Surgical Monographs, by Drs. Andral, Babington, Beek, Bright, Brodie,
Burne, Carmichael, Clutlerbuck, Cormack, Dubois, Farr, Itard, Louis, Maunoir,
and Taylor. Bvo.
Medical Faculty of the University of New York, and Founders of the Medical Do
partment: comprising the Portraits of Chancellor Frelinghuysen, and Professor-
Mott, Pattison, Revere, Paine, Bedford, and Draper, on one sheet 30 by 24 inches
of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of the University of the State of
New York: comprising the Portraits of Professors Stevens, Smith, Beck, Torrey,
Watts, Parker, and Gilman, on one sheet 30 by 21 inches.
Miller, J. The Practice of Surgery. Bvo.
Monro, A. Traite d’Osteoîogie, traduit de l’Anglois de M. Monro, ou l’on a ajoute
des planches en taille-douce, que représentent au naturel tous les Os de l’Adulte et
du Fœtus, avec leurs explications. 32 plates. 2 vols, folio.
Observations on Crural Hernia; with a general account of the other varieties
of Hernia. 5 plates. Bvo.
Engravings of the Thoracic and Abdominal Viscera, aad the Canals con-
nected with them ; representing the natural appearance of those important parts
immediately after death, and without being affected by previous disease. 5 plates,
S. S. êf W. Wood's Medical Catalogue. 53

Murphy, E. W. Lectures on Natural and Difficult Parturition 70 Engravings. Bvo

Murray, J. A Treatise on Pulmonary Consumption; its prevention and remedy.
A System of Materia Medica and Pharmacy; including translations of the
Edinburgh, London, and Dublin Pharmacopoeias. With Notes and Additions by
John B. Beck, M. D. Bvo.
Nkale, A. Researches respecting the Natural History, Chemical Analysis, and
Medicinal Virtues of the Spur, or Ergot of Rye, when administered as a remedy in
certain states of the Uterus. Colored plate. Bvo.
Nichol, J. P. The Phenomena and Order of the Solar System. 21 plates. 12mo.
Views of the Architecture of the Heavens. 23 plates. 12mo.
Nurse’s Manur.l and Mother’s Medical Adviser; a Guide to the Inexperienced. By a
Practising Physician. 12mo.
Owen, R. Lectures on the Comparative Anatomy and Physiology of the Inverte-
brate Animals. 138 engravings. Bvo.
■ Odontography; or, a Treatise on the Comparative Anatomy of the Teeth,
their physiological relations, mode of development, and microscopic structure, in
the Vertebrate Animals. 150 plates. 2 vols. Bvo.
Palletta, J. B. Exercitationcs Pathologicæ. 12 plates. 4to.
Paumer, S. A Pentaglot Dictionary of the Terms employed in Anatomy, Physi-
ology, Pathology, Practical Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics, Medical Jurisprudence,
Materia Medica, Pharmacy, Medical Zoology, Botany, and Chemistry. Part 1.,
with the leading term in French, followed by the synonymes in the Greek, Latin,
German, and English; explanations in English. Part 11. A German-English-
French Dictionary, comprehending the Scientific German Terms of the preceding
part. Bvo.
Parsons, U. Physician for Ships; containing Medical Advice for Seamen and othei
persons at Sea, on the treatment of diseases, and on the preservation of health in
sickly climates. l2mo.
Petzholdt, A. Lectures to Farmers on Agricultural Chemistry. Bvo.
a Hü.iP, A. P. W. A Treatise on the Means of Preserving
Health; and particularly
the prevention of Organic Diseases. Bvo.
Phillips, B. Scrofula; its nature, its causes, its prevalence, and the principles of
treatment. Plate. Bvo.
"Physic and Physicians : a Medical Sketch-Book, exhibiting the Public, and Private
Life of the most celebrated Medical Men of former days ; with Memoirs of eminent
living London Physicians and Surgeons. 2 vols. 18mo.
Pole, T. The Anatomical Instructor; or, an illustration of the modern and most
approved methods of preparing and preserving the different parts of the Human
Body, awi of Quadrupeds, &c. 10 plates. Bvo.
Prosser, T. A Treatise on the Strangles and Fevers of Horses. Bvo.
Pursh, F. Flora Americse Scptentrionalis ; or, a systematic arrangement and de-
scription ef the Plants ofNorth America. 24 colored plates. 2 vols. Bvo.
Randall, S. S. Incentives to the Cultivation of the Science of Geology ; designed
for the use of the Young. Many engravings. 18mo.
Rees, G. O. On the Analysis of the Blood and Urine, in Health and Disease; and
on the treatment of Ur-inary diseases. Plate. Bvo.
Reid, T. Directions for Warm and Cold Sea-Bathing; with observations on their
application and effects in different diseases. Bvo.
Rsnwick, J. First Principles of Chemistry ; being z familiar introduction to the
study of that science. 154 illustrations. ISrno.
Reyeard, J. F. Mémoires sur le traitement des Anus Artificieles, des plaies des in-
testins, et des plaies pénétrantes de poitrine. 3 plates. Bvo.
Richardson, G. F, Geology for Beginners. 261 engravings. 12mo
Ricord, P. Clinique Iconographique de l’Hôpital des Vénériens, recueil d’observa-
tions, suivies de considerations pratique sur les Maladies qui ont etc traites dans
cet Houital. In course qfpublication to contain about 50 colored plates. 4to.

54 S. S. fy IV. Wood's Medical Catalogue.
Rigby, E. Memoranda for Practitioners in Midwifery. With Additions by S.
Foster, M. D. 32m0.
Rivers, H. W. Accidents: Popular Directions for their immediate treatment; with
observations on Poisons and their Antidotes. 4 plates. l2mo.
Robinson, J. The Surgical, Mechanical, and Medical treatment of the Teeth: in-
cluding Dental Mechanics. 139 engravings. l2mo.
Rush, J. The Philosophy of the Human Voice, embracing its Physiological His-
tory, with a system of principles by which Criticism in the art of Elocution may
be rendered intelligible, and instruction definite and comprehensive. Bvo.
Saunders, E. Advice on the care of the Teeth. Colored plate. lBmo.
Scarpa, A. Sull’Ernie Memorie Anatomico-Chirurgiche. 11 plates. Folio.
Scoutettrn, H. La Méthode Ovalaire, ou nouvelle méthode pour Amputer dans les
Articulations. 11 plates. 4to.
Serre, M. Traite de la Reunion Immediate, et de son influence sur les progrès
recens de la Chirurgie dans toutes les operations, &c. 3 plates. Bvo.
Serres, M. Recherches d’Anatomie Transcendante et Pathologique: théorie des
Formations et des Deformations Organique, appliquée a l’Anatomie de Ritta-Chris-
tina, et de la duplicité monstreuse. 4t0., with folio atlas of 20 plates.
Sewall, T. An Examination of Phrenology. 8 plates. Bvo.
Shearman, W. Observations illustrative of the History and Treatment of Chronic
Debility ; the prolific source of Indigestion, Spasmodic Diseases, and various Ner-
vous Affections. Bvo.
Shepard, C. U. A Treatise on Mineralogy. 500 illustrations. 12mo.
Sherrill, H. An Essay on Epidemics, as they appeared in Dutchess County, N. Y.f
from 1809 to 1825: also on Diseases of the Jaw-Bones, Epidemic Cholera in Pough-
keepsie, 1832, &c. Bvo.
Shipman, G. A Familiar Treatise on Disorders of the Stomach and Bowels, Bilious
and Nervous Affections, &c. Bvo.
Simon, J. F. Animal Chemistry with reference to the Physiology and Pathology of
Man. Edited by G. E. Day, M. A. and L. M. 3 plates. Bvo.
Skinner, J. S. The Dog and the Sportsman ; embracing the Uses, Breeding, Train-
ing, Diseases, &c., of Dogs, and an account of the different kinds of Game, with
their habits, &c. 5 plates, 12mo.
The Monthly Journal of Agriculture, containing thebest current productions
in promotion of Agricultural improvement; including the choicest Prize Essays
issued in Europe and America with original contributions from eminent Farmers

and Statesmen. Numerous engravings. Bvo.

Smith, Joseph A. Productive Farming; or, a familiar digest of the recent discov-
eries of Liebig, Johnston, Davy, and other celebrated writers on Vegetable Chemis-
try ; showing how the results of Tillage might be greatly augmented. 12mo.
Smith, Joseph M. Elements of the Etiology and Philosophy of Epidemics. Bvo.
Solly, S. The Human Brain, its Configuration, Structure, Development, and
Physiology ; illustrated by references to the Nervous System in the lower orders of
Animals. 12 plates. Bvo.
S pratt, H. G. Obstetric Tables; comprising Graphic Illustrations, with descrip-
tions and practical remarks, exhibiting, on dissectedplates, many important subjects
in Midwifery. 15 colored plates. 4to.
Stoker, W. A Treatise on Fever, with observations on the practice adopted for its
cure in the Fever Hospital and House of Recovery in Dublin : illustrated by cases.
Sue, M. Elemcns d’Anatomie, a l’usage des Peintres, des Sculpteurs, et des Ama-
teurs. 14 plates. 4to.
Syer, J. A Treatise on the Management of Infants; containing the general princi-
ples of their domestic treatment, with history and method of cure of some of their
most prevalent and formidable diseases. Bvo.
Syme, J. Treatise on the Excision of Disused Joints; with case of Osteo-Sarcoma
of the Lower Jaw. 6 plates. Bvo.
S. S. <s• W. Wood’s Medical Catalogue. 55
Tam pun, R. W. Lectures on the Nature and Treatment of Deformities. 64 illus-
trations. 12mo.
Thaer, A. D. The Principles of Agriculture. Translated by W. Shaw and C. W.
Johnson, F. R.S. Svo.
Thomas, J. J. The Fruit Culturist, adapted to the climate of the Northern States;
containing directions for raising Young Trees in the Nursery, and for the manage-
ment of the Orchard and Fruit Garden. 36 engravings. 18mo.
Thomson, J. An Account of the Varioloid Epidemic in Edinburgh and other parts
of Scotland with observation* on the Identity of Chicken-Pox with Modified

Small-Pox. Bvo.
Todd, R. B. The Descriptive and Physiological Anatomy of the Brain, Spinal Cord,
and Ganglions, and of their coverings. 38 engravings. Bvo.
Travers. B. An Inquiry into the Process of Nature in repairing Injuries of the
Intestines; illustrating the treatment of Penetrating Wounds, and Strangulated
Hernia. 7 plates. Bvo.

The Physiology of Inflammation, and the Healing Process. Bvo.

Observations on the Pathology of Venereal Affections. Bvo.
Tweedie, A. Dissertations on Fevers, General Pathology, Inflammation, and Dis-
eases of the Skin, by Drs. Symonds, Allison, Christison, Schedel, Locock, Gre-
gory, Burrows, and Shapter. Edited by A. Tweedie, M. D.
Tyrrell, F. A Practical Work on the Diseases of the Eye, and their treatment,
Medically, Topically, and by Operations. 8 colored plates. Bvo.
Van Swieven’s Commentaries Abridged, by Dr. Schomberg. Bvo.
Vaughan, W. An Exposition of the Principles of Anatomy and Physiology; con-
taining the Prælectiones Anatomicæ of F. Leber. 2 vols. Bvo.
Wadd, W. Observations on the best mode of relieving Strictures in the Urethra;
with remarks on the frequent inefficacy and ill effects of Caustic applications. Bvo.
Cases ofDiseased Bladder and Testicle. 21 plates. 4to.
Walker, G. A. Gatherings from Graveyards, particularly those ofLondon ; with a
concise history of the modes of interment among different nations, from the ear-
liest periods, and a detail of dangerous and fatal results produced by the unwise
and revolting custom of inhuming the Dead in the midst of the Living. Bvo.
Walker, C. V. Electrotype Manipulation : being the theory and plain instructions
in the art of Working in Metals, by precipitating them from their Solutions,
through the agency of Galvanic or Voltaic Electricity. Engravings. 18mo.
Waller, J. A. A Treatise on Burns and Scalds; detailing the best methods of treat-
ing those accidents, as practised in the London Hospitals, &c. 24m0.
Warren, J. C, Physical Education, and the Preservation of Health. lBmo.
Wells, W. C. An Essay upon Single Vision with Two Eyes; also on Dew; ac-
count of a White Female, part of whose skin resembles that of a Negro, with ob-
servations on the causes of differences in color, &c. Bvo.
White, C. A Treatise on the management of Pregnant and Lying-in Women, and
the means of curing and preventing the principal disorders to which they are lia-
ble. &c. &c, 2 plates. Bvo.
Willard, E. On the Motive Powers which produce Circulation of the Blood,
Wilson, E. A Practical Treatise on Healthy Skin with rules for the Medical and

Domestic Treatment of Cutaneous Diseases. 6 plates. 12mo.

Winslow, F. The Plea of Insanity in Criminal cases. 12mo.
Wood, A. A Class-Book of Botany, designed for Colleges, Academies, &c. con- ;

taining the Elements of Botanical Science; the Natural Orders, illustrated by a

Flora of the Northern States, &c. 38 engravings. l2ino.
VV ormald, T. and A. M. McWhinnie. A Rories of Anatomical Sketches and Dia-
grams, with descriptions and references. 28 plates. 4to,
Young, S. Minutes of Cases of Cancer and Cancerous tendency, successfully
treated by Samuel Young, Surgeon. Bvo.
Bell, Benjamin. A System of Surgery. 99 plates. 4 vols. Svo,
56 S. S. (5f W. Wood's Medical Catalogne
Abernethy on Injuries of the Head. Svo.
Alcott’s Vegetable Diet. 12tno.
Barton on Marine Hospitals. Svo.
Beauvais’ Effets Toxiques et Pathologiques de plusieurs medicamens, &c.
Bell’s, Charles, Illustrations of the Great Operations of Surgery, Trepan, Her-
nia, Amputation, Aneurism, and Lithotomy. 20 colored Plates. Folio.

John, Principles of Surgery. Abridged by J. Augustine Smith, Plates.

Bennet on Inflammation, Ulceration, and Induration of the Neck of the
Uterus. 12mo.
Bichat. Epitome of the Physiology, General Anatomy, and Pathology of
Bichat. By T. Henderson, M.D. Svo,
Blacrmore on Gout, Rheumatism, and King’s Evil. Svo.
Bouillaud, sur la Philosophie Médicale, et sur les généralités de la Clinique
Médicale, ISmo.
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Operations Svo.
Boyer, Baron. Traite des Maladies Chirurgicales, et des operations qui
leur conviennent. 3 vols. Svo. Plates.
Bradley on Worms and other Animals which infest the Human Body. 3
Plates. 12mo.
Burdach, C. F. Traite de Physiologie considérée comme Science d’observa-
tion. Plates. 9 vols. Svo.
Bushe G. An Essay on the Operation for Cleft Palate. 2 Plates. 4to. stitched
Carey, M. Short Account of the Malignant Fever in Philadelphia in 1793
Carpue, J. C. Account of Two Successful Operations for Restoring a lost
Nose from the Integuments of the Forehead. 5 Plates. 4to.
Cazenave, A. Leçons sur les Maladies de la Peau, professées a l’Ecole da
Medecine en 1841-1844. In course of publication, to contain about sixty
colored plates , folio.
Chisholm, C. on Malignant Pestilential Fever introduced into the West India
Isles from the Coast of Guinea in 1793-94. Svo.
Civiale. Sur les Maladies des Organes Genito-Urinaires. 8 Plates. 3 vols.
Clutterbuck, H. Inquiry into the Seat and Nature of Fever, &c. Svo.
Davy, John. Researches Physiological and Anatomical. 16 Plates. 2 vols
Delahaye. Tableau Synoptique des Bandages le plus usités. On canvass
Deploeg, D. E. Le Dentiste Populaire. ISmo. stitched.
Denman, T. The Obstetrician’s Vade Mecum or Aphorisms on Natural and

Difficult Parturition, &c. Edited by M. Ryan, M-D. 17 Plates. 12mo.

Dermott, G. D. Illustrations of the Arteries connected with Aneurism and
Surgical Operations, size of nature nine colored plates, on canvass.

Devergie, N. Clinique de la Maladie Syphilitique, avec Observations par

Cullerier, Bard, Gama, Desruelles, &c Svo.
Dewees, W. P. Essays on Various Subjects connected with Midwifery. Svo
Dufau, P. A. Essai sur Petat Physique, moral, et intellectuel des Aveugles
Nés. Svo.
Dunne, C. The Chirurgical Candidate or Reflections oh Education. Svo.

FiARLE, P. A. Visit to thirteen Asylums for the Insane in Europe, &c., with
Essay on Causes, Duration, Termination, and Moral Treatment of Insanity
8 vo.
iS. >S. 4r W* Wood's Medical Catalogue.

Bah dsley’s Medical Reports of Cases and Experiments with an inquiry into

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Barnwell on Vitiated Atmosphere. Bvo.
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8> o.
Elliot, S. A Sketch of the Botany of South Carolina and Georgia. 2 vol»
FncH, S. S. A System of Dental Surgery. Bvo.
Falconer, W. A Practical Dissertation on the Medicinal Effects of the Bath
Waters. Bvo.
Forbes, John. The Water Cure, or Hydropathy. 12mo.
Gale, T. Electricity, or Ethereal Fire Considered. 12mo.
Galeni et Herodoti Glossaria in Hippocratum ex recensione Henrici Stephani,
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Galtier, C. P. Traite de Pharmacologie et de I’Art de Formuler. Bvo.
Gallup, J. A. Sketches of Epidemic Diseases in the State of Vermont. Bvo
Galt, J. M. The Treatment of Insanity. Bvo.
Geoffroy, Saint-Hilaire. Cours de l’Histoire Naturelle des Mammifères.
Geoffroy-Saint-Hilare. Philosophie Anatomique. Tome I. des Organes
Respiratoire. Tome 11. Monstruosités Humaines, seventeen plates.
Goulard on Effects of Various Preparations of Lead, particularly, of the Ex-
tract of Saturn, for different Chirurgical Disorders. IS'mo.
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Green H. A Treatise on Diseases of the Air Passages ; comprising an inquiry
into the History, Pathology, Causes, and Treatment of those Affections of the
Throat called Bronchitis, Chronic Laryngitis, Clergyman’s Sore Throat, &c.
6 colored Plates. Bvo.
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Hasse, C. E. An Anatomical Description of the Diseases of the Organs of
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Hippocrates’ Aphorisms, in Latin and French. 32m0.
Holliele, F. Outlines of Anatomy and Physiology. Illustrated by a new
dissected plate of the Human Organization, &c. 4to.
Neuropathy, being an explanation of the action of Galvanism, Electricity
and Magnetism, in the cure of Disease. 18mo.
Home, F. Principia Medicinae. Svo.
Hooper’s Physician’s Vade Mecum ; or Manual of the Principles and Practice,
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Hughes, H. M. A Clinical Introduction to the Practice of Auscultation, and
other modes of Physical Diagnosis. Plate. 12mo.
Hutchinson, B. Biographia Medica ; or Historical and Critical Memoirs of
the Lives and Writings of the most eminent Medical Characters from the
earliest time to 1799 ; with a Catalogue of their Works. 2 vols. Bvo.
Huxham’s Observations on the Air and Epidemic Diseases, from 1778 to 1787.
with Dissertation on the Devonshire Colic. Bvo.
Jackson, R. An Exposition of the Practice of Affusing Cold Water on the
surface of the Body, as a Remedy for the Cure of Fever, &c. Svo.
Jackson, S. An Account of the Malignant Yellow Fever in Philadelphia in
1820. Bvo. Stitched.
Jones, T. W. The Principles and Practice of Ophthalmic Medicine and Sur-
gery. Edited by Isaac Hays, M. D. 102 Illustrations. l2mo.
Enox’s Engravings of the Cardiac Nerves, the Nerves of the Ninth Pair, the
Gloso-Pharyngeal and the Pharyngeal Branch of the Pneumo-Gastric ; copied
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Lachapellk. Pratique des Accouchemens, ou Mémoires et observations
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Leuret. Anatomie comparée du Système .Nerveux. 2 vols. Bvo., and folio
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Louis, P. Ch. A. Recherches Anatomiques, Pathologiques, et Thérapeutiques
sur la Maladie connue sous le noms de Gastro-Ènterite, Fievre Putride,
Adynamique, Ataxique, Typhoïde, &c. 2 vols. Bvo.
Maclean, C. Practical Illustrations of the Progress of Medical Improvement,
or Histories of Cases of Acute Diseases, as Fevers, Dysentiery, Hepatitis,
and Plague, treated according to the principles of the doctrine of Exctation.
Magendie. Leçons sur le Sang, et les alterations de ce liquide dans les ma-
ladies graves, &c. ISmo.
Maisonabe, C. A. Recueil d’Obscrvations sur les Difformités dont le Corps
Humain est suceptible a toutes les époques de la vie, &c. 2 plates. Bvo.
Malebouche, F. Precis sur les causes du Regalement, et sur les moyens de
la guérir. Bvo.
Malgaigne, J. F. Traite d’Anatomie Chirurgicale et de Chirurgie Expéri-
mentale. Bvo.
Mande, L. Manuel d’Anatomie General® appliquée a la Physiologie et ala
Pathologie. 5 plates. Bvo.
Marry at, T. Therapeutics ;or the Art of Healing. 12mo.
Mills, T. An Account of the Morbid Appearances exhibited on Dissection
in disorders of the Trachea, Lungs, and Heart, &c. Bvo.
Essay on the utility of Blood-Letting in Fever. Bvo.
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rique et pratique des maladies périodique, des Fievres Larvees, locales ou
tropique, &c., &c. 2 vols., 12 mo.
Monro, Alexander, The Works of. 7 plates. 4to.
Morisoniana ; or Family Adviser of the British College of Health, being a sol-
lection of the works of J. Morison, the Hygeist. 3 plates. Bvo.
Munde, C. Hydrotherapeutique, ou l’art de prévenir et de guérir les mala-
dies sans le secours des medicamens par l’eau, la sueur, le bon air, l’exercise,
le regime, et le genre de vie. 12mo.
Nivelet. L’Homœopatbie, ses raisons et ses erreurs.
Nisbet, W. Inquiry into the history, nature, causes, and different modes of
treatment of Scrofula, Pulmonary Consumption, and Cancer. Bvo.
Ollivier. Monographie des Maladies du Foie, par Ollivier, Adelon, Ferrus,
et Berard, 18mo.
Parr,B. The London Medical Dictionary including, under distinct heads,

every branch of Medicine, with whatever relates to medicine in Natural

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Pinel, S. Traite Complet du Regime Sanitaire des Aliénés, ou manuel des
établissements qui leur sont consacres. 4 plates. 12mo
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Quin, F. F. Pharmacopœia Homoeopath ica. Svo.
Rafinesque, C. S. Medical Flora, or Manual of the Medical Botany of tha
United States. 100 plates. 2 vols., 12mo.
Reid, J. Treatise on the origin, progress, prevention, and treatment cf Con-
sumption. 12mo.
Robertson, J. On the Generative System; being an Anatomical and Physi-
logical Sketch of the parts of Generation, and a treatise on their diseases, &c.
13 plates. Bvo.
Rowley, W. A treatise on one hundred and eighteen principal diseases of the
Eyes and Eyelids, &c, 6 plates. Bvo.
Rush, B. Account of the Bilious Remitting Yellow Fever of Philadelphia io
1793. gvo.
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Rush, B. ditto, in 1797, with observations upon the nature and cure of Gout
and Hydrophobia. Svo.
Russel, J. A Treatise on Scrofula. Svo.
Sampson, M. B. Homoeopathy, its principle, theory, and practice. Bvo.
Sanctorius, the Aphorisms of, translated by J. Quincy. 12mo.
Shannon, R. Practical observations on the operation and effects of certain
Medicines in the prevention and cure of Diseases to which Europeans are
subject in Hot Climates, particularly those of the Liver, Flux, and Yellow
Fever ;on the Scurvy, &,c. Bvo.
Sharpe, J. B. Report, together with the Minutes of Evidence, and an Ap-
pendix of papers from the committee appointed to consider of provision being
made for the better regulation of Mad-Houses in England. Bvo.
Srellett, E. A Practical Treatise on the Breeding Cow, and extraction of
the Calf, before and at the time of calving, in which the question of difficult
parturition is considered in all its bearings, &c., with observations on the
diseases of Neat Cattle generally. 13 coloured plates. Bvo.
Spooner, S. Essay on the art of the manufacture of Mineral, Porcelain, or
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Stceber, V. Manuel Pratique d’Ophthalmologie, ou traite des Maladies des
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mation. On canvass.
Thomson, A. T. The London Dispensatory, containing the Elements of Phar-
macy : The Botanical description, Natural History, Chemical Analysis, and
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Tombeur, C. C. J., et O. Brixhe. Therapeutice Specialis ad Febres pe-
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Townsend, P. S. Result of observations made upon the Black Vomit, or
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phical : edited by J. Birkett. Bvo.
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Leake, J. A Practical Essay on Diseases of the Viscera, particularly those of the
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chian Passages ; with the modern methods of cure. Plate. Bvo,
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try, and Pharmacy. l2mo.
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pathology and treatment of diseases of the Stomach, Bowels, and other organs ;
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and the principles on which it depends. Bvo.
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ous System. Bvo.
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Brown, John. Works of; with an account of his Life, by W. C. Brown, M.D
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Buchanan, T. An Engraved Representation of the Anatomy of the Human Ear,
exhibiting in one view the external and internal parts of that organ in situ., &c.
‘2 plates. Folio.
Butter, W. A Treatise on the Disease commonly called Angina Pectoris. Bvo.
Cambay, C, Traite des Maladies des Pays Chauds, et especialement de l’ Algérie.
Ire. partie. De la Dysenterie et des Maladies du Foie qui la compliquent. Bvo,
Campbell. J. S. Observations on Tuberculous Consumption; containing new
views on the Nature, Pathology, and Cure of that Disease, being an attempt tc
found its treatment on rational principles, deduced from physiology, and confirmed
by «tensive application-. 2 colored plates. Bvo.
S. S. <t W. Wood's Medical Catalogue.
Castle, T. A Translation of the Pharmacopœia Londinensis of 1836. with Descrio»
tivc and Explanatory Notes on the Materia Medica, &c. 32m0.
Gaton, T. M. A Practical Treatise on the Prevention and Cure of the Venerea!
Disease ; particularly its consequences, as Strictures, &c., &c. Bvo.
Century of Surgeons on Gonorrhæa, and on Strictures of the Urethra. 12mo.
Clark, J. P. A New System of Treating the Human Teeth ; explaining the causes
which lead to their decay, and the most approved methods of preserving them ;
with the method of cure of Toothache and Tic Douloureux. Bvo.
CLoauET. J. Surgical Pathology. 24 plates. l2mo.
Coles, J. Spinal Affections, and the Prone System of treating them; being an
Inquiry into the Nature, Causes, and different Methods of treating Diseases and
Distortions ofthe Spinal Column, with a view to illustrate the great Advantages of
the Prone System for the Cure of those Maladies. With engravings. I2mo.
Cornell, W. M. Consumption Forestalled and Prevented. lBmo.
Gout.son, W. On the Disease of the Hip-Joint. 4 plates. Bvo.
Cross, J. A History of the Variolous Epedemic which occurred in Norwich, Eng.,
in 1819, with an estimate of the protection afforded by Vaccination, and a review
of past and present opinions upon Chicken Pox and Modified Small Pox. Bvo.
Crosse, J. G. A Treatise on the Formation, Constituents, and Extraction of the
Urinary Calculus. 27 colored plates. 4to.
Currie, J. Medica! Reports on the effects of Water, cold and warm, as a remedy in
Fever and other diseases, whether applied to the surface of the Body, or used
internally. Bvo.
Observations on apparent Death from Drowning, Hanging, Suffocation by
Noxious Vapors, Fainting Fits, Intoxication, Lightning, Exposure to Cold, &c.,
with Means for Recovery, Treatment in Cases of Poison, &c. 6 plates. Bvo.
Curtis, C. An Account of the Diseases of India, as they appeared in the English
Fleet and Naval Hospital at Madras in 1782-83; with Observations on Ulcers, and
the Hospital Sores of that country. Bvo.
Curtis, J. H. An Essay on the Deaf and Dumb ; showing the necessity of medical
treatment in early infancy; with Observations on Congenital Deafness. Bvo.
De Larroque, J. B. Traite de la Fievre Typhoïde. 2 vols. Bvo,
De Loude, L. C. Surgical, Operative, and Mechanical Dentistry. 4 plates. Bvo.
Denman, T. A Series of Engravings, illustrating the Practice of Midwifery. 17
plates. 4to.
Desmarres, L. A. Traite Théorique et Pratique des Maladies des Yeux. 78
engravings. Bvo.
Défaut., J. A. H. Traite Théorique et Pratique d’Auscultation Obstétricale. 13
Dieu, S. Traite de Matière Médicale et de Thérapeutique, precede de considerations
générale sur la Zoologie, et suivi de 1’ historié des Eaux Naturelles. 2 vols. Bvo.
Dons, A. Pathological Observations on the Rotated or Contorted Spine, commonly
called Lateral Curvature; Causes that produce it, Means for Prevention and Cure,
&c. Bvo.
Draper, J. W. A Text Book on Natural Philosophy : containing the most recent
discoveries and facts compiled from the best authorities. 371 engravings. 12rno.
Duchesne-Dufarc, L. V. Nouvelle Prosopalgic, ou Traite Pratique des Eruptions
chroniques de Visage (couperose, Montægre, Taches, Tumeurs vasculaires, &c.)
avec exposition d’une nouvelle méthode de traitement, basee sur la connaissance dn
siège anatomique et du veritable caractère morbide de ces différentes alterations. 6vo.
Dufour, W. On the Radical Cure of Hernia or Rupture, by intentional Means,
with cases, effected without surgical operation, pain, or suspension f patient s (

avocations, &c. Bvo.

Ellis, A. Lectures and Observations on Clinical Surgery. Bvo.
Favrot, A. Etudes sur les Maladies des Femmes qu’on observe le plus fréquem-
ment dans la pratique. Bvo.
S. S. d: TV. Wood’s Medical CuotiJoyuc.
Fletcher, J. Elements of General Pathology. Edited by J. J. Drysdale. M.D.,
and J. R. Russell, M.D. Bvo.
Flood, V. Anatomy and Operative Surgery of Inguinal and Femoral Hernitu.
8 colored plates. Folio.
Fürnivall, J. J. Diagnosis, Prevention, and Treatment of Diseases of the Heart,
and of Aneurism ; with Observations on Rheumatism. Bvo.
Futvoye, G. A Collection of One Thousand Latin Prescriptions. 32m0.
Gardner, D. P. A New Medical Dictionary ; containing an Explanation of the
Terms in Anatomy, Physiology, Practice of Medicine, Obstetrics, Surgery, Thera-
peutics, Materia Medica, Pharmacy, Chemistry, Botany, Natural Philosophy; with
the Formulas of the principal Pharmacopoeias, and valuable practical Articles on
the Treatment of Disease: on the basis of Hooper and Grant. Bvo.
Gkorgii, A. Kinésithérapie ou Traitement des Maladies par le Mouvement, selon
la méthode de Ling. Bvo.
Gordon, J. Outlines ofLectures on Human Physiology. Bvo.
Gray, J. Preservation of the Teeth indispensable to Comfort and Appearance,
Health and Longevity; being second edition ofDental Practice. 5 plates. 18mo.
Grainger, R. D. Observations on the Structure and Functions of the Spinal Cord.
Plate. Bvo.
Granville, A. B. A Historical and Practical Treatise on the Internal Use of the
Hydro-Cyanic (Prussic) Acid, in Pulmonary Consumption and other Diseases of
the Chest; as well as in several Complaints attended by great Nervous Irritation,
or Acute Pain; with directions for its preparation, administration, &c. l2mo.
Green, J. H. Vital Dynamics; the Hunterian Oration before the Royal College of
Surgeons in London, in 1840. Bvo.
Green, P, H. An Account of the Varieties in the Arterial System of the Human
Body. 6 plates. Bvo.
Gregory, J. Lectures on the Duties and Qualifications of a Physician. 12mo.
Gregory, W. Outlines of Chemistry, for the use of Students. Many engravings.
Griffith, C. On the common Cause and Prevention of Hepatitis, or Disorder of
the Liver; and on Bilious Complaints in general, in India and in Europe. Bv>,
Griffitiis, T. Recreations in Chemistry. Engravings. 12mo.
Gully, J. M. Simple Treatment of Disease deduced from the methods of Expectancy
and Revulsion. 12tno.
Gully, J. M. An Exposition of the Symptoms, Essential Nature, and Treatment of
Neuropathy, or Nervousness. Bvo.
Guthrie. G. J. On Wounds and Injuries of the Abdomen and Pelvis. Bvo.
■ On Injuries of the Head alfocting the Brain. 4to.
Hamilton, W. Observations on the preparation, utility, and administration of the
Digitalis Purpurea, or Fox-glove, in Dropsy of the Chest, Consumption, Hæmorr-
hage, Scarlet Fever, Measles, &c., &c. Bvo.
Hammick, S. L. Practical Remarks on Amputations, Fractures, and Strictures of
the Urethra. Bvo.
Hare, T. Physiological Views of the Structure, Functions, and Disorders of the
Stomach and Alimentary Organs of the Human Body; with Observations on Quali-
ties and Effects of Food and Fermented Liquors, and Influence of Climate and
Local Station. Plate. Bvo.
Harrison, C. H. R. Deformities of the Spine and Chest, successfully treated by
Exercise alone; and without extension, pressure, or division of muscles. 48 en-
gravings. Bvo.
Henning, G. A Critical Inquiry into the Pathology of Scnfula, with Method for its
'Treatment, &c. Bvo.
Hoblyn, R. D. A Manual of Chemistry. 75 engravings. 12mo.
Ho!•”:rcK, .!. Practical Observations on Hydrocele; with new mode of operating
S. S. d W. Wood's Médical Catalogue.
/or that dli ease, exempt from the inconveniencies attending other operations, &c.;
also Ooservations on Bronchocele, and on Inflammation of the Mamina, &c. Bvo.
Home, E. Practical Observations on the Treatment of the Diseases of the Prostate
Gland, 23 plates. 2 vois. Bvo.
Observations on Cancer, connected with Histories of the Disease. Bvo.
A Short Tract on the Formation of Tumors, and the peculiarities that are
met with in the structure of those that have become cancerous : with their mode of
treatment. 4 plates. Bvo.
Howard, H. An Improved System of Botanic Medicine; founded upon correct
physiological principles, embracing a concise view of Anatomy and Physiology, &c.
Many engravings, Bvo.
Howship, J. Practical Remarks on the discrimination and successful treatment of
Spasmodic Stricture in the Colon, considered as an occasional cause of habitual
confinement of the Bowels. Bvo.
Huxham, J. Medical and Chemical Observations upon Antimony, Bvo.
Jackson, R. An Outline of the History and Cure of Fever, epidemic and contag-
ious; more especially the Contagious Fever of Jails, Ships, and Hospitals; the
Yellow Fever of the West Indies, &c. Bvo.
Jones, W. Practical Observations on Diseases of Women. 11 plates. Bvo.
Judd, W. H. A Practical Treatise on Urethritis and Syphilis; including Observa-
tions on the power of the Menstruous Fluid, and of the discharge from Leucorrhcea
and Sores, to produce Urethritis; also a new Nosological Classification of the
various Venereal Eruptions, &c. 23 colored plates. Bvo.
King, T. Lilhotrity and Lithotomy compared ; being an analytical examination of
the present methods of treating S tone in the Bladder, &c. 3 plates. 8 vo.
Lanza, V. Novum Organnm Mcdicarum; a new Medical Logic; or the Art of
Thinking and right Reasoning applied to Practical Medicine. Bvo.
Latham, P. M. Lectures on subjects connected with Clinical Medicine. Bvo.
Lepevre, Sir G. An Apology for the Nerves; or, theirInfluence and Importance in
Health and Disease. Bvo.
Lindley, J. Flora Medica; a Botanical Account of all the more important Plants
used in Medicine, in different parts of the world. Bvo
Lintott, W. On the Structure, F.conomy, and Pathology of the Human Teeth;
with instructions for their preservation and culture, and best modes of surgical
treatment. Colored plates. I2mo.
Longrt, F. A. Experiences relatives aux effets de l’lnhalation de l'Ether Sulfu-
rique sur le Système Nerveux. Bvo.
Lucas, C. E. On the Principles of Inflammation and Fever. Bvo.
Lugol, M. Essays on the Effects of lodine in Scrofulous Diseases; including an
Inquiry into the mode of preparing loduretted Baths. Translated by W. B.
O’Shaughnessy, M.D. Bvo.
Mackness, J. The Moral Aspects of Medical Life, consisting of the Askcsios” of

Prof. K. F. H. Marx ; with Biographical Notices, &c. Bvo.

Maclean, R. A Treatisê-on the Progress and Shedding of the Human Teeth, to
their completion in a permanent state; on most prevalent causes of their irregular-
ity and decay, and most appropriate means for their preservation, 0 colored
plates. Bvo.
Mai.gaigne, J. F. Traite des Fractures et des Luxations. Bvo. With folio Atlas
of 1G plates.
Mapleson, T. A Treatise on the Art of Cupping; in which the history of that
operation is traced, the complaints in which it is useful indicated, and the most
approved method of performing it described. 12ino.
Marcet, A. An Essay on the Chemical History and Medical Treatment of Calcu-
lous Disorders, 10 plates, Bvo.
Marx, G. F. H., and R. Willis. On the Decrease of Disease effected by the l'„
*ess of Civilization. 12mo.
S. -S. Je IF. I Vood'a Médical C'tlahÿtvt.
Mato, H. ‘Tac Nervous System and its Functions. Bvo.
Millengen, J. G. Mind and Matter, illustrated by considerations on Hereditary In-
sanity, and the influence of temperament in the development of the Passions. Bvo.
Monro, A. Observations on the different kinds of Small Pox, and especially on that
which sometimes follows Vaccination. 2 colored plates, Bvo.
The Morbid Anatomy of the Human Gullet, Stomach, and Intestines. 20
plates. Bvo.
Moormann, J. J. The Virginia Springs, with their Analysis, and some remarks on
their character: also a Directory for the use of the While Sulphur Water, and an
account of the Diseases to which it is applicable, &c. 2 maps. l2mo.
Morison, Sir A. The Physiognomy ofMental Diseases. 99 plates. Bvo.
Mortimer, W. H. Observations on the Growth and Irregularities of Children’s
Teeth ; with remarks and advice on the Teeth in general, and an essay on Artifi-
cial Teeth. 4 plates. 12mo.
Neale, H. St. John. Practical Essays and Remarks on that species of Consump-
tion incident to Youth, and the different stages of Life, commonly called Tabes
Dorsalis ; with an account of its nature, causes, and cure, &c. Bvo.
Neill. J. Outlines of the Veins and Lymphatics; with short descriptions. 8 col-
ored plates. 8 vo.
Newman, J. B. The Illustrated Botany ; comprising the most valuable native and
exotic Plants, with their History, Medicinal properties, &c., with an Introduction
on Physiology, and a view of the Natural and Linnæan systems. 48 colored plates.
Noble, D. The Brain and its Physiology; a critical disquisition on the methods of
determining the relations subsisting between the structure and functions of the
Encephalon ; with engravings. Bvo.
Nygæ Canoræ;; or Epitaphian Mementoes (in Stone-Cutter’s verse) of the Medici
Family of modern times: By Units Quorum. Bvo.
Ollivier, C. Supériorité des Emissions Sanguines directes dans le traitement des
affections utérines. Bvo.
Pagan, J. M. The Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity. Bvo.
Pallas, E. De l’lnfluence de l’Electricile atmosphérique et terrestre sur l’organisme,
et de l’effet de l’isolement électrique considéré comme moyen curatif et préservatif
d’un grand nombre de maladies. Bvo.
Parry, C. H. Elements of Pathology and Therapeutics; being the outlines of a
work, intended to ascertain the nature, causes, and most efficacious mode of pre-
vention and cure, of the greater number of the diseases incidental to the Human
Frame. Bvo.
Pass, H. A Treatise on Artificial Teeth and Palates, and their importance in the
prevention and cure of Dyspepsia, &c., with advice to Parents on irregularities
of the Teeth, and observations on the effects of a residence in Tropical climates on
the Teeth of Europeans, &c. lBmo.
Payan, P. S. Sur l’Emploi de l’lodure de Potassium dans le traitement des Mala-
dies Syphilitique. Bvo.
Percy, J. An Experimental Inquiry concerning the presence of Alcohol in the Ven-
tricles ®f the Brain, after poisoning by that liquid ; with experiments on the physi-
ological action of Alcohol. Bvo.
Perreve, V. Traite de Rétrécissements Organiques de l’Urelre. Emploi métho-
diques des Dilatateurs Mécaniques dans le traitement de ces Maladies. 3 plates
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Philip, A. P. W. A Treatise on Fevers, including the various species of simple and
Eruptive Fevers. Bvo.
Philosophy in Sport made Science in Earnest; being an attempt to illustrate the first
principles of Natural Philosophy by the aid of the popular toys and sports ofy outa.
81 engravings. l2mo.
Pitta, N. C. Treatise on the Influence of Climate on the Human Specks; and of
the varieties of Men resulting from it, &c. Bvo,.
<5?. JS. d: TT" Wood's Medical Catalogue.
Pouchet, F. A. Théorie Positive tie l’Ovulation Spontané et la tie Fécondation de*
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male. Bvo. with a 4to. Atlas of 20 colored Plates.
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familiar description of the Anatomy and Physiology of the Organ of Vision ; Rules
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engravings. Bvo.
Pring, D. An Exposition of the Principles of Pathology, and of the Treatment of
Diseases. Bvo.
Quain, R. The Anatomy of the Arteries of the Human Body, and its applicationsto
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Pathology of Disordered Respiration ; with Remarks on the Remedial Treatment
applicable to each variety, &c. 0 colored plates, Bvo.
Riadore, J. E. A Treatise on Irritation of the Spinal Nerves as the source of Ner-
vousness, Indigestion, Functional and Organical Derangements of the principal
organs of the Body ; on the modifying influence of temperament and habits of
Man over diseases, &c., and on Therapeutic use of water. Bvo.
Rigby, E. An Essay on the Uterine Hemorrhage which precedes the delivery of the
full-grown Foetus. Bvo.
Ri OFREY, A. M. B. New Treatment of Malignant Diseases and Cancer, without
Incision. Bvo.
Roberton, J. A Practical Treatise on the Powers of Cantharides, when used inter-
«ally, demonstrated by experiment and observation ; with an Inquiry concerning
tlie nature and proper medical treatment of Gleet, Leucorrhœa, and obstinate
Sores. Bvo.
Rcckkut, E. P. Therapeutics of Homoeopathy ; or Outlines of successful Homoeo-
pathic Cures. Translated by C. J. Hernpel, M.D. Bvo.
Sappky, P. C. Manuel d’Anatomie Descriptive, et de Preparations Anatomiques.
114 engravings. 12mo.
Scott, J. Surgical Observations on the treatment of Chronic Inflammation in vari-
ous structures; particularly as exemplified in the diseases of the Joints. Bvo.
Seymour, E. J. Illustrations of some of the principal diseases of the Ovaria, their
symptoms and treatment : with observations on the structure and functionsof these
parts in the Human Being and in Animals. Bvo. ; with folio Atlas ot 14 plates.
Sinclair, Sir J. The Code of Health and Longevity; or a general view of the
rules and principles calculated for the preservation of Health, and the attainment
of Long Life. 9 plates. Bvo.
Smith, R. W. A Treatise on Fractures in the vicinity of the Joints, and on certain
forms of accidental and congenital Dislocations. Many engravings. Bvo.
Spratt, G. A Compendium of Toxicology, illustrated with colored figures of tire
principal indigenous and exotic Plants. 15 plates. 12mo.
Stafford, R. A. An Essay on the Treatment ol some Ailections of the Prostate
Gland. Plate. Bvo.
Swan, J. A Treatise on Diseases and Injuries of the Nerves. 10 plates. Bvo.
A Demonstration of the Nerves of the Human Body. 25 plates. 4to.
Tavignot, F. L. Traite Clinique des Maladies des Yeux. l2mo.
of the Blood, In
Thackrau, C. T. An Inquiry into the Nature and Properties
Health and Disease, Bvo.
Thomas, W. H. The Surgical and Descriptive Anatomy of the Bones, Ligaments,
and Joints. 12mo.
Thomson, R. D. Experimental Researches on the Food of Animals, and the Fatten-
ing of Cattle: with remarks on the Food of Man. l2mo.
Those, A. M. Etudes sur les Maladies Incidentes des Aliènes. Bvo.
S. S. d: W. Wood's Medical Catalogue. 69

Thorn, J. An Attempt to simplify the Treatment of Sexual Diseases. Bvo.

Title v, J. M. A Practical Treatise on Diseases of the Genitals of the Male; witnan
essay on the history, nature, and general Treatment of Lues Venerea. Plate. tSvo.
Townsf;nd, J. The Physician’s Vade Mccum; being a compendium of Nosology
and Therapeutics, for the use of Students. l2mo.
Turk, S. Description of the Retreat, an Institution near York, for Insane Persons
of the Society of Friends; containing an account of its origin and progress, the
modes of treatment, and a statement of cases. 3 plates. Bvo.
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importance of studying the anastomoses, in reference to the rationale of the new
operation for Aneurism; and the surgical treatment of Hæmorrhage. 2 colored
plates. Bvo.
Ti son, E. IV. The Cause and Treatment of the Curvature of the Spine, and diseases
of the vertebral column. 2d plates. Bvo.
Wainewrioht,- J. A Mechanical Account of Non-Naturals; being a brief explica-
tion of the changes made in Human Bodies, by Air, Diet, &c. On nature and
use of baths, upon the same principles, &c. 1707. 12mo.
Wai.i .ace. W. A Treatise on the Venereal Disease and its varieties. Bvo.
Waller, C. A Practical Treatise on the Function and Diseases of the Unimpreg-
nated Womb; with a chapter on Leucorrhcea, Fluor Albus, or “Weakness.”
t! plates. Bvo.
Ward, W. T. Practical Observations on Distortions of the Spine, Chest, and Limbs;
with Remarks on Paralytic and other Diseases connected with impaired or defec-
tive motion. Bvo.
Wabdrop, J. On Blood-Letting ;an account of the curative elfects of the abstraction
of Blood; with rules for employing both local and general Blood-Letting in the
treatment of diseases. 12mo., R. Practical Commentaries on the present knowledge and treatment of
Syphilis. 2 colored plates. Bvo.
West, T. A Treatise on Pyrosis Idiopathica, or Water-Brash, as contrasted with cer-
tain forms of indigestion and of organic lesions of the abdominal organs; with the
remedies dietetic and medicinal. Bvo.
Whately, T. An Improved Method of treating Strictures in the Urethra,
Plate. 8 vo.
Wilson, J. Lectures on the Structure and Physiology of the Male Urinary and
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diseases. 3 plates. Bvo.
Wilkinson, G. Experiments and Observations on the Cortex Salicis Latif.ilio, or
Broad-leaved Willow Bark; with remarks on the different species of Cinchona,
&c. Colored plate. Bvo.
Williams, J. Treatise on the Ear ; including the Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathol-
ogy. 6 plates. Bvo.
WIL son, J. An Inquiry into the nature and treatment of Spotted' Fever. Bvo.
W itiiering, W. An Account of the Foxglove, and some of its medicinal uses; with
remarks on Dropsy, and other diseases. Bvo.
Yellow Fever. A History of the Proceedings of the Board of Health in the City
of New York in 1822; with an account of the Rise and Progress of the Yellow
Fever in that year, &c. Bvo.
Young, T. An Introduction to Medical Literature, including a system of Practical
Nosology. 8 vo.
Youatt, W. The Pig: a treatise on the Breeds, Management, Feeding, and Medi-
cal treatment of Swine; with directions for salting Pork, and curing Bacon and
Hams. Engravings. 12mo,
JS. JS. du W. Wood's Medical Catalogue.
Ainslie, W. Observations on the Cholera Morbus of India. Bvo,
Aitken, J. Principles of Midwifery, or Puerperal Medicine. Bvo. 23 plates.
Alanson, E. Practical Observations on Amputation, and the after treatment;
with an account of the amputation above the ancle with a flap with cases. Bvo.

Alison, S. S. An inquiry into the propagation of Contagious Poisons, by the At-

mosphere; also into the nature and effects of vitiated air, its forms and sources,
and other causes of pestilence, &c. 12rao.
Allen, M. Essay on the Classification of the Insane. Bvo.
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Poultry, and Farm Dogs ; with directions for their management, breeding, cross-
ing, rearing, feeding, and preparation for a profitable market also, their diseases

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the Trunk and Extremities. 2 vols. Bvo. Plates and engravings.
Andral, M. Lectures on Diseases of the Brain and Nervous System, delivered in
the University of Paris. Bvo.
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Abdomen, Ovarium, and Skin; in which a more correct and consistent pathology
of these diseases is attempted to be established, and a new and more successful
method of treating them recommended and explained. B v o.
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2 vols. Bvo. Portrait.
Balfour, P, A Collection of Treatises on the effects of Sol-lunar influence in
Fevers, with an improved method of curing them. Bvo.
Banning, E. P. Common Sense on Chronic Diseases; or a rational treatise on
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ofboth male and female systems. 12mo.
Beach, W. Medical and Botanical Dictionary, giving definitions of the terms used
in the various branches of Medical Science. Bvo.
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iological and moral elevation. 4to. 53 colored plates.
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popular use. Bvo. Colored plates.
Beasley, H. The Pocket Formulary; and Synopsis of the British and Foreign
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and extemporaneous compounds, employed in medical practice in Great Britain,
America, France, Germany, India, &c. 24m0.
Beck, L. C. Botany of the United States north of Virginia; comprising descrip-
tions of the flowering and fern-like plants hitherto found in those states. l2mo.
Becker, A. C. Consumption treated Homoeopathically. 18rao.
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Bell, Benjamin. A Treatise on the theory and management of Ulcers; on White
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quences. Bvo.
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Bigelow, J. A Treatise on the Materia Medica, intended as a Sequel to the Phar-
macopoeia of the United States; being an account of the origin, qualities, and
medical uses of the articles and compounds which constitute that work, with their
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Bischopf, T. L. G. Proofs that the Periodic Maturation and Discharge of Ova
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condition of their propagation. Translated from the German, by C. R. Gilman,
M. D. and T. Tellkampf, M. D. Bvo. Stitched.
be, A. A Practical Essay on the disease generally known under the denorai-
S. S. (È W. Wood’s Medical Catalogue.
nation of Delirium Tremens, elucidating its division into distinct stages, and sim-
plilying its method of cure. Bvo.
Blakiston, P. Practical Observations on certain diseases of the Chest, and on the
principles of Auscultation. Bvo.
Blundell, J, The Principles and Practice of Obstetric Medicine; comprising
the structure of the female generative system; the process of parturition, in all its
details ; the after management of the puerperal state ; the physiology and dis-
eases of the unimpregnated generative system ; the physiology of conception, and
diseases of utero-gestation. Edited by A. C. Lee and N. Rogers, M. D. Bvo.
Bodenhamer, W. Practical Observations on some of the diseases of the Rectum,
Anus, and contiguous textures; giving their nature, seat, causes, symptoms, con-
sequences, and prevention : especially addressed to the non-medical reader. Bvo.
Boisseau, T. G. A Treatise on Cholera Morbus ; or researches on the symptoms,
nature, and treatment of this disease ; and on the different means of avoiding it.
Translated from the French, by G. S. Bedford, M. D. Bvo.
Bostock, J. An Essay on Respiration. Bvo.
Bostwick, H. A Treatise on the nature and treatment of Seminal Diseases, Im-
potency, and other kindred affections ; with practical directions for the manage-
ment, and removal of the cause producing them, &c. l2mo.

A complete practical work on the nature and treatment of Venereal Dis-

eases, and other affections of the Genito-Urinary Organs of the Male and Female.
4to. 36 colored plates.
Braid, J. Neurypnology ; or, the Rationale of Nervous sleep, considered in rela-
tion with Animal Magnetism. l2mo.
Broussais. Lectures on Phrenology, delivered in the University of Paris. Bvo,
Brown, J. B. On Scarlatina and its successful treatment by the acidum aceticum
dilutum of the Pharmacopoeia. Bvo.
Brown, S. A Treatise on the nature, origin, and progress of the Yellow Fever,
with observations on its treatment. Bvo.
Brown, Sol. Dentologia ; a poem on the diseases of the Teeth, and their proper
remedies. With Notes by E. Parmly. Bvo.
Buchan, W. Observations concerning the prevention and cure of the Venereal Dis-
ease. Bvo.
Buchanan, T. Physiological Illustrations of the Organ of Hearing, more particu-
larly of the secretion ofcerumen, and its effects in rendering auditory perception
accurate and acute; with further remarks on the treatment of diminution ofhear-
ing, arising from imperfect secretion, &c. Bvo. 10 plates.
Burrows, G. M. Commentaries on the causes, forms, symptoms, and treatment,
moral and medical, of Insanity. Bvo.
Bushnan, J. N. Surgical Observations on the Restoration of the Nose ; and on
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ations, &c. Bvo. 26 plates.

, The History of a case in which Animals were found in Blood drawn from
the veins of a boy, with remarks. Bvo. Colored plate.
Caldwell, C. Medical Theses, selected from among the Inaugural Dissertations,
published and defended by the Graduates in Medicine, of the University of Penn-
sylvania. Bvo.
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well as of the chief forms of Fossil Remains, 2 vols. Bvo. 630 engravings.
S. S. <& W. Wood’s Médical Catalogue.
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exposition of the properties of matter and of their mode of action ; the construc-
tion of instruments for the measurement of time; and a description of the heav-
enly bodies. Bvo. 175 engravings.
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Plants affording the important articles of the Matera Medica, and descriptive
letter-press. 2 vols. 4to. 100 plates.
Carus, C. G. An Introduction to the Comparative Anatomy of Animals ; compiled
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Celle, E. Hygiene Pratique des Pays Chauds, ou recherches sur les causes et
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Celsus, AC. A Translation of the Eight Books of Celsus on Medicine, by G.
F Collier, M. D, 12mo.
A literal interlinear translation of the first four books of Celsus de Medici-
na ; with Ordo,” and Text ; in which the elliptical constructions are completed

by supplying the suppressed words, &c. &c. By R. Venables, A. M. M. B. 12mo.

Chevalier, T. A Treatise on Gun-shot Wounds Bvo.
Chapman, E. A Treatise on the Improvement of Midwifery, chiefly with regard
to the operation. Bvo.
Chomel, A. F. Elements of General Pathology : translated from the French, by
F. E. Oliver, M. D., and W. W. Morland, MD, Bvo.
Christison, R. A Dispensatory, or Commentary on the Pharmacopoeias of
Great Britain (and the United States) comprising the natural history, descrip-

tion, chemistry, pharmacy, actions, uses, and doses of the articles of the Materia
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copious additions by R. E. Griffith, M. D. Bvo. 213 illustrations.
Clark, J. P. A Practical and Familiar treatise on the Teeth and Dentism.
I2mo. 4 plates.
Coleman, E. A Dissertation on Natural and Suspended Respiration. Bvo.
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plan for the arrangement of cutaneous appearances, according to their origin

and treatment : with an inquiry into the nature and cure of Fungi Hæmatodes
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Cooper, B. B. Lectures on Osteology, including the Ligaments which connect
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Cooper, C. C. Identities of Light and Heat, of Caloric and Electricity. Bvo.
Costill, O. H. A Practical treatise on Poisons; their symptoms, antidotes, and
mode of treatment. 18mo.
Cowan, C. A Bedside Manual of Physical Diagnosis, applied to diseases of tne
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Coxe, J. R. Practical Observations on Vaccination ; or Inoculation for the Cow-
pock. Bvo. Colored plate.
Cross, J. Sketches of the Medical Schools of Paris. Bvo.
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of sight, and on spectacles, reading-glasses, &c. Bvo. Colored plate.
Dalrymple, J. The Anatomy of the Human Eye. Bvo. 5 plates.
Davidge, JB. Nosologia Methodica ; classium et generum et specierum et varie-
tatum series marborum exhibens. Bvo.
Davi», D. D. The Principles and Practice of Obstetric Medicine, in a series of
systematic dissertations on Midwifery and on the diseases of Women and Chil
dren. 2 vols. 4to. 70 plates.
S. S. <6 W. Wood* s Médical Catalogue.
Davy, Sir Humphrey. His collected works, edited by his brother, John Davy,
M. D. F. R. S., including Memoirs of his life. 9 vols. Hvo.
Dawson, R. An Essay on Marriage ; being a microscopic investigation into its
physiological and physical relations; with observations on the nature,
and treatment of Spermatorrhoea, and the various disorders of the procreative
system in men. Bvo.
Dewees, W. P. An eulogium on him, by Hugh L. Hodge, M. D. Bvo.
Diefpenbach, J. F. Memoir on the radical cure of Stuttering, by a surgical ope-
ration. Bvo. 4 plates.
Douglas, J. Myographie Comparatw Specimen ; or a comparative description of
all the Muscles in a man and in a quadruped ; with an account of the Blood-
vessels and Nerves. J2mo.
Drake, D. Practical Essays on Medical Education, and the Medical profession in
the United States. Svo.
Ducatel, J. T. Manual of practical Toxicology ; condensed from Christison’s
Treatise on Poisons : with notes and additions. l2mo.
Dunglison, R. Commentaries on Diseases of the Stomach and Bowels of Chil-
dren. Bvo.
Syllabus of the Lectures on Medical Jurisprudence, and on treatment of
poisoning and suspended animation, delivered in the University of Virginia. Bvo.
Earle, P. History, Description, and Statistics of the Bloomingdale Asylum for the
Insane. Bvo.
Elliotson, J. On the recent improvements in the art of distinguishing the vari-
ous diseases of the heart. Folio. 8 plates.
Ellis, G. V. Demonstrations of Anatomy ; being a guide to theDissection of the
human body. Bvo.
Erichsen, J. E. Observations on Aneurism, selected from the works of the prin-
cipal writers on that disease from the earliest periods to the close of the last cen-
tury. Bvo.
Farrell, C. On Ophthalmia, and its consequences. Bvo.
Ferguson, R. Essays on Puerperal Fever. 12mo.
Ferguson, W. Notes and Recollections of a Professional Life. Bvo.
Ferris, F. T. A Treatise on Epidemic Cholera, as observed in the Duane-street
Cholera Hospital, New York, during its prevalence there in 1834. Bvo. 4 col-
ored plates.
Flood, V. The Anatomy and Physiology of the Nervous System. 12mo.
Fontana, F. Treatise on the Venom of the Viper; on the American Poisons;
and on the Cherry Laurel, and other Vegetable Poisons, &c. 2 vols. Bvo.
10 plates.
Foot, J. A Critical Inquiry into the ancient and modern method of curing dis-
eases in the Urethra and Bladder; and of the successful practice of Vesicæ Lo-
tura, for the cure of diseased bladders. Bvo.
Fox, S. Observations on the disorder of the general health of Females, called
chlorosis showing the true cause to be entirely independent of peculiarities of

sex. Bvo.
ï'resenius, C. R. &H. Will. New Methods of Alkalimetry, and of determining
the commercial value of Acids and Manganese : edited by J L. Bullock. 12mo.
Fyfe, A. A Compendium of the Anatomy of the Human Body ; intended princi-
pally for the use of students. 2 vol. lBmo.
Gardner, D. P. New Medical Dictionary; containing an explanation of the
terms in Anatomy, human and comparative—Physiology—Practice of Medicine—
Obstetrics,—Surgery,—Therapeutics,—Materia Medica,—Chemistry,— Botany,—
Natural Philosophy,—with the Formulas of the principal Pharmacopoeias, and
aluable practical articles on the treatment of disease. On the basis of Hooper
and Grant. Bvo.
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Manual of the science, with its applications to Toxicology, Physiology, Thera-
peutics, Hygiene, &c. l‘3mo. With engravings.
Gavin, H. On Feigned and Fictitious Diseases ; on the means used to simulate or
produce them ; and on the best modes of discovering impostors. Bvo.
Gibson, W. Dissertatio Physica Inauguralis de forma Ossiurn Gentilitia, &c. Bvo.
Gold-Headed Cane. Bvo.
Goodlad; W. A Practical Essay on the Diseases of the vessels and glands of the
Absorbent System. Bvo.
Gordon, J. Observations on the Structure of the Brain; comprising an estimate
of the claims of Drs. Gall and Spurzheim to discovery in the anatomy of that
organ. Bvo. 2 plates.
Graham, T. J. Modern Domestic Medicine ; a Popular Treatise, illustrating the
symptoms, causes, distinction, and correct treatment of the diseases incident to
the numan frame ; embracing the modern improvements in medicine ; with a
Domestic Materia Medica, copious collection of approved prescriptions, &c. &c.
Also an Appendix on the Cold Water System, for the use of clergymen, heads
of families, and invalids. Bvo.
■ On the Diseases of Females ; illustrating their symptoms, causes, varieties,
and treatment, including the diseases and management of Pregnancy and Ly-
ing-in ; with Appendix on treatment of Epilepsy, Diseases of the Heart, &c.
8 vo.
Gray, A. A Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States, from New
England to Wisconsin, and south to Ohio and Pennsylvania, inclusive, &c.
Gregory, J. Conspectus Medicinae Theoretic® ; or a view of the Theory of Med-
icine ; with a literal and interlinear translation on the principles of the Hamilto-
nian System. By J. W, Underwood, 2 vols. X2mo.
Grant, R. E. Outlines of Comparative Anatomy, presenting a sketch of the
present state of knowledge, and of the progress of discovery, in that science ;
and designed to serve as an introduction to Animal Physiology, and to the prin-
ciples of classification in Zoology. Bvo. Numerous engravings.
Gunther, F. A. New Manual of Homoeopathic Veterinary Medicine; or the Ho-
moeopathic treatment of the Horse, the Ox, the Sheep, the Dog, and other domes-
tic animals. l2mo.
Guthrie, G. J. On the Anatomy and Diseases of the Neck of the Bladder and
of the Urethra. Bvo. 3 colored plates.
Hamilton, A. A Treatise on the management of Female Complaints, and of
Children in early infancy. Bvo.
Hamersley, A. A Dissertation on the remote and proximate causes of Phthisis
Pulmonalis. l2mo.
Herbert, £ J. A Practical Treatise on the operations of surgical and mechani-
cal Dentistry. Bvo. 4 plates.
Hastings, J. Lectures on Yellow Fever, its causes, pathology, and treatment. Bvo.
Haygarth, J. A letter to Dr. Percival on the prevention of Infectious Fevers ; and
an Address to the College of Physicians at Philadelphia, on the prevention of the
American Pestilence. Bvo.
Hills, M. A Treatise on the operation of Cupping. TBmo. 3 plates.
Hitchcock, E. Dyspepsy Forestalled and Resisted ; or Lectures on Diet, Regi-
men, and Employment. ]2mo.
Holmes, O. W. Homoeopathy, and its kindred delusions. 12mo.
Hope, E. W. The Coleopterist’s Manual: containing the Predaceous land and
water Beetles of Linnaeus and Fabricius. Bvo. 4 colored plates.
Hosack, D. Observations on the Laws governing the communication of Conta-
gious Diseases, and the means of arresting their progress. 4to.
Howard, J. Practical observations on the natural history and cure of the Vene-
real Disease. 2 vols. Bvo. 2 plates.
S. S. <& W. Wood s Medical Catalogue.
Howship, J. Practical Observations on the diseases of the Urinary Organs ; par-
ticularly those of the Bladder, Prostate Gland, and Urethra. Bvo. 4 colored plates.
Humble, W. Dictionary of Geology and Mineralogy, comprising such terms of
Botany, Chemistry, Comparative Anatomy, Conchology, Entomology, Palaeon-
tology, Zoology, and other branches of Natural History, as are connected with
the study of Geology. Bvo.
Ingleby, J. T. A Practical Treatise on Uterine Hemorrhage, in connection with
Pregnancy and Parturition. Bvo.
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most important diseases incidental to females. Bvo.
Jackson, J. An Inquiry into the nat ure and causes of Epilepsy ; with the function
of the Spleen ; and the use of the Thyroid Body, &c. Bvo.
Jacob, A. Essays on the Anatomy of the eye. Bvo. 2 colored plates.
Jacobi, M. On the Construction and Management of Hospitals for the Insane ;
with a particular notice of the Institution at Siegburg. With introductory obser-
vations, &c., by Samuel Tuke. Bvo. 3 plates.
Jahr, G. H. G. Nouveau Manuel de Medicine Homœopathique, en deux parties :

Ire. Matière Médicale: 20. Repertoire Thérapeutique et Symptomatologique.

Jeffreys, H. Cases in Surgery, selected from the records of the Author’s practice ;
and illustrating the nature and mode of treatment of Strumous or Scrofulous
Ophthalmia ; the sedative powers ofTartar Emetic in the cure of local inflamma-
tions, when administered internally ; treatment of the Mammary or Milk Abscess ;
and beneficial effects of Elm Bark as a cheap substitute for sarsaparilla. Bvo.
Jeffreys, J. Views upon the Statics of the Human Chest, Animal Heat, and de-
terminations ofBlood to the Head. Bvo.
Jobert, A. J. Plaies d’ Armes a Feu, mémoire sur la cauterisation, et description
d’un speculum a bascule. Bvo. 2 plates.
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Chemistry ; containing in a condensed form, all the most important facts and
principles of the Science. l2mo. 94 illustrations.
Johnstone, J. A Discourse on the Phenomena of Sensation ns connected with
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Jones, H. B. On Gravel, Calculus, and Gout : chiefly an application of Professor
Liebig’s Physiology to the prevention and cure of these diseases. Bvo.
Jukes, A. A case of Carcinomatous Stricture of the Rectum, in which the descend-
ing colon was opened in the loin. 4to. 4 plates.
Kite, C. An Essay on the recovery of the Apparently Dead. Bvo. 3 plates.
Knapp, F. Chemical Technology; or, Chemistry applied to the Arts and to Man-
ufactures. Edited by Drs. Ronolds and Richardson. With Notes and Addi-
tions by Prof. W. R. Johnson. Bvo. Numerous engravings.
Knox, R. Engravings of the Ligaments, copied from the original works of the
Caldanis. 4to. 10 plates.
Lallemand, M. A Practical Treatise on the causes, symptoms, and treatment of
Spermatorrhoea : translated by H. J. McDougall. Bvo.
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Lebaudy, J. The Anatomy of the Regions interested in the surgical operations
performed upon the Human Body, with occasional views of the Pathological con-
ditions which nnder the interference of the surgeon necessary. Folio. 18 plates
size of life.
Lee, Charles A. A Catalogue of the Medicinal Plants, indigenous and exotic,
growing in the State ofNew York ; with a brief account of their composition and
medical properties. Bvo. SiHched.
S. S. & W. Wood's Medical Catalogue.
Lee, E. The Baths of Germany, considered with reference to their remedial effi-
cacy in chronic diseases; with an Appendix on the Cold Water Cure. 12mo.
Lee, R. Researches on the Pathology and Treatment of some of the most impor-
tant Diseases of Women. Bvo. 2 plates.
Levison, J. L. Practical Observations on the Teeth and Gums, with the best
mode for their preservation. Bvo.
Liston, R. Lectures on the Diseases of the Bones and the Joints. Bvo.
Some Remarks on Wounded Arteries, secondary hemorrhage and false an-
eurisms. Bvo. Stitched.
—On a Variety of False Aneurisms. Bvo. Stitched.
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ing their treatment, both with, and without surgical operation, Bvo. 41 engra-
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the treatment of various diseases. Bvo.
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200 domestic remedies. Bvo.
Lobstein, J. F. De Nervi Sympathetici Humani, fabrica usu et morbis, commen-
tatio anatomico —physiologico—pathologica, &c. 4to. 10 colored plates.
Lyall, R. Medical Evidence relative to the Duration of Human Pregnancy given
in the'Gardner Peerage cause, before the Committee of Privileges of the House of
Lords. Bvo.
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striking phenomena of Sympathy, both mental and corporeal, with a view of en-
larging the grounds and improving the application of the constitutional treatment
of local diseases. Bvo.
Mackintosh, J. A Treatise on the Disease termed Puerperal Fever ; illustrated
by numerous cases and dissections. Bvo,
M’Clellan, G. Principles and Practice of Surgery. Bvo.
Macmichael, W. A new view of the infection of Scarlet Fever, illustrated by re-
marks on other contagious disorders. Bvo.
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and other diseases of the Respiratory organs, and in affections of the Heart,
Bvo. Colored plate.
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with observations on the nature, causes, and treatment of Female disorders in
general, Bvo.
Matteücci, C. Lectures on the Physical Phenomena of Living Beings, transla-
ted under superintendence of J. Pereira, M, D. 12mo. 36 engravings.
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in preserving health, and curing a variety of painful and obstinate diseases, &c.
&c. 18mo.
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tire lists of Materia Medica, preparations and compounds, with a full and distinct
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S. S. & W. Wood's Medical Catalogue.
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&c. By R. E. Griffith, M. D. 12mo.

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Medical Facts and Observations: containing numerous interesting cases in the
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Moore, John, Medical Sketches. Bvo.
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the quantities to be applied. 18mo.

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coveries of other authors. By S. Solly, F. R. S. Bvo. 4 plates.
Nasmyth, A. Researches on the development, structure, and diseases of the Teeth.
Bvo. 7 plates.
Newnham, W. Essay on Superstition : being an inquiry into the effects of Physi-
. cal Influence on the Mind, in the production of Dreams, Visions, Ghosts, &c. Bvo.
Neill &
Smith. An Analytical Compend of the various branches of Medical
Science. 12mo. Illustrations containing a

Hand Book of the Practice of Medicine ;

do. of Materia Medica and Therapeutics ;

do. of Obstetrics ;

do. of Surgery;
do. of Anatomy;
do. of Chemistry.
Nisbet, W. First Lines of the Theory and Practice in Venereal Diseases. Bvo.
Parkinson, J. Observations on the Act for regulating Mad Houses, with remarks
addressed to the friends of insane persons.
Renwick, J. First Principles of Chemistry ; being a familiar introduction to the
study of that science. 18mo. 154 illustrations.
Richards, T. A. Treatise on Nervous Disorders ; including observations on die
tetic and medicinal remedies. l2mo.
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the use of families and teachers. 18mo. 7 engravings.

Rowe, G. R. On some of the most important Disorders of Women. Bvo.
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Stomach, &c., occasioned by Low Spirits, Indigestion, and Gout, &c. Bvo.
Ryan, M. The Philosophy of Marriage, in its social, moral, and physical relations ;
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and Disease ; new and original views explanatory of their nature, causes, and
78 S. S. (&. W. Wood's Medical Catalogue.
connection ; and of the treatment of disease upon a few general principles, based
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Sewall, T. The Pathology of Drunkenness, or the Physical effects of Alcoholic
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Spilsbury, F. Free Observations on the Scurvy, Gout, Diet, and Remedy, Bvo.
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Griffith, M. D. Bvo.
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and as free from professional terms as possible, the nature, symptoms, causes,
probable terminations, and treatment of all diseases incident to Men, Women,
and Children, in cold and warm climates ; with appropriate prescriptions in
English, doses of medicine suitable to different ages, &c. edited by D. Hosack,

M. D. Bvo.
Tissot. Advice to People in general, with respect to their health. 2 vols. 12mo.
Tod, D. The Anatomy and Physiology of the Organ of Hearing; with remarks
on Congenital Deafness, the diseases of the Ear, some imperfections of the or-
gans of Speech, and the proper treatment of these several affections. Bvo,
3 plates.
Trotter, T. An Essay, Medical, Philosophical, and Chemical, on Drunkenness,
and its effects on the Human Body. Bvo.
Tucker, D. H. Elements of the Principles and Practice of Midwifery. 12mo,
41 engravings.
Turnbull, A. A Treatise on Painful and Nervous Diseases, and on a new mode
of treatment for diseases of the Eye and Ear. Bvo. plate.
Uwins, D. A Treatise on those disorders of the Brain and Nervous System,
which are usually considered and called Mental. Bvo.
A Compendium of Theoretical and Practical Medicine ; comprising with
the symptoms, diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of diseases, a general review
of Physiology and Pathology, together with an estimate of the perfect state of
Medical Science. 12mo.
S. S. <&
W. Wood’s Medical Catalogue.
üre, A. A Dictionary of Chemistry, on the basis of Nicholson’s; in which the
principles of the science are investigated anew, and its applications to the phe-
nomena of nature, medicine, mineralogy, agriculture, and manufactures, detailed.
Bvo. 14 plates.
Venereal Contagion. A familiar Essay explanatory of the theory and practice of
prevention of Venereal Contagion ; with observations on nature and treatment
of Gonorrhoea. ]2mo.
Vetch, J. A Practical Treatise on Diseases of the Eye. Bvo. 3 colored plates.
Wadd, W. Mems. Maxims, and Memoirs. Bvo. 3 plates.
Cursory Remarks on Corpulence ; or Obesity considered as a Disease ;
with a critical examination of ancient and modem opinions relative to its causes
and cure. Bvo.
Comments on Corpulency, Lineaments of Leanness, Mems. on Diet and
Dietetics. Bvo. 6 plates.
Warren, J. C. Etherization ; with special remarks. l2mo.

A Comparative View of the Sensorial and Nervous Systems in men and
animals. Bvo. 8 plates.
Water Cure in America ; two hundred and twenty cases of various diseases treated
with Water, by Drs. Wesselhoeft, Shew, Bedortha, Shieferdecker, and others ;
with cases of domestic practice ; notices of Water Cure Establishments. 12mo.
Watt. J. J. A Medical Dictionary ; containing an explanation of the Terms in
Surgery, Medicine, Midwifery, Anatomy, Chemistry, &c. 12mo.
Weatherhead, G. H. The History of the early and present state of the Venereal
Disease examined ; wherein is shown that Mercury never was necessary for
its cure, as well as the injurious consequences that result from its employment ;
with approved modes of treatment founded on its Pathology. 12mo. colored
Weisbach, J. Principles of the Mechanics of Machinery and Engineering: edited
by W, R. Johnson, A. M. 2 vols. Bvo. 1000 engravings.
Welsh, B. A Practical Treatise on the Efficacy of Blood-Letting, in the epidemic
Fever of Edinburgh, with cases, &c. Bvo.
White, W. Observations on the nature and method of cure of the Phthisis Pulmo-
nalis ; or Consumption of the Lungs. Bvo.
Whitehead, J. On the Causes and Treatment of Abortion and sterility; being the
result of an extended practical inquiry into the physiological and morbid con-*
ditions of the Uterus, with reference especially to Leucorrhoeai affections, and the
diseases of Menstruation. Bvo.
Whytt, Robert, The Works of, comprising the Vital and Involuntary motions or
Animals; causes which promote circulation of the fluids in the small vessels of
animals ; Sensibility and Irritability of the parts of men and other animals ; ex-4
periments with Opium on living and dying animals ; Lime-water and Soap in
cure of Stone ; Lithontriptic virtue of the Carlsbad waters, lime-water, and soap ;
Electrical virtue in cure of Palsy; Nervous, Hypochondriac, or Hysteric disor-
ders ; Dropsy in Brain, &c. 4to.
Wigan, A. L. A New View of Insanity. The Duality of the mind proved by the
structure, functions, and diseases of the Brain, and by the phenomena of Mental
Derangement, and shown to be essential to moral responsibility. Also, the in-
fluence of Religion on Insanity; conjectures on the nature of 4he Mental opera-
tions ; and on the management of Lunatic Asylums. Bvo.
Will, H. Outlines of the Course of Qualitative Analysis followed in the Giessen
Laboratory ; with a Preface by Baron Liebig. Bvo.
Williams, J. An Essay on the use of Narcotics and other remedial agents, cal-
culated to produce sleep in the treatment of Insanity. Bvo.
Wilson, E. On Ringworm ; its causes, pathology, and treatment. 12mo. with plate.
Witt, G. A Compendium of Osteology ; being a systematic treatise on the Bones
of the Human Body ; with an improved method of preparing Bones for Osteo-
logical purposes. 4to.
80 S. S & W. Wood’s Medical Catalogue.
Acrf.t G. S. A Treatise on Hernia, explaining its varieties, situation, symptoms,
and causes; with a full description of the construction and application of the
most approved mechanical remedies. 7 plates. Bvo.
Agassiz. L Twelve Lectures on Comparative Embryology, delivered before the
Lowell Institute, in Boston. Numerous engravings. Bvo. Stitched.
Aitkin. T. J. Elements of Physiology : being an account of the laws and prin-
ciples of the animal economy, especially in reference to constitution of man. l2rno.
Alims. C. J. B. An Introduction to Hospital Practice, in various complaints ; with
remarks on their Pathology and Treatment. Bvo.
Allf.n, M. Cases of Insanity, with Medical, Moral, and Philosophical Observa-
tions and Essays upon them. Bvo.
Allnat, R. H. Tic Douloureux, or Neuralgia Facialis, and other Nervous Affec-
tions; their Seat, Nature, and Cause. Bvo.
Alpinüs, P. De Præsagienda vita et morte ægrotantium, &c. Cum prefatione
H. Boerhaave. 4to. 1710.
American Medical Association, Transactions of. Plates. Bvo.
Amksbury, J. Practical Remarks on the Causes, Nature, and Treatment of De-
formities of the Spine, Chest, and Limbs, Muscular Weakness, Weak Joints,
Muscular Contractions, and Stiff Joints, with Cases. 35 plates. 4to.
Armstrong, R. Influence of Climate, and other Agents, on the Human Consti-
tution, with reference to the Causes and Prevention of Diseases among Seamen:
with Observations on Fever in General, and an account of the Epidemic Fever
in Jamaica. Bvo.
Austin, W. Treatise on the Origin and Component Parts of the Stone in the
Urinary Bladder. Bvo.
Auvert, A. Selecta Praxis Medico-Chirurgicæ quam Mosquæ exercet ; typis et
figuris expressa moderanta. 120 colored plates folio.
Bailey, J. Observations on the use of Belladonna, in Painful Disorders of the
Head and Face. Bvo.
Bat.btrnir. J. Philosophy of the Water Cure : a development of the true princi-
ples of Health and Longevity. 12mo.
Ballingall, G. Outlines of Military Surgery. Bvo.
Practical Observations on Fever, Dysentery, and Liver Complaints, as they
occur amongst European Troops in India ; with an Essay on Syphilis. Bvo.
Baly, W. Recent Advances in the Physiology of Motion, the Senses, Generation,
and Development. 25 engravings. Bvo.
Bampfield, R. W. Practical Treatise on Tropical Dysentery, more particularly
as it occurs in the East Indies, with Cases and appearances on Dissection; also
on Scorbutic Dysentery, Scurvy, &c. Bvo.
Bartlett, E. Inquiry into the degree of certainty in Medicine ; and into the na-
ture and extent ofits power over disease. Bvo.
Bateman, T. Delineations of Cutaneous Diseases ; exhibiting the characteristic
appearances of the principal genera and species comprised in the classification
of the late Dr. Wilian. 72 colored plates. 4to.
Beck, J. B, Essays on Infant Therapeutics : to which are added Observations
on Ergot, and an account of the origin of the use of Mercury in Inflammatory
Complaints. 12mo.
-Becker, A. C. Diseases of the Eye, treated Homœopafhically. 18mo.
Bell, C. Nervous System of the Human Body ; embracing the papers delivered
to the Royal Society on the subject of the Nerves. Also, Functions of some
parts of the Brain, and the relations between the Brain and Nerves of Motion
and Sensation. 13 plates. 4to.
Treatise on the Diseases of the Urethra, Vesica Urinaria, Prostate, and
Rectum. 5 plates. Bvo.
Bell, J. Discourses on the Nature and Cure of Wounds. Bvo.
Bennett, J. H. Treatise on the Oleum Jecoris Aselli, or Cod Liver Oil, as a the-
rapeutic agent in certain forms of Gout, Rheumatism, and Scrofula. 8vo»
S. S. <& W. Wood's Medical Catalogue, 81

P'VGHam, R. Practical Essays on Strictures of the Urethra and Diseases of the

Testicles; with observations on Fistula in Perinæo and Hydrocele, and on Life
and Organization. Bvo.
Blancardi Lexicon Medicum in quo artis medicæ termini Anatomiæ, Chirurgiæ,
Pharmacia, Chemise, Rei Botanicæ, &c. Emendata et aucta aC. G. Kuhn.
2 vols. 6vo.
Blanchard, E. L. Watering Places of England, with map and engravings. 18mo.
Bland, R. Observations on Human and Comparative Parturition. Bvo.
Boerhaave, H. OEconomia Animalis æreis tabulis illustrata. 4to. 1741
Boivin and Duges. Practical Treatise on the Diseases of the Uterus and Appen-
dages: translated from the French, with notes, by G. O. Heming, F.L.S. Bvo.
Bostock, J. Sketch of the History of Medicine, from its origin to commencement
of 19th century. Bvo.
Bowman, J. E. Introduction to Practical Chemistry, including Analysis. 97 en-
gravings. 12mo.
Brett, F. H. On Cataract, Artificial Pupil, and Strabismus. 4 plates. Bvo.
Burgess, T. H. Physiology or Mechanism of Blushing; illustrative of the influ-
ence of Mental Emotion on the Capillary Circulation, &c. Bvo.
Bull, T. Maternal Management of Children in Health and Disease. 12mo,
Burns,!. Practical Observations on the Uterine Hemorrhage; with remarks on
the Management of the Placenta. Bvo.
Bushnan, J. S. Observations on Hydropathy; with an account of the principal
Cold Water establishments of Germany. 12rno.
Campbell, A. D. Introduction to the Study and Practice of Midwifery. Bvo.
Campbell, W. A Treatise on the Epidemic Puerperal Fever in Edinburgh, in

Carbutt, E. Clinical Lectures in the Manchester Royal Infirmary. Bvo.

Channing, W. Treatise on Etherization in Child-birth : illustrated by 581 cases. Bvo,
Chevalier, T. Treatise on Gun-shot Wounds. 18mo,
Lectures on the General Structure of the Human Body, and on the Anat-
omy and Functions of the Skin. 7 plates. Bvo.
Childs, G. B. Gonorrhoea, and its consequences; with a short historical sketch
of the Venereal Disease. 12mo.
Claridge, R. T. Every Man his own Doctor: the Cold Water, Tepid Water, and
Friction Cure, as applicable to every disease to which the human frame is sub-
ject: and also to the cure of diseases in horses and cattle. T2mo.
Clark, A. Practical Directions for preserving the Teeth; with most modern and
improved methods of supplying their loss; improved Artificial Palate, &c. 6
plates. Bvo.
Cock, E. Practical Anatomy of the Nerves and Vessels supplying the Head,
Neck, and Chest. 12mo.
Cocks, W. P. Illustrations of Dislocations and Fractures. 41 plates. Bvo.
Conwell, W. E. E. Treatise on the Functional and Structural Changes of the
Liver, in the progress of Disease ; and on agency of Hepatic Derangement in
producing other disorders: with treatment of Hepatic Disease in India. Bvo.
Cormack, J. R. Natural History, Pathology, and Treatment of the Epidemic
Fever of Edinburgh in 1813. Bvo.
Coventry. C. B. Epidemic Cholera; its History, Causes, Pathology, and Treat-
ment. 12mo.
Cox, A. L. Pathology and Treatment of Asiatic Cholera. 12mo. Stitched.
Creve, C. C. Von den Kraulcheiten des Weibiichen Beckens. 10 plates. 4to. 1795.
Crichton, A. Inquiry into the Nature and Origin of Mental Derangement;
comprehending a concise system of the Physiology and Pathology of the Hu-
man Mind ; and a history of the Passions and their effects, 2 vols. Bvo.
Crisp, E. Treatise on the Structure, Diseases,, and Injuries of the Blood-vessels,
Colored plates. Bvo,
S. S. dk W. Wood's Medical Catalogue.
Critciiett, G. Lectures on the Causes and Treatment of Ulcers of the Lowei
Extremity. Bvo.
Curtis, A. Lectures on Midwifery and the forms of Disease Peculiar to Women
and Children, delivered in the Botanico-Med. College of Ohio. Bvo.
Cutler, T. Popular Surgery ; being plain directions to heads of families, cap-
tains of ships, emigrants, &c., for affording relief in all cases of accidents, dan-
gerous disease, poisoning, &c., in the absence of a regular practitioner. 12mo.
Dalrymple, J, Pathology of the Human Eye. 4to Colored plates. (In course
Dana, S. L. Lead Diseases ; a Treatise from the French of L. Tanquerel des
Planches; with additions on the use of Lead Pipe and its substitutes. Bvo.
Darlington, W. Agricultural Botany; an Enumeration and Description of use-
ful Plants and Weeds, which merit notice, or require attention of American ag-
riculturists. 12mo.
Day, G. E. A Practical Treatise on the Domestic Management, and more im-
portant Diseases, of Advanced Life. Bvo.
Dazyr, V. Essay on the Danger of Interments in Cities. Bvo,
Dix, J. H. Treatise upon the Nature and Treatment of Morbid Sensibility of the
Reiina, or Weakness of Sight. 12mo.
Dodonæus. Medicinalium Observationum exempla rara. 12mo. 1521.
Dominiceti, B. Medical Anecdotes of the last thirty years, illustrated with medi-
cal truths, and addressed to the Medical Faculty. Bvo. 1781.
Douglas, J. Comparative Description of all the Muscles in a Man, and in a
Quadruped; with an account of the Blood-vessels and Nerves. 12mo. 1777.
Drummond, J. L. First Steps to Anatomy. 12 plates. 12mo.
Dufton, W. The Nature and Treatment of Deafness, and Diseases of the Ear;
and Treatment of the Deaf and Dumb. 12mo.
Edinburgh Dissector ; or a System of Practical Anatomy, for the use of Students
in the Dissecting Room. 12mo.
Eisenberg, J. Surgical and Practical Observations on the Diseases of the Hu-
man Foot ; with instructions for their treatment : also Advice on the Manage-
ment of the Hand. 4to.
England, W. Observations on, the Functional Disorders of the Kidneys, which
give rise to the formation of Urinary Calculi. Bvo.
Etiierington, G. F. Essays on Puerperal Fever, Embryulcra, Alcohol, Ergot of
Rye, Animal Mechanics, &c. &c. 18mo.
Evans, J. Pathological and Practical Remarks on Ulcerations of the Genital
Organs. Bvo.
Evans, J. T. Lectures on Pulmonary Phthisis, delivered in Jervis Street Hospital ;
comprehending the Pathology, Diagnosis, and Treatment of the Disease. Bvo.
Eyre, J. Practical remarks on some exhausting diseases, particularly those inci-
dent to women. Bvo.
Falconer, W. A Dissertation on the influence of the Passions upon Disorders of
the Body. 18mo.
Farr, W. Essay on the Effects of the Fucus Helminthocorton upon Cancer, more
especially in the stage denominated Occult ; origin and nature of the disease,
, probable way in which the dispersion of these tumors is effected, &c. Colored
plates. Bvo.
Flood, V. Surgical Anatomy of the Arteries, and Descriptive Anatomy of the
Heart ; with the Physiology of the Circulation in Man and Inferior Animals.
Engravings and colored plate. 12mo.
Foot, J. Complete Treatise on the Nature, Symptoms, and Cure of Lues Venerea,
Historical, Theoretical, Practical, and Original. Bvo.
Fracastorius. Hieronymi Fracastorii Syphilis siveMorbus Gallicus. Small 4to,
Francke, H. Outlines of a New Theory of Disease, applied to Hydropathy,
showing that Water is the only true remedy: with observations on the errors
S. S. & W. Wood's Medical Catalogue. 83

commit'.sd in the practice of Hydropathy : cure of Cholera by Cold Water, &c.

Translated from the German, by R. Baikie, M.D. 12mo.
Franz, J. E. A. The Eye ; a Treatise on the art of preserving this organ in a
healthy condition, and of improving the sight; with a view of the Anatomy and
Physiology of the Eye ; observations on its expression as indicative of the char
acter and emotions of the mind, &c. Plate. Bvo.
Freeman, S. Observations on the Mechanism of the Horse’s Foot; its natural
spring explained, and a mode of Shoeing recommended, by which the foot is
defended from external injury, with the least impediment to its spring. 16 col
ored plates. 4to.
Freind, J. De Febribus Commentarii Novem, &c. Bvo.
History of Physic from the time of Galen to the beginning of 16th century.
2 vols. Bvo. 1725.
Glyster, Gregory. A Dose for the Doctors ; or the Æsculapian Labyrinth Ex-
plored: in a series ofinstructions to Young Physicians, Surgeons, Accoucheurs,
Apothecaries, Druggists, and Chemists; with Risible Anecdotes affecting tha
Faculty, &c. 4to.
Green, H. Observations on the Pathology of Croup; with remarks on its treat-
ment by Topical Medications. Plate. 12mo.
Griffin, J. J. Scientific Miscellany; containing Liebig on Chemical Analysis of
Organic Bodies —Griffin’s Principles of Crystallography—Griffin’s Application
of Crystallography to Mineralogy—Von Kobell on Discrimination of Minerals
by Experiment —Ramsay’s Geology of Island of Arran —Spencer on Eiectrog-
raphy—Hunt’s Art of Photography. Bvo.
Grimes, G. A Treatise on the most important subject in the World; simply to
say, Insanity. Bvo. (By an inmate of the Lunatic Asylum of Tennessee.)
Guthrie, C. G. On Cataract, and its appropriate treatment by the operation
adapted for each peculiar case. Colored plate. Bvo.
Guthrie, G. J. Treatise on Gun-shot Wounds, on Injuries of Nerves, and on
Wounds of the Extremities requiring the different operations of Amputation, &c.
&c. 5 plates. Bvo.
Hall. Observations on the Curability of Consumption. Bvo.
Hall, M. Diseases and Derangements of the Nervous System, in their primary
forms and in their modifications by age, sex, constitution, hereditary predisposi-
tion, excesses, general disorder, and organic disease. 8 plates. Bvo.
New Memoir on the Nervous System. 5 plates. 4to.
Hamilton, F. H. Monograph on Strabismus, with cases. 12mo.
Hamilton, G. Prodromus Plantarum Indiæ Occidentalis hucusque cognitarum,
tarn in Oris Americæ Meridionalis, quam in Insulis Antillieus spontæ crescen--
tium, aut ibi diuturne hospitantium, &c. Colored plate. Bvo.
Harrison, E. Pathological and Practical Observations on Spinal Diseases, with
cases ; also an Inquiry into the Origin and Cure ofDistorted Limbs. 15plates. Bvo.

Harvey, G. Conclave of Physicians; detecting their intrigues, frauds, and plots

against their patients, and their destroying the Faculty of Physic ; Discourse
on Jesuit’s Bark, &c. &c. 18mo. 1686.
Hartley, R. M. An Historical, Scientific, and Practical Essay on Milk, as an
article of Human Sustenance ; effects upon the present unnatural methods of
producing it for the supply of large cities. 12mo.
Harwood, W. On the Curative Influence of the Southern Coast of England ;
especially that of Hastings : with observations on Diseases in which a residence
on the coast is most beneficial. Bvo.
Hastings, J. Pulmonary Consumption, successfully treated with Naphtha. Bvo
Hippocrates. Magni Hippocratis coaca præsagia, opus plane divinum, et veræ
medicinæ tanquam thesaurus, cum interpretatione et commentariis J. 11. Stem-
pani, &c. &,c. Folio. 1576.
Hippocratis de Morbis Popularibus, liber primus et tertius. Bvo. 1717.
Hcdsson, J, Treatise on the Diseases of Arteries and Veins, containing the pa»
S. S. cfr W. Wood’s Medical Catalogue.
thology and treatment of Aneurisms and Wounded Arteries. Bvo. with 4to.
atlas of 8 plates.
Holland, G. C. Philosophy of the Moving Powers of the Blood. Bvo.
Howard, L. The Climate of London, deduced from Meteorological Observations,
made in the metropolis and at various places around it. Numerous engravings.
3 vols. Bvo.
Hugman, W. C. A Practical Treatise on Morhus Coxarius, or Hip-joint Disease;
showing the advantages to be derived from a system of mechanical manage-
ment, for the prevention and cure of the contraction of the limb. G plates. Bvo.
Human Body in Health and Disease ; containing a brief view of its structure and
functions, and the diseases to which it is liable: with ample directions for the
regulation of diet and regimen, from infancy to old age. P2mo.
Humboldt, A. Yon. Cosmos; a sketch of a Physical Description of the Universe.
2 vols. 12mo.
Hunt, T. Practical Observations on the Pathology and Treatment of certain Dis-
eases of the Skin, generally pronounced intractable. Bvo.
Innis, T. The Skin, in Health and Disease ; a concise manual, in popular form,
on the preservation of the Skin in a healthy condition, and on the treatment of
the diseases to which it is liable. 5 colored plates. Bvo.
Johnson, W. An Essay on the Diseases of Young Women. Bvo.
Kerrison. R. M. Inquiry into the present state of the Medical Profession in
England containing an abstract of all the Acts and Charters granted to Phy-
sicians, Surgeons, and Apothecaries, &c. &c. Bvo.
Kirkes and Paget. Manual of Physiology. 118 engravings. 12mo.
Lames. W. Reports on the Effects of a peculiar Regimen on Scirrhous Tumors
and Cancerous Ulcers. Bvo.
Lane, R. J. Life at the Water Cure ; or, a Month at Malvern : with engravings. Bvo.
Leake, J. Practical Observations on Child-bed Fever ; nature and treatment of
Uterine Hemorrhages, Convulsions, and such other acute diseases as are most
fatal to Women during Pregnancy. Bvo. 1774.’
tiEK, E. The Baths and Watering-places of England, considered with reference to
their curative efficacy ; with observations on Mineral Waters, Bathing &c. IBmo,
Continental Travel; with an Appendix on the Influence of Climate, the
Remedial Advantages of Travelling, &c. Plates. Bvo.
Treatise on some Nervous Disorders, chiefly intended to illustrate those va-
rieties which simulate structural disease. Bvo.
Lee, R. Clinical Midwifery ; comprising the history of 545 cases of difficult, pre-
ternatural, and complicated labor, with commentaries. 12mo.
Memoirs on the Ganglia and Nerves of the Uterus. 5 plates. 4to.
Practical Observations on the Diseases of the Uterus. 9 colored plates. 4to.
Leeson, J. Liebig’s Physiology applied in the treatment of Functional Derange-
ment and Organic Disease; Part I. Heart, Lungs, Stomach, Glands, Joints,
Bones, &c. Bvo.
Liebig, J. Researches on the Chemistry of Food, and the Motion of the Juices of
the Animal Body. 12mo.
Lizars, J. Operation for the Cure of Club Foot, épiâtes. Bvo. Stitched.
Observations on the Extraction of Diseased Ovaria. 5 colored plates. Polio

Long, J. St. John. Discoveries in the Science and Art of Healing; observations
on the Primary Cause of Disease, and testimonials upon which the author rests
his claims to public confidence. Bvo.
Lonsdale, E. P. Observations on the Treatment of Lateral Curvature of the
Spine ; pointing out the advantages to be gained by placing the body in a posi-
tion to produce lateral flexion of the vertebral column, combined with the after
application of firm mechanical support. 10 engravings. Bvo.
A Practical Treatise on Fractures, illustrated with GO engravings. Bvo.
M'Cormac, H. Treatise on the Cause and Cure of Hesitation of Speech or Stain*
mering, 12m<r,
S. S. <& W. Wood* s Medical Catalogue.
Macilwain, G. General Nature and Treatment of Tumors. Bvo.
Mackness, J. Dysphonia Clericoruin ; or, Clergyman’s Sore Throat : its pathol-
ogy, treatment, and prevention. Bvo.
Maclisp., J. Comparative Osteology ; being Morphological Studies to demonstrate
the archetype skeleton of vertebrated animals. 54 plates. Folio.
Surgical Anatomy ; a series of Dissections illustrating the principal Region*
of the Human Body. 32 colored plates. Folio.
Malgaigng, J. F. Manual of Operative Surgery, based on Normal and Patho-
logical Anatomy : with engravings. 12mo.
Mantell, G. A. Thoughts on Animalcules ; or, a glimpse of the Invisible World,
revealed by the Microscope. 12 colored plates. 12mo.
Mayo, H. A Series of Engravings intended to illustrate the structure of the Brain
and Spinal Chord in Man. 7 plates. Folio.
Meckel, J. F. Nova Expérimenta et Observationes de finibus venarum ac vaso-
rum lymphaticorum in ductus visceraque exerstoria corporis humani, ejusdemquo
structuras ultimate. Bvo. 1772.
Meigs, C. D. Obstetrics : the Science and the Art. 121 engravings. Bvo.
Metcalf, S. L. Caloric ; its mechanical, chemical, and vital agencies in the
phenomena of nature. 2 vols. Bvo.
Miller, H. A theoretical and practical Treatise on Human Parturition. Bvo,
Mitchell, J. K. On Cryptogamous origin of Malarious and Epidemic Fevers. 12mo,
Mitchell, T. R. Practical Remarks on the use of the Speculum in the treatment
of Diseases of Females. 2 colored plates. Bvo.
Mitscherlich, E. Practical and Experimental Chemistry, adapted to Arts and
Manufactures. 104 engravings. Bvo.
Mohr, F. & T. Redwood. Practical Pharmacy the arrangements, apparatus,

and manipulations of the Pharmaceutical Shop and Laboratory: edited by W,

Proctor, jr. 506 engravings. Byo.
Monro, A. Anatomy of the Brain, with some observations on its functions. 3
plates. Bvo.
Description of all the Bursæ Mucosae of the Human Body; their structure
explained and compared with that of the capsular ligaments of the joints, and
of those sacs which line the cavities of the thorax and abdomen, &c. 10 plates.
Morfit, C. Chemical and Pharmaceutic Manipulations: a manual of the me-
chanical and chemico-mechanical operations of the Laboratory; with descrip-
tion of most approved apparatus, and instructions as to their application and
management in manufacturing processes, and in details of analysis and accurate
research. 423 engravings. Bvo.
Morgagni. J. B. De Sedibus et Causis Morborum per anatomen indagatis. 3 vols.
4 to. 1779.
Morton, E. Remarks on the subject of Lactation ; containing observations on
the healthy and diseased conditions of the Breast-milk; the disorders often pro-
duced in mothers by suckling; with numerous cases, proving that when pro-
tracted it is a common cause of hydrencephalus, or water in the brain, &c., in
children. Bvo.
Morton, S. G. Illustrated System of Human Anatomy, special, general, and mi-
croscopic. 391 engravings. Bvo.
Morton, W. J. T. On Calculous Concretions in the Horse, Ox, Sheep, and Dog.
4 colored plates. Bvo.
Nasmyth, A. Report of a Paper on the Cellular Structure of the Ivory, Enamel,
and Pulp of the Teeth, as well as of the Epithelium, and on some other interest-
ing points of Odontology, &c. Colored plates. Bvo.
Neale, H. St. John. Chirurgical Institutes, drawn from practice, on the knowl-
edge and treatment of Gun-shot Wounds. Bvo.
Nicholls, F. De Anima Medica Prolectio ex Lumleü et Caldwaldi instituto, in
theatre collegii regalis medicorum Londinensium, &c.,.cui accessit Disquisitio do
Motu Cordis et Sanguinis in bomine nato et non nato, &o, 11 plates, 4to. 1773»
S. S. <k W. Wood’s Medical Catalogue.
Noad, H. M. Chemical Analysis, (Qualitative and (Quantitative ; with additions
by C. Morfit. 39 engravings. Bvo.
O’Halloran. Treatise on the different Disorders arising from external injuries of
the Head, with cases. Bvo. 1793.
Ormerod, VV. P. Clinical Collections and Observations in Surgery, made during
an attendance on the Surgical Practice of St. Bartholomew’s Hospital. Bvo.
Orton, R. Essay on the Epidemic Cholera of India, with map. Bvo.
Palladii de Febribus concisa synopsis. 4to. 1046.
Parkes, E. A. Remarks on the Dysentery and Hepatitis of India. Bvo.
Perceval, J. A Narrative of the treatment experienced by a gentleman, during a
state of Mental Derangement. ; designed to explain the causes of Insanity, and
to expose the injudicious conduct pursued towards many unfortunate sufferers
under that calamity. 2 vols. Bvo.
Percival, T. Medical Ethics; or, a Code of institutes and precepts adapted to
the professional conduct of Physicians and Surgeons. 12mo.
Philip, A. P. VV. An Inquiry into the Nature of Sleep and Death, with a view
to ascertain the more immediate causes of death, and the better regulation of
the means of obviating them. Bvo.
Phillips, R. A translation of the Pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physi-
cians of London. Bvo.
Picktiiorn, F. P. B. Pathological and Practical Observations on Spinal Dis-
eases. Bvo.
Pinkerton. J. N. Sleep and its Phenomena. 12mo.
Piso, N. De cognosccndis et eurandis præcipue intends humani corporis morbis,
libri très. 12mo. 1585.
Polarized Light, Lectures on, delivered before the Pharmaceutical Society of Great
Britain, and in the Medical School of the London Hospital. 54 engravings. Bvo.
Price, R. A Treatise on the Utility of Sangui-Suction, or Leech Bleeding, in the
treatment of a great variety of Diseases ; instructions for Leeching, directions
for management and preservation of Leeches, &c. 12mo.
Q,uain, J. Human Anatomy; edited by R. (Quain, F.R.S., and W. Sharpey, M.D.;
notes by J. Leidy, M.D. 2 vols. Bvo. 511 engravings.
Ratton, J. A. Nature and Cure of Strabismus, by operation. G colored plates. Bvo.
Reid, D. B. Elements of Practical Chemistry, comprising a systematic series of
experiments arranged so as to form an introduction to the practice of Chemistry,
with directions for performing them, &c. 208 engravings. Bvo.
Reid, J. The Philosophy of Death ; or a general medical and statistical treatise
on the nature and causes of human mortality. 12mo.
Ricord. Lectures on Venereal and other Diseases arising from Sexual inter-
course. 12mo.
Ridge, B. Physiology of the Uterus, Placenta, and Foetus ; with observations on
the Membrana Meconii and Rete Vasculaire, newly discovered structures exist-
ing in the Foetus and Young of man and animals. Colored plate. Bvo.
Robertson, VV. H. Nature and Treatment of Gout. Bvo.
Rodgers, M. M. Physical Education and Medical Management of Children: for
use of families and teachers. 7 plates. 18mo.
Roederer, J. G. Opuscula Medica sparsim prius édita nunc demum collecta
aucta et récusa. 2 vols. 4to. 1763.
Rollo, J. Cases of the Diabetes Mellitus ; with the results of the trials of certain
acids, and other substances, in the cure ofLues Venerea. Bvo.
Rose, H. Practical Treatise of Chemical Analysis, including tables for calcula-
tions in Analysis. Bvo.
Rosenstein, J. G. Theory and Practice of Homoeopathy. 12mo.
Rynd, F. Pathological and practical observations cn Strictures, and some other
Diseases of the Urinary Organs. Bvo.
Sandlkv, G. Mesmerism and its Opponents; with a narrative of cases. 12ixte.
S. S. c£‘ W. Wood's Medical Catalogue.
Schombero, R Treatise on Colica Pictonum ; or the Dry Belly-ache. Bvo. 1764.
Schroder, J. Pharmacopoeia Universalis : in German. 45 plates. Folio. 1746
Sohurigius, D. M. Sialologia historico-medica h. e. Salivæ humans consideratio
physico-medico-forensis, qua ejus natura et usus insimulque morsus brutorum el
hominis, rabies et hydrophobia, demorsorum delicta et detensio, &c. 4to. 1723.
Scott, J. Art of Preventing the Loss of the Teeth ; improved system of supplying
their deficiencies ; description of silicious pearl teeth and teeth renovator, &c. Bvo,
Scouttetten. Medical and Topographical History of the Cholera Morbus, with
mode of prevention and treatment : with map. Bvo.
Seymour, E. J. Nature and Treatment of Dropsy ; considered especially in refer-
ence to the diseases of the internal organs of the body which most commonly
produce it. Bvo.
Thoughts on the Nature and Treatment of several severe Diseases of the
Human Body—Diseases of the Stomach—Gout —Mental Derangement—Sci-
atica. Bvo.
Sharkey, E. Inquiry into the efficacy of Digitalis in the treatment of Idiopathic
Epilepsy. Bvo.
Shaw, A. Effects ofRickets upon the growth of the skull. Bvo.
Shaw, J. Engravings illustrative of a work on the nature and treatment of the
Distortions to which the Spine and the Bones of the Chest are subject. 13
plates. Folio.
Sheldrake, T. Practical Essay on Club Foot, and other Distortions in the Legs
and Feet of children, intended to show under what circumstances they are cu-
rable, or otherwise. 46 plates. Bvo.
Sheppard, J. Observations on the proximate cause of Insanity. 12mo.
Sigmond, G. G. and F. Farre. Ceylon Moss; communications read to the Royal
Medico-Botanical Society of London. Bvo.
Silliman, B. Elements of Chemistry, in the order of the Lectures given in Vale
College : with engravings. 2 vols. Bvo.
Silver, E. D. Pathology and Cure of the principal diseases of the Rectum and
Anus ; particularly Prolapsus, Piles, Hæmorrhoidal Tumors, Excrescences, Fis-
tula in Ano, Ulcers, and Strictures of the Rectum, without cutting or confine-
ment. 5 plates. Bvo.
Simpson, J. Y. Anœsthesia, or the employment of Chloroform and Ether in Sur-
gery, Midwifery, &c. Bvo.
Slade, J. Ophthalmia. The various Inflammations of the Conjunctiva, or Mu-
cous Membrane of the Eye. Bvo.
Smith, R. W. A treatise on the Pathology, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Neuro-
ma. 15 plates. Folio.
Smith, W. T. Parturition and the principles and practice of Obstetrics. 12mo.
Scrofula ; its nature, causes, and treatment ; and on the prevention and
eradication of the Strumous Diathesis. Bvo.
Smyth, J. R. Miscellaneous Contributions to Pathology and Therapeutics ; being
a senes of practical papers on Rickets, Hydrocephalus, Impotence and Sterility,
Pulmonary Apoplexy, and Hæmoptysis, &c. Bvo.
Snell, J. Observations on the history, use, and construction of Obturateurs, or
Artificial Palates, with numerous cases of deficiency of the lower jaw, lips, n>se,
&c., also the most efficient means of restoring the parts artificially. Bvo.
Snow, J. On Inhalation of the Vapor of Ether in Surgical Operations; contain-
ing descriptions of the various stages of Etherization, and results of nearly eighty
cases in which Ether has been employed in St. George’s and University College
Hospitals : with engravings. Bvo.
South, J. F. Household Surgery ; or, Hints on Emergencies. Engravings. 12mo.
Sprengel, C. Institutiones Medicæ, 6 vols. Bvo. 1809.
Stanley, E. A treatise on Diseases of the Bones. Bvo.
Stafford, R. A. Treatise on Injuries, Diseases, and Distortions of the Spine. 8»*
88 S. S. & W. Wood's Medical Catalogue*
Stevens, A. H. Lectures on Lithotomy, delivered at the New York Hospital.
5 plates. Bvo.'
Steward, J. B. Practical Notes on Insanity. Bvo.
Stewart, D. A Treatise on Uterine Hemorrhage. Bvo.
Sturgeon, W. Lectures on Electricity, delivered in the Royal Victoria Gallery
Manchester. 108 engravings. l2mo.
Syer, J. Dissertation on the Features and Treatment of Insanity ; containing a
retrospect of the most important modern theories on the subject ; and observa-
tions on the inadequacy of our present knowledge on the Physiology and Pa-
thology of the Brain, to elucidate the phenomena of mental derangement. Bvo.
Syme, J. Contributions to the Pathology and Practice of Surgery ; with engrav-
ings. Bvo.
Tardieu, A. Treatise on-Epidemic Cholera. 12mo.
Taylor, A. Curative Influence of the Climate of Pau, and the Mineral Waters of
the Pyrenees, on disease : with notices of the geology, botany, natural history,
mountain sports, local antiquities, and topography of the Pyrenees and their
principal watering places. Bvo.
Thomson, A. T. Allas of Delineations of Cutaneous Eruptions, illustrative of the
descriptions in the Practical Synopsis of Cutaneous Diseases of T. Bateman,
M.D., F.L.S. 27 colored plates. Bvo.
Elements of Materia Medica and Therapeutics; including the recent dis-
coveries and analysis of medicines : with engravings. Bvo.
The Occult Sciences. The Philosophy of Magic, Prodigies, and Apparent
Miracles; from the French of E. Saiverte; with notes illustrative, explanatory,
and critical, by Anthony Todd Thomson. 2 vols, Bvo.
Thomson, S. Thomsonian Materia Medica, or Botanic Family Physician ; com-
prising a philosophical theory, natural organization, and assumed principles of
animal and vegetable life, &c. &c., with 97 engravings and 17colored plates. Bvo.
Thomson, T. A History of Chemistry. 2 vols. 12rao.
Chemistry of Organic Bodies Vegetables. Bvo.

Thurnam, J. Observations and Essays on the Statistics of Insanity ; with an in-

quiry into the causes influencing the results of treatment in establishments for
the Insane; statistics of the Retreat near York, &c. Bvo.
Truman, M. Food, and its influence on Health and Disease; or an account of
the effects of different kinds of Aliment on the Human Body; with dietetic rules
for the preservation of health. 12mo.
Tulk, A. and A. Henfrey. Anatomical Manipulation ; or the methods of pur-
suing practical investigations in Comparative Anatomy and Physiology ; also an
Introduction to the use of the Microscope, &c. : with engravings. 12mo.
Turnbull, A. On the Preparation and Medicinal Employment of Aconitine, by
the endermic method, in the treatment of Tic Douloureux and other painful
affections. 12rno.
■ Treatment of the Diseases of the Eye, by means of Prussic Acid Vapor, and
other medicinal agents ; with plate. Bvo.
Turnbull, J. Tabular View of the Physical Signs and Diagnosis of the Diseases
of the Lungs ; with a synopsis of the signs which occur in each disease. Bvo.
Turnbull, W. The Naval Surgeon ; comprising the entire duties of professional
men at sea. Bvo. 1805.
Tuson, E. W. Structure and Functions of the Female Breast, as they relate to
its health, derangement, and disease. Bvo.
Verity, R. Changes produced in the Nervous System by Civilization, considered
according to the evidence of Physiology and the Philosophy of History. Bvo.
Vincent, J. P. Observations on some of the parts of Surgical Practice : with an
inquiry into the claims that Surgery may be supposed to have for being classed
aa a science, Svç, a
S. S. <& W. Wood's Medical Catalogue* 89

Wagner, R. Elements of Physiology, for the use of Students, and with especial
reference to the wants of Practitioners; translated from the German, with addi-
tions, by Robert Willis, M. D. 239 engravings. Bvo.
Walker, J. Oculist’s Vade-Mecum ; a complete practical system of Ophthalmic
Surgery : with numerous engravings and colored plate of the diseases and ope-
rations on the Eye. 12mo.
Wallace, W. Physiological Inquiry respecting the action of Moxa, and its utility
in inveterate cases of Sciatica, Lumbago, Paraplegia, Epilepsy, and some other
painful, paralytic, and spasmodic diseases of the Nerves and Muscles. Bvo.
Wardrop, J. Aneurism, and its cure by a new operation. 7 plates. Bvo.
■ Observations on Fungus Hæmatodes or Soft Cancer, in several of the most
important organs of the Human Body. 6 plates. Bvo.
Watt, R. Treatise on the History, Nature, and Treatment of Chincough, with
cases and dissections; also an inquiry into the relative mortality of the principal
diseases Of children. &c. Bvo.
Weatherhead, G. H. A Practical Treatise on the Principal Diseases of the
Lungs considered especially in relation to the particular tissues affected, illus-
trating the different kinds ofcough ; with colored plate. Bvo.
A Treatise on Infantile and Adult Rickets; with some remarks appended
on Nursing, for the consideration of mothers, as connected with this disease:
with description of an improved reclining couch for the distorted. 2 plates. 12mo.
W eiss, J. Hand Book of Hydropathy ; for professional and domestic use. 12rno.
Welch I. A. A Popular Treatise on Tinea Capitis, or Ringworm: with a classi-
fication of the forms under which it manifests itself, a brief analysis of the theory
of inflammation and infection ; and a description of a medicated Steam Bath for
the treatment and cure of diseases of the scalp. 7 colored plates. Bvo.
West, C, Lectures on the Diseases of Infancy and Childhood. Bvo.
White, J. Improved Art of Farriery ; containing a complete view of the structure
and economy of the Horse, directions for feeding, grooming, shoeing, &c., man-
agement of the stable ; nature, symptoms, and treatment of diseases of Horses,
Neat Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, &c 8 plates. Bvo.
Wiblin, J. The Student’s Guide to the Hospitals and Medical Institutions of
Paris; with an outline of the Edinburgh and German Universities. 18mo.
Will, H. Outlines of the Course of Qualitative Analysis followed in the Giessen
Laboratory ; with preface by Baron Liebig. Bvo.
Williams, C. J. B. Lectures on the Physiology and Diseases of the Chest, in-
cluding the principles of physical and general diagnosis. Bvo.
Williams, E. Essay on the Tongue, in Functional Derangement of the Stomach
and Bowels; with observations on the Tongue’s aspect in organic disease of the
Lungs. Bvo.
W illis. R. Treatment of Stone in the Bladder, by medical and mechanical
means. Bvo.
Wilson, E. Portraits of Skin Diseases. In course of publication. To be com-
pleted in twenty numbers. 4 colored plates in each No. Foiio.
Wilson, J. Outlines of Naval Surgery. 18mo.
Medical Notes on China. Bvo.
Wilson, J. and J. M. Gully. Dangers of the Water Cure, and its efficacy ex-
amined and compared with those of the Drug treatment of diseases, and an ex-
planation of its principles and practice; with an account of cases at Malvern,
&c. 18mo.
W inslow, F. An Act for the regulation of the care and treatment of Lunatics;
with explanatory notes and comments. 12mo.
Wyman, M. A Practical Treatise on Ventilation. 78 engravings. 12mo.
Yearsley, J. Treatise on the Enlarged Tonsil and Elongated Uvula, and othei
morbid conditions of the Throat. Bvo.
Yeldham, S. Homoeopathy in Acute Diseases. Bvo,
90 -
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Alcock, T. Essay on use of Chlorurets of Oxide of Sodium and of Lime, as
powerful disinfecting agents ; and of Chlorurets of Oxide of Sodium as a
remedy of considerable efficacy in treatment of Hospital Gangrene, Phage-
denic, Syphilitic, and ill conditioned Ulcers, Mortification, &c. Bvo.
Alderson, J. Practical Observations on some ofSthe Diseases of the Stomach
and Alimentary Canal. 10 colored plates. Bvo.
Arnott, J. Treatise on Stricture of Urethra. Bvo.
Andree, J. Observations upon a Treatise on the Virtues of Hemlock in tho
cure of Cancers, by Dr. Storck, &c. 12mo.
Asclepiadei Liber, in quo pauca explicantur, quorum scitu sanitas conservari et
vita hominis ab ignorantia medicorum poterit esse secura. 12mo. 1748.
Ash well, S. Practical Treatise on Parturition, comprising the attendant cir-
cumstances and diseases of the pregnant and puerperal states with remarks

on abdominal surgery and transfusion. 18 plates. Bvo.

Ayre, J. Researches into the nature and origin of Dropsies, and the means for
their cure and prevention. Bvo.
Barlow, J. On Man’s power over himself to prevent or control Insanity. 18mo.
Barry, M. Researches in Embryology. 16 plates. 4to.
Bateman, T. Reports on Diseases of London, and state of the weather from
1804 to 1810, with remarks on the treatment of the former, historical view of
state of health and disease in the metropolis in past times, &c. Bvo.
Magnacopia : A practical library of profitable knowledge, communicating
the general minutiæ of Chemical and Pharmaceutic routine, with the gener-
ality of secret forms of Preparations, &c., &c. 18mo.
Barton, W. P. C. A Flora of North America. 106 plates. 3 vols. 4to.
Baudelocq,ue. Two Memoirs on the Cesarean Operation, with notes, by J.
Hull, M. D. 6 plates. Bvo.
Beasley, H. The Druggists’ General Receipt Book, containing numerous re-
ceipts for patent and proprietary medicines, Druggists’ riostrums, &c. ; facti-
tious mineral waters, and powders for preparing them ; with a Veterinary
formulary, and table of veterinary materia medica ; recipes for perfumery
and cosmetics ; beverages, dietetic articles, and condiments ; trade chemicals,
&c., &c. 12mo.
Bennett, J. H. On Cancerous and Cancroid Growths. Numerous engravings. Bvo.
Bennett, J. R. On the Causes, Nature, and Treatment of Acute Hydrocepha-
lus. Bvo.
Berkeley, G. Siris: A chain of philosophical reflections and inquiries con-
cerning the virtues of Tar Water. 12mo. 1744.
Bindoni, C. De Febribus Opus Sane Aureum, non magis utile, quam rei me-
dics profitentibus necessarium, &c., &c. Folio. 1576.
Birkett, J. On the Diseases of the Mammary Gland, male and female, and tho
treatment thereof. Colored plates. Bvo.
Bird, G. Lectures on Electricity and Galvanism, in their physiological and
therapeutical relations. 20 engravings. 12mo.
Black, C. Letters on the more evident changes which the Body undergoes,
and the management of Health from Infancy to Adult age. 12mo.
Blakeman, R. A Philosophical Essay on Credulity and Superstition also on;

Animal Fascination or Charming. 12mo.

Blancardi, S. Praxeos Medicæ Idea Nova ; in qua origo omnium morborum
exacido, hunlorum incrassatione, atque eorundem obstructione, verissimis et
rationi congruentissimis fundamentis esse ostenditur. 6 lBmo. 1685.
Blumenbach, J. F. A Short System of Comparative Anatomy, with notes and
introductory view of the classification of animals, by W. Lawrence. Bvo,
Boerhaave. Prelectiones Academicæ de Lue Venerea. 18mo. 1751.
S. S. W. Wood's Medical Catalogue.
Bowman, W. Lectures on the parts concerned in the operations on the Eye,
and on the Structure of the Retina. Bvo.
Bowman, J. E. A Practical Hand-Book of Medical Chemistry. 75 engravings.
Boyle, J. A Treatise on Syphilis; exhibiting the advantages of large doses of
the Submuriate of Mercury in the cure of that disease, with an inquiry into
the modus operand! of Mercury. Bvo.
Brown, S. Dental Hygeia: a poem on the health and preservation of the
Teeth. J2rno.
Bright, R. Reports of Medical Cases: selected with a view of illustrating the
symptoms and cure of diseases by a reference to Morbid Anatomy. 54 col-
ored plates. 2 vols. 4to.
Bryce, J. Practical Observations on the Inoculation of Cow-Pox, with mode of
obtaining and preserving the infection ; also a certain test of perfect vacci-
nation, &c. Bvo.
Bulwer and Forbes on the Water-Treatment : edited, with additional matter,
by R. S. Houghton, M. D. 12mo.
Burgess, T. H. Eruptions of the Face, Head, and Hands, with the latest im-
provements in the treatment of diseases of the skin. 4 colored plates. Bvo,
Burns. A. Observations on some of the most frequent and important diseases
of the Heart ; on Aneurism of the Thoracic Aorta ; on preternatural pulsation
in the epigastric region and on the unusual origin and distribution of some

of the large arteries of the human body. Bvo.

Burrows, G. M. An inquiry into certain errors relative to Insanity, and their
consequences, physical, moral, and civil. Bvo.
Byrne, B. M. An Essay to prove the contagious character of Malignant
Cholera ; with instructions for its prevention and cure. Bvo.
Callaway, T. A Dissertation upon Dislocations and Fractures of the Clavicle
and Shoulder Joint. 3'plates. Bvo.
Canvane, P. A Dissertation on the Oleum Palmæ Christi, or Castor Oil ; its
history illustrated, its properties and virtues explained, &c., &c. Bvo. 1769.
Capron & Black. New England Popular Medicine; a work in which the
principles and practice of Medicine are familiarly explained : for the use of
families. Bvo.
Carpenter, W. B. On the use and abuse of Alcoholic Liquors in health and
disease. 12mo.
C.arpue, J. C. A History of the High Operation for the Stone, by incision
above the pubis ; the advantages attending it ; with an account of the vari-
ous methods of Lithotomy, from the earliest periods to the present time. 4
plates. Bvo.
Casanova, J. N. General Observations respecting Cholera Morbus. Bvo.
Gazeaux, P. A Theoretical and Practical Treatise on Midwifery, including the
diseases of pregnancy and parturition ; with Notes, &c., by R. P. Thomas,
M. D. 117 engravings. Bvo.
Chapman, H. T. On the Treatment of Ulcers of the Leg without confinement:
with an inquiry into the best mode of effecting the permanent cure of Vari-
cose Veins. Bvo.
Cheyne, G. An Essay on the true nature and due method of treating the
Gout, &c. Bvo. 1723.
Child, G. C. On Indigestion, and certain bilious disorders often conjoined with
it. Bvo.
Churchill, F. On the Diseases of Infants and Children. Bvo.
Researches on Operative Midwifery. 19 plates. Bvo.
Essays on the Puerperal Fever and other diseases peculiar to Women j
92 S. S. <s* W. Wood's Medical Catalogue.
selected from the writings of British authors previous to the close of the
eighteenth century.
Claridge, R. F. The Cold Water, Tepid Water, and Friction Cure, as appli-
cable to every disease to which the human frame is subject, also to the cure
of diseases in Horses and Cattle. 12mo.
Clarke, Joseph. A short sketch of his Life and Writings, containing minute
results of his private practice, extending over a series of tbrty-four years, in-
cluding 3878 births. Bvo.
Cogswell, C. An Experimental Essay on the relative, physiological, and medi-
cinal properties of lodine and its compounds. Colored plate. Bvo.
Conolly. J. Four Lectures on the study and practice of Medicine, delivered
in the University of London. 18rao.
Consumption. First Medical Report of the Hospital for Consumption and
Diseases of the Chest, by the physicians of the Institution. With plate. Bvo.
Copeman, E. A Collection of Cases of Apoplexy; with an explanatory intro-
duction. Bvo. •

Copland, J. Of Pestilential Cholera ; its nature, prevention, and curative treat-

ment. 18mo.
Corfe, G. The Physiognomy of Diseases. 2 plates. 4to.
Courtenay, F. B. Practical Observations on the Chronic Enlargement of the
Prostate Gland, in old people ; with preliminary I'eraarks on the various
other diseases to which the Prostate is liable at all periods of life. 8 plates.
Cox, W. S. A Memoir on Amputation of the Thigh, at the Hip-Joint. 2
colored plates and 3 engravings, folio.
Craigie, D. Elements of General and Pathological Anatomy, presenting a view
of the present state of knowledge in these branches of science. Bvo.
Cross, J. On the Mechanism and Motions of the Human Foot and Leg, Bvo.
An Attempt to Establish Physiognomy upon Scientific Principles. Bvo.
Daniell, W. F. Sketches of the Medical Topography and native diseases of the
Gulf of Guinea, Western Africa. Bvo.
De Haen, A. Epistola de Cicuta. 12mo. 1765.
De Jongh, L. J. The Three kinds of Cod-Liver Oil; comparatively considered
with reference to their chemical and therapeutic properties. 12mo.
Doolittle, R. B. The Philosophy of Medicine, giving a new method in the
cure of diseases, and rendering the practice of physic simple and easy to be
obtained. 12mo.
Drake, D. A Systematic Treatise, historical, etiological, and pi-actical, on the
principal Diseases of the Interior Valley of North America, as they appear in
the Caucasian, African, Indian, and Esquimaux varieties of its population.
19 maps and plates. Bvo.
Du Bouchet, C. A. The Family Dentist ; including the surgical, medical, and
mechanical treatment of the Teeth. 81 engravings. 18mo.
Duke, V. An Essay on Cerebral Affections occurring most commonly in Infan-
cy and Childhood ; with notices of their history, causes, diagnosis, prognosis,
and treatment. Bvo.
East. R. The Two Dangerous Diseases of England, Consumption and Apo-
plexy, their nature, causes, and cure. Bvo.
Elliotson. J. Numerous Cases illustrative of the efficacy of the Hydrocyanic
or Prussic Acid in affections of the Stomach ; with a report upon its powers
in pectoral and other diseases, &c. Bvo.
Elwin, F. H. Mens Corporis ; a treatise on the operations of the mind in
sleep. 12rao.
Encyclopedia of Medical Sciences ; comprising. Anatomy by Drs. South and
Clark; Surgery by Dr. Bowman; Materia Medica by Dr. G. Johnson ; Ele-
S. S. Sf W. Wood's Medical Catalogue. 93
mentary Principles of Medicine by Dr. R. Williams ; Veterinary Art by W.
C. Spooner. 14 plates. 4to.
Farrs, J. R. Morbid Anatomy of the Liver. 2 parts published, containing
Tubera Circumscripta and Tubera Diffusa. 4 colored plates.
Feigel’s Obstetrical Atlas, 45 plates, folio, with descriptive text in German.
Fenner, E D. Southern Medical Reports ; consisting of general and special
reports on the Medical Topography. Meteorology, and prevalent diseases in
the States of Louisiana, Alabama. Mississippi, North Carolina, South Caro-
lina, Georgia, Florida, Arkansas, Tennessee, and Texas. Bvo.
Fothergill, John, Memoirs of, by John Coakley Lettsom, M.D. Bvo.
Fowler, R. Some Observations on the mental state of the Blind, and Deaf
and Dumb. 12rao.
Fox, D. The Signs, Disorders, and Management of Pregnancy ; the treatment
to be adopted during and after confinement and the management and disor-

ders of children. Bvo.

Freind, J. Opera Omnia Medica. Folio. 1783.
Gairdner, W. On Gout; its history, its causes, and its cure. Bvo.
Gerber. Elements of the General and Minute Anatomy of Man and the Mam-
malia ; chiefly after original researches ; with an Appendix, comprising re-
searches on the Anatomy of the Blood, Chyle, Lymph, Thymous Fluid,
Tubercle, &c., by C. Gulliver, F. R. S. 34 plates. 2 vols. Bvo.
Gilbert, H. Pulmonary Consumption ; its prevention and cure established on
new views of the pathology of the disease. Bvo.
Glover, R. On the Pathology and Treatment of Scrofula ; with plates. Bvo.
Goon, J. M. A Physiological System of Nosology with a corrected and sim-

plified nomenclature. Bvo.

Grainger, E, Medical and Surgical Remarks, including a description of a
simple and effective method of removing polypi from the uterus, tonsils from
the throat, &c. ; also, of different modes of opening the bladder in retention
of urine, from obstructions in the urethra and prostate gland, &c. &c. Bvo.
Grantham, J. Facts and Observations in Medicine and Surgery, having par-
ticular reference to Fractures and Dislocations, Gun-shot Wounds. Calculus,
Insanity, Epilepsy, Hydrocephalus, Therapeutic application of Galvanism,
&c. Bvo.
Greenhill, T. NEKPOKHAAEIA or, the Art of Embalming; wherein is

shown the right of burial, funeral ceremonies, and the several ways of pre-
serving dead"bodies in most nations of the world, &c. &e. 15 plates. 4to.
Gregory. A Dissertation on the Influence of a Change of Climate in Curing
Diseases. Bvo.
Griffith, R. E. A Universal Formulary ; containing the methods of preparing
and administering officinal and other medicine*. Bvo.
Grisenthwaite, W. An Essay on Food, in which the received doctrine of
modern physiologists respecting the waste of the body is exploded, the causa
of animal heat is explained upon new principles, &c., &c. 12mo.
Guthrie, G. J. On Wounds and Injuries of the Arteries of the Human Body,
with the treatment and operations required for their cure. Bvo.
A Treatise on the Operations for the formation of an Artificial Pupil; in
which the morbid states of the Eye requiring them are considered ; mode of
performing the operation, adapted to each peculiar case, explained, &c. 2
plates. Bvo.
Guy’s Hospital Reports, with plates. Bvo.
Haines, J. S. Catechism on Chemistry. 18mo.
Hancock, H. On the Operation for Strangulated Hernia, Bvo.
94 S. S. 4' W Wood’s Medical Catalogue.
Hardy & M'Clintock. Practical Observations on Midwifery, and the Diseases
incident to the Puerperal state. Bvo.
Harris, C. A. A Dictionary of Dental Science, Biography, Bibliogiaphy, and
Medical Terminology. Bvo.
Harvey, W., the Works of, translated from the Latin, with a life of the author,
by R. Willis, M. D. Bvo.
Hoffman’s System of the Practice of Medicine. 2 vols. Bvo. 1783.
Hogg, C. On the Management of Infancy: with remarks on the Influence of
Diet and Regimen, &c. Bvo.
Holland, G. C. Diseases of the Lungs from mechanicalcauses ; and inquiries
into the condition of the artisans exposed to the inhalation of dust. Bvo.
Home, Sir Everard. Lectures on Comparative Anatomy ; to which is subjoined
Synopsis Systematis Regni Animalis, nunc primum ex ovi modificationibus
propositi. 371 plates. 6 vols. 4to.
Hooker, W. Physician and Patient ; or a practical view of the mutual duties,
relations, and interests of the Medical Profession and the Community. 12mo.
Hooper, R. The Morbid Anatomy of Human Brain. 15 colored plates. 4to.
Howard, H. The Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology of the Eye. Bvo.
Hull, J. An Essay on Phlegmasia Dolons, including an account of the symp-
toms, causes, and cure of Peritonitis Puerperalis and Conjunctiva, &c. Bvo.
Hull, R. Essays on Determination of Blood to the Head. 12mo.
Humboldt, A. Von. Cosmos; a sketch of a physical description of the Uni-
verse. 2 vols. 12mo.
Aspects of Nature in Different Lands and Different Climates; with
scientific elucidations. 12mo.
Humphreys, F. The Cholera, and its Homoeopathic treatment. 18mo.
Hunter, W. An Anatomical Description of the Human Gravid Uterus and
its contents, by E. Rigby, M. D. 8 plates. Bvo.
Jackson, James, Jr. A Memoir of, with extracts from his Letters to his
Father ; and medical cases collected by him. Bvo.
Jacob, A. A Treatise on the Inflammations of the Eyeball; including the
idiopathic, scrofulous, rheumatic, arthritic, syphilitic, gonorrhoeal, post-
febrile, sympathetic, phlebitic, and neuralgic species or varieties ; with the
circumscribed inflammations of the cornea, chamber of aqueous humor,
crystalline lens, choroid membrane, and retina ; and inflammation of the eye
from injury. 12mo.
Jarrold, T. An Inquiry into the causes of the Curvatures of the Spine ; with
suggestions as to the best means of preventing, or removing the lateral cur-
vature. 2 plates. Bvo.
Jeffreys, J. An Inquiry into the comparative forces of the Extensor and
Flexor Muscles, connected with the joints of human body. With plates. Bvo,
Johnson, C. W. The Farmers’ Medical Dictionary, for diseases ofanimals. 18mo.
Johnson, E. Hydropathic Treatment of Diseases peculiar to Women, and of
women in childbed ; with observations on management of infants. 12mo.
Johnson, J. R. A Treatise on the Medicinal Leech; including its medical and
natural history, with a description of its anatomical structure ; also, remarks
upon the diseases, preservation, and management of leeches. 2 plates. Bvo.
Joslin, B. F. Homoeopathic Treatment of Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholera
Morbus, and the Cholera. 18mo.
King, R. The Preservation of Infants in Delivery ; being an exposition of the
chief cause of mortality in still-born children. Bvo.
Kingston, P. N. On Pathology of Pulmonary Tubercles, and on two forms
of atrophy of the Heart’s Valves, which interfere with their function. Bvo
S. S. iïf W Wood’s Medical Catalogue.
Kittoe, W. H. The Pocket-Book of Practical Medicine or, manual for emer-

gencies. 12mo.
Labatt, H. An Essay on the Use and Abuse of Restraint in the management
of the Insane, including remarks on origin and nature of disease. Bvo.
Larrey, D. J. On the Use of the Moxa as a therapeutical agent ; with Notes,
by R. Dunglison, M. D. Bvo.
Lawrence, W. Anatomico-Chirurgical Views of the Nose, Mouth, Larynx,
and Fauces, with explanations and references, and an anatomical description of
the parts. 4 plates folio.
Lee, E. Animal Magnetism and Homoeopathy ; with notes illustrative of the
influence of the mind on the body. 12mo.
Lee, R. The Anatomy of the Nerves of the Uterus. 2 plates. Folio.
Lee, T. S. On Tumors of the Uterus and its appendages, with plate. Bvo.
Lepevre, G. Thermal Comfort ; or, popular hints for preservation from colds,
coughs, and consumption. 18mo.
Liston, R. Memoir on the formation and connections of the Crural Arch, and
other parts concerned in inguinal and femoral hernia. 3 plates. 4to.
Lizars, A. J. Elements of Anatomy. 12mo.
Lizars, J. System of Practical Surgery, with numerous explanatory plates. Bvo.
Lobe, T. The Practice of Physic in General, as delivered in a course of Lec-
tures on the Theory of diseases, and the proper method of treating them. 2
vols. Bvo. 1771.
Lunacy. Familiar Views of Lunacy and Lunatic Life ; by a late Medical Su-
perintendent of an Asylum for the Insane. 12mo.
Macleod, R. On Rheumatism, in its various forms, and on the affections of
internal organs, more especially the Heart and the Brain, to which it gives
rise. Bvo.
Mackenzie, S. Piles, Hemorrhoids, and Prolapsus : practical observations on
the mode of effectually curing these diseases, by means of a patent Metallic
Bougie, thereby avoiding the painful and dangerous operation by excision or
ligature. 2 plates. Bvo.
M‘William, J. 0. Medical History of the Expedition to the Niger, during the
years 1841-2 ; comprising an account of the fever which led to its abrupt ter-
mination. 3 plates. Bvo.
Maiden, W. An account of a case of recovery after the shaft of a chaise had
been forced through the thorax. 3 plates. 4to.
Manning, H. A Treatise on Female Diseases, including those most incident
to pregnant and child-bed women. Bvo. 1771.
Manspord, J. G. Researches into the nature and causes of Epilepsy, as con-
nected with the physiology of animal life, and muscular motion. Bvo.
Maxwell,!. Observations on Yaws, and its influence in originatingLeprosy ;
also on Acute Traumatic Tetanus, and Tetanus Infantum. 7 plates. Bvo.
Mavow, J. Tractatus Duo quorum prior agit de Rcspiratione ; alter Rachitide.
12mo. 1671.
Meigs, C. D. Observations on certain of the diseases of young children. Bvo.
Miller, H. A Theoretical and Practical Treatise on Human Parturition. Bvo.
Mitchell, T. D. Materia Medica and Therapeutics ; with ample illustrations
of practice in all the departments of medical science, and very copious
notices of Toxicology. Bvo.
Mitchell, T. R. Practical Remarks on the Use of the Speculum in the treat-
ment of diseases of Females. 2 colored plates. Bvo.
Mohr & Redwood. Practical Pharmacy ; the arrangements, apparatus, and
S. S. Sj- W. Wood's Medical Catalogue.
manipulations of the Pharmaceutical Shop and Laboratory; with additions,
by W. Proctor, Jr. 506 engravings. Bvo.
Moore, G. Health, Disease, and Remedy familiarly and practically considered
in a few of their relations to the blood. 12mo.
Morgan, Sir T. G. Sketches of the Philosophy of Life. Bvo.
Morrison, Sir A. Outlines of Lectures on the nature, causes, and treatment of
Insanity. 22 plates, and portrait. Bvo.
Morison, T. C. On the Distinction between Crime and Insanity. Bvo.
Moss, W. An Essay on the management, nursing, and diseases of Children,
from the birth ; and on the treatment and diseases of pregnant and lying-in
Women, &c. &c. Bvo. 1794.
Muller, J. On the Nature and Structural Characteristics of Cancer, and ot
those morbid growths which may be confounded with it with Notes by

Charles West, M. D. 8 plates. Bvo.

Obstetrical Case-Book, for keeping a record oi cases, occurrencies during
pregnancy and labor, &c. &c. 4to.
Ontyd, C. G. A Treatise on Mortal Diseases containing a particular view of
the different ways in which they lead to death ; with the best means of pre-
venting them, by medical treatment, from proving fatal. Bvo.
Orr, J. A. The Principles of Surgery. 12mo.
Osborn, W. An Essay on Laborious Parturition ; in which the division of the
symphysis pubis is particularly considered. Bvo. 1783.
Owen. R. On Parthenogenesis, or the successive production of procreating indi-
viduals from a single ovum ; with plate. Bvo.
Parker, L, The Treatment of Secondary, Constitutional, and Confirmed Syphi-
lis, by a safe and successful method. 12mo.
Parry, C. H. Additional Experiments on the Arteries of warm-blooded Ani-
mals. 7 plates. Bvo.
Pathogenetic Cyclopedia ; a systematic arrangement and analysis of the Ho-
moeopathic Materia Medica : Part 1, containing Symptoms of the Disposition,
Mind, and Head : by R. E. Dudgeon, M. D. Bvo.
Powers, J. A Treatise on Midwifery ; developing new principles, which tend
to lessen the sufferings of the patient, and shorten the duration of labor. Bvo.
Poyen, C. Progress of Animal Magnetism in New England ; being a collection
of experiments, reports, and certificates, from respectable sources. 12mo.
Proctor, T. B. A Treatise on the use of the Sympathetic Nerve and its Gan-
glions, with their influence on various diseases of the abdominal and pelvic
viscera. 3 plates. 4to.
Pulley, J. An Essay on the proximate cause of Animal Impregnation. 4to.
Quain, Jones. The Muscles of the Human Body. 51 colored plates. Folio.
Quain and Wilson. The Bones and Ligaments of the Human Body. 30 co-
lored plates. Folio.
The Nerves of the Human Body ; including the Brain and Spinal Mar-
row, and organs of Sense. 38 colored plates. Folio.
The Vessels of the Human Body. 50 colored plates. Folio.
The Viscera of the Human Body ; including the organs of Digestion,
Respiration, Secretion, and Excretion. 32 colored plates. Folio.
Quarin, J. Tentaraina de Cicuta. 12mo. 1761.
Quekett, J. Practical Treatise on the use of the Microscope. Engravings. Bvo.
Radfopd, T. On the Structure of the Human Placenta, and its connections with
the Uterus, &c. 3 plates. Bvo.
Reece, R The Medical Guide, for the use of the clergy, heads of families,
schools, and junior medical practitioners ; comprising a complete modem Dis-
pensatory, and a practical treatise on the distinguishing symptoms, causes,
S. S. 4* W. Wood/s Medical Catalogue. 97
prevention, cure, and palliation of the diseases incident to the human frame,
&c. &c. Bvo.
Reeder, H. A Practical Treatise on the Inflammatory, Organic, and Sympathe-
tic Diseases of the Heart ; also on malformations of the heart, aneurism of the
aorta, pulsation in epigastric, &c. &c. Bvo.
Reese, J. J. The American Medical Formulary ; based upon the United States
and British Pharmacopoeias ; with numerous standard formulae, medical pro-
perties and uses of medicines, poisons and their antidotes and tests, &c. 12mo.
Reichenbach. Researches on Magnetism, Electricity, Heat, Light, Crystalliza-
tion, and Chemical Attraction, in their relations to the vital force : by Karl,
Baron Yon Reichenbach ; with Notes, &c., by W. Gregory, M. D, 3 plates
and 28 engravings. Bvo.
Reid, T. Essays on the Intellectual Powers of Man ; to which is annexed an
analysis of Aristotle’s Logic : with Notes, &c., by G. N. Wright, M. A. Bvo.
Ridge, B. Glossology : or the additional means of Diagnosis of disease to be
derived from indications and appearances of the Tongue. 6 plates. Bvo.
Riverius. Lazari Riverii, consiliarii Regii, et in Monspeliensi Universitate Me-
dicinæ Professons, Praxis Medica. 12mo. 1649.
Robertson, J. H. Spinal and Nervous Diseases, Rheumatism, and Paralysis ;
or cases and observations illustrating an improved treatment. Bvo.
Rynd, F. Pathological and Practical Observations on Strictures, and some other
diseases of the Urinary Organs. Bvo.
Schwann, T. Microscopical Researches into the accordance in the structure
and growth of animals and plants. 4 plates. Bvo.
Selkcta e Præscriptis. Selections from Physicians’ Prescriptions, containing
the terms, phrases, contractions, and abbreviations used in prescriptions, with
explanatory notes; the grammatical construction of prescriptions, &c. 32rao.
Shearman, W. An Essay on the nature, causes, and treatment of Water in the
Brain. Bvo.
Skeavington, G, The Modern System of Farriery, as practised at the Royal
Veterinary College. 18 plates. 4to.
Smellie, W. Obstetric Plates, with explanations ; selected from the Anatomi-
cal Tables. 12 plates. Bvo.
Smith. Nathan R. A Physiological Essay on Digestion. Bvo.
Smith, Robert W. A Treatise on the Pathology, Diagnosis, and Treatment of
Neuroma. 15 plates. Folio.
Smith, Southwood. The Philosophy of Health ; or an exposition of the physi-
cal and mental constitution of man. with a view to the promotion of human
longevity and happiness. 2 vois. 18mo,
Smith, W. Tyler. The Periodoscope ; with its application to Obstetric Calcu-
lations, and the Periodicities of the Sex. Bvo.
Solly, E. Syllabus of a complete course of Lectures on Chemistry, including
its application to the arts, agriculture, and mining. Bvo.
South, J. F. A Description of the Bones, together with their several connec-
tions with each other, and with the muscles ; numerous engravings. 12mo.
Spill an, D. Outlines of Pathological Semeiology, from the German of Professor
Schill. 12mo.
Stanley, E. Illustrations of the effects of disease and injury of the Bones, with
descriptive and explanatory statements. 24 colored plates. Folio.
Stsinau, J. H. A Pathological and Philosophical Essay on Hereditary Diseases,
with an Appendix on intermarriage, and the inheritance of the tendency to
moral depravity and crimes. Bvo.
Stevens, W. Observations on the Healthy and Diseased Properties of the
Blood. Bvo.
Stoores, A. The Mother’s Medical Instructor; being.a complete course of di-
rections for the medical management of Mothers and Children. 32m0.
98 S. S. Sf W. Wood's Medical Catalogue.
Storck, A. Stramonium, Hyosciamum, Aconitum ;—De usu medico Pulsatilla#
Nigricautis : Also on the use and effects of the root of Colchicum Autumnale,

or Meadow-Saffron, &c. 12mo. 1704.

Stratford, S. J. A Manual of the Anatomy, Physiology, and Diseases of the
Eye and its appendages ; with colored plate. Bvo.
Stubbs, G. The Anatomy of the Horse, including a particular description of the
bones, cartilages, muscles, fascias, ligaments, nerves, arteries, veins, and glands,
18 plates. Folio.
Swammerdam, J. Tractatus Physico-Anatomico-Medicus de Respiratione usu-
que pulmonum. 18mo. 1679.
Todd and Bowman. The Physiological Anatomy and Physiology of Man ; with
numerous engravings. Bvo.
Thomson, A. T. A Practical Treatise on Diseases affecting the Skin : completed
and edited by E. A. Parkes, M. D. Bvo.
Thomson, S. Temperance and Total Abstinence, or the use and abuse of Alco-
holic Liquors in health and disease. 12mo.
Thornton, R. J. Facts decisive in favor of the Cow-Pock ; including the his-
tory of its rise, progress, and advantages ; also the evidence given before the
committee of the House of Commons, with their report, &c. 2 plates. Bvo.
Thruston, M. De Respirationis usu primario Diatriba. 12mo. 1670.
Tilt, E. J. On Diseases of Menstruation and Ovarian Inflammation, in connec-
tion with Sterility, Pelvic Tumors, and affections of the Womb. 12mo.
Transactions of the American Medical Association ; with plates. 2 vols. Bvo.
of the Medical Society of London ; various vols, with plates. Bvo.
of Provincial Medical and Surgical Association ; various vols, plates. Bvo,
Trotter, T. Medicina Nautica ; an essay on the diseases of Seamen ; with an
Appendix on Contagion and Yellow Fever, &c. 3 vols. Bvo. 1797-1803.
Tulpius. Nicolai Tulpii Amstelredamensis Observations Medicæ. 18mo. 1716,
Van Swieten, G. Commentaria in Hermanni Bœrhaave Aphorismes de cogno-
scendis et curandis morbis. 5 vols. 4to. 1742.
Vrolik, W. Tabulæ ad illustrandam Embryogenesin Homiuis et Mammalium
tarn naturalem quam abnormem. (In Latin and German.) 100 plates. 4to.
Wagner, R. Elements of Physiology : translated from the German, with addi-
tions, by Robert Willis, M. D. 239 engravings. Bvo.
Walker, R, An Inquiry into the Small-Pox, Medical and Political, with suc-
cessful mode of treating it, cause of pits explained, and method for their pre-
vention. Bvo. 1790.
Walne, D. H. Cases of Dropsical Ovaria removed by the large abdominal sec-
tion. 8vo.
Watson, A. A Medico-Legal Treatise on Homicide by external violence with ;

an account of the circumstances which modify the medico-legal characters of

injuries, and exculpatory pleas. Bvo.
Willan, R. On Vaccine Inoculation. 2 colored plates. 4to.
Williams, -R. Principles of Medicine ; Morbid Poisons. 2 vols. Bvo.
Wilson, E. Eight colored Plates for the new edition of Wilson on the Skin. Bvo,
Wilson, J. Lectures on the Blood, and on the anatomy, physiology, and surgi-
cal pathology of the Vascular System of the human body. Bvo.
Wilson, J.-A. On Spasm, Languor, Palsy, and other disorders, termed nervous,
of the muscular system. 12mo.
Winslow, F. On the Preservation of the Health of Body and Mind. Bvo.
Wolff, J. On the use of Auscultation and Percussion in the diagnosis of diseas-
es of the organs of respiration and circulation, &c. &c. Bvo.
Wright, S. Pathological Researches on Death from suffocation and from syn'
cope ; and on Vital and Post-Mortem Burning. 3 plates. Small 4to.
S. S. <& W. Wood's Medical Catalogue. 99

Abernethy, J. Surgical Observations on Diseases resembling Syphilis ; and on

Diseases of Urethra. Bvo.
Acton, W. On Diseases of the Urinary and Generative Organs (in both sexes).
Colored plates. Bvo.
Accüm, F. Chemical Re-agents or Tests, and their application in analyzing
waters, earths, soils, ores, metallic alloj's, &c. 3 plates. 12mo.
Addisox, T. Observations on the Disorders of Females connected with Uterine
Irritation. Bvo.
Ainslie, W. Materia Indica ; or some account of those articles which are em-
ployed by the Hindoos, and other eastern nations in their Medicine, A.Is, and
Agriculture, &c. &c. 2 vols. Bvo.
Alison,~S. S. Some Observations on Organic Alterations of the Heart; and par-
ticularly ou the beneficial employment of iron in the treatment of such
cases. 12mo.
Allan, R. A System of Pathological and Operative Surgery, founded on Anato-
my. Numerous plates. 3 vols. Bvo.
Anatomy, Epitome of; comprising a description of the Muscles, Arteries, Nerves,
and Viscera ; for the use of students. 12mo.
Anderson. Eccentric Nervous Affections ; their causes, symptoms, and
treatment. Bvo.
Arnold, W. A Practical Treatise on the Bilious Remittent Fever ; its causes
and effects : with illustrative tables and cases, on the temperature of the sys-
tem in the febrile diseases of Jamaica. Bvo.
Arnott, J. On Indigestion ; its pathology and its treatment, by the local appli-
cation of uniform and continuous heat and moisture. Bvo.
Barth Roger. A Practical Treatise on Auscultation ; translated by P. Newbig-
ging, M.D. : with an Appendix by L. M. Lawson, M.D. Bvo.
Beaumont, W. An Account of some new Instruments for tying Polypi of the
Uterus, Nose, and Ear, and Enlarged Tonsils. 3 plates. 4to. stitched.
Bell, H. An Essay on Diabetes translated by Alfred Markwick. 12mo.

Bishop, J. On the causes and treatment of Deformities of the Human Body. 60

Engravings. Bvo.
Boggie, J. Observations on Hospital Gangrene. Bvo.
Bond, T. E. A Practical Treatise on Dental Medicine; being a compendium of
medical science as connected with the study of Dental Surgery. Bvo.
Boott, F. Introductory Lectures on Materia Medica. Bvo.
Bright, J. On Diseases of the Chest and Air Passages; with a review of the
several climates recommended in these affections. Bvo.
Brodhurst, B. E. Of the Crystalline Lens and Cataract. Bvo.
Burke, T. T. The Accoucheur’s Yadc Mecum; or Guide to the practice of
Midwifery. 12mo.
Burnett, C. M. Insanity tested by Science, and shown to be a disease rarely
connected with permanent organic lesion of the brain. Bvo.
Butter, W. A Treatise on Infantile Remittent Fever. 12mo.
Cadogan, W. A Dissertation on Gout, and all Chronic Diseases, jointly consid-
ered, as proceeding from the same causes, &c. 12mo.
Canton, A. The Teeth and their Preservation, in Infancy and Manhood, to
Old Age. Bvo.
Carnochan, J. M. A Treatise on the Etiology, Pathology, and Treatment of
Congenital Dislocations of the Head of the Femur. 13 plates. Bvo.
Carpenter, W. B. Principles of Physiology, General and Comparative. 821
engravings. Bvo.
Carson, J. An Inquiry into the Causes of the Motion of the Blood; with Ap-
pendix. in which the process of respiration and its connection with the circula-
tion of the blood are attempted to be elucidated. Bvo.
Ceelv, R.. Observations on the Variolæ Vaccinæ, as they occasionally appear in
the vale of Aylesbury, with an account of recent experiments in the Vaccina-
tion. Retro-Vaccination, and Variolation of Cows. &c, 35 colored plates. Bvo.
100 S. S. é W. Wood's Medical Catalogue.
Chambers, T. K. Corpulence ; or excess of fat in the Human Body, its relations
to Chemistry and Physiology, its bearings on other diseases and the value of
human life, and its indications of treatment: with an Appendix on Emacia-
tion. 12mo.
Chalmers, L. An Account of the Weather and Diseases of South Carolina. Bvo.
Chapman, E. A Manual of Materia Medica, Pharmacy, Toxicology, &c. 12mo.
Cheston, R. B. Pathological Inquiries and Observations in Surgery, from the
dissections of morbid bodies. 5 plates. 4to.
Childs, G. B. On the Improvement and Preservation of the Female Figure:
with a new mode of treatment of lateral Curvature of the Spine. 6 plates. 12mo.
Clarke, J. Commentaries on some of the most important Diseases of Chil-
dren. Bvo.
Cocks, W. P. Pathological Anatomy of the Brain, Spinal Cord, and their
Membranes ; being a condensed description of the morbid appearances gene-
rally met with after death : with cases. 13 colored plates. 32m0.

Cook, A. An Essay on the Teeth. 12mo.

Cooper, W. W. Practical Remarks on Near Sight, Aged Sight, and Impaired
Vision; with Observations upon the use of Glasses and on Artificial Light.
22 engravings. Bvo.
Copland, J. On the Causes, Nature, and Treatment of Palsy and Apoplexy ; of
the forms, seats, complications, and morbid relations of paralytic and apoplec-
tic diseases. 12mo.
Cox’s Companion to the Sea Medicine Chest, and Compendium of Domestic
Medicine ; particularly adapted for Captains of merchant vessels, Missionaries,
and Colonists, with plain rules for taking the medicines ; to which are added
directions for restoring suspended animation, the method of obviating the ef-
fects of poisons, a plain description of the treatment of fractures and disloca-
tions, and a concise account of Asiatic or Spasmodic Cholera. Revised by R.
Davis. 12mo.
Crosse, J. G. Gases in Midwifery ; arranged, with introduction and remarks, by
E. Copeman, M.D. Bvo.
Cummin, W. The Proofs of Infanticide considered: including Dr. Hunter’s Tract
on Child Murder, and a summary of the present state of medico-legal knowl-
edge on that subject. 12mo.
Curling, T. B. Observations on the Diseases of the Rectum, Bvo.
Curtis, J. H. On the Cephaloscope and its uses in the discrimination of the
normal and abnormal sounds in the organ of Hearing. 8 plates. Bvo.
Davey, J. Contributions to Mental Pathology, with introductory observations
concerning the past and present state of the Insane in Ceylon. Bvo.
Davis, N. S. History of Medical Education and Institutions in the United
States, from the first settlement of the British Colonies to the year 1850; with
a chapter on the present condition aud wants of the profession, and the means
necessary for supplying those wants, and elevating and extending the useful-
ness of the whole profession. 12mo.
Dean, A. Principles of Medical Jurisprudence. Bvo.
Dendy, W. G, Hints on the Health and Disease of the Skin. 18mo.
Downing, T. On Tic Douloureux and other painful atfections of the Nerves,
with suggestions for a new plan of treatment by means of the Aneuralgicon ;

with cases and an engraving of the apparatus. 12rao.

Dopdytren, Baron. On the Injuries and Diseases of Bones : translated by F.
Le Gros Clark. Bvo.
Ebehle, J. A Treatise on the Diseases and Physical Education of Children:
with Notes, and large additions, by T. D. Mitchell, M.D. Bvo.
Epps, J. Affections of the Head, and the Nervous System, being 52 cases treat-
ed with success on the Homoeopathic principle. 18mo.
Family and Ship Medicina Chest Companion; being a compendium of domestic
S. S. dt W. Wood's Medical Catalogue. 101

medicine, surgery, and materia medica ; with directions for the diet and man-
agement of the sick-room ; comprising plain rules for the administration of
medicines, with their properties and doses, &c. 12mo.
Farmer. J. Practical Observations on certain affections of the Head, commonly
called Head Aches, with a view to their elucidation, prevention, and cure;
with a Treatise on Indigestion. 12mo.
Fkdchtersleben. The Principles of Medical Psychology: translated from the
German by H. Evans Lloyd : revised by B. G. Babington, M.D. Bvo.
Flagg, J. F. B. Ether and Chloroform their employment in Surgery, Dentistry,

Midwifery, Therapeutics, &c. 12mo.

Forbes, d. Original cases, with dissections and observations, illustrating the use
of the Stethoscope and Percussion in Diagnosis of Diseases of the Chest with

commentaries on the same subjects from Avenbrugger, Corvisart, Laennec,

and others. Bvo.
Francis, G. Chemical Experiments ; illustrating the theory, practice, and ap-
plication of the science of Chemistry, and containing the properties, uses, man-
ufacture, purification, and analysis of all inorganic substances ; with numerous
engravings of apparatus, &c. Bvo.
Francis, J. W. Cases of Morbid Anatomy, 2 plates. 4to.
Frick, C. Renal Affections ; their diagnosis and pathology. 12mo.
Golis, L. A. A Treatise on Hydrocephalus Acutus, or Inflammatory Water in
the Head translated from the German by R. Gooch, M.D. Bvo.

Goodsir, J.&H. D. S. Anatomical and Pathological Observations. Opiates. Bvo.

Gray. A. Genera of the Plants of the United States, illustrated by figures and
analyses from nature, by Isaac Sprague with descriptions, &c., by Asa Gray,

M.D. 186 plates. 2 vols. Bvo.

Gregory, G. Lectures on the Eruptive Fevers ; as now in course of delivery at
St. Thomas’s Hospital, London ; with Notes and an Appendix, embodying tho
most recent opinions on Exanthematic Pathology, &c. 4 colored plates : by
H. D. Bulkley, M.D. Bvo.
Gregory, W. Letters to a Candid Inquirer on Animal Magnetism. 12mo.
Gross, S. D. A Practical Treatise on the Diseases and Injuries of the Urinary
Bladder, the Prostate Gland, and the Urethra. 106 engravings. Bvo.
Gullifer, J. W. General Observations on the Philosophy of Medicine; with
some anticipations of its future state, arising out of a comparison of its pro-
gress with that of the sciences in general. Bvo.
Halton, J. P. Results of the Great Operations of Surgery during a practice of
22 years. Bvo.
Hamilton, J. Essays on Syphilis ; colored plates. Bvo.
Harvey, W. On Excision of the Enlarged Tonsil, and its consequences in case*
of Deafness : with remarks on Diseases of the Throat. Bvo.
Hastings, J. Treatise on Diseases of the Larynx and Trachea; embracing the
different forms of Laryngitis, Hay Fever, and Laryngismus Stridulus. Bvo.
Hewson, William, the Works of. Edited, with Notes, &c., by G. Gulliver.
F.R.S. Bvd.
Hippocrates, the Genuine Works of. Translated from the Greek, with Notes,

&c. : by F. Adams, LL.D., Surgeon. 2 vols. Bvo. y

Holland, G. C. An Experimental Inquiry into the laws which regulate the phe-
nomena of Organic and Animal Life. Bvo.
Hooker, W. Lessons from the History of Medical Delusions. 12mo.
Horner, S. S. The Medical Student’s Guide in Extracting Teeth : with cases in
the Surgical branch of Dentistry. Bvo.
Howship, J. Practical Remarks upon Indigestion; particularly as connected
with bilious and nervous affections of the head, and other
parts : disorders of
the Stomach, &c. Bvo.
A Practical Treatise on the symptoms, causes, discrimination, and treat-
ment of some of tho most important complaints that affect the Secretion nrd
Excretion of the Uiine, &c. 4 plates, Bvo.
102 S. S de W. Wood's Medical Catalogue.

Hull, R. Cursory Notes on the Morbid Eye. Bvo.

Hunt, H. On the nature and treatment of Tic Douloureux, Sciatica, and other
Neuralgic Disorders. Bvo,
Hunt, J. Historical Surgery or the progress of the science of medicine on
; ;

Inflammation, Mortification, and Gun-shot Wounds. 4to.

Hunter, W. Medical Commentaries, containing a plain and direct answer to
Professor Monro. Jr. : with remarks on the structure, functions, and diseases
of several parts of the human body. 4 plates. 4to.
Jeaffreson, W. A Practical Treatise on Diseases of the Eye. Bvo.
Jewel, G. Practical Observations on Leucorrhœa, Fluor Albus, or Weakness

with cases illustrative of a new mode of treatment. Bvo.

Jones, H. B. On Animal Chemistry, in its application to Stomach aud Renal
Diseases. Bvo.
Jones, T. W, On the state of the Blood and the Blood-vessels in Inflammation,
ascertained by experiments, injections, and observations by the microscope,
9 colored plates. Bvo.
Jordan, H. Practical Observations on the Teeth; designed for popular use. Bvo.
Jourdain. M. A Treatise on the Diseases and Surgical Operations of the Mouth,
and parts adjacent. Bvo.
Kyan, J. H. On the Elements of Light, and their identity with those of matter,
radiant and fixed. 4 plates. Bvo.
Latham. J. Facts and Opinions concerning Diabetes. Bvo.
Lee, E. The Baths of Rhenish Germany; with notices of adjacent towns. 12rao.
Lettsom, John Coakley. Hints designed to promote Beneficence, Temperance,
and Medical Science. Numerous plates and portraits. 3 vols. Bvo.
Lizaks, J. Practical Observations on the treatment of Stricture of the Urethra,
and Fistula in Perineo ; with cases, and plates. Bvo.
Lucas, P. B. A Practical Treatise on the cure of Strabismus or Squint, by ope-
ration, and by milder treatment ; with some new views of the anatomy and
physiology of the muscles of the human eye. 3 plates. Bvo.
Mahomed, H. The Bath: a concise history of Bathing, as practised by nations
of the ancient and modern world ; with a brief exposition of the medical effi-
cacy and salubrity of the warm, medicated, vapor, shampooing, shower, and
douche baths, &c. 12mo.
Marsh, 11. The Evolution of Light from the living human subject. Bvo.
Maxfteld, A. Observations on Ulcers of the Legs, and other parts, showing that
the most obstinate and intractable cases may be speedily cured by mild meth-
ods of treatment: with remarks on Scrofulous disorders. Bvo.
Médico-Chirurgical Transactions, published by the Medical and Chirurgical
Society of London. Bvo.
Menu, M. On the nature and seat of Sick Headache, or Migraine, and acci-
dental Deafness, with the mode of treating them. Bvo.
Miller, J. Surgical Experience of Chloroform. Bvo.
The Pathology of the Kidney in Scarlatina; illustrated by cases. Bvo.
Moor, E. Hindu Infanticide : an account of the measures adopted for suppress-
ing the practice of the systematic murder by their parents of female infants,
with remarks on other customs peculiar to the natives of India. 4to,
Morton, W. J, T. A Manual of Pharmacy for the student of Veterinary Medi-
cine; containing the substances employed at the Royal Veterinary College, an
attempt at their classification, and the Pharmacopoeia of that Institute : with
engravings. 12mo.
Moseley, W. W. Eleven Chapters on Nervous or Mental Complaints. Bvo.
Muller, J. Principles of Physics and Meteorology. 538 engravings. Bvo.
Murphy, J. G. Review of Chemistry for Students. 12mo.
Ormerod, E. L. Clinical Observations on the pathology and treatment of Con-
thmed Fever, from cases occurring in th? medical practice of St. Bartholo-
mew’s Hospital. Svo
S. S. et W. Wood's Medical Catalogua. 103

Palmer, S. Popular Illustrations of Medicine. Bvo.

Park, I. R. An Inquiry into the Laws of Organic Life : being an analysis of the
principles of medical science, with a view to obtain more satisfactory explana-
tions of the phenomena that present themselves in and disease. 8
plates. Bvo.
Piiarmacopceia of the King and Queen’s College of Physicians in Ireland. Bvo.

Physician’s Prescription Book ; containing list of terms, phrases, contractions

and abbreviations used in prescriptions ; grammatical construction of prescrip-
tions, &c. 24m0.
Plattner, C. F. The Use of the Blow-pipe in the examination of minerals, ores,
furnace products, and other metallic combinations : translated from the Ger-
man, with Notes, by J. S. Muspratt, and a Preface by Professor Liebig. 50
engravings. Bvo.
Porter, W. 11.. Observations on the Surgical Pathology of the Larynx and Tra-
chea, chiefly with a view to illustrate the affections of those organs which may
require the operation of Bronchotomy ; with remarks on croup, cynanche la-
ryngea, injuries by swallowing acids and boiling water, foreign bodies in the
windpipe, asphyxia, wounds, &c. Bvo.
Pym, W. Observations upon the Bulam Fever, which has prevailed in the West
Indies, on the coast of America, at Gibraltar, Cadiz and other parts of Spain;
with a collection of facts proving it to be a highly contagious disease. Bvo.
Rayer, P. Treatise on Diseases of the Skin : founded on new researches in pa-
thological anatomy and physiology: translated from the French, by W. B.
Dickinson. Bvo.
Rees, Q. A. Atalektasis Pulmonum ; or Closure of the Air-cells of the Lungs in
children. 12rno.
Renon, W. Practical Observations on Stricture and other diseases of the Ure-
thra, describing an effectual mode of cure by an internal medicine, &c. 12mo.
Riiazes. A Treatise on the Small-pox and Measles, by Abu Beer Mohammed
Ibn Zacariya Arrazi (commonly called Rhazes). Translated from the Arabic,
by W. A. Greenhill, M.D. Bvo.
Rhind, W. A Treatise on the nature and cure of Intestinal Worms of the hu-
man body ; arranged according to the classification of Rudolph! and Bremser,
&c. 6 plates. Bvo.
Richter, D. A. G. A Treatise on the Extraction of the Cataract. Bvo.
Rigby, E. On Dysmenorrhoea and other Uterine Affections, in connection with
derangement of the assimilating functions. 2 plates. Bvo.
Roberton, J. On the Physiology and Diseases of Women, and on Practical Mid-
wifery. Bvo.
Robertson, H. A General View of the Natural History of the Atmosphere,
and of its connection with the sciences of Medicine and Agriculture ; with an
Essay on the causes of Epidemical Diseases. 2 vols. Bvo.
Russell, J. R. A Treatise on Epidemic Cholera : with map showing the course
of the cholera from India to Britain. Bvo.
Russell, P. A Treatise on the Plague : containing a historical journal and medi-
cal account of the Plague at Aleppo in the years 1760, 61, and 62 ; also re-
marks on quarantines, lazarettos, and the administration of police in the times
of pestilence. 4to.
Shattuck, Banks and Abbott. Report of a general plan for the promotion of
public and personal Health, devised, prepared, and recommended by the Com-
missioners appointed under a resolve of the Legislature of Massachusetts, re-
lating to a sanitary survey of the State with plates and engravings. Bvo.

Sherrill, H. On the Pathology of Epidemic Cholera, general cause and na-

ture of epidemics, plan of treatment, means of prevention, &c, 12mo.
Sichel, J. Spectacles; their uses and abuses in long and sbort-sigbtedness, and
the pathological conditions resulting from their irrational employment : trans-
lated from the French, by H. W. Williams, M.IX Bvo.
104 S. S. de W. Wood's Medical Catalogue
Simon, J. A Physiological Essay on the Thymus Gland. 54 engravings. 4to.
General Pathology, as conducive to the establishment of rational prin-
ciples for the diagnosis and treatment of disease. 12mo.
Skky, F. C. Operative«Surgery. 81 engravings, Bvo.
——• On a new mode of treatment employed in the cure of various forms of
Ulcer and Granulating Wounds. Bvo.
Smith, T. A Practical Treatise on Therapeutic uses of Terebinthine Medi-
cines : with observations on tubercular consumption, gout, mineral waters,
&c. Bvo.
Souillard, F. A. The Pharmaceutic Practical Recipe Book, for the use of Drug-
gists, Apothecaries, Perfumers. Confectioners, &c. 12mo.
Southey, H. H. Observations on Pulmonary Consumption. Bvo.
Stanley, E. An Account of the mode of performing the lateral operation of
Lithotomy. 7 plates. 4to.
Sydenham, T. Opera Omnia : edidit Gulielmus Alexander Greenhill, M.D. Bvo.
Sydenham, T. The works of ; translated from the Latin edition of Dr. Greenhill ;
with a Life of the author, by R. G. Latham, M.D. 2 vols. Bvo.
Anecdota Sydenhamiana: Medical Notes and Observations of Thomas
Sydenham, M.D., hitherto unpublished. 18mo.
Taylor, W. A new and successful treatment for Febrile and other diseases,
through the medium of the cutaneous surface : with cases. 12mo.
Teeth and Gums, Economy of, and interior of the Mouth ; including the medi-
cal, mechanical, and moral treatment of the most frequent diseases and acci-
dents incidental to the structure and functions of those delicate parts : with
means of correcting and purifying a tainted or unpleasant breath, &c. 12mo.
Thomson, T. An Outline of the Sciences of Heat and Electricity. Bvo.
Tomes, J. A Course of Lectures on Dental Physiology and Surgery, delivered
at the Middlesex Hospital School of Medicine. 135 engravings. Bvo.
Transactions of the New York Academy of Medicine. Bvo.
Trye, C. B. Illustrations of some of the injuries to which the Lower Limbs are
exposed. 7 plates. 4to.
Tdnstall, J. The Bath Waters ; their uses and effects in the cure and relief of
various chronic diseases. 12mo.
Velthusius. Tractatus duo Medico-Physici unus de liene alter de Genera-
tione. 24m0.
Wadd, W. Cases of Diseased Prepuce and Scrotum. 12 plates. 4to.
Wakley, T. Clinical Reports on the Use of Glycerene in the treatment of certain
forms of Deafness. Bvo.
Wallace, J. Letters on the Study and Practice of Medicine and Surgery, and
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Wardrop, J. Essays on the Morbid Anatomy of the Human Eye. 14 plates.
2 vols. Bvo.
augh, J. S. The Science of the Cerebro-Spinal Phenomena attempted. 18mo.
White, A. A Treatise on the Plague; more especially on the police manage-
ment of that disease ; illustrated by the plan of operations successfully carried
into effect in the late Plague of Corfu ; with hints on quarantine. Bvo.
Wickham, W. J. A Practical Treatise on Diseases of the Joints. 2 plates. Bvo.
Wightman, C. A Treatise on the Sympathetic Relation between the Stomach
and the Brain, and, throughout, between the digestive and the nervous system,
in the causation and cure of diseases. 12mo.
Willan, R. A Practical Treatise onPorrigo,or Scalled Head; and on Impetigo,
the Humid or Running Tetter. 5 colored plates. 4to.
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Wtthes, J. H. The Microscopist ; or a complete Manual on the Use of the Mi-
croscope ; for physicians, students, and all lovers of natural science, 56 illus-
trations. I'huo
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W. Wood's Medical Catalogue. 105
Adams, J. The Anatomy and Diseases of the Prostate Gland. Bvo.
Agassiz and Gould. Principles
of Zoology ; touching the structure, development,
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170 engravings. 12mo,
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Alley, G. Observations on the Hydrargyria ;or that vesicular disease arising
from the exhibition of Mercury. S colored plates. 4to.
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Astruc, J. A Treatise on the Diseases of Women; with a chronological cata-
logue of Physicians who have written on these Diseases. 3 vols. Bvo.
. A Treatise on the Venereal Disease, with observations on use of Sarsa-

parilla,- Mezereon, and Sublimate. Bvo.

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of treating every form of the disease are fully considered. Bvo.

Balltngall, Sir G. Observations on the Site and Construction of Hospitals, with
plate. 4 to.
Balman, T. Researches and Observations on Scrofulous Disease of the external
Lymphatic Glands ; with cases showing its connection with Pulmonary Con-
sumption and other diseases. Bvo.
Barclay, A. W. Inaugural Dissertation on Temperament. Bvo.
Bascome, E. A History of Epidemic Pestilences from the earliest ages, 1495
years before the birth of our Saviour to 1848 ; with researches into their na-
ture, causes, and prophylaxis. Bvo.
Beale, L. J. The Laws of Health in relation to Mind and Body. 12mo.
Bell, B. A Treatise on the Hydrocele, on Sarcocele or Cancer, and other dis-
eases of the Testes. 4 plates. Bvo.
Bell, 0. On the Nerves of the Face, with plate. 4to. Stitched.
Bellini, L. De Urinis et Pulsibus, de Missione Sanguinis, de Febribus, de Mor-
bis Capitis, et Pectoris. 4to.
Berdmore, T. A Treatise on the Disorders and Deformities of the Teeth and
Gums. 12mo.
Bernard and Huette. Illustrated Manual of Operative Surgery and Surgical
Anatomy ; edited, with notes and additions by W. H. Van Buren, M.D., and
C. E. Isaacs, M.D. Numerous plates, plain and colored. Bvo.
Bingham, N. Observations on the Religious Delusions of Insane Persons, and on
the practicability, safety, and expediency of imparting to them Christian In-
struction. Bvo.
Bischoff, J. R. A Treatise on Clinical Medicine, being a compendious and sys-
tematic introduction to Practice. 12mo.
Bishop, J. On Articulate Sounds ; and on the causes and cure of Impediments of
Speech, with plate. Bvo.
Blondel, J. A. The Power of the Mother’s Imagination over the Foetus ex-
amined. 12 mo.
Blundell, J. M. F. Medicina Mechanica, or the theory and practice of active and
passive exercises and manipulations ; considered as a branch of therapeutics, and
as adapted to the treatment and cure of many forms of chronic Disease. 12mo.
Bradley, J. Observations on a Stridulous Affection of the Bowels ; and on some
varieties of Spinal Disease ; with cases. Bvo.
Brodie, Sir B. 0. Lectures illustrative of certain Local Nervous Affections. Bvo.
—. Physiological Researches. Bvo.
Burt, J. G. M. Illustrations of Surgical Anatomy, with explanatory references.
16 plates. 4to.
Calder, F. W. G. Practical Hints on the Cure of Squinting by operation. Bvo.
Caidwkll, C. Facts iu Mesmerism, and thoughts on its causes and uses. Bvo.
106 S. S. é W. Wood's Medical Catalogue.
Caldweix, C. Medical and Physical Memoirs ; with an inquiry into the origin and
nature of the late Pestilential Epidemics of the United States, Ac. Bvo.
Carmichael, R. An Essay on the Venereal Diseases which have been confounded
with Syphilis, and the symptoms which exclusively arise from that poison.
4 colored plates. 4 to.
Carpenter, VV. B. Animal Physiology. 28*7 engravings. Bvo.
Carson, J. Synopsis of the Course of Lectures on Materia Medica and Pharmacy,
delivered in the University of Pennsylvania. Svo.
Cheseldkn, W. A Treatise on the High Operation for the Stone. 17 plates. Bvo.
Clarke, J. Practical Essays on the management of Pregnancy and Labor; and
on the inflammatory and febrile diseases of Lying-in Women. Svo.
Clutterbcck, H. Observations on the Prevention and Treatment of the Epi-
demic Fever as it prevailed in England in ISI9. Bvo.
Colquhoün, J. C. A History of Magic, Witchcraft, and Animal Magnetism.
2 vols. 12mo.
Conquest, J. T. Outlines of Midwifery, developing its principles and practice-
-12 plates. 12 mo.
Cooper, B. B. Lectures on the Principles and Practice of Surgery. Svo.
. Lectures on Anatomy ; interspersed with practical remarks. 20 plates*
4 vols. Svo.
Corbett, J. H. The Descriptive and Surgical Anatomy of the Arteries, and rela-
tive Anatomy of the Veins and Nerves of the Human Body.
Cotton, R. P. A concise Practical Guide to the physical diagnosis of Con-
sumption. 12mo.
Crowther, C. Observations on the Management of Mad-houses. 12mo.
Gumming, W. F. Notes on Lunatic Asylums in Germany and other parts of
Europe. Svo.
Curtis, J. H. On the Preservation of Sight, the Diseases of the Eye, and the use,
abuse, and choice of Spectacles, Reading Glasses, Ac. 18mo.
Dalton, J. G. On the Corpus Luteurn of Menstruation and Pregnancy. 4 colored
plates and 26 engravings. Svo.
Davies, H. On the Physical Diagnosis of Diseases of the Lungs and Heart. Svo.
Davy, Sir H. Elements of Agricultural Chemistry ; a new edition, with instruc-
tions for the Analysis of Soils; recent discoveries in Agricultural Chemistry, by
Liebig, Bouissingault, and others; by John Shier, A.M. LL.D. To which is
added Experimental Researches in Electro-chemistry, by Sir H. Davy. Svo.
De Chemant, N. D. A Dissertation on Artificial Teeth ; with advice to Mothers
and Nurses on the prevention and euro of those diseases which attend the first
Dentition. Plate and portrait. Svo.
De la Beche, Sir H. T. The Geological Observer. 309 engravings, Svo.
Dendy, W. C. Portraits of the Diseases of the Scalp, with the safest and most
efficient modes of treatment. S colored plates. 4to.
Dermott, G. D. A Concise Description of the locality and distribution of the
Arteries in the Human Body. 3 colored plates, 12mo.
Diekinson, N. Remarks on Burns and Scalds, chiefly in reference to the principle
of treatment at the time of their infliction. Svo.
Dickson, S. H. Essays on Life, Sleep, Pain, Ac. 12rao.
Downing, C. T. Neuralgia; its various forms, pathology, and treatment. Svo.
Duncan. Annals of Medicine. 5 vols. Svo.
Duncan, J. F. God in Disease, or the manifestations of design in morbid phe-
nomena. 12mo.
Esquirol. Observations on the Illusions of the Insane, and on the Medico-Legal
question of their Confinement. Svo.
Etre, J. The Stomach and its Difficulties, Svo.
S. S. & W. Wood's Medical Catalogue. 107
Fabricids (Hieron.) Opera Omniæ Anatomîca et Physiologica, cum præfatione,
Bernard! Siegfried Albini.61 plates. Folio.
Ferriar, J. Medical Histories and Reflections.
Fordyce, W. A Review of the Venereal Disease and its Remedies. Bvo.
Fosgate, B. Sleep Psychologically considered with reference to Sensation and
Memory. 12mo.
Forsyth, J. S. A Synopsis of Modern Medical Jurisprudence, anatomically, phys-
iologically, and forensically illustrated. 12mo.
Freind, J. Emmenologia translated by T. Dale, M.D. Bvo.

Gairdner, W. T. On the Pathological Anatomy of Bronchitis, and the Diseases

of the Lung connected with Bronchial Obstruction. Bvo.
Gataker, T. Essays on Medical Subjects, viz. on Solanum or Nightshade—Use
of Hemlock—Application of Caustic Medicines in Cancerous Disorders—Use
of Corrosive Sublimate—Venereal Complaints—Structure of the Eye, Ac. Bvo.
Geoghegan, E. Commentaries on the treatment of the Venereal Disease, partic-
ularly in its exasperated state—On the Use of Mercury so as to insure its suc-
cessful effect—On Strictures of the Urethra ; and on Morbid Retention of
Urine. Bvo.
Gerbadx on the Teeth ; with observations on the most frequent diseases inci-
dental to the Mouth, Ac. 12mo.
Graham, T. J. Observations on Disorders of the Mind and Nerves. Bvo.
Gray, J. Dental Practice ; or Observations on the qualifications of the Surgeon
Dentist—Dental Quackery, Ac. 18mo.
Griffin, J. J. A System of Crystallography, with its application to Mineral-
ogy. 8 vo.
Guy, J. The Cause and Treatment of Stricture of the Urethra, and Disease of
the Prostate Gland. Bvo.
Hahnemann’s Lesser Writings. Bvo.
Hartman’s Theory of Chronic Diseases and their Homoeopathic Treatment edited

by C. J. Hempel, M.D. 2 vols. 12mo.

Hake, T. G. A Treatise on Varicose Capillaries, as constituting the structure of
Carcinoma of the Hepatic Ducts, and developing the law and treatment of
morbid growths. 6 plates. 4to.
Hall, J. C. On the Nature and Treatment of some of the more important Dis-
eases, Medical and Surgical, including the principal diseases of the Eye. Bvo.
Hall, M. On the Threatenings of Apoplexy and Paralysis, Inorganic Epilepsy,
Spinal Syncope, Hidden Seizures, Resultant Mania, Ac. Svo.
Eupedia; or Letters to a Mother on the watchful care of her Infant, in
reference to Diet, Clothing, Air, Exercise, Medicine, Ac. 12mo.
Hamon, P. G. Spinal Deformities cured and prevented by Gymnastic Exercises.
8 colored plates. Bvo.
Harrison, J. The Pathology and Treatment of Stricture of the Urethra.
4 plates. 8 vo.
Harrison, J. B. The Medical Aspects of Death, and the Medical Aspects of the
Human Mind. 12mo.
Harwood, B. A System of Comparative Anatomy and Physiology. 15 colored
plates. 4to.
Hennen, J. Sketches of the Medical Topography of the Mediterranean, compris-
ing an account of Gibraltar, the lonian Islands, and Malta. 8 vo.
Highmore, N. Case of a Fœtus found in the abdomen of a Young Man, at Sher-
borne, Dorsetshire. 2 plates. 4to.
Hill, B. L. Lectures on the American Eclectic System of Surgery. 138 engrav-
ings. Bvo.
108 S. S. <£' W. Woods Medical Catalogue,
Hodgkin, T. Lectures on the Morbid Anatomy of the Serous and Mucous
Membranes. 2 vols. Bvo.
Holland, H. Chapters on Mental Physiology. Bvo.
Hood, J. W. A Review of “Females and their Diseases,” with an Essay on dis-
placements of the Uterus. 18mo.
Hooker, W. Homoeopathy; an examination of its doctrines and evidence. 12mo.
Howship, J. Practical Observations on the symptoms, discrimination, and treat-
ment of some of the most important diseases of the Lower Intestines and
Anus. Bvo.
Imeay, K. A Popular Cyclopedia of Modern Domestic Medicine, comprising
every recent improvement in medical knowledge ; with a plain account of the
Medicines in common use. Bvo.
Jackson, J. Cases of Cholera collected at Paris in the wards of Andral, Louis,
and at the La Pi tie. Bvo.
Text Book of a course of Lectures on the Theory and Practice of
Physic. Bvo.
Jahr, G. H. G. Alphabetical Repertory of the Skin —Symptoms and external
alterations of substance, Ac., edited by C. J. Hempel, M.D. 18mo.
Johnson, H. J. On Diseases of the Genito-Urinary Organs. Bvo.
Johnson, J. Pilgrimages to the Spas in pursuit of Health and Recreation ; with
an inquiry into the comparative merits of different Mineral Waters—the Mala-
dies to which they are applicable, and those in which they are injurious. Bvo.
Johnson, W. The Morbid Emotions of Women; their origin, tendencies, and
treatment. Svo.
Jos lin, B. F. Principles of Homoeopathy. 12mo.
Kebbkll, W. Popular Lectures on the Prevailing Diseases of Towns their effects,

causes, and means of prevention. 12mo.

Kissam, R. S. A Dissertation on Iritis, with colored plate, Bvo.
Kittoe, W. H. Consumption and Asthma, the new cure: in which is demon-
strated the fallacy of treating diseases of the Chest by the Lancet, Purgatives,
and Mercury. 18mo.
The Ladies’ Medical Friend; or a guide to the treatment of Diseases inci-
dent to Females from an early period, with advice to Mothers on the manage-
ment of Infants, Ac. 12mo.
Knox, R. Great Artists and Great Anatomists; a Biographical and Philosoph-
ical Study. 12rno.
Krohn, H. History of a Case of Extra-Uterine Conception. 4 colored plates. Folia
Laknnec, R, T. H. A Treatise on Mediate Auscultation, and on Diseases of the
Lungs and Heart : with notes by M. Laennec, Andral, Herbert, and Ramadge.
9 plates. 8 vo.
Lambert, T. S. Popular Anatomy and Physiology, adapted to the use of students
and general readers. 140 engravings. 12mo.
Larrky, D. J. Surgical Essays translated by J. Revere, M.D. Bvo.

Leake, J. Medical Instructions towards the prevention and cure of Chronic Dis-
eases peculiar to Women. 2 vols. Bvo.
Lettsom, J. C. History of the Origin of Medicine. 2 plates. 4to.
London and Provincial Medical Directory. 12mo.
Kukyn, E. A Popular Treatise on the management and surgical treatment of the
Teeth and Gums, Ac. Bvo.
Luxmore, T. Observations on the nature and treatment of Tinea Capitis, or
Scald Head ; and on Impaired Vision arising from opacity of the Cornea. 12mo.
M'Cormao, H. An Exposition on the nature, treatment» and prevention of Go»
tinned Fevor. Bvo.
S. S. S W. Wood's Medical Catalogue. 109

M‘Whinnte, A. M. Account of the History and Dissection of a case of Malforma-

tion of the Urinary Bladder. 7 engravings. Bvo.
Macilwain, G. Surgical Observations on the more important diseases of the Mu-
cous Canals of the Body ; being a second edition of the author’s treatise on
Stricture of the Urethra : with observations on contraction of the (Esophagus
and Rectum, on Hernial and other Tumors of the Groin, Ac. Ac. Bvo.
Markwiok, A. A Description of the Structure and P’unctions of the Human Skin;
with remarks on the uses and application of the Impermeable Spongio Piline and
Impermeable Piline. 18mo.
Mauriceau, F. The Diseases of Women with Child, and in Child-bed; also the
best means of helping them in natural and unnatural labors, Ac. With
plates. Bvo.
Mayo, H. A Treatise on Syphilis. Bvo.
Mayo, T. Sequel to Outlines of Medical Proof. Bvo.
Milks, E. Health, Comfort, and Longevity promoted, or a few minutes’ regard
to the Teeth. With colored plate. 12 mo.
Miles, W. The Horse’s Foot, and how to keep it sound. 10 plates. Bvo.
Millar, R. Disquisitions in the History of Medicine ; exhibiting a view of Physic,
during remote periods, in Europe and the East. Bvo.
Morewood, S. An Essay on the Inventions and Customs of both Ancients and
Moderns in the use of Inebriating Liquors. Bvo.
Morgan, J. Lectures on Diseases of the Eye, delivered at Guy’s Hospital. With
colored plates. Bvo.
Morris, C. Lectures on Scarlet Fever. Bvo.
MulLer, J. The Physiology of the Senses, Voice, and Muscular Motion, with the
MentalFaculties with notes by W. Baly, M.D. With numerous engravings. Bvo.

Recent Advances in the Physiology of Motion, the Senses, Generation, and

Development, with notes by Drs. Baly and Kirkes. Numerous engravings. Bvo.
Mürpiit, J. A Natural History of the Human Teeth ; also their Diseases from
Infancy to Old Age. 2 plates. Bvo.
Neill, H. Report of the Practice in the Liverpool Ophthalmic Infirmary, with
plate. Bvo.
Neligan, J. M. The diagnosis and treatment of Eruptive Diseases of the
Scalp. 12mo.
Newman, J. B. The Home Doctor ; or Family Manual, giving the causes, symp.
Toms, and treatment of Diseases. l2mo.
Newnham, W. An Essay on the symptoms, causes, and treatment of Inversion
Uteri; with a history of the successful extirpation of that organ, during the
chronic stage of the disease. Bvo.
Nunn, T. W. Varicose Veins and Varicose Ulcers. 12mo.
Ottlet, D. Observations on Surgical Diseases of the Head and Neck. Bvo.
Parker, L. Digestion and its Disorders considered in reference to the principles
of Dietetics and the management of diseases of the Stomach. Bvo.
Parry, 0. H. An Experimental Inquiry into the nature, cause, and varieties of
the Arterial Pulse; and into certain other properties of larger Arteries, in an-
imals with warm blood. With plates. Bvo.
Parsons, J. A description of the Human Urinary Bladder, and parts belonging
to it with remarks on Lithontriptic Medicines, Ac. 7 plates. Bvo.
; .

Pearkes, M. A. Popular Observations on the Diseases of Literary and Sedentary

Persons with Hints for their prevention and removal. Bvo.

Peroivall, W. Lameness in the Horse, with colored plates. Bvo.

Perfect, W. A nnals of Insanity, comprising a selection of curious and interesting
cases in the different species of Lunacy, Melancholy, or Madness with modes

of praoticu in the medical and moral £& Sum.

110 S. S. cl W. Wood's Medical Catalogue .

Philip, A. P. W. A Treatise on the more obscure affections of the Brain, on which

the nature and successful treatment of many chronic diseases depend, 12mo.
Physician’s Pocket Visiting List, Diary and Memoranda. 12rno.
Piper, R. IT. Operative Surgery Illustrated ; containing more than nineteen hun-
dred engravings, with explanatory text, 12ino.
Pirrie, W. The Principles and Practice of Surgery. Sl6 engravings. Bvo
Pitt, R. The Craft and Frauds of Physic Exposed. 12mo.
Prichard, J. C. The Raturai History of Man comprising inquiries into the mod-

ifying influence of physical and moral agencies on the different tribes of the
Human family. 50 colored plates and 97 engravings. Bvo.
Pritchett, M. Some Account of the African Remittent Fever which occurred on
board steamship Wilberforce, in the river Niger, and on the western coast of
Africa also an inquiry into the causes of disease in tropical climates.

2 plates. Bvo.
Pulte, J. H. Homoeopathic Domestic Physician ; containing the treatment of
diseases with popular explanations of Anatomy, Physiology, Hygiene, and

Hydropathy. Bvo.
Pym, W. Observations upon Bulam, Vomito-Negro, or Yellow Fever. 12mo.
Quekett, J. Lectures on Histology, delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons
of England. 169 engravings. Bvo.
Reece, R. The Medical Guide, or Treasury of Medical Knowledge, for the use
of Families, Plantations, Factories, Foreign Missions, Ac., being a book ofrefer-
ence in health and disease with additions by D. M. Reese, M.D. Bvo.

Rodman, J. A Practical Explanation of Cancer in the Female Breast, with method

of cure, cases, Ac. Bvo.
Roudell, G. L. Illustrations of the Effects of Poisons. 8, colored plates, folio,
Rowland, R. On the Nature and Treatment of Softening of the Brain. Bvo.
S Addington, J. The Theory and Treatment of Fevers. 18mo.
Schieferdecker, C. G. A Short Guide for the rational treatment of Children in
Health and Disease, by Water. 12mo.
Sigmond, G. G. Mercury, Blue Pill, and Calomel; their use and abuse. 12mo.
Simons, J. H. The Planter’s Guide, and Family Book of Medicine; for the use of
Planters, Families, Country-people, Ac. 12mo.
Sleigh, W. W. An Essay on an improved method of catting for Urinary Calculi ;

or the posterior operation of Lithotomy. With plate. Bvo.

Smee, A. Elements of Electro-Biology, or the Voltaic Mechanism of Man ; of
Electro-Pathology, especially of the Nervous System and of Electro-Therapeu-

tics. 36 engravings. Bvo.

Smith, H. A System of Operative Surgery ; based upon the practice of Surgeons
in the United States; with a Bibliographical Index and Historical Record of
many of their operations, for a period of 200 years. Numerous plates. Bvo.
Smith, J. G. The Principles of Forensic Medicine, systematically arranged and
applied to British Practice. Bvo.
Sdencer, T. An Essay on the Nature of the Epidemic usually called Asiatic
Cholera, Ac., with the reasons why it should be regarded as an Epidemic Diar-
rhoea Serosa, instead of common Cholera Morbus, Ac. Bvo.
Spillan, D. A Manual of General Therapeutics ; with rules for prescribing, and
a copious collection of Formula;. 12mo.
Sutleffe, E. Medical and Surgical Cases selected during a practice of S9 years.

2 rols. Bvo.
Sutton, T. Tracts on Delirium Tremens, on Peritonitis, and on some other inter-
nal inflammatory affections, and cm Gout. Bvo.
Sweet, W. Views of Anatomy and Practice of Natural Bone-setting, by a me-

chanical process, different from all Book-knowledge. 18mo.

JÜwett, J. A. A Treatise en the Diseases of the Chest being a course of Lec-
tures delivered at the New York Hospital. Bro,
S. S. (k W. Wood's Medical Catalogue.
Sydenham, T., the entire Works of, edited by J. Swan, M.D. Bvo.
Svmk, J. Supplement to the Principles of Surgery. Bvo.
On Stricture of the Urethra, and Fistula in Perineo. Bvo.
Symonds, J. A. Sleep and Dreams ; two Lectures delivered at the Bristol Lite-
rary and Philosophical Institution. Bvo.
Thomson, T. Chemistry of Animal Bodies. Bvo.
Trousseau and Reveil. The Prescriber’s Complete Hand-book, comprising the
principles of the art of Prescribing. ISmo.
Tuvnell, J. Practical Remarks on the Treatment of Aneurism by Compression.
4 plates. 8 vo.
Turner, D. The Art of Surgery ; in which is laid down such a general idea of
the same as is founded upon reason, confirmed by practice, and illustrated with
many singular and rare cases Medico-Chirurgical. 2 vols. Bvo.
•TpsoN, E. W. Myology, illustrated by colored plates, exhibiting the Muscles in
layers, as they appear on dissection : with a Supplement, containing the Arte-
ries, Veins, Nerves, Lymphatics, &c., on a similar construction. Folio.
Van Butchell, S. J. On the Cure of Piles, Fistula, Flæmorrhoidal Excrescences,
Tumors, and Strictures, without cutting or confinement. Bvo.
Velpeau’s Anatomy of Regions ; translated by H. Hancock. Bvo.
Verrai., C. The Spine ; its curvatures and other diseases, their symptoms, treat-
ment, and cure; with remarks on Paralysis. Bvo.
Walker, G. A. A Treatise on the Cure of Ulcers by Fumigation; in which a
rational treatment is deduced from the Physiology of Ulceration, and proofs
afforded that the new method produces more speedy, certain, and permanent
effects than others in use. 6 plates. Bvo.
Walshe, W. H. A Practical Treatise on the Diseases of the Lungs and Heart,
including the principles of physical diagnosis. 12mo.
Wardrop, J. On the Nature and Treatment of the Diseases of the Heart; with
an account of the Musculo-cardiac, Pulmo-cardiac, and Veno-pulmonary functions.
Warren, J. 0. On the Prevention of Constipation. 12mo.
Weatherhead, G. H. A Treatise on Headaches, their various causes, prevention
and cure. 12mo.
Whitehead, J. On the Transmission from Parent to Offspring, of some forms of
Disease, and of morbid taints and tendencies. Bvo.
Whiter, W. A Dissertation on the Disorder ofDeath or that state of the frame

under the signs of Death, called Suspended Animation. Bvo.

Whytt, R. Observations on the Nature, Causes, and Cure of those disorders
which have been commonly called Nervous, Hypochondriac, or Hysteric. Bvo.
Wigand, H. Croup and its specific Remedy. 12mo.
Williams, J. C. Practical Observations on the Nervous and Sympathetic Palpi-
tation of the Heart. With plate. Bvo.
Wilson, E. On Syphilis, Constitutional and Hereditary and on Syphilitic Erup-

tions. 4 colored plates. Bvo.

Wilson, J. Lectures on the Structure and Physiology of the parts composing
the Skeleton, and on the Diseases of the Bones and Joints of the Human Body ;
with observations on the influence of the Brain and Nerves. Bvo.
Winn, J. M. A Critical Treatise on the General Paralysis of the Insane. Bvo.
Winslow, F. The Anatomy of Suicide. Bvo.
Wiseman, R. Several Chirurgical Treatises on Tumors, Ulcers, Diseases of Anus,
King’s-Evil, Wounds, Gun-shot Wounds, Fractures and Luxations, and Lues Ve-
nerea. Folio.
Wood, W. An Essay on the Structure and Functions of the Skin. Bvo.
Wooffendale, R. Practical Observations on the Human Teeth. With plate. Bvo.
Yeoman, T. H. Consumption of the Lungs, or Decline; the causes, symptoms,
and rational treatment, with means of prevention. 12mo.

Catarrh, Influenza, Bronchitis, and Asthma their causes, symptoms, and

rational treatment. 12mo.
Young, H. Remarks on the Cholera Morbus, containing a description of the Dis-
ease, its symptoms, causes, treatment, means of guarding against it, rfrc. Bvo.
112 8. 8. & W. Wood's Medical Catalogue■.
Addison, W. On Healthy and Diseased Structure, and the true principles of
treatment for the cure of Disease, especially Consumption and Scrofula;
founded on microscopical analysis. Bvo.
Alberti, D. M. Tractatus de Htemorrhoidibus. 4to. 1722.
Alder son, J. On the Pathology and Treatment of Acute Rheumatism. Bvo.
Anderson, W. J. Symptoms and Treatment of the Diseases of Pregnancy. Bvo.
Ashton, T. J. A Treatise on Corns, Bunnlons, and ingrowing of the toe-nail;
their cause and treatment. 5 plates. Bvo.
Ballard, E. The Physical Diagnosis of Diseases of the Abdomen. Bvo.
Bayley, R. An Account of the Epidemic Fever which prevailed in the city of
New York in 1795. Bvo.
Bellingham, O. B. A Treatise on Diseases of the Heart. Bvo.
Bennett, J. H. An Introduction to Clinical Medicine six lectures on method of

examining patients, percussion, auscultation, use of microscope, and diagnosis

of skin diseases. 85 engravings. 12mo.
Lectures on Clinical Medicine.
Biddle, J. B. Review of Materia Medica. 24 engravings. 12mo.
Black, J. A Manual of the Bowels, and the treatment of their principal dis-
orders, from infancy to old age. 12mo.
Black, W. Historical Sketch of Medicine and Surgery, from their origin to
present time. Bvo. 1782.
Blackwell, E. The Laws of Life, with special reference to the Physical education
of Girls. 12mo.
Blake, R. An Essay on the Structure and Formation of the Teeth in Man and
various animals. 9 plates. Bvo.
Blundell, J. Researches Physiological and Pathological; instituted principally
with a view to the improvement ofMedical and Surgical Practice. 3 plates. Bvo.
Braid, J. Magic, Witchcraft, Animal Magnetism, Hypnotism, and Electro-
Biology. 12mo.
Brompton Hospital for Consumption and Diseases of the Chest, Medical Report of.
Brown, T. The Taxidermist’s Manual, or art of collecting, preparing, and pre-
serving objects of Natual History. 6 plates. 12mo.
Bryan, J. A Treatise on the Anatomy, Physiology, and Diseases of the Human
Ear, -with engravings. 12m0._
Buchanan, T. Illustrations of Acoustic Surgery. 5 plates. Bvo.
Burgess, T. H. Climate of Italy in relation to Pulmonary Consumption ; with
remarks on the influence of foreign climates upon invalids. Bvo.
Carter, R. B. On the Pathology and Treatment of Hysteria. Bvo.
Caspari’s Homoeopathic Domestic Physician, edited by F. Hartman, M. D. ; with
additions by C. Hering, M. D. 12mo.
Chambers, T. K. Corpulence, or Excess of Fat during Pregnancy. Bvo. Pam-
Christophers, J. C. Observations on Syphilis, and on Inoculation as the means
of diagnosis in ulcers and discharges invading the genital organs. Bvo.
Coates, W. M. Practical Observations on the nature and treatment of Talipes or
Club-Foot ; particularly of Talipes Yarus. 2 plates. Bvo.
Cock, T. F. A Manual of Obstetrics. 12 mo.
Cole, J. J. Military Surgery ;or experience of Field Practice in India. Bvo.
Comfort, J. W. The Practice of Medicine on Thomsonian Principles. Bvo.
Condie, D. F. A Course of Examinations on Anatomy and Physiology, Surgery,
Chemistry, Materia Medica, Midwifery, and Practice of Medicine. 18mo.
Copeland, T. Observations on Hie Symptoms and Treatment of the Diseased
Epine. £ platea.' 8m
JS, S. cfc W. Wood's Medical Catalogua, 113
Corbtn, F. Management and Diseases of Infants, under the influence of the cli-
mate of India. 9 colored plates. Bvo.
Cotton, R. P. The Nature, Symptoms, and Treatment of Consumption. Bvo.
Coülson, W. On Lithotrity and Lithotomy. 97 engravings. Bvo.
Couper, R. Speculations on the Mode and Appearances of Impregnation in the
Human Female. Bvo.
Cox, J. Poisons their effects, antidotes, and tests. 12mo.

Davey, J. G. On the Nature and Proximate Cause of Insanity. Bvo.

Davis, D. D. Elements of Operative Midwifery comprising a description of

certain new and improved powers for assisting difficult and dangerous labors.
20 plates. 4to.
Dickson, S. The Unity of Disease analytically and synthetically proved with;

facts and cases subversive of the received Practice of Physic. Bvo.

Egan, J. C. Syphilitic Diseases ; their pathology, diagnosis, and treatment, in-
cluding experimental researches on Inoculation as a differential agent in test-
ing the character of these affections. Bvo.
Ellis, R. Disease in Childhood, its common causes, and directions for its practi-
cal management. 18mo.
Epps, G. N. Spinal Curvature, its theory, its cure ; with cases and 14 colored
plates. 4to.
Esdaile, J. Natural and Mesmeric Clairvoyance, with the practical application
of mesmerism
in surgery and medicine. 12mo.
Falck, N. D. A Treatise on the Venereal Disease. 5 plates. Bvo.
Feuchtersleben, E. The Dietetics of the Soul. 12mo.
Fitzpatrick, A. An Essay on a new method of adapting Artificial Teeth. 4
plates. 12mo.
Flint. A. Clinical Reports on Continued Fever, based on analyses of 164 cases ;
with remarks on management of Continued Fevei’, the identity of Typhus and
Typhoid Fever, Relapsing Fever, Diagnosis, Ac. Bvo.
■ Clinical Report on Chronic Pleurisy, based on analysis of 47 cases. Bvo-
Forbes, J. The Physician’s Holiday ;or a month in Switzerland in the summer
of 1848, with map and 4 plates. 12mo.
Fowell, S. A Treatise on Dentistry and the care and preservation of the Teeth.

Frankum, R. Discourse on the enlarged and pendulous Abdomen showing it


to be a visceral affection, attended with important consequences in the human

economy, Ac. Ac. 12mo.
Fraser, J. The Emigrant’s Medical Guide. 12mo.
Frazer, W. Elements of Materia Medica, containing the Chemistry and Natural
History of Drugs, their effects, doses, and adulterations, Ac. Bvo.
Fuller, F. Medicina Gymnastica ;or a Treatise concerning the power of Exer-
cise with respect to the animal economy, and the great necessity of it in the
cure of several distempers. Bvo. 1728.
Fuller, H. W. On Rheumatism, Rheumatic Gout, and Sciatica, their pathology,
symptoms, and treatment. Bvo.
Gairdner, W. T. Contributions to the Pathology of the Kidney. Bvo.
Geddes, W. Clinical Illustrations of the Diseases of India. Bvo.
Gillman, J. A Dissertation on the Bite of a Rabid Animal. Bvo,
Gluge, G. Atlas der Pathologischen Anatomie oder Bildliche Darstellung und
Erlànterung der vorzügliehsten krankhaftcn Veriinderungen der Organe und
Gewebe des mensehlicheu Korpers. 102 colored plates. Folio.
«- Atlas of Pathological Histology, translated from the German, by J. Leidy,
M. D: 12 colored plates; Folio.
114 S. S. cé W. Wood’s Medical Catalogue,
Godfrey. On the Prevention and Cure of Spinal Curvatures and Deformities of
the Chest and Limbs. Bvo.
Goodsir, J. Annals of Anatomy and Physiology. Bvo.
Gordon, C. A. The Principal Diseases of India briefly described ; with hints on
the duties of Medical Officers in that country. 12mo.
Grakfenbeeg Manual of Health. 12mo.
Green, H. On the Surgical Treatment of Polypi of the Larynx, and (Edema of
the Glottis. 4 plates. Bvo.
Griscom, J. H. The Uses and Abuses of Air ; showing its influence in sustain-
ing life, and producing disease ; with remarks on the ventilation of houses, Ac.
Ac. Colored plates. 12mo.
Grove, J, Epidemics examined and explained ; or living germs proved by
analogy to be a source of disease. Bvo.
Guthrie, G. J. Commentaries on the Surgery of the Yvrar in Portugal, Spain,
France, and the Netherlands, showing the improvements made in the great art
and science of Surgery on all the subjects to which they relate. 12mo.
Hall, M. Synopsis of the Diastaltic Nervous System ;or the system of the
spinal marrow, and its reflex ares as the nervous agent in all the functions of

ingestion and of egestiou in the animal economy, with engravings. 4to.

Halliday, A. Observations on Emphysema ;or the disease which arises from
an affusion of air into the cavity of the thorax, or subcutaneous cellular mem-
brane. Bvo.
Hammond, C. D. Medical Information for the Million ; or the True Guide to
Health, on eclectic and reformed principles ; with an essay on Sexual Diseases.
Hancock, H. On the Anatomy and Physiology of the Male Urethra, and on the
Pathology of Strictures of that Canal. With engravings. Bvo.
Harrison, J. B. Some Observations on the contamination of water by the poison
of Lead; and its effects on the human body. 12mo.
Harvey, W. Rheumatism, Gout, and Neuralgia, as affecting the Head and Ear ;

with remarks on some forms of headache in connection with deafness. Bvo.

Haycock, W. Elements of Veterinary Homoeopathy, embracing hints on the
application of Hydropathy ; or a Treatise on the Diseases of the Horse and
Cow, Ac. Bvo.
Headland, F. W. An Essay on the Action of Medicines in the system or on ;

the mode in which therapeutic agents introduced into the stomach produce
their peculiar effects on the animal economy. Bvo.
Henle, J. A Treatise on General Pathology. Bvo.
Hinds, W. The Harmonies of Physical Science in relation to the higher senti-
ments ; with observations on the study of Medical Science, and the moral and
scientificrelations of medical life. 12mo.
Holcombe, W. H. The Scientific Basis of Homoeopathy, 12mo.
Hooper, R. The Morbid Anatomy of the Human Uterus and its appendages,
with 21 colored illustrations of the most frequent and important organic dis-
eases to which these viscera are subject. 4to.
Hutchinson, J. The Spirometer, the Stethoscope, and Scale-Balance their use

in discriminating diseases of the chest, and their value in Life Offices. Bvo.
Hutchinson, W. A Dissertation on Infanticide in its relations to Physiology and
Jurisprudence. Bvo.
Jahr’s New Manual, (or Syroptomen-Codex,) edited by C. J. Kempel, M. D., and
J. M. Quin, M. D. 2 vols. Bvo.
Johns, M. A Clinical Phrase Book, in English and German containing the

usual questions and answers employed in examining and prescribing for

patients questions asking for and buying medicines, Ac. 18mo.

Johnson, G. Oa the Diseases of the Kidney, their pathology, diagnosis, and

S. /S. <£• IF". JVood's Medical Catalogue. 115

treatment with an introductory chapter on the anatomy and physiology of


the Kidney. 8m
Jones, A. B. Observations on the Diseases and Loss of the Teeth, and the vari-
ous means of supplying their deficiency ; and on defects in the palate, and their
treatment. 5 plates. Bvo.
Jones, H. Bence. On Animal Electricity ; being an abstract of the discoveries
of Emil Du Bois-Reymoud. 50 engravings. 12mo.
Jukes, E. On Indigestion and Costiveness ; a series of hints to both sexes, on
the important, safe, and efficacious means of relieving diseases of the digestive
organs by Lavements, die. With engravings. 12mo.
Jubtamond, J. 0. Surgical Tracts ; consisting of Outlines of the History of Sur-
gery ; on Inflammation and Abscess ; on the Effects of Motion and Rest ; on
Counter-strokes ; and on Cancerous Diseases ; with notes and observations, by
W. Houlston. 4to.
Kahn, J. Atlas of the Formation of the Human Body, in the earliest stages of
its development, compiled from the researches of Dr. M. P. Erdl. 13 colored
plates. 4to.
Ring, A. On some of the Diseases affecting the Voice and Respiration, including
Consumption, Asthma, and Bronchitis, Ac. 12mo.
Knox, R. A Manual of Human Anatomy ; descriptive, practical, and general.
250 engravings. 12mo.
Lalonktte,'P. A New Method of curing the Venereal Disease by Fumigation.
3 plates. Bvo. l'T'7'7.
Ledwich, T. H. A E. The Practical and Descriptive Anatomy of the Human
Body. 12mo.
Lee, R. Clinical Reports on Ovarian and Uterine Diseases. 12mo.
Lioktüs, F. De Monstris ex recensione Gerardi Blasii, M. D., with numerous

plates. 4to. i
Little, W. J. On the Nature and Treatment of the Deformities of the Human
Frame. 161 engravings. Bvo.
Lovett, W. Elementary Anatomy and Physiology ; with lessons on diet, intoxi-
cating drinks, tobacco, and disease; for schools and private instruction. 10
colored plates. Bvo.
Lowig, 0. Principles of Organic and Physiological Chemistry ; translated by D.
Breed, M. D. Bvo.
Maddock, A. B. Cases of Pulmonary Consumption, Bronchitis, Asthma, Chronic
Cough, and various diseases of the Lungs, Air-Passages, Throat, and Heart,
successfully treated by Medicated Inhalations. Bvo.
Mallan, J. Practical Observations on the Physiology and Diseases of the Teeth.
Mandeville, B. A. A Treatise on the Hypochondriac and Hysteric Diseases,
Maecy, E. E. Homoeopathy and Allopathy ; Reply to “an Examination of the
Doctrines and Evidences of Homoeopathy, by W. Hooker, M. D.” ] 2mo.
Maecy, E. E. Homoeopathic Theory and Practice of Medicine. 12mo.
Maxwell,W. G. A Practical Treatise on Epidemic Cholera, Ague, Dysentery,
a Persian Treatise on Plague and Cholera.
Ac., with Bvo.
Mayo, H. The Philosophy of Living. 12rao.
Popular Superstitions, and the truths contained therein, with an account
of Mesmerism. 12mo,
Anatomical and Physiological Commentaries. 14 plates. Bvo.
Mayo, T. Clinical Facts and Reflections ; also remarks on the impunity of mur-
der in some cases of presumed insanity. Bvo.
Milton, J. L. A New Way of Treating Gonorrhoea. Bvo.
116 S. S. cè W. Wood's Medical Catalogue.
Monro, A. The Anatomy of the Urinary Bladder and Perineum of the Male.
5 plates. Bvo.
Morgagni, J. B. The Seats and Causes of Diseases investigated by Anatomy ;
translated by B. Alexander, M. D. 3 vols. 4to. 1769.
Morton, T. <fe W. Cadge. The Surgical Anatomy of the principal regions of the
Human Body, "with numerous engravings and colored plates. Bvo.
Murphy, W, Lectures on the Principles and Practice of Midwifery, with plates.
8 vo.
Nasmyth, A. Three Memoirs on the development and structure of the Teeth and
Epithelium. 9 plates. Bvo.
Needham, G. Disquisitio Anatomica de Formate Fœtu. 7 plates. 18mo.
Neligan, J. M. A Practical Treatise on Diseases of the Skin. 12mo.
Nunn, T. W. Inflammation of the Breast, and Milk Abscess. 12mo.
Paget, J. Lectures on Surgical Pathology, Hypertrophy, Atrophy, Repair, In-
flammation, Mortification, Specific Diseases, Tumors, <fec. 116 engravings. 2
vols. Bvo.
Peiuoe, C. H. Examinations of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Ac,, as to their
purity and adulterations. 12 mo.
Pellhrin, J. De. A Treatise on Venereal Maladies. Bvo. 1750.
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ing an analysis of the Letters of Ricord. Bvo.
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Boyer, M. le Baron. Traite des Maladies Chirurgicales et des Opérations qui
kur conviennent. J 1 vols. Bvo.
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ner: traduitde l’Allemand, par A. J. L. Jourdan. 9 vols. Bvo. Plates.
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Ire. partie. De la Dysenterie et des Maladies du Foie qui la compliquent. Bvo.
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Cayol, J. B. Clinique Médicale, suivie d’un traite des Maladies Cancéreuses.
Cazenave, A. Traite des Syphilides, ou Maladies Veneriennes de la Peau. Bvo.,
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Civiale. Traite Pratique sur les Maladies des Organes Genito-Urinaires. 3 vols.
Bvo. 8 plates.
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Bvo., et Atlas in-folio de 24 planches coloriées.
Delahaye. Tableau Synoptique des Bandages le plus usités.
Delonnes, J. Nouvelles Considerations sur le Cautere Actuel; apologie de ce
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Depaul. J. A. H. Traite Théorique et Pratique d’Auscultation Obstétricale. Bvo
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rier, Bard, Gama, Desruelles, &c. Bvo.
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turelle, &c. : par Bedard, Chomel, Cloquet, et Orfila. 2 vols. Bvo.
Dieu, S. Traite de Matière Médicale et de Thérapeutique, precede de consid-
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12 planches coloriées.
Düpuytren. Mémoire sur une maniéré nouvelle de pratiquer l’Opération de la
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Physiologique et dans ses divers états pathologiques, suivi d’un essai sur la chlo-
rose, et d’un mémoire sur les propriétés médicinales des diverses p. épurations da
fer. Bvo.
Favrot, A. Etudes sur les Maladies des Femmes qu’on observe h plus fréquem-
ment dans la pratique. Bvo.
Fi.oürens, P. Anatomie Générale de la Peau et des Membranes M aqueuses. 4to.
G planches coloriées.
Cours sur la Generation, l’Ovologie, et l’Embryologie. 4to. 10 planche»,
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Foy, F. Manuel d’Hygiene, ou histoire des moyens propres a conserver la santé,
ai a perfectionner le physique et le moral de l’homme. 12mo.
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osseuses. Tome 11. Des Monstruosités Humaines. Bvo. 17planches.
Cours de l’Histoire Naturelle des Mammifères. Bvo.
Georgii, A. Kinésithérapie, ou Traitement des Maladies par le mouvement selon
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Heusinger, C. F. Recherches de Pathologie Comparée. 4to.
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tion a l’etude de l’anatomie et de la physiologie comparée. 12mo.
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ations spontanées ou symptomatiques de l’articulation ilio-femorale ; méthode ap-
plicable aux luxations congénitales et aux luxations anciennes par cause externe.
Bvo., et Atlas in-4t0., de 29 planches.
F amain, M. A. Manuel de Petite Chirurgie, contenant les pansements, les band-
ages, les cautères, les vesicatoires, les moxas, les ponctions, la vaccination, les
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Jussieu, A. de. Cours Elémentaire de Botanique, orne de plus de 700 figures in
tercalees dans le texte. 12mo.
Kilian, H. F, Geburtshulflicher Atlas, contenant 48 planches in-folio.
Lack, F. J. De l’Ether Suhurique, de son action physiologique, et de son appli
cation a la chirurgie, aux accouchements, a la medecine, avec un aperçu his-
torique sur la découverte de Jackson. Bvo.
Laennec, R. T. H. Traite de l’Auscultation mediate, et des maladies des pou-
mons et du cœur. 2 vols. Bvo.
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LachaPEEEE. Pratique des Accouchemens, ou
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Lacorriere. Traite du Froid ; de son action et de son emploi, intus et extra, en
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Legendre, F. L. Recherches Anatomo-Pathologiques et cliniques sur quelques
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Lejoncourt, C. Galerie des Centenaires anciens et modernes. Bvo.
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élémentaire de physique relative a la medecine, d’anatomie humaine, de noso-
graphie et de thérapeutique, suivi d’un resume de medecine legale, &c. Bvo.
Marchal (De Calvi.) Des Abcès Phlegmoneux intra-pelviens. Bvo.
Martin (Le Jeune.) Mémoires de Medecine et de chirurgie-pratique sur plusieurs
maladies et accidens graves qui peuvent compliquer la Grossesse, la Parturition,
et la Couche; precedes d’un compte-rendu analytique des maladies observées a
l’hospice de la charité de Lyon, pendant au exercice de sept années. Bvo.
Martinet, L. Traite Elémentaire de Thérapeutique Médicale, suivi d’un Formu-
laire. Bvo.
Martin-Saint-Anoe. Circulation du Sang chez le Fœtus de l'Homme. Tableau,
in-folio grave et coloriées.
Masse, J. N. Petit Atlas complet d’Anatomie descriptive du Corps Humain, des-
tine a completer tous les atlas d’anatomie descriptive. 12mo. 113 planches.
Médecins et Chirurgiens célébrés, lithographies d’après nature ou d’après les por-
traits le plus authentique, contenant 57 portraits, grand in-4to., F. L. E. Manuel Pratique d’ Orthopedic, ou traite élémentaire, sur les
moyens de prévenir et de guerer toutes les difformités du corps humain. !Bmo.
18 planches.
Aïemoires de la Société Médicale d'Observation. 2 vols. Svo.
Mer.vt, F. V. Elements du Botanique, contenant l’anatomie et la physiologie
végétales ; la description des genres de plantes cultivées dans f école de botanique
de ces établissements. l2mo.
Merat et Delens. Dictionnaire JTniversel de Matière Médicale et de Thérapeu-
tique Générale; contenant l’indication, la description et l’emploi de tous les me-
dicamtns connus dans les diverses parties du globe. 7 vols. Bvo. ,P. J. Monographie des Irritations, Intermittentes, ou traite théorique
et pratique des maladies périodiques, des fievres larvees, locales ou topiques, de»
üevres pernicieuses, des fievres rémittentes et intermittentes banignes des autew-s
et en general de tout ce qui offre de l’intermittence ou de la périodicité en patho-
logie. 3 vols. l3mo.
iS. S. c& W. Wood’s Medical Catalogue,
Monro, A. Traite d’Osteologie, traduit de l’Anglais de Dr. Monro, ou l’on ajoute
des planches en taille-douce que représentent au naturel tous les Os de l’Adulte
et du Fœtus, avec leur explications. 2 vols, folio. 32 planches.
Mo un ai; ni, J, B. Recherches Anatomiques sur le siege et les causes des Maladies
traduit en Français par Deaomieaux et Destouet. 10 vols. Bvo.
Nivklkt. L’Homœopathie ses raisons et ses erreurs. Bvo,
Oi.livier, Adelon, &c. Monographie îles Maladies du Foie, précédée de consid-
erations anatomiques et physiologiques sur cet organe. IHmo.
Oreila. Traite de Medecine Legale, 4eme edition, revue, corrigée, et considérable-
ment augmentée, contenant en entier le Traite des Exhumations Juridiques par
Orfila et Lesueur. 4 vols. Bvo., avec planches.
Pki.olze ht Frrmy. Cours de Chimie Générale. 3 vols. Bvo., et Atlas in-4to. de
40 planches.
Petit, A. De la Torsion des Artères, pat Dr. Scrader, traduit en Français, et aug-
mentée d’un aperçu critique sur quelques procédés récemment imagines pour ob
tenir l’oblitération des arteres en cas d’aneurisme, sans avoir recours a lu liga
ture. Bvo.
Pixel, P. Traite Medico-Philosophique sur l’Aliénation Mentale. Bvo.
Pixel, S. Traite ,Complot du Regime Sanitaire des Aliénés, ou manuel des eta;-
lisseraents qui leur sont consacres. J2mo. 4 planches.
Physiologie de l’Homme Aliéné, appliquée a l’analyse de l’homme social. 18mo.
Piorry, P. A. Du procédé Opératoire a suivre dans l'exploration des organes par
la percussion mediate, et collection de mémoires sur la physiologie, la pathologie,
et le diagnostic. Bvo.
Polixiere, A. P. J. Etudes-xCliniques sur les Emissions Sanguines artificielles.
2 vols. Bvo.
Portal. Observations sur la nature et le traitement de l’Epilepsie. Bvo.
Pouchet, F. A. Théorie Positive île l’Ovulation Spontanée et de la Fécondation
des mammifères et de l’espece humaine, basee sur l’observation de toute la sérié
animale. Bvo., avec Atlas in-4to. de 20 planches coloriées.
Raciborski, A. Nouveau Manuel complet d ’Auscultation et de Percussion, ou
application de l’acoustique diagnostic des maladies. lBmo.
Precis Pratique et raisonne du Diagnostic, contenant l’inspection, la men-
suration, la palpitation, la depression, la percussion, l’auscultation, l’odoration,
la gustation, les réactifs chimiques, l’interrogation des maladies, la description
des maladies de la peau, de la bouche, de la gorge, des parties génitales, des alter
ations du sang, des affections du système nerveux, de l’appareil respiratoire, cii
culaloire, digestif, urinaire, &c. lBrno.
Rasori, G. Opuscoli di Medicina Clinica. 2 vols. Bvo.
Raspail, F. V. Manuel Annuaire de la Santé, ou medecine et pharmacie domes»-
tiques. 18mo.
Rayer, P. Traite des Maladies des Reins, et des alterations de la secretion uri-
nsiire. étudiées en elles-memes et dans leur rapports avec les maladies des uretercs,
de la vessie, de la prostate, de la urethre, &c. 3 vois. Bvo., avec un Atlas grand
in-folio de GO planches graves et magnifiquement coloriées d’après nature.
Traite théorique et pratique des Maladies de la Peau. 3 vols. Bvo. avec
un Atlas de 2G planches grand in-4t0., dessinées d’après nature, graves et 4-
oriees avec le plus grand soin, représentant en 400 figures, les différentes mala-
dies de la peau et leurs variétés.
Regnier, J. B. De la Pustule Maligne, ou nouvel exphse des phenomener ob-
serves pendant son cours, suivi du traitement antiphlogistique plus approprie a
sa veritable nature, et de quelques observations sur les effets du suspensoir. Bvo.
Reveillr-Parise, J. H. Physiologie et Hygiene des Hommes livres aux travaux
de l’esprit, ou recherches sur le physique, et le moral, les habitudes, les malai ies
et le regime des gens de lettres, artistes, savans, hommes d’état, jurisconsulte»,
administratetirs, &c. 2 vols. Bvo.
S. S. (& W. Wood's Médira. Catmoçub.
Rf.ybard, J. F. Mémoires sur le traitement fies Anus artittc.oo des plaies des
intestins, et des plaies pénétrantes de poitrine. Svo. 3 planches.
Ricohd, P. Clinique Iconographique de l'Hopitai (e> Ve aériens. .ecueil d’obser-
vations suivies de considerations pratiques, sur les maladies qui ont ete traites
dans cet Hôpital. Publies par livraisons de 3 planches grand i.n-4t0., figures col-
oriées avec le plus grand soin. 16 livraisons sont publies.
Eillikt et Barth rz. Traite Clinique et Pratique des Maladies des Enfants, fonde
sur la pratique de l’Hôpital des Enfants malades. 3 vols. Bvo.
Rostan, L. Cours de Medecine Clinique, ou sont exposes les principes de la
mcdecine organique ; ou traite élémentaire de diagnostic, de prognostic, d’indica-
cations thérapeutiques, &c. 3 vols. Bvo.
Sappey, P. C. Manuel d’Anatoipie descriptive et de préparations anatomiques.
2 vols. 12m0., avec figures intercallces dans le texte.
Schedel, H. E. Examen Clinique de l’Hydrothérapie. Bvo.
Scoutetten, H. La Méthode Ovulaire, ou nouvelle méthode pour amputer dans
les articulations. 4to, 11 planches.
Serre. Traite de la Reunion Immediate et de son influence sur les progrès recens
de la chirurgie dans toutes les operations. &c. Bvo. 3 planches.
Traite sur l’art de restaurer les Difformités de la Face, selon la méthode par
déplacement, ou méthode Française. Bvo., et Atlas in-410. de 30 planches.
Serres. Recherches d’Anatomie Transcendante et Pathologique: theorie.des for-
mations et des deformations organique, appliquée a l’Anatomie de Ritta-Chris-
tina, et de la duplicité monstreuse. 4t0., et Atlas in-folio de 20 planches.
Stcebrr, V. Manuel Pratique d’Ophthalmologie, ou traite des maladies des yeux.
I2mo. 3 planches.
Stout, A. B. Description du Nouvel Appareil du Dr. Jarvis pour la réduction des
Luxations, l’ajustement des fractures et leur maintien. Bvo. 6 planches.
Sue. Elemens d’Anatomie, a l’usage des Pemtres. des Sculpteurs, et des Ama-
teurs. 4to. 14 planches.
Tanchou, S. Nouvelle Méthode pour détruire la Pierre dans la vessie sans opera-
tion sanglante; precede d’un examen historique et pratique de tous les procédés
de lithotritie employes jusqu’a ce jour. Bvo. 9 planches. „

Tavernier, A. Manuel de Clinique Chirurgicale, contenant la maniéré d’observer

en chirurgie, un expose des signes diagnostiques et des caractères anatomiques
des maladies chirurgicales, et un sommaire des indications curatives. 18mo.
Tavignot, P. L. Traite Clinique des Maladies des Yeux. 12mo.
Thivet. Traite complet de Bandages, et d’Anatomie appliquée a l’etude des frac-
tures et luxations, avec les appareils qui leur conviennent. Bvo. 99 planches
contenant 760 figures.
Thore, A. M. Etudes sur les Maladies Incidentes des Aliénés. Bvo.
Tombeur et Brixhe. Thcrapeutice Specialis at Febres periodicas perniciosas.
2 vois. Bvo.
Trousseau et Belloc. Traite Pratique de la Phthisic Laryngée, de Laryngite
Chronique et des Maladies de la Voix. Bvo. 9 planches coloriées.
Vai,t .eix, F. L. J. Clinique des Maladies des Enfants nouveau-nes. Bvo, 2
planches coloriées.
Traite des Neuralgics ou affections douloureuses des nerfs. Bvo.
Guide du Médecin Praticien, ou resume general de pathologie interne et de
therapeurique appliquées. 8 vols. Bvo.
Velpeau, Alf. A. L. M. Nouveaux Elements de Medecine Opératoire. 4 vola.
Bvo., et Atlas in-4t0., de 22 planches, représentant les principaux procédés opéra-
toires, et un grand nombre d’instruments de chirurgie.
Wahu. Maximes d’Hygiene Populaire. 18mo.
Weller. Traite Théorique et Pratique des Maladies des Yeux. 2 vols. 8v».
4 planches coloriées.
S. S. d W. Wood's Medical Catalogue.
Andral. M. G. Cours de Pathologie Interne professe ala Faculté de Médecins
de Paris. 3 vols. Bvo.
Aütt.rt, A. Selecta Praxis Medico-Chirurgicæ quam Mosquæ exercet. To bs
completed in 24 livraisons, folio 120 coloredplates. Six livraisons now published.

Bernard C. et C. Hoette. Precis Iconographique de Medecine Opératoire et

d’Anatomie Chirurgicale. 12mo. 100 planches coloriées.
Bischofp, I'. L. G. Traite du Développement de l’Homme et des Mammifères, suivi
d’une histoire du développement de l’œuf du lapin. Bvo. avec un atlas de 10
planches, 4to.
Bonnet, A. Traite des maladies des Articulations. 2 vols. Bvo., et atlas de 16
planches. 4to.
Bossu. Anthropologie ou Etude des organes, fonctions, maladies de l’homme et
de la femme; comprenant l’anatomie, la physiologie, l’hygiene, la pathologie, et
la thérapeutique, avec 20 planches. 2 vols. Bvo.
Bo ucuardat, M. A. Formulaire Vétérinaire, contenant le mode d’action, l’emploi
et les doses des medicaments simples et composes, prescrits aux animaux domes-
tiques, par les médecins vétérinaires Français et étrangers. IBmo.
Bouchot, E. Traite des Signes de la Mort et des moyens de prévenir les enterre-
ments prematures. 12mo.
Chauffard. Œuvres de Medecine Pratique, 2 vols. Bvo.
Cloquet, H. Traite d’Anatomie descriptive. Bvo.
Daguerre. Historique et Description des procédés du Daguerreotype et du Dio-
rama, avec (5 planches et portrait. Bvo.
Devilliers. Nouvelles recherches sur la Membrane hymen, et les caroncules hy-
mena les. Bvo., avec 4 planches.
Observations et recherches sur quelques maladies de la Membrane caduque.
Bvo., avec pl.
Donne, A. Mémoire sur l’emploi de la Gelatine comme substance alimentaire. Bvo.
• Du Lait, et en particulier de celui des nourrices, considérée sous le rapport
de ses bonnes et de ses mauvaises qualités nutritives et de ses alterations : avec
planche. Bvo.
Recherches Microscopiques sur la nature de. Mucus et la matière des divers
ecoulemens des organes genito-urinaires chez l’homme et chez la femme, &c,,
avec planche. Bvo.
Nouvelles Experiences sur les Animalcules Spermatiques, et sur quelques
unes des causes de la Stérilité chez la femme, &c,, avec planche. Bvo.
Dubois, P,A. Traite Complet de l’art des Accouchements, avec figures intercalées
dans le texte. Bvo.
Galvanoplastie, avec figures. Bvo.
Griesselich. Manuel pour servir a l’etude critique de la Medecine Homœo-
■pathique. 12mo.
Grimaud de Caux et Martin Saint-Ange. Histoire de la Generation de l’Hoin-
me, precedes de l’etude comparative de cette fonction dans les divisions princi-
pales du régné animal. 12 planches coi. 4to.
Grisolle, A. Traite élémentaire et pratique de Pathologie interne. 2 vols. Bvo.
Guerin, J. Rapport addresse ale Délégué du Governement Provisoire sur les
traitements Orthopédiques, a 1 Hôpital des Enfants, pendants les années 1813,
1844, 1845, &c. 4to.
Güibourt. Histoire naturelle des Drogues simples, ou cours d’histoire naturelle
professe a l’Ecole de Pharmacie. 3 vols. Bvo., avec (300 figures.
Jacquemine, J. Manuel des Accouchements et des maladies des femmes grosses
et accouchées, contenant les soins a donner aux nouveaux-nes, avec (33 figures.
2 vols, ISmo.
Jobert (de Lamballe). Traite de Chirurgie Plastique. 2 vols. Bvo., et atlas de
18 folio pl. coloriées.
Jourdan, A. J. L. Pharmacopée Universelle, ou Conspectus des Pharmacopée*
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onne, Suédoise, Wurtembergeoise, &c., &c. 2 vols. Bvo.
Lebert, H. Physiologie Pathologique, ou Recherches cliniques, microscopiques,
et expérimentales sur l’inflammation, la tuberculisation, les tumeurs, et les autres
tissus accidentels. 2 vols. Svo., et atlas de 22 pi.
Traite pratique des maladies Scroluleuses et Tuberculeuses. Bvo.
Lugol, J. G. A. Recherches et Observations sur les causes des maladies Scrofm
leuses. Bvo.
Maingault. Médecin Opératoire. Traite des diverses Amputations qui se pra-
tiquent sur le corps humain, représentées par des figures de grandeur naturelle,
&c., avec 8 pi. Jbiio.
Mankc, P. J. Traite théorique et pratique de la Ligature des Arteres, folio, avec
13 pl. coloriées.
Mathieu, E. Etudes cliniques sur les maladies des Femmes, appliquées aux af-
fections nerveuses et utérines. Bvo.
Mill on et Reiset. Annuaire de Chimie, comprenant les applications de cetta
science a la medecine et a la pharmacie, ou repertoire des découvertes et de*
nouveaux travaux en chemie faits dans les diverses parties de l’Europe, 1849. Bvo.
Naegele, F. C. Des principaux vices de conformation du Bassin, et spécialement
du retrecissement oblique, avec 16 pl. Bvo.
Nelaton, A. Eiemens de Pathologie Chirurgicale, 2 vols, Bvo.
Piciiard, F. L. Des Ulcérations et des Ulcérés du col de la Matrice, et de leui
traitement. Bvo. 8 planches.
Plaies d’Armcs a Feu. Communications faites a l’Academie Nationale de Méde-
cine, par Baudens, Roux. Malgaigne, Amussat, Blandin, Piorry, Velpeau, Hu-
guier, Jobert (de Lamballe), Begin, Rochoux, Devergie. Bvo.
Robert. A. Des affections granuleuses, ulcéreuses, et carcinomateuses du Col
de l’Uterus. 3 planches coloriées. Bvo.
Mémoire sur les Fractures du col du Femur, accompagnées de penetration
dans le tissu spongieux du trochanter. Bvo., avec 6 planches.
Robin, C. Du Microscope et des Injections dans leur applications a l’Anatomie
et a la Pathologie, suivi d’une classification des sciences fondamentales de celle
de la biologie et de l’anatomie en particulier. 23 engravings and 4 plates. Bvo.
Sedillot, C. De l’lnfection Purulente, ou Pyocraie. 3 planches coloriées. Bvo.
Second, L. A. Hygiene du Chanteur. Influence du chant sur l’economie ani-
male. causes principales de i’afiiaiblissement de la voix, et du développement de
certaines maladies chez les chanteurs moyens de prévenir ces maladies. 12mo.

Seguin, E. Traitement moral, hygiene, et education des Idiots et des autres en-
fants arriérés ou retardes dans leur développement, agites de mouvements in-
volontaires, debiles, muets sourds, begues, &c. 12mo.
Sydenham, T. Œuvres de Medecine Pratique. 2 vols. Bvo.
Tardieu, A. Manuel de Pathologie et de Clinique Médicales. 12mo.
Thénard. Traite de Chimie Elémentaire théorique et pratique, suivi d’un essai
sur la philosophie chemique et d’un precis sur l’analyse. 2 vols. Bvo., et alias
de 20 planches, 4to.
Thomas. Traite pratique de la Fievre Jaune observee ala Nouvelle-Orleans. Bvo.
VaniEr du Havre. Traitement d’urgence des maladies des Enfants avant l’ar-
rivee du Mcdecin, (Croup, Convulsions, Etouffements, &c.) Bvo.
Velpeau, A. L. M. Embryologie, ou Ovologie Humaine, contenant l’histoire de-
scriptive et iconographique de 1 Œuf humain. 15 planches, folie.
Vidal, (de Cassis.) Traite de Pathologie, externe et de Medecine Opératoire. 5
vols. Hvo., avec 520 figures.
S. S. fy W. Wood's Medical Catalogue
Amüssat, J. Z. Mémoire sur la Retroversion de la Matrice dans l’etat Je
grossesse. Bvo.
Mémoire sur l’Anatomie Pathologique des Tumeurs fibreuses de
l’üterus, et sur la possibilité d’extirper ces tumeurs lorsqu’elles sont encore
contenues dans les parois de cet organe, fevo.
Aüdibert. Petit Manuel d’Accouchement Anormal, ou description pratique du
forceps indicateur, représentant sur ses branches un grand nombre de figures.
2 plates. Bvo.
Bachelier, J. Expose Critique et Méthodique de l’Hydropathie, ou traitement
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Barrkswil et Sobrkro. Appendice a tous les traites d’Analyse Chimique,
recueil des observations publiées depuis dix ans sur l’analyse qualitative et
quantitative. Bvo.
Bavard, H. Manuel Pratique de Medecine Legale. 12rao.
Bennet, J. H. Traite Pratique de l’lnflammation de l’üterus, de son col, et de
ses annexes. Bvo.
Billard, M. C. Atlas d’Anatomie Pathologique, pour servir a l’histoire des
maladies des Enfans. 10 colored plates. 4to.
Boivin. Recherches sur une des causes le plus fréquentes et la moins connue
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teur interne du bassin. Bvo.
Bouchardat, M. Annuaire de Thérapeutique de Matière Médicale, de Phar-
macie, et de Toxicologie. 32m0.
Boüisson, E. F. Traite Théorique et Pratique de la Méthode Anesthesique, ap-
pliquée ala chirurgie, et aux différentes branches de guérir. Bvo.
Boudin. Etudes de Pathologie Comparée. Bvo.
Boüisson, F. De la Bile, de ses variétés physiologiques, de scs altérations
morbides. 8-vo.
Brachet, J. L. Traite Pratique de la Colique de Plomb. Bvo.
Brierre de Boismont. De la Menstruation considérée dans ses rapports phy-
siologiques et pathologiques. Bvo.
Briquet et Mignot. Traite Pratique et Analytique du Cholera Morbus,
(epidemic, de 1849). Bvo.
Broüssais, C. De l’lrritation et de la Folie, ouvrage dans lequel les rapports
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gique.’ 2 vols. Bvo.
Cayol. Clinique Médicale, suivie d’un traite des maladies cancéreuses. Bvo.
Cazeaux, P. Traite Théorique et Pratique de l’art des Accouchements com-
prennant l’histoire des maladies qui peuvent se manifester pendant la grossesse
et le travail, et l’indication des soins a donner a l’enfant nouveau-ne. lié en-
gravings. Bvo.
Cazenave. P. L. A. Traite des Maladies du Cuir Chevelu, suivi de conseils
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Chossat, C. Recherches Expérimentales sur l’lnanition. 4to.
Civialb. De rUretrotaraie. ou de quelques procédés peu usités de traiter les
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Colson, A-. Mémoire sur le traitement des Plaies succédant a l’extirpation des
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Coste. Embryogénie Comparée. Cours sur le Développement de l’homme et
des animaux fait au museum d’histoire naturelle de Paris. Bvo. et Atlas de
10 plates. 4to.

Histoire générale et particulière du Développement des Corps Organises.

T\oo livraisons published, lâ colored plates. Folio.
5. &
4* Wood's Medical Catalogue.
Coste. Recherches sur la Generation des Mammifères : suivies des recherches
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Crçvkii.iiier. J. Traite d’Anatomie Pathologique générale. Bvo.
Dfbav. A. Medecine du Visage et Hygiene de la Peau. 12mo.
Dki.afond, O. Traite sur la Maladie de Poitrine du gros bétail connue sous le
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biiVKKGiK. M. N. Clinique de la Maladie Syphalitique. 2 vols. 4to. 126
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cules Hymenales. 4 plates. Bvo.
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Dictionnaire de Medecine et de Chirurgie pratiques, par Andral. Begin. Blan-
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Esaumoi., E. Des Maladies Mentales considérées sous les rapports medical, hy-
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Fabrk Dictionnaire des Dictionnaries de Medecine Français et Etrangers, ou
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naires et les Traites spéciaux les plus importans, &c., par- une Société des
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Fac, J. Anatomie Artistique Elémentaire. 17 plates. Bvo.
Fi-KiEu. J. T. A. Erklarung der geburtshuiflichen Abbildungen. 45 plates.
Fi.eurv. L. Essai sur l'lnfection Purulente. Bvo.
Fohukt E. Etude pratique et philosophique sur le Col de la Matrice, con-
sidéré sous le triple rapport do son anatomie normale et teratologique, de sa
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Groddeck. De la Maladie Démocratique, nouvelle espece de folie. Bvo.
Guibourt. N. J. B, G. Histoire Naturelle des Drogues Simples, ou cours his-
toire naturelle professe a l'Ecole de Pharmacie de Paris. 600 engravings. 3
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Hkrino. C. Medecine Homœopathique Domestique, avec additions des Drs.
Goiiilon Gross and Staph. Bvo.
Hiiiscfifei.d F.r Luvkîf.î.u. Neurologie, ou description et iconographie du Sys-
tème Nerveux et des Organes des sens de l’Homme, avec leur mode de pre-

paration. 90 Colored plates. 4to. 'Two livraisons note published.

Hof.ffu F. Dictionnaire de Botanique Pratique. 12mo.
Imbert, F. Traite Théorique et Pratique des Maladies des Femmes. Bvo.
Isn-arp J. A. Aide-Memoire de l'Operateur, comprenant les operations élé-
mentaires les ligatures d’artères, les amputations dans la contiguïté et dans
la continuité des membres, et les resections des extremities articulaires. 60
■plates. 32m0.
îansos Melanges de Chirurgie et comtes-rendus de la pratique chirurgicale

«le 1 Hotel- Dieu de Lyon. Bvo.

<S. jS.
4' W. Wood's Medical Catalogue.
Le Canu. Etudes Chimiques sur le Sang Humain. 4to,
Lefevre, A. De l’Asthme, recherc hes medcales sur la nature, les causes, et !e
traitement de cette maladie: Bvo.
Levy, M. Traite d’Sygicné publique et privée. 2 vols. Bvo.
Lisfranc. Clinique Chirurgicale de Thopital de la Pitié. 3 vols. Bvo.
Longet, F. A. Traite de Physiologie, with numerous engravings and colored
plates. 2 vols. Bvo.
Lucas, P. Traite Philosophique et Physiologique de l’Heredite Naturelle dans
les états de santé et de maladie du système nerveux avec l’application métho-
dique des lois do la procréation au traitement general des affections dont elle
est le principe. 2 vols. Bvo.
Lüdovic-Hirschfeld et Lsveille. La Neurologie, ou description et iconogra-
graphie du système, nerveux et des organes des sens do Fhomme, avec leur
mode de preparations. 90-colored plates. 4to. Three livraisons are published
M andl et Traite Pratique du Microscope, et do son emploi dans
Tetude des corps organises -suivi de recherches sur l’organisation des animaux

infusoires. 14 plates. Bvo,

Man de. Anatomie Microscopique, pffr le docteur L. Maadl; professeur de Mi-
croscopic. Trdrty-one livraisons. published. 2 plates each. Folio.
Masse, J. N. Anatomie Synoptique, ou resume complet d’anatomie descriptif
du corps humain, comprenant l’exposition de toutes les aponévroses. 12mo.
Menvilub. De l’Age Critique chez les Femmes ; des maladies qui peuvent sur-
venir a cette époque vie, et des moyens de les combattre et de les pré-
venir. Bvo. x
Merck, D. Manœuvre Simplifiée des Accouchements Artificiels, ou contre na-
ture que l’on termine a l’aide do la main et du forceps, précédée du mécanismes
raisonne de Tscc.ouchement naturel, et suivi d'un article sur la délivrance avec
les indications pratiques. Bvo.
Monpai.con et De Poliniebe. Traite de la Salubrité dans les Grandes Villes. Bvo.
Moreau, F. J. Traite Pratique des Accouchements, 2 vols. Svo., et Atlas do
60 pl. colorées. Folio.
Muller, J. Physiologie du Système Nerveux, ou recherches et experiences sur
les diverses classes d’appareils nerveux, les mouvemens, la voix, la parole, les
sens et les facultés intellectuelles. 4 .plat-os and 80 engravings. 2 vols. Bvo.
Maygrier, J. P. Nouvelles Démonstrations d’Accouchements, accompagnées
d’un texte raisonne propre aen faciliter l’explication. Svo., et Atlas de 80 pl.
colorées. Folio.
Naegele, F. G. Manuel d’Accouchements, a l’usage des sages-femmes. 12mo.
Nysten, P. H. Dictionnaire de Medecine, de Chirurgie, de Pharmacie, des Sci-
ences Accessoires, et l’Art Vétérinaire. Bvo.
Parchappe, M. Du Cœur, de sa structure et de ses mouvements ou traite ana-
tomique, physiologique, et pathologique des mouvements du cœur de l’homme,
et du cœur des animaux vertébrés. Bvo., avec 10 planches en 4to.
Pare, Ambroise. Œuvres .Completes, revues et collationees sur toutes les édi-
tions avec les variantes, ornees de 217 planches et du portrait de Fauteur,
accompagnées de notes historiques et critiques, et précédées d'une introduc-
tion sur l’origine et les progrès de la chirurgie en Occident, du VI e au XVI*
siècle, et sur la vie et les ouvrages d’Ambroise Pare ; par J. F. Malgaigne. 3
vols. Bvo.
Perrüskbl, F. L’Homœopathie, ou la Vérité en Modicîno. Bvo.
Petit, C. Du Mode d’action des Eaux Minérales de Vichy, et de leur applica-
tions thérapeutiques, particulièrement dans les affections chroniques des or-
ganes abdominaux, la gravolle et les calculs urinaires, la goutte et la diabètes
sucre. • Bvo.
Phillips, C. De la Tenotoraî© sous-cutanee, ou des operations qui se pratiquent
pour la guérison des pieds-bots, du torticollis, (le la contracture de la main et
S. S. 4* IV. Wood's Médical Catalogue.
des doigts, des finisses ankylosés, angulaires du genou, du strabisme, de la
myopie, du bégaiement, &c. 12 plates. Bvo.
Piorry, P. A. Maladies de l’angiove, c'est a dire de l’ovaire, de la matrice, du
vagin, &c. ; maladies du péritoine, du tissu cellulaire, et de la peau. Bvo,
Pikogofp, N. Anatomie Pathologique du Cholera-Morbus. 16 colored plates,
Pra vaz, C. G. Traite Théorique et Pratique des Luxations Congénitales du
Fémur, suivi d’un appendice sur la prophylaxie des luxations spontanées. 10
plates. Bvo.
Qdetkt.kt et Smits. Recherches sur la Reproductionet la Mortalité de l’homme
aux différons ages, et sur la population de la Belgique. Bvo.
Qltssac. Ôc la Doctrine des Elements, et de son application ala médecine pra-
tique. 3 vols. Bvo.
Raciborski, A. De la Puberte, et de l’Age Critique chez la Femme, au point
du vue physiologique, hygiénique, et medical, et de la ponte périodique chez
la femme et les mammifères. 12mo. ; L

Renoua p. d. p. V. Histoire de la Médecine depuis son origine Jusqu’au XIX e

siecle. 2 vois. Bvo.
Requin, A. P. Elemens do Pathologie Médicale. 2 vols. Bvo.
Reynaud. Traite Pratique des Maladies Veneriennes. Bvo.
Ricard, J. J. A. Physiologie et Hygiene du Magnétiseur ; regime dictetiqne
du magnetise ; mémoires et aphorismes de Mesmer. 12mo.
Roche. Sanson, et Lenoir. Nouveaux Elements de Pathologie medico-chirur-
gicale, ou Traite théorique et pratique de medecine et de chirurgie. 5 vols. Bvo.
Rose, H. Traite Pratique d’Analyse Chimique, suivi de tables, servant dans les
analyses a quantité d’une substance d’après celle qui a ete trouver
d’une autre substance- : traduit de l’Allemand,par A. J. L. Jourdan. 2 vols. Svo.
Rougher. L. A. De la Morphine administrée par la méthode endemique dans
quelques affections nerveuses. Bvo.
SèotiTETTF.N, H. De l'Eau sous le rapport hygiénique et médical, ou de l’Hydro-
therapie. Bvo.
Ssgalas. P. S. Traite des Retentions d'ürine et des autres affections qui se lient
au rétrécissement de l’uretre. Bvo., et Atlas de 10 pl. Folio.
Semanar. Du Mal de Mer, recherches théorique et pratique sur les causes, sa
nature, et son treatment ; ainsi que sur les rapports qui existent entre ce mal
et le choiera, la hevre jaune, la peste, &c. Bvo.
Soi. ayres. Dissertation sur l’Accouchement termine par les seules forces mater-
nelles. Bvo.
Soupart, F. J. D. Nouveaux Modes et Procédés pour l’Amputation des Mem-
bres. 15 plates, 4to.
Tanchon, S. Recherches sur le traitement medical des Tumeurs Cancéreuses
du sein. 3 plates. Bvo.
Tessier, J. P. Recherches Cliniques sur le traitement de la Pneumonie et du
Choiera, suivant la. méthode do Hahnemann. Bvo.
■Juste, A. Traite Homœopathique des Maladies algues et chroniques des En-
tants. J2mo.
Trousseau et Pidoux. Traite de Thérapeutique et de Matière Médicale. 2
vols. Bvo.
Troussf.l, J. F. A. Des Ecoulements, particuliers aux Femmes, et plus spé-
cialement de ceux qui sont cause par une maladie du col de la matrice. Bvo
Vu i.peau, A. Recherches Anatomiques, Physiologiques, et Pathologiques, sur
les cavités closes, naturelles ou accidentelles, de l’economie animale. Bvo.
Vidai, (du Cassis). Traite de Pathologie externe et de Medecine Opératoire.
520 engravings. 6 vois. Bvo.
W a nu, A. Annuaire de Medicine et de Chirurgie Pratiques pour "1850. 24rao.
S. S. dt W. Wood's Medical Catalogue.
Aubkr. Guide Médical (lu Baigneur àla Mer. 12mo.
Baglivi G. Do l ’Accroissement de la Médecine Pratique; traduction nouvelle
par le Dr. J. Boucher, précédée d’une introduction sur l’influeuce du Baconisme
en mcdecine. Bvo.
Barbier, J. B. G. Traite Elémentaire de Matière Médicale. 3 vols. Bvo.
Baron. J. Recherches, Observations, et Experiences sur le développement na-
turel et artificial des Maladies Tuberculeuses. 6 planches coloriées. Bvo
Baudrimont et Martin-Saint-Ange. Du Développement du Fœtus. 18 pl. cul. 4to.
Bayle, A. L. J. Bibliothèque de Thérapeutique, ou recueil des mémoires origi-
naux et des travaux anciens et modernes sur le traitement des maladies et
l’emploi des medicaraens. 4 vols. Bvo.
Billard, %. M. Traite des Maladies des Eufans nouveau-nes et a î«f mamelle,
fonde sur de nouvelles observations cliniques et d’anatomie pathologique faites
a l’hôpital des enfans trouves de Paris, dans le service de M. Baron. Bvo., et
atlas in 4to de 10 planches coloriées. •
Boum laud, J. Traite de Nosographie Médicale. 5 vols. Bvo.
Bouley, H. Traite de l'Organization du pied du Cheval, comprenant l’etude de
la structure, des fonctions et des maladies de cet organe: avec un atlas de 34
planches coloriées. Bvo.
Bracket, J. L. Mémoire sur les causes des convulsions chez les enfans, et sur
les moyens d’y remedier. Bvo.
Cuassaignac, E. Des Piales de la Tete. Bvo.
Cboserio, C. Manuel llornœopathique d’Obstetrique ou secours que l’art d’ac-
couchement peut tirer de THomœopathie. Bvo.
Ï- îlagrange- Mémoire contre le Choiera d’Asie, la peste d’orient, et les fléaux
flits contagieux ou diversement trausmissibles, &c. Bvo.
fd val, C. Traite de TAmaurose, ou de la goutte-sereine, ouvrage contenant des
iiits nombreux de guérison de cette maladie dans de cas de cécité complète.
1 ivresnë, Y, A. F. Traite de l’affection Calculeuse du Foie et du Pancreas. 5
l Mes. 12mo.
E s cann, C. H. Histoire des Polypes du Larynx. S plates, folio.
Fa ce hier, J. F. Des Indications de la Saignée. Bvo.
FavMBNT, J. B. F. Traite d’Anatomie Humaine, ou description méthodique de
toutes les parties du corps humain. &c. 2 vols. Bvo.
Gaillard, A. IL Recherches administratives, statistiques, et morales, sur les
Enfants Trouvés, les Enfants Naturels, et les Orphelins en France et dans plu-
sieurs autres pays de 1 Europe. Bvo.
Gelez, H. Histoire Générale des Membranes sereusos et synoviales, des bourses
muqueuses et des kystes sous le rapport de leur structure, de leurs fonctions,
de leurs affections, et de leur traitement &c. Bvo.
Hardy v.t Behier. Traite Elémentaire de Pathologie Interne. Bvo.
Jahr, Q H. G.. Du Traitement Homœopathiquè des Maladies de la Peau, et des
lésions extérieures en general. Bvo.
Laeontaine, C. L’Art de. Magnétiser, ou le Magnétisme Animal considéré sous
le point de vue théorique, pratique, et thérapeutique. Bvo.
Lebekt, H. Traite pratique des Maladies cancéreuses et des affections curables
confondues avec le cancer. Bvo.
L’ Héritier, S. D. Traite de Chimie Pathologique, ou recherches chimiques sur
les solides et les liquides du corps humain dans leurs rapports avec la physi-
ologie et la pathologie. Bvo.
Maygrier, J. P. Nouvelles Demonstrations d’Accouchernents, Bvo., et atlas de
81 planches coloriées, in folio.
Orfula, M. Traite de Toxicologie. 2 vols. Bvo.
Raspail. F. V. Histoire Naturelle sur la Saute et de la Maladie chez les végétaux,
et chez les animaux eu général, et en particulier chez l’homme; suivie du for-
mulaire pour une nouvelle méthode de traitement hygiénique et curatif. 12
plates. 2 vols, Bvo.
— Nouveau Système de Physiologie Végétale et de Botanique fonde sur
les méthodes d'observation qui ont etc développées dans lo nouveau system"
de chimie organique: avec un atlas de 60 planches. 2 vols. Bvo.
Sand ras G.’ M. S. Traite Pratique des Maladies Nerveuses. 2 vols. Bvo.
Teste. A. Le Magnétisme Animai Explique, ou leçons analytiques sur la nature
essentielle du magnétisme, sur les effets, sou histoire, ses applications, les di-
verses maniérés de la pratiquer, &c. Svo.
S. S. <& W. Wood's Medical Catalogue. 15

At.tbert,J. L. Traite des Fievres Pernicieuses Intermittentes. Bvo.
Nouveaux Eleinens de Thérapeutique et de Marier-# Médicale. 3 vols. Bvo.
Àmussat, J. Z. Table Synoptique de la Lithothrypsie et de la Cystotomie Hypo-
gasirique ou mieux postero- pubienne. With plate. 4to.
Baskilhac, P. De la Taille Latérale par le perinee, et celle de l’hypogastrie, en
liant appareil, «feo. Svo.
BayuÇ G. L. Recherches sur la Phthisic Pulmonaire. Svo.
Bkolakp, P. A. Elements d’Anatomie Générale, description de tous les tissus, ou
système organiques qui composent le corps humain. 27 engravings. Bvo.
Bei.mas, D. Traite de la Cystotomie sus pubienne. 2 plates. Bvo. «

Bkxique, J. Ri flexions et Observations sur le traitement des Rétrécissements de

l'Urètre. Svo.
Bkylaud, E. J. Du Rachitis, de la Fragilité des Os, de l’Osteoraalacie. 8 plates. 4to*», J. Traite Clinique et Experimental des Fievres dites essentielles. Bvo.
Bourguignon, H. Traite Entomologique et Pathologique de la Gale de l’Homme.
10 plates. 4to.
Bhaciiet, J. L. De l’Emploi de l’Opium dans les phlegmasies des membranes
muqueuses, sereuses, et fibreuses. Bvo.
Broussais, F. J. V, Histoire des Phlegmasies, ou Inflammations Chroniques,
fondée sur des nouvelles observations de clinique et d’Anatomie pathologique.
3 vols. Bvo.
Bureau» Riokrey. Curabilité de la Phthisic et des Scrofules appuyee sur des
preuves authentiques. Bvo.
Burton, J. Système Nouveau et Complet de l’art des Accouchements; avec la
description dès Maladies particulières aux Femmes enceintes, aux Femmes en
couche, et aux Enfants uouveau-nes. ? vols. Bvo.
Capüron, J. Traite des Maladies des Enfans, jusqu’a la puberte. Bvo.
Caiujs. C. G. Traite Elémentaire d’Anatomie Comparée suivi de recherches
d’Anatomie Philosophique ou Transcendante, <fec. 2 vols. Bvo., and 4t«. Atlas
of 31 plates.
Civiale. Traite Pratique et Historique de la Lithotritie. Y plates. Bvo.
Traite de VAffection Caiculeuse, ou recherclies sur la formation, les carac-
tères physiques et chimiques, les causes, les signes et les effets pathologiques
de la pierre et de la gravelle. 5 plates. Bvo.
Corot, F. Traite de l'Opération de la Taille ; avec des observations sur la forma-
tion «e la Pierre, et les suppressions d'Urine. 2 plates* 12mo.
Come, F. Nouvelle Méthode d’extraire la Pierre de la. vessie urinaire par dessus
le pubis, qu’on nomme vulgairement le haut appareil dans l’un et l’autre
sans le secours d'aucun fluide retenu ni force dans le vessie. 5 plates. 12» o.
L: s. ifîAUHK, M A . fils. Des Accidents de Dentition chez les enfants et en bas age
ci, des movens c les combattre. With engravings. Svo.
j um.-icoux, A. Biographie des Sages-Femmes célébrés, anciennes, modernes, et
coîtiernporaires. 20, portraits. 4to,
; -kmangkon, J. E. De l’imagination considérée dans ses effets directs sur l’Hom-
me te l t-ç. Animaux, et dans ses effets indirects sur les produits de la gestation
sve' un; notice sut la generation et les causes les plus probables des differ-
mue- de naissance. Svo.
r>ir.\iot:a-, A. P. Traite des Maladies des Yeux, contenant les planches qui rep
r«-<>.-ment les maladie.- de- Yeux, avec, leur explications, et la traduction de
i'ouvp-gc de Samuel Thomas Soemmei ring, intitule, leones oeuli humani. 64
colored plaies. 4k>.
Dusuhamcs. F. J, Traite Historique et Dogmatique de la Taille; avec un supple-
ment dans lequel l’Histoire de lu l'aille est continuées jusqu'il ce jour; par L
J. Begin. 7 plates. 4 vols. Svo,
16 : S. S. c& W. Wood's Medical Catalogue.
Deschamps, M. H. Du Signe certain de la Mort; nouvelle epreuve pour éviter
d’etre enterre vivant. Bvo.
Desmarres, Traite Théorique et Pratique, des Maladies des Yeux. 78
engravings. Bvo.
Desgenettes, R. Histoire Médicale de l'Armee d’Orient. Svo,
Devergie, A. Medicine Legale, théorique et pratique ; avec le texte et Tinter-
prêt at ion des lois relatives a la Medicine legale, revue et annotes, par J. 13. F
Dehaussy de Robecourt. 2 vols. Bvo.
Dionis. Cours d’Operations de Chirurgie, demonatrees au Jardin Royal. 59
engravings. Bvo.
Douglass. Nouvelle Maniéré de faire l’opération de la Taille. 4 plates. I2ino.
DüPAiiutjuEj F. Traite Théorique et Pratique sur les alterations organiques sim-
ples et cancéreuses de la Matrice. Bvo.
DnriEEßis- (Martial). Mémoire sur les Retrecissements Organiques du Canal de
T Ordre. Bva
Ehrmann, 0. H. Description de deux Fœtus Monstres, dont l’un Acéphale et
l’autre Mouopode. 4 colored plates, folio.
Forget, C. P. Traite de TEnterite Folliculeuse (fievre typhoïde). Bvo.
Gkrdv, P. N. Traite des Bandages. 2 vols. Bvo. and 4to. atlas df 17 plates.
Germain, F. Guide du Botaniste, ou conseils pratiques sur l’etude de la Botan-
ique. 2 vols. 12mo.
Huxham, J. Essai sur les différentes espèces de Fièvres. 12mo.
Jorkrt, A. J. Traite des Fistules vesico-uterines, vesico -utero-vaginales, entero-
vagitmîes. 10 engravings. Bvo.
Kramer, G. Traite des Maladies de l’Oreille. 18mo.
Lallemand. Clinique MediCo-Chirurgicale. Bvo.
Lassus. Pathologie Chirurgicale. 2 vols. Bvo.
Launay, 0. D.'de. Dissertation Physique et Pratique sur les Maladies, et sur les
Operations de la Pierre. 12mo.
Le Cat, C. N. Pieces concernant l’Opération de la Taille. 12 plates. 2 vols. Svo.
Le Dran, H. F. Parallèle des différentes maniérés de tirer la Pierre hors de la
vessie. 5 plates. Bvo.
Le Rov, A: Recherches Historiques et Pratiques,-sur la section de la Symphyse
du Pubis. Svo.
Le Rov, d’Etiolles. Histoire de la Lithotritie, précédée de reflexions sur la dis-
des calculs urinaires. 65 engravings. Bvo.
° °

M n,
-!-> A. O. Histoire de la Medicine Clinique, depuis son origine jusqu’a
t--)sjours, et recherches sur l’existence, la nature, et la communication des ma-
ladies Syphilitique, dans les Femmes enceintes, dans les Enfans nouveaux-nes,
et dans les Nourrices. Bvo.
Matteucci, 0. Leçons sur les Phenomenes Physiques "des Corps Vivants. 18
engravings. 12mo.
M krcike, L. A. Recherches sur la nature et le traitement d’une cause fréquente
et peu connue de Retention d’Urine, et sur ses rapports avec les inflammations-
et les retrecissements de Turethre, les maladies des organes génitaux, Ac. Bvo.
Moreau, F. J. Traite pratique des Accouchements. 2 vols. Bvot and folio atlas
of 60 colored plates.
Morel, M. Etudes Cliniques sur les Maladies Mentales considérées dans leur
nature, leur traitement, et dans leur rapport avec la Medecine Legaie des
Aliénés. 8 plates. Svo.
Pâtissier, P. Traite des Maladies des Artisans, et de celles qui résultent des
diversas professions, d’après RamazzinL Bvo.
S. S. & W. Wood's Medical Catalogue. 17

Peli.kïan, P. Traite Elémentaire de Physique générale et médicale. 12 plates

2 vols. Bvo.
Percy, P. Opuscules de Médecine, de Chirurgie, d’Hygiene, et Critiques Medico-
Literaires, publies dans l'Hygie. Svo.
pKKiF.rt, C. Examen de la Doctrine Physiologique, appliquée a l’etude et au traite
meut du Choie! a-Morbus, Svo.
Petit. A Traite des Maladies des Femmes Enceintes, des Femmes en Couche,
et nouveaux-ues. Bvo. F*
Piorry, P. A Clinique Médicale’ de l’Hôpital de la Pitié, et de l’Hospice de la
iSalpetriere. Svo.
■ De la Percussion Mediate, et des signes obtenus a l’aide de ce nouveau
moyen d'exploration, dans les maladies des Organes thoraciques et abdominaux.
2 piates. Svo. . ,
Recueil de Pieces importantes sur l’opération de la Taille, faite par le Lithotomie
cache, avec un mémoire concernant la Retention d’ürine, causée par l’embarras
du canal de l'iJretre. 2 vols. 12mo.
Sabatier, J. C, Les Lois de la Revulsion etudiees sous le Rapport Physiologique
et Thérapeutique. Svo.
Sabatier--Dupuvtren. Do la Medicine Opératoire, avec des additions et des notes,
par L. J.-Sanson et Begin. 4 vols. Svo.
San-ox, L. J. De la Reunion immediate des Plaies, de ses vantages et de ses
ineon venions. ISmo.
Sahlandikuk. Mémoires sur l’Electro puncture, considérée comme moyen” nou-
veau de traiter efficacement la Goutte, les Rhumatismes, et les affections rier- .
veuses. 2 colored plates. Svo.
Scarpa, A. Tndte de l’Opération de la Taille, ou mémoires anatomiques et chi-
rurgicaux sur les différentes méthodes employees pour pratiquer cette opéra-
tion. 7 plates. Svo.
Segalas, P. S. Traite des Retentions d’Urine et des maladies qu’elles produisent.
Svo. and folio atlas of 10 plates.
SieilEL, J. Iconographique Ophtalmologique ; au description, avec figures colo-
riées, des maladies de l’organe de la vue. comprenant l'anatomie •-athologiqne,
la pathologie et la thérapeutique medico chirurgicales. 4 to. pub-
lication. -


Spallanzani. r
Opuscules de Physique, Animale et Végétale-; X Experiences
-«pour servir a l’Histoire de la Generation des Animaux et des Fianffis. "9 partes-.
3 vols. Svo.
Sprung el, K. Histoire de la Medecine, depuis sou origine jusqu’au dix neuvième
siècle. 9 vols. Svo. ' - ,

Tou nr Ki.I. k, K. Histoire Philosophique de la. Medecine, depuis son origine ju,
au commencement du 18e siecle. 2 vols. Bvo,
Trousseau et Reveil. Traite de l’art de Formuler, comprenant des notions de
Pharmacie, la classification par familles naturelle* des medicaments simples le
plus usités, leur dose, leur mode d’administration, Ac. 12ino.
Vacca-Berlikghieui. Memoria Sopra il metodo di estrarre la Pietra dalla
vescica orinaria per la via dell’ intestine retto. Bvo.
Velpeau, A. Traite complet do l’art des Accouchomens. ou Tocologie théorique
et pratique. 10 plates, 2 vols. Svo.
Vignes. Traite tics Névrosés des Voies Digestives : Gastralgie et Enteralgie. Svo-
Viuf.y, J. J. Histoire Naturelle du Geurft Humain. 10 colored plates. 4
vols. ISmo.
Vf ENZEL. Manuel de l’Oculiste, ou Dictionnaire Ophtlialmologiqu--, > plaies.
2 vols. Svo.
S. S. <è W. Wood's Medical Catalogue. lb
Aurer, T. C. Traite de la Science Médicale. Bvo,
Barth et Roger.'l'raite Pratique d’Ausculatiou. 18 mo.
Bernard, C. Nouvelle Fonction du Foie, consider organe producteur de
matière sucrue chez l'homme et les animaux, 410.
Bkuto.v. Traite des Maladies des Enfants, op recherches sur les principales
affections .du jeune age, depuis l’epoque delà premiere dentition jusqua celle
de la puberté. Bvo,
Bonnet, A. Traite de Thérapeutique des Maladies Articulaires. 97 engravings.
Brierre-dk Bors.MONT, A. Anthropotomie, ou Traite Elémentaire d’Anatomie.
Charpentier, D. De la nature et du traitement de la maladie dite Hydrocéphale
Aiguë (Meuiugo-cephaiite des .Enfans.) Bvo.
Gasot. A. Truite Elémentaire de Physique expérimentale et appliquée, et de
Météorologie. 481 engravings. 12mo,
Gerdv. P. N. Deuxième M magraphie Maladies Générales et Diatheses, avec
recherches nouvelles sur les inflammations, les diatheses purulentes, les
gangrenes, les brûlures, les froidures, les plaies par armes a fen Ac. Svo.
Lenoir, A. Atlas Complémentaire de tous les traites d’Accouchements. Bvo.
Leresoumet, A. Mémoire sur la structure intime du Foie, et sur la nature
de l'altération comme sous le nom de Foie Gras. 4 plates. 4to.
PivLLK.RiN, G. Le Mül de Mer, sa nature et ses causes, moyens de le prévenir
et de le soulager emplois thérapeutiques qu'il peut recevoir dr’’° le traitement
de certaines maladies. Bvo.
Pouohbt, F. A. Histoire des Sciences Naturelles au moyen age, ou Albert le
Grand et sou époque considérés comme point de depart de l’ecole expérimen-
tale. Bvo.
RK nmxE-PAiVisK, J. R. Traite de la Viellesse hygiénique, medical et philoso-
phique. 8 vo.
Richard, (De Nancy!. Traite Pratique des Maladies des Enfants, considérées
dan. leur rapports avec l’organogenie et les développements du jeune age. Bvo.
Robin, C. Histoire-Naturelle des Végétaux Parasites, qui croissent sur l’homme
et sur les animaux vivants. Bvu. Avec un Atlas de 15 planches colorées.
Roiun/'C. et F. Verdeil. Traite de Chimie Anatomique et Physiologique, Nor-
male et..Pathologique»; ou des principes immédiats normaux et morbides qui
cnnsfcilui nt Ir corps do l’homme et des mammifères. 3 vols. Bvo., and Atlas
of. 4.5 plates.
Sauluîl, L. Chirurgie Navale, ou etudes cliniques les maladies chirurgi-
cales que >n observe le plus communément a bord des bâtiments de guerre,

8". >.

i.t.ot, C. Traite de Medecine Opératoire, Bandages et Appareils. 206 en-

- ravings. 12uio.
Peste, A. Systématisation pratique de la Matière Mediea’le Homœopathique. Bvo.
Thorkl, E. Hygiene Populaire des villes et des campagnes, ou conseilles
spécialement destines aux ouvriers des deux sexes sur. les moyens de con-
server leur saute, suivie de la medecine des accidents. IBmo.

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