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For the London Medical and Physical Journal.

Mr. R. N. Starr, in Reply to Dr. Kinglake, on the

Obstetric Practice.

your Journal for this

month, page 174, I was struck
INwith the further remarks of Dr. Kinglake on the Obstetric
Practice, which he so strongly opposes should be under the
management of male practitioners, excepting but in preter-
natural cases, where he modestly allows a medical man may
be consulted.
I am afraid the Doctor, when speaking of the too frequent
interference of the accoucheur in cases of parturition,
(which, I consider, is rather exaggerated,) did not remark
the practice of the female midwife, who, I think he will
find, are much more officious in the application of the Tartus
Eruditus than the male practitioner. Dr. K. seems preju-
diced against the practice of man-midwifery. I am afraid
lie has seen little of the practice of the female midwives, or
probably he would not have formed those illiberal ideas with
respect to the former. I have a better opinion of my medical
brethren than to think few regular practitioners labour un-
der the charge imputed against them by the Doctor. With
regard to the female African and uncivilized American, are
they not in a state of nature? and we are all aware, that the
increase of luxury debilitates the human constitution. If
we look at the brute creation, we shall find, as they become

domesticated, the females consequently suffer more during

parturition, than when in a state of nature. This, I con-
sider, is in consequence of artificial feeding, and confinement.
We shall fiind thaf the females in tropical climates suffer less
On the free Use of Opium in Colic, 349
during the parturient state than those in more northern re-*
gions: this may probably happen front a greater Jaxity of
habit, together with abstemious living, for we shall find
that animal food is little used amongst them, or even any
other luxury. With due deference to the professional abi-
lities of Dr. K., I should recommend him to study the oltj
proverb?Sit verbum sapienii.
March, lblS.

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